meninzaki · 3 days
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"how are you coping with the new chapters--" well i'm not. what about it.
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gojuo · 5 months
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OKKOTSU YUUTA in JUJUTSU KAISEN The Shibuya Incident: Gate, Close (2023) dir. Shōta Goshozono, prod. MAPPA
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tunamayojazz · 5 months
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off & on duty
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freyzrc · 1 year
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Day 111 & 112 Sorry it's kinda rough I only have so much time to paint in a day 😭 Maybe I'll fix it another day 😭
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just-jordie-things · 2 months
we weren’t just friends - okkotsu yuuta
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word count: 11.9k warnings: heavy second base action (no tops, dry humping) but no smut, swearing, drinking but it’s legal summary: their friends think that if there’s tension between new roomates (y/n) and yuuta, then they should just act on it.  more info: college!au, aged up characters, roommate!au, childhood friends, unrequited(?) love
part one: “face it, you want it, you crave it” ___
Having Yuuta as a roommate was never all that weird for (y/n).  Things sort of just worked out that way, and honestly she was so relieved that she didn’t have to scramble to find a stranger to split the rent with- or face homelessness- that she hadn’t really given it much thought until a few days after he’d moved all of his things in and had settled into their now shared space.
On paper, he was the perfect candidate after all.  They’d been friends for years, having known each other since childhood it was easy to trust him in her space.  He already spent so much time in her dorm when she still lived on campus that having him in her living space didn’t seem like it’d be that much different anyways.  Not to mention she knew him to be tidy and a pretty good cook, so as long as he was able to supply half the rent every month, she was content.
The day he’d moved in she’d been so happy that she’d hardly focused at all on helping him unpack.  Most of her time was spent dancing around to the moving playlist she’d made, and she insisted they jam out while they- he- unpacked his things in the empty room adjacent to hers.  When she wasn’t dancing, she was rambling on about how delighted she was that he agreed to move in with her.  Looking back it was probably a little much, but Yuuta wasn’t overwhelmed by her excitement in the slightest.
As soon as she’d mentioned being on the hunt for a roommate he hadn’t thought twice about offering himself.  They both just so happened to decide to move off campus to find cheaper, and steadier housing.  The market wasn’t all that great so living alone wouldn’t have been possible even if either of them had interest in the roach infested studios in the area.  Even the two bedroom apartment they shared was rather tiny, the living space and kitchen was essentially all one room, and there was only one bathroom, but they made it work.  It was still more affordable than living on campus, and that’s all they cared about.
For the first two weeks it had been fun, even.  It felt like a sleepover with their best friend, but every night.  They spent most nights in cozy pajamas curled up on the couch sharing their favorite movies and swapping snacks.  (y/n) couldn’t believe how lucky she was to have him, and she was happy to tell him so every chance she got.
Yuuta couldn’t believe how lucky he was to get to spend all his free time with her.  No longer did he have to coordinate around both of their schedules in order to have quality time with his favorite person.  If she had to study for the evening and couldn’t hang out, he’d happily sit on her bed scrolling on his phone or reading.  When their friends were free they’d come over unannounced, because either (y/n) or Yuuta were bound to be around to hang out with.
It was just so easy, it almost felt like a dream.  The beginning of having their own space as young adults to do with as they please.  
Yuuta bought a fish tank for their living room, a whole ten gallon aquarium for a pretty betta fish that (y/n) helped him pick out.  They spoiled it with plants and cool rocks for decoration.  They took turns feeding him every three days, and regularly sat in front of his tank to admire him.  If one of them weren’t present, the other would spam their phone with photos and videos of it swimming around, doing next to nothing, with captions full of hearts and emojis to swoon for their pet.
(y/n) spent her freedom a little differently.  
At first it was decorating her new room with a maximalist aesthetic.  Posters, tapestries, string lights, and any strange pretty thing she’d taken a liking to covered her walls so thick that most of it began to overlap.  It could be overstimulating to some- as Maki had remarked when she first visited the place- but she loved it that way.  It took her a full three days to collage a whole wall full of her favorite photos.  Ones from childhood, some from grade school, most from her most recent experiences and adventures through college.  If she were to pull out her phone and snap a photo to make a proper memory of the day, it was likely getting printed out the next day and taped up to the wall.  Soon, those too began to pile up and overlap, but again, she loved it that way.  Even Yuuta began to take pictures for her, printing them out when he found the time and sticking them to the fridge to surprise her.
Once the project that was her room had been tackled and she was satisfied with the home she’d made for herself, her desire for freedom took the form of heavy drinking.  It might have been concerning, Yuuta certainly panicked a little bit when he’d come home from a late study group session and find her dancing around the kitchen with her favorite handle in her clutch and the belting of her favorite song echoing in the small space.  Eventually her time of drinking alone proved to be just a phase, one too many hangovers having taught her a lesson on time and place for drinking hard alcohol straight.  But he did come to learn that she was quite comfortable as a social drinker.  So if the Zen’in twins and Toge were coming over, it wasn’t odd to find a drink in her hand.  At least she started taking his advice and ending the night with a full glass of water and an ibuprofen.
All in all, living together hadn’t been too strange of a milestone for them.  It was fun, it was easy, and they really couldn’t have asked for more out of a roommate.  Being best friends was an added perk that just made it all the more smooth.
Until recently. ___
“I’m tellin’ you,” 
(y/n) huffed as she pulled the straw from her mouth as she spoke.  A signature vodka cranberry mixed to perfection after months of honing the skill of a perfect pour.  Her movements are a little delayed and awkward as she leaned back into the kitchen counter, her elbows coming to rest on it to hold herself up as she leaned her head back dramatically.  Maki, who had only been semi listening to the girl’s ranting, remained silent as she raised a brow at the display.
“I think he’s doin’ it on purpose” (y/n) finished with a mumble.
It was difficult to hear her over the game of mariokart that Yuuta and Toge were currently playing in the living room- they got quite competitive when it came to that game in particular- but Maki caught enough of it to understand where she was going.
She looked over at her sister with only mild interest in her expression.  Mai touched her fingertips to her mouth as she chuckled to herself, finding the situation far more amusing than Maki.
The situation began as simple as this: In order to save time in the mornings when both (y/n) and Yuuta had class, they’d been working on a bathroom schedule in order to optimize their time.  For example, (y/n) had started doing her hair and makeup at a mirror in her room, where she’d sit on the floor and go through her skin care routine, and any other beautification and styling she’d felt inclined to for the day.  That helped a lot with cutting back on hogging the shared bathroom.
Yuuta’s idea of helping to cut back on time, is to go back to his room directly after a shower to dry his hair and get dressed for the day.  It was a great idea in theory, and would definitely save an extra five to ten minutes.
However twice now (y/n) had run into him in the short hall from the bathroom to his room.  She shouldn’t have been so flustered.  Realistically, she wasn’t seeing anything she hadn’t seen before.  There had been plenty of times she’d seen him without a shirt.  In the backyard of the home she’d grown up in they’d often set up a sprinkler to run through.  In high school they’d gotten their volunteer hours in through lifeguarding together.  In their freshman year of college they’d gone to just about every frat party, bonfire, and beach day that was thrown, just to be able to say they had taken on the party scene in their younger years.  Seeing Yuuta shirtless was nothing new.
But twice now she’d practically run into him, with nothing but a towel held around his waist, damp hair sticking to his forehead and falling around his eyes, pale skin still littered with droplets of water, and had he started working out-? 
Even thinking about it now she felt her face heating up.  She shouldn’t have committed that image to memory- but it happened twice already so it couldn’t have been more than her mind staying sharp, right? 
“If he’s doing it on purpose,” Mai’s voice had (y/n) snapping her head up as she crash landed back in reality.  Her blush was obvious to the twins, but she hoped to play it off as the alcohol in her system.
Certainly not the thoughts that had started littering her mind, thoughts that you just don’t have about a best friend and roommate.
“Then why don’t you just do something about it?” Mai finished with a small smile on her face that suggests she has quite a few ideas in mind on how she could fix this problem.
(y/n’s) eyes widen, and she brings her drink back to her lips to ease her racing heart and spiraling thoughts.
“Like what?” She mumbles, as if there was a chance the guys could possibly hear their conversation.
Nothing could compete with the sound effect of a blue shell incoming, and Toge’s defeated screeches.
Maki scoffs before laughing, finally finding entertainment in this whole ordeal (y/n) had gotten herself so worked up about.  The last ten minutes of their girl talk in the kitchen had been for nothing, it seemed, if she wasn’t going to act on her obvious infatuation.
“Just bone?” She suggests with a small laugh.
(y/n) swears her eyes were going to bulge right out of their sockets, and what was meant to be a small sip of her drink turned into a gulp as she sucked a little too harshly on her straw.
“Maki,” Mai hisses, smacking her sister’s arm, before turning back to (y/n).  “She’s not wrong though, that would definitely solve everything” 
“I can’t do that!” (y/n) squeaks.  “I just- it’ll pass, it’s just a little crush, right? That’s normal, right?” 
She looks between the twins for confirmation, validation in her silly feelings that were bound to pass with time.  Mai winces.  Maki rolls her eyes.  This wasn’t looking promising.  But perhaps they were just too eager to set up their friends and see some drama to unfold, so (y/n) decides that their advice might be a bit on the biased side.
“Just test the waters a little first,” Maki suggests, shooting Mai a look as she tries to telepathically tell her to reel it in.  “Dip your toes in a little.  No harm in that, right?”
“You live together, how have you not experimented a little already?” Mai mumbles, her brows furrowing together as her eyes glaze over, as though trying to process how it could be possible.  The calculations simply weren’t adding up.
(y/n) gnaws on the inside of her cheek, and her fingers begin to tap on her glass.
“I guess…” She says, but her uncertainty is obvious.  “Well… how much is a little?” 
The twins burst into laughter, and they’re looking at each other like there’s an inside joke she’s not in on, and (y/n) pouts at them for teasing her in their silent twin way.  This wasn’t the first time, she should be used to feeling like an odd man out when it came to hanging out with these two, but they were her last hope for guidance, so she took what she could.
For now, she determined that Maki and Mai weren’t going to be of much help as they snickered and muttered to one another.  (y/n) couldn’t make out what they were saying exactly, but she gathered enough to realize they were slights against her, and she had enough of the bordering-on-friendly fire.
“I’m playing mariokart” She huffs, strutting out of the kitchen space and across the floor to the living room.  In this small apartment it was an open floor so the couch was only ten feet away, but it was far enough that she couldn’t hear their laughter anymore, and for now that was enough.
Yuuta and Toge were sitting on the sofa, both heavily concentrating on the competitive game.  Their wrists are flicking the switch controllers with precise movements as they steer, but when it comes to using items and drifting, their fingers are smashing buttons viciously.  As she rounds the sofa she eyes the screen, seeing that the pair are battling it out for first place, with Yuuta currently claiming the spot.
That is, until (y/n) plops onto the cushioned armrest right beside him, and he glances up at her out of habit.  The two seconds that he takes to smile up at her- even though she’s watching the screen- is all Toge needs to creep up Yuuta’s character and throw a green shell directly at his kart.
The remote tingles in his hands with a familiar vibration, his character having taken a hit.  Yuuta’s head swivels back to the screen, as he desperately tries to make a comeback, but two other characters have already passed him, and now he’s in fourth place.
“What the hell!?” He groans as he realizes his demise is inevitable.  It was the third lap of the game, and Toge’s Yoshi was about to cross the finish line.  “That was so uncool!” 
Toge’s cackling to himself, proud of his sneaky attack.  He had a feeling it would work, all he needed was the perfect distraction.  And nothing distracted Yuuta like (y/n).
As Yoshi crosses the finish line, Yuuta drops his controller to his lap with a defeated huff.  He leans back into the sofa, head hitting the cushion as he glares at the screen displaying Yoshi’s victory dance, before he turns to (y/n), who gives him a sympathetic smile, before offering her drink to him.
“That was a dirty move,” She sides with him- typical, Toge rolls his eyes at the two of them, which goes unnoticed- “You’ll get him next time” 
Yuuta takes the glass from her hand, sipping from the straw experimentally.  There had been a period of time where her drinks were so strong he was about ready to cut her off from alcohol altogether.  When a perfect mixture of vodka and cranberry juice hits his tongue, he’s pleasantly surprised that it’s not too bitter.  His eyes light up at her before he swallows.  She giggles at the obvious reaction.
“Yeah yeah” She mutters before he could even say anything.  He didn’t have to for her to understand exactly what he was thinking.
Yuuta chuckles at her, before scooting over on the sofa, closer to Toge, so that there was some space for her to sit next to him.
“You want in?” He asks, holding his controller out to her.
She squeezes awkwardly into the small space, her legs still hanging over the armrest, and her back almost completely pressed into his side.  Toge had shifted completely to one side of the couch, giving Yuuta more than enough space to also move so that (y/n) could sit properly.  But neither of them seem to notice the blonde boy’s silent offer.  Or, if they did, they didn’t pay any mind to it.
(y/n) takes the controller with a grin and a nod, and Toge starts up the next round.  Yuuta had chosen Rosalina as his character, a favorite between them that they often fought over so much she was usually off limits when the two of them played.
Despite having a delayed start because Yuuta had finished the last race somewhere in the middle of the lineup, (y/n) makes a good comeback for the both of them.  He cheers for her, leaning forward in his seat again as though he were still focused on the game for his own win.  (y/n) remained in a relaxed position slumped back against him, her fingers moving with swift ease over the controller.
She giggled at the way Yuuta was on the edge of his seat, literally, sipping down the rest of her drink as he watched her play.  He threw out advice when she picked up items, and winced for her when she took a hit.
“Use that! Throw it! Throw it at-!” 
“Yuuta you’re being a backseat driver” (y/n) said calmly, keeping the red shell in her inventory despite his demands.  
Toge barks out a laugh, still coasting in first place without much competition from the computers.  But (y/n) was quickly gaining on him, drifting and gliding past the other spots with ease, and Yuuta began to realize her strategy.  With a knowing grin on his face he leans back into the couch again, and puts his faith in her abilities.
She kicked his ass most of the time when they played one on one anyways.
Soon enough she was in second place and Yoshi was in sight.  Yuuta’s hand happily tapped at her shoulder, giddy with his excitement.  Toge had gone eerily silent as he put all of his focus in remaining in first.  But his efforts were wasted, without an item to defend himself, (y/n) was able to take him out with one blow, stealing first place for herself and crossing the finish line on the final lap shortly after.
She raised her arms victoriously, but even more excited than her was Yuuta, who bragged in Toge’s face before wrapping his arms around his roommate and congratulating her on her win.  She laughed, her head falling back on his shoulder as she laughed at his antics.
He beamed at her, and even though it was silly, there was no doubt in her mind that his pride in her was anything but authentic.  Yuuta was just like that.  He celebrated even the most minor of conquests.
Toge tossed the controller onto the coffee table with a string of curses muttered under his breath.
