fanfic-gallery · 1 year
awwweee, happy valentine's to you too, anon!! hope you're doing well <333
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[ should i dub you 🎉anon? really no matter wat important day it is, you nvr fail to wish me on it o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ unless- it isn’t the same person lmao ]
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jaylaxies · 9 months
OMG I HAVE and here:
tw: stalking, drugs, blackmailing, gambling, guns, smut
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stalker!hee who pretends to be the nerd in your class, always watching you from a distance simply because he can’t get enough of you, you’re too pretty for anyone else to have and that’s how he learns the way to your heart, getting information about the smallest things such as your favourite drink so when he finally talks to you, he can manipulate you into thinking that he’s the perfect guy for you, knowing everything there is about you, him being wild in bed and having a big cock is only a bonus.
drug dealer!jay who’s always present at all your frat parties with whatever a person would need to feel out of this world, yet that’s not what you crave, you want love, you don’t wish to feel alone in this world and so, you try drugs in an empty balcony, but you request jay to accompany you for the same. he’s habitual to it, and he finds you cute with your mumbling, but once you both get high out of your mind, heat kicks in and soon, you’re on top of jay, kissing the life out of him while riding his cock, which feels a thousand times better while smoking.
blackmailer!jake who’s also your ex and possessive beyond what you’d consider normal. the breakup was messy, he was controlling your life and you were against it, but he had ruined everything for you. nothing felt good after him, no one fucked you as good as him till the day you get a text from him, hoping that it’ll be an apology but he ends up blackmailing you with the crime you had committed and buried deep in your memory. what he wants in return? you. it’s an easy bargain with you missing his touch and him doing anything and everything to have his cock in you again.
street racer!sunghoon who’s all the money in this world and yet nothing gives him the thrill like racing does, and that’s why he finds himself back there each week, until one day he spots you. he hardly pays attention to anyone, and he almost missed you since your clothes fit right in, but he doesn’t like how you’re clinging on to his rival heeseung. that would have been enough for him to stop thinking about you but that wasn’t the case when he made most out of the line bet with him—that he’ll have a night with you if he wins, which he did. but you’re fierce, you hate how they treated you as a bet, and without your knowledge at that. but that doesn’t stop you from fighting back, and fighting with sunghoon doesn’t end well, one minute you’re fighting, the other you’re under him, begging for more as he fucks you senseless on his silk sheets.
gambler!sunoo who cannot stop getting back to the gambling hub each night. the reason? you. he doesn’t like how you wear that smirk of yours, clad in the tightest clothes while playing strip poker, somehow always winning and never having to go beyond removing your top. sunoo never plays with your group, always observing from a distance until he finally caves in and plays with you, eyes on you, not caring about the ones around. he plays effortlessly, being the best player you had ever came across, a gasp left your mouth when you were left in nothing but your panties but he stops you from removing them, eyes dark, “leave them on, it’s only for me to see,” he’d whisper, and yes, you can’t deny him and find yourself following him back to a hotel.
mafia!jungwon who never had any other motive in life but to kill his rival as a revenge for his family, but right on the day of his final plan, things went south and you (who happened to be at the same restaurant) got hurt. of course jungwon completed his mission but leaving a girl injured would be way out of line even for him, and you had also seen their faces behind the masks while holding guns, which is why they couldn’t let you run away, which is why you found yourself in their secret building, trying your best to get away, but jungwon wasn’t having any of it. he snapped, pinning you against the wall and warning you, but you took this as an opportunity to kiss him, turning it into something deeper as you let him fuck his pent up frustrations into you. the sex was good but you wanted out, running away when he was sleeping, not knowing that he’ll come to get you again.
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buglaur · 5 months
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fireworks show 🎆
material preview version is very cute also :)
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i struggled with the lighting on this one so badly, but it turned out alright in the end.
i actually started it last year for new years 2023 but never got around to finishing it, hence no progress pictures this time sadly lol. i do have a very low-res, first draft, test gif though
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stills 🥳
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You know I was reading your platonic yandere Malleus story and I thought what if the punishment made the Reader realize how actually suffocating it is to be around Malleus and servants constantly? It's kind of inverse of Malleus, who was always didn't like being alone whereas his child realize how liberating it is to be free from royalty and royal expectations. The child, of course, struggled with cooking and cleaning at first, but slowly got the hang of it and realized this is the most fun and freeing they ever had.
