#I’m also tempted to put this on my main but
cocksuki2 · 2 years
i finiiished it
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coqxettee · 21 days
THAT girl Night Routine
I haven’t blogged in forever, and for that I’m truly sorry (I was in a blogging rut and just genuinely had no idea or motivation to post anything, so I’m kinda writing this not only for myself but for any of the girlies out there trying to get a structured night routine for the coming summer ༓ ☾.。*゚+.
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Start your “Night Routine” at a certain time - Now the evenings are staying lighter, this can be difficult, but I’d say starting at 6:00PM or 7:00PM is a good starting time. Ideally start it after you have had your last meal of the day. Let this be the time of the day that you are going to begin to switch off and get ready to relax ♡
If you like to stretch or do yoga in the evening , do this and then do your skincare and have a shower afterwards, even if it is a quick one. It will make you feel so much more fresh and clean when you put your pyjamas on ♡
Shower - I know some girlies prefer to shower in the morning which is totally okay! And some girls shower twice a day (but of course this isn’t practical for everyone) - If you do choose to shower of an evening, make sure to use calming products. Products with lavender in, essential oils etc can also be really good because lavender has calming properties in it. Moisturise, and if your feeling extra, spray a few spritz of perfume. (I know it sounds crazy but Marilyn Monroe used to do this before bed!) If you are planning on doing a nice hairstyle the next day, prep your hair. Put your overnight curlers in or rollers ♡
Get changed into Pyjamas - *Important* make sure you are picking girly, cozy pyjamas to wear. Feeling luxury even when your just relaxing makes the biggest difference without you realising. Instead of wearing a huge baggy shirt and shorts, wear something satin or linen, something with florals or a pretty pink dressing gown. Soft materials and light pastel colours. Victoria’s Secret have some beautiful pyjamas (I love the striped one’s) and pretty satin robes too. There’s no better feeling than getting out the shower and putting on fresh pyjamas for the evening. A cute fluffy pair of slippers or socks is perfect too ♡
Take off your makeup and do your skincare - *So important* Don’t ever go to bed with makeup on and don’t ever skip your skincare routine. I know (trust me) how tempting it can be to just go straight to bed, but your skin with thank you in the long run and so will you when you wake up in the morning. Spend time with your skincare and try not to think of it as a *chore*. It’s taking care of yourself! So cherish that ♡
Set the evening mood - Tidy your room once more (so your not waking up to a cluttered space), light a candle, switch on fairy-lights. Do whatever you need to, to make your room or space around you more cozy. Main lights in the evening are a no-go. They wake you up and don’t let your eyes or body relax. Soft lighting is key, maybe spritz your room with a relaxing lavender room spray, get your bed ready too. Fluff the pillows, spray pillow mist, set back the covers, do whatever you need to do to let your body and mind know that your getting ready to settle in for the night ♡
Limit screen time - If you are going to go on your phone/technology before bed, make sure the media you are so consuming is light and makes you feel comforted. Do not watch anything too deep that will play on your sub-conscious mind. Girly videos or vlogs are lovely to watch because they put you in such a lovely mood. I know how tempting it can be to be on your phone right up until the last minute when your eyes close. Some of us even believe we HAVE to be on our phones or be watching something, in order to get to sleep. Whilst this may be true for some people, if this is the case for you, just try one evening going to sleep without looking at a screen. I try to limit screen time 2 hours before bed, and don’t look at my phone 45 minutes before sleeping ♡
Journal/reflect/plan - Evening’s are a perfect time to journal about your day in your diary, write out some journal prompts and make your to-do list for the next day. To be an organised girly you have to know what the next day is going to bring, so making a to-do list so you can make the most of your time is key to a successful and productive day ♡
Meditate - I know meditation is not for everyone, but I myself try to meditate once every day, and the lasting effect it can have on your mental health is so impactful and really a beautiful thing. It helps us rationalise things, put our brains to sleep and sets us in a calm and tranquil state for the evening ♡
Make a warm drink - We give babies warm milk to help them sleep and with us, it’s not really that different. milk does contain tryptophan – an amino acid which is thought to help promote feelings of sleepiness. If you don’t like milk, try chamomile/lavender tea or a hot chocolate. Something comforting that will warm you from the inside out and help with drowsiness before sleep.
Read - Hot girls read. That is a fact. But reading is not only beneficial for one’s intellect but it is such a calming and relaxed act, especially when you have a beautiful book you can escape into right before sleeping. Make sure the book you choose is once again light-hearted and is going to be something that makes you feel happy and cozy before you switch your brain off to sleep ♡
Sleep - The most important part of this routine and the reason why you have taken so much care with your evening routine. Gorgeous, gorgeous girlies get at LEAST 7-9 hours sleep every night. Sleep is one of the most important things in life, and for so many reasons, but mainly - It affects everything you do. Your brain, your sub-conscious, how you feel about yourself, your appetite, your skin & eyes, your mood and your energy levels. Absolutely everything about you is affected by sleep, so make sure you get enough. Try to sleep in darkness (or with a small light if you need one) or an eye mask, don’t forget to set an alarm for the next day too ♡
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Extra evening tips:
Some important things to consider ♡
Don’t eat late before going to bed! It’s not good for you! Avoid coffee or things with sugar in as these will give your energy instead of helping you to wind down ♡
Satin bedsheets/pillow cases are perfect for protecting your skin and hair. They allow your skin to breathe and protect your hair from marsh materials which helps it to grow ♡
Call a friend/text a loved one in the evening. I love with my parents so I always spend time with my mum before going to bed, but it’s a lovely thing to check on someone before setting in for the evening ♡
Whilst limiting screen time is important, watching one episode of a comfort series or show can help you feel so happy and comforted ♡
Whilst your going about your evening routine, listen to soft girly music. Or classical music if you want more of classic vibe to your night ♡
Listen to subliminal’s overnight!! *Important* and I feel like most of us forget to. But there are so many you can listen to just overnight, and the results will be so worth it ♡
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forever-rogue · 1 year
Hey there favorite writer
Would you be able to write something about reader and Joel having a baby together and falling in love all out of order? They’re not in an established relationship but had a one time thing and reader got pregnant. She wants to keep the baby because she feels safe in Jackson and Joel agrees to help her raise it, cuz it takes two to tango LOL. He starts falling for her during her pregnancy and she falls for him when the baby is born and she sees what a good father he is to their baby.
I’m sorry if this is a weird request I just thought it would be cool LOL
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AN | Oh, but this turned out to be soft 🥰 
Pairing | Joel Miller x Fem!Pregnant!Reader
Warnings | Language
Word Count | 3k
Masterlist | Joel, Main
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
"I'm pregnant."
The words crashed around him like a ton of bricks. Joel thought he might pass out. You looked just as distraught as he felt. 
This couldn't be happening. Fuck. This was the absolute last thing he wanted to happen. It was supposed to be a one night, one time type of thing. 
And now it suddenly became a much bigger thing. A potentially forever thing.
"What?" was all he could think to ask, causing you to roll your eyes in frustration.
"I'm pregnant," you repeated sharply, causing him to recoil slightly. You ran a hand through your hair, angry tears welling up, "we have sex one time and I'm fucking pregnant. It feels like some kind of horrible joke."
“Are you-”
“Don’t even fucking bother to ask if it is yours,” you glowered at him and Joel immediately regretting his decision to even ask the question. He knew you wouldn’t lie to him, even if he wished you were, “you’re the only one I’ve slept with in a long time. So yes, it’s yours.”
“Okay,” he nodded, still attempting to process everything. His mind was both blank and filled with a million thoughts all at once, “okay.”
“Look,” you pinched the bridge of your nose and tried to keep the tears from welling up and spilling over, “I’m sorry. I didn’t…I never thought this would happen. I never wanted this. And I’m so fucking sorry. But this is…the unfortunate reality.”
“I know,” he wished he could find something more comforting to say. He wished he could hug and tell you that everything was going to be alright but the truth was that he didn’t know if it would be okay. He was scared, “what do you want to do?”
“I don’t know,” you admitted after a few moments of tense silence, “I don’t know. I wish I did…I thought this would be such an easy choice.”
“But it’s not,” he stated as you nodded slightly.
“It’s not,” you confirmed, “I don’t even…I just figured you deserved to know, I-I guess. I don’t know; I’m just confused right now.”
“You didn’t get into this situation by yourself,” he hesitantly reached over and gave your shoulder a squeeze, “whatever you want to do, I’ll - I’ll do my best to be there for you and support you.”
“Yeah?” the way you looked at him with those teary eyes made his heart constrict. He could see how utterly scared you were.
“Yes,” he promised as managed to muster up a small smile, but it disappeared as quickly as it had come.
“Thanks,” you took a step off his porch and turned away, letting out a quiet, shaky sigh, “I’ll see you around. I’ll let you know what I decide to do.”
“Okay,” his voice cracked as he watched you go and disappear into the softly falling snow. He was half tempted to call you back and have you come in and sit in front of the fire and figure it all out, but he couldn’t bring himself to do it. 
Once you disappeared, he slowly closed the door and turned around, only to find Ellie on the stairs, her expression incredulous, “holy shit.”
“Holy shit,” he agreed. He had fucked up. Seriously, seriously fucked up.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
It was a couple of weeks before you saw Joel. Or rather before you allowed yourself to face him again. It wasn’t that you didn’t like Joel, it was easier to put the reality of the situation to the back of your mind when he wasn’t around. But you also were well aware of the fact that you couldn’t ignore the situation for much longer; you were going to have to make a decision sooner rather than later. 
And that’s how you finally managed to find your way back to him. He looked deep in thought when you found him coming back from patrol rounds with Tommy. His expression stiffened for a moment before he said something to his brother. The younger Miller held up his hand in a meek little wave and headed off; you cringed internally when you realized that he knew exactly what was going on. 
“Hey,” you offered him a tightlipped smile as he nodded in response, “do you have a few minutes to talk?”
“Of course,” he knew what was coming, had been expecting it now and was curious to know what you had decided. You couldn’t bring yourself to look at his eyes, and instead focused on the buildings behind him, “what’s up?”
“I’ve been thinking about all of this,” you gestured vaguely towards your stomach, “and I, I ugh, made a decision.”
“Oh?” he couldn’t help but feel nervous; he couldn’t even fathom what you were feeling. 
“I want to keep it - the baby,” you almost whispered it and nervously allowed yourself to glance at his face. His silence sent you in a dizzying spiral, “I just…I don’t know. I just think that… I don’t know if I’ve ever really thought about a kid, especially in this world, but if there’s any time or place in this world to do it, I think it would be here. And I just…I don’t want to get rid of it. I keep thinking about it, am I making the right decision but…I keep going back to yes.”
Joel took it in what you said and it sent him down his own path of worries and fears. He thought about Sarah, about how he’d never even thought about another child, about you. It was overwhelming all at once and he stood there, staring at you. You couldn’t help the nervous laugh that bubbled up, “Joel? Say something…please. Anything.”
“I’m sorry,” he caught himself and shook his head, trying to snap back into reality, “I told you, whatever decision you made, I would support you. It’s not just…your kid. So…whatever you need or want just let me know. Anything, okay?”
“Okay,” you swallowed the lump in your throat, “thank you, Joel. Listen…I, umm, I’m sorry.”
“What are you sorry for?’ he asked softly as you shrugged lightly, “you realize there’s nothing to be sorry for, right?”
“I guess it’s just everything,” you brushed at your cheeks, wiping away the few tears that had pearled up, “I know we’re not…anything. But I’m glad you’re…you. Not many people would be doing what you are. You’re a good guy, Joel and I appreciate that.”
“It’s only what’s right,” he cleared his throat, staring at his feet. It’d been a long time since someone had told him that, “you didn’t get…pregnant by yourself.”
It’d been the first time he’d said that word out loud. He still had this weird feeling that if he didn’t say that world out loud, somehow it wouldn’t happen. But no, no. This was happening; you were here and pregnant with his child. 
“Right,” you nodded shyly, “well, I guess I’ll let you get back to whatever you need to do. We still have time to figure all of this out. I’ll see you around?”
“See you around,” he whispered, watching you go with a heavy sigh escaping his lips. 
Well. All of this left him with a lot to think about too. He was going to be a father again; he had no idea how he’d do. Sure, he’d been a single dad when it came to Sarah, and now he had Ellie. But a baby? That was a totally different story. He just had to hope that it would come naturally again, and that you’d be willing to do this with him. Whatever happened he knew that it wasn’t going to be an easy road. 
But as he looked down the road and spotted Ellie laughing with Dina, he realized that the best things in life weren’t always easy. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
The next few months went by faster than you’d liked. At the moment it seemed like every day took forever, but they rushed by so quickly. At first it hadn’t seemed so bad but as you grew bigger and rounder, reality continued to set in. You were having a baby. 
It was Joel that found you as you tended to one of the gardens. You were sitting on the ground, sprawled out as best as you could, soaking up the sunshine that had finally come after the long winter. His heart ached at the sight and he felt an odd sensation run through his body, a feeling he hadn’t experienced in a long time.
“Hey,” you looked up and smiled at the sound of his voice; it had been a while since he’d seen such a big and genuine smile on your face, “how’s it going?”
“Hi Joel,” you moved to stand up - a feat that was becoming harder and harder with each passing day - but he shook his head, “what’s up?”
He crouched down on his knees and started to help you without a moment of hesitation or being asked. It made your heart pitter-patter happily, “I’ve been thinking about…things.”
“Things,” you repeated as you fell into work next to him, “what kind of things?”
“All sorts of things,” you smiled to yourself when you heard his twang come out, “one thing was…that I thought maybe you could…umm, maybe move in with me and Ellie. It’s just, we have the space and that way you’d have your own space instead of sharing-”
“I have one roommate,” you answered softly, “with you, I’d have two. So, that’s not really much of a selling point.”
Joel huffed and you couldn’t help but smile; your friendship often consisted of this sort of banter, “I…well, it’s a bigger space away. And it might just be better if we were around each other, you know, in case anything happens. We’d have each other. And then…you know, once the - the baby comes it might be good to be in the same space. It’s just a thought…something to think about maybe.”
“What about Ellie?”
“She’d kick me out if it meant you moved in,” he chuckled fondly, “I think she might like you more than me. She’s…she’s excited to have a brother or sister.”
You bit the inside of your cheek to keep from making any sound; the fact that he and Ellie had such a good relationship gave you hope that somehow all of this would work out, “oh. Oh.”
“Like I said, it’s just a thought,” you stopped what you were doing and looking at him, overwhelmed with a rush of affection towards the man, “so, yeah.”
“It’s definitely something to think about,” you agreed, unable to stop yourself from imagining a life where you had him around you everyday. Where you had your own little family with Joel, and Ellie, and the baby. But you quickly caught yourself, “thank you, Joel. That’s very kind of you to offer.”
“Of course,” his hand brushed over yours, “and if you need anything, you’ll let me know?”
“I will,” you promised, and stopped suddenly when you felt a sharp jab in your ribs, “ouch.”
“What’s wrong?” Joel’s eyes widened as he looked you over to make sure you were okay, “is it…?”
“The baby’s moving,” you explained as his face grew into a combination of excitement and nerves, “kicking me and this is one feeling I’ll never get used to.”
“In a way but it’s more weird than anything,” before thinking too much about it, you took his hand and put it on your belly, right where you had felt the kicks. There was a moment of stillness and you worried that he wouldn’t be able to feel it but then you felt it again. Joel sucked in his breath as he felt the small movements under his hand. It had been another lifetime ago since he’d gotten to feel that, “they like you, Joel. They only started moving once you showed up.”
“It’s…” he didn’t even know how to put all of this into words. You, his friend, the woman he’d had a one stand with to get some pent up frustration, was pregnant with his child. And he currently felt that child moving around. Life that he had helped to create. These days he was still wrestling with a lot of feelings and emotions he thought he’d buried or moved past, but as he sat there next to you with his hand on your belly, everything made so much sense, “it’s amazing.”
“It kind of is, isn’t it?” you laughed softly, amazed to be in his situation, “what do you think it’s going to be?”
You hadn’t really thought about it much and part of you wasn’t exactly sure that you should have asked him. He seemed to be in deep thought for a few moments before he looked at with a soft expression on his face, “a girl.”
“A girl,” he answered confidently, “it’s just a feeling.”
“I guess we’ll just have to wait and see,” you grinned, “you got a fifty-fifty chance of being right, so your odds aren’t terrible!”
“Not terrible,” he playfully scoffed, “I’m going to be right, you just wait and see.”
You were grinning at each other like fools, only interrupted with the sound of people approaching. That seemed to snap both of you out of your trance. 
“I should go,” he whispered as he stood back up and dusted himself off, “see you?”
“See you,” you promised, watching him walk away. As that old saying went, you hated to see him go but liked to see him leave. You weren’t quite sure where to place your feelings, but an odd, warm sensation had bubbled up in your chest. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You wrestled with the decision of whether or not to move in with Ellie and Joel for a few days. Deep down, you knew that it really hadn’t been a question at all. Your answer had been yes from the moment he’d asked. But you, silly, silly you, still didn’t want to seem too eager. He’d gotten you pregnant, there really wasn’t any reason to be shy. 
