fairy-angel222 · 4 months
—a day with your favorite person on earth leads you to a fancy hotel for one weekend.. where you finally give yourself to your boyfriend, Gojo Satoru.
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content: college au, fluff, biker gojo, nerdy fem! reader, rich boy gojo (he spoils you bad bad), loving gojo, popular boy shy girl trope, smut, virginity loss, gentle sex, pussy eating, a lot of praise, petnames, reassurance
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Friday, marked the calendar on your phone. You stood outside your house swaying lightly on your feet as you waited for your boyfriend, Gojo Satoru. He refused to let you get to school any other way.
You were clad in a simple white sweater and a black skirt, which blew up at the gust of wind created from your boyfriend’s speeding bike. You smiled, fixing your glasses on your face before giving him a pretty smile.
The tall man getting off with a grin on his face. Shaking his hair back into place as he took off his black helmet. Gojo walked towards you to embrace you in a tight hug, his hands around your waist lifting you off of the ground making you giggle. “Hi baby.”
Gojo placed a short kiss to your lips, “Hello princess,” his eyes filled with adoration as he walked you to his bike with his hand still on your waist. Putting on the helmet he made you choose out before helping you onto the seat. “Hold on tight.”
You always enjoyed morning rides like this. The cool wind on your skin as Gojo maneuvered through countless vehicles. Always making sure to not go too fast for your sake.
Your hands rested on his abs from behind, your vision being blocked by his back which you didn’t mind one bit. Gojo turned to ensure that you were alright, something he did every morning. And although you kept telling him that you were fine, he insisted on keeping himself reassured.
You closed your eyes and took in a deep breath, your smile still on your face even as you approached campus. Your boyfriend quick to park in the spot that everyone knew belonged to him.
Girls gawked as Gojo removed his helmet, once again fixing the white fluff of hair on his head before he was getting off the bike. Helping you do the same and removing your helmet for you, pushing your glasses further up your face since they had began falling. “God you’re so beautiful.” Gojo breathed.
And your heart beat sped up as you looked down shyly. Compliments.. you still weren’t very used to those. Gojo’s fingers found their way under your chin to lift your head up, “You’re really cute when you’re flustered you know that?”
He intertwined his fingers into yours, “Plus, there’s no need to be shy around me princess.”
You could feel eyes burning into you as you walked with Gojo, burying your body into his side at all the stares. “Are they ever not gonna stare..” you mumbled, looking up at him as he looked down at you. “They’re just jealous my love, don’t worry.”
You nodded, lips pulled into a tight line at the girls sending dirty looks your way. This was university for goodness sakes.. were they ever going to grow up. Noticing your discomfort, Gojo scowled in the direction of the girls, “The fuck are you looking at?” Watching as their eyes widened before scrambling off.
It was no secret that your boyfriend was popular, every teacher and every student knew his name. He was kind, a little mean and protective when it came to you, but he really was kind to everybody.
You however, you were just a girl who was non existent until you started dating Gojo. How did you two start dating? No one could phantom it.
Sitting on one of the bleachers, you were deep in a book. Your lunch sitting uneaten next to as you scanned through the words on each page. It was a romance, which you usually didn’t read but this one was just.. interesting.
Losing track of the time, your eyes widened when you saw that you were minutes late to your lecture. Hurriedly scrambling up your belongings and making your way inside.
You internally cringed when you pushed open the double doors to your class. All heads turning to look at you while your professor simply ushered you to take a seat. He knew you were never late, so he was very understanding.
Taking a random seat, you were quick to pull out your books and highlighters to take notes. Concentratedly jotting down important points and details, using your middle finger to sit your black framed glasses higher onto the bridge of your nose.
“Mind sending me a picture of those later today? I forgot my materials at home.” a familiar face smiled innocently, his bag hidden near his feet as he waited for an answer.
Gojo Satoru. A name that you obviously knew. He was extremely handsome up close, and his cologne smelt great. And he.. was talking to you? You tried your hardest to act neutral when you focused your attention onto him. “Oh, uh sure. No problem.”
“Great, let me put my number in your phone so you can text it to me yeah?”
You nodded, handing him the device and watching as he typed his number in. Saving it as Satoru. With a heart.
He finished just in time for the lecture to end. Slinging his bag over his shoulder with a wink, “Thanks princess.”
Ever since that interaction the only thing on Gojo’s mind was you. He began texting you for every little thing and talking to you every day. You guys became somewhat of friends.
Then he was holding your hands all day, saying that they were so much smaller and softer than his. Or wrapping his hand around your waist when you two walked. He told his friend Suguru about you, and though at the time you did not know the other male who attended a different school, you’d assumed he was a pretty great person.
Whispers started to float around the school about your relationship. None of which Gojo ever shut down despite knowing he had the ability to.
You and Gojo made it official after he took you on multiple dates disguised as hangouts. And you couldn’t even deny it, you had already started to fall for him by then. So when he pressed his lips to yours, pulling you impossibly closer to him with his hands on your waist. You melted. That was your first kiss, and it was perfect.
There should not have been a difference in Gojo’s behavior considering he treated you like his girlfriend from the get go. But he somehow proved that statement wrong. He was the best thing anyone could ever ask for. And he was most certainly the best thing that happened to you.
He got you used to early morning and late night bike rides. To the point where you began to love them just as much. You two were polar opposites, but he made it work.
One thing you never got used to, were the never ending stares and whispers directed your way. Even though Gojo was always there to put the person or people in their place.
You loved Gojo Satoru, and Gojo Satoru loved you.
The day went by very quickly, you snd Gojo did not share any classes. But you spent every minute in between together. Especially since you both had only morning classes.
Gojo smiled as you two walked towards each other. Happy that he would be able to spend the rest of the day together. Until..
“Hi Satoru!” she smiled sweetly, purposely blocking his movements when he tried to walk past. You bit your lips as you watched the scene, not finding it in you to tell her off.
Gojo sighed in annoyance, “What the fuck do you want.” his voice was stern, she had been bothering him for over a year now, and it only got worse when he started dating you.
She tilted her head, twirling a strand of hair around her finger. “Oh you know.. just wanted to say that if you ever got tired of that ugly slut of a nerd i’ll be right—“
Her high pitched voice was cut off by Gojo holding her roughly by her neck. Something that was way out of character for him. He was just so sick and fucking tired of people talking about you like you weren’t a person. His person.
Backing her roughly into the lockers, Gojo voice was low and aggressive, “If you ever fucking talk about my girl like that again, i swear i’ll fucking-“
“Gojo..” you called out, the man’s eyes softening when he caught sight of you. “It’s fine, let’s just go.. please?”
Gojo nodded, giving the girl another dirty look, “I'd pick her over your ass any day.” Letting go of her and walking in your direction. The girl glaring at you before she stomped away.
Gojo’s hand was in yours once more, your head on his side as you two made your way out of the building. Gojo sighed, “I’m sorry love, got a little pissed off there.”
You smiled, “No, don’t be. I’m.. i’m glad you care so much.”
“Of course i care, you’re my girl and i love you.”
Your heart fluttered, “I love you too.” And you truly meant it.
Gojo got onto his bike after helping you on, both your helmets on your heads with your hands around his waist. Making sure you were secured before taking off. Except it was in the completely opposite direction from your house.
“Baby, where are we going?” you asked curiously.
Gojo only grinned cheekily, “You’ll see.”
You trusted him. Enjoying the ride to wherever he was bringing you. Watching as day turned into night from the long ride.
Your eyes widened when Gojo pulled over at some fancy hotel. His smile never faltering as he got off.
“Annnnnd we’re here.” he spoke, looking intently at your reaction.
“Baby why are we here?” you questioned curiously, still marveling over the beautiful tall structure.
“Giving you a weekend off of school, of course. Gotta take your mind away from all that work somehow.”
You were speechless, “Satoru, you really didn’t have to.” Gojo’s hands grabbed your face softly, tears welling in your eyes at the him going this far for you. Especially when one night alone was almost 400 dollars.
“Hey, look at me. I’m more than happy to do this for you.” He reassured, pressing his lips softly onto yours before chuckling, “Plus, when life gives you this much money, spend it on the person you love the most.”
“B-but i don’t have any clothes,”
“I’m taking you shopping tomorrow.”
Gojo lead you through the grand doors of the building, giving his keys to the valet on his way in. Making your way to front desk, you glanced nervously around you. Everything was white and gold, and you gelt so out of place with the clothes you had on.
“Satoru Gojo.” Your boyfriend nodded to the receptionist who smiled knowingly when she handed him the keys. “Enjoy.”
You waited in anticipation for Gojo to open the door. Your jaw dropping when you took sight of the rose petals making a walkway to the room’s bed. Which had the words ‘I love you’ in a heart spelt out from petals.
There were rose scented candles near the bed, but what really caught your attention was the mini backyard the room seemed to have. “Satoru.. you didn’t.”
He hummed, “Oh yes i did,” leading you outside to a large blanket set up. Candles surrounding it with roses scattered all over. A small picnic basket and a bottle of wine in the center as the moonlight shone down of the most beautiful gift you had ever received.
You wanted to burst into tears. It was so perfect, turning to Gojo with a trembling lip before embracing him in a tight hug. “I don’t even know what to s-say.. it’s so beautiful. I-“ you sniffled, “words cannot even begin to express how happy i feel right now. I love it. And i love you even more.”
Gojo smiled, wiping your tears with the pads of his thumb. “Anything for you love. Anything.”
After freshening up, you wore your boyfriend’s oversized sweater, giggling softly when he extended a hand. “Join me for dinner m’ lady?”
“I’d be delighted to.”
You sat next to each other on the wide blanket. Gojo opening the basket to reveal all your favorite foods and deserts. Your eyes practically sparkling under your lenses at the countless options.
You both dug in not long after, laughing with each other as Gojo messily attempted to feed you a slice of cheesecake. The cherry sauce staining the tip of your nose, and you yelped when Gojo licked it off.
It was amazing, you felt at peace. Especially as you two finished eating, each drinking a glass of wine before laying together. Watching the stars with satisfied hearts as you cuddled into your boyfriend. His arm around you as he held you almost on top his chest. Your legs tangled with his long ones as you matched your breaths to his.
Gojo couldn’t help it when your scent alone started to drive him crazy. The feeling of you on him, your skin on his. It was getting to him.
You could feel his cock growing hard underneath you, poking at your flesh making you heat up. Unsure of what to do, you ended up shifting on top of him. The man letting out a groan before holding you still. “Might not wanna move like that love.”
You playing with his shirt as you contemplated what to say next. You were a virgin, but.. you were ready to give it away, to him.
“Satoru.. I um.. I want.. I want you to f-fuck me.” You stuttered out. And Gojo’s eyes widened at the way you worded it. Fuck, huh? You wanted him to fuck you.
“Love, don’t think that you have to do this because you can feel me hard.” he started, “it’ll go away soon, you don’t have to worry.”
You shook your head stubbornly. “No, I.. I want it, want to do it with you tonight. Please.”
Gojo swallowed hard, his boner straining painfully in his pants. “Are you sure princess?”
“Mhm, i’m ready.”
Gojo smiled, pressing another soft kiss to your lips before he was gently turning you onto your back. The stars seemingly only shining down on you in that moment. “You’re so perfect.” he whispered, his eyes stuck on yours as he peeled the sweater off your body.
Finally breaking eye contact to kiss down your neck and onto your chest. Allowing his tongue to swirl around your pert nipple before kissing his way down your stomach. “Whole body’s so perfect.” he spoke against your skin. And you whimpered when he pulled your panties off. “Fucking beautiful.”
Gojo kissed down the smooth skin, kissing your clit which made you shiver, his tongue licking a teasing stripe on the small bud. Gojo continued his way down, kissing both your folds before his tongue made contact with your wetness. He groaned. “You taste so sweet love.”
Your breathing sled up before he could even start anything. Bringing himself up and stripping out of his own clothes. The moon shining onto his back as he hovered over you. His blue eyes bright and beautiful while lining up with your hole.
“You sure about this princess?”
You whined, “Just do it.”
Gojo chuckled, taking your hand in his before slowly pushing into you inch by inch. “It’s gonna sting a little,” he said right before you winced, feeling your tightness stretching to accommodate his girth. “That’s it.. there we go.. good girl.” Gojo soothed.
