#Ultron Stark Barnes
pandagirl45 · 1 month
Ultron, 13: *stares at the Easter bunny mascot* *holds up one of bucky knives* down with the demon
Bucky: *scoops him up* knife umbra
Ultron: you win this round cretin!
Man: *confused at the angry child*
Kurt: pop, why are you getting rid of the red skull faces?
Rhodey: because your dad despises them, it'll protect the walls from the shield
Kurt: like ultron with Easter bunnies?
Rhodey: yep
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pandagirl45drawing · 6 months
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Two parents with their chaotic Child.
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literaryavenger · 4 months
MCU + Reader Masterlist
- On-going series -
Warnings: MCU spoilers. Language. Mentions of death, fighting and use of firearms. My poor attempts at being funny. Each chapter will have its own warnings.
Captain America: The Winter Soldier | Part 2 | Part 3
Avengers: Age of Ultron
Captain America: Civil War | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
Black Panther
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vee-nyx · 3 days
to celebrate 8 years since civil war release, let’s review all the ways tony stark was an absolute loser and actually the reason thanos won in infinity war:
created an omnicidal A.I. that the rest of the team warned him against creating
decided that the entire team needed to become government puppets because he felt guilty for creating said A.I. that, once again, NO ONE SUPPORTED HIM IN MAKING
(also the reason bucky was forced back into the fight bc tony caused sokovia and thus caused zemo’s need for revenge but i digress on that pt)
when members of the team who can’t disconnect from their abilities raised concerns about how the accords dehumanized them, he had them arrested or locked them in his tower
bribed (yes, bribed) a child into fighting on his side because he knew he was outmatched
instructed vision to shoot sam out of the sky and then shot sam point-blank when he avoided the blast that would’ve left him severely injured AND LANDED TO HELP THE PERSON IT HIT
wanda on the raft. this is its own point. he let her be restrained and collared like a fucking DOG as if he hadn’t already done enough damage in her life (killing her parents & brother)
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proceeded to break the accords THAT HE HELPED WRITE to chase cap across the globe because he felt left out of the action
mocked natasha’s trauma because she dared to disagree with his methods (he is, in fact, incapable of letting go of his ego for one goddamn second)
even after receiving an apology, refused to contact cap for three years despite KNOWING about the threat of thanos
in conclusion,
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You wouldn’t last an hour in the asylum where they raised me
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aloneatpeace · 1 year
Bucky : Where's Y/n, Nat , and Steve?
Tony : They're playing hide and seek.
Bucky : Where?
Tony : I don't think you get how this game works.
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hainethehero · 3 months
This is your daily reminder that the whole Tower KNOWS when Steve's getting his cheeks clapped.
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Bucky Barnes x Reader
So I'm still living in the 2012-2015 fan fic era where all the avengers lived together and worked together and Bucky was still new to the team.
This is the beginning of a fic that I've wanted to write for a while, Im kinda posting it to see if anyone would actually be interested in a full fic
Bucky entered the briefing room, practically everyone was already there, staying close to the back wall. He was still apprehensive about being part of a team, still worried he would hurt someone, so it was better for him to stand, rather than sit at the table. They hadn't even let him on a mission yet, so a part of him was ready to retreat back to the room he was provided, but he didn't, it was important to show a willingness. The main five were chatting idly, along with a few of the others - he wasn't caught up yet on who was an avenger and who was just working for SHIELD. 
Steve caught his gaze, nodding in a hello, then went back to talking with Tony. He was still wary - no that's not the word - he was careful around Bucky. Clearly not wanting to offend him, either with memories he didn't remember or his sad puppy eyes.
Widow entered the room and followed his movements, she was closer to the left door. At least they had an unspoken bond - if you could call trauma a bonding experience. Her eyes scanned the room and she left the wall, walking towards Barton and his free chair. They immediately engaged in a hot debate, furiously signing at each other. Bucky was alone on the wall again, but he didn't have time to wallow as Fury made a quick entrance. 
