#Surprise crossovers with real life
comicsiswild · 2 years
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Iron Man (1968) #103
Jo Duffy was one of Marvel’s editors and sometimes writer. You could say she got really into her work.
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elia-the-bibliophile · 2 months
Diamond of the First Water (Max Verstappen x Female Reader)
Genre: Fluff
Formula 1 meets the whispers of high society gossip. A crossover you never know you needed😉
Max Verstappen’s relationship with a talented actress, Y/N, takes a rough turn when she lands the role of Daphne Bridgerton opposite a charismatic co-star. Jealousy and insecurity grip Max as he struggles to cope with his feelings. Will their love survive the fast-paced drama of both the racetrack and the Regency era London set of "Bridgerton"?
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Max sits on the couch, his laptop open in front of him. He clicks play on the latest promo for the Bridgerton series, his eyes fixed intently on the screen.
As the scenes unfold, showcasing the undeniable chemistry between you, his girlfriend of 3 years and Regé-Jean Page, Max's jaw tightens slightly. He can't deny the pang of jealousy that twists in his chest as he watches their on-screen romance unfold, where you starred as Daphne Bridgerton.
"Looks like you and Regé are hitting it off," he said with a scoff, his eyes narrowing as he watches the scenes play out. Despite his attempt at nonchalance, insecurity lingers.
With each new promo snippet, Max finds himself drawn deeper into the story. He watches as you and Regé-Jean share intimate moments, his heart clenching with a weird mixture of both pride and jealousy.
Max's finger hovers over the mousepad, hesitating for a moment before clicking on a short clip that has sent the internet into a frenzy. The iconic scene plays out on the screen, showcasing Regé-Jean as he delivers the unforgettable line, "I burn for you."
As the scene unfolds, Max's breath catches in his throat, his eyes widening slightly at the intensity of the moment. He can feel his heart rate quicken as he watches the raw emotion in Y/N's eyes, her performance bringing the character of Daphne to life in a way that captivates audiences around the world and he can see why.
Another round of jealousy flares within him as he realizes the impact of the scene, knowing that millions of viewers are falling under the spell of his girlfriend's on-screen chemistry with the newest heartthrob. "Quite the scene," he murmurs to himself, possessiveness coloring his words. Despite the swirling emotions within him, Max can't tear his eyes away from the screen, captivated by the power of the performance and the undeniable magnetism of the world building. People might not would’ve guessed that the Max Verstappen loves a good period drama.
The next day, Max is in the middle of a training session when his phone buzzes with a text from Charles, and he glances down to see a link. Curiosity piqued, he opens it and finds himself directed to a recent interview featuring of course, Regé-Jean Page.
"So, Regé, let's get down to the important questions, shall we? We've heard rumors swirling around the set of Bridgerton about a certain someone catching your eye. Care to set the record straight?"
Regé chuckles, voice smooth as honey, his eyes twinkling with amusement. “Ah, I see you've been talking to the gossip columnists. Well, I'm afraid I can neither confirm nor deny anything at this time."
“Oh, playing it coy, are we? But seriously, the world is dying to know – who is your celebrity crush?"
His smile widens, and he leans back in his chair, considering the question with mock seriousness. "Well, you know, there are plenty of beautiful and talented people out there in the world of entertainment. But if I had to choose just one, I suppose I'd have to say... Y/N."
The interviewer raises an eyebrow, feigning surprise. "Y/N? As in the leading lady of Bridgerton herself?"
Regé nods, a sheepish grin spreading across his face. "Guilty as charged. What can I say? You cannot play a role alongside her and not fall in love. It's just impossible."
The interviewer chuckles, clearly enjoying the playful exchange. "Well, I'm sure Y/N will be thrilled to hear that. And who knows? Maybe there's a real-life love story brewing behind the scenes of Bridgerton."
Regé laughs, a twinkle of mischief in his eyes. “I couldn't possibly comment on that. But I will say this – working with Y/N has been an absolute joy, both on and off screen."
Max's hand clenches as he watches the interview, the weight of Regé’s words settling heavily on his shoulders. Despite the playful tone of the interview, there's a sincerity in his declaration that sends envy coursing through Max's veins.
He closes his eyes briefly, trying to push down the feelings of insecurity. But try as he might, he can't shake the nagging fear that Regé’s words hold a kernel of truth, that perhaps his girlfriend's on-screen chemistry has spilled over into something more.
With a heavy sigh, Max pockets his phone and returns his focus to his training, the weight of the interview lingering in the back of his mind like a shadow he can't shake.
After a grueling session, Max emerges from the track, his muscles tense and his mind still buzzing with the weight of the interview. As he heads towards the paddock, he spots Charles leaning against the wall, sipping a cold drink.
"Hey, Max.”
Max grunts in response, his thoughts still somewhere else.
Charles arches an eyebrow, noticing Max's preoccupied demeanor, “Everything alright, mate? You seem a bit... off."
Max hesitates for a moment before deciding to confide in his fellow driver, "Yeah, just... had a bit of a run-in with the gossip mill today."
Charles let out an amused laugh, "Ah, you’ve catched that interview with Regé-Jean Page then?���
Max's eyes narrow slightly as he regards Charles, Charles chuckles, his grin growing wider, “Seems like he's really into her, huh? For someone who's supposedly just doing it for promo," he said with a shrug.
Max pauses in his tracks, Charles's words echoing in his mind. He turns back to face the Monégasque, a crease forming between his brows, “You think so?"
Charles nods, his expression thoughtful, “Yeah, I mean, sure, it's all part of the promo game, but there was something in the way he said it... seemed pretty genuine to me."
Max's lips thin into a line as he considers Charles's observation. Despite his initial dismissal of Regé’s declaration, a part of him can't shake the nagging feeling that there might be more to it than just publicity, "I guess we'll never know for sure."
Charles claps Max on the shoulder, offering him a reassuring smile, "Don't let it get to you, mate. At the end of the day, you know where you stand with Y/N. And if Regé wants to play the celebrity crush game, well, that's his prerogative. You're the one she comes home to."
Max nods, a sense of resolve settling over him. He may not be able to control the rumors swirling around Bridgerton, but he can control how he reacts to them, "Thanks, Charles. I needed to hear that."
With a nod of appreciation, Max turns and continues on his way, the weight of Charles's words giving him a newfound sense of clarity. Whatever may come, he knows that his relationship with Y/N is built on a foundation of trust and love, and nothing – not even a charming actor and a flurry of gossip – can shake that.
On his way home, Max decided to shoot you a quick text, “Hey schatje, how’s your day going?”
Y/N response came in seconds with a picture of you and Regé, “Hi baby, I’m out for coffee right now with Regé, he says hello to you”
Max's heart skips a beat as he reads Y/N's response, a surge of mixed emotions washing over him. But he takes a deep breath, pushing those feelings aside as he forces himself to respond, “Coffee with Regé, huh? Tell him I said hello back."
Despite the weight on his chest, Max forces a smile as he hits send, trying to push aside his insecurities and trust in the strength of his relationship with you. But as he waits for her reply, the image of Y/N and Regé together lingers in his mind, further fueling the flames of his unease.
Max's fingers hover over his phone, hesitating for a moment before he types out his next message, “What time do you think you'll be home, schat?”
When the ‘ping’ finally comes, it's like a weight being lifted from his shoulders, but it's quickly replaced with a sense of resignation. “It'll be late darling, so don't wait up."
Max's jaw tightens as he reads the message. He knows he shouldn't let his insecurities get the best of him, but the image of Y/N and Regé together won’t go away. His minds pulling all sorts of mean tricks on him.
With a heavy sigh, Max sets his phone down on the passenger seat beside him, the glow of the screen casting a faint light in the dimly lit car. The quiet hum of the engine fills the air as he drives through the empty streets, the silence broken only by the occasional sound of passing cars.
As he navigates the familiar route home, Max's mind is consumed by a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. The image of Y/N and Regé replays in his mind like a broken record. He even think about slapping himself, hard, to clear his mind.
And as he finally pulls into the driveway of their apartment, he can't help but feel a sense of loneliness settle over him, longing for the comfort and reassurance that only your presence can bring. And there’s not much of that these days.
The next day, as Max arrives at the track, he finds Charles and Carlos waiting for him near the paddock, wearing matching mischievous grins, “Max! We thought we'd grab lunch together today. What do you say?" Charles asked.
Max's eyebrows furrow in surprise at the unexpected invitation, but he can't help but feel a flicker of gratitude at the gesture. “Sure, sounds good. Thanks, guys."
As they head to the nearby café, Charles and Carlos make a team effort to keep the mood light, peppering the conversation with jokes and anecdotes from past races.
"So, Max,” Carlos starts, “Heard you've been spending a lot of time with Netflix lately. Regé giving you a run for your money?"
Max chuckles, rolling his eyes good-naturedly, “Yeah, something like that. It's a whole new world for me, y’know? Used to dating models and them doing quick photoshoots. Now, it's all about the long hours on set and endless promo tours."
Charles raises an eyebrow, a teasing glint in his eye, “Ah, so you're not used to your girlfriend spending more time with her co-star than with you?"
“Hey, watch it, mate. I'm not about to let some actor steal my girl.”
Carlos laughs, shaking his head in amusement, “Well, if Regé ever gets too cozy with Y/N, just let us know. We'll take care of it on the racetrack."
That night, as you walked through the door, your heart swelled with anticipation of finally spending quality time with Max after a long while on set. However, instead of the warm embrace you were expecting, you were met with a cold silence. Max was sitting on the kitchen table, his expression unreadable.
Confusion etched across your features, you approached him cautiously, “Darling, is everything okay?"
He looked up, his gaze piercing, "Are you into him, huh?" He spat out, his words might as well have been laced venom.
Your heart sank, confusion flickering in your eyes, "What? Max, no, of course not," you replied softly, trying to keep your voice steady despite the rising emotions.
Max's jealousy bubbling to the surface, “I see the way you look at him, the chemistry between you two on set. It's like you forgot you have a boyfriend waiting for you back home.”
You knelt down in front of him, reaching out to gently cup his face, willing him to understand. "Max, surely you can’t think this. You're the one I love, the one I want to be with. But acting is just that—acting. It's not real."
Max angrily brushed you off as you tried to reason with him, his frustration palpable in every movement. Ignoring your pleas, he stalked towards you until you were backed against the wall, his eyes blazing with jealousy.
"Do you like it when he kisses you?" he demanded, his voice harsh and accusing. "Is he a better kisser than I am, schat?”
Your heart pounded in your chest as you felt the weight of his anger bearing down on you. Swallowing hard, you met his gaze with a mix of defiance. "No, Max," you replied firmly, refusing to let his words break you. "He's not and that doesn’t even matter.”
His grip tightened on your shoulders, his expression torn between anger and vulnerability. "Then why do I feel like I'm losing you?" he whispered, his voice raw with emotion.
You reached up to cup his face, the warmth of your touch a stark contrast to his simmering rage. "You're not losing me, Max," you reassured him, your voice soft but unwavering. "I'm right here."
For a moment, he seemed to waver, his resolve crumbling in the face of your unwavering love. And then, with a heavy sigh, he pulled you into his arms, burying his face in the crook of your neck. "I'm sorry, Y/N," he murmured against your skin. "I just... I can't bear the thought of losing you. Watching all those clips drove me insane.”
You held him close, feeling the tension in his body slowly melt away. "You won't lose me, Max," you whispered, pressing a gentle kiss to his temple. "You know I’m yours, my love, and have always been yours.”
Max leaned back slightly, his eyes searching yours for any hint of the truth. "Do you think he likes you for real?" he asked, his voice laced with uncertainty. "Because it certainly seems that way."
You shook your head, a soft smile playing at the corners of your lips. "Max, it’s just acting. Regé is a professional, and so am I."
He studied your face intently, as if trying to decipher the truth hidden within your words. "But the way he looks at you..." he trailed off, unable to voice the insecurity that gnawed at him.
You reached up to gently cup his cheek, forcing him to meet your gaze. "Max Emilian, look at me," you urged softly. "You're the only one I want. I chose you, and I'll keep choosing you every single day."
A flicker of doubt crossed his features before he finally nodded, the tension in his shoulders easing slightly. "I'm sorry, Y/N," he murmured, his voice thick with emotion. "I let my jealousy get the best of me."
You smiled tenderly, pressing a kiss to his lips. "It's okay, baby. We all have our moments. What matters is that we work through them together."
Feeling the tension ease between you, you gently took Max's hand and kiss the back of it, offering him a reassuring smile. "You know, if you're feeling uneasy, you could always come to set and see for yourself," you suggested. "I'd love to introduce you to Regé."
Max's expression softened at your offer, a hint of curiosity flickering in his eyes. "Really? You'd be okay with that?"
You nodded, squeezing his hand gently. "Of course. I want you to feel secure in our relationship, Max. And I want you to see firsthand that there's nothing going on between me and him. We’re just friends.”
A small smile tugged at the corners of Max's lips as he leaned in to press a tender kiss to your forehead. "Thank you, liefje. That means a lot to me."
Laughing softly, you playfully teased Max, "Come here, you big baby," before pulling him close.
As your lips met in a sweet kiss, the tension of the moment melted away. As if it’s never been there on the first place.
Max finally secured a week off from his demanding training schedule, and Y/N couldn't wait to share her world with him. As he often whisked her to every Grand Prix, but he has never been to any of her filming set.
As Max stepped onto the sprawling set of "Bridgerton," his eyes widened in awe at the bustling activity around him. Towering structures resembling the grandeur of Regency-era London loomed in the distance, while a flurry of costumed actors and crew members darted about, bringing the world of the early 1800s to life.
Y/N grinned beside him, her eyes sparkling with excitement as she led him deeper into the heart of the set. "Welcome to the world of Bridgerton," she said, her voice dripping with pride.
Max couldn't help but marvel at the meticulous attention to detail evident in every corner of the set. From the ornate costumes to the elaborate set pieces, it was as though he had been transported back in time.
"This is incredible," Max breathed, doing a 360 degree turn to take in the sights around him.
Y/N squeezed his hand affectionately. "I'm glad you think so. It's been such an amazing experience being a part of this production."
As they wandered through the bustling set, Y/N introduced Max to her co-stars and fellow crew members, each interaction filled with warmth.
And finally, “Max, this is Regé," Y/N said, gesturing to a dashing man in period attire. "He plays Simon Basset, the Duke of Hastings."
Regé extended his hand with a friendly smile. "Pleasure to finally meet you, Max. Y/N's been telling us all about you."
Max shook his hand, feeling a pang of jealousy despite himself. "Likewise," he replied, forcing a tight smile.
Throughout the day, Max watched in fascination as scenes were meticulously rehearsed and filmed, the air alive with creativity and passion. And as he witnessed Y/N slip effortlessly into the role of Daphne Bridgerton, her talent shining brightly alongside her co-star, Max couldn't help but feel a swell of admiration for the woman he loved. Seeing her at her natural element makes him adore her even more.
"It's been amazing seeing you in action," he said to Y/N, pulling her close.
Y/N smiled up at him, her eyes alight with happiness. "I'm glad you could be here with me, Max. It means the world to me."
With a playful glint in her eye, she nudged him gently. "You've been avoiding Regé all day," she teased, her voice laced with affection. "I thought you'd be eager to track him down."
Max chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. "I guess I just didn't want to intrude on your scene," he replied, attempting to mask his unease.
Y/N raised an eyebrow, a knowing smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Oh, come on, Max. I know you're not one to shy away," she teased, linking her arm through his. "Come now, don’t be rude.”
Max's sighed, conceding defeat. "Alright, alright.”
As they approached Regé, now in his everyday clothing, to his surprise he greeted him warmly, despite him being an asshole throughout the day. “This might sounds weird but I've been a fan of the sport for years, ever since I first saw Lewis Hamilton in action."
Max’s interest piqued. "That so?” he replied.
"I've watched so many of your races!" Regé continues, his admiration evident in his voice. "You're great, mate."
Max's cheeks flushed with a hint of pride at the praise. "Thanks, I appreciate that," he said, genuinely touched by Regé's words.
Y/N beamed at the exchange between the two men, delighted to see them finally talk. "I told you he's a big fan," she said, teasing Regé playfully.
