#2024 boards
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Got only 2 weeks left for board exams and I'm starting organic from the scratch lmao.
Will I be able to finish on time? I will do it.
I'm only going to focus on organic for now.
11th GOC ✅
Haloalkanes & Haloarenes ✅
Alcohols, Phenols & Ethers
Aldehydes, Ketones & Carboxylic Acids
Amines ✅
Biomolecules ✅
Coordination Compounds & F-Block Elements ✅
Chemical Kinetics ✅
Revision ✅
Solve Sample Papers ✅
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ALL 2024.
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halloween-sweets · 4 months
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girlbloggercher · 5 months
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one-time-i-dreamt · 13 days
I was helping board passengers on a cruise ship and sang a song with two people who were dating about how one of them was still in love with her ex and the other was super depressed about her grandmother dying.
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justc2world · 2 months
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This japanese fan is there for Carlos every year, from coming alone to coming with his partner to bringing his son along ❤️
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temeyes · 3 months
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uhm,, anons, i think you guys should take a step back,,,
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ayandagama · 4 months
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joelchaimholtzman · 3 months
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Happy to share a new DUNE piece I painted! This is Feyd Rautha Harkonnen, the sadistic nephew of the Baron and heir to planet Arrakis. I saw the movie two weeks ago and its a solid 10 for me. The visuals and limited color palettes served the narrative to the smallest detail. The entire project also shows that we need MORE mature fantasy/sci fi on a smaller budget.Should I continue making these DUNE characters? Please let me know which character I should make next!
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That the Editorial Board of the premier U.S. newspaper of record is finally warning about Donald Trump is significant. As such, this is a gift 🎁 link so that those who want to read the entire editorial can do so, even if they don't subscribe to The New York Times. Below are some excerpts:
As president, [Trump] wielded power carelessly and often cruelly and put his ego and his personal needs above the interests of his country. Now, as he campaigns again, his worst impulses remain as strong as ever — encouraging violence and lawlessness, exploiting fear and hate for political gain, undermining the rule of law and the Constitution, applauding dictators — and are escalating as he tries to regain power. He plots retribution, intent on eluding the institutional, legal and bureaucratic restraints that put limits on him in his first term. Our purpose at the start of the new year, therefore, is to sound a warning. Mr. Trump does not offer voters anything resembling a normal option of Republican or Democrat, conservative or liberal, big government or small. He confronts America with a far more fateful choice: between the continuance of the United States as a nation dedicated to “the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity” and a man who has proudly shown open disdain for the law and the protections and ideals of the Constitution. [...] It is instructive in the aftermath of that administration to listen to the judgments of some of these officials on the president they served. John Kelly, a chief of staff to Mr. Trump, called him the “most flawed person I’ve ever met,” someone who could not understand why Americans admired those who sacrificed their lives in combat. Bill Barr, who served as attorney general, and Mark Esper, a former defense secretary, both said Mr. Trump repeatedly put his own interests over those of the country. Even the most loyal and conservative of them all, Vice President Mike Pence, who made the stand that helped provoke Mr. Trump and his followers to insurrection on Jan. 6, 2021, saw through the man: “On that day, President Trump also demanded that I choose between him and the Constitution,” he said.
[See more under the cut.]
There will not be people like these in the White House should Mr. Trump be re-elected. The former president has no interest in being restrained, and he has surrounded himself with people who want to institutionalize the MAGA doctrine. According to reporting by the Times reporters Maggie Haberman, Charlie Savage and Jonathan Swan, Mr. Trump and his ideological allies have been planning for a second Trump term for many months already. Under the name Project 2025, one coalition of right-wing organizations has produced a thick handbook and recruited thousands of potential appointees in preparation for an all-out assault on the structures of American government and the democratic institutions that acted as checks on Mr. Trump’s power. [...] Mr. Trump has made clear his conviction that only “losers” accept legal, institutional or even constitutional constraints. He has promised vengeance against his political opponents, whom he has called “vermin” and threatened with execution. This is particularly disturbing at a time of heightened concern about political violence, with threats increasing against elected officials of both parties. He has repeatedly demonstrated a deep disdain for the First Amendment and the basic principles of democracy, chief among them the right to freely express peaceful dissent from those in power without fear of retaliation, and he has made no secret of his readiness to expand the powers of the presidency, including the deployment of the military and the Justice Department, to have his way. [...] Re-electing Mr. Trump would present serious dangers to our Republic and to the world. This is a time not to sit out but instead to re-engage. We appeal to Americans to set aside their political differences, grievances and party affiliations and to contemplate — as families, as parishes, as councils and clubs and as individuals — the real magnitude of the choice they will make in November.
I encourage people to use the above gift link and read the entire article.
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Reason for running this blog and a short story of my academic downfall.
•The primary motivation behind starting this blog is my way of dealing with a rough patch in my academics. I used to be an A-grade student until 8th grade, but then COVID hit, and I made some not-so-great choices. I pretty much skipped 9th grade, regretting it later. Despite a close call in 10th grade, salvaging an above 80% score in the board exams, the subsequent year, 11th grade, witnessed a further decline with a 65% result—a percentile mirrored by a significant proportion of students, with only a marginal 2% achieving scores surpassing 70%.
•Now, in 12th grade, things aren't looking much better. I enjoy studying, especially Biology, and I can handle Chemistry okay-ish. However, Physics is a whole different story. I don't hate the subject, but the numerical part is my kryptonite. I like the theory part, but when it comes to calculations, I'm lost. To sum it up, my Bio is decent, Chem is okay, and Physics is a struggle – might even fail if I don't do something about it soon.
•In summary, my academic profile manifests as a mixed bag. Biology stands as a bastion of relative strength, Chemistry occupies a middling ground with potential for improvement, while Physics, languishing in the abyss, demands urgent attention to avert a potential failure.
•This blog will be my space to share this academic rollercoaster, figure out what went wrong, and hopefully get some advice from others who've been through it.
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Yes babe, if your reading this it's because your destined to make some changes! It's time to level up and become the woman of your dreams.
Which goal/habit making affirmation speaks to your soul? Share your favorite and let's conquer it together!
ps. Are we besties yet? 🩷 Follow us on Instagram for the content you know and love, plus exclusive level-up guides, feminine tips, and fashion galore!
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halloween-sweets · 4 months
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celebsresource · 5 months
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Jessica Chastain attends the National Board Of Review 2024 Awards Gala on January 11, 2024 in New York City, NY
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justc2world · 3 months
Stop I'll cry again 😭
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temeyes · 4 months
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gonna turn in early and catch up on some zzz's hehe
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