#Just leave out what you're willing to do for these goals. Make it a free speech/honor/self defense/good things issue
bonefall · 7 months
Can I hear more about Villain Thornclaw? The way you described him is a really cool take on his character.
He exudes a sense of detached ruthlessness, something happened and he just never got over it, most of the time he is a model warrior, but sometimes he says something or gives a cold look, and that hints just how much he is willing to do for his beliefs
The first warrior that Firestar named becomes his most insidious enemy.
He was too young to clearly remember Clawface snatching him and his little sister, but he does remember the way it became an early fixation. His favorite games were always reenactments and play fights, and his father Lionheart and kidnapper Clawface would be characters in them. He often would go too far and play rough, actually biting or scratching his playmate.
We, in the real world, may recognize this as a way kids often process trauma. But they don't have cat therapy here.
And quickly these fixations became unsettling. Brightkit didn't like these games, and their older siblings were disturbed. Frostfur reacted strongly and tried to intervene, but it didn't help the way they wanted.
He got good at hiding it, and he got better at finding other ways to express his fixation. He never knew Lionheart, but he DID know Grandma Speckletail, and she would tell him all about the ways he could be like his dad. When you don't know a person, they can be anything you want them to be.
Turns out if you dress up "I'm obsessively xenophobic of foreign cats and want to rip them to shreds" as "I will ferociously avenge my father and uphold his legacy," suddenly you're golden! It's that simple!
(it's almost like clan culture didnt actually value peace or kindness and just encourages you to channel ur violence towards specific ends)
Thornkit went from Grandma Speckletail to Mentor Mousefur, and she continued to cultivate this. There's a time and a place for aggression. Be good to your clanmates. Use words in camp, not claws. She made a good soldier out of him.
When ThunderClan had a reckoning with Tigerclaw and his ideology in TPB, during his coup, the line of thought that went through Thornpaw and the cats like him was that Tigerclaw was the problem. Who could have known! A shock! Sickening!
...for a while they were "better," devastated by his betrayal, more openminded. But minds don't always trend towards progress.
Eventually, Thornclaw backslid. Let's not throw out the kitten with the tonguewash, here. Yes yes, Tigerclaw was a damn traitor and a hypocrite, but there's worse cats to look up to, you can't deny his nobility, that some of his ideas were great for ThunderClan, that there were lofty ideals he merely took from our grand and glorious history and we can return to those days...
What is so terrible about being a thistle? To lash back when you are attacked? To defend the meadow for you and yours?
We can have Tigerclaw's good aspects without the bad, surely?
And Firestar...
You must understand it's nothing personal. Firestar's a fine cat, for a kittypet. There is no hate for him. But we can't have a leader who stops ThunderClan from engaging in honorable combat. The Clan has become too mixed, and he punished him simply for expressing his concerns. What other choice is there? To do nothing as the clans are destroyed from the inside out?
Bluestar brought wildfire to the forest, to burn it to the ground. Firestar is Thornclaw's natural enemy-- and so is every cat like him.
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justwonder113 · 10 months
Showering Bang Chan with affection
Lee Know ; Changbin; Hyunjin; Han; Felix; Seungmin; IN;
Warning: gender neutral reader, Kinda suggestive but nothing is implied. Reader is Whipped but no worries so is Channie.
A/N- this is the first ever fic I've ever written about Stray kids so I'm really excited. I really hope you'll like it. Feel free to share your thoughts with me. Requests are open if you're interested. Sorry if the grammar is bad English isn't my first language. Word count- 750
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You two laid on the bed, with you carefully watching your boyfriend with literal heart eyes and him playing on his phone. You finally managed and convinced the Bang Christopher Chan to take a day off and just rest. And now he was all snuggled up in his favorite hoodie his curly hair cutely messed up, skin glowing all nicely from the skincare evening you held and now he was immersed in his game.
You two were set on just chilling and having a lazy day content in each other's presence. You were reading your book and were set on finishing it but you got distracted by your boyfriend's grumbling. He mumbled something about someone cheating his pouty lips cutely jutted out. This adorable sight was enough to distract you from your book. Admiring your boyfriend felt more interesting anyways.
You had no idea how much time has passed since but still it didn't feel enough , he was so immersed in his game he didn't even notice your eyes on him. You didn't want to seem like a creep but you couldn't take your eyes off of him. He was literal perfection in your eyes, it felt like watching art piece at a museum. The way he had his eyebrows drawn in concentration, his happy giggles whenever something went his way or the way he pouted his pretty lips when it didn't, it had your heart jumping in your ribcage.
In fact he was pouting right bow and mumbling about something you didn't really catch on and also didn't really paid any mind to it. Now you had different goal you wanted to achieve. Your mind was occupied with only one thing, which was to kiss him senseless and that's what you were set on doing.
You set aside your book and slowly crawled to him, carefully getting in his lap to not disturb his game. His hands immediately wrapped around you and he quickly kissed your temple. It was cute how even when he was distracted he never failed to give you your much needed affection. It was little things like this that made you fall for him more and more every day, make you feel like a teenager experiencing love for the first time ever.
You felt kinda bad that you were distracting him but as soon as his warmth engulfed you, the second you felt his familiar comforting scent surround you you were a goner and all plans to stay put were gone.
At first you started leaving slow soft kisses on his neck, amused at the shivers that run down his whole body. You felt his grip on your waist tighten, he even muttered something you didn't quite catch on. The main thing was he was not opposed to your sudden affection so you gave yourself a green light. You kissed the spot on his neck that you knew was his weak spot and you couldn't help but smile when he giggled at the tickling feeling.
In a matter of seconds your self control was thrown out the window and you kept leaving kisses wherever you could reach, his neck, his jaw, his cheeks, his forehead, his nose, his squishy lips. You were so immersed you didn't even realize when he put his phone away, he put his arms around you, caging you against him now willing to let go even for a second. He watched you with eyes filled with so much love and passion, shining so brightly any star would be jealous, you were taken back for a second at the intensity of his gaze. God, you were so in love with this man. You sometimes even wondered if he could feel it. You were expressive with your feelings but you were not sure if you were fully expressing it, making him realize just how much he meant to you. Loving him was part of your being now, part of your existence. And you hated how there were not words that could be used to express your feelings.
Channie looked at you with knowing eyes, as always fully aware of what were you feeling and thinking. " I know love, I adore you more." He softly muttered against your cheek leaving a soft kiss there, sending shivers down your spine.
You huffed out a laugh while shaking your head, "Not possible love."
He playfully rolled his eyes, mischief glimmering on his beautiful face. "Let me prove it to you then" he whispered against your lips before sealing your them together.
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fire-lizard-ro · 5 months
I am furiously chewing and gnawing on the idea of an arranged marriage with sunday hlep
Thank you for the ask, anon! And yesssss thank you so, so much for sending in a Sunday request!!! My boy!!! I am also brainrotting over this man at all times he lives rent free in my mind and I love him-
Hope you're doing well and enjoy what I wrote.
But also- This is not my expertise, so I'm going to say my piece and then direct you to my friendo @pix3lplays - This is like. Her thing. So I'm sure you'll get a more interesting response please go follow her hehehehe- <333
Writing under the cut (it’s all SFW):
Sunday is the picture of gentlemanly grace. Perhaps it is by the order of the family that he is to wed you for the good of the family and Penacony. Perhaps it is to strengthen their relations with the IPC as you are an important member. Or perhaps it is for other reasons that will help secure the safety or wellbeing of Penacony and its members. And of course, Sunday is a man who wishes only the best for his beloved home and he will do what he can to follow the path the Aeon of Harmony has laid out for their followers. So he takes it in stride, setting up an appointment to meet you. He would like to get to know his future spouse before the wedding no matter how willing he is to do this for his family.
The first time you meet, you immediately find yourself encapsulated by the gorgeous man who has come to meet you- At a place of your choosing, no less. He extended this favor in hopes of putting the right foot forward with you. Sunday wants things to go smoothly and for the marriage to go through to achieve whatever goal it is the family had in setting this up. He may be a busy man, but he can make time for important matters such as this.
He himself is surprised at you. You're far more than he was expecting, having been ready to deal with anything. But you're actually quite wonderful and he finds your appearance more than appealing. A pleasant surprise. He is sure to pull your seat out, hold the door for you, ask you before doing things- He even gives you a kiss to the back of your hand in greeting after asking politely if he could.
Sunday enjoys his time with you and so discusses more times in which the two of you can get to know each other. When you both are done with your little date of sorts, he gives you another kiss to the back of your hand and makes sure you have a safe way to get back home or to wherever you are staying. As he watches you leave first to make sure you get to your mode of transport safely, he asks gently that you let him know when you make it to your destination and raises a hand in farewell.
Each subsequent date brings the two of you closer and closer. One time, he brings flowers. Another, he brings you a snack from Penacony which could be considered a staple for them.
I, personally, think that Sunday would be someone who is easy to love and even easier to like. So by the time you both are walking down the isle, you're smitten with him. I'm sure he would also have a fondness for you. The both of you had already discussed the matter as Sunday is a thorough an who plans things out. You two had already talked and you both want to be amicable with one another and make this marriage work for the both of you. At the very least, the two of you would be companions and friends. But the two of you have also admitted that it would be nice if there was more beyond just that in your marriage.
Sunday is a man who always does right by you because you are now his spouse. But also because he likes you as a person. Days in which he brings back snacks and nicknacks he thinks you'd like. Calling you when he think he may be late at work. Picking up groceries on the way home when he can, calling to ask if you need or want anything. Making sure your favorites are always stocked even if you don't ask.
