#I have another version of this I wanna do but that's for another day I've been working at this for almost 3 hours it's time to chill lol
pierswife · 1 year
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Oh behold your one and only perfect idol!
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tardis--dreams · 4 months
The amount of energy and motivation my adhd meds give me these days is truly unmatched. Would be great if it lasted longer than 2 hours but i sure write a lot of stuff on my to do list when they kick in
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raveartts · 6 months
simultaneously wanna redesign Alex to have a more overly complex sparkledog ravecore design vs wanting to redesign her to be simpler and quicker to draw ;_;
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mrsbarnesblog · 7 months
Summary: You're just looking at your amazing boyfriend and can't help but feel an overwhelming amount of love
Word count: 500
Warnings: nothing, just cute and domestic Bucky <3
Author's note: I've just reached 1000 followers omg. I never expected to have so many of you in such a short period of time. thank you so much everyone for the support. I decided to post this little drabble, while I'm working on another fic❤️
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You weren't able to drag your eyes away from his face.
You and Bucky were sitting in your shared apartment on the sofa, under fluffy blankets. It was a free day for both of you, so you just decided to do nothing and watch too many shitty movies with a lot of unhealthy food.
He was sitting in the middle and you in the corner with your legs on his lap, and you both had a bowl full of ice cream in your hands.
You honestly didn’t remember what film you were watching, but when you heard that Bucky laughed—not just chuckled but fully laughed—you completely forgot about ice cream and everything else around you.
You were just staring at his smiling face. How his nose scrunched in the cutest way possible, how little wrinkles appeared near his eyes, how his head fell back, and how the adorable sound of his laugh filled your living room.
It was rare to see him this way—without a frown on his face, without dark thoughts filling his head—and you fucking loved these little moments.
It felt like you were looking at young Bucky. innocent and unbothered by anything in his life. Just a nerdy boy from Brooklyn who liked to go on dates and save his friend from trouble.
Of course, you loved any version of your boyfriend. Loved his grumpiness, his caution, and his inner strength. Loved the man who had gone through hell and back but was still fighting for his life. And you definitely loved being the person who gave him comfort and with whom he didn’t have to build a thick wall around himself.
Now, watching him and how safe he felt around you to act like this, your heart was filled with so much love that you wanted to cry.
"What happened, doll?" Bucky pulled you out of your thoughts. Looking at you without a big smile but still with soft eyes.
"Nothing." You mumbled, completely mesmerized by your boyfriend’s face. "I just love you. You are so cute and adorable, you know that?" You just said it without hesitation and saw, even in the dark room, how his face became pink.
"I love you too, baby doll." Another wide smile appeared on his face, and you smiled back at him. "C’mere, wanna hold you near with me." Bucky put aside his empty bowl and yours with already-melted liquid and dragged you to sit on his thighs, wrapping his hands around you.
You just chuckled at the way he was manhandling you and happily nuzzled into his neck, breathing in your favorite scent.
As he kissed your head and hugged you even closer, you both knew that being in each other's arms was the best place you could’ve been.
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hi ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
i want to say that i really like your work and would like to try to make a request with douma, where s/o is very random
for example, they just hang out and then s/o gives out a random strange fact like: "did you know that dolphins can fall in love very much and build relationships the same way as people?" or she can run up, pet him and run away, etc
feel free to ignore it! hope you having a wonderful day, love you
and forgive me for my english, it's quite crooked
Hello \(≧▽≦.)/ Thank you so much for saying that anon, that truly makes me happy to hear, also don't worry, your request has been heard loud and clear! And I love it!
I hope I've done your request justice (^ω^.) and please know that your always welcome back to browse and request something from me again.
Your English is great by the way,so don't worry!
Douma/Doma with an S/O who does random things - [Headcannons]:
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There where many things that Douma/Doma found boring, in life and with entertainment, but you weren't boring - you were anything but boring
Each day you did (or said) something that tickled his funny bone
Each day you had a new fact, hobby, skill/talent and object that you had to share with him that genuinely had his brain working overtime at how you knew or did that
Douma/Doma finally found something to look forward too each day and it was you and your randomness
Your randomness was cute - adorable even - and it definitely saved you from scenario's that would have ended up with your death (and a rather pissed off and sad spouse) or at least hurt
Douma/Doma enjoys your random fact of the day - that you randomly drop on him at a random point in the day
When you first started your random fact dropping you'd started with facts about the human body during a tea ceremony
"Did you know that the average tongue is about three inches long" You said simply, taking a sip of your tea before continuing "and that the human body can shed about 40 pounds of skin?" - its safe to say that Douma/Doma was so dumbfounded by those facts he over-poured his tea with a rather star-struck expression
Although he does quite like the cute random facts that you tell him too - "Did you know that trees can make friends and talk to each other? Isn't that sweet"
You also had the habit of coming up to him randomly - at different points in the day - and inspecting his hands and tapping three times on his wrist (directly on where his pulse point would be) before leaving without a word
And bopping his nose
And sometimes knocking gently on his forehead
Also you like tracing shapes through his clothes on his back, arms and legs - making him guess the shapes and words you form with your nails
You also liked stealing his fans to use them for something random and/or weird - he once found you using them to cut fruit...
Once you baked a 10 tier cake and brought it in mid sermon with his followers with plates and water
Food was another thing that you made randomly, you baked and cooked new and weird things and brought in for him to try - as well as his followers....
When he sleeps in, it's always a 60/40 that you'll have done something to his hair - You like to fiddle with and decorate his hair and you have once perfectly styled his hair into a plaited mohawk
You've painted his nails - "Oh paint them pink next time love" He'd whined once into your neck "I want them to match the colour of your love~" + "Oh! Like the colour of my organs too?" followed by a blank stare from Douma/Doma
As you both where about to sleep you turned to him, perfect smile on your face and sleep hazing your eyes and said, "I wanna eat you! Just take a chunk cause your too perfect and beautiful for this world" before promptly falling asleep
He has found you trying to do cartwheels down the hall
You've always got something up your sleeve and it honestly brings Douma/Doma so much joy to live through each day, finding out what you had in store
.....you've made a finger puppet version of him before as well as a doll and you have used both as advisors - "And what do you think Wackus Bonkus?" "Kill him" "Oh! You Naughty Wackus Bonkus!"
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stupidlovergirl · 1 year
TL;DR He's HOT! In which you get caught gushing about how into them you are, by them
Feat. Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan,Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Belphegor Dateables Version not edited
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"What do I like about Lucifer?" you repeat back. "What is there not to like? He has a pretty good fashion sense, a mature vibe also-" you kept rambling, naming qualities you like about the eldest demon, from his physical qualities to his personality. 
He honestly couldn't believe his ears. He had just come to drop off some documents and ask questions. He didn't suspect that you and Diavolo would be talking about him, much less what you supposedly liked about him. The list must be quite great, as you have barely taken a breath and kept chattering off things.
"To sum it up, Lucifer is one the hottest men I've met. Mature with the just right amount of playfulness. Not to mention easy on the eyes" you finish, love sick look in your eyes
He stopped and waited before appearing a little while after. Diavolo could tell he heard, by the smug smirk he wore. You felt awkward, I mean you were literally JUST singing the man's praises. Giving the documents to Diavolo, Lucifer chatted a little before saying goodbye.
You immediately got called to his office after you came home. Man literally started quoting what you said as you rotted away in the chair in front of his desk. Don't worry, he's just having his fun before he tells you the feeling is mutual.
Mammon catches you talking to Asmo about him on one of your spa days. He didn’t mean to eavesdrop! Honest! You were just kinda loud and he could hear all that you were saying about him through the door.
“Have you SEEN his eyes Asmo? They are the prettiest shade of blue! Ugh, and his hair is so freaking soft. I have never been so in love. He can rob me blind as long as he just keeps smiling. I am so down bad. AND ANOTHER THING-!” you said, going on another tangent. 
