#was really funny to see clive actually get what he wanted for a bit.. and being a prick about it as per usual
my beautiful wife clive schill is dying but it's ok because the one killing him is my bestest friend aubrey wood
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autumnslance · 3 months
Clive's Outfit in FF14!
Since we had the PAX East Panel for FF16 today, and we know it's coming in "early April" (FF16 Producer Naoki Yoshida didn't want to say more than that, as tomorrow there is a panel with FF14 Producer/Director Yoshi-P, who might get mad if Yoshida revealed more than he was supposed to and no, he is never getting tired of this bit) I hopped into Crime to check out Clive's outfit on various characters.
FF14-only players will likely raise brows at the set's name, "Metian", because "Metia" is used as a name for something in FF16's world, with a lot of significance to Clive and Jill from the very start. So this set's name (despite the clothes' origin in FF16's story) ties back to his lady.
I started off with Dalamud dye cuz that's what Aeryn happens to have on her jacket, hands, and feet at the moment:
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Unfortunately, hyuran men at present do not get quite the bulky chests Clive and his comrades sport in Valisthea. Maybe the update will make them look more filled out.
Meanwhile, if C'oretta doesn't look she won't have to see it's not pink.
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This also really pulls in Punchy's bust; she's maxed on the slider, while Aeryn and Dark are mid-ranged, and Iyna minimal. But in this, they're all looking pretty similar. And similar to the guys, actually...
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Finally added color for Iyna; Celeste, and the pants are Deepwood. She doesn't want to be here today. Also yes I put Thancred in this outfit, what of it?
(Now if only they also gave us Jill's amazing outfit, then I could really cosplay...Uh, nevermind. Moving on!)
I dunno if it's the angle I used that makes the legs look funny on Iron Summer (more on the legs/feet in a moment). But Roe men do, in fact, have the chests to make this outfit work like a Valisthean gentleman. And I shamelessly used @driftward's Zoissette as an elezen example.
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Now, Clive is obviously wearing long boots, right? Well...
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Have to click the legs pic, but it's plated pants and ankle shoe things (in Celeste Green here). Blergh.
Extra Details!
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Clive famously fights with giant swords, but also carries a short blade for a backup weapon; very historical of these nerds. The other side of the belt shows his pouches. The back cloak is missing any kind of device or hold for his giant swords, which is very video game of these nerds.
The belts are part of the vest.
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haysprite · 1 year
can we please see your headcanons of Susie and Frank's relationship? 🥺 (I am a big believer in Frank and Susie viewing each other as siblings).
THAT IS ON GOD HOW I VIEW THEIR RELATIONSHIP AS WELL !!! They just give me major older brother & and younger sister vibes, I just think they're so silly and just love imagining their dynamic!
• Although Frank isn't Susie's first choice when needing to vent or get help with something, whenever she DOES ask for his help, he will drop whatever he's doing to be there for her
• Whenever they need the other's attention, they will just yell at each other from wherever they are, more specifically when they're in the lodge and have a question or whatever. For instance, if one of them was ordering a pizza, they'd yell for the other to tell them what kind they want
• Both of them will often walk into the room the other is in, stare at them, and then turn the light off and BOOK it before the other can catch them
• Definitely the most chaotic duo, and tend to cause the most problems together cause neither of them really thinks things through before doing them. Work very well together, though, and are basically able to tell what the other is thinking just by lookin at em
• Susie LOVES to give Frank a hard time, especially about his relationship with Julie, buggin' him nonstop, both before they got together and afterwards. Susie would call him out for staring at Julie for too long, being stupid for not being able to tell that Julie liked him back for quite a while, and just overall how dumb he gets when he's around her. Frank gets a bit annoyed, but he doesn't mind it, especially since he'll just bite back by mocking her about her relationship with Joey. It's all lighthearted, ofc
• On this note as well, though Frank typically talked to Joey about Julie, sometimes he'd confide in Susie since she knows Julie best, knowing absolutely everything about her, and Susie would get very giddy about helping him out
• Frank's really bad at comforting Susie when she's upset, and typically tries to find Julie or Joey to help him out, but he tries his goddamn best when he needs to. He'll typically just stay silent, giving her a hug and just letting her vent or cry
• Susie was a bit hesitant around Frank when Julie first introduced him to her and Joey, but seeing how happy he made Julie brought her defense around him down. It wasn't until he let her go on a whole ass info dump about cats and actually participating in the info dump with her that she really started to trust him. Just like with Julie, Susie started to look up to him big time and trusted him as the leader of their lil group
• Sometimes Susie will put lil hair ties or hairclips in Frank's hair, and it would always look like an absolute disaster, but she always found it a lot of fun and really funny lookin' as well. Julie managed to snap a picture of Susie doing this and has it hanging on her wall, absolutely joyful that her friends all get along to well with each other
• Both of them will barge in on whatever the other is doing and just start talking about whatever is on their mind, not a single regard about whether the one they're annoying is doing something important, and whether or not the other will actually stop and listen (most of the time they will)
• While Frank is protective of Julie in your typical "that's my girlfriend" fashion, he's very protective of Susie in a "that's my younger sister" kind of way!
• Susie drew a picture of Frank once, and he on god had to keep himself from laughing over it, not necessarily because it was bad, but because it just meant a lot to him that she'd do something like that
• Despite neither of them owning a car nor having a license to actually drive (Frank got his suspended and Susie just hasn't gotten hers yet), sometimes they'd steal either Clive's or Susie's parent's cars and go on drives, especially whenever Julie and Joey are out doing something else (like work or whatever). They always make sure to get the cars back before their rightful owners notice, but they've gotten close to getting caught a few times
• They tend to get in the most arguments, and neither of them will hold back at screaming at the other, and both of them can and will get LOUD. They'll lowkey give each other the silent treatment after fighting, and then make up by asking the other if they want food or something (and sometimes awkwardly saying sorry before forgetting about the whole debacle and moving past it entirely)
• When Frank was still on Fairview's basketball team early in his Senior year, he overheard a lot of the shit some of the cheerleaders (specifically the ones or a year above Susie's grade) would say about Susie, and get REALLY defensive and snap at them. Most of the time the girls didn't care, but it would get under his skin and he'd always tell Julie, who already knew about Susie getting bullied and had been trying to figure out how to deal with it for a while
• While Susie would get help with homework from Julie or Joey, Frank would always just tell her to toss it to the side and do something else, claiming that all that schoolwork wasn't really worth her time and encouraged her to work on her art instead, since he thought it'd help her more in the long run than stupid math or science packets
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crabknee · 4 months
ECHOESSSSSSSSSSS Python, i'm sorry, but i'm not sure if i'm gonna use you. Tobin is cooler and has a lot more stats on you cause of the base villager class. Also i'm pretty sure the max unit count is 10.
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Goodness. He looks so punchable. Then again, thats kinda the point :p
Just realized that because hes blown up on my computer, Desaix looks like he doesnt have any pupils. Spooky
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Alm, two apples tall: Damn, this bit is so versatile...
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99% sure hes gonna defect. cause hes an ass.
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Cant wait to send you reeling on your ass Fernand... ...My VA sensors are tingling again, and its toward Desaix. Okay... lemme scroll down here... Spits out drink
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Okay, what else...
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A WHAT HOLY SHIT THATS AMAZING Talented man... I guess this is what would happen if Igor served Narl-[I am Shot]
Anyways back to Fernand complaining about his previous job to Desaix
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Love the word dastard, its like bastard but less! Also new name alert!!!! Neato
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Ohhhh i could make so many Persona Jokes...
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This guy get his armor made out of his hair or something?
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YEAH I FEEL THE SAME WAY FERNAND WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE Good lord this cutscene is pretty, thank god my emu has a pause function...
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They look kinda cute together ngl
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Thats the spirit!!! He must have had a self-confidence arc off screen
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Okay so uh im going to bring attention to the VA here, cause holy shit that read was so good?!?!? like just before the line i heard him doing a small breath in-and-out to psyche himself up???? Like ough... the boy........
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Damn, you know he is a Scary Guy when he gets a whole intro cutscene and also his own theme with a harpsichord. Only Serious Business with Berkut.
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:3 Famous last words :3 Also Berkut's Theme is so fuckin good what???????
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I see, so hes like Evil Sigurd Loves his wife and is evil
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Oh boy I love being a fly on the wall!!! Such wonderful things I get to hear!
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I mean, birth is unknown, he could be a lost prince or something, knowing FE.
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*sneezes in SMT IV*
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Anyways Fernand and Berkut are Instant Best Friends out of their Classism. Im glad that Fernand found someone to be friends with
Clive divorce arc...
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HUH so rudolf is the king of the evil place I forget its name, Rudel??
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Allllrighty! that cutscene was pretty dense, so ill leave the battle and post-battle stuff for another ask. REGARDLESS! Lets take a look at the battlefield!
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...This is what youre using to defend the castle? that is kinda hilarious tbh.
Thought there would be more.
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Ohhh boy that looks like its gonna be Fun.
I'm 99% sure the game wants me to try splitting up my team, but i really dont like doing that. So i'll try not. But i mean, we have the power of the turnwheel if things get hairy, soooooo
Anyways, lets begin the fight!
me going insane aside, that is my favorite cutscene in the game tbh, like animated cutscene. I also love Berkut and Rinea if you couldn't tell, evil sigurd is a really funny description, you're so right for that
And also, you're so right, the voice acting in this game is so fantastic, best in the series imo. Just you wait until you hear more Berkut, his voice acting actually goes so hard
Clives wife consoling him after Clives husband left him for a bigger classist
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pebblysand · 1 year
re. this ask: OMG talk to me about passenger!!!!! favorite album/ song/ lines? any other songs that remind you of certain characters/ships or that give you plot ideas (that you want to share)? i’ve always gotten strong lupin feels from both wicked man’s rest and somebody’s love, hahaha.
omg! an ask that gives me the opportunity to talk about one of my favourite artists of all time?? of fucking course!
i think what i love most about passenger is the sort of very castles vibes of his work. by which i mean, some of his songs are dark, and hard, but there's always light at the end of the tunnel, you know? and there's some really upbeat and funny ones as well. there's this idea that resonates through his work that life is shit sometimes but, as he says it himself, life's for the living, so live it. i think that's always very much resonated with me, my writing, and also my general outlook on life, and i just relate to that so much. also, as i said in the ask you mention, his storytelling skills are just unbelievable. i love that he doesn't just write songs to sit in his feels and mop, that he tells us stories of other people, too. and he paints these very vivid pictures of people and situations in minutes, and honestly, i don't think his work is celebrated enough. i was supposed to see him live in march 2021, then it got postponed in august during my holidays and i couldn't go and honestly i'm still devastated. he does tour a lot though, so i'm hoping he comes back soon.
anyway, having said that, onto your questions!
favourite album: man, that is so hard. i feel like passenger is the opposite of my other favourite artist, lily allen, who releases one album every ten years but on which every song on it is a banger. i feel like passenger releases two albums a year and is like: "here, songs! pick ones you like." some of them kind of sound the same, and they're not all always remarkable, but that's fine as well, you know? honestly, i'm such a fan of his work and yet even i feel like he has so many songs i don't even know all of them lol! so yes, not every song on every album is amazing, but that's kind of okay? i think if i had to pick one, i'd probably pick Whispers, i think it's the album that has the most faves. but i also really loved Patchwork.
favourite songs: okay, this was So Hard. i wanted to get it down to a top ten but i just couldn't so here is a top thirteen in alphabetical order, lol.
27 - this is the song version of "i'm 27 years old, i have no money, no prospects, and i'm already a burden to my parents," but in a more "upbeat" tone. i'm nearing 30 now but this one just still resonates soooo much. it's fun and cheery and millenial-y and i love it to bits.
birds that flew and ships that sailed - this is one from one of the most recent albums that i just love so much. it gives me actual chills whenever i listen to it. the melancholy and the lyrics are just heartbreaking and just gorgeous. it's a sad song, yes, but a beautiful one.
the boy who cried wolf - this song is just one of those storytelling songs of his i absolutely adore. it's just a story about the urban legend of the boy who cried wolf but it makes you sympathise with him So Much. the song is just so wonderfully and cleverly done - i adore this song. so inspiring as a writer.
bullets - this is hands down one of my top 10 favourite songs in the world. a bit like the above in terms of storytelling but just - breath-taking. also, whenever i write that aoife standalone fic/story from the fault in faulty manufacturing, it will be called all the bullets in the ground after that song.
catch in the dark - another one of my all time favourite songs. the friends-to-nothing KILLS me in this. and again, the way he just tells you a full story in three minutes with so much "character" building is nuts. also, i know when you asked about ships, you probably meant HP but this gives me such strong martha/clive vibes from silk i just. god, my heart.
golden leaves - this used to be my favourite song. as in, like, full stop, favourite song of all time ever from anyone. it will never not make me cry. the strings on this. the melancholy. the adult breakup vibes. the desperation. the lyrics. i mean: now, my dear we are two golden leaves, clinging desperately to winter trees. 😭. i don't know if it's still my favourite song cause i think i'm less #sad now (lol) but to this day i just love it so much. one of my absolute faves.
hell or highwater - oh god. very similar vibes to the one above, almost equally as beautiful. gives me a bit of harry/ginny vibes in castles. a bit. but it's just such a gorgeous love/break up song. also such a good title 😭.
holes - as i explained here i just adore this song. it's another storytelling one and it's soooo good. as i said, "the wolf's just a puppy" quote is one of my favourite quotes of all time. love, love, love this one.
