#Better or worse
theladyofdeath · 1 year
Better or Worse {7}
Nessian. Angst. Modern au.
@snelbz x @theladyofdeath collab
Better or Worse Masterlist
A/N: Thank you for reading! We hope you continue to enjoy! I'm sorry there was no new chapter last week - I was on vacation! x
Warnings: language.
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“You like Gwyn?”
I’m laying on the bench, lifting, while Azriel spots me and Rhys stands near my feet, downing half a bottle of water.
“Seems nice enough,” I say, through clenched teeth. “Genuine.” 
Azriel grabs the bar and guides it back to its resting place. It’s Rhysand that asks, “How’ve things been at home?”
I sit up, running a hand through my sweaty hair before pulling it back. “Weird. Not bad, but different, I guess. It feels like we’re just tiptoeing around each other all the time.”
“You need to fuck,” Rhys says, and Azriel snorts but Rhys is dead serious as he completely contradicts Gwyn’s earlier words. 
Although I understand where Gwyn is coming from, I don’t think Rhys is wrong. Trying not to think of my wife’s naked body, I get a towel to clean off the bench before heading to one of the many treadmills for a run. I figure I’d get a mile in before joining my brothers in the steam room, then it’s home to make dinner for Nesta.
Hopefully we can find something substantial to talk about while we eat. I’m tired of smalltalk, it feels forced and I hate it. Not that it’s bad, it’s just…empty. I miss joking around and not being afraid to say exactly what’s on my mind, but I don’t feel like I can do that now. We’re not there yet. 
“Hey, Cass.”
I look up from the treadmill I’ve just stepped onto to find a familiar face. I give her a lazy smile. “Hey.”
I’ve known Justine for a couple months now, since she’s joined the gym. We’re often here at the same time, both on similar schedules. She’s nice enough, although Rhys and Az think that her showing up when I’m here is no coincidence.
Maybe they’re not wrong.
“Haven’t seen you much this week,” she says, leaning against the equipment. 
“Been busy.” I shrug. “Why? Miss me?”
She rolls her eyes in that way that girls have always rolled their eyes at me, that tells me they’re not really annoyed by anything I say or do. The only woman that’s ever truly been annoyed by me is the one that I married. Maybe that’s one of the things that drew me to Nesta, the fact that I could get under her skin. The tension it created that led to life altering sex.
“Just starting to think that you’re ignoring me,” she says, sweetly, leaning a little closer on the arm of the treadmill. Yeah, I know that move. Her breasts are suddenly a little more on display for only me to see. 
I keep my eyes on hers. Try to, anyway. I mostly succeed. “I would never.”
The smile she gives me is sensual, and it’s all playful fun until she slides a finger up my forearm. I should ask her to stop, but it’s nice to be touched like that. It’s a simple touch, nothing too forward, but behind that touch lies a promise of something more. Rhys is right. I need to fuck. I’m a man, and I’m horny as hell, and my hand has only gotten me so far.
“You almost done here?” Justine asks, snapping me out of my thoughts. “Why don’t we…get some dinner?”
Her hand is on mine. The reality of what’s before me finally hits me. She doesn’t want dinner. I know what she wants. It’s obvious that food is the last thing on her mind. I pull my hand away and step off the treadmill, despite the fact that I never turned it on. 
“I can’t,” I say, as politely as I can. “I’m sorry.”
She grabs my arm to stop me so I face her, and there’s hardly any room to breathe between us. “Can’t?”
“I’m married,” I say, as if that explains it all.
She looks down at the hand she was just holding. “I’ve never seen a ring.”
“I don’t wear it when I workout,” I say, simply, “but I can go get it from my bag and you can watch me put it back on, if you want.”
The words come out a little hostile and Justine’s eyes narrow. I blame it on the sexual frustration. 
She says, “You’ve been married all this time and flirting with me for months? That’s a dick move, Cass.”
“I haven’t been flirting with you.” I know the words are a lie before they even leave my mouth. 
She knows. “Liar,” she croons, and lays a hand against my chest. “I know you want me, Cass, married or not, I don’t care. Come on. Dinner. At my place.”
I take her hand and push it away, back down to her side. “No, thank you. I—”
I don’t get another word out before an obnoxiously loud smack sounds and my cheek starts stinging.
She fucking slaps me.
People around us all turn to stare as Justine says cocky jackass and storms off. 
My brothers are nowhere to be found, so they must already be hiding in the steam room, which I’m glad of. Otherwise they would never let me live this not-so-proud moment down. 
I send a text to our group chat, letting them know that I’m going to go ahead and go home. In the locker room mirror, there’s a red splotch on my cheek, barely seen beneath my scruff, but I’m hoping it fades quickly. 
No, I don’t want to sleep with Justine.
I would never cheat on my wife, I never have, even at our worst.
But it was really fucking nice to be wanted.
By the time I walk into the house, I have been in my own head for far too long. The house is quiet as I walk in, only setting my nerves on edge. Greg is asleep on the couch in a shaft of late afternoon sun. I scratch his head as I walk by, but he doesn’t even stir and I chuckle under my breath.
Spoiled little shit.
As I ascend the stairs, I see the door to Nesta’s office is closed. For a second, I hesitate as I reach the top stair.
Before I left for the gym, we agreed that we’d have dinner and spend the evening together. Her edits would be done before I got home. She’s been better about limiting the amount of time she spends on her computer, whether that’s writing, editing, planning, or responding to her overflowing inbox. I’ve tried to be more open with my thoughts and feelings. It’s been an awkward few days, but we’re trying. It actually feels like we’re making progress, even after our disaster of a date.
Seeing her office door shut feels like a slap in the face and this one hurts a hell of a lot worse than Justine’s physical one.
My jaw is locked and I’m doing my best not to grit my teeth as I walk by, heading for the shower when I hear her voice through the door.
“They didn’t exactly give me the easiest turn around. They wanted rewrites on multiple chapters in days, Eris. I’ve got a lot going on right now and—”
She was cut off as her absolute dickwad of a manager interrupted her.
I have no clue what he says, but I know it must be bad when Nesta says, “I’m. Trying.”
I know that tone.
People fear that tone. 
Another few seconds of silence goes by, then she says, “I’ll have it done. Alright?...Yeah. Yeah, no, I know, Eris, for fuck’s sake.” Her chair scoots back, and I take that as my cue to keep walking. Yeah, I want to know what’s going on, but if Nesta opens the door to find me while she’s already pissed, I don’t think she’ll like my prying. If she wants to talk about it, she’ll talk about it. 
I take my time in the shower, but by the time I’m down in the kitchen, taking ingredients out of the fridge in my sweatpants, Nesta’s still on the damn phone. I can hear her pacing upstairs. 
After cleaning a heap of green beans, I toss them with salt, olive oil, garlic powder, and parmesan before dropping them into a pan to roast alongside my marinated chicken. I’ve just opened a beer when I hear her office door open and she comes downstairs.
I don’t know what to say in greeting, so I raise my brow. She gives me an apologetic look, that quickly turns into her eyes wandering my body. Yeah, I didn’t wear a shirt for a reason. I want to know if my wife still finds me attractive, and it seems she does.
And I get hot when I cook.
Shirts are irrelevant. 
“I thought I heard you come in.” Her eyes come back to mine. “Sorry, I know I said I’d be done—”
“Is everything okay?” I ask, saving her the trouble of explaining herself. 
“Just, Eris…” She shakes her head. “I don’t want to talk about it. I’ll just get pissed. How was the gym?”
Well, I got slapped in the face. “Good. I think I went a little too hard, though. A little sore. You sure you don’t want to talk about Eris?”
She sucks her bottom lip between her teeth but shakes her head. “I don’t want to ruin the night with my work issues.”
I set my beer down on the table and walk towards her. She doesn’t move. Even in leggings and an oversized tee, she’s stunning. “Nes, it’s okay to talk to me about your work, especially if that asshole’s being a dick to you.” 
I want to hug her but I don’t.
I want to touch her, to kiss her, but I won’t. 
Gwyn suggested we start with touches, physical contact, anything as long as it isn’t sex, of course, but Nesta hasn’t indicated she’s ready for that.
Hearing that your wife doesn’t want to have sex with you because she’s terrified to get pregnant and miscarry again is hard to hear. I don’t want to push her into anything she isn’t ready for, even if I’m desperate for her touch.
