#young royals inspired playlist
darlingedvin · 2 years
young royals season 2 playlist <3
some heartbreak, most love songs. season 2 really said here’s a rollercoaster lol
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omrarchive · 4 months
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moments from young royals where simon looked so pretty the monarchy collapsed (2/-)
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apollohears · 3 months
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last updated: coming soon !
Step into the shadows of Day of Dusk, a mesmerizing blend of dark fantasy, horror, and romance. Drawing inspiration from the chilling folklore of the Brothers Grimm and the adrenaline-fueled film "Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters," this interactive novel beckons you into a world where mysteries lurk in every corner and romance dances with danger.
In Day of Dusk, the line between magic and malevolence blurs, and you, the main protagonist, hold the key to unraveling its secrets. Will you dare to navigate the twisted paths where witches, witch hunters, and supernatural entities collide?
The choice is yours, but be warned: in the shadows of dusk, nothing is as it seems.
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In the heart of a medieval fantasy realm lies "Day of Dusk," a tale woven with threads of mystery and the macabre. Journey alongside a band of young mercenaries, masters of the dark art of witch hunting, as they navigate a world teeming with secrets and shadows.
Their journey begins in the tainted township of Ruel-Mizu, where whispers of many vanished children echo through the fog-choked streets. Tasked with unraveling this enigma, your group treads a path fraught with peril and the weight of history's darkest deeds.
As you delve deeper into the town's grim past, you'll confront not only witches of formidable power but also otherworldly entities lurking in the shadows. Along the way, unexpected allies may emerge, and the bonds of friendship may blossom into something more.
Yet every choice carries weight in this twisted tale of power and love. Betrayal lurks around every corner, and the line between ally and enemy blurs in the gloom. Will you sacrifice everything for the truth, side with who you least expect it, save the town for good or succumb to the allure of forbidden romance?
In "Day of Dusk," the fate of worlds hangs in the balance, and only you hold the key to unlocking its secrets.
How far will you go to uncover the truth?
This game is a work of fiction; content warnings include, but are not limited to, graphic death, depictions of blood and gore, medieval violence, body horror, explicit language, depression, suicide, references to assault, grooming, mental and physical abuse, sexually suggestive themes, and drug and alcohol use. This story is intended for mature +17 audiences; reader discretion is advised.
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Step into the shoes of a diverse protagonist, embracing your identity as male, female, non-binary, or anywhere along the gender spectrum. Explore the rich tapestry of human sexuality, navigating relationships and attractions as a gay, straight, bisexual, asexual, or aromantic individual. Your journey is uniquely yours, shaped by your experiences and choices as you carve out your place in the world.
Embark on a journey of discovery and connection as you navigate the complex web of relationships in a world filled with intrigue and danger. In the end, it is through these connections—friendships forged in fire, love born from adversity—that you might find the true meaning of your existence and the strength to face whatever challenges lie ahead.
Have your name written in history tales to come, become a hero beacon of hope, or become a feared figure among the community.
Confide in the unrevealed troubles that settle the mysterious past of your royal company's path to break tradition—or steal the heir's power to the throne for your own.
Learn the dark truth about the horrors that lie concealing just how far some would go to great lengths in order to create life.
Forge the future of a community and companions lives with the supporting changes and challenges schemed upon you and all of those who you know or love.
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Each love interest will have their own route which you will get to choose from at the end of the common route. The four romance options in this game depend purely on the readers preference which include: a man, a woman, one you can choose between their presenting gender and a ç̸̤̞̟̏̀̄̔̚r̷̛̟͕͙̼͚̼̓̒̑͝͠ͅy̷̛͉̭͙̿̒̆̈́́͊͗̅̈̀p̶̟͎̩̩͕̭̀̍̅́͛̚ţ̵̺̬̭̪͂̊̑̋̽̚͝͝ì̴̠̪͊͐̿͊̽̍͘͜͝͠c̴̗͉̭̖͕͕̐̔̾̂͘͝ͅ ̴͓͉͚͔̬͓̩̜͒̂͋́b̶̘̽̔̃̀͂̒̕͝e̷̡̡̫̮̹̻̰̺̖͋̿͂̀͑̈́̌̕̚͝ì̵͚̤͗ͅn̸̫̎̋́ǧ̶̡̳̥̾̚ͅ.̵̧̛̩̯̹̦̊̎̈́̕͝
Silas/Sophia Amon — the needling best friend and a member of your witch hunting team. Forge a deeper friendship and uncover the true meaning of loyalty with your brash yet devoted childhood best friend, whose charming demeanor hides on top of another layer of emotion.
"I'll be the bad guy if it means keeping us alive. Someone has to make the tough calls around here."
Pavlos Norlenbourne  — the neglected forsaken naive royal with a roaring secret. Draw close to a haunted prince, haunted by the shadows of his tragic upbringing, and unravel the mysteries that surround him as you delve into the depths of his troubled soul. 
"In a world where power is everything, I'm just a pretty pawn in their game. But I'll make my own moves, carve my own path."
Annette Meadowcroft — the obsessive poet with a firing spirit who refuses to be tamed. Uncover the hidden depths of a secret poet, whose words hold the key to unlocking the secrets of the heart. Join her on a journey of self-discovery as she seeks to break free from the constraints of society and embrace the beauty of the world around her.
"The ink flows from my pen like a river of defiance, writing my own narrative in a world that seeks to silence women like me."
Rune — the callow knight who isn't very fond of small talk with a foreboding origin. Dare to tread the path of a cryptic made being, grappling with questions of identity and purpose as they navigate a world that sees them as little more than a weapon. 
"If you have the audacity to think that I am some sorrowful god, then the pain of my fraud in human appearance will be all the more agonizing."
Depending on your play style, you have the ability to create, shape and destroy numerous familial, romantic, platonic, professional and community relationships with a full cast of characters whose genders and personalities vary. 
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✸ Dedicated to all the hopeless romance and fantasy fans who are too engrossed in their books to talk and too shy to write, to my momanager Kass, who always likes to keep things real.
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ellieslaces · 6 months
part I ; part II ; part III ; part IV
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featuring: prince!leon x princess!reader (royalty au)
synopsis: the Crown Prince, Leon, had never desired to marry, but obviously the decision was never up to him. his mind is slowly, and ultimately changed when he meets you, his betrothed
content warnings: harsh language; mentioned violence; strangers to lovers; mutual pining; little angst; misogynistic themes; eventual smut (more detail in later chapters)
notes: royalty au; Leon is an Italian Prince; user is British/English; some old English dialect; misogynistic themes bc this is based on old views of royal women’s only purpose to bare children; Leon’s family’s palace is based on Palazzo Ducale in Venice
word count: 2.83k
chloe talks: yeah ok, I caved. a royalty au has been on my mind for a little bit and while listening to Dancing With Our Hands Tied by Taylor Swift on the way to my endocrinologist appointment today, I had to write this. this is partially inspired by a bot on c.ai by wesker420 and another royalty au fic on here by @hispg so I don’t take full credit for the idea. but anyways, enjoy
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Leon had never desired to marry, he never believed a happy marriage was in the cards for him. Especially when his mother and father were the only example set for him all his life. He was content with a life of politics — council and war meetings, endless nights spent in local taverns, his bed warmed by women who didn’t mean anything to him. Until he met you.
You were a princess from the North, a born and bred English noblewoman. And you were terribly single and of marrying age. Your country and Leon’s country were in dire need of allies, so naturally you were introduced to each other as betroths.
Of course, this was far from an easy process for either one of you. Leon did not wish to marry at all, and you wished to marry for love, not convenience. This was a damning future for the both of you.
And it only became increasingly worse as your marriage date was pushed closer — a fortnight away now. Your family traveled to Leon’s castle, staying there for the next two weeks. Your family was set to leave the night of the wedding, leaving you completely alone with a man you were forced to spend the rest of your life with and his family.
This arrangement was far from ideal for you. You knew next to nothing of the Crown Prince. And he knew nothing of you either. It was an unfortunate affair — two young nobles who could have anyone or anything now tied down to each other by pressing expectations. It was truly a tragedy.
It became increasingly apparent to Leon that you were miserable in this arrangement the day you arrived a fortnight before the wedding ceremony. He and his family greeted your family in the throne room — much more lavish and beautiful than your own at home — and he could so clearly see how dismayed you were.
Hell, he couldn’t blame you. A young woman, beautiful and intelligent, brought up with the best opportunities available to her was now being sold off as a piece of property. All for peace among nations. Leon supposed he could complain, but he was a man. He wasn’t tied down by the duties of being a wife as you would be. He felt bad for you — even if some small part of him resented you for this sickening arrangement.
Soon enough, you were carted off to your chambers where you would reside until the night of the wedding ceremony. Your mother tried her best to console you, saying it wasn’t as bad as it seemed. It was futile though, you were set to be miserable. To be resentful of how your parents could sell you off to the highest bidder for a bit of political gain.
Though, the palace grounds were beautiful. High ceilings covered in extravagant artwork, glass windows, the grand canal right outside the Eastern side of the palace. There was much to explore in the two weeks you’d spend there — or the rest of your life.
You spent the first week of your stay exploring the castle. Looking at the array of artwork, the different rooms. You did this mostly alone, your mother would occasionally join when she was not required to sit through perilously long political meetings. When she was not able to join you, your handmaiden — and best companion — Maria, would walk with you.
Always a few paces behind to keep up appropriate appearances. Though, Maira more than often would end up walking beside you.
In fact, it was three days after your initial arrival that Leon saw you for the first time, alone. You had decided to take advantage of the pleasant Italian spring day and explore the West gardens. Maria was walking beside you grinning, hands folded in front of her as she informed you of the latest gossip among the grand palace’s servants.
That was also the first time Leon had ever heard you laugh. You had a gloved hand covering your mouth, the sudden sound of your lilting laughter causing him to immediately stand as you rounded a corner of the hedges.
Leon has simply come outside to study a leather bound book of political speeches his father had written, sitting on the bench to also enjoy the weather. At the sudden sight of the prince, Maria stopped in her tracks, eyes wide and bent at the waist in a bow.
Maria’s sudden prostrate position caused you to pause as well, dropping your hand and looking up at the prince — your betrothed.
You as well, curtsied, face ground-ward as your smile fell in an instant. “Your highness.”
Leon almost smiled then, at the sight of your sudden respect and change of attitude. He bowed his own head as you straightened, offering the same sign of respect. “Princess. I hope you are enjoying the grounds.”
“Yes, your highness, I am. Thank you.” You nodded, your eyes hesitant to look in his direction. It didn’t go amiss to Leon that your cheeks had been painted in a pink tint as well.
