#yes she will still be a huge ass jerk but there will be reason why she did the thing she did but still she will faces consequences
sethdomain · 1 year
why did they make chloe sound so boring in all the newer season, erm boo
#ignorelist#literally her personality trait is just being evil and i literally couldn't gave a shit for her character now lmao#but whatev I can make my own delusion show great#in my mind#anyway guys check out my amazing miracle rewrite lmao#/j do not look at it its a mess and its probably worse then the og show#in my rewrite i made her like the og plan for her in s1 and s2#yes she will still be a huge ass jerk but there will be reason why she did the thing she did but still she will faces consequences#her parents are more awful at this#her mom is like very neglectful like in the show although whether she actually deeply love chloe will be treated as ambiguous though#her dad in here is almost like canon but still kinda very different#her dad like her mom is neglectful and chose to just buy chloe needs because she is a 'busy' man and need to do his job and it seems like b#-uying her stuff was like a shortcut#her arc would go to typical bully redemption path but i will add few twist and there#but at the same time i dont want it to be cliche I want chloe to maybe realize she is being an awful dude and become a better person from a#way that dont fall to the same type of story where it would be the victim that they bullied that helped them#forgot to say yes chloe dad still the mayor#i think that would be such interesting concept and her mom probably wouldn't have the same job#i was thinking she would be a film director but at the same time she being an iconic fashion designer still can do#if she is a film director then adrien and chloe can clashes paths#i want them to still be a childhood friends and maybe has a sibling like relationship#tbh in canon show i think they would've been more interesting if its sibling like relationship#imagine the protective sister Chloe and Adrien#she isnt actually love rivalling with mari moreso just don't like the idea of her and her brother together#that would've been funny lol
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blue-maiden4 · 1 year
Is my first post of the year a character sheet for my OC Julieta? Yes.
Not like I care since I've wanted to do this thing for a while.
Anyways, I'll be putting more info about here below and under the cut.
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Julieta does like pokemon battles, in fact she has the potential of being great trainer, but she sometimes has doubts about her skills.
The reasons why her and her mom moved to Paldea were the death of her father 9 years ago and the fact Julieta isolated herself after his passing which means she was having a harder time making new friends as she grew up (and she didn't exactly had many friends before the incident). Also, the two just weren't happy living in Galar anymore ever since Julieta's dad passed away.
Yes, Julieta does speak Galarian and Paldean (English and Spanish). Before moving to Paldea, her mother was teaching her the language so she wouldn't have any complications in the future.
Julieta is usually a calm and kind person, but if you make her really angry she won't hesitate to throw some hands and resort to violence. (She was so close to kicking Arven's ass on their first meeting at the lighthouse because he was being a big jerk).
Can be emotional person at times. Don't watch sad movies with her unless you're prepared to comfort her cause she will be crying for an hour.
Ironically, when her father passed away she did her best to hide her emotions and it eventually became a skill of hers (not a really good skill to have tbh, but hey at least she learns in the future that she doesn't need to pretend she's fine or keep everything to herself 👍).
She loves reading and is a big history nerd. So you bet Ms. Raifort's class is among her favorites.
Her second favorite class is Art class.
Mr. Hassel is her favorite teacher of the academy.
Her cooking skills don't exist, she's just incredibly bad at it. Arven sometimes wonders how the heck she's managed to survived so far. (She can cook very few things that aren't extremely complex though).
Even if she can't cook, she loves food. So expect her to make a stop at the restaurants of each town she visits.
Can be very protective of the people she cares about.
She's had some crushes in the past before and they rarely lasted long or just never got anywhere (poor girl was always afraid to confess due to fear of rejection, and her lack of confidence and probably low self-esteem doesn't help her case), so when this girl realizes she's in love she's going to panic and will not know what to fucking do about it.
Remember the whole thing of her isolating from other people after her dad died being the reason she had a hard time making friends? WELL THAT WAS A LIE. The main reason of her lack of friends was that she was being bullied for her looks and for being a bit of a history nerd. And no, her mother doesn't know about this, the last thing Julieta wanted was to worry her mom.
Speaking of bullying: this is also the reason she has/had low self-esteem and little confidence in herself. (This doesn't mean she won't kick your ass if you make her angry or hurt her friends though).
Don't worry, nowadays her lack of confidence ain't that bad and her self esteem isn't on the floor (thanks to her godmother's encouragement and kind words). But she's still working on it, so every once in a while she has some self-doubts.
She LOVES to dance, it was actually one of her hobbies and it still is, she even dreamed of performing in front of a huge crowd of people. Unfortunately that wish dies down after her dad's passing, she just didn't wanted to fulfill her dream knowing her father wouldn't be there to see it. But she still keeps dancing, mostly in private and when no one is around, let's just say she's become a bit shy about it as the years went by.
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A Clash of Kings - 27 DAENERYS II (pages 383-392)
Dany arrives in Qarth, and finally gets caught up on the gossip from Westeros re: Bobby B vs The Boar.
If the reader had a penny for every time someone claiming to be a Dany fan decided to deliberately bad faith read one of their Dany-chapter-posts and leave hate, the reader would have two pennies, which isn't a lot but is still making the reader wonder if they should just skip Dany chapters in the future. The reader remains "not here for that shit," and would like to remind folks that shit gets auto-blocks.
On the walls of Qarth, men beat gongs to herald her coming, while others blew curious horns that encircled their bodies like great bronze snakes. A column of camelry emerged from the city as her honor guards.
This opening paragraph really drives home just how much complexity D&D stripped away to make make Dany a "cool underdog fighting for her every scrap." Like yes, she had to fight for everything, (although she also has a lot of luck and inherent power and status from just having dragons,) but they removed the entire Vaes Tolorro thing, which, yeah okay, only lasted a single chapter, but it also was an important breathing moment that showed Dany's willingness to build, to grow things, to regain her footing in the wake of what was a huge shift in her mentality from leader('s wife) of the khalasar to having almost nothing. (Also, on the subject: D&D making Doreah a self-interested betrayer because they think women have very few settings (bitch, plot device, meek, one of the guys) was absolute garbage. just like them.)
"Qarth is the greatest city that ever was or will be, (...) ancient beyond memory of man and so magnificent that Saathos the wise put out his eyes after gazing upon Qarth for the first time, because he knew that all he saw thereafter should look squalid and ugly by comparison."
Qarth is the Taj Mahal!? I'm sorry, I shouldn't joke about real human suffering. (It's also not a one-to-one but my brain knee-jerk connected.)
The women wore gowns of that left one breast bare,
Why though? Is there a specific reason? Or did GRRM just decide to half-ass the tits out look? I have questions about support, and whether its up-from-under or a wedge-cut from over, like Jane Foster's one-tit armour in Thor. The second one. Also: Qarth sounds so cool. (I hope those sandals the kids were wearing were only golden coloured though, or if not, at least it means they'll never be able to skip leg day.
"A honor as rare as summer snows."
I don't know why but this made me snort. I think it's partly because summer snows aren't rare at all in the north of Westeros, so this changes his sentence for context, but I know he means locally. I think it's also in part because my brain is going "wrong grammar is wrong" because 'honor' is one of those silent(ish) 'h' words that sound like it starts with a vowel, so my brain's like, "it's either "an 'onor" or you're pronouncing the 'h'. "a HHhhhhhhonor."" I might just be very tired.
"We have seen only the parts of Qarth that Pyat Pree wished us to see," she went on. "Rakharo, go forth and look on the rest, and tell me what you find. Take good men with you - and women, to go places where men are forbidden."
Yes, good. Trust but verify, except don't trust these people. Good thinking to send the ladies, way too often authors just ignore female spaces (... unless they're brothels.)
Dany had no wish to reduce King's Landing to a blackened ruin full of unquiet ghosts. She had supped on enough tears. I want to make my kingdom beautiful, to fill it with fat men and pretty maids and laughing children. I want my people to smile when they see me ride by, the way Viserys said they smiled for my father. But before she could do that she must conquer.
Well now I'm sad. ... *pushes season 8 off the table like a cat with a vase*
Beneath Dany's gentle fingers, green Rhaegal stared at the stranger with eyes of molten gold. When his mouth opened, his teeth gleamed like black needles.
Ahhhh, so their teeth are black like their bones! I had wondered about that. Like I got the vibe with the skelies, but living dragons also: check!
"Dragons die." She stood on her toes to kiss him lightly on an unshaven cheek. "But so do dragonslayers."
oh now there's a raw-ass line. It has like an... almost inverse energy of that quote about dragons and stories... what was it...
Fairy tales do not tell children dragons exist. Children already know the dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children the dragons can be killed. - G.K. Chesterton
What's interesting about Dany's line is her acknowledgment that dragons die, when previously she's mentioned them as being powerful and nigh on indestructible creatures. Usually though she's using the references in metaphor for herself and those around her as a kind of mental housekeeping and protective adjustment, like Arya and her 'fear cuts deeper than swords' mantra.
Coming close on the heels of her talk with Jorah and captain Quhuru Mo of the Cinnamon Wind, it's kind of a blend of her previous imagery and "I understand that I am not in the best position of power, that I can still fail if I'm not careful, but so could my enemy, because they've lost their balance too."
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hispipsqueak · 3 years
Good Little Pet
Satan x F!Reader - NSFW
WC: 2.5K
TW: pet play, anal play, choking, master/pet dynamics, maid outfits, light degradation, unprotected sex
A/N: I’ve been on a huge Satan kick lately. I roast the hell out of him, but would I still die to be his kitten? You bet! Sorry I’ve been MIA for a bit. I have so many fics I’m working on, and not enough time in the day. Thank you for all the support friends. <3 I see your tags and they honestly make my entire life! Also I did proofread this, but I’ve also been staring at it for a week so plz don’t hate me if there’s typos! :D 
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All characters are 18+
The House of Lamentation had been unusually relaxed today. Most of the brothers were out, leaving only three home. Surprisingly the room was mostly silent as Levi had his headphones on as he played his game and even Mammon had been quiet, as he fiddled with his D.D.D. 
Satan thumbed through a mystery novel as he sipped his tea. Though he usually preferred to read in his room, the ambience here was relaxed enough for once, that he could focus.
Until the door opened and Asmodeus walked in, dragging you behind him laughing. The two of you had been out shopping and the stack of boxes you held towered above you.
"Ah, Satan could you help me with this?" You asked, giggling about something Asmo had said. Sighing as he placed his bookmark, Satan reached over to help you with the boxes, revealing your smiling face and the cat-ear headband you had on top of your head.
"Satan, isn't MC adorable as a cute cat?! Nya for us MC!" Asmo asked. You rolled your eyes, but put your hand up in a paw shape, letting out a sweet "nya". Satan's eyes widened and he could feel heat rising into his cheeks. He quickly turned around.
"Uh, yes of course. I'll be going back to my room." He placed the boxes on the floor and hurried away as you and Asmo looked at each other confused.
Satan closed his door behind him and pressed his back to the wooden frame. 
Satan often considered himself to be more level headed than most of his brothers, but he couldn't deny his attraction to you. Still, he showed less emotion outwardly than the rest of the brothers and he prided himself in that. However, seeing you in those cat ears, giving cute little meows as your eyes gazed up at him? Satan could feel his growing erection tenting his pants. 
He had seen one of Levi's games a while back that featured a cat girl in a scantily clad maid outfit on the front cover. Now, he pictured you in the same outfit, cat ears atop your head, your skimpy dress leaving little to the imagination as you knelt in front of him, your lips parted waiting for your master's orders.
Fuck. He let out a shaky breath as the image of you bent over his desk, collared and begging for him to fuck you now entered his mind. His hand slid down to his throbbing cock, desperately wanting release. 
A knock at the door interrupted him.
"Satan? You left your book and your tea. I brought it for you." Your voice called out, tentatively.
Shit. Satan looked around wildly. before sitting at his desk to hide his obvious arousal. 
"Come in." He called out hoarsely, hoping you didn't notice the quiver in his voice.
You opened the door, still wearing those damned ears and looked concerningly at him.
"Are you feeling alright? You rushed out of there and your face is really red." You placed his things on the desk as you walked towards him, avoiding the precarious stacks of books around the room. He quickly grabbed a book from the top of a pile and placed it on his lap as you approached him. 
"I'm fine, just got lost in thought." He lied. You raised an eyebrow but didn't press it. The pile of books next to him chose that moment to clatter to the ground and before he could react, you knelt down in front of him to pick up the fallen books. 
He looked down at you and bit his lip so hard he tasted blood. You looked up at him innocently, identical to the naughty visions of you in his mind. 
You placed a hand on his knee and he let out a low groan. Your eyes widened.
"Satan? I-"
"Come down for dinner!" Asmo's voice chirped out from outside the door. You stood up and turned.
"Do you want me to let them know you're not feeling well? I can bring you something back."
Satan nodded. He had to really take care of the very pressing issue at hand and knew he wouldn't be able to sit through an entire agonizing meal.
"Pass the salt, Asmo."
"I didn't hear a 'nya', MC." Asmo giggled, poking his tongue out at you. Your hand flew to your hair. 
"I forgot I had these on!" You laughed.
"Let's hope Satan doesn't see those." Levi muttered.
You cocked your head. "What do you mean."
Levi's face flushed. "Uh...no reason, er, nothing!!!"
You narrowed your eyes at the reddening demon.
"Satan's obsession with cats doesn't stop at real cats. Didn't he get obsessed with that stupid cat girl game?" Belphie yawned, sliding his half-finished plate to Beel who dug in happily.
"You mean Neko Magic Maid♡. It wasn't even that good of a game!" Levi said, "It definitely wasn't as good as SuperStar Magic Maid…"
"Yeah. I don't think he was interested in the storyline." Mammon interjected, laughing.
Lucifer scolded the brothers for being crass but your mind wandered. Was that why Satan was acting so weird? After dinner, you headed to Levi's room.
"Hey Levi! I was wondering more about that game you were talking about? The catgirl one?"
Levi didn't even turn from his computer screen. "Yeah it's on that shelf. But if you really like the Magic Maid series you should start with Springtime Magic…AHHH HE'S RESPAWNED!" He yelled, ignoring you again for the game he was currently playing.
You grabbed the game and slipped out of his room quietly. Glancing at the cover you saw a cat girl dressed in a ridiculously short maid costume. Her ears and tail were perked up and she donned a black collar around her neck with a little bell and tag that read 'Master'.
You grinned as you headed to your room. This would be fun.
"Come in."
Satan turned the page in his book.  Thankfully after that disastrous night, you hadn't worn that headband again, though he'd be lying if he said the image from you that day hadn't been filling his mind as he jerked his cock each night.
He heard you step into the room, but you didn't say anything. Looking up, his jaw dropped.
You were dressed in a maid outfit somehow more revealing than the one from the game. Your breasts were practically popping out of the dress, and the short skirt barely covered your ass. He could see the slight bulge of your thighs over top of your sheer thigh-high socks and he had the urge to bite that spot over and over.
You had the cat ears on again and as you walked towards him, he could hear a jingling noise. Glancing at your neck he saw a simple black collar with his name on the tag and a silver bell. 
"MC what are you doing?" He breathed out shakily. You placed your hand on his chest, gently pushing him into his desk chair.
"Taking care of you…Master." You knelt down on the floor and looked at him expectantly. 
Satan blinked rapidly. He had to be dreaming. 
"Can I please you, Master?" You asked. He nodded, at a loss for words, and you began to unbutton his pants, freeing his rapidly hardening cock. Your hands wrapped around it squeezing, and you slowly moved up and down. Satan let out a groan.
You moved closer, pressing your lips to the tip of his cockhead before lapping at the beads of precum from the slit. You slid his length into your warm, wet mouth and looked into his eyes, swirling your tongue around his cock. This elicited another grunt from the blonde demon.
As you bobbed up and down on his length, he rested his hand on your hair, gently pushing you deeper on his cock. You moaned around him and the vibrations made his heart race. He looked down at you, and noticed the tail that led to under your skirt. 
The realization set a switch off in his brain. He bucked his hips, forcing more of his cock into your mouth.
"Ohhhh fuck. That's it kitten. You like choking on Master's cock?" He asked, his fingers gripping tightly to your hair. You could only gag around him as a response, and the noises you let out were absolutely sinful.
"Such a good little pet. Your throat is squeezing me so well, kitten. But you can go deeper, can't you? Don't you want to please your master?" He asked. 
Frantically you nodded and forced even more of him down your throat, trying your best to breathe out of your nose. As you tried to pull back, his grip tightened, holding you firmly in place. Your eyes watered as you felt his cock throb in your throat and your vision blurred, from tears or lack of oxygen, you weren’t sure. He pulled back and you gasped for air, tear streaked face looking up at him. Satan panicked, apologies already forming in his head before you grinned and pulled him back into your mouth.
“Fuuuuck, such a good kitten. Addicted to master’s cock.” Satan groaned out, his eyes closing as you found your pace on his length. He could feel his release creeping up on him, a fiery feeling in the core of him as your mouth enveloped his cock. The room filled with soft pants and the jingling of the bell around your neck. He met your eyes as you continued to take him deeper. He wouldn’t last much longer if you kept like this. 
“That’s it kitten, that’s it. You want master’s milk? Want your cute belly full of your master’s cum? Tell me, kitten.”
You whined around him, releasing his cock from your lips. 
“Please master. Need to please you. Want your cum.” Your eyes were glassy with tears and drool dripped down the corners of your plump lips. Satan wished he could snap a picture of you looking so lewd.
“Good girl. Milk my cock kitten. Milk my fucking cock.” He gasped as you sped up around him, sloppier and more vigorously than before. Spit coated your chin and spilled onto his thighs as you wrapped your tongue around his cock.
“FUCK! Fuck, just like that!! Oh fuck, cumming!! Take it all, kitten. Fucking take it.” Satan wailed, his muscles tensing as he shot load after load down your throat. You struggled to swallow everything, with some dripping off your lips. Breathing hard, he scooped it with his finger, pushing it back into your mouth.
“Don’t waste a drop kitten.”
You sucked on his finger, a content smile on your face. He reached down, tugging your wrists and pulling you to your feet.
“You didn’t think we were done, did you kitten? Oh no...I want to explore every little bit of you.” He whispered, bending you over his desk. Flipping up your skirt he admired as the tail slid into your ass and gently tugged it, pulling a low moan from you.
“Such a naughty kitten. I can’t wait to fill all your holes with my seed.” He said, his hand palming your ass, before smacking you hard. You jolted forward with a soft whimper. He tugged at your tail again, chuckling as you squeezed your thighs together.
“I’ve barely touched you and you’re already squirming.” His fingers pressed against your drooling cunt. “Already this wet, just from a few tugs on your tail? What a slutty little pet you are.”
You moaned as he pressed his fingers into your cunt, the slick arousal easily letting him into you. He slowly pumped in and out of you as you attempted to grind against his palm, whining when he gripped your hips, stilling you.
“Look at you, kitten. Debasing yourself just to get off. How filthy.” His voice was sadistic and yet your body trembled with desire under his touch. Your brain was hazy with his fingers rhythmically plunging into you and all you wanted was for him to use you for his pleasure. 
“Please Master. Please touch me.” You pleaded, squeezing your thighs together as he pulled his fingers out of you. He pushed you down on the desk, as he pressed his cockhead against your entrance.
“Please fuck me master. Please let me cum around your cock. I need you so bad, sir – FUCK!”
Satan slammed his cock into you, causing you to cry out. His hand gripped your hip as he fucked himself deeper into you. 
“Scream as loud as you want kitten, no one is going to hear you through the spells in this room. You’re clenching around me so deliciously, pet.” His fingertips bruised your skin and papers and books were knocked off the desk as he slammed into you over and over.
Your body shook and you felt so full with his cock in your pussy and the plug in your ass. You felt stretched to your limit and still he pressed on, fucking you until you saw stars.
“I can feel the pressure of your tail plug through your delicious cunt, kitten. Doesn’t it feel good to be so full? You’re such a lewd little kitten, aren’t you?” As he taunted you with his words, his fingers danced around your clit, causing your legs to feel like they were giving out. Relentless, he continued pounding into you as tears fell from your eyes.
“So, so full. So good, master! Your cock is so perfect, Master.” you babbled, your brain delirious with lust. The fire burning in your core was so overwhelming, your body ached for more and you needed him, needed your master to push you over that peak.
Satan growled, feeling his demon form activate. His tail wrapped itself around your neck, holding you in place as he wrecked you.
“Your lewd little pussy is fluttering around my cock, kitten. Are you going to cum for me? Are you going to cum for your master’s cock?” He panted out. He was close, apparent as his thrusts became harder and faster.
“Yes please Master. Let me cum on your cock!” You choked out, his tail tightening around your throat. Your eyes fluttered as you felt back arch.
“Cum for me, pet.”
That was all it took. You wailed as your cunt clenched around him, creaming around his cock. Your body convulsed and you felt dazed as you gushed around him. 
“Fuck, kitten!” He groaned out. His hand slammed you down as he unloaded into you. He was so deep, you could practically feel his cum in your belly as he shot ropes of his hot seed into your body over and over. After what felt like a lifetime, he slowly slid out of you.
Picking you up he delicately placed you on his bed, wiping aways the traces of cum that dripped onto your thighs. He gently worked your tail plug out and placed it on the desk before covering you with his sheets. 
“You did so good for me, kitten.” He whispered into your skin. Your eyes were too heavy to open, so you just smiled sleepily and curled into his chest. Running his hand through your hair, he undid the cat ear clips and placed them on his nightstand before succumbing to exhaustion, his whispered words barely audible.
“Good little pet.”
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lubdubsworld · 3 years
The Bet. Rated ( 18 +)
Pairing : Taehyung x Jimin X Jungkook x Reader. ( Foursome )  But you can see that i favor Taehyung a whole lot here ;) 
Warnings : Listen, this is a foursome...three hung guys fuck one girl if you’re gonna need warnings I’m gonna just say , unfollow me. :D 
Just kidding : Everything is consensual and everyone has a good time .  yes and thank you. 
“You’re serious? All three of us ? At the same time?” Jungkook’s eyes are even bigger than usual which is really saying something. You squint into them, trying to fathom where that devilish sparkle comes from. it’s so fucking unfair. The dude has eyes like bambi and the twin orbs seem to carry every star in the fucking milkyway. 
“Sure...” You slur, only a little drunk but still feeling it. Next to Jungkook his best buddies, Kim Taehyung and Park Jimin stand leaning against the kitchen counter , watching you like you’re the last meal they’ll ever have. 
You blink a bit, trying to remember what you were talking about.
Oh, yeah. 
The Bet. 
“Sure, Jungkook-ah.... you guys win the match this friday and I’ll let you fuck me. All three of you. “ 
It’s actually pretty stupid, how amusing this whole thing is to you.
Don’t these idiots know who they’re playing this weekend? Astro are national level players.... They’ve played in matches in other countries for fuck sake. the likelihood of Bangtan winning the basketball match on friday is none to none. 
“I’m gonna want that in writing,  angel.” Kim Taehyung’s deep as fuck voice practically vibrates through your body, his sultry brown eyes heavy with lust as he stares you down . 
You gaze at him, the beautiful features clearly crafted to perfection by some god looking to show off. You don’t see beauty like Kim Taehyung on the regular and it feels like a scam, that people get to look at his face for free. A privilege if there ever was one, you think reverently. 
But for all his beauty, he’s still very much a stranger to you. 
Jimin and Jungkook live next door and are your friends. You’ve known them for years. Even hooked up with them a couple of times  ( individually that is ) . Jungkook’s a sweetheart, kind and generous and Jimin is a bit of a pervert but very gentle. 
