#| Game Plans |
dulltoned · 6 months
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Branch knew that his brothers would have to leave. He'd be stupid to think that they could stay forever. They had their own lives to live and homes that they made for themselves, they couldn't just leave that behind and Branch didn't want them to. That didn't mean he wanted them to leave. He knows that they never had any plans to stick around, they'd made that clear to him, but he wasn't ready to say goodbye.
It's worse when it looks like they plan to try to be a family together. Without him.
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Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three
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Branch tried. He tried really hard to keep his brothers at arm's length while they were trying to figure out how to stay in each other's lives but, no matter what he did, they still managed to worm their way past his defenses. He really liked having them around. It was still awkward and sometimes they got on his nerves but when Clay caught up with him on his morning patrols, or he woke up to find Bruce had made breakfast, he felt a soft happiness bloom in his chest that he was quickly growing addicted to. It was unfamiliar in the best way and he'd tried so hard to keep these attachments from growing because he knew that they couldn't last. Good things come to an end, and Branch had spent too long waiting for the worst just to stop now. He knew that this little bubble would pop and he wanted to keep his heart sheltered from the inevitable disappointment.
It's already been a week since they'd brought Floyd back to Pop Village and Branch knew this couldn't last much longer. They all had lives to live and goals to accomplish. He doesn’t know why they were fooling themselves into thinking their family could just knit itself back together. They'd already made it painfully clear to him that being a family again had never been their end goal anyway. That's what he gets for letting himself hope. He should have known better but Poppy's endless optimism seemed to be rubbing off on him. Hell, Bruce has an entire other family to get back to! There's no way that he had room in his life for a grumpy little brother. Halfway through the week, they stopped trying to include him in their conversations planning the future anyway and that had been the first sign. At least the first sign that couldn't be explained away by his overthinking.
"Hey," Branch glances up from his place nestled against the trunk of a tree to see Poppy's pretty face. "What's on your mind?" She asks, expression open and soft with a concerned little furrow between her brows. She lowers herself quietly down beside him and cuddles herself immediately against his side with a content sigh.
Branch chuckles and lets his head fall gently on top of hers. He already feels a bit lighter with her here and the worry feels just a bit farther away. "Just thinking," He lets his gaze wander out into the village in front of them, watching the daily hustle and bustle of the merry trolls fill the streets with a life that he used to resent. He remembers when he used to despise how bright and joyful Pop Village is, and even though it was barely a few years ago now it felt like a lifetime. His life has changed so much since he'd ventured to Bergen Town with Poppy that first time but some things have stayed the same. He's still a lot duller than the other trolls, and he doesn't think he'll ever be without the paranoia that lingers just beneath his skin, but he's happy in a way that he hasn't been since he was just a kid.
"Do you want to talk about it?" Poppy presses after a few beats of silence. He thinks that she's soaking in the sights of the village too, basking in the joy of her people. She's done an amazing job as Queen and he's sure she'll only continue to shape the future of all trollkind with her compassion.
Branch sighs, sagging further into her, "No." He doesn't. He isn't even sure where he'd start and he doesn't want to know what Poppy would say. This past week he's felt like he's gotten closer to his brothers than he ever has before while simultaneously being an outsider looking in. It's like he has a front-row seat to what his family could be and the closer he gets to the inevitable end the more it tears him apart. He'd forgotten how much he wanted this until he was waiting for it to be taken away from him again.
"Okay," Poppy agrees with no small amount of hesitation. Branch is glad that she isn't going to pry right now but he's smart enough to know that it won't last. Poppy isn't good at staying away from things she thinks she can fix. It's why she stuck with him for so long. He was grateful for it then but it only amplifies his dread now. It's strange how many things can be a double-edged sword. "Do you want to spend the rest of the day people-watching?" It's an offer to sit with him for as long as he needs. He smiles even though she can't see it.
"No," He carefully detaches himself from her and stands with a big stretch. He's been curled up against this tree for a few hours now he thinks. It's about time he gets up and faces the music. He turns back to Poppy and offers her a paw up, pulling her to her feet with ease when her hand slips confidently into his. "Maybe we could get lunch?" He suggests instead.
