juminsfakecat · 1 year
the way I haven’t posted anything about harry bc i hate his haircut
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cherrychipheart · 1 year
Heya~ It’s been a while. 5 years
First off... I’m genuinely surprised that my dead blog still gets likes and reblogs occasionally. During the course of time, a lot of asks were sent, and I’m really sorry for having left you guys hanging. At that time, high school grades were a priority ;; Now that I’ve been free from all that for a while, at the very least, an update was necessary. 
1. Updating blog theme
There were concerns that the blog was hard to navigate and to add, also lead to external links. I’m incredibly sorry to those who experienced this. The blog has now reverted back to the vanilla tumblr theme. 
2. Back to being active?
I’m afraid that I have lost all motivation to continue this blog. There are 15 drafts/unposted theories that were left sitting there, and when I look at those posts, I think man, what was I thinking? As of right now, I’ve forgotten 80% of what my theories were originally about, that I’ve had to reread them over and over ; And it’s unlikely I’ll ever get back on track. So with that, I’m afraid that I won’t be able to answer all of the asks, since the part of my brain concerning itself with Cheritz has been collecting webs and dust 😞
3. The future of this blog    
I’ve considered deleting this blog for some time. It’s pretty much dead, but I’m still conflicted over whether I should or not. It’s actually my very first and only tumblr blog...  
4. Moving on
Part of what made this fun were some online friends I made along the way in creating these seemingly wild theories. I’ve lost touch with them overtime, but its a part of growing up in general, moving on with life. I’ve had so much fun also looking at others’ theories and looking at the asks. In fact, there were some that were like a revelation o.o, things that I had never considered. There was one ask which talked about how some of the organisations making contact with the RFA sounded like they were making desperate wishes 😮
Anyway, I’ve moved on. From Mystic Messenger. From Nameless, Dandelion. All of Cheritz I’m afraid. I was never interested in The Ssum from right when it was announced back in 2017, because first, it came out of nowhere, and I had doubt that it was connected to the previous games. Turns out... 
I’ll leave that there for you to figure out (don’t wanna risk spoilers haha).
But the biggest demotivator for dropping my blog has to be...
5. Cheritz’s declaration that the story of Mystic Messenger was up to interpretation
That particular post shook me. Starting from Nameless, Cheritz had established that their future games were truly something to look forward to, at least for me. It’s not just throwbacks or cameos, it’s within the same universe. The announcement of MysMe and introduction of Jumin’s character hooked me in right from the start. It was very exciting back in the past. But now, it’s just... eh. Cheritz appears to want to please everyone. Apparently, the Mysme fandom that hadn’t played Dandelion or Nameless were angry that they had to check out the two to understand the story of Mysme which was why Cheritz had made that post (don’t quote me, even I’m unsure of whether this is true or not 😶 But if Cheritz had to make a post like that, it must mean something)
Ultimately, I actually hadn’t even started V’s route nor got a satisfactory ending with Saeran. Their routes were a big surprise, and I felt it got messy quick. When I looked at the story of Mysme at face value (so looking at it independently without any connection to the other games) and paired with other people’s perspectives of Saeran’s and V’s routes based off screenshots, I found there were some inconsistencies regarding the characters and their point of views of events. And if that’s at face value, then there’s just no way I’ll be able to, well, make connections between the games. And the fact that Jumin’s got a route based off a bad ending... well, more profit is good I guess? They are a company after all  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Ultimately, if there are inconsistencies, paired with the fact that Cheritz says that the game is up to interpretation... what, then, is considered canon or a theory?  
If you’ve read this far... nah, there’s no way haha.
6. Just some rambling (my own thoughts, feel free to disagree of course)
I feel like Cheritz has made a mistake. By saying that Mysme can be interpreted in any way, only to connect the Ssum back to Mysme, and killing Lynn Project. Dandelion and Nameless had a clear direction. Lynn Project could’ve had a direction, who knows? Both Mysme (any additional content after the main story, new routes etc) and the Ssum don’t feel like they have a clear direction, with how they’ve had to develop these two within either a tight time frame, or lacking storytelling and anticipation. 
Anyway, I’m not sure if people are still interested in the theories surrounding Cheritz games. If so, it’s really impressive their brains haven’t fallen out. Mine fell out a long time ago. Looking back at my theories, I have now understood how crazy I must’ve sounded to others haha. 
7. So what am I doing now?
At the moment, it’s still unclear on whether I should keep this blog up or not. It all depends. Although I doubt there are others following this blog to begin with (like, is there even a discord server for Cheritz fans on theories and headcanons?)
I’ve moved onto other things at this point: working for a living, learning art, checking out other otome games, Kdramas, and so on.           
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Omg I tried my best to avoid spoilers, cause due to time zones the birthday cg would appear a bit later for me, but ahhhh! To be honest I got a bit disappointed the first time I saw it on Twitter (accidentally), but I just scrolled down without really looking at it, since I wanted to see it for myself when it first appeared. I think I got disappointment mostly cause I got spoiled and not bc of the cg itself lol
And... Looking at it today... Oh my god I am so in love with it (╥﹏╥) Seeing the brothers together, looking so sincerely happy and content to share their birthday with each other is just- aaaughhh I low-key teared up the longer I looked at it 😭 And Vanderwood... Oh boy - Vandy!!! Vandy on a cg!!! And they're with the twins!!! Celebrating their birthday!!! This is so precious!!!! The thing is, in my au with my mc, Vanderwood is pretty much a part of a family, although they won't admit it out loud lmao
Seeing them like that made me imagine my mc calling them over to prepare this small and cozy party for the twins, since they did so much for all of them over the years. Just imagine the grin on Saeyoung's face. It's his birthday, so Vanderwood won't grumble this time. They're glad to see him so happy and with his family. And mc taking the picture... Oh, my heart. The implications that Vanderwood is part of the family and that they belong together... (´;︵;`) We don't know anything about their family (at least I don't remember much), but I doubt it's something good, judging by their dialogue in V's AE. I know it's about the twins, but thinking about them finally feeling like they're really HOME... Well, it made me go all sentimental.
Thank you Cheritz's
I am practically vibrating with excitement and inspiration now
I tried to avoid them for as long as I could as well! But, hey, some people don't tag their spoilers and we can't control that. It's okay! You've got the boys now and they're so happy. I think being able to see them happy and bright is worth it, even if the circumstances that you saw them weren't the way you wanted. The twins are popular and the fans rush to look at them anytime we see them. I want to kiss my boy Saeran so badly, so I get it.
The thing that made me the happiest was the fact that they both can share a birthday cake. I know that's a little silly, but considering their trauma with that it just feels pretty nice to see nobody using a treat as means to torture them. Saeran getting cake after not being able to have one… Saeyoung being able to see his brother shine brightly and get whatever he wants to eat?
You know even though this is a split cake, Saeran had to affirm that Saeyoung needed space on it. It can’t be all about Saeran. It’s a birthday for the two of them. They share. That’s growth. Saeyoung cries about it and that’s the part that’ll get you. They're smiling but we know that getting to this point was filled with tears and struggle. My boys are free! Our boys are free! They don't have to live in fear and shame anymore! They get cake and a family! Crying!
Happy for Vanderwood, too. I think most of us believe that they stick around even though they say that they won't. They've been through too much with our favorite redhead to ever stray too far away. They just have a very rough way of showing it. There are so many things about it that make me cry that Tumblr would never let me get away with writing something that long! Cries!
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misstartrekandel · 5 years
3rd Wheel
707 x reader
Aanndd it's based off this picture I found on tumblr
However instead of selfies its video diaries :) and yes this was originally posted on my wattpad, so of you see it on there that's why, no plagiarism here
Saeran faced the camera his twin had given him. It was recording but it took him a moment to find the right words.
"A part of my "recovery" is expressing myself through journaling. However my...brother...and his..girlfriend- suggest it would probably be better to talk about my feelings than to write them. Something about better verbal communication so Sae...so Saeyo...Saeyoung gave me this camera...but MC came up with the idea first...I've only been here for- maybe two weeks...since I left..Mint Eye-"
The name of the place seemed to drag him back where he was weeks back. The pain and loneliness he felt still left the same sinking feeling in his chest, not fully able to forgive his brother but also feeling betrayed by the one person he thought cared about him. He slammed his hands on the desk the camera was placed and then soon stopped the recording and stormed off from his room, not exactly going anywhere but simply to leave behind the device that brought up those emotions.
He pushed record on his camera and brushed the crumbs off the corners of his mouth. "So today MC made us cookies. They tasted good. I liked them. I like her too. She's..nice. I don't know how my- how he got so lucky. I just-" He pressed his hands to his temples "I guess I just wanted to say that the cookies were good. Chocolate chip. I hope she makes more...."
Instead of the camera showing Saerans bedroom as it normally does, this time it was an area with concrete floors and cages full of animals.
"So Saeyoung wanted to get a cat. I feel terrible about any one of the unfortunate animals he picks today. MC will treat it okay, but Saeyoung...he just can't be trusted with cats. But he insisted. And MC agreed. So here we are."
He angled the camera to show the large collection of felines surrounding him, then to his sibling and his girlfriend examining one of the kittens.
"Really Saeyoung? I mean, I just..- don't people normally get either the cutest cat or the ugliest one? That is the most..umm..boring cat in here. Especially for your taste."
Saeyoung grinned as he picked up the grey tabby and held the pet to his chest. "Ah well I'm pretty sure the author of this is so used to seeing other authors use either an incredibly messed up cat or a perfect one and really just wanted your average house cat. You know to be original."
Both MC and Saeran looked at him quizzically, however neither of them had the the ability to reply to his comment about his choice of pet, and with 707s girlfriend being quite familiar with being left speechless, decided to simply leave and go to the adoption worker.
"Oh...oh okay she just left umm okay hold on." And he turned off the camera.
"So today I got some rather exciting news. According to.. S-Saeyoung I'm going to be his "best man". Basically MC is going to be my sister!...in law? Sister in law? Sister in law yeah...they're gonna get married. I guess weddings are a big deal. They're taking several months to prepare this...I can't believe that he's able to commit to her when he-...sorry MC said that a part of my recovery is to forgive and forget. Apart of moving on so I...well I guess if anything I'll be happy for her. But I don't want to wear that jacket...."
The cameras view showed Saeran in a tuxedo, hair still unkempt, and a white table cloth, with a piece of uneaten cake.
"They finally got married today. They're so gross...anyways MC looks really pretty, her dress is long, I've never seen one like it. We stood at this post thing with a priest or whoever who said they could get married. It was very long and not very exciting. Eventually we got cake though and that was nice. Its not too bad at all actually. Look at them dancing. They're terrible at it."
He changes the view of the camera to the newlyweds as they clumsily danced hand in hand.
"They'll be gone for 3 days for a 'honeymoon'. Which is better for me...they're uhm...loud sometimes so...ahem I should go now."
"Right now MC and I are making a gift." He points the lens to her and she lightly smiles and waves, still decorating the small box in her hands.
"Wanna show what we will put in the box?" Said camera man asked, and MC grinned and held up a stick with two lines on one end.
"We decided it was best to put this in a box before we put it in a jar of candy, you know because if not that would be incredibly gross." She explained, then dropped the object into the gift box.
"We're watching all of the Avengers movies tonight, mainly for me to catch up. He will probably eat the entire jar before the first movie even starts so I'm sure I actually won't be able to see anything..." Saeran said with a hidden grin "But it's okay, I think I would rather see Saeyoungs reaction than any movie so..."
"Jesus Christ Saeyoung shut up you're so loud. I knew this was gonna happen that one night I couldn't sleep because you two-"
"Be civil. You're brothers. And Saeran do not finish that sentence."
"Look at this!" The younger twin pointed to his sister in laws stomach, then touched a certain area and made a noise of excitement once he felt the babies movement "They move! They move! I didn't know they could feel me! Saeyoung come here! Your kid is kicking!"
Idk this was surprisingly hard to write. I wanted to show Saerans recovery but also not move to fast and make him OOC (if it wasnt clear this takes place over a long period of time). Kinda failed at that. It was a cute idea but I think I bit off more than I could chew with his character, especially since Cheritz can't exactly show all of his character development, and I'm not sure what it's like to get over being brainwashed and drugged. I just really love stories where my Choi boys are united :)
Thank you for reading this junk~
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aprilyuki · 4 years
Jumin x MC x Zen fanfic
Photo and characters belong to cheritz
You put your phone by your ear, excited to hear his voice only to be disappointed. He had been busy for weeks now and you barely saw each other. Whenever he came back home, it's was really late and he was exhausted, not giving you any chance to catch up. You just understood. It's the consequences of dating a busy man but you just want a minute to check how he was doing.
"What are we gonna do with him, Elly? ." you caressed the cat's soft white fur.
Your phone suddenly rang and you quickly answered it. "Jumin?"
"Oh..um sorry to disappoint you, MC. It's Zen" he laughed awkwardly.
"Oh my gosh. I am so sorry. It's just that- nevermind. How have you been?" you asked Zen.
"I'm fine. And looks like Jumin has been ignoring his princess."
"No. He's just busy. Con of dating a CEO."
"Seriously. That guy." he exasperated. You knew it was going to be another long line of his complaints against Jumin so you cut him off.
"Why did you call by the way?"
"Oh yeah! Uhmm are you free today? I really need help with something."
"Yeah. Sure. For an old friend, why not."
"Awesome. I'll pick you up."
You entered his house and dropped your bag on the sofa. "Are you sure? I'm not really great at acting. I'm sure you have lots of friends in the theater that can help you." You asked. You were always ready to help, of course, but you didn't know it was to help him practice script reading. You thought you'll just watch. You were not that confident with your acting skills.
"Yes. I really want to get this role. And I really need you to practice with me and act as my leading lady. I really need it to be you." he looked deeply into your eyes longingly. It's been a while since you last saw each other. But as usual, all of his affection always missed your notice.
You sighed. "Okay. But don't blame me if I'm gonna be really bad at this."
"I'll try not to laugh at you." he joked. You lightly smacked his arm.
"What a bully." you laughed
He was sitting beside you on the sofa, reading his script until it was your turn.
"I don't get him." you read. "I don't know anymore." you tried your best,really. But you couldn't help but sound awkward. "He always says he loves me but he felt so distant. We barely have time for each other. He doesnt confide in me anymore. I feel useless while I watch him carry all of his burden alone. I want to be there for him." the more you read the lines, the more it hit you until you felt like you were not reading it anymore. Its as if you were saying it now.
Tears threatened to form in your eyes so you snap out of it."Uhmm" you slid your finger through the paper while you were searching for the next line. "I wish I just fell for someone like you, Zen." 'oh crap' you thought. You called him by his real name. You looked up at Zen to apologize but he suddenly looked so sad, pained. 'Is he in character?'
"Can't you just choose me? I've always been waiting for you." he raised his hand and caressed your cheek. You flinched at the sudden touch. "I've always been here waiting for you. Why can't you see that? I love you. I've always loved you, MC" He moved his face closer to yours as he stared at your lips.
"Zen?" he snapped out and looked at you. "I don't think that's on the script."