You like them. 
  Kim Taehyung’s the one here you don’t really know too well. Taehyung’s the new transfer student, and for all his beauty and popularity  he holds himself aloof from others. Polite but somehow intimidating.  He doesn’t have a lot of friends save for Jimin and Jungkook and he’s turned down every girl that’s asked him out so far. 
 In fact you half expected him to make a noise of disgust and walk away when you offered to let the three star players of the basketball team , fuck you in the locker rooms after the match if they won the match on friday.  
You certainly hadn’t expected him to straighten up, face showing interest for the first time this entire night, eyes lighting up as he sauntered closer , clearly eager to make you follow through on your promise. 
There’s a very familiar voice screaming in the back of your head, going, ‘ what the fuck are you doing you idiot, ‘ but that voice is way too faint. Easily silenced by the lust and anticipation clouding your senses. 
You blink at him, affronted.
“You don’t value my word?” You frown deeply. Jimin laughs at that, voice breathy and angelic.
“Not when something like this is at risk.” He teases, eyes fond and eager , but tongue licking his lips as he trails his gaze up and down your body, blatant and shameless in his admiration. 
You pout a little, tugging the plush softness of your lower lip between your teeth , too tipsy to notice the way the three men follow the movement, hungry and eager as they stare at your tongue as it peeks out a bit to wet your lips. 
“Hmm...okay.” You grab a napkin off the counter, looking around for a pen. But the chances of finding a pen in a frat party is next to none and you frown. 
“Here you go angel.” Taehyung taps his chest and you stare. Oh yeah, Taehyung’s wearing a black button down and there’s a shiny pen sticking out of his pocket. You hold your hand out for it but he doesn’t budge. Instead he curls his finger , asking you to come get it yourself. 
“So mean.” You pout, voice a little whiny as you move to get it from him. He’s so distressingly tall and you reach up to grab the pen, only to stumble a little, face crashing into his chest. 
Strong arms come around your body, grip hard and sturdy and the scent of his cologne makes saliva pool in your mouth. You’re almost drooling because of how fucking good he smells, how warm he feels and god he’s built like a dream. Hard abs, thick arms and broad shoulders. His fingers grip your waist, squeezing hard and you wince a bit because it stings . 
“little slut.” He whispers, and you blink , confused. You look up at his face and there’s nothing but fondness there, like he’s praising you. 
You press your fists against his chest to push away from him. His hand shoots out gripping your wrist hard before bringing it up to his chest.
“Your pen, angel.” He smirks and you grab it quickly, shaking his grip off your wrist.
You stare down at the napkin in your hand.
“What am i supposed to write here?” You feel completely disoriented. Both Jimin and Jungkook merely smile and its Taehyung who steps forward, eyes glinting.
“Let me help.” he drawled, leaning over the counter and scribbling quickly on the piece of paper. i watched as he straightened away eyes flitting to see what he’d written. 
 I, ---- , agree to be the perfect little cum dumpster for Kim Taehyung, Jeon Jungkook and Park Jimin, for the duration of one night , to be an obedient little slut, doing as asked , when asked without putting up a fight,  like the whore that I am.... 
 I felt blood rush to my ears, the words obscene and wrong in my ear.
It was a good thing there was no chance they would win. 
I glared at him, signing the paper with a flourish.
“Did you even read it?” He raised an eyebrow.
You nod.
“Read it aloud for me anyway, angel. Just so i can be sure.” 
“I’ve never seen you at a match before.” Your best friend looks completely surprised by your presence in the front row , at the game on friday night. You’re here for one reason and one reason only. 
To gloat in Kim Taehyung’s face after he faces crushing defeat in the hands of the other team. 
Except, that’s not quite what happens. 
Astro are good but apparently the only thing your school had needed all along was one Kim fucking Taehyung. He seemed to know exactly what plays the other team was going to use , out maneuvering them each time and you feel the first inkling of regret begin to stir. Throat going just a little dry at half time ,you turn to your friend.
“How’s he beating their ass like that?” You croak out pointing at Taehyung, who’s drinking water . His eyes are searching the crowd and you just know. Instinctively, that he’s looking for you. Feeling hunted, you crouch lower, gripping your friends arm in a death grip. 
“Didn’t you know? He used to play for them before he transferred here. “ 
Your heart takes a straight dive to your knees. 
When the match ends, Bangtan winning by a huge margin,  you hightail it out of the stands. You get held up a bit by the crowds, a precious fifteen minutes pent fighting the throng of bodies and you can feel your pulse racing. 
The bet said one night. Not tonight.
 So maybe you could put it off... maybe you could get some time... just to prepare yourself... getting fucked by three guys at once was definitely NOT  on your bucket list and while the idea is thrilling and exciting you just need to get your bearings, get some semblance of clarity in your head. 
The halls are deserted , nearly everyone is at the game and you begin running , almost sighing in relief when you reach the final turn in the hallway , opening into the parking lot. 
You turn the corner, still running , only to crash straight into a broad , strapping body. 
His fucking scent is what hits you first and you panic. 
Before you can get away he wraps one arm right around your middle, lifting you clear off the ground , his palm coming down to muffle the scream that bubbles up your throat and the sound of Taehyung’s deep laughter makes your hair stand on end. 
“Welcome to my parlor, said the spider to the fly.” Taehyung sings softly into your ear and you close your eyes in despair. 
Now you know that the faint voice you ignored that night was the voice of reason. 
 It takes you a second to notice that both Jungkook and Jimin are there as well, freshly showered and dressed in sweats looking cheerfully amused. 
“Changed your mind, baby?” Jimin teases and Taehyung growls behind you, the sound low and raspy against your ear. 
“Like hell she has. Know what I’ve been jerking off to for the past week? Play it for her ...jungkook-ah.” 
Jungkook looks entirely too happy as he fumbles with his phone.
Your own voice fills the hallway, soft and sultry and slurring just a little. 
“ I,----,  agree to be the perfect little cum dumpster for Kim Taehyung, Jeon Jungkook and Park Jimin, for the duration of one night , to be an obedient little slut, doing as asked , when asked without putting up a fight,  like the whore that I am....”
 You whimper because yes...you definitely said that out loud and fuck him for having recorded it when had he even done that.... and yup you definitely signed a paper too. 
“ Did you change your mind, angel?” Taehyung asks gently and you hesitate. Your body is already thrumming with anticipation and the idea of putting this off , going through it all over again is unappealing. Why not just get it over with?
Hos bad could it possibly be , right?
You shake your head slowly. 
“Good girl.” Taehyung’s arm relaxes a bit, letting you go and you stumble away, moving to Jimin instinctively You know Jimin. Jimin is safe. 
The latter gives you a warm hug, pulling you closer. 
“I got you, baby.” He says softly, pressing a kiss to your cheek,” its just a good time. You’ll have fun. Don’t be scared.” He soothes. Taehyung’s eyes glint devilishly and Jungkook rubs a reassuring hand up and down your arm. 
“We’ll take my car. “ Taehyung says coolly, slinging an arm around Jungkook’s shoulder and dragging him along, , already walking away and you cling to Jimin for security, following the other two to the parking lot. 
Taehyung is, apparently filthy rich. 
He has a huge dance studio in his house and apparently, he was well prepared. Your eyes fall on the plush mattress on the floor, the condoms nearby and you feel yourself flushing. 
You open your mouth , ready to say something...what you’re not so sure, but then Jungkook is grabbing you by the arm, yanking you forward and pressing his lips against yours. You’ve kissed him enough times that it is instinctive for you to put you hand on his shoulder while he holds your waist gently, his tongue licking its way into your mouth as he tilts his face to get a better angle
“Can’t believe you agreed to get your cunt wrecked by three guys at the same time.... It’s just like they say... its always the ones that look innocent. ” Taehyung’s voice is soft against your ear and you can feel him behind you, pressed up against your back. 
You shiver when firm hands come around you from the back, Taehyung’s fingers making quick work of the buttons on your blouse. Before you can fully process it, Jimin’s already yanking your skirt and underwear down in one clean move. You feel Taehyung’s long fingers flick your bra open easily and you shiver when the fabric falls away, leaving you fully naked in front of three fully dressed men. 
“You don’t know what you’ve gotten yourself into, angel.” Taehyung  taunts, pressing closer and rolling his hips into your back, his clothed erection pressing against the cleft of your ass . 
You can feel yourself getting wet already, you pussy clenching around nothing, your insides  aching . You clench your fists to ground yourself. It was way too early to be feeling this desperate, you think wildly. you won’t survive the night if you get so aroused so quickly. 
Taehyung hums hands falling on your waist, cool against your bare skin and he trails his hand down to the flesh of your thighs, fingers digging in with enough force to make you whimper. 
“Shut up, you little slut, i barely touched you.” Taehyung snaps, slapping your thigh. Hard. 
Jungkook pulls back when you choke a little at the pain. Taehyung points at the younger with a smile. 
“Go strip and lie down on the mattress Jungkook-ah. Let’s have her sit on your face for a while.” He says calmly and Jungkook moves to obey quickly. While he strips, Jimin moves to take his place, kissing you gently , hands reaching down to shape your breasts, thumbs rubbing against your nipples till the nubs pucker up, hard and throbbing. 
Fingers slip into your pussy, so long and thick that your eyes widen in shock at the intrusion. Taehyung is rough and ruthless, fucking into you with ease.
“Not as tight as i expected. You get around huh , angel?” He asks casually and you feel like your entire body is one fire. Jimin kneads your breasts, tongue licking into your mouth as he moans, tasting you. You can see Jungkook over Jimin’s shoulder, while Taehyung fucks his long, fingers into you , hard and rough. He’s stripped fully now and your eyes drink in the sight of him naked, muscles on display and you tremble, because he looks so fucking good.
“Hmm.. Jungkook looks good huh baby? He’s gonna fuck you so good tonight. All nice and gentle and considerate ... because he’s a good little kid....Not like me. I’m gonna make you fucking limp.  “ Taehyung slips one hand around to rub  a thumb against your clit, and you clench down around his fingers. 
Jimin pulls back. 
“You talk too fucking much. Let me fuck her now.” He drawls, eyes dancing as he tugs you closer . You whimper when Taehyung’s finger slip right out, wetness spilling out of you , dripping down your thigh with ease. 
Taehyung wraps an arm around your waist and lifts you up, before taking a couple of steps and tossing you on the mattress. You bounce for a second, surprised and then before you can get yourself together, Jimin is pushing you up on top of Jungkook. 
“Come and straddle my shoulders, beautiful.” Jungkook says sweetly and your thighs feel like jelly. You struggle a bit to do as as asked, sitting on his chest , knees hitting the mattress on either side of his face and he reaches out, gripping your waist and pulling you closer till your pussy is right over his mouth. 
“Guk-ah wait. “ You turn around and Jimin is right behind you, kneeling over Jungkook’s chest as well, stroking his cock to full hardness. 
Jungkook laughs a little. 
“Looks like Jimin hyung wants to fuck you while I eat you out... Spread your thighs a little, baby.” He says. 
You glance up at Taehyung, who’s watching you carefully, fingers lazily stripping off his own clothes and you swallow, turning away to the front and spreading your   knees a bit more. 
You almost lose balance and crash forward, but strong hands grip your arms, keeping you kneeling over the youngest and you stare up at Taehyung, who’s standing right over jungkook, his cock right up against your face. You stare at the hard, thick length of it mouth watering and he laughs knowingly. 
“Can always tell a good slut apart from the look in her eyes.” He grins, “ You look like you can’t wait for me to fuck your mouth , angel.”
“No , I-” you’re cut off by the thick cockhead nudging your entrance and you grab Taehyung’s waist to steady yourself, gasping when Jimin slides right into you from behind. The feeling of being filled
“Fuck, Jimin  hyung, i can see your cock fucking right into her pretty pink pussy... She’s dripping all over my face.” Jungkook’s awed voice makes your cheek flame and you grip taehyung harder. 
“Lick her clit, jungkook’ ah ...make her cum....” Taehyung says causally, before carefully leaning down and gripping your jaw. His fingers dig into your skin , making you open your mouth. 
“Your tongue feels a little too dry , angel..” He comments, after slipping two fingers into your mouth.” i like my fuckholes wet and messy.... “ He smiles, leaning closer. You feel jungkook’s tongue flicking rapidly against your clit and your thighs tremble as Jimin fucks into you. Jungkook uses his finger to lightly pinch your clit and you feel yourself get wetter dripping all over his chin and Jimin swears. 
“Fuck so fucking wet...” He fucks into you harder, the squelching sound loud and embarrassing in the room. 
Taehyung smiles fondly. 
“ Knew you’d be the perfect little fuck toy....Hold your tongue out for me....” To far gone to think, you stick your tongue out and he smiles, “ Don’t fucking swallow...” He instructs and your eyes widen when he leans over and opens his mouth, spitting a mouthful of his spit into your tongue. Before you can fully process it , he’s already feeding his thick cock into your mouth, hands reaching back to grip your hair hair yanking your head back. 
He uses one hand to keep your head back, the other tracing your throat, feeling the bulge of his dick through the skin of your neck as he shoves his cock right down your throat. Your eyes water, drooling slipping out of the corner of your mouth as you inhale shakily every time he pulls out, gripping his waist to stop your self from collapsing into a heap on the mattress. 
The sensation of being fucked by Jimin , and having Jungkook’s tongue all over your clit , flicking the throbbing swollen nub, while Taehyung fucked your mouth raw with sharp powerful thrust is something you won’t forget till the day you fucking  die. 
“Your cunt’s dripping wet for us...you love this don’t you pretty?” Jungkook teases between licks  and Jimin laughs. 
“Slutty little kittens like her always like getting their cunt wrecked....” He presses kisses all over your neck and Taehyung merely groans, fingers tightening on your scalp, yanking you closer so he can fuck you deeper. 
“Tight little cunt...can’t wait to fucking break it. “ Taehyung hisses and the words tip you over the edge, your pussy clenching around Jimin , who stiffens at the sensation. 
“Fuck... I’m coming.” He grunts, gripping your waist hard, hips stuttering as he spilled into the condom  . Jungkook groans at that. 
“About fucking time hyung, “ He sighs, pulling away from your clit, licking the juices spilling out of your fucked out cunt, “ my cock hurts...get the fuck away I need to get in her....fuck.” 
You feel your limbs turn to jelly and Taehyung pulls out of your mouth as well as you collapse a bit.
“You okay baby...need a drink of water?” Jimin asks softly and you nod. He moves away to get the bottle and Jungkook crawls up the mattress till you’re straddling his hips. 
“Can i fuck you?” He asks hesitantly and you laugh a little at the tone of his voice. Fuck...he looks like he’s asking for banana milk or something. Before you can fully appreciate the duality of the kid, he’s lining himself up against your entrance and thrusting up into you. 
“Hang on Jungkook ah... let me join you.” Taehyung says softly . Your eyes snap open and you stare up at him.
“What? i think i deserve to get a turn with that slutty cunt , too right?” He laughed, moving to kneel on the mattress next to you. Jungkook stops moving clearly confused about the mechanics but Taehyung merely grabs your waist and lifts you up. 
“Wrap your legs around my waist, he prompts and you do as he says.
“Hyung...” Jungkook whines from the mattress in protest and Taehyung gives him a glare. 
“Patience Jungkook-ah..” He says sternly. “ I’m gonna lean back against the wall and you’re going to slip in with me. We’ll fuck her together ..... Make sure she remembers this for a while....” he smirks. 
Jimin appears then, fully dressed and with bottle of water. He opens it for you, holding the mouth against your lips and you take big greedy gulps of the liquid.
“Ready to get DP’d baby? Cross that off your bucket list?” Jimin asks with a smirk and you groan. 
“I’m not forgiving you for this.” You croak out at him. Your voice scratchy from disuse. You haven’t spoken a word to Taehyung this entire time. Although its clear he’s the one running this entire show. You just can’t bring yourself to say anything to his face. He terrifies you and the worst part is how arousing that fear is. 
Jungkook stands up then , stroking his cock impatiently. 
“I need to fuck her now. Its not fair that I’m the only one who hasn’t had a turn yet” He pouts petulantly and you swallow, wrapping your arms tighter around Taehyung’s neck. He startles when you bury your nose into his neck, moving your hips a bit till the head of his cock is pressed against your slit.
“I’m ready...” You whisper softly, literally the first words you’ve spoken to him since this started and he swallows. 
“Good girl. ” He says gently and you tremble at how deep his voice is. He grips the back of your thighs, spreading you open before gently lowering you down onto his cock . He’s bigger than Jimin and you have to grit your teeth to take in the length of him. 
“poor Jungkookie....he looks like he’s gonna cry...” His fingers flutter down to where his cock is fucking into you, tracing the seam of your pussy and scooping up the wetness of your arousal. You groan when he slips two fingers in along with his cock, stretching you out a bit more.
“You can take it.... Your body ...fuck... so tight and so fucking hot...you were built for this... the perfect little doll...” 
You feel yourself slipping but then there’s a familiar warm body, pressed up against your back and you sigh as Jungkook grips your waist holding you up steadier, lining his dick up against your pussy. 
“Gonna push in, sweetheart.” Jungkook presses a wet kiss against your shoulder.
“Just relax....don’t clench down....relax and your body will do all the work for you angel...relax and you can take both of us in...” Taehyung whispers. You breathe in deep, exhaling harshly. Fear is still simmering on the surface. you’ve never done something like this before. 
“Ready...” He prompts and you take a deep breath, letting your limbs go limp on the exhale and Jungkook pushes in , cleaving his way into your body with one smooth stroke. 
The pressure is unbearable and you feel like you’re being split apart. But you also feel so incredibly full, both of them lodged so deep inside you that you can feel them in your gut. You let your eyes shut close, dropping your head down on Taehyung’s shoulder. 
“Ready, kook-ah?” Taehyung says suddenly and you eyes fly open. Ready for what. 
Without warning, Jungkook pulls out and just as he pushes back in Taehyung pulls out. 
Your entire body clenches at the sensation, pleasure hitting every single inch of you as they set up a rhythm , taking turns to fuck into you and you can only hang on , gripping Taehyung’s shoulders as your body burns hotter and hotter, fire licking up your insides where you feel swollen and tender and fucking  ruined.
This time when you cum, you black out. 
You wake up in an unfamiliar room, showered and wearing a really big white t shirt and a pair of silk boxers and you blush. 
God this was embarrassing. You’re feeling  surprisingly okay, consider what just happened. A little sore but nothing too terrible. 
The knock on the door makes you jump.
“Come in .” You said softly.
Its Taehyung. 
“Hey... How are you doing ?” He asks with a little smile, a glass of water in his hand and you feel yourself flushing.
“I... is Jimin around... “ You ask desperately.
“He’s gone home. You sort of passed out so I brought you here.” He was staring at you so intently, you couldn’t quite think clearly.
“Oh well.. I’m fine.. you should drop me home.” You say shrilly.
"i called your mother. Told her you were having a sleepover with my sister. So you can crash here for the night. ” 
“Your sister? “ you blink
“Taehee? She’s in pre med....”
“Oh...okay.” you smile awkwardly. 
“I’ll leave the door open. I’m in the guest room down the hall.” he says pointing. 
that startles you. 
You look around curiously, finally noticing the posters and the basket ball jersey in the closet. 
“this is your room?” 
He nods. 
“ I can sleep in the guest room!” 
He smiles. 
“The bed’s lumpy there.” 
You bite your lips, fighting a smile. 
“Or maybe you just want your sheets to smell like me.” You don’t know where this is coming from. Are you really flirting with Kim Taehyung? 
He laughs.
“Maybe. Good night, ------” 
He locks the door behind him as he leaves. 
Author’s note : how to waste two hours :  a memoir by me. 
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danielxricciardo · 3 years
Hi there! I don’t know if you got my ask before😭 but I did sent one about Daniel being jealous type? Like Max is Reader’s ex and got bit too touchy and familiar to the reader at party, and like Daniel and Max got into a fight and where other drivers need to break them up. Angst story please! I wanna see Daniel super jealous and protective over his gf.🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
I am so sorry for not writing the last request!!! I had an extremely busy period and there will be a few more crazy weeks! At first I tried to write in order but I didn't have much inspiration so I started writing randomly! So sorry again!
Summary: You are Daniel's girlfriend and he is jealous on Max, your ex.
Warnings: angst, a little swearing
Word count: 1.7k
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Jealousy is an insane feeling... It comes out when you are very affectionately attached to someone or that even the thought of its possession with someone else creates a rage in your heart.
It can be constructive or destructive depending on how you presume to take it.
For him, in any way, it feels like his heart is in a constant state of dropping, his legs get shaky, he feels a twisting in his stomach and all he wants to do is snap at people. It's a horrible feeling that he feels a lot.
Jealousy can come from the fear of losing one or more of the following: power, love, sex, and possessions. Jealousy is a powerful emotion. It exists for a reason, to protect ourselves, but can cause havoc if left unchecked.
A jealous man who feels insecure in himself believes he’s not good enough to keep another person attracted to him over time. He fears that someone better than him is going to make his loved one reconsider their relationship.
Daniel never showed you that he was jealous. Although you were Max's ex-girlfriend, Max should be the one upset and jealous of the two, right? Because after you two broke up, friendly, of course, you soon got together with his best friend.
"Hey, love!" Daniel called to you from the bathroom. "I know you won't let me see the dress, although it is bullshit to me because we're going to a gala, not to our wedding, but can you at least tell me what color it will be? I need to choose a tie."
"Red." you answer from the bedroom, focused not to ruin your nail polish. "And it's not bullshit. I want to surprise you."
"For all I care, you can come dressed in a sack of potatoes and I will still think you are the most beautiful woman in the world."
"Mmm I smell bullshit!" you joke.
The FIA Prize Giving Ceremony is an annual event promoted by Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile which honors the achievements of all drivers over the past season.
Although you are not new to this sport, going to Grand Prix as the girlfriend of a driver for more than 5 years, you have never been present at a gala. Of course, you were invited every year, only something always happened and you couldn't go. This year, however, you wanted to be present, especially since Daniel was going to receive the Action of the Year award.
Daniel left before you, he and the boys rented a limousine with which they would get there, and you and the other girls would arrive, also with a limousine. You're not the type to refuse a limousine, especially since you've never been in one, but Daniel and the other boys had to leave their personal cars at the gala because the limousine won't leave you at home, you'll each go to your homes with your own cars.
You were wearing a beautiful backless, tight-fitting red dress, having almost like a silk texture to it, perfectly shaped to fit your figure, strapless, having a corset that makes your breasts bigger than they really were.
When Daniel saw you, you were sure he forgot to breathe for a few seconds. His already large eyes seemed to protrude from his pupils. Your heart had started beating faster, and you had butterflies in your stomach. Even though you had been together for more than three years, you still felt like you were looking at him for the first time.
"You're splendid," he tells you when he helps you out of the limousine. He kisses your hand and you see the dozens of paparazzi flashes towards you.
"You don't look bad either," you answer and enter the building.
Inside were hundreds of people talking to each other and looking like they were having fun. Daniel leads you to your table where you two were seated with Max, Charles, Esteban, and Sebastian with their girlfriends.
"What do you want to drink?" Daniel asks you as he takes off his jacket and leaves it on the back of the chair.
"A glass of white wine."
Daniel kissed you on the cheek and went to get you your drinks. You look around to try to recognize someone and notice that Max is coming towards you.
"Hey, Y/N! Wow, you're so beautiful!" he says and takes your hand to spin you to see you well. "Daniel is a lucky man."
You giggle.
"I saw Kelly, she's gorgeous too! And you're a lucky man because you have her."
