#I only cried a little bit when it broke haha
pushing500 · 7 months
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Irwin seems to understand there are trying times ahead and got a melee inspiration. I like to imagine Xanxalbur, the kill-happy persona zeushammer, is egging him on.
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Ahhh!! Happy birthday, Ro!! He's three already, can you believe it??
He's a follower of the Path of Animism, which is good, and I believe he has the best hair in the colony (he got that from Kaz's side of the family, I think).
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Debby immediately decided to begin the important job of educating the resident three-year-old about the scientific method. None of the three-year-olds I've met in real life seemed to grasp that sort of thing, but perhaps Ro is just built different.
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Aaand then my game crashed and wouldn't open again. I think I know which mod is causing the problem, and I'm hoping I'll be able to fix it, but please bear with me if updates are a bit slower for a bit.
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edenesth · 4 months
[7:29 PM]
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Stumbling into the shared apartment with Yeosang, you swiftly covered your mouth to suppress any whimpers upon seeing your boyfriend peacefully napping on the living room couch.
After carefully placing your heels by the shoe rack, you quietly tip-toed past his slumbering figure and slipped into your shared bedroom, closing the door behind you with utmost care to ensure he wasn't disturbed from his much-needed rest.
It was only upon reaching the sanctuary of your room that you collapsed onto the bed, tears streaming down your face as you cradled your injured arm close. It had been a horrible day, marked by a minor accident at work amidst ongoing tensions with your boss and difficult encounters with customers. Throughout the day, you struggled to keep yourself together, merely waiting for this moment to release all pent-up emotions.
As you sobbed into your pillows, the door to the room creaked open, causing you to panic. Swiftly wiping away your tears, you sat up, trying to compose yourself.
"Darling, you're back already? Why didn't you come say hi to me first, hm? I've been waiting," Yeosang's voice greeted you as he entered the cosy space, "You know you could've just woken me up..."
His words trailed off as he noticed your bandaged arm and tear-stained cheeks, "I-I'm sorry, Yeo, it's just—" You couldn't stop the sobs escaping your lips at the sight of his concerned expression, cursing yourself internally for being such a crybaby.
Hearing your anguished cries, his heart clenched, and he swiftly moved to join you on the bed. He pulled you close, showering your head with tender kisses, "Hey, hey, it's okay. What happened to your arm? Are you alright? Please, talk to me, darling."
Your sobs only grew stronger in response to his care. Nestling your head against his neck, you stuttered out, "One of my c-colleagues didn't see me approaching and accidentally s-swung her envelope opener toward me. I tried to shield myself with my arm, and that's how..." You gestured to your injured arm, feeling miserable.
"I'm so sorry, darling. Why didn't you tell me? I could have picked you up from work if I had known you were hurt. And don't try to hide it from me; I know that can't be the only reason you're upset." He whispered, his lips gently pressing against your temple as he offered a comforting squeeze, careful not to worsen the pain in your arm.
The following words that left your lips broke his heart, "I d-didn't want to burden you with something so trivial, Yeo. You're already s-so busy; my work troubles must seem insignificant compared to yours."
Drawing back a bit, he cupped your face, meeting your tear-filled gaze, "What did I tell you about thinking like that? Your problems, no matter how minor you think they are, bother me if they bother you. I never want you to keep things from me again, understand? Promise me you'll always come to me first, no matter what."
He couldn't help but chuckle when your only response to that was an adorable wail, finding your vulnerability endearing as you nuzzled your face against his shoulder once more, "Y-you're the best boyfriend ever, Yeo. I l-love you so much."
Placing a gentle kiss against your hair, he grinned softly, "I love you too, darling. More than you can imagine. Now, I want you to tell me every single thing that happened at your workplace today. I'm not usually one for aggression, but I won't hesitate to deal with anyone who dared make you cry."
With a light giggle, you pulled away slightly, "Oh, you wouldn't, you little Maltese."
You squealed as he playfully tackled you onto the bed, glad to see you lightening up and teasing again as he leaned in for a firm kiss.
"A Maltese, huh? I'll show you a Doberman."
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ATEEZ Masterlist
This was super self-indulgent. I had a horrible day and ended up getting hurt in a rather similar fashion yesterday. Also wanted to show Yeosang some love after all the hate he's received for his role in my current Seonghwa series HAHA
Speaking of which, part 14 of The Way to His Heart should be out by this weekend! Hang in there, my lovelies! As always, thanks for reading and lmk your thoughts! <3
Tag list: @aurasblue @marievllr-abg @itsvxlentine @minghaoslatina @huachengsbestie01 @evidive @weedforthoughtz @minkiflwr @cheolliehugs @ho3-for-yunho @cereal-simp @itstheghostofmypast @vantediary @green-agent @sharksandminhos @writingwieny @heyitsmetonid
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cupidb · 6 months
Guess who woke up from the dead… haha 😅
- The Intruder
Vampire!Yunho x Fem!Vampire!Reader
☆Genre: Fluff??/Smut (18+ content, MDNI!)
☆Summary: Yunho finds a badly wounded vampire in his territory and takes her home.
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Yunho was stalking the woodland. His domain was peaceful, and the moon was full. He rushed down the trails, his fangs protruding and his gaze acute in the dim light. He wasn't starving. He was simply bored.
He was the clan's area enforcer, and it was his responsibility to patrol at night, check recurring problem sites, and ensure that violators in their territory were apprehended and dealt with.
He would be regarded as gigantic inhuman proportions. In human terms, he was 6ft 2 tall. Others might conceal their fangs and stroll amongst humans in the dead of night. Yunho, not so. His skin was as white as the moon and glowed with the same ethereal radiance. His eyes were bronze in color. He could never stroll among others. He was far too beautiful.
He could smell something. It was an intruder. He moved lower to the ground. Moving on foot. Moving slowly. Unusual and risky. The intruder wouldn't be hard to find. Why would a rival vampire be in his territory, moving slowly on foot, unless something was wrong.
He could only detect one scent. A vampire who was alone was usually a vampire who was at risk. Vampires felt that there was safety in numbers. Yunho was the only one who preferred to walk by himself. He clenched his fists and braced himself for the fight. He sniffed the track once more before heading north through the woodland towards the lake.
He noticed it when he broke through the woods and entered the clearing. The trespasser. It was little, curled up, and smelled strongly of dread and hunger. Yunho was nearly certain he wouldn't have to fight tonight, but he kept his guard up nevertheless. Being careful paid off.
He approached it cautiously. As Yunho neared, it groaned and grabbed itself, its breath coming in short bursts and its eyes wide open. "I'm no intruder." It cried in pain. "Check with Hui. My maker was from this clan." That altered everything. Yunho became concerned at this point. He scooped up the small being. She weighed next to nothing.
"Why are you here?" Yunho asked quietly as he headed west to a safe place. The voice that came out was small and strained. "My maker. Did the wrong thing. They killed him. I had to escape." Yunho didn't want to know anymore. Vampires were unfortunately intrinsically tied to the actions and whims of their maker. She would have had no choice but to follow the maker's instructions. It must have been terrible for her to run and end up in this condition.
Yunho went swiftly through the night air, the darkness relaxing, his cold skin soothing the nearly lifeless creature in his arms. Vampires required very little to live. Vampires enjoy blood, darkness, and the company of other vampires. He had no choice but to keep her alive. Just five minutes more. He yanked her shirt buttons open and shoved the small vampire into his skin. Her breathing instantly slowed. Yunho exhaled a sigh of relief and continued walking.
"Mingi. Open up." He yelled as he pounded on the old farmhouse's door. When the human opened the door and saw the gigantic vampire clutching the tiny lifeless creature in his arms, his eyes widened in terror. "No time to explain." He shoved the human aside and marched into his living room, where he placed the vampire on the couch.
"Mingi. Come here." Yunho commanded. His bronze eyes burned with power as the human followed his instruction. He silently commanded the human, who was strong and bursting with vitality, to sit on the floor beside the couch.
She was almost gone. She was too weak to bite or suck. Yunho was well aware that he would have to feed her. He held Mingi's wrist tightly in his huge hand. As the vampire enforcer bit down and drank, filling his mouth with the delicious warm liquid, the human breathed deeply. He leaned over the dying vampire on the couch, pressing their lips firmly together. He opened his mouth and let the life fluid in his mouth run into the other's mouth. He held the reviving kiss for the fluids to transfer. It tasted fantastic. Mingi has recently been eating well.
He interrupted the kiss and wiped his lips with the back of his pale palm, leaving a red smear. "What happened to her?" When Yunho glared at him while disregarding his question, Mingi immediately regretted asking.
Mingi's veins were sucked again and transmitted to the little vampire. Yunho massaged their h/c hair and felt her revive as the second mouthful flowed into the other. She was going to live.
He drank another deep, rich swallow and passed it to the small vampire. The third bite was enough to wake her up. She groaned as Yunho peered over her as she recovered awareness and her sensation of pain.
"I need to see." Yunho said as he ripped her shirt open. Deep scrapes disfigured the flawless s/c chest and stomach, which were already exhibiting indications of infection. Yunho inhaled deeply at the sight before him. Inside his pants, his erection was already growing. He only fucked humans because he needed to be in power, and other vampires weren't typically willing to be completely dominated. But this one was a little different.
"Who are you?" Yunho inquired as the smaller one became lively. "My maker named me Moon. But he's gone now. "I'll go with Y/N."
"I can heal you Y/N." Yunho spoke into the vampire's ear, making her quiver at the feeling of his breath on her skin. He stroked the deep gashes on her chest with his hands. He stabbed his thumb with a fang and delicately wiped his blood into the cuts. Y/N writhed in pain as she let the massive vampire hovering over her perform his healing ritual.
Yunho sucked another mouthful of Mingi's blood and pressed his lips against Y/N's. Honestly, the small vampire was restored enough that she could bite and suck for herself, but Yunho was having too much fun with this.
His tongue followed the blood into Y/N's mouth this time, and the other welcomed it in. She pushed back with her own, and the taste of Mingi's blood lingered between them. Yunho licked her wounds as he lowered his mouth down her neck to her chest. His healing saliva instantly began to close the wounds and relieve Y/N's discomfort.
Y/N finally felt her head clear. The world came to a halt as life returned to her. Yunho's relief from her wounds was pleasant, and she relaxed as she began to appreciate the feel of Yunho's thick rough tongue on her body. She felt better every time a wound healed. Her writhing, groaning misery gradually turned to pleasure as she relished the sensation of the massive vampire looming over her.
"Let me thank you." The h/c vampire reached down and started unbuttoning Yunho's pants. Yunho quickly assessed the situation and determined that he would approve it. He had already become hard, so why not take advantage of it? As the other withdrew his erection from his pants and began to work it with her hand, he proceeded to lick at the small vampire's wounds.
Mingi muttered something about privacy and turned to walk away, but Yunho grabbed his wrist and stopped him. "We're not done with you yet." As the vampire underneath him pumped his erection faster, he muttered and sucked another mouthful from his wrist.
He leaned in and gave Y/N another mouthful of Mingi's blood, this time with his tongue, the thick red liquid coating their lips, teeth, and tongues.
As life surged back into Y/N's body, she felt herself resurrect. She had been so close to death when she was rescued by this huge imposing being whose eyes glowed with their fire.
"Can I drink from your human?" She asked quietly and politely as she continued to jerk him off. "If you say yes I'll let you fuck me." She added. Yunho smirked before nodding. She released her hold on his erection.
She grabbed Mingi roughly and went for his inner elbow, moaning as she bit down, her eyes closed as she sucked hard causing a low whimper to escape him. Just like his blood, she drank the sound up. She released the frightened human and gave him a flirty wink as she turned her attention back to Yunho, not catching the possessive glint in his eyes.
"He's delicious!" Y/N grinned. She was alive again.
"I know." Yunho smirked and barely noticed as the terrified but flustered human took off out of the room. "Now give me what you promised." He tore at the small vampire's muddy trousers and smirked again at the sight before him when they hit the floor.
With her painfully thin body and glittering e/c eyes, this petite yet powerful creature was truly beautiful. Yunho was bored with fucking Mingi. He sought the thrill of battling another creature as powerful and wild as he was.
He delighted in running his hands over the smaller's chest. He hadn't felt another vampire under him in a long time. It was unbelievably sensual. He crushed his lips on hers and forced his tongue inside. He rubbed it against Y/N's newly protruding fangs. He could tell she was excited as well.
Yunho ran his fangs lightly down the s/c flesh of Y/N's neck, causing her to moan beneath him. His manhood rubbed onto the small vampire's exposed skin. Y/N got the clue and started jerking him off again.
"Stop. Let me inside you." Yunho commanded and the smaller conceded. She knew she had to do what the other wanted. He was twice her size and could easily destroy her.
Y/N opened her legs and allowed Yunho to feel for her entrance. It was tight but she would enjoy the pain.
"Go straight in." Y/N had taken a drink from his human. She had requested a favor, and now it was her turn to repay him. He pulled her knees up and she winced when she felt Yunho’s erection push inside her. The pain was nearly as energizing as the blood.