i hate - okay. i know. it's a bit mean but also fucking deep and kinda hilarious 🤣. it will never not make me laugh. i hate stepping out for a smoke and some guy coughs - that your lungs or his? also, the unspeakable thing about cher's face. i hate to say it but... it's true!!
riding to new york - another storytelling one which, honestly, two things about this song: 1) the lyrics. 2) the poetry. as someone who had a lot of issues and went no contact with my father before he passed away, there are ways in which this line: "now my time is short, i want to see my daughter, tell her i'm sorry for the things i taught her," hits that i honestly don't even want to speak about. but on another note, i also love the way passenger writes america. he's actually a dual citizen (his father is american) and i love the way he writes the sort of vibes and landscape and life there. it's both the words of someone who clearly knows the country very well, but also those of an outsider. the runaway album had a lot of that and i really loved it.
rosie - awww. this song just makes me go "awww". it's a lullaby for his cat. how could anyone not love a man who writes a lullaby for his cat because it's scared of storms?
sword from the stone - this is the only pandemic song i will ever consent to listen to. oh. my. god. he released this one, then p!nk released her bizarre cover me in sunshine and honestly no shade to p!nk (i actually love her) but there's songwriting and SongWriting. this song just rips my heart apart every time i hear it. i mean: both the cats say hi, i know they miss you too. jesus christ. the number of times i have listened to this on loop, i swear to god. this also gives me castles vibes.
young as the morning, old as the sea - as someone who's travelled quite a bit and moved around, this is just #vibes. i love the way passenger writes about travelling and hostels and people. this song is just everything.
regarding the rest, i've already gave out some of my inspos/fave lines in that list of songs but honestly there's so many others. i also love some of the songs on the all the little lights album, like feather on the clyde and all 😭. i don't think i associate any song with a specific ship or character (apart from, as i've said above, bullets for aoife - who's an OC, anyway - and catch in the dark for silk) but i feel like his whole work has very strong castles vibes, you know? also not on the list but the last unicorn is so painfully harry/mia 😭. in terms of lupin, idk, i'm honestly not a marauders person so i don't think about these characters a lot, but i'll let you be the judge. 🤗.
thanks so much for this ask though! i love talking about music! and, please tell me yours!
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jayahult · 2 years
12 and 15
12: Did you enjoy any compulsory high school reading?
Hmm, I enjoyed a few. I read both Beloved and A Handmaid's Tale in my last year of highschool, and while I didn't appreciate them at the time because I was extremely stressed about high school, I do really think they were spectacular books in retrospect. I've also had a growing appreciation for Jack London over the years, though I'm not actually sure if he's all that well-known outside of the US. He's fairly famous here because of his association with the Alaskan frontier and nature writing, with his most famous stories on the subject being Call of The Wild, White Fang and To Build a Fire. To Build a Fire in particular is a really affecting and powerful short story, and I'd argue it was the first short horror story that I ever read.
15: recommend and review a book.
Well, I'd recommend you Worm, but it seems you've already walked that path to the end, so that's a bust, and I'm not enough of a narcissist to recommend my own stuff. Not to harp too much on Clive Barker, but I do think you'd like him a good deal just based on your other preferences. The classic here is The Hellbound Heart - arguably his most influential work considering the impact of its movie adaptation, Hellraiser. The Hellbound Heart, though, is a bit different from its movie adaptation. It makes a lot of character motivations more explicit, and to put it bluntly, more sexual, but in a good way. It makes it a lot clearer that the Cenobites don't really see a difference between different kinds of sensation, and that they just see more as better, regardless of what more means. In general, the imagery is a lot more intensely psychosexual in ways that I just can't get out of my head.
If you want something lighter and are willing to branch out into comics, I would have to highly recommend Kill Six Billion Demons. It's one of those comics that you really have to see to properly get an idea. It's really just delightful to look at, and while the plot starts off a bit eh, once it picks up it really shows some colorful and fun writing. Additionally, in the online version, there's a berth of supplemental texts beneath each chapter which commentate indirectly on the goings-on in the comic which are all quite interesting and often very well-written in my opinion. My personal favorite is Meti's Sword Manual, which is both funny and insightful as a look into a philosophy that sees violence as the only means of power, but also sees it as fundamentally all-consuming and destructive, with Meti herself being an answer to the question that has plagued mankind for centuries: "What if Diogenes was a girlboss?" Examples include:
"At that moment, with my thumbs in his brains, I had a revelation. I had trained far too broadly. Existence and the act of combat are absolutely no different, and the essence of both, the purity of both, is a singular action, which is Cutting Down Your Opponent. You must resolve to train this action. You must become this action. Truly, there is very little else that will serve you as well in this entire cursed world.
I hope that by reading this manual, you will be thoroughly encouraged to become a farmer."
"Consider: The undefeated swordsman must be exceptionally poor.
The weak swordsman reserves his sword strokes. He clings excessively to his blade. His footwork is unsteady. His grip is too hard and he is afraid to crack the earth with his step. He has a shallow and wandering gaze, his tongue is sluggish and pale. He refuses to exhale the hot breath of the Flame Immortal.
The weak swordsman clings to victory. He thinks of his life, his obligations, the outcome of the battle, his hatred for his opponent, his training, his pride in his mastery. By doing so, he is an imperfect vessel for the terrible fires of Will. He will surely crack. He will not laugh uproariously if he is cleft in two by his opponent’s blade. When his sword is shattered, his hands will be too reserved to tear his enemies’ flesh.
The weak swordsman strikes his enemy down and thinks his task done. He relishes in victory. He casts away his sword and returns to his lover. Little does he know his single cut will encircle the world five times and strike him down fifty-fold."
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saphirered · 3 years
I’m in love with your writing and binged your entire page one night lol
Could I request a story with Caleb where the M9 find a wounded reader on the run from people who want to use her for her very powerful magical abilities. She doesn’t trust Caleb at first because he’s a wizard and just as she opens up to him and starts to develop feelings discovers he has been studying her powers - thought with no bad intentions. Some good old angsty enemies to lovers type of beat. Preferably with a good ending but do what you wish ;))
Apparently I'm giving you more stuff to binge as this is looking more and more like a several parter 😅. Prepare for loads of angst and conflict and some good hurt/comfort to come but for now, here comes part 1! 😘
Nobody pays attention to a vagrant dressed in rags, looking about a week past their last proper bath begging on the side of the road for money or standing by a shop, mouth watering at the food. Nobody pays attention to what they don’t want to see in their pristine cities. Not unless they want to chase you away because you’re in their way or you’re tarnishing their image. Speaking about image, sometimes some rich folk will take pity upon you, casting a coin your way to make themselves look good and generous in the eyes of others.
That’s exactly what you became when you needed to disappear. You needed to become unseen, unnoticed and a shadow among a crowd. You succeed casting away all remainders of your previous life because in the end, your life is worth more to you than your earthly possessions. Survival above all. You’ll live this way until you can get somewhere where no one will question you, or where you’ll be under the protection of others, far away where your enemies cannot reach you. Maybe Vasselheim is a good place to go? They’re not fond of the arcane magics. Sure you’ll have to give up using some of your own gifts but it’s worth being able to live your life freely.
You’re still a ways away from Vasselheim and you don’t have the funds to get there yet. Even if you make it to a port, stowing away on a ship is fine but you can’t trust them to not throw you overboard or leave you stranded at the nearest island to save provisions. And that’s if they don’t hand you over to any authorities and risk you getting back to square one. You’ll have to wander around Wildemount until you’re able to book passage or find somewhere to lay low, forever on the move. It’s not the worst and you get used to it pretty quickly.
Weren’t you lucky when you saw the recent champions of the Victory Pit were strolling around town flaunting their winnings. You need food. You need warm clothes. And most of all, you could do with some extra change in your pocket. You wouldn’t be stupid enough to steal all of it of course. Just enough to get by and they wouldn’t notice. So you trail them, sticking to the shadows. They don’t seem to notice you.
Then you struck. You got the coin pouch from the ostentatious one. It was child’s play really. He didn’t even notice you lifting the pouch from his belt when you brushed against his shoulder muttering an apology. You were already amidst the crowd when you heard the tiefling exclaim his coin pouch was gone and he put two and two together quickly, the charlatan he is so before you knew it they were on the lookout for someone fitting your description. You had to move quick, buy your necessities and get out of the market. You know just the place to hide out; the Evening Nip. Nobody asks questions there.
Once you found yourself safely sipping on the shitty ale served at the Evening Nip you didn’t expect the colourful group of strangers to stroll in. It was already too late when you spotted them and you had no where to go. Still your quickly gathered up the coin back into the ornate velvet pouch and put it in your own pocket hidden beneath the layers of your clothes putting your hands behind your back as you tried to make a break for the exit. They did not let you pass, a relatively buff looking woman gripping the handle of her sword stepping in front of you while another one, though shorter blocked your escape by interposing her staff.
“No funny business, friend. You have something that belongs to my companion here, and he wants it back.” The half-orc speaks as you grit your teeth. You’d really hoped to avoid this but you weren’t stupid enough to bring out the big artillery… yet… so you lift your hands in surrender and allow them to lead you over to one of the tables taking a seat of your own accord while you’re flanked by the buff woman on one side, the purple tiefling on the other and the rest of them takes up seating of their own around the table keeping an eye on you.
“Now, we can do this the easy way or the hard way…” The half-orc leads as the tiefling next to you holds out his hand brushing his other over your shoulder in a soft push, mimicking what you had done when you pickpocketed him. Are they mocking you? Bastards.
“I’m afraid I don’t know what you’re talking about, friend.” You speak innocently. You know they won’t buy it anyway, their minds already made up, but it gives you just a second more to get a grasp on all of them. You’re already plotting your escape, despite the odds being turned against you. You have to try.
“Oh, I think you do, and we simply want a conversation. You wouldn’t want to tarnish this new friendship now would you?” The tiefling grins as you look at him. You can feel the strings of enchantment pricking into your mind but you know how this works. You’ll just have to play along. You smile, like being faced with an old friend, just as the spell would have you have, letting your defensive mannerism fade.
“You’re quite right. It’s no way to treat new friends. Let’s not get off on the wrong foot.” You glance between all of them and you feel a pair of blue eyes stare into you, right through you. There’s just something about him that doesn’t add up and you’re almost afraid he knows you’re not under the tiefling’s spell after all but you do whatever you can to not show that on your face and play along.
“Should we get some drinks to commemorate new friends?” You suggest about to get up but the woman in blue’s staff moves across the table right onto your shoulder urging you to stay in place. You don’t look fazed and merely amused with this action as if it is a harmless joke and not a threat. The tiefling moves the staff from your shoulder as you turn your attention back to him as he smiles.
“I think that’s an absolutely wonderful idea. Drinks on me.” He stands with you and begins leading you over to the bar. Clive takes the order and begins pouring the ale as requested while the tiefling keeps conversation with you, completely oblivious and detached from his friends. You play along and when you reach to the coin pouch, you pull out the coins owed to the barkeep. The tiefling smiles and you can see from your peripheral the red head notices too. Both confirm you have the coin pouch. So once you pay you reach for your pocket grasping for a short iron rod placing it in your hand, whispering words under your breath as the tiefling talks to the barkeep, your hands begin to move according to the familiar motions and before the redhead can warn his lavender companion, the tiefling is frozen in place unable to move and you’re making a break for the door.
Spells fly left and right and you dodge a few, take the damage from others as the fighters dependant on close range rush for you. A crossbow bolt hits your thigh and a large cat’s claw appears in front of you. You try to dodge it reaching for you but it catches you and holds you in place despite your struggling to get free. They circle you, bind your hands, take back the coin pouch and your own limited belongings from you as you fight back trying to keep them away from you but you’re just alone and they are the many.
You feel helpless and desperate. That’s when you make eye contact with the blue eyed wizard. There’s a look of recognition in his eyes. Not for who you are directly, but the way you’re acting and lashing out, like some caged animal wishing desperately to be free, like a creature on the run, like you’re two sides of the same coin. His eyes reveal to you pain and suffering and pity but you don’t need his pity. You don’t need anyone’s pity.
“Why did you steal that coin?” The wizard asks as you glare at him from your seated position on the ground.
“Why does anybody steal anything? I’m hungry. I’m cold and I’m broke as hell.” You spit none too kindly.
“Then get a job. Make some money. Or at least learn to be a good thief.” The rude woman snorts. You roll your eyes. Typical. You know plenty of people like her, maybe you even used to be like her but not anymore. You grew out of that the hard way. She will too, in time.
“None of you noticed until you went to pay for something.” You grin and the woman is about to lunge for you at your provocation. So easy to piss that one off. Funny, actually.
“I don’t think she can just get a job. Not a regular one anyway.” The wizard observes as he stares into you. “You don’t have anywhere to go, do you?” Your silence, biting your lip says enough. You don’t have anywhere to go. Once you did but that’s gone. Torn away from you.
“How about this? You spent a good deal of my friend’s coin but we’ll give you the opportunity to make it back as a repayment. Stick around for a little bit and go our separate ways when the debt is repaid?” There’s some protests but the half-orc quiets them down when the wizard speaks up in your favour. He doesn’t trust you, not after the stunts you just pulled, especially not when the look on your face mirrors his own so closely but perhaps it’s something within him that calls to him to make right a wrong, or prevent another soul to be lost to the troubles he’s faced.
With these idiots bound to make a scene they’ll call attention to themselves and by default that means away from you. This might work in your favour. They’re adventurers and given that they seem somewhat familiar with the Evening Nip, you can only assume they’re not exactly always on the right side of the law. You’re not judging but that gives you some safety and assurance should things go south or you need a quick way out. And if things really do turn in your favour, they’ll be your cover to places and funds to get you far far away from this hell hole.