“Good timing,” Maki calls, dangling her keys in her hand and catching their attention.  “Are you crashing here or are you leaving with us?” 
(y/n) lifts her head up from Yuuta’s shoulder, peeking over the back of the couch at the twins who suddenly had their shoes on.  She gives them a pout.
“Leaving so soon?” 
“We’ve been here for eight hours” Mai giggles.
“It’s one in the morning you maniac” Maki rolls her eyes.
“You could just spend the night,” (y/n) offers, her features brightening up at the idea.  “Sleepover-!” 
“No,” Maki shakes her head firmly, despite Mai’s excited expression at the idea.  “We have class in the morning, we’ll do it another time, okay?” 
(y/n) nods, satisfied with that answer.
Toge shuffles off the couch, giving a bitter congratulations to the winning pair of mariokart, although he made it clear to Yuuta that he only won because (y/n) took over.
They bid their friends goodbye, promising to meet up again at some point soon, knowing fully well they wouldn’t make a plan, and someone was bound to show up on their doorstep without invitation tomorrow or the next day.
And then it was just (y/n) and Yuuta.
She was still tucked under his arm, he was still drinking the remnants of the drink she’d made for herself but had conveniently forgotten about so he could have the last of it.
“Are you going to bed, too?” She asks him, and he chuckles at her desire for staying up late.
They’d always been opposites in that aspect.  
(y/n) was a night owl through and through, whether party mode was on or not.  She was most productive when the sun went down.  It wasn’t odd to find her studying or doing chores at odd hours of the night.  He’d actually had to tell her she couldn’t vacuum in the middle of the night, claiming she was going to make their neighbors complain.  But it was a treat for him to wake up and find the apartment spotless and organized.
Meanwhile Yuuta was an early to rise kind of guy.  He had a decent morning routine for himself that involved an alarm going off at eight in the morning every morning, and it wasn’t often he broke that routine.  He’d be up for a few hours before (y/n) would drag herself out of bed and into the kitchen for breakfast- which was usually waiting for her on the counter.
“It is the middle of the night now,” He tells her, before checking his phone.  “Actually it’s not technically night anymore, it’s Friday morning”
(y/n) frowned at him.  He chuckles again.
“Fine, fine” (y/n) starts to sit up, but doesn’t go too far.  She pulls her legs onto the cushion beneath her, and then turns to face him properly.
For some reason when she looks up at him again, she’s brought back to her conversation with the Zen’in twins, and she can’t help but wonder what they would have advised her to do if she’d stuck around for the rest of their conversation.  She wondered if Yuuta had ever experienced this dilemma, or if she was the only one creating the tension in the apartment.  She wondered if he even felt it.
“Som’thin’ on your mind?” Yuuta asks after a few beats of silence pass.  His eyebrows furrow in the slightest, and (y/n’s) expression eases into something calmer.  She must’ve been thinking too hard, she supposes.
“Not really, just had a weird talk with Maki and Mai” She tries to brush it off as not a big enough deal worth talking about, but for some reason, this seems to catch his interest.
“Oh yeah?” He muses curiously.  “Don’t tell me they want to move in-” 
“No!” (y/n) let out a burst of laughter as she shook her head.  “Where did that come from? Where would they even stay?” She asks, gesturing to the small space around them.  Yuuta laughs with her, shrugging his shoulders.
“My thoughts exactly,” He agrees quietly, as though they were keeping it a secret just between them.  “But everyone hangs out here all the time, I don’t want them getting any ideas,” He says, half seriously.  “This is our sweet deal,”
Yuuta laughs again, but this time when she laughs along with him it’s soft, almost unsure.  Her heart flutters in her chest at the sentiment he shares for having this place with her.  Even after all this time, she feels relief in waves of warmth when he voices his happiness here.
“What is it then?” He asks.  He leans back into the couch cushion, but keeps his eyes on hers.  She tilts her head and hums in question.  “Your weird talk,” He reminds her, “What was it about?” 
“Oh,” (y/n) drops her gaze from his, her face warming up at the idea of admitting to him what they’d been talking about.
I’ve just been thinking about you shirtless a lot lately, and sometimes I can’t sleep over it just doesn’t seem to be an appropriate thing to say to a long time best friend who she now lives with.
“They were just asking questions about what it’s like to live together” She settles on a half lie.  They had been curious about the living situation.  She didn’t necessarily have to disclose that Mai found it unthinkable that they were able to share a living space and not tear each other’s clothes off… right?
“For us to live together?” Yuuta raises a brow.  (y/n) tucks her hands into her lap and nods.  
She tries to get comfortable leaning her back against the arm rest, but everytime his gaze falls on her, it feels heavier than usual, and she struggles to sit still.  Her hands fiddle in her lap, she squirms in her seat, and she can only hold his eye contact for a minute at a time.  Did he always look at her like that? She wondered when she dared to meet those deep blue irises again.  Was it the few drinks he’d had that made them look darker? Or was she seeing things? 
“Why was that so interesting?” He asks.  “I mean, it’s been six months,” 
Again, her heart flutters at the thought of him knowing exactly how long they’d been living together.  Or maybe she was being stupid and he was just keeping track of the rent.
“What’s so interesting about now?” 
(y/n) shrugs, a small smile on her face that she can’t help.  “I don’t know” 
But he sees through the statement, especially with that smile on her face that tells him there was more she wasn’t telling him.  Curiosity gets the best of him, and he raises a brow at her.
“Well,” He ponders, “What were they so curious about?” 
(y/n) drags her bottom lip between her teeth as she narrows her eyes at him, proving that she could read him well, too, and she could tell that he was trying to pry even though she’d been repeatedly dismissing the subject.
“Nosy tonight,” She scolds him as she kicks her legs out to throw them over his, stretching the sore muscles from sitting on her feet for too long.  “Were you eavesdropping, Okkotsu?” 
“No,” He lets out a small laugh.  “Though now I wish I had been, since you’re being unusually cryptic about it” 
“Unusual?” She repeats the word in a drawl, tilting her head and pretending to think it over.  “I wouldn’t say unusual,” She argues softly.  “I don’t tell you everything” 
“Yes you do” Yuuta replies matter of factly, his expression doesn’t even flicker.  (y/n) blinks at him.
“Oh yeah? Tell me something you haven’t told me then” He challenges, his lips curling into a smile.
She huffs, and quickly tries to rack her brain for something she’d kept from him.  Secrets and embarrassing moments fly through her train of thought as she tries to latch onto a memory that she was sure she hadn’t shared with him.
Her eyes light up as she finally remembers something she’s sure he didn’t know.
“Oh!” She leans forward with eager anticipation to prove him wrong.  “Remember my first boyfriend? In middle school?”
Yuuta raised a brow, but nodded in confirmation.
“On our first date, he took me out-” 
“Mhm,” Yuuta hums, recalling the details of that date without much thought at all.  “Bowling” He said calmly.
“Right,” (y/n) chuckles, flustering a bit that he already seemed to remember the event as easily as she had.  “Well, at the end of the date, when we were waiting outside for his mom to pick us up, he’d asked if he could kiss me while we were alone, before she got there,” Her words are a little slurred, which she was quick to mentally blame on the few drinks she’d had.  “But I told him n-” 
“- you told him no because you ate chili fries while you were bowling and you didn’t want him to taste it and then he kissed you anyways and you slapped him on instinct and he was a little whiner about it and said you did taste like chili fries and you smacked him again” Yuuta filled in the rest of the story, his head rested back against the cushion again, as though he was bored just from retelling it.
(y/n) blinked, her lips parting into an ‘o’ shape as she realized maybe he did know everything about her already.  Should it have been obvious to her from his confidence on that matter? Probably.  Did she still feel a determination to find something, anything, that he didn’t know? Definitely.
At her lack of response, Yuuta rolled his head to the side, a lazy smirk tugging on his lips when he regarded her soft surprise.  Her eyes narrow in the slightest at him, playful mockery of his know-it-all attitude.
“Well, then,” (y/n) scoffed as she took on a refreshed attitude when it came to rubbing in his face that she knew something he didn’t.  “I suppose you already knew that the twins were curious about how you and I seem to manage living together without some kind of netflix-romcom-level sexual tension” 
The teasing tone in her voice and eager gleam in her eye seem to disappear as soon as the words come out and she realizes what she’s just said.  In slow motion, and as her face falls into one of regret, she realizes two things.
One, that by addressing the sexual tension, whether it existed or not, it instantly thickened in the air.  All at once she’s aware of it.  Suddenly the weight of her legs in his lap is so heavy she feels a desire to curl up into him completely.  Yuuta has one arm draped over the back of the couch cushions in her direction, his hand hangs loosely just in front of her shoulder.  If she were to lean forward in the slightest movement, his fingers would graze her sweater.  His other hand lays on her knee, and sporadically he taps his index finger against it.  Sometimes she thinks he’s playing a familiar beat that’s been stuck in his head, too, but then he pauses and she loses track of figuring out what song that is.  Even her breathing is suddenly manual, and she’s afraid if she sucks in a breath too sharp, he’ll question it.  So she takes slow, shallow breaths, barely filling her lungs with oxygen.  Was that why she was getting so dizzy? 
Two, now that she’s admitted what her and the twins had been talking about earlier, (y/n) fears that she’ll have to confess that the reason they were talking about the sexual tension was because she’d created the sexual tension- and yet she had gone to them to blame him for it.
Yuuta blinks, his brows furrowing at first, as though to process the information, but he just as quickly relaxed his face and pursed his lips, giving her a small nod.
(y/n) doesn’t dare utter a word.  Instinct claws up her throat and begs her to take it back, make a joke and apologize to smooth it over and hopefully they’d never mention it again.  The words die before she can utter them.  She remains frozen beside him, focused on his every microexpression, hoping to figure out what he was thinking before he voiced it.
“I see,” He says, a small smile gracing his features that has her relaxing just a little bit.
Yuuta can feel her weight shifting as she sinks further into the couch cushion.  He could sense her nerves from a mile away, so he spoke carefully, hoping not to spook her into retreating early.
Comfortingly, his hand smooths over her knee, long fingers grazing her thigh from the short caress.
“I don’t think I would’ve guessed that,” He admits with a chuckle through his nose.  His eyes flicker over to hers, watching her closely.  Her cheeks are pink, and her gaze shifts between his eyes at a faster rate than usual.  She’s still anxious.  “But I can’t say I’m surprised” 
Her lips twitch with a curious emotion Yuuta can’t read as well as before.  Her brows pinch and then relax.  She’s reading him, he thinks.  His mind is a little hazy from the few drinks he’s had, so he might be seeing things that aren’t there, but he’s equally intrigued by the conversation.
“You don’t think it’s weird?” She asks.  Her voice is quiet, but he doesn’t mistake it for uncertainty.  In fact, he can tell just how genuinely interested she is in obtaining his thoughts.  Just as he is, she’s on the edge of her seat, and only pushing further to see where this new line of thought would lead them both.  “Living together, I mean” She clarifies, unnecessarily.
The pad of his finger taps against her knee, once, and then twice.  His lips purse and she watches the movement with her breath hitched in her throat.  The room was getting hot from the thickening tension that she’d created.  It was almost uncomfortable, her body screamed for her to get up from this couch, pull herself from where she was half draped over his lap and put as much distance between them while she still could.  She was approaching a line between them that she’d never even tiptoed across before, and she wasn’t sure what lied on the other side, but god, she was just dying to find out.
“Weird? Not in the slightest” Yuuta murmurs honestly.  She can tell from the way his eyes lock onto hers that he does mean it, and relief flooded her.  Before it came back in the form of excitement, and now her skin was buzzing everywhere that their bodies were touching.
“You’re not just saying that?” She double checks, leaning forward off of the arm rest to study him up close.  
They were already close enough, but there was a quiet desire in the back of her mind longing to push closer, until she could make out the individual swirls of blue in his irises.  Her lips curve into a soft, lovely smile as she admires him, and Yuuta fights the way his own breath chokes up in his throat.
“You really don’t think it’s weird we’ve never…” She trails off, her head shaking in a small movement, just enough to make a few stray hairs fall into her eyes.  “I dunno, like, even kissed or anything?” 
His eyes grow rounder at the question, widening just a little bit, but enough for her to notice.  She knew such a blunt question would make him nervous, Yuuta always grew nervous at any sort of romantic prospect.  He’d been that way since they were kids.  If he had a crush on someone it was obvious, but as soon as (y/n) would press about it, he’d get red in the face and begin to stutter.  It had always been cute, if not a little silly.  But now it had her curious as to why.  They’d been friends for so long, and even now that they were older, it was like his initial response to such questioning would make him shut down.
‘You could bring girls here, you know,’ She’d told him once, shortly after they’d settled into the apartment.  ‘I could even leave for the night.  Stay with the twins, or somethin.  That way it’s not weird’ 
He’d laughed, and given her a puzzled look, like the mere idea was ridiculous, like he didn’t even understand what she was suggesting.  The pink in his cheeks told her he knew fully well what she was saying.  She’d returned the confused look at the time.  ‘Don’t you want to bring girls here?’ She’d asked point blank.
‘N-no, well, maybe,’ His response was immediate but he had no clue what he was saying.  ‘I just haven’t thought about it’ He’d said instead.
She’d teased him for it, but dropped the subject.  It might’ve been entertaining to watch him squirm, but she didn’t want to make him uncomfortable.  So she’d simply reminded him that it was alright with her.  Followed by, ‘I mean, you wouldn’t mind if I brought someone here, would you?’ 
He’d stared at her for a minute, his answer not as instantaneous as the last.  His heart lurched to his throat, or perhaps it had been bile, and he found himself biting down on his tongue to keep from speaking too quickly.  His expression hadn’t flickered even for a moment, remaining neutral as she stared at him, awaiting his response.
Yuuta hadn’t said a word.  He simply shook his head, and then left the conversation completely by returning to his studies, hoping that giving his attention back to his textbook would drop the topic.  It had worked, she’d moved on right away, and it hadn’t been brought up since.
Neither one of them had brought a visitor to the apartment, besides their friends who frequented regularly.  There were no dates, no lovers, no visitors of the night snuck in, or even mentioned.  Pondering it now, Yuuta supposes there were very few things she didn’t tell him.  Then again, he didn’t exactly have an interest in knowing those things.  In fact, the mere idea of it had bile rising in his throat.
Yuuta arched a brow at her, silently questioning her train of thought.  Since that conversation early on in their roommate-ship, (y/n) rarely brought up this sort of topic.  Occasionally she had a date, but nothing seemed to last longer than a couple of weeks, and she didn’t talk much about those events in detail.  Always beginning with a simple ‘I have a date tonight’ and later followed up with ‘it didn’t work out’ and a shrug as she’d cozy up to him on this very sofa.  Yuuta never met any of the people she’d go out with.  (y/n) never offered him to.  They left it that way, unspoken, and simple.