But she felt alive once more. She hadn't felt anyone other than her maker inside her in a long time. Her maker had been selfish, possessive, and jealous, and now that he was gone, Y/N was enjoying the first act of her newfound freedom. "Ah- More" She whined as she clutched Yunho's back. She desired to feel him deep within.
Yunho was accustomed to the delicacy of humans. He had forgotten what it was like to sink himself deep within another vampire without hesitation or reservation. He yanked almost all the way out, snarled deep inside his chest, and pushed in deeply, causing her to softly whimper. As Yunho found a rhythm and began to pound against her, Y/N bucked beneath him, her hips rising to meet the violent thrusts.
He didn't dare say it out loud but he loved the size difference and how huge he looked compared to her. It made him feel even more powerful in the moment. Looking down at where their hips meet he increases his speed watching how well she takes him.
It felt good. Too good. His orgasm built quickly and he found himself trying to hold on. Her moans and whimpers weren't making it easy for him either. If it was a human he wouldn't care, he would just finish and pull out and leave. But another vampire deserves respect and pleasure at the least.
Y/N's body responded to the belly full of blood and her body full of the bigger vampire. She luxuriated in the hedonistic pleasures of delicious food and a good fucking. She knew she had made the right decision to come back to her maker's original territory. She wondered if all the vampires around here were so tall and beautiful. She thrust her hips up to meet Yunho’s driving down into her earning a low moan from him.
She could see him clinging on, not wanting to be first, and was touched that the other vampire thought of her in that way. She wouldn't have to hold on for long. Yunho filled every inch of her body, and she was overdue for an orgasm. As she got closer, her insides twisted, and she came in hard, her fangs out in bliss, her nails and fangs dragging down Yunho's beautiful glowing skin.
Yunho noticed the small vampire beneath him arch and twist and ultimately moan in delight. Yunho's exposed skin was riddled with sharp nails and teeth. It was incredible. He allowed himself to climax, and his thrusts became more chaotic as he snarled deeper, beat harder, and eventually groaned. As his hips rode into the small body under him, he bit down hard on
Y/N's neck. Both catch their breath before helping the other stand up.
It wasn't until Yunho got off and they both started dressing that they noticed Mingi, horror on his face, motionless next to the couch. After what he had just witnessed, he was locked in a bizarre limbo halfway between shock and arousal.
"Still hungry?" Yunho questioned, ignoring the other male. Y/N raised her head. "No, thank you. I'm feeling great right now." He nodded at her response.
The moon was still full when they walked away from the house. "What are you going to do now?" Yunho inquired. "Not sure." She responded. "I'll have to go to Hui and ask for work and a place to stay."
Yunho couldn't believe what she was saying and scoffed, rolling his eyes. He smiled at her as he turned to face her. "You can stay with me."
"Really?" The small vampire looked up at the big one with big grateful eyes.
"Sure, why not? He'll probably assign you to me anyway. Everyone else is already partnered up, and you appear to be determined. I need someone to assist with the patrol."
Not waiting for an answer, Yunho began to sprint as the moon descended lower in the sky. He turned his head to see Y/N, who had fully recovered and was following him through the woodland. He smiled to himself and accelerated his pace, but Y/N kept up. His boredom could be coming to an end. Finally, someone was able to keep up with him.
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since I'm alive again I will reopen my request box, yay! feel free to request!
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allthelovehes · 1 month
Field Day Reunion* | Part 2
Summary: Harry finally takes Y/N home when Charlie is with his grandmother for the night.
Pairing: Singledad!Harry x Teacher!Y/N
Word count: 5K
Warnings: Lovemaking, oral f receiving, eager babies, exes to lovers?
A/N: I imagine Harry and Y/N to be British in this universe, so they went to highschool from age 11 - 16(ish) and college from 16 - 20(ish). Idk why but I felt the need to specify haha ENJOY LOVES
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Harry and Y/N agreed to take things slow for the sake of Charlie. This means that they have been going on dates every now and then, but not every weekend because Harry doesn't want to just drop off his kid at Anne's, so he can go out with this woman. That doesn't mean however that they don't see each other.
Y/N started teaching Charlie's class a couple of weeks ago. Ever since then, Harry sees her every day because he is the one who drops Charlie off at school and picks him up later in the day. Those little moments are filled with loving glances and private jokes but also Harry teasingly flirting with the love of his life.
Yes, Harry is absolutely smitten by this woman. Given their history, he now believes that he shouldn't have let her go back then. Yes, being high school sweethearts who are going to different colleges isn't the perfect scenario for two love birds. They didn't want to do the long-distance thing when they were only 17, but Harry now knows it would've all been worth it.
He doesn't regret their decisions though. If the two of them never broke up, Harry would've never become a dad to Charlie and he wouldn't want to miss him for the world. The kid is his life, he'd literally give everything to see that little cheeky smile on the four-year-old's face.
Anne was a big fan of Y/N when they were teenagers, she was the sweetest girl so of course she approved of Harry dating her. So when Harry told his mom how Y/N is now Charlie's new teacher she was excited, to say the least. But when he told his mother that they had been on a date, her heart was filled with love. She was rooting for his son, finally meeting that happiness he was so dearly craving.
So, from the moment Harry announces to his mom about him and Y/N taking it slow, Anne has done anything in her power to help Harry out. Taking over babysitting duty whenever she can and just keeping the little boy out of her son's way. Hinting at her son how she's free next Saturday, in case Charlie wants to come play at grandma's house. Just, everything.
And that's exactly why, this afternoon, he decides to take his mom up on that offer. Harry and Y/N have been on four official dates so far and not once has he taken her home. It felt a bit too forward, too soon. But today was different, Harry invited her over to his house, show her around and make his intentions very clear, she's a keeper.
“Char, come on. Put your shoes on, grandma is waiting for you.” Harry tells his son, picking up the overnight bag he packed for his son.
“Where are you going, daddy? I wanna go too!” The little boy cries, pouting at his dad with such innocence.
“I'm sorry, buddy. But you are staying with grandma.” Harry explains to his son, feeling a bit guilty. But he also didn't want to specify anything about his plans for today. See, Charlie is the biggest fan of Y/N at school and it warms Harry's heart to see him so fond of her. But that only gives him more reasons to keep his love life in the shadows for his son.
“But why?” Charlie whines, but knowing it's already a lost battle, he slips on his shoes in silence. Harry shakes his head, suppressing a giggle. Once a kid starts asking why, you know there is no ending to the discussion.
“Let's go, Char.” Harry states instead, dragging his boy out of their house and into the car.
After he drops Charlie off and Anne's, he drives straight back home. His heart pounding with nerves. He'd be lying if he said that he isn't a little bit anxious right now. He hasn't had a girl over for years on end, not in this context. And he's really hoping she's going to want to stay over. He told her to bring an overnight bag, just in case she wanted to stay. He also mentioned how Charlie is sleeping at his mother's place, hoping it would send the right message, but he wasn't quite sure.
When he arrives home, he finds Y/N just parking her car a little further down the street. She's on time, more like half an hour early. Harry lets out a nervous giggle and he hopes that it isn't too obvious that he's anxious right now.
“Eager much?” He jokes as soon as she reaches his front yard. She giggles slightly embarrassed and Harry simply wants to kiss that cute blush off her face.
“I didn't want to run late. Traffic, you know.” She explains, a small smile gracing her face.
“Relax, babe. I'm glad you are early, actually.” Harry smiles sweetly, pulling her in for a quick hug and placing a quick kiss on her lips. “Hi.”
“Hey.” Y/N lets out a flirtatious giggle, getting on her toes to press her lips on his. Harry instantly melts into the kiss, holding her tightly against his chest.
“C'mon, let's go inside.” Harry whispers, pulling away a bit hesitantly. Y/N softly nods in agreement and Harry loosens his grip on her, only to grab her hand and guide her inside. “Welcome to our home.”
“It looks lovely.” Y/N compliments, letting her eyes roam around the living room. You can tell by the way his space is organised that Harry is a neat person, the room is filled with all things the father and son love dearly. A nice TV hangs against the wall, some family pictures are scattered around the wall above the couch and the wall across the room holds shelves filled with movies, video games and records. It's all Harry and it takes the man's breath away knowing that she likes his place.
“Thank you.”
“Let me give you a tour.” Harry says, tugging on her arm and guiding her through his entire house. She had already seen the small hallway when she first entered the house, and a glimpse of the living room, but there is more. There is an open kitchen concept which leads out into the backyard with big sliding doors. It's really neat and pretty, every one of the rooms in the house has little Harry vibes. The house screams family home, it suits Harry really well.
When they finish the tour downstairs, Harry hesitates to show her his upstairs living space. He feels like taking her upstairs is something very intimate, maybe even too forward, yet he would love to show her around. With an unsure glance at her, Harry points his finger to the stairs, silently asking if she wants to continue the tour.
Y/N nods softly and gives him a sweet, yet excited smile. “Let's go, I'm very curious.” She says causing Harry to chuckle and they continue their walk through his house.
“Okay, so this is Charlie's room and his bathroom.” Harry explains. Y/N takes it all in as if he's giving her the time of her life. Harry is beyond grateful because he really does love her and he hopes that she is going to melt into their lives and live here one day.
They move over to the other side of the hallway, Harry gestures at the next room, rubbing the back of his neck a bit nervously. Y/N opens the door carefully when Harry speaks up. “This is uh- my room.” She pushes the door open further and carefully walks inside.
“This is very you.” She giggles when he walks in after her. Harry doesn't know why, but a blush creeps up his cheeks. Y/N isn't mocking him or making fun of him, her giggle sounds very fond, maybe she is just as nervous as he is.
The bedroom is decorated with warm colours and it features a king-sized bed that looks comfy and cosy. Y/N's gaze is glued to the bed, no doubt in her mind that she'd like to sleep in a bed like that. Especially if that means Harry would be right next to her.
She doesn't ponder her thoughts for too long because she knows that it will end with an almost unbearable aching between her legs.
When they dated in high school, they were only 15 years old. So sleeping with one another was out of the question. They kept dating until they were 16 and 17, but it still didn't feel right for them at that moment to take that step. Now that they are both adults and they want to take things a bit more seriously, Harry would like to finally take the next step in their relationship. Maybe tonight.
“Uhm- so behind you is my ensuite.” He points to the door behind her, gesturing at it with a little nod.
“Oh my.” Y/N's attention is immediately turned to the door when Harry mentions it. She slowly opens the door, stepping into the big room. It's modern and clean, and oh so spacious. There's a walk-in shower and a big tub next to it.
Harry just watches her in awe as she explores the bathroom. She almost seems mesmerised by his place and that makes his heart flutter. It's like she belongs in here and it is her house.
Y/N makes her way back to Harry with a dreamy look in her eyes. She wraps her arms around Harry's neck and pulls him close. She sighs. “Your home looks very lovely, Harry.”
“Not as lovely as you.” He blurts out in a weak attempt at flirting, but it comes off a bit nervous so he might have failed miserably.
“You're cheesy.” Y/N giggles. Harry tightens his grip on her waist and pulls her impossibly closer, flashing her a dimpled smile. Y/N leans in and lets her lips softly brush his in a very gentle kiss. Harry immediately melts into the kiss, tilting his head down to kiss her deeper, but she abruptly pulls away after only a second.
“I- uh- I'll go put my bag in this room, if that's okay?” She asks and Harry crooks his head to the side.
“Does that mean what I think it means?”
“Depends on what you're thinking.” She winks and pulls away from Harry.
“That you are going to stay over.” Harry flashes her a flirtatious smile.
“Exactly.” Y/N nods in agreement, a smug smile on her face and a glimpse of hope flashing in her eyes. “If that's still alright with you?”
“Of course, you don't have to ask.” Harry reassures, making her grin widely. He squeezes her hand for a second and then releases her hand, letting her step away and put her bag in the room.
Harry is beyond excited now, hoping for them to take their relationship to the next level. If they hadn't broken up back in high school, Harry might've even proposed by now. Yeah, he'd love to be married to her one day. But maybe it's too soon to be thinking about marriage, he remembers how it felt to be with her, back when they were only kids, hopelessly in love. He wants that back, now more than ever. ***
Y/N comes back downstairs to see that Harry is already making dinner. He greets her with a wide smile and places a soft peck on her lips.
“Mmh, what's that smell?” She asks curiously, leaning on the counter in the kitchen and watching Harry move around confidently.
“You, I reckon.” He smirks. Y/N lightly shakes her head, failing to hide her smile. “I'm making you pasta, love.”
“Mmmh, my favourite.”
“I know.” Harry smiles proudly.
Harry lets her know how she can pick a wine if she wants, and where she can find some glasses. She of course doesn't miss the obvious fact that Harry has planned everything ahead. That certainly turns her on.
They eat in a comfortable silence, their ankles playfully tangling with one another. Harry does the dishes while Y/N takes a second in the living room to scroll through her phone. As soon as the kitchen is clean, Harry joins her on the couch. He lifts her legs, placing them on his lap and letting her lean into his side.
“Charlie was a little upset to leave.” Harry says all of a sudden. Y/N chuckles, knowing just how clingy that four-year-old is to his dad. She finds that unbelievably adorable.