He - and a very eager Ellie - had helped you to move into the spare bedroom in their house. It really hadn’t taken much, but the community had already banded together to help you get just about everything you’d need for the baby. It wasn’t much longer until the baby was here and you were slowly growing more nervous everyday.
You were thankful to have Joel around; he made you feel safe and protected and you just…liked him. You’d always liked him, and now it felt like the more you got to know him, the more you liked him. At first you worried that it was only because of your funky hormones and the situation in general, but you knew that it really wasn’t that. It was because you genuinely liked him, enjoyed his company and…everything. 
It felt odd to be developing feelings for him since you’d already done the whole ‘sleeping together and getting knocked up’ thing. The attraction had always been there, it had always been mutual, but now it felt like things were developing on a deeper level, blossoming and blooming.
You were slowly becoming more and more sure of your feelings for him, and you thought, maybe foolishly, that he might just feel the same. 
But you never got the opportunity to ask him or try and read any further into it. 
The night you thought you might do so, you were in the kitchen and making dinner when your water broke. Ellie had been just as shocked as you, but it was Joel that kept a calm head. Maybe it was the practice or experience or just his nature, but he managed to keep you from completely panicking and falling apart. 
He’d gotten you to the hospital that had been built back up in Jackson and from then on, everything happened so fast. People really weren’t kidding when they said it all seemed to happen in the blink of an eye. 
Before you knew it, it was over and you had your baby in your arms. A girl, just like Joel had predicted. He couldn’t even hide the smile on his face if he tried. You hadn’t come up with any names and decided that Joel would name her. It didn’t take long for him to come with it - Violet. You thought it suited her perfectly…and he somehow then it was your favorite flower. You’d mentioned it once in passing, and had forgotten about it, but it had stuck with Joel. 
He was nervous at first - so, so nervous - about meeting her and holding her, but he quickly forgot all of that. From the moment he held her, he was in love with her and it was so clear to see. It made your heart warm and happy. Surely, this wasn’t an ideal situation and you’d really gone about things backwards, but you wouldn’t have changed a thing.
“I always wanted a family,” Ellie whispered to Joel as she held her new sister, thinking you were asleep. Joel made a small sound before he kissed the side of her head, “and now I’ve one.”
That’s when it hit you - you were a family.
Maybe not everything was figured out or said just yet, but you’d get there. All in your own time.
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sluttywonwoo · 1 year
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instead of you [part seventeen] || l.mh
pairing: [best friend’s brother] lee minho x college!reader ft. han jisung
summary: you didn’t expect to spend your summer pretending to be your best friend’s girlfriend- then again, you didn’t expect to fall for your best friend’s brother, either. 
warnings: swearing, nudity, mentions of sex, mentions of recreational drugs (18+ mdni)
word count: 4.4k
a/n: revamped my tom holland series from my main blog ( @wazzupmrstark ) to try and motivate myself to finish it!!
series masterlist | early access to the next chapter on ko-fi
this is one of my favorite chapters of the series :) and it even comes with its own playlist that you can listen to in the second half of the chapter <3 
You seated yourselves at the edge of one of the long booths that served as auditorium rows in between Jisung and Minho with Felix on the inside next to strangers. A server approached your table almost immediately with a stack of English menus. Felix ordered a round of sake for all of you before you could tell him to exclude you. You were too distracted by the dancers on stage to react in time. Blinded by tits yet again.
Music began to swell from the speakers as the next number officially started. The dancers started to move to the beat with practiced expertise, some circling poles and others waltzing into the crowd to get closer to the patrons. You watched a couple of the visitors get swept away into private rooms with a reluctant tinge of jealousy. You’d never been to a strip club before, and you would be lying if you said you weren’t tempted to see what a private dance entailed. But you also didn’t have the money for that, and you weren’t about to ask your boyfriend’s brother.
You didn’t recognize the song that was playing, but you didn’t care either way. You were far more focused on the dancers than the music that they were dancing to. Felix and Minho were having a conversation next to you, but you tuned it out.
You realized pretty quickly that you were the only woman in the audience, which earned you more attention from the performers than the other patrons. Whether they were genuinely attracted to you or just tired of the sweaty businessmen using the same pickup lines on them week after week, you weren’t sure. But you couldn’t care less.
Three of them approached your table as a server from the bar delivered the sake Felix had ordered. You took a cup and downed it instantly against your better judgment, hoping the liquid courage would live up to its name.
You could feel Minho and Felix looking at you with raised eyebrows as your best friend slash fake boyfriend just smirked from beside you. Your cheeks warmed with embarrassment as one of the women brushed her hand across your shoulders.
“Do you want some cash, baby?” he asked.
You nodded distantly, gulping. Jisung laughed before reaching into his pocket and pulling out his wallet. He handed you five hundred yen to give to the dancer cozying up to you and leaned back to watch with amusement.
You offered the money to the woman nervously, but she just smiled.
“You can put it here!” she said, pointing to the space where her g-string was resting against her hip.
Your eyes widened. “Are you sure?”
Your fingers trembled as you slotted the money into the elastic band, trying not to think about how she was standing above you… topless… with her ass in your face… grinning smugly down at you.
“Th-thank you,” you squeaked out once you’d given her the tip.
“No, thank you,” she responded. “I’m Yui, by the way.”
“Thank you, Yui,” you amended, not even thinking to give her your name in response.
She winked at you before rounding up her other two coworkers and making her way back to the stage. It wasn’t until she was all the way back at the front that she hadn’t so much as looked at the three boys you were with.
You usually had pretty good game when it came to women, but you were striking out horrendously. If it was this easy to fall out of practice with flirting, you wondered how bad you’d be at the end of the trip.
Jisung still looked amused, but you knew he was internally fighting his wingman instincts whilst also fighting the instinct to make fun of you for dropping the ball so fucking hard.
“That was close,” Minho mused in his brother’s direction. “Nearly, lost your girl there.”
Jisung shrugged. “Were we watching the same interaction? She could barely get two words out. I’m not worried.”
You glared at him, but he ignored you.
“The only reason y/n is dating me is because her brain short circuits every time she looks at a pretty girl. Right, babe?”
“That’s not fair,” you scoffed.
“I mean, you are dating me, aren’t you.”
“I can flirt with girls! She was just flirting with me for work and I didn’t want to be creepy.” you reasoned.
“Then how come she didn’t flirt with any of us?” Felix asked.
“She’s in denial, mates, let her have this,” Jisung said softly.
The other two Hans shut up at that, but you could still tell that they were judging you as they sipped their drinks. You were pretty sure they spent the night watching you watch the dancers instead of actually watching the dancers themselves.
By the time everyone was ready to call it a night, Yui was nowhere to be seen. You figured that she had already clocked out for the night. You frowned as Jisung led you out of the club by the hand, pausing to look around the room one more time. Even if you couldn’t do anything with her because you were “with” Jisung, you still wished you could have given her your name. Maybe you could’ve gotten her Instagram.
It was the second time your faux relationship had cockblocked you on this trip, but if it wasn’t for your faux relationship you wouldn’t be on this trip in the first place. You were caught in somewhat of a catch 22.
Jisung had to keep an arm wrapped around you as you walked together to keep you steady. Despite your resolve not to drink, you’d had four or five glasses of sake throughout the course of the night, and were effectively tipsy. You gave yourself a pass since you weren’t alone with Minho this time, but you were still trying to sober up as quickly as possible.
“Watch it,” your best friend warned as you attempted to balance yourself on the curb of the road. You were still holding his hand, but leaning towards traffic a bit too far for his liking. “I will not have you getting run over in a foreign country. Your mum would kill me.”
“That’s what you’re worried about?” you shouted. “You’re not worried about losing the love of your life?”
“Your mother is a very intimidating woman when she’s angry!” he cried defensively.
“Hey, lovebirds!” Minho yelled, rolling his eyes at the PDA. “Cab’s here! Come on, or we’re leaving you here.”
“We’re coming, we’re coming!” Jisung called back and tugged you off the curb.
Naturally, you stumbled, but he caught you easily, bracing your body against his own.
“Come on, silly,” he said, snaking an arm around your waist.
He helped you into the backseat of the car and made sure you fastened your seatbelt. The taxi this time was a minivan so you didn’t have to be squished in between the twins, much to your relief. Your head was already pounding and you needed the space to yourself.
Felix and Minho settled into the middle seats of the van and shut the door behind them. Minho gave the driver the address of the hotel before turning to you and Jisung in the back.
“What a night, right?” he chuckled awkwardly, shoving his hands in his pockets. “But not a word of this to mum and dad.”
Jisung fell asleep on the ride back, and it was you this time who was shaking him awake as soon as the car came to a stop in front of your hotel.
“We’re here,” you whispered.
He rubbed his eyes with his fists and stretched, giving his brothers a moment to get out of the car first before pushing the seat forward so that you both could climb out from the back. He led you through the lobby with a hand on the small of your back. You were still pretty tipsy from the sake, and he didn’t want to risk you tripping and falling.
You said goodnight to Minho and Felix in the elevator and parted ways for the night in the hallway. As soon as the door was shut behind you collapsed onto the bed with a sigh of relief.
When you had checked in earlier you had barely any time to rest before going to the onsen. You had been running around nonstop all day and you were exhausted. You had another flight to catch tomorrow morning too, and you didn’t even want to think about how early you were going to have to get up for that. At least you’d sleep well tonight. You knew you would be able to rest for real, without the quiet anxiety of maintaining your performance as a couple in front of Jisung’s brothers looming in the background.
“Should we have sex tonight?” Jisung asked suddenly, flopping onto the bed next to you.
“You know,” he nodded in the direction of his brother’s room.
You considered it for a moment. “Nah,” you decided. “I don’t want to put them through that again. It’s been a long day, and they’d probably think I’m fantasizing about that dancer while I’m riding you anyway.”
Jisung snorted. “I wouldn’t blame you. She was hot.”
“Wasn’t she?” you gasped, sitting up. “Do you think she was actually into me?”
He shrugged. “Why wouldn’t she have been?”
“It’s literally her job to seduce people.”
“Right. Guess we’ll never know then.”
“Jisung!” you whined.
“I’m just being realistic!”
“Well it’s bumming me out!”
“They’re open until four, we could go back. Figure out if you ”
The idea tempted you, but you brushed it off. If you had been maybe two years younger you would have given into your impulse without a second thought, but you weren’t as limber, weren’t as energetic as you used to be. Second winds didn’t come as easily to you anymore, not at your twenty-something years of age, not with your lower back pain and almost nonexistent hangover tolerance. You used to be able to go out bar hopping on back to back nights, and then show up for your eleven am class the next morning like nothing had happened. You weren’t even halfway to fifty and you felt like your body was giving up on you.
“No, we need to rest,” you insisted. “We have another flight to catch tomorrow.”
“You’re just afraid to get curved, aren’t you?”
“Maybe ignorance is bliss, ok? Maybe I want to live in a daydream world where I can believe she actually thought I was cute.”
“Fair enough.”
You pushed yourself off the bed and managed to stay balanced as you got to your feet.
“I’m going to shower,” you announced, words slurred.
Jisung nodded in acknowledgment. “I’ve got next.”
Everything in the Tokyo hotel room was exactly as you’d left it. You couldn’t imagine being wealthy enough to pay for a hotel room that you weren’t even staying in for a night, but you also knew that an expense like that wouldn’t even make a dent in a HYBE check.
Once you made it back, the plan for the rest of the day was to rest. Since the Hans were taking a full-day excursion to Mt. Fuji the following morning, they advised their sons to take advantage of the down time you had that afternoon.
“The last thing we want is for anyone to get sick,” Dom had said as he briefed you and the boys on the plans for the evening. You were standing in the hotel lobby, blocking the pathway to the elevators. Luckily no one was around to be inconvenienced by your group, but it still stressed you out. “You’re on your own for dinner. Let us know if you need any money.”
“What do you want to do?” Jisung asked as soon as his father was out of earshot.
“What is there to do?”
“So much.” He sighed and shoved his hands in his pockets. “Are you hungry? We could eat. Or we could nap if you’re tired.”
“I won’t get any sleep,” you reasoned, eyes flitting over to where his brothers were caught up in their own conversation.
“Okay, scratch the naps. Do you want to eat? Drink? It’s only noon, but it’s five o’clock somewhere.”
You chuckled, but shook your head. “I don’t think I should be drinking, at least not this early. Are there any galleries nearby? We can do that thing we used to do back home- minus the ‘being high’ part.”
“Pretty sure that’s a felony here,” Jisung agreed.
“I don’t even know where we’d get a joint either. It’s not like we can go around asking for a dealer- we don’t even speak Japanese.”
“You’d definitely get us thrown in jail.”
“Okay, well, are there galleries nearby or not? It won’t be as fun, but we could still kill some time.”
“Should we ask my brothers to join us?”
“Can it just be us two?” you asked, feeling a little guilty about not wanting them to tag along.
Jisung smiled and nodded. “Definitely. C’mon, let’s go.”
Sharing a pair of earbuds was a lot more intimate than you remembered it being. To be fair, when you’d done this in the past you had been blasted out of your mind, and you had been sharing Jisung’s AirPods, not an actual pair of wired earbuds.
But Jisung’s AirPods were dead and yours were in your backpack in the hotel room so you made do. You’d stopped in a convenience store to pick up the cheapest pair you could find, and then walked a couple more blocks to a place called teamLab Borderless, an art gallery Jisung had found on Google Maps.
No one gave you a second glance as you and Jisung navigated the queue up to the ticket booth, tethered together on a wire. Jisung paid the entrance fee and grabbed a map from the stand before leading you through the entrance into the main exhibits.
You were immediately overtaken by darkness, and had to squint to see a foot in front of you.
“Are you okay?” Jisung asked. You couldn’t see him, but you could feel him beside you.
“I’m fine, you?”
You giggled, but didn’t say anything else, content to stand exactly where you were until your eyes adjusted. Not for the first time that day you felt in the way, like you were blocking something. But luckily, there didn’t seem to be many other visitors in the gallery.
You blinked a couple of times before realizing you were standing in a hallway. There were illuminated signs above each pathway, and light seemed to be seeping through some of the exhibits, projections mixing together and tapering off at random in the main hall where you were.
“This isn’t a normal art gallery, is it?” you whispered.
Jisung shook his head. “I don’t think so.”
You walked together into the first opening on the right and were greeted by an explosion of color. The darkness evaporated into the background as bright images were projected onto every surface in the room. The walls, the floor, the ceiling were all being used as the canvas for the projections. It was abstract, shapes and lines spilling from one wall to the next with no sense of direction. In the middle of the room, the floor sloped upwards into an uneven hill where other guests were sitting and admiring the exhibit together.
“So it’s like digital art,” you said to no one in particular.
“Looks like it.”
“I’ve always wanted to go to one of these.”
“Then it’s your lucky day,” Jisung mumbled back.
You glanced over at him and couldn’t help but grin. He was still taking it all in, mesmerized by the colors and special effects.
“Should we start?” you asked, holding up the cord to the earbuds.
He nodded. “Wanna sit on the hill?”
He offered you his arm and you took it, looping your own through it and following him over to the elevated part of the room. You found a little nook to sit in and settled there. Jisung slipped off his backpack and put it next to him, leaning back on his elbows to look up at the ceiling.
“Ladies first,” he said, nodding at his phone sitting on his lap.
You took it and unlocked it with your Face ID. The only time Jisung had ever locked you out of his phone was when he started sleeping with your lab partner and he didn’t want you to find out. You did find out, but only because he’s a shitty liar when it comes to you, and locking you out of his phone was even more suspicious than his weird behavior.
You scrolled to the Spotify app and opened it, navigating to the search page. Your fingers hovered over the keyboard hesitantly. This was a lot easier when you were high. And it was a lot easier when you were looking at a picture in a frame on a wall. You’d think finding a song that represented a piece of art would be simple when you were physically in the middle of said art, but you were blanking.
“No Mitski,” Jisung whined when he saw you typing in the familiar name. “You always pick Mitski.”
“Wha- fine then. No The Band CAMINO”
Your best friend’s jaw dropped like you had just stabbed him in the heart. “You get one Mitski song, and I get one The Band CAMINO song.”
He sighed. “Play what you were gonna play.”
“No, I’ll find something else. If I only have one Mitski song I’m going to save it for something good.” Jisung rolled his eyes. “What? It’s not my fault she has a song that perfectly encapsulates every human emotion.”
“I thought you said that was Taylor Swift.”
“Her too.”
You racked your brain trying to think of a song that matched the feeling the art exhibit gave you, but you still came up short. It was hard to put into words, you decided as the colors swirled around you.