"Get the lights." He spoke to anyone, the lights were dimmed and the screen he was standing in front of illuminated. "This is not your usual briefing." The screen showed a muted video of a girl, she was sitting at her desk and waving a USB. 
"You showing us an unboxing video?" 
"I wish it was that, Stark." Fury pulled up another screen, this one had a few different maps, each showing a target. "This YouTuber 'cutezieppoozie' found something that she was never meant to find." Bucky watched as the girl plugged in the USB, rookie move, who plugs something they don't know into their computer? "She says in this her aunt used to work for the government and had an accident at work, she then shows us this video. We've had to take it down." 
The volume was turned up as the video came on. It was shoddy and shaky and clearly a violation of whatever contract had been signed. Dingy cells, some with crooked bars, some with oxygen proof doors. It was dark making it hard to differentiate between shadow and objects. The camera then showed the rigorous training of what looked like a small girl. She could teleport or 'phase' through those she was fighting. The clip ended abruptly and there were a few bloodied hospital beds, the new clip was filmed portrait as if she was hiding the camera. The beds held different people, there were two clearly familiar faces. The twins both looked weak. There was then someone familiar only to Bucky but he didn't know why, it was a big muscled man, he had most likely fought the man. Then, the video was of a woman that looked similar to 'cutezieppoozie', she had the same hair and eyes, she was sitting in a cupboard, looking worried. The woman spoke about how there were monstrous experiments going on and that she won't be a part of it. She says that she'll pass the camera on to another person and that is how she can prove she is serious. 
You popped up, causing a few gasps - he almost joined in, he knew you. There was a point where you and he were neighbours in your cages. He was violent and cruel and you were nice. You offered friendship and when he was bleeding you helped him through the bars. You may have been the reason he was still here as being a Winter Soldier he was usually the punching bag for new recruits. 
Your hair was matted and your skin sunken but your voice was just the same. "Fury, I need you. We're currently located in Sokovia, there are other bases - they move us around a lot. The Widows and Soldiers usually stay in Russia but a few have been left here for training purposes. They're making weapons, we have ghosts and witches and men that can move metal, men that are made of metal, beasts, hulks." A noise made you turn back, your hand covering the camera. 
The aunt was back, telling the locations of each base, each correlating to one of Fury's maps. She then signs off by saying she hopes this finds the right people. 
Fury pulls up a digital file of you and your SHIELD work. Your photo was pristine, your face beautiful (with or without makeup - he wasn't sure), your hair was cropped in a bob cut, your shoulders were meaty with muscles too. You looked amazing, he felt bad thinking of that but you did.
"Now the footage is old, I see apprehensive faces but we've managed to identify some bases that we never would have before because of this. This is an essential mission, disregarding (L/N), if there are more weapons, more soldiers, we need to neutralise them." 
Fury was allocating team members to each location, a few new ones were added since some had already been liberated. Bucky left the wall, taking a few steps closer to the action, Fury's eye flickered up to him and back down again. 
"Barnes, I want you in the field, too." Bucky schooled his features and nodded. "You'll go to Tiksi, there's a lot of ground there to cover. Falcon will meet you there." 
"I can't believe she could be alive." Barton shook his head in disbelief.
"I can't believe you stopped looking." Wanda countered, crossing her arms.
"There were bigger fights." Banner defended, he picked up a pack and had a look through it. "Wouldn't you want me away from civilization? You've put me in Egypt." 
"We want Banner not Hulk." Fury shrugged, "need your brains on this one." 
The others lost themselves in conversation and Steve happened to find himself next to Bucky. "You're out on the field for this one." He commented.
There was a long awkward pause before they both spoke at the same time. 
"Be careful?" 
"I recognised her."
Steve's eyes widened before he whisper-yelled, "What?"
"We were in the same cells." Bucky shrugged. "Or maybe I'd just seen her picture, I don't know." 
