#I needed something to occupy my time with
moonstruckme · 2 days
summary: when James moves into your apartment, you need a bit of an adjustment period
roommate!James x shy!reader ♡ 1k words
You go downstairs the way a meerkat pokes its head out of its burrow. Cautious, watchful. When you spot James standing over a sizzling pan in the kitchen, it’s a bit of effort not to sigh, but you go anyway, hunger temporarily taking priority over solitude. It’s just going to have to be another quick meal.
“Hey.” James looks up from a recipe he’s reading on his phone, grinning at you. 
You press your lips together in a smile of response. The girl who’d occupied James’ room before him wouldn’t have bothered to acknowledge you, and frankly, you’d liked her for that. You’d had a mutually ambivalent relationship; you’d both paid your rent, ignored the other’s food in the fridge, and gone about your days as if you each had the apartment to yourself. She had to move out because the maintenance crew tattled on her for having a pet, and though James only moved in a week ago, he’s invited you to hang out with his friends every time they’ve come over. Which is often. (He’s at least considerate enough to always ask first, and you always say yes. Partially because they don’t make huge messes and partially because you don’t know how to reply to a yes/no question any other way.) 
You go to the fridge, tearing the aluminum foil off a half-empty can of beans and shaking it into a bowl. You put it in the microwave. James reaches to turn down the stove, and, like a frightened animal, you flinch away from him. He doesn’t seem to notice, only retreating to the opposite counter to give you more room. 
“How’s your day going?” he asks, leaning back on his forearms. 
“Not bad,” you say. Another thing about James is that in addition to his relentless geniality, he’s ferociously attractive. It takes all of your willpower not to let your eyes dip from his face to where his short sleeves conform to his biceps when he leans that way, but your face heats regardless. “Yours?” 
“Pretty good, actually.” He smiles easily. “It’s gorgeous out, have you felt the weather?” 
You shake your head. “I haven’t been out yet.” 
James nods like he knows this already, humming noncommittally. You think you spy a bit of judgment in his look, but you can’t be sure. “So,” he says, “I have something to ask you.” 
You tense. “Okay…” 
“I know you value your privacy, and I totally respect that, but I feel like as your roommate it’s my responsibility to at least ask.” 
You feel your eyes narrowing as you nod for him to continue. 
James schools his face into seriousness, a frown on his lips that looks like it doesn’t belong. “Do you not eat?” 
You laugh, relieved and bemused. “Of course I eat.”
The smile he gives you is strained, clearly for your benefit rather than his. “You sure about that? Because this morning I just saw you have one—one—piece of toast for breakfast, and then for lunch you had…what?” 
You shy, more because of his notice than anything else. The microwave beeps and you use it as an excuse to turn around. “Some cheese and crackers.” 
When you pivot with the steaming bowl, James is looking at you incredulously.
“They’re really filling!” 
“That’s a snack, love, not a meal. Both of those are snacks. Did you have anything else?” 
You hold up the bowl in your hand. “I’m about to have some beans.” 
His laugh is monosyllabic. Appalled. “You’re not serious.” 
You roll your eyes at him even as your face heats. “Listen, it’s not my most nutritious day, but I’ve been in a rush, and…” You were going to say more, but decide against it. “Anyway, there’s protein in the beans, so.” 
James isn’t having it. “And what?” 
“Something.” He raises his eyebrows at you. “C’mon, spill, or I’m going to call your mum and tell her about your big day of—“ He draws quotes in the air, full lips curving he does “—beans and crackers.” 
“And toast,” you joke. James’ smile is small and short-lived. Does he really have your mum’s phone number? He can’t possibly. 
You sigh. “Okay, it’s nothing to do with you, but I…I’m a bit weird about being in the kitchen at the same time.” James’ thick eyebrows meet in the middle, and your shoulders hunch instinctively but you force yourself to finish explaining. “I just want to grab whatever is quickest and go before I make things awkward, or something. But I know it’s stupid.” You shake your head. You could burn the apartment to cinders with the heat from your face. “I don’t own the kitchen. You have every right to be here, and I’ll get used to it eventually. It’s just that you’re new to me right now.” 
James' expression clears. “Oh, you’re shy.” 
You must look even more embarrassed at that, because he hurries to say, “That’s alright, it’s good to know how you feel about things. And now I don’t have to call your mum.” He grins, and it widens when you make a tiny effort to reciprocate. “I don’t mind stepping out of the kitchen so you can cook every now and then.”
“You really don’t have to.” 
“It’s no trouble.” He waves you off. “Honestly, it’s too small for both of us to comfortably use at the same time anyway. Careful by the way, that pan’s hot.” 
You glance behind you, and you’ve backed yourself nearly into the stove. You move away, squeaking out a thanks. 
James’ smile softens. “I do hope you're right about getting used to me eventually, though.” He gives you a kind look, and you have no idea how he can maintain eye contact with that much sincerity in his big brown eyes. You envy the skill. “I’d like to get to be friends, but we’ve got time for that.” 
You’ve no clue how to respond, some deer-in-the-headlights instinct taking ahold of you, but James doesn’t seem to be expecting one. He reaches out to squeeze your shoulder, taking back his place at the stove. You take that as your cue to go.
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dumplingsjinson · 2 days
List of “(un)requited love” prompts 
Requested by: @girlwonder-writes Request: “I would like 24 prompts about unrequited love please!” 
“You’re the best thing that will never happen to me.”
“I love you. I know it’s one-sided. And that’s okay. I just needed you to know.”
“I swore to everything I love that I would never catch feelings for someone like you, but here we are. And what’s worse is you don’t feel the same, and I’m the one who’s going to embarrass themselves when all is said and done.”
“I don’t ask for you to love me back. I only ask you to understand it will take time for me to stop feeling this way for you.” 
“I never asked to fall for someone whom I know doesn’t feel the same way.”
“There’s a twisted beauty in being in love with someone who doesn’t feel the same.” 
“What’s worse is, this is the first time I’ve genuinely felt this way about someone.”
“Do my feelings disgust you that much that you can’t even look me in the eyes now?” 
“I’ve always known that you don’t feel that way towards me. I just… Didn’t expect you to confirm it in a way that would both embarrass and hurt me.”
“Even love itself bested me.” 
“Your mind’s not occupied by anyone else, so why can’t you let it be occupied by me instead? Like you occupy mine.”
“I mean, it would be nice if I was given even one chance to prove myself to you.”
“I respect that you don’t like me back, so I hope you can at least respect my feelings for you.”
“Did you really just ask me if I know how it feels to not have someone love you back like that? Me, the biggest lovesick loser of them all?”
“I’m tired. I want to let go.” 
“I don’t want to feel like this way towards you anymore.”
“I’m not used to this lack of reciprocation.”
“Not to be a whiney bitch, but why can’t I be the one?” 
“I don’t mind loving them from afar if it means I get to keep them in my life.” 
“If I let go of you now… Then I’m letting go of you forever. And I don’t know… I don’t know if I can do that just yet.”
“We could be something more but there’s just one thing missing.” “Which is…?” “You also holding the same feelings for me, as I hold for you.” 
“I fell for you, fully knowing the risks… Yet I was still unprepared for the crash.” 
“This is why I never wanted to tell you how I felt! I knew it would ruin everything between us, and that’s exactly what’s happening right now.”
“You warned me not to fall for you. And it’s my fault I didn’t listen.”
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artyandink · 15 hours
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Summary: Based on a request by @yinorathedragontamer. You needed a break from hunting, so you didn’t go on the latest one, but found you needed something to occupy your time. Just your luck that the Winchesters happened to return home when you were washing Baby, and you caught the eye of a certain someone.
A/N - Banners in use by @cafekitsune, first entry for Jensen-A-Thon!
TW: Set in S9 (so hot, scruffy Dean guys), and blatant checking out/fantasising
Want to request something? Drop a message in my ask box!
Want to join my Dean Winchester (or any other Jensen character) taglist? Go to my main master list and find the Forms link!
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Dean and Sam ambled back into the bunker, duffel bags carried by their taut arms like they’d done a million times before, so what should be a bag of bricks was a feather. Dean swept his hand over his mouth while Sam’s went through his hair, both ready to crash from the wear and tear of the hunt.
“I swear, m’ready to goddamn pass out.” Dean chuckled, nails scratching over the scruff that had grown on his cheek. He’d been hit a few times - not enough to cause bruises and whatnot - hard enough to cause fatigue once the adrenaline of the fight was used and faded.
Sam could only grunt in agreement, trying to rub the effects of a long drive from Oregon out of his eyes, paired it’s the disgruntlement of having to listen to rock tracks in the car. “You and me both. But hey, we should at least visit-”
“Roger that.” Dean cut Sam off before he could finish, in search of you. You were always a sight for sore eyes after a hunt, no matter what you were dressed in or if you were covered in blood; he enjoyed the vision that you were. More than he cared to admit.
He checked your bedroom, but he only found an unusually neat bed and a clean room, which was a rare occurrence for you and had him thinking that you were kidnapped, which prompted him to take out his gun.
You never did up your bed.
He crept through the hall, hoping to the good God that his boots didn’t squeak, but then familiar humming of ‘Stairway to Heaven’ caught the attention of his ears, originating from the garage. Followed by his arrival there, where he spotted you. And it wasn’t only just the sight of you that had him standing up straight.
You, in nothing but a soaked through plaid shirt tucked into some tight denim shorts, the sleeves of the plaid rolled up to your elbows and drawing his attention to your pretty hands. Hair damp and falling just right and had him biting his lip and fighting off the urge to ruin your friendship entirely. Droplets of water running down your neck, that damn sexy curve of your slightly bent legs and trailing beneath the v-shaped neckline that the collar of your shirt made that he was starting to think was made on purpose to make him go insane.
The image was too damn sinful. And he was suddenly not so tired and ‘ready to goddamn pass out’, more like licking his lips and biting the bottom one as he folded his arms over his chest. Eyes trained on you. Yeah, not so tuckered out anymore and ready to catch the full nine.
His bed can go to hell, he wanted you pinned against the bonnet of his Baby, legs spread wide so he could fit in between and show you how much he appreciated the job well-goddamn-done. Did he mention you were washing Baby? Probably not, he was too distracted with the way your hips were swaying as you stepped to cover another part of his beloved Impala with soap suds that then trickled down your own body and made your attire that much more see through and you that much more delicious.
Holy Jesus of Nazareth, you were giving his self control a run for its money. And his self control was likely to lose the money and go bankrupt if he wasn’t distracted pronto.
Wait- but why was he objectifying you? You were doing him a solid by cleaning the other girl of his dreams, why the hell would he think about your legs like that? And your body clearly outlined by the wet, clingy material of your shirt that he was starting to feel jealous of because he wanted to be that close to you.
No. Bad Dean.
He licked his lips again, his hips shifting slightly as he fought a clearing of his throat in case it’d alert you of his presence. His mossy eyes trained so precisely on you, it’d probably let you know he was there anyway, heat radiating from his gaze.
He didn’t want to think about the curve of that pretty neck. Or the way it’d feel under his lips.
Neither did he want to think about those delicate hands - that he knew were tough as hell - holding the sponge that was lathering up his Baby. Or the way they’d feel working his - nope, too far.
Definitely not the way the shirt looked like it now had to be peeled off your skin to reveal the treasure underneath, because god-holy-damn he had managed to catch a glimpse of black lace underneath that plaid. He’d happily unwrap you like a frickin’ present and it wasn’t even Christmas for about six months.
“Damn, pretty girl.” He muttered, running a hand through his hair that was begging to let his feet walk over, grab your hip and pull you into him so he could lick up your neck to collect all the water droplets running down them. What he wouldn’t give to just pop the button on those shorts, get to his knees and work you until his tongue ached.
Right there. Right-frickin’-there. Against his Baby-
“Pretty girl? That’s what we’re calling her now?” Sam muttered into his ear with a snort, not loud enough for you to hear as you bent over Baby’s bonnet in just the right way to have Dean’s eyes sliding down to that gorgeous ass framed in those shorts that should damn well be illegal.
Dean was snapped partially out of his thoughts, left embarrassed and disgruntled and somewhat still ogling that God-blessed ass before he followed Sam through the halls, the latter of which was sporting a smug smirk. “H-Hey, I was just-”
Sam raised his hands in surrender with a small laugh, looking back to Dean knowingly. “Hey, if you wanna check out her ass, do it at your own risk.”
“I wasn’t checking out her…” Dean got an image of it again and smirked slightly, jerking his head to the side, “yeah, maybe I was, so what? Can you blame me? That thing’s-”
Sam held up a finger, shivering in borderline discomfort as his mind filled the blank. “I’m gonna TMI you before you say it.”
“I’m just sayin’, I’m a man. I have needs, where a female who’s a badass hunter and also happens to be gorgeous and also happens to live with us is concerned. And it’s worse when she’s handlin’ my Baby.” He gave Sam a sheepish grin, but the younger Winchester only shook his head in mock disapproval, grabbing the duffel with his pyjamas.
“I’m going to bed.”
“You do that.” Dean grabbed his own duffel, heading to his room which, to his luck, passed the garage and you working on the car. You managed to lock eyes with him, and you gave him a cheery wave. He returned it, and as you turned, his eyes slid down to the curve of your ass again, eyebrows pumping once as a smirk stretched his pouty lips.
“I’ll see you in my dreams, sweetheart.” He muttered before he disappeared off to his bedroom to live his fantasy.
Meanwhile, you dried your face and neck off with a chuckle, going back to your room to change into some get into some drier and more comfortable clothing with a smug smirk on your face.
You’d noticed Dean through Baby’s newly cleaned mirror that you could probably sing ‘Reflection’ from Mulan in. His eyes taking you in and licking his lips like you were the latest snack he wanted to devour. His hands itching to touch you, his mind going blank when you pushed out your ass on purpose in order to catch his attention.
That was just phase one of your multi-step plan to strip Dean Winchester of his self control where you were concerned.
“Mission accomplished.” You muttered under your breath with a giggle.
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I’d really appreciate feedback, loves! Have a great day!
TAGLIST: @k-slla @hobby27
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darkeunology · 2 days
♡ Dirty Little Secret ♡
Word Count: 2830
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Derek Morgan x Reader
Warnings: Smut, 18+ only, oral (M receiving), public sex, mentions of sexual acts
Summary: Derek has an idea of something you can do on the jet while everyone is asleep, except Spencer wakes up.
This is my first entry for the CM kink bingo 2024, this is a fic I had originally posted on an old account of mine, just in case anyone thinks it's familiar, it has been rewritten today since I wanted to rewrite my old fics and make them all better, I thought this one would fit perfectly with three prompts on my bingo card so I decided to rewrite it now. Updated bingo card here
Prompts used: Friends with benefits, Caught in the act, Oral
CM Kink Bingo Masterlist
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The jet was quiet, a far difference from how the jet was on the way to Texas, with everyone talking about the case before you arrived; now that the case was solved and the unsub in cuffs, the jet ride back was silent, only the noise of people breathing quietly as they caught up on the sleep that they had been desperately lacking the past few days. Well, everyone except you and Derek. The two of you were sitting together on the sofa, your head resting on his shoulder as his arm was wrapped tightly around yours, his thumb stroking the bare skin of your shoulder, his lips every so often moving to place a chaste kiss on your head. 
