#I wanted to try a darker color scheme for once
pixelglam · 1 year
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Dahlia's new apartment. Best Mods for Realistic & Aesthetic Gameplay releasing tomorrow on my channel!
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foranpo · 10 months
ੈ˚ʚ welcome to my notion tutorial !!
♡ my notion took me a month to make. It's a bit frustrating sometimes, but i want you to know that it's possible to have some organization in your life.
notion is meant to help you have a more organized life: trackers, goals, diary entries, anything can be turn into a notion page and i'm here to teach you how ♡
ps: sorry for being so long and with some typos and whatnot ♡
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♡˳────── 1st step: the choice of an aesthetic.
it's important to have an idea when you start your notion;
for me, i wanted a place cozy and warm that reminded me of spring.
my main color is green. and with that defined, i started looking for color palettes with the types of green that i liked the most.
(i used this website, but any is good enough. it's just to give you an idea of what you're going to work with.)
i chose an aesthetic more gloomy, academic, and obviously green, (for my main layout, a retro blue-ish layout for my fanfics and a melancholy yellow for my original works) and with that i jumped to step 2.
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♡˳────── 2nd step: hunting images and inspiration.
pinterest, pinterest, pinterest.
i can't stress this enough. use keywords to find what you actually need.
if you're a beginner, start with notion inspo, notion [aesthetic] ideas, anything notion related. pick your favs and choose what you like most about each one:
the font, the pictures, the layout, even a small detail like an aesthetic quote design -just make sure you know what you like the most.
once you have a list of what you want, you start searching for images.
keywords i suggest is: [color] aesthetic, [color] cinematography, [color] photography, and, especially, [color] png icon.
i find it really satisfying having pngs on your notion: it gives a better sense of home and they cute, so it's a plus!
(most png aren't transperants on pinterest, so i use this app to make it a real png. now, know that it's not perfect and on dark mode might look funky, but it's worth a shot ig ♡)
now you should be left with a small gallery of photos with the same color scheme and this takes us to step 3!
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♡˳────── 3rd step: dividers save lives.
pick one image to be the base of your notion layout.
it might be for your notion icon, header, or just a random pic laying around your notion. but make sure you only have one.
with that, go to an app that finds colors (i use this one) and pick the 3 most predominant colors! i suggest one darker, one lighter, and one in between.
this works not only as dividers but to enhance any quote or pic that you have. e.g.:
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as you can see, this little dividers (size that i use: 948x8) work better than the ones provided by notion and they're easy to make. just open paint and you're done!
and once you have all the inspo, all the pics and dividers, it's time to create some art ♡
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♡˳────── 4th step: the creation of art.
is time to make pages and more pages.
now, please know that this requires lots of work, frustation and patience. sometimes the website doesn't want to collaborate and it might get a bit annoying. but know that it's totally fine to take breaks and take your time. this is something for you and you only.
you can take all the time you want ♡
ㅤㅤ♡˳────── 4.1 step: page outline.
choose the number of pages !
i suggest you have one homepage with quick links to your other pages:
trackers, school related, hobbies, anything really.
it's your notion after all, you can do anything.
after having the number of pages you can star outlining the pages.
the beginning is always difficult and embaracing, but if you give it a try, i'm sure you will create art!
i suggest, if you do a full page, to use 4 to 6 columns. it might be a bit overwhelming at the start, but i found it easier to work with more columns and less rows. also, it's more compact which makes everything x3254 cuter.
nut you can literally do whatever you want! so here's my organization ♡
my personal organization !
homepage (5-6 columns, 4 rows): quick links to my other 4 pages. daily routine. quick reading and writing trackers. my performances schedules and feedback. goals for the month. clock, weather, year progress bar (see end of post).
original works (4-6 columns, 2 rows): my three wips. websites that help me with writing. my progress in each work. motivational quotes.
fanfic works (4 columns): folders for each fandom with more folders for hcs, one-shots, multi-chapter and ideas. motivational quotes. goals for the year. pretty pics and quotes.
trackers (5-6 columns, 4-5 rows): media that i'm currently consuming or consumed, with details such as rating, author, and some sub-pages with my extensive thoughts.
bookstagram (6 columns): goals and soft reminders, filters inspo and my personal reviews and thoughts to publish.
in short !
have one big page at the beginning to help you navigate easier.
don't be afraid to had columns and rows! if there's a blank space, throw some png's and quotes at it. it always makes everything 10x cuter.
ㅤㅤ♡˳────── 4.2 step: widgets are your best friends.
add some widgets to make it prettier ♡
i use this website. it's pretty easy and has the main widgets.
a quick google search might take you to other websites so feel free to explore ♡
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♡˳────── 5th step: a touch of magic and stardust.
the start of a new page is always frustating: what aesthetic to use? what do you put first? what if it's corny? too much quotes? so many questions and, hey!, i hear ya! it's a pain in the ass.
that's why i'm here to tell you that you will change your layout lot's of time. even if you have already in mind what you have, it's only normal to change stuff every now and then until you have the perfect page.
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you can see how my first homepage (pic. 1) changed dratically for my current homepage (pic.2). not only the color scheme changed, but the layout itself.
more artistic pictures, cuter png's and quotes, and my homepage changed completely!
so don't be afraid of change! it is important fr ♡
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♡˳────── don't forget about...
you can change the font and size of the page by clicking on the three dots on the top right of your screen ♡
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make your text pretty with cool symbols !!
again, just surf the internet and tumblr and i'm sure that aesthetic bios will provide you with the cute little symbols to make everything cute ♡
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be creative with your picture layouts ! ♡
i personally use pinterest (frame template) and clipstudio to make prettier pictures, but i'm sure any photoshop app can give you this effect as well.
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play with png's and make your notion look more alive ♡
any hanging or 2 png's similar can help with a look cleaner and more organized.
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add spotify playlist (it had to be public, i'm afraid) and youtube videos for more diversity!
table view is a life changer for oranizing trackers, especially books and movies ♡
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let me know if you want a deeper tutorial on how to use any function or if i forgot mentioning something you would like to know more about ♡
i hope this helps you and it's clear. know that i'm here for anything you need and i'm sure you're gonna do amazing things there ♡
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cup1dt3a · 1 year
Well, I had an idea for you, and if besides yandere wally there is another yandere for the reader... The reader before meeting Wally had a Yandere in real life who pursued them and who still pursues him.
How would Yan! Wally react to another yandere? What if that other yandere kidnapped the reader before wally took them?
( this yandere you can choose the characteristics of what type of Yandere they are )
Tysm for the request I’ll make this a little darker than the rest of my fic’s so hope you enjoy 💖
⚠️Warning: Unhealthy relationships
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“ Dearest!” His voice rang in it throughout the empty house.
“ In the kitchen!” You replied knowing your clingy boyfriend would panic if he couldn’t see you.
You learned that the first month after being with him. He was always such a good friend to you you’ve known him since you were born. He was always so kind and anxious but as soon as you got into a relationship he was even more anxious. Always so worried about you always reluctant to leave you home alone. Always just so overbearingly caring. Sure it was sweet how much he cared but you just wanted some space every once in a while. Everytime you tried to get some space he would start having a breakdown.
Stating you must hate him, you nuts not even love him, you just do t want him in your life at all. You didn’t but you hated how much he would cry. And so on to avoid this you just stopped trying to have space. Stopped asking to call or parents, friends, or even anyone you knew. Just to avoid him panicking. Sure this was an oddly normal occasion but you loved him. You loved him right?