Mammon is blushing sooo bad. He is so pumped you like him back! As you should, he IS your first man!!! He has no preservation instincts, so he yells in victory, fistpumping the air. Asmo gets on to him and they have an argument about how he needed to learn to stop that. You, on the other hand, are trying to hide.
Mammon kidnaps you (against all of Asmo's protest) and tells you that you should feel that way about him! He is the Great Mammon after all, your first man! He also stutters out that he likes you too. 
Leviathan does not know how the stars aligned, but he heard you and Beel talking in the kitchen. Well, you were talking as Beel scarfed down the entirety of the fridge and pantry. (He's hoping that his rainbow pizza is a survivor).
"He is just so dreamy, Beel. I don't know how he doesn't see it. His sunset eyes, his devotion to his games? Ugh, and when he goes on his nerd rants? Be still my beating heart!!" You exclaim dramatically. 
Through a muffled mouth of food, he hears his younger brother reply 
"Just tell him. I'm pretty sure he likes you back" 
"He's like a wild animal! Can't approach him to fast or he will run away!! Ugh, but I wanna kiss him so baddd"
He squeaks at that comment, quite loudly. The two of you come out of the kitchen, but Levi is GONE. He might have given away someone who was listening in, but he will not get caught.
Later in the week, he invites for an anime marathon, and makes it very obvious he knows. Just tell him there, he'll freak out, but accept anyways.
Honestly, it was your fault for talking about Satan in a library, especially quite close to the mystery novels.
He was looking for a novel, when he heard you and Mammon talking. He recalls that earlier in the week you two got in trouble for low quiz scores, so you must have been forced to stay here for so many hours.
"Ugh, he is so cute. I love him sooo much. He is so cute when he plays with the cats in the street. He looks so at peace and comfy I lose my mind. Not to mention, his ability to remember things? Iconic. He is the only reason I pass history. I have never felt this way before! I think Satan is, like, my perfect match."
"Good for you. Did you find a cheat sheet online?" Mammon replies boredly.
"I don't think Lucifer would appreciate you not even attempting the work, Mammon" Satan replies, startling both of you.
"Satan!" the both of you yell, in shock.
"H-how long have you been there?" You ask nervously. Oh, how cute is all Satan can think.
"Long enough"
He ignores it till Mammon and you finish your work, with his help of course. He tells you the feeling is mutual, and that he appreciates all the compliments.
Asmo was running late. It was usual, beauty takes time you know! It's also tasteful to be fashionably late, keeping suspense up. He does feel a little bad, as it is Solomon and you kept waiting. It was a cute new café that he had seen all over Devilgram, and just knew that the three of you had to go together.
He was about to yell out for you two, but he saw you passionately talking about something so he decided not to.
"He is just so pretty, Sol. Do you ever think he would be into me? He is completely out of my league, but maybe there's a small chance?? I could be, like, his funny little significant other who hypes him up!! I think Asmo would appreciate that, don't you?"
Solomon, who had noticed Asmo approaching, just shrugged. 
"I dunno, you ask him" is all he says, pointing at the object of your affections with a smirk.
Asmo is soooo happy!!!!! You and him are gonna be the prettiest couple to ever exist, and he tells you that right then and there. He announces that you're dating right on the spot, as you and he both obviously want to. You three have a good day out, and when you go home, Asmo spoils you as you both talk about how the other one is prettier.
Beel had just gotten out of a shower after a workout. He, you, and Belphie had a movie night planned. Aka, Beel gets snacks, Belphie sleeps through the entire thing, and you get to see something you have wanted to for a little bit while hanging out with the twins. It was a perfect win-win -win for all three of you. You and Belphie we're doing prep(you were while Belphegor slept the whole time) for when he came back in their room. So, when he heard you giggling in their room, Beel couldn't help but smile.
"He is so perfect, Belph! He cares so deeply for everyone, and is so kind. I dunno if I ever met such a sweetheart before. I think I should go for it, but I don't know. I figure I should ask you how he feels since he is your twin"
"Go for it" is all Belphegor replies with, sleep obvious in his words. He hears you laugh again, and then decides to open the door.
You look a little pale, and Belphie looks a little smug. He probably heard him coming down the hall, with his better hearing.
"Hey! So I thought-"
"You really feel that way?" Beel ask.
"Oh! You, uh, heard that. Yeah, I really do"
Ecstatic, he smiled so big when you said you were serious. Puppy boyfriend aquired baybee!!!!!!! You two watch the movie while holding hands and cuddling as best you could. Belphie appreciates you two being together but he's not giving up the best cuddle spot to indulge you two.
Belphie, Satan, and you had a scheduled Anti-Lucifer League meeting. The plan was to move everything in Lucifer's office half an inch to irk him. Belphegor had fallen asleep, so he came in a little later than you two. 
"He is so cute when he sleeps Satan! He literally acts like a cat! When he snuggles his head into my stomach I lose my mind!!! I might be reading into it too hard, but I think he might also like me back? Maybe I'm delusional, but it seems like it! I like Belphie so much, he makes me crazy"
"Criminally insane, crazy does not fully describe how in deep you are" Satan replies boredly, like he had heard this rant time and time again.
Belphie, is of course, happy. You like him! Him! Oh man, this is such a good day. He obviously acts like he doesn't know anything when he enters the room. You look awkward, and Satan is tired. After a day or two, he brings it up. He wanted to make you feel like he hadn't heard you. He makes fun of you for being so down bad, but accepts your feelings and tells you he feels the same. He might not show it, but he is also so into you it almost hurts.
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idiotfanghost · 3 months
I've gotten a fair share of "Your art remind's me of Clone High :3" (that or Total Drama) comments for a while. I'm not upset about it at all though. That's what I was going for. So I decided to lean further into that with this piece. I've seen a couple other people doing the same premise. I just thought it'd be fun to train myself with this style more.
(censored version)
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If it wasn't obvious I did take the title from that one April Fools photo. I did go and add a singular Paleteria debutant in there just for funsies.
(non-censored version, Paleteria spoilers)
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It took me like half an hour to decide who to add, I did wanna include a few more but I ended up not doing so due to a lack of space but thats okay. I wanted to choose a mix of characters I generally like (Rollie, Petrona, & Treble), characters who I consider to be a big part of the 'deep and complex lore' (Cori & Duke) and a some who are popular within the general fandom (Moe as well as Gabitha as a result of a semi-recent popularity spike which I may or may not have caused but that's a story for another day).
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lovelyiida · 8 months
THINKING ABOUT HOW MUCH KIRISHIMA WOULD WANT YOU TO MATCH WITH HIM FOR HALLOWEEN, imagining the lengths he would go through to find that perfect outfit and show it to you, just for you to deny it.
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"How about this one?"
"What about this one? I'm the plug and you're the socket!"
"How about I'll be a pirate and you can be a mermaid!"
"Mm... I feel like you're saying that because you want to be the mermaid."
A sigh escapes the redhead's mouth as he crashes on your bed in defeat. It's been several hours since he brought up the idea that both of you should match for the holiday, but you wouldn't budge. Either the ideas he gave were too corny or just painfully bad, and it was starting to hurt his feelings.
Both of you were invited to the annual UA Halloween bash; the whole school was attending, and everyone usually had on the best costumes. You didn't want to be rude, but you didn't want to be the peanut butter to his jelly, sadly.
Certainly, here's the improved version of the passage with corrected grammar and sentence structure:
"Hey, do you even want to match with me?" he says, shuffling closer to you. His face pressed against your stomach, he lets out a whine. Rolling your eyes, you then sigh.
"I don't know. I think this is the first time I've ever been able to dress up without someone else's opinion. I just want to be something really unique, not a basic couple's costume."
You run your fingers through Kirishima's red locks. You can tell he's upset by the visible silence that casts over the room.
"Kiri," you say. With a sigh, he turns around and looks into your eyes. "Hm?" he says, his tone flat and a little bit irritated.
"Don't be upset with me, babe," you say with a defeated smile. "You know I hate it when you're upset with me. Please say something," you add softly.