I imagine that for the two of you, after marriage the time you spend together most often is in the evening at dinner and then the time leading up to bedtime. He does lead a people and is always in high demand for his services, expertise, and leadership. But of course, he's very sweet on you during this time as a result. Nights of being laid up in bed, his back against the pillows placed against the headboard whilst he reads and you lean into his side, doing your own thing. Sunday will wrap an arm around you and occasionally rub your side or arm.
Slowly, over time, I think you both could become a real couple.
Yayyyy~ Sunday~ I love this man so much. <333
I might write an NSFW part to this. But as of right now, I'm happy with just this. If you want one, you can always send in another ask and I'll be sure to get right on it!
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theninthdoor · 7 months
pac || yes or no, and a message from Spirit
☁️ think of a question you need a Yes/No answer for, take 3 deep breaths and pick one of the piles below! this should give you a general idea of what the energy surrounding this matter is + what Spirit wants you to know and/or do. ☁️ take only what resonates and leave the rest! if you feel like the pile you've initially picked doesn't really apply to the situation you're thinking of, it's OK to pick another one. ☁️ remember that this is all for entertainment purposes and that free will still exists. don't feel pressured to do anything you don't want to or to make a pile/answer fit you situation, ok? ☁️ enjoy, my friends!
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🍀 pile 1 || cards: five of pentacles, seven of cups rx, balance, magic.
Your answer, my dear pile 1, is No. Spirit wants you to know that there is something much better for you out there, and that you shouldn't keep yourself stuck to only this option (or the very few you've been considering). I can feel your sadness and frustration, but please trust that your Spirit Team is doing their best to help you navigate through & overcome this period, alright? Don't rush into a decision just because you want to get this over with. As soon as this moment of transition is over, you might realize that what you thought you wanted, isn't all that great after all; or, alternatively, that you were willing to settle for something that isn't in alignment with your greatest good and/or true desires. It might also happen that, if you give it time, Spirit could give you the green light to pursue this option - that's only for a few of you, though. For the majority, I see that this really isn't the best bet anyway.
[extra confirmation that this might be your pile (doesn't have to apply): a white cat; Kat/Cat/Catherine/Katherine/Catarina; white socks and ballerina shoes; 29; dark blue walls; just painted or got your nails done by someone else; Andre/Andrew/Andres; low temperatures; slavic countries; pisces.]
🍀 pile 2 || cards: king of wands, page of pentacles, illumination, growth.
Goodness… this pile has such a strong and assertive energy, that there is no way you guys are still doubting yourselves! It's a clear Yes, my sweet pile 2. You already know what to do, where to go, what to leave behind and what to take with you on the journey ahead. You've seen the light already, and chances are that you are have already made some moves towards your goal, so just keep going! Don't be impulsive, though; always make sure to stay grounded and realistic. If you haven't made any moves, however, someone else might've OR the Universe has been preparing the stage for this to happen. You might soon realize that things just seem to be falling into place all around, and you're all of a sudden full with good luck. Finally, I feel like some of you might also need to hear this: stay informed! Do all of the research you think is necessary, and stay up date with all of the new details/updates regarding this matter.
[extra confirmation that this might be your pile (doesn't have to apply): 1st year as a college student; taking the subway every day now; swimming as a hobby; dark green hoodie; Jen/Jennifer/Jerome; G initial; Grace or "with grace"; 19; a item of jewelry that you never take off, likely a necklace; Church; eating your meals in a rush or on the go; soccer/football.]
🍀 pile 3 || cards: ace of wands rx, eight of pentacles rx, love, flow.
Not yet. Something needs to be done or finished before you get that much desired green light from Spirit. If you felt pulled towards Pile 1 as well, feel free to check that out, by the way! - for some, those messages may also apply. Your energy isn't heavy, even though I still get a big sense of frustration here. Now, after struggling so much with this reality, you know that you are either not ready for such a change OR to receive this "thing" and be able to handle it. I feel like you guys have been doing a lot of inner-work lately, and have been putting a lot of effort into matters of self-worth, self-confidence, and so on; and this realization may have come from that. My dear pile 3, you are on the right path, alright? You just need to stay focused on yourself for now, so you can later receive all of the blessings you have been waiting & praying for.
[extra confirmation that this might be your pile (doesn't have to apply): fidgeting with your fingers 24/7; daily warm, soft hugs from a family member or best friend; 29, again; 00; white bomber jacket; always making sure you have your gloves with you; a spike in humidity; geography or biology; lab coats; lost and/or got a new transit pass, passport or ID; significant earth placements.]
🍀 pile 4 || cards: eight of pentacles, the lovers, fear, abundance.
Some of you may have had to leave people, or even home, behind to pursue a dream, or may be considering it (and, by the way, it doesn't have to be literal or physical). You're afraid that you'll be alone and/or that those you're leaving behind will not miss you. However, Spirit wants you to know that none of that is true, and that things will turn out much better than you could've ever expected. You have big plans for your life but also a big heart; and instead of having these two parts of yourself work together as they should, they are fighting against each other. Sometimes, in order to achieve something major, we must make some sacrifices, you know, pile 4? And that might sound scary, yes, but when you are living through it, you'll see that it actually isn't. We make sacrifices every day without even realizing it… for example, when we sacrifice an extra hour of sleep to spend some more time texting that special someone; or when we sacrifice our precious feet just to show off our new favorite, yet insanely painful, pair of shoes. If you're on the other end of it, however, and you're the one being "left behind", make sure to use this time to work on your goals instead of focusing all of your energy on how much you miss that something or someone. So, your answer is neither a Yes nor a No, because I feel like most of you guys are wording your question wrong?? Just know that this is a time for you to prosper, my dear pile 4, and that you should move forward with your goals.
[extra confirmation that this might be your pile (doesn't have to apply): spending a lot of time alone, sitting in the parking lot; your car's a mess; fidgeting with your earrings or rings; rubbing your eye until it hurts; Sanders/Sandra/Salome/Soumaya; north african countries; south east asian countries; stuffed teddy bear; 57; dad's or grandpa's birthday.]
decks used || Tarot of the New Vision & Prism Oracle
(Disclaimer: Based on current energies. All is alleged and for entertainment purposes only.)
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dollita-fawn · 6 months
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    Another Way to Pay                       
pairing- Resident Evil 4 Merchant x Fem reader
Summary- You go to your trusted merchant in need of supplies for your job but you have no way of paying for them. Or so you thought.
a/n- idk how I feel ab this one but he’s so ngh
25 days of Kinkmas day 3 - Mask kink?/ praise
contains- Unprotected sex, use of pet names kinda, sex with a stranger, one singular ass spank, (idk what else to put)
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You stand before the merchant, the man who has been providing ammunition for your mission thus far. However, you find yourself out of pesetas, your mission at risk of failure.
"What ya' buyin, stranger?" His australian accent thick as always, somewhat comforting compared to the things occurring outside. You desperately need supplies if you're wanting to make it out alive, but you spent the last of your currency on that SR during your last encounter. "I don't have any pesetas left." you confess.
"That's a shame," the merchant sighs, "but pesetas ain't the only form of currency, mate." You look at him quizzically, not following his statement. "I don't have any valuables to sell either..." You counter. The man chuckles to himself. You're not entirely sure what he could be finding comical. It's also hard to read him, considering all you can really see are his eyes. To be honest, the man is a complete mystery to you. You don't even know why he's helping you out so much, or where he came from.
"That wasn't what I was implying," He replies. "If you're willing, you could pay with that pretty body of yours." You're a bit shocked at his suggestion. Was he being serious? Once again you couldn't read him with that mask covering 90% of his face. But his eyes didn't tear away from yours even for a second. Those piercing eyes of his made you feel small in a way. "Are you seriously suggesting that we..." You scoff and look away. The thought of screwing a stranger in such a place was unreal. But you really needed those supplies, you couldn't deny that. "Choice is yours." He states.
You couldn't believe you were actually considering. You didn't even know this man, or what he looked like. Nor did you know his name. Yet in a way, that made the idea more enticing.
"And what exactly will I be getting in return?" You ask. You didn't want to do this and not get what you came for. "You fulfill my needs and I'll give ya' a temporary free discount." He offers. That seemed way too generous. This man had so many valuables and so much ammunition, you knew that. Nothing worth just giving away. Was he really that lonely out here? Though, you did seem to be one of the only people here who wasn't infected with las plagues.
"I'll do it." You decide. It was a small price to pay to save your own ass. It could've been worse.
The merchant stands, removing his large coat in which he stored most of his items. His hood comes off, but the handkerchief mask remains, leaving his face unknown still. He was much larger than you. "Well then," He starts, "bend over this table f' me. Will ya'?"
You do as told, propping yourself up by your elbows as you bend over the wooden furniture. He doesn't hesitate to approach you from behind, pulling down your pants with ease. "Still sure about this, sweetheart?" He questions and you nod. You couldn't back out of this now. You had already dedicated yourself to your goal. "Just don't get too carried away." He chuckles at that before removing his own constraints and revealing his already hardened length. You want so badly to turn around and observe but you remain looking at your own hands, resting on the table.
Unannounced, his beefy fingers enter your mouth, swabbing for your saliva. His actions turned you on more than you thought they would. Once his digits are slick with your spit, he rubs your wetness onto the head of his dick, prepping to enter you. He positions himself, seemingly about to enter your ass, causing you to tense. "Just teasin'," he laughs heartily and repositions to your other opening. "Ready for me?" You let out a relieved sigh and nod again. "Yes sir..." He grins at your response. "Ahh..sir, eh? That's cute."
Without wasting time, he plunges his full length into you, causing you to cry out. He holds you gently by your hips, grinding into you at a steady pace. He was bigger than you imagined. Every time he trusted into you, you felt yourself weaken. His strong arm hooks under you, holding you steady. You let out quiet whines into the table you're desperately gripping onto. "Such a good girl," the merchant groans, "Ya' look so pretty beneath me." You arch against him, wanting more. "Feels so...so good." you mewl. You almost feel ashamed at how much you're enjoying this. His cock was the perfect size and you couldn't control your sounds. Your face fully pressed against the silky tablecloth as his hips continue their movement, and his girth massaging your insides so well.