 The two of you weren’t dating, it had never really been a discussion of the two of you actually becoming official, even if sometimes that was what you wanted, however, right now, the two of you were simply friends with benefits, whenever one of you would need some form of stress relief, the other was willing to help - initially it started out innocent, just going to each other’s places to watch movies or play some video games, but it slowly started turning sexual. Starting with making out with Derek on his couch after one particularly tough case, to Derek pounding into you, begging him to let you cum after another tough case. You weren’t exclusive, Derek had told you a number of times that you were more than welcome to find someone else and end this arrangement whenever you wanted, and you told him the same, but neither of you found yourselves wanting to pursue anything different; you were addicted to each other, addicted to the little sighs, the touches, the kisses, the moans, everything about each other. Both of you swore to the rest of the team that there was nothing going on between the two of you, you were simply good friends; the team never believed you both. They would see the way you would both look at each other, the hugs that would sometimes last a beat too long for most friends, the way that your hands would linger on each other, the signs were subtle, but they were there. 
Derek and you were simply just whispering amongst yourselves, talking about everything and anything you could think of, just trying to keep your minds occupied, neither of you really able to sleep after the many days of this case. Derek quickly looked around the jet, checking to see if everyone truly was asleep, his gaze finishing once he’d checked that Spencer, who was sitting opposite the two of you at the tabled seats, was also asleep, the realisation made the man smirk at you. He moved slightly so that his lips were now at your cheek, placing sweet kisses there, you moved to give him better access, “You know something I’ve wanted to try with you for a while now?” He asked, a teasing tone clear in his voice as his lips trailed down to your jaw,
You hummed lightly, prompting Derek to keep talking, you gasped at Derek’s lips now right by your ear, whispering seductively, “I’ve always wanted you to give me a blowjob whilst everyone’s asleep around us.” his teeth grazed your earlobe, forcing a shiver out of you, 
“Fuck.” you mumbled, not meaning for Derek to hear the desperation in your voice, but he did. 
“You like the idea of someone waking up to see your pretty mouth wrapped around my cock, don’t you sweetheart?” he asked, the amusement clear in his voice as one of his hands moved down to your thigh, squeezing it harshly, he loved the way you were squirming under his touch. His cock hardened in his jeans at the thought of you on your knees for him. Derek noticed you hadn’t answered him, he moved his hand to your throat, squeezing at the sides lightly, just enough to hitch your breathing, a small whimper spilling past your lips, “Answer me honey.” he demanded, his voice still quiet to not wake anyone. 
Shakily, you nodded your head, arousal pooling in your belly at the thought, “Yes, yes I want that.” you stumbled, causing Derek to take his hand away from your throat, moving it to the back of the couch, sitting with his arms spread out, waiting for you to start. 
“Good girl.” He smirked, knowing what those two words always did to you, his body slouched down in the seat slightly, his legs opening wider. He raised an eyebrow at the fact you hadn’t yet moved, “You know what to do honey.” he spoke cockily, watching with hunger in his eyes as you slid off the sofa, taking your place on your knees in front of him, your body fitting between his legs perfectly, almost as if you were made to be down here. Your hands reached out to his zipper, eagerly pulling it down, Derek helped you get his jeans and boxers off enough so that you could release his hardening cock. Instinctively, you clenched your thighs together. No matter how many times you’d seen Derek’s cock, it always amazed you every time, he was the perfect size to fill you perfectly. 
His cock was begging for attention, so you started with just your hands, gripping his cock in one hand, you slowly started moving your hand up and down, twisting your wrist slightly as you did so, going slow enough to just tease him, “Don’t tease.” he muttered out, his eyes looking down at you, a warning look in them. Looking up at him through your eyelashes, you leaned forwards, licking a strip up his cock before circling his head, collecting his pre-cum on the tip of your tongue, he groaned lightly, his head falling back on the couch as you wrapped your lips around him fully, your head sinking down as far as you could without gagging, knowing that you needed to be quiet. 
Derek moved his hands to your head without looking back down at you, beginning to thrust his hips ever so slightly, also being cautious of going too deep since he didn’t want you to wake everyone up with your gagging. He threw his head forwards as you began hollowing out your cheeks, your mouth working faster. Instead of looking down at you, his eyes met Spencer, who was now awake, his eyes trained on watching you on the floor, watching the way you were taking Derek’s cock perfectly. 
He hadn’t woken up immediately, but Spencer tended to be quite a light sleeper, so when he heard the mumbles of you and Derek talking he started waking up, turning his head slightly and having to take a double look to believe what he was seeing in front of him. If he was being honest with himself, he’d always had a crush on you, pretty much from the moment you’d joined the BAU, he’d thought your intelligence and charisma was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen. He never had the courage to try anything with you or let you know how he felt about you, and when the rumours started about you and Derek being just a bit too close, he gave up, hoping that it wasn’t true, but from what he was watching now, he couldn’t deny it anymore. He deflated slightly, knowing that he now didn’t stand a chance with you when you were Derek’s, but he couldn’t take his eyes off you, he knew he probably should before Derek could catch him staring, but he was transfixed on you, his cock stirring slightly in his jeans, imagining that you were on your knees for him instead of for Derek. 
“You’re doing so well for me babygirl. Taking my cock so well.” Derek spoke, only slightly louder than last time, just loud enough that he knew Spencer would be able to hear him - which he did. His eyes snapped up to Derek’s which were looking directly at him. Spencer thought he’d be angry, but the only expression in Derek’s eyes were lust and amusement as he sent a wink in Spencer’s direction, that, in Spencer’s eyes, was permission enough that he could keep watching, his hands gripping his thighs tightly, teasing himself as he watched your head bob up and down on Derek’s cock. 
Spencer resisted the urge to touch himself, not wanting to do with Derek watching, embarrassed enough that he’d been caught watching you and was hard from watching. His eyes constantly flicked between you on the floor and watching Derek and the way he would moan quietly, the way Derek would look down at you with so much love and lust in his eyes as you worked. Derek was doing the same, looking down between you and looking back at Spencer, watching as the young genius was so pent up from watching. 
Derek smirked to himself as a thought formed in his mind, thrusting his hips up quicker, his grip in your hair tightened, pushing you on his cock quicker “Go on baby, I’m so close. You’re doing such a good job for me.” he groaned quietly. You hummed around his cock, pushing him over the edge. His hips stuttered as he came into your mouth, his cock twitching, he kept thrusting his hips slowly, drawing out his orgasm. You moaned around his cock as his cum filled your mouth, swallowing it as you pulled your mouth off his cock, using your thumb to collect what had spilled out your mouth, chuckling as Derek groaned above you. 
You sat back on your heels, your breathing slightly ragged, you looked up at Derek who was smirking again, you being still blissfully unaware of the second set of eyes plastered on you. “You’re such a good girl for me.” Derek praised you, leaning forwards to catch your lips with his, kissing you fervently, his tongue pushing into your mouth, claiming you as his in front of Spencer. He pulled away after leaving another short, chaste kiss to your lips, quickly looking around the rest of the jet to ensure you hadn’t woken anyone else up, which thankfully, you hadn’t. His eyes ran back over to Spencer for a split second before looking back down to you, his eyes full of mischief. “Why don’t you go and give pretty boy over there the same treatment.” he spoke, nodding towards where Spencer was sitting across from you. 
Eyes widening, you whipped your head round, watching as Spencer’s face turned red after being called out by Derek, he looked away from you. You didn’t need to be told twice by Derek as you stood from the floor, your steps wobbly for a second after being on the floor for so long, Derek quickly tapped your backside, urging you to move quicker. You took the few steps over to where Spencer was sitting, kneeling down in the seat next to him, one hand going to the curls on his head, running your hand through them lightly, “Do you want me to help you relax, Spence?” you asked, not doing anything until Spencer told you that you could.   
Spencer whimpered slightly, giving a feeble nod as his eyes moved back to you, one hand coming to your waist, leaving a feather-like touch there, almost like he was scared that you would disappear if he touched you too hard, “I need to hear you, Spence.” you told him, placing a kiss on his cheek.
“Please.” he whispered, nodding again, more confidently this time. 
“Okay then, pretty.” you spoke, using your hand to turn his face, allowing you to place your lips on his, sharing a slow, almost tentative kiss. You pulled away first after a moment, chuckling lightly as Spencer followed your lips. Giving him another chaste, quick kiss, you moved onto your knees, slipping down onto the floor, your body concealed by the table above you. You placed your body in between his legs, your hands running up his thighs causing him to shiver slightly, your hand hit his clothes erection, pressing down slightly causing Spencer to whimper again. 
You looked up at Spencer as you started pulling his jeans down, “Lift your hips for a second honey.” you spoke lightly, moving his jeans and boxers down as he lifted his hips to help you. The size of his cock happily surprised you, he wasn’t as big as Derek was, but he was still well endowed, enough to have you rubbing your thighs together again, your own arousal tortuous to you. Spencer didn’t need to get any harder, he was already hard enough just from watching you with Derek, you pumped your hand around his cock only a few times before licking a stripe from the bottom to the top, collecting his pre-cum on the tip of your tongue, the exact same way you did with Derek. You wasted no time with sheathing him inside of your mouth, his cock hitting the back of your throat instantly. You bobbed your head up and down, slowly to begin with, until you had Spence begging above you. 
Spencer was a lot louder than Derek had been, his moans and whimpers almost too loud. Derek had sorted himself out and moved over to sit next to Spencer, placing his thumb in his mouth, giving him something to suck on to keep him from waking the rest of the team up. Derek didn’t really fancy having to explain this to everyone. “You need to be quiet pretty boy. You don’t want everyone to wake up do you?” he asked. Spencer nodded his head, moaning a bit quieter around Derek’s thumb, which he kept inside his mouth, “Good boy” Derek mumbled, his lips going to Spencer’s neck, biting and sucking to leave a mark that Spencer would cover with a scarf when getting off the jet.  Derek moved away from his neck for a moment to look down at you, “Don’t tease him honey, I think he deserves a treat, don’t you?” he asked you. 
Humming around Spencer’s cock in affirmation, you started moving your head quicker, taking Spencer’s cock almost all the way down. One of Spencer’s hands was fisted in your hair, helping bob your head up and down, the other was on Derek’s thigh, squeezing tightly. You knew Spencer was close as his cock started twitching in your mouth, his body being pent up for too long watching you earlier. 
Derek could tell that Spencer was close too as his moans started getting too loud again. Spencer looked towards Derek, lust taking over his eyes as he whimpered around Derek’s thumb, his eyes flicking down to Derek’s lips. Derek quickly took his thumb out of Spencer’s mouth, replacing it with his lips, kissing him aggressively, allowing Spencer’s moans to be swallowed by his mouth, muffling him enough as he came into your mouth, his lips struggling to be able to kiss Derek back, the kiss was all teeth and tongue, but it was able to keep Spencer quiet, he was under the control of the both of you, he would do anything either of you asked him to do. You hummed as Spencer’s hips stopped thrusting, your mouth moving off of him,looking up at Spencer and Derek who were still kissing, Spencer now able to kiss him back a lot better, tucking Spencer away, you made your presence known under the table again causing the men to break away from each other.
“C’mere honey.” Derek murmured, his hand reaching down to help you get up from under the table, you groaned slightly as your knees cracked as you stood. Carefully you draped yourself over Derek’s legs, your legs resting on Spencer’s, his hands coming to grip your thighs, keeping you planted on him, Derek’s coming to wrap around your waist, holding you close to him. 
“If Spence is up for it,” Derek started, looking towards Spencer for a second before moving his attention back to you, “We’ll take him home with us and give you a little reward for being so good for us.” he finished. You looked towards Spencer waiting for his reaction first, 
“God yes.” he chuckled, his mind running wild with what was going to happen once the three of you got off the jet. 
“I’m in.” you spoke after Spencer, giving Derek a quick kiss on the lips. 
The team didn’t question when they woke up to the sight of you draped over Derek with your legs on Spencer, they figured you three had stayed up talking and you decided to get comfy. They did question, however, when the three of you were the first off the jet, almost rushing off, and they definitely questioned when they saw a blatant hickey on Spencer’s neck that certainly wasn’t there when they first got on the jet.
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ADDICTED || Max Phillips x f!reader || 3k
Summary: Max gives you everything you need but can you stop when the pleasure gets addictive?
Tw: 18+ mdni, smut, angst, daddy kink, dom/sub dynamic, biting, blood drinking (not graphic), f/m oral, mind control (dub-con, then very enthusiastic), slapping, unprotected piv, heartbreak, themes of addiction, obsession. Reader has hair. Pics are for the mood only, reader has no physical description.
A/n: this is for @iamasaddie ‘s Kinky May challenge with a prompt daddy kink for Max Phillips. Thank you for hosting it, Aly😘 Thank you @milla-frenchy for beta-ing and holding my trembling hand♥️ it’s my first time writing Max and I’m very nervous. Hope you all will enjoy it!💖
dividers by @saradika-graphics
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You can’t get enough of him.
His fingers gripping your hair, his strong hips between your slicked up thighs, the burn his teeth leave behind, the pleasure his soft lips give you.
Yet most of all you can’t get enough of his voice.
It’s like the sweetest poison that seeps into your welcoming ear, tying you closer to him with every uttered sound. Making you addicted. Obsessed.
“You’re mine. All of you. Every drop, baby.”
“Yes, daddy,” you always agree with him. These are the rules of the game. You do what he says, he doesn’t leave you.
He gives you what you need. Purpose.
“You’re daddy’s hole. Nothing more. I’m here to fill you and feed on you. You don’t need anything else. Just daddy fucking his cum into you, load after load. While your blood satiates me. Drop after drop.”
“Yes, daddy…please, give it to me… want it…take it.”
You get so high on his voice telling you what to do, it’s euphoric. You’re always in a half trance. At work your mind is occupied by him; whenever you spend time with your family or friends, your thoughts are elsewhere. You don’t need them anymore. You are lost in him. In your mind you’re in bed, pressed by his heavy body. Limbs intervened, your sweaty skin flush against his as he’s claiming your body and soul.
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It used to be easy. The first time you met at a club where Max tried to pick you up and succeeded. He was handsome, charming as hell, talkative, funny in an assholish way. Absolutely not your type, but you didn’t mind having fun. You two fucked in the bathroom and when he bit your neck and licked off the blood, you thought he was just kinky. The alcohol in your blood didn’t let you think straight. He made you come on his cock and you gave him your phone number.
Max came without a call, just appeared on your doorstep one night, and you let him in. You were cringing at your desire for some corporate suit, but he’d given it to you so good that night and you had never passed on a great fuck.
“I like you”, he said directly, lying on your sofa. He came right after work and told you that he was tired, at the same time exuding energy. You were staring at him, amused by his confidence. Max had an air about him like he owned the place and everything in it, including you.
“There’s something special about you,” he continued, pouting his lips in thought, “I don’t even need to command you. You’re so hungry. You do what I want all by yourself, baby.”
“Command me?”, you scuffed and snapped back, offended by his words, “Why don’t you go fuck yourself, baby”. Max was hot but a man would never be the boss of you, you thought.
He bucked his hips, getting more comfortable on your sofa, and shot you a smug smile that made you want to slap him. Before fucking him.
