#Everyone talking about their nostalgia and childhood memories of the show in my tags is super sweet 😭🙏💖
soothedcerberus · 3 months
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So my art is/was featured on the tumblr radar??? Very exciting and im gracious but I’m quite overwhelmed with the positive response! 😭💖 Thank u and hello new followers!
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Laid out cold, now we're both alone (part 2)
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A/N: Hello, this fic is very important to me because I tried my best to give justice to such a cool idea and I hope I did a good job. Plus I don't do multichapter ofter, so this was a challenge. 
I wanna thank the lovely @livdonna for proofreading my work, you're literally the best <3. 
P.S. If you want to get tagged in the next chapters, let me know.
Summary: Nikki visits Mick to give him a very important task.
Warnings: Major Character Death,Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Drug Use, Angst, Overdose.
Pairing: Nikki Sixx x Tommy Lee
Chapter 1
Taglist: @slashscowboyboots @witchytombstonesmile @arnold-layne @emometalhead​ @i-dont-like-rice​ @nikki-sexx​ @smokeandmirrorz​
Mick was supposed to not give a shit about Nikki. He and the stupid drummer had tormented him and his wife for months on ends, making the whole tour a living hell and he didn’t need to have even more things to worry about. So what if his bassist decided to get addicted to heroin? He was a fucking dumbass but it wasn’t his problem.  He would end up killing himself and it wasn’t like Mick could have done something, not when his whole body was torturing him.
The only problem was that he cared, deep down. He cared about the fucker and hearing the news that he was gone forever hit him.  He lost one of his friends and the band all together in a day, what would have happened? He hated to admit he was scared about the future, it was hard to imagine Motley Crue without Nikki.
He sighed, turning off yet another discussion about his death. They didn’t call him yet but something was telling him that they had to release a statement soon.  Doc was probably freaking out somewhere crying for all his millions of dollars lost.
“Fucking Nikki, you had to die at the worst moment, didn’t you?”
 sorry about that, man” A voice incredibly similar to Nikki said, making Mick jump up.
Nikki didn’t feel anything, one moment they were in the ambulance and the other they were on the beach.  He was confused for a moment before he remembered that Mick had a beach house, and stared at it for a bit. He didn’t know much about the guitarist, maybe almost nothing but he respected him so much.  He was one of the strongest dudes he had ever met.
The weirdest thing about all of this was probably how he was only able to feel certain things, no cravings or sand under his feet as he was walking, yet he would still feel guilt, fear, love, worry
 it didn’t make sense but he wasn’t in the mood to question the universe’s rules.
People can’t see you until you decide to show yourself. You have to remember or otherwise they can’t hear or see you.
The voice still freaked him out, but at the same time he was grateful for it to be there
 it made him feel less alone, which was great considering how he felt lonely for his entire life.
“You’re not alone Nikki, I’ll always be there with you, through highs and lows”
“God it sounds like a marriage vow, T-Bone”
“Well if I could I’d marry now
He shook his head, trying to get the memory out.  It wasn’t the time to be sentimental and risk fucking everything up, so he walked ( more like flew) through the front door and found Mick sitting on the couch.
“Fucking Nikki, you had to die at the worst moment, didn’t you?”
 sorry about that, man”. The bassist hoped that he was heard, otherwise it would have been pretty embarrassing.
Mick visibly jumped at hearing Nikki’s voice and quickly turned around to look at him.  From his widened eyes and confused expression, he knew he probably looked fucking transparent.
“Okay first of all why the hell are you here talking to me if you’re dead? Then why the fuck can I see myself through you ?”
The black haired man just realized that he had no idea how to explain everything and be believed, he just went along with whatever the voice in his head was saying, but now it was different. He fumbled with his hand and realized he couldn’t feel them, while he tried to come up with the best way to explain to his friend how he was a ghost and why he was there.
“I died
 I have no idea how I came back but I have unfinished business and I need to talk to you!”
The guitarist looked at him up and down, clearly skeptical.  However, there wasn’t much arguing
 Nikki’s ghost was literally standing in front of him.
“Okay I have no idea if this is a dream, I’m dead or in a coma, or simply I drank too much but now I’ll grab some vodka and you’ll spill your little secrets as you like”.
Nikki smiled a bit
 He honestly felt normal for the first time since he was brought back.  Having Mick joking was so familiar, usually Tommy was the aim of his jokes and they all laughed because they were all so unexpected

Tommy. Thinking about him still hurt, again he wondered if he was okay and how much he missed him
 but it wasn’t his time now.  He had other things to talk about as Mick came back into the living room with his glass.
 you gotta promise me that you won’t let Motley Crue die, that you will fight to keep the band’s legacy.”
The older man looked at him surprised, rolling his eyes.
“Well that’s a bit hard when our bassist and songwriter died!”
Rage and resentment were heavy in his voice but there was more : fear and sadness. Nikki felt guilty and he fucking hated it, it was so unlike him but he couldn’t help it
 Mick cared about the band as much as he did.  He always said the band was his life, before heroin came into the picture, but it was also Mick’s and he probably destroyed everything.
“You will find another one, another bassist who is also a songwriter
” The words felt so foreign coming from his mouth.  They even hurt a bit but they were necessary.
“I know you care about this band as much as I do, Mick. I know how much you’ve worked your ass off in shitty bands, trying to find the one that was going to break
 I might be dead but Crue can’t have the same fate”.
Mick scoffed, taking a long sip of his vodka.
“It’s not easy, it’s not like we can find the perfect match like we did. Plus, everyone will probably hate him for replacing you!”
The frustration was almost tangible, but there was something else
 Mick was scared, he knew everything was about to fade away because of Nikki’s actions, he was already looking at the boat sinking. Nikki started to panic because his band had to live, even in his death! It was pointless and selfish but that was the only thing people could remind him of.
“If you give up, then Vince and Tommy will do the same! I know that you think no one will take you, but the truth is they will. Crue is what it is because of our vision, you are part of it and I’m asking you to keep it going. Think of this as my dying man’s wish
 even if I’m already dead”
The older man’s grip on his glass got tighter, his eyes lost in thought as he was pondering Nikki’s words. It was hard to take in, hell that was an understatement, it was fucking insane and probably wouldn’t work but the bassist needed to have this false hope.
“It’s so fucking weird, you know? To realize you’re fucking dead yet here talking to me.”
He was deflecting, Nikki knew it, but didn’t want to push it too far. He learned to know Mick, he kept his promises and he was a hard worker and with a good dose of luck and jokes, you got him to your side.
“Yeah, do you remember how I said you weren’t going to make it in that interview? Well, karma hits like a bitch!”
“Mick might not make it , he drinks a little too much and it looks rough” Mick quoted, trying to imitate Nikki’s voice.
“Yeah and then you said something like I heard what you said and you’re dead, fuck I guess you were right” He laughed but Mick didn’t.
Oh c’mon so what if he was joking about his death? It’s not like anyone really cared about him.  They just saw him as a burden, which he was. Not his mom, nor his band or his Tommy would have really missed him
 they would eventually move on.
“You’re a fucking idiot.” He said annoyed but his lips formed a small smile.
“I know, I know. Mick
 please promise me that. If Crue is going to end, then my whole life didn’t mean anything! Ple
” He stopped himself, he was so fucking close to begging but he couldn’t. Nikki Sixx didn’t fucking beg, not in life or death.
“I’m thinking about it!”
He really meant the first part. He spent all his teenage and adult years creating the band of his dreams and making sure they conquered the world.  This band was his escape; his attempt at redemption after his shitty childhood. Nobody loved Frank Feranna but he didn’t care, he would become Nikki Sixx and be super fucking famous!
He didn’t need anyone’s love, except that he did.
“ I love you, Nikki.”
“ No you don’t, nobody does, T-Bone”
“Well I fucking do. You gotta pass on my dead body before you’ll hear me not saying it over and over”
His heart might have stopped, but he still felt the big wave of nostalgia hitting him. He couldn’t do it, he would have never been ready to see him again.
“Okay, I will. But listen to me, it won’t be easy and I’m an old man with a fucked up back, so don’t send demons against me if I fail!” The little spark of determination in his eyes relaxed Nikki, he was on board.
“I fucking knew you were the best, Mars! If I wasn’t dead I’d probably tattoo your face on me as a thank you!”
“Oh gross, never say that again!” He pretended to be disgusted but his eyes betrayed him, the small softness in them told Nikki he felt touched.
“Who knows, maybe in hell they have tattoos for the ghosts. God we used to hate each other and now we are two peas in a pod.”
“I still hate you.”
“Ugh, you crushed my heart Mick”
The guitarist flipped him off, rolling his eyes. Nikki desperately wanted to keep talking, if he did then he could have pretended nothing changed, right? He didn’t have to face Vince and Tommy and go through the light
 everything would have stayed the same or he could fool himself that it would.
I think it’s time to go to the next person.
The voice was demanding yet still calm. Nikki knew that he couldn’t stay forever, they had to prevent spirits from just lingering into the real world like that, it made him a bit angry but he understood it. It wasn’t like he could have done much anyway
He was just a shell of what he used to be.
“I gotta go Mick
” He wanted to punch himself because he sounded so fucking pathetic, but the other man gave him a compassionate smile.
What he fuck are you, a little small puppy? Oh look Frankie is scared to leave his illusion of a family.
Mick walked him to the other without saying anything, but before turning the handle, which was pointless because Nikki could have just passed through the door, he broke the silence.
“Try to give us some signs, okay? Show us that you’re there
 but don’t you fucking dare spill my vodka or I’ll make you two times dead!”
“Oh that’s exactly what I’ll do, thanks for the suggestion!”
He stepped outside and looked at Mick one last time.
“You promised, alien. You gotta do it!”
“Yeah yeah, you better repay me when I come to join you there
” And with one last look, Mick closed the door.
Nikki felt all of the weight crushing down on his body, even if it was made of air. He simply stood still, his mind racing like a freight train, trying to take everything in but also getting ready for his next move
 being overwhelmed was an understatement, he felt peeled down like an orange and this was only the beginning. He felt like a fucking coward but he just wanted to get over it, was it that bad to accept his fate and disappear without facing anyone?
You are going to abandon him again? You know why you need to talk to Vince, and you know this will be your last chance to see him, asshole!
He went to kick the sand, but he couldn’t touch it. God, how frustrating was that!
So where are we going next?
Nikki would have wanted to scream at him, give him the middle finger and just run away but it wouldn’t have been helpful, would it? So he forced himself to be as neutral as possible.
“Vince Neil. Take me to his house.”
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iwannaseeyainakia · 3 years
The Moonlight Circus
This was a story I was commissioned to write by an anonymous tumblr user. Thought it would be good to show my writing and see how it changes over time!
trigger warning: gore, smoking, religious and supernatural themes, death, minor profanity
The heel of Morgan’s boots clicked against the checkered flooring of the circus. She made her way to the center of the stage, her stride casual. She readjusted her gray beanie as she climbed up the steps. The plastic name tag below her collarbone wobbled with each step. The words “Moonlight Circus” in Courier New font rested above her first name.  The floor of the stage was filthy; ash and soot smeared into the once pristine black and white pattern. Her pale green eyes followed a line of ash leading to a rusted cast-iron cannon. The smell of burnt flesh lingered in the air.  
She exhaled softly, reached into the pocket of her ‘Metallica’ pullover, and pulled out a lavender lighter and a worn pack of Newport cigarettes. She yanked one out of the box and shoved it in her hoodie again. Her black bitten nails struggled to start a flame before she victoriously held it to her cigarette, finally lighting it. A pewter gray smog released from the very tip, emitting a bitter comforting scent. She lifted her hand to her face, the cig clenched between her middle and pointer finger. As the paper touched her pale lips, the once vermillion embers shifted to a startling violet and the musty gray smoke suddenly turned a mauve tone. Morgan took a long drag of the strange purple cigarette while taking in her surroundings.  
The massive tent surrounding her was a striped pattern of burgundy and eggshell white.  The fabric was contrastingly cleaner than the stage of the ‘Moonlight Circus.’ The seating for guests was discolored bleachers; the aluminum being stained and scratched away by years of usage and lack of cleanliness. Many hot dogs drenched in mustard and bags of popcorn must have been dropped on it. There were multiple stacked on either side of the tent. The elevated stage had an outer ring surrounded by dark crimson foam. A round indoor pool was 15 feet away from her, the bottom of the pool a dirty yellow tint. Scales and confetti floated at the surface of the tainted water. 
 Large LED stage lights were set up at the ceiling of the canvass. Each was about the size of a child and contained a lens of different hues. They dimly lit the stage white. The tent was held up by dozens of rods with a singular large black pole at the center. The fabric bunched together and pulled up; it looked almost as if the very top of the tent was a tunnel that led nowhere, the stripes creating a dizzying optical illusion.  
The circus itself was located in a cheap amusement park; the locals treasured this place. It was affordable and held plenty of memories dear to their hearts. The Moonlight Circus was the main event, the park's piÚce de résistance if you will.  
They had crowds of people flood the show every day. Bright smiles beamed on the faces of children and content parents awaited a trip down memory lane, nostalgia a pleasant high. After all, who wouldn’t be entranced by real-life monsters? 
Morgan released a puff of amethyst smoke, gently laying the cigarette between her lips again and keeping it there. She proceeded to stuff her hands in her pockets before an elegant voice called out to her, disrupting her daze.  
“Are you ready for the next show Morgana?” The feminine voice was gentle and motherly. She spoke each word with a grace that held centuries of wisdom. Her thick French accent was gorgeous; her voice matched exactly how she appeared. Morgan casually turned around and sent the woman a closed smile. Guinevere was a being of beauty, a true spectacle to behold. She was a small woman, approximately 5’2, petite but with a stance that conveyed raw strength. Her billowing pitch-black gown strewn behind her as she sashayed her direction. Her arms gently swung at her hips, an opera-length cigarette holder between the dainty fingers of her left hand. The skin of said hand was a pale blue-gray. The center of the long pipe was a silver fading into an intense black; a cigarette burning blood red at the end of it. Morgan glanced at her long dark hair. It was bone straight and swung behind her waist. The fringe of her locks covered her right eye, but Morgan could still make out a piercing iris a startling shade of red.  
“Hey, Gwen. Yeah, pretty much. Is everyone in the dressing room right now?” She inquired as the monster woman stood in front of her. Gwen gripped the edge of her large ebony sunhat, cigarette holder still between her fingers. The brim of the apparel was big enough to cover most of her hauntingly beautiful face. Lace hung half an inch off the seams and thin royal purple sticks of dynamite adorned the outer ring. While the entire hat was an eye-catcher; a nod to her part in the circus, the true emphasis of the hat was the large skull littered with cracks and yellow stains from tobacco. 
“Yes, and they’re taking damn long if I do say so myself.” The skull quipped judgmentally. Morgan chuckled. Gwen was not so amused by her husband’s comment. 
“Hush Pierre. No need to be snippy.” Guinevere jutted her hip out and placed her right hand on it to convey her sass. The skull instead, haughtily laughed at his wife. She rolled her eyes but could not contain the fond smile that grew on her lips, exposing her sharp fangs.  Despite all the time that’s passed, she still couldn’t fight how easily Pierre made her grin ear to ear. “Don’t mind him, Morgana, we’d best be on our way to prepare.” Gwen gripped Morgan’s wrist and tugged her along in the direction of the dressing room. 
Guinevere was the owner of the Moonlight Circus. A wonderful boss indeed, she felt more like a friend she’d known all her life than her superior. She also was a woman with a dream: to unite humans and monsters through entertainment. Humans used to fear the supernatural, loath it with their very being, but in this day and age, they take great pleasure in the abnormalities of the differing species. Harmony is built in this circus; humans come for entertainment and to admire the beautiful, violent specters, and the monster women give it to them. Gwen, a vampire, found joy in making others happy with her performance and her performers. 
 She often sat with Morgan under the night sky, gazing at the stars with a fond expression, spilling her life story to her. 
As a young girl, Guinevere was dazzled by monster kind. Born human, she felt there was so much to be discovered in magic and mythology. She felt it a shame that humanity was so quick to turn a blind eye to something so beautiful due to its differences in appearance. Her inclination in performing arts made her dream of a world where she could use performance to change a deep-seeded ideal within the societal structure. She’d sit next to her window sill, eyes twinkling with delight, wishing upon stars that someday her dream would become reality.  
For a woman such as herself, an objective of that nature was unheard of; impossible even. Nonetheless, she persevered. She wanted to tell the world that as a woman she would create art like no other and she would make a change for the supernatural of all origins. With a cigar between her lips, she rolled up the sleeves of her dress and got to work. She specifically sought out other women of mythological backgrounds for her acts. By 1890, she’d created the “Moonlight Circus” with the help of supernatural people she’d met along the way. In a small corner of Paris, France, it stayed. Given that monsters were still looked down upon by mankind, they’d been spit on, leered at, and dismissed by the public. As decades passed without much luck, her hope slowly began to dwindle. 
Gwen spent many restless nights wandering the streets of Paris, desperately trying to spread word of the big top containing wonderous spectacles to no avail. Just as she was close to giving up an aspiration she’d clutched tight since childhood, an American traveling carnival approached her. The owner, a large man who was only ever seen adorning a velvet suit, believed there was promise in her bazaar. He saw something no one else but Guinevere considered possible: an opportunity for change. In a society where her family within the tent were nothing but social rejects, outcasts; they along with everyone like them could be so much more. The man, kinder than Gwen could have ever hoped, opened up about his beliefs and desire to have her circus as an attraction in his fair. And she accepted with insurmountable glee.  
So, a new chapter for the big top began. With this foreign carnival, she traveled and built up her crew from nothing but sheer will. She continued her exploration and found many monstrous beings with the same ideology to join as performers. Word soon got out of the fantastical bazaar that made its way around the world. As opinions of the inhuman began to evolve with new generations, so too did their desire to know more. And eventually, they had a crowd; an adoring audience astounded by the display of otherworldly figures. Now, the carnival has made its permanent home in New Mexico, USA, and the circus by extension.  
“Think it’ll be packed tonight, Gwen?” Morgan already knew the answer, but figured it would be polite to make small talk.  
“Yes, absolutely my dear.” Guinevere continued to drag her to a slit in the circus tent. She placed her cigarette holder between her lips and used her palm to gently spread the opening, revealing a backstage area. It was renovated to be a dressing room; gothic aesthetic to match the theme, for all the performers pre-show. It was a much smaller canopy structure installed into the side of the main show tent. Despite the ground being grassy terrain, the room itself was well done. Dark oak vanities covered the walls, steampunk and alternative costumes littered any free space, and makeup laid atop every flat surface.  The spherical bulbs lining the mirror of the vanities were all lit a dim white light, illuminating the room enough so it was not pitch black.  
Light chatter and giggles filled the room as everyone who performed in the circus continued to get ready. 
The first person to notice Morgan’s sudden appearance was Gwen’s daughter, Victoria. Her eyes instantly brightened and a large Cheshire grin grew to meet her eyes. Vicky’s poofy raven black dress bounced as she sprinted towards her. The ivory petticoat underneath made the lace skirt fuller and frilly. The undead theme seemed to run in the family; Vicky being the zombie to her mother's bloodsucker and her father's skeletal remains. Her skin and teeth were rotten and oozing. Her hair was almost floor-length, and unbelievably matted. The knots at the base of her skull were so large you could have mistaken them for golf balls wrapped inside her tresses. A pair of filthy copper goggles rested on her forehead, the lenses murky and caked in blood. Between her toothy smile was a large cigar. There was no way to pinpoint the brand, as it was only labeled with a strange rune Morgan had never seen before.  Apparently, she had been taking a drag from the cigar, because smoke began to leak out of the holes in her skin.
Vicky launched her small form into Morgan’s arms. Morgan struggled to grip her as the foul stench her rotten flesh emanated was near unbearable. Swallowing down an audible gag, she smiled at the little girl before placing her gently back onto the grass.  
“Morgan! You’re going to love my act tonight.” Victoria loudly claimed, holding her fists to her chest with a grin still plastered upon her lips. Morgan couldn’t help but return the expression. Vicky was a sweet girl. A demented undead one, but sweet nonetheless. “I’m sure I will, Vicky. You’ll kill it tonight.” She seemed to have chosen the right words, because Vicky’s grin only got wider as she bounced up and down, skirt floating with her movement. She made gestures referencing explosions and tried to explain how her act tonight would go, but her words were so jumbled they were not understandable in the slightest. Her enthusiasm continued to increase alongside her violent movements before her mother placed a hand on her small shoulder.  
“Now, now Victoria, you’re talking so fast no one can understand you, dear. She’ll get to see your performance soon anyway, so let's keep it a surprise.” Gwen chided her daughter sweetly. “Ok, mommy.” Vicky heeded her mother's words and scurried to the side to search for her favorite lighter, cigar bouncing between her decayed teeth.  Cigar smoke trailed behind her figure. Gwen shook her head at her daughter’s antics, gripping the cig holder between her lips to take in a puff of nicotine. 
Victoria was the product of forbidden love between Guinevere and Pierre, a formerly vampiric man she’d encountered while searching for spectacles to join her circus. The traveling carnival had traversed Europe and decided to take camp for a while in the French countryside. Gwen had been overjoyed to be in her mother country again. She languished in the smell of the air and the sounds of nature like music to her ears. On a particularly stormy night, a vampire man with hair as light as wheat and skin as pale as snow knocked at the door of her bedroom within a quaint little inn. She opened the door to see him drenched in rain. The revenant, Pierre, gave her a goofy smile and asked for a part in her monstrous sideshow. 
While puzzled, she wasn’t going to pass up the opportunity. Pierre and Guinevere grew close the more they worked at the fair together. They both had a passion for performing and magic. Romance blossomed; eventually, they eloped and she became pregnant. It was uncommon for vampires to conceive children, let alone with one of mankind. Guinevere was a woman of adventure and risk, so she took this new development in stride. In the excitement of her family growing larger, she decided to have Pierre turn her. Neither realized the possible problems that would arise from changing her into a vampire while bearing a child.  
And so, when Victoria was born, she was sickly and frail in every sense. Her genetics were corrupted by the change her mother took on while carrying her. Her personality, though, could be described as nothing but robust. Vicky as a toddler would often act as if she were not terminally ill; watching the acts in her mother’s circus with enraptured eyes, even participating in the choreography herself from time to time. 
