#King!Steve Rogers x Stark!Princess!reader
A Princess. A Queen. A Wife. A Mother. Part 30/?
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<Part 29<
"I need you to wake-up, My love." Steve whispered, looking down at where you rested your head against his chest, smiling lovingly at you.
The journey to Brook was long, tiring and uncomfortable. Even with a stop off for lunch and to stretch your legs, you still found yourself being lulled to sleep after a few hours as you cuddled up against Steve's warmth. Well, that and because Steve couldn't keep his hands to himself. Not that you were complaining.
You mumbled something incoherent as you snuggled closer to Steve making him chuckle and kissed the top of your head.
"I guess, you don't want my surprise then." He whispered.
You raised your head with a hum, "What surprise?" You asked groggily.
Steve smiled to himself, "Knew that would work." He sat up, untangling himself from you. "C'mon sleepy head. You can go back to sleep soon."
Your brow furrowed as you watched him open the carriage door and get out. "Are we back already?" You asked.
Steve shook his head. "Not quite." He held his hand out and helped you out of the carriage. "This is your surprise." He smiled.
You stood in silence as you looked at the cute (not so) little cottage in front of you that was tucked away behind a wall of trees and rose bushes. It was lit up with an orange glow and smoke pouring out of the chimney, looking warm and cosy.
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Steve smiled to himself as he gave you a gentle nudge, encouraging you forward. "I thought this would be a good place for the two of us to hide away for a week or so. Enjoy married life without any worries. Just us." He whispered.
You stepped into the cottage with a grin, "Where are we?"
"Not far from the castle. My hunting cabin isn't far from here."
"It's beautiful... Who does it belong to?" You looked around the place, taking it all in.
Steve smiled as he stepped closer to you, placing his hands on your hips. "You."
You spun around to face Steve with a gasp, "Me?"
Steve nodded. "My father wanted mother to have a quiet place to retreat to if the castle got too much whilst she was carrying me, so he had this place built. Once I was born, it became a place the three of us would use to hide away from the castle..."
Your brow furrowed, "It's not mine then if your father had it built for your mother."
Steve sighed softly, "Sweetheart, it was my mother who gifted it to you... To us. She knows how difficult it can be for a young Princess... She wanted you to have a place that you feel safe in, like she did." He smiled lovingly st ypu as he took yoyr hands in his. "Wha'cha say, happy to spend some time alone with me here, wife?"
You bit you bottom lip and nodded with a giggle, "I certainly am, husband." You wrapped your arms around Steve's neck and kissed him.
The sound of birds tweeting and the sun leaking through the drapes slowly aroused you from your sleep just enough for you to sense something was happening around you that could only be described as chaos. You could hear voices, shouting and cursing over the top of one another, heavy footsteps stomping back and forth. You let out a tired groan and rolled over in the large empty bed, frowning as you blindly searched for Steve. You opened your eyes and looked around the room, empty. You sat up and rubbed the sleep from your eyes before climbing out of bed and making your way out of the room, in search of your husband.
The cottage wasn't too big that you'd end up lost like you did on your very first visit to the castle, but there were still plenty of rooms to explore.
You fell in love with the cottage the moment your eyes landed on it. It was much bigger than you first thought, but it still managed to have a cosy feel to it.
The room you and Steve were occupying was larger than the others that filled the cottage. It had a four poster bed at the farthest side of the room, a dressing table and chair against the wall opposite the door, a fireplace opposite the bed, as well as having a small closet attached. There was a smaller room opposite that had been used as Steve's when he was much younger and had been turned back into a nursery for when the time arrived for yours and Steve's children to use. A small water closet sat at the end of the hallway on the left that held a large bathtub (big enough for two) and next door to your room was what had been a study that Steve's father used before Steve had it changed into a miniature library for the two of you to use. That, too, had a fireplace that the two of you could sit in front of. At the other end of the hallway was a door that led into the front of the cottage. The door opened up into the sitting room, a large space that had a couple of armchairs in front of another fireplace as well as a dining table by the window that looked out onto the small garden that was filled with rose bushes and trees. To the right of the sitting room was a joining kitchen, and that was where you found your husband and the chaos.
You watched as Steve, Sam and Bucky coughed, trying to wave smoke away from them as they each yelled over one another.
"What on earth is going on?" You asked with a cough, quickly covering your mouth.
The three of them turned towards you like startled deer, panic in their eyes.
When no one answered, you huffed and folded your arms across your chest. "Well?"
"His fault!" Sam and Bucky said in unison as they pointed at Steve.
Steve glared at them, "Is not."
You rolled your eyes as the three of them began to talk over each other once more. "Enough!" You huffed and made your way over to the large wooden door at the front of the cottage that lead out into the garden, "You're like children... Worse than Morgana." You mumbled.
"What are you doing, My love?" Steve asked as he watched you open the door.
"Letting the smoke out so we don't choke to death." You turned back to the three of them. "Perhaps one of you could open the windows?"
Sam and Bucky quickly and began moving around the cottage. Steve stayed in the same spot with his head lowered, chewing on his bottom lip looking a lot like a child that's about to be scolded.
You smiled to yourself as you walked towards him, reminding yourself to tease him later on about it. "What happened?"
Steve opened his mouth to speak but before he could, Bucky and Sam bet him to it.
"His Majesty, was attempting to cook."
"And like it usually does, it ended in disaster." Bucky shook his head with a huff, "I told him to stay out of the kitchen."
Sam nodded, "But His Majesty knows best." Sam rolled his eyes.
You let out a small giggle as Steve continued to glare at them.
It was true, Steve wasn't the best cook. Any time he attempted cooking, something disastrous happened.
"Boys," You stood in front of Steve and placed a comforting hand on his chest as you faced Bucky and Sam. "Could the two of you fetch some more firewood, please?" You smiled sweetly.
The pair nodded before bowing to you and making their exit.
You cleared your throat before you turned back to face Steve. "So... What happened?"
Steve sighed as he gently placed his hands on your waist and tugged you against his chest. "I wanted to bring you breakfast." He frowned. "I don't know what happened. One minute I had everything set, and the next the pan of water boiled over and-"
"Put the fire out?" You asked already knowing the answer. Steve nodded with a pout. You bit your bottom lip to stop yourself cooing at him. How can a man be so soft and adorable, yet feared by so many? You gently cupped his cheeks with your hands and pressed your lips against his softly, letting out a moan as Steve gave your waist a squeeze. "Don't worry about it. It's an easy fix." You smiled at him before slipping out of his arms. "Let's get this cleaned up then we'll cook breakfast together."
Steve raised his eyebrow at you as you began moving things around. "Do you know how to cook?" Steve asked.
You giggled as you looked back at him over your shoulder. "Yes, Steve."
"You do?"
"Don't sound so surprised." You smirked.
"Sorry." Steve blushed as he rubbed the back of his neck. "I just, don't understand how you know?"
"Well, I learnt, Steven." You teased making him roll his eyes.
"I get that smart-ass." He chuckled, coming up beside you. "When?"
"What did you think I did when I wasn't attending sowing circles?"
Steve smiled, "Who taught you?"
"The Castle's cooks." You smiled with a shrug. "Even Dum-Dum taught me how to cook his famous battle stew last year."
Steve's brows raised in surprise just as Sam and Bucky returned. "Dum-Dum gave you his secret recipe?"
"Her Highness cooks it even better than Dum-Dum." Bucky winked at you with a grin making you blush.
Sam nodded and rubbed his belly. "Oh man, what I'd give to have some of that stew."
Steve frowned as he looked at them then at you. "Why have I never tried it?" He pouted.
You turned away from him to hide your smirk before clearing your throat, "You're always busy with meetings when I cook it." You let out a soft sigh.
Steve frowned to himself as he thought back to your visits. He usually did have a few meetings that lasted hours and hours, plenty of time for you to cook Dum-Dum's stew and share it with his men. He can't remember how many times he's found you training with them, even in rain, as you tried to pass the time.
"No matter," You smiled at him. "I'll make it tonight for us all."
Steve chuckled, "Let's focus on breakfast first, love." He kissed your cheek. "Now, tell me what to do."
"Nothing!" Bucky and Sam groaned in unison making Steve glare at them.
You began to laugh, quickly disguising it as a cough and looking away as Steve turned his glare to you. He smiled to himself as he watched you busy yourself before he sent Sam and Bucky another glare.
"Piss off," He mouthed to them, waving his hand around.
Bucky smirked, shaking his head at him as he walked up to you, "What can I do to help, Your Highness?" He asked, sending Steve a wink once you began telling him what to do.
You giggled as Steve kissed your bare shoulder, working his way up your neck until you were a giggling mess. "Stop it," You tapped his bicep, pushing slightly to get him off you.
Steve pulled back with a grin. "You're just too sweet," He teased before pressing his lips to yours. He rolled over on to his back, wrapping his arm around your shoulders and pulled you against his chest. Steve panted softly against the top of your head before kissing it. "You know... They won't be here all the time... I promise."
You smiled to yourself, snuggling further into his chest, wrapping your arms tighter around his body as you hiked your leg up over his. "Stop... I had fun today. Besides, I don't mind Bucky and Sam being around."
Steve sighed, "I know you don't... But I wanted it just to be us. I wanted us to have some time together... To get to know each other."
You carefully pushed yourself up so you were looking down at Steve, not care in the world as you let your naked body show as you looked down at your husband lovingly. "We already know each other, darling."
Steve shook his head, "But we're married now..." He smiled as he reached up brushed your hair back as he cupped your cheek. "Things are different."
"How? We're still the same people, Steve."
Steve smiled, "But now I can do this," He gently pulled your face down to his and pressed his lips against yours, easily slipping his tongue past your lips and deepening kiss momentarily before pulling back, "As much as I want." He grinned at you. "As well as other things," He teased.
You lowered your head, trying to hide your face as you blushed. "When you put it like that." You smiled to yourself. "Maybe Bucky and Sam shouldn't be around so much."
@letsdisneythings @smile1318 @readawaythereality @dad-supremedeactivated04291992 @marebare21 @imjustanotherperson @slutforchrisjamalevans @summersong69 @gretavankleep37 @calimoi @noonenuts @nighttimestan @sarahbellesaurus @bloodyinspiredfuck @coffeebooksandfandom @lewisroscoelove @oceansrose2002 @teambarnes72
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bucky-h0e · 1 year
Of Summer Days and Winter Nights
Medieval Fantasy AU! Knight Bucky x Princess Reader
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As courting season approaches, King Clement II wishes to find a lover for his dear daughter, Y/n. She will be Queen of their land, one day in the distant future, one who serves their people well. But he knows the hardships all too well; he knows his daughter just as well. These hardships are meant to be shared, a ruler meant to be supported by the ones they love, but he will not always be around for her. So, he calls for a festival to celebrate the season, inviting all available bachelors and bachelorettes to his kingdom, he prays for someone to catch the eye of his precious girl.
He just did not anticipate it being one of the three most well known knights of the realm. One Sir James 'Bucky' Barnes.
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Taglist: OPEN
@thehumanistsdiary @browneyedgirl22 @tf-is-fanfic @jenn-f @melsunshine
Hi everyone! This will be my very first attempt at writing a written fic, so please have patience with me. Chapters may be slow coming out, most likely two weeks apart, however I will send some notifications out. I am hoping for it to only be a short series and that you'll enjoy it!
If you would like to be added to the taglist, then please let me know! I will eventually do requests but I'd like to get this series started first! Please be sure to like it, reblog it or comment if you enjoyed it!
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holylulusworld · 1 year
Two Kings (4)
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Summary: You have fallen in love with the king of Brooklyn. When your wedding day arrives, there is much more to discover about the man you fell in love with than you thought...
Pairing: Prince!Steven Grant Rogers x Princess!Reader  
Warnings: angst, modern royal au, dystopian world (kinda), fluff, young love, implied smut
A/N: We are living in modern times, but in a dystopian/post war world. Almost every technology got destroyed.
A/N: For a better understanding - Prince Steve Rogers, Prince Bucky Barnes and Prince Tony Stark are the same age for my story.
Two kings masterlist
<< Part 3
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A few months later, …
“Aw, no. It’s raining again,” you sigh as you look out the window. “No walk in the garden then. Do you want to go to the library or to your room?”
“You want me to leave your room?” the prince asks. “I just arrived, and I thought we could spend time together.”
“I’d love that, my prince. It’s just,” you smile softly as you turn around to face the prince, “you are grumpy Steve again. I thought you wanted to be alone for a while.”
“Grumpy Steve?” He steps toward you and places his hand on your shoulder. “What do you mean?”
“Oh, you are two Steves,” you giggle. Sometimes you're such a soft, dreamy boy drawing pictures all the time. This Steve always wants to be close to me and cuddle me. And then there is grumpy Steve. You don’t like drawing and spend less time with me. You are distant then, and less clingy.”
“I-“ the prince licks his lips. Without any response, he opens his jacket to get a drawing out of it. "Uh, I have a new frog for you.”
"New frog," you snatch the drawing out of his hand so you can find a place for it. “I love the frogs.” You turn your head to look at Steve. “Don’t get me wrong. I love all of your drawings, but the frogs are the cutest.”
“You like them more than the others?” he asks, as he steps closer to you. “Really?”
“You see, just like your moods, the drawings are different too. Soft Stevie draws beautiful flowers and portraits. But grumpy Steve has this talent for cute frogs, and I love that dog you drew for me some months ago.”
“That was a goat,” the prince sheepishly admits. “Sorry, it didn’t turn out the way I wanted it to.”
“No! I love it,” you protest. “It’s cute. Dog, goat. It doesn’t matter. As for your two moods, I like them a lot. The soft and the grumpy. I like that you pout and wiggle your nose when you’re grumpy.”
You flash the prince a smile. “I do not pout! I’m a man and men do not pout,” he exasperatedly says.
You giggle and wink at the prince.
“You are teasing me, aren’t you?"
“You’re smart too,” you say. The prince pouts, but grabs your hand. Gently. He just holds it for a while staring you in the eyes. “How about we spend some time on my bed?" 
The prince nods, afraid to speak now. “I’d like that too.”
“We could cuddle and-“ you cup his cheek with your free hand, “you could touch me again, my prince. I love it when you touch me.”
“T-ouch you,” he stammers. The prince seems nervous as he releases your hand. “I-we…you want me to touch you...again?"
For a moment his blue eyes turn dark. He clenches his jaw and puffs out a breath.
“You know, I love the soft and the grumpy man," you say, standing on tiptoes to press a soft kiss on his lips. “Maybe grumpy Steve wants to make up for being away for so long. What do you say, my prince?”
He swallows the lump in his throat. The prince’s eyes drop to your lips, and further down to your chest. “You are so soft, smart, and beautiful. I think…I think I love you.”
You giggle again. 
“No…I mean,” he fights to get the words out. “I love you. I’m sorry it took me so long to tell you—” the prince frowns. He shakes his head and clears his throat. “What I want to tell you is that I’m sorry I don’t say it so often.”
This time, you frown. The last time the prince was around he wouldn’t stop telling you how much he loves you. He swore on his life to love you till the end of the time Now it seems like he forgot about that promise.
“It’s alright, my prince,” you cup his face with both hands. “I love you too. Grumpy. Soft. I don’t care. You have a place in my heart.”
A soft look crosses his face when he looks at you.
You kiss him again. The prince instantly returns the kiss and wraps his arms around your body. He moans into your mouth. 
“You are mine, Blossom. Forever mine. No one can take you away from me,” The prince softly whispers against your lips. 
“Blossom,” you breathe against him. “I like it.”
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“How do you want to spend the day?” you murmur as you wake up in the prince’s arms. You and the prince spent another night together. He was a little nervous last night, but you didn’t mind.
“Can we stay like this all day?” He looks at you in his arms. “I wouldn’t mind holding you in my arms for the rest of my stay.”
“I’d like that, but my father will not like it,” you giggle. 
The prince chuckles. “I guess he already knows we did more than cuddle. We are not living in medieval times, you know. It’s not a shame to love each other in any way.”
“Sometimes I wish our world was different. It’s so unfair that-“ you sniffle. “My aunt is pregnant, and she fears it’s another son.”
“Our world is cruel," he chokes out. “If only we could change it. I don’t think killing second sons will save this rotten world. Maybe with the help of Prince Stark and Prince Barnes, we could turn this world into a better place for everyone.”
“What do you mean?” you lift your head to look at the prince. 
“I heard my father talk to King Stark,” he whispers so no one can hear him. "They said the law about second sons must be eliminated. It’s inhuman.”
"I completely agree," resting your head on his chest you sigh deeply. “My parents got lucky because I was the firstborn. I never understood why only second sons must die. What if the second daughters want to take over the world? Huh? That’s misogynist.”
“Do you want to take over the world, Blossom?” He grins now. “I’ll help you.”
“Of course, you’ll help me, my prince. We will rule this world. Your soft and grumpy side,” you smile to yourself. “Give me a bit more time to figure out a plan.”
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“Father, what do you think about the prince?” you ask a few days after your fiancé left your kingdom. 
“He will be a worthy husband and king. The prince is smart, and caring and I know he loves you dearly,” your father softly says. He kisses your temple and wraps his arms around you.
“Why does he never allow me to visit him?" You whisper. “He promised me that I would visit him soon. But whenever I ask him about his home, he turns silent.”
“Young men can be difficult. Maybe he’s afraid you won't like his kingdom. It’s smaller than ours and colder. Flowers hardly grow at his place.”
“You think so? Oh, maybe I should read more books. I could help him grow flowers in his kingdom. I think I'll retreat to the library today."
“Never forget, this bond is important to both you and our kingdoms. We are four kingdoms united by friendship and trust against the world.”
“Four kingdoms?” you question. “What’s that supposed to mean, Father?”
“King Howard Stark, King Joseph Rogers, King George Barnes, and I are allies. We agreed on creating a new world. A safer and less cruel one. One day, we will tell you about it. Just not yet..."
Part 5
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Tags in reblog.
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dreamlandcreations · 10 months
Thank you for the tag @kayhi808
Rules: reveal the titles of the documents in your WIP folder and tag as many people as there are documents. Let others ask questions about the ones that interest them and post snippets or explain the contents as you see fit!