He laughs and takes a sip of his drink.
"Yes, you're right. She looks great," he says and looks after her.
Kelly was talking with two women you didn't recognize. It was as if she felt the two of you looking at her, she turned her head towards you and waved.
"Daniel will receive an award, right? Good for him."
"Yes!" you say joyful. "I'm so proud of him."
Max leans over and lightly touches your cheek. You look at him with wide eyes, not understanding what was happening.
"You had a fallen eyelash," he says. "Make a wish."
Before you even thought about a wish to make, you heard glasses breaking, then you saw Max thrown to the floor by someone. Not just someone. Daniel.
Your head was buzzing and you couldn't hear what Daniel was shouting. But you could hear the sound of his fists and the screams of several people who immediately came to separate them.
"What the fuck? Daniel!" Max said as soon as he was lifted from under Daniel.
Kelly immediately ran to him and took his face in her hands, looking for the wounds. He was going to have some pretty big bruises.
"She's my girlfriend!"
Your eyes widened and you immediately looked at Max, who mimicked your movements. What the hell was Daniel talking about?
"Yeah, and Kelly is my girlfriend too. Are we still getting to know each other or are you going to tell me what the fuck happened to you, dickhead?"
"And your girlfriend, Kelly, does she agree with this intimacy between you and Y/N? And don't pretend you don't know what I'm talking about. I saw you earlier, you almost kissed!"
"Do you hear what you're saying, jerk? She had a fallen eyelash! Get your head out of your ass and realize that no one is trying to steal your girlfriend. Neither I nor anyone else."
You snort and everyone turns to you. Your face had taken on the color of the dress: red. You were angry. You were shaking and you wanted to beat Daniel, but you were at a formal event; although that didn't stop Daniel from punching Max a few times. You take a step towards Daniel and slap him across the face, hard enough to sting.
"In the car. Now!" You command Daniel and head for the exit, all the people who had gathered around you now getting out of your way.
In the car, none of you had said anything. You didn't know if you had to start saying something or you should wait for him. You had so much to say, but how did you get started? You had so many curses prepared for him, but in what order did you tell them? You wanted to die of shame because of the little stunt Daniel did inside.
You snort, probably for the hundredth time in just a few minutes, and get out of the car.
"Where are you going?" Daniel shouted after me.
He's joking? Because it seems so to you. How dare he ask you where you're going, considering that since you got back in the car he hasn't said a damn thing. He even acted as if your presence bothered him. It's like he doesn't care about you.
You wanted to leave. Go home.
It's just a small problem. The building where the gala took place was in a part of town where you had never been before. You didn't know the way back to the house, you didn't have any money with you to get an Uber and you didn't want to enter the building you just left, ashamed, to ask someone to take you home.
Even though you didn't know where you were, you got out of the car and head for the gate you entered by car.
You snort angrily and hurry up. You try to keep calm and not run away, although you are sure that you could not run considering that you are wearing huge heels. You don't realize when he got behind you but now he grabs your hand and stops you. You try to jerk, but he only tightens his grip around your wrist. You face him, giving him the angriest look you're capable of, but he doesn't even deserve it.
"Let me go, please."
You frown. Daniel doesn't say anything and doesn't move, as if he were a stone sheepfold. He is tense and slightly agitated. Finally, he withdraws his hand, then passes it through his curly hair, then puts it in the pocket of his cloth pants.
"I am sorry," he says softly and you can barely hear what he said. "I was jealous."
"Jealousy? Why?"
He shrugs.
"I have no idea."
"You do not trust me?" you ask, feeling like you're about to cry.
He nods frantically.
"It's not like that at all... My jealousy does not come from a lack of trust. It comes with the insecurity when I thought that someone may take my place or was trying to take my place."
"But Max and I are in the past, you are my future..." you say and bite your lip. "You had to talk to me, not pull that little stunt inside. Do you realize what the papers will say tomorrow?"
"Do you think you can forgive me?"
"You need to apologize to Max. I won't have the whole face bruised tomorrow."
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pricklynoodle · 3 years
real or not real
Itadori Yuji/Fushiguro Megumi pairing | Squid Game AU | Rated T | warning: implied character death | ANGST
( yes, writing instead of doing school lol, squid game ruined me so if you want to read this then be warned of SQUID GAME SPOILERS. There's no graphic death, but its sad as hell either way TT)
“The player who takes all ten marbles from your partner wins.”
Megumi had always kept to himself, never saying anything unless spoken to, never stuck to groups, and never took the choice to attach himself to something. Everything had an expiration date. Unnecessary things like friendships had never appealed to him. He only needed his sister, and it wasn’t like she had the choice to have him as her brother. But the fact that she still stuck around caring for him until she worked herself to a coma.
So honestly, it’s a surprise why he feels his heart drop when the announcement tells him he has to go against … whatever 310 is to him.
He hardly knows 310, and doesn't know anything about his life actually. Other than that he’s crazy strong, has an impressive pain tolerance, but also the loudest kid he’s ever met. He's always around him, sticking to Megumi like a persistent piece of gum stuck to his shoe. But he doesn't dislike him, but he can't say he's thrilled with him either.
But would Megumi kill him?
Stupid, he tells himself.
“Oh, fuck, I honestly didn’t see that coming,” 310 says with a grimace, looking at Megumi guiltily as if he was the cause of Megumi’s inner turmoil. He sits down on one of the stone benches. The whole setup was supposed to mimic a typical neighborhood, something Megumi wasn’t fortunate enough to grow up in. The bastards even made the effort to add in the sounds of cicadas from the fake trees, as if this was a completely normal summer for a couple of teens.
Megumi doesn’t say anything, he feels dizzy. He drops down to the bench, away from 310 as possible.
“I’ve always wanted to say this,” 310 says as he rests his elbows on his knees, looking at Megumi seriously, “This whole thing reminds me of Hunger Games.”
Megumi looks at him with furrowed brows.
“You know, Jennifer Lawrence?” 310 pushes. Megumi says nothing. “...Tall girl, big ass? The one with the arrows?”
“Can you shut the fuck up,” Megumi deadpans, then he shakes his head. He takes a deep breath, letting it out slowly. He counts to ten, then glances down at his hand. 10 marbles. “Just tell me how to play this game.”
“I don’t know either,” 310 admits, sounding sheepish. He shrugs carelessly, “This is more of the games my gramps used to play, but he was too busy being sick to teach me though.”
Megumi looks up at 310. He looks tired, but nostalgic. Like he was thinking of a good memory.
310 perks up, grinning at Megumi brightly, “though they said that we can make our own rules. I’ll think of something.”
Megumi nods solemnly. The silence stretches until 310 lets out an ‘aha!’.
“Let’s bet everything and just play one around,” 310 says, even dropping his fist down onto his hand as if it were the best idea ever.
Megumi freezes, staring at 310, was he going to trick him? He doesn’t even know him. They’re not friends. Of course, everything still is a death tournament at the end of the day.
310 seems to pick up Megumi’s reluctance, he jerks his head to the side. He points towards the pair of men competing against each other, looking frantic and panicked.Their faces are sheened with sweat, t-shirts drenched in sweat. It’s… it’s a pathetic sight.
“Fine,” Megumi relents. “What are we playing?”
“Calm down,” 310 chuckles, “are you that excited to kill me?”
Megumi stays quiet.
“We have a lot of time left,” 310 says breezily, pointing towards the timer mounted on the wall. “Let’s do it at the last minute.”
“What do you suggest we do till then?” Megumi asks with a scowl. “Sit nice and pretty, twiddle our thumbs and shove these marbles up our asses?”
“Jesus, man,” 310 laughs, “no just… talk.”
“Talk,” Megumi repeats.
“Talk,” 310 smiles, looking down at his hands. Megumi looks at them too. He remembers the hard calluses on them, when they shook hands. They’re thick and sturdy, and hold a lot of power. He really could have killed Megumi before, just wrap his hands around his neck and it’s all over.
Megumi also shakes away the filthy thoughts of what else those hands could do. Get a grip, Fushiguro.
“Things we couldn’t tell other people,” 310 says, smiling wistfully. “One of us is going to die here anyways.”
Megumi swallows the lump in his throat.
310 smiles wider. He’s always smiling, Megumi notes.
“There’s no reason to feel embarrassed if that’s the case,” 310 tells him, “I promise I won’t laugh when you blush like a tomato.”
“I don’t,” Megumi denies, but he can feel the heat already rising up to his cheeks.
“You do,” 310 says, “but I think it’s cute.”
“So, uh, you have someone back home then?” 310 asks.
“Yeah,” Megumi says.
“...like a girlfriend or something?”
“Sister,” Megumi says quickly, “no...never a girlfriend. Impossible for me.”
“Ah, okay,” 310 says, nodding. “Just your sister?”
“I had a dad, but he … never came back.” Megumi confesses, “he was a shitty dad. He was never really home, but he gave us shelter and food. He had a bad temper, but he never hit us. He never liked to be around me especially. I … used to think he hated me.”
“What changed?” 310 asked.
“I… I became him. I understand why he did what he did,” Megumi says, fiddling with the sleeves of his jacket. “Doing dirty jobs, stealing, never at home. Hiding from danger. Hiding us from danger. Protection.”
310 nodded, he slid closer to Megumi. Thighs brushing. Silence continues.
“He came here,” Megumi says, looking up at the ceiling. It’s painted a pink-orange gradient, like a sunset. “I found half of that business card in one of his jackets. The last two digits were cut off. I dialed every possible number until I got here.”
“For what?” 310 asks.
“Find him,” Megumi says, “punch him. I would have killed him, I think, if I found out that he left us to rot. Then steal all his money to pay for my sister’s medical bills.”
“Oh, she’s sick?”
“Coma,” Megumi clarifies. “Some rich bastard from work hit her on her way home. He got off easy because of money.”
“I see,” 310 says, clenching his fists. “That’s terrible.”
“Yeah,” Megumi says gruffly.
“You’re still getting money though,” 310 says. He doesn’t say but you don’t get your dad back. “What would you do with it?”
Megumi doesn’t even hesitate, “pay for my sister’s medical bills. Buy a nice house for us to live in. A car, if I can.”
“If you can?” 310 says, “where would you drive your car?”
“school,” Megumi says simply. “I would use my car to drive to school.”
310 blinks. “You know, you can do much more with that 40 billion. You really don’t want anything else? Don’t have a destination?”
“I’d go to Sendai.”
“Wh—Sendai? I’m from Sendai. Are you kidding me? Are you going to drive there with a shiny new Toyota Yaris?”
Megumi blushes furiously, “enough about me, ugh, it’s your turn anyways.”
310 shakes his head, but he’s giggling like a schoolgirl. “You really have to think bigger. Have you ever been to the beach?”
“No,” Megumi says.
“You should, one that’s got nice soft sand and blue water. With palm trees too. And you should get piña coladas.”
“C’mon man, you don’t get to be frugal with 40 billion. I’ll teach you how to splurge once we get out—”
“Right,” 310 breathes out, laughing to himself all silly. “Only one of us leaves.”
Megumi grunts.
“...Ever seen a dead body?” 310 asks.
“...I’ve been answering all these questions. You haven’t answered at all,” Megumi points out, feeling far too exposed for running his mouth.
“Ah you’re right! Uh, I don’t have anyone.”
“But your grandfather—”
“He’s dead. For a while now. My mom and dad. Also dead. My brother is on the run. He’s, uh, killed a lot of people. He got the death penalty, so yeah, haven’t really seen him around.”
Megumi looks at him.
“I don’t think he counts,” 310 says, scratching his face. Megumi realizes the scars on his face aren’t from the previous games. They looked healed, puckered and faded from time.“He looks a lot like me, though. A lot of people can’t tell us apart. He hated that. He’s only a bit taller than me, and he loves to brag about it. He has a huge ego.”
“I see.”
“Yeah,” 310 says, but he doesn’t look awkward about it. Just mildly inconvenienced. “Oh, have we really been talking for that long?”
Megumi looks at the time. They have less than 2 minutes.
310 stands up, swiping the dirt off his pants. He pats around for his marbles. “Okay, so you see that wall over there?”
Megumi nods mutely. It’s quite far, maybe around 2 meters.
“Okay, we throw one marble, and the one closest to the wall wins, okay?”
“Okay.” Megumi nods, easy enough.
“Okay, you go first.”
Megumi scowls.
“added rule, we do it together,” he says, jaw clenched.
“Eh?” 310 looks at him, confused.
“I’ve been doing things first, so it seems rather fair if we do it at the same time, with our best effort, okay? I have the blue marble, you get the red one.”
“... okay.”
“Don’t give me a weak ass toss, alright, that doesn’t count,” Megumi says gruffly, narrowing his eyes at him. “Do your best.”
310 nods, giving him a thumbs up. “Okay!”
“On three,” Megumi says.
“Two,” 310 continues, positioning his arm.
“One,” Megumi does the same.
They both throw their marbles. Megumi’s heart leaps out of its chest as he watches his marble in the air.
Megumi looks down on the marble that lands right next to his shoe.
It’s red.
“Ahh, shoot, I threw it too hard,” 310 says with a pout.
Megumi sees red.
He shoves 310 against the wall. “Are you fucking with me?”
“Whoa! No, you won f-fair and square, man,” 310 stutters. “I did my best shot, like you said!”
“Any idiot would know that shit would bounce right back if you threw it like that!”
310 laughs, “I must be some one of a kind idiot, then.”
Megumi shoves him further into the wall. “I’m gonna fucking kill you.”
“You can’t kill me if I’m gonna be dead anyways.”
“See, that doesn’t really make sense—”
“Shut the fuck up! Why did you do that?!”
310 slumps against the wall, body lax. Not looking at him.
“Answer me!”
“You… you have a lot more to live for than me,” 310 says quietly. He looks up at Megumi, tears in his eyes, “what kind of asshole would I be to deny you for a life?”
“You have a life!” Megumi snaps.
“I don’t, not anymore,” 310 sobs, a wobbly smile on his face. “Before my grandfather died, he told me that I should help others. That when it was my time to go, I would die surrounded by others and not end up like him.
“I should use my strength to help others, that’s what I’ve been doing here. Out there, no one wants me to help them. No one wants the face of a killer to help them. No one wants me to be around them. I can’t go to places, I’ve… I’ve always hated what Sukuna did to me. Made me carry his sins, his crimes. The way people looked at me as if I was him. I can’t move forward, not like you.
“I… I never went to school either, y’know. Or I never graduated. When Sukuna became a wanted man, I became a target. I stayed in my room. The doors were locked. The curtains were always down. It was like this for years. I received no support. The only way I could get by was doing interviews with journalists, feeding the narrative. Making people hate Sukuna more, making them hate me more. That’s no way to live.”
Megumi felt the back of his eyes burn, his teeth aching from being clenched too tight.
“Even if...I had the money. I can’t erase what my brother did. I can’t erase my existence in the world. I would just keep doing the same thing everyday. I don’t… I don’t want a bigger house, not when it’s just me who lives there.”
“You and I are not so different,” he says, looking up at Megumi.. “I think that’s why… I want you to win. You get to experience all these normal things, and feel… happy. You have a chance.”
Megumi wipes his eyes harshly, “Shit.”
“That’s true.”
“... What’s your name?” Megumi asks.
“Itadori Yuji,” 310—no, Yuji says. “My name is Itadori Yuji.”
Megumi takes a shaky breath, he raises his hand for him. “Fushiguro Megumi.”
Yuji grins, he clasps his hand onto Megumi’s. “That means blessing, right?”
“I don’t fucking know.”
“I’m glad then, Megumi. That I’m friends with you even through this hell. That itself is a blessing in a disguise.”
“Shut up,” Megumi punches his shoulder.
A guard suddenly arrives, carrying a gun in his hand. Waiting.
Yuji looks behind Megumi’s head. “Ah, I wish we had more time.”
Megumi bites his lip. “I wish I’d… met you sooner. I don't know anything about you.”
Yuji jaw drops, “Okay, I’ll … summarize this in ten seconds! I’m twenty-years-old, my favorite color is green, my favorite manga is Bleach, my type is tall people with big butts! Uhh, I really like watching action films—”
“Not … whatever, nevermind,” Megumi says softly as he listens to Yuji ramble on about himself.
Yuji pauses from his ramble looking winded, “uhm, Fushiguro, can I hug you?”
Megumi freezes.
“I just haven’t had a hug in a long time—” Yuji trails off before he gets cut off with Fushiguro hugging him desperately, clinging to him.
“Idiot, idiot, idiot!”
“...Hey, Fushiguro Megumi, live a long life, okay?”
Megumi lets go.
He turns around.
Eyes burning as he stares unblinking down the path. Footsteps. Silence. Breathing. He feels something salty on his lips when he licks them. It's not sweat.
He... he got attached. He stares forward, he doesn't regret it. Not at all. He got to know Yuji Itadori, the real him, and the pain in his heart is the best he can give back. A reminder that he was more than what people saw him. Yuji Itadori didn't deserve what the world gave him, they did not deserve his cries. The fact that... no one would shed a tear for him.
Megumi notices the dark wet spots on the dirt.
“Thanks for playing with me.”
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kpop-dungeon-dark · 3 years
Little Girl. (Younger!Nine/Wookjin x You)
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Warning(s): Semi-Noncon, humiliation, degradation, size kink, fingering, slapping, hair pulling, choking, strong language, older!y/n, spanking, wedging, a dash of fear kink. Read at your own risk. Both of you are of legal age in this.
The air in Y/n's apartment was thick with tension as she awkwardly nodded at Wookjin, the son of her kind neighbour lady seated comfortably on the couch in her living room as she fumbled through one of her drawers, grabbing the teaching notes she needed to help the boy with, still clad in her work clothes which were a tight black pencil skirt and a pretty peach dress shirt, feet bare.
Wookjin bit his lip as she looked her tight ass up and down from behind since she was crouching to level herself with the piece of furniture. The boy was struggling to fight the urge to undo the high professional bun her hair was in. It looked so pretty when it was down, flowing down her shoulders and ending just above her waist. Fuck. She was so beautiful. It was a shame how she was all smiles with him when she first moved in the apartment complex but started avoiding him when she learnt that he was just a college sophomore.
Y/n sighed as she dropped a booklet yet again, trying to suppress the shudder in her fingers. Although she had her back to the boy, the woman knew he was staring. God damn. He was always fucking staring. She hated it. If it weren't for his friendly and kind mother, she never would have agreed to tutor Wookjin.
She wanted to smack herself for being so stupid. Without knowing his age Y/n had so stupidly flirted with him here and there when she first moved in. Only to find out that he was 5 fucking years younger than her.
And the fact that his door was right opposite to hers didn't fucking help.
"O- Okay!" Finally standing up with the materials and notes she needed, Y/n softly pulled in a long breath, closing the drawer with her foot before whipping around. "Let's sta-" a surprised scream escaped the girl, the bunch in her hand falling down on the ground when she came chest to face contact with the younger one, blinking up at him in surprise, unconsciously gulping down a bike.
"W- What are you doing, Wookjin?" Her voice broke towards the end of the sentence, breath hitching as she reflexively tried to step back, ass hitting the chest of drawers.
"Tsk. Don't hurt that pretty little butt now." The woman's cheeks flushed hot at his vulgar words, heart leaping up in her throat when he placed his hand on the piece of furniture besides her, leaning down to level his face to her smaller height.
"W- Wookjin! What is this-!"
"Tsk." Using the back of his hand to lightly slap her pretty lips, the boy clicked his tongue. "Funny how you talk so much yet go mute whenever I am around" inching his lips closer to the female's, Wookjin stared down at her pretty lips, breaths getting heavier against them. "What did I even do, hm? One moment you were acting like you wanted me to fuck all your holes numb the next you started avoiding me for no reason." Before he could stop himself, his slender fingers wrapped around her pretty neck.
Fuck. It felt even better than he'd imagined. So soft, so thin, so pretty and vulnerable.
He felt his cock getting hard.
"Hm?" Raising an eyebrow he trailed his fingers up and towards her jaw, cupping it before his thumb rubbed her luscious bottom lip. "Cat got your tongue again, hm?"
Y/n felt tears welling up in her eyes. Fuck. She felt so small and weak. Body frozen. "T- This is... wrong" was the only thing she could whisper helplessly. So wrong yet so good. But she didn't want to admit it. "I- I am older-"
"Tsk." Closing the distance between them in a swift motion, Wookjin pressed his lips against hers, almost moaning at the heavenly feeling. Fuck. They were so wet and soft. "Seriously?" He whispered against her lips after pulling back, other hand trailing up her sides. "That's your lame reason? Age doesn't determine anything. If you're a weak little girl who needs someone to take care of her you just are-"
"N- No!" Her features hardened, displeasing the boy as she tried to stop the hand that was travelling down to her ass, weakly pushing at his strong chest. "I am n- not weak! This is wrong! I knew this was a bad idea! Get ou-" her words locked up in her throat in surprise when a soft slap was placed on her cheek.
"Really? Funny you say that because I see you struggling with basic tasks around the complex all the time. It's quite pathetic actually. How someone your age still can't do basic things properly. A surprise how you secured this job you have honestly." Y/n's cheeks glowed red in embarrassment at his words.
Fuck. She hated how his words effected her. From the butterflies in her stomach all the way down south.
No. Wookjin was so much younger than her. He was basically a kid and she was a university lecturer. How could she let him treat her like that and make her feel do small?
And just why the fuck did she like it?
Her head was spinning.
"S- Shut… up" the boy threw his head back and let out a loud laugh at her petty little words.
"Aw is that the best you've got, huh little girl?" Shaking his head, he whipped the older around and forcefully pushed her against the chest of drawers, not hesitating to rip her tight little skirt all the way up to her ass, pulling at the g-string she was wearing underneath in a harsh and humiliating wedgie, landing slaps on her ass.
"Look at this pathetic little thing thinking she can decide things around here. Tsk." Y/n bit down on her bottom lip, helplessly gripping the furniture as her face burnt in embarrassment, toes barely touching the ground due to the wedgie she was in.
Fuck. It hurt so good. She hated it.
"Quiet again, huh?" Squeezing and pulling at one of her fat ass cheeks, Wookjin landed another harsh spank, pulling the wedgie up and down. "Good. Little girls like you should stay quiet and let Daddy take care of them. That's when they're the prettiest" her chest was heaving up and down, ass crack, pussy and butt cheeks on fire from the assault they were under.
The woman how good it felt. She felt so vulnerable and weak. So helpless. And then being treated like such a small little thing by someone so much younger that she'd tried to act all big in front of.
An involuntary moan escaped her when Wookjin moved the string covering her vaginal opening to the side, still having her hanging from the wedgie. "Let's take a look at Daddy's property, shall we?" Followed by a deep chuckle. "Would you look at that!" Y/n's whole body jerked forward from the harsh smack her pussy received. "Acting all innocent and like you don't like it but actually pathetically dripping down there, tsk."
Leaning forward and over her back, the boy placed his chin on her shoulder, middle finger slowly stroking her swollen folds. "But you actually love this, don't you? You filthy little thing" biting down on her ear lobe, the male pulled at it, rubbing her flesh in circular motions, fingertip prodding her entrance. "Being taken care of by Daddy because you're clearly so pathetic on your own." Biting down on her lips, Y/n felt sweat trickling down the back of her thighs, knees trembling and pussy clenching at how good it all felt. "So desperate that you'd let someone so much younger than you put you in your little place."
"P- Please!" The girl whined at last when she felt his covered erection graze against her asshole, the hole clenching in defense. "Please!" Sweat broke down on her forehead, another whine escaping her.
"Please what?" Wookjin breathed in her ear, kissing down her neck and biting the soft skin of her neck softly.