You let out a moan, a pleasurable sensation raking through your body when his cock grazed something inside of you. Gojo smirked when he got all of his length in you, your pussy tight on his stilled cock. “Tell me when to move okay?”
You wasted no time, wanting that amazing sensation back. “You can move.”
Gojo abided, slowly easing you into the feeling of him thrusting in and out of you. Your lips parting in loud mewls when he gained speed.
“O-oh Satoru, f-feels good.”
Gojo grinned, his pace gaining more speed with each passing second. Rolling his hips into yours until you were moaning uncontrollably. Feeling your boyfriend’s cock fucking into that same spot before making its way deeper.
Your hands reached up for your boyfriend’s hair. Tugging lightly at white strands with short whimpers which matched his thrusts.
Gojo grunted, “You like that?”
You nodded with a shaky cry, your stomach pooling with heat as your body was rocked back and forth. “Ahh— Satoru.” you mewled, Gojo’s mouth latching onto your breasts with a groan, sucking and licking at one while his hand squeezed the other.
Gojo began kissing up your neck. Littering your skin with small love bites as he made his way to your chin. Kissing your cheeks, your forehead, then finally your lips. Capturing all your cute noises while his hand moved down to your clit.
Your back arched with a cry when Gojo began rubbing small circles. Your toes curling with your moans becoming high pitched loud.
“Nnhg— haah— so g-ood,” you breathed, your eyes closing as your body began to tremble. An unfamiliar coil feeling ready to snap.
“Look at me when you cum.” Gojo husked, watching as you look up at him through your lashes. Your hips arching into his hand before you were involuntarily shaking. Your pussy clenching down on him with a short scream.
“There you go beautiful, let it all out.” he cooed, your pretty pussy gushing messily onto him
“Nngh— feels weird,” you mewled, your legs threatening to close around your boyfriend.
“Just let it happen, it’s gonna feel great. I promise.”
You took Gojo’s word, allowing the newfound feeling to wash over your body before your eyes rolled back, squirting harshly onto Gojo’s cock and thighs.
Gojo could feel his ego swell, “I made you squirt princess. My first time in you and i made you squirt.” he boasted, a lazy smile gracing his features as his thrusts got sloppy. Your moans never ceasing as he got closer to his release.
Gojo groaned, “Hmm— i love you so much. Love so you fucking much.” Burying his head in your neck as his abs tensed, quickly pulling out of you to spill onto your stomach. Your chest rising and falling in soft pants as you both came down from your highs.
You smiled shyly, “That was amazing.”
Gojo tilted his head, “Was it now?” Pressing a kiss to your lips, “I’m glad.”
Gojo took you back inside, running you a bath before settling in the tub with you in between his legs. His chin on your shoulder as he let you relax while he cleaned you up.
The weekend went great. He took you shopping, you ate a delicious breakfast, lunch and dinner. Visited the many pools and buffets. And had sex. Twice. It was better than anything you could ask for. And you wouldn’t give it up for the world.
No school, no ‘friends’, no bothers, no worries. Just you and Satoru. Exactly how it will always be.
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goldeunoias · 5 months
Do you like me a little bit?
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A/N: to the shy subby anonies in my inbox gushing over daddy Sunghoon, this is for you!💕
not proofread that much i sowwy
"Come sit cupcake," Sunghoon cooed over to you, spreading his legs on the sofa as he undid his tie and button up. You swallowed thickly and sat next to him on the sofa, earning a fanged grin from him.
"You know that's not where I wanted you to sit," he whispered against your ear, grabbing your wrist gently and pulling you into his lap, back pressed against his chest.
"H-hoonie," you began when firm hands began massaging the squish on your thighs, pulling up your sundress to reveal soiled underwear. "Im sorry," you rushed out, feeling a sense a shame grow over you at the fact that you didn't pick up on how he, indeed, did not want you to go out to lunch with your male coworker with just the two of you.
He chuckled against the back of your neck, canines nipping their way down the thin skin. "It's not your fault cupcake, I'm not mad at you nor I could never be mad at you," he soothed, grabbing your chin so you could stare at chocolate eyes.
"But I won't lie, I was kinda pissed when he offered the outing in front of me," Sunghoon remarked through gritted teeth, dragging his tongue up your neck before sucking on the skin.
"Especially since he put you in a position where you couldn't say no," he hissed, pushing the straps down of your sundress. You whimpered as pert nipples came in contact with the cool air of your apartment, Sunghoon grabbing each in his fingertips and squeezing them gently.
"My cupcake is too pretty, what should I do?" He cooed, tugging as you squirmed in his lap. "Should I mark you as mine cupcake? Be the first to fill you up in here?" he continuously questioned, pressing down on your lower belly to where your uterus was.
You nodded eagerly at the prospect, knowing how serious Sunghoon was about always keeping a condom on. Sunghoon smiled and motioned with his face for you to open your mouth, you doing so without hesitation.
You whimpered as his hot tongue slid against yours and took dominance, one of Sunghoon's hands coming up to hold your chin in place so you couldn't keen away from the sensation.
"Hoonie wait I-I need air," you panted out against his lips, bunching up his button up in your hands as Sunghoon heeded only for a second before trickling drops of saliva down your throat, some managing to slip past your lips and down the sides of your mouth.
When he pulled back to let you have your air your lips were shiny with his saliva and your breathing was ragged, Sunghoon wasting no time as he slid your underwear to the side and pushed a digit in.
"Feels good hoonie, feels so so good," you croaked out as your walls pulsed around his digit, your nails digging into his forearm as you rutted your hips against the sensation.
Before you could beg he'd slid another digit past your entrance and this time you whimpered at the stretch of such thick digits pushing past your gummy walls, squirming away from the sensation instinctively.
Sunghoon tsked and moved you so you were flat on your belly with your lower half slightly raised up, Sunghoon pushing his fingers in deeper than before.
You moaned into the cushion of the mattress and kicked your legs out some as the pads of his fingers pressed against your favorite spot, never missing the chance for his thumb to messily rub over your swollen and puffy clit.
"You're always so cute when you're getting stretched out princess," he teased against the shell of your ear, nipping at it with his teeth before leaving bite marks down your shoulder. "You'll whine and whimper as if you can't take it and next moments after you're begging for every inch of my cock."
You whined and shook your head no, burying your face in the cushion in embarrassment as the squelching sounds only got louder, Sunghoon amplifying it even more by sliding in a third digit.
"No? Cute, you think I'll believe that? Listen to your pussy cupcake, listen to how badly it wants me and only me," he continued, knowing how flustered dirty talk made you but how turned on you got at the same time.
"Y-you're teasing me," you huffed against the couch, legs shaking as you struggled to hold yourself up. By this point you could feel your lower belly ache for release as his fingers stretched you out, your breathing getting heavier as you felt the coil tighten.
"I am," he agreed against your ear, not able to hide smile.
"But you're wet because of it."
Almost as if by perfect timing the knot in your belly snapped and you gripped the cushion for dear life as your walls pulsed tightly around his fingers, Sunghoon pulling them out with a loud squelch.
You could hear the sound of his belt being undone and the zipper of his slacks lowering and your mouth began water almost if by conditioned.
"Does cupcake want it?" He remarked with feigned sympathy, tapping his tip against your entrance. You could feel trickles of his precum leak onto your slit and you whined and nodded, clenching around nothing when he pushed his tip against your puffy clit.
"Gotta use words if you want me princess, I can't be the only one talking~"
You huffed and whined out a "please hoonie" through shaky breaths, your toes curling as you felt him push his tip in. You didn't realize how much different he could feel without a condom on, the warmth he pushed against your walls stealing the breath from your lungs.
"If you beg some more I'll give you just the tip cupcake," he pushed a bit more, wanting to see if he could get his shy princess out of her shell.
You swallowed and gathered your courage before turning and flipping onto your back, guiding his hips closer to yours.
"I-I want you inside hoonie, to fill me up in here," you managed out, pressing down on your lower belly where he had.
Sunghoon felt a shiver cast down his spine at how turned on he was, pushing every inch inside until his curve was pressing against your cervix.
"Fuck your pussy is so fucking wet," Sunhoon hissed between his teeth as his hips started snapping into yours, his cheeks reddening from how turned on he was. His own breathing had started stuttering as he got lost pleasure, grabbing your legs push them against your chest.
"W-wait it' s'too deep you're-" your sentence was cut short by a ragged moan as Sunghoon's tip kept pushing against the entrance of your cervix, your toes curling as your mind got drowned out in pleasure.
"Nuh-uh cupcake, I have to go this deep to make sure you take every single drop," he remarked between breaths, grabbing your hands and pinning them above your head to minimize your squirming.
"See? Look at you tightening up around so tightly pussy is eager to milk me for every drop," he remarked as syrupy droplets started to form a ring at the base of his cock and cling to his pubic hair, his teeth biting down on his lower lip as he got close.
"h-hoonie kiss me please," you choked out, as you felt a knot start tightening in your lower belly. He bent down and messily slid his tongue against yours into your mouth, your hands squeezing against his as you felt your belly get tighter.
"Shit, you're tightening around me cupcake, you really want that badly huh?" he groaned against your lips, one of his hands releasing yours to rub your already abused clit. Your free hand pressed against his chest as you felt something other than an orgasm forming, your eyes rolling into the back of your head.
"C'mon cupcake keep your eyes on me so you watch me pump you full, I know you can do it," he breathed out as he felt his balls tightening, eyes pieced against yours.
You did your best to hold his gaze as the knot snapped and liquid gushed from between your legs, Sunghoon stilling his hips inside of you to make sure you took every last drop.
He pulled out slowly and couldn't help but admire as trickles of thick liquid attempted to trickle it's way out, Sunghoon smiling before pushing it back in against your sensitive walls.
"Aw cupcake, don't spill my gift to you" he faux whined, pouting his lips as he used his cum to finger you. You shuddered and squirmed as your body felt the intense sensations, head already delirious as he looked at you.
"I-I'm sorry," you babbled out, unable to form any concrete thoughts as your belly started getting tighter again.
"It's okay cupcake," Sunghoon cooed as he kissed your nose, watching with a satisfied grin as your eyes lost focus.
"I'll pump you with more of my gift so your coworker will know that you're mine."
A/N: DID I DO A GOOD SUBBY SUNGHOONIE STANS PLEASE LET ME KNOW! i have anon turned on so pls come and chat with me about whether i did your man justice🥺💕
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slvttyplum · 5 months
゚𐦍༘⋆ assistance | suguru geto
synopsis: you’re too shy, so suguru helps you.
contents: porn without plot lowercase spelling, dirty talk, fingering.
“touch yourself; why are you acting shy?” suguru whispers, sliding his hands down to his belt and slowly unbuckling them.
a lump stuck in your throat as you looked at him standing there. you were frozen. you heard his words and wanted to, but he made you nervous.
his eyebrow cocking and his hands stopping when he notices you aren’t moving. wow, you were actually shy.
walking up to the edge of the bed, he bends down, resting above his feet as he licks his bottom lip.
“you don’t have to be shy with me.” his voice was more soft than it was a couple of seconds ago, warming your body.
“i know.” you reply back in an even softer tone, your thighs closing as you look him in the eye.
he reaches his hand out, pushing your knee, then sliding his hand between your thighs, spreading it out, getting a full view of your pussy.
looking at it for a couple of seconds before looking back at you and licking his bottom lip again.
“then touch yourself for me.” his words send tingles through your stomach and create waterfalls in your core.
his words made you want to, but you were so shy that the mere thought of it made you nervous.
“i’m scared.” your voice loud enough for him to hear, a grin on his face as he stares at you, no words coming out of his mouth.
his hand inching towards your core, his middle finger sliding down your slit, the wetness coating the tip of his fingers.
“you aren’t that scared; you’re wet.” his grin turning into a little smile, he found it cute how you were nervous.
your eyes dart to his hand, then to his face—that face that made your body tingle and warm up.
you slowly reach your hand between your thighs, running a finger over his hand. a smile now on his lips.
taking his hand and lightly grabbing your hand, positioning your fingers the right way—the way to make you feel good.
lightly pushing your finger into your heat, his eyes sliding from your face to your pussy making sure you’re positioned right.
“you need more help?” he whispers, his eyes still fixed on your wet cunt. he could feel how wet you were; he knew you were aching.
his finger running over yours as yours stay inside you, propping himself back onto his feet and quickly sliding his belt off.
you’re about to say something, but suguru gets into bed and sits behind you, his legs on opposite sides of you and his chin on your shoulder.