“Looks like you got yourselves a new companion then, friends.” You don’t smile, only displaying an expression so neutral that makes the wizard think for a second he might have made a mistake but for now you have mutual interests and if there’s anything he can count on, it’s the reliability of a common goal, and a lot to lose should you get outed.
So next you know, you’re somewhat absorbed into their little group, learning their names and where they’re from, chatting happily but you can’t help but notice that yours and Caleb’s stories are similar in some ways, mostly the lack of detail. You’ve been raised within the Empire, but found yourself on a less fortunate path fending for yourself. The only difference between you and him is that he found Nott on his path while you had remained alone. The group didn’t seem to mind your lack of details, going with the excuse you’re not about to bare your life story to the people you only just met and you’re lucky. You hadn’t told anyone what happened since you’ve been on the run and you don’t plan on doing so anytime soon, especially not to people who haven’t earned your trust yet.
Of course you’ve been roomed with Caleb and Nott, finding yourself in one of the most expensive inns in the city, paid for by the group. Unlike Nott, who goes through your stuff when she thinks you’re not looking, Caleb is the perfect roommate. He doesn’t cross any boundaries, ask too many questions or has any annoying habits. He just reclines on his bed, going through his spellbook, transcribing new spells to add to his own collection. Every time he does you get extremely uneasy and snappy and do whatever you can to not be in the same space as the wizard. It doesn’t do your roommate relationship any good and may leave you at odds at times. Caleb may not understand why but it’s not his place to ask questions, nor does he think you’ll actually answer them. Instead you make up excuses, helping Beau with training, letting Jester braid your hair, keeping Fjord company while Molly claims their room for one of his escapades, getting some booze for Nott, or when Yasha is there, watch the storms with the woman, anything to get you out of that shared room with the wizard.
Rain hits the window of your room in the Pillow Trove as the redheaded wizard strolls in throwing his backpack on his bed and sitting down with a deep sigh. You look up over the edge of the book you’re reading seeing the wizard soaked through the bone wringing out his hair best he can. With a wave of your hand and words uttered under your breath you grin as the water evaporates from Caleb’s form, leaving his hair slightly more curly and frizzy, and his clothes warm and comfy. He gives you a look as you continue reading as if you’re completely unaware of anything going on in the room, completely absorbed into your book. Ignoring Caleb.
“I didn’t take you for the type that reads smutty romance novels.” He comments and gestures towards Courting of the Crick. You finally look at Caleb as if he only just gained your attention, as if you’re only just aware of his presence in the room. Both of you know better but this is how it is.
“You wouldn’t. But according to Jester you enjoy them very much.” You grin, having gotten to hear all about their little trip to the Chastity’s Nook. Caleb gives you a disapproving look as he begins to unpack his things, taking out the fresh ink and paper, setting out his spellbook and you mark your page, putting the book on your side table as you quickly get up and go for the door.
“Where are you off to all of the sudden?” Caleb asks as you grit your teeth. Can he not just leave you alone? Does he really trust you so little you’re not allowed to leave of your own accord?
“I’m going to see Jester and Beau in their room. Now I will bid you good day unless you think I need an escort for the room two doors down.” You snap. Okay, that may have been unnecessary. You could have at least been neutral. Too late for that now. Caleb waves his and as if dismissing you. Act like a child, get treated like a child. So you leave the room letting the door fall closed a little harder than you normally would in protest and make your way over towards Beau and Jester’s room.
Jester, happily lets you in and while Beau has definitely warmed up to you, things are still rocky. She wouldn’t go as far as calling you a friend, but more that one neighbourhood kid her parents tried to get her to play with despite the two of you never really having been friends at all. At least you can bond over your slightly criminal tendencies. It’s Jester who’s completely accepted you as one of her own, questioning you about anything and everything, preaching to you about the Traveler, gushing about her romance novels, specifically Oskar, which you’re pretty sure is actually reflecting her major crush on Fjord but let the girl dream. Who knows what will come of it?
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you're not living in this world alone
i wrote this in one sitting and i'm sorry i don't really know what the point is i was just frustrated lmao, the song title is from "enjoy your life" by marina which is what i'm manifesting for COT. i don't think there are any triggers beyond what you would expect: mentions of bullying and elias' shitty parenting
Fanfiction Masterlist | AO3
“And how would you know where Alastair was yesterday afternoon?” Matthew mused.
Thomas exhaled. The truth was a long time coming. “Because I was with him. Alastair and I are friends.”
“Friends? After everything he’s done? You can forgive him so easily?”
“It’s been years since school, Matthew. He’s grown and changed since then, just as you and I have. I have forgiven him, and I ask that you respect that, even if you choose not to.”
“Respect that? Thomas, how could I-” He moved closer and lowered his voice as if that would effectively prevent Cordelia from hearing him, despite her sitting mere feet away. “I don’t know what he said to you, but you don’t owe him anything just because he helped you with the whole serial killer business. Listen, Thomas, you’re very kind, and Alastair… Well, I know what type of person Alastair is, and he’s the kind that understands well how to take advantage of kindness. I don’t want you to get hurt.”
Thomas could see Cordelia straining to stop herself from reacting. “You don’t know anything about him.”
“And you do?”
“I know more than you, continuing to reduce him to the horrible nonsense he said over four years ago.”
Matthew flinched. “Horrible nonsense? That’s what you’d call the things he said about my parents, about your parents, the things that made your mother cry?”
Thomas bit back involuntary tears. He knew how those words had hurt his family. His intention was never to reduce the gravity of them. “Don’t you dare use my own words against me! What about the things you said, Matthew?”
Matthew crossed his arms. “I have not a clue what you’re talking about. Whatever he told you were lies, I’m sure-”
“Did you forget that I was there that day? I’d nearly forgotten because it was so long ago, but I remember. I was trying to help Alastair because he was in a very bad way. Clive had just died. I know that the prank affected you, too, maybe even more so, but Alastair said that the prank wasn’t his idea, and I believe him. Clive was Alastair’s bully long before he was any of ours, and I don’t blame Alastair for fearing his own safety and going along with his stupid, dangerous plan. At the end of the day, it’s just not something you need to blame someone for. Alastair learned his lesson in the worst way possible. Someone died.
“I could tell that the other boys’ parents coming to the school in the aftermath of it all was upsetting him because he knew that Elias would never come to his rescue. You can jest all you’d like, Matthew, about how if he was your son, you wouldn’t care about him either, but it’s never going to be funny.”
A stillness fell on the room, a look of guilt creeping over James’ face, a look of panic having set in on Matthew’s shortly after Thomas began speaking. Cordelia stood up abruptly. “Excuse me?” She turned to Matthew. “Tell me that isn’t true.”
“Never to his face! It was just a joke. I didn’t mean it-”
“Is that supposed to make it better? All those times that you acted as if were some heroic feat for me to love him… Now I’m not sure if they were jokes or if you genuinely believe he’s less deserving of love than you or I. All this time my brother suffered in silence, he shielded me from it all so that I would never have to know what kind of person my father really was, he sacrificed his own well-being for mine, meanwhile… you all were here, making jokes about it.”
Thomas expected Cordelia to be angry, and she was, on some level. Her expression was haunted, however, her eyes holding even more guilt than Matthew’s. He realized, suddenly, what she must be thinking: How dare they discuss in passing something she never realized herself? How could Thomas and his friends see it so clearly when she could not? Thomas wanted to tell her that Alastair didn’t try to hide it from them, not in the way that he hid it from her, that he’s learned from his parents that in many cases you it’s more difficult to see the bad in those you love, your heart always searching for the good, but James began to speak instead.
“Daisy-” James started.
“No,” she interrupted. “I don’t want to hear it. Thomas, finish.”
“I- What?” he stammered, nearly forgetting how the conversation began. His heart was racing; he shouldn’t have said so much, he knew. It would only cause more pain. He simply needed all of this nonsense about Alastair to stop, and he did not know how besides telling the truth.
“What happened that day at the Academy,” she prompted.
“Right. He… he was in a bad way, because of Clive’s death and because of his father. He told me to leave him alone, but I didn’t because I thought that I could help. I… I thought that he shouldn’t be alone. Now I wish that I had gone, because Matthew went looking for me. He found me with Alastair and started insulting him. He made fun of his hair, which I know sounds silly, but it wasn’t, was it? That’s why he changed it,” Thomas realized as he spoke. “So that he would- so he wouldn’t look Persian. Matthew could tell that it bothered him so much, that’s why he continued to say it.”
Thomas sighed as he continued. Alastair should be the one saying all of this, but he would never, nor would Matthew ever hear it. “Matthew asked him if no one cared about him enough to tell him that he looked silly, not his friends or his father. He told him that the prank was entirely his fault, that it was his fault Clive was dead. And then Alastair asked me to leave. I assume that’s when Alastair said the things he did, and I’m assuming that’s where he got the bruise I saw on his face later.”
“And Matthew placed Alastair’s belongings in the wing that Christopher blew up,” James offered.
“Sorry,” Christopher chimed in, though no one was much concerned about him or his actions that day.
“What? Was I meant to not retaliate after he said those things to me?” Matthew’s eyes narrowed at them.
Thomas was exasperated. “Of course that’s not what I’m saying! I’m saying that you need to stop pretending like you haven’t said and done things to Alastair that were just as terrible as what he’s said to you!”
“Are you serious?” Matthew asked. He looked to James for a defense, but none came.
“This entire time you’ve acted as if the whole ordeal was one-sided,” Cordelia said. “Like you were just some child helpless against my brother’s cruel words, but that was never the case, was it?”
Matthew didn’t respond.
“I need some time to think,” she said finally, walking quickly out of the tavern without waiting for a response.
Matthew turned back to Thomas. “Is this how it’s going to be now?”
“What do you mean? Me, not letting you mercilessly take out your own problems on someone who’s been trying to make amends, someone who has been through far enough? I suppose so. It’s up to you, Matthew. As I said before, you don’t need to forgive him, but I have. You are my friend, but so is he. He doesn’t have a problem with that. Do you?”
Matthew finally resigned himself. “No,” he said quietly.
Thomas knew this was only the beginning. Cordelia was almost certainly on her way to confront her brother, and soon this would be an even larger discussion. There were apologies and amends that still needed to be made. Even more, Thomas knew that Matthew’s issues with Alastair ran deeper than his actual dislike for the man, but he knew that allowing him to continue to take his own guilt and self-hatred out on Alastair would only continue to make life more difficult for all of them. Both Alastair and Matthew deserved to be free of it. Once Matthew was free of this nonsense with Alastair, Thomas knew that the real work towards true freedom would begin. And once Alastair was free of it… Thomas could only hope for what would come next.
Thanks for reading! Tagging my usual suspects (lmk to be added/removed): @stxr-thxif @chaos-and-starlight @zosiaenrique @lifewouldbebetteronmars @littlx-songbxrd @dianasarrow @eugeniaslongsword @bookswitchcraftandcats @jamesherondaleofficial @thomas-gaypanic-lightwood @livingformyself @anarmorofwords @foxglove-airmid @writeforjordelia @sapphic-in @jem-nasium @fortheloveofthecarstairs
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Y’all I had this dream and I just need to tell it to someone
Okay, so I have weirdly vivid dreams and this was one of them. I just. ghhahhhahh i just need to tell it to someone it’s. it.s sakfjlksjd’ag why brain why
Also this is just the main storyline of the dream. There were also some aliens, I think I went on vacation with my actual parents but forgot my clothes, and some of my whumblr friends walked by getting snacks while I was crying on the kitchen floor.
CW: implied sibling death, hidden illness. 
We were living in this small town that honestly, didn’t really like us. We had moved around quite a bit for our parents job, and at the time we were living in this really cool trailer/RV in the park. The people from town were snotty and self important, but we didn’t care cause we were genuinely having a good time.
I had an older brother; his name was Clive. He was a funny dude, but spent a lot of time to himself. He would just disappear for hours at a time, and sometimes not show up to important things. It was annoying, but for the most part everyone just kinda wrote it off like “eh yeah that’s Clive.”
So, the town was holding this footrace – and they were being really smug about it. Making it seem like it was just so important and that their star athlete dude was of course going to win.
But I knew Clive was faster. And I really, really wanted to rub it in the faces of the people that had been so mean to us. Clive ran almost every morning (I went with him but he was way faster), so I thought “this’ll be a breeze.”
But Clive didn’t want to. He just kind of laughed it off every time, saying he didn’t feel like it, didn’t have time. I was annoyed because I knew he had time. If he just stopped disappearing randomly he would have time to win and make those losers never forget it even after we moved out of town!
I literally had to beg him, and he finally agreed only if I would race with him.
So I did. And he won.
But then he freaking didn’t show up to the trophy ceremony.
I kept waiting and waiting, but he just didn’t show. I really thought he was going to this time, but he didn’t.
But before I could get too mad a Clive, they Mayor/organizer guy got up and said that their Town Darling had won. I just popped out to the front and went, “No? No, Clive won. You were there you know that Clive won.”
“I didn’t see it happen.”
I pointed around to people in the crowd. “THEY saw it happen! We have proof that it happened. You’re lying to cover it up because you don’t like my brother – my family!”
He gave me this godawful smirk and it made my blood freaking boil.
“Even then, if Clive isn’t here to accept the prize, then he forfeits it. It’s in the rules.”
With that, they brought up the Town Darling and stared heaping all this undeserved praise on him. I went to read the rules.
They said nothing of the sort.
Standing back up, I got up on the stage and confronted the Mayor again, telling everyone that he was lying, that the was manipulating the results. He got red in the face, trying to grab the rules from my hands before sitting down.