“Is he going to be mad at us?” She asks, not knowing how to proceed. She doesn't want the cute and innocent little boy to dislike her in any way.
“Us? No. Me? Maybe. I haven't told him about us yet, don't want him to tell the whole class and make it awkward for you at work.” Harry explains causing Y/N to smirk and nod, loving that he cares that much.
“So what does he think we are?” Y/N pries.
“I've told him you are my friend and that I like you a whole lot.” Harry tells her, making her smile.
“A whole lot, huh?” Y/N giggles and wiggles her eyebrows. Harry flashes her a cheeky smile and runs his fingers through her hair. “Sounds like you have a little crush.” She teases.
“Hmm, kinda do. Can't help it though.” Harry admits and leans into her, planting a wet kiss on her cheek. Y/N squirms under his touch, silently letting him know that this is okay. Then, she dips her head slightly and closes her lips on his.
The kiss instantly deepens and Y/N quickly crawls into Harry's lap, getting a better angle to kiss him passionately. His hands rest on her hips and hold her in place as he slowly kisses his way down her neck. Y/N closes her eyes, taking in the touch and taste of Harry. God, he really does turn her on.
So far they hadn't had the opportunity to make out like this. It's all been dates outside of either of their homes and kisses over the console of his car or at her front door. Feeling her thighs on each side of him and her lips working his like it's her favourite pastime makes Harry understand how badly he wants this to work out.
She lets her arms drape around his neck as her mouth finds his again, this time kissing him hungrily. Her lips sloppily brush against his, her teeth leaving grazes against his already tender bottom lip. He's just as eager to make out with her as she is.
She eventually breaks away, though, just to reconnect with those green gems Harry calls his eyes. He gives her a warm smile and his thumbs run under her shirt.
“You are so beautiful, love. Always been.” Harry murmurs against her lips before going in for another kiss. The gesture takes her back to high school, them sharing kisses on her porch after he walked her home from school. Always ending with a tight hug and whispers that went something like this.
But she's not in high school anymore, and so are her urges. Now, she simply can't get enough of Harry, and by the feeling of a firm swelling in his pants, she knows he is affected as much as she. It's quite the ego boost.
Harry had spent many nights, imagining how his first time making love to her would go. Her legs wrapped around his waist, her heat deliciously dripping, his name leaving her lips in a quivering cry when they both reach the peak of their pleasure. But he always kept the fantasy bundled up in his mind, he knew that it was too soon for that. Not anymore, though, because Y/N makes it very clear to him that she wants him.
“Harry.” She whimpers and rolls her hips into his. Her core grinds against his crotch and she swears she could make herself come from this. Just humping his bulge will be enough to have her reeling.
“I'm taking that as your consent, love.” Harry murmurs, pecking her lips. But she doesn't reply, she just hums in agreement. Enough for Harry to lift the two of them up, causing her to squeal slightly. He carries her upstairs and drops her on the bed.
It's happening.
Harry climbs on top of her, pressing her down with his weight. His lips crash back on hers and she accepts his passionate kisses with just the same amount of passion. She tumbles her hands around his neck, making sure he stays exactly where he is right now.
After a few minutes of more intense making out, Harry needs to come up for air. His chest is rising and falling and his hair is a hot mess, Y/N giggles teasingly, running her fingers through it to arrange it neatly.
“You're gorgeous.” Harry utters and places a delicate kiss on her jaw, Y/N lets out a shaky breath. Her heart soars when Harry compliments her. Her chin tilts towards him, their mouths closing in for more sucking and licking and biting and tugging. “But I'm dying to know how gorgeous you are underneath all this.”
She can't help the blood that rushes to her cheeks, and she can hardly breathe. Harry reaches down, lifting her shirt over her head. He wastes no time as soon as the fabric passes over her body. He's sucking the skin at her shoulder with eagerness.
“Fuck.” She curses as his teeth nip into her, his lips brushing it so faintly as soon as there's the red and purplish proof he's marked her. For a moment he feels guilty, thinking it's inappropriate, but he can't help but want this. He wants to become one with her and claim her as his own.
Harry gently kneads her breast with his hands, eliciting an erotic moan from her. Y/N isn't shy about her body. Her hand reaches to her back and she unclasps her bra, pulling it off and letting her boobs bounce freely. Harry gulps at the sight, they are just as magnificent as he had imagined them a few years back.
Harry kisses his way down her upper body and without a second thought, takes a nipple into his mouth. The man toys with it with his tongue, making Y/N's centre burn with desire. She hisses at the warmth of his mouth sucking and licking and nibbling. He then moves over to the other nipple, giving it equal attention before Y/N groans and speaks up.
“Fuck, I- I can't take it any longer, Harry.” Y/N whimpers, feeling her core starting to pulsate. She needs him there and she needs it now.
“Tell me what you want then, love.” Harry husks, his cock painfully straining in his trousers.
“Touch me. Eat me out, lick me clean. I don't care, but for fuck's sake-“ She heaves, her hands roaming down to the lining of Harry's trousers.
He doesn't need to be told twice, within a few seconds he is standing next to the bed, tugging off her trousers with her panties. Before quickly stripping down, he catches her eye looking longingly at the obvious erection in his boxers. She has been waiting for this to happen.
Y/N smiles as she observes him, he is so beautiful to her. His every flaw is precious. Y/N sees how his veins are straining underneath the thin layer of his skin as his fists clench around his bed sheets. How those plump pink lips are slightly parted, allowing his rapid, ragged breathing to escape.
Harry palms himself through his briefs, stroking his erection while keeping his eyes focused on the woman beneath him. With her lying on his bed in all her beauty, legs spread, his name on her parted lips. She is truly the epitome of sheer loveliness.
Harry kneels down at the side of the bed before he wraps his arms around her thighs to pull her closer to the edge. “You sure, baby?” He asks once more, although Y/N has been very clear with what she wants.
“Positive.” She mutters and in less than a second, Harry gently presses his lips against her folds. Kissing all around her pussy but never quite touching the most intimate parts. This drives her insane and her hands reach out to tangle in his curls, pulling him closer to her center. “Please.” She whimpers needily.
Harry doesn't make her wait, instead, he runs one finger through her folds before spreading them apart as his tongue prods over the heated skin. A loud grunt escapes his lips when he realises how sweet she tastes. It's everything he could've imagined and more. He then gets to work, flicking his tongue over her clit expertly, making Y/N buck her hips in appreciation. She pants, trying not to explode from pleasure at the feeling.
His free hand slides up to her lower stomach to hold her down and withhold her from squirming too much. Her juices are escaping from inside her, soiling his lips and chin and the duvet. Harry just can't get enough. His thumb scratches at her pelvis and as Y/N looks down, she sees him bobbing up and down eagerly, his eyes closed shut as he devours her. She hisses at the obscene sight.
“Ah- f-fuck!” Y/N stutters out, Harry now digging his fingers into her and slightly curling them inside her, hitting her g-spot and bringing her closer to her orgasm. “Harry!” She warns, her eyes practically rolling back at how he licks her, but that doesn't make him stop, no, he speeds up even.
His lips are locked on her clit, sucking as his fingertips massage her inner walls and let her slick seep out. She can't keep her legs still if she tries, her toes are curling and her thighs are shaking.
“Mmmh.” Harry moans lowly, tasting her juices as they keep flowing, signalling she won't last a second longer. “Come for me, darling.” He releases for a split second only to murmur those words, causing her body to respond with a shattering climax.
“Oh-ffu-Harry!” Y/N cries out as the burning knot inside her undoes and explodes. It's nothing like she's ever felt before, men never really seemed to know how to satisfy her, but Harry is all it takes for her to let go and forget about all the bad sex she ever had. She gasps loudly, riding out her orgasm as he keeps working her gently with his fingers and mouth. “Jesus fuck.”
Her legs fall to her sides. Harry comes up and wipes his mouth clean, chuckling at how Y/N is gasping for air. Her chest heaving as she does her best to try and breathe. “Good?” He hums and kisses her collarbone as he awaits a response.
“Too good.” She chokes out a laugh as soon as she can catch her breath again. She reaches down to caress his cheek, causing him to glance up. “Need a taste.” She huffs, as her hand goes down to his cock. Harry smirks and stops her. Gaining her attention with a quirked brow, indicating she doesn't understand.
“I desperately want to be inside of you, and I won't be able to last as long as I plan to if your puffy lips would work their magic on my cock right now.” He tells her bluntly, keeping his lust-filled gaze on her. And honestly, that might've just been the sexiest thing anyone has ever told her. She gives him a coy nod before he props himself up. He pushes his boxers down his legs and hovers over her.
Harry reaches for his nightstand to grab a condom while Y/N finally has her tiny fingers wrapped around Harry's erect and dripping cock. It's long and hard, the tip glistening and soft. Her hand runs down his shaft, paying close attention to the pattern of those prominent veins. His big hand reaches for her wrist.
“Hate to stop you, love, but you'll be the death of me.” Harry breathes as he slowly rolls the condom down his shaft. Y/N smiles adoringly, holding back laughter. Harry shakes his head amused, glad he brings that same childlike chuckle to Y/N's face that he used to adore when they were younger.
Then Y/N's face changes to surprise as Harry wraps his arms around her upper body to place her further on the bed, her head now resting on his soft pillows. Harry takes his position above her and cups her chin as he gently kisses her.
“Are you ready for me?” He asks. His cock now directly at her entrance, he holds it with his hand, teasing her.
“Yes, H. Please, yes.” She eagerly replies. So Harry presses a firm kiss on her mouth as he carefully pushes himself in. Just the tip before he pulls back again, teasing her incredibly slowly. Y/N groans in annoyance but lets him. Instead, she circles her arms around his neck and lets her fingertips draw nonsensical doodles on his scalp.
Her eyes shut when he finally thrusts himself forward, inserting his cock fully and feeling her pussy clenching around him. At first, he moves slowly, deliberately waiting for the satisfying burn to fade. His palms are pressed flat next to her shoulders as he secures his balance above her. She just can't keep her moans inside, not when he fucks her with all the love in the world.
“Fuck.” Harry grits, noticing how tight she is. Y/N keeps her eyes closed and lets him take control, simply doing what she feels is right, and that is responding to Harry's pace and needs. She finds solace in his sweet scent and she's sure she's addicted to it from now on.
As his hips rock, he slips his tongue into her mouth. Y/N's walls clench around him as his pace picks up. Her slick dripping out of her, coating their inner thighs as he slowly dips in and out.
“Give me your leg.” He says as he taps his fingers on her right thigh. Y/N obediently pulls her leg up and Harry positions himself a bit differently, the tip of his cock hammering against her cervix, reaching spots she didn't know could feel so good.
He places her leg on his shoulder and holds it in place with his arm wrapped around her knee. The newfound angle allows him to fuck her deeper and Harry can't hold himself back anymore. He slams into her, she moans in pleasure when he picks up the pace, making their sweaty bodies become one.
“G-goddamn, love.” He grunts, loving how they move as one. The muscles of his abdomen tense up under his skin with every hard thrust he delivers, he simply can't bear to slow down his movement. Harry continues to rut in and out, bringing both of them higher.
His left-hand reaches down, pressing down on her pubic bone for extra stimulation as his thumb finds her clit. Harry then knows he won't last long. Feeling her pussy already milking his cock, he knows she is close too.
Y/N squeezes her eyes shut, feeling the butterflies in her stomach building up again as Harry hits her G-spot every time he slams back into her.
“H-Harry- shit.” Y/N pants rapidly. She can feel how her juices are dripping from her and covering Harry's dick, definitely creating a wet spot underneath her bum on the duvet. She rolls her eyes back. She can't hold out for much longer.
“Nghh, yeah? Come for me, again, baby.” Harry groans as his pace starts to get sloppy. Y/N loves how his brows furrow and his jaw tightens up every time he pushes in.
“Aah- I'm-“ She starts and her walls clench around him, squeezing his hard cock inside her as she comes. The sensation is too much for Harry to bear. His hot liquid explodes into the rubber as her warm pussy milks him.
“Mmph.” Harry moans and with the last bit of power in his limp body, he slowly rocks back and forth to ride out their orgasms until they both collapse, tired and sweating messes.
“God, I can't believe that just happened.” Y/N puffs as they lie next to each other for a few moments. Harry hums, rolling to her side and pulling out of her in the process. Y/N catches his glance, seeing how his green eyes look like they shine even in the dark, love and affection radiating from them.
“I finally had sex with the girl of my dreams.” He murmurs, scooting a bit closer as Y/N feels him reach to her hand to twine their fingers together. She giggles at his sweetness before opening her mouth to speak.
“I now understand why you didn't want Charlie here today.” She remarks, earning a playful look from Harry. She brings her fingers up to brush the hair off his forehead. “I love you.” Y/N suddenly utters, surprising herself. “I mean it.”
“I love you too.” Harry says without a second thought before placing his wet lips on hers. It's not like they hadn't said I love you to each other when they were younger, but adult I love you's are different, stronger, more meaningful. Y/N grins, nudging her nose against his cheek and pecking his lips.