She swallows, looking at my chest, but I’m not sure she’s actually aware that she’s staring at me. “The publishing company asked for two chapters to be completely re-written for one book and four for another. Meanwhile, I’ve got edits I’m still working on for previous submissions and I just…” Shaking her head, she finally meets my gaze. “The timelines they give me aren’t realistic for one woman.”
I don’t hesitate before I speak, knowing my words could set her off, but needing to voice my thoughts.
Time to see if therapy really has taught us anything.
“To be fair, Nes, you set yourself up with some unrealistic expectations. You’ve released what? Three books already this year? And you’ve got how many in the editing process?”
It wasn’t a dig. It wasn’t meant to point out that it was her own fault. It was the truth.
Something I would have said to her before everything went to shit.
With a sigh, Nesta closes her eyes and drops her forehead to my chest. “I know. That’s what he and I have been fighting about. I told him I can’t keep up with this kind of demand and he told me I did it to myself.”
I'm frozen in place. I heard what she said, but I’m floored by the feel of her skin on mine, by the contact that she initiated. I wrap my arms around her before I can second guess myself and rub a hand up and down her back.
“You have to do what’s best for you,” I say, processing what she said. “If he can’t understand that, if he can’t get the publishing company to understand, then fuck him.”
It’s the shittiest advice I’ve ever given, but honestly? My brain is shorting out, feeling Nesta’s body pressed against mine. She fits so perfectly against me, like she was made just for me.
“Easier said than done,” she murmurs, and looks up at me.
I could easily close the distance between us, could easily lean down and kiss her, and I really fucking want to but I contain myself.
At least until her hand comes up to rest on my chest. I brush a stray strand of hair behind her ear and rub my thumb along her cheek. It feels so good to touch her but I’m nervous, worried that I’ll go too far, that I’ll do something wrong and mess up this progress we’ve seemed to make.
I remember now that we’ve been having a conversation but I can hardly remember what it was about much less how to respond. All I can focus on is her hand against my chest. Her being this close is driving me insane to the point that it’s nearly unbearable. I hope she doesn’t look down, doesn’t come closer, doesn’t feel how much such simple contact is affecting me.
Her eyes never leave mine.
Her lips part.
And I open my mouth to say her name, but then the smoke alarm is going off and I’m spewing every foul word in the English language. 
I have no idea how long the food has been in the oven. At this point, I don’t even remember putting it in there.
I turn the oven off, clear the smoke, and reset the smoke alarm while standing on a chair in the kitchen.
And while I do this, Nesta is leaning against the counter, laughing hysterically. I can’t remember the last time I’ve heard her laugh, but hearing it now makes every ounce of anger and embarrassment at ruining dinner disappear.
She’s laughing.
She’s happy.
Even if it’s all while making fun of me, the chef that nearly set the kitchen on fire.
Once her laughter finally dies down, she orders takeout, and we sit on the couch and eat it together, side by side. 
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snelbz · 1 year
Better or Worse {8}
Nessian. Angst. Modern au.
@snelbz x @theladyofdeath collab
Better or Worse Masterlist
Warnings: language.
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Every session with Gwyn is easier.
I’m still tense as hell when we arrive, but as Cassian and I leave our most recent appointment with her, I actually feel like we might actually be getting back on the right track.
His hand is in mine, which has been a much more common occurrence in the past few days than it had in the last year.
Gwyn knows what she’s talking about, that’s for sure. As a relationship therapist, I would really hope she’s good at what she does, but I didn’t realize just how much I missed Cassian’s touch, the feel of his rough hands on my skin.
Nothing past PG has happened, but every time he tucks a loose strand of my hair behind my ear or takes my hand in his, my stomach does a little flip and I feel like a teenager with a crush.
Except this isn’t just a silly crush.
He’s the love of my life. I knew it, even in my darkest hour, even when we rarely spoke, even when it felt like we did not exist within the same space. I have never doubted that Cassian is the one and only man I am meant to be with, which is somehow even more terrifying than having a simple teenage crush. I wasn’t even this scared when we were engaged, when we were about to be married. Then, I felt like I had nothing to lose, there was no question about it, about us. Now, I feel like I have everything to lose. Even though things are getting better, we aren’t back to being us, and even though I feel like we’ll get there, that we’re on the right track, the fact that we’re not still leaves me scared shitless. 
“You’re quiet,” Cassian says, as he pulls us out of the parking lot. “You alright?”
“Yeah,” I say, and it’s an honest response, even though he looks unsure. “Just reflecting.”
He nods, looking both ways before pulling out onto the main street. “I get that.” There’s a beat of silence, then he says, “I think we should go out tonight.”
I look at him, brow raised, instantly thinking about the last time we tried to go out a few weeks ago. “Really?”
He shrugs, fingers dancing on the steering wheel. “Yeah, I’d kind of like to erase the last date we had. Thought we should try again.” Another beat of silence passes. “But, if you’re not ready, that’s fine—”
“I think that sounds nice,” I interrupt, afraid I was giving off the wrong vibes. I’m more surprised that he wanted to try date night again after I messed the last one up so badly, but he gives me a smile that I know is genuine, and slightly full of mischief, which reminds me of the old him, the one that didn’t want to leave me.
I miss him.
And even though I see glimpses of that old Cassian lately, I know he’s still holding back. 
“Good,” he says, and we spend the rest of the way home in a comfortable silence. 
We agreed we’d leave at six-thirty, which allows me two hours to respond to some emails before I have to start getting ready. While I’m in my office, Cassian’s downstairs going over a few new menu items for the restaurant. Half of my inbox is nasty emails from Eris, which tries to dampen my mood but I won’t let it. If I got pissed and upset everytime Eris told me something I don’t want to hear, I’d never feel a single ounce of joy. I send him one email as a response to all, letting him know that everything is on track and I’ll send him an update at the end of the day tomorrow. 
It’s just after five-thirty when a soft knock comes to the office door and Cassian peeks in. He’s shirtless, yet again, and I’m starting to think that he’s coming around shirtless more and more just to watch me ogle, which I do, with no shame. Especially when he’s sweating, looking like he’s just conquered a thousand pushups. “Red or blue?”
I lift a brow. “What?”
He smiles. “Red or blue?”
I snort. “Blue?” 
“Seafood or steak?”
I cock my head to the side. “Is this how you're planning our night? Twenty questions?”
His grin widens. My eyes fall to his chest, his abs, back up to his lips, then his eyes as he asks, “Seafood or steak?”
I think about it for a second. “Steak.” 
“Inside or outside?”
Thinking about the warm, clear day we’ve had, I say, “Outside.”
“I’m getting in the shower.” With a wink, he’s gone.
I decide I should probably start getting ready too and close my laptop, deciding to ignore all work related bullshit for the rest of the night. Tonight is about me and Cassian, and everything else officially doesn’t exist. 
When I enter our bedroom, the bathroom door is cracked and I can see the inside getting steamy from the shower. Gray pants and a navy blue button down are sitting on the bed. 
I’m glad I went with blue.
I grab a brush from my nightstand before sitting at my vanity and setting out what makeup I’m going to use. I need to wash my face first, and glance towards the bathroom door that’s slightly ajar. Surely if he left it open, he doesn’t mind if I go in.
After debating it for far too long, I walk to the bathroom door and softly knock, nudging it open an inch or two more as I do so.
“I need to wash my face,” I say, peeking my head in.
The shower door opens just a bit and out pops his arm, my bottle of face wash in his hand.
I take the bottle, doing my best not to look at the expanse of toned skin and dark ink on display, but failing miserably.
Gods, he’s mouthwatering.
Heading straight for the sink, I turn it on and wet my face. As I squeeze a good amount of the product onto my fingers and form a lather, I clear my throat. “So is our game of twenty questions over or will there be more?”
Cassian chuckles and the sound makes my nipples tighten. A husky laugh shouldn’t undo me so easily, but gods, it’s been so long. “There are a few more,” he says, as I scrub. “But I was going to wait until we were on the way to ask.”
After rinsing my face and drying it off with a hand towel, I turn to lean against the bathroom counter. “And if I have one for you?”