“Take your time,” Jisung said suddenly. He must’ve been able to sense that you were stressing over your decision, not that it would be hard to tell when you were tapping your foot anxiously against the floor and fretting at your thumbnail with your teeth. “This is supposed to be fun,” he reminded you.
You sat up a little straighter and nodded. He’s right, you agreed. If you couldn’t put the feeling into words yourself, then you’d pick a song that you couldn’t understand and let the music translate the sentiment for you.
“K-pop?” Jisung asked, cocking his head to the side.
“No, this is a Japanese song,” you chided. “Just shut up and listen.”
The next exhibit you visited was a room full of lanterns. They hung at different heights to give off the illusion that they were actually floating, and the lights inside flickered as if they were real candles. The lanterns changed colors at random, slowly fading in between soft pinks and blues and purples. The walls and the floor were made of mirrors, making it look like the room went on forever.
“I have the perfect song,” Jisung exclaimed, yanking the phone from your hands.
You hadn’t even found a spot to sit yet, but he was already typing in the title.
“It’s kinda on the nose, but…” he trailed off and let the song speak for him.
You recognized the tune immediately. I See the Light from Tangled began streaming through the headphones and you felt yourself tear up instantly. You didn’t know why you were crying. You couldn’t explain it if you tried, but you let the feeling consume you.
You could picture the scene perfectly, hundreds of thousands of lanterns drifting into the distance, their glow just as bright in the reflection on the water… you didn’t think you would ever experience anything remotely as ethereal as that scene, but this felt as close as anyone could get in this lifetime.
The inherent romanticism of the song was not lost on you, but you were happy to share the moment with your best friend. You couldn’t imagine sharing it with anyone else anyway.
You looked over at Jisung and saw tears shining in his eyes too. Tangled always had that effect on you both.
The next exhibit was a room full of lily pads. The stems extended above your heads, making you feel like you were at the bottom of a lake. Silhouettes of fish swam on the ceiling, making ripples beneath the petals of the lily pads. Trapped underneath the surface, like you.
You took a deep breath even though you knew you weren’t actually submerged in water and took a timid step forward.
You spent the entire afternoon in the Borderless Museum. It was well into the evening when you finally stumbled out onto the street again, squinting even though the sun was setting. The daylight was still a harsh contrast from the pitch black museum.
You had kept your promise and only played one Mitski song. It was an exhibit that mimicked a planetarium, but instead of stars and planets the sky was full of butterflies. You laid next to Jisung on the ground, that was actually a net suspended a few feet in the air and watched them flutter around, forming constellations as the projections orbited the room.
“It’s a good thing we weren’t stoned,” Jisung chuckled.
“I think I would have had a mental breakdown,” you said, shaking your head as you imagined how you would have reacted to all the colors and lights if you had been under the influence.
“It would’ve been so obvious.”
“Would’ve been an experience, that’s for sure.”
“You can say that again.”
You took a deep breath of fresh air and looked around. It was nearing rush hour and traffic was beginning to pick up as corporate Tokyo wound down for the day. Shops on the ground level were closing up while nightclubs were preparing to open.
“What now?” you asked. “Are you hungry?”
“I could eat.”
“We could grab some food and then head back and go to bed early.”
“I think that’s a great idea.”
“Should we invite your brothers? I feel bad for ditching them earlier.”
“I don’t,” Jisung replied bluntly. “They’re big boys, they can figure out how to entertain themselves for an afternoon.”
“You know what I meant,” you said, rolling your eyes.
“Yeah, and I love them, but I also love you, and I know that it’s not easy for you to always be around them. I missed having you to myself anyway.”
You bumped his shoulder playfully as he pulled out his phone to text Felix and Minho.
“Getting soft on me, Han?”
Minho and Felix beat you to the restaurant. They were in walking distance whereas you and Jisung had to take the metro to get there. You’d picked a sushi restaurant near the hotel because you were insistent on Jisung ordering whatever he wanted without you to hinder him. The menu had plenty of non-seafood options for you to choose from too so finding something to eat wouldn’t be an issue.
You found Jisung’s brothers seated on one side of a booth, leaving the other open for the two of you.
“We already ordered,” Felix explained sheepishly. “Sorry.”
“No worries,” you said easily while Jisung rolled his eyes next to you. You grabbed his thigh and squeezed gently as a warning. “It’s fine.”
“What did you guys do today?” Minho asked, changing the subject.
“We went to this digital art museum,” you answered. “It was probably one of my favorite things we’ve done on this trip. We thought we were just going to a regular art gallery, but it was a whole experience! We did this thing we used to do back home, er- back at school. We used to get really stoned and take the bus to different art galleries and exhibitions and then we’d play a game where we took turns picking songs that matched a specific artwork’s vibe.”
“You smoke?” Felix asked his twin in disbelief, ignoring the rest of your story.
You had already accidentally mentioned that fact to Minho a few weeks ago back in London, but you’d forgotten that Fleix still didn’t know. You gave a sideways glance to your best friend, hoping he wasn’t mad. He gave you an indifferent shrug and you relaxed the tiniest bit.
“Occasionally,” Jisung said casually.
“Sorry,” you apologized.
“Don’t be, it’s not like it’s a secret.”
“I know, but still.”
“It’s fine, baby,” he whispered, kissing the top of your head. “I promise.”
“I do that too,” Minho piped up.
Your best friend’s brother laughed. “Yes, but that’s not what I meant. I meant that sometimes I get so excited when I’m telling a story that I say things I’m not supposed to say.”
“He quite literally has a reputation for it,” Felix added. “The entire K-pop industry turned it into a whole bit.”
You pursed your lips. “I wouldn’t know.”
“I still can’t believe you’ve never heard a single K-pop song,” Minho scoffed.
“It’s the whole reason we’re dating,” Jisung murmured smugly and wrapped an arm around your shoulders, pulling you closer.
“Thanks, Ji, I love you too,” you grumbled.
“You’re super hot too, but that’s just a bonus.”
You narrowed your eyes at his brother across the table. “And they say romance is dead.”
Minho scrunched his eyebrows together and opened his mouth like he was going to ask a question, but was interrupted by the server reapproaching your table to take you and Jisung’s orders since you had just recently arrived.
You still let Jisung relay your order for you even though you were eating separate meals. He knew marginally more Japanese than you, and he was far more direct, always making a point to mention your food allergy. You almost never said anything about it even though it was dangerous to your health. You just hated being high-maintenance.
The server traded your menus for glasses of water and promised to be back soon with everyone’s food.
“Something on your mind, Min?” Jisung asked a moment later, noticing the way he was looking at you both.
But to your surprise, he shook his head. “Nothing, why?”
lmk what you think i always appreciate feedback!!
iou tags: @sluttywoozi @gimmeurtmi @phobia0325 @fwess @hipsdofangirl @galaxleeknow @urmomma0324 @bangmechanpls @102598s @farfromsugafanfic @ritzy-roo @dimpledsatan @bvselines @wonderfulshinee @imwithurmother @smollquokka @rosexjimin @skizzel @endzii23 @lady-lena @kwanisms @ch4nniebang @lilramennoodle @babyphotos0325 @dearalice @sojohns @mistlitmoonlight @yoontaethings @babebatter @mal-lunar-28 @shy-kisu @zerefdragn33l @downbadreading @sana-within-you @saquso @bunnispaces @reianagarcia @hyunehans @imtoooyoungforthisshit @i8rsie @honeslykindahorny @214racha @hgema @chillllllli @vixensss @smhlino @feiyaa @borahae-reads @bigbearenergy @hoodiesandicedcoffee @darkacademic2512 @y00nzin0 @i8yul @shinypieceofgarbage @woozarts @just-a-little-delulu @djeniryuu @hbzzzbork000 @mimzibee @sofiaslayed @kangyounghyunhands @lexxxxs-things
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tartsinarat · 1 month
Ngl was thinking about this whilst drawing some toh au stuff while watching doctor who in the background but I really feel like Pip would really be into the toh version of doctor who.
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no idea what it would be called tho in the owl house but Pip’s into it for obvious reasons of sci-fi but also occasionally randomly fantasy?? show, which has chaotic mess of lore that makes no sense whatsoever (I say this with extreme love tho) and has a main character who’s a mad genius and criminal who stole a time machine and ran away to explore the universe and time which I feel meshes very well into what Pip would enjoy
Like I don’t see him enjoying space frontier as it’s pretty much Star Trek and that show has an really optimistic grand view of the future, it focus mostly on the good of people as a whole and that anything can be achieved if people work together and put their minds to it, I can see why Hunter and Gus would enjoy it which I find really sweet and adorable
On the other hand Doctor who has a very complex but pessimistic view on people/the universe, it mainly focuses on the crazy situations that a lonely alien on who’s constantly running away but desperately trying their best at all times to either atone for what they did in the past or to help people across time and space which I think Pip would find more interesting and relatable.
He’d also probably think that all the historical stuff in doctor who is real and that Britain is just constantly getting invaded by aliens.
Funniest thing though about him discovering Doctor who is Pip finally learning what a British person is, and that he’s got a British accent himself as I’m pretty sure there’s literally no one on the boiling isles other than Belos and Pip have that accent so he wondered where it’s from.
Pip also enjoys this show even more because time travel is a concept in toh, soooooooo the guy is just itching to figure out how to make a real Tardis, the only thing stoping him is that he’s in the human realm and in the demon realm the titan themselves was like “nope not even risking it” and decided to never allow him to be able to find a time pool again (he was apart of the events of elsewhere and elsewhen along side Luz and Lilith… it was awkward between him and Philip to say the least but it was more on Pips part because he was like” holy shit is he an older me?? Or my great great- something?? grandad what is going on???” So he didn’t know how to react to that and neither did Luz who was like yep they’re related, and Philip was like “what a strange hooded kid, I didn’t know that demons could mimic accents and appearances so well, I should be stay wary of that abomination and slay it when I have the time”. Oh yeah Pip does almost get killed but Lilith springs into action and does the badass punch to stop Philip. Ngl I’ll have to draw this as a comic at some point because it’s interesting to imagine/draw)
As well I had some ideas of him in thanks to them dressed up in a nerdy doctor cosplay which I found fun but idk if that’ll end up being what I draw him as for his Halloween costume, all three were picked because they all had similar Pip personality wise and I feel like he would relate most to these three in particular;
Like Pip, 10 is pretty much a wild card personality wise depending on the situation he can either be a sad destructive arrogant bastard with a slight god complex who takes matters into his own hands because he believes that he’ll make the right decision without thinking about the consequences or be a lonely silly guy who rambles a lot and is always running around and just wants to have fun.
1 is a grumpy trickster that has strong opinions about right and wrong, he also appears rude or uncaring but actually cares a lot and is the guy who ran away and stole a fucking time machine. He and 14 (14 is basically a mature 10 but I was tempted to go with him instead of 10 but he doesn’t have the ego problem so 10 it was lmao) fought a god like being that’s from another dimension thats obsessed with playing games.
4 is a bit of an odd ball though, he’s the weirdest doctor out of the bunch. He’s pretty silly, but at times he’s shifts into being quite callous and broody but still has a heart of gold. As well as 4 seems to struggle a lot in acting human as he’s pretty distant, aloof and alien at points, he even emphasises a lot throughout his run how he’s not human. Which I feel Pip would find extremely relatable as well as enjoying 4’s adventurist spirit and his extreme hatred of authority.
I think 4 is Pips favourite so he’d most likely cosplay as him during thanks to them.
Omg almost completely forgot to mention but I didn’t add his scar on purpose, he’s used illusion magic to remove it to make the cosplay more accurate and because his curse at that point is showing more physically on his body at this point in season 3 (he goopy 😔) and I can imagine it’s hard to explain to people in public why you a rotting infected looking green scar across your face and an even worse looking arm that’s weirdly proportioned to your body.
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So I’m absolutely loving Raph even more after the new tmnt, he’s just sooo…squishy?
Any way could I have an Raph x reader where she takes care of him, his brothers and father?
Like even though there mutants there still turtles (and a rat…kinda) so reader basically cleans the lair and puts up heat lamp spots with a chill rock, seals any cracks and windows to keep the drafts out, gets them to eat turtle appropriate food, even fixes there rooms and gives them beds they can uses, and a “shallow “ pool for them to chill out in with filtered water.
And when reader coos at Raph and goes to clean themselves after doing everything, they all look at him and tell him he better marry her one day.
OMG YES! Raph is best boy. change my mind. oh thats right, you can't. Because he is. I also noticed you used female pronouns so I made it a Fem reader!
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Summary: Reader shows up to the Lair with a boatload of supplies, set on making it more homey for her boyfriend's family of 5.
Warnings: Nope!
Requested: Yes!
Female Reader!
With a huff, you dropped the last of your supplies at the entrance to the Lair.
The boy's were out on patrol, leaving behind only their father, and after asking him if it was ok, you had decided this place needed to undergo some renovations, but, first, you had some food that needed to be sorted away in the kitchen.
You had decided the family needed some healthier food options, because pizza bites and kool-aid, is not a balanced diet.
After sorting away the turlte and rat friendly foods, you walked back into the main room.
You eyed the cracks in the walls with a scowl, rolling up the sleeves of your sweater. You pulled the spackle from one of the many boxes you had brought.
You set the item down by the nearest wall, before making your way to the kitchen closet where a small ladder was kept.
Once the ladder had been aquired, and after you had put on your music, you spent the next 45 minutes sealing any and all reachable cracks.
You smiled proudly at the finished project. The spots needed to be painted, obviously, but that was a job you know Mikey would be more than happy to do.
Turning back to your supplies, you pulled out your to-do list. Next up was making a designated area for all the heat lamps you had bought.
You scanned the immediate area, finding a corner that was packed full of clutter. You sighed, and then began to remove the boxes and crates, replacing them with a huge pile of bean bag chairs, blankets and plush pillows.
An inflateable rubber pool right next to the pile. The pool was just enough for the boy's to submerge themselves, and after much testing, you had even determined it completely Raph-Proof.
You surrounded the soft mound, and empty pool with all the large stand-up heat lamps you had bought. The store cleark had certainly looked at you olddly at the amount, but who could blame 'em?
What normal person purchases 10 industrial size stand-up heat lamps?
You stood back to admire your comfortable master peice, using all of your will power not to fall face first into the tempting fluff pile.
Turning away from the pillows, you determined the pool properly inflated, you grabbed a bucket, and so began your back and forth mission from the kitchen to the pool.
This process took about 25 minutes, plus the 45 used to set up everything else. You knew the boys would be back soon, so you decided to clean up, deeming the completed projects enought for the day.
You returned the ladder to it's proper place, picked up and put away the spackle, and moved all the crates and boxes to an out of the way area.
You had started on your way to the kitchen to wash your hands when the boy's returned. You smiled at your boyfriend and his brothers, "Welcome back! I have a surprise for you guys."
Raph opened his mouthe to speak but Mikey beat him to it, "What is it? I love surprises."
"See? This is why (Name) is my favorite."
You laugh and motion for them to follow you. You lead them over to the mound of pillow, and bean bags, sitting next to the pool.
"Ta-da!" you wiggled around your hands to make jazz hands.
"Oohoooo yeah!"
Leo flung himself onto the heated pile, churring lowly. Mikey following quickly, "You're the best (Name)!" he said as he snuggled into a pillow.
Donnie removed his battle shell so he could join his brothers. Leo grabbed Donnie by the arm, and dragged him into the pile, "Leo!"
"Oh, relaaaxx, Donnie! Enjoy the heat!"
"Screw you, 'Nardo, I'm laying in the pool."
Leo shruggs, and relaxes into the beanbags once again. You smiled and moved to walk away, but Raph picked you up, then fell backwards onto the pile on his shell.
Raph moves you off of his plastron, then rolls over so his shell was aimed at the heat lamps, with his arm thrown around you to keep you from leaving.
"Hey!" you protest, trying to get up.
Raph shook his head, "Nope, you're gonna lay here with me, Sweetcheeks. Where it's nice and warm."
You huffed, and crossed your arms, doing your best to hide your smile. You sigh before looking over at Raph, "Ok, this is actually really nice."
"See? I knew you'd like it. Thank's by the way, this is awsome."
You pat his arm, "You're welcome, Raph. Oh, and I also filled the cracks in the walls, the ones I could reach anyway."
"You really are amazing."
You blushed, but before you could respond, Donnie spoke, "Indeed she is, Raphael, and-"
Leo cut him off, "And if you don't put a ring on her finger, then I will be very upset."
"Yeah! I want (Name) to be my older sister!" Mikey chimed in.
You and Raph looked at each other, Raph opened his mouth to speak, but Splinter walked in, and interruped, "I agree, Red you must marry her."
You giggled, and looked at your boyfriend as he scolded his family. A smile on your face, because you completely agreed with the others.
But, Raph would have to find that out in the future.
All done! I have a few more drafts that I'd like to get done, but I have all weekend for those, so.
@that-teen2003 💕
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rubynationwins · 2 years
Wanna Be Yours
Sugar baby! Bucky Barnes x Plus size! Reader
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Summary: You don’t have a problem letting Bucky see other people, but Bucky wants to tell you that you’re all he needs.