Realizing he was so close, he immediately jumped away. "I-it's improvising.." he stuttered. "We do that a lot."
"I see. You're really a great actor, Zen. I almost believed you."
"Yeah. Acting. It's just my lines. Scripted." he looked down.
"You even called me by my real name so be careful next time. Don't disappoint us fans." You smiled. "I'm looking forward to your play. And Jaehee too, of course."
"Thanks." he smiled, bitterly. He didnt know if he was trying to steal a little happiness from Jumin by calling you over or just torturing himself knowing you will never look at him the way you look at your lover.
You guys continued practicing. You were so intent on helping him out that you forgot about the time and fell asleep on the couch. Zen kneeled in front of you. He swept the hair on your face.
"I meant those words. Why can't you see me?" he whispered. Suddenly, someone held his hand and pushed him away. "J-Jumin?!"
"huh?" you slowly opened your eyes, waking up. "Jumin!" you exclaimed, happily. He returned the big smile on your face with a cold stare. He grabbed your wrist and pulled you out of Zen's house. "Jumin slow down. You're hurting me." you can feel his grip tightening.
"Hey! What are you doing?!" Zen yelled. He caught up and grab Jumin's wrist. He couldn't hide his anger anymore.
Jumin annoyingly pulled his hand off.
"Mind your own business. This is between me and my GIRLFRIEND." He emphasized. The words stabbed Zen that he could only watch you leaving.
While in the car, Jumin was not talking. He was just looking out of the window with a grave expression.
"Jumin, What's wrong?"
You tried to hold his hand but he just flicked it off. You were hurt but you couldnt help but feel worried. You noticed he doesn't look good. "Are you okay?" you touch his forehead to check his temperature. "Jumin! Your fever is really high. I think we should go to the hospital"
He pushed your hand off. "Be quiet." he coldly hissed.
When you got to the condo he just pulled you back into your room.
"Jumin!" you called. "whats wrong? Tell me"
He just ignored you and pushed you into the bed. He brought his head close to your neck.
"Ow!" you felt a sharp pain. "what are you doing?" you tried to push him away but he's too strong for you. You were just pinned down on the bed.
"Marking my territory." He bit again and you flinched. "So that they'll know your mine. So that Zen will know you really are mine." he swiftly undressed you and loosed his necktie.
"Is this about him? I was just helping him." You sat down and cupped his face and looked at him. "Talk to me. Tell me what's wrong" you pleaded. Expressoinless, his face grew closer and you felt his lips on yours. His tounge slid in. Your breathing grew erratic.
He pulled out, giving you a chance you catch your breathe. "You want to know whats wrong?" he rested his head on your shoulder. You felt how hot he is and realized he was breathing heavily. "You're too nice to everybody. If I leave you alone, you will be stolen away."
"I won't."
"You're too innocent. I've been thinking of what should I do to you. I want to lock you in a cage or tie you up. I can't lose you." he mumbled. He couldn't look at you, feeling embarrassed of how he just acted. You never saw Jumin be so insecure.
"Jumin" you kissed him. "I Love you. I really love you. I am yours. I'll keep on saying this until you're sick of it." you promised.
"I highly doubt it." reassured, he felt weak and fell asleep.
You just watched him sleep for a while thinking how he could be so insecure. You never saw anybody other than him. If someone should be scared, you thought it should be you. He could do anything, he is smart and handsome. You thought he was too good to be true.
Your phone rang, disrupting your thought. It was Jaehee.
"Jaehee? It's late. Why are you calling?"
"Sorry for bothering you MC. I just want to check how Mr. Han is doing. He doesn't look good earlier."
"He has a fever but it went down now. He's resting. But I don't think he can come to work tomorrow."
"Oh it's okay. It's his off anyway. He has been working non-stop for weeks to finish all of his works and have a day off with you."
"He did that?" you asked. You never knew he hasn't been coming home right away because of you.
"I think I said too much. Take care of him, MC. Goodnight."
"Goodnight." you ended the call
You looked at Jumin sleeping peacefully and sat beside him on the bed.
"Thank you. I love you." you whispered as you kissed his forehead.
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mysmedrabbles · 5 years
Another Place [Yoosung Kim]
from the Fourth Wall breaking series
quote contributors: 2 anons and @thedujifuji (submissions bolded, will not be posting the actual asks)
a/n: welcome back to hell i’ll be your tour guide,, finally posting these after only 19 years!! Hope you guys enjoy!
warnings: big sad
-7th wall mod alex
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       It was the late night chats that were always the loneliest. Staring up into the bleak cracked ceiling, you traced the shadows cast by the moon outside with your eyes, the empty feeling filling you yet again... a void that demanded to be felt no matter the cost. It was times like these, under the cover of darkness where you were left alone with your thoughts, a yearning so deep you could swear you would unravel, leaving nothing but the shell of the person you once was.
       Man this game was fucking you up.
       Rolling on your side, you checked you phone, the bright light assaulting your eyes. Able to distinguish the time, you made your way to the Mystic Messenger app. Two minutes to 2 am. Ten minutes until you could sleep.
       With the cheery tune of the opening screen, a smile couldn't help but find its way to your face, an almost giddy sensation filling the previous void you’d longed to be filled, an otherworldly feel as you surveyed the winnings of the latest Honey Buddha Chip package on your screen. Not much, but enough for a call perhaps? A call to a certain golden haired boy? 
       One more minute until the chatroom opened.
       Your eyes surveyed the screen yet again, looking for something to do to pass the ever stretching seconds, when the familiar ring of a phone call echoed through your room. A call. From Yoosung. A glitch? Weren’t calls supposed to happen after chatrooms? 
       Without thinking you pressed answer, the smiling face the blonde avatar bore fading away as the call subtitles took its place. 
      “Hello?” his voice was higher than usual, almost panicked, and yet you could feel your heart flip in your chest as his voice struck you, a small bit of reality you had left. “Hello?” came Yoosungs voice again, voice cracking near the end. “Damn it, damn it.” you heard him mutter from the other end. 
       You expected a chatbox to pop up, to respond, but nothing came, nothing but silence as the incoherent muttering came from far away on the other end. You listened intently... would anything happen? What kind of glitch was this? 
       “Hel-damn it, Seven said this would work- Hello?”
       Cheritz? Answer box please?? 
       You heard a deep breath on the other end, and you could almost imagine Yoosung closing his eyes as he calmed himself, one hand gripping the table to keep himself steady as the other held his phone to his ear. 
      “Hello? I- MC... that’s... thats not your real name is it. I dont know... if you can hear me, I’m praying Seven could do that for me.. I-Mc-” his voice wavered dangerously, trying his best to collect himself before he continued, his voice weaker than before, “If you can hear me... please.. say something-i- let me know you’re there.”
       Were you supposed to... answer? It felt silly, replying to the emptiness, saying something that would immediately be swallowed by the dark, but it also felt wrong to sit there doing nothing, waiting vainly for a chat box to appear. Maybe it was a new update.
       Just as you moved to end call, Yoosung spoke again, his voice drawn to a hush, as if he were afraid to break the fine glass line separating the two of your worlds. “You're..you’re real,” he breathed, defenses down as he himself clutched his phone desperately with both hands, pressing the device as close to his ear as he could before continuing, “I thought- that you were just a character on a screen I never- there’s so much I need to tell you, so much that-”
       “Yoosung?” was all you could muster, your mind blank at the reality you were facing, until the only thing that could be heard was your heartbeat pounding in your ears, distorting the silence of your room.
       “-And I don’t know how much time we- yes?”
There was so much you wanted to say to him...
       “Thank you,” you started. Whether this was real or not, you weren’t going to pass up an opportunity to talk to him. The idea that this might have just been another simulation broke your heart, but these were quickly rushed away when you looked down at the continuing phone call, remembering Yoosung on the other end.
       His rambling was cut by your thanks, confusing him, it was he who should be thanking you, not the other way around, he started to respond, but you beat him to it, “Yoosung I- in- in you I saw so much of myself; I was,” you took a deep breath before continuing, “so lost, wanting to move forward but so afraid to let go of the past. You showed me,” a crack in your voice as tears threatened to swallow you whole, emotions you hadn’t known you even had rising rapidly to the surface, “You showed me that it's possible to move forward even after you've lost your way. You have helped me and shown me far more kindness than anyone else ever did when I was at my lowest point and because of you I want to be a better per..son with ... every passing day.”
       You finished with a flustered breath, heat suddenly rushing to your cheeks as you realized your declaration, completely our of character from your usual stoic self. This was a game. You declared your love to... someone who wasn’t even real. The shame of idiocy spread through your chest the longer he stayed silent, only his own heavy breathing heard on the other end. 
       Taking a second to bring himself back together, Yoosung tried to ignore the warmth spreading through his body, heart and gut synchronized in a flustered dance, both struggling to keep up with the racing of his mind. It didn’t seem real, that the person he’d inevitably loved- continued to fall in love with day after day, was real, not just a character made up by Seven, a virus in the app.
       You heard a small giggle from Yoosung, making your heart soar. You could almost imagine his face, violet eyes shining with the threat of tears, blush adorning a smiling expression as he vainly tried to hide his face in his hands, too embarrassed by the way your words stripped him of rationality, touched him in a way where he’d lost all functionality, enraptured by your voice, by you. 
       A smile made its way onto your face as you continued, set to get everything you’d wanted to say out in the open, “You’re amazing and I just, I love you so much and I wish, I wish more guys were like you in this world. You’re so, soft, amazing, artistic, and an excellent cook? The omurice will never stop looking delicious.”
       To this he finally had a response, “It was! It was delicious! If I send you the recipe will you promise to make it?”
       “Of course.”
       “I’ll see if I can text it to you! You won't Believe the things I went through to get to this point, good thing it was worth it in the end! Being with you is always worth it..” 
       He was rambling, and the initial tenseness of the first meet shaken off as his infectious laughter filled the receiver, voice bright with excitement as he went on about the other recipes he tried in his spare time, the ones he’d always wanted to make one day for you... the ones he never could.
       His voice started to crack, static becoming more and more prominent as his voice was broken by what? Bad cell service? The fact that you were talking across dimensions? 
       Yoosung could be heard getting sad, his tone dropping, a melancholic need for you filling his head, suffocating him with thoughts of you. He paused his words, starting anew. “MC I... I’m sorry I think... we’re running out of time but before I go I just... I need to tell you... gah why is this so hard.”
A pause.
       “I love you... truly. You showed me kindness when there was no one who believed in me, and it’s because of your love that I’m still alive.. that I have something worth living for. Every time you play my route...” the static got worse, ripping a few words from his sentence, actively trying to separate the two of you as he went on, “...I wish I could protect you forever, make you as happy as you make me.. I wish we had more t- I wish we had more time. There’s so much I want to ask you, so much I’m sure you want to ask. Please, no matter what.. stay happy for me.”
Well...actually.. I do have one serious question for you... Yoosung Kim: does Yoosung Kim is bi?” you chuckled cautiously, a weight lifted as you heard his broken up giggle in response, and for a second you could almost believe that everything would be okay.
The static got louder, cutting in between Yoosung’s words, only fragments of a, “well - lov- ou so,- h-pe s-,” were able to be made, connection weakening, Yoosung’s presence fading away.
Tapping on the phone, where you were praying for some sort of relief, you were only met with a blank screen, his voice gone, leaving a gaping hole where he’d buried himself into your heart.
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fandomplethora · 4 years
mystic messenger webtoon
(repost since my last post disappeared OTL) 
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warning: unorganized, rambling thoughts lol. (i’m all over the place right now, guys)
you guys. i have never been more excited and more *terrified* in my life.
let’s break it down.
it is officially announced that mystic messenger, as a webtoon, will be returning to us on april 11th. the prologue has already been released today.
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from what i have been able to read *very briefly* is that there is no plan for an english (or any other language) translation just yet. it will be released on bookcube, a pay to read site.
(someone on reddit mentioned a hope that it may come to tappytoon or tapas? but there is no confirmation of any other site besides bookcube.)
that being said - we have *wonderful* people in this fandom already ready with some english translations! at the very least :’)  
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creds, yo
let’s go into my (personal) negative outlooks first! (maybe i shouldn’t use an exclamation point when talking somewhat negatively...)
1. (not super negative) b u t - our mc is different. :,( i’m just attached to the idea of mc w/ bangs and long brown hair - the gold eyes. while other mc’s have made their way into art and ect...the mc from the game is the most popular one. i don’t understand the need for the change...besides to perhaps build upon this new version of the story with a brand new character. because mc *like this*, in this format, is a new character. she will, hopefully, have her own personality and traits and maybe backstory? even a minor one. b u t that could also, in the eyes of some people, be a negative...and, to others, a positive. we, as players, have been the mc this entire time so while good ending mc is looked at as, mainly, canon - which brings some fundamental characteristics to her character such as being empathetic, kind and...holy shit, incredibly *flexible* (like, apartment bomb? “nbd.” brand new group of people? “dope, let’s be friends.” cult? “well, what are we gonna do about it then.” mc, are you okay? mc: “are y o u g u y s okay tho?”)  mc has not had her own story. does this mean she will now? now we may get new traits on top of those, a unique personality to who t h i s character is.
SIDE NOTE: *SLAMS HANDS ON TABLE* ya’ll, holy shit...is MC getting a name? she has to get a name now. AAAAA, okay this may go another direction and i may just have another character in this damn story i’d willingly throw myself in front of a car for. dAMN IT.
2. okay, it somewhat makes sense that saeyoung would NOT be there in the introduction of the four to this mc shown in the webtoon prologue. same with jihyun. of course, with saeran. but my fear is...i want equal relationship development with every character. unless they are approaching this in a “reset” type of way...(which i’m not sure if they will tbh).
from, my guess, the already meeting of them (all at the same time) shows us that we may just be on one big route with almosteverything included? which i am down for. but...then do it like that, right? bring saeyoung and jihyun into the picture, as well, more consistently. bring vanderwood in too due to his major role in saeyoung’s route, the secret endings and the entirety of another story. (y’know? what could be considered the “main plotline” that affects everyone in mm.)  he IS a part of it. also, more moments with saeran. perhaps we will get (new) more mint eye scenes? a type of back and forth?
i’m really not trying to dictate how this story should go. i really am interested in this new take and what it may come with. but i just want...everyone there, y’know? i want those relationships equally delved into - how we all got to know them as we completed all routes and other dlc’s on the game.
3. i’m just...kind of scared of being disappointed. or *too much* changing. or...characters being made out in a way they are not? if that makes sense. i’m not trying to set it up for that...to play some “i’ve been here over three years and i know more than you” type of role, haha. they can bring in all of the angst from the game...but maybe change a few things to handle it better? deeper? make sure characters are more universally okay? add some things in too if you want! i also understand if not everything makes it in.
but they have a chance of really reigniting the fandom and also growing it. mm is a wonderful story that does capture your heart. and cheritz has done a lot of good, more good than bad in my eyes (personally!)...but also...sometimes have messed up too. i just want them to do the game, the characters and themselves justice.
