#alien leaders lovely fics
ggukkiereads · 2 years
Hi! can you help me find a doc where jungkook is a alien leader and the reader is a human who plane lands on his ship and she’s only meant to stay till her ship is fixed but they fall in love?
🌷Hi! Perhaps are you referring to Wanted by @jincherie? 🥰
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yandere-kokeshi · 2 years
— Worshipper of our ruler
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Pairing: Yandere bee’s x GN reader
Warnings: Yandere behavior, gore description, NSFW at the mid-start, manipulation and overbearing aliens, being spiked, and slight NSFW towards the end; aka, cliffhanger.
A/N: These bee characters belong to @yanderemommabean — I decided to write a fic based on the alien bees cause I love them!! I also wanna say I hate the ending, I was unsure how to end it, so sorry!! Enjoy though <33!
Happy Halloween by the way 🎃 🖤
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Once you arrived at the planet with your crewmates, it was… interesting to see the bees work and arrive on a daily basis. They were hard workers, working 12 hours at a time to make sure their palace didn’t break. Though, you seemed to notice how there wasn’t a ‘queen bee’ or, at least someone in top control.
Other than the capital leader ruling, it was hard to keep up the palace rules and work-style. You could see that every poor bee was stressed, so you decided to offer some help, or at least be some help to them, even though you were a small human.
You thought they’d decline you, seeing that trespassers were killed on site, but the moment they saw you, they buzzed at you, staring at you with such adoration and animated-like heart eyes; falling head over heels for you.
Originally, the plan of coming here was to agree to the terms of peace with them and get out of there. But, when you came to meet the military and the capitol leader, they immediately saw something in you: a type of look in their eyes that would give anyone goosebumps. From then one, they and the other bees always wanted to be near you, praising and whispering of how wonderful you were. At first, you thought it was because they’ve never seen a human outside of their globe, so you couldn’t blame them or get upset.
They always grasped at your hands, comparing their huge paws to your… small ones. Seeing that you were way shorter than them, a few feet to be exact. The humanoid insects always insisted on taking care of you and keeping you inside, decorated you with the softest silk whilst using the excuse of ‘we’d never want you to get hurt!’.
They always carried you and always wanted to invade your privacy: begging to bathe you, rub their honey-scented lotion on your skin and hand-feed your favorite meals.
They loved you and always wanted to be near you. Their clingy behavior was exhausting, especially with their roaming hands that always clung to your body.
But, when it came for you to leave and escape from their palace, it was terrifying. The moment your captain patted your back, smiled and congratulated you for the hard work you did: gaining the trust of the bee colony. But to your surprise, you heard growling behind you, then swarming of the bees, rushing you to come with them; an ‘emergency’ taking place.
You left your captain behind, seeing that they desperately needed help. After they picked you up, flew you to your chambers while cooing at you, you realized what they were planning: ‘you’re such a wonderful ruler, please lie down on the bed for us!” and “We’ll please you, you’re so pretty!”.
You remember losing your voice in your throat, getting hit climax after climax whilst your body ached of pure pleasure. You wanted to move, scream, yell at them and tell them to stop. But, you couldn’t, they looked at you with such—
“Your majesty?”
You blinked in surprise, looked at the doorway as you rested on the giant bed; connecting eye contact to a female worker. Of course you had zoned out, I mean… how couldn’t you? You’re taken captive in a huge place that is surrounded with thousands of humanoid bees, who expected much from you.
“Y-yeah?” You answered anxiously, looking at your clothes whilst fiddling with your fingers.
Her buzzing was loud. She smiled happily, coming in to deliver in which… what looked like a good meal but you weren’t hungry per say. You were rethinking your life choices, the ‘what if’s’ spiraling in your head as the event replayed in your mind.
You remember that day so clearly, as if it was yesterday. At this point, you’ve lost count on how long you’ve been on this planet; everyday was and is a ‘new day’.
If you could, you'd escape, get up and frantically look around but each time you did, you were gently pushed back into the soft cloud-like bed. They always praised you, saying ‘you need to rest for the young!’.
Yeah right, you couldn’t! It was almost—
“So!” The female bee started, her antenna’s bouncing: “Today we are scheduled to have you do some bed-work. But of course, we’ll take it easy.” She chirped loudly, clasping her hands together as her wings fluttered.
You nodded hesitantly, smiling anxiously. Hearing multiple footsteps, you glanced at the hallway behind her, seeing more workers welcoming themselves into your chamber, shuffling around hugely.
Your heart raced, seeing that the female worker kept babbling on what you’ll do that day, but you couldn’t concentrate on her. Seeing that the male workers that came in, were huge… a whole lot taller than the woman in front of you talking about the damn schedule.
“Does that sound good, your Majesty?” She asked, leaning down to observe you innocently.
“Uh… what?” You asked, shaking your head at your thoughts. You readjusted yourself on the bed, leaning on your knees at her.
She frowned, making an apologetic face: “If that doesn’t sound good, I’ll make a change!” She stated loudly, grabbing the paperwork from the clipboard she was holding, looking through it: “I understand this whole new schedule may sound stressful, we only want what’s best for you!”
“No..! No, it’s fine,” You assured her, grabbing her hand gently, slightly squeezing it.
She still had a frown on, “Are you sure? I can change it!” She moved to grasp both of your hands together, looking at you with her big doe eyes. Her hands were extremely warm and cozy, it almost wanted to make you hug her, have a massage and possibly fall asleep in the cozy bed of yours.
You smiled to not make her upset, reassuring her again, “Yes—yes it’s fine.”
She smiled again, her wings twitching from the praise you gave to her. “Mhm! I’ll tell the captain while the others get ready for your bath. Please enjoy your meal, your Majesty!” She bowed at you, her antenna’s bouncing within her movements.
She left the room, shutting the door with a slight ‘click’. Then, some male guards come in, representing a ‘protective call’ from the military captain. Normally, they’d come in and ask if you wanted anything or they could do something, but they were terrifyingly quiet.
As you finished your meal, you exited your room to the bathroom, where you met some bee workers in the bathroom, almost waiting for you to arrive.
“Oh, your Majesty! we weren’t expecting you yet!” The male one said, who got up to bow at you; slightly smiling whilst buzzing with excitement. “Please,” He started again, his hand directing at the tub: “Enjoy the warm bath as I get the wash workers!”
You smiled towards him, nodding at his statement as you watched him slide past you. Even with their high intelligence and tall structure, they always were so kind and gentle with you. Watching your every move as if you would shatter like glass, it was comforting to know at some limit.
As you undressed yourself, leaving the dirty silks on the white-covered floors, you welcomed yourself to the right temperature of water. You sighed heavily, leaning back against the tub as you played with the water with such boredom.
“My Ruler?”
You jumped and screamed, slightly pressing yourself against the corner of the bathtub. You made direct eye contact with a few female workers, one of them being the other bee lady that was in your room earlier.
“Uh,” You started, “Hi…?” You said awkwardly, embarrassed with the loud yelp you expressed.
They all giggled, hand pressing against their lips as they welcomed themselves into the bathroom, making sure to place your clean clothes on the sink; including letting them join you in the warm water, which was quite comforting.
As the girls helped wash you, gently rubbing the loofah on your delicate and squishable body; taking extra precaution on and around the purple-hickeys and sore spots. They purred at your pretty skin, commenting that: ‘it always smells and looks so pretty!’. They kissed every inch of your skin, looking at you like a rare piece of ore.
Then, two of them gently lifted you up, making sure to wrap a towel around your body, getting your legs and arms well dried before leading to the well-known bedroom of yours. Of course, they dressed you in the best of silks that were made for their best ruler, they only cared about you and your opinion on things after all.
One of the female workers sits you on the bed, making a ‘nest’ in front and behind you before making sure to comb your luscious locks to take out any knots that had formed. This was probably your best part, slightly humming to the every know and again giggles that came out of them when you groaned in satisfaction.
All of the sudden, the sound of the main lady bees made you come out of your euphoria coma: “Dear Ruler…? May we do something?” She smiled in her tone.
You nodded from behind, expecting something other than the now-roaming hands all over your body: making you gasp yet moan in surprise from the extreme pleasure that had occurred all of the sudden.
You felt hot… extremely hot and wet.
“Oh, G–od,” You murmured under your breath, leaning over and trying to concentrate on your breathing other than the multiple warm… hands that worked around your hips, sliding down your thighs and back. It makes your skin have goosebumps, almost pleasuring you just by touching your skin.
“The medication seems to be working,” A female voice purred loudly, making you feel ashamed from the liquid running down your now-open thighs.
You sighed shakily, “T–the… what?”
They all giggled, their hands massaging your back and bum as they squished every part of your body. It made you whine loudly, pressing your back against what you could describe as a pillow of clouds.
You looked up, seeing the bee lady pleasuring you from behind. Realizing... you were laying on her chest: “Oh–Please… S–top. Let me—”
She ignored your protests by giggling, rubbing her nose against yours and continuing her and the other assaults on your poor body that made you so hot and bothered that it seemed to make you desperate for any contact.
They all gathered around you, pampering your delicate skin with kisses and petting your hair: “continue for us, your Majesty. We want more, nothing to be embarrassed of!” They chriped one after the another, buzzing and fluttering loud and clear.
“Oh… God,” You whined, grabbing the sheets under you as you reopened your eyes to see much more workers than you remember seeing.
You quivered from the goosebumps, slapping their hands away in overstimulation.
They all looked at you, making you speak up: “Please… no more. Wha.. ah… did–you do to me?”
“Your Majesty,” One of the male workers started, “Please don’t fret!” He frowned. “We’ll take good care of you, like how you took care of us when we relied on your aid.”
They all nodded, watching your reactions very closely before grasping at your body again: “Please! Allow us to pleasure you in any way… you deserve it.”
Before you could speak again, your body and mouth betrayed you: body violently shaking from the immense pleasure that jolted through you like lightning and babbling out curses.
“Your Majesty,” A female bee started, pushing you on your back as more surrounded you: “We’ll make this as pleasurable as you want! Please, allow us to touch you in ways!” She begged, joining the continuous assaults on you.
All you could do was moan, whine, and whimper as praises and love comments were thrown at you one after another. It was like a dream, a pure… pleasurable dream.
Reblogs, comments and likes are very much appreciated!! Thank you all for reading <33
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alien-magnolia · 1 year
Tsu'Tey x reader- Sky Woman
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Fic description: more sky people began to assimilate to the na’vi way of life after Jake sully becomes mated and Toruk Makto. Tsu’tey is tasked with teaching you the ways of the village and eventually starts to develop feelings. Romance/fluff/ smut at the end
If you like this post pls help a writer out and reblog🖤
Tw: human/alien, mating ritual, dom!Tsu’tey, subby!fem!human reader (later in Na’vi form)
Praise kink, SIZE kink, overstim, sir kink, exhibitionism)
You fell in love with Pandora from the minute you first saw it. It was a beautiful planet, and you were so fortunate to be able to experience it all. Your avatar has fully grown, yet you weren’t able to take it outside yet. You needed proper training. So, you ventured out in human form for now.
You were told that humans were allowed in the village, or even on the outskirts of it. You were just exploring the terrain, looking at your guidebook, identifying various flora and fauna. You were a scientist after all. All of a sudden, you feel the ground shake beneath you, and you see a group of Na’vi hunters, on their direhorses. The group is led by a lean yet muscular na’vi man, shouting, pointing in different directions.
They are gone, and you leave the forest thinking about the strange way that the leader has looked at you. His voice, his eyes. He was a warrior, he just looked so powerful on top of that horse. You really hoped that you could see him again. 
They are gone, and you leave the forest thinking about the strange way that the leader has looked at you. His voice, his eyes. He was a warrior, he just looked so powerful on top of that horse. You really hoped that you could see him again. 
They are gone, and you leave the forest thinking about the strange way that the leader has looked at you. His voice, his eyes. He was a warrior, he just looked so powerful on top of that horse. You really hoped that you could see him again. 
You did see him again. It was when you wandered into the village in human form, you spoke with some of the locals. “Kaltxi ma tsmukan e tsmuke! Smon nìprrte!” (Hello my brothers and sisters, it is nice to meet you.) Since you had such an advanced knowledge of the language, you made a good impression on the village. For the next few weeks, you have returned and got to know the people. They wanted to teach you the way of the Omaticaya and the forest, and then you went to see the Tsahik, Mo’at. She assigned a certain Navi to teach you the way. That certain Navi man just happened to be the next olo’eyktan- Tsu’tey. The one you have seen before. 
You gulp as Mo’at announces the pair between you two, and he walks up to you, towering over you. You feel so small under him, and he smirks. “Many Sky people can not learn the way. Why must I waste my time with her?,” he instigated. “I’ll learn. Trust me,” you fight back. He is surprised that you’d talk back to him. He scoffs. “Come. First you must learn how to hunt, how to appreciate the forest. Learn well, sky person,” he taunts. 
“I have a name, you know,” you retaliate, standing tall, attempting to show him that you’re not afraid of his snarky remarks. He scoffs again, but you swore you saw a little smirk on the corner of his mouth. He told you that you must train in your avatar form, or else you would not be able to match any of his moves. 
You return the next day, a little clumsy because it is only your first time taking your avatar out. Your avatar was smaller than most. You reach the village, teetering over the log bridge. You find Tsu’tey waiting for you. “It is about time, sky woman. You are late. This is not how hunters behave. It is not the way,” he scoffs. Although his tone is cold, his eyes say otherwise as he looks you up and down. 
Your eyes meet his, and he looks away, pretending that he was not just admiring you. “Come. You have a lot to learn,” he says, as his large hand grabs your small wrist, and he leads you deeper into the forest. 
It was so hard for your little legs to keep up with his, and for some reason, he wouldn’t meet your gaze while he had your wrist  in your hand. It made you wonder, if he felt just as flustered as you were, being in each other’s presence for so long, so close. It just made you want to grab that large hand of his and put it on you :) but you didn’t! You had to restrain yourself (for now) 
And so it went like this, you would follow him around the forest, your wide eyes staring up at him as he explained the significance and connection between all life on Pandora. He’d look at you with amusement as you actually succeeded at the things he would show you. 
It started the day he taught you how to hunt properly with an arrow. “No. You are holding it wrong,” he scoffs, as you keep fumbling with the bow and arrow. “Your posture. Look.” He comes around behind you, his large hands covering your abdomen, repositioning you so your back is straight. 
“Do not slouch. Eyes forward. Focus,”  he commands. You keep still, and you feel his breath behind you as you shoot the arrow, it lands right where it was supposed to. 
“Hah!,” he shouts aggressively. “You did it. Much triumph to you, sky woman,” he smirks at you, his hand slightly resting on your shoulder. He is still behind you, and you turn around to face him. He looks down at you, the  expression on his face identical to when he had first seen you. 
“I have a name, Tsu’tey,” you whisper to him quietly, your hand trailing along his long braids. “I know,” he replies, and brings you in for a kiss. It was hard, reaching him since he was (still) much taller than you. Luckily for you, he solved that problem by just lifting you up. “Like a feather,” he chuckles, as he brings you further into the woods. 
He lays you down on a leaf, his movements are fierce and yet his eyes are soft. What you loved about Na’vi men was their deep emotional intelligence, their empathy. He was asking for consent. You go ahead and nod, and he smiles once more, before bringing the full weight of his body down onto you. 
“Ma paskalin,” (my honey) I’ve wanted you for so long. To see your cute little body follow me around every day…it’s just, I felt something I did not feel before,” he confesses to you, as he gently trails a few  kisses onto your face and neck. 
“Felt the same, ma Tsu’tey. You’re so pretty,” you gaze up at him, one of your hands gently holding his cheek. He smirks at you again, and then gets rougher. You gasp and let out a few moans as you feel his large hand claw and pinch at your thighs, his plump lips attacking yours in a hungry kiss. 
You start to grow more flustered as his hand trails lower and lower, and eventually gets to your loincloth. “Sir…want you inside me. Please,” you beg him. He chuckles. “You shouldn’t have called me that, ma paskalin.  My woman,”  he says, strangely calm. 
With that, you feel his fingers plunge into you, they were so long, already stretching you out so good!! You try to get yourself some leverage, away from his strong grip on your thighs, but you couldn’t. He was just too strong. 
“Ah-ah, ma honey. You stay right there and take what your sir gives you. If you’ll be good for me, I’ll even let you have my cock. Want that, ma paskalin?,” he taunts, his smile wide, his eyes predatory. You could only nod vehemently, letting out quiet whimpers as you felt his fingers go deeper and deeper, curling, reaching up into that sweet spot you just loved so much. 
“S-s-sir. I’m close. Please,” you plead with him, and yet he only chuckles and keeps going. That is until — he pulls his fingers out completely. You whine. You just needed to be full, filled with him!! Yet, that is when you notice his cock, all red, standing up so perfectly !!! (And with a slight curve to the left, where a big vein ran down the side) 
“Ready, my little honey? You sure that pussy can take me?,” he taunts you, chuckling. One of his hands comes up to grab you by the neck (for leverage) as he slides your body down onto his cock, like you were a doll made for him to use. You assumed he was around fifteen, maybe sixteen inches even. It didn’t even fit all the way of course, but that didn’t matter because it was just so wide :) fitting in you, all snug and cozy!! 
His mushroom tip just felt so right inside you, and you started to see Eywa herself as he bounced you up and down on his throbbing cock :) You look up at his face, you see him baring his fangs, growling, his face furrowed in pure pleasure, pure concentration that he gets from using you, fucking you, until you just drop. 
You weren’t sure how many minutes or hours had passed with Tsu’tey inside you. It seemed like the Na’vi warrior lived up to his reputation, his fierceness shone through more and more as you got absolutely destroyed by him on that leaf. He finished at eclipse. 
He came inside you (of course) and pushed you back down when you tried to rise. “No, ma paskalin. Lay. Make sure it takes. You need your rest,” he says to you, eyes fierce but tone gentle. You giggle a bit as he lays down next to you, his large arms wrapping around your stomach, bringing you close to him. “Maybe we can mate one day,” he whispers to you.  the both of you close your eyes, drifting away into a peaceful sleep, after the most exhilarating night of your lives. 
Avatar taglist: @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed @23victoria @jake-sullys-whore @aerangi
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tragedybunny · 6 months
If you are in the mood for writing and taking requests, could you pls write a short fic about crying f!Tav and Astarion comforting her?
Hello! I hope you like it. This was actually a scene I had been thinking about for awhile as it fits in with my Tav's story. Thank you to @satanicspinosaurus for the beta.
Lean On Me - Astarion x F!Reader
Your group stepped through the Basilisk Gate after your confrontation with Gortash at Wyrm’s Rock, entering Baldur’s Gate properly for the first time. The clamor and crowds of the city were overwhelming, smothering you in an alien way of life you’d only glimpsed in bits and snatches from the Patriar’s ivory walls of the Upper Gate.
were familiar, and yet not, and entirely overwhelming. You almost stumble as you glance around, trying to take everything in. Muscles tense as it all blurs together and you frantically try to figure out how to navigate the section of the city you’ve rarely seen. Someone soundlessly hovers at your shoulder.
“Everything alright, Darling?” Astarion whispers to not draw the attention of the others. 
“Y-yeah,” you stutter before stepping away. There isn’t time for you to be anything else, so you breathe deep and take a step. 
“Should we start at the Elfsong? Could be a good base to operate from, and there’s always information to be found there.” Wyll’s point is solid, and the Emperor already urged you to stop there. 
“Good call.” There was just one problem. 
“Lead on, fearless Leader,” Wyll says jovially, but you’ve frozen where you stand. “You do know the way to the Elfsong right?” 
“I…” Frantically, you try to recall anything you know about the Lower City. 
“I thought every Baldurian knew where the Elfsong was,” Karlach asks, without malice, but genuine curiosity. 
You open your lips, but instead of words, a small noise comes out. It’s not their fault, they have no way of knowing, the Lower City was worlds away from your gilded cage. A place forbidden, it was below you. Or so you were told. 
“You're not familiar with the area, are you?” Wyll offers kindly, sensing something is wrong and trying to take some of the sudden pressure off. 
He says something else, but you can’t even hear him. The busy streets fade into visions of dark, cold rooms with windows to a world you can never touch. Tears embarrassingly prick your eyes as you’re drawn back into a place where fear motivates perfection, where hurt is a price paid to be molded into who you need to be. Eyes that mirror your own, blue and icy as a winter storm, stare at you with disdain. The message is clear: you’re not enough. 
Vaguely, more voices flit across your consciousness, but you can’t focus, until one voice in particular breaks though. “Go on ahead, I’ll take care of her.”
Cold hands clasp yours, a momentary calm in the storm. “Can you hear me, Love?” Wordlessly, you nod. “I’m going to lead you into this alley, just so we get out of the street.” The insistent pull is easy to follow with nothing to anchor you. 
The clustered buildings block the daylight, plunging you into shadows and shade, any progress of Astarion’s reassuring voice is lost. Daylight is a reward for obedience, and there is none of it here. Mother’s voice is in your ear, the matriarch of ice. You want to leave, but the door is locked, useful trinkets can’t be left to their own devices, lest they be lost. You feel yourself trembling, and you know you’re still crying. “You’re not there, you’re safe. Just focus on my voice. You can do that for me, right, my Sweet?” 
Eyes squeeze shut, and you yank your hands away from his to rub fitfully at the scar on your wrist. You never could get away from her, you're drowning in frigid water, you can’t breathe. She wouldn’t let you go, even when your heart stopped beating. Foolish to think you’d ever escape. “I’m going to take your hand again. I won’t hurt you.” 
Astarion makes a strangled gasp when he pries your hand from your wrist, but he holds it gently, rubbing softly with his thumb. “Come back to me, Sunlight, I’m right here.” 
Sunlight. “...you’re bright, and warm, and beautiful,” you can still hear those words of his as clear as the night he said them. Warm, bright, nothing like what you’re supposed to be. Because you’re free now, you’re no longer currency to be traded, your life is yours to mold. 
“Astarion,” you force your eyes open and struggle to get more words out between ragged breaths, burying your tears back down inside yourself. Wide crimson eyes stare at you with open concern, traveling down to where your nails have worried jagged, red lines in the skin of your wrist. Pulling it to your chest, you tuck it out of sight, wanting both of you to forget what you saw. “I’m fine. We should get going.” There’s so much that needs to be done. 
Astarion is never good at hiding his emotions from you, and hurt flickers across his face for a moment before he regains control. “But you’re not, and you don’t have to be all the time.” 
Deep breath, reassuring smile, the composure of a leader. Everyone is counting on you. That’s why they love you, you lead where they can’t. “Really, I’m alright, I-”
Gently, he pulls you into himself, and runs fingers comfortingly through your hair. “I know what it’s like, remember?” Gods, you’d almost forgotten who you were trying to convince. Instincts want to fight him still, to go on, to stop making a scene. But his comforting touch persists, and he raises your stinging wrist to his lips, laying the most delicate kiss on it. 
The tears you’d so successfully banished well back up, and you find yourself sniffling into his shirt, building to genuine gulping sobs. 
Composure shattered, there’s no going back. All your weight leans into him as you cry. “Sorry, I’m sorry, really, I’ll be fine.” 
“Shh, no apologies, you’ve done nothing wrong.” Lips kiss the top of your head, and you bury your face against him, still ashamed of breaking down. 
Time slips away from you as you let the fear and hurt drain away in tears. Astarion’s hold never waivers, soothing words falling from his lips in a low whisper until you finally quiet. There’s an emptiness where it all was, but it’s better than the pain. “I-”
“That had better not be another apology on that sweet little tongue of yours.” He lets go just enough to pull back and study you, concern written on his features, despite the lighter tone to his words. 
You offer him a shaky smile. Despite his faults, Astarion tries to be a good partner. “It burns like failure. I should be better.”
“Hmm, that sounds like it comes from your family I'd wager,” your eyes go wide at his deduction, “it wasn't hard to figure out from the little bits I've been able to get from you. But they're not here, and I am. And I say you're so very strong already, you deserve some time when you’re not.” 
Silently, you let your head fall back against his chest. You don’t have an answer for him because you want to argue. That’s a pointless endeavor, though, both because Astarion is nearly impossibly stubborn and a little part of you is starting to think he’s right. “Maybe,” you finally say. 
“You know I’m right Darling, like always,” it’s such a typical Astarion way of ending a heavy moment, you give him a genuine smile. “But I suppose we should catch up with the others, gods know what trouble they’ve gotten into without us.” 
If only you had time for just the two of you right now, it will have to wait though. More than just your friends, a whole city is at the precipice of disaster. And who knows how many more than Baldur’s Gate will suffer if you fail. One more kiss and you stand up straight, finding the will to press on again. 
A hand catches yours, a reminder you’re not doing this alone. 
