my beautiful wife clive schill is dying but it's ok because the one killing him is my bestest friend aubrey wood
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solaariia · 3 months
the self-concept
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hellour! this is gonna be a long post!
i was studying for my social psychology course today (for context i'm a psych major) and read something that might be helpful for everyone who's been having doubts about manifestation subconsciously being part of our everyday lives—as opposed to something made up by the internet.
the information i'm about to provide is from actual sociologists and psychologists, so this is rooted in studies. i promise i'm not about to pull info out of my ass! this is mainly just a very very brief summary of the self concept chapter we're reading about in class.
side note, i named all the researchers in case you wanna check out their work yourself! i made this post to provide insight about our self-concept and clear limiting beliefs. :)
what is self-concept?
so we hear the term self-concept a lot in the manifestation community. Neville, Edward, Sammy, Dr Joe Dispenza, bloggers on tumblr… all of them talk about it all the time. but what does it actually mean?
the self-concept refers to the total sum of beliefs that people have about themselves. it consists of cognitive molecules that social psychologist Hazel Markus called self-schemas. these are the beliefs about ourselves that guide the processing of self relevant information. but what does this actually mean?
well, self-schemas are to the self-concept what books are to a library. if someone asks about yourself, you will probably answer with something quick like: “i am a woman” or “i am a student.” those simple attributes are part of your self-schema; if we want to go deeper, body weight is also a self-schema. for people who regard weight as a crucial part of their beliefs, something simple like a gym trip with friends or buying stuff at the supermarket may trigger thoughts about the self. but if a person is aschematic (not concerned by a certain attribute) about body weight, no thoughts will pop up.
we already know that the self is a special object of our attention. whether its a thought or a song, our consciousness is like a spotlight. this means that it can shine on one object at one point in time, yet shift rapidly from one object to another and process information outside of awareness. in this spotlight, the self is at the forefront of our minds. its what's most important to us at that moment. keep this in mind for later!
to finish with the explanations, neurologist Oliver Sacks highlighted two important points about the self:
🩷 there is a private “inner” self, and an “outer” self we show to others. if we don’t self reflect to understand how were feeling, how will we understand our emotions and actions?
🩷 the self is heavily influenced by social factors.
now–what does that last point mean? well, what we think about ourselves is rooted from childhood. if we grow up hearing “you’ll never amount to anything” or “you’re my favorite child” (extreme examples i know), then that's what we’ll ingrain in our self-concept. this notion brings me to the fun stuff–the studies!
is self-concept scientifically proven?
psychologist Gordon Gallup performed a series of studies where he put animals in front of a mirror to test if they could recognize themselves. at first, they vocalized and greeted themselves in the mirror (my dog did this too when he was a pup, he would bark at his own reflection and play with it), but after several days, only great apes seemed capable of self recognition, using the mirror just like any other human would. grooming themselves, making faces… in short, they recognized themselves!
why do i bring this experiment up? well, this proves that the concept of “me” is necessary to define our self-concept. we must first recognize ourselves as Something to become Someone.
using that same study in humans, this process of self-recognition begins between 18-24 months. which means that from this point onwards we start to define Self (consciousness).
you might read this and–admittedly–think: “oh this blog post hasn’t said anything about manifestation!” true, but i want to present the basics or self-concept first to understand how it affects our daily thoughts!
there was another experiment we talked about in one of my lectures (i do not remember who performed this study specifically, but Dr Patrick Heck did one similar to this one and the results were the same), where participants were told to take a test. half of them were told to boast about themselves, and the rest were instructed to describe themselves modestly. naturally, participants who spoke highly of themselves scored higher on these tests than participants who didn’t. so… you all see where i’m going with this.
remember how i said to keep the “consciousness is a spotlight” paragraph in mind? i’ll finally touch on it with this next and last thing i’m gonna talk about (in this post at least!).
we already established that the first step in the evolution of our self-concept is the ability to recognize ourselves as Someone. the second step, however, involves social factors. sociologist Charles Horton Cooley introduced the term looking-glass self to suggest that other people serve as a mirror in which we see ourselves. and another sociologist by the name of George Herbert added that the only way to know ourselves is by imagining the opinions of our significant others and applying them to our self-concepts. sounds familiar?
how do i change my self-concept?
Neville mentioned the “mirror-self” on his conferences too. he said that one of his favorite techniques to better his Self was to imagine a loved one speaking kindly of himself. in his book Your Faith is Your Fortune, Neville wrote: “Stop trying to change the world since it is only the mirror. Man’s attempt to change the world by force is as fruitless as breaking a mirror in the hope of changing his face. Leave the mirror and change your face. Leave the world alone and change your conceptions of yourself. The reflection then will be satisfactory.”
since the self-concept is a library (our perception of Self) made out of self-schemas (books brought to us by our peers), we can see that sometimes, what we think of ourselves is just an amalgamation of beliefs implanted to us by the people in our lives. so if we were given these books we don’t like, why should we keep them in our library?
to change these negative beliefs we have about ourselves, all we have to do is replace them with positive ones. i know, i know, this is what every person who studies loa and manifestation regurgitates over and over. its nothing that hasn’t been posted to numerous blogs or twitter threads before.
however, the point about this whole post is to tell you why that is the only way to change your self-concept. if your daily thoughts are filled with phrases like: “my sp doesn’t want me” and “i’m so broke” or “what’s the point? this is all worthless anyways.” STOP. DROP. CHANGE.
journal. write your limiting beliefs in your ipad, paper, wood, stone–whatever.
use your hands to apply muscle memory. once you have them, CROSS THEM OUT!
i hope i shift tonight = I KNOW I SHIFT EVERY NIGHT
i wish i had money = I HAVE ALL THE MONEY I WANT AND MORE
just those small changes are enough to rewire your entire self-concept. also, exposure. the more exposure you have to something, the more insecure it will make you. if you’re having a hard time manifesting, remove all blogs, twitter accounts, and people that limit your beliefs. less exposure to negativity = less negativity reflected in your self-concept.
problems with the Self will always be there. if you remove a negative belief, another will pop up. all you can do is learn more about your “inner” self and recognize how you’re feeling. what you can do is focus on the positives, and automatically, your self-concept will change.
persist in the assumption until it becomes your reality!
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thank you all for making it this far! just in case, the book i got this information from is Social Psychology 11th Edition authored by Kassin, Fein and, H.R. Markus. there’s a lot of interesting information on this academic book that is similar to the ones Dr Joe Dispenza has written, so i could make another post like this in the future! take care!
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bruciemilf · 2 years
ACTUALLY, you guys WILL listen to my Bruce & Officer Martinez brain rot because they have Peak " grumpy sunshine " and " asshole sunshine" dynamic and I'm not letting it go
Here's the thing about Jim Gordon; He has patience; He has tact. But he's also a petty shit, and God almighty, he WARNED Batman to stop his solo crime busting for extra dangerous cases
So yes; He gestures to Martinez, sugar cream on his moustache, files overfilling his arms. He tries to wave. They fall everywhere. ''This is your divine punishment "
"... Did you really just refer to Martinez as a punishment?"
" Honestly, I'm just happy to be included!"
Martinez is still SUPER sketchy about Batman, but of course he freaks out in the Batmobile; Yes, it's from the back-seat, but it still MATTERS, - " You know, my aunt is actually a mechanic, and-"
And that's the second thing Bruce writes about him in his profile journal; First thing being 'Talks too much.' Second is Family man.
But he actually listens to everything because it's comforting to know Gotham allows some love to survive.
And Bruce REFERENCES all stories. When they investigate different sources he's like " This is a professional dismemberment. We should ask your brother's opinion"
" My brother?" " I'd ask mine, but I don't have one." " No asshole I mean - you know my brother's a surgeon? You listen to me?" " I always listen."
" you listen to this shit??? Unironically?? THIS is REAL music" and then-
And also a ton of Nicki Minaj. " PULL UP IN THE MONSTER AUTOMOBILE GANGSTA-"
Bruce almost rearranges his whole skeleton right there; Martinez eventually figures out that it's Bruce's special interest so he apologises, " I'm sorry I called you out on your terrible taste. We can listen to that Bridge song or whatever"
*shaking with rage* " It's. Not. Called. That."
Literally give me Martinez whining Bruce's ear off until they reach a drive through, and Bruce is just standing there like a STATUE
Martinez leveled up to front seats and is rubbing his hands together like a greedy gremlin, but Bruce does Not move. " Welcome to Bat Burger can I take your order? Hello?" And Bruce is just. Petrified
" Can I had- have, can I - um,"
" what was that?"
" ... Burger"
He pins Martinez face to headboard and makes him SWEAR he won't tell anyone about it but Martinez is too busy laughing his ass off
Martinez always talking about Bruce, - He gave my sister a job as a security guard after she got out of prison. Murdering her rapist, you know how it is
"... I don't, actually." " Well yeah, you grew up in the good part of town, probably" "There's no good part. Only good coincidences."
"... Oh yeah, you're DEFINETLY rich."
Martinez and Selina strangers to enemies, 500k words, slow burn.
Martinez is a dog boy and she's a cat girl. It was expected. She kicks his seat in the Batmobile and he readjusts his chair as LOW as possible just to annoy her
" Crazy cat lady KNOWS something. "
" Don't call her that."
" I don't have to, her smell does it for me, - wait. Are you... Are you HOT for her? SERIOUSLY?"
And so what if Bruce's fast feels hot under his cowl? " Now's not really the time for a jealous scene."
" Oh I'M not jealous, bro. She's in your pants, I'm your emergency contact and organ donor. We aren't even in the same highway."
" ...When did you do that?"
" We don't have time to talk about all that-"
Martinez super casually mentioning he knows Bruce's identity. " Thanks for your help, Mr. Wayne"
" How... How did you?"
" BRO. I'd know that jawline in death."
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shadowreader23 · 2 months
Batman prank fic (part 2)
Tim grinned manically as he finished the code. He was already on his sixth cup of coffee and he had been up all night working on this code but it was finally finished. Glaring at his now empty coffee cup like it betrayed him he went downstairs to grab some more coffee to prepare himself for the day.
"Morning tim!" Dick greetedly happily as Tim walked into the kitchen
Dick was sat on the kitchen counter eating a bowl of cereal.
"Alfreds gonna kill you for that" Tim informed Dick of his fate.
"Nah hes gone to the store for some supplies so i broke out some of my secret ceral stash" Dick replied
"I do not undersrand your love for that sugary terror" Damian complained entering the kitched to make himself some toast
"For once i agree with Damian"
"Tch. Well Drake it's time you finaly see i have the most sense. Also I wish to know are we truly continuing with the prank tirade to see who is the best at pranks? And who is fathers favorite beacuse i do not understand the point of seeing who is the best at pranks" Damian reasoned
"Think of it not as pranking but as a test of your planning, preparation, execution, and emotional manipulation skills" Tim translated into Damian speak.