“Good,” he nodded, at a loss for what else to say. His eyes darted to Maria, your handmaiden who had righted herself and taken a few steps back. He nodded to her as well, offering a kind smile.
This was the first time you’d felt any form of warmth for the prince. His subtle kindness to your handmaiden, whom any other noble would dutifully ignore. It brought a small smile to your lips, eyes finally meeting his as he looked at you.
“What are you reading?” You questioned, eyes flicking to the leather bound book in Leon’s hands. An awkward attempt to be polite.
“Just some political notes my father wrote up for me to review. He has been pushing me to be more involved as of late, my future quickly approaching as he likes to say.” Leon’s head tilted to the side, motioning to the book.
To his surprise, your interest had seemed to pique. “Anything interesting?” You asked, voice soft yet filled with an element of excitement. A princess interested in politics was not something the prince had ever come across.
“Not particularly, just some civilian requests and meeting reviews.” He shrugged, seeming bored. However, you seemed anything but.
“I see.” You stepped forward a bit, seeming to be a bit hesitant but foraging on nonetheless. “I do hope I am not being forward, but, I wonder if you would mind informing me of anything you hear in the meetings.”
Leon frowned at this. “You are not invited to meetings?” He didn’t realize you may not have a place in the political side of royalty.
You shook your head, a small look of annoyance gracing over your gentle features. “No, my father says it isn’t a princess’ place. He believes I am far too delicate for such heavy matters.”
Leon could tell how much it annoyed you, despite the fact that you never explicitly said it did. He frowned, nodding to himself.
He looked back up at you — his lips pulled into a devastating smirk that nearly took your breath away. “Well, princess, you have my word. I will inform you of anything I hear from future meetings.”
You hadn’t expected him to actually agree. Most men would have said you were being silly and had no need to hear such trivial matters. It made that prior spark of warmth blossom into a small flame in your chest.
He was kind. Not just handsome — horribly so, which you and Maria agreed upon — but he had a good heart. No matter his seemingly rough exterior, you could see the prince meant well.
“Well, thank you, your highness. I deeply appreciate it.” You smiled, that pink tint on your cheeks ever present as the prince stepped forward to you.
“Of course, princess. If there is anything I can do to make your stay any more pleasant, please do let me know. We are going to be married, are we not?” He offered with a half smirk, bowing his head again.
“Thank you, your highness.” Your own lips pulled into a small smile as Leon gently gripped your gloved hand, pressing his lips to the back of it with a whisper of a kiss. He smiled again, dropping your hand and walking away, through the hedges of the gardens.
He was kind, you’d somewhat expected that, but you hadn’t expected him to be so romantic. At least, that’s how you would put it. You’d met your fair share of suitors, each appealing in their own way. But none had ever offered you the kindness or grace Leon had. It was dizzying.
And those dizzying thoughts plagued you always. The kindness in his eyes, his devastating smirk, his gentle voice — it all stayed in your mind. Never leaving you a moment to breathe. Maybe, he wasn’t so bad. It was entirely possible that you wouldn’t be miserable here. However, you decided to make that decision upon whether or not Leon kept his promise.
And to your surprise, he had. Two days later, you awoke in the late morning to a small stack of parchment on your nightstand. The top sheet displaying your name in what could only be Leon’s swirling handwriting.
You’d laid in bed for two hours that morning to read through the notes of every meeting for the past week that you’d been there, missing breakfast. It wasn’t in Leon’s hand script, but in a neater script. The official royal note taker, you assumed. But it was all so interesting.
Never had you been informed of any such political activity before, unless it was pressing or dangerous. It was a refreshing feeling to be informed. To know things like anyone else.
You’d read over the papers, soaking in each word until your eyes hurt. Until you committed each event listed and discussed to memory. In sudden realization of how kind the act truly was, you racked your brain for a way to thank Leon. It was possible he could be punished for this, you didn’t know exactly how confidential this information was.
It wasn’t until dinner the following night after you’d received the papers that you saw the prince again. You had been seated beside him for the first time — probably due to visiting political figures. It was quiet between the two of you, a bit awkward, because what were you supposed to say? The men were all conversing about the situation in the West, Leon looking bored and not caring much to weigh in. So you took your chance.
“I wanted to thank you for the notes.” You spoke up, quiet as only Leon could hear you as you pushed the food on your plate around.
The prince paused, his glass raised to his lips as he sipped the maroon wine. “I trust you enjoyed them?”
“Very much. Thank you, it means a lot to me you did that.” You looked at Leon as he set his wine glass down, offering him a smile to display how much you truly did appreciate the kindness.
“Of course, princess. I am just glad to offer you some solace here. Whether it be politics or roses.” He joked, blue eyes glimmering in the bright candlelit dining hall.
You set down your fork, sipping from your own glass before looking at him again. “I do hope I did not get you into any trouble.”
“No. And even if you did, it would be worth it. So long as you are happy here.” Again, the prince’s kindness was overwhelming. You smiled, cheeks tinged pink again.
“You flush a lot. Is this normal for you, or is it just me?” The prince questioned with a teasing lilt.
A small laugh fell from your lips, shaking your head. “I am afraid it is just you.” You nodded to him, head tilted to the side.
The prince offered you another smile, sipping from his glass before his father began to speak to him, in a way forcing him to engage in conversation. For the first time in your life, you could listen to a discussion of political issues and know what was happening. And it was all thanks to a kind prince.
You sat through the dinner, a small smile taking permanent residence on your pink lips. Eyes sparkling with quiet knowledge.
It was then Leon realized he liked your smile. And it was then you realized you could fall in love with Leon.
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2023 ellieslaces please do not repost, rewrite, translate, or submit my work to AI or any other platform. please support your creators by reblogging, liking, and following!
how you can support Palestine! 🇵🇸
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twstbookclub · 3 months
Faded Away
This is side A.
Inspired by Fade Away by Riley Baron Summary: Childhood friends with Malleus, you were even supposed to marry him. You'd call him your fiancé, but he'd shoot you down with a smile. One day, Maleficia would announce that you would no longer be engaged to Malleus, but you had already decided to renounce that before, so it was okay. For Malleus, after experiencing loss in his life, everything he adored before began to fade away. Pronouns: Gender Neutral POV: 2nd Admin/Writer: Kai⚔️ Tags: Malleus Draconia, Changed fate, Childhood friends to lovers, lovers to strangers, angst with a sad ending, hurt no comfort Word count: 3,961
A/N: … sigh. If someone had told me a year ago that I would write nearly 4,000 words for Malleus Draconia angst, I would've laughed in their face. Despite that, I wrote this for two days and edited it for another two. I fixated on this man for FOUR DAYS nonstop, listening to playlists about falling in love with your comfort character but then saying goodbye, and I am still not done. I am genuinely proud of this work. Out of the 7 years I have been writing fanfiction, I have never been so happy to say this is one of my best works. And I don't really like Malleus like that. Attack me all y'all want, I know book 7 spoilers, and I was his stan(not simp) until I found out the truth and had to take a step BACK. I don't know what I feel about him now, but as a Silver girlie, I need someone to take the pen away from Yana Toboso.
Regardless of my feelings, I am glad I could write this and that the story turned out amazing. As I said, I'm not done, and I have another fic posting as soon as this one drops, so don't stray too far.
On that note, thank you for waiting and reading this long, longer than I would like to admit story. Enjoy.
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The horns of this child were small, but the eyes of another child were fascinated at the sight of such a mature boy. The boy’s name was Malleus Draconia, the future King of Briar Valley. You were told that you would become his fiance when you grew up. You could feel your heart instantly pound and become fond of this young royal. You had already known him prior, growing up around the same time, and your families were somewhat close. Still, you couldn’t have imagined being able to marry him later down the line. He was aloof and neutral as a child, speaking to you when you would talk to him and only if he had a response. You loved him that way, anyway. 
“You’re my… fiance?” 
“I am! Don’t worry; I won’t go anywhere if it’s not with you!”
“Hmm… Then I can accept that.”
Growing up as teenagers was slightly different. It took some years, but he would begin to warm up to you. He would smile occasionally and accept the way you would call him “my fiance”, but still turn you down for the time being. Witnessing him become stressed caused a pang of guilt in your heart. Still, you’d quickly dissipate the feeling by messing around and seeing him feel better with your company.
“My fiance should be calm the way he usually is. How can his kingdom stay calm if he is not?”
Malleus would usually stare at you after you said things like that, then respond with, “You’re right… Alright. I will do that, but I’m not your fiance.”
Then, like clockwork, you’d laugh at him before responding, “Okay, okay, Prince Malleus. Whatever you say.”
Now, Malleus finally returned from studying at Night Raven College and settled back into his past routine. It took some months, since now there were new things he needed to learn before he could become king. He would follow without a complaint, though.
He was standing in a throne room, checking on documents and plans for the kingdom. You would simply trot in with your hands behind your back as you would often do, admiring him as your shoes would click against the floor.
“My fiance is working so hard already?” You teased, being playful and wanting to catch his attention.
“I’m not your fiance.” Malleus would say with a concentrated tone, his gruff voice echoing through the large room as the sound of documents being flipped echoed. 
“Right. King Malleus.” You stopped walking to give him a bow and then approached his side. You moved your hand to cling to his arm, but knowing your behavior, he already had an arm out for you.
“Not king either. I haven’t had my coronation yet. Queen Malecifia is planning that as we speak,” Malleus spoke again, then set down the documents and turned to you, his hair slightly swaying with his movement. His green eyes stared down at you, and then he captured a slight smile on his lips. “What is it that you need from me?”
“Nothing. I just wanted to see you and waste your time. I truly hope I am a bother,” you spoke playfully and took one of the loose documents into your hands to read through it. Malleus quickly took the paper before you could get too far into reading it. Right. Kingdom affairs.
Malleus gives you a look before sighing and pulling a chair out. “If I let you touch my horns, could you let me work?” He spoke, moving to sit down beside where you were standing. You grew excited at the opportunity to play with his horns and instantly went quiet to do so. You stood behind him and carefully adjusted his hair while examining every detail of the feature in front of you.
The atmosphere was quiet yet peaceful. Time felt like it was still, pen scratching paper occasionally sounds through the large room. Your hands gently held his horns, caressing them to remind yourself of its sharp and enticing structure.
Memories of childhood played through your mind as you watched him read these documents, soft breaths coming from him as his focus never broke. You did this exact thing all the time with him, especially during his study hours.
“Why do you like my horns so much?” Malleus spoke, suddenly breaking the silence and surprising you out of your trance. You thought about it momentarily, trying to find the right words to explain it, but you couldn't find a single word for how. Instead, you explained it the best you could. 