The water shuts off and the bathroom becomes unnervingly quiet for a moment as Cassian towels off. The shower door opens and he’s once again wearing nothing but that towel slung low on his hips. The well defined muscles leading down into the towel may as well be an arrow pointing at his cock because it’s all I can focus on.
Right, I said I was going to ask him a question.
Clearing my throat, I ask, “Legs or breasts?”
The only sound is the shower head slowly dripping water onto the tile floor. Cassian blinks, likely making sure he heard me right. “What?”
“Legs or breasts,” I repeat, heading for my closet.
“Are we going to KFC on the way home?” He asks, shaking his head.
I can’t help my own laugh as I look at him. “Just pick one, you ass.”
“Breasts.” His eyes are focused on my face, trying his hardest not to let his gaze dip to the aforementioned part of my body.
“Okay,” I smirk, stepping into my closet.
I can still feel him watching me as I disappear into my chaos of clothing, searching for a dress that shows off my best assets. A few come to mind, but there’s one in particular that I’m hoping to dig out for tonight’s occasion. It takes me a minute to find it, and when I take it out of the closet, my face now clean, Cassian’s still standing there in the bathroom, that fucking towel still barely hiding all that’s beneath. 
I wonder what he would do if I kissed him. Without warning, if I just grabbed his face and kissed him, I wonder how he would react. It’s ridiculous, being nervous to kiss your own husband, but I am. His eyes dart to the dress that’s hanging on the hanger in my hand. His eyes darken. He knows exactly what dress this is. 
“Give me half an hour, and I’ll be ready,” I say, as I go by him, into the bedroom. When I look over my shoulder, his eyes are on my ass.
They snap up to mine and he clears his throat. I try to ignore the fact that I can see something happening beneath that towel of his, even though it causes a longing throughout my body that I haven’t felt in a long, long time. “Sounds good. Yeah, me too.”
I leave him in the bathroom and sit at my vanity, getting to work on my appearance. Cassian’s voice comes from the bathroom. “Twenty questions — clean shave or no?”
I laugh quietly to myself. I like this little game we’re playing. As I dab on my foundation, I say, “Keep the scruff.” 
He comes out a few minutes later, his long, wavy hair brushed and dried and loose above his shoulders. He notices me looking and smiles as he takes his clothes off the bed and goes back to the bathroom. I suddenly realize how much I wanted him to drop that towel, right here, right now.
I focus on my eyeshadow. 
Once I’m done with my makeup, I brush through my hair and add a few more curls since some had fallen loose before spraying it. 
I’m halfway into my dress when the bathroom door opens again, and Cassian is dressed to perfection. He smells phenomenal, like my favorite cologne. When he sees me, he stops.
“Perfect timing,” I say, although I find it hard to find my voice. “Help me zip?”
I turn around and move my hair out of the way. For a moment, he doesn’t come, but then he’s moving toward me, silently. 
He finds the zipper that’s just above my waist, and my breath catches as his fingertips brush the bare skin of my lower back. He takes his time, and every time his fingers make contact with my skin, an ache that’s newly been awakened throbs between my thighs. 
I never thought zipping up my dress would be erotic. I was wrong.
“Ready?” He asks, hands still lingering on my waist.
Ready to throw you down on the bed and say to hell with our date.
I smile at him in the mirror and shake my head. “Almost.”
He steps back, letting me cross the room to my jewelry box. I retrieve a necklace he gave me for our anniversary a few years back. I don’t wear it often, despite loving it, because of the length of the chain. The diamond pendant fell right between breast and as I fluff my hair out around me, I turn and face my husband.
“Now I’m ready,” I say and I don’t know why I sound so breathless.
Okay, I do. If Cassian’s gaze could set something on fire, my dress would be ashes.
Silently, he holds out his hand. I take it, loving the feel of his rough callouses against my skin. I don’t let myself think about how those hands feel on other parts of my body, despite it having been months since I felt them.
Once downstairs, he swipes his keys and wallet, and then we’re headed to the restaurant.
He takes me to one of the best steakhouses in Velaris and we sit on the roof, where string lights and live music surrounds our candlelit table. The conversation is easy, nothing is forced, and it’s like a breath of fresh air.
We talk about our most memorable dates, once Cassian mentioned that one time we skipped a group date because we saw a new taco stand on the way and ate there instead, just the two of us. We sat on the steps of the art museum, dressed in some of our finest, eating a heap of messy tacos. That had been about eight years ago, and I hadn’t realized just how much time has passed between the two of us.
Nearly ten years of marriage.
A decade since we swore our lives to one another.
And I almost let it all go. Looking at my husband across the table, I don’t know how I could have ever been so foolish, so selfish.
He sees me watching him and smiles, setting his fork down, his plate now cleared. I take a sip of my wine. He refills it once it’s almost empty, until the bottle that the waiter left us is almost gone.
After calling for the check, Cassian looks up at me. “Should we head home or walk around for a bit?”
I set down my empty wine glass. “Is this a part of twenty questions?”
He chuckles. “I haven’t exceeded twenty questions yet?”
I shake my head.
“Then yes,” he says, quietly, the toe of his boot nudging the toe of my stiletto. 
“A little walk sounds nice,” I say, afraid that when we get back home we’ll fall back into our polite small talk. Small talk isn’t bad, but this easy conversation we’ve had between us today… I like it.
We walk along the Sidra, the warm, clear day making way for a beautiful night, and I listen as Cassian regales me with tales of a new chef at the restaurant. She’s young and has never had an official kitchen job before, only graduating from culinary school the year before. I glance over at him, with lips pursed. He usually isn’t willing to put his restaurant’s reputation on the line like that. His chefs and sous chefs all have long lists of accomplishments and recognition, upholding the notoriety he’s earned.
We walk on, pausing at an ice cream stand to get to two cones.
I look over at him and he’s already watching me as we walk.
I repeat his question. “What?”
He reached out and skims a thumb over my brow. “You’re thinking too hard about something.”
I push him away, rolling my eyes, but he catches my hand and we’re heading back towards the car.
“What’s on your mind, Nes?” He pushes, his thumb rubbing soothing circles into the back of my hand.
For a brief second, I consider lying to him. I could tell him it’s nothing, tell him there really isn’t anything on my mind. But we haven’t gone through four weeks of marriage counseling for nothing.
“I just… This new girl, Emerie,” I start, hoping he doesn’t see my question as a sign of jealousy. “What exactly made you bring her on? She’s pretty green, as far as your assistant chefs go.”
I don’t think there’s any nefarious reasoning behind his hiring her. I just don’t understand his sudden change in pace.
He’s quiet a minute, which only makes my nerves ratchet higher. When he finally speaks, his words are low, almost too soft to hear over the sound of the city around us. “She’s from the same small town as I am. Similar upbringing, no dad, single mom that worked way too much.”
My heart fractured a bit inside my chest.
I stop, tugging on his hand to make him stop, too. I look at him. Really look at him. My husband is a damn good man. I’ve always known it, and I know that he’s proud of his past, although a lot of it is tragic. He loved his mother, before she passed, considering she had raised him on her own and fought tooth and nail for everything they had. It would make sense he would be sympathetic for someone of a very similar life. 
When it’s clear I’m not saying anything, because I truly cannot find the words, his brows furrow. Before he can ask me what’s wrong, I lean up on my toes and press my lips to his cheek. He inhales, as if he’s shocked, and I let the kiss linger against his warm, stubbled cheek. Our hands remain clasped together and when I lean back, his eyes are searching mine.
“You’re a good man,” I say, my voice hoarse. “And a good boss.”
He swallows, but he nods as he brushes his thumb over the back of my hand. “Thanks, sweetheart.”
I want to yank his mouth down to mine, but this moment is cherished and I don’t want to overstep, don’t want to ruin what we’ve built here. I give him a smile and we resume our walk. 
I make a note to stop by the restaurant this week and meet Emerie as we find our way back to the truck. Cassian helps me inside the cab and his hand lingers on mine, even after I’ve sat, before he closes the door and finds his way behind the wheel. 
We listen to music on the way home and he makes me laugh when he sings along to some nineties R&B song that definitely should’ve been left in the nineties. He catches me watching him on more than one occasion, and his smile softens every time he does. 
When we’ve made it home and witnessed Greg sprawled out next to the fruit bowl on the island, Cassian says, “I had a really good time tonight.”