“how’s this?” he asks softly, his warm breath hitting your ear and sending shivers down your spine.
“good. i was going to do it.” you reply, one of his hands going over yours and the other holding your thigh up.
“you needed a little help; it’s okay, baby.” he whispers, the coo in his voice making your pussy tingle. fuck.
he wastes no time and pushes your finger deeper inside you, the same finger on his hand helping guide you.
your finger pumping in and out of you slowly, the light movement sending tiny bolts throughout your body.
he kisses your neck and looks down again, his body leaning back and his finger pushing into your pussy.
both his and your finger inside you felt weird, but you felt full, his finger pushing into you deeper and your finger following.
“lean back on me," he whispers, and you listen, leaning back, your thigh opening up more and spreading out your pussy.
your hole opening up a little more, his finger deeper inside you, now curling up.
a small moan slides out past your lips as your eyes flicker and your finger pumps out while his pumps in.
sugurus finger curving up as you slide your finger over your clit, pressing lightly and rubbing.
pushing into you deeper, he curves even more, and your body instantly reacts, jolting from the pleasure.
“not… not there.” you breathe out, your finger still working on your clit, sending immense pleasure throughout your body.
“you like it there; listen to how wet you are.” his voice deeper, and as he pumps out, then back in curving, the wet sounds flow through your ears.
the wetness from your clit and suguru’s finger combining, making it more slick and easier to rub on.
you don’t reply but instead moan from his repeatedly tapping your spot, going a couple of times, then sliding out and back in.
“you’re clenching around my finger... breathe.” your body untenses once you hear his words, not realizing how tense you were.
your head now thrown back on his shoulder, his cologne filling your nostrils, making you more aroused.
“more, do it faster.” you breathe out; the rhythm you had going on your clit now faster than before.
he lets out a light laugh but listens, his finger going in and out of you quickly, pleasure shooting to your toes.
your toes curling as you try to restrain yourself from moaning too loud, suguru noticing and pressing into your sweet spot.
a yelp erupting from your lips as your eyes are squeezed shut. it felt so fucking good. small white dots scattered around your closed lids.
“why are you holding back? let it out.” his void soft and seductive, your toes curling even more from his breath hitting your exposed neck.
a whimper sliding out of your throat as a strain gets caught in your thigh. it hurt, but at the same time, it enhanced the pleasure.
another finger entered your tight core, making you tense up again and stretching you out as he repeatedly pressed your spot.
“rub your clit for me," he says lightly before pressing a light kiss on your neck, warm saliva following.
your hand jolts as he pumps his thick fingers in and out of you, your eyes trying to flicker open, but the overwhelming feeling around your body isn’t letting you.
your hand slips under his as you slide your finger over the pearl, tingles rising.
your back arches, and your eyes open wide. a lump caught in your that as you try to catch your breath.
“i’m about to cum!” you whine out, your head falling as your finger stops motion on your clit.
sugurus fingers moving faster and his mouth sucking on your soft flesh—everything in that moment felt so right.
you were right on the edge, pleasure flowing to your fingertips, almost tasting that sweet release.
his mouth is still sucking as he repeatedly pounds into your sweet spot, your thighs wanting to close from the pleasure but can’t.
the knot finally releases, and a soft, loud, drawn-out moan falls out of your mouth as your head is hanging low and all you can see are spots.
suguru slowly removed his fingers, titling your head up, your head now on his shoulder, a smirk on his face.
“i knew you weren’t shy.”
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bruisedboys · 8 months
shy!reader who’s always a little anxious and hesitant to show affection but one day initiates by asking remus if he wants a kiss and he’s all giddy but she meant a chocolate kiss and she gets red and blushy
eek thank you so much this is so so cute! sorry it took me so long angel. hope u enjoy 💗
remus lupin x fem!reader modern au
You tip your gift bag upside down over the coffee table, colourful foil-wrapped chocolates spilling out across the wooden surface. Your boss at work had a bunch of sweets left over from her kid’s birthday party and had opted to give them all out to her colleagues. Lucky you, you’re one of her favourites. You’re pretty sure your bag was stuffed full the most.
You dig through your goods, sorting them into piles of different flavours and types, and then your favourites and Remus’ favourites. Speaking of, your boyfriend sits across from you on the one-seater couch, immersed in his writing. The laptop screen paints him paler than usual but no less handsome. You know you’ve struck lucky with him and just looking at him from across the room makes your heart race. You like him so much it’s sick.
You pick through the pile of chocolates deemed Remus’ favourites. There’s lots of dark chocolate, a few nutty bars and multiple Hershey’s kisses.
Without thinking (well, you are thinking, but just about how much you like Remus and want to give him something he’ll love), you speak up into the silence.
“Remus? Do you want a kiss?”
To your credit, you are holding up a silver-wrapped Hershey’s kiss in your hand. To Remus’ credit, he doesn’t see it until his head has snapped up so fast you’re worried he’s cracked his neck, eyes wide and lips parted.
“What?” He asks.
You realise your mistake almost immediately. Heat flares behind your cheeks.
“A Hershey’s,” you correct yourself, embarrassed beyond measure. You hold it up for him to see. “A Hershey’s kiss.”
Remus’ eyebrows lower significantly and his wide eyes soften.
“Oh,” he says softly. “Yeah, okay.” He smiles at you and you miss the mischief, too flustered from your slip up. “Bring it over here for me?”
You’re happy to. You get out of your seat, grabbing an extra couple of Hershey’s for good measure. You stop in front of his knees and hold the chocolates out to him.
He smiles and takes them from you, calloused fingers brushing your soft palm. “Thank you, lovely girl,” he says, lifting his chin so he can look you in the eyes.
You smile back. “That’s okay,” you say, moving to return to your seat. Remus doesn’t let you. He leans over his laptop, the screen digging into his chest, and bracelets your wrist with his lean fingers.
“Hold on,” he says, and now you pick up on the mischief in his tone, now that he’s got you trapped. He pulls you in between his legs and you know you’re not getting away until he lets you. “I’d like a real kiss too, if that’s okay.”
Heat blooms all over your face, creeping up your neck like a rash. “Remus,” you say, in what’s supposed to be a complaining tone but instead makes you sound like you’re a lovesick fool. You are, but. He doesn’t need to know that.
“What?” He grins. “I’m serious, dove. Please?”
It’s his please that gets you. You would’ve given him one anyway, but when he’s practically begging you, you’d rather die than not kiss him.
“Fine,” you say, more breathless than you’d like to be.
You lean over him and kiss him quick and sweet, trying not to linger though you desperately want to. Remus has other ideas. His hand curls around your neck, warm and heavy, and holds you against his mouth while he kisses you properly. Your lips part from the pressure, Remus’ thumb pushing into the hair at the back of your neck.
You’re barely breathing by the time you pull away. Cheeks hot, heart hammering. Remus smiles at you, looking not nearly as disheveled as you feel. Unfair.
“Thanks,” he tells you. “If you’ve got any more to give me, let me know.”
You both know he doesn’t mean chocolates.
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m-ayo-o · 4 months
HIIII, I've been thinking in reader wanting to ride megumi's face but she is so shy to ask but somehow megumi finds out what she wanna do😋😼
somehow? he knows. he's a smart guy ;) 18+ ! watching porn, masturbation mention, oral, afab reader x 21+ megumi
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You can't articulate it. Every time he goes down on you... you want more? Sure, he encourages you to move your hips. He grabs your body as he kneels between your legs on the bed and drags you closer, sucking and making out with your pussy.
But after watching a certain pornographic educational video... you're starting to desire what you saw. A girl- a very pretty girl- climbed up on her partner's lap, then he pulled her higher, over his chest, then higher- over his face!?
Won't she suffocate him like that? How can he--
But when you hear the audio of the man moaning, you know he can breathe just fine- and if he can't? He sure as hell doesn't care.
And since watching that video, sliding your fingers down between your wet folds, you can't get the idea out of your head. In every intimate instance with your sweet boyfriend you want to bring it up, but you just can't.
He notices your hips bucking with such need- it seems to be growing every time you do this together; every time he pleasures you. But he pins you down and holds you still, sucking and licking you so thoroughly.
Had he considered pulling you up to perch on his chin? Sure. But will he do it... without being asked? Perhaps not.
You'd love it, surely? Or would you be too embarrassed and tell him to stop? That could potentially ruin the mood, so he keeps quiet for now, pressing himself further into you and humming contently.
"Ngh- Megumi?"
"C-can we try... a different position?"
"What position, princess?"
Could you be any less specific?
Do you want him to push you back, tilt your body up with your ass in the air and he's kneeling over you, sinking his tongue in from above?
Or... on your knees? With his face smushed into you from behind? He's sure he could manage that.
Maybe you want to sit on the edge of the bed, with your legs spread?
You stare right into his eyes for a moment, until he pops his lips from you and sits on his haunches.
"Baby, what is it?"
I can't read your mind, dammit.
You wish he could.
Your eyes flit over his gorgeous features, you bite your lip and grip at the sheets. He sees your shyness, your inability to express your needs... and he guesses. It's a hunch. But in all honesty, he thinks, what girl wouldn't want this?
He lies down on the bed and watches your eyes go wide with shock.
"Come on, sweetie," he pats his chest, gesturing for you to sit up there.
He moves you up by tugging your thighs, now you're sitting over him with a certain look in your eyes that confirms all of his thoughts.
"Sit on my face."
He tells you to do it, and you swear you're going to lose all of your self control. You perch up there like it's your damn throne and he makes you so comfortable you start to run your fingers into his black hair and admire that pretty face of his.
And he can't help it now, licking you and pressing his tongue up and into you, swirling around the bud of your clit and through your folds. It's addicting, the way you start to move, and the view he has- good god- your stomach and tits have never looked more sexy. He holds your waist and encourages you to move. You have no idea what you're doing, but fuck it feels so good and you can't stop.
"Mmmhmm- that's it princess-"
He feels you getting closer. He knows the look on your face now- how your eyebrows arch with concentration and your back gets a little stiff. He can feel every muscle in your cute body... he knows the dips and rises like the back of his hand.
"Cum on me, hm?"
He's asking you to. And you can't keep him waiting.
"M- mhm- Megumi-- y-you're too good at this-!"
He knows.
"Haha, you're so cute-"
He watches you steady yourself and eventually slow down, as your hips still over his face.
"Next time... just ask me, okay?"
Guessing is fun. But taking orders? That's hot.
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megumi | m.list
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tra1nchi · 1 month
UHMMM i'm having some incestuous THOUGHTS
what about a 19 yo guy who's like nerdy and shy and introverted who hasn't ever kissed anyone and gets anxious about never being kissed or having kissed someone cuz now he's in college and he's embarrassed to be 19 and never kissed anyone, so he turns to his older brother (probably in his late-20s) and asks him to teach him how to kiss!!! his brother is more extroverted, but like protective of his lil bro
MINORS DNI!! bttm nerd male reader,,older metal head brother!! Inc3st,,brother gets carried away >□<
You always looked up to your older brother,, he was so cool!! He never cared about what your strict parents thought,,rather staying in the basement all day and playing his drums!!
Your mother always told you to ignore him,,focus on your studies and get good grades!! You don't wanna be a failure like him do you?? Feeling so under pressure by your parents that you have barely any friends!!
Even when you went away for college your mother still texted you to make sure you were studying!! She was so strict with you because your damned brother was still playing drums in his parents home even as he was pushing thirty!!
Coming home for the holidays!! Not very excited to see your parents but you couldn't wait to see your brother!! Maybe you could finally have a relaxing time at home!! Which you didn't get >□<
Your parents forced you to study even as they enjoyed the sunny day outside!! Your brother felt so bad for you since you were all cooped up in your room,,leaving the basement to go all the way up into your room,,
He was always the exact opposite of you,,going out to parties and making out as much as he could while you stayed in your room!! He had never even heard of you having a significant other,,
"Still haven't kissed anyone, I see" His voice was amused as his hands rested tightly on your shoulders,, A coo left his lips as you slowly nodded in embarrassment!!
Sitting you down gently on his lap as he tilted your chin up,, stroking your cute, shy little face!! "Want big bro to show you how it's done?" He leans upwards to press his lips passionately against yours,,like he was finally releasing something he had held back!!
