shankschewtoy · 1 year
Hii! How was your day? Can I please get Sabo, luffy and ace? If you can, please add shanks! It's okay if not! Can you please do them with their s/o waking them up, but they just wouldn't? So the s/o says "Wake up my boyfriend's here!" To prank them? Thank you!
a/n - I totally died I’m sorry lmao 💀 oml this idea is everything anon- thanks for requesting!!
Warnings ⚠️ - g/n reader, crack as always
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- it’s not a surprise luffy just- won’t wake up unless you say food is ready, or that there’s an island in sight .-. very heavy sleeper, won’t wake up if there’s a firework in his room 💀 (I’m not joking you’ve tried this.)
- well today was the day, you’re gonna prank Luffy, isn’t that fun? 😂 you got nami to play along with this.. She was gonna be the one knocking on the door 👀 all that was left was to just sleep with him like normal!
- “goodnight y/n!!”
- “Night luffy >:)”
- the amount of effort to just stop yourself from laughing was incredible- you were practically tearing up just from struggling not to laugh and giggle.
- cue the knock on the door (thx nami) you frantically shook poor Luffy awake, smacking his face just to get one of his eyes half open. “Huh??? What??” Man was so tired 💀
- “Luffy get up! My boyfriend’s here! GET UP! INTO THE CLOSET RIGHT NOW-!” You shouted, shoving him out of bed. Poor man was not awake at all so he literally just went into the closet as you instructed. Your plan had backfired because now he was just sleeping in the closet.
- … “ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!” -you
- “y/n I warned you of how dumb he is.” -nami
- about 8 hours later (it’s now past 3pm) he stumbled out of the closet, rubbing his eyes and yawning with a grin. “Where’s y/n? She said her boyfriend was here! I wanna meet him!” (Omfg Luffy)
- man literally didn’t get the prank. HE DIDNT UNDERSTAND- (I’ll calm down) he skipped around, finally finding you helping Nami harvest some oranges. “Y/n! Where’s your boyfriend? You said he was here right? What’s he look like? Is he strong?” He asked with excitement.
- the way you and nami were just looking at each other oml: why
- “Luffy. You’re my boyfriend.”
- “yeah I know that! I’m not dumb-“
- “…HUH?!”
- “Aw man so he isn’t here?”
- you chased him for about 30 minutes before you finally calmed down, and then he understood.
- kicks him into the ocean
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- now here with sabo, it’s once in a blue moon where you’re the one waking him up. It’s NEVER that way, it’s always him dragging you out of bed at the literal crack of dawn. He’s an old man, give his poor soul a rest and some coffee 💀
- BUT- this one time, since he was exhausted, you were the one waking him up. Poor man’s hair was having a bad day, it was literally standing up straight like goku’s hair lmao. You started by gently tapping him, and when that didn’t work. You nudged him, “Sabo-? Cmon wake up, we have to go eat so we don’t miss the briefing!” You said hurriedly.
- He was just out like a rock. He wasn’t even budging, so you had to resort to more desperate measures. Yelling his name, tapping his cheeks, holding him by the shoulders, and even blowing and air horn into his ears.
- “SABO.”
- sabo: peacefully having nice dreams
- finally, you had the perfect idea… And if this didn’t work? God you might just decide to make dragon or koala do something. “My boyfriend’s here! Get up! Hurry!” You shouted, grabbing his arms.
- “wha- huh???” He said, his eyes barely being able to open. You dragged his sleepy ass out of bed, over to your closet. “Y/n what are you doing???”
- “my boyfriend’s here now get inside before he sees you!” You said, opening your closet door. He was so tired, dehydrated, exhausted, and most of all? So fucking confused.
- “wait- but- I thought I was your boyfriend…? Right? Was it all just- a dream? Did I dream all of it?!” He was on the verge of tears. Oh god you fucked up. You gave him a hug, “No- no! Sabo it was just something I used to wake you up… You’re my boyfriend.”
- poor guy was sniffling, trying to hold back his tears, you’d never do this again because you didn’t think his heart nor yours could take it. You never want to see poor sabo cry again 😭
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anzynai · 9 days
Hello!! I am new here but I really love your writing and the event seems really interesting :)
May I have a platonic ler!Ray x male reader (the promised Neverland)
Only if you feel comfortable with it could the reader have a small childish crush on Ray, I feel like it's funnier (and more embarrassing to [Name])
Here's a scenario: [name] tries to get Ray to play with him and the other kids, but the mission backfires on poor [Name]. And they just end up cuddling and tickling ?? :3 with Ray being a smug little gremlin-
Obviously you don't have to write it if you don't feel like it, have a nice day/night/morning/evening. Rest and drink a respectable amount of water, and remember; you're incredibly good 😊
HIIII i didnt think i would get a tpn request at all but im pleasantly surprised that i did:) thanks for sending one in! the reader DOES have a crush on ray, but its not directly stated, so maybe it doesnt count??? also, i dont specify genders at all just because i write x readers in second person, so ur free to assume. either way, hope u like this!!
“nohoho, stahahap it!” ray cried as your hands and fingers scribbled against his twitching sides.
“not until you agree to play with us!” you declare, sticking a tongue out. ray’s face was bright red as he giggled, kicking his legs and thrusting his arms out.
you were straddling him so he was stuck, or so you thought. bucking his hips sent you falljng to the side and before you could fully recover, he was already on top of you and you blushed at the smugness on his face.
“r-ray.. wait, we can ta-AHAHALK ahahahaa NOHOHO!” you cried, embarrassed at how he had gotten you back so easily.
“i don’t think so. you seem to have gotten pretty comfortable tickling me.. isn’t it time for a taste of your own medicine?” ray said, amusement clear in his features and ah, well, he wasn’t lying. you had been tickling him a lot recently but he is just so cute and you liked being around him and.. well, you didn’t really know why. you just knew you wanted to play around with him and tickling was so fun!
“plehehehease! rahahhaay!” you screech when his hands find spots on you that are more ticklish than you had thought. gosh, who knew ray was such a good tickler?
he didn’t stop tickling you until you were screamed for mercy and, you decided that from now on, you definitely had to reconsider your stategies if you tried to tickle him again.
still, he lied down beside you, so close that you guys were practically touching. it was peaceful and comfortable and maybe the exhaustion was creeping on you harder than you had thought.
you felt your eyes shift shut and if you found yourself later waking up, arms interlocking a sleeping ray, well… no one else had to know.
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daisybell17 · 4 months
day 179: BACKFIRED…💀
where tf do i even begin 😃 ok so today i had class from 9-2 and it was alright tbh i wasnt at my best today but i was able to submit one of my main assignments so that was good but idk how to even describe what happened from 2-3!! so first i went to the library with my friends and while they were doing their own thing i was finalising my stuff, after i finished we started talking abt stuff and i had to hold EVERYTHING together when we were talking about a specific topic but anyways, i left earlier today to spend time with my mom and as i was walking I FCKING FORGOT…TO CHANGE MY ROUTE…AND…YALLS…so WAYYYYYYYY BACK IN SEPT i saw this guy who i thought was lowkey cute and tbh i was like “why not i follow him? he has the uni in his bio” and so i kinda searched him up and all and followed him…and to my surprise he actually let me in AND THEN THIS MF REQUESTED MY 2ND WHICH I DID EVENTUALLY ACCEPT HIM IN now by this point i think i should mention i literally dk anything abt the dude besdies his club and name…SO WHEN HE FCKING APPROACHED ME TODAY…IM NOT JOKING…HE WENT FROM SITTING TO HIS BOOTH TO GO AND SAY HI TO ME BC I WAS ALONE…FCK I WAS SCARED…AND THE MF ASKED WHY I FOLLOWED HIM…so i gave some bs excuse bc LIKE I DIDNT WANNA GIVE THE REAL REASON…and then well i should have like bit back and say “oh whyd u follow me on my second?” but i didnt but oh my lord did i look like a fcking tomato after…yea that era of mine is OVER bro i…LIKE YES HE WAS ALL SMILEY BUT FHHSABAHAHIAKA ok awesome and then me and my mom got dinner and now im home and playing since im dine for the week ok night
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Injustice 2 #38
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emetkoto · 2 years
Hey, please tell me your favourite Emetkoto headcanon? - @littlelordalphinaud
honest to god have to go with the wedding thing it drives me insane to think about its SO good and hurts SO much...im working on a long ass rambling post about it so i wont talk your ear off too much here but basically tldr (shadowbringers and endwalker spoilers)
near the end of shb before the vauthry fight when everything was looking good irt k'oto containing the light and suck emet-selch came to him one night he wasnt called and woke him up to take him down to the shade of amaurot in the tempest and the two got married in a traditional amaurotine ceremony <3 then after the ceremony and the obligatory ""first night"" he waited for k'oto to fall asleep and used his magic to seal away his memories of the night, took his ring, and sent him back to his inn room so it was as if nothing ever happened at all :,) if he had been able to contain the light from vauthry and prove mankinds worth emet-selch would have broken the spell and allowed him to have them back so they could just stay together but things didn't work out and the next chance he got was after the dying gasp which uh...ummmm... well. k'oto was pretty fucked up since he yknow, didnt plan to kill him at all and was not in control when that axe was swung so letting those memories loose right then seemed like a terrible idea so he just. didnt! he thought k'oto would be better off without the burden so he went on and on missing him and wishing that he had something, anything to remember him by, or any truly good times to look back on to numb the pain but he didnt!! so emet-selchs whole 'youll be better off without them' thing kinda backfired, oops! after elpis he was even more of a mess since um. wow. that all was kind of his fault for not really doing anything even though doing something would literally make him stop existing huh! when he got down to the aetherial sea and met hydealyn he was pretty distressed...angry at her for putting him and emet-selch through All That Shit and just generally grieving all over again but wait, she could see something wasnt right with his aether....a magic she recognized cast on his memories! so as a last act of good will to show that she truly loved him and was so very truly honestly sorry...she broke the spell for him :,) it was a genuinely good memory of him, not at all plagued by doubt or uncertainty or emet-selch saying some weird shit about how inferior sundered beings are it was just them. happy and in love for once and now he had it!!! he could think of it whenever he was sad and missing him and it gave him strength to carry on after that second devastating blow in elpis!!! and all of ultima thule!!! and pseaking of ultima thule when he's reunited with him there again emet-selch has no idea hydealyn has cleansed his memories and he Still Doesnt Plan To because he worried the memories would drag him down instead of empower him (like how his memories of paradise kept him trapped in the past unable to move on) so when k'oto tells him that he DOES remember he is. very surprised but also so so so sosososo glad that at the very end everything is finally out in the open. nobody is missing any memories, nobody has to lie or obscure the truth or hold back information to further their agendas theyre just. two lovers saying goodbye at the end of all creation hhhhhh,,,,,,,,,,,,,he gives him back his ring, puts it back on him all romantically the same way he did at their wedding and k'oto never takes it off ever again
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this got a lot more rambly than expected but it still will get worse when i finish that other post. you have been warned
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rosachaotic · 3 years
Remember when i said Talbott and Cereza werent over? Yeah.
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I promised yall i would write a continuation of this. For those dont remember that happend, here
Anyways enjoy the fanfic!
Warning: none?? Its more just angst then fluff.(but sorry for my bad english and wording im not very good at writing and I wrote this on mobile)
It's been two months and few days since the big argument Talbott and Cereza had on the hospital wings.
This all happened because Cereza tried to do all the investigation and take down R by herself, but of course that plan failed and it backfired on her very badly. She fought the wizard in white and almost died because of it, losing her consciousness after he ran away, fortunately she was found by Moody who was searching for her after her twin brother said she went missing and was taken to the hospital wings.
She was scolded for it of course, and after that her friends went to visit her. All of her friends were worried for her, especially her twin brother Michael who jumped into her hugging her tight, crying, not realizing her whole body was in pain before he quickly let her go.
After a long chat with her friends and twin brother Talbott got in but he didn't look happy, he asked for everyone to leave him and Cereza alone because he wanted to talk to her, everyone left confused to what was going on.
Outside people could hear both Talbott and Cereza arguing with each other, Talbott was disappointed that Cereza lied to everyone including him about not having any information that could be useful for Circle ot Khanna and that she did is by herself he thought she was dead she could have died because of her reckless decision, Cereza tried to explain herself by saying she thought what she was doing was the right because she wanted to protect everyone which didn't make Talbott feel any less worse but the opposite. Both kept arguing with each other until Talbott storms out of hospital wings not looking at his friend's faces who were waiting outside, Penny tried to stop him but he just ignored her and walked away, once everyone back inside to the hospital they saw Cereza holding back her tears but she did a very job at it once everyone was inside and started crying.
Cereza rarely saw Talbott after what happened, she only saw him on the classes they shared but even then he didn't even talk to her, she decided to let it be not wanting to bother Talbott and she thought that this was the end of their relationship. This broke her alot, the happy girl that was always smiling and giggling all the time wasn't there anymore, not only she felt bad for what she did but she thought she lost one of the people she loved the most.
That was until Cereza got a letter in the morning, Andre gave it to her and said "It's from Talbott." She quickly opened the letter and read the paper that said:
"We need to talk. Meet me after dinner in the courtyard."
She thanked Andre for the letter who nodded and said "I hope everything works out for you guys." And left, Cereza also hoped that things would work out but she couldn't help but feel anxious about it. What did he want to talk about after dinner? Why did it have to wait?
"Does he want to end our relationship once and for all?" Cereza thought all day, Cereza knew how to be patient but this waiting was killing her.
During dinner she barely ate anything, Rowen(M!Rowan) was trying to make her eat something but she couldn't.
"You have to eat something, you can't sleep with an empty stomach." Said Rowen, worried for his best friend trying to make her eat. He knew about the letter, Cereza told him about it and he knew how nervous and anxious she was because of it.
"I can't, this wait is killing me.'' Cereza said anxiously.
She then looked around, noticing that Talbott wasn't at the ravenclaw table or at any table of the other houses.
"Did you see Talbott walk in?" Asked Cereza, still looking around, Rowen shook his head.
"No, I didn't, I don't think he is coming for dinner today." Rowen took a bite of his food as he said that.
"Why? Do you know about something??"
"No, no, but...Penny said she didn't see all day, he didn't go to any of his classes." Cereza felt her heart drop, this wasn't like him, he would NEVER miss any class, if there was something Talbott was proud of himself is that he was an excellent student.
"This isn't like him…" Whispered Cereza."I cant, i have to go."
"Wha- B-But dinner time isn't over yet!"
"I'm sorry Rowen, but I have to go."
"...Okay, good luck Cere!"
Cereza nodded and left the great hall running, she opened the big door to the corridor and rushed past the students to the courtyard.
As she got outside she looked around.
There he was, sitting on the tree trunk looking at the stars just like he would when he waited for her for their dates.. Cereza sighed with relief knowing that Talbott was okay...or was he?
