#He would be so confused & frustrated thinking back to all the time where he easily could've left on his own. He just didn't really want to
hajihiko · 1 month
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pynkfairyheart · 29 days
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Pairings: connie x black reader
Warnings: smut 18+ Connie's a lil toxic, mentions of a gun, pretty angsty
pt.2 to birthday girl but can be read as a standalone
Miss you
Constance Springer. The man who was once the source of your happiness though recently the source of your frustration and headaches.
“I just don't get it, Con. You take me on these amazing dates, buy me anything that catches my attention, and say you wanna spend the rest of your life with me, yet when I ask to publicly announce we’re together, which I shouldn't have to, you always brush it aside.” You spoke as calmly as possible. Though considering this was the 4th time this week you were having this conversation your calm tone resembled shouting.
It had been five months since your birthday. Five months since Connie gave you the best gift you could ever think of. Himself.
The first four months felt as if you were on cloud nine. The entire duration it was as if you were conjoined at the hip. Connie had to make a couple of drops? There you were in his passenger seat watching a movie or using his card to pay for the large quantity of your cart.
You needed to go make up a missed exam? Connie was waiting in his car with a bouquet of your favorite flowers. The only time you weren't seen together was if he was doing something he didn't want you involved in or if he was out buying you secret lavish gifts such as the car he got you a week after your birthday. Life was great.
It wasn't til you were at your nail appointment with Mika where she nearly cut you with her clippers from shock the moment you brought up your relationship with Connie, that you realized no one knew about it.
At first, you were confused. How could no one know? You were always together but the more you thought about it you started to understand. Whenever you were out he wasn't as affectionate as when it was just the two of you, just a few touches that could easily be considered friendly, but you just brushed it off as him not being comfortable with PDA.
Even when you went on dates he'd buy the entire venue or restaurant out so it'd be just you two or would plan the nicest dates at the house, either way, no one saw you on dates as a couple.
You thought about it for a while before it finally ate you up and you just had to ask. His response was the reason shit went left.
“Whatchu mean let people know we’re together? Ion want people in our business. I'm yours and you're mine, that's all that matters” He brushed it off with a kiss on your forehead before running to go get some eggs around the corner. He was only gone for ten minutes yet in that time frame you went through hundreds of different reasons as to why he responded that way.
At first, you were confused. Then, you were trying to reassure yourself he's right as long as we know then we straight. But immediately after that thought came anger why the fuck doesn't he want people to know? Am I the fuckin side chick?
By the time Connie came back you were fuming. You trusted Connie, the night he asked you to be his he promised you he'd never do anything to hurt you yet you couldn't deny how suspicious this was. He barely had time to lock the door behind him before you started with your questions.
“You cheating on me Constance?”
“What?” He almost gave himself whiplash with how fast he turned, looking at you as if you had said the stupidest shit ever which in his mind you did.
“You heard me. Are you cheating?” You followed him into the kitchen of his apartment.
“No [☆] I'm not cheating. I needa take you to the ER? Cause it sounds like you hit your head while I was gone”
“Then why don't you wanna tell anyone?”
“About us?”
“I already told you, mami, I don't want people all up in our business”
That was two weeks ago and you guys were nowhere near in a better place. By no means were you insecure. You knew Connie loved you and only you but you wanted others to know as well. It's not like you wanted to leak one of your many sex tapes on IG. You just wanted at least your friend group to know you were together. Connie wasn't having it though.
“Mama lower your tone” He groaned. Inked hands rubbing his face from frustration.
“Just tell me, Con. Why don't you want anyone to know?”
“Is it wrong to wanna keep our relationship private? I love you princess but you buggin’ for real. Drop it”
“You know what. Fuck this, nd fuck you too. There's a big fucking difference between private and secret.” You slammed his bedroom door. This was too much. You couldn't take it anymore; it was as if he was ashamed of you. You loved Connie, you really, really loved him but this hurt, the constant drop of your heart whenever he let go of your hand the moment you stepped out of his apartment complex or whenever a girl flirted with him in front of the group but there was nothing you could do. You were done. No amount of love could make you settle for anything less than you knew you deserved.
Despite your teary eyes you managed to pull yourself together. Grabbing your bag, you packed as much as possible before finally exiting the room.
Connie was in the middle of rolling a blunt when he saw you walk out, he would have been convinced that his heart was lying on the couch when he stood up if it wasn't for the loud thumping in his ears.
“Where are you going?” He stood in your way
“Connie please move” You sniffled
“No, not until you tell me where you're going. Please [☆] lo siento, mami, por favor, no te vayas please don't go” His voice cracked as reality hit him. Dropping to his knees, his hands gripped the soft flesh of your hips.
“I promise to be better, I promise. I will call everyone on my phone and tell them about us right now, please don't go” At this point, you had to look away. His tear-stricken face and Spanish almost had you fold.
“We'll work this out ma, estaré mejor, lo prometo I'll be better, I promise”
“No, we can't Connie. Not right now” And with that, you left.
A month had passed so far. It was rough in the beginning. He blew your phone up 24/7 to the point where you had to block him. You couldn't eat, and whenever you did have the energy to stay awake you did nothing but scroll on your phone, your thumb always finding the photo album where you stored all pictures of Connie.
Sasha and Mikasa finally had enough, while Mika was the only one you told Sasha had a pretty good idea after she went to visit Connie only to find him in the same state as you, maybe even worse. Deciding you needed to leave the walls of your apartment and have fun, they finally convinced you to go out. Taking a couple of pregame shots while shaking ass in the mirror, your outfit leaving nothing to the imagination as you finally felt ready to face reality.
By the time you had arrived at the party, the drinks started to kick in and you grabbed the first sexy guy you saw and dragged him to the dance floor.
Unknown to you Connie was also at the party, standing in the corner as he made a few deals. He looked tired, and he was. The moment the door closed behind you he broke down. Ignoring all of the calls and texts he got from clients as he sat there. He was angry. Angry at you for leaving him but mostly angry at himself for fucking up.
When Connie finally caught sight of you it was as if someone had finally flipped the switch on throughout his body. His heart sped up, his posture straightened and his dick twitched at the sight of your body in the dress.
His dick wasn't the only thing twitching. When it finally registered to Connie that you were letting some random guy touch you as you whined on him, his eye twitched and his hand immediately went to his gun.
He was furious. With zero fucks he approached you, the barrel of his gun pressed against the guy who you were currently throwing it back on.
When you no longer felt the swaying of the man behind you, you turned to be met with the fear-frozen stranger and Connie whispering something in his ear. You didn't have time to ask what was going on before the guy scurried off and Connie roughly grabbed your arm, dragging you out of the house party.
Despite the fact you were no longer together and he had no right to drag you away, you stayed quiet. Connie rarely got angry but when he did you knew it was best to just stay quiet.
“Get in the fucking car [☆]” He threw open the door. You were convinced the thong you had on was completely drenched after those six words. His voice was low and threatening and you almost felt disgusting from how turned on you were. Almost. With one look into his rage-filled eyes, you got in the car, the door slamming behind you when he was sure you were safely in.
He quickly got in, tire tracks marking the ground as he sped off. It was silent for a minute before you decided to speak, once his grip on the steering wheel loosened and the color returned to his knuckles.
“Connie?” You faced him, eyes burning into the side of his head as he kept his dark stare on the road.
“Connie, come on. You can't just kidnap me and then not speak. Pull over and talk to me now” You huffed.
With a roll of his eyes, he pulled into a deserted parking lot.
“Hello? Either you get to talking or I'm getting out nd calling an Uber”
“No the fuck you're not” He groaned loudly, eyes meeting yours.
“Then talk” You borderline yelled
If Connie's hair was long enough to grip he'd have a couple bald spots from how frustrated he was. He gave you both time to cool down before he spoke.
“Look I'm sorry for dragging you away, and for threatening your lil boyfriend-”
“He's not my boyfriend”
“He's not?”
“No. Continue your apology” You rolled your eyes.
Your response had a smirk forming on his face. He missed you so much, even your attitude.
“I missed you ma. I'm sorry for dragging you away. I'm also sorry for how things ended.” He grabbed your hand.
“I now understand your feelings and your concerns and I'm sorry I ever made you feel like I was ashamed of you or if there was another woman. You're the love of my life ma, this past month has been pure hell. I need you baby. Please take me back.” His hands were shaking as they held yours securely. It was rare to see Connie cry, and the sight of his tear-streaked face made your heart ache. He really did love you.
Swallowing the lump in your throat you asked the one question that started it all.
“Be real Con. Why didn't you want anyone to know?”
With a sigh, he rubbed his facial hair.
“I was afraid you'd realize you could do better”
“What? What made you think that Con?”
“I sell drugs for a living, mami, I'm involved with a shit ton of dangerous people. I was afraid when others found out they'd start telling you things about me and you'd realize you can do so much better”
“Oh, Connie” You could no longer resist the need to be close to him. Maneuvering yourself so you sat in his lap you cupped his face as your eyes searched his.
“Papa there is no one better. I love you so much, Connie. There is nothing anyone could ever say to make me want or love you less because I know you. I know how much you care and love those around you. There is no one better, Connie.”
For some time, the two of you were wrapped in each other's arms as you faced your emotions.
When you both were calm, you finally dared to look into his eyes. The energy shift resembling the one from your birthday.
“Con” You slowly inched your face closer to his
“I'm sorry for all the hurt I put us through mami” His hand wrapped around your neck
“Déjame compensarte let me make it up to you” He closed the space between you.
It felt like the first breath taken after being underwater for a long time. You felt alive, felt loved. The once slow kiss grew into something more passionate. Both of you needy, as you fiend for dominance in the heated exchange.
Ultimately you lost the battle when his hands gripped your hips tightly as if to assure himself you weren't leaving again. It wasn't soon after that you found yourself in the back of his car with your legs resting on his shoulder as he drilled into you.
He littered kisses on your ankle as his grip on your hips tightened. His thick cock stretching you out had your eyes rolling back and moans of ecstasy coming out of your agape mouth.
“Yeah? You doing so good fa me ma. You miss this? Miss how good I fuck you?” His thumb found its way to your clit.
“Fuck, Connie” You whined. Attempting to push his hand away from the sensitive bud.
“Answer me princesa or ima stop” He warned
“Yes, Connie- mhmph I miss it so bad papi oh my god” Your velvety walls squeezed him tight.
"Fuuuck. Don't ever leave me again, you hear me? I can't take it, baby, I love you too much. T-try that shit again nd Imma make you watch while I put a bullet in between his eyes. Understand?” His pace increased.
God that shouldn't have turned you on as much as it did. You were convinced you could have come on the spot, the added pressure on your carotids when you didn't answer immediately wasn't any help.
“Y-yes Con, I promise it won't happen again” You managed to say in between the moans and whimpers that you no longer had the energy to contain.
“Keep squeezing me, mami. I'm so fuckin close” He groaned, hand no longer on your neck as it rested against the steamy windows to stable himself.
The atmosphere of the car was pure filth. Your moans bounced off the windows, the sloshing sound of your wet pussy and slapping skin that created the creamy ring around the base of cock topping it all off.
His thrusts were slowly getting sloppy, you were just squeezing him so tight.
“C-Con” You managed to gasp out, the marks he littered on your neck to suppress his whimpers, having the coil in your belly tighten.
“I know mama, let go fa me” He groaned.
That instant you came, eyes rolling to the back of your head for a quick second as your cream and small spurts of squirt leaked from your pussy.
“Shit mama” He panted, dick twitching as he painted your walls with his cum.
Connie being the lover boy he was despite repeatedly denying it whispered apologies, and sweet promises into your ear as you came down from your high.
“I'm sorry mami, I promise to be better” He kissed you softly as if you were in a fairytale before whispering in your ear.
“But don't think just cus we're good now, that I'm not gon tear that ass up when we get home for giving that loser a taste of what's mine.”
I dont know how i feel about this one buuutttt all thanks to @masterofthepp for giving me this idea. Hopefully it meets your standards babes. As always any feedback is welcome. mwah
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cannibaled · 3 months
wicked game
to be honest, i just knew i wanted to finally write something with felix. so i just started writing and this is what happened so, hopefully you like ! 🥹 —
☆ warnings: none, slight nsfw — just making out, ass and thigh grabbing, hickeys
☆ premise: jealousy.
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being felix catton's girlfriend was most comparable to riding a rollercoaster blindfolded.
your dynamic was interesting and unique, and everchanging. at times, he was the wolf, mouth watering and snarling as he cornered you, his prey. a bunny. vulnerable and stripped helpless with nowhere to go. at times, you would be the wolf, but instead of hunger compelling all of your senses, it was instead jealousy. what made this dynamic worse, arguably, was that he was unaware. you would be upset, or even angered after a girl practically threw herself at him. he was a natural flirt, but would react kindly but withdrawn. he would stare at you with his big, brown, puppy dog eyes when you were frustrated and prepared to speak, but nothing ever came out. instead, you would brush messy chocolate curls from his freckled forehead and press a rouge kiss to his tanned skin, the red painting him beautifully. then, that starved wolf would suddenly morph into the sweetest little dog you've ever seen. prancing up happily and licking slobbery kisses into its supposed prey.
you knew you couldn't keep things bubbled forever. considering he was popular and you often attended parties together, it grew difficult. it started to become so stressful that even farleigh or venetia couldn't offer advice any longer. farleigh spoke his mind, as usual, telling you to just suck it up and talk to felix, but part of you felt like you would burden him.
alcohol burned your throat, fiery eyes watching the scene before you. he was practically surrounded by women, a swarm of a horny, desperate ocean attacking his person in waves. you began to think. was he really all that unaware?
you briskly looked away when his bright hazelnut eyes met yours, his cute, gap-toothed smile making your heart singe. as safely and quickly as possible, you stumbled off, pushing through hot, sweaty bodies towards the bathroom. surprisingly, there was no line - save for one person, who was able to get in as soon as you arrived. leaning against the vibrating, booming walls of the hallway, you huffed softly. you should be able to talk to him about anything. truth be told, he was your best friend, and, hell; to a certain extent, you could talk to him about anything. but it was difficult for you to admit you were jealous. that, you couldn't understand why. maybe it was because it would be something affecting his social life. were you afraid of sabotaging that?
the sound of a toilet flushing and the shrill squeak of the door opening pulled you from your thoughts, and you rushed into the bathroom. ignoring how your shoulder grazed the previous user's, you locked the door after yourself and did your business. scrubbing at your hands until your skin was raw, you avoided looking at yourself in the mirror. you knew you probably looked a mess, and, frankly, you didn't need to see such a sight right now. twisting the lock on the door, you pulled it open, only to be met with large, warm hands on your shoulders. you cried in confusion as you were pushed back into the bathroom once more, the door slamming shut and clicking locked.
felix stood before you, a red cowboy hat hanging lazily from his head. you two stared at each other for a minute until his lips stretched into that cute, toothy smile of his.
"so this is where you were," he drawled lamely, his accent soft.
"you had to have known, considering you were waiting for me."
he clicked his tongue and stepped towards you, and you unconciously stepped back, until your lower back made contact with the hard, cold porcelain sink. his fingers grazed your sides, and he lifted you easily onto the sink, long digits playing dangerously with the hem of your short dress. your noses brushed one another, and despite your annoyance, you wrapped your arms around his neck. there he went again, cornering you. not only cornering you, but he was sure to get a bite. it was difficult for you to stay upset when he was in an affectionate state like this.
"you seemed upset." he mumbled softly. his breath smelled of alcohol and mint - which you assumed was from the gum he carried around. you remember asking him about that once, in which he just grinned and held up his pack of smokes. cotton mouth, you recalled.
"yeah, well." you responded avoidantly, hooking your legs around his hips and yanking his body closer to yours. he was warm, skin damp with sweat and hot to the touch. you knew it was from dancing. "you seemed quite busy hanging out with your groupies there."
felix's eyebrows raised in surprise, his hands gently squeezing the soft flesh of your thighs. "you're jealous? love, you know they're just friends."
"c'mon, felix. you know they want you." you whined, and you could tell he was biting back a chuckle.
"well, that's too bad." god. you hated when he talked like that. coolly, and without a care in the world. he was always good at defusing situations when his temper wasn't present. maybe he knew just how likable he was.
"i just don't like that you let them hang on you like that. follow you like a bunch of lost puppies. they think they have a chance because of shit like that. i can't stand it. i want to be able to spend time with my boyfriend at parties he brings me to."
he was silent, letting you vent your frustrations. his half-lidded gaze met yours, long lashes fluttering as he searched your eyes. you assumed he was watching for tears, so he could pounce onto the opportunity of comforting you and wiping them, or kissing them away. he was sweet like that.
"i admit, i know they flirt or whatever. and maybe i flirt back. sometimes. but, i belong to you. they'll never be my (Y/N)." you weren't satisfied with his answer, your eyes narrowing. and he knew you were still angrier, if not more than before. but, then, he pressed his soft lips to yours, capturing them in a desperate kiss. you could taste the nicotine and beer on him, and although you wanted to yank his hair in retaliation for his stupid fucking excuses, you kissed back.
it was heated, clumsy, passionate. his teeth grazed your flesh, allowing blood to seep through the wounds he inflicted. his tongue swept it away before tasting you properly, the sweet tase of iron clouding your senses. when he pulled away, you assumed he was finished - instead, he pressed feverish kisses along your neck, yanking your smaller frame into his with possession. "brand me," he breathed against you, and just when your mouth was about to part and your eyes flutter, they opened wide in confusion. "huh?" you gasped when he grazed a sweet spot in your neck with his teeth before pulling away, his pink lips darkened with small traces of your blood and swollen. "brand me." he repeated, slipping his hands under your skirt. he didn't dare touch the warm desperation between your legs, instead pressing his fingers into a bruising grip on your upper thighs and ass. "show them who i belong to, darling." you swallowed, manicured nails grazing the nape of his neck.
the thought of it alone was exciting. they knew already he was yours, to an extent, but once they saw him bruised up and pretty with marks caused by you, you knew that'd be the end of it. because, while felix catton was known around oxford for hookups, it was rare for him to allow his fleeting girlfriends the pleasure of giving him hickeys. it was always the other way around, him marking them up with lovebites and bruises on their thighs. for however long he pleased, they belonged to him. never him, to them. but now, he was yours.
so, you did just as he requested - because how could you deny him when he was nearly begging you? finally gripping his curls, you latched your lips onto his neck as if you were starved. he threw his head back to allow you more space and access to your canvas, and you happily painted him red and blue. deep, shaky groans reached your ears, rewarding you for your work. he was always so pretty. his moans and gasps were never an exception when it came to beauty. sex and intimacy with felix was like appreciating art, because he often looked like a painting. no matter where, or what time of day. his muscles would flex, his skin glowing warm and his lips parted. if you had the skills, you would properly copy him onto a canvas or piece of paper and officially, truly, make him your muse. you knew that there was no way physical art would do his beauty justice, though.
you stopped when your lips began to feel sore, instead sinking your teeth into his skin for one final gift.
"fuck," he all but whimpered. and though his voice was deep and he was still bigger than you, you knew were now the wolf. he was the putty in your hands now, bending and softening from a simple weakness.
you pulled away and admired your work, slipping your hands from his head, to his neck, and then, finally, his cheeks. your thumbs brushed along his flushed skin, and when he opened his eyes, you saw nothing but love. his pupils were dilated and his eyes sparkly, and if you didn't feel so dizzy with affection for felix, you would have cried. you placed one last kiss to his pretty lips, and he slipped his fingers from under your dress to cradle your back.
your kiss was cut short with an angry bang on the door, and you jumped away from your boyfriend, smacking his broad shoulder when he laughed.
"guess we kept 'em waiting." he teased cheerfully, gripping your thighs to help you off of the sink.
"okay, ladies first."
"you suck, lix."
"rather," he corrected, carefully guiding you towards the bathroom door with a hand on your back. "if we can make it out of here and to my room, it'll be you instead."
before you could shriek at him out of embarrassment, he opened the door for you and delivered a playful smack to your bottom, paying no mind to the annoyed stranger that stared at him in disgust as they walked past.
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miscellaneous fellow honest headcanons
These aren't following any prompt in particular, these are just thoughts I had when I saw the guy hammin' it up and then turning on us.
Some of these headcanons are informed by fan art I've seen and discussions I've had with friends, while others are purely me.
Curiouser and Curiouser...
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He calls people “little lads” and “little ladies”.
Fellow has a very noticeable laugh. Like, he grunts and snorts and has tears rolling down his cheeks. (He tends to laugh at others’ misery, thinking of it as “retribution” or “payback” for the injustices he has suffered himself.)
Bro shaves using a knife (yes, he shaves because he is a grown ass man) because razors are hella expensive.
He uses that cheap cologne and cakes it on THICK. This, in his mind, gives off the impression that he’s a well-off and put-together individual you should tooootally trust.
Also the type of person that lays it on thick with his words. If he’s trying to impress a date or something, he’ll shower them with so many compliments it almost seems fake. But no, he’s just the type to simp hard when he happens to be genuine 💀 most of the time he’s faking it though—
He’s very street smart, but in a way where he confuses hostile people by talking over them and acting overly friendly. They usually stuns them long enough for him and Gidel to skedaddle.
If he gets dumped, he'd be the pathetic whimpering boyfriend that begs for his ex to take him back. When they inevitably don't, he mopes all day about it.
He chain smokes and aggressively drinks as a coping mechanism on his bad days 😔 and sometimes he gambles (like, on those scratch-off cards) hoping that he'll strike it rich and buy him and Gidel a better life...
Basically, he generally does not have his shit together but tries his best to pass like someone who does (and usually succeeds at it).