“Hmm… I don’t know. There’s something about seeing these horns that gives me some reassurance. Relief that I can still be your future beloved.” you answered before fixing his hair again. Messing with him like this felt right. Whether he wanted to admit it or not, being his future partner was something of fate. There were others out there with royal status just like you. Queen Maleficia could’ve replaced or sent you away, but she hadn’t. You were thankful every time you saw his grandmother.
“I see… You’re an odd one,” Malleus spoke softly, a faint breath being heard from him as he felt your hands let go of him. “You let go. Is something the matter?”
Malleus noticed you stayed quiet but didn’t hear you move either. So, he turned around, his breath catching at what he saw. His eyes were met with your side profile, your lips curling into a grin. Your eyes reflected the light like glass, and your hands fell to his shoulders.
“It’s the first snow of the season,” you said, mesmerized by the view. Your quiet voice showed just how enchanted you were. Malleus had an idea of how others felt about the first snow. All he took in from when you explained the moment to him was how special it could be for lovers.
Every time the first snow would fall, he’d watch from the window of his study how you admired the snowflakes as if you’d never seen them before. He watched you do this for years as if it was routine. Hell, it would be weird if he didn’t see you out there. 
Malleus took your wrist and made his way out towards the courtyard. He’s the one taking you out there this time? You could only follow and keep your excitement at bay from his behavior.
Arriving outside, Malleus fixed your winter cape, ensuring you wouldn’t feel too cold. He leaned against a wall as you played and tried to catch the snowflakes. Your smile was as bright as the white sky, and he would just stand there, watching you without a word, but more as if he was in thought. 
You noticed this and took a moment to gather some snow from the ground, putting it behind your back before moving towards him. “Are you alright? You seem to be lost in thought,” you asked, making him snap out of his trance to look at you. 
“I’m fine. I’m simply reminded of my time at the college from seeing all this snow. Why do you a—” 
He sighed, keeping his eyes closed before saying one thing. “... Why?’
Malleus was cut off by the impact of a snowball hitting his face. The icy crystals caused his skin to feel colder than it already was. He wiped the snow off his face as he witnessed you begin to back away. Every step back from you was a step forward for him, and you noticed how he had a straight-faced expression. You laughed nervously and grabbed his wrists, trying to hold him back.
“I just wanted to get your attention, Malleus!” You tried to explain, yelping when he would tower over you, but you would only find it all amusing. Malleus would chuckle, grabbing and throwing snow at you, not aiming for your face like you had done to him. 
This went on for a few minutes, enjoying the back-and-forth attacks, while the snow piled onto the ground through the mid-winter day. At one point, Malleus would grab you by the waist to keep you from straying too far away from him. The gesture felt nice, but also intimate as he’d only do this to stop you from being clumsy.
You held onto his arms and stepped back slowly, moving towards a stone pillar, while your eyes didn’t leave him. You glanced between his eyes, lips, and the horns you loved seeing. Even after he held you against the cold stone, there wasn’t anything to worry about, but him.
You felt nervous while giving his arms a light squeeze, and he carefully brushed his cold fingertips against your cheek, making you relax with your head leaning into his slight touch. Soon, his hand cupped your cheek to tilt your head, keeping you in place this time.
Finally, your eyes stayed on his lips. His green eyes admired your features to remember them down to the last detail. Your mingled breaths hit each other’s faces from the close proximity, then Malleus leaned close, his lips inching closer to yours.
It was cut short, though. You turned to the sound of someone clearing their throat, but your body would stop what it was doing and let go of Malleus, instantly bowing at the sight of a familiar lady.
Malleus would turn around next. His breathing was slightly uneven from getting caught in the act, but he’d still bow and greet the woman in the courtyard with them.
“Queen Maleficia, what brings you out here during this weather?” Malleus began first, slowly coming up with you to stand correctly.
“It is good to see you, Queen Maleficia.” You followed after, giving Malleus’s grandmother a warm smile.
“Not much, my dear. I’m glad to see you taking a break,” Maleficia returned the greeting and gave a smile as well. She’d soon drop that expression, though. “I need to speak to you about something important.”
Your body would tense up again, and you took that as a cue to leave them alone, so you bowed and took a step forward. “I’ll leave you be, then—”
“You aren’t going anywhere. You are part of this too.” Maleficia spoke earnestly, and she rarely had to speak in such a way to you. The last time you heard those words was when she scolded you and Malleus for disappearing to Lilia’s home.
Those words always made you nervous, especially since they usually meant something was wrong. You could only turn around and smile again.
“Right. I apologize for my assumption, Your Majesty,” you said carefully, instantly seeing Malleus turn to you with a look of curiosity.
Standing before Queen Maleficia, now in her study, you held your hands as Malleus stood near the high bookshelves. His grandmother stared out of her window briefly before taking a breath.
“Malleus.” Queen Maleficia began to speak, turning around to face you and Malleus somberly. “Your coronation is being planned, as you know, but something must be done before you can become king. You know what that is, correct?”
Malleus grew confused, but his eyes would widen slightly once he understood. “Marriage. What of it?”
As soon as Malleus answered, the woman would look towards you and smile lightly. “That’s correct. What do you plan to do about that?”
You stare at Malleus briefly before looking at Maleficia again, then smile softly. “I do want to marry the prince. That has not changed since we were children.”
Maleficia looked away from you, and then she made her way to stand in front of you. “That, my child, is what I can no longer allow. I am sorry.” 
Your eyes widened, and you saw Malleus perk up at the corner of your eye. He was shocked as well. “What…?” Is that the only thing you could say?
“What are you talking about?” Malleus sounded off. You couldn’t look at him. Your eyes would stay on the Queen before you, still in disbelief. 
“This is the best course of action. Forgive me, my child.”
“Queen M—No. Grandmother, what in the world are you referring to? Answer me!” Malleus began to demand, moving you back and getting ahead of Maleficia.
“Malleus, believe me, this was not easy.”
“I did not ask if it was easy. I did not ask if you’ve thought of this for weeks or months. I asked for an explanation, grandmother,” Malleus spoke sternly, going against Maleficia, which he had not done before. Maleficia was growing angry, but she remained calm regardless.
“I am doing this for you, for the kingdom of Briar Valley; to end a war before it could begin. You will do your duty as the future ruler of this kingdom.”
“You think the kingdom can decide who will be my partner in marriage for the rest of my life? You did that when I was a child! I went along with it and accepted it the first time as it was!” Malleus also grew angry at the way the events were unfolding. He had accepted everything without complaint, but he couldn’t keep his mouth shut this time. This isn’t what he wanted.
“Now, Queen Maleficia, you wish to choose someone new? Someone I haven’t known my entire life and someone I cannot trust?”
“You will understand that as the future king. You do not need them as your fiance, and that is final. You will be marrying someone from another kingdom to stop us from going to war.” Maleficia had grown strict, firm even. Anyone else wouldn’t dare argue, not even you. You could only stay quiet from the words you were hearing. Your heart began to feel heavy from guilt as if it were a burden.
“What good will that do!? I do not need someone to help me run my life or the kingdom that will be under my wing some time from now!”
“I did it for you! I do not wish to see you become like your parents! You are my only grandson, and I lost your mother to war and the son, your father, I never had just before that. I raised you! Lilia and I were the ones who kept you alive. So, as your grandmother, I want you to keep yourself safe. Do this for yourself.” Maleficia was like a pleading mother. She needed Malleus to understand.
It was all so confusing to you. Malleus was trying to fight, but was it for you or him? Was it for his freedom? Did he love you? No. That couldn’t be it. You had to do something before he would do something drastic. You had to stop him before he could argue more.
Your hand wrapped around his own. Malleus froze from the sudden touch. “It’s okay,” you began softly, putting on a smile before looking up at Malleus.
The touch reminded you of when you snuck into his study as a teenager. You felt stressed once due to your studies and responsibilities becoming a large pile, and Malleus would hold your hand to put you at ease. He helped you with your studies by tutoring and keeping you focused, but concentrating was still difficult with your distant lover just inches away from you during that time. 
That short-lived memory was enough to make you agree to this. You loved him, but it was confusing. He was distant, but sometimes not. You loved him, but it was time. 
“Hey, Malleus?”
“What would it be like if I was only your friend, but never your fiance?”
A young Malleus had to think about that, but only one answer came to his mind.
“I would’ve figured out how to become your fiance again.”
Back to the decision before you, you smiled more before looking at Maleficia and squeezing Malleus’ hand lightly.
“I understand, Queen Maleficia. I apologize for no longer meeting your expectations,” you said respectfully. Malleus stared down at you with wide eyes, his hand starting to squeeze yours while it was still in his grasp.
“Don’t say that. You don’t need to do that—”
You shook your head and looked at him, clenching your free hand around his arm to cling to him. “I… wanted to talk to you, anyway. I’d call you my fiance, but you always turned me down. You said you simply accepted the necessity of my obligation as your lover. Now that we have to say our goodbyes, it worked out fine, did it not? I won’t fuss about this decision, as I have no say in the kingdom’s political matters. So, I will simply wish you happiness and good fortune in your marriage, Prince Malleus.”
“What are you talking about? You don’t know a thing.” Malleus whispered and took both of your hands into his, trying to keep himself calm in the midst of all of the mess. “I only rejected you because I wanted to properly propose to you. Only at the right moment between us and—”
“Hey… you don’t have to say any of that. You don’t need to. This is your kingdom. I am simply someone who had to be your lover.” Those words hurt for you to say, and Malleus looked… scared for once. In the time that you’d ever known him, he was the only person you loved. Malleus couldn’t let go of your hand or look away from you. You would disappear, he felt. Hearing those words come out of your mouth was painful enough as is.
You could only give him a bitter smile and force him to let go. “It’s okay. You’ll be okay,” you whisper and bow to Maleficia, then to Malleus. “Thank you. If you’ll excuse me.”
You smile once more before swiftly leaving before anything else could happen. The longer you walked, the more your legs felt like jelly. You didn’t know where you were going, but you just wanted to leave. You wanted nothing more but to go back and take back your words. To fight for Malleus. Yet, you would never go against the crown. 
Malleus simply stood there in disbelief with his eyes glued to the door. Maleficia reached out to her grandson, but as soon as her hand landed on his shoulder, he slapped it off. He looked at his grandmother with a look of nothing. Agony. A heart-wrenching anguish clouded his mind and judgment once you had left the room. 
He didn’t want the touch of anyone else but you. How could he lose you so easily? His whole life, he had always gotten what he wanted. Yet, the one time he asked, begged, and pleaded for something in his life, it was stripped away right before his fingertips. Malleus’ body was on auto-pilot from the harsh reality. Then, he moved out of the study, but when he looked up, his body froze at the sight of you running out of the castle.