1. okay, guys. c’mon. this mc is super cute UwU (not that that is what it’s all about lol) but i’m hoping we get to know her as a new character with unique traits. i’m excited to see her added into the story and for her interactions. we should all root for her! because we have allll been her shoes already, guys. <3 (also, as someone else pointed out, peep that bisexual bob, ya’ll.) let’s do this!
2. THE ART STYLE IS A M A Z I N G. they ALL look so good to me. i saw them and immediately went “there they are”. :’) kind of got emotional, ngl.
3. i do believe in one positive change that is going to happen! we are meeting them *right away* at least from what i can tell from this panel -
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i think this makes sense in order to see the story in this form (and i even said this so long ago in another post when musing about changes if they ever made mm into a tv show). meeting them right away makes sense. and i am glad they are doing it this way! that made me excited to see. (and now you guys know what i mean about every character, hopefully, getting the part they deserve in this webtoon that i mentioned earlier.)
4. so, i may be getting ahead of myself and i am NOT trying to continually ask for more and more. but the fact that this game became a webtoon...means it could become a show one day. perhaps this is a way to test the waters? feel it out and see where things go. either way though, a webtoon happening (all on it’s own) is beyond exciting.
5. there will be new additions to this fandom! just the other day (and, as i’m sure, many of us feel too) i just miss this game and fandom so much. i’m not ready for it to just be over, i think. mystic messenger meant, it means, so much to me - so much to others. it is a wonderful story, a different approach to this genre while including important themes and filled with i n c r e d i b l e characters. things are not perfect but maybe...this can be the boost we all need again. and i am excited to welcome people into this fandom!
let’s all be kind to each other.
final thoughts;
i’m probably going to hunting down a translation all over the place on april 11th (and every release following, haha). i hope we do see this story translated in numerous languages - to include our, truly, worldwide fandom. i will be reading this and i am excited for this new part and chapter of this fandom and story! to see it this way and read it as such. i’m glad to see a boost to this fandom and to find my love for mystic messenger again...and hopefully others will too!
overall - THANK YOU, CHERITZ. and while i am incredibly nervous - i am going to remain (mostly) positive and excited! and only *slightly* skeptical.
i’d love to hear anyone else’s thoughts and discuss more about this.
and i can’t wait to see you all (and welcome even more) into the messenger again. <3
until then!
oh, and also...
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...same, mc. same.
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seilahsacress · 5 years
Bad Endings - Seven vs Yoosung
I loved Mystic Messenger but it's not flawless, unfortunately. It's alright since nothing is but I really wonder if there's anyone who thinks the way I do.
I finished Yoosung's route first, got the good ending and looked up the other endings. Then I went on to Seven. Got the good ending first and now I'm wasting my HGs to get other endings. I got the normal ending and third bad ending, I'm not spoiled about the other four bad endings yet.
As you see, at top of the GE and the AE, I got two "other endings".
They've both disappointed me so far.
Especially compared to Yoosung's other endings... So I know what I'm complaining about is more a legit flaw of the game than a lazy "running gag" or "quirk".
Towards the end of Seven's route, where I passed the last branch point so I knew I was gonna get the good one, a lot of plot points were piling up and it was concerning. Then the story lost times with lots of stuff I felt were quite useless: Chatrooms including nothing but the characters' reactions to V, no story modes after some chats, and a V × Rika story mode. In the end, Seven's good ending was anything but an ending. (My dumbass discovered the secret endings after typing this and some more, damn.)
Normal ending was an insult.
I can see the meta punishing you for not inviting enough guests but this one wasn't it - Seven's normal ending was pure insult. He straight up dropped having the slightest care in the world about his brother. Why?
Besides, the normal ending is a final ending so we deserve at least some sort of closure for a few open plot lines. We have the secret endings for the aftermath of the good ending. Normal ending not only lacks them but most revelations in the good ending are gone too.
Again, I'm ok with the fact that game format simply can't allow some things to make sense. My actual problem with Seven's normal ending is that things are so insulting compared to the good one because... plot wants to? There's nothing tying the amount of guests to the differences between normal and good endings.
This brings me to my other and bigger complaint - the third bad ending. It was a severe downhill. I'm not gonna go as far as saying I pity my one lost day and five HGs but it was a disappointment. The right and wrong answers had only minor differences so I don't know how I expected the overall plot to be effected. I was expecting Seven to make a mistake out of worry since we were pessimistic and kinda cold, that was the only logical way things could've gone.
But instead... Saeran's actions changed?
He tucked us behind barriers instead of doing his regular thing of running away.
An unrelated person who didn't even read my messages and had no other way of being affected by what I said's actions changed.
For no reason? Other than plot wanting it?
At top of the logical fallacy, I also complain that the ending lacked this "epicness". Saeran just imprisoned us and said he's gonna torture us. Alright. Simple enough. Meanwhile, merely reading up about Yoosung's bad endings on the wiki was enough to make me calmly scream out loud. They are the best in the series so far, if excluding AS.
Talking about Yoosung's bad endings, or other endings if you want to include the normal ending too, I can actually get to the point of the blog promised in the title: Comparison.
Yoosung's other endings are better than Seven's, facts. They beat his on both grounds I mentioned so far:
Second criteria concerns unpredictionality, pace and similar things.
I want to talk on first.
To sum up Yoosung's bad endings:
Bad Ending One: The player feeds Yoosung's delusions and insecurity. As a result of those delusions, he commits a fatal mistake.
Bad Ending Two: The player pushes RFA into getting splited in half even though there is a dangerous threat outside. The dangerous threat outside corners Yoosung and the player alone, and takes advantage of Yoosung's distrust with a believable lie.
Bad Ending Three: Not as praise-worthy as the two above on story connection department but still decent enough. The player cares only about their own safety and our insecure Yoosung who's already ok with dying for someone else gets caught by the enemy since he wasn't dedicated to save himself. Even in the good ending, he and Seven barely escaped Mint Eye so I hope it's ok if I take my headcanon as semi-canon at least.
BRE One: This one's action-free anyway
BRE Two: Our non-existence directly causes Yoosung to act a certain way, and this was what had been my entire point all along.
See the logic? The consistency?
In Yoosung's bad endings, events develop according to what would make sense in that world. This is an example of the number one common rule of writing done right. Our choices should affect the story in a realistic way and things should develop accordingly, not just however plot wants them to.
See? Mystic Messenger's storyline has its mechanical flaws but they mostly only affect the story inconsistencies between different routes and the pace which stuff developes. There's no excuse for logical fallacies at the specific branch points.
Seven's third bad ending was, in summary, terrible. I was able to forgive his normal ending at the moment by saying that the meta punished me but his third bad ending tangibly disappointed me.
There's also the epicness aspect. Yoosung's bad endings were simply great. I would never, ever be able to guess the first and second bad endings during my playthrought. Even though they were foreshadowed and pretty logical in-story. For the first bad ending, the bomb had been the main threat and it was still active when we reached the branch point. For the second bad ending, Yoosung leaving RFA is the natural consequence of you agreeing with him and the hacker handing your ass the you is the natural consequence of the group splitting up. Still, I would NEVER be able to see THOSE bad endings coming. Yoosung actually coming to your house? Yandere tendencies? And the bomb you likely forgot out of excitement just suddenly killing you? Or you two meeting out in the park, a relatively new location? Unknown spitting a lie, which you of course know is a lie since you're very obviously on the verge of getting a bad ending but is still a unique way to win over RFA? This... That is just a legendary plot development and story telling. An epic fiction. Congrats, Cheritz! You're appreciated ^^
And yeah... The Seven who was continously hyped up to be the most crucial character out of the five and for whom I paid 80 HGs paled in comparison. I appreciate the story in his route and the secret endings after but the other endings?
Something I noticed while typing this blog is that Yoosung's first two story bad endings are better than his third bad and the normal ending. Hopefully this is the case for Seven too...? Cause as far as I remember, the right and wrong answers back then were distinct enough that I can see them legitimately effecting the storyline. Also, he has moments of only then seeing his brother so... I really have high hopes for them.
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So Cheritz is basically the best company ever
Where do I even begin? So sadly, Otakon 2018 is over :( I went into this con thinking the hype for Mystic Messenger died down but man was I wrong. There were so many awesome and kind mysme cosplayers which made me so happy! I even got to meet @jumeowss who is such a great person and created some amazing Jumin and MC emojis which I'm sure you guys have seen. I cosplayed as Seven and I had such a positive experience this con which I'm incredibly thankful for!
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Still hate my face too much to show on here but basically Seven showing off daddy V (@jumeowss)
I was excited enough to go to this con because the voice actors were going but then Cheritz announced new merch and I was super hyped. The merch is super high quality and I'm so happy I was able to get so much! They were sold out of 90% of their merch by Sunday which makes me happy because they deserve it. I hope you guys were able to order the merch you wanted from them online!
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My wallet is empty, but my heart is full lol
And now for the voice actors aka the four most precious men on the planet. I can't decide my favorite part. From Sujin Kang (Saeran's VA) writing extra hearts and smiley faces on my signing sheet, to Youngsun Kim (Seven's VA) calling me "Cool Seven" and waving to me, to Gyuhyuk Shim (Yoosung's VA) shaking my hand and thanking me, to Ho San Yi (V's VA) shaking my hand for a minute straight while we went back and forth telling each other that they were the best person ever. It was so incredible to meet these very talented and extremely kind men. The only thing that bothered me was that the translators didn't really tell me what they were saying in Korean so the VA's tried to talk to me in English so it was a bit awkward but other than that, it was an unforgettable experience!
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We weren't allowed to take pictures with the voice actors which bummed me out since I saw some people doing it on Saturday. But look at how happy and genuine they all look! I like how the first pic represents the characters they play (Saeran' VA looking seriously at his phone, Seven's VA looking all excited and amused, Yoosung's VA happily checking his phone, and V's VA looking all confused and concerned lol)
I know that a lot of people were sad about not being able to go to Otakon and see the Cheritz crew. Cheritz said themselves that they were hesitant to come because they didn't think anyone would want to see them. Now that they realize just how popular they, I'm sure they're more willing to visit more places in other countries. If you want to meet them, tell Cheritz! I got to meet the woman who was able to get Cheritz to come to Otakon and her dedication was able to make so many of us happy. So go and tell Cheritz that you want to see them! They're such a wholesome company that truly care about their MCs so I'm sure they're willing to listen. I honestly hope they know how much of a positive impact they made on me. Because of them, I'm able to have this blog and write so many great requests for so many awesome MCs so thank you guys for being the best! Please go send Cheritz your love and support, they deserve it!
And to end this post on a good note, let's listen to Sujin Kang and remember this note he signed for me (even if it's spelled wrong lol)
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I love you all so much, please don't forget that!
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10:12 PM | May. 6 | 2019 | I am back!!
I don't think any of you missed me but... if any of you did, I am here so you don't have to think about when I'm coming back anymore!! A lot has happened while I was on hiatus.
So school-wise I did quite a bit. The week after I went on hiatus I had state testing. So, I completed 5 tests in 3 days. It wasn't very hard, but I really need to get better in science. I basically just skimmed through science in the 1st semester so I didn't really remember anything I learned. Plus, they brought up topics from 1-2 years ago. I was really struggling in my 1st and 2nd years of online school. So I barely focused and just rushed to get it done.
Other than that, the other tests were fine. I saw a cute boy with curly hair. It seems like 90% of guys with curly hair are cute. But he was probably like 17 or 18 so it would be pretty much illegal if we were together and all that. Very unfortunate. T-T
There was also this boy in like 5th or 6th grade that had a full on cowboy outfit... like that's cool but we were testing, so I didn't really understand why he was dressed like that. He had like a fedora hat too. But,,,,, I shouldn't judge people like that so just forget what I said about him. His outfit was nice.
OKAY BUT. Really good news! I'm going to public school after summer break!! I'm... actually going to see and interact with people!! Physically!! I have felt so lonely these past few years. Everyone says high school is terrible, even my dad said it was the worst of the worst. Is that true? I feel like it's true but I also don't want to assume everyone is annoying and stupid.
I had a choice to decide to go or stay in online school. I was mixed between feeling deep fear that everyone would judge me or something bad would happen to me and feeling excitement because I might actually find friends there...? I had only a few days to decide. But, of course I said yes to going to public school. I truly want to see what it's like. It's only been 3 years but it feels like it was an eternity of being alone. So much has happened... and I've changed so much.
So my mom enrolled me in the high school. I get to see the campus and get a tour on Thursday this week!! That's why I wanted to come back. I wanted to start posting before I went.
I also completed tests and an essay while I was gone. Currently, I actually need to do this essay. I haven't even begun to do it yet. I hate when I procrastinate. It's not even hard, I just would rather not do it! But other than that, I'm caught up. I can't fall behind at the end of the year.
Now starting from now, I'm not going to talk about anything related to school.
So, I got to play with the boy. It was actually really fun and still his voice makes me weak,,,. Like- I was waiting for him to get back online and suddenly he talked into the mic and his voice was like so much deeper I just-. It's such a blessing to hear his voice I'm not joking. T-T
ANYWAYS. I am finally caught up on the bnha manga! I wanted to catch up for weeks but I just didn't do it. Plus, it would kind of be useful for my story. I can't believe the 4th season still hasn't come out and there's this much going on in the manga!!
So, I have watched some animes. I am on the last episode of the 2nd season of Bungou Stray Dogs. It's so good!! Just a few more episodes then I will be all caught up on the anime. Then I'll have to wait a week for the next episode like everyone else. I also want to read the manga too.
So, we're actually almost done with Naruto, then we should be watching the Shippuden. I finished season 2 of free! And I am currently on season 3. I haven't gotten to it because... of school stuff. I watched like 5 minutes of Noragami. But I know I'll watch it once I finish free! I also need to start watching Demon Slayer. Thankfully, the anime just started so it won't be much to watch.
I started another anime,,, I told myself I wouldn't watch more than 1 anime at a time but,,, I lied to myself. It's called Servamp. I was searching up... stuff for my writing and I found it and watched the 1st episode. It's decent so far.
Speaking of writing, I really did get a lot of inspiration for my story from the manga and some songs too. AND! I was right! I estimated Tomura's age to be around 20 and it's canon that he's 20 currently!!
[ This paragraph below has spoilers for the bnha manga, don't read if you haven't caught up completely on the manga, or read Tomura's origin! ]
It also seems that the theorists were right about him killing his family as a child. Unless AFO messed with his mind and he actually killed them, y'all were right. I really feel like I understand him more as a character than ever!
I also came up with some more OCs and quirks they could possibly have. I have no intention of sharing my story but... if it turns out decent maybe I will.
I'm playing mystic messenger. I'm on Saeyoung's route!! There's so much drama! It's so good! And he was kind of mean at first but now he's really sweet and cute! I mean he was always cute but y'know. What happened with his family is so sad. :(( Thanks Cheritz! We don't deserve y'all!! Not being sarcastic either!!
Not last yet, but so far I have done a water change for my goldfish! They're doing really well right now. :)
Lastly,,, I have come up with a plan to better myself before public school. I intended on doing it "later" but it seems that I should geniunely start my plan now. I've had this in mind for months. Now is the time! It's really late for me now though. I'll post my plan later this week! But it should be before Thursday! There's no guarantee though.
