0luna123 · 4 months
James Kidd Assassin's Creed: Black Flag kinda gender ngl
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felassanis · 2 years
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bigkickguy · 2 months
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acesan doodle for yaoi friday haha
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huyandere · 1 year
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lawyers on a date? it's more likely than you think
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aceforwhatevenisthis · 5 months
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paulkins at the ccrp holiday party
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leggywormy · 28 days
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Dw there are more angy pride doggos on the list, but those are the ones I made so far Any flags and/or specific doggo breeds you'd like to see? Also *seductively turns towards the camera* if you'd like to see more, pls follow on instagram
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acerunaway · 1 year
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original under the cut
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thepartyishere · 2 months
aro in a "cant feel a difference between friendships and romance" way
ace in a "too trans and dysphoric to even think about sex with another human person" way
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ashipiko · 3 months
did I hear a DOUBLE DATE ???????
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😭😭 art block has been kinda sucky not really lately so in attempts to fix it after LOOOOTS of talking and rambling w my good friend @nohrianhime I decided HEY. WHY NOT DRAW THE DOUBLE DATE WE’VE BEEN TALKING ABOUT??? <3 and look at how much fun they’re having fr
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dglvr1760 · 14 days
More? Maybe
Possibly more from @otaku553 's au bc new chapter dropped.....
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Silly little guys
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doydoune · 1 year
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wonder what they're talking about
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boydykesilver · 17 days
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destinedofficial · 2 months
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When you got someone to play ace attorney
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qualek · 1 year
Ace Attorney requests! How about AA4 Phoenix going for groceries with lil' Trucy? Or comforting her crying? Maybe Edgeworth driving home a tired and drunken Nick? Drunken kiss? 👀🌷
I was asked beanix and i shall deliver beanix B)
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he is my sun and i am icarus i will draw him until everyone else is tired of it and someone hires a hitman to kill me idk i never saw the movie
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dulcesiabits · 2 years
the curious case of the prefect’s boyfriend.
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summary: who on earth is the ramshackle prefect dating? Their friends are determined to find out. (ft. Ace, Deuce, Jack, Epel, Sebek).
notes: 1.8k words, fic, fluff, a part of my “who does the prefect like?” writing collab
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One drizzly, gray afternoon, you return home from a long day of classes to find your best friends sitting on your couch. Epel is crunching on a bag of chips you bought yesterday, and Jack is dealing out a pack of cards to Ace, Deuce and Sebek, who promptly look up at your arrival.
You drop your school bag on the floor, books clattering on the floor. “I gave you guys a key to my dorm for emergencies.”
Ace slams his hand down on the table, making the cards flutter. “This IS an emergency. You’re dating someone, prefect, and you didn’t tell us? Us, your best friends?”
“I don’t really think we’re entitled to their personal life--” Deuce begins, before Ace shakes his head.
“Be quiet, Deuce. I’m playing the good cop, and you’re the bad one.”
“Why do I have to be the bad cop?” Deuce mumbles.
“So, prefect. What do you have to say for yourself?” Ace says.
“...What makes you think I’m dating someone?”
“That’s a very suspicious answer! Try again.”
“I thought you were playing the good cop,” Jack says.
“Yeah, the prefect just got home, and you’re already jumping down their throat?” Epel asks around a mouthful of chips.
“At least wait until they’ve sat down before you ask about their secret boyfriend,” Jack chides.
“Okay, why do you guys keep assuming I have a boyfriend?” you say. Epel scoots over on his spot on the couch so you have enough room to settle by his side.
“Because, prefect, you have been skipping out on our lunch plans!” Sebek says, his voice rising. “Is it not bad manners to ignore agreements with your friends?”
“Sebek is lonely when you’re gone,” Deuce whispers.
“Hey, I’m sorry about that. I’ve just been busy--” you begin.
“Busy hanging out with your secret boyfriend?” Ace says.
“Okay, why are you guys hung up on that?”
“Come on, Ace. At least let the prefect talk,” Jack says.
“Thank you, Jack,” you reply.
“We need to hear why they’ve been hiding their boyfriend all this time.”
“Okay, I take it back.” You lean forward in your seat, accepting a chip from Epel. “Anyways, why do you keep insisting that this “boyfriend” of mine exists?”
“I’m glad you asked.” Ace smirks, revealing an ace of hearts between his fingers. You clap your hands at his magic trick, and he gives you a mock bow. “Because I have evidence. Let me start with a little story.”
Witness #1: Ace Trappola
"You know, prefect, after our very long months of friendship, and all the overblots, tests and lectures from Riddle we faced together, I expected better from you. Does our friendship mean nothing to you? Are so heartless--”
“Ace, can you hurry it up?” Deuce interrupts.
“Hey! It’s my turn to talk! Be quiet!” Ace snaps. “When it’s your turn, you can say whatever you want, but for now, can it, Deuce.
“As I was saying, are you so heartless to leave your best friends out of the drama of your love life? Well, I say no more, because I have definitive evidence of your infidelity towards us!”
“Wait, infidelity? I’m cheating on you guys now?” you ask.
“You are by not telling us that you got a boyfriend,” Ace replies, giving a very loud, dramatic sigh. “But back to what I was saying. I notice that you’ve been carrying around an awful lot of flowers recently. And now, before you say you bought them for yourself, those flowers were dandelions. Dandelions, with a ribbon wrapped around them!
“Why would you go to all trouble to dress up some weeds, unless they were for someone...? I don’t recall you holding a particular fondness for those flowers, and I doubt you’d get into Trein’s good graces by offering him some weeds. The only logical conclusion here is, of course, that you have a secret boyfriend!
“Hold off on the applause,” Ace says. “Deuce, it’s your turn.”
Witness #2: Deuce Spade
“I still don’t know why I have to do this...”