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You and him were out in town at the moment. His arm wrapped around your waist in an almost too tight grip. People were even staring at you seeing your discomfort.
“ John, you’re hurting me could you loosen your grip please.” You asked .
“ Oh no! Dear, I would but I don’t want to lose you in this big crowd you’re too precious for me to lose honey.” He said tightening his grip.
You wanted to say something but didn’t. Not wanting to upset him. Throughout the whole way home you just dealt with his right grip sure it bothered you. But as soon as you got home he apologized.
” I’m so sorry honey are you upset? Please don’t be upset with me! I love you. I love you so much my precious dear.” He said constantly kissing you from your wrist to cheek murmuring praises.
With his hot breath fanning your ears you gulped blushing. Even as you indulged into his sweet promises you had failed to notice the peering black pupils glaring at your lover. Almost sneering as you watched you press a kiss to his cheek. Oh how he wished that was him. Kissing you all over worshiping your skin from head to toe as you deserved. God you’re just so perfect and sweet.
After he constantly praised you he finally stopped at the suggestion of watching Tv. You had put on The Notebook. You had cried all night and fallen asleep on the couch. Your lover had decided to go onto bed leaving you on the couch half asleep.
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Rubbing your sore eyes after crying you looked up at the TV while it emptily stared at you. Why not watch something else maybe it’ll help you feel better. As you clicked the on button the screen blinded you with its bright display. While trying to adjust your eyes the first thing they adjusted on was this yellow puppet. He had swirly navy blue hair, red scarf on his neck, a blue sweater, and rainbow pants his color scheme was oddly very pleasing to your eyes making you smile as the character gently spoke. It was a nice thing to hear since the only voice you ever heard screamed at you. It seemed to be a kids show from its childish aesthetic. You sniffed happily at how cute it all seemed. Julie and Frank were your favorite duo so far. The extroverted friend who’s always happy and the introvert who’s obsessed with moths. A trope you never knew you needed but here you are.
As the show continued you couldn’t help but get drawn towards Wally. It was just something about him that made you smile. Could it be the bright colors? Perhaps his gentle voice? You didn’t know but it brought you some joy so it didn’t matter. As the show continued you couldn’t help but get drawn towards Wally. It was just something about him that made you smile. Could it be the bright colors? Perhaps his gentle voice? You didn’t know but it brought you some joy so it didn’t matter.
“_____! Dearest where are you?” His voice rang out.
You hurriedly answered and turned the TV off getting up brushing dust off your clothes. How is it mornings already wasn’t it just midnight? Oh well you must have gotten so infatuated with the show you lost track of time
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It was once again late at night but you were alone again with your computer. It’s been ages but you just had to! Ever since you watched that show you’ve been hooked! There was even a website fully dedicated to the show. And Wally was on there. Wally was most definitely your favorite. The website even had him interact with the viewer. It was adorable little thing. You even found others who enjoyed it too. But whenever you would talk about Wally interactions you had everyone seemed confused. It was odd.
“ So dear what have you been doing?” Your boyfriend asked as you were happily watching an episode of Welcome Home.
“ Oh it’s nothing just this show I found.” You replied eyes glued onto he screen displaying Wally.
“ You’ve been doing obsessing over that show for a while why not give it a break plus it’s for kids isn’t it?” they told you.
“ Yes…but I just got invested in it. You know what I’m tired I’m going to go ahead and get some sleep.” You said yawning as they rolled their eyes.
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“ The hell do they even watch this for it’s a fucking baby’s show.” He angrily nagged while he watched welcome home.
“ You know neighbor I don’t think you’re being very nice.” Wally smiled at him through the screen.
“ Wow I have great timing. Heh… what the fuck is the TV doing.” He arched his browl as it started to glitch out.
If only he knew the horrors of what Wally had planned for him.
“ Oh no no neighbor it isn’t the TV. Ha ha ha! You’re so funny~!” Wally smiled.
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As you went to the living room you first noticed the TV gone. It made you panic seeing that your only comfort was now gone.
“ John! Were’s the TV?” You panicked trying to find him.
“ Oh, don’t worry the TV had decided to start glitching out so I got rid of it. Plus you’ve been watching too much TV either way dear.” He said with a kiss to your cheek.
“ Oh no…it was working fine last night. Do you think you could get us another one. Johnny?” You told him trying to butter him up for a possible new TV as you rubbed circles onto his chest.
“ Well, I was planning on getting a new one either way.” He blushed as you clinged onto him.
As you tried to butter him up you hadn’t noticed the envious eye’s glaring at the man. You then kissed his cheek hugging him out of glee for a new TV.
You waved him goodbye as you bounced with glee knowing that you’ll finally get a new TV. Sure your old one was glitchy and you have been asking him countless times for a new one. And it finally happened! Things have been going so well lately you hope it never ends.
As you were about to fix yourself something to eat a sudden familiar voice. It was a bit muffled but out of curiosity you had decided to go and check it out. It sounded as if it was in your basement. Wow the most basic white move in any horror movie. As you went down the stairs you had soon seen the TV John said was broken and glitching out. But it was still plugged up down here. And Wally was displaying onto it with no glitching.
“ Hello Neighbor how are you?” He asked with a tilt to his head.
You chuckled rolling your eyes as you replied just for some fun since you were alone.
“ I’m doing great how about you?” You giggled.
As time went on Wally seemed to feel as if he was more alive by the moment. As you chatted with the puppet while he mysteriously answered on point. You had begun to wonder where the other characters were. Usually Julie and Frank were to show up by now. As you asked he all the sudden seemed a bit off.
“ Oh, don’t worry about them. Just focus on me for now ok? I have a surprise for you!” He said.
Ok this was weird now. He is actually responding to you not just some scripted shit no he was having a full on conversation with you. How did you not notice this. Everytime you saw him on screen you would just blank out. It was weird how much little awareness you would have.
“ Aren’t you excited?” He asked as you nodded not saying anything.
“…WALLY! I told you to wait!”John screened startling you.
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“ Awww, Jealous? I’m sorry they were just so adorable this morning I couldn’t help myself neighbor.” He sighed looking down onto you through the TV.
“ What…what did you two do?” You voice shook.
They had then explained the occurrence of their first meeting. John had decided to see what you liked about Wally’s show so much. And as he was about to get rid of the TV everything went down hill from there. But they both eventually came to an agreement. It would be so much better if they just shared you. For instance while John wasn’t there you would be able to be accompanied by Wally. And when he was there they could both just have you to themselves. A wonderful idea right?
“ Aww, don’t be scared! It’ll be fun I swear my dear.” John said holding you close to place a kiss on your cheek.
“ But how would-” he then pressed a finger to you shushing you “ We’ll figure it would dear right now all that matters is you.” He sighed.
“ You always smell so goood! God Dear you’re just so perfect aren’t you?” He praised as you shook.
“ Oh don’t brag John!” Wally pouted crossing his arms.
“ Now who’s the jealous one? I mean just look at them so perfect, so just so beautiful, and so cute~. Sometimes I wonder if I could just eat you up. God you’d be such a sweet delectable treat dear.” He mewled almost drooling as he tilted your head up.
“ Oh stop it! You’re teasing the poor thing they can bearly speak.” Wally said.
Oh geez what is happening?!
