#Buzz Lightyear Astro Blaster
jadejetts · 2 months
i feel like i havent drawn as much for like. a few months now ghscvmklhxv its been feeling kinda bluh!! BUT IN THE PAST COUPLE NIGHTS IVE BEEN MAKING UP FOR IT BY GOING BEYOND THE FLAT PLANE
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magicaltrash · 4 months
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Parked in the corner of the Buzz Lightyear's Astro Blaster queue at Tokyo Disneyland is this themed, bullet-style can. What's it supposed to be? A battery? A lever? A rejected droid from Star Tours? // Tokyo Disney Resort, Tokyo Disneyland, Tomorrowland, Buzz Lightyear's Astro Blaster, 2023 [Source: Maihamazing. Used by Permission.]
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disneyremnants · 1 year
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On Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters at Disneyland, you can find cutouts of a sun and a moon behind and above you when you exit the light tunnel. These cutouts come straight from "Circle-Vision 360". which operated at Disneyland from opening day until September 1997! The cutouts were a part of an elaborate preshow diorama created when Delta began sponsoring the attraction in 1989! When Delta dropped their sponsorship on January 1st 1996 the dioramas were removed, except for the sign which instead removed the mention of Delta's sponsorship. Starting on May 22nd 1998, the theater was used as a part of the queue for Rocket Rods, where it played a looping preshow featuring various forms of transportation. However, Rocket Rods would not last long, and the attraction closed officially on April 28th, 2001 On March 7th, 2005 Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters opened, replacing Rocket Rod's queue and subsequently the old "Circle-Vision 360" theater. The sun and moon are located at the red circle, which fittingly places them in the center of the original theater. The art style used for the various cutouts is quite reminiscent of Delta Dreamflight's first scene at The Magic Kingdom. Both attractions gained and lost their Delta sponsorships at the same time as well. Ironically, both were eventually replaced by Buzz Lightyear attractions!
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obeythetoaster · 2 months
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Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters, Disneyland
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adventurelandia · 2 years
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Aww yeah, we stopped at the right part of Buzz!
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haveamagicalday · 1 year
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lysssbea · 1 year
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kkurades · 1 year
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˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ CANDY POP aib characters taking their childlike s/o to an amusement park (headcannons!)
hikari kuina —
- you two would be jumping around while going on all the rollercoasters there are
- you’d buy all kinds of sweets and it’s honestly a miracle that you didn’t throw up
- she’d probably have an arm wrapped around you while you waited in lines
- the two of you would go on the scariest, most extreme rollercoaster there is and you’d sit there with wide smiles and arms thrown in the air
- you’d exchange small kisses throughout the day but nothing too much though
- you would also go into the small photo booth to make cute pictures that you ended up splitting in two so you could both have two pictures
- on the way back home kuina would fall asleep on your shoulder
mira kano —
- i honestly have no clue as to how this woman does anything
- I think she’ll be cool with going on any attraction that you want to go on
- she’ll buy you some cotton candy and she’ll hold your hand all day long
- you really wanted to try out an interactive attraction so you went on the buzz lightyear astro blasters
- you’ll be laughing constantly while trying to win but unfortunately your girlfriend is a master at winning
- but if she’s in a good mood she’ll let you win
- she’ll kiss you often while smiling brightly at you
- but it’s mostly on moments where you look at her with your child like innocence
- idk why but I think she’d buy the two of you a fast pass
morizono aguni —
- aguni would have never even stepped foot into an amusement park if it weren’t for you
- he’ll let you drag him around if it made you happy
- he was very skeptical when you said you wanted to go in the bumper cars but he agreed nonetheless
- he wouldn’t want to be the one behind the wheel because he doesn’t understand the fun of it
- meanwhile you’re very happy that you get to ride while he’s your passenger princess
- my man would be mortified the moment you start moving
- you bump into everyone which made them all target you
- the two of you would get hit every second and aguni swears that he’ll never let you drive a car if this is how you actually drive
- but it’s alright because he’s ready to drive you anywhere <3
