flovverworks · 29 days
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THE HOODIE JEANS COMBO IS KILLLIINNGG MMEEEEEEEEEEE.......STARES AT WHAT MANGA AKIRAS WEARING......STAGE AKIRA TOO......i can respect going 'i refuse to draw something layered + a backpack for the teaser when theyre gonna change clothes asap anyway' (proceeds to draw something floofy). sorry im gonna obsess over the first one for the next year. have never been more charmed in my entire life i love them (pushes murr out of the way)
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felt like a fraud if i didnt include the cats. augh mhyk & handholding..........<-also something that consistently comes up
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maddiwrites · 2 months
The Daughter
Summary: Enemies to lovers, Weasley x Lestrange. Linked is a more descriptive summary with author's notes (: Warnings: None Chapter One can be found here.
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Chapter Two: Fred lounged on the couch by the bookshelf in the Gryffindor Common Room, tossing a hacky sack over his head lazily. He was surrounded by his siblings George, Ron, and Ginny, his best friend, Lee Jordan, and Ron’s friends Harry and Hermione.
Hermione was trying to cheer Harry up after being teased by Draco and his idiot friends who follow him around like a bunch of groupies. Harry was already embarrassed about fainting in front of his friends, and he couldn’t stand the idea of the other students at Hogwarts knowing about it. Especially the Slytherins.
“Harry, you heard Professor Dumbledore. You’re lucky you got off with only fainting,” Hermione said, rubbing her best friend’s back. “It could have been much worse.”
“Yeah, but Malfoy won’t ever see it that way,” Harry scowled. 
“Malfoy’s a git,” Ron said with a mouthful of chocolate frogs he stole from the Great Hall. “Hey, who was that girl who told him quit it?”
Fred sat up. “That would be Kyrie Lestrange. She’s in our year and an even bigger tyrant than her cousin, Malfoy.”
“They’re cousins?” Ron asked. 
“Yeah, haven’t you heard of her mother?” George said. When he read the confused faces of the kids in front of him, he grinned. “Her name is Bellatrix Lestrange, one of the most loyal followers of You-Know-Who. She’s locked up in Azkaban with the other psycho Death Eaters. If you think this Sirius Black guy is mad, who, by the way, is Bellatrix’s cousin, you should be lucky it’s not Lestrange’s face plastered all over the Daily Prophet.”
“Draco and Kyrie are both related to most violent murderers in Azkaban?” Hermione asked. 
“Correct, Granger,” Fred smirked at the bushy haired girl. He felt a certain kind of satisfaction when he was able to tell her something she didn’t know. Hermione was one of the smartest witches at Hogwarts. There wasn’t much that she didn’t already know. “Bet you never get tired of hearing that.”
Hermione stuck her tongue out at the boy she considered to be like an older brother to her. 
Harry’s brows furrowed and silently thought back to when he first met Kyrie Lestrange. It was when he first used floo powder to go to Diagon Alley to shop for this year’s books with the Weasleys. However, he somehow got rerouted to Borgin and Burkes in Knockturn Alley, and he had no idea of the kind of dangers that lurked in that dark corner.
Knockturn Alley was dark and filled with people who looked like they haven’t smiled or seen the light of day in ten years. Harry genuinely felt scared in that part of town and his fear seemed to attract the wizards and witches who lurked there…who also haven’t seen a bath in ten years either. 
“Not lost are you are my dear,” A witch grabbed him by the collar, bringing him closer to her foul breath, her yellow teeth peeking out through her smirk. When he turned, he was cornered by five other witches and wizards. There was nowhere to run. That same witch grabbed his shoulder again. “Come with us. We’ll help you find your way back.”
“No,” Harry said weakly. 
He felt like he was on the verge of a heart attack when he heard his name.
“Harry, I’ve been looking for you.” A girl around his age with pink streaks in her hair descended the stairs of the alley. Harry didn’t recognize her he but in that moment, he couldn’t care less. He saw the way the witches and wizards stepped away from him as she got closer. There was a glint of excitement in her eyes, like she knew the effect that she had on these ghastly people. “I know you bums having nothing better to do than prey on little kids but at least be more subtle about it.” She looked back at the boy with a smile. “Come on Harry. I saw a group of red heads this way.”
Harry swallowed but nodded enthusiastically. He had about a dozen questions but didn’t know which one to ask first. 
When they were finally far enough away from the others, she said, “You know Harry, a boy like you stands out in Knockturn Alley. You should be more careful where you walk alone.”
“Who are you?”
The girl rolled her eyes playfully. “I think you mean to say ‘thank you.’”
“Right. Thanks.”
She grinned. “No problem. My name’s Kyrie.”
“Harry, but you already knew that.”
“Of course. Who in the wizarding world hasn’t heard of the infamous Harry Potter?” She said. Harry clenched his teeth. He was tired of everyone knowing who he was. He felt like a fish in fish bowl. “Look, we’ll keep this between us. Okay?”
“Why? You’re clearly a Slytherin,” Harry said, nodding towards the serpent embroidered on the notebook in her hands. “You know I’m in Gryffindor. You’re not going to tell anyone to embarrass me?”
“No, I won’t tell. Scouts honor,” Kyrie held up her hand. “Besides, I already have enough Gryffindors on my list to waste my time with. I don’t feel the need to add another one, honestly.”
“Harry!” A deep voice called from behind her. They both turned and found the friendly Giant, Hagrid, trudging over to them. They were still close enough to Knockturn Alley to cause suspicion and Hagrid was smarter than most people made him out to be. “What are you doing over here? You shouldn’t be here.”
“I got lost. I was just –“
“Harry saw me with those group of losers and noticed how uncomfortable I was, so he helped me out of there. That’s all,” Kyrie said.
Hagrid narrowed his eyes. “And what were you doing down there?”
“Window shopping,” She shrugged and winked at the Giant. “I should go. It was nice meeting you, Harry.”
Kyrie walked away. 
Hagrid waited for her to disappear completely when Hagrid said, “You don’t want to be seen in Knockturn Alley, Harry. People will think you’re up to no good.”
“I was –“
“I know you didn’t find Kyrie, Harry. Kyrie found you. Isn’t that right?” Hagrid said. Harry looked at his shoes feeling embarrassed. “I know that girl better than she thinks I do. It doesn’t take much to scare her, especially not those kinds of people who hang out down there. It was sweet of her to try and convince me otherwise, though.”
Yeah, Harry thought, it was sweet. 
Harry didn’t understand why the girl he met in Knockturn Alley sounded so different than the one the twins were describing now. Especially now that he knew she shared the same DNA as Draco Malfoy.
Despite his curiosity, he decided to keep his encounter with Kyrie Lestrange to himself. Today was a long day between traveling back to Hogwarts and trying to avoid the Dementors. The last thing he wanted to do was spend his time talking about the Slytherins. 
Fred, however, noticed Harry’s blank gaze, clearly distracted by something running through his mind, and he couldn’t help but feel intrigued. “Where’d you just go, Harry?”
“Huh? Nowhere?” Harry hid his reddened cheeks in his hand. 
“Are you gonna be okay, Harry?” Hermione asked, standing up.
Harry nodded.
“Come on, Fred. We’ve got a little more brainstorming to do. We don’t want our first week to be dull now, do we?” George said with a teasing smirk.
Lee laughed, clapping his hands in excitement, and the three of them disappeared into their dorms, where a list of pranks was already being comprised.
Fred and George walked into the dungeons where their Potions class was held every year. Most of their classmates were already seated with their choice in Potions partners, whispering softly amongst themselves. 
George tapped Fred on the arm and pointed to two seats on the right-hand side of the classroom. They were in the third row, which for the twins, wasn’t ideal, but if they wanted to be partners, it was going to have to do. The only other option was the two seats on the left-hand side, but that’s where all the Slytherins were sitting, and they would rather stand for the entire lesson than be anywhere near those gits. 
About a minute later, Kyrie Lestrange and her best friend Cedrella Copplestone walked in arm in arm. Fred couldn’t help but notice how most heads turned their way. The boys in the class smirked and bumped shoulders with one another while the girls either looked on with envy or intimidation.
It wasn’t any secret that Lestrange and her girl friends were some of the most attractive females in their year. Hell, possibly in the whole school. Like most of the boys here, Fred fell victim to trailing Lestrange’s legs up to her shorter-than-was-allowed skirt, images that he would never dare to share flashing through his head. He’s heard the crude comments other have made, which made Fred realize pretty early on that he wasn’t the only one with those images in his head. 
But despite her extraordinary good looks, Lestrange was still…Lestrange. Conceited, bold, rude, manipulative, and provoking… And her friends were no different. 
“Hey,” Cedric Diggory, a fifth year Hufflepuff, waved to Kyrie and Cedrella. “Over here.”
Kyrie smirked and sat in the aisle seat of the table next to Cedric’s and his partner, Justin Gilbert. 
Fred and George scoffed at the interaction, mostly because they liked Cedric, and they didn’t want him falling into the trap of Kyrie Lestrange and her groupies. 
“How was your summer?” Cedric asked her. 
Kyrie leaned in closer with her elbows on her table. “Mundane.” She replied. She didn’t see her best friend roll her eyes behind her. “And yours? Practicing for quidditch I presume?” Her eyes scanned over Cedric’s upper body. His jawline was sharper, his hair longer, and his arms more toned. Cedric was older for his grade with his birthday falling on September 1st. The first day of school year. So he was already seventeen. And for some reason, that made him even more desirable to the Slytherin girl. 
“Mundane, huh Lestrange?” Fred said from across the room, catching the attention of every other student in the class. He leaned back in the stool he was sitting with a smirk and his arms crossed. “I’d hardly find helping your Dear ‘Ol Uncle Black escape Azkaban mundane.”