She took a deep breath and walked toward him, stopping right before him.
"Hey…" Talbott jumped at hearing Cereza's voice, he was probably so lost in his thoughts that he didn't hear her walk in.
"Oh, Sorry I didn't hear you coming in…" Said Talbott awkwardly.
"Its okay…"
"Penny said she didn't see you all day, you also didn't come for dinner as well."
"I felt sick all day and I wasn't hungry."
"Oh...I'm sorry, I hope you're better now."
Silence took over, the only sound they heard was the cold night wind, making things kinda awkward. Until Talbott coughed and said
"Sit here with me." He tapped right next to him, Cereza then climbed the tree trunk and sat right next to him.
Again, the awkward silence.
Cereza then looked at the sky, it was a pretty starry night, she could see some shooting stars.
" The night is beautiful tonight isn't it?" Asked Talbott, breaking the silence.
"Yeah. It is beautiful."
"It reminds me of when we used to have our dates here, you would make wishes for the shooting stars."
"Stupid wishes, I know." Cereza giggled at her own stupid self.
"I never thought they were stupid." Said Talbott.
"Even the one where I wished for a giant puffskein?"
Cereza shook her head smiling a little bit and she also noticed Talbott was smiling a little as well, she missed seeing him smile, but they weren't there to watch the stars.
"Hey, if that's your wish, who am i to judge?
"Listen, I-I know you said you wanted to talk to me in your letter, but I want to say something first." Said Cereza nervously, while staring at the floor.
"...Go ahead."
She took a deep breath and then looked at his warm striking hazel, who met her golden eyes. Then she finally said:
"...I'm sorry."
"I'm sorry for what I did, Talbott. It was very dumb of me try to all of that on my own and it was and it was insensitive and bad of me not to tell you guys the information I had about R."
"I should have trusted you all to defend yourselves without my help, I shouldn't have lied to you guys about not finding anything."
"Cereza listen-"
"I shouldn't have done that, I could have died and i didn't thought about how you, my family and the rest of our friends would feel about it if I died, you were right when you said things wouldn't get any better if I-"
Cereza jumped at Talbott who raised his voice at her, he gripped her shoulders and made her look at him, his eyes staring at her but he didn't look angry he looked sad.
"Just...listen to me please."
Cereza nodded and whispered "sorry" and let him talk.
"Look...after what happened, i couldn't stop thinking about that night on hospital wings. That night kept playing in my head over and over every time I went to bed...I felt awful"
"I felt awful, Cereza. After I calmed down I realized what I just did and how I shouldn't have talked to you that way, but it was too late, I was already at my dorm and I couldn't bring myself to come back."
"I was ashamed."
"Is that the reason why you were avoiding me?"
Talbott nodded, he took a deep breath as if was holding himself to not cry.
"I thought you hated me."
"So I avoided you and everyone else as well, it was painful."
"Tal I-"
"I should have thought of your feelings, how were you feeling that made you do all of that yourself."
"...You had all the rights to react the way you did, it was a stupid and dangerous decision that I made."
"But I still shouldn't have said those things to you."
"I let my emotions take over me, my heart dropped when I saw Moody carrying you to the hospital wings....blood all over you and you unconscious and i thought i lost you..."
"When i heard you were alive, I was so happy and relieved...but when i heard about why you did that when I heard Michael talking to Moody I...I dont know what came over me, i was angry and disappointed"
"...I know-"
"Not only on you, but mostly on myself"
"..W-why? Why were you angry at yourself??"
"Because I thought I failed you, I couldn't protect you, I couldn't be there for you."
"But it wasn't your fault-"
"Let me finish..."
"But that doesn't excuse what I did, i didnt think about what you were feeling, how you were feeling. Your feelings that made you do this and your feelings after it...I called you selfish but I was even more selfish…"
Cereza's hand went to Talbott's cheek, who jumped at her touch but then rested his face on her hand holding her hand even more close to his face. He closed his eyes while he felt her warmth on his skin again after so long.
"I'm sorry Cereza, I'm sorry for what I did. I'm sorry for everything."
"I forgive you."
Talbott's eyes quickly opened as he looked at her, he was surprised but it also looked like a heavy weight was lifted off his shoulders. She continued:
"But...do you forgive me as well?"
"Of course I do."
Cereza also felt as if a heavy weight was lifted off her shoulders as well, she smiled as she felt tears run down her face and she had to take off her glasses to clean it.
"I-I thought...I thought you called me to end everything between us." Said Cereza as she cried while she tried to clean her tears off her face. She was shaking a little and her breath was also shaky.
"I would never do that." He whispered. "If anything, I was more afraid of you wanting to break up with me."
Talbott got closer to her and hugged tight on to his body, catching her by surprise.
Cereza returned the tight hug, smiling while tears rolled down her face, Talbott also had tears rolling down his face who tried to hide by hiding his face on her shoulder but his shaky breath and the way he sniffed quietly gave it away he was crying. Cereza's hand went to Talbott's hair and was caressing his hair.
"I thought I was going to lose you." Whispered Talbott, not wanting to let her go.
"I thought the same thing…" Cereza whispered back, kissing his head.
Both of them stopped hugging each other as they cleaned their faces but still kept close, Talbott's hand travelled to Cereza's face and caressed her cheek, his hand was cold as always but Cereza never cared about that, she liked his touch.
They both stared at each other, they both knew it was awkward the way they stared at each other but they did not care, their gazes were filled with intense love.
Talbott kept his hand on Cereza's cheek and kissed her other cheek gently but his face didn't move away, in fact he kept face very close to hers moving only a little to her lips, their noses were touching each other and they could feel their heavy breaths, Cereza closed her eyes as she felt her heartbeat go very fast and her face was red, Talbott heart also felt like it was going to jump from his mouth and even his ears were dark red. He brushed his nose on to hers but then kissed her nose, he caressed her cheek once more smiling, Cereza then opened her eyes and saw his smile and smiled back at him. Both of them giving loving smiles at each other.
"I love you." Said Talbott.
Cereza's hand went to Talbott's face and to his cheek as well, as she sighed and smiled again.
"I love you too, meu amor.'
Talbott's smile grew as he heard again the loving way Cereza called him using her first language, while they didn't have their first kiss yet what matters is that they were both together again.
"Just promise to me that you will be more careful." Said Talbott.
Cereza nodded.
"I will...but, do you promise to never leave my side?" Asked Cereza, Talbott chuckled and said:
"I promise, my sunshine."
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hickey prank...gone wrong
y/n wanted to prank the avengers for forgetting to hide a hickey she got from a 'mysterious boy' after she finished pranking them and telling them its fake, peter came in and NOT so subtly asked her when he did that since they're secretly dating
pairing: peter x stark!reader
status: secretly dating
y/n's pov
ive been watching a lot of youtube lately, it literally became my best friend, i scrolled through my recommendations and found a 'hickey prank' video, i smiled to myself already knowing im about to do it, and clicked on the video
It was a girl pranking her parents for getting a hickey, i watched the girl make the fake hickey on her neck, and i was considering to ask peter to do one for me that would be more entertaining but that would obviously backfire if i couldnt wipe it out
so i didnt ask him, another thing is that peter and i have been secretly dating for around a month now, my dad, tony stark, strictly told peter that i am off limits but were still dating and its been the best month ever.
anyways, i opened my vanity drawer and got my eye shadow pallet, i decided on a spot to make the 'hickey' and started adding dark colored eye shadow to make it look believable, the end result looked pretty good, and i know that from experience ;)
it ws on the right side of my neck right below my ear, i opened my two braids to cover the 'hickey' took my phone to record this i already know chaotic experience since this is the avengers we're talking about and left my room while i was walking in the hallway i got a text from peter saying:
MY baby 🥰🧸: coming in 15! xx
I squealed from excitment coz its been a week since ive seen him because of his exams and everything but back to the prank
i walked inside our kitchen/living room and the avengers were scattered everywhere since they just finished a mission and now theyre hungry af, perfect
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i snuck my phone behind a bowl of fresh fruits and acted normally trying to contain my nervousness and excitement
"hey guys!" i said looking at the kitchen island that filled with delicious hot meals, yumm
"hey sweetie" dad said kissing my cheek, and everybody mumbled a 'hey' since they're too busy stuffing theyre mouths with food
"hows the mission?" i asked curiously, thor, sam and scott completely ignored me trying to stuff everything in, nat and wanda were talking about how stupid one of the men were for flirting with them and comepletely beat the shit out of him for makig inappropriate comment, my girls I thought and steve, dad, bruce, and bucky answered my question
they've always had a soft spot for me and hated whenever i got ignored, i smile at them grateful that they didnt ignore me even though i wouldnt get mad i mean im also starving
i continued on eating arguing with sam on who will get the biggest slice of the chocolate cake wanda made, but then i remembered i came here to do the prank so i decided its time
i looked infront of me checking if my phone is still recording and it was, its been recording for 8 minutes now so i excused myself from the table to go 'get some fruit'
i quickly grabbed an apple and rerecorded the video, "so what do you guys wanna do? peters coming in a few" i said taking my hair and secured it behind my ear, its been exposed its been exposed omg omg omg i tried to calm down a bit coz in any second someone could spot my 'hickey'
"oh, we could have a movie night, you know, coz peter finished school so we should celebrate" my dad said looking at me then looking back at his food but looked at me again eyes widened, he spotted it ABORT MISSION OMG OMG
I looked down at my food trying not to run from the glare hes giving me
"y/n?" my dad asked, his tone has never been this serious before, oh shit
"y-yes" i squeecked god pull it together y/n, its not real
"what is that on your neck" he pointed out, which grabbed everyones attention, great, all eyes were on me, steve, bucky and bruce widened their eyes shocked, wanda and nat were smirking, sam, scott, and clint were laughing their asses off while thor looked as clueless as a baby
i was sitting at the center of the table and i just wanted to sink in and get absorbed my the marble walls
"w-what do you mean?" i asked 'confused' i grabbed nats phone that was between us, opened the camera and gasped trying to act surprised and scared "I-I uhhh" I let go of my hair so it can cover it again "I-I burned my self while curling my hair" I nervously blurted out, wow I'm a great actress
"that does not look like a burn young lady what is that?" Steve buts in, anger literally fuming from his ears and eyes Bucky glaring at me trying to think of every boy I've ever interacted with
"I curled my hair uncle Steve!" I replied rolling my eyes
"THAT IS NOT A BURN HUN THATS A HICKEY" my dad got out of his chair clearly getting angrier by the second
"ITS NOT DAD, YOU THINK I COULD HOOK UP WITH BOYS WHEN IM BEING WATCHED 24/7?" I shot back standing as well, everybody gasped
"what is a hickey if I may interrupt"
"SHUT UP" the rest of the team said clearly enjoying this
"I wanna know who's D y/n got" Sam said laughing
"was he at least good?" Nad asked smirking
"please tell me you used protection" Wanda asked concerned
"WHO IS IT" all three of them said
"NO ONE!" I shouted
"why is he that important that you have to be so secretive of him?" Bucky suddenly blurts out tightening his fists so hard his knuckles could pop out
"maybe he's special" nat smirked
"y/n" my dad said in a warningly tone "if you don't tell us who this idiot is I swear I'm gonna let Bruce turn into the hulk and smash every boys house that you've ever interacted with" I felt like that was enough, and obviously got everyone's attention, I tried to contain my laughter coz they're faced are just hilarious waiting for me to tell them who it is
"it's....it's...a-a..A PRANK!" I laughed, everybody looked at me speechless clearly not buying it
"yeah a FAKE one" I took the wipe from my back pocket, wiping my 'hickey' and gestured to the smudged make up "SEE??" I laughed
Steve, Bucky, Bruce and my dad looked relieved, nat, Scott, Wanda, Clint, and Sam looked...disappointed?? And Thor was still clueless as ever, I walked to the counter to stop recording
"YOU WERE RECORDING?" Wanda scoffed
"do not do that to us a again young lady I was gonna get a heart attack" Steve warned leaving the table
"doll" Bucky said and I looked at him "if I ever see a boy with you this close" he gestured between him and I "I will squish their face and pull his brains out with my bare hand" he warned
and for a second I thought of Peter, I swear he's gonna get killed if they know what 'helping him study' and 'looking after me' means I just rolled my eyes at their stupid behavior
"so y/n didn't get any D yesterday? Poor thing" Sam laughs
"SAM I SWEAR YOUR NEXT ON THE LIST" dad said walking out of the kitchen
"for the first time in forever IM glad this was a prank coz the poor boy would've been dead just by the glares he'll get" I laughed shaking my head after the hilarious prank we cleaned up the kitchen island
"ok guys I'm gonna go to my room to clean this...mess" I gestured to my neck full of smudged make up
"hey guys, what did I miss?" Peter walked in the living room a few minutes after i left
"oh just y/n being y/n, she'll tell you what happened" Scott laughed which confused Peter but he ignored it m opened the fridge to get a snack and go to your room,
like I said it's been a week since he's seen you so he was very excited to kiss you hug you and just shower you with affection...in secret obviously
he knocked on my door doing our secret pattern and barged into my room
"HEY PETER" I almost shouted jumping onto him crossing my legs on his torso and snuggling my headphones to his neck
"hey baaaby" he whispered kissing my temple
"ITS BEEN AGES" I whisper shouted
"that it has" he whispered back finally connecting his lips with mine, And slowly walked to the bed, he sat down which resulted in me straddling his lap
"I missed you" I mumbled hovering his lips a bit
"I missed his more" his voice was lower than usual which made my hormones go haywire, he started pampering me with kisses
"I *kiss* miss *kiss* you *kiss* so *kiss* fucking *kiss* much" he said
"oh since when does innocent Peter Parker swear" i teased looking at his eyes
"since I've dated you" he shot back "when I started dating you, you made me feel and become like a normal horny teenage boy" he kissed me again
"well, im glad you feel...normal" I laughed, he started kissing my neck again and unfortunately my dad was walking past my bedroom at the time
"is this a bruise or just a very messy hickey I gave you, coz if it is I better fix it" he smirked already knowing it's not his but just finding an excuse to do one on me
"oh it's just a prank I did to the team which thankfully I recorded so you can see it"
"how bout I make it a real one?" He smirked
"Yes plea-"
"WHAT?" my dad barged in PERFECT TIMING DAD
🏃‍♂️ 💨
Have a wonderful morning/afternoon/evening/night!