It was all his fault. He didn’t fight hard enough. Now, he had lost you. How could the Seven betray him so? He never thought that it would be so easy to leave him. To abandon the memories just because someone else requested it.
Once you felt the harsh wind and snow, your eyes began to water. Soon, your heavy breaths turned into heaving sobs. Before you knew it, you found yourself in the forest. How did you even get here? How far did your tired legs get you? What torture could you endure in this state? Then…
Every memory with Malleus started to flash through your head.
Every dance.
Every laugh.
Every touch.
Every look.
Your heaving sobs became screams of heartbreak. Agonized cries echoed throughout the quiet and dark forest of Briar Valley. You couldn’t feel the cold anymore. The cold didn’t matter when it felt like you left a piece of yourself in the castle. 
Malleus leaned against the wall from the window that he watched you disappear from, closing his eyes when he could hear your cries despite how far you actually were. He couldn’t do anything to fix it this time, not when you were convinced.
Meeting his new fiance was unbearable for Malleus, but he tolerated it. He never remembered any interaction he had with the woman he was supposed to marry now. The wedding was memorable for everyone but him, and you weren’t there. He knew you wouldn’t be there, but he would still smile to himself when he remembered things.
But then it wasn’t too long, maybe a couple of years, until the kingdom celebrated Malleus and his coronation. Everyone with royal status and Malleus' close friends were invited to the after-party celebration. You went alone and stood on the balcony outside, listening to everyone enjoy their festivities. You hadn’t heard about Malleus since you last stepped foot here. It felt like forever ago.
“I didn’t think you would show up. Not after what happened the last time.”
The familiar voice made you perk up and turn around, seeing his tall figure standing at the curtain’s frame. You stood at the stone barricade and smiled slightly at Malleus, bowing to him.
“I didn’t think you would seek my company, King Malleus.”
“That title sounds… weird coming from you,” he admitted, making you both laugh. You look at the horizon to watch the setting sun, going quiet along with him. You had to break the silence.
“So, how are you and your queen?” You asked, causing Malleus to look at you. 
“She is fine. She’s expecting, so she’s taking care of herself instead,” Malleus said, being careful with his words, but you wanted to hide behind your old, playful attitude.
“You were quite fast, weren’t you?” You responded with a laugh, but you could feel your heart breaking already.
“It’s been about two years since we last conversed. I don’t think that’s too fast,” Malleus spoke casually, but you would notice how he looked at you somberly, almost as if he didn’t like it as much as you did.
“I see. I wish the Queen and your child a safe and easy journey.” You said quietly, sounding a bit melancholic. You had to force those words out, and Malleus simply nodded to accept your wishes.
His look made you narrow your eyes towards the ground, not wanting to look at him as you knew it would only cause you more heartbreak.
“Malleus…” You called out quietly, sighing and leaning against the stone.
“Don’t say anything,” he whispered, looking out into the horizon just like you did moments ago.
After a few minutes of silence, the sun had finally set, turning the sky dark with the moon’s light shining down on you and Malleus.
“Thank you,” you broke the silence first amidst the faint clamor of festivities behind you, “for the chance to be with you for so long.”
Malleus looked at you,  then you looked at him in return. These looks turned into stares. Stares felt like time froze. It was you and him again, and you wouldn’t want it any other way.
You engraved the details of his face into your head, and he was doing the same for you. When he broke the silence, the bubble around you two still hadn’t popped. 
“You were a wonderful experience,” he said sincerely, giving you a smile.
You smiled back, but before you could respond, others called Malleus over. He tried to stay there, but he was forced away. He was only able to take one more look at you before he disappeared. He faded away like a light swallowed by a deep darkness, which was so strange. It was only a change. 
You still kept your smile after he left. Now, you could say what you wanted.
“You were… everything.”
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hillerskalibrary · 1 year
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Kära Hillisar, dear followers, my fellow Young Royals fans,
Season 3 filming has started today, and what better time to announce a celebration of everything the show has already given us? So wet your pencils, chuck that writer's block down the drain, and mark your calendars, because with deepest pride and greatest pleasure we welcome you to the very first Hillerskalibrary fandom event:
Young Royals week 2023!
The week will run from the 24th to the 30th of April and is open to all content creators who are active in the Young Royals fandom. A playlist for Stedrika? Hell yes. A 5k fic centered on aro-ace Sara? Bring it on! A quick stick figure Wilmon doodle on the back of your Espresso House bill? We wanna see it!!!
What is Young Royals week? A fandom event where all YR content creators are invited to create new content for the YR fandom. Each day of the week, we here at the hillerskalibrary will post a new prompt to inspire creators to come up with a short fic, a quick doodle, or something else entirely. The end result will be a sort of potluck of new content to read, admire, enjoy, share and discuss!
Sounds cool! How do I sign up? You just did! Because this is an open event and we want to encourage as many people as possible to participate, there are no formal sign ups. If you wanna join, you can, simple as that!
What pairings/characters are allowed? All of them. No really! We might do more specific events in the future, but for this one there is no limitations for certain pairings (canon or not!) or characters - as long as they feature in YR somehow.
What type of content is allowed? All of it. No really! Many people think of fic, of course, but there's plenty of other possibilities: playlists, meta, headcanons, gifsets, collages, picrews, ... (amigurumi wilmon, anyone? no?)
I'd love to participate, but I'm not sure I'll be able to create something every day. What if I don't have time? Or am not inspired by the prompt? Then you skip a day. Or two. Maybe you'll do nothing all week and create seven things on the last day. Maybe you'll do three things for one prompt and none for the next. It's all good! No stress, okay?
I'm not much of a content creator... can I still participate? Look, someone's gotta comment on all the fic and reblog all the art, no? (also I think you could TOTALLY do that stick figure doodle)
All right then, I'm in!
That's what we like to hear!
If you have any more questions, please don't hesitate to ask! Until then, we hope you're as excited as we are - only four weeks to go!
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blueparadis · 1 year
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CWs —» afab!reader with s!her pronouns,semi-linear plotline,  suggestive themes, royal au + supernatural au ( reader is a supernatural being ), strangers (to childhood friends) to lovers, slowburn, light angst, mention of corruption, violence and murder, temporary unrequited feelings, implicit smut descriptions,sappy romance and happy ending.
+. PLAYLIST—» moonlight ╾╼ somebody that I used to know ╾╼ rewrite the starts ╾╼ until i found you ╾╼ miel
PRECIS —» Armin was a chaser of eternity while she was a slave of it. One yearned for it, the other despised it until a thread of tragedy tied them together, forever.
+. NOTES —» this is for @dearbraus via @suyacho ’s gift exchange collab. hope you like this piece. I was confused between noé and armin but settled with the latter because this idea was originally thought for him.
I got this idea around april but finally, i could write this thanks to eden for that <3; also, this fic was partly inspired by the song moonlight by dhruv. I'm very much sleep deprived, so lemme sleep while y'all have a happy read. Merry Christmas (⁠^⁠∇⁠^⁠)⁠ノ
Special thanks to @orchid3a, @sailewhoremoon & @chosovixen for ß’reading this. also, you can read this in AO(III) ; browse more of my works through navigation links.
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Museums, sculptures, libraries, books, songs, stories, poetries, paintings— all these had one thing in common: that is, they were eternal. They carried so many memories with them and yet were so defunct. And then, there are humans that live and die like flies. Ever since Armin was bestowed with the ability to walk he would only use it to go to the library or to sneak out through the back door of his room into the garden, or anywhere that does not remind him of the burden he has to carry till his last breath, the burden of protecting each and every person around him—  the burden of this whole kingdom that his father ruled.
He never asked for this life, the luxury, the fame, and the power that came with it. His father had told him that everything that the light touched belonged to him, but only one thought crossed his mind: for how long? Armin did not have to ask anyone to find the answer to that question. He saw it, he lived it. The fragility of his life. 
At that moment, when he was on the brink of destroying thousands of lives in one blow, hesitation overpowered his senses; the man kneeling in front of him, waiting for death to embrace him to save him from such shame, gutted him in the stomach. So annoying, Armin thought and slashed the head of the ruler of the kingdom. 
He was nineteen when he owned a new kingdom, a hefty crown adorned with the most lustrous jewels in the city, and the queen that was promised along with it. To his father’s disappointment, he denounced it, the kingdom, and the kingless queen. Oh no, that does not mean he did not enjoy the greater pleasures of life. He did, through and through, he is the crown prince, and anyone who denied his demands would be rendered lifeless, a mere memory just like stories, books, and sculptures.
He was desired by many, even males. Some people knelt to him to please him, while others were doomed to become an unpleasant distant memory. There was no in-between, no mercy came from the heart of the crown prince. He was not cruel, just a rageful young boy who desired things that seemed impossible to achieve, at least in this life. He envies lifeless things that do not have a lifespan. How utterly foolish!
Sometimes he would laugh at himself, thinking he had been born cursed, a little sick in the head, but his diary told otherwise. He kept it in the library, the journal with sapphire covers and his family emblem. It rested among those massive books that carried the history of great generations and his ancestors so that none, even Mikasa and Eren would not be aware of him, his truth, his true self. Half of him was amused by how all his writing mocked the rich legends that his father boasts at every royal dinner, while the other half, wept like a wounded creature for not being able to make his dreams come true. He is the crown prince, the prince yet all that power fell short of his dreams to achieve; to hold someone in his arms timelessly and to fall in love limitlessly.
Armin could think of only one name, y/n l/n. The girl who left him without finishing her stories. The girl who met him only during Twilight, smelt like forever, and looked like one of those decaying sculptures of Rome.
The Library, that place has always been a wonder to her, y/n. Books stacked beside one after the other embedded with lores and legends from all over the world. Most are sugar-coated, few are the resultant of figmentation and truth but none told the bitter truth. The poets lied, love is not a prince saving princess, love is a princess waiting for the prince for eternity; love is not sharing kisses under the starry night, love is being burnt by mere words. Love is not divine, rather it is the most wretched curse.
Ever since she discovered the existence of the library, she had been fond of how lies are woven so slyly that even the witness failed to separate the truth from fallacies. She had been the witness to how all the kings confiscated the castle, slaughtered the innocents, and had all the women as baits for bodily pleasure, but those rusted pages of the book told how the ferocious warriors, ‘envoys of justice’, ‘harbingers of peace’, or so they liked to call themselves; those warriors killed so many cruel kings and saved the people of the kingdom from their madness. Same lies, different names, different times.