Guinevere often spoke of a time in which Vicky had climbed into the cannon without anyone noticing and failed in trying to light it with one of her old cigars. She had rushed over in a panic, tearing her from the barrel before the flame grew closer. She checked over her body and, once assured she was not injured, inquired what she had been thinking. Victoria, the overzealous little girl she was, could only laugh with a large smile plastered on her face. “I wanted to fly mommy!”  
As she grew older, her body deteriorated. By age five she could barely walk. By six she couldn’t at all. At seven, she no longer had the energy to speak. At the young age of eight, she could only watch the performing women with a blank smile before she passed. For days they grieved over her. They left her cadaver laying on her satin bed sheets as she was before her death, in anguished hopes they could find a way to bring her back to them. After tirelessly searching for any form of necromancy that could revive her, Guinevere entered Victoria’s bedroom to adjust her as she did every day. Only to be startled by her daughter sitting upright and speaking to her.  
“Mommy, can I go play at the circus now?” Victoria bounced off the bed with newfound strength in her rotten limbs. Gwen could only rush to hug her baby who was with her once more. Undead, but with her despite everything. From that day on she allowed Victoria to become a full-time member of the bazaar. The human (zombie) cannonball. With a body that could be put back together, no working pain receptors, and a passion for explosives and theatrics, she fits the part flawlessly.  
The smaller tent was filled with a variety of supernatural women, the circus only having female staff. While most continued with their activities, some turned her direction and welcomed her. The parts in the circus were relatively small compared to most other acts, but the integration of monsters and mankind made up for it.  
Every single person handpicked by Guinevere herself, the cosmetologists, background musicians, and stage crew were all fairies. They each had varying sizes and shades of iridescent butterfly wings, and tight thigh-length dresses made from leaves and spider silk. While not as small as fae are typically depicted in human literature, they reached only about 3 feet and hovered above ground with a light flap of their appendages; they had the grace of hummingbirds. Faes are known for their artistic and musical capabilities. There were twenty-three pixies on set, all of them being gentle girls with a heart of gold. Their love of all life made them a wonderful asset to this circus promoting coexistence. Currently, they fluttered around tidying the room and freshening up the faces of the main performers.  
The ‘clowns’ of the act were all young shapeshifters. All fifteen of the women were from different cultures, shapeshifters being in a large majority of mythology; making them unique despite the similarities in capacities. Their abilities were used to shift them from playful clowns to dangerous animals to be used in other’s acts. While their personalities were all very different, each of them loved performing at the Moonlight Circus. Some spoke amongst themselves, shimmying into tight leotards and fixing their updos. A few of them, though, struggled to keep Victoria from swallowing handfuls of gunpowder. Especially with a lit cigar in her mouth.
“VICKY NO-” A wet splat hit the wall and a giggling head rolled at their feet. The shifters looked in disgust at their blood-stained clothes and scolded the decapitated head of the little girl. The others just laughed at the normally terrifying sight. 
 Morgana turned her eyes away, cringing internally, but knowing full well she’d be back on her feet in a few minutes. 
The main acts were very typical of a circus; the women enacting them were anything but. The designated tight rope walker was an Arachne woman named Magnolia. Her form was that of a tall human, her body could only be described as pear-shaped. Despite her form being humanoid, she had skin that was a smooth charcoal black and a spider abdomen attached to her lower back. The abdomen was a sunshine yellow covered in symmetrical white spots on either side. The pedicel connecting it to her body was the same tone as her skin. She also had eight spindly appendages protruding from the middle of her spine, each striped black and yellow. Magnolia had shoulder-length wavy hair a banana color with frayed strands of spider webs tangled within. Despite the frightening six extra eyes lining her temples, she was a kind eccentric woman. As the aerialist, the tightrope she walked during each performance was a magnificent braided rope made of her webbing. Magnolia was sitting on a cushioned stool, twisting her thread into a complicated bracelet, only glancing up to grace Morgan with a polite smile and greeting.  
Delane and Clio, however, wasted no time in rushing to make conversation with her. 
“Yo, Morgan! We’ve been looking for ya. Can you help me into this wetsuit?” Clio loudly proclaimed, simultaneously carrying her lover, Delane, in her arms bridal style. The duo is the aquatic performers of the show. Clio is a water nymph with connections to the Greek god Poseidon. She willingly took on a human female’s appearance, but that could not hide the divine aura that radiated off her very being. She had a lean build but still held all the strength a creature with holy connections such as herself should have. Her head was bare of hair and her ears pointed in an elf-like fashion. She stumbled around in a limp bedazzled wetsuit pulled up her hips halfway, the skin of her upper half an olive tan.  
“Seriously dude, I’m struggling here.” 
Delane was a mermaid, a perfect match to Clio’s Nereid. Her Prussian blue scaled tail hung limply over her girlfriend’s arm. The trawl half of her body closely resembled a koi fish. The caudal fin was long and thin, like fine silk flowing with the movements of Clio’s jerks. A dorsal fin ran down the back of it, getting smaller as it reached the end of her tail. She also had multiple pelvic fins running down the sides; the fins at the top were much larger than the ones at the end. They were all light cyan. The scales from her tail ran up her stomach, becoming much more scattered as they reached the dark skin of her breasts. Her hair was a short black pixie cut with a shaggy top, ending at the gills just below her chin.  
“Yeah, uh, maybe hurry before she drops me, please.” Delane nervously spoke. She wore a necklace composed of seashells and stones from the shore of her home, matching Clio’s own as a symbol of devotion between them. Together, they enacted a beautiful water-based act that captivated every audience we had.  
Morgan laughed at Clio’s predicament before moving to help her into the suit. Just as she got a grip on the neoprene material a strong voice halted them.  
“You could’ve just asked me, Clio. Here I got you.” Large calloused hands assisted her in her efforts. Morgan turned her head to Anastalia. Anastalia was the strong woman act of the circus. Like many of those hired here, a part of her resembled that of mankind, but she was very obviously not human. Her upper half was the build of a shredded woman: pulsing muscles, large bulging breasts, defined abs, intimidating biceps. She looked as if she was carved by the gods themselves. Her bottom half, while just as muscular, was that of a black stallion. Her four large hooves clapped against the ground in a deafening display and her dark tail broke the sound barrier like a whip. The hair atop her head was a dark brown with a sheen that made it glint in the light. Her long straight locks cascaded down the flesh of her shoulders a similar shade, reaching the small of her back.  
Anastalia peers up from the suit to bicker teasingly with Clio. She galloped gracefully in circles around them, admiring her handy work. “Eh, to be honest, I think it needs to be a bit bluer at the hips.” She quipped thoughtfully. Clio and Delane exchanged a glance and giggled in unison. Clio responded, “You’re one for detail, but let me tell ya, you don’t look it.” She lets out a boisterous laugh, keeling over slightly, causing Delane to screech in fear of being dropped and grip her shoulders tighter. Anastalia only rolled her eyes.  
“Har har, laugh it up, I’m not just a brute. I’m also an artist.” She struck a pose that had Clio cackling harder and Delane protesting louder. Morgan shared a laugh with them, her sides aching. Loud footsteps behind her turned her attention away for a moment. “C’mon Lanira, hurry!” Vicky, seemingly back to normal after spontaneously combusting, ran and jumped in a very abstract dance with her friend. Lanira, an incorporeal little girl resembling that of a cartoon witch floated around her at a much slower pace. “I’m going as fast as I can Vicky.” Lanira’s tone was much less enthusiastic. She had a slight cockney accent. 
Her dark flowing gown had no shape to it, more like a sack made of cotton. Her sleeves puffed out and tightened below her palms that gripped onto a translucent 19th-century broomstick underneath her. She twirled around with Victoria, who was still jumping around and flailing in her interpretative art form. Her wide-brimmed hat had a large peak at the top that dipped down at the very point. It was navy blue and held a wide variety of jewelry and trinkets that dangled down. Bits of cloth hung off the edge with pearls woven into it.  
Lanira had become a ghost after a ‘mishap’ with one of her spells backfiring. As the magician of the big top, she experimented with plenty of dangerous enchantments. One moment she was but a mangled corpse of a girl with crippling insomnia, and the next she was a spirit with large eyebags, continuing with her act as if death had not just occurred before everyone’s eyes. As the specter of a young talented sorceress, she must have expected this possible outcome and kept a few “tricks” up her sleeve. She kept with her act even after her untimely demise, even increasing the intensity now that death was no longer a possibility.  
Morgan took a long drag of her cigarette and continued to gaze in amusement. Lanira half-heartedly attempted to keep up with Victoria, the zombie child still lost in her own little world.  
“Alright, everyone! It’s time to get this show on the road once more, as they say.” Gwen chuckled at herself lightly. The room erupted in conversation and scrambling to get in costume in time. The pale woman approached her once more. “Will you please start allowing entry, dear?” She nodded at her, cig between her lips bobbing. “Of course.” She smiled and made her way out of the dressing room.  
The flap quietly closed behind her form as she made her way to her ticket booth. She could still hear the loud conversations and shuffling from inside the room. Her steps echoed throughout the stage. The entrance to the inside of the show floor was a large rectangular cut-out with a flap hanging to the side that could be zipped up. The outside of the tent was the same striped colors as the inside, illuminated by the setting sun. The tent performed almost all day, but their largest and most spectacular show was always right after the sunset. It was also the most packed of all their performances.  
The ticket booth was a wooden structure painted red and white. A gigantic sign in the shape of a ticket was placed on the roof displaying the name of the circus. It sat in front of a zig-zagging gate that led to the entrance. She opened the door and stepped inside, admiring the long line that had already formed. The crowd was a diverse amount of people. Some were singular people showing up alone for the show. Some were human couples on a date or parents with their ecstatic children bouncing with joy. There were even some couples that were interspecies; a human and a not-so-human person lovingly interlocked their hands.  
She opened the window of the booth and started accepting tickets from each person. One by one they approached the stall, handing in their crisp voucher, and making their way through the gates to pick up snack food and be seated. The sound of kids giggling and adults speaking with a grin in their voice was heartwarming. Memories were being made here time and time again; the atmosphere never changed. She never got tired of seeing happy faces coming to experience the wonders of the Moonlight Circus. A small crescent moon adorned each ticket that she received and stashed away in a box beside her.  
It took a good long while before each person who had previously bought a ticket was granted entry. She let out a sigh and sucked in some more smoke. She released a lilac cloud into the evening air. The sky was a dusty orange making way for the black of night. She continued to smoke while idly wondering if a storm was brewing. It seemed as if their best shows were when it was pouring rain and thunder broke through the cheers. The sound of Guinevere’s muffled voice over a speaker broke through the silence she’d been basking in.  
“Ladies and gentlemen! I thank you for coming to see our fantastical performers tonight! We hope to amaze you just as every crowd before.” Her words were a cue for Morgana. She laid the cigarette between her lips once more and strode her way into the tent. The tips of her fingers graced over the edge of the tent fabric for a split second. The control panels for the lighting were tucked into another miniature tent attached to the side of the main structure. She could see the sprites flying above and moving the large spotlight from the cameras beside the panels to follow Gwen’s moving figure. The stark white luminescence made her look more ethereal than before.  She continued on, cigarette holder still wedged between her thin lips. 
“We have an awe-inspiring act for you all!”  
“This beautiful lady here did most of the work.”  
Her husband quickly added to her dialogue. “Hush my love.” The crowd quietly chuckled.  
“It’s true.”  
“Sorry, sorry!”  
The audience roared with more laughter.  
Under the dim lighting of the rest of the stage, she could make out the two fluffy skirts of the little girls waiting for their first part in the choreography. One was fidgeting and prancing around in the dark, not only disguised by the lack of light but the cloud from her cigar. The other floated just above the ground, flying around the other body in circles. Morgan placed her fingertips on the switches and pushed them up very slightly. The area brightened enough for the stage to be somewhat visible but kept the two hidden from their awaiting audience.  
“Each of our performers is a woman with grace, power, and most of all, a love for their part here.”  
Recovering from her husband's unethical interruption, she made her way up to the round platform on the stage. The spotlight followed in sync. She turned suddenly to face the stands, her skirt twirling above her feet.  
“We give you our best and only our best!” Gwen spoke into the microphone with glee, her visible scarlet eye piercing the crowd. “The Moonlight Circus has been our pride and joy for many decades. Tonight, we strive to show you exactly why!” She gave them a beautiful motherly smile.  
“Now please.” 
“Stay seated and enjoy the show!” She and the skull of her husband atop her head spoke in unison. She extended one arm behind her, bent the other in front of her middle and bowed.  
“Hey, hey! Careful please!” Pierre screamed as he slipped down slightly. The audience responded with laughter as before. The spotlight shut off and the stage was dim once again, other than the shine of Guinevere’s red cigarette. The crowd went silent. Her footsteps echoed on a different part of the stage. She could very faintly make out dainty shoes running up the steps and hopping into the cannon. One of the two figures was missing from their spot to the side. 
Morgan’s fingers danced on the panel, letting excitement coarse through her. She couldn’t fight the adrenaline rush before each performance commenced. She hadn’t been working there for more than two years, but this circus had become her family. Her home. Each person here has proven to her that the impossible is only so if you believe it is. And each show was a testament to how far they’d come. This circus act alone has been a large part of the progression that’s been made between the supernatural world and human society. They’re more than just a tent of sideshow freaks; they’re artists embracing their bodies and talents to better their lives, and many others.  
She grips the lever with resolve. She knows that to an outsider they may be passing entertainment. But that was progress by itself. This place is a part of her now. And she wouldn’t have it any other way. 
Morgana pushed the handle forward. It clicked in place. The stage lights flicked on in a magnificent spectrum of colors. Gwen’s right hand is extended to the wick of the cannon, holder lighting the end. Her daughter’s tangled mane of hair is just barely visible from the lip. A deafening boom shatters the atmosphere and the show begins.  
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nano--raptor · 4 years
Taming the Soul - Chapter 1: The Library
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Bucky can’t sleep, but neither can you. You decide to talk a walk to your favorite spot and make a surprising discovery.
Words: 1320
Warnings: Recovery!Bucky, slight angst, talk of nightmares, cursing, talk of missions, etc. 
A/N: Welcome to the first chapter of my new series! This will probably be slow going, but I will try to update as often as I can. The library in this chapter is inspired by the Yue Library, elements from this library are what I’ve imagined and tried to describe here. Thank you to all who show interest, and for reading, I really hope you enjoy! ❀
* * * *
Bucky first discovered the library one night when he couldn't sleep. He’d tried all the usual tricks: reading, watching tv, exercise, a snack. Nothing worked. He’d finally gone for a walk, and that had actually helped. A little. After that, Bucky started going for walks more regularly around the compound when he couldn’t sleep, trying to tire out his body and mind. Or at least distract it so he could get some goddamn rest. It became something he sort of looked forward to. Sometimes he’d walk around inside, down the hallways, around the track at the gym, sometimes he’d go outside and enjoy the fresh air and stillness that came with the middle of the night.
It was during one of these late night walks that he’d discovered the library. Of course, the compound had a library - Tony spared no expense it seemed - but it was probably due to the fact that he’d never heard anyone talk about it that Bucky was surprised to find that it existed. It was big, more spacious than he’d anticipated, two stories tall with floor-to-ceiling bookshelves that served as walls. Lamps were scattered throughout the library, some of which remained on, and moonlight coming in through the huge windows basked the space with a calm glow. Even though it was the middle of the night, Bucky could see that there was a lot of natural-toned wood, which actually made him feel... comfortable? It was a pleasant change from the rest of the concrete surfaces of the compound. Other features of the library were more modern - glass and metal - but Bucky felt an overall sense of calm as he wandered around. It was nice.
He was thankful he’d been able to stay at the compound, after everything that had happened, Steve and the others were determined to help him regain some sense of normalcy. Call it healing or recovery or whatever you want, it was a lot nicer and more calm out here than the tower in New York had been. Being out of the city had been good for Bucky’s mind and his soul.
Bucky saw the way everyone hushed up when he walked by, and he knew they meant well but it made him feel weird. He’d started staying away from the common areas during the day, which is maybe why he could never sleep at night. Exhaustion, nightmares, faded memories that would start to play out in his mind and then stop like a worn out movie. It all kept him awake at night. He would like to integrate back into society, start being social with the rest of the team, seeing as he’d probably have to head out on missions with them eventually. The thought made him cringe. Bucky didn’t really play well with others.
For now, Bucky was glad they more or less left him alone. He knew he had a lot to work through, and it was frustrating, because for the most part he felt alright. He knew what was going on, but there was still a part of his mind that felt out of control, and if he got stuck there, there wasn’t anything he could do to pull himself out. It felt like a trap, and nothing was worse than being a prisoner of your own mind and body.
Bucky found a bench by one of the floor-to-ceiling windows and curled up as best he could in the corner of it, pulling his knees towards his chest. He glared out the window, and then forced himself to take a slow, deep breath, trying to push the dark thoughts from his mind. At least this window had a nice view of the grounds behind the compound. Rolling grass hills and trees. The moonlight spilled over him and as he looked up at it, he thought about all the horrors that the moon had seen people on Earth commit. All the horrors he’d committed. Bucky sighed and leaned his head back against the wall behind him, suddenly feeling tired and small. He let his eyes fall closed, finally drifting off into a dreamless sleep.
* * * * 
You’d tossed and turned for over an hour and finally decided it was time for a change of scenery. You didn’t usually have a hard time sleeping, but it wasn’t foreign to you either. There were often issues that weighed heavy on your mind, and some nights it took intention to relax and fall asleep.
One place you liked to visit at night was the library. You liked it during the day too, but it had a peaceful calm and stillness at night that you loved when sleep eluded you. You loved to curl up on the couches or armchairs, sometimes with a book, sometimes without, and just enjoy the change of scenery. Even the walk down to the library, through the compound, helped to clear your head a bit. The compound was like a different world at night, when everything was quiet and still. Soft darkness falling over everything, a sort of peaceful calm. Especially when nothing too intense was happening around you mission-wise.
You walked into the library, your feet padding quietly over the tile floor. Your favorite spot to sit was on the mezzanine level, close to one of the large windows looking over the grounds. You climbed the grand staircase slowly, taking in the well-designed space. The place alone gave you a sense of calm, every material and design element chosen with intention. Finding your spot amongst the cushions on one of the modern-style sofas, you leaned back and gazed out the window. Your mind drifted away almost as soon as you sat down, eyes roaming over the grounds, the treeline, the sky, watching the stars twinkle above and the moonlight beam down.
It took a while to register the sound that had started floating around, gently caressing your ears. After a few moments you realized it was piano music, and a chill ran through you, despite the calming melody. The library had been silent when you got here, hadn’t it? You’d thought you were alone! Was there someone else here with you? You couldn’t think of anyone else on the compound that could play, but it sounded too clear to be a recording. Who else was awake at this hour? You stopped yourself for a moment at that thought, as it could be anyone on the team really. You all had your own personal demons to deal with and you were sure you weren’t the only one who sometimes had trouble sleeping.
But, who the hell could play piano? That was the real mystery.
You sat and listened for a little while longer, eventually recognizing the melody with a rush of nostalgia. It was a piece your aunt used to play when you were younger, and it drew you back to thoughts of your childhood, sitting on the sofa in awe while her fingers danced across the keys. Moonlight Sonata, a piece by Beethoven. 
Interesting choice, you thought, but you weren’t mad at all, the notes were extremely soothing and calming to you. Finally your curiosity got the better of you and you had to find out who was playing this beautiful music. You rose from the sofa and slowly, silently, made your way over to the mezzanine balcony, where you figured you’d be able to get a peek of the pianist. You didn’t want to startle whoever it was, and you liked both hearing the music and the peace of being alone right now, and not having to spend energy to socialize.
You passed several bookshelves, rounded the corner and approached the railing. The piano came into view and what you saw froze you in your tracks. Your eyes grew wide and you were pretty sure you stopped breathing for a moment. Playing the piano, being the last person you’d ever expect to be moved by music, much less know how to make it, was Bucky.
* * * *
Tags ❀  @moonybarnes @skkye @cristie24 @msmarvelwrites @L8nitereadingmaterial @sfreeborn @jobean12-blog @crushedbyhyperbole @mannatgalhotra @bubbabarnes @buckysthing @marvelgirl7 @ikaris-whore @aesthetical-bucky @littleredstarfish @godofplumsandthunder @winterboobear11 @stuckyinamoose @our-whitetulips-us @throwmyheartawayagain @jesslovesyouall @my-own-private-library​ @hawksmagnolia​ @peaceinourtime82​ @infinity-saga​ @kenzieam​ @sallycanwait68​ @hailmary-yramliah​  @ballyhoobarnes​ @earthworthies​  @tinymalscoffee​ @thefandomimagines​ @kianifan​ @dark-academics-and-florals​ @buckys-henley​ @wearemisunderstoodlove​ @mrsbarneswillseeyounow​ @palaiasaurus64​ @starlightcrystalline​ @thehumanistsdiary​ @addikted-2-dopamine​ @drabblewithfrannybarnes​ @Mackevanstan80 @harrysthiccthighss​ @lady-pswrld​  @wiccanmetallicrose​ @buckysbunny​ @railmetom @fl0ating​  
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baby-grayson · 4 years
Dirty Little Secret| Part 2
Summary: Learning is hard when you have the hots for teacher. 
Tags: @wheezeatmedolans​ @evergreendolan​ @graysonsdollface​ @imfeelindol​ @dolansficsandpics​ @prettyboydolan​ @voidmalfoy​ @blindedbythelightt​ Words: 3.5 words (Part 1)
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Ethan had been looking forward to replacing Professor Barnes. He thought teaching an advanced class for a few months would give him the professional edge he needed to apply for a full-time teaching position next semester. Inwardly, he questioned if he was ready to instruct a class: self doubt clouding his brain. He wrote his name in big letters on the board, as if their size projected his excitement to be there.
When he turned around, all the busy thoughts left his head. “Oh God,” it came out as a mumble, as the ghost of words. He smacked his lips together after it escaped, eyes darting away from Felicity. He actively searched the faces of other students, trying to assess if any of them could evaluate his inner tension. 