“Get on the sofa. All fours,” He told you, nodding at the spot next to him. His voice was the same, deep and gruff but somehow different. As if he grabbed your will and caged it in his big hand. Made it his will instead. And to your astonishment your body followed the order.
“Take off your clothes,” he said, sitting up, as your hands and knees were already planted firmly on the surface.
He got up and made you stand still while his hands were exploring your naked body — kneaded your breasts, twitched your nipples, glided over your back, slipped between your folds and swirled your throbbing clit. Your head was absolutely empty, your mind already occupied by only him.
“Beautiful,” he praised you, spreading your ass cheeks and admiring the view, “daddy’s gonna have so much fun with you.”
You bit your lip when he called himself that and then whimpered when he latched onto your pussy. He tasted your desire for him as his hot tongue slid between your folds and traced your crying hole. A whine escaped your parted lips when his mouth stopped caressing your cunt and he stood in front of you.
With widened eyes you watched him perch on the armrest of the sofa, spreading his thighs wide.
“You know what’s my favorite thing to do?” He asked, smirking at you.
You couldn’t say anything, so you were just blinking at him while a myriad of emotions were swirling inside your chest.
“Oh, you can’t answer, right. Baby though she’s in charge, huh?” Max chuckled and then leaned closer to you face, bringing his lips to your ear and whispered,
“Let’s see who’s in charge,” and added, “Come for daddy.”
You felt burning in your stomach, your core tightened, pussy started clamping around nothing, and you cried out as a hard orgasm began shaking your whole body, making your limbs tremble. He was palming himself, watching your face twist in pleasure, loud moans leaving your lips as the waves of ecstasy were lapping at your heated body. It was hard to stand still and his previous command was the only thing that kept you from collapsing on the sofa.
“Relax,” he told you and you plopped on the surface panting heavily, while aftershocks were still going through your body.
He stood up and you felt his thumb brush your cheekbone.
“Do you believe me now, sweetheart?” He asked with a head tilt, as his bulge was looming over your head.
You looked up at his smug face, smiled a little and replied,
“Yes, daddy. Please, do it again”.
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Now when he’s in your bedroom, time stops. Life stops. As soon as he sits on the edge of your bed, you kneel between his thighs, your big eyes full of deep admiration, a short sheer nightie barely covering anything. He often buys you new lingerie. He enjoys spoiling you. Also blood is hard to wash off.
If he wants you to suck his cock, all he needs to do is nod at his crotch. But tonight he wants all of you.
“C’mere,” he tells you, patting his thigh with his big hand. In a second you’re sat on his lap, your naked pussy soaking his black suit pants.
“Nearly snapped someone’s neck at work today, incompetent idiot,” He grumbles in a low voice and asks, “How was your day, baby?”
You’re pouting your lips. Who cares? Fuck life. This is what you need. This is what makes you happy, ecstatic, euphoric.
“-was ok,” you mumble, as your stomach churns with impatience. Your gaze is set downcast while you’re fumbling with his crimson tie. He nuzzles your neck and takes a deep breath of your scent. A shudder goes through him from the way you smell and you slightly roll your hips, rubbing your needy pussy against his thigh.
“So impatient, baby. Do you remember how Daddy punished you for your impatience?” his cold palm wraps around your throat and tilts your head to the side, exposing more of your neck, where his favorite vein is fluttering like a little bird under his hungry gaze.
You won’t ever forget that punishment. You have been kneeling at the foot of your bed, watching him languidly play with his cock and balls. Your mouth was watering whenever a drop of precum slid down the curve of his fat tip. He has been edging you and himself for what felt like hours until he gave you the permission to suck his cock and you came just from having him in your mouth.
“Yes, I’m sorry, daddy. I’ll wait.”
“Good girl,” he says before his lips start sucking on your delicate skin, right over the artery. He licks the patch of skin there as his hand slithers under the neckline of your nightie and squeezes your breast.
“I’m gonna take a sip and you’re gonna be a good girl and play with Daddy’s cock, ‘k?
“Yes, please”.
You tilt your head even more, offering your blood to him as your left hand slides between your bodies. You find his belt buckle and undo it, stopping yourself from rushing. You don’t want daddy’s punishment tonight. You crave his reward.
You open his pants and moan as he breaks your skin with his fangs.
You got so used to the feeling, you don’t even notice the pain. The pain is like a threshold that you step over to get to the pleasure. A small price you pay each time for the immense ecstasy he’s going to give you.
As he starts gently sucking, you take out his cock which is already hard as steel and caress its velvety skin with your fingers. It twitches in your hand and Max growls.
“I’m sorry, daddy.”
You hastily spit in your palm and return your hand to his twitching length. You wrap your hand around it and begin pumping with a rhythm you know he loves.
You flutter your eyes shut, getting lost in the feeling, ready, so ready to give and get more.
You feel his precum on your hand, and without looking, you spread it over his soft skin.
Max’s lips smacking against your neck, his growling that sends pleasant vibrations through you, his tongue, gathering the blood off your skin, mixes with the squelching sounds of your hand, dancing over his cock. It’s throbbing, pulsating in your little hand and you press your body closer to his torso, wishing to feel his length against your belly.
“Daddy, may I have it, please?”
He groans and his lips leave your neck as he commands without using his powers, “lie down.”
You can’t follow the order quicker. You need him more than air. Your empty pussy is weeping to be filled, used, stretched by his manhood. Your whole being craves to serve his needs and after satiating his hunger for some time, your cunt is ready to be fed.
Your thighs fly apart and you look up at him with pleading eyes. Max is not cruel but he’s also quick to punish you if you piss him off.
His cock bobs when he gets between your thighs and a drop of precum lands on your mound. You already whine at the sensation.
“So obedient, you really want it tonight, huh?”
“I always want it… but yes, daddy, please,” you add hastily, batting your lashes at him.
“What do you want?”
As soon as he uses this voice, the atmosphere in the room changes. He was your ‘daddy’, now he’s your god. He asks and you reply without a moment of hesitation,
“I want not to feel anything but your cock deep in my cunt, not to think. Be so cockdrunk I can’t keep my eyes open.”
He smirks but there’s a trace of bitterness in his expression.
“I see.”
He sighs and grabs your thighs with his massive hands. He spreads your legs even wider, and when your pussy blooms for him he harshly spits on your throbbing clit, making you jerk and moan. The next second he lifts your hips up and pierces you with his cock. He’s either in a good mood which you doubt by his roughness or craves a release. With your ass lifted off the bed, you gasp suddenly feeling full as your walls are spreading for him. But you need more and he knows it.
“Do you feel me deep inside, baby?”
“Yeah, you’re so big, daddy.”
“Wanna feel more? “
“Yes, daddy, please. I’m begging you, I want nothing more.”
“ ‘k, baby. You’ve been such a good girl.”
Without a warning his voice changes and he starts ordering you.
“Listen to me, hear only my voice.”
The city noises from the outside are immediately gone. You hear nothing, not even ticking of a clock in your bedroom. Only his voice is in your ears as if he’s speaking right inside your mind.
“You feel nothing. Just. My. Cock. Deep inside your cunt. In your mind. In your veins. Everywhere.”
Your eyes roll back as you’re made to concentrate on his manhood in your trembling body.
“Your pussy is hugging me so well. Make her weep around my cock. Can never get enough of your juices soaking me, baby. You always feel so good. And you deserve to feel good too.”
“Yes, daddy, I do.”
You’re floating in a warm river, his voice, his being are enveloping you. Nothing exists anymore, just him and you are left. Then he rolls his hips and it gets almost unbearably overwhelming. His cock slowly slides in and out of your sopping pussy with ease and your brain, your core, your every cell light up brightly as you already feel yourself at the precipice.
He’s fucking you gently, then gets rougher and marks you with his teeth, drinking your blood. His cock is throbbing between your walls, his hands are sliding over your breasts, twitching your nipples and playing with your clit. His face flashes in front of your eyes and you’re kissing. That’s when you feel the explosion of pure, untainted ecstasy.
“Come harder”, he commands, and you know you’re crying at how amazing you feel. It’s all happening ‘there’, somewhere deep inside you, the place so wonderful you wish you’d never leave.
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At the back of your mind you know that you’re getting obsessed. Sometimes you think there’s more of him in you than you. He’s behind your eyes constantly, his handsome face with a lopsided smile flashes there over and over. You could draw it by heart now. Day after day his teeth sink deeper into your neck, his cock pierces you harder and you welcome the pain. The high is so much better after a little bit of pain.
Max is careful with you. He knows his strength and knows the effect he has on you. He’s attentive. He sees your glazed over eyes, parted lips, your breathing almost stops. You’re not here with him, you’re nowhere. You start noticing fear in his eyes when it takes longer and longer to get you out of ‘there’.
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Trickles of blood are seeping from two tiny holes in your neck. Your thighs thrown widely apart, his cum is glistening at your entrance as he watches you, sitting naked between your legs. His chin and mouth are red and he’s licking his lips, not wasting a drop of you.
“Baby, look at me.” Your eyes are staring up and to the left. You’re looking at something but don’t see anything.
“Look at me!”
He orders then calls for you, nothing, again and again, you don’t respond. He slaps your cheek, not hard, just to get you back but you refuse to return to him. In your mind you’re still coming on his cock, over and over, dripping, moaning, relishing the feeling of his cum filling you up to the brim. Why would you ever go back?
Suddenly it stings. He’s slapped you really hard and your cheek is burning.
“Daddy?” You murmur, gradually coming back to reality, blinking rapidly with tears in your eyes. He’s hovering over you, his hands gripping your shoulders, his black eyes under the furrowed brows look worried and sad. Then angry.
“I couldn’t get you back! Fucking hell! You were gone for a fucking hour. It’s never been that bad.”
“It wasn’t bad. ‘s good,” You mumble while your hand flies to rub your heated cheek. Your brain is still barely functioning and your whole body is tingling after such an amazing orgasm.
“I won’t do it anymore.” He throws at you, getting off you and sitting at the edge of the bed. “Fuck this!”
Your heart freezes, gripped by the fear, and you hastily sit up. You almost fall off the bed, drunk on the amount of endorphins in your blood and then slowly crawl to him.
“Daddy, don’t say it. I’ll get back alright.”
“Yeah, what if you don’t.”
‘It’s worth it,’ you think but don’t say it. Instead you lie to him. “I’m sure I’ll always get back. It just feels so good there.”
He’s shaking his head and your stomach churns with terror.
“You told me you’d killed people for fuck’s sake! Why do you care so much about me?!” You shout and he turns to you. His pained expression makes your chest hurt. Your heart is fluttering at how handsome he is, how much you love him but love quickly morphs into hate when he threatens to take away the best thing you’ve ever experienced. You beg again and again but he’s unyielding. Finally he gets tired of your whining and leaves.
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Max visits you a couple of times after that. He fucks you but refuses to command you. He makes you come on his cock or tongue and every time you cry, beg and shout, demanding to tell you to stop feeling anything except him inside you. You unravel for him again and again but it’s just not enough. Not when you’ve been there, felt that much ecstasy.
“What if I turn you?” He offers at one point.
“Will you be able to tell me what to do?”
“Then no”.
“But we can be together forever.”
“No, daddy, please, one more time.”
He curses and leaves and then he stops coming entirely. You text, call but he doesn’t respond. Your efforts to find him are fruitless. He’s never told you the details of his life. Or you just haven’t been listening. It’s like he has disappeared into thin air, like he was just a dream.
You cry and cry, not being able to sleep, eat, feel anything else except the void in your soul and life. Max has been filling it so well and now it’s sucking you in. Without that euphoria, without him controlling you, without your ‘daddy’, you have nothing. You wish for nothing else. Mindless hookups, rebound sex, numerous strangers in your bed— nothing can give you that satisfaction.
Max left and took your life with him.
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Thank you for reading!♥️ Please, comment and reblog if you enjoyed the fic! It motivates me a lot!!🌸
Main tag list: @milla-frenchy @harriedandharassed @missannwinchester @iamasaddie @nervousmumbling @bbyanarchist @stevie75 @puduvallee @auteurdelabre @mountainsandmayhem @senoratess @flamingochick55 @theoraekenslover @schnarfer @mermaidgirl30 @staywildflowahchild @yesjazzywazzylove-blog @evolnoomym @keylimebeag
Max tag @guelyury
If you'd like to be tagged in my future fics, let me know!💕
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Just watched Black Friday by Starkid, and now I'm wondering which Fear this would be a manifestation of. (I think Extinction would probably be in there, but what else?)
Actually, what would *all* the starkid productions be?
Nerdy Prudes Must Die would have at least a bit of Hunt... The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals would have some Corruption...
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captainfern · 1 day
hi fern! i hope something nice happens to you today! i just wanted to drop this little thought in your askbox.
so i'm quitting smoking, yay! it's hard but i'm so proud of myself. it's been a month since my last cigarette but i still have cravings and i just can't get it out of my head that gaz would be the best at supporting me (why are they always worse after i've eaten?! or i'm tired?!). so i've been sucking on a lot of lollipops and well... obviously my mind drifted to other things i could suck to alleviate my cravings....
(if you're not comfortable sharing this, that's totally fine! i know smoking is gross and no one is comfortable writing about it so feel free to delete this! either way, have a wonderful day!)
congratulations i’m super proud of you !!
gaz is too lol
18+ fem!reader (m!receiving oral bbyyy)
there’s something so erotic about it. about the way he’s looking at you. looking at you with those deep brown eyes, molasses-thick and warm with admiration.
the situation isn’t overtly kinky, or laden with excruciating levels of lustrous allure. it just feels so intimate, so hot and heavy, and he’s barely even touched you.
but that’s what gaz does to you. what he’s always done to you.
when you told him you’d quit smoking, he was so incredibly happy for you (although, conversations of him quitting were whittled down to nothing more than i’m a casual smoker, sweetheart. nothing regular, i promise). you’d then confided in him, a month-or-so in, that you felt like you needed something to… suck on. to chew on. to occupy the parched cavern of your mouth and entertain your restless mind.
like the sweetheart he was, he bought you all kinds of sweets— things to chew on, things to suck on, things to roll around along the ridges of your lower molars. but soon, the cravings went beyond the odd lollipop.
and that’s what led you to this very moment.
gaz’s thumb hooked into the corner of your mouth, gently prying your lips apart as you kneeled in front of him, hands splayed across his strong thighs. he stood, towering over you, unhinging your jaw with the soft, gentle beckon of his thumb. your eyes remained locked on his the entire time, butterflies filling your stomach.
you were completely naked. stripped bare— on your own accord— and situated on your knees, soft carpet beneath you (he wouldn’t let you kneel on the kitchen tiles, where you originally proposed this idea). gaz was dressed almost fully, his toned abdomen covered by his t-shirt. but you could see the prominent V-line, the dips in his muscle, paired with a thin line of hair, right to the base of his hard cock.
the cock which he was slowly feeding into your open mouth. thumb still hooked into the corner of your mouth, gaz held the back of your head with his other hand as he guided his cock past your lips. gently, slowly, inch-by-inch. you watched him, and the way his beautiful face flickered with restrained pleasure.
your tongue instinctively curled a bit to meet the width of him, of the hard length sliding over it. saliva built behind your teeth, your breaths falling in laboured pants as gaz pushed in further and further. further, still, until the tip of his cock nudged the back of your throat, making you gag. he drew back a few centimetres, with the hand on the back of your head petting you fondly.