She was so going to regret this when it was over. But Y/n figured she could worry about that later.
"P- Please, W- Wookjin… m- more…" A grin spread across his devilishly handsome face when he heard the words, getting even hard at how pretty she sounded. "P- Please… please… T- Take care of me, D- Daddy… Hhhhaahhhh~" her eyes rolled to the back of her head when his finger slipped in the tight ring of muscles of her virgin pussy.
Yes. You heard it right.
"Good slut…" The boy praised, letting go of the wedgie and allowing her to stand on her feet, gripping her throat and choking her again, pushing her face all the way back and kissing her soft lips upside down, pushing his tongue in and exchanging saliva, finger fucking her tight pussy steady and good. "How does my pretty whore feel?" Letting go of her throat, he messily undid her hair, painfully aroused himself.
"S- So good!" Tears leaked out of her eyes as she cried from the pleasure. Y/n looked so pretty it was blowing Wookjin's mind. Beautiful face red, pretty eyes red eyes full of tears, breaths heavy, skin covered in sweat, legs spread as her underwear laid stretched out on one side, disheveled hair decorating her body and pupils delated, a hickey forming on her neck. "P- Please, more!"
"Fuck!" The boy whispered impatiently, plopping his fingers out of her to have the girl whined with a pout, chuckling deeply before turning her around by the help of her hair, putting her up on the piece of furniture before ripping her shirt open along her bra.
"S- Shit… you're so strong" a smug grin etched on the boy's face at her words as he pushed all the ripped fabrics out of the way, cupping her soft and fat breasts, feeling her hard numbs with the pad of his thumbs, biting his lip when she moaned from the feeling of having her tits massaged.
"Ready, little girl?" Unbuckling his pants, Wookjin uncovered his hard erection, pumping it up and down before smirking. "Brace yourself here I come ready or not~" He loved the worried look on her face as she stared at his huge cock.
"Is it even normal for it to be that big?" She innocently asked, blinking at the boy with her legs spread wide, hands out of the way and fat tits glistening with sweat.
"Awww look at this cute whore being so inexperienced" the boy cooed, wrapping his hands in her hair and aligning his tip with entrance with the help of the other. "Not that I am complaining though-" his words were cut short into a low gasp when he slowly entered her slightly fucked open virgin entrance, grunting at how her walls hugged him. "Fuck!"
"I- I've never done this before with anyone… n- not even myself…" Throwing her head back, the girl cried out, clenching around Wookjin's fat cock in defense, thighs trembling as she felt his lips wrap around one of her nipples, tongue swirling around the fat nub. "B- Because no matter how hard I tried… i- it never felt good, Daddy! Ever!" The woman whined needily, relishing in the pain. "I- It hurts so good, Daddy… Y- You're so good!"
Wookjin fucked her harder upon hearing the confession, grabbing her throat and squeezing the air out of her, biting her other nipple before pulling at it, slapping the other recently abused boob, fondling it before slapping it again, causing the girl to cry out.
"Because you were meant to be my cock sleeve only, babygirl. Of course nobody else can pleasure you like I can. Not even if you try, but-" gripping her soft cheeks, the boy pulled her red and teary face closer to his. "You wouldn't dare, would you?" Y/n whimpered from the frightening look in his eyes, gulping. "What? Didn't hear me?" Slapping her cheek, he gripped her face tightly again. "Answer when you're being spoken to!"
Y/n clenched around his cock, whining loudly before nodding hurriedly. "I- I wouldn't! Never! I would never! I am all y- yours!" She loved how he was treating her. Fuck. He was so good and more. It was perfect.
"Good girl." Wookjin smirked in a satisfied manner, pulling her closer on his cock and himself by her knee, making her scream because it caused his balls to slightly push in her now gaping hole. "Fuck, babygirl… you're much tighter than I'd imagined." Slapping her now bruised marked tits, the boy fucked her walls harder, starting to rub her clit.
The girl yelped, her back arching from the pleasure as she gripped at the younger's strong shoulders, nails digging into his skin and eyes hitting the back of her head from the pleasure, pussy expanding even more now that his balls were also ramming in and out of her, one of the male's hands groping her ass, middle finger stroking her hole which shrunk even smaller in defense.
Whining softly, Y/n's head weakly fell on one of his shoulders, chest heaving up and down as she trembled from the pleasure, softly nibbling on the skin of his neck.
The male chuckled devilishly, prodding her butthole teasingly with the tip of his finger while snapping his hips swift and rough. "Not yet?" He referred towards anal, ignoring the stuff that was falling off the chest from how hard he was fucking her, the loud banging noise of the furniture hitting the wall eliminating the silence in the apartment.
"That's alright, babygirl. We'll get there. None of us are going anywhere, after all."
Unedited. Honestly, even idk what this is LMFAOOOOOO.
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spideyspeaches · 4 years
Vibrations per minute ↬ P.P
AN: Based on this post ehehe. (Also 223 followers?! I’m not crying you are ಥ‿ಥ Beta read by my baby sis @parkerpeter24​ <3<3
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➳ Pairing: Peter Parker x Stark!Reader
➳ Warnings: smut (semi public), vibrator, minors dni
➳ WC: 1.8k +
➳ Masterlist || Taglist
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Peter Parker was not who he looked to be. He was the kind of guy who impressed parents with his bambi eyes and A+ academic performances, but at the same time, he could be a little shit and tease the fuck out of you. For example-
Bets were a naturally occurring event in the Avengers compound, whether it was between Sam and Bucky about who could eat the most number of marshmallows in one go or between Tony and Peter on who could digest more amount of coffee in the least amount of time (both of which landed them in the medbay). 
So maybe placing a bet with your boyfriend may not have been your most intelligent choice. You were a smart woman, you should have known better than to place a bet with Spider-Man, especially if the bet included cardio. 
And now you were facing the consequences. 
You were sitting in the post mission debriefing room, thighs clenched as you saw your boyfriend trying (and failing) to hide his shit eating smirk. You felt the vibrations inside you once again, a little faster than before. Suppressing a moan, you tried to glare murder at him without letting the others know. 
Puffing your cheeks, you slid down the chair, hands folded on your chest. You were pretty sure your cheeks were blood red with the amount of heat you felt.
"Y/N are you sure you're alright? You look a little flushed." Steve asked, shifting to look at you from where he was besides You. He looked concerned.
"Uh- yeah- yeah I'm good. Just exhausted." You stuttered a response. Huffing, you tried to discreetly rub your stomach from clenching. A little whimper escaped your throat, which you quickly suppressed by picking up the glass of water and chugging down some.
Sam looked at you weirdly, the others not paying attention as Nick Fury asked them questions. 
"Miss Stark if you think you're going to get out of debriefing because your little boyfriend and father are sitting here, you're wrong. Please pay attention" Fury said, looking at you with his pirate eye, before turning around and muttering, "I swear sometimes they behave like school children."
You gave Bucky and Sam a glare as they snickered. 
"I'm sorry, I'll- uhh- I'll pay more attention. I'm just, my tummy hurts." You whimpered, flushing when you realised you had said "tummy" in front of the Avengers. 
"Well you better take care of the tummy ache. Don't want you to poo all over here." Peter smirked, your jaw dropping at how rude the little shit was. How unfortunate would it be when he finds out someone had burnt his Kylo Ren special edition figurine? 
"Fuck you asshat." You seethe, your glare intensifying when he increased the rate of vibrations using the phone app he was holding under the desk.
"Y/N, Peter, enough of this, now listen to what Pirate here has to say before he asks you to skedaddle back to your nursery." Your dad says, rolling his eyes at your childish banter.
You wanted to get out of there. Right away, because you couldn't take the shudders in between your legs anymore, or you would orgasm right there, in front of everyone. 
So to get back at them, you raised your hand like you were in elementary school, asking the teacher for permission, "May I go to the washroom? I wanna poo." You ask innocently, smirking when Fury widened his eyes.
Averting your eyes to your boyfriend, you silently conveyed your message, hoping that he got what you were up to. 
Ignoring the laughter of the babies in the Avengers' bodies, you stood up abruptly before he could change the settings anymore, walking stiffly to the bathroom.
"That was kind of mean of me." Peter finally said when you were out of his vision. 
"Yeah kid, I would've kicked your ass if I didn't know that she would do it before me." Tony snarked, curling his lips and shaking his head before going back to the dossier in front of him.
"You should go and apologise to her Pete. She looked upset." Steve piped in, his disappointed eyebrowsTM showing their way.
"She's in the toilet and he's a horny teenager, you really want him to go right now?" Sam said.
"Ew Sam, get your gutter brain out of here!" Peter defended, not meaning what he said.
In fact he was going to do just that. The entire time during the mission, you had been teasing him one way or another, whether it was landing in certain poses or just touching him every chance you get.
The bet was just an opportunity for him to get back at you for leaving him hot and bothered, dreaming about you all night in that tiny lingerie with spider prints on them.
“Yeah Sam, get out of here.” Natasha joked. Before he could witness the counter arguments though, he left the room, leaving a very noisy meeting room and a very frustrated Nick Fury. 
He found you in the bathroom stalls near the cafeteria. It was the women's bathroom but no one was around this time of the night, so he entered it. 
He could hear your moans and pants, your arousal hitting his nostrils as he tried to hyperfixate on you. His jeans suddenly felt strained at his… web shooter area. 
Opening the bathroom door, he clenched his fists. You were standing there, vibrator out of you and your finger inside, eyes scrunched as you threw your head back, not even noticing him enter.
"Why are you touching yourself?" He growled, smirking innocently when you jerked up, eyes taking a lustful look that sent his blood rushing south. 
"It's your fault. You were the one who made me horny in the middle of those boomers." You gritted. 
Your hand was poised on your waist now, legs still spread apart, your pussy on display. 
Grabbing you by your ass, he picked you up and slammed you against the wall, kissing your jaw, "Just seeking revenge." He mumbled  
"Oh oh Petey- revenge for what?" You moaned, arching your back as he undressed you, grabbing your now unclothed boob and sucking on one nipple, twisting the other with his fingers.
Moaning at the sensation of the cool tiles, you dug your fingers at his back, your wet pussy throbbing for a feel of his dick.
"You did it on purpose didn't you? Showing off during missions?" He sucked at your skin, leaving it tender and brushed, "you know how hot you look while you kick ass?" 
He unbuttoned his pants, letting his dick slip out with his boxers. His length never ceased to amaze you, the thick organ making your mouth water. You imagined it slipping into you, your thighs slipping wider on instinct.
He saw the look you were giving him, his lustful eyes full of mirth and desperation. Without waiting any further, he slipped out a condom from his discarded jeans' pocket, sliding his dick into your wet entrance, your ass hitting the wall as he pushed into your walls. 
Throwing your head back, you hissed as your walls clenched around him.
"You get, you get turned on when I kick ass?" You panted, grabbing his hair in desperation to the coiling in your gut, "Fuck I'm gonna cum. I'm gonna come Pete." 
"Well what are you waiting for princess?" He nibs your ear, squeezing your breasts to his now naked chest. You shuddered at the coolness of his body, he's always been cold to touch. 
"Fuck princess, feel so good." His mouth was slack, his thrusts getting harder as he shoved into you, "so tight for me. Enjoying my cock in your pussy eh?"
"Yes! Oh- I love it Pete I love it!" Hitting your head on his chest, you pinched his nipple, making him groan and hit your stomach, the slapping sound echoing in the bathroom.
"Say it louder pretty girl" 
"Why?" You whined, "I should get back to you for using the vibrator but I'm having too much fun." 
You groaned, Your eyes scrunched when his thrusts started to slow down, his senses too overloaded to work together with his stamina.
"Yeah you're needy aren't you?" He said, out of breath from your little meet. He set you down, wiping off your cum using the tissue paper, flushing it off in the toilet. 
He took a minute to just admire you. Your body was shining from sweat, your breath coming out in short pants. You were completely naked, breasts out to the display. He flushed when you smirked at him, you had caught him staring. Not that you minded.
"My beautiful girl." He said, voice husky from strain as he closed the distance between you both, holding you in his arms. 
You laid your head on his chest, rubbing your cheeks against his pectorals. You could hear his racing heart, chuckling when you saw heat rising up his chest to his neck and then face. 
"Why are you blushing? We literally just fucked." You laughed, tracing circles on his collarbones. He looked ethereal from where you were standing, perfectly sculpted by a skillful sculptor. 
"Because you're amazing and I can't believe you're my girl." He said. 
"Mmhm,” You nodded against him, “Also, do you always keep a condom in your pocket?" 
There were many reasons as to why you keep around Peter, and one of them is that he's an amazing chef. Living with his aunt and uncle, he and Ben had been the main source of home cooked meals, because Aunt May was never good at cooking. 
You saw him standing in the kitchen, flipping pancakes while he hummed to some melody. You didn't mind, you could stare at him all day. Thankfully, none of the Avengers were awake yet (but they would be. They're huge fans of his food) 
"Morning." You smile, wrapping your hands around his waist, placing your head on his back.
"Did you sleep well?" He asked, moving around as you clung to him like a koala. Giggling, you wrapped your legs around his waist, jumping on his back like a potato sack. 
"Mmhm, the best sleep I've had in a long while." You mumble, words muffled by his back.
"Is that so?" He asked. 
Hearing shuffling noises, you quickly jumped off of him, fixing your t-shirt and sitting on the dining table.
You saw as Steve and Sam entered the kitchen, Natasha soon following suit. Clint had left for his home early that morning, wanting to meet Laura and his kids as soon as he could. 
You smiled at each of them, nodding a good morning and helping them sort a plate. 
You were arranging the plates when you heard a choked gasp. Alarmed at the sound, you looked up at Steve's horrified expression, looking at where he was pointing a finger.
"What?" You asked, biting your lips.
"That- is that a hickey?!?" 
Slapping your neck, you let the plate clatter on the table, ignoring Peter's scrambled replies. You saw Bucky entering from the corner of your eye, unable to formulate a coherent answer.
"Oh my god, Bucky they totally fucked yesterday!" 
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Page dividers by @cicicantblog​
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beewritings · 3 years
Break up texts with AOT characters
(Eren, Armin, Jean, Connie, Reiner, Zeke & Porco)
AFAB reader
Content Warning: angst, fluff & some nsfw. Mentions of ddlg (?), semi public sex, I think that’s all. :)
Yes, all the times are the times I worked on them. I don’t sleep lmao. There are typos I see them in just unbothered to fix them
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You drive over to Eren’s place about ten minutes later. You already cried and did your little heartbreak grieving before leaving. To be fair , you just wanted to have sex with him one more time. Unless he gets into a new relationship, you wouldn’t mind being his friends with benefits, but considering the fact you’re in love with him... it’s a hard no. You get there after fifteen minutes of driving, you have a spare key which you will be returning so you just walk in. You see him sitting on the couch of his apartment, leaning forward with his legs spread and his head in his hands. He looks up and sees you. You walk to him and sit on the couch in front of him.
The awkward silence was so uncomfortable, you honestly didn’t want him to say the words to you again. You just wanted to see him, to have him. One more time before you avoid him forever.
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You feel bad that you broke up with Armin through text, but you didn’t have the guts to tell him in person. But since he was so calm about it, you decided to go and visit him a few hours later. When you get to his dorm which was just across from your dorm building, you do your knock so he knows it’s you. He rushes to the door and greets you with a smile and asks why you’re there. You tell him how you felt bad that you broke up with him by text and wanted to check on him.
“Y/n, I’m fine! It was only 4 months, it takes longer than that for me to fall in love. I saw us as baby couple, just trying it out until it gets serious. I’m not angry, I’m not upset. Don’t worry, y/n. And the way we can still be friends? It makes me happier!”
Let’s just say that a few days later, you crawled right back to him asking him for you back. Eren told him it’s because his dick game strong, and even though Armin knows his game is strong, he knows that you just have a kind heart and that’s why you’ve been attracted to him. Now it’s been over a year and you have a promise ring on your finger :)
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You and Jean are literally in the same apartment. You LIVE with him. You’re in the bathroom and he was cooking food. He texts you telling you to get off the toilet and go to the kitchen so you finish your business and do what he says. You get to the kitchen to smell the beautiful food and you approach your husband.
“You’re joking right? About not feeling it between us?”
“Of course I’m joking, I’m literally married to you. Today is our 2 year anniversary. Jean, did you get high before cooking? Did Eren sneak in here and let you smoke? Are you good?”
Jean holds your waist, giving you kisses on your forehead. He pushes you lightly against the counter next to the stove. He shoves his face into your neck, leaving those gorgeous black and blue galaxies on your neck.
“Really? Before our guests come over? You’re such a bad boy, do I have to punish you later tonight?”
“If anyone’s getting punished, it’s you for pretending to break up with me,” he lifts you up and puts you on the counter, going in between your legs. He lifts up your skirt, leavings kisses all on your thighs making his way to your core. “Now, you be a good girl and let daddy take care of you, yeah?”
Connie (yes the top text is cut off for a reason)
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You googled break up texts because you wanted to mess with him, but his responses really disappointed you. Like geez prank gone stupid? When Connie gets to your place, he literally brought his switch and extra controllers and he pushes his way inside. You own the switch lite (pain) so you always ask him to bring his and connect it to the tv. He’s so focused on gaming with you that he doesn’t even pay attention the fact that you’re wearing lingerie. You don’t even want to play, you just wanted sum fuk. He finishes setting up the console and sits on the couch.
“Hey babe. Oh, nice. You look cute.”
“???? CUTE?”
“Yeah. You ready? Lets play.”
“Why am I dating you? You don’t even know how romance works.”
“Yes I do. If I win, I fuck. You win, I go down on you. Is that not how it works?”
“.... connie shut up and let’s just play.”
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You felt like the world was coming to an end. What made Reiner change his mind? You guys just made love the other night again, he took you out to eat last night, why today? Oh no... was he spoiling you to prepare you for heartbreak? Reiner doesn’t seem like that though.... why is he so poetic yet such an ass? It’s around 9 pm when he stops by with your belongings. You try to give him his goodies but he tells you to keep it. He allows you to cry in his arms, to kiss him one last time. And the whole time this happens, this man gets a raging fucking hard on. You know he had a thing for pain and degradation, but this is real life. Is he really getting turned on by a break up? But... it gives you a chance to have one last sex before he never comes back. Because god that man has a monster dong.
“Reiner.. whats with the hard on?”
He blushes, moving a hand to cover his crotch area. Unfortunately, your hand grips his cock this his pants before he does. He buckled his knees and legs out a strangled moan, just for you.
“Y/n, d-don’t do this..”
“Oh? Who’s the one who got a hard on from breaking up with me? Huh?”
Before you can do anything else, he pushes you off him, your ass landing on the bed. You were expecting one thing, but not what he does.
“Stop! Listen, I got to go. I hope you live a happy life... I love you...”
He walks towards your apartment door, swings it open and steps out.
“Take care.”
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After Zeke had texted you that, of course you cried. You didn’t know how to take it... he’s in his thirties and you’re only in college. Hell, you have class with his younger brother. But have fun? Go to parties and fuck other men? Like if you’re a cuck, just say it. If he REALLY wants you to party and sleep with other people, they could’ve just stayed in a relationship but make it open. He could’ve added some people to the sequence... you’ve always wanted a threesome, especially with a girl so you don’t understand why he’d just leave you. But you don’t even like parties or clubs. You love him, you want to be settled down. You wanted him. If he found another woman... he would’ve said that right? Or is he manipulative like you heard his brother was? Everyone knows about Eren, he’s a whore. Does it run in the family? No... he only broke up with you today. Just wait a bit before assuming.
A month passes, you went to one (1) party at a club with your dorm roommate, Hitch, and you had a terrible time. You saw one man drop something in your drink (which you proceeded to toss on his face), two others tried sandwiching you on the dance floor (which he elbowed them both in the face), and some other guy literally touched your thigh while trying to speak to you at the bar. You had enough. You socked him in the face, and went towards the bathroom area. You see a familiar face with an unfamiliar woman.
He had a woman with long black hair on his lap. No... it’s hidden but you could see it in plain sight. He had his cock stuffed inside her, under her skirt. She had this twisted face of pleasure and he wasn’t moving, nothing. She was moving her hips on his lap, pleasing him. She looks around and makes eye contact with you. She recognizes you as Zeke’s ex, and rides him quicker.
You look away, angrily and upset, you throw the cup you were babysitting on the floor in front of you, shattering it. People around who heard it look, including Zeke. He turn your head to look him dead in the eye with your look of disgust, and turn around to leave.
That was the last time you saw him or came in contact with him.
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You sigh. You always were there for him on his shitty days. You feel bad leaving him stranded. So you ended up going over. You think it’s a bad idea and it probably is, but you’ll suffer the consequences if so. You drive to his apartment and walk in with the spare key you had. You don’t see him so you assume he’s in his room. You hear a faint sound, almost like a moan. You take a huge sigh. If he’s jerking off, you’re leaving. You walk in, opening his door and you see his back his facing you. He turns around and... he’s crying. Porco isn’t much of a crier so this really shocked you. You run to him, sitting next to him and hold his face.
“Pock, my baby...”
“Y/n, don’t leave me. Please... I know I’m a dickhead a lot and I know I’m a piece of shit. I hold so much anger in me and... I take it out in the wrong person. I’ll take anger management or something, I’ll go to a therapist. Just... please don’t leave me. You’re the reason I wake up, my sun and moon. The one I love, y/n please.. I want to build a future with you. I want to get married, have abratty little mommy’s boy with you and cute little daddy’s girl.... please.. Don’t leave me..”
Well shit. That was some convincing. After telling yourself 400 times to break up with him, he convinced you to stay this easily. After cuddling and holding him in your arms to nap, you woke up with your ass pressed against his dick. Yup, he’s hard. You can imagine what y’all did when he woke up.
You love Porco, and he was right. You wanted to build a future with him too. Maybe it’s time.
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thetravelerwrites · 3 years
Urgan (Orc)
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Rating: Mature Relationship: Male Human/Male Orc Additional Tags: Exophilia, Monster Boyfriend, Orc, Male Reader, MLM, Gay Reader, Football Captain, College, Friends to Lovers Content Warnings: Alcohol Poisoning, Children, Kids, Pregnancy, Unwanted Pregnacy, Mention of Abortion, College Drop-Out, Strong Language, Drug Use, Angst, Super Angst, ALL THE ANGST Words: 4385
A super duper angsty commission by the wonderful @severedreamerbeard​​! Urgan is the captain of his college football team and all around cool dude. He's an extremely reliable guy with his whole life ahead of him... until the woman he's been dating winds up pregnant, which turns his entire world upside down. The reader, Urgan's best friend, tries to help as much as he can while watching Urgan's life fall apart. Please reblog and leave feedback!
The Traveler's Masterlist  
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Urgan had been your best friend since preschool. You were human and he was an orc, but you were both jocks growing up, both in sports, both athletic. He’d been there with you through all the major events in your life. He was there when your parents divorced, when you came out as gay in middle school, and when the teammates who had once been friends started bullying you because of it. He was always there.
You hoped you had been as good a friend to him as he had been to you. You were there when his dad died, when his mom remarried someone he hated, and when his highschool sweetheart cheated on him. After all that, the two of you were closer than brothers.
College life was easier on both of you. You both had gotten a sports scholarship and found a friend group that was a lot of fun to hang out with. Parties were epic, classes were less so, but you were living the life and loving every second of it.
Then it changed. Not for everyone, not even for you. Or at least, it didn’t have to. You could have made different choices. It would have been far easier if you had, you were sure. But…
“How long have you been dating Kelly?” You asked him over a beer. The two of you were sitting out on the front porch of a house party currently in full swing.