"I'd love that," An adoring smile spreads across Poppy's face and Branch's heart melts at the sight. He doesn't think he'll ever get used to her looking at him like that but he doesn't mind the way it makes his heart race and his cheeks warm. She pulls him along by their hands still clasped together and he follows after her without hesitation. He's learned time and time again that he'd follow her anywhere.
It's still strange to filter easily into the busy pathways. No one sends him weird looks or whispers conspiratorially behind his back. He just slots as easily into place as Poppy does, just another troll in Pop Village with somewhere to be. Poppy clearly has a place in mind so he doesn't mind letting her lead the way, watching the scenery change from the dense collection of pods to the stalls and storefronts of the marketplace. Poppy makes a beeline for a cute little stall off to the side. It has an off-white awning decorated with pink hearts and yellow stars and Branch can immediately understand why his girlfriend is drawn to it. It has a few round tables for outside seating with closed parasols matching the stall secured to each one. It's adorable. Poppy immediately bounces up to the stall and drags Branch along with her. He sends her an amused glance, "You come here often?" he teases fondly.
"Of course!" Poppy beams back at him, eyes shining. She gestures to the stall with her free hand, "I mean look at this place, it's so cute. And they have the best little sponge cakes, like, ever." She points to the small chalkboard menu propped up beside the stall and Branch skims it over. It's mostly overly sweet pastries and cakes but Branch sees a few muffins that sound pretty good near the bottom.
He shrugs as the stall worker greets them. They're a lilac glitter troll with periwinkle hair and a white apron that reads Honey's in swirling gold script across the chest. "Sounds good to me," he agrees easily, watching with a soft smile as Poppy squeals. The glitter troll doesn't react much beyond a happy smile of their own but Branch supposes that most Pop Trolls are probably used to Poppy's antics, and if she frequents this place they must hear this all the time.
"Okay, okay," Poppy reads over the menu in a millisecond before looking up to address the worker with a bright wave, "Hi Lavender. Could I get two of the mini jam sponge cakes and a pink lemonade please?" She orders kindly, watching as Lavender jots down the order before they both turn to Branch expectantly.
Branch glances over the menu one last time to make sure nothing else catches his eye before ordering. "I'll take the sour cherry muffin and an iced chai if you can." Lavender writes down his order with a swift assurance that it'd be no problem at all before turning around to start fixing up their drinks. Branch can see why Poppy likes this place so much. It's cozy and easy but filled with an obvious love and care that would draw her in immediately. It makes him like it that much more.
Poppy swings their hands between them in wide arcs while they wait. Branch sends her an annoyed scowl but she just grins back and keeps swinging. She knows that if he was really bothered he'd just pull away and she takes full advantage of that. He rolls his eyes but doesn't try to stop her. He'd never try to stop her, not when her excitement was this innocent and this pure. She's happy and it warms his heart and fills his stomach with butterflies and it's nice. He can allow them both something nice.
It's only a few minutes before Lavender is pushing their drinks across the stall counter and just a few more seconds before they're placing little plates with their food next to the cups. Branch finally pulls his hand back to trade a few bags of tea for the goods while Poppy grabs their drinks with a cheery thank you. Lavender thanks him greatly for the new blend to try, even raising the cloth bag to their nose to sniff the loose leaves, and he offers them a soft nod in kind while he gathers up the plates. It's such an easy interaction but Branch can get thrown off by the unending kindness sometimes.
"Where do you wanna sit?" Poppy asks, still bouncing on the balls of her feet as her excitement grows. He loves how her energy seeps out. Poppy is constantly moving. Always rocking back on her heels or bouncing in place or dancing through town with a hum caught on her breath. She's so bright. She's always managed to light up Branch's dull life and ever since she became a real part of it he's only gotten brighter with each day that passes.
Branch glances at the three empty tables before looking back at Poppy, unimpressed, "They're all the exact same." He monotones. While he adores her he can admit that sometimes she can still be too much for him. They're very different trolls but something about them just works. He's amazed that they can slot so nicely together but he wouldn't trade what he has with her for anything. She's always believed in him in a way that no one else has and he couldn't imagine what he'd do without her.