Reader when Malleus tells them that their punishment is over and they can interact with him, the servants and act like a royal now:
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Y'know, I like this idea. It gives the story a bit more ~angst~ and I think the yandere tab here on tumblr could use even more of that. Thank you for the asks!
Anon-Yan 💌‧₊˚❀༉‧₊˚.
Platonic Yandere Malleus
Part 2
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Your punishment itself lasted months, almost years, but Malleus could only bear to keep you in that rickety old tower for so long.
Until he decided to take you out make you "prove" to him that you changed.
You didn't really have to prove to him much, all had to do was give a half-hearted "Sorry" and he would've forgiven you.
Though it wasn't like you didn't change during your time up in the tower. You'd like to think you actually changed quite a bit.
Given that you're not some Manipulative little shit anymore, the servants would also agree.
Due to your time in the Tower you grew to be very self-dependent. You learned how to cook, clean, solve your problems all by yourself. Without the help of your "Loving Father".
You also got alot quieter, having spent the previous months in isolation. You basically unlearned any and all social skills that you had previously built.
While Malleus expected you to change, that being the whole point of him doing this, he didn't expect such a big change in personality.
He thought you were going to remain his precious little baby, who cried and hugged their father. Begging him for forgiveness.
His little baby that thrived off of his attention. Going so far as to become a little troublemaker for it.
Instead you're....this
Don't get him wrong, he still loves you. But where is his precious baby? Now instead of following him around like a lost puppy constantly you stay in your room for hours on end, barely making it out to have supper with him and the rest of the family before slipping away and back into your room again.
What are you even doing in there for so long? He doesn't get it.
He also learns that you've shooed off any and all servants that come to attend to you. While it is good progress for you being a good royal and not needing servants, Malleus doesn't know if he can handle you growing up so fast.
Or at all for that matter.
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"Dear, I'm worried about you. You've been hauling yourself up in this dark and dreary room of yours for the past month! And not once have you come out to spend some bonding time with me and the rest of the family. Was I too harsh punishing you? If I was please tell me! If you're upset or angry at me for what I did please just say something, anything!"
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Malleus gets desperate when he realizes that you aren't a baby anymore. You don't need him to survive anymore. The fact alone makes him want to cry.
But then again wasn't that how this all started? With you acting like a bratty two year old and needing to be taught how to be both an adult and a royal.
So why then..why are these feelings so conflicting?
Yes, he got what he wanted. You're acting like an actual royal now.
However you barely even speak to him. Your own father!
He can't wrap his head around his own emotions, it isn't until you come up to him and announce your plan of leaving the castle to go venture the world all on your own does he finally snap.
He doesn't even listen to your reasoning he just grabs you by your wrist yet again and take you to your 'new bedroom.'
A room right next his, only accessible to him.
This is the only way he can keep you in line.
This is the only way he can make sure the Draconia name is upheld.
This is the only way he can keep you at his side.
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"I'm sorry it had to come to this, my child, but one day you'll understand. You'll finally see things the way I do. But until then I'll just have to keep you here and give you all the love I could ever give."
"Sweet dreams, little one."
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ssaaaronmontgomery · 1 year
Can I get Hotch accompanying a very nervous/anxious reader to the hospital? Either they’ve fallen sick at work or had an accident in the field but basically they shyly ask hotch to come with because he’s so sweet and kind and good at holding their hand when they need it ♥️
Warnings: Hospitals, injured ankle, reader feels a bit anxious, Hotch being sweet 🤭
Word count: 568
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x gn!reader (no pronouns used)
A/n: Hehe yes my love<33. I'm not entirely happy with how this came out but I'm not entirely disappointed in the outcome either 😂. This was not proofread so there may be some mistakes.
Forever tags: @greg-montgomery @boredelle @hotchsdoormat @ssahotchnerr @criminalskies @beardedhotchh @hotchnerbau (I think I got you all 😂🩷)
The unsub had been successfully caught. The only issue was that you'd stumbled when you tackled him and twisted your ankle in the process. And it hurts like hell. No one had really noticed it during the take down.
Hospitals sort of freaked you out a bit. You didn't really like the idea of going to the hospital in the first place, let alone going by yourself. So who better to ask than Aaron Hotchner? Someone you've always been able to rely on since starting at the BAU and has for some reason always had a soft spot for you.