Regé grinned sheepishly. "Guilty," he admitted, his enthusiasm unabashed. "I try to catch every race I can. There's something about the speed and precision of it all that's just mesmerizing."
Max felt a wave of relief wash over him as he realized he had more in common with Regé than he had initially thought. The fact that he is also a genuinely nice bloke also helps.
As Y/N excused herself to talk to the director, Max found himself alone with Regé, the air tinged with a slight awkwardness. Sensing the tension, Regé cleared his throat and turned to face Max with a sincere expression.
"Listen, Max," Regé began. "I just wanted to apologize if I ever made you uncomfortable. It was not my intention as I am just doing my job."
Max blinked in surprise at Regé's unexpected apology, his guarded demeanor melting away. "Oh, no, it's cool," Max reassured him quickly. "I understand. It's all part of the promotion game, right?"
Regé nodded, relief evident in his eyes. "Exactly," he said earnestly. "Most of those interviews are scripted anyway. But I just wanted to make sure you know that I didn't mean to come off too strong."
Max smiled, feeling a wave of gratitude towards Regé for his sincerity. "No worries, man," he said, clapping a hand on Regé's shoulder. "I appreciate you saying that. And hey, it's actually really cool to meet another fan of the sport."
Regé's smile widened at Max's words, the tension between them dissipating completely. "Definitely," he agreed warmly. "Maybe we can catch a race together sometime."
Max's grin mirrored Regé's. "Actually, how about I get you access to the Paddock Club for Silverstone? It's an experience every F1 fan should have."
Regé's eyes widened in surprise and excitement. "Seriously? That would be incredible!" he exclaimed, unable to contain his enthusiasm.
Max chuckled. "Consider it done," he said with a grin. "I'll make sure you have the best view of me winning.”
Y/N returned, her eyes sparkling with curiosity as she slipped her arm around Max's waist. "What are you boys plotting about?" she asked, clearly intrigued by the conversation she had interrupted.
Max exchanged a knowing glance with Regé before turning back to Y/N. "Ehh just making plans for Silverstone," he replied. "I'm getting Regé access to the Paddock Club so he can experience F1 up close."
Y/N's eyes widened in delight, her smile widening. "That's amazing!" she exclaimed. "Regé, you're going to love it!"
Regé grinned from ear to ear. "I can't wait," he said eagerly, his eyes shining with anticipation. "Anyways, I'll catch up with you guys later. It was great meeting you, Max."
Max tipped his head. "Likewise," he said warmly. "Take care, man."
Y/N couldn't help but tease, "Aw, look at the two of you getting along so well. To think, not a few days ago, you would've punched him in the face," she remarked.
Max chuckled, shaking his head at the memory of his initial impression. "Yeah, well, I guess you could say he grew on me," he replied, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
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mrsparrasblog · 20 days
Bridgerton x COD crossover
I had so much fun writing this, and TW there will be historical inacurence.
"So what makes you stand out, Miss Lacington?" he asked while he spun the red-haired woman around. She was indeed beautiful, but her dress made her look like a runaway circus animal. However, proper dress code was something he could teach a lady. He knew he couldn’t be too picky; he was a stained viscount, tarnished by the war he had seen and attended. Yet, he didn't regret a second of his life. Being a captain was more important to him than being Viscount Price, but now that his mama was sick, he knew he needed to find a proper lady to grant her the last wish of seeing him married. Perhaps she hoped for a marriage of love, but he already knew that wasn’t for him. Love is for fools. He would marry a woman who could provide him with an heir and fulfill the duty of being Viscountess Price without getting involved in any of Lady Whistledown's scandals.
"I'm skilled at stitching and the pianoforte," she replied. Another one of them, he sighed before walking away, seeking someone more exciting. He saw Miss Winston; at least she had better looks, looks worthy of a viscountess.
"So, Miss Winston, what do you think of children?"
"They’re cute to look at," the young woman smiled, and her eager mama smiled even more.
"Children are not cute to watch; they are to care for, Miss."
"But that’s what maids are for?"
That was enough for him. If it weren’t for his mother, he would have stormed out immediately, but he allowed himself the luxury of hiding on the sidelines. "How is it possible that one cannot find a fitting lady in a room full of them?" he cursed under his breath, not realizing he was being watched until he heard a soft chuckle. When he turned around, he was in denial that you were even real. You were the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Not the ladies in Paris, Milan, or Edinburgh could compare to such a beautiful woman like you, dressed in the finest blue fabric, with curves that were to die for, so unlikely for a woman in England. You held your mouth shut, trying to hide your laughter at his outburst. Another man might have been offended, but he was intrigued. You were bold and beautiful—a dangerous combination. "What is so amusing, Miss?"
Instead of blushing or getting anxious, you just replied with a proper apology.
“No need to apologize, miss…?”
"Miss L/N, daughter of the Earl of Sussex," you replied confidently.
John’s eyebrow perked up at the mention of your father's title, but otherwise, he said nothing in reply, keeping his expression neutral. He was certainly not used to ladies with such confidence who held titles. “Miss L/N,” he repeated as if committing it to memory. “And what do you think of the suitors of the ton so far? Did you come to try your luck on the London marriage mart?”
"I made my debut last year, and indeed I seek a husband."
"Surely, you will be successful at such a task with your beauty; you are certainly not lacking in that area,” he complimented you genuinely. He knew he should leave already; you were unfitting for him. He tried hard not to seek someone like you, who had the chance of finding a devoted husband, someone who wasn’t scarred by war, too close to his cigars, and went to every brothel in London. Only Prince MacTavish was a bigger rake than him. You’d be better off with one of the Bridgerton brothers.
"Excuse me, my lord, may I speak freely?"
John’s eyebrow raised again, this time with mild concern. It was quite rare to be asked for permission to speak by someone in the ton. But he granted your request, intrigued by what you had to say. “Of course, you may speak freely, Miss L/N.”
“If a suitor only seeks me out for my looks, he isn’t a proper candidate for a husband,” this was singlehandedly the smartest thing he had ever heard from a lady of the ton.
John's expression shifted from one of concern to mild, amused confusion at your response, surprised that you said something he actually had to agree with. You were not wrong, after all. Any man would be a fool not to be drawn to your looks, but only a proper match would see past your beauty. He gave a short nod of agreement. “An astute observation, Miss L/N. Yes, only a proper suitor would see past the first impression and see you for everything you have to offer.” It was time to go, he thought, but he wasn’t able to move. He enjoyed an intelligent conversation. Of course, he had them at the club with Garrick, Riley, and MacTavish, but this was different.
"And you, Mister Price, why do the London debutantes not appeal to you?" He was good-looking, a bit too old perhaps, but not older than 32, which was still younger than some of the men who tried to court you. He could clearly have anyone here, maybe even the diamond of the season. Why was he complaining and even listening to your nonsense?
“I suppose...I am looking for a rather specific type in the woman I plan to have as my viscountess. She must be intelligent, capable of holding a proper conversation, and also willing to provide me with heirs. I have little interest in the simpering debutantes who cannot do much more than curtsy, smile prettily, and fawn over me.”
A small chuckle escaped your lips as you heard the crotchety man. "Don’t forget, my lord, they can also wave fans."
"Ah, how could I forget? How important would the ton be without fans," he commented with a sarcastic tone, shaking his head and rolling his eyes. "However will I remember all of the intricate signals they flutter in my direction? Will this catch my attention?"
"That's a question you need to ask yourself, Mister Price."
"Perhaps it is a question I have been pondering for some time," he remarked with a shrug before tilting his head and observing you for a second. "And what of you, Miss L/N? What type of suitor are you looking for in a husband? Surely you have a list prepared as well.” He could curse himself for asking, but maybe you would say an unfitting description, and he could move away in the direction of the eager mothers and their dense debutantes.
"I seek a suitor who isn’t shallow, who is kind and isn’t a rake, who can provide for me and our future kids, and if I may dream, someone I would fall in love with,” you answered truthfully, as you always did, a bit too openly for your mother's liking. But she couldn’t really complain about that when you had suitors waiting in line to court you. You promised your mother that you would marry after this season. If you didn’t find love, it would be a political marriage.
Your list mirrored his own almost perfectly, and yet the mention of falling in love with your match was something out of reach for him. "An admirable list, indeed. If only more young ladies in the ton were this grounded," he said with a hint of melancholy before giving you another compliment. "Miss L/N, you surprise me each time you open your mouth."
"Most suitors are negatively surprised when I open my mouth."
"Oh really now? I find that rather unfortunate. A woman of your intellect should be celebrated, not shunned. How many ladies can hold their own during a conversation or even converse on a topic that isn’t a dress? I have had more than my fair share of mindless conversations with the debutantes and their mothers. It is quite…dull."
"Well, maybe you need to improve your search, Mr. Price, when all the ladies on your dance card are this simple-minded." You couldn’t be more direct. Didn't he notice how you hoped he would ask you for a dance? You would gladly throw your dance card away for the prospect of courtship with him.
"But pray tell me, what would your recommendations be for me to improve my search, since you seem to be more clever than the entire room," he said mockingly towards you. He didn’t get the hint. Maybe he was the simple-minded man you thought.
"I wouldn’t call myself clever, Mr. Price. Please, just call me observant. You need to look for a woman who isn’t eager to talk to you with her mama, who isn't aware of your title." You didn’t care that he was a viscount; your father was an earl. That title alone made you able to marry most men in the ton, maybe not Prince MacTavish, despite his efforts for several seasons to find a woman to love.
"I commend your observational and quite sound advice, miss. I suppose I will have to go with a different approach than the one I have used previously," he commented, somewhat amused. "I'm sure my mother would be quite happy to have me take it in a different direction. How you have managed to surprise me twice in the same conversation baffles me."
"Maybe your conversations are mostly blunt."
Oh, you had a way too big mouth for a lady of the ton, but it was refreshing. He already looked for different debutantes who seemed less sophisticated than the previous ones. When he noticed Lord Riley approaching you to ask you for a dance, of course, you agreed like a proper lady would. He couldn't help but feel just a teensy bit jealous of the man he shared many war stories with. He wasn't often jealous, but there was something about how quickly you accepted the offer and seemed willing to flutter your eyelashes and smile at him. "Lord Riley is quite the lucky man," he muttered to himself.
"Found any interesting lassie?" That accent he recognized out of a million people. He bowed in front of the younger prince whom he had taught how to use the archer and ride a horse.
"No, indeed...there are no ladies this season that have caught my eye," he added before he glanced back across the room to where you were dancing with Lord Riley, a hint of a frown on his face.
"I saw your conversation with Miss L/N."
"I did have a rather stimulating conversation with her, indeed." He then tilted his head slightly. "You were watching us, your highness? How unlike you to be paying attention to something like that," he added with a hint of humor in his voice, having to admit the prince caught him somewhat off guard.
"She would make a stunning viscountess."
John knew better than to argue with the prince on the matter, especially at such a public event, so he instead chose to reply with a short nod of agreement to indicate he would entertain the suggestion, even if it was something he had no genuine interest in doing. As he did so, he could not bring himself to look back across the room where you were, having caught sight of the way you batted your lashes at Lord Riley and laughed at something he said.
As the ball finally came to an end, John's relief was immediate. He could finally depart from the room full of debutantes and eager mamas. He couldn't have been more keen to leave, but he did find himself pausing for a moment upon exiting the room—glancing back in hopes of catching another glimpse of the elusive Miss L/N. He couldn't help but find his gaze lingering on you for a moment as you stood chatting with the other girls, your gaze shifting between the ones speaking as you tried to look as though you were interested in their conversation. He found himself watching you for a moment before his head shook slightly, breaking the momentary trance. "Get a hold of yourself, Price," he muttered under his breath, his fingers fiddling with the cufflinks of his suit before he finally departed the room.
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lovewithmary · 9 months
summary: where daniel riccicardo is star(k)struck
fc: gabbi garcia
author's note: kind of a filler tbh, I just wanted to practice writing for F1 since this is my first time and it's also the first time I'm creating an SMAU for tumblr.
warnings: iron man 2 spoiler, mentions of violence (I don't describe it, I just lightly cover it)
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real life
"You have to make sure Mick doesn't get on his phone before I surprise him," Viviana said as she navigated through the thick crowd of people, ignoring the stares that were aimed at her.
Ever since the F1 WAGS (whatever that meant) Twitter account leaked that she just arrived in Monaco, she could practically feel people discreetly follow her even if it was to no avail considering her appointed bodyguards (courtesy of the one and only Happy Hogan) were only a couple steps behind her and stopped whoever came closer than what was comfortable.
"How exactly am I going to do that when all of you are practically stuck to your phones all the time?" an irritated voice replied.
"Be careful Toto, your age is showing," the Stark cooed, and she could practically see the man roll his eyes even if she couldn't see him.
"Also, didn't you say that you were going to send someone for me? I don't see anyone who looks like they'd know what they're doing be here," Viviana told Toto.
"Viviana!" She heard a voice in front of her and practically sighed in relief when she saw him.
"Lewis!" She greeted gleefully, hugging the man when she got close enough.
Lewis hugged back, and joked, "Never thought I'd see you outside of Fashion Shows,"
Viviana first met Lewis during the Monaco Grand Prix back when she was only 11 and he was 25. She didn't meet him for long though, as their meeting was cut short when Vanko infiltrated the race and attacked her father. She was quickly escorted away when it happened, in fear that Vanko would attack her next.
It was the first and last time a Stark would drive in a Grand Prix (or will it?)
(possible foreshadowing?)
However, Viviana would see Lewis in other places like the countless Fashion Shows he was a part of and she was attending. He'd always ask if she was ever going to visit the paddock, but he'd always get rejected and he understood considering it brought up bad memories for the girl.
"Trust me, if it wasn't for Mick, I would be out doing something else that isn't bumping elbows with random people," Viviana shuddered, as Lewis looked at the clearly out-of-place girl in amusement.
As they began walking, Lewis and Viviana started catching up, talking about various things. "I didn't know you and Mick were friends, much less best friends," he told her, making her shrug.
"We haven't seen each other in a long time, because I was busy with the company and he's busy with F1, we never had time to hang out in public. We'd only ever hang out at the Tower off-season," she told him.
"I mean, since you're here now, you're probably going to come here more now," he told her.
Both Viviana and Lewis turned to see Daniel Ricciardo, who managed to catch up with them. He gave a wide smile to Lewis, but when he realized who the girl next to him was, his eyes turned wide for a second before stuttering. "Uh—hi. Daniel Ricciardo," he said, holding out a hand for her to hold.
Viviana looked at him in amusement at his starstruck expression before shaking his hand and said, "Viviana Stark,"
"Oh, I know," Daniel blurted out, his face turning red at his obvious mistake.
Deciding to save his friend from further embarrassment, Lewis said, "Daniel, I was just escorting Viviana to surprise Mick at Mercedes, do you want to—"
"Yeah! I mean, sure. It'll be nice to see George and... George," Daniel said.
As Viviana turned to start walking again, Daniel turned to Lewis and said "George and George?! I couldn't even come up with another name?"
"You were practically drooling at the mouth, mate," Lewis chuckled.
"It's Viviana Stark! She's an absolute legend and not to mention she's really beautiful!"
"If this is how you react with her, I'm only imagining how the other drivers are going to react,"
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jo-harrington · 4 months
Stranger Than (Fan)Fiction - Chapter 1: Alternate Universe
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Previous Chapter: Prologue: Crossover
Summary: Your unexpected arrival in Hawkins brings many questions for Eddie...but he knows better than to ask dumb questions.
Word Count: 5.1k
Pairing: Eddie Munson/Fem!Reader
Warnings/Themes: No-Upside-Down AU, Fluff, Love at First Sight?, Tiny Angst if you Squint, Isekai, Mentions of FOI-compliant events and characters, Lovesick Eddie, unbelievable pacing...just roll with it, Everything's Coming Up Munson
Note: Thanks to everyone who read the prologue.
You can find my masterlist here.
Please do not interact if you are not 18+.
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It seemed like everyone was there to say goodbye.
Your parents, Sam, Pat, Bonnie, all of your friends and their families. Everyone you know.
What a surprise.
You thought it was gonna be a quick morning getaway.