Well, it wasn’t all that simple at all.  The nights she’d spend out of the house on these mystery dates Yuuta found himself sitting frozen and staring off into space, letting time lapse slowly as he waited for her return.  A part of him hoped no one ever lingered at the door, so he wouldn’t have to see who it was she spent her time with, who it was that was her type.  
But another part of him, the part that he tried to bury deep down, longed to look one of these men in the eyes, just once.  He wouldn’t even say anything, he was sure he wouldn’t need to.  If he could get one good look at them, he was sure he could make it clear just how undeserving of her time they were.  Because at the end of the day, she had him, and she had him in every way that mattered.  Since they were children, he’d been there, showing her what true love really looked like, felt like.  He was there for every important event and milestone.  He was here now, sharing a living space with her.  And he’d be there for everything that came next.  Because he cared about her.  Because he loved her.
And when she had him the way that she did, wrapped around a perfectly manicured finger, how could anyone else be remotely deserving of her? 
The gears in Yuuta’s mind are operating as fast as they can, spinning and whirring as he tries to decipher where exactly she’s going with this.  But the alcohol in his system has him under a haze, and he realizes he has yet to give her an answer to her question.
He clears his throat, and his lips twitch into an amused smile as he locks eyes with her.
“Is kissing the true evaluation of roommates?” He asks, a teasing lilt to his voice that has her blushing and rolling her eyes at him.  
A chuckle rumbles from his chest as the back of her hand smacks into his shoulder, the action soft, as though she were trying to be gentle with him, as though he were fragile, even with his broad shoulders and lean muscle built into his body.
He can’t help but tease again, for the sole purpose of seeing her continue to fluster before him.  The idea of making her forget how to behave around him after all this time has his heart skipping a beat, and a mischievous glint flashes in his eyes.
“What exactly are the Zen’ins feeding you, hm?” He asks, and she struggles to look him in the eye now.
“I wasn’t trying to suggest- they just- they got in my head…” She huffs defeatedly, her bottom lip sticking outwards in a small pout.  Yuuta’s eyes catch the plump pink skin, and they linger there for a moment longer than they should’ve before meeting her gaze again.  Her eyes have noticeably widened, proving he’d been caught, but he doesn’t feel as much anxiety about it as he should have.
“So what,” He speaks curiously.  “Are you asking me to kiss you?”
A small laugh escapes her, a tinkly little sound that is exhaled with the breath she’d been holding.  Yuuta’s lips quirk upwards at the nervous response, his excitement getting the best of him the longer he watches her shift her gaze and fluster.  Why this had been on her mind, he didn’t quite understand, but in their current predicament, he didn’t care too much to peel it back layer by layer.
“I didn’t-” (y/n) starts to shake her head, but her uncertainty overcomes her and she tries to switch gears.  “I don’t know… I guess they made me sort of… curious” She admits bashfully.  Her eyes focus on her fiddling hands in her lap before turning the question onto him.  “Is that weird?” Her voice is quiet again.  “Have you ever… I dunno… thought about it?” 
The hand that he had resting before her shoulder reached out then, fingertips barely grazing along the soft material of her cable knit sweater.  His gaze followed the motion as his fingers twitched and moved further on their own accord, stopping at the hem of the neckline, just before skin could touch skin.  He looks back at her, surprised to find her attention locked on him again.
All of the fucking time, his brain is so loud it almost overpowers the heartbeat pouding in his ears.  I don’t think I’ve ever truly stopped thinking about you.
“I suppose you’ve got me thinking about it now” Is what he says, quiet and smooth, although the blush on his cheeks betrays him and makes him appear a little softer than he was going for.  (y/n’s) lips twitch into a smile nonetheless, relieved again that he hadn’t made a fool out of her for admitting such a thing.
When she leans closer to him, his fingers finally graze against the side of her neck, and he wastes no time in sliding his large hand around the nape of her neck, not quite pulling her any closer than she’d already brought herself, but the presence of his hand is firm, making sure she won’t distance herself too soon.
“Do you want to?” She asks, her eyes lighting up with an excitement he’d sparked as soon as he’d validated her curiosities.  Her voice holds the silly eagerness of a girl much younger than she is.  A schoolgirl with a crush, Yuuta thinks to himself as he eyes her bright eyes and slowly growing grin.
The hand on her knee flexes with anticipation, giving her leg a slight squeeze.  He wants to say all the right things, he wants to do all the right things, because jesus christ this was a once in a lifetime opportunity and Yuuta could not afford to waste even a second of it.  He wanted to commit it all to memory, her soft voice, the smell of her perfume, the curve of her lips, the stars in her eyes- there was so much of her to take in, and not nearly enough time for him to adore it all properly.  With hooded eyes he studied every feature as best he could, wishing he could slow down time, or even freeze it altogether.
“Yeah,” He mumbles, and the word drawls out of his mouth in a long sigh as his eyes move between hers and her lips with a longing she’d never seen on him before.
If she didn’t know any better, (y/n) might have thought that look was desperation.
“Yeah, I want to,” He repeats a little louder, and he moves closer to her then, invading her space and clouding all of her senses with him.
His eyes, dark from how blown out his pupils had grown, his low almost raspy voice, the lingering remains of his musky cologne, the way his tongue barely poked out of his mouth to wet his lips- her heartbeat was racing, and her hand trembled as she reached out to place it against his collarbone.  Her touch was feather light, almost experimental despite having touched him on plenty of occasions before, just never quite like this.
Her long lashes flickered quickly as she too struggled with where to look.  When their gaze caught in passing, Yuuta gave the back of her neck a gentle squeeze, silently instructing her to hold his stare.
“You’re sure?” He asks softly, and she almost laughs at how thoughtful the question is.  How thoughtful he is.  But she doesn’t.  Instead, she gives him a sweet smile and a shrug of her shoulders.
“It’s just a kiss, right?” She murmurs, blissfully unaware of just how worked up Yuuta’s gotten himself over the prospect of just a kiss.  
He doesn’t wait for further confirmation.  He simply draws her closer by the back of her neck.  Her eyes flutter shut and she tilts her chin forward in the most miniscule of movements, and yet he can read her anticipation with ease.
Her breath hitches in her throat, and Yuuta’s closing the rest of the distance as his lips touch hers.
For half a second they’re both frozen, paralyzed by the sudden fear that there was no taking this back, there was no going back from this.  (y/n’s) blood ran cold in that brief moment, worried that Yuuta also realized this was a grave mistake.
But then his mouth moves over hers.  His warm lips catch hers with a soft yet determined kiss, and she gives into every temptation that consumes her.
Her hand presses into his chest a little harder, before her fingers are curling into the soft cotton of his tee shirt.  Her other hand falls against his shoulder when he tugs her closer in a moment of thoughtless desire.  Yuuta pulls her by her knee, sliding her closer until her legs drape completely across his, the curve of her ass flush with his thigh.  As soon as he does it he panics again that he’s made a mistake and taken this experiment of a kiss too far, but she responds so eagerly, with a quiet hum against his mouth and her hand curling around his neck as she deepens their kiss.
For a kiss on a whim between friends, (y/n) kisses him with the fervor of a woman starved, and Yuuta internally struggles on where the boundary between them currently lies.  His hand twitches on her thigh, squeezing the plush of her leg and aching to move, to explore the rest of her warm and inviting body, to touch her everywhere he could reach.  He has to hold her a little tighter just to fight the urge.
(y/n) is less worried about taking strides across the gray area of a boundary between them.  The hand on his neck slides into his hair, scratching at his scalp before her fingers tangle into the dark tresses.  She gives it a small tug, and his lips part against hers as he gasps, before chuckling quietly at her curiosity.  He feels her smile against him before she’s pressing closer again.  Her tongue darts over his swollen bottom lip, and she gives him no time to react to the hot and wet sensation before she’s capturing his lips again.
Yuuta wasn’t sure what he should’ve predicted when they’d drunkenly admitted to sharing a curiosity for kissing one another, but he hadn’t expected this.  Her hands have a tight hold on him, on his shirt and in his hair, and her sweet, cranberry flavored lips feel relentless as she slots them into his again and again.  He supposes he’s treating this little experiment the same, meeting each of her kisses with the same amount of heated excitement.  He tries not to think about when he’s supposed to stop, when he’s supposed to pull away and say ‘well that answers that.  Goodnight!’.  So for now he pretends that moment won’t come.
On the other hand, (y/n) knows she should stop.  She knows she should pull away from his addictive lips and release her shackles from him before she gets carried away.
But she’s already too far gone, isn’t she?
Shakily, she releases his shirt, and her hand blindly maps across his shoulder, then down his arm.  Her touch is light but the tips of her fingers burn across his skin.  His muscles are taut, and she wonders if he’s flexing to be impressive or if he’s filled with so much anticipation he’s fighting the urge to go further.  When her hand reaches his it stills, and she presses her palm into the back of his hand where it lies on her leg.
A shudder escapes her and she pants softly into his mouth, breaking their kiss as she grabs his hand a little tighter, and moves it.
Yuuta breaks away instantly, wide eyes meeting hers and an apology on the tip of his tongue.  But before she can pull his hand away from her, he realizes she’s holding it to place it somewhere else, not to pull it away.
She blinks her eyes open lazily as she sits up further, curving one of her legs across his lap, setting her knee down beside his hip.  Yuuta follows her movements in a daze, his hooded eyes flitting across her body as he watches her straddle his lap and settle back into him carefully.  She’s slow, agonizingly slow, giving him ample time to halt her, to say the word that he was done and his curiosity had been satiated.
He doesn’t.
Her hand pushes his again, guiding it up to her waist, and then down over her hip.
“This okay?” She mumbles, and his gaze moves from where she’s still lowering his hand.  He tilts his head back as he looks up at her, and the look in his eyes has her melting right in his lap.  Her free hand spreads out over his chest, fingers stretching as far as she can reach to feel as much of his heated skin through his tee shirt as she could.
He looks at her with his pupils so blown they almost eat up every last splash of blue in his irises.  His lips are swollen and parted as he takes in quiet, heavy breaths.  He nods at her lazily, drunkenly, and she wonders if it’s from the alcohol or from her.
When she pushes his hand under her ass, she doesn’t have to guide him any further.  He squeezes into the supple flesh right away.  She giggles quietly before his other hand is pulling her into him again and smashing her lips against his.
They’re much closer now, it had taken little to no effort for him to pull her into his chest, and their hips collided at the sudden movement.
All she thinks about as she tangles her hands in his hair and parts her lips for his tongue to lazily explore her mouth are those couple of times she’s caught him in a towel fresh out of the shower.  How she’d scurried into her room and tried to ease her mind of the dark thoughts he’d made blossom.  She thinks about how there hadn’t been anything to quite satisfy those thoughts.  Ignoring them did nothing, acting on them in the safety of her room and her hand down her panties made them worse, and even now she feels tortured by the image, making her ache for more, more, more.  Nothing was quite enough.
His teeth sink into her bottom lip and she whimpers, her brows pinching as her hips stutter against her will.  She feels as though she should apologize for grinding on him so shamelessly, she could feel what this makeout session was doing to him after all, but he doesn’t seem to want an apology.  His hands grip her hips and he pulls her down again, dragging her slowly over the growing hardness in his pants with a low groan.
The guttural sound reverberating from his chest only spurs her on, and she complies with the rhythm he sets on her hips, slow and painful.  Their kiss breaks as she lets out a few soft pants, but she never fully catches her breath as she grinds into him.
She can’t help but peek her eyes open at him, falling in love with the way his eyes are screwed shut and his lips are parted as small moans fall from his mouth.  The sight makes something spark send a jolt of pleasure down her tummy and to her core.  She knew she should’ve given him a quick peck of the lips and called it a night, because she’s not sure she could muster the strength to stop where she so desperately wanted this to go.
As though annoyed that she’d stopped kissing him for too long, Yuuta pulls her in again, his hand curling around the back of her neck as his lips plant hot kisses down her throat.  A high pitched gasp escapes her as his mouth drags along her skin between each kiss, and her hands are curled into his long hair again.  Her hips stutter in their pace, but he has no issue with grabbing them tighter and guiding them back through his favorite rhythm.
His mouth lingers at what little of her collarbones are exposed, leaving wetter kisses there as he appreciates them as fully as he could, before traveling up the side of her neck.  His teeth barely graze the sensitive skin, and he’s dying to mark up every inch of her, but he restrains himself from doing so, instead compromising for lingering nips and gentle sucks against her skin.
“So fucking beautiful,” He praises in a husky murmur, biting down on a particularly sensitive spot just under her jaw.  He’s rewarded with a sudden rut of her hips and a pretty little moan as she angles her head further back to expose more of her neck to him.  He soothes the spot with a painfully slow drag of his tongue before kissing it sweetly.  “So perfect, so perfect f’me” 
The praise sends her into a dizzy spell so strong she’s not sure she’s still on earth with him.  This must be another universe, maybe heaven, maybe a dream.  Her fingers fall from his hair, tugging at the collar of his shirt with an irritated whine.
When she tugs a few more times and he doesn’t get the hint, she throws her hands against his chest defeatedly.
“Yuu” She whines, and the sound of his name has his dick twitching in his pants, which he’s certain she could feel.  His face flushes with embarrassment, but she just as quickly grinds into him with a roll of her hips.
He hums questioningly against the side of her neck, before tilting his head and kissing his way to the other side to give it attention too.  She sighs, half irritated, half pleasured, as he sweeps her hair to the other shoulder with one brush of his hand.  (y/n) continues to paw at his shirt, bunching up as much material at his shoulders as she could, her desperate attempts were weak, barely exposing the skin of his abdomen.  When he still didn’t comply with her unspoken desire, she opted to reach for the skin that she could get her hands on.
Yuuta’s abs tensed and he shuddered as her fingers ghosted over the exposed skin.  At first she barely trailed her fingertips over the muscle, but watching him twitch and shiver had her eager to slide her hands up his stomach, eagerly mapping their way up his chest, and pushing the rest of his shirt upwards on their mission.
His face is completely red as he watches her heavy gaze admiring his body.  He wants to laugh and remind her that she’s seen him without a shirt many times before now, and he’s never seen her look at him like this, but her eyes are darkened with lust and his voice is stuck in his throat, so he doesn’t say anything.
Instead, when the hem of his tee shirt is bunched up at his chest, he leans forward off the couch cushion, and takes his hands off of her hips so he could grab his shirt from the back, lifting it over his head in one quick yank.  (y/n) watches with her lip between her teeth as his hair falls back in his face, and he’s left shirtless before her.
The idea of slowing this down now is far from either of their minds.  She hums with appreciation as her hands smooth along his collarbones, fingers drawing loopy shapes into his skin as they travel down his chest, slowly exploring the skin she’d been fantasizing about for weeks now.  His blush runs down his neck and stops just short of his collarbones, and (y/n) admires every inch of it.
