#yes nancy has three partners what of it
poly-space-nerds · 2 years
Chrissy: this is my boyfriend Eddie, and his boyfriend Steve, and his girlfriend Nancy, and their boyfriend Jonathon, and nancy’s girlfriend Robin, and her girlfriend Vickie
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sugdenlovesdingle · 12 days
Way more than Seven sentence Sunday
Thanks for tagging me in other stuff this weekend @lightningboltreader @carlos-in-glasses, sorry I didn't get around to those, but I'm tagging you both back for today.
And thanks for the tag @sznofthesticks
I don't really know what this is - it's been knocking around my head for a few days and it may or may not go anywhere. It's kind of tarlos, kind of a bucktommy crossover with the OG, kind of Nancy/Marjan.
"I'm just saying, I have an excellent gaydar." TK insisted. "I clocked him three years ago." He held up his phone to show Nancy the picture of Buck and his new boyfriend.
Nancy rolled her eyes.
"Please. Your gaydar is just saying everyone is gay until every once in a while you turn out to be right."
"What? No it's not. I could tell with Carlos"
Nancy scoffed.
"Carlos asked you to dance. I was there. I saw."
"No, we met on a call earlier that day. And I knew it when I saw him there."
"Knew what?" Carlos asked, walking into the firehouse, making the rest of the crew realise it was lunchtime. He greeted TK with a kiss and waited for an explanation of the conversation he'd interrupted.
"Your husband thinks he has a gaydar because that guy from LA he thinks hit on him during the wildfires is dating a guy now." Nancy quickly got him up to speed.
"Oh Buck and Tommy? The pilot? I saw his post earlier. I was bored on my coffee break and you were out on a call." Carlos explained with a shrug. "Good for him. He seems happy."
"Is that it? He hit on me when he was down here."
"Yeah, well, you married me, didn't you?"
"And I don't think he's interested anymore." Nancy commented, nodding at the picture on TK's phone. "And besides, we've been partners for almost three years now and you never clocked me. You have no gaydar."
TK stared at her.
"But... What? How? You dated Mateo." he stammered and Carlos bit back a laugh.
"Yes and Lexi Mitchell was my first girlfriend in high school. Welcome to the wonderful world of bisexuality."
TK looked back and forth between her and Carlos.
"Did you know?"
"Lexi might have mentioned it when you and I got serious and we were hanging out here a lot." Carlos explained. "And Nance told us at game night that she was always taller than her date, even if they were in six inch heels."
TK blinked a few times as he tried to process the new information.
"I'm an idiot." he said after a few minutes.
"No argument here." Nancy replied and Carlos just pressed a kiss to the side of his head.
"So is there a girl you like then? Is that why you and Mateo broke up?"
"There is someone I like... someone I've liked for a long time... And she's amazing. Gorgeous inside and out... but... I don't think she likes me like that..." Nancy sighed and looked over his shoulder to where Marjan was checking equipment on the ladder truck.
TK followed her gaze.
"Marj?!" he whispered.
"Yeah... But just drop it dude. I know she's not interested."
tagging @lemonlyman-dotcom @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @welcometololaland @your-catfish-friend @welcometololaland
@im-overstimulated-and-im-sad @bonheur-cafe @sanjuwrites + an open tag for whoever wants to share something!
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c-is-for-circinate · 9 months
I would love to hear more mike wheeler - Steve Harrington masculinity thoughts (also whatever happened to Hopper to make him action guy my beloathed)! Also will we get a mike chapter for and they were married?
Okay yes! I am fascinated by Mike and Steve as narrative contrasts, and I always find myself looking for fic where the two of them meaningfully interact, and I keep meaning to write about them.
(Also: Mike deserves his own chapter of that fic, but he's getting folded into Dustin's. What Mike really deserves is his own fic that takes place in that universe, because I know what his deal is there and it's a doozy, but that is a very different post.)
Anyway! For starters, I don't think that Steve and Mike are intentionally meant to be foils. There's an element of it in the first season, where Steve exists to support Nancy's character, and Nancy and Mike are meant to be foils -- Steve is the Popular Kid, the antithesis of Mike and his friends' little group of nerds, he and Tommy and Carol are written into the same category as Troy but older and less actively murderous, and the fact that Nancy's dating him says things about her -- but they end up occupying oddly similar spaces and cool parallels come out of that anyway.
A core thing about it is that Steve and Mike are both the guy in their respective age group casts on the show. The Guy. The central one, the normal one, the presumed-to-be-straight one -- and yes, this is fandom and we have Opinions about that, but the Duffer brothers think they're both straight, and that matters here. They're white, they're able-bodied, they have money. They are, in a sense, normal.
Narratively, they very often act as central/POV character for scenes they're in, at least once Steve gets past the fistfight in S1 and awakens to the fact that he's a person who can make decisions. And that makes sense, because being The Guy also means they're the closest to the classic TV protagonist archetype, the guy who does the hero shit and gets the girl in the end. Hopper is also The Guy, and always has been: in S1 it's just him and Joyce, but even as we add more adults, the only real challenge to his The Guy status is Bob (which is of course why Bob had to die). Murray is a bizarre conspiracy nut, and queer-coded besides that. Owens is an affable bad guy. Alexei and Dmitri and Yuri are all Russian.
Being The Guy comes with a certain amount of baggage. All three of them have to be romantic leads, and have to be crossed in love about it. All three of them are protectors in one way or another. And all three of them are on occasion assholes who have one hell of a time with sincerity and affection.
And this is where we get into Toxic Masculinity, because again, while I don't think the Duffers intended a pile of parallels between these three guys, well. Firstly, The Guy as an archetype is built on a pile of toxic masculine stereotypes, so that's often there to begin with. Secondly, it's the same writers, so certain themes rhyme whether they're intended to or not.
In particular, one of the core tenets of toxic masculinity, not just in ST but as a thing in the world, is when and where it's acceptable to experience soft emotions of affection, care, and vulnerability. The first rule of toxic masculinity is don't. The second rule, the caveat rule, is a little asterisk saying 'except, occasionally, with a female romantic partner, if you absolutely must.'