“We should do something about the stickiness, shouldn't we?” Harry says running his finger on the inside of her thigh. Y/N chuckles as she nods her head in agreement, slightly ashamed but just couldn't care less right now. She's happy, Harry's happy and that's all that matters.
Harry picks her up from the bed again, gaining another squeal as he carries her to the bathroom. They hop in the shower and their touches remain gentle. Just soft kisses and long glances. Once they're all washed up, they slide back between the sheets in an after-sex, shower-fresh bliss.
Taglist: @justmystyles @bitchybabyharry @harrysslut7 @swiftmendeshoran @lucasandharold
@harrysbabycherry @htaylor18 @rose-garden-dreamz @myalovesharry @mellamolayla
@hsonlyangelxo @yousunshineyoutempter @heartateasee @blueheisenbergtragedy @bikestyles
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kira-fluff · 9 months
comforting you after a break up - haikyuu!!
a/n: once again i have returned. fear my power. just kidding, school made me a ye bit busy especially trying to get by financially (who wants to pay my credit card bill? haha...) anyway, guess who had to dump their boyfriend? 🙋🏼‍♀️ it's me. had to hold back from putting "comforting" in quotations lol
kuroo tetsuro "come 'ere."
a sudden knock on kuroo's door made him jump. he was surprised to see you standing in the rain, completely drenched, but with a big smile on your face. he raised an eyebrow, letting out a little laugh, "why are you out here in the rain?" not answering his question, your smile grows wider. you throw up a peace sign, "guess who just got dumped!" it didn't come out like a question. your smile was stretched wide. unnaturally. kuroo looked you up and down. you hated the way sympathy and pain was strewn on his face. suddenly, he stretched out his arms, beckoning you into his arms. "come 'ere." he said softly, enveloping you in his big arms, your head against his chest. you could hear the steady beat of his heart under his thin shirt. like a dam that could no longer hold the flood, tears poured out of your eyes like the downpour behind you. you shoved your face against his chest in an attempt to muffle the sobs wracking your body. hiccups and shaking breaths escaped you along with wails of sadness that broke kuroo's heart. a selfish part of him told him he should be glad. he's had it bad for you since you became friends in your second year of middle school. but there was no joy in his heart. only pain. he wanted to take all your pain away... to see your smile again - your real smile - again. you didn't deserve this. you deserved someone who would love you unconditionally and not someone who lackadaisically decides to flake out of you whenever he chooses. "I'm ne-never g-gonna find s-someone who-who loves me" you said, letting out another heartbreaking sob, gripping his shirt as another breath wracked you, making you heave breaths rapidly. "I love you.." he said, but he wasn't sure you heard over the deluge. it didn't matter. you were here in his arms. you chose him - out of all the people you could have chosen - to comfort you. and that was enough for now. he squeezed you tighter, kissing the top of your head as he pulled you inside.
oikawa toru "well fuck him anyways! i never liked him." you slam the door to his apartment. he turns to you as you begin shouting, "CAN YOU BELIEVE IT, TORU?! HE HAS THE AUDACITY TO TRY TO BREAK UP WITH ME WHEN I CAUGHT HIM CHEATING!" oikawa is already up on his feet, just as angry as you. "WHAT THE FUCK!? HE CHEATED? OH I'M GONNA GO BEAT THE LIVING SHIT OUT OF HIM" "OIKAWA, oikawa, stop, okay? it's.. it's whatever. you've seen the texts. I've had a hunch for a long time anyway." "but he deserves it." "I know, but I'm.. I'm just tired toru. I just can't right now. can we just watch a movie?" he stared at you for what felt like an eternity before beckoning you to the couch. you took a seat next to him. oikawa is a little selfish, so he'd be lying if he wasn't a little glad you broke up with him, not only because that guy is a useless piece of shit, but also because that meant he had an opportunity to show you how good he can be to you - as more than a friend. "well fuck him anyways. I never liked him." he said, pulling you into his arms, lying both of you down onto the sofa as he flicked the tv on, scrolling through shows to watch. he squinted, trying to search for a good one when he heard a sniffle. in his surprise, he dropped the remote onto the floor. "hey, hey, hey.. look at me." you slowly turned your head up to him, your bottom lip jutting out. indents lay in your chin as your lip quivered. "you can cry." and with that, you let out a quiet sigh, and cried into his shoulder. "thank you..." you said. "I'll always be here. you know that. i treat you better than he ever did." he didn't mean to have it come out that way, but you ignored it, too engrossed in your feelings to acknowledge if what he said had any double-meaning.
miya atsumu "I TOLD you that guy was no good!" sorry, but atsumu appears to care more about the fact that he was "right all along" rather than the fact that you broke up with the guy. at least, on the surface. it isn't until you start crying that he feels like a complete asshole for doing a little victory dance in his head when he heard of your split. "I know, ok! I know you were right! but that doesn't make me feel any better. I just feel like a complete idiot." he stopped. "I-i'm sorry. yer not an idiot. I guess.. 've just been jealous this whole time, ya know?" before you had a chance to speak, continued, "'ve like ya for so long. seriously every single time I think about ya since like middle school I've always had to hold myself back from smiling. sometimes when I look at ya I just wanna kiss ya until you forget about that asshole." you stared at him in disbelief. when you finally snapped out of your reverie, you grabbed his hand, leading it to your waist. your other hand went to his neck, pulling him down to kiss you. strangely, the shittiest day ever turned out to be so much more than that - the day you got together with the man who (unbeknownst to you at the time) you'd spend the rest of you life with.
miya osamu "...want some chocolate?" as you sat blowing tissues in his bedroom, he could only stare. to be honest, his only way of comforting was food and physical affection. so he was doing his best to give loads of both. you were recovering from your sobs when he sighed. "....want some chocolate?" his question seemed more like he knew you already did, so when he stood up even before you nodded, you weren't surprised. you followed him to the kitchen where he began to make homemade chocolates like it was Valentine's Day (or white day, I guess). after some comfortable silence, you said, "I feel like... weirdly better now? like, free in a way. i feel like he always had a way of putting me down." osamu let out a grunt. he didn't want to say anything about the fucker that would go too far, but damn did he have to hold his tongue. that asshole was always gaslighting you and was borderline emotionally abusive what with all his manipulation. but bringing that up now would only make you upset. it would force you to relive all of those shitty memories. he took in a deep breath when all of a sudden your arms wrapped around him, your chest against his back. "thank you." was all you said for a while. he nodded. "osamu, I think it's always been you." "....what'da mean?" you only answered with a nuzzle against his toned back, leaving his to wonder what you'd meant, but decided to leave it at that for today. maybe tomorrow you'd be ready to discuss the meaning behind it all.
suna rintaro "good." "I'm sorry, what?" "I said, 'good.'" "that's really mean, rin." "I don't care. I've been waiting too long to give a fuck about that guy's feelings. he had it coming; you should've dumped him a long time ago." "what do you mean?" "you really don't know?" your voice raised in anger, "NO. I don't KNOW, rin." "does this answer your question?" he said, grabbing your cheeks. his lips pressed against yours violently, messily, like he was angry. you stared at him dumbfounded. "I thought you didn't like me like that." he sighed, letting out a disbelieving laugh, "seriously? you literally rejected me." "no I didn't!" by now you'd already forgotten about the break up, instead arguing with suna over who liked each other first, what was a lie, and what was true... I guess suna had his own way of comforting you, but it was also incredibly self-indulgent.
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sunshinebarbie · 1 year
only love can hurt like this
pairing: Bang Chan x Female Reader x Changbin warnings: angst, heartbreak, some questionable feelings, mild language, words: 2,440 parts: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | FINAL a/n: tbh this is more changbin based but bang chan appears at the end. i mean what is an angsty story without a little bit of drama right? so i wanted to write a part 2 asap because idk but i have been wanting to see how this ends too! haha enjoy
The horizon bloomed into a pastel orange glow, slowly the world around you came alive. Wives and girlfriends kissed their loves and wished them a good day. Yet, here you were still processing what happened with your love. 
The vibration of your phone on the desk in the corner hummed you out of your trance. You looked over for a moment and knew it was Bang Chan for the 50th time. 
The phone went silent for a few seconds before vibrating again, indicating yet another voicemail. The sun finally made it’s big entrance, giving you an instant headache. You shut the curtains and crawled into the still made hotel bed. 
The hotel room was dead silent, and dark like a tomb. Just the sound of your phone vibrating again in LED illuminated corner. The phone went silent again. “1-2-3-4" you counted quietly, and the phone vibrated again.  
You shut your eyes tightly, fighting back the tears that tried to come up. It wasn’t until the hums filled the silence once again that you broke into sobs. Your heart wanted to run to that corner and answer, but your mind said “it’s over, move on.”. 
You must have cried yourself to sleep, because when you opened your eyes, it was almost 8:30 at night. You sat up and looked around in the pitch-black room. You turned over and switched the light nearest the bed on. You turned back forward and saw Bang Chan sitting at the edge of the bed. You rolled off the edge and shot up in a pitch-black hotel room. 
You jumped to your feet, and turned on the nearest lamp. The entire room was empty, just the sound of kids running down the hallway. You looked at the hotel clock on the bedside table, the screen flashed “9:45pm”.  
“it was a dream” you assured yourself. “just a dream.” you added.  
Your stomach grumbled with hunger, you looked around and spotted your phone on the desk. You walked over and scooped up your device.  
Plopping down on the bed, the screen turned on 78 missed calls, and 77 voice mails. 87 texts and over 100 notifications from your social media accounts combined.  
You swiped on the screen and tapped the “clear” option. Opening the suggested restaurants binder the hotel provided you skimmed through finding the perfect place that would satisfy your cravings. 
 Opening the phone dial, you saw out of the 78 missed calls, 76 were from Bang Chan and 2 from Changbin. Your hand started to shake from nervousness. You wanted to call him and let him know your location, but you knew he would bring Bang Chan.  
You put your cell phone down, and contemplated your next move. Looking over at the bedside table you focused on the hotel phone. You crawled over to the table, picking up the receiver you pressed the “0” and dialed the front desk.  
“front desk?” the worker answered “are cell phones considered long distance?” you asked “only if the company isn‘t local” they replied. “okay, thank you.”  
You hung up and picked up the receiver again. “you pressed the 9 button and punched in the number” the phone line hummed, you could feel your heart pounding. Finally the line picked up. 
“hello?” the voice asked groggily. 
“Changbin?” your voice almost whispered.  
“y/n?” he sounded a little more alert. “where are you? Where's your phone?” he asked panicked. 
“i’m fine, I'm totally safe.” you replied. “i saw your missed call.” you leaned against the bedframe as you sat on the floor.  
“where are you?” he asked again.  
“i-” you looked around at the sanctuary that was your hotel room. “- I don’t want anyone to know.” you sadly replied.  
“what do you mean by that? What's going on? Why are you doing this?” he started shooting his questions out one after another.  
“Changbin” you interrupted him. “please, can you respect my choice.” you pleaded.  
Changbin sighed loudly and finally agreed. “can you at least tell me where you are? So I know you’re really safe?” he begged. 
“i checked into a hotel, and that’s all I am going to share.” you replied.  
“how long are you going to stay there?” he asked. 
“until, I figure out my next move I guess.” you sighed and looked up at the ceiling. The line was silent, you could feel the question creeping up and finally you just asked.  
“have you talked to Chan yet?” you asked. 
“he never showed up today.” Changbin replied. “Felix and I went over to the apartment but he wasn’t there either.” he added. 
“where is he?” you sat up straight.  
“relax, Felix found him and he is staying over at his place.” he replied. 
“am I doing the right thing?” you asked Changbin, “i feel like, it is but- also that it’s not.” you confessed. 
“i can’t tell you if it’s right or not.” Changbin replied. “that’s something you gotta figure out for yourself you know?” 
You nodded as if he could see you, “I’m hungry, and I know it’s late but do you want to meet up and get something to eat?” you asked and wiped your tear away. 
You both agreed to meet up at the park a block away from your hotel, the best thing about it was three other hotels were nearby and you knew he couldn’t guess yours was the one a block over. 
You sat at the park bench and smiled as you seen Changbin approaching you. You stood up and were immediately wrapped in his embrace.  
“I’m glad you’re safe.” he mumbled and squeezed tighter. “i just wish you would have told me where you are staying, because this isn’t safe to meet here at night” he added. 
“most restaurants are closed.” you changed the subject. “so, I was thinking convenient store picnic?” you grabbed his finger tips and pulled him towards your direction.  
Changbin smiled at your enthusiasm and walked along with you. The both of you walked to the nearest store. After making your selections and warming up your food you both found a spot to eat.  
“it’s almost 11:30 at night Changbin, how do you feel that instead of sleep, you are here with me having a convenient store picnic?” you smiled pretending to interview him. 
“i feel like, I should have stayed home and stayed asleep” he teased. 
You both chuckled and turned back to your food. “but, I'm glad I came.” he looked at you and smiled. 
The both of you finished your food, and cleaned up your area. The both of you exited and headed towards the park again.  
“can I just walk you back to your hotel? I don’t want you to be out here alone at this time.” Changbin pleaded as you neared the park. 
