#Wonderful as always Katya
aeteut · 5 months
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The love drunk in Remus’s eyes gazing at the prettiest star; he breathes Sirius.
By likeafunerall, and reposted with permission.
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unhhhhbelievable · 2 years
Yeah, he's hot, but can he pull off...
Facial hair
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No facial hair
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Long hair
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Short hair
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A suit
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lonelycowgirls · 1 year
Emrata is my Jolene
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britishguy-on-the-tv · 5 months
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She's beautiful. She's badass. She's a coldblooded expert fighter and a desperate lover. I'm in love with her, she's in love with Sofia, she's married to Goncharov and they have so many problems wrapped in even more problems going on. She's problematic. She's wonderful. She's Katya Goncharov, need I say more?
this is the goncharov website. can’t have a russian blorbo poll competition without any characters from the greatest mafia movie ever made. on top of that, katya is just so compelling and complex as a character
"Ivanova is always right. I will listen to Ivanova. I will not ignore Ivanova's recommendations. Ivanova is God. And, if this ever happens again, Ivanova will personally rip your lungs out!"
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dazeddoodles · 5 months
I was wondering, do you have any headcannons on the BATTs?(Derwin/Katya/Amber)
They’re my favorite characters and yet they don’t really say anything and they look dumb but I love them
I headcanon they're all in their early 20's and Amber is the youngest
They're all former students of Raine which is how they became part of their crew in the first place.
Katya immediately started shipping Raeda after seeing their first interaction when reuniting in Eda's Requiem, and could tell there's history there 👀
Before that Katya kinda saw Raine as a Prudish Proffesor (Raine presents themselves a certain way around the BATTs) so when she found out Raine and Eda have history, she was thinking "Woah the OWL LADY? There's more to you than I thought Raine 😏"
(This is SO specific but if you've ever watched Good Omens, Nina's line in this scene, "You're a dark horse Mr Fell 😏". Is the same vibe I'm thinking of)
Amber thinks Katya's a weirdo for doing that. Both her and Katya got the feeling that Eda was Raine's ex. But unlike Katya, Amber immediately assumed Eda was the one to break Raine's heart. I mean this IS the infamous Owl Lady after all, who's constantly dating around 🤨
Amber sees Raine as like a pure, wholesome, parental figure, who can do no wrong in her eyes. (Again, Raine presents themselves a certain way around the BATTs). So she's protective of Raine and was originally suspicious of Eda
After she got to know Eda though she started shipping Raeda alongside Katya too. Derwin has no one idea the girlies are shipping them. He didn't even assume Eda and Raine had romantic history (he was asleep when they were flirting)
Derwin genuinely looks up to Raine as a mentor and admires their professionalism (Raine presents themselves a certain way yada yada)
Amber and Katya are more chotic while Derwin is the more calm straight man of the group
Katya's always trying (forcing) to get Raine to go out their comfort zone, like when she made them read that corny speech. (If not for Eda she probably would have tried to convince them to join a dating app to "find some hot milfs in their area")
Meanwhile Raine just hypes up any attempts Raine makes, like when she was encouraging them during their speech.
Amber is that one girl that's really into cute core stuff like Sanrio that's actually super scary in real life. She's like Abby from Turning Red.
They have a BATTs group chat. Raine initially agreed to it to send messages for any missions, but the BATTs end up using it to have regular conversations and send memes that Raine doesn't understand
Sometime Raine unintentionally becomes that one teacher talks to much about their personal life. But the the BATTs are genuinely invested.
Katya specifically is always trying to get more info on their life out them. Asking seemingly innocent questions about Raine's past relationships that gets Raine to go on rants before realizing and getting embarrassed.
Despite joining to be apart of a rebellion, the BATTs end up seeing each other as family. Much to Raine's guilt knowing the risk of what could happen to any of them.
The BATTs stay friends after Belos is defeated and they become friends with Steve as well
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trofysisters · 4 months
Зарабатывая деньги продажей шедевров, Катя много времени проводила дома и начала заботиться о питомцах. (Earning money by selling masterpieces, Katya spent a lot of time at home and began taking care of pets)
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Она наконец смогла понять и разделить любовь мужа к собакам, даже сама захотела завести еще одного щенка или котенка. (She was finally able to understand and share her husband’s love for dogs, and even wanted to get another puppy or kitten)
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Сашка тем временем решил выучить Лероя команде "Ко мне". Лучше бы он выучил пса не писать в прихожей. (Sasha, meanwhile, decided to teach Leroy the “Come to me” command. It would be better if he taught the dog not to pee in the hallway)
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Или научил подросшего щенка - Сузи не грызть мебель. Лерой был умным, он сразу покинул место преступления, чтобы его не обвинили в порче имущества. (Or he would teach a grown-up puppy - Susie - not to chew furniture. Leroy was smart, he immediately left the crime scene to avoid being charged with property damage)
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Сашка прочитал Сузи нотацию, та выслушала с самым горестным выражением на морде и пошла крушить мебель в спальне. (Sasha lectured Susie, she listened with the most sorrowful expression on her face and went to destroy the furniture in the bedroom)
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Похоже, не умел Сашка воспитывать собак и детей. Тем временем Карина в выходной день без разрешения родителей отправилась в парк аттракционов. (It seems that Sasha did not know how to raise dogs and children. Meanwhile, Karina went to an amusement park on her day off without her parents’ permission)
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Настроение ее было безрадостным, ведь обычно гулять ходят парочками, а тут еще пошел дождь. (Her mood was joyless, because usually couples go for walks, and then it started to rain)
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Всегда есть мороженое одному Не вкусно ни мне, ни тебе, никому. (Always eating ice cream alone is not tasty for me, nor for you, nor for anyone)
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Еще и автомат с предсказаниями сообщил, что ничего романтичного в ее будущем не предвидится. (The fortune machine also said that nothing romantic was in store for her future)
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Карина была готова идти наперекор судьбе, поэтому пригласила на прогулку Давида. При встрече они нежно обнялись, но Карина заподозрила, что эти объятия были вовсе не романтическими. Уж больно спокойно на них реагировала товарищ Крамплботтом. (Karina was ready to defy fate, so she invited David for a walk. When they met, they hugged tenderly, but Karina suspected that these hugs were not romantic at all. Comrade Crumplebottom reacted too calmly to them)
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Для создания нужной атмосферы Карина потащила Давида в ресторан. (To create the right atmosphere, Karina dragged David to the restaurant)
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Но в конце ужина парень поблагодарил ее за прекрасный дружеский вечер. То есть как, дружеский?! А как же любовь? (But at the end of dinner, the guy thanked her for a wonderful, friendly evening. What do you mean, friendly?! And what about love?)
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Домой возвращаться не хотелось, и девушка пошла в ночной клуб. Видимо, в этот день был вечер пенсионеров. Иначе как объяснить, что она уснула на танцполе? (I didn’t want to return home, so the girl went to a nightclub. Apparently, that day was a pensioners' evening. How else can you explain that she fell asleep on the dance floor?)