Kirishima lets out another drama-filled sigh and sits himself up. "I just thought that since this was the first party we would go to as a couple, you'd want to match. But I guess I was wrong." A frown visible on his lips soon disappears and forms into an understanding smirk.
"I bet I'll still have a better costume than you," he says with a mischievous smirk. The pressure from the previous conversation lifts, and a laugh escapes from you. "Yeah, okay. Wanna make a bet?" you say. Soon, the redhead climbs on top of you with a simple hum as a response.
"If I win, you're all mine for the next day, and you have to do everything I say," Kirishima says, but he cuts himself off by kissing your lips. "And! You have to match with me for the next party."
Giving him a nod, you then kiss him back with another peck. With a smug smirk you speak.
"If you lose, then it's vice versa... and I get to pick the stupidest costume there is known to mankind."
"The night of the party, it was hard to find your boyfriend. It felt like the whole entire school was there. Going through the area, seeing so many faces but none you could recognize, you finally spot a familiar face.
The blonde soon turns around and looks you up and down, a smug smile plastered over his lips.
"Hey, looking for your boy-toy angel?" he says, all pun intended. You came to the party in an all-white costume with the cutest angel wings and a halo to match.
Rolling your eyes, your gaze lingers.
"Where is he?" you yell, the music blaring over your voice, making it hard to hear his response.
Grabbing your arm, Bakugo points over to the front of the room. With a nod, you venture over to the front of the room.
A crowd is still present, and you fight your way to the front. People thrashing their bodies and screaming to the lyrics make it even worse. Yelling out your boyfriends name, you look all around for him but he’s no where in sight.
Growing anxious from the blaring music and the suggestive stares you’ve been getting from multiple people you’ve passed; you grew anxious. Turning every which way to find him, you were about to break off into a jog until a strong hand grips you.
Turning around, you smile at the sight before you.
“Kiri!” You yelled in relief, throwing yourself onto Kirishima, you pull him into a tight embrace. “I’ve been looking everywhere for you!” You laughed.
Pulling away, your eyes linger down to his body, seeing the costume he had on made your stomach drop.
“A devil” you say, voice filled with humorous disappointment. Looking back up, you watch your boyfriends’ shit-eating-grin grow wide.
“I told you we’d match!” He chuckled.
Rolling your eyes you reach your arms around his neck. The redhead pulls you in close, “let’s call a truce?” You say, looking into his auburn eyes. Kirishima lets out a groan, but looking back at you he couldn’t help but to smile.
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❥: @xo-evangeline , @nar00 , @king-dynamight , @gold24fish , @lovra974 , @bakugospartner , @gaby-11 , @akqsa-xxi , @jolynegf , @goldenglow149 , @aliruuiz , @zukowantshishonourback , @ilovedenk-i , @atsushiki , @smolbeanzzz , @urdecentartist09 , @lem-hhn , @stevenknightmarc , @ryumiii , @idontevenknowlolls , @lyn07 , @kennshifts , @ackerman-suck-3-r , @elegantvoids , @thecurlyhairedgoddess , @sunyrose , @thisbicc , @thekookiecorner, @snxwycloud , @skylardarling
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kidsinsaturn · 5 months
Can I plz rq hcs for being married to both shisui and Madara? Like how would they be with their s/o, domestic vibes, etc?
uchiha bride
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[🗼] yesss I love this idea!! I've been in the madara feelings lately hahah I wanted to post this yesterday but I ate way too many tamales I felt sick
characters: shisui uchiha; madara uchiha
genre: sfw
warnings: gn!reader; possessiveness; mentions of discrimination ?; mention of manipulation; stalking; obsessive traits
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-shisui husband of the year!! hellooo, this uchiha is just so sweet and mindful of you all the time
-your wedding was probably very traditional although very small. both shisui and you didn't want a lot of people there. he is a very private man after all
-if you are not uchiha, you must learn all to their customs and their culture, im sorry. shisui may disagree with some of his clan's ideals, but he still finds some of them very important and he loves them
-but of course he will also be very very open to learning more about your clan's traditions and if your clan has something special (like a kenkkei genkai or a physical feature), he wants to learn all the history behind it
-as we all know, the uchiha can be a bit hostile to foreigners, so if you were of another clan or even another village, shisui can even feel a bit pitiful that you have to go through all of this because of his dumb clan
-he assures you all the time that you are the perfect person for him, regardless of the loud, rude words that you can hear on your way to his house. which may lead to shisui and you moving to a house a bit secluded from the others, but still in the compound
-yeah im sorry but I sincerely do not see shisui dropping his duties as an uchiha and as a villager of konoha just for you. yes he loves you tons, but he always manages to divide equally his commitments. he will stay in the compound because he is an uchiha and has his own obligations in the clan
-even though it was a bit hard at the beginning because you were expecting different, shisui will not treat you any different. as a boyfriend, he was the best the version of himself, and now as a husband, he still is the best version of himself. he believes he shouldn't treat his spouse worse or better just because they are married. he always gave his 200% ok
-very domestic husband although he is out for work a lot. there are times he feels guilty for leaving you alone too much, but he is a provider okayyy he needs to work hard enough so you have everything
-which is why he will try to convince you to stay home if you are a shinobi. if he succeeds, he is deeply happy and relieved that you are safe now. but if you decide to keep your job as a ninja, he just lectures you to always be cautious and blah blah blah he is just worried okay? he doesn't want to lose his boo
-shisui will come with you to the gates of the village to bid you farewell with the longest, knee-dropping kiss. you only wish to end the mission soon so you can come back to have another one of his amazing kisses
-on canon universe, you only knew half of what was happening with the village and the clan. but on his final day, he made time to tell you everything, and just love you one last time oh no im not ok
-other uchiha and of course other villagers would respect you a lot of course. you are the spouse of sunshin no shisui hellooo. people will know of you immediately since shisui was quite the popular in the village. and ohh!! I am convinced many girls would be jealous of you because you took shisui first aughhh I wanna elaborate on this idea more haha
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-madara is the most sensible and sentimental uchiha out there istg. he does not fall in love, and if he does, then i'ts over for the person, either they die or they both get married
-no but seriously, I don't want to get too much into this, but I deeply believe canon madara would not really get married because he is way too traumatized and obsessed with peace and war and dreams. so let's pretend this is another kind of au where madara is kind of normal and sane
-as much as you both wanted a small, quiet wedding, you just couldn't get it. madara is the clan leader and let's not forget he has the most booming, extrovert, and simple-minded best friends so of course it couldn't be a simple wedding
-hashirama wanted your wedding to be very special, and even though it was a bit too extravagant for your first ideas, it ended up being very cute and nice. madara is deeply in love with you, and from now on, you become his
-not that wasn't like that before. you were his everything the moment he realized his wanted you, and you were his from that second too. it's just that now he can say it out and wouldn't be called weird haha silly guy
-you gained the title of madara's spouse and by no means is that to take unseriously. all the uchiha clansmen respect you, at least in front of you. if you were from a different clan, you are to be judged there sorry. at least they are not dumb and do not say it out loud, but there are still whispers and well-masked judgmental faces every time you walked through the compound
-madara decides it is best for you two to live in the compound, and you can't really complain since he is clan head. however madara makes sure you are satisfied every day. always obtaining what you want thanks to the servants madara assigned you. and of course when he is home with you, he is very attentive to you
-you are never alone. if you're in your house and if madara is not there, there is always someone there with you, either the housekeeper or your servant. if you are out, there is someone there following your every step. when you realize this, you get mad at madara. he promises he will stop though he only reprimands the shinobi for being too noticeable and replaces him
-you get to know two faces of Madera. the one he shows everyone else, and the one he is with you. at first you are a bit taken aback by his sudden changes of demeanor and personality. he is firm, dominant, and stoic in front of others, even of his clansmen. his essence is dominant. but with you? he still is but a lot less lol
-he just can't help it at first, he says some things so bluntly that they even hurt. but he learns that you are no enemy, that you are his temple, he shouldn't be harsh to you. he ends up being very soft, you become his weakness, if you say something, he complies
-BUT the only thing he can't get rid of is his possessiveness, you are his, why do you need to go with someone else? you have him, is he not enough? do you want him to make some shadow clones so he is always your first choice? madara doesn't like seeing you with a lot of people; he has a mental list of the only people he is okay with, please respect his list
-he always needs to know what you do, where you will be going and what you will do. if you don't dare to spare any details, he will find out himself, though he will be hurt and disappointed
-and lets be reals guys... madara will at some point, manipulate you. either he doesn't like something you're doing or someone you are seeing, he will be very subtle with his words and just guide you toward a decision he wants you to make. he isn't stupid and tells you right there, no. he wants you to feel some sense of control of your actions when in reality, he is in charge of them
-he is a great husband though lol a bit insane but he deeply deeply loves you. he fears somethings happens to you and that's why he wants to control your life
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omar-bb · 24 days
notes & quotes from omar's live today
he wanted to release Red Light sooner but he and his team wanted to get it right
he's excited to headline at Gröna Lund - gonna be playing a new song there and at his other shows this summer!
