#a himbo and a girlboss absolutely beautiful
shihoerusu · 9 months
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Day & Night
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daenysthedreamer101 · 1 month
Harwin strong will be the perfect male wife just like daemon lol
Yes yes yes!
No but seriously he will be so devoted to Daena because like, hello he bagged a sexy dragonriding girlboss with out-of-worldy beauty, ofc he's absolutely madly in love with her and kisses the ground she walks on! 😫😫 He will be down bad for her, he doesn't know what's coming for him!
But also I have planned for Daena to go through hell when Rhea dies so yeah it's gonna be bad for my girl but worry not our favorite himbo will be there for her!
HOTD masterlist
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Harwin when he realizes he bagged a Princess of House Targaryen
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wardenwyrd · 10 months
Writeblr Introduction
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Dotted in secret stars and whispered moons lies The Warden O' Wyrd; too bright smiles and sharp eyes linger on her skin, miasma orbiting their visage. When dusk's hands sweep fluttering eyes closed her shackles, in turn, loosen.
Greetings and welcome all, I am Wardenwyrd - connoisseur of messy queers, the freaky & occult, and all things speculative fiction! I am freshly new to Writeblr and am keen to dig my claws so fellow denizens of Writeblr interact if you enjoy my vibes < 3
Open to ask and tag games !
◈What I write ◈
Anything and absolutely everything speculative, weird horror, all shapes and forms of queerness, and a metric ton of worldbuilding.
Genres: Fantasy (Low, high, dark, fairy tale-esque, etc), Sci-Fi, Paranormal, Romance, Horror, Mystery
Fantastical, often ethereal and treacherous worlds flavoured with flowery prose
Queer, neurodivergent, and disabled characters and themes. All kinds of diversity really. Always looking to broaden and grow my noggin' with wisdom
Gender queer characters. An UNBELIEVABLE amount of dyed hair and pronounces.
Body horror: elegant body horror; gross, grimy body horror; wonderfully queer body horror 'til I burst at the seams; all sorts. Twisting of the body into something other than human as a form of beauty my beloved < 3 < 3
Characters who desperately need therapy (That would be my fault)
Rich settings and worlds. Give me intricate magic systems !!! give me ecology that could be shown in a nature documentary !!!
🌔About Me 🌒
Goblin in my (late) teens. I've been writing for a whiiiile but started really getting into it about half a decade ago. I will ravenously consume all forms of creative media.
⭐Likes ⭐
Favourite colour: Purple my beloved Favourite band: Mili (I'm so normal about them) Favourite genre/s: Gothic lit, Fantasy, Horror romance, whimsical fairies Fav insect: Moths/Butterflies
Creative writing college student
Panromantic Ace | Queering my gender to the max
English (Regrettably)
Autism kreachure
Revolving door of hyperfixations on science-y stuff
Purple hair (Not beating the stereotype allegations)
[Note: I am very bad at deciding on WIP names]
My surreal fantasy WIP comprised of a collection of different stories linked by a unifying setting.
Colour-Coded to the max. Each central story focuses on a character assigned a colour, differing in tone, POV, and focus. Main three are purple, blue, and red.
Literal becomes figurative, and figurative literal
Charms and incantations of old swirl in from afar, weaving our hands together with something much deeper than flesh – a curious sentiment oozing from the recesses of Damsel’s cloak as the feeling of moss and stone wove through my veins; cold and refreshing.
‘What absurdity’, The Arbiter would think to himself. After all, those carmine red eyes of his delve into the primaeval madness: in their muddy depths lies the shivering madness - Fear. From fear is the knowledge wrenched from uncertainty and bloodshot eyes. Dread is the light; tugging on world-weary watchers. 
Sort of portal fantasy, sort of not. The stories in this WIP span across many eras and places, yet often find themselves connecting and mingling. Incredibly queer.
Main characters:
MC of Red, Jack Pronouns: He/Him Bnuuy ass trans Victorian boy. Pasty and WILL combust in the sun. Autism creature. He gets a himbo bf and sick asf t-surgery scars as a treat &lt; 3 Character Playlist
MC of Blue, Hel Pronouns: Any/All seemingly innocent girl but remove the innocent and girl part. Kind of an eldritch horror after a character arc but like, that's the good ending. So old surnames weren't a thing in the era they're from. Character Playlist
MC of Purple, Dorothea Pronouns: She/They Gatekeep, Gaslight, Girlboss. Autistic adhd precocious mess who WILL make it your problem. Genuinely manipulative but has great hair so it's fine. Character Playlist
Other notable mentions
[Note: I will elaborate on all of these later]
Witch WIP
My beloved blorbos < 3 Once I figure out how to frame and present it in a more refined way I like I shall be posting about this.