"Are the memories from you?" Bucky shook his head once. "Maybe you should sit this one out, then." The frown on Bucky's face made Steve carry on, "I just mean that she may drag up old memories she doesn't mean to." 
"I'm fine." And with that Bucky left the briefing.
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iminkandpaper · 15 days
It is a crime that there are only 2 Avengers movies
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Bucky angrily helping Sam fix the boat up and finishing jobs Sam's working on with his metal arm has the same energy as Tony and Steve's "Don’t take from my pile!" interaction
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fizzy-dizzie · 4 months
Hey people write Steve in character challenge GO
(warning long ass post ahead, character analysis turned Civil War analysis BC I'll never shut up about that movie)
Right off the bat, Steve isn't and has never been a rule follower. Steve has an extremely strong moral compass, he has the strongest feeling of right and wrong and he is going to go after the right thing even if he's told not too. This is so prevalent in ANY captain America movie.
Why he behaves so seriously would also come from how he grew up. He wasn't taken seriously ever due to his size and his health, if he wasn't loud and clear on what he thought, no one would be paying attention. But to be honest, I think the movies kinda do him wrong when showing he isn't serious outside of battle, he's always coping with some kind of fight or dilemma or stressful situation to be fixed, especially with the role of leader on his shoulders it's his job to take it seriously. On the rare occasions we do see him relaxed we can see he's just a calm and polite guy who's just maybe a little quiet in big groups. (Which would also be a product of his pre-serum days. In big groups no one's paying attention to the little guy)
I think a reason he's misconstrued as an asshole (aside from needing to be used as a plot point in a fic) is because of how he reacts in a battle. He's stern and being the leader of the group, is telling people what to do in the heat of battle. He takes problems seriously and looks at them from a very logical stand point, (again, which is his role as the leader) which is such a VAST fucking contrast from Tony who still thinks of problems from a logical stand point too but tries to find humor in every situation, even the world ending issues.
So it makes sense if you much prefer Tony's type of character, that you aren't going to like the way Steve handles problems, which is the opposite method of Tony's emotionally.
I think the first movie really enforced that divide between Tony and Steve fans with how opposing they were. And even with Age Of Ultron to clear the air, Civil War threw out all of the relationship we were supposed to believe they had.
If I'm being honest, on Marvel's behalf, I don't think they did a very good job in enforcing that Steve and Tony were good friends before Civil War. But it will always and forever be crazy to me that Tony would ever consider himself as close of a friend with Steve as Bucky is.
"I was your friend too"
He says like he was there when no one would listen to Steve, like he was there when no one took Steve seriously. Like he was there when Steve was sick all the time. Like he was there when Steve's mother died and he had no one. Like he was there for Steve when he got into fights he couldn't handle. Bucky was there since day one.
It links back to steve wishing to have someone who 'understood his experience' the ENTIRE catws movie being about how important Bucky is to Steve and Steve being willing to let Bucky KILL him to prove how much he cared. TONY AND STEVE NEVER HAD THAT CONNECTION.
And I know that's the point. I know that's the point of the movies, Bucky being the thing Steve is willing to leave the avengers for, the avengers who have been his new family in his time where he knows no one in a new world. But when I see people saying Steve betrayed Tony I just don't understand. Bucky means SO much more to Steve. And technically yes, the Avengers were all certainly helpful when he needed it, they were definitely important to him too, but they just don't compare to Bucky.
And quick side note, don't get me wrong, if someone killed my parents I'd want them dead too. It's not like I blame Tony's immediate reaction to the information but to look me in the eyes and say Tony had the right to, is ridiculous. Bucky was tortured and brainwashed and forced to kill and do what he did. That is an innocent man.
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pandagirl45 · 4 months
Ultron: *in the dark with glowing red eyes*
Modor: *bright yellow glowing eyes*
Kurt: *dark glowing eyes*
Skar: *bluish green glowing eyes*
Steve: *half frozen in fear*...KIDS
Ultron, Kurt, Modor and Skar: *cackles running off*
Tony: *eyes peeks out glowing brighter*
Steve: °~° *faints*
Tony: oops...