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Hello and hope you all enjoyed! Writers block is trying to get the best of me I swear but I had so much fun writing this. Hope you’re all having a good day/night or that it gets better!
Tysm for the request hope it was was up to your liking!
Sincerely- Cup1dT3a 💌
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redzonerandr · 1 month
Week #18: An eBay Miniature Rescue
I decided I wanted to try my hand at resucing a mini. I found this lot of Dark Imperium Plague Marines that were caked in...something. I've always loved the Dark Imperium sculpts so I had to pick them up. How could I not?
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I have no clue what this model was painted with, but it was a pain in the ass to get off. It must have been some kind of enamel paint because acrylic paint comes off easily with my stripper. Either way I'm really happy with how it turned out in comparison to what it was prior. Once I made it passed whatever the blood effect was the armor coloring seemed to be almost like a darker blue Night Lords style color scheme. Whoever worked on it did a good job. I'm not really sure why they caked on all that blood effect. I wish I could have heard from the person who painted this squad to see what was going on in their head at the time. Maybe there was a plan that just didn't work out like they had thought it would. I know how they feel.
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fruit-sauce · 9 months
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back at it again with my insane AUs that make no sense to everyone except me
I can barely describe this myself but I'll sure try:
These were mostly based off the designs lining up well, they don't all make sense, some can best be described as "I just felt it made sense" so I'll try my best
Jaiden/Nihilego - Even with Baghera and Forever's connection with the Federation, Jaiden is preferred and is treated really nicely/Lusamine is obsessed it; blue; I was more thinking of the Lillie Nihilego from the anime
Vegetta/Buzzwole - buff; "its my six-pack!" - Vegetta/Buzzwole liking to flex and show off
Nihachu/Pheromosa - Very pretty and feminine, as well as super badass; Niki's sweater reminds me of Pheromosa's shiny
Tubbo/Xurkitree - Tubbo immediately building that giant drill "world eater"/Xurkitree having said that it once raided a powerplant; they both relate to machinery in some way; it was either Xurkitree or Guzzlord ngl
Philza/Celesteela - green; flying
Tina/Kartana - color palette has lots of orange and white; both relate to plants, Tina - carrots/Kartana - grass type
Felps/Guzzlord - Felp's square he's digging out/Guzzlord having eaten mountains and buildings
Slime/Poipole - Slime is.... slimy.../Poipole being called "UB Adhesive"
Ironmouse/Naganadel - Purple and Pink color scheme; this one is another one where there is little reason, it just felt right
Antoine/Stakataka - Antoine's builds (specifically the pillars at his Moon) reminded me of Stakataka; the skin I used in the photo, you can see stuff peaking through his arms and legs that match with Stakataka's eye things
Missa/Blacephalon - there is no explanation for this one; I guess Blacephalon's shiny matches well?
Quackity/Cosmog/Cosmoen - just a little guy; Quackity being stuck in water/Cosmoen being stuck, unable to move or do anything until it evolves
Etoiles/Solgaleo - Star/sun symbolism
BadBoyHalo/Lunala - Night/bat/etc. symbolism
ElQuackity/Necrozma - Darker color scheme; in ElQuackity's last days, he came in to say things, then it started raining/Necrozma stealing the light from the world
Mr. ------/Lusamine - He managed to get all the members to the island for whatever reason and Lusamine obsession with the Ultra Beasts (and the room with all the frozen Pokemon resembles the ice chambers the latest members were in)
Baghera/Lillie - Based off recent lore and the "Manager's Children" AU/headcanon; I really like how Lillie from shy and meek, to gaining confidence and wanting to go out on her own journey (both in game and in the anime),
Forever/Gladion - Also from "Manager's Children" AU/headcanon; Forever and Baghera having a sibling-like bond
Cellbit/Type:Null - Close relation to Forever/Gladion; Cellbit works for the Federation/Type:Null was created by the Aether Foundation
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autumnmobile12 · 3 months
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Ghost Hunt x My Hero Academia Crossover
So I've wanted to explore the concept of Mai Taniyama's abilities in Ghost Hunt as as Quirk in My Hero Academia for awhile now because, frankly, she has the groundwork for an interesting one: Through clairvoyant dreams, Mai has the ability to witness past events, communicate with the dreams of other people, and even pass along small objects in dreams. She's also incredibly intuitive and has been able to rely on gut feelings in past investigations. (This last one may or may not be a Quirk thing.)
There's a few applications here. Firstly, the retrocognition would be a useful Quirk since it's primary function in Ghost Hunt's canon is showing Mai exactly how a person died. In the My Hero 'verse, this would allow her to determine if an unnatural death was accidental or a homicide, and in a missing person case, the astral projection side of her abilities can allow her to locate victims and determine what condition they're in and maybe find where they are.
The major drawback to this ability, though, is it would be a hellish Quirk to cope with as the way her dreams work, she is often compelled to relive the death as though it were hers. Not exactly the key to a healthy state of mind experiencing the last thoughts and feelings of a person who's died, and possibly violently at that.
Realistically, not the flashiest of powers, so she would definitely be on the more obscure side of the Pro-Hero popularity spectrum, probably somebody only Deku has heard about with any real know-how on who she is and what she can do. For comparative purposes, her career path would align closer with Aizawa's in that she can't rely on her Quirk to fight and therefore has to resort to alternative methods to handle a crisis. Abilities speaking, she's definitely geared more toward reconnaissance, stealth, and investigation, which is how she operates in Ghost Hunt anyway and why I went with a darker color scheme for her costume.
I want to incorporate her Nine Cuts somehow, but I haven't settled on a way to do that quite yet.
The name Epimetheia comes from the Greek Titan Epimetheus. I could have gone with some feminine form of Morpheus, the god of dreams, but I really think Mai's retrocognition is the core trait the of her power. Epimetheus is the titan god of hindsight. He 'knew all that came before.'
As always for Ghost Hunt, I tend to write Mai as a young adult, so she is not a student in this. Actually, for this crossover, she is much older than the main cast. She's in her twenties in the fanart shown here, but this is decades before the actual timeline.
And with that, here's a brief, un-edited snippet of something I've been playing with:
“We’ve actually met once before,”  Hawks said abruptly.
“Have we?”  Taniyama turned to him, confused.  Her expression brightened somehow and the tired, hollowness of her eyes was gone.
“Yep.  I was just a little kid then, so I don’t blame you for not remembering.”  It was so long ago that he barely remembered it.  “It was at the zoo.  I’d heard they were letting kids in for free that day, so I found a chance to get away from my mom and headed out.  I always wanted to see a real elephant.”
Her lips curled into a warm smile. “And did you?”
“Sure did.”  He bobbed his head in brief nod.  “I was standing in front of their enclosure and someone knocked into me with a stroller or something and I dropped my plushie.  As I was trying to get it back, all these people kept kicking it out of the way or stepping on it.  And then it landed by your feet and you picked it up.”
Taniyama was silent.
“I remember you crouched down to give it back to me and you had the biggest smile on your face.  You asked if it was mine.  Thing is, though…I think you noticed how dirty I was.  You asked if I was okay and where my mom was.  You even asked if you could buy me a pair of shoes.”  He hadn’t let her.  If he’d returned home with a brand new pair of shoes instead of the secondhand ones that were falling apart, his dad would have beaten him and demanded to know where he’d gotten them.  Or he would have taken and pawned them for cash the first chance he got.  Or both.  But the hero Epimetheia must’ve suspected that much when he kept refusing her offers to help him with his silence and his nervous shaking head.  “And then your smile became sad and you asked me…
“Do you need help?”
