#(you only see his nakey chest)
gemwolfz · 1 year
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unexpected one more image before bed because plates your image sparked something in me
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the-evil-pizza · 5 months
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@yuutolovesturtles and GOOD FOR HIM! (it was a fun episode, hope you like it!)
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euphoricfilter · 11 months
want your night thoughts on new jk live 😭🙏🏻
like sleep naked with him, waking up next to him, cuddling more, kisses, jungkook cannot stop being clingy, cannot let you go to shower, cannot let you go to work, he cannot stop kissing youuuu. your neck, your breast, your LIPS, every inch of your skin, two quickie untill you realise it’s lateeeeee and finally you two shower together and he rub your skin gently, got shampoo for you and he drying your hairrr while you do your makeup and he make you breakkfastttt and he drive you to work and kissssssss more till one of your colleagues ask why the heck your lips is swollen and red, did something happen sksksksksksks
jk nakey live horny thoughts let’s go🏃‍♀️
. • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆. night short #8
for tonight’s horny thought we’re going for morning sex !!
i’m thinking established relationship, however the two of you don’t live together and you’re staying over his place for the night. he was prone to sleeping in only his underwear, and more often than not you’d find yourself in nothing but panties either
jungkook wouldn’t be able to keep his hands to himself, breaths stolen for kisses and his tongue pushing into your mouth. he’d definitely slip his fingers past the waistband of your panties while the two of you made out, always a little overzealous— he liked it wet and messy, and by the end of you night both of your lips would be kissed shiny
all it would take is a heated make out session for jungkook to have a possible wet dream, and most days when you stayed over he’d wake up with a boner. not only would be be woken up by your obnoxious alarm, but his dick would be hard, ultimately he’d be a little whiny
he’d probably tug your hand over his erection, faintest pout on his lips when you tell him you can’t, you really had to get ready for work. and he knew you liked to leave early, like to get to work before you truly had to because it alleviated some of your anxiety. but that extra hour was always so tempting, so perfect for him to fuck you silly and then miss you for the rest of the day
maybe jungkook has a bit of a strength kink as well, cock twitching when he pulls you into his chest as you try to scoot out of bed. he’d sling his leg over your hip, cock digging into your ass, and being the menace he is, he’d probably try to get off, hips rolling forward for any sort of friction
it wouldn’t be hard to tempt you, not when he’d kiss over your naked shoulder, curious hands wandering over your stomach, cupping your tits and thumbing over your nipples
and you’d cave in, pulling your panties down over your ass, bending your hips ever so slightly so he could slip his cock into you, rutting into you from behind. one hand still grabbing your chest while the other trails down your body to play with your clit
you wouldn’t be able to help the dribble of slick that coats your thighs, not when he’s telling you about all the filthy things he wants to do to you, voice still laced with sleep— raspy and deep
he’d probably pull out just before the both of you are about to cum, tugging you so you’re laying on your back and he can hover over you. much preferring to see your face when you reached the height of your pleasure, lips pressing to sweaty skin, over your jaw, down your chest, your cheek then to your lips where he slips his tongue back into your mouth, drinking up the little hiccupy moans
he’d pull your hips towards him, muscles in his thighs tensing when he cums. thick seed coating your walls, grinding ever so slightly into you to help you ride out your own orgasm as your nails dig into his shoulders
and being the best boyfriend that he is, he’d carry you over his shoulder into the bathroom
maybe to make it a little filthier, he stuffs his fingers back into your pussy to make sure none of his cum leaks out of you on the way there
and to make it even filthier, maybe while you’re peeing, he’ll get you to lick the mixture of yours and his cum off his fingers, shoving them a little further down your throat just for funsies because he can. and he needs to remind you that yeah he’s a little whiny but he’s in charge
and obviously he washes your body for you in the shower, a new bottle of your favorite shower gel all stocked up in his bathroom, because he knows you love it so much and he likes having things you like around the house
and i see him obsessing over your hair. maybe becoming sort of a hyper fixation for him at one point to just binge watch hair tutorial videos that he could recreate on you. so after he lotions your body, kissing everywhere he can thinks of, he’d do your hair for you
and then he’d obviously drive you to work because he’s a cutie and would kiss you a stupid number of times before you can even open the car door
and maybe when you tell him about the embarrassment you had to face with your co workers and your clearly frazzled state— hair a little messy from where he’d grabbed it to kiss you and lipstick a little smudged, and cheeks awfully pink and flushed— he’d promise to cook you dinner as an apology
that doesn’t mean he wouldn’t do it all again though
night thots masterlist
💞 yeeee i hope this lived up to your night thought expectations, my love 💞
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buckyalpine · 1 year
Sleepy Bucky
Overworked and exhausted beefy babie Bucky. He’s borderline acting like a toddler because he’s so tired and doesn’t know what to do with himself. He’s beyond just sleepy, nearly delirious from a lack of rest after spending weeks on a mission. He’s all pouty and grumpy on the jet ride over, dragging his duffle back behind him as he trudges through the compound. 
“Hey Buck” You greet him from the couch where you were watching TV, only for him to wordlessly flop forward and face plant himself onto the sofa. “You okay?” 
He lets out a grunt while you pet his hair, coaxing him to at least lie on his back instead of suffocating himself into the couch seat. 
“What’s wrong Bucky” 
“Wan a poptart” 
You were sure you heard incorrectly, there was no way the super solder had requested the very treat he said was nothing but sugar and chemicals (though it didn’t stop him from finishing the whole box the first time he tried them). 
“A poptart?”
“Stwabewy poptart” 
You blink at his slurred words, watching him curiously as he rolls off the couch to slump onto the floor like a starfish, eyes wide open, arms and legs splayed out to the sides.
“Do you still want the poptart?”
You nod, heading over to the kitchen to toast a poptart for him, occasionally peeking over to see what new pose he’d put himself in. You bring the poptart for him on a small plate along with a glass of milk, placing it on the coffee table where he’s still laying down. He pouts when you don’t put it on the floor within his reach, not bothering to sit up from his chosen position. 
“Feed me” He demands, looking at you with puppy eyes while you giggle, sitting down beside him and bringing the poptart to his mouth so he can take a bite. You’re not a fan of him eating in such a pose but it’s not like your strong enough to move him yourself. 
“Careful, don’t choke” 
“Save me. Give me mouth to mouth” He snickers to himself, while you roll your eyes, letting him take little bites.
“Wan milk” He rolls over onto his front, humming contently when you bring the glass for him to take a sip. You can’t believe you have to deal with this absolute manchild, letting him finish his snack. 
“Why don’t you get some rest” You see his eyes starting to close, but his body still too wired to actually fall asleep. 
“Don’t wanna” he rubs his eyes,  unsure of what he even wants anymore. 
“Alright, how about we just put your things away and change into something more comfy” Your reason with him, relieved when he nods and allows you to help him up, taking him to his room. He tosses his bag aside before starting to take off his gear, grumpily huffing when his zip gets stuck. 
“My zip” He pouts, dropping his arms to his sides, ready to crawl into bed with his tac suit on at this point. You giggle, gently tugging it till it easily slides down, helping him with the rest of the belts and buckles until he’s in just his boxer briefs. 
“How about your joggers and a tshirt?” You were about to go to his closet to grab his clothes but he has no interest in putting clothes back on. 
“But you’re just in your underwear Buck” You say incredulously while he starts making his way to bed, slipping under the covers. 
“M’not nakey. Just half” He shrugs, giving you grabby hands, hoping you’ll join him. You sigh, joining him under the covers, hoping he’ll go right to sleep as soon as his head hits the pillow. 
“Wanna sleep” He whines, and you can’t help but laugh because it’s very clear he needs it and no one’s stopping him from going to bed. 
“Go to sleep Bucky” 
“Okayyy” He drawls, shuffling around the sheets, huffing with each position, deeming nothing comfy enough for him to sleep. He reaches over for you, disregarding his pillow and replacing it with you instead. 
“What are you doing Buck” 
“M’a koala” He mumbles, burying his face into your chest and wrapping his arms and legs around you, his body starting to finally relax, all the tension in his muscles dissipating into thin air once hes wrapped around with you. 
“You’re a 6 foot super soldier” You huff, shifting against his wishes, trying to get air back into your lungs while he lets out a disgruntled grunt each time you squirm. “And you’re heavy”
“You movin’ too much” He complains, eyes still squeezed shut, hugging you tighter, starting to fall in and out of sleep at the feeling of your warmth. 
“Cause you’re squishing me bub” You snort, grazing his scalp and softly rubbing his temples while he purrs against you like a needy kitten. In his state of half slumber, he only registers bits and pieces of what you say. 
“M”not squishy” His voice is muffled as he keeps his face pressed into your chest. 
“No, I said you’re squishing me” By now theres no point in trying to tell him what you mean, he’s too sleepy to understand anything. 
“My squishy” He sleepily mumbles, letting out a content sigh when you pull the covers up over both of you. “G’night squishy” 
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readychilledwine · 10 days
✨️ACOTAR Booty Headcanons✨️
💕Peep the thigh headcanons here💕
Warnings - Butts. Fanart of butts. Nakey butts. Bubble butts. Lady butts. Man butts.
Up next? ✨️ Hands ✨️
✨️Body Headcanons Masterlist✨️ Master Masterlist ✨️
Edited to add - short plus size Elain sneak peak
A/N - for @lady-of-tearshed, I hope this meets all your dreams, my love.
A message from Mother - You, my sweet dear reader, are gorgeous as you are. You are real, touchable, and made with imperfections that enhance your beauty and uniqueness. You are a treasure. Do not compare yourself to a single body on this list.
I like to start off strong..
Rhysand has a very bite-able booty.
He is slightly leaner than Azriel and Cassian, but he still has a firm butt.
Rhysand loves to wear tight slacks, just to watch your pretty little brain go blank when you see his ass.
He sleeps naked and it's hard for you not to just.. touch the booty.
To be fair, he loves to keep his hand (and hand print) on your butt, too.
Art by Amai actually just posted Rhysand butt fanart. Enjoy it below
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John Cena has been described as having a military grade ass with an inhuman body.
Cassian also has an inhuman body, so it makes sense that my guy has a military grade ass.
Cassian has butt muscles in places you didn't even know you could have butt muscles.
It is intimidating. Very intimidating.
But you LOVE watching this man walk. Especially when he's walking to the bathroom to grab towels for aftercare.
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Azriel's ass surprised you in the best way.
Azriel is lean compared to Cassian, so his bubble butt shocked you.
Much firm. Still jiggle.
You were ready for this jelly.
Azriel gets super shy when you tell him how good his butt looks, but he's like that one friend who secretly loves it and makes sure to wear the same pants/skirt/shorts the next time they see you so you are in love with their deliciousness again.
Sometimes, you just sneak up on Azriel and accidentally squeeze. In front of his family. But don't worry. He squeezes yours back.
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I'm disappointed I can't find this gif when I need it.