Kyrie narrowed her eyes. “Weasley, you never seem to surprise me. Just when I thought your brain couldn’t be any smaller…”
“I mean it makes sense, doesn’t it?” Fred said, the faces around him turning from intrigued to apprehensive. “Why else would he escape if he didn’t already have a plan to reunite with his family and finish what he started – what with You-Know-Who’s name becoming a common topic of conversation again amongst your kind.” 
“Maybe because it’s Azkaban, you git. No one wants to be there,” Kyrie retorted.
Fred’s smirk grew, knowing he was getting under her skin. “Well, you would know that better than anyone else, wouldn’t you, Lestrange?”
“Yeah, rumor has it you’re the first witch to be granted a visiting pass into Azkaban. Tell me, does she look as awful as her mug shot picture? Is she as crazy as everyone says?” George added earning a chuckle from Fred. 
Fred watched Kyrie’s jaw sharpen as she clenched her teeth together. Next to her, Cedric kept his head down, avoiding looking at both the twins and Kyrie, suddenly finding the quill in front of him very fascinating. He was never one for confrontation unless absolutely necessary. Much like the rest of Hufflepuffs, he kept to himself, and avoided the ongoing feud between Gryffindors and Slytherins like the plague.
Cedrella leaned in closer to her best friend and glared at the ginger twins. “If her family was going to break anyone out of Azkaban, why would they start with Sirius and not her own mother?” 
“Maybe that’s their next move,” A Gryffindor sitting behind the twins said. 
“You better hope it’s not,” Cedrella said. “I heard Blood Traitors were her favorite –“
The Weasley twins jumped out of their seats, and Cedrella and Kyrie were quick to follow, stools scraping on the concrete floor. Instantly, the rest of the Gryffindors and Slytherin students stood at their desks. The houses were divided on opposite ends of the room. In the middle sat the Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaw students, who looked around warily, unsure if they should get out of the way or stay seated. 
Fred felt his blood boiling under his pale skin, his hand reaching for his wand in his pocket. He was used to Slytherins using his family against him, but it was mostly about their lack of money or his father’s obsession with muggle objects and inventions.
It was hard to get a reaction like this out of the twins, but when threats are made against their family…they’re ready to become lethal.
Cedric was the first non Gryffindor or Slytherin to stand. He turned to face Kyrie and lightly placed a hand on her arm, “Don’t. It’s not worth it.” He looked down and saw how white her knuckles were around her wand. 
“Sit. Down. Now,” A deep voice vibrated from the back of the room. No one moved an inch and no one took their eyes off the opposing house. “I said now!” White light flashed in the dark room and an abrupt force pushed the students in their seat, turning them forward. 
The students grunted and rubbed their stomachs and backs to ease the sharp pressure they had just felt.
“Typical Gryffindors. Nothing but a bunch of big mouths,” Cedrella muttered. 
Fred didn’t pay any attention to the lecture Professor Snape was giving about the importance of O.W.Ls and how he won’t accept anyone into Advance Potions next year without an Outstanding score. Instead, he was thinking of all the ways he was going to hex the Slytherins, focusing mostly on Lestrange and her friends. With the scowl on his brother’s face, Fred assumed George was thinking the same thing. 
“For next lesson, I want a detailed written essay about the potion you would use against your enemy, why you would choose that one, and what will go wrong when you inevitably concoct it incorrectly,” Snape said in his nasally voice, already laced with disappointment on the first day. 
At the mention of the word enemy, Kyrie and Fred looked up at each other, eyes narrowed in a glare. Then, a small grin tugged on the corners of Kyrie’s face and she had the audacity to wink at him, because she knew exactly what to do to drive him mad with irritation, always acting like she had the upper hand in their confrontations, pretending like she couldn’t be bothered by the insults that were constantly being thrown her way. 
And it worked every time. 
“Class dismissed,” Snape said. 
Fred didn’t even bother placing his books back into his bag. He just scooped everything into his arms, prepared to confront Lestrange again before she could disappear into the Slytherin Common Room, but Snape’s voice stopped him. 
“Miss Lestrange. A moment.” 
Fred glanced back at her, but the confusion written on her face made it clear that even Kyrie didn’t have an idea what it was that Snape wanted to discuss. She whispered something to her best friend, who walked out with a couple of other Slytherin students. 
“C’mon,” George said. “She’s not worth it.”
George looked her up and down in disgust as Kyrie passed them to meet Snape at his desk. Fred nodded and followed his brother out. 
Fred and George spent their night hexing the bathrooms near the Slytherin Common Room, causing the toilets to explode right before curfew. It wasn’t their most creative prank. In fact, they’ve done it once before in their first year at Hogwarts. But they were both so angry after Potions that it was the best they could come up with on such short notice. 
Despite their successful prank, Fred was still feeling sour after his encounter with the Slytherins during Potions. The threat Cedrella made still didn’t sit right with him, and Kyrie…Merlin he hated Kyrie. She was a self-absorbed cruel little brat. With her attitude, she was destined to take just after her mother – maybe even follow in her footsteps and share a cell in Azkaban.
“Look, she’s not worth all this energy, mate,” Lee said as they hung out in their dorms. “If you’re going to think about her this much, at least think of her…naked or something. Now, that doesn’t seem like a waste of time.”
Fred pulled his pillow out from under his head and chucked it at his best friend. 
“Not including the naked thing…” George said, walking from his desk to sit on the edge of his own bed, “but Lee is right. You can’t let her ruin our fifth year – at least not within the first week.”
“She threatened our family, George,” Fred sat up, glaring at his brother.
“Cedrella threatened our family with Bellatrix.”
“You’re seriously washing this over with semantics?”
“Of course not,” George said. “For all we know, Kyrie is gonna grow up to be just like her mother. But that girl is a lame excuse to attend all your thoughts to.”
“Unless you’re picturing her naked,” Lee said. 
George closed his eyes and dropped his chin to his chest. 
Fred rolled his eyes. “What do you supposed Snape wanted to talk to her about, anyway?” 
“He was probably telling her what to write her essay on. Everyone knows Snape gives extra attention to the Slytherins,” George said with a shrug. 
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hello!! love your content! i was checking your masterlist and i saw that you had a post about a nonhuman farmer — however, my farmer OC has different features from the one who was previously requested. so i was wondering if i could request something similar, but changing a few things. if not, you can ignore this!
so, i would like to request a similar post: the villagers (bachelors, bachelorettes and townies) reacting to a nonhuman farmer. however, instead of rat-like features, i wanted a farmer with fox-like features — as in, sharp claw-like nails, fox ears, fox tail, fangs and vertical pupils (y'know, similar to when people make a human gijinka of a fox character), all the fun stuff.
additionally! i was wondering if you could also include some Ridgeside Village characters. (i know RSV has like a shitton of characters so it doesn't need to be all of them 😭 if you do include, i would love if you did Raeriyala, Daia, Jio, Blair, Maddie and Ysa specifically, as these are my favorites) but if you can't do them, that's fine!! thank you for your time and take care!
Hello, dear anon! Thank you so much ❤️
Sorry for the long reply, but since there are a lot of characters, I had to write a little longer. I won't include all the RSV residents as I haven't thoroughly researched them all yet, but I wrote about the ones you asked for. Enjoy!
Stardew valley characters react to a non-human Farmer (alt. version):
Considering that Shane often left the Saloon after two or three mugs of beer, it wouldn't surprise him if that new and annoying farmer had tall fox ears or fangs, since he could chalk those hallucinations up to alcohol intoxication. Worse things will happen if Shane, in his sober state, meets them again.... This town was a bunch of freaks. Though he thinks he's just as much of a freak himself...
Marnie's first thought after the Farmer's true origins are revealed is to make more locks on her chicken coop. Please forgive her, but she had recently survived a fox infestation that took out her favorite hen, and Marnie was still grieving and a little paranoid about foxes. But that was rude to the Farmer, for which she immediately apologizes.
All Elliott wanted was a relaxing fishing trip with his close friends, Willy, the old fisherman, and Farmer. But the Farmer apparently likes to pick a bad time to dedicate secrets. "I'm not really human." Elliott is in a stupor. "Excuse me, what?" "Aye, lad/lass said they're not human." Why in the world is Willy reacting so calmly? And why is the writer only now noticing their fangs and fox ears!
Yoba, poor Harvey and Maru were running around Farmer in circles, unable to understand the x-rays and blood test results. Vertical eye pupils, pointed fangs and claws... Their minds were racing, trying to find answers in medical textbooks and in scientific articles about single cases of mutations. So Farmer would be in the clinic for a long time, before the town doctor and his assistant find answers.
Yo, Farmer, hey! Look at the cool hoodies Sam got for his friends: Abigail's hoodie has cat ears sticking out, and Sebby's wearing a dark green hoodie with a cute frog face. He himself has a hoodie with bunny ears. It's a bit silly and childish gifts, but his friends love it and having fun, so that's what matters most. Oh, you have a hoodie like that too? It's cool, it's got real fox ears and a tail. Huh? Wait, what do you mean they're real? Like a- Holy cow, the ears move! How??? Sam and Abby are shocked, and Sebby thinks it's cool. The trio needs answers!
Looks like Rasmodius doesn't need to brew a potion for Farmer, since they already have forest magic. Oh please, don't look at him so surprised, nothing magical can escape the wizard's keen eye. But there is no need to panic, he himself is completely connected with magic and unusual things, so he will respect the Farmer's secret. Well, now let's talk about Junimo....