- (in the evening he’ll have to carry you to the car bc you’re that tired)
rizuna ann —
- this woman acts more like your mother than your girlfriend
- anytime you eat something and decide to go on a rollercoaster she scolds you while telling you that you’ll throw it up later
- she’ll only go on attractions that she deems interesting enough so you’ll never be able to convince her to go in the teacups or carousel
- so you’re really excited when she agrees to go on the drop tower
- but it really wasn’t as you expected lol
- while you and all the other people were screaming like crazy she was calmly sitting next to you enjoying the view of the park while you were falling at a speed of 60 miles per hour
- and when it ends your hair will be all messy while she looks like she just jumped out of a model magazine
- but you don’t really care bc she let you hold her hand during the ride
ryohei arisu —
- tbh arisu would be the perfect person to take to an amusement park in my opinion
- he’d buy you some food the moment you enter and he’d try to win you a plushie (when he doesn’t win he blames the game, telling you how it’s made so you can’t win)
- but most of the time he wins every plushie in the machine
- you’d take him to the chair swing ride which he’ll love
- when it’s your turn the two of you rush to get two chairs next to one another
- at first he’ll hold your hand really tightly because it’s higher than he expected
- but after a few seconds he’ll relax
- that is until you have your arms in the air while your feet are swinging wildly
- this man is not taking any risks and holds your hand like his life depends on it
- but he’ll look at you with heart eyes when your smiling so brightly
shuntaro chishiya —
- this man wasn’t planning on spending his day off at the amusement park but you somehow miraculously managed to convince him
- the whole day long he’d hold your hand bc ‘otherwise you’ll get lost’ even though he’s probably shorter than you
- chishiya didn’t really go on any attractions but he did buy a shit ton of food that he ate while watching you
- he honestly just followed you while whining about how childish and boring it was which saddened you slightly
- after having taken notice in the change of your mood he’ll try to make it up by taking you to the ferris wheel
- he’ll mostly just listen to you talk while having an arm wrapped around your shoulders and his thigh was pressed against your own
- at the top of the ferris wheel he’ll stop it so you could admire the view while he admires you
- won’t ever mention it again and expects you to do the same
suguru niragi —
- this man claims that he will only go on scary rollercoasters and not on attractions for six year olds
- but while you’re waiting in line to get on a very high and fast rollercoaster you’re spewing out facts about it that you read online including incidents and deaths
- and when the two of you are finally being seated in the roller coaster he’ll question all of his life choices when he thinks about your words earlier
- his eyes are darting around but this man can’t escape when you’re sitting excitedly next to him
- he grips his seat so tight that his knuckles turn completely white while his other hand is cutting of the blood circulation in yours
- then he managed to scream for two minutes straight until it ends
- and you’ll look at him with wide eyes bc he was screaming as if he’ll die any second
- after that experience he took you to less dangerous attractions and refused to go on anything that could ‘kill you’
takatora samura —
- to be honest i don’t think he’d go out of his house but i can’t just write nothing
- samura wouldn’t really like attractions and prefers staying on the sidelines watching you with adoring eyes
- but after so much begging you finally convinced him to join you on the carousel
- you’d immediately go to the horse which meant that he’d go to the horse next to yours bc you’re the only reason why he’s even there
- he wouldn’t really see the fun in it but he’d enjoy watching you talk excitedly while the colourful lights lightened your face
- while you’re sitting on the horses your fingers are linked which made him slightly blush
- that’s the only thing you’ll get him on though
- on the train ride back home you’ll be sound asleep against his shoulder which he deems as his favourite part of the day
yuzuha usagi —
- you would be walking hand in hand through the park while sharing a cotton candy when you saw the spinning teacups
- you’d drag her through the crowd of people while not letting go of her hand as she giggled behind you
- while you waited in line you’d eat the last of your cotton candy which she fed you
- when you’d actually get into the attraction you immediately reach for the wheel
- you’d spin it as fast as you could while listening to your girlfriend’s laughter
- usagi was almost sure that you’ll break the teacup when you didn’t stop spinning
- your hair would be a mess and you’d both have trouble walking out of the attraction in a straight line while giggling like school girls
- you definitely bought more cotton candy after that
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©cupidsheqrt , 2022.