You'd already had dinner at Danny's last night with your parents and had seen countless faces—familiar and unfamiliar—who'd wished you well. This morning was just supposed to be about bags placed in the trunk, last minute hugs and tears from your mom, and then off you'd go.
You hadn't expected this.
Some little voice inside of you questioned why you hadn't; you'd known them all for practically your whole life.
5 years.
What...no...18 years.
Why wouldn't they want to be here as you embarked on your big journey away?
Sam gave a tearful speech. Your dad made some corny joke that only a dad could, one that had everyone in uproarious laughter--more laughter than people, it seemed--and then it was time to go.
You didn't have a real schedule, of course, you just wanted to make it to your destination with ample time. Nothing like driving into an unfamiliar town in the middle of the night only to find yourself in a heap of trouble.
Pat, ever observant, was the one to notice the anxiety etched on your face. He was as much your best friend as Sam was, maybe even more than she was; you'd known each other since Kindergarten, sat next to each other in the reading circle, of course he could tell you were itching to leave.
"Alright guys," he announced, clapping his hands twice the way a star quarterback would. "I'm sure she's ready to get away from all of us."
"Yeah," Sam let out a watery laugh. "You need to go so you can come back as soon as possible. Wink wink." She flashed her hand with the little diamond chip engagement ring that you helped Pat pick out, and then she collapsed against you in a hug.
"You go and you have the best time," she whispered in your ear. You nodded and buried your face in her hair. "I can't wait to hear all about it. Write letters home? Call? But don't worry about us, we'll all be safe here. Ok?"
"Yeah," you said breathlessly.
Then the next thing you knew, in the blink of an eye, you were in the driver's seat of your car, rolling towards the end of the block. You adjusted your rearview mirror and saw everyone you loved waving goodbye to you. You rolled down your window, and blew them a kiss and sent a wave; you'd miss them so much. You'd be back soon enough though; now it was time for you to just be free.
“Go back?” you quoted one Mr. Bilbo Baggins to yourself as you turned the corner and left everything you knew behind. “Impossible! Go forward? Only thing to do! On we go!”
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This was it.
Eddie was dead.
That had to be the explanation.
Your car was one thing, and he could excuse it. He could convince himself it was anything else.
But you? His favorite character from his favorite television show. Someone who was absolutely, definitely fictional.
It was impossible.
"Hey!" you called out to the Mayfields with your voice, your your voice and not Rosemary Glass's voice. Your real voice. Yours.
Eddie pinched himself pretty unforgivingly—one last ditch effort to prove this was a dream—and winced.
Not dreaming. Definitely dead.
You quickly shut the door and crossed the distance towards Susan and Max.
"I'm sorry, it's late and it's cold; I've been driving all over and the road got icy, I must have lost traction. Need new tires maybe."
"Too bad," Susan snapped at you. "You hit my car, I'm calling the sheriff."
The two of you went back and forth for a second as you tried to get her not to call the cops and she stood her ground.
"I can pay for it!" You exclaimed suddenly and Susan froze in her spot. "And then some, for...I dunno, emotional distress I guess. I know it's late. I'm sure I woke you guys up. I'm just...I'm sorry."
You looked around self consciously all of a sudden, and Eddie could hear the faint murmur as you said something under your breath. He froze as your gaze slid over him, paused, and then kept going.
Play it cool, Munson. Don't pass out. Don't fuck this up.
It was hard when the love of his life was standing right there, in the flesh, and had just looked at him.
As Susan and Max met you in the middle of the yard to talk details, Eddie gave himself the pep talk of the century.
Even if he was dead and this was some sort of afterlife, surely the fates had certainly set this up for him. Some being of greater conscience than he--a mere human--could possibly comprehend was giving him this chance at...love? Happiness? It would be a good reward after an unremarkable end to a shitty life.
Or maybe he was still alive and had actually sold his soul to the devil back inside and this was the payoff.
"I'll fucking take it," he muttered to himself and fished another cigarette from the pack with shaky hands; he was gonna need it if he was gonna survive the night.
He watched the interaction between you and Susan with a keen eye, eager to witness the little gestures and mannerisms that he'd only seen on screen. Once it seemed Susan was happy with whatever deal you'd negotiated, you pulled a scrap of paper from the back pocket of your jeans and gesture vaguely around. Max was the one to snatch it from your hand and then point to a dark trailer that sat kitty corner from Granny's.
Were you gonna be his neighbor? This was just getting better and better.
"Thanks," you smiled and, even from this distance, Eddie's heart stopped.
If he was barely hanging on thanks to your presence, how was he gonna survive your smile? Especially if it was inevitably directed at him.
"Pull it together," he grumbled and took a long drag from his cigarette, the cherry flaring extra bright in the darkness of night.
The Mayfields retreated into their home and you shuffled back over to your car, feet kicking the gravel.
You were about to get back in when Eddie abruptly jumped to his feet.
"Hey!" He called out to you. "Uh...I...know my way around cars, I can take a look at it in the morning. I-if you want. Bang out any dents."
"Can you?" you scrunched your nose in the way that made his knees shake. God he was pathetic. "That'd be nice, thanks."
"Yeah no problem," he smiled the friendliest and most welcoming smile he could.
His thoughts raced at lightspeed now, a mixture of logic and hope. No matter the circumstance, you were here because of him, which meant that this was his shot. So, he would fix your car--or at least try to--figure out if you were some sort of demon or something, and then ask you out.
And hopefully you'd say yes. Hopefully. Eddie was gonna be optimistic, but not an idiot. He had to stay humble.
As you maneuvered your car the short distance to the dark trailer, Eddie watched. And in the glow of your taillights, he noticed the abundance of bumper stickers that adorned the trunk. Stickers that weren’t there in the finale, which meant…
"She got to have her adventure," he said to himself in awe, happy that...at least in the few months since you left Port Geneva, you might’ve gotten to experience the world just like you wanted to.
He couldn't wait to ask you all about it. He couldn't wait to find out everything.
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The morning took way too long to arrive.
Eddie tried to sleep but he was too wired, too excited.
He already decided that he was gonna skip class the next day. Or maybe roll in late if you had someplace you needed to be and he wouldn't get to show you around town or something else totally not lame.
That’s what he was banking on, though. If you had no plans, he could take you to Benny’s and get you a short stack with fresh strawberries and whipped cream, just like you got at Danny’s Diner back home.
“Alright,” he stared at himself in the mirror as he stepped out of the shower. “See? You can’t do that kind of shit. Can’t scare her away by making her think you know her already. That’s creepy. Gotta act like we don't know her. Easy.”
Not that easy, actually.
He was just...bubbling with thoughts and feelings. Enough that they caused his brain to go into meltdown.
At first, he tried to rationalize it all, tried to come up with some solution. Because somehow, for reasons to be determined at a later time, you left the confines of Port Geneva’s universe and made it to this one, where you were actually definitely real.
Right? You couldn't be a hallucination if the Mayfields had talked to you too. In fact, they talked to you first. So if anything, you were their hallucination.
Eddie tried to recall something that Henderson and Sinclair had babbled on about at lunch the other day: some new issue of the Flash comics. Crisis on Infinite Universes or something where people jumped to different timelines. Whatever that meant. If he had the time, he knew he should ask them a few questions about different universes and how this might all be possible.
Purely hypothetical, spin it as some idea for a campaign.
But why would he wait and let a good thing pass him up just because this was weird and he had questions?
Best case scenario, no one beside him would realize that you were a tv character, they would just think your name was familiar or something.
Worst case scenario they accuse him of witchcraft and bringing you into this dimension or something because there was no way you were real.
It would all work itself out in the end. He just had to be uncharacteristically optimistic and keep his eyes on the prize.
Come morning, Wayne got home from work and he walked in the door just as Eddie had changed clothes for the fifth time, made coffee AND breakfast for him, and washed the dishes.
“Well isn’t this a surprise,” he remarked and stared at the scene in front of him. “Do I wanna know what you did?”
“You remember when I was younger,” Eddie began as he fiddled with his rings. “And I asked you…I dunno…something about the birds and the bees and you said ‘I’ll tell you when you’re older kid?’”
“Hmm,” Wayne crossed his arms over his chest and ran a hand over his mouth. “Go on.”
“It’s nothing bad but, uh, I’ll tell you when you’re older Wayne.”
His uncle cracked a fond smile, gave him a pat on the shoulder, and then shuffled down to the bathroom.
Eddie sighed in relief and took a sip of his coffee while he looked out the window towards your trailer. It was daytime now; he didn’t expect to see lights on or anything, but he knew you got in late and didn’t want to interrupt your sleep. Not a great first impression.
Before long, though, he’d just gotten too antsy to wait anymore. He practically sprinted—damn when was he gonna learn that he shouldn’t skip gym so much—across the park to your door, Wayne's meager toolbox from under the sink swinging from his hand.
He paused the slightest bit to admire your car--
How many hours of screen time had been spent in this exact car as you drove Sam and the gang around for various shenanigans. There was one episode, a favorite of his, where everyone was belting out a tune from the radio and you sat there in the driver's seat...too shy to open your mouth. When they finally coerced you? You had the worst singing voice...but you smiled so brightly...that was the moment he knew he loved you...
--and, more importantly, the stickers that adorned it.
There were some normal ones: funny phrases, a few band stickers he wouldn’t have expected you to listen to, and a single borderline political one. A sticker that specifically caught his eye said “Greetings from Erebor” with a sword that had to be Orcrist and dwarvish runes below it.
You were a girl after his own heart; fortunately, it already belonged to you.
Then there were the ones you’d obviously picked up on your travels. He took an extra moment to look at them and think of some questions he could ask. A favorite place you visited, something crazy you might have eaten, or even some fun facts about...Monument Valley, Ocala National Forest, Mystic Falls Virginia, or…Cicely Alaska?
“Damn,” he let out a low whistle. “Must've put some miles on this thing.”
Having spent enough time just standing there, Eddie finally climbed the stairs and knocked on your door; the walls were thin enough that he could hear you shuffling around inside and he was relieved that he hadn’t woken you.
The door swung open--Eddie swore he heard the applause track from Port Geneva play in his head--and then there you were.
It was a moment he would cherish in his heart for the rest of his days. You, standing there, smiling that sweet, unsure smile at him with slightly tired but nevertheless bright eyes. Your clothes were askew from sleep or aforementioned shuffling and you straightened them out a little when you realized what you might look like.
“Cigarette porch guy,” you pointed a finger at him in recollection after a moment.
Now was the time, though, to muster up every ounce of Munson Magic that he could. He collected it deep in the core of him and then let it mingle with affection in his heart.
"Cigarette porch guy is my father. You can just call me Eddie."
You snorted a laugh and he beamed confidently; that confidence, however, fled his body as he felt the urge to hop around, giggle, and say "I know" when you introduced yourself. He needed to not screw this up by being a hyper mega-fan.
“I was so tired when I got in, I honestly thought you were a figment of my imagination,” you explained. "I woke up at like...4am trying to figure out if you were real or not."
Funny. He was trying to figure out the same thing.
Still, his heart skipped a beat to know you'd thought about him in any capacity after the few words you'd shared.
“Ouch,” he laid a hand on his chest and feigned a stumble. “I know it was late but I would hope I made a bit of a better impression than that.”
You pressed your lips together, scrunched your nose, and looked down at your feet.
“I’m, uh,” Eddie thumbed over his shoulder. “Here to take a look at your car.”
“Oh!” Your head snapped right back up. “Right! Yes, oh my god thank you. Let me just…get my keys and my shoes hang on.”
You retreated back into the trailer and Eddie, nosy as he was, peeked inside after you. Wayne would be ashamed of him, but he couldn't exactly care right now.
Your trailer mirrored other ones in the park, in terms of layout: a living room, a little kitchen, a hall that probably led to a bedroom. There was furniture though, which was not the norm.
A green armchair and a very well-worn blue plaid sofa that was home to a granny-square quilt, a too-soft pillow, and a very fancy canvas bedroll that Eddie assumed must have belonged to you. There was a dusty coffee table stacked with dustier magazines and newspapers and some very questionable looking mugs and plates of what used to be food. Yuck. A green bicycle with one tire was hung vertically on the wall beside the couch. And a little dining set off the kitchen looked like something straight out of the Brady Bunch.
He tried to remember who lived here before you did with such weird taste in furniture. Even more peculiar, where they might have gone for them to leave all of it behind. Especially the plates. No one came to mind though; he'd have to ask Wayne.
You shuffled down the hall--presumably from the bathroom since you'd slept out on the couch--and hopped as you tugged your sneakers on.
You jingled your keys at him excitedly.
"Here we go," you exclaimed. He held his hand out to take them and you were about to drop them in his palm when you hesitated. "I hope I'm not putting you out."
"Of course not," he reassured you and then backed out of the doorway. "It's my pleasure."
You listened aptly as he touted his excellent mechanic skills--
"You, uh...might hear my van rumble a little bit though. Haven't quite figured out why it's making that sound yet."
--and then you sat on the porch steps to watch him as he got to work.
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The two of you talked as he inspected your car.
You were surprisingly very good at making conversation. Eddie always believed that you were a little soft spoken or a little shy, watching you on tv. However, as you spoke so excitedly and confidently and he saw you bloom in front of his very eyes, he wondered if it was just a byproduct of being overlooked whenever Sam took the spotlight with her grand speeches, big emotions, and too-bright personality.
He was suddenly excited at the prospect of seeing the real you and learning a lot more that wasn't shown on TV. In return, he could show you the real him too. Hell, he was always trying to be the real him...there were just some things though...
What an odd idea that hadn't really hit him until now. The desire to have you in his life to share things with, and the reality of having you here. He'd never thought of a relationship with a future before, hell hadn't even thought of his future really. Not even with Paige and the whole rockstar pipe dream, as short-lived as that was.
But the more he thought of that with you, the more he liked it. Desired it.
You started the conversation off by asking him about Hawkins and if he'd lived here for long. He gave probably the most unbiased opinion that he could as he hammered out the dents from your collision: it was a sleepy suburb where nothing ever happened and everyone was judgmental and opinionated and hated everyone who disturbed the status quo.
“Aren’t they all like that?” You asked, one eye sliding shut in a mischievous wink as you raised both brows in question.
“Yeah, I’m sure they are.”
Then he asked you about how you ended up in Hawkins, of all the places you could have picked, as he taped up the headlight that you'd cracked.
"It was fate or something. Had to bring me here so I could meet you right?" He sputtered over a response to that and you just laughed. "Actually, I just picked a place on a map. Pick two places. Flip a coin. That's how I pick most places I’ve been, you know?"
You took the opportunity to spin a tale about the so-called "perpetual roadtrip" that you'd embarked for the past year. His heart soared to hear that you’d been “practically everywhere” and he nodded eagerly when you offered to show him your sketchbook sometime with drawings of your favorite places.
"I know I need to go home at some point," you explained with a dismissive wave of your hand. "I guess I just don't know how to...stop driving. I've started this thing recently where I settle down somewhere for a little while. Maybe a few weeks? Maybe more. Get a job, get to know the people. Then I get to like...the final page of that chapter--the end of my little story in that place--and it's time for me to move on again.
"Actually, I guess it's not moving onto the next chapter; it's more like I've been written into a corner. I just...don't know what it is that I'm looking for. What it is that I need."
Eddie snorted to himself.
How many times had he asked himself what deity wrote his story into a pathetic corner where he couldn't leave Hawkins? And here you were feeling the same, only you were stuck in another way.
"Well...I hope you don't move on from Hawkins too quickly," he said, full of naive hope. "Maybe you'll find what you need here."
"Hmm," you rested your chin on your knees and sighed. "You know what? I kinda hope so too."
There was a lot of weight in your gaze as you watched him, and Eddie cleared his throat awkwardly and continued his inspection of the outside of the car so he wouldn’t make a fool out of himself with a mushy smile or a giggle.
He made his way back to the trunk and the bumper stickers; it was then that he asked about Cicely.
"Alaska? Seriously? You drove all the way up there?"
"Ok listen," you said with a conspiratorial grin. "I'm maybe a little bit of a phony. I traded someone for that one. This guy in a diner in Washington."
"Oh yeah?"
"Mmhmm. Damn fine cup of coffee." You snorted to yourself, some inside joke that he wished to be a part of.
"Is that, uh...a perpetual roadtrip thing?"