Taking the opportunity that your parents were outside to shove you down onto your bed,, feeling himself grow hard from the sound of your surprised whimper,,"Come on baby bro, might as well show you how to fuck too" You could hear the knowing smirk in his voice!!
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hitomisuzuya · 2 months
Hellooo <3 I love your writing so much, please take care of yourself and have a nice, nice day!
Can I request Scara smut, where reader and Scara are about to get it on but then she gets very shy as Scara undresses her.
Basically like him praising her and like soft smut.
If that's not too self indulgent - thank u thank u thank uuu!
Scaramouche x fem!reader. Soft, very romantic smut. Praise.
Please, and this counts for everyone, don't be afraid sound too self indulgent. My whole blog is self indulgent. This whole thing will be self indulgent ❤️
Scaramouche absolutely enjoys the intimacy of kissing. There was just this deep connection that came with it. His tongue curling around yours, his fingers tangling in your hair as he deepened the kiss, the way your arms wrapped around him to press your body up against his as hands hastily worked to remove clothes.
He reluctantly pulled away from a kiss that was rapidly making you weak in the knees to tug your shirt over your head. Immediately, a shy blush coated your cheeks as his hand slipped back to unclasp your bra.
"So cute," He purred, curling his fingers under your chin, tilting your head up so you would look at him. His fingers traced up the dips in your spine. "Keep that expression on your face while I undress you," He loves that you never got over how shy you felt when he was taking off your clothes.
A huge turn on for him.
He took his time removing the rest of your clothes, his lips grazing softly on your neck. The sensation never failed to make goosebumps rise up on your skin, a soft moan sounding from you as you relaxed into his touches.
Scaramouche could feel you melting, his hands sliding along your body. His cock pulsed seeing you shiver. "So responsive," He pressed a hungry kiss on your lips again, gently pushing you down onto the bed.
You wore the same shy expression as you watched him remove his clothes. Did you have any idea how delicate that made you look?
His hand caressed your cheek, his thumb skimming gently across it. "Let me make my pretty girl feel good," He captured your lips in another passionate, open mouthed kiss. The way you obediently opened your mouth for his tongue, soft moans breathing against his mouth sent him absolutely reeling.
He spread your legs, caressing the inside of your thighs before seeking out your clit. He pressed and rubbed his thumb around the swelling nub, his eyes trained on the way your body quivered in pleasure.
Your hips rocked into his fingers as they stroked between your folds. "That's my good girl, just let go and relax," He encouraged, gently pinching and rolling your clit between the pads of his fingers until you saw stars.
You writhed on the bed, pleasure jolting through your body as you grasped the sheets in your hands. The look in your eyes was one of hazy desperation and need.
A look that always made Scaramouche's cheeks flush with endearment for you. Nobody looked at him the way you did. No one needed him the way that you did.
"Scara, please," You said in a shaky tone, spreading your legs a little wider for him, "I need you inside me," Your pussy was starting to clench around nothing thanks to his ministrations. Your whole body trembled with need.
"As you wish, kitten," He never got tired of hearing even the haze that laced your voice with desire. He pressed the head of his cock against your throbbing clit, tearing a gasp from you. Your hips jerked to seek more friction in response.
Scaramouche let out a low, satisfied groan as he pushed his cock inside of you. "So warm, so tight," He bottomed out with a smooth, slow thrust, "so fucking perfect," His body shuddered in pure bliss.
Your walls clamped tight, and sensitive around his cock, the head kissing into your sweet spot in a way that made your toes curl. Your arms wrapped around him, clinging to him as he leaned down to kiss you.
His lips never left yours, swallowing each and every sweet moan you offered him. You wrapped your legs around him, helping him push his cock as deep inside of you as it could go. "I love you," He said, pulling away for a moment in a show of vulnerability, "I love you so fucking much."
You put one of your hands on the back of his head, bringing it down for another kiss. His lips greedily captured yours, holding you against him like someone was going to take you away from. He couldn't ever let that happen.
The bursts of pleasure were so intense that you could barely form any words. Scaramouche was worshipping you with every thrust, every squeeze and soft caress of his hands. He was utterly lost in the way you lost yourself in him.
"Cum inside, please," You pleaded, making him groan huskily, "I love you, Scara. I love you so much," Any other words you tried to form died in your throat, your moans bleeding into his husky ones.
Those four words never failed to make him cum. His arms tightened around you, craving to hold you closer than you already were as cum ribboned into you.
"Fuck," He hissed, nipping at your lower lip, "cum for me," He thrust his cock into your sweet spot until he ushered in your orgasm, his eyes rolling into the back of his head. The way your cunt squeezed around his cock as your orgasm broke over you was nothing short of utter bliss for him.
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lysil7777 · 5 months
Yan! Dom! Fem! Reader x Sub! Boy
"P-please just.. just leave me alone!" James whimpered, tears welling up in his brown eyes, cheeks and ears flushing
"Aww what's wrong Jamie? Are you gonna cry? Did I hurt your feelings? Do you need your Mommy? You lean in to bite his ear and then whisper "I could be your mommy~"
Jamie hated himself for being unable to stop the moan that came out when you nipped at his ear and hated himself even more for letting you bully and harass him everyday.
When Jamie started college he swore things would be different from high school, he'd be more social, more motivated, and less shy. But 3 months later and the only person he talked to on a daily basis was you.
The first time you two met was in class, he'd braved up the courage to ask you for a pencil, he didn't really need one but he was trying to get out of his comfort zone.
You obliged but only after teasing him a bit asking what he'd give you in return, he got all embarrassed not knowing how to properly return your banter, and offered to pay you which you found very amusing. After a few more interactions you started to grow very fond of the nerd who sat behind you in Calc and before you knew it he was always on your mind.
The way he'd get embarrassed and look away from you when he didn't know what to say, the nervous habits he had when he was out by himself, how kind he was without anyone noticing, he was your adorable little specimen, for you only. And of course the best part was how naughty he could be, oh he was so innocent at the same time tho. You'd lost count of the number of times you'd watched him through his window, jerking it to soft domme porn, pet play, degradation, and dumbification, he was a pervy little nerd but the shame he felt afterward made you want to climb through his window and show him how much more depraved you were.
"What are you talking about y/n, I'm older than you that doesn't even make sense" he rambled looking anywhere but your eyes that were boring into his skull. God why did you have to be so close, why did you have to smell so good and be so pretty and-
His thoughts were cut off when you grabbed his chin and made him look at you directly
"I just think you're the kind of guy who needs direction, someone to help make those difficult decisions a sweet pet like you can't really decide for themselves, and why should you, that pretty little head of yours shouldn't have to worry about a single thing" you cooed squishing his cheeks together and making his lips push out
"I'm eighteen y/n, I can make my own decisions" Jamie argued or tried to through squished lips
At 5'3" you stood an entire nine inches under Jamie, but that didn't make him feel any less small in your presence
Letting go of his face you took a step back pretending to think for a moment "Alright then, I'll let you choose. Give me your number or get wedgied."
Jamie stood there dumb for a second, pants growing tighter and his skin warmer
"W-what?" He laughed nervously
Pulling his face closer to yours by the collar of his shirt you repeated your earlier statement to him in a slow demeaning manner, as if he was brain dead
"Give me your number or you get boo boo, oh no!" Your lips turned down in faux sadness
Jamie wasn't sure what to make of the situation, you usually weren't this physical with him, he was a little scared but mostly turned on. He didn't want to admit it but he had the teeniest tiniest crush on you and he blamed the stupid porn he'd been watching but he only looked into it because of you!
"I-I don't.." he paused
On one hand, he wanted to give you his number but on the other hand he'd never thought getting wedgied sounded so appealing
"You don't hmm~? Well, that just won't do. What happened to my big tough guy? Who was so strong and independent? Do you know darling? Ah, of course you don't. You're just as clueless as a little puppy dog and as cute as one too <3"
The new nickname shocked Jamie and caused him to audibly gasp, his hard-on fully visible now
"You can't j-just-aghhh"
You gripped him by his hair to cut him off
"Oh is puppy trying to give the orders now? What a silly little mutt you are, you really don't know how this works do you? The tent in your pants suggests otherwise but here you are telling me what I can and can't do with my property"
"I-I'm not yours y/n! A-and I'm not a pervert!!"
That first statement made your blood boil and you didn't even realize that you'd pushed Jamie down to his knees
"A good dog doesn't speak, a good dog gets treats and rewards but you're not being a good dog, Jamie. I know your tiny brain might not have comprehended it yet but you are mine, you're only mine. Who else is gonna talk to such a pervert hm? You were made for me, nobody else should ever see you like this, in fact, nobody ever sees you the way I do."
Before he could get a word out you pinned him to his position by placing your shoe on his clothed dick and reached over him to grab his boxers. Putting pressure on both simultaneously had him squirming and letting out the most sinful moans that made you wanna take him right then and there.
"Y-nnnnnnn" he whined, grinding up to help release some of the tension but each movement made the fabric between his ass more uncomfortable
"Shhh puppy, this is the punishment you've been given, I wouldn't be a very good owner if I didn't discipline my pet, you just gotta learn how to be good for me mkay? Don't you wanna learn how to be good and get rewards and pets and walkies~?"
All the new sensations made Jamie's head spin, his body felt like it was burning up from the inside out, his head was fuzzy, his dick was so much more sensitive than it had ever been while he was touching it and he couldn't place why the slight uncomfortableness of the wedgie made his parts throb even more, the whole situation was so intense poor boy couldn't fully wrap his doggy brain around it.
"I-I'm so close y/nnn, oh godd please, give me more! 'M so closeee" he panted not caring how pathetic he looked
"Already? Such a greedy pup for me hehe~ Have you learned your lesson, Jamie? Do you even deserve to cum against the bottom of my shoe?" You sang in a taunting manner pressing down even harder with your shoe
"I-, aghhhhh ohh yess fuck, YES! I'm yours y/n only yours! Promise! I'll-uggghh I'll be-hah hah- good! Just for you!"
"Atta boy! That wasn't so hard was it pup?" Finally letting go of his underwear you continued to let Jamie grind against your foot until he got to the edge
"M- boutta...cum!!" At this point, Jamie had grabbed your leg, chin resting on your thick thigh, eyes teary and glazed over staring up at you as if you were a goddess
Softly cupping his face you lifted it off your leg and removed any contact from his dick causing him to let out strings of breathy and high-pitched whines
You sat down and pulled him into your lap, gently wiping away the fresh fallen tears off his face
"W-*hiccup*why y/n, was so close...so close"
His protest died down with a stern look from you
"You'll be alright puppy, I promise. I'm gonna take care of you from now on, you are mine after all"
The rest of the evening was spent holding your new puppy, rubbing his tummy and flustering him with all the soft attention you gave him
He couldn't believe he got so lucky as to experience you, and as long as he considers being owned and expected to heed your everyword, he was lucky!
End <3
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Mutual masturbation with virgin!Ethan. Maybe reader teaches him how to touch a girl? He’d be so shy and cute and ugh I want him
The face Jack does in the gif represents many situations in this one
Warning: smut, virgin!Ethan, mutual touching, 
my taglists are here + you can send requests here at any time
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''It's weird. Do you think it's weird?''
''Should we be doing this? I really don't want to ruin our friendship.''
''Are you sure about this? We don't have to if you don't want—''
''Ethan.'' You felt like screaming. Consent is good, but he really needed to stop asking if it was okay every three seconds. It was starting to get on your nerves. You breathed out your emotions, then curled your lips into a soft smile. ''I would not be here with my pants off if I didn't want to.''
He bit his bottom lip and nodded. ''I'm just...I'm nervous. In case you cannot tell,'' Ethan explained, a light flush coating his cheeks. ''I've never seen a woman naked before — other than in porn. That's not how people look though.'' He drew his eyebrows, getting flashes of the porn he watched last night. Your body looked very different than the woman with the massive fake tits.
''Well, how do I look?'' You did a little twirl, giving him a three-sixty view and Ethan's breathing changed.
''Really nice.,'' he croaked, honest and innocent, feeling his cock stiffen beneath his pants.
That's not how you compliment a person's body, but you let it slide.
''I've also never touched a girl...like that before. Sorry in advance if I suck or can't find the clit,'' he added with deeper flushed cheeks.
Giggles bubbled from your mouth. ''It's okay. Like I said, I'll show you.'' You reached out and pulled him by his belt buckle. ''Now, lose some clothes. I'm starting to feel unfairly exposed being the only one undressed.''