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soulwillower · 3 years
taboos and the absurd iii • richie tozier
(professor richie tozier x reader smut)
requested: hi! i just finished reading taboos and the absurd, SUCH A GOOD SERIES. This is just some idea i had and im totally okay if u don’t want to do it, but would you write maybe a final part of the series when the reader finds out richie fucked more students (more than she though) and she gets upset and stops talking to richie (ridiculous jealousy) but he really was falling for her so he talks to her and well things get heated, and KDKDKD ok sorry if im too specific, hope u see this❤️❤️❤️🥰🥰 + hey omg i love the prof. richie series sm 🥵 if you plan on making a pt. 3 might i suggest reader giving richie head while hes giving a lecture and reader gets fucked on the table 😳😳 its hoe hours frfr + so many other requests to continue the series :)
warnings: smut, oral sex (male receiving), bad morals, abuse of power, dont fuck your professor, filthy stuff, professor richie, deepthroating, dirty talk, use of the word slut, cockwarming, unprotected sex, mentions of exhibition, a bit of degradation and a lot of praise, unedited as usual lol
[losers + reader are 20+ in this]
4.4k words
part 3 of taboos and the absurd series. sorry it’s been so long :) i wanted to surprise u a bit with a lil surprise for the holidays. i love u all!! <3
[ i  ii ]
you hadn't been to class in almost a week and a half.
it was really bad, you know - and the ditching has started to affect your grade, but you don't even care as much as you really should. because you're.... extremely jealous.
you'd first gotten suspicious the lecture after you stayed behind and ended up with professor tozier's dick in your hands. a girl was sitting on his desk after class, when you'd walked in to turn in a late paper, and richie had been twirling her hair. they were laughing together, her bare legs. it made you burn up, and so you tossed the paper down at the drop bin at the back of the classroom loud enough that he noticed you’d come in.
you were so mad you didnt stay to see anymore. and you didnt go to class for more than a week after.
it could have been just an innocent gesture, or maybe just some woman richie was dating - either way, you were beyond jealous. it filled you with rage to imagine richie fucking anyone else, let alone a student. you were hurt, too - because you've really started to like spending time with your professor.
but that backfired of course, because you’re in your apartment staring at an email from him.
i will be at my office on campus after hours this friday, until roughly 9:30. if you're available, i encourage you to stop by.
we have a lot to discuss regarding your grade and future in my class.
professor richard tozier
you blink at the screen, your heart racing. your fingers shake slightly as you reach up to rub your temples - oh god, he wants to talk. he's going to turn you down, say it was a mistake, and fail you.
and in the few days until friday, your rage and fear meld together to make a jealous, ugly monster as you stalk up the empty corridors to his office, ready to speak.
it's late, probably around 8 when you knock on his door, but he's still there as promised, answering with a faint come in!
you walk in slowly, heart pounding in anxiety as you meet eyes with him for the first time in almost 14 days. your heart thumps hard still as he nods at you, "you can shut the door and take a seat, ms. y/l/n."
you swallow as you click the door shut and move to the chair, sitting down awkwardly and biting your lip. "hi, professor." you say, afraid your jealousy is going to spill from you if you say anything else.
"you haven't been in class."
you nod, "you noticed."
he sighs through his nose and leans forward on his desk. you clench your thighs - no getting turned on, y/n. not now. "of course i did. i'm your professor, ms. y/l/n."
"right, sir, i almost forgot. you just get so comfortable with all your students now, sometimes it's hard to remember." you bite, and his eyebrows raise. "some more than others." he adds, shooting you a look that you ignore, instead turning your stubborn gaze to the clock behind his curly head. you can nearly smell his cologne from where you sit, and you're almost drooling. you can't let him see it.
"what's going on? your grade is dropping. you’re not coming to classes." he says, sounding like he's concerned. you bite your lip, shaking your head as you look at him. "i'm not going to come to class just to watch you flirt with the girls and let them give you fuck me eyes."
"that's exactly what you do to me constantly, as i seem to recall." he bites back. you feel yourself turn red, but you sit forward more so you lean over his desk just like he is.
"whatever. i don't care, i'd just appreciate it if you'd tell me that you're going to fuck other students so i can leave. and not walk in on you right before you do so.” you say, suddenly so thankful you chose to come later when nobody was on this floor, the only other person in the building being the custodian sleeping at the front desk.
professor tozier tilts his head with a smirk, "oh, you're adorable. my jealous little slut, crying because she can't have me to herself."
your jaw drops, the remaining thin layer of professionalism gone the minute he opened his mouth. "fuck you, professor. i'm leaving."
"i wasn't finished." he says sternly, and something in his voice makes you sit back down. he looks mad and it's confusingly hot, your legs feeling like jelly because of your excitement. "if you weren't such a brat, you would have heard me say that i'm not fucking anyone else. student or not."
you stare at him, confused as your face reddens again. you're embarrassed. "but-"
"the woman you saw last week, when you came back after the lecture. that's professor marsh, she's one of my colleagues and best friends. she's also happily married." he says, sounding pissed off. "i'd appreciate some trust, it's not like i going around fucking every student who wants to open their legs for me - although plenty have tried." he says.
you feel yourself soaking through your panties. god you have problems,don't you? "i'm sorry sir, i-" you start but he shakes his head, standing up from his chair and walking towards you. you watch him with big eyes, as he clenches his jaw. "no, don't apologize. just know. you're the only one." he mutters as he crosses behind you.
you stare at his empty desk, face blushing at his words. the only one. the click of the lock on the door gives you butterflies, and then he's behind you, hand trailing over your shoulder. "if you still want me, that is. your most recent paper was very good, but i know you can do much better. you just have to try for me." he's caressing your neck now, lips ghosting over the skin. you let out a soft moan, goosebumps raising on your soft skin as he feathers it with kisses. your butterflies are alight as you turn your head, kissing him.
he grips your jaw almost immediately, pulling your head upwards towards where he bends over you. you gasp as his hand rests on your thigh, and he smiles against your lips. "you're so sensitive, hmm? when was the last time you touched yourself?"
you gulp, shaking your head, shocked still by his boldness and by your willingness to be honest. "a f-few days ago." you say shakily as he kisses along your jaw, hand sliding up your thigh slowly. he tuts, "baby, you're going to fall apart when i'm through with you." he mutters, almost to himself, and that makes you choke out a moan.
he kisses you again and you push back enthusiastically, hand raising to palm him through his slacks. he's already semi hard, which makes a swell of pride blossom in your chest. but suddenly he breaks off the kiss, hissing in surprise. "fuck." he mutters, backing away from you. you blink, did you go too far? your thighs press together as richie rushes to his desk. "i have to proctor this exam in zoom. in....two minutes."
you blink and watch as he logs into his laptop and adjusts his hair in its camera. it's endearing, in a way that makes you smile, though extremely riled up and disappointed. you begrudgingly reach for your things, but professor tozier's hand comes up to stop you, "please stay. it's only going to be max forty minutes. i have beer in the bottom drawer if you want some." he rushes out, and you smile. "you sure?" you say shyly.
he looks at you, pausing. "yeah, y/n. of course." he says gently, smiling almost shyly back at you. he looks so young, it makes you stare in awe. his dimple pops and you hear the sound of ringing, the students joining the call to take their exam. only professor tozier would have an exam this late on a friday. asshole, you laugh to yourself.  
you open a bottle of beer you find hidden under a stack of manilla folders, but don't even take a sip as your mind wanders. richie's speaking to the class, sounding professional and confident. you wonder if he's still hard.
so you smirk, feeling bold, and you get down onto your hands and knees and crawl under his desk until you're face level with his belt. gently, you spread his legs apart so you can get up and closer to him, and the slight jump he gives confirms that he didn't even notice you go under the desk.
you gently start to palm him and he clears his throat loudly, fist slamming on the desk slightly above you. over the speakers you hear professor, are you alright? and then richie's muttering, "y-yes, just a slight problem i need to fix." he's gritting it though his teeth and you grin to yourself as you unzip his pants and pull out his fully hard cock, running your fingers over it and smearing the precum. he's breathing tensely and he starts to speak to the class, giving tips on a certain question after one student asks him a question.
you pump him a few times gently, then start to kitten lick his tip, wanting to tease him since you've never had the upper hand like this before. you flatten your tongue along the bottom of his cock, teasing him a bit before slowly taking him into your mouth, sliding a bit before bobbing. the quiet groan he lets out as you take him as far as you can is sinful, a student asking richie about formatting as you suck him off. bobbing your head, you hollow your cheeks and relish in the feeling of richie’s cock in your throat, stretching you out and making you moan around him.
"y-yeah, so for this i'm really just looking for MLA-" he almost hiccups to cover up a groan as you try to hold yourself still with him all the way down your throat, as far as you can take him. "MLA formatting, nothing out of the ordinary. thank you for asking that."
and then you hear him slam a button and he groans out, “you feel so good baby.” he hisses, his hand moving from above the desk down to grip the back of your head, carding through your hair. "don't fucking stop." he says, his hand guiding your head as you work hard.
after a few minutes you pull off of him to take a few breaths, pumping as much as you can with your hand as he tries to act like he isn't getting sucked off while proctoring an exam. you can hear people starting to turn in their exams and saying goodbye, so you take him back into your mouth and try to relax, breathing through your nose as his cock twitches in the back of your throat and you gag.
you bob your head after that, your tongue flat against his cock as he slightly bucks his hips. you feel him type out something for the class and then he moans very lowly, bucking his hips up and you choke a bit as he slides further in your mouth and stretches your throat.
he doesn't feel you that he's about to cum, you just know, and he's clenching the edge of his desk and breathing hard as you eagerly swallow around him, moving slightly so the new angle makes him toss his head back for a brief moment before snapping back to the screen.
"professor, are you sure you’re okay?" someone asks again. you keep bobbing up and down on him as he mutters, "yes, thank you ms. ruben. finish your work and we can leave."
you figure those words are for you, and you move harder, helping him chase his high. he pulls your hair suddenly, which makes you keen forward and take him deep, gagging as you force your throat to relax.
and then soon he’s hitting his high, cumming in your mouth with a silent shudder, his hand squeezing his desk as the other hovers over his keyboard. you moan a bit as you swallow, pulling off him slowly as he pants, eyes glancing down at you.
you slide back up into your seat and sip on your beer, fixing your hair slightly as his eyes bounce from you to the screen. you smile innocently at him, his cheeks flushed and looking disheveled as he waits fro the last students to finish.
it's about three mintes until they're done and he stares directly at you once he ends the meeting. you expect him to say anything but what comes out of his mouth next.
"if you pull something like that again i will fuck you in front of the entire class.” he says it dead serious, eyes bright behind his glasses and boring straight into yours.
your legs feel like they could give out and you turn red as you watch him, “don’t act like that thought doesn’t have you already getting hard again.” is all you can think to say. it spills from your mouth quickly, your mind not even given time to think before you say it.
richie narrows his eyes, rising slowly from his chair and walking towards you, eyes locked the whole time. “funny. because you’re the one who couldn’t even wait two minutes before needing my cock in her mouth. i bet you’d let me fuck you anywhere i wanted and you’d still thank me for it afterwards, right princess?”
you’re not really used to this fierce banter between you and your professor - but when has this ever been professional?
you squeeze your legs together and stand up on wobbly legs. “shut up. you’re the one who said you’d give me first-hand experience on my essay. you wanted me the second you saw me.” you try to regain the upper hand, but he’s walking towards you and your legs hit the edge of his desk.
“of course i did, doll.” he says lowly, lips suddenly very close to yours. “and i still do.”
and you’re kissing again desperately, days upon days of desperation working its way into your kiss as you sit yourself on his desk and he comes between your legs, gripping your thighs.
he's dragging his hips against yours, his hard cock pressing against your heat and making you pant with need as you tug his curly strands. his hands then move to quickly undo his pants and pulling himself out of his boxers, his hard cock slapping against his abdomen. you whimper slightly as you spread your legs a bit, desperate to finally feel him inside you.
and then his hand is grabbing your face, thumb holding your chin as he turns your head to look right at him. "you better do exactly what i say, princess." he says, looking into your eyes. you nod, his thumb grip stern as he lines up at your entrance. “hm? or you wont get what you want.”
"yes, richie, yes. wan' it so bad, please." you mutter, making him smile. "aren’t you a good girl." he says with a grin, nudging your shoulder down until you’re laying on your elbows, legs bent and feet propped against the edge of his desk. then he’s pulling your lacy underwear aside and pushing into you in one motion.
the sudden stretch fills you to the brim and you let out a guttural noise at the feeling, having not been too warmed up to his cock. your back rubs uncomfortably against the wood of the desk as he pushes into you, but your hands grip his shoulders and all you can think about is richie. but then he stills, staring at you as he’s stretching you out, buried to the hilt.
you think he’s giving you time to adjust and so you relax, breathing as you take in the size of him. after a few moments, you kiss him. “please move richie.”
but he doesnt. and you moan, your legs quivering as he gently caresses one of your bent knees.
“good girl, begging for me.” his hands grip your thighs, holding them open as your eyes roll back slightly, “so fuckin’ pretty like this, baby.”
you turn red at the praise, trying to move your hips and feel him deep inside you. his hand falls to your stomach, pressing slightly. he tuts and you gasp, “stay still for me baby, wanna see you wait for it.”
you whimper, eyes closing as you try to breathe normally. his hands run up and down your sides, stomach, chest, hips, and then down your legs as he stands still, buried in you. your breathing is shaky with need. 
and then when you think you can’t handle it any longer, richie slowly pulls out. you moan, hands gripping his shoulders as the feeling coils your abdomen with pleasure. he starts thrusting slowly, picking up the pace so slowly it was torturous.
your nails rake down his back, and even though it’s through his shirt you’re sure it’ll leave faint red lines. your toes curl in pleasure as he moves his hips, hitting the perfect spot inside you.
“look at you, all wrecked on your professor’s cock.” he pounds you into the desk, lips then falling to suck large marks on your neck, the stinging pleasure adding to the volume of your moans.
his hands rise to lift your shirt up over your chest, sliding up to quickly palm your breasts, his hips starting to snap in an unforgiving pace. you feel him so deep inside of you that tears prick at your eyes, the pleasure building instantly. he’s leaning over you as he hits the sweet spot deep inside you, your vision coming in and out of focus as your legs begin to shake. “yes, richie, right there.” you moan, holding him above you as one of his hands goes to your hip, gripping tight as he pulls you towards him in time with his thrusts. it makes you yelp in pleasure, head tiltin back in euphoria.
he pulls back to look at you, hand tugging on your hair so you look at him as he pounds into you. "look at you, such a brat teasing me while i was teaching.” his voice is deep and rough, "look at you now, drunk on my cock. you just needed to remember your place, huh baby?" he coos, pressing a kiss to your temple, the feeling overwhelming as your orgasm creeps up quickly. “such a pretty girl.” he whispers.
you’re speechless as he pounds into you perfectly, the feeling making you sigh. "so perfect, all for me... so fuckin' pretty, baby." he's muttering kissing you like he's claiming you, his teeth clashing slightly with yours and his tongue dominating. you're weak, legs shaking as he pounds into you.
