#Husband wife poetry
hamsafarshayari · 3 months
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thestreamweaver · 1 month
"I'm no poet." He'd say, but then he'd say something that would prove the statement a lie... like one of the times he told Ororo how he truly not only loved, but needed her...
Currently, he'd been refraining from sex with her for their time there because of something she'd told him a week before...
Last week:
"What?!!" He asked, shocked at what she'd just accused him of. How could she say that to him. Of course, he loved it when they were intimate with each other, no one in their right mind would blame him. But to say that was his only reason for wanting to be with her... had all her sense left her?
"How can you say that!!?" He shot back at her, she bore into him with deep blue, passionate eyes. They radiated an agony of a silent cry that often only he would listen to... they'd always had a communication... a knowing. Like when she was trying to tell him something, sometimes he just knew, and it was the same from him to her... but this wasn't about that... this was something else, something that weighed heavily on her heart. It had been cutting her open for a while now, and he didn't see it.
How he could see some things but not others was baffling to her. She didn't know how he did it. Did he have another power that they didn't know about of avoidance, or dullness, she was glad he wasn't telepathic because of he was she was sure he'd be hurt by her train of thought.
"Every time we're together like this you always want to end the night with sex. Do you never think of me??"
"Of course I think of you! I thought you liked it. Didn't you enjoy it to?"
"Not as much when it's a long day, I want to see the man that I thought loved me, but it seems like he only loves my body anymore, and not the woman inside..."
"Ro... That's not true!!" He spat appalled at what he was hearing.
"What about Guatemala... I was injured and when I got out all you cared about was how good of a fuck you got that night. You never cared to hold me like I needed... the same thing happened in Argentina. You came to my aid, but never cared to ask me if I was alright, how I felt, if I was in the right mood... you just took what you wanted and left. As is usual for you, Wolverine."
His heart sunk. It was true... he'd taken what he wanted, not paying much attention to her that night. He knew she was ok. That was all that mattered. She was whole and healthy and sexy as ever... but he'd forgotten... before Ororo, it had been so long since he'd been with s woman actually romantically where he cared about her rather than just her body...
"I had needs those times Ororo!"
"So did I!!"
The two lovers stood there on opposite sides of the room, as if challenging the other to take a step closer. Ororo was tired of the feeling, she was tired of the back and forth, she was tired of him not listening... she turned, grabbed her sweater and walked toward the door, huffing out a breath.
"Whatcha gonna do, Ro?"
"I have better things to do than stand here and try to get a hunk of cured metal to hear my pain."
"Oh sure, storm off like you always do!!"
He had reasons for what he did... everything about him was intensified, his pain, his love, his senses, his aggression, his libido... especially when it came to her, she was the only woman that he knew awoke every single part of his being and held it in her hand as if it was the post delicate thing in existence... as if he was the most precious creature to walk the earth. It did things to him that he didn't know were possible...
She'd calm down soon, he knew she would, she always did. It was something that she had to do in general, any time she was upset. He knew she'd come back to him sooner or later...
4:00 AM:
His eyes shot open from their closed position, where did that thought come from?? It was true, but something about it... messed with him... she was avoiding him... she'd get over it, but something still didn't feel right
He woke to a semi truck honk, right below his window. He would've been mad, but he was confused... the dreams he'd had that night were strange, they left him feeling insecure about some things... one thing in particular... he looked over to the other side of the bed, it was still empty. What was his Ro doing out still?? No big deal, she was a fully grown woman who cutoff do as she wished... she wasn't his responsibility.
It was his protective instincts. They insisted on battering him. He had taken Ororo to be his, and the beast he had inside wouldn't let him rest until it knew its mate was safe and accounted for. So he got up, going into several places, until he found a small bar just far enough away from him to make her comfortable.
He brought her back, they settled into the bed, not talking, or even really making any contact, he got into his side, and she into hers and they drifted off.
That had been several nights ago... this was Thursday, it was almost time for them to leave the city and go back to the mansion. He had somehow gotten from point A, not understanding what she meant or why she was so adamant about it to point B, trying to see it from her perspective... why? Because he couldn't bear the thought of losing her...
It tore his heart from his chest, the air from his lungs, thinking about her walking away from him like she had that night, and into another man's arms... she'd done that twice. It hadn't ended well for either one of them except for them finding each other again... but a third time might not have the same results.
He had to do something besides what he'd been doing, he had to make sure she knew everything, and quick.