If you read all of this, thank you! I had a lot to say since so much happened.
~ Valentina ✨🕊
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mc-amps · 5 years
Thoughts on Ray’s Route and Unknown
A crazy long rant >.<
It’s been exactly a year since I finished Ray’s route. I still remember that day quite well. I found it actually kind of romantic that I finished on Valentine’s Day. It was like Saeran was my Valentine. My thoughts on the route at the time were that of anger and joy. Suit Saeran made me furious, but GE Saeran made it better. He made me cry a lot of happy tears. Now that a year has passed, I wanted to talk more about my feelings about the route.
Everyone who knows me knows that I’m passionate about Unknown. Heck, just by looking at my blog, you could probably see that. From the very moment I saw him in the game’s opening movie, I was very curious and excited to see the trouble he would cause. I ended up seeing the prologue bad end on youtube and was like “Dang that’s hot +_+” Idk. I’ve always had a thing for those sweet talking kidnapper villain characters. The ones you know aren’t good for you, but if they ever got their hands on you, they’d cherish you in their own twisted way.
As I played through all of the routes, the part that excited me the most was when Unknown would show up and do bad things. Zen’s route in particular was so thrilling. The fact that he didn’t show up in Jaehee’s route was a bummer, but I was extremely disappointed when he did nothing in Jumin’s route too. Jumin was the one I ended up really liking, so I had been hoping to see my main man duke it out with evil side bae. Unfortunately, that never became a thing T_T
I saw some minor spoilers for Seven’s route, so I knew that Unknown would be heavily involved. I ended up being really disappointed with that route. At the time, I blamed it on Seven’s pushing MC away, but in hindsight, another major factor was that we really didn’t get to interact with Unknown much after the break in. Even during the secret ends, he’s there, but doesn’t really pay much attention to you. I guess I had been hoping to explore things with Unknown and his twisted view on the player. I also really wanted to help him recover after Mint Eye, but Seven took total control with that.
By that point, I had kind of accepted that Unknown wouldn’t be dateable, so I just figured that Jumin was my “true end.” But then the Christmas DLC happened. . .
Seriously! Unknown’s ending was everything I wanted from him!! He abducts you from the RFA, spoils you with gifts, and ties a ribbon around your neck +_+ He’s menacing and creepy, but still very charming and fun about it. It’s thrilling. My only disappointment was that it was so short, but that sparked the hope that Cheritz had more plans for him. Surely, they wouldn’t include that as the only way to end up with him.
When V’s route was announced, I clung to the hope that they were also going to secretly include a Saeran route. I figured that the route would branch off from the prologue bad end and let us spy on the RFA or something.
So then V’s route came out. Gah…I could go on a huge tangent just about V, but all I will say is that I felt no chemistry with him at all, and grew quite annoyed with all the secrets and shenanigans. Ray intrigued me though. Due to not having enough HG, I had to wait to do V’s route, so seeing Ray’s name in the call card purchase thing and also seeing his little intro bubbles when you first start up game made me feel even more hyped. I was so eager to see what this dude’s deal was. Once I played, I was definitely enamored by his cute creepiness, though I was under the impression that it was Unknown putting on a sweet charade for the MC and would soon show his true colors. It did get to the point where I got a little frustrated with Ray and his lies, because I just wanted him to rip off his suit, ruffle his hair, and reveal his true self. That did end up happening…though much later and not at all how I expected. Anyways, Ray did grow on me more, and I found myself feeling frustrated and agitated once we got separated.
And then Unknown showed up. O. M. G. Did that man show up. I honestly still remember exactly what I was doing when that went down. I was upset about missing a Ray call, but then my friend messaged me and said that I was going to LOVE what was about it happen. I had just gotten out of the shower, and was still in my towel, hair dripping wet when I did the chat and got the phone call. THE PHONECALL!!! That had to be the moment that I feel deeply and madly in love with this man. The way he says that he wants you and even says he will show you the things that Ray wanted to do to you. I was on the edge of my seat. I was screaming, blushing and swooning. Even though he could be quite frightening, it was still very fun. I was so excited to see what would happen, and I even spent the extra HG to call him as much as I could. I was honestly hoping that he would come to the cabin, or that we would at least encounter him in person, but alas… he really wasn’t out all that long T_T
I will say that Ray being worried and upset about the possibility of Unknown hurting MC was quite touching. I really was developing feelings for Ray. I didn’t adore him as much as Mr. Sexy Edgelord, but I still liked him, which brings me to the topic of how Another Story handled Saeran. Yes, I do think that Ray was added to make Saeran “romanceable.” I really don’t see any signs of Ray in the OG game, however, my friend, TK, pointed out that during the secret end when Unknown and child!Saeran seem to have that back and forth and then shoot V, that was dissociation. So that could be a hint about him having DID. And it does make sense that Unknown would have eventually taken complete control by the time the OG timeline takes place. All that’s to say, I really don’t mind Ray. He’s a sweet and cute bebe and his creepy side is pretty fun. He and Unknown have a pretty interesting dynamic too. Both have the same desires for keeping MC while destroying V and Seven. It’s just that they go about it different. Unknown is bold and unapologetic, while Ray keeps things in and is much more gentlemanly. They clash, yet I could see them growing to get along and work together. They would honestly make an amazing team. As you can imagine, I was pretty sad when Ray died and furious at V for still not revealing the truth to Seven. Really V? REALLY!?!
So fast forward to when Ray’s route was announced. I was hyped. Absolutely HYPED. This was the most excited I had been about something in a long time. I preordered the Mint Eye box and then waited, and looked at endless fanart of Ray and Unknown. My predictions for the route was that we were going to save Ray from the fate of Unknown completely taking over. That we were going to teach him what real love was compared to obsession. After all, he acts very clingy and creepy in V’s route, so that seemed to be the problem that needed fixing. I also was highly anticipating what Unknown would do. We would be stuck with him, completely at his mercy. Hhhh +_+ I was also thinking that he and Ray would be constantly switching control and fighting each other. But I hoped that they would learn to accept each other. My main worries for the route were that 1. Unknown would disappear forever at the end. 2. MC would be taken away from Magenta and separated from Ray sometime during the route. And 3. Rika would get all freaky fresh and get in the way. Rika did ruin things, and Unknown did end up disappearing forever…or rather, he ended up not existing at all! But more on that later.
It felt like an eternity, but the box finally came. Waiting for the tracking was pure torture, but once it came OMG Here’s the mail it never fails~ It makes me wanna wag my tail~ When it comes I wanna wail MAAIIIIIIIIL~~~! Looking through the box was an absolute joy. The smiling picture of Ray in his diary melted my heart, and I put all of the pictures in frames. Though I will say I was disappointed about the lack of Unknown content…it should have been a red flag about his fate in the route. Anyways, I was going to start the game at midnight that night. It was around a twelve hour wait, but it felt so. much. longer!!! I remember I was listening to the soundtrack and couldn’t concentrate on anything else. I Am the Strongest hyped me up, I was almost certain that was going to be the song that played when Ray and Unknown fought, but alas… Four Seasons also made me cry. It made me so happy to think that Saeran would get a happy ending with MC T///T I even saw the trigger warning for the route and figured it involved Unknown being kinky and aggressive. Either that or them really delving into Saeran’s childhood abuse… T_T And once again, I was completely wrong.
Speaking of agonizing waits though, playing through those first four days before entering Ray’s route. Torture. Pure torture. I didn’t care about V, or the RFA, I just wanted Ray and Unknown. Once I got to the first new VN, my hands were so shaky and I was tearing up. Ray’s new faces were amazing, though at the time I hadn’t realized that the Ray I knew was about to change…
It was something I hadn’t noticed at first, but Ray’s creepy, possessive side completely vanishes. I get that he would decide not to give MC an elixir, but I still feel like he isn’t going to magically lose all of his creepiness. That was honestly what made him fun, and while I do understand his self-loathing, I do feel like it got repetitive. Chats during that branch started to sound the same, and I found myself getting antsy. I just wanted to spend time with Ray and get to know him more, but at the same time all the foreshadowing with Zen’s Jekyll and Hyde/White or whatever got me super SUPER EXCITED!
From what I understand, Hyde is based off of Jekyll’s darker impulses. He’s violent and sexually aggressive. Because let’s face it, Ray’s darker desires are that he wants to hurt Seven and V, along with making MC his. He’s just not as bold and active about it, but he does send that Prime Minister info to Seven along with the ripped pictures to V. He also does say a lot of creepy things to MC. It’s easy to imagine that Unknown would actually put these desires into action, and he has shown that he’s very capable of that in other routes. The symbolism was perfect for Ray and Unknown! I believe Zen also alluded to Jekyll and Hyde fighting for control, so I also thought that foreshadowed that Ray and Unknown were going to indeed duke it out. Imagine it. Fighting over your safety and wellbeing. One man just wants you happy, while the other wants to selfishly keep you all to himself. I was so pumped. SO PUMPED.
But then tragedy struck.
Thing is, I am a curious kitty. I’m a ho for spoiler, and me being me, I sniffed around and accidentally saw something I shouldn’t have saw. Someone was complaining that “Saeran�� was way too mean to the MC. It went on to describe how he called her ugly, and smelly and how he would feed her.
I was crushed.
I was absolutely crushed. The thought of Unknown doing that was devastating. It just so happened that I saw that on the day that the switch happens, so I spent most of that day moping, and then the night dreading it.
Here’s the thing though. When it happened, it wasn’t nearly as bad as I thought it was. It didn’t hurt my feelings, but instead baffled me. This man seemed different than Unknown. Not only was he dressed completely different, but his voice seemed a lot more subdued. His laughs were not nearly as loud or high pitched, and even the chatroom… he felt different than the man who said he would come to cabin and drag me back to Mint Eye. His speech bubbles were even a different color. They’re blue in this, but then reddish in V’s route, the Christmas DLC, and the OG Prologue. (Fun fact, but before V’s route, Unknown’s bubbles were purple.) He seemed a lot less threatening, more extra, more insecure, more sane, and because of this, I’ve come to the conclusion that they are different people. Therefore, I’ll call him Suit Saeran. Now I know some people say that Suit Saeran is like the baby version of Unknown, but eh…that doesn’t explain why he’s so more like the OG Unknown in V’s route. I feel like Rika’s treatment of him affects how the new personality will act, and if we get a Rika route, my theory is that “Saeran” will become possessive of her and become your love rival for her.
Now I will say I get it. I get why Suit Saeran acts the way he does. It ties into Ray’s self-loathing, but…I feel like Unknown would have tied into the way Ray acts in V’s route. Why did they change Ray? Why didn’t they go with Unknown instead of Suit Saeran? Did they think Unknown was too violent? Did they think he was unlovable? Or was it that they were punishing Unknown fans for being so thirsty. Everyone in all the other routes cherishes MC for the most part …except in this route.  Suit Saeran and even Rika berate MC, call her useless, and pretty much say she’s better off dead. I personally found it ridiculous to the point of being comedic, but I do know that it deeply upset some people. I do think it went too far. For example, the CGs with Suit Saeran are great, but his dialogue during those scenes just ruins any enjoyment I could get from that.
I was so furious.
Unknown was truly the one thing I had been waiting for, and it felt like a slap in the face.
I will say that Suit Saeran apologizing and then the emergence of GE Saeran made things…kind of better. I was a little upset that Ray and Suit Saeran (And any other personas) seemed to be gone forever though, but GE Saeran was sweet, and after the abuse and agony of Mr. Posh Tie Boy, it was a Godsend. The phonecalls were great, and the chats were great, but that didn’t fix everything. Though looking back, I kind of feel like Ray didn’t really get any development in his own route. Even with the self-loathing plotline, he himself never learns to love himself. The last time you see him, he’s crying and saying how he was never meant to stay around. So he basically just disappears forever. At least Suit Saeran got to learn his mistakes and try to make things right. Idk. It’s just kind of upsetting and strange to me.
Anyways, there were still plenty of sleepless nights where I would just think about how Unknown wasn’t in the route, and how I would never be able to get to him or romance him. To this day, it’s still something that frustrates me to no end, and it’s honestly something that always will. I’ve lost hope that Cheritz will give us any other Unknown content. We haven’t gotten the after ends after all. The daki was nice, but dang…in a way, it’s kind of another slap. They were capable of writing a flirty Unknown. They were capable of writing him fighting Ray for MC’s affection. WHY WAS THIS NOT PUT IN THE ROUTE! THEY MAKE UNKNOWN SO SEDUCTIVE AND PASSIONATE ARGH IT’S WASTED POTENTIAL FSJDLKJLKSDJLFJSDLKfjls
There’s also the fact in the Halloween DLC that Ray compares himself to the Phantom of the Opera…and that dynamic once again fits Unknown more. The only time the Phantom talks mean to Christine is after she pulls off his mask after her first abduction, but it doesn’t last long, and otherwise he’s a lot more seductive and aggressive like…UNKNOWN. Sigh…heavy sigh… I’m a huge phangirl, and honestly I really do feel like the Phantom fits Ray and Unknown perfectly. T_T There’s his sweeter, more childlike, vulnerable angel side, and then his dark, seductive, murderous side. HHHHHHHhhhhhh.
I used to hate Suit Saeran, but now I don’t. I still kind of resent him for taking Unknown’s place, but when I look at him as a separate entity, he’s not so bad. He’s kind of funny, and there’s good fanart of him.
I’m really not sure how I feel about GE Saeran. Back then I had really liked him, but now I wonder if maybe…he had been a little too perfect? And it really bothers me how the other personas are gone. He seems really different from Redhead Saeran too. I get that he escaped from Mint Eye with less trauma and had MC along to help but… JFsldjflsfj idk though. I’ll see how he is in the after end. If we get a dark chocolate Valentine’s day with him unleashing his Unknown side then…I’ll forgive Cheritz…a little…but at this point, I’m not even sure if we’re getting the after ends.
Ultimately, if Unknown had never existed, then I would have liked this route a lot more. The fact that he’s not in it destroys my enjoyment of it.
Ah this is getting long, so I guess all I can do is make Unknown content, and make things the way I wanted them to be. I don’t plan on leaving this fandom any time so soon, so don’t worry about that~ And if you stayed to read this entire rambling rant then you’re so awesome T///T
Edit Feb 13th
So I wrote this a week or so ago and queued this for Feb 14th, and as you can see, I added tags talking about V’s route. I really liked Ray’s villainous side, but now that I’m farther in V’s route, I’ve got so much more to say. For one, my thoughts on Ray still stands, but Unknown. Oh my goodness Unknown.
I was determined to get all of his calls, just figuring that I would I get a fun little flirty time, but I got so much more than that. I can scream to the rooftops that he’s so much more fun and different than Suit Saeran, but he’s also in a lot of pain. It’s something that hadn’t quite sank in the first time around, but he’s happy to have his body back. He’s annoyed at Ray and thinks he’s too soft and an idiot, but a lot less harder on him than Suit Saeran is. 