Huh, is Farmer what, 7 years old or something? Why are they dressed up in costume? What? Alex can see that? Of course he see it, with those ears and that floor-length tail, it's hard to miss. And... fangs? Strange people, one wearing all black, the others trying to prove to Alex they're foxe. It's crazy.
What the- Oh, for crying out loud. Kid, at least let Marlon and Gil know it's you. They thought the monster from the mines had gotten out and were ready to draw their swords from their scabbards. All right, let's go back, foxy, heh... We're going hunting soon, and you have the best nose for hares.
"Let's see... Dwarves, Shadow People, Elves... No, alas, nothing similar from history." After recognizing the Farmer's true origins, Gunther thought he might find mention of "fox people" in the library books, but there was nothing of the sort. However, if the Farmer themself knows their origins perfectly well, they could write the book! If the Farmer doesn't mind, the library keeper will help with writing a book about the history of an unknown civilization (or just a fairy tale, if no one believes it).
The Farmer decided to reveal a great secret to Kent? Do they want to reveal their true origins to surprise the veteran? Well, the secret's out, Farmer's not quite human! Aha! Caught him by surpri- Wat??? Why no reaction? What's with the 🗿 face? I've seen stranger things in war?! Ugh! "You're not human!?" Well, at least it didn't take long for his wife, Jodi, to react. The poor woman now has mixed emotions about Farmer.
Wow, Gus had heard a lot of different rumors about the new Farmer, but never would have thought.... Well, even though they're not quite human, it doesn't change the way he feels about Farmer. They're a very kind friend and a wonderful person (even if not human), so no prejudice, much to Farmer's relief, on his part. The doors of his Saloon are always open to them.
What? Fox ears? Ah, the Farmer must be playing with the children, they were just putting on all sorts of headbands with the ears of different animals. That's nice of them. Yeah, Jas, did you want something? Does Farmer have real ears? Sure, sure, Uncle Lewis believes you. *Ahem* By the way, is Aunt Marnie home?
Ah, my friend. Sit next to Linus, don't be shy. Warm yourselves by the fire. Hmm? Did you want to say something to him? About not being human, by any chance? Oh, no need to wonder, Linus can see through the magical barrier that wizards and other creatures wrap themselves in when they want to hide. But he's their friend, so their secret is safe. She knows what it's like to be an outcast.
Fox parts on the human body? Fangs, tail and ears?! Scientifically impossible! Demetrius is very interested in this unusual mutation of the new Farmer and would like to investigate it, perhaps even help in some way. Of course, with the Farmer's permission, after all, science is science, but there must be at least some boundaries of decency.
Beyond her natural shock at the news, Robin was glad that Farmer trusted her enough to entrust her with this secret. And she gives her word that if Farmer told her about her not quite human origins, she would keep it. Heh, that's funny... Robin's parents often called her "little foxy" and now Robin will also call Farmer. Just a light tease, nothing bad!
Young one, take off that stupid costume, it's not Spirits Eve. George doesn't understand the younger generation: he used to play grindball with his friends when he was a kid, and now teenagers are putting on silly costumes, calling themselves beasts and going back and forth and interfering with his TV watching. Don't even try to change his mind, he won't believe the Farmer's fox ears are real.
When Farmer stopped by to visit Emily, the girl immediately started praising these plush ears that look just like the real thing. Haley decided to argue with her sister for some reason and began to lament that the fabric probably wasn't the best quality. Emily disagreed completely, and decided to touch the soft fur on the long red ears. Poor Farmer immediately bounced away from the girls. Huh? Tickles? They're not real, how can they.... Did the ears just move?... Okay Haley, stop screaming, let's calm down and talk about, as it turns out, quite real fox ears.
Oh, Evelyn remembers Farmer's Grandpa saying that in their family, the fox was the totem animal. There were statues, wooden sculptures and paintings on his farmhouse. Evelyn is glad that Farmer is also proud of it, even if it is a little unusual, wearing fluffy fox ears. (No, she doesn't believe the fox parts on Farmer are real).
Mr./Mrs. Farmer is a fox? Are they some sort of fox lord? Do they have magic? Can we see it? While Jas and Vincent pepper Farmer with various questions (because where else would you see a fox neighbor?), Leo giggles and thinks to himself that when he, his friends and Farmer play hide and seek, with those tall red ears Farmer will be easy to find.
Clint needed to get some fresh air: the heat of the forge had made his mind foggy, making the farmer look like an animal. But when they went outside, the farmer's animal image hadn't disappeared..... Did he drink too much at the saloon last night?
Oi, that's a strong ale. This stuff is amazing! Gus, pour Pam another full mug! Hell yeah. Hmm, who's distracting her? All right, kid, give her a break after work. Ugh, what do they want, huh? She's busy right now- Why does Farmer have fangs like an animal? And what's with the eyes?... Gus, Pam changed her mind. She's had enough beer for one night. She's already seeing some weird shit.
Aah! Oh, Yoba, what's that? Or rather, who is it? Farmer? Why did you dress up in a costume and get into the bushes and scare Leah? What do you mean, "not a costume"? You got the lenses, and the tail down your back. A real one?! Okay, well, even if that's true, what makes you think hiding in the bushes was the best way to present yourself? Smell of delicious berries. Alright, the artist agrees, blueberries are really good.
Dear viewers, our favorite show begins: "How fast can Farmer make Penny faint?" Last time, our top contestant scared a young teacher in 5.43 seconds when they came out all bloody from the mines. This time, Farmer will reveal his secret to Penny. Aaaaaand.... Exactly two seconds, and the girl fell senseless. A new record! (Apologized to Penny right now).
"I hope we don't get rabies from you?" "Pierre!". Our lovely Pierre, Mr. Tactfulness, part-time shopkeeper, is on a roll as always. Thank Yoba that at least Caroline knows when to stop her husband. So what if the Farmer is a little different, that's no reason to throw around name-calling. "Don't listen to him, dear customer", no one realized where Morris was coming from here. "There's no prejudice in our wonderful Joja about weirdo-, er, I mean unusual people. Come to us, we have 25% off!" "Wouldn't dream of it, Morris! Dear customer, can you bite Morris to give him rabies?" Thanks again to Caroline, who got a bucket of water from somewhere and poured it on her husband and Joja manager.
Bonus + Ridgeside Village:
Wow! Daia didn't know that her Lady's lover, the great Raeriyala, had helpers too, and such a cute one. Oh, you're fox spirit? Hee hee! She wants so badly to touch the fluffy ears, or the soft red tail! Wait a minute... They're not spirits, they give off a completely different aura.... The grandchild of that old Farmer? Intriguing. But it still won't save Farmer from teasing or flirting.
Trust me, if Maddie doesn't run away from a strange sound in the bushes in the middle of the woods, the huge fox ears will definitely make her rush back to town. She won't even realize it's not a wild animal, just a Farmer. Nope, not today, forest! She's too young to die.
Finally, the barrier was removed and the Farmer was able to meet her. Yes, oh farmer, Raeriyala knows who you really are, no need to hide it. She has a lot to tell you about your Grandmother, the evil that lingers in Spirits Realm, and much more. "Are you my mom?" "...What?" (It would be a very awkward situation if Farmer didn't know their biological mother, and then there's a woman fox. So you can understand their confusion).
Not only did Farmer show up at a rather suspicious time, but they're also not human. Jio's caution will not be limited, as there may be spies everywhere, who want to harm his friends, his Lady, and interfere with his mission. On the other hand, there is something about this Farmer, because there's unusual, just like him - where will you meet another elf, right?
And how you supposed to concentrate on fishing when someone is running near the lake and yelling? Blair's irritation was immediately replaced by incomprehension when she saw Ysa running out of the woods toward Ridgeside Village. The girl had dropped a small basket of flowers. And when the young fisherwoman saw in the distance the silhouette of a humanoid with obviously animal-like body parts, it was already Blair's turn to run, leaving the entire fish catch on the shore. And the Farmer only wanted to talk to them 🥲
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foursaints · 6 months
thinking thoughts about your little hyperfixating apprentice healer evan,,,, as a good friend regulus knows about it ofc so he tells sirius (in the most pondering conversational way) and bro is hORIFFieD "what the fuck do you mean by he cuts frogs open?? that shit's forbidden!!!" like, sirius dear. it was forbidden in french high school. Not the same thing. "what if it's an ANIMAGUS?? he would never know he dismembered som- "
yeah idk outraged sirius going all eww yikes makes me giggle pls let evan have his fun and education🙏
i love this ask so much anon maybe i’m obsessed with you…… sirius totally would be horrified this is so funny.
i think this is why i don’t see my little hyperfixating apprentice healer evan having many friends at first? everyone gasps and shrieks at the great table because 11 y/o first year evan has dessicated frog guts in his book bag. the prefects think he is one bad tuesday away from becoming some type of grindelwaldian nefarious dark wizard but evan doesn’t even notice or care? the only person he has ever paid any attention to whatsoever is his sisterr. (but then of course there is regulus, who collects outcasts like he’s putting easter eggs in a basket….)
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tkwritesstupidstuff · 5 months
Sebastian x Reader
The rain was pouring down upon Pelican town as I walked up to the mountains. Sam and Sebastian had Recently found out that I was an avid fan of The Solarian Chronicles and Sam had been begging me to play with them so here I was walking up on a rainy Thursday night to geek out. As I stepped inside I heard the bell chime and began to walk down the Sebastian's lair. Creeking opens the door I could hear the two bickering.
"Come on Seb just say it!"