You looked in the direction of your hotel and back at Changbin. “uhm-sure.” you finally agreed. You weren’t exactly sure why you changed your mind, maybe you were still dizzy from when you and Changbin shared your food with one another, or maybe it was the peach drink you bought that tasted a bit sugary. 
You both walked down the block and made a left, you could feel your hand instinctively reach for Changbin’s.  
He didn’t say anything as you laced your fingers with his and guided him towards your hotel. You could feel his palm heat up in nervousness as you squeezed his fingers. 
The both of you shared a snack cake you bought at the store, taking a bite each as you walked. You wiped the crumbs from you mouth and slowed your walk. 
“this is me.” you pointed to the hotel. “it’s home for now.” you shrugged.  
“looks very comfortable” Changbin joked, you could feel his hand squeeze yours making your stomach flip. 
“anyway.” you dropped his hand and turned to him. “pinky promise me into secrecy that you will not reveal my secret location to ANYONE” you extended your pinky. 
Changbin chuckled at first and then grinned. “what if I get kidnapped and they torture me into giving it up?” he joked. 
“even then.” you giggled.  
Changbin shook his head and finally cuffed his pinky around yours. “if I do get kidnapped you better come find me.” he added. 
“i pinky promise” you laughed.  
The both of you loosened your pinkies as your hands fell down, below your waists, but you both held on. 
Changbin looked at you, with a soften expression. Like he wanted to tell you something.  
“Good Night Changbin” your lips pulled into a soft smile.  
“this is the part where you kiss like in the movies” your inner monologue interrupted your thinking.  
“Good Night” he replied and let go of your hand, your heart stopped for a split second, feeling a light ache as he stepped back and turned around.  
Maybe you were reading his signals wrong, or maybe you watched one too many romantic comedies with Seungmin. All you knew was this moment shouldn’t have been feeling like this as you watched him walk back towards the park. 
You found your phone on the bed where you left it earlier. You picked it up and turned it on. Scrolling pass Bang Chan’s text folder you found Changbin and opened a new message board.  
“let me know when you make it home safe.” you texted and pressed send.  
You immediately bit your thumb nail as you waited for the “delivered” to say “seen”. Your heart pounded as it changed and the text bubble appeared.  
“ok” the message simply read.  
You felt your heart sink; you immediately regretted the entire night. “of course, he found this weird.” you scolded yourself. “you literally just broke up with his best friend a day ago.” you tossed your phone onto the edge of the bed.  
You turned to your side and hugged the hotel pillow, this time the regret wasn’t about possibly making a fool of yourself in front of Changbin, but was that not even a day after you ended things with Bang Chan you were already out and feeling things for his best friend. 
Chan gave you two incredible years, full of love, respect and loyalty.  
Your phone buzzed and you sat up grabbing it to see it was a message from Changbin. 
“i’m home. Good night y/n ❤️” the text read.  
You smiled and pressed a heart emoji as a reply. 
Looking at the clock, it was nearly midnight. Bang Chan hadn’t sent any messages or called for almost 12 hours now.  
Holding your phone above your face you laid down, and scrolled to find Chan’s text folder. You opened the folder and all texts went from “delivered” to “read”. 
The entire message board was filled with “i’m sorry.” and “please come home, let’s talk” messages after the other.  
The text bubble appeared at the bottom, you held your breath as it moved, showing Chan was typing. The bubble went away and after a long minute appeared again.  
“sweet dreams” was all that came through. You closed out of the message app and locked your phone.  
You turned your phone screen down and snuggled into the covers.  
You were woken up by the hotel phone ringing. Your eyes forced open as you fumbled for the phone, finally finding the receiver you answered with a groggy voice. “hello?” 
“good morning, we have a gentleman down here asking for you, is it okay to send him up?” the concierge replied.  
You looked at the time it was nearly 7am. “sure.” you replied. “okay, thank you.” the concierge replied and hung up. 
You sat up and stretched. “why is Changbin coming by so early?” you wondered as you got up and opened the curtain. 
The door knocked, as you started to boil some coffee in the machine that the room offered.  
You walked over and opened it with a smile that soon faded as you were greeted by Bang Chan.  
“Chan?” you gulped.  
His eyes were tired, and his face was pale like he hadn’t been to bed in days.  
“how did you-” you stopped immediately regretting telling Changbin where you were at.  
“i been trying to call you.” he stood by the door. “i really want to talk about this.” he pleaded.  
“there is nothing to talk about Christopher” you replied coldly. “it’s over, and I mean it.” you turned away so he couldn’t read your expressions. 
“is that why you were out with Changbin last night?” he sniffled and pulled out his phone. He showed you the screen you turned to see that Twitter was flooded with pictures of you and Changbin last night. 
“have you really moved on that fast?” Chan’s eyes welled up.  
“no, that is way out of context-” you protested. “is that why he came over that night we broke up? And tried to argue and fight me?” Bang Chan interrupted. 
“no, chan I swear-” you attempted to explain.  
“now it’s Chan? Is it Chan because you’re caught?” he put his phone in his pocket.  
“if you will let me explain-” you raised your tone.  
“what’s the point? You're only going to lie more.” he turned to leave.  
“what happened to you want to talk about this?” you followed him. 
“we did talk about it.” Bang Chan looked over his shoulder, “i was talking about the photos of you and Changbin, not our relationship you ended for him.” he turned and reached for the door handle. 
“i won’t be at my apartment until this weekend, you can collect your things, I want it all gone before I come back. And leave the key.” he coldly added and walked out of the hotel room. 
The smell of coffee filled your nostrils as you inhaled a shaky breath, the tears were now streaming down your face. 
You hurried for your phone and logged into your social media, the photos were everywhere. On every platform. 
You opened a new message to Changbin and typed furiously. Your thumb pressed send before you could stop and read your message. 
“I guess pinky promises don’t mean shit to you. Please don’t contact me anymore. I want nothing to do with you, Bang Chan or anyone else!”  
You finally exhaled the deep breath you took and choked out a sob. Your phone notification “binged” loudly. 
You looked it was a text from Changbin. You opened the message but refused to read the text. You locked your phone and threw it across the room. 
Burying your face into the pillow, you sobbed uncontrollably, you once felt like the luckiest girl, and now you were in a hotel room, sobbing your eyes out into a goose feather pillow.  
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poppylovestowrite · 6 months
may I request a Karma with a s/o that cries about bad grades? How do u think he’ll react? tyyy <3
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When Karma sees how bad you got on a grade for the first time, he doesn't think much of it.
And you don't make a big deal out of it. 
But then you see his grades and notice how amazing they are, and with little effort, you begin to get frustrated.
You would spend hours trying to study the material and for what? 
Only to get shitty grades?
It got to the point where you broke down in front of Karma and started crying.
It startled Karma for a moment.
But, he would eventually try to cheer you up.
"Aw, c'mon, don't cry, babe. At least you did better than Terasaka. Haha."
Of course, when you don't stop, he tries other methods.
If you weren't so preoccupied, you would have thought it was kinda cute seeing how flustered he was over your crying. 
Eventually, he would try hugging. 
He would engulf you in his arms and let your tears stain his shirt.
He would gently rub your back, letting you vent to him about the hours you poured into studying only to get bad results. 
When you started to calm down bit by bit, Karma would eventually calm down as well.
When he pulls away, he playfully grins at you and would, once again, attempt a joke.
"Do you really want your boyfriend to see such an ugly crying face?" He snickers as he uses his sleeve to wipe off your tears.
When you do get mad at him, it makes Karma happy. 
Because it means you're feeling much better. 
Whenever you get emotional over something and Karma makes a joke just to annoy you and if you don't react, he freaks out a little.
Because it means whatever you're upset about, it's something serious. 
To help you forget about school, Karma would encourage you to skip school with him.
The two of you would hang out all day together.
And maybe TP a couple of teacher's houses. 
Now, you appreciate Karma helping you unwind, but there is still the issue of your bad grades.
When you address this to Karma, he would say:
"Oh, don't worry about that. Until you get those grades up, I'll be your personal tutor."
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mrsnancywheeler · 4 months
ommggg i read let me down easy today and i kept re-reading it bc its TOO GOOD AHH !!🦅🦅
it hurt so much but im a whore for angst first, and a human second🫶
just thinking about the reader suffering in silence because she feels guilty for having any negative feelings towards finnick :(( the way she dismisses those feelings bc she thinks that whatever she’s going through is nothing compared to what he’s been through :((
also thinking abt finnick’s slow realization that she’s suffering because of him :(( like the incident at the market is when he began to notice the changes :(( and later when he fully understands how his behavior affected her IT MESSES HIM UP SO BAD
i just know he was remembering his past interactions with reader (where she breaks the glass / when she rejected his money at the pearl necklace stand) AND CRINGING …and it only gets worse when reader spills her guts about what she went through. omg ik he was sick.
another #thougjt i had was how this might mess up the reader for a bit after too #idk (that just might be me tho lmaoo) bc i feel like once you’ve been in that cycle of feeling depressed/insecure for so long it’s hard to snap out of, even with constant reassurance 😔
But maybe that’s just my angsty side talking HAHA
but i loved this fic, 11/10🫶
omg yes, literally my favorite thing I've ever written. ik I wrote it, but it's the only thing of mine I reread bc it's like the perfect expression of how I feel, like if I could represent myself in one fic it would be that one if that makes any sense. it's like a concept that always haunts my mind no matter what I'm hyperfixating on maybe because I'm just like melancholy like that 🎀🎀🎀
but thank you so much, I'm literally so glad people are enjoying it because it literally is my own roman empire
yes she wants to be angry, she is angry, but refuses to let herself be because his issues are what she needs to prioritize. how can she be angry when he is constantly suffering? even if it's not so slowly tearing her apart, like a piece of paper sitting in water, she's trying to stay connected for the illusion of it all, to be strong for him.
her being loving isn't new to him, so he isn't thrown off by that, only slightly confused by her waking up earlier then usual. so her gifts have little bearing when he's used to it and he really doesn't want to feel loved right now because he's trying to reject whatever will make him seek comfort. when she starts changing her clothes and makeup, it's different, but he's not responsive because she's always been his pretty girl and always will be, her buying new clothes doesn't make him perceive her any differently or wonder if there's a reason, people try out new things.
when he notices how other peoples interactions with her have changed that's when he really starts to notice, if everyone else perceives her as melancholy then something has to be wrong. even if he's not quick to point the finger back to himself. he tries gifts, maybe she wouldn't buy something because she wanted him to do it, some sort of attention, but it's not big enough part of the issue to have any bearing on the effects it's now had on her. the girl rotting depression era shall we say. eventually through that, what people say to him, self-reflection he gains full consciousness of what he's been doing, how he's been hurting the person he loves so much. and the guilt is incomprehendable.
how could he be so selfish? so closed off as not to process all the clear cries for help? thinking about how he was getting annoyed, feeling like she was being moody when she insisted on doing the dishes until the dish broke. how she ran out into the ocean, in the rain without a care to regain some sense of composure, composure to try and make him happy. then the necklace thing, how could he miss her clearly trying just to be with him, be near him, have the interactions with him that he was giving to the girl at the shop instead? he was so unresponsive to the emotional needs he just assumed it to be a material need that he was willing to give. so when she rejects the money it just doesn't compute, to buy it she needs it, and then she tries to send the message that buying something isn't what she's asking for but he misses it completely. he gets snappy and it snaps her.
so when he's finally talking to her, he needs her to tell him the truth, the nuances because he's been so blind to all of it. he needs to know how he hurt her and it really is like a full wake up call. he can't let his own trauma consume him, allowing it to traumatize her in different ways. like when she mentions her getting to the point of just wanting him to want her body if he wouldn't want her because that's how people perceive him, that's what was hurting him, but he inadvertently made her feel that way. it breaks him to think that he did that to her, that he hurt his girl that way. then the idea that she would have let him cheat on her, she would've picked being with him over her own well-being, well she did, and he doesn't deserve that. he can't fathom how he could be with someone who loves him so blindly as to choose being with a ghost of him over not having him at all, when she deserves so much better. when he has been so callous with such a precious kind of love. or the fact that he even made it seem like he had interest in anyone but her.
there will be a fluffy, smutty requested sequel but readers issues afterwards will be lightly touched upon in it. but yes, she would have to spend so much time mending her relationship with herself afterwards. he's totally on hand and knee trying to make it up to her, to prove how much he loves and needs her, to give the attention she deserves. but she's still paranoid about cheating, insecure, scared, even if she tries to mask it. but he knows. he could, and does, spend hours praising her, telling her how pretty she is, how she's the only one, how sorry he is, how much he adores her, but it doesn't stop the nagging voice in the back of her head. she tries to hide it but she's clingier and he's okay with that, she needs him more.
but yes there's lots of long term effects the incident has on there relationship. and they have to try and navigate that together.