And so we actually see a lot of unfolding of this in Steve! One thing we know about Steve, without precisely being told, is that he's deeply lonely -- for a popular kid he sure seems to only have two Actual Friends when the show starts and they hardly seem to even like each other. He has a new Favorite Person every season, and he clings to them with the joy of a devoted golden retriever. His mental image of happily-ever-after is a house full of kids with enough siblings to never get lonely, family vacations about close quarters and spending time together. We never see his parents. For all a lot of the 'horrible abuse' fanon is very much fanon, Steve is inarguably a lonely kid. And where do we see him reaching out for affection?
It's not Tommy and Carol, although until they break up he's constantly in their company unless he's alone with Nancy. They hardly even seem to like each other very much, and yet they've stayed at his empty house enough for Tommy to know about his mother's fireplace and Steve to insist he do laundry while he's here. No, the person who Steve is allowed to feel things with and for is Nancy, because she's the caveat, she's the exception. This is why Steve is consistently focused on getting Nancy back, getting a new girlfriend, getting a date. That's the rule!!!
The really fabulous thing about Steve's arc across the first three seasons, and even into S4, is that this quest for romantic affection and vulnerability is both thwarted and rewarded again and again. He tries to apologize to Nancy, to win her back: by the time he sees her again, Nancy's got a new boyfriend, but Steve has a new brother. Dustin is Steve's favorite person by the start of S3; he gets Steve's haircare secrets, he gets Steve's loyalty, he gets Steve's joy. In S3, Steve tries to pour his whole heart into a different girlfriend, and Robin turns him down flat while also simultaneously opening herself up with such vulnerability that they instantly become best friends. Robin is S4's Favorite Person, but the great thing about these relationships being platonic is that Steve gets to have more than one! He gets to have both Dustin and Robin in his life! He gets the other kids as part of the package! Bit by bit, instead of a girlfriend who Steve is "allowed" to be soft with, Steve gains actual friends who he gets to be real with whether it's allowed or not.
And the really tragic thing about Mike Wheeler is that he's doing the opposite. Mike starts out with three friends, three best friends, absolutely devoted to one another. As kids, they're young enough to be free of most of the stranglehold of toxic masculinity yet, although of course it's starting. And then there's El.
Mike charts a really interesting course over four seasons, and the shape of it is not a straight trajectory from 'Mike adores and is BFF with Will' to 'Mike thinks only about El.' Hell, from what we see of S1, the Party are all best friends pretty equally before Will goes missing -- Lucas is the one ready to break into a government lab for him, not Mike. Mike's trajectory is far more 'I derive the bulk of my personal self-worth from protecting other people, and as soon as somebody needs to be saved I go fully into Paladin Mode, making me feel worthwhile and important." It just so happens that the two people in Mike's field of vision who most generally need protection and saving are Will and El. Which leads to Mike's intense Will-focused devotion in S2 (El is gone but Will is also in really significant need, and Mike just straight-up activates, jumping immediately into solicitously taking care of his friend because Something Needs Doing And I Can Do It). And Mike's intense El-focused devotion in S4, where El needs a literal quest to come and rescue her. And just a lot of Mike in general.
The problem with all of that is the part where, unlike Steve who keeps forging new platonic relationships, Mike keeps neglecting his more and more. The S3 Will fight is so good at illustrating that, because look -- we all know Will has a crush on Mike, but at no point during that fight does Will ask, even subtextually, for romantic attention. He's asking for platonic attention, which Mike is absolutely failing to give. "Where's Dustin right now? You don't know, and you don't even care." But as Mike says, they're not kids any more -- and this is how growing up is supposed to work!
(Note: I don't want to say that it's toxic for Mike to be in love with El, or really caught up in that relationship -- he's fourteen! she's his first girlfriend! he thought she was dead! But Mike's an asshole in S3 because he's caught up enough to not notice his friend's feelings until they explode at him, and yeah, I do think part of that is because he knows he's Not Supposed To.)
S4 is a lot, because here's where we're really seeing the culmination of a lot of what Mike's been unfortunately moving towards. We've hit a point where those vulnerable feelings that Mike's allowed to share, at most, with his girlfriend, feel like too much to even share with his girlfriend. He can't say 'I love you'. He can't even talk to Will. The conversation he does have with Will is honestly mostly about Mike and his feelings of inadequacy, of not measuring up, not being special, but it has to be couched in the context of El. If there's a reverse-Bechdel test to be done on S4, past the very first episode I'm pretty sure Mike fails it -- I don't think he has a single conversation that isn't about his girlfriend in one capacity or another.
In contrast, S4 Steve is, yes, pretty focused on girls-in-general and Nancy-in-specific, and yeah, there's a little bit of backsliding going on there. But he's also having conversations with Robin about her fears and longings, having weird little interludes where Eddie's the one bringing up Nancy rather than Steve himself. He's hurt at the end when Nancy is clearly still with Jonathan, but he's able to move on, to go fold clothes and care about Robin's love life instead of his own -- his optimistic happy ending in S4 is that his best friend is going to get the girl, not him.
I think there's a lot more to say, which I only brushed on briefly here, about other aspects of Mike and Steve that work in parallel or contrast -- their protector thing, which feels very intrinsic but shows up very differently in both of them, the way Steve says 'I love you' so easily and Mike has trouble saying it at all, the way they are both very much extremely normal guys, at least on paper. There's so much to say. I think that has to be a different post.
I will say, in terms of Hopper: Jim Hopper is what it looks like when those pent-up feelings that you aren't allowed to express to anybody other than a romantic partner sit and fester for decades. Fuck, there were things about Vietnam he didn't even tell his wife, that sat like poison both emotional and biological between them. When we meet him in S1, he's processing grief with drugs and drinking and processing fear with rage. He has spent so much of the past four seasons processing fear as rage.
Of course Joyce is the one person he's allowed to, sometimes, on occasion, be soft with. Of course nearly his every interaction with Mike is macho dominance posturing. Of course the entire trajectory of his relationship with El is a push-pull of Hopper retreating into authoritarianism and anger instead of the terror of honesty, and then getting to see the consequences of that when his daughter pulls away. Every season has broken him down a little more that way, but then the yo-yo pulls back (Season 3 whyyyyyyyyy). By Season 4, he's been beaten and starved and frozen and shattered enough that we get maybe the most honest monologue of his life, to a Russian prison guard, because they're about to die so what do the rules matter any more. It's a clear window into an endless pit of self-loathing, because for twenty or thirty years Hopper's been letting those feelings eat in instead of out, and bit by bit they've been devouring him.