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Карина испытывала досаду. Она хотела быть любимой, важной и ценной хоть для кого-то. Уборка помогала ей привести чувства в порядок. (Karina was frustrated. She wanted to be loved, important and valuable to at least someone. Cleaning helped her put her feelings in order)
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Может папа увидит, какая она трудолюбивая, и похвалит ее? Но тот хвалил и гладил только своего дурацкого пса. (Maybe dad will see how hardworking she is and praise her? But he praised and stroked only his stupid dog)
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На следующий день Карина отправилась на рынок, чтобы купить себе чего-нибудь новенького. (The next day Karina went to the market to buy herself something new)
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Там она встретила свою подружку Аду в новенькой школьной форме. Карине было немного обидно слушать, как родители Ады, Анфиса и Эдуард, помогали ей поступить в частную школу. (There she met her friend Ada in a brand new school uniform. Karina was a little offended to listen to how Ada’s parents, Anfisa and Eduard, helped her enroll in a private school)
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Пожалуй, папа Карины занимается только своими собаками, а не собственной дочерью. (Perhaps Karina’s dad only cares about his dogs, and not about his own daughter)
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Может псам еще Каринину комнату отдать? Лерой уже примеривается к ее кровати. (Maybe should give Karinin’s room to the dogs? Leroy is already adjusting himself to her bed)
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Мама Карины увлеченно пишет шедевры. (Karina's mother enthusiastically writes masterpieces)
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Если Карина начнет хорошо рисовать, может мама ее похвалит, и им будет что вместе обсудить? Только пока шедевры у девочки не получаются. (If Karina starts drawing well, maybe her mother will praise her, and they will have something to discuss together? It’s just that the girl doesn’t paint any masterpieces yet)
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Зато Сашка открыл свои рестораны в новых аэропортах, увеличив бюджет семьи на 55 000 симолеонов. (But Sasha opened his restaurants in new airports, increasing the family budget by 55,000 simoleons)
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Этой новостью Катя была обязана поделиться с соседями, но Илью больше впечатляла красота Анфисы, чем богатство Кати. (Katya really wanted to share this news with her neighbors, but Ilya was more impressed by Anfisa’s beauty than Katya’s wealth)
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Тогда Катя решила ему доказать, что она тоже еще молода, энергична и хороша собой, в процессе чуть не отбив Илье его мужественность. (Then Katya decided to prove to him that she, too, was still young, energetic and pretty, in the process almost knocking off Ilya’s masculinity)
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drbtinglecannon · 1 year
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Taking a second to focus on my favorite background bits of this wonderful beautiful gigantic cast picture by Dresden Douglas (their Tumblr is "dresdoodles" give them some love!!! I did not tag them here so I'm not hitting them with a notification full of my stupid observations haha)
Obviously gotta go to Darius & Eber first. Look at the utter disgust upon Darius' face even touching Hooty (or maybe it's directed at Eber for being willing to bite Hooty), meanwhile Eber is bitebiteclawmaim-ing Hooty but despite the claw marks they seem to be ineffective. I wonder how much of Eber's attacking is for his own safety/curiosity vs trying to save his bestie Darius from the Ick™. They're just my favorite "opposites that are besties for life" duo I could talk about these goobers forever
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Skara & Viney (& Puddles)! My girls! They're wearing their Emerald Entrails uniforms! Personally I think they're a cute ship but even platonically I love how different they are yet have become their own little duo within the flyer derby team
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THE BATTS *hiss*. Katya & Derwin looking at each other & doing the pose like total cuties, meanwhile Amber is making SUCH a face haha. Did anyone else imagine food fanfic chick from s1ep1 would end up fleshed out & important enough to be part of her own little corner of a massive art piece containing most of the show's cast that's hanging in a gallery dedicated to the show?
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Gilbert & Harvey Park and Perry Porter, the Dads. So Perry focusing on work still even in this moment is condemnable honestly, dude is tangled in a coil of Hooty & is like "I need to report on this". Meanwhile Harvey has big watery eyes & Gilbert has a soft smile. I love the detail that Gilbert appears to be carrying Harvey, it matches with him being a construction witch (so probably fit) & also it's a funny reflection to Willow with her looking more like Gilbert & also being the Buff™ friend
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Mattholomule & his big bro Steve!! Rip Steve this isn't the first time -- or even second time -- Hooty's taken him out, and it probably won't be the last. I love getting the brothers next to each other, helps show how similar they look. Matty is fairing better than Steve but he seems to be struggling himself. That's fair, boys, Hooty is certainly unpredictable
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Grandma lesbians made it, good for them
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You know that Gwen&Dell are looking at how happy their daughters & grandkids all are, like you know the scene before then is a dream come true kinda soft feeling that they've wanted for their daughters for decades
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I love the fond expression on Emira's face looking at Edric, vs the confusion/surprised one on Alador's face. Edric's fine tho look at him he's having fun. Odalia can't even look at her family and is just absolutely scowling, but Kikimora is right beside her so horrible trash women Odalimora canon
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You KNOW that Willow fanboy is shouting "WOooOOOooo GO WILLOW" seeing her & Hunter together. I think it's extra funny Boscha is right next to him looking like she's sucked on a lemon with Kat shrugging at Amelia but neither looking surprised by Boscha's antics. (as someone who always hated bos//low it's just such funny staging imo, I know it's probably not that but it's still funny)
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katyspersonal · 8 days
Hello Katya, do you have any ideas about Simple Gratia?
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Yes, my girl!! I have some observations AND ideas! I remember that back when I checked, a fan Wiki incorrectly said that she is wearing Yharnam Hunter set. I do not know whether they've fixed that since then or not, but I know it confused a few artists. Gratia, in reality, is wearing an Old Hunter set but slightly altered:
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(Close images of her model are from this ( x ) page, datamined by AstralLace!) This is what an Old Hunter set looks like, for a reminder:
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Gratia is an Old Hunter: the type that started under Gehrman like Maria, Vitus, Henryk, Djura, Bestial Hunter, all that. I think that she knew all these characters and more, and with Maria she was a lot like an older sister that Maria never had! But I think she would be genuinely annoyed by Djura's complex inventions and at times not be able to hide her disdain, right in the middle of Djura ranting about them! That'd spark stupid, petty arguments about what kind of weapon is "better" which their friends laugh at in the corner like hyenas until Gehrman or Maria separate them XD
In comparison with the generic set, she is missing the long flowing cape, as well as the glove on her left hand. Her weapon, a chunk of metal, also goes in the left hand. I think she is missing the glove to have a stronger grip on the metal, so it would not slip away! I wondered what her right hand weapon would be before, but I think she doesn't need one in the end! I imagine her staggering the beast with her Iron Fist and then TEARING THEIR HEAD OFF WITH HER FREE HAND DFJHFSHSD .....but, you know, a hammer or a mace would also be nice yeah sure
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In Bloodborne setting, red hair is also highlighted as a trait of Cainhurst nobles, that isn't really seen in any other NPC. Edgar may be also a ginger but much brighter kind, certainly not a REDhead!