thank you pookie, I love your thoughts sm 💋💋💋💋💋💋
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akutasoda · 8 months
hello! ^o^ i hope this isn’t too much to ask but I had an idea. I was thinking a little bit of angst with tecchou but not a complete angst, you’ll see hehe. so I was thinking, hunting dogs are in a mission, a very difficult mission and tecchou sacrifices himself in the middle of the mission and thanks to that, hunting dogs win. S/o is depressed and they go back to their camp that they set close to the place of the mission. Days pass after tecchou’s “death” and s/o every night goes so far to the camp and cries out loud and one day, before they go back to hq, she’s doing her routine of crying for tecchou all night and suddenly he appears in front of her, he didn’t die! He almost die but for a miracle he could escape! And then she cries louder hugging him🧍🏻‍♀️I hope is good enough for you
never do that again
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synopsis - all this time you thought he had died a sacrifice but maybe this wasn't a cruel trick
includes - tecchou
warnings - gn!reader, angst to slight comfort, mention of blood and injury, crying, wc - 1k
a/n: hello! no idea is too much! i love to see all the ideas in my inbox, sometimes i think they're better tha mine haha
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quite a few people would agree that dating a co-worker truly never worked out. especially with a job such as yours and your boyfriend's. however the difference for you two was that you both were well aware of the risks but had the confidence that it would work out no matter what issue was presented.
even when it came to balancing your shared personal life with the shared worklife it never really affected the relationship, and not to credit yourselves to much but you both reconned that you handled it very well.
that being said, issues were going to arise one way or another. it just so happened that this one was particularly damaging. an issue had arised quite far away and had led to the involvement of the hunting dogs as a last resort. this meant you and your co-workers would have to be set up elsewhere for a short period of time while the issue was resolved.
there was no big deal initially for anyone, you all reconned that ot eould go smoothly and be back in no time. however it seemed the description of the mission only scratched the surface of the issue. leading to a longer stay and a much dreaded bloody conflict.
no ome expected it to result in a rather violent resolve. but there was no changing that. and tecchou had understood pretty quickly that if he saw an opportunity to end this as quickly as possible he would do so, no matter the consequences. to keep you safe and to ensure justice was enforced. and he saw an opportunity, a less than favourable one but again it was an opportunity. he successfully had managed to leave an opportunity for you and your fellow hunting dogs to swifly win the battle but to you, it was not worth it.
you had finished the battle in an anger consumed state. your mind clouded over with sadness and rage at having witnessed tecchou, the love of your life, sacrifice himself in the middle of the battle. seeing his bloody, presumed, lifeless corpse had broke something within you. but the battle had meant no one had time to retrieve him. this further upset you. with the post-battle clarity washing over, you you melted into a puddle of tears.
your colleagues looked upon you in sorrow and had to escort you back to get you to safety instead of the battlefield. and back at the temporary camp, they left you be as they knew you had to get it out your system. they did offer support but you were too distraught to listen. sealing yourself in your area and crying your heart out and the loss of your loved one. your colleagues hearts couldn't help but feel your sorrow aswell when they heard you sobbing late into the night.
days had passed, not that you noticed however. your eyes were puffy from crying and you looked like a mess but you hardly cared. tecchou's death had lead to the hunting dogs swiftly clearing up the rest of the mission, letting you grieve. and before you knew it one of them informed you that it was over and you would be returning in the morning. you hardly cared. tecchou was dead and nothing felt real anymore.
however, tecchou wasn't dead. he had awoke a few hours had passed from the battle - he thought it was a few hours when in reality it had been a couple of days. the moon shone brightly above him as he hoisted himself up, steadying himself as his head spun from blood loss. now if it were anyone else they would've died ages ago, but thanks to the enhancements given to hunting dogs he had lived. as he glanced around the area he remembered what had happened, his eyes widening realising that after all this time you all probably thought he was dead. and upon this realisation he tried to quickly find base camp to assure them he wasn't dead, more specifically you.
you couldn't sleep at all, even worse than previous nights. and you thought maybe if you too a quick walk you could have another good cry, this time without disturbing your colleagues, then maybe by the time you got back you would sleep. you slowly walked around feeling tears start dripping down your cheeks. you were so lost on what you would do without tecchou, how you could just go back to your normalish life. as you were deep in thought you spotted a figure in the distance.
a figure that looked suspiciously like your deceased lover, your mind probably was playing tricks - how cruel you thought, bitterly chuckling to yourself. the shadow kept moving forwards, seemingly limping and the closet it got the more confused you became. until the figure got close enough to make out every single featire of your lover. was this a trick? you stood stunned, as tecchou stared back. how desperately he wanted yo pull you into an embrace but he knew you probably were in disbelief.
so he painfully opened his arms to gesture you into believing he was infact still alive and standing in front of you to embrace. you still thought it was a trick but you felt inclined to believe it was real. even if this was a trick maybe you could indulge yourself for the last time. cautiously returning the embrace, you realised this was in fact real. your lover wasn't dead and was now infact embracing you in the tightest hug. at this fact you couldn't help but feel your body wrack with sobs. crying into his figure as he only comforted you, reminding you that he wasn't dead and that he loved you dearly.
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I always wonder how Beetlejuice would react to someone who looks very sweet and soft but is actually really hardcore. Like death metal, rage room, loves extremely gorey and disturbing media, constantly wanting someone to pick a fight with them so they could pummel them kinda hardcore.
It would be funny if they scared Beetlejuice a bit more than beetlejuice would scare them haha
Here's some drabbles just to get this idea out of my head lol I'm no writer so aa yeah DJSBJZ idk if I captured his Beetlejuice-ness enough ee
No pronouns used but a little (and I mean very little) nsft bc it's beetlejuice lol
"Hey babes! Ya miss-?" He'd ask as he suddenly appears in their room, loud gutteral screaming stopping him in his tracks for a split second before he basks in it. His breather is glued to the TV as he sways over to their side on the couch. Bloody cries and begs fill the silence between them.
Beetlejuice looks between the TV and his sweet breather, dressed in hello kitty pajamas with a stuffed animal under their arm. Kitten socks on their feet and a bunny hair band holding their hair from the puppy print face mask they have on. Such a stark contrast from the bloody murder playing on the TV. He chuckled to himself as he sat back and continued watching with them, laughing occasionally.
"I'm going out, Beej. Please behave." You absentmindedly say as you grabbed your keys, heading for the door.
"Where'ya goin? Can I come?" Beetlejuice would say hopefully as he shot up from his place on the couch. You were wearing sweats with one leg covered in cutesy anime Chibis and some logo for the anime you were currently obsessed with and a tank top that read 'BE KIND' In bright letters with stars and smily faces surrounding it (If you have long hair it'll be tied up) you weren't dressed up fancy so he didn't have a clue where you'd be going. It was your day off and he couldn't recall any plans that didn't include suffocating you with his 'love'.
"I'm going to a rage room, helps me decompress." You said with a chuckle, wanting to see how he'd react since you knew he didn't think you had a violent bone in your body. You'd shoo out any bugs that got inside, choosing to let the spiders you'd see around your place be as they helped with other bugs, you weren't overly confrontational either and he'd only ever see you cry when you were really mad. He looked at you from across the room confused but intrigued.
"Rage room? Is that some breather code for orgy?" Beetlejuice sat up on his knees from his previous sitting position, looking dopey and cocky as per usual.
"If you wanted one babes all you had to do was-"
"No! That's not what that means!" You cut him off with a laugh, you always appreciated the demons enthusiasm and humor.
"Its a room where you break stuff! Hence 'rage' room." You explained as you put on your shoes. If he wasn't already interested in joining you, he sure as sugar was now. He'd never seen you take your anger out on anyone or anything for that matter. You tended to cry it out, take a moment and sometimes you'd yell a bit while venting to him but usually he was the one who broke things so he was definitely going to tag along for the ride.
"you can come, but I don't go easy on the stuff in there. Also if appreciate it if you didn't distract me. It's the only time I can take my pent up rage out and have zero consequences." You laugh as you pick up your bright bag with some first aid, water bottles and your wallet and things for your phone Incase you were there for longer than you planned.
Cut to you demolishing every piece of furniture in the room, the safety suit hiding the rage and fire behind your eyes as you yelled out and screamed all the things you'd wish you could say to the people that come in and out of your life. Beetlejuice watching in fascination and a little bit of 'im going to screw their brains out when we get home'
He loved this side of his sweet and cuddly breather.
You were listening to your usual music when beetlejuice decided now would be the perfect time to yank your headphones from your head and see what kind of cutesy music you were listening to as you went about your day. Safe to say his hears almost bled with the volume of the music, looking at you as if you were an imposter.
"Who are you?? Where's my precious breather??" He'd cry out as he took whatever you were working on from you and held it protectively.
"Beej, stop playing around I want to finish that!" You'd laugh out, only making him back away from you further.
"No! You're not allowed to touch (Y/N's) things!" He'd hiss as he playfully ran around your shared space. He only let up when you managed to bribe him with a few kisses.
I'm not a writer so djsbjxhs sorry if this is bad LOLOL I read lots of fan fics tho (⁠◠⁠‿⁠・⁠)⁠—⁠☆ this was pretty fun to do instead of working out tho haha
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foxgloveinspace · 3 months
tron fic recs??👀
Hi there! I have to preface this by saying I mostly read (and currently write) Sam/Tron (or Rinzler depending on the fic). While I do read a bunch of just general Tron fic, I tend to have a ship I like and stick with it.
I am really enjoying Salvage What You Can by TooManyTeeth, more so the concept then some of the ideas. (I don't ship sam and quorra), but I can get over those for the concept of Rinlzer and Tron being in the same Grid and not the Same People, and Rinlzer finding out he's the 'evil twin' as the tags put it. I'm only on chapter 14, and there have been some moments that have down right broke my heart. Lots and lots of Rinzler angst.
Want some fluff about pre movie Tron and Clu learning swear words?? No Stupid Questions by bowiesinspace is the fic series for you! It's crack (in the since that it's silly, not you know. weird). and Just an all around fun time.
While this one has a bit of of Sam/Tron in it, the pov is Alan and it's not exactly about Sam and Tron, it's about how Alan feels, seeing and being around Tron, and is very very emotional. But also my second favorite fic in the fandom. And that is Mea Culpa by 2019-2020 (EnglishLanguage).
My first favorite fic is by the same author, and that is Genesis. I don't have words for this fic honestly. It's from Sam's POV, and it's about him coming back to a completely empty Grid. There are lines in this fic that literally left me gasping for air. It's almost GEN but there's hints of the fact that there will be something more between Sam and Tron.
I'll be a bit of a silly goose, and plug my own fic here, Whatever Here (That's Left of Me) part one has no shipping besides Lora and Alan, and is about Sam fixing the Grid from the other side of the screen, having a lot of family moments with Alan, Lora and Quorra and talking with Tron. The second part will be about Sam and 'Tron' falling in love. (which knowing me and my writing, means also at least two smut scenes). So if you just want to read part one that is a-okay with me!
Lastly, in this category I am recommending every single one of Solar_Siren's fictober collections. (and one Angstpirl challenge in there as well) There is a lot of different ships in here (Mostly Tron/Yori) and a lot of Uprising stuff. A lot of REALLY good fics in here.
and now the rest of these will all be just Sam/Tron.
for T rated fics,
Sam and Tron going on a first date, and it's not going as well as Sam would like but they have a good time. Falling in Tandem by bowisinspace (I also rec all their fics. they are all very nice. The kudosbot fic??? HUh?? Why am I emotional over a little ai?? *cries*)
Late Onset Digitalism by EnglishLanguage & Lobster_Emoji is not finished, but I really enjoyed this fic, and I don't think it ended on a clif hanger? I only read it the one time though. I still think it was worth the read. another Sam fixing the Grid fics, but with some fun twists.
We Are Pilots by shirozora is a CLASSIC samtron, and just Tron in general, fic. I read this fic once a year and its just. really good. Sam goes back to the Grid to try and see if Kevin left any clues on what he meant by 'Quorra will change the world' and instead finds Tron, and a Grid in chaos. (One small note is that, even though it's rated T there is some smut towards the end.)
E rated Fics:
First two are longer fics where the smut is only a scene or two. Last one is a smutty one shot.
Someone Has To Draw First Blood by dreamlittleyo is another classic. Kevin took Sam to the Grid when he was a kid, and only luck is the reason that Sam didn't go with him that night of the coup. When Sam shows back up as an adult Tron follows him out the Grid, and then they fall in love.
One Miracle at a Time by dreamlittleyo another 'Sam goes back to the Grid' fics. I haven't read this one in a while, but I remember really liking it. I should reread it soon. Maybe I'll do it tonight.
Patience, Sam Flynn by bowiesinspace (how many of their fics have i recced haha). Short one shot, it's very nice, I love the end cause they get very snuggly.
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blancetude · 2 years
Sugar (Too) Sweet
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Mafia!Childe x Brat!Female!Reader
➢ 18+ ᴏɴʟʏ ᴍɪɴᴏʀꜱ ᴅɴɪ
➢𝔰𝔶𝔫𝔬𝔭𝔰𝔦𝔰: never in a million years did you expect to run into the man who haunted your dreams again.
➢𝔤𝔢𝔫𝔯𝔢: mafia!au, modern!au, smut
➢𝔴𝔞𝔯𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔰: fingering, oral (F receiving), semi public sex, turned slight dub-con, slight yandere childe
➢𝔴𝔬𝔯𝔡 𝔠𝔬𝔲𝔫𝔱: 2.1k
Part 01
-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- -ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- -ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-
The next morning was a blur for you.