Tag list:
@micropoe10 @spacebarbarianweird @writingmysanity
 @mxxny-lupin @azu21 @tallymonster @dependsonthedream
@sunfire-ancunin @bambamwolf87 @fayeriess
@lumienyx @lisrelly @elora-the-slutty-songstress
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eyrina-avatar · 1 year
Spider x Neytiri (mother-son) a mother's day special
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synopsis: after the Sullys return to the forest, Spider has constantly been struggling with the thoughts of Neytiri not hesitating to kill him in exchange for Kiri; serving as a reminder of just how replaceable he is. When mother's day comes up and the Sully kids all shower Neytiri in love, Spider is once again reminded that he'll never have a mom to care for him like he's always wanted.
extra info: Neteyam never got shot during the battle of awa'atlu and Spider didn't save Quaritch so the dialogue and plot in this is a bit different than atwow.
author's note: I just wanted to write this little fic for mother's day when it came in mind. Spider has basically been an orphan his whole life and although he hangs out with the sully kids, he's not officially part of the family, or of anyone's family. So I thought it'd be nice to write something good for him.
warnings: fluff but a little angst at first, some violence, small mentions of death/killing(no one dies), some mentions of self hate, angst to comfort
word count: ~ 3.5k -3.7k
"Release, or I cut" Neytiri threatened.
"What, you think I care about some kid? He's not mine. We're not even the same species." let out Quaritch, not wavering for his own biological son.
"Just plea- please don't hurt her. Just please, Let her go, PLEASE." managed Spider as Neytiri held a knife to his chest.
"Don't kill him." whispered Kiri.
"Listen to me, let her go. Don't hurt her" pleaded Spider.
"Mom, don't kill him." Quaritch's knife dug deeper into Kiri's skin.
"A child, for a child." Neytiri's grip on Spider tightened.
"Please, don't hurt her." he pleaded once more.
"I cut." hissed out Neytiri as she cut through Spider's flesh.
"Spider! SPIDER!" Spider was ripped out of his thoughts as Kiri's voice waved through his ears.
"Sorry, I was thinking."
"Isn't it me who's usually supposed to be spaced out, lost in thoughts?" teased Kiri
"yea," He gave out a light chuckle.
"Are you fine, you've been acting strange ever since mom did you know what..." Kiri gave a questioning look.
"No, no it's fine. I'm fine. She was just trying to save you, she was mad at Quaritch so she acted out. It's understandable." reassured Spider, though inside, he felt unwanted by Neytiri and a burden to the Sullys.
He knew Neytiri didn't accept him as he wasn't a Na'vi and to make things worse, he's the son of Quaritch, leader of the group of sky people who tried to destroy Pandora, kill her family, and wipe out her people. How could Neytiri ever care for Spider as one of her own?
"Spider, it's okay to feel upset. I know I would." Kiri saw right through him, she wasn't stupid.
"Come, it's Mother's Day. The sky people usually gift their mothers gifts on this day to show their appreciation for her. You, out of all of us should know that," tugged Kiri as she tried to cheer up his spirits by involving him in family activities.
"Actually, I don't think Neytiri would want to have me around. If I gift her some flowers or food, she might throw them out, feed them to her ikran, or say a palulukan ran over them. Even worse, they might stink of alien blood." He lowered his head in shame as he played with his songcord.
"Spider! How could you say such a thing about yourself! She wouldn't do that! You are part of the family, she cares about you like she does about me!" exclaimed Kiri.
"That's the problem; I'm not part of the family. I don't have a mom or dad-"
"Neither do I, but Neytiri has become my mother. I love her just as much as I love Grace, and she does too." Kiri squatted down to Spider's height, and she placed her hand on his shoulder, trying to comfort him.
"You are Na'vi, I'm not. That's why she's accepted you as her own! She doesn't like me because I'm human." he barely let out in a whisper.
"No! Norm and Max are not hated by Neytiri, she even cared about Grace and Trudy as well. Don't you remember the stories of the clan, they even painted Trudy in Omaticaya war paint for battle! She doesn't hate humans!"
"But I'm not them! Were they related to Quaritch? NO. They weren't a burden, they could care for themselves, and they were Jake's friends. Jake and them chose their friendship, but me, I'm just one big accident. I should have never been born. Why did the scientists save me anyways, to burden everyone, and so I could never have a place to call home? Is that why?!" he threw his songcord on the floor in anger as he stood up. "She would never let me call her mom, and I wouldn't blame her." He stormed away, somewhere into the vast forest as to be left alone.
Kiri just stared as her mouth hung open in shock, not knowing how to react. She ran after him, trying to catch up, not knowing what she was going to say next.
When the coast was clear, Neytiri moved from behind the tree and approached the spot Kiri and Spider were previously at. A sigh left her lips as she picked up Spider’s disregarded songcord and held it close to her.
“Oh great mother, forgive me,” an almost silent prayer as she closed her eyes in realization of everything she just heard.
“Mom, mom! Happy Mother’s Day! I got this for you!” Tuktirey held up an assortment of tiny flowers she had picked for Neytiri.
“Oh, thank you, Tuk! I love them, they smell wonderful.” Neytiri smiled as she lifted them to her nose and breathed in their scent. She opened her arms, gaining a hug from Tuktirey, then patted her head and gave her a small forehead kiss.
“These will go with my bow.” she walked into her tent and was met with a surprise, Lo’ak, Netetam, Kiri and Jake all standing together. Kiri held a bouquet of even bigger flowers and Jake held a necklace matching two arm bands that Lo’ak and Neteyam each held, all containing a similarly woven pattern.
"Happy Mother's Day!" they all let out in unison.
"Oh my!" Neytiri beamed as her children and husband all gathered together to shower her in love and affection.
"These are for you." Kiri handed her the bouquet she picked out.
"And these as well." Jake presented as Lo'ak and Neteyam each handed her an armband.
"These are so beautiful! Oh, thank you-"
"Try them on mom!" squealed the youngest, excited to see the pretty accessories on her mother.
"Tuk, calm down." Jake warned but Neytiri just laughed at her excitement. She slid them on and turned her arms to look at them.
"So, how do they look?" She questioned.
"Beautiful!" exclaimed Tuktirey as she clapped her hands in excitement.
"I love them, thank you guys so much." Neytiri placed a small peck on everyone's forehead, including Jake's.
"Wait, we're not done yet." Jake opened the flap to their marui and they all walked out. He walked behind their shared tent and came back around with an ikran saddle in his hands.
"What is this?" Neytiri side eyed Jake, curious at the new object in his hands.
"It's an ikran saddle for you mom, your old one is all worn out, so we made you a new one." explained Lo'ak.
"For me?" she raised an eyebrow.
"Yes, for you!" Giggled Tuktirey as she now sat on Neteyam's shoulders to get a good view.
"I- I don't know what to say. These are beautiful. And they match my arm bands as well!"
"You don't have to say anything, happy mother's day! Thank you for being the most wonderful mother to our children." Jake placed a small kiss on her lips.
The sully's all gathered around Neytiri and embraced her in a warm hug, everyone was happy except for one watching, Spider.
He was hidden behind another clan member's tent and had seen how Neytiri had cherished all of her children. Once again realizing, that he didn't have a family and never will.
A small sigh left Spider's lips as he dropped the flowers he had picked for Neytiri and turned around, leaving for a quiet spot to ponder on his thoughts. Unbeknownst to him, Neytiri had spotted the flowers drop and him walking away. Her heart ached at the sight as she wished to call him, but shame and guilt got in the way.
"What is it? Is something wrong?" Jake saw the look on her face.
"No, nothing! Everything is fine. Thank you, my loves, I really appreciate your wonderful gifts. May Eywa bless you all" she forced a smile and gave each another small kiss and went on to saddle her ikran.
It was midday, and Spider had been sulking. He had faked his energy around the Sullys the whole day. His earlier talk with Kiri put him in a bad mood, and everything he witnessed further deepened the pang in his heart. Spider was filled with sadness, jealousy, and confusion, not knowing who, what, or where he was supposed to belong.
"Hey Spider, where's your songcord?" once again broken out of his thoughts but by Lo'ak this time.
"Oh um... I guess I lost it." Spider shrugged, not having much interest in it anymore since he didn't consider himself as one of the people.
"What do you mean you lost it, that has all of your life stories in it! What are you gonna do?" Lo'ak questioned, shocked at Spider's lack of care for his songcord.
"I don't know, man. I guess I'll go looking for it later on." he suggested in a dull voice.
"It'll be eclipse by the time you start searching." Lo'ak pointed to the sky.
"Meh, what's the biggie?" he sighed
"WHAT'S THE BIGGIE? What if you get eaten by a palulukan, or get attacked by some hungry nantangs (viperwolfs)? You'll be a GONER!" Lo'ak waved his arms in exclamation.
"Then I'll be doing everyone a favor." Spider muttered under his breath, not high enough for Lo'ak to hear.
"Nothing, I'll be fine. Go have food with your mom, she probably made lunch by now." Spider got up and patted Lo'ak's shoulders in reassurance.
"Bro, aren't you at least gonna eat?"
"I'll be fine." he waived as he walked away to another section of the clan. Spider didn't have in mind to go looking for his songcord, but he knew it gave him a good excuse to wander off by himself. Not like any of the Omaticaya would care about his well-being, or so he thought.
Before he could make it too far from home tree, the sound of Neytiri's voice made him stop. "Spider!" He turned around.
Huh? Shit, I must have done something wrong to make Neytiri upset. Did I bump into Tuk by mistake, did I break one of her toys? What if I accidentally stepped on the bow Neytiri's father gave her?
His thoughts ran wild as he thought of all the possibilities of why Neytiri could possibly be upset with him.
"Y- yes, on my way!" he huffed out and approached the tent, flap open as all the Sullys had just gone inside to eat. "You called?" he cautioned in nervously, getting ready for an earful.
"Eat, where are you going without your lunch? You will become weak and unable to catch up with the others if you keep this up. And you will become the next meal for a nantang if you plan to go into the forest like that.” Spoke Neytiri as she handed off some bowls of food.
"I, I'm sorry. I'll eat right away." he let out, not knowing what else to say, shocked as Neytiri had called him to eat, and not to scold him.
He sat down and ate, finishing his food as quickly as he could. “Thank you.” He let out and Neytiri simply nodded.
“Lo’ak, go clean the bowls by the river and take your brother with you. Neteyam, please collect some water, our vases are running dry and we’ll need some for later and for tomorrow morning.”
“Ooh can I go? Can I, can I, can I? Pleaseeee.” begged Tuk.
“Lo’ak, keep an eye on your sister.” Neytiri stacked the bowls and handed them to Lo’ak.
“But mom, she’s just a distraction!” pleaded Lo’ak.
“Silence! You will bring your sister with you. She needs to learn how to chores as well.”
“Ughh” Lo’ak let out a groan as he rolled his eyes and made his way out of the marui with Neteyam trailing behind him and Tuktirey already skipping her way along the path.
“Well, it’s time for my lessons with Mo’at. I’ll get going.” Kiri thanked Neytiri for the food and also left the tent, leaving just Jake, Neytiri and Spider inside.
“Don’t you have some business to attend to?” Neytiri questioned.
“Who, me?” Jake pointed to himself
“Well, who else has the duty of being Olo’eyktan? Some of the clan members were having a quarrel about something. You better go check.” Neytiri waved off Jake as he left the tent with a sigh, wishing he had more time to relax after his meal.
Spider stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to do.“I better get going.” He let out and was about to leave the tent until he was stopped by Neytiri.
“What is this I hear about you losing your songcord?” She questioned, not lifting her head as she cleaned up the marui.
“Err, I must have dropped it earlier today, but I think I have a good idea of where it’s at.” Spider scratched his head as he came up with what sorta felt like a lie. He remembered throwing his songcord to the floor in frustration as he spoke to Kiri earlier today.
“I suppose you are going into the forest to find it?” Neytiri looked at him.
“Yes, I guess so.” He motioned to turn around, but was once again stopped by the voice of Neytiri.
“Nonsense, it will be late by the time you reach deep enough into the forest to find your songcord. It would be dangerous for you to go alone. Get your bow and we will go find it.” Neytiri motioned with her hands for him to leave the tent and he did just that.
Spider was confused as to why Neytiri was helping him. This was the first time in his life that she ever offered her assistance to him, besides just sharing food with the Sullys.
Though, he wasn’t the only one confused, Jake had been listening from the other side of the tent and was now wondering what Neytiri was planning. Although he loves his wife and trusts her, this sort of behavior from Neytiri towards Spider was odd and maybe he doubted just a bit that she wouldn’t try to harm him. In fact, she probably would, especially with how she acted during the battle against Quaritch.
Is she gonna try to kill me? What if she abandons me or leaves me to my own defenses against a wild beast? No, come on, be rational. She wouldn’t try to kill me, or would she? She didn’t hesitate to try to kill me back then, what would change now? Shit, get yourself together, Spider.
Spider walked back to the Sullys’ Marui with his bow in hand. “I- I’m ready” he nervously breathed out.
“Good. Let’s go.” Neytiri led the way into the forest and Spider followed behind. The both striding quickly, unknowing of Jake closely trailing behind them, just to make sure that Spider would be fine. Or for extra protection in case an animal tried to attack them; the excuse Jake came up with, in case he got caught.
“I think this is the spot Kiri and I were at earlier” affirmed Spider as he searched for his songcord.
“I don’t see it anywhere.” Neytiri pretended to look around, though she was holding it the whole time.
“But I was right here! It couldn’t have disappeared unless someone took it, and who would have come here?!” He grew desperate as he knew the approximate spot he threw it at.
Neytiri quickly bent down and placed part of it under a rock as Spider faced the other direction, looking for it behind a bush. She stood up and pretended to continue looking. Spider approached her area and looked everywhere, lifting every twig, branch and leaf.
“I found it!” He yelled out in excitement, slightly feeling happier as Neytiri had treated him kindly.
“Good, and it’s still in one complete piece.”
“Yea” Spider smiled at the songcord in his hands
“But-“ Neytiri let out
“oh, but what?” Spider tilted his head in confusion
“It’s missing a piece.” Neytiri pointed to an empty spot on his songcord.
“Oh, it’s not missing anything. I just didn’t have anything to fill that spot yet.” reassured Spider.
“No, it is missing something.”
“I’m sorry, I’m not understanding.” Spider stated, now confused.
“I actually wanted to talk to you about something. That is why I called you to the forest out here with me.” She let out, eyes not meeting his as she grew worried with how she was going to deliver her explanation.
“But I thought you wanted to help me find my songcord? I found it!” Spider looked at Neytiri intently as she shied of any eye contact with him.
“Spider, sit.” She placed her hand on his shoulder and lightly pushed him down. She continued standing up, too nervous to stay still as she paced back and forth, tail swishing in anxiousness.
“I knew where your songcord was.” Neytiri admitted
“Huh, how?”
“I put it under the rock.” Neytiri let out as she looked down.
“Oh, you could have just told me that you found it. You didn’t have to do that to make me feel like I actually found it.” Spider smiled at what he thought was a kind gesture from Neytiri.
“That’s not what I meant.” She let out a sigh. “I saw when you threw it earlier today.” Neytiri’s ears bent down in embarrassment at the admittance of listening in on his conversation about her.
Spider’s face dropped as he realized she heard everything he said. Horrified, he stood up, trying to quickly think of an excuse to come up with.
“Don’t be nervous, sit back down.” reassured Neytiri as she pointed to the spot he was previously at. Not knowing what else to do or how to react, Spider sat down, uneasy for what was going to happen next.
“I’m sorry.” Let out Neytiri. Spider’s eyes widened in shock, unsure if he misheard her.
“What?” he asked in confusion.
“Oh great mother!” Neytiri briefly turned around as pleaded for help with her words.
“I’m sorry, Spider. I know it must have been so hard for you to have always been watching my family grow up and not feel part of it. To feel like you have no true home and no one to comfort you for that. I have been a horrible person to you,” managed Neytiri as she looked at Spider nervously, not knowing how he was going to react.
“I, I don’t know what to say…” It was the first time Spider had received such an apology, and the first time Neytiri had showed concern for how he was feeling.
“I know it is difficult not having any parents. I’ve lost my father and that has been very hard, but I was already grown up and had direction in life. I could even not begin to imagine the struggles you have faced while living without a mother or father to raise you as their own.” She placed her hand on his shoulder and continued on.
“We all know that Quaritch is your biological father, but that is no excuse for the way I have treated you. You are not him! And that day when we fought Quaritch and I had your life in exchange for Kiri’s, that… that was unacceptable of me! That was foolish...." she trailed in a low voice. "I had no excuse to take out my anger for Quaritch on you. NO EXCUSE!” She let out.
"If I had caused the death of an innocent child that day, I would never be able to continue to live with the guilt of such an act. And even though it did not go through, I still regret doing that, treating you as some sort of bargai-"
“No! You had to save Kiri, it’s okay, I understand!” Spider reassured her, but mostly himself, trying to come up with excuses in his mind. The words coming out of Neytiri’s mouth were too much for him to handle. Years of internal pain and anguish hidden from everyone until now. She was pouring out all of his inner thoughts and feelings so quickly and suddenly that he thought he was going to burst.
A lump formed in his throat as he tried to hold back tears and simply looked down, not being able to say anything else without the risk of a sob escaping from his lips.
“Please, let me start over with you.” Pleaded Neytiri as she looked up, struggling to prevent the tear that was forming in her eye from falling. “ I will care for you as I have cared for the rest of my children and Kiri. You have always meant only well to my family and have done nothing to deserve such harsh treatment from me. Forgive me.” Neytiri looked into his eyes, waiting for a response.
A small sob escaped Spider’s lips, taken aback by Neytiri’s request for forgiveness.
“Come here, my son.” She motioned for him to approach her.
“Son?” Spider asked.
“Yes. Please, let me care for you as my own son. It's the least I could do to make up for my behavior towards you." Neytiri opened her arms as a single tear stained her cheeks, guilt overtaking her as she prayed that he would accept her plead.
"You want to be my mom?" his mouth hung open, brain barely making the connection at the sudden appeal.
"Yes, I want to be your mother. After years of suffering, it is what you deserve." Her tears now flowing down in numbers. "Please, forgive me. Give me another ch-" Neytiri was cut off.
"Mom!" Spider ran up to her and engulfed her in a hug, streams of tears ran down his face as he closed his eyes and wept.
Neytiri bent down to his height and embraced Spider as one of her own, thumb wiping his cheeks as she held onto him tightly, comforting him and herself in the process.
She held up Spider's hand that was holding his songcord, "Your songcord is missing a piece." she stated.
"I still don't understand what you mean by that." Spider let go of the hug to face Neytiri.
"You are one of us now, part of the family. You now have a mother."
Spider beamed in joy, now having someone to belong to and a mom who would take care of him.
Mom, a word with a new meaning: home, where he belongs.
"Son," Jake smiled behind the tree where he had intently been watching them both.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
haha, I never thought that I would be writing for Spider but this idea popped into my head and I just KNEW that I had to write it
I hope this came out good and you all enjoyed it. I know this was a bit wordy and had a lot of dialogue, especially the second half. Hopefully it didn't come out cringey(it sounded a bit off and rough in my head while rereading it but I didn't know how else to fill up the details😬), this is my first fluff fic so bear with me🥴
any interaction is appreciated
do not steal my work and pls don't post it on ao3 or wattpad
© eyrina-avatar
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colors used: #1FED6A and #24EDE0
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bulkyphrase · 2 months
2012 Avengers Tower: a fic rec list
I think we all sometimes yearn for the days when we thought Marvel would let the Avengers be friends who all lived together and fought supervillains in between movie nights.
Though these stories weren't all written or set in 2012 post-Avengers 1 era, but they all feature that team hanging out, having fun, and supporting each other through difficulties.
The list is in chronological order, with fic published from 2012 to 2024.
Amateur Theatrics by galaxysoup (@galaxystew-zombie) (Gen | Teen And Up Audiences | 26,586 words | Published April 01, 2012)
Summary: In which Thor’s primary problem-solving method (a mighty blow from Mjolnir) fails to have the desired effect on a magical artifact, and his secondary method (a mightier blow from Mjolnir) proves to be actively disastrous.
Big in Japan by gunboots (@gunboots) (Loki/Thor, Stucky | Teen And Up Audiences | 6,203 words | Published May 01, 2012)
Summary: Steve hesitantly reaches out and takes the object in Tony’s arms to survey it. 'It' being a pillow upon which was an almost frighteningly accurate illustration of Loki, their on-and-off again nemesis. "I don't--how did you even get this? Who would MAKE this?" Clearly Steve doesn't find the attention-to-detail on Loki's costume as hilarious as Tony does, which whatever. Like he said. Killjoy. A.K.A The one time Tony buys Thor the world's worst souvenir and it somehow worked out in the end anyway.
The rest are below the cut!
Soft Skills by Lady_Ganesh (Gen | Teen And Up Audiences | 4,154 words | Published May 31, 2012)
Summary: "So," Bruce said carefully. "You're saying that your tower became a big target for an alien army, so you're going to rebuild it as an even bigger target?" "Well, when you put it like that, it sounds stupid," Tony said. The team tries to bring Steve Rogers into the 21st Century. It mostly works. As my beta CaptainBlue said: Also I love how you did a fic about Avengers team building and still managed to make it 100% about Cap. You have a gift. This is why I love her. Any remaining mistakes are mine.
Without the Usual Cost of Labor by vain_glorious (Gen | Teen And Up Audiences | 6,387 words | Published June 15, 2012)
Summary: "Someone just reported to SHIELD that whatever was stolen produced “viable offspring,” and we’re hoping that doesn’t mean what we think it does,” Bruce says, evidently deciding to take over for Tony after only one masturbation joke. Also available as a podfic read by blackglass
The Great Avengers Body Swap by vain_glorious (Gen | Teen And Up Audiences | 3,712 words | Published July 23, 2012)
Summary: Loki and the Avengers spend a month in SHIELD's detention cells, because Loki cast a bodyswapping spell against them and got himself with it, too. Also available as a podfic read by blackglass
The Ice in Windless Cold by Isagel (@isagelc) (OT6 | Explicit | 11,883 words | Published August 19, 2012)
Summary: "I dream about the ice," Steve says. "About being in the ice." Also available as a podfic read by susan_voight
Private Bookmark? by storiesfortravellers (Gen | Mature | 2,638 words | Published August 24, 2012)
Summary: The Avengers discover that there are fans who write explicit RPF fic about them. Some of them are very confused. Some are proud. Some don't understand why everyone writes the pairings who aren't together but hardly anyone writes the couple who actually is together. Much silliness ensues. Also available as a podfic read by analise010, AshesandGhost, dapatty, fire_juggler, lorcalon (uniquepov), Opalsong, Weebs813
The Goat's Back by arsenicarcher (Arsenic) (Gen | Mature | 10,155 words | Published November 30, 2012)
Summary: An AU where Steve's essentially a failed experiment, corporal punishment is the predominant form of discipline and team leaders take the punishments for those under them.
Dear Clint Barton (circa age 7) by pollyrepeat (@pollyrepeat) (Gen | Teen And Up Audiences | 4,221 words | Published March 31, 2013)
Summary: The most annoying parts of being de-aged (and then re-aged) are your friends. Also available as a podfic read by RsCreighton (@rosecreighton)
What We Pretend To Be by ifitwasribald (Gen, Bruce Banner/Tony Stark | Explicit | 100,697 words | Published July 14, 2013)
Summary: Good becomes great, bad becomes worse. But people are a hell of a lot more complicated than good and bad. When half of the team is dosed with the super soldier serum, they all have to grapple with their own pasts and futures. But for better or for worse, they’re all in it together.
Speak So We Can Hear Your Heart Beat by Jaune_Chat (@jaune-chat) (Gen, Clint Barton/Natasha Romanov, Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, Jane Foster/Thor | Mature | 15,402 words | Published November 10, 2014)
Summary: The Avengers are rendered mute by Amora the Enchantress. As a search for a cure grows more and more dim every day, the Avengers have to deal with the reality of learning to communicate with each other in a whole different way. Uncertain if they'll be able to fight again, they enlist the help of their friends, and learn some surprising things about each other as they struggle to hold onto their identities as the World's Greatest Heroes.
The Health Benefits of Knitting by Niobium (@niobiumao3) (Gen | General Audiences | 1,179 words | Published January 15, 2015)
Summary: Clint isn't sure what's really relieving Natasha's stress—the knitting, or the part where she foists the horrible results off on other people. Also available as a podfic read by reena_jenkins (@reena-jenkins)
Clint Barton's Guide to Friends and Ceiling Vents by NoliteTimereEos (Gen | Teen And Up Audiences | 6,488 words | Published July 11, 2015)
Summary: In which Clint Barton meets a missing assassin in the vents and somehow becomes friends with him. Things don't go as bad as they could have. Also available as a podfic read by babbling_bedlamite
How to Train Your Superheroes by StuckySituation (Gen | Teen And Up Audiences | 3,150 words | Published March 05, 2019)
Summary: “But of course, no matter how much we practice on schedule, we will need to learn constant vigilance and manage to get our reaction times down to the minimum,” Steve continues and takes the last burger beef from the grill and puts it onto the table next to him. Natasha has a brief millisecond to frown and think “Constant vigilance?”, before Steve kicks the grill so hard that the coals rain on top of the flammable carpet feet away. “What the hell-!?” “STEVE!?” Steve is already sprinting towards the ledge. “First training session started! Wanda, Sam, Tony - someone CATCH ME!” Then he jumps off the Tower. Also available as a podfic read by vassalady (@vassalady)
Do You Remember Being Happy? ('Cause I Sure Don't) by GalaxyThreads (@galaxythreads) (Gen | Teen And Up Audiences | 11,022 words | Published April 25, 2020)
Summary: "Dragr," Thor called them. "Demons" Clint had said. "Thieves" is what Steve labels them as. AKA, the one where Steve is captured by creatures that feed off of happy memories, and the team is left to pick up the pieces. Post-Avengers.