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This makes me think: what if Gratia's red hair is not just a random design choice, but a hint? And even if it isn't, it can still be used for a headcanon! Cainhurst nobles descend from Pthumeru Ihyll and have some Pthumerian heritage (just in case here ( x ) is the post with evidences of it) 🤔 At the same time, Pthumerians have gigantic variants, that seem to be more slow and dim than 'regular' ones. And interestingly, Gratia is abnormally big AND stated to have some intellectual drawbacks:
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So, she has 1) otherwise Cainhurst-exclusive hair color 2) a size abnormally large for a human and 3) correlation between inability to use guns and being 'dim'! This gave me a headcanon that she was born in the Cainhurst walls, but shown Pthumerian genes that were "undesired" in the eyes of snobbish nobles and thus, abandoned at birth. She never knew of her origins, but was adopted by a kind man! Yeah, in this context, Maria and Gratia feeling family-like bond almost from the start in kind of fateful!
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^ I often draw her with the same body pattern that shows on the skin of Snatchers, and that is exactly what kind of descendant she is!
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I also always liked the idea that Gratia, Simon and Yamamura were the 'detective friends' up to uncover the Healing Church's secrets! Later, I decided the Yahar'gul Hunter we find in the prison under Grand Cathedral should also be a part of the squad! I did not know that Simon interestingly had Fist of Gratia as a part of his equipment back then and only judged from their location, but that made me feel validated with that headcanon! xD
Gratia is, of course, more of a 'power' of the team! She might be not very smart, but she has her heart in a good place and can understand the concept of shady bad business that should be stopped. She is easy to deceive in terms of pranks and other remotely innocent things, but when someone lying to her or trying to use her is malicious she will sense it. Pair that with her being very brave and blunt, and you really don't want to mess with her! The girl could grab Laurence and slam him against the wall accusing him of being "full of shit" if he attempted to deceive her, ffs! And not even his friends would defend him because it IS his fault for playing with this tigress x)
Needless to mention that she is protective over her friends! Not a kind of a protective friend that will mindlessly jump into fighting the other guy, but someone that will walk in and give them a fair warning to get lost first. She has threatening aura and usually just that is enough to scare away a person that means no good to someone she cares about. But, when she is powerless to do anything against some prick in power or likewise, she will express her frustration by breaking a property on her way out xd
Also she gives me this vibe:
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Thank you for an ask! :D She has a very vivid and fleshed out image in my mind! Funny enough, this makes describing her harder because she feels so self-explanatory for me!
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atagotiak · 1 year
There’s some interesting tension with regards to Katya and Goncharov’s inconsistent heights.
See, Robert Di Niro and Cybill Shepard are both around the same height, and I know it’s common practice in movies to mess around with camera angles and apple boxes and platform shoes and such to make the man look taller. It doesn’t always mean anything.
But given how much of her story is about Katya’s identity, like the struggles of leaving her home country. We see her practice in the mirror, trying to get rid of her accent. Erasing a part of herself in order to be taken as something more than just a foreigner.
Then there’s her struggles in her marriage. We see so much of how Katya yearns to have this connection and then Goncharov, well. I think Goncharov does care for her but damn if he isn’t terrible at showing it. Sure he gives her plenty of expensive baubles, but does he spend time with her? Or show appreciation for who she is as an individual?
When her main narrative is all about how she’s been reduced to just the stereotypical sexy Slav trophy wife it feels real fitting how much the camera seems to reduce her too.
And then there’s the high heels. Sometimes it feels like she’s using them to push back, take up space. Most notably when she and Goncharov have their big argument and for once she’s taller than him, the clack of her heels on the floor is loud, unapologetic.
And yet is she really asserting her identity with those heels? They’re part and parcel of the hyperfeminine sex-kitten ideal she’s so trapped in. (And no wonder people ship Katya/Sofia when one of the only scenes where we see Katya dressed down and looking comfortable is with Sofia)
And the theme continues when later, Katya, standing at the top of the stairs and looking down at Goncharov, shoots him. But the way she’s towering over him is just another illusion. Maybe that’s why she couldn’t actually kill him.
And then all this messing around with height culminates in how, during their last conversation, he’s standing on the ground, and she’s wearing flats. There’s no weird camera angles, and they finally see each other eye to eye.
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okiedoketm · 1 year
I haven’t seen Goncharov but here’s everything I know about it based on my dash:
set in Naples despite main guy being russian??
clock motifs
there’s a man named Ice Pick Joe, and I’ve never seen anyone call him “joe” everyone always writes out the full name
there’s two named women in the whole movie (one of them is katya? I think?) and every moment they’re on screen together they’re half a second from making out, despite the fact that - and I can’t stress this enough - they don’t pass the bechdel test
more clock motifs
one of the two women is in a relationship with goncharov but I could not tell you which one bc all the gifs are like 120p. it’s some kind loveless love sitch and she gets upset when he DOESNT murder her?? I guess??
goncharov and aleksey(?) are gay af. homoerotic cigarette lighting. the exact opposite of loveless love. tender hatred.
al pacino is allegedly in it but I have no clue who he plays
oh look! more clock motifs
i stg everyone in this movie love-hates goncharov in different complex ways, except for ice pick joe who is just there to stab people in the heads for the R rating
seriously. everyone attempts to get through to goncharov except ice pick joe
ironically, everyone also attempts to kill goncharov except ice pick joe
95% sure goncharov dies at the end but I have no idea who finally kills him. could be anyone. except ice pick joe.
more clock motifs. I wonder if they symbolize goncharov’s time cut short by his own hubr- [gunshot]
everyone agrees the two women are the best part of the movie
Ok that’s everything I know and no I will not be watching this movie but I will continue to enjoy the memes.
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punchdrunkdoc · 3 months
Part 3, Chapter 8
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Summary: After the events of S3, Matt Murdock is trying to once again balance life as a lawyer and a vigilante. But he’s been scarred by loss and betrayal - will a mysterious new neighbour help him heal? Or will her secrets drag him back into the darkness?
Notes: This is a slow burn romance with an original female character, told in 3 (maybe 4??) parts. There is mystery, intrigue, action/violence and angst - all the good stuff!
Also available on AO3 and Wattpad
Reference pics
Chapter 8
Calina crouched down, circling the opponent in front of her.
A kick came at her left flank but she rolled to the right, dodging the strike. She sprang back to her feet, her hands up in front of her face in a classic defensive pose. She darted away from another lunge, using her quick, agile grace to duck and dance away from the danger.
That’s when her attacker started to get frustrated. Sloppy. The next punch was so telegraphed that Calina had time to follow up her side-step with a kick of her own. The top of her foot whacked the outer thigh of the woman opposite causing her to stumble back with a muttered oath. “Dammit, Calina.”
Calina just shrugged.
Katya rubbed at her leg, and turned to complain to the other Widow doing stretches in the training room. “She’s no fun to spar with.”
Yelena raised her eyebrow. “And this is news to you? Its been like this since we were kids. She’s too quick.”
“You always managed to get some hits in,” Katya reminded her.
So did Matt, Calina thought, before banishing the memory of the fun they’d had fighting together in Fogwell’s. She didn’t need a reminder of that place. And she was trying her best to push all thoughts of Matt to the deepest recesses of her mind.