Poppy pouts, "Branch," She whines, gesturing to the empty tables with their drinks. "You have to pick. If you don't pick we're sitting on the ground." There's a sparkle in her eye that tells Branch she's just pushing his buttons but that doesn't mean she's not serious. She may be a pest but he knows well that she takes that role to heart.
Branch groans and moves towards the closest table before she can spot the smile trying to take over his face. He sets their plates down carefully, settling the two sponge cakes in front of one seat while placing the muffin in front of the other. Poppy easily plops their respective drinks down and dramatically pulls out Branch's chair before he can do it himself. He raises an eyebrow, "Really?"
"Yep!" Poppy chirps, wiggling the chair at him expectantly. With another dramatic roll of his eyes he sits down and chuckles warmly when she briefly struggles to push the chair back in. "I got it, don't laugh." She huffs but she does scoot the chair in with a little extra force.
"I would never," Branch promises. He's lying out his teeth and they both know it but Poppy doesn't acknowledge it outside of a quick glare she shoots his way. He waits for her to get comfortable and pick up a fork before he even looks down at his own snack. The muffin is a nice brown with little dots of dark red scattered throughout the bread, the top glistening slightly with what Branch could only assume was a light glaze. It looks good enough so he delicately peels off a piece of the top and pops it into his mouth.
Oh, wow. It's actually really good. The glaze isn't too sweet and it balances out the tartness of the cherries really well. The bread itself is moist and dense. He feels a little bad for being so surprised. Poppy smirks at him from across the table, "I know, right?" She nods, already halfway through the first cake. It's a round little thing layered delicately with cake, jam, and what looks like a cream of some sort. There are even a few fresh berries nestled on the top. "Honey's is really good. Most trolls walk right by it but I love it here." Branch can understand why as he picks off another bite of his muffin and savors the flavor. When he takes a sip of the chai to wash it down he's equally impressed, a soft hum of satisfaction slipping out before he could even think about it. Poppy's eyes widen at the clear praise and she reaches out with both hands, "Oo, I haven't had their chai yet, lemme try." She makes a little grabby motion with her paws and Branch can't help but comply. Her face absolutely lights up when she takes a sip and his heart melts.
"Oh, hey," A voice cuts through the moment and Branch looks over to see his brothers a few yards away. Anxiety claws its way to the front of his mind at the sight of all of them together and he hates that his own insecurities are ruining such a sweet atmosphere. Suddenly the muffin doesn't taste quite so sweet. Floyd offers a soft wave when his brothers get a little closer and Branch returns it on autopilot. "Are we interrupting a date? We can come back later." Bruce looks between Branch and Poppy sympathetically. If anyone understood the importance of an uninterrupted date it was Bruce if his stories about his children were anything to go by.
"No, no, of course not! We're just getting lunch." Poppy assures before Branch can come up with some plausible excuse. He's glad to share a few more moments with them before they all leave but there's a pit suddenly growing in his stomach that easily overshadows that.
"Oo, what'd you get?" John Dory leans in, quickly invading Branch's space and nearly knocking him over in an unnecessary rush to get a closer look at his plate. John laughs at Branch's disgruntled complaints and leans back, ruffling Branch's hair in the same motion. Branch growls and pushes his brother away with a sharp glare but John Dory only smiles back and raises his hands in mock surrender. John seemed to get great pleasure in mapping out Branch's boundaries through trial and error but when Branch tells him to quit it the eldest insists that it's an older brother thing.
Poppy sends Branch a quick glance to gauge where he's at before looking back at his brothers with a welcoming smile, "What brings you guys out here?" She asks, munching curiously on the remnants of her first cake while she looks between each brother with searching eyes. Her curiosity was a thing to be reckoned with.
"Well," Clay starts, straightening up and looking proud, "We think we've finally gotten everything all figured out. When it comes to sticking around, ya know?" He explains with a satisfied grin. The details had been Clay's favorite part from the bits and pieces that Branch caught around the bunker. He tried not to mind that his brothers only talked about how they'd keep in touch when he wasn't around but, even if it wasn't something he was a part of, he would have been more than happy to help them figure everything out.