Personal & Cultural struggle within a fantasy context | Disability & Identity as a main theme | Aroace protagonist and Queerplatonic relationship | Magic inspired by folklore and myth | Found family
Low Fantasy setting in a somewhat alternate earth
Sprawling magic system
Conventional fantasy groups but with a spin: revamping those vibes
Witches aren't just funny flying women but genuinely inhuman creatures with spicy shit going on
Demons and angels but: demon is the colloquial term for a class of magical beasts characterised by dense essence, not like hell demons. Angels are living algorithms born from patterns and don't have an actual association to any gods.
MC Playlists:
Branwen | Ingram
Five Steps From Hell
Biblically Accurate Angelic-Flavoured paranormal apocalypse
Autistic MC
More horror oriented than action
Lots of vibes.
MC becoming something not very human, but they're more worried that they aren't worried too much about it
I've got some dastardly plans for this one. Vibes and atmosphere whilst the world falls apart and neurodivergence is a great combo.
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cursedcola · 2 years
Prompt: Who would they main in Genshin Impact? (as of 3.0)
A/N: For those of you who don’t know, I have played genshin for quite a long time. Therefore I am qualified to do this and am not taking criticism. My reasoning for these choices is up to your own interpretation. Enjoy my dears <3
Riddle Rosehearts = Yanfei
You really shocked by this one? Miss rule book?
Hates domestic disputes, if you know then you know
Ninguang was a close second but he likes burning his enemies to a crisp
Trey Clover = Yae Miko
The plight of cleaning up other people’s messes is one he knows
Her hair looks like candy floss
Wishes he could steal some of her girlboss for himself
Cater Diamond = Albedo
Hear me out
He really is a sucker for the intuitive character with an aura of beauty
Albedo’s origin story > any other
It’s people like Albedo irl that actually frighten Cater the most. Yet he appreciate’s Albedo’s uncanny ability to call people out on their bullshit with no reservations
Ace Trappola = Diluc
Diluc is the closest we have to your stereotypical “superhero,” which Ace always gravitates towards
Appreciates his tomato-red hair and is invested in the brotherly drama with Kaeya
Deuce Spade = Jean
She is responsible, she kicks ass, and is a great leader
Deuce drinks his respect women juice and thinks the actual grandmaster needs an ass whopping for leaving her alone so long
Like bro, all that bs with StormTerror and you still don’t drop by? What kind of irresponsible prick-
Leona Kingscholar = Kaeya/Klee
Says he mains Kaeya
Actually mains Klee
Finds her antics amusing and she reminds him of cheka
Ruggie Bucci = Yelan
She knows her shit. Badass. The scene in the one event where she was like “if you know my secrets, i’ll have to kill you,” gave him chills - if yk yk
Ruggie is a masochist and therefore fell for the “step on me” tactic mihoyo did with her advertising
Jack Howl = Xinyan
Likes her can-do attitude and how she doesn’t let other people her tear her down
Make fun of her english VA and he will take it personally
Azul Ashengrotto = Ganyu
For those of you who know her backstory, he sympathizes
Thinks she is absolutely adorable
Tried to make himself a Zhongli main for the clout and failed
Jade Leech = Tighnari
Mushroom dance, mushroom dance
Has to be special and play the first 5 star dendro
Floyd Leech = Hu Tao
Are we really shocked with this one?
No, seriously. You saw her character quest, right?
As if Floyd would pass on that, you’re nuts
Kalim Al’ Asim = Yoimiya
As if Kalim would not go straight for this literal ball of sunshine?
