the whole having to make a disclaimer when you make a joke about like. white people. or allocishets. or just oppressor groups in general is so messed up bc like. i would LOVE a disclaimer before every sitcom episode my family watches (help) like just. jennifer aniston at the beginning of friends like
"hi! this episode contains 3 instances of 'jokes' made targeting the queer community with an intent to capitalize on harmful stereotypes (instituted by the oppressor class with a goal of otherization and degradation) for a ridiculing and unnerving effect! thus delegitimizing queer voices and identities in the mainstream and contributing to subconscious biases and ostracization of minority groups by viewers at home in the favor of "edgy" comedy!! plus a bonus of wlw sexualization at the end :) that's all, enjoy <3"
like ARE YOU KIDDING!?!??! then i wouldnt have to sit there the whole fucking 45 minutes on the edge of my seat waiting for the fucking jumpscare of queerphobia. like, i know its coming at some point every 2-3 episodes but i would like to have some preparation??? like slap a warning label on that thing frfr (*smack* "this baby can fit so much transphobia disguised as light-hearted humor!")
and yet anytime someone dares make a SINGULAR joke generalizing white or straight or allo or whatever people EVERYONE FREAKS THE FUCK OUT like i know karen its not ALL. STRAIGHT. PEOPLE. can i make a sINGULAR joke based on my personal experience and perception of a shared "straight" culture and norms that often benefit the oppressor class and make my everyday life difficult JUST ONE JOKE. JUST ONE. THIS IS NOT A PERSONAL ATTACK. JUST LIKE EVERY FUCKING GAY JOKE IN A SEINFIELD EPISODE EVER WASNT A "PERSONAL ATTACK" RIGHT?!?!?!?!?
stfu. we're tired. you're literally lucky we aren't less depressed or sleep-deprived or you'd be bkjldsjfljfs
#sorry yall i just ABJDKLJVASKLDJF at my LIMIT I SWEAR TO GOD#also side note dont you love those jokes that are like 'that's a trans/gender nc person...... (thats funny!)'#and ur just sitting there like. am i. naturally hilarious??? a bORN COMEDIAN!??!#anyways#LET US MAKE FUCKING COMEDY OUT OF OUR TRAUMA#TRAUMA THAT LITERALLY CAME FROM YOUR 'COMEDY'#i say 'comedy' bc its NOT FUNNy.#GAY PEOPLE ARE FUNNY#POINTING OUT A QUEER PERSON EXISTS IS. NOT FUNNY??? THERES NO CREATIVE THOUGHT????#ITS LITERALLY JUST LIKE 'hey! here's someone different from my norm and i perceive that as weird because im uncultured and uneducated and#trained to perceive anything outside the norm as dangerous and/or lesser than myself'#EVEN THOUGH I WEAR A SHIRT THAT SAYS I HATE MY WIFE AND DRINK BUD LIGHT AND MAKE MY SON WEAR 'LADIES MAN' SHIRTS AND HIT ON 14 YR OLDS#AND NO ONE THINKS THATS WEIRD#like. maybe u need to workshop that one a little bit. idk. just a personal opinion#/j they need to workshop everything about their everything#like maybe splash a little respecting women juice on ur face while ur at it#actually a little respective everyone juice#get ur shit together#like gay people may not have their shit together but STRAIGHT PEOPLE DONT EITHER#ITS JUST SOCIALLY ACCEPTABLE FOR THEM??? TO BEHAVE LIKE THAT????#LIKE I DONT NEED TO KNOW UR 'TRYING FOR A BABY' STFU AND GO HOME TO UR LITTLE GENDERED HOUSE U WEIRDO#anways#thats enough tags#sorry yall skldfjklsjfskldkfjdkl#the straights are not okay#the allocishets are not okay#nO ONE IS OKAY#and its okay to not be okay but NOT IN THAT WAY U ABSOLUTE WACKOS#lgbtqia#kiri’s ramblings
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remcycl333 · 10 months
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notes from “the creative use of imagination” by neville goddard 🤍
step 0 is to decide what you want. maybe you want money, or a new place to live, or an sp, or physical appearance changes.
step 1: begin to observe those thoughts and reactions towards the thing you want to manifest.
“to arrive at a certain definition of self, you must begin by uncritically observing your automatic reaction to an event, for your reaction defines your state” -NG
throughout this post, I will use the example of physical appearance change.
maybe throughout your day, you see pictures of other people on social media that you view as more attractive as you, and your reaction to that is “I wish I looked like them, this isn’t fair why am i not as attractive as them, what do I need to do to look like them” etc.
or maybe you see yourself in the mirror and you think “god why do i look like that, why am i not attractive? why hasn’t my face changed yet?” Etc
if you were in the state of having your desired physical appearance, would you be reacting that way to your 3D?
the first step to changing our state is to first learn the way our old state behaves and reacts to things. it is our current dwelling state that is reflecting in our 3d right now, and when you stop and observe your reactions to things, it becomes glaringly obvious how they’re creating your 3d. if you’re ruminating on how ugly you think you are all day long, you cannot be surprised when you look in the mirror and are dissatisfied with what you see.
“If you react to that which is being objectified, you bind yourself to a certain level of awareness, but if you refuse to react, the thread is broken.” -NG
“Only by observing your reactions to life can you find yourself.” -NG
how are you supposed to know what state you are in if you don’t observe your reactions? And once you begin to observe your reactions, Neville says you will be shocked by how deceitful you truly are. but he always urges the importance of uncritical observation. you should not shame yourself for what you find, or even feel bad. these observations are simply meant to show you your current state, and the ins and outs of it so you are able to change it more easily.
“always examine yourself uncritically, for the moment you become critical, you automatically justify your reactions and associate yourself with the thing observed.” -NG
once you begin to observe your reactions, you will become more aware of them when they happen. they’ll grow to become uncomfortable and glaring. they will feel like they don’t fit you anymore. maybe before they were just knee-jerk, unconscious reactions, but now you will feel them take up the space in your head whenever they arrive. and because of this, you will be able to shift your awareness to what you really want your 3d to reflect. you will be able to let go of the parts of yourself you no longer wish to identify with.
“be transformed by the renewing of your mind by changing the ideas planted there, for you cannot change your thinking until you change the ideas from which your thoughts flow.” -NG
your state creates your thoughts, not the other way around. it is critical to understand this if you wish to change your dwelling state. your thoughts are not your enemies. if you constantly battle against your thoughts, without ever paying mine to your state, you will not have much success.
“accept an idea as true. identify yourself with it and it will out-picture itself in your world. but if you do not accept the thought and identify yourself with it through feeling, you are free from its results. you must become very selective and learn not to associate yourself with unlovely thoughts.” -NG
this is not to confused with the term “mental diet.” when you react negatively to something, you have two options. 1) beat the thought down and panic and tell yourself the opposite without believing it to be true, or 2) choosing not to identify with it. remind yourself that this thought is just a thought. it has no power over you, and if you don’t want it to be manifested into your reality, it will not. Neville says if you do not consent to a thought as true, it will not manifest into your world. if you don’t associate your inner being with that thought, it will not come to pass in your 3D.
“start now to consent only to lovely thoughts of fulfilled desires prior to their confirmation by your senses, and give up the animal instinct of suffering and bathing yourself in the feelings of hurt and self-pity.” -NG
ruminating in unpleasant thoughts where your desire remain unfulfilled can be comfortable, and even habitual, but at the end of the day it is a choice. a choice that you have to stop making if you truly want better for yourself. this is something I struggled with a lot at the beginning of my manifestation journey. there was some twisted pleasure and comfort found in picking at scabs in my mind, and feeling sorry for myself, and imagining what would happen if my desire was never realized in my 3d. but eventually I had to choose better for myself, and I had to choose to stop giving so much attention to mental conversations like that.
“control your imagination with steady attention and dare to stand and be heard.” -NG
YOU create the happenings of your imagination, and your imagination creates your reality. do not feel silly or foolish deciding better for yourself in your own imagination. and do not let the logical restrictions of the 3d to tell you what you can and can not give yourself in imagination. give yourself what you want in imagination and stand firm in that, even if your 3d shows the opposite. stop silencing yourself in your own imagination!
this is my thoughts and notes only on the first two chapters of “the creative use of imagination” so more may come as I continue my re-read! 🤍 just wanted to share this :)
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adventuringblind · 6 months
is oscar the only driver you do autistic!reader for? if not can I request lando x daniel x autistic!reader.
any situation is fine I don't mind 😊
My love, my life, and nerodivergent partners in crime
Daniel Riccairdo x reader x Lando Norris
Genre: angsty fluff (I think)
Summarry: How Daniel managed to keep two nerdiverdent young adults in line... nobody will ever know
Warnings: Lando is ADHD coded, and you can't change my mind (and he's dyslexic anyway), AGE GAP, Max loves to tease
Notes: I am officially only taking requests for poly reader inserts at this time. Also, do Lando and Daniel have a ship name?!?! I need this information for my masterlist, please, and thanks.
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Everyone always wondered why Daniel Ricciardo trailed behind Lando Norris and his girlfriend by three steps. People have theorized its because he's thirdwheeling. Some say the pair doesn't pay attention to him.
The real reason, though? It's his way of showing he cares in the paddock.
Max teases him about it all the time and is the only one who gets away with it. The two younger are, however, a chaotic mess. They can not make it from one place to another without something happening. So Daniel trails behind them a few steps to make sure they make it to their destination.
It's certainly wasn't an ideal way to get together. Especially because Daniel is older than both by more than is socially acceptable by most.
Ironically, none of them were together when Daniel started at McLaren. An Australian who smiles a lot, a Brit who is loose lipped, and a shy little psychologist who hates talking until you get her on driver brains and how they work. What could possibly go wrong?
She started work at McLaren the year before Daniel. Something in the strategy department. She watches and listens and somehow can predict what the drivers are going to do, what they need to perform, and how their opponents might respond. Lando says it's a superpower. Daniel says she's autistic and watches how people behave for a living (she agrees with him).
The three of them got along better than anyone wants to admit. The world saw then as awkward and dysfunctional. Which wasn't a lie, but it's also just their combinations of personalities.
Daniel picked up on it first. The stolen glances and blushed cheeks. Then, drunk confessions happen. Neither of the younger two like drinking. Which is ridiculous, in Daniel's opinion. Or maybe it was ridiculous because he's the one who drunkenly confesses to the pair while they attempt to get him back to his room.
Supposedly, Max was there and heard everything. Daniel denies this relentlessly.
Lando picked up on the confession, confronted him about it, and then awkwardly kissed him on his tip toes (he was shorter then).
The biggest hurdle was the female. The one who studies people. The one who can predict what Daniel is going to have for lunch on Friday at two because he likes to eat later.
She's clueless.
Lando tries to tell her. Daniel attempts sober. She doesn't get it.
The two have to put it in the form of a business meeting and tell her until she gets it. That seems to work as they end up going on a date post confession.
If he's being honest, half the time love them is really just making sure they are getting along with the world. Not people, the environments they end up in (which often includes the people).
So Daniel walks three steps behind them. The people tease on socials. They edit him in tiktoks. But he could care less.
He loves his two nerodivergent partners. He loves their little quirks and they way they see the world. So Daniel determines he's okay being behind them. Because he loves them and wants nothing more than to watch out for his partners in crime.
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luxlightly · 6 months
Thoughts on Omeluum vs the Emperor
I love that Omeluum exists as a character for many reasons. It's a fantastic character, even given the very small role it plays in the story. It gives us a context that sets up the reveal of the Emperor later, the idea an illithid can (and would likely want to) escape from the Grand Design. It's also just a good person who genuinely wants to help people and cares deeply about his research (and implied possibly romantic) partner, Blurg. But, unlike the Emperor, it is very distinctly illithid. It doesn't behave in a human manner. It doesn't speak in a human manner, it doesn't emote in a human manner. It doesn't feel in a human manner. But it is a good person. It doesn't need to be at all human to be a good person. It is undeniably illithid in everything about it, but it defies the social structure that Elder Brains impose on illithid and therefore does not reflect the values we might expect from an illithid. It's not manipulative. It's not dishonest. It never hides who or what it is or what its intentions are. It's not selfish. In fact, it will try to convince you to save Duke Ravengard in the Iron Throne, at the expense of its own life, because it knows the Duke has more of a capacity to help people than it does. But it never becomes more "human". It doesn't need to. Because it doesn't have to be human to be a good person. Compare that to the Emperor, who constantly insists how different he is from other mind flayers, who constantly compares himself and the player character. He speaks, emotes, and acts very human. He still considers himself to be the same person he was before his ceremorphosis. But he is a bad person. He is manipulative. He is dishonest. He lies to the player character constantly, never giving them the whole truth and, when lies don't work, he resorts to threats, then outright violence. And he is, more than anything, selfish. He cares more about preserving his own life than anything and will betray even those closest to him in order to do so. He kills first and rationalizes it afterwards. Despite not being a slave to an Elder Brain, he is everything the Grand Design desires that illithid should be, save for obedient, though he's more than willing to submit to the Absolute the second he feels like his life could be in danger from not doing so. It gives great insight to him as a character and the way that, in basically all things, he acts the way that benefits him, then finds a way to justify it afterwards, both to others and to himself. He didn't tell you he was a mind flayer because you would have killed him. Except that, from your interaction with Omeluum, he could have clearly seen you wouldn't have. He insists that his constant manipulation is just his nature, yet we clearly see with Omeluum that that nature is not set in stone and does not have to be manipulative to the point of maliciousness. It's not being a mind flayer that made Balduran this way, it was his own personality. Which is why he desperately wants the player to make the same choices he did, to agree that they are the same. He's convinced himself he was forced into every horrible decision of his life or that it was inevitable. Which is why he gets so upset when you deviate from the path he himself took. Because you, like Omeluum, prove that it wasn't nature that made the Emperor, it was conscious choices that he tries to retroactively justify. Ironically, if you don't buy into his lies, he eventually tells you he'll resort to force to make you "accept your potential". He needs so badly to believe you would make his mistakes that he'd force you to.