I'm starting a new post bc I have too many WIPs (and these are just the ones in my drafts) 🙈
tag as many people as there are documents... but but but there are more than a hundred drafts 😭 anyway
tagging: @zablife @raincoffeeandfandoms @cinebration @marvelmusing @massivecolorspygiant @celestialspecial @stardustmorozov @startrekkingaroundasgard @oneeyedvisenya @happilyhertale @drabbles-mc @withmyteeth @runnning-outof-time @storiesbyrhi @nickfowlerrr
Little Miller - Benny Miller x Reader
Not tonight - Boba Fett x assassin!Reader (x Fennec Shand)
Speak freely - Boba Fett x half alien!Reader (platonic)
Games - Boba Fett x Mandalorian!Reader
Just a simple man - Jango Fett x half alien!Reader
Happily ever after - Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers
Hey, Kid - Poe Dameron x Skywalker!Reader
First - Poe Dameron x Skywalker!Reader
The King - Tattooed Biker!Boba Fett x Reader
A deal is a deal - Raymond Smith x half Asian!Reader
Day and Night - Brother Day x Reader
Second Chances - Boba Fett x force sensitive!Reader
One King - Bishop x vampire!Reader (Night Teeth!au)
Reality - Boba Fett x force sensitive!Reader
I know what day it is - Bishop x Reader
Slave to Sensation - changeling!Billy Russo x psy!Reader
Angel's crush - Bishop x tattoo artist!reader
What you need - Billy Russo x autistic!Reader
What you want - Billy Russo x autistic!Reader
What you have - Billy Russo x autistic!Reader
Tangled, twisted or maybe something right - Billy Russo x Stark!Reader
Best friend - Bucky Barnes x Wilson!Reader
Stranger - Billy Russo x Reader
Apprentice - Doctor Strange x sorceress!Reader
Misery loves company - Venom x Reader x Eddie
We broke up - Eddie x Reader x Venom
Once upon a time - King Arthur x royal!Reader
Wicked - shifter!Santi x witch!Reader
Desert Flower - shifter!Benny x (non)human!Reader
Reaper - Venom x Reader x Eddie
The proposal (Would you like to series) Tommy x Reader x Alfie
Kissing Alfie Solomons - Alfie x Reader
Lighten up - Darkling x Fjerdan!Reader
Faeted hearts - fae king!Alfie x half-fae!Reader
Castaway AU - Billy Russo x Reader
Grimm AU - blutbad!Alfie x grimm!Reader
Fearless - Alfie Solomons x Shelby!Reader
I'm here for you - Billy Russo x Reader
Scheming, games and secrets - Alfie x Reader + Tommy
Fortune Favours the Brave - Eddie Munson x cheerleader!Reader
What women want - Billy Russo x genderfluid/nonbinary(afab)!Reader
Slayer - dragon shifter!Alfie Solomons x warrior princess!Reader
See you at the office - Alfie Solomons x ex-assistant!Reader
Weave it into words - (clan leader) king!Alfie Solomons x Shelby princess!Reader (Brave AU)
Crave the love - prince!Billy Russo x princess!Reader
Jeweller - Alfie Solomons x Tatiana's cousin!Reader
What's underneath? - Alfie x Reader
You only need to ask - Raymond Smith x aristocrat!Reader
What about dessert? - chef!Alfie x manager!Reader (modern!au)
The bright side - FO!Poe Dameron x Jedi!Reader
More than seeking comfort - Eddie Brock x Reader
Bait - Derek Hale x hunter!Reader
Cosy on the throne - Tattooed Biker!Boba Fett x Reader
This is not your color - Eddie Munson x Reader
Distraction - Max x Reader (Mad Max: Fury Road)
Three is still a company - Billy Russo x Reader x Frank Castle
You missed a spot - Brother Day x Reader
Behind closed doors - Darkling x Sun Summoner!Reader
Don't mind me - Alfie Solomons x Reader (x Tommy Shelby)
Feeling adventurous? - Eddie Munson x Reader
I can wait - Alina x Reader (Darkling x Alina x Mal)
Why the f*ck not? - Alfie Solomons x Reader x May Carleton x Tommy Shelby
Solace - Boba Fett x Reader
First time - Billy Russo x Reader
I'm all yours - Billy Russo x Reader
Patience - Billy Russo x Reader
The Happiest Day of Our Lives - Darkling x Sun Summoner!Reader
Mirror, mirror - Aleksander Morozova x Reader (xAlina)
Perfect - Darkling x Reader
Necessary evil - Darkling x Inferni!Reader
King of the Seven Seas - Atlantean king!Alfie x Reader
Don't you f*cking dare - chef!Alfie Solomons x manager!Reader
Do you doubt me? - James Delaney x Strange!Reader
Remedy - James Delaney x Reader
Unexpected - Matt Murdock x Reader x Elektra
Sweet torment - Alfie Solomons x Reader
Mr CEO - Billy Russo x Reader
Complications - Darkling x reader
Preying on you tonight - werewolf!Billy Russo x Reader
Sweet victory - Jake Seresin x Reader
The fun kind - Jake Seresin x Reader
Catch me if you can - Jake Seresin x Reader
Black and White - Darkling x Fjerdan princess!Reader
Stay Forever - Jake Seresin x BFF!Reader
In my corner - Billy Russo x Reader
Heartbeat - Milo/Lucien Crown x Reader
Just friends - modern!Alfie Solomons x Reader
That's the rule - Jake Seresin x Reader
Fire and Blood - Daemon x daughter!Reader (platonic)
The Bronze Witch - Aemond Targaryen x Daemon's daughter!Reader
Unity - Darkling x Fjerdan!Reader x Nikolai Lantsov
Risk and reward - Jake Seresin x Reader
Late night visit - Aemond x Reader
Peace offering - Aemond x Reader
The first warning - Darkling x Grisha!Reader
Stay with me - Darkling x Grisha!Reader
Like calls to like - Darkling x Grisha!Reader
Darkest hearts - Darkling x Nikolai's twin!Reader
Nothing - Darkling x Grisha!Reader
Heartbreak - Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x Reader
The eternity of this day - Darkling x Sun Summoner!Reader
A dream come true - Eames x Reader
A debt to be paid - Aemond x Reader
Honourable Quest - Xenk Yendar x Reader
Honouring a Debt - Xenk Yendar x Reader
Sacrifice of Honour - Xenk Yendar x Reader
My Queen - Daemon Targaryen x Stark!Reader
Naru - Sesshōmaru x modern!Reader
Fire and Blood, Ashes and Dust - Daemon Targaryen x niece!Reader
Give him to me - Daemon Targaryen x niece!Reader
The Taming of the Dragon - Daemon Targaryen x Stark!Reader
The day you died - supervillain!Darkling x superhero!Reader
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daddy-issues-galore · 17 days
Masterlist of Masterlists
All works posted on @i-have-a-wonky-eye-too will now be continued here on @daddy-issues-galore
<<<Masterlists over on i-have-a-wonky-eye-too>>>
NEW Masterlists of stories continuing below...
Devil in disguise (Devil all the time)
A Princess. A Queen. A Wife. A Mother. (King!Steve Rogers x Princess!Stark!reader)
Sugar Daddy!Sebastian Stan x reader (collection of oneshots)
Always Meant To Be... (Ransom Drysdale x reader series)
Four weeks of fun (Always Meant To Be mini series)
The Florist next-door (Andy Barber x reader)
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Mirror [Heart of Steel]
Heart of Steel - One Shot
Do not read before you finish the series.
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Bucky swore the winters got colder and colder every year. It made his travels more difficult and miserable. He never complained though. Who would he even complain to? He was on his own, traveling the world, living by his sword.
It had snowed in last night, making the dense forest peacefully quiet. Some would consider it eerie, but not Bucky. The snow muffled his horses steps, making it even easier for Bucky to hear his surroundings.
The main path through the forest was just beyond the ridge.
But Bucky never took the main roads, preferring to keep to himself and lessen the chances of running into company.
He could hear the carriage before he saw it.
It was quite the company. Both in front of and behind the carriage were five or six knights, escorting the carriage through the thick forest. There was a crest on the flags and armor of the knights, but Bucky was too far away to make it out.
Bucky figured it was a duke or priest, perhaps even a wealthy noble.
He didn’t really care and paid no mind, continuing on his journey discretely.
But then he heard the call.
His horse’s ears perked up at the sound, knowing it wasn’t natural.
The sound was meant to be concealed, making the naive just hear it as one of nature’s normal sounds.
But Bucky knew better.
Bandits and pillagers and mercenaries used it as signal and code before attacks, a way to communicate with each other without warning their victims and prey.
Bucky was far too familiar with the noise.
He wanted to ignore it, to mind his own business and continue on.
But his horse neighed and bobbed its head, almost even nudging its body in the direction of where the carriage had just passed.
“They’ll be fine,” Bucky muttered to the beast. “They had a dozen knights with them.”
But the horse ignored his command to move forward. Sometimes the animal knew Bucky more than he knew himself.
The carriage was most likely outnumbered. The attack would be a massacre. 
Whether the pillagers wanted money or blood or coition, they would get it no matter what. 
The nobles were doomed, not standing a chance.
Bucky growled in frustration, but gave in.
His heels dug into the horse’s side and he guided it in the direction of main path.
The horse instantly responded, jumping into a gallop.
Bucky heard the screams and clashing of metal first. The fight was beyond the ridge and he couldn’t see the fight yet. The attack had moved quicker than he could’ve predicted.
When his horse broke the line, he found the chaos. A tree had been chopped down, blocking the path in front of the company – stopping them from escaping. Their carriage was flipped onto its side. Knights were already fighting the pillagers. There were women trying to make a run for it, somehow having made it out of the carriage alive.
But Bucky didn’t notice these things first.
Instead, he noticed the banners, the flags, the armor.
This carriage belonged to Midgard.
His heart immediately sped and his eyes raced around looking for her y/h/c hair. She would be fighting, she wouldn’t have made a run for it.
But the Queen of Midgard was nowhere to be seen.
Bucky snapped out of it then and joined the fight, unsheathing his sword and taking out of the pillagers one or even two at a time.
His presence instantly got the enemy’s attention. Many shifted their attacks onto him. 
Meanwhile, one of them had tackled a woman to the ground, a servant or a lady-in-waiting. The man was now trying to rip her dress open. The woman was helpless, begging for him to both stop and trying to fight him off of her.
Bucky jumped from his horse and ripped the man off of her, slitting his throat just a second later.
The woman gasped at the sight.
Bucky lowered his sword and helped her to her feet.
“Run for the bushes. Stay hidden until it is safe,” his words were strict and brisk.
But the woman was in shock and only stared into his face.
“Go!” Bucky scared her back to reality with the raising of his voice.
She yelped, but finally did as she was told.
Due to the distraction, Bucky turned to find another enemy attacking with his sword already raised and coming down upon him.
But just as Bucky attempted to block the swing and defend himself, the man’s eyes widened and his jaw went slack. His movement was completely halted and he fell to the ground. An arrow was sticking out of his back.
Bucky looked up to find his savior, but found no one.
The fight was starting to die down. Either the pillagers had been taken down or they had made a run for it, scared of the challenge they hadn’t expected.
A few yards away, there was a young man fighting three men at once.
He was holding his own, but Bucky went to his aid nonetheless.
The young man mistakenly put his back to one of the assailants as he fought another. It could've gotten him killed if Bucky hadn’t rushed forward and took him down. Meanwhile the young man had killed the other two.
But he knew he had made a mistake turning his back and quickly whipped around to face his third enemy.
Bucky froze when the man finally turned.
But it wasn’t a man. He was merely a boy –  couldn’t be older than 17 or 18 years of age. A boy that Bucky swore couldn’t be real, for he looked to be plucked straight out of his childhood and memory.
“Steve?” Bucky muttered quietly.
The boy’s brow furrowed.
Then Bucky’s mind finally seemed to clear. “Prince Joseph?”
The boy blinked and opened his mouth to clarify.
But it was stopped by someone putting a sword to Bucky’s throat from behind him.
“Drop your sword,” a feminine voice spoke harshly from his blind spot.
“Isabella!” The boy chided.
Bucky kept his sword in his hand put his left arm up in an innocent motion.
The blade pressed harder against his throat with the movement.
“His armor holds no insignia. He could be one of them,” she hissed.
“He saved my life,” Joseph explained.
“And mine, Your Highness,” another female voice chimed in meekly. It was the servant girl.
“Turn around,” the girl commanded, keeping the blade against his throat.
Bucky did as he was told, but refused to drop his own sword.
What he was met with was mirror image of Y/N. The girl – no older than 14 years of age – had Steve’s blue eyes and dark blonde hair. But everything else was Y/N.
The sight shook Bucky to his core.
“You should be careful who you threaten with your sword, Your Highness,” Bucky warned lightly with a teasing glint in his eyes.   Now that he could see the actual blade, he could also see that it was covered in blood, proving that she had very much used it and most likely killed many men today.
“And you should watch your tongue, drifter.” The princess showed no fear.
Not only was she wearing light armor, but there was a bow strapped across her chest and quiver of arrows hanging from her shoulder.
Bucky glanced at the fletchings and realized they matched the one that was now in the back of the dead man who almost killed him.
The princess had saved his life.
With a swift flick of his wrist, Bucky caught Isabella off guard and maneuvered her sword into the air, catching it was his left hand.
Isabella was taken by surprise, but quickly recovered. In the same motion that Bucky held the two swords at the ready, Isabella had grabbed an arrow from her quiver, knocked it on her bow, and pointed it at Bucky’s chest.
Bucky smirked at her defiance and persistence. “Now that we have proven that if I wished to kill you, I would have… Shall we all put down our weapons?”
Without waiting for them to agree, Bucky thrust both swords into ground, handle up.
“Isabella, please.” Prince Joseph urged and stepped around Bucky to his sister’s side.
She finally lowered her bow, but kept the arrow knocked. “Who are you?”
To their surprise, Bucky then kneeled before them. “I am Sir James Barnes.”
Both of the royal children froze at the name, their eyes going wide.
“Impossible,” Isabella breathed.
They know who I am? Bucky thought.
“Mother’s knight,” Joseph stated boldly. It caused Bucky to raise his head and look at the prince. “We met. When I was just a little boy.”
“Aye,” Bucky nodded his head.
“Please, stand, Sir James.” Joseph ushered.
Just then the rest of their escort came hurrying back to the Prince and Princess.
“Your Highnesses, are you hurt?” Bucky could tell by his armor that it was a Knight of Howl, King Steven’s most skilled and dangerous battalion of knights.
“We are fine,” Isabella answered.
The knights and servants eyed Bucky, wondering if he was what was left from the attack.
“This is Sir James Barnes,” Joseph explained.
Everyone murmured to each other excitedly, knowing of the famous knight.
No matter how much he tried to fade away, Bucky’s reputation lived on. The stories seemed to have only multiplied since he parted from Y/N.
“I heard the signal of the pillagers. I came to give aid,” Bucky explained.
“It is much appreciated, sire.”
“What are you doing in these forests?” Bucky asked.
“We are on our way to visit our uncle in Zamora,” Joseph answered.
“Anthony?” Bucky blurted without thinking it.
“I believe you mean King Anthony of Zamora,” Isabella corrected with narrowed eyes.
Bucky looked around at the group who had survived the attack. Only half the knights remained. It seemed only the Knights of Howl made it.
“I shall escort you for the rest of the journey and assure you get to your destination safely,” Bucky declared. He left little room for arguing.
“We would be eternally grateful,” one of the knights bowed his head. They were no fools. The safety of the Prince and Princess was of the utmost importance. They would do whatever it took to insure they remained unharmed.
The group broke apart, collecting their weapons and horses and… their dead.
Bucky whistled and his horse came trotting to his side.
Isabella eyed it for a moment. No one was paying Bucky much attention any longer.
“Persephone?” She asked with quiet curiosity.
Her tone and attitude toward Bucky had seemed to shift now.
Bucky winced at the mentioning of his past horse. 
Y/N truly had told her children all about him.
“Nay, that beast died years ago. This is Bravo.”
Isabella frowned. But she stepped forward and stroked the horse’s neck. It nickered happily and nudged her face affectionately.
Isabella laughed lightly.
Bucky felt sick from the sound. Just like that, she looked exactly like her mother.
It was almost as if Bucky was being taunted.
A servant boy walked up with a horse – the princess’. An all silvery-gray stallion that was so clean and bright that only a princess would ever be seen riding it.
It seemed the carriage was only for the Isabella’s ladies-in-waiting and a few servants. She had been traveling on horseback.
“Will you ride beside me, Sir James?” Isabella asked innocently.
Bucky cleared his throat and nodded, “Of course, Your Highness.'
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They made camp a few hours later, before the sun got too close to the horizon.
Now it was night and they had their tents up and a few fires scattered around to keep them warm and alert to their surroundings.
Isabella had surprisingly remained quiet throughout their journey.
But it left Bucky plenty of time to observe both her and her brother.
Isabelle was not a child, but still not yet a woman. However, her beauty had already made itself known and Bucky could only assume how stressed it made Steve, even now.
Joseph had the same kind heart that Steve did, but the sharpness and consciousness of his mother. He would make a great king, that Bucky knew.
Isabella grabbed the open seat next to Bucky at one of the fires.
He bowed his head slightly, “Your Highness.”
No one seemed to be paying much attention to their princess, too busy having conversations amongst themselves or being on the lookout.
A comfortable silence settled between the princess and the knight. The crackling of the fire was their only focus for a moment.  
“My mother,” Isabella muttered quietly. “She told me…about the two of you.”
Bucky’s eyes flickered to her awaiting gaze, shocked by the confession.
“I am sorry for my rudeness earlier,” she added.
“You protect yourself the way your mother once did,” Bucky sighed, clearly not offended by her prior behavior.
“And how is that, Sir James?”
“With coldness and distrust. I do not mean it as an insult, Your Highness. It did well for her.”
Isabella smirked. Perhaps it was the firelight or that was she was educated in royal etiquette and kingdom affairs, but the princess seemed much older than her age.
Bucky could on assume princes and kings would be begging Steve for her hand in marriage any day now.
“Do you not wish to know what my mother told me of you?” Isabella practically whispered.
Bucky didn’t answer. Instead, his jaw flexed and he stared into the fire.
“He’s not as fond of the stories as I am,” Isabella’s gaze flickered to her older brother, who was sitting on the opposite side of the fire and speaking to one of his knights. “Our father is his greatest hero. To him, there is no better man. He does not like the idea of mother loving any other man but him.”
Bucky finally looked at the princess, a warning in his eyes. “Why did your mother insist on telling the two of you tales of me?”
Isabella smiled at the question. “She wanted us to know the difference between love and duty. And how only a few of us are fortunate enough to interweave the two.” She sighed, “I think she wished to prevent us from falling in love with someone we could not have. She was trying to protect us. Something no one had protected her from when she was our age.”
It hurt him to hear.
He cleared his throat in attempt to fight of any emotions. “And your father… Does he speak of me?”
