#alpha taehyung imagine
zapreportsblog · 9 months
↱ an unforeseen scent ↰
➘ summary : Taehyung catches the scent of an omega in the crowd and now he wants her
➘ a/n : this is my first a/b/o au fic so apologies if it isn’t all that well I gave it my best
➘ taehyung x reader , bts x reader
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The stadium was electrified with energy as BTS took the stage, their music pulsating through the air. Taehyung, also known as V, stood at the forefront, his voice weaving seamlessly into the harmonious blend of melodies. The crowd roared with adoration, their cheers echoing like a symphony of devotion.
But amidst the blinding lights and euphoric atmosphere, something unexpected caught Taehyung's attention. A scent, subtle yet alluring, drifted through the air, brushing against his senses. His voice wavered for a brief moment, his lyrics faltering as the unfamiliar aroma infiltrated his mind.
His fellow members cast puzzled glances at him, but their professionalism carried them forward, and the song continued without missing a beat. Yet, Taehyung's gaze had shifted from the sea of faces before him, his heightened senses attuned to the elusive scent that had caught his instincts.
He scanned the crowd with an intensity that was almost palpable. His heart raced as he followed the trace of the scent, like an invisible thread guiding him. And then, he spotted her—a young woman with eyes that held the universe within them. Their gazes met, a connection forged across the expanse of the crowd.
The world around him faded into the background as he sang. It was as if the lyrics flowed not only from his lips but from the depths of his soul, directed solely at the omega who had captivated him with her scent. The melody seemed to carry an unspoken promise, a bridge between their worlds.
As the song reached its crescendo, Taehyung's voice surged with emotion. His eyes remained locked onto the omega, his gaze unwavering. He sang with a depth that resonated beyond the lyrics, his heart laid bare in the spotlight's glow.
And then, the final note lingered in the air, the stadium erupting in applause. Taehyung continued to stare, his expression a mixture of wonder and longing. The crowd cheered for the entire group, but to him, it felt like a symphony dedicated to her alone.
As the members regrouped and exchanged glances backstage, Taehyung's breath quickened. He had caught her scent, seen her eyes, and sung for her—all without a single spoken word. Now, he could only hope that fate would bring them closer, that the universe had woven their destinies together in this electrifying moment.
As the stage lights dimmed and the crowd's cheers faded to a low hum, Taehyung found himself backstage, driven by an inexplicable force to act upon the connection he had felt during the performance. He approached a nearby security guard, his voice urgent yet controlled.
"Hey," Taehyung began, his eyes locked onto the young woman's face in the crowd. "There's a girl out there. Omega. (H/c) hair, captivating eyes. She’s standing next to another beta who has ginger hair.”
The security guard followed his gaze, his brows furrowing in concentration. "Yeah? You want us to bring her back here?"
Taehyung nodded, a surge of determination coursing through him. "Yes, exactly. Should be easy enough now can you find her?" Taehyung didn’t mean to come off as rude but something in him was telling him to hurry up and bring her closer.
With a nod, the guard signaled to his colleagues. They began to weave their way through the crowd, their eyes scanning for the described omega.
Back on stage, Taehyung could hardly contain his anticipation. His heart raced as he spotted the security guards guiding the young woman backstage. His senses heightened, and the moment she stepped into view, his nostrils filled with her intoxicating scent once again. He watched as the security guard approached her, speaking in hushed tones.
As she glanced towards Taehyung's direction, her eyes meeting his, he offered a small, reassuring smile. The security guard gestured towards him, and she nodded, her expression a mixture of curiosity and apprehension.
When she reached backstage, her presence radiated a blend of vulnerability and determination. Taehyung's heart swelled as he took in the sight of her, her scent mingling with the backdrop of the bustling backstage area. He moved closer, drawn to her in a way he couldn't quite comprehend.
With her cheeks lightly flushed, she met his gaze, her eyes a reflection of her internal struggle. She seemed at a loss for words, her heart pounding in the presence of an alpha—an unfamiliar sensation for her.
"Hi, omega," Taehyung greeted, his voice low and resonant, acknowledging her secondary gender in a gesture of understanding.
Her breath caught at the sound of his voice, a shiver coursing through her. She summoned the courage to reply, her voice soft yet steady. "Alpha."
The exchange was simple, yet laden with layers of meaning that they both understood on an instinctual level. Taehyung's alpha nature recognized her omega essence, and she recognized his dominant presence as an alpha. It was a dance of connection that transcended words.
As they stood there, their gazes locked, Taehyung felt a powerful surge of protectiveness. He wanted to know more about her, to understand the story behind her captivating scent and the emotions that flickered in her eyes.
"Can we talk?" he asked, his voice a gentle murmur, a mixture of sincerity and curiosity.
She hesitated for a moment, her heart in a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. But something in his eyes reassured her, and she nodded, a small smile gracing her lips. "Sure."
And so, amidst the bustling backstage chaos, Taehyung and the omega found themselves drawn into a conversation that would mark the beginning of a connection neither of them had anticipated. As they spoke, their words were interwoven with the language of their secondary genders—a silent understanding that reached beyond societal norms and embraced the essence of who they were.
Taehyung extended a warm smile all of a sudden towards the omega before him. "I'm Taehyung," he introduced himself, his voice a soft melody that resonated in the air. “I apologize for not giving out my name the first time.”
(Y/N) returned the smile, her heart fluttering with a mixture of nervousness and excitement. "It’s okay, mother and father says that it’s normal for some people to use our secondary genders first as a form of greeting rather than exchanging names…Nice to meet you, Taehyung. I'm (Y/N).”
"Ah, what a lovely name," Taehyung remarked, his eyes reflecting genuine appreciation for the simplicity and elegance of her name. "Tell me, (Y/N), do you have a mate?"
(Y/N)'s surprise was palpable, her eyes widening slightly at the unexpected question. She hadn't expected to discuss such personal matters with an alpha, especially one she had just met. "Um, no," she answered, her voice a mixture of curiosity and uncertainty. "Why do you ask?"
Taehyung's smile remained warm and reassuring. "Good, good," he said, his tone light. "Then taking you as my own won't be a problem."
The words hung in the air, a declaration that resonated deeply within both of them. The implication of his statement wasn't lost on (Y/N), and she felt her cheeks flush a rosy hue. Her heart pounded in her chest, her emotions a whirlwind of surprise and flattery.
"I...I didn't expect that," she admitted, her voice soft and tinged with embarrassment.
Taehyung chuckled, finding her reaction utterly adorable. "It's just a traditional way of expressing interest," he explained, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "But I meant it sincerely. Your scent, your eyes...they caught my attention during the performance. It's as if the universe brought us together."
(Y/N)'s embarrassment transformed into a mixture of wonder and warmth. His words felt genuine, and his alpha presence was both reassuring and captivating. She found herself drawn to him in a way that defied logic, a connection that was both thrilling and frightening.
"I don't really know how to respond to that," she admitted, her voice tinged with vulnerability.
Taehyung's smile softened, his gaze unwavering. "There's no need to respond immediately," he said gently. "Let's take our time to get to know each other. If you're uncomfortable or unsure, we can take things slow."
The sincerity in his words touched her heart, and she found herself appreciating his understanding nature. "Thank you, Taehyung," she said, her voice filled with gratitude. "I think...I'd like to get to know you better too."
And so, amidst the backstage whirlwind, their conversation continued. As they shared snippets of their lives, their laughter and exchanged glances painted the canvas of a connection that was both unexpected and promising. The universe had indeed woven their destinies together, and as they navigated the uncharted territory of their emotions, they both knew that the story of Taehyung and (Y/N) was just beginning.
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ratherbefangirling · 1 year
☆☆☆ mi casa☆☆☆
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Genre : Omegaverse AU, Slow burn, hurt/comfort.
Pairing: bts ot7 x alpha fem reader
Synopsis: sometimes you find your home sometimes your home finds you.
Alpha reader
# Reader characteristics #
•reader does not think she is small or petite but baby sized as compared to members
• mentioned weight fluctuations.
• Reader is not very comfortable with physical touch.
(For some people the type of reader impacts their reading quality so I just wanted to let you know upfront)
• Alpha: Jin ( *pack leader ), Jimin, Taehyung, Y/n
•Beta: Hoseok
•Omega: Namjoon , Yoongi, Jungkook
Warning : heavy depression and implied abuse (to skip it you may skip the content between the first and second gifs). Highly Heavy and possibly triggering themes are discussed. Implied non consensual medical test. mental illness. Trauma. Proceed with caution.
Yoongi passes you a blanket because there is chill in the weather. Jungkook joins you as your personal furnace and so does Taehyung. On the other couch Hobi is cooing Jimin for being so cute. Jimin only blushes hiding in Hobi's shirt.
Jin checks the time as he comes out of his room wondering when Namjoon would come.
Hobi informs him that Joon called letting him know that he got stuck in traffic. And Hobi breaks down in giggles because Jimin is tickling him.
Yoongi peels oranges sitting on the soft rug placed on the carpeted floor. He feeds a bit to everyone. For you though he has reserved a plate of your favourite food so that you can eat it with Namjoon who loves feeding you since he can't cook for you. You always told him it was fine but he just wanted to do something anything for you. So you let him do it. Let yourself be loved.
The door opens and Yoongi rushes to the door it's quite a funny sight causing Taehyung to giggle and you feel the thrum of his laughter and you hum in content.
Jungkook sniffs deeper into your scent gland.
Happy. Happy. Happy.
He smiles rubbing his scent where his scent glands touch your skin.
Jin and Jimin later help you move away from the love pile as you feel boneless. As soon as you start getting drowsy the only thing you liked touching you was the weighted blanket and your plushies. The pack made sure to cater to you otherwise there was a high chance you would stay on edge and not sleep.
Joon scents you and feeds you and you give him a sleepy but joyous smile and you drift off and you remember how you got here.
In your life there had been pain lots of it and there was scarring and healing and there was the pack... your pack.
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All your life you had wanted to be an omega. Omegas who were small and petite and adored by alphas.
You had always envied your best friend for being soft and small, everybody trying to cater to her. She was just adorable. People couldn't help but fall for her.
You graduate from school. Trapped in your small world and ready to escape.
Things go awry then. In a car accident your family dies.
You are taken in by a distant relative. A couple who has no children. It's fine.
Take a gap year. They tell you, to figure out your life and bills.
Your days pass restless. You are too old to be given more importance than other furniture in their house. You still hadn't processed the trauma of the disruption of your life when you learn your aunt has kidney failure.
A tradegy on tradegy. Was it my fault? The thought echoes in your head.
The dialysis starts and everything seems normal. They are looking for a donor. Without your knowledge your Uncle gets tests done.
You turn out to be a match but you decline.
Things sour in the house. You uncle is angry with you for your selfishness. Can't you do it for family.
Things get worse when due to ignored electric wiring the house catches on fire. You barely make it out. Your aunt collapses and a few days later succumbs to her death.
That's when it starts the abuse. And the monsters get loud inside your head.
Until they're all you know.
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It's Yoongi who finds you. You're in a shelter of abuse victims. Discovered by a neighbour. The person who hurt you now in jail.
You've given up on words.
The doctors at the shelter inform Yoongi.
"Catatonic due to severe depression."
People have survived. People have died.
And you stay like that for a while. Until one day omega Jungkook who has come to accompany his hyung and help with the toddlers. He loves kids. Finds you.
One of the the kids ball goes into your room and Junkook comes to take it. He thinks there is no one in the room because he couldn't smell anything.
He's surprised to find you. The sunlight that filters from the window cascades upon your visage making you look holy. And he's helplessly struck by you.
But a staff notices and ushers him out. They don't know anything about how you might react.
Everyday Jungkook picks up flowers and weeds to make a bouquet to place on your window and you barely note it until one night you can't sleep because they've reduced the drugs in your system and you open the barred windows. You take the small offering wondering about it. And you think somehow that saved you. Somehow he realised maybe you needed to smell flowers and touch grass and weeds and the earth.
You still cant bring yourself to speak.
Because there really wasn't anything to say is what you'll confess to your pack later. When you are warmer and not in that much pain.
Jungkook, Yoongi notes has become an eager volunteer so much so that Namjoon the third of their omega trio complains about being left out. Namjoon is then smothered on both side by the omegas until he can smell nothing but Yoongi's mint and Jungkook's softer apple scent.
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Soon you become more responsive. You meet a lawyer who informs you of your parents finances. Which were to be given to you when you reached 21. The assests would be transferred when your treatment is over because you had to appear in front of the court and your doctors need to discharge you and some other paperwork.
You really can't find yourself to care.
One day Yoongi is assigned his coworkers shift. He has to look after you.
All people at the facility are nice but there's something about him you find essentially calming. Maybe because his scent is similar to your old bestfriend's.
On the other hand Jungkook's crush grows. He even starts sketching you parts of you. Hair, lips, hands etc.
One day he is just drawing you when Hoseok sneaks up on him.
Hobi thinks it's pretty. He doesn't know its based of you.
Until one day it's raining and he decides to pick Yoongi up and he brings coffee for the staff and is delivering said coffee and you are just coming out of the restroom and he's stunned by you and it's not how you look exactly it's just something. Maybe the fact despite the stellar skills Jungkook possessed a portrait did you no justice.
He finds Yoongi and he's about to ask about you but then Yoongi talks about something and Hoseok is too busy looking at his mate for his braincells to focus elsewhere.
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The next person who comes across you is Jimin. He usually isn't the kid obsessed in his pack that would be Taehyung and Namjoon. Sometimes though a particular itch needs to be scratched and he just wanted to see the kids. So after clocking out. He decides to go to the grocery store get some snacks for the kids and goes to the shelter.
It's play time. The kids are roaming around and having fun and Jimin joins then running around and playing with them until he is quite out of breath. It's a while since he had so much fun.
The kids decide to play hide and seek and he's the catcher.
And he's rounded up most of the kids hiding behind trees below benches. Some are easy to spot still he asks out loud.
"Where are you? Where is the little angel hiding... hah found you!"
And there is one kid who hides behind you. You had seen the kid before but probably not paid attention.
Her name is Eun-ji.
"Has a little girl come here." Jimin asks you when he cannot find the kid.
You don't respond at all. Which makes him irritated.
"'Hello lady I'm asking you did a little kid come here?"
You turn to look at him. Eyes blank.
He looks at you exasperated.
He is ready to fight you concerned about possibly loosing the kid.
Until Eunji comes out of her own accord. He picks her up. Walks away irritated and relieved.
On the drive back home he complains about you to Yoongi.
"She doesn't speak because she is in shock from things that happened." He informs Jimin and Jimin feels incredibly guilty.
He talks about it to Taehyung who decided to set out new pajamas for Jimin knowing he needed a little more affection today, always attuned to Jimins mood.
They are brush their teeth together before going to bed as Jimin continues to talk.
Technically they all have their own rooms except the large nesting room. But the maknae line more often than not is found in someone else's room. Jungkook loves sleeping with Jin or Hobi. Yoongi's room is coveted the most by Taehyung. Jimin also covets Hobi's room. Namjoon prefers sleeping alone unless he's nesting and then gets smothered in affection.
Taehyung had decided to spend the night with Jimin because earlier Jimin had texted about meeting kids and he wanted to listen to his stories. Somehow between the time it took to text him and come home Jimin's mood soured.
Lying on the bed Jimin tells Taehyung about you. Unlike usual Jimin isn't the little spoon because sometimes he just likes hiding in Taehyungs arms because it's Taehyung.
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Listening to Yoongi's and Jimins conversation reminded Hoseok of his own concerns.
Hobi is in deep thought when his pack alpha places his morning coffee in front of Hobi.
"What's bothering you?" Jin asks his pack mate.
"Nothing hyung just.." Hoseok replies.
"Go on." Jin nudges frying eggs carefully so as to not fluster Hoseok because Hobi is easily startled by attention.
"I... its.. I saw Jungkook draw someone and I think they looked nice and it's not... I'm not like I don't know I'm in a pack but I'm still being like this." He says wringing his hands together.
"Hoseok-ah it's not illegal to think someone is attractive. It's wrong to act on those feelings without informing the pack. Besides if you want I'm not against it if it makes you happy." Hobi doesn't respond.
"Were they prettier than me?" Jin jokes.
"Nobody is prettier than you hyung." Hobi responds cheering up and Jin smiles at the beta.
"There you go." Jin pats Hoseok's hair and they have breakfast together and that's that.
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Namjoon's free from his work as an editor early so he decides to visit his two mates and get a chance to see the babies in the shelter.
The workers at the shelter all swoon at Yoongi's pack which makes him both very proud and slightly jealous.
Namjoon always makes it a point to say hello to everyone even some of the residents recognise him.
He's one of those rare omega having an almost alpha feel to him.
He spends time with Yoongi because Yoongi's taking a break. Then Yoongi starts doing the spreadsheets and his coffee gets over so Namjoon offers to get him coffee.
Except he crashes into you who is freshly out of the shower and you try to get up and he tries to move but you fall against him again and ending up rubbing his scent glands.
You both don't think much of it. Yoongi comes out hearing a commotion. The nurses on duty help you out and take you to your room along with your bucket which held your necessities and worn clothes.
You were slowly being offered freedom so that you could get out of the facility without having a hard time adjusting outside. It was the first time that week you went out of your room.
You thought you hadn't done too bad of a job.
Except later that night your body is feverish and you keep calling out for your omega. Whimpering and needing the sweet peachy scent.
An intern finds you and panics.
Yoongi is called and Taehyung who was sleeping next to him is snappy at being woken up.
His colleague who had been newly appointed and was under Yoongi's supervision updates him about the situation and he gets ready to go. Taehyung decides to come along not caring if he's in his pajamas. Not ready to leave his omega alone.
Outside Jungkook was having a snack because he was binge watching his favourite show. When he sees them.
"Hyungs where are you going now?"
"Emergency you know y/n the alpha Joon crashed into. There's something up with her. I needto go as a case supervisor."
Jungkook decides to tag along.
"If kookie is going I'm going to take a rain check I have work tomorrow. I'm going to sleep with namjoon hyung." Taehyung says.
Your condition is serious. The medic informs that you had suppressed your subgender due to your past and now something had triggered your rut which you weren't prepared for and what was worse was the fact that if you didn't scent it could prove very harmful for your future ruts.
The problem was you in your rut brain weren't allowing anyone to get close to you.
Soon you are asleep during to exhaustion.
The medic attaches IV to provide you with nutrition.
He takes a sample of your scent pheromones.
"Anyone want to volunteer to get your scent tested." The medic asks.
Yoongi volunteers it's his job afterall and surprisingly his scent isn't reactive to yours.
There are cases when the body doesn't accept a scent in some cases the rejected pheromones cause allergy in severe cases the patient might die.
Platonic scenting was not uncommon but he wasn't sure his pack would agree. The maknaes and even Joon on occasion proved more possessive and jealous. If he did end up saying yes he was sure he'd be reeking with the packs scent for days and even though he secretly enjoyed it, if there was unavailability of people to scent you things would worsen quickly.
Yoongi thinks about calling Jin, as the pack alpha Jin has the right to even deny the scenting.
Jungkook is worried about you. He wants to tell Yoongi to save you but he's not sure how.
He turns to Yoongi except you start mumbling in your sleep and it wouldn't be concerning if you didn't scream before waking up. You cry for a while eyes still closed.
One of the staff prepares a sedative.
Jungkook wants to whine and stop them and tell Yoongi not to hurt you but as Yoongi had told him sometimes the person ended up hurting themselves so it was better for everyone if there movements were restricted.
Jungkook can only hope you're ok.
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Namjoon comes with food later in the morning woken up by Taehyung's deathly grip. He usually volunteered on Saturday mornings. And after his shower he had come across a sleepy Jungkook who had informed him about Yoongi's extra work.He ushered Jungkook to bed and tucked him in.
Deciding to cheer up Yoongi by surprising the hardworking omega he stops by to get some planners and cute cat pens too.
Namjoon was well aware that he'd only get scolded for buying 'ridiculous things' and 'a total waste of money capitalist' flower bouquets. Still when Namjoon comes across a kitty plush right before checkout he decides he has to get it.
Warm coffee in one hand and his gifts and food in another he heads to Yoongi's cabin.
"Hyung." He says as he places the stuff on Yoongi's desk which hold a photo of the pack and the pen sorter Hobi had gifted the omega besides that there was a candy bowl the maknaes and Jin had made containing all of the omegas favourites. He finds Yoongi sleeping on the couch and coo's at his fellow omega.
Cute. He thinks to himself.
He goes to the facilities garden. Where he volunteered. Familiar faces greet him. Before they know it it's time for a break. Namjoon is washing his face and brushing his teeth after a snack when he hears the nurses talk.
"What happened in room 2013 last night?" A voice asks.
"Oh poor alpha, she's just a little kid and to think they had to suppress her rut. She is barely alive as is." One comments.
"It's a real pity. Did you know she has psychological trauma. I had to look after the girl and I dont want to go into the details but she seemed to have been through a lot." It's a trio it seems.
"Did you know yesterday Yoongi sunbaenim had to be called" The first one says.
Namjoon turns off the water to listen.
"Oh yes apparently someone was saying that she responded to his scent but because he said no she had to be drugged."
Someone's alarm rang.
"It's time to go ladies breaks over."
Namjoon frowns. Someone reacted to Yoongi's scent. He didn't want to jump to conclusion but a person reacting to your scent never happened unless the person had been close. Very close.
His omegan brain felt displeased. Logically he knew he shouldn't trust the rumors but it wouldn't hurt to investigate. Right?
Your part of the facility was quieter he noted. Namjoon almost knocked over the potted palm in the corridor.
Namjoon had decided he wouldn't go look for you but when he was asked to water the plants of the second wing. It was almost as if fate lead him to you. And he was but a man in front of temptation. He really had no ill intentions. He just hoped you weren't pretty enough to seduce Yoongi.
He had hoped wrong because when he came across your unguarded sleeping face and that is to say nothing about your scent (He could smell it for hours and hours). He was torn between worrying for Yoongi's possible seduction and being seduced himself.
And if that wasn't enough. He was caught red handed. He was going to be banned no more flustering Yoongi at work hours.
Namjoon's brow furrowed when he realised you hadn't spoken out loud.
Before he could think anything. The doors opened.
"Namjoon, what are you doing inside?"
He turned to face Yoongi.
"I uh."
This time you had actually called out. The two of them turn to face you.
"You need to go Joon." Yoongi said.
Namjoon nodded. He was lucky it was Yoongi who found him.
"Wait in my office." Yoongi instructed.
As Namjoon fiddled with a fidget spinner in Yoongis office. His mind ran with various possibilities like why had Yoongi come there alone. He felt his irritation grow by the minute.
Namjoon feels unreasonably angry.
"Joon ah." Yoongi starts.
"Let's just go home."
Yoongi sighs frustrated by Joon's behaviour but knowing anything he might try to communicate won't be recieved well.
"Hyung ... can I ... let me scent you first please." Namjoon asks fidgeting with the ring on his finger.
Yoongi sighs but nods.
Namjoon feels reassured of his claim over his packmate.
"No wonder she liked your scent." Namjoon mutters.
"Who?" Yoongi asks.
"That person from room 2013."
"Did you think I scented someone. Is that why you were there."
Namjoon nods guiltily.
"I wouldn't do that without permission from Jin you know that"
"I know but like she smelt so nice so I thought."
"You're an idiot but what do you mean scent. There wasn't a scent."
"Yoongi hyung don't make fun of me. Ofcourse there was a scent and it was so nice. Like chocolatey maybe."
"Are you being serious?" Yoongi asks.
It couldn't be. There was no way right. He was just overthinking it. No way in the world could Namjoon have found his mate this way.
"Yes of course I am. I almost felt entranced by it. Maybe I should get some chocolate based bath products for the pack. What's the chance Hoseokie would let me change it. He hates anyone messing with his skin care routine. Now I guess even Jungkook wouldn't be on board he's super sensitive to smells hmm."
But Yoongi had stopped listening.
"Joon ah." He says firmly holding Namjoons hand to grab his attention.
"I think the girl in room 2013 might be your mate."
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Anyhow leave your thoughts about what you think of this au. Did you like something dislike something etc etc that and if you want to be tagged in the next part if that happens.
Authors Note: I used my last braincell for this. I do not know what possessed me to write this. I'm going to be busy for the next two months so till then there isn't going to be a part two 🙃 just telling you guys upfront. My creative juices are also dead so idk. I had a lot of this written in my spring of creativity so I thought I should finish this and reduce my drafts. Clearing my drafts is #1 agenda.
Taglist : @mintsugarmy
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basketofverbiage · 2 years
Skeletons in the Closet pt 2
Woo! Here’s part 2! It took ages bc I got COVID. :( Anyway, the only trigger I can think of is that Tae has a moment in the hospital. Enjoy!