“are you close, doll?” he asks, eyes closed in bliss as he tilts his head back, hair catching the fluorescent light of his office lamp and looking beautiful. “yes, s’close, please-“ you moan, pulling him to your lips.
your eyes close slightly as he thrusts into you, one hand slipping up to roll your nipple softly and making you moan his name. as he sucks a hickey on to your neck, his thrusts begin to get sloppy and you clench around him. “god, you were made for me, baby. fuck, takin’ it so well.” 
and you hit your high after a series of pleas and moans of richie’s name, your eyes rolling back in euphoria. he’s rubbing your cheek, still thrusting as he whispers, “good girl, cumming on my cock.” the moan he lets out at the feeling of you clenching around him has you red as you feel his hips stutter. “fuck, y/n.”
you’re still clenching slightly from overstimulation as richie quickly pulls out of you, cumming on your bare stomach with a moan of your name, a sweet sound from the pink of his lips. you moan in pleasure as you watch him.
you look up with hooded eyes, still coming down from your high as his head falls on your shoulder. “fuckin’ hell, toots.” he whispers with a laugh, which makes you giggle a bit as you catch your breath, mind still muddled.
after a moment richie pulls away, re-tucking in his pants and straightening his shirt. he crosses behind you and returns with a shy, boyish grin and a box of tissues. you smile back and he gently guides your hand away as he reaches for a tissue himself, wiping you clean gently and pressing kisses over your stretch marks, kissing all the way up to your lips and making you giggle. your stomach is full of butterflies as he helps you right yourself from the desk.
“did you drive here?” he asks. you shake your head, looking up to him for a second, “i walked.” you squeak.
he nods. “i’m driving you.”
you flush, “no, i couldn’t ask you to do that, professor.” you say shyly. he throws you a look as he pulls his jacket on, shutting down his work laptop. “get over here now, doll. and don’t protest. i’m driving you, toots. it will make my night to buy us some chinese takeout.”
your heart flutters as you take his hand, glancing at the ground with a smile as he locks his door, both of you stopping and staring at the plaque on the outside of the door that reads:
professor tozier, sociology dept.
you cough and he looks down the hall before grabbing your hand again and making your way out to the parking lot. it’s silent - both of you certainly thinking about how wrong this, whatever it is, is. you almost roll your eyes at the cheesiness of what you think next - but why does it feel so right?
© all content belongs to soulwillower 2020. do not modify, repost, or redistribute.
tag list: @gabiatthedisco @blisshemmings​ @stenbrozier​​  @sft-core @clownsloveyou​  @moon-shine-baby​ @daughter-of-the-stars11  @trashedfortozier @oceandog13​ @chl0bee​  @kait16xo @upamongthestarss​ @fiantomartell @beverlyparkerr @beauregard-s  @leighjaenikhowell @cowbellies @deepestofwaters @melinda-weasley @sassy-uris @loverloserrr
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gale-gentlepenguin · 4 years
ML Fic: Nathalie’s Gift Part 1
She sat up in the middle of the night.
She took a moment to let her eyes adjust to the darkness. She knew it was late, likely an hour or two away from sunrise.
She examined her surroundings until she saw him. There he was, sleeping in the chair at the end of the room. Gabriel Agreste, her boss, her ally, and the one she had fallen for, was asleep in a chair several feet away.
Ever since the defeat of the guardian and the plan to use Chloé to get the miraculous, she had been far too weak to be as mobile as she was in the past. Gabriel had set her up in his quarters, despite the mansion having dozens of rooms. He had reasoned that Adrien would never walk into his room without permission, so that it would never become apparent how her condition was deteriorating.
His logic wasn't entirely unfounded. She was constantly teetering towards the brink. Overuse of the once broken peacock miraculous has left her bedridden most days. Despite the miraculous no longer having such a negative effect now, she knew the damage was already done. 
Yet he hasn't discarded her, was it out of loyalty that he felt the need to care for her despite being more of a burden? Did he perhaps start to feel something more for her as this whole debacle went on.
The later of which was unlikely, she knew better than anyone that Gabriel was far too loyal to his wife to entertain such a notion. So long as he believed there was a chance of bringing her back, he wont stop. She could never be Emilie Agreste, the love of his life and mother of Adrien. She was Nathalie Sancoeur, trusted assistant, and partner in crime. 
She forced herself out of bed. Moving quietly as to not awaken the sleeping mogul.
She snagged her tablet, and the peacock miraculous that was next to it.
She moved to the office and sat in the office chair. Perhaps she could get some work done while she was awake. And should she feel the need to speak to someone, the blue bird Kwami would be a fitting companion.
She started looking through work but her mind kept wandering to one thought
So long as Emilie could be brought back, he could never love me. I could never replace her.
She coughed.
“Not that it matters, I am on borrowed time as it is.” She commented to herself.
She stopped herself as she let her own comment sink in.
She was on borrowed time.
With how she was now, how much time did she have, a few months? A year? Maybe a decade if she really tried to take care of herself. But it wasn't like she was sick with a normal illness. But would Gabriel be able to get the miraculous? Even with everything they had, Ladybug and Chat noir always seemed to best them at every turn. At the rate things were going, she would likely end up in a glass coffin as well, and if Gabriel fails...
In that moment of worry. An idea that could fix everything slipped into her brain.
It was a long shot sure, there was a possibility that everything will backfire. But she needed to do it.
She exited out of her work and went into the security feed using her tablet. She disabled the secret camera hidden in the lair below.
She started making a few preparations.
Gabriel awoke to his phone’s sudden vibrating.
He quickly shook himself and looked at his phone.
“The alarm was tripped. Someone damaged Emilie’s chamber!”
The fashion mogul rushed out of the room. His thoughts were firing through his brain a mile a minute.
Who found the lair? Was it one of the heroes? A spy? Who would dare desecrate my beloved wife’s container?
The fashion mogul made his way to the secret elevator.
A purple Kwami emerged from the pocket of the rushing fashion designer.
“Is something wrong master?”
“It appears there is an intruder in the secret sanctum.”
“What are you planning to do?”
“Im going to show them the error of their ways. Nooru, Dark wings rise.”
Gabriel transformed into the villainous hawkmoth, His face covered by a silver mask, and is candy cane color scheme replaced with a purple suit. 
He was armed and ready to fight should. 
As the elevator reaches the bottom. Hawkmoth dashes out as soon as it opens.
He would strike quick, and take care of the intruder before they realized who they were facing.
As he approached, he stopped dead in his tracks. As he noticed someone standing infront of the Glass container.
“Hello?” The figure called out. Her voice having a familiar tone that caught the butterfly villain off guard.
As his rage diminished, he felt his vision clear and noticed the shattered glass on the floor, along with the glass container that was now broken.
“It... It can't be...” Hawkmoth’s words escaped as he realized who was standing in front of him.
“Can you tell me where I am? I woke up in this... thing over hear. Im not entirely sure what’s going on.”
“Emilie... is that you?” Hawkmoth questioned, unsure if this was a dream, or if by some miracle the love of his life was indeed back from the abyss.
“How do you know my name Mr. Masked man?”
“Nooru, dark wings fall.”
The blond woman watched as the costumed stranger revealed himself.
“Gabriel? Is that you?”
A tear spilled from his eyes as he rushed to her. 
“You're here. How is... How is this possible?”
“I... I dont...” She started to stumble as she walked towards him. Her vision was starting to fade and the world was spinning.  
Gabriel quickly moved to catch her as she suddenly fell.
He felt his heart panic, but he could hear her breathing. She was simply sleeping.
“Perhaps it would be best to take her out of her.”
Gabriel walked to the elevator, his wife in his arms, asleep yet very alive. 
His mind had 1000 questions, but in this moment, he didn't care. He was holding the woman he loved in his arms again, and thats all that mattered.
“Gabriel!” She cried out as she woke up.
Sunlight was beaming from the window, it was clear it had been bright out for sometime.
She felt sheets underneath her. What she expected was a hard floor in a weird sanctum but now she felt the comfort of a room that felt familiar.
She heard the door open and looked to see her husband carrying a tray.
“Oh good, you're awake.” He spoke with soft relief.
She looked at the tray.
“Are those.”
“Lemon tea cookies. Your favorite.”
She smiled at him as he brought the tray to her bedside. Allowing her to snag a bite of one of them.
“So good!” She said as she finished her first cookie. “I feel like I haven't eaten in years!”
Gabriel’s expression faltered. She could see the pained expression as she said that.
“Gabriel... how long was I gone?” Her question verbally stabbed him.
He took a moment to process the curious expression on his wife’s face as she continued eating the tray of treats.
He looked down at his hands.
“A year and 6 months.”
She gulped down her cookie hard at the revelation.
“Wow... I've been gone for so long... Adrien must be taller then... ADRIEN!”
Emilie grabbed her husband by the collar.
“Where is Adrien?!”
“He’s at school” Gabriel answered.
Emilie blinked.
“School? You mean he is no longer being homeschooled?”
“He still has some lessons, but he was insistent on trying to go to school like other children his age. It was more ideal for him to go out than for him to be stuck here most hours of the day.”
Emilie processed that information.
“I see, I am surprised you said yes. You always said you hated public schooling.”
“I still believe the school systems are... inferior, but Adrien’s grades haven't faltered according to Nathalie. So I don't bother intervening.”
“My boy has grown up so much since Ive been gone. Wait, is he dating yet? Please tell me I didn’t miss his first crush!”
“Emilie, I am sure that you didnt miss anything. You and Adrien can catch up once you are rested and he is back from school.”
Emilie took a deep breathe.
“Okay, You're right. It will be nice to hear everything from him.”
She looked around the room a bit and noticed the vase full of roses.
“Oh, fresh roses. Gabe-y you cheesy romantic.”
Gabriel felt his cheeks go pink.
“It was... the room needed some color in it.”
“Much like those red pants you insist on wearing.”
“They are fashionable.”
“If you were in charge of candyland perhaps.”
Emilie loved to tease him about is fashion calls.
“Who is the fashion designer here?” He said with a mock stern tone.
“Speaking of fashion, that costume that you were wearing. That didn’t look like the peacock miraculous.”
Gabriel’s tone shifted to genuinely serious. He figured the time would come to answer that question.
“It is the butterfly miraculous. After your...departure. Nathalie and I investigated the temple where you and I had found the peacock miraculous. We discovered a new miraculous, one that wasn't damaged.”
Gabriel felt a twinge mentioning Nathalie. When he had rushed to bring Emilie up here, he felt guilt and relief that his assistant wasn't in the bed. He would have quite a difficult time explaining that one, even if nothing happened.
“So with that miraculous you were trying to find a way to bring me back.”
“It was a means to an end.”
Emilie processed the information she was told.
“Gabriel, I want you to do something for me.”
“No more miraculous. None.”
Gabriel blinked.
“Those jewels are nothing but trouble. It has only caused our family suffering and pain.”
Gabriel was surprised by the claim, but he knew she was correct. The miraculous have been quite the curse on the family, despite the powers they gave.
“It will take time for me to stop using it outright, there is a... situation with how I’ve been using it. Your sudden appearance and the disappearance of Hawkmoth might be suspicious.”
Emilie looked at Gabriel intensely.
“Hawkmoth? Gabriel what did you do?”
“Well... in order to try an bring you back, the butterfly miraculous wasn't going to be able to accomplish that goal. So the only way I could bring you back with certainty was to attain the ladybug and Cat miraculous.”
The former actress listened as her husband explained how he became a super villain for the sake of getting the jewels.
“I admit, explaining it makes it sound a lot worse than it actually is. I planned to fix any damage caused once I got the jewels”
“And what if people found out your identity!? You would have been thrown in prison and left our son an Orphan!” Emilie pointed her finger in his chest.
“It was the only way I could think of to attain the miraculous. How else would I have been able to confirm the miraculous were in Paris?”
Emilie was ready to let him have it. But she felt herself calm down. She had to admit, in a weird way, it was quite romantic. Something out of a tragic romance novel.
“I should be angrier with you, but I know if the situation was reversed and I had a way of bringing you back, I would have likely tried the same thing, albeit in a smarter way.”
Gabriel felt a bit of relief seeing his wife not so cross with him.
“So we figure out how to orchestrate your ‘Defeat’ and then we say good bye to the miraculous for good.”
“We will plan it out when you are completely better. Though this does raise the question. How are you back?”
Emilie pauses, she tries to think back.
Protect the Agreste family... no matter what.
She heard that phrase echoing in her head. But she couldn't figure out why. Who said that to her. Why is everything so fuzzy?
“I don't know... I remember hearing glass shatter, and a flash of blue. But the next thing I remember was... seeing you.
Gabriel looks at her, he could tell from her eyes she was telling the truth.
“I will look into that later. In the meantime, you should rest. I will check on you in a few hours.”
He moves the empty tray from the bed.
Gabriel stopped.
“Get Adrien here. I want to see him now.”
“Dear, he is in school. It will dismiss in a few hours. Besides you should rest.”
Emilie got up from the bed.
“Nonsense. Ive been resting long enough. I am sure Adrien can miss a few hours of school. I want to see my baby boy.”
Gabriel wanted to find some way to dismiss her request, but he knew he couldn't say no to her. She was far to headstrong and determined... and man did he miss her.
“Okay, I will have his driver go an pick him up.”
“You aren't going to pick him up yourself?”
“Emilie I have work to do. Besides that is why we have...”
“You can take some time off to bond with your son. Seriously, you need to stop putting up walls Gabe-y.”
Gabriel took a calming breath to compose himself.
“Very well. But do use this time to rest.”
She moves to kiss her husband.
“I promise.”
Gabriel’s expression turned into a soft smile.
“I will be back with our son shortly.”
Gabriel left the room to go pick up Adrien.
Emilie smiled as she moved to vase of roses. She picked on up and sniffed it.
The rose in her hand began wilting and shriveled up.
She looked in the mirror.
“Everything went perfectly.”
End of part one
(Should I continue? Let me know your thoughts)
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sokkas-honour · 3 years
dream boy: part 3 - sokka x reader
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pairing: sokka x fem!reader
request: part 3 was requested by @missmorosis
wc: 2.7k
notes: i’m terribly sorry if it may seemed a bit rushed or not exactly consistent but i personally liked the way it ended. also this is the final part, i might make an epilogue if i actually finish everything i need to do.
part one | part one 1/2 | part two
sokka wasn’t able to see you until monday, purposefully ignoring all the texts from yours friends, not wanting to know if sokka actually told them what had happened or if he had decided to keep it to himself, either way, you were better off just staying off your phone until school started. you only unlocked your phone to text zuko back and even then you didn't always have the courage to do so.
you had made sure to wake up early in order to not cross paths with the watertribe boy, his sibling or just any of your friends until you absolutely had to, preferring to simply distance yourself from the others. of course you couldn't avoid them forever, you had over half of your classes with at least one of them, two of those being with sokka, the guy who you especially didn't want to see, history and gym. gym would be easy to avoid him in, you had become acquaintances with this lovely girl called jin, whom you also shared your math class with, you could just spend the whole period with her and avoid him. your real problem was going to be history. your teacher, mister kuzon, had informed the class that there would be a group project on any cultural aspect from the water tribe, and he had chosen the groups. the chance of you actually being paired with sokka was miniscule but the universe hadn’t seemed to be going easy on you lately.
and much to your dismay, the universe was in fact against you. when your history teacher’s voice had posted the groups, your heart had started racing as you approached the board to see the pairs, your heart was racing in fear and it dropped when you saw the name y/n next to sokka.
after being asked to sit next to your partner to get started, you stayed silent as you plopped down on the chair next to the boy who you were still trying to avoid, staying silent and keeping your eyes in front of you.