"one of my favorite songs. i'm telling you, you will fucking choke when you hear that one. it's dark, it's dirty, it's groovy..."
"should I leak some of it? it would be fun for you to be able to sing along..."
"i hope it's fine by my team that I just leaked that"
"maybe it'll be the next single after Red Light. only maybe. I'm not promising anything"
someone asked about an Asia tour - "I cannot be live bc I'm gonna leak a lot of shit. But you wanna know something funny? This song .... it is actually a k-pop pitch song from start. it was made with k-pop in mind. it is not fully k-pop and now that i've been doing my touch on it, it is a little less k-pop but.. they actually wrote the song k-pop in mind."
teased doing a tour in the future
another "leak" - "I was actually meant to go to korea like right now or a month ago, like after the oscars ... i was supposed to go to korea. but it never happened. i was very sad. but maybe one day.
he had a scared moment where music started playing in the other room and he thought it was an unreleased song but it was just his alejandro tiktok lol
inspo for red light? "I didn't write the song ... it was a demo that got sent to me. at first ... it was a girl singing red light, and when i heard it the first time i was like yo this sounds like fucking rihanna ... i was like is this a long lost rihanna song? this is the greatest thing i've ever heard. and then i just fucking took it. i was like this is my song before rihanna takes it from me. and now it's my song."
Red Light music video when? "we shot a visualizer, so it's not a music video ... it's very beautiful. very stunning. i've never done anything like that. ... it's not a real music video. it's more visuals for the song."
will be doing red light on 25 may and also a new song
"you'll hear a whole new omar when you hear that song"
he has been replying to messages in his community on whatsapp and sms. they'll be leaking more stuff through there
new OMR Beauty product when? "....................... stay tuned"
"you will die when you see the next launch of OMR Beauty. that's all I'm saying. Next!!!"
will he start a fashion brand? "i don't really have the time for that unfortunately. ... not for now"
thinks he is not gonna bleach his hair
Someone asked red light spanish version when? and he sang a bit of it in spanish
omar backflip when? "when i'm in heaven"
is he going to act again?"i'm actually reading some scripts right now. just reading, it's not anything happening really yet, just testing the waters. we'll see, i would love to act. i actually miss acting, it was a fun time ... nothing will ever be like YR obviously, but just the thought of meeting new ppl, new friends, being together for a few weeks or a few months, and filming smth very special, that would be so much fun. ... i'm actually reading a really cool script right now" but more focusing on music right now
he has 40-50 new songs from the last year apparently??? Maybe i misunderstood this
album when? "don't know, we'll see" - he has a lot of songs and could drop an album but he wants it to be perfect so it'll be awhile
there will be red light merch this summer
he and edvin hang out sometimes
not doing Rix FM this year
there will not be 12 red light remixes lol "but maybe a few"
Eurovision 2025? "absolutely not. sorry not sorry." something about always being thrown out of the competition
he's stopped drinking coffee regularly and drinks matcha instead
someone suggested hoemars as the fandom name and he laughed lol
a lot is happening in May he says !! "y'all better eat good, sleep well" lolol
he said he might do another live next week once Red Light is out
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amalthiaph · 1 month
✨ EDMON RAMPART (Amalthia's Version) ✨ You know I once swore to never draw him, well that was of course before he got the James Norrington treatment so it's the Alexsandr Kallus Effect for me again. Talk about from fuck this man to I wanna fuck this man.
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Teeny weeny fandom salt and salt in general coming up so if you don't like that, you can go scroll down. There used to be a cut here but I removed it. I will always be polite, but I know WHEN to talk.
From now on, I will be calling my fanart "Amalthia's version". I hope I don't come across as tone deaf or insensitive about this, but I wish I was good at art.
I've seen posts that say "I wish artists would stop drawing [character name] with [this] or [that]" or "stop drawing [character] with [this]". While it's great to hear about your preferences, please bear in mind that at the end of the day, fanart CAN BE an artist's take on a character. For me, THIS is how I draw Edmon Rampart. This is with regard to the art style I developed and the color palette that I constantly use to keep up with my blog's theme.
Another ick is an ongoing issue in the TBB fandom. In my Hunter and Omega art, I did something I don't usually do, which is add a secondary light source. A few minutes after posting, I got an anon telling me to unwhitewash the characters. I immediately messaged one of my friends for their honest opinion and they said I don't whitewash the characters. I went on to the drawing file and tried to study my own drawing and see if I really did whitewashed the characters. Edit: There really are some artists who whitewash the characters and I was trying to do a SELF-CHECK bec maybe I'm one of them.
I found out that the thing that made the difference is the secondary light source that I added. This secondary light source is lighter in color than their skin, and it created the Contrast Effect. Due to the nature of the human eye and visual processing by the brain, there's an optical illusion that the same color will look different depending on the color beside it and/or the background. It's in psychology class, paying attention would help.
In addition to the secondary light, it could also be the brown background color that caused this effect. And before anyone goes, "are you sure?" Yes, I am. I sat with a Psychology major to discuss about this whole Contract Effect thing.
This does not only apply in colors, it could also be to objects, that why they say all things are relative. One thing could appear bigger or smaller depending upon the object beside it. One of the things they 'check' to see if a certain artist whitewashed a character is the size of the nose. Once again, please do apply Contrast Effect. Some artist really draw their characters stick-like so try to compare all the noses they had drawn in their entire lifetimes and maybe, just maybe they did draw the noses wide in comparison to their other artworks, it just looks like that because it's part of their art style.
Edit: Please do try to analyze things first before casting down your judgement.
It's so difficult to be an artist AND IN THIS FANDOM. We never seem to be enough. If we do the character with artistic freedom, you'll say "stop drawing them like that bec they don't have that in the show" and when we try to draw them as close to the show, you'll say "unwhitewash the characters". We are never good enough for you.
So yeah, I wish I was good at this.
Link to the rest of this series:
1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5 || 6 || 7 || 8 || 9 || 10 || 11 || 12 || 13 || 14 || 15
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intimacyequalsdeath · 22 days
Greif (Bo Sinclair x AFAB Reader)
This has been sitting in my drafts for awhile now cause I never felt good enough about it to actually post. I wanted to make a good hurt/comfort but not make it too over the top extreme and I'm really confident in this version of it to finally post it. This is the first time I've posted a heavier fic like this so please head all the trigger warnings I put for this one.
Notes: Minors DNI, This fic is written with an AFAB reader in mind though no specific descriptions are used the pronouns She/her are used in relation to the reader. Trigger warnings: Pregnancy, abortion talk (Briefly). Bo is really mean at least in the start, Hurt/Comfort. Afab reader with she/her pronouns used. Excessive Cursing.
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"If you fuckin' think I'm lettin' you bring a fuckin' baby into this town you're fuckin crazy!"
Bo yelled as he paced around the living room of the main house. You had finally come clean and revealed to him that you were most likely pregnant. He was taking the news about as well as one would expect Bo Sinclair to.
"I didn't ask to get pregnant Bo! Maybe you should've been more careful!"