“Yeah,” I say, setting my clutch on the counter. “It was a good night.”
He nods, and for a moment we just stand in the silence, staring at one another. He’s the one to break it.
“I have to be at the restaurant early tomorrow,” he says, but he’s stepped closer to me. “I should get ready for bed.”
“Right.” I clear my throat, not sure what to say, as I edge around the island, closer to him. “I have to go in early, too.”
Meetings with my manager and the publishing company start tomorrow. I have no idea where the future of my books are with this company, but they have to understand that I can’t keep putting out the same volume of content out. Not if I have any hope of salvaging my marriage.
He sets his keys in the center of the island, which puts him right in front of me. Staring up at him, I watch as his eyes dip down to my lips and his Adam’s apple bobs. “Can I…kiss you?”
I nod, not trusting my voice, holding my breath. He leans in and my eyes fall closed.
After a second, his lips press against mine and I’m lost. It’s been so long since he’s kissed me. I’d forgotten how soft his lips were, how heady his cologne made me feel, the feel of his arm wrapping around my waist and pulling me close.
I melt into him, losing myself in the feel of his kiss, clinging to his shirt with both hands.
It’s over as quickly as it began.
When he pulls back, his hazel eyes are bright and he’s breathing heavily. I want to pull his face back to mine, want to grab him and drag him upstairs with me.
But Gwyn told us to hold off on sex.
Reaching up, I caress his stubbled cheek. “We should get to bed.”
He nods and swallows, not making a move to let me go any more than I’m making a move to let him go. I can tell his self control is on a short leash, just as mine is. So I step back and make my way upstairs.
He’s just behind me.
When we’ve reached our bedroom, Cassian quickly brushes his teeth before getting a pair of sweatpants. I’m watching him on the bed the entire time, suddenly not trusting myself to be too close to him. Before he leaves to go downstairs, he kisses my forehead, quickly. “Night, Nes.”
“Goodnight,” I say, but barely anything is audible as the word leaves my mouth. He leaves, and I feel empty once I’m alone. 
After stripping out of my dress and pulling on an old t-shirt, I wash my face and brush my teeth, and bury myself beneath the blankets of our bed. I miss Cassian sleeping next to me. Tonight, more than ever, the bed feels lonely. 
My heart is racing and I’m not tired in the slightest, despite the fact that I know I need to go to bed. I need to be well rested to deal with Eris’ shit in the morning.
But I can’t stop thinking about my husband, sleeping on the couch downstairs. I wonder if he wants to come up here, wants to climb into bed with me, wants to hold me until the sun comes up tomorrow morning.
I want his body pressed up against me.
I want to feel his skin on mine.
Fuck, the throbbing between my thighs is unbearable. I don’t want to touch myself, I want to run downstairs and have him touch me, taste me, fuck me until I can’t think straight. I’m not thinking straight now, I’m too horny, too needy.
It’s been too damn long.
But Gwyn is right. Nothing should be rushed. We need to wait until we’re good again, until we’re back to being Nesta and Cassian.
That doesn’t mean that he can’t sleep in his own bed, though.
Sex may be off the table, at least for now, but that doesn’t mean that we can’t share the same bed.
I swing my legs over the side of the bed before I can think better of it. The house is quiet as I make my way to the door and push it open. Everything’s dark, and I try to be as quiet as possible as I make my way down the hall. At the top of the stairs, I stop, making out Cassian’s massive figure on the couch. There’s no way he’s comfortable. Half of him is nearly hanging off of it. 
But he’s asleep.
At least, I think he’s asleep. The living room is dark, silent. He’s not moving. I think about walking down the stairs anyway, to brush his hair off his face and ask if he wants to join me, but I can’t seem to convince my feet to move. If he’s already asleep, he’s apparently not having the same internal crisis that I am. 
Silently, I turn around and go back to bed, careful not to make any noise, careful not to wake him. 
When I’m back beneath the blankets, I slip my hand beneath my panties and rub one out until that throbbing ache between my thighs is no more. 
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ohkate · 3 months
Happy 2nd anniversary @galladrabbles! So happy to be a part of it. Prompt: Freestyle and Fun/Picture prompt Words 100
2 of 2
It took time, slowly pulling the barbed-wire back to see what Mickey had endured. The loud admissions. The horrors whispered in the dark. The things he'd never tell him.
Now he's laughing. Smiling. Playing. Safe. Able to block that voice in his head telling him to be ashamed of this. Of them. A voice that sounds like his, but it's just the phantom of Terry who scratched his way in, wearing a Mickey-suit. Demons can do that.
It takes time to undo what was done. But any minute he can help Mickey be free… he counts as a personal victory.
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hebrewbyinbal · 27 days
📚 Today, we're not just learning words; we're exploring phrases that are essential in everyday conversations.
Whether you're comparing your favorite foods, discussing movies, or simply engaging in friendly chatter, knowing how to express "better" and "worse" in Hebrew can add depth to your conversations.
🗣️ These phrases are more than just vocabulary; they're a gateway to expressing opinions and preferences in Hebrew, helping you connect more authentically with the language and its culture.
🌈 Remember, every step in learning a new language opens up a world of possibilities. So, let's embrace the journey together! Watch the reel, practice along, and see how these phrases can transform your Hebrew conversations.
✨ Don't forget to save this reel for practice and share it with fellow Hebrew enthusiasts!
🔊 Turn on the sound, and let's make learning Hebrew an exciting adventure!
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faejilly · 1 year
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Fic: the dreams in which i'm dying Author: glorious_spoon / @glorious-spoon Reader: faejilly
Podfic Stream/Download: ao3 | archive.org | dropbox MP3 | 6.04MB | Length: 00:09:59
Podfic for sansets / @captivamoon & purimgifts2023 / @purimgifts that I totally forgot to post about when reveals went live 😅
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bluebellhairpin · 1 year
Being the eldest daughter is arguably the worst sibling position to possibly be born into, but I'm really feeling like being the eldest of two daughters is the worst sub-type right at this moment.
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daily-crabbys · 2 months
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This Friday's meme is: the perfect being
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redysetdare · 4 months
Sometimes...characters being in a romantic relationship is worse.
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(shaking my 14-year-old self) I was so mean to you but I love you, I love you, love you
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captainjonnitkessler · 4 months
You know I used to think "tumblr's absolute refusal to actually engage with the Trolley Problem in favor of insisting that there must be a third, morally pure option that doesn't require them to make a hard decision and anyone who asks them to make a binary choice is just a short-sighted idiot is really fucking annoying, but I guess it's not actually doing any harm".
Anyway that was before we asked tumblr at large to decide between "guy aiding a genocide but making progress elsewhere" and "guy who would actively and enthusiastically participate in a genocide and would also make everything else much, much worse for everyone elsewhere" and the response was that there must be a third, morally pure option that doesn't require them to make a hard decision and that anyone who asks them to make a binary choice is a short-sighted idiot.
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frothytundra · 1 month
For Better or Worse
This is a “Thank you!” to my children who have put up with lots of annoying emails and messages from me this week, and who continue to provide moral and practical support in my technological misadventures. The backstory is that a few weeks ago, when I got new window blinds, the installer doubted whether my five-year-old Apple phone would be able to operate the remote controls. I was astounded.…
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theladyofdeath · 10 months
Better or Worse {Epilogue}
Nessian. Angst. Modern AU.
@snelbz x @theladyofdeath collab
Better or Worse Masterlist
A/N: The end. :) Thank you for reading! We've appreciated all the love and support. I'm hoping to start posting a new project soon. Stay tuned!
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~ Cassian ~
“What the hell are you doing?!”
I freeze, blinking, and slowly slide my eyes to where Nesta is standing at the kitchen’s threshold, gaping at me.
“You can’t have her that close to the stove! What if she catches on fire?!”
I look down to where Evelyn is strapped to my chest, swaddled in the cotton wrap that leaves only her face popping out, her little cheek squished against my chest. She’s sleeping, snoring softly, and perfectly content.
“Nes.” I give my beautiful wife a look as I desperately try not to roll my eyes. “She’s three weeks old. What’s she going to do? Fling herself into the pot?” Nesta opens her mouth to protest, but I go on. “There’s only one burner on, and it’s on low, and it’s the back burner, and I’m letting it simmer. I’m just giving it a quick stir. I can assure you that no infant will be harmed in the stirring of this sauce that will blow your fucking mind. Calm down.”