5 Times Steve Dealt with His Team's Sleeping Habits... by The67ImpalaDragonChild (@dragonimpal67) (Gen | Teen And Up Audiences | 29,606 words | Published November 08, 2020)
Summary: ...and one time they dealt with his. Steve didn't think anything of it when he moved into the Avengers tower. He didn't think about how much the people he's living with would affect him. He's thinking about it NOW! Who knew a bunch of super heroes could be so weird about something as basic as the need to sleep?
on the mend by meidui (@meidui) (Gen | General Audiences | 1,438 words | Published February 03, 2024)
Summary: Steve rarely feels this awful after a fight, but then again, he hasn’t been on a solo mission in months.
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astraanti · 1 month
The last cry of faith
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One shot- Optimus Prime Part. 1
Universe: Bayverse.
The events occur after Transformers 5: The Last Knight
Warning: Interspecies Love, HumanxCybertronian
The reader is human.
Enjoy! I'm sorry if any translation is wrong. My first language is not english.This fic was originally written in spanish. Please understand (⁠o⁠´⁠・⁠_⁠・⁠)⁠っ
This was written with love.
Part 2 is now available :
Is this how this will all end? Is this our end?
We thought the problems were over once Cybertron lodged in Earth's atmosphere without having fully absorbed its energy.
But this turned into total chaos when a threat greater than any other would be stalking both species and we did not know if we would have any salvation, even when we learned that Quintessa was still alive and would go against humanity again to safeguard his species and his planet; Unicron's sudden awakening would cause us to become extinct.
An event we didn't know if we could avoid, not like this, not with Optimus being really angry at the humans.
After Optimus returned to Earth and saved it from a merciless fate, it was inevitable that sooner or later he would be informed that the TFR was against the freedom and life of any Cybertronian no matter what side or team they belonged to, that was. the straw that broke the camel's back for Optimus to put one more limit between humanity and the respective alliance that the government supposedly had with the Autobots.
I was present when Optimus exploded with anger and once again abandoned the NEST base with his team of Autobots that he called family.
Me and Cade wanted to intervene in that meeting, but he only saw us with helplessness, because our word had no value against the orders of the TFR, those of NEST or those of the American government. I felt his gaze full of sadness and anger on me, as if he was waiting for me to do something else, for me to tell him to stay but no words came out of my mouth because fear invaded me.
Without causing more havoc to the threat of Quintessa, Optimus Prime and his Autobots had abandoned us, Bumblebee wanted to refuse the order that the leader gave, he had no choice either and so they returned to Cybertron.
Our days were dated and our hours numbered.
Cade had returned to Texas to be with her daughter who had just graduated from college, he didn't know if this was the last time he would see her and he preferred to be in her last days accompanied by what he loved most in life. The life of her. Everyone seemed to be accepting this inevitable fate. International television news channels were filled with an upcoming alien invasion and an end that would burn us to the core of the Earth.
I just stood there, waiting. Waiting for life to give me another chance to see it.
But I knew that life hated me, I was left alone looking at Cybertron in the distance between the clouds and the skies from the junkyard where I lived with Cade and the Autobots in our past days. A memory that was lost between betrayal, abandonment and hopelessness.
It was unfair that only Optimus left without saying anything else after everything we had been through, everything we had ever built, that he threw me in the trash as if my life and my feelings were worth absolutely nothing to him and he left me. here.
I was also angry with him, with everyone, but I tried to understand him.
But I didn't know if he understood me.
Tears began to flow from my eyes, I felt hurt and alone. I was trying to find some motivation for this, but this time it was just me.
Without anyone's support or support. Without Optimus Prime.
I swore that time passed quickly as I cried in one of the corners of the trailer, remembering the moments I spent with the Autobots and with Optimus especially. Those memories would only remain in the memory of my short existence but I knew that they would last in my soul.
I decided to stop and look in the mirror.
Seeing my reflection only made things worse, had I really become that fragile?
My thoughts and crying were interrupted by a loud noise coming from outside and I grabbed a gun Cade had left in the trailer and reloaded it. I got out of the trailer slowly.
—Who is there?—I wiped the traces of my tears with the sleeve of my blouse. "If you're coming for the Autobots, they're not here anymore," I stressed and swallowed nervously.
—It's you!—The little Autobot came out of hiding. It was Brains. “I knew you were here!” He said excitedly and ran towards me.
I lowered the gun instantly.
—Silly human, we were looking for you everywhere.—Wheelie left behind him.
My knees buckled and I fell onto the dusty pavement.
—W-What are you doing here?—I asked and Brains responded.
—We are trying to save the Earth.
I didn't understand what exactly he meant by "save the Earth."
"That big guy wants to talk to you," Wheelie said. — He's desperate and he wants a reason to save your ass.
Brains nodded.
—You are the only one who has the last word that Optimus hopes to believe in humans again. That's why the three of us escaped from the base and came here to look for you.
—Did you say "three"? —I took a deep breath and heard the horn that I recognized instantly, it was Bumblebee's and it was coming here in its alternative mode with the headlights on.
My eyesight became uncomfortable and I put my hands in front of me until they went out.
Bumblebee transformed and I looked at him with nostalgia and joy. He missed those sounds that he emitted so much from his gears and circuits.
But I still didn't quite understand, I mean, did they just come back for me to try to convince Optimus to save us? Why not Cade? What about Vivian or Lennox or even General Morshower? Why me?
"Prime wants to see you," Bumblebee spoke.— He needs you.
—I see that your voice box now works.—I smiled when I heard his real voice, but my smile faded. —But I don't know what they're looking for, he's not here anymore. —I stood up and shook my pants. —He abandoned us and I can't appeal to his decision, Bee.
—And that's what you really want? —I'm sure Bee wouldn't give up so easily to convince me.
—He abandoned me, if you try to dig into my past looking for a version of me that no longer exists to solve this, it won't help. I'm not the same as before. —I avoided Bumblebee's gaze, I didn't want him to see my tears coming again. —I don't want this, but I don't know what to do.
—I know that Optimus was away for a long time when he had to look for our creators and it hurt you to see him again being Nemesis.—He continued.—But I know that your feelings towards him have not changed, he had to leave because he had no other option. .
—He didn't have a choice? How do you think I feel knowing that he left me here alone?—I whispered, my tears began to come out.—He didn't even bother to say goodbye, to tell me something that might encourage us to have a talk, he didn't give any indication of who wanted to talk to me. Nothing, Bee! Nothing happened! He doesn't even care about Quintessa or the Earth, the humans or me, and they're asking me to try to talk to him?
I looked at them all, I think they understood my point of view.
—Optimus tried to understand the government, but lost his temper when he found out everything. Try to understand it.—Bee explained.
"And who understands me, Bumblebee?!" I faced him, at this point I was angry. —He didn't even care about me when he came back, much less will he care about my life if I die. After all his planet will be revived.
"He cares more about you than you think." Bumblebee scolded and crouched down to be at my level.
—And why are you here and not him? —I had a point in my favor. A small silence lingered as they tried to find the perfect words to encourage me to talk to Optimus. His only argument was that he was furious.
I know they don't want that, for his planet to be revived at the cost of the life of another and the lives of millions of innocents.
I know that Optimus did not want to bear another heavier burden because of it, because of his stupid decisions, but his pride was greater, that's why they came, to get him down from the clouds. That's when I could understand everything.
—Prime hurt you, we understand it, he understands it. But it was not easy for him to understand that he needs help from others to be on the right path. It wasn't easy for him to understand that he needs you, he didn't want to bother you. His purpose was never to abandon you, but he is the one who must give you explanations. Optimus still has you, the only person who waited for him for so long and is still waiting for him. The only person who didn't lose faith in him or he in you. —He hit the nail on the head. "That's why... they must talk." Bumblebee began to transform again and opened the pilot's door for him to get in.
—You are his only redemption and the only person who can change everything.—Brains rested his hand against my leg seeking empathy and comfort.
Did he really have enough courage to do it?
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sixofpomegranates · 2 years
☠︎ 𝙲𝚘𝚖𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚝 ☠︎ — 𝙴. 𝙼.
Request: Could we maybe have an entire oneshot around the reader being on her period with Eddie being the sweetheart he is? He’s such a golden retriever! In the one shot maybe the reader could be more on the shy side (idk why but I love the Shy!readerXExtroverted!Character trope) and she’s on it but doesn’t want to say anything because (idk why you can pick the reason) but Eddie kinda has to dig it out of her. Thank youuuu!!!
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Shy!Fem!Reader !Body, Ethnicity & Skin color Neutral!
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A/N: Insert your favorite fix-it fic for S4 here. I have extreme period pains so I dedicate this to every person with a uterus that struggles with it as well. May this give you a little bit of comfort.
CW: Fluff, Comfort | No use of [y/n] | Mentions of Uninvolved/Neglectful father (Reader), Painkiller use, Extreme Period Pain (blood, acne, pain, insecurity, vomiting — the whole nine yards), Consumption of Food, Nicknames, Eddie being supportive, Jason has a tiny dick (I will not elaborate.)
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Resting my head against my cold locker door, I take a couple of deep breaths. I feel dizzy, sick to my stomach, and am in pain.
My period decided on a surprise visit last night, and yes, it is actually worse when you don't expect the pain to hit you like a van and wake up pained and in a puddle of your own blood.
Rest in peace, my cute cream-colored sweats.
I just wanna crawl into bed and sleep, but like my father said: "You can stay at home once you actually have something."
He doesn't like talking or caring about "girl problems"; never has. Therefore, I'm in school, and my uterus feels like it's being punctured with needles. I could really use a hug right now, but I feel that if I'd receive one, I'd break down into tears.
Only a couple of hours. Math, Chemistry, English, History... I can do it. I feel sick to my stomach, but I can handle it.
"Hey, Sweetheart."
I quickly look to my side. Eddie stands there – no, leans there – his head resting against Robin's locker while he grins at me. I try not to look too flustered by the nickname he just doesn't stop using for me.
"Hi, Eddie," I answer, forcing myself to grin while grabbing my math books.
Eddie was in the Upside Down with us, was shortly accused of being a cult leader, and kind of became a part of our friend group since Hawkins's "earthquake".
"You okay?" he asks.
I quickly nod. I will most definitely not tell him about my cramps. That would be too much information, and like my dad says: "Men don't care for your girly pains. It's grossing them out."
I already struggle enough with my stuttering and attempts to get comfortable around Eddie. I was never good at making friends; it just takes me ages to act like a real human being, not an alien.
I don't want him to think of me as gross... I really, really like him, which isn't coming from nothing! He's so pretty, and nice, and loud... He's way more extroverted than I'll ever be.
"You sure?" he asks again, raising his brows. "Noticed Harrington didn't drive you today. He always drives you and Robin."
'Yeah, I had to take the bus because I spent too much time crying and beginning my dad to let me stay at home,' I want to say. Instead, I say, "Yeah, overslept."
Scratching the back of his head, Eddie grins, "Oh, okay. It just had me worried you wouldn't come today...."
Feeling heat rising to my face and forgetting that I'm in excruciating pain for a solid minute, I smile back at him. "Well, I'm here," I announce awkwardly, making him chuckle.
"Yeah, you are." He looks at the books in my hand, quickly grabbing them from my grasp. "Let me carry them for you," he says cooly. "You have math with Brown, right?"
I quickly close my locker and walk after him. "Yeah. Thanks," I almost whisper.
He is definitely unaware of how boyfriend-y it is to carry a girl's books. I've never seen guys do it unless it's for their girlfriends. I never had a boy carry my books, especially not one that has me falling for him every time he looks at me, so I guess I'm not complaining.
In front of my class, he hands me my books back. "Well, here we are. I'll be seeing you at lunch?"
I nod. "Yeah. Thank you, Eddie."
He winks at me. "No problem, Sweetheart."
Then he walks away, and I feel like grinning like crazy and kicking my feet – of course, I don't do it, but I definitely feel like doing it.
I quickly walk inside and sit down beside Robin.
"Wow, you're all giggly," she notes, looking at me.
"Eddie carried my books for me," I tell her, flinching as my left breast touches the desk, and it feels like my nipple is about to fall off.
Happiness over; I'm in pain again.
Ironic how god decided that bleeding out of your vagina and having that hurt like shit just isn't enough. Breakouts, nipples hurt, I feel like throwing up, my back hurts, I constantly fear bleeding through my clothes without noticing, the emotional rollercoaster I didn't ask to be on, tension headaches... and when life really hates you, you also have diarrhea and flatulence. Being a woman can suck so badly.
But as Dad says: "This isn't a real pain. You're just being a crybaby. Millions of women go through that all the time, and none of them cries around as you do."
Robin cocks her head. "Are you okay? Steve said you called him, saying you wouldn't come today."
I nod, whispering, "Period."
She lets out a small "Oh."
Before we can talk more, Mr. Brown comes in and tortures us with mathematical equations.
The hours pass, the classes change, and I start to feel worse and worse.
Shortly before my History test, I finally break. The pain is too much to walk, and it's making me so sick. I rush to the girls' bathroom and throw up – or better say, dry heave since I haven't eaten all day.
I quietly ugly cry, ruining my perfect mask of make-up, and just sit there, pulling my knees to my chest. I'll just stay here until my classes are over.
After thirty minutes, there's a knock on my stall's door.
"Occupied," I whimper.
On the other side, a very familiar chuckle chimes. "No shit, Sweetheart."
"Eddie?" I ask, shocked. "W-What are you doing here? This is the girls' room. You could get in trouble."
"I was looking for you," he says, and an already broken-in box of tampons and a candy bar get shoved through the small gap between the toilette stall's door and the floor. "Robin was worried, but you know she sucks at history, so she had to go take the test. I was checking all the girls' rooms for you."
A mortified squeak escapes me. "Why- Where..." I stammer, looking at the box of tampons.
"They're super useful when a jock's punching you in the face, and your nose doesn't stop bleeding."
A small giggle escapes me at the thought of Eddie with tampons shoved up his nose.
"Is it bad?" the metalhead asks as I hear him sit down on the floor and lean against my door.
"Very," I admit, wiping away my tears.
"Why didn't you stay at home, sweet girl?" Eddie asks, cackling. "Couldn't you go even one day without seeing me?"
I chuckle weakly. "My dad doesn't let me stay at home for something so small...."
He sighs. "I mean, I know school's important and shit... but it's not like you're learning much when trying not to pass out from the pain."
"I'm okay," I assure him, but he sees right through me.
"You're not one to play hooky, especially not when you have a test."
"I- I just needed a break," I lie, biting the inside of my cheeks as I note that I actually also desperately need to pee. "I'm better now. I'll be out and back in class in a few. You don't have to stay."
"I don't mind waiting till you're better."
Okay, he's so nice, but he'll kill me here. Intricate social interactions and talking about embarrassing things just both don't work for me.
"Eddie, I- I- I-" I stammer.
He chuckles, softly mocking me, "You. You. You. What is it, Sweetheart?"
"I need to pee," I tell him quickly, glad I can't see his face.
"Well, thankfully, we're in the bathroom," he jokes.
"I- I can't go when you're in here."
"What about the whole 'Girls always go to the bathroom together'?"
"You're not a girl, though. That- That's a completely different situation."
"Yeah, this is sexist," he complains, appalled, but silly giggles come through. "I am a feminist, and I demand to be treated equally. Now pee."
"Eddie," I exclaim. "I- It's just the two of us in here, and I'll die of embarrassment if you hear me pee."
"Wait," he says, confused. "Girls actually worry about shit like that?"
"Yes, it's embarrassing," I tell him. "Now, please, Eddie. If I'm gonna pee myself, I will flunk myself off the school's roof."
I hear him get up and turn on the faucets of every sink in the bathroom.
"Here you go. Middle ground," he announces.
"Why in the world are you so stubborn about this?" I ask, getting up and opening the button of my jeans.
"If I go outside, I risk getting caught skipping biology."
"Y-You're skipping class right now?" I ask over the loud sounds of water, sitting down on the toilet.
"Yeah. I was worried after Robin ran around like a headless chicken looking for you."
I laugh quietly, feeling my face heat up. He was worried about me.
Changing my tampon and looking at my pulled-down panties, I start cursing, although I rarely have the urge to do so. "Fuck. Shit. God-fucking-dammit."
"Oh, big girl words," Eddie chuckles. "You okay in there?"
"No. No, not at all," I hiss back at him, desperately trying to soak up some of the blood that drenches my panties and has already created a stain in my jeans.
Tears are already running down my cheeks again. This is a nightmare. I can't go out like that.
"Sweetheart," Eddie says sternly, knocking against the stall's door. "Talk to me. What's up?"
"Y-You have to promise not to laugh," I sob.
"Hey, baby, why are you crying?" he quickly asks.
"I- I bled through my panties and pants."
He is quiet for a second, letting embarrassment eat me alive. Then he asks, "Okay, uhm... Just cause, like, I'm completely out of my comfort zone here: What are we gonna do about that?"
"I don't know," I cry, sobbing louder than before.
"Hey, hey, hey, hey," Eddie coos from the other side. "Please don't cry. It's not that bad. I- Uhm, do you have your PE stuff in your locker?"
I shake my head, although I know he can't see it. "No. I took it home with me after class yesterday."
I see him walking up and down the bathroom through the gap between my stall's door and the floor.
"Okay. Okay, Sweetheart? I have an idea," he says suddenly. "Just- Just stay here, kay?"
"Where the fuck am I supposed to go looking like I sat in a crime scene, Eddie?" I ask, laughing through my sobs.
He chuckles. "Yeah, right. Sorry. I'll be right back."
I hear him leave, white sneakers squeaking on the linoleum floors of our school. He returns just as loudly, the chain on his belt and his quick steps announcing him before he's even in the girls' bathroom.
"Here," he announces, shoving a black duffle bag with patches and buttons on it through the toilette stall's gap.
I open it and am met with his PE clothes: a washed-out Black Sabbath shirt and oversized, black sweatpants. Next to them, there's a plastic bag with training shoes.
"They are- I don't go to PE a lot," he tells me quickly. "Not a big fan of getting beaten up because I can't help but laugh at Jason's ridiculously small dick."
After giving them a – just in case – sniff test, I clean myself as good as humanly possible and put on his sweatpants. Taking his shoes out of the plastic bag and just putting them into the duffle bag, I put my jeans and panties into the plastic one.
I come out of the stall, Eddie sitting on the sink counters.
"Hey, sweet girl. Looking good," he tells me gently, jumping off the counter, grabbing some paper towels, and wetting them in the sink.
I am still sobbing a little. Even more, now that I see my ruined make-up. I'm not looking good. I look like a panda. Taking my cheeks into his hands, Eddie begins cleaning up the dark mascara lines running down my face.
"Want me to take you home?" he asks while throwing away the paper towel.
I shake my head. "Dad would kill me."
Eddie sighs. "That man makes it very hard for me not to hate him," he says, clenching his jaw. I sob in an agreeing manner, and he wraps his arms around me, giving me a warm, firm hug... and like I've known all day, I start crying even more.
I wrap my arms around Eddie's waist and bury my now makeup-less face in his chest. We've never hugged before. I am usually not that touchy with people I don't know for that long. But hell, I will definitely not let go of Eddie now.
He started it, and I don't think he's aware of what he just did to himself.
As he presses a kiss on top of my head, my knees buckle.
He could at least try not to be so dreamy! It's not like my introverted self will ever have the guts to make a move on him.
"I'm gonna take you home, okay? Let you take a shower and have a nap."
I look up at Eddie. "I can't go home. My dad will lose it."
He cups my face in his ringed hands, bringing it close to his. "Daddy Dearest won't find out. I'll take you home to my place. That's okay with you, yeah, Sweetheart?"
I nod, enchanted by his soft words. Nobody ever spoke to me this gently before. He smiles and presses a kiss on my forehead. Taking my hand and his duffle bag, he leads me out of the girls' bathroom and to his van.
As we arrive at the Munson trailer, I feel like shit once more. Sure, I stopped crying, but now I am in excruciating pain again. I can't even decide what hurts more: Uterus, back, or nipples?
At the door, Eddie signs to me to be quiet, reminding me that his uncle sleeps in the living room. I nod, not wanting to get caught skipping school.
In his bedroom, Eddie grabs a big, soft sweatshirt and a new pair of sweats for me.
"All right, give me the bag," he tells me, and I instinctively clutch it to my chest, shaking my head.
"Sweetheart, I'm just gonna put it in the wash."
I shake my head again. "No thanks. Can't get the stains out anyway."
He shrugs. "Hey, worst case, we'll dye your little panties and jeans black."
"You know how to do that?"
"Sure. I have like seven shirts that used to be a different color. Everything that's not black is, for some reason, magically attracting stains. Some weird witchcraft shit."
I giggle and almost hand him the bag. But then logic hits me again. "They're full of blood."
Titling his head and squinting at me, Eddie says, "That's why I want to wash them?"
"It's gross," I say.
His face doesn't change. "I feel like we're talking past each other."
At this point, I can't even look at Eddie anymore. This is so humiliating. I try not to start crying again, but the embarrassment makes it very hard for me.
"Why don't you just tell me what got you all worried?"
I nod, biting the inside of my cheek. "My dad says that periods are gross and men don't like to have anything to do with them. I don't want you to think I'm gross and stop talking to me. That would suck really, really bad."
I finally dare to look at him again, watching his face slowly contort into a big, Cheshire-cat-like smile.
"Shit," Eddie chuckles. "You're so cute."
"Listen, yes, it's gross – kinda – like, who likes blood? As metal as it is, it's gross. Right? Nosebleed? Blood on your shirt getting all cold and crusty? Fucking awful. Like, ew. But it's not like you chose to be in pain and bleeding. It's natural – Way more natural, by the way, than having a nosebleed because you laughed at Jason Carver's small dick, and he punched you in the face."
Looking at Eddie's cheeky grin, I say, "You're telling that story so often, I can't tell anymore if it's a bit or it actually happened."
"What I wanted to say is, it's gross – like most natural things. Our bodies are pretty gross when you think about it. You didn't choose to go through this, it's painful for you, and I like you, so helping you wherever I can is the least I can do. I'm also pretty tough, can handle seeing some blood. So fuck the drama and just let me wash it, kay? No need for embarrassment."
I hesitantly hand him the plastic bag, and he wraps an arm around me again. "Just so you know, I also think your dad is a fucking asshat. Who talks to their child like that? I bet he never played princess with you, either."
I shake my head. "Not even tea party."
He presses a kiss to my hairline, then removes himself, looking down at me. "It's okay when I do stuff like that, right? I- Just tell me when you don't want me to touch you. I should've asked in the first place. Sorry."
I take a step towards him again. "I'm okay with it."
"You sure?"
I nod, face so hot I feel like melting. "I like it... a lot, actually."
Eddie's cold rings burn on my warm cheek as he gently strokes over it with his knuckles. For a second, it feels like I can't breathe, but I don't fear my breathlessness.
He grins at me, this stupid, boyish grin that causes butterflies in my stomach. "Now go take a shower, and I'll see what I can do about those stains."
He brings me to the small bathroom, then goes the extra steps to the washing machine. I know he said not to be ashamed, but I still cringe as I hear him take out my clothes from the plastic bag.
A deep sigh of relief escapes me as I take off my bra. There simply is no better feeling. I take a quick shower, wash my body and face, and then dress in the clothes Eddie handed me.
I'm still in pain, but I feel pretty comfortable in these soft and baggy clothes. Forcing myself to pull myself together, wearing make-up like a false mask, dressed to impress... I hadn't realized how much it contributed to my discomfort.
I sneak back into Eddie's bedroom. Him following directly after me.
"Here," he whispers over my shoulder, handing me two pills and a glass of water. "Painkillers. Uncle Wayne swears by them when he gets his migraines."
I nod, taking them quickly, drinking half the glass. "Thank you."
He waves me off, pointing at the bed. "Get comfortable, Sweetheart. I'm gonna get you the heating pad."
I get into his bed, glad to see he seems to have recently changed his sheets. I know I am too emotional at this point, but I find myself close to tears as I cuddle myself into the bunch of eclectically mismatched pillows and cover myself with the soft blanket.
Eddie returns, smiling at me gently and sitting down beside me. As he lifts the blanket, he asks, "Back or stomach?"
"Back, please," I mumble.
He nods, placing the heating pad carefully against my body. "No more crying, please," he begs softly, brushing a hand over my head. "The pills' gonna work very soon, promise. It'll get better."
He gets up again, closing his bedroom door. I watch Eddie step out of his sneakers and take off his jacket and vest. With a black hair tie that was previously around his wrist, he makes himself a messy, low man-bun.
"That looks good," I mumble, feeling the painkillers starting to work and, combined with the warmth from the pad, lull me to sleep.
"You think?" he grins.
Nodding, I say before I can stop myself, "You always look good, though."