Eventually her stare is too intense and Yuuta begins to stir, wrapping his hands around her hips once more to pull her against his chest before his lips meet hers.  It’s a slow kiss at first, and her tongue brushes over his in a way that almost feels sweet.  He could still taste the vodka and cranberry juice in her mouth, and he swears it's enough to get him buzzed.  But as his hands climbed her hips and dipped below the hem of her sweater, she picked up her pace, and he could feel quick puffs of air from her nse hitting his cheek.
She’s getting worked up again, and he’s eager to see just how far he could push her before she gives in completely.
He pulls her in close enough that her hands dart back into his hair, gripping at the back of his head tight enough that he couldn’t tear his lips from hers if he wanted to.  Not that he’d want to, with how drunkenly she’s sucking at his lower lip and whimpering into his mouth with every roll of her hips.
Learning she’s so vocal when she’s turned on was a mistake on Yuuta’s part.  Because now all he longed to do was find all the right things that made her tick and do it more.  Every strained whine and whimper was music to his ears, wordless praise that he was doing something right, and he’d be damned before he found every spot that had her making those sweet noises for him.
Calloused hands roam over her abdomen, feeling it dip as she inhales sharply, and smirking against her mouth when he reaches higher, skimming the hem of her bra.
Unlike him, she wastes no time at all.  Leaning back from their kiss abruptly, and grabbing her oversized sweater from the bottom and pulling it over her head with great urgency.  Yuuta’s eyes fall to her chest instantly, wide and eager as they take in the simple red bra and how pretty the color makes her tits look.  The thin lace on the edges complimenting the swell of her chest so beautifully he hopes he commits this image to memory.
Now it’s her turn to fluster and blush while he unabashedly stares.  And she could tease him, remind him that he’s seen her in a bikini, that this was the same amount of skin he’s been gifted to see before, but she finds herself growing bashful under his heavy gaze.  She can feel the way his eyes take a mental picture of her before he finally leans forward to enjoy the exposed skin further.
“Fuck,” He mumbles, lips brushing over her clavicle before kissing downwards, between the valley of her breasts.  “You really are s’fucking beautiful, y’know that?” His words are slurred as his hands roam up her sides and hesitate just before reaching her chest.  “Can I touch you, pretty girl?” 
The praise and pet name swirl in her mind in a sweet haze that gets her high.  She gives a soft mhm and a nod of her head before his hands gently cup over her chest, squeezing with a surprising softness into the warm flesh.  Yuuta continues to kiss along the exposed skin he could reach, her collarbones, the swell of her tits, her shoulders, his lips dragged over every inch, making sure to disperse his attention diligently.  
“So beautiful,” He sings praises between each kiss, noticing the way it has her squirming in his lap.  “So perfect, every part of you” 
He grabs her hands by the wrists, pulling them up to his shoulders, until her fingers twitch and reach for his hair again.  Her hips roll over his with a quiet moan.  He lifts his head at the noise, a lazy smirk on his lips as he gazes up at her.  She furrows her brows at him as she moves her hips again, trying to get more friction between them.
His hands squeeze her tits simultaneously, before his left thumb drags over the thin material covering them, finding her hardened nipple with ease and rolling over it teasingly.
“Yuuta,” She sighs, tilting her head at him as her gaze drags slowly down his body, the desire in her eyes obvious.  
It made the room thick with sexual tension, and they both only grew hotter in temperature the longer this was dragged out.  When her eyes met his again it was undeniable what she was thinking.  Her every want and desire was clear solely from her eyes focused on his, and how her fingers tightened in his hair, pulling him close to her face, but not quite kissing him.
His hands slid up her chest, fingertips prodding at the lacy cups of her bra until it gave way and he could slide his hands over the soft skin beneath.  Her bottom lip quivers with what she wants to say next.
“Yuu, I-” 
A sharp rap of a fist against their door has them jolting back to reality with a harsh swivel of both heads turning towards the sound.  Without thought Yuuta’s hands fall to her waist and he pulls her into him, instinctively covering her barely exposed body if someone was to let themselves into the apartment.  But the door doesn’t move, and the knocking persists.
“What the- it’s two in the morning,” (y/n) mumbles with a brow furrowed in confusion.  “Who could-?” 
The pair lock eyes as realization floods over them at the same time.  Oh.
“Shit” Yuuta curses, and (y/n) quickly scurries off of his lap as she begins searching for their discarded articles of clothing.  
Yuuta’s faster, tossing her a shirt and pulling one on for himself as he gets up off the couch and quickly heads for the door.  He glances down at his pants with a wince, trying to adjust the obvious hard on, but to no use.  He tugs as far as he can at the hem of his sweater to cover it.  It’s a half decent job, and as he approaches the door he hopes it’s enough to hide it.  He gives (y/n) a quick look to make sure she was decent.
She’s still sitting on the couch, her head peeking over the cushions curiously as he goes to open the door.  Her hair is a mess, and her cheeks are flushed, both obvious giveaways to what she’s been up to for the last fifteen minutes.  Yuuta’s sure he doesn’t look any better, and his hands rush to his head to smooth his hair down before he finally grabs the door knob and swings it open.
“What?” He greets Toge with more annoyance than usual, and the blonde on the other side of the door raises a brow at the tone.
Lavender eyes sweep over Yuuta’s flushed face and messy hair.  He points into the apartment, vaguely towards the living room.  Yuuta steps aside, letting his friend in for whatever it was he’d forgotten.
Toge gives (y/n) a friendly smile and waves as he strides into the living room.  She returns the smile with weak lips.
Their visitor grabs a hoodie off of the arm chair to the left of the couch, something neither (y/n) or Yuuta had noticed left behind.  He shrugs it on and stuffs his hands into the cozy fleece-lined pocket with a satisfied smile before waving goodbye to (y/n) and walking out of the room just as quickly.
“Sorry I didn’t notice it sooner,” Yuuta says sheepishly as Toge passes.  “I could’ve brought it to you tomorrow” 
Toge waves a dismissive hand, before twirling his finger around and shrugging.  He must’ve still been in the area, Yuuta realizes.
He’s about to step out the door and leave without a catch, but he hesitates just as he steps over the threshold, his eyes doing a double take as he notes the dark green cable knit sweater Yuuta’s wearing.
His eyes linger on the article of clothing, brows pinching with familiarity, before he lifts his gaze to Yuuta’s, who’s also suddenly aware of the shirt he was wearing.
Before he can stop himself, Yuuta’s head is swiveling to where (y/n) was still watching them both from the couch.  She’s sporting a tee shirt too loose on her frame to be hers.  Toge follows Yuuta’s gaze, his eyes widening with realization.
“Anyways!” Yuuta clears his throat as he turns back to Toge with a grin so forced his cheeks hurt.  “I’ll see you later?” 
Toge opens his mouth, a grin of his own forming and a small laugh coming from his throat, but before anything could be said, Yuuta was ushering him through the rest of the doorway, already trying to shut the door in his face.
“Yeah, later, goodnight, Toge!” 
The door closes a little harsher than he meant it to, the frame shaking as the latch clicks into place.  Yuuta locks it just as quickly, before groaning and hitting his head against the wood.  It felt like his heart was beating in his throat.  He worried he might throw up from the anxiety coursing through his veins.
“That was close,” (y/n) says quietly, just loud enough for him to hear.  
He’s too anxious to look at her.  He squeezes his eyes shut and stays put against the door.  Distantly, he remembers his dick is still hard.
He can hear (y/n) stirring, getting up from the couch and padding closer to him.  She pauses just before she reaches him.
“Do you think he noticed the shirts?” She asks quietly.
Yuuta sighs, finally lifting his head from the door only to throw it back and stare at the ceiling.  He doesn’t want to see how worried he’s sure his expression looks.  He doesn’t want her to get the wrong idea about the regret pooling in his stomach.
“Probably” He admits in a quiet groan.
(y/n) shuts her eyes as she winces, covering her face with her hands.
The tension in the room is no longer due to sexual desire overtaking their inhibitions.  It was awkward.  Painfully awkward.
“I feel so stupid,” She mumbles into her hands.
Yuuta’s head snaps towards her, taking in the shame in her body language.  His heart sinks towards his stomach.  Had they made a massive mistake? (y/n) drags her hands down her face before looking up at him, her brows drawn together with a knot of worry between them.  Had he made a massive mistake? 
“I am so- I’m so sorry,” She tells him weakly.  “I shouldn’t have- that was- I was-” 
She can’t even finish a thought, much less an explanation on how ridiculously impulsive and embarrassing that was.  Her face is growing pale and she feels sick to her stomach.  She couldn’t believe she’d just ruined one of the greatest friendships she’s ever had over a silly conversation with the Zen’in twins about a silly crush.  She couldn’t believe she’d just ruined the perfect living situation with the perfect roommate over a crush that probably would've gone away on it’s own had she just handled it maturely.
“It’s okay-” He starts to say, trying to find the right way to explain to her that he wasn’t upset in the slightest about what happened between them.  He’d only been embarrassed about practically getting caught.  He knew their friends well, and he was sure that Toge wasn’t the only one to notice the swap of shirts.  Surely Maki and Mai had already been given an earful about the whole ordeal.
Before he can say anything else, (y/n’s) cutting him off.
“I should go to bed,” Her voice is too soft to overpower his, but he shuts up as soon as she speaks.  “I’m… I’m really sorry, Yuuta,” 
His eyebrows furrow as he takes in her sad, apologetic eyes.  She really meant it.  She really felt guilt over what had happened.  His stomach twists with disturbance, and fear.
“Please forgive me, I… I hope you can forget about… that” 
Forget? No…
But she’s turning away from him, running her hands through her hair in a stressful manner as she quickly darts for her room.  Yuuta’s left standing at their door, wide eyed and open mouthed in his shock.
Did that all really just happen? 
His palm comes up to cover his mouth, the realization settling into his bones and making his blood run cold.
God, it did, it really did.
He’s slow as he puts the switch remotes back on the console to charge, before turning off all the lights and going to his own room.  He unzips his pants and kicks them off somewhere in his room before crawling into bed, not bothering to change into something proper to sleep in, or take off the sweater he’d accidentally stolen.  He lays on his back, eyes focused on the blank ceiling of his bedroom as he replays it all over and over in his mind.
(y/n) also sits awake in her bedroom.  But she’s far from frozen.  She repeatedly kicks the covers off herself before tugging them back on, undecided on if she was hot or cold.  She’d abandoned her pants and laid awake in Yuuta’s tee shirt, the scent of his cologne and something else that was distinctly him still clinging to the fabric.  Tears welled in her eyes as she curled in on herself, hugging her pillow to her chest in a desperate attempt to seek comfort.
Neither one of them gets much sleep. ___
xoxo ~ jordie
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enkvyu · 11 months
two-faced — jjk smau
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in which gojo pisses off a famous streamer (you 🫵) for funsies and unleashes a legion of loyal fans who want him dragged, doxxed, or dead. fortunately for him, you have your own secrets that you’ll take to the grave, perfect for him to take advantage of. when the two of you meet, an unlikely love story for the ages blossoms aka a lighthearted smau abt gojo n the gang!!
pairings: gojo x f!reader
genres: social media au (smau), crack, fluff, strangers to enemies (?) to lovers
warnings: profanities, dark humour, sexual jokes, mentions of death and suicide, very stupid jokes don’t take anything too seriously!! ignore timestamps. will contain jokes / references from the manga !! you will be warned of spoilers on the posts that have them 🤍
this is my first smau so if it’s not funny i Apologise 😨 just for the shits n giggles !! upload schedule will probably be based on how well this is received 🤍 note all characters are in uni (ages 18-20)
unread notifications !
profiles one | profiles two
01: hit tweet this, hit tweet that, why don’t you hit the gym?
02: hot girls pay the government 2 b a citizen
03: nanami’s right titty tingle
04: What Ever Major Loser
05: let him in, LET HIM IN
06: it’s “save the turtles” until i drink boba with my hands
07: silence of the lambs
08: god giving me my greatest obstacle and it’s a man
09: would u still love me if i was a chip floating around in ur stomach?
10: deny that instead
11: twitching eyes and clenched fists
12: getou’s bang grease
13: spring loaded penis bomb
14: first date options and gojo picks spit boba (it works?!)
15: lactose intolerance, biggest killer since cancer
16: unknown mysterious reason unravelled
17: i wish i could have at least (1)
18: beautiful princess disorder
20: tba
pinned accounts !
@whats-humanity-lol @vduxx @saltypuffin1040 @porridgesblog @justpuddinglol @sleezzsister @fadingpalacebonkpsychic @iluv-ace @realestalphamegathugd4ddy @invisible-mori @mimiqz @hyuckworld @wheredidmycrowngo @ericupid @satorukissr @rumi-rants @milza12 @nymphsdomain @thunderimpulse @waengyknow @err1vki3 @nerdiel-has-no-braincells @whatamidoing89 @aboveasphodel @doughnuts-eater @archer-fb @giannitaa @leathernourishingshoepolish @poisonnuggies @cotton-eee @postmancat @yoontaedotin @crushed-satellite-stars @polartrident @starsfilm @etsukis @bladeismine @the-fab-killjoy @a3th3rrr @alatuskaleidos @emii4evr @trcomedump @usermins @ancientimes @aelynaneedsalottathing @jaynawayna @milceslv @lvryeager @sukisprettyface @kissezfornamjoon @satoryaa
couldn’t tag account (make sure your settings allow u to be tagged!)
( being added to the taglist means you will be tagged at every new release ! ask 2 be added / removed 🤍 )
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fyodcrs · 5 months
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Okkotsu Yuuta ✰
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cyberparadis · 1 year
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3K notes · View notes
asmobeuses · 8 months
Texting scenarios with jjk men
Warnings: a pinch suggestive in gojo's and choso's, written with a Black!gn reader im mind (anyone can read)
Incl: Yuuta Okkotsu, Choso Kamo, Satoru gojo
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M.list <— if you enjoy my silly works, I have more here!
Reblogs appreciated <3
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hayakaki · 5 months
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bros the type to! - yuta okkotsu
pairing: yuta x f!reader
genre: fluff
warnings: none
bros the type to! crouch down and tie your shoelaces for you
bros the type to! hold the door open for you
bros the type to! have only one following on ig, tt, etc.. and thats you
bros the type to! listen carefully everytime you talk
bros the type to! drop everything that hes doing just for you
bros the type to! help you with anything whether its homework, fighting, etc..
bros the type to! like all your tiktoks and comment on them, especially if its the ones where you post yourself - ‘beautiful’ ‘gorgeous’ ‘i love you’ ‘this is my girlfriend btw’
bros the type to! rant about you to all his friends
bros the type to! stop talking and letting you interrupt him cause what youre saying is more important than his talking
bros the type to! have either you as his pfp or the ‘i love my girlfriend<3’
bros the type to! get excited whenever you ask if you want to match with him
bros the type to! cook for you; breakfast, desserts, sweets..
bros the type to! buy literally everything for you, even if you took a small glance at something he’ll take note of it and buy it for you
bros the type to! have his pinky locked with you whenever in public so he gets to feel you but also doesn’t get lost
bros the type to! take note of your favorite music artist(s) and buy their album for you (maybe also sharing earphones and listening to it together<3)
bros the type to! swap shoes with you whenever they hurt or bother your feet
bros the type to! get flustered everytime he sees you wear his clothes
masterlist !