As soon as those two little words leave my mouth, I know I fucked up. Backtrack. Rewind. The spoon in my hand stills as I clear my throat, scared to even look in her direction. “And…by ‘calm down’...I mean…I love you.”
She approaches, her footsteps light, and she stops beside me. “Be glad I love you too or I’d be tossing your balls into that pot right about now.” 
Pain. I feel physical pain at those words. Cringing, I set down the spoon and turn to face her. She’s not looking at me at all, but at the little bundle of joy we brought home three weeks ago. Nesta’s eyes are soft as she leans down and presses a soft kiss to Evelyn’s forehead. 
We were instantly in love. From the moment she was given to us, we knew that we were meant to be her parents. It’s hard as hell, raising an infant, and although it’s only been three weeks and I know it’s going to get a hell of a lot harder, I have never felt so fucking blessed. 
“Everyone should be getting here soon,” Nesta says, quietly, eyes meeting mine at last. She reaches up onto her toes and kisses me, softly. 
Rhys, Feyre, Azriel, and Elain were all in the waiting room at the hospital when Evelyn was born, but we haven’t seen them since. They’ve given us space to settle into our new roles, into this new life we’ve built for ourselves. The solitude, although necessary and beautiful, has been driving us a little crazy, though. Two days ago, Nesta came to me in tears, partly out of exhaustion, I’m sure, and told me she needed her sisters.
So tonight, I made dinner. 
Evelyn is in a pretty good routine and will most likely sleep for the rest of the night, only waking up to eat, but she can sleep anywhere. I have no doubt we’ll be passing her around so that everyone can get their baby fix. 
They all arrive together, six on the dot, and we greet each other as if we haven’t been all together in years instead of a matter of weeks. I don’t even care that the food has gone cold by the time we sit around the table, too much time being spent doting over the baby for it to stay warm. 
Even cold, it’s delicious, I must say. We eat and talk and laugh, and tell them all about every little detail of the last three weeks. Nyx is smitten most of all, wanting to sit next to his cousin at all times and hold her hand. He’ll be a fantastic big brother and I can’t help but wonder if Rhys and Feyre will have more kids. I know Rhys wants a house full, but he’s not the one doing the hard work. 
Once we’re full and the table has been cleared, we get comfortable in the living room. Elain is holding Evelyn while Azriel rocks a sleeping Sera. I’m convinced the two of them will be best friends and will most likely raise hell together. 
I can’t wait. But then again, yes I can, because she’s so sweet and innocent in this newborn stage that I don’t want that to change. Then again, I can’t wait to watch her grow, to see all those milestones and watch her grow into her own person. 
“Careful, dad, you’re getting teary-eyed,” Nesta whispers, leaning into me and patting my knee. 
I chuckle and pull her closer. “It’s the lack of sleep.”
Nesta rests her head on my shoulder. “Liar.” 
She’s right. It was a lie. I’m overwhelmed, so overwhelmed with love and contentment. We worked so hard to be where we’re at and although it’s not how we originally imagined, I wouldn’t change a thing. I’d endure every bout of heartache all over again that led us here, to this, to her. 
I watch as our family loves on our daughter, watch as our little circle becomes whole. I had dreamt of this, we both had for so long. The fact that it’s now reality is unreal. I feel like I’m dreaming and the fact that I’m not, yes…has me on the verge of tears. 
One must slip past my defenses because Nesta reaches up and wipes her thumb across my damp cheek. 
No one comments on my crying and I feel zero shame. There is no shame in being unimaginably happy. 
“Now I have two cousins,” Nyx says from where he’s climbing onto Rhys’ lap. He scrunches his nose. “When will I have boy cousins? Or a brother? There’s too many girls.”
Rhys laughs quietly. “These girls are going to grow up to kick your butt if you keep talking like that. Especially with these two brutes as their fathers.” 
Azriel snorts. “Cass will have Evie lifting weights daily by the time she’s two. She’ll probably be able to kick my butt.” 
Nyx laughs at this, head thrown back, his giggles loud. 
We stay sitting, talking, reminiscing until even Nyx is snoring soundly in his father’s arms. By the time we finally say goodnight, I’m spent. Exhausted. Can hardly keep my eyes open.
But I don’t care.
Sleep is irrelevant when everything has fallen into place, when every time your eyes are open you feel like nothing can go wrong. We’ve already had our heartbreak, have already faced our trials, and although I’m not naive and know that trials will still come…
I know, without a doubt, that everything will be okay. 
I’m sliding into bed as Nesta lays Evelyn in her bassinet next to her side of the bed. I watch as she stares at our daughter, knowing her heart is bursting with pride and love, mirroring my own. I lay down quietly, my eyes remaining on the outline of her frame in the darkness. 
“She’s perfect, Cass,” she whispers, and those damn tears return. 
“Yeah,” I agree, quietly. “She is.”
She climbs into bed and snuggles up close to me, my arms going around her without a thought. We close our eyes, quickly drifting into the four hours of sleep we’ll be getting, at most, before the soft cries of a newborn fills our silent bedroom. 
Sleep is irrelevant.
Our daughter is perfect.
My wife is the love of my life.
And I am whole. 
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snelbz · 1 year
Better Or Worse {Chapter Five}
Nessian. Angst. Modern AU.
@snelbz x @theladyofdeath collab
Better or Worse Masterlist
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Cassian —
True to my word, I’ve continued to sleep in Feyre and Rhysand’s basement. Now that it’s Monday, I have my bags in the backseat of my truck as I drive to this damn counseling session. As long as this doesn’t completely blow up in my face, I’ll be going back home with Nesta. 
I was surprised when she showed up at Feyre and Rhys’s, begging me to come home, to go to marriage counseling. A year ago, even months ago, I would’ve agreed to marriage counseling without any hesitation. But I meant what I’d said. I’m tired, and I’m past trying. 
At least that’s what I keep telling myself, but yet I’m here, pulling into the parking lot of some fancy little office on the far end of town. 
Nesta’s already here.
I see her car parked right next to the door. She’s still inside, but her car is off, and I find myself wondering if she’s just as nervous and unsure as I am about this whole ordeal.
After cutting the engine, I grab my wallet out of the cup holder and make my way to Nesta’s car. At first, she doesn’t see me, so I knock on her window and make her jump. She greets me with a scowl. 
Even when she’s mad, even when I’m pissed at her, she’s gorgeous.
“Come on,” I say, as she throws open her door. “We’re about to be late.”
I turn and walk towards the front door of the office building, knowing she’ll be a step behind me. Sure enough, I hear the clipping of her high heels on the pavement a second later. “I’ve been here since 9:45. You’re the one showing up one minute until ten.”
“You said our appointment was at ten,” I said, opening the door and holding it open for her. “So I’m here at ten.”
She glared at me as she walked into the building, but the waiting room was not a conducive place for the type of conversation we were prone to having recently, so she let it drop.
For now.
She headed right for the young woman at the receptionist’s desk, leaving me at the door, giving me a minute to appreciate her. The sweater she wore was loose and baggy, hiding her full breasts, but it was tucked into a pencil skirt that showed off her round ass. It was made of lace, with a shorter skirt beneath, showing off her long, toned legs.It was the kind of obscene balance that Nesta brought to everything in life.
I could barely tear my eyes off her ass, off those legs that hadn’t been wrapped around my waist in far too long, but once I did, I noticed the sweater was an old one of mine.
A knot of emotion caught in my throat that I cleared away before joining my wife.
“Dr. Berdara will be with you shortly, if you’d like to take a seat.”
Nesta gave a curt nod and swiveled to a set of chairs by the window. I quietly followed after a kind smile toward the receptionist. 
Nesta and I sat in silence for five awkward minutes before a door opened and our names were called. The therapist was around our age, maybe a year or two younger, which I thought was strange. Surely she had never been married, and if she had, she couldn’t have been married long enough to know all of the answers.
She seemed nice enough though.
Her and Nesta made small talk as they walked ahead of me down the long hallway and into an office overlooking the parking lot.
She gestured to a small leather couch for us to sit on opposite of her desk, which we did before she sat herself and smiled.
“It’s so nice to meet the two of you,” she said, sweetly. “I’m Gwyn.”