There was nothing like a sunset or a sunrise. For her, tonight, it was a sunset... one of the most vibrant she'd seen in a while. It reminded her of her home in Africa, Cairo, Kenya, Tanzania, Wakanda... she thought of how much she missed that land, her home land. Maybe she should go there again and soon. It didn't do much when she felt the presence of her companion there beside her. She glanced at him from the corner of her eye and then back at the sunset. Unbothered.
He prayed for this to go well he'd been silently praying all day for this to go well... even unknowingly reaching to ears on high begging for resolve in this issue between them. They stood side by side, not saying anything, just looking out and enjoying the beauty. The only thing not out of place in the moment was something cute and harmless...
"A Buffalo." His gruff voice rumbled mellowly, she looked at him confused, not sure what he meant, until he pointed. Then she caught his meaning.
"Yes, and there's a frog." He smirked seeing the clouds she was referring to.
"That's a muffin." He pointed to the top of one of the buildings. It seemed so cute to be almost placed on top of it perfectly.
"Beasts?" She asked, his squinted and shook his head.
"Nah, Kitten's." She chuckled.
"It does seem to be more her style."
"There's the state of Idaho." She added seeing the shape in the clouds.
"Ever been there?" He asked, looking over to her.
"No, I have not."
"It's note a bad place, I'll take ya there some time." She smiled to him gently.
"See that big one?" He asked, pointing straight out into the horizon."
"Which one?"
"That one." He said expectantly.
"The tree?" She asked, thinking she'd found what he was eluding to.
"No, below it."
"Where?" She scanned the sky for what he was talking about.
"It's you!" He said happily, at this she frowned, not able to find it.
"What are you talking about?" He got behind her and lifted her hand with his aligning them so they were both looking and pointing at the same thing. Seeing what he was pointing to, her expression softened and sobered all in one...
"Logan, I am not that grand." She stated turning her face slightly to look at his that was still beside hers inches away. He lowered his hand to her waist, moving it as to turn her toward him. Only when the two faced each other did he speak.
"There has never been, nor will there ever be a sunset that can compare with you, my princess." He watched her eyes and face change with his words as they landed fully on her heart and soul.
"Logan, I..."
"Ororo, I'm no good with words, darlin... but when I see ya, I can't help but think the sunset gets jealous every now and then." He paused for what he was about to say next.
"I know I've been hard for you to take this last while, but I need you to know... you're my sunrise, my sunset, I wake up feeling I can live because I have ya with me, by my side. I'm sorry I haven't been as attentive to ya as ya needed me ta be. I'll do better, starting now."
She didn't know how to take his blunt honesty... she felt a little pathetic in times like these... here, the one man who was more aggressive and unappealing than most anyone she knew had poured his heart out to her and here she was acting like an inexperienced teenage girl with her first ever boyfriend who'd just told her up front that he liked her.
She turned to him smiling, her smile lit up his insides, his whole world got brighter when she smiled at him like that. She pulled him into her arms embracing him fully.
"Oh, my love. You will never know how dear you are to me, will you?" She looked him in the eyes, that message sending and receiving from and to both parties as they usually did in times like this.
He pulled her in kissing her deeply, not in a sensual way this time, but in a way that held much more significance and s deeper meaning to her...
He did need her, every last part of her just as she needed him, and they wouldn't have it any other way.
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sachaabadeer11 · 1 month
It’s an extraordinary thing to meet someone who can bear your soul to, who will accept you for what you are. I’ve been waiting for what seems like a very long time to get beyond what I am, and with A, I feel like I can finally begin. So, to the most amazing person I know, my handsome husband, A. No measure of time with you will be long enough, but let’s start with forever.❤️
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lacystar · 10 months
I missed amongus server drama? 🥲
Qwerty no amount of update accounts could describe what happened
#don’t stop the party#his ass did not get hired NDA loving wife potato farm swag priest I’ll use him later the interview cyrus copper house Cyrus farm underside#the village armor spells out chef well he underwater mines tools named after master chef winners red light district what amendment is the ri#ght ti remain silent THEYRE fuckinng at the red light district all the time clings reciting poetry maybe if I finish his gift he’ll like me#when is the divorce is clings socks son because he’s mixed who is the father church so trinkets the pope then is it priest or pastor I’m not#calling him father cyrus how are you doing Cyrus I’m feeling swaggy bedrock minecraft isn’t on mac Nintendo online is $20 a year you did#lore and you’re not even on our server can I get the family tree when will my husband return from the war cyrus has the nda why are you at#the red light district trinket crying laughing#I’m gonna listen to YCGMA is your husband faithful oh well he works csn cyrus deafen the king solomon baby story recited from a techno quote#in a Cyrus fic please areus don’t tell you know clings I just want my family to be okay you don’t know what this would do to him please#he doesn’t even have a priest outfit you are not allowed to build in swag nation afyer some debate the council has considered you for the#job of pastor so how are Andy and clings related#cyrus gets tagged 5 times consecutively on a burger post. clings is in the backrooms. it’s jover.#amogus server#asks#qwerty
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flowersandfashion · 12 days
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In Memoriam A.H.H. [V] by Alfred Tennyson
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myname-isnia · 2 months
Ever since I first read Eugene Onegin two years ago, and even more now that I had to reread it for school recently, I've been saying that I've never related to a fictional character more than I relate to Tatyana Larina (not counting my own characters, that is, as they are intentional projections). Particularly the verses about Tatyana's childhood hit very close to home. I've been wanting to talk about it for a while but couldn't find a translation of the book that I liked. So, instead of sleeping, I spent 2 hours absolutely torturing my own brain by coming up with my own translation and I'm way too proud not to share.