It was true pranks required planning then the action and elected the desired emotion in the person being pranked. Ok maybe he should get some sleep how long had it been again?
"Well may the best son win" Damian said
"I already have a head start" Dick reminda then
"The pink batsuit was childsplay however the voice was a nice touch" Tim reluctantly admits
It had been over a week since Dick painted the batsuit pink and Bruce was still finding glitter in the cave.
"I'll see you later" Tim decides to leave the kitchen with his mug of coffee to retreat to his room and watch the choas that was about to unfold. ----------------- "Grayson!" Robin called angroly glaring at Nightwing who was lounging in the front passenger seat of the batmobile
"I called shotgun you know the rules baby bird" Nightwing retorted
With a glare Robin climbed into the back of the batmobile and waited for batman.
The three of them were going to investigate something strage happening commisioner Gordon himself had requested their aid.
Red Robin was not patroling tonight but was helping Agent A run coms.
"Lets go" Batman said climbing into the batmobile and driving full speed from the cave
"Can i play music?" Nightwing asked giving his most pleeding face
"No" Batman responded
"Please" Nightwing asked again "No" Batman responded once more
"But B" Nightwing pleaded
"You are an adult now Nightwing set a good example for Robin" Batman finished
A moment of awkward silence passed then the speakers in the car came to life.
'Baby shark do do do do do'
Robins face folded into a scowl as Nightwings became one of pure hapiness
"Baby shark do do do do do do' Nightwing began to sing along
"Nightwing turn it off" Batman ordered
"I didn't even turn it on!" Nightwing protested
The song continued to play and despite their best efforts they could not get it to stop. They had the same problem on the way back from meeting Gordon as well. By that point even nightwing was sick of the song.
Tim smiled and sipped his coffe this was more of a revenge prank than a normal prank but it still counted. He'd like to see the others try and top that. But first it was time for one of Alfreds cookies.
______ Part 3? Who should prank Bruce next?
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emo-gremlin · 9 months
General Friendly Neighbor hcs
Feel free to add on!
😊 They...they may be stupid. And by may, I mean they are. Like, common sense? Don't know her. Gordon has to thank his lucky stars that they're durable.
😊 They are all absolute sweethearts. Reaching out to anyone they see might be sad or needing help.
😊 They all know ASL, and a few common phrases in Spanish.
😊 Despite being afraid of the Unfriendly Neighbors, they still treat them with kindness, thinking maybe, just maybe, it will fix them. (It won't, but Gordon can't bring himself to tell them that.)
😊 They all know how to sew.
😊 If left unsupervised, will eat glue, play dough and paint.
😊 If exposed to 'mean' media, their colors start to fade. If they get to the point they're scratching out their eyes, it's too late and must be escorted to the Unfriendly Neighborhood by one of its ambassadors.
😊 However, Gordon doesn't bar them from watching TV entirely. Shows like MLP, Sesame Street, ones that showcase similar values to one's of their own show are allowed. (The Unfriendly Neighbors have full tv access, everything except porn.)
😊 Unfortunately, a few puppets now know how to swear, thanks to Gordon. Being a handyman kinda does that to ya.
😊 Gordon prides himself on teaching the puppets general handyman knowledge, like how to fix a flat tire, oil change, unclog toilets, use a hammer, etc.
😊 One of the UF ambassadors showed them memes and now quote them whenever possible. One Norman even dabbed while they were live and it went viral. The same Norman also did the Orange Justice during the end credits of an episode and that also went viral. It is the bane of Gordon's existence.
😊 Very big huggers. During meet and greets, guests who don't like hugs are asked to wear a pin saying so, so that the puppets know before going in for one. Pins are provided for free.
😊 Accepting of everyone! Gordon was able to get them a float at the last Pride celebration, and they all had a lot of fun! It took awhile for the face paint stains to come out though.
😊 Can and will burst into song unpromted.
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Worst Video Game Song Tournament - Round 2 Match 3
The Fade - Dragon Age: Origins
Birthday Cake - Jet Set Radio Future
I would recommend listening to as much as you can of each song before voting, but how you choose is up to you! Remember to be civil in the tags and replies!
Propaganda under cut:
The Fade:
"I linked the hour version because it’s accurate to the experience of playing the game. Imagine listening to this for like three hours straight. That same goofy ass sound over and over again in rapid succession. Imagine this being my last straw and me snapping and ripping every key off my keyboard one by one with my teeth."
"#dragon age origins is such a good dame but that song makes me want to throw up in a mix of laughter and rage induced insanity"
"That's the gordon ramsey your food tastes like vomit sound"
"Song that plays before the Gordon Ramsey boss fight"
"#reality tv dragon age"
"#Is that the fucking kitchen nightmares sting"
"#fuck the fade all my homies hate the fade"
"#the fade sucks . yea thats pretty bad. id want to also go crazy insane. i will not be playing that game. i stopped 2 minutes in."
Birthday Cake:
"Every time this comes on i have to mute the tv. It’s so bad i’ve been playing jsrf for fifteen years and i’ve hated this song for every second of it"
"#I FUCKING LOVE BDAY CAKE #it sucks ass!!!"
"#bday cake SUCKS"
"#birthday cake's vocals sound like they were torturing it out of the singer"
Feel free to add more propaganda in the tags and replies, or send it to me in the ask box and I'll try to share it as soon as I can!
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t4tozier · 2 years
interesting bits from the track commentary:
intro/uranium suite:
- the show started out as a cabaret where the kids sang directly to the audience with their monologue songs but then they connected them all to a plot so that they could take it further
- they initially cut out the uranium suite but then added it back bc it captured the dying town vibe the best
what the world needs:
- ocean had a bunch of different versions of her song, including a “marx gospel” and jazz version
- they listened to a lot of mika and shake it off by taylor swift for what the world needs
noel’s lament:
- noel’s lament was pretty much ready to go off the bat, they cut one verse but that was it
every story’s got a lesson:
- “ocean needs the world to make sense…[these kinds of people] demand order in chaos”
this song is awesome/talia:
- mischa was the most “liquid” character because they kept combining characters into what eventually became him
- “this song is awesome” was supposed to pretty much be only profanity lol, it was originally much sleazier and he was also doing a rap battle against himself in a funhouse mirror to show the two sides of himself
- jacob richmond on talia: “maybe she exists maybe she doesn’t, but it’s what you perceive that’s important”
- brooke maxwell called up the ukranian consulate to ask them how to say i love you in ukranian and recorded it so they could write it phonetically for the lyrics
space age bachelor man:
- the cat planet was based from david bowie’s “cat people” and took inspiration from queen and flash gordon for the music
- it was initially a 10 min song to imitate prog rock but got a little too self-indulgent and you kind of forgot your place in the show so they actually initially completely cut it for a show but then put it back in
- ricky’s the most comfortable in his skin out of the kids
the ballad of jane doe:
- it’s sadder for jane to be completely forgotten because they’re all dead but she’s the one that doesn’t even get remembered or known as an identity
- brooke called her “the queen of the carnival” and said they weren’t originally sure if she was actually on the rollercoaster with the kids or the sort of spirit of the carnival or had died hundreds of years ago and then left it ambiguous—“don’t explain the matrix”
jawbreaker/sugar cloud:
- constance’s monologue was the first thing jacob richmond wrote and it was the opening monologue for the cabaret show
- there was a teddy bear surfing in the middle of the song at one point ?? they described it as an “elvis beach party”
- the recorder solo was kept throughout the entire evolution of the song
- it was being debated about whether or not they should keep it bc ppl were really divided but brooke especially likes the arrangement on the album
- they wanted to find a way to explore a senseless tragedy and loss and not make it feel so heavy because you don’t always need something to make you feel worse and be a bummer, they wanted to energize the audience
- the carnival played into the different genres of music throughout the show bc you can hear so many different genres just walking through the fairground
- they recorded this at the beginning of the pandemic so they all were recording from different studios
- the cast recording features local vocals for the ensemble/background vocals including on be safe be good and a world inside
it’s not a game/it’s a ride:
- the “sailing through space” section of it’s not a game had to be rearranged for the cast recording because it was supposed to be tentative and a capella and they gave the actors a backing track so it sounded too perfect at first
- that section is also inspired by super tramp, they brought it up multiple times
- this was another song that had a ton of versions and the it’s just a ride section was partially based on sgt pepper’s and OKGO’s this too shall pass music video
bonus tracks:
- be safe be good was in the seattle version of the show and it was placed during the penny lamb sequence but they took it out because it took away from the impact of the visuals
- it also was more of a subdued version where the kids were bummed that they didn’t get to go rather than being happy for penny so that was another reason for cutting it
- the rachel in question is director (?) rachel rockwell and she really loved this song so they put that in there for her
- brooke recorded these two himself bc making an album was very expensive and they didn’t have the budget for the whole cast so he just sang them himself and had the local vocals for background
- a world inside was going to replace sugar cloud so there are some similar motifs
- sugar cloud is more uplifting but also more abstract and this one was trying to get more into constance’s head on a less metaphorical level
- this was also being written during rehearsal and they were under the most pressure for this one, it was also the one that had the most outlines and restrictions
- it was in the show for two days and then they realized it didn’t fit with the vibe of the show so they had to scrap it
- the show in canada ended with karnak’s theme but there wasn’t really an end to the song and it wasn’t a satisfying conclusion
- they originally didn’t have jane or any of the kids coming back to life either they basically did their thing and left
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morganrat · 4 months
The Resurrection of John Ward
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A Faith: The Unholy Trinity alternate universe, created by me :3
(probably contains some game spoilers)
How it is...
✦ THIS ISN'T SUPER IN DEPTH, it is SIMPLE!! My Father Ward wasn't created with anything deep in mind, the headcanons just diverged too much and I ended up making a mini story hdjdjshdshj
✦ I BARELY KNOW WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT!! I've never actually played FTUT, I'm just going off of fandom wikis and youtube videos
✦ IM PROJECTING A LOT!! This is MY little thing IM working on that I created. This isn't for any of you, it's a way for me to cope and look into myself and my religious trauma and yall are just here for the ride
✦ I DON'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT PLOTHOLES!! It really ain't that serious 😭 (it gets less serious and more casual as i keep writing LMAO)
now that that's outta the way,
How he came to be...
✦ After submitting to the evil he was destined to defeat, allowing the initiation of the Profane Sabbath, Father Ward is no more. Everyone's memories, the Martin house, Amy, Michael, his entire existence wiped clean from the face of the universe.
Well, in HIS universe...
✦ Meanwhile someone not that far away was observing very intently. Being plastered onto millions of screens, he would come to be FAR from forgotten.
✦ Fueled by surges of passion, obsession, and the usage of way too much ink, Father Ward would come to be yet again.