Main Masterlist
Warnings: angst, fluff, pining, jealous! bucky, dirty talk/thoughts, swearing, Bucky is in his mid-late 20s
Word Count: 2,816
A/N: I’m very excited to be posting a fic, I feel like it’s been forever since I last posted one! I’ve had this in my wips for quite a while now, but didn’t work on it because I felt guilty for not posting my other fics that are sequels/parts of series first. But those are still far from being done(I’ve kinda also been struggling w/ writing them oof), so I shifted gears and edited this one & feel very pleased w/ how it came out! I love this concept, and I hope you all are into this pairing/dynamic because it’s a little different than my others. Like, comment, reblog, I always appreciate feedback so plz let me know what u think!
This story should not be posted anywhere else without my express permission.
Thanks for reading!
You don’t keep Bucky – or James, as you call him – on a very short leash. You don’t want him to feel tied down when he’s at such a pivotal age for young, virile men like himself. He should be able to explore and enjoy his youth with partners he doesn’t feel obligated to be with. This isn’t your first sugar relationship, so you’re plenty aware that young men don’t want to only be with you; which is something you learned the hard way. It’s better to let them live their lives with predetermined rules instead of getting cheated on by men who don’t have the balls to tell you they need more than you have to offer.
So, with Bucky, you made your expectations clear from the start. He can sleep with whoever he wants as long as he’s safe, uses protection, gets checked regularly, and always puts you first; and in turn, you give him whatever he desires. Lucky for you, he has stuck to your rules and made good on his promise to be by your side when you need him. Honesty, communication, and companionship, that’s all you really need, nothing more. At least, that’s what you tell yourself.
Bucky spins around from the mirror he was checking his hair in and sucks in a breath. You are standing in the doorway of the bathroom with a playful smirk on your painted red lips.
“If you keep messing with your hair it’s going to fall out,” you give him a once over, “You look beautiful, darling.” And he does. He is absolutely stunning in his navy suit, a simple dark grey turtleneck underneath with a gold chain loose around his neck. It’s the one you bought him for your 6-month anniversary last month. Technically, you paid for the entire outfit he’s currently donning, but you personally picked out the chain yourself. It matches the slim bracelet that’s dangling around your wrist.
Bucky blushes lightly under your sharp gaze. He doesn’t know why, but a flutter erupts in his belly every time you compliment him. He never gets so worked up when others flatter him, only you.
“Right back at ya’ doll,” he flashes a wolfish smile, “you sure we have to go to this event? How ‘bout instead I get you out of that dress and we head to the bedroom because I don’t know how the hell I’m gonna keep my hands off you in that thing.”
Not too long ago you would have thought he was all talk, but Bucky has proven just how much he adores your body – curves and all. You can’t help but agree with his statement anyway, you look absolutely banging in your elegant Theia gown. The deep fuchsia color complements your complexion perfectly and the way it hugs your curves is like sin. The side slit stops just at mid-thigh and the off-the-shoulder straps mean your neckline is on full display. The way his eyes flash as they take it all in sends heat straight to your core, but unfortunately, you’re on a time crunch.
“As tempting as your offer is, James, I can’t miss this one. It’s a company celebration, and as the newest member of the board, it’s vital that I be there.” You gently grasp his hand and lean into the warmth of his large, muscled body, placing a modest peck on his cheek, “But since you’re going to be with me, I know the night will fly by. Before you know it, we’ll be back here and you can help me with this damn zipper.” You chuckle, winking playfully before walking away to grab your clutch resting on the table a few feet away.
Bucky’s pupils are like black saucers as he stares longingly at your ass as you bend over to slip on your shoes. As much as he wants to ignore your words and shove you up against the nearest wall and fuck you in that delectable dress, he knows that your work life is important to you, so he restrains himself – for now.
“Alright, doll.” He holds his arm out for you to take and you wrap yours around it, feeling the hard metal underneath the fabric of his suit jacket. “As long as you promise to help me out of my pants as well.”
You gasp and hit his shoulder playfully, “James!”
He shoots you a shit-eating grin and walks to the door with you hanging on his arm, your soft body melding into his.
Tonight is going to be great.
Tonight has been crap.
Bucky sulks at the bar, toying with a toothpick and sipping at his glass of brandy. Again, he glances over to where you stand surrounded by a group of coworkers, all of whom are men.
He downs the remaining contents of his glass and motions to the bartender for another before going back to glaring at your little posse. He isn’t mad at you though, well, not that much. No, he’s pissed off at the slime-balls crowding you. Don’t they have their own dates to ogle at? Why did they have to steal you away as soon as you both stepped into the ballroom with the pretense of “private business matters”?
Turns out, those “private business matters” are getting you drunk and blustering about your many achievements and how lucky they are to have you on the board. Bucky knows his jealousy is misplaced. He, above everyone here, knows how hard you worked to get this position. You are the youngest person, and the only woman, to ever become a board member. He’s damn proud of you, in fact.
Still, he can tell these sleazy old men don’t give a damn about your work, not with the way they all stare at you like some kind of meal for them to devour. Bucky respects your boundaries and your work life, but how is he supposed to sit back when the tall shit-head with graying blonde hair on your right, who has easy access to getting a peep at your cleavage, keeps touching your arm? Can’t you see what they’re up to? Or are you being deliberately obtuse just to ruffle his feathers?
You wouldn’t do that though. Even if you were flirting with these geezers, which Bucky’s sure you’re not, you wouldn’t do it to get a rise out of him because you wouldn’t think it possible. You’ve never said it outright, but Bucky knows you don’t think he minds when you talk to other men. He does though, he fucking minds a lot.
How can he blame you for it, though? You made it abundantly clear at the start of your relationship that it was fine for him to see other women, even if he wasn’t the least bit interested in anyone else, not from the moment he laid eyes on you. When he tried to argue that you didn’t have anything to worry about – that he didn’t want anyone besides you – you shut him down completely, saying there was no room for argument, that he either accept the terms, or you wouldn’t be able to see him again.
Bucky wanted to strangle every selfish, fucker that made you go to such lengths to feel comfortable in a relationship. Of course, he conceded to your stipulations, there was no way around it, he needed to be with you. But, if you didn’t care if he fucked other people, how could he possibly demand that you only have eyes for him?
Still, though, it was taking all his strength to not rush forward and sweep you away from the group of lechers, and maybe kick a few of them in the nuts for good measure.
A new drink is placed before him and he knocks it back immediately. When he turns back around to continue stalking you from afar, his blood runs cold.
The other members of your group are gone and now it’s just you and blondie talking. The bastard says something and you laugh, reaching up and squeezing his arm, swaying on your feet. He places his hands on your plush hips to, supposedly, stabilize you. All the while, pulling you in much closer than necessary.
Bucky is out of his seat and at your side in a split second. He grabs the offending man’s wrists and yanks them off of you, “Watch where you’re touching, pal.” His threat comes out in a low growl and he pulls you to him, his grip tight around your waist.
“James? What are you doing here?” You hiccup, eyes hazy as they blink up at him. Your surprise at his presence sends a pang through Bucky’s heart. Had you so easily forgotten about him?
Even so, no man touches what’s his.
Bucky takes a step back, bringing you with him, and leans down to your ear, gritting his teeth together in a faux smile, “I’m here because I think it’s time we go. You’ve had too much to drink, doll,” he speaks lowly so only you can hear. He knows his words are a bit too harsh and his tone a little too strained, but he can’t shake the defensive anger coursing through his veins.
The blonde man, who for some reason is still standing there with a strangely satisfied smirk on his lips chooses that very moment to speak up, “So you’re James? Nice to meet you,” he reaches out for a handshake, seemingly unfazed by the murderous glint in Bucky’s eyes. Bucky outright ignores his proffered hand, but the finely clad man brushes off the rebuff and casually slides his hand into his pants pocket, “Y/N talks about you all the time. I can see why, you’re a nice-looking kid.”
He wants to punch the callous grin off of the old asshole’s face, but you snort, “Tod, quit it, stop teasing him.” Bucky’s jaw tightens, you didn’t say he’s not a kid. Bucky hates feeling unworthy of you; like he doesn’t belong at your side. He may be young, but he has just as much right as any to call himself yours.
Tod cracks a smile, “Ha, alright, I’ll see you on Monday, Y/N.” He nods his head at you in goodbye and moves to leave. But when he passes Bucky’s shoulder, he leans in and whispers, “Better get her home quick, son. Don’t you have a curfew to worry about?” He chuckles to himself when he catches Bucky’s seething face, not at all intimidated by the rage flaring in the younger man’s blue eyes. With those final parting words, Tod walks off, lucky to not have a bruise the size of Bucky’s left fist on his smarmy face, in Bucky’s opinion.
Bucky breathes heavily, trying not to run after the guy to show him where he can stick his fucking curfew bullshit. Instead, he switches his focus back to you. You’re leaning into him, your usually calculating eyes spacey and a goofy smile plays on your lips. He frowns, you normally don’t drink so much, “What the hell did you get yourself into, doll?” This time his voice is softer, worried, but less biting.
You glance up at him, your eyebrows furrowed, but once you understand what he’s asking, you let out an uncharacteristic giggle, “To celebrate, we did some shots, I don’t remember how many I had,” your words are slow and nonchalant, as if you are actively trying not to slur them together, “Anyway, why are you upset, darling? I thought I told you to find some guys your own age to chat with. I knew you wouldn’t be interested in all our boring old business talk.” As you talk, Bucky hurries you to the exit, only pausing at the coat check to grab your things. He messages your driver to be out front in five.
“Guys my age?” His tone is bitter but you’re oblivious to his simmering indignation.
“Yeah! It’s a party for mostly higher-ups, but a few of them brought their sons, and some brought their daughters too,” you give him a sly wink at that. Bucky just stands there in front of the decorated driveway, trying to temper the many unsavory responses he wants to make at your last remark. His arm is wrapped around your full waist, clutching you to his side. He stays silent as your car finally pulls up, the driver not bothering to hop out since Bucky already has the back door open before he even rolls to a complete stop. Bucky ushers you into the backseat before sliding in after you.
The partition is already rolled up so he turns to you, unable to bite his tongue any longer, “Daughters?”
You scrunch up your face, confused by his questioning, “Yeah, I’ve met some of them. Mr. & Mrs. Willson’s daughter, Sarah, is a real looker. I think you’d like her, she’s just your type, and then there’s Melina’s daughter, Nata-”
“I don’t understand.” Bucky stares at you, trying to mask the hurt in his chest, “Were you trying to get rid of me? I came here tonight to be with you. Why would I want to spend it with some other girl? Why did you spend it with other men? Y/N, I-I don’t know what you want from me, why would you-” His tone has turned accusatory and befuddled. He wants to come clean, to shout that he doesn’t give a shit about other women, but the words are caught in his throat. He’s too much of a coward to speak them aloud.
You shush him, shaking your head, a placating smile on your red lips, “James, I don’t know why you’re getting so riled up, but stop. I just want to enjoy the rest of the car ride home with you, please, I’m tired.” You kick off your heels and relax your head against his shoulder; placing your soft hand in his. He gazes at your lovely face as you play with his metal fingers. The flashing lights that fill the car as it passes underneath brightly lit billboards and dim streetlamps cast fluttering shadows around your ethereal features. His chest fills with a sentiment he doesn’t know how to describe, one he’s maybe too scared to unpack. Your eyes drift shut and your hands still in his, as your soft snores fill the interior of the car. Bucky places a gentle kiss on the top of your head, soaking up your rich perfume.
When the car arrives back home, Bucky carries your sleeping form inside, hugging your plush body to his chest. He lays you down on the bed and goes to work getting you ready for sleep. He knows you wouldn’t want to go to sleep with makeup on, so he grabs a makeup wipe from with bathroom and removes your still pristine look. Bucky loves the power and confidence makeup gives you, but he adores your fresh face, which he doesn’t often get to see.
You tend to keep him at a distance, only letting him see parts of you, not allowing yourself to be “messy” in his presence. Again, there's that foreign panging in his heart. It feels like there is a wall between the two of you, one that you purposefully set up, Bucky’s afraid he’s never going to break it down. Even tonight, when you were fairly drunk, you held a certain air of professionalism about you, so to speak.
You always have to be in control and Bucky wishes that you would just let him be the one to shoulder the burden for once. It’s like you think he’ll abandon you if you ask him to commit more to your relationship. You just don’t know how much he craves you when you tell him he has the “weekend off”, or that he only has to come to events “if he wants to”. You may think you’re letting him have “freedom” and not feel “tied down”, but in reality, you’re denying him the time and companionship that he so desires from you. Bucky wants you to demand more of him, to expect more from him. He sure wants more of you; however he can get it.
What if all you ever want is just a good time and a good lay with a young, pretty face? A few months ago he might have been satisfied with that, but now he wants more. And he is terrified to ask for it.
He finishes cleaning your face and even has the mind to put moisturizer on you since you live and breathe the stuff. He unzips your gown and pulls it off your body. After taking a moment to appreciate the majesty of your body, he goes and hangs the dress back in the closet before coming back out with one of your pajama sets.
He removes your strapless bra and slides the soft, silk pajama top over your chest. You have shapewear on so he shimmies you out of it, which is a little challenging he’ll admit. He has no clue why you wear the restricting stuff. You say it’s to have a smooth base for your tighter garments to rest on, but he suspects there might be more to it. Either way, it’s your body and he gets to appreciate it with and without the shapewear on, so he’s plenty satisfied.
After he gets your pajama bottoms on, he quickly changes into a pair of boxers, not bothering with a shirt. He shuffles into bed beside you, pulling the covers over you both. He hugs you to his chest, trying to get the feeling of dread to leave his subconscious. You’re here in his arms, and that is enough. It has to be.
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fourstarsoutofnine · 5 months
can i request a short fic with wind where him and reader get separated from the chain inside a dungeon so now they have to work together to make it out alive? i'm very happy to see ur back i love ur work <3
A/N:Absolutely, and thank you so much!! I love writing for Wind, he’s precious. Also, I’m taking a little bit from undertale as far as the puzzles go. I haven’t played many Zelda games with dungeons other than minish cap, but it’s been a hot minute since I’ve played that as well, a few months at least. I remember a great deal about the undertale puzzles however so I’ll be getting inspiration for the puzzles from that. Also that one episode of gravity falls, if you’ve seen it. The bunker episode. It also heavily shows here that my main Zelda games are botw/totk—oops.
Warnings:none really other than fear, obvious botw/totk favoritism, and heavily made up puzzles/traps.
(wind and reader)
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You’d been walking in this dungeon for what seemed like hours, and with no end in sight. You and the sailor had long since lost the group, and were making a good hearted attempt to find them again, but things were looking rather grim.
“It feels like we’re going in circles…” you muttered. Your hand hurt from holding the torch, so you passed it off to the sailor, and put a hand on his back to bring him closer to you. You knew he was very capable of holding his own, but he felt like a brother to you and you didn’t want to risk anything. He was still just a kid, and if you could take any fighting off of him to protect him, you’d do it in a heartbeat.
“How long have we been walking?” He looked up at you, your face dimly lit by the fire.
“I couldn’t tell you.” You sighed. Finally you came upon a corridor you didn’t recognize, eagerly following it. It led you to a room with buttons on the floor.
“Oh hey, a puzzle!” The sailor said excitedly and moved forward to step on one before you pulled him back by his shirt.
“Wait! We don’t know what these do, we need to be careful!”
“Oh, yeah, right…” he looked it over. You took the torch in one hand, and one of his hands in the other.
“Okay, step on it carefully…” you said and he gently put his weight onto the button. There was an eerie silence before a click!, then suddenly the floor fell out under him. You snatched him up to you and backed up as fast as your legs would carry you. Just your luck, though. You stepped on another button. Your head whipped around you as all of the buttons sunk in and the walls started closing. You set the sailor down. “Run!!” You shouted before taking off, his hand in yours to make sure he kept up. You pulled him up ahead of you and shoved him into the exit so you were sure he’d be safe. You, however, had your foot caught.
“Y/n!!” The sailor shouted. He held his hand out for you and did his best to pull you. The prognosis looked dimmer and dimmer for you. That is, until you finally pulled your foot out. It left a big scrape on your foot, and you lost your shoe, but at least you were alive. There was no time to think about that now, though. You sprinted towards the exit, trying to ignore the sharp pain on the top of your foot. You landed with a big thud just before the walls closed completely. Both you and the sailor sat on the dirty, dusty floor of the dungeon, breathing heavy. You looked at him and laughed weakly.
“How much you wanna bet the others found a cool room with treasure or a hot spring or somethin?”
“That’d be our luck.” He laughed. He stood and helped you up before the two of you continued on. The next room you found yourselves in was almost worse than the last one.
“Whoa, candy!!!” The sailor said, looking all around. To you, there was no candy in sight.
“Sailor, don’t trust it.”