“are you going to work with me or is it going to be a silent treatment the whole time.” he questioned, turning to face you, arm hooked around the back of his chair as he looked at you desperately for any sign of you acknowledging his presence.
“i was thinking we could talk about the differences in the cuisine in the north and south.” you mumbled, chin on your hand as you kept your gaze on the board in front of you, ignoring the boy who was still searching for an answer.
“yeah, sounds good.” sokka sighed, giving up on receiving a straight answer from you. he turned back in his seat, disappointment radiating off of him, making you bite your lip in guilt. you shot him a glance from the corner of your eye as you saw him discreetly take his phone out to open the notes app but before you could see what he was typing he turned to face you, catching you right in the act.
“uh, saturday at your place?” seemed like the only logical way out of the embarrassing situation you had just walked into, still not breaking the staring between the two of you. you felt your heart speed up a bit at the extended eye contact, not having looked into his blue eyes in awhile, the last time being before you stormed out of his house after your confession.
“sounds good.” he offered you a small smile, happy to see that your attempt at a cold shoulder was somewhat backfiring, knowing that you couldn't avoid him forever. he let the stare linger a bit before turning his attention back to his phone and you quickly snapped back to your notes taken during the class. thanking yourself for not letting the stupid smile heat your cheeks up, now all you had to do was finish the class with a not so uncomfortable silence between the two of you.
the bell didn't take too long to ring before you had to move onto your next class which was the one you detested the most, science. courage surged through you as you waved goodbye to sokka, earning a bright smile back from the boy before you dashed out of the class. to anyone, that might have seemed rather pointless that you felt as proud as you did, a wave goodbye was considered an act of politeness, but that had been the first time you had really addressed sokka in any way since the unplanned confession. he had probably realised that as well, giving a reason for the sudden bright smile on his features.
you practically sprinted towards your science classroom, holding your books tightly to your chest to not let them fly out of your grip. you hoped zuko was already there, knowing he’d want to hear the rather big step you’d just taken in repairing your friendship with your childhood friend. you were surprised that the thought of slowly getting over him in order to just be friends had slipped your mind, remembering that this morning you didn't want anything to have to do with him for the rest of your life, wanting to just stay away from him to not ignite anything in you, but you were slowly realising it was ridiculous to throw away the friendship for your unrequited crush. you two may not be as close as before but you could still stay friends, you could still hangout with him without feeling like your heart was shattering every moment you’d meet his beautiful ocean eyes.
“zuko!” you called for him as soon as you spotted the back of his black haired head, whipping his head around to greet you with a grin, happy that you weren't ignoring him like he thought you might, considering your answers to his texts were rather sporadic and vague.
“happy to see you’re alive y/n.” he joked as soon as you caught up with him, both of you walking at the same height as you entered the room, taking a seat next to each other as you always did, even when the two of you werent as close as you were now.
“i think i’m ready to fully start moving on.” you announced, taking a deep breath before letting him know of your future plans, determination in yours eyes and tone as you felt set to move on from your crush.
“really? i'm surprised it didn't take longer.” his eyes grew a bit at your proclamation, not expecting to hear you say those words this early, thinking he’d have to see you distance yourself from everyone for weeks but it only took a day or two, making him slightly septic at how long you would actually last with your new resolution but nonetheless he was proud of you.
“yeah well i’m kind of stuck with sokka for a history project and i figured might as well start moving on from him. i still want to be friends with him.” you explained, taking your science homework out so you were prepared whenever the teacher would come on in.
“i’m proud of you y/n, its very mature of you.” he placed his hand on your shoulder, sincerity in his tone lifting your spirits up at the thought of repairing whatever damage you might’ve caused and the thought of the damage you were avoiding by taking action now instead of later.
saturday rolled around and you had managed to have some sort of small talk with sokka during your classes, still deciding to spend your lunch period with jin instead of your usual friends but it was a start to where you thought you would be saturday after you left. you had stopped eating with your friends a little over a week ago, opting to spend time with the lovely girl from your math class. you had had trouble sleeping friday night, scared of going to sokka’s house and falling back to where you started, back to square one, back in love with a friend who was already taken by a lovely girl.
your feet felt rather heavy as you walked down the familiar path to his house, bag with a your notebook and history course around your shoulder as you retraced the steps you had followed almost everyday during that particular summer, always going to sokka’s house to entertain yourself while school was out.
you first lingered in the air above the door for a couple of seconds, taking a deeo breath in to calm your nerves before you finally knocked. it didnt take long before it was opened, sokka with an eager smile on his lips was who greeted you behind the door.
“finally, you shouldve been here an hour ago!” he lamented jokingly as he moved out of the way to let you in, causing you to roll your eyes at how dramatic your friend was.
“sokka, im five minutes late.” you deadpanned, hastily taking your shoes off, leaning against a nearby wall for support.
“exactly!” he exclaimed, his voice cracking slightly and suddenly you felt as though nothing ever happened, as if your feelings had never come to make you want to change whatever relationship you had with him, simply feeling as though the two of you were just friends.
“really sokka? dont you reme,ber when i waited an hour for you outside in the freezing cold in the woods so we could make a campfire together? or that time where we were late in eight grade because someone accidentally put on ripped pants? or-”
“alright i get it.” he held his hands up in defeat at your inquisitive look, knowing you were only joking around with him to make him feel slightly guilty for all the times he had been late.
“my dad made seaweed noodles for us to eat while we work, hope thats okay.” shoving his hands in his pockets, waiting to see you reaction at the mention of one of your favorite dishes that he’d always insist his father to make you whenever you’d come by.
“no way!” you dashed into the kitchen, leaving sokka by himself at the entrance, surprised at how fast the two of you had seemed to ease back into things and some part of it seemed to good to be true but he was happy to have you back.
“wait for me!” he called for you, spending slightly to join you. a reminiscent smile on his lips as he watched you excitedly poor yourself a bowl, knowing where everything in the hous ewas from it practically being a second home for you during all those years.
“you’ll have to say thank you to hakoda.” you told him as you eyed the noodles, your stomach rumbling as you brought it to the table, it had been too long since you had eaten his father’s cooking.
“y/n, you havent even eaten it yet, how do you know its good?” he laughed as he watched you carefully bring the bowl to the dinner table, trying to get to it as fast as you could but still making sure to not let any of the broth spill out.
“because your dad’s seaweed noodles are the best!” you defended your previous statements, taking a seat as you waited for sokka to make his own bowl and bring chopsticks for the both of you. the watertribe boy nodded, slightly mocking you in his own playful way. while you waited for him to rejoin you, you took out the notebook you used for your history notes and grabbed a pen that was sitting on the table.
you scribbled down the title of your project and tapped your pen, impatient waiting to be able to dig into your steaming hot dish.
“have any ideas for the presentation?” sokka startled you slightly, coming from behind you to lean over your shoulde to see if you had written anything but he was met with a blank page.
“no, now get me my chopsticks idioy.” you shoved his head away, earning a protestful ‘hey’ from him as your brought your hand back to wram themselvbes on the bowl.
“here.” he placed the chopsticks next to the bowl before making his way around the table to sit in front of you, slowly blowing on his soup to cool it down.
“took you long enough.” you teased before you grabbed them to pick up some of the noodles, cooling them off with your breath before shoving some of it into your mouth. sokka started laughing at how quickly you engulfed the noodles that his father had spent the morning making.
you flipped him off, not caring at how ‘unlady like’ you might’ve looked but it had been forever since you had tasted his father’s seaweed noodles, during winter it was a staple food for whenever you would spend the night but since the weather had gotten warmer and you had grown more distant, it had been a hot minute since you had a traditional dish of the southern water tribe, something you’d most definitely use in your comparison of the different cuisines.
“before we start, i wanted to talk to you about something.” sokka brought his hand down, deciding not to eat just yet but rather address the elephant in the room.
“yeah?” you knew where this was going so you finished chewing what was in your mouth and swallowed, keeping your eyes on the food as you wiated for sokka’s question.
“so where do we stand, us? i mean two days ago you stormed off, after weeks of us not actually talking and now it feels like everything is fine. i just want to make sure that you’re okay.” you took a deep breath in, knowing this was coming, knowing you had to confront your feelings upfront now and not just push whatever you were feeling down, hoping it didnt blow over one day.
“if im being honest sokka, i like you, still, but i want us to be friends. im happy to see that suki makes you happy, but it might take some time for me to get over you so we might not ever be as close as before for my own sake but im willing to try my hardest to fix anything i mightve broken in the last couple of weeks. because i love having you as a friend and no matter how much it wouldve hurt to be with you before, i still missed my best friend.” you slowly lifted your head up, pouring out what was your mind without any filter, letting him know where you stood, sincerity written on your features as you wiated to see sokka’s reaction.
“that sounds good, whatever works for you. just happy i dont have to lose my oldest friend” he finally answered after silence settled between the two of you, letting your words settle and let him process your new confession.
you smiled back and then the two of you turned your attention back to the noodles, the two of you practically inhaling the food as the only sound was the muching of the seaweed and the slurping of the soup. a nice moment shared between two friends.
“you know, theres still girl that i just know you’d like.” sokka was the first to speak up, a small tease in his tone as he tried to set you up right after you told him you were trying to move on from him.
“sokka.” you threatened, not wanting him to go down whatever road he was about go down to, you finding it to be the wrong moment to bring this up.
“i’m just saying i have yue’s number if you want it!” he recoiled on his claim, but made sure to name drop the girl he supposedly thought was perfect for you. blood rushed to your cheeks at the mention of his ex girlfriend from middle school, rmebering how beautiful you thought the white haired girl was and how you had a small crush on her while they were dating.
the boy in front of you simply laughed, feeling content at where he now stood with his friend since kindergarten. he was your dream boy, but maybe not in the way you first thought. he was the boy of your dreams but not all dreams need to be romantic.
general taglist: @draqondance @biqherosix @sunnypluto @butterfly-skinnylegend @staygoldsquatchling02 @yuesallura
atla taglist: @welovediaaxx @ilovespideyyy @missmorosis
sokka taglist: @firelady-jay
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bakugoukatsukisonly · 4 years
im in love with satori and im in my feels so here you go, a cute fluff for my tendou satori simps
tendou x reader
"tendou, what did you do this time?" ushijima asked after he saw a girl screeched and run towards the opposite side tendou was.
"what, i didnt do anything this time, she suddenly bumped into me and i was helping her get up and then that happened" tendou smiled, already used to these type of stuff happening to him. another normal day for the infamous 'monster'. his teammates(except ushiwaka) snickered at him, finding it funny that tendou has never actually talked to girls despite his confident behaviour. tendou also laughed along with them everytime this happens
"yeah..." he trails off and then quickly changed the topic. he was maybe a little bit offended but what can he do? he was the monster that everyone had hated since he was young.
rumours had been going around in their class that a super cute girl will be attending their class from today onwards but tendou paid no attention to that as its just another person that would be disgusted by him. but nevertheless, he was one of the many people that actually gawk upon seeing her entering the class, she was unbelivabely beautiful. 'oh shit oh shit, shes really pretty, oh no' was what he had thought.
"hi, guys, my name is y/n and ill be in your care starting from today, i look forward to befriending you" she bowed with a smile on her face. the teacher told her to sit anywhere and continued on todays lesson. tendou knows he dont even have a chance against that, and she'll most probably slide into one of ushijima's fans also. but holy, how can one ignore true beauty ???
the boys went crazy after that, y/n caught the attention of all the boys and girls even from another class and tendou definitely blocked his feelings from growing bigger. but he would throw occasional glances at y/n though subcounciously.
"hey guys, today i had brought a guest that you guys would like to meet" shiratorizawa's manager said out of the blue, gesturing to someone from behind the door of our club room. "hi, guys!" in came a cute little bean with her sweater pawed hands waving to all of the boys inside saying that today she wanted to watch them practice and cue the screaming of overly excited boys.
tendou was extremely nervous today, everyone showed off their skills as to impress y/n and y/n hyping them up, giving compliments here and there. 'oh why is she so lovely, i could just melt- oh crap oh crap, she's looking, act normal satori! act normal!' tendou was taken aback by the sudden eye contact and was even more surprised when y/n looked away but with a crimson red face and a small smile as if she was shy. tendou brushed it off saying maybe because she just saw ushiwaka's spike.
and the day went like that, tendou being his normal self, playing around and actually had spoken to y/n from time to time. keeping the flirting at bay. but he was supposed to move on from this stupid crush, right?
the practice was over and y/n had left awhile ago. after cleaning up, tendou was the last one to close up the club room door and he went straight on his way home thinking about how cute his crush was just now.
the day after, something happened again in tendou satori's life. it was the evening after school before practice starts, tendou was being his usual self with ushijima but was interfered but some girl that was trying to confess to ushijima. that was nothing out of ordinary but this girl crossed the line when she flung herself onto ushijima and was making a scene, tendou tried to stopped by shoving the girl out of their way but was backfired when she shoved tendou away calling tendou "stupid monster, you dont deserve to be by my ushijima's side, youre weird and no one wants to be a weirdo's friend" that had left tendou speechless but when ushijima wanted to defend his bestfriend, out of nowhere y/n appeared.
"you dont go calling people names and especially to tendou !" that sweet y/n was out, because of the anger building uo inside. "he's the most sweetest human being i've ever met and you dont know that. so, stop whatever youre doing right now! you think ushijima will accept you like this? please" y/n spat and took both boys' hand and proceeded to go the gym.
both boys were shocked over that and y/n words lingered in tendou's mind. 'does she really think of me like that? i mean, im just a monster that everyone avoided, ah must be because the girl clung onto ushijima, maybe she's jealous over that,' but what she did after they were at the gym caught him off guard
"let me see, are you hurt, satori? did that girl shoved you to hard?" y/n was genuinely worried and that shows, ofcourse she asked ushijima also after that but tendou was stuck because she really called him by his last name and it was music to his ears.
"y/n, i like you"
'wait, did ushiwaka just confessed? what?'
pt.2 coming right up
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joontier · 4 years
The King’s Guard | the minis i. 
