#Also Ro is SO CUTE!!!
pushing500 · 7 months
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Irwin seems to understand there are trying times ahead and got a melee inspiration. I like to imagine Xanxalbur, the kill-happy persona zeushammer, is egging him on.
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Ahhh!! Happy birthday, Ro!! He's three already, can you believe it??
He's a follower of the Path of Animism, which is good, and I believe he has the best hair in the colony (he got that from Kaz's side of the family, I think).
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Debby immediately decided to begin the important job of educating the resident three-year-old about the scientific method. None of the three-year-olds I've met in real life seemed to grasp that sort of thing, but perhaps Ro is just built different.
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Aaand then my game crashed and wouldn't open again. I think I know which mod is causing the problem, and I'm hoping I'll be able to fix it, but please bear with me if updates are a bit slower for a bit.
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gncrezan · 6 months
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@infamous-if august pierce you have bewitched me mind body and soul.......
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hammity-hammer · 10 months
steve harrington realizing that he’s got no purpose if he’s not protecting the people he loves from outer-dimensional beings, and has a minor (read: major) spiral about it post-vecna & the party fixing everything. he’s just a regular ole 20 something with no purpose— his friends are all in school, except eddie, who managed to pick up an apprenticeship as an electrician; putting all of that wire knowledge to use (just not in cars, he hasn’t hotwired one since 1986 and he’d like to keep it that way si vous plais) and making the rich houses have even cooler guts than they deserve.
the kids end up graduating (their first tries) and heading as one little pack to the same school (don’t ask me which, i’m a college drop out) and steve, eddie, and rob end up staying just outside of indy. rob finished school early, because of course she did, and she found that she may have a knack for hanging around high schoolers, so why not teach them how to become polyglots like she is?
steve still doesn’t know what the fuck he’s doing— he bartends at a little club in the gayborhood, because they went there so often that the bartenders just kind of pushed him into it, and don’t get him wrong— mixing drinks and flirting all night is super fun, but it also… is kind of depressing? even if he gets to be around people like him and see them happy— he knows that a lot of alcohol and drugs causes that happiness and he wants so badly for his people to be out and proud and not murdered for it. but he can’t do that,, so he does the next best thing.
he talks with one of the regulars, andy, who owns a little tattoo shop on the corner, and andy invites him to come check it out. so he does the next day he’s free, and holy fucking christ. tattoos aren’t his thing— at least not on himself, but on other people they’re gorgeous. and they’re painful, but you’re turning the pain into art and you get to live with it in your skin and look at it and think about the fact that you’re here and you made it and you fucking survived. and people purposefully put scars into their bodies? and not in the i-battled-literal-other-dimensional-beings-and-won kind of way, or the i-battled-my-personal-demons-and-won kind of way, which both are things he’s dealt with so fucking intimately— but in the i-will-decorate-this-flesh-prison-and-make-it-a-castle kind of way, and that’s fucking beautiful. queer people taking their bodies and making them into art with ink and hot metal and needles and the love that they have for each other and the passion and the fucking spite at the world that keeps them going and making their presences KNOWN.
and maybe he gets some piercings while he’s there— it’s fascinating and feels so weird and freeing when the needle punctures his flesh and the jewelry goes in— and now he’s got a shiny little ring hanging through his earlobe; his nostril; his lip.
he learns that piercings take time and effort and care and that he has to treat himself with love to be able to heal— and that he is deserving of that love and care and dedication, especially from himself.
he keeps going back, maybe not always to get stabbed, but to watch others have it done. to see how different people’s anatomy takes different piercings, how he can’t have a piercing through his cheeks because he bites them too much when he’s anxious, but the girl that just left got both of hers done and they looked good. they fit her face, like little shiny dimples.
eventually, the piercer, killie, asks steve when he’s going to help them with their needles and their piercings— and he doesn’t know how to react because he hadn’t even thought about it and yet… maybe he could help other people fall in love with themselves and their bodies and help turn them into art one day
maybe he could be a pretty boy with his scars and his metal and his missing chunks and his polos and his jeans and his sneakers.
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ros-sauce · 7 months
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microorganism nodoka
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haledraws · 5 months
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oh, my life is changing every day, in every possible way 💚
(experimenting w/ my older max design)
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xamaxenta · 9 months
Sabo demon hunter finally corners the beast he’s been tracking but before he can inflict a decisive blow he’s intercepted by the legendary phoenix himself, a hunter like himself, unkillable, they say
He crosses Sabo’s blade with the flat of his own, Sabo snarls that this is his kill, he found the creature first
The phoenix informs him with a smile that doesnt reach his eyes that he doesnt care about a stolen kill, Sabo tries to bypass him and is thwarted a second time, in that same taut, cold tone the Phoenix says he cannot let him kill the demon
Frustrated and annoyed at another bounty he wont collect, Sabo demands a reason, why ? If he cant kill it he at least deserves to know
The phoenix glances at the wounded shadow curled in on itself behind him, he smiles and this time it warms the ice within his irises, his mouth curving up into something tired and wane
“Because I love him.”