“But—it-…I’m so hungry…”
“I know, we’re trying to find the others… I don’t see any candy here, bud. It’s trying to trick you.” To you, it showed exactly what you wanted most. And naturally that looked very, very tempting, but you knew the illusion. You’d looked away for just a moment, and the sailor was making his way towards what to him was a bowl of candy. When he got closer, you saw a like-like extend itself out of the wall.
“Sailor!!” You pulled him back before it could swallow him whole. You pulled your bow out and shot it, the monster flopping onto the ground where you could kill it while it lay momentarily unconscious. The room’s illusion dissipated around you, revealing many holes in the walls with like-likes all within them and the two of you once again made a break for it, favoring your lives rather than anything in there.
The next room finally led you to what you wanted. Your group. They looked at you confusedly when you came in disheveled. Your foot was bleeding, you were missing a shoe, and the sailor didn’t look much better either. His clothes were slightly torn.
“What happened to you two?” The vet asked.
“Don’t ask…” you sighed. The group took a moment to rest while the traveler tended to the wound on your foot, and the sailor got a snack to eat. You were patched up, given other shoes, and while finally back with the group, you all made it out of the dungeon.
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chelleztjs18 · 2 years
Faux Doppelgänger (W.M)
Wanda Maximoff x FemaleAvengers!Reader
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Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x FemaleAvengers Reader! ; (Avengers AU)
Summary: You have a surprise costume, hoping that Wanda will eventually like Halloween plus you have a little secret mission to pull off. Will Wanda help you?
Warnings: None, another fluff with Wanda :) some swearing words..
Requested: Yes.
Prompts: 9. "And just what exactly are you supposed to be?"
A/N: Hi again! This is a little late Halloween fic from the requests. I don't really feel confident about this but I really hope y'all like it. I didnt have the chance to proof read this, I got a little busy. Also, let's pretend that Wanda is a lot taller than Nat. Happy reading! Thank you @maximotts for the idea of Wanda's funny line about Nat. Thank you @honey-sweet-hiraeth for giving me idea to add.
Halloween Masterlist | Main Masterlist
“Detka, are you okay? Do you need my help?” Wanda asks you from your shared bedroom as she hears you are struggling in the bathroom putting on your Halloween costume. “I’m good, Wands. Just stay there. It’s a surprise costume for you.” You refuse her nicely as you keep getting ready.
“Do we really have to go to Tony’s halloween party downstairs, y/n? We can just cuddle and watch sitcoms together. I’ll give you a back rub while we watch them.” Wanda asks and tries her best to avoid anything Halloween related. It’s the third Halloween since you both started dating.
Wanda doesn’t like Halloween. It even makes her grumpy, every single year. Everybody in the compound knows that but have no clue why. You don't either. Until you and Wanda officially dated, she told you why. It reminds her of her childhood in Sokovia and her parents who have already passed. Even Pietro can’t change her mind about the spooky season.
Being the understanding girlfriend you are, you and Wanda stayed in on the first Halloween together. The second year, you managed to have Wanda carved pumpkins together which made the team mates very impressed even though both of you ended up passing the costume party invitation at the Avengers compound.
This year, you have been nonstop but indirectly beg Wanda to consider to come. You just want to show Wanda that Halloween can be a little fun too and you are just trying to cheer her up.
“Oh that sounds really tempting, Wands but I really hope you can go with me, even though for just a little bit. We can come back up here whenever you want, I promise. I just want you to have fun, love.” You reply.
“How are we going there when I don’t even have a costume to wear?” Wanda once again pitches her effort to get away with it.
“Don’t worry, Wanda, my dear. I got it covered and it’s another fun surprise.” You stated. Wanda rolls her eyes. “I know you are rolling your eyes now, Wanda.” Your words caught her red handed. “No, I’m not.” She denied.
“Yeah, right, Wands. Okay, I’m ready. Close your eyes, babe.” excitement wraps your tone as you request. A sigh escapes the brunette ‘s lips and she closes her eyes. “Okay, my eyes are closed now.”
Wanda hears slow footsteps that sound like from a pair of high heels taps. Her forehead creases in confusion and she wonders if she hears what she thinks it is.
She feels your presence in front of her and she hears your voice “Okay. open your eyes, Wanda.”
“Tadaaaaaa! Surprise!” You exclaimed as you opened your arms widely presenting your looks but silence was what you got for a few seconds. Her green eyes observe you from head to toe and back to the top then look at you puzzled. You started to stand awkwardly until she finally broke the silence.
“And just what exactly are you supposed to be?” Her accent shows up when she questions you even though she has an idea what you are or who you are to be exact. The Sokovian witch tilts her head as she is waiting for your answer.
“I’m YOU, sweetheart!” You respond as your hands try to mimic hers when she uses her magic during fights. Her eyebrows jump up and she bats her lashes after she hears your answer.
You gain a mix of confusion and surprise from her. “Those are my suits and boots?”
“Yep. Your suits and boots, not from the store. Except for the wig though, I bought it.” Your answer is followed by a joke. “Yes, I can see that, sweetheart. My hair is better than that.” Wanda plays along with your joke and a little smile curved up on her face.
“There we go, that’s the smile I wanted to see. Well, do I look like you, Wanda?”
Another small laugh forces its way out. “Yes, you do but my hands don’t do that.” Wanda points out your “flaw” on your costume being Wanda Maximoff. “What did you mean? Yes, they do.” You tackle your girlfriend’s comment.
“No. I move my hands like this.” Wanda moves her hands a little and still looks so elegant and, just like that, you float up with red magic wisp wrapped around you. “Wanda, darling. Put me down, please. We need to go to the party soon. If you put me down, I will give a foot massage every night.”
You finally float down and land softly on your feet while Wanda says “Okay, deal. We’ll go to the party.” at the same time. This time Wanda laughs out loud and suddenly you feel that all of your efforts were worth it.
“But, y/n, don’t forget to change the boots. We know that you can’t walk wearing any footwear with high heels. “No, I’m gonna wear these boots to the party. I want to look taller when Natasha sees me at the party later.”
“Taller? Why? You never care about your height.” Wanda looks perplexed.
“Well, I told her about my plan to cheer you up by picking to look like you on Halloween and she laughed. Of course she teases me, like always and she thinks that I will drown in your suit because I’m way shorter than you. She said that I have the same height as her.” You hesitantly lay out your plan to Wanda, worried that she will say no to it.
“What? She is shorter than you and you are not that much shorter than me. Nobody calls you short, except for me.” Wanda squeezes in her own tease about you in her reactions to what you told her.
“Yesss! That’s what I have been telling her. She is shorter than me and you and I are not much different in height. But you know how she is, she won’t admit that I’m right.” You let out what’s on your mind about your best friend’s antics.
“Okay, detka. Let’s prove it to Nat that my girlfriend is taller than her. Where’s my costume?” Wanda smiles. “Yeah, I have it right here.” You walk wobbly and carefully to grab the costume you pick for her for tonight.
Your left hand holds up a suit in front of your Sokovian girlfriend. Once again, you caught Wanda in such bewilderment. “Wait, is that Nat’s suit? I’m confused. Does she know you have her suit?”
“Yes, Wands, it is and no, she doesn’t know I have it.”
“So you steal her suit?” She raises her eyebrows in interest.
“I didn’t steal it. Well, I borrowed it from her…secretly.” You grin awkwardly. “I want you to wear her suit please, Wanda.” your doe eyes look at hers.
“Y/n, it will be too short for me. Oh geez, you got a red haired wig too?” Wanda tries to refuse but gets distracted midway as soon as she sees the wigs you are holding together with Nat’s suit.
“I did. This wig looks exactly like her hair. And, Wanda, that was my point. Her suit is too short for you means she is way shorter than you and imagine if she sees me not drowning in your suit it means—” You ramble out your point and Wanda finishes your sentence “It means that you are taller than Nat.”
“YES! YES! Thank you!" You cheer and lure out a laugh from Wanda. “Okay, I get it. I’ll do it.” With that, Wanda gets ready and both of you go down to the party after.
Both of you are waiting for the elevator taking you to where the party is at. “Ugh, this suit is too short, y/n. It barely covers me.” Wanda complains in soft grunts while her hands are busy fixing the suit that’s failed doing its job. “I know, Wanda. We are just gonna be there for a little bit to tease Nat, have a little drink and we will come up to the room. I promise.” You grab her hands, rub your thumb on the back of her hand and then kiss it right after you respond to her discomfort. Then you kiss her neck gently to tease her and you earn a cute giggle from the sweet brunette.
An AI voice tells you that the elevator has reached your desired floor. The sounds of muffled bass from the party music slowly gets louder and more clear as the door slowly opens. “Come on.” You smile at her as you pull Wanda’s hand gently. Her steps follow yours.
“Oh my god, y/n. There are a lot of people here. This is embarrassing.” Wanda whispers in your ear. “You look cute actually. Your abs look hot too.” You whisper back a reply playfully and her eyes dart at you as soon as she turns her head at you. “Seriously? Right now?”
You saw your teammates hang out in one spot all together and Tony waves at both of you to join. “There they are.” and you join them.
“Hey, guys. Look who decided to come with me tonight.” You greet them as your eyes search for Natasha secretly while you walk carefully.
“Wow, y/n! Look at you struggling in walking with high heels and you brought my sister with you here? That’s huge!! Hi sestra! I’m so glad you are here.” Pietro is the first to greet you and give you both hugs. “Hi Piet.”
“I know, right! I’m so proud of her. Also, these heels are killing me.” You smile at Pietro in pride shortly before you wince from how hard and painful it is walking on heels.
“Hold on, what are you tonight?” Thor asks. You look at him who is wearing a gladiator costume then look at the others. No answer comes out from you but you do Wanda’s famous head tilt then you do her hand gestures.
Instantly, everybody says “Aaaaahh” in realization at the same time. “You are Wanda.” The blonde super soldier guessed his obvious correct answer. You nod. “Wow, Steve, didn’t have time to buy a costume so you just decided to wear your old uniform?” You tease him with your comment and he smiles in embarrassment. “Yep. Guilty.”
“But Wanda, who are you tonight?” Sam asks. “Yeah, witchy. Did you get the wrong size or something?” Tony comments at how Wanda keeps pulling the suit down to cover her body even though she knows it won’t help. “Oh come on, guys. You can’t see who I am tonight? Wanda gives a subtle hint.
“Wait, is that Nat’s suit?” Clint threw out his best guess confidently while holding his laugh at the same time.
“Bingo! So where is Nat? I want her to see this” You exclaimed once more tonight. You look around to find the Russian Avengers. “Well, Nat knows that her suit will be too short for Wanda, right?” Tony adds as he hands you and Wanda shots. “Oh, she doesn’t even know I’m wearing this tonight.” Wanda quickly corrects Tony's words and takes the shot she got from him.
“I feel like there is something more than just a halloween costume going on here. There’s gotta be more than this.” Yelena chimes in her thoughts. “Yep, you are right, Lena.” You acknowledge her statement.
"Y/n wants to prove to Nat that she's taller than her, that's why she wears my suit and I wear Nat's." The Sokovian twin sister explains on your behalf while she is busy with the suit, once more.
The blonde Russian snorts a laugh. "Oh my god! That is so genius! But my sister is definitely gonna kill you, y/n." She warns you while giving you a high five and compliments. Hearing you laugh out loud and seeing how happy you are, all of her discomfort and dislike of Halloween and how short the suit is suddenly disappeared. Now, Wanda is really on board to tease Nat and help you to prove whatever you want to.
"Nat! Come here! You gotta see this! Oh I can't wait to see what's gonna happen when she realizes what's going on." Tony's little wave at Nat led her to join in. “Natasha! Hi! You move closer cautiously to her but you try to hide it with your thrilled greetings at her and give her a hug.
“Oh wow, Y/n. That’s Wanda’s suit?” The redhead looks at you in disbelief. She was internally surprised that you were right but of course being a hard headed she is, she tries to hide it well.
“Uh huh. I told you, I would fit in.” Your ego clearly controls your proud expression and tone.
“It’s still too long for you though.” Natasha still teases you and nonchalantly retorts. Wanda notices and comes to the rescue. “Hi Nat. You look nice in your Poison Ivy costume.” She smiles at the shorter Avengers after she greets her to grab her attention.
“Thanks, Wand– Is that…my suit???” Her eyes rounded, her lips slightly open. The ex assassin looks baffled. “Yeah, it’s too short for me, Nat.” Wanda starts to feel that she is having fun, especially when she watches Natasha’s reaction.
“How did you—Ugh, y/n? Did you steal my suit?” Another question jumped out of Natasha’s lips. “Borrow, to be exact, Nat.” You tackle her accusation even though you know she was right. You love teasing her, you know what you just said will bother her.
“Don’t worry, Nat, we’ll return it to you.” Wanda chimes in with a playful smile and in a little move of her fingers, her crimson magic tendrils wrap around her body. In a blink of an eye, she is no longer wearing the suit anymore but Natasha’s other short dress instead with a long red haired wig now. Still, Wanda has to keep fixing the dress that almost gives up covering her lower upper thighs.
“Ooooohhhh…” Your friends react at the same time. They are all surprised with the change Wanda made. “Wait, are we playing a guessing game now, Maximoff? Who are you now? I swear you look familiar.” Tony asks while he is trying to recall who she is trying to be now.
“Isn’t it Nat’s short black and red dress? Wow, now that short dress is really really short on Wanda.” As soon as Yelena recognizes the dress, it boosts Tony’s memory.
“OH! You are Nat when she disguises as Natalie Rushman! I knew it!” Tony’s loud remark soon followed by the laugh from the rest of the Avengers. Meanwhile Natasha, she is a little embarrassed and her mind is thinking how to get a payback or maybe how to kick your ass.
“Really? Wow, both of you, that was a low move. You guys seriously did all that just to–” Natasha lets out a playful sarcastic response but you interrupt her.
“To prove to you that I’m taller than you?” Yes and it was all worth it. Did you see how short your suit is on Wanda? And I fit pretty well on Wanda’s. So, you are shorter than me.” You tap the tip of her nose gently. Wanda giggles and she can see Nat is trying to hold a smile.
“Awww tinie widow. Smol Natty.” Wanda continues poking fun out of the situation while baby-talk at her and pats the crown of Nat’s head gently as if she is a short little kid. It easily gains more laughter. Natasha knows better than she can’t win against Wanda’s magic so she lets her get away with it.
You are surprised by what Wanda just did and it makes you want to do the same thing. You look at your red haired favorite team mates but Natasha knows you very well and she warns you. “I know what you are thinking, Y/n. Don’t you dare do it or I will kick your ass.”
Of course you ignore her warning and do it anyway, giving her two little soft pats and doing the same baby talks.
“You better run, you little shit.” Natasha gives you the final warning.
So off you go, run from her but you trip a little. You forgot you are wearing Wanda’s boots, once again your girlfriend comes to the rescue. Her magic  from her left hand prevented you from falling, then in a split second the boots changed to your shoes. Her right hand spreads out the magic to hold Natasha from moving.
“There, now you can run, detka. Go! Before Nat kicks your ass.” Wanda instructs. “Oh come on, Wanda! That’s not fair! Let me go..” Natasha demands.
Right when Wanda thinks that you are far enough, she finally lets Natasha go and surely, she starts to sprint as fast as she can to get you. All the other friends can do right now is just shake their head after seeing the usual view of your and Natasha’s “feud”. Everybody is having a good time, including Wanda. She laughs seeing Natasha who is trying to get you while you run or try to hide.
“Well, sestra, Halloween is not so bad, right?” The silver haired Maximoffs asks her. “No, not so bad at all. I love it and I love her.” Her eyes sparkle with joy and such adoration looking at how goofy you are.
A/n: Welp that's all the fluff from me for today. Let me know what you think. Follow me for more and see you in next!
Taglist: @madamevirgo @musicinourlips @unstable-sapphic-hoe @fanboy7794 @chloe7076 @b0mbdotc0m @trikruismybitch @ichala @californianwhiterabbit @honey-sweet-hiraeth @imfuckinggenius @sxfwap @chaekhan @daenerys713 @luvmcgrath @stupidsapphicsstuff @pattypavo @frvny @franfineashell @heyyoweveryone @ygtft-chen @yaaskasey @sweeet-likeeee-cinnamonn @paumxmff @dopeyouth @beaniejennie @ineedafinghug @idkwhatimwriting @lucydiibi @mainly-rebloging-fics-i-like @gloriousfoxruins @grxvitye @mcubreakdown101 @aos22 @wandanatstan @paulawand @yeeterthekeeper @femalehomosexual666 @snowdrop1026 @modernmonalisa @nothingisrealanyway @idamaemann @sweeterlust @royalityofmultifandom @playboysaleen @peabrain112 @gwhaley127 @harleyswanda @bodhi-j @darth-rain @cristin-rjd  
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bylerspookie · 9 months
Certain lyrics that stand out to me in Mike’s Spotify playlist (Part 3)
When Love Breaks Down
Okay, so, here’s one where I think the album cover definitely was intentional when they chose to put this song on his playlist. The same with “A Real Hero”.