“Who?” He snorted, half-asleep. He’d pulled an all-nighter the day before preparing for his psych exam.
“Kelly,” You said, pointing into the open door at the girl wearing a halter with a half-empty vodka bottle in her hand, some of which she’d spilled on her chest, grinding on another girl who was sucking the vodka off of her clavicle.
“I wouldn’t say we’re ‘dating’,” He replied, throwing back a large swig of his beer. “Fucking, yes. I’m not trying to date anyone right now. I don’t have the time.” He threw his beer bottle into a large trash barrel and stood up. “Where’s Derek? He owes me fifty bucks.”
“For what?” You asked, standing up and following him through the house. He slapped Kelly’s ass as he passed her on the way inside, and she laughed.
“I borrowed it to buy coke three weeks ago,” He said.
“Didn’t he almost OD?” You asked.
“Yeah, but that ain’t my fault, I want my money,” Urgan said, muscling his way through the crowd.
“Don’t be an asshole, bro,” You said, still following him.
“I’m not being an asshole! It’s not like he learned anything, I bet you five bucks he’s doing coke right now.”
“Yeah, I’m not taking that bet,” You laughed. “I don’t know of a time when he’s not on coke. I think he was high when we first met.”
“That’s my point. You know I’m cool about that stuff normally, but it’s affecting his performance on the field,” Urgan grumbled. “I’m team captain, and if he doesn’t straighten up, I have to kick him off the team, friend or not. We lost to E.U. because of him.”
You grimaced. E.U. had been your school’s rival for generations. The loss hurt and was a huge blow to Urgan. It didn’t help that it was televised nationally.
“If you kick him off the team, the other guys will be pissed,” You reasoned.
“I know that,” He said grumpily. “But managing the team internally is my job. If I don’t do something about it, coach will either demote me or kick me off with him for not handling it when I should have. I can’t afford to lose my scholarship over some douchebag’s coke habit.” He made his way into the garage at the opposite end of the house and smacked a seated Derek on the back of the head. “Hey, Derek! Money! Now!”
“Dude, back off!” Derek protested. “I’ll get it to you when I get it, damn!”
“Not good enough,” Urgan said, kicking the mirror that was in front of Derek. Powder went flying.
“Hey!” Derek said, standing up and taking a swing at Urgan. Urgan ducked and caught Derek’s arm, pinning it behind him. He was always quick.
“Quit the coke or quit the team,” Urgan said, snarling. “We’re not losing another game because you’re too high to play.”
“The fuck are you talking about, man?” Derek said, struggling. “Don’t blame that shit on me! It’s not my fault you can’t organize your team!”
“I’m serious, dude,” Urgan said, pushing Derek to the ground. “I’m not getting punished for you. Straighten up or fuck off.”
“Suck my dick, asshole,” Derek said. He jerked his chin at you. “Or get your boyfriend to do it.”
Words like that were water off your back at this point, but it always riled Urgan up. You could already see him tensing.
“Let it go, dude,” You said, pulling him back. “Derek, seriously, you’re bringing the whole team down. Lay off the drugs, at least until after the championship.”
“Get the fuck out of my house if you’re going to act all high and mighty,” Derek said, pushing past you. “And you can forget that fifty bucks. It’s all over the ground now.”
Urgan’s fists were balled up and he was breathing hard.
“He’s not going to stop,” Urgan said.
“Come on, dude,” You said, smacking him on the shoulder. “You’re not going to accomplish anything here. Take it to the field. Show him why you’re captain.”
“I guess,” He said. “I’m hungry, man, let’s grab something.”
“Sure,” You said. “Kelly’s coming over to your place after the party, though, right?”
“Yeah, but she won’t be any shape to do anything but sleep. She knows where the key is, she’ll be fine.”
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Finals were coming up, and most people were holed up in their rooms or dorms studying. Urgan was a decent student and never really worried about tests, though you hadn’t heard from him in a couple of days, which was odd. He could have been working a lot; he had a part-time job to pay for his own studio apartment. He said the dorms were too small for him.
“Urgan? No, I haven’t seen him in a week.” Joey said. Joey was a coworker from the bar where Urgan worked and also an ex-boyfriend of yours. You bumped into him at the university’s library while looking for Urgan. Urgan hadn’t answered his door when you went to check on him, so you figured he had to be here.
“Is he sick?” You asked, taking out your phone. You’d texted him awhile ago and you saw that he had seen it, but he hadn’t responded.
“I dunno,” Joey said. “All I know is that he asked the boss for some personal time. It could just be finals getting to him.”
You frowned. “Hmm… I’m going back to his apartment. He’s never been this quiet before. Something’s not right.”
“Tell him to come back to work. All the girls try to flirt with me when he’s not there. I need him to be my shield.”
You laughed and waved him off, heading out.
“Urgan!” You called, knocking insistently on his door. “Open the door! Are you alright?”
No answer. Frustrated, you got the spare key that was hidden in a slit of the doormat and unlocked the door. His apartment was dark and looked normal. Urgan was a fairly tidy guy, and nothing was really out of place.
“Urgan!” You called again, walking around the partition that obscured his bed. There he was, passed out on top of his blankets. There were empty bottles of liquor everywhere. Your heart stopped.
“Oh, fuck, please don’t be dead,” You said, crawling on the bed to slap him in the face. “Urgan, wake up!” His skin was cold, which scared the shit out of you, but after a minute feeling for a pulse on his neck you found a heartbeat, and you could see him breathing very slowly, so at least he was alive. But he wasn’t responding to your attempts to rouse him.
“Shit.” You took out your phone and called and called emergency services.
“911, what’s the nature of your emergency?”
“Hey, I need an ambulance, I think my friend has alcohol poisoning.” You said quickly, hoping it was intelligible, and gave them the address.
“Okay, sir, how long has this been going on?”
“I’m not sure, I just found him. I haven’t heard from him in days. He’s got a pulse, but he won’t wake up.”
“Is he cold to the touch?”
“Is he breathing?”
“Slowly, but yes.”
“Can you make sure his airway is clear?”
You put the phone down and opened his mouth. There didn’t seem to be anything in the way.
“It’s clear,” You said.
“Alright, sir, I’ve got an ambulance on the way. Do me a favor and turn him on his side and bend the leg that’s on the top. Keep his airway clear and keep an eye on his breathing.”
“Okay,” You said, doing as the operator said and trying to keep calm.
The ambulance arrived within minutes, and after several moments of the EMTs attempting to wake him and failing, they loaded him in the rig. You were able to ride with him to the hospital. They took you both to a room, and you stood back as they began hooking Urgan up to all sorts of tubes and wires. They put a tube in his mouth because his breathing was weak and slowing down. They put him on a heavy saline drip and debated whether or not to pump his stomach. Eventually, they left him to rest and you sat with him.
“What the fuck is happening with you, man?” You asked him quietly as he slept.
Eventually, you fell asleep, and when you woke up, they were taking the air tube out of his throat. Urgan was awake and groaning in discomfort as it was removed.
“Dude, what the hell?” You said, standing up.
His eyes were bloodshot and he looked extremely sick, but at least he was awake. He waited for the doctors and the nurses to leave so that it was just you and him before he answered you.
“Kelly’s pregnant,” He said hoarsely. “It’s mine. She’s sure of it.”
“Oh, shit,” You said, sitting back down in the chair next to him. “I thought you used protection.”
“I do,” He said in frustration. “The condom must have broken or something. She told me she was on the pill. I don’t know what happened. I’m so fucking screwed.”
“You may not be,” You said, trying to comfort him, but you knew he was right. Being team captain meant that you put the team before everything. If you had another priority, you couldn’t be team captain. Not to mention the scandal of having a kid during the height of his college career would destroy his reputation and make him seem irresponsible. A baby right now was going to ruin him.
“Don’t bullshit me. I can’t show my face at school. Coach is going to kick my ass as soon as he finds out. My life is over.”
“Don’t talk like that, man,” You said. “What’s Kelly saying about all this? Has she told anyone?”
“No, not yet,” He said, covering his eyes. “Well, she hadn’t when I started drinking, but I don’t know if she has now.”
“She wants to keep it?”
“I don’t know. I didn’t get farther than ‘I’m having a baby and it’s yours’. And then I just started drinking and didn’t stop.”
“How far along is she?”
“Three months, she said.”
“How does she know it’s yours?”
“I was the only person she was sleeping with at the time. We were thinking about dating seriously, but it didn’t work out that way.”
“Do you believe that?”
“I don’t know. We’ll find out, I guess.”
You frowned deeply. “She’s… been partying pretty hard in the last three months.”
Urgan rubbed his face. “I know. I’m scared shitless the kid is going to be born fucked up.”
“Do you… think you can talk her into giving it up? For adoption, I mean? She doesn’t seem like mom material.”
“I don’t know,” He said. “I don’t know what she’ll do.”
“What about…” You hesitated to mention it. “What about an abortion?”
“That’s her decision,” He said vaguely. “It’s her body.”
“Do you want me to talk to her?”
“No, don’t,” He said. “I’ll do it when I’ve got my head on right.”
“Dude, look where you are right now,” You said, gesturing vaguely. “Let me at least call her.”
He sighed. “Fine.”
You took Urgan’s phone, which was in his back pocket when he was brought in, and called Kelly. She was surprised to hear about Urgan’s condition and said she’d come up to the hospital.
She arrived an hour later and you gave them some privacy to talk. It was a while, so you went to grab a soda. When you came back, Kelly was leaving with tears on her face. You went in and saw Urgan sitting up in bed. His eyes were red from crying.
“Hey man, are you okay?”
“No,” He said, wiping his face and sniffing. “She’s going to keep it. I’m leaving school.”
“What?” You said, coming around. “What are you talking about?”
“I’m gonna finish out the semester but I’m leaving before the baby is born. I have to find a better job. I’m hoping I can come back when the baby is a bit older, like when they start school or something, and finish my degree.”
“But you only have a year left! Are you sure this is what you want to do?”
“No!” He shouted. “I don’t want to leave school! I’ve been dreaming of this scholarship since I was a kid! It was my dad’s dream! But I’m not going to be a deadbeat! I have to find a decent job before the baby is born. I don’t have a choice.”
You were stunned to silence and just listen to him breathe through his tears.
“Are you and Kelly staying together?”
“Fuck no,” He said vehemently. “We both know that would be stupid. She’s going to stay in school as long as she can. She’s supposed to be due in winter sometime, so I should have enough saved up by then to give her for the baby, to make sure they’re comfortable.” He scowled. “I’m sure Derek is going to be thrilled. I can just see the look on his face now.”
“Don’t worry about that jackass,” You said. “Dude, I… Is there anything I can do to help out?”
He shook his head. “Kelly and I are going to keep this quiet until the end of the semester so that we don’t have to deal with anyone bullshit. After that, we’ll start telling people.”
“You’re not going to tell your mom?”
“Not yet. I can’t face her yet. She’s going to be so disappointed in me.” His tears began to fall again, and all you could do was put a hand on his shoulder and be there for him.
“I won’t say anything to anyone,” You told him. “I’m still your best friend, no matter what. If you need anything, you know I got you.”
“Thanks, man,” He said, his voice breaking.
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Urgan finished out school as he planned, barely scraping a passing grade, and then notified everyone that he wouldn’t be returning. As expected, his coach was furious, his mom was disappointed, and the team was dumbfounded. Derek was the only person who seemed to be enjoying the situation.
During summer, he asked for an amniocentesis, both to prove whether or not Urgan was the father, and also to check for any genetic conditions, since Kelly’s family had a history of genetic diseases. Urgan was hoping that she was lying about only sleeping with him around the time she conceived and that he would wind up not the father so he could go back to school, but the test was conclusive. The baby was his.
Urgan found work pretty quickly at a seafood processing plant near town. It was grueling work and it didn’t pay much, but it was a full-time job and had healthcare benefits, which was the best he could hope for in these circumstances. He began saving immediately to buy clothes and diapers for his kid, which he recently found out was a little girl, and was in frequent contact with Kelly. He didn’t attend any of the doctor’s visits at Kelly’s request. Not that he wanted to be there in the first place.
You continued with college and partied like a normal college guy, stayed on the football team, and was promoted to captain. Urgan seemed happy for you and gave you pointers on leadership. If he resented you for it, he gave no sign.
Many of Urgan’s old friends, mostly team members, dropped him immediately. They no longer invited him to parties or events, and when you mentioned inviting him, they shot you down. As far as you knew, the only one who still stood by him was you, and you couldn’t be there as much as you wanted to as you now had responsibilities with the team.
Even still, if he called, you dropped what you were doing and went over. You promised you’d be there, and you were going to keep that promise. He was your best friend and you were going to stand with him. No matter what.
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Urgan’s daughter, Roga, was born in November. She was small, even for a half-orc. You were there in the waiting room for the birth with the grandparents. It might have been your presence that stopped them from being at each other’s throats; the animosity in the air was palpable. Kelly’s dad was there, looking not-best-pleased at Urgan’s mom, despite her being nearly twice his size, but no harsh words were said.
Urgan came out in the full paper surgical outfit, holding the baby. He even seemed happy.
“Here she is,” He said, holding her out for the grandparents to see.
“Oh, isn’t she precious,” Urgan’s mom, Reana, said. “She’s got your eyes, Urg.”
“Yeah,” He said, smiling. “She looks a bit like dad, don’t you think?”
“She does!” Reana said brightly. “That nose definitely looks like his.”
The grandparents took turns holding the baby, and then went in to see the mother.
“Hey,” Urgan said to you, the only one left in the room. “Do you want to hold her?”
You chuckled nervously. “I dunno, man, I’ve never held a baby.”
“Neither have I, before today,” He said. “You don’t have to. I just wanted to offer since everyone else got to.”
“Yeah, but they’re family.”
“You’re family, too,” He said, looking at you like you were being an idiot.
You smiled a little and held out your arms, and Urgan carefully lay the baby into them. She was small and squishy and her face was all wrinkly. Babies all looked like potatoes to you. But she reached out and yawned and grabbed at your hand, and you couldn’t help but smile.
“She’s cute,” You said, letting her grip your finger.
“Yeah,” He said, grinning.
“How’s Kelly?”
“She hates my guts, but she’s okay.” Urgan reached out to take the baby, and you handed her over. “I should take Roga back. The lactation specialist wants to work with her.”
“I didn’t know there was a such thing as a lactation specialist,” You said with a laugh.
“Oh, yeah,” Urgan said. “The last nine months have been extremely informative.”
You snorted. “I bet.”
He took the baby back to Kelly and you sat in the waiting room, feeling a little awkward. Why were you here? You weren’t really family. You knew you were supporting Urgan, but… he didn’t really need you there right now. He seemed fine. Happy even, considering the circumstances. Maybe… maybe you should go. You really didn’t belong here.
You texted Urgan to let him know something had come up and to call you if you needed him, and he told you that it was okay, and to be careful going home. As you left, you sighed in relief. But you also felt a little guilty.
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Six months later was graduation. You finished top of your class and made valedictorian. You knew that if Urgan had still been in school, he’d have gotten that honor, but…
Urgan didn’t come to graduation, and you understood why. Kelly crossed the stage and accepted her diploma, and you couldn’t help feel a little resentful at her, despite the fact that it wasn’t her fault that Urgan wasn’t there, either. They really had done everything they were supposed to do--used protection, used birth control, was careful--but things just happen sometimes. Even still, it felt like Urgan was the one who had sacrificed the most and had gotten nothing in return.
You managed to get a job at an accounting firm almost immediately after graduation. It was a boring job but the money was good. You were hoping it would be a stepping stone to a better career later.
Since getting the job, you hadn’t really seen or spoken to Urgan much. You were still his best friend, but… you had your own life to live. You felt guilty about it, but your world couldn’t stop just because his had.
Urgan was still working at the fish processing plant, working long hours to support Roga. Urgan was basically paying Kelly’s rent and bills plus everything Roga needed for both homes, since he took her on the weekends from Friday night to Monday morning, when he dropped her off on the way to work.
However, a month after graduation, Urgan called you in a panic.
“Kelly’s gone,” He said. “She’s left. I got a text from her saying she’s gone to Canada.”
“What?” You asked in disbelief. “Did she take Roga?”
“No, I’ve got her here.” He said, his voice shaking. “When she texted me, I was scared she had run off with the baby, but she left Roga with her stepdad. I just picked her up and I’m bringing her back home with me.”
You felt terrible for hoping Kelly had taken Roga with her to Canada. Even though you knew it wasn’t Roga’s fault, all you wanted was for Urgan’s life to go back to normal. You just wanted him to have the things he should have had if Roga hadn’t been born. And you hated yourself for thinking that.
“Are you okay?”
“I don’t know,” He said. He sounded extremely distressed. “Can you meet me at my apartment, please? I need someone to talk to. You’re all I have left.”
“Yeah, of course, I’ll be right there,” You said, picking up your keys.
“Thank you,” He said, and then hung up. He was audibly crying.
You made it to Urgan’s apartment before he did, and you saw him step out of the elevator carrying a ton of baby stuff in one arm and hauling Roga in her carseat in the other.
“Can you take her, please?” Urgan said. He looked pale and in shock.
“Yeah, of course,” You said, taking her carrier and looking inside. She was sleeping with a stuffed griffon clutched in her baby hands. “Is she okay?”
“I think so,” He said, unlocking his door. His apartment was strewn with kid stuff. It was so much different than the last time you’d seen it.
“I’m sorry about the mess,” He said, dropping the load he was carrying in the middle of the floor.
“Dude, I don’t care about the mess, are you okay?” You asked.
“I…” He ran his fingers through his hair. He was visibly shaking. “I don’t know if I can do this alone. I had accepted being a dad, but I don’t know if I can be… the only parent. I… I don’t know any babysitters for when I’m working. I don’t… is she off breastmilk? When was her last check up? When is she supposed to see the doctor again? Kelly didn’t tell me those things because I.. I figured she had it handled. I was making sure they had everything they needed. I didn’t think I’d…”
“Okay, calm down,” You said. “Roga is fine. You can find all of that stuff out. I’ll help, I’ll help however I can, okay?”
“Okay,” He said, sitting on his couch heavily. “Okay.” He reached down into her carseat and unstrapped her, putting her against his shoulder, clutching her as if she was a warm stone and he was freezing. He was certainly shaking like he was.
This was the first time you’d seen Roga since she was born. Now that she’d had a chance to grow, she did look a lot like Urgan. It made you feel worse for resenting her.
“Look, can you watch her for a few minutes?” He asked suddenly. “I’m almost out of formula and I didn’t expect to have her right now. I was going to go Thursday to stock up. I don’t want to run out.”
“I…” You hesitated.
“Please,” He begged quietly. “Please. Ten minutes. I promise.”
You sighed. “Okay.”
He transferred Roga from his shoulder to yours. Uncertainly, you gripped her firmly.
“I’ll be right back, I promise,” Urgan said, and he was out the door.
There was a rocking bassinet near Urgan’s bed behind the divider, and you settled Roga in it, staring down at her peacefully sleeping form.
“I wish I didn’t hate you,” You told her, tears welling up in your eyes and falling down your cheeks. “But you took everything from him. I know it’s not your fault, but it doesn’t change anything. He’ll never be the man he should have been because of you.”
Roga sighed in her sleep and snugged into her bed without waking. You did nothing but sit on Urgan’s bed and stare at her the entire time Urgan was gone, allowing yourself to hate her and Kelly and the team at school and everyone who turned their back on Urgan when he needed them the most. When Urgan returned, your tears had dried, and you left.
Roga was still sleeping.
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My Masterlist
The Exophilia Creator’s Masterlist
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p-artsypants · 3 years
Stuck under a collapsed building together, Chat Noir and Marinette have a heart to heart.
Ao3 | FF.net
I originally wrote this as a secret santa gift, but it strayed too far from what the giftee wanted, so I did something else. I decided to finish this anyway, and I hope you like it!
This akuma attack was not going great. He called himself ‘Bomb Voyage’ (“Like in the Incredibles?” “Yes, Chat. I do believe Hawkmoth ripped that name.”) And he was blowing things up right and left. 
When the Lucky Charm bullhorn fell into her hands, she had some sort of plan in the works, but it all fell short at Chat’s shout. 
“My Lady! Look out!” 
The building right in front of her, mere feet away, exploded suddenly, the only clue being Bomb Voyage’s finger point. 
There was no time to run. No time for Chat to scoop her up. Only impending destruction and carnage. 
So Chat leapt, his arms wrapping around her head, and tackled her to the ground as the rubble rained down. 
It felt like ages of pain before things settled. They both coughed out lungfuls of plaster dust that still hung in the air. It was mostly dark, with a scant bit of light from above. 
Chat was squished, but he pushed up on his arms and felt Ladybug move slightly. 
“My Lady?” He asked. “Are you alright?”
“My leg hurts. I may have sprained my ankle. How are you?” 
“I took a brunt force to the back when the building collapsed. It hurts, but...I can’t really feel my legs.” 
“Though, that could just be bad circulation. I’m in an awkward position.” 
Ladybug’s earrings chirped. 
“Crap,” she muttered. “I used my lucky charm. Do you think you can cataclysm your way out of here?” 
He twisted his neck in an effort to look around, though the dust of the rubble was still thick. He looked towards the light source above them, able to see where it was coming from, but it looked several feet away. “Negative, my lady. I think we might need some outside help for this one.” 
She bit her lip nervously. “I don’t hear anymore explosions.” 
“That’s good. Right? Maybe Hawkmoth thinks we got crushed and stopped his akuma.” 
“Yeah, that’s great…unless he’s got someone waiting to take our Miraculous’ off our corpses when we’re dug out of here.” 
“Ever the optimist, hmm?” 
“It’s my talent,” she smirked. Her earrings beeped again and she turned her ear toward Chat. “How much time do I have left?”
“Looks like two minutes.” 
“I can close my eyes.” He offered. They were basically nose to nose, and her hands where trapped below his arms, so she couldn’t reach up at all. 
“I…I don’t know…”
He raised his eyebrows. “You don’t know?”
“We need to find a way out of here,” she switched topics. “Or find a way to contact emergency services to get us out.” 
“My baton is still on my back, if you can reach it.” 
Ladybug groped around blindly, feeling for the staff. 
“That’s my butt.” 
“Oh, sorry.” She blushed, and then moved her hand up. Once she found it, she held it out to her side as she could see the screen. “I’m about to detransform, but I have a cookie for Tikki in my purse. As long as it’s still there, she should be able to recharge before they bust us out of here.” 
“I didn’t even think about that,” Chat winced. 
Ladybug dialed the number. 
“112, what’s your emergency?” 
“Hello, this is Ladybug and Chat Noir. We’re in a bit of a pickle.” 
“How can we help, Ladybug?” 
“A building collapsed on us, and we’re pinned and can’t get out. We’re on Rue de Lappe, not far from Bastille.” 
“I’ve got your location on my map. I’m sending the fire department your way.” 
“Is there any sign of the Akuma?” 
“We’ve gotten similar calls about being trapped, but they stopped coming in a few minutes ago.” 
“Thank you. I’m going to extend Chat’s Baton out through the rubble so they can find us.” 
“Alright, I will pass that information along. Good luck, Ladybug!” 
“Thank you!” Carefully, Ladybug aimed the Baton towards the little hole to the surface, and extended the staff, the top breaking through the topside. 
“And now...we wait.” Her earrings beeped again. 
“So...you don’t want me to close my eyes?” Chat asked for clarification.