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pandagirl45drawing · 7 months
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A bunch of drawings I did in an old art style.
Left to right, Butterfingers, DUME, U, Ulton, Tony, Vision, Bucky and VITO, Jarvis and Friday for the house picture (last one :D)
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literaryavenger · 4 months
Avengers: Age of Ultron
Summary: You and Sam are disconnected from the world during a mission in the Amazon while following a lead to track down Bucky. How much stuff can really happen in a week?
Pairing: platonic!Steve Rogers x F!Reader, platonic!Natasha Romanoff x F!Reader, platonic!Sam Wilson x F!Reader
Warnings: Language. Reader being dramatic. My poor attempts at being funny. Nothing much, really.
Word Count: 1.6K
A/N: I know in the gif there's a random woman (right in the middle) and I think it may be an edit, but this is the best gif I found for this scene so just pretend that's you, the reader lol.
Masterlist | Series Masterlist
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After the fall of Shield you're stuck with Sam to look for Bucky while Steve teamed up once again with the Avengers to retrieve Loki’s staff and bring Hydra down once and for all.
They’ve been doing a good job apparently, unlike you and Sam that have had no luck tracking down your missing supersoldier.
Tonight you get a break, though, as you got invited to the party Stark is throwing to ‘celebrate the revels of victory’, as the Captain so normally put it in his text.
When you step out of the elevator you see Natasha on the couch talking to Colonel Rhodes and you walk over to say hi.
You chat a bit with them before Rhodey, as he told you to call him, goes to look for Tony and you make your way to the bar with Nat.
“So... how’s the testosterone filled team treating you?” you ask her while she makes you your favorite drink without you even having to ask.
“If you saw how much time those guys spend on their hair, you’d know you and I bring more testosterone to the table than them.” She tells you smirking and you laugh as you take the drink she hands you.
You look around you and notice Bruce making his way to the bar, so you turn back to Natasha and say “Here comes your damsel in distress.” and you wink at her as walk away, going to find someone you know.
You find Sam at the pool tables. “Hey, you just missed me kicking Steve’s ass.” he says when he sees you.
“Are you sure you weren’t just daydreaming, birdboy?” he tries to glare at you but ends up laughing with you, inviting you to play with him.
Obviously, you beat him and then suddenly he’s not in the mood to play anymore.
“Aww, are you mad I kicked your ass?” you coo at him and giggle at his pout.
You guys find Steve and start making your way to the second floor as he tells you about the team’s last mission.
“Sounds like a hell of a fight, sorry we missed it.” Sam says.
“If I had known it was going to be a firefight I absolutely would have called you.” Steve said.
“No, we’re not actually sorry.” you clarify ”He’s just trying to sound tough.” they both laugh with you.
“Yeah, we’re very happy chasing cold leads on our missing persons case. Avenging is your world.” Sam says as you make it to the overlook.
“Your world is crazy.” you add, seeing the whole room from your elevated point of view.
“Be it ever so humble.” Steve says, looking around too.
“You find a place in Brooklyn yet?” you ask after a moment of silence.
“I don't think I can afford a place in Brooklyn.” he says, glancing at you and you laugh.
“Well, home is home, you know?” Sam says.
You keep talking for a bit, then make your way downstairs where you meet new people here and there and chat with various Avengers, until eventually it gets late.
“Are you sure you don’t want to stay here tonight?” Steve asks you and Sam while you wait for the elevator “We have guest rooms.”
“As much as I’d like to see how Stark lives,” you start “we have an early flight tomorrow.”
“We’re following some breadcrumbs on our missing robot.” Sam clarifies at Steve’s confused look, making both him and you roll your eyes.
“Gotcha. Good luck.” he says directly to you, glancing at Sam that's now glaring at you both while you chuckle.
You say your goodnights and step into the elevator. You give Sam a ride to his apartment and then drive to your own, going to bed right away.