"Oh, that's great!" Poppy throws her hands up, her smile becoming impossibly brighter when faced with the success of the people she cares for. She didn't know his brothers well but Poppy assured Branch that the people who were important to him would always be important to her too. That meant the full nine yards when it came to the Queen of Pop. She's even squeezed in one-on-one time with each of his brothers during the measly week they've been in Pop Village.
"Yeah, it took some time but I think we've managed to work it out," Floyd nods, clearly pleased but also fondly exasperated by his brothers' antics. He looks over at Branch's drink curiously and sends Branch a curious look in silent question. Branch shrugs and picks up the cup, holding it out to Floyd. "We still want to have plenty of time to live our lives but after everything," Floyd pauses, managing to look both sheepish and haunted. He takes the cup with a small smile, "Well, after everything it'd be nice to see each other a little more. So every couple of months we figured we could meet up for a while." Floyd takes a small sip of the chai and his eyes widen in silent surprise. He takes one more drink before passing it back to Branch with a soft thank you.
"Yeah, we've got a whole rotation figured out. Vacay Island is plenty big enough to house everyone and then I can introduce you all to the kids." Bruce looked so impossibly happy at the idea and Branch couldn't help but share the sentiment. He was overjoyed for his brother when he first heard that he had a family of his own, all undercurrents of bitterness chased away by just how content Bruce seemed to be. He thinks, maybe, he might want to get to know his niece and nephews at some point if he'd be allowed.
"And the Putt Putt Trolls have more than enough extra space in the Course, we could take in a few more trolls any time." Clay crosses his arms, nodding once, somehow managing to look even more accomplished. It wasn't as enticing as Vacay Island but it would be nice to know more about how Clay has been living these past many years. Branch takes a slow drink of his tea and glances between his brothers curiously. He figured they'd been talking about their plans after Pop Village without him but he hadn't expected so much planning to go into how they would spend time together. Without him.
John Dory adjusts his jacket, puffing up the collar with his usual smug aura, "We can even spend a few nights in good ol' Rhonda here and there. Make a camping trip out of it." Poppy might as well have literal stars in her eyes with how she's beaming at his brothers. She's not even the biggest fan of camping but she is a huge fan of campfires and s'mores. Not to mention the fact that Poppy had grown fond of Rhonda on their latest adventure.
Branch is too busy focusing on how no one brought up Pop Village to be excited for them. "That's great," He smiles, trying his best to make it look genuine despite how his stomach was twisting into knots and his eyes were starting to burn. Of course they'd visit each other. Floyd would probably move in with the Putt Putt Trolls or bunk with John Dory and then they'd all get together every few months to catch up. He doesn't know why he's surprised, he figured he would have to say his goodbyes, but somehow it still hurts.
He'd really hoped that maybe after everything they changed their minds. That maybe they could try to give this family thing a shot again, even if it would be hard and complicated work. At the end of the day it looked like they were ready to spend time with each other but not with him. It's been a week of walking into a room only for it to suddenly go quiet and he thinks that maybe in the end it hadn't been his paranoia that made him think they were leaving him out.
"It's not perfect but we can make it work." Floyd's smile is too soft and too kind and it makes the pit in Branch's stomach claw it's way up his sternum. His fingers were starting to become cold and clumsy as his dread grew and his heart thumped a pathetically fast rhythm against his ribs. He had tried so hard not to get attached again but now all he could think about was the impending goodbye he wasn't ready to give. He wanted more time.
Poppy's looking at him now and he can see her smile starting to drop as she realizes that something's wrong. The excitement is visibly bleeding out of her and a calculating expression is swiftly taking its place. It's only there for a brief few moments before she turns a polite smile back to his brothers, "I can't believe I forgot, there's something I'd like to show Branch if you guys wouldn't mind?" She sounds so genuinely apologetic Branch would be more surprised if he wasn't so focused on how tight his chest was getting. He knows this feeling, he's well accustomed to the first signs of a panic attack, but no matter how familiar it's never any less terrifying.
"Oh, no, of course not!" Bruce assures quickly with a wave of his hand. "We can talk more later, obviously. You guys go have fun."
Poppy doesn't even wait for the merry agreement from the others before she's out of her seat. She grabs a few of the available to-go bags from the market stall and easily sweeps the remaining food into them with one quick motion. She practically pulls Branch out of his chair. "Can you grab the drinks, sweetie?" Oh, she's worried. She only ever calls him sweetie when she's worried.