Yoongi stepped out of the studio at 8:30 pm, exhausted from the length of the day but so excited to go home to Taehyung. He had the best news: his album was finally finished, and the company had given him a solid week off to rest up before his debut preparations exploded into a rush of MV filming, content creation, photo shoots for the album, interviews, and performances. He was exhausted from the many hours he’d spent re-recording tracks and trying to convince the higher ups at the company that his songs needed the profanity he’d originally included. Taehyung had heard every single song as he’d written it and potentially was more excited about its impending release than Yoongi had been. Yoongi knew that Taehyung would always be his biggest fan, and that was the reason for one tiny secret that Yoongi had kept pressed to his chest. It was currently pressed there literally, in a tiny velvet box inside the breast pocket of his leather jacket. Yoongi had gotten an impressive bonus upon signing with the label, certainly enough to get their bills caught up and leaving them with a little padding for a while. What Taehyung hadn’t known is that it was also enough for Yoongi to pay off the diamond engagement ring in his pocket too. Yoongi had written one final track that Taehyung had not heard yet, just for Taehyung, and it was the closing track to the album—the closing words “Marry me?” in Yoongi’s gruff heartfelt baritone.
Every time things had gotten difficult, Yoongi would reach into his pocket and watch the light glint from the shiny string of diamonds across the top of the white gold band and remember the man waiting for him at home. Taehyung made every aspect of his life better, and he encouraged him to take a chance on himself. His omega was gorgeous and gentle and nurturing, but he was also strong and fierce and loved Yoongi in a way he’d never experienced before. Taehyung had always soothed his alpha in ways that he’d never have the words to declare to the world. So now, with the greatest news that he could have until proposing, he jumped on his bike and sped toward their home.
He arrived quickly and got lucky with an elevator actually awaiting him in the lobby when he walked in. Within a few minutes, Yoongi was unlocking his door and calling into the space from the doorway.
“Tulip, are you here? I’m home.”
He paused to slide out of his boots and into the pair of Kumamon slippers that Taehyung had gotten him for Christmas. He hadn’t heard him call back, so maybe he was back in their bedroom and didn’t hear him.
His own voice echoed slightly back to him as he peeped into their bathroom, and then their bedroom. Yoongi was starting to get concerned, as the café Taehyung had been working at closed at 7, and it was inching towards 9 pm. He should have been home by now, and with as sick as he’d been lately, Yoongi’s alpha was raging inside his chest for their omega. They had always shared their locations with each other as their schedules usually didn’t align well and it kept Yoongi from losing his cool when his ruts were approaching. It only took him a moment to pull up the tracker they favored, and he was a little surprised to see it show the tiny blinking purple heart that he’d chosen to represent Taehyung blinking around at the Assassination Records building. Yoongi chuckled to himself at the thought of Taehyung showing up the building he’d just left, so he called to let him know he’d gotten out of the building before 2 am for the first time in months. The unease Yoongi started to feel when his call went straight to Taehyung’s voicemail left him unsure what to do. Taehyung hated it when he hovered, overbearing and posturing, for no good reason so he tried not to usually. But, fuck…something felt like it was very wrong.
There’s probably a good explanation for this, Yoongi thought to himself as he pulled his boots back on and headed back downstairs. His motorcycle was sitting in their designated spot, with moonlight glinting off the chrome, as he climbed on and revved the engine back to life. He took every shortcut he could think of to get back to the building where he hoped that Taehyung had come by to bring dinner and his phone had died. The battery hadn’t been holding up well lately, but Taehyung had put off buying a new model until it stopped working altogether. He blasted through the front doors of the building, taking deep breaths as he followed the tracker into a room off to the side facing the elevator that no one really used. To Yoongi’s utter horror, there were a few drops of blood on the floor and Taehyung’s cell phone in the garbage. It had been smashed to bits, but the blood stopped Yoongi in his tracks. What had happened here?
Yoongi bypassed the elevator and jetted up the stairs to the third floor where his studio was housed, begging the Moon Goddess to let him find Taehyung up there. No one was in his studio, the only light shining from under the door of Namjoon’s studio. Namjoon was a force to be reckoned with as the only omega producer in the company, but the man had musical genius dripping out of his pores. He’d been Yoongi’s primary producer helping him with his album, and he’d met Taehyung a few times, so Yoongi knocked on the door hard until Namjoon answered.
“Have you seen Taehyung?” Yoongi burst out as soon as Namjoon opened the door.
His eyes were round with surprise when he said, “No, hyung. He’s not been here. What’s up?”
“Fuck. I can’t find him; he wasn’t at home. But I found his phone smashed to bits in a room downstairs that had blood on the floor.”
“Shit, hyung! Maybe you should go back home. Maybe you just missed each other,” Namjoon replied. “I’ll call you right away if he shows up though. I’ll be here a few more hours to wrap up some songs for my mixtape.”
Yoongi’s alpha was on the war path at this point, and it was taking everything in him to not be out for blood. But Namjoon was right. Maybe Taehyung’s phone was broken in a freak accident or something and he’d gone back home after not finding Yoongi in his studio. Yoongi said goodbye to Namjoon and then headed back out to his bike to head home.
The trip home, 15 minutes at most, felt like it had taken years with the volume of worry that Yoongi had. He waited impatiently for the elevator, then shoved his way past a group of people heading to the floor above his to run down the hall to their flat. Yoongi didn’t bother to take off his boots when he got through the door, heading straight toward the kitchen. Taehyung and he had bought some silly magnetic notepads to write sappy notes to one another when their schedules got crazy, so Yoongi beelined for them to see if there was a note from his love. But goddess knew he wasn’t prepared for the note he found.
The note Taehyung had left was written in obvious duress. Taehyung’s normally flowy handwriting was jerky at best and there were tear stains all over the page, blurring the ink. Yoongi honestly had to read it twice to comprehend that Taehyung had left. The only family Taehyung really had left was his elder brother, so that had to have been where he’d gone. Honestly, most of his belongings were still in the apartment they had shared. He’d left all of his sewing projects scattered across the armchair in their bedroom, his most prized possession—his sewing machine—sitting where he’d left it on the desk in their room. Yoongi barely gave half a thought before calling Seokjin. Seokjin barely got hello out before Yoongi interrupted.
“Where’s Taehyung?” he growled into the phone.
“Yoongi, he’s not here. Is he not there with you?” Seokjin replied, far too calm for Yoongi’s liking.
“What the fuck, Seokjin? Do you think I’d ring you up to ask that if he was here? All I have are his smashed cellphone from a trash bin at the office and a shaky note saying he was leaving. He must be with you! I need to talk to him. Put him on the phone.”
Yoongi barely suppressed the howl of frustration bubbling up his throat when Seokjin replied to him. “I don’t know what to tell you, Yoongi. He’s not here. But if he left, maybe he had a damn good reason.”
The called ended abruptly and it took Yoongi more than a minute to realized he’d been the one to disconnect it. He stared at his phone screen and the note Taehyung had written, now wadded into a tight ball in his palm. Just this morning, he’d kissed Taehyung. He’d said he loved him.
And Taehyung. He’d said, “Go to work, Yeobo. I’ll be okay, I promise. I’m seeing my doctor this morning and working a half shift this afternoon. I love you more than life. Go make your dreams come true.”
He’d promised to let him know what the doctor said. Taehyung, his Tulip, had promised him. And he never broke a promise.
At that thought, something began shattering inside Yoongi. Yoongi didn’t remember locking their apartment door. He honestly didn’t remember riding the elevator down to the lobby. He didn’t remember getting on his motorcycle, the same one on which he’d driven Taehyung back to his dorm on the night they met, when Yoongi met his soulmate. He never made the conscious decision that he needed to drive to Busan, but he came back to himself at just before 1 in the morning when he was slamming his fists against the door to Seokjin’s house.
Seokjin answered the door in nothing but a wrinkled pair of sweats and a pinched look on his face. “What are you doing here, Yoongi? I told you he’s not here,” he sighed after throwing open the door.
“Where is my fiancé. Where the fuck is he, Seokjin?! You know he’s my soulmate. I need him,” Yoongi snarled, trying to press past Seokjin into the dimly lit house.
Seokjin was like a brick wall; the other alpha didn’t have a hope of getting past him. He honestly barely exerted any effort shoving Yoongi out of the doorway, reaching to pull the door solidly closed behind him. Yoongi rushed back at him, and when Seokjin held him back, he started screaming.
“Taehyung! Taehyung, I know you’re here! Tulip, please. I need you, I NEED YOU! TAEHYUNG!”
 Taehyung had gone to bed, sobbing. He hadn’t been able to bear the thought of sleeping alone without Yoongi by his side. He missed the scent of forest all around him in their bed, the scent bleeding protection and alpha into his very bones. When he’d tried to force himself to lie down on the scentless bed in the spare bedroom, he’d thrown himself into a panic attack so strong that he vomited up the 4 bites of dinner he’d been able to force down his own throat. Hoseok, a nurse at a local children’s hospital, had known that was terrible for the pup growing slowly inside Taehyung. He’d held back Taehyung’s overgrown curly hair while he’d hurled viciously into the toilet, then wiped his face and neck and chest with an ice-cold washcloth to cool him down before letting him take timid sips of water. Hoseok had hugged him tight and let him sob the rest of the panic attack into his chest, the mild spearmint scent of the beta soothing his nausea and the panic he couldn’t seem to tamp down. When Taehyung had finally settled down, Hoseok had gently taken his hand and guided him down the hall and encouraged him to lay down in the middle of the bed he shared with Seokjin before climbing in beside him and pulling him into his chest again.
“I know this is so hard for you, TaeBear. I can’t imagine someone forcing me away from Seokjin. But it’s going to be okay. We’ll take care of you, and we will spoil the ever-loving hell out of your pup,” Hoseok had whispered into Taehyung’s hair as he ran gentle hands up and down his back until Seokjin joined them in bed and wrapped around him from the back.
Taehyung dozed off into a fitful sleep until he woke up to a sound he loved, but hated too in that moment. Yoongi’s motorcycle is a sound Taehyung could never forget the sound of—and loved so much normally—but it wrecked him now as he shook Hoseok awake.
“Yoongi’s here,” he whimpered, tears trickling down his cheeks. “He’s got to go. They’ll hurt our pup, hyung, please.”
Hoseok jerked into action at that and smacked his palm into Seokjin’s chest. “The fuck, Seokie?” Seokjin mumbled as he sat up.
“Yoongi’s here. His motorcycle woke Tae,” Hoseok whispered.
Seokjin saw his baby brother trembling with fear, one hand across his mouth to stop the whimpers that were attempting to blast out of his chest, the other pressed to his stomach where his unborn pup lay. Seokjin jerked out of bed at that, the scent of his brother’s fear and agony flooding the room. That was enough to push the alpha into action. He left the bedroom, pausing in the laundry room to strip off the clothes he’d had on when he’d been lying pressed against his brother, and slid into a pair of scentless sweats he pulled out of the dryer. Honestly, he thought they were Hoseok’s because they weren’t quite long enough for him, but they’d do. He needed to rid himself of Taehyung’s scent before facing off with Yoongi. Seokjin had just gotten the pants pulled up fully when the banging at the door started. He marched to the door and took a deep breath before moving to handle the issue. Seokjin had always respected Yoongi, one alpha to another, and normally would trust his brother with him. This scenario was just so incredibly fucked up; if Taehyung wanted him to send Yoongi away, Seokjin would shove him back on his bike and force him back to Seoul if necessary.
 Meanwhile, Taehyung laid in bed with his brother-in-law, shaking with the effort of staying in the bed and not making any sounds. He and Yoongi hadn’t mated in the physical sense, and he didn’t have Yoongi’s teeth marks scored into his flesh, but Taehyung’s omega was screaming for their mate. The sound of Yoongi’s voice screaming his name was nearly more than he could handle. He had started to whine against his own best interest, and he felt a scream coming up his throat, so he crammed his own forearm into his mouth and bit down so that the wail wouldn’t pry its way out of his lips and leaned into Hoseok’s embrace as much as he could. After an eternity, that was truly only 5 minutes, Yoongi’s desperate yells and pleads stopped ringing out; 10 minutes after he stopped screaming, Taehyung heard the bike rev and gravel crunch, followed by the screech of the tires spinning on pavement, as his mate left him there.
By this point, Taehyung was inconsolable. He was borderline hysterical, just crying and wailing against Hoseok’s chest, “My alpha, I need my alpha. Bring him back.” He was howling between the words as his omega pushed to the forefront of his mind and barely even registered his brother coming back in and climbing into the bed. Seokjin pulled Taehyung into his lap like he’d done when he was small and rocked him back and forth, apologizing and consoling the omega as much as he could. He wasn’t the alpha being begged for, but hopefully his scent and gentle purring would be able to sooth him long enough to get some sleep. It took a while, but eventually the pregnant omega settled enough to fall asleep in Seokjin’s arms.
“What are we gonna do, Jinnie?” Hoseok whispered frantically. “This whole situation is so fucked up.”
Seokjin shifted slightly to lay his unconscious brother into the bed between them. He leaned over and pressed his forehead to Hoseok’s own gently before murmuring back, “We take care of Tae and protect the pup. We’d talked about joining a pack, but maybe this means we have to make our own.”
 Taehyung woke up the next morning to his head pounding. His consecutive panic attacks from the evening before had wrung all the energy out of his body and he’d cried so much he knew he had to have been dehydrated. He had woken up alone in his brother’s bed, surrounded by Hoseok’s subtle spearmint and Seokjin’s sweet buttercream scent. Their combined scents were soothing in a weird way and made Taehyung think of these buttery mint candies that his grandmother had made when he was a pup for events in their home pack. He took a few more moments to lay there and stare at the ceiling before his full bladder forced him out of bed. Instead of using the bathroom connected to their bedroom, he wandered into the hall to use the guest bathroom. In the light of the bathroom, he caught sight of the dark bruise on his forearm where he’d bit down to try and keep Yoongi from hearing him. After using the restroom and washing up a little bit, he wandered out into the living room to find out where the rest of his family was. He found Hoseok curled up on the sofa with a cup of coffee, giggling at something Seokjin had called out to him from the kitchen. Seokjin gestured to Taehyung with the spatula he’d been using to flip the toasted sandwich he was making.
“I saw you looking at my husband’s coffee. Don’t you even think about it,” Seokjin said with a flourish of scowled eyebrows and loud proclamations. “Caffeine is bad for pups.”
“I know, hyung. I don’t even like coffee. I usually have tea,” Taehyung mumbled.
Hoseok giggled again at Seokjin’s actions before patting the sofa seat beside him. “Come cuddle with me, TaeBear, since someone else won’t.”
“YAH!” Seokjin yelled as he flipped the sandwich onto a plate. “I’m feeding your ungrateful ass, so zip it!”
Taehyung smiled softly at their playful bickering even as he tucked himself into Hoseok’s arms. He thought fondly back to when they’d first gotten together. Seokjin had been in culinary school, and for his business management course, he’d been assigned to work for the semester in any restaurant of his choosing. Seokjin had thought vastly outside the box and did his semester of work in a hospital cafeteria, wrapping stale sandwiches in green and pink cellophane and making terrible coffee. It had been an interesting take on a restaurant born of necessity, and he’d met a beautiful boy with gentle hands and a cordiform smile. He’d walked out of that semester with the only A in his class and the man of his dreams in his arms. Taehyung had felt comfortable with Hoseok from the moment they’d met; Hoseok had always felt like hearth and home to both Kim brothers.
They were quiet during breakfast as Taehyung took tiny sips of peppermint tea. When Seokjin had cracked the egg to make Taehyung’s sandwich, the smell of the egg frying triggered Taehyung’s morning sickness so hard that he hadn’t been able to make it to the bathroom. He’d opened the back door behind Seokjin and puked into the bushes in their tiny back yard while Hoseok and Seokjin frantically aired the smell out of the kitchen. They’d tried to apologize, but Taehyung knew that morning sickness and hypersensitivity to smells would just be his life for the next little while. He knew it would be worth it to hold his pup in his arms, so he wouldn’t complain about it.
“Taehyungie, you and I have a few places to go this morning. Get dressed after you finish your tea,” Hoseok said gently. “We’re going to go get you some more outfits, a pair of shoes you can work in at hyung’s café and get you set up with a bank account since you’ll need it for direct deposit.”
 Yoongi woke up disoriented and angry. He’d struggled to deal with Taehyung’s absence in the apartment and Seokjin’s whispered words ricocheting around his head.
“Yoongi, stop being selfish this instant. My mate is inside that house and I am not letting you near Seokie acting like this! Taehyung is his own man and is an adult. We both know he loves you, so don’t you think if he left, he’d have a damn good reason to? Did you even stop to think that maybe he had to do what was best for the both of you, no matter how much it hurts?”
And Seokjin was right. Taehyung wouldn’t have left without reason. Yoongi was logical enough to know that Taehyung must have made the decision under a substantial amount of duress, but he just couldn’t figure out why. He felt like he was working a jigsaw puzzle that had half the pieces missing. He just kept hoping and praying that Taehyung would change his mind and come home. It had been so difficult to sleep in their empty bed the night before that Yoongi had stripped down to his boxers and wrapped Taehyung’s satin dressing gown around his body, pulling Taehyung’s pillow from his side of the bed to sleep in the floor. Yoongi had slept the entire night curled up in a tiny ball on the carpet beside Taehyung’s side of the bed. He was still laying there when his phone rang from somewhere above his head. Hoping against hope that it might be Taehyung, he scrambled up and snatched it from the charger only to be smashed in the face by the disappointment of it being his manager calling.
"Hello?” Yoongi growled into the phone.
“Yoongi, I know you were supposed to be off this week, but something has come up and we need you to come down to the studio. There’s a problem with one of the tracks for your album.”
Yoongi stood there stunned for a few minutes before saying he’d come down in a bit. He pulled on the jeans from the day before, but stared into the closet to find a new shirt to wear. The closet they’d shared was still full of Taehyung’s things. It honestly looked like he’d left everything behind. Yoongi’s chest clenched as he once again couldn’t tamp down the thought that something was seriously wrong. He didn’t want to be anywhere Taehyung wasn’t, and his alpha was howling like it was mortally wounded in his chest. Yoongi lifted one hand and rubbed his sternum as hard as he could.
“He’s going to come back,” he whispered to the alpha inside him as he pulled Taehyung’s favorite silk button down shirt on before walking out the door.
Yoongi didn’t remember much about the drive into the office. He’d been lost in his own thoughts, trying to figure out what might have happened and where Taehyung had gone while he zipped his motorcycle through traffic. He parked it in his designated spot without much thought before catching the lift to the main office from the underground parking deck, nose tucked into the collar of Taehyung’s shirt as he walked in to find Namjoon and Jiwoon nearly coming to blows in the main lobby of the building in front of the reception desk.
“You’re just a manager, Jiwoon! You don’t have the right to fucking mettle in the producer’s computers!” Namjoon yelled, his usually subtle leather scent spiking into a suffocating chemical fire in his rage.
“I’ll do whatever the fuck I want to, omega. You shouldn’t even be here! Go back to the fucking kitchen where you belong,” Jiwoon sneered back.
Yoongi had been willing to watch them battle it out until Jiwoon had insulted omegas. The ache that his own omega was missing had him snarling and stepping in front of Namjoon.
“That’s enough. Just because you are my manager doesn’t mean I won’t deck you right here for saying shit like that about omegas. Namjoon is the best producer in this building, and you know it,” Yoongi rumbled, pushing Jiwoon back a step before glancing back to look at Namjoon. “What’s going on here, Joon-ah?”
Namjoon was obviously stressed and angry, having lifted both hands to tug on his own hair. “That slimeball you call a manager broke into my fucking studio and deleted the last track for your album. Said it wasn’t hard enough for a rapper to include on his album.”
Yoongi’s head whipped back to Jiwoon, eyes narrowing as some puzzle pieces he’d been missing slipped into place. “What the fuck did you do, Jiwoon?”
The leash he’d held on his rage must have slipped a little because Jiwoon had begun backing away from Yoongi, but had run out of space behind him as his back thudded against the wall. Only a few seconds passed before Yoongi had him pinned against the wall.
“The fuck did you do, Jiwoon? What did you do to Taehyung?” he snarled right into the weaker alpha’s face.
“Nothing. I didn’t do anything do him,” Jiwoon rushed to say.
“I found his phone down here in that side room, smashed and blood in the floor. If you harmed a single hair on his head, it will be the last thing you do.”
Yoongi hadn’t even realized he’d balled up his fist to start in on Jiwoon until Namjoon grabbed it and tugged, trying to get him to back off.
“Hyung, let’s go to your studio for a few minutes. I think we all need to cool off,” Namjoon was saying as he tugged him back.
“I meant what I said, Jiwoon. If you touched him and I find out about it, I’ll rip your arms off and beat your face in with them,” Yoongi threatened again before following Namjoon back to the elevators.
Namjoon kept his hands on Yoongi’s arm the entire trip up to the floor housing their studios, then tugged Yoongi towards his own studio. He spent a moment resetting the passcode before opening the door and shoving Yoongi inside. Yoongi was too agitated to sit, so he stalked around the studio, from wall to wall and back again, in front of the door as Namjoon sat in his computer chair.
“So, you weren’t able to find Taehyungie?” Namjoon asked softly.
“No. But I think his elder brother is hiding him somewhere. I drove to his house last night and something about the way he reacted to me makes me think he knows more than he’s saying. But, fuck, Joon-ah…Jiwoon is giving me bad vibes.”
Namjoon was quiet for a moment before looking into Yoongi’s eyes. “I hate to say it, but I kind of agree with you. You know that guy I’ve been dating, Chanyeol?”
Yoongi nodded. “What about him?”
“Well, Yeolie is on the security team here. I called him this morning about how Jiwoon was sneaking around and he’s going to try to pull the security cameras from the lobby yesterday. He said that there’s one that faces toward that room you found Taehyungie’s phone in. If we find something bad, we’ll end him. Our CEO is a good man and won’t tolerate any bullshit. Yeolie is supposed to call me as soon as he looks over all the tapes. In the meantime, Jiwoon might have deleted the copy of your song from my computer, but you know I always have like three other copies of all my work.”
Namjoon’s words helped to give his alpha something to chew on for the time being. He’d keep trying to find Taehyung, but in the meantime, he might be able to sort out what had caused him to run to begin with.
 Taehyung and Hoseok had gone through a few shops already, but Taehyung was super hesitant to allow a large sum of money to be spent on clothing he wouldn’t fit into in a few months when his abdomen blossomed to make room for his growing pup. He could tell that Hoseok was beginning to be a bit frustrated that he wouldn’t choose things, but he just didn’t know how to express the things going on his head. Taehyung had honestly thought that the headache he woke up with would get better after he’d had some water, but it just seemed like it had been getting worse in the bright fluorescent lighting of the mall they’d come to. Hoseok was chatting away with the girl in the shop they’d come in while Taehyung pretended to look through a rack of pajamas in the corner.
“Taehyungie, this lovely lady just let me know that they are having a sale. Everything in the shop is buy one, get one free. Isn’t that amazing? You can get twice the things for the same price,” Hoseok called as he approached him.
Taehyung rubbed his hand across his eyes before replying, “That’s great, Hobi-hyung.”
Taehyung held up a plaid pajama set to see if it might be tall enough to fit him, when he suddenly began seeing spots in his vision. Before he could say anything to alert Hoseok to how he was feeling, everything started to go black, and Taehyung felt his knees buckle.
“Tae!” Hoseok cried out, catching him before he hit the ground.
The panic in Hoseok’s voice was the last thing to register before Taehyung was completely unconscious.
 The first thing he was aware of as he began to come to was the feel of something annoying in his nose. Taehyung tried to lift his hand to knock whatever it was loose, and that’s when he realized that someone was holding his hand and that there was something slightly sharp poking the inside of his elbow. He furrowed his eyebrows a bit, trying to remember what had happened before he slowly opened his eyes.
“Taehyung!” Seokjin exclaimed. “Oh, thank the goddess!”
“Jin-hyung? What happened?” he croaked out.
“You passed out on Hoseokie while you were shopping for some clothes. How are you feeling?”
“Weird. And my head is still throbbing. Can I have some water?”
In lieu of a response, Seokjin helped Taehyung to sit up a bit and take small, slow sips of water from a pitcher on the hospital’s bedside table. Just the action of sipping the water made Taehyung feel exhausted in a way he hadn’t felt before.
“Jin-hyung, what’s wrong with me? Is my pup okay?” Taehyung whispered fearfully, squeezing Seokjin’s hand.