When he decided that everyone else in the room was acting normally, he cleared his throat and started, “Good Morning Everyone!” he flashed a bright smile across the room. From her seat against the wall, Felicity swallowed hard and looked down; her eyes burned invisible circles into her desk. “I expect you’ve all seen the email by now, but if you haven’t then I’m sorry if you were expecting Professor Barnes,” he stepped forward and leaned on the corner of his desk. His long legs stretched out in front of him, pointing down to his black and white checkered shoes. “My name is Ethan, I’ll be teach the class while she is home with her newborn.” He crossed his arms from where he leaned, his muscles pulled at the fabric of his long sleeved shirt. 
Felicity’s eyes wanted to tremor their way out of her sockets. She zoned out as Ethan continued his introduction to the class, suddenly very aware of every person sitting in the room. She nearly jumped with the guy in front of her turned around to pass her a copy of the syllabus. She mumbled a word of thanks and went to pass the rest of the pile to the person sitting behind her. Beside her, Jasmine eyed her: Felicity was never charismatic, but this was odd even for her. “You feeling okay?” Jasmine whispered while Ethan started writing the reading list on the board. 
Felicity brought her eyes up for the first time since the start of class. She noted Ethan’s back: his broad shoulders and lean figure. She swallowed from a dry mouth. When her eyes found his hips, her mind brought her back to the night before. She was hit with flashes of Ethan’s lips buried within her skin, her hands dangling out of his pockets as she made sweet sounds for him, and the feeling of virility blossoming out of her womanhood and washing over her body. 
“Yeah-y-yeah,” she gave a curt nod and slouched back in her chair. Her eyes found the floor. She opened her laptop, not paying attention to the notes Ethan was giving on the board. She opened her school’s website, trying to find another class to switch into it. She bit her lip, seeing a few options but noting that they had a waiting list. 
It was then that Jasmine scooted over in her chair to surreptitiously eye Felicity’s screen. “What are you doing?” her whisper was harsh.  On instinct, Felicity minimized her browser window and shot up in her seat. With her posture erect, she found the side of Ethan’s face. Her stomach rocked. She raced to look at Jasmine, who was waiting with expectant eyes and a veil of attitude in her face. 
“Nothing--just--” she licked her lips, “looking for uh-something-something more....intellectual?” 
Jasmine raised an eyebrow, “Intellectual?” her voice was flat, “You want something more intellectual out of your 8AM Monday class?” 
Felicity gave a quick nod with a fake enthusiastic smile, bearing her teeth. 
Jasmine rolled her eyes and turned back to face the board with a sigh, passively accepting the exchange, “Fine..but don’t you need this to graduate?” 
Felicity’s mouth gaped for a moment as Jasmine returned to taking notes on the board. She took in a breath, trying to dim the fires in her nerves. She looked at the corner of her desk and found the coffee she bought before class. She reached it to her lips to take a sip, deciding to power through her nerves and work in Ethan’s presence. 
She touched the hot coffee to her lips to listen what he was saying. 
She coughed loudly, nearly spewing the liquid on her desk. 
Ethan continued amid her outburst, “Sex is an integral part of understanding Shakespeare,” he eyed Felicity’s side of the room, “and I expect you’re all mature enough to talk about it.” 
Felicity immediately pulled her laptop forward. Her fingers hit keys that were scattered with coffee drips. She poured over the academic advising pages, disappointed to find that she did indeed need the class to graduate. 
Ethan nearly lost his train of thought when she choked on her coffee. It was hard enough not looking at her, not having the internet dread of the situation take over his entire body. It bothered Ethan that she wasn’t paying attention to him: he felt inadequate and punished. He tried to push his thoughts away but they kept coming. On the first day of what he thought was going to be his largest professional highlight yet, he ends up teaching to the girl that he ran his hands all over the night before and to top it all off— she can’t give him the basic respect of looking at him.
A part of Ethan almost felt grateful. If she pointed her brown eyes at him, he might just lose all sense of the professionalism that he was fighting to hold together.
Ethan bit the skin on the inside of his cheek. He hated to admit that although this felt so wrong, a clandestine part of his soul roared at just how naughty this whole situation was. But that part of him was silenced by the internal screams of how inappropriate the whole thing was.
The hour couldn’t come fast enough. Ethan finished class at the 52 minute mark: claiming it was a gift for the first day when it was really an excuse for him to pack up his things and sit down to process what was happening inside of him.
Finishing early seemed like a good idea, until she was the only one left in the classroom. Her eyes still stuck her computer screen, acting as if nothing was wrong. Felicity could have stood up and left the room with her classmates, but even standing in front of Ethan colored her as an anxious picture.
Ethan cleaned the whiteboard, listening for the sound of her foot steps that never came. He took great care to wipe the rag over every last spot of ink: even going so far as to spray the entire board down at the end. He turned and let out an indiscernible groan when he saw her still sitting there, looking at her computer—not even typing. He pushed papers around the podium, collecting them in a messy order and sticking them in his bag. She remained seated.
Ethan huffed, seeing that the situation required an intervention he was too emotionally flummoxed to conduct properly.
He took a step in her direction.
She closed the laptop. Her eyes met the edge of her desk as she chewed at her lip.
He took another step in her direction.
She slid the laptop into her backpack. She reached from her coffee, trying to take a sip but feeling dismayed when it was empty. Her eyes surveyed the window sill.
He took a last step in her direction, standing in front of her desk.
“Did you have a question?” His voice was low. She hadn’t fully remembered his voice from last night but the sound of it triggered her thighs to smash together under the table. She looked up at him, her pupils trembling inside of her eyes.
“No,” her voice was timid. She felt small with him standing over her like that, looking down at him like that.
Ethan gave a small nod in return, making a fierce point to look her in the eye. He decided that showing anything other than professionalism in this scene would only confirm his premonitions that their relationship was anything other than professional: she was, after all, his student. 
Felicity swallowed hard again, feeling lumps form in the back of her throat. With shaky hands, she slipped her computer over the edge of the desk and into her backpack. Ethan took a small step backward as she stood up, meeting her gaze at every point. She shuffled nervously next to him and took in a large breath, rolling her shoulders back before breathing out, “Goodbye.” 
Ethan turned to watch her leave: the professional in him couldn’t help but notice curves as his voice boomed out, “See you tomorrow.” His confidence only amplified the growing nervousness between her legs. 
Usually after class, Felicity would find an open table or a bench in the campus commons to scroll through her email and sip coffee with her friends. But that day, she walked down the stairs and out of the building and kept walking. She tried to focus on the rhythmic beat of her feet hitting the pavement, but when her mind tried to find a center: her center only wanted Ethan’s eyes. 
How could anyone expect her to pay attention in her next lecture? How could anyone expect her to do anything less than doodle in the margins and stare out the window? Wondering if what she felt was so right, because Ethan was certainly handsome enough to leave an impression, or so wrong, because, well, he was her teacher?   Ethan’s impression lingered in her mind that night. His voice seemingly singing through the hiss of her shower head. His eyes still fixated on her as she crawled into bed. With thoughts like that, it’s no wonder the type of dreams she had. 
Normally a chaste girl, Felicity would tell you that her dreams usually consisted of the replay of childhood memories and the nostalgia of familiarity. But the sensations she felt that night were anything but familiar. 
She writhed and squirmed in her sheets. Her mind flooding with the image of Ethan’s eyes, the dark eyes that stared her down in the classroom, looking up at her from the edge of her sex. She was visited by unholy flashes of what Ethan could do to her, what he could make her feel, what he wanted from her. 
She woke up in a rush from her alarm clock. She had knocked both of her pillow, a throw blanket, and her comforter off of her bed in the process of the night. She looked at the mess surrounding her bed and swallowed, noting a soreness in her throat. She brought a hesitant hand up to her mouth and gently bit at her thumb: not remembering her exact dreams but knowing very well she shouldn’t have been thinking about her teacher that way. 
She thrusted herself back down on her mattress, hearing the springs bounce beneath her. She closed her eyes, silently wishing for another chance at sleep. In her restlessness, she dozed off for a few minutes before snapping her head and waking up. She dragged herself to the edge of the bed, “This is going to be a long day.” 
Despite her mumblings to herself, the morning moved quickly. She lost precious moments of sleep in her short doze, which made her late to take a shower. Getting out of the shower late, she ended up in the back of the coffee line when she arrived at campus. She quickly snagged her cup from the group of orders and made a beeline to class: even Ethan’s eyes couldn’t hinder her perfect record of punctuality. 
Ethan was at his desk, shuffling through his overly prepared lecture notes, over-zealous for his first real day in front of a classroom. He let his eyes wander to the corner of the classroom more than a few times as the hour approached: silently wondering if his transgression a few days beforehand had scared off his...special student. 
Felicity bolted through the door, having only seconds to get situated: leaving Ethan to bargain on whether his felt relief, that she showed up, or apathetic to teaching in her presence. He took a large breath in and counted while he exhaled before grabbing a battered copy of Romeo and Juliet off of the podium. He held it up for the class to see, “I expect you’ve all read it. Or know enough about it. You have to accept my apologies because this is the one time I’ll be discussing something you haven’t read first, but we had to start somewhere on the first day.” 
Ethan went to start writing on the board, his right hand being coated in a thin film of marker residue. He spoke with his back to the class, “Now, I wanted to start here because I wanted to pick something familiar to you, where I would model the kind of analysis you will be expected to do throughout the semester.” He capped his marker and went over to the right half of the board, “Now, like all other of Shakespeare’s great works, there are very many themes present: but on the surface level and those with quite a bit of depth and nuance to them. This is not an exhaustive list, but it should help get you started when you write your first paper,” he wrote each work in thick black ink as he said them, “Appearance. Reality. Sex. Death. Law and Order. Free Will. Jealousy. Justice. Blindness. Forgiveness. And Revenge.” He stood back from the board and capped the marker with a distinct “snap” sound. Felicity, along with her peers, furiously copied down the list from the board. Unlike her peers, Felicity thanked a higher being for having something to focus on other than Ethan’s face: which was pulling her attention like a magnet. 
When enough pens had left student hands and laid on desks, Ethan started again. “Now I will use one of these themes to point out all of the cues in here,” he held up the battered copy of Romeo and Juliet once more. “I won’t be writing an essay like you will be in the next few weeks, but I’ll show you what kind of textual evidence I’m looking for and what level of analysis is appropriate.” Ethan stood up straighter as he spoke, feeling like the authority in the room. As a little boy, he had practiced this moment hundreds of times in front of rows of excited teddy bears, action figures, and dolls. 
“Anyone have a favorite they would like to discuss?” He gestured at his previous list with a marker in his hand. When no one spoke up, he felt a bit of wind leave his sails: maybe teaching wasn’t all public speaking and knowing the material. “Are there any that look particularly intimidating? Something that looks rather...not easy to try?” His eyes scanned the room, jumping from blank face to blank face. Inevitably, he landed on Felicity, “Or rather one what you want to try?” 
She swallowed with a dry mouth and shot her head down immediately. 
Ethan picked up his gaze and kept surveying the room when a member of the football team called out, “SEX” and his friend in the desk beside him co-authored the suggestion with a wolf whistle. 
When Felicity picked her head up, she could have sworn she noticed the faintest blush of pink hit Ethan’s cheeks. He cleared his throat and uncapped his marker, “Alright then, that certainly works. Maybe you could give us our first example Mr. Harries?” 
Craig Harries a stocky, beefy blonde young man with the whitest of blonde hairs was unabashed to announce, “Yeah how about that they both wanted to get married just do it?” 
Felicity sighed, making a sound that was audible to only her and Jasmine beside her. Even in a senior level literature class, there was no escaping the crassness of the athletic male condition. 
Ethan nodded, trying his best not to lose his cool. He remembered strict instruction from a teaching seminar that the class is only thrown off beat when he is thrown off beat, “Good instincts Mr. Harries.” 
Ethan ran his thumb along the upper edge of the book, that was decorated in ear marks and different colored post it notes. He found a yellow one, marked with red pen and read out to the class: 
“ Come, gentle night, come, loving black-browed night, Give me my Romeo, and when I shall die, Take him and cut him out in little stars”
He lowered the book from in front of his face and finished with “Act Three, Scene Two.”  
Most of her classmates quickly jotted down the line and citation, while Felicity sat back in her chair, impressed with the masculine, low call of Ethan’s voice: nearly hypnotic. 
“Mr. Harries,” he shot a smile in the direction of the bulky athletic figure in the back of the room, “Would you mind sharing with me something insightful about that?” 
Craig stretched back, teetering his chair on the edge of the rails. He smacked a large piece of gum between his teeth. His eyes were flat and his tone didn’t miss a beat, “They say come a lot.” 
A fit of giggled erupted from half of the class, while the other half squirmed, blushed, and turned away accordingly.  Ethan faced the board, not wanting to show the depth of his eye roll to the class. He uncapped his marker and spoke with his back toward them, “Yes, you’re not wrong.” He found something to scribble on the board to make sense of Craig’s comment. “The use of..that word..is a direct call to the sexual tension of their relationship. Good catch.” 
He turned around, not ready to trust another student with an example on the topic he quickly started with, “The word ‘die’ is actually Elizabethan slang for the sexual release, the first reference to that, with the second being the ‘cut out stars’.” He scribbled in more loopy black writing on the board, “First important lesson on Shakespeare, everything has a second meaning.” 
“Like the stars,” Felicity wondered how her voice came out of her body. She locked her jaw and tightly wound her ankles together under her desk. 
Ethan turned at the sound of her voice, not stopping himself from raising an eyebrow, “That’s right. I thought I just included that,” he turned back to face the board, “didn’t I Felicity?” 
Every cell in her body went up in flames at the sound of her name happening in his voice. Her mind felt like it was swimming, in some foreign world of sexual innuendos and teachers with striking jawlines and deep brown eyes.  “You did,” she nearly stuttered, “But the way he writes it.” She took in a shaky breath, next to her Jasmine knitted her brow together, “The stars-- it’s childish.” 
Ethan sat on the edge of his desk, stretching out his legs in front of him and crossing his arms, “You’re suggesting a connection between her childlike innocence and her sexual desire?” Felicity bowed her head in something that was meant to be a nod, “Isn’t there?” She rubber her lips together in a way that made Ethan look at the book in his hands. She continued, “It reminds us that she’s young, very young--even by Shakespeare’s standards. Her desires, well they’re not really desires are they? She’s more...she’s hopeful for the thought of something without ever having experienced the...real thing?” 
Ethan’s dark eyes looked up from the cover of his book, his voice was dripping in a haughty confidence, “You’re telling the class the formation for her want of Romeo, the reason she is pursuing him, is more about her own, barely formed ideas, and less about the man himself?”
Felicity nodded, looking more like an actual nod this time, “Exactly.” She sat up slightly straighter, “What she wants, is what she thinks he’ll bring her, not him..himself..as a person. I mean, she knew him for barely three days.” 
Ethan raised an eyebrow, throwing his hands back to rest on his desk, “Are you telling me you think Juliet never really loved Romeo?” 
Felicity shook her head, “I think...she thinks she did. With the rest of the world telling her it was forbidden, it probably only drove her rebellion further, to love him and to have him give her all of the ...womanly things she never had before.” 
A moment lingered between their eyes, dripping in the start of something. Jasmine looked from Felicity, to Ethan, and back to Felicity. 
Before the moment went on too long, Ethan snapped his marker off of the desk and swung it in the air, “Exactly right! That’s the kind of deep thinking I want you all to be doing in this class. Except,” he gave a mischievous glance to Felicity, a gleam in his eye and a bright smile, “with more textual evidence of course.” 
Felicity’s lips folded into a tight, smug smile before biting the edge of her lip and sitting back in her seat. For the first time since the prior morning, she felt an inner tension start to release.  She could have sworn she saw something glimmer in Ethan’s eyes for the rest of class. She would be lying if she denied turning faint shades of pink every time he got excited and starting enthusiastically grinning while he taught. 
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euphoniumpets · 4 years
Nothing left to say | Diego Hargreeves x reader (1/10)
Prompt: ‘’Everybody is afraid of something, and she will become their fear who they cannot control.’’ 
Authors note: hiya, and welcome to the first actual chapter of nothing left to say! here we go for the wild riiiide. also a quick reminder, Elijah Jenkins is Dylan Sprouse! tag list is still open for those want to be tagged! Also, send an ask or an comment of what you guys thought of this chapter!!Also, so sorry for the late update, school have just begun and it’s going crazzy. 
Warnings: may come up some disturbing scenes in the future chapters such as child abuse, manipulation etc. 
Tag List: @losers-club6 @frantasmic @guineverebeckilicious @emma-is-a-nerd @white-wolf-buckaroo @irenne-stans
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As you fiddeled with your keys, you let out a heavy sigh. It has been hours since you worked from the hospital and you couldn’t wait to come home, shower, and then sleep for the rest of the hours. You shared your apartment along with Vanya and the two of you were close. y/n Hargreeves were just an ordinary girl with no special ablitites like the rest of the family. 
Along with Vanya, they had been told that they were just ordinary and they were being isolated from the family. When you decided to leave the umbrella academy alone, Vanya followed into your footsteps. You and Vanya worked to get an nice, cozy, small apartment that could fit the two of you. 
After you had earned some money, you decided to get your phd and then worked at a Hospital as a nurse. Ever since you were a child, you wanted to help people, you were always the one who made sure that everyone was okay. Even though, when they didn’t wanted your help. 
You opened the door as you took off your coat. It was like everyday, you would go home, blame yourself that you could’ve saved the patients you would take care of. Working at a hospital is not an easy job. Seeing people die, was not an easy job either. You thanked Vanya since she was the one who would often comfort you after work. 
‘‘Hey, Vanya, you home?’‘ You called out after you put your coat away and walked towards the kitchen. ‘‘Yeah,’‘ You hear Vanya’s small voice as she approached in the kitchen. You saw her dull look which made you frown. ‘‘What’s wrong?’’ You asked her as you crossed her arms. ‘’It’s Dad,’’  Was all she replied before you got to hear the news. 
After hearing the news about your father, that he had died from a simple heartattack. You and Vanya packed your stuff as you mentally prepared when she decided to go back where you spent the rest of your childhood, the umbrella academy. Vanya had called an uber as it took some hours before the two of you arrived. 
Watching from outside as you stared at the big mansion in front of you, you took a deep sigh as Vanya came and stood next to you. ‘’You okay?’’ She asked you with a frown as you looked at her. ‘’Shouldn’t I be the one who’s asking you that?’’ You questioned her as she let out a small smile on her lips. 
‘‘Besides, I bet you that they are still pissed about that book,’‘ You huffed as Vanya’s look turned into a guilty one. ‘‘Yeah,’‘ She responded before you walked in. Standing in the hallway along with Vanya, you heard footsteps to your right as you saw the familiar figure of Pogo. You let out a small smile towards that apeman. 
‘‘Pogo,’‘ You replied as the two of you walked towards him. ‘‘Welcome home, Ms. Y/n, Vanya,’‘ He greeted to the both of you as you hugged him and then Vanya.
‘’God, it’s been a long time since we was here,’’ You replied as you felt immedieatly flashbacks towards your childhood. Dread filled your body whenever you would think of when you were little. 
‘’I won’t be staying here for long, I’ve got work,’’ You informed him as he nodded. ‘’I understand, how’s thing going on the hospital you work for?’’ He asked you. ‘’It’s hard but, it’s something that I enjoy saving people,’’  You replied as Pogo left a smile. 
‘‘I’m going to my room, if that’s okay?’‘ 
‘‘Of course,’‘ Vanya replied. 
You waved towards them before you walked upstairs. As you sighed softly, you tugged onto your backpack before you approached your bedroom. You placed your hand as you opened the door, gently and as you expected, everything was the same when you left the place. 
You walked in as nostalgia consumed you as you placed your bag on the bed. You began to pack out your clothes for the night before you heard the familiar voice. ‘’Y/n?’’ Turning around, you saw Diego in his black clothing. ‘’Diego,’’ 
You and Diego had an odd relationship. 
You and Vanya were the ordinary ones and were left out of the group. You couldn’t be with your sister and brothers without the whole family ignored the two of you, until one day, Diego approached you outside asking what book you were reading. 
An awkward silence began to form between the two of you. You always hated it whenever that would happen. Besides, it has been years since when the two had talked to each other because of that promise you made each other. 
‘‘Did you made her to do it?’‘ Diego suddenly asked. You furrowed your brows in confusion.
‘‘What do you mean?’‘
‘‘I meant that did you support her when she started to write the book?’‘ 
Ah. The book. The book where one day Vanya had her idea to start her writing career. Revealing about the secret what really went inside the umbrella academy. 
A defending glare showed up. ‘’And why should you care?’’ You spat. 
‘‘I care because I’m your family,’‘ He retorted back as he walked closer to you. 
‘‘Last time you were my family, you dissappeared without me,’‘ You sneered as all memories flooded back to Diego. 
‘‘Besides,’‘ You cut him off his thoughts. ‘‘It’s her own damn decision, the last time I remembered because my siblings weren’t the most supportive when we were young,’‘ 
‘‘It’s because you were-’’
‘‘we were ordinary ones. I know,’‘ 
‘’Did you... Did you love me? Back then, when we were kids?’’ Diego’s eyes snapped towards you. 
‘‘No,’‘ You could feel your heart breaking because you hoped that he would feel or felt the same way because the feeling never left. 
‘’Why then? I always asked myself when why did you come to me when I was the one who were isolated from all of you?’‘
‘‘Because Dad made me to do it,’‘ 
‘‘He wanted me to distract you so that’s why,’‘ He replied. The two of you looked into each other’s eyes and you could tell that he wasn’t lying. ‘‘Why?’‘ You choked out. Diego hated himself now because he still, even when he had grown up, he still didn’t know why his father made he as a distraction to you. 
‘‘I didn’t ask any questions,’‘ A knock was interrupted as you turned to look over Luther in the doorway. ‘‘Hey,’‘ He called out softly as you didn’t saw Diego rolls his eyes as he turned towards him. 