El is hope, for him, and Joyce is hope, and the cracks that broke open in Kamchatka to maybe let in a little more air that might not seal right back up again are hope. But it's hard. It's hard! It makes him an absolute asshole, including and especially towards the people he wants most to protect. (And there's that protector thing again.)
Anyway, I am on the record as liking Steve a lot and having very little patience for Mike and Hopper, but like. They're not that different, at their core. They just put the pieces together in a different order.
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welcometololaland · 9 months
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WIP WORKING WEEK PART 2: PRODUCT PLACEMENT This is way more than the sentences I was supposed to do, but it's dialogue so I feel like I can get away with it. I'm also doubling this up as my (twenty) seven sentence Sunday. Thanks for the tags @freneticfloetry, @rosedavid @jesuisici33 @rmd-writes @three-drink-amy @alrightbuckaroo @lemonlyman-dotcom @strandnreyes @carlos-in-glasses and @heartstringsduet! I can't wait to dig into your snippets!
Carlos pauses. “Why do I get the feeling that you’re about to confess to doing something that you know I won't like?”
Carlos sighs deeply and pinches the bridge of his nose. “TK.”
“You can’t be mad, you don’t even know what it is yet,” TK protests. Carlos thinks he can hear Nancy snickering in the background of the phone call.
“It?” Carlos asks, shuffling into the kitchen, throwing a Nespresso pod in the machine and turning it on at the wall. He feels a little woozy after spending so much time asleep and wonders whether a coffee will make him feel better about this conversation. He loves TK so much it feels like his heart could burst, but the love of his life also spends a lot of time tap dancing on Carlos’ last nerve. 
“Okay, first of all,” TK insists. “It’s very small.”
“How small?” Carlos asks. “Like, Lou small? Or Buttercup small? Because sometimes you treat those two animals as if they’re the same size.”
TK scoffs. “Carlos, we have no idea how big Lou is now. He could be huge.”
“I doubt it,” Carlos says drily. “But we can go out to the Greenbelt and search for Godzilla if you like.”
“Okay, I meant huge for an alligator lizard. I think their maximum length is eight inches—”
“TK, what did you buy? It’s not…alive, is it?”
“Baby,” TK chides. “It’s super irresponsible to buy a pet without first consulting your partner. Unless you want to buy me a lizard, in which case you should just assume that the answer is yes—”
“You brought Lou home without consulting me!”
“Technically, I didn’t buy Lou because I found him in that guy’s leg.”
“That is not helpful.”
TK sighs. “Okay,” he admits. “I should have asked. But it all worked out for the best, right? We released Lou into the wild, and you got to finally redecorate the living room.”
“After I trashed it trying to find him,” Carlos says, rolling his eyes, but he can feel his resolve waning. TK has such a big and generous heart, something that Carlos loves intensely – even when it extends to reptiles. “Okay, come on. You need to confess before you get home or you’re going to be all funny.”
“What do you mean?” TK asks innocently.
“I mean, you’re going to simultaneously try to distract me with sex and a TV show we both know I don’t want to watch.”
“But the sex works, doesn’t it?” TK asks, his voice dropping to a whisper. In the background, Carlos hears Nancy make a retching noise.
“Fine,” TK relents. “I bought you something for work.”
Carlos pauses. “You know I can’t use costume handcuffs for work, right?”
TK practically chokes. “Mind out of the gutter please, Carlos,” he says. “I got you a desk vacuum.”
There’s a long pause, where Carlos tries to imagine how a vacuum cleaner is going to fit on a desk, much less what it is required for. The station has nightly cleaning and since the pandemic, each unit has been given a near-endless supply of anti-bacterial wipes which Carlos uses religiously on his office keyboard, even though he’s the only one who uses it.
“Thank you, babe,” Carlos says slowly. It’s not supposed to be a question, but it kind of sounds like one. “What’s a desk vacuum?”
“It’s like this mini vacuum that gets rid of all the crumbs and stuff on your desk,” TK explains calmly. “I bought one for Dad, too. He loves it.”
Carlos has heard those Freudian theories about marrying someone who subconsciously reminds you of your parent, but it still alarms him to realise TK considers him sufficiently similar to Owen that he buys them the same thing. 
“I’m a little concerned you’re starting to believe police officers eat doughnuts at their desk all day,” Carlos says weakly, trying to pass off his uncertainty as humour.
TK laughs. “Baby, I’ve seen your abs,” he quips. “Those are not made of doughnut.”
“The doughnuts never last long enough in this house for me to—”
“You do spend heaps of time at your desk though,” TK continues. “I thought a desk vacuum would be useful.”
Carlos frowns. “I do?” he asks, wondering where TK has plucked this idea from. In reality, Carlos does spend more time than he’d like to sitting down, but most of it is in a patrol car.
“You’re always complaining about the paperwork,” TK says mildly. “Right?”
“Right,” Carlos agrees slowly. “But it doesn’t mean that police work is a desk job.”
“I mean…it kinda is,” TK replies. “Not all the time. But you spend heaps of time inside.”
Carlos scoffs. “Are you saying that because the one time you’ve been inside the station you were handcuffed to my desk?”
“Very funny, Carlos,” TK replies drily. “Don’t get defensive because you spend way more time typing things on a computer than I do.”
“You do inventory all the time!”
“With a clipboard,” TK says hotly. “Standing up and waiting for the bell to ring.”
“Oh, when you’re not busy playing table soccer and cooking up four course meals?”
“I also do those things standing up,” TK points out. “And I don’t see you running into any burning buildings on the job.”
“Do not go there, TK Strand,” Carlos mutters. “You can’t seriously be starting a red versus blue argument with me.”
Pretty sure everyone has done this already but tagging @bonheur-cafe and @marjansmarwani just in case and @goodways because I know you love a good TK and Carlos argument dlfjlsdkjf.
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Pairing: Monster! Eddie x reader
Summary: dustin hides now not dead and very alive and very much a vampire eddie in his basement. the whole group knows except you. steve tells Eddie that it’s not smart to see you but eddie doesn’t care. so eddie just like breaks out of dustin’s basement and goes to find you
Warnings: Plot divergent, mike is bad at keeping secrets, steve is maybe a little mean to heartbroken and kinda lonely eddie, happy reunion at the end <3
Grief. It’s all you feel. Other than the numbness that’s fogged your brain.