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cinnamonest · 10 months
Yandere Profile - Baizhu
When I tell you I adore this man so much, he's so underappreciated and I intend to do my best to do him justice
ft. Changsheng the enabler and Qiqi the liability
WARNINGS: fem reader, dubcon/noncon, abduction, heavy drugging content, mentions of force feeding against a hunger strike, emotional manipulation of a child, homicide
What are they generally like? Lucid, aware? Obsessive? How do they behave?
If one had to describe his nature in a singular word, it would be careful.
Incredibly, meticulously careful. There is not one single step taken that has not been perfectly planned out ahead of time, multiple possibilities and issues thought through and accounted for. He would not rush into something of this nature unprepared, and more importantly, his cautiousness comes from another trait he has in abundance: determination. Dedication to seeing a goal through, the firm resolution that he will obtain what he desires, one way or another, with no regard to what measures need to be taken to do so, nor how long it will take.
Not to mention, from a moral perspective, one might be surprised at how indifferent he is to the notion of doing something... unethical. People tend to associate medical professionals with some sort of assumed overall moral good, that someone who dedicates their life to the pursuit of the health of others must be a morally sound person in all areas of life by default.
Well, that is true to an extent. He does want to stay within ethical bounds. He's a generally good and compassionate person, yes, and would never go out of his way to harm anyone for the sake of it. He doesn't bear any malice towards anyone. He will inconvenience or burden himself if it means doing the right thing, when the right thing does not pose any risk to him and his goals. And when it's things he doesn't care too much about, he will relinquish a goal if he realizes it would do harm. So overall, it would be correct to say that he is a morally sound person.
But if violating certain commonly agreed-upon ethical boundaries is necessary to obtain his most fervent desires... well.
He's perfectly well-aware. He's self-aware, for starters, acutely so. He knows exactly what he feels and why, knows it is of abnormal degree, and knows what it will inevitably lead to. He knows that both from a social and ethical standpoint, such things are wrong, that it violates society's conventions and standards (not to mention laws) of what is acceptable behavior by limiting another's freedoms and violating their autonomy. It's not even something he really needs to reflect on. He just notices and becomes aware of an intense emotion, recognizes that emotion and its degree of severity, and draws an immediate logical conclusion as to what will happen depending on how he chooses to handle that emotion and how each course of action is perceived by society. Very simple, really.
It's lamentable — he himself has reflected on this to himself multiple times, often speaking aloud to Changsheng about it behind closed doors.
How troublesome that even I am not immune to these sorts of desires...In the end, the nature and instinct of any given creature is immutable, I suppose.
She rarely has anything to offer other than vague warnings of not letting it spiral out of control, which he assures will not happen.
But oh well. Sure, it's inconvenient, but there is no point in fighting something as innate as one's own feelings in this area of things. Suppressing the emotions would be a waste, so it is much wiser and more efficient to simply accept them, then work through how he intends to handle them.
Cautious, intelligent, perceptive, patient, self-aware, willing to violate ethics, and of an indomitable resolve. This combination of traits is, as you might imagine, more or less one of the worst hands of fate that could be dealt to whoever is targeted by the individual possessing them.
He's an easy person to warm up to, though. Very likable and pleasant. He's not nervous around you or anything, and gives no hint of any ill intent, so you have no reason to suspect anything. Well, he might be just a bit overbearing towards you, just barely noticeably touchy or insistent, but it's nothing that strikes you as indicative of anything you should genuinely be concerned over.
Except for this... aura. While nothing he does really concerns you, there is almost some tangible feeling of something being "off" in a way you can't really articulate nor explain. Regardless, he's been helpful and kind to you, so you brush it off as nothing.
There's also distinct lack of the intense outward expression of emotion usually associated with obsessive lovers and abductors and the like. He's fairly... calm about it all. Perhaps it's an ability stemming from his meticulous and careful planning to eliminate risk, or perhaps it's that he has full and acute self-awareness and accurate perception and understanding of himself and why he feels what he does. Or perhaps it's just his nature. Maybe some combination of all of the above. But even at his worst moments, he has a fairly calm aura about him, nothing seems to bother or upset him too much. He always seems to have calculated for every potential misstep or complication.
He does make an attempt to grow closer to you, though. He's masterful with an ability to orchestrate encounters that genuinely seem to be coincidence, as well as creating inconveniences for you that will lead you to seek him out. If anything, you're usually apologizing for doing so, since he seems so busy... but he dismisses it with a wave of his hand, assures you that it's fine, that he's very happy to be of assistance to you.
This, too, isn't just because he enjoys your presence, but it's also a preparatory measure in and of itself. The more familiar you are with him, the closer you consider yourself to be with him, the easier of a time he'll have handling you when the time inevitably comes that he'll have to take certain courses of action that you may disapprove of, to say the least. He needs all the endearment to you he can get before that happens.
How likely are they to kidnap their darling? How quickly will they do so?
He's a bit conflicted, can't really decide if he wants to or not. His reluctance isn't really based in morality nor fear; he's not particularly concerned with the former on this matter, and he's fully confident he can successfully pull it off, so no need for nervousness.
Rather, he has the sort of possessive, primal desire to take you all for himself, one that he recognizes as a rash instinct that he needs to carefully ponder, and yet, he realizes that the direct consequence of acting on those desires would cause him to fall out of favor with you. He does love your smiles you give him, how nice you've been to him, your kind words, and he knows that would disappear, only to be replaced with resentment and fear, the moment he takes you away from your life.
He often sighs and mumbles to himself about it. What to do, what to do.... such a frustrating predicament.
Human nature is fascinating, isn't it? He's so consciously aware that this is abnormal and unwell, that he should attempt to resolve it, yet he has no desire to resolve it, only craving to further indulge in it. Yet he wants to be certain that he doesn't take any rash action, that he knows what he's doing through and through.
So, he refrains, at least for some time. However, it's not an attempt to refrain permanently — he knows full well that eventually, he will act on his desires, that it's only a matter of time. But for now, he wants to savor every word, every interaction, every smile, until he knows he will eventually cave in, and those things will be gone. He also reasons that, as aforementioned, by knowing you and being acquainted with you longer under your normal life and circumstances, he can attempt to endear himself to you and grow closer to you in that time, which will, he hopes, ease the transition when you no longer have your freedoms, that you will be more inclined to forgive him and act with empathy for him rather than hostility.
However, should he happen upon a coincidence, the stars align and the pieces all fall into place so perfectly without him having to arrange it, well, he'll certainly take the opportunity that presents itself. You show up complaining of fever or headache or something of that nature, and in your discomfort, it doesn't quite occur to you how unusual and seemingly irrelevant the questions he's asking you are—
I assume you let someone know where you were headed when you left home? ...No? Oh, I see....
You don't by chance have anywhere you'll be expected to be in the next short while, would you?
—and it won't, until it's too late.
Otherwise, should the opportunity not arise on its own, he has to wait. The days pass. A few months in total. But the longing and the ache and the scalding feeling of intense jealousy when he sees you with others, it all becomes too much, and he's forced to put into motion a plan he has now had quite some time to prepare for. Invite you over for "something important" with perfect timing, memorizing your schedule to hopefully ensure that it will happen before you see anyone whom you might inform of where you're going. From there, once he has you inside, it's no effort at all from that point forward.
He has a remarkable ability to give off this calm, nonthreatening aura, combined with a gentle and charming voice that lulls you into a sense of safety, that keeps you from noticing anything strange about what he's doing, even if you do still have that faint sense of unease in the back of your mind. It feels sweet and endearing, really, that you trust him so.
So he goes through with it. Sets up the necessary steps, and executes the plan as predetermined.
And then he tells you about it.
Once it's already too late, of course. You already drank what you were given without any hint of suspicion or distrust, and the way your eyes suddenly widen and your body twitches and slumps forward indicates it's setting in.
That's a regular part of the effect, terribly sorry about that. Oh, don't worry, you're not in any danger. You see, it's just... ah, how should I put it...
Thus he starts to go on elaborating on exactly what he drugged you with, and more importantly, begins explaining exactly why. As in, he openly confesses to being deeply enamored, as he puts it, and that he, likewise in his own words, has—
—some sort of abnormal psychological development that has taken place, although I'm not entirely sure how to best articulate it... regardless, I'm sure you now see that these impulses are inducing problematic behavior, but I'm afraid I have already succumbed to them, unfortunately...
He speaks with this lighthearted tone and whimsical sighs if he's explaining some sort of mild, harmless inconvenience, something of little consequence, all while he's gently going about sitting you back upright, closing your mouth so you stop involuntarily drooling, fixing the cup you spilled over and cleaning up what spilled onto the table. As if it's just a regular, everyday occurrence that he's paying little attention to, and not something of great weight and severity.
What this ultimately means is that you won't actually be leaving anytime soon. While unreasonable on its own, I assume that makes sense in the context of what I've just explained to you.
He turns back towards you, loops his arms under your armpits and hoists you up. There's a slight strained grunt with the physical exertion, but he manages to pick you up without too much trouble. He's still talking while carrying you through the door to the hall, but you don't really hear much it as you begin to succumb to unconsciousness — you only really process one more sentence.
You're awfully trusting, you know. You really ought to be more careful, should someone could have malicious intent...
How difficult is it to escape from them? How do they keep you restrained? How do they deal with attempted escape? 
The physical restraints aren't so bad. He keeps a reverse lock on the outside of the front door, and for a little while, a singular chain to your ankle.
After a short while, and a verbal agreement that you will not try anything, he gives you a surprising degree of leniency, gives you the ability to roam to some extent. You can be present at the front where strangers show up to the desk, even. But he'll be watching. He has ways, as he puts it, of knowing what you're doing.
You're not sure what to do. It seems like such an opportunity, and yet, you know that someone as calculated as he is wouldn't give you that opportunity without having a plan he could easily enact if something goes wrong. You know he doesn't really place that much trust in your word through your verbal agreement alone. You want to do something to try and catch someone's attention or something, but there's this gut feeling you have that knows that doing that would be a mistake.
He almost certainly wouldn't harm anyone, you're pretty sure of that being true, but... can you say that with one-hundred percent certainty? If pushed to the point of it being a matter of securing you and your arrangement, preventing someone who saw more than they should from telling, can you really be certain he wouldn't take drastic measures...?
You just don't know. Sure, you're fairly certain of his overall goodness of character... but then again, that's also what you thought when you brushed off the occasional comment or expression from him that used to make you feel some faint sense of alarm or unease — that he was certainly a good person, just a bit eccentric at times. You told yourself back then that he was not the sort of person who would ever do anything bad to anyone. You overestimated his goodness once, and look where that got you. Can you really be sure that someone who would go so far as to do what he's already done, wouldn't hurt or kill someone too, if it came down to it...? And when you think even more about it, doesn't the fact that he's letting you roam so much imply that he is ready to take some other measures if you tried anything?
You just don't know. It's all so uncertain.
And he knows that. You can tell from the soft, content, knowing smile on his face. He knows exactly what thoughts are going through your mind. As long as that doubt is there, hopefully you won't force his hand to make him have to take unsavory measures to ensure your security.
Now if you were to actually successfully, temporarily get away and be caught and brought back again, this is where Baizhu actually has a rather unique reaction, both intriguing and odd compared to how other captors and obsessive lovers would react.
That is, he harbors no resentment or anger over your desires to be free. In fact, provided he caught you early, his reaction is fairly calm. If you managed to get out for a while, he's more visibly panicked when he finds you, but he still manages to calm himself down by the time he brings you back, and doesn't lash out or have any sort of angry outburst.
You still endure some form of punishment — can't just let you get away with it, of course, you'd just be more likely to do it again — but you very quickly notice he doesn't really seem all that angry or anything. At some point, you question him on it, and he's very transparent with his answer.
To tell you the truth, I can't really blame you. You're only following your instincts. It's endearing, in a way.
Being angry, he explains, would be nonsensical, silly, unreasonable. It is only natural for a human to desire autonomy and as few restrictions on themselves as possible. Yet, it is also human nature to want to control others, and to have the object of their desires all to themselves, kept away like a treasure. Both his actions and yours are perfectly natural and reasonable, and since he himself has followed his natural inclinations and instincts, he can't blame you for doing the same and following yours.
And then, he smiles.
But it seems you weren't quite capable of achieving your goal. I suppose you'll just have to hope you have better luck on your next attempt... And I, that there won't be one.
How easy are they to trick, deceive, or manipulate?
Needless to say, Baizhu is both intelligent and perceptive. Most of the time, he can easily catch you in a lie. More importantly, he knows that given the circumstances, it's obvious you'll be trying to lie to him fairly regularly, so he's on guard about it, making him that much more likely to notice.
But on the rare occasion you do manage to trick him in some way, unless it was something that put you, him, or your situation in genuine danger, he doesn't get too upset. It's just the philosophy he takes, he explains as he shrugs it off— Really, it was foolish of me to not anticipate something like that. Considering the circumstances, I should never have allowed myself to become so unguarded.
Much like with attempts at escape, it's only natural to lie to him to achieve what you want. Likewise, it's only natural for you to receive some form of punishment to deter you from repeating the attempt of deception. Simple. So while he doesn't have a particularly angry or emotional response to it, don't expect to just get away with it either.
He's also very well aware when you manipulate him, acknowledges it even, but similarly to lying, he doesn't seem to mind too much. If anything, as long as it's something mild in nature, he finds it amusing, will chuckle and smile.
Oh, my. I see what you're doing... well, how could I say no when you're being so sweet about it?
That applies only to that which is mild, though. If your request or attempted goal is something that would actually be a risk, he gets far more serious and firm in his approach.
Surely you don't expect me to fall for that, dear. As much as I'd like to fulfill any wish you have, I know better than to take that sort of risk.
It was worth a try. You win some, you lose some.