Eternity was nothing like she imagined it would be. It was never a promise of happiness, but rather a promise of loneliness. Heck, even promises faded with time, yet this followed her like a shadow. Even love failed to fill the hollow space she had in her heart. She stopped believing in good but did no evil. Indeed, she had the power to rewrite history, but that could endanger her life, even if she was at the edge of death. But hope can be a dangerous thing for a girl who has lived through an aeon, and it shone miraculously on a full moon night.
There was a particular book that caught her eye. The spine was slim, with a plain sapphire spread and a logo embedded on one of its ends. She perfectly remembers that a few days ago the book was not there and a certain someone is a fool enough to keep it among the books that have all scarlet bindings. But she should not let that bother her so much. Besides, she is here to read; read about how her lover turned against her, exchanged her to get a few coppers and silvers a century ago yet died at her hands. It was tragic, of course: to watch your beloved betray your love and trust, but ecstasy gushed into her veins when she killed him by burying her fangs into his neck, absorbing the life out of him. 
At first, eternity was a boon, and now it is a bane. At first, killing was out of rage and now killing was the only way of survival. She took a few steps back from the family shelf of Tyburs, and stood in front of the Arlerts family shelf. For a minute, she let her fingers run through the books and halted at the sapphire one, which had the royal emblem of the kingdom. She took out the book, thinking it would not hurt to spare an hour or two, after all, she had all eternity.
It was a journal. The handwriting was neat and artsy. The front cover read, “my daily dose of dread.” What a child! She thought, but alas, she could not open the journal. She presumed that it was sealed with magic. And, just like the cascade, the emotions that she locked away when she buried her lover in a grave gushed in her body, through every vein, through each vein. She felt alive again.
The next day, y/n spent the whole day outside observing the humans in the town, gathering some intel. After two weeks, when night befell, she made her way where she wanted to be all this time, the library, the very palace where she loved to sneak in and read those great lies and laugh at the dead. She waited till she heard footsteps, to her surprise it was a boy of fifteen, the son of Duke Arlert. It has been almost a century since she had any human interaction. And now, a boy of fifteen with all the life ahead and innocence intact became alien to her. It thrilled her.
“Who are you?”, the boy asked with aimless, oceanic eyes that had the tragedy of the great Gatsby. She jolted, blinked and took a few steps forward, bowed down in front of the boy and whispered, “I’m the new cataloger, your highness.” And that day, a new friendship was born. Only the moon and the stars were the witness of it.
Unbelievable it seemed to her, for how Armin warmed up to her so quickly. Y/n used to wait for him during nighttime at one corner of the library till he would come to her. Gradually he learnt to use the loopholes in the rules of royal court just so he could hear stories from her, stories that were not written on any of the books, stories that talked about the origin of fairies and monsters. Some days Armin refused to go to his chambers just to hear such stories from her, some days he fell asleep in her lap while she was reading out stories to him. The very stories that he despised so much became engaging to him. He started to take interest in royal duties too.
Sometimes, Armin waited alone in that library but he never asked questions like, ‘Why do your eyes change color? How come I do not see you when I come during the day?’ He was kind to y/n, kinder than most people she had met, killed, or had to betray, but at the same time, those questions weighed heavy on her heart and died at the tip of her tongue whenever she came to visit Armin. As Armin grew up, her visits became less frequent. With all the agony and anger in him, Armin never bothered to ask why. Moreover, he didn't want to cease those pixelated visits from her, however fleeting they became, they belonged to him and only him.
On his twentieth birthday, y/n went to the main court to join the celebration, mostly at his request. Amongst so many souls you felt lifeless as if you were a sculpture. And then, you saw the boy of fifteen who has reached his peak of youth. 
Armin still has those eyes of tragedy, that would tell you nothing except stories that never ended, stories that were abandoned by their auth,or or where the author had died before finishing it. But today, those blue eyes were not blue anymore. They were gleaming in hope and yearning as he watched you walking towards him surfing through the crowd.
Armin was sitting on the throne, with his cape flowing down past his ankles with the crown that sealed many fates of varied rulers. There was a line of visitors to meet him, you were one of them, just for today. Your turn came in “Happy birthday, your highness. Congratulations on your coronation. I wish you the very best of life.”, you uttered as you handed him the gift. He smiled. With a bow, you left his sight. That was it; nothing special happened. There were no secret smiles and stolen stares. It ended so soon, happened so fast that all you felt was remorse. But you did not let that linger on your mind since you knew that, late at night, when everyone would be asleep, Armin would come to visit you. He was not a creature of the night. You were. But it turned on you that very day when you waited for him till dawn.
A girl who had eternity started counting the days. 
Four weeks and three days have passed yet Armin neither came for a visit to the library nor wrote about his days in his journal. You remembered how he told you that you should not read his journal, it’s personal, he said yet would sometimes read from that very journal, just some musings. A few days later, you could hear his name in waves and in whispers, that he conquered several kingdoms, that he won many wars, and perhaps would conquer the whole world. The entire kingdom rejoiced at his success, however, you could not. You missed him. You mourned a living person since he never wrote about such dreams in his journal. Maybe that person was long-lost, somewhere in the pages of the books that anyone no longer bothered to read.
After almost five years, Armin returned home. He had abandoned all sorts of hope to see her again. The only girl who could feel what he was thinking, the only girl who could see behind his eyes, and live in between his bedsheets. He had desired her day and night, at each passing moment, in every way a man could ever desire a woman. He remembers the feeling, the feeling that has always haunted him since childhood, people called it love while Armin could call it burning, burning with desire, yet remained lifelessly indifferent about it. True love, as they said, but Armin thought it was punishment.
He was on horseback with his sword tucked in his belt which was made of gold and silver. His mantle shrouded the armor, which had witnessed many battles and mishaps, and was embedded with rare gems and pearls carving his family emblem on the mantle spread. His blue eyes wandered everywhere, he looked every bit of regal he was. 
His own home city felt foreign to him except her, except you, who stood young and beautiful amongst several bouquets of flowers receiving smiles and coins in exchange for said flowers in broad daylight. Even after five years, you look just the same; just like how he saw you that day on a full moon night for the first time. So many things to tell you, so many things to write in his journal yet all he could do was to watch you from a distance. 
Armin dismounted from the horse, and a gust of wind swayed his hood off, revealing his blonde hair that kissed his shoulder blades. There he was, standing on the opposite side of the lane, with his right arm resting on his sword, his azure eyes locked on you while everything around you seemed to evaporate. When you shifted your gaze from the customers onto him, his lips took an upward curve and your heartbeats ceased to exist. 
The lane between the two of you was filled with people that lead their life without being aware of the tragedies evoked by two distant souls. The dusk was approaching; the crimson sun rays fell short on them, for it witnessed two polar souls burn with desire for each other. It seemed like an endless twilight where only they could exist and none other. Armin took a step forward to cross the lane while all the flowers in the shop closed their petals as if they were to witness the greatest kiss of timeless love, but alas! Tragedy befell them.
It happened within a blink. When y/n opened her eyes, she watched Armin fall to his knees with a wound near his heart. The crowd became unruly; while everyone was fleeing from the scene your feet moved on their own to save him, to stop his bleeding, to do anything, anything at all that would save his life, but before you could barely cross half of the street, your senses betrayed you. It was such a mighty fall, for both of them.
“Oh! You’re awake?”, a bold voice, ruptured your eardrums that could still hear the screams of the locals. A finger traced your face as you opened your eyes, and you saw the face that you have mourned for so long, so silently, that you failed to realize the budding love at the bottom of your heart.
“Yo-you are okay?”, you gasped, blurted out in a hurry to check his wound. It was not there anymore. What actually happened back then?
“How can I not be?”Armin stated, taking a seat near you at the edge of the bed, “What was the last thing you remember, y/n?”, his fingers found their way irrevocably in between yours.
“... that you were bleeding. Everyone was running…to save …”, Armin placed his index on your lips saying, “I was wounded before I came to see you. I wanted to see you for the last time…”, he leaned against your forehead, continuing, “... but you, you y/n saved me.”
It must have been the power of love. A voice mocked the back of your head, but then  Armin showed you a pendant; the very pendant that you gifted him on his coronation day. It was embedded with magic. It carried the untimely dead souls, people who departed before their time came. 
“This. This has been saving me every time.”, Armin smiled looking at your astonished face. 
“You knew about me? All this time?”, you asked, a little offended by the childish tantrum he pulled. 
“Of course, love.”, he reported meekly before kissing your lips that he had been dying to taste. You moaned as he advanced his way, his hands palming your face. His touch was so tender and soft that it felt as if he was afraid to touch you, what if you break again?
You looked at him as your lips whispered, “Even before you touched me, I belonged to you, Armin. All you had to do was to look at me. I was right there, with you, the whole damn time.” 
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YRC Fandom Polls pt. 1
About You
What's your age?
Where do you live?
Where do you live? Europe Edition
Where do you live? North America Edition
Is English your first language?
Which applies to you? (neurodivergence)
Participation in fandom (other fandoms)
How do you Tumblr? (mobile/desktop)
Are you part of the LGBTQIA+ community?
What's your sign?
About You & YR
When did you first watch Young Royals?
When did you first watch Young Royals? (version 2)
How do you usually watch Young Royals? (audio/subs)
Have you been to Sweden?
Has YR inspired you to learn Swedish?
Should Young Royals have ended after season 1?
Were you disappointed with Season 2?
Do you want to move on?
Which would be your ideal outcome? (king wille/abdication/abolished monarchy)
How do you feel about spoilers?
Do you own a purple hoodie?
Do you have your own Wilmon/YR-inspired playlist?
How well can you sing along to Simon's Song?
How do you feel about the size of the YR fandom?
Are you active in the YR fandom on other platforms?
Have you met a YR fandom mutual IRL?
Are you obsessed with Young Royals?
Have you named anything/anyone after a YR character or actor?
How often do you browse the #young royals tag?
Have you ever dreamt about Young Royals?
About Fic
How often do you read Young Royals fanfiction?
Which do you prefer? (smut/non-smut)
How would you describe your relationship to YR fanfiction? (reader/writer)
What is your preferred platform for reading Young Royals fanfic?
How many of your open tabs right now are YR fics?
Are you a fic re-reader?
About Wilmon / Wilhelm / Simon
Do you like Wilmon?
Wilmon: Cats or Dogs?
Do you think of Wilmon as your babies?
Wilmon butts in season three?
Is Wilhelm's hair blond?
Is Wilhelm's hair blond AND what is the predominant hair color where you live?
How do you feel about Simon's plaid pants?
How soft is Wille?
Which ball scene is more iconic?
Hyperspecific poll (Wilhelm things)
How do you feel about Simon's curls?
Wille's Song or Simon's Song?
Will you ever get over Wilmon?
Who will propose to whom?
Send Wilmon on a date!