Isabella frowned. “Not like her. Never like her. But he did once say he was a fortunate king, for there was someone who protected the love of his life before he could meet her and protect her himself.”
Bucky chuckled bitingly. But he had nothing to say to that.
“Do you still lover her – my mother?” Isabella whispered.
“Yes,” Bucky answered without the slightest hesitation.
The proclamation seemed to break the young princess’ heart.
“I am happy to have met you, Sir James. I am reminded that my mother had another life before she became Queen, before she had me.”
Bucky’s eyes turned sad. “I am happy to have met you as well, Your Highness.”
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Y/N stood on the balcony of her bedchambers. It looked out onto the entire kingdom below. Her fingers gripped the bannister.
Then she felt a kiss to her shoulder and a strong pair of hands wrap around her waist.
“They will be fine, my love,” Steve whispered into her ear before kissing her neck.
“They could have been killed, Steve.”
He gently forced her to turn around and face them. “But they survived, completely unharmed. They have been trained well – you have trained them well. They are not helpless.” He kissed her forehead. “Furthermore, your brother practically sent a small army to escort them back home.”
Y/N chuckled at that.
“I have missed them. Two weeks has felt like two months,” the queen admitted.
“It is the same for me.” Then he smirked. “But I have enjoyed having you all to myself.”
There was a knock at the door. A servant walked in.
“Your Majesties,” they bowed. “The Prince and Princess have just reached the kingdom’s gates. They are home and safe.”
“Oh, thank goodness,” Y/N whispered with a hand over her heart.
Steve grabbed her hand, “Come.”
Y/N practically tackled her two children when they arrived at the palace doors.
“Mother, we are fine. I promise,” Joseph tried to calm her as she squeezed him tightly.
“Yes, mother. Do not stress,” Isabella added. 
But Steve was pulling his daughter in his arms already and kissing the top of her head.
“And, mother, we brought a surprise…” Joseph nudged.
Y/N looked over her son’s shoulder to find a familiar face. Well, it was the familiar face of a boy who had now become a man.
“Peter!” Y/N gasped, rushing forward and wrapping the squire into a hug.
But he was a squire no longer. He was a knight. But not just any knight, he was the personal guard for King Anthony of Zamora.
Peter chuckled and when he escaped her hug, he lowered himself to a knee and bowed his head. “Your Majesty, it is good to see you again.”
“None of that,” Y/N urged him to his feet. “My God, you are no longer a boy.”
Peter smiled. “Hopefully I have not changed too much.”
“Yes, let us hope not.”
“King Anthony wished for me to escort Your Highnesses back home safely.”
“But will you not stay for at a few days? You must rest after the long journey. You simply cannot return home so soon,” Y/N begged.
Peter agreed easily.
Joseph and Isabella looked rather proud of themselves for making their mother so happy. It brought a smile to Steve’s face as well, seeing his wife so elated with the reunion.
Steve brought the attention back to his children. “Did you look after your sister?” He asked his son.
“More like I looked after him,” Isabella chimed in.
“Shall I tell them how Sir James managed to disarm you and steal your sword in one move?” Joseph teased his sister back.
Steve and Y/N looked at each other.
“Sir James?” Y/N gasped.
Then Joseph and Isabella shared a worried look.
“Did uncle not tell you in his letter?” Joseph asked.
Steve frowned. “He left that part out, it appears.”
“If it were not for him, who knows what would have become of us,” Isabella spoke quietly. “Father, Mother… he saved us.”
Y/N was trying to control her breathing.
Her eyes went to Peter’s, needing someone else to assure her the children were telling the truth.
Peter was tense, but gave a small nod.
Steve sensed Y/N’s distress.
“Go get settled,” he ordered his children. “The feast to celebrate your return will start soon.” “Come, Your Highnesses,” Peter urged, sensing the tension. He escorted the prince and princess to their wing.
“How is it possible?” Y/N whispered when she was alone with her husband.
Steve sighed, not having an answer.
“I owe a debt to a man whom I can never repay. A debt which seems to grow longer and longer – now it involves my children.”
The queen was silent. Her eyes were glazed over as she was in deep thought. 
“Y/N,” Steve whispered. “Y/N, please look at me.”
She did.
“Are you alright?”
“I…I do not know,” her hand went to her chest. “I am…feeling…a little faint.”
Steve did not blame her. He took her hand gently and started guiding her back to their bedchambers.
“Lay down for a moment,” he instructed as he pointed to the bed.
She opened her mouth to protest.
“Please, Y/N? I will wake you when the feast is about to begin.”
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Y/N woke up, feeling like a fool for the way she reacted. The last time she had seen Bucky was just after Isabella had been born. It had been almost 15 years.
She never thought she would even hear his name again.
But the man she once loved – the man who had once protected her – had saved her children. The children she bore with a man that was not him.
It seemed like he was her guardian angel, protecting what she loved most, even after she had abandoned him all that time ago.
Y/N wished she could see him again and thank him. But she knew better. Bucky would never step foot into Midgardian country ever again.
Throughout the feast, Steve left his queen be, allowing her to process her emotions and thoughts in peace. He took on the responsibility of entertaining their guests.
Peter sat on the other side of the Queen, upon her request.
She managed to pull herself together enough to ask Peter questions about his life.
But her old friend knew that there was something off. And he knew what.
“When I saw Sir James riding alongside Her Highness, it felt as if I had gone back in time,” he told Y/N quietly.
Y/N glanced at her daughter, who was dancing in the middle of the room and laughing carelessly.
“The Knights of Howl said he stayed by her side for the entire journey, watching over her,” Peter added. “When he walked into the courtyard, I swear he half expectedly you to come running out of the castle as you once did.”
Y/N did not know what to say.
“I miss him too,” Peter finally confessed. “I know it is nothing to the loss that you have suffered, but miss him I do. He was the closest thing to a father I ever had.”
The queen still said nothing. But she reached forward and gripped his hand, giving him a sad smile.
Her eyes told Peter everything she could not say.
A few days later, when Peter was finally making his leave, he was surprised to find the king making his way toward him. Peter had already said his goodbyes to the royal family earlier.
“Your Majesty,” he bowed his head.
“Peter, I must ask you a favor. I do not know if it is possible, but if anyone can accomplish this, it is you.”
“Of course, Your Majesty.”
“I need you to get this letter to Sir James.”
Peter was taken aback by the request. He froze, but quickly recovered. “I will try my best, Your Majesty.”
Steve gripped his shoulder. “Thank you for looking after my children.” Then he smiled sadly. “And for bringing my wife such joy. She was very happy to see you again.”
During his short detour, Peter wanted nothing more than to open the letter. But he couldn’t possibly disrespect the King of Midgard in such a way.
But every lead he got on Bucky’s location ended in disappointment.
Bucky didn’t want to be found, so he made sure he never was.
It had been almost 3 weeks of searching, Peter had to get back to Zamora. He couldn’t avoid his duties as King Anthony’s personal guard any longer.
Peter was sitting by the fire in the small camp he’d made for himself.
The scroll King Steven gave him was sticking out of his saddlebag, mocking him.
“Damn it to hell,” Peter muttered as he shot to his feet and grabbed it before he could change his mind.
He undid the seal and his eyes flashed across the letter. 
Sir James Barnes,
I feel as though you have given me a debt of which I can never repay. You looked after Y/N time and time again. I expected her personal guard to keep her safe and protect her with their life. What I never expected was for you to do the same for my son and daughter. I wish to tell you that if there is anything I can do for you – I beg of you – please ask. I could give you the world and it would not be enough for what you have done for my family.
Peter winced at ‘family,’ the thing that Bucky could never have with Y/N. 
Then the tone of the letter changed.
However, I imagine the only thing you could ever want from me… I have already taken for myself. For which, I do not expect you to ever forgive me. But I promise you one thing, I have tried with all of my heart to love her as she deserves, to make her as happy as one could possibly be. I believe I have been prosperous with my efforts. I am hopeful that it makes a difference to you, perhaps makes you less hateful towards me.
But I have lived long enough to accept that I do not deserve your forgiveness.
Just know that the King of Midgard will grant anything you desire for keeping his most beloved treasures safe.
I hope this letter finds you well, if it finds you at all.
Peter stared at the words again. Then he shifted his gaze to the distant horizon. The moon was full and reflecting off of the snow, making the night as bright as ever.
Sir James Barnes did not protect Y/N for recognition or reward. He had done it because he loved her. 

And saving Joseph and Isabella? Sir James had done so, not for the glory or compensation, but because it was the right thing to do. He had always helped those who could not help themselves. Peter took in a deep breath and bent forward, placing the letter over the flames until they caught onto the paper.
The knight watched as the words caught fire and he didn’t stop watching until they were ash.
Bucky would find no comfort in the king’s words.
Peter knew that.
I don’t think I’ve ever written anything so quickly in my life. I was just really fucking inspired.  Please, please, please tell me your thoughts and feelings. 
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elles-archives · 3 years
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These are the Fics that I recommend and love for Chris Evans and his Characters. Divider by @firefly-graphics
Chris Evans:
Followed by @time-for-a-lullaby – Mafia!Chris Evans x Female Reader
Summary: Chris sends you out with your best friend to do a little shopping while he handles business. On the way home you notice you’re being followed.
Desperate Affairs by @georgiapeach30513 – Multiple Chris Evans Characters x Reader (Complete)
Series Summary: Engaged to Andy Barber, and deeming him too safe, and only wanting to be intimate to get you pregnant, you start a sex only relationship with Ransom Drysdale. Nothing is ever easy, and you get yourself into a web of lies. Are you the only one lying? (Includes NSFW)
First Man by @toastedkiwi – Chris Evans x Daughter!Reader, Harry Styles x Popstar!Reader
Summary: You debut a song on stage at the AMAs.
Fading Spark by @alisonsfics – Chris Evans x Wife!Reader
Summary: Chris and the reader are slowly beginning to lose their spark in their relationship and become more distant as time goes on. (Includes NSFW)
Futile by @rocketrhap3000 – Chris Evans x Reader
Series Summary: You grew up next door to the Evans Family, but what you didn’t know is that reuniting with Chris after a few years would spark an unbelievable attraction towards him. (i.e. another typical age gap fic) (Includes NSFW)
Well Shit by @falcqns – Chris Evans x Reader
Request Summary: Chris and the reader had a stressful day so to calm down they have some much-needed alone time. Only one of their children walks in. (Includes NSFW)
What a Time… by @time-for-a-lullaby – Chris Evans x Actress!Reader
Summary: You and Chris dated for a few years during your time with the MCU. Sometimes things just don’t work out. You reunite at the Endgame premiere afterparty and spend the night reminiscing the good and the bad of your relationship.
Gentleman – by @lexiawrittings – Chris Evans x Reader
Summary: After an amazing and incredible one-night stand with the most handsome actor on the planet, you find yourself in a humiliating situation. Little did you know that Chris Evans is the kindest person ever. A grown man, who is a true gentleman. (Includes NSFW)
End of an Era by @celebtattletale – Chris Evans x Little Mix!Reader
Summary: Y/N Evans seen being comforted by husband Chris after Little Mix announce break.
Boston by @secretswiftymarvelfan – Chris Evans x Reader (Complete)
Series Summary: On a girls trip, boys are off limits. However, when a kind stranger gives you a helping hand you can’t help but break the rules (Includes NSFW)
Set Up by @time-for-a-lullaby – Chris Evans X Reader (Complete)
Series Summary: You’re close friends with Lizzie Olsen, she invites you to her birthday party where its pretty clear her and Scott are intending to set you and Chris up.
Fixing the Broken by @maemelany – Chris Evans x Reader (Complete)
Series Summary: People say time heals all wounds. In your case, time made it worse.
You’ve been married to Chris for five years, but his absence spoke louder than his words. After 5 years of trying, you’ve decided that you’ve had enough, and you left him. But Chris doesn’t want to let you go; he doesn’t want to give up on your marriage.
Would he be able to fix what you consider irretrievably broken? (Includes some NSFW)
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Steve Rogers:
Slow Like Honey by @heli0s-writes – Steve Rogers x Reader (Complete)
Series Summary: The gossip that buzzes around in the teacher’s lounge is that sweet. Sensitive divorcé Steve Rogers is hot-for-teacher. His daughter’s first-grade teacher, to be exact. (Includes NSFW)
Love is Not Forced by @just-dreaming-marvel – Royal AU (Complete)
Series Summary: Y/N was never meant to be royalty. She always knew that. But when her village was destroyed one night when she was young, King Anthony Stark took her and her brother, Peter, in. Years later, she learns, that as Princess of Alexandria, she must marry a royal from another kingdom. Y/N is not happy with that, nor does she make it easy for her suitors, Prince Thor, Prince Loki, King T’Challa, and King Steven Rogers. Where will her heart fall? Where should it? Or will be torn between doing what’s best for her kingdom and the man she loves?
Reckless by @kinanabinks – Widower!Steve Rogers x Divorced!Reader (Complete)
Series Summary: Two hearts in pain, recklessly finding comfort in each other with no care for the pain they themselves are the authors of. (Includes NSFW)
By @fluffycutecevans – Steve Rogers x Reader
Summary: Steve and the reader are in love, being friends since they were younger, after prom they started dating. When they got to University two people tried to pull them apart =, making them question everything. (Includes NSFW)
Coward by @lovelyavengers – Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader (Complete)
Summary: A time travel incident strikes the Avengers Compound when Peggy Carter seemingly walks right out of the past, married and definitely not expecting to see Steve alive. In order to show her that he has in fact moved on, Steve enlists the help of his best friend to pretend to be his wife until Tony can send everyone home.
Unwelcome Partnership by @lovelyavengers – Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader
Summary: It was just your luck to run into your least favourite avenger on a mission, and its especially awkward because he’s the one who kicked you off the team. Having to work with him to complete the objective is just insult to injury.
Always and Forever by @vanillanaps – Brother’s Bestfriend!Steve x Wilson!Reader (Series of Oneshots and Drabbles)
Series Summary: Adopted at the young age of 9, Paul and Darlene Wilson took you in. You quickly became close with Sam and Sarah, becoming the sibling they’ve always wanted. Growing up being the same age as Sam meaning his friends became your friends. But you took an extra liking to Steve. Crushing on him throughout your childhood. Now, your 18, in college and well – still crushing on him.
Always you by @fangirlovestuff – Steve Rogers x Reader
Summary: You’ve met Steve and Bucky in middle school. Now, at Bucky’s wedding, some important information is revealed, and some important realisations are made in its wake. Steve was your first crush; Bucky was your first boyfriend. You three have stayed friends through it all, but now, when your best-friend-with-benefits Steve asks for your help, will the dynamic shift? (alludes to smut)
Nightmare Barns and My Girl by @jadedvibes – Neighbour!Steve x Reader
Nightmare Barns Summary: You take up your neighbour’s offer to do laundry at his place and end up with a great friend to go to the haunted pumpkin patch with. Tons of adrenaline, a crappy run-in with an ex, and pumpkins lead to confessed feelings and fluffy times.
My Girl Summary: A quiet night of baking with your new boyfriend turns into something extra steamy when he finally gives you what you want for the first time. (Includes NSFW)
The good are never easy, the easy are never good by @fairyevans – King!Steve x Fem!Reader
Summary: The king and the reader start an affair. (Includes NSFW)
Misunderstanding by @marvel-stufff – Steve Rogers x Reader
Summary: You are undeniably in love with the infamous Captain America, and he feels the same. What happened when he overhears a conversation and confronts you? Will it ruin your relationship or is it all a big misunderstanding?
Used to Be Overlooked by @justkending – Steve Rogers x Reader (Rosalyn Embers / Y/N?) (Complete)
Series Summary: After a rough mission, Steve likes to decompress with a walk around his home town when he can. But after saving a beautiful dame from a near death experience, he can’t seem to get her off his mind. Something about her was familiar. After some intensive research, he learns the truth about her that leaves him and some of his co-workers in shock. Who is she? How does he know her? And was it even from this decade?
Flustered by @fqjth – Steve Rogers x Reader
Summary: Knowing Steve her whole life, y/n is shocked to see his transformation after taking the super solider serum. (Includes NSFW)
If Only You Knew by @kayteewritessteve – Steve Rogers x Reader Modern AU (Complete)
Series Summary: You arrive home one day to find a wedding invite for two of your best friends from high school. You knew this day would come eventually, but even with that said, you weren’t prepared to return home. At least not after 7 years of avoiding Buckhannon, West Virginia. Or rather, avoiding him; your ex-best friends and secret love of your life. But maybe it was finally time to face your past, to face him, and everything else that happened that horrible night . who would have known that your prom night would end up being a total disaster, and the very last night you’d spend in Buckhannon for the next 7 years? You certainly didn’t, that’s for sure. (Very Mature Themes)
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Andy Barber:
Our Family by @labella420 – Andy Barber x Female Reader
Summary: Your wedding day is full of surprises!
A Different Kind of Love Verse by @river-soul – Andy Barber x Fem!Reader x Jake Jensen
Summary: A universe where you eventually bond with both an Alpha and a Beta. (A/B/O Dynamic, Includes NSFW)
Under the Suit by @simplystevies – Ex’s Dad!Andy Barber x Intern!Reader
Summary: You knew it was wrong.. but you always fantasised about what was under his suit (Includes NSFW)
Stay by @geminixevans-stan – Andy Barber x Female Reader
Summary: Each want out… but at what cost? (Includes NSFW)
Help You Though by @jbreenr – Andy Barber x Reader
Summary: You were nervous about introducing your boyfriend to your parents. Well… actually, the other way around.
Pick Me and Beautiful Stranger by @dbnightingale24 – Andy Barber x Reader
Pick Me Summary: You’ve always done your best to make your family proud and avoid drama with men. However, Andy comes into your life and turns your world upside down. What happens when sin is too tempting to resist? (Includes NSFW)
Beautiful Stranger Summary: You old yourself that the choice you made was the best possible choice. So why does doing the right thing hurt so much ? (Includes NSFW)
Endings, Beginnings by @0mrs-evans0 – Ex-Husband!Andy Barber x Ex-Wife!Reader
Summary: Your Mum sets you and your Ex-Husband up.
Hey Mom by @spiritualchange – Andy Barber x Wife!Reader
Summary: Laurie can’t get around what her son calls his new stepmom.
Holy Ground by @buckyownsmylife – Andy Barber x Reader (Complete)
Series Summary: The one where Andy seems to have lost everything, but he is not ready to give up.