So they declared Clive the winner, even if he wasn’t there.
I was so excited I raced home, happy to tell him. He wasn’t there. Eventually, I found him at this treehouse he had made/found out in the woods.
I thought he was going to be happy, and I guess he kinda was, but he wasn’t excited.
“I guess I’ll enjoy it for the next three months, but after that you should take it.”
I cannot describe the way my heart dropped in my chest. “What do you mean? What’s important about three months?”
He looked me dead in the eyes and said, “I’m not going to live past three months.”
He never just disappeared, he was going to medical treatments or wasn’t feeling well from them. Our parents didn’t say anything cause they didn’t want me to worry.
Ya’ll I cried so hard I woke up. It still makes me wanna cry when I think of it what the actual fuck brain I this is not what I wanted to start my day withhhhh.
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starswake--archived · 3 years
A bit late but 6, 12, 18, 25, 29, 31 for the Echoes asks 😁
Have a nice day buddy 💙💙
FRANKIEEEEEE THANK U ILY I hope you're doing well!! :>
Echoes Ask
6. What’s your favorite song?
answered here ! But CAN I TALK ABOUT HOW MUCH I LOVE PRIDE AND ARROGANCE MMMMMMM okay I know I'm such a weenie when it comes to Berkut (my bitch fave) But THE POWER THAT THAT SONG HOLDS???? FOR THE FIRST INTRO WE GET OF HIM HOOOOOOOOOOOOO MAN much impressed...
Okay and the scene too... How it starts really quiet, muffled behind closed doors, the emphasis from Fernand's perspective that he's only getting a general idea of what it's like to be in Berkut's presence unTIL the doors open and you are greeted by the vast ballroom, and just the sheer power you can feel radiating off of Berkut -- when the music surges louder hoooooooooly shit dude
ALSO they play the song when you first go up against Berkut and that's my favorite too because you're once again being greeted by this absolutely suffocating aura he dons. And it's just super funny when you wind up beating him on the battlefield and putting a halt to the song -- putting a halt to his ego. mwah It's just absolutely perfection
12. Of all the antagonists, which one is your favorite?
If the last answer didn't make it obvious, I just really like Berkut KLAJDSF I know he was an addition to SoV and wasn't in Gaiden, but his appearance makes the game so fun and carries out the whole theme of arrogance vs humility so well... And they did such a good job building him for a newly added character so I couldn't help but be charmed...Not that I know anything about Gaiden and how it was like in there, but STILL
18. Who’s your favorite VA performance?
God if I hadn't answered this before this whole post could just be about how much I like Berkut. Wouldn't that be awful lol
BUT to stop the Berkut train, I think my favorite performance would also include Kyle McCarley's performance as Alm ; v; Which...I guess is a given since Alm is my favorite character askdjfahl Anyways, I knew Kyle has a good range from his performance as 9S in Nier Automata, but it was nice to see him in a different context where he's not descending into madness and grief and trying to destroy the world haha He does such a good job to capture Alm's idealistic and optimistic self while balancing his more serious sides when it comes to making decisions. I was actually watching his stream for Echoes before I had a chance to play it! It was fun to hear his thought process while playing as Alm and even hearing him commenting on his own performance (like there's one cry that Alm does and he immediately cringed and went "oh god why'd they with that cut ooph" and I kinda have to agree there it was a weird cry lol). We were so close to having a very sarcastic Alm btw... When they first meet Clair and Clair keeps referring to him as "farmboy" Kyle reaaaally wanted Alm to be snarky and I would've loved to see that but we already have Kliff for that I think XD
25. Who do you agree with more, Mila or Duma?
I think I'd agree with Mila more, but I find myself torn by both after entering into Act 4 of Echoes. I really like Duma's belief that humans shouldn't have to rely on gods to live and finding strength in themself, but I abhor how the society winded up making a lot of Rigelians really harsh and selfish, with a few folks such as Tatiana who thought of helping those who would suffer the most from this mindset. Meanwhile, I like that Mila is really supportive and caring to her people, but even that life, people grew greedy and lived in such excess that they take things for granted (thinking of Celica's father for example and even Grieth too)
29. What’s your favorite canon pair and why?
Aside from Alm and Celica, my other favorite canon pair is Clive and Mathilda alksdjfal I'll admit when I saw them I was so offput because they really were just on top of each other a lot in their supports and I was just hoi geez guys calm down but honestly who couldn't love the line "Now go forth and tear the enemy apart like the beautiful war maiden you are".
Now that's true love right there, chief lol I just couldn't help but love their love haha
31. Which characters do you think should have had a support together? (Characters from different routes are fine, too!)
I muse a lot of Sonya, Genny, and Silque having supports, but I'm also curious what a Celica and Kliff support would look like? I know that Celica can recruit Kliff but I don't know if he says anything different (I'm going to check that after I finish this ask lmao), but I know they don't have supports. I think it might have added to Celica's route a whole lot too because Kliff does mention how Celica's the type to clam up and believe people wouldn't understand. And Kliff says he often does the same, too, so I'd be interested to see what it'd be like if Kliff had called out Celica on this and then Celica pretty much doing the same to Kliff too lol
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eyreguide · 4 years
Reviews of Jane Eyre Adaptations
An overview of my thoughts on all the film and television adaptations I have seen.
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Jane Eyre 1934  Virginia Bruce And Colin Clive
This is the first talkie version of “Jane Eyre” and I think has the rather unfortunate timing to have come out during the Great Depression. For that is the only reason I can think of for making the story so cheery and sweet. Gone are moral ambiguities and dilemmas. Adele is Rochester’s niece, and Rochester is in the process of divorcing his mild-mannered and slightly mad first wife. Even Mr. Rochester is charming and affable (and quite obviously in love with Jane from the start); you don’t have to work hard to like him.
Jane herself is quite spunky and has no trouble expressing anything she is feeling. I find it funny how she calls out Mr. Rochester on everything. No wonder he is pretty straightforward with her. And Jane is acknowledged to be young and pretty in the movie- interesting since so many adaptations in later years get beautiful actresses to play Jane and then pretend they are plain.
I think because this version lightens the story so much, one can’t take it too seriously as an adaptation of “Jane Eyre”.
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1943 Jane Eyre   Joan Fontaine And Orson Welles
There’s a much better attempt to adapt the actual novel in this version (as compared to the 1934 film version) which makes for an interesting transition from light to dark. The 1934 film being a little too happy and this version being a little too dark. Orson Welles plays the role of Rochester with such an intensity that makes him a little intimidating. No wonder Joan Fontaine’s Jane looks like a deer caught in headlights most of the time.
The script has some interesting changes to the story that perpetuates through several movie adaptations to follow. Helen Burns has her hair cut at Lowood instead of Julia Severn in the novel, and Jane heroically demands to have her hair cut as well. Jane is more directly the cause of Mr. Rochester falling off his horse as he looms up on her and she is unfortunately in the way instead of standing quietly by the side of the road. Jane also feels she has to defend Adele and asks Rochester to treat her more kindly- something Jane never does in the novel.
Other interesting innovations to the story include a St. John Rivers who is the Doctor for Lowood, and who provides Jane with lessons of morality instead of Helen Burns. Overall, this film is fantastically moody and quite romantic, and a very good film if you aren’t too concerned about fidelity to the novel.
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1949 Jane Eyre Mary Sinclair And Charlton Heston
Studio One produced this hour long episode and it was apparently filmed live, so they had one big set for the whole program. Consequently the script centers on the Thornfield section, although it does show Jane leaving Lowood. The house party consisted of just Blanche (with Jane having to play piano for their amusement!)
Mary Sinclair as Jane does not bring much to the role. She says her lines and acts smitten as needed. Charlton Heston is an aggressive and overly masculine Rochester, and he doesn’t really capture the character very well either. It doesn’t help that he tended to over do the emotion somewhat.
The story is very chopped up, obviously, and everything moves very quickly. There really isn’t much to recommend this, unless you are a big fan of the novel, and you like old movies.
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1952 Jane Eyre  Katharine Bard And Kevin McCarthy
This episode was also produced by Studio One and is very similar in script and features a similar set. They seemed to have a little more money in the budget though because the staging and sets were a little better. And Mr. Rochester was able to have a larger house party, that reflected the book more.
Katharine Bard was also not very memorable as Jane. She said her lines and was just there. Kevin McCarthy had this interesting nicer vibe to him. He seemed more friendly and sweet, while also being demanding sometimes. It’s still not a great characterization though.
Again, I would not really recommend this version unless you are set on watching all adaptations (and that’s a great idea!)
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1956 Jane Eyre Daphne Slater And Stanley Baker
This early six-part British miniseries is available to watch only at the BFI in London. I was pleasantly surprised by how well this version adapted the story. Slater and Baker’s interpretation of the characters is wonderful and the dialogue/script follows the general plot of the novel very well. It does veer off from the actual dialogue of the book, but in this case, I liked the changes. It captured the gist of the scenes and the character’s emotions. The only really odd moments came from some of the more emotional scenes which would have been better with Charlotte’s words.
The childhood part of the story features the actress playing adult Jane, also playing Jane as a child, which is a little jarring, but it actually worked rather well. Slater was good at capturing the essence of a child. Young Jane in this version is also much more outspoken and Helen Burns feels more like an equal to Jane - much less overly religious and self-sacrificing. It made for a different dynamic but I enjoyed how it showed Jane and Helen’s close relationship
Unfortunately feisty, young Jane becomes much more muted and easily frightened as adult Jane. Slater’s Jane is still good though, despirt her timidity and is able to hold her own against Baker’s Rochester. Baker makes an imposing, brusque and rough Rochester, but he brought some nuance and emotional depth to the character. The miniseries also does justice to St. John Rivers and shows him as very formidalbe and controlling - perhaps the most cold and disturbing I have ever seen St. John portrayed. He attempts to read a letter that Jane receives without her knowledge, and also lies to Jane that Rochester has already moved on from her.
This was a wonderful version with many scenes and moments that I did not expect to be included in so early an adaptation.
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1957 Jane Eyre Joan Elam And Patrick MacNee
This adaptation is much fun. It’s just… so weird. The interpretation of the novel is so bad, it’s like the writer was making fun of “Jane Eyre.” Jane is preachy and spiritual to the extreme. She doesn’t have a care for herself but just wants to help Mr. Rochester in any way she can. Which Mr. Rochester must be glad of since she excuses his lecherous advances on her because he drinks (alot apparently) and because he has had a troubled past. But after Rochester has tried to take advantage of Jane, he does fall in love with her and it’s cute how much attention he pays to her during his house party. Which gives Blanche a chance to be ridiculously catty.
Mason also gets interesting things to do in this adaptation. He doesn’t get quietly stabbed and bitten on the third floor- no he crashes down some stairs during the house party, bleeding and terrified. A supremely Gothic moment. And when Jane agrees to marry Rochester, Mason sort of slides into view and is all ‘I don’t think so.’ Mason has some attitude. The script for the adaptation is just over the top- down to little Adele scrabbling in the ashes for a toy when Jane finds her in the end after (a really quick) fire.
For an “interesting” way of looking at the story of “Jane Eyre”, this adaptation scores high marks.
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1957 Jane Eyre (Italian) Ilaria Occhini And Raf Vallone
This adaptation is in Italian, and the copy I have has no subtitles, so I’m reviewing this with only the acting and the gist of the scenes to go by.
This is a 5 part adaptation (oddly each episode is not quite the same length) and it begins with Jane meeting Mr. Rochester by felling his horse. From there, Jane’s childhood is told through some flashbacks. Some of the more interesting adaptation choices this version makes is to have Jane much older when she finally leaves the Reeds house. And a new sort of character is introduced - by the name of Jack Lloyd. He seems to be a combination of John Reed and St. John, in that he is Jane’s cousin on the Reed’s side (maybe?) and is in love with Jane from the beginning. While the first episode mostly deals with Jane’s childhood, we still get scenes in the next three episodes to what the Reeds are doing and especially Jack Lloyd. Jack also turns up at Thornfield to take Jane away to visit sick Mrs. Reed. I was very entertained by what seemed to be Mr. Rochester’s jealousy over Jack! Another interesting thing about this script is that Mr. Rochester hires a gypsy and listens in on the readings she gives (just like in the 2006 miniseries). And then, he comes out to comfort Jane because she has become distressed.
The feel of this adaptation is very dramatic, there is an emphasis on Gothic elements (forbidden rooms, screams, portentous secretive glances) and the audience sees things from Bertha’s point of view a couple times, as she wanders Thornfield’s halls. Jane and Rochester are smitten with each other very quickly. I found it funny how often they stare at each other as if there was no one else in the room. (Sometimes there was.) Jane can seem a bit moony, and Mr. Rochester has a few mood swings. He can seem really nice one minute and then suddenly speak very sharply. This adaptation is a bit slow, and takes some interesting liberties with the story, but I found it very entertaining and romantic. And Mr. Rochester regains his sight in a dramatic moment in the end during the wedding. A nice dramatic wrap-up.
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1961 Jane Eyre Sally Ann Howes And Zachary Scott
This one-hour television production for “Family Classics” was introduced by Joan Fontaine which was a nice surprise. Opening credits start with Grace Poole getting herself some alcohol. Mr. Rochester’s entrance is not quite as dramatic- he is sitting in a chair in the darkened library when Jane goes down to get a book and he startles her when he speaks. I actually really liked this adaptation. Sally Ann Howes was again serviceable as Jane, nothing special in her interpretation. Zachary Scott as Rochester brought something different to the role as compared to the previous American hour-long television productions. His Rochester was more aristocratic in ways, he sometimes- and very vaguely!- put me in mind of Dracula. Not that he was vampiric, just in the way he carried himself. And maybe because he was dark and thin.