"Sam No, I will never give up my dignity to say it"
"But broski?" I could hear Sam pouting and opened the door
"Sebastian's your Broski now Huh?"I teased Sam as his cheeks flushed pink
"well not anymore unless he can admit that Warriors are a better role than Wizards" Sam retorted back. I began to see Seb Shaking his head and sighing as he finished setting the bored up.
"Wizards have higher intelligence and an actually skill unlike waving pointy sticks around."Sebastian fired back at him as I set my bag down and took a seat.Sam looked very offended after what he said.
"Wizards also wave a stick around and they don't get the Babes!" Sam looked smug as he pointed this out to Sebastian.
"Babes?" I asked 
"Yeah who doesn't want a smoking hot warrior to save them and no ones gonna want and old  Grandpa Seb the wizard to save them"
"Hey! I'm only 21"
"Like I said Old"
"Hey you too settle down or well never get to play"I stated trying to get them to settle down
"Yeah, Gramps!"Sam sassed back at Sebastian as if he was the one to start it all.jeez sometimes I wonder how the two became friends one music playing hyperactive pineapple head and the other a frog loving emo boy. It really was an example of an Extrovert adopting an introvert.
"Let's just get to the game" Sebastian grumbled as he shuffled the cards and gave us our character sheets. The game was on! As the story went on our group traveled through deep dwarves mines infected with goblins.
It twas an epic battle as our heros ventured through the mines with the Mighty Sameth slaying any who came across his path and Seb The Wise cast illusion spells while I did nothing.I tried but there was no point in being a healer when there was no healing to be done. As the game was wrapping up we came up to the boss level.I thought it would be a breeze considering how easily it was before,but before we knew it Sam and Sebastian were down.
"Come on yn heal me" Sam looked at me expecting me to roll the dice.
"Or the me Could do more damage than a my wit" Sebastian suggested giving Sam a look.
"Come on yn do it for me so I can save the Babes."
"There all dwarves though"
"Babe dwarves?"
I looked down and rolled the dice I had enough mama to heal one.everyone watched as I made my decision.
"I'll heal up the wizard"  I announced
"But the Babes yn the Babes" Sam shook his head at me
"Thanks yn" Seb said as he rolled the dice to cast a spell ending the boss.
As I got ready to go I heard the thunder roar in the distance. Oof I better run home or get electrocuted.
"Well guys I need to get going before it gets to late" I turned to the stairs and began to walk up.
"Wait yn!" Seb shouted
I turned around as he was grabbing and umbrella."Here let me walk you home" he said as he came up to me
" Ooh good Idea sebby won't you walk me home too" Sam teased as he grabbed his stuff and began to walk up with us.As we stood outside the rain was still coming down but it didn't seem to bad.
"Hey yn!" Sam shouted snap I h me out of my thoughts as we tried back to town.
"How come you chose to heal Seb instead of me huh?" Sam teased while I knew what he was trying to do.
"Well if I chose to save you it we probably would have lost" I stated smugly looking at him
"Le gasp you wound me yn!" He said placing a hand over his heart.
"Come on drama queen were at your stop" Seb said placing a hand on Sam's shoulder.
"Hmph,Wouldn't you at least kiss me goodnight Sebby dear" Sam teased.
"Sorry Sam you're not my type" and with that Sebastian shoved Sam through the front door.
As we walked to my farm I saw lightning dancing in the distance.
"Ah um thanks for coming tonight yn"
Sebastian scratched the back of his head as he looked at me.
"No problem I always love hanging out with you"
I smiled sweetly at him as I spoke,damn i could of said it a lot cooler. As i scolded myself I was brought out of my thoughts as I saw pinkish to tint to Sebastian's cheeks.
"Um thanks yn,well here's your stop" he spoke gently as I walked up the steps. As he turned around I did something I never thought I'd say.
"Not even a goodnight kiss?" I heard myself asking as I looked at him Suddenly he stoped and turned around ran right and kissed me right in the lips and hopped off the porch.
"Night yn!" He shouted running off ears tomato red. My face was probably just as red .I mean what just happened.I just ended up kissing the cutest boy in all of Pelican Town in the middle of a rainstorm on my front porch.
"Hot damn" I spoke as I gently opened the front door. Maybe moving to Pelican Town was the best idea I've ever had after all I just got to kiss the sweetest boy in the whole world.
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rowanthesorcerer · 9 months
The complete guide to Bime cult
This is the guide to Bime cult as well as its history, lore, members and other things. should you wish to become a member of Bime cult, simply comment and i shall review your application.
You do not have to be a fan of Last Legacy to join
-On the 15th October 2021 I, Rowan, was attempting to draw the character “Rime” from the visual novel “Last Legacy” . Due to a lack of practice and knowledge the drawing’s proportions were off and I decided against completing the drawing. That decision created this image
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I then shared this image with a dear friend of mine, and joked about it a little, I then called the image “Bime” (as in Bald + Rime = Bime)
Later that day i decided to digitalise the image
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An edit of the original character’s in game sprite, made to look more like the image on paper whilst retaining more of the original characters features.
From then on the Lore of Bime cult has only gotten more and more complex as the entity Bime made itself known to us
we learnt that although Bime was benevolent, he did also enjoy pranks, and despite being relatively laid back, if we forgot to praise him, bad things would happen.
on the 16th of September 2022 a new entity made itself known, The Orb. Bime stated that the cult should watch this Orb as it was part of the cult now, and so we patiently waited to see what the orb would do
On that same day (16/09/22) We decided upon a headquarters. We chose an Ikea, specifically the ikea at this address: 848 S Barranca Ave, Covina, CA 91723, United States. it is our dream to one day visit this ikea (we have never been, no one at the Ikea knows it is secretly Bime cult property (for legal reasons i must state that no member of Bime cult owns the physical property nor do we have any claims to it))
on the 14th December 2022 we realised the Orb we had been told to watch was actually an Egg
on the 17th December 2022 the Orb/Egg hatched, inside?
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The mega Wizard. Although not as powerful as Bime, the mega wizard does grand the cult additional magical powers and protection
(end of timeline)
Cult members/structure
Of course the most important individual to Bime cult is Lord Bime himself
But i shall now provide an image demonstrating the hierarchy of the cult
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So here is the list:
-The council of Frogs
-The Mega Wizard
-Cult Leader: I, Rowan, am the cult leader
-Army General: Mooseonahunt
-Archon: NemNem (an axolotl plushie is the Archon)
-Army officers: (this position awaits members)
-Cult members: Rowan, Mooseonahunt, Nemnem, Finance worm, Quabo, AstraTheCowboy
-The ants: All ants across the world are a part of our army, commanded by Mooseonahunt
-Head of destruction department: (this position awaits members)
-People that cause chaos: (this position awaits members)
-Head collector: (this position awaits members)
-Gatherers: (this position awaits members)
-Head of finances: Finance Worm
-people good at maths (this position awaits members)
-Quabo: Quabo the plushie kitten is his own role
-Cult Jester: AstraTheCowboy
How to Worship Bime
So, you’ve just joined Bime cult, congratulations! but what do we actually do from there?
There are many ways to worship Bime as well as helping out the cult, by fulfilling a title or role within the cult you are already beloved by Bime
Finding cool and shiny things and putting them on display is a way of worshipping Bime
sometimes a Bimean angel (pictured below)
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Will appear to you in your dreams, or even Lord Bime himself may appear! if this happens you should tell the cult leader so the cult may act upon any messages given
Bime enjoys good vibes, by taking care of yourself whenever possible you are making him so proud and so happy!
Bime also enjoys pranks, by causing a little bit of harmless chaos and mischief you are fulfilling cult duties
Changing the world for the better. Bime believes that humanity is sickening, there are too many people with too much money and too many people suffering, there are many many more things i could list here, i’m sure we all know the extent of how disgusting and horrible humans can be. If you have a strong sense of justice and you stand up for what’s right, you will be most beloved by Bime (and all the good people in the world)
drawings of Bime, music and other creative talents dedicated to Bime are always a big hit with the Lord
Eating Cheese of any kind as well as Iced Coffee and wine will fulfil Cult duties as these are our celebration foods/drinks
wearing sparkles and shiny things as well as cult colours (Dark blue, yellow, pinkish red (the colour of Bime’s eyes) and gold) will please Bime (those are the cult colours)
Being kind to even the smallest of creatures. Even bugs. it’s not their fault they are so small and a little freaky looking, please don’t step on them and don’t harm creatures if you can avoid it.
Celebrating on the 15th October each year is the final way :) this is our cult anniversary
I shall add onto this post with new information and new members as time goes on ^^
Here is also an ID card if you want to make one
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Bime cult is not an actual cult, it is a fun and silly little pretend thing we have going on. Some of our members (Quabo and Nemnem) are literally plushies and all “entities” are entirely made up. i will say that it’s fun to say “ugh i’ve got such a bad thing coming up. Bime give me strength” and to actually act as if Bime is a real entity, sometimes it really does feel like it helps if i praise Bime before something difficult.
Anyways, point is, Bime cult has no real world plans, Bime cult will not harm any people or living creatures
it’s a fun little pretend thing. Not a real life organisation 👍
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Canon marauders prank
Did you guys know that a marauders prank is cited in Harry Potter and the Cursed Child?