Ethan nodded and quickly pulled his polo off, showing off his surprisingly nicely toned chest, getting it stuck under his chin at the collar in his haste. You wanted to tell him to slow down, but it was amusing to watch. He undid his belt and popped open the buttons on his jeans, then pushed them down his thighs.
''Eh...one other thing. I've never been fully naked in front of someone before. Other than a doctor or my mom during bath-time when I was a kid. I probably shouldn't be talking about my mom right now...''
You stepped over and kissed him softly. ''You talk too much.'' Your hand fell down his bare chest, your fingers brushing over his clothed erection, and he jumped a little. ''Shall we get to business?'' you asked against Ethan's lips.
He let out a sigh at your touch. ''Fuck. I don't think I'm gonna last long. I'm about to fucking burst just from that one touch.''
''Do you?'' Mischief washed over your features as you reached back to your bra clasp. ''And if I do this?'' You pushed the clasp and unhooked it, the straps slowly falling off your shoulders as you let your bra fall.
You saw Ethan's eyes wandering down from your face to your breasts, his breath catching in his throat. He had peeked at your chest before, through tight shirts or on days where you didn't wear a bra, but he had never seen much skin displayed. They were round and perky and tipped with perfectly peaked nipples that Ethan was dying to wrap his mouth around.
''Give me your hand.'' You grabbed Ethan's hand and raised it to your right breast to cup it.
He squeezed the flesh gently, passing his thumb over your nipple to rub it. He swallowed the whine that left his throat, unable to tear his eyes away as you moved his other hand to cup your other breast. ''Jesus Christ.''
You let him have his moment, living his teenage fantasy of touching a woman's breasts, then brought him back to business.
You shimmed your panties off as Ethan did with his boxers, his cheeks turning a deep crimson. Nerdy virgins like Ethan were rumored to have a small shrimp between their legs, but his cock was fairly big — bigger than what you thought it would be.
Feeling observed, Ethan shifted on his feet.
You moved to the bed, sitting facing each other, and Ethan's cock twitched in his lap when he felt your knee brushing against his. Cute.
You spread your legs and Ethan's breath spiraled out of his lungs. ''Fuck, you're so pretty,'' he breathed out, his eyes, blown wide with lust stared shamelessly at your glistening pussy, his mouth almost salivating by how wet you were.
''Eh, thanks. I guess...'' Awkwardness was starting to plant its foot, so you cleared your throat. ''Ready to learn how to touch a woman?''
He nodded, nervous but eager to learn.
''First, you gotta work her up. You can caress or kiss her breasts and thighs, gently run your fingers over her skin until you dive lower.'' You grabbed your own breasts, then slowly slid your hands down to your mound.
Before you, Ethan's cheeks were a lovely shade of red as he took mental notes.
You reached down and spread yourself out with two fingers, showing and teaching Ethan the basics. He had learned the female genitalia system during the anatomy lessons in high school, but he didn't remember anything, too focussed on not getting hard in class.
''O-okay. I think I got it.''
Swallowing thickly, Ethan dipped his fingers between your legs, marveling and almost moaning when a wet substance coated his fingers. He gathered up some of the wetness like you had done and dragged it back up to your clit. ''Is this good?'' he asked, needing reassurance.
You nodded. ''Now go a little higher — you know where the clit is, right?''
He didn't look too confident, but ended up finding it, a soft whine slipping from your lips as he gently and slowly circled your clit.
''That's it, E, you're doing so well. Keep doing that.''
Your encouraging words were a tap on the back for Ethan. They made him feel a little less like the virgin loser he did an hour ago.
You shifted your gaze to Ethan's cock, the tip so red it was practically drooling precum at this point. A hard shudder racked his body as you wrapped your hand around it. ''Big and hard for me. Right, E?''
He whimpered at that, his soft sounds filling the room as he bucked his hips towards you. You slowly — teasingly — moved your hand up and down, making Ethan shut his eyes, his head rolling back. His lips were parted, just slightly, but wide enough that if you pressed your mouth to his, you could slide your tongue between the pouty seam and taste him.
''I'm going to cum way too fast,'' Ethan said as a fact, absentmindedly pausing his movements.
You applied pressure at the tip of his cock to get his attention, eliciting a whimper. ''Keep your hand on me,'' you scolded, feeling him slip away as you were pleasuring him.
Snapping back into action, Ethan started rubbing your clit again and pressed harder against the bud but kept his pace, making you whine as an intense shock of pleasure shot through your body. Only your pink vibrator had ever made you feel this good.
You sped up your strokes, swiping your thumb over the head every upstroke to drive Ethan insane. He looked so cute struggling to keep it together and not cum right there.
''Fuck, fuck fuck, fuck,'' he cursed under his breath, rubbed you even faster to busy his mind and concentrate on something else.
Unfortunately, it wasn't very efficient. Each sounds leaving your mouth were making the situation worse.
He needed a distraction.
Ethan looked up through his sweaty fringe, catching sight of your full chest. With a glint in his eyes, his other hand skimmed up your body to cup one firm breast. He toyed with your nipple between his fingers and you bit back a growl. He wanted to suck on that puckered bud more than he wanted his next breath.
''Are you close, E?'' you asked although you already knew the answer.
''Shut up.''
You giggled softly. ''You can put a finger in, you know,'' you said, your voice was honeyed and sweet. ''No. Scratch that. Please put a finger in.''
That one little word almost sent Ethan over the edge.
His hand left your breast and traveled over your belly, down the edge of your hips. Your skin was so soft underneath his fingers. He made eye contact with you, then sank two of them into your pussy, while his other hand continued to tend to your clit.
The fullness of his fingers made you moan, a part of you wishing something other than his fingers was inside you. It would feel so fucking good.
''Fuck, you feel so good,'' you told him, pushing yourself against his fingers every time he withdrew them.
Your eyes had gone hazy with pleasure, and you were rocking restlessly on Ethan's fingers and crying out whenever he would curl them. Before you, Ethan's moans had become more whiny and his cock was so red and leaking more precum than you had ever seen a guy produce.
This wasn't going to last much longer.
Your body was on fire, but you stroked Ethan faster as you cried out, feeling the knot inside your lower stomach snap as you climaxed. A guttural moan echoed in the room and mixed with your cry, pleasure hurtling through Ethan and coating with spurts of white your hand and his stomach.
Several seconds later, your bodies relaxed and a sated sigh rumbled from Ethan's mouth, blowing a few curls of his fringe. Feeling a rush of tiredness, he fell back on his bed, his chest flushed from the heat of your activities. 
It was amusing seeing him like this, limp and spent and still having trouble breathing.
''Fuck, that was hot,'' he asserted, looking at the off-white colored ceiling. 
You chuckled and grabbed some tissues from the box on the nightstand and wiped your hand clean. ''Now you know how to get a girl off.'' 
Ethan hummed, his mouth curling into a beaming grin. He did.
Scream taglist: @misfityanii @beautybyfire @iluvscream191 @mariposa555 @bella7866 @o638 @lulubelle14 @luvvtxinityy @frasersgf  @Eddiefrickenmunson @jasperr-the-friendly-ghost @ghostf4cee @thesebitcheslovesosadotcom @wandaswigglywoos @xjennyx2 @jennasslut @thatonesblog  @mikaelsonsstuff @icarly23 @tcddszn​ @bt.oliana
All and more taglist: @spiokybirdstarfish @kenqki @liidiaaag @hawkegfs  @gillybear17  @areaderinlove @acornacreacure @black-rose-29 @fudge13 @cece05 @rosie-cameron @Caxddce @laylasbunbunny @gemofthenight @beautyb1ade  @hi-bored-as-fcuk-rn  @lovelyy-moonlight @mellabella101 @vxnity713  @marzipaanz
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ms-fade · 10 months
College!Class-1a! X Fem!Reader 18+Drabble
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This is really starting out as imagination for being shared by the characters, then I thought of this. So in this the class has eyes on you and can’t help it but always wanted you. Then one day your professor takes it a step further. This is yanderish.
Class 1A: Izuku midoriya, Shoto Todoroki, Ejiro Kirishima, Katsuki Bakugou, Ochaco Uraraka, Mina Ashido, Shōta Aizawa, Hanta Sero, Denki Kaminari, Tenya Iida, Fumikage Tokoyami, Momo Yaoyorozu, Kyouka Jirou
Warning: Sex watching, teasing, degrading, yandere content, masterbating, touching oneself to someone else, slight circle jerk?, professor x student, being used, authority play, hair pulling.
This is content that isn’t light of heart, filthy shit. So, dead dove do not eat. All characters are of age and consenting.
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It was just another day in class, your classmates would drift their eyes to you occasionally to stare lovingly then turn away. You looked so cute today, like you did everyday, they always appreciated how beautiful you looked for them. Each time you’d look down or wrote in your notebook, Aizawa was staring at you. His eyes however didn’t look at your face but below the open deck to between your legs. That showed your pretty pussy all to him.
He could barely focus on his lesson with the picture of you in his mind, so he’d trip in his words and forget about what he was saying. This was new for him because he was always calm and steady, bored even. So the whole class took noticed his actions.
It wasn’t until he stopped fully while looking at you and the whole class followed his gaze in confusion. You didn’t even notice because you were taking notes and blocked him out until you got passed a point. “Y/n.” He sounded annoyed. Looking up to meet his glaring gaze you stare wide eyed at being in trouble.
“Yes sir.” He leaned on his desk and pointed in front where you would stand in front of the whole class. You gulped, “Stand up and go to the front of the class.” You flushed embarrassment at all the attention but followed his instructions to not get in anymore trouble. They all kept their eyes on your shy figure standing before them all in your school uniform. Aizawa made his way around and stood by you while putting a hand on his chin, inspecting you.
Turning his attention to the class, “Can anyone tell me what’s wrong with Miss L/n’s outfit?” You stared panic. All eyes looked at you from head to toe at the same outfit you wear every day, and they noticed everything you did. So the class stayed silent. Aizawa sighed and clicked his tongue.
“Surprising, you guys watched her like little bitches in heat.” He said amused with a eye roll, his demeanor changing quickly. The group looked at each other taken aback. Oh, you remembered clearly what you had done today. “I’m sorry-” his hand covered your mouth quickly and pushes you against the desk, the others getting defensive.
“Clearly your peer forgot the dress code,” you squealed when his other hand tugged at your skirt and lifted it. You struggled against him and tightened your legs together with tears picking up in your eyes. It was embarrassing…But also gave you a thrill.
“No panties under her skirt, she didn’t even close her legs.” You huffed as they all looked down at your cunt. Each of them turned red and moaned at the sight, the girls getting wet and the boys pants getting tight. “Shy? Awe, that’s pathetic.” He pushed you back and you were forced to take a seat in his desk.
“Show them, you know you want to be a good little slut.” You looked up at him with puppy eyes while he just smirked devilishly. But the problem to fighting back was simple. You didn’t want to. You spent nights imagining being fucked by your dorm mates, all of them you thought about along with your professor. So you nodded and slowly opened your legs for them to see each detail, your holes and clit. 
Now your eyes cried while your sweet moans poured out, the wet sounds of your pussy while his fingers thrust into you. Hands gripping the desk for support at how good the pleasure felt, your stomach twisting and turning. You couldn’t focused on your classmates to long while they all touched them to you.
The girls parted their legs while rubbing their clits and you could hear them too. Ochako and Mina fingered themself to match what you felt so they could feel one with you. The boys were surprisingly louder then the girl while stroking their cocks. Bakugo was more growling while fucking his hand as fast as he could go, Kirishima was soft and slow along with sero. Deku and denki were the loudest in the room, who got yelled at because they couldn’t hear you. But the other boys and girls kept quiet while touching themselves, afraid to make a sound.
Aizawa was painfully hard and made you rub him threw his pants for some relief, but he couldn’t take his eyes off of you. The way you cried, moaned just by him fingering you. It was intoxicating. “Cum- Oh fuck, going to cum.” You announced with your eyes rolling back.
“Dumb girl, think that’s what you get?” You cried out when he pulled out of you quick and left you empty. “All of you stop or I’ll fail you.” They all stopped and panted, caught in a haze of the high. “At least you all listen to me now, now pull up your pants and shit.” Groaning they all listened, the reality sinking in on them. You wiggled to get off the desk but he stopped you.