You screamed right back at him. Bo scoffed at your argument and shook his head, a nasty grin overtaking his face.
"I shoulda never let you fuckin stay here. I told myself the day you rolled into town that you were gonna cause me nothin' but trouble"
"Maybe you should let Vincent make me into one of his wax figures then Bo, or better yet, you can keep me in the basement under the station."
Bo froze at your statement and fixed you with an expression you had never seen grace his face before.
"You better watch your fuckin' mouth if you know what's good for ya"
"Why Bo? You can't handle the truth of what you were doing in that basement before I came along?"
"You have not got a fuckin' clue what you're talkin' about. When what you need to worry about is what your gonna do with bastard you got growin' in there cause it's not gonna have any relation to me"
He spat, motioning to your stomach.
"If you don't wanna keep the baby what do you suppose I do then?"
"I mean hell if I know, I'm sure the pharmacy in the next town over has some pills or somethin' to nip the problem in the bud"
"Y- you'd really want me to go through with that? After everything we've been through together? Are you fucking serious?"
"No darlin' I want you to go all the way over to the next town over and go on a fuckin' shoppin' spree!"
"How could you even suggest something like that Bo? After everything we've been through?"
"A baby ain't nothin' but a liability, a liability ain't a single one of us got time for. 'sides do you really fuckin' think Ambrose is the place to raise a baby?"
"You, Vince and Les grew up here! Plus it's not like you'd let me fuckin' leave and go somewhere else to raise the baby. You'd turn me into a wax figure before that ever happened"
"Exactly, so what happens when that rug rat grows up and starts askin' questions? Askin' shit about what his daddy and uncles do? Askin' about the figures? What the fuck are you gonna do then?"
"You explained what the 3 of you do to me pretty damn near perfect didn't you?"
You countered Bo's argument. You watch his face as another unreadable expression crossed it as he finally sat down in his recliner and put his head in his hands. You sat and watched him in sick curiosity before the overwhelming feeling hit you like a truck.
Bo Sinclair was afraid.
An emotion you quite honestly never thought you'd see Bo experience. Sure Lester had told you stories from when they were kids and scared of their parents, storms or the usual childhood fears. But this was different. Bo wasn't a child and this wasn't a storm that would just pass if he hid under his covers and waited long enough.
You sat looking at a broken son in the body of a man, a son who had never healed from the torture his own parents put him through. The cracks that Bo tried to conceal so well from his own upbringing were crumbling in front of you. The fears coming back to him, his mother's voice echoing in his head that he would just grow up to be like his father.
The fear that it would be twins, like him and Vince and he'd have to watch them be separated and not be able to do a thing for them. Not being able to take them to a hospital just to protect Ambrose and his brothers.
"You're not going to be like them Bo"
You broke the silence with a whisper. You could hear Bo sharply suck in a breath, you were treading on unprecedented territory with Bo. His childhood was just something he didn't talk or think about at all and now it was at the forefront of his thoughts.
"Shut up"
He mumbled back. A usual response for when Bo felt like you were trying to back him into a corner and he was running out of ammo to fight you off.
"You're not going to be like them Bo. You aren't them and you never will be."
You exclaimed louder. Bo threw his hands off his face and stood up so fast the chair tipped on it's back legs. He stood, in front of the chair, just starring at you, breathing heavily as emotions swam through his eyes. You decided to be bold and test the waters, you began to take small steps toward Bo, he wasn't attempting to walk away so you continued this until you were right in front of him.
You said softly as you stood directly in front of him. He finally snapped his eyes down to meet yours.
"Bo, you're going to be better then them. You're going to be a good dad Bo, you've had a first hand experience of what not to be like as a parent, it's going to be rocky sure but-"
"My mama always told me I'd end up being just like daddy, Just a mean son of a bitch who never had anything nice to say to no one."
Bo cut you off, a much softer tone then before when his fear was translating to anger.
"Do you want to be like you dad? Are you gonna hate this baby if it doesn't come out to be what you were expecting?"
Bo look at you as if you had grown three heads.
"Of course not, it's my kid, how could I not love my own flesh and blood."
"If you know that, and aren't planning to emulate your father, then why are you so worried about ending up like him?"
Bo was stunned, no one had ever talked him through his emotions like that.
"T-that was the only image of a father I ever got. I don't know what a good dad is like. I don't know how "normal" kids who parents actually wanted 'em around had it"
You reached down and grabbed his wrist gently. Bringing it up and rubbing your fingers over his scars, the scars that told many glaring stories of what shaped him into the cold man he was today. You were thawing him out though, slowly but surely.
"You'll learn, No ones saying it'll be easy, but you're capable of running this whole town and taking care of the four of us, I'm sure you'll pick up fatherhood just as quick as anything else."
"Well that ain't my only issue with this whole baby thing though"
"What else is wrong then Bo?"
"It's- It's fuckin'" He sighed and ran a hand over his face. "What if it's twins, and their conjoined like- like me and Vince were."
"Oh Bo"
"We ain't got no doctors here, and it's not like we could go stay in another town for the duration of it that would be too risky, god forbid you have complications too. I just- I don't know if I could do that darlin'"
Everything was coming together and your vision on why Bo was so angry was becoming clearer and clearer. Bo wasn't angry at you, he was scared of loosing you. Scared of being alone when he had finally found something he never thought he would ever get to have.
"Bo honey, I know it's scary, but what happened with you and Vince was rare. There's no guarantee that this baby will even be twins. You should've brought this all to me instead of just yelling."
"I know darlin', I should've went about it better. But I guess when you told me you were pregnant I- I got scared. The entire time you've been here I've had these scenarios in my head, worryin' about what would happen"
You were speechless as you watch as he turned away from you and began pacing again, this time without the yelling. The entire time you had known Bo you had never known him to be one to talk about his feelings. "I'm not a fuckin' pussy" He was remark to you when you would ask him what was wrong.
The front door swung open as Vincent returned from the wax museum. Bo stopped as your gazes moved to Vince who was now frozen in the doorway of the living room.
"Am I interrupting something?"
Vincent signed. You looked at him apologetically before flicking your eyes over to Bo to see what he would say.
"Nah Vince it's nothin'. Just uh- She's pregnant is all"
Vincent perked up and his gaze immediately flicked over to you.
He signed, giving off an aura of excitement. You nodded at him and mustered a smile
"I'm gonna be an uncle!. I'll start reading dad's old medical books and learn things to help with the delivery"
"Now Vince we ain't even-"
"I know he had an entire book about it, I'll start getting set up for prenatal appointments too. Maybe we could even go to the next town over for checkups and stuff, we'll need stuff for the baby too"
Vincent kept rambling in sign, something he did often. You couldn't help but laugh at his childlike wonder at the prospect of being an uncle. You looked over to Bo, who was noticeably less tense as he watched his twin's excitement over the new member of the family.
"Vince chill out for a sec, having this baby is so risky. What if it's twin and they come out like us? You're gonna separate 'em?"
"Well all things considered, the pregnancy only has a one in 250 chance of becoming a twin pregnancy. Plus we're identical twins, only fraternal ones run in families which means two separate eggs would have to be fertilized instead of the egg splitting."
Bo and you look at Vincent in dumbfounded shock as he signed the information as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"Where the hell did ya learn all that?"
Bo asked still in shock as he looked at his brother as if he had grown another head.
"In dad's old medical books" Vincent shrugged "I'll leave you two alone now though, I should go get researching"
Vincent signed in reply before turning and heading upstairs to his bedroom. When you heard Vincent's bedroom door close you turned back to look at Bo who was already looking at you when your eyes met his. A lighter mood fell over the living room and smile at him.
"A one in 250 chance huh?"
"Yeah, I reckon so"
"You wanna take that chance daddy?"
All the emotions of the night wash over Bo's face as he thinks for a moment then answers.
"If you think it's a good idea, can't really argue with facts I suppose. But there's gonna be rules."
With that Bo is back, the rule making irritable Bo you fell in love with when you rolled into the gas station all those years ago.
"What rules are we talkin' about?"