“I don’t know for sure, TaeBear. I just know that when I got here, Hoseokie was helping them draw several vials of blood for testing while they were doing an ultrasound, but no one has said anything yet. Hoseokie works at this hospital, so they are letting him help to a certain extent in small ways. He’s currently somewhere bullying the lab into speeding up the blood tests.”
Taehyung giggled a little at the thought of his sweet brother-in-law bullying anyone. He still felt so exhausted from all the stress of the past day and a half, so he closed his eyes for a moment with the intention of just resting them. He woke up 45 minutes later when he heard Hoseok laughing a little in the hallway, his loud cackle jarring him out of the strange dream he’d been having about Yoongi. He slid his eyes open in time to watch Hoseok press a soft kiss to Seokjin’s forehead before greeting a female alpha who’d entered his room holding a clipboard.
“It’s good to see you awake, Taehyung-ssi. My name is Dr. Song, and I’ll be your physician for today. You gave our best nurse, Hoseokie, quite the shock today,” she said as she adjusted the oxygen canula that he’d tugged to the side in his sleep to fit more firmly in his nostrils. “We’ve gotten the results of your tests and I wanted to speak with you for a moment. Now, Hoseokie didn’t give me any details about what’s going on, and I don’t really need them if you don’t want to share them, but he told me that you just found out about the pregnancy yesterday and that the alpha father of your pup can’t be near you during this time.”
“Yeah, he’s right,” Taehyung replied.
“Well, seeing as this is your first pregnancy, I want to go over some things that are completely necessary in order to keep both you and your pup safe until you can see an OB/GYN in the area. I’ll make a referral for you, so you won’t have to scramble to find someone, okay?” Once Taehyung nodded his understanding, Dr. Song continued from where she had perched lightly on the side of his bed. “Now, I’m so sorry to break this news to you, Taehyung-ssi. But pregnant omegas have difficulty maintaining their hormone levels. Your body is so zoned in on the pup you are carrying that it won’t function properly to make the things you need. Your inner omega can only see the pup inside you, and it will sacrifice your health for the sake of the pup’s. In a normal situation, where the omega is mated, their mate takes the responsibility for keeping them healthy and scenting them often. At the bare minimum, you will need to be scented by an alpha twice a day, since the pup’s biological father is an alpha, and the alpha will need to be someone you aren’t related to. Your body won’t react the same way to your alpha brother as it would the scent of an alpha outside your family pack. The IV you are hooked to is an artificial hormone source that will work for the time being, but you will have to find an alpha willing to step in and scent you regularly. If you can’t, you’ll continue to vomit more than you should and have more fainting spells. Eventually, the lack of hormones that should be triggered by scenting will begin to affect your unborn pup, and I won’t be able to guarantee their survival. This is imperative, okay?”
Taehyung sat shocked at this. Omegas weren’t taught anything about their own bodies in the sub-gender education system in their home province, and he’d never thought to investigate it further. Just as Taehyung was beginning to despair at the thought of approaching some random alpha, his brother spoke up.
“I think I know an alpha that will help. He is working at my café while in college, and he helped a pregnant classmate last year when her alpha died in an accident. I’ll call him and see if he can come to the house for dinner tonight,” Seokjin murmured.
“In that case, you will be free to go home as soon as the IV bag you are connected to empties. You’ve taken in half of it already, so I think you’ll be able to be discharged in a couple hours,” Dr. Song said before bowing to them politely and leaving the room.
They sat there in silence for a few moments before Taehyung started to cry. “I don’t want just some alpha. I want MY alpha, hyung.”
“I know you do, Baby Bear. But is it safe for you to go back to him right now?” Seokjin whispered back.
“No. But the thought of being scented by someone besides Yoongi or you makes me want to die."
"Don’t talk like that, Kim Taehyung,” Hoseok broke in. “If hyung is talking about who I think he is, you’ll love him. Jungkook is unlike any alpha I’ve ever known. And he’ll be good to you. Just give him a chance, TaeBear. He’s a good man, I promise.”
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Some fine JK fics for your reading pleasure. Please show your appreciation to all the wonderful authors :)
The Forgotten Spaces: You've been dancing on the same dance crew since your teenage years, and you finally have an important role in it. It feels like life is taunting you when your rival comes back after disappearing for a year, ready to tease you every chance he gets. Will the teasing turn into more, or are you going to take him down with you? https://www.tumblr.com/oddinary4bts/714163315613614081/the-forgotten-spaces-masterpost-jjk?source=share When The End Comes: Seven years after you've started dating Jungkook, long distance creates a wedge in your relationship. When the only solution seems to be breaking up, you go your separate ways even though love still lives in the two of you. Will you find a way back together, or has the end come for you and Jeon Jungkook? https://www.tumblr.com/oddinary4bts/727637458044469248/when-the-end-comes-masterpost-jjk?source=share&ref=oddinary4bts
The Boy With Galaxies In His Eyes: You had never thought the night sky could be found in someone’s eyes. That is, until you met Jeon Jungkook and his gravity pulled you in. Will he crush you with the galaxies in his eyes, or will you learn to explore his worlds and make them yours? https://oddinary4bts.tumblr.com/post/694226660441128960/the-boy-with-galaxies-in-his-eyes-jjk
Sinful Lust: In an attempt to spice up your bedroom life with your boyfriend Min Yoongi, you suggest bringing another man into the action. Yoongi seems reluctant at first, but when you mention his friend Jeon Jungkook, he can’t deny his attraction. All that’s left to do is to convince Jungkook into participating... https://www.tumblr.com/oddinary4bts/724853153529495552/sinful-lust-masterpost-myg-jjk?source=share
Oh My God, They Where (Quarantined)Roommates: What do you do when you're quarantined for months on end with Jeon Jungkook - S-tier cuddler, workout robot and thirst trap extraordinaire? Fuck him, you guess. https://ot7always.tumblr.com/post/624575056240050176/oh-my-god-they-were-quarantined-roommates
Once Bitten, Twice Shy: You meet Taehyung college and he convinces you to move to his hometown with him. The town is nice, Taehyung’s friend are great, and you get along with everyone except Jungkook. You can’t seem to figure out what you’ve done to make him not like you, and why did you care so much? Also, why did none of them ever get cold? https://www.tumblr.com/pbandjk/184635794224/once-bitten-twice-shy Alpha Jeon: You’ve been raised to be a Luna since you were born. You’ve always had an idea of how your future would be, there was little room to imagine anything different. You’d meet your mate and fall madly in love, and the two of you would take over for your parents once they got older. But what happens when a certain wolf comes in and throws all of your plans on their head? https://www.tumblr.com/pbandjk/636812449904017408/alpha-jeon-masterlist
Bite Me, Jeon: Somehow you convince Jeon Jungkook to look into theories of vampirism for a research paper. What Jungkook doesn’t expect, is for vampirism to become a very real and very personal problem for him. https://sailoryooons.tumblr.com/post/683613241221464064/bite-me-jeon
Habits Of A Clandestine Nature: College au. https://www.wattpad.com/story/365219172-habits-of-a-clandestine-nature-%E2%80%A2-jjk
Silver Chains: Jungkook is inquisitive, he likes asking questions. He also likes fucking. These are both great qualities - when done separately of course. After the Muster, he asks you numerous questions, but whether they were out of genuine interest or purely to tease, the answer escapes you (as always). https://satnin-darling.tumblr.com/post/654462205050355712/ silver-chains-m-one-shot-jeon-jungkook
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bangtanflirt · 1 year
Wait, Little Rabbit! (Part 5)
fluff, angst, smut
Bunny Hybrid (Fem) Reader x Human Seokjin x Dog Hybrids Jimin and Hoseok x Cat Hybrid Yoongi x Wolf Hybrids Namjoon, Taehyung, & Jungkook
NSFW. 18+
Part 1 >  Part 2 > Part 3   > Part 4  > Part 5  > Part 6
Summary: You, a meek little bunny hybrid, find family amongst six predator hybrids and their lovely human caretaker.
Warnings: group sex but like they are all taking turns with y/n, y/n goes into heat, heats hurt until they are taken care of, a little bit of crying, mentions of birth control methods, vaginal fingering, vaginal penetration, throatfucking, Joon’s control kink, heavy d/s dynamics, slight breeding kink even though y/n is on birth control, slight voyeurism, predator/prey dynamics in a sexual context, abandonment issues
The morning is calm, with Seokjin teaching you how to make coffee with the new drip coffee maker he bought. You focus in on his hand movements, watching with fascination as the coffee filters down into the pot. As much as you wish you liked the taste of black coffee, like all the men in the house do, you know that you’ll be pouring your weight in sugar and creamer into your cup.
“My heat is coming up” the words come out shy and unsure. Telling Seokjin such a private matter feels very different than telling your former eighty-four-year-old female caretaker. It can’t be helped that your cheeks turn red, even while your eyes are on the coffee. His movements have stopped though, as he’s put the kettle down to give you full attention.
“How close?”
“Two days”
“How would you like to spend it?”
“I was thinking of asking Jimin and Hobi” you grow redder with each response, but the man just gives a casual nod.
“That’s what I would’ve suggested as well. Do you have any preferences on birth control? I’ve never cared for a female hybrid before, so I’m not sure what to prepare.”
“I, um, I have a chip in my arm” you notice his surprise, “my old caretaker helped me get it.”
“Well, then that’s taken care of. Anything else you need? If you give me a list of your favorite snacks and drinks I can stock them up in the outside room. I like to make sure you guys have enough to recharge during your heats.”
Your heart swells up at just how attentive Jin can be. You could’ve never imagined having a male caretaker in the past; every female hybrid you knew had one bad experience or another with them. Even the most decent ones didn’t feel approachable for such topics—but here you were, with the nicest human male you’ve ever had the fortune of meeting. You can’t help but jump up for a hug, your previous shyness fading away. He chuckles as he holds you in place, heart hurting because of your adorableness.
As the day goes by, you notice the hybrids acting different around you. It starts off subtle, with them zoning out when you come near or eyes lingering on certain body parts that they’ve been too much of gentlemen to stare at before. Namjoon’s the one that addresses the atmosphere first, “y/n…by any chance, is your heat tonight?”
You look at the wolf with confusion, “No, it’s the day after tomorrow.”
They all look at each other, eyebrows raised. “Your pheromones are going crazy bun, are you one hundred percent sure it’s that far away? Maybe you should sleep in the extra room starting tonight.”
To everyone’s surprise, you don’t obediently nod to the Alpha. Instead, you thump your feet and puff out your chest as stubbornly as you know how. “But it’s not for another two days! That’s unfair! I think I know my heats better than anyone else.”
Now, with any other hybrid in the house, Namjoon would be standing firm with his suggestion. However, he’s extra cautious when it comes to you—not wanting to seem like he’s once again belittling your autonomy as a prey hybrid. So, he concedes.
“Okay bun, you know what’s best for you.”
“What’s with him?” Taehyung asks upon seeing his usually-laid-back Yoongi hyung visibly tense.
“Eunwoo’s back in town. He’s asked to have dinner with Yoongi and I. He’s just a bit nervous but he’ll be alright. Right Yoongs?”
The cat hybrid lets out an unconvincing yes, brows still furrowed in worry.
“Eunwoo?” You inquire, and Jungkook fills in the gaps.
“Eunwoo hyung is Yoongi’s former caretaker. He was friends with Jin hyung in college and asked him to take Yoongi in when he joined the military.”
“He’s back for a couple days before he’s deployed again.” Jin further explains.
You nod, still a little confused on why Yoongi looks so on edge but deciding it best to not prod further.
“Joonie, take this” Jin says, handing the wolf a credit card, “since both Yoongi and I will be gone, and we can’t be sure the kitchen won’t burn down with just you guys. Order whatever you like.” Namjoon rolls his eyes at the remark, smiling nonetheless.
“I vote tacos” Jimin enthusiastically chimes in. His hybrid counterpart, Hoseok, laughs along, tuning into the conversation while keeping his main focus on Yoongi—stroking the cat hybrid’s back gently the entire time. Yoongi leans into the touch, grateful for Hoseok’s calming presence. Hoseok doesn’t leave Yoongi’s side until the moment Jin has to separate them to get Yoongi out the door, even then the dog hybrid doesn’t miss the chance to help Yoongi put his collar on.
With the two of them alone for the car ride, Jin attempts to soothe the cat’s nerves.
“He really misses you, you know that? The first thing he asked me was how you were doing.”
“Well if he cared that much, he shouldn’t have left.”
The rest of the ride is silent and stiff. Before long, Yoongi finds himself sitting opposite of the man he dreaded seeing. At the very least, Jin is still beside him, holding his hand under the table. Yoongi attempts to hide behind the restaurant menu, but Eunwoo earnestly speaks up.
“What about the ravioli for you, Yoongi? You love ravioli, don’t you?”
The cat hybrid doesn’t dare make eye contact, but his tone is ice cold. “Not anymore. Grew out of it.”
Jin nervously cracks a joke to ease the tension but hurt is evident on Eunwoo’s face. The dinner continues on with the two humans catching up while the cat hybrid picks at his meal. It’s when Jin excuses himself to go to the restroom when the tension is at an all-time high.
“Yoongi, will you please at least look at me? I know I’m not your caretaker anymore, but I’m still trying my best to be a part of your life. Please don’t shut me out.”
It’s the first time that night that Yoongi meets eyes with the man.
“You don’t get to be a part of my life after you dumped me onto someone else.”
Eunwoo’s heart further cracks at the biting remark, coming from the hybrid who used to look at him with hearts in his eyes.
“Leaving you was the hardest decision I’ve ever made”
“Then why’d you do it?”
“Because I had to! Because I was lost Yoongi, and everyday you were with me I was reminded of how I couldn’t do anything for you. You were behind on vaccines because I couldn’t afford them! You couldn’t go to hybrid parks because I didn’t have time to take you! My life was a mess and I felt so selfish for making you go through all of that because of me. The army really straightened me out, gave me the direction I so badly needed—but you and I both know how miserable the hybrids on base are. This is the best thing I could possibly do for you.”
“But I missed you.” Yoongi tries to hold back a choked sob, but tears roll down his cheeks at a faster pace than he can wipe them off. Without a second to spare, his old caretaker is taking the seat besides him, wiping away the tears.
“I missed you too. I’m so sorry it turned out this way, but you’re happy, aren’t you? Jin and all those hybrids, they make you happy, right?”
He nods through the tears, too many emotions all being felt at once.
This time the ride back home is much lighter, on both Yoongi and Seokjin.
“You know I like being with you, right hyung? I was never upset that he left me with you.”
“I know Yoongs, you don’t have to worry about me. I know you love us. You also love him, though, and you don’t have to pretend like you’re okay all the time when I can tell you miss him.”
“I just—I thought he’d always be by my side. And then one day he wasn’t. The part that sucks the most is that I am happy now, but I’m worried that this is all temporary too.” He looks out the window, not wanting to voice his fears while looking in Jin’s direction.
“It’s completely valid to have those fears, but I’m not going anywhere Yoongi. Neither are the others. Eunwoo can’t take care of you, but he loves you enough to trust you with someone who can. Someone who will take care of you for the rest of your life.”
Yoongi steals a glance at his caretaker, letting himself believe the words for now. It’s when he’s relaxed more into the seat does the hybrid realize this isn’t the way back home.
“Um Jin, where are we going?”
The man cracks a mischievous smile, eyes still transfixed on the road. “Somewhere that you’ll really like.”
The roads are curvy and uphill, causing the two to swerve with the car on occasion. Yoongi observes the passing buildings with perplexity, not recognizing this as any part of town he’s ever been to. Seokjin keeps his playful air of mystery, looking on amusedly as Yoongi tries to make sense of his surroundings. The car stops into an unfamiliar driveway, the driveway of a house that leans miles high over them—tall and wide frame dauntingly casting a shadow.
“C’mon kitty” is all the older man says before getting out the door and walking to the front door, all while Yoongi sprawls to not be left behind.
“Hyung, can you tell me now?”
“Look” he points to a sign with bold black letters reading ESTATE SALE.
“You brought me to an estate sale?”
“Yup. I want to spruce up the house but I have no idea where to start. That’s where you, our designated interior design expert, come in.”
Yoongi’s heart jumps in excitement, hands already itching to examine every piece of furniture in the ginormous house. Things up until now have been an emotional roller-coaster, but a few hours here is just what Yoongi needs to decompress—and his caretaker is well aware of that.
You’re okay. You keep telling everyone around you that you’re okay. You keep telling yourself that you’re okay. Because frankly, you’ve made too much of a scene not to be. The pride you felt when you stood your ground about your heat cycle is still fresh in your mind. But maybe—just maybe—you’ve been too prideful. Maybe Namjoon has a point. Because right now, as you’re in a cuddle puddle with the dog hybrids and Jungkook in the living room, something snaps. It snaps so roughly, so deliciously, that you feel the wind being knocked out of your lungs. Air feels like a secondary need, second to the pleasure you need to be feeling right now. Everything hurts, your core aches, and you know the universe is mocking you right now. You’ve been so adamant about your heat schedule that you entirely ignored the possibility of going into it early—a common occurrence of when a prey hybrid experiences high stress between cycles. It’s never happened to you before, but it happening now makes perfect sense considering your whole life has been twisted inside out since your last heat. You don’t want to draw attention to it, but the intensity building up inside you has tears threatening to pour. The hybrids with you notice immediately, the scent of the air turning unmistakably more pungent. The salty scent of desire, undeniable pheromones of lust swirling around you—too strong for any of them to act indifferent to.
It's Jimin that takes your face into his hands first, startled expression as he sees the pain in your eyes. “Bun…you’re in heat…” His voice is on edge, not expecting this nor knowing what to do. His rational brain would take you to the outside room immediately, but your pheromones are hazing that rationality in all three hybrids. Yoongi was the only hybrid that’s ever helped a prey through heat—the others are nowhere near equipped to handle just how strongly the heat pheromones affect predator hybrids in particular.
“Please help” you cry out, voice breaking in the process.
The words mixed with your scent send the dog hybrids into a primal frenzy. Jimin kisses you hard, sucking on your lips in a manner that’ll no doubt leave them bruised after. Hoseok is tearing your clothes off, as well as losing his own. The youngest hybrid is the only one who stills in hesitance. The dog hybrids are no strangers to taking care of your needs, but Jungkook has never had you in that way before. As high as your scent has him, he still keeps a distance, unsure if you even want him to help you through your heat. He feels guilty even looking—no, ogling—at your nude form right now. The curve of your perky ass, the stiff peaked nipples that top your breasts, your already glistening cunt; every detail he tries to commit to memory, scared he’ll never be able to see it again. He watches with tense posture as Hoseok slides two fingers into your cunt with ease, with you begging for more. He continues watching as Hoseok fucks three long digits all the way into your cunt while Jimin takes your mouth with equal ferocity. You’re beyond the point of forming coherent sentences, heat making you cock dumb and only able to beg. It’s when one of your hands reach towards Jungkook that he stops being just a spectator; Jimin’s cock has you unable to talk, but your eyes and hand motions do well to plead the wolf hybrid to join.
“A-are you sure bun?”
You let go of Jimin’s cock with a pop sound, taking a moment to catch your breath before answering.
“Please Kook…need you…need your cock…please” The words “please” keep falling from your lips like a mantra, in rhythm with Hoseok’s fingers pumping you good.
The oldest dog hybrid is used to taking charge, which makes things a lot easier for everyone in this moment. “You heard her Kook. Our desperate little bun needs your cock. Are you going to deny a poor bunny in heat?”
The wolf shakes his head instantly, doing well to strip out of his all-black clothing. He stands bare, cock straight up and yearning to be inside of you, but even your exquisite pheromones can’t make Jungkook forget his pack hierarchy.
“Joon hyung…I need his permission.”
That’s when a low snicker intrudes the moment between the four of you. You all turn your heads to the wolves’ bedroom door, where Namjoon and Taehyung are standing with hyperfocused vision.
“My little beta never forgets his manners, does he?” The Alpha quips, looking proud. The other beta watches with lust-filled pupils, hiding behind his Alpha as if your scent is something dangerous.
“please…need all of you…it hurts” your trying your best to plead, but Jimin’s assault on your throat makes the words come out raspy. Speaking of the youngest dog hybrid and his cock, he pushes it right back down your throat again. This isn’t like the other time he’s been in your mouth, when he was gentle and had all the patience in the world—right now, he’s a creature of instinct, and his instinct is to breed your mouth.
Namjoon makes his way to the loveseat adjacent from the couch, getting the perfect view of everything. Taehyung follows close by but stops at the couch rather than the loveseat: your scent intoxicating him.
“Go on, I want to see both of my betas stuff that tight little cunt.”
Taehyung’s eyes go wide, and Jungkook thanks his lucky stars that his Alpha is not in a denying mood. If Namjoon is affected by your pheromones, he’s doing a damn good job showing restraint—opting instead to sit back in a commandeering position with his large hand palming over his sweats.
Hoseok helps the Alpha’s command come to fruition, taking his fingers out and gripping your thighs open as invitation for the betas. Jungkook doesn’t waste a single second, plunging into your heat like a possessed man. You gag around Jimin at the sudden intrusion, and the dog hybrid takes himself out to let you adjust for a second. Just for a second, though, because he’s back in your mouth in no time. Jungkook’s head is thrown back in ecstasy, guttural moans spilling with each heavenly thrust inside of you. No one can tell exactly when Taehyung loses all of his clothes, but it’s not long before the other beta is holding his cock in hand, waiting impatiently to feel you.
“Kook, don’t be greedy. Let Tae have a turn.”
“Yes Alpha” his words are readily obedient, but it takes the wolf a lot of willpower to keep from diving back into you.
Taehyung takes full advantage of his turn, getting fully lost in both your cunt and your scent. That’s why he’s also struggling when Namjoon orders another switch. The two betas fuck you like that for a while, taking turns controlled by their Alpha as Hoseok keeps your legs open and Jimin keeps your mouth busy.
It doesn’t help that every time Jimin lets you breathe, you use the time to beg the words “harder” and “more.” The words only egg Jimin on, making him fuck you even harder until he’s emptied his seed deep down your throat.
Jungkook is the first to fill your cunt up, and Taehyung is second (both with the Alphas permission, of course). Hoseok succumbs to temptation and sinks into your cum-filled folds too, leaving his big load in there as well. Without your mouth occupied, screams of pleasure fill the house in no time. It’s during Hoseok’s turn when you get your first orgasm, no doubt because of his skilled movements on your clit. Your high hits as fast and hard as your heat, making every cell in your body ascend in pleasure. It takes a minute for the aftershocks to subside, your legs gradually slowing down in their shaking—as well as the rest of your body. It’s all too much and not nearly enough at the same time: the orgasm leaving you breathless, but your libido still crying out for more. You look at the Alpha, still showing immense restraint, eyes picking you apart alone. His gaze is taunting, and you’ve lost all pride to not give in.
“Joon, please fuck me” it’s the most coherent you’ve been since your heat hit, but you know you need to string a sentence or two together to get the Alpha’s approval. “need you so bad Alpha. Need your cock so bad it hurts.”
He doesn’t say anything back, just cocks an eyebrow at you like he’s expecting something. Like you should know what to do right now. Your mind is cluttered and horny and your grasping at straws to figure out what he’s expecting. You’ve already begged…oh. You’ve only begged. His words from before ring clear in your otherwise hazy mind.
“If you want me, you’ll have to kneel and beg first.”
With no explanation to the other hybrids, you half-fall-half-crawl off the couch, away from their hands on you. They all watch the mixture of cum drip down your thighs, cunt practically slobbering over the couch and carpet as you make your way down. You look right into the Alpha’s eyes, knowing this is what he’s asking for as you crawl over—unable to walk even if you wanted to. It’s when your right in front of the loveseat do you stop, giving him one last pleading look before ducking your head to meet his feet. You let your head fall onto his feet in complete submission.
“Please fuck me Alpha” you get out in your most desperate tone yet.
The Alpha’s smirk grows tenfold.
“Gladly, little prey.”
A/N: Thank you guys for waiting patiently as my health recovered and I could put this part out! As always, I’m overwhelmed in the best way with your enthusiasm for the series. The people that comment and reblog especially make me so motivated to write!! As of right now, the next part is planned to be the final. What I have planned for it feels like a natural conclusion to the series. It will be out much quicker than this one for sure!
Taglist: @osakis-gf @strawberrysweetness @yoongiigolden @welcometomyworld13 @xjiminsthighsx @btsiguess-kpop @kirakombat @iheartsvt @pb-n-juju @shabbamadapot @bxcndd @se-oul @mageprincess7 @xoxo-jeans @effielumiere @mrcleanheichou @seajae @uarmyhore @strxwbloody @aquasan29 @sinceritythatcouldntbedelivered @bontensbabygirl @katskeigo @lucymultistan
**It won’t let me tag some blogs, idk why. If you asked to be on the taglist but tumblr won’t let me tag you then I will be DMing you when each part is up!