How lenient are they? What privileges can you have, and what will you be denied?
He knows that mental stimulation will be important to your ensuring that you remain of sound mind and health for the foreseeable future. There's limits, of course, he's not dumb enough to fall for requests for things that you could use to harm him or break out, but he'll get you what you want, within reason. Especially books, which, as he says, are important for keeping your mind sharp. Those he'll get you even without asking, often bringing you something at random because he thinks you might enjoy its contents.
And hey, he also might as well capitalize on the opportunity. To prevent boredom, you can also help him out. Lots of jars that need organizing and labeling, papers that need to be filled and documented, and so on. Of course, he'll double check to ensure there's no maliciously doing it wrong or anything, but he appreciates it if you're willing and compliant.
What kind of rules do they have? What kind of punishment would they use?
He doesn't like to feel like he's being strict or harsh, but he does set specific guidelines. They're fairly short and simple.
One, you will not attempt to leave, or to rope anyone else into "helping" you.
Two, you will not attempt to cause any harm or damage to himself, his property, or any other residents or visitors you may come into contact with.
Third, you will not attempt to commit any action that intentionally causes, or has a potential to accidentally cause, any danger or harm to yourself.
Violate any of these conditions, and naturally, there will be consequences. All actions have cause and effect, this is just the law of the universe, so it is only fair to enforce a consequence.
He's still pretty forgiving, but if you push his limits, he'll begin enacting those consequences, getting progressively more intense according to the nature of your offense. Confining you to one room, putting you back into an ankle shackle, so on and so on. All done with this self-righteous attitude, telling you how it's for your own benefit that this is done.
But along the same previous lines of reasoning as to why he gives you things to keep you occupied, he knows how important stimulation is to one's psychological well-being, and can just as easily use this against you. If you've been very, very bad, repeated attempts at running away and total defiance, some more intense measures are needed. As with any other ailment, your poor behavior is something he has just the thing to treat with.
The dependency itself, you see, creates bonding. Being forced to rely on another for such basic needs is a process equally humiliating and endearing. The isolation, on the other hand, ensures that your brain associates only him with the positive chemicals and emotions induced by having stimuli to free you from boredom, as well as your needs being met and...
He continues to explain it out to you as he goes. You're still only restrained by one ankle binding, but he doesn't need much in that regard, because he doesn't really have to worry about you moving around in the first place. You can barely move a muscle anyway.
It is quite torturous, isn't it? He almost feels bad for you. You still have some control over your face, and he can see the obvious displeasure in your expression. Unable to move your arms, your legs, anything but the truly important muscular functions like being able to swallow and breathe and the like. Forced to sit there numbly while he brings cups of water and spoonfuls of broth to your mouth, when he wipes your body down in substitution for bathing. Yes, it's clear how much you dislike this, but that's the point, isn't it? This would not have to happen if you could just be a bit more compliant. That wouldn't truly be so hard, would it? He asks in such a patronizing voice.  Should you keep your mouth shut and refuse to eat or drink, he'll sigh, give up for the moment and try again later. If this persists after a few days, though, he'll just have to force it, and is not above doing so.
After a few days of this, he'll allow it to wear off, provided you've proven your repentance and promise you're going to be good in the future. An unlikely promise, he realizes, but at least the sentiment counts.
Oh, and he does establish one other rule out of frustration after a certain incident: no taking his glasses and hiding them. Really, it was quite a childish act of spite on your part, and caused him a terrible deal of inconvenience. Best to address it and forbid that from reoccurring...
How do they deal with rivals, or perceived rivals? Will they get rid of them? Will they kill them themselves, or find another way?
Rivals are actually something you don't have to worry too much about, in terms of them getting hurt. Baizhu is calculated and reasonable, highly rational, and doesn't take any sort of rash action. And in his mind, as long as you're confined, other people are no longer an issue.
If he feels someone is becoming enough of a threat in the pre-captivity stage of his obsession, being aware of any affection another person has for you or vice versa will simply serve as a catalyst in your abduction, and almost certainly expedite that process, out of urgency to get you away from a perceived threat. Provided you are secured, though, he sees no reason to risk the potential consequences of taking any action against a rival, even if he does harbor resentment for them.
Do not, however, mistake that for instinctive reluctance. It doesn't mean he's the sort of person who would be to afraid to kill someone, or, as you might initially imagine he would be, a person who would feel an innate sense of guilt and wrongness, who is averse to doing anything truly wrong. No, he's more than confident in his ability to successfully pull off a homicide if he were to try, and honestly, he's really not that naturally guilty, that is, in the sense of the sort of person who would be haunted by their actions and feel guilty by instinct. Rather, he has to intentionally hold himself back, tell himself he can't do such a thing no matter how much he wants to, as a matter of dignity.
Homicide would, after all, be more or less entirely antithetical to his universal occupational creed. And while again, he doesn't have an instinct against it, he values his own self-image. He wouldn't feel guilty, but he'd feel disappointed in himself, ashamed to have failed to uphold the idea of sanctity of life and all that. And perhaps even more importantly, such an act is one of petulant spite, if you ask him, and he would be somewhat embarrassed to see himself committing such an act, as if it's an admittance of having let someone else's presence bother him so much. It's a matter, thus, of self-respect and dignity more than anything. Therefore, with you secured away, he'll simply leave them be... although he's not above perhaps a bit of pettiness if the opportunity presents itself, such as being able to mildly inconvenience them somehow without it being connected to him.
That being said, there is a limit to his inhibition for the sake of self-image.
There's one circumstance under which he would see it fit to kill: said rival is looking for you after your disappearance, and he gets the very strong sense that the individual in question knows something they shouldn't, or otherwise seems to have some correct suspicion of what has occurred. He feels their eyes linger on him, this narrow-eyed sort of glare. They ask some rather odd questions. Or perhaps they're foolishly upfront about it, asking if he wouldn't happen to have seen you on the day you were last heard from, an accusatory edge to their tone.
Baizhu is actually quite masterful at keeping calm and maintaining an innocent act in such situations. He doesn't get defensive or hostile, rather, he pretends he just doesn't perceive the subtle tone of accusation. No, I haven't. Terrible thing, that. I hope there's some good news to come out of that situation soon...
But to himself, this confirms that he can't afford to leave this individual undealt with. It's not his fault, really. They forced his hand. Not that he's overjoyed to finally have a reasonable self-justification to kill off the person that has secretly always bothered him more than he lets on, though, no, nothing like that.
His method is perfectly simple, although he may have to wait a while to be able to enact it. But no matter, he can bide his time. Everyone gets sick eventually. They'll come to him. And if it's too urgent, they clearly know far too much and he can't afford to wait, he simply makes an invitation, says he has something he heard or saw that may have some connection to you, and that he wishes to discuss it at once.
If it's the former, and he actually has the chance to drug them, he'll easily take that method, as it's the cleanest and the one he's most adept with. And if he invites them to speak with him, well, he'll still poison their tea and all, but he's not going to get his hopes up that it will actually be consumed, given they have every reason to suspect him. Unfortunately, this may mean he's forced to take more unpleasant means.
As much as he enjoys having them out of the way, it turns out the act of killing someone via means other than poison is actually quite unpleasant. He knows he's not healthy and strong enough at the moment to risk being overpowered if he attempted strangulation or drowning, so he just has to go full-on old fashioned and come up behind them and stab them to death. It's a very brutish act, really. Probably looks very awkward and ugly from an outside perspective. Ugh. Blood on his hands and face and the floor and the table... and now he has to wash this shirt, too... at least it will make a decent addition to the compost for herbs. Sigh.
How easy is it to make them mad? What does their anger look like?
Baizhu is largely defined by a sort of passive attitude, although it does have its limits. But for the most part, he's very tolerant and patient. Part of it is just a natural disposition, while it's also in part due to years of having dealt with a wide variety of people of varying, and often unpleasant, temperaments, in varying levels of discomfort, and thus not always pleasant to deal with.
This can be to your benefit, in terms of the fact that he's forgiving and somewhat lenient towards you. If you put on a sweet act or a pitiful apologetic act, in particular, after getting caught doing something you aren't supposed to be, it turns out to be a weak spot for him. He knows full well you're doing it intentionally, but in his own words, he just can't bring himself to be too upset when you have that look in your eyes.
While beneficial under most circumstances, his patience and slowness to anger can also be incredibly frustrating if you're the bitter type who tries to make him mad. He knows you're doing exactly that, and he knows that not giving you the reaction you want will infuriate you further, and to be honest, it's rather cute watching you get more and more upset. He can hold out for quite a while like that, as long as your behavior is not something harmful to anyone.
Be careful overusing or abusing his lenience, though, or pushing the boundaries. If you take it a step too far, do something one too many times, that patience meets its end. You can tell exactly when you've crossed that line by the look on his face, narrowed eyes and a stern, unamused expression. He speaks in a firmer tone than usual, and is far more blunt with his words.
That's enough, now. I've been very patient with you. Do not test me further.
The sudden shift and stark difference to his usual demeanor is enough to make you freeze up, and deters you on its own, far more than it would coming from someone who usually speaks in that sort of voice. Should you nonetheless, perhaps out of spite, continue your defiance, it goes a step further.
He's still not the sort of person to show anger very outwardly. Quite the opposite. You know you have truly, royally fucked up because he goes dead silent. Takes a deep breath in, heavy sigh out. Puts down the pen or closes a book or whatever else he's handling with a harsh sound, stands up without a word. You can feel a twisting in your stomach from the aura coming off of him, feel a sort of dreadful tension in the air. When he does finally speak, it's in that same cold, firm voice, as he latches a hand onto your arm and begins to pull you off into another room.
Alright, then. I see you don't intend to make this easy.
You can start to sputter out apologies at that point, but you're not going to get any further words out of him. After all, you've made it clear that words aren't enough to get through to you anyway.
How do they express affection, or attempt to endear themselves to you?
Baizhu is very fond of pet names. Dear. Darling. Love. Even if it embarrasses you, he doesn't really care. It takes a while to get used to, he throws those terms around so casually, it makes you flustered and feel all warm and you're not really sure how to react. But it just comes naturally to him, really, he wasn't initially intending for it to have any effect, although seeing that it does have an effect is quite amusing.
Otherwise, he likes to just spend time with you. The activity doesn't really matter, in fact, you don't even need to be doing the same thing together or anything. You can be doing your own thing while he does his, that's also fine. He just likes being in your vicinity.
Doing things together, though, is very nice. He's fond of doing mundane, routine things with you. Laundry, cooking, cleaning. Helping him restock by handing him jars while he puts them in their proper place, or vice versa. The little things, the things that don't require a great deal of thought or exchange of words, yet allow him to bask in your warmth and the bliss of simplicity in life with someone you love.
So they see you as above them, beneath them, or equal to them?
Baizhu is a fairly humble man. He's also objective, when it comes to such matters. Love you as he does, he still acknowledges your weaknesses and strengths.
Considering a person to be "greater" or "lesser" as a whole, he would argue, is in and of itself a concept that could only be born from a rather simple brain to begin with. Such a generalization fails to consider the complexity of the individual human existence. It is frankly impossible, or at least distasteful and lacking any respectable extent of intelligent thought, to take a single person — who has a unique skillset, physical and mental attributes, experiences, and a whole array of knowledge unique to that one individual — and condense all that complexity into one simple lump sum of "value", them do the same for another, and compare the two. The very notion itself is lacking intelligence, and only a person equally lacking intelligence and rationality, or perhaps simply a person of a neurotically grandiose nature, would try to claim one person is inherently of greater value.
But he can recognize those individual traits. If he's more intelligent than you are, he's very open to acknowledging it. If you're in better physical shape and health than he is, he'll readily admit it.
A person is what they are, they each have their strengths. If you ever get into the subject, he'll likely start philosophizing a bit about human nature — how tragic it is that so many humans obsess over those strengths that they are lacking, and in doing so allow the strengths they possess to go to waste. It is human nature to be discontent with oneself, perhaps—
Ah... am I boring you? Haha. No, no, it's quite alright.
How determined are they for you to love them? How hard will they try to make it happen? Or are they content just having you?
He fully acknowledges before ever taking you to be with him, that doing so will be detrimental any hopes of mutual affection. That's part of the pros and cons he heavily weighs before going through with that. But alas, it's a necessary hurdle to face, part of the price of having you to himself.
For the short term, at least.
He's not unfamiliar with psychology to some extent, seeing as it and his own field are somewhat related. He's very well aware of the known effects that prolonged isolation and exclusion from the rest of society, as well as forced dependence, will have on a person.
So he's not too worried about it. Sure, you may be resentful now, but he can wait. As he always does. Patient, calculated. He knows eventually there will be a shift, and then a decline. First comes anger, then that will die down, then a period of quiet despond, and eventually, as the soundness of mind deteriorates, you will come back to him, feel the same fondness you did before. It's predictable, linear, like clockwork. The human mind and the human body are alike in that way, often following patterns that can be accurately predicted far before actually reaching that stage of progression. Just as he can heal various diseases and ailments by referencing existing knowledge of the body, so he can "fix" your mind and your sentiments by utilizing the knowledge of the mind.
If you start to become exceptionally discontent and disagreeable at any given time, he'll just go with the foolproof method that works every time — total isolation besides him, dark room, no stimulus, bound hand and foot or kept immobile by drugs. A few days of that and you usually crack. The cycle repeats, but he always knows just how to get you back to the way he prefers you.
Bonus: Is there anything that makes them unique, in comparison to other yanderes?
Firstly, as aforementioned, he's almost amusingly transparent. He explains a good deal of what he does to you and exactly why he's doing it, what affects it will have, etc. Most captors would probably keep quiet on exactly how they intend for their actions to induce a bond with you or force you into this or that, but not him.
You're smart, see. He knows you'll probably figure it out anyway. What's the point of withholding it then? Besides, he has a habit of thinking out loud sometimes, so it just comes natural to him to sort of mutter about what he's doing as he goes about his tasks. No point in refraining from that when there's no real reason to.