“my perfect girl…” gaz muttered, slowly pulling out until the flared head of his cock was all that remained inside your mouth. he removed his thumb, instead moving it to rest against the rear of the bed he was leaning against.
you suctioned your lips around the head of his cock, sucking gently and dispersing the saliva. gaz groaned, the hand on your head tightening. he canted his hips forward, shoving his cock back into the tight heat of your mouth. you whined around him, the vibrations hitting him straight-on, forcing a low moan from his chest.
“so perfect,” he whispered, eyelids lowered.
he then let you set the pace. bobbing your head back and forth, you took one of your hands and wrapped it around the base of his cock, coating your palm and fingers in your saliva. you gripped him there, twisting lightly while your mouth suctioned around him, tongue rubbing flat along the vein curled up the underside.
he watched you with those heated brown eyes, long lashes casting shadows across his cheekbones beneath the low light. he continued to pet your head, massaging you, as you took more and more of his cock. his pretty girlfriend, naked and on her knees for him, cock in her mouth. what a sight.
your cheeks were slowly beginning to hurt as you hollowed them, sliding his cock in and out, taking time to jerk him off while you licked around the tip with the point of your tongue. you could taste him— not at all unpleasant and not too salty. it almost tasted good. it suited him.
you slowly took him to the root again, lips brushing along the thatch of thick hair at the base. the leaking tip brushed the back of your throat, and this time you managed to withhold a gag. you closed your eyes momentarily, willing tears away, before starting your rhythm back up again.
gaz moaned at the wet warmth, the tightness of your pretty mouth. god, you were so fucking perfect.
“you like that, baby?” gaz cooed, rubbing the back of your head. “you like keeping that pretty mouth busy, huh? y’like sucking on things, don’t you?”
you did, but not that you could answer anyway. the butterflies in your stomach were going wild, the heat in your core blooming, pulsing in time with the beating of your heart. you imagined that you’d have slick running down your thighs soon.
gaz moaned, tossing his head back. he looked so pretty like this. “yeah, that’s it. suck my cock, sweetheart.”
you wanted him to come in your mouth. you wanted to feel his cock twitch against your tongue, and feel the heat of his seed splash down your throat. or maybe you wanted it to fill the crevices of your mouth, so you could hold it there with a triumphant smile, before swallowing it and showing him your barren tongue. hopefully you’d taste him for days.
like the universe was listening to your innermost thoughts, you felt gaz’s cock twitching against the flat of your tongue. his balls were drawing up tight, low groans filtering from his mouth, breathing turning into panting— desperate, pent-up panting.
“oh god,” he whimpered out, hips bucking. “oh god, oh god— fuck, fuck— baby, holy fuck.”
you kept your pace steady as the hand on the back of your head started to hijack your efforts. your boyfriend fucked himself into you, forcing his cock to the back of your throat again and again, neglecting your breathing as he chased his high. you’d forgive him. hell, you weren’t even mad at him, to be honest.
and he sounded so fucking good. this whole thing was meant to appease you, but now it was starting to feel a whole lot more like you were appeasing him. appeasing a god, clearly.
“oh fuck, m’gonna come, sweetheart. can— oh, fuck— can i come in your mouth?”
you looked up at him with tears blurring your vision and you hummed a yes, unable to nod. the hums were a buzz against the smooth, sensitive ridges of his cock, and he found himself moaning your name in desperation as he came.
it was the first option. your second favourite option of the two, but you weren’t really complaining.
his cum, warm and, well, a lot, emptied down the channel of your throat. you wanted to cough, but the head of his cock pushed it all aside— including your breath— as his cock twitched and jerked against the soft muscle of your tongue, still writhing around him. he moaned your name again. again and again until his cock settled, semi-hard inside your mouth.
he stroked the back of your head, pulling his cock out of your throat but letting it rest between the softness of your lips. he didn’t look like he was going to pull out any time soon. so you swallowed, and attempted to give him a smile.
“beautiful girl,” he said, other hand shifting to cup your cheek, thumb running along your cheekbone, feeling the heat there. “i’m so proud of you.”
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fatuismooches · 17 hours
I feel like fragile!reader would be genuinely upset with how literally none of the segments spend time with them. Or even try to make time with them. Especially Prime. Like, there's like 20+ of them, not even 1 can spend at least 15 minutes with them? Me, personally, I wouldn't leave my lover to fend off with themselves after 400+ years of silence. Maybe that's just me though...
Oh fragile reader would absolutely be crushed. In the beginning, you would be delighted by all the attention you got, considering you just woke up. But as time goes by, it slowly changes. Obviously, you know that the segments have a lot of work to do, and you don't expect them to spend hours with you, but there are days you struggle to even get ten minutes of attention. Yes, you know they're busy, their research is incredibly engrossing, they have a lot on their plate, but you were their lover. The one who loved them above anything else, and the one they loved more than anything too, well, supposedly.
Their actions just don't show it sometimes, and it hurts you. You're confined to your body, to the lab, you're not like them. Sure, you have some things to keep you occupied, but you aren't free to do what you want, because you literally can't. That's why their company is so desperately important to you, but it seems like you're cursed enough to not even receive that. Prime has no place to talk because he does the same thing as them at times. You love them so, so much, and you do acknowledge how much work they have but... it sincerely gets to you and yet they seem not to understand. Yeah, you love burying yourself into one of your interests, but you need interaction from time to time, something that's sorely different from Dottore.
The only segment that always has time for you is Zandy of course, and while you love him dearly, you just wish you could spend some more time with one of your lovers. I imagine you start finding a lot of solace in your Harbinger friends, like Bina, Pantalone, and Childe, because for some reason despite how busy they are too, whenever they come over, they always make an effort to speak with you. Columbina often visits solely for you. You tell her all about your feelings and she comforts you, without interrupting or brushing you off. The segments would start getting annoyed by how happy you are around them, until you snap that they actually make time for you unlike them (argument time.)
You don't expect Dottore or the segments to be perfect lovers. You just expect them to try, because Tsaritsa knows how much you've tried for them.
(This would make for a really good angst fic, but I don't think I have the heart to write it.)
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papayatori · 3 days
Oneshot! Fushiguro Megumi
Fluff 💓
This is just something to keep me occupied, nothing cannon, just happy fluff
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I lay in bed, genuinely upset with myself for feeling like a slob. I hated being sick, I hated feeling helpless. I haven’t done anything within my normal routine for three days now, and my roommate, Nobara was being distant with me because of that. It wasn’t that she didn’t care for me, in fact, she sent me sweet texts every now and then to make sure I was okay, she just didn’t want to get sick.
Megumi had done his best to keep me well, I knew he also didn’t like me being sick, but there wasn’t anything we could really do about it. He tried to talk me into seeing a doctor, but I have a fear of them, and Shoko was busy with Yuji after their last mission. Or maybe that was just an excuse so I didn’t feel like I was bothering anyone.
As a result, however, Megumi had been taking care of me. He was upset that I didn’t contact him for help to begin with, but being stubborn was sadly one of my less favorable traits.
“I brought you some soup.” He stated plainly. While his voice portrayed no emotion, his eyes said it all. They were frantic with worry, laced with care. I smiled at him.
“You didn’t have to do that, gumi.” I said, opening my arms out to hold the bowl he was carrying.
“Yes I did, you won’t ask for anything.” He said, handing me the warm bowl. I hurriedly started eating it. His eyes widened with shock.
“Slow down! You’re going to burn yourself. When was the last time you ate anything?” I gave him a sheepish grin, he knew the answer to that. He rolled his eyes. “Y/n, have you seriously not eaten anything in the last couple of days?” I didn’t respond, I only continued to scarf down the soup, which was surprisingly good. He scoffed.
“I’ve got my work cut out for me with you, don’t I?” He said, feeling my forehead gently. His cool hands felt like ice compared to my burning skin. I winced.
“Your hands are freezing.”
“No, you just have a really high fever. I’m going to call Shoko.” I shook my head frantically. He paused, waiting for my excuses.
“I’m fine, I promise! There’s no need-“
“I know you don’t want to be a bother to anyone, love, but you may need medical attention. I’m not going to sit back and watch you mope around for the next few days. You aren’t even taking good care of yourself.”
Reluctantly, I let him fish his phone from his jacket pocket and dial Shoko. I knew he was going to do it whether I agreed or not.
He kissed my forehead lightly before crouching down beside my bed, grabbing my hand gently.
“I’m sorry, but I can’t let anything happen to you again. I care too much for you, regardless of how I show it.” I smiled at him, grateful to have such a caring boyfriend.
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empress-simps · 3 days
Self-Destruct [Two]
Pairing: James Potter x Fem! Reader, Sirius Black x Fem! Reader
Synopsis: Y/n Holstein tends to self-sabotage when something good happens, such as James Potter who came into her dark and dreary world like a ray of sunshine that she never knew she needed.
CW: Mentions of Blood Prejudice and implications of abuse.
Note: Hi everyone! Any thoughts on the previous chapter? This chapter is a bit short compared to the last one, that being said, hope you enjoy! (2.1k words)
The Wrong Sort
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James ultimately decided that you were one of those snobby, posh, and entitled pureblooded kids.
The frown was still etched deep in his face as he saw you being dragged by a boy away from him, all the while shooting a warning glance to his direction.
James absolutely loathes people like you.
Although— he also concluded that you were absolutely breath taking; the good kind. Despite the somewhat permanent emotionless expression on your face, he definitely feels his cheeks heat up thinking of you. He really doesn’t know why.
Maybe he’s getting too worked up because he’s annoyed by your attitude?
Yeah, that’s probably why… It’s the only plausible idea that his eleven year-old mind could wrap around.
“James, darling! Something wrong?” Euphemia calls to her son, catching his attention and ultimately breaking the eye contact between both of you.
He shaked his head, trying to rid of thoughts that were filled with you.
“Nothing mum, a bit pre-occupied is all.”
He was sure you wouldn’t even interact with him again— Hogwarts has tons of students, right? Also, you might be an incoming student of Beauxbautons!
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James Fleamont Potter has proven himself wrong when you’re sitting directly across him in one of the compartments of the Hogwarts Express.
He blinked, took off his glasses to rub it with the hem of his shirt then placed it on his face again, blinking multiple times to make sure he isn’t hallucinating. Merlin, were you haunting him? Maybe you are right— he needs to get his glasses adjusted.
Your sigh made it very much clear that you are certainly real and actually in front of him.
Since when did you get here? Why are you and the boy here?
“The other compartments are already full.” You simply told him, as if reading his exact thoughts before pulling out a book and making yourself busy.
He could only blink in response as Sirius looks at him. As if sizing him up. “Erm, may I help you?” He asked, unsure of what to make of Sirius who seemed to take on the role of being your personal protector.
“Sirius Black.” He holds out his hand to shake, James looks down and quickly shakes it back. His charming grin making its way to his face.
“James Potter. Pleasure to meet you.”
“ Potter? House of Potter? I would say the same, but you slammed into my wife a couple weeks earlier.”
James sputtered, eyes nearly bulging out.
Excuse me, what?
Surely Sirius is wrong, right? He can already feel the dismay entering his system and— wait, why would he even be disappointed? He even finds you annoying when you sassed him at Diagon Alley!
“W-wife?” He managed to choke out, eyes darting back and forth between you and Sirius— staring at the both of you incredulously.
You glared, slamming the book as you stared at Sirius before kicking him under the table, eliciting an ‘ow!’ from him. “We are not yet married, Sirius. Please refrain yourself from calling me your wife.”
“But we’re going to be!” He reasoned out childishly, looking like a kicked puppy.
“And we are currently not.” You grumbled, opening your book again and looking at the page you bookmarked before the bespectacled boy turned to you.
“I haven’t caught your name. I’m James Potter, you?”
You felt your eyebrow twitch in annoyance. This Potter boy surely loves to yap, huh?
All you want is some peace and to read without any interruptions, but it doesn’t seem like a viable option. “Y/n Holstein. Pureblood?” You shot him a question, an eyebrow raised expectantly.
James furrowed his brows, “Pureblood. What does blood status got to do with this?” You hummed in a somewhat approval tone before closing your book gently and crossing your arms over your chest as you stared at him. Noticing the Potter crest signet ring on his pointer finger, you concluded he is the heir of house Potter.
Hm, wouldn’t hurt to talk to him.
“It tells you everything about what a person is, Potter. Didn’t Lord Fleamont Potter and Lady Euphemia Potter ever tell you that?”
James blinks, surprise evident in his features. “How did you know my parents’ names?”
Sirius wasn’t all that surprised, he knew Walburga ensures that his studies are rigorous—drowning him with the history of their family, sacred twenty-eight, dueling, and the dark arts.
Ludwig Holstein took it up a notch, much more intense than his mother. He started training you and grooming to be the successor of the house and the Winzengamot seat ever since you were merely five years old.
You frowned, seriously? Was he never educated or was he living under a rock?
“It’s common knowledge to know the Lords and Ladies of a noble house, Potter. Tell me, were you off dilly dallying when your tutor taught you that?”
James can feel annoyance brewing in his chest yet again as he opened and closed his mouth, trying to come up with words.
You sighed, mock disappointment adorning your features. "My my, Potter. I suggest you brush up on your lessons before we reach Hogwarts? I think that would be fantastic."
You smiled at him politely before opening your book and ignoring how he stumbles over his words.
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"Y/n, what house do you think you'll get sorted in to?"
Sirius asked, trying to mask the nervous edge in his tone with curiosity as you and fellow first year students line up in front waiting for Professor Mcgonagall call the names of each student one at a time to get sorted.
"Why Slytherin, of course." You replied coolly, an air of sureness surrounding you. He looks at you wearily, "What if... What if we don't get sorted in Slytherin?" Sirus voiced out his worries to you. His grey eyes glancing at the sorting hat warily, as if it’ll expose his darkest and deepest secret.
"You should never dream about not being in Slytherin, Sirius. You aren't foolish, you know what can happen." You uttered lowly, casting a glance at the boy beside you. Walburga and Orion will not be pleased with the heir of house Black being sorted into a house that isn't Slytherin. Certainly, Ludwig Holstein also doesn't welcome that idea.
"Y/n Holstein."
The chatting amongst students suddenly stilled, everyone's focus was directed towards you, the Holstein heir. Merlin, even Dumbledore himself was looking at you!
Normally, you are able to handle other people's gazes directed towards you, but as you walk towards the stool where the sorting hat waits for you, you can't help but feel the twinge of self-consciousness nibbing at you.
Holding yourself up with such elegance and grace, you sat down and felt the sorting hat placed on top of your head.
'Oh? What's this? Another Holstein?' The hat mused, you kept a straight face and looked ahead, not bothering to respond to its comments. It would be useless anyway; you already know which house the sorting hat will pick.
'Where shall I put you...? I have been longing to put a Holstein in Ravenclaw.' It hummed, you felt your stomach drop, cracks were forming on your composure the longer the hat doesn't announce your house.
'You'll do great in Ravenclaw, young Holstein.'