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whalyrae · 5 months
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“If you want to keep a secret, you must also hide it from yourself.”
Summary : All your life, you thought you were a beta, a simple and boring beta. Until everything change. But now that you've presented yourself as an omega, how will you manage to live and hide it from your six friends and best friend, all alphas and all in the same pack? (a/n : I'm a shit for summary I'm so sorry-)
Genre : soulmate au (of course I'm a bitch for this), omegaverse, bangtan alphas au!, omega reader, fluff, angst, eventual smut, polyamory relationships
Status : In process
Word Count : 3k
Warnings : the usual one I guess, like smut, angst, fluff (yeah its a warning for some people ) mention of depression, abusive parents (physically and morally), violence and blood, PTSD, scars, self harm,…
Tag list : @ghostlyworld @kawaiikpoplover268 @scuzmunkie @iamkookiesforyou @00ihatesnaku @stellauniverse @akemiixx01 @aceofcards05 @strxwbloody @seoul9711 @amara-mars @alex-walker-86 @yoongicatcat @xicanacorpse
A/N : Remember me ? Ah, I'm so soooo sorry for the wait, really. I'll not vent again, I already did it last weeks. I'm sorry about the quality of the chapter too… it's not really corrected, there are probably lots of spelling, conjugation, syntax mistakes… I think I've lost the little writing talent I had, really, it's so frustrating :') With this writer block it hasn't really helped either… I can't put the ideas I have in my head into words, and it's getting on my nerves too much…!! Hope you'll like it though even a little, I'll do my best for the next one ! ♥ Thank you so much for all the love and attention you give to this story, you can't imagine how much it means for me !! ♥
Also I made a playlist for the story ! If you have any songs who made you think about the story, you can share it to me and I'll add it on the playlist !
Masterlist | ao3 | wattpad | Spotify playlist
Chapter 5 // Chapter 7
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The room was silent after Jungkook's explanation. He and Yoongi had not waited to go to the oldest of the two's apartments where their partners were. Fortunately, since it was so late in the day, they were all there, and reunited in the same place. 
Jungkook shared what he heard during your conversation with Wooyoung and Yeosang. When you said you were an omega. 
Jimin was the first to react. Of course, he did. 
“I can’t believe it…!” he exclaimed after a few seconds, “She’s my best friend… we’ve known each other since high school! If she were an omega, she would've told me! She can't have lied to me…”
Sitting between Hoseok and Taehyung, he brought his knees up to his chest, wrapping his arms around his legs with a pout. He accepted Hoseok's embrace, who placed a kiss on his head. 
The other boys stayed silent. Some of them were quite surprised to learn this, but Namjoon, Yoongi and Taehyung weren't so surprised to hear it, something inside them knew it, they just couldn't explain it.  
"But that'd explain a lot..." Jimin added with a sigh, " she's quite... different recently..."
He obviously noticed the change in your behavior towards him recently. You were more distant and less tactile, and you tended to isolate yourself more in your room, whereas before, you spent all your free time with them, in one of their apartments. 
At first, he thought that the classes and the dancing were exhausting you physically and mentally, like him. And knowing you, you tended to isolate yourself when you weren't feeling well. But it had never lasted as long as it did. He would never have thought that the reason behind it was... that you were an omega.
"We've all noticed it, I think," Jin replied, crossing his arms and looking thoughtful.
"But if she really is an omega," continued Jungkook, "why did she hide it from us? Would she be... afraid of us or something?"
The younger’s question left the room in silence. Everyone had heard about your misadventures with alphas, the behavior of your parents, and your brothers and sisters who were themselves alphas. And even though Jimin had always been the exception to the rule in your life, and now the other boys, you still had a certain reserve towards alphas. And that was as a beta. So, if you were an omega...
“It's not as if it matters anyway,” Namjoon affirmed, “whether she's a beta, an omega, or even an alpha, she's with us, she's part of the pack. But it's true that I'm wondering why she's hiding it from us.”
"Everyone has their wounds, scars, we all do, and we know that our little Y/N has some deep ones that haven't fully healed yet..." Hoseok spoke in a soft, understanding voice, stroking Jimin's hair in a protective, reassuring way.
"It takes time to gain someone's trust, even more so when someone has suffered mistreatment, abandonment, or physical and psychological violence." added Namjoon, crossing his arms. 
Namjoon was right, and everyone agreed with him. For them, naturally, it didn't matter whether you were an alpha, a beta, or an omega. You were who you were, whatever your nature. 
Everyone also knew what you'd been through with your parents, how they treated you, how they had treated you in the past.
None of them had ever said or done anything inappropriate to you, as they would to any of them.
This was the first time in your life since Jimin that you'd been treated like a real human being with respect and consideration, with no alpha, omega or beta stuffs behind it. You were simply Y/N. That was why you'd been able to open to them, to relax and feel at ease in their presence, but there was still a way to go, they were aware about that.
“It’s easy, we can just go and ask her." Yoongi stood up, ready to leave the apartment, "there's no point in speculating and making yourself feel bad," he continued, giving Jimin a gentle look, "I'm sure she'll be able to help us clear up this issue. She's the best person to tell us about it. "
Yoongi was the most impatient of all. But inside of him, he didn't want to admit that you had hidden something from them. Something that in one way didn't matter, but in another way did, more than they or even you realized. 
“Wait hyung!” Jimin grabbed his arms to stop him. “Maybe it’s… something deeper than just a little secret she hides from us… If we go and find her now, she might panic, and things could go badly.”
Yoongi rolled his eyes but didn’t argue with him. 
“I don't want to risk losing her... I couldn't bear that.”
Jimin ran a hand through his hair as he thought about how he'd felt when he'd seen you with San earlier in the day. Even though the interaction between you had been completely innocent, he had imagined you leaving him and his companions to go with him, Wooyoung, and their pack. This simple thought had given him a painful sensation in his lower abdomen that made him wince. 
He knew you weren't interested in San, or Wooyoung, or anyone else for either (or so he thought). But despite everything, he still had this fear deep inside of him, of losing the people he loved. 
"If you'd told her how you felt about her from the start you wouldn't be in this situation." 
Jimin turned his head towards Taehyung, surprised and shocked by his words.
"I'm totally right, Jin hyung! He already knows! We've already talked about it several times." 
Jimin felt six pairs of eyes on him and shrugged. Yes, it was true that Jimin had confided in Taehyung several times about you. About his feelings for you that he'd kept deep inside him since high school, about his desire for you that only grew stronger with each passing day. More than once, Taehyung had tried to get Jimin to tell you how he felt, but without succeeding in convincing him.
To be honest, it wasn't really a secret that Jimin loved you and that you loved Jimin in return.
At least, it was obvious to everyone except both of you. 
“Namjoon, Yoongi, and I were best friends too…” Jin giggled, “And here we are now.”
Namjoon chuckled and nodded. They had already talked about how they had become more than friends. A drunken evening together had been enough to loosen their tongues and open their hearts. 
“We need to find a good way to figure out all of this,” concluded Hoseok, “and we should tell her, too. Everything.”
They all glanced at Hoseok. Some of them were tense, especially Jin, Jimin, and Jungkook. But Taehyung, Yoongi, and Namjoon agreed with him. 
“I don't know how you've done it, and I don't know how you've kept going all this time, Jimin,” Yoongi let out, stretching.
“Yeah, she's.... fuck I can't even describe it,” Namjoon muttered as he remembered what had happened between you and Yoongi a few weeks ago. In fact, it was that episode that had a triggering effect on him, on how he really felt about you. He also remembered noticing your change at that time, and that he would eventually get the answers to his questions. 
Now he had them.
As for Yoongi, he didn't need all that to know that he felt an irrepressible attraction to you, the same as he felt for each of his companions. 
They were all attracted to you. It wasn't the first time they'd talked about it, discussed a potential way to confess everything to you.
But how could they tell their roommate and beta friend that her seven alphas’ friends, one of whom had been her best friend since high school, all felt an attraction to her?
And what if her feelings weren’t mutuals to all of them?
“Listen…” Jimin began after few seconds, coming to his senses and straightening up, "I'll talk to her, let me talk to her first... but I need time to think about how to broach the subject, and with evaluations coming up..."
"Certainly Jimin, naturally." Namjoon replied in a gentle voice, moving closer to him and placing a kiss on his forehead, "whatever happens, you won't lose her. No one will lose anyone, I promise."
“But what do we do until then?” Asked Jungkook with a small pout.
“Well, I guess we had to wait, act normally, as we always have. We've been able to hold back all those months. Ah yes… years for you, Jimin.” Jin teased with a playful wink, ignoring the death gaze his boyfriend gave him, “we can hold back a little longer," he then affirmed with a nod, even if he was as unconvinced as his partners.
Their attraction to you was growing by the day. And the little encounter with Namjoon and Yoongi clearly showed that they were finding it harder and harder to contain themselves.
None of them wanted to lose you. And they would never, ever do or say anything to hurt you. They were all convinced that if you really were an omega, you had a good reason for keeping it from them until now.  
You had no idea of the conversation going on upstairs, nor that Jungkook had heard a part of your call with Wooyoung and Yeosang. After hanging up with them, you left your room to go to the kitchen and get something to eat. Noticing that none of your Alpha friends were present in the apartment, you concluded that they had probably decided to spend the evening together. The idea pinched your heart somewhat. Of course, you couldn't blame them, they were together after all, you were just a friend to them (or so you thought). You didn't know why you felt this way. And you didn't like it. As if your life wasn't complicated enough as it was, with the sudden discovery that you were an omega that you didn't know how to handle or how to tell your best alpha friend without him thinking you'd been hiding it from him all these years. Losing him too... you didn't want to think about it. You didn't want to lose either of them.
One good news, however, was that there were currently no signs of potential heat. This gave you more time to think about how you would tell Jimin and the boys.
You didn't know when, or how they would show up, whether it would be like the first time, or not. But Wooyoung had reassured you that you'd feel the first symptoms coming on now that you were aware of your omega condition.  With a sigh, you headed into the kitchen to prepare yourself something to eat. Tomorrow would be a busy day, as you and Wooyoung had planned to train for longer than usual, as the fateful date of the demonstration and therefore of the evaluation was next week, and you needed to keep up your strength.
You didn't have the energy or the mood to cook yourself an elaborate meal. Simple instant noodles would do. You were just going to add some meat and eggs to the preparation, nothing more.
It wasn't long afterwards, when you were waiting for the water to boil, leaning against the kitchen counter with your cell phone in hand, that you heard the front door open.
"Oh, you're back already?" you asked, noticing Jimin, Hoseok and Jungkook. "I thought you'd had a lovers' date or something."
Your tone had been sharper and colder than you'd expected. You felt your heart and stomach twist slightly. Your three friends who'd just returned didn't seem to notice though, and so much for the better.
"Not at all, with the evaluations coming up, we don't really have time for this sort of thing anymore!" replied Hoseok with a laugh, approaching her with his hands in his pockets, "what are you making? Instant noodles, really?"
Hoseok's tone seemed accusatory.
"Noona! You're a dancer! You need to eat better than that!" Jungkook exclaimed.
You rolled your eyes, chuckling and shaking your head.
"No time or energy to make me a real thing. Would you like some too? Or have you guys already eaten? Don't say no and then steal my food as you always do!"
You heard Jimin's laughter, quickly followed by Jungkook and Hoseok.
Then, suddenly, reality hit you. It hit you as if a boxer had just punched you in the face.
Your head turned towards them, there they were, simply doing the simplest thing in the world. Talking, laughing, joking. And yet, it was as if it were the most beautiful thing, the most melodious sound you'd ever heard.
Your eyes widened, you stopped breathing for a few seconds, and you just stayed still, staring at them. Your heart was racing fast, too fast.
Thinking back, what you were feeling, at that very moment, why your heart was beating so fast when you were with one of them, when you were with Jimin, since high school. This desire to always be with one of them, this feeling of security, of well-being, of safety you felt in their presence. There were no doubts.
Wooyoung and Yeosang had explained it to you. At first, you hadn't really understood what he meant at the time (or you didn't want to understand it, you weren’t ready for that truth), but now everything seemed clear.
As if the fog in your heart and mind had finally cleared.
The attraction of an omega to an alpha, of an alpha to an omega, only worked if the feelings were there too.
It was simple, and logical. You felt a bit foolish.
You couldn't help but let out a nervous laugh, drawing the attention of the three boys.
"Noona? Is everything all right?" Jimin asked, clearly worried.
You looked up at him and noticed with surprise that the water had probably been boiling for many minutes.
Jimin was standing not far from you, his beautiful brown eyes staring back at you. This simple eye contact between you had been enough to make your heart rate quicken again.
"Uh I... yeah, yeah everything's fine...!"
You turned to pick up the packets of instant noodles, noticing without much surprise that Jungkook had added two more.
Your intonation wasn't as confident as you'd hoped. You saw Jimin's gaze become more serious. He took a step towards you, making you take a step back.
You could feel his singular, distinctive scent invading you, as it had since the first day, you'd met in the high school dance club.
How could you not have noticed it before? How could you not have realized?
You were in love with your best friend.
You were in love with your best friend, and his companions, your friends.
Well, technically you'd realized it a few hours earlier when you called Wooyoung and Yeosang. But now, now that you were face to face with the people involved... now that you were confronted with the undeniable truth... things were different, totally different.
Your gestures were suddenly clumsier. You couldn't hide the fact that you were troubled for some reasons unknown to him.
To your relief, Hoseok and Jungkook were in the living room, seemingly focused on some program playing on the TV. But Jimin was still there, scanning you completely.
He was the one who'd known you best, for the longest time. He knew something was wrong, without really knowing exactly what.
How to tell him that in the space of a few weeks, you'd learned you were an omega, but on top of that, you'd just realized how you felt about him and your friends?
It was a lot to take in, to accept for someone who hadn't learned to express her feelings and emotions.
You had to calm down, not panic, not worry Jimin.
As for the last point, it was already a bit of a failure.
"Noona, please, talk to me..." he murmured, his hands resting delicately on your shoulders.
You took a deep breath, trying to calm yourself, resting your hands on his. They were so soft, you couldn't help but squeeze them, wanting to hold them longer.
You never wanted to let them go.
"I'm fine, just a little... stressed and tired, it'll get better after the evaluations, I promise."
Jimin didn't seem convinced, and you could read it on his face. You smiled at him and took him into your arms for a long hug, holding him tightly against you.
He seemed surprised at first, but eventually returned your embrace, his arms wrapping around your waist and his head resting against your shoulder.
You made a decision. In truth, you'd made up your mind after your call with Wooyoung and Yeosang, but now you were sure and certain you wanted to do it.
After your evaluations, in less than two weeks, you'd confess everything to the boys.
... well, maybe not about your feelings for them. Not just yet, and maybe you never will. Never could your feelings be returned.
But you owed them the truth that you were an omega. You had an unspeakable fear of reliving the rejection you experienced with your family, but lying to your best friend, to your friends was worse than anything.
As you felt his warmth, his scent takes possession of your being, your body had relaxed.
"I'll always be with you Y/n, no matter what," Jimin murmured, his embrace around you tightening, and you couldn't contain the shiver as his breath brushed up against your skin, "you and me against the whole world, remember?"
He lifted his head, and you stared at him a few seconds before letting out a laugh. You hadn't heard those words since high school.
"Hey lovebirds, you're cute and all huh, but we're starving!”
"We're not lovebirds!" Jimin and you exclaimed at the same time, causing Jungkook and Hoseok, the one who spoke, to burst into hilarity.
You stepped back from Jimin and turned your back to him while he bickered with his two partners, mostly to hide your face and your blushes from them. You took the packets of noodles, the pre-cut meat, and the eggs. You put everything in the boiling water pan, taking long, slow breaths, trying to calm the pounding of your heart.
Damn it. Those guys will really be the death of you.
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hollyhomburg · 11 months
i had an idea of m/c x vminkook where they're roommates, and drunkenly one night- the m/c confesses she writes a/b/o fiction....unaware that she's been living with three werewolves and that werewolves are even real, and that vminkook are one dynamic a peice.
just imagine beta minnie putting her to bed in jungkook's nest while she's drunk, "i think if someone scent marked me i'd moan." "can you imagine a knot minnie? i can't think of regular sex scenes anymore" (jimin- blushing- supremely aware of what taehyung's knot feels like) "seems overrated to me" taehyung twitches. barely managing to keep a straight face.
"if i got called pup i'd cry- why is dating so hard minnie? why can't a sexy alpha meet me and fall in love with my scent- what about fated mates too!!!" jimin- completely aware that the very thing happened with pack alpha tae "i don't know honey we can call you pup if you want us to 😳" very very aware that pup is something that /only/ packmates call each other.
maybe it escalates, and omega jk helps her make her 'nests' to fulfil her touch starvedness, pulling her in for omega snuggles, giggling when he licks at her chin "you're getting really into this roleplay kookie! you're such a good friend" jungkook (slicking up in his shorts because she tastes really good) "no problem!"
maybe tae starts to get more comfortable scenting her, dragging her close oblivious to the way he's drenching her in his scent so that any wolves she might meet will know she belongs to a pack already.
maybe in this universe, werewolves can be turned- but they're a little bit different- a little bit more /volatile/ when they're turned and not born. what if something really really bad happens to the m/c- like she gets lost in the woods after her car crashes and nearly dies of hypothermia- only to be found by pack alpha hobi 🥺 who has his beta namjoon turn her (only beta's can turn others) because it's very very clear from the scents leaking off of her that someone loves this human very very much, and if it was one of their pack members so hurt- he wouldn't want them to die.
Queue a very difficult pack merger when vminkook hunt her scent through the woods and find her in namjinseokgi's extensively large mountainside cabin- healing from the bite and adjusting to the change. and they have to explain to her- yes we kept it from you- no you can't be in our pack anymore because officially- you belong to hobi now...
only- why is tae's alpha rolling over on his belly when alpha jin noses at his neck? why are yoongi and jungkook building nests together? whats more is that in the first few years of being a turned wolf- she's got to get used to all the new scents and sensations 🥺 and she pretty much has to be wrapped around hobi at all times for things not to feel so scary- new instincts that feel so intense.
what with her presentation as an omega too- it makes it that much more important that she stay safe at the cabin and not return to her life in the big city, and vminkook aren't gonna give up yet 🥺 she's their pup.
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daichiduskdrop · 8 months
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚⋆·˚ ༘ *𝙎𝙣𝙤𝙬 𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙡 ⋆·˚ ༘ *ੈ✩‧₊˚
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Chapter 31
Pairing: BTS Ot7 X fem! reader
Genre: A/B/O AU, Fluff, Angst, Strangers to lovers,
Warnings: none :))
Words: 3594
Taglist: @thelilbutifulthings @ilovemoneymorethenmen @singukieee @cherrysainttt @felicityroth @mageprincess7 @lucis-noctiana @danielle143 @osakis-gf @girl-nahh @vintageoldfashion @neverthefirstchoice @juju-227592 @silentreadersthings @i-have-no-life-charlie @everyonehatesshani @iamkookiesforyou @dragons-flare @fangirl125reader @roseidol @frieschan @popcatx0 @liz67900 @exfolitae
⋆·˚ ༘ *ੈ✩‧₊˚˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚˚ ✩‧₊˚⋆·˚ ༘ *
The pack members wished they could say the night was peaceful, but unfortunately that wasn't the case.
Everything was okay in the beginning; the alphas only occasionally moved into more comfortable positions, but with the pack warmth and you close by, they slept mostly peacefully.
You were closely held by Jimin, his soft hands keeping you close to his chest as he slept, unconsciously having his cheek caress the crook of your neck, scenting you.
Jungkook too kept you close, soft rumbles leaving his chest, as if his unconsciousness were telling him to lullaby you to a better rest.
Even though the living room wasn't as well heated as any of the other rooms, the place was quite large and open, so even when the heaters were turned on full blast by the alphas for you in an attempt to keep you warmer, it wasn't as good as they wanted.
But even then, you were warm and toasty, with all of the naturally warmer bodies keeping you safely tucked away and comfortable.
It was just after two a.m. when your eyes fluttered open, and your body was still a bit tired. A small yawn left you, your mind still hazy and sleepy.
Then you heard it. The creaking that sent you to a much more awake state, with your eyes snapping open wider.
It was quite distant, coming from much further into the house. Were you imagining things? The sound came from behind Jin, or did it?
You went to sit up, but with how closely all of the alphas held you, you couldn't really move either. And so, as a most natural reaction to your distress, a soft whine left you in hopes of getting some help.
Even when the packmembers slept visibly peacefully, though considering some of the fully cramped-up positions, it was weird, it didn't mean they were truly unaware.
It was a normal thing for many alphas to be actually, deeply asleep during only minimal times. While it was very common for omegas to sleep over 10 hours a day, healthy alphas would get around with much less time and could fully function with only about 4 or 3.
And even if they went to sleep early, most usually for their omega's sake, the lower-ranking packmate would probably be too in distress to truly sleep on their own; they would stay in a more lucid state.
And so, when the softest whine left you, the pack members were awake right away.
The first to shoot up was Namjoon, the packalpha turning to look over you, on high alert as if he was expecting you to be under attack.
Jungkook woke up only a second later, and Yoongi and Jin also rose up to look over what was causing you distress.
„Babybun? What's wrong? Alpha is right here,” the youngest whispered first, pulling you closer to his chest, having Jimin grumble softly.
„Pup? Pup, what is it? What's wrong?” Namjoon asked next, crawling over as carefully as possible.
When he felt a bump under his knee and Taehyung shot up, a light rumble leaving the young alpha's chest, he realised he wasn't so lucky as he stepped on the alpha.
„What the fuck hyung—seriously!" The younger alpha said, his angry voice only unsettling you more. While Tae still pretty much whispered, you were too far in your mind with the spook you got earlier and heard well enough.
„Sorry Tae-ah. Come to alpha, little baby." The packalpha didn't mind the younger for too long, choosing to pay attention to you. The way you closely gripped both of the lambs made him a little nervous.
Namjoon took you into his arms, quietly grabbing you from both Jimin's and Jungkook's arms. The older man now awake when he felt you being taken from him, having his eyes shot open.
„Yah, yah! That's my-” The young alpha's naturally well-hidden satoori accent showing, his voice much gruffer and harsh from the sudden awakening.
„It's just me, Jiminnie." Namjoon sighed softly, gently coaxing you closer as your arms wrapped around the packalpha's neck, your hands taking his t-shirt into your little fists.
„Come here, pup, tell alpha what's wrong, hm?” He asked, sitting back down in the middle of the rustled up duvet, all of the packmembers eventually sitting up, some of them still tired and yawny.
You didn't really answer; only a soft whine left you again, suddenly worried. Has someone broken in? That was a terrifying thought.
„Kitty? Come on, tell alphas what's wrong so they can fix it. You still need to sleep, little kitten." Yoongi murmured, leaning closer to gently cup your cheeks, kissing your forehead sweetly.
The alpha wanted you to sleep enough for tomorrow so you wouldn't have to nap in Hybe again, if you would go with them.
He could only imagine how unsettling and uncomfortable it would be for you to see the unknown place and then have to sleep there too.
Yoongi wanted to sleep some more himself too, though you were more important. He wouldn't like being woken up so suddenly during the night by anyone else but you, that was for sure. You were an exception; he would sacrifice all the sleep for you.
After a few soft coaxings from the packmembers, you mumbled about the eery noise you heard a few minutes ago, soon tucking your face deep into Namjoon's neck, where his scent gland was.
The packalpha sighed softly, leaning down to peck the top of your head a few times, his hands gently caressing your sides and back as he held you close.
The alphas would wake up if someone actually broke in; it didn't matter if your sweet scent was close to them, lightly clouding over their perception; they would always notice a new scent in the house.
„Silly cub, there is no one here peaches. Alphas would know, sweet baby." The eldest sighed, his softer side coming out as he came closer to his packalpha, leaning closer to kiss your temple himself.
„Bu-But the n-noise, oppa...” You mumbled, resting your head sideways on Namjoon's collarbone, looking at Jin with teary eyes.
At the soft look you gave him, the eldest couldn't help but coo at you, pecking your forehead repeatedly, his fingers combing through your hair.
„It was probably just the house sunshine. It's all okay." Hoseok smiled at you gently, his ruffled-up hair wild, just like everyone elses.
„B-But-” You went to tell them that someone was for sure inside, before you were gently cut off, your worries tucked away.
„Little kitty, you know alphas will always protect you, right?” You nodded a little, your fingers tightening the grip on Namjoon's t-shirt. Yoongi sighed softly, smiling at you.