“You were so warm and kind, and I'm sad to say I think that scared me a bit. I wasn't used to that from adults and so I ran away. But even after the Commission took me in, I hoped I would see you again.”  He turned to face her and was horrified to see her eyes running with tears.  “Whoa, whoa, whoa!  What’s wrong?  Why are you crying?” Shit, I made an old woman cry!  She’s not that old, but I made her cry!
Taniyama placed a scarred hand over her mouth.  “All these years, I wondered what happened to that little boy I saw at the zoo.”
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chicken-scratching · 6 months
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I really need to stop using ms paint as it's not the best for blending and because of the update
LIKE FOR EXAMPLE when using the water color brush I can't undo a stroke so that makes it exceptionally difficult not to mention there's a glitch where something if you zoom out while still toggled on the fill bucket or eraser tool it suddenly fills or erases a specific section????? it's really frustrating.
I digress, this was a study for lighting comprehension I wanted to learn basic rendering. Though it was also to practice having a process when doing art instead of instantly trying to make the entire piece at once. Basically I start with the concept sketch then I use colors for the lineart though I make sure to vary the linework color depending on the area it is relative to a surface it is near or the light hitting it. so linework near the floor is just a little lighter and since the ground is white instead of moving the color scheme to a lighter part you just increase the saturation since only saturation and intensity is affected. I really would've wanted to work with using a sort of ocapacity to make some parts lighter to make it more convincing but ms paint doesn't have that so I had to compromise.
I also learnt about using much more subtle color changes in order to create realism so there are very slightly different hues on the main body that helps it feel more convincing.
I also learnt a bit more about the rgb scale and color! And since Popstar J @moonverc3x has a darker palette there were some different rules in place
I'm hoping maybe with medibang I can learn more about effects gradients and experimenting with other brushes but until next time!!!
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cqtlatte · 3 months
your one of my favorite artists and i wanted to know if you have any tips for anyone who wants to makes drawings with colors like yours. the backgrounds are beautiful and i wish i could play with colors like that
AAAA Thank you so much Ruby 😭🫶🏻 it really means a lot.
Lots of typing below so I'll add a keep reading tab!
I did go in depth in a previous ask, where I also linked back to yet ANOTHER ask, lol. I definitely encourage you to give them a read if you'd like! :)
But of course I can definitely add some more tidbits!
Besides playing around with clip studio's built in features (tone curve, approximate color, gradient map, etc.) Taking inspiration from real life is one of my favorite things to do. ^^
In fact it's possibly one of the best places you can get color reference from, because how you interpret it is entirely up to you!
For example with the celestial crystalfly piece, I saw these flowers near a supermarket, and a really lovely color scheme near the end of a sunset. (Besides the fact that I was daydreaming about painting Lumine if she collected all of the elements FHAHDGSHA) I didn't actually color drop for this piece, because I wanted to treat it like a study, and I was painting the flowers from memory because I didn't have a picture of it them the time.  I stylized it in the end but was very pleased w the result. ^^
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And with this character design, I got color inspiration from a butterfly in a photography book that was on sale in Indigo.
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So generally my colors don't always come from nowhere!
Besides that for all pieces, I personally also like to plan colors during the sketch phase!
If you're like me and you used to follow the traditional sketch > lineart > color workflow, but once you got to the coloring part you'd get stuck, try it! Once you have a pose and character in mind, add some lighter base colors. As you work on rendering the piece, build up your base colors with darker colors (or lighter colors for things like accents and highlights)
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It's probably more suited to painterly styles, but I think you could definitely find a way to make it work if you prefer clean lineart. 
I hope this helps give you some jumping off points to think about!
Color is a bit of a hard area to give concrete guidance on because it almost goes hand in hand with style. You get more comfortable with it and find what works the more you practice.
And that's coming from someone who used to color/draw like this 8 years ago,,,,,
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so trust me. 😭
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morayoflight · 2 years
Octavinelle with a physically disabled reader who turns into a mermaid/man
I like writing about sinister Octavinelle but I think I just made them have fun and cute moments here. I did try to bring back some of that scheming attitude in the end haha 
You were already disabled before you came to NRC. Your condition made you incapable of walking and you were pretty much born that way. You could not move your legs, much less feel any sensation from it.
Thankfully, Crowley was kind enough to offer you some assistance regarding your physical condition.
The first time you met Azul, Jade and Floyd, they were nothing short of curious. A human who cannot walk? How interesting.
The three of them, being merpeople, had to learn with great difficulty the art of controlling human legs when they got theirs for the first time. 
As much as they struggled, they understood the convenience of having legs on land.
So they wondered how difficult it must be for a human who naturally lives on land to not be able to walk at all.
Azul: "Hm. I have heard of physical disabilities in humans, but this is actually my first encounter with one."
Jade: "Oh my, what a poor thing you are."
Floyd: "Hehh~ That's funny, a human who cannot walk? Ne~ Would you be able to swim if you were a fish then?" 
Floyd's comment struck an idea in you, one that made you waste no time in striking a deal with Azul.
Luckily, Azul was actually quite interested in your little plan. He wanted to see how things would play out so you were able to avoid dealing with his scheming businessman mode.
What was the plan, you ask? It wasn't much, just that you asked to be turned into a mermaid/man. 
If your legs wouldn't work, how about a tail?
The trio helped you prepare for a short trip to the beach, a perfect location for your simple experiment. 
Floyd was ecstatic. He immediately dived into the water upon arrival, transitioning into his eel form. 
Jade picked you up from your wheelchair and carried you bridal style into the ocean, only stopping when the water reached up to his thighs. He placed you down gently, propping you up so your head didn't submerge into the water.
Azul followed suit, carrying the transformation potion he made for you.
You drank the potion, noting a strange after taste. Azul had warned that you might feel pain during the transformation process, but you did not think it would be so bad.
Boy were you so wrong.
A shock immediately shot up your legs. You felt as if a thousand thorns were wrapping around them, holding them tight to each other and piercing them endlessly.
It was so, so painful that you started crying…and then laughing.
The trio were bamboozled to say the least.
Floyd: "Is the Little Shrimp broken? Why are they laughing?"
You wiped your tears, apologizing to them. Talking through hiccups, you explained that it was the first time you felt any sensation on the lower half of your body and you were extremely happy about it even if it hurt like hell.
Jade: "Oya, I have never seen anyone become so joyous over pain. I must say, this is truly amusing…hehe."
Once the transformation process was over, you caught a glimmer of gold under the water.
Your tail was a bright gold, and apparently, it was a rare color for merpeople, Azul told you. 
Now the real trial begins. You still had to figure out if you could move your tail.
Everyone sucked their breath while they patiently waited for you. It was so silent.
Slowly, you tried to flick your tail up.
"It's….it's working!" you cried again.
It amazed all of you. Your original legs wouldn’t work but somehow, you could move your new tail. 
Floyd immediately wanted to play with you. Jade had to stop him from dragging you into the deeper, darker parts of the ocean.
The twins taught you how to swim with your newfound tail. Floyd wasn't being much of a help, but he did hype you up.