We can all hate on Tamlin as much as we want, but SJM herself says the man is muscular.
I imagine Tamlin was worried about his arms and chest being thicker than his legs, so he started hitting legs and glutes hard.
Then, the next thing he knows, he has a damn shelf.
He hates when you touch his butt though. He'd prefer you touch him other places.
But you bet your ass he is touching yours
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I stand by Lucien having Chris Hemsworth's body type.
Lucien had the perfect, truly bite-able ass.
You constantly have your hand in his back pocket.
You constantly are giving it a little smack so it jiggles.
You always walk behind him.
Lucien loves the way you worship his body. He's insecure about his scars, so you loving every inch of him helps.
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Daddy 🫠🫠
Eris has the captain America Dorito proportions build, and I hope all of you know *exactly* what I am talking about.
I imagine Eris as slim muscular, and when I decided to do these, I needed him to have Chris Evans's ass
I mean look at it
Imagine that ass in Eris's finely tailored clothing.
Imagine that ass getting off a horse.
You're touching him. Constantly. And he loves it.
He loves that you seem to think he's some sort of God.
And he really loves it when you touch his butt because you begged him to treat you as his equal, meaning that ass of yours is in his hands quickly.
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You know when a guys thighs are so thick they become one with his dump truck? Helion.
He actually requires a CDL for his ass.
You can't really tell until he's naked and turns around due to the thickness of his thighs, but this male has ass for days.
And his ass is FIRM. There is not an ounce of fat on him.
He considers his ass a trophy of sorts, so touching it is only for those privileged to.
Luckily you have that privilege.
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Oh, look.. I included the Archeron sisters
Don't accuse me of doing our girl dirty, but I picture Halle Berry in her Catwoman suit when I think of Feyre's body.
The reason you can't accuse me of doing her dirty is because the things I'd do if Halle Berry told me to do them are extreme.
I picture Feyre as very lean, very cut, and she had the cutest baby bubble butt.
She's definitely the friend who thinks she has no booty until you help her find the right outfit for the booty.
She also blushes whenever you touch it.
She wishes it was bigger sometimes, but a few spanks in, and she's telling you she's perfect as she is.
I wish I could find a better picture of this 🫠
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Nesta I also picture as tight and lean.
For some reason when I read her, I picture Adriana Lima, but with blonde hair.
Maybe it's because I think Nesta has sultry vibes?
Nesta tries to keep herself small. It's ingrained deeply into her head because of her mother and grandmother that she has to be small.
She's also constantly training, so it keeps her tight.
She may not have the biggest ass, but that thing is the best apple you've bit
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If you don't know by now, you're about to: elain at minimum is slim thick.
I personally see truly happy glowing elain as mid to plus size, and I'm hoping for mid to plus size elain once this stupid shipwar is over.
Right now, though, elain is slimthick.
She's still recovering from her spicy sadness days, and her recovery has her doing squats in the garden
Ass. For. Days.
It's why she actually doesn't wear pants. She tried once and every almost had a collective mass failure heart attack.
So now, her booty is reserved for you and you alone.
You love it when she wears cheeky things in the bedroom.
I imagine elain is super into impact play because she loves the way you compliment her recoil.
I think she's secretly proud of her booty. She just doesn't want anyone else to know. So sssshhhh.
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General Taglist:
@hnyclover @glitterypirateduck @slytherinindisguise @mischiefmanagers @bloodicka @starsinyourseyes @the-sweet-psycho @mariahoedt @rinalouu @sarawritestories @starryhiraeth @starswholistenanddreamsanswered @cumuluscranium @loneliestluvr @eternallyelvish @azrielsmate3 @daughterofthemoons-stuff @meritxellao @aria-chikage @hungryforbatboys @lilah-asteria @fandomrejects @sleepybesson @tayswhp
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freesia-writes · 1 year
Congratulations on the followers!! That's so awesome!! 😆😆
Could I ask for prompts 9 and 16 with my beloved Sergeant Hunter, please? 🥰🥰 Thank you so much!!
*whew* I needed to stop myself for this one! Might have to write a smutty continuation if the demand is there. ;)
Word Count: 3k Hunter x GN!Reader Content Warnings: wound care, PG-13 passion, nakey Hunter ;) thirsty inspiration from this drawing by @cloned-eyes
#9 - You find an injured clone who was somehow (conveniently) left behind, thought dead, and instead falls under your care… and falls under your spell… ;)
#16 - "I've seen the way you look at me, when you think I'm not looking. You don't think I've noticed…"
He groaned suddenly, rolling his head from one side to the other and startling you out of your drowsing. You sat up quickly, brushing the hair from your face and rising to your feet, at his side immediately. You were just in time to watch his large brown eyes open, fluttering a bit and roving the room quickly before focusing on you with a hawklike stare. With a sharp inhale, he tried to sit up, brow furrowed, a small grunt of pain escaping him as you put a hand on his shoulder. 
“Your ribs are cracked; you need to stay still for now,” you said softly, trying not to focus on the muscles rippling across his chest and the sensation of his sweaty bare skin under your palm. Some hair scattered across his forehead as he slowly laid back down with a wince.
“Where am I?” he croaked, and even after being unconscious for hours, the gravelly tone of his smooth voice sent shivers down your spine. What was wrong with you? It felt as though you’d never seen a man before, and you were starting to want to kick yourself for the absolutely ridiculous way you felt smitten for someone you’d only seen passed out. You couldn’t deny that you’d thoroughly enjoyed wrapping the large gash on his bicep, as well as the one on his thigh, and had been grateful that he hadn’t been awake to see you ogling his sculpted limbs while you treated his wounds.
“Uh, in my room…” you admitted, cringing a bit as his eyes flashed at you. “Sorry -- on Pantora. I was coming home from a late shift and found you in a clearing… It looked like something had blown up, maybe a ship? I thought you were dead, but when you had a pulse… I couldn’t leave you there.”
“I need a comm,” he answered abruptly, again trying to sit up, getting halfway propped on an elbow with a grimace. His free hand grasped at his side, chest heaving with the pain and effort of simply moving and breathing. “Where are the others?” 
“There were no others, at least not anywhere near you,” you said, holding a hand up in an attempt to soothe his apparent agitation. The dark tattoos across his face, chest, arms, and torso were mystifying -- as though he wanted his skeleton marked on the outside -- and you found yourself wondering if it went all the way… You shook your head to clear the thoughts and distracted yourself by answering him, “There’s a long-range transmitter in the local communication center that you can use, but if you move too much too soon, you’re going to cause more damage. I can send a message for you, if you’d like?” 
He scrutinized you, taking in your earnest face, noting the slight blush creeping across your cheeks, and suddenly sensing your elevated pulse and blood pressure. His brows furrowed, trying to discern the threat. Were you afraid of him? Were you malicious? He took a deep whiff, wincing again at the sharp pain that stabbed him in the side in response, and his eyes widened slightly at the pheromones that gave you away, although you were completely unaware. A tiny smirk teased the corner of his lips, but he said nothing of it. 
* * * 
You couldn’t discern a word of the message you sent, nor the one you received in reply, but the man nodded when you relayed the information to him. It had been a jumbled mess of words that made no sense at all, and you couldn’t resist asking about it as you brought a small bowl of soup into your room.
“We like to keep things… covert,” he answered cryptically, kindling your interest even further. 
Your tiny apartment left much to be desired, and you’d been sleeping on the couch. It had been a few days, and you wondered how long this would last. You’d offered to take him to the local infirmary, and had found yourself shockingly relieved when he declined. Instead, he informed you that he’d be picked up within the week. Something about a hyperdrive that you hadn’t really listened to, finding yourself distracted by the way a few hairs always seemed to dance across his forehead, held back by a red bandana with a skull on it. You chewed the side of your lip, wondering what it would be like to rake your fingers through that hair… And he suddenly chuckled out of the blue, snapping you out of your illicit daydreaming. You were clearly in a *mood*.
“What?” you asked innocently, angry at the blush that snuck onto your cheeks as though he had heard your thoughts out loud. 
“Oh, nothing,” he answered, setting the soup bowl to the side. He’d been able to sit up, and was propped up with all the pillows in your home, as well as some bundled blankets. 
“So secretive,” you mused, attempting a bit of playfulness to diffuse the tension you felt, “Are you even going to tell me your name? Or shall I call you Havoc 1 like your message?”
“Hunter,” came the silken reply, and you wondered if it were really his name or not. You echoed it quietly, relishing the way it rolled off your tongue. It had been a while since you’d been… intimate… and while you weren’t normally one to feel the craving spontaneously, this dark and broody stranger was fueling a fire within that you hadn’t felt in a long time. He was hitting every button you were an absolute sucker for -- strong man made vulnerable by injury, mysterious and alluring, and just the right mix of sharp and soft. You decided you might need to blow off some steam that night, if you could find some time alone… 
“Okay, Hunter,” you said, wondering why he was still smirking at you knowingly. Perhaps it was just his thing… But it still made you wonder. “I have another bacta injection for you, if you want to try it out. You might be able to stand after this one.” 
With a resigned huff, he leaned forward, pulling his shirt over his head with a stiff groan that made your dirty thoughts come flying back. He leaned to the side, reaching his arm forward to expose his side. You took the cap off of the syringe, looking at him apologetically as you placed a steadying hand on his ribs, a prickling sensation running up your arm at the feeling of his body heat. The injection was placed without a sound or movement from him, though you thought you could see the flash of a furrowed brow for a split second. He sat back, taking a slow, deep breath to test the waters, giving a small nod of approval. 
“And now, we wait…” you said, shrugging as though you were in it together. “Are you still hungry?” 
“I’m alright for now,” he answered, eyes scanning the bandage on his arm. “Though it might be time for a shower once I can get back on my feet.” He looked up to you as he said the last part, a fiendish glint in his eye that caught you off guard. Did he know what he was doing to you? You’d tried so hard to appear neutral around him. Or was he a pervert? The last thought came unbidden and unexpected, and you laughed out loud before you could catch yourself. 
“Now it’s your turn to laugh at nothing?” he asked with a grin, and you nodded, returning his smile with a spark of joy in your chest. 
“Well give it an hour or so, and you should be able to stand,” you informed him. You rose to your feet, shifting awkwardly. You wanted to give him privacy, but also enjoyed his company, in more ways than one. Without the excuse of bringing him food, you were at a loss. But perhaps… it was worth a try… “The time might pass more quickly if you were distracted?” you offered, “If you’d like to chat? Or, if you want to rest, of course, that’s fine too…”
“Distracted, eh? You going to dance for me?” he crooned, his smoky voice sounding even sultrier than usual and making your stomach do a flip. You began spluttering an explanation, but he laughed, waving a hand to indicate his jest and relieve you from your frantic backtracking. “I’m just kidding,” he said, with a rumbling laugh that made him wince as much as it felt like velvet on your ears. “There aren’t many details I can tell you, but perhaps you have a story or two you’d like to share?”