His hand smacks your ass playfully, but not hard enough to sting. You were completely lost in pleasure at this point. He was fucking you so roughly, your thoughts started getting hazy. Your knees went weak and you start to slump but his bulky arm holds you steady. Meanwhile his other hand goes up through your hair, sweetly caressing your head. "It's alright sweet thing, i've gotcha," His thrusts quicken even further as he gets consumed by the pleasure as well. "Gonna cum for me soon?" You nod lazily with half lidded eyes. "Good girl," he praises again, "go on, make a mess for me sweetheart." The table creeks so much with each of his thrusts, you're almost scared it's gonna break.
You feel a tightness in your core as your orgasm creeps. His rough, calloused fingertips felt so nice, petting your hair. It would be enough to lull you to sleep if not for his rutting into you. He whispers sweet nothings into your ear, pushing you to your climax even faster. As you start to gush around him, his pounding slows. "You're doing so well," Your legs spread wider, giving him a nice view of your steadily dripping pussy. His grip tightens as he fucks into you faster. Your walls are still pulsing and clenching around him from you reaching your peak.
"Mnn..gonna fill ya' up." His breath quickens from the intense pleasure. "please...yes, cum inside me." You babble. You're not sure where your vulgarity came from, the lewd words just got fucked out of you. He lets out a low groan at your begging, his cock uncontrollably spurting into you. "Atta girl..." he breathes, "take it all for me." His hips continue jerking but gradually slow as he drains inside you. Feeling satisfied, he starts to relax. He subtly removes his hand from your hair to hold onto your waist once more.
"I'm real grateful." he pulls out of you cautiously, "doin' alright?" You stabilize yourself and readjust your clothing. "Yeah, just a bit y'know...frazzled." He laughs, finding you adorable. You couldn't even bring yourself to look him in the eyes. He could tell you were embarrassed but also recalled that you were in a hurry.
He pulls his own pants back up, putting his coat back on and covering himself again. "Well, you earned your free discount." You had almost forgotten about the deal.
You stock up on the items you needed. Ammo, herbs, ect. You didn't have time to deal with the awkward aftermath. This job wasn't going to be easy, and it certainly wasn't going to resolve itself. As much as you enjoyed everything, you really didn't have the time for this.
Of course, the merchant understood. "I enjoyed your company. Come back anytime, stranger."
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cxlbybrock · 8 months
Colby Brock x Reader
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Hey guys, this is my first story on Tumblr, I hope you enjoy! Feel free to leave any requests in the comments!
Colby broke up with you a couple years ago, you moved away and moved on. Now, two years after the break up, you return to LA with a new love and a new feisty attitude. Your best friend (let's call her Ash for the sake of simplicity) invites you to a party to welcome you back, she invites Sam but is it only Sam who shows up?
CW: cussing, cheating(?), no smut but a lot of talking about sex and sexual references, teasing, jealousy, 18+ only please
Unpacking was an obvious bore, you had some help from Theo, your boyfriend of one year and your best friend. Now, after a couple years you're returning to LA, a place with too many memories. Both good and bad. You're an influencer, popular for fashion and modelling content, LA is a big centre for pretty much everything. Why would you leave? We'll get into that later.
Ash's phone buzzes on the table, bringing you out from your trance.
"Make sure you get your best outfits out for tonight, Y/N." Ash teases. You roll your eyes, a sarcastic sigh escaping your lips.
"What did you do now?" You raise your eyebrow mockingly, hands on your hips.
"Just make sure you're fucking ready!" Ash's excited voice almost makes it hard for you to keep up with this annoyed facade.
"whose ready for what?" You feel hands snake around your waist and breath ghosts your neck. Ordinarily, it'd send goosebumps up your spine, make your heart race or even your cheeks flush. Not today. You put it off as the stress of moving into a new apartment but lying to yourself is still lying.
"You guys are going to be ready, dress nice later and meet me at my house around 9 o'clock." Ash smirks devilishly. Her demeanor is troublesome and worrying you, if you know your best friend you know she's planning something. Ash's plans are always stupidly insane.
Pulling out your phone, your eyes widen.
"it's already 7:30! Be at your house for 9?! I will not have enough time to get ready!" You scramble away from Theo, he pecks your cheek and you go with Ash to get ready at her place instead. She insisted in fact that Theo show up later and you guys have some 'girl time'.
Plonking yourself down on her bed, her personality switches. Serious; an emotion that she rarely displays.
"Right, I'm not overstepping here or anything but Theo... Do you actually like him?" She asks, if anything your best friend is honest but at this moment you're wishing she wasn't so observant.
"yes, of course." You scoff, lying. Although, is it a lie if you don't currently realise that it isn't true? Either way, she isn't accepting this answer.
"girl, he's literally the most vanilla boring man I have ever seen. He's blonde, wears the same clothes every day and likes boring shit. If he was a spice, he'd be flour. He's so different—"
"—different than what?" You bite back, interrupting Ash. She's unfazed, she's never cared about sharing her opinion and the sad thing is, she isn't wrong.
"than your other boyfriends. I mean, is the sex even exciting? When you were dating Colby, you used to call me everyday and rave about him so much that I even liked him. But Theo... I couldn't tell you one fact about Theo, he's more bland than rice." Honesty, but the sort you'd take the wrong way if it wasn't so true.
Once again, you knew deep down that she was right. You're dating a pretty boy, sure. But he was more like a shell, he wasn't necessarily strong willed and to be honest you didn't even know if he had any long term goals. The conversation continued and before you knew it, the time rolled around and Ash was giving you a blindfold as she led you along.
You decided on a low cut shirt, a pleated skirt and some fishnets (among other accessories). The tips of your black hair tickled your lower back as you walked downstairs.
"why are you wearing all black?" A voice asks, as you remove your blindfold you realise it's Theo.
"I thought it'd look sexy." You shrug, unbothered.
"you look like a weird goth." Theo says pointedly, this bothered you and you could tell you would make a scene but you bit your tongue and pressed on but you were still pissed off.
Many influencers and friends show up to the party, it's incredible and everyone's having a good time and it's nice to have the opportunity to introduce your friends to your boyfriend.
"Hey, Sam's here!" Ash yells over the music, you and Theo step away from the party to greet Sam, a very good old friend of yours. As you approach the front door, there's not one but two people. Sam ... And he brought Colby. Fuck.
You see Colby's eyes scan over your outfit, your curves, his eyes linger on your thighs and your cleavage and it makes your whole body hot. You bite your lip, it's a nervous tic but you can tell Colby thinks it's intentional.
Then, his eyes fall on your boyfriend and he smirks. He barely glances his way before his eyes pierce yours again.
"Y/N! Hey! Welcome back to LA, it's so good to see you again!" Sam smiles warmly and pulls you into a hug, you hug him back and smile brightly in return.
"hey Sam, I missed you so much." You reply before stepping away. "Sam, this is my boyfriend, Theo." You introduce your boyfriend and step aside so he can talk to Sam but he just gives him a weird look and mutters "hi."
"Theo..." You hear Colby whisper, snickering. Stepping forward, he gives you a look that could make any woman fold like a deck chair. "Hey, it's good to see you. You look sexy by the way." He smirks, he knows what he's doing and he's trying to get your boyfriend fired up.
You hit his arm and give him a futile warning look. Much to your dismay though, your boyfriend is unfazed by Colby. As toxic as it sounds, a reaction would've been nice, a little jealousy is hot sometimes.
"Wow... Is your boyfriend a cardboard cutout or something? Did you forget the voice box when you found him on the side of the road?" Colby teases you further and you glare at your ex.
"Colby..." You warn him again and he holds his hands up defensively. However, your boyfriend still doesn't care and it's really bothering you now. He has no spice to him, just like Ash said and the more you look, the more you see it.
Sam diffuses the situation although Colby is really making it his mission to get under Theo's skin.
The night continues without much drama, you're thankful but of course you couldn't have an easy ride. You veer off to grab yourself a drink, leaving Theo behind because honestly even you're getting bored of him now. He won't even dance with you, it's like he doesn't care about you at all.
You flick the bottle cap off the Smirnoff, you consider pouring it into a glass but you decide to just drink it straight out the bottle, it might make the night more bearable.
"woah, steady. I know your man has no personality but it's not like the alcohol is gonna give him any." You turn to the voice, Colby. Only now, can you really take in his appearance. All black, of course. But his rings, his chains, his tattoos... Fuck he looks so sexy— no, no he looks utterly repulsive... What is your brain doing? Your body is going against you and you're so frustrated.
"My man has plenty, thank you." You bite back, irritated. His proximity wasn't something you thought about until one step pinned you to the counter, his hands on either side of you.
"come on, he probably doesn't even last five seconds... No wait, I bet you guys haven't even gotten there yet." Colby reads your expressions and a sinister smirk spreads across his lips "wait he hasn't fucked you yet? Damn it's worse than I thought." His finger traces the hem of your shirt down to your cleavage, it makes your heart race as you try your best to pay as little attention to Colby or how your body responds to him.
"colby, move. You broke up with me, remember?" You glare at him, although let's be real that isn't what you want to do and honestly if you were still single it'd be a different story.
His fingers tug at your fishnets and you feel the cold metal of his rings touch your thighs. You intake a shaky breath and it's hard to keep your composure. "Oh, come on. You don't want me to go away, this is probably the most revved up you've felt in a year..." Colby smirks and leans into your ear, he tucks your hair behind it and you feel his breath ghosting your ear. "I mean... When you touch yourself, I bet you're still thinking about the way I used to do it to you."