Otherwise she’d curl up on the floor and start crying.
Which she couldn’t afford to do right now. Not when they were so close to finally putting an end to Volkov’s operation.
To keep her self sane, she’d suggested training to Katya...but it wasn’t doing the trick. She needed a better opponent - someone who would keep her mind more engaged. Someone she always had a hard time besting.
She needed Yelena.
“I don’t know,” Calina said to Katya, goading the woman in the corner. “That was a long time ago. Maybe she’s gone soft.”
Yelena took the bait. She sprung up from the floor and strode over to the sparring area. “Be careful what you wish for.”
Calina took up her defensive position again. “Bring it, shorty.”
Katya sucked in a sharp breath. “You’ve done it now, Calina.”
Calina just grinned. She knew what she was doing. Taunting Yelena about her height was a sure fire way to rile up the other woman and bring out her vicious side.
And that’s just what she wanted.
Yelena launched herself at Calina, catching her around the waist and wrestling her to the ground, where she had her pinned in seconds.
Calina shook her head as she got to her feet. It was always the same with Yelena - no preamble, no easing in to a fight. Just straight to brutal offence.
Calina met Yelena’s smirk with a wry smile. “Beginner’s luck,” she commented.
Yelena shook her head. “Nope. I’m just better than you.”
The next round ended when Yelena tumbled to the floor after Calina sweeped her leg. “You were saying?” Calina taunted.
Yelena’s glare signalled a change in the tone of the fight. Banter was replaced by steely-eyed focus. Punches that were pulled now landed with full force. It took all of Calina’s concentration to dodge and evade Yelena’s attacks...and she wasn’t always successful.
There was a reason Yelena was their best fighter.
As Calina took another bruising tumble to the floor, she wondered if this was what she really wanted. Not the distraction from her thoughts, but the pain.
A punishment of sorts, for ruining things between her and Matt.
I’m a good person; I’m worthy of love.
She tried out her mantra as she ducked a left hook from Yelena. But the words crumbled into dust in the face of the truth:
She’d lied to the man she loved, again and again. She’d hurt him with her deceit and her dishonesty.
I’m a shitty person; I’m not worthy of anything.
Her knee exploded with pain as Yelena managed to land another hit while she was busy berating herself. She staggered back on the mat and pressed her gloved hand to the throbbing joint.
“Ouch,” Katya winced.
“Yeah, sorry, Calina,” Yelena said, still bouncing on the spot. “You tapping out?”
Calina shook off the pain and raised her fists again. “No. Let’s go again.”
“You sure?”
Calina just nodded and started circling Yelena. Pain or distraction…it didn’t matter. Either way, she needed this.
As she met Yelena in the centre of the mat for another round, she tried to block out all thoughts of Matt. She focussed all her attention on the attacks coming her way. 
And she was oblivious to the silent ringing of her phone…
Matt was pissed.
It was now 48 hours since the fight with Calina, and his emotions had come full circle. The despair and fear were gone, and his hopeful optimism had faded, leaving him boiling with rage again.
Because Calina wasn’t picking up her fucking phone.
It was deja vu all over again. Just like after the aborted kiss in the gym and the misunderstanding in the bar, Calina had disappeared and was ignoring his calls.
Matt hated it.
He didn’t exactly have the best track record when it came to mature, healthy relationships, but even he knew that you needed to actually talk to the person you loved to make things work.
Matt threw the phone on his bed and pulled on his mask. He’d spent all evening dialling her number and listening to it ring incessantly. Now it was time to act.
He didn’t know exactly where the Widows’ hideout was, but he knew where they were planning to be. And if he had to scope out that carpet warehouse for the next six months just to get a glimpse of Calina, so be it.
Determination fuelled his run across the rooftops of the city and across the river into New Jersey. Determination, and frustration. As well as the ever-present simmering anger, and a healthy dose of self-righteous condemnation.
She needed to stop doing this. This…silent treatment, cold shoulder thing. It was driving him crazy. Especially since she had all the power in their current dynamic. She knew where to find him. She knew how to contact him. She could show up to his office or his apartment, or climb into his goddam bedroom window at any time of the day or night…but he couldn’t do the same. 
She was off the grid, and he had nothing but a phone number she wouldn’t answer and a vague geographic location.
Which he was approaching now.
He slowed down as he reached the derelict industrial park where she’d found him the other day. He stuck to the shadows as he stalked through the abandoned lots on his way to the warehouse, intent on not giving himself away. He may not agree with the Widows’ plan for Volkov and his men, but he wouldn’t jeopardise it.
He’d come to terms with the fact that this wasn’t his fight. It wasn’t his place to pass judgement on how the Widows’ claimed their freedom and their safety. He wouldn’t interfere. He-
Pop. Pop. Pop.
Matt froze as he picked up the sound of muffled gunfire. He crouched down behind a rusted-out delivery truck and sent his senses out into the night, trying to pinpoint the location.
It was coming from the warehouse.
Pop. Pop.
More gunfire.
And the unmistakeable sound of flesh hitting flesh.
Then shouts in Russian - both male and female.
It looked like tonight was the night the Widows’ took on Volkov.
Matt started running again, heading for the site of the battle.
He wasn’t going to interfere with the Widows’ fight. But he couldn’t just stand idly by while they faced danger.
It happened while Calina was recovering from her fight with Yelena.
The two of them lay side-by-side on the mat, panting as they caught their breath from the exertion.
Yelena tapped her hand against Calina’s thigh - the closest part of her she could reach - and grunted out, “Good match.”
Calina huffed out a laugh. Only Yelena could face off against someone with a deadly look in her eye and fight no-holds-barred, just to turn around afterwards and call it a simple ‘match’ - as if they’d spent the last hour playing tennis or chess instead of pummelling the crap out of each other.
“You too,” Calina replied, not without affection. She and Yelena might butt heads more than any of the other Widows, but she still loved her. In the way you’d love an overbearing, stubborn older sister.
After several minutes of rest, they both clambered to their feet, Calina wincing as her left leg protested the movement - Yelena had walloped her knee again with a hook kick during the third round. Yelena rubbed at her side as she gulped down her water bottle and Calina held back a smile. It looked like she’d done some damage too, which was always cause for gloating when going up against Yelena. 
Katya shook her head in exasperation. “Satisfied now?” she asked Calina. “Did you get everything out of your system?”
Calina let her smile loose and rolled her neck. “Yup.”
“I hope it was worth it. The two of you are going to be in pain tomorrow.”
Yelena opened her mouth to reply when Inessa barrelled through the door of the make-shift gym. “Volkov just arrived at the warehouse. He’s here!”
The other three Widows exchanged a look, then they all set off running at once. They sprinted across the hallway, through the main room, to the control centre - which was a fancy term for a few desks and a bank of monitors displaying the feed from the warehouse.
Anya was sitting in front of said screens, barking out information to the rest of the Widows in the room. “…three in the docking bay. Nine more in the room with Volkov. That makes 18 in total.”
“18 men?” Yelena clarified as she leaned over Anya to peer at the footage.