„Why would alphas lie about anyone being here then? We would never put our little 'mega in danger, my sweet baby kitty." He said gently, your cheeks once again held in his palms.
You didn't really respond, tucking yourself back as close as possible to the packalpha's warmth, the man returning the gesture.
„How about alphas go check babycheeks? Would that make you feel better?” Taehyung asked softly, his gaze gentle as he noticed how unnaturally unsettled your scent still was.
They would do anything you might need and wish for if it meant that you would feel more comfortable and settled, ready to go back to rest.
Seeing the tiny nod, you heard them start to shuffle up, Namjoon gently pecking your temple again before he went to place you into Jin's awaiting embrace.
A distressed whine left you once again, not realising that you were about to be pampered, thinking the packalpha was only about to put you back down to be on your own.
„It's okay, pup, it's okay. Stay with Jin Hyung for a little bit, okay? Alpha will go look himself to make sure his little 'mega is safe and secure.”
Namjoon was quick to calm you down, gently caressing your sides before Jin finally took you into his arms, the alpha's cheek and chin rubbing over the top of your head.
A warm, orange light went over the room, Jimin standing next to the lamp as he ran his fingers through his hair, more lights turning on as a few of the alphas got up from the makeshift den to look around the house.
You were left with the eldest and the other alpha that came back soon after, both of them gently holding you close as they scented you carefully.
„There, there, baby princess. 's all good now. Alpha's are here." Jimin whispered softly, holding your hand and occasionally squeezing it in response to your grip.
„Do you want to drink something cub? ...Here baby, drink up." Jin gently said, reaching over to the water they prepared earlier that evening.
The eldest didn't let go of the water bottle, opening it and carefully tipping it to your lips, letting his natural instincts take over.
It took only a small while for the packmembers to go through the whole house, checking every room not only for an unknown scent but for anyone too.
Jungkook even went to check the outside pool. The night was cold, but he made quick work, shuffling over the snowy backyard in his slippers.
When he didn't see, hear, or sense anyone, the youngest made a quick round around the entire outside property, looking into the garage last, though apart from their nicely parked cars, there wasn't anything to look at.
With wide yawns and nothing to worry about, the alphas soon came back to the living room, seeing you get coddled and held closely by both Jin and Jimin, setting a smile on each of their faces.
„It's all okay, kitten. Come on, let's get you to bed now." Yoongi whispered, taking you into his own arms, before he went back over to the warm duvet and covers you slept under earlier.
He would definitely get too warm during the night, but he couldn't care less, spooning you gently as he scented you quickly himself.
It didn't matter that there was actually no one in their home; you were still quite distressed and scared, so keeping you safely tucked in his arms felt like the best medicine.
The other pack members followed soon after, your other side taken by Hobi, having the youngest three grumble and complain about wanting to rest with you tonight.
When you went to move to go to them, both Hoseok and Yoongi pulled you right back, letting you know that they were in fact making it up and that they would get to sleep with you sooner or later.
„You didn't have to worry about a thing now,” Hoseok said softly, „alphas are here now to take care of everything sweet sunny-bub. You don't have to worry about a thing, alphas will take care of their little 'mega...”
The other alphas didn't take much longer before they laid back into the now a bit rustled nest, all of them a little tired and sleepy.
With you falling asleep first, Namjoon was the last to stay awake, the packalpha seemingly peacefully resting, though he was basically awake for the next hour or two, carefully listening in for any sounds or noises.
When he didn't hear anything for a while, he went to sleep himself, making sure to keep his entire pack and mostly you safe.
Jin was the first to wake up the upcoming morning. A distant ringing sound from one of their phones woke him from his slumber.
The eldest sat up, blinking his sleep away as he stumbled up, climbing off of the couch, and going to the kitchen, where one of his younger packmates phones rang it's usual morning alarm.
It was only 6:00, but still Jin decided that he shouldn't go back to sleep or he would seriously not get up on time. He was too tempted to stay and cuddle and scent you all day long.
It sounded like a dream, having you in his arms to look over and keep close, maybe watch a movie too. He would then spoil you with some delicious lunch and snacks, and maybe, if you wanted to, he would go out with you too.
The alpha would then take you around some of his favourite stores, maybe go to a restaurant he bought a few years ago, or go to a candy shop to buy you sweets and snacks to munch on.
There was an American candy store in the middle of the city, the eldest thought, and while it was for sure crazy, overpriced, and definitely far from healthy, he should definitely take you sometimes.
He heard people saying online, that America has a lot of different candies compared them, and a lot of them are even available for omegas.
While Korea, of course, had a lot of snacks available on full shelves in pretty much all convenience stores, not all of them were available for the softest ones.
Jin never paid these things too much attention, usually passing over the different sections labelled as 'Alphas and Betas only', not really thinking about the things.
As an alpha, a lot of things were fully available and safe for him, and while it was a great privilege he was well aware of, he only now realised the severity of it.
Gosh, you couldn't even drink dumb juice! And what stuck to him more was how the overall market made money on these instances.
The eldest was used to buying mostly healthy things since they had to stick closely to their diets over the years, but from time to time they would buy a bag of chips or two.
There were times when their diets were more strict, and they were held to high standards, but now that they are more known internationally, the sometimes unreasonable beauty standards don't have to be followed so much anymore.
The fans they gained over the years were sweet and loved them even if they ate kale or not, and whenever someone would harshly point out unreasonably said "weight gain", the packmembers had over time realised, that such people just didn't matter to them, and weren't they true fans.
Now that they had you to fully take care of, protect, feed, and warm up, they also had to watch over all of the products available in the house.
You could get hungry any time of the day, go and get some food from the fridge, and not check if it was okay for your tummy—and suddenly, you would become sick.
The eldest realised this well and started taking more precautions, telling his younger packmembers that they should eat the things that wouldn't be safe for you soon, preferably when you wouldn't really see them.
Truth be told, he was pretty sure not even himself would be able to hold back and tell you no, especially if you would ask so sweetly and cutely for a bite or two of whatever he was having.
And when he and Hoseok went to get the groceries, Jin made sure to very carefully read and check every label twice, having to make sure it was all okay for omegas.
He even had to ask an employee when he wasn't sure about the almond milk he wanted to get; the label was unclear as it stated:
For those in need of a refreshing alternative to traditional cow's milk, this creamy and delicious almond milk is just the thing.
Crafted from natural and organic almonds, this milk is a great source of vitamin E, zinc, and calcium.
With 7g of protein and only 3g of sugar per serving, it's the perfect choice for those seeking an energy boost without the added calories. Whether you're a coffee aficionado or simply need a glass of almond milk to start your day, this high-quality milk is the perfect choice.
Note: This milk contains almonds, which may be unsafe for some individuals. Please consult with a healthcare professional or your omega's dietitian before consuming.
In the end, Jin chose a more high-end brand; the carton cost almost three times the price he would normally pay. This one was truly omega-safe, though, as the almonds were treated during production, making it much safer.
It wasn't just the almond milk that was more unusually pricey, though they were lucky enough to not have to worry about the expenses.
Some things, like the vegetables and fruits, were basically the same; he and Hobi only made sure to pay extra attention to choosing the pretty ripe ones.
But things like yoghurt, eggs, meat, and cheese, among other things, had to be very carefully checked over by the two.
Plus, while for the alphas and betas there were quite many options to choose from, he also noticed that for omegas there were oftentimes only one or two.
What if you didn't like the bacon they bought for you? It might even be seasoned, though he never really saw that happen, or what if you preferred the flavoured yoghurts over the usual ones?
They could be a little sour on the tongue, and Jin was sure you would much rather have a sweet one; your sweet tooth was obvious. They could always make it better with honey...
The eldest sighed softly, starting to prepare the breakfast as quietly as possible. The alpha wanted to check and see if you would like some of the brands they chose since they never really tried them, seemingly as an unreasonable expense in most cases.
He decided to make a variety of smaller dishes so everyone would get to choose whichever they would like the best, but still, it wouldn't be too much for there to be too many leftovers.
Jin started with preparing the waffle batter; since it would need to proof for some time, he made quick work, setting the mixture into a warmed-up oven to rise.
The eldest then continued on other things, washing the rice well before he placed it in the rice cooker, boiling eggs, and frying pork belly and bacon.
While he was in the middle of the breakfast preparations, more and more of the packmates started to rise up, ending with only you, Jimin, and Yoongi in the nest still, both of the alphas holding you close.
The younger woke up with the others, but as soon as Hobi got up to help himself, he quickly crawled back under the very warm covers, taking his spot.
Jimin just couldn't help it; it was so comfortable to be in bed with you; your state of sweet slumber was cute and warm, and he wanted to savour it for a while longer.
It was a while after 6:30 when Taehyung came over to gently have them get up; some of the foods were already prepared, as the younger alphas helped.
Tae knew that waking up the oldest wouldn't be a wise idea, and so instead he chose to shake Jimin's shoulder quietly, mumbling about how he should wake up.
When he got only a mumbled out: „Get lost...“ In a heavy satoori accent, he clicked his teeth, realising well that the alpha just didn't want to get up due to the pure comfort.
„Hyung! Aish... Babycheeks, baby, come to alpha now; it's time to eat." He whispered gently, carefully pulling the comforter from being tightly tucked around your neck and chin, his fingers running through your hair.
Your eyes fluttered open, the difference in temperature was very noticeable. You were met with a brightly smiling Taehyung, the man leaning over to gently peck your temple.
„Hm? Is my 'mega still sleepy? Come on up now, babycheeks; you can go back to sleep after you eat a little baby." He said softly, caressing your hair.
It was very comfortable where you layed at the moment, both of the packmembers keeping you very warm and secure, their hands gently reminding you of their presence.
To be truthful, you didn't really want to get up, you realised, and so you just tucked your face right under Jimin's chin, the still-not-truly awakened alpha pulling you closer.
Taehyung went to sigh and speak again when Yoongi shuffled up slowly. The older man looked over how you were gently tucked away in Jimin's chest, pursing his lips.
„It's fine, Tae-ah. They can sleep some more and eat later." He whispered, his voice heavy and gruff from sleep. The alpha leaned over, pecking your head before he sat up fully, tucking the duvet to you and climbing out himself.
Taehyung soon followed, letting his lips gently cast against your cheek before he went to the kitchen himself.
Namjoon looked up from where he sat, a coffee mug before him. The man had already changed and was almost ready to leave after his breakfast.
„They are still sleeping? He asked gently, his eyes soft at the thought of you being too tired to get up yet. The packalpha wasn't too sleepy, used to not sleeping for too long.
Taehyung hummed quietly, taking a seat at his usual spot himself and having Namjoon stand up from his chair and start preparing him a dish of whatever he would point to and tell him he would like to have.
„That's okay, Jimin-ah is staying home today anyways... He can stay with little pup and have a lazy day; it's alright. It won't do neither of them any harm, especially after the rough night.”
„Yeah, bunbun was pretty freaked out earlier... But I really didn't see or smell anyone, so I think it was really just the house or something."
Jungkook said, coming over with a black towel around his neck and taking a large gulp of water before he sat down himself.
He was just after his short morning workout; the youngest preferred to hit the gym later in the day.
Namjoon hummed in answer, agreeing, as he served the youngest a plate too. Jungkook thanked him quietly, quickly going to bite into his meal.
„I think so too... I'll have to talk with Y/N later about the programs, she has to choose soon... I already called a few of the teachers, and they will let her enter, hopefully it will all go well...”
The packalpha followed, sighing. He had his MacBook in front of him, an opened word document with a selection of links for the online schooling programs you could choose from.
Hopefully, everything would go okay.
After all, they would stay and stick by you in any case and so, everything would truly be okay in the end.
⋆·˚ ༘ *ੈ✩‧₊˚˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚˚ ✩‧₊˚⋆·˚ ༘ *
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kooktrash · 1 year
yes bestie of course 🫣🫣🫣ik we were talking about this so I couldn’t resist. hope you like <3
tw: none, minor violence moment but nobody seriously hurt. 1.3k words
my omega | kim taehyung
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He’s protective, it’s quite literally in his nature. He’s the Alpha, he has to be even when he tries very hard to not be so strict on his pact but the problem comes with omegas like you.
You’re quiet for the most part the shy type, but even you like to go out and have fun sometimes. You’re not the only omega in the pack but you’re definitely the one he pays attention to the most. He just can’t help it, you’re so smol and you’ve got an attitude problem sometimes so he feels the need to watch over you more.
You don’t have a mate and for some reason that makes him even more aware of your existence in the pack. For a while now Taehyung hasn’t thought he met someone who made his mating extincts kick in but you definitely have made him realize he’s ready. The only reason he hasn’t made a move yet is simply because you’re still new to all of this. Trust though, he’s definitely been shooing away every other alpha that comes across you. His pack already knows not to even try anything with you even though he knows some of them really want to. He won’t let them and they have no choice but to obey.
He’s a very intense man, he won’t be able to hold himself back if he sees someone try to get at you, like right now.
“Oh shit,” Jungkook muttered as he tried making a run for it but it was too late. Taehyung had him by the collar of his shirt pulling him back, “Where’s Y/n?”
Taehyung gets it, okay? You’re young, you want to go out and have a good time and who better than with Jungkook? He had absolutely no problem with you going anywhere with someone from the pack. He does have an issue with you being left alone while Jungkook gets drunk and makes out with someone as you’re surrounded by alphas who he wasn’t familiar with. He only just now found out where the two of you went because of Namjoon and he’s not happy at all.
“Um, oh, uh,” Jungkook looked around nervously, he left you by the drinks but you’re not there anymore. Oh God.
“Oh! Right there…” he pointed across nervously and Taehyung turned quickly. Just as he imagined too, surrounded by men who made you seem so small and shy. Taehyung glared at Jungkook, “You and I? We’re gonna have a talk.”
“Come on Tae, Y/n knows what’s good for her. She’s no—“ he stopped as Taehyung’s eyes darkened, “Yup, we’ll talk, a nice chat. Yes. I’m not worried at all.”
It took you a second to notice him at first. Your senses were just so overwhelmed and you were tipsy so you weren’t paying close attention to them. When you did notice? Boy were you scared, even though he’s never done anything to make you worried you can’t help it.
“Taehyung!” You squealed as you peeled away from the wall and tried to walk over to him.
“Oh Y/n, where you going?”
“Yeah Y/n, stay and talk to us.”
“You just look so cute tonight Y/n, won’t you stay?”
Taehyung couldn’t hold in the deep growl that rumbled from his chest to his throat, trapping inside from the way he pressed his lips so tightly together. You came to his side and he did something he normally wouldn’t do and wrapped an arm possessively around your waist. He immediately dug his face into your hair catching you by surprise as he took in the scent of other alphas.
He pulled away just to glare at the three men that had been surrounding you. His pupils dilated and his hands began to tremble holding back his anger to not scare you.
One of them had the nerve to smile, “Y/n, weren’t we having so much fun?”
“Um…” you looked at Taehyung feeling the heat radiate off his chest, “I think I should go.”
“Y/n com—“
“Don’t say her name,” Taehyung said bitterly as he took a step closer, “We’re leaving.”
“You can go, Y/n stays,” the alpha said. They weren’t backing down but they clearly didn’t know what kind of man Taehyung was, or the fact that he was clearly holding himself back.
Jungkook sensed it, quite literally sensed his Alpha and visualized all the things Taehyung was holding himself back from doing. This could all be avoided if Taehyung just went ahead and mated with you but no, he wants to leave the choice up to you and you’re too intimidated by him to say anything.
“Careful with your words, she belongs to me—my pack,” Taehyung said through gritted teeth as he stared at the rogues. You tried ignoring the shiver that his words sent down your body because you were so nervous.
“Alpha, please,” you begged as one of them came toward Taehyung and he didn’t waste a second to grab him by his shirt. “Stay back.”
“Y/n knows we don’t bite, not yet anywa—“ his words sounded choked out as Taehyung roughly pushed him into the wall behind him not caring at all about the heads turning in their direction. Music blared through his ears but he couldn’t hear it as anger filled the void.
They’re rogues, Tae, they’re out of control, Jungkook thought.
Taehyung wasn’t listening, “I thought I told you not to say her name again.”
The guy gave Taehyung another mischievous smirk, “Y/—“ his head hit the wall with a hard thud as Taehyung jerked him once more making him hiss in pain. It was very clear Taehyung was the strongest alpha here and it raised concerns with the other party goers but he couldn’t care less. Nobody would stand in the way if he chose to rip this man limb from limb with his teeth. Taehyung’s canine’s barred at the thought, very content now with the possibility that he might just do that.
“She’s not even your mate, she can choose a different Alpha if she wanted to.”
“I don’t,” you said shyly, “I don’t want to, please stop.”
You felt awful and scared and like you were just in so much trouble.
Taehyung’s grip seemed to soften just a small fraction at your soft voice and he could practically feel you tremble in fear because of him. Despite his intense desire to bring this man down on his knees begging for mercy he cared more about scaring his omega—the pack’s omega.
He released the guy with one final push as he turned quickly to Jungkook, “You too, get out of my face.”
Jungkook made a low whimpering sound like a puppy that had just been kicked and ran off. Before you could go too, Taehyung took you by the hand pulling you with him to the door.
“Alpha,” you said it so softly get his heart raced nevertheless, “I’m so sorry, please forgive me. I swear I’ll—I’ll never go out without your permission. Please, please forgive me.”
You were crying and his heart broke at the sight. Outside the night air was cold yet he felt so warm as he brought you into his embrace. He was hesitant in the way he began to scent you, washing away the smell of another and your body reacted on impulse, immediately growing weak in his arms. He held you tightly to keep you steady as he nuzzled your neck with his nose, “Taehyung, honey, call me Taehyung.”
“I’m so sorry Tae,” you cried into his shoulder and without thinking, his hands found your waist and lifted you up making you cling to his side. He was just so strong and comforting that he made you feel safe. How could those rogues think you would ever choose them over him?
He brushed your hair back, “Well talk when we get home sweetie.”
He had a lot he needs to say to you and it has nothing to do with what just happened.
It’s about the way you woke up his wolf every time you were around.
personal taglist: @notmyfaultbutours @rerefundslocals @fandems @sugaluvmyg @guvgguk @kimyishin @libra04 @kooromiwrld @classycreationcupcake-blog @alwaysdreamingnotsleeping @cherrymonlightt @nikkiordonez12 @asking4-sanity @thvlover7 @saweetspoiled @uwu2rawr @shaybts-blog @babycandy111 @tearyjjeon @joons-uparupa @jeonninja @yellowcupid08 @02010802faves @knudsenheggedel @skzthinker @unnatae @aurorthi @beautywine @95ene @taekookstata @lilliankoo @shescharlie @annenakamura @lesoleile
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sopebubbles · 1 year
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Chapter 4 sneak peek
Oh, the hurt. But also the comfort ❤️‍🩹
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You continued tracing a path at the edge of the grass. Jimin wondered if you were aware you were marking their property or if it was subconscious. Maybe you were claiming the space as your own. Maybe you were trying to draw in other alphas with your scent. Maybe you just had no idea what you were doing.
"Is that what you do then? You help people get jobs?" You asked as you turned around and went back the other way.
"I'm a social worker. I help people get the things they need. Whether that's a job or school or a pack." Jimin saw your back stiffen at the word, a minor hiccup in your pacing before you resumed. "Would that be something I could help you with?"
You turned the corner to walk across the back perimeter again, hiding your face in shadow. "I don't need a pack," you said quietly but firmly.
"Living on your own in the city can be really hard. Making ends meet, taking care of yourself. There are all kinds of packs. Not all are held together for mating. Sometimes a pack can just be friends who care about you. When Taehyung came to us, he wasn't looking for partners, but family."
You sighed heavily at his words. "Your pack seems nice enough, but not all packs are like that. Everyone acts like packs are something you have to have, but not all packs mean safety. Shitty people don't stop being shitty just because they're pack."
Jimin's breath caught in his chest. Of course, he knew most packs weren't as good as his. And he knew that there were plenty of bad people out there, even Lykos. But he didn't like to imagine what could have happened to you to bring out such bitterness in your voice.
"But I'm sure someone like you wouldn't understand that," he heard you mutter under your breath.
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May 10th 6am CDT/8pm KST
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ratherbefangirling · 2 years
Belong (2)
Part 1 / 2 / 3
Pairing: ot7 x reader
Genre: omegaverse au, hurt/comfort, Angst, romance
Synopsis: You seem to be falling in love with the pack and Jungkook isn't very happy but what will happen when. He realises you are his mate?
Warnings: Mentions of eating disorders, self harming behavior, themes of depression and anxiety, anger issues(someone gets hurt)
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Jungkook locks himself in his room angry at his pack. Only coming out to sneak in food.
The pack feels guilty and decide to plan a surprise vacation. While they didn't regret having you around they still cannot neglect there baby alpha.
All preparations are made.
Taehyung is kind of sad to be the one to tell you (Just because he lost in stone paper scissors.) You are saddened and he just wants to hug you till you feel better.
But you put on a brave smile and tell him he must give you a party later. He readily agrees and peace is made.
Noticeably you visit less. The pack is kind of disappointed.
Even though it is outside the house you do spend time with them, you and Joon enjoy hanging out in the park. You refuse to share earphones asking him to just put the song in speakers and Namjoon is kind of disappointed and he wants to protest hating the boundaries you have put but unable to say anything against them.
You, Hobi and Jimin go shopping together. It's fun you try on things. You suggest each other ridiculous clothes. You even beat them at the dance step machine in the arcade. Causing you all to laugh so hard that your stomachs hurt.
When Hobi asks you opinion for earrings.
"Are you planning on getting your ears pierced?" You question.
"No I thinks it suits you." Hecsays brightly.
"It's pretty but I didn't bring the money."
"Let me get then for you." He offers
"No. ... you don't have to why don't you get something for Tae his birthday is coming." You say.
Jimin silently notes your behaviour but passes it of as a sign of comfort but when Hobi comes close to kiss your forehead as they drop you of and you step back; He can't help but think Jungkook's word have deeply hurt you more than they could imagine.
Taehyung and you eat out. Going to different aesthetic cafe's. Yoongi accompanies too Because its been a whole week since you stepped inside the house. He's been counting and when he suggests to watch a movie together at the house which even surprises Taehyung because usually Yoongi's social battery would have run out. You just say next time.
When Jin complains of missing you. You with your brave face on, come visit him once or twice careful to not run into Jungkook.
It takes you 30 minutes to knock, Namjoon notices who himself had been out to bike and had seen you when he was leaving for a ride. He decides to wait until you went inside not wanting to embarass you.
Yoongi hung around Jin when you came.
Close to Taehyung's birthday Jungkook's rut hits.
He wakes up very groggy, very out of consciousness. Until he goes to the couch in the loving room and you had forgotten a scarf and it has your scent Jungkook just nuzzles into it. Happy to have the scent. His wolf satisfied for now.
Hoseok wakes up early and goes to get his clothes he had put out to dry last night when he stumbles upon Jungkook.
He swears to himself. They had checked earlier but no one had planned for an unexpected rut. He woke up Jin and Namjoon to help him usher Jungkook to the nesting room and prepare for his rut.
"Hyungie." He murmurs only half awake.
"It's ok baby." Namjoon replies.
"Mate..? Where mate go?"
Jin stops registering Jungkook's words.
Jungkook found a mate. Was this why he was so moody.
"Call Jimin." Jin instructs.
When Jimin is woken up by Hobi he is very confused but as soon as he hears 'Jungkook' and 'Rut' he quickly rushes to the nesting room.
Quickly he takes Jungkook in his arms from Namjoon.
"A'pha ..'mega" He slurs the rut often exhausts people as their animalistic side takes over. As one gets older the intensity decrease until ruts completely disappear.
Jimin hoped this wouldn't continue long. Ruts and heat occurred only once in 5-6 months lasting for 5-8 days.
The desire to mate or just stay surrounded with the pack was highly increased often pack mates took leaves to cater to the persons requirements even if all they ended up doing was cuddling and scenting. A couple's first heat or rut were very important for establishing a bond.
For packs the presence of atleast one of head alpha or omega was needed. In family packs parents soothed the children with their scents. Children could also soothe the parent or pack.
It's Taehyung who notices Jungkook burying himself in your scarf. The one you had forgotten as you has rushed out when your phone rang.
You had put an alarm with a call tune so you could pretend to be busy. They bad pretended not to see.
"That scarf." Taehyung points out.
The pack is worried and exchange glances. Jungkook is still too out of it to respond.
Finally it is decided that Jin will break the news to you.
You are very happy to see Jin at the door but one look at his worried face and you want to fix all his problems.
"Jungkook's gotten into his rut that's why he was being a bit irritable." He explains. While that didn't lessen the pain, you could understand his perspective.
"But that's not why I am here. Please don't get angry." He says.