"For starters your gonna take it easy, when someone comes into town your gonna stay here at the house and out of sight. No heavy lifting, no helping Vincent anymore, no walk-"
"Bo, Just wrap me in bubble wrap then yeah?"
"I mean I could go to the next town over and find somethin-"
"I was joking Bo, You're not wrapping me in a protective layer"
"I can if I want too"
He mumbled under his breath. I bit back a laugh and rolled my eyes.
"Whatever you say Bo"
"Hey I run this town-"
Bo begins the spiel you've heard about 20,000 times since you began living here as you walk into the kitchen, the cravings starting to take over, as he follows you to explain how he runs the town and how what he says goes and if he has to make more rules to keep you he will.
As you stand in the kitchen, eating your snack and listening to Bo's spiel. Something deep down inside you, lets a feeling wash over you that maybe just maybe, everything will be just fine.
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The one thing that everyone seems to know about Eddie Munson is that when he's not out touring the world with his band, Corroded Coffin, he makes a point to be as invisible as possible in order to spend time at home with his family. Eddie, along with his wife Chrissy of seven years and their two young children, graciously invited Vogue into their Hollywood Hills home that's about as secluded as you can get while still having that coveted Los Angeles zip code.
Vogue: I have to admit, given what I've seen of Corroded Coffin on stage, I think I expected your home to reflect a bit more of that personality.
Eddie Munson: [laughs] You can thank Chrissy for that. She's the brains behind this whole operation, I just do what she tells me.
So there's no hidden dungeon in the basement?
Hate to burst your bubble, but nope. I've been trying to get a sacrificial altar for the backyard, but I haven't found one I liked yet.
[laughs] I'm kidding. But I had you going, right?
You really did. But that's what you've always done, right? Leaned into the mania of Satanic Panic and made it work for you?
Yeah, I guess so. I mean, people are gonna believe whatever they wanna believe anyway so I might as well give 'em what they want, right? Plus, [laughs] it's a hell of a lot of fun.
What's it like having that devil-worshipper stage persona with two young kids at home? Do either of your kids know what their dad does for a living?
Oh, yeah. They [redacted] love it. Wait, can I say [redacted]?
We can't print it, but you can say it.
[Redacted] yeah. Our little one doesn't really get the whole stage thing yet, but she sure looks cute in those big-ass headphones.
And your other daughter?
Oh, if she could be on stage with me every night, she would be. On our last tour, we had this gimmick where Gareth rigged a bunch of blood packs to his drums to explode during the encore and she thought it was the coolest [redacted] thing in the world. He even offered to let her do it when we were in rehearsals!
And did she?
From the look on your face, I'm guessing she did.
[laughs] Don't tell Chrissy.
Scout's honor. Until this article comes out, anyway.
[Redacted]. Is it too late to say off the record?
Way too late.
[Redacted]. Oh well. Worth it. She had the biggest [redacted] grin on her face when she was covered in fake blood, it was priceless.
Seems like you might be raising a mini version of yourself. Would you support your kids following in your footsteps and joining the music industry?
[Editor's note: At this point in the interview, the eldest Munson child came running out of the back door and pounced on her father, who took it in stride and continued answering questions as though he didn't have a six-year-old hanging over his shoulder.]
I mean, if that's what they wanna do, then hell yeah.
[gasps] Daddy said a bad word!
Daddy did not, Daddy said hell.
Mommy said hell's a bad word.
Mommy also said you were supposed to stay inside, didn't she?
Pip was crying. She misses you.
Do you need a moment?
[laughs] Believe me, if I took a moment for every time I wanted to be with my kids, I'd never get anything done.
Because you love us so much?
How much?
To the moon and back.
That's a lot!
Sure is, kiddo. Now shush and let the nice lady ask her questions.
Ooh, ask me! Ask me! I got lots of stories.
If you don't mind?
It's your funeral. [laughs] She'll talk your ear off if you let her.
What do you think about your dad being a rockstar?
[shrugs] It's okay.
Wow, thanks for the endorsement, kid. You heard it here first: being a rockstar is just okay.
Would you rather he had another job?
[shrugs] What other job?
I dunno. Playing music's the only thing I've ever been good at.
Nuh-uh! Daddy's good at lots of things.
Like what?
Telling stories. Playing with me. One time, he built me a big castle out of pillows and chairs and blankets and we played in it all day 'til Mommy said it was time for dinner. And then we all went to bed in it. Like camping!
Camping? When did you go camping?
Mommy let us sleep outside and said it was like camping. It was when you were gone. I don't like when you're gone. It makes Mommy sad. And then I'm sad. And Pip's sad. You're not going away again, are you?
No, baby. I'm staying right here with you.
Good. [to Vogue] Do you wanna see what Daddy brought home for me last time he went away?
I'd love to.
[Editor's note: just as quickly as she came, Munson's daughter ran off to go fetch the present from inside the house.]
Do you need a minute?
Nah. It just… [sighs] never gets easier, you know? Hearing how much they miss me when I'm gone. I miss them all the [redacted] time.
I'm not surprised. Just from the last five minutes, I can see how much she adores you and I can't imagine what it's like to leave that behind, even when it's to go on a worldwide tour.
It's tough. I love my job, don't get me wrong. It's what's given us this house, all the [redacted] that the girls need, anything they could ever want, but… [shrugs] I dunno. Sometimes giving it all up doesn't sound half as hard as leaving them is. Maybe that's just me being ungrateful.
I don't think so. I think it means you're human. Stuck between a rock and a hard place, you know? Torn between two worlds.
[laughs] Now there's an idea for an album. The dichotomy of being a rockstar and a father.
I'd listen to it.
Hell, so would I.
(might continue this with a lil follow-up fic of chrissy and eddie reading the interview before it goes to print... thoughts? 👀)
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 8 months
Eddie's Version. Part two 💕💕
Will be breaking this up into two parts, purely because I love the drama and wanna make Eddie suffer a lil bit ;)
Warnings: Angst, Eddie is painfully slow at realising his feelings. Wayne makes an appearance. Jealousy.
Don't copy, reuse or repost my work.
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Eddie felt like an idiot. He couldnt believe the stupid shit he said to you. Him and Chrissy had gotten into another fight because he's been so fucking pissed off.
Pissed off at himself for what he said to you.
He doesn't understand what's wrong with him? Ever since he saw you with Steve, picturing you sleeping with him it's like there's some fucking monster inside of him.
"What does it matter to you who she sleeps with Eddie?" Chrissy had asked him after he had told her about your fight.
There was no answer he could come up with, Dustin told him point blank that he was a total douchebag.
"Dude, you do realise that you sound jealous right?" the little butthead told him like it was so obvious.
There was no way he was jealous. He was with Chrissy. He proclaimed that he wasn't and Dustin just rolled his eyes and shook his head.
"Eddie, Steve told me what happened. It's like you've deemed him a threat because he's been with yn and you hate it"
Once again Eddie had no reply for that and decided to throw himself into apologising to you.
The next day he's at your door, nervous and kicking himself for being a douchebag. What if you didn't forgive him? You had evert right to tell him to fuck off.
Eddie hated the thought of you not being in his life, he adored you and needed to show you how much you meant to him.
You were beautiful to him, he hated that he made you feel so low, what the hell was he thinking? (He wasn't that was the point)
You open the door and look like you want to slam it in his face.
"I'm sorry, I'm so fucking sorry. I was a dickhead and I understand if you don't want to talk to me but I just had to tell you that"
The anger subsides from your features and you soften just a fraction.
"What you said really hurt" he swallows and you let him inside.
"I don't have any excuse princess. Just that I'm so very sorry, you're beautiful, the sweetest person I've ever met and I hate myself for hurting you"
He's barely slept and he's so tired but he had to see you.
"Just no more stupid shit Eddie please. I'm confused enough about this stuff with Steve as it is" he ignores the twinge in his chest at this.
"Do you like him?" he asks quietly and you sigh.
"He's my friend Eddie, hes a great guy. There's this spark between us but it's just physical because he still loves Nancy and I love... You freeze and trail off.