✦ His soul being handed to the one holding the pen that brings him life, Father Ward is rebirthed as an angel in the new world. The honoring of him despite his faith being destroyed, gives him another chance.
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How he is doing...
✦ After a little while of confusion surrounding the sudden change in his environment and physique, he quickly became adjusted to his new home.
✦ He slowly starts to loosen up, wandering the new universe appreciating its unusual beauties.
✦ He has nearly nothing to dread now, for his vengeful god and twisted devil have no reign over him here. You can say his faith is dwindling especially after what happened, realizing his god is not in fact infinite.
✦ He DOES still suffer from horrible nightnares, about Amy and the Profane Sabbath...
✦ He also still smokes, his asthma is still very much present, and he has been to the emergency room on several occasions (and counting 😭)
✦ Though it seems like every day he starts to look younger and healthier, with no bible to read he picks up gardening, now carrying with him a flower instead of a cross. His cassock is also now a comfy onesie :3
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More about him... (silly)
✦ Before picking up gardening, he attempted to cook and bake! That didn't last long though, he set the ovenstove on fire four times now... When he isn't causing a grease fire though, he can make MEAN scrambled eggs 🗣❗ im talkin GORDON RAMSAY typa shit
✦ Severely allergic to dandelions, he finds ONE in his garden and he freaks the fuck out, Father Ward is vehemently against using any kind of pesticides though
✦ Holding hands with him is nice, his paws are calloused yet gentle from manual labor, he clips his claws regularly so he doesnt accidently hurt the flowers <3
✦ He has paw beans
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✦ He secretly sings silly little songs when nobody's around (and when there are people, he hums), it helps him calm down from waves of anxiety, kinda like @littledoof's panic singing LMAO
✦ Father Ward is also growing accustomed to the other residents, the millions of people he reaches in the online space. He's a bit closed off (for now) but still kind to everyone he meets
✦ YES Father Ward IS interactive!! You can talk to him through my ask box, and he will frequently mingle with other posts he finds to be interesting!
✦ Settling down from all the fighting demons and counting the days, slowly but surely he is beginning to find peace, and you all are with him for the journey if youd like to be :)
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taggin you bc u said u were excited :>
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iunpackmyadjectives · 6 months
A Ninjago Heathers AU Idea
I adore Heathers with my whole soul(candy store, meant to be yours, dead girl walking and seventeen all ended up on my top songs of 2023 playlist for context), and I love ninjago with my whole soul(70k words of fics in my Google docs, so many hours spent reading and drawing for it, and multiple cosplays), so naturally I want to combine them. But I(probably)don’t have the patience for writing all that, so the skeleton of it is landing here
Veronica: Lloyd
JD: Harumi(but like she’s the perfect JD change my mind)
H. Chandler: Kai
H. Duke: Cole
H. McNamara: Jay
Kurt and Ram: Nya and Skylor
Martha: Brad Tudabone
Ms Fleming: Dareth(it just…I don’t think I need to explain it)
If you can’t tell, the whole thing is gender bent. tinylifeboat123 has a lovely gender bent Heathers au I used for inspiration/reference 
And to clarify it’s still set in 1989
Okay but Kai definitely gives Heather Chandler. Like he would be popular, a mythic bitch, and sing lead in candy store
Similarly, I think Jay would make a great Heather MacNamera. Also, this would be a Gordon situation, as he is loaded because his dad’s an actor
Look, Llorumi isn’t a popular or generally liked ship(for good reason, I don’t ship them at all when it comes to canon), but idk to me they fit for Veronica and JD??? Like, especially Rumi being JD? She already blew up a building and murdered people in canon
Give me big fun at the Smith house please
Dead Girl Walking would play out differently specifically because I hc Lloyd as hella ace. It still ends in him and Rumi becoming official, but no sex
Blue would also play out differently since Nya is taken(yes by Jay) and Skylor just had her bf(?) die. They would try to convince him to do stuff with a girl(probably Akita but it doesn’t really matter), and when he refuses they spread a rumor that he said no because he’s gay. Cue Rumi using an uno reverse card in Our Love is God(idk maybe a mention about how they both are queer but the world doesn’t love them for who they are and people saying stuff like that are the problem?)
Dead Gay Son could go whatever way you want, but I would probably have it be about scruffshipping(Dareth/Ronin) because I hc Ronin as becoming Nya’s functional uncle post season 5
The dead trio would have a lot more dynamics with each other, considering there’s a pair of best friends, a couple(?), and a pair of siblings(something something Kai and Nya could have been the older siblings Lloyd never had something something)
I definitely could see Dareth leading shine a light. Seems like a very in-character thing for him to do.
Give me Jay having a breakdown over how he rides the bus because all his rides to school are dead. Give me Jay singing lifeboat. Give me Lloyd stopping Jay from doing that one thing in the bathroom. I need it. I NEED it.
The kindergarten boyfriend was Lloyd. He didn’t die, but he has so strongly left Brad behind that in his eyes he might as well have. This also makes the line “I’m so sorry” sooo much worse
Is 90% of this au just for the last 5 songs? Absolutely. They just fit the Llorumi dynamic. Like Lloyd realizes that she is crazy and her being stopped is far more than their relationship being saved. Does Lloyd wish they could have work out? Yes. Does he still try to save her until the very last second? Yes. Is there remorse from both parties? Yes. But in the end she's “beaten fair and square” and dies, and there isn’t a shoved in rushed redemption arc I’m looking at you Crystalized you butchered my girl.
Greenflower in beautiful(reprise)? Maybe a kiss???
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alienelvisobsession · 4 months
The Jack White Connection
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In January 2015, Elvis’ very first recording, an unassuming simple acetate dating back to 1953, was sold at an auction to an undisclosed buyer for $300,000. It featured two sentimental ballads sung by Elvis, then a shy 18-year-old kid with a ducktail haircut: on the A-side was “My Happiness”, a tune from the 1940s that would be later made famous by Connie Francis, and on the flip side “That’s When Your Heartaches Begin”, which Elvis would later re-record and release as a B-side to “All Shook Up”. Back in 1953, Elvis had paid $3.98 for this service offered by Sam Phillips at Memphis Recording Service, either to hear how he sounded on record, or as a present for his mum, as he would later claim in interviews. Some would go so far as to say that he hoped Sam would hear his voice and sign him up at Sun Studios. Whatever the reason, Elvis took the record to his high-school friend Ed Leek, who, in his recollection, had given him the money ($3.98 amount to about $45 adjusted for inflation) and owned a record player. Elvis played the songs there, and then for some reason left the record at his house. It’s funny how in later years some articles would claim that Gladys played the record over and over, while Elvis admitted in the Million Dollar Quartet recordings that he had lost it. In 1988 Ed Leek let RCA transfer the songs to digital to be released, but he kept the original acetate until his death in 2010.
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In March 2015, a couple of months after the record was sold at an auction by Leek’s niece, it was disclosed that the buyer was a fellow rock ‘n roll musican, Jack White. The Detroit native planned to reissue the precious artifact on vinyl in a limited edition for Record Store Day. For this, he faithfully recreated the 10-inch, 78-rpm record in every detail, including the yellowish aging paper of the plain sleeve and the typewritten labels. Alan Stoker, the son of Gordon Stoker from the Jordanaires, the background singers in many of Elvis’ hits, did the transfer at the Country Music Hall of Fame. He ensured that the sound would be as clean as possible while maintaining the old haunting feeling of what many consider to be the Holy Grail of rock ‘n roll.
From this, you may have gathered that Jack White, who has won 13 Grammies in his career and is credited for writing the most distinctive guitar riff of the early 2000s with “Seven Nation Army”, is an Elvis fan. Not only did he embark in the project of bringing Elvis’ first record to the public with a precise replica, but he also played Elvis in a cameo for the comedy “Walk Hard: the Dewey Cox Story” (2007), which is a parody of music biopics. In the now iconic scene, Dewey, played by John C. Reilly, is terrified because he has to go on stage after Elvis, who’s hungry and wants to get out of there early. When Elvis approaches Dewey Cox, he speaks in an unintelligible Southern drawl, and anachronistically attempts a karate chop in the 1950s, before he even started to study it! This is a spoof of music biopics, after all, where these “artistic liberties” are plentiful (Baz Luhrmann’s movie has Elvis sing “Trouble” at Russwood Park, for instance). Then Jack White’s Elvis hilariously explains karate: “It’s called karate, man. Only two kinds of people know it, The Chinese and The King.” This unflattering and stereotyped portrayal of Elvis purposefully misses everything about Elvis’ personality, especially his humility and his Southern accent, focusing on some unimportant stereotypes instead: the sweating, the love of junk food, and the mumbling.
But, aside from playing him in a now famous gag, Jack White payed homage to Elvis as a musician as well. His 2014 Grammy-winning single “Lazaretto” features a cover of “Power of My Love” on the B side. The single holds the record of being the world’s fastest released record. It was recorded live in Nashville in front of an audience, pressed and released in under 4 hours. The B-side is according to The Tennessean “a thunderous version of Elvis Presley's ‘Power of My Love,’ — a faithful rendition, aside from cranking up the tempo and piling on the guitar overdrive.” In 2022, as we know, he had the honor of recording a duet of the same song alongside Elvis’ voice. The song is featured in the soundtrack of Baz Luhrmann’s movie.
And finally, Jack speaks about his love for Elvis Presley in a 2018 episode of the podcast “Revisionist History” by Malcolm Gladwell. In an episode called “Analysis, Parapraxis, Elvis”, the author tries to understand why Elvis never seemed to get a particular part of “Are You Lonesome Tonight?” quite right. Jack, accompanied by his guitar, sings the song in full, including the slightly corny spoken bridge where the singer feels vulnerable, deceived and rejected, which is the emotional part that Elvis couldn’t face to sing. He says there are a lot of minor chords in the song that can get you in that melancholy vibe. The singer is lonesome and he doesn’t really care if his ex lover is lonesome: “it’s a McGuffin to pretend he’s worried about her”, Jack explains.
I’m sure there will be more occasions to hear Jack White paying homage to his idol in the future. After all, he has an Elvis shrine at home, as Gladwell reveals!
This is part of a series of posts about Elvis’ influence on the artists who followed him. You can read the other Elvis connections I wrote about here. So far I’ve written about people as diverse as Jimi Hendrix, Quentin Tarantino and Andy Warhol.
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flanaganfilm · 1 year
Hi Mike,
Who picked the soundtrack for Midnight Mass? I thought Neil Diamond’s songs just synced so well with the story and the location . I played Holly Holy at least a thousand times, literally could not get it out of my head after watching the show.
I’ve also watched MM, many, many times, except the scene where the dog is killed. Can watch people getting the blood sucked out of them but not a dog being poisoned. 🤷‍♀️
I love your work and can’t wait to watch your shows on Amazon.