The script manages to include a “Rivers” section where Jane actually gets a proposal from St. John- something that hasn’t happened in the previous film adaptations I have seen. And St. John is rather egregious and plump- not very like the Apollo of the book. And if I’m not mistaken, this is also the first time they flash back to Thornfield burning down while Jane is away- breaking up the Rivers section with a scene with Rochester.
If I had to pick the best of the American hour-long productions, I would pick this one. Which is viewable free at the Paley Center in Los Angeles and New York.
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1970 Jane Eyre Susannah York And George C. Scott
I feel that this version is the first to approach the story of “Jane Eyre” as it is, rather than as a dramatic rendering. It’s somber and dreamy and pretty straightforward in portraying the scenes. Not that the characterizations are all correct. Susannah York’s Jane is mature- reflective of the actress’s age undoubtedly, and George C. Scott is curiously cold and dry most of the time. St. John Rivers is surprisingly passionate and eager to marry Jane even though he still doesn’t love her.
The production benefits from location shooting (first version to shoot on the moors?), and wonderful music which goes a long way to filling in the passion and romance that is lacking in the actors. Much attention is paid to the character of Helen Burns here which is a plus- the audience really gets to see how Helen helped Jane to grow. The script in itself is okay, until the blundering line of Rochester’s “But I loved her once, as I love you now.” when Rochester has shown Bertha to Jane and the wedding party. I find that line basically undermines Rochester’s love for Jane. It is important to understand that Rochester did not love Bertha at all so then Rochester doesn’t seem so much like a jerk.
Well. This version has some issues, but to see it after the previous versions, it is a breath of fresh air because it comes closer to recreating the novel proper.
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1972 Jane Eyre (Czech) Marta Vancurova And Jan Kačer
I have not re-watched this version in a long time, so this review is very brief:
A friend was able to find this rather obscure adaptation made in 1972 Czechoslovakia. The copy she found is in Czech with no subtitles, so I can’t understand a word of it. However, I will comment on the overall tone that I received from the four hour adaptation- melancholy and artsy (perhaps reflective of a low budget). Not as much passion to certain scenes as one would expect, but I did enjoy this adaptation and they did a good job with condensing the material. Except for the Lowood portion of the story, which they cut out.
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1973 Jane Eyre Sorcha Cusack And Michael Jayston
This is the best version of Jane Eyre to date. I wouldn’t say there was an overall tone for the miniseries- it comes off as a straightforward interpretation of the novel. Production values are lacking in that set design and blocking are less than inspired, but it does have great costumes and outdoor sets. There are really just two reasons why this is the best version in my opinion. Script and characterization. The script uses much of the novel’s dialogue (finally!!), and sometimes brings out interesting elements of humor that one might not have noticed before. And I feel like Jane Eyre has many funny moments or comments that are mostly overlooked in other adaptations. And in condensing the material they kept so much of the story intact it’s surprising. I am only disappointed by how they shortened the Gypsy scene by having Jane discover Rochester too quickly. But every other important scene is done beautifully.
As for the actors, I am only disappointed in Juliet Whaley’s Young Jane, whose acting is stilted sometimes, but she was young. Sorcha Cusack portrays a nice blend of shyness and independence and Michael Jayston is superb as Rochester. His performance is nuanced and mesmerizing. Stephanie Beacham is probably the best Blanche I have ever seen as well- she comes off as snobbish and selfish but I can see how she might be captivating and charming to men.
There is not much else I can say about this, my favorite adaptation. I think every one who is a fan of the novel should see this version.
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1983 Jane Eyre Zelah Clarke And Timothy Dalton
Another mini-series adaptation, this version had a bigger budget it seems than the 1973 version. Set design and lighting are improved, and the show even got it’s own theme! The show was also 30 minutes long per episode which gave a different, more leisurely pace to the scenes. It seems like they wanted to make sure each episode ended on a little cliff-hanger. But with the pace slower, it sometimes felt like the actors were speaking too slow. There were long (introspective?) pauses and they even broke up scenes with time lapses and set changes. The proposal scene for instance starts in the library and Jane runs out to be alone in the garden.
As an adaptation of the novel, this is the second best film version because it has so much time to give to telling the story. Zelah Clarke as Jane is a little monotone sometimes, but she does a good job showing Jane’s spirited side. Timothy Dalton’s Rochester is imperious and masterly, and very charming. The script has a proper charades scene and Rosamond Oliver makes her first appearance in this adaptation. They also show an older Eliza and Georgiana which is another first.
Overall, this version is very good and is only ranked behind Jane Eyre 1973 because of dialogue/script changes and characterization.
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1996 Jane Eyre Charlotte Gainsboroug And William Hurt
This version takes a fresh look at the novel. The flow of the narrative is different- much faster in pace, so that some scenes happen quickly right after the other- giving time no doubt to show the more leisurely and melancholy scenes of Jane and Rochester alone. During Brocklehurt’s first visit to the Reeds, he immediately takes Jane away to Lowood, and there is a quick transition from Helen Burns dying to older Jane by her graveside then walking to take the coach to Thornfield. And as soon as Jane flees from Rochester and a bigamous marriage, Thornfield is on fire and the audience knows that Rochester has been injured before we know what has happened to Jane.
The overall tone of the movie emphasizes Jane and Rochester’s loneliness, which makes the film very poignant. Any “supernatural” elements to the story is minimized- Mr. Rochester does not loom up on Jane, but passes her by and then slips on ice (like in the book), and Bertha’s madness has a touch more realism and sympathy when she pushes Grace Poole to her death and then jumps after her. And again, Jane does not hear Mr. Rochester’s voice calling to her (though there is that one instance where maybe you could hear him whispering her name on the winds?) but instead she looks into her heart and knows she must go back and find out what happened to him. Even the Rivers aren’t her cousins, but just happened to be taking care of Mrs. Reed, and eventually of her effects.
This is a beautiful film- great sets, locations, vistas. The music is beautiful and haunting. Despite the truncated adaptation and the one-sided portrayal of Rochester, I really enjoyed this film. Especially for the pathos of Jane and Rochester’s romance.
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1997 Jane Eyre   Samantha Morton And Ciaran Hinds
Truthfully, I dislike this version. It makes me laugh though, because I don’t understand how they could have gotten so many things wrong. The script is awful, Ciaran Hinds is horrible as Rochester, and Samantha Morton is a little annoying. Though that is probably the script. So let’s start there. We have your average truncated adaptation which makes sense- they cut things that most shorter film adaptations cut, but the dialogue! It’s too modern and direct. Jane addresses Rochester in a way that is not in keeping with her sense of propriety. Of course Rochester doesn’t hold much with formal conversations with Jane in the book, but his conversation in this film has none of the poetic prose of the novel. It’s all very cliched and off-putting.
Since Grace Poole is made a much bigger mystery in this version than in previous ones- Jane’s eagerness to rehabilitate her make sense, but is an unnecessary addition to the plot. Especially as Jane keeps harping on what Grace Poole is doing. Ciaran Hinds as Rochester is shouty and brutish and especially distasteful after the failed wedding. He throws Jane’s luggage down to the first floor and drags her to the garden, blaming her for not loving him enough to be his mistress. The only time I liked Samantha and Ciaran’s chemistry was after the fire in Rochester’s bedroom, when he took her hand. After that it was too much panting and open-mouthed kissing. Yikes.
The only scene that was enjoyable was when Jane comes back from visiting Mrs. Reed (curious how they lead up to that scene, but did not show her with Mrs. Reed at all) and Mr. Rochester is happy/annoyed at seeing Jane walking into Thornfield. It was a cute scene. Other than that, I wouldn’t really recommend this if you wanted a romantic version.
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2006 Jane Eyre   Ruth Wilson And Toby Stephens
Another BBC mini-series of which I always expect alot. In some ways this adaptation delivered and in others it fell short. Production values were excellent of course. Ruth Wilson as Jane was a revelation. I’ve always thought it was hard to portray Jane’s inner emotions as detailed in the novel but Ruth manages to make her thoughts visible facially. Voiceovers were really not necessary. She’s just so good and so nuanced, well-rounded, I loved her portrayal of Jane. There are a couple of scenes in this version that have never been previously adapted. Namely the “carriage scene” when Rochester takes Jane to Millcote to buy dresses. The carriage scene dialogue with Adele in tow is so cute and playful and shows a wonderful side to all three characters. There is also the scene where Jane runs out in the rain to catch up to Mr. Rochester the night before their wedding. The dream sequence also makes it in- with Jane holding a baby while being kept away from Rochester. All scenes that I very much enjoyed watching.
Disappointingly, the script in general didn’t quite capture “Jane Eyre” in my opinion. The dialogue and changes to Mr. Rochester’s character specifically did not feel right. And of course there is THAT scene on the bed that really felt out of place for the story and for Jane’s principles. And why does Mr. Rochester hire a gypsy to trick Jane? It seems like there’s an attempt to minimize some theatrical elements (Rochester cross-dressing, the voice across the moors- now scientifically explained!) to maximize on other theatrical elements (dream sequences, Rochester’s bed on fire- which looked like a pyre, and the terrifying secret in the attic). There really doesn’t seem to be much point to emphasizing one and not the other.
Mr. Rochester often seemed a little immature, too boyish maybe, in his eagerness to collect dead insects maybe? I never really felt that Toby Stephens captured Mr. Rochester’s sophistication. The efforts to increase the sexual tension did not improve my opinion of Rochester, because Rochester getting Jane into bed was just a low blow. For the most part, I’d watch this version for Ruth Wilson and some of the humor and playfulness they put into the story.
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2011 Jane Eyre Mia Wasikowska And Michael Fassbender
This version is a complete and refreshing surprise. Judging from the trailer, I thought it would be melodramatic in the extreme with an emphasis on the darker Gothic elements, but nothing could be further from the truth. The set design, lighting, and camera choices could be seen as dark, but they are also realistic to the times and what seems to be the vision of the director, Cary Fukunaga. Which appears to be to present the story of Jane as she lived it, completely tuned in to her thoughts and feelings. A very refreshing idea. Many versions have added or filmed sequences of the story in which Jane did not participate- for example, Thornfield burning down or scenes between Blanche and Rochester, but the story stays with Jane practically the whole way through, with camera angles highlighting that the audience is experiencing everything through Jane. This really changed the experience of viewing the movie- it felt real and not like a spectacle.
The script helps alot in this, it condenses the story but stays true to every part of it. Even with the narrative structure changed, it still hit all the important scenes, and stayed true to even the lesser characters in the story. It is surprising what scenes are not included in the movie- for instance the tearing of the veil- so that the focus of the story is more on Jane and Rochester’s relationship but even with that the more Gothic elements are not completely marginalized. There is still a sense of things not being quite right.
Mia Wasikowska as Jane is excellent; strong and intelligent, and fantastic at conveying her inner emotions through body language. One of the many things I loved in this version are all the shots of Jane walking/pacing restlessly. Mia somehow conveys that there is “a vivid, restless, resolute captive” inside of her. Michael Fassbender is commanding and sardonic and tender and teasing, sometimes all at once and sometimes flipping between the emotions at will- quite amazing to watch. He can be so intense that you are a little afraid of him and then so pleading and desperate that your heart breaks for him.
The movie was understated and simple and more powerfully emotional because of it. Personally, this would be my second favorite adaptation after the 1973 mini-series. Despite the inevitable condensing of the story, and an ending that felt a bit abrupt, it was so refreshing to watch a version that did not overplay the story and kept the focus on Jane.
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2013-14 The Autobiography of Jane Eyre Alysson Hall And Adam J. Wright
This web series has Jane, a 21 year old university student, working as a nanny for Mr. Rochester’s daughter Adele. She vlogs about her life, and through the videos we get to meet all the people in her life.
I was really impressed by how close they stuck to the novel - adapting scenes that are often disregarded in other adaptations (granted they have a lot more time with this series) but also to make some scenes from the book modern must have been a great challenge. And I was really mostly happy with how they managed to make everything fit in their world.
I do have some issues with this as an adaptation though. Sometimes I lose focus on what some episodes are trying to adapt from the novel - it doesn’t always flow well for me, and I had an issue with Jane taping people in the beginning without their consent. I mean she can accidentally leave the camera on, but she doesn’t have to post it. But the reason why that bothers me is because Jane is supposed to have better sense than that. She can be a bit naive, but she always knows what’s right and wrong. But then again, it is difficult to adapt this kind of story! The audience would want to see these people!
The actors were all really excellent in their parts. Jane of course was so endearing and quirky - definitely different from Jane in the book, but believably the modern version. Mr. Rochester had a wonderful sense of humor and it was evident from the beginning how much he cared about Jane. Their romance was so sweet and developed very well throughout the videos. The Rivers were also believable surprisingly - I mean especially when it came to the St. John character - now called Simon. St. John in the book would be very difficult to modernize I think - because he’s so zealous and religious, selfless but selfish. They made Simon a little bit too dorky and cute, but he was also stubborn and unsympathetic to others which fit. There were some changes made when it comes to Grace that made the story work very well, and a new character - Suzana - would often steal the show with her sassiness.
It is disappointing that towards the end they had to recast the actor who played Rochester which leads to a sort of rushed and incomplete ending. I think they did the best they could, but for a series that has done such a wonderful job bringing so much of Jane Eyre to life, it’s unfortunate they left out so much of the ending.