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summary:  Seokjin leans forward, “Your father has fought well and there is no greater honor than to die for the safety of your countrymen. I am glad he has a son to continue the legacy of your family. Stand, Jung Jungkook, for I know your father’s soul is now at peace.” The man complies and speaks, “Long live King Seokjin, long live the capital!” The rest of the two hundred men follow suit. The citizens join in on the cheering but your eyes linger on the new captain and the faded scar on his left cheek.
pairings: kim seokjin x reader ; jeon jungkook x reader ; min yoongi x reader
rating: R | genre: established relationship! au, smut, fluff, the wedding night ™
warnings: no prep here whatsoever, two virgins at it for the first time 
word count: 1.1k
g/n: yall im sorry chapter five is taking so long :-((( please accept this drabble as compensation i just had to get this out of my unclean soul jdsfkjasdklfasjdf p.s one didnt get to climax bUT then again they didnt exactly get proper sex ed during those times hngnhghg p.p.s. @mintseesaw​ HELLO BABE IM SORRY FOR DROPPING THIS OUT OF NOWHERE BUT A GAL’S GOTTA DO WHAT A GAL’S GOTTA DO
The King’s Guard - Masterlist  ||  navi.
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The King’s Guard | the minis i.
With your wedding ceremony over, you and Seokjin retire to his hanok in silence. It was awfully quiet, save the birds’ chirping with the cold breeze of the night. It wasn’t that type of silence that made you want to shrink and disappear, yet it was that type of quietude that was caused by anticipation, ultimately waiting for something that was already bound to happen, yet not one of you wishes to be vocal about it. 
Even with the sheer red veil covering your face, you choose not to meet your husband’s eyes as he slides his bedroom door open. He lets you walk forward and explore the room for a while. You can;t really think of anything else, mindlessly wandering around his room. Your head is clouded with anticipation that you don’t realize Seokjin already standing beside you. 
Seokjin lifts the veil slowly, and as you finally make eye contact, he lets out a breath he didn't know he was holding until now. 
“It’s alright, my love. I’ll take care of you,” Seokjin assures pulling you into an embrace. For a while, the both of you just stand there in each other’s arms, letting yourself calm down as you listen to the steady beating of Seokjin’s heart. You weren't sure what has gotten you on edge the whole day - and it’s not as  if you hadn't been with Seokjin during the better years of your life. 
Seokjin takes cognizance of your apprehension - he always does, like every small gesture does not go unnoticed. Sometimes, you wonder if he knows you better than you do yourself. “We don’t have to do this.” Seokjin pulls away, leaving you at arm’s length from each other. 
Ever so gently, he cups your jaw in his palm, pulling you a little closer as he places a lingering kiss on your forehead. You are thankful for the gesture,  a small smile gracing your lips in gratitude.  This time you feel more secure, knowing that Seokjin would never do anything that would hurt you. 
You place your hand on top of his, squeezing his larger hand a little to show your affirmation. “I trust you,” you whisper, leaning further towards the warmth of his palm. When you look up at him, hesitation is evident in his features. Unfortunately for him, the growing tent in his pants doesn't seem to agree with his uncertainty. 
Turning your head a little, you plant a kiss on his palm, never taking your eyes off him with a fervent hope he gets the message. Seokjin takes a deep breath at the sight, testing how far his self-control might reach. 
“You’re going to let me take care of you tonight, my Queen?” Seokjin whispers against the shell of your ear, effectively sending a shiver running through the length of your spine. You give him a shy nod in reply and Seokjin no longer wastes any time, nipping gently at your ear before attaching his lips on your neck. 
He finally removes the heavy golden pins on your head, letting your hair fall in small waves just below your chest. Seokjin continues to untie the knots on your ceremonial garments, inhaling sharply when he sucks on a particular spot just below your jaw. 
Tilting your head to give him more access, Seokjin’s lips never leave your skin until he finally slides your jeogori from your shoulders. You take his pausing an opportunity to undress him as well. With shaky hands, you reach out to tug his durumagi off. Seokjin chuckles as he sees you fumble with the knot just above his waist, offering to give you a hand. 
Sighing in defeat, you let him do the work. As soon as he discards his clothes, you pull him closer, connecting your lips in a feverish kiss. You’ve never done this before, let alone kiss him this fervently. You and Seokjin were always discreet when it came to displays of affection - a quick peck on the cheek when you were left alone in the garden of blush or a small hug when no one was watching. 
Maybe that’s what caused you to be rigid the whole day - to know that something was to happen yet unsure of what to do, or at the very least, expect. You had never been this nervous around Seokjin, wanting your first night as a married couple most delightful. Disdainfully, your desire to make your husband happy is seemingly backfiring, giving you more anxiety than confidence. 
Now though, you realized you were most comfortable and secure around your now-husband, so there was absolutely nothing to worry about. His actions are starting to get driven by haste, this time his fingers are thumbing the knot on your skirt. “Why do you have to wear so many layers of clothes?” your husband huffs, brows furrowed in concentration. 
As he finally rids you of your clothes, Seokjin gets back to kissing you, pulling you closer than ever before, if that was still possible. His hands start travelling southward, the slightly calloused pads of his fingers trailing down against the expanse of your back, ultimately landing on the globe of your ass. 
He gives them a squeeze, making you gasp at the sudden brazenness of his actions and he uses your surprise as an opportunity to hook his hands under your thighs to lift you off the ground and carry you to his bed. 
Laying you gently on the futon, he lays a hand on your inner thighs, gently spreading your legs apart so he can position himself properly between them. “Are you ready?” You can tell he’s keeping himself restrained, cock even twitching in anticipation. Your heart soars, grateful that the heavens have blessed you with a husband like Seokjin - one who puts your comfort first before his. 
“I’m ready,” you affirm, nodding twice at him. Seokjin inhales sharply, taking his length in his hands, letting the angry tip press tentatively against your core. Slowly, he breaches your entrance, the both of you shivering as he finally seats his cock up to the hilt. 
When the slight pain subsides, you give him a go-signal, urging him to start moving. Your husband complies quickly, pulling out slowly and pushing back in just as languidly. Seokjin savors how your walls clench deliciously around his cock, and at that moment, he decides nothing could ever feel more heavenly than this. 
He gets to a pace that brings him to his high shortly. Seokjin feels his balls tighten, and with one last snap of his hips, he cums, body shuddering above you. You wonder if you were supposed to reciprocate what Seokjin felt just now, but you don’t mind, if it brings your husband to elation, then it is enough for you. Besides, there will be plenty of that next time. Surely. 
Seokjin, who’s still panting heavily, collapses beside you, pulling the covers over the both of you. “Next time, wear less clothes, so I don’t finish quickly, my love.”
© joontier 2020. All rights reserved.
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babysizedfics · 4 years
HC 1/2: Might I project a little bit? Logan gets ocular migraines and feels generally miserable, but he also feels guilty on top of that because he cannot help Patton watch the boys. His head and eyes hurt to the point of tears, and it's likely he'll throw up. So Logan isolates himself in his dark, quiet room and figures Patton will most likely check on him when he can. But surprise! It isn't Patton creeping into his room some time later, but a concerned Ro.
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white heart anon i'm really sorry you have to experience that kind of stuff :(( but this is A+ headcanon material so thank u for sending it in
this is also super sad when you remember we said that logan is allergic to morphine because that means he can't have codeine which is a common painkiller - he might be allergic to more than one painkiller too just because im in that angsty mood tonight
i can imagine logan trying to power through it - he has always been very healthy though and when he got a migraine in the past he would take as many preventative measures as possible to not exacerbate it - but this is the first time it has happened while both him and patton had their hands full with looking after the boys
vee is particularly clingy today and will not let go of logan and roman has been so stressed all week because of an upcoming audition/show so they all know that its important for him to be little for a day to let go of that stress and responsibility
and logan has had a moderate headache all day which he just ignored but then he sees scotomas start to float around his vision and he knows it's a matter of minutes before the pain really hits
he very regretfully admits this to patton who of course is very concerned, but logan assures him he will be fine but... he needs to leave
and patton of course is rushing to pick vee up from his lap but the baby doesnt understand why and he whimpers and tries to cling to logans arm
'its all right sweetheart,' logan whispers, knowing his voice will make his vision swim if he speaks any louder. he's squinting to protect himself from the light of the living room. he leaves and tries not to feel absokutely horrible when he hears virgil crying as he walks up the stairs trying very hard not to fall
'mama will be back later its ok' he heard patton say and though its distant the sound feels like a cheese grater to his skull
he has been in his room for 2 hours now save for a very painful trip to the much too bright bathroom when the headache got so intense that it emptied his stomach
and logan is positively miserable now, lying in bed in the dark and not being able to stop from groaning in pain and simultaneously being in more pain everytime the sound echoes around his head
then theres a harsh click and even through his closed eyelids he can see the room has gotten lighter and it sends wave of nausea through him that he just about controls
'patton please close the door' logan whispers as faintly as he can and its shaky with unshed tears because it just hurts so much
the door closes so gently that the sound barely bothers him, then the mattress dips beside him and he fully expects patton's perpetually cold fingers pressing against his cheek or a whispered offer to get him anything
but that didnt happen. instead:
its was so gentle that logan couldn't believe his ears in thinking it was romans voice
he reluctantly opens one eye slightly, wincing at the sharp stab of pain in his skull
the room wasnt pitch black, it was quite impossible to achieve that in the middle of the day. it was dim enough that everything alpeared as dull greys. he saw romans worried face in greytone before he pulled his fingers over his eyes again and groaned
'roman i can't play right now' logan explains softly, and he's impressed by his own ability to sound gentle and loving even when he feels like he wants to scream with pain if only that wouldnt make it a million times worse
'i dont wanna play, i wanna cuddle' roman whispers
logan frowns 'im not sure if i can'
'please mommy?'
and logan can never deny roman affection when he uses that name. that name is not used lightly by the age dreamer, it's reserved for very dire situations when hes very upset or ill and really needs help
so as doubtful and nervous as he is that this is going to backfire, logan opens his arms and furrows his brow tightly to prepare for the onslaught of pain that is bound to come when roman rocks the bed and makes noise
but the gentleness with which roman crawls onto the mattress and wraps his arm around logans chest is astounding and it barely affects logans migraine
'aren't you scared of it being so dark?' logan asks as a sort of final offer for roman to leave
theres a pause and its clear that there was some truth to it, but despite the slight tremour in his tone roman says 'i know you'll protect me'
they settle in to each other with quiet sighs, roman's tummy and chest pressed into logans side, logans arms around his shoulders, roman's head on logan's chest
and it doesnt make things worse at all
for as loud and energetic as roman was 99% of the time, he seemed to make up for it in incredible quietness and stillness that logan had never experienced even when bottlefeeding a very sleepy baby vee or when wrapped in pattons arms in the middle of the night and sniggering at his sleep talk
and when waves of pain overcome him he squeezes roman just a little tighter and roman does the same. and when he groans in pain roman's leg shuffles to reat on top of his, and when another wave of nausea overcomes him romans hand very gently rasies to the pillow and takes a single strand of logans hair, delicately stroking it every few seconds
and it all makes it a whole lot easier to bear the pain when he has such a brave little prince by his side
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huntsman-ash · 4 years
RWBY V8E3 LiveThoughts
Its Saterday and that means its time for everyones favorite post spam; Orca-mun bullshits about RWBY! And here we go.
On a personal note I barely ate anything today so my brain is jittery. I ate something before this of course but one does not solve low-food jitters instantly. So we’ll see how this goes.
Also the more that I hear the opening for this season the more I hear things that I have had Ash say before.  “The hope to change the world is just a childish dream”. It comes off in the song as kind of a poke at Ruby and her team, same way as how V3s opening was all about loosing and falling, but here I cant help but hear it in the voice of Ash, caustic and sarcastic, angry at the world for his own issues and putting it onto the “blind, naieve Huntress’s” Ironwood now has his team focused on.
Actually again, a lot of the song is talking about stuff that is probably coming up in the show. “The path we tried to avoid is already here”. “Path home is suddenly clear”. Basically hinting RWBYs going back to Vale at some point. But we knew that already.
And again, the part with time stopping while Cinder walks among the fighting reminds me of a shittier version of the I Know You trailer for Halo Wars 2.
And now the episode actually starts. Apperently, riding the pnumatic tubes does NOT instantly kill you. Im...half dissapointed. At the same time it makes sense, they seem to be fully sealed so. 
Doesnt seem like its fun though thats for sure.
Dear Blake; please stop being adorable.
Oh, and we get to see how Penny see’s the world too. Interseting. Wireframe with data...and shes unintentionally doing the Konami Code if Im not mistaken.
Also cool to see that the active camo semblance works exactly like Halo’s active camo, ergo; its bending light, not true invisibility, since you can JUST BARELY see the shimmer where they are.
And this moment is a painting I like to call; Five Lesbians and a Robot in an Elevator. Legit shocked Atlas doesnt have elevator music...
And we finally, FINALLY get some reference on the storm. Shorter Atlas trooper sayd “they cant get too close to that storm without getting shot out of the air”.  Okay...so Salem actually has defenses against airships? Couldnt they have SHOWN THAT?
Also, props to the female VA for sounding like AN ACTUAL FUCKING SOLDIER. “CO can get us some answers”...hell yeah. And then Nora’s randomly a dick for...no reason.
Penny’s finger has a scomplink just like in Star Wars.
And they didnt think to remove Peitro’s security clerance, alright then. Someones gonna know they were there though since she used his ID...but maybe thats part of the deal. They get in and get out fast.
Central Command is so dissapointingly small. I HATE IT. ITs two rows of consoles and like...8 dudes. No, wait...three rows? For a place this big it should be six times the size and look more like NASAs mission control.
Nice to have some data on how Ruby’s semblance works though. She apperently breaks herself down to her component molecules and negates her mass and HEY thats how I said Ash moved! DAMMIT RT
Also I guess Remnant follows SOME laws of physics.
NGL Blake is suddenly being a better character now that shes not held down by Yang. Might just be me though. 
“Busy” says Ironwood. In my head, the five minutes before this shot; EXECUTIONS EXECUTIONS ALL THE EXECUTIONS. MUCH PURGING, VERY CLEAN NOW.
Oh I LIVE for the sudden look of shock on Watt’s face. Bro KNOWS what Ironwood can do. That said, obviously hes going to turn on him because...duh. Its Watts. But hey, least hes a little afraid. Unless its an act.
His acid snark against Penny is refreshing. “Magic science project” indeed.
Oh, thats why hes so worried. FOUR DUDES AIMING GUNS AT HIM. Nice. 
“Authorization granted to handle any threats with lethal force”. GOOD. 
Oh no, Nora’s got an idea now. Im worried.
I get the feeling the random office geek guy that Nora trips is someone from RTs office, hence the “#1 Dad/Dud” mug. Dumb
Home made sign. Really. REALLY.  UGH GOD DAMMIT RT. 