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hisui-dreamer · 11 months
to the happiest place on earth
Characters: Octavinelle (Azul, Jade, Floyd)
Synopsis: going on a date with them to Tokyo Disneyland!
Tags: fluff, Disneyland date hehe, reader's tolerance for attractions is based on my own, self indulgent, bot proofread
Word count: 1.4k+
Notes: because obviously i kept thinking about the fish mafia when i was in tokyo disney resort
did i write too much for jade? no
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Azul plans everything
weeks before even going he's doing so much research on every little aspect of the park
he's become an expert, because how else would he impress his angelfish?
asks you what rides you like and sets out the perfect plan for you to experience everything
basically you just need to tell him what you feel like doing next and he'll instantly suggest the best plan
fast pass? fast pass.
he's rich, he's definitely going to buy all the available passes only to improve your experience
time is far more valuable than money! the less time spent lining up for rides and azul having to come up with engaging conversations, the better
his headband of choice:
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doesn't really understand why the mouse ears are so prominent in the park, but he wants to match with you and take nice couple pics hehehe
also apparently that's a sorcerer's hat?? perfect! he's a diligent student of magic and follower of the sea witch!
is reluctant to get on fast rides like space mountain and you can see how pale he looks afterwards
he doesn't complain at all tho, and he's very willing to try rides with you
he has great night vision (deep sea octopus), so he is less affected by rides like haunted mansion and pirates of the caribbean
speaking of the latter, he's incredibly grateful for the darkness of the room, because the way he blushed when you held on to him when the boat fell from a waterfall shook all three of his hearts
fascinated by stitch encounter and considers making a mascot for mostro lounge using the same tech
also definitely gets the best seats for the fireworks/parades so his angelfish won't have their vision blocked
overall great experience, the capitalist thrives in capitalism, and he gets to experience all the joy and wonder of the theme park
The sound of the waterfall only seemed to grow louder and louder, yet there was not a single one in sight. Unless...
"Angelfish," Azul whispered, trying not to disturb the other guests. "Hold on tight, I think the ride will drop off from a waterfall."
You barely had time to react to his words as you felt the pull of gravity on you. By instinct, you reached out to hold onto him for dear life, letting out a shriek of surprise as you crashed onto the water below.
Thankfully, the fall was over in seconds. Azul coughed and shakily whispered, "A-ahem, are you alright Angelfish?" he murmured, though with your ear right next to his chest, it seemed he wasn't really alright himself.
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Jade doesn't really plan as much as azul, but he does come pretty prepared
briefly learns about what rides and restaurants there are and considers your taste all the while
you brought a cute but small bag that couldn't hold a lot of stuff? no worries! your boyfriend is used to hiking with minimal packing
he can help you carry all your essentials and not have it affect him at all!
his headband of choice:
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ok so apparently moray eels eat flounder fish? so I believe this silly eel would find great pleasure in wearing this headband (even better if you're wearing the ariel headband to match)
he's definitely more into the thrilling rides, but he's very happy to sit along for whatever ride you'd like
he's really really good at the buzz lightyear astro blaster, but his favourite is definitely haunted mansion for the chilling atmosphere and the way you clung onto him while convincing yourself everything was fine
whispered things in your ear to calm you, but he definitely tried to spook you a few times bc of how cute you were
your man is a foodie ok, the way his eyes sparkle when he stares at some street food other guests are holding is telling
he's absolutely interested in all of the disneyland food though, so apple caramel churros from le fou's shop, popsicle sticks from food stands, baymax curry, etc.
wdym food's expensive? he's also rich from working with azul and his family background
also super attentive to you, oh you'll need to take off your headband for this ride? gently plucks it from your head and places it in his bag before you can even do it yourself
and oh dear, your hair is a bit messed up after space mountain, let me just brush your hair and smooth it out for you
gets ugly plushie keychains for azul and floyd as a joke saying "i think it quite resembles you, no?"
tall boi sees the parades really clearly and he lifts you up to eye level so you can enjoy the same view as him
and dw about the disappointment of other guests behind you because one eerie smile from your eel is enough for them to know your boyfriend is not to be messed with
overall a very food oriented visit, and plenty of moments where this teasing eel tries to make you flustered
"Oh, it seems we must take our headbands off for this ride as well," Jade mused as he observed the guests in front. In a quick, but gentle motion, he took off your headband and smoothed out your hair.