The seated Widow twisted around to greet the team leader. Then did a double-take at the sweat soaking Yelena’s hair and the burgeoning bruise over her left jaw. “What the hell happened to you?”
Yelena waved her hand. “Nothing. Did you say 18?”
“Yes,” Anya replied. “Plus the two lackeys.”
‘Lackeys’ was the term they’d come up with for the scientific staff recruited by Volkov’s team. From what they’d been able to determine from their surveillance, they were little more than broke science majors from the local college looking to make some extra cash by setting up the lab.
“18? That’s Volkov’s entire faction, right?” Katya asked.
Anya nodded. “Based on our intel, yes.”
‘Our’ intel was really Anya’s intel. The tech wizard had spent weeks glued to her laptop, diligently researching every single person captured on the footage from the warehouse. Between her facial recognition software, the information from Ranieri’s laptop, and her illegal backdoors into the databases of the CIA, KGB and Interpol, she’d managed to ID Volkov’s entire gang.
A few were previous operative from the Red Room - part of Volkov’s original team. Some were family members, converted to Volkov’s cause. But most were hired guns - murderers and Bratva mafiosos smuggled out of Russian prisons and onto US soil with the promise of freedom in exchange for a little light kidnapping and brainwashing. 
And they were all in the same place, at the same time.
“Volkov’s gotta be either stupid or supremely confident to amass everyone in the same location,” Calina commented.
“I don’t think he has a choice,” Yelena said. “We took out most of his top mercenaries in South Carolina - this is all he has left. And he’s paranoid enough to want as much firepower around him as possible.”
“18 of them against 9 of us? That’s doable,” Katya commented. 
“That’s more than doable. Its a cake-walk,” Yelena replied. She straightened up and crossed her arms before addressing the room. “Okay, everyone, it’s go time. We have the chance to end this tonight, and we’re not going to fail. We’ve been training for weeks for this, so you know what to do - tranq and remove the lackeys unharmed, and take out everyone else. Leave Volkov to me. Be ready to move in 5.”
Calina turned to leave with the other Widows but Yelena caught her arm. “You up for this?” she asked.
Calina rolled her eyes. “I’m a little sore, but you didn’t do that much damage, Yelena.”
“I’m not talking about that. I heard you talking to Katya earlier. About your fight with Matt.”
Calina bit her lip. “Oh. That.”
“I know what I said in Maine, but if you want to bail on this, you can. You have nothing to prove to us.”
Calina shook her head. “I’m coming. I can’t just sit here while you guys are out there fighting.”
“Okay then. Go get ready.”
Calina nodded and ran to her bunk. She slithered into her Black Widow suit, zipped up her boots and quickly re-braided her hair. Then she slotted her guns into her thigh holsters…and took a second to breathe.
This was it.
After tonight it would all be over. One way or another.
She glanced around the room and watched as her sisters geared-up and checked their own weapons. A sudden bolt of fear hit her at the thought of one of them being injured.
Or worse.
It never used to be like this in the Red Room. Back then, they’d been teammates in name only. Just individual soldiers going into missions side-by-side. Another pair of hands. Another set of skills. Useful back up…but nothing more.
Now, these women were her friends. Her sisters.
There was Anya, with her logical brain and lack of filter.
Inessa, with her weird sense of humour and bubbly personality.
Viktoria, with her quiet, stoicism.
Yelena, with her fearsome loyalty.
Katya, who she was closest to out of them all. Kind, thoughtful Katya.
She didn’t want to lose any of them.
So she would fight tonight. Not to kill - if she could help it. Not out of vengeance or anger.
She would fight to protect.
She would fight to make sure every single Widow made it back here safe and unharmed.
She would fight for her sisters.
Surely Matt would understand that, she thought. Then she shook her head, trying to quell any further thoughts of Matt. She couldn’t go into this battle with any more fear running through her veins.
Like the fear of never seeing him again. Of leaving things between them in such an ugly, dreadful state.
She didn’t hold out any hope that they could still be together - not after all her lies and with all the blood on her hands - but they deserved some kind of closure, didn’t they? She wanted to see him again, even if it was just to say goodbye.
And that could only happen if she survived tonight.
So she took a deep breath, adjusted the straps on her Widows’ bites and shook out her arms, trying to loosen the tightness in her muscles. As she did, she met Katya’s gaze from across the room. She saw the same hint of fear in the other Widows’ dark brown eyes. Calina smiled to reassure her. “We’ve got this,” she mouthed.
Katya nodded. “We’ve got this,” she mouthed back, and a small smile formed on her lips.
“Hell, yeah, we’ve got this,” Inessa said out loud, having followed the silent conversation. “Do you hear that, everyone? We’ve got this!”
The tension in the air around the Widows’ suddenly transformed into excited anticipation. A few of the others whooped and joined in, “We’ve got this!”
Yelena just shook her head. “Did that really need saying?” She grabbed her rifle and slung it over her shoulder. “Let’s go.”
At first, everything went to plan.
Upon reaching the warehouse, the Widows had split into three teams of three - one group snuck around the back to the delivery bay, the other took up position near the front, and the third scaled up to the roof.
Yelena was on the roof team, and it was her role to snipe Volkov with a tranquilliser dart. The aim was to take him out of the equation early on, but leave him alive for interrogation after the fighting was done.
The other two member of Yelena’s group - Viktoria and Sanvi - had the task of infiltrating the lab and extracting the lackeys.
And that was the part that went to plan - sort of.
“We’re out,” was the whispered status update from Viktoria that came through Calina’s ear piece. “But we were spotted.”
At the same moment, Calina heard shouting from within the warehouse, and the sound of gunfire suddenly pierced the night.
“There goes the element of surprise,” Anya said before rising out of her crouch and racing for the docking bay doors.
Calina just shrugged and followed. It had always been an acceptable risk. From the moment they’d identified the lackeys as innocent pawns, they’d always planned to get them out first, no matter the consequences. It was a line in the sand which separated the Widows from Volkov and his faction - innocent civilians were not going to become collateral damage tonight.
And if that meant they had to go in hot - instead of taking out Volkov’s men with stealth - so be it.
Anya and the rest of their group reached the door first, and Calina cursed her earlier sparring session with Yelena for slowing her down. She gritted her teeth against the pain in her knee and kept running, finding an extra burst of speed when the soft pop-pop-pop of a silenced handgun drifted from the open door. She entered the docking bay moments later to find three guards sprawled on the concrete floor, all felled by single bullets to the head.    
“Clear,” Anya reported. 
“Clear,” repeated Katya from her section. “Nice of you to join us, Calina.”
Calina rolled her eyes and checked behind her. No one was following. “Clear,” she called out.
“Let’s go,” Anya said, moving further into the building. They could hear the sound of fighting from the main section of the warehouse, so they all picked up the pace.
Calina breathed steadily as they checked and cleared each corridor and room on the way, the four of them working in perfect synchronicity, their movements honed by years of training. Her earlier anxiety was gone, replaced by a calm determination. The muscle memory of countless previous missions guided her actions and she slipped back into ‘solider’ mode seamlessly - like donning an old, worn-in coat.