"I…I guess it is."
Finally, to end his self-proclaimed "ten-point inspection," Eddie got into the driver's seat to start the car, chatting all the while.
"Well, if you want a damn fine cup of coffee, there's this diner nearby that I swear makes the best. I know I haven't driven past Chicago or anything but..."
He trailed off as he turned the key in the ignition and noticed the odometer.
Your miles were in the millions.
Several million, at that.
He had half a mind to call you on your shit that you'd never been to Alaska because, surely, you had to have been with that high a number, but then he began to question the sight. He didn't think his odometer even went that high; none of the cars he'd ever seen went into the millions.
Was it just a Volkswagen thing? Or maybe a bi-product of you being here? A wrinkle in the fabric of reality?
Eddie tried to do the mental math but he couldn't figure out how many times you must have circled the states to hit that many miles. Or for how long.
A million miles divided by 365 days divided by 12 hours of driving in a day? He couldn’t do that much math without his head hurting. Still, it just didn't make sense. Maybe it was just broken?
"Everything alright?" you suddenly appeared at the door, teeth worrying your lower lip. You laughed but it didn’t quite meet your eyes. "You were just saying something about coffee and then you got all quiet. I don't need a new transmission or something do I?"
“You…” Eddie swallowed and stared at you, wondering if he should point out the odometer, if he should ask. Bur hadn't that been his problem just a few hours ago? Too many questions, too little time. Why was he going to pick this wonderful thing apart when he finally got what he deserved and yearned for all along.
“You...probably need an oil change,” he announced instead. “It sounds a little clunky. I, uh, can do it for you but I’ll need to stop by Thatcher Tires for some supplies.”
Your shoulders lost their tension and you let out a sigh of relief.
“Eddie, you’re seriously trying to be my hero, huh?” You fawned; hearing his name from your lips, let alone the fact you called him a hero, made his day. His year. Possibly his entire life. “You wanna fix everything else that’s wrong with my life?”
“I could try,” he offered eagerly.
“Don’t, I’ll seriously take you up on the offer.” You pressed your hands to your cheeks then looked back at the trailer. “Ok tell you what, give me like…20 minutes to get the road off of me and change. Then we can go to Thatcher Tires and you can show me this place with the best cup of coffee? And I can get you breakfast or something?”
Eddie was speechless again; were you…asking him out? Ok no you were just showing your gratitude, but it was a first step. Was everything going according to plan for the first time in his life?
He couldn’t count everything that happened in ‘84 for obvious reasons.
You noticed his hesitation and your eyes went wide.
“Unless you had other plans or someplace to be? I’ve already taken up enough of your time—“
“No!” He shouted and then backtracked to be a little softer. “I…no, there’s nothing else I have to do today. I’m…I’m all yours sweetheart.”
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The rest of the day went by without a hitch.
And it truly was the rest of the day that you spent together.
It was almost too good to be true.
Eddie acted as chauffeur and self-proclaimed tour guide of Hawkins. He pointed out specific landmarks you'd need to know as he passed them: the town center, the grocery store, the post office.
"In case you want to send letters home or anything." He glanced your way slyly, hoping to maybe get some excited response about your friends back home, but you hummed noncommittally and turned your attention to the radio instead.
The rest of the ride to Benny's was spent swatting at each other's hands and bickering as you discussed music. When he mentioned that he had a band, you were awestruck, and Eddie's chest puffed with pride.
"Ok," you nodded appreciatively. "I see it now. The whole alt. metal wannabe rockstar thing. It suits you."
"You're gonna take back the whole wannabe rockstar thing when I write a song about you and it's a chart-topper," he teased.
"What's it gonna be about? My loser neighbor crashed her car, she held me hostage at the...dine-ar." You winced at the bad rhyme, but Eddie thought it was adorable. "Obviously I'm no Shakespeare. Please don't consider that my interview to be your songwriter."
You'd surprised Eddie by ordering an omelet instead of your usual, so Eddie, quick on his feet, ordered your usual instead and surprised you.
"Are you a mind reader? I always get that," you confessed. "I was just so tired last night, I figured I needed something a little more substantial."
Once the food arrived, though, you stared longingly at Eddie's strawberry and whipped cream covered pancakes. He took mercy on you and slid his plate to the middle of the table so you could take a few bites. You mirrored him with your own plate and he snagged a couple of bites of eggy, hammy, cheesy goodness.
You butt heads good-naturedly when it came time to dress up the plate of hash browns that came with your omelet. You wanted to keep it simple with salt and pepper, while he wanted them doused in ketchup. Back and forth, your forks clinked against each other's chosen condiment, over and over, until it was a veritable sword fight over the side dish.
"Stop it Eddie! They're so nice and crispy, don't ruin them."
"It won't ruin them. What are you saying right now? That you just don't like ketchup? You're breaking my heart."
"Some things are meant to be enjoyed in their pure and undisturbed state. Keep your filthy tomato goop away from my potatoes!"
The two of you laughed all the while, and Eddie swore it was the most fun he had outside of Hellfire in...quite some time.
Benny, who was also amused by your antics but not enough to listen to it for the rest of the morning, decided enough was enough and brought another plate of hash browns, "on the house if it'll prevent a food fight," before he retreated back to the kitchen.
The trip to Thatcher Tires was quick, and then the two of you spent the rest of the afternoon outside of your trailer again, chatting away as Eddie changed your oil. You sat on your stoop and doodled in your sketchbook as he regaled you with stories of his friends and his favorite haunts around Hawkins.
Granny had come out at one point to say hello and promised a welcome-to-the-park casserole, but after she left you noticed how he'd gotten a little sad and asked him what was wrong.
Eddie told you about Ronnie then, how much he missed her. How it was like missing a whole...bite had been taken out of his side when she finally left for college.
It felt like the easiest thing in the world--telling you everything and having you listen--because he'd already done it before, so many times. Only now, you were able to respond; he could look over and see you smile or laugh at one anecdote or another. Or offer some advice about your own friends who you missed. You didn't even judge him when he mentioned he was on his second repeat senior year; you just told him about your own story as an almost-drop-out.
You understood. You saw him. Just like he knew you would.
At some point late in the afternoon, as the sky began to take pink and orange hues and people started coming home from work, Eddie reluctantly called an end to your day together.
"I took up all of your time," he admitted bashfully, hands shoved in his pockets. "I'm sure you have a million things to take care of."
"I mean yeah," you shrugged. "But one day won't hurt. And it was a really good day."
"It was."
"Thanks for everything Eds." You immediately made a face and he laughed. "Eds? No. Ed...Eddie. God, sorry, I hate the whole figuring-out-the-nickname thing. So weird. Thanks for everthing Eddie."
"Yeah don't mention it," he chuckled.
It was a real midwest goodbye as you loitered at the bottom of your steps, prolonging both of your departures. A promise to bring over that tape he said he'd let you borrow, or to come share in Granny's proffered casserole when you finally received it.
Then finally, when you were practically in the door of your trailer, you turned around and stared at him, worrying your lip with your teeth as you often did.
"You know, I wasn't the valedictorian or anything, that's my best friend Sam," you shuffled your feet and paused for a minute. "But if you ever need help with homework or anything..."
"Yeah," he agreed a little too quickly, eager to get more time with you. "No, yeah...that sounds...great."
"I'm pretty good at history," you went on. "I have a crazy memory, you wouldn't even realize."
"No that sounds great, I'm, uh...failing history right now, actually," he admitted.
"Perfect! You know where to find me."
"It's a dat--study session!" He caught himself quickly, but not quick enough. He felt the heat building in his cheeks as you covered your mouth in a giggle. "Ignore me. Ignore that. I'm just gonna go...yeah."
And then, it was like in the movies. The angels were singing, birds chirping, the slowly dying sun beamed brightly on you as you opened your mouth and said:
"It can be a date if you want it to be. I had a lot of fun today, so I, uh, think that would be pretty great actually."
It was everything Eddie ever wanted, everything he ever dreamed.
A real date. With the real, very real, definitely not fictional girl of his dreams.
He smiled the biggest smile he ever had, big enough to rival a shark, that's how happy he was.
"It's a date, then."
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Next Chapter: Out of Character
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helloalycia · 2 months
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summary: after your drunken kiss with Jackie, you're left to deal with the consequences.
warning/s: mentions of underage drinking and minor violence.
author's note: here’s the final part! last jackie one for a while as i don’t have anything pre-written, but i’m working on other stuff so i hope this holds you guys down for a bit :)
one / two / masterlist / wattpad
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It was safe to say that the next day, after the worst hangover of my life, everything came back to me and I was mortified at what I'd done. Technically, it was the both of us, but we were both out of it and Jackie Taylor never begged for anyone, especially not me. It had to have been a mere drunken mistake and that was it.
Two days after the party, Van and I were hanging out at the skate park and she, expectedly, brought up the whole finding Jackie and I making out situation.
"I never would've guessed, y'know," she was saying, surprised. "Jackie didn't strike me as a–"
I stopped skating before her, foot on the lip of the board as I shot her a look. "We were drunk, Van, you saw it yourself. It didn't mean anything."
Van snorted. "It didn't look that way from where I was standing."
Cheeks flushing, I tried to play it cool. "You were standing on the balcony claiming you could do a ninja flip in the pool at one point. I wouldn't take you as gospel."
"Hey, I totally could've landed that if Tai didn't pull me down!" she defended, making me stifle a smile as I skated circles around her. "Look, all I'm saying is Jackie has been asking about you a lot lately. No offence, but you're not that interesting."
"Gee, thanks," I said sarcastically.
"Could've meant more is all I'm saying," she finished with a shrug.
"Well, it didn't," I assured her, though a small part of me was beginning to question if it did.
No, it couldn't have. She was Jackie Taylor and I was... an absolute idiot.
And with that mentality, I wasn't really planning to bring it up to her, figuring she'd do the same. The following Monday at school, we didn't really have much crossover as Chemistry wasn't on the schedule. There were times when my eyes would cross hers in the hallway, but I couldn't read her expression. The memory of her lips on mine would come to mind and I'd be forced to look away, still wondering if it had been real.
That afternoon after school was when our paths really crossed, as we had our weekly volunteering hours at the community garden. When I arrived, everybody was gathered in front of the manager outside and I hurried to join them, noticing I was a little late. Jackie was stood a few people down from me in the row, and when I glanced at her, she made no effort to look my way.
After being given our tasks for the next few hours, we all got straight into it. Unlike every other time we were here, she wanted nothing to do with me, no inclination to work together. In fact, it was as if she was avoiding me completely, frustrated by my presence, and I wasn't sure why because I was under the impression it was a mutual understanding we wouldn't talk about the kiss.
After an half an hour of planting some seeds, I decided to just ask her, finding her in the corner by the water fountain as she (surprisingly) scrubbed it clean.
"Er, hey," I spoke, the first time since we'd made out in Lottie's gaming room.
At my voice, she glanced up at me with narrowed eyes before scoffing quietly and looking back to the fountain. I felt something cold patter on my skin and looked up to see it was beginning to drizzle, but only slightly. Ignoring that, I focused my attention on Jackie.
"Are you mad at me about something?" I asked.
She paused to look at me with an incredulous stare. "Seriously?"
I pursed my lips awkwardly. "Yeah."
Clenching her jaw and simultaneously squeezing the sponge in her hand, she lowered her voice and fixed me with a glare. "Weren't you going to say anything?!"
"Do I have to freakin' spell it out for you?"
"The kiss," I acknowledged, fearing saying it aloud, because it only made it more real.
She exhaled sharply, hazel eyes looking green with fury.
"You... you meant that?" I asked dumbly.
At this, her expression loosened and she looked away with pink-tinged cheeks. "Forget it."
Taken aback, I stepped forward, forcing myself in front of her. "No, wait, Jackie–"
"You don't care," she said in a surprisingly sad voice, eyes flickering to mine. "No matter what I do."
I swallowed hard, my heart squeezing in my chest at the way she looked at me. Her words from the party, before the kiss, came to mind. I've been trying to get your attention for months, you idiot. All this time, all this attention... she meant it?
"I thought you were playing a game," I admitted, feeling stupid even as I said it.
Slowly, her face scrunched up with hurt. "Well, I wasn't."
She began to scrub the tiles of the fountain rapidly and I realised how blind I'd been. But as I opened my mouth to apologise, a fellow student called for my help and I had no choice but to leave.
The drizzle worsened over the next hour, as did Jackie's avoidance of me. I was still reeling over her admission, truly believing she'd have regretted kissing some loser Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle on Halloween when she could've had anyone. I knew I needed to make things right because making her this upset was never my intention.
We ended up finishing earlier than usual because the forecasted drizzle quickly turned into a cool shower, making it impossible to work in the garden. As everybody rushed to leave, I tried to find Jackie, spotting her walking out the garden and down the road. Hand clutching my hood on my raincoat, I followed after her, noticing the only thing she had for protection was her denim jacket. Typical Jackie, not dressing for the season.
"Hey," I called to her, eventually falling into step. "Have you got a ride home?"
She didn't bother to look at me. "None of your damn business."
I struggled to keep up with her pace as I squinted my eyes through the rain. "Jackie, please. I can give you a–"
She stopped abruptly to scowl at me. "Leave me alone!"
I frowned guiltily. "At least take my jacket."
"Fuck off," she hissed, before storming off.
I sighed at her stubbornness, running the other way to get to my car. It took me barely two minutes to drive down the road and catch up to her. She was still storming down the street, soaked to the bone and very much irritated.
"Jackie," I called out through my rolled down window, driving slowly next to her. "Just get in the car! Please!"
She ignored me, managing to flip me off without sparing a glance in my direction.
"You don't have to talk to me, just please let me take you home!" I offered, guilt pressing on my chest.
I groaned and parked a little ahead of her before jumping out the car and trying again, unable to leave her when she was so upset. And the reason she was so upset was because I was a coward when it came to my emotions. Well, no more.
Running to catch up to her, I skidded to a stop before her. "Wait."
She tried to shove past me, but I grabbed her by the shoulders and kept her fixed in place, speaking before she could berate me further.
"The reason I'm not swayed by you like everyone else is because I never had a chance," I rushed out, competing with the pitter-patter of the rain.
She paused, studying my expression curiously as I continued.
"I wasn't going to drool over you like everyone else because it only reminded me that it was a delusion," I said weakly, letting go of her shoulders. "It's embarrassing, Jackie. It's not that your charms weren't working, it was me."
She opened her mouth slightly, eyebrows lifted with surprise.
"I'm sorry," I said sincerely, squinting through the rain. "I don't want you to be upset at me. It's just– well– like I said, it's embarrassing."
Her eyes flickered between mine, before her expression hardened. "Shut up."
I sighed, expecting her annoyance. "Jackie–"
"No, shut up," she interrupted, and then her hand lifted to my cheek and she was pulling me in for a kiss. 
The breath was quite literally knocked from my body as her lips found mine, intermingled with water droplets and her lipgloss. It lasted only a few seconds, not even enough for me to acknowledge, before she pulled apart and frowned at me.
"You have a fucking chance," she said sternly, contrasting her warm gaze that was making my heart race. "You always did."
Her breath tickled my lips as she held me close, sending shivers down my spine.
"You're so stupid," she muttered.
I sighed, licking my lips. "I know." And as the rain seemed to pick up, I became aware of the two of us stood out here, soaked to the bone, and gave her a knowing look. "Not stupider than you though, marching off into a thunderstorm because you're stubborn."
She scoffed, hand resting on my chest as she shoved me slightly. "I would've gotten the bus."
I couldn't help but smile, which soon turned into a laugh. "Please, get in the car. I'll drop you off."
Her expression softened as she looked to me, nodding, and I quickly opened the door for her, helping her in. We both sat there for a moment, warm air blasting to fight off the cold damp that had settled through our clothes, and my mind was still racing.
"I notice you," I admitted to her, earning her attention. "Everything you do. Everything about you. I'm as hooked on you as everyone else. That was the problem."
Feeling her eyes on me, I glanced at her, unable to read her mind.
"Is it still?" she asked softly.
All I could do was shake my head, eyes taking in the sight of her smudged makeup and wet hair, pressed to her forehead. She had a hold on me like nobody else did, but I wasn't so scared of it anymore.