Eugene Onegin, chapter 2, verses 25, 26 and 27, translated with the original temp and rhyming scheme intact, by yours truly <3
And so, her sister's named Tatyana.
She seldom catches someone's gaze,
Lacks Olga's beauty, lacks her glamour,
The pink-cheeked freshness of her face.
She's almost feral, quiet with woe,
So quick to startle, like a doe.
And even in her family home
She seemed a child not quite their own.
She hardly ever showed affection,
Both mom and dad would often say.
By window she would spend her day
Alone but for her own reflection,
She judged the children running wild,
Though she herself was still a child.
Imagination was her close friend
From infancy. As village days
Kept dragging on without an end,
She'd get lost in her fantasies.
Needle and thread she too avoided,
Fabric was never once embroidered
By her unblemished fingers, for
She found needlework a bore.
An average girl would take her doll,
Sit down with it and start to talk,
Prepare it for the time to walk
Into an upper class grand ball –
To silent dolls during these sessions
Young girls repeat their mothers' lessons.
Tatyana never had discussions
With dolls, nor did she play with them;
She never told them of the fashions,
Of city news, and even then
Of toys and games she was quite wary,
She'd rather read of something scary.
In winters, in the dead of night,
Her heart learned how to take a fright.
When for young Olga their old nanny
Would gather up the neighbours' kids
To run and play out in the fields,
Tatyana would act most uncanny:
She never played or ran around,
And found their laughter far too loud.
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thecoreofanjali · 1 year
Generational curse Love
My success is your success,
You're my husband and I'm your wife
Your success is my success,
As we chose to share this life.
When you're down and empty,
I promise to fill you up,
And when I have nothing left to give,
I know you'll fill my cup.
Taking life lessons and growth,
As we learn individually,
Sharing our joy and pain,
As we ascend spiritually.
Holding hands on this road,
That we chose to walk together,
Dedicating to one another,
That we'll stay true to 'forever.'
And as time unfolds,
Our connection grows,
Love immersed on an incline,
Ready for whatever life throws.
And though some days are tough,
We choose to humble the ego self,
We choose to live in understanding,
Embracing every feel to be felt.
And everyday we each feel lucky,
To be able to assist one another,
In this schooling of the soul,
And grow as friends and lovers.
Renewed cycles,
Nature connected,
Let our love be that,
Of which generations are affected
As they, Live. in Our. Love.
Because it, Heals.
- Anjali.H -
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Found this rant in my notes and I think I was correct even though I was probably in a rage induced fugue state when I wrote it
‘You have no fucking clue how much I despise when every character in fics gets to be nuanced except gamzee who gets called disgusting and written like he’s 20 years older than the other characters and is a predator fuck that shit or at least start tagging your fics I hate gamzee and take everything AH says as gospel and it shows really obviously. I just wanna read a fucking fic were gamzee is in the background and not being constantly shat on if I wanted to read the epilogues I’d read the fucking epilogues’ ~caliborn to the note app on his phone at some point
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angrywifelife · 6 months
Protection From Myself
I keep hoping you’ll be the type of man to protect me.
Not just with your ideas but protection sometimes from myself.
Myself when I drink too much with a cup of water.
Myself when I was too busy to eat with a meal.
Myself when I’m too high to stop other men from fucking without a condom.
Myself when I’m insecure and need reassurance.
Myself…has realized you’ll never be that man.
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mjax1 · 7 months
Marriage: We Need Help
We are here again, my love, in a place we don't want to be.