Fellow appears in public wearing his full suit, but at home (ie whatever ratty temporary housing their boss found for them before they move on to the next place) he just wears a T-shirt and lounges around in boxers (and sometimes socks with holes in them).
He uses those disposable eyeshadow wands that snap in half at the slightest bit of too much pressure. Fellow acts like the Claire’s kid makeup he uses is the luxury stuff, but Vil can tell the pigmentation isn’t all there and there’s MAD fallout.
He may be broke AF and have his moments of emotional spiraling, but he has pretty decent budgeting skills. Fellow lives for sales and does extreme couponing to stretch their money as far as it will go.
He invests in other cost-saving methods like wearing shoes until the sole is literally flopping off and just adding water to residual soap in a pump bottle to make the soap "last longer".
Fellow is really good at cutting food (bread, beans) thin to conserve it. Yes, this is a reference to an old Mickey Mouse cartoon—
When he was younger, he had dreams of being an actor (and, more specifically, starring in musicals). That's why he's often humming, swinging around his cane, and/or whistling as he's on the prowl for idiots to sucker—they're remainders of his thespian days before his dreams were crushed into itty bitty pieces.
Man looks like he'd be great at tap dancing.
Before his current gig, he tried a bunch of other scams including a MLM at one point to get by. His signature spell came in pretty clutch in those days too.
Fellow’s not that good at reading or spelling—in fact, he was never a particularly strong student. (“I didn’t fail school!! The schools failed ME!!”) He’s easily frustrated by academics and thinks there should be more hands-on and practical skills taught in learning institutions.
I think it's a given that he and Ruggie would be besties since they both want to eat the rich but I also think Fellow would kiss ass to Azul and then rage about how shitty + entitled Azul is (Azul reminds Fellow of his boss)💀 Scammers hate other scammers because they're both competing to scam the same people--
Even though Fellow is an asshole to most others (well, when he’s not flattering them to lure them into a trap), he’s always nice to Gidel and puts him first. If there’s ever a situation where they’re short on something (clothes, food, etc), Gidel gets priority. This is why Gidel has a full outfit (even if parts are patches or mismatched) whereas Fellow himself has a glove that is so worn out there’s a hole in one of the pinkie fingers.
Fellow may not be blessed with a bounty of magic, but he’s quick on his feet and good with words. Because of these skills, he’s talented at spinning bedtime stories, which he often tells to Gidel to help him fall asleep on nights that are particularly cold and nasty.
Gidel still believes in Santy Claws and wishing upon stars, and Fellow doesn’t have the heart to tell him the truth. He’ll figure it out on his own one day, Fellow thinks. He just doesn’t want to be the one to ruin those childhood joys for him.
Playing pretend is another shared past time of theirs. It helps Fellow get into character before he goes off to swindle people, and it gives Gidel a way to express himself in spite of being mute. They have a routine they do together where Fellow pretends to be a doctor diagnosing a patient and Gidel takes down notes for him as his medical scribe. Yes, this is a Pinocchio reference—
They actually have many more games they play (mainly because they cannot afford other forms of entertainment). Some of the games are clever ruses conjured by Fellow to teach Gidel survival tips and tricks: the who-can-make-their-piece-of-bread-last-longer game, hide-and-seek (from the authorities), etc.
For special occasions, Fellow saves up some money on the side to grant Gidel little luxuries, like a box of crayons to doodle with.
Gidel hugs Fellow’s leg or waist to cheer him up when he’s upset. He also hides behind Fellow when he’s scared or feeling shy.
He’s just really attached to Gidel cuz they have no one else in this cruel world, just them against the world 😔 He sees a lot of his younger self in the little boy… the opportunities lost because of their circumstances… “It’s alright, Gidel. Leave it to Fellow-sama.”
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prettyboykatsuki · 1 year
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picket fence | i. sae
✭ tags ; fem + afab!reader (sae jokingly refers to you as unladylike), established relationship, sae is whipped and bad at feelings, reader is very secure in themselves, p in v, very vanilla, 18+
✭ wc ; 2.2k
✭ a/n ; experiencing immense shame. will not be taking questions at this time
✭ synopsis ; you fail to seduce you boyfriend. he wonders if you’ll ever get that you dont need to try
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"I'm trying to seduce you," Your voice is sarcastic as it is genuine in equal parts. Sae's expression remains impassive "Can't you at least pretend to care?"
"No," He replies back. You pout and cross your arms. Fake demure abandoned for your difficult personality, you flounce into the living room with a sigh. You're wearing lingerie. It's all lace and sheer and glittery. Not simple to put on from what he can see.
There's garters and stockings visible to the eye and you went as far as wearing the jersey he got for you in his size - cut in half to show you off. It's an admirable attempt, at least. You give him a twirl, gesturing to yourself and then groaning at his disinterest.
He smiles, corners of his lips twitched upwards as he glances at you then turns back to the T.V.
"I can't even get a compliment? Not even a fake one? C'mon,"
He gives you a look, wondering why you've even asked. You sigh, throwing your hands up in the air.
"Most guys would be thrilled by this. Do you know that? I bet Shidou would be,"
"Shidou would fuck anything warm with a hole." He says sarcastically. Even in your annoyance, you laugh. Sae smiles to himself.
"I bet Rin would give me attention," You whine.Sae looks at you seriously.
"Don't joke about fucking my little brother,"
"Who said I was joking, dickwad," You spit, your personality returning to you in the blink of an eye. Sae gives you an unimpressed look "Whatever. I'm gonna go take pictures."
"Pictures?" He inquires. You shoot him a look of annoyance.
"Yes, pictures, Itoshi-san," You say, biting and frustrated - punctuating the honorific "Pictures."
"For who?"
You frown at him.
"Well, certainly not for you." You reply, hand on your hip "For me and whatever friend will hype me up. My private story, who knows, really."
"Don't do that."
"I put too much effort into this. I'm getting some pictures in it." There's a tinge of disappointment at the end of your words, followed by the utmost sincerity "I won't send it to any dudes so you can relax or whatever. I get to pick dinner."
"Hey," He calls, then huffs as you give him a look "Stop. Come here."
Sae watches you tilt your head, confused. You're annoyed, but not upset enough to make it a big deal. You always make it clear that you expect little from Sae. The longer he dates you, the more it annoys him. It's contradictory in it's own right, hypocritical to an extent.
But he doesn't particularly care as you stand next to him, arms crossed over your chest.
He reaches his hands towards you, fidgeting with the strap of your garters. The warmth of your skin radiates off of you. You smell nice, like something fruity and floral - and you're all visibly done up. He only notices when there's this much space between you.
"How much was this?"
"Expensive," You reply, simple and indifferent "I bought it."
"For me?"
Where he's expecting your usual self (sarcastic, unladylike, rude), you slink back at the question. You're embarrassed, tucking your chin and trying desperately to get a read on his feelings. A sensation he can't describe washes over him, half-way between guilt and amusement.
"Yeah. Who else?"
"Rin," He replies back easily, and you sigh.
"I'm sorry. Just jokes," You say, light-hearted. Gentle in your own way "Are you done? Or are you asking so you can pay me back since you foiled my plans?"
"You look good." He murmurs gently. Softly, quietly, with as little sarcasm as he can manage. It's uncomfortable. The words don't fit in his mouth the way they should. It's not like he's thinking anything else. You do look good. And he does know, that most guys would be thrilled if their partners put on such a get-up for them.
Sae knows it almost intimately that half of his meathead teammates would cream their pants looking at you. Because he's not blind or stupid. It doesn't mean anything to Sae except for when it does.
"You don't have to try so hard," You offer again. That's so like you. No expectations, always prepared to give him ease where he doesn't deserve it "'s fine. Thanks for saying that. I'll go change and we can watch something."
"No," He says, shaking his head. A little gentler this time "C'mere."
A flush spreads over you. He invites you into the bed and you crawl towards him, settled in his lap. He doesn't know what to do with himself.
It's not like he doesn't like it. That he's unaffected. It's just not the clothing itself. Not the lingerie or the jersey which construct themselves as just objects. Sae's desires are the way you linger in the doorway of your shared bedroom - the twirling and posing and dramatics.
The soft laughter and the brave face you put on to walk into the door. The lingerie is pretty. It cups you, hugs you in the right places. Dips between the curve of your breasts and squeezes.
None of that is particular important. Right now, you've let yourself settle in his lap. Your arms around his frame, encircled around his neck and forgiving. He can feel the heat of your core over his cock, can feel the way your eyes flit to his lips up to his gaze. Sae secures his hands on your waist, fingers hooking into a strap and snapping it against your skin.
He kisses your jaw, all the way up until you your lips hover near each other. You press your lips to his, hands brushing the nape of his hair. He deepens it just for you.
"What was'at for? You wanna have sex?"
He laughs at you. Stupid. Crass. Vulgar.
"Do you think I'm a eunuch?"
"You act like one sometimes." You admit, with a heaving sigh - brushing your nose against his "Dunno. I feel like I want you more than you want me."
"You're really stupid."
"Sae," You pout like you don't think you'll get your way, even though you always do "You suck."
He's honest with himself for a minute "I know."
"I still love you, though."
"I love you too." He means it. For some reason it's not as hard to say. Love is an objective truth. He can say it reasonably and not flinch. Everything else is hard. You rub your cheek against his, an affectionate and overgrown housecat in his bed.
"Mm," You cling to him, hugging him to your chest "But do you like me?"
"So mean." You say with no malice "I don't wanna do any work."
"'s fine. C'mere."
Sae helps as he flips over, until you're onto your back. There's a dull glow from the T.V. illuminating you. Rain pours outside, dark and cloudy. You bat your lashes as Sae hovers over you. His hand grasps your hip, sliding up to your knee as you wrap your legs all the way around his waist.
He kisses you tenderly. You kiss back with a mewl, an innocent and fragile noise that he never gets sick of. It's this part of you Sae likes, this part that makes you want him. Despite all of your grievances and annoyance - all your unpleasantires, you are resilient in a way he has a hard time understanding.
You’re patient, despite him. Always meeting him where he is but making him want to give you more, give you everything. There's plenty of attractive people in the world. None could be you, his home-grown and lovesick toothache.
It makes him feel impatient. Breaks his cool bravado down so slightly. He kisses you again, all deep tongue until you whimper. Then he drags his lips down your neck, teeth grazing your pulse as you hiccup.
You break apart so Sae can undress you. Wiggling out of the jersey, lettng him unclasp your bra. He feels his stomach twist. You're enticing. The gentle heave of your chest, goosebumps on your skin. Sae lets his mouth speak for him, laving his tongue over each of your tits. Toying with your nipples until you gasp and roll your hips up against him.
"Sae," You moan. Sae grunts in the back of his throat "Feels good."
The posession that settles in him his strange. He's never felt for anything in this way. Soccer is different. It can't leave. If he works hard enough, he can accomplish his goals.
The idea of you going somewhere Sae can't see you is troubling. Anyone seeing you like this - falling apart as arousal sparks in your gut is agitating. Sae wants you like this. Wants you to fall apart underneath him, because of him. It's all he can do to tell you the extent of his feelings.
He touches you until you're begging him to hurry it up, too much pleasure in your voice to be intimidating. He listens. Continues to toy with your chest as he nudges your legs apart, a hand in your panties to feel you.
You're dripping, keening as he rubs your pussy. He lets himself in slowly, rubbing your clit with his middle finger before angling himself lower. Normally there's more of a build-up. Sae works all of you open slowly. With his tongue or his fingers or his mouth.
He likes seeing you need it. What part of him that speaks too, he doesn't examine. Today, it feels like the roles are inverse. He can feel all the blood rushing to his cock. His thoughts bombarded with you and all your little misgivings.
Today it's more impatient. He finger fucks you open with an end goal clear in his mind. You spread your legs a little, and Sae pushes his middle finger into in one go. There's little resistance. You're wet and welcoming, sighing so sweet in his ear until it's easy to go in and out.
"C'mon and fuck me." You open your eyes to ask him, glassy and desperate "Please?"
"You're so impatient."
"Wanna know you want me."
"You should already know that."
Sae pulls away from you, standing on his knees.
"Open your mouth."
You nod. He lets his middle fingers rest on your tongue as he uses his free hand to position you. His cock rests against your bare cunt. He pushes between your folds, head nudging your clit. You feel good. Always perfect. Always wet and hot and inviting.
He ruts his hips. You whine for him, sounding so need. A staccato to your moans that makes him ache.
"You should know how much I want you, shouldn't you," He says, a hint of frustration in it "Everybody but you seems to."
Sae pushes into you with a heave. You're tight. Warm and wet and slick - made for him just like he always knew. He groans a little as he pushes the tip in. His hands come up under your knees, folding you in half. He waits for you to stop squirming, rocking himself slowly so that it's easier to fit all of him inside.
With a little effort, he manages. His pelvis up against yours, he gets himself close to you. You moan and he gives you look.
"You don't have to do anything special for me to fuck you like this," He says. It's easy to be honest now "Anything you do is enough."
"I just wanna look nice for you." You complain - so breathless and so struck with want Sae can't even be upset.
"I know. And you do," He grunts as he pulls his hips back, pulling out before pushing all the way back in "I don't hate it. Just for me, okay?"
"You're so bad at bein' honest."
"I'm being honest right now," Sae fucks you hard. A punctuated thrust, hand snaked between your bodies to toy with your clit "Read between the lines."
If Sae were better he'd say what he thinks. That it doesn't matter what clothes you have on because he wants to fuck you within an inch of your life for much less. You do look good in the lingerie, too good, and if you send any pictures to anyone - he's going to block them. One of these days he'll be courageous and make you cum while you wear his jersery. Bounce you on his cock and whisper about what you make him do. It’s unlike him. He doesn’t get it either.
He can't verbalize all of that well, so he takes to what he knows. Takes to using his hips to fuck you hard and fast, rhythmic and deep so you can't keep up. He hopes all of it comes through, that short whispers of “fuck, that's it” do enough to get it to come across.
Sae looks on as your face twists with pleasure. Your walls twitch and you shiver in his arms, nails in his bicep as he plays with you. Fucks you to his hearts content. Your legs over his shoulder, toes curled. Your muscles tense.
"Sae, g-gonna, I'm gonna c-cum."
"Cum for me." He whispers (begs if you listen closely) and you do. You're vibrant and wanton and you've still got your stockings on as your pussy pulses needlessly, arousal dripping down his length and onto the sheets underneath you. Leaving a mess of you on the sheets.
He's not done with you yet, but he slows so you can catch your breath. You open your eyes and giggle.
"You make me feel so good." You praise, easily and naturally like you do everything else. He groans internally, at a loss for words.
Instead of saying anything, he presses a kiss to your hairline and promises.
"Gonna keep going till you get it."
You grin.
"I’ll hold you to that, sir.”
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scarletwinterxx · 8 months
got me confused, got me satisfied - jaehyun imagine
hellooooo. currently on my jaehyun brain rot era😶😶‍🌫️ this is the bit different from what i usually write... hope you like it😅
if you have a request or scenario you want me to do, just send me a message I'll see what I can do😊💌
For my other works you can check them out here, and for my other story series’ you can check them out here.
: a bit suggestive, fluff, whipped jaehyun
All works are copyrighted ©scarletwinterxx 2023 . Do not repost, re-write without the permission of author.
(gif not mine, credits to rightful owner)
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"What do you give a man who has everything?"
"For Jaehyun? Damn girl, i don't know. What about a good dicking down" Joy says nonchanlantly like you're not having brunch at the moment.
"Sounds tempting" you mumble
"Your presence is a present enough, if he don't want that then I know a list of guys ready to take his place"
You chuckle at your friends words, "I like him though, I like his face, I like his hugs, I like that he likes me"
"You like all of him, it's not so bad too that his secret dream is to be a sugardaddy. Specifically yours"
"That doesn't make me a sugarbaby... does it?" you look over at her
"Girl, you are the definition of a sugarbaby, the lavish dates, the expensive gifts, out of town trips on his private yatch? what would you call that then?" Joy asks back
That got you quiet. Thinking about what you would call your relationship with Jaehyun.
You don't like being confused, it frustrates you. He frustrates you but there's no other man you would run to but him. No man can make you think like him. Here you are slowly losing your mind over finding a simple gift for him.
Smirking as an idea pop in your mind, "I think I got it" you mumble. Getting your bag to go the the mall and get what you need
"Where are you going?!" Joy shouts
"I'm going to make a man cry tonight, see you at the party" you shout back as you walk across the street, Joy just chuckles after you. Whatever it was you had planned, Jaehyun is definitely in for a surprise.
A few swipes of your card, and a couple of hours getting ready you finally make your way to the party. It was already packed by the time you got there, some faces you recognize but more you've never met before. Probably just here to have a good time.
You easily spot Joy amongst the crowd, happily belting out the song with a very drunk looking Jungwoo.
"You're hereeeee" she squeals when she spots you, pulling you by the arm and making you do a quick spin. Your little black dress and the cute matching black ribbon on your hair,
"You look hot babe! Is this Jaehyun's gift tonight?" she teases you, pulling playfully on the ribbon. She's not far off if you're being honest. Shrugging at her question teasingly, you excuse yourself to find the man of the hour.
He wasn't on the dance floor, in the main room or outside. You do find Yuta while you trying to find Jaehyun.
"Here for the birthday boy?" he asks, a beer in hand
"Yep, have you seen him?"
"He's been sulking all night, Joy and Jungwoo kept saying you weren't coming cause you were out on a date" he laughs
"They're evil, it's his birthday" you joke, laughing along with him.
"Go find your boyfriend before he finds you here, don't forget to use protection this house isn't baby proofed!" he shouts, earning a few glances but you pay no attention to them. Making your way back inside the house, you finally see the familiar tuff of dark hair, fair skin and those arms you loved having wrapped around you.
Confidently making your way over to him, he's still looking at the other side of the room where the door was. Like he was waiting for someone to walk through at any moment,
"Waiting for someone?" you ask, catching his attention
He turns his head so fast, you let out a giggle. At that moment Jaehyun didn't care if he looked like he cared too much. He didn't care if his friends were teasing him all night saying shit like you went out on a date and found someone better.
Who the fuck is better. He thought to himself earlier.
This arrangement he has with you is definitely a confusing one, but for you he'd ignore all the warning signs. Heck you could've been the biggest red flag and he'd still happily chase after you like a mad bull.
It's not like you're leading him on, he knows you like him. And he likes you. The two of you like the way you are right now, not exactly boyfriend and girlfriend but you do all the things that comes with being in a relationship. From the cute nicknames, to him driving you anywhere and everywhere, even having weekly movie nights in his room or yours (depends if all the guys are home). No man knows your body the way he does. And if he's completely honest, he would like to keep it that way.
In a way the two of you are lowkey, but nothing about the way you scream his name some nights says lowkey AT ALL.
You catch the way his face lights up, fighting the smile instead showing you a smirk. But you know him enough, he's happy you're here. You're happy you're here.
His eyes rakes over your body, head to toe. He tucks a few loose strands of hair behind your ear, "You look cute" he tells you, noting your wearing that damn ribbon he loves seeing on you. It makes you look innocent but he knows you well enough.
"Happy birthday" you tell him, throwing your arms around his neck to intertwine them. Dragging your nose along his jaw, kissing the shell of his ear knowing exactly what it'll do to him.
You smile when you pull back and see his ears turning red. A rather unimpressed look on his face, you want nothing but to kiss him but you hold back. For now.
"Thought you weren't going to make it" He tries to act nonchalant but his body was on autopilot. His arms are already around your waist, pulling you so close leaving no space between your bodies. If it was up to him, there's still too many places he's not close enough.
For example he wanted to just bury his face on your neck and mark you up for the world to see, let them wonder just who did that to you. He wanted to have your legs wrapped around him, like vice grips every time he pleases you.
"And you look like you're thinking about something else" you tease him, "I got you something" you add
"Told you, you didn't have to get me anything" he mumbles but you just shake your head at him
"Shhh, just this once let me buy you something. Tomorrow you can go back to living your dream of being my sugardaddy"
"Call me that again, I'm carrying you out of this kitchen and go upstairs" he tells you, leaning closer to you until your lips were centimeters away.
"Okay, daddy" you smirk, feeling his arms tighten around you before he lets you go. Confusion written across your face before you see him crouching down, feeling his hands behind your knees he throws you over his shoulder as gently as he could. One hand on your legs holding you while the other hand rest right were your dress stops.
"Hey! You guys! Come back here, we're doing shots" you hear Jungwoo scream but Jaehyun paid him no mind. It's like he's a man on a mission. Mission to ruin you.
He walks down the familiar hallway until he reaches the last door, punching in the code before walking inside. He doesn't let you down, again gently throwing you on his bed.
You laugh, like literally laugh out loud. Jaehyun watches you carefully, waiting for you to say something. He knows you know exactly how to rile him up.
"Now that I got you here, time for your present" you tell him, standing up to get a small paper bag on his table. You probably put it there before finding him downstairs earlier.
"Was this your masterplan?" he asks you
"Kinda, I have a few more lines to use but either way they will all end up with us locked here in your room" you giggle, how can you sound so angelic yet so devilish he will never understand.
"Here, even if you don't like it just pretend you do. For me" you tell him jokingly, taking the bag from you he opens it up to see a box. Inside it was a simple chain necklace. Anything from you is a prized possession to him.
That mug you made him on your second date? his favorite to have his coffee in the morning.
That tshirt you bought him because it had peaches all over it? his favorite shirt to wear at home.
That candle you bought for him to use in his room? still sitting on his bedside table, lighting it whenever you're over or when he misses you.
"Your style right?"
"You saw me looking at this when we went to the mall, was that why you told me not to buy it?" he asks, taking it out of the box to put it on. You watch happily as he finishes putting it on.