Your heart races, goosebumps cover your body. If you don't admit it, it doesn't mean it isn't really happening and right now every fibre in your body wants Colby to bend you over that countertop and give you something you've been missing for the last two years but you keep up your walls.
"don't flatter yourself. It's been years, I've moved on." You bite but every time you bite, he bites harder.
Blue eyes bore into yours as he slides his hand up your thigh towards your skirt, your breath hitches. "Colby I'm in a relationship now, we can't." You want to sound strong but your voice falters, you don't want him to stop and he knows it.
"but you want to." He says pointedly. "Break up with him, I don't understand why you're with him." Colby speaks his mind but with his hands caressing your thighs, honestly it's hard to form a real sentence.
"He's nice." You say, feeling bad that the only thing you could think of was a basic, boring ass word.
"nice... You know why nice guys always finish last?" Colby asks, you shake your head and he smirks like a Cheshire cat "it's because their girlfriends never finish at all." His hands find your ass and he plays with the fishnets around it. "But don't worry..." He squeezes your ass and your fingers grip onto the countertop, you're almost under his spell "... I can always finish you off..." He whispers into your ear, his hands crawl up your body and it sends shivers up your spine.
Before anything in you can respond, the door to the kitchen flies open and your eyes widen.
Let me know if you guys want part two!
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rollercoasterwords · 2 years
hey guys btw there is actually never a good reason to loudly and publicly talk about how much u dislike a fanfic!! Like. let's break this down for a sec:
i don't like it
ok, understandable. i've dnf'd lots of fics because i didn't like them. but the people writing fanfiction are doing it for free and for fun, and you don't know anything about their lives. they could be a young writer just starting out! they could be an older writer getting back into writing after years of being unable to! they could be someone going through a rough patch whose only source of joy right now is writing their silly little stories! talking about how much you dislike a fanfic literally does nothing except hurt the person writing it. that's it. it is not productive, it is not necessary. even strangers on the internet deserve basic human empathy.
ok but i really don't like it
babe, i feel u! i'm a hater too. rant about it privately. shit on it in private messages or group chats with friends. u can dislike something without dragging its creator into the town square to throw tomatoes at them, yknow?
ok but i really don't like it AND it's popular
ok? shouting about that on the internet doesn't make you cool or special or unique. it just makes you kind of mean and, honestly, bitter. like i said before, this is fanfiction. nobody is paying for it. nobody is profiting. there is no standard that these writers are obligated to meet. clearly, other people like the work. why not let them enjoy it in peace?
no u don't understand it doesn't deserve to be popular there are better fics that deserve it more!!!
talk about those fics then!! post about how much u love them!! uplift those writers!! ur tweet or tiktok or tumblr post is not going to suddenly make a popular fic lose all popularity, no matter how undeserving u perceive it to be. if this is actually coming from a place of frustration because you feel like there are other fics that deserve more attention, then just give those fics attention.
no but it's problematic
mmm ok. let's sit with this one for a second. i want you to ask yourself--is it really, really problematic? is it perpetuating harm against a marginalized group? remember, this is fanfic; it is outside the consumer economy, and the stories it tells will almost never make it to a mainstream audience. so is the story actually hurting people, or is the author just exploring something that you're uncomfortable with? because if you're just uncomfortable, then assuming the work is tagged properly, the best course of action is to just click away. as uncomfortable as it may be, people are allowed to write stories that you might find upsetting or gross or weird, and those stories existing is not inherently harmful in and of itself.
it is actively reinforcing harmful stereotypes/rhetoric/etc
okay! ok. if you are deeply concerned because you feel that this fic is genuinely harmful, then go to the writer. leave a comment. send them a message on tumblr or twitter or tiktok or wherever. explain your situation and see what they say! nine times out of ten, i'd bet that an ao3 writer means no harm and would be willing to listen and address your concerns. in fact, they might even be grateful to you for being kind enough to make them aware of a problem and educate them on it. every ao3 writer i've ever spoken to is an incredibly kind and thoughtful person; you don't need to immediately go on the attack
the writer is unreachable/nonresponsive/not willing to address or change the problematic thing
alright. if you truly feel that this fanfiction is actively harmful and can't reach any kind of conclusion with the writer, and you want to warn others who might read the fic, then do that. do that. make a post that says hey guys btw, x thing in this fic is not a good representation/perpetuates a harmful stereotype/whatever the problem is. and leave it at that! you don't need to go further and insult the writing or the person who wrote it. that is helpful to exactly no one, and if your goal is actually to make the world a better place, then you should learn how to draw attention to an issue in a way that encourages actual dialogue instead of dog-piling and personal attacks.
anyway the next time you feel the desire to post about how bad you think a fic is, feel free to use this as a guide before u do! xoxo
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imagine-silk · 11 months
idk if you do continuations or anything like that so feel free to ignore !! but i really liked that platonic yandere peter b parker post and was wondering if you had any more of that?
I got you baby girl
You weren’t their first pick by far and they almost didn’t hire you. “Aren’t you still in school?” You had to really sell yourself to get it. Telling them you were in a position you could work from home by just completing the work and turning it in. Not the most graceful way to do high school but it was no skin off your teeth.
They are the world's softest yanderes because their goal is to keep you as their kid not to themselves. They do the same reactions other parents would. You have a crush on someone they want to know because they're nosy. Want to try a hobby and they'll help you in a way that's not suspicious at the time, giving you fliers instead of dropping you off. Safe and taken care of.
Make no mistake, they are still yanderes. Sleeping pills make their way into your drink and your backpack goes missing on purpose. Peter will carry to the guest bedroom and put you to bed. MJ will help look for your bag in places you didn't look and would you look at that, she didn't find it. That bracelet is a glorified tracker and Peter is too. Not to mention their efforts to normalize their affection by introducing it slowly. They fully understand what they are doing and don't think twice.
Strangely enough your parents were the ones to tell you to take the live-in position saying you needed to think of number one. It was a more than generous offer and to know you were taken care of was enough for them. With the added knowledge of Peter's job you felt like it was a risk but a risk you were willing to take. They welcomed you with more than warm arms.
Eventually you become their kid with extra steps, you basically just have a big allowance. People start mistaking you as an adopted child, even their family. You didn't think twice about saying it wasn't true but they insisted after you do for the sake of convenience, so people can't say you shouldn't be with them or be trusted with Mayday like you're a stranger. Besides you're practically family.
The chances you suspect they aren't letting you leave is honestly very slim. They are nothing but welcoming and never overtly force you to do anything, never hurt you and they always have a solid reason for everything they do. Not to mention you do leave, they let you.
But if you do you're not going to leave until they're sure you're not going to scream the second you step out the door. They drop the efforts the hide what they're doing and you are theirs, no real need to be coy. And it's all terrifyingly normal. They seem like regular parents.
To be honest, they won't do anything unless you get rowdy. Lock yourself in your room and hide, they won't drag you out, just knock on the door, ask if you're okay, and tell you there's food waiting for you so you out the door. Deny their affection like hugs, they won't force it on you. Refuse to hold Mayday and they'll hold handle her crying. You're upset and know this is an adjustment period.
You can attack Peter and he will very weakly try to get you to stop so you don't hurt yourself. "It's okay, honey. I'm not going to hurt you."
Tell MJ she's not your mom she stays strong, but it's very clear she's hurt. "I know. But I want to be."
Mayday doesn't understand what's happening but she's more than happy you're not leaving.
What they will force is if you try to hurt yourself. Stop eating and they'll force feed you. Spit out too much and they'll hook you up to an IV. Break a window to try and get out they keep you in areas there are no windows. Hurt yourself in any capacity in the kitchen, purposeful or otherwise, you won't be in there unsupervised. God forbid you try to force-quit yourself. They will hold you down and baby proof you. Shove all types of foam under your clothes and wrap you in duct tape. If you keep trying it will escalate. You'll have those mitten they put on babies so they don't scratch themselves, then a neck cover and a helmet. You're going to look like the world's ugliest penguin.
When you start to calm down then they start the conversation of going outside. Again, the goal was never to keep you inside indefinitely. And it is a slow progress but it becomes a normal life ish. You live with them and to anyone's concern, "This is my kid."
You do go see your family and you think about telling them but the visit is very underwhelming. You have a full house so you peacing out for three months didn't really cross their minds. So you did what Peter told you to do, say you were moving out. Your brother laughed and said, "good". Your sister told him not to say that and to give her her hat back. Your mom told your dad to set up the moving van your uncle worked at to see if they could get a discount. None of them asked where or why and you didn't know if that was good or bad. You knew it was because they trusted you but that attitude got you kidnapped.
At the end of the day you went back to very very doting parents and a sister who quite literally crawled all over you. It was excessive but at that point it was normal, for better or for worse.
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hockybish · 2 months
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Maisie silently cheered as Luke shot the puck and it landed in the back of the net. It was the first goal of the game that got the ball rolling for the Devils.
She raised her camera to the opening in the plexiglass and snapped a few photos as Luke skated around celebrating with teammates. When the moment was over, she took a second to look through the pictures on her camera.
Luke was so happy and she loved seeing her hockey player so happy doing what he loved. He didn't need her to be happy, he had his family and hockey.
That's when the idea started creeping into her thoughts: he would be ten times happier if she wasn't in his life and she wasn't good enough for him. He was good, she was bad.
Maisie knew what needed to come next.
"Hey are you coming out with us tonight?" Luke greeted her after the Devils' win by wrapping his arms around her frame. Maisie looked distant. He hoped giving her a kiss would snap her out of whatever funk she was thinking about.
"No, I think I'm gonna go home." Maisie pulled away from the boy she thought she might be falling in love with.