‘‘Everybody’s downstairs,’‘ Luther replied awkwardly as soon he saw Diego’s glare before walking away. You sighed as you followed after Luther before Diego’s voice stopped you. ‘‘Did you love me?’‘ 
Glancing over your shoulder, you saw Diego had tears in his eyes and he looked broken than ever. ‘’No,’’
Walking downstairs as you tried to calm yourself down. You took out your pills from the bottle before placing it in your mouth. You could see that Luther was right and you saw everyone down there. 
‘‘Hey, y/n,’‘ You heard Allison’s voice as you looked at her. ‘‘Wow, hey, it’s been ages since we saw each other,’‘ You both chuckled as she nodded. ‘‘Yeah,’‘ 
‘‘How’s Claire?’‘ 
‘‘She’s fine,’‘ Allison replied with a smile. ‘‘It’s good to see you,’’ She told you as you sent her a soft smile. ‘‘It’s good to see you too,’‘
‘‘Do you guys want anything?’‘ Klaus asked everyone. Vanya shook her head as you were about also to decline but saw Diego walking inside the room. ‘‘Actually, yeah, I need a drink that I could survive for just today,’‘ You muttered. 
Klaus nodded as Vanya looked at you with concern. ‘’Don’t you have work tomorrow?’’ She asked you as you shrugged. 
‘‘Yeah but a drink can’t hurt, right?’‘ 
‘‘That’s my girl,’‘ Klaus replied before he went towards the bar as you sent him a smile. There’s only a few minutes where the only noise is coming from Klaus behind the bar. 
Luther stands up as he cleared his throat as he tried to get yours attention. You watched him with amusement. ‘‘Uh, I guess we should get this started,’‘ He began. Klaus is still in the background as you held your laugther when Klaus tried to make much more noise with his drinks as Luther glared at him and cleared his throat. 
‘‘So, I figured out we could have some sort of memorial service in the courtyard at sundown. Say a few words, just at Dads favorite spot-’’
‘’Dad had a favorite spot?’’ Allison interrupted with a question look. 
‘‘Yeah, you know, under the oak tree,’’ He replied as he noticed the confused glances you all gave him. 
‘‘The oak tree?’‘ You repeated.
‘‘Yeah, we used to sit there all the time...’‘ He paused for a moment. ‘‘None of you ever did that?’‘ He mumbled. Klaus then barged in with your drink in his hand as you sent him a grateful smile. 
You accepted the drink as Klaus held a trophy in one hand and a cigarette along with his drink. ‘’Lovely,’’ You muttered as you sipped in delight.
‘‘Will there be refreshments?’‘ You chuckled towards Klaus reply as he looked at each sister with a smile. ‘‘Tea? Scones? Cucumber sandwiches are always a winner,’‘
‘‘What no!’‘ Luther replied seriously. ‘‘And put that out, dad didn’t allow smoking in here,’‘ Klaus shrugged and placed the cigarette between his lips as he twirled around the room.
‘‘Is that my skirt?’‘ Allison replied in disbelief as she pointed towards her brother.
‘‘What?’‘ He turns around. He looked down at his legs before he admired the fabric and looked up. ‘‘Oh! yeah, I found it in your room, it’s a little dated, I know but, it’s very breathy on the...bits,’‘ You let out a snort towards his comment.
‘‘Listen up! There’s still some important things we need to discuss, alright?’‘
‘‘Like what?’‘ Diego snaps as you turned towards his voice. Locking with his eyes from a second, you snapped away as you gulped and continued to drink. 
‘‘Like the way he died,’‘ 
‘‘Aand here we go,’‘ Diego replied as he rolled his eyes. Vanya tilted her head in confusion and shifts her seat next to you. You moved to the middle so Klaus could sit next to you. 
‘‘I don’t understand,’‘ Vanya replied slowly. ‘‘I thought they said it was a heart attack,’‘ 
‘‘Yeah, according to the coroner,’‘
‘‘Well, wouldn’t they know?’‘ Vanya asked. ‘‘Theoretically,’‘
‘‘Theoretically?’‘ Allison echoes. Your attention is full on Luther this time. ‘’What are you talking about? Are you telling us that they lied?’‘ You asked him as he looked at you. 
‘‘I’m just saying that something else could’ve happened,’‘ He replied. ‘‘Last time I talked to Dad, he sounded strange,’‘ 
‘‘Oh, quelle surprise!’‘ Klaus exclaimed as he gurgles on his drink. ‘‘Strange how?’‘ 
‘‘He sounded on edge, told me to be careful who to trust,’‘ He replied to Allison as he glanced all over his siblings. 
‘‘Luther,’‘ Diego sighed. ‘‘He was a paranoid, bitter, old man who was starting to lose what was left of his marbles,’‘ You watched Diego stand up from his seat and approach Luther. Luther shifts uncomfortably. 
‘‘No, he must’ve known something was gonna happen,’‘ Luther stops as he looked towards Klaus who is in his own world. ‘‘Look, I know you don’t like it but, I need you to talk to dad,’‘ 
Klaus brings his head down and looks between you and Vanya. You look down towards the ground with guilt before his gaze turned towards Luther in disbelief and pointed at his chest. 
‘‘I can’t just call dad in the afterlife and be like, Dad can you just...stop playing tennis with Hitler for a moment and take a quick call?’‘
‘‘Since when?’‘ Luther scoffed. ‘‘That’s your thing,’‘
‘‘I’m not in the frame..of mind,’‘ He explained. 
‘‘Your high?’‘ Allison questioned without looking up from her drink. 
‘‘Yeah! Yeah! I mean, how are you not listening to this nonsense!’‘ Klaus laughed.
Klaus slumps back into his seat and chug down his drink as Luther sighed deeply and pointed towards him.
‘‘Well, sober up! It’s important,’‘ Klaus groans in response. You patted Klaus leg gently as he sighs and closed his eyes while continue to smoke his cigarette.
‘‘Then there is the issue of the missing monocle,’‘ Luther begins but is interrupted by Diego.
‘‘Who gives a shit about some stupid monocle,’‘ He scoffs. 
‘‘Exactly!’‘ He exclaimed as he turned to look at Diego. ‘‘It’s worthless so, whoever took it, it must have been personal, someone close to him, someone with a grudge,’‘ 
You could feel the air was becoming thick with tension as everybody glanced at each other. ‘’Where are you going with this?’’ Klaus asks as you let out a scoff. 
‘‘Oh, isn’t obvious, Klaus? He thinks one of us killed dad,’‘ Diego responded. 
‘‘You do?’‘ Klaus asked him.
‘‘How could you do that?’‘ Vanya asked him with disbelief. 
‘‘Great job, Luther, way to lead,’‘ Diego leaned in and patted onto his shoulder. Everybody started to leave as you let out a snicker and shook your head with your drink as you followed everyone, leaving Luther alone in the livingroom. 
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seokjxnnie · 5 years
celestial (pt. 1) | kth (m)
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genre: (future) smut, angst, demon au, incubus!taehyung x reader warnings: blood and violence, aloof asshole taehyung length: 5.3k
↳ her flesh and blood imparts immortality to any demon, but the incubus protecting her from the hunt requires something else of her body.
masterlist | part 2 ↠
a/n: let me know if you would like to be tagged in future updates! thanks!!
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Everything was a little out of focus, but those piercingly red eyes were impossible to dismiss. Long, slender fingers unbuttoned her shirt. A heavy, aching fatigue paralyzed her, yet she still managed quiet mewls when a pair of lips cascaded tender caresses down the side of her waist. A scarce twinge of pain followed each stroke of a tongue, inspiring her to lightly squirm, but strong hands held her hips down. Eventually, with each kiss against her skin, she felt better, revitalized. Her vision gave to a slow fade.
She stirred in her sleep, rousing awake.
A dream. An inexplicable yet vivid dream. She wasn’t sure how long she napped for, but it must’ve been for too long if she felt this lightheaded. Sluggishly, her eyes opened, adjusting to the light as she stretched in silky sheets.
Her body suddenly went rigid, remembering she didn’t have silky sheets. A jolt upright and she found herself in a foreign environment. She was in a bed she didn’t know, in a room that wasn’t hers, wearing clothes that didn’t fit her. Before fear crippled her limbs, the door opened and revealed a kind face.
“Oh, Princess, you’re awake.” Soft eyes greeted her. “My name is Seokji—”
She flinched and tousled back when he approached and extended a glass of water to her. There was a throb in her head that elicited a pained exhale from her.
“Don’t move so suddenly! You’re probably still a little weak from all the blood you lost.”
An unearthly chill swamped her skin at such menacing words with inference she couldn’t grasp. Her heart thumped violently against her chest. Her throat tightened with the threat to suffocate. “Where am I? Who are you? Who changed me out of my clothes?” she assaulted him with panicked questions.
“Taehyung did. He had to heal your wounds and your clothes were soaked with blood. I’m washing them right now.”
Although he was seemingly speaking to her in an incomprehensible language, his words somehow brought on an ambiguous, fleeting series of images of her mind, bursts of what she could only hardly make out to be violence and gore. Even so, they were just passing visuals that failed to illustrate a coherent recollection.
Plagued with confusion and terror, her limbs quaked and her head pulsed. She darted her gape around the room in search of means of escape. “Please just let me go,” a frail, fractured voice pried from her quivering lips.
Seokjin swallowed, lips tautening into an apologetic frown. “Listen, I know this all might seem crazy and scary, but try to stay calm so you don’t overexert yourself.” Gingerly, he attempted to extend the glass of water to her once more, “I can explain everything.”
Her breaths fell as tremoring wisps before she contemplated whether it was idiotic or in her best interest to believe in the sincerity the stranger projected. She peered down at her foreign attire, finding herself in basketball shorts and a Spongebob t-shirt – both of which were too generously sized for her. The harmless image of the apparent pair of men’s pajamas she was in seemed to suggest something far from a hostile kidnapping. Then briefly, her gaze shifted to the drink stretched out to her, recognizing that her pounding head was begging for it.
“It’s safe, I promise. I’ll show you,” he insisted, bringing it to lightly touch his lips before he took a gulp in hopes of evaporating any of her apprehensions of it being contaminated. “See?”
Wary hands reached out to accept it. Reluctance quickly turned to eagerness when she felt how good it was to soak her dry tongue and quench the dense throb in her temples.
She’s never had a hammering headache in this magnitude before. She’s also never ‘lost of a lot of blood’ before which, according to him, was why she was feeling the way she did. All over again, she was swathed by a haunting uneasiness.
Hence, in spite of his warm smile and seemingly benevolent efforts, when his hand extended out in offer of taking away her quickly emptied glass, she instead tossed it at him. In the distraction of having him fumble to catch it, she made a hasty lunge off the bed and a beeline for the bedroom door – the alternative of the bedroom window was unhelpfully high and would’ve instead made for a slow and clumsy escape. Veering around him and his wide blinking eyes, she threw open the door and sped out, her bewilderment readying her to weave through whatever she has to in order to make it outside and scream for help. Unfortunately, it was a swift transition from the bedroom’s doorway into a face-first collision with a broad chest of another unidentified figure. Dizziness returning in an amplified form, she stammered back.
“Jesus, take it easy,” a tongue clicked before big hands claimed her shoulders and held her upright.
She peered up to find familiar eyes – the same eyes from her dream. They didn’t have the same red quality, but the matchlessly penetrative glance they delivered couldn’t be mistaken. Was her mind so inundated that it had fabricated a dream of the man now standing in front of her trailing his lips down her side?
Taehyung, she recalled Seokjin’s mentioning earlier. The visual prompt of his familiar face suddenly made for an enrichment of her memories, triggering another barraging flash of bloody imagery. Nausea settled down on her and her sights started spinning again.
He caught her when her knees submitted to a buckle. “You’re not supposed to be up and about yet,” his criticism resonated with a deep voice. Arm swinging around under her knees, he picked her up. A quick nod at Seokjin reassured the older that he can handle it from here.
She would’ve struggled if she wasn’t entirely crippled by fatigue and anxiety. However, as he began carrying her down the hall, she was suddenly confronted with a strong sense of nostalgia. The humble and rustic walls looked as if she’s been acquainted. It wasn’t until he sat her down on a couch of a living room that she then taken back to an amicable elderly face eight years ago.
“This is the town shrine,” she mumbled to herself after the fragments of reminiscence assembled to refine a certain memory.
For as long as she could remember, the girl could see supernatural beings. In childhood, they had never bothered her more than a brush of curiosity. And so, as a kid she had even called the things her imaginary friends, being that apparently no one else was able to see them and she was consistently being dismissed as having a wild imagination. Approaching adolescence, she began to recognize the eeriness in their ghastly looks, becoming increasingly concerned that she wasn’t growing out of her ‘imaginary friends’. Her developing maturity allowed her to find the fear in seeing things others couldn’t.
As a result, at 12 years old her parents took her to a shrine seeking advice from a gentle-faced elderly monk. There was a brightness behind his crinkled eyes when he smiled, and a cosiness played in his voice whenever he talked. He assured her parents that it was nothing to worry about, that all her visions were the product of a creative mind. Nonetheless, he still imparted her with a bead bracelet, assuring that as long as she kept it on it would protect her. Her parents appreciated the monk’s white fib in an attempt to help her feel better. Although it didn’t dispel the monsters, she felt an attachment to the bracelet and kept it on till present day.
Now in the same shrine eight years later, she blinked at and fingered the same beads around her wrist. Their original dark brown colour was now tinted a deep red. Before she even had the chance to add to her amassing puzzlement, she stiffened as five other strange men joined them in the room.
“Oh, the Princess is awake!”
“I thought I heard voices.”
Seokjin followed, entering and setting down her folded clothes on the table in front of her. “I managed to get the stains out,” he greeted her by her name with a lively grin, “but I’m sorry I couldn’t do anything about the rips and tears.”
Her eyes broadened, terrified, when she held up her shirt with a monstrous bite taken out of its side. She gasped and jerked back in retreat when she at last remembered the earlier pain that had thoroughly conquered her body. All too vividly was the reminder of the demonic face of the child that clamped its teeth onto her ribs. All the overwhelming emotions from the entire day suddenly barraged her, provoking her to shake uncontrollably. Stinging tears welled up in her eyes.
“How do you know my name? Who are you guys?” she whimpered through a broken and frail voice, sinking into the couch to increase her distance from everyone.
The day was eerie from the start.
The walk from her dorm room to campus was darker than usual. It wasn’t due to gloomy weather of any sorts – it was actually a sunny morning, perfectly characteristic of the budding summer season. The shadows were actually casted by the blankets of monsters that spread, hardly leaving any landscape vacant. Two-headed cats hung on trees, three-eyed foxes sprawled across garden beds, double-ended snakes spiralled around stair railings, crows two feet tall enveloped benches and stone sculptures. It was routine to see them often, so much so that it was often hardly a chore to walk on through as if she didn’t see anything, to pretend as if she wasn’t stiff with anxiety and fear. But today was different. Their presence has never been so ample. While none of them flocked to her, she could feel their hungry stares searing into the back of her head, as if stalking her as prey. A chill snaked up and down her spine.
“What are you staring at?” A classmate joined her side and reeled her out of her troubled daze. Their paths often overlapped, heading to the same lecture.
She had long ago given up on talking about the things that she could see. “Oh, nothing, just thinking about the lengths I’m willing to take to get out of that argumentation assignment due tonight. If I asked you nicely, would you hold a knife to my throat?”
The classmate snorted. “Christ, relax! It’s your birthday tomorrow! You get it done tonight and won’t have to worry about it when we celebrate.” Excited pats warmed the girl’s shoulder. “You think I’d let myself forget and let you off that easily?”
With such an uncanny start to her morning, even she forgot.
She tried not to act distracted and insincere when she thanked her peer.
While eager to find distance from the horde as she entered the school, she instead found dismay in her lecture. Windows lined the side of the class, and lining the windows were an abundant layer of more demons. The students carried on as if the room wasn’t dramatically dimmed by the obstruction of the copious densities of the monsters, as if they didn’t see the multitude of brutish, ghastly faces glowering at them – at her.
She sank into her seat. Not only the horror, but the loneliness has never felt as smothering as it did now.
What’s going on? Why was today as unusual as it was? She didn’t know, and will probably never know. It’s been this way of her whole life – no one around her could ever answer her questions about her experiences with anything other than a look of concern. Nonetheless, she swallowed the fear accumulating as a swell in her throat and reminded herself that she’d just have to carry on and hope that the strange themes will curb on its own by the end of the day.
So, once she finished her classes, she found refuge in a deep, quiet corner of the library away from the windows to finish her assignment due at midnight. Hours bled into the tedious clicking and typing of her laptop, and although mind-numbing, it adequately served as a distraction from the eeriness that lurked a just a few walls away. So much so that the anxiety of the supernatural gradually dispersed to instead make room for the fatigue of her studies.
The library was completely silent – it was now late and the occupants must’ve cleared out. She, however, just had a couple more paragraphs to refine before she could leave too. Eyes strained and dry, face stretched by frequent yawns, and mind dazed from the droning of the past few hours, she remembered submitting to the droop of her heavy eyelids.
Just for a minute, she promised herself, just to rest my eyes.
Regardless of what she insisted, the brief moment of ease and tranquility was mesmeric. So much so that when she finally did bring herself to stir and scarcely open her eyes, she found the time to be 11:42pm with no accomplishment of additional work from when allowed herself the break an hour ago. The panic surged through her, bolting her upright with consciousness and playing her fingers in a hurried and tireless employ.
It was 11:59pm when she clicked on “submit” and a green checkmark responded on her screen to inform her of a successful submission. She threw herself back in a slump with a sigh of relief. Stretching in her chair, she relished in the release of tension in her body to accompany her close-call victory.
Happy birthday to me, the girl quietly tittered to herself when the time on her laptop blinked midnight.
Packing herself up, she was drawn from the excited thoughts of being engulfed by her bed when she heard a childish sobbing coming from another corner of the library.
She froze, stiff and cold. What was a child doing on a college campus at midnight? The catalog of horror movies she’s watched could provide some ideas, none of which too kindly for her. Pulse thumping so rapidly that it seemingly burned a hole in her throat, she remained unmoving, waiting to see if the cries continued. Maybe she was so worn out that she was hearing things, she tried to rationalize. She remembered a psychology article she read, outlining something along the lines of the mind tending to fabricate false stimulations to the senses amidst a backdrop of paranoia, which was easy for her to develop in the dark and isolated environment she was in now. Although she might just be desperately reaching.
A rigid breath of distress pushed past her gritted teeth when she heard the whimpering continue. She wasn’t imagining it.
Prompted by the sliver of concern that it was actually a child in the need of help, pale and clammy fingers dug for her keys before wedged them between her knuckles as a makeshift tool of defence. Then, she cautiously made her way towards the sound. An attempt to console herself came with the reminder of her phone’s function of a blaring SOS alarm. She thumbed the power button in preparation to hold it down and trigger just that if necessary.
Up ahead, she saw a little boy sitting at a table with his back turned to her, whines and sniffles produced from the face that rested down on folded arms. The child’s shoulders quivered up and down as he sobbed. Gingerly closing their distance, she didn’t see any other company.
Someone’s visiting little brother? A staff member’s wandering son?
“Hey, are you alright? Are you lost?” she asked, employing a soothing and reassuring tone before reaching out a hand to tap his shoulder.
The kid spun around to reveal a demonic face – pale blue skin, eyes beady and red, teeth jutting and serrated, far from the anticipated face of innocence and vulnerability. Gasping, the girl would’ve lurched back if the thing didn’t latch onto her shoulder with its claws, breaking skin and drawing blood. She cried in pain, only wailing louder when his jaw widened and protruded to clamp down onto the left side of her ribs. An agonizing ache thundered throughout her entire body and forced her to her knees. It felt like the monster child had started lapping at the blood he drew from the wound he created. Then, it felt like his robust set of jaws was curtly removed from her side. With her senses blurring towards a deterioration from the sudden trauma that rendered her faint and close to unconsciousness, she was losing the ability to perceive reality as anything other than indistinctive and uncertain.
Her pale face dropped to the floor when she lost control of her movements over the immense pain. Under hooding eyelids, her hazy and departing vision managed to dimly distinguish a set of legs that straddled and knelt down on the demon’s chest. Vaguely, she watched as its thrashing and resistant body abruptly drop to a limp when a fist brutally landed on the creature’s face. Puncturing through its skull, a gaping hole was left when the hand retreated.
Everything dulled to a black.
A dream. A stir awake. A jolt upright in a bed she didn’t know, in a room that wasn’t hers, wearing clothes that didn’t fit her. The door opened and Seokjin entered with a glass of water.
It was just past 3am, she learned. She had been unconscious for three hours.
A man named Namjoon was seated next to her on the couch, a wary distance away in consideration of her comfort amidst a disorientation. Next to him, Seokjin. Across from her on the other sofa, they introduced themselves as Yoongi, Hoseok, Jimin, and Jungkook, who was perched on top of the backing of the couch. Taehyung remained leaning against the frame of the living room’s doorway.
Her eyes were darkened with exhaustion and dewed with distraught. Hoseok had reached out to offer her a box of tissues. Soon, fibres of the damp and crumpled napkin in her hand produced a speckled and velvety texture on her fingertips.
Although still on edge, she’s decided to submit to cooperation. She couldn’t fight back anyway, burdened by not only the physical stress and wear, but also by its allied emotional strain when complete recollection of tonight’s dreadful events returned to her. Or at least for what she was conscious enough to record.
Moreover, this group of seven men might’ve been strangers, but they were strangers who promised answers to her confusion. For the first time in her life, she just might be able to finally understand
 everything. Her fear of them had grown less aggressive – if they wanted to hurt her, they would’ve done so by now, as opposed to all keeping a sympathetic distance and projecting similar looks of concern from their eyes.
“When you visited the shrine as a child, the monk knew exactly why you could see things others couldn’t. But, you were still a kid, you weren’t ready to understand yet,” Namjoon spoke softly, prudently.
Jimin, foreseeing her overwhelming plunge into a reality different from what she’s known, moved mindfully not to further rouse disturbance within her when he departed and quickly returned with a hot cup of tea to soothe. She took the mug from him with a timid thanks, deciding to trust the gentle qualities reflected in his consolatory smile. It came as a reward, the hot sips calming the sharp strikes to her temples and dissipating the bloat in her airways.
“What wasn’t I ready to understand?” her voice came out feeble and splintered by a stubborn sniffle.
He replied, “You come from what our people consider a line of royalty.”