We look at each other, and I quickly add, "I'm sorry."
Eddie chuckles and grabs a book from one of his cluttered dressers. "You're so cute. Never thought I'd be into a quiet, shy girl... but here we are."
He lays down on the bed, back propped up against the headboard. His words sink in, and I ask, "You're into me?"
He snorts, "Oh no, you're also not good at picking up social clues."
I prop myself up on my elbow. "I- I- I just didn't think you'd-"
Eddie interrupts me laughing, "I was so obvious about my intentions."
"You weren't!" I insist.
This did not fly past my head. No, I would've noticed that Eddie likes me.
Sitting up, he starts to count down things I hadn't counted together at all. "I only call the two most precious things in my life Sweetheart, you and my guitar. Whenever we have classes together, I am so early it starts to seriously hurt my image. I hate when you're not in school because that means I don't get to see you...
"I run after you like a fucking puppy, bring you candy, gifted you that cool rock I found two weeks ago, taught you to play D&D so you have reason to spend more time with me, and I carry your books. I- I gave you a million signs."
The more he talks, the more nervous he gets. Insecure, thinking I didn't see him and his actions as somebody courting me because I didn't want to see.
"I thought I'm not enough- That I'm too... I- I'm so introverted, need a long time to get used to people... This is the first time we're completely alone together," I stammer.
"Because I wanted you to be comfortable around me. I didn't want to push too hard and risk driving you away."
I'd thought Eddie would've forced being alone with me more would he'd been interested... as he didn't, I just assumed he wasn't. And I was never going to have the guts and make a move on him.
Oh, now this makes a lot of sense.
"Oh," I breathe.
"Oh?" he echoes.
I start giggling.
"I have no idea what's going on now," Eddie admits.
"I-" I collect myself, clearing my throat. "I should've picked up on that. I- I just thought you were being nice."
He nods. "Well, yeah? If somebody wants to be your boyfriend, he'll better be fucking nice to you."
Overwhelmed, utterly flustered, I hide my stupid grin behind my hands. "I- Thank you."
"Thank you?" he asks. "For liking you?"
I nod, letting myself fall into the pillows and hiding my face some more.
Eddie follows me and pries my hands from my face, one arm above my head, the other wrapped around me. He just stared into my face, a gentle, happy expression on his face so close to mine.
"You're so perfect," he whispers. "I don't think you have any idea of how down bad I am for you."
"Ditto," I answer quickly before the bravery to do so leaves me.
"Ditto?" he laughs. "Really? That's what you give me after I laid my heart out for you?"
I nod, unable to hide my embarrassed face behind my hands because he grabs them every time I try.
"No hiding from me, Sweetheart," he tells me. "I want to see your everything. Don't care if you think it's good or bad. I'll love it anyway, promise."
I nod again. His words mean so much. I want to tell him something back that mirrors at least half of our shared feelings, but my words die on my tongue.
"Lost for words?" he teases softly.
I want to nod once more, but instead, I bite the bullet and close the distance between us, pressing my lips on his. I feel him tense up in surprise, but within the blink of an eye, he melts into the kiss.
As we pull apart, he chuckles, "Better said than I ever could."
"That was nice," I mumble.
He nods, "Uh-huh."
This time he kisses me, his hand smoothly moving under the blanket and checking if the heating pad is still warm enough.
Breaking the kiss, Eddie rests against the headboard again, pulling me closer so I can rest my head on his chest. "Now take your nap, sweet girl," he tells me, opening his book and starting to read The Hobbit to me.
It only takes moments, and I am out cold. I seem to have needed sleep badly. I only wake up twice, once when Eddie places the freshly heated-up pad against my back and the second time as he puts cozy, woolly socks onto my cold, naked feet.
I wake up when the sun is already down. The bedside table's lamp is turned on, so I won't find myself alone in the dark, and Eddie is gone.
I get out, hearing some slasher on the tv and the stove being used. Eddie's uncle seems to have already left for work. I first go to the bathroom, relieved I didn't create another crime scene between my legs, then I walk into the kitchen.
"Hi," I say to announce myself.
Eddie spins around and smiles at me. "Hey, Sweetheart. Did you sleep well?"
I nod, making him wrap an arm around my waist and pull me close. "I was about to wake you up soon. Just wanted to make dinner first."
I look at the stove with two pots on it. In one is a big portion of macaroni and cheese, on the other is a lid. Nosily, I open it, looking at a black, simmering soup with clothes in it.
Pressing a kiss to my temple, Eddie laughs. He takes the lid from my hand and puts it back onto the mysterious pot. "I told you I'd try dying your clothes first before throwing them out."
"Oh," I reply, giggling. "Was getting worried about your cooking abilities."
"Hey, hey. I may not be able to cook anything fancy, but I am a master at turning canned food into something resembling homemade meals," he tells me. Then he leans closer and whispers, "The secret is using spices and shredded cheese."
"Thank you for letting me in on this secret," I whisper back. Quickly taking the painkiller Eddie hands me with a glass of water.
He nods. "Not keeping any secrets from my girl."
"So, I'm you girl now?" I ask, putting my glass away and watching Eddie take out two bowls and fill them with cheesy noodles.
"You're okay with that, right?" he asks back.
I nod. "More than okay. Like it a lot."
"Perfect," he says, handing me my bowl. "Careful, it's hot."
We sit down on the couch, and he rewinds the movie for me.
While shoving a big spoon of food into his mouth, he asks, "Do you wanna stay the night?"
"Would that be okay?"
He nods. "More than that. Makes it easier to take care of you."
"You don't have to," I tell him, but he shrugs.
"Boyfriend-duty. But so that you know, there'll come the day when I suffer from the flu, and I then expect you to care for me as well."
"For good and for bad, huh?" I ask, realizing I don't need to be embarrassed, secretive, and careful around Eddie. It provides me with a comfort I don't think I ever knew.
"Definitely," he assures me. "Although, I'm not going to marry you just yet. Not that I'm not down for that and being spontaneous, but Uncle Wayne would kill me if I'd get married before I graduate or have a job."
"That's okay," I say, smiling at all the faces he pulls when telling things. "I think I'll like being your girlfriend a lot."
"Hope so," Eddie says. "I like it already. Did you know that you're snoring?"
I look at him with wide eyes. "I do?" I ask, shocked.
He laughs. "Only very, very quiet. But it's so cute."
"That's so embarrassing," I exclaim.
"No, don't be. You were so adorable." He begins mocking my snores, and I hit his arm. "Ouch. Seriously, none of you people can handle even the tiniest bit of teasing without becoming violent!"
I apparently didn't hit him hard enough since he starts mocking my snoring once more.
As I lift my fist to hit him again, he stops me, "Uh-uh. Don't pull a Jason Carver just because you can't handle the jokes."
I lower my arm, surprised. "So, that story is true? He punched you for laughing at his little... you know?"
"His tiny dick? Yeah. Not lying to my girl."
I take another bite from my macaroni and cheese and say, "I wanna hear that story. Like, completely, not just snippets of it."
Eddie nods, a mischievous grin on his face. "Sure, but be warned, the story's very short," he jokes, lifting his pinky.
"No way," I giggle.
He nods. "Yeah. Had the same reaction. But let me set the scene first," Eddie puts his bowl down so he can gesture with his hands. "So, there I was. For some masochistic reason, I decided to go to my PE class. It – actually – wasn't all that bad, and I found out that basketball isn't all that bad either. It's the way society elevates it and its players that is the problem.
"After participating for two hours, I was done being part of society again and really needed a shower. Normally I would just wait till I'm home because... group showers. Don't need jocks staring at my tats or dick. BUT this time, I accidentally did the staring and caught a glimpse of this teeny tiny...."
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veryace-ficrecs · 4 months
looking for voltron (legendary defenders) found family or klance, i love some good banter. i’m also always up for some good angst but no pressure there
I can sure do that for you!
Voltron Fic Recs
This Is The Part Of Me (That You're Never Gonna Ever Take Away) by negativefouriq - Rated T
Lance finishes reading the file, then turns to face Shiro. Shiro braces himself for an onslaught of questions, and readies himself to message Coran — “Is this your way of quietly kicking me off Voltron?” — and freezes. Huh? “Pardon?” Lance swallows roughly, eyes trained on his fidgety hands. “Um, I asked if this is your way of kicking me off the team,” Lance repeats. Shiro has never felt more like his brain was completely empty, because he has no fucking clue what to say. --- OR: Shiro and Lance have a misunderstanding. But Shiro wants nothing except for his kids to be happy, so he clears things up as quickly as possible.
Singularity by this_book_has_been_loved - Rated T
AU where instead of landing in the trash nebula, Pidge finds herself on the same planet as a certain Galra prison camp
The Lost Paladin by dinosuns - Rated T
If he doesn’t leave, all of him will be reduced to cinders. But if he leaves, all of him will be undone. A course that he will choose to chart, no matter how it breaks his heart. It’s a battle that cannot be won. - Their names burn inside him, seared onto his soul. Black coal sits in the centre of his chest, fuelling a fire that was soon to be smothered by the very people that set it ablaze.
Bad Diagnosis by ElfGrove - Rated T
Pidge has been having bad headaches for nearly a week straight, so she decides to see if the infirmary has some sort of Altean Advil. The actual news is not so great.
Tag in, tag out by Rangergirl3 - Rated T
When a teammate is in danger, Keith doesn't stand by when there is something he can do to help - even if it might cost him his life.
Family Can Be 2 Aliens and 5 Ex-Paladins by Lilacs_and_the_sea - Rated G
The war is over, and everyone's back home with their family. Everyone except Keith.
i'm family? by seph_bites - Rated T
“You were right when you said I shouldn’t be leader. All of you were right and Shiro was wrong. I can’t be what you guys need,” he said quietly. “No,” Hunk said defiantly. “You’re the one who’s wrong. Because you’ve been there for us. You didn’t want to be the leader of Voltron but you did it anyway. For us.” “And I almost got all of you killed in the process! Look, once Shiro can pilot Black again, what would I stay for?” “Us! You’re supposed to say us, you asshole!”
A Family By Any Other Name by Calacious - Rated T
Lance and Keith discover a lone survivor on a planet whose inhabitants have been wiped out by a virus brought to them by a visitor from another universe.
the perfect pair by polypinneaple - Rated T
“Don’t– you know it’s not different Shiro, Pidge and I work just as much if not more and what, they can just skip practice today because they’re homesick, or what, tired? This is a war!” “If they can’t pull their weight then maybe they shouldn’t be here. No! I don’t want to hear it, I’m going to go train.” ••• Hunk wasn’t an angry guy, he wasn’t short tempered or easily poked. But something about the way Keith spoke about Lance made him furious, he didn’t care what these people thought about him, but his Lance? Hunk would go to war and die fighting if it meant Lance was happy. AKA Lance and Hunk deal with feeling like outsiders to Team Voltron during their first few weeks in, it doesn't go well.
It's Okay by TerrificTea - Not Rated
It was supposed to be a simple intel mission. In and out. Simple right? But this is Voltron, and now Lance and Pidge are trapped after an explosion, leaving Pidge concussed, confused and with a rapidly growing concern for her teammate.
Voltron Means Family, And Family Means No One Gets Left Behind by Spazzcat - Rated G
Five times the merchant vessel Castle of Lions gained a new crew member, and one time they all refused to leave.
Family, Then and Now by NightPurity - Rated G
Hunk likes to bake, but sometimes, his thoughts get a tight hook into him and start to pull him down. Coran, he happens to stumble upon a hurting Hunk. Sometimes, it hurts thinking about those you've lost, but also, it helps to talk about it. Of course, hope can help keep you afloat.
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magpiepills · 1 month
Same Time Next Week
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Pairing: Marcus Moreno x f! Massage therapist reader
Word count: 4.5k
Summary: Marcus is lonely and burnt out and visits a spa that offers more than the usual services to help him relax.
Warnings: smut. pegging, anal, tit job, hand job, pussy job, sumata, prostate stimulation, anal fingering, sex work, coming untouched, praise kink, slight sub/dom vibes, subspace kind of, erotic massage, writer knows nothing about massages, many liberties taken.
A word from the author: this is a repost! This was my contribution to the 2024 Peg That Middle Aged Man Campaign! PLEASE check out the other fics from this project, they are magnificent. you can read them all here!
Marcus’s body is sore. A week of wielding his swords, running, jumping, and grappling with foes left him feeling tight and tense. His muscles burnt with every effort, his neck was stiff, his mind was heavy with the weight of the world’s expectations and his team’s reliance on him to lead them. It wore on him. It broke him down, it took everything he had both physically and mentally. That’s without considering the unique stress of being a single parent and a widow. It takes a toll being pulled in so many different directions.
Reaching for a bottle of Aleve, he knew it wasn’t enough to fix him. It would take off the edge and he would take up the yoke of being the leader of the Heroics again tomorrow. He sank back on his bed and swam in self pity. He needed to be touched, needed the gentle hand of someone who understood him, cared for him, loved him. He wanted to come home to a woman again. Wanted someone warm and soft in his bed at the end of a long day to rub his back and take his cock. He ached there, too. Never having the time to meet anyone. Relationships and connections take time and care and Marcus didn’t have that. He gave that up when his wife was taken from him. With her gone, he took the promotion at work and began his life of lonely servitude. His body was no more for love, he decided, just a utility. He reminded himself every time he was awake in his bed, fucking his fist to thoughts of a warm, wet someone.
He carried on, focused on his primary roles as father and hero, head held high, no crack in his strong exterior. Passionate, but opaque.
He must have let it slip, though. In the car, driving back to HQ in the dark, battered and exhausted from defeating yet another malevolent alien invader, he rubbed his palms into his eyes and loosened his tactical vest.
Miracle Guy nodded at him from the other side of the car.
“You look like you need to relax.”
Marcus huffed a dry laugh, “Yeah. Maybe one day.”
“Maybe you need some help. I know somebody really good at it.” His tone was light, but the implication was heavy, the glint in his eye saying plenty.
Opening his wallet, he held out a slip of creased paper between two fingers. Just an email address and the word ”spa” scribbled next to it. Marcus scowled, but tucked it into his wallet and looked out the window, watching the city lights, ignoring the flutter in his chest.
Two weeks passed before he had the nerve to send a note to the address. It took some convincing. He rolled it around in his mind while he made dinner for Missy, and later in the shower. Finally, that night as he held a heating pad to his back he made up his mind to stop thinking and just act. He felt forward and strange, unsure of what he was getting into. Miracle Guy got into some questionable things, but he was also always pretty content. Nothing to lose. Marcus reminded himself before typing out a message- “My friend says you can help me relax.”
Tucked in the back corner of a mostly empty parking lot, where the street lights glow yellow and reflect in the puddles left by late summer rain - if they work at all, sat a dilapidated strip mall. Once bustling, now it housed a peddler’s mall, a vape shop, a nail salon, a pawn shop, and your own little business. It was the kind of place people avoided and that was fine by you. You didn’t need to hang a shingle to attract your clientele. You weren’t listed in the phone book. Your scant social media presence was an Instagram account featuring pictures of the waiting room, the massage room, and some generic pictures of flowers and stacked stones. You listed no address or business hours. Fontaine Day Spa. Email for pricing. The right people would find you.
The only indication that your storefront was occupied was a flickering pink and red neon sign reading “SPA” between the plate glass and the thick curtains that offered privacy as well as sanctuary. You worked hard to create an oasis, a place of peace and rejuvenation, a place of relief, a place for minds and bodies to be centered under your guidance and touch. Massage, salt therapy, facials and guided stretching to help your clients feel present in their bodies.
“I’m ready for you, Mr. Moreno.”
One of your favorite regular clients sat placidly in your waiting room. Soft ambient sounds and a plush rug set the mood for your time together. Marcus has been a client for the last few months, coming in for help unwinding. Your services gave him what he couldn’t find on his own. Peace, relaxation, release. By now Marcus was familiar with the routine. He entered, removed his shoes and placed them on the shelf by the curtained alcove where he undressed, showered using your rosemary and mint soap, hen slipped on a soft cotton robe. His clothes took their place by his shoes, thick framed glasses perched on top, and he waited, breathing deep, cleansing breaths to begin his scheduled escape from duty.
Marcus first showed up a few months back, wide-eyed and skittish, handsome and familiar, like you’d seen him before. He was handsome. He stood in your lobby fidgeting with his keys, looking at the floor, looking for a quick escape. He didn’t ask for water, but he accepted the glass you brought him, sipping it gratefully, before setting it aside to fill out the form you’d given him.
He couldn’t deny the disappointment of finding that the spa really was just a spa, and the form asked about problem areas, services he wanted, and massage preferences. Of course this wasn’t that kind of spa. He felt guilty for even considering this could be anything like a seedy rub and tug happy ending massage parlor. Sure you were a beautiful woman in a tank top that skimmed your tits and stomach and leggings that he swore he could see the cleft of your pussy through, but you probably just do yoga here too and wear what is comfortable. He was ashamed of where he had let his mind wander. How flexible he thought you might be. He shook the thought from his head.
He finished the form and handed it back, feeling sheepish.
His polite and mild demeanor made you want to give him everything. So often your clients were brash and demanding, demeaning and crude. You handled them all with finesse and kept pepper spray handy just in case. Marcus didn’t strike you as the type, though. You had talked briefly over email, he got your contact from another frequent client, one you’d worked with a lot and enjoyed your time with. In the emails nothing of your secret menu was mentioned. You began to wonder if he knew what he was really paying for.
“Mister Moreno, did Miracle Guy- uh Lloyd- tell you about the services I offer here? How I help him?”
Marcus stared blankly for a moment before his brain was able to form a response. Your question made him feel nervous and he stumbled over his words. “He said you help him relax. And he- the paper he gave me said ‘spa,’ so I just thought he must get massages...” He trailed off, unsure if that was a sufficient answer.
You knew his friend well. A handsome blonde that liked things a little rougher. You’d have to remember to thank him for referring his gorgeous friend to you.
Endeared by his naivety, you smiled and placed the clipboard on the table next to his water. You settled on the little sofa next to him, tucking one leg under you and leaning closer.
“I’m here to help, Mr. Moreno. There are a lot of ways people can reclaim their bodies.” You kept your tone as soft and even as you could. You wanted him to understand you, wanted him to ask for what he really needed. It was as clear as day across his face, but he would need to ask. “There’s massage, meditation, yoga, breathing exercises, mindfulness. I can help with all of those.” Marcus nodded and you could see his mind racing to put together the puzzle you were handing him the pieces to. “But that’s not all. Some people need help connecting other ways. Your friend Lloyd, he needs a more personal service. I don’t advertise it, but I could help if your needs are more intimate. Do we understand each other, Marcus?”
He continued to nod, furrowing his brow. Marcus wasn’t sure that he understood what you were offering him. He blinked back the embarrassment that started to creep
Up his cheeks from his flushed chest. “I want what Lloyd gets. He recommended you so it must be working for him.” He smiled now, more confident now that he feels he’s maybe starting to understand the dance you’re doing. He still wasn’t sure what he was asking for, but he was ready for whatever you had in store.
He liked your smile, how warm and disarming you were. The way you made him feel cared for, even after just talking for a few minutes. He gave himself to you, do what you must.
The first appointment was a little awkward. Marcus felt clumsy, unsure of himself, out of his depths, but you were there to facilitate it all, guiding him to the shower, showing him where to put his things, wrapping him in a warm robe, and telling him it was ok to let his body lead him, it was ok for him to touch you, to look at you, to ask for what he would like. Anything he would like. “Would it be ok
If I took off my shirt?” You asked, so concerned for his comfort. His cock twitched between his body and the soft pad of the table as he watched to toss your shirt into a chair in the corner, as you began rubbing him down. He closed his eyes when he realized he was staring at the way your breasts curved, the point of your nipples, the movement of your body as you worked. He loved how comfortable you were, how in control of your space.
You started with a massage, working gently across his broad back, you saw how his eyes followed you, how he shifted his hips on the table. You might be guilty of cutting his back massage a little short, but you needed to move to the rest of the service. He hesitated to roll onto his back. “I uh, I just need a minute.” You reassured him, told him getting hard was expected, that it was a compliment, that you just wanted to make him feel good. Reminded him he could tell you if there was anything he needed as you kneaded the firm muscles of his thighs. He was hard and weeping, beautiful thick cock desperate for attention. You teased up his hips, hands on either side of his length. His lips fell open, eyes trained on you, and he whimpered so softly. “Do you need me here, Marcus?” You purred to him and he swallowed thickly, “Yes. Please.”
From that first appointment together, you’d expertly stroked his cock to completion, showering him with praise. “So handsome, so good, letting me take care of you. Such a big cock, Marcus.” You always started with a massage, though they got shorter each time, the main event requiring more of your short time. You sucked his cock, gagging for him as he filled your throat, you squeezed him between your oiled tits, letting him come
on your chest and neck, generously allowing him to snap
a picture with his phone, something you never allowed with anyone else. You let him watch as you soaked your panties in warm oil, making the thin material cling to every fold. When you had gotten yourself off under his gaze, you climbed on top of him and rubbed your swollen, slick pussy lewdly over his cock, so careful to never let him slip inside even if you needed to feel him inside you. He came, hissing and spurting across his belly. Impulsively, you scooped up some of him cum on your finger and brought it to his lips, feeding it to him. The look
On his face gave you the confidence to push him further and further, trying new things often, but never letting him fuck you. Your own mouth, pussy, and ass we’re off limits. You couldn’t let yourself cross the line from service into intimacy. You made the rule yourself and had never been tempted to break it.
The room you led him to was warm and dim, lit only by a few pillar candles and the amber glow of a salt lamp on a shelf displaying various oils, lotions, smooth stones, and the other tools you’d use to let Marcus drop away from the stress and responsibilities of his life. The air was scented with the incense you’d lit just before Marcus’s arrival, earthy and warm, notes of spice that played together with the soothing ambience of your studio to lull the sometimes super hero into heavy, trance-like relaxation.
The leader of The Heroics didn’t wait for you to leave the room before he slipped the robe from his shoulders, laying it across the chair in the corner, and climbing onto your table and settling with a sigh. You stared at the width of his strong shoulders and the flexing muscles of his long legs, dark hair dusting from his thick thighs down this calves. He was a beautiful man. You straightened the small modesty towel covering his pelvis as he shifted his body, letting him settle and sink back into the padded surface of the wide massage table before arranging it over his half hard cock. You allowed yourself a half moment to admire the thick, dark, curling hair that led below the towel and up below his belly button, then stripped off your shirt, leaving you in only your soft leggings.
“Are you comfortable, Marcus?”
“Yes, thank you. I am.” He was always polite. He never leered or took advantage, just gave himself over to your expert touch. You could tell he wasn’t quite comfortable yet, usually just coming in the door lifted the invisible weight from his shoulders. Today he would need more help to get there, but soon he would be putty, pliant and submissive in your hands. Tonight you’d make it extra special, really take your time with him, pulling him apart bit by bit, then arranging him back together better than when he came in.
Just as before, you massaged him with warm, scented oil that you drizzled first across the expanse of his chest, using your palms, your knuckles, your forearms to work out the tension that settled there. You worked your way down his torso, slicking him up as you went, relishing in the soft grunts and sighs that your ministrations pulled from him. Before each movement, you explained what you would be doing next. There were never surprises. He knew exactly what was coming.
As you moved to his arms, rotating his shoulder, pulling gently, letting his forearm rest between your breasts as you kneaded down his bicep. His fingers flexed and his eyes opened just enough to see your soft smile, your pointed nipples, the shine of your chest where the oil has transferred from him to you. His empty brain stirred with images of other ways he would like to coat your chest. The thoughts floated away, and his eyes closed again, but his cock came alive, swelling as it always did under your masterful touch. The small movement didn’t escape your notice. Finishing his right arm, you gently guided it back to his side before moving to repeat the process on his left arm. This time, you raised his arm and let his palm rest against your clavicle as you smoothed your fingers along his tight muscles. His thumb swept softly across your skin, but the rest of him was still, his only movement the rise and fall of his diaphragm. He was nearly where you wanted him. You let his knuckles brush against your nipple as you arranged his arm, noting the way his eyebrows furrowed slightly at the contact. Perfect.
You moved to the bottom of the table and cupped more oil into your hand, smoothing it up his shins to his knees, focusing there for a few moments before adjusting his leg to bend his knee and plant his foot on the table. The angle allowed you to massage his calf and the back of his thigh. You enjoyed the way the soft flesh there slipped under your hands. While you kneaded at his legs, each in turn, the modesty towel slipped up, granting you a peek at his now turgid member. Of course you’ve seen it before in the course of your sessions together, but each time felt like the first. Marcus was thick, he had a tanned shaft with a smooth foreskin hugging a rosy head. It made your mouth water to see him hard, but this time together wasn’t about what you needed.
As you finished his legs, you gently returned them to the table, signaling the end of this portion of your service.
“Marcus?” You called to him softly, stroking his warm, oil slicked chest from his shoulder, down his side to just over his hip. His eyes were glassy, but his plush lips curled into a relaxed smile at the sound of your voice.
“I want you to turn over, Marcus.” He hummed, acknowledging your request but his brain was foggy and his body responded slowly. You kept your hand on him, grounding him, reassuring him with your presence and gentle touch. You made sure he was steady as he sat up, swinging his legs over the side.