Her hand found mine, squeezing it gently, reassuringly, and I encased hers between mine.
"Time to go home," I said, and she smiled gently.
I returned her smile before finally setting off, driving her home in a comfortable silence. She didn't live far and I reached the Taylor residence in ten minutes, pulling up outside.
As she reached to open the door, I quickly said, "Wait," and jumped out the car, taking off my jacket.
I raised it above my head to use as a cover against the rain, then opened the passenger door for her. She smiled gratefully, accepting my outstretched hand, and I held my jacket above us as we rushed to the front door, hoping to make it out the rain.
"Thanks," she said when we stopped on her porch, giving me chance to lower my jacket momentarily.
I smiled then hesitated, eyes flickering over her face, nerves creeping in the longer I stared.
"Do you, maybe, wanna go out with me on a date?" I asked quickly, before I could overthink it any longer. "Maybe we could get lunch? I'm not sure when you're free, but–"
"Yes," she answered just as quickly. "Tomorrow?"
Both relieved and excited, I nodded. "Yeah. That sounds good. I can pick you up for one?"
Her lips pressed together in a warm smile. "Yeah."
I nodded, unable to stop smiling. "Cool."
She laughed and then kissed my cheek, making my whole body grow alight at her touch. "Drive safe, Y/N."
I swallowed hard, nodding instantly, unable to find my words. Waving goodbye, I began to walk down her pathway and back to my car, glad she couldn't see my face because my grin was permanent. I was taking Jackie freakin' Taylor out on a date!
Dating Jackie was still difficult to believe, especially when it was just the two of us who knew, so it felt as unreal as it did wonderful.
Our first date went as smoothly as it could've been, and I was surprised when Jackie asked me out on a second one before it even ended. It was easy to fall into her, everything she did igniting every part of me like fire to a match, and though she was still her usual self-obsessed and cocky self, I suddenly found those traits endearing, only because they were hers.
It hadn't been discussed, but neither of us told anyone about our relationship, not even a month into it. Neither Van or Shauna, the people who knew us the best, knew about us. It wasn't because we didn't trust them, but it was easier to live in our bubble for a little longer before we shared it with the others.
Of course, with friends like them, secrets didn't stay secrets for long.
I was grabbing some books from my locker with Van, who wouldn't stop chatting my ear off about one of her classes. A little tired, definitely not a morning person, I was only half listening to what she was saying.
"...by the way, can I borrow your headphones today? I left mine at home and I've got a free period," she said between her rambling.
"Yeah, they're in my bag," I told her, passing her my backpack before resuming my search in my locker for my textbooks.
She accepted it and began rooting through it whilst continuing to talk, and then she suddenly fell quiet, pulling something out of my bag with a questioning look.
"Whose is this?" she asked with confusion.
I glanced at her, almost doing a double take when I recognised the lipgloss in her hand as Jackie's. She must have dropped it in there by accident when we were last hanging out. But I couldn't say that to Van, not without her asking why we'd been hanging out in the first place, so I tried to play it cool.
"Huh, I'm not sure," I said with a shrug, neck growing warm. "Must've fallen in there from class or something."
Thankfully, Van thought nothing of it, shrugging. "Huh."
I assumed she'd drop it back in my bag, but she wordlessly tossed it in the bin next to us, making my eyes widen slightly. Well, now I owed Jackie a new lipgloss.
It wasn't until later that day in History class when Van and I were taking our seats behind Shauna and Jackie, as usual, that Van began piecing everything together. Students were still filing into the classroom, Jackie being one of them, but she seemed distracted.
"You find it yet?" Shauna asked with amusement once she spotted the blonde approaching her desk.
Jackie pouted. "No." Then her eyes fell to Van and I hopefully, asking, "Have either of you seen my lipgloss? It's like this big–" She gestured with her fingers as she continued, "–pink, sparkly, literally the only one I wear? I've lost it."
The earth could have swallowed me up there and then and it would've been less painful than enduring the confused glance from Van.
"God, you guys are no help," Jackie grumbled when neither of us replied, myself avoiding Van's questioning gaze as she tried to work it out.
As Jackie returned to her seat, Van kicked my leg beside me, making me groan.
"Why did you have Jackie's lipgloss?" she asked quietly, and I glanced at her quickly before shrugging.
"You don't know it was hers."
Van narrowed her eyes. "It very much is." Then, she added, "You're being weird..."
I scoffed. "You're being weird."
Thankfully, the bell rang again, signalling the start of class, and I was able to avoid any further questions from Van. She wasn't stupid though, and it wouldn't be long before she figured it out.
That same afternoon, I had Science class with Jackie as my partner, so that was when I decided to update her about her precious lip gloss. She was already sat down, scribbling in her notebook, when I pulled out the stool beside her.
"Hey," she greeted with a warm smile, eyes softening in a way that was only reserved for me and still made my heart race a little.
"Hello," I said with a slight smile, sitting beside her. "I come bearing news. The good news is, I know where your lipgloss is. The bad news is, Van threw it out."
She lost her smile, expression contorting into one of confusion. "What?"
So, I briefly explained about the whole lipgloss situation this morning, including Van suspecting something or the other, and finishing with an, "I'm sorry, I'll buy you a new one."
She sighed, disappointed by her trashed lipgloss. "It's okay," she said, before adding, "Y'know, maybe it's time to tell everyone? Then Van wouldn't have to suspect anything."
I was surprised at how certain she sounded, though nodded. "I– yeah. If you want."
She began to smile, honey-coloured eyes meeting mine with a hint of amusement. "If you want."
I mirrored her smile, a mixture of adoration and excitement running through me at the possibility of sharing our relationship.
As much as I could have sat there staring at Jackie all afternoon, we were suddenly interrupted by Van who thought it would be funny to slam her hand on the desk between us, startling us.
"Hey, nerds," she said with a grin, making me roll my eyes as Jackie cracked a smile. "Anyone got some spare goggles?"
I breathed out petulantly as Jackie handed her the goggles, purposely avoiding Van's suspicious eyeballing of us.
Something told me she might know something already.
Now that Jackie and I had mentioned telling our friends, we were yet to find the right time. Only days after that, we hadn't had the chance to properly discuss it, but with the way things turned out, we didn't need to.
Van was at soccer practice after school, so I was staying back to study so I could be her ride home. By the time they'd finished, I went out to the field to go get her, seeing her drinking some water with the other girls by the benches.
Naturally, the first girl I noticed was Jackie – she was chatting to Shauna and their teammate, Nat – and she looked adorable in her gym clothes, slightly sweaty and red in the face from practice. Her eyes found mine like a magnet and I couldn't help but smile in her direction, heart fluttering like it always did. She returned my smile before tuning back into her conversation with the others.
"Hey," I greeted Van, elbow bumping hers. "How was practice?"
"Pretty good," she answered, capping her water. "I was amazing as always."
"You wish," Taissa said before I could, walking past with her gym bag but smiling at Van with amusement.
"You're just jealous," Van said knowingly, making Taissa roll her eyes before walking away.
I chuckled and gave Van a disapproving look. "I thought we were making friends at soccer practice, kid?"
"Shut up," Van huffed with a ghost of a smile, shoving me slightly.
I laughed. "Well, I'm ready when you are. You can shower first or–"
"Hey, ladies," Nat suddenly interrupted, approaching us with a mischievous smile, before her eyes settled on me. "Y/L/N. Good to see you."
"Nat," I acknowledge with a smile. "You good?"
"Hell yeah," she said confidently, and Shauna and Jackie approached us as she continued, "How about you? Still breaking noses?"
My cheeks grew warm uncontrollably, the memory of punching Leroy still a little embarrassing when it was brought up. "It was once. Nose, singular. And it was for a valid reason. I don't just start fights for the fun of it."
Van snorted and I shoved her once more, continuing to look at Nat.
"Gotcha," she said with a slow nod. "Hey, I have to ask... you're single, right?"
I almost choked on my spit when she said that, eyes darting between Van, Nat and the tense expression of my girlfriend.
"I– er–" I wasn't sure what to say, since technically nobody knew about Jackie and I yet, but I didn't know if I could share it right now.
"'Course she is," Van answered for me. "Why? You got the hots for my best friend?"
Nat smirked. "Maybe I do."
I was taken aback, since Nat and I had never really talked much before, so where was this coming from?
Jackie, on the other hand, was silently fuming beside Shauna as she glared daggers into the blonde's head.
"I– I'm flattered," I said awkwardly, attempting to fix everything, "but I'm not interested, Nat." There was an uncomfortable pause, which I felt the need to fill, "Not that you're not pretty or anything–"
Jackie's glare was then directed at me and I knew I'd said the wrong thing.
Clearing my throat, I continued, "What I'm trying to say is–"
"Oh, c'mon, it could be fun!" Nat encouraged. "You, me, the skate park you go to that I definitely don't get high in."
Van shrugged, glancing at me. "Could be fun, Y/N."
I furrowed my brows, wondering why she was so on board with the idea of Nat and I going out.
"She doesn't wanna go, so maybe let's just drop it," Jackie suddenly interjected.
"Van's right, Jackie, it could be fun," Shauna said, before nodding at me encouragingly, and now I was outright baffled.
"Yeah, it's not like you're seeing anyone," Van added, looking to me.
Before I could speak, Jackie blurted out, "She is!"
I pursed my lips as I glanced at Jackie's reddening face, both from soccer and her frustration.
Van chuckled. "I think I'd know if my best friend was–"
"She's dating me," Jackie cut her off bluntly. "Y/N is my girlfriend. Okay?!"
I swallowed hard. "That's one way to share it..."
Jackie narrowed her eyes at me, unimpressed, as Van suddenly jumped up with satisfaction.
"I knew it!" she exclaimed, further existing to confuse me. "I knew you guys were dating!"
"You what?" I asked her with raised brows.
"Twenty bucks, please," Nat said with a hand out to Van.
Van sighed and placed a ten dollar bill in Nat's hand, as Shauna did the same. Jackie and I's jaws dropped as we watched the exchange. This was planned?!
"See you around," Nat said with a wink, before leaving the four of us alone.
"You were playing us?!" Jackie asked Shauna with disbelief.
"Van and I had our suspicions, okay?" Shauna admitted. "You two were being super fishy and we waited for you to tell us, but you didn't!"
"Wow," I said with surprise. "How–"
"Manipulative," Jackie finished for me.
"I was gonna say funny," I added, making her stare at me with disapproval.
"You made it so obvious with the lip gloss, y'know," Van pointed out. "And the giggling together in labs? What – did you think we're all blind?"
My cheeks grew warm yet again and I avoided Van's teasing gaze.
"We were actually planning to tell you at some point," Jackie admitted.
"Bit too late," Shauna said playfully. "But look, we're happy for you!"
"Yeah, you guys are cute," Van said with a smile. "How long?"
"Just over a month," I revealed.
Van sighed. "God, you kept me in the dark for that long? Terrible friend."
"I'm kidding," she said with a laugh, before pulling me in for a side hug, to which I shoved her off because she was sweaty. "I'm happy for you, kiddo."
"Shut up," I whined.
"I can't believe you let Nat hit on her when I was stood right here," Jackie complained.
"Hey, it worked, didn't it?" Shauna said with a shrug.
Jackie rolled her eyes. "Barely."
Glad they at least knew, I sighed. "Okay, well since that's been cleared up, Van, are you ready to go?"
"Yeah, one sec," she said before going to grab her bag.
"I'll get our stuff," Shauna said to Jackie, before following after Van to grab their bags.
Once Jackie and I were left alone, I stepped forward and took her hands. "Guess that's that."
She sighed. "They're assholes."
I chuckled. "They are. Funny, though."
She scoffed. "Stupid more like." She glanced at me curiously. "You really think Nat is pretty?"
I groaned. "C'mon, Jackie, I was put on the spot! Believe it or not, I've never had to let someone down before. It's not easy."
She narrowed her eyes suspiciously before leaning in close.  "You're lucky you're cute."
"Gee, thanks."
A small smile played on her lips before she leaned in, kissing me briefly. Barely a second passed before Van and Shauna felt the need to make vomiting sounds from behind us, making us pull apart.
"Get a room!" Van shouted as Shauna laughed.
"I regret them knowing," I said instantly.
"Same," Jackie laughed.
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nogenderbee · 3 months
♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ 𝕊𝕙𝕪 𝕘𝕒𝕞𝕖𝕣 ₊˚ˑ༄
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ hi there, blade, jing yuan, welt and dan heng with a teen reader thats like nene kusanagi? :)
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Hey hey! And omg yes of course! I love the crossover I get from pjsk and hsr honestly ^^ So hopefully you'll like at least a bit what I wrote!
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ platonic
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✧ Dan Heng honestly liked your shyness, you were like the only person on the Express who didn't chat that much so he found your presence quite relaxing
✧ but if you fine silences uncomfortable, he won't force moments when you two just sit next to each other silently and relax after long day
✧ bur silence is quickly broke by you playing your games and he realizes he was wrong... you're still not this bad but when your cheering gets louder within every day, it really makes him reconsider his thoughts
✧ it certainly takes him some time but believe me, he can get used and learn how to ignore your cheering, so he's back at finding your presence relaxing
✧ he doesn't mind your sharp tongue at all, in fact he's happy you can stand up for yourself- what do you mean it's only towards people you're comfortable with?!
"Eh... they want vanilla cupcake. What? And with sprinkles... Can't you really say it yourself? You were confident enough to insult someone's whole life in there shooting game of yours."
✧ that certainly surprises him but he realizes that when someone insults you irl, he'll have to be the one to step in...
✧ he doesn't mind your passions but be he's not necessarily interested in trying them out either... he just sort of accepts it like a hobby of any other
@miya-akane @toyaswif3y - come get your quiet but scary trabilazer!
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✧ Welt is definitely trying to be supportive and he doesn't mind your shyness a bit, he finds it adorable and it makes him somehow hopeful you won't cause troubles despite being a teen on express
✧ but once you get comfortable and he hears how emotional you can get during your games? He's on...
✧ you know how parents always say "it's because of your phone"? Yeah it's him... but he just applies that to your mood swings and sharp tongue, and nothing irrelevant like stomach pain!
"Watch tour language. I understand they made you mad but you stiill shouldn't say things like that. How about you take a break? Himeko just made tea."
✧ at some point, he probably tried giving you screen time limit but he can't be too strict... so unless you're troublemaker, you'll get past few additional hours
✧ he finds it curious how your personality switches depending on how comfortable you are, but he figures out why it happens pretty quickly
✧ he'll gladly take you with express on any exploration so you can slowly get more courageful, but if you'll prefer to stay in with PomPom and probably Dan Heng too, he's not gonna force you
@vodka-glrl - come get your father of the express!
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✧ Jing Yuan is pretty interested in your personality and passions if being honest
✧ he didn't mind your shyness and when you started being playfully salty? He saw it as a little gift of seeing your real self after hard work of gaining your trust
✧ he doesn't mind speaking for you, he'll even lens you his ear what you want to say and he'll repeat it
"You know I don't mind you hiding behind me. But I'll have to ask you to not pull my hair, please?"
✧ also, he never takes your remarks too personally, he appreciates the friendly critique and knows that you're just being playful teen
✧ he loves listening about your games, movies and so on! In fact, he even asked you if he could watch or play a bit
✧ he's not great at gaming but with you carrying him, you still rarely loose and both of you have fun because somehow, Jing Yuan finds weirdest buts and easter eggs while wandering around
✧ he knows someone in Xianzhou who may share your passion for games... so he uses that to get you some new friends and hopefully to open up to more people
✧ that's really the only thing he might push you forward to, if you have trouble making friends, he has no problem with helping you find the right people
@miya-akane - come get your soft general~
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✧ at first you were nothing like Silver Wolf to Blade, but after he saw how competitive and honest you can be... he finds so many similiar traits between you two
✧ you mean games made you so salty? What's going on with kids these days...
✧ but in the end, he couldn't care less as long as you worn annoy him
✧ and luckily for him, you're still rather shy so his intense gaze seems enough to make you go away and he'll use that fact
✧ but when you start getting more comfortable around him and Stallaron Hunters... he realizes it's not so easy anymore...
✧ you're not necessarily bothering him but he can hear your insults and remarks on his persona when you talk with Silver
✧ instead of 1 game fanatic who screams, yells and cheers after every victory or death, now he has to deal with 2... great.