I chose the music myself! Holly Holy is actually written into the script line by line for that montage. My mother used to play Neil Diamond on long car trips when I was a kid and his music is a part of me. I had imagined that Holly Holy montage years before we actually sold the show and opened the writers room. The rest of the songs are important to me as well. Annie listens to Harry Chapin's Saturday Morning while making the Crock Pot Luck banner, which was one of my favorite songs in High School.
At the Pot Luck itself, Gordon Lightfoot's If You Could Read My Mind was a hugely formative song for me, and remains one of the most beautiful chord progressions I've ever heard. I think Dave Matthews' Bartender is a spectacular song, and already working in themes of religion with alcoholism. And Democracy was a song I listened to frequently while we were making BLY MANOR (though I mostly listened to the Lumineers cover.)
I'd very much wanted Neil Diamond's Brother Love's Traveling Salvation Show, as it fit the show perfectly, but I decided against it after Tarantino used it in ONCE UPON A TIME IN HOLLYWOOD.
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what was your inspiration for Roland? And your inspiration for the other characters if you’d like to share
Oh my gosh, this is such a great question I’m so excited! This counts as Thorns Chronicles 2
So originally, Roland wasn’t supposed to be the main antagonist. He was just a namesake to throw into the position of manager. I also picked kind of a jerk name bc I’ve dealt with some jackass named Roland. Roland evolved into being a “wolf in sheep’s clothing” character where on the surface he doesn’t look intimidating but you kind of get a strange vibe from him. I wanted to make someone desperate enough to do what he did. He’s hellbent on getting back to Dancity bc his wife is dying and he only took the job as Jack’s manager to pay her medical bills because it was all he could get. I don’t want to say too much here but he is hinted to have a criminal background with his last client that almost ended his career. He also manipulates Jack on things he knows will provoke him, like his past, and possible relationships where he will be used, and wants to keep reminding him that he is nothing but a pretty face and a warm body, if you catch my drift. As a final thing on Roland, don’t underestimate what an animal backed into a corner will do.
Kelly (The Makeup artist) is based off my hair dresser and acts as more of a comic relief and familiar face. You see her in the very beginning and at the very end. She’s a mother and her empathy extends to Jack. She is employed by him so she doesn’t act on it (ex, when he starts showing signs something is wrong before talking to Korzo, chapter 7 I think?) She doesn’t see Jack Rose as the son of a dictator or a celebrity when he’s in her chair.
Kit Korzo (News Reporter) was my attempt to make a Cesar Flickerman character if you have ever seen hunger games. He’s built his life and livelihood around reporting and is well known for it. He wants Jack’s testimony on his mother but he’s patient enough to play the long game. Like other Eternians he is calculating and we will see him again. Also, @charminggold25 told me he reminds him of Ellen which is so funny
Foxx (bodyguard) is based on a real-life person u know and acts as an outsider looking in. He’s known Jack since he was younger and being employed by the Swans had saved him and his family. Although Night Swan wasn’t the greatest person, she kept him and his kids alive and for that, he’s indebted to the Swans. If not for their employment he would have turned back to a life of crime from which he came. He has three kids, (two daughters and a son) his middle child (the son) is a fan of Jack Rose and ultimately serves to bridge their connection. Foxx sees his son in Jack and also remembers how he was as a kid and feels compelled to step in even if just for his son. Like most Eternians, he is not particular about Dancinites so seeing Roland as an enemy is not that difficult. He’s come to see Jack as a friend rather than an employer and shares his triumphs and downfalls.
Sting (Bodyguard) is introduced a lot later than Foxx when Jack realizes the situation is too big for just them. He acts as a refresher character who adds some new eyes into each scenario. He’s less seasoned compared to Foxx and that breaks up Foxx’s stiffness. He lives in the same neighborhood as Foxx but lives with his grandmother (who taught him Spanish) Sting isn’t upset about the promotion but is happy to be included. Originally, he was named Gordy Sting after Gordon Sting who sings for The Police *COUGH COUGH* message in the bottle! But got switched to Sammy Sting bc the chapter he’s introduced in is a song sang by Sammy Hagar.
Electra (sound coordinator) She exists because I needed someone on the inside as far as technology goes. She’s overconfident and knows what she’s doing. She is from a different Eternian city and acclimated to Eternyx City well.
Soong (Doctor) is one of the first characters I made that we see. He’s distant and watches Jack’s gradual deterioration. Like most Eternians, he knows of Jack Rose but at surface level. He sees him after the initial encounter and watches how he shifts from fear to anger. Soong is last seen at the beginning of the second half of arc 1. He sees what happens to Jack at an intimate level. He also knows Roland and is afraid of him knowing what he’s capable of. He sees Jack first alone and scared but in their next encounter sees he is no longer alone. He is haunted by the image of Jack hemorrhaging on the hospital floor.
Sandy (tailor) comic relief character who is zero bullshit. Doesn’t see Jack or Wander as higher figures. Takes her job very seriously but she can tell something is up by the way Wander and Jack interact and puts in her two cents to Wander.
The man in the mirror: Bad ex of Jack Rose, his first (if u know u know) I’ll talk about him another time, He is called “Spike”
Characters are made for a purpose in Thorns 😉
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darkestwolfx · 2 months
It's a Long Story about the Topiary
I have nothing to say about this that hasn't already been said. @tsarinatorment as I promised you this series was always going to have more written, and as you requested it, I got straight on with it!
I'll add fanfiction.net link once it generates! Notes: I don’t know how long awaited this may be for everyone who reads it, but I know for some it will be very important to them! So I hope you enjoy whether you are new or old to this little universe (that will not be staying little at all)!
This was something I fully intended to write before going away, so I’m pleased to have the chance to finish it and bring it to you all now. It seemed like the appropriate next add-on, but there are a few others also that I want to add also.
Might be best read after ‘A Seed Once Sown’ and ‘Afternoon Tea’ but it’s not a necessity as this fic will contain everything you’d need to make this a stand-alone read also.
And if anyone had noticed, yes, the title is a play on the song “long way to Tipperary”.
Also ages don’t particularly matter, but I’ve worked out based on what rough idea TAG did give us that when the boys rescued Jeff they were around the following give or take: Scott - 28, John - 25, Virgil – 23, Gordon – 20, Alan – 17 In case this is something people like to have in mind when reading.
Words:  6226
Summary: After Jeff returned home, there were a few things that needed explaining. Like the intriguing garden furniture…Chronologically, this is looking to be part 6 of International Gardening Services, but for now it's only the 3rd part written.
There were many things to get used to again by being back on Earth.
Gravity was a noticeable first and combined with sunlight – a noticeable second – they had quickly become his bane for several days. Jeff had never had the same struggle with returning to gravity that John did as a young man, but now he felt a little of his second son’s difficulty. No– a lot, he understood it a lot.
He knew the boys had worried, but after a week or so, he’d managed to prove to them that he was right as rain (if not a little unsteady if he rose too fast, but that resolved itself again in another week).
The third – almost sadly – was his mother’s cooking. After surviving on rations, the thought of a meal was heavenly, until it was “meatloaf surprise” served up before him. This was a new take on the dish, something his mother had obviously developed in his absence, but it was no improvement to her known poor cooking - nor the standard “meatloaf” which had come before it - and Jeff had to admit he (momentarily) wondered if he would be better off on rations again.
The fourth, was the realisation that his boys… weren’t really boys anymore, not even the youngest. In his absence, they’d grown up by themselves, taught each other what they needed to, and – whilst he could look upon them now with as much love and pride as he ever had – the realisation that they didn’t need him anymore was (more than) a little soul-breaking. He couldn’t say that to them either, not after everything those developments had allowed them to achieve, which included rescuing me.
No, it would be an insult to say he wished for the sons he left behind, but… he did miss– no, regret what he’d lost. He supposed the boys likely felt the same way, to have lost him for eight years, only to gain him back now when… well, when they didn’t really need him anymore.
Logically, he knew that wasn’t really true. Although he may have missed the formative years to still play the role of father, he would always be their father, and they would desire he be around as much as he wanted them to outlast him. That was the truth, but emotionally, it hit hard still.
That’s why he’d tried so hard, desperately fought to think of anyway to get home, and yet, no matter how much he tried, he still wondered whether it would be too late – for him or the boys, or the years they’d have lost.
It could’ve been worse: it could’ve been better, of course, also.
You could’ve never gone…
No, Jeff knew – as much as he knew his family did – that he could never have not taken that mission to stop The Hood, no matter what it cost. But if things could be different, just one time…
That was no longer worth torturing themselves with.
The fifth – and well, everything else that came after – was a mix of the more little things. Letting former friends know that he was alive and a bit less of the “former” could come back into play.
Making time to see all such people was a head-rush and not something he’d yet got round to even thinking about arranging. Except for Lee was going to return to the island. Jeff had been intrigued to hear the tales of the adventures his sons had with his old friend in his absence and Alan had eagerly agreed that he could make the trip to pick the Captain up as soon as the weather conditions on Mars cleared up again.
There was redoing his wardrobe, because for all he’d tried to keep his physique, it hadn’t been an easy mission and some of his shape had dwindled away, if not his strength.
There was learning all about the “new” things that had come into play over the last eight years, like home-made AI’s and Hypercars, and gecko gloves and deadly space lasers. Not to mention weather drones and giant allegators!
The drama wasn’t just limited to the field either, as apparently there was quite the stack of films he’d missed the release of that the family had watched on their movie nights (sometimes afternoons – “depending on the type of week we were having”, he’d been informed by Gordon) that they now needed to rewatch with him. The first of such had been two weeks into his return when the holo-screen just about looked straight, and it had been enjoyable to spend such effortless time with his family again, even if he didn’t understand why Virgil and Scott no longer shared the popcorn, each having to have a bowl of their own instead, nor why John had to sit tediously (it seemed) in the middle of them both whilst Gordon seemed to snigger even when the movie didn’t prompt it.
No, he didn’t understand that, but then, it was another thing he knew he must’ve missed.
It was in his third week of being back – balance and vision somewhat back in coordination – that he ventured outside. The poolside smelt of chlorine and chemicals, and yet it was welcoming in its own odd way. The deck chairs were still covered the same and clearly hadn’t taken anymore burning’s from Scott’s launches of Thunderbird One. Jeff supposed he was thinking quite some way back to when the eldest was first learning to pilot the craft: and of course there would no longer be such issues. There barely had been when he left!
It seemed easier to remember the past, because he’d not made many memories over the last 8 years, only the previous twenty lived on repeat for him: from the day Scott was born to the moment he left them to go on the Zero X mission.
Only those years had existed for him.