You begrudgingly wake up earlier than you would’ve liked to and meet up with Sam to catch your flight.
“Morning, sunshine.” he says, chuckling at your hangover state.
“Bite me, Wilson.” is all you can muster the energy to say.
“Why did you drink so much last night if you knew we had to wake up early?” he's not even trying to hide his amusement.
“It’s not how much, it’s what.” you say while sipping the coffee he thankfully brought you. “This is the last time I let Romanoff make my drinks.”
“Well, have a long flight so you’ll have time to sleep.” he says, letting you rest your head on his shoulder while wrapping his arm around you, stroking your arm as you wait for your plane to start boarding.
“Thank fucking god.” you mumble and you hear him laugh quietly.
You’ve gotten close with Sam since you started your manhunt for the Winter Soldier previously known as Sergeant James Buchanan ‘Bucky’ Barnes. 
You already spent a lot of time together when you started with both Sam and Steve, but ever since the Captain started taking down Hydra bases with the Avengers all your time is now spent solely with the Falcon. 
You fly together everywhere your leads take you, you spend days on end in each other’s company and you research together as much as you can about Bucky and Hydra in between missions when you’re home.
You’re basically best friends now.
Sometimes you think the only good thing that honestly has come from your search is your friendship with Sam at this point, but you’re trying to stay positive knowing how much this means to Steve.
You board the plane and, once again, rest your head on Sam’s shoulder as you fall asleep.
When you wake up, about an hour before landing, you notice Sam fell asleep too. You smile at his peaceful face, it’s always nicer to be around him when he’s not talking shit. 
You finally land and get ready to spend a whole week in the middle of the Amazon with no reception and just Sam’s dumb ass for company.
“We really don’t get paid enough for this shit.” you say as you sit back in your seat with your eyes closed, your body almost giving out because of exhaustion. 
“Now, that’s something we can agree on.” Sam chuckles, as tired as you and still a fucking ray of sunshine. How does he do it, you don’t know.
You’ve just spent a hellish week in the depths of the Amazon forest. You almost died about three thousand and sixteen times and all you have to show for it is scars and bruises and bites of insects the size of cats. 
You didn’t even have time to clean up before your flight, the closest thing to a shower you had all week being when you fell into a river trying to help Sam out and then both of you almost fell down a waterfall.
A. Fucking. Waterfall.
You both basically passed out during the flight, being awakened suddenly after what felt like only a second by a flight attendant. Both of you were so startled that you almost pulled your guns on her.
You're already waiting in line for a taxi before it even crosses your mind to check your phone. Really, how much stuff could have happened in the seven days you were gone?
Turns out, a lot.
Like literally the robot uprisings and flying cities kind of a lot.
You were frozen staring at your phone when Sam’s voice finally registers as he says your name and shakes you a little, effectively taking you out of your daze.
“Have you checked your phone?” you ask, ignoring all his questions, still scrolling through the hundreds of texts from both Natasha and Steve.
“What the hell…” is all you hear from him a minute later and you don't need to look up to know his actions are now mirroring your own.
Before you know it you're entering a taxi and giving the address of the Avengers Tower while ignoring the skeptical look on the driver’s face once he takes notice of your disheveled appearance.
You're both on your phones in a second, you with Natasha and Sam with Steve, letting them know you're alive and assuring yourselves that they're okay too.
They greet you at the front door of the Tower, offering you to stay here for the night and this time you both accept. 
After a much needed shower, you sit down with the rest of the team for dinner and they tell you in more detail about what happened.
Natasha waits until you're alone in her room to tell you about Bruce, and you do your best to comfort her resulting in both of you falling asleep in her bed. 
The morning after Steve tells you and Sam that the remaining Avengers are be relocating to a new facility in Upstate New York, and asks you both to join the team.
Needless to say, neither of you need more than a second to think about it. Obviously you're both in.