A terrible car accident ruins Andy Barber’s idea of a perfect life. But if the love’s still there, why couldn’t he retrace the steps that led him to his happy ending? After all, the best love stories were made to be written more than once. (Includes NSFW)
Mr. Barber’s Assistant by @breezymichelle99 – Andy Barber x Reader
Summary: After Jacob’s trial everything had changed for Andy Barber. He lost his wife, almost lost his job and his son. Nothing seemed right in his life. Nothing but YOU. (Includes NSFW)
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Ransom Drysdale:
Royal Love – by @fluffycutecevans – Prince!Ransom Drysdale x Plus Size!Reader (Medieval Royal Au)
Summary: Being the future Kings personal attendant is a hard task. But at least you get along with the Prince. How close will you get?
When We Were Young by @likeahorribledream – Ransom Drysdale x Reader
Summary: You and Ransom used to be best friends, then something changed, and you weren’t good enough for him anymore. You finally see him almost 10 years after you graduated high school and you come to learn that things weren’t as they seem.
Girls Night by @ilovefandoms102 – Ransom Drysdale x Plus Size!Reader
Summary: Making Ransom jealous backfires… (Includes NSFW)
Phone Sex by @nellblazer – Ransom Drysdale x Reader
Summary: Visiting your grandfather in prison, you spot a lonely inmate and strike up a pen pal relationship. (Includes NSFW)
Daddy Issues by @buckyownsmylife – Ransom Drysdale x Reader (Completed)
Series Summary: The one where Ransom doesn’t feel ready to become a father, but he should have thought about it before seeping with a complete stranger.
When Ransom’s latest one night stand lets him know that he’s going to be a father, he finds himself looking for the qualities he never believed to have so he can become the parent he never got to witness as a child. (Includes NSFW)
Roi de Coeur by @sylvie-writes – Prince!Ransom Drysdale x Villager!Reader (Complete)
Series Summary: One fateful day, Prince Ransom, under the order of his mother, comes to visit your village where the lower class resides. For years, your people have protested that the village and its residents are becoming forgotten. Going to hear their pleas once more, Prince Ransom meets (y/n), a young, and very opinionated woman. Looking to finally listen to the cries of despair, the Prince enlists her help, as she represents her people in front of the nobility. Over time will her anger for the prince grow, or will it blossom into something more?
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Jake Jensen:
My best Friend, Jensen by @drabblewithfrannybarnes – Jake Jensen x Female Best Friend Reader (Main Series Completed, One Shots Ongoing)
Series Summary: You and Jensen have been best friends since you were kids; growing up together in a sleepy town in New Hampshire. When Jensen entered the armed forces it was only a matter of time before you followed.
Years later, after The Losers’ narrowly escaped death, you’ve joined the team while they take on contracted missions, making their way around the world as they continue their search for Max.
It is on one of these missions that your realise that you might kinda, sorta be falling for your best friend. But could he possibly feel the same way? Or would one drunken night ruin your friendship forever?
Under Pressure by @beefybuckrrito – Jake Jensen x Fem!Reader
Summary: It’s all fun and games until the wrong song comes on at karaoke night. (Includes NSFW)
Baby Boy by @starryevermore – Omega!Jake Jensen x Alpha Fem!Reader
Summary: All you want is to make your omega happy.
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Curtis Everett:
Yours to Keep by@the-iceni-bitch – Curtis Everett x Fem!Reader
Summary: Curtis has been fond of you for a while, but he doesn’t think he deserves you. (Includes NSFW)
Ties That Bind, Debts That Burden by @mypoisonedvine – Curtis Everett x Reader
Summary: you didn’t expect the man who bought you to be so kind. You didn’t expect to fall for him, either. (Includes NSFW)
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Changes by @labella420 – Colin Shea x Female Reader (What's Your Number)
Summary: Colin asks you a really important question.
The Man You Knew by @starryevermore – Frank Adler x Fem!Reader, Andy Barber x Fem!Reader
Summary: Frank doesn’t realize he lost something good until it was too late, and Andy isn’t the kind of man to give you up.
After We Met by @fluffycutecevans – Nick Vaughan x Reader
Summary: An old flame threatens your relationship with Nick.
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sunshinebuckybarnes · 3 years
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Here we go again, my September fic rec list 🍂 as always please make sure you check the warnings for each individual fic before reading. You are responsible for your own media consumption. This blog along with the majority tagged are 18+ and the majority of these fics contain adult themes. 
Make sure you give these incredible writer’s some love and reblogs because they deserve the damn world! Hope you enjoy these as much as I did 💖
Bucky Barnes
*The match by @babyboibucky (CEO!Bucky Barnes x Reader)
Toxic love by @gogolucky13 (70spornstar!Bucky Barnes x 70spornstar!f!Reader, 70spornstar!Bucky Barnes x 70spornstar!f!Reader x 70spornstar!Sam Wilson)
*Stark hub: The soldier by @world-of-aus (Pornstar!Bucky x Pornstar!Reader)
*A scarred enigma by @tuiccim (Bucky Barnes x OC Lexa Green)
Three and an infinity by @thefallenbibliophilequote (Bucky x Reader)
*Take my breath by @buckycuddlebuddy (dilf!neighbor!pornstar!bucky barnes x reader)
*Bride of soldat by @vampy-doll (Bucky Barnes x reader)
Remind me by @navybrat817 (Bucky Barnes x Female Reader)
Bonnie & Clyde 2.0 by @little-diable (Biker!Bucky Barnes x female reader)
Lure by @bccky (Bucky Barnes X Reader)
*Personal trainer by @buckybarneschokeme (PT!Bucky x reader)
Undercurrent by @trashmenofmarvel (Bucky Barnes x Reader)
Over & over by @mrwinterr (Pornstar!Bucky Barnes AU x Pornstar!Female Reader)
Selfish by @metalbuckaroo (dbf!bucky x f!reader)
Bucky Barnes / Steve Rogers ✨
Don't you want me by @summerofsnowflakes
Loves eternal kiss by @jobean12-blog (Stucky x reader)
Sam Wilson ✨
What you wanted by @honeysugarcoves (semi-dark!sam wilson x reader)
In a garden of wilted flowers by @ambrosiase (sam wilson x fem!reader)
Tangled (in these sheets, in your arms) by @babycap (sam wilson x fem!reader)
Andy barber ✨
My sanctuary, you're holy to me by @jamalflanagan (Andy Barber x woc!reader)
Easily distracted by @jobean12-blog (Andy Barber x reader)
Bucky Barnes / Steve Rogers / Sam Wilson ✨
Come to and agreement by @swtbbybarnes (Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers x reader x Sam Wilson)
Jake Jensen / Andy Barber ✨
*A different kind of love by @river-soul (Alpha!Andy x Omega!Reader x Beta!Jake)
Bucky Barnes / Steve Rogers / Billy Russo / frank Castle ✨
The Geneva bed and breakfast convention by @tuiccim (Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes x Reader x Frank Castle x Billy Russo)
Ransom Drysdale / Ari Levinson ✨
A very bad idea by @the-iceni-bitch (Ransom Drysdale x fem!reader (OTP) x Ari Levinson)
Ari Levinson ✨
A promised threat by @geminixevans (CEO!Ari Levinson x Black Reader)
Steve Rogers ✨
Where he belongs / don't f*ck with the queen by @angrythingstarlight (Beefy Biker!Steve Rogers x Reader)
*Always on my mind by @the-iceni-bitch (dilf!Steve Rogers x tattoo artist!reader)
Eucharist by @mypoisonedvine (priest!Steve Rogers x reader)
*His inheritance by @jtargaryen18 (Mobster Steve Rogers x Mobster daughter reader)
*After the rain by @sweetlyscared (King!Steve Rogers x Princess!Reader, one sided Bucky x Princess!Reader)
Fill me up by @jtargaryen18 (Steve Rogers x reader)
Subtitles by @holacia2 (Steve Rogers x Spanish speaker!reader)
*Time to run by @syntheticavenger (Mob Boss! Steve Rogers x Female Reader)
Ransom Drysdale ✨
*Exposed kisses by @holacia2 (Ransom Drysdale x reader)
Sweater weather by @jobean12-blog (Ransom Drysdale x reader)
Lee Bodecker ✨
Please me by @gogolucky13 (Lee Bodecker x f!Reader)
Chris Beck
Quitting time by @navybrat817 (Chris Beck x female reader)
Andy Barber / Ari Levinson ✨
Peach by @geminixevans (Ari Levinson x Black Reader x Andy Barber)
Andy Barber / Frank Adler ✨
*Moments silence by @syntheticavenger (Dark! Andy Barber x Female Reader & Frank Adler x Female Reader)
Andy Barber / Ransom Drysdale ✨
The deals we make by @river-soul (Andy Barber x Reader x Ransom Drysdale)
Andy barber / Ari Levinson / Ransom Drysdale ✨
*Necessary arrangements by @stargazingfangirl18 (Andy Barber x Fem!Reader; Ari Levinson x Fem!Reader; Ransom Drysdale x Fem!Reader)
Curtis Everett ✨
*Wilford's demands by @sweater-daddiesdumbdork (Curtis Everett x reader)
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theravenclawlover · 3 years
Welcome to the Industry of Porn
Paring: Avengers X Female!Reader
Warnings: +18, heavy smut, drinking, slight angst in later chapters, fluff if you squint, and my English as usual.
Word Count: 3,101.
Summary: AU where the Avengers are Pornstars. It’s pretty self-explanatory.
Chapter: 6.
Chapter Title: Metal Fingers and Flexible Girl.
A/N: I gotta admit, I did a lot of changing for this chapter. That's why it took me so long to get it ready, and also I've been actually reading from the stack of books I have. I finally got around to finishing "The Outsider" by Stephen King, I liked it.
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"You gotta be shitting me?" said Cassie as she looked at you incredulously while a small grin played on her lips.
"Why are you making it sound like it's a bad thing," said Bucky as he raised his hands in the air, but then he grinned, "I am really good at my job, thank you very much."
"Jerk," said Cassie as she rolled her eyes at him.
"Nobody's questioning your job, I just didn't think Stark was going to be putting me with the ones that have more time here? I thought maybe the other way around. You know what I mean?" you said as you looked around with your cheeks turning a bit red.
"Oh, so you wanted easy, like Spidey or maybe even Scott?" asked Natasha as she laid her head on Steve's thighs. The man blushed lightly as one of his hands went to her hair. They had told you that they weren't dating, but you and Cassie—even Bucky—were eighty-five percent sure something was up.
You blushed a little as you nodded but you shrugged not sure if telling them that it didn't matter or yourself.
"It doesn't really matter, but it was my way of thinking like 'baby steps'. But I think I'll be fine with Robocop over there," you said you stuck your tongue at him which turned into a smile. He rolled his eyes at the overused nickname, but he couldn't help himself but smile when you did.
He just knew it was going to be fun.
When the morning came to officially start working at Avengers, you woke up feeling a little bit nervous, yet a weird wave of excitement came with it and you were sure why. You've seen the man naked more times than you can count with both your hands, and you knew what he could do; you've seen that from your phone and from that one time you got to see Steve and Bucky go at it, granted, it had been a little because they used that prosthetic hand that looked somewhat real—he liked his metal one better after he grew to see it as a good thing and not a bad thing. You were nervous because you were only a couple of hours away from having the man fuck you in front of cameras, but the excitement was because the man was about to fuck you not just with his dick, no, those fingers were more than ready to be inside of you and that was enough motivation to get your body ready.
You walked into the kitchen to find Wanda, Natasha, Cassie, Peggy, and Gamora eating breakfast as they conversed.
"…that way the outfits don't clash, oh hey sleepy head, good morning," said Cassie as she saw walk toward the pantry door.
"Morning, what were you guys talking about?" you asked as you took out your favorite cereal.
"Cassie has this idea for our photoshoot tomorrow, and is pitching the idea to us before she goes to the makeup and costume department," said Gamora in her soft yet hard voice.
"Oh, fun," you said as you set your bowl on the kitchen island and took a seat between Wanda and Cassie.
"Are you nervous to get Barnes all to yourself," asked Peggy with a salacious grin. You shifted on your stool as all eyes turned to you.
"Nervous, but I'm sure I'm not the only one that's probably gotten a little nervous about having a one on one with him," you said with a small shrug.
"You are the first one aside from Rogers to get to fuck him as a one on one. Sure, we all have fucked Barnes once or twice but there's always more people involved," said Natasha as she sipped her orange juice. You stared at her with wide eyes at the new information.
"So that's why he was all grins last night," said Cassie as an afterthought.
"Well, now I'm even more nervous."
"Just think about his metal hand and you'll be fine." Peggy still held that damn salacious grin.
"Alright, we are going to pick up the scene from the point you open the door."
Anthony and Joe were both talking to you and Bucky as they directed the new scene which was the one that contained the sex scene that you had been dreading yet awaiting with utmost want.
"So, we're good?" asked Joe a last time before heading to his directing chair. You and Bucky nodded and then walked to your positions.
"Silence in set…and…ACTION!"
You opened the unlocked door of the apartment, gun in hand as you were ready to fire in case anyone jumped to attack you. Your eyes roamed the room quickly and noticed that it was clear, but something told you that the whole apartment was not. You had been sent to follow one of the many leads SHIELD had on the Winter Soldier. With cautious steps, you moved around the room and checked any room that you thought he could be, but as you moved to walk past the kitchen a foot knocked your gun off your hand. Before you could fight back, the man you had been looking for tackled you to the clear space of the living room. You grunted as you landed on your side, but quickly recovered and elbowed the man on the face. It startled him for a second, but it was enough for you to push him with your feet as you turned on your back. He landed backwards but his hand was right next to your gun which he grabbed and aimed at you, but you quickly kicked it back and sent it to the kitchen behind him. And then your knee met his jaw. You ran past him toward the kitchen to grab your gun, but the man got up faster than you could run, and he grabbed you by the waist and dragged you to the kitchen island where he threw you against, making you let out a grunt as your tummy connected with the border of it.
"Who the fuck are you and what do you want?" he growled right next to your ear which made you shiver.
"I was just sent here to be of help, Captain America has been looking for you for a while now," you said as you struggled under him. He was pressing his whole body on top of yours while his metal hand took a hold of your head from slamming it against his face.
"Fuck the guy a couple of times and now he wants to bring him to his place," he said with almost a chuckle in the back of his throat.
"Fine, don't come with me but there are others that are also looking for you and I'm sure they will not be as nice and good looking as me," you said as you relaxed under him because you were starting to ache all over. Sensing your body relax made him relax which had his hips lower down to touch your ass.
"is that a gun or are you actually happy to see me?"
The man groaned as you pushed your ass against his groin. He grabbed ahold of your hair and pulled your head back that way you were able to see his face.
"Don't do that," he growled so close to your face that some of his spit landed on your cheeks, but you couldn't help the wicked grin that spread on your lips as your eyes looked at his dark ones that made his deep blue eyes a lot more alluring.
"Why? Am I getting you too excited, Soldier?" you pushed yourself harder against him and this time he pushed back. It made him close his eyes momentarily at the friction, but you had seen it and it had sent a ridiculous amount of slick down to your underwear.
"You wouldn't be able to handle me, princess." He had meant it to sound like a warning, but it only made you take it as a challenge.
"Trust me, you won't hurt me, I'm a big girl."
It seemed it had been enough teasing for the man because as soon as you said those words with the dirtiest grin directed at him, he turned you around and pulled you into a bruising kiss. He still had you pinned down which made it impossible for you to roam your fingers through his long hair, and the kiss had you practically moaning with need.
"Only a kiss and you ready to be on your knees," he said as he literally pushed you down to be on your knees. You happily waited for him to take his cock from its tight confinement.
"You're probably not that big, sweetheart," you said in a mocking tone, and you knew you were just making the man build up until he snapped and used you in all the ways he wanted.
He didn't respond with his words, but rather with the presence of his cock right in front of your face.
"Nothing to say now? Open up, princess," he practically purred with a grin as you obediently did. Your eyes followed the movement of his hand as he grabbed the thick and long cock and guided the tip of it inside your waiting mouth and tongue.
The dirtiest, sluttiest, and neediest sound erupted from your throat as the taste of his pre-cum touched your taste buds. You grabbed the base of his cock as your other hand grabbed his balls while your mouth eagerly sucked him off.
"Fuck, someone's eager," he gasped with his head thrown back as your mouth had him in the clouds.
His hands were on your hair as he helped you down his cock when you started to take him down your throat and his eyes were on you. But when you looked up at him, he could've cum, because your eyes were teary, a little red, cheeks red, sweaty, and your lips were wrapped around the girth and length of his cock.
With a whine as you sucked on his tip, he pulled you up before he could cum, and you stumbled a little as he turned you on your stomach and bent you over the same spot you had been previously pinned. His big hands roamed your body before both hands landed a nice smack to each asscheek which made you yelp but at the same time, your ass was ready for more if he wanted. Instead, he took a hold of your pants and dragged them down your legs, revealing the soaked garment of your underwear. He pulled your legs apart and kneeled down, his hands—one cold and one warm—spread your cheeks open, and as you bit your lips expectantly, his tongue met your soaked sex. You moaned as his tongue greedily explored your lower lips. He was eating you out like a starved man, tongue lapping at you, lips sucking the best he could, but the second you saw stars was when the cold hand that was helping him spread your cheeks for him, slowly made a path down your thigh and then up toward your clenching hole. You were moaning, your head kept lolling to the side as if you couldn't find a comfortable position, and your hands were clawing at the flat marble while your eyes were shut tight. But when his cold metallic fingers started to tease you as he lapped at your tight asshole, you shrieked at the harsh contrast from all the warmth that you were feeling.
"Oh fuck, please," you whined as his metal fingers kept teasing you, never fully dipping inside of you.
"So needy," said the brunet as he smirked when he pulled back to see how his fingertips glistened from the silk he was collecting. You whined when you felt his hands leave you, but then you moaned when two of his fingers plunged inside of you with a slow thrust which made you feel the stretch more than if he had just gone for it.
"You take my fingers so good, doll," he groaned as he saw how your pussy sucked his fingers in greedily. He was obsessing over the sounds you were making, the way your slick dripped down whenever his fingers tried to pull back, the way your legs were quivering as you tried to keep steady, and the way you kept muttering things to either him or yourself had him grinning like a mad man. He was obsessing over how much he wanted to grab you and fuck you senseless, but not before you came around his fingers. Good thing you were close.
"That's it, gorgeous, cum around my fingers, I bet they feel really good," he said before he gave a bit to the lower part of your asscheek which made you yelp, but it might have also been because of the ways his fingers picked up speed. You tried with all your might to keep your legs open, but when all the build-up finally snapped, your knees buckled under you. The Soldier noticed before you could collapse, kept you steady, and his fingers moved so fast that the squealing of your pussy drowned the shriek that came out of you when you came around his fingers.