You barely feel anything than those two feelings anymore.
After loosing one of your bestest friends and potential life partner about 3 months ago now, you feel lost. You’d buried yourself in rebuilding and replenishing the town after Hawkins was hit by a massive earthquake, and buried yourself some more in your job at the local record store. Woodwork, food making, cloth folding, box packing, record restocking, and home chores are all you know now.
You barely see your friends anymore. While you cross paths as you work at the makeshift shelter in the Hawkins High gymnasium, you often work on the other side of the large room. You feel their eyes but you ignore them, not ready to face them yet.
But unbeknownst to you, and all the other older kids/adults of the group, Dustin Henderson has been hiding something too. Rather than hide himself from the world, he’s been hiding someone. Someone that was supposed to be very dead and very not alive.
Well, that someone did die, but he’s alive now, again. But different. Physically and mentally.
This very alive someone has large, ratty, bat-like wings and fangs, like some otherworldly creature. His nails grow fast and are sharp, but he tries to keep them cut short, nervous chewing does it’s work on keeping the nails/claws short as well. Some senses seem enhanced as well too. Hearing, smell, sight (especially as night), and taste. He can eat fine and normal food, much to Dustin’s amazement and bewilderment.
But Dustin could only keep this secret for so long. When Mike opens his big mouth and spills the beans to Nancy, Nancy is so shocked that her first instinct is to drag Mike to Dustin’s and barge into the basement to find a very alive Eddie Munson.
Upon the discovery, Nancy calls her first emergency group meeting in Dustin’s basement, despite his and Mike’s protests. And Nancy spills the secret to the rest of the group, with definite proof.
The group panics and bickers amongst each other until Erica speaks up.
“What are we gonna tell Y/n?” She asks.
The group goes quiet at the same time Robin blurts, “We can’t tell Y/n!”
Eddie, who’s been sitting off to the side, stands and asks, “Why not? Are you afraid she’ll be frightened of me?”
“Yes,” Nancy answers.
Eddie opens his mouth to protest but Nancy continues.
“It’ll be like seeing a ghost, Eddie,” Nancy tells him. “You died in front of her. Sure, you’re still you, but you’re not you anymore.”
“But-“ Eddie starts.
“Eddie,” Steve grabs the boy’s attention. “It’s been three months since you died. She’s still acting like you died yesterday. We’ve barely seen her, much less talked to her. She might quite literally die from shock from seeing you, especially with the way you are now.”
“How I am now?” Eddie snaps.
“You’ve got fangs now, man,” Steve defends his statement. “And wings. And claws.”
“I keep them short!” Eddie protests.
“That doesn’t matter now!” Steve starts to raise his voice. “She can’t handle you! She’s not well! She needs help before we introduce this new you to her!!”
“But maybe she’ll get better when she sees me!” Eddie protests again.
“No! Eddie!!” Steve sighs heavily, squeezing the bridge of his nose. “Eddie, just listen to me. It’s too soon, man. Just give her some time.”
“So I’m just supposed to hide down here for who knows how long?” Eddie asks, voiced lowered but dripping with irritation.
“Yes,” Steve answered. “I’m sorry, but yes.”
Eddie huffed, throwing himself down onto the couch in the basement.
“Can you ever go outside during the day anyway?” Robin asked, a little sass to her voice.
“Yes,” Eddie grumbled, crossing his arms.
Unbeknownst to quite literally everyone in the room, Eddie came up with a plan.
After everyone left and Dustin went to bed, and was in bed for at least an hour, Eddie would sneak out through the basement fire escape. Once out in the world, he’d make his way to your house. The only obstacle left would be getting into your house, hopefully through your bedroom window that you possibly left unlocked even after all this time.
The air is tingly. The smell of fresh leaves, blooming flowers, and the day’s cars waft through the air. It’s cool and smooth, better than the warm, stuffy air of Dustin’s basement.
Eddie makes his way through the streets, going by heart to the way to your house, but he decides to go the long way around. He slows as he passes the trailer park. It seems that the earthquake hit his former home the hardest, only a few new homes have been placed and their respective properties have been cleaned up. He shakes his head of memories and picks up his pace, making his way to the suburbs on the other side of the woods that borders the Hawkins trailer park.
A few of the house’s lights are on, but most are off. Cars are parked in the driveway. He doesn’t see the two story he’s looking for and keeps walking, making it important to stick to the shadows.
It’s a few moments before he comes up on the familiar oak that covers a majority of the front yard. Eddie makes his way to the side yard and climbs the scrangly cherry blossom tree so he can make his way into your backyard. He climbs the trellis filled with orange trumpet vines and practically starts shaking when he sees the lilac curtains shielding his view from your lit bedroom window. Eddie feels his wings vibrate as he makes his way to the window. He tries the little lip on the bottom of the window and it gives, letting him be able to slip his fingers between the window sill and window.
Eddie lifts the window more and stops when it abruptly squeaks. He pauses, listening for footsteps. He doesn’t hear footsteps, or any noise that indicated, but what he does hear is the muffled lull of The Call of Ktulu, playing from the vinyl that Eddie had gifted you for your birthday.
The boy tries the window again, successfully lifting your window without any noise.
He slips inside, parting your curtain.
Your room hasn’t changed one bit. Your bed is still against the opposite wall from the window, nestled into the far corner. Your desk is against the wall to the right, facing away from the bed and adjacent from your bedroom door and the window Eddie just slithered through. Your closet sits in the wall next to your desk, filled with your shirts and his, a little three drawer dresser sits under the shirts, your shoes filling one of the corners inside the closet. And your, rectangular shaped, nightstand sits beside your bed, the record player that eddie gifted your sits atop it, sitting beside the lamp that sat closest to your bed. Though the room is a little messy, your laundry overflowing a little and some and some water bottles litter your desk and nightstand.
You. You stand in the doorway of your room, looking like a deer in headlights. You’re dressed in pjs, a large t-shirt and some shorts. You look tired, exhausted even.
“Is that you?”
Eddie wills his mouth to move and vocal chords to vibrate but it’s as if his body forgot how to function. So with no air entering or exiting his lungs, he goes for a simple nod. He suddenly feels nervous and the previous shaking from before comes back.