A loaded statement. A challenge to process. She only registered the first half of it. “’Our people’...?” she tentatively repeated.
“Demons,” Yoongi uttered the word she’s been waiting to hear, “the kind you’ve been seeing since you were young.”
An indecisive gaze trailed over their faces, unsuccessful in realizing any severe differentiations. No one had colourful skin, excess limbs or features, barbaric and unearthly characterizations, none of what she was used to seeing.
“But you all look human.”
Demons come in different forms, they explained. The stronger ones were able to suppress their demon traits and resemble humans, with the trade-off of being able to be seen by them. They’ve blended in, even walking among society, undetected and only perceptible to other demons.
It all sounded like an exert straight out of a supernatural young adult novel. It only escalated from there when she questioned the latter half that addressed her relation in all of this.
Every century, a human is born with the blood that can prolong a demon’s life if consumed after the ripening of adulthood. Devoured in its entirety, the celestial flesh and blood granted immortality. That celestial being was her.
The hammering in her head resurfaced. An apprehensive throb in her chest imitated the same pattern. Denial was the overpowering emotion in this instance, however. The girl scoffed a slight laughter of disbelief that accompanied the shake of her head. “That’s ridiculous. That can’t be. It
 I can’t be
Except it would’ve explained why a mass of monsters stalked her yesterday morning. They were waiting. And right on time, at the stroke of midnight that marked her 20th birthday, the demons that mainly left her alone her whole life suddenly wanted to make a meal of her. Most of all, it would’ve explained why she was the only person she knew that could see the supernatural element.
Tautness abruptly overcame her once again when she made the connection that the seven men in front of her were also demons, possibly with the same intentions. Had they only brought her here just to surround her and have her all for themselves? The tips of her digits drained pale by the deathly anxious grip she had on her cup.
Jungkook realized the brewing fright and unease in her silence. With wide eyes, he threw his hands up in defence. “Woah, wait! Not us though! We don’t eat humans,” he exclaimed.
“Not all demons have desires for immortality and intend to hurt humans. But, we are here to protect you from those that do, Princess,” Jimin added, a trustworthy look glossing over his irises to complement his promising words.
She grimaced, “Don’t
 call me that,” she muttered under her breath.
“Most of us have been under the monk’s care since we were young,” Seokjin explained. “He knew what would happen when you turned 20, and he wanted to protect you. We all grew up knowing that. When he passed away a couple years ago, the seven of us took over the shrine as well as the responsibility of making sure you’re safe.”
Her shoulders deflated at the solemn news, reminiscing the elder’s kind eyes that had comforted her many years ago. “So,” her wilted gaze reluctantly flickered up at them, “that demon earlier
 it was you guys that stopped him?”
Hoseok nodded, “Taehyung did. If he had come any later, you would’ve
” he shivered at the thought of it.
She swallowed, disturbed as well by the recollection of the grisly red eyes and the agonizing pain that came with the sinking of its jagged teeth, how she was likely seconds away from being reduced to an indistinguishable pool of blood and guts. Her eyes stuttered in their peer up to Taehyung, who had remained quiet and still by the door the entire time. He was stoic and difficult to read, but she had been deprived of the resilience necessary to look at him for longer than a blink. This was because she was uneased by the idea that he had been the one to undress her from her red-stained and tattered clothing earlier. Whatever he did though, the claw and bite marks no longer marked her skin.
Stammering fingers traveled to graze her side, acknowledging the lack of an anticipated ache upon contact. “H-How did you
Namjoon gestured to her wrist. The bracelet that the monk gave her, he also gave it to Taehyung. He was apparently faster and stronger than any of them. Wearing the beads simultaneously for a long interval formed a bond between the two of them. Taehyung was her familiar, was the term Namjoon used. It was a bond that meant Taehyung’s duty protect her overpowered his instincts as a demon. It was what provided him the ability to close her wounds and prevented him from personally gaining vitality from her flesh. They had scented the beads with his blood, Namjoon continued to explain, which will come as a warning to other demons. They shouldn’t be bothering her anymore for the most part.
Dwelling in such a prolonged stage of bewilderment was exhausting. Being awake in the middle of the night after just barely recovering from a penetrative pain that spilled her blood was exhausting. Wrestling between knowing to believe and wanting to deny such outlandish fables was exhausting. She sat still, quiet, numb, tired, fingering the bracelet around her wrist, now understanding why they produced their red tint.
“Someone’s going to tell her, right?” Yoongi blurted.
She looked up. What now?
Namjoon sighed, eyes dropping as if he was about to disappoint her. “Taehyung is
” he paused, clearing his throat and shuffling a nervous hand through the hair at the back of his head, “an incubus.” The air surrounding them seemingly tightened. “Which means—”
“I know what that means,” she deadpanned, stopping him before he had to embarrass himself— embarrass her any further, and before the red tips of her ears spread to blot more of her face.
A reminiscence of the elective mythology course she took during freshman year reminded her that incubuses gained life energy through sex. Incubuses were also supposed to be nothing more than a myth, but how could she be surprised when monsters and familiars and immortality-granting blood were a factual aspect in her reality?
No longer being able to stand emotionally smothering herself, she leapt to her feet.
While finally in her own bed, in her own room, wearing her own clothes, she was restless. In spite of her relentless tiredness, she couldn’t sleep. Swaddled in an uncomfortable warmth prescribed by the summer heat and a fidgety apprehension, the ensuing sticky layer of sweat that draped over her skin made for a painstakingly long journey until the state of drowsiness.
She had politely asked to leave. She had thanked them for their care and for their explanations, but she was in dire need to be alone in her state of exhaustion and disorientation. They didn’t stop her, however Hoseok and Jimin insisted on walking her back to campus residence at this time of night. She declined and asserted her request to be unaccompanied. Again, they didn’t stop her, perhaps out of sympathy and condolence.
Alone at last, the girl was lost in her thoughts and it kept her up. While her eyes idly traced the uneven patterns of her ceiling, her mind tirelessly ran several trains atop numerous winding tracks that overlapped, each one trying to make sense of her situation, trying to assess how she was going to handle the disarming truth she had still so desperately sought for. Most rails ultimately ended in collision.
The sun was already beginning to rise, peeks of radiance generously filtered in through her opened blinds and made for an unaccommodating setting for sleep. A huff of frustration sat her up and trudged her towards her window to drop close the shades. Already a crack open, her fingers first wrapped on the underside of the window’s frame to open it further in hopes of it catching a heavier breeze. She had just started to lift the glass pane when a tall, dark silhouette came into view.
She gasped and recoiled backwards, her release of the window allowing it to fall. Her hand hadn’t retreated far enough yet, she realized when her finger got caught in the panel’s drop. Pain surged up the length of her arm when the frame slammed down on her index. Yelping, she dropped to her knees before wrenching her digit free, finding a bloody trench framing her nail.
She didn’t have more than a second to grimace at her injury when the complete opening of the window required her immediate attention. Clambering back, fear seized her lungs when the shadowy figure that was suspended on the tree branch immediate to her window had climbed in. Before a scream managed to pry her throat open, their closing distances allowed her vision to sharpen the facial features of the stranger.
“Jesus, you humans scare so goddamn easily,” Taehyung huffed, sitting on the sill with one leg hovering above her bedroom floor and the other swinging five storeys above ground.
Anger surfacing, she exclaimed through gritted teeth, “Were you there this entire time?”
“Yeah,” he replied, curt and without a shred of shame or penance. “I actually followed you the entire way home, but I guess humans are inattentive too.”
She would’ve clenched her hands into fists in resentment if she wasn’t met with an immediate aching jolt from her fingernail. “I told you not to,” she instead spat an irritated murmur, which promptly transitioned into a hiss of discomfort when she wiped the blood from her finger.
Her scent flooded his senses. “Yeah, well look how easily you hurt too. How your species has survived this long completely escapes me.” After a patronizing scoff, he leapt down from the window and slumped down onto the floor next to her, legs folded in front of him. He captured her wrist with the injured finger and brought it close to his face. She resisted, face contorting into a scowl, knees withdrawing to her chest, and hand tugging back in response. He reinforced his grip. “Just relax. I’m trying to help,” his tongue clicked with impatience.
The girl swallowed, eyes locking with his unwavering, assertive gaze. The echoing reminder that the supposed ‘familiar’ had healing abilities prompted her to retire her defences, although she was unsure of how it was exactly going to unfold.
Another sharp inhale dropped open her jaw, stunned when he plunged the tip of her finger into his mouth. “What the fuck are you do—” she began to shout before wrenching herself free from his lips, only to reveal undamaged skin that made her abruptly pause in disbelief. Rotating it in view, she confirmed that her finger was no longer bleeding, the nail was no longer cracked, and the likelihood of bruising was no longer promising.
Is this how he does it? She only briefly pondered. But just as quickly, her eyes dropped closed when disrupted by the recollection of her supposed dream of him running his lips down her shoulder, down her waist, before she had woken up suddenly unscathed.
This is how he does it.
And that wasn’t a dream.
Taehyung interrupted her silent stupor, “A ‘thank you’ will do—"
“Get out,” she lowly rasped. A series of troubled and shuddering winces debilitated her upon remembering the unintended mewls and whimpers he had drawn out of her in half-consciousness. “Get out!” her snarl escalated to a roar. She reached behind her before hurling a pillow toward him off her bed.
He jumped to his feet, his tensed lips sputtering a string of frustrated profanities and curses at her apparent unexplained outburst, especially after his kind deed. “Fine!” he barked. Spotting his basketball shorts and Spongebob tee slung on her computer chair, he snatched them up. “And I’m taking these back!”
The incubus leapt out her window and disappeared, which she firmly made sure of with her own eyes. The girl threw herself back flat on the ground, flustered, burying her face in her damp palms when she couldn’t strip herself of the lingering sensations of his tongue against her skin.
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yawnjunie · 4 years
extra long tag game (seriously, it’s very long)
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tagged by: @soobindipity​ (ty eri!)
tagging: @acethetiques​, @bloomingjun​, @txtdream​, @bulgo-gyu...(i’m honestly so lazy so if you want to do this, go ahead! feel free to ignore if you were tagged)
tell me the first song that made you stan your current fave group and why did your faves attract you so much?
side effects! (oops this is a txt blog) but i’m pretty sure this is what made me want to stan skz! the song is very experimental, as it’s psychedelic edm (i believe), but i liked it a lot after a few listens. i was totally obsessed with the choreography as well, because the whole thing is just...art. they attracted me because their style of music was different than what i had seen before, and on top of being extremely talented and creative people, they were also super funny and caring.
another group that comes really close to being my favs is day6 (and i cannot even begin to describe my infatuation with this group). i listened to “shoot me” and “sweet chaos” and BAM that’s all it took to drag me into stanning this group. i’m not familiar with the inside jokes and all that, but i just love listening to their music! there is not a single bad song in their entire discography! i also have the largest heart eyes for young k’s “young one” project covers and eaJ’s original songs.
rule: answer the ten questions and write your own!
what’s your unrealistic goal for life?
going to an ivy league or just any amazing school in general (lol is this really gonna happen tho đŸ€Ș)
if you had known that we would be in a global pandemic, what’s one thing that you would’ve done before things shut down (if they have for you)?
gone out with my friends, probably (going for a boba run, going to the mall, etc.)
what’s an unconventional thing that you carry around with you when you go out?
a tiny book called “be active” by charles m. schulz, filled with motivation quotes. i also bring around a book, in case i get bored.
favourite type of plushies and why?
the extra fluffy kind that i can hug or use as a pillow, but i like the bear plushies a lot too (from daiso/miniso).
favourite song right now?
darn i don’t have one 😳 but i like listening to “ribs” by lorde
something that you’ve always wanted to learn?
how to make macarons, how to make/compose music, the korean language
tell a funny story about yourself (or just something that you’ve witnessed)
i can’t think of something off the top of my head :( (i promise my life isn’t that boring but my brain isn’t conjuring up anything helpful)
headphones or speakers? why?
headphones when i want to listen to music by myself/with a friend, speakers when i want to share music openly
craving any food right now? what are you craving?
banh mi and 🍅 (even though i just had a bowl of them...sorry beomgyu)
+ also this coconut that i’m trying to open? but it’s not cooperating with me 😔
which music streaming platform do you prefer? why?
spotify, it’s unproblematic for the most part
ten questions (by eri, answered)
1. what’s the best trip/vacation you’ve ever had?
when i went on a tour of china (i went to a bunch of places, from the city to the mountains). it was fun exploring places i’ve never been to!
2. do you have any random fears/phobias? if yes, what are they?
spiders and bugs :(
3. weirdest food you’ve ever eaten?
either mangostine (i hated it, sorry soobin) or frog legs
4. do you have any hidden talents? what can you do?
uhhhhhhhhhhh i can memorize things quickly? i mean i don’t think it’s that big of a talent but i can remember trivial history facts really well
5. what is an activity you’d like to try out someday?
swimming underneath a waterfall or just living in the wilderness
6. when did you get your first phone and what type of phone was it?
a very long time ago when i was in 2nd grade, when i first got an ancient flip-phone...i pretty much never touched it because i never really needed to use it
7. what is a movie you never get tired of watching?
kimi no nawa! i’ve watched that movie 3 times already and it’s a great movie so i wouldn’t mind watching it again :)
8. biggest pet peeve?
dirt encrusted fingernails >:(
9. earliest childhood memory?
i’m not sure :( my memory is just a jumble of things from my childhood
10. as a child, what did you want to be? what about now?
i wanted to be anything and everything...one day i would be like “i’m going to be a doctor” and the next i would be like “nvm i want to be a magician” and as for now, i’m actually not sure because i’m interesting in many fields, including areas in both sciences and humanities.
rule: bold the statements that apply to you, italicize your aspirations, then tag nine people.
AIR àŒ‰â‹†Í™Ìˆ
i have small hands / i love the night sky / i watch animals and birds when i pass them by / i drink herbal tea / i wake to see the dawn / the smell of dust is comforting / i’m valued for being wise / i prefer books to music / i meditate / i find joy in learning new truths from the world around me
FIRE àŒ‰â‹†Í™Ìˆ
i don’t have straight hair / i like to wear ripped jeans and overalls / i play an organized sport / i love dogs / i am not afraid of adventure / i love to talk to strangers / i always try new foods / i enjoy road trips / summer is my favorite season / my radio is always playing
WATER àŒ‰â‹†Í™Ìˆ
i wear bracelets on my wrists / i love the bustle of the city / i have more than one set of piercings / i read poetry / i love the sound of a thunderstorm / i want to travel the world / i sleep past midday most days / i love simply lit dinners and fluorescent signs / i rewatch kids shows out of nostalgia / i see emotions in colors not words
EARTH àŒ‰â‹†Í™Ìˆ
i wear glasses or contacts / i enjoy doing the laundry / i am a vegetarian or vegan / i have an excellent sense of time / my humor is very cheerful / i am a valued advisor to my friends / i believe in true love / i love this chill of mountain air / i’m always listening to music / i am highly trusted by the people in my life
i go without makeup in my daily life / i make my own artwork / i keep on track of my tasks and time / i always know true north / i see beauty in everything / i can always smell flowers / i smile at everyone i pass by / i always fear history repeating itself / i have recovered from a mental disorder / i can love unconditionally
name: blu
nickname: blu
birthday: sometime when the flowers bloom
zodiac: aries
nationality: american
languages: english, chinese, spanish, (a bit of) japanese
gender: female
sexuality: straight
height: [redacted]
inspiration for muse: txt and other groups i stan! i also like to take inspiration from my life experiences, books i’ve read, songs, movies. shows, and so on.
meaning behind my url: there weren’t any canon urls for yeonjun so my brain somehow went hmm? yawnjunie? sounds good (i’ve been asked this before and honestly there isn’t much logic behind my url lol)
blog established: June 5th, 2020
followers: 153 (it’s a small-ish community but thank you all for the support!)
favourite animals: dogs, cats, wolves, foxes (i just love animals in general)
favourite books: asoue, the miraculous journey of edward tulane, the joy luck club, the giver series (there are more but i can’t think of them)
favourite colour: blue (i love all the colors)
favourite fictional characters: alyssa and james (teotfw), the baudelaires (asoue), and other people i can’t think of atm
favourite flower: i don’t think i have a specific favorite flower, but i like orchids!
favourite scent: the scent of pu’er tea (or the scent of dried flowers)
favourite season: i don’t have one, but i’m leaning towards autumn
average hours of sleep: 6-9
cats or dogs: dogs (i’m serious)
coffee, tea or hot chocolate: tea all the way
current time: 01:05
dream trip: south america, europe, japan
dream job: tbd :’) (but i want to be in a profession in which i’m helping people)
hobbies: eating, playing piano, being a tubbsℱ
hogwarts house: ravenclaw (i think)
last movie watched: can’t remember, but it was probably a film about a mermaid who tried to find true love on land but ended up dying
last song listened to: i’m in love with you by kina
no. of blankets you sleep with: 1-2
random fact(s): i love mint chocolate ice cream, i like my milk tea with a bunch of toppings (pudding, aloe vera, boba pearls, etc.)
10 things I can’t stop listening to
if i could ride a bike - chevy
pinocchio - eaJ
fly me to the moon - young k
holo - lee hi
lmm - hwasa
man in a movie - day6
laughing on the outside - bernadette carroll
remember (from natsume’s book of friends) - uru
sparkle - radwimps
i loved you - day6
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txthearteu · 4 years
extra long tag game (aka a tmi that no one particularly cares for)
tagged by @soobindipityâ€‹Â đŸ„° thank you bb đŸ˜Œâ€ïž
tagging @btxtreads​​ @choisoobinie​​ @unlocktxt​​ @bffsoobin (this one is long so feel free not to do it ahahahaksksksks)
note: i found the breakers somewhere here in tumblr but i forgot who the owner is, so full credits to whoever owns these breakers
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tell me the first song that made you stan your current fave group and why did your faves attract you so much?
of course it’s their debut song Crown. I have to admit, I listened to them not because i discovered them but because of the whole “bighit is releasing another boy group” fiasco. people thought the hype would die down, i did too, but to this day the boys never failed me. they consistently made me happy with the content they gave out for everyone to enjoy. also adding, i think i’m attracted to them more (compared to their seniors) since they’re around my age– something in which i feel like i can relate to (in terms of the content they put out, or the jokes, etc)
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rule: answer the ten questions and write your own!
what’s your unrealistic goal for life?
becoming a music artist (pop star) 😔
if you had known that we would be in a global pandemic, what’s one thing that you would’ve done before things shut down (if they have for you)?
travel to Japan and explore the place đŸ˜©
what’s an unconventional thing that you carry around with you when you go out?
chopsticks hahahahaha because i usually eat using the spoon and fork when i eat out 
favourite type of plushies and why?
anything twotuckgom related! they’re so soft and convenient because of the size. i also kinda wanna buy the bolsters 👀
favourite song right now?
i don’t have any but if you ask what i’ve been jamming to i’d say its city girls by chris brown
something that you’ve always wanted to learn?
producing music, japanese, korean, hacking 
tell a funny story about yourself (or just something that you’ve witnessed)
so in the city where i live, there are places in which the canals don’t have any stoppers. i saw this kid walking with his family alongside these canals and he was just vibing with the song he was singing to. he was so into the song he was singing that he missed a step and he kinda slipped and fell in to the canal (don’t worry though there weren’t any serious injuries) and i swear it was a funny sight 
headphones or speakers? why?
headphones! when the opportunity is present then i’d listen to my music with no outside noise
craving any food right now? what are you craving?
corndogs 👀
which music streaming platform do you prefer? why?
spotify since i’m on spotify family 
questions from eri to me:
what’s the best trip/vacation you’ve ever had?
the vacation i had in Japan last year! 10 days never felt so short in my life and i was planning to go back earlier this year but you know...’rona....
do you have any random fears/phobias? if yes, what are they?
i’m the toughest gal everyone knows but i get really creeped out by butterflies or bugs. i also get scared with inanimate objects that look like a human being when it’s laying still in the dark, i’m scared of mirrors as well HAHA.
weirdest food you’ve ever eaten?
do you have any hidden talents? what can you do?
i can curl my tongue into what seems to resemble a three-leafed clover. i can also mimic voices well and, from what my friends said, i could actually dance well and im super fast in picking up choreography hahaha (ok but it’s what they said okay)
what is an activity you’d like to try out someday?
biking/hiking/camping :> 
when did you get your first phone and what type of phone was it?
i think it was back in 4th grade and it was the famous nokia 3310 
what is a movie you never get tired of watching?
biggest pet peeve?
 i absolutely get annoyed when someone tries to rush me and by the time i’m ready, they haven’t readied themselves
earliest childhood memory?
i put sand in this ice-cream-cone-looking rock, and i ate the sand thinking it tasted like ice cream
as a child, what did you want to be? what about now?
a music artist (pop star), until now that’s still my dream but unfortunately, i had to be “practical” 
questions from me to you:
android or apple? why?
words of affirmation or physical affection? why?
bean bag or rocking chair? why?
do you view a half-filled glass as half-full or half-empty or an in-between? why? (go as deep as you can)
if someone were to grant your wish right now, what would it be and why?
if someone were to give you anything you want right now, what would it be and why? (something that can be held)
favorite season and why
what made you enter tumblr?
are you happy with where you are in life right now? why or why not?
to see the boys in real life but for it to happen only once in your lifetime, or to meet the boys via online fan meeting as many times as you can in your lifetime? why?