He loves her idle animation where she twirls around with a sparkler
If he isn’t playing her in co-op then he is a healer because he just wants to help. Has a godly Bennett that Jamil built for him
Jamil Viper = Eula
VEngAnce wILL bE mInE
For real, he loves her lore
And that she dances. Teach him your ways icey momma
Vil Shoenheit = Sangonomiya Kokomi
She is beauty, she is grace, and she is Vil’s
Prefers to play healer in co-op because he doesn’t have to worry about fighting. Just admires the water jellies ~
Thought he was a cut above all the rest because everyone skipped her premier banner, so he was one if the few who had her (until the re-run that is)
Rook Hunt = Tartaglia
Okay, hear me out on this one
Rook enjoys the dynamic gameplay of swapping between bow/sword and factoring in the timing for your E
Tartag’s lore? If you know then you know. Rook is on the edge of his seat with this shit
C’mon guys. That bloodthirsty thrill of the hunt? Tartag’s addiction to battle? Match made in heaven
Epel Felmeir = Arataki Itto
Another one that I don’t really need to explain?
Itto is himbo beefcake. Epel idolizes himbo beefcakes?
Doesn’t mind that Itto is a niche character because that adds to his charm. Epel is determined to declare superiority with his all-geo team and maximum damage output
Deadass someone make this dude touch some grass because he’s been artifact hunting in Slumbering Court for so long-
Idia Shroud = Kaedehara Kazuha + Amber
Man only plays meta. Decimates every spiral.
Lowkey agrees that he would get an anemo vision if he was a character bc yk seems trauma is a commonality
Builds a godly Amber just to show off when domain hopping. That’s right. His Amber just did more damage than your shitly built c6 Hu Tao
Also likes Hu Tao. He knows what it’s like to be ostracized for just being yourself
Ortho Shroud = Fischl
Often plays support for his brother and she’s pretty universal
He loves her imagination. Whenever she’s idle and starts doing poses it makes him giggle
Is extremely invested in the immernachtreich lore
Wishes he had a companion like Oz or a Seelie
Don’t worry. Idia builds him one for his birthday
Malleus Draconia = Zhongli
The actual Zhongli main
Because Malleus is very bad at the game and so defense build is OP
Lilia Vanrouge = Venti and Klee
A drunk god and a child who blows shit up?
Waiting for Scaramouche
Silver = Kamisato Ayato
Lazy player. Enjoys being able to hold down his E and do auto attacks (that do tons of damage)
Likes the chivalrous type as well, but does enjoy Ayato’s macabre and mischievous moments
Ayato’s magic boba sleeve won him over
Sebeck Zigvolt = Zhongli/Barbara
Fool only pulls for the same characters as Malleus. Just copies.
Sucks at playing too. Ends up just using the free characters you get early on because that’s what he’s used to
No fun smh
Side Characters
Dire Crowley the cheapskate = Mona
Wizard lady does not have a penny to her name
Jk she does, but just blows it all on books
Likes that
Relates to her past regarding divination. No one understands how hard it is being headmaster and just how generous he is to his beloved students
Grimm the feral cat = Raiden Shogun
Think’s he is hot shit just because he can carry
Nevermind that he’s using one of the most broken supports that Yuu built on his behalf
You know, because he can’t do artifacts on his own
Unrelated but he never does his dailies . Shame him
Mista “got friends on the other side” = Xiao
Fucking fear him
Man has enough money to supply mihoyo on his own. He has c6 Xiao and r5 Jade Spear. He doesn’t even play and only flexes it
Xiao actually speaks a lot about this one’s personality. No, I will not elaborate
Puppy = Traveler
He picked the game up for 5min before deleting and is making you do extra homework for wasting his time
Mickey Mouse = Aloy
Useless to the plot and a cash grab - just like him
Yuu = Qiqi
Shit luck on 50/50 just like in their daily life
Too busy fixing everyone else’s account to play on their own
Can’t game when carrying the weight of multiple overblot trauma on their shoulders
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gayest-classiclit · 5 months
Classic Literature Sexyperson Tournament; Round 1
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He's the best in everything so he's also can be the best at being the sexyman. Like he's just perfect and you would actually like being in relationship with him! He's responsible adult who can take care of you and himself! (And if you telling me no and saying that Raskolnikov is better. No. You just wrong) He's just a funny guy who can make your day better! HE CAN MAKE YOU BETTER!! HOW CAN YOU TELL NO TO HIS BEAUTIFUL BROWN EYES!!!(I've infodumped about him so much before what I don't have anything more to say because I've said everything in my other propagandas for him. He's everything to me) -----now tropes for fun----- –European –Brick Shithouse (I mean he is big and strong) –LGBTQ+ Coded (I mean not really but like....we all know he's bi) –Himbo –Johnlocked (*looks at the propaganda for gay lit tournament* we all know how it ended) –Tall
I love this man he is Husband he is Wife he is the light of my life, the literary foil to our emo-supreme MC that was Absolutely Necessary, I would jump his bones and put a ring on it in a heart beat, we would live poor, but we would be happy together. We would keep each other warm. Also his wife's hot so. I would gladly form a polycule with them both if they would have me.