You'd been limping and wincing as you made your way over to Hotch. He was talking to Rossi about something so of course you waited patiently. Even though this definitely does not call for patience on your end.
Dave notices you first and points to you, causing Aaron to turn and face you. "Hotch uh, I sort of fell and um...could you come to the hospital with me please? I think I messed up my ankle. I don't want to go by myself." You mumbled it shyly. Upon hearing this, Hotch immediately had concern written all over his features. He moved closer and put a hand on your lower back then looked to see which leg you were currently favouring over the other. Supporting most of your weight on one foot. He moved your arm around his neck and helped support you with his arm now wrapped around your shoulders.
"Of course. Can you walk to the SUV?" You give him a small nod. Neither of you thought it really called for using the ambulance when there was at least one injury that was far worse than yours.
After telling Rossi to inform the team of what was going on, Hotch helped you get in the backseat and into a good position before driving you to the nearest hospital. It was a local case so he knew exactly where he was going.
Once you'd made it to the hospital and you had been placed in a room awaiting the results of the x-ray, Aaron could see how nervous you were about being there. He didn't know why and he didn't want to pry for information. So instead he gently grabbed your hand and squeezed it, offering a small smile.
"How are you doing? Apart from the ankle."
"I'm alright. I'm just nervous. Hospitals...they aren't really my thing, you know?" Hotch gives a sympathetic nod and another gentle squeeze. "I understand that. Is there anything I can do to help?" You look away for a moment as you think and then turn back to him. "Could I have a hug?" He gives you a slightly bigger smile this time and leans in close to wrap his arms around you. "You can always have a hug, y/n." You both stay like this for a few seconds and then he pulls back, taking your hand in his again.
"Any better?"
"Very much. Thank you, Hotch. For coming here and sitting with me. And putting me at ease. You didn't have to but thank you for doing it anyway."
"I didn't have to, but I wanted to. I'm glad to."
Exchanging smiles once again, you're feeling much better now. Aaron has a way of calming you down and you're always grateful that he's willing to do so without hesitation.
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oifaaa · 8 days
If there were really only 9 of us you'd have answered one of my asks by now :/
I dont know dude have you seen my inbox
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necros-writing-stuff · 3 months
I just had the weirdest daydream. Imagine Eden brings PC in, gagged, blindfolded and bound after one of their “hunting” trips. Eden and PC get to fucking, yeah? 😩👌Eden was so caught up in the moment, he forgot to lock the door. Mid-fuck, Bailey barges into the cabin because of some sort of emergency he needs Eden’s help with—so serious he had to find Eden’s cabin. Catches his best friend fucking PC. Eden is shocked at first, but when he sees it’s just Bailey, he just keeps going saying “One second. I’m almost done here.” 🥴 Bailey just watches kind of frozen in place but not necessarily phased, and poor PC has no idea what’s going on because of the blindfold and the bed creaking so loudly but swears they heard voices—wait, was that BAILEY??? PC groans into the gag in protest and embarrassment, but Eden can’t tell or doesn’t care, fucking even faster because he’s getting closer. When Eden finally “finishes”, 😩 Bailey snaps out of his trance, shakes his head, and says he’ll wait outside before slamming the door shut while Eden does the usual aftercare with PC. 🥰
Bwahahaha! 😆
🎉-knee anon
Bailey having to wait while Eden gets some is so funny. Cause you know Eden doesn't want to stop at all - he wants to get his rocks off.
But I don't think he'd keep going with an audience, even Bailey because of his own physical insecurities and also because DONT LOOK AT MY FUCKING SPOUSE BAILEY!
So Bailey's getting kicked out. For about 2 minutes. Hope he doesn't mind the noise.