Jade was more gentlemanly. Transforming in his eel form, he stayed close with you under the ocean. He kept holding you up to keep you from sinking to the ocean floor until you could float on your own.
Azul refused to use his octopus form, but he did tag along and gave you verbal instructions on swimming.
The twins might taunt you as soon as you gain stable control over your tail. They like swimming around you like predators, teasing and jeering.
It would annoy you a little bit, so you'd try chasing after them until you could swim a bit faster. But still not as fast as them. 
Swimming faster felt exhilarating and Jade would have to wrap his tail around you just to keep you from going who knows where out of their sight.
Floyd might squeeze you, for real. 
You try to get Azul to join in on the fun. He might use his octopus form with a bit of persuasion. Otherwise, you just swam around him, happily showing off the result of his potion.
Your thanks and praises were pleasant to Azul's ears.
You were so happy that you got to move around freely all by yourself for the first time.
You were a bit sad when the day ended and you had to go back to your human form. You wished things could stay like this forever. 
The trio walks you (and your wheelchair) to your dorm, and you bid them goodnight with a bright smile before shutting the door behind you.
Floyd: "Hey, Azul~ Can we keep Shrimpy in a fish tank?"
Jade: "A brilliant idea. Taking care of them might be just as interesting as caring for terrariums."
Azul: "Well…that gold tail is certainly rare. It might attract customers if we placed them in a tank visible to the entire Lounge…"
Another offer was well on its way to you the next day and perhaps you could use your merform for much longer. 
And maybe the trio had their own plans to keep you in the Coral Sea with them someday.
Not that you would mind, you definitely had more freedom as a merperson than a human. 
Maybe your true habitat was the ocean. Who’s to say Octavinelle won’t take you away with them?
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bam-stroker · 2 months
Rest stop prompt time!!!!
Have you ever thought about Sun trying to teach Moon how to skate?
I haven't but o buddy this is so sweet, I have now!!!! Have a drabble my friend (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)
“Soooooooooo~ I’ve got a special date planned for tonight, Moonglow.” Sun hums warmly, as they lean across the front check-in desk with easy confidence. Instead of their usual diner uniform, they have on one of Moon’s short sleeve button up shirts. The dark blue and black color scheme has Sun’s yellow silicone glowing even brighter than usual. It’s become a frequent habit of theirs to borrow Moon’s clothes, and it still leaves him a flustered mess every time he sees them wearing it. The little star flair designs along the front must be matching how bright the constellations along his cheek are shining. 
Fully distracted by it all, it takes a moment for Moon’s mind to catch up. He blinks the stars from his eyes, and hides his flustered smile in the safety of his nightcap. “Special? Should I bring anything?” 
Sun’s fingers swirl along the black countertop like golden comet trails, a mischievous quirk to their smile as they say, “Wear your shorts. I don't want you tripping over your pants.” 
As the street lamps kick on, Moon waits outside the diner for Sun. The humidity and heat of the day lingers over the hot asphalt like a warm blanket. Past the glow of the neon signs and lamps lining the sidewalks, he catches quick glimpses of the stars in the night sky. A shiver rattles through him as a cool night breeze brushes against his bare legs. He only has a few pairs of shorts, and it’s rare he ever wears them, but for Sun he’s willing to give them a try from time to time. He much prefers the familiar comfort of cloth covering his knobby robotic legs, but the warm weight of Sun’s hand on his knee sure can be a motivator to change up his look when they ask. 
Dusty blue silicone peaks out below the crisp hemline of his shorts on his upper thighs, only for the color to fade like the twilight to darker shades towards his calves. Embroidered stars and moons dance along the hemline of his navy blue shorts, as little bursts of white, silver, and gold. Nestled snugly above his waist, he fiddles with the tip of his black leather belt to try and tuck it behind the closest loop. The blue and yellow stripes along his white shirt reflect back through the diner windows as he does so. 
The chime of the diner door grabs his attention, but before he can look up, an unfamiliar whoosh steamrolls towards him like a freight train. Wide eyed with shock, a blur of yellow rockets towards him, and he wonders if the comet is falling from the roof to crash into him. 
“Hey there handsome!” 
All at once, the motion consumes him as Sun’s arms wrap tight around his waist to lift him up. He yelps with surprise, hanging on to them like a dizzy koala, as they spin in perfect circles. While that train rattling sound crunches on the concrete below them. 
“Surprise!” They chime, as they finally slow to a stop. 
Moon keeps his arms and legs firmly wrapped around Sun, as if at any moment the roller-coaster might start up again. They titter gleefully as he simply gawks at them. “What… was that?!” The usually low soothing murmur of his voice raises to sound much closer to the tinny tenor of Sun's natural tone.
Sun hefts him up in their arms, humming with mischievous delight as their warm palms cradle the exposed silicone of his thighs. “Said I had a surprise for tonight.” They lean forward to press a chaste kiss to the anxiously flaring stars along his night cheek. “Management sent me some roller skates for the diner~ Thought it might be fun to teach you how to skate… if you’d like?” 
The flash of pastel pink wheels grabs Moon’s attention as he looks down at Sun’s feet. The design is the same dreamy color palette as the rest of the diner, with pastel pinks, turquoise, and white accents. They’re cute and so very Sun.
Between the warm honey of their tone and the sweet touches, all his shock melts away to a familiar flustered buzz. He lets out a huff of laughter as he bonks his forehead to theirs, a few final jolts of surprise trickling through his wires. “That’s… some surprise, Sunrise.” He lets out a wispy sigh, and leans back to look at them. “So what was your plan if I said no to learning?”
They give a small squeeze to his thighs, as they very pointedly give him a pleased look over. “Well… I could show you some tricks I’ve learned. Or–” they lower their voice to a purr, “we could spend some time up on the roof. I’d love to go stargazing, and I think I know just the ones I’d like to map out with you.” 
A quick flurry of kisses pepper along his cheek to land on the glowing stars there.
Suave and oh so silly, Moon can’t help but lose himself to laughter as Sun ends each static kiss with a playful Mwah! 
“Ok! Ok!” Moon gets out between wispy giggles, his eyes crack back open to look at Sun’s eager smile. His own lopsided one must be as wide as can be in return.
“You’ve got the sweetest little laugh, you know that, Moon Pie?” Even through all the teasing, Sun’s eyes soften fondly as they give him a happy squeeze.
He playfully baps at their arm to let him down. “I’ll probably be laughing when I fall face first while skating… Remind me about that again when I do.” It’s a joke, but there’s hardly any real worry to it with the way hiccups of soft laughter bubble up through his words.
Sun hums a happy little tune as they help him back to the ground, “You won’t fall, sweetie, I’ll be right here to hold you steady.” They thread their fingers with one of his hands to tug him towards the diner. “Gonna hold your hand all night, Nightlight~!” 
Would Moon ever be as skilled as Sun at roller skating? Probably not. But none of that seems to matter with how wide his lopsided smile stretches at the thought of how steady and warm their hand is in his. 
After all, if skating is a bust… stargazing sounded pretty good too ❤
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gritsandbrits · 22 days
Watching the catwoman scene in batman returns not only feels cathartic but also makes me think about how my self insert plays in all of it.