At your flustered expression, he merely chuckled as he reached up to take off his own, carefully placing both into his sturdy backpack.
"Come, my pearl," he said as he reached out a hand to you. "Should you be afraid any moment, feel free to hold onto me," he teased, his eyebrows furrowed as his eyes glinted in amusement.
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Floyd is very much going with the flow and sees where you/ his energy wants to take him
did no research at all because his Shrimpy can be his tour guide hehe~
also brought minimal stuff, but he definitely takes a moment to show off his new shoes that he bought recently to go on the date
given his mood swings, it's not a great idea to line up for 30 mins plus, particularly if there's minimal air-conditioning
so definitely fast pass where available, water bottles and mini electric fans
also consider downloading some 2-player mini games on your phone to kill time
his headband of choice:
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he finds the "rubber duckies so cute and squishy! just like Shrimpy!" and chip and dale in sunglasses just gives off a memeish chill vibe
you can't convince me this man doesn't consume stupid memes
once he's tried one thrilling ride, he basically demands to ride all of the thrilling ones
runs off to the next one and pulling your hand to catch up because he memorized the map smh
absolute menace when it comes to teacup rides
like you are not walking straight after that intense spinning all the better because he gets to hold you and support you
he will be a menace again and push you in front during the baymax cool down parade so you'll get wet
but you can't stay mad at him for too long when he's laughing so innocently
okay maybe slap him on the shoulder a bit
absolutely gets the electric fans with the water sprays, and attacks you with sprays of water
laughs at you whenever you get scared in haunted mansion, but also "don't worry" because he likes protecting his Shrimpy
funny selfies from weird angles or everything's just a blur
also it's very convenient to have a big scary eel glare at the other guests to convince them to line up another time :)
in conclusion this menace of an eel will without a doubt have a blast stringing you along to his shenanigans, and you find yourself laughing with him all the way
"Ahahaha! That was sooo fun~" Floyd exclaimed as he got out of the teacup. The world continued to spin though the ride had long come to an end. You felt Floyd reach out and help you out of the ride, and you leaned into his touch for help as if you were drunk.
"Hahaha, Shrimpy's all dizzy!" he giggled. "You wanna go again?" As soon as the words registered in your mind, you turned to look in his general direction to glare at him, but maybe your direction was off or you just didn't look intimidating enough, because he just laughed even harder.
"Okayy, okayy, let's do another ride," he said as he began leading you to the exit. "Your choice this time then, where d'ya wanna go Shrimpy?"
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wisted-twunderland · 1 year
TWST boys go to Disneyland!
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Ace: Is an absolute fiend on the teacups and knows which one spins the fastest (the orange diamond) and how to really get it spinning.
Deuce: Gets spun too fast on the teacups by Ace and throws up. When he feels better he enjoys being the Pilot on Smuggler's Run.
Cater: Documents the whole thing on Magicam in real time. He gets all of the classic shots, like the selfie in front of the castle, holding up the Dole Whip in front of the Tiki Room, etc.
Trey: Spends a lot of time on Main Street sampling all the different confectionaries. Also sits with Deuce after he throws up.
Riddle: Will ride the Alice in Wonderland ride and talk about all the historical inaccuracies to anyone who will listen.
Leona: He's been dragged here too many times with his nephew and made to ride all the kiddie rides, so he'd rather skip the whole thing and nap in the hotel room. But when he is inevitably dragged to the park, he enjoys the atmosphere of Adventureland and eats an unreal amount of meat skewers from Bengal Barbeque.
Ruggie: Doesn't go because it's too expensive. Nah I'm just kidding, he goes, but he definitely packs all his own food. Goes through the bakery tour and the Ghirardelli factory tour for the free bread and chocolate until he's told he can't have any more free samples.