fellas is it not a sexyperson thing to accidentally murder your sister in your pursuit for power and forever be haunted by the act, but instead of learning and becoming a better person you start making literally everything in your life worse by murdering Even More People with your partner in crime who you also murder later out of paranoia and be increasingly haunted by the visions to the point literally everyone around you becomes either dead or outcast, but at least you have your power and the crown and girlboss your way to becoming not only the king but ALSO a judge and then in your hubris send down a guilty verdict on your own actions three times so hard Literally Actual God smites you for your bullshittery because at that point She's the only one who could get rid of your sheer murderswag.
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cupcakestreets · 2 years
I’m down to hear them, I am reading it and tell your friend their writing is *chef’s kiss* I will be reading my both fics :3
My friend is very talented
Also we’ve also just been talking about how great Madeleine Cookie is Odyssey. In fact Odyssey is so good to my cookie blorbos. I think what gets me about it is how we get to see Madeleine’s insecurities, like how there are moments where Madeleine is just unsure about things and is usually following another’s decisions, i.e. Espresso and Clotted Cream. He is absolutely confident of his abilities but he started to notice how much nothing he does when he isn’t given orders. He does step up and he is just so GREAT! My friend and I were talking about Maddie weaponizing his Himboism. There’s this part where Madeleine cookie tricks one of the white mask by pretending to look at his beautiful reflection in the fountain. I just like to think that Madeleine allows people to think he’s a self-centered himbo so he can surprise him with his competence.
I ALSO LOVE MADELEINE’S FAMILY!! His Aunts loving him and such a Girlboss Mother! Like I love Grand Madeleine so much! I loved the conversation with Light Cream and how she kind of gauges Madeleine’s mindset at the part with the Airship! She’s so good.
I also have words about Espresso in Odyssey but I’m actually gonna allow others to come to me about cookie run stuff. I do want to talk about cookie run again. If you you wanna ask me about cookie run right now is the time!
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gaygoetia · 3 years
A non-exhaustive list of things I love about this season of What We Do in the Shadows (in no particular order):
- Gaslight Gatekeep Girlboss Guillermo. LISTEN. I love a manipulative bitch and it is unbelievably satisfying to finally see him having some power and control after so many seasons of being under appreciated and shit on.
Plus the inherent homoeroticism of manipulating the himbo vampire you've pledged service to is just *chef's kiss*
- Laslo having deeper connections with people other than Nadja. At first this season I was kind of like "wow they've really made horniness/pornography his whole personality" but actually the deeper friendships he's forged with Colin and Sean this season have been very sweet and I am all about it.
- Lots of hilarious interactions between the vamps and regular humans. I love seeing how absolutely deranged Nadja in particular is when she interacts with normal people.
- The Guide. I am constantly wishing for more female characters in the show so it's nice to see the Guide becoming a regular presence. I love her spooky passive aggressive vibe and I would love to see her become good friends with Nadja in particular.
- The casual acknowledgement and normalisation of queerness throughout. It's always been present to some extent but I love how this season in particular it extends beyond the vampires to the human characters as well. Things like Meg the lesbian receptionist and Sean casually (and seriously) referring to Guillermo as Nandor's boyfriend make a big difference for me personally.
- Nadja and Nandor on the vampiric council. There's something so fun about seeing two beautiful dumbasses grapple for power (and also Nadja in a position of authority is my kink)
- Derek coming back as a stupidly indiscreet vampire and dressing like a fucking goth magician. Literally so excited to see how his presence changes up the house dynamic.