Sitting beneath the sun, feeling the warmth on his face was glorious and something else he soon realised he’d missed. Moving their lives to the island had been necessary for so many reasons – for International Rescue to be possible, for the secrecy, and for them to start again. And the sun and the sea had seemed a good thing to encourage some of that healing.
He felt it now keenly.
It was only after a while sunbathing that he opened his eyes, blinked twice and finally took in the growth of trees opposite the pool. The island was full of trees, yes, an entire jungle worth of assorted sprouts to be more specific, so these shouldn’t be anything worth noting, but there was something… they hadn’t been there when he… left.
They seemed now to border and block in the little garden area he’d cut aside for his mother when she’d insisted if they were moving to a tropical island that she still wanted a normal garden. So he and Kyrano had put some paving stones down from the stairway he’d made around the back of the buildings, and maintained a lawn amongst all the fast growing greenery. Kyrano had planted a couple shrubs in the centre and some plants around the edges, but that was the best Jeff knew he could manage to maintain. It wasn’t really a garden as such, but it had worked to keep his mum happy.
He’d wondered, maybe once or twice, how the boys would maintain it, considering they seemed to inherit his skill in gardening from what he’d remembered and so the last thing he’d expected to see were trees.
Curiosity piqued, he rose and strode around the pool’s edge to take a closer look.
The stone pathway still seemed to run towards the stairs and through to a gap in the trees near the pool, but once you stepped through, the enclosed space originally set aside seemed to double in size. The middle of the path was now replaced with a pond, but the slabs of stone curved around the circular feature and broke off to each side, making four straight paths away from the pond. There were a series of chairs on one part of the lawn and a rockery to the far side that seemed to be full of an army of– were those geraniums?
He hadn’t been aware when he left of any of his family having strong feelings about the pink flower, but hey, he’d missed eight years’ worth of development and choices.
It was better maintained than he’d expected from the boys and some of the plant varieties Jeff couldn’t even name! It was fascinating, and intriguing. From everything he knew and all that he’d recently seen, he didn’t doubt the boys had the artistry and heavy lifting to make such a thing, he was just… bemused, he supposed. Last he remembered, Scott couldn’t even keep a cactus alive, so this much had to be a challenge.
Maybe he was giving the credit to the boys when it had all been his mother’s or Brains’ work. Although, saying that, neither of them would have been able to do something like this alone he didn’t think.
It was all a mystery, but it had a nice view!
He’d made a note to ask the boys, but that evening also brought in the revelation of Kip Harris when he rang on the holo-channel to confirm when he was next coming for dinner, and that was the start of a whole new conversation – led mostly by Gordon (for Virgil was a little starstruck and Jeff didn’t think his mother was faring better) with Alan and Scott chipping in obligatory sound effects and John rolling his eyes from where he didn’t think he could be seen, tuning in up on Five as he ran a check of all the monitoring systems and caught up with EOS.
Apparently, the red head had only come away for a few days at a time in recent years, but from the day Jeff returned with the boys until early this morning, his second child had remained firmly on the ground with them all and he’d promised to be back on the morrow.
Jeff knew John loved Thunderbird Five from the moment it successfully found orbit in space, but he hadn’t ever thought the boy would take to spending so much time up there in recent years.
But then, once again, you haven’t been here for eight years.
It wasn’t until the week almost turned into the fourth one since his “return to earth” – as Alan and Gordon had begun to tell time on the calendar, using “before leaving earth” and “since returning to earth” to reference pieces of conversations (and it was helpful for him, not that Jeff would admit that to his trickster pair of children) – that he remembered he’d never asked about the garden.
They’d been swept up in Alan’s graduation and a proper catch up with Lady Penelope and Parker. The old chap never changed and told him all about how he’d taught “Mr Gordon and Mr h’Alan Sir, to drive”, both of which were interesting tales.
Then, Colonel Casey had finally dropped by to visit – after Scott bashfully explained how the island’s location got revealed to her, but Jeff assured him he didn’t care about all that. In all honesty, the woman was a family friend, and he should’ve told her long ago, and most importantly, he was just glad to hear his family came off safe from their encounter with The Hood finding the island.
He and Casey had spoken for a while up in the roundhouse and by the time he headed back in, he was surprised to still hear the chatter of the boys coming from the lounge. Not surprised because that was unusual at all – the five of them had always known how to make noise when together and that didn’t seem to have stopped. It was joyful, a cacophony that he missed in his solitary grey cavern. No, what was surprising about it was that the boys were being so loud so near to dinner time! If there was one thing he’d learnt since being home, it was that the boys were hard to find (unless there was a rescue call) in that dangerous hour their Grandma occupied the kitchen before serving.
So, curious, he carried on up past the kitchen and into the lounge, trying to see if he could earwig what was captivating the boys so, and that was when he heard it.
The sixth voice.
It wasn’t his mother, or Kayo or Brains. They were all voices he was familiar with. Even The Mechanic, who had remained with them for a short stay, had gruff tones that would sound less surprising to hear than the odd, chirp reaching his ears.
As he walked in, it was easy to see his sons gathered round; Alan lounging across the leather chairs with John sat on the sofa beside him whilst Virgil and Gordon sat across from him. Scott was perched on the table and, stood between the eldest and John, taking up the centre of the room, was a complete stranger.
‘Oh, hey dad!’ Gordon called, spotting him first with the vantage of being directly opposite him. Alan promptly dropped his head back as though to confirm that his brother was right, looking at him upside down before blinking in recognition and slinging himself back up with enough speed to give him head rush, Jeff was sure.
‘Hey.’ Alan waved, almost as a way of recovering his near plummet to the floor as he barely managed to catch his grip on the side of the chair.
Gordon and Virgil were sniggering, Scott and John smiling, and the stranger… well, he seemed to fit in amongst his sons… seemed amused at the scene before them also.
For all he seemed an odd fellow, there didn’t see to be anything immediately harmful about the man and from the conversation he’d heard on the way in, it seemed like the boys had met him before. But how did he get here?
‘Uh, dad?’ Virgil’s question floated over to him, and Jeff jolted himself back into the present in time to see his middle child levering himself from the sofa, ‘You ok?’
‘I’m fine, Virgil,’ He held up a hand to halt his boy from approaching. He knew they all worried about him since his return, but he genuinely couldn’t be better. But if Virgil got started now on vitals and temperature there’d be no stopping him. No, he was fine. He was just trying to understand the conundrum of– ‘There’s a man holding a pot plant in my lounge.’
‘Ha, yeah,’ Scott started, filling him with confidence (not), ‘That’s Gladys.’
‘Him?’ He knew it was 2063, and their world had come on leaps and bounds, but–but by the laughter of his sons he’d very much misjudged this one.
‘No, the plant.’ Virgil corrected, motioning to the pot which the man extended further from his chest in response.
‘The– Boys...’ Jeff drawled, lost beyond belief, and wondering a little if he could be dreaming. None of this was making sense.
‘Dad, this is Ned Tedford.’ Finally, he supposed his second son had seen his confusion and John made the formal introduction, rising to stand beside the darker skinned man. ‘He’s our gardener.’
Maybe that made a little bit more sense of the design that seemed to have gone into the outgrow.
‘Yep! That’s me!’ The man – Ned – cheered again, voice loud and bright, before he seemed to stumble, eyes almost visually backtracking over his words. ‘Sir.’
‘You don’t have to call him Sir!’ Gordon chastised, but the gardener was already passing off the pot plant to Scott who fumbled a moment over gripping the ceramic and all the boys seemed to start at the possibility of him dropping it (and it didn’t seem to be over concern for the soil going on the carpet, for goodness sake) whilst Ned – completely unaware of the chaos behind him – held out a hand.
‘Ned Tedford, Sir, at your gardening service.’
It would be rude not to shake the man’s hand, but he was still trying to process all of this information. Of all the things he’d expected his sons to do in the time he was gone, finding a gardener, hadn’t struck him as one of them.
‘Ned,’ John continued, pulling him back into the room once more, ‘This is our dad, Jeff Tracy.’
Quickly he reached out and shook the man’s hand. He could feel Virgil’s eyes hovering heavily on him with clear question.
‘Jeff Tracy.’ He affirmed, surprised to find that the man had a stronger grip than he’d expected.
‘Mr Tracy. Ned Tedford.’
‘Yes, you said.’
‘Oh, yes, I did, didn’t I.’
But maybe the man wasn’t as confident as he tried to be, given the current bashful display, his eyes suddenly searching round until they landed on his pot plant again, which Scott seemed hasty to return to him and the rest of the boys breathed a sigh of relief at it being returned to the gardener’s hands.
The next thing he knew though, “Gladys” was before his nose.
‘This is Gladys.’
Scott had said… but when the man seemed to feel a little awkward, that seemed a little rude to say. Besides, he couldn’t deny that he still felt a little baffled himself.
‘A geranium?’
‘Yep! The world’s best travelled geranium, Sir!’
Gordon’s palm hit his face, with the mutter of, “you don’t have to call him Sir” again, just about audible.
‘Gladys goes everywhere.’ Alan explained. ‘Like everywhere.’
‘Like, boys?’
‘You know,’ Alan continued, ‘Space.’
‘Underwater.’ Gordon added.
Virgil nodded. ‘The military.’
‘Back to space.’ Scott’s eyes were almost rolling.
‘The North Pole.’ John contributed.
‘And back to space!’ Alan finished.
‘It’s a long story.’ Ned added for himself.
Jeff was just trying to keep up with the brief explanations bouncing between his sons, aware there were many stories he was missing concerning this Ned Tedford.
‘And now earth?’ He assumed given the man’s presence before them.
‘Firmly planted, Sir.’ Ned reassured. Gordon sputtered into laughter that needed Virgil to whack him on the back to steady. ‘It’s all gardening now for us, isn’t that right, Gladys?’
Jeff felt himself blanch. Scott had risen from the table and now passed beside him, close enough for him to mutter, ‘He talks to the plant?’
‘Ah, you get used to it.’ The eldest dismissed, like it was an everyday occurrence.
Scott’s exit didn’t go unnoticed by the youngest who was craning his neck to follow the elder’s steps, his eyes narrowing as the brunette turned towards the stairs before widening as he suddenly vaulted over the back of the chair and zoomed past him.
‘Scott, keep your hands off!’
‘I’m getting the plates, Alan. Just the plates.’
‘If I catch you with a fork in your hand…’
Jeff blinked again.
He knew his boys liked food – in all honesty, they’d probably inherited that from him – but this was his mother’s cooking they were talking about. And he’d been back for a good few weeks: if she’d learnt to cook, he thought he would’ve tasted the difference by now. Which begged the question why an argument seemed to be brewing over what, no doubt, was more “meatloaf surprise”.
‘Alright, have I missed something?’ He asked finally, knowing he had no chance of working this out alone.
‘Uh, yeah!’ Gordon cheered. ‘Ned, can cook.’