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rule: bold the statements that apply to you, italicize your aspirations, then tag nine people
AIR àŒ‰â‹†Í™Ìˆ
i have small hands / i love the night sky / i watch animals and birds when i pass them by / i drink herbal tea / i wake to see the dawn / the smell of dust is comforting / i’m valued for being wise / i prefer books to music / i meditate / i find joy in learning new truths from the world around me
FIRE àŒ‰â‹†Í™Ìˆ
i don’t have straight hair / i like to wear ripped jeans and overalls / i play an organized sport / i love dogs / i am not afraid of adventure / i love to talk to strangers / i always try new foods / i enjoy road trips / summer is my favorite season / my radio is always playing
WATER àŒ‰â‹†Í™Ìˆ
i wear bracelets on my wrists / i love the bustle of the city / i have more than one set of piercings / i read poetry / i love the sound of a thunderstorm / i want to travel the world / i sleep past midday most days / i love simply lit dinners and fluorescent signs / i rewatch kids shows out of nostalgia / i see emotions in colors not words
EARTH àŒ‰â‹†Í™Ìˆ
i wear glasses or contacts / i enjoy doing the laundry / i am a vegetarian or vegan / i have an excellent sense of time / my humor is very cheerful / i am a valued advisor to my friends / i believe in true love / i love this chill of mountain air / i’m always listening to music / i am highly trusted by the people in my life
i go without makeup in my daily life / i make my own artwork / i keep on track of my tasks and time / i always know true north / i see beauty in everything / i can always smell flowers / i smile at everyone i pass by / i always fear history repeating itself / i have recovered from a mental disorder / i can love unconditionally
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name: -
nickname: cj
birthday: oct 12
zodiac: libra
nationality: filipino
languages: english, filipino (and my dialect), lil teeny bit or korean and japanese kskskskksks
gender: female
sexuality: straight
height: 5'1 and a half (spare me the half pls im trying to act tall)
inspiration for muse: --
meaning behind my url: to put it simply, i love txt
blog established: start of quarantine
followers: 43 lovely followers! 
favourite animals: do you know cat and dog?
favourite books: anarchy by styleslegend (swear i've been hyping it since my 1d days) ; the tale of heidi by johanna spyri
favourite colour: yellow/brown/black (can’t choose)
favourite fictional characters: hulk, hinata shoyo, tomoe (from kamisama kiss)
favourite flower: i don’t have any ahahahhaha
favourite scent: mens perfume/deoderant
favourite season: spring
average hours of sleep: 6-9
cats or dogs: (i love them both but i really love dogs but i just wanna hug them both because i love both cats and dogs)
coffee, tea or hot chocolate: coffee is my go to energizer, for some chill time i’d go for hot choco
current time: 22:34
dream trip: japan(again)/australia/europe đŸ˜©
dream job: music artist 😔
hobbies: playing instruments [violin piano ukelele sometimes guitar and drums], listening to music, writing songs, beatboxing
hogwarts house: slytherin 
last movie watched: oh dear god i cant remember HAHA
last song listened to: bbibbi by iu
no. of blankets you sleep with: 1
random fact(s): if given the chance again, i’d combine mint choco and bubblegum ice cream; when i’m bored i try to re-read all my past lessons AHAHAHAHAHA; currently in a 5-year relationship akshsskskssjsjduskgkad
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10 things I can’t stop listening to
city girls - chris brown, young thug
angel or devil - tomorrow by together
paradise - bts
zombie - day6
see you again - tyler the creator, kali uchis
dally - hyolyn, gray
love - kendrick lamar, zacari
redemption (with babes wodumo) - kendrick lamar, zacari
pyramids - frank ocean
all in - monsta x
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neo-shitty · 4 years
extra elongated tag game!
tagged by: @waithyuck​ hi, thank you for tagging me. i hope you’re safe :))
tagging: @94core​, @legendnct​, @juliennestudies​ (hi, it’s althea. you might want to do this?), @jaesmintea​ (can we be friends dkjsf idk how to make friends here) and whoever wants to play this game. it’s pretty lengthy tho.
tell me the first song that made you stan your current fave group and why did your faves attract you so much?
for seventeen, it was clap. the synchronization, even when they made a mistake, was really impressive to me. i started binge-watching their dance videos and i just remember being at awe at how a lot of people (considering they’re 13) could be in sync like that.
for nct, it was kick it. i used to say i didn’t like the song, but it won’t get out of my head. i’m not sure what keeps me attracted to them as a group. i just am. also, haechan is the love of my life. i’ve never loved an idol the way i loved him.
for ateez, it was wonderland. good lord, i just love that song. the mv, the vibe it gives off, the aesthetics during that era. makes me want to start a revolution.
rule: answer the ten questions given by the previous person and write 10 of your own for the next person!
1. what is your favorite memory from your childhood?
i didn’t have a dull childhood or something. i just don’t have specific memory that i could consider my favorite. but if there was anything i was fond of, as a kid, it was being innocent and not worrying too much about anything. i miss that and i wish i could go back. 
2. if you could travel anywhere in the world with just a snap of your fingers, where would you go and why?
the museum where van gogh’s starry night is stored. i want to visit it in the middle of the night when there’s no one else there. i just want to stare at it and appreciate it.
3. describe your personality in three (3) words.
unbowed. unbent. unbroken. haha, kidding. impulsive, unpredictable, and...confusing i guess?
4. what is your favorite thing that you have ever read? (anything you’ve ever read counts! fanfiction, poems, novels etc.) why?
i don’t really have a favorite :(
5. are you the studying type of person or the type to just ‘wing it’ when you have a big test coming up?
i’m not really the type who studies regularly but i don’t walk into the exam room without reading at all. i read and study a few days before the exam, try to get as much information as possible.
6. between bold colors and pastel colors, which do you prefer?
i’d rather go with pastels in the day and bold neons at night. 
7. do you live life in the moment or do you plan every action you take?
a bit of both depending on the situation. i’m the type who plans ahead on things that i really want to happen but i have my fair share of spontaneous, impulsive decisions that lead up to really fun experiences. but when it comes to life in general? i’m just taking in every day as it comes. 
8. what is your favorite holiday and why? (all holidays count! across all religions and cultures 😄)
christmas. the weather is cool and everyone’s a bit kind during that time of the year. and it leads up to new year.
9. would you rather stay up to stargaze in the middle of the night or wake up early to watch the sunrise?
i can’t see stars even with glasses on because my eyes suck. so i guess, i’d rather watch the sunrise because that obnoxious ball of bright yellow light is so hard to miss. plus i like how the surroundings change colors as the night changes into day.
10. what is your favorite eye color on another person?
blue on a brunette? i know it’s rare but it’s such a beautiful mix.
my ten questions for you:
what’s your favorite season and why?
are you a cat person or a dog person?
what’s your current favorite song and why can’t you stop listening to it?
if you had the ability to do either of the following, would you rather change something in the past or see into the future?
what’s your favorite movie?
what did miss rona ruin for you this 2020?
what’s your favorite album? (you can name one for each genre you like or you can just name one, it’s up to you.)
if you could talk to your past self (person who lived your past life), what would you tell them?
do you have a go-to person? who is it?
if you could tell your younger self something, what would you say?
rule: bold the statements that apply to you, italicize your aspirations.
AIR àŒ‰â‹†Í™Ìˆ
i have small hands / i love the night sky / i watch animals and birds when i pass them by / i drink herbal tea / i wake to see the dawn / the smell of dust is comforting / i’m valued for being wise / i prefer books to music / i meditate / i find joy in learning new truths from the world around me
FIRE àŒ‰â‹†
i don’t have straight hair / i like to wear ripped jeans and overalls / i play an organized sport / i love dogs / i am not afraid of adventure / i love to talk to strangers / i always try new foods / i enjoy road trips / summer is my favorite season / my radio is always playing
WATER àŒ‰â‹†Í™Ìˆ
i wear bracelets on my wrists / i love the bustle of the city / i have more than one set of piercings / i read poetry / i love the sound of a thunderstorm / i want to travel the world / i sleep past midday most days / i love simply lit dinners and fluorescent signs / i rewatch kids shows out of nostalgia / i see emotions in colors not words
EARTH àŒ‰â‹†Í™Ìˆ
i wear glasses or contacts / i enjoy doing the laundry / i am a vegetarian or vegan / i have an excellent sense of time / my humor is very cheerful / i am a valued advisor to my friends / i believe in true love / i love this chill of mountain air / i’m always listening to music / i am highly trusted by the people in my life
i go without makeup in my daily life / i make my own artwork / i keep on track of my tasks and time / i always know true north / i see beauty in everything / i can always smell flowers / i smile at everyone i pass by / i always fear history repeating itself / i have recovered from a mental disorder / i can love unconditionally
the ultimate tag: answer whichever ones you want to because there are a lot.
name: althea
nickname: thea
birthday: april 27
zodiac: taurus
nationality: filipino
languages: filipino, english, learning korean
gender: female
sexuality: straight
height: 5’2”
inspiration for muse: music
meaning behind my url: supposedly neocity but that was taken so :D 
blog established: 2016/2015? but i only became active this 2020
followers: 35 :D hi <3
favorite animal/s: cats :(
favorite book/s: warcross by marie lu
favorite color/s: black and skin-tone shades
favorite fictional characters: i don’t really have favorites, sorry
favorite flower: sunflowers 
favorite scent: vanilla
favorite season: summer and fall or the tropical equivalents of these anw
average hours of sleep: 7-8
cats or dogs: cats
coffee, tea or hot chocolate: iced tea / hot chocolate
current time: 12:50 pm
dream trip: europe trip
dream job: i actually want to be a 5-star michelin
hobbies: writing, listening to music
hogwarts house: slythering
last movie watched: the darkest minds
last song listened to: sweet creature - harry styles
no. of blankets you sleep with: 1
random fact(s): i’m in both college and high school atm (august 5, 2020) because i haven’t graduated yet and my college a.y already started
10 songs i can’t stop listening to:
just go - ikon
easy - stray kids
breathe - james arthur
lotto - exo
god’s menu - stray kids
inception - ateez
killing me - ikon
la la lost you - niki
dontmakemefallinlove - cuco
safe inside - james arthur
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waithyuck · 4 years
extra elongated tag game
tagged by @gohyuck my love
tagging: @kwantified @honeyyu @jensungf @renjunwrites @neo-shitty @suingjaehyun
tell me the first song that made you stan your current fave group and why did your faves attract you so much?
okay so my ult group is nct and I can’t remember what song exactly but i remember not being a stan and LOVING back 2 u so much that I had to look into nct
for bts is was serendipity and blood sweat & tears
ateez was pirate king bc we stanned since debut 😔✊
rule: answer the ten questions and write your own!
favorite item of clothing?
I own a lot of hoodies but my fav is my dark gray we go up hoodie and it’s big n comfy....yeah
if you had to smell like one scent for the rest of your life what would it be?
I think I would want to smell like vanilla or lavender
favorite painter? why?
frida kahlo bc she embraced everything about herself and did wonderful self portraits
what’s your favorite horror movie (and if you don’t like horror, why not?)?
I don’t like jumpscares so most horror is not to my taste....however give a psychological horror and I’ll go off ab how much I love it (like idk if it’s considered horror but ‘a cure for wellness’ anyone???)
iphone or android?
iPhone dude
favorite tiktok trend (and if you don’t like tiktok, you can talk about how much influencers suck)?
i only go on tiktok for the kpop content I don’t know trends,,,,also can be talk about how most influencers on that app manipulate literal children into giving them money?? for doing absolutely nothing??
if you could wake up with any new ability what would it be?
the ability to read others emotions and make them happy no matter what (call me a corny ass bitch but it’s true)
favorite superhero/supervillain/antihero?
people consider her a ‘villain’ so I’m saying maleficent (from the movie maleficent) bc ??? she fell in love with a man and he fuckin just,,,,did her so dirty and left her broken-hearted and cut off her wings like ??? hell I’d be mad too I’d curse the little ass baby he had with another woman just as fast as she did. also how about that character development??? she cursed aurora but always looked out for her and eventually came to love her?? and that’s the kiss that broke the spell and woke aurora up?? call that motherly love we stan
if you could only dress in one color for the rest of your life which color would it be?
realistically black is prob the way I would go but gray is also a valid option
who’s your ult and give me five reasons why.
oof y’all already know it’s my boy lee donghyuck
1. his vocals??? the vocals alone are enough reason to stan
2. his dancing??? he is so incredibly talented and I love watching him move
3. his hardwork and dedication to his career, like he loves what he does so much and I love seeing him shine (but also like, pls let him sit the fuck down for a sec)
4. his aura and personality !!!!! is just so loveable !!! he brightens the room with his mood-making personality and I’m just in love with him god
5. okay okay now I’ll touch on the fact that he’s so fucking handsome??? a visual king ???? look at that face, look at those legs, JUST LOOK AT HIS BODY PROPORTIONS. PERFECT.
my questions:
what is your favorite memory from your childhood?
If you could travel anywhere in the world with just a snap of your fingers, where would you go and why?
describe your personality in three (3) words.
what is your favorite thing that you have ever read? (anything you’ve ever read counts! fanfiction, poems, novels etc.) why?
are you the studying type of person or the type to just ‘wing it’ when you have a big test coming up?
between bold colors and pastel colors, which do you prefer?
do you live life in the moment or do you plan every action you take?
what is your favorite holiday and why? (all holidays count! across all religions and cultures 😄)
would you rather stay up to stargaze in the middle of the night or wake up early to watch the sunrise?
what is your favorite eye color on another person?
rule: bold the statements that apply to you, italicize your aspirations, then tag nine people.
AIR àŒ‰â‹†Í™Ìˆ
i have small hands / i love the night sky / i watch animals and birds when i pass them by / i drink herbal tea / i wake to see the dawn / the smell of dust is comforting / i’m valued for being wise / i prefer books to music / i meditate / i find joy in learning new truths from the world around me
FIRE àŒ‰â‹†
i don’t have straight hair / i like to wear ripped jeans and overalls / i play an organized sport / i love dogs / i am not afraid of adventure / i love to talk to strangers / i always try new foods / i enjoy road trips / summer is my favorite season / my radio is always playing
WATER àŒ‰â‹†Í™Ìˆ
i wear bracelets on my wrists / i love the bustle of the city / i have more than one set of piercings / i read poetry / i love the sound of a thunderstorm / i want to travel the world / i sleep past midday most days / i love simply lit dinners and fluorescent signs / i rewatch kids shows out of nostalgia / i see emotions in colors not words
EARTH àŒ‰â‹†Í™Ìˆ
i wear glasses or contacts / i enjoy doing the laundry / i am a vegetarian or vegan / i have an excellent sense of time / my humor is very cheerful / i am a valued advisor to my friends / i believe in true love / i love this chill of mountain air / i’m always listening to music / i am highly trusted by the people in my life
i go without makeup in my daily life / i make my own artwork / i keep on track of my tasks and time / i always know true north / i see beauty in everything / i can always smell flowers / i smile at everyone i pass by / i always fear history repeating itself / i have recovered from a mental disorder / i can love unconditionally
the ultimate tag: answer whichever ones you want to because there are a lot and then tag a few blogs you’d like to get to know better!
name: samantha
nickname: sam
birthday: march 9
zodiac: pisces sun
nationality: american
languages: english, currently learning korean
gender: female
sexuality: pansexual :)
height: 5’2” (157 cm)
inspiration for muse: music, tv, movies
meaning behind my url: hyuck is doin too much he’s gotta just give me a break and wAIT A SEC = waithyuck
blog established: 2020 but I’ve been on tumblr since 2015
followers: 791
favorite animals: pigs, cats, dogs, snakes
favorite books: lord of the flies, the great gatsby, hamlet even tho it wasn’t technically a book
favorite color: yellow, orange, pink
favorite fictional characters: gilbert blythe, prince zuko from atla idk who else
favorite flower: sunflowers, carnations, roses
favorite scent: vanilla, citrus, lavender
favorite season: spring or fall
average hours of sleep: like 4-5
cats or dogs: both
coffee, tea or hot chocolate: hot chocolate
current time: 2:23 p.m.
dream trip: seoul, rome, greece in general, london, dublin
dream job: teaching english as a second language, linguist, translator
hobbies: writing, drawing, singing
hogwarts house: hufflepuff
last movie watched: burlesque lmao
last song listened to: kick it - nct 127
no. of blankets you sleep with: 1
random fact(s): my fingers are double jointed lmaO idk
10 things i can’t stop listening to
slow down - chase atlantic
watermelon sugar - harry styles
to die for - sam smith
we go up - nct dream
blue side - j-hope
god’s menu - stray kids
inception - ateez
love me right - rendezvous at two
renegade - aaryan shah
HER - chase atlantic
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indescribablechoices · 5 years
let me go home (part one)
Pairing: Sonia x MC (Nina), Damien x MC (Kai) x Hayden
Word Count: 1890 
Fic Tag List: @brightpinkpeppercorn @kennaxval @thehonorarybeaumont @emomoustache 
Listening Suggestion: Home - Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros
Synopsis: Eighteen months after the events in Monaco, Nina brings Sonia home to meet the family.
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“Are you okay?”
Nina let out a soft breath, fingers flexing against the wheel of her car. She glanced across at Sonia who was sat beside her, concern in her eyes. They had been pulled up on the side of the road in silence for a long few minutes, neither making the first move to get out of the car.
“Yeah, I just
” Nina rested her head against the glass of her window, eyes flicking to the familiar suburban house that they were now parked in front of, “It’s been a while since I’ve been back here.”
A frown crossed Sonia’s face, “I thought you said you and your family stayed in contact.”
“We do,” she said, “It’s just very different talking to them on the phone where I can lie about what I’m doing and actually being here in person.”
“Do you want to leave?”
“No,” she reached across and took Sonia’s hand in hers, eyes trailing to the diamond ring that Sonia now wore, “I can’t wait to marry you, baby. I want my family to celebrate that with us. I am never happier than when I’m with you.”
“Even when you’re rolling naked in money?” Sonia cocked an eyebrow.
Nina smirked, meeting Sonia’s eyes, “That activity, like everything else in my life, is better with you.”
Sonia bit back a laugh with a scoff, “Sap.”
“Your sap,” Nina reminded her, happily receiving the kiss that Sonia leaned over to plant on her cheek.
The anxiety that had been resting heavily in her chest felt lighter by just the small interaction. Today felt like the first day of the rest of her life. The Monaco job felt like a breeze compared to the gut-wrenching nerves that had been eating at her for weeks at the thought of this visit, at finally bringing all of the parts of her life together. If she was going to spend the rest of her life with Sonia, she didn’t want to be hiding half of herself away.
Together, they climbed out of the car, Nina leading Sonia up the footpath to the front door, waiting with bated breath after ringing the doorbell. Nina smiled to herself at the sound of her mother’s voice calling from within that she was coming.
The door swung open, revealing a woman in her late forties, dark hair cut into a bob, both Sonia and Nina towering over her short figure.
“Nina?” she asked quietly, tears glimmering at the corners of her brown eyes.
“Hi Mama,” Nina offered her a smile, and was swiftly yanked down into a tight embrace.
Her mom quickly began to fuss over her, asking if she had eaten, attempting to wipe a makeup smudge away with her thumb. Nina laughed as she did, Sonia’s heart swelling at the sight of one of the world’s most prestigious thieves receiving a maternal second-hand lick.
Another figure, taller this time, appeared behind her mother, a man older again by nearly ten years, his dark hair showing signs of greying.
“Nina!” he beamed, pulling her into a hug. She hugged him back before she stepped out of their arms, retaking Sonia’s hand.
“Mama, Papa, I want you to meet Sonia; my fiancĂ©e. Sonia, this is my mother and father; Kai and Damien.”
Kai’s face lit up with a wide grin, “FiancĂ©e?!”
Sonia found herself pulled into a fierce hug by the small woman who began to fuss over her just as she had to her daughter just a moment before, saying how beautiful she was, how lovely her clothes were, and obviously how wonderful she must be for Nina to want to settle down.
Damien chuckled as he watched the exchange, “You might want to let the poor young woman inside the house, Peanut.”
Kai shushed him playfully, but she did release Sonia, stepping aside to invite everyone in. Nina mouthed a quick apology to Sonia as they went inside the house. The walls were lined with pictures from her childhood, showing an array of memories, from vacation shots, to official school photographs, candid shots of the entire family and two dogs; a brown collie and a German Shepherd.
“Oh Dipper and Columbo,” Nina cooed, looking at one of the pictures of the dogs, “They were our family dogs growing up. Dipper was dad’s dog before I was born. Columbo was an ex police dog, but he had the softest heart you’d ever met.”
“Just like Nina’s father,” Kai told Sonia with a laugh.
“I heard that,” Damien glanced at his wife with a smirk before looking to Nina, “Your dad is in the kitchen if you want to go surprise him.”
Nina’s smile grew even wider than Sonia thought possible as she was led further into the house, Kai and Damien heading on into the living room.
“I thought Damien was your dad?” Sonia asked quietly once they were alone in the corridor, heading towards the soft sounds of a radio playing and someone clanking around in a kitchen.
“Damien is my biological father, but I call him ‘Papa’. You’re about to meet my ‘Dad’ Hayden,” Nina told her, “My parents have been in a polyamorous relationship since long before me or my brother were born.”
“Is it just the three or is there another parent lurking around here somewhere?”
Nina laughed, “Just one mom, two dads. There is my Auntie Alana as well, and she and Mama are together, and she used to date Papa, but that was before they all really met each other
 It can get complicated to explain to someone new
 It’s not too much, is it?”
“It is
 more than I was expecting,” Sonia admitted, but pulled her to a stop to wrap her arms around her and press a soft kiss to her lips, “But they are your family, and I can’t wait to be a part of it.”
“Thank you,” Nina said softly, “There’s something else you should know. My Dad looks a lot younger than Mom and Papa. He looks closer to our age, but he’s not. He
“Baby, whatever it is you can tell me.”
“I’ve never told anyone about him before. At least not like this. I wanted to keep him safe. You’re the only person I trust enough.”
“Nina you’re a highly wanted criminal and I have lied to several law agencies about you. I can handle this.”
Nina’s heart lifted with affection as she looked at this wonderful woman that she trusted more than anything. She let out a gentle sigh, “Did your parents ever tell you about Eros? The company that-”
“Released a bunch of human-like AIs into the world and are now at the forefront of AI technology? I’ve heard.”
“Hayden is one of those AIs. He and my parents helped save the president’s life when Eros tried to assassinate her.”
Sonia stared at her for a moment, eyebrows raised before she let out a whisper of, “Holy shit
 how have you never been caught? You have one of the most high-profile families I’ve ever heard of.”
“Special favour from the Oval Office. The only reward my parents asked for was to go home and live out their lives. There was an undisclosed financial sum, of course, you don’t get a house like this in the ‘burbs on a cop, a decorator and a teachers’ salary. But my whole family is under the radar. To keep my dad safe.”
“So, he’s really an AI?” she asked.