“I’ve been thinking...if I’m the guardian, and something happens to Plagg, like he gets sick or something, you need to be able to find me out of the suit, you know? It’s just you and me...” 
“Does that mean you want to know my identity?” 
She grimaced. “I should but—“ 
In a flash of pink, Marinette remained, looking sheepishly at him. “...I need a little time to come to terms with this.” 
His eyes were impossibly wide, staring at her, drinking her in in the scant light. “Marinette? Marinette Dupain-Cheng?” 
“Howdy?” She squeaked. 
He squeezed his eyes shut.
“Chat?” She asked, fearfully. 
“Sorry,” he whispered. He opened his eyes again, and his lip wobbled. “I just—I’m trying really hard not to cry.” Despite this, a tear fell from his eye and landed on her cheek. 
She tried not to cry herself. “Are you that upset?” She whispered. 
“Upset?! No! How could I ever—Marinette, I’m thrilled beyond belief! If it was anyone else—“ he clenched his eyes shut again, as more tears started to fall. “I admire you, and trust you, and respect you more than anyone else.”
He smiled tenderly. “You know, I had hunches. I was almost completely certain until Kwamibuster, too!” 
That made her wince again. “Oh Chat, you know I didn’t mean to lie to you...” 
“I know, I know, at the time, it was too risky.” He continued to smile, his tears subsiding. “I know this isn’t ideal, but I’m glad I get to see you now.” 
“Kinda makes Evillustrator funny, huh?” 
He laughed. “You’re right! I forgot about that! Hey! You called yourself cute!” 
“I am cute!” She pouted. 
“You are cute,” he agreed, taking her in. “I’ve stared at your face a lot, but you look so so different without the mask.” 
“It’s the glamour,” she elaborated. “That extra bit of magic that makes it hard to connect the dots.”
“I know how it works,” he smirked. 
“Right...sorry, this is just...weird.” 
“Good weird?” 
“I feel naked.” 
“You just say the word, and I’ll get naked with you.” 
She threw him an unamused look. “Don’t be gross.” 
“Sorry, I can’t help cracking jokes around you. Although, I’m sure you were wishing I was secret mystery boy right now instead, right?” He waggled his eyebrows in an attempt to hide his heartache. “So who is it? It’s Luka, right?” 
It was like she had her mask on again, cheeks red as a tomato. “No...it’s not Luka.” 
“Oh...aren’t you guys dating?” 
“Not anymore. We did, for like a week. If you could even call it dating. He just came over to my house during my downtime, and played his guitar while I worked on commissions and stuff. It was nice and all...but I prefer the piano.” She looked away. 
“Piano, hmm?” He smirked. “You know, I’m an excellent piano player...and the real mystery guy is too?” 
“You can’t laugh.” 
“I would never.” 
“I doubt that,” she said flatly. 
“I promise, I know you don’t like people shallowly. So whoever it is, I know it’s genuine.” He smiled softly, encouragingly. 
Marinette screwed up her lips and admitted, begrudgingly. “Fine. It’s Adrien. Adrien Agreste.” 
The sound that Chat let out was not a laugh. But it wasn’t a great sign. It was like a wheeze, but a gurgle. 
“What’s wrong?” 
“I just...” he blinked several times, trying to convince himself this wasn’t a dream. Ladybug was Marinette! And she had a crush on him! “I...am surprised, is all. I didn’t know you were...close?” 
“I sit behind him in class. He’s one of my best friends. Our best friends are dating, so sometimes we end up being third wheels together?” 
“Oh. And this is the same guy as before?” 
“It’s always been Adrien.” 
Chat hoped she couldn’t hear the pounding in his chest. “Oh...even when Glaciator hit? When I found you sad on your balcony?” 
“Yep. He was supposed to meet us for ice cream, and he didn’t show...I kind of told Andre that love was bogus, and that’s why he got akumatized.” 
Chat laughed at that. “Aww, it’s okay, Marinette. I’m sure he had a good reason for not showing up...” 
“I’m used to it,” she said dully. “His father is a huge pain in the ass. I used to respect him, but now...he’s a jerk. He constantly holds Adrien’s freedom ransom to make him do stuff. It kills me! You know when I was in New York?” 
“I had to beg his father to let him go. It was a class trip, and he was the only one not allowed to go! Just because his father is so concerned with his safety.” 
“Can you blame the man? We’re currently trapped under a pile of rumble.” 
“But as soon as I’m out, I’ll lucky charm and cure everything! Poof! Sprained ankle gone! Whatever’s wrong with you, gone!” 
“What do you think your parents would do if they found out you were Ladybug?” 
Marinette thought for a moment, and answered honestly. “Probably be sort of angry, and worried. But I think they would understand. They respect us a lot, even after my dad got akumatized.” 
“Don’t remind me.” He groaned.
“What about your parents?” She asked. 
“My mom would have been excited. I think. Worried too, but excited for me. But my father...well, he’d rip off my miraculous and make sure I never saw the light of day again.” 
“That bad, hm?” 
“I’m not exaggerating. I’m in the same boat as Adrien, extremely sheltered.” 
“I’m sorry,” she smiled softly. “I didn’t know.” 
“I didn’t really want you to know. Chat Noir is supposed to be my safe place, my wild and crazy side. I’m afraid if I start talking about home, I’ll admit things that civilian me doesn’t want to.” He exhaled, his chest bumping with hers. “God, it is just so easy to talk to you. Now more than ever.” 
“Really? You know me that well?”
“I know enough. And maybe it’s just because I’ve got you pinned and you can’t go anywhere.” 
She laughed at that. “Well, we’ll probably be here for a while. And...I still want you to hide your identity for a while, but if you want to talk about your life a little more, that’s fine.”
“You sure?” 
“Yes. It really is time for us to know who each other are, I’m just...not ready.” She huffed, and his bangs fluttered. “This was unavoidable, but let’s plan for your reveal, so I can be emotionally prepared.” 
“You won’t be. You will cry.”
“You say that with an awful lot of certainty.” 
“Trust me, when you behold me in all of my unmasked glory, you’ll cry.” 
“Alright. Can’t wait to prove you wrong.” 
He smirked. 
“Chat? Are you shivering?”
“Uh…yeah, kinda.” 
“Are you cold?”
“Not…not exactly. I’m holding up a lot of rumble so it doesn’t crush you…and I’m pretty claustrophobic.”
“Why didn’t you say anything earlier!?”
He laughed, but it lacked any mirth and was filled with quiet panic. “Uh, just…you know…trying to stay calm.”
“What can I do to help?”
He exhaled shakily. “I don’t know, but talking about it isn’t helping.” 
“Okay, well, why don’t you keep eye contact with me, and…let’s just talk.”
“About what?”
“I know you’ve got a whole list of questions you’ve been dying to ask me. Now’s your chance.”
“Damn it!” He nearly shouted. “I had a whole notebook full of questions I wanted to ask you, but it’s at my house!”
“Well, you know where I live, so you can ask me some other time if you want.”
“Deal!” He screwed up his lips. “But first, since you mentioned it, Weredad.” 
“Oh god…”
“Why did you say you were in love with me?” 
She winced. “To be quite honest, I thought you were going to find out who I was…and the poor excuse just flew out of me before I could think through the consequences. I didn’t think my dad would overhear anything, and I didn’t think you’d show up for brunch.” 
“You didn’t think I’d show up? Me? The biggest gentleman in Paris?”
“Okay fine, I hoped you wouldn’t show up.” She rolled her eyes. 
“Now that I’m thinking about it, there’s a lot of shenanigans that could have been prevented if—hold the phone, how did you do Multimouse?!” 
“Fox miraculous,” she shrugged. 
“The Fox! Of course!” 
She laughed, his reaction calming her nerves. “I understand what you mean now, it’s easy to talk to you. It’s always easy, but I didn’t notice until you said it.” 
He wouldn’t meet her eyes. “You don’t always feel that way.”
“I mean, I get frustrated with your jokes when I’m trying to be serious, but that doesn’t mean—“ 
“That’s not what I meant.” 
He swallowed thickly. “Civilian me…you…you have a hard time…” He trailed off, not looking at her face. 
“Did you ever tell Adrien? That you…you know?”
She tilted her head at the sudden topic change. “Uh…no. I tried, but it was never meant to be. Every time I did, something would go catastrophically wrong.” 
“Like what?” 
“Like...I gave him this scarf, right? For his birthday. And I forgot to sign it initially, so I snuck into his house and left a sticky note on it. Somehow, it still managed to go wrong, and he thought it was from his dad.” 
Chat stared at her, wide eyed. “And you never told him?” 
“No, he was happy believing that it was from his dad. His happiness is all I want.” 
It was hard to describe the look on Chat’s face. Almost pained, but still full of love. Like seeing something so precious it brings you to tears. “You did that for him? You really love him that much?”
She looked away, “Unfortunately.” 
“Why unfortunately? Is he a jerk?”
“No, not at all. I just…I know he doesn’t love me back. ‘Oh Marinette, you’re such a great friend.’ ‘I’m so glad I have a friend like you.’ ‘Please stay my friend forever!’” She shook her head. “That boy has me firmly friend-zoned.” 
He winced, “I’m sure he didn’t mean it like that. He probably really really likes you, and just wants you to know how much he appreciates your friendship.” 
“And that’s another reason I can’t confess. He doesn’t have a lot of friends, and I don’t want to ruin our friendship.” She groaned. “I sound so pathetic! It’s so stupid.” She shook her head. “I wish I had your bravery.” 
“My bravery isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. It’s gotten me hurt pretty badly, after all.” 
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologize,” he smiled at her softly. “You feel how you feel, and I just hurt myself.” He gnawed at his lip. “Actually…can I ask a really dumb question?”
“I don’t see why not.” 
“You don’t have to answer it…actually, no. I shouldn’t ask at all. Nevermind.”
“Well now you have to ask,” she chuckled. “I’m curious.” 
He rolled his eyes. “Okay, but don’t hate me.” 
She nodded him on.
“Why…why did you go out with Luka if you knew I loved you? Do you also like Luka? Or…are you just that…repulsed by me?”
Marinette’s mouth fell open in quiet shock, and she inhaled some dust. She turned so she wouldn’t cough in his face at least. 
“Sorry,” he tried to sooth. “I told you it was stupid. You can date whoever you want…” 
She cleared her throat, and then wheezed out. “You just wanted it to be you.”
“Chat,” she leaned up to tap her nose against his. “To say I have absolutely no feelings for you would be a lie.” 
He looked hopeful. “Really?”
“They’re still developing. But I noticed thoughts I have about you sometimes. Missing you, thinking you’re cute…but Luka was the safer option at the time. I was trying desperately to get over Adrien. Luka and I weren’t really friends first, so if it didn’t work out, it wasn’t a big loss. But with you…” She looked into his eyes, an insurmountable amount of pain and unsaid words just beyond his reach. “I could lose everything.” 
“You won’t lose me, My Lady.” He said softly. 
“Oh kitty,” she moaned. “I…I never want to lie to you…but there’s something that I haven’t told you. Something I should have a long time ago. I just…don’t like thinking about it.” 
“What is it?”
“Chat Blanc.” 
At her hesitation, he prodded her on. “What’s a Chat Blanc?”
Her whole face tightened, lips curling into a thin line, eyes squinted hard, and brow furrowed. “It’s…he’s your akumatized self.” 
“What?” He breathed. “But I’ve never been akumatized.”
“No, not anymore. You see…Bunnyx helped with it. Somehow, the event of me signing a gift to Adrien triggered a series of events that got you akumatized. I don’t know what the correlation was, but…you knew my name, and you said our love destroyed the world.” 
“The world?”
“I hate thinking about it,” she winced again. “The whole of Paris flooded, the Eiffel tower knocked on it’s side, the moon exploded. Everyone, including me and Hawkmoth, turned to dust. You cried when you saw me. You asked me to save you, but you also wanted my earrings, wanting to fix everything yourself. So we fought.” 
“I assume you won, if you’re here.” 
“Yeah...the Akuma was in your bell. Your all white bell, on your white suit, with your white hair and blue eyes...” she shuttered. “I still see you like that in my nightmares.” 
“Why didn’t you tell me earlier?” 
“I didn’t want to mention it. I didn’t want to worry you, and I didn’t want to remember. I knew I should have told you sooner, though. I’m sorry.” 
“...I understand.” He swallowed and exhaled in a whoosh, all the debris above them shifting. He moaned, ending with a hiss. 
“Sorry, I moved and realized that I’m a little more hurt than I thought.” 
“What’s ‘a little more hurt’?” 
“Uh…I think I’m…I’ve been impaled?”
“It’s not that bad, the suit took most of the pain. I just…am having a little hard time breathing, and I thought it was from my claustrophobia, but I think something is lodged in me.” 
Very carefully, Marinette reached up and felt along his back. A lot of debris was laying flush to his suit, but as she moved her hand around, she noticed he felt wet and sticky. 
“Yeah, I think you’re bleeding, kitty.” She said so sadly. She touched where the wound was and he cried out in pain. It was his lower back, by his spine. 
“I’m sorry!” She pulled her hand away. 
“S’kay,” he hissed out. “God damn, that hurt.” 
“I promise, as soon as we get out of here, I’ll magic you right as rain. Just...just hold on, kitty.” 
He opened an eye to look at her, still fond through his pain. “Are you panicking?” 
“Yes! I was worried when the building collapsed, but now I’m on the verge of pure panic!” 
“I must admit, this is not how I expected today to go.” He breathed slowly, the pain subsiding when he held still. “Actually, I didn’t imagine this happening when I found out who you are. You being Marinette is like…the cherry on top of a diarrhea sundae.” 
“Do you like cherries?” 
“I love cherries.” He whispered. “I got grounded today.” 
“I was having lunch with my father, a rare treat. My friend texted me and I answered without thinking. My father became upset that I would do something so ‘rude’. He said if my friends were more important than him, then he shouldn’t bother eating with me. Then he took my phone.” 
“That’s the kind of assholery that I’ve come to expect from Adrien’s dad. You’re in that boat too?” 
“Unfortunately, yes. Come to think of it…he’s probably the reason I got akumatized in that other timeline.” 
“You think so?” 
“It’s a hunch. I don’t often get upset about things, but when I do, it’s usually because of him.” He sighed, ending with a wince. “That’s something I haven’t admitted to myself until now.” 
“I didn’t mean to bring that up...” 
“It’s okay. I’m glad you did. I want to be able to support you where you need it.” She could see that he was spiraling into depression, and quickly sought to remedy that. “What was your daydream like? When you would find out who I was?” 
A twitch of a smile took his face. “I knew I would spend a long time staring at you, memorizing what you look like without the mask.” He took a shaky breath. “And I thought, when we decided to share our identities, it would be because you finally fell for me. So there was a kiss. And a lot of roses. It was sappy...but it made me happy to think about it.” 
“Can I ask...what it is that you love so much about me? In case you don’t know, there’s a lot of differences between Marinette and Ladybug.” 
“I know,” he smiled. “But there’s plenty of similarities. Your strength, for example.” 
She laughed. “Chat, Ladybug can throw you across the city. But Marinette couldn’t even lift you.” 
“I bet you could! We should test it later! But I meant your strength of heart.”
“You sound like an anime character.” 
“Well, it’s important to me.” He blushed. “You aren’t wishy-washy. You don’t cater to the voices around you. You do what’s right. You want justice. Even when akumas and civilians tell us to go or step down, you get up and fight.”
“I do that?”
“Yes. The day you stood up to Hawkmoth, and you promised Paris that you would fight for them until the end? That moment, I said, ‘no matter who that girl is, I love her.’ And even now, it hasn’t stopped. I may even love you more.” 
“Chat…” She sniffed. “I…I care about you so much. And I know that if Adrien wasn’t in view, I’d fall for you hard and fast. But I can’t.” 
“I know, Marinette. Just knowing…that maybe someday…”
“All the more reason to get rid of Hawkmoth, right?” 
He nodded, a tear slipping from his eye and landing on her cheek. “Today sucks.” 
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s really not your fault. And I’d much prefer that you were here, under me, than being alone. I’m handling my claustrophobia a lot better because of it.”
“I’d much rather be under you too.” 
He gave her a smile, and then snorted with a little blush. “Oh my lady…”
“I thought we were being mature.”
“Me? Mature? Come on.”
“Yeah, I should have known better.” 
“You’re beautiful too,” he added. “I’ve always thought so. As Ladybug and Marinette. I saw you with your hair down once, and it’s haunted me ever since.” 
“You saw me with my hair down?” She questioned, trying to ignore the hot blush on her cheeks. 
“Yeah, it looked really nice on you. I know it’s not practical for crime fighting, but…” 
“Maybe for a patrol,” she offered. “When things are calm.”
A smile graced his face as he sighed deeply. 
The pile above them shifted, and Chat let out a cry of pain. 
“This sucks!” He moaned, leaning his forehead down to her face. “Sorry, whatever is in me moved, and I really felt it.”
“Please don’t apologize, Chat. If anything, I should apologize, you took the hit for me!” 
“My Lady…you didn’t do anything wrong. If I can help it, I will never let you get hurt.” 
She closed her eyes, trying not to cry. “It breaks my heart that you would do that. I don’t want you to be a meat shield, I want you to be my partner.” 
“You said it yourself. Once we’re out of here, you’ll do Miraculous Cure and set me right. So I’ll take the hits if I have to.” He sucked in a harsh breath. “Even if it hurts like a bitch.” 
With her hands trapped at her sides, she couldn’t reach up and wipe his tears away. So she opted for the next best thing. She leaned up and pressed a kiss to his cheek. “Thank you for protecting me. I know you’re going to say it’s your job, but I really do appreciate how much you look out for me.”
“I love you, Marinette. Of course I’m going to protect you.” 
She shook her head slightly. “How can you just say that so casually?” 
“Why bother hiding it? You know already. I’m not going to bottle it up.” 
“I just…wish I could do that. With Adrien. I wish I could walk right up to him and say, ‘I love you, you magnificent human being’ and crush my lips to his perfect face.” 
Chat hid his blushing face in her shoulder. “You should. I bet you’d make his day.” 
“Yeah, or he’d freak out, and sue me for sexual harassment, and then I’ll be the laughing stock of the school, no, all of Paris! The whole world, maybe!”
“Do you often catastrophize?” He chuckled. “I’ve heard you do it before.” 
“Usually only with Adrien. I just…don’t want to mess things up.” 
“I don’t think you will. I know Adrien. He’s a nice boy. He won’t turn you down.” 
“You can’t possibly know that.” 
“Call me a psychic.” 
She scoffed. “Whatever.” Then she shook her head. “Whether or not you’re confident he won’t reject me…I don’t think I’ll ever tell him. I’ve tried to get over him, but I just look at him and melt all over again. I’m sorry Chat.”
He was quiet, his face resting next to her head, cheek against her ear. After a moment of contemplation, he asked, “hey, you like pink, right?”
“Oh? Uh, yeah.”
“I’ll do it tomorrow. A dozen pink roses, maybe some red and white in there too for flavor.” 
“You’re doing what tomorrow?”
“I’m going to reveal my identity tomorrow.”
“After all that? What about Adrien?”
“Don’t worry about him right now. I’ve been thinking. If you and I know who each other are, in a crisis, we’d be able to communicate better.” 
“What do you mean? What kind of crisis?”
“I’m just trying to imagine what happened with my akuma. If there was a problem with my father or miscommunication, we could better solve it without identities in the way.” 
“Okay, yes…” she considered. “But please don’t get your hopes up, okay? I would love to spend time with you out of the suit, but I won’t fall for you instantly.” 
“I suppose you’re right. After all, how can I compare to the amazingly handsome Adrien Agreste? Well, he won’t be a problem for much longer.” 
She frowned. “You say that like you’re going to kill him.”
He laughed. “No no, Bugaboo,” he said fondly. “Look, everything will make sense tomorrow, I promise…as long as I don’t bleed out down here first.” 
“You’re acting really jovial for someone with a mortal flesh wound.” 
“Tis a scratch.” He breathed a shuddering breath. “Or so I hope.” 
“Ladybug! Chat Noir!” A male voice called from up above. 
“Ugh, finally,” Marinette muttered to herself. “We’re down here!” She called. 
“We’ll get you out as soon as we can! Any injuries?” 
“Chat has a…bit of a scrape.” 
“An ambulance is on the way!” 
Marinette didn’t want to tell him it didn’t matter. Once she did the cure, he’d be right as rain. 
“Marinette,” Tikki piped up. “I’m all set, whenever you are.” 
“Alright. Tikki, Spots on!”
The pink flash only helped the first responders locate them quicker. 
“There’s the baton!” His voice sounded closer. The light above was distorted by a rain of plaster, before it was replaced by flashlight light. “Hello?”
“We’re down here!” Ladybug called, moving her arm under Chat. 
“Can either of you move?”
“Chat’s pinned, but I might be able to wiggle out, with some help.”
“We’ll get a sling. We might be able to pull you up and out.”
“Once I get my arms free, I should be able to cast the cure and set everything right.” 
“Great plan, Ladybug! We’ll have you out in a minute.”
Ladybug nudged Chat’s nose with her own. “I’ll cast it as soon as I’m free. Can you hold out that long?”
“I’ll have a dozen pink roses. And I’ll wear something nice, like a sweater. Or maybe a dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up. I heard the ladies love that.” 
“I’m trying to focus on something else instead of being trapped.” He explained. “Sorry, I might not be very useful for the next few minutes.”
“Okay,” she kissed his cheek. “You do what you have to.” 
The fire department lowered a strap attached to a chain into the hole. “If you can maneuver that under your arms, we can pull you out.”
Using Chat’s Baton, Ladybug was able to pull the strap closer. Very slowly and carefully, she wriggled it under her armpits, careful not to jostle Chat in the process. 
“Jewelry could be fun. I know she doesn’t like it when I’m extravagant, but surely she would cherish it if I gave her a ring.” He had his eyes shut tight, his brow furrowed. 
Ladybug gave Chat a pitiful look. 
“Alright, I’m ready!” Ladybug called to the rescue crew. 
She was pulled out from under Chat. Though, she had been supporting his lower half, and he sank to the ground as she slid away from him. This jostled the debris violently, and he cried out in horrible, agonizing pain. It was the worst sound she had ever heard. 
He kept howling, sounding like he was being ripped apart from the inside out. 
Ladybug pushed on the piles around her, hurrying to get free. 
The moment she broke the surface, she called for her Lucky Charm. 
It was a rose, and she teary-eyed through it up into the air, and called for the cure. 
The explosion of Ladybug’s surrounded her, mending her ankle and silencing Chat’s cries. 
She touched down on solid, undisturbed concrete, and turned to find Chat face down on the ground. 
“Kitty!” She cried, voice cracking as she rushed to him. 
He pushed up on one arm. “I’m okay, My Lady. Just a little winded.” 
“Are you sure?” 
He stood slowly and stretched. “Yeah. All cured.” 
She hugged him. Tight and sure, maybe squeezing a little harder than she should. 
“Bug, I can’t breathe.” He chuckled. 
“Sorry, I just...”
He hugged her back. “I’m never going to turn down a hug though.” 
Her earrings beeped. 
“Are you both alright?” Asked the EMT on the scene. 
“We’re all better,” Chat assured. “Thank you for your help!” He gathered Ladybug close to him and put an arm around her waist. “We gotta go though!” 
Ladybug only had a second to realize what he was doing, before she was lifted off her feet and into the air. 
“I can travel myself, you know. I still have time.” 
“Sure,” he shrugged. 
He carried her all the way to her balcony, before setting her down. Her transformation ran out just as they landed. 
“Thanks for the lift, Kitty.” She scratched under his chin. But as she looked in his eyes, she saw tears. “Chat?” 