You spend the next few months getting to know the Avengers both old and new while the new building was being restructured, and now here you are at the new Avengers Compound for your first day as an official Avenger.
Clint’s home with his family, you and Nat visited when Laura gave birth to little Nathaniel.
Thor’s got some big space adventure, Banner is still nowhere to be found and Tony’s on his way home to Pepper.
So now it’s up to Natasha and Steve to train the new Avengers: Rhodey aka War Machine, Vision, Sam aka the Falcon, Wanda and, proudly, you.
Steve and Natasha enter the room you were all waiting in and everyone falls silent, very eager to try you new suits and gadgets, courtesy of Stark Industries. 
“Avengers…” Steve says, in his captain voice.
This is gonna be fun. 
Requested taglist: @sapphirebarnes
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Whumptober Day 16: Mind Control
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The Avengers (2012) / Captain America: Civil War (2016)
Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)
Jessica Jones S1 E13 (2015) / Push (2009)
Divergent (2014) / X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009)
Star Trek: The Next Generation S3 E26 (1990) / The Brothers Grimm (2005)
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wanderingmirror · 2 years
Steven Rogers, James Barnes, and Sam Wilson sat in front of the man all in guilty silence.
He sat in front of them with hatred and rage.
"You killed my wife. You killed my son. You killed my daughter. You almost killed me. If Mr. Stark had not found me buried under a shit ton of debris I would be dead right now. But I'm just a number. A casualty. A blank face."
With each sentence this man got louder and more violent. Barnes flinched. Rogers stared at the floor. And Wilson just held in his sobs.
"I'll never get to see my kids graduate from highschool. I'll never get to see my baby girl get married. I'll never have grand kids. I'll never get to grow old with my WIFE!! Because you all think you're some perfect person who does no wrong! Who thinks it's okay that you lived and everyone else dies!"
The man's rant was cut short thanks to a violent coughing fit. Tony gently helped him through it. Tony had promised the man that he would get his justice. That his family would get justice. The man, James Morgan, only wanted one thing.
"I want to know what was so important about this murdering son of a bitch that you costed my family their lives! I want to know just why you thought you could justify killing them! Why?! What's so special about this bastard that my kids had to die?! To never grow up?!"
James coughed again. He also sobbed. He had no legs. They had been crushed by a piece of the overpass from the knee down. He was too scared to go under bridges, too traumatized. He had to quit his job as a nurse because he couldn't stand the sight of blood anymore.
"I still see my Emily's bloody face. Her eyes full of blood and tears staining her cheeks. I still see my baby girls impaled body leaned against the back of her mother's seat. I can't stand to think about my boy. Do you know what it's like to be stuck physically and hear your child scream for you? Do you? My little boy, screaming his tiny lungs out because his arm was pinned by glass and his stomach was filling with blood."
Barnes flinched and shook. Wilson was doing his best to keep from vomiting. And Rogers just stared more. James looked at the man he once admired, who his son idolized. And felt nothing but hatred.
"You talk about how 'the safest hands are your own'. When the safest hands kill the people you're supposed to protect, who protects those people from you?"
James felt the emotions drain away from him. He got to say what he wanted. And Tony had already promised that these three would never hurt anyone else like they had his wife and children. He wasn't expecting these murderers to admit their guilt. They never had in the past. He looked at Tony and nodded.
"I have nothing else to say."
He said softly and the other brunette nodded in understanding. James Morgan, now a widower, was wheeled out of the room in silence. His sobs heard the entire way by those he passed.
Wanda Maximoff was led into a room with two children. Twins she had been told.
The boy, rendered mute thanks to too much dust getting into his throat. And a girl, losing her left arm after it was burnt too badly to fix.
When the boy saw her, his eyes widened and he grabbed his sister and pushed her behind him. Moving them both to a further corner away from the red head. Maximoff tried to get closer but the little girl wailed.
"MOMMY! DADDY! Help! Someone help!"