Is Simon a Cancer or a Leo?
Do you think Wilmon will have kids someday?
About Other Characters
Which YR characters would you most like to become a couple in canon?
Who would you rather be stuck in an elevator with?
Who do you think wrote the love letter to Madison?
Who's the hottest dad on Young Royals?
Who's the hottest mom on Young Royals?
Who is your favorite Forest Ridge boy?
Who is your favorite Manor House girl?
Choose your new parents
Who is your favorite fish?
What's the name of August's evil twin?
Boiled or grilled?
Would you rather...(evil question)
So what do you wanna watch? (action/horror)
What do you feel like doing today?
What do you feel like doing today? pt. 2
What do you feel like doing today? pt. 3
Is anon a cheater?
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🌍 A Guide to Places Wilmon Have Done It
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starry-night-rose · 11 months
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“Hiya there! Do you want to build a snowman with me? No? Oh that’s alright...”
Character Playlist / Character Inspirations
Full name: Astrid Greta Aneira
Nicknames: Mademoiselle Tache de Rousseur (Rook), Sea Bunny (Floyd), Sis, Atti (Isfrid by @windbornearchon ), Your highness (her subjects) Freckles (Ace)
V/A: Manaka Iwami (JP) Lizzie Freeman (EN)
!Twisted from Anna from Frozen!
Age: 16
Birthday: June 21st
Horoscope: Cancer
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/her
Height: 163 cm (or 5’4)
Hair Color: Light Brown with a tinge of light blonde
Eye Color: Icy Blue
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Homeland: Aneira Kingdom
Family: Unnamed Mother, Unnamed Father, Isfrid Aneira (Older sister, belongs to @windbornearchon )
Dominant Hand: Right
Dormitory: Heartslabyul
School Year: 1st year
Class: 1-D (No. 15)
Best Class(es): Astrology, Practical Magic
Worst Class(es): Defensive Magic, Potions
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Favorite Food(s): Chocolate, Butter cookies, Apples, Hot chocolate
Least Favorite Food(s): Broccoli, Spinach, Cauliflower
Hobbies: Chess, Dancing, Drawing
Dislikes: The dark, Loneliness, Cold Weather
Talent(s): Making people laugh, Horseback-riding, Charades
Sexuality: Bisexual (preference for men)
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Personality: Astrid is an extremely bubbly individual who can just brighten up someone’s day with a smile! A jokester through and through, Astrid will stop at nothing to make someone feel happy! Astrid is used to feelings of loneliness and will do anything in her power to prevent those feelings! Astrid is very excited to make new friends, almost making friends with every single person she has ever met! Astrid is also the type of person to trusts in people very easily and puts all her faith in them! She knows that they can do good deep down! She’s also very much the person to stand up for her friends no matter what! She always ready at a moment’s notice to always stand up for her friends! Astrid can be a bit naive at times due her royal upbringing but she tries to learn more and more about the world! She just wants to see the world out there!
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Backstory: Born to a small kingdom in the Shaftlands, Astrid was seen as an inferior spare to her older sister. However, this didn’t bother the young Astrid! She adored her sister and regularly snuck into her sister’s room to play with her late into the night! Although both of the girls could very well one day be queen, her parent’s prioritized her elder sister’s upbringing rather than her own which left Astrid with nothing to do most days but daydream and get good at single player chess. This was further exacerbated by her apparent lack of magic. While her sister Isfrid had extremely powerful ice magic, Astrid had nothing. She often wondered when she too would finally get her magic but all around her believed her to be magicless. However, while her sister was in her 3rd year at NRC, Astrid had a breakthrough! Her magic had finally came to her! Now with new hope instilled in their daughter, Astrid’s parents started giving her the formal teachings that her sister had but only this time it was many years later. A little bit later, Astrid was accepted into NRC and was sorted into Heartslabyul.
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Astrid is four years younger than her sister Isfrid
Astrid’s love of chocolate all started when she accidentally ate some cookies that were meant for a party and she became hooked!
Astrid has tried to get over her dislike of vegetables and so far has been successful! Except for three certain vegetables
Astrid has become very good at playin chess by herself
Astrid isn’t too good at instruments in the Light Music club but does have a knack for playing the tambourine!
Astrid is typically in charge of party games at unbirthday parties!
If it wasn’t for her freckles and icy blonde ahoge, most wouldn’t think her and Isfrid were related!
As she’s a late bloomer to magic, Astrid hasn’t really mastered many magical attacks or spells yet
There’s a rumor that Astrid was meant to go to RSA but insisted on going to NRC to be with her sister
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lorezhaze · 10 months
🌟🪻 General Roleplay Inquiry Post 🌀
intro & info:
Lo, 22, he/they, EST time zone.
Very minimal triggers and limitations, 19+, 3rd person literate writing (at least a paragraph), discord only.
mxm or nbxm, I hardly ever do straight or lesbian ships (I’m just not as good as writing it).
I love world building and knowing the other character’s feelings. I also love getting to know my roleplay partners and becoming friends of sorts + a sucker for creating playlists and Pinterest boards.
NSFW scenes and/or undertones/themes at some point. I do like smut, especially paired with angst and certain dynamics, but if that isn’t your thing and our writing styles are otherwise compatible we can always keep it limited or fade to black.
CW(!): From here down, my plots or OC’s backgrounds may contain triggering content, I attempt to remain vague and non-descriptive given these are just outlines!
plots i’m willing to explore:
Stalker falls in love with someone, all falls apart when things go too well and their obsession crosses paths with them and they eventually go out, but break up. The stalker is determined to watch over their lover while also keeping others away from them until they “come to their senses” on their own time.
Son of a rich politician falls in love with a narcoleptic sex worker he hires.
Alternatively, an older man with a successful career, empty marriage and multiple kids ends up falling in love with a slightly younger intersex and narcoleptic sex worker, the first and only sex worker he hires (think Stan and Angel from Pose vibes).
Post-apocalyptic setting, final survivor of a run down camp continues to live among the undead of their loved ones. another survivor from a nearby camp stumbles upon the ruins of the previous camp while scavenging and sees someone alive on the other side of the fence, living with the dead as if they were dead as well. Day by day they come back, bringing their new things, trying to bring some life back into them again. 16th-19th century setting:
Enemies to lovers, a member of the royal family ends up falling for a knight that saves their life, unfortunately, this knight just happens to be the royal’s childhood enemy.  
The youngest son of a royal is 7th in line for the throne and has health issues, thus has no chance of inheriting the throne. in attempts to grasp onto any bit of power his father has, the royal marries off his frail and feminine son as a wife to a prince of another territory, an upcoming heir of a throne (loosely inspired by sporus and nero).
The King allowed his son (Lucien) to be abused by his painting instructor growing up, all this rage builds up and explodes when Lucien tries to convict his instructor, but the King instead pardons the boy’s abuser during a set of public trials outside the castle. Lucien, a teenager and young Prince at the time, kills his father in front of everyone, unintentionally becoming King himself from then on. Despite exiling his abuser after the bloody trial, the then Prince, now King is seen as cruel and scary, not to be crossed even nearly ten years later. Meanwhile, a citizen with a sick sister is caught stealing medicine. Being on trial with King Lucien is scary enough, but medicine thieves in particular are known to be punished heavily, since the Princess, who is one of the only people thats kind to the prince-now-king, makes a majority of the medicine available. During a public trial, the thieve’s mother pleads for his life and Lucien realizes that the thief is someone he knew, that he had recognized those fearful eyes from somewhere else. He was amongst the crowd when he killed his own father. He spares the thief, and allows the best doctors to treat his ill sister. As long as he works directly for him in the castle until his debt is repaid.
It is tradition for the royal family to keep their children within the gates of the castle and away from the public eye until they are grown enough to handle it. The Princess was introduced to society at the age of 13, but every year the reveal of their younger and troubled son (Lucien) his delayed for various vague reasons. Everyone is both eager and suspicious, which doesn’t help matters. This is when the royal parents essentially give up when the boy turns 21, allowing him out with no announcement to the public. While practically frolicking through the flowery fields, enjoying the feeling of the grass and the new sights, he has a love-at-first-sight moment with another boy (your character). This is just an ordinary boy from a hard working family, and since the Prince was never revealed, he has no idea the boy he’s immediately smitten with is the Prince everyone is eagerly awaiting to meet. That is until he finds out, obviously. Misc:
(Movie theme) The Hunger Games, two people from opposite teams. Queer themes; gay men, trans person called upon as their assigned gender at birth.
(Movie theme) 50 first dates: (OC: Meadow-Lane) - unfinished/rough draft idea.
(Movie theme) Ego: Character A gets hurt and temporarily loses their vision. While their wealthy parents look for a medical solution, they have them live in the guest house and hire a caregiver, character B, to stop by everyday and take care of them. Naturally, character a and the caregiver get close, but there’s a big problem: character A is a superficial, seemingly shallow and straight. As a result, character B feels pressured to lie about their identity and what they look like when character A tries to guess what they are like.
I’m more than willing to hear out any of your plots/ideas as well!
OCs (Pinterest boards linked!):
Lucien - Royal prince held under the control of his King father, struggles from physical and mental disabilities from past abuse. Abuse via paint instructor creating a complicated relationship with art.
Lena - Delusional obsessive-compulsive stalker with dangerous tendencies/habits, they/them pronouns (unlabeled).
Emrys - GNC bisexual man, caregiver, related to Lena (older half-sibling)
Celeste - Post-apocalyptic OC, unlabeled/gnc, 27, loses their mind after their family, friends and everyone else in their survivalist camp perishes, but continues to live among them as if they’re dead as well, numb and on auto-pilot mode.
Emmy - Intersex narcoleptic sex worker, 22, he/she/they pronouns. adopted into and estranged from a wealthy well-known family after their biological father died overseas and they were taken from their mother by the system.
Daniel Laurie - Cisgender bisexual man that typically presents as straight, coparenting his daughter aged 6, severe daddy issues and a hard past/upbringing despite being the only son in a wealthy family.
Damon - Cis bisexual male working crime scene data analysis by day while performing annual vigilante killings by night, hoping one day he’ll have somehow got to at least one of his past abusers that he can’t recall the faces of. Struggles with PTSD, paranoia and mild facial blindness from past abuse via his step-father and others he called upon.
Del - Cis gay male, bloodluster (custom hybrid species, more species info included w/ full bio). Mother died shortly after he was born and was raised as an experiment by who he assumed was his father only to escape after he attacked and ate him. Survives off human blood and flesh, doesn’t like to hurt anyone and is terrified of someone else just as awful as his mad father finding out of his existence.