And god damn you were right, he looked good wearing it.
If taking gifts makes you this happy maybe, just maybe, he'll let you shop for him more. But in this relationship, he likes spending more on you. From dinners to quick coffee runs to shopping sprees, he's always the one to swipe his black card. He's so damn hot while doing it, you thought.
"Just imagined that hanging over my face, I had to buy it" He chuckles at your reasoning. You saying that so casually as if it was a very normal scenario.
"Is this a gift for me or for you?" he raises a brow at you, he does love the gift. He loves it even more now knowing why you bought it. He already know how this night will end up, making mental note to make that imagination of yours into reality.
"Well that's first part of your gift, close your eyes"
You wait for him to do so, guiding him to sit on his bed. He hears some rustling, tempted to take a peak but he knows you'll scold him.
After a few moment he feels your hands holding his arms, guiding him to stand again. "Keep them closed until I tell you to open okay, I'm serious Jae"
He chuckles when he hears the nickname, it always sounds so cute when it comes from you.
"Okay now open" you tell him.
And when he did, his jaw nearly dropped on the floor. Cute is not the word to describe you right now. Divine, heavenly maybe because he's about to take all his time to worship you.
He should've known there was a reason you wore that damn ribbon. He loved seeing you with it, he knows you know he loves it.
And now here you are, on his bed with nothing but that black silk ribbon in your hair. He will never look at it the same again, he might just end up with a boner everytime he sees you with it.
"You don't like your gift?" tilting your head to the side, hooking your foot around his leg to pull him closer.
"Goddamit, woman. Do you have any idea what you're doing to me?" he breathes out, leaning down so he's face to face with you. Your arms automatically going around him, he can feel you warmth against him.
Is it because he's still all dressed up that why the room just got hotter or because the girl of his dream and reality is lying naked underneath him?
The latter. Definitely the latter.
"Satisfied with your second gift?" you ask him, leaving a trail of kisses from him jaw down his neck then back up until your noses were touching.
"If you wanted this damn necklace hanging over you that much, all you had to do was ask" he teases you, you can feel his hand on your body. It feels like he's leaving a trail of fire with the way your body is burning.
"This is a bad idea, now every time I see you with that necklace I'm afraid I'm going to jump you" he chuckles, finally leaning further down to capture your lips with his. Getting lost in each others kisses, at first you tried to fight for some control but Jaehyun is never one to back down. Not when it comes to you.
That got you giving up, like you always do, letting him explore all there is to explore. It wasn't new to you or him, but his kisses still felt like a man chasing after air.
When the two of you broke apart, you can see already how swollen his lips are. And the two of you haven't even started yet.
"You know what's a worse idea? that ribbon. Now everytime I see you wearing that, this is exactly where you'll end up"
You chuckle, pulling him down for another heated kiss, "Then plan succeeded"
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buriedpair · 1 month
How would all the yanderes react to a shy darling working at the casino as wait staff who attempts to keep their distance only working to pay off a debt the innocent type like a frightened kitten or bunny
You got it! Sorry for posting so much followers, I love my guys so much. I have a Gambit post incoming after this!!!
Yandere!OCS x GN Reader
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He's had you as his server a few times. Admittedly, you never spoke much and got nervous easily, but he enjoys your company. It's a nice change from the other over dramatic fucks working in this damn place.
That's how he finds himself requesting you to his confused waiter one day, and then the next. Eventually, everyone just assumes he wants you as his server when he walks in. He starts ordering drinks more frequently to try and make you open up. It's just too endearing, how you avoid his questions and avert your gaze and whatnot.
You, on the other hand, are alarmed. You've never had a regular before. You immediately try to get out of it. Every day he asks for you, you're miraculously missing, busy, or on break.
It doesn't frustrate Amias in the slightest. When he's told that you're not there, he simply gets up to look for you.
No doubt, he WILL find you.
"So afraid all the time... Rightfully. You should be."
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As a dealer, he doesn't get to move from his spot much. You've been formally introduced to each other before, but he's never cared much. You're not interesting to him.
On one of his late-night shifts, he notices you're still there. But... weren't you there when he came in? On his next break, he asks you about it. He doesn't seem concerned, just curious. Hesitantly, you explain that you had to pick up someone else's shift because you needed the cash. You try to explain that it's definitely not like you're in crippling debt right now, and you're totally fine.
He finds this curious. He's no doubt had to pick up shifts before in his life, but he finds it endearing how insistent you are that you're fine. When he pokes further into it, he ends up with all the information he needs.
You're such a meek little thing, he wonders how easily you'd break under his thumb.
Time passes, and he slowly starts to nudge and press against your insecurities. It's like your melting into a pool of "what the fuck" and being rebuilt over and over again. He supports you financially for a while, and you're forced to stay at his side for as long as he wants you to. Which is to say, until you're boring again.
"Love, ownership... Are they not the same?"
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Double Down
He thinks you're just ADORABLE. He finds time to flirt with you, even when he's busy. He'll dedicate his executions to you, he'll watch you like a hawk from where he stands... You're like his own personal pet!
It's superficial at first. He just wants to get you in his grasp long enough to entertain him. Once he's done with you, he casts you aside again. Yet, once you're gone, he finds himself waiting for you to come back.
You don't.
You realize you've been used like an object, and timidly resign to go find a better job. (Frankly, it's good for you anyways. It's hard to watch so many people bite it each day.) You're madly, deeply, truly embarrassed that you let him win.
When DD finds out you've quit, he grows furious. Why? He doesn't know. All he knows is that you left him. NOBODY leaves him. Not until he's done with them.
Rest assured that you are completely and utterly unsafe now. Poor kitten, he'll be sure to take terrible care of you.
"Leaving me is the last mistake you'll ever make, if you want to keep your cute little eyes open."
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Jackpot and Gambit
Jackpot just oozes confidence, so naturally you stay as far away from him as you can. He's practically the exact opposite of you. Plus, looking at him makes you nervous. Additionally, Gambit is like the boss of all bosses. There's no way you could speak to him other than a small squeak every time he regards you.
They noticed you, though. How do you think you got this job? Jackpot saw you and knew he wanted you, and Gambit followed suit as soon as he saw your poor, pitiful self.
You spilled someone's drink. Fuck. You're screwed. You're dead. You're fired. You'll crawl into a hole now, thank you. The drunk customer is enraged in an instant. He stands to throw hands, and you flinch back.
The punch never lands, however. Your knight in blue, skin-tight armor has arrived. Jackpot smiles softly at the offender, as if he wasn't holding his fist in a death grip. In a deceptively sweet tone, he explains that he doesn't tolerate any sort of violence toward the staff.
Once the customer is kindly escorted out of the establishment, Jackpot finally acknowledges you. He doesn't speak, he simply pulls your shaking form into his strong embrace. Your fear is overshadowed by intense embarrassment considering the amount of clothes he's wearing. He's warm, though.
He hushes you as he holds you, stroking your hair and swaying back and fourth. You internally wonder how this man manages to show such intimacy.
You hardly notice that there's a discussion going on around you until your arm is gently taken by... Well, fuck. Your boss is here. You're definitely fired.
Gambit chuckles in acknowledgement of your nerves, shaking his head. He doesn't seem angry, more amused. He plants a kiss to the back of your hand, asking you how you're feeling. You stumble over your words, unable to form a coherent sentence in such a situation.
They both smile fondly-- Nay, possessively-- down at you. How cute, maybe now you'll learn that they're the only ones who can protect you.
"You don't need to worry, sweet thing. We'll never let anyone hurt you again."
"I'll make sure you feel much better by your next shift. You'll have to stay with us for a while. No arguments, unless you want that debt to swallow you whole."
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portgasdwrld · 9 months
Hello! I read older posts where you mentioned you weren't a fan of your writing. I think you're awesome though! Love your work. c:
I have a suggestion, if you happen to like it. Could we get Zoro (and any other characters) with a shy and aloof female reader who can't figure out they're being flirted with, even though they share the same feelings?
👩🏻‍💻Hey!! Thank you so much for your sweet words it means a lot to me🫶🏻✨ I’m super happy you love it! And yes ofc no problem!! I love the idea 🤭
📂 Zoro+ oblivious shy/aloof reader to his flirting
Featuring: Zoro+ f!reader Warning: none, fluff Note: I rewrote it and very much prefer this version, I hope you do as much as me
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Zoro was never the type of man to be outspoken about his feelings
His flirting is somewhat a bit clumsy and he gets frustrated with himself easily. He gets embarrassed by being open with how he feels.
It doesn’t help when you are clearly not reading in between the lines...
He even wonders if you are doing it intentionally to mess with him, but when you just give him a confused look or go on about your day like nothing happened, he questions himself 😭
A sigh leaves the swordsman's lips as his back leans against the railing of the deck. His thoughts wander and they always come back to one thing bothering him: you.
He starts to doubt himself as most of his flirting attempt were fails. A week ago, he complimented your outfit ,but you simple threw a short thanks with a smile as you walked away. Wednesday when he sat next you for dinner and brushed his arm against yours, you just apologized with a blush and slightly took your distance. Yesterday, when he asked to talk to you, but you stuttered a bunch of words and got away from him by grabbing Nami's arm.
He knew better than abandoning. In fact, ever since his feelings for you were revealed to him, all he could think of, was you. You occupied his mind when it wasn't focused on training, he found himself longing to hug you and smile when you do. Although, he thought about not pursuing you, scared it would ruin his focus on his goal. It was in vain, as he realized you were always very supportive of his goal and even cheered him to train harder and achieve his dream. He appreciate it a lot.
The sun is slowly setting on the Sunny, the golden light illuminating the boat. He looks far away, a hand on his swords and his head turns in your direction as your laugh echoes through the ship.
You are playing a card game with Robin, killing time before its time for supper.
His lips naturally curve into a discreet smile as he observes you complain about some move Robin did. You were accusing her of cheating with her ability, sulking over your lost as she quickly denies it with a chuckle. As he watches you, he notices that you did something different with your hair and decide to use it to his advantage.
He approaches you with his usual blank expression, but he slightly hesitate in his steps which caught Robins attention. You smile noticing his presence.
-What brings you here! Wanna play?
You ask him as you show him quickly the pack of cards in your hands with your infamous grin.
-Nah, I’m good. You..you did something new with your hair?
-Oh, yeah! You noticed? Robin said it looked good.
You reply in an excited tone as you touch your hair.
-Yeah, you’re pretty.
-Thanks! I appreciate it
You say with a slight blush due to the compliment, but an awkward silence falls. Zoro stays silent for a moment as he thinks of what he could ad to the conversation but you open your mouth first.
- By the way,..umm I'm sorry about yesterday, i hope it wasn't something important?
You trail avoiding to stare at him as you remember how you embarrassingly ran away too nervous to talk to him. When he pulled you to the side, his eyes staring deeply into yours, you felt like you couldn't breath for a moment. You didn't want him to obviously figure out you like him...
Robin gazes at Zoro before looking at you a small teasing smirk appearing on her lips.
-Oh...Yeah...I was hoping to talk to you, but...uh.
He says as his face gets red. He clearly hates the facts that Robin is here enjoying the little show while you are still oblivious to his advances.
-It can wait
-We can talk now if you want. We were done with our game anyway.
-I have to do something first, but you can meet me in the crow-nest in about 5 minutes?
He lies trying to give himself some time to think about what he's going to say. You nod agreeing with your usual smile that he loves so much.
-Alright then see ya
You watch him leave, curious about what he wants to speak with you. You shrug your shoulders ready to leave too, but Robin is looking at you with a small teasing smirk.
She retorts sweetly before waving you off.
The dark sky slowly sets over the head of the Strawhats as the delicious smell of the food fills everyone nostrils. You enter your room to put away your card and as you are about to leave, you take a moment to breath. You didn't notice how nervous you are until you felt your breath getting a little shaky.
Arrived at the location, you open the door and see him sat not too far from the window. He’s looking away but as he notices your presence, he invites you to sit besides him.
-The food smells good
You say breaking the silence. He nods and looks outside again. At around the same moment, an insect fly inside and run directly in your face, making you panic a little. Zoro is quick to catch it and throw it away, making sure you are fine at the same time.
-You’re okay?
-Yeah, it’s just a small insect, I'm good.
He gets closer to you and clumsily fix your hair with the use of his fingers.
He concludes with a small satisfied smile as he finishes placing your hair. You look up at him with a blush, eyes connecting with his. Zoro clears his throat as he leans back while you stare at your nervous fingers. Your heart is pounding in your chest as you stare now at your friend.
-So, what did you want to talk about?
You see him hesitate as he opens his mouth but close it quickly. His gaze shift from you to the view outside. He sighs and with a blush spread on his tanned cheeks, he finally speaks.
-I like you
Your eyes widen at his sudden confession, not expecting this at all. You furrow your eyebrows as your hand naturally covers your pounding heart.
-What??Since when!?
You ask completely confused. He chuckles a little astonished to your true shock to his confession. You really didn't notice his flirting tactics.
-I thought I made it obvious
-No?? How??
-Uh...with compliments.
-I don't compliment anyone like the cook, I genuinely think you are pretty.
You gasp a little hiding your face in your hands, half of you not believing this is real and half of you realizing the cause of his strange behavior. You let your hands fall on your laps as you giggle.
-You're so bad at flirting
You joke to try to calm yourself down. Both of you start laughing as he admits it with a nod.
-You are so dense though
-Pfff, not at all
-You clearly can't take a hint
-Y/N SWANNNN, It's time to eat!
You are interrupted by Sanji's scream that startle you a little.
-Look like dinner is ready
Zoro concludes as he prepares himself to stand up, but you quickly grab his forearm pulling him down. You close the distance and give him a quick kiss on his cheek. He looks at you surprised, but he slowly start to smile.
-I like you too
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yanderecrazysie · 3 months
Saw this demon slayer fic where the reader dances while they fight, i found it a cool fighting style and it would be rlly nice if u wrote yan hashiras x a reader like that :3
I decided to go back to doing headcanons quickly (as compared to oneshots) so I skipped ahead to the first hcs on the list.
And that sounds really cool! My little sister is a dancer! She does competitions and stuff- she’s absolutely amazing and will be auditioning for a pro studio in a few months! I’m so proud of her. 
Me though? I’m ungraceful as fuck and have a bad knee.
WARNINGS: yandere themes, mostly fluffiness 
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Tomioka Giyu
Tomioka’s face gives away none of the amazement he feels watching you fight for the first time.
He wants to get to know you better, but he’s awkward by nature and doesn’t like talking much, so he struggles to do so.
Master Ubuyashiki can tell his little Giyu has a crush, so he often pairs you both up on missions, hoping you’ll give him a chance, not realizing how dark Tomioka’s love really is.
Thankfully, despite his obsessiveness, Tomioka is more of a watcher (and stalker). He would never hurt you.
He just wants to watch you dance until the end of time.
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Tokito Muichiro
Tokito is another calm yandere that isn’t easily impressed. But even when seeing your dance moves, he’s not blown away.
However, he does think your dancing is quite pretty and finds himself thinking about it even outside of battle, which is confusing to him.
He can’t figure out why you keep appearing in his dreams and it frustrates him a lot at first.
But then, he’s sitting there under the full moon, watching you twirl and leap as you practice fighting against the butterfly hashira, and he understands.
He’s fallen in love with you.
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Rengoku Kyojuro
Rengoku, on the other hand, is very impressed and tells you so!
He’s very vocal about how much he loves your fighting style, and you enjoy showing off for him.
He doesn’t like fighting against you, because he’d much rather sit back and watch instead of try to overpower you. 
You’ve beat him several times in practice, and it only causes his respect (and love) to grow.
Anyone who thinks you’re just a pretty ballerina has another thing coming when you pull out your sword, and he knows that first hand.
He likes watching you so much that he’s asked you to dance for him, and he applauds very loudly and enthusiastically when you’re done.
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Tengen Uzui
You’re a flashy person like he is, and he respects that!
Your dance moves are cutting-edge, quite literally, with a spin of hip-hop in with the ballet. It’s a unique style and he loves it!
He invites you on his missions, even if he could easily do it alone, simply because you’re the only human on earth that can match his level of flashiness.
He loves to fight alongside you, trying to make his moves as graceful as yours can be.
He finds himself researching dance more, so he can choreograph his battle moves too.
He feels all warm inside when you compliment his attempts at dancing, even though he’s kind of clunky and awkward at it with his big figure.
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Iguru Obanai
Iguru will, of course, tell you that it might not be possible to always dance during a battle.
He also complains that you’re using too much stamina with your moves.
But secretly, he really loves watching, and he’s just very worried about you.
He gives you pointe shoes in your favorite color as a gift, and you wear them with your uniform.
He’s very proud that you like them and blushes when you hug him, telling him that they’re the perfect gift.
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Shinazugawa Sanemi
Shinazugawa will never tell you that he thinks your hip-hop dance moves are badass.
But he does. He really, really does.
He sometimes puts you down, implying that being a dancer is weak and stuff like that.
But when you knock him on his butt in sparring practice, that shuts him up pretty quickly.
He finds himself actually competing with you a lot, determined to prove he’s better than some “dancy-pants”. But you always perform better than him.
The two of you are always butting heads, so you’re not paired together very often. But when you are, you don’t end up working well together.
He develops a crush without realizing it and it just ends up making him even angrier.
But the moment he sees you in danger, he’s ripping the demon limb-from-limb.
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Himejima Gyomei
The first time you dance, you move him to tears. He’s never seen anyone or anything so beautiful.
You find it funny that your pirouetting can literally make someone cry, but you’re gentle with the tearful hashira, telling him you’re honored he likes your ballet so much.
The two of you end up being friends, with him quietly enjoying your dancing and battle practice.
You end up being on a lot of missions together since, despite the difference in your abilities, you fight well together.
He loves you so deeply and is extremely protective of you, so the others are intimidated away by the gentle giant, leaving him as your only friend
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nexysworld · 11 months
Mission: Safeword
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Read on AO3 🖤 Make a Request 🖤 Masterlist
Summary: Leon has many methods of getting information while on missions, especially from pretty girls like yourself.
Pairing: Infinite Darkness!Leon x Fem!Reader
Tags: NSFW, MDNI, Dubcon (but reader's into it), Face sitting, fingering, slight knife play, light bdsm, overstimulation, no use of y/n, not proofread
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Your fingers quickly scattered across the keyboard, desperately trying to transfer the data and lock the system down. Silent alarms had been blaring and security had given the signal that an intruder – likely a government spy – had invaded  the compound. 
Whoever it was they had been lying low, no obvious break-ins, no knocked out staff, like a mouse. “Come on, come on.” You groaned, bringing your fist down onto the desk in frustration. “Faster you stupid thing. Billion dollar research company and you can’t even afford computers built after 1998?”  Pinching your temples you leaned back in your chair with a sigh, the transfer had been initiated, there was nothing else you could do now but hope that it went through. 
You tapped your fingers on your chair as  you watched the timer continue to recalculate the transfer time. Suddenly the screen went dark, along with the overhead lighting, leaving only a few of the lamps scattered around the office. “What the fuck? No, no this can’t be happening.” You banged the side of the computer, willing it to work again. The backup generators should’ve prevented the lights and systems from going out – this wasn’t making any sense. “Sorry Sweetheart, but I don’t think hitting it is going to fix the issue… on account of me pulling all these plugs here.” The voice pulled you out of your confused rage as you whipped around to see a man leaning back against the wall casually, he lifted the bundle of wires in his left hand to make a point.. ‘When did he get in here, I didn’t even hear the door open?’ You thought to yourself, backing up a little instinctively. 
He wasn’t wearing a standard uniform, instead clad in a black leather jacket, blue jeans, and boots. His well groomed gray-blonde hair framed his face in a way that let you get a good read on his chiseled features – he looked more like a model than a government agent – but you didn’t have time to think on that further. “You’re the spy!” You accused, trying to buy time to decide your next steps. 
“Spy? That’s pretty harsh – I’m just doing my job y’know.” He dropped the plugs and used his right hand to click the lock on the door before making his way towards you. “I didn’t expect that my target would be such a pretty girl.The name’s Leon by the way, nice to meet you.” “St-stay back!” You backed up further, trying to disguise the embarrassed flush as anger. You grabbed the closest lamp to you and lifted it as if it were a bat. ‘Wait – did he just say I was his target?’
He chuckled at your response. “C’mon, you don’t look like a fighter. Just relax and we can get this over with quickly, ok? It’s not my style to hurt pretty women if I don’t have to.”
“I said, s-tay back!” You tried to reaffirm again. When he ignored you, you swung hard, he easily caught you by the wrist and spun you so your back was to his chest. With one arm tucked behind yourself, he squeezed the remaining wrist so tight your hand was forced open sending the lamp shattering at the floor. 
“Knew you weren’t a fighter.” He purred in your ear, you could feel the stubble on his jaw rub against your neck, making you shudder. “Now that that’s out of your system, I don’t suppose we could hurry along to the part where you give me the info I need?” 
“Absolutely not!” You replied, squirming as much as you could against his grasp. He didn’t budge, grip like a vice. A disappointed sigh and hot breath on your neck stalled your movements for a moment as a shudder ran down your body, hyper aware of the muscles under his thin shirt, the smell of his cologne. If this had been some action movie instead of real life, it almost would’ve been seductive – right now though you were frustrated and scared. “So it’s going to be like that, huh? Well, don’t say I didn’t try to play nice.” He cooed before manhandling you over to the office couch that was pressed to the far wall. In a final attempt to get away, you threw your weight to the ground before he could get you on the sofa, and took off to run. 