©hayakaki - pls do not repost/copy my work !
pls correct me if i have any grammer mistakes!
462 notes · View notes
gojuo · 8 months
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Okkotsu Yuuta, huh?
JUJUTSU KAISEN / 呪術廻戦 Gate, Open, “開門”
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tunamayojazz · 8 months
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inuokkotober day 2: voice please listen to the actual song it's literally perfect for toge...
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freyzrc · 1 year
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Day 108 Yuuta to match previous Toge :D 🍙 Toge version
please refrain from commenting/tagging spoiler contents, thanks!
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just-jordie-things · 2 months
[part three] we weren't just friends - okkotsu yuuta
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word count: 10.2k warnings: smut! oral (f!receiving), fingering, nipple play, unprotected sex, size kink (i think? yuuta's packin) praise kink, pet names (good girl, pretty girl, baby, slut is mentioned) overstimulation, soft sex summary: our two idiots may not know how to express their feelings through words, but they sure know how to find creative loopholes to solve that issue! more info: college!au so aged up characters!! roommates!au, childhood friends to lovers, the way i actuallly wrote smut for once and it's still mega softness
part three: "wish you'd let me stay, i'm ready now" ___
It wasn’t pleasant to wake up with a pounding skull.
Luckily what woke (y/n) up first was the rapping of knuckles on the door, hitting so hard it shook on it’s hinges.  It was a brutal awakening, and once conscious she could still feel Mai’s rampant knocking in her head.  With a groan, she burrowed her face into her pillow, attempting to block out all sound completely.  Unfortunately, feathers and cotton weren't enough to do this.
“Could you stop with the banging?” A deep voice behind her groaned.  She weakly made a noise of agreement.  
The bed dipped and rose as the boy who’d shared it with her dragged himself out of his own comfortable bubble to go answer to the heavy knocking.
As he approached the door he could hear a faint, “Yuuta make her say sorry” whine from the lump of covers on his bed.  He chuckled to himself as he swung the door open and hurried out of the room so he could close it behind him again.
Mai, still donned in the skin tight slip dress she’d worn to the bar last night, gave him a lopsided grin as he pulled the door shut.
“Wasn’t trying to intrude on your first morning after,” She teased, and gave Yuuta no time to defend himself before continuing, “But Maki’s outside, so I’m heading out” 
Yuuta’s brow furrowed as he frowned at her.
“You could’ve texted me that,” He grumbled while she laughed and carried her purse and heels in one hand while traipsing her way to the door.  “You didn’t have to wake up the whole building with your loudness” 
“Apologies!” Mai giggled.  “I just wanted to make sure you two would hear me in there!” 
As she swings open the front door and wiggles her fingers back at him in a playful goodbye, she’s still giggling.  Even when the door shuts again, he swears he can hear her cackling as she leaves the building.
He huffs, drags his hand over his face, and goes back into his room.
(y/n’s) curled up in a ball in the middle of the mattress.  With the covers tangled around her so snug it’s hard to make out what’s her and what’s blanket.  He chuckles, and there’s a little movement in the heap as she lifts her head.
“Did she say sorry?” (y/n) mumbles.
She’s turned towards him, but her eyes are closed, pinched shut to make sure no light penetrates them and sets her already frying headache on fire.
“She did,” Yuuta hums, sitting on the edge of the mattress and pushing her forehead gently back into the pillow.  The force of his palm is tender, but he’s firm in guiding her back down.  “She went home.  Go back to sleep” He tells her softly.
(y/n) lazily swats his hand off of her head after she’s already laid back down.
“D’n’t tell me what to do” She grumbles into the pillow, already drifting back to sleep.
He chuckles at her, fixing up the blanket and tugging it to her chin.  Despite her trying to suppress it, a soft smile tugs on her lips at the sweet act.
“You tuckin’ me into bed, Yuu?” She teases tiredly.  He rolls his eyes affectionately.  The giggle she lets out is muffled by the pillow.
“Yeah yeah, get some sleep and I’ll make you eggs when you’re up,” He tells her, smirking before she gags in reaction.  “Extra runny” He adds when he gets up from the bed, and this time he’s greeted with a louder gag.
“I’ll get sick in your bed!” (y/n) threatens when he leaves.
To both of their relief, that doesn’t happen.
It takes a few hours before she feels steady enough on her feet to even get out of the bed.  But at some point it’s too uncomfortable to keep trying to sleep off the hangover, and she prays a shower will soothe some of the aches and pains.
Yuuta bids her a cheeky good afternoon when she shuffles from his bedroom into the bathroom at well-past three o’clock.  He’d been working on the final touches for his Econ essay at the kitchen table and was pleasantly surprised to see her up at all.  She shoots him a glare but her lips deceive her and tilt into a small smile.
He’s more surprised to hear the shower running, seeing as she’d dragged her feet across the carpet and he wasn’t sure how long she’d be upright for, but he’s glad that she’s at least trying to push herself into feeling better.  He doesn’t think anything more of it as he goes back to his work.
Fifteen minutes pass and he vaguely registers that the water has been shut off.  And then a few minutes after that, the door creaked open.
“Hey, Yuuta?” 
“Hm?” He hums in response, his fingers still gliding across his keyboard as he continues to work on his revisions.
“Would you make me those eggs now?”
He laughs, wrapping up a run on sentence that he’d probably go back to delete again later, before turning his head to give her a nod.
But he freezes and the color drains from his face as his eyes land on her.  Almost instantly they begin to sting, burning with the need to blink, but they remain wide open and focused.
She’s standing there with nothing but a towel wrapped around her, water still dripping off the ends of her hair and sliding across her skin until they disappeared under the towel.  
It was like someone took the dial on Yuuta’s senses and cranked it up until the knob broke off.
He was so obviously staring at her, his face awestruck as he gaped and his eyes dragged over her figure so slowly his lashes twitched.
His throat felt dry.  His palms felt itchy.  And when he finally met her gaze, she was raising a brow at him, expectantly.
Oh, right, she asked him a question.
“Yeah,” He said, turning his attention back to his computer so he could actually speak.  “I’ll make you some eggs” 
He’s quick to save his file and shut the laptop before standing from the table and heading to the kitchen.
“Thank you!” (y/n) calls, and shortly after he hears her door shutting and he can’t help but let out a long exhale.
As he gathers the eggs from the fridge and the pan from the cupboard, Yuuta tries to push the image far from his mind.  But after their conversation last night and the incident from the night prior, he wonders if this is just his life now.
If he was the one destined to deal with having a hot roommate that he’d been falling for ever since they’d met in grade school.  Maybe this was his torture, only brought on by himself the longer he bottled up his true feelings and pushed them deep, deep down.  
This is what he deserved, he supposed.  After spending years tripping over his words and his feet when it came to her.  Years of struggling to keep his face from flushing when she looked at him, or trying to discreetly look at her when she didn’t notice.  Years of trying to forget about the lingering buzz in his chest and haze in his brain left by her, all for the sake of trying to cling onto a friendship which paled in comparison to the ways he truly felt about her- but could never admit to.
With a skilled hand he cracked an egg over the pan and tossed the shell blindly towards the sink.  It sizzled and popped as it began to cook, but even as Yuuta prodded it about the pan, his mind was far from focused on cooking.
Because now he wasn’t so sure if things were as one-sided as he previously thought.
Drunkenly making out with your best friend-slash-roommate is one thing.  Maybe most would have pointed in his face and laughed for excusing such behavior, but he’d justified it as simple curiosity anyways.
But then she’d admitted to him that there were more times she thought about him in less-than-innocent-and-platonic-ways.  She’d told him herself about those times- most of which Yuuta had never even thought twice about before.  And then she even told him he was a good kisser! 
Which begged the question in the back of his mind- was she still thinking about him? 
“Shit” He hissed under his breath when he realized the egg was about to overcook past (y/n’s) liking, and rushed to slide a spatula underneath it and plate it up.
He tried to clear his mind as he cracked a second egg in the pan, wanting this one to be perfectly to her standards- not that she’d ever complain.
Just as he’s adding the second, better, egg to the plate, (y/n) pads back into the kitchen, a grin on her face as she takes the plate from him.
“Perfect, I’m starving” She cuts into the lesser-looking of the two and doesn’t comment on why it’s crispier around the edges, only smiles as she slides the fork out of her mouth.
Yuuta chuckles.  All that anxiety over an egg, and she didn’t even seem to notice.  Maybe all of this stuff had wormed too deep in his head.  Maybe he should relax.
“I’m done with my essay,” He lies, knowing fully well that if he turned it in at it’s current state, it wouldn’t get a passing mark.  “Watch a movie with me?”
(y/n) smiles and nods, still picking at her eggs as she makes her way to the sofa, putting him in charge of the remote and deciding on what to watch.  Yuuta sits at what he deems a safe distance away from her.  Completely on a separate cushion, and when he rests his arm along the back of the couch, he’s careful not to rest it too close to her.
He might still be overthinking everything.
But as the movie starts and (y/n) finishes her four o’clock breakfast, he slowly finds himself relaxing.  His muscles feel less tense, his mind stops whirring, and for a good twenty minutes or so, he could almost pretend nothing had ever happened, and things were perfectly the same.
And then (y/n) pulls her legs up onto the couch and wiggles closer to him, until she’s tucked under his arm.  He must’ve made a face, because when she looks up at him, she gives him a sheepish smile.
“What? ‘m cold,” She says, shifting closer to him still.  “Does this bother you?” 
“N-no!” He laughs in embarrassment when he stammers out the answer, and (y/n) chuckles back at him, before turning her attention back to the screen.
“Okay, good,” She hums, leaning her head back against his bicep.  His entire arm tenses, and he’s overthinking again.  “I don’t want things to be weird forever” She admits quietly.
“Don’t worry, s’not weird” Yuuta mumbles back.
She turns her head against his arm, looking up at him with a small frown.  He winces, and feels guilty for lying to her.
“Yuuta, I’ve known you for a long time,” She says, her voice barely above a whisper.  “I think I can tell when you’re lying” 
His wince turns into a miniature smile before he huffs out a quiet laugh through his nose.  
“Touche,” He mumbles, and the corners of her lips quirk upwards.  “Is… is there something I can do to make it less weird?” 
Her brows pinch together, signifying that she didn’t think the solution was that easy.  It wasn’t a change in habits, or a lengthy conversation at the kitchen table.  It was messy, it was raw, and it was currently being held up by a lump in her throat and an irregular heartbeat in her chest.
“I don’t think so,” She murmurs with a sigh.  “What about me?” She turns the question onto him.  “Is there anything I can do?” 
He shakes his head in a small motion back at her, his eyes flickering between hers with enough attention that he catches the way they gloom with sadness.  Yuuta frowns, and before he can think about potentially making things worse, his palm cups her cheek, worry taking over his features.
“Don’t be hard on yourself,” He instructs, as though he were capable of reading her mind.  “You didn’t do anything wrong” 
“I know- I know, you keep saying that, but I…” Her voice is strained, her throat is burning, and she blames the lingering hangover for the swell in her emotions.  
But she knows that’s not the source.  She knows that the last few months- no- the last few years of gathering feelings for Yuuta are catching up to her, and their drunken little experiment on this very couch was just the tipping point she needed to solidify what those feelings really meant.
Yuuta’s thumb sweeps gently over her cheekbone, his touch was light but the warmth of his skin lingered there.  She found herself leaning further into it, despite her better judgment.
Reason tells her to get a grip.  It tells her to pack up the hormones and move on.  It tells her to go back to the bar until she finds someone to get under just to get over Yuuta, or maybe even text that stuck up asshole that Maki warned her about.  Anything it would take to move past this pebble in the grand scheme of her friendship with Yuuta.  Reason tells her it was one night, and she can’t let one night ruin years of a special bond.
Her heart begs to differ.  It cries, it pleads, it mourns the idea of not being truthful with him.  Her heart weeps with the outpour of love and desire, after spending so long wondering what something more with Yuuta would look like, only to have a small taste, a sample, really.  It was killing her, the thought of never having him fully, the thought that they’d go back to their friendship, more awkward than ever.
Currently, Yuuta wishes he could get a glimpse inside of her mind, because he could practically feel her inner turmoil happening before him.  Her lips were sealed shut, but her thoughts were screaming behind her eyes.  His brows draw together in obvious concern, and when she finally moves, it’s not to speak.
She’s pulled away from him and off the couch in a flurry of anxious movements.  Yuuta barely registers that she’s grabbed her empty plate and fork and is hurrying into the kitchen.  He blinks in a daze, before getting up and following her to the sink where she’s rinsing off the dirty dishes.
“I’m sorry, I-” She’s still stammering, despite trying to clear her mind and focus on communicating what felt the most important.  That she wasn’t upset, that he didn’t do anything wrong, and that she was the only one to blame for all of this.  
But that’s not what comes out.
“I just didn’t really see any of this going this way, you know?” 
She’s speaking more clearly, but her voice is still a shaky whisper, afraid of not being able to take the words back.  Yuuta’s waiting patiently, leaning against the kitchen counter while accidentally staring daggers at her back.  She knows he’s just focused, but the heaviness of his gaze adds pounds of pressure to her shoulders.
“I know,” Yuuta tries to keep his voice calm, hoping to ease her anxiety by remaining collected.  Even though a fiery mess of words were clawing up his throat and threatening to come out in a humiliating act of word vomit.  “But, (y/n/n), I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable around me all the time” 
She looks at him then, her eyes glossy with tears that she was trying to keep from falling.
“Yuuta, I don’t feel uncomfortable around you,” She says softly.  Her hands tangle together nervously as she turns around to face him properly.  They still wring together as she leans back against the sink and tries to find the words to explain her messy thoughts.  “You didn’t do anything wrong” 
He tilts his head at her, brows pinching in concern.  “You didn’t do anything wrong, either” He reminds her for the second time today.
“I know, but-” 
“I’m serious, (y/n),” He steps forward and crosses his arms over his chest, silently begging her not to look away from him so that she’d know he meant every word of it.  “Whatever we- whatever I have to do to help you, just, forget what happened, you need to tell me,” He pleads.  “I don’t care what it is, I don’t care if it’s ridiculous,” He’s shaking his head as he speaks, a nasty feeling of guilt building up in his stomach that he decides to push past for the greater good of not losing her.  “I don’t care, okay?” He lowers his voice.  “If you want the place to yourself for a while-” 
She shoots forward then, her hands latching onto his forearm as if he were about to abandon her then and there, as if she alone was strong enough to hold him in place if he tried.  Her eyes are wide with panic, and in the heat of the moment a tear tracked down her cheek.  She’s just as quick to let him go and roughly wipe away the wet streak with the back of her hand.
“I don’t want that, don’t- don’t do that,” She mumbles after collecting herself a little better. 