Well, that was another revelation he hadn’t been expecting, but it seemed to be something else his boys were accustomed to with the same ease as they were Ned being their gardener.
The man nodded, the pot plant swaying with the motion, still held tightly in his grasp. ‘I brought lasagna. It’s in the oven at the moment.’
‘Lasagna…’ Jeff muttered, feeling more like gravity had done a number on him in these last five minutes than in the five hours immediately after his first foot was back on solid earth.
‘Family favourite.’ Ned pointed out. ‘So I’m told.’
‘Right!’ Gordon cheered, ‘You can’t go wrong with lasagna.’
‘Unless it’s Grandma’s.’ Virgil added and Gordon’s nose scrunched up as the pair of them rose and followed Ned – and Gladys - towards the kitchen.
‘Should be ready about now.’ The gardener agreed as they headed for the stairs. ‘Oh, how’s Gloria and the family doing? Gladys has been wondering.’
‘Oh, they’re doing great!’ Gordon replied immediately, seeming to be well aware who this apparent “Gloria and family” were meant to be, ‘I’ve been following what you said about watering in tropical climates…’
Because that didn’t leave him with more questions than answers at all…
‘Come on dad,’ John encouraged, setting a hand on his shoulder, bringing him back to the world of the lounge. ‘Scott and Alan shouldn’t be left in the kitchen alone.’
No, that much he did remember.
It was, several hours later, when Jeff was laying in bed that he remembered the pink geraniums in the garden.
But no, surely… maybe he had to consider that the boys had named them.
Yes, Gloria and family indeed.
Although, it was also as he lay there, contemplating sleep, that he had to agree with the boys. Ned could cook.
And it seemed his mother – “do call me Sally, Ned” – didn’t seem to mind being outdone for once.
Ned, and Gladys, were still on the island the following morning and serving breakfast he discovered!
And breakfast seemed to be a civilised affair for once with china teacups, and plates of assorted cakes. Well – civilised besides from Scott swatting at the hands of the youngest two every time they tried to reach for a cake, insisting they needed to finish their breakfast first.
Ned seemed to be most in synch with John, but he had his own way of interacting with each of the boys and Jeff was surprised to see someone from outside the family fitting in so well. The air of secrecy to their lives and of living so far out from civilisation were both his doing, and though his sons had never seemed to mind, he’d still had reservations over their schooling and whether they’d have the chance to make any solid friends in life like he had found in Lee and Casey. But it seemed after all this, those reservations had been needlessly placed, for every son was a graduate and seemed to have found their own friends.
(Even if that was a grown man and a pot plant).
Each son was also highly skilled at what they did in the rescue business, yet that one went without saying or concern after all they did for him, to bring him back.
They’d never given up.
And he couldn’t be prouder of them for that.
Now, it felt foreign to eat food without worry or horror for the second time in a row, and to wonder instead at the taste of it.
He learnt that Colonel Casey had brought Ned to the island with her, the boys quoting that it was best for keeping the island secret. He could agree there, but he wasn’t born yesterday and sensed there was something unsaid. It was – when they were finally on the cakes (to Alan and Gordon’s delight) that he got the rest of that story.
Ned was something of a “magnet for trouble”, Gordon had explained, to which Alan had merrily chipped in, “more so than me”!
After initially being hired by John it seemed and working on the garden for a while to turn it from a “jungle-lawn” into what it was today, Ned had made fortnightly, then monthly trips to the island to manage the upkeep of the garden. Scott had explained that if Colonel Casey wasn’t stopping by, he tended to pick Ned up.
‘Can’t the man get a plane?’ He’d asked, and that seemed to be his foolish mistake, but even Ned was laughing.
Scott was outraged, ‘Dad, you’ve got to be joking! International rescue would only be called out to it.’
‘Ned here has a loyalty badge.’ Gordon quipped, and it was then Jeff realised there was clearly a lot more to his son’s acquaintance with this man than he knew, what with so many stories on hold to be told in full.
‘We are sorry about that, aren’t we Gladys?’
Jeff wondered if the man was actually thinking the plant would reply when he left these pauses.
‘We know, Ned.’ John reassured.
‘Besides, it is our job.’ Virgil added.
‘And we haven’t rescued you since you went back to gardening!’
‘Don’t jinx it, Alan!’
‘I’m just saying Gordon–’
‘Well don’t!’ The four elders chorused and even Ned seemed to blanch at the thought.
‘Okay, okay!’ Alan insisted, ‘I’m just saying–’
‘More cake?’ Ned offered quickly, holding a plate of Battenburg round to Alan who took one immediately, previous thought track forgotten.
‘It’s nice of you to bring all this every time you visit, Ned.’ Virgil praised. Jeff wondered just how many visits there had been for this to seem as easy as daily routine to the boys.
‘Yeah,’ Scott agreed quickly. ‘It’s gets us away from the mercy of Grandma’s cooking.’
‘I heard that young man.’ It was Scott’s poor luck it seemed that the very woman was on her way past as he spoke. Jeff saw the way the eldest’s eyes rolled as the youngest pair sniggered.
‘Why is it always me!’
‘Why do you put yourself in that position, Scott?’ John questioned instead, and he wasn’t wrong. For though the eldest could keep himself out of trouble, Jeff remembered Scott had always had a tendency to accidentally fall into the mix. Just like now.
Ned chuckled. ‘Well, after all you’ve done for us, it’s the least we can do for you. Isn’t that right, Gladys?’
The plant didn’t answer. The plant wouldn’t answer! It was infuriating and Jeff was trying to mind his manners not to roll his eyes every time. It was true testament that his boys were used to this as not one of them seemed to blink at the plant being drawn into the folds of conversation. Maybe more concerning should have been that his son’s didn’t tend to speak in these immediate pauses either…
‘I’m just glad you’re not hiding it all away on Thunderbird Five.’ Gordon stated, taking two slices of cake from the proffered plate.
‘That was one time.’ John answered firmly as Ned set the plate down and rose with the kettle to refill their cups. Jeff noted that the man seemed to know exactly how his sons liked their relevant teas and coffees, moving round them and serving faultlessly.
‘Um, I count Two.’
‘They’re never letting you live it down, bro.’ Scott murmured.
‘Its’s a good thing Thunderbird Three was refuelled!’
‘It was a good thing you didn’t crash it in your rush, Alan.’ Virgil stated, bringing the volume of the younger right down as Scott’s eyes flicked over also.
‘You guys wanted cake too.’ Alan mumbled in a moan, arms folding over his chest in a – compared to what Jeff remembered of him – contained strop.
‘How is Gladys’ good friend?’ Ned asked finally and Jeff blinked, frowning. What friend could a pot plant possibly have?
‘EOS is good, thank you.’
John’s AI. Of course. That only made sense, the father supposed.
‘Gladys can’t wait to come back up. Try out our space legs again!’
Jeff wondered if he should be worried about the man going up to Thunderbird Five – given all the stories he’d half-heard about the boys rescuing him, but John didn’t seem bothered by the man inviting himself back (which wasn’t like the red head not to bat an eye at) – because without needing to be told, he could hear it wouldn’t be the first time.
‘EOS will be glad to have you. She’s got a timer set to remind me about the plants.’
‘I still can’t believe you’re managing to grow space flora.’ Scott muttered, his tone saying everything he thought about it.
‘You’re just annoyed they’ve proved you wrong.’
‘Of course I am, Virge! It’s space and flowers. When have those two ever gone together?’
‘I don’t need the science again, John.’ Scott ceased the younger promptly. ‘It gave me a bad enough headache last time.’
Jeff saw the way John smirked and sneakily accepted the homemade ginger biscuits from Ned as the gardener set the kettle back and snuck behind the second child on the way to his own seat at the table where Gladys still rested on her pedestal. Hmm, yes, whether it was because John was responsible for getting Ned the job (as he’d learnt) or whatever connection the plant and the AI shared, it seemed certain that of all his sons, Ned and John had the strongest of friendship. Jeff was honestly just pleased to see John have a friend outside of the family.
‘It will be one of my great achievements.’ Ned cheered. ‘Me – first gardener in space!’
‘Don’t forget first gardener for International Rescue!’ Gordon chirped in, sounding equally as excited about it, and Alan was nodding around his mouthfuls of cake.
‘International Gardening Services!’
Jeff blinked, confused, but relieved that Ned didn’t seem to be trading under that name. His confusion was clearly noticed as the youngest pair chuckled, and Scott waved it off as another “tell you later”, along with the myriad of rescues they’d clearly undertaken for the man in the years he’d been gone. Gordon – of all the boys! – was adamant it was rude to retell the rescues whilst Ned was with them. Virgil had later suggested to him that what Gordon actually meant was that it would be rude to retell them as they’d come to remember them. Jeff could only imagine what chaos they meant had been ensuing whilst he lived in another galaxy.
‘I am most thankful to you boys for the job.’
‘We’re thankful you took it.’ Virgil replied, and Gordon was all sniggers again.
‘Yeah, before any more plant murders happened.’
‘There could still be one Gordon.’ Scott seethed, but Ned carried on like the argument wasn’t occurring – as was most uncivilised – across the table between his two boys.
‘Oh, it’s been an absolute honour–’
If he spoke to the plant–
‘– Isn’t that right, Gladys?’
–that was it!
Jeff was surprised – though relieved - they’d managed to go without receiving a rescue call for the duration of Ned’s stay so far. It wasn’t so much the man knowing their secrets that concerned him at this stage. It was rather the fact that it was nice to see his boys being boys. Well – men for the elder half, but still. These were sights he’d missed for too long, and he’d happily be greedy for once in his life and soak them in as easily as Gordon did the sun when sat by the poolside.
After Scott and Gordon’s argument had been peace kept by John, the eldest had snuck off, insisting he needed to check all the maintenance was done on Thunderbird One, just in case of a call and Gordon had insisted it was time he went for a swim anyway.
“With the amount of cake you’ve eaten, yeah,” Alan had cajoled and Gordon had thrown a tea towel at the younger as he went by, causing the blonde to race after him. John and Ned had headed up to the lounge. John was itching to check in with EOS and make sure everything was okay, and Ned had decided to tag along because “Gladys would love a chance to say hello, wouldn’t you, Gladys?”. And just like that, he and Virgil were left in the quiet of the kitchen, and “with all the dishes too!” as Virgil had pointed out, his very tone sounding wronged.
 A few hours passed before they were all back together. Ned had been waylaid a little while by his mother insisting upon catching up with him also. Jeff soon realised their heading was the kitchen and that gave him some hope that dinner tonight could be edible also, especially when Ned came back with the idea that they would be eating fish pie – which his sons reassured him Grandma didn’t tend to cook.
By then tensions between Scott and Gordon seemed to have defused somewhat and Jeff was ready to be able to tour the gardens with them in peace.