It was short lived as he grabbed you from behind by your waist, hoisting you backwards and
tossing you onto the couch. Before you could try again, he was straddling your waist with his weight and gathered both wrists into one hand, pinning them above you against the wall. “You really wanna do this the hard way, don’t you princess?” He didn’t wait for your answer as he used his free hand to unbuckle his belt, removing it from his jeans in one swift movement, before latching it around your wrists and tightening it, hooking it to the metal peg built into the wall for keys and coats.
He moved off of you when he latched your hands, leaving you stuck there, hands above your head, wrists sore. “Fuck you! I’m not telling you anything.” There was a noticeable tremble in your voice, especially as he pulled his gun from the holster – which did not go unnoticed by him. 
He tilted his head with a little smirk.“I think that might be a great idea actually.” He set the weapon down on the small side table along with his knife before shrugging himself out of his leather jacket, revealing a tight button up and rolled sleeves. With the jacket off, you had a better sight of just how fit he was, muscles everywhere. You swallowed a gulp, not sure what great idea he was referring to and not fully deciding what emotion you were feeling now – fear, lust, both?
Your body made the decision for you as heat panged between your legs along with wetness. You squeezed your thighs together to alleviate some of it – a small gesture he also picked up on, the smirk on his face growing wider. “I’ll be honest, I’m used to a different kind of reaction when I meet women at work. Gotta say, I’m not complaining.” He separated your legs slightly and dipped two fingers between them under your skirt,, rubbing you gently through your panties. A gasp escaped your lips and you squirmed against the movement. “Atta girl.” He praised, using his free hand to hold you by your chin, making sure you were looking directly at him. 
The coiling pleasure between your legs had your head going a little hazy, eyes locking with his. ‘Fuck he’s handsome.’ Your nipples began to harden under your work blouse, as you took in his features further. 
His fingers sped up their pace, and he tightened his grip on your chin so he could lean in, whispering just against the corner of your lips, teasing a kiss. “Such a pretty, pretty girl.” His lips met your cheek softly, before he slipped his fingers into your panties, dragging slick from your hole up to rub against your clit more easily.
The change in sensation coupled with his words had you spilling over the edge, whining as your orgasm crashed into you, leaving your legs shivering. Leon pulled back, giving you a moment to catch your breath. He crossed his arms over his chest and flopped back against the couch casually. “So….now that we’ve established some rapport, are you ready to answer my questions about project D?” 
In a moment of post-pleasure clarity, your brain had finally processed the situation, leaving you shameful, embarrassed, and aggravated. “Of course not!” You said between pants.
His face morphed into thought before a realization overcame him, like a light bulb went off in his head. “You’re lucky I like ‘em hard to get.” He moved to unbutton your blouse, grabbing the knife off the floor to slice your bra open, both breasts spilling out. “So here’s how it’s going to work.” He made his way down to your skirt, unzipping the side and slipping it down your legs. “I already told you, I don’t like hurting women – but I never leave a mission without getting the intel I need..” He used the knife to make quick work of your panties as well, leaving you in nothing but your button up, slung open and dangling off your arms along with what was left of your bra. “So I’m gonna use another method to get you to talk.” 
You had a good idea of what his plan was going to be, and if you were honest the primal part of your brain was turned on in anticipation.  The working part of your brain still kept your lips sealed. “Try whatever you want, I won’t speak.” “We’ll see about that.” He unhooked you for a moment so he could flip you around, face to the wall. Expecting to hear the sound of his pants unzipping, you were surprised when instead he moved to lay down beneath you, and then it finally clicked what he was planning to do. “The safeword is ‘I’ll tell you.’ The catch is Princess, you gotta actually tell me what I need, otherwise I may have to keep this up.”
You didn’t get the opportunity to protest as his strong arms wrapped around your legs, pulling your wet cunt down against his face, tongue already darting out to lap at your sensitive clit. The sensation of the stubble rubbing against your thighs along with the wriggling muscle against your most sensitive spot made you whimper and moan, wanting to grab hold of something but being unable to in your bound state. 
Already more sensitive than usual from your first orgasm, it didn’t take long before you were grinding down onto his face riding out a second one. Unlike before though, he didn’t give you a moment to rest, holding your thighs in place tightly he continued to lap at your sensitive bud, making you scream. Your wrists yanked against their confines fruitlessly, your legs desperately wiggled, but he kept you exactly where he wanted you, as he continued to eat you like you were the last meal he’d ever have – third orgasm quickly being ripped from you faster than the previous one. “N-no can’t, too much.” Tears spilled from your eyes and stained your cheeks as he didn’t let up, your legs were quivering, muscles tight and sore, his belt digging into your wrists. “P-please….can’t….can’t any–” you were cut off with a choked whimper as your fourth erupted from your aching pussy. Never having had so many back to back, your body felt exhausted, brain not able to come up with any  more coherent thoughts. 
Luckily, he stopped this time for a moment, releasing the bruising grip on your legs and adjusting you so he could talk. You could see the upper half of his face, looking up at you between your legs, which wouldn’t stop shaking with aftershocks. “Look at you, only four in and you’re already sobbing and begging. Such a sweet-tasting girl isn’t made to be so stubborn, are you ready to say the words?” His voice was silk as he rubbed your leg softly adding to the temptation. 
You defiantly shook your head, lip jutting out in a pout, as tempting as it was, you weren’t ready to lose your life or career over this – but your will was wavering, especially between the different sensations of pleasure and pain from the ache in your arms. “Suit yourself.” He said, tucking himself between your legs again, returning to his position underneath you. One arm wrapped itself back around  your leg, but he had different plants for the other one, working it around so he could line his fingers up at your entrance, sliding two of them in until it reached the leather of his fingerless gloves, as he started sucking on your clit. 
Your velvety walls clamped down over the digits, the sensation beyond overwhelming as he began to pump them in and out, pleasuring new spots within you. Your brain finally short-circuited and began to imagine what it would be like with someone else inside of you, stretching you open. “L-leon…” you moaned out his name for the first time as he continued to work your hole, and suck on your too-sensitive pearl of nerves. Skilled fingers easily found that special spot that sent you reeling, curling them upwards to make sure each movement stimulated it.
In tandem with the external pleasure of his mouth, the last of your resolve crumbled. You came for the fifth time, head flung back, chanting his name like a prayer. This time when he didn’t stop, you couldn’t take it anymore, too tired, teary, overwhelmed, and exhausted. “St-stop…stop……I can’t……I’ll tell you. I’ll tell you.” You sobbed out. 
As promised his movements ceased immediately. “You sure?” You nodded in confirmation between sniffles. He slid out from under you, wiping his mouth with his sleeve before unhooking your sore arms from the wall, lying you down on your back, facing him. He removed the belt while you caught your breath, before he massaged the reddening marks on your wrists. “See? I knew a girl like you couldn’t be that stubborn. Now….ready to talk about project D?” You nodded again hesitantly. The next smile that graced his features seemed genuine, and while it was likely a trap you couldn’t help but fall for it, much too empty-headed to think about any potential consequences. 
Immediately you were answering every question he had to your best ability in your dreamlike state, he nodded eagerly and praised you for each good answer as he continued rubbing your body in a massage working from bottom to top, pressing small kisses against your skin as he went. He stopped after placing a brief one to your lips, which you pressed into without thinking.  The actions were effective, so much so you hadn’t even noticed you’d fallen asleep. 
When you woke a while later, the lab was still dark but the computer had been turned back on casting a light over to you. You could see Leon, sitting in front of it, a harddrive plugged in obviously canceling and copying the data transfer. Once Leon noticed you were awake he made his way back over to you, sitting on the end of the couch. “Sleep well?” You didn’t immediately respond, not fully ready to process everything that had just happened – like directly handing over intel to the enemy. “It won’t be safe to stay here now. Why don’t you come with me out of here – with my connections come certain protections. I’ll even buy you dinner so we can discuss keeping you safe.”
“Dinner, really? Do you offer that to all the ladies you go down on during missions?”  
He chuckled, “Only the ones I like” He leaned forward to rub his thumb over your cheek, causing your face to flush again. “Besides,I am nothing if not a gentleman and would never leave a damsel to distress.”  You rolled your eyes at the corny comment, but upon realizing he was right you agreed. “Fine. Dinner.”
“Atta girl.” He gave you a chaste kiss before returning to grab the harddrive from the computer and giving you a chance to fix your disheveled state.
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lovings4turn · 4 months
[ 🐈‍⬛ ] slide out the window -send me a prompt + a character / driver , and i'll write a mini fic based off of it
i could go for the obvious but i think jess mariano deserves more love. so jess + he finds the poems you write about him.
jess does in fact deserve all of the love ever you're so real lari !! thanks sm for sending this in n im so sorry for how long it took to get this out-
"you know, this would be a lot easier if you cleaned your room more often."
"that is so rich coming from you!"
playful bickering had filled the room for the better part of five minutes as you practically ransacked your room in pursuit of jess' missing jacket. it was here somewhere, but where, you had no idea.
it was almost frustrating. your room wasn't even that big, and unless jess had gone out of his way to hide it, there was no reason the search should have turned into an all out scavenger hunt.
"this is worse than that time kirk lost all of those eggs," you groaned, pushing yourself to stand after searching underneath your bed.
"so dramatic," jess quipped, though his search in your wardrobe also proved futile.
"what did you even do with the thing?" you questioned, unable to hold back your laughter as even the most odd places were found empty.
"i hadn't seen you in four days, i'm sorry that my priority was-" jess cut himself off, dark brows furrowed as he scanned something on your desk.
"what are these?"
after a moment, jess held up his hand, a few loose sheets of paper clasped between his fingers and confusion written across his face. you, too, were confused for a moment before you realised.
"oh, uh," you scrambled for words, feeling your cheeks heat up as you realised exactly what he'd found. "they're nothing."
"nothing?" jess repeated, clearly amused. "well, 'nothing' looks an awful lot like some poetry. pretty good poetry, by the way. you write these?"
there was no point trying to deny it. not when he was looking at you with a slightly crooked smile and a soft gaze reserved only for your company.
"i guess, yeah." you shrugged, still embarrassed. "they're nothing special, scribbles, really."
"no? they seem awfully romantic," he teased, though there was something else behind his words. "are they... y'know. are they about me?"
you could have laughed at his question, the answer being so obvious, but the moment between you both seemed so vulnerable, a bubble that could easily be popped by even one wrong word.
"of course they are."
with great care, jess placed the sheets back down onto your desk and made his way over to you. warm hands found your own, lifted until they were held between yours and jess' frames. he gave you another gentle smile before his lips were on yours.
each movement of his mouth was poetry in its own way, conveying every small thought and feeling jess wished to tell you. every sigh was a confession, the trace of his tongue against your lips his pen upon paper.
the search for jess' jacket could wait. jess had found something far more precious.
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epiphyllous · 5 months
when morning comes (Astarion/Reader) [1]
With your bleeding heart and altruistic bravery, it is almost too easy for Astarion to come to the conclusion that his best plan of action is to seduce you. All he has to do is not fall for you-- a feat easier said than done.
(Where were you ten, fifty, hundreds of years ago when he needed you? How dare you come now, the knight in shining armor for the less fortunate, when he has been waiting centuries for someone like you to save him? How dare you come to him now when he is like this?)
Word Count: ~10k Notes: Astarion/Reader, Paladin!Reader, AFAB, gender-neutral "you", a study in Astarion's romance route + added features, [switches to your POV], annoyance to lovers, fall first/fall harder, slight Lae'zel/Shadowheart, Wyll/Lae'zel, Halsin/Reader; may have some descriptors of my Tav but generally no specifics (let me have my brown eyes), NSFW contains Virgin!Reader, trauma related to Astarion's past [Part 2]
[Act I: Druid Groves]
From the start, you and Astarion chafed at each other's presence. Granted, he had threatened you at knife point, quick to suspect you were of the illithid colony, and you had responded in kind with a painful headbutt. But surprisingly enough, that had nearly no consequence to the relationship compared to the vastly different way the two of you engaged with the world.
"Do you always just... do things for other people for no reward?" Astarion asks you disdainfully when you promise Zevlor you would speak to Kagha. It's the third favor you've picked up in the last hour. "Seems very... inefficient."
"Yes?" You reply, confused as though he were the strange one. (In his humblest opinion, you're the lunatic who decides to help everyone who asks despite the arguably more pressing issue of their hostile parasite.) "I mean, helping them is going to help us in the long-run. We need information and supplies, and they have both of that."
A half-truth at best. Astarion has seen you soothe stray animals and children on the beaten road, help wayward allies, and offer up your amenities without hesitation. Helping others happens to align with your goal rather than the other way around. He feels his mouth twist in annoyance.
Astarion sniffs at your answer, and you give him the massive eye roll you habitually do every time the two of you argue. "Would it kill you to help them out a little?" You say, "It's not like it's completely out of our way to do it."
You make it sound so simple, he thinks bitterly. He glances at the sword at your hip and the shield on your back and wonders if you could ever understand how it feels to be powerless. It would explain your naivety, the way you cling onto doing the 'right' thing, your paladin vow to protect the weak no matter how foolhardy it may be. 
(Where were you, he thinks, ten, fifty, hundreds of years ago when he was still surviving on the scraps of whatever Cazador decided to provide for him that night? Where were you when his cruel master carved into his skin, a painter on a screaming canvas? When he was buried underground, no longer alive but still living, until he clawed his way up with bloody hands, only to find out his body and soul belonged to another? When he was compelled by vampiric thrall to lead his first victim of thousands to their death?
And how dare you come now, the knight in shining armor for the less fortunate, when he has been waiting centuries for someone like you to save him? How dare you come to him now when he is like this?)
"It's a matter of principle, darling." Astarion simpers, "I, for one, am not the type to play hero."
He expects a sneer, the silent treatment-- those he knows easily how to respond to. The gauging look you give him, though, and a thin veneer of frustration just underneath before it dissipates gives him pause. "Well," you say mildly, "we can agree to disagree. You're coming along anyways so let's just get going, yeah?"
Astarion follows you then with no comeback in mind, only a question as to how far your patience can go.
It is with great hesitation and no small amount of begrudgement that Astarion admits he has never been one for planning. After all, why hope for a future that will never occur? What future does he have when every move he makes is in accordance to someone else's will, every decision made never his own? 
When Astarion decided to travel with the unfortunate duo (now group) with similar illithid fates, he did not anticipate how difficult it would be to hide his affliction of a vampire. For the brief moment in the sun, he thought perhaps that because he was immune to daylight, his thirst for blood would have also disappeared. Imagine his surprise, nights after, when he finds himself starving and with no inconspicuous way to feed himself. 
There is always someone on the lookout for goblins or other enemies alike. There have been few times he can sneak out without calling attention to himself, especially for such a long absence as hunting for prey would be. Astarion can feel himself grow weak over the course of a few days, and though he briefly thinks about telling you the truth about his identity, he is resistant. 
Good heroes tend to hunt creatures of the night like him. Considering his blatant disregard for those you choose to protect, he isn't sure he will continue to be under your protection if he is outed. Astarion finds traveling as a pack to be too conveniently safe, but he is so, so hungry. In the midst of his hunger, anyone's blood will do, but it is yours that tempt him most: healthy, righteous, and pure-hearted. He has never been allowed to feed on a thinking creature, and at this point, he isn't sure if he should, considering the risks.
But Astarion is tempted by the smell of your blood shed during a particularly fierce battle, and as he feels his hands tremble, he concludes that he must find a way to feed tonight.
You always, without fail, set your tent up near the fire. It is where he finds himself creeping over your bedroll at the dead of night only to find that you have woken up to look up at him in shock. (He has never been one for planning.)
"...Shit," Astarion lets slip out, backing away. You stand at the ready, eyes boring into him as you come to the realization of what he is. "No, no- it's not what it looks like."
 "...And what exactly is it supposed to look like then?" You ask tensely, and Astarion feels the situation quickly run away from him.
"I wasn't going to hurt you!” He puts his hands up and swallows. “I just needed, well, blood."
"You're the reason why that boar on the side of the road had no blood.” You realize, narrowing your eyes. "How many things have you hunted without us knowing?” You accuse, “People?"
"No!" Astarion exclaims, "No people. Never any people. I can sustain myself on animals, kobolds even-- but it is not enough. Not when we're fighting every day like this."
He sees a flicker of sympathy in your eyes and hope builds in his chest. "I feel so weak," he pleads. "If I just had a little bit of blood, I could think clearer. Fight better. Please."
You don't relax but you don't try to attack him either. Astarion considers that a winning chance. "Have you told anyone that you're a vampire?"
"They're more likely to ram a stake through my ribs than anything," Astarion mutters. "At best– even for you– you'd say no unless you trusted me." He looks up at you and sees the way your eyes look into him for the truth. "And you can trust me. I wouldn't want to harm anyone in this camp." And it is technically the truth, though Gale tests his patience sometimes. Even he cannot promise that he wouldn't betray everyone at the drop of the hat if the situation begs for it, but this is a completely different matter at the moment. 
Your gaze is unfaltering, the silence palpable as the two of you look at each other. Astarion feels his palms sweat as he awaits your judgment and for the proverbial hammer to possibly fall on his head. 
"Okay," you say instead. "Alright. I trust you. As long as you don't try biting me again without permission, it's fine. Can you promise me that at least?"
"Really?" Astarion knows this is what he could ever hope for, but a part of him is baffled that you would ever think to trust him. He supposes your foolhardy compassion has its benefits-- though he would be lying to himself if he didn't admit there was a part of him that was rather... flattered by your trust. "Yes- yes, of course. Thank you."
He presses his lips in thought. If you were so willing to put your faith in him, then perhaps it would not hurt to ask. "If I could ask you to trust me just a little further..." He says, "I just need a little blood. I won't take anything more than I need. Please."
Astarion can see the hesitation in your eyes when he asks. Are you weighing your trust in him, he wonders. Or are you worried about your safety, the benefits versus the risks? It would make sense-- you really shouldn't. But a moment before you respond, he somehow knows that you would. 
[He looks so tired, you think, heart clenching with sympathy. You wonder how you've missed it for this long or if he's that good at pretending otherwise in the presence of others. It could be both-- Astarion has shown to be a great performer, and you are one of his best audiences. You find it difficult to argue against letting him bite you; the anticipated pain, the possible negative effect, the case that his hunger is too much for you to quench all pales in comparison to what good you would do for him. 
You are halfway to being smitten already, and you cannot deny yourself this.
But you are not naive. You are not fearless. For whatever trust you give to Astarion, you are afraid of the fact that if he betrays you in this, you can never go back to how it was before.]
"Promise me you'll stop if I tell you to," you tell him quietly. 
He acquiesces quickly. Of course, he will, he promises, only just enough. You lay back down at his suggestion, body tense in anticipation. He does not let that feeling linger too long, seizing his chance before you decide to change your mind. He buffets your body with his arms before he sinks his teeth into your outstretched neck. 
You taste better than he could possibly have imagined. 
To think he fed solely on mice before-- bog water in comparison to the sweet red of your blood, invigorating and undeniably delicious. Astarion gets another mouthful and groans, feeling strength return, warmth pooling into his belly. If bears and boars were the main course, then you are the mouth-salivating dessert– irresistibly delectable and leaving him wanting for more.
Your body trembles underneath him, your hand clenched into his shirt as a counterweight to the pain. Your pulse bounds underneath his tongue, the small gasps you cannot suppress resounds into his ears. This, too, puts feeding in a different plane than before, an extra level of appeal that can only be experienced with thinking creatures. Perhaps it is you in particular that adds another layer to the pleasure. Having you at his mercy, taking what you so graciously offered with ravenous hunger: power courses through him for more reasons than one.
[Your heart beats as fast as a rabbit's, fear and adrenaline powering you in the same manner. Or, if you were being honest, anticipation and a little bit of excitement fuels it as well as Astarion climbs on top of you, hunger in his eyes. 
It is a more literal type of hunger, but it is an intense look either way that leaves you frozen like a deer in headlights. 
The bite itself is more shocking than it is painful. You barely muffle your exclamation, unused to the feeling of someone so intimately close combined with the instinctive fear that accompanies the loss of blood. You hold onto Astarion without thought, and you squeeze your eyes and bite your lips as he takes your blood in with every suck. 
As scared as you may be, you are undeniably aroused from the feeling of it all-- the numbness that gently overtakes your mind, the light, floaty feeling of pleasure of the bloodloss combined with the intimacy of someone you’ve always been attracted to. The knowledge that he is gorging himself on you, taking pleasure from you, makes your blood run hotter than it has any right to in this situation. 
And then, you feel a switch flip, and the lightness becomes disorienting, and the numbness bleeds into coldness. Panic starts climbing up your throat. You let yourself think for the briefest moment if Astarion will let go on his own, but you know you will not last long enough to wait. Worry gnaws at you at this thought, and you can only hope that Astarion is true to his word when you tell him to stop.
And he does. Perhaps it is the feeling that you have placed your trust in the right person that has felt the best out of everything that has happened tonight.]
"Astarion-" he hears you grit out, "that's enough."
“Hm? Oh, yes, of course.” It takes but a moment for Astarion to register it before removing his fangs from your neck. He sees blood trickle from the punctures and he bemoans the waste as he pulls away. Next time– if there is a next time– he'll be neater, he thinks. He watches as you breathe just as hard as him, eyes slightly glazed over, and he barely resists the urge to lick his lips. 
He stands from you to give you space, and you slowly sit up, looking at him with an emotion he can't quite place. It concerns him little at the moment with the strongest blood he's ever consumed in two millennia coursing through him.
“That was…” Astarion begins, breathless with adrenaline, “Amazing.” He delicately wipes the blood from the side of his mouth, an irrepressible smile on his face.
“Hope that helped,” you say, and he almost laughs at the understatement of two centuries.