Merlin, no! You tried your best not to grit your teeth as you try to relax your shoulders.
'Do not even try to put me in that house, I am a Slytherin, through and through.' You thought, 'It will be a shame to the Holstein name. A stain.' you added, making the hat droop down, disappointed yet again. It seems that the Slytherin traits run deep in Holstein’s bloods.
Sensing the reaction, you were rather quite pleased with yourself knowing you had already won.
"Very well, SLYTHERIN!" The hat roared, not even a second had passed, loud and boisterous cheers were heard from the Slytherin table, quite uncharacteristic for them but who cares? The Holstein heir was in their house, it gave the Slytherin house more prestige and power.
You let a small smirk appear on your face as your fellow housemates welcomed you warmly and with open arms, if you say so yourself, they look like they're ready to kiss your arse.
"Narcissa, thank you." You smiled, reaching the table and nearing the girl as she saved two seats, you assumed one was for you and the other is for Sirius.
"Welcome to Slytherin, Y/n." Andromeda piped up, smiling at you. You returned her action and uttered out a 'thank you'.
"James Fleamont Potter."
Now that spiked your interest, your eyes observed him as he walked towards the stool in front as if he's just strolling through the gardens of their estate. He sat and not even five seconds in, the hat has already decided his house.
Cheers erupted from the respective table as they welcomed Potter with open arms. You hummed, "As I've guessed."
Narcissa turns to look at you with an eyebrow raised, "You know him?"
"Barely, he bumped into me in Diagon alley, and he shared a compartment with me and Sirius earlier." You replied, turning your attention yet again in front as Sirius' name was called.
"Sirius Orion Black."
Similarly to you, the chatter stilled and hushed whispers were heard all over the great hall. You noticed how Sirius' shoulder visibly tensed as he sat in the stool while waiting for the hat to announce Slytherin.
You placed some of his preferred dishes on the plate beside you, marking it as a seat saved for him. Narcissa and Andromeda noticed this which made them giggle. Ah, young love.
You raised a questioning brow to them, but they didn't bother to respond, just motioned you to pay attention to the sorting ceremony. You'll be sure to tell Sirius about his older cousin's antics as soon as he joins you in the Slytherin table.
Except he didn't.
He wasn’t placed in Slytherin like everyone expected.
"GRYFFINDOR!" The hat thundered; the raggedy thing looked proud— almost smug as it announced Sirius' house. You felt time stilled, your eyes and Sirius' grey ones connected for a split second. His eyes screamed at you.
Absolutely terrified.
Surely this must be a mistake?
The cheers beside your table fell to your deaf ears as your attention was solely focused on Sirius. You didn’t notice how the Black sisters wearily exchanged a glance as their eyes darted to their younger cousin who walks towards the Gryffindor table hesitantly.
The feeling of dread entered your system as you faced Sirius— tables and houses apart.
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Sirius really felt like throwing up. His head was spinning. His thoughts are in a jumbled, flurry mess, heck— he was even surprised he didn’t stumble on his way over to the Gryffindor table.
The claps from his house can be compared as an annoying ringing in his ears, they all look quite unsure, but still clapped nonetheless. He really couldn’t blame them.
The black sheep of the family.
A lion in a snake’s den.
“Black!” He quickly scanned the table and saw James calling for him and patting the space next to him— at least he won’t worry where he’ll sit for dinner now.
Nearing the glasses-wearing boy, he saw two boys who roughly looked the same age as them converse with James.
One was littered with scars, both old and new. His arms were also noticeably covered in bandages even with the school robes concealing most of his injuries— poor thing.
The other boy, well— forgive Sirius but he reminds him of a rat. You know, if a rat becomes a person, it will look like the bloke sitting beside scar boy?
“What an unexpected surprise.” James grinned, Sirius fought the urge to scoff. This was hell for the Black heir.
Both you and Sirius are uncertain on what this exactly entails, nervousness festering in your stomachs as this was way off from what both of you pictured.
He should be sitting beside you, eating and conversing with his older cousins. Instead, you both were staring at each other, a gap that seems impossible to conquer creating distance between you both.
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saikira999 · 1 day
For TWST Minecraft, do you think you could do Lilia, Riddle, Leona and the tweels next. It doesn’t have to all be in one post.
~ Headcannons for TWST characters playing Minecraft
Hi! I was away for a long time because of exams and because I was writing headcanons with these characters. however, I want to warn you right away that I will only do two characters per post, for the sake of beauty. But don't worry! All headcannons have already been written and translated and I will exhibit them in the near future.
(By the way, I have already added Lilia to my old post with Azul. I'll keep all the links here)
Another parts about:
Azul and Lilia!
Idia and Malleus!
Jade and Floyd!
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Riddle definitely heard about this game, but was never interested... However:
1) "What? No, Ace, I won't play this game... How do you imagine Me playing with blocks? I'm not a child, and besides, according to the law of the Queen of Hearts, the number...."
2) Trey convinced Him by saying that the players of Heartslabyul needed Their leader, and playing together would strengthen Their camaraderie... And carefully hinted that not all of Them adhere to the rules of the game (Ace is a damn griefer).
3) First, studied all the information about the game, including the history of its creation, instructions, guides, and even memes, which He didn’t really understand.
4) “Why is the cake not cooked in the oven???”
5) Competes with Azul and Vil in meticulousness and pickiness. He always has perfect order in his chests, each labeled with its own type and number. If you put something in the wrong place, you are must be prepared to get hit in the neck with this object.
6) His house is a perfect symmetrical monster, built not far from the nearest village, next to a birch grove, on the border of which giant mushrooms grow. The house itself is small, with a rose garden around it, and a small lake in the shape of a heart. The house is predominantly made of birch and mangrove, maintaining a red and white palette. Inside there are many vases with roses, paintings and one iconic red bed.
7) The village that He occupied took under His wing, Riddle also rebuilt, planting flowers around it, making a statue of the Queen of Reds from carved stone, and in some places he rebuilt houses, or made new ones, to suit His style. He has good taste, however, this place often comes under the threat of griefing.
8) “I will not punish a freshman for breaking My building in a game about blocks. I will not punish a freshman for breaking My building in a game about blocks..... I will not.... "
Sees Ace surrounding TNT His village and setting it on fire*
Gets up from the computer and aggressively quickly stomps towards the freshmen's living rooms*
9) A peaceful player who only draws his sword if someone breaks some rules or behaves inappropriately. His blacklist: Ace, Grim, Floyd, Epel, and sometimes Lilia.
10) He prefers the construction and development of his own village (In no case because He likes power over anyone... And no! Not because He competes with Azul in whose village is better... No, no, no. Nope).
11) He runs the largest stable on the server and is very proud of it.
12) His favorite horse is Vorpal. A fast and healthy horse, dark brown in color with white spots, wearing iron armor.
13) Loves to prance around His village, appreciating it from all sides and receiving guests while sitting on a horse.
14) ...In no case because He looks taller like that...
15) Plays Minecraft in secret from his mother.
16) Tries to follow the laws of the Queen of Hearts even in the game and makes sure that players break away from the game in time and drink tea, or do not eat cakes or pumpkin pies within a certain period of time.
17) Despite His strictness, Riddle loves to help other players with buildings or resources.
18) Entry into His village is officially prohibited for Floyd.
20) .....Cakes....The chest is completely filled with cakes...... Completely.
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How lazy... Headcanons for a lion and pixel cubes:
1) “What do you want from Me, herbivore? Ahh... yawn*... Do you want to play games for the little lion cubs again, hmm...?”
2) Didn’t want to play for a long time, because considered the game stupid and not worthy of His attention. And He started playing by accident, when he ordered Ruggy to bring Him a sandwich from the kitchen, but he suddenly refused, because “He’s fighting with some dragon and He doesn’t have time to serve on him now... OUCH! OUCH! ENDERMAN IS HITTING HIM!!!”...
3) Had to go get the sandwich myself...?
Nope. He sent someone else, and he himself started downloading this stupid game...
4) Definitely the laziest player. Leona only comes into the game when He gets SO bored that even sleep seems too energy-intensive for Him.
5) As a rule, Leona wanders from side to side, sometimes getting into fights with other players and monsters. He's not much of a builder, but he's quite a good fighter.
6) Loves to cause trouble and often pits other players against each other. It especially hits the villages of Riddle and Azul.
7) At first, He didn’t even try to work on His house, and simply dug a hole for Himself in a beautiful rock... But as he immersed himself in the game, he began to improve His lair more and more, adding some bulky stone structures to the rock and cobblestones, reminiscent of turrets growing from rock walls. Inside, everything is hung with vines, the palette has warm shades. Lots of carpets and flags. The inside of the "royal palace with one single ruler" is a little empty, as Leona only knew that His house must look great from the outside.
8) Perhaps He will plant a couple of acacia trees at the foot, since during construction he often fell down the cliff, and the foliage softens the fall... However, Ruggi, who lives right below Him, seems not very happy with this idea.
9) “Lightning rod, Ruggy. Make Me a lightning rod. You don’t want lightning to set fire to the dry grass near My rock?”
10) Exploits Ruggi, Yuu and other players as best he can, forcing Them to carry resources and food to Him.
11) In Savanna, where He settled, Leona found a huge village, which he captured and declared as His kingdom... Which He would quickly abandon, since he had already killed all the local livestock and accidentally beat up a couple of residents... And then the robbers came, and that village no longer exists... Boredom...
11) Definitely a good ruler (Nope).
12) Afk 24/7. Often, His character simply freezes in place, ignoring any attacks from mobs or players for the simple reason that the lion fell asleep right at the computer...
13) A couple of times he tried to use cunning to take power over other people’s villages and even the server itself, which is why he earned the title of “Local Villain,” but every time, He was either driven back to His rock or banned.
14) One day, as punishment for the fact that Leona had quarreled with the entire server, He was sent to the mine...... And He fell asleep there.
15) And when he woke up, he quickly persuaded Ruggy (I already feel sorry for Him. Seriously. Stop torturing the hyena) to give Him coal, iron and other amenities from the mine, so as not to dig in the dirt on His own.
16) Sometimes He teases Jack, taming wolves in front of Him.... Now, He has a whole army of dogs, ready to tear anyone in His path.
17) Besides Savanna, Leona loves to walk in the desert and jungle, but hates going into water.
18) All creepers are afraid of him.
19) Initially, the lion had poor preparation for the final battle with the dragon, but after visiting other players (DO NOT TOUCH RUGGY), Leona entered the portal, armed to the teeth, and was especially ferocious in battle.
20) Along with Idia and Yuu, he killed the dragon (Insert the sound of an angry cat fighting a huge lizard here), and was the one who picked up the egg.
Initially he wanted to burn it, but in the end he decided to voluntarily give the egg to Malleus “out of pity”... Well, and maybe a little because he wanted to exalt Himself and show who is cool and noble here.
...Needless to say, Malleus did not understand His evil mockery and accepted this ambiguous gift with a little funereal honor.
Give Me ten minutes and I'll post the twins. Also, if you find errors in the text, please report it in the comments (English is not my native language).
Reblog Me, please! :D
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sullustangin · 2 days
Spoiler Free SWTOR 7.5 comments
As it says on the tin.
Honestly, I am really liking the consistent content that Broadsword is putting out. Big patches are 4-6 months apart, little ones are pretty regular. Each patch -- whether it's a big 7.x or it's a 7.5.x -- has something that tries to address a player request/complaint. Since Broadsword took over, the amount of content might be more modest in terms of scale, but it seems like more care has been applied to it. Based upon the player survey and other quality of life improvements -- and even some hasty u-turns--, they are taking player feedback into account. I feel better about the game in Broadsword's hands than I did with Bioware.
Technically, I did not experience major problems with the patch. As reported in the patch notes, there is one cinematic where a key character's mouth does not move. That doesn't break the game, though you may want to wait to record the scene if you're into that. There's another point where you have to hit the right spot on the floor for your jetpack to disappear so you can pass through the next door, but that's an easy fix. Gearwise, I'm seeing reports of being at least in 332 greens, but as usual, player skill may vary.
Patch 7.5 starts the conclusion of the two storylines that have taken the mainstage of 7.0: the Holocron of Nul storyline and the Heta Kol storyline, which started back in 6.2 (pandemic patch). I feel like some of the "huh?" in the plot was baked in from where Bioware started it, so Broadsword is trying its best to finish the story they were given. Is it a busfire? Yes. Is it their fault? No, but they have to finish it.That said, this patch actually makes the player make choices, and you AGONIZE over them. It's not just personnel choices but also diplomatic ones. I haven't felt that way in a considerable amount of time. Yes, you do make choices in 7.0, but it's one person living or dying, be a jerk or don't be a jerk. Lower stakes. The stakes are higher here in 7.5 -- or at least it feels that way. That's an important part of game writing: even if the choice does not matter, there needs to be the illusion that it does -- a certain level of immersion. You do have cascading consequences of choices as well. I'm looking forward to playing this patch on my LS toon to do different choices, more so than I did previously. "Let's not be a jerk this time" is less than compelling than "Can I do it differently, this time?"
Overall, there is progress in the storyline -- this doesn't feel like a "busy work" patch or "here's a new daily area to keep you occupied". (To be clear, I loved the Port Nowhere and Ord Mantell content in 7.4 -- it was a giant love letter to smugglers -- but at the same time, it was a bit of filler, to be honest). The quests you need to do are necessary to gain the trust of a naturally fearful faction of sentients (no spoilers) -- it makes sense they aren't your besties for life right off the jump. You will yell at the screen at the end of the whole thing, because it does make sense and yet it's the worst option for your character, personally, and it's out of your hands. (And it is not out of character for the person who makes that decision...)
No new date night content -- maybe in 7.5.1. There is some romance content for those of us that romanced Lana and Theron.
If you are big into Mandos and have been impatiently waiting for Lane to give you a buzz, this is your time and your hour. If you enjoy training hunter pets in other games, your time has arrived.
There is also a new Spring Festival event on Dantooine. In truth, I find it sort of derivative of the Tillers' reputation you could earn in World of Warcraft during Mists of Pandaria. It isn't exactly the same (we don't have a cooking profession), but the general ideas apply, right down to the dailies involving having a beer and going fishing, as well as scouring the world for seeds. There's also animal rescue built in here as well, so it's a bit of everything for any hero who wants to retire or at least slow down.
But of course, something sinister is on the farm, and so I anticipate Scooby Doo Mystery Hour shall continue as the event carries on.
Given that Broadsword "maintains" games such as Dark Age of Camelot, there has been the fear that they'll move SWTOR into retirement, but I don't think that will happen, as it's still a live intellectual property (Star Wars), they're making gobs of money off it due to Cartel Market, and there's still a player base. (And let's be real, Favereau and Filoni play it, and they do matter to Disney and EA.) I don't know when 8.0 will come out, so we may have another round of storylines in 7.0 -- sort of like how we had an extended 5.0 (Iokath and Traitor Arc) after Bioware was stripped down in 2017. That said, Onslaught was quite good after the KotXX shenanigans and dev changes had settled. I still hold the view that Bioware is a sinking ship, and EA moved the Goose that Lays the Golden Egg to Broadsword for safekeeping. I think we might get an 8.0 in 2025 or 2026, but how that will look or work -- no idea.