She wailed. The boy, despite his brave front, was shaking like a leaf. The girl wailed and begged for help. When Pepper entered the room the little girl waddled over to her and begged to be picked up. Her face red with tears running down her face.
"I want my mommy!"
Her tiny lungs heaved with the force of her cries. The boy ran over and hid behind the other red head's legs. Tears of his own streaming down his face silently. Maximoff watched all of this.
"Did Stark do this?"
She only got an even louder wail as her answer. Then, two other adults entered the room. Pepper gently coaxed the wailing girl to the female. But the boy was harder to move. Whenever Maximoff would try to help, he only clung to Pepper tighter.
"Get away from Brandon! No! Stay away from my brother!"
Maximoff was stunned. The girl was trying to get down to protect her brother. From her.
The boy, Brandon, took her distraction as a chance to dart to the man behind the other woman. Hiding behind his legs and gripping his pant leg tightly. Pepper looked at Logan and Jean and the two X-Men led the children out of the room.
"The one who orphaned them was you, Miss Maximoff. The one who disabled them was you. The one who traumatized them was you. The one who found them was Tony. The one who had to keep them from looking behind them, to keep them from further trauma at the sight of their parents, was Tony."
Pepper said this with a monotone voice. She kept eye contact with Maximoff and watched as the fight left the other woman.
"You sent their home into the building next to it. It crushed their father to death. You caused both to catch fire. It burned their mother alive. They survived because Tony had heard Brandon screaming for his sister's life. She was unconscious and bleeding. Brandon will never speak again because that fire blew smoke and dust into his lungs and throat. And Maria, the little girl, won't let those two they left with out of her sight."
Pepper looked deep into the other's eyes.
"Because the red lady took her parents away."
Maximoff sobbed softly to herself. Pepper left her there without another word. When she opened the door, Maximoff was left to listen to the heartbreaking wails of little Maria.
Clint Barton and Natasha Romanoff were sitting in a room silently. They had been told that they had someone that want to talk to them. When the door was opened, a woman was led into it. A teenager walked with her. Her hands were shaking violently. James Rhodes walked in with them, holding a Baby Carrier with him.
"Barton and Romanoff, this is Agatha Lopez. She is the Widow of Agent Markus Lopez. And this is his eldest son Jackson, and his youngest son Ethan."
James introduced the three. Both the spies where confused as to why this lady needed to talk to them. Did she need their help?
"What can we do for you Mrs. Lopez?"
Barton asked. The widow was still shaking too badly. So Jackson Lopez spoke.
"You worked for Shield right?"
His question was answered by twin nods. And both had to jump back when Jackson punched Barton in the face and almost hit Romanoff too. Vision entered the room and gently but firmly held him back.
"You Fucking Bastards! You killed my Dad! You Killed him! He promised to come home and you killed him! I hate you!"
Jackson got so loud and violent, it woke Ethan up. The baby wailed and it seemed to snap Jackson out of his tirade. The older boy stiffened and darted to James' other side to gently pick his brother up and rest him in his arms. Agatha was silent the whole time.
"Mrs. Lopez you need to keep your son under control."
Barton said and that got him a nasty glare from the teenager.
"Shut the fuck up. You have no right to order my Mom around after the hell she's been through. She just got out of the fucking Hospital thanks to your little info dump."
Jackson sat down and rocked his baby brother back to sleep. Vision rested a gently hand on his shoulder and it seemed to soothe the boy. The two agents were stunned. This was a victim of the info dump? They could see it now. Scars lined her neck and wrists. She was refusing to look around but her eyes laid on her two sons.
"I'm sorry, Jackie."
Was her near silent whisper. Jackson shook his head.
"Mom you don't need to apologize. It's okay. Doctors said you need rest anyway."
Jackson moved and slowly hugged his mother, careful of his little brother. Agatha carefully took her youngest and rocked him gently. Jackson turned to them again.
"You owe my family more than just a fucking apology. You made my mother a widow. And now Ethan will never get to know his dad. You almost made me and my brother orphans if Mr. Stark and Mr. Rhodes hadn't gotten there when they did."