In “A Real Hero”s cover, it looks very similar to the scene where Mike and El hold hands while like skipping away from that field (I hope you know what I'm talking about lol)
And in this cover it’s VERY similar to the scene where Mike lets El ride on the back of his bike??? and there’s 4 people on the cover (probably representing Mike, El, Lucas and Dustin while they were looking for Will)
There’s a guy on a motorcycle and a woman is sitting on the same bike behind him with her arms around him and her face squished against his back. She’s wearing a similar outfit to Eleven in Season 1 (the pink dress with a blonde wig, the woman in this wears a pink jacket and she has blonde hair)
This leads to us thinking that maybe the song is from Mike’s point of view (because it’s his playlist duh) and about El. (some parts might still be aimed at Will though)
And guess what…it’s a break up song!! supriseeee!!
“My love and I, we work well together
But often we're apart”
they were apart for 6 months (as were Mike and Will)
“Absence makes the heart lose weight, yeah,”
Mike “the heart” Wheeler… (you are NOT slick we know what you are)
“Oh my, oh my, have you seen the weather
The sweet september rain
Rain on me like no other
Until I drown, until I drown”
“When love breaks down
The things you do
To stop the truth from hurting you”
“The lies we tell,
They only serve to fool ourselves,”
I’M LOSING MY MIND. “cause what if they don’t like the truth?”
“She'll never crowd me out
Fall be free as old confetti”
and the use of the word free? again, more on that here. (same post as earlier lol)
(if you’re not comfortable with discussions about sex you should skip to the next song <3)
“You join the wrecks
Who leave their hearts for easy sex”
see, I’m not 100% sure about this part but I’m trying to analyse everything okay
firstly, let’s talk about labyrinth and Romeo and Juliet.
Labyrinth is a movie in which the main character is paralleled to Mike SO much that it’s scary. He even has a poster of it in his room. Go to @connect-dots7 to see more on this. In short, connecting to this particular lyric, Sarah, the main character in labyrinth and she has a big scene where she discovers herself and her sexuality and they’re not even slightly subtle about it with the sexual imagry. The exact same sexual imagery is used with Mike (and some other characters).
Romeo and Juliet is a couple that is paralleled to Mike and El in the way that they were doomed at the start. For example, they fell in love at first sight. Shakespeare used this trope as a joke because he didn’t believe in love at first sight and it’s the same with the Duffers. They also mistook lust for love. Also I’m pretty sure Romeo was sort of using Juliet to get over someone that he actually loved but correct me if I’m wrong.
All I’m saying is, I think this lyric is very important, especially with the mention of “heart”. He’s not following his heart, basically.
(I know discussion of sex is very taboo in the byler community and I don’t understand why? Obviously, sexualising them is different, but just discussing the sexual imagry isn’t bad because it IS there and the Duffers aren’t scared of it. @henrysglock explains it here in a better way than I ever could lol. It’s the double standards between heterosexual couples and homosexual couples. )
Love Is a Stranger
the album cover is a man holding a heart in his palm? do with that as you will
“Love is a stranger
In an open car
To tempt you in
And drive you far away”
“Love is a danger
Of a different kind”
being different…
“And love love love
Is a dangerous drug
You have to receive it
And you still can't
Get enough of the stuff”
The way “White Rabbit” (the first song to play in st) is about Mike because he’s literally the white rabbit in Alice in Wonderland (again, you can read more about it on @connect-dots7 s page) and the song is about drugs????
“Comes in like the flood
And it seems like religion”
And Mike has too much religious imagery around him it’s insane…
“And you're left like a zombie”
There’s a lot of zombie imagery in st too? Wtf is going on help
“It's guilt edged”
Who’s going to be the one to tell him that he doesn’t have to feel guilty for feeling the way he feels about Will?
“You know it's jealous by nature”
Airport scene I’m looking at you…
“False and unkind”
“And I want you
And I want you
And I want you so
It's an obsession”
Mike it’s okay we’re all obsessed with Will Byers
Beta Girl Lost in Forever
Literally couldn’t find anything about this song lol it’s suspicious...
please tell me if you guys know anything about this song!!
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Introducing my jaytim fanfiction series Chained!
This is the largest writing project I have ever attempted! Currently (March 29th, 2024) it sits at a length of 153,000 words published and some back of the napkin math puts the final product in the ballpark of War and Peace’s 500,000+ words. halp lmao! This post is designed to serve as an introduction to what the story is about, what my Tim and Jason are gonna be like, and what parts of canon I’m sticking to
"So, what’s the premise ya dorkus malorkus?”
Jason is set in front of a contract that will grant near omnipotence over every facet of reality. The catch is that it requires the person who actually gains the power to be permanently bound into the service of someone else. Afraid of what this could do in the wrong hands, Jason asks Tim to be his new Master.
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(a picture of Jason with the halo and armor the contract grants him that I drew :3 also, have a link to the fics!)
After many hours of intense negotiations (the entire first fic in the series), they produce a subcontract designed to maintain Jason's basic rights as a person while still granting them enough power to overcome whatever whatever caused the contract to be written in the first place. Now all that's left is to destroy the evidence, win the fight, and start remaking the world in their image...
Expect to read about: extensive theological discussions complete with readings of the Bhagavad Gita, shape shifting, hijinks, Harley Quinn being a menace to society really good therapist, redonkulous amounts of time travel and time loops, murders most foul, webs of lies and deceit as Oracle works to uncover their secrets, angst, fluff, hurt, comfort, and I’m gonna stop there before I overpromise myself, turn into a puddle, and never manage to finish the damn thing, lol
The draw of the premise for me is exploring the constant renegotiation of boundaries between Jason and Tim as they navigate a truly terrible idea of a romance. This is slow burn in that it takes them a really long time to get together properly due to the aforementioned terrible idea part, but they know they’re in love very early on.
“Lay out the dynamics there hoss”
I reserve the right to fuss with these, but my intention is:
Jason/Tim = the genius fragile human made of pure spite and determination and their sentient bodyguard/servant monster who they like lowkey have a thing with. Think Integra Hellsing and Alucard.
Barbara Gorden versus Tim Drake = genius versus genius 5D chess headgames war. Think L and Light with Jason as Ryuuk. But like if Light was into Ryuuk.
Tim/Jason versus [MAIN VILLAIN SPOILERS] = warring Gods. The source of a new mythology.
Honestly, just mark down Hellsing Ultimate and Death Note animes as major influences.
“What’s a folk gotta do ta get some headcanons and characterization in this joint?”
For Tim I’m going mainly with him in his Red Robin run where he finds Bruce, blows up the League of assassins and shit like that. I love how absolutely arrogant this man is, and I find the way he struggles with the ethics of the job really neat. This version of Tim seems perfect to act as the commander: always tempted to do more, tempted to go further into the dark with power, but also having a lot of self control and dedication to doing right.
In terms of personal headcannons I am making him trans (cause I can), ADHD/Autistic (because it makes sense), and a dabbler in mild, lowkey amphetamine abuse (The coffee chugger who never sleeps of fanon intrigues me, but also caffeine kinda doesn’t do that, whereas adderall definitely does. He’ll use both stimulants as available and needed. I like a man who knows he badly overworks himself but who can’t realistically say he shouldn’t be overworking himself.)
Jason is a much harder cat to herd because writers have long been playing tug of war with his characterization, dragging him over the line to unhinged villain then back to just another bat over and over. I always like Jason, but I think he’s at his weakest at both extremes of the spectrum. He’s a good villain/antagonist in general, but a phenomenal one when he has real goals and morals. He’s a good anti-hero/tenuous ally in general, but a phenomenal one when he and the family have serious disagreements and Jason is still a killer.
I’m keeping this fic as canon compliant as possible, but there is a bare minimum amount of rearrangement necessary to make Jason consistently morally grey rather than an ethical checkers board that looks grey when you turn it sideways and squint.
Headcanons for Jason include chronic pain (I just think being blown up should screw with a guy’s nerves), trans (cause I can), and having schizophrenia (cause I see some possible canon evidence and he’s had a LOT of ableist stuff thrown his way and I don’t really like ‘well I’m not actually mentally ill’ as a resolution point to that. I am leaving it ambiguous if this has anything to do with the Lazarus Pit, but I intend it to be very unambiguous that it has nothing to do with why he has beef with the rest of the bats. His grievances are not delusions. His moral positions are not delusions. He will hallucinate and I may have him develop delusions, but he’ll also take medication for that and employ coping mechanisms like real life people with schizophrenia do. The mental illnesses are something he deals with, not something that controls him into being evil, no matter their source.)
Oh and it should go without saying that everyone has so much PTSD!
“Cut ta the chase already jabrony, give us da timeline”
Crisis on Infinite Earths, Final Crisis, Infinite Crisis, Flashpoint, Convergence, and the Rebirth changes happened in this fic's canon. We are dealing with multiple multiverses. If you’re familiar with the concept of ‘Hypertime’ used to facilitate the Elseworlds series and elaborated on during the Dark Knights: Metal stuff, I’m building off of that. If you’re not, don’t worry about it, there will be a far better explanation in the fic as the characters discover this shit for themselves.
This takes place during the "Rebirth" era of DC comics canon in a fanfic universe I made up within that canon multiverse called Earth 69. Earth 69 is my idea of what the pre-flashpoint timeline might have looked like if flashpoint never happened. Essentially I'm taking the post crisis stuff and extending it by acting as though that timeline just kept going, with plot points from New 52 and Rebirth canon welded onto the end of it. Keep in mind though, Earth 69 only coincidentally mirrors pre-flashpoint events; that canonical pre-flashpoint multiverse still exists!
Now lets go through just Earth 69′s timeline, focusing on Tim and Jason
Based on the letter Jason sends to Kid Devil, I put the year of his death as 1985. Ten years have passed since then at the start of this fic, making Tim 23 and Jason 25. The influence of alien tech and supergeniouses accelerated cultural and scientific growth such that while the fic takes place in 1995, every bit of tech and culture from 1980 to 2024 is fair game to show up. I find it fun to play around with laser turret drones and microfiche spy tactics all in the same story, so our heroes listened to My Chemical Romance on their smartphones while watching the fall of the Berlin Wall on live TV.
Batman (1940) issues #419 - #429 aka Jason’s post-crisis Robin years happen almost identically to the comics, except that Jason is a trans man and it was the Penguin that got Willis Todd locked up for life and then killed instead of Two Face. Bruce eventually finds out he’s trans and is supportive if understandably clueless. He raises Jason as his son. It’s important to me that Jason’s beef with Batman not leave either side objectively correct. Their relationship and hurts are a lot more compelling to me if Bruce isn’t transphobic.
A Place of Lonely Dying and the Robin (1993) series happen with very few deviations, with the understanding that I've read less of this than would be ideal and might get some things mixed up as I go along. Those deviations include Tim also being a trans man. Because he was looking into transition care for Jason, Bruce already knows about puberty blockers and HRT and supplies them to him. That becomes a big part of why Tim’s Dad is so freaked out by Tim being Robin. In this timeline, one of the major reasons Tim is so attached to the role of Robin is that it’s the first role in his life where he gets to be himself.
Lost Days happens as it did in comics except for two changes. Firstly when Talia sleeps with him, it's not sex, it's fully clothed cuddling and actual sleeping. I think this compromise preserves the important emotional conflict that I identified in this reading of her motivations, while sidestepping some of the problems the sex caused. The second change is that Jason won't have ended Lost Days by going to talk to Hush...
Because I HATE Thomas Elliot as a character. I hate how he was implemented. I hate that he kept showing up. I hate that they killed off Harold. I hate Hush. So it never happened on Earth 69! Instead I'll be emphasizing Tim and Jason's later fights, which have some similar emotional beats.
Now, whether or not Jason held a knife to Tim’s throat is kinda fucking important to how their relationship is interpreted! Most people, understandably, make this a serious event between the two. However, in all the comics I’ve been reading, I have seen zero characters ever acknowledge that Jason was involved. Tim hasn’t thought or said anything about it, even when it really seemed relevant. Jason technically tells Batman he did it in UtRH, but it's never brought up again and at this point it feels almost like Judd Winick tricked DC into publishing a headcanon that applies nowhere else lmao. Therefore I feel fine with just ditching this and putting more emphasis on their later fights which have similar emotional beats.
Under the Red Hood happens, with one modification. He knows about Stephanie's death and treats it with the gravity she deserves. He is targeting Black Mask because of Steph's death, and something very similar to the excellent fanfic 'hangman is coming down from the gallows' by nex_et_nox happens.
Young Justice (1998) happens, except for some of the mythological encounters. They did watch Santa get blown up, but I will be taking liberties with how the Greek Pantheon operates, and holy fucking shit, no they did not meet the goddess Kali like that, what the fuck, did no one even try to do a basic level of cultural sensitivity research?!? Anyways.
Jason does fight Batman, Green Arrow, and Mia as told in Green Arrow (2001) #69 - #72. Roy does hear about this, but he hears about it the way that Mia herself tells it when asked about it in the comic, i.e. “He didn’t hurt me. We just talked.” So he's not exactly all that freaked out about it.
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Roy Harper and Jason first meet in Outsiders (2003) #44 - #46 where he helps Roy and Dick exonerate Black Lightning with no ulterior motives, as in the comics.
Teen Titans (2003) #29 (The Titans Tower fight) happens as it did in comics. i.e. It was a fair one on one fight in which both participants understood that the other was not trying to kill them and both combatants walked away with nothing more than superficial injuries. Tim came away from that with a black eye and a grudge; Jason came away from it thinking Tim was pretty alright in his book. The writing on the wall was either Jason’s own blood, or red paint, because there is simply no earthly way that was Tim’s blood.
Teen Titans (2003) in general happens to Tim, though there’s a lot that connects to Countdown to Final Crisis (which can only have happened in the canonical pre-flashpoint multiverse) that may or may not need to be edited and removed.
The combination of events from Countdown to Final Crisis and Teen Titans (2003) #47 also happens, in which Jason attempts to save Duela Dent from murder, fails, connects with Donna at her funeral, and then is interrogated by Tim and Dick who suspect Jason murdered her. Oh and also it's where Tim kicks him in the pants lol. Obviously the reason Duela died and who murdered her has to be different, but all that should be details that don't matter for the fic's purposes.
I've already mentioned that Robin (1993) was being considered canon to Earth 69′s timeline, but make special note here of issue #177, in which Tim sends Jason to jail (his first prison stint, yay :D). One modification here: Jason's plan is to manipulate the established mob families into fighting the cops, leaving the local communities to govern themselves, not to use "kid gangs" to soften up the cops and the mob like happens in the comic. Because like... the on panel plan makes no sense, either logistically or for his character, and idk why but the way the author uses the concept of “kid gangs” leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
Nightwing (1996) #118 - #122 aka Brothers in Blood aka the one where Jason becomes a tentacle vore monster happens exactly as depicted in comics. Exactly. As. Depicted. Well okay not exactly, I need him to not have threatened to bomb a building full of innocent people, that is a bridge too far, but everything else stays!
The Red Robin series happens as depicted, except for how Tim got the costume. The Red Robin costume that Tim wears in the pre-flashpoint multiverse was from that multiverse’s Earth 51. On Earth 69 the Red Robin costume was what Bruce made for Jason in anticipation of him wanting to outgrow the Robin mantel one day, like Nightwing did (tho uhhh great job reframing why the Nightwing mantel exists there Bruce lmao). When Dick gave the Robin role to Damian, Tim took the Red Robin outfit for himself from it’s pedestal next to The Memorial Case. There was a considerable amount of spite towards multiple people involved in that decision.
Battle for the Cowl is where it gets trickier. I am going to gut most of the plot of BftC and combine a few plot elements from it with the Batman and Robin (2009) series in order to create a much longer lasting conflict that preserves Jason as an anti-hero and his partnership with Scarlet/Sasha as a competing vigilante force to Dick and Damian.
After Bruce’s “death” Dick super does not ever want to be Batman. No one does really. Jason hears Bruce's post-death message and is understandably fucking devastated. He decides to say fuck that noise, Bruce is gone now, and I'm gonna be Batman since no one else seems willing to do it, and I'm gonna do it my way! Another Batman running around shooting people dead forces Dick’s hand and he takes up the Batman mantel to fight him. Batman and Robin (2009) #3 - #6 happen roughly as depicted, but with Jason still claiming to be Batman, and he doesn’t have red hair. (I’m so sorry white suit + pill helmet costume, but I must leave you behind for the sake of continuity). Jason's stint in Arkham and then Blackgate happens. Batman and Robin (2009) #23 - #25 happen as depicted, minus the part where Jason rigged the entire fucking civilian tram line to explode. After Jason and Scarlet fly off into the sunset together, they come back to Gotham and keep fighting.