Anxiety settles in your stomach.
"What is it you are scaring me Jinnie."
"Jungkook ... well we suspect that you might be his mate."
You say nothing just state at him processing the words.
Namjoon appears behind Jin.
"Y/nie I'm so sorry but please do us a favor. Do you have something with your scent so we can confirm it."
You are distracted as you offer him one of your old well loved shawls.
Your brain races at the the possibility of being his mate. On one hand it would likely result you to be in their pact and the only member who had reservations is now going to be ready to fulfil your any whim but if its not true you will watch them fall for someone who is not you.
Your scent sours. You lock yourself in your room.
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The pack has mixed reactions when they learn of the news. Jin and Namjoon are grateful it's not a stranger. Jimin is worried about Jungkook and even slightly jealous. Yoongi and Hobi are both excited by the prospect. Taehyung is neutral while he did adore you. There is so much more that goes into being a pack then a friendly neighbour.
Jungkook is still happily doped on your scent. Other than that his rut brain is happy with every one nearby.
The next morning Hobi goes to check on you with freshly baked goodies in his hand.
He knocks on your door excited to meet you and tell you how you are Jungkook's mate. He wants to officially start courting but that will have to wait and its something Namjoon would propose as the pack alpha.
Still he already wishlists things he's going to give you. He would have to take you shopping if only to note your reaction on things you like or dislike. Also he can't wait to get you clothes because girl clothes are so much more colorful. He wonders if you would agree to be part of his side youtube channel. His main channel was about dances and choreography and he had been thinking about branching. Jimin and Jungkook often starred in his videos. Infact Jungkook was his editor and would be full time after completing his last year at university.
They were an interesting bunch. Taehyung and Jimin had met at a modeling gig and then expanded into art curating. Where they had met Namjoon who just loved coming to museums. Hobi and Yoongi were University friends and despite career (Yoongi an architect) and personality differences they got along well to busy to date each other they bonded on their love for Rap which was how they met Runch Randa, rapper at night and clumsy (he spilled his drink on himself and managed to set the bar on fire) confident and cute Namjoon. Namjoon met Jin due to a company project. Jin a heir to the conglomerate and a person out of a drama and they bonded and fell in love. Thus their pack formed.
A little while in which their relationships with each other were growing Jimin fell into a slump trying to take care of the pack as a pack omega, when the pack didn't rely on him as he had expected them to his insecurity grew. He felt he wasn't tall or pretty or useful. He felt like he didn't belong so he started stress eating. Until he gained weight and felt even worse. His mood worsened he snapped back at everyone and grew sarcastic and angry. The pack tried to be understanding but it only further irritated him.
The cycle continued until one day he lashed out at Taehyung hurting him, Taehyung ended up in the ER with a microfracture in his forearm, Jimin still remembers it vividly, Yoongi had come up to scold him but seeing Jimin's face he had understood he didn't need to say anything. He had further paled when he saw Namjoon's disappointed face.
Taehyung had forgiven him but Jimin couldn't. Yoongi suggested he go let the steam out somehow and that's how Jimin ended up meeting Jungkook. Jungkook hadn't presented then only presenting after he started hanging out with the pack and then became a part of it.
Hobi tries putting forward his brightest smile ready to greet you. Except it's not you who opens the door just someone who looks like you.
"Yes?" The lady asks.
"Oh you must be y/n's mom. I'm Hoseok your neighbour. I bought breakfast "
"She's still sleeping. I will let her know you came." She says.
Hoseok is disappointed. He changes out of the nice clothes he wore for you into pyjamas. The others are in the pack room, today was supposed to be the first day of vacation so they all had off until then, maybe not him he still had to shoot some content and he was sure Namjoon and Yoongi would cram in the home office once Jungkook let them go or fell asleep. Hobi goes joining the puddle. Hands pull him closer. Their combined scents makes him sleepy so he let's their warmth lull him to sleep.
They'd face any strom, Hoseok thought. As long as they were together.
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This has more ot7 background so I do like it. I was going to do a scene with pack and mc with kook in rut but I realised mc has been unsupervised for far too long and the pack should process the new change before rushing into whatever is going to be.
This ended up unintentionally heavy I swear I was just going to indulge in a possessive kook but I kinda have feelings for hobi in this one. Alpha hobi guys anyway hope you enjoyed
Feedback appreciated. Have a nice day
Taglist : @jaiuneamesolitaiire
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chimcess · 2 years
Birdie Shoppe || pjm (I)
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Pairing: Jimin x Reader Other tags: Werewolf!Jimin, Witch!Reader, Shifter!Reader, Shifter!Jimin, A/B/O Dynamics, Alpha!Jimin Genre: Supernatural!AU, Werewolf!AU, Angst, Mutual Pining, Fluff, Smut, Word Count: 11k+ Synopsis: Within the four realms of Lustra lay the Bangtan forest home to the Foxglove pack of the north and known as the “land of magic.” It is also home to the Birdie, a powerful witch from a cursed bloodline who is one of the sacred guardians of the forest. Y/N is the 123rd Birdie, a young girl who was given her position too early and asked by the goddess herself to fulfil a task none had ever done before, become the Grand Witch of the Foxglove pack. Now a woman, Y/N is revered as the most loved and powerful Birdie of all time, but hiding under the surface is a woman who has to battle between her duty and her heart. Warnings: Long-hair Jimin (yes, this is a warning), Cursing, Violence, Mentions of blood, Descriptions of blood, Descriptions of gore, Main Character Near Death, Main Character Badly Injured, Slow burn romance, Talks Mating Ritual, Talks of Heats and Heat Suppressants, Did I say long-hair Jimin? (think The Witcher), Penetration, Oral (f receiving), Marking, Knotting, Spiting, Cuddling, Big Dick Jimin, Face licking, nuzzling, Soft sex, Soft Jimin, Impregnation kink, Breeding kink A/N: Hi there! So this was originally meant to be a one-shot but it was beginning to get far too long, so I’m splitting it up into parts. I’m not sure just how many there will be but so far there’s at least another part coming. This is my first time writing a/b/o so please forgive any mistakes there might be. I tried to add in lore and foreshadowing but more will come later. There’s no smut in this part, but it will come, so the warnings above are for future chapters. I decided to put them upfront for anyone who’s interested in reading further. I really hope you like it and my inbox and asks are always open.
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Another howl echoed through the forest. Just a few more minutes. I felt the familiar itch at my ankle and quickly scratched at it before beginning to pace once more. I had to make it. They said they would wait for me. They had to. I was the only person who could bless the children of the moon. It was my sworn duty to Lilith. I nibbled on my nails and checked the windows again. Pulling back the curtains, I could see the sun was almost completely gone. I began pacing once more. The others would have to meet me at the clearing.
For the last thousand years, my family had given their allegiance to the moon goddess, Lilith. Though it had started as a peace treaty for them to live in the Bangtan forest, home to the wolf pack of the Foxgrove, it had slowly evolved to what it is now. Each generation had to pick a sacrifice, a child who would replace the old, and the next member would come along when the time was right. We were called Birdie’s, the forest witch of the grove who kept the pack healthy. I was the chosen one for my family and Lilith had bestowed upon me the highest honor one could imagine.
After the grand witch of Foxgrove passed the pack had been left with no one to initiate the change within their young. It was a ceremonial occasion where they partied and danced after a long, tiring incantation process where the boys would become men. The pack was lost, and Lilith came to me. Auntie had only been dead for six months. I was 13 when she appointed me, 3 years too soon, and I had blessed the wolves every year since. It was the only time I was allowed out of my cottage as a human.
Tonight, was the celebration of Kim Taehyung’s birthday and the marking of his change. It took 18 years for a wolf to present confidently. I had a strong feeling the Kim child would be the youngest alpha in the pack. Yoongi, the kitchen witch who lived in a lifted home on the pond, thought he was a beta. However, I had far more contact with the pack than he did or any other witch in the forest. I was the only outsider permitted on pack land. I continued to pace. I could not be late.
Finally, I felt it. The thin, indestructible chain that kept me inside during my day began to chime. A faint, iridescent glow began to encase the silver and I felt a wave of pleasure flow through me. It was a cool sensation, and my ankle was caressed by an invisible hand. The chain broke and I stepped out. It stayed open and would until I made my return at dawn. I snatched my lantern off the hook beside the door, put on my pack of magical items, slipped on my shoes, and whispered a spell to make my cottage stop doing magic. It was too draining to keep the house going while I was far away, and I would need all my mana to get through the night. It was why I had decided against a summoning spell and opted for Meteor Powder.
I heard the birds in the trees talk with one another. My friend Patto, a yellow-crowned night heron, was perched on the bird bath the pack had gifted me when I was appointed. I knew he would know if I blew him off and did not want to upset my friend. I would keep it brief and then use the powder to get to the pack quickly. I missed my wings. Patto sang a little song when he noticed me approaching.
“Human tonight?” He asked, jumping.
“It’s a man’s coming of age ceremony,” I clarified, wrapping my shawl around my head.
The winter air was crisp and nipped at my ears.
“I won’t keep you then, Y/N,” Patto took flight.
He quickly came closer, nuzzled into my cheek, and flew off into the night. He was on the hunt for prey no doubt. Patto was a spunky fellow and a wonderful hunting partner though we were often after different things. He was quite good at finding my favorite bugs.
Remembering time was of the essence, I pulled out my bag of Meteor Powder. It was a chalky, lavender-colored powder that was used for teleportation. While it was less effective than an incantation or door charm, it was my best option for pack duties. I had to draw a detailed picture of where I wanted to go, something I had been working on all day in preparation along with my magic bag, and then throw the powder onto the sheet. I took out the paper with the ritual site drawn on it and placed it on the ground, took five steps back, and threw a large handful of the powder on it. Instantly, the page was light up into a bright purple flame. I said, clearly and with conviction, the name of the place I wanted to go for good measure and hopped onto the flame.
When I opened my eyes, I was in the middle of the ritual cave. I thanked Lilith for allowing my magic to work and started to set up the cave for the ceremony. Men and women were very similar as far as what candles were needed as well as the items I needed to collect on my nightly adventures, but there were key differences. This also changed once their wolf began to speak to me. Most in the pack presented beta. For this rank, the process was straightforward except for the colors of paint I had to mark them with. If they presented omega, a traditionally feminine wolf would require the witch to finely grind pearls and mix them with the paints. Male omegas needed sage to burn while I painted them. I knew that when I helped the only male omega in the last 100 years, Jeon Jungkook. Then there were alphas.
In the Foxgrove pack, there were currently 3 alphas. Kim Namjoon was the voice of the people and kept their village prosperous. Jung Hoseok was the pack member I spoke with the most. He was a kind, gentle spirit who kept up with trading and pack affairs. Picking up all the pack’s goods was a part of that. And finally, there was Park Jimin. He was the alpha I had the least amount of contact with. I knew he oversaw war and treaties as well as pack runs, but other than that he was a mystery to me. He was the prettiest pack member and the only unmated alpha left. Hoseok had told me he was shocked he had not found his mate yet. As was I, Lilith was known to be the most loving towards her alphas and often gifted them a mate. The thought put a sour taste in my mouth
I had sworn in all three of the alphas and was honored to do so even if the supplies needed for them are much harder to find. Unlike the other two, alphas not only required special paint but incantation as well. The Birdie and the pack alphas were the most connected as our spirits were the closest to the moon goddess herself. The only woman who outranked me was the Luna, Cho Sol. During the ceremony, it would begin the same, but I would know very quickly if the wolf was an alpha as we would become spiritually connected as the ceremony continued. The spell changed dramatically as I needed to ensure that the connection was severed once the change was complete. I needed to ensure my safety as a wolf can get confused and mistake me for its mate. It would be catastrophic. The paint needed to be mixed with both my blood and the blood of the alpha for the shift to complete. Alphas and omegas always fully shifted during their ceremonies.
After finishing my alter, I pricked my finger with my bone knife and began to draw a circle. A wolf was made to stand in the middle before I sealed it off with salt and peonies. It was a trap and stopped them from escaping. The old grand witch used to chain them to the rocks, but I found that to be cruel. Once I was satisfied with the circle, I knew it was time for me to paint myself. As the pack’s grand witch, I was made to follow the same customs as they did. Women were to crop their hair short if they were not human and wore specific ceremonial fabrics and colors. Sol always left a fresh bralette and skirt, the same their warrior women wore, and I slipped them on easily.
Using magic, I chopped my hair into a short pixie cut. I could grow it back tomorrow and I never wanted to disrespect the elders. Then it was time for the paints. The women who could shift all wore similar face paints, however, each family had different colors and symbols that represented their house. Similarly, I adopted my version of the face painting. My colors were blue, red, and black representing the raven, but it changed with every Birdie. I painted my entire face navy blue before fading the black color down my forehead. After drawing the thick black mask around my eyes and a long white line down my neck, I began to fill in my chain with red.
I hummed while I did this, imitating my bird calls, and swaying my body. I needed to begin the relaxation processes and think like my bird. Getting in tune with my animal side helped the ceremony move along much quicker than it had in the past. I placed ruby red and orange jewels strategically across my face. I formed Aquila over my entire face. After putting on my ceremonial jewels, I started to cleanse the cave with herbs and spells I mumbled under my breath.
I heard people approaching the cave and quickly blew out the herbs I had been burning. I had to wait for Taehyung to be sealed in the circle before I could light the candles, so I let the cave stay shrouded in darkness. None of the wolves would mind and humans were forbidden from watching the coming-of-age ceremony. It was pack law. Luna Sol was the first person to enter the cage and I kneeled on my hands and knees where I sat. I could faintly smell wolf scents since I was connected to the forest in many ways, however, they were not strong since I was not in the pack. I just knew they were wolves. I always chose to stay bowed until asked to stand. It was better this way.
More and more wolves flooded the cave polluting the air with their scent. My prey instincts wanted me to run, my hands lightly shaking from the spikes of fear that rippled through me, but I stood my ground. For Lilith, I could do anything, and nothing scared me. Not even predators. Finally, it had gone silent. It was starting now.
“Bless this child, Birdie,” I recognized the voice as Elder An.
He was a great, big white wolf when he could still shift, but now he was a small, frail-looking man with a large beard and fluffy eyebrows.
I stood slowly, careful to not make eye contact with Taehyung. He was breathing heavily with anticipation. He was going to be an alpha. I could feel it. I made quick work of sealing off the circle before finally lifting my head and lighting all the candles with a simple lift of my hand. An orange glow illuminated everyone, and Taehyung was on his knees in the circle. At the coming-of-age ceremony, the men and women were to strip naked so painting the symbols would be easier. I did not pay attention to his genitals and instead focused on his eyes. I began the chant.
Being a forest witch was one thing but being the Birdie was another. I had never met my birth parents and was raised by my grandmother’s sister who never met her family either. The gift could skip a generation or two if the spirits did not see what they were after. All of us were born with the mark, a blue jewel in our forehead that would fall out once we were appointed. That would become the chain that tied us to the cottage and stripped us of our real name. Only the birds and animals were allowed to use it as it was seen as dishonorable to refer to us as anything but Birdie. We also chanted differently than other witches. We did not speak. We sang.
Taehyung’s wolf stirred, and I knew I would know soon. I was aware of the anxiety in the room. Everyone was hopeful that he would be the fourth alpha for the pack. It would place them at the top of the hierarchy in the area. A surplus of alphas or omegas meant status in the wolf world. Even I was hopeful for his present. Then it came all at once.
The husky, woodsy scent of an alpha hit me like a truck. Though I had done this three times already it never got easier. However, Jungkook had been the last wolf I guided through the change, and the sickeningly sweet omega pheromones he admitted made Taehyung’s feel like a gentle breeze. I could hear small celebrations happening around us. The real party would be when this was over. The incantation changed flawlessly.
I grabbed the bowl of white paint I had prepared and the bone knife. Silver was strictly forbidden to enter the village under any circumstance. I continued to sing and sliced the palm of my hand and dripped my blood into the bowl. I walked over to Taehyung and bravely snatched his hand. This was why I used the circle. I was able to get his hand out of the circle and when he went to attack me, he was unable to break the seal. I sliced his hand and placed the bowl under his wound. Taehyung howled in anger. He was in too high of a state to be in pain. His wolf snarled at me, and my bird chastised him while I began to bless the paint.
I got a new paint bush and made my way back to Taehyung. I used magic to force him on all fours. It did not break my concentration. I drew the pack’s symbol on his back, two large trapezoids that ran parallel to one another, and then created the Aquila constellation on the back of his neck. I felt my hands heating up and chanted for Lilith to bless the wolf through me before touching him. Taehyung screamed in pain while his wolf growled at me. I was branding him with the symbols forever. They became black instantaneously and the ceremony was coming to an end. I removed my hands and lifted my hands to blow out the yellow candles and lit up the blue ones. I walked back to the altar and kneeled before it. Raising my arms side to side, I chanted and felt my back begin to burn. My chanting did not waver even as the black wings ripped through my back, and I was in unimaginable pain. I could not stop singing.
Two large, metallic black wings sprouted around me as blood pooled around my calf. I reached, with shaking hands, and plucked a single black feather from them. Placing it on the alter, I cupped the feather with my hands and continued to chant. It began to lift itself from the alter and spin. I moved my hands and lifted my arms straight up. The feather followed and began to glow the same way my chain did. My head felt like I was splitting in half as a blue jewel grew from my forehead and fell. I did not allow it to hit the ground and lifted it onto the altar where it joined the feather. As I said the final words of the incantation the jewel disappeared. I felt my wings start to retreat into my back and the feather floated down. Then it was over and silent.
It only took seconds before the cave erupted in cheers. I felt a tired smile tug at my lips, and I leaned onto the rock in front of me. I was exhausted but I still had one more thing I had to do before I was permitted to leave. I used the rocks to support myself and stood up before grabbing the feather. It was tradition for the wolf to keep the feather of the sacrifice. It used to be a bird that was killed at the alter but I used my own body as the sacrifice. Slowly I walked towards the circle where Taehyung lay in his wolf form. He was massive and a rust color. He was proud of himself. He had made his pack proud. I forced myself to stand up straighter and walk over completely ignoring the aching in my back and the blood that spilled from my wounds
“Kim Taehyung,” I spoke, “The goddess has blessed you with this gift.”
I kneeled and used magic to blow the salt away. I placed the feather out in front of me and Taehyung hesitantly reached forward. To be given a gift from Lilith herself was a big deal. I had been given many gifts, something that I never took for granted, and I knew this would not be Taehyung’s final gift. He was true-hearted and courageous, two traits the goddess looked upon fondly. He finally took the feather in his teeth and I smiled at him. Waving my hand, I made quick work of changing him back into a human and clothed the young man with the robes Sol had laid out beside mine. The elders would award him his alpha sash. Taehyung smiled at me, and I marveled at the innocent, boxy grin he had.
“Thank you,” He was sincere.
“Thank Lilith do not thank me,” I replied, nodding at him, and going to stand up.
“Are you staying for the ceremony?” Taehyung stood up much quicker than I could presently.
I would be lucky if I could clean the cave and go home let alone celebrate with wolves.
I shook my head, “Sadly, my time is limited, and I must be going. Congratulations Alpha Taehyung.”
I finally stood up and bowed to the alpha before using magic to make quick work of the alter and tools. Wolves, like witches, were not embarrassed by nakedness so I did not feel uncomfortable undressing. The bloody clothes stuck to me uncomfortably and I was thankful to be out of the blood-stained outfit. Unlike wolves, I got cold very easily and usually never left my cottage in the winter except for ceremonies. I used the last of my mana to change myself quickly. After calling out to Luna Sol if it was alright that I packed my candles and getting the okay, I packed those as well. I was ready to go and prepared more Meteor Powder and another drawing. This time it was of my home.
The few wolves left in the cave were the other three alphas. I paid them no mind. It was best to stay out of wolf affairs when possible. Even as a close and trusted ally, I was still an outsider and not welcome without permission. I stayed updated through the forest. I could find out everything about everyone on my trips and I enjoyed staying informed. Morla, a tortoise who lives just outside of the village, was a great source of information. She knew just about everything. I looked away from the alphas and untied my bag of powder.
“Excuse me, Birdie?” I would know Hoseok from anywhere.
I stopped what I was doing and look back at the alphas. I had all their attention. I fought with myself not to steal glances at Jimin. He was so rarely seen that it felt wrong not to. However, I had self-control and would not disrespect Hoseok. You are always required to maintain eye contact with any alpha who addresses you directly. Hoseok was smiling at me.
“Alpha Hoseok, “I greeted, bowing, “Can I help you with something?”
“Both Namjoon and Jimin have lists of potions they require.” He clarified.
Now that he brought the other alphas up, I was to meet both of their gazes and bow. I started with Namjoon since he was far more inviting. He had a mono-lid, which usually made a wolf more intimidating, but he held a gentle warmth in his gaze that calmed me.
“Alpha Namjoon,” I bowed.
I rose again and finally looked at Jimin’s. His eyes had a feline quality to them and were sharp. I knew his eyes were a warm brown in the sun but within the darkness of the cave, they were pitch black. Despite the moon being the only thing illuminating the cave his skin glowed. He was the palest member of his village, and his silver wolf matched his hair which was waist-length and perfectly straight. He, like all the other warriors, kept their hair long to show their place in society. My heart danced at the sight of him and I forced my eyes away.
“Alpha Jimin.”
Hoseok clapped.
“So,” He began again, “Here are the lists. I’m picking up the usual.”
“Would you like extra heat suppressants again? As far as I am aware your mate is still in her homeland visiting family.” I briefly glanced at the lists.
“You are all seeing,” He joked. “Yes, I will need some again this month. I have already factored that into the number written down.”
I nodded and placed the papers into my sack.
“I will need at least four days to prepare everything. I will be useless tomorrow and possibly the day after.”
“Of course, Birdie.” He replied.
Namjoon hummed and chimed in.
“Our pack is forever indebted to you and your servitude. Please rest.”
“Thank you, alpha, I will rest easy now.”
After bowing again and saying my farewells, I went back to my drawing and again got my powder. I said that I wanted to go to my cottage for extra measure again and threw the powder. I hopped into the flames and ended up across the clearing from my cottage. Groaning, I threw the powder into my bag and said a small spell to get me to my front door. I glanced at the sky and realized still had two hours of freedom and decided to use it.
Going inside, I took off my shoes and put all my ceremonial gear on the small shelf by the book. I realized I left my lantern inside of the cave and quickly penned a letter to the pack to ask Hoseok to return it upon his next pick-up. I called out to Shiloh to send the letter off. She was a barn owl who lived in the tree next to my kitchen window and had become my familiar. She delivered in exchange for treats and if I told her where mice burrows were. Normally, a nice bowl of crickets sufficed. I quickly put the kettle on before going to change into something more comfortable and wash off. This was the only time I was able to change without magic and I savored the feeling every time.
As I tugged my shirt down, the kettle began to whistle, and I made my way back to the kitchen. I took it off the flame and fetched a cup from my cupboard. It was not often that I had this much time left after a ceremony. Taehyung’s wolf did not resist me at all aside from the uncomfortable parts. That was a normal reaction, however, all three of the alphas took until dusk was just on the horizon. Lilith had allowed me to finish the ceremony, but my wings never went back in, and I felt my skin ripping open from feathers pushing their way through. That was my blessing.
All shifters had been blessed by the goddess. While to many we were seen as slaves, I knew they were the gifts bestowed upon us. The wolves were cursed to change into the beasts of the forest, sworn to protect the land from all who dared enter it, and in return, Lilith kept their village plentiful, and their people blessed. This included extended life spans. Similarly, the role of the Birdie was a sacred gift. We were hand-picked by the Goddess herself, much like a pack’s Luna, and would be at her service for all our days. In return, she gave us the gift of flight and the ability to speak with animals. Lilith kept me well fed and feared as the most powerful witch in all the realms. The cottage would be here long after I was gone and the generations after me would still be here. I would be transformed into a bird and live forever as a spirit of the forest. This was my purpose.
I placed dandelions and a large tea bag into my cup before going outside to enjoy the air. I was never allowed outside during the day. The chain kept me from leaving my small home at all. When I was a child, I could remember frolicking in the clearing and playing with the rabbits in their burrows. Those were the years I was still Y/N and the forest was my home away from home. Auntie allowed me to play more than any other Birdie had before, but she knew my love for magic was strong. I remember her telling me that I was special and that my deep connection would serve me greatly in the future. Lilith would bless me for my love. She was right. I had done something no Birdie had done in the centuries we served the forest. I had been appointed as the pack’s grand witch and allowed freedom as a human. It kept me hopeful for my future student though I was unaware of how long it would take for them to arrive.