The boys were pleased to show it off to him now, pointing out the places that had been remodelled and anything they’d done to assist. Virgil had drawn up a lot of the plans it seemed with John in charge of the calculations. Scott, Gordon and Alan had ended up on the supply runs, and Ned had done all the real work in telling them what to buy and what would or wouldn’t be plausible.
‘There were many options once I cleared away the jungle, Mr Tracy.’ Ned finally finished the explanation.
‘Was it that bad?’ He asked.
John shrugged. ‘We never took a photo.’
‘I knew we should have!’ Alan moaned.
‘There was nothing photo-worthy.’ Was Virgil’s returning argument.
‘It would have been interesting to look back on.’ Scott mused.
‘What? The results of your murder scene?’
‘Gordon I am serious about the Geraniums!’
‘You leave Gloria, Gillian, Giles, Gerry and Ted alone!’
Yes, Gordon was indeed pointing to the rockery family of pink geraniums, where the potted Gladys was also currently residing. Somehow, it didn’t surprise Jeff that Gordon was the one with the attachment.
‘Scott.’ John cautioned.
‘What? I didn’t start it!’
‘But you don’t have to antagonise him.’
‘Dad, you have to see what we did with the stairway!’ Virgil interrupted, latching onto him and dragging him forward.
‘Mine is the best!’
‘Shh Alan! Don’t ruin the surprise for him.’
‘It is very good, Mr Tracy.’ Ned insisted. The man had finally stopped trying to call him sir, but the formality of the address still hadn’t changed.
‘Oh boy, here we go.’ He heard Scott mutter from behind them as John and Gordon followed along. He noticed that unlike talking about the pond and the geraniums (as the youngest pair had happily done), that this interest seemed to be primarily Virgil’s and it made him wonder what they could be going to look at besides a set of stone stairs. Not that he wanted to say that when the excitement was so palpably felt by his sons and the gardener.
The boys led him to the end of the stone pathway within the garden lawn and towards the stairs on the far side and through the trees that obscured the staircase. And ready as he had been to see this “grand feature”, he’d truly not expected it to be… well, topiary.
And not the topiary you would expect to find in the average garden, he was sure.
It left him more than a little speechless.
Following the stairs up, rows of trees has been planted on each side and, in matching sets, topiaries of the Thunderbirds cut: Thunderbird One all the way up to Thunderbird Five up towards the top of the stairs.
Jeff blinked again but the sight didn’t change.
No, he was actually looking at what he thought he was.
Goodness help him.
‘What do you think, father?’ Virgil asked, face full of glee. ‘I made the Thunderbird Two’s.’
‘They’re very good son.’
‘We each made our own Thunderbirds!’
‘They’re all good, Gordon.’
‘But what if you had to pick a favourite, dad?’
‘Oh, I couldn’t possibly, Alan.’
‘Ned helped. He taught us how to make the shapes.’
‘Virge, you had a head start.’ Gordon grumbled.
‘I learnt nothing from that gardener like I learnt from Ned!’
‘Doesn’t change the fact you made a Thunderbird Two topiary before.’
‘It was smaller than this!’
‘It was still topiary.’
‘Yeah, and I still haven’t forgiven you for–’
‘Is this another long story?’ Jeff muttered to John beside him, for he was the only one (besides Ned) still close enough and of who would avoid the non-sensical answer: for Ned seemed to be torn between laughing and shaking his head, his arms folded as he looked on; Alan was lost to fits of giggles; and Scott had tried to intervene before it became a “scrap” only for Virgil to accuse “you’re just as much to blame!”. To which Scott had retorted, “What did I do? Gordon was driving”. Which had been promptly and unhelpfully followed with “you two always were Parker’s worst students”. And Jeff didn’t think much of anything had been avoided.
‘Yeah dad, it’s a long story about the topiary.’ John answered, ‘Although, the way this is looking, I may have time to tell you.’
‘I’ll save your brothers then shall I, and you can tell me later over cocoa?’
‘I’ll hold you to that, dad.’
Jeff nodded, looking forward to another late evening with the second child. It would remind him of when they used to stargaze together. But first, he was going to be reminded of the days his son’s squabbles were still for dad to resolve.
‘Alright boys, settle down. I don’t need any more “long stories” to add to the list.’
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davyjoneslockr · 2 months
Yes yes I'm sending more playlist related questions because these are fun. So The Rain The Park And The Other Things on the Fugio playlist caught my eye..ear? And it reminded me of the song Send me no flowers by Doris Day and I like that a lot.
Everybody says that Strawberry Blonde is very them coded but nobody explains why. I'm curious about your interpretation :D
Also does the Naramis playlist tackle the sad side of their relationship? How, you know, Narancia isn't there anymore. I appreciate that a lot about this ship- losing someone you love but still needing to move on. I think that's very realistic and I hope Mista finds peace again.
HI I'M SO SORRY I MISSED THIS sorry for the wait!!
Just listened to Send Me No Flowers and it's really lovely, I think I could also see it being Fugio-y in a way? Specifically postcanon pre-PHF from Giorno's POV. Something something he has all the tangible things he wants but not Fugo. But maybe that's just because my brain loves to make songs about wanting someone back + flowers about Fugio lol.
I won't lie, Strawberry Blond is a holdover from when I started making this playlist four years ago, when Strawberry Blond was considered the Fugio song and was on everyone's playlists lol. But listening to it now, I actually think it aligns with my Fugio vision more than I initially thought.
I think a lot of people take it as a Fugo -> Giorno song, but I much prefer imagining it the other way around. Again, imagery of someone leaving and the other aching over it, and the line "I love everybody because I love you" makes me think of Giorno basically getting his whole worldview tossed up because of Fugo, who's so completely different from him in every way. But also, I really really like to imagine that Giorno's feelings are unrequited at first. I think I've explained the Fugonara -> Fugio pipeline before, but Fugio during canon to me is more like. Giorno is very infatuated with Fugo, and Fugo doesn't notice because he's still hung up over his own one-sided feelings for Narancia. So the second verse kinda fits that, too, I think. The thing with "all I ever wanted was a life in your shape" also could have a lot of different connotations with them, too - Fugo had, and still has, a lot of privilege Giorno doesn't (Fugo grew up rich, never had to face xenophobia/racism, had a strong and well-funded education that is clearly shown to still give him a huge advantage even after he's disowned), and on the headcanon side of things, I do usually hc Giorno as trans and Fugo as cis, so there's that, too. But it could also be how Giorno has always repressed emotions/feelings, and Fugo isn't really able to, but also derives power from those emotions (even if they're harmful) - maybe a tiny bit of subconscious envy that Fugo's able to feel, to cry, so on and so forth? Idk. Something like that.
As for the Naramis playlist, I actually don't have a ton of angsty stuff on there, because I did originally envision it as a happier vibes sort of playlist (even I need a break from Naramis angst sometimes hehe). But I did start including a few sadder ones as of late!!
This song is super postcanon Mista to me and that's why I used it as the title for the second part of my fic :] "Once my heart was filled with the love of a girl/I held her close, but she faded in the night/Like a poem I meant to write" specifically.
Another postcanon one. The airplane metaphors really sell it for me. I think Mista sometimes plays this one on his guitar and thinks of Narancia :)))
And slightly different, but I actually think of this one from Narancia's POV!! He's been let down and betrayed a lot in his life, he can't envision a better life for himself than being a criminal, and his best friend ends up leaving him out of cowardice, so he hopes that he can at least have one person he can trust and rely on - ie Mista.
Thank you again for the ask, I love talking about my tunes (and Fugio and Naramis) ^_^
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foxes-that-run · 5 months
2013 Haylor Timeline
Timeline Tag, or years 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024.
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3 January hair pinned up at restaurant in Virgin Islands. Harry's "might as well.." Tattoo first seen. Covered with Ferns now.
4 January - Taylor's blue dress on a boat. Harry bite bruise on his hip
7 January -Harry back in London, date People reports that they broke up. Reports Scott swift told them to slow down.
9 January - photos of Harry in Richard Bransons hot hub on front page after the break up. (I often wonder what the less famous people think now that they treated him poorly as a kid and he is massive now). Gordon Smart (1:12, warning he follows it with a bad anecdote about 18 year old H), who worked on media for One Direction, said in 2020 that Harry had said:
"Simon Cowell actually paid me to do some media training with them back in the day so I met them before they were massive and they were again really lovely kids. [...] I wrote a front page story about him sharing a jacuzzi with a girl on holiday and he told me it was bollocks and we still ran it, because we had a picture of him in the jacuzzi. It was probably totally innocuous and I really I'd like to apologize unreservedly to Harry for that because it was an error of judgment on my part and it probably tarnished our friendship."
Richard Branson also has gross sounding comments about this 18 year old that day.
10 January - made fun of his accent at Grammy's
12 January when asked, Niall says he listens to WANGBT, Louis says and Harry’s. 22 MV filmed.
15 January - one direction trip to Ghana for Red Nose Day comic relief
21 January - Taylor in London reports she saw Harry
22 January - Harry got the Butterfly and handshake tattoos.
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23 January - Taylor in Madrid before performing at the '40 Principales Awards'
26 January Both at NRG Awards, 25 January Taylor posts Cannes Sunset situation. They both stayed in the Intercontinental Carlton Cannes Hotel.
1 February - Harry's 19th birthday. £5k tab, messy, wild party. Rumour that Taylor had booked a week in Italy which was cancelled
6 February - Savan Kotecha (WMYB writer) gave interview where he said 1D want to be write but can’t. His last 1D credit is Happily and in 2017 praised (45 mins) Harry’s writing.
10 February - Taylor at Grammy's, night Ed says inspired Tenerife Sea
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21 February - both attend Brit awards - Taylor performs I knew you were trouble with Harry in the audience. In march she told the Sunday Times "Well, it's not hard to access that emotion when the person the song is directed at is standing by the side of the stage watching." She goes to an afterparty with Tom Odell and out with him the next night. Tom writes Country Star about Taylor and Harry wrote Happily about wishing they were together. Ed is asked if he would trust Harry around his girlfriend and he said “well he trusts me around his girlfriend so yeah I do. We’re friends we don’t do that.” Harry went on Nick Grimshaw from 6am a hungover.
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23 February - 3 November - 1D Up all Night tour, start in Europe
7 March - Taylor sells Hyannis Point House at $1m profit
15 March - Taylor vanity fair article. Says Harry pursued her for a year before KCA, better part of a year after and it fell apart one night in London when he went out and he’s texting her to ask to see her again at the time of the interview. Pointed mentioned she was born in 1989, Easter egged wonderland, talks about Connor being 2 months and insignificant. Implies Harry was a rebound from JG and Connor was a Harry rebound. Says she’s looking for someone who is interested in her not her wiki page.