Sabo balks, clenches his fists, they said the phoenix had gone mad as of late and here was the stone cold truth
The shadow shifts as the phoenix tugs up his sleeve, bares his forearm riddled with scars, Sabo swallows when the taller man turns away from him to kneel beside the demon, his voice soft and soothing, almost an adoring croon when it shuffles closer and Sabo chokes on a noise of revulsion when the demon sinks its long evil fangs into the offered flesh, appalled as it tears at tendon and muscle, devouring deep until the white of bone was visible
The phoenix doesnt wince, continues his soft spoken mantra of adoration
Confused, terrified even, Sabo leaves empty handed, unable to stop thinking about the sound of masticated flesh and the song of viscera, in the gloom of the chase he hadnt been able to make out much of his target, but dappled within the radiance of the phoenix Sabo had been alarmed to observe the demon had been beautiful
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Grendan G-man Gma Grandma Grandma Granmasranaanna Highforge posting time >:D
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lunetual · 1 year
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RIWOO ✧ ‘One and Only’ Visual Cam
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crappyyuki · 6 months
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You know the drill.
I have a problem.
Aha. Ha. Yeah. Another Regret and Chael drawing. I love em. Sue me, I guess.
I love dad Regret with all my heart and I just love their dynamic, okay? Literally most of the flashbacks were about Chael asking for his advice. And aside from them having the best father-son relationship ever, the protag actually has a dad, a good dad. An adoptive dad but a dad nonetheless. How could I not love that? Best dad in RPG'S since 2011.
They are literally the main reason why I'm still in the Zenonia fandom and why I'm still waiting for the global release of Chronobreak even with it just being a standard MMORPG than Zenonia. I. Just. Want. Them. To. Be. Happy.
It has its flaws, sure, and plenty of plot holes like in Zenonia 1 why is Sun still alive in the Evil Route when its impossible for her to survive that attack or why the fuck did Dupre not tell Sun about Regret and vice versa or in Zenonia 3 did Regret know about Frey being Celine or did he just forget that Chael was an angel and just told him he was human but dammit the only flaw that matters is that they can't be happy together :(
And if Gamevil won't give it to me then I'll make it myself.
I want more Zenonia content :(
Oh. And don't let the cute sleeping baby face fool you. He cries all the damn time. Hence Regret's eyebags.
Regret loves him regardless :)
Here's the other versions!
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I was trying to make a manga aesthetic. I hope I did it right.
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bereft-of-frogs · 4 days
I was so sad about cataclysm not sticking the landing that I backtracked and started listening to the start of path of deceit again for my last half hour of work (something very normal that I definitely have time for) and the contrast between Marda and Yana at the start of path of vengeance and them at the start of deceit is KILLING me no stop it don’t make me fucking sad about fucking Marda
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rowavolo · 2 months
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pushing500 · 8 months
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Everybody, meet Baby Kaznove or, as he will henceforth be known, Baby Ro! He's very small and orange, and I love him to pieces. I was more than a little unnerved to discover that Impid babies are born with horns (their poor mothers!!), but both Fafo and Ro are doing well.
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Doing not-so-well are these random beggar children who showed up to ask for thirty-nine units of medicine, which made a substantial dent in my medicine supply, but I'm willing to use herbal medicine for a little while. It's for the Greater Good and all that.
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The two newest colonists (besides Baby Ro) are settling in very well and are taking up roles as teachers and mentors, apparently. I still don't like Boomer, and I am about 95% certain that Eva is a mime. She eats 5-7 meals a day!! I'm considering nicknaming her 'Tarrare' until she inevitably reveals herself as a terrible shapeshifting monstrosity and starts trying to eat my colonists.
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echo-nt · 2 months
While all the art is cute, the new feh banner is boring. Emmery and her siblings as a trio unit like the sisterly trio or even Emmery + Frederick as a duo would have been more interesting than Robin + Chrom again.
Also robin as a child unit seems like an odd choice since the game went out of their way to give them amnesia. These versions should have their memories and if they talk about Ylisse or something Ylisse adjacent I'm going to lose my mind.
Forget Ylisse. I want to know about their mom and their probably nomadic lifestyle. She risked her life stealing Robin from the Grimleal, this is their chance to expand on that please I'm begging you IS
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townofcrosshollow · 2 years
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Ever since she was young, Yasmin's been surrounded by luxury- her father controlled Signal Hill's only water source, making him the city's de facto leader. She's always preferred getting high and gambling to being in charge, though. When he died under suspicious circumstances, she was unprepared for the role she'd be forced into.
Yasmin's "handlers" have long been aware of her... instability. But with the company she's been keeping lately, most are holding their breath to see when it's all gonna come to a head.
Gender: Cis woman
Sexuality: Bisexual
Romanceable? Yes
Yasmin's a bottle blonde with light tan skin and a pair of dark, bloodshot eyes. The deep bags under them aren't helped by her haphazardly applied black makeup, although her full lips are always painted a bright pink that matches most of her wardrobe. She's waifishly thin, with long, stringy hair and a confident gait. Most of the time you'll find her lounging across a couch, draped in velour, in one of her favourite neon-lit haunts in The Heights. Don't be fooled by her appearance, though- that knife strapped to her leg has been used on a couple sorry saps like you who've approached her in the wrong mood.
How shit turns out for Yasmin might change depending on your actions, but keep in mind- you can't fix people.
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the-kingshound · 1 year
When I was little I used to sign King Arthur like a crown and the letter A, because it made the most sense in my mind.
Ohh it makes a lot of sense for it to be King Arthur's name sign!
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estbela · 6 months
Me: i dont really ship robul :/ it's kinda meh to me. Bulgaria is also not that interesting of a character for me
Also me whenever they show up: OH MY GOD ITS THEM!!!! My guys!!! My sillies!!!!
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