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𝐁𝐞𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐬
Noble reader x Prince beomgyu
author's note: This isn't very fleshed out because it's not something that I had planned on writing — there’s a lot of telling not showing — and I have other things that I want to work on that this idea interrupted! I also kept a lot of details vague to allow readers to imagine your own interests. I hope this doesn't read like it was rushed (it took me about a month) and that I caught all the errors. This is inspired by Violet aka @blackhairedjjun and her fic Flowers of Every Colour. Her persona of Prince Yeonjun and vivid scenes live in my mind and I recommend you read it if you haven't yet!
word count: 6k
The prince often feels overwhelmed. Sometimes it seems as if everyone in the castle is looking for him at all times. Officials come to find him during his lessons, upsetting his tutors. His tutors come searching for him when council runs late and cuts into lesson time. No matter where he is or what duty he’s busy with, he receives notes from staff or delegates. He feels as though he’s in a constant game of tug-of-war, with his attention being the thing that’s fought over.
After a long lesson that had been rescheduled to a late evening hour to allow time for an urgent discussion with his advisors in the afternoon, Beomgyu could feel a headache coming on. As he departed from the study where tutoring was held, he felt heavy with exhaustion, a pressure pain behind his eyelids. He was so on edge that his head whipped toward every creak of the old floors, every distant sound of a door opening or closing, anxious that it was somebody seeking him out for yet another task that only he could see to or decision only he could approve. He just needed a minute – one minute at least – to himself. Every waking hour was spent in the presence of others, so much filling his days that his mind played it all back as he lay in bed at night trying to chase some much needed rest. Since becoming his parents’ consort, it felt as though he hardly had time to hear his own thoughts.
There was one place he knew nobody would look for him. Wearily he carried himself across the long open hall, past the top of the grand marble staircase he usually took to his rooms. He felt a little paranoid with the way he kept glancing around and over his shoulder as if he might be attacked at any moment by a “there you are, your highness.” If his father saw him now, he’d be scolded for looking like a thief in his own castle.
On reaching his destination, he breathed a sigh of relief. The library was quite large, with wall to wall mahogany shelves, beautifully covered atlases and historical volumes as far as the eye could see. Unlike the rest of the castle with its overbearing chandeliers, the library was lit with the soft glow of sconces. Finding a desk tucked away in a corner, Beomgyu sank into a chair. This was an area of the castle he hadn’t visited more than a handful of times, and never of his own will. He hadn’t been keen on reading growing up as his older female cousins had, always requiring a book to occupy them during the duration of their stay when they visited. The young prince had always preferred to spend his time outside whenever he could, and he'd found the silence of the library was stifling. It was bliss to him now. He only wished the buzzing of noise in his head would stop if he soaked in the silence long enough.
The place was empty, nobody to protest his posture as he leant his elbows on the hardwood desk and pressed his face into his hands. Closing his eyes, he willed his mind to quiet. He focused on his breathing. In, out. In, out. In…
It was no use. His head was still swimming with facts from his lesson. With things he had to remember for tomorrow’s conference and the names of politicians he’d met yesterday, their faces all blurred together in his mind. With his advisors calling for him, the head of house calling for him, everything needing his deliberation–
He dropped his head onto his arm on the desk. Even the silence couldn’t help him, it seemed. Was this to be his life? A mind full of endless chatter?
Beomgyu’s tired eyes wandered over the spines of the books he could see on the far wall. Their rich colours, greens and reds, whites and browns, many with delicate gold foiling of titles he couldn’t make out. His eyes traced up the aged ladder leaning against the shelves, the one he was always given a telling off by his chaperone for playing on whenever he was dragged up here. The corner of his mouth turned up at the thought of those simpler days. His cousins had married and had children, far too busy to visit except for special occasions – usually only those of a ceremonial nature. The last time he’d seen them, the children hadn’t remembered him at all, it had been so long.
Sighing unconsciously, his gaze drifted to the decorated ceiling, not even making the effort of lifting his head from his arm. The elegant painting that adorned the library ceiling had been done with a skilled hand. Beomgyu couldn’t even begin to imagine how many hours something so beautiful and detailed would have taken. It was a dazzling scene of the night sky, with clouds and stars that seemed to swirl around each other in a silent dance. He could see every fine stroke that had gone into creating the layering hues that made up the deep night sky, that brought texture to the clouds and made them look as though a gentle breeze could move them, and stars that seemed so meticulously placed. He’d never looked so attentively at the art before, but he found a new appreciation for the work as he discovered his thoughts had grown quiet. Maybe this was why people spent so much money on paintings, he pondered, before his eyes drooped to a close.
The prince had almost completely dozed off when a soft gasp pulled him from the edge of sleep. Eyes blinking open, he realized that he’d gotten far too comfortable. He felt slightly groggy as he lifted his head from his arm, which had gone dead with the weight, and wondered at how long he’d been sitting there. Thumbing at his lip, he found a wet spot had begun to grow at the corner.
“I’m sorry,” came a voice, the source of the gasp that had brought him back. Would he have spent the entire night here if he’d not been woken? His dazed eyes looked up and found you, shrouded in dim light. He caught sight of recognition dawning on your face before you dipped into a respectful bow.
“I’m so sorry, your highness, I didn’t mean to disturb you,” you said hurriedly, as if the words couldn’t get out fast enough. Did you think he was going to scold you for being here at the same time he was? “I was just leaving…”
Fighting off the lingering drowsiness, Beomgyu waved a hand, feeling sheepish at being caught in this position. “Please, there’s no need.”
You seemed to relax a little at that; the way your shoulders lowered as if you'd been tensed didn’t go unnoticed by the prince’s eyes. He had become skilled in recognizing stress, whether it was because he grew up in a somewhat high-stakes environment or he was sensitive to it now as a stressed adult himself, he was unsure. The book you were cradling in one arm caught his attention now that you weren’t clutching it so tight. Beomgyu didn’t recognize you, and he knew everyone who worked in the castle. It bewildered him a bit that you knew him but he didn’t know you, despite that being the case with almost every person he met. Suddenly he felt a touch embarrassed. Not only had you caught him in an unmannerly state, but he didn’t know your name, and he couldn't think of a single thing to say.
“I really was leaving,” you caught him out again by speaking first. Your eyes met for a long silent moment, and Beomgyu thought the silence had never been less stifling. Then you seemed to remember yourself, eyes dropping to the book in your arms. “I just need to put this back.”
Beomgyu stared at the back cover of that book as if it could help him, too occupied with scrambling inside his head for something to say to notice the way you nervously brushed the hair away from your face and stole shy glances at him.
“What is it?” he blurted. Internally he cursed himself for the way it sounded. He’d only wanted to say something before you walked away. There was an overwhelming feeling he couldn’t name. A longing for you to stay. A feeling of stupidity for not being his usual collected self.
As someone with an official title, meeting new people was always planned, always with a purpose, an end goal. He knew each time what was expected and required of him; how to act, questions to ask and answers to give. This was the first time he could remember meeting someone by accident, and it didn’t seem to Beomgyu that he was very good at it. Taking a breath, he attempted to reign in his panic and try again. “What are you reading?”
You had to look down and check. Turning it over in your hands, you revealed the cover to him with a shy smile. With just one glimpse at the title, Beomgyu knew it would be of no use to him in trying to make conversation. It was a topic he knew nothing about.
“Oh,” he said aloud. He hadn’t meant to. Hoping you hadn’t heard the disappointment in his voice, he rushed to cover himself. “Is it… good?”
Your small laugh surprised him. The sound of it lessened the knots in his stomach, even as he wondered if he had made a fool of himself.
“It’s useful,” you answered, looking him in the eye again. He tried to concentrate as you spoke, to hold on to the words and not get too distracted by your smile or your eyes. “I’m doing research for a scholarship and only the royal library has the books I need. That’s why I’m here,”
“The scholarship?” Beomgyu’s eyes had gone wide. “The scholarship that only one person is picked for every five years?”
Your eyes lowered as you began to blush. “Yes, that one.”
“Wow,” Beomgyu subconsciously sank into his chair in awe. “Your family must be very proud.”
You laughed once more, unaware of how the prince’s eyes lit up each time you did. “Well, I haven't got it yet.”
His mouth caught your contagious smile. “But to even be considered is a great accomplishment.”
Your eyes were the ones to light up this time. Clutching the book close to your chest again, you leaned forward, your fingers curling over the back of the empty chair in front of you. “This is the most impressive library I’ve ever seen.”
Beomgyu sat up taller in his chair. “It is, isn’t it?” He couldn’t help the proud grin that took over his face as he looked around.
“When I come here I lose track of time,” you went on. You were unmistakably animated with enthusiasm, and he was completely taken with you. “The first day I came here, I lost a whole two hours just reading all the spines. Even the ones that aren’t required reading.” Lowering your voice as if to share a secret, you confided, “If I lived here I’d probably never leave the library!”
Beomgyu suddenly felt guilty. He’d never thought about the knowledge that could only be found in this library, and that very few were permitted to the books that contained it.
“If only I had the time to read for pleasure here,” you went on.
“Well, why don't you take some home to read?"
"I'm not permitted to take books out of the library," you said sadly, your attention on the book in your hand as your finger traced the spine.
Beomgyu thought back to the summers he'd shared with his cousins; days he'd spent running around the courtyard in the sunshine while they lazed under a tree with their noses between book pages. "I am," he supplied. His voice came out surprisingly excited. "I could read them for you."
You looked around at him as he stood up from his chair. "Read them for me?"
The prince felt as though his smile was plastered on now. He couldn't hide it if he tried. "I could read them and tell you about them."
He felt your eyes go warm, glowing on him like the sun as you brought out your own smile. "I'm sure you have more important things to do, your highness."
Beomgyu shrugged.
That was the reason that Beomgyu started his days by going to the library. He read while he ate his breakfast, which luckily didn't have a set time to be finished by, as it took him a little longer to eat this way. He found himself getting so engrossed in the book that he would forget to eat at the same time, averaging a mouthful to every three paragraphs, his meal cold by the time he finished it.
Then he would read in his room at night. He found that it was an effective way to turn off the noise in his head left over from the day, helping him to sleep better. Many times he would nod off in his chair before waking up and getting into bed. He would take notes sometimes, to better remember the things he wanted to tell you about.
He looked forward to the closing of the day. Once his schedule was complete and it was almost time for dinner, he would slip up to the library in hopes of catching you and relaying all the things he'd read about so far. Excitedly and enthusiastically he'd tell you interesting facts and historical stories from his current book. He had much more energy at the end of the day than he'd had before now that he was sleeping better.
The library had become a sort of safe haven to him now. His tutors complimented his new interest in his learning during lessons, retaining and remembering with a sudden ease, and many of the staff had noted that he had become a lot less tense. The serving staff who saw him with his face behind a book each morning were amused, often surprised as he rattled off facts to them as they laid out and cleared away his breakfast. None of them knew the reason.
On his rare day of rest, he came to find you straight after lunch. He'd confirmed you'd be in the castle today the last time he'd seen you, and he'd been so excited last night that it had taken more than just one hour of reading to send him off to sleep. The day was sunny, and with some persuading Beomgyu convinced you to take a small break from your studies to sit in the garden. You were a little anxious about being caught taking advantage of your privilege to be at the palace by being seen with the prince, but he assured you that he would take care of it.
Deep in the garden, the two of you wandered up the stone path that divided the lawns, chatting casually. The gardens were magnificent. You'd only seen them from a window in the castle, but the further you walked the more beauty there was to see that couldn't be viewed from a distance. The path led to a beautiful paved area with a grand gazebo. Beomgyu ushered you to sit on the ornate bench, forgoing the custom that he should be the one to sit first and taking a seat once you had. Your heart was pounding despite the relief you felt that you'd not run into any trouble on your way out of the castle, and you were sure you felt it leap each time Beomgyu laughed.
He had produced a book when you looked back from admiring the scenery, from somewhere you could not determine. Your face lit up as you took in the familiar cover; it was the one book in the royal library that you'd longed to read most. Beomgyu beamed at your excited reaction as he held it out for your taking. You had to fight the urge to glance around and make sure that nobody was seeing as you took it from his hands.
You read it aloud, with Beomgyu listening intently to every word. In the back of your mind, you wondered how you ended up in this position. When you'd started coming to the castle to study, you had never imagined you'd catch sight of the prince let alone talk to him, and yet you had been in his presence more than anyone else inside the palace. Now, as you read, you took every opportunity to look from the page up at him, finding his eyes on you, his undivided and eager attention completely yours. You were quite comfortable being at his side by now, but sometimes when he looked at you, you could feel the prickling of heat beneath the surface of your cheeks.
You hadn’t thought he would follow through on his offer, but each time you saw him enter the library it made your whole day complete. Truth be told, it had begun to take your mind off studying a little. One moment you’d be reading about a lost dynasty, and the next you’d realise you had stopped taking in any information and your mind had turned to Beomgyu. It also happened that you would dawdle while reshelving the books you’d been studying, delaying your leaving in case the prince showed up, which he always did.
Time seemed to fall away around you as you read. Minutes were marked by each turn of a page and seconds by the now steady beat of your heart, until you were so enthralled by the text that you could have almost forgotten the scene you were truly in.
Beomgyu chuckled lightly and you paused your reading. Your eyes readjusted to the glow of sunlight on the backdrop of bright white flowers beyond the gazebo as you took in his smiling face once more.“You’re really enjoying this one.” His eyes flicked down to the page where you were marking the place you’d stopped with your finger. “You haven’t looked up for the last five pages.”
“I’m sorry,” you couldn’t help but laugh too. You felt almost giddishly content in this moment; in a breathtaking garden with a good book and someone you felt was becoming dear to you.
“No, it’s wonderful,” he assured you. “Is it as good as you imagined?”
“No,” you answered in one breath. “It’s better.” Beomgyu beamed, and it made you feel so warm you might’ve been sitting directly in the sun and not under the shade. But just then, a sudden cloud passed through your mind. “I’ll be sitting the scholarship exam soon.”
Looking out over the garden, you couldn’t help but feel sad as you thought of how much more you would miss your visits to the palace now that you had fond memories and someone you could call a friend here.
“Are you nervous?”
You shook your head softly. It wasn’t the answer to his question. He hadn’t caught your meaning. “My studies will be finished then.”
The prince’s eyes brightened even more. “Then you can read whatever you like, whenever you like.”
“Yes,” you agreed distractedly. In your mind you were going over the future possibilities. If you were awarded the scholarship, you’d be going off to attend university. If it was not granted to you but to someone else, your life would go back to the way it had always been.
Beomgyu seemed to catch the somber look in your eye as you looked to the distance. His expression faltered. “Oh.” He shifted on the bench beside you. “Oh, you mean…”
“I won’t be coming to the castle any more,” you affirmed.
His eyes lost their sparkle only for a moment as he thought through this information. Then he seemed to perk up again. “Well, I can invite you to visit. To visit the library. I’m sure there’s still so much to learn here.”
Your heart swelled with the idea that he wanted to see you more, even if you knew that it wasn’t a probable conclusion. It wasn’t that you didn’t trust the prince’s word, only that you knew that he was a busy man with tight schedules, that you were the eldest child of a noble family with a future to be decided and forged ahead. You returned his smile and tried to ignore the thought that you wished he’d come to the library months ago, that you’d met sooner so you could have had more time together.