It's not as if you knowing what he's doing or what the intended effect is will make it any less effective. Maybe you'll develop a bit of spite and fight the effects, thus prolonging the procedure, but it will work all the same in the end anyway. If anything, seeing you resist is rather cute. But you'll succumb nonetheless, so, no need to be secretive.
Another obstacle he faces that others in a similar obsessive predicament do not is, well, himself. Baizhu is forced to take his own health and physical capacity into account to a degree most others never would have to give a passing thought to.
You'd think that his frailness might serve as an advantage to you — and you'd be right, sort of. It would serve as an advantage to you, were he to not account for it.
Unfortunately for you, he does account for it, and goes to great lengths — paranoid measures, even — to ensure you cannot take advantage of it. These chronic problems sometimes follow patterns and cycles, and usually have warning signs before becoming worse, so if he knows he's going to be in a weakened state, he gets much heavier on the restraints, and goes ahead with drugging you into immobility, even though you haven't done anything to deserve what is usually used as a punishment. It's also one of the few times he'll give you a very sincere apology. I know it's unpleasant, but I don't have much of a choice right now. You know it's serious from the lack of his usual warm whimsical voice of his, instead speaking in a very blunt voice laden with discomfort. You suppose you can summon a bit of pity, even if you're frustrated.
You also notice, though, that he's always insistent that he's fine and doesn't need help, even if that's blatantly untrue. The man will sound like he's coughing his lungs up for a minute straight and when you rush over with a concerned look on your face, he forces a chuckle and smiles and waves his hand dismissively. No, no, it's fine, really, that's a regular occurrence, it will die down in a minute or s— and breaks out coughing again.
He doesn't want you to see him in a state he feels looks pathetic. You figure that out eventually, given that he always stands up and goes into another room if the coughing fits get too bad, and how you can tell he's forcing himself to act as if he's not in discomfort or pain when he cares for you during his episodes of poorer condition.
It's something he's very stubborn about too. Usually he's so transparent, but even if you push him, tell him you're well aware he's not well or that you're fine and he should lay down, he continues to downplay it and insist it's not that bad. Just a bit of an ache, he says, or just a bit drowsy. He's relentless on this, no matter how much you push.
There's another unique factor to your captivity, but it doesn't have much to do with Baizhu himself.
See, there's plenty of captors or obsessed lovers you might end up with who have companions or accomplices you would meet, but no other quite so... slithery.
And few quite so cold, either. Changsheng, and the dynamic she takes in relation to the both of you, is a very odd experience.
Firstly, she is of no help to you. You weren't really sure what to expect from a literal talking snake, but you at least figured that if she possessed human thought capacity, she would perhaps possess a sense of empathy as well.
But she never brings up or even really acknowledges the circumstances of your situation. You tried once or twice, but she immediately shuts you down if the conversation is headed in that direction.
These sorts of interpersonal relationships are no business of mine. Know that I have no intention of interference.
While a bit disappointing, you did more or less know that even if she empathized, she wouldn't likely be of much help.
She still takes some getting used to. To be honest, she moves so quietly that for the first little while, she nearly gave you a heart attack on several occasions. You'll be going about some idle task, turn your gaze to look at or reach for something, only to come face-to-face with a snake in very close proximity.
AH! Oh, I, um...
What is the matter?
N-no, I just... uh...
You are at unease due to my presence?
No! No, I just didn't... see you there...
She has a bit of a sharp tongue and stern nature, and you initially do feel very uneasy, both out of not wanting to upset her as well as some primal instinct telling you that the creature that sits next to you is a dangerous one, even if your conscious mind knows better.
She does feel the need to comment on whatever you're doing, especially when trying to do tasks to help (or just to have something to do) by doing some work in the storerooms.
By what system of organization are you determining the order to place these jars in, hm?
You are not plotting anything nefarious back here by yourself, yes?
You there... these counters are slippery. I instruct you to place me on the surface over there.
At first, you feel bullied and bossed around... but over time you come to realize that despite the criticisms, she's intentionally seeking you out, whenever Baizhu is busy. In fact, whenever he goes off to a house call by himself or to take care of some task, it's usually only a matter of minutes before she shows up.
And truth be told, over time, you do bond. It's an unspoken sort of thing, something you think she might have started doing without consciously realizing she's doing it, but she begins... scaling you, climbing over and on you in the same way she does her contractual companion. The first time, you were reading over some piece of mail slid under the door when you felt a slight weight on your shoulder.
What is that? Oh, I see...
Gradually, it becomes an unspoken norm, a habit that neither of you really acknowledge out loud, but you understand it's a significant milestone in your relationship to each other, whatever that relationship may be defined as. You'll be standing around, working on whatever, when you feel the cold scales brush against your ankle... and now that cold sensation is spiraling up your leg, then your waist, and she positions herself around your shoulders just as she would Baizhu himself. Often commenting on or criticizing whatever you're doing, but sometimes just... relaxing there. She likes being on a person — humans are warm, and while she wouldn't admit it, she just sort of enjoys the company sometimes. If Baizhu is unavailable, you're the next best option. And sometimes, she's merely using you as a means of transportation, telling you to go somewhere else so she can get off, with you being able to get wherever it is faster, especially if it involves stairs.
Or sometimes, you'll be sitting down and she sees no reason to go around you to get where she's going, instead just slithering right over your lap without so much as a word, either to cross over you to get elsewhere, or to rest on you for a while. Then there was that time you were laying on the couch, trying your best to take a nap when you stiffened and nearly felt your heart stop for the umpteenth time when a cold sensation spread as she slithered her way underneath your shirt, curling up into a ball on your stomach.
It is cold outside and there is a draft. You will have to suffice for the moment.
And you also notice that, although it may feel harsh, oftentimes her criticisms and advice are genuinely helpful, either making a task significantly easier or preventing you from potentially hurting yourself in a specific process. You still can't quite let go of a bit of bitterness over her essentially being cooperative in your captivity, but you can't say you don't appreciate her.
General perverseness: how sexual of a person are they? What’s their drive like? How touchy do they get? Do they have any reservations about sexuality?
He's actually quite touchy from the start. It's one of the few things that sort of unsettles you and gives some sense of something being "off" even early on. You're pretty sure you don't know each other well enough for him to have just brushed his fingers over your arm, or to rest his hand on your shoulder, or to clasp your hand between his for a moment as he tells you he'll see to this or that that you've requested. The touches continue to grow more noticeable with time, and they're just so very perfectly lingering for a time that's long enough to be noticeable, but not long enough for you to feel like saying something is a warranted reaction. No, you'd be overreacting if you said anything, right? It's not that bad, it's only for a few seconds, so perfectly timed as if he's knowingly releasing his touch at the right second. Always right on the edge.
Even after that, once you're living with him, he's very casually touchy. He'll run his fingers back and forth over your side or back when you're sitting or lying next to each other, runs his fingers through your scalp, rest an arm over your side or shoulders.
His drive, on the other hand, depends entirely on his current physical condition. Whenever certain chronic problems are flaring up and his health takes a negative turn, as you can imagine, his sex drive also plummets, and he's in too much discomfort to do much movement anyway. Other times, with other problems flaring up, it's particularly frustrating because he does still have a sex drive, but is in too much discomfort to do much... there's some creative ways to work around that, but nonetheless, it's irksome.
He's not particularly reserved about sexuality at all, actually, under the right circumstances. Of course, if asked about his reasoning for this, he acknowledges and understands the cultural sensitivity to such things, and concurs with the topic being something you don't just randomly talk about; that is, he obviously has a firm grasp on what is and isn't appropriate in various settings and doesn't violate conventions of appropriateness. It's just that when it's alone with you, he can talk about the filthiest and most intimate of things without batting an eye or any sign of embarrassment. It's just a natural part of human life, isn't it? If anything, the act is one that should be viewed as beautiful. The poetic sort of people tend to describe it as an ultimate expression of affection between individuals, and if you ask him, that's something that should be treasured.
How forceful are they? Do they care about your willingness?
He views forcing that sort of thing as a behavior that's more or less beneath him. Barbaric, brutish, uncivilized... brute force, that is. Other measures, though, that's another matter. Things like drugs and coercion don't have quite the same vibe of brutality and inhumanity.
Regardless, though, the key factor is your experience. He's the type that can't really enjoy a sexual experience unless you're also clearly enjoying it... the catch being that you obtaining pleasures and enjoyment is not exactly the same thing as outright consent. As long as you cum, it counts as being mutually enjoyed.
He still doesn't really like the thought of having to be physically forceful though, that would make him feel brutish. He'll be sure to sedate you early on. If you're sluggish and barely moving, you can't really offer resistance in the first place... and you're more pliable to his hands, too.
And yes, he will use your pleasure against you, telling you that you clearly don't hate it all that much — just look at what you've done, he says, holding up the fingers coated in your own fluids, pressing them against your tongue, your jaw too weak to prevent him from sliding his fingers in. The mouth says one thing, the body another... but the mouth is capable of lying, the body really isn't, so it's better to trust that which he knows is being honest.
What is intimacy with them like? What sort of kinks or fetishes do they have, or would they fill?
He can't go too hard and fast... well, he sometimes does anyway, his efforts aided by adrenaline, which quickly catches up to him as soon as it's over. He's not particularly rough though, nor does he cause you pain. That's not to say he's entirely without a sadistic side — he does find himself enjoying seeing you in a state of humiliation and anticipation, he just prefers to use pleasures and intense, but not painful, sensations to do so.
That is, of course, the one you likely anticipated the most. He's not at all shy about it. Even if you by chance had something consensual going on before being kept captive, he's very open about the desire to experiment on your body by triggering reactions to various substances.
There's a variety of different options to try, lots of combinations and records of the effects different traditional medicines have on the body. This one heightens blood flow and skin sensitivity, this one induced lactation... ah, but his personal preference is this one that gives you a buzzing, euphoric high, accompanied by a voracious appetite for pleasure and orgasms for the next hour or so. He gives you the full history of how ancients in this area used to use it for fertility ceremonial purposes back in the day, explaining it calmly while he ties your hands to the headboard, as you pant and whimper and gasp for breath underneath him. Quite nice, isn't it?
And if you're being less than compliant and agreeable, he can also go the route of sedation. Not entirely, no, he doesn't want you to be fully unconscious, nor forget any of it later. No, what he forces into your mouth makes you more... relaxed. You, after the fact and in an accusatory tone, use the word 'paralyzed,' but he insists that that's an overdramatization. Firstly, it's not the same medication he uses when he actually leaves you fully unable to move, and secondly, you can still sort of move your fingers and toes and head, your muscles are just relaxed and at ease, preventing movement of actual limbs. Your words slur, you feel dizzy and tired, yet you feel every little touch. And see, your abdominal muscles twitched when he runs his fingers over your stomach, so you still have some muscular control... Not to mention, he can still feel your insides spasming and clenching when he curls his fingers inside of you, too.
Oh, and even in general, he makes sure you take a daily dose of tea made from some cocktail of bitter herbs he put together. You're told it's a blend that boosts your metabolism and brain activity and blood circulation, so on and so on, basically like a multi-purpose medicine for overall health. Which is true, it does do all of those things. It just so happens that all of those things also are known to increase sex drive, not to mention a few of them boost hormone production. But that's just a side effect, of course.
Orgasm control
Baizhu has a very specific long-term goal in mind to train you for: getting you to cum on command. It's a fantasy he's entertained in his head quite a few times. No reason to not try to make it a reality, now that he has you here with him. The concept itself is fascinating, the idea that a largely involuntary bodily reaction can be gradually, perfectly conditioned to align with someone else's words. It's such an ultimate power trip and absolute control, the thought is intoxicating.
And of course, being as patient and dedicated as this man has already proven himself to be, you know there's no getting out of it. Hours upon hours of edging, being told not to cum because you can't without his explicitly telling you to. If you do, he pulls his hand away, ruining the orgasm itself, leaving you to whimper and whine, that much more so if, after a few failed attempts, he ends up applying an additional corporeal punishment to try and further the negative association with cumming too soon. If you're good and endure, cum when he tells you to, you'll be likewise rewarded in some way.
Over and over. It goes on for weeks, months, that you have these training sessions, until it's perfected. You yourself are almost shocked by the progress, to realize just how much your body and your subconscious has submitted — it's on one of his better health days, he has the energy and lack of any aches to be able to take you on your hands and knees from behind, and it does feel good, but you're not that close — and yet, when he pulls your upper half up, forces your back into an arch, puts his hand on your throat and tilts his head down to speak directly in your ear and tells you to in the lowest, huskiest voice you've ever heard him speak in to cum for me — and you spasm, it hits you like a punch to the gut with the way the high rushes over your body. It leaves you sputtering and shivering as you collapse onto the bed, wide-eyed in shock. Even he seems a bit surprised too, chuckling as he sees the stunned expression on your face.
Oh, that worked better than even I anticipated...
He can also use orgasms as a form of withdrawal and coercion punishments. Primarily at the times that you're immobilized. You'll begin to grow needy after a time, and that makes you far more compliant. He keeps track of how long it's been since you last got to cum, and makes sure to remind you, just so you know how long you've been missing it, and so you'll be that much more quick to crack under the desperation of need.
Sometimes, once you've reached a state where he's assured you'll be fairly compliant with him, he gets surprisingly passive when he comes to you for intimacy.
Physically passive, at least. Motions you over with a finger gesture, starts giving you instructions. His voice is always so charming and gentle that it's hard to call it a command, per se, but it's telling you what to do nonetheless. To take this or that off, to straddle his waist, kiss him, put it in your mouth, ride him, touch yourself, on and on as he walks you through each little motion he craves to watch with his own eyes. It gets more specific and lewd with each instruction, starting off with just take your clothes off and eventually progressing to telling you exactly how to touch yourself, rub in circles, curl your fingers, lower yourself down and take him in, roll your hips, bounce on his cock, look him in the eye when you cum, every little thing.