Yuuta eyes her hands, no longer tangled together in a tight ball of white knuckles.  They’re still strained, stretched out in front of her like she had a fresh coat of polish on them.  If he looked close enough, he could see them trembling.  He starts to uncross his arms, wanting to take hold of them and talk her down from this stressful moment.  He wants to remind her that no matter what’s happened, he’s there for her because he cares about her.  But just as he’s about to reach for her, she’s speaking again.
“I think I just wanted that to happen for a really long time,” She sighs, one of her hands darting through her hair to pull the overstimulating loose strands away from her face.  “And I… I guess I wasn’t expecting it to be like- like that,” 
Yuuta’s completely frozen before her, not having expected that of all the admissions she could’ve made.  Mentally he’d been packing his things.  Now he felt like he had whiplash and needed a good five seconds to do a full reset on reality.
“And that’s not fair I know I- I initiated the whole thing and I should’ve never listened to the Zen’ins it was stupid but I just thought maybe if it was a fleeting thing I’d get over you and things would be normal but I’m not and things aren’t normal and I feel so-!” 
“You were trying to get over me?” 
Yuuta’s voice was quiet, barely above a whisper.  In fact the forgotten movie playing in the living room had a clearer volume than him.  But somehow (y/n’s) frantic rambling ceased, and a silence settled between them.
He’s waiting for her to confirm that he’d heard her correctly, even though her exact words were still spiraling around in his head on a vicious loop.  While she’s waiting for the floor to open up and swallow her whole for getting so worked up and letting her mouth run on autopilot.
“(y/n),” Yuuta calls to her when she doesn’t speak, or even move, to acknowledge that she’d heard him.  
He knows she had, he knows she’s aware of exactly what she’d said.  He raises his eyebrows at her, wordlessly trying to get her to say something, anything.  She gapes at him like a fish out of water- thrown into a completely new element that she’s not equipped for, lost and afraid that she’ll suffocate to death.
“(y/n)” He says her name again, this time stepping forward.  He finally finds the courage to grab her tensed hands, and he wraps them in his and squeezes until he feels them relax.  A method that he’d used countless times before to calm her down- whether she was ranting about work or having a panic attack, it always did the trick.
Even now, her eyes soften a little bit as she stares at him worriedly, trying to figure out what he was thinking before he had the chance to voice it himself.  Her hands fall limp in his, and slowly, she presses her fingers into his palms.
“Yeah,” Her voice is hoarse, and her eyes lower from his, at first out of embarrassment, but then they land on his lips, pink and soft and parted in surprise, and her mind wanders off to recall just how sweetly he’d kissed her.  
For that first kiss, timid and new and exciting, he’d been so gentle.  If she thought about it, she could still feel the tingle of eagerness in her lips, and the warmth of his hand against her thigh.  Her eyes linger a little longer than they should have as she brought herself completely back to that moment. She wants to be sure that if he’d kissed her like that- passionately, desperately- that there must have been more behind it than simple drunken curiosity, right? 
“I- I was trying to get over you,” The rest of her answer has long since been delayed, but Yuuta doesn’t seem perplexed when her eyes flicker back up to his.  “It wasn’t just a kiss,” She continues, her fingers curling around his hands to ensure he felt every ounce of authenticity in her words.  “Not for me,” She shakes her head.  “I know I said that it was but I… I was lying.  It wasn’t.  I just… wanted to kiss you.  At least once, or, at least to be sure.  About my… feelings… anyways”
Yuuta blinked.  His expression had been shockingly blank, and it was starting to unsettle her.  She didn’t want to have to apologize or take any of it back, but the longer he silently stared at her, the more unease stirred in her stomach.
“I lied, too,” He tells her suddenly, and her lips twitch into a nervous smile.  A chuckle escapes him before he clarifies.  “It wasn’t just a kiss for me either.  Not even a little bit” 
He watches in real time as she reacts to his admission.  First her expression softens as her heart begins to melt for him.  Then her eyes lit up, brightening before him so brilliantly he couldn’t help but grin, just as she was doing now.
And then before he can tell her just exactly how it is he feels, she’s pulling her hands out of his, grabbing him by the shoulders and shooting up to the tips of her toes so she could reach him properly for a kiss.
He’s startled by the sudden act, but just as quickly has his hands wrapped around her waist and is reciprocating the kiss with fervor.
She’s instantly breathless, gasping for air between fast, heated kisses, but even when Yuuta tries to give her a minute to catch her breath, her lips are chasing his and she’s locking them together needily again.  Air could wait.
It only takes a miniscule shuffle backwards on her part for Yuuta’s hands to continue pushing her hips, guiding her to keep blindly tripping until her back hits the counter.  A small gasp at the sudden bump escaped her throat but she recovered in a moment's notice.
Just as Yuuta’s stooping lower to her height, his hands wandering down her waist and latching onto her thighs, her own grip tightens on his shoulders as she braces herself for him to lift her up.  A sweet, delighted little sound comes out of her when she’s placed on the counter and Yuuta’s slotting himself between her legs in one swift motion.  Their kisses barely cease as his hands are at the nape of her neck and in her hair as he skillfully tilts her head to deepen their kiss.
Her back arches and she leans forward off the counter until she’s pressed as close to him as she can get.  The bend of her knees are loosely hooked at his hips, and in small movements she tries to tighten their hold on him.  This proved to be difficult as the messier his kisses became, the weaker her knees grew.
Oxygen is gifted to her in abundance as Yuuta’s mouth trails along her jaw, swollen lips dragging over sensitive skin in between lazy kisses.  Her chest heaves as she pants, and Yuuta must have noticed because he chuckles into the junction of her jaw and neck.
“Why were you trying to get over me, pretty girl?” His lips tickle her neck as he speaks, punctuated with a sweet kiss followed by a filthier suckle of the alluring skin.  It has her hips squirming, which Yuuta notices as well, taking great haste to wrap his hands around the dips in her waist, keeping her still and firm against him.
“I-” She’s cut off by her own gasp as Yuuta returns to leaving a pretty mark on the side of her neck, just low enough that there was no hairstyle or collar that could possibly keep it hidden.  “I thought it was the right thing”
He lifts his head, finally meeting her gaze with hooded eyes and a lazy smirk that she can’t tear her eyes away from, even as he speaks.
“Right thing,” He repeats back with a chuckle that sets her body ablaze.  He leans towards her again, his nose prodding hers to the side until their lips brush as they speak.  “Baby, it’s an absolute shame that we weren’t doing this the whole time” 
Her hands are gripping at the material of his tee shirt so tight she’s convinced she could rip it right off his chest if she wanted to.  Her knuckles are white, and bound to start trembling soon, but she doesn’t care about looking foolishly desperate anymore.  Wanting him is the only thought occupying her mind.
Her lips are on his again in a heartbeat, and even though she’s kissing him and she’s the one trying to tug his shirt over his head, she whines in annoyance when Yuuta breaks the kiss to properly get the material out of the way.  He’s laughing again, mocking her for the pout on her lips before her hands are on him again and she’s sighing contentedly into his mouth.
And her hands are everywhere.  She’s touching him like she’s never felt human skin.  She touches him like she lost her sight and mapping out every inch of his body with her hands was the only way for her to know who it was before her.  Delicate fingertips trace along his collarbones, down his chest, along his abdomen, through the ridges of his abs, and then all over again.  At first it’s a precise dance, but it doesn’t take long for the movements to get sloppy, and the soft caresses turn into her grabbing and pawing at him.
“You c’n take mine off,” She tells him, voice low and strained against his lips.  His teeth sink into her bottom lip, only for a quick second out of pure impulsive desire, before his hands are sliding under her shirt and shoving the offending clothing up and over her head.  It’s dropped somewhere on the kitchen floor with his own forgotten shirt, and (y/n) grins at him as she loops her arms around his neck, fingers raking gently through the hair that hangs there.  “Eager, hm?” She giggles, and for a moment, she looks genuinely delighted, happy like she’d just been told good news.
The look softens and melts into something completely different when he responds.
“Well, ‘ve wanted you since high school” His voice growing huskier than she was used to, and when he catches her lips in a deep kiss, slower and more sensual than the ones before, desire pools in her stomach and she buries her hands further into his hair.
“H- high school?” She repeats back to him in a breathy moan.  Yuuta hums in confirmation, stealing another kiss.  “Why didn’t you-?” The question fails her while his hands roam over her hips, snaking their way up towards her bra.
“Didn’t think it was the right thing,” He chuckles as he uses her words against her.  She’d roll her eyes if they weren’t already in the back of her head from his fingers teasing her through the lacy cups of her bra.  “Pretty girl, getting all worked up over nothing,” He sighs, and she tilts her head forward to chase his lips, but he doesn’t grant her another kiss right away.  
One of his hands reaches for her face, cupping her cheek almost tenderly as he admires the dazed and needy look on her face.  Her blown pupils, swollen lips, heavy lashes- Yuuta always found her to be the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen, but having her in this state might take the cake.
“If only you’d known the way I thought about you then,” He admits.  Her eyes grow a little wider, curious, and excited.  “Fuck, I don’t think you’d’ve wanted to live with me” He mumbles, an amused smirk on his lips.
Tugging on the strands of his hair until his face is as close as she wanted him to be, (y/n’s) lips curl into an eager smile.
“Well, we’re here now,” She murmurs.  One of her hands travels down his neck and then the rest of his body, almost on it’s own accord, until her fingers prod and tuck into the waistband of his sweats.  Her eyes follow the bob of his adam’s apple when he swallows thickly, her smile only brightening.  “And this time there’s no one to interrupt us?” She tilts her head as she makes the quiet suggestion, and Yuuta’s smile begins to mirror her own.
“Oh, ‘s that so?” He asks, his hands scooping her up off the counter and lifting her into his chest with ease.  The quick movement makes her laugh, her arms winding around his neck, and her legs hooking over his hips.
She’s still grinning like an idiot when she leans down to kiss him again.  It’s messier than before, all teeth and breathless laughter, but the moment is so sweet, and it feels so good to kiss him properly- not on some silly whim, but for real- that she doesn’t care about it being sloppy.  His hands are secured tight under her legs, and when they part again, she raises an eyebrow at him.
“Would you like to take me right here or…?” She asks, her face undeniably flushing with pink at the forward question.  He chuckles, his eyes crinkling at their corners as he smiles back at her, giving her left leg a teasing squeeze.
“Take you, hm?” He mocks, before adjusting her against him, pulling her closer, holding her tighter, and her face grows hotter with embarrassment but she’s grinning from ear to ear nonetheless.
“Mhm” She nods, and is giggling quietly again as he begins to carry her with him out of the kitchen.
He wants to keep kissing her, but he can’t help but let his stare linger on her pretty features.  His heavy gaze has her flustering even more in his hold, only making him want to stare at her for longer.  It’s making him a bit clumsy, tripping over their shirts on the floor, knocking into the furniture on the way, tipping a chair over and wincing when it hits the ground, but not caring enough to go back and correct it.  They’re still laughing, noses brushing and quick kisses being stolen in between quiet giggles and hushed, teasing whispers.
“Don’t you dare drop me” 
“Before the chance to ‘take you’, pretty girl? Wouldn’t dream of it” 
She’s not sure of the room he’s brought them into until the door is kicked shut and she’s greeted with twinkly orange fairy lights and the lingering scent of incense and her favorite perfume.
Once the door is shut his lips are on hers again, so swollen they almost feel sore but he’d rather go numb than refrain from kissing her again.  He moves slowly, memorizing every dip and curve of her lips, every taste of her velvety mouth.
He’s even slow when he sets her down on the bed, and slow to let her go so she can shuffle back on the covers.  He pauses completely when she settles at her headboard, her thumbs sticking into the hem of the cotton shorts she’d been wearing, and pushing them down her legs.
She’s biting her lip to keep from smiling too hard when she drops them on the floor, her eyes never leaving his.
“Well are you getting in bed with me, or not?” 
He didn’t need to be asked twice, kneeling on the mattress and crawling over her until she was caged beneath him, hands settled at either side of her head to keep himself from putting too much weight on her.  Her eyes brighten from underneath him, and her hands wrap around the nape of his neck to pull him down to her lips.
“I’ve been wonderin’ about somethin’,” Yuuta hums, appreciating the purple love bite on her neck before deciding she could use some more.  His hands slide beneath her, unclasping her bra with ease before reaching for the straps on her shoulders and sliding them down her arms.  She hums in response, tilting her chin back as he continued to pepper kisses down her neck and across her chest.  “That night, when you hurried off to bed,” He reminds her, a large, calloused palm trailing from her side down to her hip, agonizingly slow.  His thumb stretches out to tease at the waistband of the baby blue panties she wore, admiring the lacy trim before flicking his gaze back up to hers.  “D’ya touch yourself?” 
A bashful giggle escapes her, her head tossing to the side in the hopes of hiding her embarrassment in her pillow.  Her reaction was answer enough, and enough to make the corner of Yuuta’s lips twitch in a lazy smirk, but he still wanted a better response than that.
“C’mon, pretty girl.  Gotta have an answer, I’m afraid,” There’s a teasing lilt in his voice that’s melting her like putty in his hands.  
He gives her the benefit of easing up on the heavy gaze, dropping his head to plant kisses down her chest, through the valley of her breasts, before exploring over to the perky nipple.  He rolls his tongue lazily over the hardened bud, before wrapping his teeth and lips around it and giving it a small tug, just as his hand groped at her other breast with a gentle, experimental squeeze.  She squirmed beneath him, longing for more.  He smirks as he releases her nipple with a pop of his lips, just as his fingers pinch the other one, tweaking it and watching as her face screws up and a long whine is evoked from her. His hands knead selfishly at her breasts a bit more as his lips travel down her chest excitedly, only slowing down once he’d crawled down enough to reach her navel.  
“You been worked up since then, baby?” He murmurs so sweetly that she whines.  He drags one of his hands down to rest across the lowest part of her tummy.  It splayed out far enough to grip at the plush of her thigh, and still trail his thumb over the lacy hem of the last of her garments.  She raises her hips for him, desperate to feel just a little more friction from his hands.
And then she nods, shaky and fast, and her hand wraps around his wrist, tugging needily, but he keeps his hold firm on her hip, squeezing a little tighter.
Yuuta grins as she whines in irritation, his eyes flickering down to the wet patch on her panties, and then back up to her pouting face.
“Y’look so pretty when you’re needy like this,” He sighs, before settling down on the mattress completely.  Using his hand on her hip he tossed her leg over his shoulder with ease, his other hand wrapped under her thigh, holding it just right so she’d keep them open for him.  “You don’t know how long I thought about this pretty girl, ‘bout you” 
With his free hand, he ghosted his thumb over her panties, just barely hovering over where she craved the friction the most.  This elicited another whine.