“Would you like me to keep reading?” you asked as you reminded yourself that he was a prince and that was all he would ever be to you. It was a fortunate happenstance to have met him at all, you reminded yourself as he nodded eagerly and propped his chin into his hand to listen contentedly as you began to read again.
It didn’t stop you from clinging to every moment and trying to engrave every detail into your memory.
During the last few days you visited the castle library, you tried your best to think about Beomgyu as little as possible and focus solely on study. It was a hard task. Passing the grand portrait of the royal family in the hallway without looking was like trying not to glance around when feeling the presence of someone you know. It felt as if the library was haunted now. Almost each corner held a memory of the prince finding you and bumbling eagerly through a tale, helping you carry books back to their shelves, or asking you to come and sit in the garden.
You had seriously considered leaving early, removing yourself from the castle before the hour he usually made his way to the library. But you weren’t sure which would hurt more — knowingly missing out on seeing him in the last few chances you had, or having more encounters in which to grow more attached. The thought of both made something inside of you ache.
Just when you’d convinced yourself you had made up your mind to leave, you passed a window and spotted a carriage pull up at the entrance gates below. The door swung before the footman could rush to open it and there he was. You didn’t know he hadn’t been here in the castle. The heart that had sat heavy in your chest felt leagues lighter just at this distant glimpse of him. As you tried to gauge whether you were relieved you hadn’t gotten away without seeing the prince, you saw him rush inside. He disappeared from view of the window and you looked up into the purple hued sky of the fast oncoming dusk. Maybe you were safe after all. He was clearly on his way to tend to a matter of importance. Feeling assured you could slip away unnoticed, you slid the last volume back onto its shelf and made for the door.
The sound of hurried footsteps on marble gave you pause. Unconsciously you backed away a few steps frin the open double doors, ready to wait out the staff who must have been ascending the staircase on some urgent errand. But the huff of exertion you heard was familiar. Heart pulsing suddenly and in a mind of suspense and disbelief, you waited with bated breath.
When Beomgyu stepped through the doors, you felt an overwhelming gratitude that you hadn’t succeeded in your departure. Even after a mere day without seeing each other, seeing those warm eyes and the smile that broke across his face when he found you felt akin to finding a well of water after a month without rain.
“I’m so glad I found you here,” he said in his usual way, and it sparked your smile just as it always did. You were so occupied with trying to memorize this feeling, to make sure you remembered this moment, that you didn’t reply. Beomgyu was preoccupied himself and didn’t seem to notice. “I got you something.” His grin turned a tiny bit shy.
You blinked in surprise as the words sank in. “You got–? Your Highness–”
Beomgyu chuckled. “Come on, none of that.” Your eyes didn’t leave his as he reached for the hand at your side. His other retrieved something tucked under his arm. Gently he turned your hand upwards, and you hardly had time to process anything before an object was placed into it.
You looked down to see the very book you had been reading in the garden, only it wasn’t the same copy. This seemed to be a newer edition, with a beautiful blue velvet cover. It felt quite luxurious as you turned it over in your hands. A gasp emitted from you as the glint of the gold page edges caught the light. It was the most special and thoughtful gift you’d ever received, and, you thought, far more precious than any of the books that surrounded you in the royal library. You found yourself so touched that you wanted to cry, but you fought back the tears as you looked up at your friend.
The prince looked twice as happy as you felt. His eyes sparkled despite the soft lighting, and his cheeks had taken on a slightly bashful pink. “So you can finish it,” he told you softly. “And read it over and over again, any time you want.”
You were still speechless, and you could feel the hot prickle of tears threatening to build. Before you knew it, you had thrown your arms around his neck, his arms closing around your back. Never did you imagine anything like this. You were stretched up on your toes, and you were sure he was leaning down to hug you, but you were too wrapped up in the moment to think about any of it. It felt like you were holding on to each other a long time before you finally parted. The urge to kiss his cheek filled you as you brushed away from him, but you thought better of it. The last thing you wanted was for him to feel as though you were jumping to conclusions that were presumptuous.
“I don’t have anything to give you,” you fretted. The weight of the book in your hands made you feel unexpectedly empty-handed.
Beomgyu chuckled. “It’s a ‘good luck’ present. Except I know you won’t need luck.”
“Thank you, Beomgyu.” His smile somehow grew at your use of his name. You knew you had his smile etched into your memory already.
“You’ll have to tell me how it ends,” he said as the two of you made your way slowly down the stairs. It was the first time he’d walked you out, and you were too intent on borrowing more time with him to worry much about being seen together when you reached the grand hall.
“No, I won’t,” you retorted with a laugh, looking up at him as you both dragged out each next step as subtly as possible. “You have your own copy here,”
Beomgyu pondered this for a moment, lips pursing, before formulating his reply. His eyes were determined as they met yours again. “Well, we’ll have to discuss our opinions on the ending.”
Neither of you took notice of the way the heads turned and followed the two of you as you crossed the hall. It was mostly palace staff at this time of evening. With the book clutched to your chest, they could only gather that this was the spark that had ignited Prince Beomgyu’s sudden penchant for reading. Many silent smiles were exchanged across the room as you passed.
“You will come if I invite you, won’t you?” Bromgyu asked on the front steps. His face was earnest, maybe the most you’d ever seen. “When you have time out from school?”
“Of course,” you replied, meaning it with all the hope in your heart. “But I haven’t gotten the scholarship yet.” You felt cause to keep reminding him.
“As well as I know how often you could come to visit if you didn’t get it, I know you will. I have no doubt.”
You looked up to see the genuine look in his eyes, sincerity doing little to conceal the sadness. “We’ll see each other again.” The words felt like truth as you spoke them. “And in the meantime, we can write.” Beomgyu nodded eagerly.
Disappointment tugged at you when you spotted your family’s carriage roll up through the gates. With a small bow and one last smile, you stepped into the vehicle, still clutching Beomgyu’s gift. You kept your eyes on him as the horses walked on, watched him wave until he was out of sight. There was a renewed heaviness about you as you sat back and settled in for the journey home. Even the first stars beginning to emerge from the darkening sky couldn’t comfort you as you gazed out of the window solemnly.
Prince Beomgyu tried his best, rather unsuccessfully, to stifle yet another yawn. He’d stayed up too late reading, and now he was sitting in the grand hall trying to go over his upcoming speech with bleary eyes. He hadn’t intended to go to bed quite so late, but each time he’d told himself he’d close the book at the end of the chapter, he hadn’t been able to. The closer he’d gotten to the end of the story, the more gripped by it he’d become and the faster his eyes seemed capable of taking in the words. He’d read until he’d finished the book, then sat in stunned silence. He couldn’t help but wonder if you’d finished the book yourself, and he’d had the strong urge to start a letter. Instead, his good sense had taken him to bed, where he’d remembered the speech he should have spent the night memorising. The book had been a satisfying distraction. Without it he likely would have tossed and turned the whole night in anticipation of giving his speech.
Beomgyu was still new to public speaking and was not fond of it. As the hour grew closer, he found himself stumbling over his words as he practised. He could feel his heart rate increase, seemingly with each tick of the loud ornate clock across from him and every sound that carried into the hall from the room full of people he was to address.
Getting to his feet, he began to move about the room in an effort to soothe himself. His thoughts attempted to reassure him. He knew what was expected of him. He knew, for the most part, what he was to say. But then the image of hundreds of pairs of eyes all fixed on him crept into his mind, sending a chill down his back. As he passed the clock, he felt it was taunting him — it seemed the minutes were passing faster than they should. He could almost feel the second hand’s torturous chanting inside his chest from this proximity. With a shaky sigh he turned to cross the room away from it again, fiddling with the golden buttons on his jacket cuff which he had already fastened and unfastened more times than he could count in his nervous state.
Through the open doors across the hall he could hear the familiar sound of a carriage arriving out front. Beomgyu allowed himself to imagine it had come to rescue him. He had the urge to go and greet it, just to give him a brief distraction, but the clock stared him down, boasting a mere five minutes remaining until he must speak in front of the crowd. Reaching for the small paper in his pocket, he made to sit once more and make himself concentrate on revising the words, until a voice called his title. He jumped back to his feet in panic, fearing they had come to usher him in early, but as he turned to the door beside him that led to the luncheon, he found no one. Instantly some of the tension in his raised shoulders fell away.
His heart skipped over one beat as he spun toward the entrance and saw a figure in a half mannerly run. Disbelief flickered in his mind at the sight of you, the first in weeks, but his body suddenly felt lighter than it had all day. You were rushing toward him, an unmistakable grin on your face, footsteps muffled by the thick ancient rug that carpeted the tiled floors.
Beomgyu stepped away from his seat with only seconds to spare, his face still one of bewilderment as you threw your arms around him, almost knocking the prince off his feet. His heart was thudding rapidly in his chest, but now it had nothing to do with nerves. His arms went around you instinctively as you met chest to chest, and in his excitement he brought you up onto your toes with his hug. Your laugh in his ear was like a familiar tune from a yesterday he’d longed to return to.
You pulled back to see his face, speaking first as you saw a question forming in his mind. “I got it! The scholarship – I got it!” you exclaimed.
The sun seemed to dawn on Beomgyu’s face, along with something that looked proud. “Of course you did! What did I tell you?”
His arms had relaxed around you to let you draw back, and now you glanced down at the placement of your hands on his shoulders, looking a touch shy in your realisation. His smile grew at this.
“You worked so hard.” He spoke more softly than a moment ago. His heart didn’t seem to settle as the two of you untangled from each other. He had half a thought to check on the time before another thought replaced it. “I finished the book last night.”
Your smile turned fond. He’d missed you more than he’d thought he had, which was hard to imagine. “I finished it the night you gave it to me,” you admitted with a small laugh. “Did you like how the story ends?”
Beomgyu reached a hand out toward yours in a small movement, his skin tingling at the feel of your warm fingers as you allowed your own to close around his. It was the second time he’d touched your hand, and this time he could hold it longer. “Yes,” he replied as he felt his smile widen. Your eyes met his again with a new shine. “I liked the ending very much.”
The clock chimed across the hall, announcing the hour and reminding him of his impending task. The door opened and his advisor appeared. If he was surprised to find the prince with company, he didn’t show it. The man simply smiled and nodded his head respectfully. “They’re ready for you, Your Highness.” Then he disappeared back inside.
Beomgyu took a deep breath. He found that he wasn’t as anxious as he had been before. There was still a lingering nervousness, but it had been softened by another feeling. Even the wall of sound that was just beyond the door seemed to have dulled at the back of his mind. He looked at you and you nodded towards the open door.
“My parents are inside. I used them as my excuse to come here.” He caught your clever smile, then felt your hand on his shoulder, and before he knew it you’d raised up onto your toes and your lips brushed his cheek. It was the kiss you’d held back before. “Good luck. But I know you won’t need it,” you said, slipping away through the door before he could react to the tingle on his face.
The prince’s mind was pleasantly blank as he faced the door and the duty ahead of him. It seemed his nerves had been replaced by a buzzing sensation that felt rather like courage, matching the tingling trace of your kiss on his face. Equipped with a smile, he stepped into the room feeling like he was about to give his best speech yet.
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xylianasblog · 3 days
A time to remember.
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Pairings: Jake Sully x FemHuman reader
Summary: uhh uhh
Warnings: MDNI, face sitting, oral (fem receiving), maybe edging?
A/n: Day 12 of pandoras glow! I’m sorry it’s so late babies, my son has been sick as well as myself so my time has been occupied. Not proofread.
꒦꒷❀꒷꒦ ❀✿❀꒦꒷❀꒷꒦MDNI ꒦꒷❀꒷꒦❀✿❀ ꒦꒷❀꒷꒦
You had did very little to muffle your small moans as you worked your fingers in and out of your drenched cunt. There was no need for you to be quiet you had your own room to yourself within hells gates.
Biting down on the palm of your hand to muffle the louder your cries got, your frustration grown with each pump of your fingers inside yourself. You were so desperate, the need to come filled your entire being. “Ya know, I could have you comin instantly babygirl.” The sound Jake’s voice had your eyes popping open, and as quickly as you could you pulled your fingers free from your cunt and pressed your legs together.
“For fucks sake Sully, don’t you ever, I don’t know Knock?” You grumbled as the embarrassment of getting caught showed on your face, Jake could only chuckle as he took in your disheveled form, his eyes looking over every detail as if he were engraving the image of you slightly fucked out into his mind.
“Yes, but not when my favorite person has been MIA for the last few days.” He filled walked into your room, the sliding door closing behind him. He crouched down in front of your bed. “Here I thought you were hurt, nope.” He tilts his head to the side a little. “Turns out you just need to be fucked.” He couldn’t help but chuckle at the pout on your lips as you looked around shyly. “You should have told me, I’d have you fucked dumb and coming back for more each time your pussy needed a fillin’.”
His words played over and over in your ears, him saying this and offering was definitely something you never imagined to come from him. You lowered your legs as you stared at him a look of surprise on your face, you contemplated it, how you had always wondered how good it would be, how good it would feel to be touched by Jake in any sort of way. You tilted your head letting your eyes trail over his crouched form. “Get on the bed. We’re gonna do this my way.” The order from your lifts was soft, sweet, Jake instantly knew despite your surprised demeanor you meant business.
Jake chuckled quietly to himself as he positioned himself on his back, legs hanging off the bed bent at an awkward angle as he tried to make himself comfortable. You eyed his form, taking in just how tall he is before your eyes subconsciously trailed down his stomach and over his budge. You looked away you couldn’t eye him much longer, no matter how many times you’ve fantasized about him this was different, real. Your mind wasn’t coming up with scenarios, you glared down at him once more as you clumsily made your way over to him.
Placing your hands on his chest, Jakes hands immediately found your thighs and effortlessly lifted you up. Your slick cunt in his view now, he felt himself twitch in his loincloth. “You look so good for me, babygirl.” He took a deep breath as he filled his lungs with your scent. “Can’t wait to taste your pretty little pussy.”
You were unprepared as he lowered you down onto his face with little to no effort, his hot breath fanning over your folds before you felt his tongue licking a long strip along your slick cunt. You gasped, body jerking forward as you tried to collect yourself. “Fuck.” You grumbled.
Your hands scratched at his stomach, trying to find your bearings as you tried to place to keep yourself grounded. His long slimy tongue thrusting in and out of your soaking wet pussy after he got a good taste of you. Your whimpers and whining filled the room, mixing with his grunts. His hands gripped tightly onto your thighs as he held your body down over his mouth.
“Fuck, you taste so good.” He groaned. The feeling of his fingers digging into your skin, the feeling of his tongue thrusting so deep inside your cunt had your mind reeling, your body lurched forward as you came, juices making a mess of his face. Jake all but purred as he devoured you, sucking and licking to his heart's content. Not even caring about your limp body, face pressed into his abdomen as your body shook. “Fuck.. This is definitely my new favorite meal.”