...Eventually, you figure out that he does this on the days where he's not feeling well enough to do the moving himself, yet is still in good enough condition that he still has a sex drive. What a clever adaptation.
It's not something he uses often, seeing as there are other people than just the two of you in his residence, but it can make a suitable punishment whenever you're confined to one room, or when everyone else is out. There's something just endearing about seeing you all embarrassed and flustered after being forced into nudity, the way you try desperately to cover yourself with your arms, the way you get all pouty in your humiliation and refuse to look him in the eye as you demand your clothes back.
But this is your choice, he reminds you. If only you would be a bit more cooperative, that wouldn't have to be the case, but that's entirely up to you. Until then, if you want to get out of bed for any reason, you'll just have to walk around as you are. And no, he's not going anywhere. Why would he leave when he has such a nice view? He smiles when you puff your cheeks out and curl your hands into fists out of embarrassed fury. Eventually, you do have to give in, get up and go do whatever it is you need to — and you feel his eyes on you the whole time as you do. When you glare in his direction, he just tilts his head. Oh? Is something the matter?
Such a shameless pervert, you think to yourself. What's worse, you know if you say something, he'll pull some cheesy line about 'examining' you or another. Ugh.
How do they feel about pregnancy or babies? Do they want them?
He'd be a bit worried about having any biological children. One one hand, there's a lot to be gained by having something tying you to him on such a deeply emotional level, that would likely cement you in place by making running away that much harder, and suppress your will to leave to begin with, or even accelerate your attachment to him.
At the same time, he has to be realistic. Is he really in any position to be caring for children, a task requiring great stamina? There's also the possibility you could turn children against him, or something like that. And if you were to encounter some sort of gestational health problem and require medical attention, there's no telling whether or not you'd be so stubborn as to to refuse to comply out of fear he'd drug you or something, which could pose very real risks to your well-being if he couldn't get you to work with him. So as nice as the notion seems when pictured in the ideal, there's just too many risks and complications that could take place.
But, there's a solution. One that will easily provide the same psychological attachment, and thereby allow a subtle degree of manipulation.
Once he can be sure you wouldn't try to harm her or anything, he deliberately ensures you and Qiqi spend time with each other. Initially, he tells you to watch over her while she goes about her tasks, help her out a bit. She can be forgetful, you know. Regardless of your sentiment, you can't bring yourself to be cold or rude to what is ultimately, despite the circumstances, still a relatively normal little girl.
Although he does, before leaving you two alone, make sure to give you a very firm warning. Well, the words themselves aren't a a threat, but there's an edge to his tone, when he responds to you raising your eyebrows and asking if he's really allowing this.
It's quite alright. I trust you surely wouldn't try to get a child involved in anything you shouldn't.
The words admittedly do have a bite to them. Would it really be a moral wrong, for you to try and enlist her for help...? It's not like he would ever harm her, but still, you question the sort of psychological damage you'd be risking. There's an inherent feeling of wrongness when you think about putting the kid under a situation that, if you succeeded in getting her to help you, would result in a great deal of distress and confusion and even long-term psychological damage from what would ensue. And when you think about it even further, you realize with a twisting feeling in your gut that if you escaped your captor and got him locked up... what would happen to her...? It's an unpleasant thought, even if you tell yourself you'd make sure she was cared for.
Nonetheless, eventually, on one of your worst and most bitter and resentful days, in a moment of desperation, you do finally crack. It will be fine, you tell yourself. You're doing something good overall. Someone like that shouldn't be responsible for a kid in the first place, right? So if you just get her to run by the law enforcement when she's out herb-gathering...
Listen, I, uh, I need you to do something for me, okay?
Mm...? Okay...
You wait patiently as the hours pass, hoping you look like less of a nervous wreck than you are, hoping you're not actually as jittery as you feel, a whole swarm of emotions of dread and hope and anticipation swirling in your gut. You practically pounce on the poor girl when she comes back through the doors.
Did... did they say anything? Are they coming?
You're met with a blank stare, a long pause.
Uh... who...? Was I supposed to... do something...?
You're pretty sure you gave up either the third or fourth time that happened. Can't really remember which. You start to realize that the reason he seemed so unbothered by the thought of leaving you alone with her wasn't so much his trust in you as much as it was complete assurance there was never any real risk anyway. Sigh.
But you don't hold it against her. You continue watching over her and taking care of her when you can. And the most frustrating part is that you know exactly what the intent is, and yet, you also know it's working.
You find yourself caring more and more about the girl. There was that time she stumbled and fell flat on her face and before you even really processed what you were doing, you'd already rushed over across the room to get her back up. Hey, hey, are you okay...? Or the time everyone else had stepped away for a moment due to some issue or another, leaving the front of the pharmacy unmanned for just a few moments — just enough time to find some big, disgruntled-looking guy looming over the child (who admittedly didn't seem intimidated or anything, just the usual blank stare), going on about some complaint he must have found no one else present to give to, and once more, without really thinking, you found yourself rushing over, picking her up and pulling her away, holding her to your side as if to shield her, finding yourself growing immediately defensive, glaring back. The hell is wrong with you? The owner will be back in just a minute, you'll have to wait. You find yourself a bit surprised at your own sharpness of tongue.
You feel this caring, protective swell in your chest regrading her. You're not so headstrong as to deny to yourself the truth, that you know you've developed emotional attachment towards and even some maternal instinct for the child. That admittedly, you wouldn't want to leave her, and that you'd worry how she'd fare by herself without you, even if you know she was doing fine before you. And most upsettingly, you know that that was exactly what the plan was.
Maybe if it had been one-sided, then, at least you could have shaken the feeling off, but that's not the case either. You make a habit of taking some time to yourself in a specific room every day, a time in the late afternoon when there's always a rush of people coming in, leaving Baizhu himself quite busy, so you get some time to sit and read or whatever task you set yourself to. A routine quickly develops — there's a set of pattering footsteps in the hall, she pokes her head around the door to check if you're there, and quietly shuffles in and sits next to you. Silent, but present. She doesn't say or do anything, she just sits.
Not that that's the only habit that develops. It's one of those situations that progresses subtly yet quickly, so you don't really remember when each starts. You just become aware one day that each little routine or habit has been going on for some time now. That when you walk around the back of the pharmacy going about your day, there's often a little hand clinging to your skirts or pant legs, quietly walking alongside you while latching on. That when you make yourself something to snack on, you get out two plates or bowls and make two helpings of whatever it is without really thinking about it.
She doesn't usually have a lot to say, but it's always pleasant, she's not quite like the stereotypical hyperactive kid, no, she lets you do whatever you're doing and doesn't interrupt much, just seems to want to be around you.
You allow it, of course. You don't have the heart not to, even though you know you shouldn't, that you shouldn't allow the closeness and should push her away because you know it will inevitably lead to exactly what he wants.
You can still pinpoint the exact moment, though, that you knew it was already too late. Sitting there doing some idle task or another in silence when you feel weight leaning over against your side, head resting on your arm, and that soft, monotone voice.
I like having you here.
Dammit. You could physically feel that tug on your heart. If that wasn't the final nail in the coffin, nothing else could top the emotion that gave you. You resign yourself to finally acknowledging that you've already fallen for the scheme.
...Not that she's just an advantageous tool. The flip side disadvantage is that she's also a bit of a liability. He's given her the 'if you tell anyone about her, she'll have to go away forever' talk several times over, and the poor girl always widens her tired eyes and seems very distressed at that notion, but her memory is not exactly known for being that great. There was that time some law enforcement came by to ask about you, saying something about how someone claimed to have seen a young woman in this courtyard area on the night of the disappearance. When your name is spoken, the girl's eyes widen, her lips part and she's just started to raise her arm up to point to the back room and say the words 'oh, I kn—' when she's interrupted by being picked up, hand clamped over her mouth and carried out of the room—
Ah, why don't you go run along—
And unceremoniously set in the hall, the door shut behind.
...Not good for a child to hear something fearful like a disappearance, that's all. Could give her nightmares or something. Surely they understand that...?
Thankfully, the present officials do, just nodding and continuing on, seemingly not taking that as reason to suspect anything. Poor Baizhu, it's one of the few moments he actually nearly lost composure, slumping back into a chair with a heavy sigh of relief as soon as they leave. That surely did not do his heart palpitation issue any favors...
What kind of (nsfw) punishments would they use?
One of the most unbearable things is the wait and the dread. It's never immediate. He always says something to the effect of ah, I need some time to think about how to handle this..., which you come to realize is just intentionally dragging out your fearful anticipation. To say he has somewhat of a sadistic side would be a fairly accurate statement, he doesn't really want to cause you physical pain, but he does find himself enjoying watching you squirm and shudder and stiffen, consumed with anticipation, dread and fear, as well as reactions of humiliation and embarrassment. He tries to refrain to some extent, but finds himself indulging in invoking those reactions from you more often than he'd like to admit for the sake of his own perception of his self-control.
It's not particularly painful, though, so you can be grateful for that... although there is a sort of dull ache after a while. Getting the drugs into your system is the only difficult part, as you squirm too much to safely inject you, but refuse to open your mouth, so compliance is a bit of a challenge, forcing him to find some means of holding you still. From there, your body sort of does the punishing for you. It's unlike anything you've ever felt — an unbearable sensation of heat, so intense it leaves sweat rolling down your skin, leaves you panting and shivering and gasping for breath, limbs twitching as they desperately pull against the binds keeping your ankles and wrists taut against the bedposts.
He wouldn't leave you to suffer that alone, of course. Well, maybe for a short while, half an hour or so, to heighten the desperation, but after that, he's right there to help you, affectionately running his hand over the top of your head and speaking to you in a soft voice, all far too gentle to be one and the same as the person responsible for your present state of misery.
What do you need? Tell me how to help you.
You're not compliant at first, of course. You shake your head and clench your jaw and refuse to just make this so much easier on you both. It takes a little while. A little more urging and comforting, running his fingers over your thighs and sides and all the parts of your flesh just sensitive enough to earn a shudder, before you start to melt into his touch, and eventually give in, tell him what you want.
There we go. That wasn't so difficult, was it?
Not that the torment ends there, of course. Just giving in to tell him isn't enough.
But you haven't been entirely... appreciative, have you? If I do this for you, it pains me to think it will only go unrecognized like everything else I do for you. If you ask with sincerity, maybe...
Once you've swallowed your pride entirely, then, you can get some semblance of relief. Although that itself becomes torturous with time. The intensity doesn't die down, the unbearable urge is still there, yet each successive orgasm begins to become painful, each erogenous spot on your body becomes sore and hypersensitive to the touch. You loathe to admit you end up in tears by the end of it. No worry, though, he's right there to comfort you through it... and ensure you this doesn't have to happen, but you continue to choose it time and time again.
What body parts of their darling do they like the most?
Curvature. It's not really any one specific spot, per se, but he would say it counts. The degree of it doesn't really matter, whether it's slight or pronounced. He likes the way his hands feel running over curved areas like your hips and waist, thighs, shoulders. It's something he can appreciate even when his eyes are closed, late at night, just slowly running his hands over the spots and feeling the bends and dips. There's also, of course, the fact that it provides a nice sort of grip, a spot he can lock his arms or hands around and know you won't be able to pull away easily.
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prince-liest · 16 days
Wait these lines
“I’m simply wondering what it is that you are expecting in return that has you so eager to continue doing so!”
“That’s, uh…” Angel looks around. The sign of a guilty conscience? “I didn’t really think about it like that, to be honest.”
are so parallel to Alastor trying to give the video camera to Angel in Last Bus Stop to Hell as a deal to ensure they were even. And in both fics Angel just graps and then refutes how Alastor sees relationships openly. Angel as you write has a great way of playing with expectations-smashing the camera after accepting the deal, and now just calling out Alastor’s paranoia and saying ‘if you worry its one-sided, then return the favor and lets hang out!’ like its not that deep, Alastor this is friendship.
Yes! I'm so glad that's coming through, haha. I think that while Angel and Alastor are similar in the sense that they both show the world and the people they form relationships with a mask, Angel Dust has a much more straightforward view of his relationships with other people, pretty much no matter who they are. He is a character much more prone to seeing things (and calling them out) as they are, at the very least in his own mind if not always out loud. He's in what is undoubtedly a convoluted abusive relationship with Valentino, but he openly calls Val a psychopathic freak. Even when Husk tries to get on his case about presenting a persona in the world, after he pushes enough, Angel straight up tells him that he's not being fake for the hell of it, he's specifically behaving this way to survive because that's the situation he's in.
So I don't see Angel as someone who plays these twisty games of social and power dynamics in his own head, unlike Alastor. He doesn't constantly worry about what he has to lose to another person because he's already lost everything to Valentino. This makes him simultaneously able to get straight to the point and be able to safely do it to Alastor's face because by not playing he's functionally placed himself on the bottom rung of power and unable to pose a threat even when he's saying things Alastor would never take from most other people.
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So I don’t know if you know of Doug Walker, but recently released his Disneycember review of The Owl House.
While he praised a majority of the show, he criticized the main villain, Belos, of how he was written.
Many of the comments tried to defend the writing of the villain.
Doug Walker..
Now that's a name I haven't heard in a long time.
Yes, I am very familiar with Doug Walker; I loved his stuff along with Channel Awesome years ago and then the allegations came out and fortunately, the other contributors on that channel moved onto bigger and better things. Meanwhile, Doug just stayed the same, so I don't watch his stuff anymore.
Any way, I think it's funny people are scrambling to defend Belos' writing because, despite my own personal opinions on Doug as a critic, I actually agree with him.
For a show that is ostensibly about subverting tropes and not judging a book by its cover, by showing how people can choose to change or not, etc. Belos is a throwback to an earlier era where the Big Bad had basic motivations and characterizations. And for a show like toh, that actually ends up hurting the narrative.