"Keep it down you two. Don't forget where you are and what's our mission. Just because we're having a break doesn't mean you should give away our hideout. Because I can promise, I won't save you when enemies come."
✧ he really feels more on neutral end to you tho... you may talk behind his back and cheer and so... but you never tried forcing him into games he didn't like
@vodka-glrl - come get your cold man!
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neverevan · 1 month
Just curious because I'm always wondering about that.. If you think tommy picked up on their crazy close dynamic in such a short time, do you think the others have too? Or is that just buckandeddie to them and they don't think anything of it? Hen's "about time" comment made me wonder what she thinks, if she had eddie-suspicions over the years or if she just picked up on a general vibe from buck
I think it's a bit of both actually. because Buck and Eddie? they are absolutely cuckoo insane about each other, like genuinely not-normal.
it becomes the most obvious when other members of the team are in danger; Buck stays relatively calm no matter how worried he is, he makes a plan and tries to scheme to save them.
like in the crossover episode, he waited for hours and then tried to steal a truck when everyone was out or sleeping, even though Hen could've been long dead. and Buck loves Hen, like a lot, a lot, they are family!! and when the Jonah thing went down?? with Hen and Chim? he was on the tailend of it, worried and upset and when Albert got hurt in that car accident? when Bobby was trapped inside a burning building with an active shooter and Athena went in there after him?? these are all people Buck undoubtedly loves like family.
he was worried, but he kept it together every time.
when the well collapsed on top of Eddie, he tried to dig through 45 feet of loose mud to get to him by hand. when Eddie got shot and was in the hospital, Buck flipped out and broke down more than once, but most notably when telling Christopher about it after finding out that Eddie's gonna be okay.
similarly when the lightning hit Buck, Eddie ran up the ladder without a safety line and tried to pull him up by hand; Buck weighs like 200+ lbs plus the gear, there was no chance in hell he could've done that and Eddie isn't stupid, he knows that too. Bobby had to banish him to the driver's seat to make sure he wouldn't be in the way, then Eddie barely parked the ambulance when he was already on top of Buck, taking over CPR, then proceeded to spend the next couple of days by haunting the hospital's walls like a grieving widow.
when the truck fell on Buck's leg, Eddie wouldn't let go of his hand and when he coughed up blood, he looked more than just concerned for that split second we saw him. when he spotted Buck after the tsunami and thought that he lost Christopher? there wasn't an ounce of blame on his face.
in conclusion, they have been always just very unhinged about each other, but I think because they all work in close proximity with each other day in and day out, it's harder to differentiate these things because even in real life, firefighters are like a family; they eat, sleep and exercise together, their blood family is just as involved with each other as they are, because that's just how close you get when you have to put your life into each other's hands all the time.
but Eddie and Buck are (as pointed out above) are just taking it to a whole new level when you consider all the family stuff they do together and the will... I think at this point it's sort of a "well this is just Buck and Eddie, they might as well be married" thing for the 118.
I don't think it's something they actively consider to have romantic/sexual undertones, but they all understand that their bond is extremely strong, so they wouldn't be surprised if the relationship progressed into that direction.
in Buck's case specifically, I think Hen saw the signs before Eddie even joined the 118. especially since Buck admitted that he always checked out hot guys — I don't suppose that goes unnoticed when you spend half your life with the same group of people.
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space-snake · 1 year
DP/DC crossover prompt
When Jason dies he ends up in the Infinite Realms and starts forming his core. Danny is already king at that point and can Know the circumstances of any ghosts death if he wants to (but usually doesn’t because that’s rude). He can tell the forming core is of a child who is angry, terrified, betrayed, so he decides to Know to see if he can help.
So then he Knows of how Jason is Robin and everything leading to him being killed by the Joker.
He talks to Clockwork about this who suggests making Jason a part of his court. Danny is confused
Clockwork tells him that the Ghost King can have someone in the mortal realms to help keep the balance of life and death in check but fucking up some real scumbags
Once Jason’s ghost is fully formed, Danny brings it up to him and Jason is immediately on board. The question now is how to get him back to the mortal world to do his job without attracting attention-
“Oh look at that” Clockwork says, poorly feigning surprise, “someone’s doing some Lazarus bullshit”
So Jason is now a halfa and gets right to work on being Red Hood. Are there some stumbles while he gets used to his powers and controlling his more volatile emotions? Sure. But Danny’s constantly mother hemming him and he’s not trying to kill anyone from the batfam, is in fact trying to avoid them.
They find out this new ‘meta’ Red Hood is actually a ghost the same time they find out he’s Jason though
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steterweek · 1 month
Steter Week 2024 - Text Prompts
Happy 10th Anniversary to Steter Week!!
Please enjoy our selection of new prompts and prompts from years past below!
GLOW-UP/MAKEOVER Did someone come back from college or a long vacation looking hotter than ever? Did one of them decide to change their style in hopes of attracting the other?
MURDER HUSBANDS Anniversary prompt from Steter Week 2018. You know what this classic means!
99 PROBLEMS Is the pack dealing with an influx of issues all at once? Is Stiles struggling to juggle all of his responsibilities? Does Peter have a bunch of problems, but they're all actually his feelings for Stiles? You're in charge here!
HUMAN PETER/CREATURE STILES Anniversary prompt from Steter Week 2014/2019. What it says on the tin, folks!
UNEXPECTED CROSSOVER "Teen Wolf" meets PBS's popular Masterpiece show "All Creatures Great and Small"? That bisexual firefighter from 9-1-1 has a threesome with Peter and Stiles? One of them decides to become an elementary teacher and ends up student teaching at Abbott Elementary? The entire world is your oyster!
WEREWOLVES ARE KNOWN Anniversary prompt from Steter Week 2014/2018. How does it change things if werewolves are a known entity in the world?
REKINDLING AN OLD FLAME Are Peter and Stiles finally going to see if the hot and sex-filled summer they had years ago, that no one knows about, can transfer to a real relationship? Or is what's being rekindled more of a... spark? ;)
FEUDS Anniversary prompt from Steter Week 2022. The Hales and Stilinskis have a rivalry spanning generations?  Stiles and Peter have a petty feud going on for a petty reason?  If it fits your definition of a “feud,” then it falls under this day!
LOWERED EXPECTATIONS Stiles lowers his expectations of what his dating life looks like? Peter lowers his expectations of the pack's behavior? They both lower their expectations of how their dream wedding day will play out? Surprise us!
PACK OF TWO Anniversary prompt from Steter Week 2020. Another classic that you can't go wrong with!
THE CLOTHES YOU LOSE IN THE DRYER END UP WITH YOUR SOULMATE Everyone has lost a sock or two, right? Well, what if they ended up appearing in your soulmate's dryer? What if, instead of just a sock or two, it was your entire load of laundry??
NECKZ N THROATS AU Anniversary prompt from Steter Week 2018/2019. Unfamiliar with this AU? Read in-depth about it here!
FREE DAY! Had a prompt you didn't get to? Have a prompt you wish we'd included this week? Want to ignore all prompts and just vibe? Need to pretend the idea that you've wanted to get to for a while but haven't yet is the prompt so that you can actually do it? Today is the day for that!
Curious about other prompts used for the Steter Weeks of previous years? You can see the full list here.
Check out the visual prompts here!
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ronearoundblindly · 2 months
Ro, darling
A and Q for Hideout Steve (I thought about requesting Z and then realised, for him, it’s everywhere 😂
For this ask game, and they are dirtayyyyyy.
Little different than general solo steve and I'll elaborate on when he's soft-spoken vs. loud (Low key hilarious that Hideout!Steve is soooooo sensitive and Fools!Steve is the polar opposite.)
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MINORS DNI. I know you're sick of me saying it, but this is not for youngsters. I will not hesitate to let you know when a fic is all-age friendly!
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A - Alone Time
Let's start from the beginning. When 'Grant' first starting visiting the motel, he really didn't have any dreams/delusions/fantasies about having a love life, and since Steve always imagined he'd only have sex with someone he was able to court and know pretty well, he resigned himself to never finding someone until his exile ended. (Considering in canon, it never really ended, we see he had a point.)
Once something does develop between you, despite all odds, he gets to hope, and hope is a drug to Steve Rogers.
He doesn't have a lot of time where he's truly alone while bunking with Natasha and Sam--sometimes Wanda and Viz, too--so I feel like Steve has mastered the art of innocent imagination. When he thinks of you it's not graphic, not unless he can be in a separate room or, preferably, building than the rest of his group.
They all understand though. Each of them clammers for some distance as often as is safe.
Bathing marks the only real and consistent time Steve has alone, meaning you helping wash his hair in the tub counts as a double whammy to his fantasies.
There was a lot of crossover in his dreams that night since the association is too strong. He touches himself in the shower, you were in the bathroom with him, and thus, he dreamt of you touching him in the shower. He woke up to that being almost the reality, too, so that wet dream has been pretty consistently on repeat.
From that point on, the urge to imagine what could happen gets much worse. The group doesn't have a routine. They bounce from place to place and spend wildly different amounts of time in each location. To date, the motel is only one of three places they've stayed two times, and it is the only place they've gone back to more than twice. It's not fucking rocket science to understand what's so appealing to Steve that he nudges and hints at returning as often as is strategically plausible.
If by chance Steve actually gets a room to himself and is truly alone for a few hours, it's difficult not to take advantage, spread out, and sleep, however, but he sleeps even better after writhing around as a horny mess for about twenty minutes, working himself up, humping the mattress and his hand, moaning into the pillows like a whore (at least he thinks he sounds like those 'painted' women back in the '30s and '40s), and coming hard on his abs. He vaguely knows he's a glutton for punishment by how long he tries to milk his orgasm. It works though. He can last a bit longer now--even with the vivid memory of what it feels like to be inside you--yet he doesn't really need to last when his alone time is so limited. Should he...practice that? Should he be trying to hold out longer?
Q - Quiet Please
oops, sorry, got lost in my thots about how loud Steve can get while fucking you. Honestly, if you two have enough privacy, he's even goddamn noisy while eating you out.
As I hope I've established many times, Steve Rogers in any universe can't talk dirty to save his life. He can lie better than he can say words like 'fuck,' or 'cunt,' and will never ever say the word 'pussy' in reference to your body or a cat (now that he knows what some people use the term for). I have no clue why 'cunt' would be better than 'pussy,' but 🤷🏻‍♀️ this is my headcanon so here we go. He uses any curse words so seldom that it doesn't really matter. He'd have to be pretty surprised by the intensity of something or at peak possessiveness to utter stuff like that. (If he has to reference it, usually he just says "you're so wet," "you're squeezing me so tight," or "do you need me?" Very general, no bad words required.)
ANYWHO: volume.
As much as I ::melts:: love the idea of Steve getting louder when he's tired, he has grown to enjoy the thrill of being quiet and sneaky.
He's got to get his kicks somewhere, right? So he's almost trained himself to be completely silent (to the point of holding his breath, which is a whole other kink for way later) while he imagines that you can travel with them for some reason. It's a fantasy; he hasn't worked out the details. He'd still want to be buried inside you or fingering you till you come if you had to share a room with the group for a night. He'll be quiet if you will. They'll never know. He promises. Please, Tops. Please. He wants to touch you, to hold you, to feel you everywhere...
Yup, Steve can be silent as the grave or hitting opera notes; it's all good as long as he gets to be with you.
Thank you for asking!
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[Main Masterlist; Hideout Masterlist; Ko-Fi]
One more cowboy cat for the road!
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valeriefauxnom · 3 months
Unintentional Comedy - Dragalia and Feh Artwork Edition
So, remember Alfonse, from FEH?
Y'know, this dude?
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For an okay crutch for those without Gala Euden or Albert or other handy light swords they didn't want to invest in, he was rather popular, only partly owed to any pre-established fondness FEH players had since they already knew him. People liked the more expanded personality we got than FEH's bare-bones story, additionally before they started trying to spice Alfonse up in more recent books.
In his story, however, one of the events that happening is Euden falling off a cliff, shortly followed by Alfonse.
Miraculously, cliff-falling isn't quite as dangerous in Dragalia Lost as in real life (also demonstrated by Leonidas in Stranded Scions, etc...), and the two survive. Alfonse has some sort of injury to his foot, however, conveniently hampering his ability to move but not much else.
Euden, being Euden and unwilling to throw anyone to the wolves, comes up with this idea:
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Nothing atypical here, right?
...Well, as it was revealed in a book published two years later than his debut in Dragalia, Fire Emblem Heroes Character Illustrations, Volume 1...
Alfonse is 180cm tall, AKA 5'11.
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...Is it any surprise coming from 195cm/6'5 and 180cm/5'11 parents? Someone check the Askran royal food for steroids that Sharena has apparently not been consuming, presumably because she's instead dining with heroes in the barracks.
I digress.
Now, as I've gone over before here, here's where it gets hilarious in retrospect.
In short, Ranzal, the resident big buff burly dude of Dragalia...is stated to be 6'1/185 in the joke comics.
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...And while literally nobody else got an even vaguely-official number to their height, Dragalia instead opting for a 'comparison heights' to keep track of who's shorter and who's taller in a pair... Euden often seems to wind up in the 150-155cm/5'0-5'1 range or even shorter when in illustrations with Ranzal:
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At most, I've seen him crack about 5'9/175cm in the comics, which aren't exactly a stable source of art, as demonstrated by these two panels, in which both seem to be on flat ground and standing pretty straight:
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I need to stop before I mindlessly repeat the other post, but my point remains:
Euden, by most depictions, is tiny. A literal short prince/king.
And yet, no matter what way you slice it, he's trying to carry a dude that seems to be quite a bit taller, let's say. How much, we'll never know, but the fact remains he'd likely need to pull out a dragon phone to search 'how to carry people much taller than you?' just in case and hurriedly read a wikihow 10-step article explaining some strats, were it not for the fact that dragons would have destroyed smartphones in Dragalia a long time ago (good move, dragons....?).
I will admit that there are a few arts that frame them as the 'same height' but I would more point to the fact Euden, when drawn with crossover characters for promotional art, is usually portrayed on an 'equal footing', so as not to have one take up more space/attention. Also, the Feh team might not have even decided on a height for Alfy boy before!
Even then, he's still portrayed as shorter than 5'9/175cm Joker in some art:
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So yeah. Crossover art is not exactly consistent, and all I can do is look to the general trend in the 'canon game' of him being absolutely dwarfed by Ranzal.
Now, it's one thing for Euden to be lugging about Alfonse for a while.
The idea he might have done so with such a potential height disparity is pure comedy.
No wonder he's so tired after a while, lugging about another human who is both taller, heavier, and also wearing armor!
Not only that, he later tries and partly succeeds in fighting heavily armored soldiers (who are admittedly aiming to capture him and kill Alfonse) with Alfonse 'draped across his back like a sack of potatoes'. Talk about determination, adrenaline, and/or the simple principle of 'small but mighty'!
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Maybe that's why Alfonse was saying "I don't think that's wise" at the start there before he quickly found other rationale besides 'you sure you can give a piggyback without my feet dragging along the ground the whole way?'
My case rests, Your Honor: they unintentionally made part four of Alfonse's personal story a lot funnier to envision by publishing an art book 2 years after he first existed in Dragalia Lost!