Anyway I'm sure there's more but I just really love this show y'all
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okay finally finished my Kim Possible binge and I have opinions
It was nice to see a show with an actual decent finale, (unlike SOME shows I could mention) nice to see Ron's whole Monkey Magic arc pay off
and speaking of that, Ron's monkey phobia was surprisingly consistent, was caused by a pretty genuinely traumatic event, and not played as a one off joke, and he overcame the fear gradually and by befriending a monkey (that he thought was Kim because monkey magic shenanigans)
a thing I hated tho was the tweebs, more specifically how they got away with so much bullshit that the parents barely called them out on, the episodes with Kim and the tweebs have them do something shitty to her, have her be angry at them the whole time, and then have them save the day as if Kim was in the wrong for being angry at them when they have been genuinely nothing but shitty to her 90% of the time
they steal and destroy her stuff, publicly humiliate her regularly, and her parents do jack shit about it, easily the part of the show I despised the most
and even when they do help her (like rebuild a whole car for her) they won't do it without forcing her into a literal contract that benefitted them more, like they don't already owe her for literally stealing her shit all the time
the 'younger siblings getting away with everything' trope drives me fucking nuts I stg and this show was such a hideous offender
the villains are still some of my favourite cartoon villains of all time, they are all absolutely hilarious and enjoyable, Drakken is a national treasure (with Shego girlbossing him into semi-competence), Senor Senior Senior and Senor Senior Junior will never not make me laugh my ass off, I love them so much, the fact that Senior decided to be evil simply because he's rich and bored was *mwah* chef's kiss, beautiful, and his dysfunctional relationship with his himbo son was perfect comedy
there's also the fact that Kim could be a kickass superhero and also really feminine and care about fashion and boys and that was never really played negatively, there was a whole episode where she got a job just to buy a super trendy jacket and the show didn't really act like that was a bad thing, in fact she even got the jacket (despite the joke in the end that made her not want it anymore)
a lot of the teen issues they went through felt pretty genuine, Ron's insecurity was a consistent flaw and Kim overworking herself and not wanting to give up on anything was very On Brand
as much as I absolutely adore Ron's whole character he drove me nuts on occasion, one time he falls into the infuriating trope of overhearing only half a conversation and leaving before getting context, and in another episode he is just a straight up asshole who absolutely refused to do his half of a science project and even critiqued Kim for not doing a good enough job on their last one
he also fell into the overnight millionaire trope where he loses all his money by the end of the episode (though he didn't spend it all, it was stolen because he was flashing his cash too publicly), a trope he didn't fall into was when he got kissed by Bonnie, Kim didn't immediately blame him, she believed him right away
though I don't understand why Kim would help Bonnie after that, like at all, Bonnie is a terrible person, but that does fall in line with Kim's 'have to help everyone' thing which does make for an interesting character flaw
also I'm putting my grubby adhd hands on Ron he's one of us now I'm claiming him, boy is impulsive as hell, has a new hobby every other week and has absolutely no volume control or filter
in conclusion, amazing show, still holds up, nice art style, best villains, consistent characterisation, very tropey, a lotta running gags, an absolute product of the times, which actually makes it rather enjoyably nostalgic, not sure how it might be to someone not intimately familiar with mid 2000s culture tho
a warning if you plan on watching on Disney+, they have it in air order instead of production order, so there's a few continuity issues, more prominently in season 3
it was nice to step back into an old childhood hyperfixation for a while ✨
now to decide what the binge next!
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insomniac-jay · 2 years
Come to the Young Heroes AU, we have
Eri, who is now an adult and works as a Pro Hero. Unfortunately, her life has turned upside down for the better or worse including but not limited to meeting her sister she never knew even existed, fighting off a cult that wants her blood for cult purposes, her relationship with Kota, and the reconstruction of hero society as a whole
Kota, who is on ultra slay mode. He's got a new haircut and a bad boy aesthetic but he looks ✨damaged✨. My boi is in his corruption recovery ish/emo era. Trauma does that to a mf.
Next are the Shimano siblings. Katsuma works for the hero Dekuiru as a sidekick and is juggling a balance between work life and personal life. Mahoro, on the other hand, has been on her girlboss grind. After a few years of sidekick work for Creati, she has went on her solo career.
Now with canon kids out the way, lets get to the OC goodness
Delilah: Absolute little shit but also girlboss (affectionate). Has an intense rivalry with Seko (@calciumcryptid) and no they do not fall in love, daughter of Queen Amazonia and Spectre, has one of the most OP Quirks in her generation and will gladly flex it, and is American. Currently, she's dating Tomin Toshiba and the relationship is cute.
