#Neurodivergent brain
king-wilhelm · 2 years
I can't focus for shit in loud places because sensory overload and I can't focus for shit in quiet places because mind wanders. I have to have noise but it has to be noise that I specifically chose and approved. U get me?
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stormy-mogai · 2 years
"ew no REAL nd person would be that cringe"
Gee, it's almost like neurodivergent people are autonomous human beings who can make their own decisions, and not little robots that solely exist to perform their disability Well Enough for NTs! /s
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adhdxxsdiary · 2 years
The late diagnosis neurodivergent urge to immediately start doubting your diagnosis as soon as your psychiatric treatment starts working.
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burythecarnival · 1 year
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a collage of my superb social skills.
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art-of-mathematics · 2 years
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Summarizing some stuff about derivative graphs
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obsessed-sketches · 1 year
Does anyone else at school feel as if they're missing something? Like, let's say everyone's brains are cars. Everyone has a slightly different one and all work slightly differently but are all relatively similar.
So, Does anyone ever feel as if they've been given their Brain Car but not the knowledge or ability to drive or take care of it? Where do I find the User Manual?!
Right now, every time my Brain Car breaks down or I crash I am just stuck waiting on the side of the road until someone is able to stop and help me right myself again.
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drivenbydopamine · 1 year
That feeling like you can literally accomplish anything because you FINALLY got your brain on board and could pick up that sticker that's been on the floor for weeks.
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chaoticbuggybitchboy · 11 months
funniest thing about mental illness and neurodivergence generally and specifically the rsd thing is that like I kinda assume that everyone else is experiencing the same sort of nonsensical brain thoughts that I am and act accordingly and it’s weird bcuz I am not in fact the world standard for brain thought s procedures I am somewhat the opposite (having audhd, bipolar disorder, ocd, and like some other stuff) and that. No in fact nobody else is thinking about this nonsense. Everyone else in this conversation is doing fine and will not implode if I ask them to move over a bit cuz I’m uncomfy
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Don’t you love it when you drink caffeine to give you energy but you have fucking ADHD so it makes you super tired 😍
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creativegearsinc · 1 year
Things That Constantly Run Through My ADD Driven Brain Everyday
1. Gravity Falls
2. Darkwing Duck
3. My Own OC and Story Ideas
4. Batman and/or Spider-Man (it switches up a depending on the day)
5. My Boyfriend aka the Love of My Life
6. Whatever the Fuck Brennon Lee Mulligan is doing
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king-wilhelm · 2 years
"Why do you always want to headcanon a character as neurodivergent?"
Because y'all won't give us the representation. You'll take all our good qualities and all of our struggles to expand your character profile but you won't actually make them ND. Because God forbid there is a character who casually has autism or adhd or bpd or dyslexia or literally any type of neurodivergency. That absolutely can't happen. Instead, you'll turn the symptoms into "quirky character traits" to make them interesting. All the while treating neurodivergent people like they're incompetent, inconvenient or dangerous.
Like, make it make sense 🙄
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Serious question:
Are shows accurately depicting reality when they show people witnessing something and they instantly jump to conclusions? And they don’t stay around long enough to get the full story and they don’t ask for clarification about what they saw??
Because I’m a very straight forward person. If I saw romantic partner of mine kissing someone else I sure wouldn’t walk off and leave my imagination to go wild, and I also wouldn’t be passive aggressive by giving them the silent treatment either. I would wait to see wtf is going on and then I’d confront them. Are other people not like this? I can’t say I’ve experienced this situation from the liar’s perspective so I’ve never had anyone confront me about lying but I imagine if I did do something like that I’d be confronted by the other person.
Idk. I’ve just never understood this writing choice, especially in teen shows. Btw I’m watching The Lying Game so every single character is terrible with communication lol. On an unrelated note why do all the main characters of these shows dress like they’re in Sex and the City but everyone else dresses like a normal teenager? Pretty Little Liars is a good example.
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adhdxxsdiary · 2 years
When trying to fall asleep,
NT brain:
Autistic/ADHD brain:
*music you heard an hour ago playing on repeat*,
*leaves one leg out of blanket to regulate temperature*,
"My neighbors are stomping their feet again and I can't sleep until they stop moving",
*events of the day come out in flashback moments*,
*that one tiktok video you saw keeps playing in your head*
*thinks about a hypothetical conversation with therapist*,
"sh*t I forgot to pee again",
"My hands/feet/lips feel very dry so I can't sleep",
"I feel thirsty, but my bladder is already full",
*thinks about events of tomorrow*
"Why isn't my sleep medication working?"
*starts to feel hungry*
*side turn, exchange the leg that was under the blanket*
*starts noticing their tinnitus*,
*wants to absolutely Google something, before I forget*,
*music keeps playing louder and starts vibing on it, until you remember you have to sleep*,
*shushes ownself in an effort to quiet brain down and fails repeatedly*
"Why am I in hell?"
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fandomohana · 2 years
Nothing like that super fun RSD moment when no one has responded to your messages, so you automatically assume you've screwed up, again.
Then that fun feeling of never knowing how to interact, because you've been given signals your whole life that you're too much. So you learn to sanitize yourself, and observe successful humans to figure out the formula to actually make friends.
It's a super fun ADHD spiral day! Wheee! 🙃
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art-of-mathematics · 2 years
Hello! I was wondering what textbooks you would recommend for someone looking to get into mathematical proofs and introductory physics. I don't have physics in my courses this year so any notes would be helpful. Thanks!
Hello there!
I am glad you approached my ask box (or me).
Unfortunately I may not have the answers you might be searching, but I found Keith Devlin's book Introduction to Mathematical Thinking helpful as an intro. (It's neither a textbook nor is it exactly about mathematical proofs.)
Do my fellow math peers here know some good textbooks and want to share? Please feel free to reblog with some infos and references. (I would like to know some good books about mathematical proofs as well.)
As for physics I consider the Feynman lectures merely well-written.
[Caltech has uploaded the Feynman lectures as digital format/website:]
Another source I enjoy is Hyperphysics. [... although it is not a textbook either, but a good website]
It's a very neat and very basic html website with many good javascript boxes to directly play with some equations, as well as it contains well-summarized information and an overall good visualization and explanation of the concepts.
The mindmaps with topics (and sub-topics) are clickable:
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Sub-topics are chunked into well-summarized: boxes:
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And the plain/simple javascript forms are helpful for getting a quick intuitive feeling for the concepts when playing around:
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(It helps me to make it compatible with my imagination. I don't know if other people might find this helpful as well.)
I consider this website merely neurodivergent-friendly, as it's well-summarized, well-structured, well-visualized, chunked, minimalist and quick-to-the-point, while also using very basic design, which makes it quick to load as well as more minimalist to look at - meaning less distraction and more focus for the depicted topics/concepts.
And you have an index window on the side which you can close:
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angelasscribbles · 8 months
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Neurodivergent Things
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