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ophanum · 15 days
Can you do a crossover between JJKXLookism? Where after the battle with Sukuna, Gojo dies(still hoping he comes back and I'm so sad at the latest update of JJK) and transmigrated to the popular webtoon Lookism. Gojo is shock at his new appearance (still the same face, hair and eyes) he became a female. At first, he curse his predicament but then learns to roll with it. He figures that maybe changing the tragic lives of the characters will make him comeback to his real world. Gojo applies as a teacher in J-High where he rolls with the chaos and takes advantage of his new appearance. Gojo finds it amusing and loves to tease his new students with his female version. Surprisingly, Gojo retains the six eyes although not as draining as before and he has no CE it's just that he can just see really well than normal people. Everyone is surprised to see Gojo's strength not only he is fast but also a great martial artist which he likes to humble brag especially against the villains (he fought curse users and special grade curses all his life, this world is a cake walk to him) as well as trolling them. Eventually, Gojo regrets it as he gain stalkers along the way (Gun, GooSamuel, etc). Even after brutally rejecting them and listing a lot of excuses (like telling them that he is older than them, likes girls, they're too weak etc.cause he is still a guy at heart) they won't stop and will use Gojo's love for sweets to blackmail him for a date. Gojo will snap once his students gets into dangerous situations (flashbacks to when he got sealed and a lot of important people in his life died) and will absolutely go berserk. Female Gojo is friends with the 1st Gen Kings (he is the same age as them when he transmigrated so he became a bit younger) especially Kwak Jin Chang (he looks like Nanami even the cheekbones) and treats him the same way as Nanami
' I'M SO BORED ! - JJK & Lookism crossover
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ft. Fem! Reincarnated! Gojo x Various Lookism
Synopsis: After the fight with Sukuna, Gojo was reincarnated to Lookism and became a teacher there. As a teacher himself back then, he began to care for his students like Daniel and automatically landed him in the spotlight of the Lookism universe. Could he still awaken his six eyes?
Tags & TW/CW: Lookism-typical violence, stalking, death, spoilers, crack.
﹙pt. 2﹚﹙pt. 3﹚
❝Some sick hallucination is telling me go overboard.❞ — I'm so bored by Sarah and the Sundays
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Wow. Just wow.
Gojo couldn't help but be surprised. Seriously though, what's going on here?
There's no way this is real. He's never met a deity, and frankly, the whole thing seems messed up. Why is he in a woman's body? At least he looks good, gotta give credit where it's due. He's basically a walking advertisement for good genes.
But most importantly, he's just... normal now. No curses, no cursed energy. He remembers his skills, but can he use them here? He'll find a way.
First priority: checking his surroundings. This place is a lot less luxurious than his usual digs, but hey, at least the girl (whoever she is) has a wallet. Even though Gojo thinks that he is really the owner because of the uncanny similiarities to his old self, he can't be too sure. Memory wipe seems to be prominent. No trace of the original owner anywhere, which explains the amnesia of memories. This body truly feels like his own, down to the familiar face staring back in the mirror. Gojo can't ignore this situation. Fake memories or not, a Jujutsu Sorcerer never lets his guard down.
With no cursed threats to fight for now, Gojo takes a practical approach. Gotta pay the bills somehow, right? Besides, that shampoo situation is a disaster. This body needs some serious TLC.
Stepping outside, Gojo's jaw dropped. Korea? A frustrated sigh escaped his lips. "Seriously, what is this?"
Walking down the unfamiliar streets, he had to adjust his thinking. He was in a woman's body now, so using she/her pronouns was crucial. His feet led him to a bustling playground, filled with the laughter of children. The scene felt strangely real, not some twisted illusion. Perhaps, in a way, it was...peaceful.
He missed Yuji and everyone back home. He'd poured his heart into training them, giving them the strength to fight. A pang of longing hit him, but a determined glint entered his eyes. They would have to wait for his return. After all, he wouldn't give up so easily.
At the end of the day, his search for work led him to a job posting at J High. Teaching was ingrained in him, so it felt like a natural fit. Getting the job was a surprise, but the school itself was even more unexpected.
The students here were...spirited, to say the least. Fights were a frequent occurrence. However, the school also embraced individuality. Departments like fashion allowed students to break the mold and express themselves freely through clothing. Gojo, who always appreciated a good rule-breaker, couldn't help but admire their approach.
Despite being in a female body, Gojo managed to convince the school she was Japanese, reasoning her way through the situation. Daniel and his classmates were surprised by a mid-semester transfer, especially when they heard it was a woman. The buzz spread quickly went viral around the school – a new female teacher was joining them!
When she entered the classroom, all eyes were on her. Her snow-white hair was pulled back in a high ponytail, and thick, round sunglasses concealed her eyes. A glimpse of piercing blue peeked through, a stark contrast to her soft expression and delicate features. Male students fumbled for their seats, faces flushed with a mix of awe and shyness. Female students watched with a mix of envy and admiration.
Until Gojo spoke.
"Welcome to J High, class! Buckle up because you're about to learn from the most awesome, most beautiful teacher ever… ME, Gojo Satoru! Get ready for an unforgettable experience!"
The students were stunned. Who was this vibrant woman? Some of the boys seemed excited by her bold statement, but confusion settled in. A mid-semester change was disruptive enough, but what was with the infectious energy?
One thing was undeniable: Gojo was stunning. Her beauty was unmatched, surpassing even the school's resident "goddess," Crystal.
"And guess what? You're about to have the coolest, most fabulous teacher ever walk through these doors... that's right, it's me again!"
And then she walked through those doors again quite quickly if Zack were to say something about it. Did you know the way Gojo looked when he realized Megumi just looked like Toji? Yeah, Zack was having that look right now.
Who was this odd professor that suddenly was brought up?
Gojo's curriculum remained a mystery. She hadn't mentioned a subject yet, but she did dedicate a significant amount of time to...well, not exactly lesson plans. Unlike most teachers, Gojo had an aversion to written materials. Instead, her classes focused entirely on performance tasks.
Students like Zack thrived in this environment. He secretly considered Gojo his favorite teacher already. The hands-on approach was engaging, and Zack felt a growing sense of gratitude towards her.
Then, on the third day, a glimmer of clarity emerged. Gojo's class revolved around physical fitness, though she never actually uttered the term. It was simply "Gojo's way" of teaching. For Daniel and his classmates, it was a refreshing change from the traditional methods they were accustomed to.
Gojo praised students who excelled and offered personalized feedback for improvement. Her enthusiasm was infectious, and the students responded well to the energetic and engaging classes.
"Best fucking teacher ever." Zack grins.
Mira quipps. "Is he though?"
Mira and Zack exchanged a glance. Their new teacher, Gojo, had a…unique way of teaching. She was currently mid-exercise with a student (Jay, to be specific) and had paused to deliver a passionate speech about, well, herself. Dramatic poses and hair flips punctuated her enthusiastic monologue.
Both sweatdropped. Yeah, Gojo was definitely unconventional.
Jay, the unfortunate target of her praise, stood patiently as Gojo extolled her own beauty. Thankfully, the speech hadn't completely derailed the lesson. Just before, Gojo had commended Jay's speed and technique, offering valuable feedback before getting sidetracked. "You're giving it your all, but that fire's starting to flicker! Remember, endurance is all about consistency. It's like a marathon, not a sprint. Gotta pace yourself, beautiful!"
Jay cracked a shy smile, a hint of pink dusting his cheeks.
Zack watched the exchange between Jay and Gojo, a sour taste creeping into his mouth. Gojo's hand lingered a beat too long on Jay's shoulder, her praise dripping with a sugary sweetness that made Zack clench his fists.
Crystal, observing from the back of the room, couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at Gojo's flamboyant teaching style. This new teacher was undeniably unconventional, with her dramatic poses and energetic lectures. Yet, beneath the theatricality, Crystal sensed a surprising competence. Gojo's demonstrations were swift and precise, showcasing an impressive level of physical skill.
It was a stark contrast to the more traditional methods employed by Gun. Crystal wasn't sure what Gojo's background was, but it was clear she possessed a unique approach that somehow managed to be effective.
That's because she fought battles with non-human creatures.
Crystal couldn't resist investigating the commotion. Curiosity gnawed at her, a feeling all too familiar to humans. She buzzed Gun, hoping he could shed some light on the situation.
"Is something wrong, Crystal?" Gun answered.
"Hey Gun, sorry to bother you during work, but it's about the new teacher."
"Teacher?" Gun raised an eyebrow.
"Yeah, she just seems...off. Odd way of acting, super strong, and way too good-looking to be real." Crystal joked at the end.
Crystal launched into a detailed description. The teacher had waist-length snow-white hair and piercing blue eyes hidden behind thick sunglasses. On top of that, she was incredibly tall and flawless, like a living statue. It was unsettling.
"I'll check it out when I get a chance," Gun promised.
Meanwhile, Vasco watched the chaos unfold below. Students were grumbling openly, their respect seemingly nonexistent towards their teacher who was behaving childishly.
Jace strained for a glimpse of the new teacher, but the window was two far as he wasn't on a window seat. Unlike Jace, Vasco found himself impressed. After all, who wouldn't be when witnessing her teach students to defend themselves?
The bell announcing the end of class finally pierced the air. Jace and Vasco immediately made their way towards the teacher.
Jace let out a low whistle. "We'll be lucky to learn anything from her with all this chaos."
"Lucky? I'd say incredibly fortunate," Vasco countered, eager to meet her.
"Fortunate, huh?" Jace muttered, and they headed towards the cafeteria.
The new teacher, Gojo, had clearly captured everyone's attention. Even Zoe couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy. Gojo's seemingly flawless appearance, aside from her personality, was undeniable. Zoe's lips formed a pout every time Gojo slung her arm around Daniel, leaving the poor boy flustered and stammering in response.
Vin Jin, on the other hand, seemed unaffected by the professorial boundaries. He wasted no time turning on the charm, much to the amusement (or perhaps annoyance) of those around him.
"So, strong glasses huh? Keeping all the secrets for yourself?"
"Secrets are what make things interesting, don't you think? Besides, these eyes can see more than you bargain for." Gojo would just leans closer with a smirk.
Daniel's knuckles strained white as his grip tightened on the aluminum can. Metal groaned in protest, warping under the pressure until the sides began to buckle. A low hiss escaped him, more through gritted teeth than his lips. This wasn't about his usual frustration with bullies or unwanted attention. Envy, raw and unwelcome, twisted his gut.
Vin Jin's grin stretched from ear to ear, practically walking on air after his instant rapport with the new teacher, Gojo. Unfortunately, their conversation was cut short as Gojo disappeared from the scene before he could even blink. Left hanging, Vin Jin found himself empty-handed.
Meanwhile, Gun had arrived at J High, eager to investigate Crystal's concerns about the new teacher. Unfortunately, his mission was complicated by Goo's unexpected presence. Goo, ever the pest, tagged along, lollipop in hand. And as if the situation wasn't bothersome enough, Goo seemed to find amusement in poking Gun's cheeks with the sticky candy, a habit Gun found utterly revolting.
"Stalking for the boss are sooo last season. Don't you ever get tired of being such a stick in the mud? Lighten up a little!"
"Lighten up? I'm dealing with things that could get me killed by the chairman, Goo. Not a fashion show."
"Speaking of fashion, have you seen the new line of those fluffy panda plushies?"
"Here we go again... And--would you stop that poking? Do it another fucking second and I will punt you to the ground."
"Fine, fine. But hey, how about a little reward after we're done? My treat - taiyaki on me! My treat if you can guess the filling this time."
A welcome distraction from Goo's antics emerged in the form of a commotion erupting within J High. Gun and Goo followed Crystal, their gazes drawn to a fight unfolding in the central.
There, amidst the chaos, stood Gojo, the enigmatic new teacher Crystal had mentioned. She wasn't even fighting.
For Gun, witnessing Gojo firsthand was a sensory overload. Every detail, from the way her snow-white hair flowed with her movements to the glint of defiance in her diamond-bright eyes and the smirk permanently etched on her face, surpassed Crystal's description.
Across from him, Goo mirrored Gun's stunned expression. Glasses slid down to the tip of his nose, his mouth agape in disbelief, he watched Gojo's fluid movements with wide eyes. The fight had escalated – Gojo was facing off against Logan Lee.
"You'll regret fighting with me!"
"Wow, impressive coordination. Maybe you should take up interpretive dance instead of being a total jackass to my student."
Daniel scanned the scene, his heart pounding. No other teachers were in sight, not a single one within range to intervene in the escalating fight. The situation was bizarre – a college student, Logan Lee, facing off against a seemingly outmatched professor, Gojo, the woman Crystal had described as "strong."
But strength wasn't the only thing that captivated Gun and Goo's attention. Gojo's fighting style was unlike anything they'd ever witnessed. It was a dance of fluidity, a mesmerizing blend of lightning and water. Her movements were swift and effortless, devoid of any wasted energy or muscle tension. It was a spectacle both beautiful and deadly.
"What the...? I... I'll crush you!"
"This is getting tedious. You're about as effective as a wet noodle against a wall. How about you take a nap and we can try this again when you've woken up from your little tantrum?"
Logan, his attacks becoming increasingly desperate, flailed wildly for a few final moments before crumpling to the ground with a pained groan. Gojo, with a sigh that spoke volumes of her boredom, dusted herself off with a theatrical flourish, her movements emphasizing the gulf in skill between them.
Reflexes and speed are unmatched. Focus on how she reacts with lightning-fast movements, dodging or deflecting attacks with minimal effort. She doesn't waste energy on overwhelming force, but uses calculated strikes to dismantle her opponent's attacks. Gun thought.
"Well, that was a disappointment. Back to paperwork, I suppose. Anyone up for taiyaki later? My treat, for surviving that ordeal."
And she brushes it off as if it did some number on her. Even students like daniel, Zack, Vasco, Jay and Eli Jang knew it, not just Gun and Goo.
Goo, ever the unpredictable one, shot his hand up in the air. A wave of confusion rippled through the crowd. Was this some bizarre J High initiation ritual they hadn't heard of?
This is only the beginning...
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natalieh0490 · 1 year
I have come up with a crossover prompt that is somewhat inspired by someone else’s prompt but I can’t removers who it belongs to specifically
So Danny Fenton, Marinette Dupain-Cheng, and Damien Al ghoul are all born as al Ghouls. Marinette and Damien are twins with Danny being the prodigy older brother. Danny should be about 4 years older than the twins. When Marinette is still with the al Ghouls her name is Athanasia al Ghouls
Damien is born to be Danny’s spare just in case and Marinette was an unwelcome surprise for everyone in the League except for Danny. Danny ended up being the best assassin he could be in order to keep his mother and grandfathers attention off of his younger siblings as much as he could, but it didn’t always work. As they all got older Danny and Marinette remained close, but Damien ends up believing the teaching of the League while heartily like in canon. Meanwhile, thanks to their bond with each other Danny and Marinette remain suspicious of the league.
In an attempt to keep his siblings safe and give them a better life Danny tries to run away from the league of assassins with the twins coming along with him. At this point I would say Danny is about ten and the twins are about six. Since Damien is still brainwashed he stabs Danny in a way that all of the siblings believe to be fatal and then gives Marinette a change to return to the league. She refuses, and he returns alone. Since both Danny and Marinette believe Danny is dying, Danny tells Marinette to run and to live a life outside of the Leagues beliefs. She does so and ends up hitch hiking her way to Paris while after avoiding the assassins sent after and ends up being adopted by the Dupain-Cheng. But, before she does so she pushes Danny into a river so the Leafue can’t have his body. Danny ends up surviving all of this but he loses his memories. He is rescued by the Fentons who are in the Middle East on a ghost hunt and ent up adopting Danny.
The person who decides to write with this prompt if anyone ever does can pick how the siblings end up reuniting, but I am going to put an option down her so I can continue.
So the years end up passing and Danny, Marinette, and Damien end up living their canon lives. Then one day the Justice league finally has a break from all of the rouge battles and Alien invasions to go through their inventory of calls together. Then they discover that some of the calls that were ignored absolutely should not have been. One of which was Paris. But not Amity Park, because no one believes ghosts could be real. The person who did the ignoring is forced to answer for it and the Justice league is forced to come up with wats to enter themselves to population that do not want them around in any way, shape, or form. So the Justice league decides that if they can’t get anything done in costume then they will have their civilian identities go into the identified city and help that way.
The problem is that Damien was assigned to Paris, and Marinette still thinks that Danny is dead and at Damien’s hand no less. So there is plenty of angst to get from there. Marinette refuses to have anything to do with the monster that killed her brother even if he was once her brother as well. She refuses to believe that a little time spent with their father could change him that much. Meanwhile, the batfamily wants newly discovered sister to let them help her and her city. Also Adrien is not an an ass in this and is dating Marinette. I do not care about her relationship with the rest of the Akuma class so set it up as you see fit.
Meanwhile, Danny wants to find out about his past. The only reason why he was able to keep up with the remade of fighting ghosts and the GIW was with muscle memory he couldn’t remember getting. He was getting more and more stressed until one day he made a wish when he knew he shouldn’t just to know where he came from because he was so tired of everything. He ends up in Paris where he gets a front row seat to Marinette and Damien arguing about his muder. He also ends up getting a splitting migraine from his memories coming back.
