natflorezz · 5 months
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Some icon commissions for people on Twitter
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prokopetz · 2 years
Everything is an example of something.
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transonlyspace · 6 months
a lot of people might disagree but literally everything is a spectrum. from gender and sexuality to chairs.
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ashleycodes · 5 months
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DYING IN LA (free skin)
link to templates and installation instructions
this skin was the very first skin i made and has been free to use for 5 years without question. with caution closing, i want to continue to provide it for those who want it. my usual terms of service do not apply to this particular skin - you are free to piece it apart and put it in other skins, you don't even have to credit me (i like to pretend this monster doesn't exist anyway). with the link provided above, there is no need to message me asking for the files, they are all provided within that link.
my dream is for other people who are just starting their coding journey to use this skin to learn from; with dwindling resource sites (yes, i know there are resource discords, but those feel more ephemeral than a site), i feel it's important we preserve learning opportunities for future jcink coders as best as possible. bear in mind that, for some inexplicable reason, i used position: absolute to position everything on this skin, so i make no guarantees that edits you wish to make to this skin won't horribly break it.
this skin includes:
color changes on main & mini profile
mostly custom html templates
the joy of a nerd's first full skin coded in every line <3
enjoy! please don't ask me for help on this one, you're on your own!!
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ruisc0t · 2 months
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—> ruisc0tz_015
Yep the 2nd artstyle is inspired by kyutsii ;3
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sokokoko · 14 days
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When I say enemies to lovers, enemies means they both fight back against each other. Actively opposing one another. Actively fighting back, actively competing, one upping each other, swiping resources from under each other's noses, sabotaging one another, hitting back just as hard as the one who struck first. Tit for tat. An eye for an eye.
I like the phrase enemies to lovers more than rivals to lovers because rivals doesn't feel as serious to me. To be someone's enemy is a deeper thing imo.
To me, enemies to lovers is the one I hate who hates me just as much becomes bearable somehow. Hate eventually turns to love (there's usually a stage that looks somewhat like friendship in there).
Me liking enemies to lovers is about the transition from hate to love and exploring the thin line and how they slip over the line. And I like when they retain some of that competitive fire in the established relationship but there are ways in which the edges have softened.
Abuser x abused ≠ Enemies to lovers
That's something else entirely and doesn't sound fun. That sounds awful to try and portray as an actual romantic dynamic and not a commentary against/cautionary tale. This would hurt me to read.
Annoyance x the annoyed ≠ Enemies to lovers
Asshole x the one the asshole keeps bothering ≠ Enemies to lovers
Would potentially piss me off depending on how much the asshole doesn't respect the autonomy of the one they're pestering
Bully x bullied ≠ Enemies to lovers.
Not in the slightest. That is something else. These are all something else. I don't think bully x victim can be wholesome at all unless there's a helluva lot of repentance. Silent Voice style where the bully is filled with self loathing over their actions and works to better themselves. Even then, the weight of the bully's actions are still a raw wound.
Random rant I wanted to get out because I have a WIP where I want to tackle the enemies to lovers dynamic, but in the way that I consider to be enemies to lovers. The comments I see saying enemies to lovers is abusive annoy me. I feel like an enemy is respected, in some sense. If only for the danger that they pose or acknowledgement of their power and prowess.
Optimus Prime is Megatron's enemy, humans and the other Autobots are mere bugs and annoyances to him. An enemy must be on equal footing.
No power dynamics!!
Still exploring and working out kinks, but in my story, they're both college students in space and our earthling protag Killian accidentally insults Halite, an alien from a warrior/battle culture. She is the one to strike first and consider them enemies but Killian fights back. Enemies soften into rivals, tentative acknowledgment of their similarities, you're somewhat bearable to be around, to I feel like you understand me. They both have battlelust in their veins.
Edit: I should add my distinction between enemies and rivals.
A rival wants to be better than you. Is constantly trying to get ahead.
An enemy wants to be the agent of your downfall.
I think, in this way, an enemy can either be more sinister or serious than a rival would. Rivalry is fuelled by superiority/inferiority complexes/wanting to be better, the best.
Enemy(ship? hood?) Being enemies is about the emotion hatred. Hatred fuelled perhaps by the threat they pose or by one's enemy as a person. You and your enemy are like oil and water, unable to be mixed because you are so different.