“Apart from the non-aging, you would never know. I mean, he’s stronger than the average man, but when you’re a kid you think your dad is the strongest person in the world... But he’s as human as you or I,” she added quickly, a defensive edge to her voice.
Sonia took hold of her hands, giving them a squeeze, “Baby, I wouldn’t care if your dad was a toaster. He’s your dad, and I can’t wait to meet him.”
Nina leaned against her for a minute, “Thank you
 All of this is a lot for you to hear in one go, I know, but I’ve never been able to really share it with anyone. It’s scary, letting someone truly see you.”
“I see you,” Sonia said, lifting one of her hands to tuck a dark curl behind Nina’s ear.
“You always have,” Nina smiled as their lips met in a gentle kiss. She took a deep breath to calm her nerves, the floral scent of Sonia’s perfume setting her at ease, “C’mon. Dad’s going to lose his mind when he meets you.”
They headed further into the house together, and Sonia paused slightly behind Nina to let her begin introductions. Nina leaned in the kitchen doorway, smiling to herself as she watched her dad potter around the kitchen. The radio was blaring pop music, so it was no wonder that he hadn’t heard the commotion at the front door. He stopped to stir at something in a pot on the stove, and a delicious aroma reached her nose, nostalgia panging through her heart as she recognised the smell of her dad’s bolognese.
“Hey Dad.”
Hayden’s head whipped around at the familiar voice, tears already in his eyes as he took in the sight of her.
“Is that really my little girl?” he asked quietly, a smile starting to spread across his face.
They crossed the room and met in the middle, Hayden wrapping his long arms around her to hold her close. She held him tight, resting her face on his chest.
“I missed you so much,” she murmured into his shirt.
“I missed you too. I didn’t know you were coming home,” he admitted, “I would have prepared your favourite, and got your room ready and made a cake or something, I
She couldn’t contain her smile as he began to fuss worse than her mother had, “Dad, it’s okay. I wanted it to be a surprise, and you know I’ll eat anything as long as Mama doesn’t cook it.”
He let out a soft laugh, “That woman could burn water.”
She laughed as well, “Have you got enough for two guests?”
?” He eyes drifted to where Sonia was waiting in the kitchen doorway, “Oh! Who is this?”
Nina held her hand out for Sonia who moved to join her, taking her hand, “Sonia, this is my dad Hayden. Dad, this is Sonia
 she’s my fiancĂ©e.”
His eyes went wide as tears welled up in them and he threw his arms around both of them.
“Oh it’s so wonderful to meet you,” he cooed, voice softened by tears.
“It’s wonderful to meet you as well,” Sonia laughed.
“Who would have known my ordinary Thursday would have brought me this, my daughter home and a new addition to our family?” he beamed, stepping back to take in the sight of them both, heart bursting with pride at the sight of his child all grown up and so happy, “This calls for a proper Nazario-Young family celebration. We’ll get your brother home for the weekend, and see if we can rustle up some Nazarios, Parks and Moussavis
” his smiled faded slightly, “You are staying for the weekend, aren’t you?”
Nina glanced at Sonia who gave her an approving smile before she looked back to her dad, “Yeah, we’re staying for the weekend.”
to be continued...
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multishipperlove · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Critical Role (Web Series) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Caleb Widogast, Beauregard Lionett, Nott (Critical Role), Caduceus Clay, Jester Lavorre, Fjord (Critical Role) Additional Tags: Yasha (mentioned) - Freeform, Molly (mentioned) - Freeform, Barren Eve, zemnian, Not Canon Compliant, I'll be honest this was just to satisfy my holiday cravings Series: Part 3 of Zemnian Roots Summary:
Caleb decides to have a mini celebration for Barren Eve. Everyone else somehow ends up joining him.
Caleb always knows what time it is. He knew the date and the month and what year it was, didn't even have to think about it. So despite the fact that they were in Xhorhas, a city where the longest night of the year does not matter because the sun never rises, he knew that today was Barren Eve.
It's a holiday he hasn't cared about for a long time. He doesn't have a reason to, after all.
But today, he feels different. It's a calm evening for once, not that that's necessarily a good sign. Caduceus is tending to his garden, Jester and Fjord are out running errands somewhere, Nott is in the laboratory working on her crossbow and Beau is- well he's not sure where Beau is. Probably in the house somewhere. But he knows they are all trying to keep busy, because if they didn't they would have to admit that they are no step further with what they are actually trying to accomplish.
There had been no lead about Yasha in the past weeks, and despite Jester's and Caduceus' best efforts she had managed to avoid every single one of their scrying attempts. So they were stuck, and everyone was trying to distract themselves. And it was Barren Eve.
With a soft sigh, Caleb closed his book. The tiny text had finally managed to give him a headache, and with his realisation of the holiday there was little hope in continuing his work. Instead he snapped his fingers, calling up Frumpkin, and letting the cat curl up in his lap.
The gentle purring sound that started up almost immediately soothed him a bit, just like the feeling of the soft fur beneath his fingers. With Frumpkin acting as a sturdy rock in stormy weather, Caleb finally allowed himself to do something very rare.
He thought back on his childhood.
Leise rieselt der Schnee Still und starr ruht der See Anmutig glÀnzet der Wald Freue dich, Morgen kommt bald
One Barren Eve in particular. He had still been a little boy then, not much older than four, maybe five years old. It had been the first year he'd been allowed to come to the Church of Pelor with his parents for the evening's service.
Just walking through their village that day, seeing the lights everywhere, it had been an incredible experience. The whole way from the town's centre to the church had been lined with hundreds and hundreds of candles, lighting the way for the town's people.
“A candle for every fallen soldier, now and a thousand years ago,” his father had told him, before picking him up to make sure he wouldn't vanish in the freshly fallen snow. And as they reached the church his mother had given him a copper piece, told him to pick out a candle for himself and light it, so they would have one to hold during the service.
The sermon had taken more than two hours, but Caleb had hung onto every word the priest uttered, while being securely held in his father's lap.
“Take care of your candle” “Don't let it go out” “Careful with the fire, or you will burn yourself,” he had been told, whispered to him over and over as his father helped with keeping the little stump steady in his four year old hands.
He didn't remember this part, but had been told that by the time the priest said his last words, he'd been fast asleep. Despite his excitement, his body's desire for sleep had won that day.
Letting out a breath of relief, Caleb let go of the memory and came back to the present. He could feel tear tracks down his face, and angrily wiped them away before anyone could see. He was still alone and in his own room, but also knew very well that some of his friends didn't understand the concept of knocking very well.
Before he could get lost in any other memories, he decided to get up and make his way downstairs. Maybe he would find someone else to spend some time with, instead of sitting up here alone and drowning in his own sorrow again.
With that thought in mind, it was definitely disappointing to see the living room area of the Xhorhaus empty at the moment. But he told himself it was okay, that just being in one of the common rooms was... better. Somehow. He couldn't quite explain it, but decided that it didn't matter either.
Disturbing any of the others just because he felt lonely did not seem right either, so he settled down in one of the big chairs, trying to relax again. He still felt restless though, constantly tapping his foot on the floor.
Frumpkin, who'd followed him downstairs after complaining about being dislodged from his earlier resting place, now sat in front of him and stared him down. The cat blinked once, twice, and then meowed at him, sounding accusatory.
Caleb stared back for a moment but then sighed again. “Alright, alright. Maybe you are right. But let's not make this a habit, ja.”
He got up and spend a minute or two looking around for a candle. Not just any candle, he wanted it to be at least a little bit... not pretty, necessarily. But special. He wasn't sure what would account as special in a candle, but surely that would show itself if he found the right one.
And it did, kind of. In some back-drawer in the kitchen, he finally stumbled over a little stump of a candle that he was pretty sure he'd seen Caduceus use to keep his tea warm a few times. Not unlike the one he had picked out with his single copper piece, nearly thirty years ago. Hoping that his friend wouldn't mind, he took it back to the living room with him and placed it on the little coffee table sitting right in the middle of their assortment of armchairs and sofas.
Caleb kneeled down in front of it. He closed his eyes, not reciting a prayer like he was supposed to do but taking a minute of silence, before lighting the candle with a cantrip. “For Yasha,” he said quietly. “And for Molly. For- my family.”
He stared into the flame for a few more moments, and then settled back down in the chair. It felt better now, just sitting there in silence, and he was finally able to calm down. Frumpkin seemed satisfied as well and jumped back onto his lap, curling up into a tight ball before going back to sleep.
It didn't take long for Caleb to start humming to himself, a tune he remembered from the service that night. It was slow, but full of warmth and a weird sense of nostalgia. And unlike many of the classical Barren Eve ballads he knew, it focused more on the hope the next morning would bring instead of all the things that had already been lost to the night. In den Herzen wirds warm Still schweigt Kummer und Harm Sorge des Lebens verhallt Freue dich, Morgen kommt bald
He sat by himself for a while, until he could eventually hear footsteps coming down from Beau's room. For a moment he considered extinguishing the flame and pretending that he had been down in the living room for no other reason than his headache. But he didn't want to disturb his cat again, and also... Beau was from the empire as well. She probably wasn't very big on holidays, but he hoped that she would at least understand.
“Hey, Caleb, have you-” she stopped, just reaching the bottom of the stairs now. And there must have been something in his face, because he could see her mentally piecing everything together in a few seconds. “You, uh, want some time by yourself?”
“No, some company would be nice,” he admitted, freely for once. “You don't have to, of course, I just-”
“No no, it's fine,” she assured him quickly, though she took a step back. “Let me just get something.”
He watched her leave, curious to see what she was talking about. And really, he shouldn't be surprised, he thought, as she came back shortly later with a candle of her own. Considering the colour and the way it was made, Caleb was sure she had nicked it from one of the Cobalt Soul locations.
Similar to what he had done, Beau knelt down in front of the table to place the candle down, lighting it on the little stump that had already been burning for a while now. But she didn't stay down, instead getting up again immediately, crossing her arms over her chest.
“For Yasha. And for Molly,” she said, as if she was announcing it to the room. Then, much quieter, she added: “And for Dairon.”
She sat down on the sofa after that, and they settled into a comfortable silence. But again, it didn't hold for long. Nott was the next to come upstairs, and, being from the Empire as well, grasped what was going on fairly quickly as well.
The candle she lit on Caleb's looked like she had taken it from her workspace, still grimy with soot and whatever else she'd been handling, but burning just fine.
“For Yasha, and Molly. And for Yeza and Luc,” she said, staying on her knees a bit longer before scooting back and leaning against Caleb's legs, apparently more comfortable on the floor. None of them had noticed Caduceus watching until then, but Caleb spotted their friend at the top of the stairs just as Nott was finishing. The firbolg disappeared again, and at first Caleb thought he was just giving them space. After all, he was sure that Caduceus had never heard of Barren Eve.
But their friend surprised them all when he joined again a moment later, a candle of pure bee's wax in his hand. He didn't kneel down, not familiar with the tradition, just bend over to light it on Caleb's stump and straightened up again after making sure it stood securely.
“For Yasha. For Molly. For my family and all those we have buried,” he said, his soothing baritone ringing through the room. They all nodded, and he sat down next to Beau to join them in their silence.
Another twenty minutes later Caleb was close to falling asleep, just as he heard the front door opening and the tell-tale sound of Caduceus' wind chimes that always followed. Probably aware that it was late, Fjord and Jester tried to stay quiet on their way inside, frequently hushing each other.
Caleb smiled to himself, and had to stifle a laugh as he heard one of them push something over in the hallway, sending whatever it was clattering to the ground. He heard Fjord curse, and a moment later the half orc and the tiefling finally stepped into the living room.
“Oh, hey... you guys are still awake,” Fjord greeted them, obviously confused as he saw the four of them sitting around their little candle collection.
Caleb just gave a nod, but caduceus quickly waved them over to himself. After a few shared whispered words, Caleb could see understanding dawn on both of their faces. More cautious on Fjord's part, but Jester seemed immediately excited. “Oooh, that sounds great!” she whispered, though it came out more like a stage whisper. “Can we join?!”
Caduceus answered, quiet enough so Caleb couldn't actually hear him, and they both nodded and walked off. Just like everyone else, they came back with a candle each. “I wanna go first!” Jester insisted, more or less quietly, as she sat down cross-legged in front of the table and lit her candle on Caleb's. “So this is for Yasha,” she started. “And for Molly. And for my Mama, and Bluud, and for Nugget and Sprinkles, and for Essek, and-” Fjord stopped her with a gentle hand on her shoulder, prompting her to look up at him. “That's- I think that's enough people, Jester,” he said gently. “Let me?” “Oh, sure!” She stood up again, letting Fjord take her place. He knelt down properly, cleared his throat, and lit his candle on Caleb's before placing it besides Jester's. His was plain and white, while hers was a long, red, elegant looking one. Caleb was sure he'd seen them at the Lavish Chateau the last time they'd been there.
“For Yasha,” Fjord started, and Caleb recognized the tone he used. He had heard it before when Fjord was speaking to the Wildmother, or simply looking for guidance. “For Molly. And for every single person in this room.”
Heut' ist heilig die Nacht Chor der Engel erwacht Hört nur wie lieblich es schallt: Freue dich, Morgen kommt bald
Caleb's candle started to flicker, almost burned down completely by now. But despite the never-ending night in Xhorhas, he took comfort in knowing that the morning would come soon, and with it... there would always be hope.
Here's a translation of the song (the original is more directly geared towards christmas, I changed the text a bit):
Softly falls the snow, Quiet and frozen rests the lake. Grazeful sparkles the forest: Rejoice! Morning will soon be here.
In our hearts it’s warm, Silent are sorrow and grief, Life’s worries fade away: Rejoice! Morning will soon be here.
Today the night is holy, Choir of angels awakes, Just hear how lovely it sounds: Rejoice! Morning will soon be here.
And a youtube link in case you don't know it and would like to give it a listen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2HY28Acy1N8
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spirit-of-vengeance · 5 years
7th ROTG anniversary. Time to get emotional.
I never written this down, but now I feel the need due to the intense nostalgia and the notice of how quickly time is fleeing. I have a tale to tell, I need to share my story about how this film changed my life. Warning: it's long.
Brief into: I believed in the Santa, Easter Bunny (I really wanted in the Toothfairy too and unfortunately never heard about Jack or Sandy) even when I was 10. (Which was considered pretty old to believe) I even got into an argument with my teacher in the 3rd grade because she said 'stop being childish, they aren't real' because I was excitedly whispering with my classmate about catching the Santa this year. A boy, who ironically looked exactly like Jack Frost began endlessly teasing me and calling me stupid for still thinking he's real. On the way back home with mom I confronted her about this, not giving up until she told me whenever he was right or not. Backed into a corner, she was forced to give up. I cried every day for weeks. The magic was ripped away from me.
Year 2012, December. I'm 11 and a victim of hardcore bullying since my whole life. Students, teachers and sometimes parents. To cheer me up, mom took me to the shopping center to watch a movie. We couldn't really decide & she saw a giant poster of North smiling at people. Her eyes lit up and excitedly said 'Let's watch that! ' I followed the direction of her finger and my face scrunched in malice "I am not watching a movie with the Santa. Its stupid. I'm a big girl, I want to watch a bloody action movie! " but she was unbending. She could bribe me into it with a large bowl of popcorn; I was still grumbling when the lights went out.
The change: first snowflakes, first notes of the piano worked like magic. I immediately shut up and wondered what actually happens here. Why is it so soothing? At the first few shots of the North Pole when North is working on the ice train, I jumped in my seat and I shit you not, I thought the Santa is actually getting murdered. My eyebrow rose higher when I realized that guy with the chainsaw and swords is the Santa. Unfortunately, I can't remember more first reactions; stress, depression, traumas really ruined my long term memory. It seems silly now, but I kept the last piece of popcorn what I was munching on during it, I still have it in a little jewel box; one of my sacred memories. The car ride back to home was quiet, I was staring out of the window my mind stirring with creativity.
Aftermath: 2013-2018; while my classmates were busy getting drunk, being a petty bitch, giving oral in the toilet, (yes. I am talking about elementary school.), getting laid, I was lost in a world of wonder. I learnt 60% of my English knowledge in 3 months with reading fanfiction. I browsed deviantart for hours and laughed my ass off at the hilarious, extremely well done fanarts.
I grew up on mostly Blackice videos I wasn't 100% aware what I'm actually seeing tho, I was exposed to gay ships from a young age and plot twist, nothing serious happened😀. My mental health wasn't shit because I saw the Bogeyman and the Winter spirit kiss.
I began talking to the Moon. I cried my pain to him. Sitting on my windowstill, debating whenever I should jump or not. My extraordinarily strong bond with my mom and this film were my only lifeline. I was making it through, in my own world. My imagination created wonderful sights, scenarios; at nights I was certain I can spot Sandy on his cloud, at Christmas North trying to push himself out of the chimney cussing, at Easter that enormous bunny running around, at winters mostly yelling at Jack 'get out of my country' because I'm a summer person, going to school on a chilly yet sunny autumn day and see Pitch standing on the edge of the misty forest.
I began to change, respond to the pressure from my bullies. My personality began to morph. See the wonder in everything; like North. There's hope and spite, don't dare to give up; like Bunny. Awaken and enjoy creativity; like Sandy. Shit on the rules and have a damn good time no matter what; like Jack. Cherish memories and friends; like Tooth. Be ruthless and stand up from the most brutal blows; like Pitch. And never forget, the Moon will always be there even when he's an antisocial dick and says nothing.
My aim, my dream was to write the sequel. When I was done I wanted to send it to William Joyce. I wrote 200+ pages, but unfortunately in Hungarian. I still don't know why I stopped, why I abandoned that plan.
I was looking for ROTG posters because I wanted to email them to my friend to show what I've been obsessed with. I was just lazily staring at a Pitch poster, realizing his V neck actually never closes - then my eyes crossed the date: November 21. I let out an ungodly shriek of disbelief and mirth. Mom rushed into the living room with terror and met with the sight of me screaming in ecstasy "RISE OF THE GUARDIANS CAME OUT ON MY BIRTHDAY!!!! "
Around 2016 I became really interested in this roleplay stuff and oh god I was terrible. Cindy Flame then was an always angry Mary sue but after years of practice, expanding she is a completely built, extremely complex character, flawed, strong, tragic and ruthless; divine yet oh so human. So I was making friends online, most of them failed, I think one of them committed suicide but that belongs to an another story.
I have been lurking Tumblr for 3 years? More? Because I had no idea how this site worked and I was shy because I thought my writing is not good enough I realize now I felt right. I admired blogs from afar, read their writing and falling deeper and deeper into this fandom.
Nearing present day: I actually came to Tumblr to pursue a friend of mine. I was borderline desperate because I've thought they are one of the last one in the fandom and it scared me. The fun thing is, I actually never interacted with them after making this blog. So I break this two year old spell and hi @kingofnxghtmares it's me, Jasmine😊 You don't have to answer/interact/or anything, I wanted to get everything off my chest and finally tagging you just felt right.
So now I'm on Tumblr. And I love every second it. I've found amazing friends, insanely dynamic muses, crack threads, angst, the chance to expand my muse even more and where I belong. So there I am, wondering where 7 years went. I've grown up (somewhat), and I'm glad I was protected from the 'disaster teenage years ', drinking, heartbreak, drugs, etc instead I grew up in a magical world interviewed with reality so closely; it became an escape place when reality became too heavy.
About ROTG & finale: masterpiece. The animation is insanely lifelike yet fantasy. Every tiny, microscopic detail is perfect, the characters, the storyline, the atmosphere original and capturing. The music is gut wrenching. Everything is absolutely, 200% on point. I don't think there ever will be an animated movie which can be better than Rise of the Guardians animation and/or storywise. No 'love is the answer ' movies can ever come close this iconic masterpiece no matter how they rip it off looking at Frozen 2😒
I watched it today (I have it in Spanish as well and I only can encourage everyone to watch it, the Spanish voice acting is, 100% in my opinion Pitch's bested Jude Law, damn that rich hiss of malice was incredible ) on my 18th birthday while cuddling with mom, laughing and heavy with nostalgia. I think I will remain in this fandom for a very long time, I don't think I would ever be able to let it go due to my deep emotional ties. I would like to thank everyone who were present in making this film, the artists who still keep this fandom alive, all of my friends, roleplay partners; thank you for brightening my childhood, giving me purpose and a place to belong.
To my all of my friends:
@paintbrushtheelf @muerte-rojo @nightmarinqs @mr-mansnoozie @gatekeeperoftheunderworld @50shadesofpitchblack @flossinspector @magicmiyeh
@black-equals-mysoul @nxghtlight @lindzem
I love all of you,
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lady-olive-oil · 5 years
Work Out: Chapter 2
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Writings || Florian Index || MTC ||
What up, what up! It’s ya girl Liv here with another chapter of Work Out. In this chapter we’ll go deep into Geneva’s past and her favorite past time. Let me know if ya wanna join the Lil Nasties Squad. I also added 2 new characters to the roster, one is Josephine Montoya-Wade (in MTC) and the other one, well you’ll see soon. Thanks for reading! Stay tuned from scenes for our next episode. Skating visuals linked in bold.
WC: 3.4K [I’m starting to think each chapter will be this long]
Warnings: suggestive themes, dirty flashback if ya squint
Tag Team, Lil Nasties: @maddiestundentwritergaines || @sparklemichele || @designerwriterchic || @honeychicana || @chaneajoyyy || @jojolu || @dc41896 || @titty-teetee || @inlovewithmakeupcomicsanimelove || @ljstraightnochaser || @mimigemrose || @crushed-pink-petals || @fumbling-fanfics || @madamslayyy
The sounds of 70’s to 00’s music rumbled through the rink, as skaters young and old all came together for one night in solidarity. For those who can skate that is. Others like myself however, have been in the game for years.
“Come along and ride on the fantastic voyage.” I couldn’t help but sing along to the sounds of my childhood. Seeing friends of old and new in the rink made me feel at home again. Not like good old nostalgia to make you feel at peace.
“Is that Jimmy and Trinity? The franchise let them have a break before the big match? That’s new.” Destiny got my attention by noticing two old friends of mine from the past.
I was a trainer for WWE in Orlando, years ago. I have met the past; present and the future of the company come in and out of those doors. It was a tremendous job to have right out of college, that I will forever cherish. I’ve grown close to most of everyone from all rosters. I left due to some personal reasons.