“It very much did.” Astarion breathes in deeply. “My mind is finally clear. I feel… strong,” he nearly purrs. Happy.”
“Looking forward to seeing you fight then,” you say, hand at your neck as the punctures gradually close. You sigh, wiping your bloody hands onto the patch of grass. “Going out to hunt?” You ask like any other day.
“I am, darling.” He stands tall, head held high with a confidence he has not felt in ages. To think this is what he's been missing out on… “You're invigorating, but I'll need to get something more… filling,” he tells you, glancing back.
You give him a flippant wave of the hand, and he isn't sure if you are too tired to be wary of him or uncaring of the risk considering what you allowed him to do. “Good hunting,” you say genuinely before yawning. 
“I will. And-” You turn to him then, eyes half-lidded with exhaustion but still alert. Astarion pauses for a moment. “This is a gift, you know,” he says. “I won't forget it.”
He walks off into the forest after and finds easy prey to feast on. It's a shame it does not taste as good as you did, but he will make do and ride out the feeling of power for as long as he can. It is when he returns to camp with you fast asleep by the fire that Astarion realizes the emotion on your face was relief: relief that he had stopped when you had asked, and that he kept to his word. 
What a fragile thing trust is, to be put to the breaking point at a single moment in time. What if he had continued to consume and drink you dry? He suspects it would have rather dire consequences to your mortality and even worse effects to his relationship with you. It would be unsalvageable, he realizes, if he had not stopped when you had asked. For some things may be forgiven, but this would be reprehensible. 
Astarion finds that he understands you too well for his liking. How many times has he not been able to give consent? Wanted to say 'no' but forced to say yes? (Not knowing now how to say 'no' at all?)
For the sake of his own livelihood (the camp would kill him for your death), his budding relations with you, and a part of him that yearns for what he should have had, Astarion is glad that he was not greedy tonight-- and, as the day comes, for the following nights to come.
The pitchforks and torches do not come the next morning. Maybe it is because everyone else has their equally dangerous secret to hide or because of your influence on the camp. You are more concerned at how you would help him feed than afraid that he will hurt anyone. 
"Why, isn't it my favorite traveling companion," he says to you when you approach him.
"You mean tastiest,” you say back, and he knows you are truly well and beyond hard feelings if you can joke about it.
"Well, I suppose that as well.” He tells you, “Though you have been the only one I've bitten so there is no competition, really."
And to his surprise, telling you about Cazador, his ill-begot fate as a vampire spawn and its subsequent diet, is easier than he would have expected. You listen with a sympathetic but otherwise neutral ear that makes it easy for him– and he suspects everyone else– to confess their circumstances to you. He's rather surprised he's been able to “resist” for this long. Even Gale has confessed he has a literal living bomb inside him in the little time they've all spent together as a group. 
(It goes to show how much everyone has grown to trust you; even Astarion is starting to see what everyone else sees in you.)
“I don't mind you taking my blood once in a while,” you instruct him, “but you can't just do it to an innocent person.”
“And how about a guilty person?” Astarion asks slyly, gleefully watching as you saddle next to him with a similar smile. 
“Free real estate, I suppose,” you say nonchalantly. “Just ask before you bite me?”
“No more late night surprises, you have my word on that.” He smiles, fangs bared, and you don't even blink at the sight of them. 
In the druid grove, you pick up a few more favors from the locals, though at least you have begun to ask for aid for the road. Not exactly payment, though you are offered a reward anyways. Astarion thinks you are either very lucky people are desperate for help or very charming in that innocent, eager to do good type of way that compels people to be generous. It is not unlike Wyll, who joins your group of illithid-afflicted companions, as the Blade of Frontiers. 
Naturally, the two of you get along as like-minded individuals. Gale, too, gravitates toward you for your compassion, and Shadowheart trusts you for perhaps the same reasons. Even Lae'zel, who you often have problems speaking to without feeling intimidated, has come to begrudgingly accept you as the de facto leader of the group. You are, as Astarion suspected, strong in battle as you are in personality. 
He often forgets both, but he cannot be blamed. After he witnesses you stand up to Lae'zel for the sake of an intimidated tiefling, he sees you lose an argument against a squirrel. Astarion sees you send goblins off rooftops and speak to trolls with confidence, and then he watches as you ask him to unlock a barn door with raunchy sex noises simply out of morbid curiosity. 
It is in these moments-- apart from your heroism and startling sense of morality-- that you and Astarion are often on the same page. As long as it is not from the needy, you don't find it a problem to loot. (He thinks practicality plays a role in disturbing dead bodies for money and items, and your vow says nothing against it.) If it's for the sake of peace, you don't mind spinning half-truths and lies. (The lies he personally thinks you need to work on more but he is a master of deception so perhaps there is no comparison with him.)
Your curiosity knows no bounds, and it is in this, both you and Astarion take cheerful glee in raking chaos. 
"I don't know what I expected!" You say almost cheerily after the group defeats the unlikely couple of bugbear and ogre after purposely interrupting their very loud lovemaking. 
Shadowheart gives you a raised eyebrow that has you sheepishly grin at her, and Astarion lets out a laugh. "Well, I certainly had a guess, but finding out was very interesting indeed."
"Interesting... is certainly a way to describe the scene we just witnessed," Gale says dryly. Astarion catches your eyes before you smile slyly. 
Innocently, you comment, "I wonder how the mechanics worked with the height difference-"
Gleefully, Astarion is quick to join in, watching Gale balk at the topic, “Well, with the way she was on her knees-” 
"Some things need not be pondered!"
That is when Astarion realizes that as long as the world stops begging for your help, the two of you get along quite well. If anything, Astarion finds your presence and comments most amusing out of everyone in camp. Gale is exceedingly verbose and other times awkward. Lae'zel Astarion isn't sure knows the meaning of joking, though her violent tendencies are right up his alley. Shadowheart-- as it turns out and makes total sense-- is a worshiper of Shar and therefore an automatic stick in the mud. 
Wyll waxes far too much about justice, and Karlach, when they find her and proceed to not kill her despite Wyll's initial request, is the next best thing though he is still wary of how hot she burns. You, however, have the humor and wit to match every ridiculous situation they encounter, and if anything, Astarion must give you that. God knows how he'd survive the boredom of camp and not being arms deep in gore without having someone to gossip with. 
The two of you agree the most when it comes to other topics, like Mystra's treatment of Gale, how good Wyll looks with horns, feelings about Gods. It makes for great and easy conversations though the two of you are also quick to snark if there is a disagreement. Astarion admits his words were sharp in the beginning (and you gave it right back until you just mellowed out) but he eventually relaxed when his role in camp solidified after his vampiric reveal.
And what a gift your blood was; Astarion counts his lucky stars that you continue to offer your neck to him as long as it is only yours he bites-- with permission, of course.
He was almost beginning to relax when a gur comes, asking for him.
Luckily enough, it seems this Gandrel has no idea what he looks like, so the two of you can play innocent together. You and Astarion give each other a discrete look before you go back to talking to the monster hunter. It must be Cazador, he seethes. Who else would put a Gur on his tracks acres away from Baldur's Gate? 
"And what did you want to do with this vampire spawn?" You ask innocuously.
"I would like to capture him."
"Capture? Not kill? Does someone want him alive?" You question, and Astarion must give you this: you are an excellent conversationalist, to seek more without giving much at all. Your eyes widen in what can be assumed as surprise, though they remain calculating. "You said so yourself: even vampire spawn are dangerous. Why would you accept a job to capture him?"
The gur shuffles his feet for a moment, chewing on his words. Astarion watches in secretive awe as you urge the hunter to trust you with unbidden information. "Well... It's not a request from an outside source..." He trails off, "We... have questions we were hoping he would answer."
Now that's curious, Astarion thinks. What would a monster hunter need for a spawn besides its demise? He knows you have the same question when he glances over at you as you watch on thoughtfully.
"Were you hoping to capture it to get to the vampire lord or something?" You ask, "Is that something that would even work?"
"We have little leads besides this vampire spawn, if I can be frank." He sighs and Astarion watches as he unravels the truth before you. "It's our children, you see. They've been captured.”
You are ever sympathetic to the Gur's plight--genuinely so. You hold no qualms keeping Astarion's name from your mouth but you speak to the Gur and provide him with advice and information you have received from Astarion. What a cheeky pup you are, playing double agent without batting an eye. Astarion feels like forgiving you for taking away the opportunity to get rid of the monster hunter once and for all just for the show of your wit and guile. 
Though Astarion thinks you could afford to be more ambitious. If you could have perhaps a little creativity in deciding what you want to do with the little tadpole in your brain or the absolutist cult, Astarion is sure the two of you would get along more.
"I don't know how the tadpole will change me," you admit with unexpected vulnerability. "I don't want to give them more power over me, and I don't know if feeding them will let them."
"Well..." Astarion pauses, scoffing at your response before he can accept the fact the two of you have more in common that he would rather believe. He'd rather not lose what he barely got back as well, he thinks. "I suppose there is reason to hesitate so maybe I'll wait until some other brave soul decides to give it a go." He gives you a look before continuing, "Try not to convince the others too much. I'm not too eager to be the first and only one to eat a tadpole."
You shrug noncommittally, promising nothing. Astarion barely resists the urge to roll his eyes. Paladins. 
Considering the dire straits in which you are bound and the rocky start the two of you had, Astarion would not have imagined the relationship with you to progress in this manner. Having you trust him was already beyond what was expected, especially after revealing his vampiric origins. Giving him your blood was a gift that he could hardly believe happened. One can imagine his surprise when he finds out you are charmed by his wits, finding genuine joy in his wry commentary. 
For god knows why, you have grown fond of him-- he can see it in the way you provide him with the best equipment, the way you seek his presence. The way you laugh freely around him and turn your back to him during battle, believing he will defend it. Though arriving at this point was coincidental, it is almost too easy for Astarion to come to the conclusion that his next step is to seduce you. 
Astarion sees your laughter, but he also sees the way you throw him glances when you think the others aren't looking. You instinctively lean closer to him when he is near and when he speaks, your eyes are quick to find him. You are attracted to him– and he means to capitalize on it and make you feel as though you would rather die than have him get hurt.
It's a simple plan, really. The seduction comes easy; all he needs to do is stay unattached, so if things go wrong, he'll find someone else to take cover under. 
(The plan should be simple-- he has learned tactics that would put any to their knees, tricked hundreds of people of his affections. But something about doing this to you-- this performance-- makes him uneasy. 
It's a shame, he finds himself thinking. He thinks he was beginning to like you too.
The thought lingers only for a moment. He is quick to push it from his mind; that too is a learned habit.)
Astarion finds his opportunity after the goblin camp has been slain and the tieflings throw a celebration in thanks. 
The wine is mediocre at best, but there is much of it to be shared, so the party is still in full blast when the moon is overhead. He finds himself a secluded part of camp to sip at the sorry excuse of a liquor, discomfited by the praise they give him for participating in the fight against the goblins. 
You are unused to the praise as well, humble as you are, but you are nearly glowing from the joy you feel as you make merry with those you have befriended. The rest of the party, even companions who were ambivalent at best at the idea of helping the tiefling immigrants, are satisfied with the outcome despite the lack of progress with removing the tadpole. He would say otherwise– the trade of goblin lives for tieflings hardly makes a difference, and surely the goblins would throw a wilder party than this. He says as much to you when, faithfully, you find your way to him to talk.
“All I want,” he tells you, “is a little bit of fun. Is that so much to ask?”
You snort into your drink. “Knowing you, it could be.”
“Don't be so sour,” he croons. “I like a good time as much as anyone.” His eyes fall half-lidded as he looks at you. You raise your brow at him, noticing the change in tone as he continues. "You know, we could always make our own entertainment."
The look you give him is partly apprehensive and the other amused. He knows that glimmer of recognition of what he is asking, though you are quick to hide it for plausible deniability. "...What do you mean by that?"
Astarion, with practiced ease, leans in, watching as you instinctively do the same before he purrs out, "Why, sex, of course. Experiencing a little death, figuratively speaking, is quite fun, wouldn't you agree?"
Your face is already flushed from the alcohol, but your cheeks on high brighten in the dimly lit torches at his tent. It's evident you didn't expect him to suggest something like that, especially to you, though you are not completely unwilling if the lack of immediate denial is of any indication.
You are rendered speechless though; a first for you considering how quick you often are at retorting back at his comments. It makes Astarion think of two conclusions: you are either inexperienced or incredibly shocked at his offer. Both are familiar, though the thought of your naivety extending into sexual relations does, at the very least, give him pause.
It is not as if he has never been someone's first. Virgins are often most eager to lose or prove themselves in someone so willing to offer bliss. If you are one, well– the shy ones are always the ones that are easier to fell.
He prepares himself to drop a few one-liners to convince you to take the offer, but you glance away for a moment before you turn toward him, face unreadable.
"If you're down," you say. You smile.  "I don't mind."
"Until later then," Astarion replies easily. "Wouldn't want the others to interrupt, unless you're interested in that."
At this, you laugh, and he relaxes. "Definitely not. Though, I'm curious." You ask, "Am I your first choice, or am I just the first to say 'yes'?"
Astarion finds the best lies are in truths. "Lae'zel was quite eager to find a partner earlier. Luckily she and Wyll are in quite the agreement for tonight as far as I can hear and I have no desire to get in between whatever the githyanki has in store." He smiles slyly at you. "Besides, I couldn't help but overhear you flirting with our druid earlier so I at least knew you were in the, ah, mood. Never imagined you'd be quite so bold." 
"It's the alcohol," you mutter, rubbing your cheek. You take the wine from his hand and take another swig. "Also, I didn't realize he'd be coming with us so that was a surprise. Almost as much of a surprise as you asking me." You glance at him briefly. "Well, sort of."
Astarion feels a familiar prickle of suspicion as he stares at you, already unamused at whatever dirty truths you have prepared for him. "What is it now?"
You quip a half smile, eyes bright under the torch fire. (Your eyes are brown.) "Nothing," you say teasingly. "Guess you do like me a little bit."
Astarion watches as you walk away, feeling less victorious than he imagined himself to be.
The flirting, the seduction, the fight for survival is familiar. The banter, the bickering, the camaraderie between the two of you is beginning to be just as familiar. Astarion feels just the slightest bit unease at how true your words are. 
Astarion has much to prepare for the night, so it is lucky that you take center stage of the party, as the savior of the grove. You take part in the merriment and make conversations, taking genuine interest in the stories others tell. The tieflings keep you busy for the most part, but Astarion is nothing if not good at building anticipation, putting as much heat into his gaze as possible when you do have time to take a glance at him. 
You are quick to focus your attention elsewhere after giving him a look, but the smile on your face that stays means that at least he is always on your mind. In some ways, he has missed this... coyness, the thrill of the chase. The results of his previous endeavors never fail to unease him, but with you, it is different. The familiarity of seduction comes with a little bit more fun knowing you are not going to be his victim- not like it usually is. 
"Hey, still not joining in on the fun?" You suddenly ask him, your hand gently prying at his arm so you can hook onto him. You have gotten more drunk in the time you were away, the warmth of your skin seeping into him from where you've attached yourself. Your face is almost comically red if not for the carefree smile on your face and the affection that betrays on your face when you look at him.
Something in his chest warms at the sight of you.
"Unfortunately, the tieflings' company has not become any more appealing since you've been gone. Besides," Astarion says slyly, "the only thing I've been thinking of is how you'll taste later when we're alone."
You let out a huff, turning your head away with a half-embarrassed and pleased smile. "Laying it on a little thick, aren't you?"
"Not at all," he replies easily. "It's the truth, after all." 
You look at him as though you don't believe a word, but you are charmed by them anyway if your expression is of any indication. As conscientious as you normally are, the alcohol and the fact you are delving into his territory of seduction puts you at a disadvantage. Even if you are the one that knows him best in the camp, you are not attuned to every secret. Half-truths and lies come easier than anything else, if only because it allows him to keep his distance.
When the camp is cleared and you linger to bid the others farewell, Astarion slips away to the lake to prepare. It is almost ritualistic the way he cleans himself, the cold waters readying himself for what comes next. He thinks of what lines to tell you, how he should appear to you to best whet your appetite. Are you chaste or are you more animalistic? Would you prefer to take a dominant or submissive role? Astarion cannot tell these things about you based on his interactions with you, so he can only rely on his flexibility and years of experience to get him through it. 
(For a brief moment, he wonders if this is something he must do. What if you would protect him regardless of how this night goes? You are compassionate, sympathetic to the plight of others-- goodness flows within your veins like the light that beacons from your holy sword. Could that light not shield him too, without his body as an offering?
But gods are rarely so magnanimous, no matter the sacrifices. Astarion will not take his chances even with you. 
Even then-- even then, he wants this night to be at least a little enjoyable. It is with you, after all. If there is someone who can allow him to feel safe, it is you.)
Moonlight beams above, and Astarion hears your quiet footsteps come closer. His expression masks into something more suitable for seduction and he steps from the shadows of the trees to greet you. 
Upon seeing him, you yelp in surprise and- god, can you blame him?- he jumps as well. 
"What in God's name-"
"Sorry, sorry! I didn't expect to see you half naked all of a sudden!" You stammer, "I mean, not all of a sudden, I guess. Your... state of undress didn't cross my mind as something I'd see right away."
It is reckless when his mark is so close to fruition, but he finds himself dropping the act, hand at his hips in an instinctual indignant huff you seem to invoke from him easily. "Darling, what did you expect after the invitation I gave?" Your sheepish grin is your only answer, and Astarion feels a quick flash of annoyance at how easily you are able to derail his thoughts. 
Quick to redirect the conversation though, Astarion angles his body sensually, lowering his voice in the manner he knows can send shivers down his victims. "Perhaps you'd prefer if you could strip me down yourself?"
Like clockwork, your cheeks flush pink even as you roll your eyes in attempts to salvage your embarrassment. "Only you'd be able to pull those lines out of nowhere," you mutter, and Astarion allows himself the satisfaction when you approach him, eyes looking down at him appreciatively.
Only a small gap lies between the two of you now, your dark eyes meeting his. You are waiting on him; Astarion does not hesitate. 
He takes your face into his hands and brings his lips to yours. Your eyes close almost immediately to the touch as you give into him, face tilting up to align with him and mouth parted to allow him in. Though Astarion knows not how you incline to be normally, he knows that this night, he's the one in control.
Your hands curl into the front of his chest as though you do not know where to touch, so he helps you along and pulls you in until there is nothing separating you. Astarion can see the way your eyes widen when you can feel his arousal beneath his trousers, and recognizes your interest with the way your pupils darken your eyes. 
There is a slight satisfaction in seeing you this way. As stubborn as you are, you are malleable in his touch, opening up to his hands like a flower in bloom. He lifts you up against the tree, your legs quickly wrapping around his waist in response, and your little giggle morphs into a gasp of pleasure when he grinds into you fully. 
It is probably instinctual the way you arch your back and bare your neck to him. It isn't in him to resist the temptation to bury his nose into the crook, nipping at the sensitive skin between your collar bone. And this is when he feels your hands, that were curled into his hair, push him back slightly, and his stomach drops. 
He should be worried that he made a mistake and think about how to put you back on track with him. His safety depends on his success, after all. Despite himself, Astarion feels more hurt at your rejection, your mistrust, than anything. (Since when did that ever matter to him?)
"I wasn't going to bite, you know," he says, hoping nothing in his voice gives anything away.
"No, that's not it," you tell him, and your hand is quick to cup his face reassuringly. He finds himself soothed by your gesture though he wishes he was not in need of it in the first place. "I trust you not to without my say. I mean, you probably could tonight if you wanted..." You trail off. "I just wanted to let you know something before we go any further." 
The offer for blood pleases him more than it should, as does the affirmation of your trust. "Whatever you want to say, darling, I doubt it'll deter me from having my way with you tonight," Astarion says, eyes half-lidded and staying strong despite the undignified huff you give him. 
"Well, alright," you say as you try to save face. You brush over his collarbone with your thumb as you think. You're nervous, he realizes, over whatever you have to say, and he can't begin to guess what you could possibly reveal that would be of such import to leave you in such a state. "I... have never-- this is my first time. Having sex," you say, and Astarion does his utmost not to show any semblance of surprise. 
"I hope," you continue, "that's okay? You'll probably have to show me a lot of things but, you know..."
You are a virgin after all. Astarion had some thoughts on the matter but he never truly took stock in it considering how rare it is to save yourself for this long. You were modest but far from prude, and you had thoughts of debauchery like any other in the camp. But you are of untouched flesh. Inexperienced. And yet you accepted him to be your first? 
You are not so unique that he has never bedded someone like you, but it does tweak his heart in a way it has not for a long while that you are giving yourself to him as a result of his seduction. You feel self conscious about this inexperience, and it would be easy to take advantage of that for his benefit. Typical, even.
The thought does not sit well with him.
"I know you wanted a fun night," you tell him, eyes downcast when he does not respond. "So I get it if you're not interested anymore since I'm probably going to be a lot of work-"
"And what’s to say we cannot have fun while discovering something new?" Astarion interrupts in a momentary panic. He's not on autopilot but he's not stopping the night from happening despite your deference- so what is he doing? "Darling, I'm rather concerned you want to spend your first night with a vampire-" He needs to get back on script.
He recites the words in his mind. Isn't this what you want? To lose yourself in me? And all he has to do is say it-
"No, that's not-" You talk back, frowning. "You being a vampire has nothing to do with it. When you asked, I said yes because I trust you, vampire or not." 
To have and to hold, he thinks, and wonders how you have survived for so long being so willfully trusting when at times you should not. "Then trust me, darling," he says, heat building in his chest. He lifts you up again and growls. "Let's have some fun. That's what you want, isn't it?"