Sometime after he's free again he does Roy a favor. I haven't decided what exactly, but it's big. I’ve toyed with the idea that he broke him out of prison because he doesn’t want to see Liam grow up without a dad in a move very similar to the Outsiders thing and roughly analogous to how he meets Roy in Red Hood and the Outlaws (2011), but that seems a lil repetitive and why would Roy even be in jail, so idk.
By this point the events of Red Robin are over and Tim has joined Dick and Damian in fighting Jason. Sometime before the climactic battle, Scarlet leaves for [FANFIC SPOILERS] reasons, so it becomes just Jason again. He goes through with something like the plan from Battle for the Cowl, luring Tim to his Batcave and offering him a place as his Robin. As in comics, Tim's answer is to pick up a crowbar and wack Jason across the face with it! Jason wins the fight and stabs Tim in the chest, knowing it's not gonna kill him, but fine with it leaving one hell of a scar! Dick's fight with Jason afterwards, and Jason jumping from the train into the harbor, happens as it did in BftC #3 with the exception of Dick wearing the Batsuit instead of Tim.
Starfire contacts Roy for help with a lengthy, off planet mission - one that absolutely needs a Bat on board. Every single Bat is up to their eyeballs in fires to put out and projects to run... except for Jason. Roy knows a lot of other Heroes with very good reasons to hate him, but in his personal experience, Jason’s always been a reliable if shady and asshole-ish guy working for the greater good. Ya’know. A Bat. It helps that they both think Bruce treats Dick like garbage sometimes and thus are inclined to be sympathetic towards Jason's beef with him. Roy vouches for him and brings him on board. They work well together, they save the days in outer space, and after a particularly dangerous mission they have a "thank fuck we're not dead" threesome together. This replaces the New 52 version of Red Hood and the Outlaws.
During the trip back to Earth, Jason confides in them about his woes and they encourage him to sort his shit out and get his life back together. Jason agrees and after considering it for a while he asks Roy and Starfire to help negotiate a truce between him and the rest of the Bats. They agree and thus begins two years of ceasefire and getting more friendly with the other Bats.
During those two years, the events of Dark Knights: Metal occur. The Source Wall is broken, and all the peoples of all the earths are plunged into a nightmare world. No one really remembers what happened, it’s all very vague and drifty, like remembering a dream, unsurprisingly. People have been referring to this event as The Nightmares.
This two year period also contains my version of Rebirth Red Hood and the Outlaws. Jason attempts to infiltrate Black Mask’s gang because the real Black Mask should be super dead and super unwilling to work with him. He’s a LOT more competent about it than in comics tho.
The biggest change is what goes down with Cobblepot. Jason’s original intention was to fake the penguin’s death and take all his power and assets from him, as he did in comics. However, he loses Artemis and Bizzaro before he goes through with that plan instead of after. At the last minute he switches the blanks out for lead. The Penguin is super dead.
He fights back when Bruce confronts him, but it's still a brutal fight and ultimately Roy has to separate them. Then Jason follows his father’s trail to the experimentation prison thing like in comics. Roy doesn’t die along the way, we don’t have the scene with Bruce at the diner, but in the end it turns out that his father is actually dead. No one survived that place. He only found boxes of dusty, decaying files, a grave out back, and Dr. Fate. Once he was convinced there was nothing more to find, Dr. Fate took him to John Constantine and The Contract, and that’s just about where our story begins!
Have another link, and I hope some of y’all enjoy what I’ve got so far!
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theflyingfeeling · 6 months
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Second Day of Gift-Giving: Two Dialogue Partners
Prompt: "Oh, you’re cold! Do you want my hoodie?"
This part is a continuation of the first part, which you can read here!
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There was snow in Oulu. That was the first thing Aleksi noticed when he opened his eyes after landing. He was sure the snowline actually went somewhere far souther, but he had decided to rest is eyes a little shortly after take-off, since even Rilla was wise enough to do so, curled up in his carrier by Aleksi’s feet. Aleksi supposed she, too, was exhausted from the early wake-up call after the restless night they had had; however, Aleksi doubted the reason for Rilla’s uneasiness was less due to being just too damn excited about seeing Aleksi’s bandmate and perhaps more due to ‘pillow moving too much’ (the ‘pillow’ in question being Aleksi).
It was also a lot colder in Oulu than it had been in Helsinki when they had left, which shouldn’t have been a surprise. Still, Aleksi found his teeth clattering as he sat down on the passenger seat of Olli’s sedan, wondering how on earth he had imagined he would be warm enough in just his leather jacket and a longsleeve.
“Yeah, sorry, the air conditioning is stuck on freezing. I’m gonna have it fixed later this week,” Olli explained, and Aleksi was tempted to ask if he meant the air conditioning of his car or of the entire north of Finland.
The drive from the airport to Olli’s place wasn’t hopelessly long, but long enough for Aleksi to still be quivering moments after they had already entered Olli’s pleasantly warm apartment. Although Aleksi tried his best to hold back the shivers, he saw Olli looking at him with a slight frown.
“You’re still cold? Do you need to borrow a hoodie?”
Without waiting for an answer, Olli disappeared into his bedroom and seconds later came back with a grey bundle in his hands, passing it to Aleksi.
“Here, I wore it briefly after a shower this morning, so it’s practically unused. I hope that’s alright, all my other ones are in the laundry.”
Aleksi didn’t have the heart to tell Olli he had, in fact, packed some hoodies of his own, nor was he strong enough to fight against the prospect of getting to wear one of Olli’s incredibly soft hoodies again. The last time he had done so had been on their last tour, half by accident when Aleksi had grabbed the nearest piece of clothing to put on himself when he had gotten the chills mid-nap in the RV, half by some self-tormenting curiosity to find out if having something of Olli’s so close to him would have the same effect on him as having Olli near him. (It did, as it turned out, very much indeed, because in his light sleep, Aleksi had seen all sorts of surreal dreams with Olli starring in the main role, and when he had woken up, his mind had been dizzier than ever with everything he felt for his friend.)
The hoodie he was now pulling on himself smelled of fabric softener and, ever so slightly, of Olli’s cologne, which he must have put on before changing into the black sweater he was now wearing. Aleksi hugged himself and quietly thanked Olli as he leaned back on the living room sofa, smiling at Rilla excitedly running after a ball Olli had apparently bought for her just for the occasion. He huddled up further into the sofa while listening to Olli talk about a heated topic in the band group chat, and Aleksi wished he could’ve been paying more attention, but he was too distracted by the faint smell of Olli surrounding him to think about much else. Instead, he let his eyes close as Olli kept chattering away in his calming voice, both to him as well as to Rilla, and with all the sleep debt he was running on, it was too easy for Aleksi to fall asleep on the sofa; finally warm, finally where Olli was.
He hadn’t intended for the nap to last so long, however; when he next opened his eyes, the bits of sky he saw from Olli’s windows were pitch black, although it really was no shock considering how early the sun set around this time of the year. Blinking his eyes a few times, he noticed Olli had lit up candles on the coffee table and turned on the fairy lights above the TV. The man himself was sitting on the floor with his back resting against the sofa Aleksi was resting on, Rilla curled up on his lap. His hair tickled Aleksi’s forehead when he turned to look at him.
“Good nap?”
“Mmmmhhh. Yeah,” Aleksi answered and rubbed his eyes. “Sorry for falling asleep though.”
“It’s okay. You were tired.”
“Mmmmhhh,” Aleksi hummed again, too comfortable under the blanket that had somehow ended up on him to make an effort to sit up just yet. He closed his eyes again for just a few more seconds and listened to Olli move slowly, supposedly as to not bother Rilla too much.
Opening his eyes again, Aleksi found himself staring straight into Olli’s dark ones that glowed in the soft candlelight, studying him, holding his gaze as if he was trying to ask him something.
Aleksi wished he would have. He wished Olli would’ve asked him why he was so sleep-deprived, or why he had squeezed him so hard at the airport, or why he had smiled so blissfully while fondling the strings of the hoodie Olli had given him. He may not have been able to give an answer, albeit it being short and simple, but it would’ve been nice to be given the chance at least.
Now, with Olli’s eyes travelling on his face, Aleksi felt like he had no chance at all to do anything but let him, even though it was driving him crazy, having Olli’s face so close to his all of a sudden. He felt defenceless under Olli’s gaze that seemed indecisive about whether it should stay on Aleksi’s eyes or his mouth, which didn’t help Aleksi’s case in the slightest. His breath became shallow as he remembered the last time Olli had looked him like that, in the dim lighting of an American hotel room, and Aleksi would’ve given nearly anything for Olli to be the first to lean in this time as well, because Aleksi himself for sure didn’t have half the courage Olli seemed to have.
For a second (or two or three), it felt as if Olli was leaning in, at least close enough for Aleksi to feel him exhale before he straightened his back and glanced at the dog on his lap.
“Would you guys be down for some dinner soon? I’m getting kinda hungry,” he spoke, directing his words more towards Rilla, whose ears twitched at the mention of dinner.
Aleksi tried to find Olli’s gaze again and failed, because suddenly there must have been something extremely fascinating on Rilla’s fur instead, judging by how intently Olli was observing it.
“Sure,” Aleksi sighed. When Olli stood up, mumbling something about a frozen pizza before striding off to the kitchen with Rilla on his heels, Aleksi bit his lip at another lost opportunity to make up for all the time he had wasted pining after Olli and barely doing a damn thing about it. 
He could only hope the universe would be kind enough to grant him some more lucky chances like this; one of these days, he might actually lose it and make good use of them, at least once he had first untangled the massive knots of fear, worry and embarrassment. 
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Kicho's Main Story Chapter 7 Part 2
These translations are not intended as a replacement for the game. Please support cybird by buying their stories. JP SPOILERS under the cut. Expect mistakes.
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Kicho: “I cherish you. I can assure you that much.”
Mai: “............”
Kicho: "Stay put. This is the last part."
He put some rouge on the tip of the brush and slowly drew it across my lips, making me hold my breath and shiver a little at the tickling sensation.
(The words he said just now...)
Even though I know I shouldn't, I'm tempted to confirm it with words right now.
Kicho: "Okay. That should do it."
Mai: "Oh..."
Coming back to my senses, I hurriedly bowed to him as he moved away and put away the make-up kit.
Mai: "Thank you for everything."
Kicho: "It's what I wanted to do. Let's head to the hall now."
Mai: "Okay."
I got up and was about to leave the room with him when he suddenly turned around and一
Kicho: "Mai."
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Kicho: "It really suits you. You look beautiful."
Mai: "-----!"
With that, he left the room.
(I feel like he's acting somewhat differently than usual.)
(I'll get the wrong idea if he says something like that.)
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The sun was already setting when he led me to the hall, and everyone who had already arrived was playing with their instruments.
Mai: "What's that?"
Kicho: "It's from a foreign country. The big instrument there is a harpsichord, and the one next to it is a viola."
(I've never heard these names before, but they all look somewhat familiar.)
(The harpsichord looks just like a piano.)
I listened carefully to his explanation and beautiful melody.
Mai: "Oh."
His eyes met one of the players, who smiled and moved his hands gracefully.
The other players followed suit and began to play their instruments, filling the hall with sweet melodies.
(I've never heard this song before.)
(I never thought the day would come when I would be standing in a place like this.)
The foreign melody was so gentle that it softly enveloped me as I was about to fidget, unable to fit into the space.
Mai: "I almost feel like a hero of some story just by being here."
Kicho: "Story, huh? What kind of story?"
Mai: "I dunno."
Mai: "But it's weird to become the main character. I'm definitely not that kind of person."
Kicho: "It's not weird. Everyone has their own will."
Kicho: "From my point of view, other people are almost just supporting characters, but I'm sure those supporting characters feel the same way."
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Kicho: "I'm sure they still do."
With his eyes fixed on me, he held out his hand, and I immediately knew what he meant without being told.
Mai: "Sorry. I've never done this before."
Kicho: "No problem. I'll take the lead."
Mai: “Okay.”
I nervously took his hand, and he immediately pulled me closer.
Kicho: “Relax. Think of this as a rehearsal and don’t look away from me.”
Mai: “............”
I looked up at him, and he put his hand on my back and stroked it gently, my heart beating loudly.
(I still get nervous even if he says that.)
I moved my feet to follow the beautiful melody.
(Wow. I can dance properly.)
From the outsider’s perspective, I might look like I was moving awkwardly, but still, I looked up at him, and he smiled gently.
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Kicho: “You’re doing great.”
Mai: “I’m glad. Hehehe.”
I was so happy that I couldn’t help but smile.
(Hm? It seems like the tune has gotten faster.)
Mai: “Kyaah!?”
I tried to keep up, but I ended up stepping on the hem of my dress, almost losing my balance as I did so.
Kicho: "Are you okay?"
He put all his strength into his hand behind my back and held me closer.
Mai: "T-Thank you."
Kicho: "The song just ended. The next song is gonna be a difficult one."
Mai: "Okay."
Kicho: "Mai? What's wrong?"
Mai: "I'm sorry. Just a little more."
I remained frozen on the dancefloor and buried my face in his chest.
(His arms are so warm.)
His large chest, which was hard to get away from, was not only warm but also smelled nice.
(I've been busy worrying about other things that I forgot to put on my perfume.)
His fleeting scent, drowned by the sweet fragrance he always wore, seemed like it would easily fade from my memory as soon as I moved away from him.
(I'm glad I forgot about it, even though I really shouldn't have because I got to know him one more time.)
Feeling regretful, I smiled and moved away from him.
Mai: "It's all right now. Sorry for doing that all of a sudden."
Kicho: "No, it's fine, but is something wrong?"
Mai: "Yes. I forgot my perfume."
Kicho: “Perfume? I see. So that’s it.”
For some reason, I felt impatient when he nodded, as if he was convinced.
Mai: “Did you notice it?”
(This is embarrassing.)
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Kicho: “That’s not it. Rather, don’t put it on tomorrow.”
Kicho: “I don’t really like that kind of strong-scented stuff, to begin with.”
Mai: “But won’t it interfere with your work? It’s for personal appearance, right?”
Kicho: “That was just an excuse. I made you wear it to check your whereabouts.”
Mai: “What?”
Kicho: “That’s why you don’t need it anymore. From tonight onward, you will remain as you are.”
Mai: “That’s...”
(Does that mean he's letting his guard down against me?)
I was happy, but then I felt a prickling pain in my chest.
(No, I shouldn't show it on my face.)
Mai: "I understand. I'll do that tomorrow."
Kicho: "Yeah, then..."
Taking each other's hands, the two of us started dancing again as the tune changed to a gentle one.
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(Tomorrow, huh? Why did I lie like that?)
Our shadows cast by the setting sun reached the bottom of the clock as we beautifully danced.
It was like watching a scene at the happy end of a story.
(I wish all of this was just a story.)
(I wish the curtain would fall here so I wouldn’t have to let go of this hand.)
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Mai: “*sigh* The night breeze feels nice.”
I went outside by myself, saying I was going to take a break.
As soon as I took a deep breath, my lungs began to fill with air, and the heat inside my body subsided.
(Even so, that was amazing.)
(I knew that Kicho was talented, but I never knew he could memorize so many people’s names and hobbies perfectly.)
(I can only remember the faces of the last few people I talked to.)
As the stars began to shine in the sky, the hall soon became crowded as the guests arrived one by one.
The guests immediately dragged Kicho away, and all I could do was smile next to him, feeling very happy to stand next to him.
(It’s almost time.)
(I need to go to my room, change my clothes, and leave this trading post.)
I wanted to say goodbye to him at least one last time if I could. However, I didn’t have the confidence to pretend anymore.
(Is that really the reason?)
(Or is it because I was afraid that if I said goodbye, I would really never see him again?)
Mai: “I’m so half-hearted and selfish about everything.”
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Kicho: “You mean that dance we just had?”
Mai: “Kicho!?”
Kicho: “Dancing like that in front of people, even though it was your first time, was good enough.”
Mai: “I’m not talking about that. Why are you even here?”
(He was just surrounded by guests earlier.)
Kicho: “I was worried about you.”
Kicho: “Wearing something you're not used to, and being in a place like that must be tiring.”
As he approached me, he gently stroked my cheek with the back of his hand, and my skin, exposed to the cool night breeze, felt his warmth instantly.
(He was worried, so he came out.)
Even though I should’ve been happy, my chest tightened, and my resolve almost shattered into pieces at his kindness.
Mai: “Sorry, Um, I got something in my eye.”
Kicho: “You don’t have to fool me anymore.”
Kicho: “It’s time for you to come clean.”
Mai: “What?”
I felt uneasy about his tone, then he sighed and narrowed his eyes.
Kicho: “Don’t tell me you thought I didn’t know you were Nobunaga’s spy.”
Mai: “----!”
Kicho's words made the blood in my body freeze.
I quickly searched for an excuse, but his piercing gaze wouldn't allow me to think, leaving me no choice but to raise the white flag.
Mai: "How long have you known?"
Kicho: "Only now did it turn out to be true."
Mai: "What?"