"Fuck, doll, that's it," he grunted as some of your cum landed on his lips and cheeks due to the rapid motion of his fingers. He waited until you were breathing alright before he pulled his fingers out of you. He stood up and turned you around, your eyes were hooded, and a small smile was on your lips.
"Open up, princess." You opened your mouth obediently as his soaked fingers went for your mouth. You moaned obscenely when the taste of you was on your tongue, and your eyes never broke contact with him as he stared at the way you sucked his fingers off like you had his cock not long ago.
He picked you up and sat you on the kitchen island, and he positioned himself between your opened legs and pulled you down for another bruising kiss. You pulled back as he took the rest of your clothes off while your hands did the same to him. In no time both of you were fully naked and panting into each other's mouth. He pushed you back against the cold marble, your legs wide open for him and he grabbed ahold of one of your legs while with his other hand grabbed his cock to tease your sensitive sex.
"Look at you—" he inserted the tip of his cock which made you whine at the stretch it gave, "—you've only had my mouth and my tongue and you're already dazed out. You sure you can take my cock, baby girl?"
"How about you fuck me already, all this talk is making me believe you're scared your cock won't be enough," you said as you held a glare that only made the man growl and push the rest of his thick cock inside of you.
You both groaned loudly, and not letting you adjust to his size, the man started to savagely thrust into you, one leg held by his metal hand while your other legs hung in the air. You took ahold of it, and pull it down from your ankle, that way you spread yourself even more.
"Fuck, look at that—" the man let go of your leg "—hold it too."
You obeyed, and now you held your legs wide almost like a full split while the Soldier grabbed you by the waist while he proceeded to bury his cock with a hard and deep pace. His eyes were glued to the sight of his whole cock going in to then come out fully slicked of your juices. You looked at him to see how his eyes roamed your pussy and his dick which made you blush but due to your already flushed skin, it went unnoticed. It seemed he was hypnotized by you, and with that in mind, you pulled your legs down to the point you were now doing a full split on the kitchen island.
"Oh fuck," he whined as the sight of you became too much for his mind to withhold. He was fucking you harshly and you could only take it all and before you knew it, you were cumming with a shout of a 'shit' as you struggled to keep your legs spread while two of his fingers found your clit.
The man was speaking but just watching you squirm, moan, whine, and curse while you came around his cock. He couldn't hold his own orgasm anymore and after a couple of harsh thrusts, he pulled out, and with the loud grunt, he came all over your spread legs, torso, and a little over your tits.
You kept your legs spread like that for a minute as you came down from your own high.
"You know, I still need to bring you in," you said as you slowly shifted into a sitting position. The man only stood in front of you, eyes roaming your body, looking at your cum-covered body.
"He thinks because I'm now free of HYDRA's control I'm going to go with him and try to be better?" he asked with an annoyed expression, "there's nothing aside from him there."
"That's not entirely true," you tilted your head with a grin on your lips, "as far as I'm concerned, now we are friends, and by the way, I'm Agent Violet."
"You make it sound like you fuck your friends," he said with a huff for a laugh as he approached you.
"Well," you shrugged as he pecked your lips, "we just like to enjoy the moment."
"You really know how to sell what your selling."
"CUT," shouted Joe, "print it, that's in."
"That was perfect you two," said Anthony as he approached you and Bucky while both of you were handed a robe which you took with a smile.
"Thank you."
"No need for a reshoot later, the rest of the day should just be the other scenes and we'll call it a day until tomorrow," said Joe as he stood next to Antony.
He let both you and Bucky go and get clean up before the next scene.
By the end of the day, you were ready to collapse on your bed and sleep till the next morning. Which you weren't sure if you were ready for, after all, Thor was a bigger guy than Bucky.
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A Princess. A Queen. A Wife. A Mother. Part 29/?
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<Part 28< >Series Masterlist>
Warnings: 18+ readers only, swearing, SMUT, oral (m-receiving)
Something shifted behind you slowly teasing you from your peaceful slumber. Then you felt something warm and wet press against your shoulder, lightly moving across your skin, sending shivers down your spine as you remembered, Steve. He pulled you closer to him until your back was flush against his firm chest.
"G'mornin', Princess." Steve murmured against your ear in a husky tone.
"Morning," You whispered and looked back to him over your shoulder with a tired smile.
"How do you feel, My love?" Steve asked as he pressed another kiss to your shoulder.
You hummed, "Happy." You smiled as you felt Steve smile against your neck where he was kissing you. "What time is it?" You asked turning over in his arms so you were facing him.
He smiled, "Don't worry about that, My love." He said as he gently cupped your face with his left hand and pressed his lips against yours.
You moaned softly against his lips as you felt his hardening cock press against your thigh. You gave a small roll of your hips, desperate to feel more of him as memories of your escapades from last night flooded your mind.
You pushed Steve back by his chest and caught your breath as an idea came to you. "Hmm, Steven... may I... Use my mouth on you, again?" You asked feeling your cheeks flush.
Steve's smile grew, "You're getting bolder, My love." He teased making you roll your eyes.
"I don't have too, Steven." You pouted.
"No, no," Steve pushed himself up in bed so he was sat up against the head board and spread his legs, holding the bed covers up. He nodded, "Please your king." He winked at you.
You rolled your eyes and giggled, "Really, Steven." You eagerly moved between his legs and came face to face with Steve's glorious cock. You licked your lips as you took him in your hand, glancing up at Steve as he let out a soft moan. His head falling back against the pillows as you did.
You may be inexperienced, but watching Steve fall apart because of you in such an intimate way was just so beautiful to you and it was becoming one of your favorite sights. Although, you were getting tired of Steve being able to make you blush so easily. How you wished you could see his cheeks tinted with a blush as he looked away from you shyly, like he had done the previous night when the two of you-
You began grinning to yourself as an idea filled your head. "My gods," You hummed and gently began to teased his cock with your fingers, "You are so beautiful, My darling husband."
Steve gulped, his throat dry as he met your gaze. "Not as beautiful as-" His words died on his tongue and were replaced with a breathy gasp as you placed a kiss to the tip of his cock. "My love," His eyes fell shut and his mouth dropped open as you lightly ran your tongue over him.
You let out a soft moan as the taste of him began to drive you wild. You ran your tongue up and down his length, circling around his bulbous head before sliding it back down.
Steve groaned, "Please, My love."
You used the hand that held his cock to lightly stroke him as you pulled away from him. "Look at your queen," You ordered with a new found confidence.
Steve gulped as he looked at you. Once your eyes met, you gave him a playful grin and wrapped your lips around the tip of him.
"Fuck," He watched as your head bobbed up and down, your lips and tongue sliding up and down his cock, "Feels s'good. Don't fuckin' stop." Steve's head fell back against the pillows as a deep moan fell from his lips.
You moaned around Steve's cock as you looked up at him, the dishevelled look he had as he ran his fingers through his hair turning you into a mess.
"Fuck," Steve panted, "My love..." Steve groaned loudly as you did something he never thought you would, you pulled your mouth of his cock and began to suck lightly on his balls. Steve threw his head back with a loud moan as you continued to move your hand up and down his cock and suck his balls. "Fuck!"
You pulled off his sack with a giggle, "Did you like that, Your Majesty?" You asked as you reached up and used your hand to fondle his balls.
Steve panted heavily as he nodded. "Please, don't stop, My love." He whimpered.
You took Steve into your mouth once more and started to suck a little harder and faster.
A deep moan left Steve's mouth as you started to twist your hand around his shaft, "Fuck! Oh fuck. Don't stop!" Steve groaned and began to raise his hips to meet your mouth. "Fuck! Princess... My love, I'm going to-" Steve cried out as he came.
Pride filled your chest as you watched your king, your husband, the man you loved, fall apart by your touch.
You pulled off him carefully and wiped your mouth as you sat up, pushing the covers off you. "How was that, My darling husband?" You smirked at him.
Steve lifted his head from where it rested and looked up at you, "You know damn well how that was." He smirked back at you as he grabbed you by the waist and pulled you into his lap. "Now it's-" A knock on the chamber doors interrupted Steve making him growl in frustration. "Go away!" He yelled back before pressing hia face into your chest.
"Steven," You scolded him playfully, "We should see whom it is." You cupped his face in your hands.
Steve groaned, "I'd rather we didn't." He said and kissed down between your breasts making your breath hitch. Another knock made him groan against you. "Bastards." He muttered and moved you beside him. "COME!" He yelled out in frustration as he covered the two of you.
The door opened slowly and in walked Jarvis, the Steward, followed by a couple of servants carrying trays of food and drink.
"Good morning, Your Majesty, Your Highness." Jarvis bowed to the two of you as the servants placed the trays down on the table before bowing themselves and leaving. "I thought you'd like breakfast in your room this morning before I sent in your Lords and Ladies to help you get dressed for the day." He smiled.
"Thank you, Lord Jarvis... But, actually," Steve cleared his throat, "If it's okay with you, My love," Steve smiled at you, "I'd rather we dressed ourselves this morning."
You raised your eyebrow at him, "But I'll need help putting my dress on."
"I know, but I can help with it." He said as he began grinning and leaned in, "After I've had you naked and writhing beneath me for as long as possible this morning." He whispered in your ear making you gasp.
You nodded, "It's, fine with me." You looked back over to Jarvis trying not to blush too much as you gave a shy smile. "Hmm... Perhaps, you could have someone draw a bath and inform our Lords and Ladies to take the morning off."
Jarvis nodded. "Of course, Your Highness. I'll leave you to your breakfast." He said as he bowed to you before leaving.
You grabbed the pillow from behind you and smacked Steve in the chest with it taking him by surprise. "Don't say stuff like that when we're not alone, Steven." You playfully scolded him as you repeatedly hit him.
Steve laughed as you did, eventually grabbing the pillow out of your hands and throwing it haphazardly to the end of the bed as he took hold of right wrist. "And why not, My love?" He said as slowly laid you backwards, holding your arm above your head as he laid over you. "Can you not control yourself?" He smirked at you and leaned down to kiss your throat, "Can you not think of anything else other than the way my cock feels as it fills your sweet little cunt, Princess?" Steve ran his nose up your troat, smiling to himaelf as your breath hitched and you tried to roll your hips against him. Before you could lean up to press your lips against his, Steve pulled back and sat up. "We should eat."
Your mouth hung open in disbelief as you watched him in all his naked glory move over to where your breakfast was waiting.
He looked back at you with a smug grin, "You think I didn't notice you teasing me earlier?" He winked and dropped down into a chair. "Two can play that game, My love." He gave you a mischievous smile as he popped a couple of berries into his mouth.
Yes they can, you thought to yourself as you gave Steve your own mischievous smile.
"I want you to promise me something, Little Princess." You smiled at Morgana kneeling in front of her.
The time had come for you to leave York New and make the long journey to your new home. It was a time you had always feared but now you were beyond excited to start the new chapter of your life.
Morgana sniffled, having spent the last five minutes crying in your arms. "What is it?" She asked.
You looked over at an equally teary eyed Peter with a smile. "I need you to listen to, Peter, okay?" You smiled as she nodded. "He's promised me, he's going to teach you all our ways and all the tricks we know to annoy your father." You smiled up at him. "Isn't that right, Peter."
Peter nodded with a laugh as your poor brother groaned. "That’s right, Your Highness." He winked at Morgana making her laugh.
"It won't be an enemy or old age that kills me, it will be one of you three. I swear!" Tony huffed dramatically making you all laugh.
"I'm going to miss you." Morgana threw her tiny arms around your neck and squeezed you as hard as she could.
"I'll miss you too, Little Princess." You whispered and let her go. You looked up at your brother with a teary smile. "I'll miss you too brother."
Tony took a hold of your hands and helped you up wearing his own teary smile. "Don't. I for one can't wait to get rid of you." He chuckled, pulling you into a hug. "You'll always be 'Little Princess' to me." He whispered against your ear before kissing your forehead. He looked over at Steve as he stepped back. "Make sure you look after her, Steven. Or we'll have trouble." He warned.
Steve nodded as he came to your side. He'd stayed back to give you time to say your goodbyes to your family. "Don't worry, Tony," Steve smiled lovingly at you as he slipped his arm around your waist and pulled you into his side. "My mother's already given me a tongue lashing on your behalf." He rolled his eyes making you giggle.
"I always said she was a smart woman." Tony smiled. "Now, go. You've got a new life to start together." Tony picked Morgana up and placed her on his hip.
You nodded taking a deep breath. "Okay..." You turned to Steve. "I'm ready." You smiled at him.
Steve nodded and took. "Then let's go, My love." He said and lead you over to the royal carriage.
With one last look at your family and the castle that had been your home, you bid them goodbye and climbed into the royal carriage with Steve. As the door was closed behind him, Steve turned to you and took your hand in his. "I know you're sad, My love. But this is a good thing." He pressed a kiss to your knuckles and reached across to wipe your fallen tears.
You nodded with a sniffle, "I know it is..." You smiled at him. "And I am so unbelievably excited for our future together... But it's the thought of not having Morgana running around causing chaos." You smiled, "Or hearing Tony's terrible jokes... And not having Peter," You wiped away more of your tears. "Not having Peter there to tell me I'm being stupid every day is... It's scary." You laughed to yourself.
He nodded as he reached out to cup your cheek. "I know it is, My love. But try to remember that, although you weren't born there, Brook is your home and you have a new family... And, with Sam running around I'm sure there's going to be equally as much chaos and Bucky will be more than happy to call you stupid... He tells me all the time." Be teased making you laugh. "That's better." Steve winked at you before pressing a kiss to your knuckles. "So, my beautiful wife and soon-to-be Queen of Brook, ready to go home?" Steve asked playfully, giving you a wink as you grinned at him.
You nodded, "Let's go home, Steven."
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donutloverxo · 4 years
First night
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This is for nastybuckybarnes' au challenge. I hope you like it babe.
Run through - You're nervous to consummate your marriage with your new husband.
Warnings - medieval au, smut, heavy dub con, innocent/inexpericened reader, loss of virginity, light breeding kink. Read responsibly.
Pairing - King!Steve Rogers x reader
Word count - almost 3k
Masterlist is linked in the bio!
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You bit your lip getting up from the bed, thinking of maybe pacing around the chambers to help your restlessness. You looked at the pot of red wine right next to the fruit basket. You could have one, that would help with your nerves. But you were afraid you wouldn’t handle the alcohol well and make a fool of yourself in front of the king.
You looked at the crisp white cloth laid on the bed. Maybe you should lay down? That’s what your mother had told you.
“Just lay down and let your king do the job. Don’t move for a while after it’s done, or you won’t be able to conceive. If it hurts too much just think of something else”
Her words didn’t make things easier for you. But then you had heard good things about it from your friends. You really didn’t know what to believe. You hoped that you would meet a boy, fall in love and get married. Perhaps knowing a person helps with the coupling? Not that you need to know Steven anymore than you already do. He is your husband now. He could do whatever he wants with you.
When you were told you were to be married to him. You were as scared as you were happy. You didn’t know the first thing about marriage or men. But you had heard of king Stevens bravery and kindness, along with tales of his ethereal beauty. They said that he was carved out by gods themselves. You fell in love as soon as you saw his portrait. His rugged jaw covered with a thick beard, his long locks sweeped back, his broad shoulders and alert stance, akin to that of a soilder.
You couldn’t believe you were to be the queen. Being the youngest of three sisters you would never have had such an opportunity. But both your older sisters were married off. One to a prestigious Lord and another to a king of a small kingdom. You did feel a tinge of pride when they were so jealous of you. Of the power you were to have as a queen and of your beautiful and brave future husband.
Power. Something that scared you the most. Sure being a queen was glamourous. But what if you let your new kingdom and people down. What if you let your king down?
You had never met him before the wedding. When your face was unveiled, and you looked at his face and him up close you were taken aback. Of just how much more handsome he looked in reality. That portrait did him no justice.
You couldn’t tell if he found you satisfactory at all. His face was set in an unreadable expression. Was he pleased or disappointed with you? He barely spoke two words to you the entire ceremony and feast. You cringed as you recalled your first dance. How even after so many lessons you kept stepping on his feet, while he kept moving gracefully. You imagined him moving with the same grace on the battlefield.
You wanted to please him. To be enough for him. You knew men seeked pleasure from other women if they found their wives unsatisfactory. You didn’t think you could stand it if he did something like that. In a moment of desperation you asked your newly assigned handmaiden for some help on how to please a man. She, of course was embarrassed and refused to give you a clear answer. They would probably gossip about you now. No. You can’t think about that. Not right now.
You straightened your back to sit up straight as you heard the doors being opened. You let out the breathe you didn’t even know you were holding as you looked at him. With his white shirt, which gave you a generous view of his chest and the thin hair splattered over it and his dark pants, he looked much different without his informal attire. He stared you down but didn’t really acknowledged your presence as he made his way over to the wine.
Before he could pour a glass you quickly made your way over to him, fetching the glass from the table. “Allow me, my king” you gave him a nervous smile. It was probably a bad idea since you couldn’t stop your hands from shaking. You cringed as you splashed a few drops out of the glass.
He only shook his head making a sound of disapproval, grabbing the pot from you he poured the glass full handing it to you. “You might need it more than me”
“Oh well... thank you...” You took it from him. Too scared to refuse him. To tell him you absolutely hated the foul taste of wine. You tried your best to keep a straight face as you swallowed the liquid. You chugged the glass down setting it on the table. You could feel it taking effect in your limbs as you felt your whole body loosen up.
“Have you been with other men before?” he asked walking over to the bed.
You were floored by his question. They had sent a doctor to make sure you had never been touched before. Which you weren’t. He knew the answer. But then why was he asking. “I won’t dignify that with an answer” You huffed. He was getting some kind of sick pleasure from your humiliation. You wouldn’t have him make fun of you.
“Oh?” He smirked in amusement at your boldness. He felt his cock stir in his pants at your defiance. A stark contrast to what he perceived you as.
He never really cared much for marriage. Always thinking that he would find the right woman along the way. Sure he indulged in some courtesans here and there but he held back. Not wanting any bastard children. He knew how doomed their fate was just like his half brother James.
He wished for a strong woman, capable and worthy of being a queen. But he learned that you didn’t even know how to ride a horse. You were nothing more than a spoilt sheltered princess. But he agreed to the marriage, for his kingdom and his duty.
He could make it work. As long as you give him a few sons the marriage wouldn’t be an utter failure. He could learn to bear you or even care for you a bit.
But then he looked at you face, your hair and gown all made up, you were the prettiest bride he had ever seen. His bride. He couldn’t help but be proud you were going to be his.