You stand there for a few moments before taking a step forward. And then another. And another. Until you’re crashing into Eddie’s chest and pulling him down by your arms wrapped around his neck. You’re practically choking him with how tight you have him wrapped in your arms.
Eddie hesitates before squeezing you into his own hug. He’s crushing you in a bear hug and stuffing his face into the side of your head. The metalhead doesn’t even realize he’s crying until you’re both pulling away from each other and his cheeks are cold. Eddie holds you by your forearms, and you cling to his wrists.
You’re crying too. Eyes are bloodshot and a river of tears flow down your cheeks and drip down onto your plush carpet flooring. You laugh a little bit, taking in a shuttering breath.
“Hi,” Your breathing stutters, and you take a hand away to wipe at your cheek.
“Hi,” Eddie responds. He moves his hands to cup your cheeks, smudging the wet tears aside.
“You look… different,” You point out, eyeing his new characteristics.
“Really?? I hadn’t noticed,” he says with a toothy smile on his face, and that’s when you notice his fangs. They don’t look too sharp, but sharp enough to cause some damage.
“Oh,” Your eyebrows raise in surprise. “What are these?”
You move your hands to poke at his fangs, testing their sharpness with the pad of your pointer finger.
“Careful,” he mumbles so he doesn’t accidentally prick your finger by talking. “They’re kinda sharp.”
“I see that,” You tell him. “How have you been? Where have you been?”
“Umm tired, hungry, and a little grumpy,” Eddie lists off. “And been down in Dustin’s stuffy basement with like zero outside time.”
“Dustin’s basement?” You press.
“Umm yeah,” Eddie scratches the back of his neck nervously. “Everyone else might’ve known i’ve been alive for about three months now. But nobody told you cause they didn’t want to upset you or anything, and they didn’t want me to come “hunt you down” or anything. Cause I assume you’ve been pretty down since I like… died and everything.”
“Three months?!” You seem to latch onto that first before processing everything else. “Hunt me down?? Did you actually die or what that something that I just imagined??”
“Uhhmmm yeah…” Eddie’s nervous now, twiddling with his hair now. “I did die, for like a couple days I guess. And Dustin said when I “woke back up” I had the wings and stuff. And I guess they didn’t know if i’d be Eddie Eddie or like Monster Eddie, or if i’d go on like a weird predatory killing spree or anything. I guess no one’s ever died and then come back with wings and fangs, y’know. You’re not mad or anything?? I hope???”
You sigh heavily, “No, I’m not mad. I guess irritated? That Dustin and everyone else decided to let me grief for like three months despite you being alive for that period of time. But I’m very glad that you’re alive and well, if not a little different as well.”
“Hey,” Eddie spreads his wings a little. “I guess I give better hugs now!”
“Yeah!” You agree. “Are you hungry?”
“Very. Chicken nuggets and poptarts aren’t very good breakfast and dinners for three months straight,” Eddie tells you.
“Good,” You move and grab his hand. “Spaghetti it is.”
He follows after you, happy as a puppy. Eddie’s happy to be back, officially now. And with his favorite girl of all time that truly does love him completely and unconditionally.
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layce2015 · 7 months
Supernatural (Dean Winchester x Female!Reader)
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Abandon All Hope...
Masterlist pt 1
Masterlist pt 2
Underneath the lowest of the highway overpass, an old man gets out of an expensive car, digs a hole in the dirt and gravel, buries a box, and stands up. "Mr. Pendleton, I presume." A British voice said and Pendleton turns around to see a man who wasn't there before.
"Name's Crowley." The man introduced. "In my negotiations I was, uh, dealing with a very young, attractive, uh, lady." Pendleton said. "Yes. I know. But you, piggy bank, you are a big fish, and I wanted to do you the honor of sealing this deal personally." Crowley said. "She said the deal would be sealed with a kiss." Pendleton said, nervously. "That's right." Crowley said and Pendleton stares at him.
Crowley grins. "No, I mean, she said—I don't—" Pendleton stammers. "Your choice. You can cling to six decades of deep-seated homophobia, or give it up and get a complete bailout for your bank's ridiculous incompetence." Crowley said as he gets up in Pendleton's personal space.
"There are just things that I—" Pendleton said.
"Going once." Crowley said.
"I don't think so—"
"Going twice."
"All right! All right." Pendleton shouts and Crowley pulls him in. "No—" Pendleton pleads but Crowley kisses him anyway. Meanwhile Castiel is observing from a distance, on the phone. "Got him." Castiel said then a moment later, Crowley releases Pendleton. 
"The demon Crowley is making a deal; even as we speak, it's—going—down." Castiel said to Dean. "Going down? Right. Okay, Huggy Bear, just don't lose him." Dean tells him and Sam and (y/n), who were leaning against the Impala, turn to look at him. "I won't lose him." Castiel assures.
"Damn you." Pendleton growls at Crowley once he's released. Then he turns to walk back to his car. "Enjoy the obscene wealth. See you in ten years." Crowley said then he fiddles with a cell phone while he walks, then vanishes. Castiel follows him, vanishing as well.
"I followed him. It's not far, but—it's layered in Enochian warding magic." Castiel said but then he sees that the wall is covered in blue-white geometric designs. "I can't get in." He tells Dean. "That's okay, you did great. We'll take it from here." Dean assures him and he hangs up, then they load up and drive off.
That night, a young woman in evening dress approaches the gate and presses a button on the intercom. "Hello?" The voice said. "Hello. My car broke down. I—I need some help." The woman said. "I'll be down in a minute." The male voice said and the woman turns around to wait, it's Jo.
The gates swing open and two men approach her. "Evening, pretty lady. Get yourself on in here." One of the men said. "I just need to make a call." Jo tells them. "You don't need to call anyone, baby." The man said then he glances back at his partner. "We're the only help you're ever gonna need." He said. 
"You know what? I think I should wait by my car." Jo said and she turns to go. The first man grabs her shoulder; his eyes go black. "We said, get your ass in here." He demanded and Jo shakes him loose and flattens him. The second man is stabbed through the neck with Ruby's knife, held by Sam. He stabs the first man too.
"Nice work, Jo." Dean tells her. "Thanks." She said and (y/n) hands her a bag. Then Jo pulls out wire cutters. "Okay. Shall we?" She asked and they nod.