꒦꒷❀꒷꒦༻❀✿❀༺꒦꒷❀꒷꒦༻❀✿❀༺ ꒦꒷❀꒷꒦
Taglist: @pandoraslxna @neteyamsoare @criticallybella @sunfyresrider @neteyamsyawntu @tiredmamaissy @headsincloud9 @etherialblackrose @blue-slxt @justcaptiannoodles @neteyamyawne @oakbuggy @eywaite @luvv4j4ybe11 @quicktosimp @cardi-bre91 @torukmaktoskxawng @rivatar @thepeonysbackup @tallulah477 @anemonelovesfiction
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milescrime · 2 days
under a star - filled sky☆ | creloise.
pairing: cressida cowper x eloise bridgerton.
cressida dreams about kissing eloise, and now she wants to make it happen.
warnings: headcanons? (basically both cressida and eloise ONLY GIRL kissers = lesbians.)
a/n: holis!!, sorry if there's any mistakes and the use of translator is too obvious, english is not my native language. hope you enjoy :))
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to this day, cressida has no idea how she let herself be overcome by her intrusive thoughts. but there she was, in front of the bridgertons' house, looking for a way to sneak into the backyard and bribe a maid so she could be alone with eloise.
the more she thought about it, the less she could believe it. in the last few months, her friendship with eloise had become more than intense, and she was surprised, in a good way, at how trusting they were at this point.
at first, something inside her told her that it wouldn't last. perhaps because she knew that the bridgerton girl's approach to her was only due to a mysterious estrangement with penelope featherington, or maybe because she was certain that when her parents found out how close they were, they would try to force her to cut ties with el.
the slightest thought of not being able to continue seeing eloise, on walks or at a ball, tormented her. especially after having dreamed about her. she needed to tell el, to find "a solution" to those thoughts before her parents, especially her mother, realized that she was acting strange and forced the truth out of her with a fearful interrogation.
"cressida?", she heard a cold whisper coming from inside the house. "have you gone mad?, it's the middle of the night."
eloise was dressed in her nightclothes, in her left hand lay her priceless cigarette, which she took the opportunity to smoke outside the house, so that no one in her family would be attracted by the smell.
"pardon me, el.", she said evidently nervous. "i paid your maid to leave us alone, i hope you won't be upset."
"i don't think that was necessary, she would have left us alone if I simply asked her to." she said, as she watched her maid re-enter the house. "but I guess you can still afford to lose some money," eloise took a puff on her cigarette and laughed at the look on cressida's face.
cressida smiled, but remained silent. she was still trying to gather her thoughts so that she could express herself to her.
her now serious look alarmed eloise a little. she usually only saw her preoccupied on evenings when no suitor offered to dance with her. it was unusual for the blonde to have that kind of expression on her face, she thought.
"did something happen to you?", she asked. "you look…paler than usual. it's concerning."
oh, she noticed. cressida was quick to respond:
"indeed, something happened", she began to play vaguely with her hands, avoiding direct contact with eloise's eyes.
she had once heard, she couldn't remember from whom, that looking into eloise bridgerton's eyes was a trap; it would only take a few minutes for her to discover whatever it was you were trying to hide.
after another puff on her cigarette, eloise looked steadily for her friend's gaze. would she tell her what had happened or was she just there to babble?
as soon as cressida's shy eyes met hers, something in eloise softened.
"cressida, you…can tell me anything." she said in a whisper, leaning closer to her. "trust me, I will not judge you…, even when you have come to my house in the scandalous hours of the night."
that made lady cowper giggle. cressida knew she could trust eloise, that the woman in front of her would not judge what she had to say, but the thing was…. serious? unusual? scandalous, indeed.
"eloise…" she took a deep breath, "some time ago, while we were having tea in my garden, you confessed to me that you consider yourself an open-minded woman."
she nodded, finishing her cigarette and stepping on the remains of it.
"as an open-minded woman…", she continued. "have you ever occupied your deepest thoughts with a friend?", with every word, cressida's voice trembled a little more.
eloise blinked several times, confused. "occupy my thoughts with a friend, you mean …. think of a particular friend very often?, write them a letter? well, of course."
"have you never dreamt of a friend?", after analysing what she had just asked, cressida looked at her with wild eyes. had that question really come out of her mouth?.
eloise looked petrified. "i need you to be more specific", she asked.
she wasn't stupid, she had an idea what kind of dreams the girl in front of her was referring to, but for some strange reason she needed to hear her suspicions confirmed.
cressida snorted nervously, she felt there was no need to be more explicit, but anxiety was killing her inside.
"please, tell me again that you're an open-minded woman" she pleaded with her eyes closed, placing her hands on her friend's shoulders.
she could feel eloise's tense body trembling; maybe it was the nerves of the situation or maybe it was a cold night and she hadn't noticed.
"cressida, I…" something in cressida's troubled but angelic face calmed her, and she thought how she had not realised before how beautiful lady cowper was. she shook her head, she had never had difficulty or shame in admitting when a woman was beautiful, but perhaps the moment called for another intervention.
"i am a very open-minded woman", she confirmed.
cressida released her grip slightly, but did not take her hands off eloise's arms. she opened her eyes and sighed.
"I dreamt about you last night," she finally confessed. "i have heard other young ladies say that we should have this kind of dream about any suitor who catches our eye or even any man we find interesting, as inappropriate and scandalous as that may sound."
silence. "say something."
eloise, still petrified, stared directly into cressida's eyes. "I…I don't consider myself a very interesting person, but I'm glad to know that I've caught your attention… "
"eloise!", cressida shouted.
she took her hand and quickly led cressida to the back of the courtyard. eloise couldn't let anyone hear them.
"all right, I apologise.", she laughed a bit. "but do not shout."
"el, this is serious. i'm very ashamed, i'm not in the mood for jokes."
"ashamed?", she knew it was unusual to dream that kind of thing about a woman, but was it so wrong to have dreamt about her precisely?, weren't they friends?.
"i'm already considered an spinster, imagine what could happen to me if people find out that I have these…thoughts."
eloise knew what it was like to be in the public eye, and "fame" had not exactly treated her well. she understood, at least a little, her friend's concern.
she let out a breath of air looking at a specific spot, her mother's little flower garden, she had so many memories there. she looked down and confessed:
"you know, i've dreamt about a female friend before too.", cressida stared at her. "i know how weird it feels, and even though I've never told anyone, i've never been ashamed of it."
"how did you manage to stop it from happening again?", eloise finally looked at her, cressida no longer cared if eloise discovered her ton of secrets, she couldn't, she didn't want to, look away from her beautiful eyes.
"I didn't.", her pale face was decorated with a melancholy smile. "I mean, I haven't had one of those dreams in a while," she clarified. "but it wasn't just one, and they all ended the same way…"
"a kiss." they both said at the same time.
eloise noticed cressida slightly shivering so she took her hand to lead her into the kitchen to the fireplace to warm her up. but she refused to move, she insisted but cressida was stronger.
from the look on her friend's face, eloise knew that lady cowper had an idea and that she would not move from that backyard without making that idea a reality.
"please don't think I've gone mad," she took both of eloise's hands, which made her back tingle, "but I think I understand how we can find out if this thing that's happened to us is something to worry about."
"cressida, i don't think…"
"kiss me." she asked, or perhaps begged. eloise's lips were trembling, she wanted to say something but her friend's request had left her colder than the cold air that night. "just think about it, these dreams torment us because we fear wanting something like that in real life, when we know that these situations are merely our imagination."
eloise was in a state of deep doubt, but she was sure of one thing: the reality that her context offered her - marriage, lots of children and just hosting balls - was not what she wanted for her life.
she remembered her older sister daphne, who indeed spent much of her time doing that and was so happy, she wanted to achieve the same happiness but doing what she was truly passionate about. and to the disgrace of her mother, siblings and above all, society, men were not worthy of her passion.
"if you kiss me," cressida continued, "i will have the real experience and these thoughts will simply disappear."
"cressida these feelings do not 'simply disappear', believe me I've tried".
"just because you have failed doesn't mean I will", there was the cressida that eloise had known for years, her tone disrupting all peace.
she wanted to shut her up, she wanted to show her that those feelings that tormented her so much were not easy to retract.
in fact, eloise wanted cressida not to limit those feelings or what they invited her to do. she thought it would convince her to stop fighting and acknowledge her feelings. maybe she would feel less alone knowing that another woman was going through the same thing she was.
"you're supposed to be my friend, I need you to help..."
"all right, i'll kiss you", she said in a raised voice, higher than she would've allowed herself if she had a maid nearby. "just keep still".
"do you know how to do this?, cressida's gaze betrayed her curiosity, and her impatience to experience the act for the first time in her life.
"I guess all those dreams will come to something", she giggled.
and just like that, under a star-filled sky, eloise bridgerton kissed cressida cowper.
it didn't last more than five seconds, but those were enough for both of them to feel sparks coming out of their chests.
they looked at each other as their lips stopped touching, undecided; they didn't know what to say, or if they should say anything at all.
cressida felt exquisite, the thought of having to push aside those cravings for kissing women kept wandering through her mind, but honestly she couldn't care less at that moment.
shocked, eloise said: "do you mind if I do it again?".
that was the confirmation cressida needed, so this time, it was her who initiated the kiss, at first a little desperate for contact.
a shiver ran down her spine as eloise gently placed her hand behind her neck to intensify the kiss.
kissing her felt so good, it felt right.
cressida had no experience in the art of kissing, nor had she dreamed enough to learn from the resource that eloise was using perfectly.
but she wanted to show her that she was not so naïve when it came to kissing, which was true; her mother instructed her very well when it came to kissing her husband.
so she placed her hands on eloise's cheeks, a gesture she had never seen up close but had heard of at home.
"hands on cheeks are an act of affection, of protection..."
surprised by the contact, eloise broke the kiss for a moment; she stepped back and placed one of her hands on cressida's waist.
"is everything all right?", eloise nodded for reassurance.
"I could get used to this", she said as she played with a strand of blonde hair that fell over her shoulder.
cressida shivered again, god! next time she should bring a better coat.
"it will be an honour to bribe your maid again", she responded with a proud smile.
"you're so lucky to be rich", eloise giggled and kissed her again.
two weeks in the making, this is (hopefully) my first creloise one shot!!. i'm so nervous bc of the language ajdjfs hope it's not that bad 🙏🏼.
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mushhroooms · 2 days
Bad Dream (Chris Redfield x Gender-neutral reader)
Gender-neutral pronouns because I know I write way too much x female reader stuff, so I wanted to do something different because I know it’s not just she/her’s in the Resident Evil community so this is for everyone!
-ˋˏ��┈┈┈┈ Chris had left on a mission, caressing your face and kissing you sweetly before walking out the door
It had been months but you didn’t worry. He would find time to call you or send little texts to check up on you when he knew it was safe.
But then they stopped, you didn’t think much of it, he might just be occupied but, you tried to ignore the sense of dread that filled you after the third day, anytime Chris has gone on a mission, you never went more than a day without at least a text from him. You were worried, but you tried to hide it, surely he just had to be busy…
But then the knock came on the door and when you opened it, you saw the men in uniform. As you realize what had happened to your beloved husband you feel your heart drop. “We’re sorry for your loss…” After that, those words became normal, every time anyone who knew you and Chris saw you, they would tell you those words. This couldn’t be real, right? But after 2 months, the reality finally fully set in and your head came down from the clouds. Your husband was dead.
You didn’t leave bed that day, or the next day after that, or the day after that…
Chris was shocked when he and his squad returned from their mission and found out everyone had thought they died.
But- They had been talking to their loved ones… turns out, their phones were bugged months ago. They hadn’t spoken to real people besides each other in months, just simply robots to trick them. God, that guy had been a sneaky bastard.
They were all worried, everyone they knew thought they were dead.
Chris immediately thought of his partner… How had they taken the news? Were they ok?
Chris didn’t bother to wait, as soon as they were cleared he was in his car and speeding to their house.
When he pulls up, he can see your best friend at the door. Food in hand and worriedly knocking on the door. He gets out of the car, heart heavy and worried for his partner.
As your best friend hears his car door shut, they turn around, their eyes widen and they nearly drop the food in their hands.
“Chris!? You’re alive!?” They ask in shock
He nods “It’s a shock I know. Are they ok?” He asks worriedly
Your best friend shakes their head. “They won’t answer my calls or texts, not just mine, from anyone, even their parents.” They pause “How are you alive?”
“I’ll explain everything later.” He says as he begins to look through his bag.
Chris’s worry grows when they mention his partner has not answered anybody’s calls or texts and he fishes his keys out of his bag. Unlocking the door and opening it slowly, the house is dark and stuffy, The curtains are shut and he can see dust collecting on shelves and tables, but he also sees there are no dishes in the sink, Have they eaten? Drinken water?
Your best friend places the food on the counter while Chris heads upstairs.
He walks to the bedroom, bracing himself just in case of a worst-case scenario. His palm touches the door gently, and he hesitates. The worst cases running through his mind of what he’ll find on the other side of the door. But, he has to know… He gently pushes the door open, it creaks softly. He can see a lump on the bed under the blankets and dread fills him… What if they were dead?
“Baby?” He calls out softly
He sees movement and the dread that had filled him goes away. They were alive! But he’s still filled with worry for his partner.
They move the covers off their head. They looked exhausted despite the fact it was obvious they hadn’t left bed in god knows how long. They looked malnourished and in desperate need of a shower. Their eyes were puffy from crying. His heart broke at the sight.
“Chris?” Their voice is weak, probably from all the dust and nothing to drink. He can see the tears brimming in their eyes.
He rushes to the bed, kneeling next to the edge of the bed.
“It’s me- It’s me, baby” He speaks softly with his own tears growing in his eyes.
They shake their head “No- You can’t be real” They say shakily, thinking they must have gone crazy or died.
They sob “You can’t be real. You-” their words die down as he cups their face with rough, calloused hands crafted for war… but his touch is so gentle… so tender… so- so grounding.
They begin to sob harder “Chris!”
He gets onto the bed next to them and pulls them into his arms quickly, shushing them and running his hand through their hair.
“Shh, it’s ok, baby. I’m here now” He whispers softly
“But- How!? They-They-” He places a finger to their lips.
“I’ll tell you later, I promise. I just need to comfort you right now.” He puts their head against his chest and their sobs grow as they feel his heartbeat.
‘You feel that? You feel that heartbeat, sweetheart? I’m alive. And I’m not dead nor dying anytime soon.” He kisses their head as he continues to run his hand through their hair.
“I need you to tell me something, baby.” He says, pulling them away from his chest so he can look into their eyes.
They sniffle and wipe their eyes, looking at him.
“When was the last time you ate? Drinken water? Showered?” He asks softly with worry clouding his tone.
They look ashamed “I-I don’t know…” They speak softly “I-I just, I just wanted to stay in bed- I wanted to wake up and found out it was a bad dream!” They sob softly
His hands cup their face again “I understand, sweetheart. I’m sorry you’ve been going through this… But, I’m here now. Ok? I’m not leaving again anytime soon. It was just a bad dream.” He kisses their forehead.
His thumbs stroke their cheeks softly, wiping tears away as he does so. “I love you so much, sweetheart. I never ever want to see you like this again.” He whispers
They hug him, crying into his chest. His arms wrap around them tightly. They can feel his muscles against their back, his warmth, his heartbeat. This was real. He was here. He was alive.
“I love you so much, Chris.” They sob
“I love you too, baby. More than anything.” He whispers
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