Here’s the scene:
ACT ONE, SCENE ELEVEN ROOF OF THE HOGWARTS EXPRESS The wind whistles from all angles and it’s a fierce wind at that. SCORPIUS: Okay, now we’re on the roof of a train, it’s fast, it’s scary, this has been great, I feel like I’ve learnt a lot about me, something about you, but — ALBUS: As I calculate it we should be approaching the viaduct soon and then it’ll be a short hike to St. Oswald’s Home for Old Witches and Wizards . . . SCORPIUS: The what? The where? Look, I am as excited as you are to be a rebel for the first time in my life — yay — train roof — fun — but now — oh. SCORPIUS sees something he doesn’t want to see. ALBUS: The water will be an extremely useful backup if our Cushioning Charm doesn’t work. SCORPIUS: Albus. The Trolley Witch. ALBUS: You want a snack for the journey? SCORPIUS: No. Albus. The Trolley Witch is coming towards us. ALBUS: No, she can’t be, we’re on top of the train . . . SCORPIUS points ALBUS in the right direction, and now he can see the TROLLEY WITCH, who approaches nonchalantly, pushing her trolley. TROLLEY WITCH: Anything from the trolley, dears? Pumpkin Pasty? Chocolate Frog? Cauldron Cake? ALBUS: Oh. TROLLEY WITCH: People don’t know much about me. They buy my Cauldron Cakes — but they never really notice me. I don’t remember the last time someone asked my name. ALBUS: What is your name? TROLLEY WITCH: I’ve forgotten. All I can tell you is that when the Hogwarts Express first came to be — Ottaline Gambol herself offered me this job . . . SCORPIUS: That’s — one hundred and ninety years. You’ve been doing this job for one hundred and ninety years? TROLLEY WITCH: These hands have made over six million Pumpkin Pasties. I’ve got quite good at them. But what people haven’t noticed about my Pumpkin Pasties is how easily they transform into something else . . . She picks up a Pumpkin Pasty. She throws it like a grenade. It explodes. And you won’t believe what I can do with my Chocolate Frogs. Never — never — have I let anyone off this train before they reached their destination. Some have tried — Sirius Black and his cronies, Fred and George Weasley. ALL HAVE FAILED. BECAUSE THIS TRAIN — IT DOESN’T LIKE PEOPLE GETTING OFF IT . . . The TROLLEY WITCH’s hands transfigure into very sharp spikes. She smiles. So please retake your seats for the remainder of the journey. ALBUS: You were right, Scorpius. This train is magical. SCORPIUS: At this precise moment in time, I take no pleasure in being right. ALBUS: But I was also right — about the viaduct — that’s water down there, time to try the Cushioning Charm. SCORPIUS: Albus, this is a bad idea. ALBUS: Is it? (He has a moment’s hesitation, then realizes the time for hesitation has passed.) Too late now. Three. Two. One. Molliare! He incants as he jumps. SCORPIUS: Albus . . . Albus . . . He looks down desperately after his friend. He looks at the approaching TROLLEY WITCH. Her hair wild. Her spikes particularly spiky. Well, as fun as you clearly look, I have to go after my friend. He pinches his nose, he jumps after ALBUS, incanting as he goes. Molliare!
Anyway, how do you guys supose this went down? Maybe it was on the way to London and Sirius didn’t want to see his parents?
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toestalucia · 1 year
u ever think about the wizard and his dear friend the frog
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mambo-by-a-mile · 1 year
☯ + saving Rick and Ella / pushing Frieda
Physical combat skills were the furthest away from the capabilities Mambo possessed. But then, being involved in a dangerous fight against a wicked, power-hungry villainess for the very fate of the entire kingdom he had been entrusted to protect was the furthest activity away from his to-do list while The Wizard was on vacation. Likewise, it seemed to make a lick of sense that when he decided to charge at said villainess currently wielding the very staff that held immense amount of magical power with nothing but his own small, scrawny body, the first factor was all but forgotten.
Mambo was hardly thinking about what he was doing if at all as he bolted toward where Frieda stood triumphantly over Rick who was clinging for dear life onto the edge of the flooring that cut off above the pit made in the middle of the room, desperately holding onto Ella with his free arm. Recklessness was Mambo’s speciality, and he had been called as such on a day-to-day basis by both The Wizard and Munk; this went beyond reckless. It was daring, so to speak. There was something about the sight of Ella and Rick dangling over the now fiery depths of the tower couple with the knowledge that Frieda was easily able and most likely more than willing to knock the two of them off the ledge at any moment that seemed to shoot down any former cowardice or concern for his own safety he had. Following his sprint, he took a huge leap at the woman, delivery a swift kick to her back. He must have utilized all the energy and muscle he had into it because it was enough to knock her off her feet and send her falling forward directly into the open hole in the floor leading to the reddish orange abyss below it. Unfortunately for the small feline creature, she wasn’t the only one sent plummeting to a certain doom. Mambo could only scream in terror as he felt himself falling quickly to the tower depths, expecting the worst.
He could never remember a time where relief had felt so wonderful as soon as Ella caught his tiny wrist in her hand, leaving him suspended over the abyss in her grasp. His eyes were wide in amazement, and his breathing rushed as he watched Frieda continuously fall, her screaming becoming echoed as she fell further from sight until she had disappeared completely. Mambo took a second to recollect himself before beginning to half jump-half climb up his much taller friends like a ladder back to the floor. It took that precise moment for it to dawn on him that he-the very same guy who had been freaked out by a frog’s rustling through buses-tackled an evil empress of the past two days and came close to getting himself killed for it.
‘Did-did you guys see that? I just did something dangerous and-and heroic!’ Mambo’s mouth moved quicker than his brain as he hoisted himself back onto the ledge where Rumpelstiltskin and Munk-whose eyes he could have sworn displayed a small bit of both concern and relief when they met with his again- waited to help Rick and Ella back up to safety. ‘Hey, wait a minute! Why didn’t anyone stop me?’ He continued, addressing everyone though he still looked at Munk. ‘The next time you see me about to do something like that again knock me right out! Just BAM.’ The cat creature gave a small fist pump forward to demonstrate a punch. ‘End of story.’
He received no response from anyone. Still, he smiled to himself. Half out of content that Rick and Ella were alright, and that other half out of awe of the lengths he had gone to save them. He had zero combat skills, no magical abilities or weapon at his disposal, or even much of the bravery required of someone his size and stature to attempt to take on somebody like Frieda. Yet when the two of them were in peril, it was almost as if nothing else mattered to him but that. With that in mind he couldn’t help but give a slight ponder to himself if he would ever pull such a deadly feat like that again for a friend. Hopefully that was something he would never need to discover the answer to.
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noxtms · 2 years
dear ro ; we are pleased to inform you that your application for NEVILLE LONGBOTTOM has been accepted to 𝐧𝐨𝐱 ! woo do hwan is now taken. you have twenty four hours to submit your account, or else your role will be reopened !
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⧼   woo do-hwan, cis man, he/his   /   #1 by imagine dragons + i. you're shy and you take your time to learn, but all of them keep telling you you're worthless. you don't make much friends and get ridiculed for your every move. focusing on your favorite past times and your pet frog gets boring from time to time, but have you another choice? you're alone, seeking to prove yourself in front of people who won't listen. / ii. you suddenly become one of the heroes. you stand up bravely and your steel sword slashes a snake's head and now you feel it for the first time. acknowledgment; confidence; the joy of being somebody. you drown in it, you like it. life becomes easier, yet the stench of death surrounds you and reality hits you. a hero isn't what you are - but rather, just one of the lucky ones. / iii. you work towards becoming a healer and your life has a purpose. you help the injured, you prevent this one darkling of a word form happening. death. you resent it, you want to stop it. so you close your eyes and your nimble hands work on patching up wounds. but the victims and dead bodies increase with time so you ask yourself - for how long will you and your new army be able to defy the inevitable and stop fate's indominable power? ⧽   ━━   hey, isn’t that NEVILLE LONGBOTTOM? i read a daily prophet article on them, once ; the TWENTY-SIX year old [ pure blood ] WIZARD is a [ GRYFFINDOR ] alumnus who has gone on to be a HEALER ]. i’ve heard they can be quite NURTURING & BRAVE, but i don’t know… they came off very PERFECTIONIST & SENSITIVE in that interview. it really is hard to know what to believe these days though, isn’t it?   [   ro, 22, gmt, he/his   ]
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eviswriting · 6 months
Fandom: Harry Potter (pre-Golden Trio Era) Ship/Character(s): Genfic, Ginny Weasley & Ron Weasley Tags & Such (Tropes, etc): Fluff, character study/development, short oneshot? Main Idea: They don't get chocolate frogs often, but when they do, Ron and Ginny Weasley, the youngest, rush to check what card they have. Vibe: fluffy, excited, childlike Extra Notes: Really just a cute, short fic between ginny and ron and their relationship pre-sorcerer's stone!
thank you :)
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word count: 1.4k Characters: Ronald "Ron" Weasley and Ginerva "Ginny" Weasley Fandom: Harry Potter
notes: I called this "Chocolate Frogs", I hope that's okay! I love this idea! Not sure if it's clear, but it happens when Ron is 10 and Ginny is 9. Thank you for being the first person to request <3 it should be up on A03 either today or tomorrow!
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They never did, to begin with, surviving on their dad’s meagre salary, but lately, they’ve been getting them less and less. This doesn’t mean Ron doesn’t like them — love them, in fact. Their mum’s call always, “Ron! Ginerva! I have a surprise for you!” always gets the kids running. It’s tradition, at this point — Ginny’s insistence that her name is ‘Ginny’, never ‘Ginerva,’ Ron’s detective smell of each box, and their “three, two, one, card!” upon opening the frogs’ boxes. 
It’s been so long — a year, in fact. Ginny, barely eight, still cannot really fathom the lack of money they have. Ron sort-of understands. And this morning feels just like any other. The birds chirp as he wakes up, pleasant calls, and just like every other morning, Ron remembers his great-great-aunt Muriel’s tale of the birds calling for their lording phoenix. They wish, he thinks bitterly as he, not wanting to be caught in the red flame of his mum’s ire, changes out of his pyjamas and into ratty, passed-down clothing. The only thing that marks it as his is the faded strip of paper with just the bare markings of the word ‘RON’ in nearly-whitened ink. It was rich in colour, black, once. 