And now that he could see you and your plump figure through the thin petticoat, he couldn’t wait to tear it off and to find out if you were just as curvy underneath. “Come here” He smirked as you instantly followed standing in front of him, your fingers fidgeting with your gown. “Have you ever kissed anyone before?” he knew you hadn’t. But he needed to hear it from you. He would be proud to be your first in everything.
You shook your head staring at the floor. You looked so small and helpless in front of him. It was a dilemma. Because it made him protective of you but at the same time want to do devious things to you. He thought about how he could take you. Of course he’d get to have you every way and anyway he wanted, you were his wife and his future queen, but he needed the first time to be memorable. “What was that?”
“No. I haven’t, your grace” You spat almost spitefully.
He chuckled at that, staring at your lips, he bent down to capture them and have a taste. He felt you go stiff when his lips touched yours, as soft as rose petals and oh so sweet. You gasped into his mouth as he pulled you into him by pulling at your waist. He threw you on the bed, over the white sheet.
You stayed there panting, your kiss swollen lips, your nipples that turned into stiff peaks he groaned just at the sight of them. You were looking at him as if you were afraid of him, maybe you should be. He climbed onto the bed and settled between your legs. He pushed the helm of your petticoat up until it revealed your smooth soft legs and thick thighs to him.
“Oh! Wha –“ you stammered as he nipped at the inside of your thigh, slowing moving towards your core. He could smell your arousal. He couldn’t wait to dig his face in it and taste it. Find out if it was as sweet as you were. He wasn’t a patient man but for now he would wait. You were a fine woman. One who should be enjoyed at the fullest. So he would take his time, even if his cock was aching to be inside you.
He was trying to get the gown off of you with no help from you it was turning out to be quite a task. Fuck it to being patient. He tore the collar of your gown, ripping the whole thing off. He quickly threw the shred of cloth away and tossed it away.
He stared you down. You were sniffling as tears of shame escaped your eyes, your hands pathetically trying to cover your chest. You made yourself small trying to curl in on yourself ,but with him sitting between your legs, didn’t leave you much room to move.
He took your wrists in his hands pushing them down besides your head and he bend down to lick the salty tear off your cheek. He pressed a small kiss to your cheek before squeezing your wrists. “Keep them here. I’m your husband, you don’t hide from me” He stated as he pulled back up to admire your nude body. You gulped down as you moved your head so you wouldn’t have to look at him, but you didn’t dare move your hands or cover yourself.
He pressed a thumb over your hard nipple pulling on the nub as you gasped and tried so hard to contain those your moans, but he heard them. He licked the peak before sucking it into his mouth placing soft kisses over your breasts as you kept whining and shivering under him.
He kissed down your stomach finally looking at your heat between your legs. He had never been as awestruck as he was in that moment. He took in a deep breathe to get a whiff of your arousal.
“My king?” you hesitated sitting up on your elbows looking down at him between your legs “ what are you doing?” you panicked. Surely he wouldn’t.... “Oh!” You cried out loud as you felt him lick a stripe up your folds. You sat up pushing at his head “This isn’t how it’s done” you tried to argue. Although you weren’t sure, no one told you about this. What was he even doing?
You fell back on the mattress as he pushed his palm down on your chest “Stay” He commanded. You had no choice but to lay back. You stared at the rose garlands painted on the ceiling, trying to distract yourself, as he licked and sucked at you. You really did try to hold in the noises your body was so desperate to let out. But you couldn’t not when you were feeling so strange yet so good.
You whimpered as he wrapped his mouth around your bundle of nerves sucking it into his mouth and swirling his tongue over it. Maybe he was doing it to make you feel good but it felt more like a sweet torture. You felt as if you were on the edge of something about to crash and burn. But then, your world came to a screeching halt as you felt him push a finger into your channel. You clenched around the alien object, the invasion felt so strange you didn’t know what to make of it.
“Fuck you’re tight” you would’ve been upset at his foul language and his use of the forbidden word but what he was doing was much more sinful than that. You couldn’t think of anything but his mouth and his tongue on you, his finger inside you. You moaned as he pushed another finger inside you pulling them out only to quickly push them back in. “Don’t know how I will last” He groaned curling his long digits inside you as you screamed at the top of your longs.
It was as if everything came crashing down on you. The feeling was incomparable. Unlike anything you had ever felt before. Your skin was on fire as your muscles spasmed.
You could vaguely hear him undress as you looked at him through your hooded eyes. His pupils blown wide, his cock standing up straight against his hard stomach. You could see the faint scars littered across his body, proof of his many battles.
You were expecting him to do the deed, make love to you and truly make you his wife. But he pulled you up to sit on your bum, your eyes staring straight at his cock. “You gonna return the favor princess?” He asked his voice was much deeper and his tone more gruff. “Taste it” He said pushing the head of his cock against your lips.
You weren’t quite sure what you were supposed to do. So you simply opened your mouth as he pushed himself in. You gagged as he hit the back of your throat, your spit dripping down your chin. He tasted salty and musky. You felt as if you’d cry again, of being naked and in such a compromising position. All the while he was so composed and graceful.
He held onto your face pulling his cock out of your mouth but before you could breathe out in relief he slammed back in again. You couldn’t fit all of him, he was too big. He thrusted a few times before pulling out of your mouth completely. You coughed and gasped for air, cleaning up his spend and your spit with the back of your hand.
“Can’t cum in your mouth” He groaned pushing you to lay down he hovered above you. You felt him rub his tip against your folds.
“Wh – what if it doesn’t fit?” you asked nervous again. You had never seen a naked man before, but he looked big. At least right now, he was looking at your face instead of your naked body.
“Just loosen up” You followed his advice as you held onto his thick arms. You winced in pain as you felt the pinch of him entering your weeping channel. You moved your head away biting your lip to contain your screams.
“Look at me” he demanded grabbing your chin “look at your king” You reluctantly opened your eyes staring at him. He was so beautiful. You couldn’t help but run your fingers through his thick beard, just a shade darker than his golden blonde hair. You wailed throwing your head back as he pushed into you completely seething himself.
“Shh” he hushed you as he snaked a hand between your bodies striking your clit to distract you. “It’ll feel better soon” He promised. As he let you get accustomed to his length. The fact that he was much larger than most men and that you were a virgin wasn’t lost on him. He would have to restrain himself. Which seemed impossible at the moment. Your walls so snug and tight, clenching around him, he would cum right this second.
He pulled out of you before slowly pushing himself back in. He set a steady pace as your cries slowly turned into moans. You clawed at his back, your legs instinctively wrapping around his waist. He was only spurred on by your little mewls and hot puffs of air against his ear.
You cried out again thrashing and squirming under him another wave of pleasure crashing into you. He grunts as he felt you clench around him, milking him for all he’s worth. He snapped his hips against yours a couple of times cuming deep in your womb.
He laid on top of you, catching his breathe. He pulled the white sheet from under you and used it to clean you between your legs. You jerked as the cloth touched your sensitive skin. He cleaned his cock and went outside his chambers to hang the sheets up.
When he returned you were about to get up and put on whatever you could salvage out of your torn nightgown. “Lay back down” He demanded fed up “you have to give me a son” he reminded you pushing you into the mattress. Just how many times would he have to tell you before you would understand. He’ll have to work on a way to make you listen. That’s alright though, he had all the time in the world.
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Tags will be in the reblog! If you wanna join the taglist lemme know or click on the link in the bio. divider by @writeyourmindaway
Ima go soak in holy water for like ten hours to wash off these sins🥵🥵 this is as dark as I'm gonna go lol. Who knows maybe there will be a part two 👀
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starryevermore · 3 years
ever after: briar roses and wakeless sleep (3) ✧ steve rogers
ever after ✧ a fairy tale anthology | ao3
pairing: sleeping beauty!steve rogers x princess charming!reader
summary: in which steve rogers is sleeping beauty and you are his princess charming.
word count: 1,736
warnings?: listen things move quickly but this is a fairy tale so nothing goes slowly here, this kinda bad ngl, not proofread
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ONCE UPON A TIME, there was a land far far away where a young prince had been born. Steve had been a sickly child straight out of the womb. Too skinny, too weak, too prone to sickness. His parents, the king and the queen, feared that he would not live long. In their minds, there was only one thing they could do to save their child. Employ the use of magic. On the day of his christening, the king and the queen invited three fairies in hopes that their gifts may make him healthy. The first fairy, Chester Phillips, gave Steve the gift of strength so that he may never be looked down upon again. The second fairy, Peggy Carter, gave Steve the gift of courage so that he may always stick up for what it right. The third fairy, Howard Stark, was about to give his gift when—
Oh no. 
Red Skull crashing the christening was not in the king and queen’s plans. The entire hall stilled as they watched him stalk into the room. He walked up to the cradle that held baby Steve, looking down at the child. “I would like to give a gift,” he said. 
“He doesn’t want your gift,” Peggy hissed. 
“Doesn’t want it? Oh, but he shall have it,” Red Skull smirked. “A shame, though, that he doesn’t want it. It could’ve been grand, but now...My gift shall that, on his twenty-first birthday, he shall be struck down by a sword and sent into an eternal sleep.”
And just as quickly as he came, he disappeared. 
Everything changed from that moment forward. Fearing that Steve could not be protected in the castle, his parents sent him off to be raised by the fairies. If it came to it, they could use their magic to keep him safe. Meanwhile, while impractical, the king and queen rid the kingdom of all of the swords, melting them down and transforming them into other weapons and armor. They would not risk their son coming until contact with one until after his twenty-first birthday. 
The years went by quickly, Steve learning of his heritage and that he would soon be king. But they never told him of the curse. They feared that if they spoke it to him, it would be fulfilled. So, they kept him in the dark, praying that it would just come to pass. 
His twenty-first birthday soon arrived. And to the fairies horror, Steve was nowhere to be found. They feared the worst, that Red Skull had gotten to him and that now he was in a sleep he would never wake from. 
Little did they know, Steve was perfectly fine. He was an adventurous sort of fellow, and he loved to wander the woods. And it seemed, he wasn’t the only one.
“Who goes there?” a voice came from just beyond the trees. 
Steve stepped closer, trying to get a better view of the person. “My name is Steve. I live here.”
“In the woods?” the voice asked.
“No, no. In a cottage a little bit from here.”
“I’ve never heard of anyone living all the way out here.”
“My parents are...the cautious type.” He kept moving closer. “Can I see you? Would like to place a face with a voice.”
A woman emerged from behind the trees, dressed as if you had just been riding a horse. You looked like the most beautiful woman Steve had ever seen. He felt his face heat up as you smiled at him, saying, “Do you like the face that’s attached to the voice?”
“More than like. I didn’t believe a voice so sweet could get any sweeter, but you’ve surprised.”
“You flatter me, Steve,” you smiled. “My name is Y/N. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
“I feel the same. But, may I ask why you’re all the way out here?”
“I...ran away,” you admitted. “I’m to meet my betrothed today, but I’m not sure if I want to. We’ve been set to marry since before we were born, but I’ve never even met him.”
“Ah, I know what you mean. I’m to meet my betrothed soon, too,” Steve said. “I worry that I may not like her. What if it’s an unhappy marriage? What if I love her but she doesn’t love me? There’s so many things that could go wrong.”
You’d been nodding along. “Forgive me if I’m too forward, but I think I’d rather marry you than this...stranger. At least I can talk easily, freely, with you. What if I’m not afforded the same luxury with my betrothed?”
Steve’s heart skipped a beat. “I’d rather marry you, too. What do you say? Wanna run away with me?”
You giggled. “I don’t think that’s wise, but, perhaps, I can talk to my father? And you do the same? Convince them to call off both of our engagements for now.”
“Okay,” he said. “And then, no matter what, we’ll meet back here tomorrow? And let each other know what our fathers decided?”
“It’s a deal, Steve,” you said, holding your hand out for him to shake. “I will see you tomorrow.”
The two of you went your separate ways, Steve more than eager to relay what happened to the fairies. He was to meet his parents today, and he could tell them then. And maybe he could get his happily ever after, something that was not guaranteed with his betrothed. But the fairies...they weren’t as pleased. The engagement has been years in the making, they said. It can’t just be called off, they said. 
They took him to the castle, saying that he would meet his betrothed that evening. He would change his mind, they were sure of it. No need to be hasty.
But, there were other things to worry about. Like how the fairies flew in without him, leaving him to walking into the castle alone. Or how he heard, far away, someone calling his name. Or how he felt like he had no control over his limbs as he followed the sound of the voice, leading him all the way to the dungeon. 
“Ah, Steven, it’s been many years,” a voice came. 
“Who are you?” he called out.
“I am Red Skull...a fairy godfather, if I may. Your fairy godfather, and I come bearing a gift for you.”
“Then why are we down here? Shouldn’t we be with the others?”
“It must be done alone, for that is the way of the fairies. Tell me, have the fairies who raised you ever given you gifts in the company of others?”
“Um, not that I know of? But that doesn’t mean—”
“Here is my gift to you,” Red Skull said. He waved his hand, producing the only sword left in the kingdom, one he had hidden away when the king had ordered for their destruction. “A future king must have a fine weapon.”
“But I thought swords—”
“Surely you know the rules don’t apply to the ones on top,” he said. “Take it, for it’s yours.”
He reached out, grabbing the sword by the hilt, admiring the craftsmanship. It was a handsome sword, though he didn’t have much frame of reference. But it seemed to be well balanced. Without thinking, Steve ran his finger along the blade, hissing as he pricked his finger on the edge. But it was enough to fulfill the curse. His body felt heavy as he fell to the ground, thunking against the wooden floor. And to think, he only had to not touch a sword for a few more hours and the curse would’ve never been fulfilled.
Red Skull grinned, using magic to lift the prince’s body, leading him back upstairs. The castle was wrought with worry as they searched for the lost prince. But all paused as they saw the fallen man.
“It seems that all of your actions were for not,” he said. “Such a shame.”
“You’ll regret this!” Peggy shouted. “We will wake him!”
“Not if you can’t reach him.”
And, in the blink of an eye, Red Skull and Steve disappeared, Red Skull trapping Steve in the tallest tower of the castle.
Meanwhile, you had just arrived at the castle, watching as the fairies flitted about outside. “What is happening?” you demanded. 
“Prince Steve has been cursed!” Peggy said. 
“Steve...As in, taller than most men, blonde hair, blue eyes Steve?” you asked. 
“Yes, why?” Howard said. 
“Because he...I met him in the woods today. I, was going to tell my father—oh my god, he’s my betrothed.”
“And you’re his true love,” Peggy realized. “We need to get you to him. You may be his only hope.”
“But Red Skull,” Chester said. “She’ll have to defeat him to get to Steve.”
“I can fight. My parents had me trained in every fighting style. I can do it,” you said. 
And so, they outfitted you with a shield and the very sword that had cursed Steve. They said, so long as you cut Red Skull, he should also be put into an eternal sleep. And then, you may be able to wake Steve. 
You made your way to the tallest tower, clenching your jaw as you stared Red Skull down. “You hurt Steve,” you said. “And now you must pay the price.”
A fight ensued. You could hardly understand the actions you were taking, relying purely on instinct, letting your muscle memory be your guide. But, finally, you managed to land a strike on Red Skull, the sword slicing across his skin. And, as he fell, you rushed forward to the room that housed Steve, finding him laying on a bed, looking at peace.
You sat on the edge of the bed, reaching out and caressing Steve’s face. “Don’t worry, my love. It will all be okay in just a moment.”
You leaned down, tenderly pressing your lips against him before pulling back, waiting anxiously for something, anything, to happen. And, after a moment, his pretty blue eyes blinked open, searching wildly until they finally settled on you.
“Y/N?” Steve mumbled. “What are you doing here?”
“Turns out I’m your betrothed,” you said, your thumb over the swell of his cheek.
“Does that mean I can kiss you?”
“I’d be upset if you didn’t,” you giggled, leaning down.
101 notes · View notes
centrumlumina · 4 years
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As part of the AO3 Ship Stats project, this list shows the 100 most-posted pairing tags on Archive Of Our Own in the period 24 July 2019 - 2 August 2020. This list was created by comparing the current number of fics with data gathered for the 2019 AO3 Ship Stats.
There are 71 M/M pairings on the list, 15 F/M, 3 F/F, 8 Gen and 3 Other. (Please note that on AO3, ‘Name & Name’ indicates platonic or familial ‘Gen’ relationships, while ‘Name/Name’ is used for romantic and sexual pairings.)
Of the 200 names on the list, 23 are women and 3 are characters of ambiguous gender, down from 28 and 3 in the 2019 list. 92 are POC, and 7 are racially ambiguous, compared with 64 and 11 two years ago.
For more information about the AO3 Ship Stats project, please check out the accompanying FAQs. You might also be interested in the All-Time Top 100 Pairings and the Femslash Top 100 list. These stats are also available on AO3.
ETA: Fixed the Change value for Merlin/Arthur Pendragon.
ETA 2: Fixed Race categorisation for Michael Guerin/Alex Manes.
A text-only version of this data is given below the cut.