“Shoto, Ochako are the only ones who get to finish.” The two looked up and the rest looked at them. “Y/n here will finish you off,” your hair was gripped and pulled you off the desk. He forced you down onto your knees, “Well?” The two thought for a second but stood up to walk over to you, standing above you.
“All of you get to watch, be thankful.” He left you and walked to his chair and leaned back. So, you licked her pussy and gave him a hand job until they both came. Todoroki’s cum splatter on your face as you cleaned her pussy up, you got breathless fast. The end of class was awkward and silent, no one knew what to do or say. So you all just left.
But it was only a matter of time before you got home and the class was waiting for you to get their turn. Willing to do anything to get you.
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dilfl0v3rss · 10 months
bully!ony who always seems to know just what to say to make your sensitive self cry
bully!ony who’d hide your pencils and take your computer while you went to the bathroom
bully!ony who’d call you mean and annoying names like chubs, dough girl, muffin, dumb dumb, and cupcake. his favorite being peaches since that was the first thing he smelled the first time you walked passed him on campus.
“cmere peaches, need you t’do my homework so i can come back and terrorize you next semester”
bully!ony who was nearly a foot taller than you, towering over you with a mean look when he sees you doing something he doesn’t like.
“stop wearing this skimpy ass skirt. ass all out like a desperate bitch” he mumbled, his harsh, deep voice made you shrink in fear. this only brought a smile to his face, his pearly white teeth flashing at you as he shamelessly looked you over. “i-i like m-my skirt, s’pretty.” you whispered, your finger gravitating towards the middle of your glasses, pushing them up your nose as you looked up at the bully with big, scared, doe eyes.
ony’s smile began to fade, an unknown anger showing in him as he grabbed your bag from your shoulder, snatching book after book out of it before letting each one hit the floor. “s’pretty until you gotta pick shit up. now niggas gon be able t’see everything you got going on under it” he spit, his side colliding with yours as he walked past you and towards the door, not missing the little wet patch in your cotton panties as you bent over to pick up your stuff. “tch, slut…”
bully!ony who’d purposely put things too high or too low just to watch you struggle. the way your breasts would bounce as you jumped for your favorite book in his hand or the way your panties would show, your pretty pussy fighting against the fabric as you reached under a chair for your computer. he couldn’t help but feel his dick jump in excitement.
bully!ony who had no shame walking into your dorm room and taking your snacks, not even knocking on the door since he knew you kept it unlocked while you were in there.
bully!ony who’d copy off of your work constantly, giving you stern looks and a tight squeeze to your thigh to keep you quiet. it worked every time.
bully!ony who’d scare you into coming with him to parties, preying on your fear of being all alone as he’d tell you that the campus would be empty since everyone else would be there except you.
bully!ony who’d make you stay by him the entire time, leaving a big, strong palm on your ass at all times to “let niggas know”. you didn’t mind it though, never questioning anything he does since you were so cute, scared, and dumb.
bully!ony who couldn’t help but feel a bit jealous when he saw you getting hit on in the line for the bathroom.
“look really pretty in that skirt mama” eren said, his voice quickly making heat travel to your cheeks as you looked down at your pretty pink shoes. “t-thank you” you whispered. he heard you, but at the sight of your shy little face eren couldn’t resist teasing you a little. “whatchu say? you gotta speak up f’me pretty the music’s loud in here” as he spoke, his big hand found itself under your chin, lifting your gaze up to his pretty eyes as he stared at you with mischief written all over his face.
ony watched the whole scene unfold, his fists clenched tightly as he removed himself from his spot on the couch. you didn’t even notice him coming as you watched the person in front of you exit the bathroom. before you could say another word to eren you felt a strong hand grip the back of your neck, shoving you in the bathroom before ony followed you inside. he towered over you menacingly, “what was that?” you looked up him, fear and confusion written all over your face as you tried to understand what you did that upset him so much. “i-i don” “oh my god ‘i-i-i’ speak up chubs. you fucking him?”
tears quickly trickled down your cheeks, your mascara messing up as you wiped at them constantly with the sleeve of your pink long sleeve crop top. “n-no…never” you whispered, ony quickly wrapped a hand around your throat, turning you around towards the mirror as he bent you over the sink. “then scream real loud while i fuck you so he could hear”
bully!ony who told you all the time that only he was allowed to touch you since he was the “only man that gave you attention” when in actuality, every guy on campus wanted to be with you but he’d scare each of them off before they even tried.
bully!ony who’d constantly fluster you from shamelessly lifting up your skirt while you sat with him in the library to slapping the fatty flesh of your ass while you bent over to get one of your pencils he’d drop.
bully!ony who couldn’t help but notice that you’ve been a little off lately. the pencils and books he’d enjoy stealing and hiding nowhere to be found as you sat in class with just your computer. tears were in your eyes as you sat in front of the black screen, not even trying to get any notes down as you let your sadness fall down your cheeks.
bully!ony who followed you around for the rest of the day searching for the boy who thought it was okay to mess with you when you were alone. breaking your pretty pink pencils and wetting up your favorite books. “this him muffin?” ony said, holding the guy by the back of his collar with a big tattooed hand as he awaited your reply. you nodded your head, your mascara filled tears drying on your chubby cheeks as you looked at the petrified look the boy carried. ony took one deep breath before telling you to go wait for him in his car. you listened without hesitation, not wanting to anger him further.
he returned to the car with blood covering his knuckles, anger still lingering over his face but it was much calmer than before. “y-your hands” you mumbled but he ignored you, silently making his way to his apartment. even though the two of you have had sex multiple times you’ve never been to his apartment, always settling for a bathroom quickie or your dorm room so you were very surprised to see the huge, spacious apartment this man had. “rooms right there” he mumbled, nodding his head towards his door. you quietly made your way in there, lightly sitting at the edge of his bed as you let todays events replay in your mind.
as ony finally joined you in the room, you noticed the blood from his hands as well as his tight black t shirt nowhere to be found. his broad chest full of tattoos moving closer and closer to your face before he was standing right in front of you. arousal quickly rushed inside your panties as your eyes moved up to his inked neck then to the sexy, dark brown skin of his face. “ass up” was all he said and you complied immediately, making him scoff as he watched your skirt instantly move up your back, putting your soaked panties on full display for him. “knew you’d be wet…slutty lil bitch” he mumbled, rubbing his thumb up and down the wet fabric before pulling it to the side.
ony freed himself from his sweats, lining up with your entrance before sinking into you fully. your pretty moans only drove him crazier as he already started building up to a quick pace. “fuck peach you so tight” he groaned, his hands pushing down on your back as he fed deep strokes into your pussy. your eyes where already in the back of your skull, your hands gripping the sheets as you took each and every inch of him. “o-ohhhh my g-odddd” you moaned, your pussy only getting wetter as you felt ony fuck you even harder, his hips slapping against your ass as he let the rest of his anger out on your body.
“only i can be mean t’you right cupcake? only daddy can make you cry?” he said, his deep voice making your walls clench as you replied with a whiny “only you daddy”. ony gave you a satisfied slap on the ass, his pace quickening as he angled his hips down towards your g spot. “and only i can make you feel good, fuck this pussy just how you like it?” you nodded your head but ony wanted words, his hand leaving a harder slap on your ass as his other hand went to pull you up a little by your hair. “talk t’daddy baby or do y’want me t’stop?” a whine instantly flew from your lips, your ass moving back on him harder as you begged for him to continue. “n-no! only you can t-touch me daddy pleaseeee, just keep goinggg”
a smirk crept onto his lips, his dick twitching in excitement at your obedience as he fucked you just the way you liked it.
bully!ony who had been in love with you since he met you but didn’t know how to tell you, settling for picking on you and your pretty little pussy until he got the right words together to ask you out properly. until then he’d settle for being your big, mean, scary bully and you his pretty, timid, quiet little peach.
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luvrxbunny · 7 months
emotional intimacy
Pairing: Eddie Munson x F!Reader 
Prompt: Dirty Talk
Warnings: 18+ MDNI, smoking (weed), emotions, piv, unprotected sex, (lmk if I forgot anything)
WC: 1.8k
A/N: this general idea has been on my mind for so long omg (not proofread)
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You take a long hit, impressing Eddie with how much smoke you exhale but bringing a smile to his face when you start coughing. “Yeah, that’s what I thought.” He laughs at you and takes the blunt from your hands. “Always think you’re some big ripper but can never handle.” He takes a hit. “The heat.” He raises his eyebrows at you as he exhales much more smoke than you had- without coughing. You giggle and push him over as you finish your water. “Shut it.”
You lean back and snuggle into his arm, feeling the immediate high from your last hit. He smiles at your action and the content sigh that leaves your lips once your face is pressed into his arm. He smokes the rest of the blunt while you lipsync along to the music he put on. “Can I tell you something? Cus- Well-” You sit up and tilt your body to face him at an angle. You have a shy look and a nervous little smile twitching on your lips. “I have something to say but- but it might be too soon or like um- maybe too much but I- It’s h-how I feel..?” He sits there confused for a moment, too high to figure out if you’re not making sense or he’s not understanding you. “Um... Yes?” 
You roll your eyes and laugh at him gently. “Do you wanna hear it? I- Cus you can’t get upset at what I say, get weird, or like- I don’t know be all awkward afterward… Okay?” He sits up straight, suddenly intrigued now that he understands what’s happening- you’re going to tell him a secret. He leans forward, pulls his knees up, and rests his chin on them with a curious sparkle in his eyes. He nods his head wildly, making his curls jump. “Mhm! Tell me, tell me.” You feel a surge of anxiety and excitement run through you as his eagerness. 
You take a deep breath and scoot closer to him, offering yourself a bit more comfort before beginning your statement. “I- “ You pause as your heart skips a beat, take a deep breath, and force yourself to continue with a nervous smile. “I really like you, Eddie.” His eyes widen and his head tilts like a confused puppy but he stays silent, waiting for more. “You’re just- ugh. You’re so cute and perfect and kind. You’re so nice to me I-” You cover your face at how wide your smile is getting. “You make me feel like- like there’s a sun inside of me, like there’s a bright light trying to break through that can like- that only you can ignite. I’m not sure if- I don’t think I’m making sense.” You giggle at yourself with your gaze down on the covers. “I wake up wanting to see you. I go to sleep wishing I spent more time with you. I- I hope and pray constantly that you’ll still like me the next morning and that I- I keep being your type and a girl that you wanna be with and-”
He kisses you, unfolding all his limbs and pulling you into his lips. You giggle happily into them, overjoyed that he’s taking your outpour of emotions so well. You caress his cheek and the back of his neck with your hands as he kisses you, moaning gently into the kiss before pulling away. “Sorry. Sorry, keep- keep going.” He’s panting and his face is red, cheeks beaming as he smiles at you expectantly, waiting to hear more. Your brain is a bit scrambled by the kiss, it’s oddly heated nature in such a heartfelt moment but you push through for Eddie. “Um. I think- I don’t think I could think up a better boyfriend if I tried, I- You’re everything I want, everything I need and more and- and you do it all without even trying! You’re just perfect for me.” You pause for a moment, coming to a certain realization that you would’ve held in normally, but the weed has lowered your inhibitions and Eddie is staring at you with his big, chocolate, puppy dog eyes and it’s too much to handle, the feeling is bursting inside your chest. “I- I just love you, Eddie.” You confess, staring right at him as you do to gauge his reaction. 
His eyes widen so much you begin to get self-conscious, worrying that you’ve gone too far, that you should’ve stopped, it’s too soon. His eyebrows furrow and his head tilts again. He reaches out for you slowly, taking your hand off the bed and slowly intertwining your fingers. “Are you- Are you sure? Are you being serious or- I mean” He chuckles sadly. “You’re pretty high right now, sweetheart.” Despite the fear of rejection, you feel the need to make your emotions crystal clear to Eddie. 
You shake your head vigorously, an adorable pout on your face as you glare softly at him. “Don’t say that, Eddie. You know I can still think clearly. I mean it. I didn’t know before- I just found out! But… that doesn’t make it any less true.” You state sternly, assuring that he believes every word you’re saying. His eyes flutter as his thumb strokes over your hand and he nods slowly. He leans back against the bed, pulling your hand with him and you almost fall on him. “Well. I love you too.” He had a proud smile on his face as he spoke but once his eyes met yours he could see the hesitation, so he made his feelings as clear as yours. “You’re the sweetest thing in my life, baby. You know that light you were talking about? The one that you say feels like a sun inside you? It’s you, baby. You’re the light. You light up my life and the lives of everyone around you. You-” He sighs and adjusts his position, lifting his hips before leaning further back, his eyes on the ceiling so his hair falls back over his shoulder and exposes his neck. “You never need to worry about being my type. You’re my everything. I can’t even look at other girls without comparing them to you, and none of them- none can even begin to match up.”