He sniffled and hugged her again. “Just...a sucky day. I wanted to hug you in privacy. I know how you get when people assume things about us.”
“Well, it’s different when you’re getting handsy and when you need comfort from a traumatic experience.” 
“I never get handsy,” he argued. “I just like to be close. I’m touch starved.” 
“Well, from what you told me today, I believe you.”
He laughed mirthlessly, and pulled away. “I really do feel better now.” He reached up and cupped her face, letting his thumb trail across the apple of her cheek. “No matter how bad this day was, it will never taint the absolute elation of finally seeing you.” 
“Chat...” she blushed. 
“I must be the luckiest man on Earth. Marinette Dupain-Cheng and Ladybug, all rolled into one. I can’t believe it.” 
“Two transformations and you still don’t believe me?” 
He smiled. “My brain believes, but my heart never gets so optimistic.” He cast his gaze away. “Even if you...change your mind...” he mused. 
“About what?” 
“Nothing. Never mind. I’ll just...see you tomorrow. With a dozen pink roses.” 
“I’ll get a vase ready.” 
He reluctantly pulled away, like tearing himself from her was physically painful. He hopped up on the railing of her balcony, and with a little salute, he hopped into the night. 
“I’m proud of you, Marinette.” Said Tikki. “It had to be hard being that honest with him. 
“I didn’t really have a choice. I can’t imagine how much worse that experience would have been for him with his eyes closed the whole time.” 
“It’s over now. And tomorrow, you’ll know who he is too!” 
Marinette whined. “I don’t know if I’m ready for that...” 
“It’s a little late for that. What? Are you going to run at the first sight of flowers?” 
“I might.” 
“It’ll be fine. Marinette, I know who Chat is. And I promise, it’ll all work out fine. Great even. Just, take a shower, and go to bed. Then you can wake up early and mentally prepare yourself.” 
Marinette chuckled as she dropped back down into her room. “What would I do without you as a life coach?”
“Sleep through most classes.” 
“It was a rhetorical question.” 
In the morning, with the extra sleep Tikki had urged her to get, Marinette rose and dressed. 
Then the nerves turned on. 
“What if I just fake sick?” 
“Don’t you dare! You’d hurt his feelings!” 
“You’re right...but I really do feel like I might throw up.” 
“Just relax. You’re going to love this.” 
“If you say so...” 
After breakfast, Marinette wandered over to school leisurely. Tikki would say she was stalling, but Marinette would disagree and state she was simply taking advantage of being early. 
At the front steps, students were gathered. No roses. In the courtyard, teens milled about. No roses. In the locker room, her locker was devoid of anything that wasn’t supposed to be in there. 
“Well well well,” said Alya, with too much bravado. “Lookie who’s early!” 
“Yuck it up. I was tired and went to bed early last night.” 
“You sure you aren’t eager to see Adrien today? He looks pretty cute in that button up.” 
In all the confusion surrounding Chat, Marinette had honestly forgotten about Adrien. Her. Forget about Adrien. Perish the thought. 
“I mean...it would be a bonus.” She muttered. 
“Well, he’s up in the classroom. If you were wondering.” 
She wasn’t. Or hadn’t been, until now. But it seemed that Chat wasn’t ready to reveal himself yet, and Marinette still had time to prepare. 
She ascended the steps and headed to the classroom. 
What she wasn’t expecting, was seeing Adrien standing there, sunlight filtering through the window to make a halo in his hair. He wore a black button up shirt, sleeves rolled up, and had a dozen pink roses in his hands as he talked to Nino. 
Dare she hope? Dare she dream?
She just stood in the doorway, staring, before he noticed her. 
“Good morning, Marinette.” He smiled at her, looking warm and inviting and…nervous?
“Goo-goo-good morning, Adrien.” She stumbled. She glanced down to the flowers, then up to his face. “Um…those don’t happen to be for me, do they?”
With a twinkle in his eye, he smirked. “Why? Just because something is pink, you think it’s for you?”
She deflated. “Haha, right…that was really forward of me.”
With a pleasant hum, he leaned in and whispered in her ear. “I’m just messing with you, My Lady. These are for you.” He placed the bouquet in her shell-shocked hands. 
“My...?” She breathed. The word was just a whisper, barely heard by even him. 
His smile was broad and gleeful, squinting his eyes and coloring his cheeks. “Mmm-hmm!!” He hummed eagerly as he nodded. 
Marinette had to shut her eyes as a sound like a laugh and a sob burst from her lips. Tears started immediately, and there was no way to stop it. 
“I told you you would cry,” he teased. 
“You jerk!” She blubbered. Then she tossed the flowers at a confused Nino before throwing her arms around Adrien, and sobbing into his shoulder. “I love you, Kitty.” 
He squeezed her back. “Do you really? Because I’m getting mixed signals.” 
“You’re awful. You’re wonderful. I’m a mixed bag of emotions. Just hold me.” 
“Can do!”
As other students came in, seeing the couple embraced, they gave them thumbs up and congratulatory back pats. 
And then Lila entered. 
She halted, hid her sneer, and said, “oh no! Marinette! What’s wrong? Why are you crying on Adrien like that?” 
He patted Marinette’s hair. “Happy tears, no worries.” 
Marinette refused to let Lila ruin this moment. It was far too perfect. Adrien was far too perfect, the flowers, her kitty...
Mustering all her strength, she hooked her arms under his, turned and spun his into a dip. 
“My lady?” He breathed, in awe. 
“You’re the love of my life. I should have kissed you yesterday. I definitely wanted to.” 
“You did?” He smiled drunkenly. 
“Yes, like this.” And she slammed her lips to his, kissing him just like she had in her dreams. 
Adrien let out a contented little mewl as he tangled his fingers in her hair. 
The class went wild with roars and cheers. 
Before she could drop him, Marinette righted Adrien. “Sorry, I just...wanted to do that for a while now.”
Adrien nuzzled her cheek with his nose. “Oh don’t worry, Bugaboo. You can smooch me whenever.” 
Nino made a gagging sound. 
“Oh, well I’m very happy for you guys,” Lila feigned a smile. “But Adrien, are you sure your father will be okay with this?” 
Chloe, who had known this was coming since she saw the roses, stood and stalked over. “Okay, you’re done. Bye!” 
“Chloe, I’m just trying to be rational...” 
“And Adrien is the most deserving person for a happy ending...even if it’s with Dupain-Cheng.” She cast Marinette a glance and rolled her eyes. Then she looked back at Lila. “Though, he could do worse.” 
This made Marinette and Adrien giggle. 
Lila scoffed. “Fine! Make me the bad guy! But don’t come crying to me when Gabriel tells you to break it off!” 
Adrien whispered in his new girlfriend’s ear. “Even if my father makes Adrien and Marinette break up, Ladybug and Chat Noir follow their own rules. It might not be the most fun, but we’ll make it. Then, once I’m 18, I’ll propose.” 
Marinette laughed, kissing him swiftly. “Oh my sweet kitty. Let’s take it slow for a little while. We have the rest of our lives to be that insufferable couple.” 
Alya, who had come in not that long after Marinette but stood quietly in the door, finally spoke up. “Adrien, I couldn’t bear to tear you away from your Princess. So I’ll take your seat.” 
Adrien just grinned in gratitude and hugged Marinette. “This makes that building collapse yesterday totally worth it.” 
“Does that mean...you had a crush on me?” She teased.
“No, my Lady, I fell for you.”
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vemuabhi · 3 years
Hii! It´s me popping here again! How are you doing? So, I would like to ask if you have a favorite Sanji moment and outfit (if it´s possible to chose hahaha) <3
Author san~~~ I'm doing good. How are you. And.... this ask... it took a long while for me to collect the pictures and scenes. I had so many scenes but I tried so much to cut them down to some of the scenes.
This is going to be a long freaking post. With cusses and spoilers.
Sit back and play a song for feels!
My Favourite Sanji scenes!!!
Warnings : Simping, Please be aware I sometimes cuss at that man because I love him. That is how I really am. I cuss the person that I love idk why. But not all the people I cuss are the ones I love. There will be a lot of difference and I'll respect that.
Disclaimer: This is solely my pure opinion.
There are just so many moments like when Sanji saves Otama or tries on his raid suit and all those but Tumblr won't allow me to post more than 10 pictures sadly. So I did the only scenes part here, I'll do outfits in other post and make sure I'll link it here too. Check it out also!
So.. yeah... here it goes. My favourite scenes of Snooj!!
1) Sanji VS Enel
the 1st thing I always remember about Sanjis Coolest scenes is the one at skypiea. Sadly its one of the underrated scene of the anime.
Sanji in this scene protects Ussop and takes the hit. See his smile at the end. Wait for it. The SanUso moment is so pure where ussop understands Sanjis feelings completely.
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He stands still even after receiving the hit and then takes a puff of his cigarette and says "Thanks, I needed a light", then falls down. Please... why isn't he given more credit. He is an amazing chef and yes I know you see it but... he has his amazing fight scenes too.
I absolutely adore the way Sanji always thinks about so many things while he fights. I mean... he plays with the mind too. You see, in this same scene he made sure to ruin enels ark from the inside. He is like this in another movie too. Not only that, a scene in alabasta arc too, where he enters into the base of Mr. 3 and talks to crocodile.
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2) Sanji saving the Vinsmokes
Even after facing so much of abuse, he still saved his father and siblings. Looking at them after saving their asses is a delight to watch.
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This is the moment they all realise that Sanji won... he has become stronger without their genes and techniques.
3) Sanji shouts at Luffy for Ussop
As Ussop and Luffy start to argue about merry, Luffy almost says to pack up and leave but he was stopped in between because Sanji kicks gim in the face and shouts at him for almost saying Ussop should leave.
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Sanji never lets anyone to talk about leaving (even though he left and had a huge ass arc for him). He really cares about his crew and hates and it is really shown here. Not only the ladies. He definitely cares about the guys of the crew too.
4) Sanji uses Knives to fight
Cmon... its the only fight of Sanjis that he uses knives. The person being a chef and using food to fight made Sanji even more angry. He was already trying to find Robin chan and got into this shit where another chef keeps his kitchen dirty and uses food, pissed him off.
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He decided to teach him a lesson and got into the fight by using Knives (Improvisation on spot!) Isnt he excellent here.
5) Reunion with Luffy
Getting back to his King, his Captain Luffy was the only scene where Sanji smiled truly after coming to the Whole Cake island. Its way too adorable. Him realising what he truly wants and to know that his nakama would save him definitely if he is in any problem.
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Their smile is definitely the most precious. Infact for me... their smiles are the one piece for me. The most valuable treasures.
Bonus scenes
* Sanji saving the Maid of Vinsmoke family
Never he lets anyone harm a lady. Its not him. I could add Kalifa scene here but... this is also a good scene. One of the reasons why I really respect him. Yeah it gets annoying some times but... still its just how he is.
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* Him saving Tashigi because he heard her cry.
I know its Extra af but cmon, we are dealing with Sanji here. Its going to be like that.
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* Sanji's Surgeries
He is the best plastic surgeon ever. I won't step back on this opinion. He just makes people to completely change their faces. There were 2 of these who were shown in the anime. I really wanna see more people though.
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* AceSan and ZoSan moments
I definitely love these scenes so much. The Ace scene is just so beautiful + dreamy. He was so daamn polite and so nice with Ace. Yes Sanji is good with everyone if they are polite with him.
The ZoSan scene is perfect + precious. Yes this is the thirst quencher for me. I adore this moment very much. Please they could've kissed.
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The next one is kinda personal and not that needed. So I suggest you to skip this.
Like Comment and Reblog this! And share your favourite moments of Sanji with me!!!
But if you wanna read then go ahead.
* After Sanji and Pudding Kiss and also pudding cries.
This scene was so emotional and personal to me...
Its weird but... when she was crying, I was crying too. Idk why These feelings were there but... It was the moment I realised I liked that jerk Sanji. And... I actually dont like pudding. Everything about her felt a bit odd and not trustworthy. But... when she cried. I cried too. When I was rewatching that scene now again, I cried. I myself don't know why I cry watching that scene. I get so many mixed emotions and my feelings are not even clear to me. I don't know.
If you did read this. Thankyou for reading.
Like Comment and Reblog this! And share your favourite moments of Sanji with me!!!
Wait.. you say you didn't read my post on "my favourite outfits" then click here!!!
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astro-rain · 3 years
delicate; b.barnes
chapter eight - “hovel, sweet hovel”
delicate masterlist
word count: 2k
synopsis: bucky and y/n arrive the shelter and take a look at what it has to offer.
pairings: bucky barnes x fem!reader
[A/N]: what would you like to see happen next? let me know! (p.s. this is what i pictured the shelter/hovel to look like)
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"I think this is it," Bucky said, looking forward at the structure in front of them.
"That's the 'shelter?'" Y/N huffed, hopelessly annoyed.
They had been walking and jogging on and off for forty-five minutes straight. Her feet killed.
"We're... gonna die."
"We are not gonna die, Y/N."
"Look at it! That is a hovel!"
"Well, inside's better than outside," Bucky retorted. "At least no one will see us if we're in there. It looks abandoned, they'll assume it actually is.”
She sighed and followed behind Bucky into the shelter. It was a one story stone structure that looked so old and weathered. It... looked like a shed. An old ass stone shed. She briefly wondered if Wakanda had a storm season because she was almost certain this thing wouldn't withstand it.
The door let out an anticipated squeak, and she was just as disappointed to see the inside as she was the outside. Bucky put the bags down and rubbed the back of his neck.
"Yeah... this... isn't great..."
It was just as small as it seemed. And empty. Mostly. There were a few withered shelves with dusty pots and bowls, and an even more withered attempt at a table. There was what looked like a furnace in one corner with old, rotted wood in it. The wooden floor creaked under their steps.
The whole place felt like a ghost: desolate, ancient, and lonely. Except for one peculiar thing...
"Bucky?" she beckoned.
(Y/N) hadn't noticed it when she first entered, but in the middle of the table sat a small, shiny, black panther figurine. It posed on all fours, looking ferociously up at her. It looked so out of place in contrast of the eternal layer of dust on everything else.
"What is this?" she asked reaching for the one thing that didn't match.
When her hand wrapped around it, energy surged into her skin. It felt almost... alive.
"(Y/N) what-" Bucky was cut off by a sound that startled them both.
In the corner across from the furnace, a section of the floor starting moving. Wood on wood on stone was not a good sound. Nonetheless, in mere seconds, there was an opening, and if (Y/N) leaned forward, she could see stairs!
Both of them remained still, feet planted on the creaky floor. They immediately looked at each other.
"What did you do?"
"I'm... not sure. I think I opened it."
(Y/N) smirked.
"What?" Bucky asked, confusion clearly evident in his tone.
"I should've known," (Y/N) shook her head. "Shuri wouldn't have led us here unless there was something more."
She held the panther figurine as she walked towards the opening.
"Wait," he grabbed her arm. "We don't know that Shuri knew that was here. What if it's a trap?"
"A trap from who? I don't think anyone knows we're here except Shuri."
"I don't know. J-Just let me go first."
"Alright. After you, oh wise one," she acquiesced, voice sarcastic but endearing all the same.
Bucky tried to suppress a chuckle. "Smartass. You're the wise one."
She tried to go down the stairs, letting him go first, but apparently that wasn't enough.
"Wait, just let me go look around and I'll holler when it's all good."
"Holler? Who says holler?"
"Me. Wait here."
"Fine," she made a show of pointedly plopping down on the top step, still and waiting as he requested.
It only took about ten seconds.
"Woah..." his voice came from far away.
"What is it?!" (Y/N) leaned forward.
"You were right! Come down, you gotta see this!"
She wasted no time... and standing beside Bucky, her jaw dropped.
Beneath the ground was a significantly larger, way more modernized, and highly advanced survival shelter. All equipped with smaller versions of a table, chairs, and cabinets, along with a compact freezer and miniature stove, a chest, a closet, and two sets of bunk beds. Everything was clean and looked in optimal condition. There was even a rug.
"Shuri definitely didn’t leave you with nothing," Bucky commented, still taking it all in.
"-us with nothing," she corrected, retreating back up to the shed to get the bags.
Later in the day, (Y/N) got a handle on the panther key and how to use it to open and close the entryway to the bunker. Once she figured it out, she kept it closed, ensuring their concealment and maximizing their safety.
Bucky had found his way into the closet, listing off the contents to (Y/N) who sat on the floor, back up against one of the bunk bed legs. She was exhausted. Her body had been assaulted by adrenaline and strenuous mortal-danger-physical-activity. Bucky seemed to be fine, though. Curse that super soldier serum. His energy was always so high.
"...oh, and here's the bedding stuff. I don't know what this is, though."
(Y/N) lethargically leaned her head over to get a good view of the closet.
She chuckled. "That's a space heater...Oh! And next to it - that's a portable AC. Makes sense. I doubt they could get electric or plumbing out here."
And her head rolled back to center, eyes closing, body exhausted.
Bucky seemed to notice. "Hey, if you're tired, I can make the beds...or at least yours if you wanna sleep now."
(Y/N) stretched her legs straight out in front of her. "No, that's okay."
She wasn't about to force her one armed friend to make a bed for her. That's just rude. Especially after he carried those bags. She felt bad; she wished she had done more.
"Nah, I don't mind. It's not like I got anything else to do," he insisted, bringing the bedding over.
(Y/N) stood, body internally complaining in aching protest. She didn't really have the energy to expertly persuade him.
"Buck, it's fine." Her voice was faint.
He didn't even stop to hesitate, seemingly determined on the task. She thought it better to just give up and let him do his thing since he was so set on it. However, the sheet was fitted and there were pillow cases, not really one-arm friendly assets. He was struggling... very clearly. (Y/N) felt even worse.
He started moving quicker, frustration jerking his arm in quick, irritated bursts as he was trying to get the sheet to stay. There was still no success.
She stepped forward gently. "Bucky..."
"Damn it!" he hissed, slamming his hand on the bed frame before forcefully standing up. His hand went to his forehead, rubbing his eyes in disappointment.
(Y/N) was a statue. She had never seen him mad before; she had no idea what to do. Don't get her wrong, she wasn't scared, she just wasn't sure what to say.
"Can't fuckin' do anything," he muttered under his breath.
She finally moved forward. "Hey, forget the bedding, it doesn't matter-"
"Yes it does," he turned. "We're hiding from a collapsed regime and I can't even make a damn bed. Plus you've done so much for me, I just wanted to help with something. I just wanted to be able to do something."
Oh. Suddenly, his anger was gone. It was replaced with a miserable helplessness. It made her chest tight; she needed to fix this.
"Buck, you don't owe me anything. I'm here because I wanted to help, not because I was expecting anything in return. And I don't know what you've been paying attention to, but I watched you carry the majority of those - heavy - bags the entire way here while simultaneously figuring out the way to the shelter while my brain was momentarily smooth. You were the voice of reason in that chaos we just escaped from, and it's a damn good thing you were so calm because I don't know if I could have handled the panic of the both of us."
"You could've," he murmured. "And I wasn't calm, I'm just used to this. I was trained for situations like this."
No, she wasn't going to lose to deflection.
"Regardless, you were a huge help. Seriously."
He still didn't look convinced.
"In fact, I feel more safe here with you than I would with Shuri and the Queen. You're like a super soldier body guard."
A look washed over his face that (Y/N) couldn't quite place. He looked at her quizzically, like he was trying to figure something out.
"You... feel safer with me?"
"That's what I said, yes."
"You're not like... worried about..."
"The Winter Soldier? No."
He sighed. "How can you be so sure? You have no idea if or when I might... you know."
"We are literally the only people here, and I don't plan on saying the trigger words. So unless you plan on saying them, I don't really think we have anything to worry about. And, even if you did 'you know,' you could definitely get away with it and no one would find the body."
He turned bright red. "What?!"
"I'm kidding! Sorry. But Bucky, you've been doing so well with me and Shuri, and honestly the Hydra programming might not even be there anymore."
"But we don't know for sure!"
"Bucky..." she pleaded, turning her head slightly as to say what is this about?
"I can't trust my own mind," he sighed looking at the floor. "I just don't wanna do anything bad. It's just - weird that you don't seem to be worried at all."
"Why is that?"
"Everyone sees me as a monster."
The room was dead silent. He wasn't looking at her, but if (Y/N) looked at him any harder, she was sure she'd burn a hole through his head. How could anyone see this man as a monster? Logically, she understood what other people saw. But personally, she couldn’t find it in her to perceive him like that. It just didn’t work. All she could find was gentleness, compassion, and sincerity.
"I can't see you as something you're not," she said, whisper soft. "I don't care if you hands are 'scarred from murder' or however you said it a few sessions ago. I trust them entirely."
He finally looked up at her, his face filled with something she couldn't quite place. It looked a bit like disbelief and then it changed into relief and then something else entirely. A slow smile crept up on his lips.
"My hand. Singular. Not hands."
A deep, deep smile - to match the one on Bucky - grew on her face just before the pair started cracking up ridiculously. Perhaps this was an odd way of releasing the tension, fear, frustration, and exhaustion of the day. Nevertheless, laughter was cathartic. It was so cathartic that eventually (Y/N) could hardly catch her breath and Bucky's stomach hurt. This went on for several minutes.
In time, they both calmed down. She didn't remember when exactly it happened, but they were both sitting on the floor now. They sat in between the two bunk beds, facing one another, each back leaning against a respective bedpost.
The atmosphere was different now, but not in a bad way. It felt like 2 a.m. at a sleepover, when the conversations get drowsily deep, with slow voices and honest confessions. It was heavy eyelids and low inhibitions.
A fresh wave of exhaustion washed over her. She let her head fall slack against the bedpost, resting.
"Bucky, what were sleepovers like in the forties?" she asked softly, eyes closing ever so delicately. 
"Well," he started, getting into a story of his past with Steve and the couch cushions.
And that's how she fell asleep. Sitting on the floor, leaning against a bunk bed, and listening to his voice fade out into the background of her consciousness.
If only she knew how she would wake up: laying comfortably on one of the beds, with one blanket on top of her and another below her because he couldn't get the sheet to cooperate. With the pillowcase carefully draped atop the pillow instead of enveloping it because that's what one hand would allow. With the bed next to her being slept in with no blanket because he used his as the replacement for the sheet he couldn’t get to cooperate.
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sorry-i-ship-drarry · 3 years
How to get away with murder?
Prompt used- Sitting on others lap | harry and draco get's assigned for a murder mystery as pretend boyfriends | TW- torture | ENEMIES TO LOVER |
" no Simon, get the hell out of here " robard yelled walking into the room
"now, my favourite aurors " robard grinned as he settled down in his office chair in front of his two employees.
" greetings robard " harry nodded
" morning " the other one greeted
" right, greetings can go on for hours. Now the actual reason I sufficed you here. This particular case has been up by from other aurors as their inability to actually being able to sort it and who better than you two. Cutting to the chase, you know I don't like to waste time. You two are going to work on this case together-"
" with draco, no way-"
" with harry, no way-"
They both glared at each other, narrowing their eyes.
" now now, don't kill each other right here. I know how much you two hate each other but this case is important for DMLE. The truth is you both have strengths which if put together can be put to greater use. Draco is great at analysing situations, detecting potions and previously casted magic and you harry, dear you're fast, you're smooth talker, your wand less magic, and your instincts. All of your traits can so easily solve this case and I want your heads in for that" robard looked at both of them expectedly.
" come on, give me an answer. It's your last case harry, it's all chase and fun " robard insisted
" you're leaving DMLE ?" Draco turned to harry. Harry nodded without Daring to look at him.