After waking up in the (thankfully) room you got dressed and fled the scene in record time, catching a cab back to your side of town to your little apartment in the large city.
You washed off any memory of last night, flushing a deep red as you inspected the hand sized bruises on your hips, trying so so hard not to think of those ocean eyes and cherry lips against your heated skin.
It was just a moment of weakness, you’ll never see him again.
You still had that important exam that put you in that situation last night and you were positive Professor Ningguang wouldn’t allow a re-test so you ignored the wobble in your legs and set off to school.
Thankfully you’d made it just in time, Ningguang gave you a curious look as you half stumbled to your seat, wincing slightly at the ache but it was smooth sailing.
You silently cheered yourself on as you took your finished test over to the white-haired woman’s desk, placing it down with relief.
Ningguang looked up from her laptop, a graceful smile appearing on her red lips as she slid the test over to her side.
Your eyes couldn’t help but linger a bit on her long fingers wondering how they would feel like in your own.
A small cough broke you from your embarrassing thoughts, you quickly shook your head and apologized to your Professor who simple gave a playful sigh and swirled a pencil in her right hand.
“I’m sorry Professor! What were you saying?”
“I asked if you were okay. You’re usually the first one to finish any exams I assign but this time it seems like you took your time staring at your sheet. Is everything okay?”
Your heart squeezed at her concern. Ningguang was a stern teacher but she had a soft spot for you, always making sure you were healthy mentally and physically. You were her top student after all.
“Y-Yes! I’m totally okay! I guess I just stayed up too late studying last night haha…”
You wanted to punch that stupid ginger in the nose for making it hard to think of anything but his skilled lips and– other body parts.
Ningguang didn’t look all convinced but she let it slide regardless, placing your test in the pile beside her and returning back to her laptop.
“Just make sure you take care of yourself okay?”
You bowed in gratitude, only to jump when the door to the classroom was slammed wide open, revealing a panting Hu Tao who looked like she’d just run a mile.
“(Y/n)!” She cried, rushing to your side. “I finally found you! There’s a scary but hot looking guy in front of the school asking about you! Are you in trouble? What did you get yourself into this time?”
Your blood ran cold at the vague but on the money description your friend gave you.
“O-Oh! It must be my friend! I told him not to come here, I’ll have to scold him!” You forcefully laughed when Ningguang stood from her seat, looking every bit protective.
“It’s okay Professor, I’ll be going now, thank you for your concern!” You left no room for argument as you hooked your arm with Hu Tao’s and pulled her out of the large room to the front of the school where the rest of your friends and some other students stood watching the display of scary looking men in black suits surrounding the same man who almost broke your spine.
“Are those gangsters?”
“Maybe (y/n) is in debt.”
“She’s in a gang too?”
You clenched your teeth at the mummers surrounding you, walking past the growing crowd up to the tall men shielding Childe.
“Ah! There you are (Y/n)!”
A chorus of more whispers traveled around you as Childe waved the men away and took you into his arms, squeezing you tight.
Sure he was scary last night but now he looked like a puppy waiting for his owner to tell him how good he was for waiting.
You would laugh if half the school wasn’t witness to this madness.
You were quick to push him away, looking around to see a girl holding her phone up as if to take a picture.
“What are you doing?!” You whisper-yelled, poking your index finger into the man’s chest with force. “How did you find me and how do you know my name?”
Childe grinned smugly and dug into his suit pocket, holding up your school ID between two slim fingers.
“You really should double check your belongings before you rush outta my place. In fact I’m surprised you made it out as quickly as you did, especially after how hard you worked those hips last night.”
This time you really did punch his shoulder, once for his obnoxiously loud comment and another for being stupidly handsome.
“Come on.” Was all you supplied before taking his wrist and pulling him down the hallway into an empty lecture room.
You didn’t trust his mouth to not embarrass you further and he was too flashy. Anyone with eyes could tell that he was someone of importance. Well if his designer clothes and mob of goons at the front didn’t already spell that out.
“My my, if you wanted me that bad I could have taken you back to my place.” Childe laughed as he looked around the room before pulling you against his chest as he sat against a desk. “Though I won’t complain, I’ve always wanted to fuck in classroom.”
Your jaw dropped at his bold words, hands rested on his shoulders that you now had the urge to wrap around his throat to silence him permanently.
“So you really came all the way over here so I could climb on your dick? No flowers? Chocolates maybe?”
As much as you wanted to slap that smug smirk off his beautiful face, you had to admit that all the attention was exciting.
You’d lived a very uneventful and boring life buried under books always being the good girl but now here you had an actual Mob Boss looking for you like a lost puppy, what jackpot you hit.
Childe laughed again, his hands trailing down lower till his large palms cupped your ass, giving the plump flesh a generous squeeze making you bite your bottom lip.
“I don’t know, that’s a high price for someone who caused me a great loss.”
Shit, how could you forget that?
If you wanted to get out of this you had to turn up your charm and seduce the man much like he had done the night before.
Your arms moved up to snake around his neck as you pressed your body fully against his own firm one and you fluttered your pretty lashes at him.
“You’re still mad about that? I said I was sorry didn’t I? Or should I remind you?” You leaned up till your lips just barely brushed against his own with each word you spoke, forcing his eyes to hood in a daze.
“I’m a good girl, please forgive me Sir.” You pouted, one of your hands playing with his red curls.
“Little brat, you know how to talk your way out of things don’t you?” Childe cursed before closing the distance between your lips, kissing you deep and slow as if savoring the sweetness of your lips.
You moaned against him, not expecting the man to take his time to push you flat against the desk and undress you down till you were completely bare.
His kisses moved down to trace your jawline to your neck, remembering your sensitive areas, latching on and sucking till fresh bruises blossomed against your flushed skin.
“You’re not going to run away after this are you princess?” He mumbled as one hand moved down to press between your thighs, two thick fingers sliding between your already wet folds collecting your essence before tracing lazy circles against your clit.
“I’ve got you in the palm of my hand now, you’re mine until I let you go, but I don’t think I can.”
He trailed his kisses down the valley between your breasts until he came face to face with your glistening cunt.
“Especially when I haven’t tasted this cute little jewel yet.” Without another second wasted he dove in, swirling his tongue and slurping lewdly like a man starved.
Your hands shot down to tangle in his mess of curls, accidentally pulling harshly when he wrapped his lips against your throbbing clit and sucked.
The cry that left your lips didn’t seem like your own, the man’s lips forcing out noises you’d be too ashamed to let out of you.
“Are you close princess? Ready to make a mess of yourself already?” He teased as he pulled away, his fingers focusing fully on your clit as the knot in your belly tightened and tightened till your eyes rolled back and another loud scream ripped through your throat without warning.
The wet squelch that followed as Childe collected your release and slide a finger into your entrance was enough to break you out of your dizzy fog.
“W-Wait I’m still se-sensitive!” You whimpered, your hips unwillingly pushing down against his fingers as he pushed two more in despite your release.
“Shh, you said you were a good girl or were you being naughty again? Should I punish this pretty little pussy?” He emphasized his words with a thrust of his fingers, the pads pressed against your g-spot painfully.
“No! No, fuck! Please I’m sorry!” You gasped, reaching for his wrist in a weak attempt to pull his hands away as another orgasm was approaching too quickly.
“You’re sorry, what?” He hummed playfully, watching you with those dark eyes again.
You gulped down your pride and weakly parted your swollen lips. “I’m sorry… Sir.”
Childe smiled warmly down at you. “Good girl, you’re a fast learner.”
He resumed his assault on your poor sore cunt, trying to draw out as many orgasms as your body would allow, determined to drive his point home.
“Sir, please no more, I need you now! Sir I promise I won’t run!” You wailed, hoping he’d have mercy and finally give you what you knew you both needed.
Before the red-head could tease you any longer, the sound of heels coming straight for the classroom echoed outside the door.
The door you forgot to lock.
“(Y/n)?” Professor Ningguang called out in the distance, concern laced in her usual suave tone. “You left your bag in my class. Hello? (Y/n)?”
Your eyes widened in horror as you watched the door, your heart hammering loudly in your ears as you prayed to every god out there that she wouldn’t open the door.
You’d almost forgotten the situation you were in if Childe hadn’t lifted your thighs up to wrap around his hips, his fingers now drilling straight into your g-spot forcing your muscles to tense tightly.
“Who’s this? Someone you know? Your girlfriend?” He chuckled as tears began to well up in your eyes at the possibility of your favorite Professor seeing you in such a position.
“Stop, pl-ah… please!”
Childe felt his cock twitch in his pants. You were a mouthy brat before but the added fear and lust in your eyes was enough for his composure to crack.
“Oh, do you like this person?” He mused with a glint in his eyes.
You shook your head as your blood ran cold, knowing fully that this bastard was thinking. “No! Shut up!”
Childe laughed and pulled his fingers out, lifting you up so you sat facing the door as he stood behind you, forcing your thighs wide open and exposed.
You took the chance to cover your most vulnerable area with your hands only to have the man place his own larger ones above them, his fingers forcing your own to push into your messy cunt as if leading you.
You tried to fight against him but your mind was too pumped with adrenaline and the fog of pleasure made it hard to think of anything but the way he guided you to finger yourself like some toy.
“Let’s give your little girlfriend a show Hm? Maybe if you’re good enough she’ll join. Would you like that baby?” He whispered hotly into your ear as tears now trailed freely down your cheeks caused but the shame of it all.
You could possibly be caught by someone you looked up to and all you could think about was the orgasm that was seconds away from tearing you apart.
“Let go princess, show her how beautiful you.” He kissed your cheek, his last words finally tipping you over the edge as your body trembling back against his own, your release gushing out between your and Childe’s fingers onto the desk and your thighs.
You hiccuped softly as you fell back against the man allowing him to take you into his protective arms and shield you from sight as the door slowly opened.
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randomshipperhere · 9 months
Forgot to post yesterday but my God. I can’t believe my playtime went from 23.? hours to 36 hours after doing Baxter’s DLC. Haha. He had me in his clutches since I first met him in 2020. Getting into the mindset of falling for him was hard though because God damn it Cove! I love you too much! I would feel bad when I sidelined him. Had to create an entirely new playthrough with my MC crushing on Cove from the start but not doing anything about it. That’s what got me in a good mood to date Baxter with little regret. Also it added flavor to the subtext when the conversation about first crushes/love happened.
There was so much that happened that made my heart flutter. I’m glad I bought the dlc when it came out (couldn’t play until literally a day ago due to irl stuff) and I was screaming way too much at the screen. I felt like I was reading a victorian romance novel or a slow burn, mutual pining, angst fanfic. It was great.
When we held hands? Janelsidnejishs
When our eyes met at the start of step 4? Ahriowsjrbsjsj
When he placed his hand in the chair MC is sitting on???? AAAAAA
The constant summer/fall shit going on??? I am so unwell.
Then the voiced bits. I can’t. This man has me fr. I mean he already had me before but it’s worse now. I know memes about him say Step 3 Bax is such a cringe lord but I’m in love with him. Sure step 4 him can shit on step 3 him all he wants. Yeah he broke everyone’s hearts. That mess of a man was my (not) lover for the season who entranced me. The only time my MC cried was literally the last scene before he dipped. Also yeah, I forgot what it was called but the first dlc activity, that one- we didn’t end up “dating” because my MC wanted something more serious and his non-committal response turned them off even if they wanted to pursue it earlier during the confession.
There’s so much more that I went feral over, blushing over, pausing to recollect myself moments and I could gush how much I love it all day. When he takes you to the same spot you went to watch the fireworks in Hang *sobs*
But in short. Thoroughly enjoyed it. Literally doing a second run as we speak. This time being indifferent to Cove all the way to step 3. And man, I’m seeing new texts. Imagine not being such a people pleaser even to fictional characters haha. This is a whole new world.
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norellenilia · 2 months
Damn, I remember the first time I watched FMA 03, when I was 16 or 17, I stayed up until 1 am to finish it, and today, watching episodes 38 through 42 turned me into such an emotional mess that I have to take a break lmao what happened??? My own emotional traumas, that's what happened
I'm feeling so many things again
In episode 38, when Ed and Al are fighting, Al drenches Ed in water and he says "it's going to rain!!!" and I'm like haha no don't try to pull a Mustang on me I know this episode won't make me cry and GUESS WHAT the flashback with Trisha convincing Ed to go and find Al so they can talk things out and Al looking so happy that Ed isn't upset with him anymore it's so cute I CRIED
I need -- no, I DEMAND a spin-off series where Winry and Scziezka solve murder mysteries together (I'd love to write it myself but I know I'm not nearly good enough at coming up with mystery stories lol), they're adorable I'm so happy they totally get together post CoS
Martel's death hits SO MUCH HARDER than I remembered holy shit, she and Al actually got close, we see more of her, her death is so horrific and hearing sweet sweet baby boy Alphonse cry just BROKE MY HEART I never wanted to hug an armor so badly
Scar's brother's last moments, the way he looks so terrified and desperate to protect his little brother from Kimblee and Scar being so devastated when he dies I just-- *clenches fist*
Sloth using Ed's PTSD against him that's so UNFAIR; also I was thinking that I was a bit disappointed that this anime did not include the nightmare that Ed has at some point in the manga where he sees his mom saying "why didn't you make me right" etc but this is it, this is this scene, and it's worse because he's hearing it for real, he is very much awake, he has the real voice of his mom in his ears and she's saying this to him and I'm-- *clenches fist harder*
Rose's story, I'm still so mad, she deserves all the happiness in the world
Speaking of Rose, it's so funny how the moment Al is like "I wonder how Rose is doing" the show just full on goes "Ed/Rose shipper" mode lmao, with Ed blushing while pretending not to remember her, him being so awkward when he speaks to her just before they go on their separate ways and her son just smiling and giggling when he speaks (first time we see the baby laugh, he had only been crying up until then) :') To be honest it feels a bit out of the blue to me but idk
Dante sporting Lyra's white ass in the town of brown people and speaking as if she was part of them just because she's following Rose around to manipulate her is incredibly cringe, but then again, it's Dante, she's the villain and we're already supposed to know something is up with "Lyra". But still.