29 March - Taylor played “You're Not Sorry” in Newark. “I truly believe that when dealing with anybody you meet, you should start by trusting them. Any new friend you meet. Any new person you meet. I think you should truly believe the beat in them. And the first time that they tell you they’re sorry I think you should believe them. But then if they keep doing the same exact thing that they say they’re sorry for, that means one thing guys. That they’re not. Sorry.”- here. Appeared in Wonderland cover April 7, 2013
11 April - Louis says 'Taylor Swift' after Harry sings "I'm in love with you" in Little Things
20 April - TS on B stage song before “I Almost Do” in Tampa, FL. “everybody’s got like one, maybe two, I don't know how many you have, but at least one person in your life that doesn’t belong in your life anymore because maybe they hurt you or maybe it’s just over but you kind of want to call them sometimes. And you think better of it. But, you almost do it.”- here. Then a Red tour break till the 25th; One Direction tour break starting in Manchester till Paris on 29th. Louis stays in Europe,
23 April - Harry arrives alone in LA without the Peace ring
24 April - Neither Harry or Taylor seen. The day Harry got the ring
25 April - First day Peace Ring is seen. Harry has dinner with Rod Stewart, Rod then plays the Troubadour and Harry stayed at Rod Stewarts house. Taylor in Cleveland
28 April - Harry posts photo of sunglasses on beach. Taylor photographed in a gym in Los Angles. Wears the ring to leave LAX and there is an absolutely insane mob because he is there alone with no security.
29 April - Arrives in Paris alone, still wearing ring, described as a riot. The ring is in This is Us in Paris
April 30 - Taylor buys Holiday House Rhode Island for $18m cash
1 May - Everything has changed released as single
7 May - Harry goes on a party bus in Norway, photos of him drunk, with blonde and talks about party bus in interviews
18 May - Taylor posted rose’s with a Great Gatsby quote: “Just as things grow in fast movies, I had that familiar conviction that life was beginning over again with the summer...“
19 May - Taylor said to fans, pointly "You are the longest and best relationship I've ever had" at BBMAs and that she only writes about ex's she doesn't want to see again. In the press room she said
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27 May - Taylor wrote Wish you Would
June - September Midnight Memories written with Happily
12 June Taylor on Grimmy, he says Trouble is the “best song ever” 4 times at 11 mins. Best song ever was released 22 July. :)
13 June - Never Gonna Dance Again tattoo seen when Harry got off a yacht in Miami, seemingly drunk, he was underage at the time lyrics from Wham song "Careless Whisper" about regret for being unfaithful. Grimmy had referred to it in September when Harry sung the song on radio
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16 June 2013 - Louisville - Harry was feeling himself during “Last First Kiss” and at the end was flirting with someone in the crowd, he mimicked pole dancing then he kissed his heart tattoo
22 June - Taylor and Selena getting ice cream in Mystic Connecticut, near RI.
28 June - Harry seen with Paige
1 July - Harry cross tattoo NYC stayed at the Bowery Hotel NYC
6 July - both play in Pennsylvania, Taylor has a week off after, unseen. On the 8th Harry was sick on stage.
20 July - Harry on Ryan Seacrest in Niall’s place and says the rest of the band went back to uk on their break but he stayed in LA.
22 July - Best Song Ever released.
30 July - September GQ cover story where they badgered Harry about how many people he’d slept with (two)
August 14 - Lover Journal: August 14, 2013, Watch Hill RI. Says she feels like a tiger in an enclosure, feels hunted, talks about paparazzi and cell phones. Also calls herself a rabbit, a flower growing in a sidewalk that is picked and how photos ruin a moment, online photos/comments and 'level of possession'.
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25 August - VMAs, texting each other and shade, together at afterparty. Sang purple rain together at after party.
3 September - Harry tweeted 1975, Matty Healy told an interviewer that went from 4K followers to 15k in 10 minutes and they exchanged numbers and texted, made plans to meet up and he stood Harry up.
5 September - the 1975 cover WMYB in the live lounge
8 September - Taylor “"People think they know who I've dated and they just don't," "They don't know everything."
11 September - Harry Rose tattoo.
27 September - 1D sign another contract with Syco for 3 albums, they are each paid £10m.
28 September: On the anniversary of the Begin Again weekend in Paris 28 September- 5 October 2012 Harry tweeted: "We don't need no piece of paper from the city hall". from Australia.
5 October - Harry pulled a blonde out of the crowd and hung out with her that night in Australia
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8 October - Harry tweeted Shania Twain is so good. Shania thanks him and invites him to her show in Vegas.
16 October - Harry talked about Shania Twain 'Still the One' on stage, Tweet Q's - what song would you like to listen to now?
17 October Harry cried onstage, (0:55) during over again Taylor seen with Alexander Skarsgard 3 days later
18 October - throws up on stage reports touring taking toll
28 October - Harry talked about Shania Twain 'Still the One' on stage again, What's the most embarrassing song on your ipod.
1 November - 1D, Katy Perry and John Mayer take photos backstage at a Japanese radio station in Tokyo. New Romantics was written about Taylor being sad her ex had gone to Japan with his new GF.
November -j14 article where Harry says ok to get back together with ex. Also reports Taylor is house hunting in London.
13 November - Taylors first Victoria Secret show where she wears a union jack dress in NY and performed IKYWT. On 14th Harry in UK for Gemma's graduation, TS in NY for billboard awards.
18 November - Courtney Cox said she hung out with each of them at her house in Malibu
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20 November - Harry has dinner with Kendall Taylor tweets ""I've listened to "Hold On" by @ColbieCaillat 45 times today. So on repeat. So important." on the 21st when dinner reported.
22 November - midnights memories release party in la with Ryan Seacrest
23 November, both at AMAs, gold dress. Kendall PDA reported but no record of it
25 November - Midnight Memories released with Something Great written with Jacknife Lee who also worked on Red.
3 December - Lover Journal - December 3, 2013, Sydney.
6 December - Harry leaves Kendalls hotel and they have breakfast. Lunch the next day.
11 December- Taylor ATW speech talks about songwriting like a message in a bottle, she mentions still love you and I’m really heartbroken
12 December - One Direction in Milan, record the Xfactor final interview with cushions on the floor.
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13 December - Taylor posts a series of photos to IG about a rose garden party in Melbourne, Australia while on tour for her birthday. Many think 1989 will be called Roses. The captions made a sort of poem "Roses. Red Balloons. Pretty.... Sparklers. The best birthday I've ever had." Which could be a dig at Harry, Roses being common Haylor imagery, his tattoo and she famously said her 2012 birthday was her best ever when he took her to the Lakes. Harry's "better still be my winding wheel" tweet. Harry posts his Cannes photo December 14.
15 December - One Direction performs Midnight Memories on Xfactor UK Final and Harry arrives at Kendalls London hotel at 2am.
17 December - Harry got injunction banning paparazzi from outside his home. Harry likely had moved into his current house. First confirmed at Ben Winston's with Morgan Spurlock in April 2012, Harry later told Rolling Stone he stayed there 20 months. He was seen house hunting in July and reports of his house were September 2012.
21 December - midnight memories MV filmed
Continue to 2014
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agentnico · 1 year
Tetris (2023) Review
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Not going to lie, but using “The Final Countdown” as a song for your movie trailer immediately means the marketing team from Apple TV+ deserve a raise! That song slaps!!
Plot: Henk Rogers discovers Tetris in 1988, and then risks everything by travelling to the Soviet Union, where he joins forces with inventor Alexey Pajitnov to bring the game to the masses.
You hear a movie titled Tetris is coming out and one has to wonder if we have another Emoji Movie on our hands, where we’ll get little tetra shaped characters goofing about in some animated mathematics world trying to force an unfunny joke upon our poor heads. Then we get a random celebrity cameo like Orlando Bloom voicing an L-tetromino and making a joke that his character’s full name is Legolas. Actually, wouldn’t mind seeing that last part, just saying. Regardless, Tetris isn’t actually some ridiculous animated affair based on a pop culture phenomenon, but instead is the backstory for how the game was brought to the world masses. So no talking tetrominos, but instead we have ourselves a legal drama.
Look, before you all shut your eyes away upon the news of another legal drama, this movie is actually surprisingly engaging and the story of the battle for the licence of worldwide distribution of this little game is filled with twists and turns, as well as an element of spy espionage, due to the original game owners being Soviet Russia. That’s right, there’s an element of the Cold War in these proceedings, with Henk Rogers and others trying to persuade the Russians to sell them the rights, however as known the Russians don’t trust anyone. Speaking of the Russians, the communist backdrop is handled really well, with this idea that when in Moscow you’re always being watched, as well as digging into the corruption of the Soviet regime. Even Gorbachev shows up at one point, thought that element I imagine didn’t happen in real life and was more so added to up the ante of this film. 
Speaking of upping the ante, even though many scenes revolve around characters sitting in rooms discussing legal stuff, the movie also involves car chases. That’s right, the writers definitely added a bit of a fictitious element to this story to make it more exciting for the casual viewer. I enjoyed that. It made this movie stand out more from others of its genre, and of the said car chase as well as other sequences, there are visual moments where the screen turns into this very early shonky computer graphic pixelated look, which I found to be quite the clever little gimmick. This backed up with an 80s techno soundtrack as well as various renditions on the classic Tetris theme made for an overall exciting watch.
Taron Egerton as always is super likeable and charming as Henk Rogers, in some ways channelling a young Gary Oldman, although maybe its just the Jim Gordon stache. The character of Rogers himself is the typical underdog one loves to root for. He’s the reckless entrepreneur who bets his entire house and life on this one game that he believes has the power to become something massive. He’s described by one of the other characters as “stupid but honest”, as Egerton leans into that heavily. His friendship bond he builds with the Tetris game creator Alexey Pajitnov (played by Russian actor Nikita Efremov in a very endearing way) is also really delightful, and a scene where the two of them go to a Soviet nightclub is a highlight. Roger Allam and Igor Grabuzov relish their villainous roles, and Toby Jones pops in doing some kind of European accent, though hard to pinpoint exactly which one.
Overall I really enjoyed Tetris, and was surprised at how the creative team managed to make this story as engaging as it is. Also naturally there is an element of nostalgia, as like many back in the day as a kid I used to enjoy rinsing Tetris. I even had a little handheld console that was designed specifically for Tetris. It wasn’t the branded stuff like the GameBoy (though I had that too for Zelda and such); it was literally this little Tetris console my dad got me in Russia, and that was the beginning of my screen addiction, which later turned into my smartphone....dark times. Regardless, a solid watch and currently my favourite film so far this year, though that’s not a difficult feat seeing as thus far this year’s movie releases have been really average. I look forward to the inevitable Rock, Paper, Scissors movie!
Overall score: 7/10
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