“I’m going to set up for the rest of the session. It’ll only take a moment.” Your voice was soft and cool, reassuring Marcus as you handed him a glass of water to sip while you took a cushioned wedge from it’s spot below the table and positioned it just so, then left the room to slip into your equipment- a sturdy black harness with a ring to hold the purple dildo Marcus favored. It wasn’t the largest in your collection, but it was thick and gently curved. It hung between your legs as you wrapped yourself in your own robe and grabbed a couple plush towels, rejoining Marcus. His expression was tranquil, and it made you happy to see him so at ease. He had come a long way since his first appointment.
With the towels in place over the wedge, you helped Marcus get in position, on his knees, pert ass up and elbows on the table. He took a moment to settle as you climbed onto the table behind him, arranging your supplies on a tray nearby. You covered him once more, more out of courtesy than practicality. You could see his chest expanding and heard his breathing deepen as you dropped your robe. Marcus groaned softly when he felt your cock against the back of his thigh.
“Are you ready, Marcus? I’m going to begin now.”
He grunted and squirmed slightly, but remembered to give you a verbal response. “Yeah. Yes. Ready, please.”
Once more you dipped your fingers into the oil and let it drip down his spine, watching as it slid before following its path with one palm and then the other. He was so warm under your hands. His skin was so smooth, golden and freckled across his shoulders. “You’ve done really well tonight, Marcus.” You praised, leaning your weight into his shoulder blades, working out the knots, kneading at his neck. You plotted your way back up his spine and massaged his hips, and you felt him stir, tensing in anticipation.
“I want you to keep breathing now, Marcus. Deep, cleansing breaths.” You counted with him, four seconds in, seven seconds to hold, and eight seconds out. As you counted for him, you moved again to the back of his thighs, higher this time, removing his towel to massage and stroke his ass. His cock and balls hung between his spread thighs, leaking precum onto your towel, smearing the fluid as you manipulated his nearly limp body.
You couldn’t help your own arousal, feeling it seep from your aching pussy. Marcus was so beautiful and he surrendered so completely to you. He was strong, powerful, and deadly, but on your table he was yours to mold however you pleased. He was under you, taking whatever you gave him, waiting for you alone to decide what he needed, grateful for your attention and your discretion. You wondered if under other circumstances he might be the one bending you ever and covering your holes in lube.
Marcus often wondered the same, but he knew he couldn’t ask, couldn’t ruin this relationship, if you could call it that. He would never tell you how you became the someone he imagined alone in his bedroom or in the shower. Instead he just tried to enjoy what he had. A beautiful woman that would do nearly anything to make him come, make him forget about everything outside of this oasis. One he felt comfortable enough with to suggest the things he had always wanted to try, knowing you’d be enthusiastic.
“Are you ready, Marcus? I’m going to get you ready, gotta get you nice and relaxed so you can take my cock.
“Yes” He breathed, no other words necessary or possible now.
Your mind wandered and your cunt throbbed as you rubbed crescents with your thumbs around his tight ring of muscle, feeling him tense and relax, acclimating to the sensation and the pressure. You dripped more thick lube and spread it over and around his asshole with your thumbs, varying the speed and pressure, using your other fingers to hold his cheeks apart.
Monitoring for signs of discomfort or tightness in his muscles, you watched his beautiful face. His eyes were closed, lips parted slightly, sighing breathily, humming with pleasure. His mustache twitched, making you smile at the little tells he always displayed when he was entering the mental space that he paid you so handsomely to escort him to. He was ready.
With little resistance, you pressed your thumb into his ass. You were slow and gentle, taking your time before adding the other, fucking into him at an unhurried pace. When he began to push back into your hands, seeking more, you gently pulled away, silently reminding him of his role with soothing caresses over his cheeks and down his back. When he settled again, you squeezed a generous amount of lube onto your fingers and spread it over him, this time entering him with your middle and index finger, reaching deeper, teasing at the tender little spot inside him until he moaned. “Please,” He murmured, “yes, yes…” and you could have made him come. A few more strokes and he may have come just like that. Neither of you were ready for this to be over so soon, though.
Once more you took your hand away and massaged his back, praising him for being so relaxed, for staying so still, for opening up for you like a good boy. He opened his eyes, glassy and soft, no trace of the hyper vigilance he was accustomed to to be found.
More lube, this time slicking down your thick purple cock. Marcus was ready. You pressed the smooth head against his asshole and eased it past that tight ring, slowly, steadily, you began to fuck his ass. He whimpered and stretched his arms, extending them in front of him, lengthening his spine like a cat. His muscles rippled, he sighed, and your pussy throbbed. You sped your thrusts, enjoying the sight of him taking you with ease now. No amount of practice or professionalism could stop the lust from dripping over your words as you encouraged him.
“You’re taking my cock so well, Marcus. You let me stretch you right out, did so good for me. Let me take care of you just how you need.” It all came out a velvety purr, eliciting soft groans from below you. You wished you could see his face tonight.
Marcus was warm, feeling brightened and whole when you were in control, he loved how you knew just what he needed, made him feel safe, a feeling he wasn’t used to as the man that everyone else relied on for protection. “Yes, oh fuck. Yes. Want your cock. Feels so good.” Marcus babbled as you pumped into his tight ass. He whimpered and groaned and his hips tilted, feeling his release rush at him as your cock hit that special spot inside him that no one had ever touched before you.
You prided yourself on keeping things interesting. You noticed that Marcus was finding most benefit from giving up control and letting you make the choices for him. Always a first class full body massage followed by a mind blowing orgasm once he had reached a state of deep and total relaxation. Sometimes you stood at the side of the table and fucked him slowly while he lay on his side and you stroked his cock, paying special attention to the spot behind his balls until he came hard across the table.
Sometimes you had him on his back, knees bent, ass full of that favorite toy as you pulsed your hips up and into him, giving him a slippery double fisted handy until he came, painting his own belly and chest with thick white cum.
Tonight though, this might be his new favorite. Face down, ass up while you drove into him at a steady pace, never taking your hands from his hips, his back, wherever you could reach while you spoke so tenderly to him. Your hands held him like he held his swords, firm and sure, practiced and precise. Marcus knew you didn’t care for him, but you fucked him like you did, and the way you reassured him, praised him, stretched and filed him made him bury his face in his arms as he moaned, “Fuck! Fuck, gonna come. Gonna come!” His breath caught in his throat as you filled him with one last deep thrust, pushing your thighs into the back of his. You wished you could feel the way he squeezed your purple cock as he came untouched with a muffled moan, cum staining the towels you had covered the cushion with. He really wanted to kiss you.
Another glass of water, another quick shower, and a complimentary envelope of lavender scented Epsom salts later and Marcus was standing at your door, redressed in his shirt and tie, thick rimmed glasses framing his big, sad eyes. “Thank you. I..” he started, but couldn’t find the words he wanted. “Thank you for everything.” You put your hand on his shoulder and guided him back out into the parking lot, “I’ll see you next week, Marcus.” Locking up behind him, switching off the neon light, you thought maybe you did care about him a little.
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gimmethatagustd · 1 month
✨ jai polls ✨
Hi besties,
I've been busy with fic fests, and I've neglected my drabble challenge. I'd love to know what y'all are interested in reading, and I'll probably just write the drabbles in the order of how you all vote in the poll!
I'll put the poll under the cut because it's pretty long (it includes idols outside of BTS 👀).
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shu-box-puns · 1 year
You wanna be one of them (Tsu’tey x Reader) Act 2
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Previous chapter <-- Act 2 --> Next Chapter
If you prefer to read on Ao3, you can find the fic here!
Word Count: 8243
Summary: In which Tsu’tey has his love crisis.
Reader uses they/them pronouns.
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Tsu’tey was in love with an idiot, and they were going to kill him of a heart attack before he even got around to telling them. 
No sane person would throw themselves into the path of an angry palulukan for an even bigger idiot. Perhaps it was a Sky Person quality, since Jake tended to make the same reckless decisions. Or perhaps he was just attracted to stupid. And frustratingly enough, he couldn’t find it in himself to be pissed or upset about it. 
His pa’li rode near the rear of the herd, expression set in a fowl scowl as he watched the pair of idiots in question keeping their heads down. Neytiri hadn’t needed to speak a word for him to fall into the back, content to keep his eye on the dreamwalkers whilst watching everyone’s backs. It was soothing to have everyone in sight where he knew they were safe and accounted for as it allowed him a chance to relax. 
A protective quality which had helped Mo’at and Eytukan pick him out as the next Olo’eyktan. A position he had been trained his entire life for. Even when Sylwanin died, he was still set to become the leader, only to take Neytiri instead. What would the people think of their future Olo’eyktan taking a sky person for a mate?
His face morphed into an expression of horror, his pa’li snorting uncertainty at the sharp twist of guilt and anxiety that knotted his stomach.
What about Neytiri? 
He looked to her now, sitting proudly astride her mount, bow in her lap, ready to jump in at a moment’s notice or at the slightest rustle of leaves. 
Sure he only loved her as a sister, and their courtship was heavily because of their duty to the clan, but he couldn’t in good conscience mate with her when his heart clearly belonged to another.
These thoughts plagued his mind as the group of four trudged back to HomeTree empty handed. They dismounted in silence near the river, releasing the pa’li from their bridles to wander until they were required again. 
Tsu’tey bowed his head respectfully to Neytiri as she grabbed Jake’s arm and began dragging the man away. He attempted to protest, calling out to Y/n in his alien language to which the hunter simply grinned and waved. Tsu’tey felt a flare of affection erupt across his chest at the easy slant of the avatar’s shoulders. How their tail swayed so cutely in the face of Jake’s middle finger.
They turned, pausing as their eyes caught on Tsu’tey. <”I didn’t know you could smile.”> They stated bluntly, making Tsu’tey’s private grin morph into yet another scowl before he swatted at them.
<”Go and be useful.”> He snapped instead of responding with a quip, pushing them towards HomeTree with his bow. 
They rolled their eyes, grabbing onto the shaft of his bow and dragging him with them. He allowed the casual touch, relieved that he would not have to find an excuse to keep them in his sights. With luck, his presence would deter them from doing anything fatal.
The evening continued like that. With Y/n carrying out tasks that other clan members asked of them, and Tsu’tey hovering nearby. Sometimes the na’vi they were talking to would take pity on him and assign him a similar job so he wasn’t sitting around uselessly. And other times, Y/n would find ways to divide up the simple chore so he could help out. 
It was sickeningly domestic and easy. The repetitive nature of their tasks and the soft din of the clan grew steadily louder as the hunting parties and the foragers returned from the forest, lulling Tsu’tey into a calmer mindset. 
Crouched before the fire with Y/n’s thigh pressed against his own, whilst the pair descaled fish, he could almost forget about the day's events. His eyes falling to half-mast as he lost himself in the repetitive motions of sliding his blade through flesh, skillfully removing bones as he went. 
<”Careful.”> Said the gleeful voice of the idiot beside him. <”If you get any more relaxed, you’re going to start purring.”>
<”You missed a strip of scales.”> Tsu’tey returned easily, making an effort to wake himself up.
Y/n hummed. <”So, why are you hovering again?”>
<”It’s the only way I can ensure you stay alive.”> 
<”Hey, I am not that bad.”>
<”I looked away for a couple of breaths, and you decided the best way to deal with that situation was jump /towards/ the dangerous predator.”> He stopped the motion of his knife to turn and catch their gaze. <”So yes, you /are/ that bad.”>
He kept plucking out bones, ears lying flat in embarrassment. It was not often he was so easily read. 
<”It worked didn’t it.”>
Y/n fell still. <”You’re genuinely upset about this.”> An observation. It was true but it made Tsu’tey feel surprisingly raw. He kept his head bent, refusing to meet their gaze. The teasing note in their voice had evaporated with the sentence. <”Tsu’tey, I’m fine.”> They said softly, a five fingered hand gripping his knee and squeezing.
Y/n huffed, their hand disappearing from his knee, and he assumed they would leave him be. 
Instead, they reached for his wrists, gently lowering the fish and knife to the pile he was crouched before. They take hold of the hand not covered in blood and guts, their expression open. Almost kind. Tsu’tey tore his gaze from that look, knowing there was a very real danger that he would start purring if they kept looking at him like that. 
<”It’s like you’ve learnt nothing. As if my teachings did not stick around in that thick skull.”>
Thankfully, the avatar remained oblivious as they took his hand and placed it - palm flat - against their chest. Tsu’tey eyebrows furrowed, confused until he felt the steady thump of their heart beneath his touch. <”That cat didn’t even hit me.”> They reassured him, unknowingly loosening something that had wound the hunter up tight
Neytiri found him in the roost tending to his ikran after the avatars had disconnected in their hammocks, and the clan had dispersed after dinner. 
She approached him as he scrubbed at a stubborn mud stain on his Mount's neck, lips pursed as he scowled up at the patch of dirt.
With a light touch to his shoulder, she effortlessly captured his attention, her voice firm as she stated simply, <”we need to talk.”>
Tsu’tey nodded, stepping away from his ikran to give her his full attention. 
Neytiri swallowed, seeming to gather all of her courage before speaking again. <“I wish to mate with Jake, once he has completed his training.”> For a moment there was silence. Besides the pair of them and the ikran, there was no one else in the roost. A fact Tsu’tey was eternally grateful for as his shoulder slumped and his heart suddenly unclenched. The relief that flooded him made him lightheaded. 
Neytiri studied his reaction carefully, as if expecting yelling or some form of reprimand. It took everything in Tsu’tey not to sweep her up into a hug.
<”I want to start courting Y/n.”> He replied with, instead of voicing any of those thoughts. 
Neytiri relaxed, smiling knowingly. <”I’m surprised you didn’t withdraw from our arrangement when they became Omaticayan.”>
<”It was too complicated.”> Between his duty to the clan and Neytiri, to the uneasiness of the people accepting a Sky Person into their midst. Although they had thoroughly proved themselves during their training and the months afterwards, it had taken the People time to truly accept Y/n as one of their own. When it came down to it, few still doubted they would stand with the clan if the Sky People declared war.
<”What changed?”> Neytiri asked easily. 
Tsu’tey waved her off, feeling like the question was too personal. He didn’t even know. One moment he was joking and hunting with his friend, and the next he was scrambling to grab that same idiot as they fearlessly launched themselves at a superior predator. Watching them literally slip through his fingers, and feeling his entire body wash with horror so intense he’d never felt anything like it before.
It was that day in the forest all over again. A wounded avatar, fearlessly throwing themselves at him in self-defence, and all his brain could think was ‘strong.’ Tsu’tey always knew he’d been attracted to strength, someone to stand beside him instead of behind. Someone he could rely on when he himself faltered, on the battlefield and off of it. 
<”Jake scares me with how reckless he can be.”> Neytiri admitted, pulling him from his musing. <”But he’s got a strong heart. He feels right.”>
Tsu’tey nodded along, amused by the far away look in her eye as she spoke of the man.
Decision made, Tsu’tey straightened, his strides were even, more confident than he felt as he approached his intended. She turned to him as he neared, her expression knowing as she held herself proudly, shoulders squared and her chin up. Absently, Tsu’tey admired her for her courage, for knowing what she didn’t want and being fearless in letting it go. In letting him go.
They would have to tell the Olo’eyktan and Tsahik later so the rest of the clan could be notified and decisions could be made for the future, but for now, it was just them.
With an air of finality, Tsu’tey placed his hands on Neytiri’s shoulders, her gaze locked on his, a mutual understanding passing between them. <”I, Tsu’tey te Rongloa Ateyitan, release you, Neytiri te Tskaha Mo’at’ite, of your oath to me.”> There was no dramatic shift in how he felt for her, but there was a relief of pressure from his shoulders.
Neytiri bowed her head. His hands dropped from her shoulders, and she mirrored his earlier stance, hands squeezing his shoulders as she inhaled a steadying breath. <”And I, Neytiri te Tskaha Mo’at’ite, release you, Tsu’tey te Rogloa Ateyitan, of your oath to me.”> 
And just like that, they were free. 
Unlinking was disorientating. The process took seconds. A single blink. And then you were transported to a new world. Your senses were dull compared to that of your avatar. The sounds of the machinery muted compared to the clear sounds of the forest.
The pocket compound was a quiet hum compared to the din of the main chamber during the evening meal. The smells were off. The pleasant hints of vegetation and chilled wind replaced by sterile halls and metal. 
Hauling yourself up and out of your link unit with a groan, you felt your shirt stick to your back, your head throbbing unpleasantly from long hours spent doing nothing.
You moved towards your desk before venturing into the next room, the whirr of Jake’s link unit providing some white noise. Pulling out a spare deodorant from one of the drawers, you found your gaze drifting to the stars peering in through the window. Pandora was gorgeous at night, although the soft glow of the forest was muted from this distance as well as the light pollution from the light behind you. 
You had only been gone moments, but you already missed it.
Forcing your gaze away, you screwed the lid back on the small tub, metaphorically doing the same to the mounting sense of yearning that was making your chest ache. Shoving the deodorant back into the drawer, you swiftly turned on your feet.
Grace and Norm were rustling around in the kitchen, the whirr of the microwave suggesting it was about dinner time. You noted Norm loitering by the stove, peering into the small machine with a bored expression. Dreading the tasteless meal to come, you flopped heavily into a vacant chair at the table, exhaustion making you groan.
“Long day?” Grace asked without looking up from her notes. She had taken over most of the table with her laptop and numerous stacks of papers.
“Again?” You parroted and Norm snorted from behind you. Turning to him, you repeated the question. “What do you mean again?” He waved you off as if it was too long winded a story to repeat. 
“Jake almost got killed by a thanator.”
Down the hallway the creak of wheels indicated Jake’s approach towards the kitchen. “What is it with that man and stupid decisions?” 
Norm simply shrugged, whilst Grace chuckled from across the table. “As if you’re any better Y/n.” She mused, snatching up a file from the stack to her right before carefully typing out the contents on her laptop. “On your first day you got separated from your team. Were lost in the forest for hours. Managed to get wounded AND fall out of a tree, almost killing Tsu’tey by flattening him, all before you took out a knife to finish him off.”
“Again?” She replied, not bothering to look up from her work.
Leaned up against the stove, Norm had gone very still, whilst your face had split into a reluctant grin at the recollection of the hunter’s face when you’d whipped out that utility knife and tried to stab him. He’d easily caught your wrist and disarmed you, all whilst looking mildly peeved at the whole interaction.
“Am I hearing this right? You tried to kill Tsu’tey on your first day?” Jake laughed as he glided into the room.
“In my defence, I thought he was gonna /kill/ me.”
“And yet here you are, playing best friends and threatening to braid each other’s hair.”
“Y/n has always been a charmer when they wanted to be.” Grace agreed, reaching over to mess up your hair whilst you shoved at her hands. She laughed at your childish squirming before retreating back behind her computer screen. “They and the future Olo’eyktan have been chasing each other’s tails ever since.” 
“With what evidence?” You deflected.
You groaned loudly, kicking her under the table. “Can you drop that already?”
“You’re not dead for one.” Norm interjected.
“You haven’t been there, you get no opinion Spellman.” You dismissed without missing a beat, to which Jake immediately took up the challenge instead. 
Grace kicked you back twice as hard. “It’s hard to when the evidence is staring me right in the face.” She replied easily, “you’re so infatuated it’s disgusting.”
“He spends practically all day with you.” Jake added.
“We work well as a team.” 
Grace tuts. “I never took you as someone afraid of love, Y/n.”
Jake just shook his head before continuing on. “And he was waiting for you to turn up earlier. AND, he practically chewed you out for throwing yourself at the thanator earlier.”
“He did, until I saved his idiot ass. But that’s besides the point, Omaticaya do not mate with outsiders, looking at you in particular Jake. Neytiri already has commitments. And that’s not including the fact that we’re not here for the long-term. It would just end up hurting everyone involved.” You retorted, pulling the conversation back to an area you could control.
You scowled, “I’m not afraid.” 
Grace hummed, not looking convinced or agreeing with you. “But you’re right, all jokes aside, we are not of their world.”
Grace butting back into the conversation at that. “I thought you said Jake almost got killed.”
Your heart clenched despite knowing it was the truth. Despite repeating it to yourself everyday since you’d fallen for that gruff voice and scowling face. 
Even in the privacy of your own thoughts, it was hard to admit that you loved him. That you wanted that deep connection with him. To mate with the man you had chosen and spend forever with him. Because even in your thoughts, you knew it was something unattainable. You knew you’d always have one foot in either world; looking in but never around.
Mo’at and Eytukan had taken the news of Tsu’tey and Neytiri’s broken engagement reasonably well. With the Olo’eyktan storming off for several hours and leaving the young pair sweating bullets, whilst the Tsahik took one long look at her daughter and came to a fast conclusion. 
Which led to him and Neytiri crouching around a low burning fire in the main chamber, each attempting to create their courting gifts. The dawn was still young, with the hunting parties having left already, but Neytiri had already given up on her courting project. 
<”Thank you for being honest.”> The woman stated bluntly, addressing both of them before turning her attention to her daughter. <”I will speak with your father.”> Then she swung her gaze around to Tsu’tey. <”We will have to discuss whether you will proceed as Olo’eyktan or Neytiri’s mate will take up the position instead.”>
She was being frustratingly unhelpful, as per usual, as she excitedly told Tsu’tey all about her evening with Jake. They had progressed surprisingly far into their courtship in such a short span of time, with Jake allowing Neytiri to braid his hair the night before. The man was currently parading the new look around the clan, following Y/n around like a lost puppy. 
Tsu’tey tried not to scowl at his turned back. Instead focusing on carving an accurate atokirina into the hilt of the knife in his hands. He’d discovered the palulukan tooth not far from HomeTree and had brought it home to sharpen and attach to a hilt of his making. It was almost finished, and only required the last few decorative carvings to the hilt before he could present it - and his heart - to the subject of his affections.
Across the flames, Neytiri’s face visibly lit up, her posture straightening as Jake rounded the firepit to take the vacant spot at her side. Tsu’tey watched with an amused smile as the man sat down a respectful distance from the woman, only for Neytiri to purposefully shift herself into his side. Jake visibly stiffened, eyes boring into the flames as he avoided Neytiri’s fierce gaze. It was amusing to watch him suffer, whilst Neytiri grinned evilly, her tail thumping in silent victory. 
Although internally Tsu’tey was raging at the idea of Jake taking his lifelong position, he managed to bite his tongue and nod his understanding. 
She thumbed one of the beads woven into a front braid of Jake’s hair, the motion full of love that made Tsu’tey’s stomach twist, whilst Jake flushed a bright purple.
A hand on Tsu’tey’s shoulder brought his attention away from the couple, instead allowing him to focus on Y/n who had dropped into an easy crouch at his side. Their gaze had immediately fallen to the knife, eyes wide in interest. Tsu’tey tried not to preen too hard at the blatant show of intrigue. 
He made no move to conceal his work. Privately, Tsu’tey had always disagreed with the idea of secrecy within the courtship process. Why work for hours on a present his intended might not even like? He might as well ask their opinion as he went and ensure they loved it. 
He allowed their curious gaze to linger for a while, content to entertain them whilst he worked. 
<”How tall are you in your demon body?”> He found himself blurting when the half formed thought of creating them a necklace for their second gift came to mind. Beside him, Y/n had gone stock still, their hand freezing on his shoulder, but Tsu’tey couldn’t say he wanted to take it back. If he was going to do this, he was going to commit all the way. Avatar and Sky Person alike. And for that to work, he needed to create twice the amount of gifts, or at least, that’s what he assumed.
When the time came and he did gain the privilege of meeting Y/n in their natural body, he wanted to have a piece of himself already there. A necklace made by his hand would work perfectly. Small enough to remain out of the way, but obvious so as to tell others that they were already involved with someone. 
<”What?”> Y/n finally choked out, whilst Jake had gone very still across the fire. 
Tsu’tey shot him a warning look. Injecting the expression with enough venom to silently reassure him that he would retaliate if he got involved. 
<”Human?”> The word felt weird rolling off his tongue. 
<”Your demon body.”> Tsu’tey repeated, looking up to find an unnaturally neutral expression plaguing Y/n’s face. Their eyes searched his, looking for the joke, or worse, a trap. <”The one you disappear to when you close your eyes.”>
<”My /human/ body?”> They returned sharply, using a word Tsu’tey did not recognise. 
”Banshees? <Strange.”>
<”It’s easy to pronounce in english.”>
Y/n at least took pity on him, leaning back as they explained, <”it’s what Sky People call themselves.”> They fumbled for an example, the distant call of an ikran making their ears perk. <“Right, so you have ikran, right?”> He nodded uncertainty, unsure where this was going, <”well, they refer to them as> banshees.”
<”You still haven’t answered my question.”>
<”It’s just not really that important.”> They deflected, but Tsu’tey could tell they were withholding it for a reason. 
<”I can’t remember.”>
Tsu’tey narrowed his gaze, uncertain as to why he was being denied such an innocent piece of information. <”What? Why not?”>
<”Are we not friends?”>
<”Of course?”> They arched their eyebrow.