* * * 
Another day passed, punctuated with meals, conversations, and a growing affinity for the complexity of the man in your care. The food in your fridge had dwindled, sending you out for a few necessities. You grabbed some extra snacks at the store, wondering what else Hunter might like, and arrived home with a precariously full bag in each arm. Kicking the front door shut behind you and setting the bags on the counter, you peeked through the door of your bedroom, noticing with a start that he wasn’t there. You glanced frantically around the apartment, which was incredibly tiny and didn’t provide many hiding places, and then it dawned on you that the only other place he could be was the refresher. As though the realization had beckoned him audibly, the door swung open, and Hunter stepped out, causing your stomach to clench in a spasm so tight you had to swallow involuntarily. 
He had a towel wrapped around his waist, but apparently hadn’t found the body towel tucked in your cupboard, instead opting for the medium-sized hand towel you left hanging on the hook. It fit tightly around his snatched waist, where he held it with one hand, but split open on the outside of one thigh, revealing that yes, the tattoo did indeed go the whole way… You jerked your eyes back up to his, but that wasn’t much better -- his hair fell around his face in damp waves, and he looked incredibly vulnerable somehow without the bandana. He lifted his free hand to his head, running it through his hair to shake out some excess water, a few droplets scattering across his bare chest and shoulders. You gasped audibly, and he looked at you in response, so you turned into an incredibly fake yawn as an attempt to mask it. 
“Long day, huh?” he asked with a chuckle, walking slowly toward the bedroom, providing a revolving view of his side, then his back… Your heart was pounding in your chest so loud, you were positive he could hear it. It should be illegal, what he was doing… The way he looked… The sudden wafting scent of soap that reached your nose as he passed by. It was your own soap, damnit, so why did it smell so intoxicatingly good? It wasn’t fair. He disappeared into your bedroom, rummaging for his blacks, and then he called your name, causing you to clamp shut your slack-jawed mouth and come immediately. He was sitting on the side of your bed, covered by that tiny little towel, hair covering his face as he was bent over to inspect the gash on his thigh.
“I can wrap my leg, but if you wouldn’t mind helping me re-wrap this arm…” he said quietly, face as straight as an arrow as he looked up to you for a response. You nodded, words unable to get past your dry mouth, and reached for the gauze on your dresser, sitting down next to him precariously. He lifted his arm toward you slightly, and you brought your foot up to the top of the bed, providing your bent knee to hold his arm in front of your face while you tended to it. Absolutely refusing to meet his gaze, you studied the cut on his bicep with the intensity of a lifetime, as though it could save you from the positively feral state you were finding yourself in. 
Hunter took a deep breath, as though he were simply taking it all in, and he let it out slowly, watching you from the side. He could see and hear the blood rushing in your veins, he could smell the undeniable signals of your attraction, and he could feel the palpable tension at the close proximity you found yourselves in. Your hands trembled slightly as you wound the gauze around his arm, and you cursed them for their betrayal of your nervousness. 
“Thank you,” he said huskily, and you finally met his gaze. “For all of this. I don’t think I said it before. But I appreciate all you’ve done.” His hawkish features softened, and your hand moved seemingly of its own accord, lifting to his face, where one of his wet chunks of hair had crossed his forehead from the side it was supposed to fall on. You brushed it back to its rightful place, watching the tiny smile grow on his face, and once it was satisfactorily placed, you slowly started to lower your hand. It took all the effort you had to force it to continue down to your lap instead of resting on his cheek, tracing the outline of his tattoo, brushing along his sharp jawline. 
Suddenly, his hand intercepted it, startling you and sending a shockwave through your body. He held it tenderly, as though he had read your thoughts, and lifted it to his face, pressing a meaningful yet impossibly gentle kiss against the back of it. Your mouth fell open, a sharp inhale giving away your surprise. 
"I've seen the way you look at me, when you think I'm not looking. You don't think I've noticed…" he purred, lowering both hands to his lap, and the heat rushed into your face with a vengeance, setting your cheeks on fire. “I’m afraid you’re not quite as subtle as you’d hoped, although I’m a bit more perceptive than most…” Your foot slipped off the edge of the bed, and in a complete and total panic, you leapt to your feet, facing him with contrived indignation. 
“I… sorry… I don’t know what you mean! I just… You…” you spluttered your defense, although the delivery was working wholeheartedly against you. Taking a step backward, you tripped over the leg of the chair and thumped into the wall. Smooth. Standing up and pushing your hair out of your face, you looked back to him just in time to catch the flash of a smirk as he rose to his feet as well, moving slowly and stiffly, still clutching that little tease of a towel. He approached slowly, as a predator stalking its prey, with a smoldering intensity in his eyes that threatened to make your knees buckle. He lifted his free hand, placing it on the wall next to your head, and leaned in at an agonizingly slow pace. 
“So… You’d probably like me to stop this, then?” he rumbled, bringing his chest and face within inches of yours. You looked to the ceiling, praying for any sense of guidance or self control or anything, but felt nothing but the overwhelming craving washing over you from head to toe. You swallowed, hard, clenching your fists at your sides. But wait… He clearly wasn’t put off by your infatuation… Or why would he be doing this? Was he toying with you? Or did he share the attraction? You lowered your eyes to his, taking in the honey brown pools of emotion and depth, and slowly lifted both hands to his chest, tentatively resting them as though the heat radiating off of him might burn you.
“Hunter,” you whispered… And his hand lowered from the wall to your cheek, cupping it gently and tracing down to your chin, thumb brushing feather-light across your lower lip. 
“I should back off, shouldn’t I?” he asked, and you felt as though you were about to explode. There were no words, just a sheer rush of passion that threatened to tear you apart. So you leaned forward, sliding your hands up his chest and over his shoulders, digging them into his back and pulling him into you, pressing your lips against his with a desperation that thoroughly gave you away. He breathed a chuckle against your mouth, the most satisfying sound you could have imagined, and parted his lips slightly to deepen the kiss and send you into complete oblivion. 
His hand slid around your head, gently cupping the base of your skull with a balance of firmness and tenderness, and your lips met again and again, fanning the flame of desire raging between the two of you. His nose pressed into your cheeks, arms flexing around you, drowning you in the sheer bliss of his presence. He pulled away for a moment, giving you a breath of air, and instead lowered his lips to your jawbone, then your neck, then your collarbone. You wrapped one hand around his waist, pulling his hip, and one hand roved into his hair, fingers winding through his wavy locks and clenching in a sudden fist. The guttural moan that escaped him in response goaded you on, and you used both arms to pull him against you as firmly as you could. 
A sharp cry of pain broke you apart, and you staggered back in shock and confusion, realization dawning on you as he bent over slightly, clutching his side with his free hand, breathing laboriously. You babbled your apologies, feeling rotten to the core for not remembering his injuries. He waved dismissively, slowly standing up with a grimace that faded into a grin. You stood there, staring at each other for a moment, awash with all that had just happened, until you rasped a coy suggestion. 
“Are you sure you don’t need help wrapping your thigh?” 
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Oh lord, we did a smutty part two…
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mamawasatesttube · 5 days
3, 4, 6, 14, 18, and 19 for the fanfic writer asks!
3. What’s your favorite fic that you’ve written?
the courage of stars!!!! it marinated in my head for a WHILE before i was even able to put it into words. im pretty happy with how it turned out!!! kon is in the microwave <3 rotating <3
4. How many WIPs do you have right now?
11 total in my wip folder, which is honestly... a way smaller number than it could be/has been sdkfh
6. Are there any fics from others you reread all the time?
lately ive been going back to meg's single dad clark au 🥺 lois bonding with baby kon save me.
14. If you could see one of your fics adapted into a visual medium, such as comic or film, which fan fic would you pick?
OOOHH i think midnight sun would make a really fun comic or animation... you could really get the kon scary alien creaturisms visualized, esp like the tapeta lucida when he first shows up, or the kontrast of when he's kneeling and being all soft with tim while there are four (4) immobilized and terrified rando goons behind him. hehe.
18. What’s one of your favorite lines you’ve written in a fic?
oh god. what lines have i ever written in any fic, ever. uhhh... OH i do still like this passage from "the courage of stars":
It’s kind of funny. He came here, running away from Earth to escape his problems, and yet they followed him. What’s a guy to do when he’s haunted by his own ghost?
19. Give us a small teaser from one of your WIPs.
WELL i've been picking at the timkon red sun projector one, so... snippet under the cut!!! note that it IS an explicit fic (although this part isnt exactly there yet bc im like 4k in and theyre not even fully nakey yet akjsdhf) (but. yknow. highly suggestive themes)!!
Fanfic Writer Asks!
Tim presses an open-mouthed kiss to his back as he eases the straps of the dress down Kon’s arms. He trails his mouth along the curve of Kon’s shoulder as he pushes one strap down his arm, and a pleasurable shiver runs down Kon’s spine. The dress slips down, lower.
“God, you’re so pretty,” Tim murmurs. He kisses one, two, three spots that feel random, but Kon knows (from many kisses before) that they’re where he has the most visible freckles on his back. One is just below his shoulder, another further down near his spine, and a third and fourth close together on his other shoulder blade.
Kon lets out a pleased hum, breathless. Tim’s hands wander, and Kon leans back into him a little. Tim doesn’t want him touching him back, yet, so—all he can really do is stand here and focus on Tim’s touch. “Mm.”
Tim nuzzles the back of his shoulder as he keeps sliding the dress down Kon’s body. It’s at his hips now, and Tim abandons it for a moment to slide his hands around Kon’s bare waist. He skims his palms along Kon’s ribs, traces the undersides of his pecs, and runs his fingers lightly over Kon’s nipples.
Kon sucks in a breath. He normally doesn’t notice, but—the air in their bedroom is slightly cool against his bare skin, and Tim’s teasing little touches only make the heat of his skin that much more striking. Sparks shoot through him as Tim feels up his chest, his chest warm against Kon’s bare back. Kon can feel the buttons on Tim’s shirt pressing into his bare, tender skin, can feel the barest touch of Tim’s nails as he skims them across his chest.
“Tim,” he murmurs, his heart pounding.
Tim’s lips brush his neck. “My clone boy.”
He lightly pinches one of Kon’s nipples, harder than usual—or maybe it’s that it just feels harder than usual. Sparks fly straight from Kon’s chest to his core, and Kon squeaks. “Ah!”
Tim’s breath tickles against his neck as Tim chuckles, his voice low and warm. “You’re extra sensitive here now, huh?”
“I—I guess,” Kon manages, squirming a little as Tim toys with his chest, both hands warm against him. “Nnh…”
Tim pinches his nipples again, rolls his thumbs over them, and hums. It’s a flirty, teasing touch that doesn’t linger; he moves on, caresses Kon’s collarbones and rubs down his sternum, and kisses his shoulder some more.