But like everything he owns, it’s not in prime condition. He’s just in the process of pulling on a pair of maroon socks (yes, he does hate the colour maroon, and yes, he will be wearing the socks) when his mum’s voice filters through the door. “It’s time for breakfast, dears!” has never sounded as frightening as it has in the past two years. As money grew tighter and tighter (Ginny kept growing and they didn’t have much clothes to fit her), breakfast meant chores afterwards, so their mother could focus on the bit of ‘freelancing’ she did — an odd sewing project here, a knitted sweater-and-bonnet set for a next-door neighbour. 
Langly legs leading him down the stairs, he joins the mob of red that heads to the kitchen. The Burrow, their home, is held up only by magic. How else would the additional rooms protruding from the original structure stay up? 
“Hi,” he says to his brothers, George and Fred, though they wink at him before returning to their hushed murmurings. Twins and devious, Fred and George would be heading for their second year at Hogwarts (the brilliant wizarding school in Scotland) on September 1st. 
Sometimes, Ron feels excluded from his family. His eldest siblings, Bill and Charlie, have each other, Percy’s the most studious out of all of them and is always contemptuous about remaining with his books, and Fred and George have each other. So Ron sticks by himself or Ginny, his younger sister. It’s a bit embarrassing for his best friend to be his younger sister, but he does it. 
“Hey, buddy!” As Ron perches precariously on one of the stools, Charlie — who was apparently already downstairs — reaches over to mess his hair. Ron smiles cheerfully, loading oatmeal, sugar, and cream into his bowl. 
After breakfast, they receive chore lists. Ron sighs in relief when he realises he just has to clean out the chicken coops, remove the hens’ eggs, and make sure no gnomes are hiding in the area. It seems that Ginny isn’t as lucky, as she gives a very dramatic sigh and pouts at Mum. Luckily, Mum isn’t facing her, so she isn’t swayed by her only daughter’s child emotions. 
With a kiss on each child’s cheek, Molly Weasley watches her kids leave the room to complete their chores. Smiling softly, she starts preparing a casserole she needs to make for the Lovegoods. 
Ron rushes out to the yard and towards the coops quickly, so none of his siblings can rope him into helping with their chores. He completes his tasks quickly yet efficiently; when he comes back to the Burrow to give his mum the filled egg basket, Ginny is huffing about only being on her second task — the second out of five. Sucks for her, he thinks, grabbing one of their mum’s concoctions that is supposed to help in warding off gnomes. 
He completes that task quickly, and after he carefully replaces the foul-smelling potion, he contemplates his options for a second. He can either go back to Mum and get a new list or go upstairs to his room. Instincts win out and he carefully creeps up the stairs. He’s about to pump his hands and whisper ‘yes!’ when his toes push into a hard stair. The creaking stair, and the bane of Fred and George. Shoot. The squeak is loud, and Ron pauses, not breathing. What fib can he come up with if Mum comes to check? 
Thankfully, his mum doesn’t move from the kitchen and Ron, a bit more careful, tip-toes to his room, shutting the door softly behind him. “Success!” he laughs as he falls onto his mattress, letting it wrap him. Ron stays there for a while, staring at the ceiling until his eyelids flutter close once, twice, thrice, before settling into a light sleep. 
Three hours later, he’s awoken by a call of, “Ron! Ginny!” He doesn’t move, and Mum calls the iconic “Ron! Ginny! I have a surprise for you!” Ron is up in an instant. It doesn’t matter that the small flame in his heart is re-awoken with hope, the smallest part that hopes reverently that it’s a chocolate frog. 
He’s already downstairs, standing at the table, white knuckles clutching the back of a chair, when Ginny finally makes it down. The nine-year-old has an adorable pout on her face, and Molly softens at the sight of it. 
Molly beams at her children. She loves them, through anything. Anything. Even though they don’t have much money, she makes due with what she can. She tries to give them all they’d ever want. And she knows it's not ideal, but she works with what she has. Clearing her throat, misty-eyed, she says, “I have a surprise for you.” Ron’s grip on the chair grows tighter, and Molly smiles even wider. She knows that her youngest son is probably aware, and trying to repress his hopes — and it hurts her so much, like a million thorns sticking themselves into her heart, that he can’t wish for some simple chocolate. She’s tried before to recreate the iconic frogs, but they never turn out as well as the original. 
“What is it?” Ginny asks with the pretence of boredom, but Molly sees her only daughter’s confusion and faint hope. It hurts. 
“Well…” Molly trails off, removing her hands from behind her back. Two chocolate frog boxes are held tightly in her hands. It’s why she baked the casserole and knitted Pandora Lovegood and her daughter Luna matching cardigans for the grand sum of fifteen galleons. (Not that the chocolate frogs cost so much — only a galleon together; the rest of the money, fourteen galleons, would go to Ron and Ginny’s Hogwarts funds.) 
Ron’s face lights up with pure, child joy that makes it all worth it. So does Ginny’s, though she tries to hide it. “Thank you!” they both squeal (though they’d both deny that), and each grab one. Together, with a, “Three, two, one, open!” from Ron, they tear through the packaging, carefully putting the box to the side, and pulling out the card. 
“Cool!” yells Ginny, brandishing her new, first-ever Jocunda Sykes card. 
Ron, grinning, says, “I got bloody Devlin Whitehorn! First one!” 
It has been a while since Molly has seen her youngest two so joyful. It always makes all of the extra work worth it — plus, she’d be doing that work anyway, trying to maintain a cosy home. They both repeat extravagant thank you’s, and Molly can’t help but chuckle. Such simple, childish behaviour that would disappear in a few years as they went to Hogwarts and learned more responsibility. 
Ron is first, but then Ginny joins. Soon, all three of them are hugging, holding on to each other tightly. Molly feels like never letting go. She loves her family so, so much; she does, like Arthur, everything she can for them. This? This is family. 
Family means sticking to each other through thick and thin. 
It means never, ever giving up in difficult situations. 
That you should always keep pushing to be a better, healthier version of yourself. 
Family is such a precious thing.
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have a great day/night! :)
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dearcraziness · 11 months
Chapter 48.
The next morning, Bendy woke up quite early and watched Lara sleep for a while with a smile on his face. Then he went to the kitchen and made breakfast. He called Lara and others. The friends ate and talked about various interesting topics, and also discussed their plans for the upcoming day.
Everyone left the house and started doing their favorite activities. Bendy and Lara were solving sudoku, Boris was reading a newspaper, Alice was leafing through magazines. Soon friends drew together: Bendy drew Lara against the background of the island; Lara - magical plants growing near the shore; Alice - coastal shells and bright gems; and Boris drew one of the spectacular places friends saw yesterday - palm trees of fascinating colour and figures of frogs standing on large round stones.
Pals praised each other for such amazing drawings and, after lunch, were building a large sand castle. They decorated it with pretty shells and flags which Bendy took from home. The castle with many windows turned out to be marvelous, it seemed to glow from the inside.
Friends were doing another stuff: Bendy was collecting shells for Lara ; Boris was reading the newspapers again; Alice and Lara were flipping through the fashion magazines together. The magicians soon went swimming. The sea was crystal clear, every stone lying there could be seen. Friends were happy to spend time on such an enchanting island and didn't notice how time flew by...
The next day, friends woke up early and had a great time. They found even more unusual places, walking with admiration. In the evening, friends engaged in creative activities and, after dinner, talked a little bit. They wished each other a nice, cozy evening and went to their rooms.
A few more days passed and a new one came. Friends had breakfast and realized it was time to go home.
Once they reached the studio, friends happily looked at the garden and continued walking. Entering the corridor, the guys stopped, Bendy turned on the light.
"Home sweet home... It's nice to come back here after such an amazing journey... By the way, lunch will be ready soon..." Bendy said.
"Okay, we'll come," Boris replied. "See you soon..."
Bendy and Lara soon put things out of the rucksack, the young man discovered some of the shells they took from the island had changed color! The imp immediately approached the girl and said, "Look, Larry, the shells we collected have changed colour!... Not all of them, perhaps each of them does it at their own specific time... So magnificent..."
"How great... The colors they have after the change are also marvelous..." said Lara.
"You're right, honey, we should put them on the table... Do you like the box for them?..."
"Of course I do... We will look at the shells..."
"And remember that impressive island..."
"And awesome adventures there..."
"And all the delightful activities we had... By the way, we can go to another miraculous place in a while, if you want..."
"I do, but a little later..."
"As you wish, dear, tomorrow we can take a walk near our garden... Maybe we should draw now, sweetheart?..."
"It would be great..."
"Then let's get started..."
Bendy and Lara began to draw and soon finished. They praised each other for such great art; soon it was time for lunch. The young man went to the kitchen, cooked the dishes. He invited everyone to lunch, friends ate together in a cozy atmosphere. The guys discussed further plans and places where they would visit. Wishing each other a nice time, the wizards returned to their rooms and continued doing their favorite things. Boris and Alice were reading interesting magazines, Bendy and Lara were solving sudoku. Also, the devils read outstanding, brilliant stories, and then talked about favorable, excellent topics...