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Kicho: "I had my suspicions for a long time now. I heard that Nobunaga kept a strange woman with him, a princess to be exact, three months ago."
Kicho: "Other than that, no one knew her background. There was absolutely no information about her."
Kicho: "You told me before that you came to this period three months ago."
(That's when I almost got caught and told him my other secret.)
Kicho: "I had my suspicions but couldn't quite put my finger on it."
Kicho: "There are no signs that you're working together or in contact with the outside world, but I became convinced when I saw your reaction."
Mai: "So you're playing like a fool."
I want to smack myself for my inability to keep the information.
Mai: "Are you going to kill me?"
Kicho: "You came here with that resolve, right?"
Mai: "That's..."
I looked down, unable to nod my head.
(I thought I knew what I was doing when I came here, but I was naive.)
(I wasn't prepared at all.)
Kicho: "I see. It looks like you didn't have that."
Kicho: “Well, it’s tough for a peace-loving person like you to go on a mission where your life is at stake. I know that because your world is full of such people.”
Kicho: “But I find it even more puzzling.”
Mai: “What is?”
Kicho: “Why did Nobunaga send a woman like you?”
Kicho: “There was no other suspicious person in the trading post, so you’re the only spy.”
Kicho: “Also, this is not something you can entrust to someone who has only been in the turbulent world for three months.”
(I see. Well, he’s right.)
Kicho: “Mai. Tell me the truth.”
Kicho: “Why did you come to me?”
Mai: “That’s...”
Mai: “Because I wanted to live.”
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Kicho: “What?”
Mai: “I was a nobody here in this period.”
Mai: “I felt that if I could help everyone, even if just a little, then I’d feel like my existence had some meaning.”
Kicho: “You said the same thing when we talked at the inn.”
Mai: “Yes. You confronted me that night and saved my life.”
Mai: “So I wanted to face you properly too.”
Kicho: “.............”
Kicho: “I see. I understand.”
Kicho: “Even though you weren’t ready to die, you wanted to live and were ready to cling to life.”
Kicho: “That’s not a bad thing. It’s rather a good thing.”
Mai: “Kicho...”
Kicho: “But the clock is ticking.”
Mai: “----!”
He pulled out a pistol, which he seemed to have hidden in his pocket, and pointed it straight at me.
However, he only kept the pistol steady and stared at me sharply.
(There’s no reason to forgive an enemy who lied to him.)
(I know that, but...)
I’m scared. I don’t want to die.
All I can hear is fear and screaming, growing louder and louder in my head.
Mai: “Um, I...”
Kicho: “I know you’re hiding there. Come out.”
Mai: “Huh?”
I heard a rustling in the bushes behind me, where he pointed his gun.
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Mitsuhide: “Oh? You noticed?”
Mai: “Mitsuhide!?”
Mitsuhide: “What’s the matter? Is it that strange that I’m here?”
Mai: “Well, yeah. Because it’s still...”
Mitsuhide: “I thought I’d help you get out of here first.”
Mitsuhide smirked and stood in front of me to protect me, then pointed his gun at Kicho.
Mitsuhide: “Anyway, thank you for helping our lass out.”
Mitsuhide: "It looks like you’ve learned a lot at the trading post, but it’s time for us to take you back.”
Kicho: "Do I look like the kind of idiot who'd let this place slip away?"
Mitsuhide: "No. That's why we're pointing our guns at each other."
(What the hell am I supposed to do in this situation?)
Confused, I looked at them alternately.
All hell will break loose if they both pull the trigger.
Mai: "Wait!"
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Mitsuhide & Kicho: "-----!"
I jumped between them and spread my hands out, almost losing my footing with both guns pointed at me, but I managed to hold on.
Kicho: "What? You're protecting that man?"
Mai: "No!"
Mai: "I know it's my fault that this is happening, but is pointing weapons at each other the only way to solve the problem?"
Kicho: "What do you mean?"
Mai: "You've been suspicious of me for a long time, yet you didn't point a gun at me immediately."
Mai: "You talked to me, so I got to know you, and how kind you are."
Kicho: "I'm human too. I have feelings. I feel joy, anger, sorrow, and maybe I have said and done things you might think are kind."
Kicho: "But what you have seen is only a part of it."
Kicho: "That's why we are in conflict. There's no way for us to reconcile."
Mai: "Still!"
I tried to argue, but I was at a loss for words.
The two of them were cousins, and they had once been comrades in the Oda army.
Even though they had spent much more time together than I had, they were still pointing their weapons at each other because of their different goals.
(That's right. We live in a time like this.)
Kicho: "But not this time."
Mai: "Eh?"
Kicho: "I will lower my weapon depending on your choice."
Mai: "What choice!?"
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Kicho: "Stay here with me."
Kicho: "If you do that, I'm willing to let this guy off the hook."
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asordinaryppl · 1 month
A3! Main Story: Part 4 - Act 13: Budding Spring - Episode 11: Pause & Pose
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Citron: << I don’t see anything wrong with this. >>
Staff: << Understood. Also, there is one more thing– >>
Staff: << As Citronia-sama’s activities become more widely known, the interest in foreign arts and culture increases. >>
Staff: << There have been discussions about proposing the invitation of foreign performances. >>
Citron: << That sounds brilliant. Let’s try discussing it with my father. >>
Staff: << I will create an outline as soon as possible, then. >>
Citron: << I will also keep an eye on promising theater companies and the like. >>
Staff: << I appreciate that. I will create an outline in time for the International Arts Festival, so please wait for a while. >>
Citron: << About that… Please put my attendance confirmation on hold due to scheduling reasons. >>
Staff: << Would you like to have someone else go in your stead? His Majesty said this is a good opportunity to promote Zahra overseas… >>
Citron: << No, if we are going to participate, I am the right person for it. I just have some work piled up. Give me some time. >>
Staff: << Understood. >>
Citron: …
[Keyboard keys clicking]
Tsuzuru: … *exhales*
Masumi: … It’s 12.
Tsuzuru: Are you some kinda time announcer? It’s okay. I’ll take a break soon.
[Phone vibrating]
Masumi: …
Tsuzuru: Answer properly if it’s someone you know.
Masumi: I know.
Masumi: … I’m gonna call them back, so leave the room.
Tsuzuru: Eh? You’re making me leave?
Masumi: Hurry.
Tsuzuru: Okay, okay. I got it.
Tsuzuru: (Could he have just been trying to get me to take a break?)
Tsuzuru: (Guess I’ll eat and then go for a walk…)
Clerk: Welcome. You may sit wherever you like.
Tsuzuru: …
Syu: Oh, if it ain't Minagi-sensei.
Tsuzuru: Eh—
Tsuzuru: (Otomiya-san in a café is kinda… Should I say surprising? Should I call it a mismatch? … I’d understand if we were in a bar.)
Syu: It’s not like I only go out to drink, y’know.
Tsuzuru: (He saw right through me…)
Syu: Are you alone? Hang out with me for a bit.
Tsuzuru: I am. Then, excuse me…
Tsuzuru: (He even acts like we’re in a bar.)
Syu: Man, that Yukio’s really done it now.
Tsuzuru: Eh?
Syu: The Fleur Award.
Syu: This is Yukio we’re talking about, so all he’s thinking is probably things like “Theater is the best” and “It’d be fun if everyone could aim for the Fleur Award ♪”
Syu: He hasn’t stopped to think about the people who got caught up in this and are all confused.
Tsuzuru: Haha…
Tsuzuru: (It’s really starting to feel that way…)
Syu: So, how’s it going? Do you have a winning strategy?
Tsuzuru: Ah, we’re thinking of doing sequels to our debut performances…
Syu: Heeeh. That sounds interesting.
Tsuzuru: It’s just, this is my first time writing a sequel. I’m worried about how to plan it and what people are expecting of me. My pen’s feelin’ heavy, so to speak.
Syu: Isn’t the way you always go about it fine? Isn’t that why you chose to make a sequel of your debut?
Tsuzuru: I mean, I guess that’s true.
Syu: Well, if you need some more help— 
Tsuzuru: ?
Syu: … Have you heard of Director Akazaki?
Tsuzuru: Eh, I have. Isn't he pretty famous?
Syu: As a director and a scriptwriter, he holds a scriptwriting camp once every few years to nurture new talents.
Syu: He's holding it again this year, so he asked me if I know any promising young scriptwriters.
Syu: I was thinking of recommending you, but it looks like you’re too busy for it.
Tsuzuru: A scriptwriting camp… Such a thing exists?
Syu: Scriptwriters that participated in the past have won theater awards overseas, and have been selected for major dramas. The record’s good.
Tsuzuru: I’ve never participated in something like that before. I’m really interested.
Tsuzuru: But, considering the results of 1Q will be announced in three months, I think now’s not the time to participate in something like that…
Tsuzuru: (It’s a tempting new challenge, but given the timing, I don’t think I can accept it.)
Tsuzuru: If there’s a next time, I’d definitely want to participate.
Syu: Got it. I’ll let you know when that time comes.
Syu: As I said before, it’s fine if you stay the way you are, Minagi-sensei.
Syu: If you’re going back to the start, you should ask your past self to teach you about your debut script.
Syu: What do you want to write? That’s the kind of thing that’d appear most clearly in your first work.
Syu: Writing what you want to write’s one of the better parts of working for a particular theater. This sequel is something no one other than you can put out.
Syu: If you get the chance to do what you want, you should take it. Before it gets to a point where you can’t do anything at all, that is.
Tsuzuru: — —
Tsuzuru: (That’s true. He can’t read Hakkaku-san’s sequels anymore.)
Tsuzuru: (And if the rules for the Fleur Award hadn’t changed, we might’ve never brought up the talk of sequels.)
Tsuzuru: (That’s how it was with the original RomiJuli. I just blindly clung to the opportunity given to me.)
Tsuzuru: (Thinking this might be my first and last chance, I was willing to do everything I could.)
Tsuzuru: (Then, now too—)
previous episode | masterpost | next episode
(1) the episode title is two words written in the same way (ポーズ) but denoted just slightly differently, i went with pause and pose by ear
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savage-rhi · 13 days
For the WIP meme:
I wanna hear abouth this "Echoes" Story you are writting. I always am a sucker for a good zombie crawl.
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I don't have this story fully fleshed out, but these are some of the concepts I am working with:
The main character is Sadie Hartman. At the start of the story, its about 2 years into the outbreak and most of the towns, etc. are empty due to people having turned or they evacuated. Due to civilization in her area collapsing, she doesn't know if there is any life outside of Vagabond Valley, her region. Sadie has heard rumors about other states being safe from the outbreak, but the powers that be are keeping her region quarantined from the rest of the world.
Sadie needs glasses and or contact lenses to fully comprehend her surroundings. She's been without for almost 5 months and has had close calls with the Sals, and her right leg is healing from a fracture.
The Sals are the "zombies". They are natural parasitic amphibians (salamander like) to the region, but no one knows where they came from. As far as Sadie is aware, they spread via contaminated water; people accidentally ingesting the eggs.
There are two kinds of Sals that Sadie is aware of: the Screechers and the Lurkers. Screechers have the ability to "mimic" humans or try to tempt survivors into aiding them (screaming like children or babies, calling out someone's name etc). Lurkers are naturally mute and most are blind, but they have something akin to echolocation (they "tap" or "hit" things and listen to where sound bounces off from). Either of these two can end up becoming a Breeder, and these actively seek out certain humans so they can deposit their progeny. They're the most violent and their intelligence is high.
Aside from the Sals, there are small groups of people who are a huge threat to Sadie.
Jude, Maxwell, and Lucy are other characters essential to the plot (also named after Beatles songs)
The region and outbreak location is based on the PNW, towns, and areas where I grew up.
The Sals are metaphorically based on how I visualized my own trauma from violence and sex. I put a lot of my own pain into the story.
There are funny moments in the story, but it has some really, really, dark moments.
The snippet I'm sharing is some texts from notes Sadie later finds in the story as she unravels a potential possibility as to where the Sals originated from (kind of a homage to RE's "Itchy Tasty"):
4/18/2019 I originally interned because of my interest in the lichen growing within the caves, but the little guys have started to grow on me. Prudence being passionate about them has also left an impact. Her field of study is animal behavior in environmental situations. She’s been documenting more of the strange phenomena the animals have been exhibiting. Come to find out some of them are more attracted or fixated on members of the team than others when we go venture down to collect and document.
4/23/2019 I recently found out Caleb has been sneaking one of the little guys bits of doritos. Had to scold him for it, so that Professor S didn’t knock his skull. Some part of me believes maybe that’s why they've been fixated on us, because they were being fed by someone. Prudence was inclined to believe that too. It didn’t however, explain the stalking behavior. The last time Prudence went down, she told me that one of them was being stealthy in the water as it followed alongside her path. Every time she turned to look, it would quickly hide as if not wanting to be caught while it watched her. Predatory animals do that. Humans not wanting to be seen also do that.
4/26/2019 Last night as I slept, one of the containers fell off the ledge near my shelving unit where I had them all and shattered. Given the height, I’m shocked I didn’t wake up to the impact. There was no trace of the salamander, nor signs that it was injured during the fall. I searched everywhere this morning for it, but no luck. Had it somehow gone through my window?
4/30/2019 I feel like a jackass, not being able to help out with our packing for the trip to campus, but my body feels like crap. When I peed earlier before snuggling into bed, there was blood in my urine. As soon as I can get into town I’m going to the hospital.
5/3/2019 Three god damn days and I can’t stop itching. My skin keeps bubbling like I have blisters, and I’m constantly drinking water, or I’m underneath the shower head. The dehydration feels painful like I’ve never had been quenched in my life. Doesn’t help that I think I’m beginning to get cabin fever in my own room. Luckily, no one else is going through what I have. Jesus, maybe the toxins from Sunstone got me? I’m beginning to think this isn’t a normal case of the flu.
5///6?8?--2019 Can’t sleep. Two more showers. Masturbate, and catch a whiff of the air. Itch my body, wrap myself in blankets, and shake. I now have heartburn, and sharp pain in my back. I never had a spinal tap before, but this is an equivalent I guarantee. I can’t stay here anymore. I have to get to a doctor.
5????2019 Professor S smells bad. Very bad. Made me throw up. He came into the room. Had to get rid of it. Smashed his head into the bedpost. Make it go away. He stinks but he’s also tasty. I bit him. It was good. Smelled Prudence. Want to fuck her. Caleb too. First I eat Professor S. Very hungry. Killed Anderson. He looked at me weird. Felt a threat. I’m not alone. Hear something. It’s inside me. It’s inside me. Water. Tasty water. Prudence. Prudence. Prudence. Caleb too. Caught both. Feels good. I. Eat.
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whenthewallfell · 1 year
hey I’m obsessed with your hunger games posts (both the art and the written analysis)
i just reread the series for the first time since I was a teenager and i forgot how hard they slap. I love ur posts about gale (he’s just a mess bitch) (and by bitch i mean character) (but also I mean bitch)
I was wondering if u have any thoughts on finnick (or if u have any fanart of) he’s always been the character I relate to and find the most complex and interesting. i so desperately want to know ur take on the tragedy that is finnick odair. I’m also tempted to send u my own analysis on him but idk if it would be at all appreciated
So there's this kid, right. He's only 14, and already people can tell he's gonna be a looker. Rather than wait for him to get older and have more of a fighting chance, they send him into the annual death match then and there (side note, this is a weird choice for a career district, right? We can all agree that. It's weird.) He wins because he 1. knows he's hot and 2. knows how to use that.
He's smart, resourceful, and understands the value of sex appeal. At 14.
Two years on and he finds out that he's a little too good at the charming Victor act. He's forced into prostitution, not to save himself but the people he loves. (THG is all about self sacrifice, about what we do for others at risk of ourselves. It's the aspect of humanity that Snow exploits throughout the series.)
But he's a survivor. He takes a shitty situation and makes the best of it, building a business around pillow talk and turning himself into the most valuable commodity rumours can buy. He successfully mentors a Victor and falls in love with her knowing full well it puts him AND her in even more danger (sorry to keep harping on about this, but oh look how love is once again its own form of rebellion, gosh it's like it's a running theme or something)
And then he joins THE rebellion, knowing that it will put them all at risk but also realising that if not now, then never. He marries the love of his life, becomes the big brother to K+P (his relationship with them is so sweet I can't even), sheds the Capitol persona that's kept him alive for a decade, begins to heal from all the trauma...
...and dies. No fanfare, no heroic last stand. He dies fleeing for his life, torn apart by monsters, just one more death in a sequence already filled with casualties. Blink and you'll miss it. It almost feels meaningless, and unfortunately that's the point – people die whether we want them to or not. It's devastating, but then so is war.
Finnick is a man built on contradictions. He acts like a playboy but is devoted to one person. He seems arrogant and self absorbed but will do anything to protect those he cares about. He's a main character but he dies like an extra.
And I'm still not over it.
(op thank you I'm amazed anyone's interested in my ramblings, and also absolutely send me your thoughts, I'd love to hear them!)
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