Funny sign though.  Also the scream from the tech is so fake its not even funny
Wow. For fuck sake. Thats how they get through. Seriously.
Seems I paused at the right moment. Blake is very confused about being inside Ruby.
Nice to see that Atlas follows OSHA regulations and has railings on its weird catwalks.
Hardlight forcefield door? Interesting. I guess May went off to steal an airship or something.
Also this is something I JUST remembered but I thought Johanna was the trans member. Actually thats May. So thats my bad.
Why’re there holes on the base of Penny’s gloves...
No logiccal sense to half of Atlas’s tech, glad to see that hasnt changed any.
Blake is me when my dads working at his office and taking way to long to do anything.
Blah blah okay talk less do more shit. Character stuff BORES ME
Hm. Nora speaks the truth.
ANNNNDDD its the Ace Ops. Now lead by Hare.  ...no cuffs. No heavy equipment. No gas weaponry. Nothing. They know exactly how strong these people are and instead they show up with ALL OF THEIR OLD STUFF. Are you fucking serious.
STOP TALKING AND JUST KILL THEM ALREADY DAMMIT! Marrows comment is how I feel. But I think hes lying. As does he, I think.
I like how its Vine doing the talking, and that they start by trying to REASON with them. They’re scared. They know they might not win again.  They’re taking the cowards root. To no ones fucking shock.
UHHHGGGG all of this fukcing mind shit with Penny is really pissing me off.
Good, now the fighting starts. Thattttss why they;re on the platform.
Hey, actual teamwork out of the Aces, kinda. I guess their boss being dead helped.
Okay seriously how the HELL is she not fighting this easier? Shes a robot, surely she has predictive combat algorithms...
Man Marrows getting SHIT ON this fight.
Mmm. Hare thighs. I like
Weiss says the truth for once
And all the fancy work and fighting is ended simply by a beefy woman grabbing Penny. I like that honestly. Simplicity, brutality.
Wait never mind.
HAHAHAHAH OFF THE Wall and now she flies. No shock.
Good shit. Good work Marrow.
Well that works. JESUS FUCK Nora.
Yow they’re not DEAD. Excuse me
Oh look Nora’s...wow. Cool, scars.
Still mad Pennys swords are on wires, but hell. Wire funnels are wire funnels. Or would those be incoms? I dont quite remember the distinction.
Marrows quiet look is kinda sad. Oh good nora’s not dead.
But they are down a person and...ah. They’re letting them go. Death Star tactic.
New ship design, havent seen this one before. The whole top part opens which is interesting to me. And then she just GONE. 
Ah. So thats what they were doing. Cool.
Obviously gonna backfire, but hey, who knows. Maybe RT will surprise us.
Annnddd thats it for the show.
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plainvanillapotato · 4 years
the 100 diaries S2 E12
quarantine: may 31 2020
season 2 episode 12: “Rubicon”
the guy is running. watch he just die and no one gets clarkes message. i would love it if clarkes plane just backfired but of course they save him. 
ok but wait why was cage just random carrying a oxygen tank when he himself doesnt even need one.
tsing out here with her own personal army. then just plucking these kids one by one. damn 
these grounders really be listening to clarke just because lexa said so?? damn these grounders be loyal minus gustus and that one guy that tried to kill clarke but then got eaten by king kong
is raven really the only person out here doing all this crap?? like does clarke not realize how big of an ask shes asking of raven? raven is magic and shit but she has some limitations just to be somewhat realistic. just chill the fuck out clarke raven is doing the best out here arguably more than clarke.
i love how bellamy is still wearing that hat still looking like sean malto. but also how has someone not noticed him? but i guess bellamy like joe from you as in if he wears a hat he magically blends in.
“...all of this is for nothing” way to put pressure on prettyboy bellamy like he didnt already know that. chill clarke everyone is trying their best out here. ngl i would hate to have clarke as a manager cuz i think she would micromanage the shit out of people. 
remember in the last episode when clarke asked what her job was well i think that i figured it out:
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i also wanna mention that finn literally died idk less than a week ago but clarkes in charge being out and about commanding people years her senior. i get that we had that whole episode dedicated to how finns death affects clarke but still she got over that pretty quick. a little too quick. but i guess that if youre a sky person your emotional metabolism is just through the fucking roof...
ooo clarke still be salty toward her mom. but yeah kane is kinda an enabler
but why do these people have clear paper. the art department is feeling themselves on that one. like is it because they wanted to be edgy and futuristic or is it from an actual realistic viewpoint that the space people dont have trees to create paper................does this also mean that the space people didnt have toilet paper???????? but also back to the paper thing did these kids never learn how to write in cursive??? since i would imagine actual writing utensils are limited so idk if they waste it on teaching kids cursive. actually tho does anyone have an answer to these questions??? 
where did jaha get that antler stick. i kinda want one. i like to imagine that he just saw it lying somewhere on their way to the desert and said to himself i would look epic holding that stick and then went to pick up and started using it even tho he doesnt actually need a walking stick....any hunter x hunter fans?
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jaha’s mask at 8:29 is an example of what not to wear during corona season
“thanks for the water?”...while looking down a bit flustered ”its, uh..it was no problem” emori and murphy? ship?
bellamy crawling through air vents to save the day...magenta from sky high who??
also bellamy’s ear piece is giving me everything. *i know that the following meme is just a tiny phone but i just really like it so idgaf
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again with the inaccuracy of bone marrow extraction.
but what really gets me is clarke recognizing what procedure is going o just by the sound of a drill. ok who is she? she be like the boy that can identify a vacuum just by the sound. For those that don’t know what I’m talking about:
A missile?? where did these people get a missile
But also imagine if clarke was like actually i didn’t catch any of that conversation and bellamy just had to recap it like Luis in ant-man. I would die
thats a lot to ask of raven clarke. Like i could never get that shit done no matter how long you gave me. Yeah ppl be screwed if i was part of the 100
That hug btw Clarke and raven...ship? Jk i know it was just a friendship hug but yah can never know with these writers. Like i honestly wouldn’t be surprised if the writers said enemies (being part of that love triangle with finn) to friends to lovers
murphy and emori are definitly a ship. walking together behind with everyone else. Murphy said “i killed two people. I had my reasons but nobody cared.” Fuck you murphy you killed them cuz you a salty bitch. I also hate how he says this so blasé. Like dude want?? Ugh. Ugh. Ugh. Murphy also said im the bad guy. Murphy is a billie elish fan?? Duh.
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woah when that girl pulled out her claw????? I fell out of my seat. its actually huge. she could grab a whole basket all. They did a great job concealing/ not drawing attention to her hand before like i was so fucking surprised.
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“Its pretty badass” and murphy looking at that claw tho...murphy is into kinky shit. But also that look he gave her while she walked away that was the most genuine look I’ve ever seen out of murphy.
Bellamy shoving jasper into a wall and whispering...bellamy and jasper? ship?
this secret talk between bellamy and Dante....bellamy and president Dante? ship?
But i also like to imagine that during this meeting that bellamy has the song dont be suspious. Dont be suspious playing in his head
woah. Mountain man said inconito mode activated. Reminds me of one of those green soldiers in toy story especially during the opening scene of i think the first movie
This character development in clarke is something else like remember when she talked about the grounders wanting finn out in the open and not in private causing a huge public uproar. Look at her now talking in private with Lexa about the missile. Phenomenal character growth if you ask me.
they really put all their eggs in one basket with bellamy. But bellamy be a really good basket tho. Trust Lexa trust.
where tf did this guy get an RPG??
Woah Emori be the real bad guy. But honestly she could slit Murphy’s throat and he would still live because cockroaches can still live without their head.
raven you should have just shut up. You really dropped the ball there.
lincoln???? What are the chances??? Isn’t he still a druggie?? Honestly octavias little speech would not motivate me at all. If anything it would make me want to take more drugs. At this point i would just say to Lincoln “dont fight it”
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i like how they took everything but they let jaha keep his stick.
caspian is reall dressed like a hipster that sells artisanal kombucha
Jaha really has some faith in murphy...jaha and murphy? ship?
Also that was a really good shot of them murphy, jaha, and their crew climbing up the hill with a giant moon in the background
Lexa is giving me padme vibez wearing that head scarf like that
they were going to let kane and indra die
yeah sorry to break it to you abby but your child is a killer but then again so are you sooo..you really cant be out here to judge your kid like that. Like mother like daughter. But you really cant lecture clarke on this. you literally gave your husband up and you let your daughter blame her best friend for it. And on top of this you were part of the council that sent 100 kid down to earth without even knowing if earth was survivable. ma’m get the fuck outta here.
but all those lives for bellamy. i think its worth it. Because bellamy is worth everything.
theyre linking arms they got monty no!! absolutely not. they took jasper but i gotta say better he than monty bc Monty is king. Yeah jasper really fumbled with that gun. Really not smart. jasper should have just shot tsing instead
Oof a containment breach. wow what an epic door stop. Sooo loong tsing. That was such a cruel death tho but yeah she kinda deserved it.
Does Dante play the cello?? A real renaissance man isn’t he?
wow this makes octaiva and lincoln like an epic couple that conquered the world. power couple. Goals *gag* but ok does that mean that Lincoln just stopped cold turkey just like that?? Hes just automatically better? No this is not how drug addiction works. But ok sure Jan.
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mylovelysanshine · 5 years
home; choi san ft. jung wooyoung
"as long as you are happy, as long as she is happy, my heart will be at ease. no matter how hurt it is." in which choi san, who is in love with you, is willing to give up his desire to confess to you for his best friend who has feelings for you. but does he knows what are your true feelings? no.
a love triangle between you, san and wooyoung
g: angst, fluff, romance
w!: cursing of words and thats all ig, please tell me if there's something that triggered you!
a/n: this was requested by @iis4d ! i still remember your request hehe but sorry for taking this so long omg:( i hope you and my fellow atiny readers will like it!!! sorry if there's any errors in this writing,,,,:( but anyways enjoy!:D
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for god's sake, san. can you at least becareful?!
oh come on, y/n! i wont die or something!
yes, san! you will die if you arent careful around anjanath!
you're at san's house, looking or mostly judging at how he plays the new game that he just brought from the game store near his house; monster hunter world. you're a fan of that game, truly in love with the series and how beautifully the graphic is but seeing how your best friend plays makes you want to smash your head onto the wall.
damn it! san shouted, flipping his controller when his character fainted for the first time
you facepalmed, massaging your temple while looking at the screen and at him i told you so
san glared at you and you giggled, eyes furrowing as his lips pouting which makes him look so adorable, having the urge to kiss him but you shook the thought off.
as if you have played this game before! he whined
uh yes i do, idiot! im hunter rank 250, okay! do no underestimate me! you said, smacking his arm lightly
it was true that you're a hunter rank 250 while he is just hunter rank 10, he have seen you played the game before and he wanted to try it too. probably because he wants to be on the same level as you so he could play together with you or he wants to play together with you. san couldnt think of things to backfire you over the game that you were good in it so he gave up and crossed his arms in defeat.
you laughed loudly, laughing because of how adorable san is. oh dont be mad~ you cooed, going down from the sofa to the floor, just to hug your best friend. you wrapped your arms and legs around his waist like a koala, placing your chin on his shoulder. is my sannie mad?? you asked, pouting cutely at him. san blushed, his face turning into a tomato. he didnt say anything which makes you truly believed that he was upset.
you frowned i really diㅡ AHHH
then, san headlocks you, making your body fall onto his lap as he messes up your hair with his free hand. being a competitive person you are, your hands went to his neck, trying to choke him. he let go of you, hands going to yours as he tries to break your grip off him which is an opportunity to run from san.
yaa!! y/n!!! you heard him scream as you went upstairs. you stopped for a moment, looking for rooms to hide until your eyes landed on his room, you ran when you heard his footsteps coming closer. you're not a fast runner but you passed your p.e tests last semester which was the day you're actually proud of. too bad san was faster than you when you tried to close and lock his door. both of you were pushing the door, one trying to open while another is trying to close until san pushed the door with his full strength, making you scream in horror as he grabs your arm.
you tried to run, trying to escape from his grip until your feet slipped ㅡdamn these socks ㅡmaking you fall onto the ground along with san. like a typical korean romance drama, the male character is ontop of the female character, staring into eachother's soul as the male got closer, eyes looking at you and to your lips until a knock distrupt your story.
san!!!! open the door!!!! it was wooyoung's voice screaming outside his house. both of you got up, scurried into different places; you in the living room while he takes the door. you were blushing mess, hair in a mess and your heart too
but you're not alone.
san opens the door, revealing wooyoung who was annoyed. what took you so long?! i've been waiting for you for the past five minutes!!
goddamn, woo. its not like you're going to die or somethingㅡ
yes i willㅡ oh! y/n!! wooyoung ran up to you, jumping at you, making you scream at how heavy he is as he hugs you. didnt know you are here! he exclaims, showing a bright smile.
well now you do, woo so can you please get off meㅡ you said, trying to breathe with the male body ontop of you. wooyoung giggled, apologising to you as he gets off before looking at the tv screen. isnt...that monster hunter world?
yeah? and what about it? san asked, sitting down on the floor beside you as you're on the couch. im playing that game too! hunter rank 10, just started playing it though wooyoung replied, turning his head to you how about you, y/n? have you played this game before?
you smiled at him hunter rank 250
wooyoung's eyes widened in surprise, body turning at your direction 250?! damn you crazy!
might be, i guess you shrugged as san continues to play his game
what's your weapon of your choice, san? wooyoung asked out of curiousity, looking at the screen that is currently loading the files of the game
dual blades san replied
and you, y/n?
insect glaive
wooyoung nodded at the information that was given to him thats cool! mine is dual blades too!
you raise your eyebrows really? would love to see the both you play together, probably the best duo with dual blades in this game you said, smiling at him before focusing on the screen, observing how san plays.
wooyoung pouted as he looks at you focusing on the tv instead of him, no ideas to have your attention on him and only him.