You feel your heart race as he speaks, and if we’re being honest… a little heat starts up in the base of your stomach, a little tingle between your legs as you take in all his feelings for you. “You’re the hottest, most prettiest, most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen in my fuckin’ life you-” His words become background noise as you admire him, his arms have come to cover his burning red face but the gesture has his shirt riding up, exposing his little happy trail and accentuating the way his stomach is tensing under his shirt. Your eyes keep moving, trailing down further and finally noticing the movement of his hips under the covers. “I can’t even go an hour without thinking about you and- You’re so- Baby, I love you so much- I can’t even put it into words. I’m- I don’t have the vocabulary for it. You-” He cuts himself off with a gasp as you pull the covers down further, revealing the painful-looking bulge in his pants. 
Your eyes widen at the sight but you’re not surprised, you’ve been feeling the same way. He’s sat up and staring at you as you stare at his crotch, already leaking at the sight. “I’m- I just- I’m kinda weird so- so you telling me you like me, and you- Fuck. You love me just- It turns me on? I don’t- It’s weird I know but I can’t help it, baby. You’re so fucking hot.” His words send a shiver down your spine as your hand leaves the blanket to palm his cock without a second thought. His head falls back as he grabs your wrist and pulls your hand closer, giving himself more pressure from your little hands. “Oh, please.” His eyes are in the back of his head, overly sensitive from his high and all your emotions. “Mm— not gonna last, sweetie. Wan- want you, gotta be inside you.” 
You��re climbing into his lap and undoing his pants before he can even finish his begging. His hands run up your arms to cradle your face and pull you in for a kiss while you pull his cock out. Goosebumps erupt over your body at his hands running over your skin, your high having turned all your senses up to eleven. You can feel your clit pulsing inside your panties as he pulls them to the side to help you line him up with your hole. “Yeah, lemme in, babes. Good girl.” He whispers to you as your slide onto his cock. 
His eyes flutter and try to roll to the back of his head as his cock slides into your warmth, your burning heat that consumes him until he’s filling you to the brim with his own. It feels different, being with you feels different now that you’ve told him the way you feel. He can tell you’re thinking the same thing, feeling the same thing by the way you're fucking yourself on him. You’re abusing yourself with his cock, arousal pummeling into his stomach every time his hips meet yours. “Sweetheart—” 
His nickname for you comes out as a whimper as he wraps his arms around your waist and his head falls into the nook of your neck and shoulder. He’s whimpering into your skin, his hips grinding up as best he can as you grip his hair and tighten around his cock. Your body is on lit, like a spark and Eddie is gasoline, he’s setting you alight. “I’m gonna cum, baby.” He groans raggedly at that, his hands gripping your hips, his blunt nails digging into your plush hips. “Good, good. Cum on me, my love.” His words send you over the edge and your orgasm pulls him with you. 
You shake over his cock as he moans into your ear, his tummy tenses against you as he starts to fill you with his cum. He pulls away from your neck to moan into your mouth as you moan into his, your wet lips ever parted over his. He can’t help the smile that comes onto his face as he examines your expression. You have soft tears in the corners of your shut eyes, your brows are furrowed and drawn inward as you come down from your peak but keep grinding into him slowly. He watches you twitch in overstimulation as his cock still cries into you. His cum has started to leak out of you, onto his sheets, and making a mess of both your thighs and he’s just kissing you.
There’s a smile on his lips as they press into yours, a chuckle sliding out and filling your mouth. You pull away with a hazy smile over your lips. “What?” You ask, your voice high and tired. His chest almost explodes with love at how gone you are, at how easily you give yourself to him. “That was the hottest dirty talk I’ve ever heard, baby.” You give him a shocked giggle and hit his chest as he wraps his arms back around you and falls back onto the bed, pulling you down with him. 
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Thank you so much for reading! If you enjoyed it, here's the rest of my Kinktober Works, and be sure to check out my Main Masterlist!!
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kuroko-no-cuties · 11 months
How the GOM react when you nom them :3
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Will be pleasantly surprised but also confused. He understands that you want attention but why you have to nibble on his shoulder, he doesn’t quite understand. He doesn’t say it outright, but he finds it rather adorable. He’ll think that maybe you just want something to eat.
He chuckles softly in amusement as he watches the strange phenomenon of your head bobbing up and down over top his right shoulder “Hmm, are you hungry darling? Well if you are just tell me. I don’t see how biting my shoulder can satiate an appetite.”
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Will immediately try to push you off. He’s just so confused…what on earth are you doing?? He thought you were leaning in for a kiss and next thing he knows you’re biting his shoulder. When you explain to him it’s just a love bite, he blushes slightly and insists it’s the dumbest thing he’s ever heard.
“Do I look like a snack to you? Don’t answer that, nanodayo.” He replies quickly while pushing his glasses up his nose in an attempt to hide the deep blush spreading along his face as you raise a cheeky eyebrow.
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Will nom you right back. He thinks it’s fun and cute. However the only possible way you can nom him is if he’s sitting down. If he’s standing forget about it unless you don’t mind nomming his elbow because that’s literally all you can reach. He’ll nom the top of your head as well just because he can.
“Mmm~ Chibi-chin is sweet and tasty. Can I have another bite?”
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Will also think it’s cute and lightly nom you back. He’ll also pick up #2 and let him nom your shoulder and your face in retaliation. Weirdly enough, it’ll start to feel nice to him after awhile - kinda like a weird sort of massage.
“Can you do that a little harder and a little to the left? My necks been a little sore lately. Ah thanks. And don’t worry , I’ll make sure #2 pays you back good.”
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Will be startled at first and think he did something to make you mad, but once you clarify that their just love bites, he becomes a happy nommer that gets a little too excited about it. He’ll bite down a teeny bit harder than you’d like but will immediately apologize if you let out a playful ow.
“You’re too much chibi-cchi! Just when I thought you couldn’t get any cuter, you start giving me love bites like a little puppy!”
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Will think something’s wrong with you. Like why are you biting me go away. But quickly gets used to it once he figured out he can just nom you back with 10x the force. At this point it is no longer a nom it’s a full on bite that actually hurts 😭 . Oh and he’ll latch on to you too so have fun with that
“Oi! Down girl! Alright now it’s my turn. Don’t get all shy now. You know how I play- bite me I’ll bite back harder. Come on babe don’t act like you don’t want me to. I mean, you’re the one who started it after all.”
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f4irys4n · 1 year
eating you out — maknae line
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choi san
this man lives to eat pussy
he may not be perfect at it, he’s messy, and sometimes he may even overdo it trying to prove just how good he is. but god, does he make you feel good…
he has a huge sexual appetite, and i think that’s pretty obvious, but honestly it’s not even to get pleasure himself but to pleasure you; he could do it any and every day.
throw back to one time when you were literally on call to one of your classmates about a joint project and san was in between your legs the entire time, licking and sucking, making it extremely hard for you to hold up a conversation without moaning his name.
you could literally be laid on your bed, legs hiked up and within seconds san would be racing between your legs with a cheeky smirk on his face.
the type of man to spit on your pussy.. i did say he was messy.. he just loves seeing your wetness everywhere; on your thighs, his lips, his chin.. seeing your wet, sopping pussy just turns him on so much.
song mingi
now.. this man is a big pervert and he loves everything being so messy and dirty. he’s sloppy and messy when he eats you out, and he loves making you spill all over the place.
one of his favourite things to do is use toys on you whilst he eats you out. he'll either thrust a dildo into you whilst sucking and playing with your clit, or push a vibrator on your clit whilst his tongue explores your pretty hole. he knows how much it makes you whine so he can't help but use toys on you. he loves seeing you fall apart.
like i've said, he's a dirty man. and he loves eating you out whenever, but his favourite time to eat you out is straight after he's cum inside you. the second he'd finished pounding into you and filled you up, he'll automatically lower is head to your pussy and "clean you up" as he says, covering his lips in his cum to then give you the dirtiest kiss.
mingi loves seeing your body shake and shiver in pleasure. overstimulating you is his favourite thing to do with his tongue. seeing the way your body jolts and twitches when it's hand too much just makes his cock twitches.
much like san, he spits on your pussy when he's eating you out. like i said.. he likes it messy, real messy. he likes watches the wetness just trickle down your pussy, he finds it beyond irresponsible to look at.
he's pretty new to eating people out in general, so when he first started with you he was pretty nervous and shy about it, but over time he's gotten really cocky about how good he can make you feel with just his tongue.
jung wooyoung
for the love of god, this man IS perfect at eating pussy. if their was a god solely dedicated to eating pussy, it would in fact be wooyoung.
his tongue works absolute wonders, making you cum in minutes with how stimulated he makes you. his main aim is to make you cum at least a couple times before he even considers fucking you.
pussy slapping !!! it’s something he picked up recently, but randomly in the middle of fingering you and his lips were tightly wrapped around your clit, he pulled away and lightly slapped your clit just so he could hear your cute little yelps.
much like san, he could literally eat you out whenever, wherever. he’s always in the mood for a taste of your ‘pretty little fuckhole’ as he calls it.
this man has definitely made you cum multiple times in one encounter just with his tongue and fingers. it’d probably start off with wooyoung being mad at someone flirting with you, especially if they’re his friend, and even though you (and wooyoung) know you’d never thinking about moving on from him, wooyoung made it his mission to prove to you why he’s better than any other man… and hell did he prove it to you?
enjoys teasing you. he can be the biggest dick when it comes to teasing. you’ll be there eagerly waiting for his mouth and he’ll just lightly kiss around your thighs, eyes watching your face slowly get even more needy.
choi jongho
i’m all for dom jongho, he’s definitely a switch with a dom lean. but when it comes to eating you out, he gets a little shy. not because she isn’t good, but because you’re probably one of the only people he’s ever been with sexually; if not the only person; and he still gets nervous about it to this day.
he likes to ease you into it, he knows how sensitive you are, so she likes to start off with little kitten licks on your clit before he fully starts to work wonders on you.
jongho loves eating you out, it’s a big ego boost that he’s able to make you cum that hard with just his tongue. but ultimately, he much prefers fingering you, he likes how it allows her to hit that ‘perfect’ spot inside of you.
when eating you out, his fingers are his greatest ally. he likes watching you twitch and wiggle around at the pleasure both his hands and mouth is giving you.
i have a huge feeling that jongho would be really into public sex so there’s been many occasions where you’ve been hanging out with everyone at the arcades or a cafe and jongho’s pulled you off to the bathroom to have his way with you, legs spread and his tongue lapping over your wet pussy.
he loves giving you pleasure without any distractions, so he’s not really into anything like 69 because he’s not able to completely submerge himself in giving you pleasure.
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Your Fault
Your Fault
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x f!reader, Reader POV
Summary: Reader is pregnant and suffering from morning sickness, only to be comforted by Daryl. Takes place in Alexandria. (I'm so bad at summaries, please forgive me).
Tropes: Fluff, Pregnancy Fluff, Established Relationship
Warnings: I mean, I don't think there's any. If anything I'll say references to past smut, but not explicit at all. Mentions of vomiting.
Word Count: 1.5K
Note: This is written in a dialect style with Daryl's accent in mind so the misspellings are intentional. There is minimal use of (y/n).  Any references to the reader besides the (y/n) is done using "your" or "you". I tried to proofread the best I could, but nobody's perfect. If you don't like, don't read, but if you do like you're my favorite!
Internal monologue is done in italics.
Daryl's hand is soft, tangling into the strands of your hair to pull it back from your face as you unleash the remnants of your dinner into the toilet with a loud groan. The brightly colored tile on the bathroom wall mocks you, each swirl of color illuminated by the fluorescent light above that hurts your sensitive eyes.
Who picks bright pink for bathroom tile?
You think with a groan as your stomach heaves again.
Daryl’s right hand rubs soothing circles into your back  to let you know he's there.
“It’s alrigh. Jus get it all ou.” He mutters.