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denkisauce · 2 years
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izuku, please! you have to wake up
happy pride! part 1/4 of bakudeku as the catradora finale scene 🥺
(continuation of this concept)
pt 2! // pt 3 // pt 4
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Cecil Palmer (Welcome to Night Vale) ID Pack
Requested by 🎉🤩 anon
Abel, Ain, Ambili, Ambrose, Axis, Balendu, Benito, Bilen, Buck, Cain, Chakshu, Chana, Chandak, Chital, Collin, Coues, Darby, Diya, Dyani, Fawn, Gazelle, Ghazala, Harina, Hart, Herschel, Himanshu, Indu, Iris, Jace, Kamaria, Key, Kurangi, Larkspur, Lillith, Lochan, Mahnoor, Mauve, Mayank, Mriganayani, Mrigank, Mrignaini, Mulberry, Nayana, Nell, Nilan, Nilava, Ofer, Oisin, Olimpik, Qamar, Rebecca, Roe, Roscoe, Sambar, Sarang, Selene, Shashank, Shika, Sika, Silas, Stag, Tungesh, Veronica, Vidula, Yamir
ant/antler/antlers, buzz/buzzes, crescent/crescents, dark/darks, deer/deers, deity/deities, eld/eldritch/eldritchs, eye/eyes, fawn/fawns, gaze/gazes, god/gods, hoof/hooves, host/hosts, indigo/indigos, insomnia/insomnias, lav/lavender/lavenders, lilac/lilacs, moon/moons, night/nights, ob/observe/observes, odd/odds, pur/purple/purples, radio/radios, report/reports, show/shows, speak/speaks, spot/spots, stag/stags, strange/stranges, talk/talks, 🌄/🌄s, 🌒/🌒s, 🌘/🌘s, 🌙/🌙s, 🌵/🌵s, 🎙️/🎙️s, 🏜️/🏜️s, 🐈‍⬛/🐈‍⬛s, 👀/👀s, 👁️/👁️s, 💜/💜s, 📻/📻s, 🔮/🔮s, 🕧/🕧s, 🗣️/🗣️s, 🦌/🦌s
A Purple Hued Deer, The All Seeing Eye, The Cat Lover, The Desert Brought Up Deity, The Host Older Than Time, The Moonlit Deer, The Nightly Radio Host, The One True Reporter, The One Who Runs The Show, The One With a Purple Hued Life, The Radio Show Host, The Town’s Saving Grace, [prn] Who’s In Love With Science, [prn] With Deer-like Qualities
Cecipalfosic, Collideeric, Crescentmoonlightic, Cryptidmasc, Floradeeric, Horaugic, Humornoxic, Killyourdoublgender, Liminalspacestalgic, Lunitwivieri/Solsteseric, Moonboylexic, Moonshipic, Mostlyvoidpartiallystarric, Notlove, Ultraveyelian, Valeience, Vintaudio, Viodeergender, WTNVcastic
Other mogai
Aldeerantler, Aldercervocryptic, Aldereyeweird, Alderliminal, Alderpolyoptic, Assigned Eldritch At Birth/AEldAB, Eldrigodperspesque/Eldrihorrorperspesque, Eldrivesil, Inviblackligheyes, Invifrozendoe, Moonstelic, Weirdcoreaestelic
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boingfessions · 2 months
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Kinktober Day 25: Face sitting with Changbin
Trigger warnings: n/a
Content warnings: names (babe, sweetheart, baby), face sitting (it’s in the name), a couple ass slaps, idk changbin just got me boutta bark he’s hot as fuck
Summary: Your childhood best friend always gives you the most mind-blowing orgasms.
Word count: 1967
Tags: @hyuckilstan @wubbster @critssq @skzgallll
Kinktober master list
Smut below the cut
You never intended to fuck him but it quickly became a routine thing after a drunken night out. There were no romantic feelings between the two of you, nothing more than platonic love and the mutual desire to get off. He was just your best friend and the single best fuck you’d ever had and neither of you could get enough.
“Please?” He asked again, his bottom lip jutting out as he begged. “You said it yourself that you’d let me do anything I wanted.”
“Well, yeah, it’s your birthday. But I meant like…I dunno, something kinky we’ve never done before. Or something solely for your pleasure, not mine.” You gave a huff of laughter as your cheeks went a soft pink and he stood up, joining you at the kitchen sink to place his dishes there.
“Y/N, we’ve been over this a thousand times.” He rolled his eyes as he turned to you, his large hands moving to your shoulders and giving a gentle shake. “Getting you off gets me off. I wouldn’t ask for something that wouldn’t serve me in any way.” You were about to protest when he pulled you against him, chest to chest as his arms slipped around your waist, so he could whisper in your ear. “Besides, you made me a birthday dinner. I think it’s only fair that I get dessert and you know how much I love that sweet pussy.”
You shuddered at his tone and words, nodding enthusiastically as your heart raced excitedly. How could you deny him? He was the birthday boy, after all. “Let me finish the dishes and I’ll-”
“Later.” He gathered you back up in his arms as you tried to back away, trapping you against his hard body. “We can clean up dinner later. I want you now.”