Then, abruptly, he pushes the dress down over Kon’s hips. It falls to the floor, pooling around his feet; Kon can feel the press of Tim’s belt buckle into his back, the metal cool against his skin, and it hits him: Kon is here, in his hands, at his mercy, vulnerable in more ways than one. Tim is fully clothed, in control, while Kon’s standing here in just a pair of black, lacy panties, with a red sun projector pressed against his throat.
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russellsppttemplates · 10 months
A lol and kinda smut moment for George Russell and wife reader where they are laying in bed after sex and forget Olivia is in her walking phase and almost waddles into your and George bedroom after her nap
Tw: mentions of smut
When George decided it was way too hot in the house to wear a t-shirt and paraded around in your favourite shorts of his, it didn't take long after you put Olivia down for her nap for him to be in your bed, clothes shed on the floor while you enjoyed having eachother close.
"Is that feeling good for you, darling?", George said while kissing your chest, knowing fully well by the way you are squeezing him that you are close to coming undone. Once you got your breath back after it all, you laid on top of George, your fingers combing through his curls while his hands caressed your back and boobs, occasionally kissing your shoulders, "Is she still asleep?", George asked, making you look for the monitor and seeing Olivia laid on the mattress on the floor. You and George had plans of rearranging her bedroom this afternoon but it had obviously taken a turn, "yeah, she is. I think we can do it as well", you suggested, snuggling your face in his neck and allowing yourself to close your eyes for a bit.
Tiredness must've have made its way into both you and Geoge since none of you had heard Olivia wake up and head into your room, only waking up when you felt someone push the duvet away from you, "I'm cold, George", you mumbled, only hearing a little giggle, "daddy's nakey!", you heard your daughter shriek before she giggled again, patting his chest to wake him up, "Oh, look who we have here!", your husband said while picking her up, making sure you had pulled the duvet back over you, "mummy's nakey too!", she said, her hands going straight to grab your boobs, "that is something we both agree on, little one!".
(Thank you for submitting an ask 🤍)
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rustboxstarr · 1 year
Lovers Lake
Pairings: Eddie Munson x Girlfriend reader
Warnings: Jealous Eddie, unwanted attention, teasing, smut!, p in v sex, shower sex, kissing, nakey nakey
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“We don’t even have swim stuff” Steve pointed out as he followed reluctantly behind you leading the group with a grin. “So? We can just swim in our underwear” you responded. 
“Oh great” Eddie said sarcastically “shut up, you love seeing me in my underwear” you retorted as you stepped out onto the small beach. 
“Well I think it sounds fun!” Robin said excitedly as she ran to the water. “See” you gestures towards Robin, “just because you’re wimps doesn’t mean we all have to be” 
“Yeah well you guys swim, I’m not even dipping a toe” Steve crossed his arms “me neither” Eddie added, you just rolled your eyes. 
The two other girls undressed but Eddie's eyes were only on you as he watched you slip your t-shirt off. He was not that keen on seeing what was concealed. 
Underneath you had worn, in preparation for the night ahead with Eddie, your black lacy bra, nipples clear as day with straps criss crossed against your chest, and in the back the straps crossed again, a black lace butterfly flat against your back. 
He quirked his eyebrows at you. “What?” You asked annoyed as you unbuttoned your Jean shorts “you’re wearing that?” He looked stunned as you pulled your shorts down. 
You wore a simple lace thong with a matching butterfly to cover your mound, the thin string tucked between your thick cheeks. 
“Holy shit y/n you’re making me more gay than before” Robin joked seeing your attire. You laughed. “Keep your hands off her” Eddie wrapped his arms around your waist pulling you away from her. You laughed at him. 
“Haha yeah, I’d switch teams if I knew that was on the table” Nancy joked. Steve laughed at his ex-girlfriend awkwardly as he turned to look at you. His face fell. 
His eyes widened as he saw you pull the waistband up over your hips, your round thighs, stomach, hips and breasts on display for anyone to admire. 
Eddie frowned at his friend “keep your eyes to yourself Harrington” he said annoyed, not a trace of a joke in his tone but you still laughed at him. So protective, it was hilariously funny. 
“Ok see you later wimps!” Robin blew a kiss and walked out into the water, Nancy following behind. 
You stepped forward to give Eddie a quick kiss but his hand grasped onto your hips tightly and brought you close. His lips sunk into yours  softly as your hands went to his shoulders. 
Robin laughed at his insecurity behind you and splashed water on to Nancy. Steve looked at the girls, trying not to look at the two of you clearly wrapped up in your own world. 
Finally he let you go, the need for oxygen overcoming him. He let out a breath as you turned around, he quickly squeezed your ass and you giggled as you walked towards the water, somehow quite graciously walking in. 
Hands on the waistband of your thong you stepped in the water. Eddie watched from a distance as your thighs rubbed together smoothly from the water. Your hips swerving and your ass moving from side to side. 
He admired your shape as the rolls of your back moved and your skin jiggled with each step. He swallowed hard as he realised his growing erection straining against his boxers.
Robin and Nancy were fully submerged in the water as you came up to them, your hands gliding along the surface around you. 
You turned around and grinned at your boyfriend awkwardly stood watching you and leaning into the water, your back hit the cold as your foot rested in the air. 
You laughed as you fell into the water, immediately getting splashed in the face by Robin, you splashed her back and tackled her. 
“It’s actually a lot nicer than I thought, I thought it would be freezing” Nancy admitted as she played with the water. 
You see Eddie out of the corner of your eye picking your clothes up and fling them over his shoulder to keep them off the sand. You smiled “haha that’s cute” Robin pointed out. “What’s up with him by the way?” She asked with a frown. 
You laughed “Don’t think he was so keen on me walking around in this” you gestures to your lingerie “were you hun?” You turned to him and smirked “shut up” he grinned back.
“Eddie!” Robin yelled “can you pass me that ball over there?!” She shouted and pointed towards a discarded football in the sand that she had just lay her eyes on.
He walked over, picked it up and walked back to the shore. He held his hand up, throwing it to the group of girls, just as you witnessed your clothes falling off his shoulder and landing in that water. 
“Oooh my gooooddd” you groaned with you face in your hand “oops, sorry” he made an awkward face and bent down to pick the soaked clothes out of the water.
“You’re an idiot” you pointed out as you began walking back up to the shore “yeah sorry” he gave you an apologetic grin. 
“Man!” You complained as you took the heavy clothes from him and inspected them “when I’m dry you’re giving me your jacket” you demanded, pointing at him with manicured nails. 
Nancy and Robin walked out and stood in the sand waiting for the early summer sun to dry them off. 
Once they had dried and were putting on their clothes as you sat in Eddie's lap, his legs crossed and holding his jacket over your shoulders. The back of it rested against your chest as you leaned on Eddie's shoulder, seeking heat from him. 
“Alright, you girls done with your excursion? Can we go now?” Stev complained. “Yeah yeah, come on”
You all made your way back into the woods and stepped over the dry earth. You felt awkward walking in just your underwear and a pair of blue converse, exposed, vulnerable but still somehow extremely confident. You made it to the comfort of Steve’s car. “Nance, why don’t you sit in the front?” Steve smiled as he unlocked his car. 
“You kicking me out man” Eddie joked as he held his hand to his chest. “Yup” he gave Eddie a grin and ducked under the roof of the car. 
Sat in the car were four clothed adults and a very naked y/n. 
You leaned against Eddie as he sat by the window, his hands running up and down your soft skin to give you heat. You shuddered as the aircon came on “can you put the heat on please! Some of us are naked here!” You joked at Steve. 
He turned the heat up and you snuggled into your boyfriend's chest. Your elbow came to rest on his thighs, conveniently placed on his crotch. 
You froze when you came in contact with a very hard cock concealed within his jeans. You turned to look up at him with wide eyes. Eddie began whistling and over dramatically looked around the car. 
You snorted at him “What?” Robin asked, “What's so funny?” She always had to know what was going on “I can’t explain, Eddie can you help me?” You joked as he gave you an annoyed glare. 
“She probably noticed he’s hard” Steve’s voice came from the front seat. “What?” Nancy asked, “Excuse me?” Robin's voice was heard “what are you doing looking at my dick?” Eddie accused. 
The group chuckled at his comment. “Yeah well if you weren’t awkwardly trying to hide it the whole time I wouldn’t be laughing” Eddie closed his eyes at the whole car hearing his way of handling his arousal. 
“Yeah dude was going like this” Steve cowered against the steering wheel, both hands on his crotch to imitate Eddie.
You and Robin burst out laughing. “Is he hard?” She asked wheezing “yeah” you could breathe “I was just lying there and oops there it was” you laughed. 
Eddie curled into the corner, his hand prominently on his cock trying to conceal it “this is why girls are superior, we can hide our arousal, you guys can’t” Robin explained. 
“Oh please! Every time you see a hot girl you start clenching your thighs and you get all stutters and shit” Robin gasped at Steve’s statement. 
“You can see that?!” “Yeah only because you can’t stop staring at her” Robin's head fell into her hands as she groaned. 
The car came to a halt outside Eddie's trailer and he opened the car door. You stepped out, Eddie carrying your bundle of clothes as he thanked Steve for the ride. 
“I’m gonna have a shower” you announced as you’d untied your shoes and slipped them off, Eddie already spread out on the couch. “Ok” “you gonna join me or?” You asked expectantly. 
“Oh I didn’t realise that was an option” he jumped off from the couch. “No no it’s ok, you don’t wanna shower with your insanely hot girlfriend I’ll just shower by myself” you joked running towards the bathroom.
“No no no, I’m coming in with you” he followed. You were just about to slip through the door when his large hands clasped around your waist pulling you back. You squeezed as he fell forward with you in his grasp. 
Stumbling into the bathroom Eddie regained his stability and placed his hand on your hips turning you around. He leaned down and gave you a deep passionate kiss, you pulled him with you towards the shower as he once again stumbled forward. 
You stopped at the threshold slipping your thong down. He watched in awe and quickly ripped his jacket and t-shirt off. 
You unclasped your bra and let it fall to the floor and stepped backwards into the shower. You laughed as you witnessed your boyfriend rush to unbutton his jeans and pull them down his legs. 
His semi hard cock sprung free as he stumbled into the shower, his feet held back by his jeans. He kicked them off and stepped into the shower, replacing his hands on your hips and forcing you against the wall. 
You squeal at the contact of your smooth skin on cold porcelain, Eddie takes the chance to reach behind you and just as the freezing cold water hits you he slides back in the shower avoiding the spurt of cold. 
You squeal as freezing water drenched your body, “you asshole!” You shout as you slap his arm. He laughs at you and reaches back again to change the temperature. 
Just as you open your mouth to scold him he connects his lips with yours, you melt into his touch as he wraps his arms around you. 
Stood under the stream of warm water you hold each other so tightly you think you’ll pass out. A switch turns in Eddie's mind and he pushes you back into the wall. He lightly taps your hip and you jump. 