"I'll come too. We can have a quiet night instead." Luke pulled her in closer in that was even possible. He just had this funny feeling that she needed him close by tonight.
"N-no" She suddenly found the floor really interesting as she untangled herself from his arms. Why couldn't leaving him be easier? "I want to be by myself." Maisie always what wanted to be with Luke.
"What's wrong Maisie?"
"Nothing. Nothing's wrong. I just want to be by myself tonight. Is there something wrong with that?" Maisie still refused to meet his eyes.
"Well then would you like me to give you a ride home?" He offered, it was the least he could do, he was a gentleman after all. He could spend a little more time with her if he drove her.
"Nope, I can manage" Maisie declined the kind offer.
"You didn't drive, how are you gonna get home?"
"Don't worry about it, Luke, I'll be fine." She had already ordered a car from her preferred ride sharing app to pick her up. She sort of had a plan.
"I'm always gonna worry about you, you're my girlfriend and I love you!" Luke raised his voice. He took her hands in his, gripping them tighter so she couldn't run away. "Maisie girl, what's wrong?"
"I don't think this is gonna work out, I want to don't us anymore." Maisie spit out the words. His hands went slack and she was able to easily slip them out. In a sense she was free, but she felt even worse than she did before
"What?" Luke mumbled shock at what his girlfriend told him. He could feel his heart started to tear into two. And he had more questions than he was sure she was willing to answer.
Luke figured she didn't really mean it. She just needed some alone time, like she said. Maybe he was being a little overbearing and taking up too much of her time.
They were fine.
Yeah they were fine.
She just needs the night, everything will be back to normal in the morning because they love each other. Although, that was the first time either of them had ever said it.
He dialed her number the next morning before practice. There was no answer and he left voicemail number one. He stopped by her place on the way in, he must have missed her, since her place was empty.
He spotted in her usual perch at practice, Luke wanted to go over and say something, but his attention was redirected when he started making his way over and when he finally got there she was gone again. When he got home he tried call again, once again he was sent to voicemail.
He began to worry again.
What if she really did mean it? What if she actually did break up with him?
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nicoline1998enilocin · 9 months
Beach Side Resort | Prologue
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PAIRING | Ari Levinson x Female!Reader
SUMMARY | After being laid off your old job you've been searching for a new one for months. When you're at the point of giving up hope you see a vacancy for the new resort in your town, and you're excited to apply there. You're invited for an interview, and it's your goal to make such a good impression, they never want to let you go.
WARNING(S) | None.
A/N | Welcome to the first part of my new series with Ari! I wish you all a lot of fun during this one, and I can't wait to hear what you all think! 🖤
Likes, comments and reblogs will be very much appreciated 🩵
Divider is made by @firefly-graphics | Header & 18+ banner are made by yours truly
Main Masterlist | Ari Levinson Masterlist | Series Masterlist Chapter 1
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Finding a new job has been challenging since you got laid off from your old one. There were budget cuts, and you were one of the unfortunate souls who fell victim to them.
That was three months ago, and even though you have more than enough money to last a few more months, you're itching to return to work.
You've been to dozens of job interviews but have not succeeded, so you scrolled through another website for job openings.
You are about to give up when your eye falls on a very interesting one.
''Wanted: Staff for the new Beach Side Resort''
You click on it, wondering what this will be, and you're pleasantly surprised that there are a lot of vacancies available. When you scroll down, you see that the listing was posted a while ago, which explains a lot.
There are administrative vacancies, guest services, cleaning and maintenance, the kitchen, and more, but your eye immediately falls on the listing for Front Desk Supervisor.
After reading through it, you can already see yourself filling this position, and you immediately decide to write your motivation letter so you can apply as soon as possible.
About an hour and two cups of tea later, you've finished it and sent it out to the people of the resort. Now, all you have to do is wait because it can take up to a week before they contact you.
You've walked by the resort quite a few times since it's relatively close to your house, and you live near the beach, so you tend to spend a lot of time there alone or with friends.
After you sigh, you shut your laptop and walk over to said beach since it's a beautiful day in Florida today. Before doing so, you change into your pink playsuit to look more presentable to the outside world.
A nice walk on the beach usually clears your head, and it relaxes you immensely, but you're not planning on going alone. First, you'll stop at your best friend's apartment to see if he's also willing to come along for your walk.
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You knock on your best friend's door, but to your surprise, it's not him opening it but his boyfriend, Bucky.
''Hi, Gorgeous. What can I help you with today?'' he asks, and you can't help but smile at him.
''Hi, Bucky, does Steve happen to be home? I was hoping he would come along for a walk at the beach. I have to tell him something important, and I was going on that walk regardless, so I figured I might do both at the same time,'' you tell him, and as if he heard you, Steve appears in the doorway behind Bucky.
You still find it impressive that even though Bucky towers over you, Steve is taller, and you must lean your head back pretty far to look at him.
''Ah, speak of the Devil!'' you joke, and Bucky steps aside, leaving you two alone.
''Hey, Munchkin,'' he says as he envelops you in a hug, and you can't help but take a whiff of his cologne. He always smells so good, and it smells just like home.
''Are you free to take a walk at the-'' you want to say, but then you hear the unmistakable sound of Alpine meowing behind him, so you push him to the side and practically run into his apartment.
Bucky is holding Alpine in the crook of his metal arm, scratching her between her ears as she gets comfortable in her spot.
''Hello, little one,'' you coo at Alpine as you scratch her chin, practically melting as she wraps her paws around your arm to keep you in your place.
Steve shakes his head with a smile at seeing you, but he just closes the door and lets you do your thing until you're ready.
''Who's such a perfect girl, huh? Who's the prettiest girl in this apartment?'' you coo, and Bucky opens his mouth to answer, but you quickly glare at him to make sure he doesn't answer; instead, he chuckles.
After a while, you rip yourself from the little fur ball and finally move over to Steve and ask him what you were initially here to ask.
''So, as I was saying. Are you free to take a walk-'' you say, but yet again, you're not able to finish your sentence because you're getting interrupted by your phone.
''I can't catch a fucking break today, apparently,'' you sigh before picking up the phone.
''Hello?'' you say in a cheery voice as you pick up the phone; Steve and Bucky are looking at you, wondering what the call is about.
''That's me, yes,'' you say, and you listen to the man on the other side explaining that he saw your job application and he's inviting you for a job interview later this week.
''Thursday works for me. See you then, and thank you for calling me,'' you say before one last goodbye, and you hang up the phone.
''Well, I have good news. I was going to tell you this on a walk at the beach, but since I never had the chance, I might as well tell you now,'' you start, and Bucky sits down, too, as you explain what's happening.
''I applied for a position as Front Desk Supervisor, and I just got a call from who I presume is the owner that I'm invited for a job interview next Thursday!'' you tell them, and the excitement is practically dripping off your face and voice.
''Oh my god, that's so cool! I can't wait to hear how it went,'' Steve said, and you explained a little more about the position, the walk on the beach long forgotten when Alpine climbs into your lap and decides it's the perfect place to take a nap.
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Thursday has finally arrived, and you're getting ready for your job interview with your potentially new boss later. You opted for a more summery outfit today, hoping it was still nice enough for the job interview while considering the Florida weather.
You got your black jumpsuit with sunflowers out of your closet, ready to steam it and put it on before you go out the door. But first, you're doing your hair and makeup.
You're staying in the sunflower vibe with a yellow-eye look, keeping the rest of your makeup natural. Your hair is put into two low-space buns, and when that's done, you're finally ready to step into your jumpsuit.
You're going for a pair of black strappy heels and sunglasses to finish the look. After one more look in the mirror, you approve of the look, and you load your laptop and other documents you need to bring into your bag, ready to go.
It's a short walk to the Resort, and you're glad the interview will be held there because you've always been curious about what it looks like inside.
There's a woman at the front desk already, and you assume she's there to greet and welcome all the people there for job interviews, so you go to her.
''Uhm, hi. I'm here for a job interview with Mr. Levinson at 2 p.m.'' You tell the lady, and she gladly shows you the waiting room by his office, and you will be called in when he's ready.
You grab your documents out of your bag and read them over again, trying to prepare yourself as much as possible in the last minutes you have.
''Ms. Y/L/N?'' the man says, and you look up to see a tall man with very broad shoulders and a narrow waist, thighs that make his pants look like they're about to burst, and long legs that end in a pair of black loafers.
His shirt is tight around his chest, and his sleeves are rolled up, exposing the tattoos littered on his arms, giving him a rugged look. His hair is relatively long and curling at the base, making him look like a sculpture on his legs.
It's his voice, however, that completely takes you by surprise because, even though it is deep, it also has a tone that drips like honey, making you hang onto his lips with every word.
''Miss? Is everything okay?'' he asks, and you suddenly snap out of your thoughts, immediately feeling embarrassed.
''I- I'm sorry, it's been a while since I've been on a job interview,'' you say as you get up, and your heart beats faster at the sight of him towering over you.
He extends his hand, and you take it, hearing him introduce himself as Ari Levinson, the owner of the Beach Side Resort. He leads you into his office and lets you sit across from him.
''I'm just going to cut right to the case because I've not seen anyone more qualified for this job than you. I have read your motivation, and I can see you're very eager to get to work, and I'd love to have you on my team,'' he says, and your jaw practically drops to the floor.
''I- are you- I mean, are you sure about this? Because I'd love to work for you and the resort, shouldn't we discuss things a little more?'' you ask, unable to keep your excitement contained.
''I'm sure, Sunflower. I want you to work as my new Front Desk Supervisor,'' he says, and your cheeks feel warm at the nickname, realizing he called you that because of your outfit.