<”Then tell me.”>
And now Tsu’tey was confused. <”I just need you to describe yourself to me.”>
The avatar huffed in a way that Tsu’tey knew meant that he’d won.
<”I can’t show you my human body. It is too fragile for Pandora.”> 
<”Why are you so invested?”>
<”Just tell me!”> He finally snapped, eyes narrowed.
They began simple, describing themselves in details that Tsu’tey could understand since he’d only ever seen snippets of humans from a distance. They showed him roughly what their height was in comparison to their avatar, they described the hue of their eyes, the tones of their hair, the state of their hands. They depicted their typical attire, how they carried themselves, mapping out old injuries and aged scars, all of which he absorbed greedily. 
It was more than he’d asked for, and he was grateful for it. It would be easier to construct gifts to their taste with this additional snippet of information.
They settled in more comfortably, turning away from the flames to give him their full attention. Tsu’tey drew his gaze away from his work, eager to not miss anything. 
As their rambling diverged off the original topic, Tsu’tey listened with mild amusement as they began complaining about the exo packs they were forced to wear whilst exploring Pandora. Telling him about how the air of this planet was too dense with carbon dioxide and easily overwhelmed their lungs if they breathed it in, to which he felt compelled to interrupt. 
If these ‘exo-packs’ were so crucial, surely he should learn how they work. As their future mate, he should possess the skill to step up if it were required.
<”Show me.”> He said simply, and they stilled again. He seemed to keep surprising them today. <”I want to learn how it works.”> 
They made a show of looking down at their weapon’s belt and loincloth. <”I don’t have one on me.”>
Tsu’tey tutted as he rose fluidly from his crouch, slipping his knife back into its sheath whilst he set aside his courting gift. <”You said you’re in a new hideout. Up in the Hallelujah Mountains. Yes?”> He pressed, motioning to said mountains on the horizon. They nodded as they rose to their feet. <”There’s still plenty of daylight left.”>
They agreed easily enough, following his lead towards the double helix staircase after biding a quick goodbye to Jake. He issued a half-assed challenge at the base of the helix, to which they grinned and immediately agreed, going so far as to shove him aside and making a head start. Tsu’tey laughed at their boldness before jumping after them, effortlessly climbing faster and making it to the rookery before they cleared the fourth level.
In companionable silence, the pair saddled their ikran before taking to the skies. It was still early, the forest only just waking up. The skies clear and the sun bright on the horizon. With a whoop, Y/n took the lead guiding the pair in the direction of the Hallelujah Mountains.
When you got into the link this morning, this was not how you envisioned yourself returning to the compound.
As the small, silver unit came into view on the horizon, you slowed the speed of your mount to warned Tsu’tey of the other people you were sharing the compound with. He nodded along, content to follow your lead as you began your descent towards the open strip of grass. 
Landing your ikran near the other side of the cliff, you slid off with a comforting pat to your mount’s snout. Striding across the short distance towards the compound, you absently remarked on how small the helicopter felt now that you were almost as tall as it. 
Crouching down near the compound doors, you knocked lightly on the metal, aware of your superior strength in this form. Tsu’tey approached slowly from behind you, eying the building with clear mistrust. 
One of the windows shifted as someone peered out. You smiled with a wave, unable to make out their face as they dipped out of sight just as fast as they’d appeared. You didn’t have to wait long, as you heard the hiss of the airlock and shuffled back to make space for whoever was coming out. 
Decked out in an exo pack, Grace poked her head out of the compound door. ”The hell are you doing here?”
”Tsu’tey wanted to learn how to put on exo packs.” You replied simply, motioning to the hunter over your shoulder. Grace followed the motion, visibly stiffening as her gaze found Tsu’tey looming nearby. ”Would you mind grabbing a couple and a silicone dummy?”
She nodded despite her confusion, disappearing back inside to rummage through the storage. 
<”Humans are very tiny.”> Tsu’tey commented with no malice. 
<”And fragile. So be careful.”> You warned, offering to help Grace with her load as she stumbled back out of the airlock with the equipment you needed. 
Together, you laid out everything on the grass not far from the compound, Tsu’tey sat crossed legged across from Grace as the older woman launched into a brief explanation on the exo packs. She pointed out the different pieces and dismantled and rebuilt one for Tsu’tey to observe.
Then she strapped one to the face of the dummy and instructed him to remove it. He crushed it easily between his forefinger and thumb, making his tail thump in annoyance. Grace laughed before replacing the mask, instructing him towards the straps at the back of the mask and how they worked. 
It took plenty of trial and error, with a small pile of ruined exo packs building up behind Grace, some beyond repair, but most could be recycled into spare parts. But eventually, Tsu’tey learned how to get the old exo pack off, before Grace challenged him to strap a new one on. 
It was fascinating to watch how engrossed he became in the task. Ears pricked in curiosity as he messed with equipment much too small for his large fingers, navigating the fiddly compartments with a growing sense of familiarity. 
“Stealing from your friend? Now that’s low even for you.” You lightly pushed her, rolling your eyes. 
Whilst he worked, you caught Grace’s eye, to which she looked pointedly at your arm. “Now I know for a fact you can’t weave. So what sorry sod did you steal that off of.” She mused, ignoring how Tsu’tey’s ears flicked towards the conversation, even as he continued to focus on the task at hand.
“Tsu’tey actually made it.” 
Grace raised her eyebrows but said nothing else. Her eyes drifted back to Tsu’tey who had almost gotten the exo pack back over the dummy’s head. You followed her gaze only to find Tsu’tey glaring daggers at her and the woman refusing to back down. 
You internally debated starting up a fresh conversation to distract them from one another, but you were terrified of either of those gaze turning on you. 
“You’re such a mum.” You jabbed, “it was a gift obviously.” 
In the weeks that followed, Jake passed his rite. 
You’d heard his triumphant whoop echoing from the branches of HomeTree as the new hunters returned home. Grinning to yourself, you helped prepare the evening feast whilst Eytukan and Mo’at climbed the helix staircase to greet the newest additions to the tribe. 
The rest of the members began to tuck in before anyone came down from the rookery. The main chamber falling into its usual rhythm of chatter and crackling flames. Finding yourself a vacant spot further away from the staircase, you knew when the hunters emerged as a triumphant roar erupted from all the clan members. 
Joining in with gusto, you watched as Jake made his way through the assembled na’vi, receiving back pats and calls of congratulations as Neytiri dragged him along by the arm. He looked good in paint. His hair had also been restyled, accented with braids and beads which looked significantly better than the rat tails that used to hang around his ears. It was definitely Neytiri’s handy work, you knew for a fact that Jake couldn’t braid. Nor did his human body have hair to practise on.
Tsu’tey found you before too long, taking the space opposite you, his leg guards still strapped on after a long day of climbing the mountains and gliding around on his ikran. 
<”How were they?”> You asked by way of greeting, pushing the serving leaf closer for him to pick at.
<”That is good.”>
<”My students performed excellently. As was predicted.”>
<”And Jake?”>
<”Almost plummeted to his death, but as you can see,”> he motioned to where Neytiri and Jake had disappeared off to. <”Eywa does not wish to take him yet.”>
Tsu’tey did not respond. He seemed to come to a conclusion as he confidently reached for his belt once again and pulled a knife free. Your eyes zeroed in on the thanator tooth blade before gliding down the smooth, wooden hilt. It looked like it had taken days to carve, sharpen and construct. And fuck was it an attractive blade. From the alluring glint of the tooth to the heavily detailed handle, you couldn’t even fathom the amount of hours it would have taken to acquire the materials, let alone make them into something new.
<”Something on your mind?”>
He jumped as if he’d forgotten you were there. You narrowed your gaze. <”Did you do something?”> You deadpanned, mentally preparing yourself for anything between leaving the saddle on his ikran to straight up murder. 
Judging by the look on his face, he was definitely preening. Then again, so would you be if you had managed to craft something on the same scale as this.
<”It’s gorgeous.”> You breathed, leaning closer to examine it further. Tsu’tey held it out to you, encouraging you to take it from his hands with a firm nod of his head.
Tsu’tey hummed, not reaching for the food like usual. That in itself was off putting. Refocusing your attention, you realised he was acting strange. Almost skittish. His hand reached for something at his belt, only to rethink his actions and for it to drop back into his lap. You frowned.
It was perfectly balanced and fit like it was made to be held by your hand. 
<”Jesus, how long did this take you?”>
Tsu’tey shrugged, going for modesty, but you could see the pride oozing off him in waves. His ears had pricked cutely, whilst his tail swayed as an obvious sign of glee. 
Tsu’tey’s tail stilled. His happy swaying was abruptly cut off as his eyes snapped open, pinning you in place with a look that could freeze over the north sea. 
<“So when are you going to give it to her?”>
“Huh?” He breathed dumbly.
Behind him, someone audibly winced, shuffling in closer to their family group. Tsu’tey paid them no mind. 
You tried to play it off with a laugh, assuming he hadn’t heard you beyond the compliment regarding his craftsmanship. <”When are you giving it to her?”> You repeated, smiling encouragingly when his expression did not change. The longer he stared at you with that blank, unreadable expression, the longer you felt yourself grow uneasy. <”This is for Neytiri, right?”> 
He was the one who looked unsure now. Eyes skittishly fluttering all over your face.
You broke eye contact, turning the knife over and over between your palms. In every sense of the word, it was perfect. A much better fit than the measly weapon strapped to your chest, or your old utility knife.
<”Thank you.”> 
<“No.”> He snapped, making you jump at the sudden harsh tone. His eyes flashed, ears falling from their tall swivel. <”It is for you.”> He continued quieter, his tone losing its harsh note. 
He nodded, seeming to finally relax. <“Good. Your one is an embarrassment.”>
You huffed, leaning across to give him a playful whack to the shoulder, which had a smile breaking out on his lips and his tail thrashing again. Whatever had been brewing between you seemed to evaporate in the wave of the familiar gesture. 
As Tsu’tey reached for some food, you busied yourself with unsheathing your knife from the sheath strapped across your chest. You’d made it yourself during your early weeks spent at HomeTree from a rock you’d smashed open and a smoothed down slab of wood. It had served you well until now. Sliding the new one in in its place, you grinned at the perfect fit. 
Tsu’tey shared your smile as he nodded slowly to himself, ears pricked and his face relaxed. 
Over his shoulder, you caught sight of Mo’at picking her way back down the double helix stairs, Eytukan’s hand on her shoulder to keep her steady. The Tsahik spared him no attention, her gaze driving into your soul despite the large, open space between you. You could’ve sworn she was smirking, but you /knew/ that Mo’at did not smirk. 
The party lasted late and long into the night, so you were not overly surprised when there was hardly anyone around the following morning when you linked up. After descending the spiral staircase to the main chamber, a nervous energy fell over the few hunters who were already awake. 
There was no chatter today. The main chamber of HomeTree was eerily still.
Tsu’tey was nowhere to be found. Whilst Mo’at and Eytukan were not in the plaza as they usually were. The sudden break in routine had your hair standing on end, some deep rooted na’vi instinct warning you of an impending danger.
But you were safe. You were beneath HomeTree, far away from the Sky People and any other form of threats.
Shaking the feeling off, you decided to busy yourself. Tsu’tey couldn’t hide forever - he was clingy like that - so you just had to find something to do until he showed himself. Stepped out of the shadow of HomeTree, you made your way towards the river where the pa’li grazed. 
The atmosphere out here was not so stifling, the sunshine helping to ease the previously sombre mood. Or so you thought.
You’d barely made it onto the path that led away from HomeTree when you noticed Jake and Neytiri walking hand in hand towards the tree. You gaze narrowed, unused to seeing them so forward with their physical affections to one another. Against your will, your legs stopped walking as you observed. 
As if sensing you needed a push to slot the pieces together, the wind decided at that moment to pick up, wafting the smell of sex and togetherness straight at you. Your eyes bugged, connecting the distinct smells of Jake and Neytiri.  If you were blind, you wouldn't be able to tell them apart.
That thought throws you as an instinct that isn't your own knows what it is. The words echo in the back of your mind. Short. Simple. 
They had bonded.
Jake would have been on cloud nine if he hadn’t just witnessed the destruction of the Tree of Voices. According to Neytiri, they should be basking in the presence of one another and enjoying their newfound closeness through the bond, not internally panicking about the bulldozers which had gotten far too close for comfort.
HomeTree was eerily still as the newly mated pair rushed towards the main chamber with the intention of warning the Olo’eyktan about the approaching attack. The pair had barely gotten into the shadow of the massive tree when a fuming Y/n stormed up to him out of seemingly nowhere. He had taken one look at that expression before his stomach had dropped with fear sharper than any bulldozer.
They took one look at him, nose twitching unnaturally. Then their expression hardened, similar to those first few weeks of him being around HomeTree. 
Neytiri had also stopped walking, her expression perplexed as she watched the scientist visibly attempt to calm themselves.
“When I said don’t, it wasn’t a fucking challenge to get it on as quickly as fucking possible.” They blurted, tail thrashing. Jake very much wanted to run. He felt genuinely in danger.
When a hand caught his ear in a vice-like grip and began dragging him out of HomeTree, he briefly contemplated unlinking and begging Trudy for a rapid getaway, but decided he wanted his knife on him if anything went wrong. “That hurts!” He whined instead, confused as to why Neytiri was just laughing instead of helping him. 
They didn’t bother offering a response and instead dragged him out into the sunlight despite his best attempts at wrestling them off. His ear was on fire, eyes watering. Somehow it was worse than being at knife point. 
“What the fuck are you playing at?” They snarled, letting go of him with a shove that sent him sprawling in the dirt. Thankfully, they’d dragged him away from the main path to HomeTree and into the undergrowth to the side where there would be less witnesses. His blood chilled at the connotations of that thought. 
Y/n was still fuming, hands twitching at their sides as if to reach for a knife, but Jake mentally noted that they weren’t wearing their weapon’s belt, odd, they never took that off. “We are /visitors/.” They hissed, drawing his attention back to the matter at hand. “As much as we wear the skin and decor of the clan, we do not belong here.”
They smack him upside the head again. “Exactly! You didn’t.” 
Anger flared to life in his gut. “Stop talking to me like I’m a kid.”
“Then act like a fucking adult for once in your life.” They returned sharply, giving him a harsh thump to the head as if to activate the rest of his brain cells. His expression remained pinched, defiant. Y/n returned it with such venom he almost wanted to back down. “What happens when the programme closes down Jake?” His heart plummeted as their expression morphed into something more neutral.  “What about when they rotate us home?”
He fumbled for a response. “I didn’t-.”
"And Tsu’tey-" they cut themselves off with a groan. "I know that you hated him, but stealing his intended is several steps too far Jake."
Their expression held a thousand words. “Why do you think I never took a mate after my rite?”
“I didn’t-”
"Look, I can explain." 
"It better be fucking impeccable." They threatened, “I've got eight months of training on you in this body, I can and will kick your ass.”
“What? No!"
“Then unlink so I can beat your ass.”
“Don’t make me come over there Jake. I will unlink right here.”
“I’m not doing that either.”
“Look, I get that you’re angry. This looks really bad-”
“I am beyond angry Jake. What the hell were you thinking?”
"They aren't intended anymore!" Jake hurriedly, supplied. Y/n froze.
"Tsu’tey and Neytiri. They broke it off." 
Meanwhile, Y/n had frozen up. Their brows furrowed, whilst Tsu’tey watched on with an expression of pure glee. Jake wanted to smack him. 
They turned to Tsu’tey, their tone dead serious and still festering with poorly concealed rage. <"Is it true? Your engagement?"> 
To his credit, Tsu’tey did not cower, and instead responded with a simple, <"yes."> The tension bled out of the scientist, whilst Tsu'tey's grin grew, preening at the act of someone defending his honour.
Y/n back off, physically retreating a step or two. "Then I apologise, Jake."
"You don't have a very high opinion of me do you?" 
The leaves behind Y/n rustled in response to his declaration as the pair in question finally stumbled upon them. Jake sagged in relief. Neytiri was immediately at his side, checking him for injuries with swift passes of her hands over his body.
"You're unpredictable. And stupid." They responded without missing a beat. And Jake couldn't exactly fault them for that observation.
Jake was about to bite back a not so kind retort when Neytiri effortlessly hauled him back to his feet. “As touching as this is, we must speak to the Olo’eyktan. It's urgent. The Tree of Voices has been destroyed." 
“I needed to get rid of it for fear of stabbing him.”
“You were planning to stab me.”
Tsu’tey was still grinning as he handed them back their knife belt, "I found this in the bushes." 
“In my defence, I thought you were in your rebel era.”
“Shit. I forgot about that part.” Jake admitted before he could stop himself.
In the language of the na’vi, there was no word for lie. In a world like Pandora, there was no room for treachery or deceit. Only a clear line between right and wrong. 
Your heart pounded as you glanced between Jake and Neytiri, the telltale scent of sex and togetherness that suggested a completed bond making you want to gag. Warning him against mating with one of the clan members hadn’t been a fucking challenge. 
But that wasn’t the main issue. The issue was the destruction of the Tree of Voices and Jake trying to explain Quaritch’s plan. 
The clan was deadly silent as he finished his rushed explanation. The tension mounting as Neytiri stared at Jake as if she didn’t know him. 
Their earlier ease with one another had evaporated. Jake's body tensed up whilst Neytiri looked devastated.
<“What are you saying Jake? You knew this would happen?”> Neytiri asked, her hand on Jake’s shoulder, trying to get him to look at her instead of her father. Her expression was searching as she tried to understand what he was getting at. Tried to grasp the concept of him being a double agent. 
You shifted in your spot half a step behind Tsu’tey, catching Grace’s eyes across the small semi-circle. This was a delicate situation now, one Jake could throw into chaos with a few wrongly placed words.
You felt the colour bleed from your face. What the hell was he thinking?
You stepped closer, ears pricked as if that would help you understand. Tsu’tey to your left mirrored the action, somehow still between you and Jake. <“You knew?”> He accused, his face ablaze with fury. You could see his hand twitching at his side, a sure sign he was going to draw his blade.
<“Yes, but-”>  Jake replied hurriedly, sensing he was about to send the entire encounter into a tailspin.
Neytiri abruptly tore herself away from him. Your stomach dropped at the pure agony twisting her features. <“I trusted you.”> She whispered, voice shaking. Then she hardened, her posture stiffening, her expression warping into a ferocious snarl. <”I trusted you!”> 
The hunters observing the scene reached for their bows.
Thankfully, he seemed to grasp the kind of situation he was in because he visibly steadied himself before responding. His expression was open, honest. You could see the fear glistening in the depths of his eyes. Noticed the shake of his hand as he grasped his mate’s hand on his shoulder, his tone soothing as he replied. <“Look, the Sky People sent me here, to learn your ways-”> 
Mo’at made a grab at her daughter’s arm, trying to pull the woman away from Jake as if he were the threat.
Tsu’tey stepped up, face contorting into a cold snarl.
You grabbed his arm when you saw the genuine fear spreading across your friend’s face as Jake instinctively backed away, unaware of the waiting hunters at his back. <”Okay, lets all just calm down.”> You commanded, dreading the look on Grace’s face when you found her in the crowd. “Jake, what the fuck are you talking about?” You hissed in english.
The steady grip you had on Tsu’tey’s forearm was ripped away as the hunter turned on you. Eyes burning with enough hatred to make you want to bare your neck. You remained firm, knowing that because of association you were also an enemy in his eyes. 
“Did you know about this?” Tsu’tey demanded accusingly. His expression was not of your friend, but of the next in line to the clan, ready to defend his people at a moment’s notice. 
“Did you /know/?” He repeated, almost shouting as he got up in your face. You held firm, refusing to back away or back down as you sternly met his gaze. 
Shoulders back, spine straight, you snapped in fluent na’vi. <“Of course not.”> You bared your fangs, ears pinned flat against your skull. Jake shifted behind you, and you waved your hand at him. Silently ordering him not to intervene. <“I’ve spent every hour here, helping the clan. Doing my duty. The only time I return to the compound is to eat and sleep.”>
Tsu’tey maintained eye contact, chest heaving. You dared not blink. Hunter to hunter, neither of you moved. Then his body lost its tension. He found what he’d been looking for in your gaze and he backed down with a nod.
“Grace!” Neytiri yelled, straining against the harsh grip Mo’at had on her forearm. You spun in the direction she was attempting to run in to find Grace’s avatar collapsed onto the floor. A couple women rushed forward to try and bring her back, but you recognised the unnatural stillness of an uninhabited avatar.
“Shit.” Jake cursed, and you couldn’t help but agree.
“They found us.” You breathed, barely loud enough for you to hear yourself. 
“The Sky People?” Tsu’tey asked, his hand found your shoulder and gripped tightly to draw your attention back to him. Numbly, you nodded, heart pounding as your hand found his arm and held on for dear life.
Behind you, Jake was also visibly panicking. He tried to draw everyone’s attention back to him long enough to explain, but he struggled to get the words out. His na’vi was breaking up as he stuttered through a poor explanation. <”You have to leave.”> You could barely understand what he was saying before his voice cut off, body stiffening and his eyes rolling into the back of his head. He went down like a rock.
Distantly, you heard Neytiri screech his name before she tore herself from Mo’at grip and ran to him. 
You were next, you realised. It was only a few steps past his link to your own. 
<“Listen. Listen to me.”> You pleaded, turning to Tsu’tey. His eyes flickered to the collapsed bodies of your colleagues before giving you his full attention, expression grim. <“The Sky People have found our compound. They’ll be coming for HomeTree next. They will show no mercy.”>
Anguished shouts erupted across the hollow chamber. You wanted to roar with them, but there was no time. 
You turned to the Olo’eyktan who had been watching the exchange wordlessly from Mo’at’s side, his expression unreadable. Tsu’tey did not tear you away as you stood before him. Nor did Mo’at order you removed. For now, for these few precious seconds, you were still one of them.
The symbolism of the bow at your back and the beaded armband encircling your bicep still held strong. You were still a hunter pleading to your leader. And for now, he would listen to you. 
 <“Olo’eyktan, you need to evacuate everyone who cannot fight.”> The People roared their disapproval, but Eytukan silenced them with a hand. He nodded once. It gave you hope. <”They need to go somewhere safe, the warriors-”>
Your body gave a lurch. Tsu’tey’s grip turned painful as your muscles locked up. Your vision blurred and your pupils lost focus. 
Mentally, you clawed at your hold over this body, fighting with all you had not to wake up as you felt strong hands pulling at your shoulders, slowing your descent. Someone was yelling your name. 
But you were leaving. Drifting away. Your consciousness slipping. 
You came up swinging on the other side. Grace was yelling from across the room as an RDA officer restrained her. Jake was out of sight, and Norm was also being held down. Your fist connected with someone’s temple as you screeched a war cry that should not have been possible with human vocal cords.
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envy-of-the-apple · 1 year
Hi! I have a request, could you write meruem x reader (female). Fluff and he being overprotective over his lover, a oneshot or ongoing fic. Perhaps pregnant reader if you are ok with it ofc.
I don't do pregnancy sorry:( how about we compromise with a forced wedding trope:))))))
oh wow, you said fluff? does-does killing loved ones and forcing the love of your life to swear their life to you count as fluff? Istg I cant read I'm so sorry
(Dark content, forced marriage, implied murder, implied stalking)
You've heard what was happening in the Kakin Empire.
Just rumors. Murmurs whispered here and there. People were disappearing in droves, but no one knew what was really happening. Some people speculated of aliens finally touching the Earth, taking humanity into the stars. Others thought it was a government failure, a leaked chemical plant that was causing people to die and the Empire was just covering it up.
It was a tragedy, but you lived two countries away from the Kakin Empire. It wasn't supposed to effect you.
This was supposed to be the happiest day of your life. You were supposed to marry the man of your dreams. Live the rest of your life in marital bliss.
Now, the man you were about to swear your life to was dead, and someone else sat at your side.
You've never seen anyone like him. He was peculiar looking. Handsome, but his skin was an inhuman green color. You've never seen someone with a tail before. He was oddly beautiful, in a tragic sort of way.
But you could barely care about appearances, not with how effortlessly he started to massacre.
He called himself the King when he entered the venue. You thought him rude, at first, when he interrupted the ritual with his sudden presence. Your fiance looked annoyed at the appearance. You could see him turn, about to curse out the stranger.
In retrospect, you should be grateful his death was quick. Painless.
You don't notice his subordinates until they demand attention as well. Three, just as peculiar as their leader. One demands that everyone bow for their so-called King. When the crowd doesn't listen, still amassed in hysteria, you have a perfect view as his men begin to pick off the crowd one by one. The only ones left are the few that were smart enough to reel in their horror, slinking down to their knees.
And then there's you.
He's slow when he makes his ascension. You wonder if he was the personification of death itself, coming to claim you for his own. You wished he would, but instead, he stops, right by your side. Instead of killing you, he starts to speak.
He has a nice voice.
He says he's been watching you for a while. He says that in order to respect your tumultuous human customs, he will finish this ceremony with you so you two can be wed. Then, he sits down right next to you, urging the shaking priest to continue.
You don't acknowledge him, not at first. You're not smiling anymore. You don't stare into the remaining crowd, too scared to see who you also lost. Instead, you look down at your hands, draped in jewelry and henna. You continue to stare, reminiscing how just ten minutes ago, you were so so happy.