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having san and wooyoung as your best friends can be a pain in the ass sometimes but having them in your life makes it fun and enjoyable, and you love the both of them equally. as you're walking your way to your classroom, a familiar voice was heard screaming your name. not to mention that you're in the hallway with people walking by.
wooyoung, its early in the morning. why are you screaming?! you hissed in annoyance, redness shown on your face. wooyoung smiled cheekily, giggling a little. i just wanted to say good morning to you~ he said, taking your hand and swinging it side to side. you massaged your temple with your free hand, sighing as you shook your head a little. good morning, woo. you're lucky that i love you you muttered, making wooyoung's eyes beams in happiness
then, the school bell rang, indicating that the first lesson has started. you widened your eyes, remembering that your first lesson is with ms chou, the teacher who is always coming for your ass. wooyoung, i need to go! ms chou will come at me if im late! see you later, bye bye! you said hurridly, releasing your hand from his and started running as if your life is at risk before he could stopped you.
wooyoung watches you from afar, your figure slowly disappearing from his sight. he sighs, shoulders going up and down before shaking his head, starting to walk his way to his class.
you slammed the door opened, seeing some of your classmates sitting on their seats, minding their own business. then your eyes trails to the teacher's desk, not seeing ms chou on present yet before landing your eyes on him. choi san. you took a sharp breathe, your lungs tightened automatically as your heart started to beat very fast. he was reading a book, probably a harry potter book and he looks peaceful, like an angel. unfortunately for your heart, the sun was shining against his skin, the light bouncing off from his skin, making him look ethereal. your head started to get dizzy as your legs dragged you to your table next to him without realising.
y/n? you snapped your eyes from wherever you were looking from to him.
y-yes? you managed to speak, despite having a lump in your throat before sitting down on your seat.
you look pale he said, closing his book shut before focusing on you are you sick?
h-huh before you could continue, he placed the back of his hand onto your forehead, trying to feel any heat. you watched every expressions he made, his eyebrows furrowing as he squinted his eyes with his nose scrunching and his cherry lips pouting. his lips. you have never been wanting to kiss his lips right now, how you want to taste his lips, how you want to claim his lips yours. then you caught his eyes, he's staring at you.
you didnt know why you're being like this after the incident that happened at san's house from a few days ago. you do have a little crush on san before but now, it seems like your crush on him is getting bigger and bigger. you hated it, hated to have feelings on your bestfriend that will most probably reject you.
y/n? san calls your name softly, snapping out from your daydream. you realised that san's face are close to yours, his nose ghosting onto yours but before you two took a step forward, the door slammed open.
sorry kids, ms chou was late!
oh what a deja vu..
after school has ended, you slowly pack your stuffs as your classmates made their way out from the classroom. you sighed, too caught up with the thought of san. before this situations between you and san happen, your other best friend, gahyeon, told you that san likes you but you didnt believe her in one bit despite having a close friendship with her for 3 years. you dont believe the boy that has been with you ever since you were out of your mother's womb would like you, there's alot of thirsty girls eyeing him since young and you bet that there will be or is a girl that would or has caught his eye
and that girl would not be you.
exiting the classroom and the school, you straightaway went to the library, wanting to clear your mind off by writing or probably reading a book or both.
san was making his way back home from school, too caught up with the thought of you. ever since that incident happened at his house, things became awkward between the both of you. how the both of you didnt greet eachother as used to, hugging eachother or any skinship between you two. especially this morning, how the both of you were so close enough to almost kiss eachother but that didnt happen even though he wants it to happen. he shook his head, shaking those thoughts away.
why would you like him? for someone who he thought is not handsome as wooyoung. he thought you would like wooyoung than him, and how he thought that you would choose other guys than him.
wooyoung, on the other hand, was thinking on how to confess his love to you. too stressed on his plan, wooyoung called san through his phone.
hey san? i need your help.
what do you need? san asked, throwing wooyoung a packet of chips before sitting the opposite of where wooyoung sits.
you know yunho is going to throw a huge party this friday, right? and how even everyone in our school is invited, right?
san furrowed his eyebrows, nodding his head a little, confused where wooyoung is going. ...yeah?
well, im going to plan to confess y/n on that day! san stops eating his chips as wooyoung continues but i dont know how to confess to her..
wooyoung pouts, clasping his hands together into a ball help me, san! i cant think of anything...and you know alot about her more than i do!
well that's because im in love with her, woo he thought to himself before giving him a painful smile as he feels his heart drop at the thought of you and wooyoung together instead of him.
i will help
wooyoung's eyes beams in happiness really?!
san tries to keep his smile, nodding his head yes, of course, you're my best friend afterall.
wooyoung then hugs san tightly, showing how appreciative he is to san. thank you, san!
you're welcome, woo he said, trying to control his tears as he hugs him back
as long as you're happy, as long as she is happy, my heart will be at ease. no matter how hurt it is.
friday came by and you are sitting on the bench at the school garden with gahyeon who is playing games on her phone. too caught up reading your book, gahyeon spoke up.
hey, are you ready for tonight's party?
you lowered your book down a little, looking at gahyeon with a confused look.
there's a party tonight?
gahyeon rolled her eyes and face palmed yes, you forgetful idiot. remember yunho? that tall adorable looking puppy guy? he invites the whole school to his party, since his parents are out of town for the whole month.
okay, so? you asked, confused. you rarely go to parties because it drains your energy since there will be alot of people there and you're scared that anything might happened to you if you're drunk since males nowadays are just horny piece of shits who cant keep their dicks in their pants and does not know the meaning of consent. you're glad that gahyeon doesnt go to parties alot, though mostly the parties she goes to is her family business party.
so how about we go? gahyeon beams school has been a pain in the ass ever since the exam schedule came out so how about we go there to release our stress out?
and get drunk? yeah no
oh come on! just this once, y/n! and never again! gahyeon begs, giving you that puppy face that you couldnt resist whenever she wants or do something.
you groaned, closing your book, throwing your head back a little as you know you lost due to her cuteness. i mean, who would ignore gahyeon's adorable face?
day passed by quickly as you and gahyeon are getting ready for the party. since you dont have alot of fancy dresses to wear, you wore an off shoulder purple lace dress that your mom brought for you for your birthday. its not that tight or short for you and you are grateful for this dress to be yours, your mom has a better understanding of fashion and you than yourself. you look at the reflection of the mirror, looking at gahyeon who is stressing herself on which dress to choose for the party.
goddamn, gahyeon. is it that hard to choose a dress?
gahyeon glared at you yes it is, y/n! if you own alot of clothes, you would feel the sane way as me!
i do and all of them are comfortable and simple so i dont have a hard time choosing unlike you
ugh, whatever! you know what? im just going to choose this dress! she rummaged through her closet and picked out a short sleeveless red dress that have some pretty design but you dont care, you actually care if san is going to the party or not.
god, do you think y/n would come? wooyoung asked loudly as the music in yunho's house was blasting, bouncing up and down as he was nervous.
san chuckles, looking at his friend as he feels his heart stings. he was hoping for you not to come because he doesnt want to see you be with wooyoung but at the same he hopes to see you come, to see wooyoung confessing his love to you and you would accept it and see the both of you happy because you would choose other guys than him and to san, that's the truth.
i dont know, woo but i know she will he said, trying to comfort his friend with his best even if he feels worse.
then, you stepped into the house with your friend and san saw you from afar since both san and wooyoung is at the drinking section which is kinda far from the doorstep, along with people who is covering his sight from you as they are dancing in the area that he is in. but he indeed saw you and well, he's in awe on how beautiful you look and he realised that he's falling deeper in love with you. he swallowed hard, looking away as he closed his eyes. he cant be doing this right now, his friend likes you and he doesnt want to ruin this opportunity for wooyoung but yet, here he is ruining his own opportunity. he opened his eyes, to see if you werent there but you are still there, looking at him back. he took a sharp breathe before nudging wooyoung at the side.
she's here
wooyoung looks around, trying to find you in the crowded area where? where?
she's coming to our way with gahyeon so get ready, lover boy san said, giving him a smirk as both you and gahyeon walked to their direction
san!! wooyoung!! you called, releasing your hand from gahyeon and hug both of the boys as they hug you back. both of you look amazing, i wonder if there's any chicks hitting their shots at the both of you? you asked cheekily
wooyoung laughed, holding your hand nah, they dont caught my eyes like you do
you blushed, laughing a little thank you for the compliment, wooyoung. much appreciated
okay okay! anyways, boys. me and y/n are going to meet our girlfriends so if you could step away please! gahyeon said, cutting off from whatever wooyoung is trying to do. she glares at san we will get back at you later so tata! she continues with full of sass, gahyeon then takes your hand and pulls you away from the both of them.
damn, i was about to ask her to dance with me! i swear gahyeon loves to interrupt my opportunity! wooyoung gritted his teeth, feeling frustrated.
calm down, woo! they just came, let them have fun a little, will you? san said, calming his friend down.
yeah yeah, whatever. im going to find seonghwa for some advice and the rose, see you later with my future girlfriend! wooyoung jokes and pats his back before leaving him alone, finding his older friend.
san stood there alone, looking down on the floor as his heart breaks into pieces.
you sat on the couch with gahyeon, talking with her friends on how males can such be a pain in the ass. too caught up with the conversation, you saw one of her friends look up. you look at the direction she was looking at and you saw wooyoung standing infront of you. the conversation between the eight of you stops and all eyes look at wooyoung instead, confused on why he is here.
uh, y/n? can i talk to you for a moment? wooyoung asked nervously, looking down.
you looked at gahyeon's friends and gahyeon, who looks a little dark at the sight of wooyoung. you apologised to the seven of them before going up to wooyoung. without saying anything, wooyoung grabs your hand and pull you to wherever he wants you to go.
as gahyeon saw you being pulled by wooyoung, she sighs before standing up, making her friends look at her with confusion written all over their faces.
im going to talk to someone
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san was sitting on the staircase, thinking about you as he drinks whatever liquid he was drinking, not caring much about his well being.
choi san he heard gahyeon's voice what the fuck?
what the fuck are you doing, san? arent you supposed to confess to her? and not wooyoung? didnt you told me you like her? gahyeon asked angrily, standing infront of them with her arms crossed. he looks up and all gahyeon saw is sadness in his eyes, she couldnt help but feel pity for him
why? she asked softly
because i want wooyoung to be happy, i want y/n to be happy he confessed as tears builds up in his eyes i know she wont choose me
why? she asked again, but in a harsher tone
because i know, gahyeon. i knoㅡ
gahyeon cut him off, her fist hitting on the railing hard, not caring if it hurts are you some fucking fortune teller or something? do you know if she even likes you? san, you wont know anything if you dont take a step forward! she screams, angry at how stupid san is, how stupid his mindset is.
san didnt react at her ourburst but instead, he just stood up and walk pass her, walking towards the door.
choi san! gahyeon screams in anger as he exited from yunho's house.
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what is it, wooyoung? you finally asked after he drags you into a garden, dragging you away from the noisy house. you see him breathing deeply with his shoulders going up and down before looking at you.
i-i like you, y/n he confessed, making your eyes widen in surprise. i really do like you, y/n. ever since i met you through san, i couldnt help but developed a liking towards you and i hope that you will accept me he ends off with a rose in his hands. you look at him, his eyes full of hope and you couldnt help but to think of san. no matter how much you want to stop thinking about him, the thought of san will always comes back and if you were to accept wooyoung's confession, it would be toxic for the both of you as you will still keep thinking about him and not wooyoung. though, you are thankful of him being your best friend but you have never thought of a new level between you and wooyoung. only san. choi san.
san, san, san, sanㅡ
im sorry you gasped for air, being to pressured with wooyoung's confession and the thought of san as tears starting to build up in your eyes. imㅡ im so sorry, wooyoung you apologised as you look at him im sorry
the hope in his eyes has faded as he lowers his hands down. it was quiet for a moment before he speaks up
san. choi san.
you were trying to find a way to answer but you couldnt, the lump in your throat was getting bigger and giving you a hard time to answer
is it because of san?
you paused, looking down before nodding y-yeah...
wooyoung chuckles sadly what a lucky guy he is. no matter how much i try, you will choose him either way
you look up, giving him an apologetic look but wooyoung gives you a smile. not the normal bright smile he used to give but an encouraging one
go and confess to him, y/n he said
you blinked, confused at what he was talking about.
looking at your confused face, he rolls his eyes and sighs go and confess to san, y/n before giving you the rose he is holding go
y/n, you better hurry up before i cry wooyoung said, his tears starting to spill as he pushes you out from the garden into yunho's house and before you could say anything, wooyoung slammed the door infront of you.
you gulped and look at the flower you are holding
confess to san
you breathe in and out, nodding your head and went to find san. you looked around the house, trying to him but instead you saw gahyeon walking to your direction
gahyeon! you called out, running to her where's san?
she looks surprised san? i dont know, why?
you hesitated, trying to find a way to answer her question ....i...im going to confess to him
y-you're going to confess to san?? i thought wooyoung confessedㅡ
can we talk about wooyoung later? i want to find san first you cut her off, desperation was heard in your voice
gahyeon's face softens, giving you an apologetic look as she holds your hand im sorry, love but i dont know where he went...but you know where he always goes to
you gave her a confused look as you try to think hard about the place san would always go and it hit you
the park
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san stares at the night sky, seeing the stars shining in the dark as his tears rolls down on his cheeks. he's wondering how's wooyoung's confession goes, did you accept? or did you reject? he wonders if he ever get the chance to confess to you but he knows he doesnㅡ
san! his thoughts were cut off by your voice but he didnt believe that its yours, he thought he was dreaming
san! your voice got nearer and nearer choi san!
he whips his head to the side and saw you, panting really hard with your hair in a mess. he looks down, your hand holding a rose and the other holding your heels
wait, the roseㅡ
ㅡi love you, choi san!
san frozed on his spot, his mind went blank as he heard the words he was hoping to hear from you but he couldnt believe that he is hearing those words from you
you pant heavily, lifting the rose in your hand as you drop your heels
yes, i love you, san. i really do! you repeat your words, in case san wouldnt believe in you or he might be deaf. i love you, san
san lift his hand and point to himself m-me? you love me?? and you nod why, y/n? i thought you would like woo but me? why me? i thougㅡ
his words were cut off by your kiss, you were too fed up with his rambling that you decided to kiss him, to show that you are truly in love with him. in love with san. he automatically kisses you back, his hands cupping your cheeks as he deepens his kiss, finally giving you the love he keeps for you for a long time. you broke the kiss first, trying to breathe and so is he. san looks at you with love in his eyes as he placed his forehead on yours with his hands on your waist. the rose you were holding was no longer in your hands as it falls onto the ground with your heels when you kissed san.
it was silent for a moment, it wasnt any awkward silence but rather a comfortable one. you know.. you started to speak i realised that after wooyoung confessed to me, i didnt feel right.
san raised his eyebrow, urging you to continue
i didnt feel like im at home, you know? i dont feel like me whenever im around him but i do whenever im around you. i realised that i've been loving you hard ever since you protected me from those bullies though i thought it would be a small crush but it wasnt and whats their name again? was it kahi? sarah? whatever.
ㅡyou make me feel at ease when i have a storm in my mind everyday, you were there for me even if i never asked you to and you make me feel im at home when im with you you said, caressing his cheeks as you peck his lips, before looking at him in the eye with full of love.
you are my home, san.
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a/n 2: and thats it!!!!!! i kinda like this but at the same time no jshdhsjsjdh also i think i have improved my english alot! but if there are still any errors in this writing, im so sorry! please give feedbacks on how i can improve! thank you!! xoxo
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