I have categorized the comments I found defending the writing and here are my responses to them:
Belos does have a deeper layer, you just have to look for it.
While a show can certainly foreshadow and provide little hints about a major character, eventually all of that setup will have to pay off somehow. There has to be a reveal both to reward the viewers that have been paying attention and to inform more casual viewers who may not have. Fans analyzing every little frame to extrapolate a major character's backstory only for that backstory to really not matter in the end despite it being set up for a season is just bad writing. full stop. [A viewer should also not have to look on social media for crucial information on a major character.]
It's also not clever that the show left so much room for interpretation on Belos; it just means that they didn't make a commitment to what was being set up and reduced his character to glib one-liners whenever we learn something interesting about him (Masha's "little bro was jealous of big bro" line and Papa Titan's whole spiel).
2. Belos would have been written better if the show had more time.
The Toh crew knew about the cancellation during production of Eda's Requiem and wrote all of 2B with it in mind. So they knew they were working on a time crunch but still introduced elements like the Collector when they should have spent the time wrapping up their story. The cancellation is not an excuse for sloppy writing.
3. Belos as a villain works more on a meta level.
So the argument here is that Belos is the antithesis to the BI; it's accepting and diverse while he is hateful and only accepts things that conform to his worldview. The characters in the story change and grow, while Belos does not. The problem here is that a villain can't only work on a meta level, it has to work on a narrative one as well.
If the BI is place that accepts weirdos then how did someone like Belos come to power? Oh, he lied his way to the top and created problems that never existed? That just makes your populace look dumb and easily manipulated. The BI being so accepting also undermines the threat credibility of the Emperor's Coven because why should we worry about them if they have no real influence over how the BI residents think or behave aside from when the plot needs them to?
Also, I strongly disagree with anyone who says that toh has a "people are complicated and choose to do good and bad" theme when all of the good characters can blame their bad actions on being manipulated or on circumstances outside of their control OR the narrative ignores/downplays anything bad they did (cough cough Amity and Lilith). Meanwhile, the villains are just shallow with basic motives and this is supposed to be a deep message about how Some People Are Just Bad.
If you're going to contrast why your good characters are capable of growth then you need to show why your villain does not. What is stopping them? How do they react if given a legitimate reason to change (that isn't a cheap jab at Steven Universe)? What is their justification for their actions?
Whatever the answer is, the narrative has to support it and not undermine it with a stupid joke.
4. Belos is so refreshing when every villain character is redeemed.
Watch more shows. If you think that every cartoon villain post-Steven Universe is being redeemed then you're incorrect. Redemption of a show or movie's Big Bad is still in the minority while the redemption of the main villain's lackey is a dime-a-dozen.
Ultimately, I think the problem with toh is that so many of its fans take its thematic statements at face value without ever really stopping to think about the execution of those themes and if they really work or not.
Belos just happens to embody this little trick that toh does: it claims to have bold and timely statements and important themes, but the structure and execution of the plot, character development, and world-building undermines any attempt at a consistent or coherent message.
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drdemonprince · 4 months
Hey! Not public apology anon here, I'd like you to sign off on my behavior in a situation which normally requires significant context and lots of particulars, but am phrasing this question like it's a generalized ask and am extremely (nigh suspiciously) unwilling to actually share any details. I will keep asking until you say a thing I can use in arguments IRL to "prove" that it's ok because you, a public figure I respect, vaguely implied it might be in some contexts. Can you share why this behavior I'm vaguely referencing is not only ok, but actually a universal moral imperative?
(actual question: how often do you have to deal with asks like this? It looks exhausting in its hyperambiguity, to be frank.)
I don't even know if it's about the need to justify one's actions or win an argument, I think high-masking fawn Autistics are just SO constantly anxious about making anyone mad all the time that they want someone to be able to tell them how to properly lead their lives. They want human behavior and morality to be guided by understandable and consistent rule sets that they can learn, rather than having to muddle through their own way and accepting that yeah, a lot of people will not like how you do it.
this is why so many of us are so susceptible to abuse and cults! It sucks. I get questions like this in a large volume every day pretty much. One would think that people would walk away from my book on Unmasking by internalizing that there is no objective social standard for how they "should" live their lives, and that in fact even if there was one, they'd need to violate it frequently to get by as a disabled person... but instead some people just imbue me with symbolic authority and expect me to be the new standard bearer of how a person ought to behave.
it's a little frustrating. But learning to act for oneself and have moral agency in the world is a long process.
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fdelopera · 6 months
Yo Gentiles! Stop trying to goysplain the history of the I/P conflict at us Jews.
We have studied this conflict extensively, and often for years, because we've had to. Because even when we are Jews in diaspora who have never returned to the Levant and never plan to, the antisemitism that this conflict generates still puts us in danger. And as many of you who are paying attention have witnessed, there has been a drastic world-wide rise in antisemitism over the past month.
When you try to "teach" us about it, especially when MOST of you are using talking points that were developed by Neo-Nazis and the KKK, all you are showing us is that you are lazy, patronizing antisemites.
If you actually want to HELP the Palestinians in this conflict (and I think that some of you do), you need to accept that the following 10 things are true:
We Jews most likely know more about the history of this conflict than you do. We have had to study it in all of its nuance, in all of its painful detail, in order to understand the broader Jewish world. We have to understand the broader Jewish world to decode how Neo-Nazis like Richard Spencer and David Duke are using the I/P conflict to coordinate attacks on Jews in diaspora.
We Jews have to know about the I/P conflict for our own safety. But many of you gentiles are learning about it for the first time. And instead of understanding how complex the conflict is, you are turning it into a wargame fantasy where you get to playact as a freedom fighter in La Glorious Revolution. Then you coordinate social media attacks against Jews online, and you go out and attack Jews in person, and you harass us until our mental health crumbles. Great job, goys! Great. Fucking. Job.
You are goysplaining Jewish history at us. Stop trying to tell us a bunch of propaganda that you learned from TikTok, Instagram, and Tumblr memes. It just shows us that you're lazy, and that you've got a lot of Jew-hatred that you need to unpack.
When we tell you that you're wrong, listen to what we have to say. Don't talk over us. Use this as an opportunity to do further research. Otherwise you're just behaving like some Fox News obsessed Boomer raging on about election fraud and vaccines.
The Palestinian people need our help, but you are making a TERRIBLE case for helping them when you base your arguments for helping them on shitty propaganda you learned on TikTok, Instagram, and Tumblr.
Let me say this again: Your bullshit propaganda DOES NOT HELP THE PALESTINIAN PEOPLE, and it is easily debunked by just a few Wikipedia deep-dives.
When you spread this propaganda, you sound like the idiots on Fox News that knowingly spread conspiracy theories about Covid. Not only is the bullshit you're repeating easily proven wrong, but you're just showing yourself to be untrustworthy at best ... and at worst, a bunch of opportunistic liars.
When you regurgitate propaganda at us Jews, all you are telling us is that you don't give enough of a shit about the Palestinian people to do ANY research into the history of this conflict, other than looking at some infographics and memes.
You are making us Jews VERY wary and skeptical of you, because most of the "information" you've learned from TikTok, Instagram, and Tumblr is influenced by Neo-Nazi and KKK propaganda, and you are being useful idiots for white supremacists.
Again, repeating fake shit about this conflict DOES NOT HELP the Palestinian people. It just makes Jews distrust you. And it makes us SCARED to get involved in this movement. Because we are NOT going to march side-by-side with goyim that are spreading dangerous antisemitic lies about Jewish history and Jewish people.
Because Palestinians are dying!
So stop trying to tell Jews made up stories about our history.
LISTEN TO JEWISH VOICES ABOUT JEWISH HISTORY. (And DON'T listen to JVP, for fucks sake. Learn more here.)
Accept that we know more about the history of the I/P conflict than you do.
Palestine Children's Relief Fund
Doctors Without Borders
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yanfeisty · 1 year
— Voicelines about Creator!Reader (Mondstadt version) ♡ !
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⊹ [ characters ] — Albedo, Amber, Barbara, Bennett, Diluc, Diona, Eula, Fischl, Jean, Kaeya, Klee, Lisa, Mona, Noelle, Razor, Rosaria, Sucrose & Venti. ◞
⊹ [ synopsis ] — Let's see what they think about you. ◞
⊹ [ cw ] — religious themes. ◞
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⠀‣ Albedo
About The Creator: Learning
"It is quite unfortunate they don't remember anything about their past life and how they created everything in this world, I would have a few questions to ask...but learning about them is still interesting, especially how they seem to affect me, for exemple I get distracted by them during my work, but not because they are beside me, it's because they aren't."
About The Creator: Consort
"You seem rather surprised, it's true that I have troubles in finding time for socializing, but it doesn't feel difficult with them, as it was almost a natural thing that we were simply meant to be, that's why I accepted their proposal, to investigate this feeling that warm my body even in the coldest place of Dragonspine... Anyway, do you want to see my sketches of them? I don't know why but I'm not able to catch their full beauty, maybe you could help me."
⠀‣ Amber
About The Creator
"You know, when I first heard about Y/n, I thought they were super serious and all but when I met them they were nice to talk to! We passed so much time talking and I even taught them how to glide! But I couldn't shake the feeling that they must felt so lonely... people view them as their God and so they are either scared or don't think they are worthy to talk to Y/n. I can't help but feel sad, I'm happy to have them as a friend and to be one for them too!"
⠀‣ Barbara
About The Creator
"I was so happy to learn our Creator finally descended, even during my first concert I didn't feel so anxious to sing in front of someone.. Oh, they're so kind too! They always tell me to relax around them and they compliment my singing, telling me it's healing their soul! Ah... I feel like my heart is going to burst because of how joyful I am!"
⠀‣ Bennett
About The Creator
"Oh, they're like a super important person here, so much so that I don't have the right to approach them. I was surprised when they sneak out to go talk to me, they're always telling me to take care and wish me luck, that doesn't help my luck at all but I appreciate the worry!"
⠀‣ Diluc
About The Creator: Traditions
"My late father was a firm believer, teaching me and Kaeya the traditions and to always thank The Creator for the good things like the bad ones because they make us stronger. I still do both."
About The Creator: Consort
"You heard the news? I should have expect that... I wish that our relationship was kept more private. I heard that I was... 'overprotective', and frankly.. I do not care what others say, this world is dangerous, danger can come from anywhere, especially when their name is known all around Teyvat. They always worry about me and my night activities, asking me to just drop it for one night, to the point of threatening me with the silent treatment. Let's just say being worried over each others is how we work, but people can't mind their own business... That's why I didn't want people to know."
⠀‣ Diona
About The Creator
"They're nice, they even wanted to help me to destroy the wine industry, but I had to fire them because not only they attracted more customers to the Cat's tail, everyone was being delusional and asked for more of their drink! Hmp, I kind of miss them rubbing my ears though... Y-You heard nothing!!"
⠀‣ Eula
About The Creator
"It's a custom of the Lawrence Clan to worship its Creator as they were the one to bless us with nobility, so I have to address them with my utmost respect, however they always tell me to just 'relax' and 'drop the act', I shall make them pay to tell how a Lawrence should behave! But to be honest, I'm not so sure if I can since they are the God we worship, nobody in the Clan planned a rule for this occasion.."
⠀‣ Fischl & Oz
About The Creator
"Fate was sealed when the holy name fell to the soon blessed land to greet the one bereft of sins, both born in this universe from the sea of stars with The Knowledge which the infinity is powerless to conceal, and yet, I, Prinzessin der Verurteilung cannot comprehend the absolute truth for the disciples of this world, as I can only hear the sound of darkness produced by its light.
What does she means is that she thinks The Creator is worth of her friendship and would like to know them more, but their way of speaking with their 'slangs', are quite difficult to understand."
⠀‣ Jean
About The Creator: Work
"I understand it might be overwhelming for them, that's why I'm trying to manage their schedule and reassure them. I know they told me to take a rest for a while but I can't help but be concerned, I only wish for them to be confortable and free from worry."
About The Creator: Consort
"We've been close for quite some time, I truly felt touched when they asked me, it's quite embarrassing to say but I was lost for words, and I don't usually loose my composure... But I was happy to accept their proposal, they're someone I can turn to when I need to, they do bring me comfort, I hope they think the same thing about me... Sorry, I get a bit distracted when talking about them."
⠀‣ Kaeya
About The Creator: First Impression
"Oh... so you've heard about The Great Creator of Teyvat, have you met them yet? I'm sure you'd like them, their personality don't quite match their title, but don't worry, you're not going to be disappointed."
About The Creator: Consort
"You want to know more about me being a consort? Don't you think it's a bit inappropriate... Hehe, I'm just teasing you, I have to admit they caught me off guard when they proposed to me, but how could I say no to such an adorable face, they're so cute when they're shy, very fun to tease. Oh, if you excuse me, I have to meet them for some... private stuff..."
⠀‣ Klee
About The Creator
"Y/n is the best! We do fireworks together, it's less fun than fish blasting but it's so pretty... They also take care of me sometimes with Albedo, it's so fun when we're the three together!"
⠀‣ Lisa
About The Creator
"We've been on a few dates together, for book recommendations obviously, haha. They wanted to know more about their past life, unfortunately there is so little about The Creator in the library. I have to say the way they're portrayed in the books isn't as endearing as the real version."
⠀‣ Mona
About The Creator
"Asking me to look at their destiny is like asking me to look at the constellation of a constellation... The Creator is the stars themselves and everything that exists in this world. Hydromancy is a simple magic trick compared to their power, but they seemed to have lost it with their memory too. Do you know how much Mora some Acolytes offered me to show The Creator their past?! Of course I didn't accept but that was a beautiful thought to imagine..."
⠀‣ Noelle
About The Creator
"Once I was helping them to search an object, it took us the whole day but we finally found it, I proposed my help if they had any other troubles and they told me I didn't have to do that but I told that made me happy that I could help them. And after that, they looked a bit down, maybe it's because they aren't use to people helping them out of kindness, but because of their important position we gave them, so as asual I wanted to help by cheering them up and that is how we became friends."