His hold body pressing against you to keep you stable on the wall he slips into you grinning. A loud moan escapes your lips as you feel his slick cock as he easily glides in. 
“Jesus Christ how are you this wet” he amazes, panting as his thrusts into you you breathe a “shut up”.
With both hands on your upper thighs connecting to your ass he pushes his pelvic into you, earning loud moans with each thrust. 
You clench around him as he grazes you g-spot “mother of-“ he groans at the pressure around him. You search for his lips, kissing his face until eventually you both connect. 
Tongues dancing around he thrusts his pelvis into you as you bounce on the wall. You feel a light relaxed sensation build around your walls as he thirst faster, feeling you clench around him. 
“Shit” he breathes, “fuck fuck I thin I’m gonna” you start, getting cut off by a loud moan you throw your head back, resting it against the wall. 
Your lips agape and your eyes rolled back in your head you feel that satisfying sensation build. 
He placed his head between your hanging breasts, his back curved as he forced his hips into you at a lovely pace. 
You moan loudly as your light orgasm washes over you. Your action only earring a groan from Eddie as he forces his hips into you even faster, chasing his own release. 
You don’t realise when his warm liquid shoots thick ropes into you but you know he’s cum when his hips slow and you can feel his cock softening inside you. 
He lets out a satisfied groan as he slowly pulls out of you and carefully lets you back down. His head rolls on his shoulders as you pant to find your breath. 
The water still streaming above you, you close your eyes. He pants “why don’t we, hu wash up hu” he breathes heavily mid sentence.
You wash your body and a few minutes later you're wrapped up in a fluffy red towel making your way into Eddie's room. 
Just as you walk through the door his arms wrap around you and his head nestled into your neck. He gives you a light kiss as he whispers a quiet “I love you” from behind you. You kiss what you can reach, his temple and whisper an “I love you” back. 
Twenty minutes later you're curled into his side under a blanket, wrapped in one of his t-shirts, he secretly bought especially so they would be large on you, his own torso drowning in fabric when he wore it. 
An amusing sitcom plays on the box tv as his hand amuses itself with curling strands of your hair. 
162 notes · View notes
Lovers Lake
Pairings: Eddie Munson x Girlfriend reader
Warnings: Jealous Eddie, unwanted attention, teasing, smut!, p in v sex, shower sex, kissing, nakey nakey
Check out my other works!
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“We don’t even have swim stuff” Steve pointed out as he followed reluctantly behind you leading the group with a grin. “So? We can just swim in our underwear” you responded. 
“Oh great” Eddie said sarcastically “shut up, you love seeing me in my underwear” you retorted as you stepped out onto the small beach. 
“Well I think it sounds fun!” Robin said excitedly as she ran to the water. “See” you gestures towards Robin, “just because you’re wimps doesn’t mean we all have to be” 
“Yeah well you guys swim, I’m not even dipping a toe” Steve crossed his arms “me neither” Eddie added, you just rolled your eyes. 
The two other girls undressed but Eddie's eyes were only on you as he watched you slip your t-shirt off. He was not that keen on seeing what was concealed. 
Underneath you had worn, in preparation for the night ahead with Eddie, your black lacy bra, nipples clear as day with straps criss crossed against your chest, and in the back the straps crossed again, a black lace butterfly flat against your back. 
He quirked his eyebrows at you. “What?” You asked annoyed as you unbuttoned your Jean shorts “you’re wearing that?” He looked stunned as you pulled your shorts down. 
You wore a simple lace thong with a matching butterfly to cover your mound, the thin string tucked between your thick cheeks. 
“Holy shit y/n you’re making me more gay than before” Robin joked seeing your attire. You laughed. “Keep your hands off her” Eddie wrapped his arms around your waist pulling you away from her. You laughed at him. 
“Haha yeah, I’d switch teams if I knew that was on the table” Nancy joked. Steve laughed at his ex-girlfriend awkwardly as he turned to look at you. His face fell. 
His eyes widened as he saw you pull the waistband up over your hips, your round thighs, stomach, hips and breasts on display for anyone to admire. 
Eddie frowned at his friend “keep your eyes to yourself Harrington” he said annoyed, not a trace of a joke in his tone but you still laughed at him. So protective, it was hilariously funny. 
“Ok see you later wimps!” Robin blew a kiss and walked out into the water, Nancy following behind. 
You stepped forward to give Eddie a quick kiss but his hand grasped onto your hips tightly and brought you close. His lips sunk into yours  softly as your hands went to his shoulders. 
Robin laughed at his insecurity behind you and splashed water on to Nancy. Steve looked at the girls, trying not to look at the two of you clearly wrapped up in your own world. 
Finally he let you go, the need for oxygen overcoming him. He let out a breath as you turned around, he quickly squeezed your ass and you giggled as you walked towards the water, somehow quite graciously walking in. 
Hands on the waistband of your thong you stepped in the water. Eddie watched from a distance as your thighs rubbed together smoothly from the water. Your hips swerving and your ass moving from side to side. 
He admired your shape as the rolls of your back moved and your skin jiggled with each step. He swallowed hard as he realised his growing erection straining against his boxers.
Robin and Nancy were fully submerged in the water as you came up to them, your hands gliding along the surface around you. 
You turned around and grinned at your boyfriend awkwardly stood watching you and leaning into the water, your back hit the cold as your foot rested in the air. 
You laughed as you fell into the water, immediately getting splashed in the face by Robin, you splashed her back and tackled her. 
“It’s actually a lot nicer than I thought, I thought it would be freezing” Nancy admitted as she played with the water. 
You see Eddie out of the corner of your eye picking your clothes up and fling them over his shoulder to keep them off the sand. You smiled “haha that’s cute” Robin pointed out. “What’s up with him by the way?” She asked with a frown. 
You laughed “Don’t think he was so keen on me walking around in this” you gestures to your lingerie “were you hun?” You turned to him and smirked “shut up” he grinned back.
“Eddie!” Robin yelled “can you pass me that ball over there?!” She shouted and pointed towards a discarded football in the sand that she had just lay her eyes on.
He walked over, picked it up and walked back to the shore. He held his hand up, throwing it to the group of girls, just as you witnessed your clothes falling off his shoulder and landing in that water. 
“Oooh my gooooddd” you groaned with you face in your hand “oops, sorry” he made an awkward face and bent down to pick the soaked clothes out of the water.
“You’re an idiot” you pointed out as you began walking back up to the shore “yeah sorry” he gave you an apologetic grin. 
“Man!” You complained as you took the heavy clothes from him and inspected them “when I’m dry you’re giving me your jacket” you demanded, pointing at him with manicured nails. 
Nancy and Robin walked out and stood in the sand waiting for the early summer sun to dry them off. 
Once they had dried and were putting on their clothes as you sat in Eddie's lap, his legs crossed and holding his jacket over your shoulders. The back of it rested against your chest as you leaned on Eddie's shoulder, seeking heat from him. 
“Alright, you girls done with your excursion? Can we go now?” Stev complained. “Yeah yeah, come on”
You all made your way back into the woods and stepped over the dry earth. You felt awkward walking in just your underwear and a pair of blue converse, exposed, vulnerable but still somehow extremely confident. You made it to the comfort of Steve’s car. “Nance, why don’t you sit in the front?” Steve smiled as he unlocked his car. 
“You kicking me out man” Eddie joked as he held his hand to his chest. “Yup” he gave Eddie a grin and ducked under the roof of the car. 
Sat in the car were four clothed adults and a very naked y/n. 
You leaned against Eddie as he sat by the window, his hands running up and down your soft skin to give you heat. You shuddered as the aircon came on “can you put the heat on please! Some of us are naked here!” You joked at Steve. 
He turned the heat up and you snuggled into your boyfriend's chest. Your elbow came to rest on his thighs, conveniently placed on his crotch. 
You froze when you came in contact with a very hard cock concealed within his jeans. You turned to look up at him with wide eyes. Eddie began whistling and over dramatically looked around the car. 
You snorted at him “What?” Robin asked, “What's so funny?” She always had to know what was going on “I can’t explain, Eddie can you help me?” You joked as he gave you an annoyed glare. 
“She probably noticed he’s hard” Steve’s voice came from the front seat. “What?” Nancy asked, “Excuse me?” Robin's voice was heard “what are you doing looking at my dick?” Eddie accused. 
The group chuckled at his comment. “Yeah well if you weren’t awkwardly trying to hide it the whole time I wouldn’t be laughing” Eddie closed his eyes at the whole car hearing his way of handling his arousal. 
“Yeah dude was going like this” Steve cowered against the steering wheel, both hands on his crotch to imitate Eddie.
You and Robin burst out laughing. “Is he hard?” She asked wheezing “yeah” you could breathe “I was just lying there and oops there it was” you laughed. 
Eddie curled into the corner, his hand prominently on his cock trying to conceal it “this is why girls are superior, we can hide our arousal, you guys can’t” Robin explained. 
“Oh please! Every time you see a hot girl you start clenching your thighs and you get all stutters and shit” Robin gasped at Steve’s statement. 
“You can see that?!” “Yeah only because you can’t stop staring at her” Robin's head fell into her hands as she groaned. 
The car came to a halt outside Eddie's trailer and he opened the car door. You stepped out, Eddie carrying your bundle of clothes as he thanked Steve for the ride. 
“I’m gonna have a shower” you announced as you’d untied your shoes and slipped them off, Eddie already spread out on the couch. “Ok” “you gonna join me or?” You asked expectantly. 
“Oh I didn’t realise that was an option” he jumped off from the couch. “No no it’s ok, you don’t wanna shower with your insanely hot girlfriend I’ll just shower by myself” you joked running towards the bathroom.
“No no no, I’m coming in with you” he followed. You were just about to slip through the door when his large hands clasped around your waist pulling you back. You squeezed as he fell forward with you in his grasp. 
Stumbling into the bathroom Eddie regained his stability and placed his hand on your hips turning you around. He leaned down and gave you a deep passionate kiss, you pulled him with you towards the shower as he once again stumbled forward. 
You stopped at the threshold slipping your thong down. He watched in awe and quickly ripped his jacket and t-shirt off. 
You unclasped your bra and let it fall to the floor and stepped backwards into the shower. You laughed as you witnessed your boyfriend rush to unbutton his jeans and pull them down his legs. 
His semi hard cock sprung free as he stumbled into the shower, his feet held back by his jeans. He kicked them off and stepped into the shower, replacing his hands on your hips and forcing you against the wall. 
You squeal at the contact of your smooth skin on cold porcelain, Eddie takes the chance to reach behind you and just as the freezing cold water hits you he slides back in the shower avoiding the spurt of cold. 
You squeal as freezing water drenched your body, “you asshole!” You shout as you slap his arm. He laughs at you and reaches back again to change the temperature. 
Just as you open your mouth to scold him he connects his lips with yours, you melt into his touch as he wraps his arms around you. 