Crowley is watching his film when the electricity cuts out. He leaves the room. "It's Crowley, right?" (y/n) said and he turns to see Sam, Dean and (y/n) standing in a room. "So. The Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew finally found me. Took you long enough." Crowley said as Sam holds Ruby's knife and Dean and (y/n) hold a shotgun each.
Crowley approaches, stopping when he sees his rug is rumpled. He looks underneath and sees a devil's trap has been drawn on the bottom of the rug. "Do you have any idea how much this rug cost?" Crowley asked them, angrily, then three men grab Sam, Dean and (y/n) from behind, disarming them and pinning their arms.
Crowley holds up the Colt. "This is it, right? This is what it's all about." Crowley said then he aims the gun at Dean, then adjusts his aim and shoots the three men. "We need to talk. Privately." Crowley said then he leads the trio into another room.
"What the hell is this?" Dean asked him. "Do you know how deep I could have buried this thing?" Crowley asked as he waves a hand; the door slams shut. "There's no reason you or anyone should know this even exists, except that I told you." Crowley said. "You told us." Sam said, raising a questioning eyebrow. "Rumors, innuendo, sent out on the grapevine." Crowley said.
"Why? Why tell us anything?" (Y/n) asked and Crowley aims at Dean again. "I want you to take this thing to Lucifer and empty it into his face." Crowley said. "Uh-huh, okay, and why exactly would you want the devil dead?" Dean asked him, confused. "It's called—" Crowley said as he puts the gun down. "Survival. Well, I forgot you three at best are functioning morons—" 
"You're functioning...morons..." Dean said, weakly. "Nice comeback, Dean." (Y/n) mutters but loud enough for Dean to hear. "Lucifer isn't a demon, remember? He's an angel. An angel famous for his hatred of humankind. To him, you're just filthy bags of pus. If that's the way he feels about you, what can he think about us?" Crowley asked. "But he created you." Sam said.
"To him, we're just servants. Cannon fodder. If Lucifer manages to exterminate humankind, we're next. So, help me, huh? Let's all go back to simpler, better times, back to when we could all follow our natures. I'm in sales, dammit! So what do you say if I give you this thing, and you go kill the devil?" Crowley said as he holds out the Colt, handle first. The boys and (y/n) glance at each other as Crowley wiggles the gun.
Sam hesitantly reaches out to take it. "Great." Sam said. "Great." Crowley said. "You wouldn't happen to know where the devil is, by chance, would you?" (Y/n) asked him. "Thursday, birdies tell me, there's an appointment in Carthage, Missouri." Crowley replied and Sam and (y/n) glance at each other then at Dean, who nods.
"Great." Sam said then he puts the barrel between Crowley's eyes and pulls the trigger. It clicks. Sam stares, surprised; Crowley stares back, impassive. "Oh, yeah, right, you'll probably need some more ammunition." Crowley said and he goes into his desk.
"Oh, uh, excuse me for asking, but aren't you kind of signing your own death warrant? I mean, what happens to you if we go up against the devil and lose?" Dean asked him. "Number one, he's going to wipe us all out anyway. Two, after you leave here, I go on an extended vacation to all points nowhere. And three, how about you don't miss, okay! Morons!" Crowley shouts and he throws a box at Dean, who catches it. It's the bullets for the Colt. 
Dean looks up only to see Crowley was gone. "Nice guy." (Y/n) said, sarcastically, as Sam sighs.
On a table, there was five full shot glasses in a row next to a row of three upside-down shot glasses, a gap, and a full shot glass. Another glass is placed upside-down in the gap. JO drinks from a beer bottle while Ellen drains the fifth and puts it back upside-down.
"All right, big boy." She said to Castiel. "Well." Castiel said as he sits in front of the shot glasses. Then he begins to drain all five of his in a row. Ellen stares. "I think I'm starting to feel something." Castiel said. Jo gawks and grins while Ellen pours five more shot glasses then looks over at Ariel, who was sitting next to Castiel.
"Okay, girlie. Your turn." Ellen said as Ariel looks at the shotglasses with worry. "Uh...what is this again?" Ariel asked Ellen. "Whiskey." Ellen replied and Ariel stares at the glasses for a moment then takes the first shot glass and downs the drink. Her face scrunches up at the taste of the drink, making Jo and Ellen laugh, before she takes the next four shots.
Sam, (y/n) and Dean are sitting at opposite sides of Bobby's desk, all of them with beer bottles. "It's gotta be a trap, right?" Sam asked. "Sam Winchester, having trust issues with a demon. Well, better late than never." Dean said and (y/n) giggles. "Thank you again for your continued support." Sam said, sarcastically. "You're welcome." Dean said and the trio clink their bottles and drink.
"You know, trap or no trap, we got a snowball's chance, we gotta take it, right?" (Y/n) said to the boys. "Yeah, I suppose." Sam said. "Besides, I'm not sure it is a trap. Check it out. I mean, Carthage is lit up like a Christmas tree with Revelation omens. And look at this." (Y/n) said as she pushes some papers at the boys. "There's been six missing persons reported, in town, since Sunday. I think the devil's there." She said. "Okay." Sam said and Dean looks up at him.
"Look, when you think about it...you can't come with." Dean said and Sam rolls his eyes. "Dean." He groans. "Look, (y/n) and I go against Satan and screw the pooch, okay. We've lost two game pieces. That we can take. But if you're there, then we are handing the devil's vessel right over to him. That's not smart." Dean said.
"Since when have we ever done anything smart?" Sam asked. "I'm serious, Sam." Dean argues. "So am I." Sam said, firmly. "He's right, Dean. Haven't we learned a damn thing? If we're gonna do this, we're gonna do it together." (Y/n) said and the trio share a look for a long moment before Dean looks away first. "Okay. But it's a stupid frigging idea." Dean grumbles.
Then he looks past Sam, his attention caught by Castiel, Ariel, Ellen, and Jo. Sam and (y/n) look too. "Boy, talk about stupid ideas." Sam said. "Good God. True, that." (Y/n) said and she looks down at her hands then back up towards Jo, who got up to the refrigerator. "Excuse me, boys." (Y/n) said as she gets up and goes over to Jo.