⠀‣ Razor
About The Creator
"Hm, Cre-ator? I don't know them... Y/n? Yes, they're nice and kind, very kind. My lupical also likes their smell."
⠀‣ Rosaria
About The Creator
"Since they came back, there has been more work for the sisters, making sure to welcome them every time they visit Mondstadt, new choirs and prayers to learn, urg... Though I have to say it's quite a funny sight to see them just as bored in those neverending ceremonies as me."
⠀‣ Sucrose
About The Creator
"Oh yes, they're an interesting person, I wanted to observe them, o-of course not without their agreement, but I was afraid to ask... However, Mr. Albedo told me to go and talk to them because he needed to investigate about something, he wanted to see how someone else is affected when talking to The Creator. I'm not sure what conclusion I needed to draw but I discovered they were really nice and told me I shouldn't be afraid of talking to them more... Ah, I hope we can have another chance to discuss together again."
⠀‣ Venti
About The Creator: Songs
"Ah, yes, many people in Mondstadt believe in them, that's why I dedicated multiple songs about them and the wonderful land they created! Those really help me when I don't have enough money to pay... Ehe~"
About The Creator: Consort
"It's always a delight to hear people talking about our union, they're such a wonderful partner, how lucky I am! I still write many songs about them, just a different type this time and they're more personal. But I can write thousands of lyrics with the most beautiful words and somehow it will never be enough to demonstrate my love... Hmm... I like this topic! If you want we can talk more about them over a drink, or perhaps I can show you my new poem for them."
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© ་ ׅ : pls don't translate or copy this | don't reblog with yand3r3/cult tags or if you’re a yand3r3 blog/reblog account.
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By: Aaron Benner
Published: Oct 2, 2015
I have been an elementary teacher almost all of my adult life, mostly in St. Paul Public Schools. First and foremost, I teach because I love kids, I love schools, I love our city, and I really love what happens when a group of kids becomes a community in a classroom and a school. For this to occur, everybody has to play a part — parents, students, teachers, building and district administration, and the broader community. As a black man, it breaks my heart to watch these communities fall apart and to see some children who look like me behave so poorly in our schools.
In 2011, I addressed the St. Paul School Board. At the time, I told them about my concerns with student behavior at Benjamin E. Mays Elementary School, where I taught sixth grade. I hoped to start a discussion about what I was witnessing. Although the media paid some attention (likely because my race made for an interesting story), the school board ignored me. I addressed the board again on May 20, 2014, regarding the same issues, but this time I was aware they were happening districtwide. Four other brave teachers accompanied me. The school board ignored us again and tried to paint us as anti-racial equity.
From 2013-15, I taught fourth grade at John A. Johnson Elementary (JAJ). The behaviors that I witnessed last year at JAJ were far worse than what I complained to the school board about in 2011 and in 2014. On a daily basis, I saw students cussing at their teachers, running out of class, yelling and screaming in the halls, and fighting. If I had a dollar for every time my class was interrupted by a student running into my room and yelling, I’d be a rich man. It was obvious to me that these behaviors were affecting learning, so when I saw the abysmal test scores this summer, I was not surprised. Out of 375 students, only 14.3 percent were proficient in Reading, 9.6 percent in Math and 9.3 percent in Science. These test scores are not acceptable in any way, shape or form.
I diligently collected data on the behaviors that I saw in our school and completed behavior referrals for the assaults. These referrals were not accurately collected. The school suspended some students, but many more assaults were ignored or questioned by administrators to the point where the assaults were not even documented. I have since learned that this tactic is widely used throughout the district to keep the numbers of referrals and suspensions low.
The parents who complained to the school board last year about behavior at Ramsey Jr. High know all too well about behaviors being ignored. The students of SPPS are being used in some sort of social experiment where they are not being held accountable for their behavior. This is only setting our children up to fail in the future, especially our black students. All of my students at JAJ were traumatized by what they experienced last year — even my black students. Safety was my number one concern, not teaching.
Who would conduct such an experiment on our kids? I blame the San Francisco-based consulting firm, Pacific Education Group (PEG). PEG was hired by SPPS in 2010 to help close the achievement gap. PEG makes no secret of the fact that its prescription for closing the gap is based on the Critical Race Theory. This theory argues that racism is so ingrained in the American way of life — its economy, schools, and government — that things must be made unequal in order to compensate for that racism. PEG pushes the idea that black students are victims of white school policies that make it difficult or impossible for them to learn. So, when a black student is disruptive, PEG, as I see it, stresses that it’s not their fault, and the student should just take a break, and then return to class shortly thereafter.
Racism and white privilege definitely exist, and there is not enough space in this paper for me to share all of the humiliating encounters I’ve experienced that are a product of racism. But to blame poor behavior and low test scores solely on white teachers is simply wrong. However, it’s the new narrative in our district, pushed by PEG.
I recently dropped out of the St. Paul School Board race to focus on my new job at a charter school, but I’m still concerned with the current state of SPPS and the direction of the school board. Here’s what I think should happen: First and foremost, the newly elected board must sever ties with Pacific Education Group. PEG has charged the taxpayers of St. Paul $3 million over the last five years. According to some reports, SPPS has matched PEG with $1.2 million. What are these matching dollars used for? It is crucial to understand that behaviors throughout the district have escalated to the point where we are at a crisis in St. Paul. PEG is not working. To add insult to injury, two weeks ago, the St. Paul School Board had the audacity to set the ceiling of next year’s tax levy 3.85 percent higher than the current year. Tax increase? This must be a joke.
Racial equity and closing the achievement gap, the correct way, are commendable goals. However, PEG’s idea of racial equity is NOT the answer. PEG stresses black culture and nothing else. What is black culture? Did PEG survey the black community of St. Paul and ask what behaviors should be acceptable in our schools? I don’t recall filling out any surveys or receiving any phone calls regarding this topic.
Because of PEG, we have forgotten about our Asian, Latino and Native communities. The St. Paul Public School district has the second most diverse school population in the country (New York City is ranked No. 1). For the record, Asians make up the largest minority group in our schools. PEG has influenced this district on major policy changes, from questionable behavioral guidelines and hiring practices to the creation of new positions with jargonistic titles.
We now have “Cultural Specialists” and “Behavior Specialists” throughout our schools. An overwhelming number of these specialists are black, and it’s not clear to me what their qualifications are. Their job seems to be to talk to students who have been involved in disruptions or altercations and return them to class as quickly as possible. Some of these “specialists” even reward disruptive students by taking them to the gym to play basketball (yes, you read that correctly). This scene plays out over and over for teachers throughout the school day. There is no limit to the number of times a disruptive student will be returned to your class. The behavior obviously has not changed, and some students have realized that their poor behavior has its benefits.
St. Paul Public Schools is in desperate need of true behaviorists to replace these “specialists.” Licensed therapists who are trained to help change and replace inappropriate behaviors. I expect that PEG would never go for this because it would contradict their excuse that “black culture” accounts for such behaviors. The newly elected school board can change that.
Another action the newly elected school board must take is to visit schools, listen to teachers, and offer them much-needed support. Teachers are currently fending for themselves when it comes to behavior concerns. Part of my frustration is with the leadership of the St. Paul Federation of Teachers. The union is so concerned with getting along with the district that they are paralyzed when the hundreds of teachers they represent bring up the issue of behavior. This needs to change.
PEG and SPPS are harming the very people whose interests they claim to represent. Follow the money. The taxpayers of St. Paul should demand to know who exactly is benefitting from PEG. Students definitely aren’t.
Aaron Anthony Benner works as the African- American Liaison/Behavior Coach and Community of Peace Academy, a public charter school in St. Paul.
By: Victor Skinner
Published: Sep 24, 2019
Aaron Benner, a black teacher from St. Paul, Minnesota, won a large settlement with the St. Paul School District last week over retaliation he faced for speaking out against the district’s race-based student discipline policies.
Benner argued the investigations came in retaliation for complaints to the school board about race-based student discipline policies implemented by then Superintendent Valeria Silva and promoted by President Obama. The discipline policies aimed to reduce suspensions of black students by lowering the expectations for behavior and increasing the threshold for suspensions, something Benner repeatedly, publicly argued was against the best interests of black students.
The “restorative justice” approach to student discipline was accompanied by “white privilege” teacher training sessions that cost the district taxpayers more than $3 million. Those sessions focused on the “white privilege” theory that the public education system is hopelessly stacked against black students, who shouldn’t be held accountable for poor academics or bad behavior.
In St. Paul and hundreds of schools across the country, the “white privilege” training sessions were conducted by Pacific Educational Group, also known as PEG.
“PEG was hired by SPPS in 2010 to help close the achievement gap. PEG makes no secret that its prescription for closing the gap is based on the Critical Race Theory. This theory argues that racism is so ingrained in the American way of life – its economy, schools, and government – that things must be made unequal in order to compensate for that racism,” Benner wrote in a 2015 editorial for the Press.
“Peg pushes the idea that black students are victims of white school policies that make it difficult or impossible for them to learn,” Benner wrote. “So, when a black student is disruptive, PEG, as I see it, stresses that it’s not their fault.”
Benner refused to accept that black students are less capable than their white classmates and left the school district in 2015. Benner taught at a local charter school and was later hired for a administration position at the St. Paul private school Cretin-Derham Hall, according to the Star Tribune.
After years of complaints from parents, teachers, administrators and others about violent and disruptive students running rampant with impunity, St. Paul school leaders eventually got rid of Silva and scrapped the failed student discipline policies.
Last week, the school board settled up with Benner, though the district denied any wrongdoing.
“This agreement enables the district to avoid the time, expense and uncertainty of protracted legal proceedings regarding its previous policies, practices and expectations,” board members wrote in a prepared statement.
The district contends taxpayers are responsible for $50,000 of the settlement, while its insurer will cover $475,000.
Benner told the Star Tribune he credits God for the favorable outcome.
“I thank God for all the blessings in my life,” he wrote in an email to the news site. “I turned 50 this year, got married in July and now (there is) this settlement.”
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visgrapplinghooks · 8 months
friendlinghood: a proposal
skip to "terminology" if you don't want the long explanation
QPRs are really difficult to talk about because of the way the modern queer community has kinda framed it as like "dating but without romantic attraction"
when that's not entirely true
I mean, you COULD say that's a kind of QPR but it'd be a mistake to frame all of it that way. this is in large part to internet misinformation and shit as well as amatonormativity from which a lot of relationship discourse is framed against
queerplatonicism, from my pov refers to what is essentially the natural byproduct of queer and neurodivergent people having close friends
the queer community has been aware for a while that its members would have close friendships that in some way violated traditional social norms for behavior outside romantic relationships or family, etc.
when you sit outside the neurotypical and patriarchal norm, the conventional social understanding of what relationships are kinda breaks down for you
you display levels of closeness and intimacy and affection that are "inappropriate" for neurotypical and patriarchal society. in most cases they're not formal relationships, but natural evolutions of friendships between queer and neurodivergent folks
cishet people actually do have variants on this like the concept of "blood brothers" where two men who love each other basically make a pact to always have each other's backs and be their support and they do the whole movie thing where they mix blood to bind them together (it's a very cinematic thing, but the point is it exists in the popular consciousness)
"romance" and "friendship" each refer to a set of social norms and expectations. there's like a whole narrative constructed around those concepts and people internalize and have their own versions of them
a lot of people probably have friends they want to fuck or kiss or cuddle or declare their undying affection for but it'd just be "weird" within the social boundaries of acceptability and so people pigeonhole their relationships into either friend or romantic partner.
queerplatonicism (from my pov) is essentially accepting or practicing relationships which are neither platonic or romantic or even strictly familial. many queer people have them with other queer people they're close to. if you know queer folks then you probably know what I'm talking about - the friends they have that they're not dating but seem intensely attached and close to. they usually have weird names for each other that go beyond friendship like they'll jokingly call each other wives and husbands and siblings and partners... but it doesn't feel quite entirely joking. they'll express a lot of physical affection in the casual way you might typically ascribe to romantic partners. they'll prioritize time with those people as much as any romantic partner they may have etc.
straight and cis people and neurotypical people obviously experience them to some extent, it's just that patriarchy was built around cishet neurotypicals in particular, so it tends to cling to their mindsets more strongly, and once you're already outside of the "bounds of normalcy" by being queer, ND, etc. then it's a lot easier to feel like it's okay for you to be in relationships that aren't "normal".
because like the idea of loving someone with your entire fucking being... it's so tied up in these cultural ideas on how to behave about those feelings and it never made sense to me, because if you just let yourself feel those emotions you start to realize there are people in your life that maybe you love so much more than friends. but "more than friends" is so washed up in romance that you force those feelings down and think "this is fine, I'm happy with being just friends, what else can we be?"
maybe I don't want to have sex or hold hands on a ferris wheel or get. married or kiss or any of that. maybe I just want to exist in the same room as that person know that that person is in my life and know that person cares about me just as much as I do them.
I've started to use the term "friendling" in my day to day life, now. the term is a portmanteau of "friend" and "sibling" and "loveling" (the english cognate of the German word "lieblings" which can mean "favorite", but is also a term of endearment).
to me, it's probably the most accurate way to describe the Everything All At Once feelings that are simultaneously your weird friends that are your found family and also "romantic" but twisted beyond recognition where the term stops meaning anything.
I'm just throwing this word and explanation out there for anyone who feels like me and wants to use it too. not exclusive to queer people or neurodivergence or anything, I just think it's often easier to be cognisant of those feelings when you are queer and neurodivergent.
that being said, I do NOT want this to be folded into another "attraction label". this is, as far as I can tell, not a unique form of attraction but quite literally the opposite. it's an abstraction of the core impulses of attraction that ALL humans experience without the labels or social structures built around it. I do not want the language that I've spent so long trying to find for my experiences losing all of its value and being reapporpriated into the amatonormative, allonormative, and cisheteropatriarchal framework.