You nodded dumbly and gently pushed against his chest. “Bedroom.” You whispered and he instantly released you, taking your hand instead. You stole a glance as you turned away and noticed the swell in his jeans. You’d have to fix that for him.
He wasted no time in pulling you back against him once in your room. He buried his face in your neck and took a deep breath, your scent going to his head and making him dizzy. “You’re wearing that perfume I like…”
“I am.” You hummed, tipping your head further back for him as your fingertips slipped under his black tee and ghosted over the bare skin just above his pants. You felt his muscles tense under your touch and smiled a little. There was something so gratifying and undeniably sexy about knowing the effect you had on him.
“You’re gonna drive me insane one of these days.” He whispered, his warm breath fanning against your skin before he pressed his lips to your neck.
“You should know by now that that’s my goal.” You giggled breathlessly, a thrill rushing through your body when his hands moved to rest on your ass. You shivered as his teeth gently scraped against your skin and you let out a soft sigh as you pushed him towards the bed. “Let’s not play around…”
“What if that’s what I want?” He grinned teasingly even as he let you lift his shirt up, raising his arms so you could take it the rest of the way off. “This is ‘solely for my pleasure’, isn’t it? Shouldn’t I get to have my fun?” He chuckled softly as you pushed him onto the bed, straddling his lap once he was seated.
“Mm maybe, but you know I’m impatient.” You teased back, trying to ignore the rush of arousal you felt as his hands rested on the backs of your thighs, right below your ass. He gave a squeeze before letting one finger tease you through your shorts and you let out a soft gasp.
“That’s why I’ve been training you.” He challenged and you couldn’t fight back as his fingertips teased your pussy. “What do you say, babe? Do I get to have my fun?”
“Bin, please don’t tease me…” You whined, grinding down on his fingers as you elected to ignore his question.
“You’re so cute when you’re all worked up.” He cooed, moving his hands to your hips. He let them travel under your shirt, lifting it up and over your head and biting his lip when he saw you’d decided to forego a bra. “Stand up.”
Ever the obedient girl, you quickly stood up. You almost lost your balance as he hooked his fingers in the belt loops of your denim shorts and yanked you towards him. You braced yourself, placing your hands on his broad shoulders, and he immediately began to press kisses to your tummy, making your face flush red. You bit your lip as he let his hands move to your hips for a brief moment before allowing them to travel along your thighs, calluses rough against your smooth skin.
He grinned against your skin when your breath hitched as he suddenly slipped a hand between your legs, cupping you through your shorts. “How cute.” He whispered almost mockingly as he pulled back. “Take them off.”
You needn’t be told twice. You immediately shed your remaining clothes and stood bare before him, trying to avoid eye contact as your face heated up. “Stunning.” He pressed a kiss just below your belly button as he gently nudged your feet apart. You whimpered softly when he ran a finger through your folds, gathering up some of your arousal. You wanted to touch him, wanted to run your fingers, or maybe your tongue, over every inch of exposed skin. You wanted to feel his muscles tense and flex under your touch. But at the moment, he was taking his time with you.
You frowned and whined in protest when he pulled away and he chuckled softly at your dismay, licking his finger clean. “Needy girl.” He laid back, his feet just barely leaving the ground, and your mouth watered at the sight of him. He was fucking beefy. There was no other word to describe him. He was strong and warm and he had the cutest belly, though he always pouted when you mentioned it. His abs were soft, not as sculpted as other men as stocky as himself, and you regularly had to fend off the urge to pat his belly or just rest your hands there. He had a light happy trail leading into his jeans, which were pulled taught across his stiff cock.
He was laid out on full display and you wanted to worship him. He was stunning. But before you could act, he spoke again. “Come have a seat, sweetheart. I wanna taste more of you.”
You wasted no time in joining him on the bed but hesitated to sit on his face and he rolled his eyes. “You do this every time.” He faked annoyance as he pulled you over him and situated you how he liked.
“I like when you manhandle me…” You shrugged, giggling softly when he paused. He scoffed before wrapping his arms around your thighs and pulling you down. You didn’t fight, allowing yourself to relax into his touch. His tongue flattened against your pussy and you bit your lip, stifling a small sound as you looked down at him.
He was focused on your already-dripping cunt, giving teasing licks as his fingers spread you open for him. You jolted away from him when his tongue flicked over your clit but he pulled you back into him rather forcefully, eliciting a helpless whimper. He finally looked up at you and gave an amused grunt as he sealed his lips around your clit, watching your face contort in pleasure as he sucked.