Alexei - Trans hunger games victor from district 6 (transportation/metal-workers, modifying the district to work on the production of transportation as well as the train tracks to give them a little bit more of a purpose). name was pulled for the hunger games a few days short of their 19th birthday, which also sparks their journey with their gender identity + presentation.
Meadow-Lane: Severe short term memory loss, free spirit.. (more info coming soon)
Xena - Trans femme black vampire (more info coming soon)
feel free to inquire for full bios of characters!
fandoms/ships i’m willing to explore:
(bolded characters are those i’m willing to write as)
OFMD Izzy/Blackbeard Izzy/Blackbeard/Stede Izzy/Lucius Jim/Lucius
HANNIBAL Will/Hannibal
MR ROBOT Tyrell/Elliot
Candy Shop AU: No 5/9 hacks or fsociety, Tyrell runs a Swedish sweets/candy store that lately Elliot frequently visits for the same fix of cherry hard candies, and to steal glances at the good-looking store clerk. After talking it out in therapy, Elliot’s therapist, Krista, convinces him talk to him and be honest about how he feels.
Post-Apocalypse AU: After the world goes to shit whatever left of New York that wasn’t completely ruin down by the undead is primarily taken over by a few different groups. When Elliot’s group becomes completely run down with major fatalities, Tyrell’s group (which he happens to lead) decides to lend a hand to an old friend. Little does Tyrell know Elliot was injured in the attack, and little does Elliot know the infection is less straight forward than they anticipated.
UNTIL DAWN Josh/Chris Josh/Mike
(Post-prank, twins live) Josh is the openly gay friend in the group, Mike becomes curious after walking in on Josh hooking up with someone at a party and later can’t get it out of his head.
SCREAM Billy/Stu
Other beloved honorable mentions include: Killing Eve, Sally Face, Yellowjackets, The Wilds, Sherlock, Life is Strange (Nathan and Warren) and sometimes Harry Potter (Drarry)
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elipheleh · 9 months
RWRB Music
Okay, so everything got a little confusing so here is a mega-/master-post. This is all of my rwrb playlists, book-accurate, film accurate, and ones Casey shared.
There will be a lot of links. Due to the audio limit, there are only 8 playlists embedded. However, every playlist is hyperlinked to spotify, and all of mine are available at my spotify profile. Many are embedded in their original posts, which are also linked to here.
This is the original masterpost. It forms part of a wider series where we learnt together about things from the book.
This section is all Book-Accurate, pre-film.
all the music referenced in the book:
continues below the cut
Playlist of all the music in the book, both explicitly and implicitly mentioned. basically a combination of all the book-accurate playlists into one. link to playlist
Young America NYE Gala. link to post, link to playlist
LA Karaoke. link to post, link to playlist
round the fire, texas vacation. link to post, link to playlist
Alex's Music Taste. link to post, link to playlist
Misc Music (from the book). link to post, link to playlist
Posts which didn't have playlists attached: Henry's Music Room (with special visitor, Bea) / Henry & Alex's Song
This next section will be 'official' film playlists. [original post] These are not my own, although I have created backup ones on my account.
songs from the film. link to official playlist, link to my backup (not embedded)
alex & henry inspired playlist. link to official playlist, link to my backup (not embedded)
full original soundtrack album from drum & lace.
I have created a spotify playlist which has almost all of the songs that play during Red, White & Royal Blue, in the order in which they are played.
Some are absent because they're not available on spotify, others are simply too short for me to think it was of any use - e.g. Yankee Doodle & God Save the [Queen/King] which they play when Alex returns to the palace after the emails.
I also created a version without the score from Drum & Lace, but still includes the other classical pieces.
casey then did a series of updates about the music they associate with alex & henry. i will only include the playlists here, but there is more information in this post.
full playlist of songs and albums they shared:
songs specifically connected to alex:
songs specifically connected to henry:
this section is all about casey's spotify account. while the playlists they shared that are collated/linked in the context of the above section (link to post with all those playlist links) are unlisted, they have a selection of character playlists available publicly. These predate the film, so are all book-accurate.
Here are the ones for Henry & Alex. They also have playlists for June, Nora, Bea, Pez, Zahra, Rafael, Ellen, and a general book playlist.
They also uploaded a playlist they made when originally writing the texas chapter, linked here.
As seen in various clips, Alex's room in the White House has 6 LPs framed on the wall above his record player. They are never all visible at one point, so I collected the covers into one image. The information is linked below the image, with individual links to the albums and a playlist with all the songs together.
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Wonderful Wonderful - The Killers Rumors - Fleetwood Mac Full Moon Fever - Tom Petty good kid, m.A.A.d city - Kendrick Lamar Bigger Than Both of Us - Hall & Oates Goodbye Yellow Brick Road - Elton John
I have collected them all together into a playlist for easy listening.
Link to the post for the whole series
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marieabubb08 · 1 year
Imagine Princess!Reader who fell inlove with the claps and stomping sounds of the village's dances down in the middle of the townsquare and so every year, when the Celebration of Succesful Harvests arrive, she will escape her home palace in a disguise just to dance along with the loud beats of the drums, the romantic pull of the stringed instruments and her favourite of them all: the solo of the woodwind flute that just compliments the whole band.
That certain year tho, the solo flautist's music was different. Yes, it was still the same piece of music she heard every year, but it was definitely a whole new rendition to that of the one she always heard. It was light and heavenly like the weightless tapping sounds of the footsteps of the dancers. The vibratos and melody was cheery and full of life like the laughs and claps from the bystanders and watchers.
The young royal was enamoured with the music of whomever played the wind instrument. And so she searched for the musician through the thick and confusing crowd of people.
As she finally found her way, her mouth gawked open in awe.
There in the middle of the many musicians of different instruments, stood a young man probably the same age as she was. His dark green hair tousled along with the way his head bopped with the music, a shy smile adorned his freckled, sunkissed face as his fingers fiddled with the wooden flute as if playing it was an ease.
The princess watched in her own little world with her attention only focused at the young flautist who was enjoying himself with his fellow villagers and musicians. She was indeed too focused to even notice that the piece already ended and she missed her favourite dance and piece.
But in her head, she knew that once she returned to the palace, the music and the dance won't be the only thing stuck in her mind for days on end.
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Part 2
I should be studying man, but Cullen Vance's cover of Soldier, Poet, King has literally appeared in my playlist and I couldn't NOT right this. Will probably post a part two if I find the time and inspiration too, but for now this'll stay as a prompt🥲
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skrunklepng · 5 months
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by @skrunklepng @flowerphysics and @yukiitsukii
this was a huge project guys!! it took a total of 15.5 hours to draw this over the span of 3+ days on top of work, and i couldnt be prouder of us!!!
not only have i made this amazing poster recreating the Scott Pilgram Takes Off poster, but @flowerphysics has created our very own 🎶playlist🎶 for the skrunklies based off this poster!!
find out more about the characters below 👇
here we have Ally and Sorren!
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These are the main characters of our world we call The Skrunklies. They are whimsical, artistic, and are constantly up to shenanigans!
Ally loves all things art, but her biggest passion is music and dance. Shes been a ballerina for most of her life, taking her craft very seriously to the point of burnout, all the way until she met her new best friend Sorren!
Sorren, who only came into consciousness very recently, is a guy who knows nothing of the world he lives in and navigates life through winging it constantly. His inability to overthink or plan things properly was a huge change of pace for Ally, but seeing him thrive and live life to the fullest inspired her to have more fun and let the winds of change take over.
Here we have Io! (E-oh)
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Io is a girl surrounded by mystery. Straying a little far from home and finding herself in a bustling city, she was quickly overwhelmed and in desperate need of help. Found by Ally and Sorren, she was taken in and befriended, and is often drawn into the two's shenanigans. Not much is known about Io due to her being very withdrawn, but she is a beloved member of the group!
Here we have Lapis and her bandmates Roddy and Kyle!
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Lapis is the leader and creator of Community City's fan favorite band, Naughty Strawberries!!! Lapis is very strong and confident leader, and her dream when she was young was to make it big in a band of her own. With her best friend since middle school, Roddy, they started the band with their very own Kyle Fletchers and another member who has since left.
Lapis is the leader of the band, planning events, writing lyrics, and plays bass, although she knows how to play guitar too. Her passion for the band keeps her busy and happy in her life!
Roddy plays the drums and is the heart and soul of the three. He loves to make music, and while he supports Lapis and Kyle in their dreams to make it big in the scene, he is beyond content with being and playing with his friends. No matter what happens, he just wants the band to stay together.
Kyle is the lead singer and guitarist after the fourth member had left for a more popular band. Kyle is very passionate about making it just as big as the rival bands, if not bigger. Driven by his goal for success, he takes the band a bit too seriously sometimes and can butt heads with Lapis, but he in undeniably an important part of the crew.
Naughty Strawberries has a very versatile sound, leading to their growth happening very quickly! While playing at a royal ball event, Lapis saw Ally, Sorren, and Io in the crowd.
Here is Otto!
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Otto is Lapis' twin sister, and theyve been extremely close their whole lives. Both have been very skilled in the arts, but Otto took the path of tattooing. As both of their passions began to take off and grow, Otto found themself traveling across Tierra, providing beautiful pieces of works to clients of all types. After a few short years of travel Otto decided to settle down in Community city, helping to advertise Lapis' band, and has opened their own local tattoo parlor.
One day while Sorren was discovering the world of tattoos, he met and befriended Otto quickly. Otto invited Sorren and his friends to see her sister live at a super big event at the nearby castle. This is how Ally and Lapis were introduced, and after a ton of pining the two became a strong and endearing couple (thank you Otto 💜)
Here is Ophelia!
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Ophelia is a girl with a deep dark secret, she can see demons and talk to them, but nobody else can. Constantly surrounded and being whispered to by these creatures, Ophelia finds it hard to communicate with others, but theres one thing she truly loves doing, going to concerts! Her all time favorite band is Naughty Strawberries, and shes been to every concert since their debut.
At many of the converts Ophelia saw Otto, the band leaders sister, and slowly began to develop and crush on them. Ophelia is really shy though, and has never opened up to Otto about her feelings, but after getting to hang out with Otto through a friend of a friend, shes developed a really close relationship with them and hopes one day to confess her feelings
Here is Skrim and Ellie
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Skrim is friend of Ophelia's, having met at his job at the Pixel Berry Cafe, previously known as Ellie's Strawberry Delights.
Ellie is a succubus and her passions lie in protecting the succubi and incubi of Community City, and running her strawberry themed cafe! Shes mysterious and charming, and took in Sorren Ally Io and Skrim like family, having them work at the cafe.