“Yuuta,” She huffed, one of her hands fisting the sheets beneath her tightly as a means to let out the pent up frustration he was putting her through.  “Please, touch me, please” 
He hums, and hooks his thumb through the crotch of her panties, tugging the material to the side to give him a better view of the sticky mess she was making.  He couldn’t help but groan as he dragged the fat pad of his thumb from her soaked hole up to the hood over her clit, dragging it back painfully slow.  Her breaths grew even more labored, and Yuuta gave into her pleas as soon as her puffy clit was exposed.
“I like when you say please” He murmurs, breath cool over her slick heat.
He didn’t give her a chance to say anything else before he wrapped his lips around the sensitive bud, giving it a languid roll of his tongue.  Her hips stuttered and he quickly found he’d have to hold on a little tighter to keep her legs nice and spread for him.  
A few more slow licks and she was moaning for him.  Her head tossed back into her pillows, her back arched and hips raised for him while she whimpered and whined sweet noises for him.  Every little sound spurred him on further, earning her an eager suck at her throbbing clit.
She got more vocal as his finger circled her needy hole, clenching around nothing as he ghosted around the outside, feeling more wetness spill out the longer he teased her.  Yuuta had to press his own hips hard into the mattress just to ease the mind-consuming hardness in his pants.
When he teases the tip of his finger inside, feeling her tight, warm walls practically suck him in, he groans into her pussy, and that was all the more she needed to get louder, and a little more confident about asking for what she wanted.
“Yes, yes, Yuuta, please, put it in, put it in” She’s babbling, carried away by her own building desire, and shamelessly rutting her hips to try and get him to press his thick finger in further.  
He hums, sending another jolt through her core as his lips are still wrapped around her clit, and she’s chanting again.
“Please, p- please, please~” Over and over like a mantra, each strained whimper more enticing to him than the last.  Until eventually he grants her wish, and curls his finger the rest of the way inside, moving at a slow pace.
It doesn’t take him long to find the spongy spot when he curls his finger just right inside of her that makes her chant his name with so much praise he worries he could cum in his pants just listening to her.
“Gonna-!” She’s cut off by a sharp breath, her chest rising and falling rapidly as his tongue rolls viciously over her overstimulated clit while he plunges a second finger to pump in and out of her.  “Yuu-ta-! I’m gonna-! You’re gonna make me-!” 
“C’mon pretty girl,” He mutters into her pussy, giving her clit a harsh suck in between.  “You can do it, cum for me baby” 
The hot, tightening cord in her core finally snaps, washing heat and pleasure over her body in waves so strong she’s tearing up as she cries out his name and clamps down on his fingers, still pumping in and out of her as more sticky cream coats them.  He’s grinning at the sight of her shaking legs and screwed up face that relaxes as the sudden climax wears off into a dazed high.  He sits up on his knees with a chuckle, sliding his fingers into his mouth and sucking them clean almost dramatically before her.
Her eyelids feel heavy as she gazes up at him in all of his glory.  His lips and chin are slick with her juices, his pupils are blown wide and his hair hangs in front of his face, a few strands getting stuck to his forehead.  But he quickly rakes a hand through his hair, pushing it out of his face before he’s lowering himself over her again, kissing either of her hips before working his way up her body.
“Did so good f’me, baby,” He praises as his lips reach the top of her breasts, mouthing at the soft flesh before continuing on to her marked up collarbones.  “So perfect, so sexy when you cum,” He continues to babble out praise while she whimpers and wiggles beneath him, already seeking out more friction.  “Wanna make you do it again” 
Her hands trail down his abdomen, fingernails dragging just slightly over his skin, until they reach the waistband of his sweatpants.
“Then take these off” The demand comes out as more of a whine than she means it to, and she pouts when he chuckles at her.
“Eager, hm?” He teases.
“Stop using my words against me” She huffs, and one of Yuuta’s hands is enough to replace both of hers, giving his pants and boxers a swift tug that pushes them to his thighs, before he peels them the rest of the way off.
“Make me” 
He grins at her, but her teasing mood melts away as soon as he’s completely naked on top of her and she watches his erect dick spring out from the confines of his clothes, tapping against his abs.  She knows she’s staring too hard, but she can’t help it.  It was her first time seeing her best friend’s dick.  And she had no idea he was so… big.
She’d never had much trouble with the couple of guys she’d slept with before, and they hadn’t exactly had small dicks, but looking at him now, she wasn’t sure he’d even fit in there.
“You never told me you had a big dick” She mumbles, shyly meeting his gaze.  Yuuta tries to stifle his laughter, but her eyes are so wide and full of wonder that he can’t help but chuckle a bit at her reaction.
“It’s not exactly something- fuck-” 
He’s cut off when her hand tentatively reaches between them, wrapping around the thick base and giving him an experimental pump before sliding her thumb over the swollen pink tip, gathering the precum leaking out of it and spreading it down the rest of his length.  Yuuta shudders out a breath, his eyes falling shut as he tries to compose himself, she’d barely touched him and his fist was clenched in the sheets.
“Not exactly something friends t- talk about” He stammers as she pumps him again, a small smile growing on her face as she watches his composure crumple as he gives into the pleasure.
“Well maybe you should’ve,” She murmurs, widening her legs as she guides him closer to her.  “We probably would’ve fucked a long, long time ago” 
It’s by far not the crudest thing said today, but it’s enough for him to take her hand and push it into the pillow beside her head.  During the action his eyes catch the silver chain daintily clasped around her wrist, little star and moon charms clinking together.  His eyes gloss over with an emotion (y/n’s) never noticed on him before, but she doesn’t get the chance to question him about it before his free hand taking his cock and rubbing the fat head through her wet folds.  They both whine at the pleasurable friction.
“Fuck, baby,” Yuuta sighs as he lets his hips roll over hers a few more times.  If she felt this good just like this he wasn’t sure he’d make it long once he was inside.  Nonetheless, he’s eager to line himself up at her entrance.  “Ready f’me?” He asks, his eyes meeting hers, and she nods up at him breathlessly.
She might be lying, because truthfully as soon as he pushes the tip in, she gasps and fights the urge to wince at the pain of being split open so wide.  This was certainly the biggest dick she's ever taken, and he wasn’t even halfway in yet.  But the more he pushes in, the more the sharp pain turns to pleasure of being so filled up.
“Aah- Yuu-” She cries out, her nails scratching up his back a little harder than she intended.  He hissed at the feeling but made no move to keep her from doing it.  “Too- ‘s too big,” She whines just as he bottoms out.  “Won’t fit- won’t-” 
“Shh, no, baby, look,” He coos, his hand cupping her face sweetly before he presses a kiss to her lips and nods down to where he’s completely sheathed inside of her.  “It’s all in, you’re takin’ me so well, see?” He muses, giving her a small rock of her hips that has her whining again.  “Can I keep goin’?” His thumb strokes over her cheekbone, wiping away a stray tear that had fallen there.
She gives him a shaky nod, before sighing loudly.
“Yes, please,” She hums, and when he pulls out most of the way and slowly sinks back in, her nails are dragging over his back again, clinging tight to his broad shoulders in between scratches.
He groans every time he buries himself inside of her, picking up more of a pace with every thrust, and making sure to praise her as soon as he catches his breath and is able to do so.
“Feel’so good, baby, takin’ it so good” He grunts as his hips slam into hers with a little more force than before, earning a high pitched moan of pleasure out of her, followed by a tighter grip on his shoulders.  Yuuta hums appreciatively and repeats the action until she’s letting out nonstop strings of breathy moans and broken syllables that don’t quite make words.
“Does- ah! Feels- feels good,” She stammers out, rocking her hips in time with him and crying out when his tip hits that spot inside of her that makes a familiar knot twist in her stomach.  “So good, Yuuta, right- right there-!” 
“Here?” He rasps, his hands pulling her hips upwards for a better angle, and he’s rewarded with a yelp of surprise as her back arches further to meet his thrusts.
“Uh- uh-huh” (y/n) whines back at him as he picks up a faster pace.
Just as she’s about to warn him that she can feel her orgasm coming on, one of his hands slides across her hip until his thumb finds her clit, rubbing messy circles into it until she’s crying out his name like he’d show her mercy.
“Gettin’ so tight, baby, you gonna cum?” A fucked out grin takes over his face as he rubs harsher over the bundle of nerves.  (y/n’s) jaw trembles as she gasps and moans.  He groans as her walls flutter around him, getting tighter and wetter by the second.  She was about to snap, if it wasn’t obvious in the way she whimpered and cried out his name, he could feel it coming on.  “Be a good girl and cum all over my cock, hm?” 
The wave of her second orgasm is more powerful than the first, her entire bod shuddering as Yuuta continues to fuck her through it, watching a ring of cream form around his dick.  She’s still whimpering and babbling out nonsense while he’s fucking her, delighting in the hot wetness that of her post-orgasm pussy.  The praise falls from his lips before he can think about what he’s saying at all.
“Fuck, baby, you jus’ got so much wetter f’me” His head falls to the crook of her neck, kissing and sucking at any skin he can reach while his lips relentlessly pound into her.
“All f’you,” She mumbles back uselessly, feeling overstimulated in the most deliciously mind-numbing way.  “Jus’ f’you, only you” 
He nips teasingly at her throat before kissing the spot sweetly.
“That’s right, pretty girl, all mine now, yeah?” He groans, and she nods weakly back at him, teary eyes struggling to meet his as that coil in her core starts wrapping up tight again.
“Mhm” Is all she can manage for an answer.
“That’s it, baby,” Yuuta praises through a deep groan.  “Y’gonna cum again, aren’t you?” She can’t possibly work up the energy to respond, only whining and trembling beneath him like a slut.  His pretty n’ perfect little slut.  “Fuck, love your pussy s’much, wanna fuck y’like this all the time now, love f’cking you, love you s’much” 
With the mindless praise comes a confession that was less than meaningless, and suddenly (y/n’s) eyes are wide and his hips are stuttering and the heat of the room begins to make them sweat more than the strenuous cardio.
Yuuta opens his mouth, about to say something, maybe take it back, or explain that he didn’t mean it the way it sounded, but (y/n) beats him to it, and she cuts through the bullshit before he can even start.
“You meant that,” Her voice is soft and gentle as she stares up at him with wide eyes.  Her pupils are still taking up most of her pretty eyes, flickering over his shocked expression with a curious glint.  “Didn’t you?”
The rest of the question comes out in a barely-there whisper, but he watches the movement of her lips, perfectly catching what she was saying.
“(y/n/n), look, I-” 
“I love you,” She murmurs out before he can come up with a way to explain himself.  Her hands are shaky as she reaches for his face, sliding them around his jaw and pulling him down close to her, whimpering in the slightest when the movement has his cock sliding along her walls just right.
There’s tears in her eyes as she stares up at him with nothing but genuine emotion.  Her lips tremble as they curl into a small and her gaze flickers between his eyes adoringly.
“I do, I love you,” She says it again, smiling even wider as the sweet confession tumbles past her lips.  “I love you so much, Yuuta- I- I love you so much it’s been driving me crazy” She lets out a breathless laugh before pressing a quick peck to his lips.
His eyes are wide and so focused on her he barely registers her small kiss.
He blinks, trying to clear his mind, trying to focus properly on what she’s telling him.
“I did mean it,” He forces out, lips brushing hers as he mumbles the admission.  “I do, love you.  I love you- I’ve always loved you, it’s always been you, baby, always,” The block in his throat is quickly removed as the babbling resumes, as does the gentle rocking of his hips.
(y/n) can’t recall a time she’d ever had sweet sex with anyone- she can’t recall a time she’d ever craved sweet sex with someone.  But something about being underneath Yuuta, having him fuck her softly while he goes on about how much he loves her, has her breath getting caught in her throat and tears of joy and pleasure sliding down her cheeks.  He kisses them away between whispered confessions and promises.
“Loved you f’ so long,” He murmurs against her cheek, before leaning down to capture her lips in a sweet kiss, only to be cut off when she gasps, a third orgasm reaching it’s climax.  “Love you always, love you s’much, want you to cum f’me again, baby, m’kay?”
With a weak nod, she drops one of her hands to reach down and circle her clit.  It’s so sensitive she cries out right away, and Yuuta groans as her walls spasm around his cock.
“That’s it, baby, that’s it, good girl,” He praises, rutting into her a little harder.  “Want you to cum with me” He instructs, and she nods again, whimpering and crying in agreement.
“‘m gonna- oh, Yuuta, ‘m gonna-!” 
She can’t finish her words, but she clenches down around him and that’s the final straw Yuuta needed to cum, thick hot ropes coating her walls with a deep groan, simultaneously pushing her over the edge with him as she tightens around him and cums again, breathy moans leaving her in pants as all of her muscles spasm.
Yuuta drops his forearm to the mattress, his hand pushing some of her hair away from her face before tracing gently over her cheek.  Her eyes were still shut, lips parted as she came down from her high and tried to catch her breath.  They’re both hot and sticky with sweat and various other juices ruining the sheets, but right now neither of them care in the slightest.
He just wants to stay here for as long as possible and enjoy how pretty she looks underneath him.
“I can feel you staring” She mumbles, peeking an eye open to catch him in the act.  He chuckles at her, pressing his hand against her cheek, heart fluttering when she pushes her face further into the warmth, despite being hot and sweaty, his heat was comforting.
“Can’t help it,” He murmurs back, pecking his lips to the tip of her nose.  “You’re the prettiest thing I’ve ever seen,” He praises.  “Even prettier naked.  And under me.  Bonus points” 
Now she’s the one to giggle quietly, her eyes crinkling and her cheeks flushing with color.
“Be right back,” He hums, kissing her nose again before climbing off the bed, grabbing his sweats from the floor and pulling them on with tired movements before leaving the room.
He must not have been gone long, because when he’s back (y/n) feels like it still wasn’t enough time to catch her breath.  But she smiles when she sees he’s brought a glass of water and a damp rag.
He hands her the water before he slides her legs open to gently clean up the sticky mess they’d both made.  He does his best to be careful, knowing she was overly sensitive.  When he’s done he tosses the rag into his laundry bin and turns back to her with a smile.
“C’mon,” He hums, sliding his hands around her hips.  “Let’s get you into clean clothes, too” 
She sits up with his help, and he leaves the bed in search of clean panties and a cozy set of pajamas.  She gets dressed with his help too, although she insists she could’ve done it herself.
“Thank you,” She hums once she’s in clean clothes.  “I’ll have to wash my sheets-” 
“We can do it tomorrow,” Yuuta hums, scooping her up from the bed with a grin.  (y/n) smiles as she leans her head against his shoulder, not even bothering to tease him for needlessly carrying her from her room to his.  “I just want to spend the rest of tonight with you” 
“M’kay” She murmurs sleepily, and thanks him again when they’re in his room and he’s laying her down in his sheets.
As soon as he’s settled into his side she wiggles closer, pressing him onto his back so that she can lay on top of his warm chest, humming contentedly like a cat in a patch of sunshine once her leg is thrown over his and his hand cradles the back of her head.