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Ack I'm sorry I was the one who asked about the headcanon about romanceable wizard a while ago, should have been more specific >< I was always wondering how their relationships would change if the farmer was the wizard's apprentice instead of Morgan. Since he's a bachelor in SVE and the farmer is technically going to be with him for a long time during the apprenticeship, will it develop into something romantic? 🫣
Something along those lines sorry my imagination just stopped there
Don't worry, it's alright 😊
And this is a very sweet and romantic idea for such a development of relations. That these two had an affair even before Morgan arrived, so why not. Enjoy the HC, dear anon, and thanks for the ask! 😃
Well, the training with the altar of illusion was brilliantly done by the Farmer. They did the job perfectly on the first try, and showed themselves to be responsible in regards to not to abuse magic. So why not continue with the classes, since the Farmer expresses such delight and curiosity in learning the arcane arts?
Of course, Magnus is not allowed by the rules to teach the Farmer adept-level or higher magic without the approval of the Ministry of Magic, so the basic spells will do the trick.
The Farmer is pleased to frequent the tower now. Given that Magnus is essentially teaching the Farmer out of sheer altruism, the young apprentice wants to repay their teacher in some way. So the Farmer began to bring delicious fruits and vegetables grown by them, ready-made meals and pastries to the tower. Therefore, after the next lesson, they both arrange lunch (it's better than eating frog soup on a permanent basis).
Gems and monster loot will also help in training. In addition, traveling to find the right materials will help the Farmer to practice magic. These are mostly invisibility and teleportation spells (no fireballs!), but still Rasmodius gives them a spare teleportation totem in case something goes wrong. Safety is first.
When learning gets a little boring, they both decide to pause and change the subject. Since the young student of Magnus is a farmer by profession, Magnus talks about his experience in growing magical plants and shares a couple of tricks for proper care of unusual plants. The Farmer, in return, can talk about their progress with Junimo, which will be of great interest to Magnus. It amazes him how they found a common language with these forest creatures much faster than he did.
Over time, Magnus and Farmer's relationship evolved from "student-teacher" to "friend/colleague-friend/self-taught colleague". The Farmer sometimes lightly scolds Magnus for the fact that instead of sleeping at night (like all normal people) he prepared materials and brewed potions, cooks vegetable soup for dinner after class, gives him the void essence and other useful things for learning magic. The Wizard often heals the wounded Farmer after another adventure into the mines, chats with them about exotic plants, tells the story of other civilizations that lived before humans.
Constant displays of care, support, jokes that only the two of them will understand, ringing laughter, a warm smile on their faces, a kiss from the Farmer... Wait, what?
Why... Why is the Farmer kissing him... Why is Magnus kissing them back?!... Okay, this is pretty awkward. Magnus didn't even have time to open his mouth to reply when the Farmer said they loved him. The wizard had mixed feelings and asked the Farmer to let him think about it. The Farmer, confused, still waited for the next meeting in tower. Then, Magnus will apologize for being so strange yesterday and explain that after the occasions that broke his heart twice, he reacted very insecurely to the possibility of a third chance to try his luck on the love front. However, after all the great time they both spent studying magic together, he is ready to try again. Before that, Magnus will ask the Farmer a question: do they really want this? And the Farmer says with full confidence that yes, that they thought about it earlier.
The two most unusual residents of the Stardew Valley begin a new happy life together. After all, there is no stronger magic in the world than the power of love.
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theenchantedecho · 1 year
Any updates on Frank Longbottom and his harem?
Dearest Gossip-Feasters,
Once more, the scent of intrigue and the promise of scandal have directed your owls to the most dependable quill in all of wizarding Britain. Gird yourselves, my darlings, for a fresh cascade of whispers and rumours on our captivatingly complicated Auror, Frank Longbottom.
The spellbinding Belladonna Blackwood, our enchantress of the nocturnal nooks, seems to be tightening her bewitching grip on our charming Frank. From a very dependable little birdie, I've learned of a clandestine haven within the Ministry itself, shielded with a silencing charm potent enough to drown out a horde of Howlers. Could this secret sanctuary be the new trysting spot for our Auror in amour?
As for our mystery woman with the sun-kissed locks, the whispers are becoming increasingly intriguing. Word on the cobblestones is that her supposed sabbatical was merely a ruse. My loyal network of informants has spotted her in the labyrinthine depths of the Department of Mysteries, wand at the ready. Could this place of enigma be the chosen rendezvous for our tormented twosome? And dare we whisper the name of Narcissa Black, the ice-blond beauty working as an Unspeakable within the Department of Mysteries, as our mystery enchantress?
Prepare for a shock, my dears, as another name has been romantically linked to our Frank - none other than the vivacious Andromeda Tonks! While they claim to be just 'friends', I ask you, what sort of 'friends' frequent the cosy corners of The Leaky Cauldron till the witching hour? Lingering looks and whispers sweet enough to rival Honeydukes' best chocolate frogs hint at a companionship deeper than mere friendship. With her estrangement from her platinum-haired sister, Narcissa, the saga of Frank Longbottom surely has another colourful character added to its roster.
Of course, we can't ignore the indomitable Augusta Longbottom, the fierce matriarch of the Longbottom brood. The whispers of her green-eyed youthful companion have only grown louder, sparking rumours of another leaf on the Longbottom family tree. Could the Longbottom line be branching out in ways we never anticipated?
Our beloved rebel, Frank, continues to send ripples across the Ministry with his audacious acts of defiance. With every fresh escapade, the whispers grow louder, hinting at darker, more sinister alliances. Is our Auror simply bucking against the system, or is he dancing to a far more dangerous tune?
And who could ignore the murmurs of Frank's dubious past at Hogwarts? Could the once-revered Head Boy, now tangled in a scandalous web of love and deceit, be harbouring even darker secrets from his days beneath the Sorting Hat?
So, darlings, sip and savour these titbits of tantalising gossip on Frank Longbottom's convoluted love life. The wizarding world is a cauldron bubbling over with secrets and scandal, and who better than your trusty Rita Skeeter to serve them up piping hot? Stay tuned, my darlings, for there's always more scandal brewing just beneath the surface.
Tittering with titbits,
Rita Skeeter
@longbottomlad @aurcralux @medasgalaxy
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honey-milk-depresso · 2 years
The Magic Student in a Magicless College (1)
The reverse AU, where the MC (Yuu / Y/n but I’ll use Yuu-) is the magic kid and what happens to our dear magicless students of NRC.
I think I might continue this series, but like- later- enjoy this one first! ^^
Well that was surely unexpected of someone just teleporting out of the bathroom toilet-
And chasing after a fire breathing cat- holy crap-
The rest of the students gathered in the Assembly Hall lost their marbles and scrambled in a frenzy panic, with Yuu casting (and cursing) spells at the runaway cat (?), their spells almost hitting a certain redhead.
Ace, after the incident, came walking over to Yuu (who was accepted regardless of the mess they have caused) and Grim (the new class pet- /hj), confronted them about almost burning his uniform.
Ace was just your regular basketball player in the school’s team, and his other friend, Deuce, was in the Track and Field club. 
Jack has never heard of beastmen before, but he admitted he was into werewolf horror movies from old CD movies he pops in. (Imagine Jack, Leona and Ruggie without animal ears- holy shi-)
The Adeuce combo (and perhaps a lot of students-) asked Yuu many questions of what a magic school is like, referencing magic academy, fantasy books they read by authors of famous fiction.
“Do they have owls, cats or frogs required in school?” “Do you guys really play ‘Quidditch’?” “Have you flew on a broom before?” “Do you guys use wands?” Question after question made Yuu wonder how the world they are in now view magic as such... argh...
Dorms in this magicless NRC are quite funny to you. They are just big campuses with no twisting staircases, floating vases, aquariums, grassland or big thorn vines. They were just regular dorms in this world.
Yuu stayed in the vacant and small room of an unused floor in the dormitory of Heartslabyul where it was said that it was haunted. Yuu scoffed, stating they have seen and fought ghosts before, triggering the interest of their friends.
What now-
The magic student’s, well, magic and broom sure came in handy in many situations: Doing dorm spring cleaning very quickly, helping Trey bake with more convenience with your magic taking care of other ingredients, rushing to classes with Adeuce and Grim on your fast flying broom stick, pranking the professors, and just a whole lot of fun.
The fun tricks and knacks students adapted in the college without the use of magic fascinated Yuu with the incredible amount of creativity the students have, wondering if they could apply so back in their own world.
There were some subjects that were unfamiliar and familiar to the subjects they have back in Yuu’s world like Chemistry was like Alchemy, regular PE games like badminton was far different from broom flying class. History here is so different from the prodigy wizards Yuu have learnt in Magic History, and Hall Period was seriously unnecessary-
Something tells me Yuu is going to have far more fun in this seemingly boring world. At first sight at least.
Reblogs help! ^^
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sunshinemarauder · 3 years
You're Worth Splinching For - Chapter One
Prompt: “You come here often?” “This is literally my house.”
banner by @the-dream-team <3
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“Go back to your compartments, there’s another hour till the train stops!” Remus Lupin calls out to the gaggle of first years standing in the middle of the aisleway clutching their Muggle clothing in their arms.
Next to Remus, Lily Evans suppresses a smile as she watches one of the girls’ shoulders sag, her hopeful expression drooping as she turns to trudge away.
She remembers, quite vividly, the train ride at the end of her first year; the anticipation of going home and seeing her parents and sister after nearly half a year; the wild, outlandish, slightly exaggerated stories she couldn’t wait to share with them.
As the firsties clear out of the aisle, she turns to her patrol-mate, Remus, another sixth-year Gryffindor and a good friend of Lily’s.
They’ve been patrolling the train for the past half hour now, dealing with overeager kids who think it wise to sprint full speed between compartments and newly of-age students using magic to complete the simplest tasks (hint: using wingardium leviosa to levitate a squirming Chocolate Frog into your friend’s mouth only ends in a messy, sticky disaster). Oh, the woes of being a prefect.