Very random but Al pulling objects from or putting objects inside his armor from behind the cloth always looks very awkward lol
I used to never really care about Scar but I have learned the errors of my way as I now realize he is actually one of the best characters in this goddamn series, even with the orb of knowledge and the three arm losses, and Mangahood!Scar being much more villainized and ending up working with the military will never come even CLOSE to 03!Scar using his last bit of strength to save Alphonse to honor his love for his lost brother and take his ultimate revenge on those who murdered his people in the goal of protecting oppressed people, all of this while an epic music is playing (honestly it even feels like Ed is made to be seen as an obstacle as he tries to prevent the soldiers from entering Liore lol)
Sorry but Wrath is annoying as hell, I know that I'll probably have a different opinion if I rewatch CoS after that, but for now I hate him
We're finally entering the "Rewrite" era of the show and I had forgotten how much it rocks (Ed's hair animation at the beginning fhjkfhkdhjk)
I only have 9 episodes left but between Lust and Sloth in the upcoming episodes I'm not even sure I'll be able to watch it all in one go lol. Still excited to see more of Winry and Scziezka and remembering how much Hohenheim is absolutely useless in this x)
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He doesn't deserve you
Pairing: Wooyoung x Reader
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Angst
Group: Ateez
Warnings: rough language, angst, breakup
A/n: So this is my first fiction of this genre.. Hope you like it... 🫶🏻🙈
You: Fine.
Him: Fine.
You: Fine.
Him: Hi Y/n
You: Hi H/n
Him: I should tell you smthg
You: What?
Him: I break up with you
You: ...
You: Haha
You: that was funny
Him: I'm not kidding
You: H/n it's october. Not april
Him: I know
You: You're really not kidding
Him: I swear
You: Why
Him: Bcz I don't need you anymore
You: What do u mean by that
Him: I just don't have feelings for you
You: You don't love me anymore
Him: I never did
Him: But you were sexy
Him: And I really enjoyed you
You: That's the worse joke I've ever heard
Him: It's. No. Joke.
Him: I have another bitch now
Him: I love her
Him: So I don't need you anymore
You: We were a couple for three years and you just used me for my Body
Him: Yes and I loved it
Him: I'd do it again every time
You: Stop
Him: But you should know the truth
You: Stop
Him: Why
Him: are you sad?
Him: Awww
Him: I know you loved me
Him: I'm sorry
Him: But not sorry
You: Stop
Him: It's fun
Him: I'll tell everyone
Him: You'll soon find another Fuckboy
You: I'm leaving now
Him: Go and cry, i'll follow you everywhere
Him: You'll see me again
Him: And we'll fuck again
Him: I promise
Him: If my bitch doesn't want anymore
Him: But you can't say you didn't enjoy our time
Him: I worked so hard to get you
Him: It was lovely
Him: And so hot
*you blocked this user*
A single tear rolled down your cheek. A second and third. Soon a while waterfall was fleeding your cheek. You sighed and cried. Then you took your headphones and put them on to calm you down. Or not. You played a depressed playlist and turned the noise on. Then you rolled yourself into a small ball of yourself and cried for hours.
-10:38 pm-
"Y/nahhh I'm homeeee!!!" Wooyoung shouted. He went in to the door and took his shoes off.
No answer.
He took his bag on the shelf and his jacket in his shared room with Jongho and Yeosang. "Helloooo?" He shouted, louder this time.
No reaction.
'What if something happened?' he thought. He went to your room and knocked at the door. You didn't answer.
So he came in and closed the door behind him. It was dark in the room. Wooyoung waited a bit until his eyes saw something in the dark, then he spotted you. A little, sad ball with headphones on.
"Oh no. What happened?!" he asked but the singer got no respond. Well, you did neither hear nor see him. He went to your bed and softly took your headphones from your ears. They were loud. Really loud. No wonder you didn't hear him.
But you didn't open your eyes. You just kept them closed, the tears finally had stopped. Your face wasn't even still that red. You pretended to sleep but he knew that you didn't. "Y/n? C'mon answer me! Are you okay? Is everything okay love?" he said softly.
Your tears nearly came again from his loving voice. He softly poke your side to see if you were really sleeping, but as you flinched he knew that you were awake. But he didn't see a smile forming on your face, as usual when he playfully poke you.
"Hey... What's wrong? Come on darling, tell me, I am here for you!" he said. The young lad nearly panicked.
Then you finally opened your eyes, only to see Wooyoungs worried face looking at you. You saw the relief in his eyes as you opened your eyes. You saw the love in his eyes. And this broke your heart again.
He was a wonderful, loving friend. He was the best what ever appeared in your life. With the other seven boys together. They all were your best friends and you would die for each one of them. And they'd do the same.
Your tears started flowing again as you saw his love. A tiny thing inside of you, maybe your goddamn heart, wished H/n would at least once look at you like this. You really loved him. And as you thought this now again, your heart broke into smaller pieces as it already was.
One tear fell down, then two, three...
"On god, Y/n what happened..." Wooyoung sighed and pulled you in his lap, hugging you with his strong arms. You burried your teary face in his shoulder and cried your eyes out ... again.
And your best friend was there for you. He held you thight, he patted your head and your back, stroke your back and whispered calming things into your ears.
After ten, twenty or thirty minutes, you were unable to guess, you stopped crying. All your tears had been gone.
He set you free of his arms and you sat beside him. His hug really helped you. Now you didn't feel that much like as you just wanted to go and die.
"Thank you" you whispered with your broken voice.
"It's okay. I'm always gere for you, Y/n. Will you Tell me now? What happened?" Wooyoung tried again. You silently took your phone and opened the chat without looking at it. It'd only make you cry again. He scrolled to the first message from today.
You kept looking at his face to see if his emotions would change. His eyes widened as far as he read through the chat. His pretty face reddened and became a VERY angry look. As he was done, he was really mad. And I mean REALLY mad.
"Who is he to dare to scare you? Who is he to break your big, pretty, precious heart?! Oh this jerk will learn his lesson." he said angrily. And before you even could react, he called H/n.
"No! Woo wait..." you tried to protest but then you decided to wait ... and see.
H/n picked up.
And Wooyoung wasn't stoppable anymore.
"Are you KIDDING ME??? WHAT in GODS name ARE you??! YOU FREAKING ASS!!! WHO are you to hurt my precious Y/n?! WHO are you to even DARE to say you'll USE her again?! OH GOD you really should PRAY now that I don't come over and KILL you!!! Keep your DIRTY, UGLY, SMUTTY fingers away from her! PROMISE ME NOW THAT YOU'LL NEVER SEE HER AGAIN!!!!! GO WITH YOUR GIRL AND DO WHATEVER YOU WANT BUT KEEP AWAY FROM HER YOU GODDAMN FUCKING ASS FUCKBOY!!!!!!!!"
He didn't even let H/n a chance to say anything, because as he finished his speak, he hung up.
And he was mad. Really mad. Damnnnnn you had never seen this boy more mad. But he took a few deep breaths and as he looked at you again, the anger was gone.
And when he saw your tiny smiley what formed during his speech, he smiled too. "Hey, what do u think about a movie night? Or a Drama or anime binge watching night?" he asked you innocently.
You softly smiled and said "Oh Woo, that'd be wonderful. I'm so grateful that I have you.". His smile widened and the black haired boy went to the kitchen to prepare some snacks.
-10 minutes later-
He came back with chips, crisps, gummys, nachos, strawberries, blueberries, chocolate, donuts, raspberries and two bottles of coca cola. "Wow! Wooyoung! Where'd you get all of these?" you laughed. He seemed just happier now that you laughed.
He put the tablet on the desk, turned the tv on and brought the tablet with him to you in the bed. You two cuddled and he wrapped one arm around your shoulders and with the other, he took the tablet on your lap so you both could reach the snacks.
"What do you wanna watch?" he asked. "Oh it doesn't matter" you said and he turned on 'Imitation' because he really loved the Drama,, San, Seonghwa, Yunho and Jongho acted in it and because it was very funny.
You two watched until the next morning and fell asleep like 5am.
- the next day -
It was comfy. You didn't sleep so well for weeks now. You opened one eye and saw the tablet on the other side of the bed,, the TV, that has been turned off,, the Clock on your wall showing that it was 14pm and a sleeping Wooyoung next to you, who was holding you into his strong arms. You remembered what happened yesterday and a single tear rolled down your cheek again. But it was only one. That was good. You closed your eyes again, smiled and hugged Wooyoung tighter.
You soon fell back asleep.
× End ×
A/n: I hope you liked it! It's my first fiction of this kind... Anyways, sorry for the rough chat🥲 I hope it wasn't too uncomfortable... But I really wanted to write this fic bcz I'd have needed Ateez back then too... Well, luv u guys!
Ps: If you have any requests, I'd be happy to write them! Lemme know 🫶🏻 I'm always open for requests! Well, now : Baiiii
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anrisimps · 1 year
Part 2
( Naru killed his uncle in an epic climactic battle after a lot of torture and ended up burning everything ahem....moving on ..)
Naru wasn't dead yet, but he felt like he would be , sooner or later. As he was lying down , in a blurry haze of pain and something he couldn't quite understand, he thought about his father once again and began thinking of what he would say to him if he died here. He didn't know how it ended up being transmitted to fredo but it did.
Fredo blinked. Where was he again? Hadn't he just been fighting the White star. He moved his eyes slightly, finding himself in an unfamiliar room. Solena gasped from where she was sitting. The Duke has finally awoken! It had been a week since he was in a coma.
"The white star…?"
"He hasn't been sighted since your fight. It is believed he sustained a lot of injuries too"
Fredo nodded, a bit absent mindedly. Naru had told him to run away but he couldn't do that. That's right. Where is his adorable son?
"Where's Naru?"
"Little young master was just beside you two days ago….I have not seen him since then. But he should be fine."
And then a voice suddenly started talking inside his head
"Father. I miss you"
"I hope you were here father"
"Naru?!!" Fredo cried.
"Your Grace? Young master is not here. Are you alright? "
"Don't be too sad father. If I'm not by your side. 
 I had hoped to be beside you when you woke up. But it looks like you would have to come to me everything hurts so much father
"I don't know when or how I came to think of you as my real father but you were the best father I ever had.
Don't be too mad either father, if I'm gone."
Fredo's breath stilled. He didn't know what was happening or how his son was suddenly talking inside his head but something felt so wrong.
"Naru, where are you? Can you hear your father? "
"Your Grace what-"
" Father, being alive is the best. I had always been told that. But being alive doesn't mean living. So you must live happily, father.
If I leave and never come back ..will you miss me father? "
Fredo's heartbeat started racing up. Something happened to his child. Someone hurt his son when he couldn't protect him. He was going to pulverize the one who dared. He ripped off the blankets and jumped out of the bed. His body however, couldn't bear the burden and he ended up falling on the floor. He had just awoken from the coma. And some of the injuries were still healing. 
"Your Grace!! Is the young master in danger?! I will leave at once to find-
"Duke! Calm yourself! I will find the young master! "
"....I hope you miss me father.  Goodbyes sure are hard aren't they, father?
Fredo froze. No. His son isn't going anywhere. He threw Solena off and teleported to Naru's coordinates in a flash. His already dead heart broke even further when he found him.
His son. His only son. His precious , selfless, forgiving, wonderful son. Leaning against a broken rock , with blood dripping from every crevice of his body. He was staring at the dipping sun with a peaceful look in his eyes. 
Naru's gaze shifted towards him,
"You are finally here father" 
And smiled brightly, so brightly and so happily ,as if to ingrain it in Fredo's mind till the end of time.
"I'm sorry-I'm so late. Father is sorry. Naru Naru-"
His legs gave out and he ended up falling down again on his knees and embraced Naru tightly
" Father is here now, You are safe now naru. Father missed you lots. You want to be a slacker right. You have to live a long life for that. Naru-ya are you listening? Naru naru naru-"
His voice cracked but he continued speaking nevertheless. Naru who felt his father's warm embrace, never felt any safer. He was content now. And slowly and surely ,his breathing evened out.
"Thank you for everything father "
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