This adaptation had it’s ups and downs for me, but I always felt there was a lot of love for this book in every episode, and the writing and the story planning was often exceptional in adapting the book. I was always happy to get a new episode and it was such a great experience getting a little dose of Jane’s story every week.
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2000 Jane Eyre the Musical Marla Schaffel And James Barbour
Okay, the musical. This is the Paul Gordon version. I’ve seen SO MANY comments bashing the musical by people who have never really listened to it just because it’s “Jane Eyre” with singing, and “Jane Eyre” shouldn’t be a musical (OMG!). I have to say I was never a fan of musicals before listening to this version. (Except for “The Sound of Music” which…is a little bit like “Jane Eyre” isn’t it?) At any rate, it took awhile for me to come to grips with all the singing, so I can understand where people may come from but I hope that at least some of the people who turn their backs on this musical might actually like it if they really listened to it.
I do love this musical. I think adding music to the already lyrical text heightens the emotion of the story and can very easily put you into the mindset of each of the characters. The ability of Paul Gordon to work in actual text from the novel into the lyrics is amazing as well (something I come to realize even more as I listen to other Jane Eyre muscials). In terms of condensing the story, all the major scenes are there for the most part, and without too many additions. I love that they even have Rochester as the Gypsy which is rarely done in Janian adaptations. The tone of the whole show is somber- in set design and music, but there are moments of humour- with Mrs. Fairfax most often bringing in the comic relief.
Marla Schaffel is marvelously grounded as Jane- her characterization is balanced between propriety and passion- something that is hard to do in a straight production, but when Jane can sing in privacy, it can all come out. :) James Barbour is commanding as Rochester (and not only because of his voice, which is a glorious baritone). His performance is more layered than many Rochesters I have seen, having a certain finesse or gracefulness while also being gruff and abrupt. The other characters are mostly spot on with the exception of Mrs. Fairfax (played by Mary Stout) who plays her good-natured but a bit doddering. And St. John Rivers is not quite the jerk he is in the novel. Though he still doesn’t love Jane when he asks her to marry him.
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1952 Sangdil Madhubala And Dilip Kumar
I have not re-watched this version in a long time, so this review is very brief: An Indian film released in 1952. Whether or not this film is an adaptation of the novel is perhaps debatable. The setting is completely changed to India and there are changes to the story reflecting Indian culture. Yet, the basic story of Jane Eyre is there and many scenes are taken from the novel- notably the Gypsy scene (with Shakur impersonating a male astrologer) In my opinion this is a very enjoyable representation of the novel. Kamal is played with a strong moral sense, shyness and innocence. Shankar is admirably played with much angst and playfulness.
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translitsupplement · 3 years
Watching and Learning -  "Darryl" by Jackie Ess
Reviewed in this essay:
Darryl - Jackie Ess (Clash Books, 2021)
I read Jackie Ess’ new book Darryl recently and, like a cliche, I couldn’t put it down. I started reading it at about seven AM and before I knew what was happening, it was afternoon and the book was over, and I felt like crying a little. It was a damn good read.
It follows Darryl, a guy who lives off an inheritance and likes watching his wife fuck other men. He’s a cuck, as they put it, and he’s strangely proud of it. There’s a bit where he talks about coming out as one to his mom, and it’s funny and kind of cringe, but in a good way. Which is about how I’d sum up this novel: Darryl is a guy who stumbles around, searching for answers, and he doesn’t always like what he finds but he’s plucky and keeps on searching all the same.
Ess takes readers into the darker corners of the web where people play for keeps and occasionally die, and eventually, Darryl faces the darkness himself. It’s hard not to ask sometimes if it’s a GHB dream, and to ask if he’s scared of finding himself in this darkness… but there’s always Ess’ sense of humour and compassion, and her skillful writing keeps the book grounded.
Darryl’s an internet novel, in the same way that Patricia Lockwood’s new book No One Is Talking About This is, and it’s written in a similarly breezy, casual way about the trouble and mess the internet can bring to people’s lives. Darryl is writing a blog, or just keeping people updated on his comings and cummings, and the people he runs across. The demonic shrink Clive, the tarot-reading Sartori, and Bill, a guy who likes fucking Darryl’s wife and becomes something more than a friend.
But he’s plugged in online, talking about his message board pals, people calling each other “cucks” on the internet, and investigates people like a sleuth. He’s a smart, interesting guy who knows a little about poetry, opera and has opinions on the Golden State Warriors. As Torrey Peters’ blurb puts it, he’s a seeker. And in him, we find some answers, particularly to the statement posed one time by Vonnegut: we are who we pretend to be.
For example, about halfway through the book, Darryl has a moment where he talks about crossdressing:
“The idea of crossdressing is so fucked up, man, like what do actual women wear? Not big frilly dresses. Not big frilly dresses. T-Shirts and jeans, yoga pants, fast fashion bullshit. So what’s crossdressing? That’s what I already wear. It’s just an attitude.” (Pg 88).
In little bits like this, Darryl resonated with me. Back a few years ago, when I was trying to get my shit together, I wrote about Grimes and her “vibing in a gender-neutral zone” and asked what women’s clothing is but just a different fitting shirt. A few years later, I’m wearing that shirt and taking seven pills a day and have a different legal name. I’m not saying Darryl is a trans narrative or anything, but I am saying I saw myself reflected at times in this book and it’s stuck with me.
There’s other ways I saw myself here. I too spent a lot of time on the internet looking for answers to questions; unlike him, I never had the time or social skills to like meet up with people off-line, and my journey took a longer, maybe less weird route through stuff like Fictionpress, Tumblr blogs and eventually, a zine Ess edited a few years back which influenced me enough I followed all the writers from it on twitter. It’s weird seeing someone ask themselves similar questions as one asked oneself back in the day, but it’s refreshing, interesting and kind of messy. And maybe that’s a better way to look at this.
A more serious review might ask how Darryl examines stuff like masculinity in the 21st century, and maybe someone will write that review. I’m just here, at 9:30am on my day off, on coffee number four, trying to sort my thoughts about this book into something coherent. Something more than “Hey, I really liked this book and I think it’ll win a Lammy.” But I’m willing to bet it will.
Throughout Darryl, I found myself glued to the action. It’s told in a simple way, with down-to-earth prose, and although the story takes on an otherworldly quality - like how I imagine Twin Peaks is, although I’ve only seen bits and pieces - with murders and sex and death and a town with hidden secrets, it always comes across like Darryl is telling you story, maybe over a beer and maybe while you’re watching the big game, not because either of you really care about sports, but because he’s feels like he’s supposed to, and maybe you do too.  
I feel sometimes that Peters writes what I’d call messy fiction, in that her characters are fully shaped and involved in tangled, frayed relationships, as compared to someone like Casey Plett, who’s people feel heartbreakingly real, but have a comparatively cleaner life. I’m thinking of, say, The Masker, a story about two people in Vegas (I think - it’s been a minute since I read it) who are involved in the sexual underground, in a relationship with dark edges of sex and violence. I think Darryl lives in a similar universe. It’s messy and the people are complicated. They get mixed up in things that threaten to sweep them away, with people who are dangerous to know, and sex with strangers who smack people around.
But gosh, I wish I could write like this, even if I’d never want to live in this world.
All in all, it’s a stunning debut novel, a compelling story about a seeker who gets more than he reckoned for when he started asking his wife to fuck other men while he watched. It’s equally moving and funny, and like I said up top, I literally read this book in one marathon stretch.  It’s not out for a few weeks, but you can pre-order it via Clash Books. I’d recommend you do.
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razberryyum · 5 years
The Untamed/陈情令 Rewatch, Episode 14, Part 2 of 2
(spoilers for everything MDZS/Untamed)
[covers MDZS chapters 55 and 56]
WangXian meter: 🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰+🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰+🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰+🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰+🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰+🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰+🐰🐰+🐰🐰+🐰🐰
Every glimpse we’re provided of the Jiang family life is really equal parts discomfort and electricity because of Madame Yu. Even though each scene usually involves both familial and marital strife, which is usually very uncomfortable for me to watch, I find myself completely incapable of turning away because of her, even as I’m wincing for Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian’s sake. Madame Yu is just so AWESOME. The way she sweeps into every scene she’s in, eyes flashing, taking charge and commanding the room is really breathtaking. As I’ve mentioned before, while I would never want her to be my mother nor do I support her method of mothering, I still completely respect and love her. Every line of dialogue from her is spoken with such conviction and impact and ferocity that I can’t help but grinning in admiration, even when her words are meant to hurt and belittle the boys I love.  
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I mean, that alone is pretty brutal to say in front of her son and ward.  While I’m sure Jiang Cheng and Wei Ying spent most of their lives hearing divisive statements like that from her, it’s really a testament to their basic good natures that they still ended up being so close.  I’m sure Jiang Fengmian being present to counter his wife’s harshness helped a lot, but if JC or Shijie were even the least bit petty, arrogant or unkind, they could’ve been easily swayed by Madame Yu’s influence and held her words against Wei Ying. The fact that they didn’t at all and still loved this orphaned boy like their own flesh and blood brother really makes me love the siblings that much more. I’ve always thought it’s quite sad that Madame Yu couldn’t find it in her heart to love Wei Ying as well, especially since he really is so lovable and adorable, but jealousy is an ugly and powerful monster that is hard to defeat, so it’s really a shame that she let it overcome her to the point that even her relationship with her husband and children was negatively affected.  Not to mention, I can only imagine how unhappy Madame Yu herself felt, believing as she did that she will always be inferior to the memory of a woman who has already passed and also questioning her husband’s fidelity and loyalty even so many years later. It’s obvious that her quick temper and biting words are the manifestations of her unhappiness. For such a capable and strong woman who could have easily been a sect leader in her own right, I really wish she could have been had a more joyful life.    
It should be noted that for her all her magnetic screen presence and impressive performance, actress Zhang Jing Tong, who portrays Madame Yu, is only 30 years old with just a few credits to her name. It’s amazing when I think about the fact that even though she’s only two years older than Xiao Zhan and Xuan Lu and seven years Wang Zhuo Cheng’s senior, she pulled off the Jiang matriarch role with total aplomb. Watching her I never for one second doubted she was their mother, head of the Yunmeng Jiang sect and household because of the authoritative air she possesses. Prior to looking up her professional history, I actually thought she was an industry veteran and I somehow just never saw any of her shows even though I’ve watched my fair share of Chinese dramas. The fact that she hasn’t been in that many shows just makes me appreciate her work in CQL even more. The degree of success in which she's brought Madame Yu to life is truly amazing: it’s as if the character literally just walked off of the pages of the book.  I hope she gets a lot more high profile professional opportunities from now on as a result of her wonderful performance in The Untamed.
Yunmeng Bros Love
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It’s so difficult not to cry or at least get teary-eyed watching this scene now; I sure as heck couldn’t get through it without a few tears this time. The love these brothers have for each other, what they sacrificed for each other, just makes my heart hurt so much. What’s most heart-aching is that this really is the last time they can still laugh and embrace like this without any reservations, without any sadness or true regrets, because their family, despite its imperfections, is still whole. So this moment, this promise, in addition to serving as a testament to their bond, also feels like a marker of the end of their childhood and their innocence since soon after this is when all their dark days start arriving.
Clive Barker Would be Proud
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Going back to the Xuanwu of Slaughter’s cave, even though I still don’t understand enough about the anatomy of the creature to be able to figure out how it can have so much room in its own shell to allow for storage space since the last I checked, that’s not how a tortoise’ body fits inside their shell, and if it’s actually a snake then why couldn’t I just come out of its shell to go after the boys earlier, I still appreciated the set design within its disgusting abode. Team CQL really did execute the gore and squelch elements quite well. That interior was pretty effectively creepy and gross.
Prelude to the Yiling Patriarch
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Not gonna lie, that smirk does funny things to my tummy. It’s so deliciously sexy and evil. Makes me wish they had gone full darkside with Wei Ying when he became the Yiling Patriarch, or at least retained most of the moral ambiguity he had in the novel. We get his Yiling Patriarch smile a few more times after this, thank goodness, but since this is the first glimpse we get of it, I will always have a soft spot for this moment.  
I would love to see Xiao Zhan take on a truly villainous role one of these days since I think he would really excel at it and can totally succeed at making the audience both love, hate and fear him in such a role, but considering his elevation to leading man status now, I doubt that will ever happen anymore. Such a shame. He would’ve been scarily effective and alluring.
Jin Zixuan Appreciation Time
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I’m going to take a moment here to show some appreciate to our dear bro-in-law. At the outset, I had thought he was a dick unworthy of our dear Shiji because of the way he treated her in the beginning and his rudeness towards Wei Ying.  I have since warmed up to him considerably, and now I think some words of praise is due. For being the son of a perverted piece of shit and growing in the lap of luxury, Jin Zixuan honestly turned out to be much better than his genetics and upbringing should have produced. Actually, I should give Madame Jin some credit, since she seemed to have a somewhat good head on her shoulders considering her favoring of Shijie. Most likely the reason why JZX turned out to be a decent enough man was because his mom did most of the parenting work. Despite his initial treatment of Shijie, I was impressed by how protective he was towards Mian Mian when she was being targeted by Wen Chao. Being a product of a total lecher of a father, it’s actually amazing that he never predatorized Mian Mian himself. Hell, I wouldn’t even be surprised if he had to protect her from his own father (yeah I really don’t think highly of Jin Guangshan at all). But no, he’s absolutely upstanding and I did also appreciate the fact that he went back with Jiang Cheng to rescue Wei Ying and Lan Zhan when he could have easily just not do so having already escaped. He was risking the Wen’s wrath in doing that so I know it did take guts and a strong sense of chivalry. I guess that’s why Shijie fell in love with him early on: she obviously saw something in him right from the start that took me this long to see.  