"If that's what you want," you breathe out, and Astarion claims your mouth with his own.
You let out a sigh when he begins to undress you, his dexterous hands easily removing every lace and button to leave you bare. You giggle into his kiss, and Astarion lets himself smile, being pulled along as you roll on top of him playfully, mischief in your eyes. You full on laugh when he rolls you back over, uncaring of the outdoors, bearing your neck for him to bite. 
Astarion doesn't remember the last time he's had fun doing this. And it is fun- always has been with you, he realizes, a type of levity that he has not experienced with anyone else. He takes leisure in biting you, sucking a mouthful of blood that has him moaning into your neck as he rolls his hips into you. Your hand gently cards through his hair as he bites, and true to his word (only taking just enough), he pulls back with blood on his lips before swooping down to share in his bounty. 
He cannot help but laugh when you stick out your tongue at him, nose wrinkling at the metallic taste of blood that is otherwise sweet to him. He pulls his remaining clothes off and smirks when he sees you follow the line of sight down to his hardened cock in compulsive curiosity. 
"Like what you see, darling?" 
You make a noncommittal hum as you sit up, quick as you are unbothered by your nakedness. "Can I?" You ask, gesturing toward him, and he would find it amusing for you to ask if not for how eagerly you grasp his member at his nod.
Astarion hisses in pleasure as you pump his cock, getting into an easy rhythm with your thumb sliding deliciously on the tip of it. He watches as you gather spit to smoothen the pace, hand delicately pushing your hair from your face, and feel arousal melt into his belly like molten lava. 
"Why, it seems you have a little bit of experience in this matter, or are you just talented?" He asks and earns himself a coy look. 
"Just twice," you say, twisting your hand in a way that has him rolling his hips. "Hold my hair, will you?" 
Astarion is quick to follow your orders-- almost instinctively-- and before he has a moment to ponder on that, he is throwing his head back when your mouth swallows his cock in wetness and heat.
Most of his so-called lovers were more eager to be pleased than please; it makes sense that you would be different with the way you are. Your eagerness is quite adorable, as is your earnestness to provide him pleasure. Astarion revels in it, ecstasy climbing up like a tidal wave.
"That's enough, dear," Astarion purrs. He sees you look at him with a protest on your lips, and he continues, "I'd much rather continue this while I'm inside you." 
Based on your expression, you are more than thrilled at the aspect. 
Astarion guides you to lay down as he climbs over, hands carving a path over your curves and into your heat. He is careful to not scrape his fangs over your bosom, though he suspects you would not mind it in the least with how roughly he plays with your nipples to elicit a moan. You are dripping by the time he is done preparing you. 
It does not take much resistance to enter you fully. You let out a short cry, reaching out to him instinctively for comfort as your body adapts to him. True to your words, you are tight beyond measure, squeezing his cock as though you are determined to milk him for what he's worth. You pant into his ears, hands grasping over his shoulders as you ease into the feeling of him. 
The moment you nod, Astarion begins to move steadily. It is easy for the both of you to lose yourself in the pleasure, and it is these moments that he feels himself drift away, and the feeling of dread settles in.
Any type of intimacy takes him acres away, the gasps and moans that was music to his ears fading into numbness. He hardly knows what he's doing, except to know that he's doing well enough, hands playing at your clit as he moves at a persistent rhythm.
Astarion wishes it were different. Sex is fun, especially with you, if only it didn't make him feel as though he were fighting for his life. Every stroke calculated, every climax comes with a price. You are not to be taken back to Cazador, but it still feels like he's going to. 
You tighten around him, and he knows you are about to come just as he is. He lets out a grunt and persists through a rapid pace before feeling your body jolt in pleasure. He soon follows after, head upon your shoulder as he shudders into his climax. 
The night is still young; why don't we go back to my place for more? 
Won't you come home with me? We need so much more time to get to know each other.
His next lines come too easily for him that it makes him sick.
A hand pulls at his cheek rather cheekily and Astarion finds himself coming back from the haze. He lifts his head to look at you, face relaxed from pleasure but still otherwise amused. 
Is it ridiculous to think that the sight of you makes him feel safe?
"That," you begin, "was crazy. Sex is like that, huh?" 
"Be welcomed to the land of the living, darling," Astarion says. "I fear you have been missing out on one of the finer parts of life."
"Well, it's not like I've never orgasmed before," you tell him, "but I guess it is pretty different with someone else." You sigh when Astarion removes himself from you. "Thank you for being so patient with me."
"No need to mention it, darling," he says, finding it easy to relax with the banter, "though I dare say it did not take very long for you to be prepared. Why, I'd even call that a record for getting as wet as you did-"
"Hey!" He avoids your playful slap with ease as you pout at him. "I... I have no comeback to that, except maybe you're welcome."
"I'm welcome? I should be the one saying that to you. I'm rather magical in bed, don't you think?"
"I don't know if your neck could support a head that big if I agree with you." You laugh, flipping your hair away again. For a moment, Astarion has the urge to take it upon himself to brush the stray strands from your face, but he does not. "By the way," you continue, "are you okay?"
Astarion blinks. "What do you mean?"
"Oh, you just seemed a little..." You stop before shaking your head. "No, never mind. You seemed a little far away but what would I know."
His heart lurches. "I had to make sure I didn't lose control," he says carefully. He clears his throat and goes for levity. "Who knows if your fragile, virgin body can handle it?"
Astarion is grateful you take the line for how it is, quick to come up with a haughty retort, the banter easy to fall back to. You are adamant on being sturdy enough and not one to waste a chance, he proposes a long night of lovemaking-- if only to cinch the deal with you. After all, he thinks as your legs close around his head, this is all part of his plan: seduce you and win your protection. Nothing more, nothing less.
He tries not to think how sex for once, as he nips playfully at your thigh, has been enjoyable. 
The sun wakes him up before anything else. It is unfamiliar to him, even at least a month beyond the time when his deathly aversion to sunlight has disappeared. The warmth of the morning rays, the light that dawn brings-- Astarion did not realize how much he had missed it until he had felt it again. 
He almost isn't sure if he can ever go back to never feeling it again.
He stands to bask in it fully, glancing over to his side to watch your sleeping figure for a moment. You are curled up in your own clothes-- and his shirt as well, he remembers, having a little play fight over it before you eventually let exhaustion take you. The ache in his body from last night is familiar at least, and he stares at you, waiting for the dread to come-- but it does not. 
How curious. Only good for his plans if everything is more palatable, of course, but it is... unexpected for him to feel so at ease. He decides not to question it, using this moment of strangely acquired peace to face the sun in its entirety.
Your voice filters in after many minutes, a little scratchy from slumber. "You awake already?" 
"It isn't exactly the break of dawn, dear," Astarion replies, and he shoots a glance back expecting your usual deadpan, but you are rubbing your eyes sleepily instead. A thought comes to mind that he has never seen you in your first waking moments: you are rather unguarded, movements leisurely and expression soft still. It's quite... cute. "I'm rather surprised you're awake. I thought you'd be exhausted from last night."
You let out a titter behind your hand at this. "Yeah, well, everything aches in different ways than a fight, so it's not too bad." You yawn. "Still sleepy though," you mumble, looking up at him through the gaps between your fingers as you block the sun from your eyes. 
"Say," you begin, and Astarion realizes belatedly that the reason you were looking so intently at him was because you saw his back. "Can I ask about those markings on your back? Are they scars?"
"A poem from my old master," he replies facetiously. "Or so I assume. He carved it all into my back in one night." His lips purse. "He made a lot of revisions."
"I'm sorry," he hears you say with sympathy in your voice, and he knows he must quickly move on from this topic. 
"It's fine," he says abruptly. "It doesn't matter now. I'm free and far from Baldur's Gate. And he'll never control me ever again."
"Good," you say, and he wonders if putting warmth into your words comes naturally to you.
"Yes, it is." He pauses. "May I have my shirt back? Not that I mind being half nude, by the way- if only to let everyone know exactly what went on last night."
"Don't even joke," you sputter, tossing his shirt- miraculously clean- to him. "I don't kiss and tell! And they'll definitely know, but not the details!”
In the morning glow, nothing much has changed. As predicted, the entire camp is in-the-know of whomever slept with who. Astarion is quick to inquire Lae'zel about her tryst with Wyll, only to find, to the mutual disappointment, that he spent most of the time talking about his feelings. Shadowheart, on the other hand, was more than happy to share her wine last night. 
"Shadowheart mates like she fights," Lae'zel says. "Precisely and aggressively."
"Which is a good thing, I assume."
"Immensely." Lae'zel pauses then in breaking down her tent to look at him intently, which, for the githyanki, is as terrifying as anything. "I see you and our paladin decided to explore each other's bodies last night."
"Why, yes, thank you for noticing. It was quite the exploration," he responds, opening his mouth to elaborate.
"I suppose even you have your charms," she tells him instead, and the conversation ends there.
(Astarion hopes to glean more conversation elsewhere to no luck. Your talk with Shadowheart this morning is brief ("Lae'zel, huh."/"Astarion."/"Yep."), and Karlach's put-out expression is enough to give sympathy and a wide berth. Astarion sees Gale gazing upon the visage of his goddess again and turns the other way.)
The camp dynamic stays strangely the same. It is to Astarion's benefit, for he was comfortable with how the way things were, though he is more generous with the pet names for you. Halsin joins the fray, and they make their way to the mountains upon Lae'zel's insistence. 
In the midst of adventure, Astarion finds that you seek his presence more often. His night invitation seemed to open an avenue up for you to be more comfortable in doing so. Astarion finds he doesn't mind it; your camaraderie is most enjoyable in the too quiet camp and as far as "seducing" goes, you are doing half the work for him. 
Your gaze holds some heat for him once in a while when the moon is high and the fire burns low, but you have not asked him for another night. He is neither pleased nor displeased at the notion, because your affections for him are as clear as day. He knows you would say yes in a heartbeat if he did propose another night together, but he rather likes the late-night conversations he often has with you, a type of intimacy that borders on his comfort zone-- exciting and enjoyable without the unnecessary reminders of his past. 
Still, he sometimes finds himself recalling his night with you fondly. It's strange: he's gotten on his back ten thousand times or more and forgotten half of them, but his time with you, he knows he will remember. 
Astarion puts the thoughts of "why" (why you? Why are you different? What makes you special?) behind him for now. A treasure hunt for the Blood of Lathander (as if you needed to shine even brighter), a stolen githyanki egg (Lae'zel keeps it safe in her backpack), and an escape from a créche later, Astarion is more than happy to find refuge in the underdark, which proves to be more beautiful than any of them could imagine.
Something makes him look over to you then, and he watches as you take in the sights with wonder in your eyes, the gentle darkness cradling your face in its dreamy blue glow.
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faithshouseofchaos · 8 months
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Forgive me — Kimi Raikkonen x reader part one
Tagged— @toasttt11 @reidsworld @badassturtle13 @norrisleclercf1 @moss-is-a-tasty-snack @ironcowboycopnickel @crashingwavesofeuphoria @hollie911 @norizznorris @charlesf1leclerc @darleneslane @lollypop90907 @laura-naruto-fan1998 @otako5811 @wolfsbanesbite
Summary— Kimi Raikkonen didn’t mean to snap and push you away now he’ll do anything to make you forgive him…
Kimi liked being left alone, he wasn’t a people person and everyone knew that, Everyone but you. You liked Kimi, you just didn’t know how to express yourself to Finn so you just did it a little differently in a way that was easy for you.
You did the small things for Kimi like giving him his helmet, a bottle of water after the race, bringing him some food, things like that. You’d do these things for him and leave not saying a word. It annoyed him sometimes. Another thing that annoyed him was how you were always around you never talked. Kimi didn’t understand why the hell he felt annoyed by that, especially when he didn’t like talking to people.
Kimi had a bad race, the car had engine problems causing him to DNF. Kimi was angry everyone knew when Kimi was angry to let him have his space before trying to talk to him. Unfortunately, you didn’t get the memo.
You knocked on Kimi's driver's door with a bottle of water, you waited outside the door for a minute before an angry-looking Kimi answered it.
Kimi groaned when he saw you standing there. He didn’t want you around and without thinking he hurt you.
“Why can’t you leave me alone? Huh. You're always around. Why can you bother someone else?!” He snapped.
You stood there staring at him trying not to cry as you shoved the water bottle in his hands running off to be somewhere else.
You were just trying to be nice. Why couldn’t he understand that?
A couple of races have passed since Kimi snapped at you he had meant to apologize to you he couldn’t find you. He looked in all the places you liked to hang around. now If he thought about it all those places were his.
Kimi walked around the paddock one more time before running into Sebastian. He had to know where you were. Sebastian was your friend.
“Hey Sebastian, do you know where I can find y/n I want to apologize,” Kimi said.
“I’m glad you wanna apologize but you hurt my friend’s feelings. She liked you and you had to hurt her” Sebastian said.
“I didn’t mean to I was just frustrated and took it out on her”
Sebastian sighed
“She’s over at McClaren,” Sebastian said before walking off to Redbull.
Kimi was confused as to why you would be at McClaren when your older brother, who is his teammate, was a Ferrari driver.
Kimi walked towards McClaren's garage when he heard something that made him stop in his tracks. Looking inside the garage he saw you giggling and laughing with Jenson. Kimi stood there watching as you gave Jenson his helmet with a bright smile and a hug.
The of you being that close to Jenson filled made Kimi's stomach turn. Sebastian had said that you liked him so why were you getting close with Jenson? Shaking his head he walked up to you.
“Hey y/n can we talk real quick,” Kimi asked.
“Oh look, that's my cue to leave good luck y/n,” Jenson said as he ran out of the garage.
“What do you want?” You asked, looking at him.
“I’m sorry for what I said to you,” Kimi said
You stood there staring up at him before nodding your head and walking away. You weren’t just going to forgive him easily like that.
“Dude you fucked up y/n is sensitive you hurt her she isn’t just gonna forgive you like that,” Jenson said walking back into the garage after seeing you walk away.
“How many times do I have to say it? I didn't mean to snap at her” Kimi said frustrated.
“It doesn’t matter. You hurt her. She cried at Sebastian and found her crying. It took us an hour to settle her down, your lucky Michael doesn’t know” Jenson said.
Kimi felt guilty. He knew Jenson was right… wait a second how would Jenson know how sensitive you were and why it would take more than an apology to forgive him? Just how close were the two of you?
After that conversation, Kimi sat back and observed everything about you. Once he knew enough he began to plan.
Kimi wasn’t going to admit it but he misses the way you did the small things for him. He didn’t realize how good he had it until he pushed you away.
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lovingperfectionsblog · 4 months
For What It's Worth - Chapter 6
Max Verstappen x Reader
Chapter 6: What line is he willing to cross? 
Chapter summary: Carlos flirts and Max is willing to risk it all to make sure he figures this out properly. 
Warnings: Swearing. 
Word Count: 2791
Authors note: Hello, I’m back, life is slightly less hectic so hello :D This chapter is slightly shorter, it has taken me forever to write and it is a little more hectic, but I am really excited with where this story is heading :D I can’t wait to hear what you all think :)
Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
Lando could hear people shouting for him as he sprinted through the paddock, panting as his feet hit the ground below him, pushing him forward. He would never admit it, but you and Max had made him believe in true love, that there was someone for everyone in this world that so often made you feel alone, that maybe all of those rom-coms might actually be on to something, and since you had made him believe in that, he was going to make sure he played a role in getting you and Max together. 
So he ignored the burn in his lungs and how hard Carlos’driver room door was as he ran into it, forced to spend an extra precious couple of seconds, which Max really depended on, trying to get the door open in his panic. 
Both Lando and Carlos flinched as the door hit the wall from the force that Lando swung it open and from the moment that Lando recovered from the shock, Carlos was subject to an onslaught of information that there was no way he could possibly follow. 
“Slow down!” Carlos attempted to calm his friend down all while rapidly trying to process the information coming from Lando, “Did you just call Y/n hot?”
This finally shut Lando up. 
“Like Max’s Y/n?” The nod surprised Carlos, no one ever called you hot, well, not unless it was in whispered tones far, far, far away from Max. 
“Yes, Jesus, just, were you not paying attention to anything I just said?” Lando swiftly closed the door behind him, strategically standing in front of the slight chip in the wall that now existed.
 “How can anyone pay attention-” he was getting sidetracked, he needed to understand exactly what was happening with you and Lando, “Are you seeing her?”
“Who?” A confused look instantly adorned Landos face as he tried to catch up to Carlo’s question. 
“Y/N, You know, Max’s girl? I gotta know, is it like a shared agreement between the three of you or are you actually seeing Max’s girl behind his back?” Carlos couldn't help the unamused look on his friends face and he couldn't help the small laugh that escaped him as he continued, “Or is this you asking me how to make a move on Max’s girl?”
“Actually, I’m here to warn you that she’s coming to make a move on you.” A smug grin spread across Lando’s face as he watched the panic spread on his friend, “She’s wearing a cute little sundress on top of it, determined to get her man.”
“And she thinks that man is me?” Lando shrugged before relenting and sharing a small amount of information with Carlos. 
“She isn’t sure who it is.” The frustration seeped off of Carlos, “You going to listen to me this time round?” 
“Hurry up or get out.” And so Lado began to explain the entire story, start to finish, rushing through the parts that specifically made Max look really bad, with Carlos asking him to repeat those parts too many times and finally, between the two of them, they came up with a plan. 
One that would be kind to you and let you down easily and maybe get Max to actually make a move on you, and now all they had to do was wait until they ran into you. 
Max could feel his face heat up as he watched you leave the motorhome and he was ushered into yet another meeting. He was torn between desperately trying to get your attention and not wanting to look at you for a second longer because every part of him was losing the battle of not just telling you exactly how he felt. 
How had he gotten himself into this mess, how had he finally been brave enough to say how he felt and then subsequently ended up helping you look for the love of your life? A man that you clearly were more interested in than him. 
“You’re staring” Daniel nudged him as you finally slipped out the motorhome doors, dragging his attention back to the meeting. 
“How can I not? This might be the last time I ever see her without the love of her life on her arm.” Dejection filtered through his voice as he allowed his thoughts to escape him, finally allowing himself to begin the grieving process. 
“Oh, you mean you’re finally going to tell her the truth?” Ever the optimist, Daniel couldn’t help but try and be positive about the situation, knowing deep in his soul that if any two people belonged together, it was you and Max. 
“I need you to stop.” Max couldn’t handle it. 
“Stop what?” Daniel could have guessed what he meant, but he was also willing to take advantage of any opportunity he could to convince Max that all he needed was to be a little brave. 
There was a long silence as Max picked at his nail beds, seeking out any distraction from the truth. 
“Giving me hope.” The loudest Max could get out was a whisper, not risking the crack in his voice. Not risking breaking the waterline of the first tears, of many he assumed, when he truly thought about the ramifications of the situation he could only blame himself for. “Please don’t give me hope when I'm about to watch the only woman I will ever love end up with another driver.”
“All you have to be is honest Max.” The glassy eyes didn’t surprise Daniel like he thought it would, but for the first time Daniel realized just how broken Max was in this situation. What had seemed so obvious, so simple, to Daniel, was completely lost on Max. He truly did not realize that you and him were it. You were always going to be together in the end. To Max, this was the end, and he wasn’t in it with you. 
Before Max could protest an alert sounded on both their phones, the exact same message brightening their screens. 
NoRizz: Okay, don’t be mad. 
NoRizz added Chili.
Maxie: Why would I be mad? 
Chili: Because I’m standing here looking at your girl in that sundress, kind of glad you fucked up. 
Maxie: I’m going to kill you. 
NoRizz: He isn’t going to do anything. 
Chili: You didn’t tell me she looked this good. 
BigRicc: Carlos, stay away from her until we get there. 
NoRizz: Too late. 
Maxie: What do you mean too late?
NoRizz: She saw him and now they’re talking. 
BigRicc: So stop them? Get involved in the conversation!
NoRizz: Please don’t make me do that right now. There’s a lot of touching. 
Maxie: So you’re just going to let him take my girl?
NoRizz: I mean, technically she isn’t your girl. 
BigRicc: Jesus Lando.
Maxie: I’m going to kill you. 
Maxie: Both of you. 
Daniel could literally see the water in his glass splashing over as the table shook. Max’s leg bouncing rapidly underneath the table from a combination of anxiety and rage. 
Not a single second of this meeting has been absorbed by Max and it took less then a second before Max was moving out the door of the motorhome with Daniel hot on his heels when Horner dismissed them. He rushed through the paddock frantically searching for you amongst too many people. Normally it was like you were a beacon in any space, he was always drawn to you, like you were inexplicably connected somehow, but now Max felt as if that had been severed. He couldn’t see you. He couldn’t feel you. 
He was suddenly lost. 
Suddenly your laugh rang out through the crowd and Max couldn’t help but stop for a second and admire you.
The sun on your skin as you tilted your head back, laughing at whatever Carlos has said. It didn't even matter that it wasn’t him making you laugh, you just looked so beautiful. 
Maybe he could live with you ending up with Carlos if it meant that he got to see you this happy? 
That goddamn sundress really did look good on you. 
“Carlos! There you are.” Daniel made his way past Max and over to you, glaring at a skittish Lando in the distance. 
“You were looking for me?”  Carlos didn’t even bother taking his eyes off you as he addressed the two other drivers making their way over. 
“ Yeah, I wanted to wish you luck for qualifiers, Max over here is looking pretty angry so I think I’m a little nervous for all of us out there today.”  It was both a threat and a warning to the other driver, one Carlos couldn’t help but laugh at. 
“You’re angry? Why? What's wrong? Did something happen with Horner?” Max softened entirely the moment you turned towards him, concern detached in your brows, his heart fluttered as you placed your palm to his chest, a subconscious habit you had now developed whenever Max was feeling angry or anxious, finding that the physical touch calmed him completely. 