"Hey, Jo." (Y/n) said as she meets up with Jo. "Hey, (y/n)." Jo greets as she turns to her. "Hey...I-I wanted to say...I know the last time we really met was...when I was possessed..." (y/n) said and Jo waves her hand, vaguely. "Hey, like you said, you were possessed. You couldn't help it." Jo said. “I know. But sometimes I can still see myself. See my hands around you as Meg assaulted you. That’s a memory that’s impossible to forget. (y/n) said.
Jo looks at (y/n), turns away to grab a beer and offers it to her. “Let’s make some new memories then.” She said, smirking. (Y/n) looks at the beer and smiles, accepting it.
“I know it might sound strange, but that night was the best thing that could have happen to me.” Jo said, as she takes another beer for herself. “How?” (Y/n) asked, very puzzled on how that horrible night could be a good thing. “It helped me take this life more seriously. I’m not that amateur with a bunch of half-baked romantic notions anymore.” Jo said and (y/n) nodded. “Yeah, I noticed.” She said. 
“I could have sat around, feeling sorry for myself and let other feel pity for me. But that’s not what my Dad would do. He wouldn’t let that horrible experience label him for the rest of his life. He would do his best to stop it from happening to anyone else. I guess in a way, it also made me feel closer to him.” Jo explained.
(Y/n) nodded as she starts thinking of her own father. “I’ll drink that.” She said, holding her beer out to Jo. Jo smiles and they tap their beers together for a toast and swig them. The two girls talk and laugh amongst each other then Jo goes to join Ellen, Castiel and Ariel and (y/n) smiles, feeling like a weight was lifted off of her shoulders.
She leans against the counter and, mindlessly, drinks her beer when she felt a presence next to her. She turns her head to see Dean next to her. "Hey." he greets. "Hey." She greets back. "What were you and Jo talking about?" Dean asked her. "Oh, I just...needed to talk to her about some stuff. Something to get off of my chest." (Y/n) replied. "Oh...okay." Dean mutters and he grabs another beer bottle, opens it and drinks it.
"So. Dangerous mission tomorrow. Guess it's time to eat, drink, and, you know, make merry." Dean said and (y/n) raises her eyes, suspiciously, to him. "Are you giving me the last-night-on-earth speech?" She asked him.
"What?" Dean asked.
"What?" (y/n) asked back.
"No." Dean said then the two share a laugh and (y/n) looks away from him, taking another swig of beer. "If I was, would, uh, would that work?" Dean asked her and (y/n) scoffs out a small laugh then she looks back at Dean, a suggestive glint in her eyes. Dean raises an eyebrow at her as she sets her beer bottle down on the counter, on her left, and takes a few small steps towards him.
She then wraps her arms around his neck and he sets his bottle on the counter and places his hands on her waist, a smile on his face. She leans up and kisses him, but this kiss was a bit different. It was slow and sensual. It was also loving.
Dean wraps his arms around her waist and pulls her closer to him as they deepen the kiss. Then (y/n), slowly and reluctantly, pulls away from the kiss and cups his face in her hands. "There's more where that came from, big guy. But...you're just gonna have to wait til later tonight." She whispered, seductively, to him.
Dean felt a pleasurable chill go down his spine as she said these words. "You really know how to mess with me, you know that?" Dean growls, lowly, to her and she giggles. "Well, I gotta keep you on your toes, Winchester." She said and she winks at him. Dean stares into her (e/c) eyes and gives her a loving smile before he leans down and gives her another kiss.
"Everybody get in here! It's time for the lineup. Usual suspects in the corner." Bobby calls out and Dean and (y/n) break the kiss then their embrace and they walk over to the walkway door to the study room, where everyone was standing.
"Oh come on, Bobby. Nobody wants their picture taken." Ellen groans. "Hear, hear." Sam said. "Shut up. You're drinking my beer." Bobby said as he finishes fiddling with a camera on a tripod.
Then he rolls his wheelchair back. "Anyway, I'm gonna need something to remember your sorry asses by." Bobby said as everyone is in the room and getting into position. Castiel stands, then Ariel next to him and then Sam, Dean and (y/n). Ellen and Jo stand in front of Sam and Bobby rolls up next to Jo. 
"Ha! Always good to have an optimist around." Ellen jokes as Sam places his right arm around Ariel's shoulder and his left arm around Dean. Dean places his right hand on Sam's shoulder and wraps his left arm around (y/n)'s waist and (y/n) places her left hand on Bobby's shoulder and her right arm around Dean's waist. All of them begin to smile.
"Bobby's right. Tomorrow we hunt the devil. This is our last night on Earth." Castiel said and all the smiles disappear. "Way to bring down the mood, Cas." (Y/n) snarks just before the camera flashes, taking their picture.
The next day, the Impala drives in the town, followed by another car. Behind them were billboards that said Anti-God is Anti-American on an American flag back ground. Many missing posters are tacked on some poles. Sam and (y/n) both have hands out the windows, phones in hand.
"You getting a signal?" Sam asked (y/n) as Dean drives. "No, nothing. Nice and spooky." (y/n) said and Dean waves the other car up next to him, Ellen is driving, Jo shotgun. "Place seem a little empty to you?" Ellen asked Dean. "We're gonna go check out the PD. You guys stay here, see if you can find anybody." Dean tells them. "Okay." Ellen said and Dean drives off.
Ellen parks and Jo gets out then turns to look at Castiel and Ariel in the back seat. "Ever heard of a door handle?" Jo asked them. "Of course we have." Ariel said then her and Castiel stand outside the car. They look around; the street is deserted except for the four of them.
"What is it, guys?" Ellen asked Cas and Ariel. "This town's not empty." Castiel said as he and Ariel could see that the town is filled with dozens of old white men in suits, all standing still, attention fixed on something in the distance. "Reapers." Castiel said.
"Reapers? As in more than one?" Ellen asked them. "They only gather like this at times of great catastrophe. Chicago Fire, San Francisco Quake, Pompeii." Ariel said and Castiel looks around. "Excuse us, we need to find out why they're here." Castiel said and he and Ariel walk off, pausing to look at the nearest reaper, who ignores them.
Jo and Ellen look at each other as Castiel's and Ariel’s attention is caught by a Reaper inside a building who turns away from the window, the first of the dozens to show any signs of life. The building's marquee reads "JESUS SAVES".