Other Odds and Ends
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I remember being flabbergasted when I first saw this image on Wei Ying’s headboard because I simply could not believe what my eyes were seeing. Naturally I wanted to know everything about that illustration: did Wei Ying draw it himself? Who was he thinking of when he drew it? I know it can’t be Lan Zhan since the drawing obviously predates their relationship, so who could it be? Jiang Cheng? That thought actually did cross my mind very briefly way back but since I prefer their brotherhood above any shipping possibilities, I dismissed that thought almost as soon as it arose.  I know now that drawing is probably nothing more than an Easter Egg by Team CQL, but I still appreciated it since I thought this was even more blatant than the gay porn they snuck in back at Cloud Recesses’ library pavilion scene. That drawing wasn’t as clearly shown as this one and seemed more ambiguous. Really, bravo to their boldness, and bless the censors for overlooking this little bit of fun as well.
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This poor kid. I should’ve known his life would soon come to a premature end as soon as they focused on him and gave him a sweet learning moment.
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Just FYI for anyone who cares: looks like this while thinking of Lan Zhan is the reason this scene gets two 🐰.
Questions I Still Have
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- Why did Lan Zhan let Wei Ying keep that disgusting, bloody sword even though he had to have clearly seen the demonic black smoke coming from it and surrounding Wei Ying while they were fighting the Xuanwu of Slaughter. Even if Lan Zhan missed the smoke, why wouldn’t he have at least sensed the all the evil and resenting energy emanating from the sword? Considering its origins, you’d think its ominous aura would be so overwhelming that even someone with a low level of cultivation would sense it, much less someone as cultivated as Lan Zhan. Not to mention, just in terms of sanitary issues, why would someone like him, who prefers cleanliness and has some knowledge of infection prevention, even let Wei Ying continue to hold on to that filthy thing anyway? I know story-wise, the sword is important and needed for later on, but I’d honestly rather they kept with the novel in this instance and had it just fall back to the bottom of the water in the cave.  It could still magically reappear at the Burial Mounds later on because it already recognized Wei Wuxian as its owner or something like that.
- Actually, what I also don’t understand is why Wen Ruohan never sensed this most powerful piece of the yin metal when it was so close to his stomping grounds? Why did that the first piece of metal he obtained call out to the pieces that were farther away instead of this one which was much closer? Unless, the reason is because the yin metal sword was activated because the other pieces finally reunited?  
I actually never considered that possibility until now, but if that’s the explanation, I can accept it. I guess this question might have been answered.
Overall Episode Rating: 9 Lil Apples out of 10
Disclaimer: The Untamed would not be possible without Mo Dao Zu Shi and Mo Xiang Tong Xiu-laoshi. I mean no disrespect whatsover when at times I may favor the shwo over the MDZS bible that is the novel. All hail MDZS and MXTX-laoshi, always and forever!    
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After All This Time
Pairing: Vain X Lizzy X Clive
Warning: There’s spoilers for Clive’s route, mainly chapter 7 spoilers
Trigger Warning: Ex-boyfriend aggression 
Summary: Meeting up with the Nidhogg to deliver the goods Lizzy made as part of her deal with the Nidhogg, what was the start of a peaceful night and slow bonding; turned to a night of shock and betrayal.
Night time had fallen upon us as Clive and myself were settling in the usual empty classroom to meet with the Nidhogg. “So, what did you bring,” the beast asked just floating there, I smiled cheerfully while taking the plate with all the brownies on it. “Caramel nut brownies,” I answered already seeing the little glimmer of excitement in the Nidhogg’s eyes, but he tried to play it off as if he wasn’t interested. “I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to try one,” he said before taking one and start to chew the baked good already looking like he was enjoying it. “It’s pretty delicious,” the Nidhogg commented after finishing swallowing and hearing that he liked it made me happy. 
“Well of course it is! The two of us made them together,” I said referring to Clive and myself which seemed to surprise the creature. Looking between the two of us I wasn’t sure if I was just seeing things, but it almost looked like for a brief moment the Nidhogg looked sad. Clive took some of the brownies off of the plate and then gave me some while he kept some for himself. The three of us ate as though it was fairly quiet, it was peaceful until the Nidhogg suddenly asked, “Why did you want us all to eat together?” I watched as Clive shrugged his shoulders a bit before replying, “I guess I just thought it would be better than eating alone.” He seemed to be quiet, as if letting the statement sink in before saying, “Heh, that isn’t like you… But I guess this isn’t so bad.” 
“Sooo… Did I pass,” I asked curiously as I was a bit worried about what the creature would say until I felt a hand suddenly take mine and give it a small squeeze. Glancing over slightly it was Clive as he had a small smile that didn’t feel fake which helped me feel more at ease. “I’m satisfied so you’re safe... For now,” the Nidhogg answered as it took me by surprise, but I was happy regardless. Letting go of Clive’s hand I went to the magical creature and hugged him close. “Thank you,” I cheerfully said while nuzzling into him slightly. “W-What are you doing?! G-Get off of me you-you rude human,” I heard him shouting in my ear thus I quickly released him stepping back. “S-Sorry, I was just… Really happy to hear that you enjoyed them,” I said softly rubbing my arm in embarrassment though looking at the Nidhogg’s face he was blushing, hehe how cute!
“So this is where you’ve been, what are you even doing,” the sudden sound of a different person’s voice startled me, but the sound of the all too familiar voice caused my heart to skip a beat. Quickly turning to the direction in which the voice came from my eyes widened in shock; it was Vain who appeared out of the shadows. “V-Vain?! What are you doing here,” I asked a bit after I managed to overcome my shock since it’s definitely been a while since I last saw my boyfriend… Well that’s if he still considered me to be his girlfriend. For a moment Vain gave me that familiar gentle smile before saying, “It’s been sometime since I’ve last seen you my little vixen.” Looking away slightly as hearing that nickname he always used always got me flustered, but I felt more confused as to why he was even here to begin with. “What are you doing here?! You’re going against our contract,” the Nidhogg shouted angrily, I looked over to Clive which he seemed to have had the same reaction when I looked into his beautiful deep blue eyes.
Looking back to the two, Vain and the Nidhogg argued back and forth as I was shocked when Vain looked towards me with a harsh glance before focusing his glare back onto the magical beast. “Is she the reason behind your dawdling,” he shouted as it made my chest ache by how he referred to me. “I have my own way of doing things, I’d rather die than ask for your help,” the Nidhogg huffed out. 
“Nidhogg what is going on,” Clive asked confused as I looked over to Vain who seemed to chuckle. After explaining the truth behind the seal being weakened and how the person I fell for was behind all of it. “How could you do this! Vain you can’t be serious,” I shouted wanting him to explain himself. He seemed to completely ignore me as Vain continued to stare at the Nidhogg. “Well you better break your seal soon or you know what will happen,” he said before striding over to me causing me to take a step back. “Now, now my little vixen don’t give me that look,” he said picking up a lock of my hair twirling it around his gloved finger. “We’ll see each other soon,” he leaned closer to me whispering; any other time my heart would go a flutter, but it ached with this almost twisting pain. Feeling him kiss my cheek briefly, he was gone like that, I could only start to question where I stood in all of this; was everything we’ve been through an act, was everything he’s ever said to me true or… Was it all a lie. 
~~~~ Time Skip (Clive’s POV) ~~~~
It was another quiet night as I found myself walking the halls of the day class building alongside the Nidhogg. As usual there was only silence between us until I finally spoke up “So when were you going to tell me all of this… That it actually wasn’t me who was behind your seal weakening.” He floated before me, rolling his eyes in an annoyed manner. “I didn’t think it was all that important, and besides you’ve been oh so helpful that I figured I’d save you the drama,” he answered as if it was that simple as I could only let out a small huff as I suppose it doesn’t matter since I know now, which I’m glad all of this wasn’t because of me.
“You know what I still can’t believe,” Nidhogg said while we continued our stroll which I looked over to him. “How that-that woman could of even been involved with such a horrible human like that,” he ranted starting to look angry which it only made me remember the sad look in her eyes almost like if she was ready to cry, but she didn’t. Instead she just smiled and comforted me, cheered me up after learning the truth that night. I didn’t like the look of that Vain guy, but knowing that he was someone very close to Lizzy only made me loath the man even more. “I wouldn’t blame her for not knowing… Besides I thought you didn’t care for her,” I simply said before seeing his face turn red with embarrassment and then start to look angry. “I don’t! But if I had to pick between getting along with that unpleasant human or the woman; I’d picked her over him any day,” Nidhogg said in a huff, finding it funny I could only laugh a little.
I came to a slow stop when I was suddenly hearing… Talking from somewhere up ahead. There weren’t many people I’d think would be out unless it’s the prefects or maybe it’s some students trying to hunt down the Nidhogg. Curiosity got the best of me so I slowly walked to where the voices became a bit more clear until I stopped in front of a door that was just ajar open. My eyes widened when I heard Lizzy’s voice, feeling my heart oddly skip a beat as who was she talking to. “Vain, let me ask you something,” I heard when I got closer to the door. “What’s that unpleasant human doing here?” I heard the Nidhogg growl clearly not happy the long pinkish haired man was behind this door just hearing the name of the pinkish haired man. “Shhh,” I whispered to him to keep quiet so our cover didn’t get blown; putting my ear closer to the door I heard the familiar male voice reply, “What is it.” I didn’t know why, but I was getting this feeling of worry. 
“Did you even love me?”
“Vixen why would you even-” 
“ANSWER ME! AND DON’T LIE TO ME!” Her loud voice caused me to jump back a bit, that was the first time I’ve ever heard her sound so angry, yet in so much pain. 
“Of course I loved you, I loved how I had you wrapped around my finger so easily,” he finally answered as that familiar feeling of anger boiled up inside me. The room seemed to fall silent, I couldn’t hear anything before I heard Lizzy start to talk again.
“H-Heh… I-I shouldn’t be surprised, but still hearing you confirm it hurts… But I think I always knew deep down; the more time you spent away, never writing to me, not even getting visits from Mischa… All of those actions spoke loud and clear… That our relationship was long over.” But she didn’t stop there, “I hate myself for being such an idiot falling for you; for even loving you! Y-You did nothing but lie to my face, plotting to destroy everything I love and the people I care about… I’m done... I’m over us!”
“You really think you can just walk out of this, like I’d let you just leave me after all this,”
“Let go of me.”
“It doesn’t matter what you believe, if it’s real love or not; at the end of the day YOU belong to ME!” Which shortly following the yelling was a loud slam sound. 
Not wasting another second I flung the door open and rushed in when suddenly hearing, “Nerco appar- Mmmfh!” Looking around the room when I looked to the left of the room my eyes widened at the sight of Vain pinning a struggling Lizzy to the wall both hands above her head and her mouth covered with his other gloved hand though it didn’t seem like either of them heard me come in as the sight only made me feel more enraged. “Did you really think I’d let you get the chance to summon one of your disgusting beasts? Now why don’t you just be a good little fox and do as you’re-” “LET HER GO,” I shouted in anger cutting off whatever that man was saying.
Both of their attention looked towards me while I tried to regulate my breathing. “And if I don’t,” Vain asked rolling his visible eye I could already tell this guy was tough, but I knew I couldn’t just stand by and let him hurt her! “You unpleasant and rude human! If you don’t release that woman right now I’ll bite you,” Nidhogg growled as though it was a surprise, I was glad to see that he had cared enough to protect Lizzy as well. Vain just seemed to laugh at us before saying, “How pathetic, thinking you two could even think that you’d be able to stop me. You should just run along little boy, you have no business here; she’s mine.”
Balling my hands into fists I glared taking a step forward, if I used a spell I might end up hurting her. “Ow,” Vain surprisingly suddenly flinched, it seemed Lizzy managed to kick him in the leg as there was a surge of magic that blasted the man back. “Haha! Try that on for size,” Nidhogg boasted with a big grin on his face. “Lizzy,” I called out to her as she was already running over, a feeling of relief washed over me to see she wasn’t hurt. My body reacted on its own wrapping my arms around her, hugging her close. “Are you okay, he didn’t hurt you right,” I asked while pulling away from her to give her a look over for any injuries though she shook her head in a no manner. “I-I’m fine, I’m surprised you two found me… But nonetheless I’m happy, thanks for saving me,” she replied, giving a smile though I could easily see the dried tear stains on her face from how the night lighting made her face glow.
“You’ve gotten on my last nerve,” I heard Vain’s voice, instantly by instinct I pushed her behind me to protect her. Taking out my wand I glared back at Vain as he was slowly approaching with a dark look in his eye. “Clive you can’t fight him! He’ll hurt you,” she said feeling her careful tug on my right arm. “Please let’s just get out of here,” she pleaded sounding worried. “You’re far out of your league, thinking you can actually take me; when in reality you’re weak,” the man said walking closer though he started to move his bangs out of his face to reveal his second eye to be a different color. When I tried to raise my arm to cast a spell only to feel my arm was heavy, frozen like, in fact I couldn’t move at all. “Vain that’s enough! I’m not going to let you hurt Clive,” I heard Lizzy shout as a view of pastel blue hair came into view. 