Stood under the stream of warm water you hold each other so tightly you think you’ll pass out. A switch turns in Eddie's mind and he pushes you back into the wall. He lightly taps your hip and you jump. 
His hold body pressing against you to keep you stable on the wall he slips into you grinning. A loud moan escapes your lips as you feel his slick cock as he easily glides in. 
“Jesus Christ how are you this wet” he amazes, panting as his thrusts into you you breathe a “shut up”.
With both hands on your upper thighs connecting to your ass he pushes his pelvic into you, earning loud moans with each thrust. 
You clench around him as he grazes you g-spot “mother of-“ he groans at the pressure around him. You search for his lips, kissing his face until eventually you both connect. 
Tongues dancing around he thrusts his pelvis into you as you bounce on the wall. You feel a light relaxed sensation build around your walls as he thirst faster, feeling you clench around him. 
“Shit” he breathes, “fuck fuck I thin I’m gonna” you start, getting cut off by a loud moan you throw your head back, resting it against the wall. 
Your lips agape and your eyes rolled back in your head you feel that satisfying sensation build. 
He placed his head between your hanging breasts, his back curved as he forced his hips into you at a lovely pace. 
You moan loudly as your light orgasm washes over you. Your action only earring a groan from Eddie as he forces his hips into you even faster, chasing his own release. 
You don’t realise when his warm liquid shoots thick ropes into you but you know he’s cum when his hips slow and you can feel his cock softening inside you. 
He lets out a satisfied groan as he slowly pulls out of you and carefully lets you back down. His head rolls on his shoulders as you pant to find your breath. 
The water still streaming above you, you close your eyes. He pants “why don’t we, hu wash up hu” he breathes heavily mid sentence.
You wash your body and a few minutes later you're wrapped up in a fluffy red towel making your way into Eddie's room. 
Just as you walk through the door his arms wrap around you and his head nestled into your neck. He gives you a light kiss as he whispers a quiet “I love you” from behind you. You kiss what you can reach, his temple and whisper an “I love you” back. 
Twenty minutes later you're curled into his side under a blanket, wrapped in one of his t-shirts, he secretly bought especially so they would be large on you, his own torso drowning in fabric when he wore it. 
An amusing sitcom plays on the box tv as his hand amuses itself with curling strands of your hair. 
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azulsluver · 1 year
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tw. yandere, graphic violence, blood/gore, slight body horror and cannibalism, mentioned puking, tongue fucking a wound.
cw. reader is nakey but no explicit parts described. read with caution
Authors note♛ I won’t lie, I got this idea because I was looking through really old docs of writings I would do because I was so into yandere genre at a young age. This is also an excuse to write something nasty with Jade<3
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He made you think you had the perfect chance. That you outsmarted the Leech Jade in a game of cat and mouse. It all went too smoothly for your taste, too good to be true that he’d leave you in a room unsupervised and thoroughly checked. 
You’d lay on the cold dirty floor of a warehouse, far from Jade’s quarters. If anything, you’re happy to get away from there. Whatever happens to you now, it’ll be better than staying in that god-forbidden house he called home.
Your chest rises and falls in a slow pace, shuffling less to avoid the stinging pain on your knee. A wound, bullet wound to be exact, dried blood staining against your skin. Leaning on the pole you’re tied to, you take the time to slow your breathing. Being chased down by a bunch of gangsters who recognized you as Jade’s ‘partner’, much to your dismay. There was a reason you wished to get away from him, everything he touched, spoke to, and looked at only leads to trouble. You didn’t want to live a life on the run, no matter how powerful and influential Jade has in his shady business, you’re just waving a useless white flag.
And it wasn’t just his job that started the mistrust, bringing home half beaten men to your feet so they can apologize for grazing your shoulder. Shaking off the fact his threats still lie deep in your head, you didn’t have much to say when entering the relationship. You simply wanted nothing to do with Jade. Nothing.
Your body slightly trembles the longer the pounding of the floor breaks you out of thought. Sitting up more straight and pulling your knees to your chest, wincing at the sharp movement. Silence was only for a second before gunshots rang in the air, getting closer and closer. And closer. Until the door in front of you thumps loudly, a man screams from behind it until his voice gurgles. Thickly swallowing your saliva as blood pools underneath the cracks.
The door is kicked open. Now you’re really scared.
Jade’s leg hovers in the air for the moment, his eyes frantically looking around the room until he settles on you. The pupil of his eyes expand much larger, his body quaver for a short time before moving. Long strides so eerily, intention full of daunt without even muttering a word.
His expression is detached, a look you only saw once when rejecting his advances in private.
“This,” He crouches down to your level, “is what happens to naughty humans who don’t do as they’re told. See, bad people will come looking for you just to hurt me.” You have the urge to spit in his face. Cooing to you like a disobedient child, you’re sure he doesn’t see you as an equal.
The strands of your hair sticks to the sweat of your face, eyeing Jade who caresses a thumb over your wound. Jerking when he finally decides to press it down, your knee hardening like rocks as you let out a scream.
“Azul said you were troublesome. These men were allies who soon saw the opportunity to strike behind our backs. He thinks it’s all you’re fault you know.” You can’t understand a word he’s saying, throwing your head back as he continues his assault.
“Then he asked me, what can I do to prevent this from happening again?” Jade stops, small droplets of blood on his thumb seep under his nail. Your body seizes up by small jolts of pain, shuddering when he pulls your knee closer to him. “I said, a fish has the luxury of swimming mindlessly in the sea. Without their fins,” His mouth hovers over your wounded knee.
“They’re quite useless.” 
Jade lolls his tongue out to swipe the dried blood off, making you blabber out nonsense of his muscle touching your naked knee. It burns like a ring fire, drawing it out slow as you uselessly kick your other leg. With how weak your body was, the impact was much of a puppy kicking it’s way out of danger. You scream out Jade’s name, tell him you’re sorry as drool rolls down your lips. Body having no control to find a way to ease the pain as he finally worms a way into your wound.
The bullet that was pushed down deep into your flesh wiggles like a blade. He went as far as to allow his bottom row teeth to chew up your knee even further, bits of flesh tear from your body as he swallows drops of blood and meat. Tongue curling to get a hold of the bullet, your eyes roll to the back of your head as your chest racks another scream. The ropes around your wrist burns, thrashing your head from side to side; refusing to look at his doings.
Your knee is soaked in whatever fluids, but the warmth and force of his tongue is long gone. A loud clink hits the floor, then did you open your puffy eyes. Face sticky with sweat and drool, you stare endlessly at the stained bullet on the ground.
Standing up from the floor, Jade retrieves a handkerchief from his pocket to dab at his messy lips. You make no noise, voice hoarse from the yelling and crying.
“I may have gone overboard. But a wounded fin was never meant to look pretty.”
“Huh...” You gazed down to look at your twitching knee.
Bone sticking out with chewed flesh hanging on by a string of skin. It’s sickening to look at, with bile raising in your throat. Jade watches with a usual smile at your gaping mouth. He made sure when he pushed the bullet down it fractured your knee, twisting in a odd angle that can only be repaired professionally. The wound gradually opened more because of his assault, leaving the wound big enough to stick three fingers in.
A finger lifts your chin up, Jade softly speaking in a more sincere tone at your empty-ish expression. Numb.
“But I take good care of my things. No matter how ugly.”
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gimmethatagustd · 1 year
WOW I AM LOVING THESE SPOTIFY DRABBLES! idk if you're still taking requests for them? but i'd like to request yoongi and number 29 please. (i want to see other members too but he's my bias so yeah lol)
I got delicious taste, you need a woman's touch in your place / Just protect her and keep her safe / Baby, worship my hips and waist
» pairing: yoongi x f!reader
» genre: BTS | 18+ | drabble | established relationship | fluff? | an attempt at humor?
» wc/date: 755 | December 2022
» warnings: reader is making fun of misogynistic ideas about womanhood/hetero relationships | overuse of "daddy" (as a joke) | nakey nakey
» notes: PLEASE RECOGNIZE THAT THIS IS SUPPOSED TO BE FUNNY. THIS IS A JOKE. I AM A FEMINIST. also i totally get you 😌 min yoongi supremacy 😌
» masterlist | AO3 | send me ur thots 👅
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At some point, you decide that your relationship with Yoongi is serious enough that you can be unserious. 
The honeymoon phase is long over. You’re perfectly happy to burp the most obscene burps in front of him. There’s no pressure to look pretty all the time (even though Yoongi always insists that you never need to try to impress him). Hell, you’d even asked if you could hold his dick while he peed. (He eventually gave in. It was definitely worth it, and now you maybe have penis envy. No one tell Freud!!) 
But sometimes Yoongi needs to loosen up. He’s a great guy, for sure! You adore him. He treats you with love and respect. He’s thoughtful and caring. There’s honestly nothing wrong with him, aside from the fact that maybe he’s a little too good. And you’re a little too mischievous. 
Which is why you decide to really give your man a heart attack when he gets home from work. 
“Hey, baby, how are y—” 
Yoongi’s jaw goes slack and his sentence trails off as if his throat is closing in on itself. You watch him swallow, lips falling open. After a moment he seems to remember that he was in the middle of taking off his blazer. You suppress a laugh as his blazer falls to the floor when he tries to hang it in the front closet without taking his eyes off you.
“Wha-wha-what are you wearing?” 
“Oh, I just thought I should play the part since I’m working from home more now.” 
“P-Play the p-part?” He furiously tugs at his tie but lets his arm fall limp to his side when you turn to enter the kitchen. You can’t see the way his eyes bug out of his head, but you have an idea of how flustered he is when he starts babbling again. Can you really blame him? All you’re wearing under your apron is a thong. 
“What part? Baby. Babe, play what?” 
“Shh, relax, daddy.” 
“Daddy?!” Yoongi chokes on his next inhale. 
You flash your boyfriend a dazzling smile and point at the spread of food on the kitchen table. “I’m just trying to take care of you, daddy. You worked so hard today.” 
“No, I didn’t!” he practically screeches. “You know I’m always dicking around at work on Fridays. Fridays aren’t real work days.”
You click your tongue against the roof of your mouth. It’s only slightly difficult to keep your composure while he freaks out. You know he wants to say the right thing, to not be disrespectful. But he’s absolutely devouring you in the most shameful way. Pink cheeks and guilty eyes meet you when you press your fingers into his shoulders, forcing him into the kitchen chair. 
You lean over him and whisper against the shell of his ear. His entire body shudders when you drag your tongue up his earlobe. The sound of his breath hitching when you suck on his skin makes something grow inside your chest. It might be a bit of pride and untamed ego, you’re not sure. 
“Baby, what is going on?” The desperation in his voice makes the pressure in your chest grow even bigger. You can’t help but smirk, though he can’t see you. 
“I’m your woman, aren’t I? I was made to serve you, daddy.” 
Yoongi slams his glass of water back onto the table after having lifted it up to take a sip with a shaky hand. 