Jack Howl: He likes Frontierland best, because it's the least crowded (and the cactus landscaping is exceptional).
Azul: He's not big on rides, but he really enjoys scouring the historical showcases at the front of the park. As the owner of his own up and coming mega-conglomerate, he is eager to glean any information he can about the park and its rise to fame (and fortune).
Jade: He's very eager to get a selfie in from the yellow mushroom in Fantasyland, claiming its because of its historical significance. (Did you know it used to be a ticket booth?)
Floyd: Rides any and all of the roller coasters as many times as possible. Is not above pushing past little kids to run to the next ride.
Kalim: Is as excited as any kid there. Wants to see and do everything, and cries at the fireworks at the end of the day.
Jamil: Spends most of his time trying to keep up with Kalim and make sure he drinks some water once in a while. Enjoys the music and the parade more than he lets on.
Vil: Enjoys the park from under a sun parasol, UV shades, and a high SPF sunscreen. He HATES that Snow White's Scary Adventure has been turned into *~*Snow White's Enchanted Wish*~*. The kids of today are WEAK.
Rook: He is hunting aiming to meet as many characters as possible and get them to sigh in his hit signature book.
Epel: Makes it his goal to sample every kind of candy apple in each of its differently decorated forms (Poor bear apple, Mickey ears apple, marshmallow apple, baby yoda apple, etc). Also a roller coaster fanatic.
idia: Rides Buzz Lightyear's Astro Blaster's over and over trying to beat the all time high score (it's his). Knows where all the best targets are and can turn the cart with one hand while shooting with the other. ("This is the OG of interactive rides, even though Toy Story Mania may be more modern, this ride paved the way. At the time getting your picture taken and sending it to friends via email was unheard of but this ride blah blah blah blah...)
Ortho: Enjoys Pirates of the Carribean for its theming and "primitive robotics". Likes Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln for the same reason.
Malleus: Will purchase and consume a Mickey shaped ice cream bar at every opportunity (He knows where all the ice cream carts are by the end of trip). He finds Fantasia amusing and says that the dragon is a "passable likeness".
Lillia: He's amazed at how much the park has changed since he was last here ("Star Wars Land? That area used to be a petting zoo.") Enjoys Haunted Mansion and startling Sebek in the queue.
Sebek: "We need to make sure we use our Lightning Lane at precisely 3:30, and then we must get to Goofy's Kitchen immediately after for our character dining experience, after which we must reserve our spot for the fireworks..." He's extremely concerned with getting the most out of the trip and ensuring that Malleus has a good time (Malleus doesn't care).
Silver: Enjoys the Sleeping Beauty walkthrough, as it is dark, full of vintage charm, and uncrowded. Falls asleep before the fireworks ever start.
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In some unexpected, but exciting news, Tokyo Disney Resort has announced that Tokyo Disneyland is set to receive an attraction based on the popular Wreck-It Ralph film franchise! The new Sugar Rush attraction is scheduled to open in Tomorrowland at Tokyo Disneyland during fiscal year 2026 or later.
The upcoming attraction will replace Buzz Lightyear’s Astro Blasters, slated for closure in October 2024. Sugar Crush will be an indoor interactive gameplay experience perfect for guests all ages. The reimagined attraction will be the first Wreck-It Ralph-themed ride at any Disney Park worldwide.
According to Disney, the attraction will see guests enter the candy-themed racing game Sugar Rush, which is being attacked by Sugar Bugs – glitches created by King Candy. Guests will team up with the beloved film characters Ralph and Vanellope to transform the Sugar Bugs back to their original “kawaii” confectionery including as cookies and cakes.
Tokyo Disney Resort has released concept art of the ride experience, featuring guests aboard omnimover ride vehicles equipped with laser guns, zapping away Sugar Bugs. Additional renderings have been released of the Sugar Rush ride entrance, alongside the revitalized Tomorrowland Square, as depicted in the concept art for the forthcoming Space Mountain rebuild and Tomorrowland renovation.