I feel miles away from you, stuck, yelling what I need, watching your mouth move, but I can't hear you.
I can't hear you. You can't hear me.
We are throwing life lines to one another and falling short, every damn time.
I refuse to believe this is all there is for us.
I refuse to believe that we can't figure this out.
So I have reached out, made the calls, sent the email, asked.
Help us, we are drowning together.
I feel no shame in admitting we are not ok, or in admitting we need help,
how many of us do?
We have spent ten years facing
Heart surgeries Moves Death Cancer Anxiety Financial Stress
Now is our time, my love, to check in for one another, to seek help, to reevaluate. To move deeper, collide, to hear one another more clearly. To love one another better.
We navigate together my love, we're in the same boat, I am on your team.
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tvrningout-a · 7 months
benedetta is gonna require a lil more work before i post about her, but pls know this world is gonna ( and already does ) have so many women in power
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withlove-quotes · 9 months
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The Lover's Dictionary by David Levithan.
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mountaindeww · 1 year
There are some weird things about my wife which I don't understand. Like not allowing me to drink water while eating, or not keeping the vase in middle of the table, or that one ugly toy she bought.... and few more things.
I sometimes thought of throwing that toy away and buying her something nice, In genral I just thought I would do things differently if I got a chance. And I did. My wife went on a little trip for a week and I got the chance. I was happy first 2 days but then it hit me.
Those weren't just things those were some little parts of her she left behind. And even when she was not there parts of her were after that I did things exactly like she would do, but time happily.
I don't know much about love but finding pieces of someone when they are away is a very beautiful feeling indeed.
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How many times do I have to say it?
‘Drive home safely,’
I love you.
‘Dinner’s ready, whenever you are,’
I love you.
‘No, I’ll wait for you,’
I love you.
Are you listening?
Will you ever?
Because no man wants to walk into a silent home,
No wife to greet him, 
No woman to ease the weight of the day,
No partner ready to bear every stress, every worry,
Because there is no love in a marriage where she doesn’t ever say it,
‘I’ll take care of that, you sleep,’
I love you.
Just like there is no love in the way he never seems to hear it. 
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Dislike how explicit bls have made it so its not a bl unless two men are ripping each others clothes off and fucking on every available surface in my opinion a true bl is where the symbolism is in how they drink their wine, if they talk about the red thread of fate, if flowers fall from the sky when they meet, and in how their hands brush one (1) time in episode 26
#kinnporsche has nothing on lwj and wwx on the steps of koi tower actually#and certainly its got nothing on wenzhou linking hands and drinking wine like theyre at their wedding#like okay they had sex. and what?#where are the memorable lines the way lwjs eyes tell you everything hes thinking the way wheb wkx says wife u know he means zzs is husband#like#this might be me being demi but can we go back to subtext i dont actually want to see some dude try to jack kinn off under a table with his#feet#i just want that 'subtlety' free had when they had rin do the anime girl love interest turn when haru professed his undying love#and i want the flirtation through poetry bc no one can say outright that they are flirting#also tian guan ci fu live action and s2 when i loved that#sharing bedrolls cleaning houses together the husband symbolism in ep 1#excellent brilliant#link click? two guys living together going mad when ones in danger the tsundere one and the cutesy one !!!#what im getting at is i dont mind sexy scenes so long as theyre there for a reason and not just fanservice#and yes wwx shoving a sword up his ass did nothing for plot or symbolism BUT but we got a good 300 pages of pining BEFORE he did that#and when i see edits of mdzs its always the really loving scenes between them#but when i see kinnporsche edits its just them fucking ive seen way too much of those 2 men making out#and i dont like it#where is the emotional substance#like yeah we know wenzhou spent the rest of their days in that cave fucking like rabbits#but also we got 36 episodes and like 5 deaths at least out of it#like before you get to the sex#build up a good plot and good characters#idk#i miss old bls i guess i miss when bl meant boys LOVE not bloys LOVEMAKING is that so much to ask for
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th3-art-of-dying · 1 year
One out the window
One out the window
Just a single word
One which otherwise
Would have hurt
Who I love
What was that word?
Was it one I believed?
How could it be,
I've forgotten it already
Now all the time
We almost spent at odds,
One out the window
And now is spent on love
Or you doing you
And me doing me
Isn't that what makes us unique?
One more out the window
Ok, so we don't agree,
Something was said that
Offended me
A darkness rose up inside
And nearly consumed me
Sometimes it's hard
But one more out the window
Cause I'd much rather love you.
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