But there’s a phonecall that really got to me. He doesn’t let you respond at all, but he wants you to listen. It seems like he wants someone to talk to.
You know...I still don’t get who I am.
I’ve been awake for only a few times. And I still don’t get how come I’m awake.
But I know one thing... I’ve been so freaking mad from the beginning.
I want to crush everything I see. I can’t control myself.
I just broke every single flower pot Ray was tending.
I felt a little better after stomping those frail roots.
What am I...?
Why did I wake up so suddenly?
Did I wake up for vengeance?
He then goes on to talk about torturing V, but the way he says this, there’s pain behind his growls and cackles. It hurts my heart. I don’t know...even if Cheritz intended for him and Suit Saeran to be the same person, the pain they go through feels different to me. It just feels like they changed so much about his and Ray’s character when they made Ray’s route.
Who is Unknown?
Who is he really?
Will we ever get to find out...? 
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curiousdelights · 6 years
Pairing: Yoosung Kim x Reader/MC
Plot: Yoosung passes by timeline after timeline until he gets to you. Hints of his feelings come through the phone calls.
A/N: Reset theory-ish. I know that theory isn’t something everyone’s fond of but I couldn’t help but write this after going through Yoosung’s phone calls in all the routes. I know the calls may not always mean something underneath but I interpreted them as such for this fic. Enjoy! P.S. The call dialogues are (mostly) Cheritz’! I just altered some for the sake of narrative lol.
It felt like limbo.
In the back of Yoosung’s mind, layered memories shuffled themselves with each passing time frame. He knew what was happening in glimpses and he knew it for a while now, but he also knew you were his destination. The goal was to get to you, to reach you through any means possible. He had a fifth of a chance but it was better than none.
He dialed your number.
i. voice
He noticed you were fascinated with Jaehee and he couldn’t blame you. She was a strong woman yet caring all the same. The organization would have truly been a mess if she wasn’t there to hold things together for everyone’s sake. Were you attracted by her purity? Maybe so. He had that, too, though, didn’t he?
He hadn’t called you for some days now. Of course the chatroom was still lively as ever since you came around but he hadn’t talked to only you yet.
He dialed your number.
“It’s Yoosung!” He cheered on his end. “It’s been a while, right?”
You agreed and you sounded like you were in good spirits. It made him happy yet nervous at the same time.
“I just missed hearing your voice...” When you didn’t answer immediately, he had to do a double-take, just to make sure. “Ahaha. No other feelings, though! Don’t take it the wrong way!”
But he hoped for you to take it in the intended way, at least for a moment. He couldn’t interfere here now.
“You and Jaehee seemed close these days so I’m glad. Jaehee did always feel like a loner so it’s nice that she’s becoming more open and casual now because of you.”
He was honest with his words about you and about Jaehee. He accepted this truth as he bid you goodbye over the phone. It wasn’t his time.
ii. freesia
Compared to Zen, he knew he wasn’t at the other’s level in terms of looks (but he knew he was good-looking in his own way) so if you were taken in at first by how handsome the actor was, it was easy to understand.
But you got to Zen deep, deeper than anybody had ever done so or even attempted to. He knew that you had that power over them: opening up and shining light over the hidden emotions beneath all the masks of playfulness, mock-narcissism, strictness, and formalities. You had that power now but the power was not for him.
He happened to take a chance in calling you while taking a break from cleaning his apartment. He found an excuse and used it.
He dialed your number.
“Can you recommend me some air fresheners?” For a moment he wondered if you still would be interested in such a topic. It was mundane, yes, but the tone you carried on the line calmed him as it seemed you showed even the slightest attention. Maybe it wouldn’t hurt then to say a little more.
Would you remember these little details about me?
“I like floral scents. I like something fresh and aromatic, like me!”
You laughed at his additions, finding them adorable. “Freesia’s light and good, too. You’ll smell a slight floral scent.”
His shoulders dropped and for a few seconds he paused. Freesia… Shaking his head, he gathered himself together and laughed with you on the phone. “I’ve heard of that one but I think it suits you better. Gentle and delicate…”
“Really? You think so?”
“Yes— but that doesn’t mean I have feelings for you or anything like that!” Did he really let the words slip just like that? He should have been careful. It wasn’t his time, either. “Don’t take it the wrong way. I don’t mess with people who are taken. Anyways, thanks for the recommendation!”
“You sound silly, Yoosung, but you’re welcome!”
“I’ll go back to my cleaning now. Oh right!” Accept it. “You and Zen… look really great together.”
iii. alternative
If there was one thing he could share with Jumin in the current situation, it was loss. Though not of the same gravity, he did understand that the C&R heir’s attachment to Elizabeth 3rd was deep enough to compare his own with Rika. It was odd to think of it that way but it was the easiest manner he could think of to sympathize.
And still in memories, he knew it wasn’t only Rika he had lost. Even his own heart could beat twice as fast if he thought of you just once. There was longing that he could not and would not escape from.
He dialed your number.
The ringing kept on going until the line died. He grew nervous. You tended to be free for the most part but maybe Jumin was keeping you company at the moment. After all, everyone knew how you were staying over at his place, more or less of your own decision. He wondered how you were doing and if you were alright.
He jumped when the phone rang, vibrating against his palms. Too many thoughts and too little alertness. He should really do better with his focus.
His heart skipped beats when he saw you calling. He answered immediately.
“You called back.” Was his voice a little too excited? Maybe it was and maybe it didn’t really matter at the moment. He wanted to say what was on his mind. “I had something I wanted to discuss with you.”
“What is it?”
“It’s about Jumin. I think he changed a lot since he lost Elizabeth 3rd. I… was like that, too, so I understand how he feels. If you lose something important, you become nervous that you’ll lose everything else, too.”
And everyone.
“You would know, Yoosung. I’m sorry.”
Your voice sounded concerned. He was grateful.
“It’s okay. It’s just scary how much Jumin reminds me of my past, so I’m really worried. Now all his emotions are geared towards you so I think you should be careful. Do you get what I mean?”
“Do you really think Jumin just sees me as Elizabeth’s alternative?”
No! No, no, no. You’re never an alternative.
He gulped. He couldn’t say more. “I don’t think that’s it. He’s feeling new emotions but they’re way too much. I think his intentions are good and he wants to be with you because he likes you.”
“That’s sweet of you to say. Thank you.”
“No problem. I have to go now. I only wanted to tell you to be careful, nothing else!”
Nothing else.
iv. game
He remembers the flow of the memories now, shaky though they could be at times, but the feelings never wavered despite it all. Thus he also remembers the shock when finding out about the bomb’s presence in the apartment, as if all the timeline’s memories place themselves together for every scene’s reveal. At this point, he could be angry and he could be frustrated, but they all pose nothing against the fear and concern that’s overwhelming him at the moment.
I know Seven’s there and I know he’ll handle it but…
But what about him? What could he do?
Through gritted teeth and with a tight grip on his phone, he dialed your number.
“I was shocked as soon as I read the messages. Are you okay?”
He heard a sharp intake of breath. You were holding on strong. You always were, he remembered that about you somehow.
“I’m okay.” You answered. “I’m alright, Yoosung.”
“Of course! I know it might be hard to understand geniuses but I’m sure anybody would know that you can’t install a bomb in someone’s apartment.”
“I think the same.”
“You understand, right? Everything is gone once it goes off! Agh...”
“I’m fine. Seven’s with me, too.”
“It just doesn’t change the fact that there’s a bomb beside you. Aren’t you mad at him that he left you there all alone before we all knew?”
“You might think I’m such a game addict if I say this but I wish this world were a game today. If this were a game, I would…” Damn it. “I wouldn’t mind the bomb and just teleport to where you are to protect you… I wouldn’t have stayed still. I can’t even stay still right now, I’m shaking to do anything to help.“
“Yoosung, calm down.” You told him. “Nothing bad’s going to happen.”
He sighed deeply. “Okay, okay, I—“
Could timings have been any worse? Through all that rush of emotion, Yoosung momentarily forgot his mother had been visiting and she was calling for him now.
“My mom’s here. Jumin called her and now I have to go.”
“It’s okay. I’ll be fine here.”
“I feel so pathetic for not being able to do anything in such a dangerous situation.” He felt a headache coming in. He needed sleep soon, too. Right now his feelings for you weren’t the priority, only your safety. He knew it would circle his mind until someone finds a solution for it. “I can’t do anything today but I trust Seven will take good care of you. He won’t let anything happen to you, I know it.”
He’s there for you.
“Please stay safe.”
It still felt like limbo. He was a bystander in all the timelines but why was it hard to remember when you were his?
They say mornings bring in new beginnings. Was today fateful?
He dialed your number. You didn’t answer.
v. present
Maybe he was getting ahead of himself. He remembered a feeling of a racing heart being familiar again as the day went on. During the evening when everyone had quieted down, he remembered a flicker of hope.
He dialed your number.
“You picked up right away! We must have thought the same thing!” There was excitement. He suddenly heard himself laugh almost due to relief. “This is funny to say and maybe a little embarrassing but… I thought you were talking to someone else.”
“No, I was waiting for your call.”
“… Really?” He covered his face with his free hand. His cheeks felt warm. “My heart just jumped a bit. I think I’m a bit weird if I say that I feel possessive, that I want to talk to only you privately.”
You had to laugh, too. “I sign in because I enjoy talking with you.”
“But what if you start liking someone else? What if I’m not the reason you sign in anymore? I keep wanting confirmation because I don’t want to lose the happiness now.”
“Then don’t doubt it all. Worrying about the past and the future will only make us more anxious.” You told him. “Let’s live in the present. Now is what matters, right?”
He realized that it was his time and the smile on his face grew wider. “Yes. I should appreciate this. I’m happy… because you’re in my present.”
Thank you for reading. ♥
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bulletproofscales · 6 years
Could i get a fic where seven’s constant snacking while on the computer catches up to him? And then Yoosung finds it adorable and gives him more snacks 👍
– honestly this just makes so much sense BC LIKE HE DOESN’T LEAVE HE HOUSE, EATS SHIT ALL DAY CONSTANTLY WHY HASN’T CHERITZ MADE HIM CHUBBY. you can take this prompt out of my cold dead hands, its cannon and you can not convince me otherwise.–
When Saeyoung invited him to live with him, he couldn’t have been more excited. Not only leaving his dusty studio-apartment; but getting to live with his boyfriend was a massive bonus. The proposal came with Seven’s ascension in his job; apparently he was so good at what he did he became one of the main hackers in the company, which dismissed him from any field mission. He didn’t really knew what that meant; not at least he moved in.
Yoosung didn’t know what to do with himself, how much longer he could repress this, what he thinks Zen would describe as “the beast”; he thought was silly back then but know he really was considering going to the actor for some sort of advice on the issue, that’s how you know, the blond was desesperate. Sevens promotion meant he could stay all day inside; which given the amount of tasks that he had to do, was spent mostly in front of the computer working… and snacking.
Before, he had to keep himself slim for their field missions, and would have to do this sort of special agent training, but not anymore. He could snack all he wanted; and was unconsciously, driving Yoosung to the brink of madness. If seeing him stuffing himself crazy as he worked wasn’t enough; when the effects of his diet began to show, he was officially lost. Seeing him almost everyday, he realized his gain when the redhead was already properly, chubby; jeans snug to his pudgy thighs, button threatening to pop by the pressure of his soft expanding stomach, old red t-shirt rising over his belly button, unable to go down any further the expanse of skin, the rest of the shirt hugging every curve of his love handles and softened chest. He eventually stopped using his hoodie, the extra tightness from it becoming too much; Yoosung missed that, where he would try to wear it, and his flabby arms looked ready to burst… those were the days. When Yoosung left for class, Seven had only one bag of chips down, when he arrived four hours later, there were fifteen; the blond thought it was logically impossible but also, knew for a fact the older would not waste that big amount of chips just for a prank. So…his boyfriend was already gaining weight on his own, him contributing to it…wouldn’t do any harm, right?
And just like that Yoosung’s scheme began, he would make Saeyoung eat, if possible, even more snacks. However he had to make a drastic change of plans, the redhead would often decline, after stuffing himself with the same type of fries all day; it only made sense he didn’t want a 20th bag. It didn’t matter though, since the younger thought of an even better idea, finally all of the cooking lessons his mom gave him were useful; as he began to cook home cooked meals when he got from class, and in large amounts of it. It was just an oddity in the hacker’s routine to have something that wasn’t take out or delivery; he was unable to say no to his boyfriend’s efforts, almost always ending to too full to even stand. The blond would also make food for him to eat during the day while he was out studying, it would variete from full on meals, to desserts, to experiments he wanted him to try; and not only was he official tester of Yoosung’s masterpieces, but would also make sure to polish every single plate as if there was never food in the first place. The blond could only smirk at the man in front of him, it worked.
He heard the door click and soft footsteps, but he couldn’t turn around to greet Yoosung properly. Not only because the chair he had been using for most of his career had somehow become too tight, but he was also in the middle of what he would consider the most important of missions that would determine his company’s fate.
“Hey babe!” He said half heartedly. He noticed his boyfriend got the message as he hummed and walked over to the kitchen; most likely to prepare another delicious meal; his stomach rumbled. Ugh, he would love if he could go get a snack; or even better, not have finished all of the snacks before noon… That would’ve been nice. He took a moment to adjust himself on his chair; he had to do a lot that lately, finding himself uncomfortable in the position he was in oftentimes feeling restraining. He raised himself up with his arms,  which was taking a lot more effort than usual; probably tiredness. Took his sides, which poked out of the space between the arm rests in his chair sitting back down, and got on track again.
“Seven! Dinner is ready!” Fuck, he still wasn’t finished, and this was real time urgency. He would be lying if he told Yoosung he wasn’t hungry, hell, he was starving; but he wasn’t sure what would happen to him if he failed this mission, yet he was sure he didn’t want to find out.
“I-I’m sorry, Yoosungie. I have to finish this as soon as possible!” He really was sorry, the redhead hated having to put his job before his boyfriend. Besides, he was almost finished; he just needed a little bit more time. He sighed as he heard footsteps approach him; the blond wasn’t convinced, and he knew it.
“You know I don’t like it when you skip meals Saeyoungie.” He spoke sternly, the younger man could have so much authority over him when he wanted; the nickname only making Seven want to go with him to have dinner even more. “It’s really important, isn’t it?” He asked defeatedly; the older didn’t have to look to sense the disappointment in his question.
“Yes honey, I really have to finish this or else I-” His apology was interrupted by the loud rumbling of his stomach; normally he wouldn’t have minded, but he could feel Yoosung’s stare go from his belly to his face. A smirk could be heard in the way he talked.
“Wait a second.” He walked off to the kitchen and came back again to his boyfriend’s desk with a tray. “‘ll feed you.” It wasn’t a question, and something about that made Saeyoung eager to finish his work as quick as possible; not because that was Vanderwood’s orders though. With his statement said the younger brought a chair and sat besides him; and began to bring the pizza slices to the redhead’s mouth, who eagerly bit into it. He hummed happily and mindlessly munched slice after slice; heart swelling at Yoosung’s worry but the fuller he got the more he began to question his boyfriend’s attitude. He couldn’t quite put his finger on it, but it felt as if the tension was rising;  both of their breaths heavy, he could feel himself grow warmer, maybe because of the food, most likely because of Yoosungs piercing stare.