Tw//SA mention
When we see first see Selina's apartment you start to notice something: the walls are pink. Stuffed animals and dolls stacked neatly on shelves and the couch. A pink neon sign greets you with "Hello There!". It almost looks like a little girls room, reflecting Selina's still innocent state of mind. Then during her rampage she sprays everything with black paint, cuts up a leather jacket. She shoves a dollhouse aside as she gets to work. Her newfound aggression empowers her at first but she end suo developing a sort of vindictive misplaced anger towards women she deems as preppy (Vicki) or weak (the victim she saved from r4pe).
My self insert starts the series wearing darker colors, like olives and gray, as if to blend into the background. To make herself look professional. Because that's what real adults do, right? Like selina she doesn't make a lot of bold statements. In fact she was kind of a cynic when it came to Gotham. Throughout the movie as my sona settles into her role as the replacement Ice Princess, she starts wearing brighter colors, from pale blues to the pastel pink that once coated the walls of selina's fortress.
Even when my sona remains uncomfortable playing this role she sucks it up anyways because she feels obligated to bring some joy to Gotham. At the gala she wears a beautiful ball gown, handpicked by Max Shreck himself, which end up getting torn during the climatic battle. And after the movie while she goes back to her normal style, she starts incorporating bright colors as a sign of regaining hope and enjoyment for life. That she doesn't have to give up everything to be considered an adult.
The destruction of clothes also plays a role in reclaiming personal agency. Catwoman cuts up a jacket to make her suit (somehow having enough material to cover her entire body) and my sona rips the bottom of her gown so she can run. Giving themselves the ability to move freely literally detaching themselves from the roles they've been shoved into by men.
Despite selina's previous statement on weak woman expecting on a hero to save them I end up helping the hero. My sona willingly gives herself up to penguin, my sona leads the kids out of the sewers. I even scream at Catwoman that I didn't ask to be ice princess and don't care about strength or weakness. I just wanted to save those kids. I witness Catwoman electrocuting Max but lie to the police because I felt she had suffered enough and having the cops on her back would've made things worse. It's woman giving another woman a chance to be free. And this surprises Selina because she never expected a stereotypical snooty princess being so active. That even dollied up jewels and chiffon didn't free me from oppressive standards that destroyed her.
Ironically despite walking on opposite sides of the runway the way selina and my sona are treated aren't all that different. Shreck props up my sona as a symbol of innocence yet he murdered an innocent woman. Penguin lusts after my sona but tried to kill Catwoman for spurning his advances. Yet I am spared because I willingly go with him which I take the opportunity to look for the missing children. Bruce believes he can fix selina but he just cant, she doesn't want to be saved. He had to let her go. Yet it's his determination & strong sense of justice and hope that encourages me to try to face my own battles. Bruce's final lines emphasizes how he is only major male character to see us as real people.
It didn't matter what we wore or thought or behaved, we were unfairly put into boxes that reduced us to shallow props. In the grand scheme of things our rivalry didn't matter. It didn't solve the bigger issues.
In short the Madonna-Whore complex sucks.
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shiawasekai · 23 days
Roots and stillness for Nela
Kit, thank you for the answers! These were very fun to consider. Most of the answer will be after the cut as this... Got Very Long.
roots: Is your OC's look inspired by any specific style of clothing or fashion trend? What are the roots and/or inspiration for their look?
To the first question, not really. However... well, her design still has a lot behind so this is going to be long. As a warning, the way i designed her is deeply tied to the context in which I designed her! So I'll also cover that.
As far as her physical looks, clothes aside, the inspiration is a healthy mix of her in-game model and the portrait I used. Neither was quite the image I wanted for her, so I ended up mix-and-matching whatever I liked better from both versions. Short hair from the in-game model, wavy because of the portrait...I was going to use the model's darker skintone initially, but I soon realized the illustration's pale skin worked a lot better with her color palette.
The asymmetrical elements like the tattoos and the disheveled hair are my choice, as is whatever is going on with her eyes. A bit of storytelling flair.
A fun fact on this particular topic: she wasn't going to have pupils at first. However, I wasn't fully sold to the look, so I added her current
As for the clothes themselves... Nela is the first woman I've drawn at all. And, to be honest, I just wanted to solidify that mental image a bit for my own personal sake. I didn't aim for more and I sure didn't aim to share it anywhere.
So, in my very first attempts to draw her, I just tried to half-ass some mage robes. I figured out her full color scheme by that point, but the outfit attempts were... disastrous. So, so bad. The issues were plenty, but most importantly they had no personality whatsoever.
This was the point in which my perfectionist streak took over and I resigned myself to sit down and take my time giving her a proper design. The first thing I decided was to give up on the traditional mage aesthetic. No robes, she was going to wear pants. I wanted it to be practical for my very rational and often pragmatic OC.
After a bit of testing, I somehow landed on a weird mix of a tabard and a (short) cape for the top. The tabard was mostly intended to reinforce the idea of a fantasy battle outfit, the cape... That's just personal aesthetic appeal tbh. I couldn't give up on either, so I went through way too many versions stubbornly trying to fusion the two. There is no specific inspiration beyond my own desperation to make it work, really.
In fact, the reason it's cropped at the top is because of the color palette (the design needed more white in the torso area, or the pants wouldn't work. Too much blue). I just needed the shirt to be more visible very badly, and it made the outfit more interesting. Two birds with one stone.
I landed on the rune pattern on my endless search for details I could add that felt coherent with the character AND I could make work within the constraints of the color palette. It also was intended to bring mage vibes back to the outfit, which were otherwise lacking.
The grimoire/spellbook (which back then was a lot less detailed) and a pouch for spell components were both a must. The utility knife was also a basic feature that talked about function over form, but it was also useful to break down the shapes and add visual interest with a bit of asymmetry.
The Nethys charm is something I knew I wanted to add from the start, as it felt like a good bit of visual storytelling. As for why it's sewn into the tabard: I wanted the visual effect of a necklace/pendant but, once I cropped the upper section of the tabard-cape, any movement would drag a necklace under the fabric and hide it away.
I really didn't want that (or for it to compete for attention with the shirt's buttons!) so sewing it to the tabard was the logical solution to all the problems.
As a fun fact, the "black" section of the Nethys mask is actually the same dark blue as the cape or the pants! It reads as black due to color relativity! It helps keep the color scheme tight and cohesive. I did stress a lot about that.
The last noteworthy point is the backside of the tabard being wider and divided in coat-tails. Its purpose is to balance out the top and bottom sections of the design, as there is too little going on with the legs otherwise (and the front section of the tabard covered it entirely otherwise from most angles). Dividing it into coat-tails also helps to add visual interest to the outfit when seen from the back!
I've mentioned it before, and it comes up in other answers but, at the moment Nela gets this outfit made she wouldn't choose anything this elaborate if she could help it. It requires her thinking in matters she would rather keep out of her mind. But she is playing the part of the Knight-Commander and she is painfully aware of how much looks matter. This is an outfit she chooses out of both her own sense of practicality and a need to maintain a proper appearance as a leader who has all the eyes on her.
Carefully chosen colours and fabrics, a flattering cut (the tabard being shaped to slim her down, hiding her wide shoulders and making her short torso look longer)... She is supposed to have an eye for these things given her upbringing (even if her family couldn't afford to wear what they made for others), and I think this outfit also tells that story.
stillness: How does your OC act while still? Are they fidgety? Do they have any common gestures or tics? Does their clothing affect how they hold themselves while at rest?
Now that's something I hadn't really considered. This was fun to think about!