In addition to with the opening of Sugar Rush, Tokyo Disney Resort has announced that the adjacent shop “Planet M” will also be renovated and rethemed to fit into the colourful world of Wreck It Ralph.
From: TDR Explorer Source: Tokyo Disney Resort
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jadejetts · 1 year
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seeing that 83x31 button for the tomorrowland interplanetary convention center inspired me enough to make one of my own for astro blasters :]
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Disney Parks Animatronic Tournament: Bracket B/Tier 2 Round 1
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Buzz Lightyear: Buzz Lightyear: Space Ranger Spin/Astro Blasters/Laser Blast/Planet Rescue - Disneyland, Magic Kingdom Disney World, Shanghai Disneyland, Disneyland Paris, Hong Kong Disneyland(formerly), Tokyo Disneyland
"Last time I went he was glitchy as hell but made my friends vote if he was smash or pass and he won smash so I think that's worth something" "Last time I was at Disney land I asked my friends on instagram opinions on him and got an overwhelming response of him being the sexiest disney animatronic"
John Progress: Carousel of Progress - Magic Kingdom Disney World and Disneyland (formerly)
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disneyremnants · 1 year
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On Buzz Lightyear's Laser Blast at Disneyland Paris, you can find an odd looking robot that clearly doesn't fit in the attraction. That's because its really 9-Eye, from "Un Voyage à Travers le Temps"! Here in the states, we know it as "The Timekeeper"!
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smalls-words · 2 years
Lost And Found
Summary: Disneyland can be a magical land for some people. Maybe it’s not just for you.
Pairings: CG!Wanda x Little!AFAB!Stark!Reader
Requested: yes/NO
Warnings: Epic rides, Disney princesses, parades, crowds, blood (light), assumption of pronouns by assholes, kind Disneyland people who don’t do that, tired babies.
Words: Doesn’t matter, this is for my little ones
A/N - SO! This is my first little!reader fic. I have a precious little of my own whilst I have some little friends, and whilst I am my little’s cg, I do have that mindset and care for all littles that I have the pleasure of meeting. So please, do not ever be mean to a little, there are reasons behind their regression. This is a safe place, and any rudeness will not be tolerated. Rude to my/any littles = instant block. I WILL NOT have that here.
Anyway... have fun reading!
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*not my gifs*
Today was gonna be a great day. You weren’t going to slip, you were going to have fun with your girlfriend at Disneyland and you were going to buy her so many things that you knew you would break your father’s bank.
You hopped in the car with her early that morning and arrived earlier than everyone else, making you grin as you went straight to your favourite rides. You had both made sure to wear a pair of swimmers underneath as you went on Splash Mountain, getting positively soaked but it only made you admire Wanda’s features more.
“Ooh, babe, look over there!” Wanda exclaimed as she tied her hair up into a messy bun, the loose wet strands framing her face in a light you’d never seen before.
You followed her pointing finger and spotted what had excited her - a pirate show that was just about to start. She pulled you over and you hid within the crowd, keeping your bags between your legs so that your shoulders could have a rest whilst your stuff couldn’t be stolen. 
Immediately, you felt it starting. You liked pirates a lot, which didn’t help your goal of the day. Instead, you eyed a candy floss machine and pulled her over there, even though the pirate show wasn’t finished yet. 
“But Y/N!” Wanda whined.
“We can still watch from here, silly.” You snickered, far enough away that it wasn’t going to trigger you whilst Wanda could still watch.
After the candy floss, you went on more rides before heading to the food court. You tried out some Mickey Mouse-styled burgers, some Star Wars drinks and best of all, some churros with Mickey Mouse’s head cooked through!
You went on a few more rides, including the Teacups, It’s a Small World and Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters. Soon enough, the parade was being announced and you managed to get your way to the front-middle, where you could see the parade but couldn’t sit.
You wrapped your arms around Wanda and tucked your head on her shoulder, smiling as she kissed your cheek. “How has your day been, my love?”
“Amazing. Just… Everything I wanted and more.” She sighed happily, kissing you once more. 