But then you find out you're both liquids. You can both be poured. Both of you can be used to cook. Friends? Lovers?
And hatred has a lot of similarities to love. To the point where it would be called adjacent, while love's opposite is indifference. Because someone indifferent feels absolutely nothing for you, while love and hate are intense, passionate emotions.
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bloodofasteria · 5 months
¡ ! examples for my sidereal future spouse post ! ¡
✴︎ take your moon sign and make it the asc, and then check the ruling planet and see what house it’s in; i have a virgo moon → virgo asc → pisces 7h → jupiter is pisces’ traditional ruling planet → my jupiter is in my 4th house so i’ll read for 4th house!
✴︎ i’m looking for marriage with a man, so when reading about my future spouse, i’m going to check what sign my jupiter is placed in and what house it’s in!
✴︎ how to calculate your darakaraka → calculate your chart, find the planet with the lowest degree. this is what you look at:
1. look at the degrees and decide yourself, here it is jupiter:
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2. here it already is calculated :) just have to scroll to find it !
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→ link to future spouse post: ★
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katydoodles · 1 year
If I open Ko-Fi doodle commissions would anyone be interested?
I was thinking of doing some of these kind of doodles for $5 a character
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Of like any characters or OCs not just Miraculous
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sims4hq · 2 years
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animationismycomfort · 11 months
why do I always get obsessed with things that aren’t popular anymore or have never been popular
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melyzard · 5 months
In further response to the anon asking about "why AI art is bad," here's a quick way to visually show why generative images can be a problem:
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Notice anything about the response to these two prompts, from the same generator? Notice anything that might, perhaps, be a little disturbing?
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Sorry, we took your story’s themes about healing and compassion and decided that it’s actually apologism. Yeah, stories should only have the audience empathise with unproblematic characters. Humanising a character is now the same as excusing their actions.
Also redemption must be reserved only for characters that we deem acceptable of change.
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sensory cave step by step (with photo examples)
this is two parts: a nest and a sensory area.
step 1: place blanket on floor and add ring of stuffed animals, pillows, and/ir other blankets in a circle pattern
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Step 2: cover with blanket and tuck in at edges. May take multiple blankets (I used pillowcases on the feet)
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Step 3: add throw blankets, pillows, and stuffed animals to your
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Step 4: add soft, non fluorescent lighting such as fairy lights, fake candles, or any non-white lights
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I used candles (FAKE) and a mushroom light
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Step 5: add any sound objects you may like such as speakers, cd players, rain machines, etc
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(Mine is tucked behind the head rest area)
Step 6: add nearby area for stim toys, books, snacks, devices, light remotes, etc
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I used a folding table. I have the books I’m reading, a fidget cube, fidget wood snake, hand sanitizer, headphones, mp3 player, phone, chargers, chargeable battery pack, remotes for changing the colors on the mushroom, controlling the candles, and controlling my room light, a dvd collection, and my portable dvd player in the bag.
Step 7: if possible, cover with sheet or blanket like a tent/canopy.
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And there you go!
Your setup may look different so reboot or tag me if you have/make one!!
@keruukat :3. For u to make one
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ashleycodes · 3 months
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currently available for purchase on my payhip.
summer moors is a dark (or light!) skin featuring a shipper app main profile that can be edited for whatever genre of role play you wish to use this skin on. all aesthetic-related edits are simple to swap out and customize to your liking. all the other features of this skin are found below: - full custom html templates - skin color changes for the main and mini profile & templates that will change accent colors based on the account that’s posting them - color variables for quick and easy customization of accent colors, the skin is currently set up and ready for you to add in up to 6 member groups (but you can easily add more) - last poster avatar on the board index and topic rows - black’s last post saver script - 1 general template, 1 general claims template, 1 post template by purchasing this skin you will receive: - full xml files for dark and light skin version - profile field xml file - instructions/installation document thanks, and enjoy!
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Verse of the Day - 1 Samuel 3:10
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morallygay · 1 month
If I love a romance that’s the highest compliment bc I truly really do not give a shit about romance so that means that the rest is just that good that I love it despite the chunk romance takes
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