“Yeah it is. Let’s go say hi.” Maneuvering through the busy crowd I tapped the glow queen herself, and was met with an excited squeal. Thus rewarded with a loving hug with just enough force.
“Gege! It’s am so glad to see you. How’ve you been girl?” Upon giving Destiny and Cynthia their hugs as well, Jimmy and Jey both hugged us all in a group hug.
“I’ve been well, about to be blessed with a divorce soon.” Taking a swig of my Angry Orchard Roƛe, I heard Trinity chuckle.
“You finally went through with it. Proud of you little sis.” Jimmy commended me, with Jey nodding in agreement.
“Thanks Uce, It’s been a long time coming too. Trust and believe me, Dede and Cyn are throwing me a divorce party. What better city to do it in, than Atlanta?” You better believe I was looking forward to that party. Nothing was going to keep me away from it.
“You know I’ll be there. Even if I have to drag Jimmy with me.” Trinity nugged her husband, who was in a deep conversation with his twin over which food is better: bacon double cheeseburger vs mozzarella sticks.
“Huh? Uh yeah Atlanta seems cool.”
“That’s funny because last time I remember, you weren’t going for my good sis to move to the ATL.” I arched a brow in mock curiosity, causing Jimmy to blush a tad.
“At first I was but then I realize she needs a lot of family around no matter what. Plus Georgia and Florida ain’t far, so we came to an agreement.” Placing a kiss on how wife’s head, made all of us smile in pure joy.
“Y’all are sickeningly cute. Let’s go skate, I gotta get my groove on.” Lacing up my white skates, the ones with the hot pink wheels, and neon green laces on them, I saw a pair of Jordan’s come into view.
“Well well well, look who showed up.” Leaning against the table, giving a glance over
“Couldn’t stand my cousin up now could I?” Michael  showed his pearly white teeth, before giving me a hug. Looking up behind him I see Florian in all his glory.
His tight black v-neck shirt; with matching jeans and red polo sneakers just made him irresistible. His hair and beard were clean cut, and what set it off was his gold link chain around his neck. If I’m being completely honest here y’all, at some point I plan on yanking on that gotdamn chain and-
“Hello gorgeous.” His deep voice broke my inner thoughts and just melted my insides. Making my body feel all warm and giddy. This man does things to me already.
“Well hello there handsome. I see my cousin let you come out and roll with the big dogs huh?” Smirking a bit as I skated around him on the rubber glow in the dark floor.
“Actually he didn’t want to come, I dragged him. He wanted to stay in all day and watch Netflix.” The way he laughed was even a magical tone. Like you could be hugged by a velvet blanket, by a cozy fire in the middle of winter.
“Oh? Damn Baraki, you don’t wanna spend time with ya cousin? I’m hurt.”
“I’m here aren’t I? Besides, had to break out my skates from retirement and help Florian buy his from Amazon. Turns out, the dude here owns a pair, without my knowing” He shrugged and stuck his tongue out at me when I flipped him off. Feeling glad that the rink had given us the party section to have us somewhat away from fans. Yet a few had asked for pictures, and I didn’t mind taking them for them.
“Yeah yeah. Anyway, Florian do you know how to skate?” I asked gently.
“Little bit. Haven’t had the time to in a while, just been training more often.” His reply was honest and sincere. Man why isn’t her dating anybody already?
“Oh really? Well I wouldn’t mind teaching you a bit.” The slight bite on my bottom lip, caused Florian to smirk at me before taking a sip of his Heineken.
“I’m sure you could.” He mumbled just enough for me to hear, letting me hold his beer so her could tie his skates up.
His arms bulged with every movement, a vein popped a few times and it just made my body hum in desire and need. That was until I felt my phone vibrated, I gave him back his beer, and watched as he skated with Michael over to the Dj booth. Checking my phone for a few updates from friends and fans of my work, I received a message from Cassie that she had arrived.
Cassie was also another childhood friend of  mine who had no issue with telling you how it is. Knowing that she moved back to the city as well, made it all better for me to have friends. My phone buzzed again, letting me know a message came again. This time I was worried. Re-reading the message, I felt my face scrunch in confusion.
Cassie: Uh Geneva don’t be alarmed but a certain blonde walked in.
What was she talking about? Responding as fast as I could, I looked around the section and saw nothing.
Me: who?
Looking at Trinity, who nodded her head in the front direction of the rink.
Trinity: she devil
Me: oh fuck
The she devil in question, was another former trainee of mine at the facility back in 2016, when I had started. She is one of the major causes of my divorce; Mandy Rose. I don’t see what the WWE universe sees in her anyway. All the while I know what I did see; Jake’s dick in her in our bed.
“Watch my back.” I told the girls, and they all looked towards where I was skating at. They soon followed me when they knew immediately where I was going. The memories came flooding back.
I haven’t spoken to Mandy sinch I quit. It was around April of last year, Wrestlemania season, when everything went down and I had filed for divorce 2 weeks later. That was the final nail in the coffin of my marriage with Jake, and I couldn’t take it anymore. With all the blatant disrespect; the awkward silences when I asked him about the finances of our joint accounts; the secret rendezvous he’d have coming home late, the high expense charges and the lying.
I thought he was different from all the others but that was lie, a bold face lie. We got married right after graduation, in 2014, two years later I started working in Orlando. The first full year on the job I introduced Jake to Mandy. It had been a whirlwind to work for WWE with my medical degree, to make sure the superstars were in tip top shape. With the constant bickering, physical altercations and accusations he threw at me, about sleeping with one of my coworkers I had to put out marriage on pause that same year.
A year of separation had put my mind into perspective and think about what I wanted out of this marriage. We had agreed to meet up at our house, I was staying at Cynthia’s at that time, for dinner to catch up. I still had a key to the condo, it was in my name, and I looked all over the house for him. What do I see walking up the stairs? Mandy riding Jake like no tomorrow. He tried to save his ass by running away from me, as I waved my steel bat at him. Mandy was long gone and laughing by then.
Putting in my resignation was hard but I had to do it. Now more than ever, I was focused on me and only me. Moving back home to New York was just the beginning. During the first few months, filing for divorce, I did go on a few dates. Only a few guys came home with me, none of them satisfied the itch I craved. Maybe Florian could be the one to fix that.
Trying not to fall while skating through the crowd, I made it to the group that just came in. Sonja Deville sported me quick and pulled me into a tight embrace. The death glare I set straight towards Mandy could be picked out of a much bigger crowd.
“Geneva! It’s been too long. How’ve you been?”
Keeping my composure I returned Sonja’s gesture.
“I’ve been well, been well. Working on my personal trainor thing, keeping the lights on. I’m always busy, plus going back to school so yeah.”
I made it my priority, to keep my bond strong with Sonja, after I left the company. When I told the MMA fighter about the scene I witnessed, she couldn’t fathom it either. She promised to keep an eye out on Mandy for me as well.
She was one of the first people, besides my crew of course, to message me about the sly matching posts on Instagram, between Florian and I. She wished us nothing but luck and invite her to the wedding in the future.
“I hear ya. I hear ya. Just to let you know, I did keep- ah hell.” An exaggerated sigh escaped Sonja’s lips, causing my face to contort in confusion.
“Uh something wrong?” I asked curiously, seeing her visibly gulp.
“Want me to be honest?”
“I expect nothing from a woman who kicked my ass in practice back in Orlando.” Earning a soft chuckle from her, she sighed and turned me around to the scene.
“That little bitch.” The growl that erupted in the back of my throat, made Sonja go wide eyed.
Before she could even finish that sentence, a let my anger skate me towards Florian. I was already attached to him and I didn’t want Mandy to ruin that for me. She was touching all over him; feeling him up, touching his face, shoving her silicone bean bags in his face and just being her trashy self. The look of discomfort shown on his face, but soon shifted once I came into view.
“Hey Florian, ready to go skate?” I intervened so fast, that you could see steam coming out of Mandy’s ears.
“Well lookie here, It’s the hag. Listen honey, he doesn’t want to skate with the likes of you. He’s having fun talking to me. Isn’t that right Florian?” Moving her hand on his chest, you could see the disagreeable expression on his face. Upon removing her hand from his chest, he stood by me and I felt my body temperature erupt in euphoria and triumph, as if I had won.
“Well I was here to skate with Geneva and her friends.”
Mandy sneered at me with her fake lips and tosses her bleach blonde hair.
“Fine, but this isn’t over Geneva. May the best woman win. Oh and Florian, I’ll catch you later.” Being the snake that she is, she leaned up on her tippy toes and placed a kiss on his cheek, before leaving with her friends. I wanted to claw at her face so bad, yet I’m surprised Florian held me back.
“It’s Genevieve to you.” I gritted through my teeth.
You see, lately I’ve been talking to Florian about myself, opening up a bit more, getting to know one another better and such. I had mentioned Mandy in the conversation, how she was one of the causes of my divorce, and how she tried to one up everyone. He knew her through a friend of theirs, they chatted and had a night together.
Although she got too clingy for  him after that and it’s not in him to just let a woman go after a night, but he needed to be away from her. By the time this all transpired, it was before his practice scenes for Creed. That’s when I met him on set a month later.
“I’m sorry that happened Geneva. Nor did I know she was coming either.” He tried to sooth and keep me calm. I had never been consoled by another man who wasn’t my father or my brothers.
Glancing up at Florian I saw hope; dedication and devotion. Some qualities I loved in any man, but this man here was something else. Collecting myself together, I took a breather and skated away from him on to the rink floor.
“It’s all good Flo.” The way I said his nickname, caused his face to heat up in embarrassment. The action caused his sweet smile to appear as he leaned against the rock wall, watching me groove to the music in place for a bit. He was entranced by just a little movement.
“So I hear that you’re, Queen of skating huh?”
“Maybe so. If you can keep up with me during this song or the next I’ll go on that date.”
“Wait wait, for real?” He arched a brow, as I nodded.
“Foreal. I’ll go on a date with you if you can keep up.” Sending off a wink before I skated off to the jumping sounds of reggae music. Moving my hips to the rhythm, I kept eye contact with him as I move to the beat.
My hips have a mind of their own, as I float across the floor and take off my jacket. I managed to hand it to Cynthia as I skated around to hand it to her and I kept going. I always felt at home here, it was never a dull moment.
Upon hearing the song change over, to Rock the Boat by the ever so great Aaliyah,I felt a pair of strong hands grace my hips. I didn’t think he’d catch up to me.
“Guess who?” His warm voice graced my left ear, and sent chills through my body, as we grooved to the music in sync. Moving my hips on instinct against him, rolling in tandem with his hands around the rink.
“So Flo got rhythm. So tell me, how do you know how to skate?”
“A movie you mentioned, that was your favorite. May have picked up a few pointers.” Grabbing my hand on cue, he twirled me around before bring me back to his strong, broad chest. I stand corrected, I was in heaven.
“You watched Roll Bounce? And you listened to me too.”
“And I’ve been skating since I was 10. So that’s just a bonus.”
Dancing on him with the music changing, made the tension grow hotter and more sensual. Lost Without You started playing and I followed Florian’s movement this time around. Hearing his gentle voice singing in my ear once more, I began to sing along with him. I haven’t felt this much emotion in so long, I’m starting to feel like this was meant to happen. The smooth gentle rocking, made me feel like I was floating. We were floating. I felt safe in his arms more than I thought. I could feel his rigid muscles through his shirt on my back, making me hold back a moan.
I know he could feel the connection as well. The grip on my hips told me otherwise. Placing my hands on top of his, I laced our fingers together before turning to skate backwards.
“White boy got some moves. I like it, you can keep up with me.” He twirled me around a bit before holding me against his chest again. I leaned my head back to look up at him a little, just to place a kiss on his chin.
“That’s not all I can do.” The deep baritone bass of his throat made me want to jump his bones right then and there.
“Oh I bet.” I teased him back by rotating my ass against him, earning a low growl to erupt from his chest. Gege can play too Flo.
The Dj let everyone know that it was time to roll out, and to drive safely. Rolling off the floor, we met up with our group and planned the next move of action to extend the night. The rink was starting to close up soon, so we all met in the parking lot.
“Girl we saw you and Florian getting down like an old southern couple.” Cynthia nugged me, giving me a sly look.
“Y’all were doing the damn thing.” Destiny winked and caused me to laugh a bit.
Cassie high fives me before heading to her car.
“Geneva, I’ll catch you later this week aight? Gotta get up for work in the morning. I’ll see if I can bring Josephine to the meeting.”
Sending her my love my regards, I placed my skates in the back of my Range Rover.
“So y’all good for some bar hopping? I know this great spot along the jersey shore.” Ryan mentioned while looking up the directions.
“I can’t. I have class in the morning and a test, I need to be sober for. Sorry guys.” Gently replying I smiled up at the crew before shrugging.
“Dang maybe next time. Oh what about our monthly couples game night? How about Monday, Geneva’s?” Destiny suggested as she headed towards her Jeep renegade.
“Couples game night? Sounds intriguing, I’m in. I’ll bring Johari, you in Florian?” An enthusiastic Michael was all anyone could handle.
Glancing over at me, he smirked gently.
“Yeah I’m down. Geneva, I’ll pick you up tomorrow from class for our date. See y’all around.” Placing a kiss on my cheek, I sighed heavily and bit my lip. This man was gonna be the death of me. The action caused him to chuckle adorably.
“Deal. See you tomorrow Flo.” Kissing his cheek, I saw his face heat up again. Seeing him walk away with my cousin, I let out a soft groan.
“Girl, you are sprung.” Cynthia smirked at me while Destiny let out a gut busting laugh.
“She got it bad.” Destiny couldn’t help herself.
“I will say this; I hate to see him go, but I love to watch him leave. His ass is sculpted like a god.” I fanned myself in the process.
Hugging my friends goodbye, before getting into my car and driving home, I glanced down at the sound of my phone going off. Glancing down for a split second, I saw the notification. I had received a text message from Florian.
Making it home safely I got ready for my shower and for bed; tying down the massive mess of my 4c curls in a silk scarf, I finally read the message. Leaning against my room door, I read it over and over again, feeling all giddy.
Can’t wait for tomorrow night gorgeous. I promise it’ll be worth it. You deserve the best and I plan on delivering. Sweet dreams my queen.
This man knew how to charm his way through anything. Getting back on track, I kept staring at the message. I had to reply and not be rude. So I kept it short and sweet, yet tasteful.
Looking forward to what you have in store handsome.
“Damn Florian. My heart is yernin for ya love..” singing gently to myself before getting into the shower, I felt powerful. Maybe this is my chance to finally be happy. To finally be free from my chains of the past. This whole turning over a new leaf thing, won’t be so bad after all.
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sarahboseman · 6 years
T’Challa x Reader
Warning: None, I know I promised some smut after the first two chapters, but I needed time ❀❀❀ Hope you like it anyway
Word Count: 1540
Taglist: @greenswishbish @royallyprincesslilly @captiansaveasmut @sisterwifeudaku @wakandanmoonchild @tchallaswife @kumkaniudaku @airis-paris14 @ashanti-notthesinger @brianabreeze @zforzathura @90sinspiredgirl @imgabbyrae @wakandanblogger @wakandawinning @heyauntieeee @brownsugarcocoabutterwildflowers @sarahboseman @skysynclair19 @angieswonderfulworld @ljstraightnochaser @mermaidchansons @qweentbh @zxddy-panther @stressedgyal @ashanti-notthesinger 
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At his words you cant’ help but hold your breath and wince, you don’t do it on purpose, it's an involuntary gesture.
Your hand is resting on his shoulder and you don't even notice that you’re holding the grip, he holds your hand and with small movements of the thumb he caresses your palm. His beautiful and perfect face is still a few inches from you, so close that you can breathe his breath.
"What do you mean with 
 “I don’t want anyone to disturb us tonight?” you say to him looking at his lips. He smiles and replies "Well ... it could mean many things 
 telling the truth ... I can’t deny that the thought of making love with you, jumps my head every time I meet your eyes lately "
You can’t deny having the same thought, perhaps, since always ...
You smile shyly, biting your lip and looking down
“Don't be shy, I know you're not. Come with me, let’s go, this stair is getting a little too crowded 
You don’t understand what he means with "crowded". Because it’s as if around you there was no one, as if you two were inside a big air’s bubble. But as soon as you move your gaze from him, you see, at the bottom of the stairs: Shuri, Okoye and the Queen Mother who look at you with a smirk that seems to say “Finally!!!!!
You widen your eyes, feel the embarrassment spreads completely and instinctively you hide your gaze.
"Shit ... and now??!!” You say to him in a low voice to not make you hear.
"Now come with me"
"I'm without shoes"
"Better ... let's go to the garden, I want to show you something" he says, amused, raising his eyebrows, sure that what you'll see you'll like.
You're still in shock enough for just hearing from his lips that he wants to make love to you and then be discovered by his family ...
Hand in hand you follow him down the stairs overpassing the three women who still look at you smiling, and then straight through the long central corridor leading out of the gardens. 
Wonderful palace gardens 
 you would spend hours looking at them and walking around. But your work unfortunately doesn’t leave you the time. And when you have time, you have to rest.
As soon as you come out, you can smell the thousands flowers inebriating your senses
"Come, this way"
"T'Challa your mother will get very very very angry if she realizes that we’re walking on the grass!! ... please, I already believe being in trouble ..."
"Naah, don’t worry Entle, come on" he once again holds out his hand and pulls you behind him.
Outside the gardens, beyond the palace, a long walk in total darkness almost in the middle of the jungle .... but you're not worried, you're with him.
"T'Challa where are you taking me?
 just pray that my dress won’t be ru — ..." You don’t have time to finish talking that what you’ve got in front of you takes your breath away.
In front of a cliff there is nothing but the sky in front of you.
Everything is completely blue and purple, dark blue and deep purple, beautiful shades of mixing colors and billions of bright stars that illuminate as much as needed. They seem to move from how much they shine. 
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You can’t see all this from your room and from the city where you lived before starting your job some time ago.
A sense of nostalgia sets upon you and you feel tears moisten your eyes.
You feel his strong big hands hugging you from behind and his chin resting on your head.
"Some time ago I heard a conversation you were having with my sister. You told her about when you were a child and your father took you secretly at night to look at the stars. You told Shuri you missed so much those stars and here, in the lights of the city, you couldn’t see them so well. Indeed from that area of the Palace you can’t see the sky in this way"
"T'Challa is ... is .... wonderful. Thanks” It's all you can say for the emotion, while a tear drops from your face to the memory of your father and your childhood.
“You’re welcome Uthando"
"Sometimes, at night, when I can’t sleep, I go out and walk ... and a few days ago I arrived here by chance, I looked at all this and I felt alone. Immediately you came to my mind, I missed you, even though you were in your room at the Palace.  I wanted to share it with you. I want to share everything with you"
You sigh at those words, close your eyes, as a sign of resignation. You feel him hold you closer against him and then let go taking your hand.
"Come, sit next to me" he says, you nod drying your tears and smiling.
The grass is fresh and soft and the feeling is very pleasant, you sit next to him crossing your legs, slightly raising you long dress ‘cause too tight to allow that movement. You discover your bare legs and thighs.
 remember that I can see very well in the dark ..." he tells you in a low voice, staring at your legs.
"I know, I'm perfectly aware of it ..." you tell him with a bit of boldness avoiding his gaze, looking straight in front of you and above you.
You hear him giggle "I knew you weren’t the shy girl you pretend to be"
"I am shy T'Challa"
"Yes yes ... of course 
 of course”
"Thanks for bringing me here, it's beautiful, really. Actually I don’t know how you remembered that conversation, but it's the best gift you could give me. Even if it's your birthday and the gift should be for you"
He says nothing, he only stretches his hand on your leg and caresses you. His touch is light, shy, warm, soft. Intimate 
 because before now he had never touch you beneath your waist.
"T'Challa ..."
"Forgive me ... too risky" he suddenly withdraws his hand
"No, that's not for this, actually your caress was very pleasant ..."
"So what's up dear?"
"What's up????!!! ... the Council T'Challa ... you know that they would never approve of anything like that. The Elders would make your assignment very difficult and I don’t want to be the cause of this. And besides, talking more selfishly, I don’t want to always meet you secretly. It's not what I want for me, for you, for us ... if ever there's an Us "
"Of course there is an us ... you know that I’m not a man who speaks only to achieve goals. When I speak it's because I feel"
"I know, I'm sorry, it's just that this whole situation makes me feel very nervous and I don’t know how to behave"
"I know ... as I know we’’ill have problems with the Council 
 I’ll have problems with them, not you”
"What do you mean?" You look at him, perplexed.
He lies down on his back looking at the stars above you saying: "I want to live you in the light of the sun, I want to live like a normal man. Do you think it's okay for me to kiss you secretly when everyone leaves, when the rooms are empty, or in some hidden corner of the Palace? Looking at you from a distance, looking for your gaze hoping that no one will see me? "
"No, I don’t think it's easy, I never thought T’Challa, but there are rules to be respected. You are bound by laws older than you and me 
“I will change the laws if necessary”
You laugh, it's inevitable. An almost hysterical laugh ... nervous “T’Challa 
 You can’t be serious. I'm not so important”
"Look at me Y/N"
You turn your back to look him in the eye. With his hand he makes you a sign to reach him and with the palm of his hand he taps on his chest making you a sign to lay your head there.
You lie down and lean your head on him. He hugs you tight, caresses your back, you hold him tight too and you lose yourself in that embrace.
You raise your face to meet his, he’s already looking at you, and reach his lips that were already looking for you. You stroke his face, his beard, his chin, resting his hand on his chest.
Without interrupting the kiss you untie the first buttons of his black shirt and put a hand inside to caress his skin. 
You loose all the shirt in order to deepen your caresses. 
You can feel his muscles moving under your touch. His hands on your arm, your waist and your back pull you against him.
Around you the nothingness, the night, the stars and the sounds of nature, you hear in the distance the roar of the water and a very light wind moves the leaves of the trees behind you.
You continue to kiss and touch, remove your lips only to take a breath.
He sighed loudly with his eyes closed, letting out all the air in his lungs.
"Marry me ... be my wife Y/N"
Hope you like it girls, let me know if you want to be tagged in the next ones! 
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