Rank   Change   Pairing   Fandom   New Works   Total   Type   Race 1   15   Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens)   Good Omens (TV)   20298   28726   M/M   White 2   72   Lán Zhàn | Lán Wàngjī/Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn   魔道祖师 - 墨香铜臭 | Módào Zǔshī - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù   10671   13130   M/M   POC 3   8   Rey/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren   Star Wars Sequel Trilogy   9076   21306   F/M   White 4   28   Eddie Kaspbrak/Richie Tozier   IT (Movies – Muschietti)   8441   12227   M/M   White 5   N   Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier | Dandelion   The Witcher (TV)   7573   7573   M/M   White 6   1   Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter   Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling   7239   40312   M/M   White 7   5   Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku   Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia   7070   16824   M/M   POC 8   0   Peter Parker & Tony Stark   Marvel Cinematic Universe   6807   17366   Gen   White 9   -7   James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers   Captain America (Movies)   6262   49659   M/M   White 10   4   Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou   Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia   6141   15375   M/M   POC 11   -5   Steve Rogers/Tony Stark   The Avengers (Marvel Movies)   5613   36264   M/M   White 12   68   Aziraphale & Crowley (Good Omens)   Good Omens (TV)   5503   7928   Gen   White 13   -8   Jeon Jungkook/Kim Taehyung | V   Bangtan Boys | BTS   5254   23339   M/M   POC 14   5   Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug   Miraculous Ladybug   5183   19631   F/M   Whi/POC 15   5   Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto   Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia   5001   14073   M/M   POC 16   -13   Castiel/Dean Winchester   Supernatural   4927   84563   M/M   White 17   1   Jeon Jungkook/Park Jimin   Bangtan Boys | BTS   4596   17867   M/M   POC 18   N   Evan "Buck" Buckley/Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV)   9-1-1 (TV)   3716   3716   M/M   Whi/POC 19   5   Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor   Supergirl (TV 2015)   3614   13048   F/F   White 20   -16   Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood   Shadowhunters (TV)   3599   24787   M/M   Whi/POC 21   2   Pepper Potts/Tony Stark   Marvel Cinematic Universe   3569   17384   F/M   White 22   14   Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic   Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia   3565   7325   M/M   POC 23   N   Adora/Catra (She-Ra)   She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (2018)   3538   4919   F/F   Whi/POC 24   15   Dazai Osamu/Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs)   文豪ストレイドッグス | Bungou Stray Dogs   3512   8768   M/M   POC 25   N   Wang Yi Bo/Xiao Zhan   陈情令 | The Untamed (TV) RPF   3446   3446   M/M   POC 26   -12   Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski   Teen Wolf (TV)   3249   59286   M/M   White 27   10   Merlin/Arthur Pendragon (Merlin)   Merlin (TV)   3157   18688   M/M   White 28   -11   Kim Namjoon | RM/Kim Seokjin | Jin   Bangtan Boys | BTS   3155   16682   M/M   POC 29   66   Ayanga/Zhèng Yúnlóng   声入人心 | Super-Vocal (TV)   3111   5285   M/M   POC 30   -21   Min Yoongi | Suga/Park Jimin   Bangtan Boys | BTS   3026   19851   M/M   POC 31   -3   Sirius Black/Remus Lupin   Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling   2958   17686   M/M   White 32   N   Martin Blackwood/Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist   The Magnus Archives (Podcast)   2917   3367   M/M   Ambig 33   60   Bakugou Katsuki & Midoriya Izuku   Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia   2672   5023   Gen   POC 34   12   Peter Parker/Tony Stark   Marvel Cinematic Universe   2623   6160   M/M   White 35   N   Hinata Shouyou/Kageyama Tobio   Haikyuu!!   2601   10485   M/M   POC 36   22   Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy   Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling   2583   10171   F/M   Whi/Amb 37   -8   Kim Taehyung | V/Park Jimin   Bangtan Boys | BTS   2507   9891   M/M   POC 38   -37   Keith/Lance (Voltron)   Voltron: Legendary Defender   2480   30317   M/M   Amb/POC 39   20   Billy Hargrove/Steve Harrington   Stranger Things (TV 2016)   2438   5338   M/M   White 40   N   Akaashi Keiji/Bokuto Koutarou   Haikyuu!!   2387   7629   M/M   POC 41   N   Patrick Brewer/David Rose   Schitt's Creek   2363   3150   M/M   White 42   5   Lee Donghyuck | Haechan/Mark Lee   NCT (Band)   2331   5854   M/M   POC 43   8   Rey & Ben Solo | Kylo Ren   Star Wars Sequel Trilogy   2304   6506   Gen   White 44   N   Dabi/Takami Keigo | Hawks   Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia   2294   2930   M/M   POC 45   N   Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru   Haikyuu!!   2272   11155   M/M   POC 46   -24   Jung Hoseok | J-Hope/Min Yoongi | Suga   Bangtan Boys | BTS   2259   12668   M/M   POC 47   N   Felix Hugo Fraldarius/Sylvain Jose Gautier   Fire Emblem: Three Houses   2218   2218   M/M   White 48   28   Jaime Lannister/Brienne of Tarth   Game of Thrones (TV)   2186   7063   F/M   White 49   19   Bakugou Katsuki/Todoroki Shouto   Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia   2169   4991   M/M   POC 50   N   Ben Hanscom/Beverly Marsh   IT (Movies – Muschietti)   2163   3116   F/M   White 51   3   Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley   Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling   2128   11699   F/M   Whi/Amb 52   -31   Sherlock Holmes/John Watson   Sherlock (TV)   2121   61544   M/M   White 53   -5   James Potter/Lily Evans Potter   Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling   2110   10125   F/M   White 54   -28   Jeon Jungkook/Min Yoongi | Suga   Bangtan Boys | BTS   2074   9498   M/M   POC 55   N   Jiāng Chéng | Jiāng Wǎnyín/Lán Huàn | Lán Xīchén   魔道祖师 - 墨香铜臭 | Módào Zǔshī - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù   2073   2494   M/M   POC 56   -25   Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter   Hannibal (TV)   2064   17257   M/M   White 57   N   Kakyoin Noriaki/Kujo Jotaro   JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken | JoJo's Bizarre Adventure   1964   3580   M/M   POC 58   N   Midoriya Izuku/Uraraka Ochako   Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia   1896   3983   F/M   POC 59   -46   Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov   Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime)   1843   24332   M/M   Whi/POC 60   15   Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley   Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling   1838   9269   F/M   White 61   N   Poe Dameron/Finn   Star Wars Sequel Trilogy   1806   7238   M/M   POC 62   N   Kaminari Denki/Shinsou Hitoshi   Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia   1791   2732   M/M   POC 63   -38   Dan Howell/Phil Lester   Phandom/The Fantastic Foursome (YouTube RPF)   1782   17316   M/M   White 64   -54   Keith/Shiro (Voltron)   Voltron: Legendary Defender   1764   13925   M/M   Amb/POC 65   31   Anxiety | Virgil Sanders/Creativity | Roman "Princey" Sanders   Sanders Sides (Web Series)   1720   3917   M/M   White 66   N   Tyrannus Basilton "Baz" Pitch/Simon Snow   Carry On Series - Rainbow Rowell   1707   4803   M/M   Whi/POC 67=   -33   Kim Taehyung | V/Min Yoongi | Suga   Bangtan Boys | BTS   1651   7176   M/M   POC 67=   N   Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd/My Unit | Byleth   Fire Emblem: Three Houses   1651   1651   Other   White 69   N   Michelle Jones/Peter Parker   Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies)   1639   3692   F/M   Whi/POC 70   N   Michael Guerin/Alex Manes   Roswell New Mexico (TV 2019)   1635   2746   M/M   Whi/POC 71   28   Uchiha Sasuke/Uzumaki Naruto   Naruto   1625   7705   M/M   POC 72   N   Bakugou Katsuki/Uraraka Ochako   Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia   1617   3776   F/M   POC 73   -30   James "Bucky" Barnes/Tony Stark   Marvel Cinematic Universe   1559   7456   M/M   White 74   -39   James "Bucky" Barnes/Reader   Marvel Cinematic Universe   1544   7724   Other   Whi/Amb 75   9   Upgraded Connor | RK900/Gavin Reed   Detroit: Become Human (Video Game)   1534   3921   M/M   White 76   N   Harry Potter/Tom Riddle | Voldemort   Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling   1511   6308   M/M   White 77   N   Jeon Jungkook/Kim Namjoon | RM   Bangtan Boys | BTS   1505   3911   M/M   POC 78   N   Annabeth Chase/Percy Jackson   Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan   1501   6017   F/M   White 79   N   Edelgard von Hresvelg/My Unit | Byleth   Fire Emblem: Three Houses   1495   1495   Other   White 80   N   Dean Winchester & Sam Winchester   Supernatural   1493   8791   Gen   White 81   N   Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Midoriya Izuku   Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia   1487   2200   Gen   POC 82   -37   Tony Stark/Stephen Strange   Marvel Cinematic Universe   1460   4912   M/M   White 83   N   Akechi Goro/Persona 5 Protagonist   Persona 5   1447   3285   M/M   POC 84   N   Kozume Kenma/Kuroo Tetsurou   Haikyuu!!   1444   4932   M/M   POC 85   N   Han Jisung | Han/Lee Minho | Lee Know   Stray Kids (Band)   1440   3091   M/M   POC 86   -33   Byun Baekhyun/Park Chanyeol   EXO (Band)   1431   6629   M/M   POC 87   -45   Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester   Supernatural   1416   27696   M/M   White 88   N   Leone Abbacchio/Bruno Buccellati   JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken | JoJo's Bizarre Adventure   1415   2237   M/M   White 89   N   Chloe Decker/Lucifer Morningstar   Lucifer (TV)   1413   4165   F/M   White 90   N   Eddie Kaspbrak & Richie Tozier   IT - Stephen King   1396   2268   Gen   White 91   N   Neil Josten/Andrew Minyard   All For The Game - Nora Sakavic   1392   4681   M/M   White 92   N   Blake Belladonna/Yang Xiao Long   RWBY   1390   4358   F/F   POC 93   N   Midoriya Izuku & Todoroki Shouto   Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia   1378   2887   Gen   POC 94   N   Padmé Amidala/Anakin Skywalker | Darth Vader   Star Wars - All Media Types   1369   4112   F/M   White 95=   -8   Kim Namjoon | RM/Park Jimin   Bangtan Boys | BTS   1365   4728   M/M   POC 95=   N   Sokka/Zuko (Avatar)   Avatar: The Last Airbender   1365   1828   M/M   POC 97   N   Lee Jeno/Na Jaemin   NCT (Band)   1360   3266   M/M   POC 98   N   Erik Lehnsherr/Charles Xavier   X-Men (Alternate Timeline Movies)   1333   14736   M/M   White 99   -72   Loki/Thor (Marvel)   Thor (Movies)   1330   12863   M/M   White 100   N   Logic | Logan Sanders/Morality | Patton Sanders   Sanders Sides (Web Series)   1327   3132   M/M   White
2K notes · View notes
dreamlandcreations · 2 years
Misc. masterlist
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❌ dark(ish) ||🔥 smut || 🧸 fluff/soft ||⚡ angst || 💔 soulmate!au || 🌎 au || 🎱 mention of reader’s sexual orientation || 🤍 gender neutral reader (otherwise it's probably fem reader) || ✨ reader description (mostly just implied) ||🎗miscarriage / infertility / reader not wanting kids || ❤️‍🩹 not quite angsty but it’s definitely in the “it hurts” category
see the
• Main Masterlist •
for Boba Fett, Santiago Garcia, Andromache, The Darkling, Billy Russo, Outcome 3, Poe Dameron, Nathan Bateman, Duke Leto Atreides, Alfie Solomons, Bishop Losa, Eddie Munson, Stranger Things (Steve Harrington, Robin Buckley, Billy Hargrove, Max Mayfield, 11), Eames, Tommy Conlon, James Delaney, Jake “Hangman” Seresin, William “Ironhead” Miller, Xenk Yendar, Aemond Targaryen, Daemon Targaryen, Shanks (OPLA)
Star Wars
Jango Fett
Just a simple man - Jango Fett x half alien!Reader
Summary: You save him and he shows you there is more to life than fighting…
Meeting • Trust • Stay 🔥🧸 • Life 🔥🧸 • Death⚡
Speak Freely (epilogue of Just a simple man) ⚡🧸 - Boba Fett x half alien!Reader
Summary: Boba hasn’t spoken Mando'a since the death of his father…
Darth Maul
Beauty and the Beast - Darth Maul x Queen of Naboo!Reader ⚡
Summary: Maul is tasked to keep you in line while his master’s plan comes together on Coruscant…
Bucky Barnes
Imagine: Birthday Party, Avenger style
True Love’s Kiss - Steve x Bucky, (Steve x Natasha) 🔥⚡🧸🌎
Summary: The King of Northern America is engaged to the beautiful Princess Natasha of the Russian Empire, too bad he is falling for someone else…
Happily Ever After (part 2 of TLK) - Steve x Bucky, (Steve x Natasha) ❌🔥⚡🧸🌎
Summary: Wanda returns to have her revenge…
Steve Rogers
True Love’s Kiss - Steve x Bucky, (Steve x Natasha) 🔥⚡🧸🌎
Summary: The King of Northern America is engaged to the beautiful Princess Natasha of the Russian Empire, too bad he is falling for someone else…
Happily Ever After (part 2 of TLK) - Steve x Bucky, (Steve x Natasha) ❌🔥⚡🧸🌎
Summary: Wanda returns to have her revenge…
Tony Stark
Doctor Strange
Pietro Maximoff
Erik Killmonger
Grinch green - Loki x Maximoff!Reader
Summary: Being paired up on a mission with Loki ends up changing your relationship with the moody god…
Casual fun - Elektra x Reader 🔥(🎱)
Summary: Riding high on adrenaline, you find something else to ride too…
Matt Murdock
Imagine: Birthday Party, Avenger style
Erik Lehnsherr
Charles Xavier
Remy LeBeau
Lord of the Rings
Brother Day
Day & Night - Brother Day x Reader ❌🔥⚡🧸
Summary: You can’t resist a challenge and what could be more daring than changing the fate of an Empire but you didn’t calculate with the obstinate nature of Day…
Triple Frontier
Benny Miller
Little Miller - Benny Miller x Will’s BFF!Reader 🔥
Summary: You are Will’s new bestie and everyone (except the two of you) thinks you’re gonna end up together but your love-hate relationship with his lil’ bro takes an interesting turn when you find out his call sing, that they never actually use…
Dog Soldiers series (Love, Death & Robots - Shape-Shifters AU)
Part 3 - Benny Miller
Raymond Smith
A deal is a deal - Ray Smith x half Asian!Reader 🌎
Bribing • The Offer • Deal • Business🔥⚡ • Pleasure 🔥🧸 •  All’s fair… 🧸
Summary: You make an offer and you get yourself a Ray of Sunshine with the deal…
This is a terrible idea - Ray Smith x aristocrat!Reader
King Arthur - Legend of the Sword
King Arthur
All Hallows Eve - King Arthur x mage!Reader ⚡🧸
Summary: Staying at the castle, you train Arthur so he can wield the sword properly. When All Hallows Eve arrives, the dead wants to be heard…
The Legend of his Queen (part 2 of AHE) - King Arthur x mage!Reader ⚡🔥🧸
Summary: You fell in love with the King, even though you knew his destiny was to fall for someone else…
Good Omens
Teen Wolf
Derek Hale
We are even - Derek Hale x hunter!Reader
Summary: You work with the Argents but you play by your own rules…
Chris Argent
Enola Holmes
Sherlock Holmes
Bride (to lover) - Sherlock Holmes x Reader 🔥⚡🧸
Summary: A marriage of convenience. You never expected it to be anything else…
*Dating the Darkling / Billy Russo / Logan Delos / Caspian / +Sirius Black headcanon 🔥⚡🧸
made up fic title: The Summer Prince
Darkness Within series - Vilgefortz x Calanthe’s daughter!Reader ❌🔥⚡
Summary: He found you when your mother sentenced you to death, he took you in and taught you everything you know, then he found out just how special you are…
Game of Thrones/House of the Dragon
Robb Stark
The Wolf and the Lion - Robb Stark x Lannister!Reader
Summary: Stranger, betrothed, enemy, prisoner, wife, lover, traitor, saviour, captor…
Tyrion Lannister
Alicent Hightower
Imagine Alicent seducing you...
Star Trek
James Bond (No Time to Die)
The Enemy of My Enemy - Paloma x Villain!Reader 🔥⚡
Summary: Your relationship with her is complicated but you have to take aside your differences because Bond needs you both to save the world this time…
Harry Potter (Marauders/Fantastic Beasts )
Sirius Black
*Dating the Darkling / Billy Russo / Logan Delos / Caspian / +Sirius Black headcanon 🔥⚡🧸🤍
made up fic title: Serpent's Heart
Percival Graves
Logan Delos
*Dating the Darkling / Billy Russo / Logan Delos / Caspian / +Sirius Black headcanon 🔥⚡🧸
*Misery loves company - Venom x Reader x Eddie
Summary: You harbour Eddie’s fugitive ass and put up living with the dysfunctional couple because you became friends with Venom after he saved your life.
Peaky Blinders
Tommy Shelby
Zablife Story Share - Chapter 6 Tommy Shelby x Solomons!Reader, written for @zablife's Story Share collab
Summary: A few months ago Tommy woke up to find his wife gone, along with half his fortune. Now he is prepared to make a deal with the devil himself if he can get her back...
Imagine Tommy coming to you all bloody after meeting with Alfie
John Shelby
Polly Gray
made up fic title: The Devil's Gift
Mad Max
Hero - Max x Reader 🤍
Imagine being some kind of cat yōkai
Imagine that you are the daughter of Ryūkotsusei
Imagine dying from poison
Kraven the Hunter
Sergei Kravinoff
Silver Silence
changeling!Sergei Kravinoff x Carter!Reader (Psy-Changeling AU)
Summary: Control. Precision. Family. These are the principles that drive the youngest Carter, who is the director of the new agency that is meant to protect the three races and the fragile peace between them. If only the new leader of a powerful predatory changeling pack wasn’t so distracting and destructing…
The Corinthian
Imagine the Corinthian hunting you…
Imagine Dream taking you to his realm...
Imagine being an immortal and the Corinthian falling for you...
Gen V
Jordan Li
Imagine that your power is that you are able to mimic other powers…
Imagine Jordan being too insecure to ask you out but not for the usual reason…
Imagine thinking that Jordan is trying to intimidate you…
Once Upon a Time
OUATIW Cyrus Scenes GIF: part 1, ...
One Piece (OPLA)
Dracule Mihawk
Imagine Mihawk finding you, a weapon maker, extremely fascinating…
Imagine that Mihawk is sent to capture you…
Imagine that Mihawk is sent to capture you… (2)
Imagine getting a reputation among the Marines because you survived a duel with Mihawk…
Imagine that you are the reason Mihawk gave up his Marine hunting ways…
made up fic title: The Girl with the Laurel Tattoo
Roronoa Zoro 
Vinsmoke Sanji
6 Underground
Sons of Anarchy / Mayans M.C.
Jax Teller
made up fic title: We are what lies beyond
Angel Reyes
made up fic title: Where the squirrels burrow
88 notes · View notes
gotnofucks · 4 years
My Little Girl-3
Pairing: dark!Tony Stark x Reader
Words: 3.7k
Warning: dub-con, smut, weird weird stuff idk how I came up with, 18+ Only
A/n: Tried to build a plot…I think
Part1  Part2  
Was it only a few months ago you were complaining about walking? You remember wishing that one day you could travel on horseback or a palanquin, but you never thought it would be this way. Tony had outdone himself by getting you a carriage, one fit for a royal and you jostled inside as it made its up a winding path.
You looked at him sat across from you, reading a scroll in the dim light of the lantern that hung overhead. He unlike you was calm, his legs relaxed and spread open while you sat biting the skin around your nails in nervousness. You didn’t know where you were going, only it will be a few long days of journey. Tony had roused you in the middle of the night asking you to pack a change of dresses and your medicinal herbs. You had asked where you were off to but like always your questions were put aside with vague reassurances.
“It does not become a future queen to pinch her face like this my love” Tony commented, his brown eyes gleaming in the faint light.