" finally understood you don't stand a chance here-"
" as you please Malfoy. I've caught more people than you ever have " harry rolled his eyes
" see this is why I chose you. Your determination-"
" will you stop with the ass licking robard. I'll do it but I must insist at places I'd like to work alone " harry sighed
" same for me. I like to have my space " draco replied.
" well it's settled then. You're in the case for Gary oakman " robard clapped his hands lightly, passing them the files he had fetched before hand. Picking up the files harry and draco almost left the room when robard stopped them.
" oh and you're going to be pretend boyfriends. Do your best, good luck " robard grinned and shut the door on their faces.
" what-"
" what -"
They both looked at each other with morbid shock.
Harry pinched his nose tiredly as they went through the case together " I hate this case "
" tell me about it , this man didn't even have had that much money, no heir to pass onto, no wife or anything yet he's murdered " draco sighed as he leaned back into his chair.
" the bigger part is, no culprits, no victims "
" we do have a witness though, the house maid. Rosy I suppose " draco skimmed over her details.
Harry looked at the watch knowing he had stayed in his office for far longer than he normally did " anyways, I'm going to head home. We have to be there tomorrow so the packing. I suggest you do that too "
Draco looks at harry, then at the clock in the wall " in a few " and harry nodded before walking out.
The next morning they met in front of the ministry
" I want you two at the best behavior and I mean it " robard insisted
" I'll try my best to be on the best behavior with my fake boyfriend james " harry rolled his eyes as he checked his coat pockets for everything.
" can I still do the case individually?" Draco rolled his eyes
" draco, trust me, I have thought this through and you would do best at the disposal of your resources " robard sighed as he shook hands with both of them " off you go now. Don't forget to revise your history "
And with that harry and draco sat inside the car.
" I'm so excited " draco sarcastically scowled
" it would be a pleasure to work with you " harry narrowed his eyes at Draco equally sarcastically.
As obvious, they didn't talk through the journey, knowing that if conversed they would want to rip each other heads off. So they Only talked hurriedly when they reached the manor.
" you're james , I'm Derek. We've been together for 2 years, right ?" Harry reassured
" much to my displeasure " draco rolled his eyes as he took down his bags from the car
" best behavior my ass " harry sneered under his breath as he took out his own bags and waited for draco to join him towards the door.
" huh, I'm sure you could never afford such manor " draco said as he dragged his bags towards harry.
" funnily enough draco, I am the owner of a manor since I was 17. Jokes on you " harry grinned sarcastically as he walked forwards towards the gate.
" oh and by the way, I'm far more rich than you are considering I donate a lot of money to orphanages and such. Good deeds. But what would you know about it " harry smiled sharply. It fueled draco how Harry was insulting him with a smile, but man he wasn't lying.
" shall we put this banters aside and finally get to business ?" Harry asked at last. Draco nodded and suddenly the Manor's door opened and they met, Rosy, the housemaid.
" oh my darlings, you are finally here. We've been waiting for you for an hour. Heavy traffic huh ?" She smiled
" it was a little bit of traffic. You see my beautiful boyfriend, he got up a bit late. Sorry about the inconvenience " harry replied as he pulled draco towards him and intertwined their fingers.
" I'm really sorry, that's just me " draco smiled at the lady.
" no matter, no matter. You can leave the bags, the bell boys will take these. Shall we walk inside then ?" She asked with a warm smile
" of course. Shall we james ?" Harry asked draco as he swiftly pulled him more closer to vanish any suspicions.
" of course Darling " draco swore he threw up a little In his mouth.
And they walked towards the main door with harry appreciating the gardens and the vines and talking about the architecture of the windows and doors from the 1960s.
" we'll let you freshen up then. This would be your room. And since you're a couple we thought you wouldn't need two separate rooms, right ?" Rosy asked expectedly
" oh- no no of course not. We share the same room and trust me Ms. Rosy If you had given us separate rooms, I would've been in his room all the time " harry chuckled.
" well then it's no inconvenience. Your bags are already up here. The lunch is at 2, and then we'll give you the house tour. Oh and yes, that area is out of bounds " Rosy cheekily smiled and walked away.
Harry kept smiling until they had reached the room and closed the door behind him and draco immediately jerked his hands off harry..
" wow, I love my boyfriend " Harry sarcastically said.
" what was the hand holding for ?" Draco sneered
" uh- draco, couple's normally do that and if you want to be done with the case as soon as possible, you too have to do couple things even if you hate it. It's important that we raise no suspicions at all. One suspicion and we're dead, alright " harry explained as he took off his shoes and lined it up up on the rack.
Draco hated to admit but harry was right " I think it'd be better if we didn't use our actual names too then and- muffalito- use protection charms all the time "
Harry raised an eyebrow at Draco impressively " guess robard wasn't all wrong about you then "
Draco rolled his eyes at harry and disposed off his extra clothes onto the chair.
" I'll take the shower first " draco announced and went into the bathroom.
Harry didn't had time to react but couldn't even if he wanted to, knowing draco was still a huge pain in the ass.
" how are you going to transfigure ?" Draco asked harry as he got ready for the actual investigation
" polyjuice potion " harry replied not even looking at Draco sitting over the study going through the reports.
" you do know it's effect only lasts 3 hours ?" Draco asked
" believe me d- james- I have taken polyjuice potion much more than it would be recommended to for a child" harry huffs as he put his auror coat in the suitcase and transfiguring it into a smaller bag.
" right, of course, the saviour had to do a lot to save us from the chambers of secret's " draco rolled his eyes and turned back to his reports.
" here take this coin. If you need me, just write on it.. not that we'd be far away anyways" harry said as he tossed the coin at Draco.
" how does it work ?" He asked
" just- I have another set of it. If you write something on it, I'll know it too. I used this back in DA meetings at school " harry double checked his pockets walking around in the room looking for his wand.
" clever " draco impressively frowned " here, your wand "
" thanks. And remember, don't raise suspicions" harry told Draco.
Rolling his eyes draco agreed and harry finally left the manor after greeting Rosy, getting ready to get back here again after transformation.
Harry returned half an hour later with his small team Including Ron and getting on with the investigation.
" Rosy, what's this all about ?" He heard someone ask as harry was standing just before the crime scene caution sign talking about the evidences found.
" oh, it's nothing. It was master's old bedroom. Mr. Gary. He passed away a couple weeks ago. These people think it's a murder and just barge in to investigate " Rosy sighed
" well that's too bad. My condolences Rosy. We hadn't known about it " draco sympathetically patted her back softly. Smiling to himself, harry got on with the investigation once again.
At night when harry had finally come back with reports and evidence he was met with a just out of shower draco.
" the water's still warm if you want to" draco told him as he softly patted towel over his head.
Harry nodded, dumping his reports and jackets over the chair and getting in the bathroom, smelling like Lavender and cinnamon.
It only took him 15 minutes in shower when he got out forgetting he didn't had his clothes.
" hey ma- james, can you pass me my clothes on the chair ?" Harry poked his head out of the bathroom.
He could've sworn he heard draco swear under his breath insulting harry.
" I can't find it, just come and take it yourself" draco called out.
Shrugging harry wrapped the towel around his lower body and got out of the bathroom, into the room to find his clothes.
" I left them h-"
" oh- I'm so sorry" Rosy had suddenly entered the room, turning her head in shame
" it's alright rosy. We- we just you know got out of the shower " harry gave her a little firm smile as he covered up his body with another towel.
" I- I'm really sorry. I will leave you two to it. Just bought some tea" she said without looking at them
" it's alright, leave them there, we'll call you if we need something " draco gave her a smile as he stepped closer to harry, putting his hand over Harry's shoulder in a physical gesture.
She nodded and embarrassingly left the room.
" just put on a damn shirt now, will you " draco rolled his eyes as he immediately created space between them.
" oh- I did not know that. I was planning on staying naked for the rest of the evening " harry rolled his eyes as he tried searching for his shirt until he saw draco.
" you're wearing my shirt "
" wha- oh. I didn't realise " draco looked down at his own blue shirt " no wonder it smells like shit"
Harry rolled his eyes " keep wearing it, I'll get myself another one " and he picked out another maroon shirt from the bag and wore it right there in the room.
" ahem- anyways, you got anything over the case ?" Draco asked turning around, giving harry his privacy.
" not a great deal. We would still have to go through every inch of that room and let me tell you, that rooms huge " harry huffed as he finally put on his pants and retrieved the files.
" here, these are the pictures I took today" harry displayed it over the table draco was sat on, ruffling his hair to dry them.
" wow- that's one- ha- stop dripping water over me "
" oh right- sorry" and Harry picked the towel again, drying his hair.
By the night, they decided to finally make an appearance downstairs for dinner.
" oh, I thought you'd had liked it in your room " rosy smiled
"we just thought it'd be nice to have dinner downstairs" harry smiled as he walked along with draco
" right, on the table then " she said and they made themselves comfortable over the dinner table.
" it's better than your manor " harry whispered to draco once they had settled in their Chairs. Draco narrowed his eyes at harry, giving him a scowl.
" here you go dears " rosy said as she placed plates one after the another.
" enjoy-"
" why don't you stay too. We'd like to get to know you, don't you think Derek ?" Draco asked smiling gently
" I think that would be brilliant " harry raised an eyebrow at Draco, impressed by his subtle approach.
With much hesitation rosy joined them, but not eating, just sitting further on a chair despite the insisted offer to join the table.
" pardon me mister's, I haven't been able to ask how you two met?" Rosy asked in Between
" oh- how we met- it's an interesting story actually-" draco stuttered
" we hated each other in school. But then we realised we only hated each other because we thought they had life easier. Infact we always liked each other and were too afraid to say it. So we put it into hate, until one day, I saw him alone in the school bathroom, crying and I consoled him, then I suppose we became friends and started dating after school " harry covered up for draco. Draco nodded along, amused but agreed to the story.
" that is so intriguing. I wish I could have a love like yours " Rosy grinned hopefully at them
" you know what, I think you'd get the love you deserve. And who knows might be very soon you meet the love of your life, like I have" draco smiled at rosy, drinking away his wine.
" I love you too james. I'm so glad I've met you " harry squeezed draco's hand across the table, making sure he raised no suspicions..
When they were finally done, harry insisted on helping through the kitchen, draco tagging along too when rosy spoke up
" you two make a very nice couple. I bet you don't fight a lot "
" we don-"
" oh we do, we do a lot. Who doesn't fight after all but we make up. We'd rather be with each other than anyone else. Right james ?" Harry smiled at draco, his cheeks hurting with smiling so much
" of course " draco smiled back at him as he intertwined their fingers and softly kissed Harry's knuckles. It was unfortunate that harry Blushed when he shouldn't had but with that craving physical touch, he couldn't resist.
" awh, look at you two "rosy happily sighed as he placed her hand over her chest as if touched by their relationship " oh look a mistletoe " she pointed
" a what ?" Draco's eyes suddenly widened, so did Harry's.
" there's a mistletoe " rosy pointed above their head
Harry forcefully chuckled "you don't believe in that thing, do you now rosy?"
" what's it with belief or not. It's a mistletoe. Always kiss under the mistletoe.. I mean it wouldn't matter much but make this lady happy " rosy happily said
Draco's opened his mouth to say something but unable to form any words he shut it close
" i- if that's what you want.. we're not such an open couple if you must know. Not into the public affection but for you rosy " harry gulped smiling pulling draco closer
" no suspicions " harry whispered very quietly to draco before pressing his lips against draco, tenderly kissing his soft lips, just for a few Seconds before breaking it off.
" is that how you'd normally kiss ?" Rosy asked
" what- no of course not rosy. We- we just you know save them for the bedroom, if you know what I mean " draco chuckled blushing.
Rosy's expression immediately changed " oh right, of course I understand "
" we should head to the room actually. It's getting late. We wouldn't want you staying up so late " harry said as he held draco's hands and started dragging him along with him.
Nodding, they finally left the kitchen and without so much of a suspicion made it to the room.
" you're sleeping on the couch for kissing me tonight " draco rolled his eyes as he dumped himself onto the bed.
" whatever " harry rolled his eyes and picked up his essentials and dumped onto the couch.
" is everything fine with you two, Derek ?" Rosy asked as harry fetched the breakfast from her
" why do you ask ?" Harry frowned
" oh nothing- you just- I saw the couch with the blankets and everything and thought I- never mind, your personal life. I shouldn't intrude-"
" not at all rosy. Not at all. We just had a small Argument last night over something and, well it turned a bit ugly so I slept on the couch but I assure you, everything is fine " harry assured her taking two cups of coffee with him and heading back to the room.
" we've got a situation-" harry cut off when he saw draco wearing nothing but pants, getting ready for work.
Gulping harry broke out of it and casted a muffalito and gave draco the cup of coffee
" what happened ?" Draco asked as he pulled over a shirt.
" I think, it's a presumption, rosy knew I slept on the couch last night. She asked me about it and I don't want to raise any suspicions so let's not do the couch thing-"
" I've had enough with your no suspicions potter. We are not raising any suspicions. The only suspicion would be if it seemed as if our relationship was too perfect alright. Have some boundaries. I let it slide last night but you're never fucking kissing me again. That's the end of it. I don't give a shit if there was a mistletoe or anything, you better not do that again" draco snapped
" I can't believe you. You'd actually believe I'd enjoy kissing you, for fun or something. Please. Don't flatter yourself. I don't care if the case matters to you enough or not but this case is my last and I want to make the best of it. I don't want anything going wrong, even the slightest bit of suspicion that we're not a couple, anyone would figure out and we'd be dead before you know it. So suck it up because If you're working with me, you have to work with me " Harry snapped, pulling off his coat , taking his bag and slamming out of the manor.
Draco shut his eyes for a moment, sighing.
" everything alright dear ?" Suddenly someone asked.
Auror instincts immediately made him get up and reach for his wand when he realised it was Only rosy
" I thought i heard yelling " she said
" right- " Draco frowned, until he remembered clearly every single word from harry just before " we had a small Argument. We'd be fine.. if you don't mind, I'd like to be alone "
Rosy hurriedly nodded and left the room. It was not much later, draco too left the manor to come back again with harry for investigation.
" I think I know where to start. Talk with me tonight, yeah ?" Draco had told harry between work. Harry frowned but immediately nodded, waiting for the evening to arrive.
Part 2
To be continued. Requests accepted ( even for part 2, despite that it'll be out anyways )
I had immense fun writing this. Also Tumblr cut me on word limit,soo.. you'll have to wait for the next part. Happy reading.
Serious notice- I have missed a prompt in between, which will be labelled 43 and willl to be out as soon as possible.
Day 42- little things | Day 45- there's no without you
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kpop---scenarios · 3 years
Turn - pcy
Tumblr media
Byun Baekhyun | Park Chanyeol | Kim Junmyeon | Kim Jongin 
Warning: Smut 
Word Count: 1.7k 
Summary: Chanyeol is the first one to recieve Baekhyun's one time favor of pussy.
"Are you fucking crazy?" Chanyeol exclaims, dropped his grilled ribs back onto his plate. "You fucking did what?" 
"I asked Ayn if she'd sleep with you." Baekhyun says, bobbing his head with a smile. 
Chanyeol couldn't..  he couldn't understand just how Baekhyun could have thought this was a good idea, let alone a sensible thing to do. But then again when did Baekhyun ever truly have any good ideas. 
"How hard did she hit you?" Chanyeol laughs, picking up his meat and placing it in his mouth as he anticipated Baekhyun's response. He couldn't see any fresh bruises, or scratches. Maybe she was smart and hit him where no one would notice. 
"She didn't actually." Baekhyun says in a snarky tone. "She agreed." 
Chanyeol chokes on his meat for a second before he swallows it, his eyes widely staring at Baekhyun. "She doesn't even know me." He says. 
"True. But as she put it a friend of mine, is a friend of hers." He smiles. "She also said it was really sad that you hadn't cum from some good pussy in a while and she would be happy to be that good pussy for you." Baekhyun finishes, smiling at a now pissed off Chanyeol. 
"I can't.. I cannot believe you did this." Chanyeol scoffs. This entire thing was insane. 
"Do you not want to do it?" Baekhyun asks. "She wants you to meet her at the club tonight." He finishes, holding up a folded piece of paper in between his fingers. "The address." 
"You're too much sometimes, Byun Baekhyun." Chanyeol laughs. "Like actually what the fuck." 
"Okay.. Well I'll just put this away then.." Baekhyun says, slowly moving the paper back to his pocket. 
"Give me the goddamn paper man." Chanyeol grunts. "And get out." He says, snatching the paper before walking away from a grinning Baekhyun.
A few nights later, Chanyeol is standing in front of a loud and busy night club, taking a few deep breaths before he heads in. He didn't expect anything to happen, if anything, he was just going there to make sure you weren't stranded there, alone. He was doing this for you, to make sure you were okay and you weren't like.. lonely or anything. This wasn't for him. 
He nodded to the bouncer who just waved him in, his heart was thumping so quickly, the lump in his throat made it hard to swallow. Fuck his mouth was dry. 
He walked past the bar, seeing an area with a few scattered tables, and they all had multiple people at them, except for one. It must be you. He watched as a man walked over to you, his smile bright, head held high, two drinks in his hand and a confident strut. 
30 seconds was all it took for you to have both of his drinks in front of you while he walked away with his head hanging down. Chanyeol chuckled as he shook his head, walking over to the table, now knowing you didn't need anyone's help. 
"Listen, my dude.." you begin before squinting your eyes. "Wait!." You smile. "You're Chanyeol." 
"That I am." He smiles, moving his hair from in front of his eyes. 
"You're hot." You laugh, taking a sip of your drink. 
"Thank you." He chuckles. "You're so hot." He mumbles, hoping you didn't hear him. But the smile on your face told you he did.
"Drink?" You ask, motioning to the spare one in front of you. 
"Sure, why not. One can't hurt." He says, grabbing the drink and taking a swig. 
"Yeah.." you smile. "One." 
Two hours, a few shots and a few more drinks later, your hand rested on Chanyeol's thigh while his warm was around your shoulders, playing with the little hairs on the back of your neck. 
"Fucking Baekhyun." Chanyeol groans. "He's so embarrassing." 
"Hey, no reason to be embarrassed. Fucking is nothing to be embarrassed about. We all go through times that we need help." You wink, making him groan. 
"I bet I could make you groan louder." You whisper in his ear. 
Chanyeol perks up and you grab his hand, pulling him up. "Lets dance." You exclaim, dragging him to the dance floor. 
You face away from Chanyeol, feeling his body stiffen as you close in the space between the two of you. You roll your eyes as you grab his hands, placing them on your hips as you start moving them to the beat of the song. 
It only took a few minutes for him to finally loosen up, his hips swaying with yours, his hand slowly creeping around your waist, pulling you in closer.  Once you knew he was comfortable, you turned yourself around, eyes locking as he moved his hands from your hips and down, stopping on the curve of your ass. He smirks as he gives it a little squeeze, winking as you look up at him again. You reach your arms up, wrapping them around his neck, pulling his head down closer to yours, your lips just inches away from touching. Chanyeol takes a deep breath before he moves in a little closer, latching his lips to yours. 
The kiss heats up instantly. His tongue slides into your mouth, his hands pulling you closer. 
You move your hand to his chest, feeling his hard muscles beneath his shirt. You move your hand down, feeling the rigidness of his abs. You move your hand lower, grazing your palm over the bulge in his crotch, making him moan. 
"Fuck." He whispers, panting. You feel the outline of his huge cock, you hand putting more pressure on it as you rub, making him squeeze his eyes shut tightly. He bites his bottom lip as his breathing becomes heavier. 
"Shit." He growls. "Come on." He says, grabbing your hand and pulling you off the dance floor. 
He pulls you through the crowd, heading towards the staircase that's glowing with lights, leading up to the empty VIP floor. 
You stand with your back against the balcony, Chanyeol's hands holding onto the railing tightly. 
You slowly get onto your knees, bringing your hands up to undo his button before pulling down his zipper. You can hear him gasp as you pull down his pants just enough that his cock springs free. You lick your lips at the sight of his cock. It's thick, his precum drips from his red and swollen tip. 
Wrapping your hand around his shaft, his body jolts slightly. You look up at him as you slowly pump his cock. He looks away from the crowd that's paying no attention and looks down at you. You maintain eye contact as you open your mouth, closing it around his tip and use your tongue to lick off his cum. His hands grip the railing tighter as his knees weaken just a little. 
"Fuck." He groans, closing his eyes. You remain teasing his tip, wondering how long it will take for him to finally take action and take what he wanted. 
Chanyeol moves one hand off the railing and down onto the back of your head. He pushes your head forward, making his cock slide further into your mouth. 
"That's it. Take my cock." He spits, thrusting his cock into your mouth and down your throat. "Good slut." 
Chanyeol thrusts a few more times before he takes his cock out of your mouth, and makes you stand up, precum and spit dripping from your mouth. He smirks at the sight of you, your eyes slightly watery with mascara trickling down your cheeks. 
"Open." He demands. You open your mouth, watching him as he sticks two fingers in your mouth. 
You close your mouth around his fingers, sucking them hard. 
He pulls his fingers from your mouth, turns you around,lifts your skirt up and moves your panties to the side. He takes his two fingers pushing them inside of you, making you moan. 
"Shit." You cry, your body shuddering. 
He pumps his fingers in and out of you a few times before taking them out and jerking his cock with your juices. You remain bent over, your hands holding the railing as people below you continue to drink and party. 
He lines his cock up with your pussy, pushing himself into you. You clench your mouth together as your pussy stretches out to fit his huge cock. 
"Fuck." He grits, his hands holding onto your shoulders and he starts slowly thrusting. You can feel your pussy juices seeping from inside you every time he pulls himself out just enough, before slamming back into you. 
"Harder." You moan, needing him to destroy your pussy. 
"You want me to fuck you harder?" He asks, leaning over to whisper in your ear. 
"Fuck yes." You cry. 
Chanyeol moves his hand from your shoulder wrapping his arm around your neck, pulling you into his chest. 
"You'll get what you ask for." He grunts, squeezing his arm around your neck tightly as he slams his cock into you. His thrusts are fast and hard, your eyes roll back further into your head with each one. 
"Oh.. my.. god." You stutter, his arm squeezing tighter. His other hand reaches down between your legs, using two fingers to rub your clit harshly. 
"Shit. Fuck I'm going to cum." You cry out. His fingers rubbed quicker, making your orgasm hit within seconds, your body shook as you worked through your high, Chanyeol still pounding your pussy. 
He moves his hands to your hips, thrusting hard. 
"That's right. Good girl." He breathes into your ear. "I'm gonna cum in your pussy." He whispers. 
"Yes, please, please cum in my pussy." You cry. "Fill me up." 
Chanyeol grunts as his own orgasm hits, his legs shake as he shoots his load inside you. "Fuck." He groans, his cock throbbing. 
"That was..  holy shit." He breathes, pulling up his pants. "Thank you." He smiles. 
You smile back, moving your panties back to the right spot, keeping his cum inside you. 
"Another balcony." You laugh. "Did you guys plan this?" Chanyeol laughs along with you, as the two of you make your way to the exit of the club.
Once outside, he gets you a cab, giving you a small kiss goodnight before thanking you again. 
"My pleasure." You wink. Chanyeol shuts the door, walking off as you pull out your phone and dial Baekhyun's number. 
"How was it?" He answers. 
"None of your business." You laugh. "Mission accomplished. I'm free next Wednesday, who's next?" You ask. 
"Mhmm." Baekhyun pauses. You can hear the laugh through the phone. 
"Definitely Junmyeon." 
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