This was the life she knew best. As much as she struggled against that concept, her ease and composure in this situation proved it.
All thoughts of Matt, and his opinion on this operation, were forced deep into her subconscious. There was no room for moral quandaries here. Self-recrimination and guilt could come later.
Right now, there was only the gun in her hand and the teammate in front of her.
And a plan that was about to go to shit.
Chapter 9
Tag list: @hollandorks @chezagnes @stilldreaming666 @sio-ina-bottle @tearoseart-blog @acharliecoxedfan @freckledbabyy
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hollow-point-heart · 1 year
There's something so fascinating with the Goncharov fandoms obsession regarding ships, Goncharov and Andrey are (almost) always portrayed as volatile, passionate but still somewhat loving. In a way this makes sense, it's a very direct translation from their implied relelationship in the film, which I guess isn't a problem, fandom always takes what they want to see and leaves what they don't, but there is a very prevalent disconnect from the context of the film. Because, their relationship is only so volatile because of their own actions, yes Goncharov is a victim of his situation but he is also actively making sure he never escapes, simple things like the decision to actually answer the phone solidified his station in life, he knows this too. As an audience we recognise his role as a tragic hero, doomed to fail over and over again, but that doesn't mean he had no choice in his own life. So to present Gonchandrey as having no nuance outside of what we are directly told on screen, erases the films message that although the characters are victims of circumstance that doesn't fully remove their free will and responsibility for their actions.
However on the other hand Katya and Sofia, are characters whose free will is explicitly removed from them as as the film progresses are viewed in shipping as women making their own decisions and running the show. I don't actually have a problem with this portrayal, it certainly makes them more fleshed out characters, but I have to wonder why they get put in charge of their own actions and Gonchandrey don't. Most of the popular posts I've seen are in reference to the infamous cigarette scene or the bathing scene, but even then, those scenes wouldn't have happened without the men in their lives dictating where and when they were.
While I think the Gonchandrey shipping are missing the big picture with their dynamics I think the Katfia shippers are onto something revolutionary, and it's a fascinating exploration about female rebellion and representation in a very dangerous historical environment.
Ice pick Joe for mayor 1973
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lollytea · 8 months
hi lolly i just binged the la la land machine au posts and i was wondering if evelyn and raine and lilith are also involved and if so how :)
Ahhh okay I'll try to give straightforward answers!! I'll use some discord screenshots to make it easier.
Evelyn was Eda and Lilith's older sister, though she was never involved in the Hollywood lifestyle. She was just a regular high school girl when she met Caleb Wittebane
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She died from childbirth complications over a decade later, which left her husband wrought with grief. It's rumored that he was considering retiring from acting altogether to put all his attention towards raising his child but he also passed not long after.
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She began as a homely little girl who never felt good enough and was seduced by the Hollywood spotlight because it felt like the only feasible means of proving herself as worthy of love.
Eda and Lilith reconnect in their adulthood, with the latter being a highly prolific and glamorous actress. The guilt has been weighing heavily on Lilith for years and all she really wants is to give her sister a second chance. Lilith knows people. She has connections. She can pull Eda back into the spotlight. She can make up for what she did. And she really can't understand why Eda is so difficult about it. Why wouldn't she want to go back to acting? (Says the woman who is so brainwashed by her own desire to feel worth a damn that she has not even noticed that she's never been passionate about acting.)
Ironically, what Lilith does to redeem herself is not be brightening up Eda's reputation, but by setting her own up in flames.
Lilith Clawthrone, one of the biggest celebrities in Hollywood, goes public about a well kept secret. She tells the world about how Eda Clawthorne was thrown away like she was nothing and she names the people involved.
She is blacklisted from the industry.
After that, it's a few months of living on Eda's couch while she tries to get her life together.
Eventually, Lilith finds her true passion in life, which is producing and being an accuracy consultant on historical documentaries. She's happy as a clam :D
Anyway, Raine Whispers.
I've been a little unsure as to how to incorporate them. They are a non-binary masc presenting person who likely first met Eda in an extremely bigoted environment, in the year 1973.
So far, I've been adamant that this AU doesn't stray away from the very real prejudice of Hollywood. However, when it comes to transphobia, that just isn't my place to go in-depth.
To summarise. Raine likely endured a lot of it. I just won't go into detail about it.
I was considering that they may have been the one to play Azura, before they transitioned and that's when they had their romance with Eda, who played Hecate. But again, I'm not sure if that's insensitive for not. All I know for certain is that Raine also had a role in the Azura movie and Eda and Raine fell in love.
Similar tensions between them arose, namely Eda bottling up all her pain and devastation and Raine eventually getting frustrated and breaking up with her.
Currently, as in the year the story takes place, (Between 2005-2009) Raine is a high school music teacher whose become a safe space for any kid that needs a little extra emotional support.
They're such a consistently supportive and loving figure that three young adults (Katya, Derwin and Amber) who came from troubled home lives, remembered their kindness from High school and the comforting way they used to say "My door is always open" and gradually those three kids turned up on their doorstep, one by one, having else nowhere to go. So yeah, Raine currently has three loud chaotic roommates.
Despite their quiet nature and nerdy interests, Raine identities as punk. They are constantly encouraging both students and roommates alike to ask questions, to stand their ground, to push back against the system. They've even committed the occasional crime, with their young spritely accomplices.
This is around the time when they end up bumping into Eda again.
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bluewaltz · 1 year
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🐋 — [ Tartaglia. ] 👤 — [ gender neutral reader. ] 🏷️ — [ enemies to lovers, good ending, fluff. ] 📜 — [ fic. ]
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You had a mission. Kill the Eleventh Harbinger, through any means necessary.
You had heard the tales. He's a monster, a killing machine that brought with him devastation and ruin. The Vanguard of the Tsaritsa, and someone who crawled out of the Abyss.
It was insanity. Your higher ups must have known that sending one person to kill Tartaglia was a death sentence. But you would carry it out, regardless.
You didn't know what you expected, but it certainly wasn't this lanky, awkward young man, talking with the confidence of a Harbinger. Your organisation had managed to sneak you into the Fatui as a new recruit, and you had been posted to Liyue, which was apparently under his jurisdiction.
"I wish you all glory; glory to the Tsaritsa, glory to our motherland, and glory to yourselves. Dismissed. Your captains will tell you what you will be doing, and Y/N? A word, please?"
You pushed past the crowds, uncaring of how all eyes were on you. Tartaglia was waiting for you, a small smile on his lips. Again, you wondered how he could seem so young.
"You weren't listening at all, were you? Did I bore you?" Tartaglia leaned forward, his tone one of mild curiosity.
You fought the urge to reach for your weapon, instead focusing on keeping your breathing even.
"No sir. Sorry sir, it won't happen again." You replied crisply.
To your surprise, Tartaglia threw his head back and laughed like he'd heard the joke of the century.
"Sir? Why so formal, recruit? Call me Childe; everyone here calls me that." Tar- Childe said, his eyes dancing with mirth.
"Understood, Lord Childe." You said carefully, testing the word out on your tongue.