The forest came alive at night, and I submerged myself in all its glory. The sounds of crickets chirping relaxed me and I took a deep breath. It felt nice to get all the blood and paint off my body. I realized that Hoseok and the Luna had been the only members of the pack to see me without the ceremonial gear on. No one else ever came by and the inability to wonder the forest outside of my bird form made it nearly impossible for anyone else to see my true form. This was the life of the Birdie. A quiet one filled with solitude and being one of the forest guardians. A lonely honor only the best received. I took a large gulp of tea and sighed at the warmth it provided.
A rustle in the bushes pulled me out of my thoughts. It had come from my left and I saw two large white dots glowing in the darkness. I smiled and placed my cup down. It was a wolf, probably a younger pup who was curious about me. Many of the children were and Hoseok often spoke about the wonderous ways they described me in the town. I slowly stood up and reached my hand out.
The wolf hesitated before stepping into the light. It was hard to tell its coloring in the dark but I knew it was light-colored. In its mouth was my lantern. I gasped before making my way toward the large animal. This was an older wolf, it was far too large to be a child, but it was not possible to know who it was for sure. I did not see the wolves often enough to tell them apart; they all smelled the same after the change. Its fur glowed in the moonlight.
“Thank you,” I said, taking the lantern.
The wolf touched its nose to my hand. It meant that they understood and were most welcome for the good deed. I pat its nose gently and laughed when it nuzzled further into my touch. I recognized the patch of missing fur on its side and realized that this was not the first time we had seen one another. The wolf had been injured and I healed it. They had refused to shift.
“I’m surprised they allowed you to leave during such a joyous occasion.”
The wolf looked at the grass and I laughed in disbelief.
“You snuck away, didn’t you? Bad wolf. What would your alphas think?” I joked.
The wolf made a chirp-like sound and I realized it was laughing. Shocked, my jaw dropped, and I simply stared at the wolf. This made it laugh harder, flop onto the ground, and roll onto its back.
“Alpha Jimin would be very displeased with you, pup,” I mocked, bending down to rub at the fur on its chest.
The wolf hummed in satisfaction.
“That’s not very fair of me,” I mumbled, “I hardly know the man. He’s just intimidating is all.”
The wolf was staring at me, and I snapped out of my trance. Wanting to forget about my outburst, I let another large grin take over my face and began scratching the wolf’s chest. The wolf wiggled happily, and its large tongue flapped out of its mouth. When I scratched at its ribs, its leg began to kick.
“Aren’t you the cutest thing?” I laughed. “I hope you’re feeling better now. That’s a nasty scar.”
I heard Shiloh call out to me from the tree. The sun was going to be up soon. I sighed unhappily before looking at the wolf. They seemed upset that I had stopped giving them attention. I gently scratched behind their ear and smiled softly.
“I have to go inside now,” I said.
The wolf whimpered and quickly paced its head into my lap.
“It is a part of my duty, little wolf,” I stressed.
It finally moved. Wolves knew the importance of duty. Their entire village ran off the duty of the pack, its members, and their devotion to Lilith. I gave the wolf another pat before standing up and making my way back to my cottage. The wolf followed and we walked in silence as the door was only a few yards away. The wolf stood a good six inches above me when it stood on all fours. I picked up my teacup and used magic to open my door. I put the lantern on its hook and charmed my cup to go to the sink on its own. The little thing began to hop in the air.
“It’s time for you to go, friend,” I said, placing my hands on my hips.
The wolf came close and nuzzled its large head into my chest. I rubbed its neck and scratched behind his ear. An indescribable sadness overtook me at the thought of it leaving. I felt myself tearing up and laughed at my melodramatics. This wolf was not my friend, was a stranger, and only came here to bring me my lantern in return for me saving its life all those months ago. I should not allow myself to grow fond of it or cry about it leaving. I was not that lonely, I told myself.
“Go on now,” I pushed its head away lightly. “Before the pack realizes you’re gone. Alpha Jimin begins his rounds soon.”
The wolf nosed my hand once more before running off. As I closed the door, the chain on the floor began to move towards me. I walked towards it, and it wrapped itself around my ankle once more. The cooling sensation went through my body again. I quickly did my alter ritual before heading to my room to sleep. I knew I would not be available until tomorrow and gave Shiloh the go-ahead to set my sign to closed. Sleep came easy and filled with dreams of brown eyes and fur glowing under the stars.
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My shop was filled with bottles, sacks, and labels. When Hoseok said that they needed more than normal he had never said it would be this much. I was unsure if I would be able to fit much more in the room let alone if he was going to be able to carry this back to the village alone. I quickly labeled all the male heat suppressants and move on to the female ones. Omegas had their supplies just as alphas did but that would not take long to complete. There were only 4 alphas and 7 omegas in Foxglove and the colors were striking for each respective wolf. It was the painstaking process of making enough suppressants for all 187 betas for the month that made orders time-consuming. Shiloh had flown to Yoongi’s house to gather extra supplies for me as I was running low.
Namjoon needed new medicines for the children and elderly. They had finally gone through their three-month supply I had sent off many moons ago and I was having to restock their entire inventory. I enjoyed mixing medicine since it was so easy. It was what Jimin had asked for that I needed to seek help for. I wrote to Hyun-Jin, a young witch who lived with his mother in the swamps to the south. They would have the toads I needed. With Shiloh being out I relied on another friend of mine, Delinah. She was a doe who used me for protection from mountain lions.
What made Jimin’s order so difficult to complete was the fact that many of the supplies necessary to make it were not in my domain. He was looking for a healing potion that wolves could take without needing to shift, portable heat suppressants, and a camouflaging potion. The only healing potion that would work without a witch being there was one of the most difficult and time-consuming recipes a witch could make, and I had all my resources searching every nook and cranny of Bangtan. The heat suppressants would have to be in tablet form, something else that would take a while for all 15 wolves in Jimin’s party, and the camouflage was something I had never made before. For the first time in years, I was having to reference Auntie’s Grimoire and adjust it accordingly for my purposes.
Shiloh sang and I rushed to her window to take the sack of supplies Yoongi had sent back. Yoongi wrote me a letter as well to explain why some things were missing. The sea witch coven had been taking a lot of his supplies for their month of ceremonial rituals. Shiloh would have to get the rest from someone else.
“Alright girl,” I started, running my hand through my hair.
“What now?” She deadpanned.
“You need to make a trip to Seokjin’s for the remaining supplies on the list.”
“The solar witch?”
“Yes, Shiloh.”
I began preparing another sack along with a new list. Yoongi had given me plenty, but Jimin’s order was still incomplete. Delinah was due back any minute with the toads and I could begin the fifteenth, and hopefully last, trial of the camouflage potion.
“Why must you send me there?” She whined, flapping her wings in agitation.
“Because he always has a surplus of herbs and flowers and I need them to make my order for the pack,” I replied, securing the pouch around her neck.
“He’s going to demand I sun-bathe with him or better yet, he’s going to insist his bees play with me and I’ll have to deal with the most insufferable creatures in the. Or maybe the mangey mutt this time? I swear, his animals are the only ones I know who are just as pig-headed as their owner.”
“Shiloh,” I scolded, putting the letter inside the bag. “Seokjin is one of the most brilliant witches in the world and is a master at shadow work. So yes, you will go to him and play with his bees if he asks. If not, you can forget about the mice I was going to give you.”
The owl did not respond before flying away. I went back to the kitchen and started up the flame to my cauldron again. Using magic, I charmed all the potions I had completed and packaged to sort themselves and get into their bags before beginning to brew the camouflaging potion. The toads would be the last to go in this time, so I was not worried. I knew Delinah was close as the forest around me let me know. After adding only half of the amount of worm wort as I had been, the deer let herself inside through the open door and placed the jar on my countertop.
“Stir this, please,” I asked.
The doe nodded, walked over, and began to stir the wooden spoon with her teeth. I quickly put on a pair of gardening gloves and braced myself for the task to come. While there were many substitutions, for this potion, I was required to use three whole toads. I had tried to get around it with other alternatives however it had ended up not working, wearing off in seconds, or I needed to physically use a spell to make their form come back. I was hopeful that using the correct ingredient would help stabilize the recipe.
I quickly placed the frogs to sleep with a short spell and took three out of the jar. They were all fat, angry-looking things but their coloring was perfect. Hyun-Jin followed my instructions perfectly. After making a small prayer to Lilith and thanking the forest for its sacrifice, I threw the three frogs into the potion. Delinah and I traded places and I saw the potion turn grass green. I began to chant and soon enough, as was intended, the potion turned clear like water. I cheered, jumping up and down in excitement, and threw my arms around the deer beside me. She nuzzled into my neck and gave me a good lick.
“Good job, Y/N,” She said.
“Thank you, Dee,” I went to my cupboard and got out a large sack filled with cabbage heads. “I’ll have apples next time.”
Delinah happily took the sack and made her way outside. I started to bottle the potion. I knew I had gotten it right this time since it had done everything it was supposed to do in the cauldron, unlike all my other trails. I did not want to put my familiar through another potion crisis again. Shiloh loathed testing potions for me. I went to the already packaged boxes of heat suppressants and curled the ribbons with my favorite bone knife. Like many forest witches, I collected both bones and knives. During my nights I foraged and brought back things I thought were useful. My favorite thing to do was make sure my packages looked neat and professional.
Auntie did not care so much for these things but when I began to decorate boxes and bring home skulls and bones, she never stopped me. It had gotten to a point where I would sit for hours and make packaging boxes and pretty bows and stickers. However, now that I oversaw it all, I only made cardboard packing boxes lined with thin tissues of varying colors and charmed the objects to do all the work for me. I normally matched the potions within and placed a card explaining what it was for and how to use them. Then, I would toss in a magical card that would take anyone to my shop immediately in case of emergency except for the hours I was unavailable, and then it would automatically send them to Yoongi’s instead. On the outside, a stamper would stamp the box with a large bird, a brush would paint the Aquila constellation along both sides of it, and a matching-colored ribbon would wrap itself around the entire thing. However, I knew I would opt out of the decorations for Jimin’s packages. They would need to be as discreet as possible as requested but I would still place the constellation on the sides.
As I continued to place the finishing touches on all the completed orders, I heard the bell above my door ring and large, booming footsteps right after. That would be Hoseok and he had someone else here if the second pair of footsteps was anything to go by. I quickly abandoned my ribbons and dusted off my apron before going to greet the alpha.
“Good afternoon, Alpha,” I greeted, not paying much attention to him in favor of charming the camouflage potion to begin packing.
“My apologies for the orders not being ready. The things Alpha Jimin was requesting are very time-consuming and challenging to make. However, once my familiar returns with some herbs I need then it’ll all be ready to go.”
I was a whirlwind in my cottage. One second, I was curling ribbons and in another, I was writing out cards for boxes. Hoseok was used to the informal way I addressed him while in my home and I was certain whomever he brought along with him was well informed of my rudeness. I was far too busy to care if some wolf believed I was not a good host.
“I apologize for the strain I have caused you,” A sweet, melodic voice spoke up.
My body froze for a moment, as did everything else in the room before it started up again. I quickly turned to the two men and bowed deeply. My heart was racing like a hummingbird’s wings.
“I am so, deeply sorry for disrespecting you, alpha,” My voice shook. “I had not realized it was you.”
Hoseok laughed and clapped his hands together. He always enjoyed seeing me get flustered and would have a field day talking to Namjoon about this later. It seemed like Jimin was the only pack alpha who paid me little to no mind. I forced myself to look up at the man.
He was dressed casually, more casually than I had ever seen, and his silver hair was tied back into a ponytail. His small frame still towered over me and that menacing aura that always seemed to surround him was intact. Even in the daylight, Park Jimin was untouchable. And yet, a familiar longing found its way into my heart, and I knew I needed to distract myself again.
“How much longer will your owl be, Birdie?” Hoseok asked, completely unbothered.
“Excuse me for a moment,” I mumbled before closing my eyes.
All Birdies have been blessed with gifts, the first of us was the spirit responsible for selecting what the ability would be, and the Goddess making sure our powers could grow and stretch with our talents. Auntie was unable to speak with other animals aside from other owls but was gifted with such skilled defensive magic she was considered the phoenix of the north. Normally, Birdies do not need to learn defensive magic but her affinity for it made it hard for her to stop the craft and we dueled often. That is how I learned I was unable to perform any high-ranking spells since it depleted too much of my energy. However, my gift was much more in line with what I needed.
Animal scrying is the ability to see any animal’s point of view. Of course, depending on the animal the senses that they use are vastly different and it can limit my ability to see. I relaxed my entire body and slowly felt myself floating off the ground. My body was at its most fragile right now, but I trusted both men to not harm me. The same could not be said for others. Slowly, the room began to fade, and I could hear birds chirping all around me. Opening my eyes, I could see the tops of the trees and in the far-off distance was my cottage. Shiloh could not smell but her sense of hearing was impeccable. I was certain she would be here in a few moments and left her little mind by closing my eyes once more.
When I opened them, I was back on my feet and inside the cottage. Both Hoseok and Jimin were staring at me as if I had grown a third head and I stifled a laugh. Oh, I loved when that happened. Scrying was a strange gift and not many were used to seeing it.
“Shiloh will only be two minutes,” I finally replied.
“That was freaky,” Hoseok commented, walking around, and touching every single box of herbs I owned.
The cottage had not always looked the way it was. Auntie had kept it neat and organized. She never had too much or too little and kept it cozy enough for the both of us to lay by the fire together in the winter. However, not that I was alone I found it impossible to keep the same structure. Where we used to lay was now a large table with herbs and flowers of all kinds, huge crystals, and jars upon jars of specimens that were needed for potions. Beside it was the bookshelf filled with Auntie’s spell books. The rest of the Birdie Grimoires were in the cellar as there were too many to keep in the main room. My little kitchen and potion mixing station were overrun by bottles, boxes, and decorations including more magical items. My bone collection sat in a display case beside the front door and my knives hung over the mantle of the fireplace.
“And that was rude,” Jimin scolded Hoseok.
I had to force myself to keep moving as though nothing had happened. However, the ruse did not stop my body from lighting on fire at the implication. Park Jimin defending me? I was unsure how much of that I could take.
“It’s alright,” I whispered, “I left my physical being so I’m sure it looked very odd. Though I can’t say I’ve seen it myself.”
“What happened anyway?” Hoseok got to the bookshelf of grimoires, grimaced, and then went back to digging through the boxes.
“Scrying,” Jimin answered before I could.
Shiloh returned then, angrily shouting about the “stupid dog” and his “even dumber owner.” I quickly went to tend to my familiar. She looked disheveled and scowled when she saw me. The center of her face, normally a perfect cream, was caked in dirt. I gasped and rushed towards her, scooping her up in my arms just the way she liked it, and put on the most pitiful voice I could.
“Oh, darling,” I wailed, “Whatever happened to you?”
And just like any other time this happened, Shiloh dramatically went limp in my arms and closed her eyes in mock fatigue. She was on fire with anger and wanted to rip out the eyes of whoever harmed her. For me, though, she was just trying to get extra mice.
“The witch, Jean-” She began.
“Jin,” I corrected, softly.
“Jin. Oh, that monster!” She placed her wing across her forehead. “He let his godforsaken, loudmouth, drooling like a bumbling idiot mutt out on me!”
“Max?” I gasped, placing a hand over my heart.
“Indeed,” She cried, “He told him to play with me while he got your things ready, and the dog decided to use me as a toy!”
“Oh, Shiloh, I am so very sorry,” I faked, bringing her closer to me.
“The horror! The shame!”
I took the pouch off her neck and placed it on the counter before carrying her into my bedroom. The owl continued her fake crying all the way there. I had to give it to her, she was an excellent actress. However, she was also an owl and my familiar so running off to the theatre was not an option she had.
“And then the bees, I was forced into a position to ask them for them. Me! Shiloh, the Birdie’s one and only familiar, asking those mongrels for help. Never send me back there again, Y/N I beg of you!”
I rolled my eyes and helped her squeeze her way into the small opening of her nesting box. While she usually slept in her large, cone-shaped nest outside, when she stayed awake during the day to help me, I allowed her to sleep in my room. I had built it as a child. I gathered the wood and my auntie helped with cutting, screwing, and dangerous things that a four-year-old could not do herself. It was a nice size, 4x4, and solid wood with a hole large enough for her to squeeze through in the upper right-hand corner. The inside was filled with dirt and sticks just as the owl liked as well as a stuffed animal, I had given her when we became connected. I heard the owl sigh and she rushed to the dark side of the nest.
Chuckling, I went back into the kitchen and called out to Delinah from the window. She was still eating the cabbage I had given her. The fawn looked at me.
“Whenever you’re finished would you mind asking Irene, she’s one of the sea witches, if she could spare a vole or two? Shiloh is being dramatic again.”
Delinah laughed. All animals do it but not many are easily detected. I had known the deer since she was a small fawn, so I knew the sounds from anywhere. Behind me, I heard Hoseok’s loud footsteps and remembered who I had in my house.
“Of course,” She responded.
I quickly spun back around and began to fix my hair. I had yet to grow it back, but the nervous tick was still in full force. Hoseok was still looking around completely unbothered while Jimin was rooted in the same spot he had been in since coming inside. I was worried had angered him with my antics. While Hoseok was both used to and fond of the shenanigans that went on in my home the other alpha was not. He was known to be quick-tempered and easily annoyed by any sort of nonsense, but his stoic expression gave nothing away. I twirled a strand around my finger.
“Sorry, again,” I awkwardly laughed. “My familiar is a bit of a drama queen.”
“How is Shiloh?” Hoseok wondered, finally breaking himself away from the hundreds of items around him.
I returned to the counter and started pulling out the items Jin had spared me. Just as I thought, there was what I had asked for and more within the back including a note.
Birdie, How splendid of you to drop by. Of course, I am aware that Shiloh had come in your absence, but I will be expecting you over tonight in return. I’ll brew your favorite tea. I’ll have the ingredients below but feel free to write any revisions you may find. I have packed everything you asked for: 2 sunflower stems 12 sunflower seeds 3 baby’s breath bundles A small comb of honey 10 sprigs of vervain I have also added some other goodies in return for all of the wonderful gardening tools you made me this year. I know you use a lot of mint and sage so expect plenty of it. I’ve also started to grow lavender to balance out the sea coven’s needs for Yoongi. Tea: 2-3 cups honeysuckle flowers (whole) 2 cups water Wild honey to taste Much love, Seokjin
I quickly put my cauldron on the flame and began to write back the witch. Unlike Yoongi, Jin was a great pen pal and wonder to have tea with. He, like myself, could speak with animals so we were able to talk while I was a bird. However, he was usually asleep when the sun went down as it was his prime energy source. Without the sun, Jin was just a man.
Jin, Thank you very much for the supplies. The mint is lovely and so glad to hear about the lavender. Remember full-sun and well-drained soil are best for it. If you need any other pointers Yoongi would be the better man to ask. Everything I know from him and my inability to go out in the sun does not bode well for my gardening career. Also, neutral to alkaline soil. I’m positive they will be lovely. You’re too kind to me. The tools were a gift for being such a wonderful person and a greater friend to me over the years. Pass my thanks on to Max. Shiloh came home with her dramatics again. Haven’t I told you to stop picking on her? The dog aspect already bothers her, and the bees, but cuddling is far from her preferred activity. Tea sounds lovely but I prefer the honeysuckle crushed. May Lilith bring you joy, Birdie
“As dramatic as always,” I finally responded, folding the paper, and stamping it with a wax seal. “Auferetur,” I commanded, and the paper incinerated into a fire and was gone.
“Sometimes I forget she’s not a person,” He joked, coming to the counter to watch me work.
The alpha enjoyed seeing the process of potion making even if he did not pay much attention to the details. I used to attempt to explain what I was doing until I realized he just thought the cauldron was cool. I used to be the same when as a child, but things change very quickly in this life.
“Well, she’s technically a spirit, but yes she is an owl,” I threw in the vervain sprigs.
Tablet heat suppressants were difficult to make due to timing. As soon as they were done, they were to be taken off the heat and placed into mold immediately. They solidified within 3 minutes and were ready to go in 10 once the moisture was gone.  Next was the baby’s breath.
“Is everything in your world a spirit?” Hoseok cocked an eyebrow.
“Hyung,” Jimin warned.
He did it again. Of course, I did not need Jimin to save me from the other alpha. They were both at my mercy while inside and it was impossible to imagine Hoseok ever attempting to harm me. He reminded me more of Max than any wolf and his heart-shaped smile and dimples only added to his puppy-like nature. Still, I was touched by the gesture. I was reminded of the poor way I had spoken of him last night and felt ashamed of myself. I did hardly know the silver-haired man.
“Just about,” I used my magic to make the molds appear on the counter and enchanted them to line up in a single file line all around the cottage.
“Isn’t it hard to do all of that at once?”
“Hoseok,” I slipped, forgetting my manners, “I’m the Birdie. Do you truly believe that little of me?”
“Well, no,” He laughed, “I’ve just never seen any other witch do it before.”
“Do you see other witches often?” I enjoyed the small talk.
He was wonderful at it. Jung Hoseok was a master charmer and one of the politest gentlemen in Lustra. His mate, a woman I did not know very well and only saw in passing, was a beta. It was a rarity for any alpha to mate with any other preset besides omega, however, they had grown up together and fell in love young. Their wolves had always gravitated toward one another, but the feelings were not known until after they had both gone through the change. I was proud to have been the one to bring them together and help them through the bonding process thereafter. She would have come to help Hoseok today, but I knew she was taking care of her ill mother back in her hometown Viridi Gramine. They both were kind and Hoseok was a joy to have around.
“Only the grumpy man who lives close to the pond.” I snorted.
“Yoongi the kitchen witch?” I confirmed, amused.
Min Yoongi was another close friend of mine. While not as personable as Seokjin or the sea witch coven, he was reliable and ready to help at the drop of a dime. Of course, he complained more than anyone else I knew and loathed uninvited guests, but I knew it was because he had not had proper time to make them a meal. He became reserved so he would not let on how much he enjoyed company since it was so rare on his edge of the forest. It made me happy to know that Hoseok’s visits were not limited to me and the kitchen witch would feed off his great energy.
“He’s a kitchen witch? Could’ve fooled me.”
“He’s unorthodox, that’s for sure,” The potion was finally complete, and I quickly began lifting portions and filling the molds. “However, he is not a very sought-after host so he can be clueless about manners or formalities. I’m afraid you’ll have to pardon him on my behalf.”
The molds would fly off and onto the counter once I filled them. The entire house smelled of vervain and I knew I would never hear the end of it. Shiloh was very particular, but I had grown used to her babbling. She hardly ever listened to any of my warnings until I reminded her that her reincarnation as a moral relied on her being a good familiar. And yet, she would always find a way to make my life harder. Still, I could not deny that the owl was my best friend. Or that I would be devastated if she did not get her to wish granted. I wanted more than anything for her to become the beautiful blonde she had always dreamed of. Even if she liked to fly in like a bat out of hell and moan about bees attempting to make friends with her.
“What makes him a kitchen witch?” It was Jimin who asked the question this time.
It was a common question for non-magical people. While I would never consider a pack member a mortal, I knew better than to lump them in with us. Guardians but all of their mysticism came from their shifting abilities, and since most wolves thought that they were untouchable, they never did learn about magic regarding others. Witches, however, were expected to know everything there was to know about it. At least, that was my job.
“Well, all witches have the same base knowledge, but we can also have specialties,” I explained.
“And his is cooking?” Jimin’s eyebrows knitted together.
I shook my head.
“Something like that. It’s how he goes about cooking. Yoongi keeps a small altar in his kitchen, cooks with special herbs, and even stirs his food in a particular way depending on the magic he is attempting to pull from it. He keeps a special cookbook that is completely different from his book of shadows. There’s a fine art to kitchen witchery.”
Jimin hummed in acknowledgment This was the longest we had ever spoken, and I found it much easier when I did not have to look at him. I could not remember when these feelings began but it had to have been years ago at this point. I could recall the warmth surrounding me during his presenting ceremony and how his wolf went frantic to get close to me. Of course, that was normal, and I paid it no mind, but I still allowed myself to wonder. My infatuation has only grown since then, a fact he had to be aware of, and I was grateful he never commented on it. Even the custos of Bangtan was a gentleman. Another wave of shame overcame me.
“What kind of witch are you?”
“I’m a Lunar witch,” I replied curtly, making sure to keep my eyes away from Jimin.
“Can you explain that one as well?”
Once all the molds were filled and, on the counter, I made a large gust of wind come inside to speed up the curing process. While I may be enjoying this, I knew they were busy men and I had already taken a large portion of their day. Hoseok, I knew would not care but Jimin had important duties to always attend to.