The man was a god with his tongue and he knew it. He took pride in his skills and the fact that he could make you cum harder than any other man ever had. He was determined to give you that again as he sucked harshly on your clit, flicking his tongue at the same time. The sounds coming from between your legs were obscene and you couldn’t stifle each moan that bubbled up from your chest as your head tipped back. He wouldn’t want you to anyways.
Your hands tangled in his hair in an attempt to ground yourself and he groaned against your cunt, sending delicious vibrations through your core. Your jaw went slack and you let out a pathetic whine as you looked back down at him. His eyes had slipped shut when you looked away but he quickly found your gaze again when you moaned his name. Something about his expression made you clench around nothing and he chuckled against you, making you shudder as his hands slid to your ass.
He gave a slap and your hips jolted, making his nose bump against your clit as he took the opportunity to plunge his tongue inside you. “Oh fuck-” You gasped, your grip on his hair tightening. His hands began to guide you back and forth so his nose repeatedly bumped your clit as he licked into you and you felt a light sheen of sweat begin to cover your body.
When you adopted his preferred rhythm as your own, his hands traveled up your sides and reached around to knead at your breasts. He fucking loved your tits. He would definitely have them in his mouth before the night was over. You whimpered when he lightly pinched your nipples, rolling them between his fingers.
The eye contact he maintained even as you fucked yourself on his tongue was going straight to your pussy and he grunted against you when you clenched. Even though you wanted him to keep playing with your chest, he quickly reached back to your hips and gave a firm squeeze as he guided you back down his face just enough for him to once more latch onto your clit. He could tell you were getting close and he was determined to finish you off.
He gave one final harsh suck and your body began to shake as molten lava filled your veins. “Bin- oh fuck-” You cried out, doubling over slightly with the force of your orgasm. Your grip on his hair grew tighter and he moaned into your cunt at the delicious pain as he continued to suck and lick, helping you ride it out while you had his head trapped against the bed - which he loved.
When you finally stopped trembling, he helped you lift yourself off his face and you immediately collapsed on the sheets with a lazy smile. “I’m never gonna get tired of that.” You teased as you fought to catch your breath, watching him stand from the bed.
“You better not because I’m pretty sure that’s what I’m gonna ask for every year now.” He grinned at you as he unbuttoned his unreasonably tight jeans. You internally lamented the loss of the visual of his cock straining against the light denim but your mouth watered as he stripped them off along with his briefs. “That was fucking hot.”
“Yeah?” You hummed as you got up and sank to your knees in front of him. “As hot as when I choke on your cock?” You looked up at him innocently and batted your lashes before leaning forwards to press a kiss just below his belly button as you wrapped your hand around his dick. “Let me return the favor, baby.” You mumbled against his skin, feeling him twitch in your hand.
“You still have three hours left in your birthday. Let’s spend the whole time celebrating.” You grinned up at him before opening your mouth for him to use you however he pleased. It was his special day after all.
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Ah yes,
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aleksanderscult · 6 months
What do you think Aleksander would have done if Alina was having her own grisha revolution but away from him? Maybe in Shu Han and she was doing overall good for Grisha but wanted nothing to do with him? Not Alina- basically any Sun Summoner was just having his)her own conquests and didn't want to associate with him. What would he do then?
So if they had never met and he heard that the Sun Summoner was having her own military campaign in Shu or Fjerda, he would be kinda impressed. Like: "Damn. That's really something". He has experienced persecution in those countries and knows first-hand what it's like.
A Grisha having conquests in hostile lands is badass and requires balls NGL 😭😭 Even if he/she is a powerful one.
Then he would set plans to go to him/her and meet that person. Aleksander would try to make her join him by talking to her reasonably of his own experiences and what he desires to achieve. He would hope that this person would understand him and his plans but I'm not quite sure he would be totally honest with her (out of fear of her sending him away if he would tell her "Hey I wanna vanquish a city with the Fold in the process"). Also, I feel like he would be kinda wary around her. She's not a weak, easily fooled person but a powerful soldier and a strong leader so he would know that commanded her around or blackmailing her are out of the question. He would try a different approach. Appeal to her cause and his cause, how similar their dreams and actions are and of how much they can achieve together for the Grisha and the world.