“Excuse me?” 
“You don’t think so?” You drag your lips up his throat, letting your tongue slip out to flick against the goosebumps that raise in splotches across his skin. You’re being unfair and you know it. 
The sound that erupts from the back of his throat sounds strangled and heavy. 
“Babe, I don’t—” 
It’s honestly rather ridiculous, but it gets the desired outcome when you abruptly stick your finger in Yoongi’s mouth. His lips immediately wrap around the digit. He even dares to suck, though you aren’t sure if the action is intentional. 
“Hurry up so I can suck your dick while you finish your nightcap.” 
The poor guy can barely breathe at this point. 
You twist your hips to make sure your ass jiggles as you step out of the kitchen. You’ve got to get away. It’s too difficult to keep a straight face while Yoongi is turning red all over at the table. Once he relearns how to breathe and talk, you’re sure he’ll get back at you somehow. The possibilities make you giddy. 
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all rights reserved © gimmethatagustd on tumblr & AO3
do not copy, repost, modify, or translate any of my work
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symphonic-scream · 2 months
Updated Post for the Persona 5 Magic au
It all starts with the eternal battle for balance. Good v evil, light v dark. Two beings oversee all that is magical, using their every breath to keep the other at bay. With the opposing forces in balance, no one being can overcome the world, and rise up. The humans, the normal ones, remain in the dark
Darkness draws back for a few decades, and strikes swiftly. It goes to absorb the magic of Light, but cannot contain that much raw power. Light, and it's magic, are sent to the mortal plain, their magic scattering among those who were never meant to have such power
One dark night, many years later, a young witch, unaware of who he is, has his first spark of magic.
Akira Kurusu is charged for assault.
Akira Kurusu is sent to Tokyo.
Akira Kurusu is the first.
But first, he's late on his way to school. He feels the air leave his chest when a blonde girl takes down her hood in the rain. She blinks at him, and the glass film in his eyes shatters. He blinks at her. He feels normal. She gets in a man's car, and he's compelled by something else to deny a ride.
Suguru Kamoshida hits someone with his car
But it's okay, Ryuji Sakamoto gets up, completely uninjured. This has happened before, you see. A little girl, racially ambiguous, appearance shifting like the winds and the sands in the tides, well she greeted him the first time. Sent him right back, to his own waiting body
So, they decide to head to school together. That's when the talking cat shows up. And forms a blood pact with Akira, after revealing that he's a witch. A familiar bond.
The cat is Morgana, the former magic one of Light. And he recruits both boys to help him track down his magic, and return balance to the world of magic
Their first target? Kamoshida, who has some of Morgana's magic. Along the way they recruit Ann, a young succubus who's touch starved, very gay, and comes very close to killing in the name of her "best friend" that she is definitely not in love with
Their second target is an artist, who uses Morgana's magic to convince others to let him use their art as his own. Only one pupil remains in his lowly shack, one that Ryuji swears he's never seen blink
Yusuke Kitagawa believes he owes servitude to his master. A kitsune, one with large potential, just as he holds for art. The others show him the truth behind his master, how he tricked Yusuke's mother, leaving her to die, and taking all her work
He goes a little berserk. Finds Madarame in his exhibit, and let's his power fly. Yusuke drives his former master to madness, and his illusions leave a handful of visitors a little less sane than before.
Next, they go for the boss of a local Yakuza ring, Kaneshiro. The gang go after a few weeks of planning, deep in the middle of the night, dressed in Halloween store costumes for disguise, but find they don't need them
Uhm. Rating goes up for the next bit. Warning for violence and blood!
Because the doors are unlocked, left ajar. The full moon shines light on the red, wet floors, the stench of fresh death wafting out.
The sun has begun to rise by the time they gather their wits and find the central room. With one last shout of pain, they watch one last body sag between large fangs, the form of a full moon werewolf, dark fur soaked with blood, standing there. Right in the centre of the room
It turns to them, and it's bones creak as the moon comes to a close
Soon, all that's left standing there, bare, shivering, coated in blood, is Shujin Student Council President Makoto Niijima. With the additions of two furry ears atop her head, and a brown wolf's tail tucked between her legs
She's in a state of panic for many reasons. Partially for the mass murder she just did, partially for being all nakey wakey eggs and bakey. Mostly, because she has to get back to her apartment's boiler room before her sister goes to let her out, and she's in Shibuya and covered in blood and maybe losing it a little-
The gang throw Akira's jacket and Ryuji's pants at her, and race to Yongen, for a proper change of clothes and washing up. Which, leads to Ann trying to help only to discover her touch works on Makoto, who learns she's gay. Then it's a race back to Makoto's, where she ducks back into the dark boiler room
Come lunchtime at school, she thanks her underclassmen profusely, and asks to help them in return for what was a wild and awkward night. They let her in
Now is a good time to mention they have weekly Saturday Night sleepovers in LeBlanc's attic. Ann gets to spread out her wings, Yusuke doesn't have to blink, and now Makoto, who cannot put away her tail, wears pants with a hole cut in them. And she brings out her ears, too
This to say, during one of these sleepovers, there's a storm. Sojiro runs in, worried. He finds them all, magiced out, and barely thinks before begging to help him find his daughters
You see, Futaba isn't alone in her mind. Her mother had used dark magics to create a sentient AI, Sophia, but was stopped before she could properly set her free. In the incident that killed her, she uploaded Sophia directly to, Futaba. In technical terms, she's being haunted. Sophia appears over her shoulder in a ghostly blue, but humans can't see or hear her
They find her cowering inside the old movie theatre. Her uncle had shown up while she was talking to Sophie. Disastrous. But, sleepover night has one more guest going forwards
Next, is a request. News of this group of "monsters" is getting around, and through their online inbox, Haru Okumura asks if they can get her Selkie coat back, and return her father to who he once was
They have to stake him out first, make sure he has some of Morgana's magic. Ann and Yusuke go undercover as an elite married couple, with. Makoto as their large, exotic dog. For the laughs.
That night, Okumura is visited by a Vampire, who leaves him dead and drained on his study floor. Our heroes will get the blame, but during the next week of chaos, they're able to get into his office and into his safe, retrieving the pelt of a Ragdoll cat
Haru is grateful for her coat back, and spends an entire day in her cat form. She swears she'll help them clean their names, and return Morgana's magic
I will stop the plot regaling there, to list what everyone is in this au
Akira - Witch
Yalbadoath - Magic One, being of Darkness
Morgana - "sorcerer", Magic One, being of Light
Makoto - turned werewolf
Haru - ragdoll cat Selkie
Yusuke - Kitsune
Sojiro - seer of magics
Ann - succubus
Ryuji - undead
Goro - vampire
Futaba - Haunted (by Sophia)
Chihaya - nekomata
Munehisa Iwai - dragon
Tae - Wizard, potions expert
Sadayo - Fae
Ichiko - incubus
Shinya - ghost, unaware he is dead
Hifumi - warlock, charm master
Mishima - dream eater
Sumire - changeling
Anyone unlisted is human
Alright, so there's this one! I. Technically have more, cause this au covers Strikers. But this was tiring for me, I. Yeah
Feel free to ask about it! Suggest things! Comment on it!
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gabessquishytum · 10 months
i don't think we've talked about thigh cuffs here and you know what? we absolutely need to fix that and the latest warprize hob ask has given me thoughts. so! shy warprize hob, completely naked except for his collar and the matching cuffs holding his wrists to his thighs, lovely soft leather and gold buckles and inset gems because dream will only buy the best for his pet, but no other jewellery, not today. he wants the focus all on hob.
but, of course, even without use of his hands hob will always try to curl up and hide himself if he can. so dream has a one bar prison brought in and set up in front of his throne, and he watches very intently as two of his guards slowly lower hob onto the bar. it's fairly slim but long, uncomfortably so, enough that even trying to bend at the waist and curl in on himself sends hob's stomach spasming uncomfortably. so all he can do is stand up straight, arms at his sides, and do his best to hold still. he won't look anyone in the eye, but that's alright. dream doesn't mind that part so much.
and, of course, the point is to get hob used to attention. so he gives full permission for anyone to come up and inspect his pet, and the courtiers take full advantage, stepping up to work fingers into his hole next to the pole or play with his cock. he's soft at first, but doesn't stay that way for long -- and then once he's hard there's nothing he can do about it, no way he can touch himself or even try to press into the hands touching him. plenty of them pick up on that, holding hob's cock and offering to let him fuck into their hands but he can't, not without jostling the pole inside him.
he's so exhausted and grateful to be taken down at the end of the day that he can barely do more than lay at dream's feet where he's put down. he doesn't have a single objection to dream seating him on his cock during dinner -- dream's cock is strikingly big, sure, but it's not inhumanly long and it's stiff in the way of hard flesh, not wood. it's downright comfortable, comparatively. hob's quite happy to relax in dream's lap after the day he's had, and dream hand-feeds him bites of food -- hob's wrists are still cuffed to his thighs, after all -- and tells him what a good boy he was, how pretty he looked, how much everyone liked looking at him.
AKSKDJFKGK OK babe yes ABSOLUTELY i need to see shy nakey Hob in thigh cuffs immediately. This very important to me. Also for more shy warprize Hob + spreader bar, here's this post!
Everyone wants to get a good look at the pretty decoration in the throne room. Hes so cute with his cheeks pink, his blush descending all the way down his neck and chest. The heat of shame and embarrassment is coming off him in waves, and it's just delicious. Even more so, because poor Hob can't stop himself from getting hard. The more he's teased and touched, the more his cock swells and leaks, and the more embarrassed he grows.
He was a soldier before, but he's never been so uncomfortable. His tummy hurts because the wood inside him is making him cramp up inside, and he can't even scratch himself if he gets an itched. He has to resort to begging for someone to rub his thigh when it starts to ache. Tears drip down his cheeks by that point, and his cock is nearly purple with the want of an orgasm. He's even tried tugging at the cuffs, but it's useless. He's so tense and hot, and it's almost a relief when someone slips a finger into his home because the pole is so harsh and stiff. He'd do anything to be lounging around naked on one of the comfortable couches now, no matter who looks at him.
Despite the fact that it was literally Dream who put him there, Hob is pathetically grateful to be taken down and into the king’s embrace. He sniffles and presses himself close in Dream’s lap, beyond the point of caring who sees him acting like a pathetic slut. He wants to be cuddled and fucked and treated nicely! He says all of this and Dream laughs softly, ruffling his hair. Seems that Hob has been cured of his shyness... but perhaps a couple of hours each week on the pole won't do him any harm. Just to remind him of who he belongs to.
And the cuffs aren't coming off either. Hob looks far too pretty, and it's so nice to have him all bound up and unable to do anything for himself. No need to put his cute cock in a cage when he can't touch himself! As far as Dream is concerned, his pretty cuffed pet is much better off like this.