I would say it really depends on whether she's focused on something or not. Standing still is not particularly difficult if her mind is actively occupied on something, but if it's waiting for waiting's sake? That's going to be very hard for her and she is going to get fidgety really fast.
In terms of tics and common gestures.... She's definitely the kind to talk to herself under her breath, often without really noticing. She's also prone to hum whenever she's focused on something. She may stand still but she isn't particularly quiet about it.
Being a practical dresser, her clothes certainly don't hold much of an influence on the way she holds herself. She picks them to be comfortable first and foremost.
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awryen · 1 month
Nyx Being an Azem Lookalike
Ok so. This hinges on a headcanon that I have for my own stuff.
Basically, after the Sundering, the shards of Azem wouldn't really resemble them at all.
The general want/need to explore and/or adventure is the one core thing that they all share with who Azem was. And of course, soul color. Gotta have that horrifying realization for Hades, ya know? Thank you, NieR: Reincarnation, for *that* bit of horror and angst. xD
However, once the Calamities start happening, more and more physical changes start to match Azem's.
For example: by the 2nd Calamity, you might run into an Elezen who has Azem's eyes. Obviously, not the star pattern, but the color scheme.
In Nephthys's case, she had two toned eyes. A lightish, reddish purple going into a slightly darker periwinkle. The limbal ring is just a much darker version of her normal eye colors.
Back to the whole Calamity thing. Each generation born after a Calamity would end up with *something* physical from Azem, more and more attributes adding on each time.
Skin color on a Lalafell that matches exactly. Eye color on an Au Ra that is an exact match, limbal ring included. Same freckle pattern. Same exact hair color and need to wear it with a braid band.
The sexes and/or gender presentation is as varied as can be here, btw. Not just race.
By about the 5th and 6th Calamities, the Shards will start matching Azem's general identity presentation, but it still varies.
Another example: Before the 7th Calamity, during those fledgling years of the Garlean Empire, the Azem shard in *my* headcanon just so happened to end up the Empress with Emet-Selch (cause the man can't help himself. it's a pattern for him in teh previous eras, mm'kay?). Her major physical attributes from Nephthys were her skin color, her eye color, eye shape, hairstyle, same freckle pattern, the equivalent of her height to his height from back then, and that she was Hyur. Or...Hyur shaped. She was a full-blooded Garlean, with the Third Eye and all.
The only major difference, was her hair color. It was that blonde that lent itself to Lucius's hair color, that led to Varis, and on down to Zenos (of course, their mothers may have also been blonde, but the Empress helped :V).
Had the Ascians been able to continue the Rejoinings, by the second to last one, the Azem shard of the Source would more than likely be an almost near identical Copy...ignoring the personality because that can never actually match due to environments the Shard would have lived in. Their experiences.
Regarding Nyx and why she is an almost exact copy...has to do with how the story plays out. She was a converging point of things that had to happen in order for the Star to be saved, for Hydaelyn to be saved, for the Ascians to be saved.
In my headcanon, Nephthys is still slightly aware waaaaaay deep down and she kind of influenced Nyx's appearance for that reason alone. Because Venat had told her what needed to happen before The Sundering.
(the fact she didn't agree with that is neither here nor there)
Nyx, before Shadowbringers, is almost a complete copy. The only differences being that she is a Miqo'te, shorter than Nephthys would have been standingnext to Hades and Hythlodaeus, and that her eye color being the same deep colors as the limbal rings. Her eyes lighten up considerably due to the Light Corruption later one. She only gains the star pattern after her visit to Elpis.
This was Nephthys's way of getting to Hades and the others. Of making him/them see. Of making him/them stop. Of making him/them understand that *she* nor humanity will never truly be brought back, no matter how hard he/they try. A shard can look like her or anyone else who once lived in their entirety, but she/they will never be the same. Ever.
All of Nyx's scars, the scales she grew, the sin eater crack scars. All proof that she put her all into saving that star as *is*. With very minimal help from her soul's progenitor.
This is why Nyx is so close to Azem in appearance.
Her next incarnation could be slightly different for all they know.
(she's not because i'm biased and love my miqo girl and i like to think Neph ended up partial to the race herself, so the next rebirth will still be miqo :V after that? up in the air entirely cause Neph is ready to finally sleep)
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helladventurers · 9 months
WOL outfits throughout my run of the game
I've been working on this character based on Zooey from granblue fantasy, and all of her outfits so far have been based on her ^o^ or well, at least the main ones anyway (also big shout outs to @dewpriism for the help in making most of them)
Gui plays ffxiv (every post regarding the game, including opinions and reactions and anything in between)
Daughter of Dravania (WoL specific tag, including glamor, gpose pics and lore posts)
WoLtfits (glamor posts, once again with most glamour being inspired by zooey gbf)
Original outfit (slight recreation because I can't remember which gloves or skirt I was using at the time, the skirt used to fit a lot better with the top but I've since been unable to find it on my glamour dresser)
This one was the very first one I made, when I was still playing paladin in ARR, and for how limited my knowledge of the game was (and for how ugly a lot of the pieces in ARR are), I'm still proud and found of this one, even tho it's been since retired and it's not quite as good as the later ones
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Dark knight outfit
This one was after I started getting more used to the game (and realized that gatherer/crafter items could be used by any class in the game), it's a bit darker than I wanted it to be, but it still looks cute imo (and fits a dark knight :V), the only part I didn't really like were the leg guard things, but I liked the shoes too much to put on greaves or boots, and sadly this game is extremely limited when it comes to skirts 😭
this also has the distinction of being the set I used the most of since I played through HW with it and used through the vast majority of my stay in free trial, only switching to the next one when I decided to play bard
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Bard/gunbreaker outfit
Now THIS is the one that I feel like has been the most quintessential outfit so far ✨ it's the closest one I've had to Zooey's actual outfit (with the only downside being the fact it has sleeves), my friend did an amazing with the boots especially, since despite the fact they're made out of leather, the colors still makes it look like they're greaves without looking super clunky and heavy like in my first outfit
It's both by far the best one I've had thus far and extremely faithful to what Zooey outfits I had in mind when I started playing, while still having its own personality
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Red mage outfit
This one is by far the most out of the rails one so far lol red mage doesn't really fit Zooey's aesthetic, but it's an aesthetic I, as the player, really liked, so I asked my friend to see if they could at least make a color scheme that would fit Zooey, and they knocked it out of the park once again, and once again doing a banger job of making leather boots look metalic~
While this originally was just the pvp version of the level 70 red mage set, I ended up adding the skirt once I realized how well it went with the rest of the set.