Childe clicked his tongue, looking pleased. "Okay, that's a start. I know exactly where you'll be working. Katya!"
A Fatuus hurried over, turning to Childe.
He turned to you with a conspiratorial grin and whispered loudly, "Ekaterina here takes care of the shady side of things at the bank, so I can go out and play Harbinger without the metaphorical blood on my hands."
"Need I remind you of the times you appeared in the bank with blood all over you, sir?" Ekaterina replied drily, and you noticed that she didn't seem to use that reverent tone of respect most recruits did.
"It's just blood, and it wasn't mine."
"Blood doesn't wash out of carpets easily, and you're lucky it was closing time then." She turns to you, and despite how her face was obscured by the mask, you got the feeling that she was sizing you up.
"Is this who you want, sir?"
"Give them an office at the bank, okay? I'll be going now, I just came back from Inazuma!"
The two of you watched Childe hurry away, his figure shrinking into the distance.
"Good luck."
Ekaterina turned to you, her voice dripping with pity.
"Childe isn't an easy boss. Come with me."
Your days at the bank were long and dreary. It wasn't so bad, but there was a lot of work to be done. Mostly it was just the Qixing nitpicking some small detail or other, and your days were filled with passive aggressive letters insisting that the other party was far too kind, and that you would remember this.
All well and fine, until Childe crashed into your office like a dust devil.
"Y/N, can you fight?"
Your first thought was that the bank was under attack. Your second thought was that your cover had been blown, and your hand twitched towards the polearm that always remained just out of arm's reach.
"A little. I'm not too good at it, though." Technically not a lie, since you specialized more in subterfuge and assassination.
Childe seemed appeased by this response, gesturing for you to follow him.
He left the bank at an easy pace, exchanging greetings and words with people on the street. Vendors seemed particularly enthused to see him, and some even asked him where their "source of income was", whatever that meant.
He always replied with a sunny smile, and more than a few times you had to remind yourself that this was a bloodthirsty creature you were dealing with.
He brought you to a wide, empty field, and you suddenly remembered something.
Being the secretary of the Eleventh Harbinger, you heard things.
Things like how he would wheedle his way into spars with recruits, and he would always leave the field looking refreshed while the recruits all looked haggard.
To be picked for a spar with Childe was to have all the flaws of your technique pointed out with a smile. But it was also a good way to see how he fought.
So you let him tug you into position, and you watched as he pulled his bow into existence, seemingly giving you the first move. Not one to let go of an opportunity, you dashed forward, drawing your sword and aiming for his chest.
You longed for your polearm, but it was unwise to show your hand so early. The sword was shorter than what you were used to, but it would be fine.
Childe sidestepped, using his bow to send quick flickers of water at you, throwing you off. All the while, he was watching you intently.
You kept attacking, and he kept dodging. This frustrating game kept up until his face lit up. Then, with a casual gesture, your sword went flying out of your hands.
"You've got a strange style," Childe commented, catching your sword and inspecting it. "I think you would be more suited to a polearm, not a sword. Or, you were trained with a polearm, anyway."
"You barely fought me." You gritted out, glaring at Childe.
He shrugged and passed your sword back. "I didn't have to."
And just like that, another event was added to your repetitive routine. Paperwork, think of a way to murder Childe, and occasionally, indulge him with a spar.
When you took out your polearm and fell into a familiar stance, Childe's eyes lit up, and he actually did trade blows with you this time, though you could tell he was barely using his strength. But he disarmed you easily enough, which put an end to your plans of facing him in head on combat.
You wondered if he checked his food for poison, but then you dismissed it. Too risky, and if he didn't die, he would know who you were, and the mission would be ruined.
As you plotted in circles, you became aware of Childe's tells. How he lied, how he smiled when he never meant it. He wore his heart on his sleeve, and you wondered how anyone could fail to kill this bumbling man.
Childe's behaviour was becoming erratic and strange. Some days, he would be cheerful and bubbly, always chatting incessantly and overly generous. Those were his most common moods.
But recently, he had been moodier of late. More volatile, easier to provoke. He lost more of his spars like that, but he didn't seem to really mind. In fact, he seemed happier after those defeats, often treating you to a meal.
It happened during lunch. The two of you were at Wanmin, and Childe was regaling you with a particularly tall tale about a sea snake and a fishing rod when suddenly, his hand shot out.
Your head was snapped down, and Childe let out a hiss of pain. You scrambled out of your seat, looking down at the neat round hole burned into his arm and the smoking bullet bobbing in your soup.
Childe stood up, ignoring how his arm hung limply. His eyes were cold and dead now, scanning the rooftops and balconies.
"Lord Harbinger-"
"There." Childe hummed, and in the blink of an eye, something zipped past you. You only survived because he wasn't focused on you, but you felt the touch of electro-charged water against your cheek.
Electro? But how did he…
"Y/N, we have to go."
This was your chance. He was injured and distracted, you could easily plunge a fork or your knife into his chest and shock his heart to a standstill.
You grabbed his bleeding arm, ignoring the startled hiss. Of course he'd forgotten about the wound.
"Lord Harbinger, you're injured. Perhaps you should recuperate before tracking them down." You murmured. "People are looking."
"Fine." He snarled, summoning some Hydro to wipe up the blood and pick up the bullet.
He didn't let you touch him all throughout the walk back to the bank, and when he reached the bank, his murderous expression kept people from asking after his arm.
You retreated to your office to get a medical kit and returned to Childe surveying the bullet, turning it this way and that in its watery prison.
"Interesting build." Childe's voice was conversational, and you pulled up a chair to him and started working on the wound.
"What is, sir?"
Childe made a dismissive noise. "Just call me Childe. And I was talking about this bullet. It has been imbued with pyro energy, so touching it would burn very badly."
You tried to school your expression. That sounded like the work of your organisation. Bullets that cauterized the wound as it went, with a dense knot of pyro energy that would dissipate after a while.
But why would they steal your kill? You were promised Tartaglia. This didn't make any sense, so you just made an affirmative hum and continued to bandage his arm.
"Is that all you got?" Even pinned under your weapon, Childe still had that cocky light in his eyes, and he pressed his throat closer to the tip of your spear. A spar. that was all it was supposed to be, until he let slip that he knew your intentions and all of a sudden, it had become far more dangerous.
"Come on," he cooed. "You can kill me right here, right now. Unless you like seeing me helpless like this?"
"Shut up, Harbinger."
Childe sighed heavily, sounding very put upon. "I thought we were getting along swimmingly. What's with the sudden change in attitude?"
"Don't play dumb."
Childe snickered. "But it makes you so mad."
"You're not scared?"
"Why would I be afraid of you?" He cocked his head, sounding genuinely confused. "You were a spy sent by an organisation to do an impossible task. But you still tried anyway. Isn't that enough?"
"There's no use arguing." Childe pushed your spear away from his throat and sat up. "I did my research; the organisation simply wanted an easy way to get rid of you."
You gritted your teeth. You had long suspected it, but hearing it laid out so simply… it stung. Discarded like an old tool in order to make way for others.
"So? Are you going to kill me now?" You asked.