Wants us to call her by her first name? Another red flag.
“Not a fan of going by your title, Doc?” I asked, and I admit that my hostility may have been showing a little too much. I can practically feel Nesta’s eyes on me.
“I prefer a more casual approach when I’m first meeting new clients,” she explained. “Start us all out on even ground, rather than anyone above the other.”
Before I could reply, Nesta jumped in. “I think that’s a wonderful way to start out. I’m Nesta.”
The two of them looked at me, waiting. I started drumming my fingers on the arm of the couch. “And I’m Cassian.”
“As I said, it’s wonderful to meet you both.” Gwyn gave us another sparkling smile. “Cassian, why don’t you fill me in on why you two are here today?”
My fingers froze. “Why me?”
“Because Nesta made the appointment,” she said, nodding to my wife. At the same time, she nonchalantly flipped open a notebook and reached for a pen. “So since she took the first step by reaching out, I’d like to hear from you.”
“Pretty sure I took the first step when I told her I wanted a divorce,” I say, crossing my arms over my chest. I can feel her go rigid next to me.
Gwyn jots something down in her notebook, either oblivious to the tension between us or used to the uncomfortable situation thanks to her line of work. 
“And what led you to that point?” She pushed, her voice gentle, which only makes me more agitated. “What made you ask her for a divorce?”
Alright. I guess we’re jumping right into this fucking train wreck.
“Nesta stopped caring about our marriage,” I answer, shrugging. “So now I have, too.”
“I didn’t stop caring,” Nesta snaps.
Gwyn gives her a smile. “You’ll have your time to respond, but let’s let Cassian finish.”
Well, shit. Maybe I don’t hate her.
Gwyn turns back to me. “What makes you think that she’s stopped caring?”
“In the last year, we’ve barely spoken to one another. We’ve barely spent any time together. When we do talk, it’s about bills or our schedules or her work, which I think is great, she’s great at what she does, but we don’t need to be constantly talking about deadlines and edits. Every time we’re in the same room together, she gets annoyed and snappy. Every time I ask her for a night off, where we can just be together, she refuses.”
Gwyn nods thoughtfully. “So you feel the root of your issues lies in her work?”
“I think she’s addicted to her work. It’s clear she cares more about it than she does me,” I answer honestly. “She definitely puts more work into her career than she ever has in our marriage.”
Anger is radiating off of Nesta, but she doesn’t say a word. 
“I hear you.” Gwyn writes something else down. “How long have the two of you been married?”
“A little over nine years.” Nesta worked on the night of our anniversary, but I don’t bring that up.
“And your issues just began a year ago?” Gwyn asks.
I hesitate. “I guess I don’t really know exactly when our issues started, but about then, yeah.”
“This may seem like an obvious question, but I’d like as much background as you're willing to offer.” She folds her hands over one another on her desk and looks between us. “Did anything happen around the time things changed? Was there a catalyst or an incident that led to what you both see as a deterioration in your marriage?”
Before I can even decide how much I want to divulge, seeing as I met this woman less than five minutes ago, Nesta answers for us both. “No, nothing.”
And then Gwyn is writing again. “No infidelity or skeletons in closets that came to light?”
When I look over at Nesta, I find her eyes already on me, her gaze pleading.
I wanted to be pissed that our marriage counselor was almost accusing me of cheating on my wife, despite knowing she was asking an innocent question. I wanted to be pissed that Nesta had lied to her face, despite being the one who suggested we come here to work on our issues. This was where she’d finally open up about what had happened that night, when our world had gone dark, after pleading with her so long to just talk to me.
But it wouldn’t be today. Nesta wasn’t ready, the panic in her eyes was evident enough.
I turned back to Gwyn just as she looked up from her notebook and lied, just like Nesta had. “No cheating. No skeletons. Nothing happened.”
Gwyn looked back and forth between us, skeptically, but nodded. “Alright. Well, finding a turning point is a crucial part of this process, so let’s start from the beginning. How did the two of you meet?”
“Freshman year of college,” Nesta says, and I don’t care that she’s suddenly taken control of the conversation.
“And you started dating?”
Nesta nods.
“And what was it that drew you to Cassian?”
The question throws me off guard and I hate how much I want to hear the answer.
Nesta clears his throat. “He was…wild. Confident. Sarcastic. And frustrating as hell.”
Gwyn smiled. “And you found that attractive?”
“I found him intriguing,” Nesta said, wistfully. “He could piss me off and make me swoon within a matter of seconds. I’d say that it was his passion that drew me to him, at first.” 
“And Cassian?” Gwyn asks. “What drew you to Nesta?”
I stare at my outstretched feet. “She challenged me. Captivated me. I was used to dating…girls with low self esteem who just wanted me to prove that they could have me, but Nesta was smart. Confident, too. I don’t know. I guess that I liked that she was different.” 
“Different how?”
It was a much more difficult question to answer than I would have thought. Not because I didn’t have an answer, but because it was hard to put it into words. “She pushed me. She made me dig deeper. There was substance, not just a pretty face, she helped me grow, I guess.” 
Nesta sits silently beside me, staring at her hands, and I tried not to notice that her eyes line with tears. 
“And when did you get married?” Gwyn asks, still watching me.
“A little over a year later. We married young. Both just turned twenty.”
“And did anyone oppose your marriage? Considering you were both so young.”
“My father,” Nesta answers, quietly, “but we’ve never had a great relationship so I didn’t really care what he thought. He came around afterwards.” 
She didn’t mention that he died a few years ago, but I can hear the pain in her voice as I often do when she talks about her dad, although rare. 
“Tell me about your wedding day.”
“It was small,” Nesta says, and it nearly sounds like she’s smiling, although her face remains neutral. “Just our closest friends, and my sisters. Our friend Rhys got ordained online and married us on the beach.” Unable to help myself, I chuckle. Rhys was the worst officiant of all time. He was drunk, which did make the awful speech he had concocted a little bit better. “I wore a dress that I found online for thirty dollars and we were barefoot. It was nice.”
She made that thirty dollar dress look a million bucks. I still remember exactly how she looked, with her hair braided like a crown around her head. I remember how I felt. It had been the best day of my life and I couldn’t believe that I was so lucky to marry someone I was so in love with, my best friend.
“You look lost in thought. What are you thinking?”
It takes me a second to realize that she’s talking to me. Nesta is watching me, expectantly. I clear my throat. “It was a good day.”
I’ve somehow said the right thing and the wrong thing, all at the same time. Gwyn gives me a smile and looks poised to jump onto her next question when Nesta speaks. “That’s it?”
I don’t respond immediately and neither does Gwyn, which leads me to believe she’s going to let this one play out, rather than intervene.
Thanks, Doc.
I turn towards her, unsurprised to find her eyes already on me, storm clouds brewing within. “I said it was a good day, Nes.”
“But that’s all you have to say? It was a good day?” She genuinely looks offended and my short fuse is getting incrementally shorter by the minute. “Meeting your brothers for a drink after work is a good day. When you find a twenty on the street, it’s a good day. And all you have to say is that it was a good day?”
My jaw locks and my fingers flex. “What do you want me to say?”
Pure rage flashes across her eyes. “I want you to say something meaningful.”
Something meaningful. Jokes on her. She’s the one that hasn’t said something meaningful in months, years, who can’t recall how to have a meaningful conversation if her life depended on it. I take a deep breath, then another. Those deep breaths are the only thing keeping me stable, keeping me grounded. “Something meaningful?” I repeat. 
“Yes,” she snaps.
Gwyn remains quiet.
My lips snap shut and I bristle, eyes planted on a pen sitting on Gwyn’s desk. “This is stupid.”
“It’s not stupid.”
“Yeah, it is.”
“Just talk, Cassian!”
My eyes snap to hers, and the second we make eye contact, I’m gone. I can see the emotion, the rage and sadness and hope, and that’s rare for Nesta. Especially lately. Lately, I’ve barely gotten anything from her, but now…she’s listening. She’s waiting. She’s hopeful.
“You want to talk about our wedding day?”
“Yes.” A tear falls down her cheek. She quickly wipes it away.