He loved how well you knew him, even if you weren’t completely conscious of just how much you did. 
Suddenly you had turned away from him, leaning closer towards Carlos as he moved to comment. 
“I can only assume he is upset over this whole flower situation.” Confusion replaced concern on your face as Carlos couldn’t help but laugh at the cute expression. 
“Why would Max be angry over the flower situation?” Despite Max’s anxiety, he couldn’t help but smile at the exact same thing Carlos was. The tilt of your head and furrowed brows as you tried to piece together everything that was being said. 
“Because whoever sent those flowers shouldn’t be a coward and just say how he feels instead of making you run all over the grid trying to figure out who it is.”  Daniel offered up as an explanation. 
“So it wasn’t Carlos?” Max was looking directly at the driver just mentioned, the question a lot more layered than what you understood? 
“I did not get her the flowers,” a breath of relief left Max, his hand coming up to wrap around yours, anchoring himself even more in your presence, in your reality. 
He still had a chance. 
“But I did tell her that I had a pretty good idea of who it was.”  Daniel couldn’t help but feel proud of Carlos, this is what Max needed, a little bit of pressure, and they were going to make sure he was getting it from all sides. 
“And he has decided to be cruel and make me wait till he tells me just exactly who it is.” Not even your pout could distract Max from the stare he and Carlos were locked in. Carlos was going to make you wait, which meant Max had some time. 
“He has two weeks.” Two weeks. Max could do two weeks. That was enough time for him to figure this all out, “Unless he pisses me off on the track.” Another threat and warning disguised as a joke. 
Max just gave a slight nod as your head was turned away from him, a promise that he would confess in the next two weeks, a promise that he’d let Carlos win whatever he wanted if he just gave him this time to figure it out.
Max couldn’t help but think about how easy it was to get into match fixing because this entire situation has him willing to throw the entire championship out the window if that's what it took. 
“You're technically Max’s PA right?” Suddenly Lando had popped back up into the conversation. 
“I am, why?” No one liked where this was headed. 
“Could you get us all coffee?” A slap to the back of his head was followed quickly by admonishment from the entire group. 
“My PA, not yours, and she’s not the type of PA to get coffee you dick.” Max had subconsciously moved between you and Lando, challenging him. 
“Redbull, whatever, can she just please?” There was a slight desperation in Lando’s voice prompting Max to give you a pleading look, knowing that he was apologize a million times over after this.
“4 Redbulls coming up.” You rolled your eyes as you moved away from the four men, not missing the very short words Max was having with Lando regarding your treatment.
“Listen, this isn’t about, just, wait, Carlos, why did you flirt like that?” Suddenly all the attention was off of Lando and back on Carlos. 
“You flirted with her?” Daniel let out a sigh so deep it could have only come from the very depths of his soul. 
“After the way Max treated her, she deserved to have her ego boosted a little bit,” it was so obvious and so nonchalant that none of the other drivers could even say anything against it, “Plus, Jesus, that dress.” A groan left Carlos tat every single one of them couldn’t help but agree with, none of them scared of admitting it in front of Max at this point, knowing he had absolutely no leg to stand on until he made a move. 
“At least you can flirt with her.” Max couldn’t help but feel sorry for himself. 
“I mean, you could if you weren’t such a pussy.” The deadpan look he received was physically painful in its truth. 
“And she is really fun to flirt with, she gets this very rosy cheek when you do, at least it starts at her cheeks, eventually her entire chest is pink the more you -” 
“I advise you shut your mouth right now.”  Max couldn’t be damned if Carlos told, he wasn’t prepared to let him sit there and talk about you like that. 
“But apparently Carlos is so good with his mouth?” You blew a kiss towards Carlos and before he could even pretend that he had caught it, Lando had stepped in between you two, wildly moving his arms in the air, an attempt to usher off your blown kiss in another direction. 
“Don’t be gross.” All except Max and Lando laughed at his response. 
“Weren’t you just checking out my boobs all morning at breakfast?” Lando whipped his head towards Max, hyper aware of how red Max’s neck was getting. That was pure rage and Lando did not want to stick around for that. 
“You’ve done me dirty, and now since you have, I am leaving for my meeting early.” He made a big show of huffing as he turned around, urging Carlos to follow him off, all but ready to run if that's what saved his life from Max’s wrath. 
And then there were three of you, silently all deciding that it was time you made your way back to the motorhome. 
“Quali starts soon, I assume you boys need to get ready?” It was more of a statement than a question, you knew they needed to go and you were thankful for a moment to lick your wounds. That was your third rejection of the weekend and you’re not sure how many more of them you could go through. 
Before either of them could nod, you’d made your way to your work studio, ready to get this day over with, leaving Max and Daniel to get ready in their respective drivers rooms. 
As soon as Max had closed the door to his, he fully rested against the table in the middle of the room, attempting to figure out his next move as Carlos’s threat played over in his mind again and again. 
“Explain to me exactly how Carlos got that close to you in q3?” Daniel didn’t want to believe Max was willing to actually throw these next two weeks to keep Carlos quiet. 
“The Ferrari is quick.”  Max didn’t feel like talking, instead continuing to shove his clothes into his bag so he could just find you and get back to the hotel. 
“Not that quick. Max, you can’t let him win over some girl.” That stopped Max. 
“Not some girl.” Daniel knew what you were to him so why would this surprise him? 
“This is illegal.” Daniel couldn't believe his ears. There was no way Max was actually going to go easy on Carlos for the next two weeks. 
“I got P1, nothing illegal happened.”  He shoved his wallet into his pants and pulled out his phone ready to call you. 
“And what happens when you get closer to the deadline?” Daniel stopped him just before he could leave, stranded between the safety of the drivers room and the world outside. Stranded between a line that if crossed, he would never deserve to be a driver again. 
“She’s not some girl.” 
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countlessimagines · 10 months
Romantic Homicide [PART ONE][ Miguel O’Hara x Reader ]
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Summary: You slowly slip from Miguel’s hands, and it’s too late for him to realize.
A/N: Wanted to desperately make something angsty for Miguel and this song was the perfect choice!
Warnings: None that I can think of.
I'm scared
Miguel O’Hara was not the man you knew anymore. When he first arrived to your dimension, he found love with you, but he never would have admitted it if asked about it. He found a sense of peace and clarity just being with you and having you to hold. You were one of the first recruits that he brought on.
You were the shining star to Miguel’s dark world. He had never intended to get close to someone, after seeing how many spider men lost their true loves. He didn’t want to experience that pain, he felt foolish and naive for falling for you. He loved the way you both would swing next to each other, almost like a choreographed dance.
He was a very passionate person, but there was also the side of him that was cold and distant. At first, that side never came to light. It was amazing recruiting others and taking on the fight together.
Everything had been good… until it was not. Miguel had been messing with another dimension without you knowing, and it was one where he found out that you and him had a child that was orphaned. He thought he could manage being with you and going to the dimension to be with your daughter.
He had been so happy spending time with your daughter who was oblivious to losing both her parents. And he wanted to introduce you to your daughter, but feared you might see it as insane and wrong.
So he kept it a secret for the time being. But Miguel could not handle both dimensions - both lives, and eventually it caught up with him.
He lost your daughter and never told you anything about the double life he led behind your back.
It feels like you don't care
You had felt the change in Miguel. Instead of the open minded, excited-to-save-the-multiverse Miguel, you got the cold and distant lover.
He never intended to hurt you, but he never considered your emotions and what the toll of having to fight so many villains falling out of their dimensions can take on you. You were his accomplice, the person he could count on for everything and would drop anything to help out.
You were strong, but seeing the person who would kiss you so deeply it would make you feel as if nothing else mattered… seeing him slowly become irritable as if the weight of the multiverse was not on both of your shoulders.
Enlighten me, my dear
Why am I still here?
You began to grow frustrated when Miguel refused to join you for a simple meal and got angry at you for trying to make him leave his computers. He stopped showing signs of love and genuine affection to you. The days of sleeping in and messing with Miguel’s bed head, making out upside down on the ceiling, saving universes together were long gone.
At a certain point, you would only stay at the spider complex, helping out new recruits while Miguel would opt to take Jessica instead of you on missions.
You would bite your tongue and resume your duties as to not poke the bear.
I don't mean to be complacent with the decisions you made
But why?
Peter B. Parker was your favorite spider-man simply because he would always bring your favorite food made by Mary Jane and let you hold Mayday. He was your best friend, and the only person who would probably understand the pain Miguel was putting you through.
You had confessed to him the feelings you had bottled up, and he was confused as to where it all came from as Miguel never wanted your intimate relationship known to everyone else in fear of you being hurt.
It pained you to know Miguel wanted to keep you a secret, like you were some villainous person that could easily be taken back to their dimension in an instant. Like you were replaceable… and the thought nagged at you… had Miguel found another you?
Peter expressed that Miguel never even mentioned having a loved one, that he wanted no form of attachment after watching his daughter die in his hands.
You had not even known about his daughter, so the mere thought of him purposefully keeping this a secret made you feel worse. A daughter? Why did he never trust me to know about his daughter? Why did he never feel comfortable telling me?
You began to even question why you still stayed, if it was worth the stress and mental drain to be near Miguel - knowing he was keeping not only you a secret, but possibly more.
Mm. In the back of my mind, You died
And I didn't even cry. No, not a single tear
You watched as the man you loved slowly descended into madness, an obsession to be precise and catch anything and everything that was wrong. It began to feel like he never even slept anymore. He was a shell of a person, day in and day out. Staring at monitors, asking Lyla for help, and then leaving for some type of mission.
It was a horrible cycle that repeated in front of you.
Every time you tried to talk to him about how he was doing or what you could do to help, he brushed you aside and barely even looked at you.
It made you feel sick to your stomach, but you would always turn away, tears ready to fall. You were trying to give him the benefit of the doubt, maybe he kept you a secret for a reason… maybe, just maybe there was some type of reason he was acting this way with you.
But eventually you had cried enough over the man who no longer seemed to be the one who would call you his love, and the tears stopped.
And I'm sick of waiting patiently for someone that won't even arrive
You held our hope one last time, you invited Miguel to a dinner in your dimension. You set up your dining room with candles, delicious food, drinks, and a present containing the one single photo you had of the two of you.
But he never showed up. Lyla had sent a message to you telling you he got wrapped up in a mission and couldn’t make it. She seemed apologetic as she delivered the news, and she could tell you wanted to be alone.
You only said “okay” to her before ending the call, standing up, and dumping the present in the trash bin. You left your dining room and collapsed on your cold, unmade bed from when you had last left to be with Miguel.
In the back of my mind
I killed you
The next day, you heard absolutely nothing from everyone. Radio silence. You wondered if Miguel even knew if you were gone.
You stared at your watch that could take you to other universes, take you to Miguel. It was taunting you… a watch to see him but at a certain point, what cost did it come with?
You spent so much time going back and forth for him to not care at all. He was keeping your love hidden away in a room, for no one else to see. And at a certain point, he had forgotten about the room.
Finally, you had enough and no longer wished to have any type of temptation to go running back to him. There was no reason to go back.
You grabbed your hammer and began to repeatedly smash the watch into a million little pieces. Watching it crumble and break in front of you, made all the built up tears come back like a dam breaking open.
You screamed as tears poured, your heart breaking even more and feeling as if it could no longer take the hits.
And I didn't even even regret it
I can't believe I said it
You felt relieved to see the watch gone, to see the life with Miguel start to slip away, in the past.
But a part of you broke with the watch. The time spent with him felt wasted. You neglected your dimension for him and your duties as a spider-woman.
You felt angry that Miguel came into your life in the first place. That he was able to steal your heart and time and everything that made you happy was because of him.
You hated that he made you feel the way he did.
But it's true
I hate you
Months went on, no one dared to contact you in fear of Miguel finding out. He had been angry when he found out you had left, but he knew deep inside of himself that he was the reason why.
He forbid anyone to speak to you, though, because he feared you would make light of your relationship and how he let you slip away. He feared everyone would look at him as a weak, lonely, harsh leader. When he needed to remain steadfast.
You had returned to your normal way of life, learning to love yourself and help out those in need. While it was tame compared to multidimensional travel, it felt better for your soul.
However, one day after having such a long night trying to take down men who put targets on your back, you were wiping dirt and blood off your mask. In the corner of your eye, you could see a portal start to form in your living room. You were quick to put on your mask, readying yourself for it to be anyone.
But to your surprise, the most surprising person stepped through the large portal.
Hobie Brown.
Read part two here.
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chrollosbm · 6 months
Sunflowers Fields: a Choso Love Story Chapter Nine
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art cr: einruji__ on x
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You're broken from a past relationship, thinking you only deserve the worst. Choso comes along, making you realize you deserve the world and more. Will your ex-boyfriend let you go without a fight? (Choso x black!reader, yandere Choso)
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pls support me on ao3, it would mean the world to me
“Choso, you can’t keep me locked in here! I’m a grown woman, I can handle myself.” You said to the man who was towering over you, with your arms crossed and a fiery look in your eyes, trying to seem as intimidating as possible, but seemingly failing. 
“Do you really think I’m going to let you go back to your apartment alone after hearing about your psycho ex-boyfriend’s obsession with you? ”His rebuttal came out with a firmness in his words, a commanding aura surrounding them. ”What kind of man would I be if I let you go back right now, knowing how terrified you are?” His eyes were in slits, obviously frustrated with your defiance. 
You sighed in frustration and kept his stare, although it was getting harder by the second. “I know you’re trying to protect me but keeping me here alone at your place while you’re working isn’t any better either!” Your voice was cracking, still raw from the crying session you just had in the bathtub with Choso. “He could just come here, you know?” 
He ran his large hands through his damp hair, one still on the white towel that was riding dangerously low on his hips, almost exposing himself. “Baby, he has no idea where I live, plus you won’t be home alone for long. I’ll make sure to get off earlier in the day to be with you.” He was looking down at you with pleading eyes now, a twinge of pain in them and you felt it transfer to yours, knowing he felt genuine concern for you.
Another sigh of frustration came from you and you wrapped your towel around your body tightly before turning to leave the bathroom. You didn’t get far before Choso grabbed your shoulder gently and turned you to face him once again.
You were looking up at him again, tears in your eyes for the third time that night as he wrapped his arms around your waist, attempting to pull you closer, which you allowed, almost too easily. You couldn’t be angry with him, he was just trying to help, but you couldn’t help but feel irritated with yourself. You felt like your confession to Choso earlier was so overdramatic. You blamed your raging hormones coursing through you at that moment, causing an overreaction to the situation at hand. Yes, you were actually terrified, but why couldn’t you keep it together?
In all honesty, you felt embarrassed. You hated showing vulnerability, it just revealed your weaknesses. Your heart knew you could trust Choso, but your mind was telling you to put up those walls again, terrified your soul would be crushed again, like Suguru had done too many times. 
Choso’s words interrupted your thoughts, cutting you like knives as he said them. “Is being here with me for a few days that bad? Just until I figure out what to do?” His eyes read hurt and confusion and your heart dropped, as you felt your eyes let a couple tears spill once again, causing a groan to leave your throat at the fact that you kept fucking crying. 
You still managed to speak, despite how guilty you suddenly felt. “That’s not it at all. I want to be here, I just-” You paused and took a deep breath as he wiped the tears from your face, sadness reading his. “I feel bad is all. I was being dramatic and now I worried you to the point where it’s a burden to you. I’m sorr-”
You were cut off before you could continue speaking as he pulled you into a tight hug, pressing himself against you completely now. “You could never be a burden to me, Sunflower.” He was kissing the top of your head now, making sure to avoid the bundle of curls resting on it and landing close to your forehead. “I want to help you. Let me.” His words came out soft and sweet, making it impossible for you to say no.”
“Fine.” You started softly. “But what about your brother? He’ll be back before you get off tomorrow and I don’t think he’ll be too happy about a stranger staying in his home.” You said, making a good point. You didn’t want the kid to be uncomfortable with you being there, you would rather go stay with Andrea and Kento at that point. That sounded like a better idea since Choso was refusing to let you go back to your apartment, anyway.
“Don’t worry about that. Yuji is staying at his friend’s again anyway, he already let me know he was going to be there for a few days.” He let out, before pulling away to look at your cloudy eyes again, his reading relief now, probably from your compliance.
You nodded again as your stress was subsiding slowly, with his gaze on yours, making you feel safe again. “You’re just lucky I’m working from home this week, otherwise your little plan to keep me locked up wouldn’t have worked.” You joked, trying to make yourself feel better, and a soft smile played at his lips, seemingly coming alive, as well. 
One of his hands holding you went down to give your ass a playful slap, creating an echo in the large bathroom, a joyful glint in his dark orbs, giving you another laugh, before he spoke again. “Maybe I’ll have to find a way to keep you working from home for a while so you can stay locked up in my tower, little princess.” 
Those were the events that led you to being in Choso’s kitchen, dressed in one of his oversized t-shirts and a pair of sweatpants he claimed to outgrow. He was probably right, being that they fit you well when you tied them a bit, shaping you perfectly. You were currently making him and yourself a late lunch and drinking your second latte of the day. The man had a very expensive espresso machine that you took upon yourself to figure out how to use, thanks to Youtube. You had done a pretty good job experimenting with making caramel lattes to the point where it rivaled your favorite cafe’s (the place you were now too embarrassed to show your face, so it seemed to work out after all.) 
The smell of grilled cheese was filling the air when you heard the front door open. Your chest filled with excitement as you were still flipping his sandwich when you heard footsteps enter the kitchen. 
“Hey, Cho’! I made grilled cheese again since you liked it so much yesterday.” You spoke as you turned the stove off and turned to face someone who was not Choso at all. You let out a small scream, jumping in the process at the boy before you.
There stood a tall teenage boy with pink hair and a school uniform on, a shocked look on his features. You stood there in fear, before realization quickly flooded your body. The child looked just like Choso, facial features, body type and all, except he had shorter hair that was dyed pink, and was missing that special birthmark. It was Yuji, his little brother.
“I’m all for a pretty girl in my kitchen cooking lunch, but who the hell are you?” He suddenly spoke, confusion laced in his voice and on his face, features scrunched up just like his eldest brother. 
You stood there, just as perplexed. He wasn’t supposed to be home until later that night, according to Choso. You were supposed to meet him during dinner time, when he returned from a study session with his friends. If you had known he’d be there so early, you would’ve put on actual clothes and been a little more mentally prepared for this.
You cleared your throat before you introduced yourself with a small smile. This was an awkward situation to be in, you dressed in his older brother’s clothes, in his house, using his kitchen, all alone. It was awkward and embarrassing. As soon as your name left your lips, the pink-haired boy’s facial features lit up, a huge, blinding smile appeared on his face, one able to light up the entire night sky, replacing the previous scowl.“I know all about you!” His voice came out excitedly. 
You gave him an eyebrow raise, prompting him to continue, which he seemed to do with no problem. “You’re all my brother talks about. It’s like he’s obsessed with you or something.” He laughed. Your face still sported a raised eyebrow as he continued and looked behind you, suddenly distracted, noticing the food on the stove. “If that’s for my big bro, can I steal it? I’m starving!” He pleaded, his lip in a pout and you couldn’t possibly say no to feeding the very hyper child. 
You gave him a smile that attempted to battle his and nodded. “Of course you can! You snooze, you lose, right?” You joked as you moved to the side so he could grab the grilled cheese, bare handed from the stove, and you almost gasped, alarm reaching your facial features, before he shoved part of the sandwich in his mouth, obviously not bothered by the heat. 
He groaned blissfully as he chewed his food, before speaking as soon as he swallowed, quickly at that. “This is fucking amazing!” He exclaimed, a surprised look in his eye. “Big bro hit the jackpot with you, pretty and can cook!” He finished as he continued to devour his food before you laughed at his animated personality, going to grab a plate for the other serving that remained in the pan for yourself. 
“It’s just grilled cheese. Who can’t make that?” You started, laughter still in your voice as you took a bite as well, still standing in the middle of the kitchen with the teen. It was pretty damn good, but who couldn’t make a dish as simple as this? It was just cheese and bread. “I’m not that great of a cook. I just know the basics.” You shrugged and continued to dig in, observing he was already finished eating.
He shook his head at you before going to the fridge to grab an apple, obviously still hungry. “Nah,” He started as he shut the fridge door. “My brother can’t cook anything but pasta. He almost burned this place down trying to bake a cake for my birthday one year. It was definitely a day to remember.” He said nonchalantly, before taking a huge bite into the fruit.
You let out a soft laugh at that, imagining Choso a disaster in the kitchen, that adorable face of panic on his features. You couldn’t have him burning the house down, so you would gladly practice your cooking skills and help him with his. You had wondered why there was a lack of food in the house, with the refrigerator only consisting of select fruits, milk, cheese, butter, eggs, and bread. What the hell was he eating? He couldn’t be eating out every day, could he? 
Your thoughts were cut off by the shut of the front door again, and Yuji’s face turned into a small smirk, a glimmer of mischief in his eyes before he yelled out to his brother. “Big bro, welcome home!” He basically ran out to the living room, with you trailing behind him like a puppy, ecstatic to see Choso finally make an appearance. “Why didn’t you tell me your girlfriend was so nice and pretty?” 
You stepped out to watch a surprised Choso at the front door, removing his shoes. He was wearing a mustard yellow button down and black slacks, his hair down, and an arm-bag presumably carrying his work materials. You felt your core twitch with desire, now realizing you most likely had a kink for a man in business attire. His face was scrunched in confusion at the boy’s obvious early arrival. 