You stuck around until half-way through before Wanda felt the urgent need to go to the bathroom. You gave Wanda a quick kiss before she went, leaving you to watch the end and smile at the Disney princesses. The actors all looked wonderful and some even recognised you, bowing their heads as you bowed yours playfully. 
By the end, everyone was scrambling to get back to the rides that you got thrown around quite a bit, leaving you in a haze. You tripped over your bag and luckily caught yourself, but all of your belongings were splayed out that you hurriedly placed back in. 
More and more people’s legs were getting close to your face and you felt like you were getting smaller and smaller. You grabbed yours and Wanda’s bags and held them tight, feeling your mind finally slip over the edge.
*Mama.* You thought, over and over again, hoping that she could hear you. 
*Y/N.* Wanda sprinted out of the bathroom at the thought, gasping at the huge crowd you were no doubt being swamped in. 
*Y/N/N, my sweet baby, make yourself known. Please.* 
She searched the crowd, tears pricking her eyes until she saw a crowd forming by a bench. She sped over, listening to their questions.
“Why are you crying, young lady?”
“Have you lost your phone? Maybe that’s why.” 
Wanda pushed through the crowd but it kept getting denser, your sniffle and whimpers echoing inside of her mind. 
“Out of my way!” She growled, the crowd clearing before she knelt down in front of you. 
“Oh, my little one. I’m sorry, Mama’s so so sorry.” She cooed, tucking you into her. 
“Mama never should have left her baby alone. Mama was dumb, Mama should have seen you struggling.”
“Who the hell are you? You’re not her mom.” A scoff came from behind Wanda and she rolled her eyes.
You had already dealt with this enough when you were younger. Disneyland was supposed to be a place of inclusivity, of happiness and joy, something of which she knew you weren’t feeling right now. 
“Can everybody just back off? They evidently need some air.” A passerby interrupted, pushing themselves into the crowd to make them move along. 
“Are you two alright?” The man asked, kneeling down in front of you. 
“I… I small.” You murmured, but got confused when he smiled.
“You’re a little? And I’m guessing you’re their caregiver?” He looked at Wanda. 
“Yes. I’m Wanda.”
“I’m Jason. Are you not having the best day, little one?” He asked you and you nodded.
“Just… lots of people. Scary. Fell.” You showed him your hands, which were scraped and bleeding slightly. 
Jason gasped. “Come with me, I’ll get you to a medical tent.” 
You and Wanda eagerly followed him whilst a conversation went between the two of you. 
*Y/N/N, I can just fix your hands, baby cakes.*
*No, no powers in Disneyland. You p’omised.* 
She sighed and nodded whilst kissing your temple as you arrived in the medical tent. You showed your hands to the attendee, who was delighted to help you, and she put some band-aids on after cleaning and applying some creams. 
“There you go! You should be all set!” 
“Oh, hold on a second, Margorie.” Jason held up a finger and beckoned you two to come to the end. 
“This is a special pass in Disneyland. If you show this to any Disneyland worker, they will take you to a quiet spot or wherever you’d like to go by golf cart and you can do whatever you’d like.” He slipped the lanyard over your head and you beamed, looking at the special pass with complete adoration. 
“I hope you two have a nice rest of your day.” Jason looked at Wanda, who kissed your cheek and nodded.
“Thank you so much for this, Jason. It really means a lot.”
He nodded and you two left, wandering through the park with your hands clasped together before you noticed the pirate show was starting again. 
“Mama! Pirates, p’ease?!” You asked eagerly, making Wanda chuckle. 
“Of course, little love. Let’s go say hi to the pirates again.” 
You went over and watched the whole show until you felt your eyes starting to feel heavy. It was late in the afternoon now, and you wanted to get to the merchandise shops before they closed. 
“Mama, home time?” You murmured, yawning. 
“Let’s go home.” She agreed, leading you through the park towards the exit until you stopped dead in your tracks and pointed at a merchandise store. 
You dragged her in, making her laugh along the way, and you scanned the shelves for anything and everything. You picked out two new stuffies, one for you and one for Wanda, whilst you also got some special Scarlet Witch ears and some very big sleepy shirts. Wanda picked out some things for herself, but when you saw how much her stuff summed up to, you frowned. 