“The day I married you was the best fucking day of my life,” I say, looking away from her. “I loved you, Nesta. You were so damn beautiful, walking towards me with that overpriced bouquet. I had no doubt that you were the woman I was supposed to marry. All I wanted was you. I didn’t give a fuck when or where I married you. All I cared about was that you were mine. I meant every word I said in our vows. I’ll always love you, always protect you, always be there for you…” I shake my head. “I meant my vows, Nesta. But your vows were shit. Over the last year, you’ve proven that you didn’t mean a damn word you said that day.”
The room is silent, save for the occasional sniffle from my wife. She doesn’t respond and I’m sure as hell done talking for now.
Gwyn lightly taps the end of her pen against her notepad. “Can you tell me what you mean by that, Cassian?”
“I mean she hasn’t stood behind her vows, the promises we made to each other.” My voice is quiet now, all anger sapped from me as Nesta dabs at her eyes with tissue she produced from somewhere. I’m just tired now.
Reading through her notes, Gwyn says, “You’ve told me there’s been no infidelity, so in what way do you feel that Nesta hasn’t upheld her vows?”
“She’s never there.” I hate explaining this. It’s the same shit I’ve explained to my brothers for the past six months and nothing ever changes. “It’s like I don’t exist. All that matters is her books and her deadlines. She doesn’t put any effort into our marriage or even into our relationship.”
Nesta is noticeably silent now. Good.
Gwyn pushes. “Nesta, would you like to respond to that?”
Angrily, she swipes at a tear. “My books are my livelihood.”
“And you were my whole life.”
I don’t realize I’ve spoken the words aloud until both Gwyn and Nesta look at me.
I sigh, rubbing at my temples. Trying to move past the fact that I’m letting feelings I want to suppress out, I say, “Look, I’m proud of Nesta. Okay? She’s a damn good writer, and she’s living her dream. I get that. But since her career has taken off, she’s either working or stressed, and wants nothing to do with me, because I’m just another thing on her plate that’s already overflowing.”
Nesta doesn’t bother saying that I’m wrong.
“So you’re saying that Nesta needs to focus more on you,” Gwyn says.
“I’m saying that as long as she’s too busy working, our marriage is nonexistent.” Gods, I didn’t even want to come and now I can’t shut up. I lock my jaw and stare at my hands.
I feel Nesta looking at me but I don’t care to look back at the moment. 
“And how do you feel about what Cassian has said, Nesta?”
My wife is quiet for a moment, then she says, “I don’t know.”
I scoff and Nesta glares at me, but Gwyn is patient. “Do you not know, or are you unsure how to put your emotions into words?” 
Nesta shrugs, and I know she’s frustrated but I can’t find it in me to care much. “I guess I didn’t realize I was working so much, at first, but now I’m just used to it. I’m used to waking up and working until I go to bed. Ignoring Cassian was not my intention, I just wanted to be successful.”
“And now it’s a habit?” Gwyn asks.
Nesta nods.
“Would you say that you’re addicted to your work?”
Nesta hesitates. “I guess so. I guess it’s all I think about, yes.”
“Do you still enjoy being an author?” Gwyn asks, and I find myself intrigued by this question. For the first time in a while, I look at Nesta.
She’s staring at her wedding rings. “I don’t know. I love to write, but it definitely feels more like a chore than it ever has before. I don’t like the editing process. And sometimes I’m so stressed that I have writer's block and I go insane trying to write anything worthwhile, only for it to get torn apart during editing. My deadlines are getting closer and closer together and I struggle to meet them, because I’m always so stressed. And I know it affects Cassian. Then I feel guilty, but if I’m being honest, that guilt just makes me more stressed and withdrawn and frustrated and miserable to be around.”
The words rush out of her; her eyes never leave her rings.
“There may be a conversation that needs to be had with your publisher about the amount of work your putting out,” Gwyn muses, never one to give orders, just suggestions. “But as of right now, Nesta, I want you to think about how you used to balance work and your time with Cassian before. We’re nearly out of time today, but I want that to be what you consider until we meet again. Cassian, I want you to think about the amount of work Nesta does and how you can help.” I immediately want to protest that I know little about the written word, not like Nesta does, but she shakes her head. “I don’t mean in a literal sense, but to alleviate her stress. How can you help?”
I nodded. If we were here, I was willing to try.
“I want you two to go on a date before our next session.”
I blink at her, not sure that I’ve heard her right. “A date?”
“Yes,” she replies, closing her notepad and smiling at us both. Nesta’s expression is as confused as mine. “Dinner, maybe a movie or some dancing, the activity doesn’t matter. As long as the two of you spend uninterrupted time together, without work or deadlines, cell phones or emails, that’s our goal.”
Uninterrupted time with my wife.
The idea terrified me.
I hesitate, but it’s Nesta that says, “Okay.”
I don’t know why I’m so shocked by this, by her quick acceptance, considering this was all her idea, but I am. I’ve been trying to spend alone time with her for months, and I’ve gotten shot down every time. As soon as someone else mentions it, she says okay.
I tell myself not to be pissed about it, but I am.
Still, I say, “Okay.”
Nesta —
It’s been three days since Cassian has been back home, and it’s been…okay. Quiet, and there’s still not a lot of interaction between the two of us, but we haven’t been fighting. Although I guess it’s hard to fight when you barely speak. 
It hasn’t helped that he’s been working a lot this week. He’s a few men down at his restaurant so he’s picking up the extra slack, as you do when you’re the head chef, until they return. 
Still, when he’s gotten home we’ve had a small conversation about our days then we tell each other goodnight before Cassian makes his way down to the couch to sleep.
I hate being in our big ass bed without him, but I don’t mention it, not yet. 
Cassian got off earlier today, so we decided to take up Gwyn’s challenge. We’re going on a date. I’m nervous as hell, which is ridiculous, but I can’t help it. I want it to go well but I feel like I have to tiptoe around everything to avoid another screaming match.
I can hear Cassian humming to himself in the shower as I slip into a little black dress, one I haven’t worn in a really long time, and look in the mirror. I’m hot, I can’t deny it. I curled my hair and did a full face of makeup, which I also haven’t done in a while, and honestly? I feel confident looking at my reflection, more confident than I’ve felt in…shit, too long.
After clasping a simple diamond pendant around my neck and closing my jewelry box, my eyes fell on the cracked bathroom door in the mirror behind me, a bit of steam billowing out. The only thing I lacked to be completely ready were my heels, but seeing what occurred last time I walked in on Cassian in the shower, I respected his privacy and waited. I sat down on our bed — the bed I’d been sleeping in alone — and waited.
It was absurd, giving my husband privacy and space after being together for a decade. We were the couple no one shared their secrets with, because what one of us knew, the other did as well. We didn’t do it to gossip. 
We just didn’t keep secrets from each other.
I didn’t know at what point that changed, but I knew I was the cause. It all seemed to be my fault lately.
“You ready?”
My head snapped up. I’d been so lost in my own thoughts that I hadn’t heard the shower shut off or the door open completely.
And my husband stood before me in nothing but a dark blue towel, water dripping off his hair and running down his muscular body.
I watched as one particular droplet trailed down his neck, over his broad chest and well-defined abdomen, before absorbing into the towel wrapped around his hips.
Cauldron, boil me, I was ogling my own husband.
Tearing my eyes from his body, I met his gaze. I wasn’t entirely surprised to find heat there, simmering beneath the wall he’d put up between us. It had been a long time since I’d taken a moment to appreciate his body, a body he works hard to maintain, and I know he was as affected by our distance as I was.
Once I’d looked my fill, I cleared my throat, completely forgetting what he’d asked. “What?”
“Are you ready to go?”
I shook my head. “Almost. Just need to grab my shoes.”
He nodded, heading for his dresser, opening the top drawer, where his socks and underwear had always been tossed in with no rhyme or reason. As he began to rifle through it, I hurried into the bathroom, the steam already dissipating, and into my closet. Finding my heels was a matter of a few seconds and I was back into the bedroom before Cassian had even found a matching pair of socks.
“I’ll be downstairs,” I called, the straps of my shoes dangling from my fingers.
I only got two steps down the hall before I heard his voice call out behind me. “Nes?”
I turned, finding him standing in the bathroom doorway, a pair of black boxer briefs clutched in his hands. “Yes?”
“You look beautiful.”
A sudden pang of nausea swept through my stomach, fueled by excitement and longing at his words. I knew I was blushing. “Thank you.”