The boy had rage in his eyes. The only thing stopping him from jumping the table was his mother. She couldn't handle the loud bang of a table being knocked over.
"Thanks to you, my mom may never handle loud noises the same without thinking it's a fucking gun shot. Cause she had to watch as my dad was shot right in front of her after he refused to snitch on your asses."
Jackson felt the anger fill him again and was thankful Mr. Vision had not let go of his shoulder. He probably would have tried to give the blonde bitch a matching black eye to the other.
"You're paying for my mom's medical bill. You're paying for my dad's funeral. And this time, Tony is not allowed to help you. He's already helped enough. Saved me and my baby brother from becoming Hydra soldiers."
Jackson stood up slowly, gently taking his mother's fragile arm and getting her to stand. He took Ethan and placed him in his Carrier. He nodded to Mr. Rhodes and guided his mother out. The Colonel followed behind him with Vision not far behind. Leaving the two Shield agents to sit in shock and horror at what could have happened if Tony hadn't been fast enough.
Tony gently hugged Mrs. Lopez. He guided her to sit on the couch in the common room. Jackson was getting her medicine for the pain in her arms and back. Ethan was sleeping soundly in his Carrier as little Maria watched him. Brandon was with James Morgan as the older man taught him sign language. Ever since meeting these few victims, Tony could not just leave them to suffer alone.
Mrs. Lopez's home had been burned to the ground. She had no family to go to as her parents had passed away and her husband's parents were too old to be able to take care of a baby while she was at physical therapy. Jackson still had highschool so he could only take care of his brother after he got home.
James Morgan had no legs and no job. His phobia of blood making it hard to work as a nurse or near a hospital. But he still helped the best he could. Tony was going to offer him a job as a teacher in the Avengers Initiative. Many heroes, super human or not, could learn a thing or two from him.
The twins, Maria and Brandon Simmons, had mutant powers. Maria was telepathic, though she wore a necklace her mother made that helped block it. Brandon was able to create explosions with his hands if he thought about it hard enough. But like his sister, he had a necklace that blocked it. Professor Xavier was going to send Jean Grey and Logan Howlett in one week a month to help them build their powers.
Once they were old enough he would collect them from the Tower for proper training and education. As they were only eight. Although Maria was still very against either of them leaving so soon. Since they had been there with the twins since they were found. Neither X-Men minded.
Tony wasn't sure how Jackson Lopez was mentally. He had suffered trauma at the hands of Hydra after his father's identity was leaked. The Latino boy was tense when his mother was gone for longer than he had been told. More than once Vision had been called to gently calm him down from a panic attack or raging fit. It seemed the android was the only one who calm the teenager down. Despite the former's inexperience with emotions.
"You're not gonna let em walk free are you?"
Tony looked at Jackson as he walked over. The seventeen year old was slower than the stories Agatha told him. Tony guessed it was because he didn't want to startle his mom.
"No. They'll get long sentences."
That seemed to satisfy the boy. He went on to help his mother with her medicine. Tony's attention went to James Morgan. The other man was quietly teaching sign language, his eyes fond but full of grief and sorrow. Brandon seemed to help. Maria was quietly rocking the baby in his Carrier. Cooing over how tiny he was and getting a small smile from Agatha.
Yeah, the Accords will be able to prevent things like this from ever being normal when heroes went to save the day. Tony rubbed Agatha's back. Seeing these few victims of his former team's mistakes, he couldn't help but wonder if it could have been prevented. If Maximoff never sided with Ultron, the Simmons Twins would have their parents. If Barnes had surrendered, James would have his life and his family. If Romanoff and Rogers had asked him for help, Agatha wouldn't be a widow.
Then Jackson wouldn't have to act as the man of the house. And Ethan would not have to grow up not knowing his father.
Tony promised himself and them that the Rogues would never harm another family.
He promised them they would get their justice.
He promised.
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