He sighed loudly and threw himself back at his chair and spoke out of breath “Finally.” He gave Yoosung a wide smile “You can keep going though.” His smile turned sheepish.Blushing under the younger’s smirk, look in his eyes turning slightly dark. Saeyoung squirmed; beginning to understand his boyfriend’s plan.
“Saeyoungie, you already finished the three pizzas.” Three?! The redhead choked on his own spit, his appetite really did grow with all the pampering hsi was getting“Don’t worry, I’ll get you dessert” He said as he pinched his puffy cheek  quite teasingly and walked into the kitchen, Seven gulped. The younger innocently came back with the same tray; but this time with a ridiculously large chocolate cake; he knew him too well. Saeyoung’s puth agape as he stared as Yoosung sat back down, not in his chair; but in his lap. The tray in one hand and a single fork in the other. “I was planning on leaving this for tomorrow; but seeing how fast you are eating everything I make; I thought you might want it.” The older could only moan a response, the weight of the 3 pizzas beginning to hit him, the weight of his boyfriend on top of him, and the weight of the realization of what was going down without him noticing becoming too much for him to handle. Ans Yoosung began feeding getting a big chunk of the humid cake and letting his boyfriend munch on it, eyes rolling to the back of his head as he moaned. “Yeah, you like it don’t you? Stuffing your face silly when I’m not around. Do you think you can keep all the fun to yourself huh? Not today sweetheart, today I’m in charge, and I’m going to feed you until you brust.”
He moaned loudly in between bites one hand grabbing Yoosung by the hip and pulling him closer and another holding the tray so the younger could roam his hands around the taunt expanse of skin. Saeyoung felt in heaven; massages making the pain from the stuffing fade away, the taste of the chocolate cake filling him with pleasure, and kisses from his boyfriend in between bites, chocolate sweet taste mixing in each others mouths. It all had the hacker ecstatic. This was the first time of them doing anything remotely close t feederism, hell, he didn’t even know that was what was happening until now. He never imagined it would feel this amazing, he felt like royalty. “So this was your plan all along? To fatten me up? And here I thought you actually cared for me.” He playfully said out of breath.
“As if you didn’t like it” Yoosung brought his face close grabbing the remaining of the cake with his hand and pushing it past Saeyoung’s lips humming approvingly, as he obediently swallows.Even though Seven’s work was done, the food was finished, they stayed like that for a while. Yoosung’s hands freely exploring the hard dome, easing up the pain; making the redhead relax immensely; all tension gone from his body he would kiss the blond’s forehead softly. Both of them growing sleepy. “Come on, let’s go to bed.” He stood up from his lap, and Saeyoung found himself missing the other’s hands over him. “You worked all day, you need to rest.” His heart would always warm at the thought of his boyfriend worrying for him, still not used to the emotion of being taken care of. He smiled fondly at him as he got up from his chair. Or, at least, he attempted to, get you from his chair; his face grew warmer becoming the same color as his hair.
“Ummm, baby? I’m stuck.”
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otomesruinedmylife · 6 years
#emberplays: doki doki literature club
AKA. Why Doki Doki Literature Club is So Freaking Good The First Time You Play It and It’ll Blow Your Goddamn Mind (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ
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When I first posted this on my other tumblr it was way before any youtuber did a letsplay of it, so I’m gonna have to rewrite parts of it and readdress some things. Thats not at all saying I dislike them, I actually found a majority entertaining. But now everyone pretty much knows what happens in DDLC, the jig is up and we all are #triggered with two infamous words.
So, listen. I know what you’re thinking. Why am I recommending a totally moe looking VN? I’m not moe, I don’t go gaga for animu girls. But I do love me some visual novels, and I love me some meta-level fuckery. Doki Doki Literature Club is a ren’py VN that just (now somewhat) recently came out that looks completely harmless. What could possibly go wrong? And It’s COMPLETELY FREE, yes you heard me, free. So fucking play it (unless it's going to trigger you, in which case pls don’t). And it’s… really interesting.
Spoilers and heavy triggers for DDLC under the cut (I didn’t want to spoil that but I think it's only fair to let you know what you’re clicking on)
Ĵ̷̙̑ ̴̳̯̘̞̘̺͍̩͔̙̘̗̲͚͊̍͑͋̒̽U̵̡͓͖̰̣̪̫̘̐͜͝ͅ ̶͇̮͎̝̫̩̊͊̊͛͘Ş̸̛̥͓͙̞͕̼͗̽̽́̈́̈́̽́̚̚̚̚ͅ ̶̡̨͍̰̽͋̀͆̊͑̂̅̓͆͠T̴̪̝̼̖͙̲͎͖̘̩̒͆͜ ̴̨̘͈̘̬̱̟͕͖͔͈̞̺̇̆͋̏̀͋̇̉͒͒͝ ̶̧͓̥̻͒̓́̊̈́̔͑̀͆͗͊͜M̴̘͚̀̑̆͒̋͌̈́̕͝ ̷̧̡̞̹͙̖̣̝̖̣̜̙̻͋̅͠͠ͅO̶̢̡͉͓̞̰͔̬̔̊͆̊̄͗̆͝͝ ̷̫̦̱̹̈́N̵̘̺̬̰͍̗͙̾͂̈́͊ ̷̺̲̝̜̦̘̒̈́́̈́͜Ï̷͉̻̖͉̣̥̣͕̟͍̜͍̳̥͎̋͂͑̆̋̇̊͆̆͗͘̚͘͘ ̸̡̧̨̙̻͈̮̻̫̤͖͉̱̟̤͗̈̔͑́̂̚̚͘͝Ķ̷̧̮̼͓̺͓̱̹̩̅̈́͝ͅ ̵̧̥͍͓̬̻̙̀͋͆͜ͅͅA̶̢̲͎͎͕̟̋̇̎́̐̍͛͐̈́͋̕͝͝͝͠ ̵̛̦̺̖̘̝̜͕̮͇̤͔͈͐̓͐͂̀̏̈͒͊̏͋͝͝͠J̴̝̼̫̃̃͌̅̏́̈́̽̒̊̋̏̚͝͝ ̷̡̢͚̬̜̯͍̲̰͎̩̮̤́͋̈́͑͊́͆̈́̀̃͘͝Ų̸̨̼͓̬͉͖̰̜̣̺͔͇̀̔̐̎͒ ̷͇̲̗͎̱͖̮̳̹̜̜̬̦̠̖̈́̒̾͋̽̍̿̌̽̋̏͑́̕̚S̴̢̰͎̯̪̠̗̏̈́͗͒̓̍͊͜͝ͅ ̷̠͑̈́T̷̮̾̂͊̂̎̈́̊͑̍̍͘ ̷̛͖̺͚̬͎̠̥̱̓͐̔͆͂̈͋̕͜ ̶̨͙̣̭̺̬̙͚͖͔̭̰͓̠̇̈́̐̊͘͠͠M̸̮̹̾̎͌̃͠͠ ̸̮̱̗̤̖̼̺̟͍̓O̷̢̡͓̗͇̰͈͕̟̫̓͝ ̸̨̛̛̲̮̞̑̈́̇̀͋̀͐͆́͘͘̚͠Ń̶̖͕̖͉̱̝̃̊̈ͅ ̵̙͇̠̜͔̖̖̯̪͔͊̋Ị̴̮̺̬̈́͗́̀ ̷̯͖̤͙̬̜͈͔̪̮̳͔̄͂͂̂̎͊͗͠͠K̴̹̳͈̰̫̖̠͈͛̔́̐̓̅͋̈́͂̎͘͜ͅ ̷̠͔̗̳̲͕̲̱̪̊͂̅́̚Ḁ̵̡̠͍͔̩̲̦̯̗̔͐͑ ̴̡̡͎͔̳̻̣̞͎͚̠̀͑̍̃̌̂́̊̒͐̓̚͝ͅͅJ̶̠͑̀́̑̔́̋̉̉̋̀̚͘͠ ̵͙̖̘͓͔̄͗͌̍̉̅̈̾́͘Ų̶̹̂͘͜ ̵̹̗̠͙͉̪̜̜̦̏̅Ṡ̸͖̤͚̣͕͔͙͖̯̞̬̪͇̌̀̋͑̇̂̔͝ ̵̢̛̖͉̟̹̩̇͐̐̽͆̑̊̓̂̏̾̚T̸̲͙̼͉̓̒ ̴̢̛̛̛̠̑̒̀͛̽͑̀̍͒͌͘͜ ̵̧̗̩̲̈́̏̐̅͆̽̋Ḿ̶̡̼̤̯̥̳̤̰̠͍͍͔̝̯ ̷̢̦̓Ǫ̸̞̳͇̜̮̜̞̉͆͐̍̎͂͗̔͆́ ̴͚̂̍͜͠N̸̨͌̃͌̑͒̄̚̚͝ ̶̢̡̼̩͙͈̬̰̬̙̞̔́̒͌̅̑̓͛͛́ͅI̵̟̗̤̲̹͍͍̖͊́̎͒̃̽̓͒͒͊̕͘ ̴̛̱̿̄̑̈́̇͑̂̎͘͝K̴̝̜̑̏̾̿́̒͗͊ͅ ̸̡͍̠͐̅̒̈͂̓͆̉̚͝Ȃ̷̧͍̗̲͇͇̱̜̊͛̀̎̐͛̌̈͜ ̴̡̡͎͔̳̻̣̞͎͚̠̀͑̍̃̌̂́̊̒͐̓̚͝ͅͅJ̶̠͑̀́̑̔́̋̉̉̋̀̚͘͠ ̵͙̖̘͓͔̄͗͌̍̉̅̈̾́͘Ų̶̹̂͘͜ ̵̹̗̠͙͉̪̜̜̦̏̅Ṡ̸͖̤͚̣͕͔͙͖̯̞̬̪͇̌̀̋͑̇̂̔͝ ̵̢̛̖͉̟̹̩̇͐̐̽͆̑̊̓̂̏̾̚T̸̲͙̼͉̓̒ ̴̢̛̛̛̠̑̒̀͛̽͑̀̍͒͌͘͜ ̵̧̗̩̲̈́̏̐̅͆̽̋
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To really talk about why I enjoy DDLC so much, unfortunately, we need to talk about when this cute moe dating sim turns into a glitchy acid horrorshow. The game starts with you choosing your name and being introduced, and then the game introducing your next door neighbor and close friend Sayori who looks like a bubbly ray of sunshine. She convinces you to join her (*surprise*) literature club at school, and you meet three other girls: Nasuki, Yuri and Monika. They seem like pretty nice girls. Nasuki is the typical young tsundere, Yuri the quiet passionate type, and Monika, who seems, well… pretty normal. You join their club and immediately get wrangled into things and this is when it starts taking a weird turn. Monika breaks the fourth wall. Yuri drops she’s into some weird shit. Nasuki has troubles at home. And Sayori might have a little bit of a crush on you. 
Then you have to write a poem.
This process repeats but the game starts forcing you (or at least in my playthrough) into decisions, which in my experience with VNs is a telltale sign of an Oncoming Bad End (see mysme, amnesia, etc.) Monika becomes an ominous figure of knowledge (at first I thought maybe she was a yandere stalker… oh, was I wrong). Yuri goes batshit crazy yandere obsessed with you. Natsuki keeps a somewhat level head, surprisingly enough. 
Sayori though, poor Sayori has it pretty rough. You find out she’s dealing with a surprisingly accurate depiction of MDD (major depressive disorder) at least by cutesy video game standards.
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Shit gets real when the day of the festival when Sayori ends up being missing and Monika heavily lampshades something bad. You race home and the game starts glitching out as you find Sayori has committed suicide. Having seen a fair amount of bad endings in VNs, I was like “wow this is over the top, but ok” and the music gets lowkey terrifying. I was expecting to see the BAD END screen as most otomes go and for the title screen to show up and it does, but YOUR SAVE FILES ARE MISSING. (nice page out of cheritz book y’all, good shit ;) )
This is refered to as ACT 2 of the game and the demarcation line of when we realize we are playing a horror game not an otome. The title screen is glitchy and corrupted over where Sayori was. And then the game starts bugging the fuck out and shit gets real. Shadow selves with darkened text, crazy yandere eyes and Monika handwaving everything away. The poetry gets to a level of insanity that’s unreal as Yuri basically goes cuil theory on your ass at one point.
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Anyway, JUST MONIKA, amirite?
Let’s skip ahead then backtrack. What I think makes this game so great is the level of awareness we must assume Monika has. She’s completely aware she’s in a video game and is forced to watch her friends around her be romance options and fall in love, but she’s been relegated to the role of side character and thinks she has no agency in the story. And this takes a toll on her sanity. She tells you in The Final Room that she started messing with the character data to make you dislike the others, but since it backfired and it only drew you closer to each of the other girls she had to take more drastic measures.
Completely frustrated after all the corruption of their data doesn’t work, she resorts to pushing Sayori’s depression to suicide. Letting Yuri’s cutting finish in a finale of garbled text and stabbing herself to death only to let you stay with her as she rots over the weekend at school. Nasuki gets outright deleted from the game on a whim by Monika, and then she goes so far as to delete everything so it’s just the two of you sitting in a room. The assumption is that it’s a pretty permanent situation. Try turning the game on and off at this point. Yeah.
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Anyway, Monika is without a doubt, one of the best versions of how a yandere knowing the meta of the situation can make a situation horrifying. Think like Yuno Gasai from Mirrai Nikki. If you know the plot and have god-levels of information, you can fuck around mercilessly with the viewer/player. And Monika does. The slow descent into madness the game takes because of her corruption of the game is probably my favorite part. The blink-and-you’ll-miss-it changes of the characters, music, and surroundings. And the railroading you into choices giving you such a sense of helplessness as you play. I really felt like I was on a train off the tracks by Act 2 and it was great.
You really think you have choices (at least at the end), but the more and more I think about this and go in for another playthrough I don’t think you ever truly have ANY choices and Monika’s holding all the cards. It begs the question what is Monica supposed to be? A sentient AI? What actually is Doki Doki Literature Club? Some weird form of a reverse turing test once you get to the Monica Room? It’s bizarre and oddly novel in its take on the VN horror genre by stripping you of any power to do anything and sit back terrified as it gets meta on you. No matter what you do the culmination of the game is essentially the same and there’s no real happy end in sight or resolution once you realize that even the game is aware it’s not real. At that point you are finishing it to finish it, to come to an ending. 
And that's simultaneously the best and worst part about it, but man I can’t complain, that was a wild 5 hours of my life....