"Yeah, of course," He agrees numbly before grabbing their cups from the table with shaking paws. It's not too noticeable he doesn't think. Maybe he can only tell because he can't help but stare at how the cups tremble almost imperceptibly in his grip.
"It was nice seeing you guys!" Poppy waves happily at his brothers before ushering him away. It takes him a few seconds to realize she's pointing him in the direction of her pod but when he does something small relaxes beneath his ribs. He'll be okay there. He tries not to listen to the cheerful goodbyes of his brothers behind him, cringing away from their farewells like the words themselves could cause physical harm. Poppy ducks in close and tries to meet his eyes with a pinched expression. She doesn't ask if he's okay, she already knows the answer.
122 notes · View notes
ditzybat · 2 months
tim: sweet dog you got there. gordon: yes, this is our new drug-sniffing dog. tim: still training huh? gordon: red robin.. what do you mean? tim: ... tim: nevermind...
12K notes · View notes
grimpyr · 11 months
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Please Larian it would be so fucking funny
30K notes · View notes
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At least Matpat lives on in the FNAF universe
12K notes · View notes
road2love · 8 months
something I haven't seen people mention about The Hunger Games trilogy and movies is how it genuinely revolutionized the Minecraft server scene
13K notes · View notes
ciearcab · 3 months
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never could have been worse
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jjadmanii · 1 year
i genuinely love that the hunger games is in katniss’s pov bc shes the one character that has no clue about whats going on, clearly does not want to be there, and shes just walking through life in a permanent state of utter confusion. and idk i really relate to that.
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cobaltfluff · 4 months
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sasuga my ace detective mind-reading soulmate, I knew I could trust you
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stil-lindigo · 4 months
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reverb in an empty hall.
prints (all proceeds go towards aid for Gaza)
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zhukzucraft · 2 months
=> Follow Etho
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Etho: What in the world?..
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Joe: Howdy, Etho!
Joe: Fancy some company? With complimentary live music to set the mood for adventure, perhaps?
Etho: How-
Etho: Um
Etho: Alrighty then.
Etho: Are you sure you can swim like this?
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Joe: No worries, I've got everything here under contrblrobrblrbl
You have made the first step towards forging an alliance! But with the soulmate assignment looming on the horizon, will it last?
(you guys are AMAZING btw, here are only some of my favourite suggestions under the cut)
(also don't worry Joe will return the instrument to his sister post haste)
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and last but not least
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1K notes · View notes
andi-o-geyser · 1 year
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local gang of dnd players intimidate and viciously bully game show host sam reich, threatening to push his ass down the stairs like he's a 90-year-old grandma in a retirement home. more at 8
9K notes · View notes
dulltoned · 6 months
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It's been many, many years since the other members of BroZone have spent any real time with Branch. It was easy, in the beginning, to forget that Branch wasn't the same toddler they'd left behind for their grandma to raise. Now that they were staying with Branch for a while it was becoming increasingly clear that Branch had grown in a lot of different ways since they were kids. He was standoffish and neurotic and rough around the edges but it was blatantly obvious that he cared a lot more than he wanted them to know.
They wanted him to know that they cared too.
-- or --
Five times that Branch comforts and supports a member of BroZone and one time that BroZone comes together to be there for Branch.
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Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six | Chapter Seven
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Things were different for Floyd after everything. In a multitude of ways, some good and some bad, but after his time in captivity everything had changed. The most jarring, oddly enough, was once again living with trolls. He'd spent a lot of his time since initially leaving the Troll Tree all those years ago traveling from city to city. He'd settled more permanently in Mount Rageous somewhere along the line as a vocal coach for up-and-coming stars. He'd needed something steady, without the unknown that hung over his head while going from place to place. He has no plans of going back to the life he'd built for himself. He doubts he'll be stepping foot in Mount Rageous anytime soon and his work was how Velvet and Veneer had gotten their hands on him to begin with. Those memories were tainted in a way he wasn't sure he could ever remedy. The mere thought of the bright lights and constant bustle of the city was enough to make his hands start shaking.