Tenki Inoue: Sweet summer child, is also very OP and has an OP Quirk but is afraid of her own power, eldest daughter of Chargeman and Stormchaser, a senior in high school, best girl vibes honestly
Hiko Hitsugaya: Another little shit (affectionate), eldest son of InkStain and Splendor, has fuckboi jock energy, probably has a shirt that says "It's about drive, it's about power", surprisingly a sweetheart, A Chad™, smells like a mix of Axe body spray and expensive cologne.
Keishi Sorano: Someone who does not get paid enough for this, junior in high school, daughter of Selen and Starshine, another OP baby but cannot get a grip on her powers for the life of her (yet), one of the few braincells of the group, judges people and is usually right about them
Koshi Maikaru: Buff hippie himbo, son of Superstar & her polycule, god tier singing voice, an empath that can see emotions as colors, "Based? Based on what?", master at instruments, beautiful poofy hair, is super OP thanks to his three moms but has yet to realize it
@floof-ghostie @peachyblkdemonslayer @pizzolisnacks
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backburnerdio · 2 years
Y'all, I am IN LOVE with the idea of Midland being absolutely himbo head-over-heels for girlboss-work-oriented Mikki.
Mikki just being so sure this is a phase for this 20-something yr old, who trips over his own feet and is always blaming his asthma to come and see her. Just
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Meanwhile Midland is just trying to be cool because he knows he's not as "badass" as everyone else. He's constantly trying little magic tricks and trivia to try and impress her and is constantly hyping her up like
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I'm thinking, eventually, she's going to get a soft spot for him, since everyone else just kinda expects her to do her job and doesn't really gush to her about it like he does. That, and he just doesn't quit! Midland just wants to be there to boost her up and thinks she's the most beautiful being he's ever seen! 😍
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moderngirlmp3 · 3 years
hi!! i saw that your requests were open, i was wondering if you could do willie, on 2 nights of no sleep and about 12 cups of coffee, sends alex a confession text at 2am. chaos and fluff ensues
i love your work so much
In hindsight, Willie probably shouldn’t have been awake for two days straight. Or at least, he shouldn’t have allowed himself near his phone after being awake for two days straight. Or maybe it was the coffee. 12 cups in 4 hours does strange things. Apparently. 
Regardless of the cause, it was 2am and Willie was staring at their phone in absolute horror. 
alex 🥁💜
so this is probably a really dumb decision but it’s 2am and i just had 12 cups of coffee so here goes. uh. i like you. in a non platonic way.
im sorry i’m really bad at this. haven’t exactly done this before. basically, i love you. a lot.
i know u don’t feel the same and that’s fine but i just wanted to tell you
btw if you wanna take some space or something i totally get it. just let me know haha
Yeah, Willie was fucked. It wasn’t their fault, though. Really, it was just the 2am timing (that he had decided to stay up until) and the 12 cups of coffee (that they had decided to drink). 
Okay, so maybe it was his fault. But still. Any plans they had of sleeping had been completely thrown out the window. Willie knew Alex went to sleep at 11:30pm every night; they’d teased him at least a thousand times for it. Even knowing that, and knowing that there was no way Alex would be awake for another several hours, Willie could still do nothing but sit on the floor and check his phone every ten seconds. 
Even despite their hypervigilance, he almost missed the low buzz that emitted from his phone after what felt like years of waiting. Willie snatched their phone up to view the lock screen and- @cool.skateboards444 liked your post. Oh. Willie felt his shoulders slump and he rubbed his eyes. What did they expect? It was- they reached over to his phone again to check the time and promptly dropped it back on the floor with a clatter. Below the glowing 2:17 timestamp was a bright white rectangle standing out against his lock screen: alex 🥁💜 - iMessage. Willie rubbed his eyes to make sure they were reading it correctly, and when he opened them again, the notification stared back at him, exactly as he had read it before. With shaking hands, they typed in the passcode to his phone (definitely not Alex’s birthday) and when they opened the messages app, they were met with the absolutely terrifying sight of the smallest text bubble they had ever seen: “oh.” 