''Well, thank you, Mr. Levinson. I promise I won't let you down,'' you say. And with those words, you have officially found a new job with more benefits than you imagined.
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marshmallowprotection · 4 months
For all of us who love SE Saeran, how do you think a love story with him would play out? Definitely a slow and sensitive journey with him, I think - but I'm really interested in how you think he would fall in love.
Would he even accept the feelings? Would he even know what they are? Would he outright deny that he even cares so deeply for another person? Would he purposefully avoid us? Would he run from his feelings and keep reminding himself of who he'd once been (Unknown)?
I mean, sure SE Saeran can be grumpy, cold and unpredictable in his emotions, but there's a soft heart in there somewhere. It'd just need some time and nursing to let it come out, right?
I just really love him, and I want to see him love too. Opening up, and becoming more in-tune with his emotions and being able to bond and just spend some peaceful, quality time together.
One last thing!! How do you think he'd be with physical intimacy like hand-holding, hugs/being in close contact and kisses?
[A reminder to check out my SE Saeran/Reader story!]
Okay, so, to make something abundantly clear, there are a few ways that someone can come into Saeran's life. Either you knew him within Mint Eye or you met him afterward, and the dynamics involved in the meeting make a huge difference in how the relationship plays out.
I'm sure I've answered the ways both can play out in the past, but if your goal is for a general overview of what he's like in a relationship? I can cover that for you, too!
If he knew you in Mint Eye, either closely or loosely, there's going to be guilt involved. That changes how he reacts to you. He might want to avoid you to further risk hurting you.
After all, it is likely his opinion that nobody would want anything to do with him after what happened there. He was an enforcer of the rules just as much as he was a victim of them.
However, your everyday believer wouldn't be aware of that, they would only know he was the Savior's guard dog. People would only know him as someone very willing to get the job done, and he was rewarded for that as far as they knew. Unknown didn’t have to abide by the dress code. Unknown didn’t have to go to prayer sessions all the time. Unknown didn’t have to fight for his life as far as they knew. It's not unlikely to believe that many former believers imagined him to be just as guilt as the Savior.
He can only imagine what they would think. That is to say, what if you saw somebody who you knew to be just as bad as the woman who tortured you, out on the street and away from punishment? He can say with certainty that he wouldn't feel good if he were them. After all, he lives in fear of Saejoong with his brother after all these years. They're not free from that monster even if Rika was taken down and sent away.
So, if you knew him back then, he would likely choose to avoid even more than he would pursue you. It's nothing against you, personally. This doesn't mean he would avoid you forever, it just means that depending on what happened between the two of you before the end will make a huge Tipping Point in how he handles your interactions.
You may have to be the one who shows him that you're not afraid of him and that you're willing to forgive him for anything that happens. You have to show him that you don't judge him for what happened. Of course, even if you manage to do all that, he may not be able to believe it. 
Just know that if you knew him before the end, and you didn't keep up with him after Mint Eye was destroyed, you’ve got your work cut out for you. 
This kind of dynamic with him earns you a place to work together to heal from the Demons of your past. It starts with the two of you in a bit of a push-and-pull relationship. You have to push his buttons, and he has to pull you back even though everything is screaming at him not to do that and risk your safety. Seeing you smile might just be the one thing that makes him feel like he's not the monster he fears he is.
If you could leave that place and still have a smile on your face, maybe there's a chance he could find his again. 
If you meet him after the fact, it also changes the way he handles the dynamic of your relationship.
If you only know him as the man he is today, ultimately dry, sullen, and depressed, you may think he's not what he believes himself to be. He is somebody who didn't want to live. He didn't think beyond what would happen after he got his revenge.
For nearly 3 years that was all he could imagine.
He didn't exactly get a say in his life after he left the cult, either. His brother, even though well-intentioned, pulled him away from a place that could've helped him knowing that if he didn't, their father could find him and kill him before he could even find the help he deserves. He is coasting by, trying to make the best of a horrible situation, but he feels alone in the moments he's not looking up at the sky. That's the one thing that brings him peace. 
You might think he's a guy who seems to be tired all the time and has a routine he never breaks from, and while that's not entirely wrong, it isn’t the entirety of his experience in life. Every day he has to live with the fact that he took another person's life, even though it was an accident.
He was terrified, petrified out of his mind, and the bullet could have hit anyone or anything in that room. But, for whatever reason, in his state of fear, the gun went off. He has to live with that for the rest of his life and it keeps him awake at night when all he wants to do is have a dreamless sleep. No amount of scrubbing his hands clean of what feels like blood makes him feel better.
You don't know that about him.
You haven't seen that side of him.
There is going to be a constant fear in his mind that he has to grapple with about the fact that you don't know what he was capable of in the past.  Somebody like you shouldn't be around somebody like him. Granted, you would be able to get close to him before he had this realization, but something would click in his head one day as you smiled and laughed at him for no reason, about how you would lose that smile if you knew what kind of man he was.
I often imagine the person approaching him in this situation is someone who sees somebody with a grumpy look on their face and decides to approach him anyway. Somebody who is unassuming but good-natured at heart. Somebody willing to always extend a friendly hand and show someone kindness lives on in a world that doesn't seem to have much of it. In the end, it's that same kind of push-and-pull dynamic, just in a different font. 
As long as you’re patient with him, eventually, he'll come out of the other side feeling more comfortable with the idea of a relationship. You just need to give him time to adjust to this situation. He needs a lot more time than anybody else might when trying to come to terms with the fact that somebody wants a relationship with him. He doesn't understand why anybody would be willing to get close to him. But, if you're stubborn and see it through to the end, he'll open up and let you in. 
In terms of intimacy, you're going to need to take your time with him no matter what. He isn't big on verbal intimacy. He has a hard time expressing his emotions as is, so don't expect him to be like his counterpart in Another Story at the end of the day.
His love language is a lot more quiet.
Some may even say that it is a little subdued, as he is the kind of person who thinks an action can speak a thousand words more than a whisper could. If he lets you hold his hand, that is a kind of vulnerable trust that is hard to put into words. If you really want to know if you're winning his favor, look no further than the day he asks you to go cloud-watching with him. 
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littlemoonastrology · 6 months
All About: SCORPIO ♏︎ - The Zodiac Signs
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This post will cover all the basic information needed to understand Scorpio, the eighth Zodiac Sign!
Take a look at my other posts to see more information on: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo and Libra!
Watch out, because Sagittarius is coming next!
If you feel like this post has helped you feel free to Follow, Reblog or Repost (as long as I'm credited! I'm relatively new to Tumblr so I'm still learning about how all this works)!
Scorpio ♏︎
Date (Only applies to Sun Signs): October 23 - November 21
Symbol: ♏︎ - The Scorpion
Associated House: Eighth
Associated Degrees: 8°, 20°
Associated Energy: Feminine
Planetary Ruler(s): ♇ Pluto (Modern) and ♂ Mars (Traditional)
Element: Water
Modality: Fixed
Keywords: Introspective, Compassionate, Strong-Willed, Perceptive, Ambitious, Brooding
Moralistic, perceptive and strong-willed are all fantastic words to describe those with Scorpio placements! People with this sign in their chart are often very ambitious and keep to a long-term goal which matters deeply to them, usually something which is relevant to their life and personal experiences. Whilst this placement isn't necessarily secretive, they will not give out information willingly which they believe will be used against them and are capable to place very strong boundaries with people (sometimes it seems like it comes out of the blue!). This is because Scorpio thinks deeply about their decisions and opinions, so if they feel like cutting you off (or maybe on the positive side, they want to take something to the next level!) it is something they have thought about for a while. Scorpios are deeply introspective and compassionate, having overcome a lot of obstacles in life. This makes them excellent providers of advice, and a good ear if you need one. Sometimes Scorpio placements have a tendency to be quite shy, preferring to keep all their vulnerabilities hidden and may even take that to an extreme level by not sharing anything with anyone (which can come across as secretive). Maybe in this state it comes to a point where they engage in hobbies as a way to help maintain some kind of control in their life or find some sense of relatability. Sometimes, they may even become fixated on positions of power or material items, losing aspects of their morality. When it comes to this point a Scorpio might end up becoming cold or pessimistic, maybe even cruel and vengeful (although this is in an extreme case). On the other end of the spectrum, a Scorpio might find themselves caught up in drama they don't necessarily want to be a part of but still stay because they want to provide some kind of service or opinion... when really it would be more beneficial for them to just leave it alone. This can fuel some kind of people-pleaser behaviour, struggling to express their opinions or boundaries in order to help other people. It is at this point a Scorpio should prioritise self-care because as compassionate and moralistic as they can be, behaviour like this can really destroy their sense of self-worth.
When Scorpio feels safe and like they can pursue their ambitions they are unstoppable - however it means that they may come across as intense whether that be by the way they communicate, their behaviour or something else (which may make a Scorpio feel insecure if they are aware they come across this way). It's important for Scorpio to take this into consideration, but keep pursuing their goals no matter what comes up as. Ultimately, if you want to do something and you're a Scorpio, go for it! Don't let others opinions get you down.
Zodiac Sign
Each of the Zodiac Signs are a constellation. The Zodiac Sign shows how a Planet/Asteroid/Fixed Point/House is being represented and expressed. Once a Planet/Asteroid/Fixed Point/House falls into a Zodiac Sign, it adopts the energy of it.
For example: if Mercury falls into the constellation Sagittarius, Mercury adopts Sagittarian traits. If the 6th House falls into the constellation Aquarius, the 6th House adopts Aquarian traits.
Associated House
The Houses in Astrology are dependent on the time and location of birth in a Natal Chart and there are 12 different ones. Each of these 12 Houses are then assigned to a Zodiac Sign and 1 or 2 Planetary Rulers. The Houses in Astrology show you what area of life the energy of the Zodiac and Planets/Asteroids/Fixed Points is appointed to and helps provide depth into the chart.