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l3viat8an · 1 year
Asmo birthday is coming? Wow! I have a few ideas I'd like to share!
▪️ Asmo probably has made some lingerie inspired on MC. Something that would look nice on them
▪️ Asmo gave mc a necklace/bracelet with two pentands one with MC's name first letter and his first name letter!
▪️ Everytime Asmo sunbathes he asks MC to help him put sunscreen.. he can't reach all the way so please help him! Or at least that's what he says
▪️ i Believe that Asmo sneaks a few clothes in MC's wardrobe and gradually messes with their clothing style... More pinkish shirts, pink shorts and just thinks that reminds him of his sin color.
▪️Asmo asked for MC's sweater once but never gave it back. He puts it on his pillow because it makes him feel like his "Darling" is close and he feels less lonely
Hiii 🍋!! I love these idea sm! ‘n for this post I had little ideas for the last 3 in order!!
Who better then Asmo’s favorite human to rub some sunscreen on his body?
He’s always grinning when he hands you the bottle and pouts “I just can’t reach my back, you know how it is.”
He’s usually pretty good about it and will sit still while you rub it into his back, but on days when he wants to tease or just see how you’ll react.
He’ll giggle and move around, more, really anything that’ll mean you have to touch him more~ he loves the little huffs of “Hey! Hold still.” Before you let out your own little laugh.
You both know it’s a game to him, but it’s cute and silly. So you always play along.
‘n I’ll do you one better on the clothes!-
Asmo always swaps a few things, he’ll take something small from you like a t-shirt you don’t wear much or something and always leaves behind a few new clothes!
It could be something he bought ages ago and just doesn’t wear anymore or something he saw in a shop window and just had to get you!
Either way, after moving to the Devildom your wardrobe somehow ‘updates itself’ ever few days and you’re constantly finding new outfits!!
Honestly, Asmo ‘borrowed’ one of your sweaters so long ago now it’s basically his now.
You’d even given him a little bottle or your favorite cologne / perfume and he uses it on the sweater on the days he really misses you.
Which is basically anytime you’re away from him longer then five minutes-
It’s hardest when you’re in the human world, sure you call him every night and constantly text him little “I love you <3” texts and he loves for them! Immediately spamming you with heart emojis and “I love you more <3”
But it’s still hard, your life is already shorter then his and he wants you to spend every minute you can with him!
And that’s when he gets your sweater out. Sliding it into the pillow you’d be using if you were there and hugging it as tightly as he can, spraying a bit of your cologne / perfume on it and eventually falling asleep.
Dreams of you being there when he wakes up fill his mind and he’s so happy for a moment in the morning! Before Asmo looks around his room and remembers you’re not there…..
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necros-writing-stuff · 3 months
Just want to put this in your noggin. Imagine Eden is reading to you. Your head is rested next to his thigh. While he’s reading, you sneakily move around to undo the fly of his trousers. Or pull them down if he’s wearing something more casual. Before he even realizes what’s happening, his massive c*ck is in your mouth.
He keeps reading, stuttering now while you lick, tease, and suck. If he stops reading to groan, you stop sucking to whisper “keep reading”, and you only continue once he starts reading again. You keep edging him, making him jerk and shiver from the overwhelming need to come. Only when he finishes the entire chapter do you give him what he wants.
After a few aggressive bobs of your head, he finally comes. Hard. He holds you there, desperately wanting to feel his c*ck twitch its load out within the walls of your wet, warm mouth. He’s a panting, stuttering mess once you’re done giving him one of the greatest blowjobs of his life. When he finally recovers, he heaves you onto his shoulder and carries you to bed, the book now long forgotten.
— 🎉-knee anon.
🎉knee anon this is tumblr you don't have to censor cock I promise you can say cunt if you want to, too.
Also. Its a lovely image. But let's be honest.
Eden? Staying still and allowing himself to be edged? Eden? Not grabbing you by the hair/the back of your head, pushing you down and face-fucking you? Nah that's not his style.
There's no fun in edging to Eden. It just frustrates him, heats up his temper when a good orgasm would calm him. You want him calm, don't you? You don't like when he's mad, do you?
Be a good spouse and let's see how long you can hold your breath for.
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worstloki · 7 months
Congrats y'all. The loki fandom has regressed ten years before the movie u hate so much that is thor Ragnarok.
reject modernity (Thor 3 onwards) embrace tradition (pre-Thor 2)
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