Now every morning he opens his eyes to dirt ceilings and furniture his size made of warm woods. And every time a gentle confusion greets him. Where was the pink hue? The world made for beings at least thirty times his size? Then he remembers that he was free now and Branch had stiltedly offered Brozone his home before they inevitably returned to their own lives. Even now, as he sits up in the bed he would never take for granted again, Floyd has to take a few deep breaths and remind himself that this is the new normal. It's been a week officially but it seems that wasn't near enough time to shake off the two months of captivity.
Floyd exhales slowly and takes a few minutes to ensure he was well enough to get up to start the day. The more time that passes between when Velvet had selfishly tried to drain him dry and now the better he feels but he still had plenty of dizzy spells that could easily send him toppling if he wasn't careful. He feels stable enough that he hops off his bed and grabs one of the cozy sweaters Poppy-- who was apparently the Queen and Branch had just forgotten to mention that-- had given him. It's a simple lilac thing but it's Floyd's favorite of his growing collection of Welcome-to-Troll-Village gifts. It had been so long that Floyd had forgotten just how overwhelmingly hospitable Pop Trolls tended to be. It was more jarring when he'd barely been able to stand and Queen Poppy had tried to shove a welcome card and a piece of cake into his hands but he'll never forget the eye roll and fond smile on Branch's face when he'd swooped in to grab the items and gently scold her. It was more than enough to gain Poppy some more brownie points from him. Brownie points, he muses, the pink Troll seems almost desperate to earn. He brushes imaginary dust from his sweater and tries to ignore the flashes of white swinging at the corner of his vision as he makes his way over to the door and steps out into the rest of the bunker.
The rooms that had initially been meant for the rest of BroZone according to the plans a little Branch and Floyd had eagerly put together when they were much smaller were now full of meticulously organized supplies and storage. Poppy had swiftly offered her own pod to house the reunited family but they'd only lingered around the Queen's home for a few hours when Branch had shown up covered in dirt with a satisfied grin and the news that he had more than enough room for his brothers. Turns out that had meant individual rooms dug out on the lowest level of Branch's bunker with cozy furniture sets that Floyd didn't really want to ask about. He figured that whatever answer he got would put a pit in his stomach and a lump in his throat.
He casts a cursory glance around the large room as he makes his way towards the elevator. There are plenty of shelves covered in canned goods and dried fruit and others towered with construction supplies that were clearly organized in a specific way that Floyd couldn't quite discern. There are a few small alcoves filled with similar things but one space always stands out to Floyd. It's just a small little place with a table and shelves with curtains always pulled neatly shut. It's a cozy little corner that's so starkly different from the rest of the overflowing bunker that Floyd's eyes are drawn to it nearly every day. He doesn't know what's behind the curtains and he doesn't want to upset Branch by asking but he figures one of these nights when he can't get to sleep it wouldn't hurt to take a little peek.
He nods to himself, satisfied with the idea, and hops up onto the elevator platform. It's a cool little contraption that Clay and Branch had talked about in detail with each other just the other day. Floyd hadn't followed the conversation itself but they'd caught him looking at them fondly just the same. Clay had teased him a bit but Branch, who Floyd could see just over Clay's shoulder while the tall Troll ruffled his hair, had looked back with a similar bittersweet expression. Floyd didn't really know how exactly the elevator worked but he was immensely grateful that he didn't have to use stairs to get around the place or else he'd never get anywhere. He felt like he had plenty of energy to spare but it was like every little thing took more effort than it should. He can admit that even a single flight of stairs would take up all he had to give.
He flips up the lever and smiles softly to himself as the elevator rumbles to life and starts the easy crawl up. He couldn't hear anything coming from the kitchen and things echoed through the large space so he was pretty confident none of his brothers were up and about yet. It was likely that Clay was nestled in the armchair Branch had put in his room, curled up around the latest novel for his book club to catch up for the next meeting. John Dory and Spruce-- Bruce, he reminds himself sharply-- were up in the air but considering he couldn't hear them arguing over something it was safe to say that at least they weren't in the same room.