"You're in love with someone?" It's like his stomach bottoms out as he hears this and he fights to keep his tone casual.
"It doesn't matter. He doesn't feel the same way" You blurt out and frowns.
"Well then he's an idiot" he tells you gently and you look away flustered, the tension in the room ratcheting up.
"I'm making pizza. Wanna join me?" you ask and he jumps at the offer. Anything to get away from these thoughts racing through his mind.
You wish you hadn't come to this stupid party, Eddie was still acting a little weird and you had no idea what was going on in his head. Things were better than they were but still nowhere near what you two were usually like.
Yeah he had apologised profusely for what he said but what the hell was his deal with Steve in the first place? You were not here for it and wouldn't hesitate in calling him out.
Speaking of Steve you wish he was here. At least you would have someone to talk to, Chrissy had Eddie attached to her and you could barely get near him.
When you did see him for a few seconds here and there conversation was stilted.
To your delight Steve and Robin do show up to the party and that helps you relax.
"Who the fuck thought having a party in the woods was a good idea? After all the shit thats happened here?" Steve asks unamused.
You grin agreeing with him and hand out beers for him and Robin.
The sparks between you two were still there but he was right, he was still hung up on Nancy and you were hung up on Eddie.
If it happened again then it was strictly physical and nothing more.
Eddie meets your gaze and downs his drink, his eyes trailing over to Steve then you, he grabs another beer and stalks off and you groan.
What was his problem now? You attempt to follow him and get about half way there when you see Chrissy already by his side and tucked under his arm.
It feels like you've been sucker punched in the gut and you turn away. Unfortunately, Jason Carver is right beside you.
Fuck, you should have went home when you had the chance. He's drunk as hell and way too close to you for comfort.
"God it makes me sick watching Chrissy with that freak" He's unsteady on his feet and you cringe as you smell the alcohol on his breath.
"Don't call him that" you snap at him in no mood for his pity party and him being a shit about Eddie.
"Don't know why you aren't more upset though. Aren't you like in love with Munson or something?" this stops you in your tracks and you stare at Jason. How does he know that?
"I don't... I'm not" Jason cuts off your response and snorts.
"Babe come on? It's obvious. He's hardly going to look your way when he has Chrissy is he?" the way he says this so casually and cruel, it hurts like a bitch.
"Gee thanks" he misses your sarcastic tone and moves closer to you. He's so close you can barely move away. What the fuck?
"Hey, maybe we should hook up. That would show them" You gape at him and move away.
"No fucking way" your reaction causes you to sneer at him and he snorts at you.
"Whatever, doesn't stop the fact that you're never going to be Munson's type and you know it"
Jason walks away but the words linger in your mind, you hurry away having enough of this party.
Steve is at your side straight away, he notices your tears and nods over to Robin.
"What's wrong?" you shake your head and wipe the tears away.
"Nothing, just Jason being a dick" Robin joins you and Steve.
"Yeah, I'm thinking a movie night sounds good about now don't you?" she suggests and you nod in relief.
"Sounds perfect"
Before you leave Eddie jogs up to you looking concerned.
"What's wrong? You're leaving already?" he stiffens as he notices your tears and gently wipes them away. The gesture is sweet and it makes your skin tingle.
"Fine, I'm fine. Just Jason being his usual self. Gonna call it a night" he looks disappointed but nods.
"Kay, I'll come see you tomorrow?" you nod and walk, away, chancing a look back at Eddie who watching you go.
Eddie finds himself driving to your house after the party, he doesn't know if your parents are home so he decided to do his usual routine of greeting you at your bedroom window.
It takes a minute for him to climb up onto the roof. He's about to knock when he hears you giggle and moan.
His blood runs cold and he scrambles away from your window. He nearly falls on his ass as he gets down and ends up kicking over your trashcan.
"Shit" he swears and makes attempts to make a hasty exit but you must have heard him because a minute later your at the door.
"Eddie?" you stand at the doorway in a hastily thrown on robe and his stomach sinks at the sight.
"Are you okay? After earlier?" you ask him concerned and motion him to come in.
He does, his eyes linger on Steve's jacket and his jaw tightens.
"Steve's here" he comments and you can't figure out his tone.
"Yeah, we're friends. What is your problem with him right now? You've been getting on great the last few months"
He stubbornly looks away.
"Friends who've sleep together" he murmurs and you grow impatient.
"Why are you so fixated on that? Do you want the details? How many times he's made me fucking come? How good it feels" you snap.
It's like he comes undone at that point. His expression darkens, his eyes almost black and your body reacts to the sight, it's hot and you're pissed at yourself for thinking this because you're furious with Eddie.
"You know what? Fuck you Eddie. Come back and see me when you have a better attitude" you walk away from him and he gently grabs your arm.
"What?!'' he gazes at your for a second, his eyes trail down to your lips and you freeze.
The air is heavy with tension and he licks his lips, eyes flicking back to your gaze.
He comes to and backs away then he's out the door leaving you in shock. You make your way back upstairs and find Steve at the top of the stairs shaking his head.
"I don't know what his deal is" You reply helplessly and Steve softens.
"He does. He just wont admit it sweetheart. Come on, let's watch a film yeah? Not really in the mood anymore" You agree and follow Steve downstairs.
Eddie slams the door to his bedroom shut, his heart is racing and all he can think is what you said about Steve.
Images of you with him race through his mind and he the pain in his heart triples at the thought of you and Steve together.
Steve making you come over and over again, those moans, you writhing under Steve and saying his name. He can't stand the thought of you with Steve.
He lets out a yell of annoyance and slumps on the bed. What the hell was wrong with him. He hated this.
Uncle Wayne comes into his room and sighs, looking to the door then Eddie.
"Thought you were out tonight boy? You have another fight with Chrissy?" he nods his head and Wayne sits beside him.
"You ever wonder if she's really the girl for you?" he stares at his uncle. Really thinks on the question and struggles to answer.
He hadn't been happy for a while now.
"I don't know anymore. Things have been tense for a long time and then there's yn"
Wayne knows something is going on with you and Eddie right now but he isn't privy to all the details. Naturally he's curious because the two of you are very close.
"What's happening with you two. You not hanging out tonight" Eddie slumps back on the bed and shakes his head.
"She's with Steve" he scowls and Wayne raises his eyebrow.
"Harrington? Those two are together now?" Eddie nods tightly.
"More casual. Of course she would want someone like Steve. He's rich and goodlooking, all the chicks dig him. I get it but I still think of her with him and I don't like it, I've said stupid shit" he swears.
Wayne smiles and realises what's up with his nephew.
"Give yourself a break son. We all do stupid shit when we're in love" he pats Eddie's arm and Eddie jolts up staring after his uncle.
Wayne thought he was in love with you but that was totally fucking impossible right?
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boyfietxts · 9 months
txt when their s/o loves another group!
a/n: Poor boys would be so jelly but they all show it very differently so let's see what that looks like! I hope you enjoy it!!!
song rec: tefutefu - Plastic Tree (I've been super into jrock/vkei recently so if you like those genres, this song is perfect for you!)
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SO JELLY OMG but also excited because he knows them personally. one day, when picking you up for a date, he spotted a changbin photocard on the back of your phone you had forgotten to remove and he gasps. "yeonjun whats wrong?!?!!" "oh nothing. i just saw a picture of my buddy on your phone case!" you almost beat him up because he scared you! once he starts to introduce you to his friends and his band, he introduces you and stray kids, changbin specifically. you two click and actually become friends, teasing yeonjun all the time! he lowkey regrets his decision.
so supportive! goes at concerts with you all the time because he see's it as really good bonding time with his lovely girlfriend. once it got out that you were a huge twice fan, he was immediately seeing what he could do to organize a meet up. he makes sure you get to see all their shows and he likes to celebrate their new releases with you! twice release party at the choi residence! he loves collecting albums with you but anytime there's a twice release, you two buy all the versions of the album and get your hands on all the inclusions and photocards. there is a whole book shelf in your apartment dedicated to twice.