Willie barely had time to overthink the message before it disappeared, the messages screen now hidden behind a request to FaceTime?? Running off of caffeine, panic, and reflex, Willie instinctively pressed accept and was met with a sleepy-looking, pajama-clad, messy-haired, unfairly adorable Alex. Fuck. 
“Uh, hey,” Willie said, and immediately cursed himself for how tense his voice was.
Alex stared for a second, seemingly taking in Willie’s run-down and exhausted appearance, before clearing his throat. “Oh, shit, sorry. Did I wake you up?”
“Nah,” Willie let his face split into the small grin that Flynn liked to call his ‘Alex smile.’ Only now he was realizing maybe that was accurate. “I was already up.”
Alex nodded and was silent for a moment before his eyes widened slightly. “Right. Your 12 cups of coffee. Please tell me that was an exaggeration?”
“No can do, hotdog,” Willie responded, shrugging slightly and running his restless fingers through his hair to ease the fidgeting. ADHD and coffee. A combination that was always unpredictable, never desirable, and pretty much inevitable with Willie at this point.
Alex frowned slightly and Willie wanted nothing more than to be able to somehow teleport into his room and smooth away that little crease between his eyebrows. Unfortunately, he wasn’t some ghost who could poof wherever he wanted to whenever he wanted to. That would be the life. Another thought far outside the realm of ghosts entered Willie’s mind, and he pushed aside the mental image of skating in Justin Bieber’s empty pool and focused back on Alex.
“Hang on, why are you awake?” Willie smirked, but his nervousness tugged his lips back down into a slight grimace. “Isn’t it past your bedtime?”
“Time is a social construct,” Alex replied airily, rolling his eyes.
“Yeah, and that’s my line.”
“Fine. I couldn’t sleep. And then you… you texted me.”
Willie couldn’t tell if the blood all rushed to or from their face, but it was one of the two because suddenly they were overheating, shivering, and vaguely nauseated. “Oh. right.”
Willie couldn’t bring themself to look at Alex’s face on the screen, so they stared at their socks. They were mismatched, he noted; one was dark blue with hot dogs, and the other was dark red with skateboards. Alex had gotten them for him and had taken a sock from each pair for himself. Something twisted in Willie’s stomach and he looked away from the patterns. “Yeah.”
“Did you mean it?” Alex’s voice suddenly burst out louder and Willie looked up sharply. Alex’s eyes were wide in the frame, and through the grainy camera quality Willie noticed him biting his lip nervously. As if he thought Willie was going to say no.
“What- of course I meant it,” Willie blurted out before he could overthink it. “I mean- no, yeah that’s exactly it. Yeah. I meant it.”
Alex’s mouth dropped into an ‘o’ of surprise, and he breathed, “Oh,” so quietly that Willie nearly missed it.
“Oh, c’mon, hotdog,” Willie said quietly, daring to look into the camera. “You can’t just leave me hanging like that. What d’you mean by oh?”
“I mean I like you too, speed bump,” Alex said, followed by an audible breath of relief. 
“Yeah. Now can you try to sleep?”
Willie felt like they had been hit over the head with one of Alex’s drumsticks. No, not a drumstick. They felt like someone had dropped the whole drum set on top of their brain, and they were still dazed from the impact. He shook his head quickly and blinked. “Uh-”
“Are- are you okay?”
“Yeah,” Willie reassured him with a growing smile. “It’s just, this is sorta a dream come true, y’know. So I’m a little out of it.”
Even in the crappy lighting of the phone screen, Willie saw Alex’s face go completely scarlet. Clearly fighting back a smile, Alex shook his head and returned, “Go to sleep.”
“Okay, okay, fine. Whatever you say, hotdog.” Willie giggled and ended the call, the image of Alex’s small smile imprinted on his retinas. Yeah, there was no way they were going to sleep anytime soon.
Just as they were starting to get into bed to at least try, there was a soft ping and Willie’s phone screen lit up. 1 message from Alex. With a soft smile, Willie unlocked his phone and opened up messages. There, in the familiar grey bubble, read the six most beautiful words Willie had seen in his entire life.
alex 🥁💜
it’s my dream come true too ❤️
taglist (send an ask to be added): @deathdancer @julie-and-the-himbo-ghosts @willex-n-waffles @wlwcarries @girlboss-molina @julieandthequeers  @lemonade-potahto @honorablescythecurie
read on ao3
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