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And that's it for now ^o^ overall I'm proud of these, and really happy with the results, despite none of them being 1-1 to Zooey's outfit, I still really like them, and the small differences that detract from the likeness to gbf Zooey ends up giving the outfits a bit more personality while still being reasonably close to what I perceive as her aesthetic. This is far from finished as each new expansion opens up more possibilities and chances to try out other outfits based on the new pieces I come across
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morkofday · 2 years
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before & after coloring tag
tagged by the amazing @snimeat ♥ thank you so much! also have to say that i love your very dark coloring and i admire you for how well you can pull that off ^^
tagging: @luna-lina @nanons @machikeita @badprophetvx @danyokz @liyazaki @dimpledpran @patprans ♥ no pressure but i am very curious and i love this tag a lot myself so i thought maybe you all would have fun with it too ^^
some thoughts/explanations and a list of the original posts under the cut!
pictures taken from these edits:
seanwhite + lang leav’s three questions x
pride month + fave thai drama characters x
patpran +  forugh farrokhzad’s on loving x
pingxie (reboot) + olivia gatwood’s the lover as a cult x
patpran’s love through the seasons x
pingxie (ultimate note) + joan didion x
bad buddy’s main six + sun & moon signs x
this tag is always super hard for me bc a) i don’t usually keep the gimp files and b) i obsess over “cleaning” my folders so i usually delete all “used” screenshots as soon as am done with my edit. i got lucky this time when i realized i had actually kept some of the shots used in these :’D
i tried to pick different colorings i've used but with such few options, these all became kind of similar. also my basic coloring is always kind of the same. but i’ll still blabber about each of these a bit:
the seanwhite one has a lot of red/magenda bc of the color scheme i used in the edit. it’s also a lot darker than the original picture bc i wanted the layers to show up some more. i also tried bringing in more warmth by adding more of yellow to their skin etc. it’s a very basic thing i do for pictures in general. there’s also the added noise i love using for edits to bring that rougher feeling to the images.
for both of the pride month post’s pictures i tried picking one color and switching that into the color i had chosen for each character. for shin i’ve turned green into red and for khai i remember turning some of the background blue towards green. so these two show that process more than just simple coloring.
this edit’s main colors ended up being a soft coral pink and a pastel orange. in this picture i’ve tried taking away some of the green and yellow by adding more magenda, red, and blue. i don’t think i’ve done anything more complicated for this. there’s also the added noise once again to bring in more texture.
reboot is very... green originally. so i struggled a bit when i was trying to take some of that away while still trying to keep the green in the background bc i needed that. zql got more blue tones this way (his hoodie). also this pic obviously has an added texture layer which makes the colors brighter/more muted plus brings in the folded paper effect.
the seasons one is my personal favorite when i think about my patpran edits. it was so much fun to do and i love the final edit to bits. it’s very similar to the pride month edit with how i used black and white pictures plus colored pictures. in this one i just kept pran’s skin color (which i made a lot brighter and added more red and yellow) and then turned everything else towards pink.
this pingxie edit has very muted colors and i also wanted to lean more towards blue bc the second picture is Very Blue originally. so i took away most of the green and yellow, added more blue and magenda, and made the picture a lot darker. i think the color change has happened mostly through the hue and saturation options.
all the pictures in the sun & moon signs edit also follow the same pattern i’ve introduced before: make all the colors turn towards the one desired. on the left image i had to work on the background colors separately to make them red without losing wai’s skin color and on the right i got lucky with his bright blue shirt which i could easily turn red. otherwise it’s mostly just curves for brightness and darker shadows etc.
if you have any questions, feel free to ask ^^ i love sharing my editing process but i rarely feel like it’s something i am good at explaining. mostly i just throw things together and see what works. am getting better at it tho and have learned a lot during all this time i’ve been around :’D
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peakdeer · 1 year
hiii, False ask blogger here. Thank for enjoying my character lore! As far as I concerned that all I has slipped in her so your not terribly behind. Also ficlet, it would be pretty cool to write her experience with the Capital ghosts, some scheming and some lonely.
False is just <33 she’s a vibe! she’s so so so normal and she’s so so so not and I love that for her
False loved the Capital, in a sense. Not because it was where she lived, but because it was a history not her own, a place as old as her but not of her. Everywhere else there were memories—the smiles of emperors she’d known long ago, dragging her back to her own past; artifacts washed up and old but still recognizable; dreams and flashes of memories she’d rather not have.
In the Capital, there was no such thing. Well, the dreams happened anywhere—anywhere she slept. And since she usually slept in the Capital, they usually happened there.
The major thing the Capital had, though, was the ghosts. It was almost nice, to see ghosts that weren’t of her past, to reminder her that not all ghosts lurked in her dreams with ill intent. Some of them lurked in the real world with ill intent. That made her feel better.
It didn’t, really. But not all of them had ill intent! Some were just lonely or lost or too afraid to go to the afterlife. False couldn’t help but identify with that—she was lonely and lost and too afraid to die, to let herself die.
She often found herself strolling the halls of the Capital, hoping to see such ghosts. That did make her feel better—to know she wasn’t alone, that there were others just like her. Or, well—similar. She doubted any of them had ever ruled a kingdom and betrayed their friends and then were later reincarnated in said friend’s body.
It was never hard to find the ghosts. False already saw them gathering, peeking around corners or through walls. They found her fascinating: a living human who lives in a place of the dead, who makes the homes of the dead look alive again.
Some of them appreciated it. Others did not.
“Hello?” She called after them, perhaps just out of curiosity. It would actually be quite fascinating—she could learn so much about the history of the Capital if she could talk to them. It couldn’t hurt to try, at least.
Most of the ghosts fled the moment she spoke, but some lingered, even floating closer. One especially curious ghost floated closer, head tilted inquiringly at False. It wasn’t much different than the other ghosts that floated around: a faint silhouette the color of dust, its form laden with similar particles absorbed to give it some semblance of the humanity it had once had.
It opened its mouth to speak, but the words that came out were of a language False had never heard before. She liked the sound of it, though: it had an arid tone to it, fitting of a kingdom in the savannah, and sharp vowels like the sudden fall of rain in a desolate land.
She couldn’t quite understand the language of the ghost, but she understood the wide eyes and grasping hands, the lonely desperation in its gaze. False tilted her head towards the ghost, as if it would help her recognize the language. She wanted to understand the ghost’s words—what was it saying? They’d never spoken to her before—not like this, at least. Though, it wasn’t like she spoke to them often.
Almost at once, though, a second ghost appeared, grasping the first ghost’s arm and pulling it back. This one was darker than the last; faded and dim as if it was dwindling away into nothing but dust on the floor of the Capital’s halls. Its eyes were black and tortured, making False wonder how this ghost had come to haunt the halls of the Capital. It spoke, but not to her—its face was turned towards the first ghost, its voice little more than a rasping sound.
They seemed to be arguing, almost. If False had to guess, she’d say that the darker ghost was warning the first one to not talk to her. Its face was twisted in a snarl, grip harsh on the other poor ghosts arm.
“I won’t hurt you,” False interrupted, startling the ghosts. “I don’t think I even could. I’d love to talk to you, though. I’m sure there’s a book somewhere that records your language!”
The darker ghost snarled at her again, its mouth like the Void of the End, its pinpricks of light harsh and bright and blue. The sight reminded False of something, but of what? It turned, then, sinking into the floor and to the catacombs beneath. False mourned the loss for a moment—despite its unfriendly demeanor, the ghost fascinated False.
At least the other ghost seemed calmer now that the void ghost was gone. It turned to False again, speaking in that curious language. It sounded melancholy, wringing its hand as it spoke. It seemed to understand that False couldn’t recognize its speech, but did not attempt to speak her own language. False didn’t know if it could. It reached out, hand hovering inches away from False as it continued mournfully.
A thud sounded from somewhere in the halls of the Ancient Capital. It was probably nothing—just the old stones settling—but the ghosts fled anyway, flickering into the walls or down below the floors into the caverns beneath, taking with them any knowledge False could’ve gained.
Ah, well. Ghosts were always fickle creatures. One could never expect them to stay around for too long.
Still, though. So much of the buried history could be uncovered if she could only find out what they knew.
False might try again later.
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