#English & Norwegian
naareblogs · 27 days
Today is speak your language day :D! Which is your first language?
Porque el mío es español xD
I tried to add as much as I could! But I got out of space :,D
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heritageposts · 4 months
has anyone come across any shareable graphics that show the type of produce (fruits/veggies) that israel exports?
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lunalolligo · 2 years
noticing as I learn different languages I tend to think using the shortest word from any of those languages, so for example instead of "this is" or "dette er", I'll just automatically think "c'est"
So my proposal is a creole of every language in which we find the shortest syllabic way to say every single word and speak at maximum efficiency
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ratsarecute4 · 2 years
My favourite thing about (most) Germanic languages:
Norwegian: due (pigeon), drue (grape)
Danish: due (pigeon), drue (grape)
Swedish: duva (pigeon), druva (grape)
Dutch: duif (pigeon), druif (grape)
Afrikaans: duif (pigeon), druif (grape)
Frisian: duif (pigeon), druif (grape)
German: Taube (pigeon), Traube (grape)
A few notable outliers: English, Scots, Icelandic
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little-pup-pip · 4 months
25 Days of Agere Moodboards! Day 2: Favorite Stuffie!!
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yvanspijk · 2 months
Dear means 'valued; precious; beloved'. However, in certain expressions it also means 'expensive', such as in to cost dear. This meaning, inherited from Proto-Germanic, became dominant in cognates of dear, such as Dutch duur, German teuer, and Swedish dyr. The infographic tells you the whole story.
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fairy-verse · 9 months
The call of his name had been so soft and sweet he hadn’t believed it possible to come from Nightmare himself, least of all on such a bright day as the firstborn fairy of autumn rarely wished to come out during daybreak, and yet as he turned towards the great tree which gave Nightmare’s underground nest its structure, he came to see the firstborn sitting upon a raised root.
Stars and wishes alike, he couldn’t prevent his face from slackening as awe and disbelief painted itself across his whole skull. Nightmare had always been beautiful, from the moment he laid his hidden eye lights upon him, and long before that as well, but now, as he stared in shameless wonder, he couldn’t even begin to set words upon the emotions that racked and destroyed his soul from within. Clad in near-transparent silks of shimmering iridescent colours, Killer took in the sight before him, wishing he could permanently burn it into his wings so he may look upon it over and over again.
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Nightmare smiled, a soft blush of colour blooming across his cheekbones.
Killer had a visible reaction to it; his soul nearly curved across his chest.
“Months of courting and unabashed flirting, and a simple dress and a smile leaves you at a loss for words?” Nightmare questioned, clearly taking a lot of pleasure from the current situation at hand. It wasn’t often he managed to render his ever-chattering fairy silent, but now, as Killer stared with open admiration, Nightmare found himself enjoying it; immensely.
Killer couldn’t let that taunt linger in the air.
“Simple? Why, my queen; the silver moon in my darkened sky, there is nothing that could ever be simple about you,” he said, regaining his composure as he approached and knelt before Nightmare. He took the hanging silks into his hand, keeping eye contact with his queen, and kissed it tenderly. “Don’t judge me so heavily for admiring the only light in my everlasting night.”
Nightmare’s blush darkened and he turned his head to the side. “Flatterer,” he said, though his voice lacked any bite. Killer had struck a tender spot, one that was easily softened under his warm caress.
“Only for you, my queen.”
Thank you once again, @aoi-kanna, for making my fairy Nightmare stunning beyond words. I just love how he seems so flirty in this illustration, but really, he must steal Killer’s words from his mouth every now and then. He cannot allow his handsome red fairy to fly around unpunished for all his brazen proclamations of love and devotion. Killer, for his part, will for once keep his mouth shut about this so-called punishment. How could he ever complain about this?
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leavescrown · 9 months
You are welcome to write them down or tag them too :) 🎧
(it's totally okay to add more languages first before voting 😂)
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imaybe5tupid · 23 days
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This bottle of Steven’s, awakens ancient feelings.
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sn0wbat · 6 months
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well what family doesn't keep a secret vampire family member hidden deep in in the basement /s
EDIT: Rest of the comic is now under the cut!
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solitudeismyeuphoria · 11 months
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I want you always to remember me.
Will you remember that I existed, and that I stood next to you here like this?
Haruki Murakami, Norwegian Wood
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wedarkacademia · 2 years
Do you think you weren't loved enough?"
"Somewhere between 'not enough' and 'not at all. I was always hungry for love. Just once, I wanted to know what it was like to get my fill of it - to be fed so much love I couldn't take any more. Just once. But they never gave that to me. Never, not once.
— Haruki Murakami, Norwegian Wood
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0l-unreliable · 10 months
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ive been super obsessed with those Derse/Prospit royalty fics lately but i can't stop thinking about Jake's Prospit funeral, especially when comparing it to Jade's thriving dream-self. Anyways, a comic about those two subjects featuring Halley because I think he should be in more things
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isbergillustration · 1 year
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Made a rat friend for my robot. Her name is Rot.
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yoselin-uyu · 6 months
So i wanted to join too 🤼 ✨
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Thanks for the Template and the challenge @Ohcerrie🕺
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ifindus · 5 months
headcanon that norway uses "du" a lot when he needs to ask for something or wants attention, one of the most unrealistic things that I see in fanfiction is norway using names instead of "du"😤 at least he should put "du" in front of the name: "du Sverige, I need to ask you something"
I just feel like saying "du" is very typical norwegian, and it is used very often in everyday speech
for non-norwegian speakers "du" literally means "you"
You are so correct for this 😭 I rarely use people's names, it's just "du" all the time. And the "da" as well?? Or is that a more Trøndish thing? I end almost all of my sentences with "da", and it translates so poorly into English, just "then" 😞
Petition to make Norway use "du" and "da" in fanfics 🙏✨ only Norwegian words he needs
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