Ĵ̷̙̑ ̴̳̯̘̞̘̺͍̩͔̙̘̗̲͚͊̍͑͋̒̽U̵̡͓͖̰̣̪̫̘̐͜͝ͅ ̶͇̮͎̝̫̩̊͊̊͛͘Ş̸̛̥͓͙̞͕̼͗̽̽́̈́̈́̽́̚̚̚̚ͅ ̶̡̨͍̰̽͋̀͆̊͑̂̅̓͆͠T̴̪̝̼̖͙̲͎͖̘̩̒͆͜ ̴̨̘͈̘̬̱̟͕͖͔͈̞̺̇̆͋̏̀͋̇̉͒͒͝ ̶̧͓̥̻͒̓́̊̈́̔͑̀͆͗͊͜M̴̘͚̀̑̆͒̋͌̈́̕͝ ̷̧̡̞̹͙̖̣̝̖̣̜̙̻͋̅͠͠ͅO̶̢̡͉͓̞̰͔̬̔̊͆̊̄͗̆͝͝ ̷̫̦̱̹̈́N̵̘̺̬̰͍̗͙̾͂̈́͊ ̷̺̲̝̜̦̘̒̈́́̈́͜Ï̷͉̻̖͉̣̥̣͕̟͍̜͍̳̥͎̋͂͑̆̋̇̊͆̆͗͘̚͘͘ ̸̡̧̨̙̻͈̮̻̫̤͖͉̱̟̤͗̈̔͑́̂̚̚͘͝Ķ̷̧̮̼͓̺͓̱̹̩̅̈́͝ͅ ̵̧̥͍͓̬̻̙̀͋͆͜ͅͅA̶̢̲͎͎͕̟̋̇̎́̐̍͛͐̈́͋̕͝͝͝͠ ̵̛̦̺̖̘̝̜͕̮͇̤͔͈͐̓͐͂̀̏̈͒͊̏͋͝͝͠J̴̝̼̫̃̃͌̅̏́̈́̽̒̊̋̏̚͝͝ ̷̡̢͚̬̜̯͍̲̰͎̩̮̤́͋̈́͑͊́͆̈́̀̃͘͝Ų̸̨̼͓̬͉͖̰̜̣̺͔͇̀̔̐̎͒ ̷͇̲̗͎̱͖̮̳̹̜̜̬̦̠̖̈́̒̾͋̽̍̿̌̽̋̏͑́̕̚S̴̢̰͎̯̪̠̗̏̈́͗͒̓̍͊͜͝ͅ ̷̠͑̈́T̷̮̾̂͊̂̎̈́̊͑̍̍͘ ̷̛͖̺͚̬͎̠̥̱̓͐̔͆͂̈͋̕͜ ̶̨͙̣̭̺̬̙͚͖͔̭̰͓̠̇̈́̐̊͘͠͠M̸̮̹̾̎͌̃͠͠ ̸̮̱̗̤̖̼̺̟͍̓O̷̢̡͓̗͇̰͈͕̟̫̓͝ ̸̨̛̛̲̮̞̑̈́̇̀͋̀͐͆́͘͘̚͠Ń̶̖͕̖͉̱̝̃̊̈ͅ ̵̙͇̠̜͔̖̖̯̪͔͊̋Ị̴̮̺̬̈́͗́̀ ̷̯͖̤͙̬̜͈͔̪̮̳͔̄͂͂̂̎͊͗͠͠K̴̹̳͈̰̫̖̠͈͛̔́̐̓̅͋̈́͂̎͘͜ͅ ̷̠͔̗̳̲͕̲̱̪̊͂̅́̚Ḁ̵̡̠͍͔̩̲̦̯̗̔͐͑ ̴̡̡͎͔̳̻̣̞͎͚̠̀͑̍̃̌̂́̊̒͐̓̚͝ͅͅJ̶̠͑̀́̑̔́̋̉̉̋̀̚͘͠ ̵͙̖̘͓͔̄͗͌̍̉̅̈̾́͘Ų̶̹̂͘͜ ̵̹̗̠͙͉̪̜̜̦̏̅Ṡ̸͖̤͚̣͕͔͙͖̯̞̬̪͇̌̀̋͑̇̂̔͝ ̵̢̛̖͉̟̹̩̇͐̐̽͆̑̊̓̂̏̾̚T̸̲͙̼͉̓̒ ̴̢̛̛̛̠̑̒̀͛̽͑̀̍͒͌͘͜ ̵̧̗̩̲̈́̏̐̅͆̽̋Ḿ̶̡̼̤̯̥̳̤̰̠͍͍͔̝̯ ̷̢̦̓Ǫ̸̞̳͇̜̮̜̞̉͆͐̍̎͂͗̔͆́ ̴͚̂̍͜͠N̸̨͌̃͌̑͒̄̚̚͝ ̶̢̡̼̩͙͈̬̰̬̙̞̔́̒͌̅̑̓͛͛́ͅI̵̟̗̤̲̹͍͍̖͊́̎͒̃̽̓͒͒͊̕͘ ̴̛̱̿̄̑̈́̇͑̂̎͘͝K̴̝̜̑̏̾̿́̒͗͊ͅ ̸̡͍̠͐̅̒̈͂̓͆̉̚͝Ȃ̷̧͍̗̲͇͇̱̜̊͛̀̎̐͛̌̈͜ ̴̡̡͎͔̳̻̣̞͎͚̠̀͑̍̃̌̂́̊̒͐̓̚͝ͅͅJ̶̠͑̀́̑̔́̋̉̉̋̀̚͘͠ ̵͙̖̘͓͔̄͗͌̍̉̅̈̾́͘Ų̶̹̂͘͜ ̵̹̗̠͙͉̪̜̜̦̏̅Ṡ̸͖̤͚̣͕͔͙͖̯̞̬̪͇̌̀̋͑̇̂̔͝ ̵̢̛̖͉̟̹̩̇͐̐̽͆̑̊̓̂̏̾̚T̸̲͙̼͉̓̒ ̴̢̛̛̛̠̑̒̀͛̽͑̀̍͒͌͘͜ ̵̧̗̩̲̈́̏̐̅͆̽̋
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Oh, by the way, hope you’re familiar with deleting files out of your game library, because Monika isn’t going anywhere until you do... still she has like tons of unique conversation if you wanna stay and chat for a while.
I did enjoy her anguish when I got rid of her even though I ended up really liking her later. I’m excited to see what happens because she’s rumored to be the protagonist in the next team salvato game. Yeah.
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My only complaint of this game is once you know the premise it really doens’t hold replayability value, quite the same as anything from the horror genre is never really as scary as the first time around. It does what it does so well its not the same and is basically only worth playing again to fuck with your unassuming friends.
Which I, of course, did.
What did you guys think of DDLC? Was it over the top? Did you know what was going to happen? Or have it spoiled? Have you tried deleting other character files and playing the game or decoded any of the secret info files? 
Send your thoughts to my inbox and stay tuned for the next time #emberplays otomes!
NEXT TIME: #Emberplays: Keisuke Sanan (Hakuoki: Kyoto Winds)  LAST TIME:  #Emberplays: Toma Time (Amnesia: Memories)
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sage-nebula · 6 years
Regarding what you'd said about Seven regarding Yoosung as a younger brother...what are your opinions about Seven sending him love-letters and pretty girl cosplay pictures of himself? Do you see a possible chemistry based on this precious nugget of information we'd obtained in the Christmas DLC?
Absolutely not. In fact, Saeyoung/Yoosung is the only ship (outside of the obvious incest / abusive ones) in the game I’d call a NOTP, to the point where I have it blacklisted six ways from Sunday because no one in this fandom knows how to tag anything coherently.
First of all, what people need to understand is this: When Saeyoung sends “love letters” and cosplay photos of himself to Yoosung, he’s doing that to troll. He’s trolling Yoosung. Teasing him. Trying to get a rise out of him. Agitating him because it’s funny. Low-key bullying him. Whatever you want to call it, he’s not doing it because he’s serious. He’s not doing it because he has any actual interest in or attraction to Yoosung. We know this because of how Yoosung reacts; I’m not going to play through the Christmas DLC right now to get the receipts (though if I really have to I will), but in the text messages where Yoosung tells MC that Saeyoung does this, he expresses annoyance over it. Whenever Saeyoung doing things like this is brought up in chat rooms, Yoosung gets aggravated. And Saeyoung knows this. Saeyoung knows that it bothers Yoosung. He knows that sending Yoosung fake confessions for the express purpose of getting Yoosung’s hopes up for a minute before they come crashing down is upsetting (because Yoosung desperately wants a girlfriend, he really wants a girl to be interested in him, so he’d get excited about that happening for a split second before he realizes it’s just Saeyoung trolling him again). And Yoosung growing upset and snapping back is funny to Saeyoung. So he does it on purpose, to get a laugh, particularly since it fits with the 707 persona that he wears for the RFA members. It’s not serious, and it’s not romantic; it’s antagonistic.
Moreover, we know it’s not serious because we know how Saeyoung acts when he’s actually, seriously interested in someone. To begin with, he doesn’t rile them up for fun; when he develops feelings for MC, he tries to make her laugh with jokes that they both share, rather than ones that are at her expense. Any time she expresses disapproval over something he has done (such as when he calls Jaehee a spinster in one chat, and MC tells him that it’s not nice to talk to women like that), he acts chastised for a moment before he backs down and gets serious. He makes gifts for the person he’s interested in, and what’s notable about his gifts is that they’re always as functional as they are aesthetically pleasing. The dog robot was for protection. The cat robot was for emotional support. The mouse clock is, well, an alarm clock. The taser is … a taser. And the Saeyoung Doll was, again, for emotional support and comfort. These are thoughtful, personal gifts, and while it’s not out of the question for Saeyoung to make a thoughtful that for someone he’s not interested in (see: the Tripter bot he made for Zen, which he himself brings up when confronted about the puppy robot), these are gifts that he actually gives to the intended, and moreover, they’re more proactive than something like the Tripter bot. The Tripter bot can run without Zen ever knowing it exists. All of the other gifts, if they’re to actually be used, would have to be given to the recipient. Those are the kinds of gifts that Saeyoung makes and gives to someone he has feelings for, not photos of himself cosplaying that he knows will aggravate and annoy the recipient.
Moreover, we know that Saeyoung is not one to actually pursue a romantic interest without an extremely specific set of circumstances (read: the events that lead to him having hope about actually being able to leave the agency and potentially, possibly lead a better life) occurring. This is because he feels (with good reason) that his life is too dangerous, and that anyone who gets involved with him is inevitably going to end up hurt or killed. As a result, even if Saeyoung develops romantic feelings for someone, he denies them and pushes the person away. We see this happen on his route; he develops feelings for MC by Day 5, yet when it’s brought up (by Yoosung, no less!), Saeyoung denies it and insists that he and MC were just playing around. When he arrives at the apartment, he tells her immediately that he has no interest in pursuing any kind of relationship with her. With that in mind, it’s absurd to think that any love letters that Saeyoung sends to Yoosung are genuine. Saeyoung would never do that. If he did have feelings for Yoosung (which he does not), he would actively stomp on any suggestion of romance between them, just as he does when Yoosung suggests there’s romance between himself and MC. He would put intentional distance between them. He would deny and, if need-be, act extremely cold toward Yoosung for a while to make sure that possibility was well and truly dead. Believing that the love letters and cosplay photos are meant to be genuine symbols of interest and attraction from Saeyoung is ignoring this aspect of his character in favor of a ship (as well as, again, ignoring how it genuinely irritates and aggravates Yoosung).
Anyway, all that aside, I honestly don’t feel that Saeyoung could or would ever be attracted to someone like Yoosung. It is possible to get a bit of dialogue from him on his route (during the apartment days) wherein he compares MC to Yoosung, but he does so as an insult:
MC: “Why are you protecting me if you’re going to leave soon … ? You can just leave right now.”
SAEYOUNG: “How are you going to stay safe on your own? Are you even thinking right now? It’s all my fault that you’re in this situation. Don’t think about me, just think about protecting yourself!”
MC: “I can protect myself, so don’t worry~ I’m pretty strong.”
SAEYOUNG: “You’re underestimating your opponents. You’ll really be in danger with that attitude. You’re so similar with Yoosung. You don’t have a care in the world regardless of what’s going on.”
This isn’t a situation of, “oh, MC is similar to Yoosung, therefore if Saeyoung likes MC, he likes Yoosung!” This is a situation of, “MC is behaving similarly to Yoosung in a way that is pissing Saeyoung off because she’s being naive, ignorant, and foolhardy, just like Yoosung. Saeyoung has never had the luxury of a carefree life. He has pretended that he has had that luxury, when putting up the facade of 707, but in actuality he never has. He never had a childhood. He didn’t really have an adolescence. While Yoosung was worrying over acne and getting a girlfriend, Saeyoung was running life-threatening missions for the agency. While Yoosung was loudly complaining and grousing because his mother wanted him to make soap, or his father wanted him to put more effort into his college applications, Saeyoung was waking from nightmares about his mother beating the shit out of him and Saeran and starving them both, and remembering how his father kept sending men after them to kidnap and murder them. And that’s not Yoosung’s fault, Yoosung can’t help that, but the two have led such different lives and are on such different levels of maturity as a result of it that I just can’t see Saeyoung ever seeing Yoosung as someone he’s romantically interested in. He wants to protect Yoosung, in the sense that Yoosung has innocence and naivete and that’s something that Saeyoung thinks that he deserves to have (mostly—there are times when it does get on Saeyoung’s nerves, see above), and he likes him as a friend; but Yoosung’s tendency to whine, his ungrateful attitude toward his loving family, his tendency to act like the entire world is ending over minor inconveniences … these are things that annoy Saeyoung, and things that he looks down upon, which we see in the way he condescends toward Yoosung on more than one occasion. Saeyoung would do anything to have parents that would love and look after him (and Saeran) the way that Yoosung’s parents have loved and looked after him. Yet all Yoosung can do is bitch and moan about them because they don’t hate the same people he does, or because they make him stop playing LOLOL for a few hours. Saeyoung doesn’t express it, because he’s one to keep more negative thoughts to himself, but having been in his shoes, yeah, that has got to piss him off.
And while I’m sure there are some who would point out the fact that Saeyoung trusts Yoosung enough to bring him along to Magenta in Jumin’s Route, consider the fact that Cheritz was—for whatever godforsaken reason—clearly wanting to hide Vanderwood’s true identity until Saeyoung’s Route, thus, from a writing standpoint, Saeyoung couldn’t ask Vanderwood even though it would have made vastly more sense. Consider the fact that he didn’t tell Yoosung all the details, that he deliberately kept Yoosung in the dark, that he was very clearly only bringing Yoosung along as an extra pair of eyes. He doesn’t treat Yoosung like an equal in that sequence; he treats him like someone he’s using because he can’t really ask this of anyone else because no one else is available. Consider how Saeyoung never brings Yoosung along in other situations. In Saeyoung’s Route, Yoosung not-so-sneakily tells Saeyoung to leave Magenta’s address in the chat, and Saeyoung refuses because he knows what Yoosung is up to. In V’s Route, Yoosung demands to go along, and Saeyoung lies about having a car that only has two seats, and so on and so forth. He’s not really treating Yoosung like a capable equal in these instances even though they’re only a year apart in age. He’s treating him like a kid brother. He wants to keep him out of danger, but he knows that he has to use him at times, and still at other times he tells an obvious lie to get the kid to stop whining and go somewhere else. None of this is very romantic, but it makes sense considering the fact that, again, they’ve lived different lives and Saeyoung is quite a bit more mature than Yoosung is. Yoosung still acts like a child, whereas Saeyoung acts like an adult. A young adult, sure, when he’s masquerading as 707, but an adult all the same.