For example: Capricorn's Associated House is the 10th House.
Associated Degrees
When a Planet/Asteroid/Fixed Point/House falls into a Zodiac Sign constellation, it will be appointed a Degree. This Degree shows how far along the Planet/Asteroid/Fixed Point/House is in a Zodiac Sign. Each Degree is also associated with a Zodiac Sign, meaning when this Degree comes up it can nuance the way the Zodiac Sign of a Planet/Asteroid/Fixed Point/House is being represented.
For example: Mars is 6° in the Zodiac Cancer, 6° represents Virgo - therefore the Cancer Mars also takes on Virgo traits. The 2nd House is 23° in the Zodiac Scorpio, 23° represents Aquarius - therefore the 2nd House in Scorpio takes on Aquarian traits.
Planetary Ruler(s)
This phrase refers to the Planet(s) that rule a Zodiac Sign. When a Planet falls into the Zodiac Sign it has rulership over, the energy of both the Planet and the Zodiac Sign is amplified.
For example: Pisces' Planetary Ruler is Neptune.
Modern / Traditional
These words are associated with two kinds of Astrology: Modern Astrology and Traditional Astrology. Traditional Astrology refers to Astrology that was practiced before the 19th century, whilst Modern Astrology refers to Astrology that is practiced now. Some people choose to practice Traditional Astrology, some people choose to practice Modern Astrology, whilst some others might practice both types or combine them together.
Each Zodiac Sign/Planet/House/Degree is associated with an Element and this covers certain traits which are unique to the Zodiac Sign/Planet/House/Degree they correspond to.
These Elements are: Fire, Air, Water and Earth.
Much like an Element, each Zodiac Sign/Planet/House/Degree is associated with a Modality. The Modality describes what the focus of a placement is and how the energy is expressed.
There are 3 different Modalities: Cardinal, Mutable and Fixed.
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farfromsugafanfic · 2 years
SKZ As Your College Boyfriend
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Genre: fluff
Warnings: mentions of drinking, slight suggestive content
A/N: I am accepting requests for SKZ reactions and similar writings. Send me an ask!
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Definitely one to take home to your parents
In a super intense major that keeps him busy
BUT he always answers your calls and is there to drive you home late at night whenever you need
Gets up early to walk you to class
When I say he is the most supportive boyfriend ever, I mean it. If you pass a hard class, he'll take you to dinner. If you have a big event, he's right there by your side and always telling you how proud of you he is
Can be forgetful during Dead Week and finals, but it's not intentional
Falling asleep on his lap at 10pm while studying/doing homework together
Make a goal to see a certain number of movies or try every boba shop in town so that neither of you has to put too much thought into dates and can fit one in both of your schedules
Likely to move in together for your last year or two
He will randomly do something special like take you to the beach on the weekend or buy you a gift out of nowhere as a reminder that he loves you even though he doesn't always have time for you
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Buys you a coffee every morning along with his own
Dates to cat cafes are a common occurrence
Not overly affectionate on campus, but ALWAYS with you
Hates seeing you struggle with homework and will do his best to help you
With that said, he loves bothering you while you study. Whether it be tickling behind your ear or leaning in to kiss your neck, he will take pride in distracting you
Willing to drive/walk you anywhere, anytime just to make sure you're safe
Secretly loves taking care when you're drunk because he can be more lovey dovey without you teasing him (or remembering it the next morning)
Studying dance and invites you to his recitals so he can show off
Buys you gifts to take home to your parents for the holidays
If you move into an apartment together, you bet that you'll soon be adopting a cat together
Will leave you notes in your textbooks, backpack, etc. just to tell you that you're beautiful, intelligent, and that he loves you. It's one of the few ways he outwardly shows his affection
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He's always going home on the weekends, so eventually, you just end up coming with him
Going on walks together is almost a daily occurrence and he always holds your hand or gently slings his arm around your waist
Writes you songs because of course he does
Constantly calls or Facetimes you, even if you saw each other two hours ago
Always bragging about his "smart and pretty significant other"
Volunteers with the campus students who will walk others around campus to ensure they get wherever they are going safely
Gets you in trouble in class because he's constantly texting you
Always "orders too much food" and will bring it over to you, so you often end up with free dinner
Binge Netflix together on the weekends
Long late night drives whenever you argue to force yourselves to work it out
Working out together and helps train you if you want
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Whiny, but in a cute way
Always makes time for you, regardless of what his class load looks like
Acts like he's annoyed when you show him affection in public, but his ears always go red
Listening to music can be a date with him, especially if in an empty dance studio together. The two of you dance without thinking too much about it and show each other new songs
He's the talk of the dorms when he first moves in, but he makes it obvious that he only has eyes for you
Quiet, domestic days where you wake up late and stay in each other's arms all day are his favorite
Has random bouts of energy or excitement and will drag you along for some adventure which usually ends in you preventing him from getting hurt
Shyly waits outside your last class of the day so he can walk you back and/or you can hang out
Complains that Kkami likes you better
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Takes any chance he can to embarrass you with his unabashed PDA and affection
Carries your books/backpack whenever you're together on campus
Share a pair of Airpods so that you can always show each other new music
Communicate through song lyrics a lot tbh
Goes out to bars, clubs, or other social outings with you despite his anxiety just to watch out for you and take you home if you get too drunk
Late night runs to the convenience store for ramen and snacks
Stays up late studying with you and provides lots of encouragement (and caffeine)
Basically share clothes with him at a certain point and it is not uncommon for you to go to class in one of his sweatshirts
He's constantly staying over and has a sort of sarcastic rapport with your roommate
Always, always, always making you laugh
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Baking together is a favorite past time for both of you
Video games on the weekends
Encourages you to go to campus events and invites you out a lot, but isn't pushy about it
Helps you with your homework and will show up at the library with brownies during Dead Week and finals
Asks you to read to him to help you get through your required reading (it often puts him to sleep but honestly that's a plus for him)
A nervous wreck when meeting any of your family for the first time, but they all love him ofc
Feed the campus squirrels together
He's basically the only person who actually uses the shared dorm kitchen and constantly attracts people from the building due to the amazing smell of whatever he is making
Facetiming even though the two of you are just down the hall from each other
Late night talks that end in cuddles
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The quintessential college boyfriend
Your parents love him
Extremely responsible and doesn't really party or do any of the cliche college kid stuff
His studies are very important to him, but he also always has time for you and supports you in everything you do
Not overly affectionate most of the time, but loves when your roommate goes out of time so he can relax and be as disgustingly cute as he wants without anyone else witnessing it
Lots of good natured bickering and teasing
Will spend hours in the library with you during finals week even if he's finished all of his and could technically go home
Deep talks at random times
Has a secret place he discovered that others either do not know about or rarely visit. Perhaps it's in the library, one of the academic buildings he frequents, or even outside somewhere that the two of you go and share as a little secret between you
Acts like it's an inconvenience to take care of you but literally is always prepared and loves it
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Very stylish and dresses up for his classes
Always carrying snacks and sneaks them into your pocket or bag before you go into class
Plays small pranks on you, but never mean spirited ones and they usually end with the two of you devolving into laughter
A bit of a sarcastic flirting style
Switches into Satoori whenever he's complimenting you or being affectionate (particularly in public)
Loves showing you places he loves and takes you back to Busan over spring break
Horseplay is common among you and it gets out of hand once and breaks something
Constantly telling you dirty or suggestive jokes to see you blush
Likes to be taken care of you, but also takes care of you in subtle ways
Can be a bit shy, especially when you're around his friends
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itsclydebitches · 1 year
kiersi burkhart (one of the RWBY writers) did an AMA on twitter and this was one of the 'gems' she dropped (in response to a question asking about FNKI's fate and what her opinion was about cinder)
FNKI are fine! Cinder learns and grows (for better or worse) and I like characters who can develop past their mistakes and get better at achieving their goals.
i don't even know where to start but. lol. lmao. roflmao.
I really wish we'd stop getting significant canonical information from interviews and livestreams. I know a lot of fans would disagree that the fate of FNKI is "significant," but the entire moral point of Volume 8 was for the team to save everyone when Ironwood was willing to cut his loses... and then the story failed to show us that the girls actually saved everyone. Putting aside the lives that were lost due to them forgetting about Cinder and being unprepared for her attack, as well as her throwaway comment about the number of people who got out which - while I don't remember the exact quote - definitely wasn't the population of two cities that size, Ironwood's army was a symbol of the corruption RWBY was trying (and imo mostly failing) to write about, as well as the complicated nature of being a huntsmen in this world. FNKI's status as beloved side characters fighting on Ironwood's behalf of their own free will directly contradicts the simplistic narrative that every soldier/ally of his is inherently the bad guy. With that contradiction on the table, their fate is the primary means by which we read the story's moral stance. Do they survive, highlighting a level of nuance to this ethical dilemma that RWBY will never engage with, or do they die, conveying the message that yes, those who support Ironwood/militarism are the Bad Guys and will be punished for that sin, regardless of whether you liked them as characters?
Leaving their fate uncertain and throwing out a casual "[they're] fine!" shows a massive disinterest in the supposed themes of the Volume. Are the viewers supposed to care about the heroes saving "everyone" or not? Because "everyone" doesn't include a big-ass army, the two allies left on Amity, and our protagonist's own uncle. We can headcanon all we want that of course the team cares about Qrow, Maria, Pietro, FNKI, even the Ace Ops, but if you're inclined to read the series through what's actually canonical, they come off looking entirely indifferent to their fates -- likewise highlighting how the story is indifferent to its own moral questions. Is it actually important to show the girls saving everyone to separate them cleanly from Ironwood? Apparently not because the fate of not just a large number of characters, but established and liked characters, is left ambiguous to the point where fans need to ask for clarification years later.
