#sartorius kumar
sugarglider-s · 19 days
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Something something highschool never ends
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hellraiserryo · 3 months
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shitpost edition: oops! all chazz!
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aberooski · 29 days
Listen, Atticus is allowed to be mad. He's allowed because Alexis is his sister. But the rest of the squad can fuck right off being mad at Chazz for her being in the Society of Light because at the point in the season when they're dealing with getting her back, THEY KNOW FULL WELL that Chazz was brainwashed at the time and has no memory of anything that happened over the last like few MONTHS. That's established during his duel with Jaden when he wakes up from the brainwashing and doesn't even know what's going on right then and there. His memory stops after being defeated by Sartorius and restarts in the middle of dueling Jaden months later. He was not in control of his actions or thoughts when he dueled her. Now I'm not saying he is entirely absolved of guilt because of that, but he deserves to be given some grace by the others about it.
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iylisss · 1 month
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Little star
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baddyzarc · 8 months
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Duel Links: Victory/Loss Sprites of Edo and Saio
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cyberdragoninfinity · 11 months
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College AU Sartorius moment(s)!!!!!
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saba0421 · 4 days
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kcuf-ad · 1 month
Celina: Wait, how old are you?
Sartorius: Guess.
Celina: 36.
Sartorius: WHAT?!
Celina: You said guess...
Celina: Why are you yelling?
Sartorius: When people usually play this game, they guess a little bit younger. Was that the little bit younger scale?
Celina: Yeah, aren't you like 39?
Sartorius: WHAT?!
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pdutogepi · 1 year
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Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters GX - Duel Box 7 Postcards
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chazz-is-a-zelda-fan · 3 months
Omg on the subject of Chazz's duel with Sartorius, I haven't touched my GX rewrites in an embarrassingly long time, but I have this idea that when that duel happens instead of Chazz just becoming fully brainwashed right then and there and effectively losing him for the rest of the season, Sartorius turns him into a sleeper agent.
So for the next however many episodes, things start getting weird and students are starting to act strange, namely Chazz as the group notices. He's very out of it these days, he's seemingly disappearing at times, sneaking out at night, he doesn't know things he should know or maybe does know some things he shouldn't, he's tired all the time and generally out of sorts. And not even he knows what's going on and is just as confused as everyone else if not more so. Because when he's activated of course, he's completely suppressed so he just has a lot of holes in his memory and doesn't know what's going on or why he's so tired and so drained all the time now, and he's probably scared to be honest. He remembers dueling Sartorius but not really what happened with that, and now things are all weird and he feels like he's falling apart and losing his mind and there's nothing he or anyone can do about it.
In my head it's a way to keep him around in the season as himself longer and give him more proper screentime while still having fallen to Sartorius, but eventually once Sartorius officially enters the school, he fully activates Chazz, completely taking over his mind, suppressing his consciousness, and takes him away to serve him and the Light of Destruction until the others can find a way to save him. Which is a lot harder to do in my head than it is in the show but that's neither here nor there atm but omg I needed to share these thoughts sorry! 😖
ABSOLUTELY GOLDEN CONCEPT!!! i got so excited knowing i JUST left a tidbit in your askbox HQHDJQJJRJWJRJRJ
duuude sleeper agent chazz… NO DON’T EVER BE SORRY ABOUT SHARING YOUR IDEAS!!!!!! I LOVE THEM!!!!!!!!!
ohhh and with the tournament going on, chazz could totally act as a carrier of sorts… abby i love your brain please never stop
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spiritsncrystals · 2 months
the corrupted polymerization might have some significance
OK, actually looking at Ep170/171 I have to say I'm not as surprised about the Polymerization in 172 getting stained in darkness. What with the amount of Darkness casually Flying Juudai's way bc of Saiou's attacks. I know he had to get over the fear of using poly after the whole Haou Fiasco, and he ended up accepting haou as a part of him when facing Yubel but it makes you wonder. While he seems cool using it again now, I can't help but wonder if, on a subconscious level, he fears using fusion to cause harm to others again And that's why that darkness from the fool latched onto that card, in particular, sensing that subconscious feeling and latching on because it was such a deep subconscious fear. could also have something to do with the contact fusions too since it's a whole thing of "fusion without polymerization" but that could be me looking too into it along with this speculation for all i know it really could've just been the fool spreading things mindlessly but it's nice to think there's a little more to it than that
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iyliss · 10 months
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Hi yes I made my lil Saiou event so I could draw him even more (and in case anyone out there want to too).
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mrtoptenlist · 7 days
I have a new video up on the various "Final Boss" archetypes of Yugioh! We're seeing which ones were unstoppable in the anime, but less than stellar when brought into the irl card game.
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iylisss · 9 months
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Day 5 / Umbrella / Lost Under the Rain
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baddyzarc · 8 months
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Duel Links: Saio (Regular) Basic Sprites
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