Ellie and Skrim's lives holds a lot of dark secrets. Ellie harbors murderous Succubi and Incubi under her cafe as a way to protect her people from the laws that dont align with their lifestyle, which includes Skrim. Raised to kill his prey, hes known nothing but the overwhelming urge to survive. Ellie took him in as a nephew to show him a kinder world, where he struggles greatly to meld with the charming and happy go lucky vibes of the city he never knew.
As edgy as he is, he truly loves and appreciates Ellie for the life she has given him, and since Sorren Ally and Io started working at the cafe his heart has opened up and a tiny little spot in his heart yearns to learn and love more
Heres Zoe, Zorro, and Adrian!
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Zoe and Zorro are a pair of twins with some rich history with Ally.
Zoe, along with Ally, was in a private ballerina school as a young girl. While Ally worked hard and excelled, Zoe had this one sided rivalry with her. The more Zoe focused on Ally rather than practicing her craft, the more she began to fall off and was eventually let go by the campaign. Infuriated, Zoe blames Ally for her failure, and this resentment has built till this current day.
Zorro is Zoe's twin brother, and he really doesnt have much going on for him besides his puppeteering. Zorro loves to build puppets and manipulate them with string, but otherwise he only hangs out with his sister Zoe, who loves drag him along everywhere.
Adrian is a mysterious goose found by Zoe at a young age. Despite seeming to be a normal goose, Adrian has a deep dark secret. He used to be an evil creature, but was cursed to live the rest of his days in this feeble goose body.
This is Corvus
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Corvus is another mysterious character. While on the trolly to work, Sorren was approached by Corvus. It had been many months they had been taking the same ride and Corvus had something to say. To Sorren's surprise Corvus was suddenly confessing his attraction to him. Bewildered and having never felt such feelings before, him and Sorren had talked things through for hours on that trolley, totally missing work. In the end the two decided to date, and are now madly in love!
Corvus finds Sorren to be the most beautiful creature hes ever seen. He has a huge soft spot for him, which is a juxtaposition to his every day life where his job is to work along with Community City's peacekeepers by tracking down rowdy citizens.
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matan4il · 2 years
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Fic: When It Is Loved (3/5)
Summary: Prince Eddie has always done what is expected of him, whether it be in battle, in the court or in his personal life, no matter how much he wished he didn’t have to. Following the death of his wife, Eddie is expected to serve the greater good once more: to marry for king and country’s benefit. In what feels like an infinite procession of pampered royals come to win him like a trophy, a handsome man catches his eye. Offering no information on his name or where he came from, the stranger is a mystery that just might take Eddie’s mind off the trap he’s in.
When Prince Eddie was young, he could have sworn that he had heard the dragons singing. Their flight cloaked from human eyes, they tear the skies with invisible wings, singing for the other half of their hearts, Abuela used to tell him in a lowered voice, in the quiet afternoons when she’d sneak him into the palace kitchen with her. Only then was she not the Queen Mother and Eddie was not the heir apparent. There, she was his story teller, enabling his dreams. She was his guide, teaching him how to cook dishes that tasted like affection… There, she was his shelter in a hug.
Their adventures stopped after that one afternoon when the door creaked open, and Eddie’s dad walked in. Except he wasn’t anyone’s father at that moment. The way King Ramon’s jaw was set into a line of clear discontent told Prince Eddie the time for youthful daydreaming was over.
But he could have sworn that he had heard the dragons singing on moonlit nights. That the world’s deepest wound opened with that sound, and with it, Eddie knew there was at least one soul out there in the world as lonely and as longing as he was.
Posted as part of the @the118discord’s reverse big bang event at @911reversebang. Thank you so much to the incredible Squidded for the inspirational moodboard and playlist (Spotify link on AO3). Check out this talented lovely’s beautiful choices for this fic prompt on Tumblr and please give out some much deserved love! Also sending love to the wonderful @dlanadhz for beta'ing this fic as well as for helping me with the summary, since I suck so badly at that.    
When It Is Loved: chapter 1 on AO3
Chapter 3
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hillerskalibrary · 1 year
YR week 2023 - FAQ
What is Young Royals week? A fandom event where all YR content creators are invited to create new content for the YR fandom. Each day of the week, there is a new prompt to inspire creators to come up with a short fic, a quick doodle, or something else entirely. The end result will be a sort of potluck of new content to read, admire, enjoy, share and discuss!
When does it take place? YR week 2023 takes place from April 24th to April 30th.
What pairings/characters are allowed? All of them. Whether it's about our beloved wilmon or that one extra with 5 seconds of screen time you fell in love with - as long as the main focus is on one or more YR characters, you're good to go.
What type of content is allowed? Fic, playlists, meta, headcanons, gifsets, collages, picrews, cosplay, drawings, ... if you can make a post about it, we can reblog it.
How do I sign up? Because we want to encourage as many people as possible to participate, there are no formal sign ups. If you wanna join, you can, simple as that!
What are the prompts? You can find the prompts here.
I'm not sure how to interpret X prompt. However you want, really! E.g. for the "fairytale" prompt you could rewrite a fairytale with your favorite pairing, or have a character reading a fairytale to his/her (future) children, or a superfluffy scene in which a character mentions "feeling like they're living a fairytale", or ... The prompts are there to inspire you, not limit you - so use them as you see fit!
I don’t have time to create something for each day / I don't feel inspired by the day X prompt. You are under no obligation at all to create something for each prompt. So whether you create something for one day or all days, or even three things for one day and none for the others - we're looking forward to see it!
I’m not much of a content creator / don't have time to create anything. Can I still participate? Yes, you abolutely can! After all, sharing is caring, and that goes double for fandom content. So like, kudo, reblog or comment, send your favorite author a sweet ask or reblog your favorite artist's entire portfolio - there are plenty of ways to show the YR week content creators how much we appreciate them!
Where/How do I post what I created? Make a new tumblr post* that either contains what you created, or contains a link to the content on a different platform (e.g. a post with your artwork, a link to a fic on ao3, ...) and tag it with #yr week 2023. We will then reblog it to the hillerskalibrary for more visibility!
*remember that only new posts show up in the tags, so if you reblog a post and tag it, we probably will not see it! if you do prefer to reblog rather than make a new post, make sure to mention (@) hillerskalibrary on the post itself.
When should I post? We will post each prompt at 10am GMT+1, which will signal the start of that day's posting. However, if you are to the East of us and it's easier for you to post early in your morning (so before the prompt post has gone out), OR if you're to the West and you post late (so when the GMT+1 day is already over) - that is just fine.
It's Wednesday and I only now finished the Monday prompt :(. What, you think people are gonna be mad they're getting more content? Just post it, you're fine!
I'm not on Tumblr - how can I share my content? Just submit it directly to hillerskalibrary, and we will post it for you, no problem!
Is there an AO3 collection for fic? Thanks to a thoughtful anon who reminded me - yes there is!
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gltownsend · 4 months
Hello hello! This is the writeblr library's librarian with some questions. You can choose to do question one, question two, or both! (and there's no time limit btw <3) Have fun!
~will be reblogged onto the writeblr library~
What inspired your WIP? Was it another piece of media? Multiple pieces of media? A certain genre? Tropes? Parts of your life? A hyper-specific random thing
What environment gives you the best ideas for your WIP? Do you have a playlist? Do you go for a walk? Do you get ideas at 3am and have to write them down NOW otherwise they disappear? Do you write anywhere and anywhere? What gets you in the mood to write?
Hi!! (and thank you!)
1- wow I actually don’t remember! While it’s changed entirely all ship of Theseus-like, I’m pretty sure I actually came up with the original plot of this WIP when I was 11-13 years old (god. So I entered and will exit my teenage years with it). (I put it under the cut if anyone’s curious, haha. It’s very different.)
And 2- I actually really don’t get ideas unless I make room for them. I really have to sit down and write out everything that’s happened up until this point and then write out everything that COULD happen brainstorm and choose. I don’t really get inspiration naturally 🤷‍♂️ it’s all forced, lol. I WISH I was the type of person who got ideas from walking or music or stuff so they didn’t seem so forced sometimes, but I suppose consistency is good too.
Thank you for the ask!! Cool idea and yeah just… thank you >:]
Since it was so long ago I have no clue where I came up with it, but I still remember the super basic idea; a young teenage boy from the normal world gets caught in a forest fire, dies? and wakes up in a high fantasy world (no I’d LITERALLY NEVER read or even heard of a portal fantasy, this was my original idea and I was gutted when I found out it was an already established thing) in a kingdom where royals and nebulously Important People have the power to control fire. He gets sort of taken-in-stray-cat-adopted by the similarly aged not-in-line (so not very important) prince who does have the power. Because he just appeared and has no abilities and no life here.
They’re trying to work out how to get him home when he suddenly starts (oh no!!) making sparks and stuff but he hides it because (Oh No!!) he’s in love with the prince (or something idk I was like 12.) Somehow some confrontation exposes fully fledged fire powers like only a master from this world should have and for some reason this makes the king super flip out. He and the prince flee. It ends there.
- My current plot, in contrast, has a (different) older teenage guy (closer to my age now) as the main character but it doesn’t really start with him. I don’t want to describe it too deeply but the main characters all attend a sort of community boarding school because they live in a society where education and knowledge and ability are really highly valued, more than really any material or object or anything?
(So basically not because they’re rich or important, it’s normal, and the boarding aspect is because everyone lives very communally in general, and higher education doesn’t really exist because of the level of societal development. So this is the only stage in life where they get any real independence from their parents, because as adults usually people return and live in family groups again so this is how they learn to be self sufficient away from parents, I suppose?)
Anyway there is a younger kid about 10 in the junior school who is having weird stuff happen to him and it’s sort of related to the ghosts, which are a normal aspect of the world which is where time is wearing kind of thin and you can see echoes of people from the past or future through, and something happens that makes main character, friend group, and child need to leave school to try to work out what’s happening.
There is a bunch of weird time stuff in the middle like things happening and unhappening, and time loops but short, and it’s got the same sort of beats because it’s overall a sort of coming-of-age romance between main character and his best friend, and it was originally an adventure romance between main character and new wow prince.
…there were a bunch of middle iterations between this with the characters from current iteration in the current world but with a similar plot to original story (basically some people have fire powers, some people have healing powers, main character is supposed to have healing powers but then he randomly has fire too, this makes people flip out, he runs away with love interest (roommate) and then I never knew what happened after that…) but this final iteration is the first one to have an ending.
In 2019 it briefly went through a real-world (not fantasy) post-apocalyptic phase in the aftermath of a plague where they had been on a school trip on one side of America (a distant and exotic place!) when everyone had died or become evil and now they were trying to get back home in a stolen van when none of them could drive because they were underage teens. So road trip across America to the other side after plague. Scrapped shortly before Covid, actually.
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