“What happened to your study session?” Choso asked immediately, ignoring his brother’s inquisition. His eyes darted to you, concern reading them, in which you mouthed an ‘I’m okay.’ at him.
“Megumi and I moved it to tonight. I was hungry so I came home to eat and take a nap before I went back.” He responded with a shrug then turned back to look at you, a smile still on his face. “I didn’t have to come up with a random concoction of food like I always do, thanks to your girl!” 
Your cheeks heated every time Yuji called you Choso’s “girlfriend,” or “his girl,” knowing you and Choso hadn’t had the conversation about labels, yet. You were more than okay with being his girlfriend, in fact that’s what you really wanted. He’d already proven that he would take care of you, protect you, and do whatever it took to keep you happy. 
You didn’t seem to be the only one having these thoughts, with Choso’s cheeks red as soon as he heard his younger sibling refer to you as his “girlfriend” more than he was using your actual name. He seemed to quickly recover though, as he rolled his eyes at Yuji’s claims of there barely being food in the house, and walked towards you.
“Yuji, all you eat is fast food to begin with. Even if there was food in the house, it would all go bad.” He was looking at you now, a look of adoration and a small smile on his face. He leaned down to place a small kiss on your cheek, before continuing his playful banter with his brother, eyes never leaving yours. “Does that mean you won’t be joining us for dinner like originally planned, then?” 
Yuji looked at the back of his brother’s head dumbfounded. “In all honesty, I forgot big bro. Sorry.” You giggled at his face that was reading true confusion at the back of Choso’s head. “Anyway, I’m gonna take a nap before I head back out. It was nice meeting you!” He turned his attention back to you and you waved at him politely. 
“Good luck with studying!” You yelled out, as he rushed up the stairs. 
You turned your attention back to the man whose hands were on your waist, giving you a smirk. “Did you let that brat eat my grilled cheese?” He said playfully and you rolled your eyes, giving him a playful smack on his hard chest. 
“Like I said to Yuji: you snooze, you lose.” He rolled his eyes back and groaned, feigning annoyance. 
His hand reached down to give you a slap on the ass, his favorite thing to do to “discipline you,” it seemed like. If this was discipline, you wanted to know what would happen if you really pissed him off. “Fine. I was going to order in anyway, I want Thai food.” He responded, which prompted you to give an eye roll.
“This is where he gets it from!” You exclaimed at the man who gave a small laugh in return. “You scold him for eating out but he must’ve gotten it from someone.” You emphasized the last word and gave him a pointed look, causing him to shrug with a smile still on his face, before he unwrapped his arms from your body, leaving you suddenly cold and missing his touch already.
He grabbed his phone from his pocket, opening a food delivery app. “Yeah, sure.” He said sarcastically. “What would you like to eat, baby?” 
Your spirits lifted immediately, suddenly starving as well.
Choso’s arm was around your midsection, with your back to his chest as the two were laid on the couch, watching scary movies. Well, you weren’t watching really, he was actually listening to you come up with theories of how you would survive horror movie scenarios, with Choso either agreeing or disagreeing, depending on if your theories made sense.
“Baby, there’s no way you’re outrunning a man with a chainsaw, you freeze up every time I accidentally startle you. You’d be toast the minute you heard him coming.” Choso teased you, laughing at his own joke. 
You held back your giggles, knowing he was right in his deduction. “That’s because you’re like a damn ninja!” You sucked your teeth before you continued. “I can never hear you coming, you walk like you don’t want anyone to know you’re there.” 
He simply laughed in response, before he turned your body to face him, gently. You were turned, noses almost touching, with your hand on his chest. He locked one of his long legs around you, as if you were going to escape, warming your body entirely.
“What’s wrong?” You asked, at the sudden position change, furrowing your eyebrows. 
He simply shook his head in response, furrowing his brows to mock you, which prompted you to flick his nose, playfully, making him scrunch his nose in pain, that beautiful birthmark moving with him. 
“So, when are you going to let me out of this castle? My prince charming might come looking for me if you don’t let me out soon.” You asked playfully, tilting your head, causing Choso to narrow his eyes at you and squeeze one of your hips roughly.
“I’m going to ignore that smart ass mouth of yours just this once.” He started, eyes still in slits and you smirked at him, loving how easily you could rile him up. “I’ve been meaning to ask you, why don’t you drive your car? It’s just sitting in your driveway, and I’ve noticed you walk everywhere, including work.” He finished and your brows raised again.
It was a random question, completely out of left field, plus you didn’t think he noticed, in all honesty. “It’s a piece of shit that’s why.” You shrugged, answering simply. You hadn’t driven your car in almost a year now, with it having so many problems. You were sure it wouldn’t even start up if you tried. “It’s just a hassle at this point, plus my job is walking distance. I don't mind the walk.”
He let out a small affirmative, “Hm.” before continuing, “I don’t want you walking anymore, it’s too dangerous.” He then said simply, that bossy tone coming out again and you gave him a perplexed look.
“Well, there’s nothing I can really do about that at the moment. Until I can afford to get it fixed, I’ll continue walking.” You answered back, a little too snippy. The situation with your car used to bother you greatly, until you realized you had to adapt without it. You didn’t mind your strolls to work the coffee shop, it felt good to get fresh air every morning.
He seemed to ignore your sudden attitude about the situation before continuing. “I’ll take care of it.” His sincere eyes were gazing into yours as your face read pure shock.
“No way!” You let out, annoyed this was even a point of discussion. “I can’t ask you to do something like that for me, Choso.” You weren't going to put that on his shoulders, you didn’t know much about cars, but the last time you took it in for repairs, the bill was too high for your liking.
“You aren’t asking, I’m offering.” His tone remained the same, bossy and firm, with his eyes never leaving yours, trying to force you into submission like he had done previous times before. It wasn’t going to work this time, though. You could handle Choso bossing you around in bed, and he had forced you into staying at his place earlier in the week, but your car is where you drew the line, it was too much.
“Choso, I said no.” Your voice was solid, slightly rising in volume and your eyes were piercing through his, seemingly having a staring contest with the man who clearly wasn’t going to back down either. Thank God Yuji left to go study hours ago, or else he would be hearing the spat the two of you were currently having. “My car is off limits.”
He sighed, frustrated at your words, mind obviously reeling by the way his jaw was clenched. “Why do you always fight me when I’m trying to help you?” His voice came out strained, remaining at the same volume, unlike yours. “Just accept the help. That’s the only way I’m letting you out of here. You won’t be roaming the streets, in the cold at that, while your stalker ex is hot on your trail.” 
You sat up from the couch quickly, borderline furious at his statement. “You won’t let me?” You let out, astonished that he would even utter that sentence to you in the first place. “Choso Kamo, I am a grown woman. You don’t tell me where I can or cannot go. I’m staying here because I want to, not because you said so.” He then shot up from the couch at the speed of light, mimicking your previous movement just as you finished speaking.
“No, I won’t let you, damn it. Stop being so fucking stubborn!” His face was getting red as his volume was rising now too, not quite yelling, leaving you shocked at his sudden mood change. “Do you not remember how afraid you were crying in my arms just a few days ago? I’m not letting you leave until I feel you’re safe enough to do so, and if that means ridding you of car troubles, then that’s what’s going to happen.” His tone was fierce and intimidating, making you feel a pinch of desire. A pinch, you were mostly feeling irritation at the man before you. You were pissed at yourself for feeling horny at this moment, wanting to be angry with him, not lustful .
“You’re calling me stubborn?” You scoffed and folded your arms, a scowl on your face. “All I’m asking is for you to not touch my fucking car and you’re throwing a fit, trying to keep me locked up like a child!” You were full blown yelling now, not being able to control yourself, your old habits coming back full force. It was hard to keep your anger in check when you had never learned to control it. 
Choso said nothing, his eyes piercing into yours as you stared back, that pit of desire never leaving as heat began to rise to your face and your core. You physically felt your anger turn into sexual desire, staring at the man, breath heavy and mouth dry. He was breathing heavily in front of you as well, face now centimeters from yours, you smelling the familiar scent of mint coming from his breath. His eyes were dark, but you saw that familiar glint of lust in them, matching yours.
Fuck it.
Like a dog in heat, unable to control yourself, you latched yourself onto Choso, lips quickly attaching to his, in which he gripped your hips forcefully, roughly, his lips imitating that same strength. The kiss was messy, wet, and rough, with your tongues finding each others, attempting to swallow each other whole. The desire inside you felt like it was far too much, his anger and yours combined creating a burning hot atmosphere in the air that couldn’t be cooled down. You never knew you could be so turned on and so pissed off at the same time, it was like the two were fueling each other, with the fire never going out.
In an instant, he was up and carrying you down the hall to his bedroom, his arms tucked underneath your thighs, wet lips still attached to yours. He kicked his cracked bedroom door open with force, obviously still enraged with your previous conversation. Your lips were so rough against his you were afraid they would bruise, so filled with desire and need to the point where it was burning through you, needing to be released. You praised the higher beings for making your periods so short, as it just ended the day before.
You barely noticed when he placed you on the bed, let alone realized when the pants you were wearing were taken off, with him still kissing you at that same pace, pulling away briefly to bite your bottom lip hard enough to hurt, but not make you bleed, causing a small sound to leave your lips. Your arms were around his neck, not wanting to let go of him, as if you were afraid he would disintegrate in your hold.
As if he could read your mind, he pulled his lips from yours, earning a moan of disappointment from you. His eyes read nothing but lust and the remaining amount of rage he was feeling was seemingly swimming in those almost black eyes. His hand snaked down to your lower half, before immediately plunging two fingers into you, with no warning. You gasped in pleasure and surprise, as sloppy noises erupted from your pussy, being that you were already wet from the almost screaming match the two of you were having mere minutes before. 
His digits were curving in you, hitting your plush g-spot artistically, knowing your body and its reactions all too well. The goosebumps on your body were harsh, causing a chill to wash through your figure. He knew exactly how to drive you wild, you fucking hated and loved it at the same time. Your head was leaning back, moans echoing through the bedroom, before Choso used his free hand to roughly grab your chin, forcing you to look him in his pools of darkness. Yours saw nothing but sinister in his, and while it should've petrified you, your cunt seemed to love this dark side of him, with its pulsating mimicking the beat of your intense heart. “Your eyes need to be on me the entire time.” He spoke firmly, a tone that gave no room for argument. You didn’t respond, partially to spite him, partially because speaking was a hard task at the moment, with his fingers bringing you closer and closer-
Choso dipped his fingers from you, causing you to whine again at the action, a pout now resting on your features. Your pussy was left empty, coldness now replacing the once full feeling from the man above yours long and slick fingers. “Answer me.” He said, lowly, face stern, his orbs reading nothing but seriousness, burning holes into yours, his breath heavy at the sight of you.
You wanted to roll your eyes but decided against it, as you knew he would find a way to punish you if you pressed his buttons too much. You were so close and you didn’t want to ruin it, but you were also still angry with him, so you settled with a “yes, I fucking understand," making sure your tone matched his, half-angry, half- just trying to piss him off because he was so fucking sexy when he was enraged. His eyebrows raised in surprise and he gave you a wicked smile, one that could’ve stricken fear in you if you didn’t have full trust in him.
He said nothing though, not until he was knuckle-deep inside your slopping cunt once again, curving his fingers and hitting that spot with a purpose, making you whimper and shake against him, while you kept your promise to him. “Choose a safe word,” He barked, with those digits sliding out of your hole and making their way to your bundle of nerves, causing a gasp to leave your already quivering lips. You were approaching your orgasm again, your stomach feeling gooey as your legs began trembling and the arms around his neck were mimicking cooked noodles.
“What?” You answered, dazed out of your mind, only seeing a blurred version of the pale man in front of you. His fingers were slick with your pussy juice, rubbing quickly on your clit as that white hot feeling approached, and you were ready to see those bright fireworks.
“A safe word. Now.” He said it slower this time, making sure you heard him loud and clear, slowing his fingers at the same time, a sound of sloshing echoing through the room. No, this was the last thing you wanted, not when you were so close to letting a waterfall release on his veiny hand.
“Green!” The first word that came to mind left your lips breathlessly, your eyes rolling to the back of your head, quickly snapping open again as his digits sped up again, causing you to hold him by his neck for dear life, afraid you would pass out from the feeling of extreme euphoria. Tears were quickly falling, too fast for you to notice until they fell onto your thighs, the wetness not comparing to the inside of your legs, with your juices creating a squelching noise throughout the room. 
“Fuck.” His low, dazed eyes were on yours, lips parted, breathing heavily at the sight of you. “You’re so fucking wet, do you hear yourself?” His voice was low and you were whimpering at his words and your approaching orgasm. You were frozen in place, an icy hot feeling in your veins, thanks to his fingers never slowing and his dark eyes never leaving yours, that threatening gaze upon you. He was so fucking sexy. Maybe you should misbehave more often.
Your breath sped up just as your body stiffened against his and he seemed to notice, suddenly speaking for you. “You gonna cum, baby?” He spoke, voice as deep as he was fucking his fingers inside your walls, seemingly reaching heaven. You responded by nodding vigorously at him through your blurred vision, mouth hanging halfway open, but physically incapable of speaking at the moment. The minute you felt yourself about to release, his hand was removed from your lower half, causing a sob to escape your throat as your ticket to the sun was cancelled.
“Choso, please. I was so fucking close!” You sobbed, tears spilling as he pulled away from you and stood up from the bed, unbuckling his pants, keeping that same ill-omened expression on his feautures. 
“Apologize.” He said simply, orbs locked on yours, as he continued removing his trousers, causing a loud and sarcastic scoff to leave your mouth. 
“For what?” Disbelief filled your words as his shirt was removed next, leaving him only in a pair of boxers, that chiseled, tattooed, body in perfect view now. Your mouth watered at the sight, making you afraid actual drool would start forming. 
The fuck did you have to apologize for? He must’ve been saying this to make you more angry and it was working. You had been distracted as his magic fingers were fucking you, but it all started to come back to you in full force as he spoke.
“For having a smart ass mouth.” He responded again, his words having more of a cutthroat tone to them, as he removed your t-shirt forcefully, messing your curls up in the process. You were left bare, nipples hard as the air touched them, along with the fact that you were undeniably turned on and pissed at this situation as he stood above you, waiting for an apology he was never going to get. You would be lying if you said the way he was speaking to you wasn’t making your arousal drip onto his sheets.
“I’m not going to apologize for something you deserved.” You stood firmly on your words, as you looked up at his domineering stature, knowing he was going to take out his frustration on you somehow, a menacing smirk formed on his lips.
“Turn around.” His eyes pierced through yours, and this time you didn’t argue, you simply obeyed, anticipation filling your body. He’d never fucked you in this position and you were excited for the new experience. Your legs shook in suspense as you arched your back, with your ass high in the air.
You heard his boxers drop and that familiar slap of his hard cock hitting his equally as hard abs. The tip of his dick was on your dripping, wet folds now, that cool piercing probably flood with your juices. 
You were getting impatient, about to make a snide comment when he suddenly slammed into you without warning, causing you to see stars almost immediately, earning a loud groan from the both of you. 
“Fuck!” you practically screamed, loud enough to wake up the neighbors in the next house over. You were praising the heavens that his brother was absent, once again. This felt better than you imagined, with his dick so deep inside you you could feel it in the pit of your stomach, your cervix being tickled slightly. 
“You don’t apologize, you don’t fucking cum.” Choso said harshly, voice authoritative and you could barely register anything you heard before his hips were slamming into you at an unforgiving pace, making you lose all recollection of what you were trying to figure out anyway.
His cock was hitting your g-spot effortlessly, ramming into you to the point where you could barely breathe, let alone make a sound. The feel of his member inside you was making you so full, your breath hitching with each thrust, and the only sounds filling the room were the clap of your ass and the strong exhale of his breath. Your mouth dropped in awe at the feeling, your eyes brimming with tears and you were glad he couldn’t see your face from this angle, for it was probably comical. Your hands were gripping his silk sheets so hard you were sure they were going to come off the corner of the bed at this point. 
With each thrust of his hips, and each brush of his cock hitting your g-spot, you were seeing stars, the corners of your vision going black. The hairs on your body were standing up straight as he continued thrusting into your wet walls unforgivingly, his indignation showing with each snap of his hips. You wanted to moan so badly, especially with his smart remarks being thrown at you, but you physically couldn’t, it was like your body stopped functioning and your was brain short circuiting from how artistically he was fucking your brains out.
“What’s wrong? What happened to all that shit you were talking? Can’t fucking speak now, huh?” He let out, breath heavy, not slowing his pace and you finally called out, trying to form words, trying to find something to say in response, but failing miserably. He let out a cruel laugh at your incessant babbling as his grip on your hips tightened, changing his pace to a slow and rough one. 
You were pretty much incoherent at this point, the feeling of carnal pleasure overwhelming you and pushing you to the edge, knowing you weren’t going to last much longer. What was that he said about not cumming?
“You ready to apologize?” His cruel tone still remained as he continued to push into you, slower this time, longer strokes and you were breathing heavily, your pussy twitching with him inside of you, pulsating with each push of him going further inside, not knowing anyone could ever get this deep. Your pulsating cunt seemed to be too much for him as well, as he sucked in a breath, waiting for your answer.
He took your lack of response as a negative and pulled out of you quickly, a groan leaving his lips as he did so, seemingly pissed as he wanted to continue ramming into you. His removal caused you to whine once again, before he gave your ass a rough slap, moving to sit on the bed, his legs sprawled out now, waiting like he was on a throne chair.
“Come here.” His deep voice pierced through you, causing you to give in immediately and crawl over to him, hypnotized and still breathing heavily, that pool in your stomach burning now. You needed to cum right fucking now, it was becoming unbearable. 
He was sitting on the bed, breathing heavily as well, back against the headboard, looking absolutely delectable with his hair a mess, sweat beading on his forehead, eyes low and hungry, and parted pink lips. His beautiful erect cock was red at the tip, with clear precum dripping from the tip, causing a glimmer on that shinning jewelry of his.
Your body shook with desire, almost cumming at the sight of the beautiful man in front of you, all in his glory and waiting for you, face red with desire.
You were moving too slow for his liking it seemed, because he suddenly grabbed your arms and pulled you on top of him with a force, placing your legs on either side of his thighs, your hot core right above his swollen tip. His hands replaced themselves on your hips and placed you onto him without warning again, a theme for the night it seemed like. 
The minute your hips connected with his, he was completely inside of you, and your eyes welled with tears again at the mind-hazing feeling. He was buried inside you, deeper than ever before, deeper than anyone had ever been before, causing a high pitched moan to come from your shaky vocal cords. You watched as Choso’s face scrunched in pleasure, his lips still parted and you took that as an invitation to place your lips on his before you began moving your body.
The two of you were panting into each other’s mouths, not able to form a kiss as you bounced on his swollen cock, making sure to go from tip to shift, dropping down roughly each time, so those stars never disappeared from your vision. The slickness of your pussy was creating an easy glide for the two of you, the rhythm never slowing or changing pace with his hips ramming up to meet you halfway to heaven.
You couldn’t attempt to kiss him anymore, the feeling of euphoria becoming too much. Your mind was cloudy again, unable to think as that white hot feeling was approaching again and you were barely able to continue moving, with legs stuttering and shaking with each time you fell onto his hard cock. Your softs walls were tight around his length and he noticed, putting a halt to your movements.
You let out an audible groan this time, knowing your eyes read nothing but rage, but were soon replaced with need as Choso’s wet thumb went south, immediately attaching to your sensitive clit, rubbing and gradually speeding up with each second.
You were a moaning mess on top of him, your head resting on his shoulder as he continued, feeling his dick pulse inside of you, wanting him to let you move again so badly. “You ready to cum, baby?” Goosebumps rose on your body from both his words and the feeling of tightness and heat spreading across your entire body. You didn’t think you could take anymore of this, you needed to release, it was driving you fucking ballistic. He had been edging you for too long and you felt like you were going to combust unless you let go right now. 
You lifted your heavy head to look at him, wanting to see him as you came. “Yes, Cho’, please let me cum.” You were sobbing, begging, with nothing but pleas in your blurred eyes. 
“Apologize.” He said, firmly, not backing down as his thumb was still on your pink button, rubbing slow, teasing, circles. You could tell he was beginning to lose it too, the feral look on his face saying he was ready to finally release his hot seed inside of you and you were more than ready to let him do so.
You couldn’t fucking take it anymore, they’re just words. Say it so you can be put out of your misery  “Okay, fuck! I’m sorry.” You sobbed out, voice cracking as tears spilled from your eyes, finally submitting and making Choso smirk at you, his usual look of adoration returning, as if the sinister man he was ten seconds ago didn't exist.
“Good girl.” He responded to you, and began rubbing quicker circles on your bundle of nerves, those unforgiving rams from below returning and that’s all it took for you to break. Your orgasm was long and drawn out, taking you to fucking Mars as your body stiffened and your head was thrown back, suddenly too heavy for your neck. Hot fire was spread through your flesh and bones, leaving you fidgeting towards the end of your high. You weren't even sure if your eyes were open or closed as you were taken to another dimension, but that didn’t matter as Choso’s orgasm was right behind yours, with his hips stuttering and loud groans falling from his lips. His orgasm filled you up, his being just as drawn out as yours, and you couldn’t bring yourself to worry about the potential consequences of him spilling into you, as your mind felt numb.
You were so fucked out and exhausted that you didn’t even notice when Choso lifted you from his body and placed you on his silk sheets gently. You barely noticed when he grabbed a warm rag to clean you, and you barely noticed when he slipped into bed next to you, placing a kiss to your forehead in the process. 
You did notice and chose not to respond when he let out a “Now, let me take care of you,” as you drifted to sleep.
Chapter Ten is Posted
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