“Just talk,” Ace says.
“Yeah, I want to hear what you have to say,” you add.
Deuce sighs. “You too, prefect? Okay, fine.
“I guess... I sort of noticed... last week... you were walking down the street to Sam’s shop. And I was going to say hi, but then you looked busy, so I didn’t want to bother you. I had to go pick up some supplies Trey ordered from Sam, anyways, so I figured we would just bump into each other there.
“When I went into the shop, though, you weren’t around, and Sam said you hadn’t come in. I guess it wasn’t that weird, but when I walked out, I thought I saw you waiting behind the back of the shop. You were wearing nicer clothes then usual, and it looked like you were waiting for someone.
“I want to say, though, that that is not definitive proof of anything, and I trust you, prefect. If you had a boyfriend, you would say something to us, right? Ace has a big mouth, so you shouldn’t listen to him too much.
“Oi, Deuce, what was that--” Ace begins.
“Jack, you say something now,” Deuce interrupts, and Ace rolls his eyes, grumbling.
Witness #3: Jack Howl
“I would like to state for the record that I find this whole thing completely ridiculous, and I would rather not be doing this.”
“You don’t have a choice, though,” you say.
“Yeah, Jack, I want hear what you have to say, too,” Epel says.
“Seriously, guys? Fine. Well, I was walking down the hall to track practice when I heard your voice, prefect, in an empty classroom. I thought it was a little weird because school had let out, and no one was around. But, whatever. You’ve always been sort of weird. I figured you were up to something again.”
“Thank you, Jack, for your kind words,” you say drily.
“Sure. So I heard your voice, but I also thought I heard someone else. When I walked closer, though, you both got quiet real fast. It wasn’t any of my business, anyways, and I didn’t want to be late to practice.
“It was weird, though. I recognized your scent, prefect, and I thought I also recognized the scent of the other person in the room. It almost smelled like... Nah. It’s been a while. I probably just got confused.
“Okay, who’s next?”
Witness #4: Epel Felmier
“All this romance crap wants me to throw up. I don’t get why you guys are so obsessed with it.”
“I wonder why they are, too,” you say.
“Epel, if I had to talk about it, you have to as well. It’s only fair,” Jack says.
Ugh. I guess I’ll do it. So the prefect has some secret beau or something. Not like I care, but do you guys remember when it was raining super hard a few weeks ago? Yeah? We were all going to go watch a movie, right? Well, Vil had caught me and was making me do some stupid crap, so I was running late.”
“Oh, I remember that! Ace got bored and almost burnt the couch down,” Deuce says.
“It was my couch,” Jack says. “Ace, you still owe me for the repair bills.”
“Hey! Pay attention so I don’t have to repeat myself. Anyways, I remember you said you couldn’t go, prefect, because something urgent had come up. Well, I thought I saw you out the window, but it was raining too hard to see. Besides, why would you be out there, anyways? That wasn’t the weirdest part, though. It looked like you were running hand in hand with someone, but I couldn’t see who it was; you were both holding a jacket over your heads.
“Again, this is stupid. I can’t believe you’re making us do this, Ace. Are we done yet? Sebek, you’re the last to go, right?”
Witness #5: Sebek Zigvolt
“Hmpth. I’ve read plenty of romance novels, all recommended to me by the great Lilia, so do not underestimate my knowledge on this subject.”
“Does he really think that makes him an expert...” Ace whispers.
“Ah. I guess Sebek has never dated anyone,” you whisper back.
“I CAN HEAR YOU TWO TALKING. As I was saying, I have a plethora of knowledge on romance and courtship rituals. It has not escaped my notice, prefect, that one night, you were out past curfew. I myself was out looking for my young master, Malleus. I know he has a habit of... seeking your company, though I cannot begin to fathom why--”
“Sebek, you sound jealous,” you interrupt.
“I AM NOT JEALOUS. STOP INTERRUPTING ME. But yes, I saw you out in the street, prefect, as I was looking for my young master. I could only assume you were up to one of your little schemes again, and I had no interest in getting involved. But perhaps you had seen my young master, or worse, you were with him. So I made to approach you.
“As I did, however, you seemed to notice me and run, for what reason I cannot understand. As you did so, I noticed there was someone else with you, dragging you along, and you both disappeared.
“That’s all I have to say on the matter. Also, can you text me if my young master is hanging out with you so I can bring him back to the dorms?”
The Culprit
“Are you guys done now?” You lean back in your couch. There’s nothing but the patter of rain on the windows as your friends look at you expectantly. “Are those all the reasons you think I have a boyfriend? Look, I’m sorry I haven’t been as attentive as I should be. I promise I’ll be hang out with you guys more often, but those are all just coincidences--”
At that very moment, the front door of Ramshackle swings open... and in walks Ruggie Bucchi, shaking off an umbrella. “Hey, angel. You forgot your alchemy notes in my room, so I... Huh. What are you guys doing here?”
The room bursts into chaos.
Ace stands, pointing a finger at you, shouting, “I knew it!”
Epel’s mouth drops open. “You’re dating-- you’re dating RUGGIE?”
“Prefect!” Deuce says. “I trusted you!”
Sebek is swinging his head from you, back to Ruggie, and then back to you, as everyone swarms you, demanding an explanation.
“You guys never asked! Jeez, it’s not like I was trying to keep it a secret! I just never found the opportunity to say anything!” you yell, and through the crowd you can see Jack sidle up to Ruggie.
“You did that on purpose, didn’t you?” Jack’s words carry across the room.
Ruggie shrugs impishly, throwing you a wink when he notices your stare. “Well, it was fun listening to you guys talk.”
Oh, you were so going to get back at him later.
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mayalacookie · 2 months
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Live Laugh Love Jacob Frye
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