#Inspire a Love for Reading
larissa-the-scribe · 4 months
guys I had this realization the other day that Redwall works really well for reading aloud, and kinda half-remembered something about the author reading to kids? So I looked it up to see if I had made a connection.
And it turns out, yes, actually, because he read aloud to kids at a school for the blind. But all the books they gave him to read were depressing. So he wrote Redwall, a story about heroism and courage and making it through struggles, and filled it with so many sensory, visual details so he could give them something better and I just-- that's so wholesome-- help
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number1abbasupporter · 6 months
Sirius: i’m gay
James: that’s cool mate
James: everyone has gay thoughts though
Remus: boy do i have news for you
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la-pheacienne · 2 months
I'm reading the lord of the rings and I'm once again amazed at how... good most characters are. Like, they are genuinely good people. They are a bunch of kindhearted, gracious, caring people, coming together under adverse circumstances and trying to figure things out and find a solution and support each other through it all. Like Frodo and Sam meet Faramir and Faramir is a bit suspicious at first and kind of implies Frodo may be a spy, and then when he hears his story and he's like Frodo, I pressed you so hard at first. Forgive me! It was unwise in such an hour and place. And this blows.my.mind. He wasn't even particularly mean or threatening to him in the beginning, he's just such a kind, considerate man, recognizing the kindness and honesty of another man. And they're all like that. Even Gollum starts slowly changing (for a short while) when he encounters Frodo because that's the thing about kindness and humility and grace, they are contagious. They transform people, even a creature like Gollum cannot be immune to that. Like, you may consider all this simple and basic and I get it but, hear me out. It is quite rare to see that in modern media and it is also pretty difficult to pull off in a way that is not corny and simplistic. It is mind blowing that you actually don't have to present the entire palette of human cruelty and vice in order to tell a compelling story, contrary to popular belief. Lotr does the exact opposite, and it is just beautiful and it warms my heart. Especially taking into consideration tolkien's pretty grim growing-up experience, him being a double orphan without a home, raised between an orphanage and a priest and having no family apart from his brother and then the war and then he almost dies and then he's poor as hell and then a second war and it all makes sense somehow. He writes to his wife who is also an orphan two days before the marriage "the next few years will bring us joy and content and love and sweetness such as could not be if we hadn't first been two homeless children and had found one another after long waiting" and, yes, yes! The love and sweetness just radiate from his work, the entire lotr series is a little radiant bubble of hope and love and grace that he imagined in his head to deal with a dismal reality and then he just gave that to the world, and isn't that what imagination and art is all about after all?
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kyouka-supremacy · 1 month
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Mikhail Bulgakov, The Master and Margarita (1967) Kafka Asagiri, Bungo Stray Dogs chapter 114.5 (2024)
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usefulquotes7 · 4 days
Maturity is not seeking revenge. It's healing and moving on, so you don’t become like the people who traumatized you.
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soosoosoup · 2 months
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La vida no te garantiza que siempre recibirás lo que des, pero todo aquello que des seguro reflejará por sí solo de lo que eres...
Priscila Alcívar
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whereshadowslive · 2 months
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Source: Pinterest
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stil-lindigo · 1 year
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the sunset.
a comic about two outlaws who loved each other, despite everything.
creative notes:
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all my other comics
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sneez · 5 months
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family portrait :D young sam and sybil are behaving themselves and vimes is throwing a hissy fit because they tried to make him wear the helmet
[id: a digital painting of three people sitting for a portrait in a domestic interior. young sam is standing with his hands behind his back and beaming proudly. vimes is standing behind him with his hand on his shoulder, wearing a shiny military uniform and a surly expression. sybil is sitting on the right with an arm around young sam, smiling at the viewer. a plumed helmet is sitting on a table on the left. end id.]
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salthien · 4 months
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the vessel discovers one of life's simple joys: small plush toy.
a little doodle of a scene from ch 18 of @queruloustea's that makes two of us, then - please please read this fic, it's so lovely. i want to do something nicer and more involved for it but i am still adjusting to drawing Bugs and Bugs Interacting so it will have to wait until i'm more confident :')
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choccy-milky · 2 months
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seb meeting clora's parents (clive & margaret) for the first time🤭
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they come to hogwarts due to clora being kidnapped by ranrok, so seb had to deal with them all on his own LMAO. sorry seb i just love to watch u squirm🙏😇 (from chap 28 of my fic!)
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poppyflavour · 12 days
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The gang's all here! :D
Yes, I did change some of the designs, but it's because I wasn't happy with them, and these designs should be for me first and foremost and I will be repeating this everytime.
I have a lot of things in my head about these stickfigures and I want to take them out on paper as soon as I have the energy to, so expect more stick content in the future!
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elitadream · 6 months
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A Humble Offering 💝🪵
I saw this post by @peaches2217 which was inspired by this earlier post of mine, and uh... I couldn't resist. 🥺🥰
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felineandhustle · 3 months
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usefulquotes7 · 5 days
If you don't fight for what you want, don't cry for what you lost. Jan Jansen
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