"friendlinghood" - is what I see as an attribute of relationships and the extent to which they deviate from socially conventional definitions of a relationship.
"friendlingship" - used grammatically like friendship. referring to any complex relationship acategorically.
"friendling" - used grammatically similar to friend. referring to those involved in any complex relationship acategorically.
all of this shit is nebulous and doesn't really mean anything beyond what meaning you choose to give it. I think any relationship can have some amount of friendlinghood and I don't think there's a clear line between friendlingship and friendship or romance or family, because it's not a type of relationship in the first place. it's just silly words I made that helped me.
language and labels
so the biggest problem with terminology like this is you can end up creating labels. my point was to create personal terms for myself and my relationships because that's what helped me personally process my own feelings.
that's not to say everyone needs or benefits from them. you can just vibe and do whatever you want and many people are happy with that.
I don't think words like this being codified and standardized really helps anyone. it's unavoidable that we as humans like articulating feelings, but the entire point of my interactions with friendlinghood is about certain things defying labels and language. language in this sense is just a tool, it's a hammer for a nail. it's not embodying the concept itself, it's just useful shorthand.
I will still freely refer to friendlings as close friends, best friends, found family, and other words. as long as I know the intention behind it is all that matters. I just needed that initial bit of language to articulate the feelings before the other words felt right to me.
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faerytreealtars · 9 months
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ “Less Work, More Play” ~ Ways to connect to your inner child ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
Hello again, my dear Saplings! 🌱 I am back once again with another new PAC today that I hope you enjoy, take a deep breath, and choose whatever images resonate with your soul and heart, Happy reading! ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
  Being connected to our child-like energy does not mean to behave like a tantruming two-year old or to act naively in situations where you know it is necessary to have a sensible and mature head on your shoulders, no to connect with the child within us in a healthy way we should embrace wonder, never fear trying out new things and remember its okay to be silly and fun now and again, don’t be afraid to laugh at yourself and never mind the unneeded judgements of others. If they refuse to look after the child within in and feel uncomfortable to see yours thriving that's a them problem!
I would love to hear if the message you received resonated with you, so don’t feel afraid to comment, for it makes me so happy to connect with you all! 💕  
Song: Lost Boy - Ruth B.
Faery-Tale: Puss in Boots ~ “Perhaps the greatest gift that can be left to you is something you already have within”
[ My Instagram ♡ / Personal Readings ♤ /  Faery Masterlist ☆  ]  
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Pile 1
[Cards: Ace of Cups, Eight of Swords, The Chariot & King of Swords]
Ways you can reconnect with your inner child include slowing down in life, instead of rushing from one goalpost to another try to appreciate the journey. Collect memories physically & mentally - make an album of photographs from both adventures and ordinary life and fill it with pictures of those dear to you too. Listen & dance to music from your youth or even scrapbook/Journal about your days if you're feeling creative. Don't become another victim of the belief that once you've reached a certain age all fun must die only to be replaced with responsibilities and strict rules! Keep dreaming, keep playing, and keep growing!
Oracle: Benedicta
Don't be afraid to step outside your comfort zones, No one ever grew in stagnation - Just like a plant in a pot too small for its roots your run the danger of wilting. Be daring, be bold, and most importantly true to your soul!
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Pile 2
[Cards: Four of Pentacles, Knight of Cups, Three of Pentacles & Four of Swords]
To connect more with your inner child within you I suggest some much-needed TLC & self-care. treat yourself, you deserve it! Think to yourself if your child's self suddenly appeared in your life and you were entrusted to care for them. How would you treat them? Perhaps you would give them all the nice things they were refused in life. Now is your chance to do just that. Another message I'm hearing is to not burden yourself with all the decisions if you run a business or are in a partnership/Marriage Lean on those around you (spouse/Work Colleagues) to carry some of the load it isn't your responsibility to carry it all - You don't need to feel alone.
Oracle: Rubi
Make time for your friends and family don't feel afraid that you might be missing out on work, or some other important chore on your to-do list, it won't end your world to slow down and appreciate all you've got. Wouldn't you rather make fun and exciting memories with those dearest to your heart rather than worry and stress yourself out over work? The decision is ultimately in your hands.
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Pile 3
[Cards: Five of Wands, The Star, Ten of Pentacles & Nine of Swords]
The way you connect to your inner child within you may include singing along to your favourite tunes, but I'm also hearing a message to avoid conflict - don't go into situations heated and looking for arguments & if it is others not accepting you don't want to engage cut them off and take some time away from them for your own sanity. I would also advise against scrolling through social media or constantly watching content full of bad news or toxic drama. Please don't compare your life to perfect pictures online this is making you lose faith in yourself and your dreams. You're quite wonderful as you are and your inner child says they wouldn't change a thing! after all, no one but Mary Poppins can be perfect!
Oracle: Sir Norval & Elliot
Perhaps you are over due for an adventure somewhere quiet & far away from the noise and distraction of modern life. Somewhere that you can reconnect with nature and the joys of the simple every day. Put down your devices and go out there the next chance you get to fulfill the curiosity of your soul!
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I hope the message you received from the child within was joyful and uplifting to you! Make sure to embrace each day with wonder and joy as that is how you can help begin the first steps to inner-child connection! For magic truly is everywhere is just depends on how you choose to view things.
-Love, Fae🔮🧚🏻‍♀
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We've barely talked about Jason's chaotic and prankster side, so...could I request headcanons of some mischief or silliness jason has done?
Take carro of you :3
Jason has red hair, everyone knows this. However! One day he got the silly urge to dye his hair a few shades darker. It was noticeable, but whenever someone would question him, he'd say it was the same shade it's always been. If someone tried to use photo evidence, he'd convince them it was just that specific lighting that day that made it look brighter. This went on for weeks, and whenever his roots would show, he'd touch them up with more dye. Eventually, he let his hair grow back out to its natural color, and despite how pissed some people got at him for it he thinks it was worth it.
Jason is also known to not be a good chef. While he can bake and make sweets tastier than you've ever had before, the man cannot cook regular food that isn't meant to be sweet. He's trying to change this, but it's taking some time and he knows his food still isn't good yet. The creeps take turns setting the table and getting all the food lined up and ready though, and sometimes when it's Jason's turn to set the table and get the food lined up, he'll tell everyone it was his turn to cook that day. This is amusing to him, because he loves watching them try to figure out if the food is actually edible or not, and they never know if they should actually fill their plates up. Eventually, he will tell them he was joking (or the actual cook that night will say something) but Jason just loves teasing them.
It's pretty well known in the Underworld what Jason's basic toys that he uses for work look like, however, Jason is also capable of making other ones. When he goes to all of those balls and galas and high-class functions he's generally on his best behavior, but he tends to get internally pretty bored at a lot of them. Because of this, sometimes he'll sneak in a new prototype of a toy and have it wreak some havoc for his own entertainment. Nobody ever knows it's him because he's so gentlemanly and well-behaved and he's an excellent actor and acts just as surprised as everyone else, and he never uses the same design twice. The only person that's aware it's him is Slender and that's purely because Slender has seen him sneaking them into his pockets before they leave for the event.
Jason prefers his beauty sleep, however, sometimes he'll have to wake up early due to an emergency or a change of plans, and he understands that, but what he refuses to understand and accept is when someone just wakes him up early without a good reason. Slender, at one point, woke Jason up early a few times as he wanted to try and encourage Jason to be more social. That could not have backfired more. Slender is pretty damn obsessed and reliant on coffee, and Jason ended up, for several weeks, waking up before Slender every morning, and switching all of his coffee beans between different bags, so Slender was always using a different coffee bean than he meant to. After a lengthy apology and a promise to never wake him up early again, Jason finally stopped switching around his coffee and relished in the joy of sleeping as much as he wanted to.
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house-of-vandernacht · 8 months
I think under all Ada's insecurity, she's desperate to be Lenore's friend, and not because of being upwardly mobile. Out of all of them, Ada has sussed out that Lenore comes from money/has station, and isn't tryna blow smoke up her ass like she is Annabel. She genuinely seems to like Lenore.
I think she recognises that Lenore is different from most rich folks. She cares and is accepting of everyone regardless of station. Ada has watched Lenore stand up for the little guy, to show concern equally for rich or poor, to show concern for people in general which is probably not something Ada has experienced much with rich folks.
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Ada isn't entirely stupid (just a lil dim), -- until romance comes into the picture, and that's understandable for someone who desperately wants to be loved -- she's shown herself to be smart and astute in a lot of ways, but in this case I don't think she behaves the way she does towards Lenore because she's edging her bets n her allegiances are fickle.
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I think when we see Ada with Lenore is when Ada is at her most genuine. She feels comfortable enough to show glimpses of herself around Lenore, which she doesn't do with any of the others, which is a crying shame cause those glimpses we see of her, she seems like she'd be a great girl that's a lot of fun but its buried underneath fear, insecurity and the fingerprints of societal norms of her era.
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(right after she punches Lenore in the tit. :D )
We don't know the circumstances of how she became a maid, but we can extrapolate a few things by looking at history available to us.
Maiding was seen as a respectable, nay, if not a sought after job in all eras. It leant you a smidge of social status, but the down side was, yes you might rub shoulders with the wealthy and famous but you were never part of that world. It was like being on the other side of the a filmy membrane. Often you were never noticed at all, and subject to an even stricter societal hierarchy than what was on offer outside the house, but often maids saw factory work as being beneath them or super working class poor. It was a weird skewing of the world. Ada is just as much a victim of circumstance as Lenore and Annabel, has been shaped by it, and its fueling her Nevermore behaviour.
If I'm correct in my theory that she was a scullery maid/ lower house maid specifically, (denoted by her lack of skills of how to prepare a lady for her day) she's on the lowest service rung with little to no prospects of advancement unless a head maid took an interest to teach her how to be a parlour maid. This in time might lead to a head maid track but there was hot competition from all the other maids in the house, esp if there was a large staff (you often had to wait until the head maid died for a promotion reshuffle, OR another house hold offered you employment, and even then you would need to seek permission from your employer to be released from their service.) So this is a girl who needs her position to keep her belly full, and a roof over her head, and is used to having someone (prolly lots of someones) have power over her n hold her life in their hands. She's in a very vulnerable position and perfectly primed to be taken advantage of. Then introduce a young heir dangling that good life and societal advancement in front of her. Its easy to see how she might have succumbed to those romantic advancements even though she's risking her reputation AND position. (and then it ends in the ultimate betrayal)
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She wanted more for herself, she wanted to be a has, not a has not. She has been groomed by service n societal norms. And who wouldn't grasp the opportunity when it arose to claw their way from the bottom n grab that perceived good life? She was quick on the uptake in Nevermore, enacting a ruse from the get go. She didn't think she had the luxury to sit back and assess the situation, because it might be her only chance at something better than what she couldn't quite remember. She looked at the game of poker, saw everybody was at the same starting point, threw herself into the gamble and began trying to build her own hand. The shame is that underneath it all, I believe, Ada is a great girl who desperately wants good friends, but she's unable to trust or rely on others due to her own hangups that have been stamped by her pastlife. Think she and Bernice would get along great if she'd just shirked this up stairs/downstairs mentality, realise it doesn't matter, find her own self esteem, and just be herself. If she was just herself, I think she'd find that she'd be accepted which would help her self esteem so much. Welp. this got away from me. I just have a lot of empathy for the silly little twit. The Writer's do a great job of toeing the line with Ada, she'll do something questionable but then draw you back in. You might want to hate her but you just can't.
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imustbenuts · 9 days
had to take a hard break from my yakuza kiwami 2 playthrough
yeah its the kiss scene. blasted me right out of the ride. sayama just lost her father less than 12 hours ago, admits shes emotionally shaky, and the writer decides kiryu should go in for a kiss right there?
in normal situations thats just sexual harassment. and i still dont feel the chemistry bc yk2 kiryu is behaving awfully weird around women in this entry. the things he does and say sometimes crosses into sexual harassment more than once. its so weird.
dude's behaving like he's got depression from losing yumi and nishiki the year before, dealing with significant social awkwardness and just does that. after repeatedly pulling away from girls who are into him in the cabaret social outings. o<-< whats going on.
my current question being, is he unintentionally treating sayama as a rebound bc she resembles yumi physically?
i see the hint of reused tropes with yumi. the same trope of how they're both beautiful. yumi with her gekka bijin and sayama with multiple characters commenting on her beauty multiple times. the age too, matches up with roughly yumi's before kiryu got sent to jail in y1, being mid 20s.
i also cant really accept the age part. kiryu is 39. sayama is 25. sayama is also an overachiever and these types tend to be more naive and inexperienced when it comes to dating and relationships. its a little... hm.... nnmmmmmnmng. hm.
anyway, if he is using sayama as a rebound thats leaning into evil on the ethical heterosexuality scale. not as bad as yumi getting killed -- bc how dare she moved on instead of waiting for kiryu? bad faith interpretation here yes, but a plausible interpretation nevertheless.
this is definitely some kind of weird bad writing and i cant get behind it at all.
i also dont know why they didnt add sayama into minigames and write more banter fluff if she's mean to be the romance interest for kiryu. there's nothing. i can invite majima who happily hops by despite having to juggle 3 VERY big jobs, but i cant invite sayama? we have a little mechanic of increasing haruka's affection by doing her requests but all sayama gets is cutscenes...? really....? at least try...
none of these alone would be a deal breaker necessarily, bc they do actually mesh well on the surface level. there was a few scenes that made me cheer for them. but there's too much when its all added together that it cant save the bad payoff.
there is actually so much going on that im wondering if kiryu's actually into women at all, and in fact, not seeing them all as harukas. 🤔
also now looking back at that bucket list scene in y8: sayama. im sorry. the writers should have given you a life beyond yk2 and allowed you to move on.
the game isnt over yet im sure theres gonna be more Heterosexual Bullshit coming my way. i need a drink.
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