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sabo-has-my-heart · 2 years
idk if you’ve seen Shes All That but this is based off what happens at the end of it. Can you do it with y/n and ace where they’re graduating and ace looses a bet (having to do with asking out y/n) and he has to walk the stage naked with nothing but his hat on his ding dong and he does it then throws his hat at y/n and everyone (including some of the teachers) is laughing their asses off at this including y/n who’s blushing and doesn’t know whether to be second hand embarrassed or aroused (Kiss Me plays in the bg early 2000’s style) this is mostly fluff but the hints of nsfw is ace being nakey
Warnings: suggestive, hurt/comfort
Word Count: 1160
So I haven’t seen She’s All That, however I did find the plot line on the internet so I know the vague idea. I’ll also be starting off a little bit before the graduation when she returns home from prom and he’s there and what not.
It hadn’t been a good night; hell, it hadn’t been a good week! Ace’s bet about turning you into prom queen, his asshole friend taking you to the stupid dance instead, said asshole friend attempting to seduce you and just, no. You didn’t want to think about any of it, you just wanted to go home, tear off this stupid dress and sob into your pillow. Everything felt so… gross, so disgusting and greasy. The way he’d touched you, his hand running uncomfortably over your shoulder, the way he tried to pull you close, his hand on your arm. His tight grip on your wrist, preventing you from running off at first, trying to convince you to stay. For what purpose, you could only imagine. Digging in your purse, you pulled out your house key, looking up to see Ace standing on your porch. The young man rushed over to you, gentle hands placed on your shoulders, running down your arms as he looked you over.
“Did… did he touch you? Did he do anything? Please tell me that whatever he tried failed! That you’re okay, are you okay? Do I-”
“I’m fine. He didn’t touch me in the way you’re thinking, he tried but I pushed him away and yes he failed.” you said, not even looking at him. Ace pulled you into a tight embrace, taking deep breaths as one hand stroked your hair, the other wrapped around your waist.
Y/n, I… I was so terrified when you disappeared from the dance with him. I was scared that I was too late, that I was going to lose you. I’m so sorry, so, so, so sorry. I… I’m an idiot, I made a stupid bet, I spent so much time trying to turn you into something that you’re not, and I never told you how I feel about you, how much I love you.” he said, surprising you. The way he held you, the sincerity in his voice, the way his arms felt around you, as if washing everything away. Your pain, your sadness, your anxiety, even the greasy feeling from where his friend had touched you. Tentatively, you wrapped your arms around him, holding him just as tightly as he held you.
“You are an idiot, you were going to lose me, it was a stupid bet, but I… you’re my idiot and I… you’re not getting off that easily. You need to be held responsible for the emotional and mental damage you’ve done. You have to stay here, stay with me to make up for everything.” you muttered, making the young man smile. You weren’t pushing him away, in fact you were doing the exact opposite, you were pulling him closer and ‘forcing’ him to stay. Not that you needed to force him, he’d gladly stay by your side.
“I… you know, I never got to dance with you. Do you think, maybe we could?” Ace said, pulling back to hold out his hand, properly asking you to dance. You smiled, taking his hand, letting him wrap his arms around your waist while you wrapped yours around his neck. The two of you slow danced in your front yard, Ace holding you close, holding you tight, yet not uncomfortably. Gently, you rested your head on his chest, simply enjoying the moment. As upset as you’d been with him, it was only because you’d started to feel things for him, feelings that he clearly returned. Once the two of you stopped, he placed his hand under your chin, making you look up at him, his lips meeting yours. Pulling away, you smiled at him, Ace giving you an adoring look. After a few minutes, the two of you sat on the bench swing on your porch, head resting on his shoulder.
“Ace, can I… what was the bet for? I get that you were supposed to make me into prom queen, but what about now that you failed to do so? Are you even going to do it, knowing he’s an ass?” you asked, Ace blushing slightly.
“At graduation, I have to walk across the stage… not wearing anything. And yes, I’ll honor the terms, otherwise I’m no better than he is.” Ace explained. You nodded in understanding, he had a point. His friend had told you about the bet, basically sabotaging Ace’s chances at making you prom queen. Just because his now ex-friend was a despicable ass didn’t mean that he would go back on his word, he was better than that. 
Staring at the stage, you watched Ace walk up, nothing but his hat covering him. You knew that he hadn’t been wearing anything under his robe, he’d told you as much, but seeing him walk up with just his hat covering his most private bits was… different. The teachers stared at him, the principal slowly handing Ace his diploma, not quite sure what to make of the young man before him Ace grinned, looking at you, your eyes meeting for a moment.
“Y/n, babe, for you.” Ace shouted, throwing his hat towards you. The stands where the families sat, the entire student body and the teachers erupted into a mix of laughter and shocked gasps. While you couldn’t help but take a look, you soon hid your bright red face behind the graduation cap that had previously covered him. A smile played on your lips, giggling behind the cap at the show Ace had just put on. As soon as the ceremony had finished, Ace walked up to you, thankfully once more in his gown.
“Thanks for catching my hat.” Ace said, pulling you in for a quick kiss before letting you place the hat on his head. Thankfully, you’d begged your father to stay in the stands for a little while.
“I can’t believe you threw me your hat. You were already naked, did you really have to… show off?” you asked, your cheeks turning red once more as you thought about what was covered by the robe.
“Hey, the dare was for, and I quote ‘butt ass naked’.” Ace said, thinking about what the man had said when they’d first made the dare.
“Yes, ‘butt naked’ not ‘dick out’ naked!” you argued, cheeks still bright red. Ace shrugged, still smiling at you. 
“Wasn't sure, but there’s no going back now.” Ace gave you a grin, “Besides, I saw that look, you enjoyed taking a look.” he added, making you hit him in embarrassment. 
“You’re such a show off!” you said, squeaking when he suddenly pulled you close.
“Yeah, but I’m your show off.” he said, kissing you. You sighed happily into the kiss, meeting Ace, knowing him, dating him, it had all been rather interesting, but you couldn’t complain. Besides, you wouldn’t deny that you’d enjoyed the sight of his freckled ass walking across the stage like that. You just hoped your dad wouldn’t hate him for the little stunt he’d just pulled. 
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super-predictable98 · 2 years
Hey! Random request, I love yarichin bitch club but I do not see many fanfics about them which rlly sucks. So could you please do a. Dom Yuri ayato x fem reader that has a breeding kink smut please.
I also really love all of your posts they always make my day :D. Thank you very much ☺️🥰
Turning the Tables | Yuri Ayato x Fem! Reader
Fandom: Yarichin Bitch Club
Word Count: 900
Warning: Strong language, smut (CW: Soft dom, breeding kink) 18+
a/n: Thank you so much for the request! Sorry it took me a while to finish it, but I hope you like it XD
"BAAAAAABEEEEEEEEYYYYY," Yuri's high-pitched voice pierced through the door as he made his way to the bedroom after his first day as a college senior. "I want kissy! Kiss kiss!"
"Welcome home, love," you left the kitchen where you had been cooking dinner. "Food is ready, I made lasagna, do you want me to-?"
"Later," Yuri said before taking you into his arms, kissing you hungrily, like a starved man. For a moment you wondered what could've possibly gotten into him, of course his appetite had been bigger ever since leaving the Yari-bu after graduation, but usually he liked to eat the actual food before getting down to business.
"Okay, someone's pent up..." you huffed a laugh as he threw you in bed, opening the wardrobe and getting to the drawer where he kept his toys.
"All mine, all mine," Yuri snickered holding a pair of fuzzy purple handcuffs. Normally he liked those accessories to be used on him, but once in a while, he took charge, most times without a warning which only added to the thrill. "Nakey!"
During the years you spent with your boyfriend, you learned how to understand his... uh... dialect. You knew he wanted you to take your clothes off, something he never bothered with, way too excited to get to the sex part. You undressed as quickly as possible, offering your wrists for him to restrain.
"Good girl," he growled, his voice dropping to a husky whisper.
Yuri was a man of action more than a man of words. He cuffed you and pinned your arms above your head, spreading your legs with his thigh, his cock already rock hard and seeping precum.
"Fill me up, baby," you cried, struggling with the handcuffs, something he absolutely loved to watch.
"Beg, begbegbegbeg," he giggled.
"Please, please baby, I need you!"
"Good pet," he cooed, nearly drooling on your chest from watching your desperation.
With a swift motion, he was inside of you, stretching you so nicely and suddenly. You had no idea what happened at college to get him all riled up, but it didn't matter at the moment, as long as he would use you as his sex toy. Plunging his length deeply into you, moaning loudly and shamelessly to whoever wanted to hear.
Yuri held your wrists, keeping your arms above your head with one hand while the other alternated between teasing your nipples and your clit, making you squirm even more for him, driving him wild with each thrust and each sloppy kiss he stole from your lips.
"I'm getting close, baby, I don't know how much more I can take," you whined.
"You wait until I spill," he smirked, sticking his pierced tongue out to lick the dark hickeys he left on your neck. "Good pet, good girl!"
"Y-yes," you nodded, wanting to please him more than anything.
"I spill," Yuri moaned after only a few seconds. He didn't wanna keep you waiting, he only wanted to have control over when you were gonna finish. But as he tried to pull out and 'spill' elsewhere, you wrapped your legs around him tighter, stopping him from moving.
"I want it inside, fill me up, I wanna feel your cum in me."
His smirk turned into a grin as he realized what you wanted. He was more than happy to help, of course, that's why he usually skipped the condoms with you.
"You want my milk?" Yuri whispered. "Milk me!"
"Yes! Fuck a baby into my pussy, leave me dripping like the cum slut I am."
He didn't need to be told twice, your words made him lose it and as you felt him fill you with his warm load, you let go, your orgasm hitting you in waves of pleasure each time his cock twitched inside of you, covering your walls with his seed.
"So, was that good?" Yuri asked in a more sober tone, rolling over before getting the handcuffs off and kissing the back of your hands, making sure they were okay.
"That was amazing! Did something happen to leave you like that?"
"No, just saw one of the pictures you sent me last week and got really really horny," he laughed softly, wrapping his arms around you. "You make me so hard!" he howled, once again sounding like himself.
"Oh there you are, you never speak normally for too long, even when we're alone," you teased.
"Buh buh Boooooring!" Yuri exclaimed.
"You think the way I talk is boring?" you smiled, running your fingers through his pink hair.
"No, I just have my own way to express myself, but if you want I can talk like this," he said quietly, almost like you just chastised him.
"You don't have to, I was just curious."
"Okay, let's say... When you want me to talk to you like this, you just tell me, but don't go around telling everyone about it, this is just for you."
"Should I feel special?"
"Absolutely... Do you want me to look over your homework before you turn it in tomorrow?"
"Yes, please," you reached for your notebook on the nightstand. "Sometimes I forget you're actually a genius."
"Not a genius... I'm just good at school, and I speak three languages, and I play piano and guitar."
"And you're great at sex."
"That too," he chuckled.
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