Yuuta pressed a kiss to her forehead, lingering there for a few moments longer than necessary, hoping he could convey every last feeling he held for her through the simple affection.
“I love you, (y/n)” He murmurs softly.
Lazily, her hand reaches around until she finds his, fingers pushing his palm open and sliding across it until she slots them between his.  He curls his fingers over her hand, squeezing gently, before letting his thumb trace along hers mindlessly.
She tilts her head until her chin rests on his chest, just close enough to look at him properly without being uncomfortable.  A soft smile curls on her lips, which he quickly mirrors.
“I love you, Yuuta,” She whispers back, before sliding up closer to him, propping herself up on a shaky elbow, her fingers also trembling as they touch softly against his chin, and then his lips, tracing the curve of his smile, pressing into the plush of his bottom lip, all the while watching with eyes holding nothing short of pure adoration.  “A lot,” She adds almost as an afterthought, before leaning downwards, pausing just short of his lips.  “Thank you for not letting me slip away,” She tells him, staring so deep into the dark oceans of his eyes that she wonders if she could drown in them.  “Thank you for not letting me go” 
His smile softens, and the hand that he had tangled in her hair slides to the nape of her neck, before reaching for her cheek.
“Me? Let you go?” He chuckles warmly, the corners of his eyes wrinkling as he smiles at her.  He guides her face closer to his.  “Never,” He mumbles, before sealing their lips together in a long, gentle kiss.  When they part, he holds her close so their foreheads touch, gazing up at her fondly.  “You’re my moon and stars, pretty girl” 
A flash of recognition lights up in her eyes, and her heart melts just a little more for him.
“Is that so?” She teases, but her words are faint, whispered against his lips with barely any volume behind them.  He smiles, brushing his nose over hers playfully.
“Mhm,” He hums.  “Always have been” 
“Then I guess that makes you…” She trails off thoughtfully, before her eyes light up and she looks down at him again.  “The sun,” She murmurs.
Yuuta laughs, his brows furrowing together in disbelief and humor.
“Don’t laugh,” (y/n) pouts.  “I mean it.  You are the sun.  My sun” She adds the last part bashfully.
“I think that’s the afterglow talking” He teases with a chuckle, dropping his head back into his pillow.  (y/n) grins, wiggling closer until she slid her body overtop of his, straddling one of his legs and beaming down at him when he wrapped his hands around her hips, slipping them under the tee shirt she had on.
“Maybe,” She drawled, both of them giggling quietly to themselves.  “But it’s true.  You’re bright, and warm…” She trails off, sliding her hands up his chest and giggling before cupping his face and leaning over to smile right at him.  “You shine and make my every day… better because of it” 
His lips part, taken aback by the sudden sweet words.  (y/n’s) cheeks are pink, but she doesn’t shy away from his gaze, only leans closer to brush her lips over his.
“Who knew you were a softie?” He hums, hooking a finger under her chin to keep her close.
“Well, like you said,” She furrows her brow in mock seriousness.  “Afterglow” 
He chuckles, shaking his head before pulling her chin downward so he could slant his lips over hers properly.
She melts down into him, the simple kiss turning into a lazy makeout session that only got messier and lazier the more she sunk into him.  He chuckles when her tongue glides across his bottom lip, breaking the kiss.
“I can feel you fallin’ asleep, baby” He teases, cupping her cheek and tucking her down into him, before grabbing his blanket and pulling it over them both.  (y/n) pouts.
“Wasn’t fallin’ asleep” She mutters back.  He hums in disbelief.
“S’ok.  There’s plenty of time for that tomorrow, yeah?” He asks, sliding his hand over her hip and caressing soothing circles into her skin.  “And the next day… and the next day…” 
She giggles quietly at him before giving in and settling comfortably against him.  He kisses her forehead once, twice, and then a third time just because.
“Alright, alright.  Want to go get breakfast tomorrow?” She asks before yawning, and only sinking deeper into the cozy warmth that was him afterwards.
“Askin’ me on a date?” Yuuta muses, but nods his head right away.  “I’m in” 
“Okay, then, it’s official” She mumbles, smiling into his neck.
“Official” He murmurs back, smiling stupidly to himself even long after she’s gone to sleep on top of him. ___
[maki] : for the record, i told you boning was the way to go.
[mai] : don’t be gross. just be happy for them. [mai] : but. ya.  glad u boned ur way to happily ever after you cute n sexy bunnies!!!
[maki] : but what I said was gross?? blegh :p
[(y/n)] : ur both gross but i &lt;3 you anyways [(y/n)] : besides, the stuff toge said to yuuta was waaaay weirder o_O ___
xoxo ~ jordie
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ponderingmoonlight · 5 months
Can we get a yuta x fem!reader where he saves reader in Shibuya just in time after not seeing her this whole year?
sounds like a plan to me, let's do it hehe
Yuta saving your ass in Shibuya
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Pairing: Yuta x fem!reader
Word Count: 1,7k
Synopsis: You have enough. After fighting for multiple hours in Shibuya, you are the brink of giving up your life, of giving up the pondering about a future with Yuta. Little do you know he's already on his way to Shibuya...
Warnings: language, TW! reader accepts the threat of death (and kinda wants to die), angst but comfort, not fully proofread
„Fuck!“, you cry on top of your lungs, bruised fingertips digging themselves into the debris underneath.
You are so damn tired. Tired of the horrible things you had to endure on this cursed evening, tired of all the senseless fighting, tired of death crawling up your spine. Maybe you just have to realize that your time has come, that you’ll be next. After all those people losing their lives today, it’s finally your turn.
“I’ve done enough”, you mutter to yourself.
The countless creatures in front of you cry out while storming towards you again. The people behind you scream in horror, so scared of dying that it wrenches your heart.
Why? Why do you have to be so damn emotional about this, so wrecked by their helplessness? You shouldn’t bother about their fate at all, should just sit here and await your very own relief in silence.
But instead, you lift yourself back up and draw your sword. Again and again, you slash into their bodies, paint the town around you in purple. Every fiber of your being begs you to stop, to just run away and never return, to sit down and let them slice your head off to end this madness once and for all.
It was definitely easier when he was still around. Yuta Okkotsu, special grade, probably the strongest after Satoru.
And the boy you hopelessly fell in love with until he decided to leave you behind. It’s been a year since you’ve last seen him, a year since you really talked to each other. Damn, how much you wished to see him one more time before you die, to at least tell him about your unwavering feelings. Why the hell are you so attached to him after all this time anyway?
But Yuta Okkotsu isn’t enough. The unsaid words between you two aren’t enough motivation to keep going after you’ve seen Nanami die, after both of Toge’s arms got sliced off, after Sukuna almost killed you.
No. You are so damn tired of it all. Fuck your pathetic life, fuck those people you don’t even know.
“I…I can’t…do…it…anymore”, you huff out.
Like in slow motion, your bloody blades glides out of your weak grip, falling onto the ground with a loud clinking.
This is it. Your final moment on this earth. Maybe that huge curse will bite your head off and let it all end quickly. Hopefully you wake up somewhere nice, maybe at a beach or something. And maybe, just maybe, your brain is able to trick you one last time into thinking that he’s here, that he thought about you as well, that Yuta Okkotsu didn’t forget about your existence.
Just a single moment and it will be over. Just one last breath in this cursed place.
You allow yourself to close your eyes, the desperate cries for help fading into the background. The pain that holds your body, all the horrible things you’ve seen…You smile to yourself gently while sitting down. It’s finally over. Now you’re finally able to rest.
And so you wait in silence for their sharp teeth, for them to finally slice your head off. But something seems off…You furrow your eyebrows. What has gotten into this thing? Is it full already? No, these monsters never get enough. It has to me something else.
“Hey, are you alright?”
You hold your breath, eyes snapping open in an instant. That familiar voice, that white uniform…You glare straight into the stranger’s face.
But no, that isn’t a stranger.
This is Yuta Okkotsu.
“(y/n), is that really you? What were you doing here? That curse could have killed you!”
His words don’t fully reach your ears, cries of the curse who gets eaten alive by Rika ringing in your ears. This can’t be true. He…He wasn’t even on the continent. How did he get here? And why on earth is he standing right in front of you?
Suddenly thick anger rises up your chest. Anger because he your left without really telling you. Anger because he didn’t write or reply to your messages frequently, anger because Yuta never seemed to fully care about you after the year you’ve spent together, after the secret kiss you’ve shared. And now he’s standing in front of you with that single droplet of sweat running down his face, asking what you are doing here.
“You have some fucking nerve”, you hiss through gritted teeth.
You lift your trembling figure off the ground, pushing him backwards with all the strength you have left only to stumble over your worn-out legs.
“You disappear for a whole damn year, never really care about me and then you ask my what I’m doing here!? Do you want to know what I did? I tried to save these people, tried to justify the countless dead jujutsu sorcerers, tried to free Gojo-sensei! What were you doing all this time, why didn’t you even ca-“
With a swift motion, he gets down and wraps his arms around you, cages you against his body. No, you don’t want to be near him, you need to get away, you…
Can’t help but cry.
“Why did you leave me here without saying anything?”, you mutter desperately, fists banging weakly against his chest.
Fuck, why does it have to feel so comforting, why do you have to realize just how much you missed him and the way he holds you? Why does it have to be so damn hard to stay mad at him when all you need right now is a big comforting hug?
“I can’t tell you how sorry I am for all those things. When I heard what happens here in Shibuya, when no one could tell me that you’re safe…On my flight back here I regretted over and over that I didn’t have the guts to tell you how I feel”, he whispers against your bloody ear.
“Please tell me you’re alright, tell me I wasn’t too late”, he begs.
Gently, he lifts up your face, forces you to get lost in his blue eyes. Oh, how badly you want to push him away, tell him to leave this place and let you die. But instead, you just stare at him, watch how he scans your body, your countless injuries.
“How long have you been fighting here alone?”, he mutters.
“4 hours. Maybe a little longer. I lost count some time ago”, you mumble, tired eyes still set on him.
He looks so different from when you last saw him. How is it even possible to turn from a boy to a man in the matter of one year? His chest seems wider, jawline even sharper, eyes clearer than ever before. But what changed the most is the way he carries himself. The man in front of you isn’t insecure and fearful. No, he seems absolutely aware of his immense powers, killing of that grade 1 curse with ease.
“You look shocked.”
“I definitely am. After all, a ghost is talking to me”, you reply dryly.
What hasn’t change is the fact that his eyes seem to be the mirror of his feelings, instantly filling with sorrow by the sound of your harsh tone.
“I didn’t want to leave you behind. But…I had no other choice, (y/n)! I owed it to myself and Riko-“
“Oh, so now it’s Rika and you, huh?”, you bark.
Enough. You stand up faster than expected, shooting back up only to lose balance and falling back into Yuta’s open arms.
“Hey, slow down. You have to be exhausted.”
“Yes. Yes I am fucking exhausted. Exhausted from that senseless fighting, exhausted from hearing your excuses! What was the real reason you just left me in the dark? Was it because of Rika, because you don’t care about me like that? You should have thought about that before you kissed me the night before you went to different continent-“
“Trust me, I thought about you all the time, I loved you all the time, (y/n)! It was just as hard for me as it was to you. The last thing I wanted was to leave after that night, but I had no other choice. It was my only chance to train properly, to get the best of me. If I could, I would have taken you with me straight away. But I couldn’t. And I’ll probably never forgive myself for leaving you alone in this mess, for almost losing you!”
He grabs your face passionately, makes you forget how to breathe. Is this really Yuta Okkotsu talking to you? Is this really Yuta Okkotsu leaning closer, his lips only inches away from yours.
“I loved you through everything, (y/n). And I hope you did as well.”
“Are you serious?”, you breathe out, staring at him in sheer disbelief.
“You were the only thing on my mind all this time. You and…that I never told you that I love you��, you blurt out.
You aren’t even able to turn away from him. In the matter of seconds, his lips are pressed against yours. Just like the last time you’ve seen each other, just like he did at his dorm a year ago. Sparks fly, your heart shivers in sheer excitement. Oh, you’ll definitely not forget that he just left you, that he didn’t message you on a regular basis.
But at the moment, you just close your eyes and let the sensation of his hands caressing your face while his lips brush over yours so tenderly sink in. Just a few minutes ago, you were kneeling on the ground, ready to let yourself get killed here in Shibuya. And now he’s here. The countless nights you pondered when he’ll come back, how he’ll act, how he’ll look.
When reality is so much better.
“I promise that I’ll never leave you again. I’ll make it up to you”, he mumbles against your parted lips.
“I sure hope so.”
Tags:  @arehzhera @ploylulla @tzubaki @beatrexworld @kenstarsworld @dazaisdick @hellkaiserinphoenix  @lauv4chuuya @shadowfoxey @starlightanyaaa @sindela @kayleegomez @sunshine7queen @magalimachete @mokoartpost @gatitam @idontknow1123 @creative1writings @sanicsmut  @mynahx3 @sad-darksoul @chilichopsticks @hellkaiserinphoenix @chuyasthighs0@ynackerman9499 @keepghostly @wxwieeee @lovelyluna1 @froufrousnowman @hidazinie @tomiokathedepresso  @gojosrealwife  @coffeeluvr96 @mahi-tamashi@weebotaku21@chaoticwinnercupcake @lees-chaotic-brain  @risuola  @sugurulefttesticle @wordskeeper @baku2345 @polarbvnny @ruixrei @bam-bam-bam-bame-blog @lavenderdrxp @localhehecat @alicerhr @kayleegomez@belovedvamp@wifenanami @chilichopsticks @dlwlrmas-world @oikawarz @darkstarlight82
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teddybeartoji · 5 days
ok so what kind of a hybrid do we think yuuta is... i actually reaaally really like the idea of him being a wolf............... he's absolutely obsessed with your scent and marking you as his. like you come home and he's immediately pressing himself against you; he takes the bag from your hands, he helps you rid of your jacket and he's doing all that while nosing at your throat. he's taking inhaling so strongly that you almost laugh but then his hands are slipping down to your lower back before he's pulling you even closer. his tail is low and it's swinging side to side, it's going necessarily fast though – he's glad that you're finally home but he's clearly holding back his desire to push you back against the door and mark you with his own scent again. he's possessive, there's no doubt about it. but he just loves you so much okay:(((((((((
buuuuut i alsoooo really like the idea of him being like a bunny hybrid:3333 he blushes so easily, he gets flustered so easily – his tail twitches so cutely whenever you praise him and his ears droop so adorably when you tease him. you make him sit on your lap and he's terribly fidgety; he can't sit still and his face is flushed pink, his hands tremble as he gnaws at his bottom lip. he looks so beautiful. you make him bounce on your lap so you can watch him crumble. he tries to hide his face behind his hands but no, no – that just won't do. with a smile, you intertwine your fingers before pressing a kiss to the insides of his wrists. his head falls down against his chest – you're just too much for the poor boy:(((((((( he's leaking through his pretty panties, his cock aching as you just continue to relentlessly torture him:(((((((((((
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