JEALOUSY IS AN ILLNESS, BEOMGYU! GET OVER IT! homeboy is heartbroken when you tell him how excited you were to go to the next ateez concert. "why!? why do you wanna go see them? they're good but I'm better!" "beomgyu! I'm not gonna not go! don't be so jelly" "can I at least go and witness the moment my gf get's stolen away by a stylish pirate?" at this point, who wouldn't roll their eyes at him? he loves seeing you excited for a concert and is just trying to tease you. he knows you like him. he always randomly comes home with albums and stuff and tells you he found it laying around in the building or that one of the boys sent it to you (obvi not true! he just doesn't want to admit that he's cool with it)
straight up rolls his eyes at you when you tell him the big news about you getting VIP tickets to the next enhyphen concert. "They're cute but I didn't think you would like them that much." he secretly finds it so cute that you're such a big fan of his labelmates and organizes a meeting with them for you. The Best Boyfriend Ever award goes to kang taehyun! he just wants to give you whatever he can, even if he is jealous that you're constantly blasting 20 cube in the car when going somewhere.
heuning kai
honestly, he's not even jealous at all when he hears about you going to bunnies camp! he wants to go with you actually and arranges for you to be seated together. he totally supports you stanning new jeans and is actually a bit of a fan himself. he's also one that organizes for you to meet the girls and it's super cute! he's like a proud big brother and he loved seeing you interact with them. he get's you all the merch they put out and he contributes to the collaborative collection of albums you two have! absolute cutie.
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sinorim-pisani · 6 months
tl;dr The Danny Phantom fandom is just obsessed with Found Family and I FALL FOR IT EVERY TIME
Hear me out, people, hear me out......
that's it that's the post.
jk jk that is absolutely not the post, because I have SO MANY THOUGHTS ABOUT FRAIDS. Danny Phantom lore at it's FINEST.
Strap in folks, it's about time for another (weirdly long??) DP word blast!
Now this could be the "found family trope" lover in me, but I freaking love the possibilities that exist when it comes to the concept of a ghost fraid. What I've read in fics is just *chef's kiss*. We have the mental links, the ectoplasm based threads that bind everyone together, the found family idea of course, and pleeeeenty of angst potential. But I wanna talk about the nitty gritty details.
What is a Fraid, if not a subconsciously and artificially created link based on a ghost's heightened feelings of attachment, or ownership? Bear with me, I can explain; we'll use Danny and his Fraid as an example here. Typically, when introducing the idea that Danny is connected to his friends and Jazz and Dani via the concept of a "Fraid", fic authors use the image of threads created with ectoplasm to tell the reader that the group is connected together on a higher level. These threads are often a result of Danny unknowingly marking his people as his, and thereby telling the ghost world that messing with these people means messing with Phantom himself. To me, this sounds a lot like Danny is essentially layering his own ectoplasm onto his group so frequently, intensely, and even intently (despite his continued ignorance to what his ghostly side is doing), that his resulting Fraid essentially becomes a part of himself. The ectoplasmic threads are then a physical manifestation of Danny's ectoplasm as it exists in his friends.
But if this is the case, could a Fraid ever be created intentionally?
Let's lay out the apparent requirements to create a Fraid, based on the proposed example above. I'm postulating that, to create a Fraid, the ghost needs to 1) spend a sizable portion of time around the future fraid members, 2) feel strong feelings of possession, protection, obligation, or what have you, 3) maintain a large amount of affection for their persisted presence, and 4) feel safe enough around them to allow their ectoplasm to manifest like an aura, rather than keep it tightly inside and controlled. In Danny's case, all of these conditions are met by Sam, Tucker, Jazz, and Dani, and they are typically the ones you see being placed in Danny's Fraid. His parents aren't on that list, as they fail to meet condition 4, and possibly even condition 3 (which is not to say Danny doesn't feel affection towards his parents. He definitely loves them, but does he love them consistently, constantly, and in the same way as he does his friends?). While Danny is constantly choosing his friends (he chooses them day in, day out, after Sam convinces him to walk to his death, after Tucker makes a decision out of intense jealousy, after Dani hunts him, Danny is still choosing them), he isn't constantly choosing how he feels in their presence. That would be hard for anyone to do, let alone creatures whose entire being revolves around their emotional volatility. The idea of intentionally creating a Fraid is ruled out, based on the idea that, even for beings that run off emotional cognizance, feelings as vulnerable as those required for the process are difficult to create and maintain consciously.
Now how does Fraid creation actually work?
The way I've described it above, I'm going to claim that a Fraid is essentially the ghost version of a horcrux. Instead of the soul going into an object, the ghost is exposing other ghosts (or people, in Danny's case) to intense amounts of their ectoplasm (which could be argued to be their soul given form, I guess?) and the ectoplasm is then settling inside the other party, being absorbed into their core, or skin, and cementing that individual as a part of the ghost creating the Fraid. Since this kind of ectoplasm is primarily that of the ghost, it will invariably have ties to the emotions that ghost is experiencing, hence the idea mentioned above that there needs to be a prolonged feeling of relaxation and safety about the creatures in the pre-formed Fraid. This being the case, I like to think about how Fraids might function when they're made of other ghosts too, and whether or not those secondary ghosts can basically form a layer of Fraids (like one web of ectoplasm built on another web and on another etc with different ghosts being the center point....does that make sense?). Would a Fraid with mostly ghosts develop it's own impression of a core? Is there a threshold of ectoplasm needed to develop a power level in this case? That's some juicy theory building right there.
When Danny's Fraid comes onto the scene, it gets a bit wonky.
Most of the time, his Fraid is made up of two (or three if you're counting Dan) ghosts and three (sometimes liminal sometimes not) humans, and there's almost of bit of a power imbalance. I would say that both Danny and Dani end up establishing this group of people as their individual Fraids, but how do the three humans influence the ectoplasm connection? And how does the fact that Danny and Dani virtually share an ectoplasm signature influence it? (this isn't to say that they share a core or are the same people, I am a firm lover of ice core danny and water core dani, but Dani is a clone and a product of Danny's ectoplasm....do you think they have the same signature, or would Dani develop her own signature?)
Connecting this to my first question above (is a Fraid a product of a ghost's feelings of "ownership" or "possession"): if you like your humans liminal like I do, I'm going to take a chance and say that Sam, Tucker, and Jazz have developed juuuust enough of a ghost core or an ecto signature for the Fraid threads to stick to them, and that ghosts probably wouldn't be able to draw regular, non-liminal humans into their Fraid unbeknownst to them. Due to this, I believe the humans would be able to reflect the ectoplasm back to Danny, creating a stable loop that allows for the continuance of the Fraid connection. I don't necessarily think this alone would allow for a strong connection - they're human, however liminal they might be, and liminal humans don't have the same ectoplasm reserves as a ghost, nor do they have the amount of "soul-like" ectoplasm needed to cement themselves inside the other parties like Danny could ( remember the horcrux analogy?). But! But but but! If Danny and Dani share an ectoplasm signature, and a Fraid is essentially an emotional feedback loop given substance, then you have two times the ectoplasm signature being run through and reflected back to each of the Fraid members, essentially....eliminating the original weakness of their connection?? And therefore you end up with a fully formed and healthy Fraid system?? I think that's pretty neat, right?
Idk dude, is this too long? Is there a limit to how much I can talk about this? I don't think there is.
for the sake of digestibility I'm going to DEFINITELY be writing a part 2 for this!!
But think about these questions in the meantime, if you want:
Would a ghost that isn't the Fraid's formation point be able to reject or leave the Fraid system? How?
What would happen to the Fraid "head" so to speak, if their Fraid threads were severed or rejected, based on the theory that it's essentially a part of themselves implanted in another creature?
Are potential Fraid members aware of what's happening when a Fraid is in its preliminary stages?
Could Fraids be rare?
Am I projecting my feelings of isolation onto a cool kid's show?? Who knows! I feel a fanfic idea coming tho....
Part 2 coming soon!
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