“Well,” I started, “Lunar witchcraft is just the opposite of solar. We get our power from the moon, prey to it, and perform all our rituals and ceremonies based on the phases. I’m strongest during the night which is why I’m able to help with the shifts the same way your grand witch had.”
“Are all Birdies moon witches?” It was Hoseok who asked.
While I was pleasantly surprised he had been listening, I did not let it show. He would most likely close his ears the second he grew bored.
“No, usually they’re forest or green witches. I’m the first lunar witch.”
“Why?” Jimin asked.
Just as I had thought, Hoseok was back to touching things and wondering out loud. I never minded. He was unusually quiet today and I guessed that Jimin had something to do with that. He always said the younger man was far too serious and concerned about unimportant things. However, now talking to him, I found that hard to believe. If he were so strict, he would have demanded I move quickly and would not be asking me pointless questions about the magic he would never have to worry about.
“After the previous Birdie’s death, things were strange for me for a time. I was not ready and began to prey tirelessly for Lilith to bring her back. Once I began to do moon ceremonies in her honor is when she approached me to become a grand witch and to be a true grand witch I had to convert to lunar witchery. It’s not that complicated.”
The suppressants were set and powdery. For good luck, I took one out of its mold and smashed it between my fingers. The tablet gave away quickly and turned to sand. I checked the color of my fingertips. If I was successful, the tips would be clean. If something had gone wrong, it would be stained purple as it would be impossible for it to dry properly. They were clean and I began to package the tablets.
The enchanted items made quick work of the boxing and I took my time to write the note card. Since these suppressants worked differently than the liquid version I needed to be highly detailed in my instructions. Unlike liquid suppressants that acted immediately and for long hours, the tablets had to be taken two days in advance every four hours. Once the heat was on, the blood should have enough of the medicine in it to be able to take them twice a day without any worries. Even if I had made them before the young wolves always found a way to mess the schedule up.
“Alpha Jimin,” I called out feeling uncomfortable.
“I made plenty just in case,” I shuffled back and forth, “But Luna informed me that all alphas who are unmated get an omega of their choosing to spend their heat with.”
A lull happened and I felt my breath picking up. My blinking became far more rapid, and I knew I was sending out waves of anxiety. As a shifter, I had my scent though I was nose blind to it, and no one had ever commented on it besides my auntie. She had said it was like vanilla and lavender, but that was long ago. I could only imagine the signals I was sending out to the two men and when Hoseok froze up, I unintentionally sent out a huge gush of my scent.
Jimin’s eyes were almost black when I looked up at him and it sent terror through me. The prey within me trembled and it caused the shaking to overcome me as well. I shrank away from him, my fight or flight response on high alert, and I knew Shiloh would wake up soon if I did not calm down. I became smaller, closing in on myself, and pulling my head back. My hearing was sharper and the colors around me began to warp. Instead of seeing 3 colors, my vision changed, and the UV waves became visible to me. Jimin flinched and in my current state, I began to shake my neck and a loud, menacing hiss came out of my throat.
That snapped me out of my panic. I had never done that before, and it seemed to have frightened the two men. When I looked this time, Jimin’s eyes were normal. I collected myself before relaxing. The waves were gone, and my ears stopped ringing. Neither one of the werewolves made a move.
“I’m out of it today,” I finally said, breathless.
“Are you alright?” Hoseok asked, his face showing his concern.
I nodded and took another deep breath.
“Anxiety is not good for a prey animal,” I explained.
“I’m sorry I frightened you,” Jimin spoke, and I turned my attention to him.
I nodded and closed my eyes. In the other room, I heard Shiloh asking if I was alright. I quickly let her know that I was fine. I had not had a response that violent in a long time. His eyes… Fear shot through me once more, but I forced myself to calm down. This was Jimin, not the black wolf from my nightmares. Another deep breath.
“No, no,” I slurred my speech. I was so tired. “Your eyes...”
I faintly hear Delinah come inside but I felt like I was underwater. Everything became hazy and my knees buckled. I hit the ground, but I hardly felt the impact. My breath slowed and the voices in the room were far away. Shiloh’s voice began to fill the room, but no one could understand her. Briefly, I felt a warmth envelop my hand and I moved closer to it. I felt cold, so cold, and soon was unable to move. The warmth spread to my face, and I let out a breath at the contact. My eyes closed and even though the voice beside me asked me not to, I fell asleep.
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© chimcess, 2022. Do not copy or repost without permission
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depressedhouseplant · 14 days
🔞 AU Concepts 🔞
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‼️These are NOT to be used without my permission. If you’d like to use one please DM me or comment & also credit me for use of the concept. This includes changing the fandom / ship ‼️
* Boys of Summer (Namjin):
Every year, Jin sees the same boy come to his oceanside hometown. Every year, he also looks miserable. Determined to give him at least one good summer, Jin discovers exactly why the boy never smiles
* Bang, You’re Dead (Yoonminseok):
When line cook Yoongi witnesses a gang assassination behind his restaurant, he’s given a protective detail. Detectives Jimin and Hoseok have never liked each other and now they’re stuck watching the same witness 24/7
* Hellhound (Yoonminseok):
Hoseok and Jimin have been dating for several months. However, Jimin has yet to spend the night. Why? Because he isn’t human. They consult a mint haired witch to reverse Jimin’s curse
* Watch It Burn (Bbangju):
Alpha King Juyeon has everything - a beautiful Omega Queen and a pup on the way. When Younghoon is kidnapped, Juyeon will burn down the kingdom to get him back
* Idolatry (Milsun):
Idols Sunwoo and Hyunjae have constantly crossed paths since debut. After a one night stand in Paris, one of them realizes his feelings are more than lust
* Mortal Fools (Taejoon):
Namjoon has always dreamed of becoming a mainstream rapper. When he gets his big break, he’s forced to leave his boyfriend Taehyung behind. When he returns for a break, the boy he loved is a man he doesn’t recognize
* Something Wicked (JiHope):
Prince Jimin has a blood witch wreaking havoc on his province. His only hope is water witch Hoseok. Who happens to be his ex-betrothed
* Ivory Sun (SOPE):
Sun God Hoseok doesn’t think much about his job. He brings the sunlight. One winter he notices messages and art in the snow. He meets Winter God Yoongi and realizes their paths can never truly cross
* Moonshine Nation (BTS Rap Line):
Namjoon runs the largest bootleg operation on the east coast. His 2 lieutenants Yoongi and Hoseok owe him their lives. In return he hides their true relationship - lovers
* Demonology (JiHope):
Before an archangel and a horseman were bound, there was a demon who desired an angel and would have him no matter the cost (prequel to Wings of War)
* Wings of War (Taejoon):
Taehyung in an Archangel. Namjoon is a Horseman of the Apocalypse. When Taehyung heals him in the mortal realm, the two are bound together permanently.
(I actually started writing this fic but then hit the wall)
* Broken (SOPE):
After a car accident Hoseok is put in a coma. His boyfriend Yoongi can only hope his words get through
* You’re My Light (2seok):
Hoseok and Jin are 2 high powered men with wives to match. Jin has never wanted anyone, including his wife, until he meets Hoseok. Hoseok is happy to meet Jin’s needs. How long will their secret keep?
* Eternal Hearts (Minjoon)
Cursed by a witch with eternal life, Jimin has lived a solitary existence for hundreds of years. Then an adventurous trick or treater is dared to approach his home. When he opens the door, he sees someone he thought he lost centuries ago
* Best Man (Jakehoon):
“I’m getting married,”
Those three words felt like the end of Jake’s world. His best friend, who he was also hopelessly in love with, Park Sunghoon, was engaged to someone else.
(This is omegaverse)
* Smoke and Shadows (Sunkyu):
Kim Sunwoo is a serial sugar baby. When notoriously private chaebol Ji Changmin offers him a lifestyle he never imagined, Sunwoo happily accepts. However, what the world doesn’t know about Changmin can hurt them.
* Let’s Ride It Out (Bbangju):
When Younghoon confesses to Juyeon that he doesn’t want to approach his crush until he’s more experienced, Juyeon offers to help. It ends just as poorly as these things usually do
* Baby, Don’t Be So Jealous (Bbangnyukyu):
Younghoon’s boyfriend is the jealous type. He’d like to break him of that.
Enter: Ji Changmin
* Did It Hurt? (Jumil):
After one too many drinks, Hyunjae sends a pickup line to his favorite idol during a live. Fortunately, Juyeon’s English isn’t great. Unfortunately, Juyeon’s co-idol speaks fluent English.
* Trust Issues (VHope):
Hobi has always known he’s gay, but he makes good money in the straight porn industry. When he finally gets up the courage to come out, he’s fired. Taehyung helps him get a job in the gay porn industry & might be the one to patch up Hobi’s damaged feelings
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purpleyoonn · 1 year
Taehyungs photofolio is really making me wish I wrote that bridgerton au I had posted about back in like, April??
because omg can you imagine alpha taehyung helping his courting omega into a carriage? Bringing her the softest silks for her nest because his omega needs to have the finest. Making sure no other alphas (besides his pack of course) come near her so he (the pack) scent the omega every chance they get. Growling whenever someone else gets to close when they are dancing.
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whalyrae · 1 year
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“If you want to keep a secret, you must also hide it from yourself.”
Summary : All your life, you thought you were a beta, a simple and boring beta. Until everything change. But now that you've presented yourself as an omega, how will you manage to live and hide it from your six friends and best friend, all alphas and all in the same pack? (a/n : I'm a shit for summary I'm so sorry-)
Genre : soulmate au (of course I'm a bitch for this), omegaverse, bangtan alphas au!, omega reader, fluff, angst, eventual smut, polyamory relationships
Status : In process
Word Count : 2.6k
Warnings : the usual one I guess, like smut, angst, fluff (yeah its a warning for some people ) mention of depression, abusive parents (physically and morally), violence and blood, PTSD, scars, self harm,...
A/N : Here's the chapter 3 ! Hope you'll like it !! Thank you so much for all your love and votes and shares and comments too !! You can't imagine how much it's important for writers !! ♥ Feel free to send your reactions, questions etc in my inbox or directly in private !! And thank again for the cute anon for their sweet message yesterday, if you read this, I'll never thank you enough for your words ;w; ♥ ♥
Masterlist | ao3 | wattpad
Chapter 2 // chapter 4
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"I've worn enough suppressor patches to know how to identify them... and to my knowledge betas don't wear them..."
You froze and took a step back, staring at him. No, it was impossible, he was probably playing with you, he was teasing you, he couldn't know who you were already... You had been so careful…
“Don't worry, I won't say anything if that's what scares you, you must have your reasons !” Wooyoung offered you a sweet smile to reassure you, “just try not to abuse it, that's my only advice!”
“I... “ you hesitated for a few seconds, biting your lip nervously, “It's complicated.”
You sighed and shook your head. You couldn't believe that your secret had been discovered not even a day after you did so much to hide it. If Wooyoung found out so easily, that would mean that anyone could…
Questions raced through your head. Your heart rate increased, as did your breathing, and you began to panic. What if this stranger had guessed at a glance? It would take Jimin less time to realize the trickery... No, it couldn't be possible, you didn't want to lose him, you didn't want to lose them.
"Y/n ? Hey, calm down, it's okay..." Wooyoung gently waved his hand in front of you, "Look, we're going to be seeing a lot of each other and working together for a while so... I'm not forcing anything on you, but I'm here if you need to talk, okay ? And as for the complicated part, don't worry, I know a bit about complicated stuff."
"What do you mean ? More complicated than my situation... I must be honest... it seems impossible."
"Listen, what I suggest is that we’ll sit and have a drink and I'll explain a little. Then, if you want to talk about your issue, that's up to you !"
You hesitated few seconds, but finally agreed, on the condition that you would offer the drink to Wooyoung, who had no choice but to accept in turn.
You both entered the café. While Wooyoung went to find seats for you, you went to the counter to order. While waiting for the two coffees, your phone vibrated in your pocket. You took it out of your pocket and unlocked it. A message from Taehyung.
TH : Look at the composition I had to do today ! It made me think of you !
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The attached photo was a beautiful bouquet with lavenders. Along with the poppy, lavender was one of your favorite flowers.
You could only smile at the message. Taehyung always sent pictures of the bouquets he created when they contained flowers that reminded him of you or one of the boys. It was always something that made you smile and warmed your soul.
Taehyung was incredibly good at what he produced as a florist. He was able to create beautiful pieces from nothing, or from a simple little element. He always asked for as much information as possible about the recipient of the order, so that he could compose the most personal bouquet possible. Everything he created was full of poetry. The art and language of flowers took on a whole new meaning with him. It was as if the profession of florist had been invented for him.
You flinched when the waiter called you to say that your coffees were ready. You awkwardly put your phone in your pocket to take your orders and thanked him. You joined Wooyoung, who was laughing because he had been following the whole scene.
“What was it that captured your attention so much ?”
“My florist friend sent me one of those arrangements. He knows I like lavender so…”
You took out your mobile phone to show him the picture. Wooyoung whistled, impressed. You let out a small laugh and gave him his iced coffee before taking a sip of yours.
“I was thinking,” you began, looking up at him, “we haven't even talked about dancing yet... what style are you more into ? Do you have any ideas of what you'd like to do ?”
“I started with ballet, but I really prefer anything hip-hop! As for ideas... I don't really have any I must admit, do you ?”
“ Same here…” you made a little pout while sipping your drink before straightening up suddenly, “since we're a duo, and a mixed one as well, could we base ourselves on that ? You know, like Zendaya and Zac Efron in The Greatest Showman ! Ah ! That movie was so good…”
“ I loved that movie ! I know all the choreography by heart !”
This was followed by a long conversation, mostly punctuated by ‘Are you kidding? I love it too!’ from both of you. You had quickly discovered that you had a lot in common and that your tastes in music, dance and even films were very similar.
Wooyoung had quickly put you at ease, and you realized that he was someone with whom it was easy to communicate and express yourself without fear of being judged.
Finally, after a short silence where you both took a sip of your drinks, you thought about his words earlier. A question was burning your mind, and as you hesitated, he encouraged you to take the plunge by offering you a small smile of encouragement.
You took a more serious tone, without daring to look at him.
“If you hadn't seen the patches…”
“Could I have guessed that you were an omega ? It's true that without them, I could have believed you if you had told me you weren't one, but when I saw you with them, it's hard to think otherwise.”
Wooyoung was of course talking about Jimin, Hoseok and Jungkook.
“I've had... some problems with second year alpha's earlier this year, they're just... wary and protective I guess.”
“That's not what I was getting at…” he paused for a moment to take another sip of his coffee, “you know, when I was telling you about the complicated part of my life, it's not really complicated in reality I tend to exaggerate a bit…”
He shrugged and let out a small laugh.
“I'm part of a pack, there are three omegas and four alphas, one of them is even in our school, in third year !” His eyes lit up at the mention of his boyfriend, “Oh but I will introduce you to him ! My Sannie is incredibly talented, he might even give you some really good advice !”
This was not what you expected at all. Packs were not a rare thing, but they were not particularly common either. Wooyoung was the first omega in such a large pack that you had met. In fact, he was the first omega you actually took the time to talk to. Not that you avoided them, on the contrary. You were just used to being in an environment where the different classes didn't mix. You still remembered very well the near scandal in your high school when you started to appear in public with Jimin.
“It's awesome to be in a pack, especially with them. They're all amazing, adorable, caring and sweet.” the dancer had a big smile that he shared with you, “But the point is that your friends act the same way as my alphas. I felt their protective auras directly, it's not really the kind of thing you give off with someone you consider just a friend... I'd say it was even stronger in the one next to you hm... Jimin I think? Yes, Jimin.”
“He's the one I've known for the longest time but... They don't know,” you finally admitted, “that I'm an omega. In fact, I didn't even know myself... until a week ago.”
Seeing Wooyoung's confused look, you resumed the situation. What happened last week, your first heat, and your mother's reaction. To your surprise, he wasn't that shocked.
"It's more common than you think, especially in families where you're pressured from birth about what you're supposed to be... how you're supposed to act, about your future, that sort of thing.
"Tell me about it…”
You sighed, running a hand through your hair.
“This beta, alpha and omega stuff doesn't change who you are and why people like you,” Wooyoung continued, “I think people who pay attention to these kinds of details are idiots. 'No, I don't want you because you're a beta' or 'you're just an omega, you can't do this, or that', that's really lame.”
You totally agreed with him. What worried you most was how your friends would react. How Jimin would react. It was bad enough that you sometimes felt like you were too much, or that you were 'crashing' with your best friend's pack of alphas, but if they found out that you weren't who you said you were, what would be the repercussions?
The subject had never come up because you were supposed to be a beta and besides that, you had always been clear that you put dancing before everything else. You always told anyone that you weren't interested in relationships. You'd had a couple of hook-ups, with one or two people, but never anything serious. 
Or maybe you'd always had a crush on Jimin, then on the other boys too, and you'd repressed all your feelings because of what you thought you were, a beta, and therefore felt incompatible? And because your friendship with Jimin was so important to you that you didn't want to risk losing him and being alone.
Your fear of abandonment and loneliness had always been a source of stress and anxiety for you. You were ready to do anything, absolutely anything, to not lose Jimin.
“Ah, it's too complicated,’ you finally say, taking your face in your hands, ‘the best thing to do would be to drop everything and go live in Australia.”
"It's always confusing when you lie to yourself... and to others... Hey, can I give you my opinion?"
"Oh... um..." surprised he asked, you straightened up before answering, "yes, of course!"
Pleased with your answer, Wooyoung had straightened up. He took a few seconds before he began to speak. He was looking for the right words, the appropriate formulation.
“So, first of all, Australia is a very good idea! But watch out for the animals, they're pretty well known for being very big and very dangerous.” He winked at her, causing her to giggle, before regaining his seriousness, “Then, when I'm faced with a tricky situation, I try to make some sort of ranking of what's most important. In your case, it's to 'learn' to be an omega and above all, to accept that you are one, because whether you like it or not, it's what you are, it's anchored in your DNA, you can't change it. You will have your heat, your body, your smell and your hormones will be agitated when you are in contact with the people you are physically attracted to. The story is similar in beta actually, it's just... less powerful and less noticeable.”
"Wow you... you seem to know a lot..."
"One of my alphas, Seonghwa, is studying psychology, it's really exciting to listen to him talk! He could help you, if you accept of course! He would explain you much better than me, and in more detail. I'll give you his number along with mine! "
You nodded. Wooyoung was right, like it or not, you were an omega. Even if you hid it from your friends and roommates, you couldn't deny it and suppress it, unfortunately.
"He also taught me that repressing our desires can become painful, especially for us omegas, though I can understand how it might be scary for you who never felt that way before. The change between beta and omega must have been violent for you..." he murmured with compassion.
“What scares me the most are their reactions. Jimin has been my best friend since high school. He's all I have in this world. He's... the most important person in my life. I may not have known the others for that long but... I like them like... a lot. They've never rejected me for being different, unlike... absolutely everyone else before them, in fact. Including family.”
You breathed in and out deeply, pursing your lips for a few seconds. Wooyoung remained silent, letting you take the time to express yourself, and you were very grateful.
“And what if they only accept me because I'm a beta?”’ you resumed, looking up at him, “And what if what I feel for them... this attraction that's been growing since those damn omega pheromones showed up, is only a matter of biology and I'm only attracted to them because of those hormones? What if…”
Wooyoung cut you off by gently taking your hand, as he sensed that you were starting to panic. The last question he heard made him smile inside. He was ready to bet that you didn't even realize what you had just said. You didn't know yet that the hormone thing didn't work that way, but he was saving that information for another time. He was even thinking more and more about asking Seonghwa for some help with this more delicate and technical part. He felt you were completely lost, and even though the best people to help you would be Jimin and his six other alphas who seemed to have taken your heart, this idea was anything but possible for you.
“I can't pronounce because I don't know them, but from what I saw earlier, the way they reacted instantly when they saw me…”
“I'm sorry again, all seven of them are like that with me. It's their alpha nature I guess…”
“That's where you're wrong. Sure, an alpha acts that way, but not with just anyone. When we left... it was the same thing, that protective... and dare I say possessive aura. You may not have felt it because you're probably used to it since you live with them but…”
He paused for a moment and gently squeezed your hand, tilting his head to one side with a small smile.
“My alphas act exactly the same way with us, I told you. I'd even be willing to bet that they don't realize it themselves because as you so rightly say, it's natural and has always been that way for as long as you've known them... I know what I'm talking about and if you want to be sure, I might have an idea…” 
You frowned, you didn't understand a thing, even though in the end, and this is what amused Wooyoung, it was quite simple.
“Trust me! Well, I know that saying it like that when you've only known me for a few hours is a big thing, but…”
“No ! I... look, all I want is for things to stay the same, between me and them, I'll do anything for that.”
“To the point of using suppressants excessively? You're on medication too, am I right?”
He let out a small sigh, and finally stood up, holding out his hand to you.
“Y/n, ah, can I call you Noona? No, don't answer, I'll call you Noona! Well Noona, I think our meeting wasn't just for the dance,” he said in an almost theatrical tone, “it was Fate that put you in my path, there's no doubt about it!”
Slightly confused, you regained your senses and laughed, grabbing his hand as he led you outside.
“First of all, we're going to be the best pairing this school has ever seen,” you said, a hint of defiance in your voice, “I'd like to show the three idiots who are my friends what we can do! And by the way, we'll take the opportunity to nail all those pretentious alphas who like to spend their lives looking down on us!”
“Competitive? I love it! Then I'll personally take care of teaching you to be an omega, to accept who you are. We'll go little by little, but not too much because…” he paused, and the words that followed made your blood run cold, "your next heat will come faster than you think.”
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hollyhomburg · 2 years
Before I Leave You (Pt. 33)
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(Sneak Peak) (Omegaverse au, Mafia au, Bts x Reader)
Summary: Tae's first love will always be poetry, you and Jiminie feel lucky to be the second.
Pairings: Omega! Reader, Omega! Jungkook, Omega! Seokjin, Alpha! Namjoon, Alpha! Hoseok, Alpha! Taehyung, Alpha! Jimin, Beta! Yoongi,
Tags:  consumption of alchohol, drunk kisses, Jimin is sober but gets handsy with the m/c, drunk sexual content, Don't like don't read, 
W/c: 9.4k
A/n: Although i don't think that what happens in the chapter is in any way un consensual- it definitely toes a line in what is considered modern consent theory. i don't subscribe to the notion that one sip of alcohol takes away a persons agency- and the m/c is still very much verbally consenting to Jimin even though she has had a drinkand he hasn't. She's tipsy at best through the entirety of the chapter. and jimin is scent high so! 
Previous Chapter - Masterlist
Chapter 33: Espresso Martini
One moment you’re sitting on one side of the booth alone and the next, Jimin is pushing himself over to your side. It puts his back to the door unfortunately but fuck it you’re more important than any imagined threat that may or may not walk through that door. Jimin's paranoia has always served him well- but maybe just this once he can let it go without catastrophic consequences.
Jimin’s hands on your thighs are firm as he hoists you into his lap easily. You let out a little oof but even though you blush and look around but no one is watching the alpha quite literally manhandle you close to him. 
Then again, you aren't the only omega in the room sitting on someone's lap. 
Jimin is not good with words when he's not talking to Tae, maybe that just means he's not good at words period. Jimin speaks with his body, says please stay and I'm sorry for more than you know, more than we can say here.
If I could, I'd go back and change everything. make sure that I never treated you so coldly at the beginning, that none of us did. Jimin feels more guilt than is necessary over the pack's initial treatment of you, but who could have known that you'd end up meaning so much to them? That as your words grew, so would their love. 
Jimin speaks with his body sometimes, and now, he’s holding you like just your words were enough to get him into a frenzied. His voice is low in your ear as he holds you so gently like just having you in his hands will damage you. Breaking things can often feel like fixing them, and Jimin hopes that tonight is only the start of more.
"Sorry! sorry, I just-"
And yet-
He pulls back, just a hair, just enough to look into your eyes. You shift across his lap, the button of his pants digging into your outer thigh. His fingers hook into the pleats of your skirt and he grimaces, blushing at how he just literally picked you up and got you close. 
“I can get a little intense sometimes. I don’t want to freak you out but I feel like I don’t have good control of my instincts around you.” he admits.  
Have I ever? Is this ever going to get easier?
Jimin’s shirt is a bit tight and it shows off his arms, you can feel every inch of the muscle on them as they circle your back. He’s muscular but then again, it’s his job to look imposing and protective. you steal yourself, begging to be brave just this once. 
“Who told you,” you say, balancing on his knee, you have to wrap your arms around his neck to keep from sliding off. and it puts your mouth close to his ear and his neck, your breath caressing his skin, 
 “-That I didn’t want you to be intense with me?" 
Coming Sunday June 5th at 5pm EST (Time Zone Adjustments Below) 
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