He pulls the lever straight just in time to stop at the kitchen's level and waits for the platform to come to a complete stop before letting go. He'd watched Bruce get lectured by Clay and Branch for improper handling once and he had zero intention of being on the receiving end, even if it was nice to see Branch integrating back into things. Floyd doesn't know if anyone else noticed but he watched how Branch kept his distance, always tucked away in the corner and watching them interact with a wariness that made Floyd's heart hurt. It was a hopeful but steely look that he had never wanted to see on his little brother's face. Like he wanted but he wasn't willing to risk the disappointment.
Speaking of Branch, Floyd slips into the kitchen and spots his little brother sitting at the stone dining table with a mug of something steaming cradled in his paws and a green robe wrapped tightly around him. Branch is already looking at him, eyes narrowed, but his expression softens when he realizes that it's only Floyd. Floyd smiles and offers a soft wave, making his way over to the cabinet to grab down a mug of his own. Branch's eyes follow him and he hums a soft greeting in return. Floyd has come to learn that Branch is somehow not a morning person but also exclusively a morning person. Branch is always the first one up but he never seems happy about it. Floyd grabs down another gift from Poppy, a pink mug the same shade as his hair, and sets it gently on the counter. He sees the pitcher of coffee just a few feet over and can't help but wrinkle his nose in disgust. Coffee sounds absolutely dreadful right now. "Hey," He meets Branch's gaze, "Do you have any tea?"
Branch blinks drowsily a few times and nods, "Yeah, third shelf up on the right in the pantry." He nods towards the door next to the hallway Floyd had entered through. Branch takes a long drink from his cup and lets his eyes fall closed in the quiet bliss of morning coffee, "Be careful with the door, it keeps getting stuck." He warns without opening his eyes.
"Got it," Floyd nods despite knowing that Branch can't see him and moves back across the room. It's not exactly a large kitchen but it could fit them all comfortably. Barely. He pries open the pantry door with only a little effort and he doesn't know why but he's still surprised by the unnecessarily large space. It's more like a restaurant pantry than a home pantry, maybe four Trolls long and three Trolls wide, but the shelves make the space seem infinitely smaller. There are long, sturdy shelves lining the walls from floor to the ceiling packed with bottled drinks, snacks, even more canned foods, and other assorted goodies. Floyd is pretty sure this is the only perishable food he's seen in the whole bunker. He keeps the door propped open with his foot and glances over to the third shelf up on the right and sees plenty of different teas to choose from. That's the Branch he's coming to know and already loves; overprepared and overstocked.
There are plenty of good options but Floyd spots a little green box a bit further into the pantry and perks up immediately. It's a brand he recognizes and the label reads mint chamomile and he knows without a doubt that he needs it. He squints, trying to measure the distance in his mind, and frowns when he realizes that he won't be able to keep the door propped open and also reach his prize. He hears Branch offer an amused snort behind him but waves off his little brother in favor of contemplating his options. He could try to keep the door open and stretch to reach the tea but he's pretty sure he'll just end up falling and that sounded like a bit of a nightmare. He could also just choose a different tea but he's made up his mind now and would be disappointed with something else. He sighs and decides to just step into the pantry, letting the door fall softly shut behind him despite Branch's earlier warning. Push comes to shove he'll just have to either force the door back open or ask Branch to do it but at least by the end of it he'll have his tea.
He grabs the box, turns on his heel, and pushes against the door.
It doesn't budge.
He huffs, tucks the tea under his arm, and braces his shoulder against the door. He pushes. Nothing.
His heart stutters in his chest and he swallows thickly. He's fine. It's just a door, Branch is literally only a few feet away on the other side. This isn't a big deal. He places the tea down gently on top of another box right beside him and places both hands against the door and pushes with all his strength. Nothing. How? He'd barely even let it shut all the way. His arms are shaking and suddenly he's lightheaded and oh no that's not fair he was fine just two seconds ago--
He was fine but now he's not and he can't get out. He needs to get out. His chest is getting tight and his hands and feet feel cold and he jerks away from the door in a panic, glancing down at his hands to make sure that he's not fading away again. The world is pink around the edges and his eyes are burning and oh no he can't get out and--
And the door rips open and Branch is there with wild eyes, reaching in and dragging him out of the pantry with an urgency that matches Floyd's own. Floyd makes a choked noise and his mind briefly flashes to the tea still in the pantry but it feels like he blinks and suddenly Branch has him tucked neatly into his abandoned chair at the table. Branch kneels in front of him, eyes not the same blue that Floyd remembered but bright and worried all the same. "Hey, Floyd, just breathe for a second, okay?" Branch coaxes softly, telegraphing his movements as he reaches out a hand and places it softly atop Floyd's knee.