His smile almost reached his eyes as he disappeared into our bathroom and I hurried downstairs, Greg on my heels. 
My beautiful, fat cat hopped onto the couch next to me in the living room as I put on my shoes, trying to control my shaking fingers. 
My mind wanders back to my husband in a towel, as well as what lies beneath as I stand, my heels securely fastened. I take one last look at myself in the hallway mirror and take a deep breath as I hear Cassian coming down the stairs. 
When he comes into view, I want to run up to him and kiss him deeply, but I stay where I am. He’s wearing black pants and a dark crimson button down, both of which are perfectly fitted to his gloriously sculpted body. The top few buttons are undone, and I can see glimpses of his chest tattoo. But the best part? His hair hangs loose. 
“Yes,” I say, nearly breathless, which makes him arch a brow. I clear my throat. “I’m starving.”
“Me too.” He comes near me, where his wallet and keys sit and snatch them up. He smells delicious, like that cologne I got him last Solstice. Once everything is in his pockets, he holds out his hand.
I blink before realizing what it is he wants.
Cassian is nothing short of a gentleman when it comes to a date.
I slip my hand in his and realize just how long it’s been since we’ve touched.
His fingers curl around mine as pulls me to my feet and we turn to head for the kitchen and the garage beyond. He drops my hand as he locks the door behind us and I’m surprised when he takes it again as we walk to his truck. It’s a short walk, but he’s apparently decided it’s been too long since we touched as well.
After closing me in the passenger side of the truck, he circles around until he’s sitting in the cab with me and starts it up. It roars to life and he backs out of the garage and the driveway.
As soon as he’s on the main road, he reaches over and threads my fingers in his.
I don’t say anything about it and neither does he, both of us silently enjoying the contact we’ve been denied for months.
“I made reservations at Sea and Vine,” he said, once the quiet in the cab was starting to feel less comfortable and more stifling. “I know how much you like their wine selection.”
The soft snort leaves me before I can stop it. “The wine selection, eh?” When I glance over at him, his ears are red. “Nothing to do with their cannolis?”
“Don’t hate on their cannolis,” he mutters, and I catch the hint of a smile. 
The rest of the car ride isn’t bad. We make smalltalk, which feels strange and unnatural, but not awful. We make our way to Sea and Vine, and park at a parking meter a few streets over. As soon as we’re out of the truck, he takes my hand again and pulls me close.
The heat radiates off his body, and now that his hair is completely dry, I admire the thick waves. He hasn’t shaved in a week or so, and a steady scruff has captured his cheeks, his chin. I love it when he’s not clean shaven. I think it’s sexy.  
Part of me wants to pull him into an alley and have him pin me up against the bricks. I want to revisit that heat we had when we were dating, when we were engaged, when we were newly married. There was a time when we couldn’t keep our hands off each other, when we would sneak away no matter where we were and fuck each other senseless. 
I’m just now realizing how long it’s been since we’ve even been on a date. The whole concept feels foreign, and I’m almost unsure of what to do.
It’s all so ridiculous.
When we make it to the restaurant, we’re ushered to our table and Cassian pulls out my chair. Once he’s seated across from me, we fall back into our small talk. We share about our days, and how things have been going at work. I order my favorite wine and nearly melt in the deliciousness of it. Cassian asks them for a cannoli before we even order dinner. 
To my delight, I’m enjoying myself. And, I’m hardly thinking about work, which is rare. I feel like I’m thinking about work every waking moment. It’s a nice change of pace.
“Gwyn seems nice,” Cassian says, once our food is placed in front of us. He has a plate of steak and pasta, while I have shrimp scampi. 
“She does,” I agree. “I like her approach. Very casual.”
Cassian nods and pops a bite of steak into his mouth. “I have to admit that I wasn’t so sure about counseling…but, I didn’t mind it.”
“It’s nice, having someone there to play the mediator,” I say, jumping right in. We can tiptoe around our problems or we can face them head on. After months of awkwardness and half-assed conversations, I was ready to get back to who we were. I just had no idea where to start. “Someone to let us finish our thoughts when the other wants to jump in.”
He says nothing, just takes another bite of his exquisite steak and raises an eyebrow, indicating I’m the one who needed the reminder more than he did.
Which, to be fair, was true.
I can’t help but chuckle as I eat, swallowing my food before I speak. “I’m just saying, having an outside party is helpful.”
“I don’t disagree,” he says, twirling his fork in his pasta, not looking at me. “Especially when it comes to shit we don’t want to talk about.”
Immediately, my walls started to go up, not liking where he was leading the conversation. I swallowed harshly, but there was no food in my mouth.
Clearing my throat, I started, “I’m going to make an effort to be home more, Cass—”
“I’m not talking about your work, Nesta,” he pushed.
My jaw clenched and I stared at my plate, still full of food. Cassian’s chewing slowed as he watched me. 
“I thought my work was the biggest part of our issues,” I began, slowly.
Cassian continued to eat, apparently able to eat through any sort of tension. “I think it’s a part of our issues. It’s not the only part of our issues, although it’s apparently the only part of our issues that you want to talk about.”
I’m quiet for a moment, pushing around my pasta on my plate. “Can we not? I want to enjoy my night.”
“I’m not trying to ruin our night,” Cassian says, his fork halting. “I’m just saying—”
“Well stop,” I snap, and instantly regret it. My eyes wander back to my plate. “I don’t want to talk about that tonight.”
“You don’t ever want to talk about it,” he mutters, and drops his fork. “It wouldn’t hurt to talk about it, Nesta.”
“I don’t want to talk about it.”
“We have to.”
“Not now.” The tone of my voice is final, and I see the hurt in his eyes. I know that what happened didn’t only affect me. It affected him, too, and we never had closure. I get that…but I can’t talk about it. I’m not ready. Even after all this time. I’m not ready. 
We’re quiet for a moment, and I wonder if anyone at the tables surrounding us have picked up on our awkward choice of dinner conversation. 
“I’ve lost my appetite,” I say, at last.
“Yeah.” Cassian’s not looking at me. All of the sudden, the mood has changed and we’re strangers again. “Me too.”
“Call for the check.”
His jaw locks but he gives me a stiff nod. With barely any of his food eaten, he motions for the server to come our way and asks for the check.
I feel guilty.
I also feel angry.
We sit in complete silence as our check is retrieved and we’re brought to-go boxes. I dump my shrimp scampi into one, and he pushes his steak into another. 
We barely make it out of the restaurant before he says, “I’m sorry.”
“About what?” I ask, as if I don’t know, which seems to make him mad.
“Don’t do that,” he says, stopping under a streetlight to glare at me.
“Don’t do what?” I ask, unable to stop my act, not knowing why. 
I can tell he’s frustrated, can tell he’s getting pissed. I notice he’s not reaching for my hand this time. 
“Act like you never have any fucking clue what I’m talking about,” he hisses. “I need you to communicate, Nesta. I need you to talk to me, to be open to me, to give me something of substance. I’m tired of these surface, meaningless conversations, and I’m tired of you avoiding everything we have to get out in the open. Therapy only goes so far.”
“Why couldn’t we just have a nice night?” I cry, and I hate myself for getting emotional. “We haven’t had a date in forever. This was supposed to be good for us.” And now we’re fighting on the fucking street.
Cassian just shakes his head and shrugs. “It’s not my fault.”
“Oh, right, it’s mine! It’s always my fault. It’s my fault we drifted apart, it’s my fault that you want a divorce, it’s my fault that we can’t—” the words fade away from me, stuck on my tongue. A tear falls that I wish kept itself hidden. 
He stiffens. “Nesta—”
“Go home, Cassian.” I start to walk away, but he quickly follows me.
“Come on. Let’s just go to the truck—”
“I’ll find my own way home,” I snap, trying my best to hurry ahead of him. I don’t look at him. I hardly acknowledge his presence. I need to be alone.
“Please, Cassian!” I spin around, meeting his eyes. I can’t stop the tears from falling, can’t stop the feeling of utterly falling apart. “Leave me alone! Go home.”
I hate the angst in his eyes, the confusion, the loss. “Where are you going?”
I shake my head, backing up slowly. “I’ll see you at home.”
This time, when I walk away from him, he doesn’t chase after me. 
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