You had practically run him over when you ran to the bathroom, waving your arms to make him go away, not wanting to see you like this, but Daryl had ignored your half hearted attempts to push him away.
And even though you hadn’t wanted him to see you like this, it was easier. Daryl made everything easy, effortless, and most importantly made you feel loved, more loved than you had felt before all of this.
Your forehead presses against the cool lip of the toilet as you wipe the remnants of dinner off your chin and let out a shaky breath.
"Here." Daryl gently pulls you back from your position to wipe at your chin with a towel.
"Hmm." You lean into his touch with a sigh.
"Ya alrigh?"
“Come on.” He pulls you against his chest, sitting back so his back is against the bathtub, folding his knees in front of him and dwarfing the already small bathroom.
Daryl looks almost exactly the same as he did when you first met and every time you look at him, you feel the exact same. Butterflies flapping against the walls of your stomach, heart surging up into your throat while pins and needles trace his well placed rough fingertips against your arm. Every touch feels like the first, every kiss sets you on fire, and you wouldn't change a second of it. Sometimes you think just how lucky you are that all this happened, because you can’t imagine your life without him. Admittedly a little selfish, but  then you think of what your life would have been if none of this had happened.
Maybe you would still be in Atlanta finishing up your residency, still live in that apartment downtown, still have the same shifts, eat at the same restaurants- but then where would Daryl be?
Where else would you meet someone who got you so simply, who understood what you were thinking just with a quick glance. Who else would make you feel like you’d swallowed the sun when you found them looking at you?
And who else would you love as utterly and completely as you love him?
"This is your fault." You lean your head against his shoulder, stretching out your legs to knock your thigh against Daryl’s knee.
He was  taller than you, broader and stronger in all the best ways. It was what drew you to him, well that and you thought that it was cute how shy he was, how he'd stumble a bit through his words when you first started talking and how the tips of his ears would flush pink when you smiled at him.
"My fault?" You can hear the smile in his voice. Daryl shifts his arm up over your shoulder to pull you closer into his chest, brushing his hand up and down your arm, letting you settle into him.
"Yes. It's your fault I'm pregnant." Your right hand runs over your stomach that has begun to protrude more in the past few months, a whirlwind to be sure, but a welcome one. The initial 30 days had been 30 days of agony while you tried to think of a way to tell Daryl that he was going to be a father. When you first started dating he had been hesitant to tell you about the raised pink scars on his back and chest- the ones you had seen when patching up a bullet wound that he had taken for you.
And when he finally told you what his father did to him, you couldn't help but fold him into you and hold him close.
The pregnancy wasn't a surprise to you, you'd been living together since you'd arrived at Alexandria and this was a happy accident. But nevertheless when you told Daryl he had left without so much as a word taking your heart with him. You had stayed in bed for what seemed like days, only to have him arrive 4 hours later with a bouquet of wildflowers and prenatal vitamins, where he found them you didn't know, all that mattered was that he was back and he was happy. Happier than you'd ever seen him.
Since then Daryl had been at your side almost constantly, the occasional run had intervened, when Rick himself had to  drag Daryl away, but on each run Daryl always brought something back for you. Whether it be another book you could read together, one of the last candy bars to ever exist, or a knitted blanket to cover your shoulders when you dragged yourself into the bathroom at what seemed all hours of the day- like the exact one you had draped around yourself now. And when he wasn't on runs he was helping you with the small nursery, where a hand carved crib stood as another sign of Daryl’s love, the exact crib that made you burst into tears when he and Rick brought it into the house for the first time.
"Pretty sure we were both there." He rumbles with a smile.
"Logistics don't matter." Your eyes narrow.
"Pretty sure they do. Ya're the doc after all." Daryl's smirk makes a warm tingle travel down your spine, the same smirk that got you into this mess in the first place. "I also remember that ya were wearin my shirt-"
"Typical man blaming the woman for what she's wearing. I thought you were better than that."
His smirk grows. "More like what ya weren't wearin."
"My clothes were wet from the storm, I was trying to change-"
"Inta' my shirt!"
You lean away from him, feigning anger. "Oh you think you're so innocent? You came into the house soaked to the bone and no one should look as good as you do soaking wet." You accuse.
"Maybe you should have shut your eyes then." He shrugs.
"Shut up." Your hands fall against his chest, playfully pushing him away, but he grabs your wrists.
"Make me."
"Don't look at me like that." You groan shifting away from him. "That's what got us into this mess in the first place-" Your eyes search his face for a minute, taking in the familiar blue eyes and scruff that scratches against the smooth skin of your fingertips. "But at least we know it's a girl. No more Daryl Jr."
"We ain't gonna call 'im tha. And how do ya know it's a girl?"
"They say that  if it's a girl you get sick more often.”
He snorts, pulling you back into his chest. "The way ya are going we might be havin' two."
"Shut up. Don't joke about that. One's enough, and this one is taking it's sweet time."
"Maybe jus' likes it in there."
You groan into his solid chest, feeling his muscles tense around you, familiar and welcome.  "Everyone always talks about what a blessing it is to be pregnant, how you glow, blah blah blah. It's all propaganda! I feel like I'm smoldering. I'm fat, my feet hurt, I'm sick all the time-"
"Ya ain' fat y/n."
"Don't lie to me." You sit up to look him in the eye. "You made a promise to not lie to me."
"I ain' lying." He breathes.
You search his gaze, nostrils flaring as if you think you can smell the lie, but all you smell is Daryl. The hypnotic scent of cigarettes (that he refused to smoke around you), sweat,  the heady smell of the woods and the smell of a thunderstorm before it hits, that  clean smell of rain  as it dribbles through the branches above before falling onto your skin.
"Ya're even more beautiful than the firs' day I met ya." Daryl's touch is feather light against your cheek, drawing you closer so he can press his forehead against yours. "Pretty sure ya get more beautiful every day. And if this is a girl-" His free hand drags across your belly, smiling as the baby kicks against his fingers. "She's gonna be beautiful jus' like ya."
You feel the blush drift up into the roots of your hair remembering the day you met. “That was a crazy day-“
“Because ya shot me.”
“It only skimmed your hair, don’t be a baby. And I thought you were a walker.”
“Las' time I checked my hair is on top of my head.”
“You were fine.” Your palms gently fall against the scruff of his cheeks. “I’m really glad I missed.”
“Me too."
Thank you so much for reading!!
If you liked this fic, be sure to read the prequel “Meet Cute,” that shows the story of how Daryl and the Reader met!
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casualhedonists · 5 months
“slut!” ✧ ˚  ·    .
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pairing: academy!coriolanus snow x reader
warnings: nsfw (18+), sub! and possibly virgin!coryo, handjobs, edging/orgasm denial, degradation, name calling (reader calls coryo a slut) very mild dacryphilia, also v mild corruption kink, overstimulation, also reader gets coryo to taste his own cum idk what else to call it <3
a/n: thought abt calling coryo a slut and this happened <3 i have nothing else to say for myself
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The word slipped from your lips, smooth like honey.
“What?” His eyes darted to yours. Your hand, nestled in his pants, slowed its movements, and his lips parted in a plea.
“You heard me, Coryo. I said you’re a slut.”
You didn’t miss the ragged breath of air that he exhaled, or the twitch of his cock as you stilled your hand entirely. He whimpered, red faced in shame.
Poor thing. Poor, desperate Coriolanus Snow.
“Who’d have thought? The academy’s brightest star, the golden pupil, putting out on the first date.”
His eyes squeezed closed. You hummed.
“What did we say about that? Eyes on me.”
He obliged.
“This is a date?” He breathed after a beat, brain playing catchup.
“It’s whatever you want it to be, handsome.”
Your hand moved faster as you saw him get more comfortable with the pace; you couldn’t be having that. Not when he’d started to pick up a very vexing little habit of deliberately contradicting any point you made in rhetoric class, glancing over at you with a self-congratulatory grin that had you aching to make him cry.
You'd asked him over to study, which he'd almost fallen for. Led him to your couch, made him believe you'd let him take whatever he wanted, then flipped the tables.
“That feel good? Is it too much?”
“Mm.” Was all you got out of him as you picked the pace up, thumb pushing over the tip.
“So wet for me, Coryo. Like a fucking girl.”
“Oh? So you want me to stop? Okay.”
Your hand stilled again, moving your hand as if to take it out of his pants.
“No. What? Don’t… don’t stop. Keep going.”
“You know, nobody’s gonna believe you’re as well-bred as you claim you are with manners like those.”
You'd overheard Highbottom's taunts once. Kept it to yourself, but made the occasional low blow of your own when he pissed you off. His eyes shone in an angry defiance. You stood your ground.
“Please.” He looked at the floor.
“Please what?”
“Please, keep going.”
You smiled.
“Good boy.”
When you spoke the words, he visibly relaxed, but a frown etched across his face when you wrapped your hand back around his cock, but didn’t move it. He looked down, then back at you.
“What?” You blinked innocently.
“You’re not… please. Don’t be fucking mean.” He repeated pathetically.
“I don’t know, Coryo. My hand’s getting a little tired.”
“Because you’ve been edging me for half an hour.” He gritted. You laughed, cruel.
“So dramatic. If you’re gonna be ungrateful like that, then fine. I won’t move a muscle.”
He sighed, ragged and heavy. He didn’t move.
“Don’t tell me you’re shy now. All I’m asking for is a little bit of effort. Fuck my hand, Coryo. You can do that, can’t you?”
His blue eyes bored into yours, but you weren’t falling for his tricks. Your free hand gently turned his chin to you, and you moved in, soft kisses peppering his jaw.
You squeezed the base of his cock a little, enough to make him pull in a sharp breath.
“Move.” you commanded, voice no louder than a whisper, but harsh.
He obliged. Slowly, at first, shame all too clear on his face, but he noticed the look on your face when you glanced down to see his hips rocking up, fucking into your fist under his pants, and lost himself a little more.
He saw the way your legs pressed together sat next to him, hips shifting uncomfortably as he found a rhythm, and lifted his hand to touch your thigh. You batted it away.
“No touching.” you scolded.
“But…” he trailed off, eyes longing.
How cute.
“No buts, either. Are you close?”
He nodded. Shame slowly starting to melt away.
“Good. You can move faster, Coryo. Can you make yourself cum like this?”
He moved faster, and let out a half-laugh, more like a strung-out sigh. As if to say, are you kidding?
“Does that feel good? Use your words, baby.”
You felt him twitch again, wet sounds filling the room as he moved, a cruel satisfaction filling your head.
“Yeah. It feels... fuck.”
“Look at you,” You mused, “Fucking my hand like a desperate slut. You’re this close and I’m not even doing anything.”
This time, when you said the word, he whined. He sounded delirious, and you soaked it up, basked in it. Hungry for more.
He was getting desperate now, needy and careless. Rutting into your hand like a fucking virgin.
You wondered if he was, and it made your torturing him all the sweeter. You let your mind wander, thinking about all the things you could introduce him to. So perfect, so clean cut. You wanted him frayed at the edges, torn at the seams, coming undone for you.
He got loud, whimpers building into cries as you started to move your hand again, tight and mean, brushing over the tip carelessly rough, desperate to see him fall apart. His words were broken and ragged.
“That’s… shit. I think I - can I? Please. I’m-”
He cut himself off, mouth falling open, eyes slipping shut in bliss. You could feel how close he was, hard and heavy in your hand. When his hips gave in, stuttering and tired, you sped up your motions, eyes never leaving his pretty face as he started to crack.
“Cum for me, Coryo. You’ve earned it.”
When he fell, he fell to pieces. You memorised each broken sound he made, every whine and gasp, knowing they’d be replaying in your head for a very long time to come. He came hot and sticky into your palm, and you kept your hand moving until he was trembling from it, until he winced.
You looked back at his face, eyes still shut, and a single tear had slid down his cheek. You pressed a gentle kiss to his open lips, and another to his cheek, tongue dipping out reflexively to trace the tear stain, salty in your mouth but sweet like satisfaction.
He was still catching his breath, and you shifted your hand out of his pants, smirking to yourself as he hissed a little.
You lifted it to his face, your clean hand holding his chin, and the other one bringing two dripping fingers to his perfect, parted lips.
“Now suck.”
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a/n: idk WHO to tag since this is my first coryo fic i’ve posted since attention?? and my tag list is just for attention rn? think i need to do a few separate ones, we’ll figure something out. as always feedback keeps my world spinning around. ily 🤍🤍
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