“More, Mama.” You mumbled, pointing at some of the shelves.
“Darling, if I wanted more, I’d get more.” She chuckled, but you saw the real reason behind her eyes. 
You dug around for your phone and opened it, showing your dad’s credit card ready to pay for it. She sighed, knowing you wouldn’t budge, and grabbed some more things. Once she was done, you paid and giggled as you held the giant Stitch in your arms, walking all the way to the car before you held him in your lap. 
“Mama, can Stitchy sleep wif me?” You asked, sucking on your thumb whilst Wanda kicked the car into gear. 
“Of course he can!” She smiled happily, holding your hand whilst the automatic car merged with traffic. 
About halfway home, your fatigue from earlier had started to settle in again, making your eyelids droopy. “Mama, I tireds.”
“Have a nap, my little dove, you more than deserve it.” 
“But I no want sleeps.” You argued, even through a yawn. 
Wanda smirked at you briefly before focusing on the road. “How about this? If you go to sleep, I will let you have double ice cream tomorrow.”
Your eyes widened at the offer, thinking about it carefully before you nodded. “Deal, Mama. I sleeps, but…”
Luckily you came to a red light and Wanda looked over at your hesitant features. “You can ask me anything, my tiny angel. I promise.”
“Can… Can you makes my sleeps nice?” You asked hesitantly and she beamed at you.
“If that is what you wish, then that is what shall be.”
Her hand cradled your cheek softly before a wisp of red clouded your vision, seeping into your skin as warmth you only felt in the arms of your Mama consumed you. It felt like you were actually in bed, being held tightly against Wanda whilst you listened to her heartbeat. 
Eventually, your eyes didn’t reopen, and Wanda’s wisps drifted from your head to your hands, peeling away the band-aids to heal your scrapes. 
*No pain for my baby.* She muttered within her mind, the skin healing over whilst the band-aids disappeared.
“FRIDAY, can you take the wheel?” 
“Of course, Ms Maximoff.” The AI responded before Wanda’s magic lifted you and herself into the backseat, where she moved to hold you close and run her fingers through your hair.
She knew she’d be extra Mama-like tomorrow, given that she almost lost you today, but she knew you wouldn’t mind. If anything, you loved having your Mama holding you, keeping you safe within her arms whilst your happy little mind wandered wherever it wanted to go. 
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moviehealthcommunity · 11 months
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I was watching a new YouTube video by TheTimTracker, during which he talks about the soft opening of Illumination's Villain-Con Minion Blast, a new moving walkway shooting gallery attraction at Universal Studios Florida. He highlighted this sign in front of the attraction, which includes an advisory about strobe effects.
Since starting Movie Health Community, I've visited Universal Studios Hollywood, Disneyland California, Disney California Adventure, and Epcot. Out of all of these major theme parks, only Universal has posted strobe light warnings outside of their attractions for which this is a concern. I have yet to find a strobe light warning outside of a Disney Parks attraction.
Here is a brief, non-exhaustive, and likely incomplete list of Disney Parks attractions that should have strobe light warnings posted outside of the buildings, but don't have them yet.
Disneyland California Indiana Jones Adventure: Temple of the Forbidden Eye Pirates of the Caribbean Haunted Mansion Roger Rabbit's Car Toon Spin Mr. Toad's Wild Ride Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters Space Mountain Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance Fantasmic!
Disney California Adventure Guardians of the Galaxy – Mission: Breakout! Incredicoaster (at least in the evening) It's Tough to Be a Bug (closed at California Adventure, but still operating at Disney's Animal Kingdom)
Epcot Guardians of the Galaxy: Cosmic Rewind
Image ID: a still from TheTimTracker's video, which shows part of a safety advisory sign outside of Illumination's Villain-Con Minion Blast at Universal Studios Florida, the relevant parts of the sign reading: "Persons with the following conditions should not experience this attraction: Motion Sickness or Dizziness; Medical Sensitivity to Strobe Effects; Recent Surgery or Other Conditions..."
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