You wince when a hand reaches over to roughly grab your arm. It doesn't hurt, but it easily could have.
"You don't seem happy," He hisses, "I expect you to behave gratefully. It is an honor to marry a King."
You nod because you're a coward. You value your life more than your dignity.
"Yes, your Majesty," You respond quietly.
"You must not use titles when referring to me," He declares, "From now on, you will call me by my name or husband."
"I don't know your name." You respond.
Of course, you didn't know his name. The monster of the man who entered your life so suddenly. He's silent, and you wonder if that's the last graciousness he'll give you. If he's decided to slay you here, leave you for another more obedient one.
"Meruem," He finally responds, "My name is Meruem."
He doesn't speak another word, intently focusing on the priest. You both sit in silence, hearing the priest shakily recite the mantras, hearing your remaining family quietly sob on the floor.
He acknowledges you once more when he ties the mangal sutra around your neck. It's thin, discrete, and easily hides under your gaudy dress. Still, it feels like a chain that suddenly snaps in place, bogging you down.
You don't remember much after that. It's only after Meruem pulls you up, effectively pulling you back into reality. There are still many rituals to be done. He doesn't seem to care. You don't either.
He leads you away from the altar. Your bare feet hit the smooth tile as you are dragged outside. The anklets create small jingles, bells that ring your perceived fate. The men who came in with him, silently trail behind. The doors close behind you with a sickening thud, locking you away from your dream forever.
You wouldn't be able to bury him.
Meruem suddenly stops, turning back to you. He reaches up to your face as though he is fascinated. You can feel him wipe a tear off your cheek.
You hadn't even realized you'd begun to cry.
"I can make you happy," He promises, his voice small, so much different compared to how he spoke less than ten minutes ago.
You search his face. His eyes show a glimmer of loneliness. Desperation.
It's gone within a moment. The King takes a breath, removing his hand.
"Come," He says, the usual cruelty back in his voice, "We should return to the palace. Your new home."
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gaywarcriminals · 5 days
hello! how are you going? do you have any svsss fic recs you enjoyed?
Aside from the usual Horrors, I'm quite well!! I hope you are too ^^
Oh wow, It's a bit hard to pick just a few because I've read a lot of SVSSS fics in the past few years, but here's the ones that came to mind/ I've been thinking about recently! (I'm excluding ones that I already recommended this week for the ask game, you can check out my "ask fish" tag to see those. Edit: I made a "fish recommends" tag too.)
"i bury my voice for you" (series) by lithali. Space opera AU, Shen twins, everyone is aliens, intense qijiu longing, SJ’s unending font of angsty internal dialogue, and kinky qijiu sex feat transmasc SJ. I need more people to read this one!!!!!!!
"Palimpsest" by Azzandra. YQY loses his memories and tries to piece together how SJ fits in his life from what others tell him. I adore this fic, it's a really interesting examination of both their characters and why they love each other intrinsically. 
"You Were You, And I Was I" by MissMegh. Deaged qijiu being feral, clinging, and horny teenagers. Super cute and funny!
"what thing it is (that people most desire)" by Jinxed_Ink. A vaguely medieval AU based on an Arthurian legend where SJ disguises himself and blackmails YQY into marrying him for Revenge. SJ has Absolutely No Other Motive There. I didn't know how much I needed this particular brand of qijiu marriage shenanigans until I read it.
"I'm just as exposed (when i take off my clothes)" by owoxian. Qijjiu being weird and horny (as they deserve), being misinterpreted as abuse by accidental voyer MQF. 
"The Sect Leader’s Husband" by AMereDream. Canon divergence where YQY came back for SJ on time, and instead of becoming the QJP head disciple, SJ married YQY and became the power behind the throne. Cute power couple qijiu!!!
"The Heart Is A Sword" by Moonsheen. A-Su, a boy who is a sword, the emperor's weapon, is appointed personal attendant to the emperor's new consort Shen. PIDW post-canon.
"Rehearsal" by Prim_the_Amazing. Binghe, fresh from the abyss, uses a dream realm to run through all the ways his reunion with SQQ might go. This one is basically pure angst but it's SO good.
"How to Meal Prep - Household Tips, Recipes, and Ideas for a Better-Organised Life!" By x_los. Character study of 17-year-old preeminent housewife Binghe. It's cute, it's weird, and it's terribly tragic on account of the Dramatic Irony.
"Futility in Practice" by TGP. Time loop fic with a REALLY cool style of story telling. Repetitive but iterative text from Binghe, the non-looping character's POV as SQQ desperately tries to find the right answer to end the loop. Very angsty!
"it's not gay if you don't touch my ass ... unless?" by azunshi. Modern AU, SY wants to have sex with Binghe but ofc that would be gay, so instead he puts a cocksleeve up his ass for binghe to fuck instead. This fic is so deeply stupid (positive/complimentary), I love it, it's the exact brand of unhinged this whole fandom is slowlyy becoming.
"Songs of a Wayfarer" by foxflowering. Ballet AU with young prodigy LBH and his teacher SY! 
"to find an intended (a bit unintentionally)" by nyoomerr. This is the classic. Wandering cultivator SY accidentally doms Bingge into being a good boy. 
"broken glass, swept away" by aaeph. Modern AU, SY buys a home only to find it haunted by the centuries old ghost of a demonic emperor. Bingge tries so hard to push SY away over and over, but SY is a stubborn man.
"Jump To The Left" by ValiantBarnes (Cimila). I'm not sure quite how to describe this one without spoilers, but essentially, older Shen Yuan finds and saves SJ in the era he was following WYZ. SY takes SJ as a traveling companion/sort of disciple. CW for mentions of incest/psuedo-incest (no actual incest though).
"Immortal Shen Does Not Do Online Deliveries" by Anonymous. SY, a young cultivator and scholar, goes to ask the reclusive immoral master SQQ for an elixir. SQQ toys with him a little <3. Mean SQQ and flustered SY.
Gen/ No Ship:
"Rat Trap" by Azaisya. LQG & SJ. LQG and SJ are kidnapped, they get truth serum-ed, and they're forced to confront their different background and conflicting morals and methods that stem from that. I think this is my favorite execution of "LQG learns SJ's backstory and Has Regrets", because their conflict is explicitly framed as a class divide rather than just misunderstandings, and it addresses the flaws in both their resulting worldviews to some extent. 
"Sit With Your Soul" by Tossawary. SJ & SY. This is a fusion with His Dark Materials, but no knowledge is required. Basically everyone has an animal companion that's connected to and represents their soul, and SY transmigrates into SQQ's. 
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littlesmartart · 2 years
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DRAWTOBER #15 - Soldier, Poet, King - by @eleanorfenyx
The best Jaeger Pilot teams on the Asian seaboard have just transferred to Shanghai Shatterdome to shore up their quickly-crumbling defenses against the Kaiju attacks that are becoming more and more frequent. There's a catch, though - both teams are falling apart at the seams. (Just like Jin Guangyao had hoped.) In the midst of a war against apocalyptic aliens, interpersonal tensions and romance should be the last things on everyone's minds, and yet Nie Mingjue finds himself constantly having to pull strange triple duty as a therapist, a matchmaker, and the martial leader of the shatterdome full of people who don't seem to understand that there's a war with apocalyptic aliens on ! At least he can stay out of the whole mess and just worry about herding everyone in the right direction to hopefully win the war for humanity's sake. Lan Xichen, utterly enamored with both the living legend Nie Mingjue and his frighteningly competent strategist, would very much like it if he could get closer to them and learn everything there is to know about the pair. Where better than in the Drift?
"are you kidding me, Jess littlesmartart!" I hear you all cry. "another Untamed/Pacific Rim crossover in your drawtober fic recs???"
so yeah this is three for three on literally the same AU but I think that just goes to show how well executed this one is! we've got the classic drift-compatible ships, we've got homoerotic fighting, we've got processing trauma through emotional intimacy... AND there's giant aliens being fought in giant robots! what's not to love??? I'm very excited to see where this version of the plot goes, and I'm really enjoying all the character dynamics so far.
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kandisheek · 1 year
Kandi’s ABC of Kink
EDIT: Now with all the Kinktober fics of 2023 added, coming out to a whopping 186 kinks in total. I hope you find something you like in here :) 
A is for:
Accidental Stimulation (Steve/Tony) on AO3 Steve accidentally gets turned on while riding his bike in the forest. He's not proud of the fact that he doesn't make it home before he comes in his pants. But it's not like he's ever going to do this again. Right?   Actirasty / Sun Ray Kink (Steve/Tony) on AO3 Steve is enjoying a nice, quiet day in the pool. Tony makes it even nicer.   Against A Wall (Steve/Tony) on AO3 The serum allows for some pretty creative sex, and Tony gets to reap all the benefits.
Agalmatophilia / Statue Kink (Steve/Tony) on AO3 Steve is sick and tired of his love life never working out. So he creates the perfect man for him, the statue of Antonio. It would be great if a man like that actually existed in real life.Turns out there's a solution for that.   Aliens (Steve/Tony) on AO3 The Avengers are invited into the pleasure halls of an alien kingdom. When they get there, the bouncer doesn't want to let Tony in, claiming that he's a virgin because he's never been fucked. Tony takes great offense to that. Luckily Steve is there and willing to resolve the issue.   Alley Sex (Steve/Tony) on AO3 “Keep it down,” Steve hissed, pressing his hand harder against Tony's mouth as he tucked his head in close, his other arm a steel band around Tony's waist. “Someone will hear you.”Or: Steve fucks Tony in an alley. And Tony loves it.   Anal Sex (Steve/Tony, minor OT6) on AO3 It's still new, this whole relationship with the team, and Steve and Tony haven't really managed to spend any time alone yet. So when they finally have sex a small misunderstanding arises. Steve assumes that Tony wants to bottom, Tony assumes that Steve wants to top. They are both wrong.   Angry Sex / Hate-fucking (Steve/Tony) on AO3 In the end he couldn't even remember what he said, just that it ended in Rogers slamming him up against the wall, crushing their mouths together in a painful kiss.   Anonymous Sex (Steve/Tony) on AO3 Tony's just looking to blow off some steam and that hot, blonde guy at the bar seems perfect. But after their night together Tony is admittedly a little disappointed that the guy left without even a note. Whatever, it's not like he's ever going to see him again. Right?    Aphrodisiac (Steve/Tony) on AO3 Steve gets hit with some sort of sex pollen. It must be the universe's idea of a joke to let Captain America die from horniness and make Tony his only chance at survival.   Asphyxiation / Breathplay (Steve/Tony) on AO3 Tony just wants to know how long he can hold his breath. That's all. Really. Ass Worship (Steve/Tony) on AO3 Steve loves the way Tony smells when he's in heat. He loves it even more when Tony lets him have a taste.   
B is for:
Bath (Steve/Tony) on AO3 Tony was reckless enough to get seriously hurt and now he has to pay the price. Bath time with Steve. Oh joy. (It really is, though.)   Beach Sex (Bucky/fem!Tony) on AO3 Bucky and Toni are lounging on the beach while the other Avengers are playing in the water. It's the perfect time to get a little frisky.   Begging (Steve/Tony) on AO3 Stark men don't beg. Too bad Steve didn't get the memo.   Biting / Marking (Steve/Tony) on AO3 Tonton knows his duty to the clan, and when his father commands it he knows that he will have to choose a mate. As an omega, guided by the blessing of the Mother, he can smell the strongest alpha in the crowd, the one who will be the most suited for Tonton, the clan leader's son. Nobody expects Tonton's choice to be the sickly, frail alpha in the corner. Needless to say Tonton's father isn't happy but Tonton has always been stubborn. And this alpha's heart is stronger than anyone he has ever seen. Tonton will make them see it too.   Blood Play (Steve/Tony) on AO3 Feeding on each other is one of the most intimate acts between two bonded vampires. It's erotic and fulfilling and when done right it can feel like your bodies merge into one, irrevocably bound together. Steve and Tony rarely feed in any other way now.   Blow Jobs (Steve/Tony) on AO3 Tony always notices Steve Rogers, even when he's all but disappearing into the wallpaper at a party. It's time he does something about that.   Body Swap (Steve/Tony) on AO3 Steve finds out first hand that being in Tony's brain when he's stressed is like standing inside a hornets' nest. Tony just wishes he could understand his own schematics. Being in Steve's brain sucks, especially when you've had a crush on the guy for years now.   Body Worship (Steve/Tony) on AO3 Tony has never felt comfortable receiving compliments when people honestly meant them. Steve is determined to change that.   Bond / Empathic (Steve/Tony) on AO3 Tony could feel Steve in his head and it wasn't even half as fun as he would've expected.   Bondage (Steve/Tony) on AO3 The abstinence clause in every SHIELD contract states that all alpha field agents must take suppressants for the first two years of their employment in order to diminish the risk of a battle rut. Steve's trial period is coming to an end, and he is absolutely not looking forward to what a rut several years in the making is going to do to his body. Luckily he's not going to have to face it alone.   Breeding Kink (Steve/Tony) on AO3 Biologically speaking a rut is only supposed to end when the omega is pregnant. Which poses a problem when the omega in question is male and as such cannot bear children. Steve and Tony make it work anyway.   Bulges (Steve/Tony) on AO3 “It's just so... majestic.” Pepper sighed, a major headache already throbbing in her temples. “Nothing about a dick is majestic, Tony.”  
C is for:
Camboy / girl (Steve/Tony) on AO3 Tony runs an OnlyFans where he posts pictures of himself sucking dick. One day he holds a giveaway where one of his fans can win a chance to get a blowjob from him. A guy named The_Captain scores the win, and it turns out that he is not at all what Tony had imagined.   Car Sex (Steve/Tony) on AO3 Steve has never been booked by a client as rich or as handsome as Tony Stark, especially not to pose as a boyfriend instead of an escort. So his expectations for the evening are high. He doesn't expect Tony to surpass every one of them.   CBT / Cock and Ball Torture (Steve/Tony) on AO3 In order to make Steve's pain threshold as high as it is the serum reduced his sensitivity in all other areas. Because of that Steve has to be very creative in order to make himself come, use so much pressure that it has scared every partner he's had right off. He's terrified that the same will happen with Tony, but luckily Tony is always up for a challenge.   Chastity (Steve/Tony) on AO3 Steve grew up in a cult that taught him that men only spill their seed to procreate. After he gets out Dr. Stark opens his eyes to the truth of human sexual behavior and introduces him to pleasure for the sake of it.   Choreophilia / Dancing Kink (Steve/Bucky/Tony) on AO3 Bucky can't help but get jealous when he sees other people dancing with his boyfriends. Tony takes shameless advantage of that fact. Steve is just along for the ride, and he couldn't be happier.   Clothing Theft (Steve/Tony) on AO3 Steve can't seem to find his favorite blue shirt.   Cock-Warming (Steve/Tony) on AO3 Steve wakes up warm and he wakes up hard. Tony knows an opportunity when he sees one.   Cock-Worship (Steve/Tony) on AO3 The serum had more than one unforeseen side effect. Tony really should have expected it.   Come Inflation (Steve/Tony) on AO3 After the serum Steve doesn't come the same way anymore. It's messy and it's kept him from ever really having sex with anyone. Thankfully Tony doesn't mind.   Consentacles (Steve/Bucky/Tony) on AO3 Unbeknownst to the general public, the serum gave Steve tentacles. Bucky never blinks an eye at them, but it does become an issue when they get together with Tony. Steve can't parse what the hell Tony is thinking when he stares at his tentacles, but it can't be anything good. Steve is very wrong about that. Or: Steve and Bucky have never heard of tentacle porn, and Tony despairs at their ignorance.   Costume (Steve/Tony) on AO3 Steve should have known nothing good would come out of Tony playing dress up. Especially if Nat and Clint got their hand in it.   Cuckolding (Steve/Bucky/Tony) on AO3 Steve is used to sharing everything with Bucky. It's a good thing Tony is totally on board with that.   Cuddlefucking (Steve/Tony) on AO3 After the war Steve never quite learned how to indulge himself and enjoy the softer things in life. Tony goes out of his way to make sure he does. By nesting in Steve's bed.   Cunnilingus (Bucky/fem!Tony) on AO3 When Toni first sees James Barnes, the man who vibrates with tension at every turn, who can kill a man with his bare hands, a beast caged in a human body, she wants. And as it turns out, Barnes is very much willing to let her take him down. Especially when it involves him getting a taste.  
D is for:
Dacryphilia / Crying Kink (Bucky/Tony) on AO3 Bucky just wants to be taken down.   Deepthroating (Steve/Tony) on AO3 Steve keeps seeing finger-shaped bruises on Tony's face. He isn't sure what it says about him that he wants to be the one to put them there. Degradation (Steve/Tony) on AO3 Tony knows his cock is average in size, but after getting used to jerking off Steve's huge cock, his own starts to feel kind of small in comparison. He is unexpectedly turned on by that.   Dirty Talk (Steve/Tony) on AO3 Steve's away on a mission and Tony misses him. He finds a solution to the problem.   Distant / Distracted Sex (Steve/Tony) on AO3 When Tony answers the phone Steve already has his cock down his throat. And once he's there Tony has no intentions of stopping him, not even for pretentious business partners.   Docking (Steve/Bucky/Tony) on AO3 Tony finds a video of two guys docking and thinks it's the perfect thing for Bucky and Steve to reenact. Luckily for him, his boyfriends are down to try pretty much anything.   Dom/Sub (Steve/Tony) on AO3 Tony loves when he gets to do this, make Steve fuck him until he's begging to come, tears streaming down his face.   Double Penetration (Steve/Bucky/Tony) on AO3 Steve and Tony decide to spice things up and bring a third person into their bedroom. Lucky for them Bucky is down for anything.   Drunk Sex (Steve/Tony) on AO3 Tony had mentally prepared himself for a lot of weird things that could happen on their trip to Asgard. What he wasn't prepared for was a drunk Steve Rogers crowding him against the nearest wall and kissing him within an inch of his life.   Dry Humping (Steve/Tony) on AO3 “Give me an hour to finish this. Then I'm all yours for the rest of the night.” Tony groaned. “That's so long though.” “Well, you don't have to wait on my account.” Steve glanced down at where Tony's cock tented his pants. "You can do it here. I don't mind."  
E is for:
Edging (Steve/Tony) on AO3 Tony practically begged Steve to try one of his favorite fantasies of all time – getting edged when he's in rut. Steve – his alpha boyfriend – is a little skeptical at first, but when Tony's next rut comes he gives him exactly what he wants.   Electrostimulation (Bucky/Tony) on AO3 Tony has been hesitant to bring up that he enjoys electro-play with Bucky because of Bucky's awful experiences with conditioning. Neither of them could've predicted just how much Bucky ends up enjoying it.   Exhibitionism (Steve/Bucky/Tony) on AO3 Steve and Bucky are having sex in the kitchen when Tony walks in, gets himself a coffee and walks right back out without seeing them. Steve comes so hard he sees stars. Later Bucky thinks up ways for them to repeat the experience.  
F is for:
Facials (Steve/Bucky/Tony) on AO3 Bucky has done a lot of things in life, but never has he been asked to have sex with someone for the sole purpose of providing inspiration for a gay comic. By his best friend no less. That doesn't mean he can't enjoy it when it happens.   Fangs (Steve/Tony) on AO3 Tony is a werewolf who doesn't really give a shit about societal norms. He has a vampire fetish a mile wide but unfortunately vampires are rare and stick to their covens so he's never had the chance to get one into his bed. Then Steve shows up, the most famous vampire in the history of – well, at least the last couple hundred years – and Tony wants those teeth in his neck so badly he can feel his tail wagging at the mere thought. Only problem is – Steve despises everything Tony and his werewolf-blood stand for.   Feathers (Steve/Tony) on AO3 “Just how little do I have to do to make you come?” Steve sucked in a breath when Tony held up his hand, brandishing a single ostrich feather with a frayed tip. “I won't touch you with anything but this tonight,” Tony rumbled, his eyes dark as he smirked at Steve. “And you will do everything in your power to come. Understand?”   Feet (Steve/Tony) on AO3 The sex they're having is already awesome, but there's something Tony has always wanted to try with Steve.   Feral (Steve/Bucky/Tony) on AO3 When Bucky gets captured by Hydra - again! - Tony assumes the worst. They get him back but Hydra has already injected Bucky with a drug that reduces him to his most basic instincts in an attempt to turn him back into their weapon. They definitely didn't expect Bucky to protect his team instead of attacking them when they rescued him. Now they're back at the tower and it's only a matter of waiting out the effects of the drug. Which would be great if Bucky could stop acting so weird around Tony. Steve probably wouldn't take too kindly to his boyfriend cuddling up to another man. And what's the deal with all the food?   Filming (Steve/Tony) on AO3 Tony and Steve want to spice up their sex life. They make a sex tape. It's exactly as much of a disaster as it sounds.   Financial Domination (Steve/Tony) on AO3 Steve feels weird about how much money he has after the ice. It doesn't feel like he's earned any of his back pay, considering he's spent most of his service practically comatose. Then he gets together with Tony. And somehow, Tony figures out the perfect way to solve his problem. Steve is pretty sure that he's the luckiest man alive.   Fisting (Steve/Tony) on AO3 Tony temporarily gets Reed Richards' powers. Of course he's going to use them for sex.   Fleshlight (Steve/Tony) on AO3 Tony buys a magic - ahem, technologically advanced fleshlight that allows Steve to fuck it and Tony to feel it in his ass. He wants to use it on long-distance business trips, but Steve has a much better idea.   Food Play (Steve/Tony) on AO3 Steve's mom always used to say 'Don't play with your food'. She might've had a point.   Formal Wear (Bucky/Tony) on AO3 Tony discovers that Bucky gets off on him acting the part of the rich asshole billionaire. It turns into a Thing™.   Forniphilia / Human Furniture (Steve/Tony) on AO3 It was one of those weird things where if someone were to ask Tony how it started he wouldn't have a straight answer. How did one get to the point of using their boyfriend as a table?   Frottage (Steve/Tony) on AO3 They never made it to the bedroom.   Fucking Machine (Steve/Tony) on AO3 Steve shouldn't be so surprised that he'd come up with this. Seriously, he was Tony fucking Stark and it'd be a cold day in hell when he'd let someone best him at building a machine. ANY type of machine.  
G is for:
Glory Hole (Steve/Tony) on AO3 Tony hasn't seen a glory hole in years. So when he stumbles across one on a road trip with Steve he can't resist making him an offer.   Gravity Magic (Steve/Tony) on AO3 Steve and Tony get hit with a spell that makes them each other's center of gravity. And not in the fun way. Whoever came up with this curse has a prime spot on Tony's shit list for at least the next decade.   Group Sex (Steve/Tony, OT6) on AO3 They didn't move much. They didn't have to. Tony moaned against Steve's shoulder, feeling his own breath hit their skin. Because it was their skin now, Steve and Tony were one, no secrets, no lies – Tony was pretty sure that this thought held significance somewhere. Or: Finding out that the alien species they were supposed to meet for Avengers business exchanged orgasms as a friendly greeting really should've been the first clue.  
H is for:
Hair Pulling (Steve/fem!Tony) on AO3 Toni is in her fifties and Steve in his late twenties. She's heard enough sugar mommy and cougar jokes to play with that kind of fire anymore. If only Steve could stop showing her how good they could be together. She would really appreciate that.   Hand Jobs (Bucky/Tony) on AO3 On their last mission Tony had to hack into Bucky's arm with Extremis and Bucky can't get the feeling out of his head. He never would've guessed that losing control like that could turn him on so much.   Heat Cycle (Steve/Bucky/Tony) on AO3 Bucky couldn't remember his last rut. Which wasn't saying much. Honestly, these days Bucky had trouble remembering anything at all, memories slipping through his hands like water. But of course, when it happened, it had to be at the worst moment imaginable. In a bunker in Siberia.   Het Anal (Steve/fem!Tony) on AO3 Toni is off birth control, but she still wants Steve to fuck her bare. The solution is simple. And it's endearing how excited Steve is about trying something new.   Hierophilia / Sacred Objects (Steve/Tony) on AO3 Resident troublemaker Tony Stark seeks refuge in the church to hide from his pursuers. He doesn't expect to find salvation as well. Or for Father Rogers to evoke feelings in him that he rather wouldn't have.   Honeymoon (Steve/Tony) on AO3 Steve and Tony work as stand-ins for other people's marriages. They've gotten married thirty-six times, thirty-seven if you count their own wedding six years ago, but they still enjoy it every time.The honeymoons are the best part though.   Humiliation (Steve/Tony) on AO3 Steve is shaking with anger after a failed mission. Luckily he knows exactly where to find the right person to calm him down.   Hypnosis / Mind Control (Steve/Tony) on AO3 Steve would like to say he didn't know how he'd ended up here, but that would be a lie. Now he's going to learn the hard way why people are so scared of insulting a warlock.  