And honestly, it’s a two-way street. Yoosung wouldn’t be into this relationship, either. Yoosung is constantly complaining about people treating him with kid gloves (in other words: he’s mad about being treated like a child and so he throws a tantrum about it … like a child), and that’s precisely what Saeyoung does. Saeyoung doesn’t even do it on purpose, necessarily; it’s just that the maturity gap is there and Saeyoung responds accordingly. This would wear on Yoosung’s nerves. This isn’t even getting into how Saeyoung, due to a lifetime of having to rely mostly on himself, tends to make decisions and do things that he thinks are best without necessarily consulting others. This, too, would piss Yoosung off, particularly since Saeyoung would be making a lot of independent decisions because he sees Yoosung as someone less adept at handling serious situations than he is. Even if they fought about it, with the way Saeyoung is, his answer would be, “I know more than you, so this is how we’re doing things,” and it’s not something that either of them would likely budge on, which would lead to the relationship falling apart. This isn’t even getting into how Yoosung feels that he’s closest to Saeyoung based on Saeyoung’s 707 persona that he wears for the RFA, rather than because of who Saeyoung actually is deep down (which isn’t the angry and cold person that we see during the apartment days, no, but is still more serious, contemplative, and vigilant, among other qualities). Yoosung doesn’t actually know Saeyoung, and I don’t think he’d be well-equipped to deal with the more … difficult parts of who Saeyoung is (namely, his various mental illnesses). We see this by how poorly he handles Rika.
And to that end, pretty much all of the fan content I’ve unfortunately stumbled across for this ship portrays Saeyoung as 707 rather than as, you know, Saeyoung. Granted, most of the fan content for Saeyoung period portrays him as 707 rather than as Saeyoung, but that’s a different discussion. The point is, the only way you can make this ship work, imo, is if you water Saeyoung down into just his 707 persona, and then fool yourself into believing that he wasn’t deliberately antagonizing Yoosung to get a hilarious rise out of him with things like the love letters and cosplay (and if you then fool yourself into believing Yoosung actually liked receiving those things, when he didn’t). Otherwise, it doesn’t work. And given how much I hate it when Saeyoung is reduced to being nothing more than 707, yeah, I’m really not a fan of anything I’ve ever seen for this ship.
So all in all, I can’t ever see it working, and I really, really don’t like it. (Especially because, as I mentioned in that other post, Yoosung is so self-centered and, truthfully, doesn’t even really seem to care about Saeyoung as much as he cares about Saeyoung in relation to himself. He was willing to lose their friendship so long as Saeyoung let him blame V for it, and he made sure Saeyoung was still mad at V when he forgave him, and in Another Story he was fully willing to cut ties with and toss Saeyoung under the bus if it meant siding with Rika, so on and so forth. They’re friends, sure, but that friendship comes with conditionals, and Yoosung is too self-centered for me to ever want him anywhere near a romantic relationship with Saeyoung. Saeyoung is selfless; he deserves someone who is just as selfless as he is, and Yoosung is not that person.) I don’t see any chemistry there at all, and tbh the fact that this is a juggernaut ship in the fandom is just … unfortunate, imo.
(And as a final note, no, this isn’t just because I ship Saeyoung with MC, particularly since I don’t even ship him with canon MC so much as I ship him with an MC that I characterize far, far differently. This is because I legitimately just do not like this relationship, and in all honesty … people are blind, because if there is any member of the RFA apart from MC that Saeyoung feasibly could have a crush on, it’s Jumin, not Yoosung. He antagonizes Jumin at times as well, but:
At least in Deep Story, he antagonizes Jumin less than he does the others.
He actively shows interest in Jumin’s ideas and wants to help with the cat businesses.
They have similar interest (cats and video games; Saeyoung mentions that Jumin has both a GrayStation (Playstation) and a ZetBox (Xbox) at his penthouse meaning that, yes, he plays video games, why is this never talked about).
They’re on about equal levels of maturity despite their age difference due to their shared experiences.
He actually actively goes to Jumin for advice when things are difficult for him during his route (before the apartment days), whereas he doesn’t do that with the others.
He always immediately calls on Jumin for aid and trusts him to be able to help.
In the April Fool’s Day DLC, Jumin is the one he’s actively and almost aggressively flirting with / shooting innuendos at. The April Fool’s Day DLC is a just for funsies one that isn’t meant to be taken seriously, so it could be said that perhaps this is Saeyoung flirting without any of the baggage that normally comes associated with it. (Since after all, he’s … he’s cardboard in that DLC.)
He knows that Jumin would never, ever return his interest, therefore it’s safe for him to think about any potential crush he has on Jumin / safe for him to flirt. He’d actually allow himself those feelings because he knows there’s no danger in it.
I’m not saying that he does have a crush on Jumin, but I am saying that it makes far more sense for him to—that there’s more there—than there is with him and Yoosung. It’s entirely one-sided and I can’t see Jumin ever reciprocating, but Saeyoung having a crush on Jumin feels way more real to me than him having a crush on Yoosung, no matter which way you slice it. So no, it’s not a ~oh no I don’t want him shipped with others~ situation, it’s a “I specifically do not like pairing him with Yoosung” situation. Just so we’re clear on that.)
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☼ V Route Review ☼
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I have had so many messages asking for my input on the route and the characters, so here it is!!! (p.s. I made that gif^^^^ I’m pretty impressed with myself ?? wow lmao) 
Heavy on spoilers so the text is under a cut! It’s also pretty lengthy so...you’ve been warned haha. 
This route had me feeling different ways as I moved through the days. I’ll try to touch on as many subjects as I can, and I am not sure how lengthy this will be getting. Some themes/aspects I both liked and disliked for different reasons. It is in my nature to debate myself and see both sides to things, so if you see me basically contradicting myself or arguing with a point I made previously, that is why. 
I am basing this on the Good End play-through alone, as that makes the most sense.
 I’d also like to state that, of course, these are all my personal opinion. If you disagree with anything in my review then that’s great! But on the contrary, you will not find me fighting you over opinions. If you come into my box to attack me over what I have to say about the route, I will simply ignore. I’m really sorry I have to say this, but as I have unfortunately already seen several...distasteful arguments over this route, I feel it needs to be said. I think everyones opinions are valid and this is by no means me trying to force my opinions or tell you that what you feel and think is wrong! It’s just my analysis^^ 
I’d like to preface this by saying that I did have fun and enjoyed the route for entertainment purposes. We got to see more of those minor characters we have been craving (i.e. Saeran, Rika, and even Vanderwood!)  
I think I am not alone in my wanting to see more of Mint Eye and the interactions between Saeran and Rika (as well as V, of course). I am so glad this route focused a lot on that aspect. Before the route was released, I thought it would make the most sense to approach it from MC being involved with Mint Eye more in order to get closer to V and/or Saeran, and after playing it I still believe they made a smart choice! 
The beginning of the route was everything I wanted. We had plenty of Saeran, we had our set-up. Game testers in an unknown place. I had stated this before but I honestly loved this premise so much more than “wow you’re now in some random apartment and btw you can’t leave.”  They kept it otome fanciful while making it a bit more believable, I was really happy with that. And when I first saw V in his Mint Eye garb my heart dropped! I especially love the CG where Saeran is behind him with the flowers! 
I’m kind of a sucker for story lines where you’re a captive and someone rescues you, so I was so so happy with the plot for this route. Not to mention being in the middle of not TWO people, but THREE. I was not expecting Rika to be so infatuated with MC as well. That threw me for a loop, and hats off to Cheritz for that because I was digging it lolol. 
I adored learning about V’s mother. That was something I hadn’t expected, and I am just so happy that we got to see what we did. The CG’s were so heartwarming, and the diary entries and thoughts were just beautiful. I loved seeing V progress in his relationship with his mother, and how her love for him helped him be who he truly was. For once, it was nice to see a parent in this game really nurture their kid and help them grow. 
Lastly, I would like to add that I was completely pleased with the timeline of this route, simply for Saeran. I was so curious what he was like during the formation of Mint Eye. I loved seeing this glimpse of ‘Ray’ since this takes place a mere 6 months ? after Rika’s “death” so it is still very fresh. Mint Eye is very new. The building isn’t even completed yet--
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The basement....yikes. Yes, the last and most important detail to any good, well functioning cult hideout--the creepy dungeon-esque torture chambers complete with jail cells and the happy shrieks of pain excitement from loyal followers. 
MC is kinda joining this clusterfuck in its heyday. We are seeing these characters before they are too far gone. They’re figuring things out, Saeran is still mostly his kind and calm self, Rika is still questioning very much her relationship with V and the RFA, as well as her inner demon. I think it was an integral part of the story and a very smart placement for this route. 
Overall, there were plenty of things I enjoyed and also things that bugged me. I think Cheritz did a very good job, all things considered. But the Good Ending left me feeling...more dissatisfied than I had hoped. 
As I drew nearer to the ending, I got the overall feeling of a kid watching your parents argue. A lot of the interactions as the days rolled on were quite repetitive and honestly I found myself getting bored reading them. They filled up the days with an onslaught of chats and VN’s featuring Rika talking about loving her demons--we GET IT. YOU LIKE BEING EVIL-- V being a wet blanket and a masochist, and lots and LOTS AND LOTS of talking about the Sun. To the point that most of the language and poetic descriptions of love and suns just started to mesh together, seeming fake deep and overworked and mundane. 
 Instead of these repetitive chats, we should have had more interactions with V, where he actually relies on MC and they learn more about each other. Most of the time MC was with V he was either SICK or hurt or...asleep. Or weirdly sitting in Saeyoung’s car outside for no apparent reason. Why? It almost seems lazy. Like they couldn’t figure out a way for V and MC to interact and bond more (or it was just too difficult to squeeze it in) so they kept find reasons to keep them apart. I felt the text messages from V were the most he really tried to communicate with MC and really learn about her. Most of the texts were philosophical back and forth or him asking her how he should deal with feelings like apprehension in art when faced with criticism etc. 
I think we could have scrapped quite a few of the lovey-dovey VNs where Rika and V are proclaiming their undying dark love over and over again or like...in bed together (groan)...and replaced it with, I don’t know, maybe MC and V? Actually learning about each other????
It didn’t bother me so much during the route that V had a hard time confessing that he had feelings for MC. That part seemed very natural. What bothered me was just the complete lack of true interaction with V. If he was so obsessed with Rika, we would really need to see just why he fell for MC. I’m not satisfied with the answer that MC is naive, or that she’s so good and pure just because she didn’t form an evil cult. 
I felt more romance from Rika than I did from V. And in the other routes, we ALWAYS help the characters overcome their fears and learn to be better people. We help Zen get in touch with his family again, and we love him for his heart not his looks. We help Jumin overcome his issues with women and possession. We help Jaehee finally go for her dreams. We help Yoosung learn to work through grief and become mature. And Saeyoung of course, we help him accept love, and finally search for his brother. This didn’t happen with V. Well, it did a little bit. I liked that MC wasn’t pushy, and she encouraged him that he could find true love! I liked that part a lot. But for the majority, I just felt more like a passive observer in the route. Talking to V seemed like you were talking to a brick wall at times, and no matter what you say he still wants to sacrifice himself. So it felt like, while we said kind and encouraging words, V sort of did his own thing until he figured it out himself. 
 Not to mention the fact that they gave him an out in the end. Why was it Yoosung who makes Rika face what she has done? Don’t get me wrong, it was still wonderful to see Yoosung taking charge and using his familial love to push her to get the help she needs! I was so happy! But... It should have been V. Everything got tidied up for him, and apart from telling her it’s over, I didn’t see much development of his character towards the ending. I wanted to see him go from refusing medical treatment in order to protect Rika, to finally realizing what she is doing is wrong, she needs help, and having her face the authorities. 
And what about Saeran??? That was handled so oddly? It’s like everyone forgot he existed or didn’t care what happened to him? It was the weirdest from V. It left a sour taste in my mouth that they made it seem like Saeran died and yet V is off getting puka shell necklaces or whatever for 2 years and then comes back with the strength to love. Like, that’s all well and good but....did you forget about Saeran? And how are you going to tell Saeyoung his brother is dead now even though the only thing he asked of you was to keep Saeran safe. 
I TRULY HOPE they touch on this in the after ending, because I don’t think it was like V at all to just toss Saeran aside like that. -_-;; 
I loved the route for what it was. I’m playing it again, and I’ll continue to play for the different endings. I am so grateful to Cheritz for this content and for being gracious enough to give us a route for V! Some days had me on the edge of my seat, some parts had me laughing or made my heart ache completely. I probably sound really nitpicky with some of the above text lol but in all honesty I loved the route and had a ton of fun playing it. The music was brilliant! The CGs were beautiful, I really love whoever the artist(s) was that worked on these for the route. Playing this game again was a bit surreal, and I found myself filled with memories of when I first downloaded and played the game (obsessively). I think the route was worth the wait.
I think it goes without saying but I will say it anyway--I LOVED SEEING MORE SAERAN!!! Going into this route, I had the lowest of hopes for Saeran interaction. It’s better to have low expectations and then be thrilled instead of high expectations and disappointed, right? We got to learn so much about his character, just from the few interactions we had with him. His confirmation of loving ice cream, he enjoys being outdoors, he loves flowers and has even gone so far as to know the language of flowers (which is impressive), he has an intense need for validation and love, and finally, due to his extreme circumstances--he has compartmentalized his feelings and personalities in order to protect himself. 
Learning his softer side was a shock as well as a pleasant surprise. I felt my heart warming up as I chat with him.  
On top of that, I would also like to point out that since this takes place over a year (?) prior to the regular routes...it was heartbreaking and eye opening to see how often he was taking medicine/drugs. 
Saeran turned into unknown when he drank the elixir (as the majority of what he took “with each meal” was just painkillers). It was so sad to see just how loaded up with drugs he was. And it gives you a scary comparison between ‘Ray’ in this route and the Unknown we know from the original game. I can’t imagine just how many things he is taking during the original. Wow. I just kept clinging to the memory that we save him in Saeyoung’s route lol. 
I loved learning about Rika’s backstory. We did learn a bit from the normal routes and secret endings, but I think it helped to get a glimpse into her own perspective of her life. I think it was also really important, this feeling that she hadn’t even disclosed this information (her school life/some of her childhood and feelings about her darkness) to even V himself. She really opened up to MC, apparently more than anyone else, EVER. This was strange to me at first...but I think it is a positive. I felt that she was just so desperate for someone to be close to her again, and she latched on to MC. 
Her character is so interesting and I know she’s a topic of such controversy in the fandom, but I liked hearing her thoughts on why she did what she did. It’s something I wanted since I finished the secret endings. I hope in this unreleased after ending we might see her making progress in treatment.
So those are my thoughts. I could probably keep going but I think I’ve said enough to convey the key points! Kudos if you read all of that haha! 
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