“Then you leave me no choice but to- hey! Grr get off of me,” he was talking until the Nidhogg went flying at Vain and biting his arm thus feeling myself being able to move again. Taking it moment I grabbed Lizzy’s hand and pulled her along with me, running out of the room. “Where are we going,” she asked as she seemed to keep up with me as a place didn’t come in mind, all I was thinking about was getting her to a safer location. After running for a while, we finally ended up in the courtyard hunching over catching our breaths. “I-I hope the Nidhogg is okay,” I heard Lizzy say as leave it to her to worry about others rather than herself, especially in times of danger. “He’ll be fine,” I responded. I haven’t sorted all of these feelings, but I know that I don’t want her to get hurt; I could care less about what happens to anyone else, but she was the only one I needed to keep safe and close to me.
“Hey Clive,” I didn’t know when she got so close but when I looked to the side of me she was standing in front of me; did she always look this beautiful under the moonlight. “Yeah,” I gave a short reply to show I was listening, though the next thing that happened left me shocked causing my eyes to widen. I saw her leaning in close and felt her kiss my cheek only making my heart race. I couldn’t find the words to say at the moment as I heard her say, “Thank you… For saving me.” Blinking a couple of times I overcame my initial shock now being able to focus again as her face was pink. “I-I know you did it just because, but I’m still-” I listened to her talk until I just suddenly cut her off saying “I love you.” 
Seeing her shocked expression was very much worth it while her face only grew darker. Slightly looking away I felt my own face starting to get warm. “I...I know you must be hurting from your last relationship, and that you probably won’t believe me… But I have nothing to gain lying to you,” I said as I was able to come to terms with my feelings. “You’re so amazing and you’re the first person to see the real me… And accept me for who I was, and help me and in this world the only good thing that’s come out of it has been meeting you.” I stood in front of her as her baby blue eyes were back to normal. 
Taking her hands into my own I took a deep breath before looking her in the eyes. “I want to be the one to help you heal; like you’ve helped be my guiding light… So, will you give me a chance? Please,” I asked, giving her hands a gentle squeeze, getting to see her expression soften had to be a good sign right. She gave a smile that always managed to make my chest feel warm though she didn’t say anything right away. “I-I will cuz i want to be by your side… Because you’re very special to me,” she confirmed which I’ve never felt this much joy in a long time and honestly, it felt really good. Moving my hands from her’s to cupping her face as it seems to fit perfectly in my hands. “Thank you, I promise to make you happy,” I said softly as I didn’t know how long I’ve actually longed for this very moment, but I leaned down and kissed her. I may not have been her first lover, but I will be her last. “Now this is a relationship I could support!” I suddenly heard a familiar voice shouted out of nowhere causing the two of us to pull away. To see it was the Nidhogg just floating there with a sly grin on its face. “Nidhogg,” the two of us shouted at him out of embarrassment.
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bookgirlfan · 4 years
Yuletide Letter 2020
Dear Yuletide author, 
Hello! Thank you so much for writing a story for me! Whatever you write, I’m sure that as long as you enjoy it, I’ll enjoy it, and it will be excellent! So please don’t stress too much about it. 
A few general guidelines: 
Found Family is one of my, if not my absolute, favourite trope. If you include this, I’m practically guaranteed to love whatever you write.
Never be afraid of going too long. I read fast, so I’ll read everything you write, even if it’s a million word epic. (Not that I’m actually asking for a million word epic, just saying if that’s what you ended up writing, I would read it.)
I don’t really like shipping. As a background component, sure, but please don’t write me something with shipping as a core component. 
Do Not Wants: 
Sex. For Letterkenny and Dirk Pitt, I’m okay with references to sex, but for the other two I’d prefer not even that. 
Unhappy endings. 
Letterkenny (TV)
I have requested Daryl, because he’s my favourite character. 
I love this show for the witty wordplay, the character dynamics, and how it’s really, really funny. 
I ship Darry/Jim Dickens, and am possibly the only person who does, but if you could write me something for that I will love you forever. Maybe something about who asked who out first, what their first date was like, what the hicks think of it all? Anything of that would be amazing. 
What was Darry like as a kid? They’ve talked about it a bit before, but I’d love something around that, and what it was like for him growing up with Wayne and Katy. I’ve never seen Littlekenny, so include it as much or as little as you like. 
Darry is known for being soft, so maybe someone made Darry cry. Maybe they showed him a video of puppies or something and they’re teasing him for being soft, maybe it was legit something awful that’s happened, maybe he’s just really sick. Whatever it is, Darry cried and the Hicks have something to say. 
Benjamin January Mysteries - Barbara Hambly 
For this fandom, I have requested Benjamin, Hannibal, and Rose, but I’m fine with you choosing any two of those three to write about. It’s not necessary to include all three. I’m also happy with Hannibal being part of Rose and January’s relationship if that’s what you want to write. 
What do January’s sisters think of his friendship with Hannibal? Maybe Minou tries to set the three of them up, because she’s very happy with Chloe and Henri, and wants her favourite brother to be so as well. 
Modern roommates AU, because Ben, Rose and Hannibal would enjoy all living together, and it amuses me the idea that January would do the laundry and be exasperated by Rose and Hannibal occasionally swapping clothes. 
Casefic, where there’s a mystery to solve, especially if Rose and/or Hannibal are doing most of the solving, and even moreso if Rose gets a chance to rescue one of the boys! 
Asterix the Gaul (Comics)
I have requested Asterix and Obelix, and really want a story centred around both of them. I read these comics as a kid and have loved them ever since. 
A mystery that Asterix and/or Obelix have to solve! 
Asterix runs out of magic potion, and they have to deal with that. Maybe they’re just in the village, maybe they’re stranded somewhere. Is it a problem, or is it an excuse for Obelix to get to fight all the Romans? 
A normal day in the village. What do they do when there’s no adventure going on? Is it actually normal, or do they think it’s normal but we’d think it pretty insane? 
Dirk Pitt (Clive Cussler)
I haven’t requested any characters, because there are only three characters in the tag set and I am happy with a story around any of them, in any combination.
Make it queer! I’m aroace, and would absolutely love to see aro or grey-ro Pitt. Or maybe Giordino’s been saving a few dudes-in-distress on the side. Maybe Loren, Pitt, and Giordino are all poly and together? Prefer you didn't break up Loren/Pitt, but other than that, have at it! 
Loren in Washington. What’s a day in the job like for her? What’s her life like when Pitt’s not around? Does she get into her own adventures unrelated from his? 
Giordino and Loren on an adventure together. How do they interact when Pitt’s not there? 
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artroidsart · 5 years
Fallen Blood (Jackbox Fanfiction)
Fallen Blood (A Jackbox Story)
Step. Step. Step. Screech. Step. Step. Step. Screech.
The young boy skipped beside the elderly man. His rolling cane squealed loudly as he pushed it ahead of himself. Although the kid beside him strolled with gleeful strides, his tiny stature kept him close to the old man’s side.
“Busy day Stan?” The little one asked. “Aunty Vale told me the elevator was being weird all day!”
“Oh, like you wouldn’t believe,” Stan replied with a raspy sigh. “First it wouldn’t open, then it would take guests to the wrong floor, and lately it hasn’t shown up at all! I’m been talking to your Uncle Clive all day about it, but for the life of me I don’t know what’s going on!”
“Oh boy. Sounds crazy.” The kid answered. “Maybe the ghosts are pulling a prank on you?”
“If that’s the case, I don’t find it very funny.” Stan raised his cane and shook it in the air. “You hear me, ghosts? I’ve had enough of your tom-foolery!!!”
As if on cue, the two of them could hear faint giggles coming from the walls.
“YEAH, YOU!” The old man shouted, slamming his cane back down. “I’M TALKING TO YOU! KNOCK IT OFF!”
Now it was the boy who was giggling, amused by Stan’s dramatics. That was, however, until he suddenly had a coughing fit.
“STAN!” The boy cried, running to his side. Before he could touch him though, Stan held up his hand, keeping the child back.
“I’M FINE! I’m fine.” He wheezed, trying to regain his composure. “I just pushed myself a bit too hard.”
Although he was still worried, the child gave Stan his space. “How bad is it?”
Stan cleared his throat. “Ahem. Well, the doctor says it won’t get much better, so I doubt it’s any good.”
“Well, that sucks!” The boy protested, stomping. “You shouldn’t die from some dumb disease! THAT’S WHAT WE’RE HERE FOR!”
That got a chuckle out of the elder, and the two continued down the hall.
“I’ll be honest, I’m surprised one of you haven’t done me in already. An entire hotel run by your family, and only four death threats after all these years.”
“That’s gotta be a record at least.”
“I’m sure it would be if anyone was keeping track.”
Step. Step. Step. Screech. Step. Step. Step. Screech.
Stan, not wanting the two of them to stay quiet for too long, spoke up again. “Still, I shouldn’t be complaining. A few more years wouldn’t be so bad.”
Unfortunately, another cough made its way up Stan’s throat, forcing him to hunch over again. The boy was close enough to help hold him up this time, and Stan lacked the strength to stop him.
Gradually, the cough had passed, letting the old man stand up straight again. “On the other hand, this dang cough might beat you all to it.”
Once Stan had taken a few slow deep breaths, the two continued.
Step. Step. Step. Screech. Step. Step. Step. Screech.
Eventually, they reached the end of the hall, right in front of the elevator.
“Here’s hoping it works this time.” Stan groaned, pushing the button.
“Hey ghosts!” The child called. “Can we get on the elevator, please? We’d like to go to a different floor!”
Despite the boy’s request, when the elevator opened, the shaft was empty. Both of them looked down and up, but neither could spot the actual elevator.
“Well, that figures.” The old man sighed, and the two stepped back.
“Where did it even go?”
“Who knows?” Stan sighed heavily, pulling out his flashlight and leaning back over. He aimed the light up the empty shaft, trying to find the elevator. “ANYONE UP THERE?”
While Stan investigated the shaft, the child was seized with a thought, one that refused to release its hold on his mind. Slowly, he raised his tiny hands which were slowly growing darker at the fingertips.
Having no luck from above, Stan turned the light downwards. “Alright ghosts, very funny. I’m sure you’ve all had a good laugh. Pulling one over on old Stan.”
Trembling, the child stared ahead with wide white eyes, the shadows reaching to his lips as they curved into an eager smile.
“But come now spirits. I’m just trying to get down from this floor. Is that too much to-”
Before Stan could realize what was happening, the boy behind him shoved him forward, straight down the empty shaft.
His ear-piercing scream echoed through the elevator as he plummeted. The child watched him fall with a jagged grin.
“Bye Stan!” He called, waving goodbye. “Hope this fixes that cough!”
As the old man’s scream grew fainter, it was suddenly cut off by a loud SPLAT! It took all of the child’s strength to not burst into laughter. Little giggles slipped through his Jack-O-Lantern lips.
Gradually, the shadows retracted, restoring his mouth to a normal shape. Clearing his own throat, the boy bolted down the hall.
Many years later, [REDACTED] was cleaning up after the latest round. It was a bit tricky at first, restoring the Murder Hotel, but he got the hang of it after the fifth or sixth time. The dark magic, as well as a bundle of explosives, also made it easier to discard any evidence. Now all he had to do was sweep up some leftover dust from the explosion.
After scooping the last of the dust into the bid, he packed up his tools and dusted himself off. He began pushing his cart down to the end of the hall.
Once he reached the elevator, he pushed the side but and the doors opened wide. [REDACTED] pushed the cart in and prepared to push a button. Before he could though, the broom fell off.
“Whoops! Hang on!” He said, more than himself than anyone else, and picked the broom back up.
The moment he put it back, he heard someone push a button. Sure enough, the doors of the elevator slowly closed in front of him.
After blinking a few times, [REDACTED] looked over to the buttons. Standing beside him was a blurry transparent figure. Squinting, the killer could vaguely make out a cane. The figured turned to him and smiled.
“Do I… know you?” [REDACTED] asked.
The ghost exhaled softly, his old voice sounding raspy. “Good news, it DID fix that cough, and it looks like it fixed the elevator too.”
The memory hit the serial killer like a fret train. “Stan?”
“It’s good to see you again.” The ghost replied, his face barely recognizable.
[REDACTED] carefully considered his words before responding. “Good to see you too. Are you… mad at me? For… you know…”
Stan chuckled, leaning on his cane. “Don’t you worry about that. I knew one of you would kill me eventually. I will say though, you managed to surprise me. Still in elementary and already pushing people to their doom.”
The killer giggled, rightfully proud of himself. “I was just getting started! You should have seen my teenage years! SO many bodies!”
“Oh, I’m sure,” Stan replied. “It’s happened to everyone in your family. Shame they couldn’t be here to see you now.”
To that, [REDACTED] let out a heavy sigh. “Yeah, I’m sure they’d be surprised to see ME in charge around here. Are… any of there ghosts around this place?”
Stan paused, glancing to the side. “I believe… I’ve seen a few of them. Truth be told… the ones I’ve bumped into lived here LONG before you were even born.”
[REDACTED] blinked, surprised by this bit of information. “Really? How far back?”
“Goodness, I don’t even know when they start! I can only assume they go back to when your great-great-grandparents started this place!”
“WHOA, that’s far back!”
Sooner than expected, the elevator reached the ground floor and the doors opened wide.
“Look! We’re on the right floor!” Stan joked, making the killer laugh.
“Great to talk to you again Stan. See you later!” [REDACTED] pushed the cart out of the elevator, and the old ghost closed it behind him.
On his way down the hall, [REDACTED] thought about what Stan had told him.
“That far back huh? Hmm, maybe I should hold a seance! I’m sure Felicia could help me with that. It’d be cool to talk to some old-timey folks! I bet I could get Schmitty and Cookie on board! Hehehe… ”
As the serial killer wheeled his cart through the hall, very faint giggles could be heard in the walls. [REDACTED] pretended not to hear the ghosts of his home, but on his jagged lips grew a crooked smile.
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