I is for:
Impact Play (Bucky/Tony) on AO3 Tony buys a new specialty sex toy and wants to try it out on Bucky. Bucky is one hundred percent on board.   Initiation Rites (Steve/Tony) on AO3 Tony was turned into a vampire in Afghanistan and keeps getting pestered by the New York Council to join their secret club. Problem is that Tony can't come to the meeting alone; he needs what they call a bond mate, whatever the hell that means. Steve agrees to go with him to help. Neither of them are prepared for the consequences.   Instruction (Bucky/Tony) on AO3 Tony finds out that because of Bucky's winter soldier conditioning he hasn't come since being let out of cryo. Apparently he can't get off without someone ordering him to. Tony is more than happy to help him with that.   Intercrural Sex (Steve/Tony) on AO3 The first time Tony takes Steve to the bedroom they run into a small - well, big problem. Luckily Tony has never seen a problem he can't solve.  
J is for:
Japanese Rope Bondage / Shibari (Steve/Tony) on AO3 Steve fell in love with Tony’s work long before they even got together. The things Tony can do with nothing but a few pieces of rope are incredible, taking something that society loves to view as perverted and turning it into fine art. So when Tony asks him to be a part of his next installation, Steve doesn't even hesitate.   Jelly Toys (Steve/Tony) on AO3 Steve vaguely remembers mentioning that he can't use normal sex toys because they feel too rough on his cock. He didn't expect Tony to take it to heart. Let alone go on an inventing binge.   Jump Hump (Steve/fem!Tony, Bucky/fem!Tony) on AO3 Bucky tells Steve that Toni is down for a bit of soaking, aka letting them put their penises inside her without actually engaging in premarital sex. Steve has never been one to break the rules of the Lord, but this is technically a loophole. So that means it's okay, right? Just this once?   Just The Tip (Steve/Tony) on AO3 Steve doesn't know his collage roommate Tony is a virgin until Tony asks him to help him out with this little "problem". The thing is, Steve has never had sex either. Maybe they can help each other out instead.  
K is for:
Keeping Quiet (Bucky/Tony, minor Steve/Bucky/Tony) on AO3 Bucky and Tony hook up in Bucky's apartment and try very hard not to wake up his roommate Steve. Turns out it's surprisingly difficult to keep quiet during sex. Not that Tony would be opposed to Steve listening in, considering how badly he wants to get a piece of that ass. But alas, Steve is straight as a ruler and would never want them. Right?   Knife Play (Bucky/Tony) on AO3 Tony gets cornered in a back alley by the winter soldier and has an unexpected reaction to being held at knifepoint. He doesn't think it'll come up again, but after he and Bucky somehow end up in a relationship he probably should've seen it coming.   Knotting (Steve/Bucky) on AO3 In a world where sexual urges only kick in when you present at eighteen, Bucky is a bit of an early bloomer. And as everyone knows he rarely does anything without dragging his best friend Steve along for the ride.  
L is for:
Lactation (Steve/Tony) on AO3 The arc reactor has cost Tony many things, not least of all his ability to lactate. With his heats gone he doesn't think he'll ever want to get with an alpha again, if only to spare himself the hurt of them finding out that he's damaged goods. No alpha would want him like this anyway. Enter Steve Rogers.   Latex (Bucky/Tony) on AO3 Bucky only realizes that he picked up the wrong luggage at the airport when he sees the latex harness and the ball gag. Someone's clearly about to have a very good time.The man who has his suitcase turns out to be a lot more handsome than he'd thought. And when said man gets stood up by his date? Well, Bucky can't let that kind of opportunity go to waste.   Lingerie (Steve/Bucky/Tony) on AO3 Steve loves looking pretty for Tony. It's something he was too afraid to explore back when he was with Bucky, when being different could've ruined his life. This newfound freedom is one of his favorite things about the future. Then Bucky comes back and Steve discovers that Tony is just as eager to put on pretty things and show off. Luckily Bucky is more than happy to indulge them.   Loud Sex (Steve/Tony) on AO3 Steve is used to seedy encounters in back alleys, where he has to be quiet so he and his partner won't get caught. But when he has sex with Tony for the first time Tony is the exact opposite of that, loud and unashamed, and Steve needs a moment or ten to deal with it. Luckily Tony is there to help him.   Love Potions (Steve/Tony) on AO3 The Avengers get hit by a rogue love spell. It's utter chaos, and of course - to top it all off - the universe decides to make Steve fall in love with Tony Stark of all people. But the thing is, those feelings aren't exactly new. And Steve has no idea how to convince Tony that he's been in love with him for years, with or without the spell.  
M is for:
Magical Realms (Steve/Bucky/Tony) on AO3 Bucky never believed that Valhalla is real. That is until he dies, wakes up and reunites with his two dead lovers.   Making Out (Steve/Tony) on AO3 After seventy years of not kissing anyone Steve seems to be making up for lost time, and Tony couldn't be happier about it.   Masks (Steve/Tony) on AO3 Tony knows the suit is sexy. He just didn't think Steve would agree so enthusiastically.   Masturbation (Steve solo) on AO3 Steve has always enjoyed taking care of himself.   Micro/Macro (Steve/Tony) on AO3 If it were any other day, Steve wouldn’t have done it. He wasn’t usually the type to go skinny dipping out in the woods where anyone could walk by and see him, but as it was, he’d bumped into a pixie hive and gotten glitter dust all over himself. He'd heard enough cautionary tales to immediately try and wash it off. As it turned out, he'd missed a spot. And now he had a feisty little pixie stuck to his... well, a very intimate body part. And no idea how to get rid of it. If he got out of this mess, he'd never step foot in a forest again.   Mind Break (Steve/Tony) on AO3 Tony has been on suppressants for as long as he can remember. So when his body goes into an unexpected heat, he's more than a little unprepared. Especially because the person responsible for his body going haywire is halfway across the world and not on speaking terms with him. It doesn't help that most of the world assumes that Tony is an alpha. Mirror Sex (Steve/Tony) on AO3 Tony has watched his own sex tapes, he knows what he looks like when he comes. Steve seems adamant about making him repeat the experience though.   Monsterfucking (Steve/Tony) on AO3 It's in Steve's blood, the need to protect what's his, especially the crown jewel of his hoard. He always takes it hard when Tony gets hurt in battle. Or worse, outside of battle. Luckily Tony knows just how to make it better.  
N is for:
Needle Play (Bucky/Tony) on AO3 Tony learned how to do piercings in college through slightly... unconventional means. He never expected that he'd find someone to share his weird kink with, least of all the guy who he had every reason to hate.   Neglect Play (Bucky/Tony) on AO3 Bucky pretends to leave Tony alone during a scene, when he has him bound and helpless with a vibrator up his ass. Tony is anything but complaining.   Nipple Play (Steve/Tony) on AO3 Steve wants to practice his painting skills on Tony's body and Tony is very inconveniently turned on by the whole thing. It's a challenge not to ruin Steve's hard work by coming all over it but luckily Steve finds a solution that involves a very happy Tony.  
O is for:
Object Insertion (Bruce & Tony, Steve/Tony) on AO3 In which Bruce still isn't that kind of doctor, and Tony really should think twice before shoving things up his ass.   Office / Workplace (Steve/Tony) on AO3 Tony loves distracting Steve from his work.   Orgasm Denial (Steve/Tony) on AO3 Tony has never done well with being denied anything. So Steve takes it upon himself to teach him some restraint.   Orgasm Therapy (Steve/Tony) on AO3 When omegas are afflicted with 'hysteria' – otherwise known as having an opinion and voicing it – they are treated in rather unconventional ways. Tony gets sent to therapy by his legal guardian, and Dr. Rogers is more than happy to treat his symptoms. However many orgasms it takes.   Overstimulation (Steve/Tony) on AO3 Steve doesn't really see the appeal, but if Tony wants this... who is he to deny him?   Oviposition (Steve/Tony) on AO3 Tony quickly realizes that the planet he landed on has a huge market for sex trafficked aliens. It's a blessing that he looks human enough to slip under the radar because he knows the kind of price his species gets sold for. He doesn't expect to meet another alien in the same predicament as him, but when he does they take the advice to 'stick together' a little too literally. Or: Tony lays eggs, Steve has tentacles, and somehow they fit together perfectly.  
P is for:
Pegging (Steve/fem!Tony) on AO3 Steve couldn't be happier with his relationship, but he does sometimes miss the feeling of getting fucked. Toni takes it upon herself to blow his mind with a strap-on.   Pet Play (Steve/Tony) on AO3 "I want that come because it's mine," Tony rumbled right in Steve's ear, prompting another shiver. "You're gonna give me as much as I want. And I'm not gonna stop until that beaker is full, do you understand?"   Pheromones (Steve/Tony) on AO3 The taste of an omega's slick changes with the seasons. Tony makes a rude comment about Steve's winter taste, and Steve takes drastic action.   Piercings (Bucky/Tony) on AO3 Tony gives Bucky some nipple piercings. They both enjoy it a lot more than they probably should.   Pogonophilia / Beard Kink (Steve/Tony) on AO3 Steve comes home with a beard, and Tony can't get over it.   Pony Play (Steve/Tony) on AO3 Tony asks Pepper to find him a new stallion to fulfill his fantasy of getting bred like a mare in heat. She hits the jackpot when she brings him Steve.   Power Difference / Authority (Steve/Bucky/Tony) on AO3 Bucky loves how small Tony is compared to both him and Steve. He makes the mistake of mentioning it to Tony. Cue Tony fucking Bucky in the armor as Steve watches in awe.   Praise Kink (Steve/Tony) on AO3 Tony safewords. Steve is there for him, always.   Prince Albert (Steve/Tony) on AO3 Tony goes to a gala with prince albert cufflinks. Steve sees them and is appalled, then intrigued when Tony tells him that a dick piercing is a real thing. In fact, he used to have one.Steve kind of wants to see it now.   Public Sex (Steve/Tony) on AO3 An unfortunate lab accident turns Tony temporarily invisible. What better way to seize the opportunity than to fondle his boyfriend in full view of everyone else. Luckily Steve is very into that sort of thing.   Punishment (Steve/Tony) on AO3 “It's too loud in my head,” Tony finally admitted, his throat scraped raw by the words. He hated feeling weak, but before he could start to regret saying it Steve was there, grounding him with a firm hand on the back of his neck. “Do you want me to help?” Or: Tony's past mistakes get thrown back in his face, and Steve helps him cope in the aftermath. By putting him over his knee.  
Q is for:
Queening Chair (fem!Steve/Bucky) on AO3 After the serum, Eve is a little self-conscious about how heavy the muscles have made her. Bucky still wants her to sit on his face.   Queerplatonic Relationship (Steve & Bucky, Steve/Tony) on AO3 Steve and Bucky have always had an intense, platonic friendship. They live together, share their clothes and beds, plan their lives around each other. Then Steve gets a boyfriend, and he fears that Tony might not understand the bond he has with Bucky, but to his relief Tony takes it in stride. Which is great, because what's better than a cuddle puddle of two? A cuddle puddle of three.   Quickie (Steve/Tony) on AO3 An unfortunate hand injury means that Steve can't jerk off for the foreseeable future. Tony is all too happy to lend a hand.   Quirophilia / Hand or Finger Kink (Bucky/Tony) on AO3 It's no secret that Tony loves Bucky's metal arm. Bucky is all too happy to give Tony what he wants.  
R is for:
Rainbow Party (fem!Steve/Bucky/fem!Tony) on AO3 Toni really likes the way lipstick looks when it's smeared all over someone's dick after a good blowjob. Luckily she has two amazing lovers to make all her fantasies come true.   Refractory Period (Steve/Bucky) on AO3 After the serum, neither Bucky nor Steve have much of a refractory period. So really, they don't have a reason to stop after just one orgasm. Or two. Or five.   Rimming (Steve/Tony) on AO3 Steve discovers the joy of his prostate during a SHIELD required medical exam. He definitely wants to find out more about it. Turns out Tony is one hell of a teacher.   Roleplay (Steve/Tony) on AO3 Tony has jerked off to his Captain America posters more times than he can count. Now he has a boyfriend who is tall, blonde and practically made of muscles. Did anyone really expect him not to seize the opportunity?   Room-Wrecking Sex (Steve/Tony) on AO3 Steve and Tony break a bed. Among other things. It's a good thing Tony has housekeeping.   Rough Sex (Bucky/Tony) on AO3 “I mean, I've got no problem doing it rough.” The guy shrugs like he doesn't even appreciate having been in Tony's bed. The urge to punch him intensifies. “Not my thing, but I can dish it out when it's wanted.” “Do you always kiss and tell?” Bucky asks coldly, and the guy blinks, seemingly just now realizing that Bucky is not amused. Or: Bucky hears from one of Tony's hook-ups that Tony likes rough sex. It's only when they get into a relationship that he finds out that Tony's preferences are much more versatile.  
S is for:
Scars (Steve/Tony) on AO3 Steve shows Tony that he doesn't care about his scars. Tony isn't convinced until he is.   Semi-Public Sex (Steve/Tony) on AO3 Steve and Tony get a little side-tracked in Clint's barn. Tony enjoys being a bad influence.   Sensory Deprivation (Steve/Tony) on AO3 Ever since the serum Steve has relied on his heightened senses. Having them taken away doesn't seem all that enjoyable. Tony shows him that it can be.   Sensory Overload (Steve/Tony) on AO3 Steve gets hit with an alien pathogen that turns his senses up to eleven. All of his senses. Tony never thought he'd have to protect Captain America's virtue from himself, but here we are.   Sex Addiction (Steve/Tony) on AO3 Steve's health issues have kept him from having sex or even masturbating all throughout his early years. So when he gets the serum and experiences orgasm for the first time, he veers hard onto the path of addiction. He jerks off so much that it's starting to interfere with his day to day life. Luckily Tony is right there to help him get his life back on track.   Sex Doll (Steve/Tony) on AO3 Steve is on a really long dry spell, so his friends take it upon themselves to buy him a sex doll for his birthday. He's mortified, but what can you do? He really is lonely. And the doll is very handsome, almost a little too lifelike. He doesn't know that it's fashioned after the head of the company that made it, Tony Stark himself. Or that he's ever going to meet him face to face. If he makes it through this without dying of embarrassment, he's going to lynch Bucky.   Sex Pollen (Steve/Tony, Tony/Clint/Natasha) on AO3 An unfortunate bio-bomb accident ends with Tony, Natasha and Clint doused in a dubious chemical. They don't seem too bothered by their sudden desire to mount each other like animals. In fact, Steve is probably more bothered than any of them. He really doesn't get paid enough to deal with this.   Sex Toys (Steve/Bucky/Tony) on AO3 It doesn't take Tony long to notice that Bucky has a problem with choice. After his conditioning he apparently feels like he can't give Steve what he needs anymore, can't be the partner he deserves. So he only joins Steve and Tony on dates, staying away from anything sexual. It's frustrating for all of them. Thankfully Tony is a genius. And letting Bucky backseat-dominate Steve through Tony might just work.   Sex Work (Steve/fem!Tony) on AO3 In a world where humanity vaguely works like a beehive Steve is chosen to be the Queen's mate. She's not quite what he expects.   Shotgunning (Steve/Bucky/Tony) on AO3 "Shotgunning? What's that?" Tony smirked. “One person takes a hit, other person comes close enough to inhale the smoke from their lips.” Both Bucky and Steve raised an eyebrow and Tony shrugged. “It's a teen thing. Looks real nice. Especially on women.” “Does it?” Bucky asked and his voice took on a quality that suggested things Tony shouldn't be imagining. “I'd love to see that.”   Shower Sex (Steve/Bucky/Tony) on AO3 You'd think three people having sex in one shower would be a bad idea. (You'd probably be right. But that's not going to stop Bucky.)   Size Difference (Steve/Tony) on AO3 Tony wouldn't have thought that he'd ever enjoy feeling smaller than somebody else, but here we are.   Skinny Dipping (Steve/Tony) on AO3 Steve has heard all the stories of people getting seduced by forest creatures with furry legs and horns, saying they were better lovers than humans could ever be. He never expects to meet a satyr in the flesh until he sees one bathing in a pond. Turns out the stories are all true.   Sleepy Sex (Steve/Tony) on AO3 Tony gets the best kind of wake-up call.   Smiles / Laughter (Steve/Tony) on AO3 Tony never thought he'd hear Steve's laughter again. The reality of it is much more painful than he imagined.   Soft Cock (Steve/Tony) on AO3 Silver fox Tony is too old to always get hard when he and Steve have sex anymore. That doesn't mean he can't enjoy himself when Steve sucks him off. Especially when Steve is so obviously into it.   Sounding (Steve/Tony) on AO3 Steve wants to try something new and Tony is always happy to provide.   Spit-roasting (Steve/Bucky/Tony) on AO3 It's highly unusual for an omega to have multiple alphas because they can easily get competitive and possessive. Still, Tony is making it work with Steve and Bucky and they couldn't be happier. But even though his alphas have been best friends forever they still have problems when it comes to sharing Tony during his heat. Luckily there's enough Tony for everyone.   Sthenolagnia / Strength Kink (Steve/Tony) on AO3 It's fucking ridiculous. Tony is almost fifty, he's way too old to still discover new kinks.   Striptease (Bucky/Tony) on AO3 Bucky can't seem to fail at anything, and it's unfairly attractive. Would it kill him to not be so competent? Because Tony would really appreciate it, thank you.   Stuck in a Wall (Steve/Tony) on AO3 While returning to the quinjet after a mission Steve gets stuck trying to climb through a narrow tunnel. Now Tony is trapped in the cave behind him and has to make do with Steve's ass as a conversation partner. They don't end up talking all that much.   Suspension (Steve/Tony) on AO3 Tony experiments with an alien plant and things take a turn for the tentacles. Steve is more than happy to keep watch.   Swallowing (Steve/Tony) on AO3 Tony was going to have words with whoever thought it would be a good idea to introduce Steve to turtlenecks.  
T is for:
Temperature Play (Steve/Tony) on AO3 Steve picked up a perfectly formed ice cube, holding it up for Tony to see. “Open your mouth.” Tony's tongue wrapped around the cube as Steve fed it to him, visibly rolling it around his cheeks. Steve lay back on the bed, spreading his legs with a smile. "Now kiss me."   Tentacles (Tony/Tentacles) on AO3 You'd think that after more than four years of being Iron Man and sixty-three successful missions Tony would know not to go into suspicious looking swamps on his own.   Threesome (Steve/Bucky/Tony) on AO3 After seventy years of separation Steve and Bucky get a little emotional when they have sex for a second first time. Tony kind of feels like he's third-wheeling until his boyfriends reassure him – very thoroughly – that he's not.   Tickling (Steve/Tony) on AO3 Tony has known about his weird kink for years, but he never counted on Steve finding out about it.   Titfucking (Steve/Tony) on AO3 Tony writes an email with Extremis. As it turns out, using his thoughts to write – especially when said thoughts drift off into inappropriate territory when he sees Steve's sweaty chest – is a pretty big mistake. He really should've spell-checked that email before he sent it. Fury is going to have kittens.   Touch-starved (Steve/Tony) on AO3 With Steve being a public health nurse the pandemic hit him and Tony hard. It was awful that they couldn't sleep in the same bed or spend time together the way they normally would. Still, they find ways to quell their loneliness.  
U is for:
Underwater (Steve/Tony) on AO3 A friendly competition to see who's had sex in the most unusual place escalates when Steve joins the party.   Underwear (Steve/Tony) on AO3 Tony buys underwear with an attachable dildo in it, and Steve finally puts his foot down with the ridiculous sex toys Tony has been buying. He's not going to wear that. (He ends up wearing it.)   Uniforms (Steve/Tony) on AO3 Officer Stark has an accident in his police car and his superior won't let him repair it himself, which is just a waste of time and money, really. But as it turns out the mechanic he consults is hella cute and Tony really needs more reasons to keep seeing him, even if that involves playing dumb and destroying his own property.   Unresolved Tension (Steve/Bucky/Tony) on AO3 When Tony got back to earth he was still bleeding from the wound Peter's loss had dealt his heart. He didn't think anything could hurt more than letting down the closest thing he had to a son. Tony was wrong.  
V is for:
Vanilla (Steve/Bucky/Tony) on AO3 When Steve and Bucky proposition him, Tony thinks that they want the whole Tony Stark playboy experience. What he doesn't expect is for them to actually want a relationship. Or that their idea of a threesome is the most romantic thing Tony has ever been a part of.   Vibrator (Steve/Tony) on AO3 Tony gets saved from drowning by a merman which, up until that point, he didn't even know existed. He is especially surprised when that merman has no compulsions about being the first of his species to ever have sex with a human. In fact, the mer seems pretty excited about it. Tony knows an opportunity when he sees one.   Voyeurism (Steve/Bucky/Tony) on AO3 Steve is curious what gay sex would feel like. Bucky is convinced that no man could ever enjoy getting fucked up the ass. Tony proves him wrong.  
W is for:
Watersports (Steve/Tony) on AO3 They've been stuck in traffic for a while when Steve says he really has to pee. But the next rest stop is miles away and they can't really stop in the middle of the highway. Tony didn't expect just how much watching Steve struggle to keep control of his body would turn him on.   Wet Clothes (Steve/Bucky) on AO3 Steve gets caught in the rain. Bucky makes sure he doesn't catch a cold.   Window / Balcony Sex (Steve/Tony) on AO3 When Tony calls him Steve is prepared for anything. He's not quite prepared for this.  
X is for:
X-Rated (Steve/Tony) on AO3 When Loki hits Tony and Steve with an illusion spell during their fight, Tony is prepared for torture, nightmares, the whole shebang. What he's not prepared for is being trapped in a kitschy eighties rom-com with him and Steve as the protagonist and love interest. And why the hell does Loki want them to kiss so badly?   Xenophilia (Steve/Tony) on AO3 Tony speaks seven languages. Steve is more than a little surprised by how much that turns him on.   Xeronisus (Steve/Tony) on AO3 After the serum, Steve has lost his ability to orgasm. That doesn't mean that he can't enjoy a healthy sex life with Tony.  
Y is for:
Yeastiality / Baked Goods (Steve/Tony) on AO3 Tony blames it all on American Pie.   Yestergay (Steve/Tony) on AO3 Tony has always thought that the pianist in his local bar, Steve, is way too good for this place. Tony wants to know more about him. And as it turns out, Steve wants the exact same thing. Tony knows that he's playing with fire. But he's sworn off his old ways long ago. There's no way he will let himself fall for Steve. Right?   YMMV Girl / Your Mileage May Vary (Steve/Bucky) on AO3 Everyone knows that Steve is just as likely to give you the best blowjob of your life as he is to sock you in the mouth if you’re being an asshole. It’s why he, unlike the other sex workers on his block, never has any regular customers. Well. Except for one.   Yoni Egg (fem!Steve/fem!Tony) on AO3 Eve Rogers has her hang-ups about the twenty-first century. One of which goes by the name of Antonia Stark. And with her comes... well. A whole host of confusing things.  
Z is for:
Z-Job (Steve/Bucky) on AO3 Steve has always had vivid wet dreams. Bucky isn't one to miss an opportunity.   Zelophilia / Jealousy Kink (Bucky/Tony) on AO3 Tony knows that Bucky has a bit of a jealous streak. Bucky knows that Tony likes it when he gets possessive. They're a match made in heaven.   Zentai / Full Body Stocking (Steve/Tony) on AO3 Steve hears about a kinky resort for rich people to live out their sexual fantasies without fear of getting exposed to the public. Tony is all too happy to take him there and fulfill Steve's wildest dreams, namely showing him off in front of a room full of strangers.   Zipper Sex (Steve/Tony) on AO3 In addition to sometimes saving the world, Steve takes on a side job as a lineman. Tony is surprised by how turned on he is by that.  
Free Choice:
Sex Pollen-ish (Steve/Tony) on AO3 When Steve gets hit with alien slime and goes on a rampage Tony learns some things about the lengths he's willing to go to keep Steve safe.   Endgame Fix-it with A/B/O (Steve/Bucky/Tony) on AO3 Tony was prepared to do whatever it takes to right the wrongs in this world. But when he pays the highest price that life could ask of him his mates aren't going to let him slip away that easily.   Tentacle Alien Probing (Steve/Tony) on AO3 When Steve and Tony get kidnapped by aliens, ostensibly for scientific reasons, Tony learns something about Steve's body that even Steve didn't know was possible.   Arc Reactor Porn (Steve/Tony) on AO3 Tony discovers that he can spontaneously orgasm just by twisting the arc reactor a certain way. Which Steve unfortunately doesn't know when he finds Tony alone in his lab with his arc in hand and groaning like he's dying.   Bunny Hybrid Tony (Steve/Bucky/Tony) on AO3 Tony has always defied the clichés of being a bunny hybrid, establishing himself as an unstoppable force in the world. But in one thing he's exactly what people expect: He loves sex. Which can get a little frustrating since both his boyfriends have mating seasons that barely span half a year if you put them together.Still, they are more than happy to indulge him when he gets in the mood.   Opposite Ray (Steve/Tony) on AO3 All of the Avengers get hit with some sort of opposite ray. Clint is suddenly timid and well-mannered, Natasha can't concentrate on anything and Steve acts on every impulse without thinking. Tony wishes the ray had chosen any attribute other than his feelings for Steve. Because while he usually suppresses the hell out of them, now he has no choice but to act.
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