Damien and the bats as well as Marinette are looking forward to reconnecting with Danny. However Danny only wants to reconnect with Marinette due to the aforementioned murder attempt and ignoring.
I do not want an easy reconnection between the estranged members of the Wayne family I have been ranting about here. It is fine if they connect eventually but I want I to take time and effort. Please.
Feel free to take whatever bits and pieces of this print you like to write about if you so wish. However, if you do write something with my monster of a print please provide me with a link in the comments do I can read it.
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carterstarlight25 · 2 months
Hi everyone! So I been thinking hard on a rather unique 3way crossover that I been considering about writing. Please feel free to give me your input.
The 3 way crossover consist of DC x DP x Halo Infinite. With the ships being Jason and Danny (Obviously). Master Chief and Bruce as the second ship to be included. And Tim Simping for Katrina. (Cortana 2.0 from Infinite)
I see these possible dynamics being cute as Chief will learn how to be human, and how to love. Him and Team Phantom Finding Family. Also I don't mean the bull Chief pulled in the god awful Halo TV Show!
Bruce will learn that killing isn't an act of God. It isn't you kill once, and become a mindless murderer. That there is a difference, between a Soldier doing his duty to protect humanity and his loved ones. And a mindless killer, enjoying the horror of its victims as the bleed out with please for mercy. Effectively stealing their innocent lives... Oh also learn to not be as emotionally constipated after Katrina effectively out smarts him into a therapy session with Jazz Nightingale. (Last name changed after she saved Danny from the their parents lab…)
Danny will learn what it means to be apart of a family. And how screwed the GIW are.~
Jason, finds out he’s ghost pregnant and a heavy underdeveloped Halfa. All while the Pit becomes a full ghost that he ends up birthing. Which is gonna be a Dinosaur that will be Jason’s “Nightmare.” To his Fright Knight. (I am really wanting to go for Altispinax, or Spinax Vivosaur from Fossil Fighters series. But idk, might just use the Giga from Jurassic World Dominion. Just to change it up from what I seen people have the Pits become.
How Chief comes into the story however, would be introduced via Clockwork leaving a very obviously placed Halo Infinite Xbox Game case with a unmarked disc inside it. In an Alley Danny was taking refuge in. With a sticky note of course. And a few chapters in, when he was alone in Wayne Manor decided to play the game. And by Play. I mean go ghost and jump into the game. But of course. With his Fabulous Phantom Luck (trademark pending.) A new power began to make itself known as the code latched on him on his way out. Bringing Master Chief and Katrina to life in the real world, with all his memories and Katrina with the entire UNSC Database.)
While that’s how I plan to bring in Chief and Co. the main gist of this will be an all out battle, to destroy the GIW. Outlaws, Sirens, Chief and the entire Batfam Team up.
Despite the JL repealing the Anti Ecto Acts. A few Private donors continue to find them to get their hands on Ectoplasm. The League of Assassin’s, Lex Luthor. And of Course Vlad Masters will be the main villains connected to the GIW.
I can see Jason and Chief getting along like wildfire. And when Bruce finds out Jason is one leading the squad his kids, trying to get them to go on a date with Master Chief. It leads to some funny moments I would think. And of course can’t forget Chief reluctantly surprise appearance in Civies at one of Bruce’s Gala’s. (I kinda wanna make him wear Olive Green suit and dress pants. Black Bow Tie with a white under suit. Black belt. And an Olive Green Military Cap to hide his Neural Implant. Maybe having all his Medals from the service pinned to his chest. At least the ones that match ones in this universe. So not all of them obviously.
And Jason would absolutely catch his father freeze up when he sees the handsome Spartan.
For looks regarding Chief’s face since we don’t know what he looks like. I was thinking Caucasian Male, short brown hair that could be the right height to spike it up at least. Not a complete buzz cut. Rather bright blue eyes. That do not glow like Danny’s. But at least around that color. Of course he will have some scars on his left Temple, his lip and across his right eye. Freckles too. His muscle mass would of course be a bit more built then Jason. Which says something. But, you know. Super Soldier and all. (Update: I did in-fact Draw it ^^. If you want to see. Let me know if you wanna see Master Chief in a suit at the Gala ^^)
The Ages I was gonna go for was as follows.
Alfred: Immortal (Thanks Clockwork!)
John (Master Chief): 46yrs (I know it’s not his cannon Age. But it’s what I want for the story.)
Bruce: 45yrs
Barbara: 29yrs
Dick: 26yrs
Jazz: 21yrs
Jason: 21yrs
Cass: 20yrs
Sam: 20yrs
Danny: 19yrs
Duke: 19yrs
Steph: 19yrs
Tucker: 19yrs
Val: 19yrs
Tim: 18yrs
Ellie: 14yrs
Damien: 12yrs
Katrina: 6 months old
And that’s the little Fanfic I been thinking about. Of course it’s just an idea. but I think it would be fun to write.
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Thanks!! Could u do a team rancher x dsmp reader where, during the hermitcraft and empires crossover, the reader somehow ends up in either empires or hermitcraft and sees Jimmy and Tango and remembers them from double life (the three of them were soulmates)
A little bit of angst/comfort where reader doesnt want to go back to the dsmp but they have to because dream has them on a wanted poster and he would travel through worlds and destroy them just to find reader and they dont want hermitcraft or empires getting destroyed because of them
CAN I JUST SAY OKAY.... Ranchers are the love of my life. I love them so deeply. I never watched jimmys pov of anything before double life. They got a grasp on me man..
Warnings: Angst, no happy ending and mentions of DSMP which is a horror in itself lol
The last thing you remembered was the stinging sensation of withering, as you hid in a closed off room in a nether fortress, trying to not die. Then there was purple, and then nothing. It didn’t explain what was happening, but it wasn’t that long since you had entered a new SMP and you knew what that felt like, so you instinctively knew that when you awoke you were somewhere else. In a new world. Truth be told, the revelation came as a welcomed surprise. The DSMP was a hard place and it had never really suited you all that well. Your soul was too soft for it, many had told you. That’s why all your friends and family had been surprised when you had accepted the invitation to the double life server. Although it was more lighthearted than the DSMP, it was still known for violence and bloodshed. You’d never tell them, but you’d give anything to leave the DSMP. You didn’t care what server had invited you, it didn’t matter what double life was, you took the invite in a heartbeat. Turns out double life had been the best experience of your life too. You’d buried the feelings of why, never telling anyone on the DSMP that you’d fallen in love. The server didn’t allow for such weakness, so you buried it all.
You’re in some kind of cave when your mind comes to. It has a bunch of things you’re not entirely sure what are, and to your surprise it also has Grian. You’d known him for a long time, which was originally the reason you had been invited to double life. That’s when you knew where you were. If Grian was here it had to be the server he usually frequented, which was hermitcraft. He was just as surprised to see you as you were to see him. “How.. Am I here?” You had asked him, puzzled. This type of cross server travel was something you’d simply never heard of. The only way to usually go to any other server was through your communicator and only by getting an invite. He walked over to hug you, smiling. You tensed, not being used to positive physical contact. When he pulled away he still had a big smile on his face. “I can’t believe you’re somehow here! I thought the rift was just between hermitcraft and Empires.” He explained, and you raised an eyebrow at his lack of a real explanation. “The rift?” You enquired.
“I accidentally created a rift between servers. I don’t really know how, but I am glad you’re here. This is cool.” He was clearly excited about it, but you were worried. “How do I get back, Grian?” You knew your disappearance would not go over well in your own world. Both because your friends and family would miss you, but also because you knew the lengths Dream would go to just to make sure you stayed chained to your own world. Everyone had their part to play in his schemes, and you were sure your disappearance would somehow ruin his plans and make him go ballistic. Grian looked sad and dejected at the prospect of you not staying, but you had to go. You knew it would only cause trouble if you didn’t. “You can go back and forth through the rift, as long as it stays open. But hey, stay for just a little bit, won’t you? Just to see the server- I could show you so many things!” Once again he seemed excited at the prospect of you staying, just a little bit. 
Maybe a few hours wouldn’t hurt. There was no way that he would notice you gone until later. He wouldn’t even have to know that you’d left. You already knew it was a yes. The temptation of a couple hours of peace and happiness was all too much, and the question had never even been real. Of course you would stay. Grian didn’t even really need to convince you, nodding your head as he grabbed you once again and unfolded his large wings to carry you out of the apparent cave you were in. 
You had fun for a bit, examining Grians base with him. He was about to move on to show what his neighbor, Mumbo, had been working on when his communicator went off a couple of times. He excused himself for a second, checking it with wide eyes. “Wait here, I have to go do something.” He said, about to take flight when you grabbed his arm in panic, surprising both of you. Grian knew you were jumpy, but not this much. He was aware of the changes that the DSMP had done to you, and you had both discussed it in double life. It was hard to deny it with Grian, he had known you before you joined. He knew the person you were before that server changed you completely. He understood why the thought of him leaving you alone was so frightening to you. “I’ll drop you off with someone you know, I promise.” He settled on, and although you were uncomfortable with the idea, you didn’t want to burden him so you nodded, as he once again picked you up to take you somewhere. 
So when he dropped you off with the nearest person, who happened to be Scar, you were even less comfortable. You’d grown to like Scar over the season you had with him but you knew he was not a person equipped to babysit you. It was no surprise that as soon as Grian left Scar first dragged you around his park, but then when that ran out of interest for him you were getting dragged all over the server. Then, somewhere along the way you lost Scar. It was bound to happen with him flying around. He couldn’t carry you like Grian could. For a while you stood still, but it didn’t look like Scar was even looking for you or backtracking. So you decided to start walking, deeply on edge. Then you spotted a structure.
It stopped you in your tracks as you had to decide between trying to get help or finding your way back. After an inner battle, you decided to approach the building. It was black with blue and purple accents, and it was quite beautiful. Everything on this server had been so stunning. Coming from the DSMP it left you speechless sometimes. The only person on the DSMP who ever made anything this substantial was Foolish, and you’d never had the time to simply appreciate his builds. Walking so you were stood right in front of it, you tried to build up the courage to explore it to find help, but you just kept having that feeling in your stomach and the inability to make your legs move. 
But you didn’t need to, as voices started to approach behind you from the treeline. It was starting to get dark out, so it made sense that someone would be coming home at this point, but your brain didn’t register anything except the fact that there were people coming for you. And in a panic, you unsheathe the sword you had borrowed from Grian, turning around quickly in a stance ready to fight as the two people become visible to you, and you to them. And they both stop in their tracks, the cheerful chattering coming to a halt at seeing you. But it’s not fear or surprise on their face, it’s faces of recognition. And the same look comes to your face, as your panic fades completely and warmth crawls up your body and into your cheeks. 
They both shout your name, running towards you, Tango embracing you first and then Jimmy enclosing you both in his arms. “T-tango, J-jimmy.” You say their names shakily, somehow against your own will. It’s like a deep hidden need or urge to say them. The things you did together, the feelings both of them drew from you, it all comes back to you right then and there. Why couldn’t you have stayed in double life forever, with those two? It was cruel, but beautiful. Something in your mind couldn’t stop you from thinking it was fate, that maybe if you were lucky, you would continue to run into them like this. That maybe something would happen, and you could have this forever. But you were not that naive.
Jimmy pulled away, but left his hands on Tangos back. Tango didn’t completely pull away, but he did pull back to grab your face in one hand, tilting it up so he could look at you. His face had a beautiful smile painted on it, but you could see that his eyes were a little wet. Looking towards Jimmy, you almost burst out laughing, seeing him fully sobbing. "Hey! Don’t laugh at me.” He said, covering his face in embarrassment and then wiping his tears away. It was honestly just.. It was a lot, and keeping your tears in yourself had been hard so you couldn’t really pick on him too much. “It was a lot today, seeing both Tango and you for the first time in a while, okay!” He explained, as Tango continued to laugh deep from within his stomach. Feeling his body again, feeling the rumble of his voice leaving his chest, it was beyond any other feeling in the world. You missed it. You had missed it so, so much.
You somehow ended up on a couch after talking for hours, Tango on his stomach against you, both of you once again trapped inside Jimmys’ arms as he laid on his side next to you. He had the longest arms, you’d learned, and so he was always left on big spoon and outer layer cuddle-pile duty. It was hard to feel bad for him, as he looked so content. If you kept playing with his hair, you were convinced you could make him fall asleep. It was something you’d have to test, to be sure. Tango wouldn’t stop turning his head to look up at you, his goofy smile constantly glued to his face. It was perfect. You don’t know which god was playing with you. Giving you this taste of heaven, when you knew it could never last forever. all you would ever get was a little taste, you could never really have the full experience. It would just leave you with a craving that would never be satisfied.
And with Grian and Scar suddenly shouting your name from somewhere outside Tangos’ base, you knew it was time. Jimmy seemed to be pulled out of his half-asleep state, and Tango followed suit, sitting up. You heard Grian calling your name again, this time closer. There was a silence as you all looked between each other, Tango and Jimmy both knowing the look in your eyes. They both knew that look all too well. From when you all lost your first life to the last one, they’d seen it. The eyebrows that pulled upwards and the eyes that glossed over. You were saying ‘I’m sorry’ again. And they knew you were going to leave. 
Desperately, Jimmy latched onto your arms. “No, don’t leave us again. Stay. Just-you can stay! You can stay for as long as I can, right? Tango? They can stay-” You cut him off, knowing you would break if you let him ramble on for any longer and also for his own sake. You knew he would just keep spiraling. “I have to go, Jimmy. Everyone from your world is onboard with you being here but.. I can’t stay. The people from my server wouldn’t..” You stopped to choose your words carefully. You didn’t want Tango and Jimmy to know. You didn’t want them to worry. They didn’t need to know what the DSMP was actually like, it would only hurt them to know. 
“They wouldn’t get it. They would.. Miss me." It wasn’t entirely true, yet not entirely false either. You’re sure Dream would miss whatever plans he had for you, and you’re sure he would tear the entire universe apart to find you. That was more fun, anyways. You don’t know what his intentions are or what plans he has for you, but you’re sure tormenting you and bringing you back on your knees is more fun to him than making a new plan. And you don’t want to test him. You know what the man is capable of. Maybe if you let him take your last two lives, as he had taken the first, you could escape. But even in death Wilbur couldn’t, so you were not hopeful in that regard. You only feared to think what your purgatory would be like. No, instead you would return home. Keep going in the hopes of once again getting to hear Jimmy and Tango laugh.
Tango was taking it well, all things considered. You could tell he was sad, but he at least understood where you were coming from. Jimmy on the other hand was just looking between you and Tango, mad at you for letting yourself leave and mad at Tango for letting you leave. But he sighed, sinking back into the couch and away from you. He looked back up at you in defeat as you heard Grian and Scar call for Tango. You leaned in, putting an ascetic and fast kiss to Jimmys’ lips before taking Tangos’ hand and walking down stairs together. You and Tango both knew that Jimmy would not be able to let you go if he went with you, and Jimmy must have known too as he abstained from following you but simply sat there with tears starting to form in his eyes. 
“Oh, thank goodness you’re okay. It was getting dark and I was worried, I knew I shouldn’t have left you with Scar.” Grian rambled as he ran towards you and hugged you as soon as you and Tango came into his vision. You looked behind him, seeing a very relieved and apologetic Scar waving at you. “I definitely don’t plan on letting Scar babysit my kids.” You said, putting up a joking demeanor to block the pain that was building up inside you. Grian let go of you, stepping back. “I’m sorry it took so long, are you ready to go?” Grian asked, and you grabbed Tangos’ hand. His eyes were glossy and slightly red, but he wasn’t crying. He must have been holding it back well, just like you were. Putting the other hand on his cheek, he copied you and laid his hand on yours and you leaned up to give him a deep and final kiss, which was the goodbye between you two before you parted. 
Grian and Scar were looking at you in surprise as you separated, starting to walk away and when they regained their composure, they followed suit silently, ready to lead you back to the rift. To most, this had just been a fun little game with the idea of soulmates. But to you and your ranchers it had been real, it had meant everything. You just hoped it would not be the last time you ever got to see them.
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