As for the Cinder comments... well, Cinder has been a lost writing cause for a while now, huh? Apparently we've already forgotten that her supposed epiphany was a sham and Cinder ended the Volume doing exactly what she's done since Volume 4: backstabbing her allies in an attempt to gain personal power. She hasn't developed past her mistakes! She very explicitly repeated them!! The fact that this time it got her what she wanted is a matter of luck. Now that Cinder is right back to where she started post-Beacon (no more Neo on her side, no more Watts, no more Emerald, no Relics for personal use, underneath Salem's thumb) we should expect her to do just as badly as she has in the past. What even are Cinder's goals? Power, sure, but the story has failed to articulate how making SALEM more powerful - you know, the immortal witch who is abusing Cinder and has control of her via a grimm arm - is helping Cinder on her personal quest to not, you know, be in the exact position she's currently in.
If there was a plan for Cinder based on what Volumes 7 and 8 gave us I'd expect a comment about how Cinder is deluding herself and, in an effort to avoid it, has unknowingly trapped herself in precisely the sort of relationship she's been looking to avoid most of her life. Local villain is so desperate not to become a victim again that she unwittingly becomes a victim to an even more powerful, sadistic abuser than the Madame. That's an interesting character! ... but RWBY has only engaged with her on the most surface level, leaving any true work to unpack Cinder's predicament to the fans. Honestly, comments like these sound too generic to be meaningful. Like they don't have anything to say about Cinder because they don't know what they're doing with her anymore, so they toss out some writing words like "development" and "goals" and "mistakes." All good characters have those things, yeah?
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mochibuni · 9 months
How to Support Your Favorite Creators!
This guide is largely based on my preferences as a freelance digital artist, but I think can be applicable to others. So let's chat about ways you can support your favorites, sometimes very free and very minimally with big results!
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Like and/or comment - The easiest and free-ist way to help is simply to like or leave a comment on their work! Speaking personally, especially as someone who typically draws for others instead of myself, this is what keeps me drawing and sharing. Knowing that you're here liking what I make, finding happiness in it, or delightful shock and horror fuels me to keep creating, keep being inspired, and keep looking for ways to improve my skills. I just wouldn't be here drawing as much as I do without your likes and comments, and to me this is one of the most valuable avenues of support.
Watching Streams - If your creative also streams, just hanging out and lurking in their stream is super helpful. A lot of streaming platforms, especially Twitch, gate streamers based on their average viewership. For example, in order to be able to receive subs and bits on Twitch you need to be an Affiliate account, and in order to do that you need to reach a few different requirements, one of them being an average of 3 viewers over a 30 day period. You'd think 3 would be easy, but it isn't! If you can also interact in chat with the streamer, great! If not, lurking is absolutely helpful in helping your streamer reach the numbers they need for their next goal on the platform.
Reblogging and sharing links - This is perhaps one of the most impactful ways to support your faves without spending a cent, and that's because you're helping us reach new people who will hopefully like our work as much as you do, and will in turn also share our work to new people that will like our work and so on! As a small freelancer, growth is important to keep me going professionally as an artist, and reblogging and sharing my work absolutely contributes so much to that.
Referrals and Recommendations - A lot of my recent commission work is thanks to previous clients and supporters that recommend my work to others looking for art. Good reviews and word of mouth have helped me so much in my commission work and I'm so appreciative of this.
(A small aside to fellow artists, always try to be professional and friendly as it's your attitude and behavior that plays a part in others wanting to refer you, not just your art. Not advocating that you let anyone boundary stomp, but I know for a fact that my professionalism is what gives people the confidence to recommend me so strongly to their friends and fellow content creators. Use invoicing, stick to a schedule, be clear and consistent, and if there are issues be transparent and prompt in communicating them. If anyone would like me to go into more detail about how I handle commission work I can make a separate post.)
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I just want to make it very clear that I do not expect anyone, especially in this economy, to give me money. However if you do have some extra cash and you'd like to give it to your favorite creator, here's how!
Tip them! - If they have a Ko-Fi or another platform for small tips and donations, use them! A few dollars may not seem like a lot and perhaps you feel bad or foolish to give so little, BUT DO NOT. With money being such a precious commodity, for me it means a lot when someone is willing to send a few my way. And if even a few are tipping a couple of dollars, that can easily add up. To put in perspective, even if just a portion of my supports decided one day to tip me or sub to my patreon one month, I could easily cover most if not all of our living expenses for a month. I'm not telling you guys to do this, but to understand that a few dollars can have a lot of power.
Sub to one of their platforms! - Since I use a few different platforms with this option, I want to discuss the pros and cons of each so you can decide which way you would like to support your favorite that may also have multiple platforms. Ultimately if your fave has a preferred platform I suggest using that one, but if not--
Ko-Fi - Has a 0% fee taken from donations received and do not charge supporters extra., and 5% from monthly memberships, shop sales, and commissions through the platform. The only downside to Ko-Fi is they immediately submit transactions to the creators payout method of choice which can sometimes be troublesome depending on said method. Patreon - A popular choice for creators as we can create multiple tiers of monthly rewards in exchange for your monetary support! The only drawback I think is largely for supporters as it requires a monthly subscription, but you could certainly go the route of a one time payment, catch up with what you missed since your last sub, and repeat. Patreon takes a 5%, 8%, or 12% fee depending on the creator's account. Twitch - For your favorite streamers, subbing to their Twitch is often the way to go as increased sub numbers directly benefit streamers in their growth on the platform. HOWEVER, Twitch has a pretty notoriously bad payout split of 50/50, so if your favorite streamer has a tipping platform or Patreon, it might be worth asking if they would prefer a sub or one of those other options.
Commission them! - If you have the funds and their commissions are open, request one! I know at least my commissions can be pricey so I never, ever expect anyone to request one, but I am so excited when someone fills out a commission request form and it lands in my email!
Some tips for commissioning art:
Read the artist's Terms of Service and fill out their request form, if they have one. If they don't then contact them privately, but if they have one please use it instead of DMs (especially on Twitter where DMs do not show up most of them time).
If you feel you can't afford their fees, just tell them you simply cannot afford them at that time. Do not tell them their skills cost too much or aren't worth their asking price. Custom art is a luxury, it isn't cheap.
If you want to use the final commission commercially, you need to purchase commercial rights from the artist. Artists retain copyright of their work, even fanart, and you are not permitted to sell it without permission or obtaining the copyright. Be upfront with your artist if you want to use the work commercially so they can price accordingly.
Provide references, especially for OC. If you have a certain pose in mind, even a poor doodle of it is helpful for your artist.
Be patient, give your artist some time to work and respond. Drawing takes time. That said, if your artist is taking weeks and months without communicating with you, absolutely follow up with them.
On the other hand, don't let your artist rush you either. I always tell my clients to take a few days to ruminate on questions and in progress updates. If I'm streaming your commission, I will never ask you to make confirmations during stream.
Understand that big changes, especially during certain parts of the drawing process, may incur additional fees based on how much work the artist will need to do to accommodate those changes.
Ask for a proper invoice, never do friends and family. An invoice is to protect you as much as it is to protect the artist because if you have an issue with the artist never delivering your commission you can use the invoice to assist in recouping your money. I personally use Paypal invoicing for this reason, despite all the issues with Paypal, because I want to make sure both myself and my clients are protected.
Pay on time! And if you feel your artist is underselling their work and they have tips turned on, tip them!
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Those are the major free and monetary ways you can support your favorites! If other creatives would like to chime in with additional tips, please do so!
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pancake-breakfast · 1 year
One thing I love about Wolfwood (in Stampede specifically; there's some overlap with '98 of course, but I haven't read Maximum) is he's very much a man who is caught in between. He's too human to fully embrace being a monster, but he's too monstrous to accept himself as human. He hates the people he works for (and with), but nonetheless he dedicates himself to their cause because he thinks it's the best way to achieve his goals. And when he meets Vash... he both wants to embrace Vash's pacifistic ideals and knows too well the consequences of doing so, and so he just... can't... quite. He tries, but he also tries to just drag Vash over to his own more practical/cynical place of being.
For all of the crap he gives Vash in Stampede for not choosing a side, Wolfwood is also someone who is perpetually on the fence.
I think one big difference between the two of them in Stampede is that Vash has more or less accepted the duality of his nature. (Whether or not he's happy about it is another question.) For Vash, the only way to be is how he already is, and if that leads to scars and incidental deaths and constant criticism from so many around him, that's just how it is. He's Vash the Stampede, and he must keep trying along the path he's decided on even if that path doesn't make sense to anyone else.
But Wolfwood still isn't sure of his own path. He wants to be one or the other. He knows it's easier to either embrace the monster and live or embrace being human and die. Being what he is means risking being a monster and still dying for it, and I'm not sure he's willing to accept that version of himself.
But it does lead to him being passively suicidal. As Nysh noted in their post on fighting styles in Stampede, Wolfwood doesn't really dodge or use defensive maneuvers much. Thing is... even though he's both tougher than most and has magic healing potions of revival, it's still in his best interest to avoid damage, especially if he ever wants to be free of the Eye of Michael. I mean, they don't exactly seem like the kind of people who will be like, "Oh, you're leaving our service? Well, if you need any more of our fancy healing vials, feel free to stop by any time!" So it's better for him to hoard as many of those as he can, save them for a rainy day, and use them as sparingly as possible.
But he doesn't. Or, rather, he does the bare minimum. It's as if he wants to die, to be treated as a monster and taken out for all he's done. But he also wants to live so he can keep protecting that which is most valuable to him.
I'm sure this won't bite him in the ass down the way. Nosiree.
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