Floyd hadn't realized that he was practically hyperventilating, muscles so tense his whole body coiled up on the chair. He stutters through his first attempt at an even breath but Branch doesn't say anything, waiting patiently for Floyd to sort himself out. He sucks each breath into uncooperative lungs and with each exhale he unwinds just a bit more. It takes a few minutes for him to calm himself down but Branch is an unwavering support through each agonizing second. With one last exhale Floyd sags back, boneless, and closes his eyes against the wave of exhaustion that crashes into him. Great, there goes all of his energy for the day.
It was incredibly frustrating to be too tired and fragile to do even the smallest things more often than not. He had never been the most productive of their family but he certainly wasn't a slacker either. He liked to get things done and get out of the house, run errands and do chores. His heart twists when he remembers that Grandma had always praised him for his willingness to help her keep the pod up and running.
The soft clunk of ceramic on stone rings loud in his ears and startles him from his thoughts. His eyes shoot open to find his mug sat in front of him filled to the brim with tea. "Oh," he blinks a few times, emotions still high and touched at the thoughtful gesture. He turns his gaze to Branch, standing beside him and once more clutching his own now lukewarm mug in his hands. "Thanks." He smiles warmly.
Branch huffs but his lips pull up into a grin, "You okay?" He asks carefully, so clearly testing the waters to see if Floyd wants to talk about it. It's such a sweet, if not incredibly awkward, gesture and it only adds to the growing adoration nestled beneath Floyd's ribs.
"Yeah, yeah," Floyd nods distractedly, reaching out to wrap his fingers around his cup to hide the near imperceptible tremble. The warmth seeps through the ceramic into his skin and a soft sigh of contentment slips out before he can even think about it. The tea and the cozy comfort of the sweater do wonders to soothe his frayed nerves. "I'm fine, really. I don't know what that was." He admits softly, chuckling in hopes of removing the stiff line of tension in Branch's shoulders despite the unease still churning in his own stomach.
He succeeds, technically, but Branch seems to only have lost the tension in his new confusion. He tilts his head and stares at Floyd in that terrifying way he does where it feels like he's picking you apart and digging up all your best-kept secrets. Floyd wonders if he ever looks at the others that way or if this was an expression reserved just for him. He's noticed that Branch is quiet but it's not because he's not paying attention. Branch, Floyd has learned, is nothing if not observant. A look of brief realization crossed Branch's face, "A panic attack." He says, suddenly.
"What?" Now it's Floyd's turn to be confused.
"A panic attack." Branch repeats, shifting his eyes downward to the contents of his cup. "They can happen after something traumatic or because of stress and stuff." He explains offhandedly, swirling his drink. He seems to stare at the contents even more intently then, "I get them, sometimes." He shrugs, bringing the cup to his lips and downing the rest.
"Oh," Floyd feels like he's always at a loss for words with Branch these days. Sometimes Branch just says or does something that really forces Floyd to remember that Branch has lived his life without them. He's not the little kid they left behind and sometimes what that might entail sneaks up on Floyd in the worst way. "That's--" The sound of the elevator humming to life and starting it's descent back down to the lower floor breaks through his thoughts and spurs Branch into action. The younger quickly deposits his mug in the sink and flees down a different hallway, likely to scamper off down a flight of stairs and find some project around the bunker to busy himself with. That's one more thing Floyd has realized. Every room has at least two exits.
He can already hear John Dory and Bruce bickering as the elevator climbs back toward the kitchen level. All Floyd can think about is who had been there for Branch when he'd been scared and panicking?
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suntails · 12 days
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merrigel · 5 months
I want it back = I drag its dead weight forward
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kagoutiss · 2 months
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what if there were 2 old fucks… can u imagine
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h0nkshroom · 4 months
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