“And does it become a future king to abandon his palace in the middle of the night like thieves?” You asked with a huff and Tony chuckled. He put down his papers and held out a hand to you that you took. Pulling you into his lap, he adjusted the blanket over you so that the slight breeze from the window won’t hit you.
“You talk to me like an equal already. I will have a lot of fun taming you into an obedient wife.” He murmured in your ear and you shivered. You had come to accept his familiar intimacy over the months, somehow even crave his touch when he was away. He had made your body his, while your heart was battling between emotions for a man who ran hot and cold.
His lips pressed against your neck, right over your larynx, bulging over it as you gulped deeply. His beard scratched deliciously across your flesh and your hand raised up to push back his hair that had fallen on his forehead. You stared deeply into his eyes, trying and failing to figure him out. You still didn’t know what he saw in you, only that he refused to be parted.
His hands found the hem of your skirt, collecting the heavy fabric and pushing it up. You squeaked, holding his hands as a blush overtook your features.
“My prince, not here.” You said and Tony chuckled, slanting his mouth over yours in a deep kiss, air now kissing your neither regions. You moaned and pushed against him, your delicate hands no match for his strength.
“You should know better than to deny me my princess, I take you where I want, how I want.”
He unlaced his breeches, shifting under you to pull them down to his knees and lifting you and twisting your body so your legs fell on either side of him, straddling his thighs.
“But I’m sore.” You complained even as the bulbous head of his cock slapped against your sensitive flesh, a jolt of lightening shooting down your spine. Pleasure and rational were always at war where Tony was concerned.
“I’ll be gentle. Now put me inside you.” You took his heavy tool in your hand, positioning him at your entrance and sank down slowly on him. The rocking of the carriage aided the thrusts, his whole length going deeper in this position. He let you do most of the work, his hands at your waist helping you bounce softly. His eyes were locked intensely to yours, broken only when he leaned forward to kiss you or suck a mark on your flesh.
“We’ll reach our destination in two days; you must obey my every command there.” Tony said, his breath labored as you continued moving. You looked at him in question, but he didn’t say more, one of his hands reaching between to tease your bud. You moaned alongside him, sweaty and panting. The heat of his gaze and his body drove you towards the peek and you fell with a scream, hoping against hope that the coachman couldn’t hear you over the trampling of horses. Tony groaned as you squeezed him, his hands clutching you tight to himself as he released in your body with a few last desperate thrusts.
You breathed heavily and moved to get off him, but he held you, his hand reaching into a silk pouch to bring out a small glass vial. You watched in bewilderment as Tony reached a finger inside you and scooped out the mix of your release and his cum, dropping the thick mixture into the vial. He finally let you move and went over to seal the vial with some wax.
“What are you doing?” You asked, shock coloring your voice.
“Don’t think about it. Are you cold, do you want another blanket?” Like always your queries were dismissed like the meaningless babblings of a child and you huddled in your blanket with a frown on your face at being treated as such. “Don’t make that face when we reach at our destination. You need to be on your best behavior.”
You held Tony’s hand in yours, lacing your fingers and pulling him under the blanket with you hoping your closeness will soften him up.
“Where are we going?”
“You’ll see. Now come here my princess, you need your sleep.”
You opened your eyes when you realized you were being carried somewhere. Tony’s arms lifted you with little trouble, his title as the Man made of Iron doing justice to his strength. You were just entering what seemed like an Inn, the servants crowding to bow before the prince. You sleepily lifted your head and surmised it was probably the back door and you wondered again why Tony felt the need to hide so much.
“Your Highness, it’s an honor to be graced with your presence. As your messenger requested, we have got a room at the back ready. Not one whisper of your presence shall escape any lung here.”
Tony nodded at the servant and carried you over the threshold to a room at the end. Setting you down on the bed, he left the room and you got up, still half asleep. Now that you had been living in the royal chambers for a few months, the starched sheets felt scratchy against your skin. You heard noises outside the door and crept over sneakily, trying to listen.
“– know what I am doing. I don’t care what you say.”
“Your Highness – Tony – You are my closest friend. As someone who has stayed loyal to you and will always be, you must take my advice. It’s dangerous to cross the territory.” You recognized the voice as Lord James Rhodes and frowned since you had no idea he was travelling with your party.
“I have to! I will not have her suffer. You’re the one who suspected that Steve maybe the one who –”
“Your Highness, I didn’t mean for you to take this step. Have you any idea what state the palace will be in once they learn of your disappearance? You’re to be wedded to Princess Virginia in few weeks and if word travels back that you’re out with your…with your preferred woman things will go south.”
“That is why you are here. While I manage my personal affairs, you will see to my duties back home. If all goes according to my plan, we’ll be on our way back in a few days with good news.”
There voice drifted away and you climbed back into bed before Tony came back, mulling over what you’ve heard. The Prince has taken this journey for you, to protect you from something. And somehow Lord Rogers is related to it. You shuddered as you thought of him, his leers making you feel dirty even in your thoughts.
Tony came back after a few minutes, crawling under the sheets with you.
“Are you hungry?” He asked and you shook your head no. His hands expertly rid you of your dress, throwing it on the floor before he disrobed and joined you naked, his front to your back. You make a soft noise and his hands wandered down your curves, smoothening and squeezing while his lips bit your earlobe. “Been wanting to fill you again and again my little girl.” His fingers circled your nub, your slick running down your thigh and Tony raised your leg over his thigh before entering you from behind.
You didn’t speak, his gentle love making tugging you deep in the heart as you went over what he just said outside. His rough breath blew over your face and neck, hands playing with your nipples and nub. The sounds of slapping flesh filled the room, soft moans whispered in the dark.
“Won’t be long now, you’ll be mine officially.” He mumbled and released just after you, panting heavily. You turned over to tug yourself under his arm, but he pushed away and like before got another vial where he collected your essence. You grimaced, wondering what he’ll do with this.
“Will you ever tell me what really goes on in your head?” You ask as he lay with you.
One of his hands played with your hair and tugged a little, making you look up at him. Even in the dark, his eyes were shining like made of some luminescent rock.
“My little girl, all my thoughts are about you. You’re the only thing that is ever on my mind.” He whispered.
You looked out of the window, surprised to see that there were at least a dozen other men accompanying you. The carriage rolled down, the path getting rockier as it went and you held onto your seat. Tony had chosen to ride with Lord Rhodes, probably to talk without you overhearing. This was the farthest you had ever been from the kingdom, the wilderness getting more untamed. After a few minutes, the carriage lurched to a stop as did everyone else. You pushed your head out to see what was happening.
“You must decide Your Highness, for if we cross the boundary now there is no going back.” Lord Rhodes said to Tony whose eyes flicked to you before he nodded. The procession moved onwards and after some time it seemed like nature itself had changed. The trees on either side of the path were unlike you had ever seen, bulbous shapes, some conic with almost purplish leaves. Your eyes widened, pretty sure you were dreaming.
“Enjoying the view?” Tony asked as he rode his horse alongside you.
“This – is this real? I feel like it’s a spell.” You said in awe and Tony reached out to flick your nose.
“We’re in the lands of Kamartaj my love, everything here is an illusion and reality.”
“What’s Kamartaj, I’ve never heard of it”
You should have stuck to vague sentiments because the moment you asked the question Tony rode away, his horse speeding up to the front. You sighed in defeat, resting against the back and let your thoughts wander. You focused on the different fruits that hung from the trees, the stones that seemed to almost shine. The very air seemed sweeter somehow.
You must have journeyed for an hour before finally stopping. Before you stood a castle, but not as big as the one back home. This one was built with dark stone, the terrible winds having smoothened out its edges. It looked ancient, and if you dared think, almost alive. The men dismounted and stood in waiting, until a man in red robes emerged from within.
Lord Rhodes stepped forward and bowed deep, the man in front of him mimicking his action.
“Master Wong, I thank you for granting us your presence and admittance to your land. The Prince of Stark Kingdom extends his warm regards.”
Tony stepped forward and bowed too, the other men behind him following. Wong had very short hair, he almost appeared bald and his face held lines that seemed infused in superior knowledge. He didn’t smile at your party, merely looked at them as one would at a stone on the path.
“The Sorcerer Supreme and our Medic are expecting you. Please, have the lady come forth and follow me.” Wong said. How he knew you were in the carriage you couldn’t say for he had not glanced at your way once. Tony helped you down from the carriage, fixing your skirt and hair.
“Stay close to me, and don’t interrupt them. They are short on patience and it’s mighty great to have secured an audience.”
You had so many questions about where you were, why were you here and who were you meeting. This whole place felt detached from the world you had grown up in, as if every element here resisted what was considered normal. You let Tony guide you inside the castle, your slippers rubbing against the floor. Contrary to the cold image the castle presented, it was warm inside, with fires burning in small niches and illuminating your way. It was like a labyrinth, one hall leading to another, twisting and turning until you lost all sense of direction. You glanced over your shoulder and saw that only Lord Rhodes accompanied you, rest of the men staying outside.
The chamber that the hall opened to was large and strategic windows on the wall cast in streams of light, the whole place swimming with dust motes. Before you stood two men who looked up when Wong entered with you, one a tall man in blue robes and a red cape while another who wore a simple tunic.
Tony left your side and smiled as the man in the simple garb came forward to embrace him.
“Tony my dear friend, how long it has been.” He greeted, the man in the red cape behind him snorting in disdain.
“Bruce, or should I say Medic Banner now?” Tony teased, making Bruce rib him and chortle.
“Yes yes, its all very great to have you here. What do you want Stark?” The red cape man asked and Bruce rolled his eyes.
“Stephen, he’s a friend.”
“Your friend, Master Medic, not mine. I do not tolerate egotist princes who throw a tantrum when things don’t go their way. Their view of universe is limited to their kingdom, higher truth not interesting them in the slightest.”
You could sense the animosity between The Prince and this man, and you surprisingly found yourself fearing for Tony. You made a small noise in the back of your throat that immediately made all eyes turn towards you. Bruce’s eyes widened in curiosity and he shot an almost cheeky look at Tony.
“As I would have explained Sorcerer Supreme had you allowed me to speak, this is my future princess, Lady Y/n. Come here my love.” Tony said and you joined him, your hands clutching his. “It is her that brings me here, for I fear for her health.”
Bruce, Stephen and Wong scanned you, yet you didn’t feel afraid under their looks. It was like they looked deeper than your skin, as if their gaze seemed to be passing through you into the beyond.
“The contents in the letter you sent, they referred to her?” Bruce asked and Tony nodded. You frowned, feeling blindsided. He’d been talking about you to other people? The royal physician had declared you healthy, so why were you here in the company of men far different to any.
“My lady, please have a seat.” Stephen said politely to you and you peeked up at Tony who nodded. You were confused as you settled into a chair, Stephen sitting before you. Your eyes settled on his scarred hands that were trembling slightly, yet they didn’t weaken his countenance in the slightest.
“Tony, you brought what I asked?” Bruce questioned and Tony produced the two vials of your essence. You blushed a deep red, embarrassment and shame flooding you.
“If I may My Lady?” Stephen asked, his thumb poised over your forehead.
“What?” You squeaked
“I’ll place my hand on your head, it won’t hurt. May I?”
He was polite to you, almost kind in a fatherly way when he spoke. You were glad his rivalry with Tony didn’t extend to you, for you didn’t think you could handle having someone like him as an enemy. Whoever he was, you saw no reason to fear him. The raw power he exuded soothed you instead of making you feel smaller. You nodded to him and his thumb touched your head. The world went black.
There was a commotion around you, voiced raising and shouting. You tried to open your eyes, but they stuck together. Memories ran across your mind, the first meeting with Tony, your mother hugging you, Steve touching your cheek, the myriads of lovemaking moments rushing past. You tried to move your hand but found you couldn’t control your body, the muscles seizing and paralyzing you. You heard your name as if from a far far place, the voice familiar and warm and full of love. You willed yourself to follow it, your body seemingly floating through nothing, wading through the dark to the source of warmth.
Your eyes snapped open and you were still on the chair, leaning back against the back to rest your head. Tony and Stephen were shouting at each other, Lord Rhodes pacing near Bruce who was fiddling over what looked like cauldrons simmering on fire. You blinked and got up slowly, your tongue heavy in your mouth.
“Tony?” You called out and saw him abruptly shut up and rush to your side, hands cupping your face, fingers stroking gently.
“Are you okay?” He asked, voice thick with worry and you nodded, hugging him. You didn’t understand what happened, but you wanted to leave. It felt like someone had jumped inside you, turning you inside out. You looked at Bruce who was adding your essence to one of the cauldrons and you shot an accusing look at Tony.
“Did you bring me to witches?”
Tony winced at your tone and shook his head, his gaze locking on Stephen who was full on glaring at him.
“Strange and Wong are masters of the mystic arts, a science beyond time. They are not witches.” He explained but you were not convinced.
“My Lady, we are sorcerers, we work with nature, not against it. Bruce is just a mad physician who doesn’t know his own strengths and limits.” Stephen explained to you. His eyes held a new sort of light when they fell on you, a look of pity and respect. “You are a strong woman My Lady, having been through what you did and still having a kind heart to let yourself care for a man like Stark.”
Tony scowled and you bent your neck, hiding your eyes from Stephen. He knew what Tony had done to you. Somehow, he had seen what happened, had felt what you felt. It was a humiliation you couldn’t take.
“You must not fear My Lady, for Kamartaj will do its best to help you. Once Master Medic finishes tinkering with his potion that is.”
As if waiting for him to say this, Bruce shot up from his chair and started pacing. “I can’t believe this. He was a friend to us, why would he turn on you.” He was mumbling to himself, running his hand through his grey and black hair. He looked at you and then started pacing anew.
“Bruce?” Tony asked, his hands holding yours and still not letting go
“If what you say is true, Steve is poisoning you.” Bruce declared and you gasped. “No, don’t look like that. It’s not venom, but a specific poison that affects only one specific brand in your body. In this case, the reproductive organs.”
Your mouth dropped open as you suddenly revisited what Steve had said to you a couple weeks ago. You couldn’t have Tony’s kid.
“He’s been mixing something in my food? My water?” You asked but Bruce shook his head.
“No, my lady. You are fertile and healthy. Steve has been mixing the poison in Tony’s food.”
There was silence for a minute until Lord Rhodes threw his knife at the wall in anger, the blade embedding itself even in stone.
“That traitor, he will be hung for treason!” He vowed and you found yourself nodding.
Tony however looked less than pleased with this information. For the first time since you had left the palace, he actually looked worried. It seemed he would have preferred if Steve were poisoning you.
“Tony, we need to tell His Majesty about this. To hell with him not accepting your match with Lady Y/n, this is about your life.” Lord Rhodes said.  Tony raised his eyes and the hard glint in them reminded you of the power he restrained when he was with you. You were painfully reminded of the first night he took you, the darkness that was barely held at bay.
“Tell my father?” He scoffed in derision. “Steve can’t poison me himself, he’s been removed as my Lord months ago. He has help from the palace staff, and the palace staff answers to only one authority.”
The truth and bitterness of the statement settled like a stone over your heart. The Prince was being conspired against by his own father.
“How long until the poison lasts?” Tony asked Bruce as if he had not just made a terrible truth known.
“A few more weeks if the use is discontinued. The effects should burn out.”
“And my seed will carry over to her after that?”
“Yes, it should.”
Tony nodded like that solved everything. He pulled you up, his eyes boring into yours with an intensity that made your knees knock against each other.
“You will bear my heir soon enough, and then I’ll gift you the head of the man who wished to separate us.”
He kissed you in full view of everyone, and you could do little but respond. You were just a shiny object that powerful men fought over, and no matter how much they loved you, desired you, you’ll end up being pulled on either side until you broke.
For those who can’t access my dark!peter x reader story from my masterlist or otherwise, try this link. Hopefully it works, because I am too lazy to post again.
PROTECTED: dark!peter x reader
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sunshinebuckybarnes · 3 years
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It's that time again, my October fic rec list 🍂 as always please make sure you check the warnings for each individual fic before reading. You are responsible for your own media consumption. This blog along with the majority tagged are 18+ and the majority of these fics contain adult themes. 
Most of what I've read this month has been kinktober fics so I have tagged the masterlists for those 🎃
Make sure you give these incredible writer’s some love and reblogs because they deserve the damn world! Hope you enjoy these as much as I did 💖
*part of a series/multi-part fic
Bucky Barnes
*The match by @babyboibucky (CEO!Bucky Barnes x Reader)
Saint like by @bemine-bucky (Priest!Bucky x F!reader)
*Stark hub: the soldier by @world-of-aus (Pornstar!Bucky x Pornstar!Reader)
*Your filthy heart by @sweeterthanthis (Stepdad!Bucky x 18+F!Reader)
*Fear and degradation by @groupieforbucky (rockstar!bucky barnes x innocent!female reader)
Wolf like me by @sgt-seabass (Dark!Alpha!Bucky Barnes x Omega!Reader)
*Project v by @babyboibucky (College!Bucky Barnes x Reader)
Peter Parker
Missed connections by @bemine-bucky (Peter Parker x reader)
Sam Wilson
Many happy returns by @ambrosiase (ex!dilf!sam wilson x fem!reader)
Ransom Drysdale
*Confession kisses by @holacia2 (Ransom Drysdale x reader)
The rules by @the-iceni-bitch (Ransom Drysdale x Fem!Reader)
Steve Rogers
*After the rain by @sweetlyscared (King!Steve Rogers x Princess!Reader)
Workplace harassment by @river-soul (Steve Rogers x PR Fem!Reader)
Deprivation by @stargazingfangirl18 (Steve Rogers x Reader)
*His inheritance by @jtargaryen18 (Mobster Steve Rogers x Mobster daughter reader)
Purgatory by @sgt-seabass (Dark!Alpha!Steve Rogers x Omega!Reader)
Lee Bodecker
Sting by @mypoisonedvine (dark!Lee Bodecker x reader)
Steve Rogers & Bucky Barnes
*Eternal mark by @navybrat817 (Bucky Barnes x Female Reader, Steve Rogers x Female Reader, Bucky Barnes x Female Reader x Steve Rogers)
Andy Barber
*Sweet surrender by @stargazingfangirl18 (Andy Barber x fem!reader)
Kinktober Masterlists 🎃
✨ @jamalflanagan - kinktober
✨ @ambrosiase - kinktober
✨ @sweater-daddiesdumbdork - owned sinfully sweet
✨ @beelicious-barnes - kinktober
✨ @metalbuckaroo - kinktober
✨ @tuiccim - kinktober
✨ @jobean12-blog - kinktober
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