Childe burst out laughing. "Ha! I'm not letting myself get used like some attack dog for an enemy organisation. My loyalty belongs to the Tsaritsa alone. Of course I'm not going to kill you."
"What?" You were baffled. Was he really going to let an enemy live like that? But Childe didn't seem to sense your disbelief, his brow scrunched in an adorable furrow.
"I don't see why I need to kill you. Ekaterina already spent so much time training you to be my secretary, and it'd be a shame to put all her hard work to waste."
Childe grinned. "Of course, you can still try to kill me. But I will try my best to continue thwarting your efforts."
Well. Who were you to look a gift horse in the mouth?
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zorlok-if · 1 year
The fey campaign technically won both of the polls (if you have no idea what I'm talking about, click here). So, it's time to vote for the fey campaign's cast. I'll take the top few results from this poll and they'll be the cast of people the MC plays with. For more information on the world of the fey and the courts mentioned in the character descriptions below, click here. If you have any questions or desire more context/lore, I encourage you to psychically send me a message.
This poll will close at 23:59 UTC on April 16th.
Note: there will be a second poll coming out in a short while to determine the cast of the second-place campaign—a game where you play as cyberpunk fairy tale characters.
As a reminder, here's the quick description of the fey campaign:
"If you're familiar with A Court of Fey and Flowers: yes, basically that. If not: political intrigue where you play as a representative of a fey court hanging out with other fey at a magic festival. Optionally, very sexy and/or romantic. Always, very fun and chaotic."
This campaign will last eight sessions/episodes.
Below the cut you'll find a list of the potential cast members along with a description of the character they'll likely play. Remember, you can read more about the Fey courts and more in this lore post. I highly suggest you look at that beforehand.
The Potential Guest List:
Dev as a trickster princeps from the Marine court with a scandalous reputation
EJ as an introverted Seelie royal with a strong interest in the human world
Adam/Eve as a dutiful Sylvan champion, avoiding scandal and seeking satisfaction
Ciel as a mercurial prince of the Gloaming, begrudgingly seeking a spouse
Danny as a gentle knight from the court of Craft hiding a mysterious past
The Celestial as a noble from the court of Wonder, trading in secrets to hide eir own
Rose as a famously charming but bored party planner from the court of Wonder
Nasir as an awkward Unseelie prince trying to prove and redeem themself
Adonis as a wistful, overlooked Sylvan servant in search of something more
Cecil as the disgraced heir to the Seelie court who just wants to cause chaos
Alaric/Aria as a suspiciously chivalrous champion from the court of Ruin
Jovy as a mischievous attendant from the Faunal court collecting others' secrets
Andrey as a cutthroat Unseelie noble struggling to find peace in a violent world
Katya as the elegant princess of the Gloaming eager to change her reputation
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scavengerssuccotash · 1 month
If you’re still down to give hc’s….. do you have anymore domestic/animal/katya headcanons?
Hey there! I’m always open to talk about my headcanons or other fandom related stuff so thanks for asking!
Katya Headcanon: The Aunts Edition!
There was one summer where Katya and Kate managed to get lost on a hiking trail in the Appalachia Mountains. Kate had begged Clint to let her spend some quality alone time with her favorite niece for literal months. (Casey Lang had monopolized a good portion of Katya’s summer vacation by the time Kate could make it out to the Barton Farm.)
Clint was a little hesitant, his baby girl just turned twelve and while Kate was good with a bow (pretty damn good) her skills as a survivalist left a lot of room for improvement. Natasha did make a good point though which ultimately changed his mind.
“Didn’t Katya earn her Outdoor Survival badge?” Natasha muses.
“No, that was last year. A year early.” Clint peers over his newspaper towards Nat. “Wonder which of us she gets that from.”
With a heartfelt see you soon, Kate and Katya left to spend a week hiking in the Appalachia’s.
And everything was going fine! Kate had their little camp site set up and everything but then Katya spotted a waterfall on the map and thought it would be cool to take a picture in front of it for her mom. They made it there fine, but on the way back Kate dropped the map in a nearby stream, thus resulting in the most panic induced six hours of Kate’s life as the pair of them tried to find their way back to their campsite.
Eventually they do make it, albeit very itchy from both poison ivy and mosquito bites and hungry. Kate made Katya pinky promise to not mention their extended hike until they got home, and it became their first shared secret.
(Their next shared secret happens when Katya is sixteen and Kate is staying the weekend at the farm. Clint was doing laundry and finds a thong! Which of course couldn’t be his little girls (it was) and confronts her about it. Kate seeing the perfect opportunity to swoop in and cement her place as The Cool Aunt takes the fall by claiming they are actually hers.
“Oops how did that get in there!” Kate awkwardly exclaims. “Our laundry must’ve gotten mixed up!”
“I never pegged you for prints Kate.” Natasha comments with a knowing look in her eye.
“We’re never talking about this again. Kate, you are doing your own laundry from now on.”
They still laugh about the look of mortification on Clint’s face to this day.)
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Unlike Kate, Katya first meets Yelena when she is seven years old, in the middle of the night wearing a onesie. She woke up in the middle of the night to use the restroom and heard voices in the kitchen, two she knew were her parents but the third voice was one she had not heard before and went to investigate. There at the kitchen table sat her parents and this strange blonde woman she had never seen before. A squeaky floorboard and an amused look from her mother later Katya finally meets her biological Aunt. Who had not come empty handed. Katya’s love for baklava began that night.
They’ve kept in regular touch since, with calls and the occasional visit in person. Yelena always comes to visit the farm, since she doesn’t stay in one place for too long (Katya learns why around the same time Natasha explains why she hates the sound of velcro), but whenever she does Katya is thoroughly spoiled with very high end goods, and the wildest stories about Aunt Yelena’s “job”. It’s when Yelena visits in the midst of a fight between Katya and Nat that Yelena earns the title of “good advice giver”.
Katya can’t remember what the fight was about now, but eventually Yelena asked Katya to show her how to feed she chickens after witnessing a screaming match between mother and daughter.
“She’s such a total grade A bitch sometimes! Argh I hate her!”
“Oh come one now hate is a very strong word, Katya. It’s not meant to be used lightly.”
“Yeah well it fits so there!”
“You know absolutely nothing about what that word means or the weight it carries.”
For Katya’s seventeenth birthday Yelena flew her out to her apartment in Paris for a week long celebration extravaganza, filled with shopping, good food and most importantly the freedom to go little wild without the fear of giving her parents a heart attack. Yelena was there for Katya’s first tattoo (Orions belt over her left shoulder).
Predictably Clint went on a weeks long diatribe lamenting over his baby girl growing up too fast and Natasha just about blew a top when they both found out. Yelena escaped relatively unscathed by hoping on a plane to Thailand for a month.
A week later, Natasha takes Katya to get her belly button pierced. A few pouts and bargaining later the pair of them walk about with piercings, Nat gets a forward helix piercing and Katya gets her belly button pierced.
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Hope you enjoy! Now I can’t get the image of a girls roadtrip with Katya, Yelena and Kate would look like. Lol
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