“Ready to go back?” she prompts, leaning one elbow on the wall, glancing sideways at Remus.
He nods, smiling slightly. “Am I ever.”
They maneuver their way through the train, dodging the Trolley Lady a surprising number of times — it’s almost like she’s following them around? — and finally reach the compartment where their friends sit, Lily pulling open the door and gesturing for Remus to enter before following.
“Welcome back, dear Prefects,” Sirius says grandiosely, spreading his hands and inclining his head in a show of mock respect. “Stopped by to say hullo to your ordinary friends, did you?”
Remus rolls his eyes and pointedly takes a seat next to Dorcas and Peter, opposite Sirius. Lily just ignores him, instead dropping into the spot by Mary.
“Hey, you,” Mary says, nudging Lily with her foot.
“Hey, yourself,” Lily echoes, nudging her back. “Bought you a pumpkin pasty.”
She hands Mary the sweet and pockets the sickles she receives in return.
“What are your plans for the summer, boys?” Dor asks, leaning back in her seat and bracing her elbows on the headrest. “My uncle’s taking Mother and I to Uganda to visit Auntie’s hometown.”
They all ooh and aah appropriately, Lily privately wishing that her uncle would take her abroad; but she’s never even left the UK and she hasn’t seen any of her uncles in years, so it’s about as likely to happen as Petunia falling in love with Dumbledore. No chance in hell, basically.
“Granny wants me to stay with her until August,” Peter says, grimacing. “She’s got a place up in Holyhead, I think. Haven’t been there since I was eight or so.”
“Isn’t your gran a Muggle, Pete?” Sirius asks. “What’s a Muggle doing in Holyhead?”
Lily bursts out laughing, sharing an amused glance with Remus.
“Holyhead isn’t a wizarding settlement, Black,” she says wryly, “it’s a town in Wales, actually. Muggles go there all the time.”
Not her family, of course. Never her family. But Mum had mentioned, offhand, that she had some cousins who lived Holyhead and spent a few weeks up in Wales when she was younger. She hadn’t been in decades; the Evans family never had enough to spare even for a train fare and few days of hotel booking.
“Mam’s family is from Wales, near Holyhead,” Remus adds. “Thought you knew that already, Padfoot.”
Sirius has the decency to look abashed. “Right, of course. Muggles in Holyhead. Right.”
“Purebloods,” Mary mutters under her breath, and Lily hides her smirk by ducking her head.
“Anyway,” Remus says, still sounding amused, “I don’t have any plans. Probably just hanging around these two.” He jerks his thumb to point at James and Sirius, the former who grins lazily and flicks his finger at Sirius’ shoulder, his hazel eyes glinting from under his glasses as he smiles charmingly.
“What about you, Sirius? Your summers must be awful! Aren’t your parents horrid?” Dorcas asks, rather tactlessly in Lily’s opinion.
Sirius’ gaze clouds over for a moment before it’s gone — so quickly that Lily wonders if she imagined it.
“I’m not living at the old family house anymore, so I was thinking about fixing up a Muggle motorbike,” he says casually.
Lily perks up immediately, forgetting about her momentary confusion at his living situation. “A motorbike? We still have Da’s 60s’ Bonnie,” there’s a familiar twinge of grief in her heart that she studiously ignores, “so I know how to ride one if you’re looking for tips.”
Sirius’ eyes light up. “Really? Blimey, Jacks, you’re not the stuck-up goody-two-shoes I thought you were!”
Lily scoffs, “You’re only saying that because of the bike.”
“Obviously,” comments Sirius, grinning.
“Why am I not surprised that you want to ride a motorcycle?” Mary sighs. “Really, it’s a shame I didn’t predict it — of course you’d be the type to do that.”
Sirius winks roguishly. “Goes with my rebellious persona, doesn’t it?”
“The only persona it goes with is of you being an absolute dumbass,” James comments mildly, his shoulders slumped, relaxing the white fabric of his school shirt. “Can’t wait for Mum to chew you out for exploding the garage when you inevitably try to bewitch the bike and try to make it go underwater or some other dumb shit.”
Lily’s forehead puckers. So, Sirius is living with the Potters? Now that she thinks about it, it does make sense for him to stay with James if he ran away from home like the rumours said, so why is she surprised...
James’ comment doesn’t go unnoted by Mary and Dorcas, who exchange pointed glances.
“And you, Potter? Any summer plans?” Mary interjects, glancing quickly at Lily before turning back to James.
Lily frowns slightly. Her friends have been doing that more often lately — say something to James and then look at her pointedly — and she has no idea why.
She suspects that they’re trying to tell her something that she should already know, but she’s unsure about what they are implying. If it were last year, she would assume that it was just Mary and Dor being hellbent on proving that James fancied her (unfortunately, she got confirmation of their suspicions in the worst possible way after their Defense OWL), but it’s been over a year since the incident, and he’s shown no signs of fancying her anymore.
“Just the usual,” James says, “but I’m planning on practicing apparition. It’s awful, not having my license.”
Lily snaps her fingers, eager to have an easy way out of the confusion going on inside her mind. “That’s right! You were the only Gryffindor not to pass your apparition test!”
“No need to rub it in,” he says glumly, hand jumping up to muss his already wild ink-black hair. “I’m pants at apparition, we all know.”
She smirks. “The great James Potter, admitting that he isn’t all-talented. Is this my lucky day?”
“Well, at least we both agree I’m talented at everything else,” he shoots back cheekily. When she opens her mouth to disagree, he holds up a hand. “Your words, not mine!”
Lily glares at him, a flush appearing across her cheeks. “You’re insufferable.”
He grins before his smile drops and he sighs. “As talented as I may be, I’m still useless at apparition. I’m definitely going to fail the test at the end of summer.”
He looks so downtrodden and — dare she say it — endearing that, before she can think it through, her mouth opens and she blurts out, “I can teach you over the summer, if you want.”
When everyone stares at her like she grew two heads out of nowhere, she adds defensively, “What? I’m a kind person!”
“Debatable,” Mary stage-whispers, so Lily elbows her in the side.
James is still staring at her like she’s out of her mind.
“If you don’t want me to, that’s fine,” she says quickly, embarrassment roiling in her gut as her cheeks flame.
“No, of course I do!” James says hastily, tripping over his words, “Um, that would be great. Thank you.”
She relaxes, her shoulders slumping downward. “Oh, good.” Dor is gaping and Mary is smirking, so she quickly backtracks. “I mean — I don’t mind helping, you know, so you don’t fail your test, not because — not that I — erm, anyway. Owl me what time works for you.”
Merlin, have they always been this awkward around each other?
She studiously avoids everyone’s inquisitive stares, instead choosing to bore a hole into her lap with her flushed gaze.
“Okay,” James says quickly, “I’ll owl you. Okay.”
There’s a long silence, the quiet hanging in the air like a thick, smothering blanket.
Just as it’s beginning to get unbearable, Sirius breaks it with a cheerful, “So, who’s up for a game of Irish Jacks? Maybe this time one of us will beat Lily bloody Evans!”
And just as abruptly as it ended, the chatting and joking is back full force, everyone scrambling to grab the cards Peter is dealing before someone else can — or worse; before they start screaming their contents to everyone.
Irish Jacks is an absurdly involved game, taught to all of them back in second year by sixth years Fabian and Gideon Prewett, and popularized by the Marauders at post-Quidditch match parties over the years.
Lily may not be a Quidditch junkie, but let it be known that she is just as competitive as any Quidditch player — competitive to the point where she’s been dubbed Queen of Jacks because of her countless wins, more than any other Gryffindor ever.
Mary’s cards whisper something that Lily strains to hear — was that a seven that it said, or a one? — but it’s drowned out by Dorcas’, whose cards scream “NINEFOURTHREESIX!” when she fails to pick them up in time.
Dor places her cards face up on top of the table Sirius conjured, groaning as she picks up another set of cards. Lily claps her on the back, smiling good-naturedly, though she’s secretly plotting how to utilize her newfound knowledge against her friend. Would it be wiser to reveal her hand earlier, or bluff and risk being caught...?
Remus plays first, placing a set of nines on the table to match the top card of Dor’s pile, and Lily bites her lip, narrowing her eyes as James plays a nine-eight-seven, Sirius another seven, and then when Peter takes a moment too long, the top cards turn into ashes.
By the time it’s her turn, she has the perfect play idea; it’ll take a few rounds to complete, but she’s sure she can win. After all, they don’t call her Jacks for nothing.
“Blimey, Jacks!” Peter says, amazed, when three rounds later she’s the only one with a perfect record of no missed cards and several sets. “How d’you manage it?”
She allows herself a smug smirk as she shuffles the cards in her hand. “Wouldn’t you like to know?”
“We would, actually,” James pipes up, chuckling as he meets her gaze (was his laugh always so... nice?). “I’d pay good money to learn your trade secrets.”
She hums, faux-thoughtfully, before him a offering sardonic smile. “It’s not something that can be learned, Potter, really,” she says haughtily. “You have to be born with the gift.”
“Born with the gift of... what, being talented at Irish Jacks?” he asks, amused.
She nods self-importantly. “Precisely.”
James shakes his head, bemused. “Whatever you say, Evans.”
His gaze is too warm for her to meet headlong, so instead, she looks down at her cards, smiling. If she plays her cards cleverly, the next round could solidify her win — or, alternatively, it could bring her down to square one, behind all her friends, breaking her long streak of wins dating back to fourth year.
She plucks a four from the pile and strokes the glossy edges of the card.
Good thing she likes taking risks, then.
continue reading
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