Castiel and Ariel appear inside the building at that window. They come down the corridor and enter a room. "Hello, brother and sister." A voice said and then there was a white light.
Ellen and Jo are back in their car and they come to a stop next to Dean, Sam and (y/n). "Station's empty." Dean said. "So's everything else." Jo said. "Have you seen Cas and Ariel?" Ellen asked the trio. "What? They were with you." Sam said, confused. "Nope. They went after the reapers." Ellen said.
"Reapers?" Dean said, shocked.
"They saw reapers? Where?" (Y/n) asked the girls. "Well, kind of everywhere." Jo said and Dean, Sam and (y/n) look at each other with worry and concern.
The room is dark, lit mostly by firelight. Castiel and Ariel are standing in the center of a ring of fire. Then they notice the other person in the room. "Lucifer." Castiel and Ariel said as he walks up to them. "So I take it you two are here with the Winchesters and (l/n)." Lucifer said. "We came alone." Ariel said and Lucifer smiles at her.
"Loyalty. Such a nice quality to see in this day and age." Lucifer said and he stares at Ariel. "My dear sister. It is so good to see you." Lucifer said. "Likewise." Ariel growls as she glares at her older brother. "I'm told you and...Castiel, right?" Lucifer said as he looks at Cas, who glares at him. 
"Anyway, I'm told that you and Castiel came here in an automobile." Lucifer said. "Yes." Cas and Ariel said. "What was that like?" Lucifer asked them. "Um. Slow. Confining." Castiel explains. "What a peculiar thing you are." Lucifer said as he stares at Castiel but Ariel stares at her brother and noticed that he doesn't look healthy. It looked like he had burns on his face.
"What's wrong with your vessel?" Ariel asked him. "Yes. Um. Nick is wearing a bit thin, I'm afraid. He can't contain me forever, so—" Lucifer said. "You—" Castiel said and he steps forward but Ariel stops him so he doesn't step into the fire. "You are not taking Sam Winchester. We won't let you." Castiel said, firmly. "Castiel. Ariel. I don't understand why you two are fighting me, of all the angels." Lucifer said.
"You really have to ask?" Castiel asked him. "I rebelled, I was cast out. You, Castiel, rebelled, you were cast out. Almost all of heaven wants to see me dead, and if they succeed, guess what? You're their new public enemy number one. We're on the same side, like it or not, so why not just serve your own best interests? Which in this case just happen to be mine?" Lucifer asked. "I'll die first." Castiel said. "I suppose you will." Lucifer said then he looks at his sister.
“Ariel. I have to say I’m a little curious about your story. From what I remember you were always such a good little sister. Staying quite and in your place like Dad and Michael wanted.” Lucifer said, almost mockingly. “I grew up. Got tired of all the family drama and went sightseeing instead.” Ariel replied. “But then you came back from what I’ve heard. You rebelled against heaven and against dear Michael. And all for three of the most broke humans on the planet.” Lucifer said.
“Broken is not the word I would use to describe them. They are rough around the edges and have made mistake. But they learn from them and grow. Micheal and the rest of heaven are so close minded, that they won’t stop to question their actions. Believing whatever sacrifices they make will be justified in the end. Sam, Dean, (y/n), I’ve gotten to know them, hear their stories, see what drives them. They’ve each taught me valuable lessons.” Ariel explained.
Lucifer scoffs at this. “What could these humans possibly teach you?” He asked. “Many wonderful things actually. (Y/n), she stood by the brothers side through all the good and bad. Her loyalty is remarkable and her faith in both of them is inspiring. Most humans or even angels for that matter, wouldn’t have the brothers’ back after the gates of hell or breaking the final seal. I’m honored to be considered her friend.” Ariel explained.
Lucifer continued listening, with a bored expression. “Her lover, Dean, is one of the most resilient fighters I’ve seen. He has truly been through terrible things that would make any other human bitter and hateful. And yet, he’s fighting for this whole world. For billions of people he doesn’t even know. It’s extraordinary.” Ariel continues and Lucifer fake yawns, not really seeming to care.
“Finally your vessel, Sam, the boy with the demon blood. He’s taught me the most important lesson of all. Him being your vessel, the demon blood, everything that doesn’t make him normal. It’s all considered evil and yet he chooses to do good instead. Even after freeing you from the cage and dooming the world, he fights. He’s doing everything in his power to stop you and make up for the terrible mistake he has done. The angels say he is evil but his choices show he is truly good. They all are.” Ariel finishes.
“Are you done?” Lucifer asked, unfazed by everything she has just said. “You won’t win, Lucifer. Not when the Winchesters and (l/n) are still on the board. Love is what drives them and that will be you’re downfall.” Ariel said, passionately.
Lucifer stares at her for a few moments before smirking, almost reminisce to her talk with Gabriel. “Have to say sis, it’s good that you found your voice. When the time comes, I’ll look forward to putting your theory to the test. Even if it’s delusional.” He said.
Ellen, Dean, (y/n), Sam, and Jo are walking, shotguns in hands and looking around for trouble. "Well, this is great, been in town twenty minutes and already lost the two angels up our sleeve." Dean said. "You think, uh, you think Lucifer got them?" (y/n) asked him, worried. "I don't know what else to think." Dean said, honestly.
"There you are." a female voice said and they all turn to see a familiar woman. "Meg." Sam said. "Shouldn't have come here, boys." Meg said. "Hell, I could say the same thing for you." Dean said and he aims the Colt at Meg. "Didn't come here alone, Deano." Meg said and something splashes in a puddle near Meg's feet; the sounds of dogs growling and barking.
Sam, Ellen, (y/n), and Jo glance around for the source of the noise; so does Dean, but he pretends he's not afraid. "Hellhounds." Dean grumbles. "Yeah, Dean. Your favorite. Come on, boys. My father wants to see you." Meg said to the gang. "I think we'll pass, thanks." (Y/n) said, glaring at the woman. "Your call. You can make this easy or you can make it really, really hard." Meg said.
Dean looks back and Ellen nods. "When have you known us to ever make anything easy?" Dean asked Meg. She shakes her head but Dean shifts his aim and fires; blood spurts from the hellhound next to Meg's feet. "Run!" Sam shouts and they take off.
But then a hellhound tackles Dean and (y/n) and Jo look back. "Dean!" (Y/n) screams, fearfully. "Girls, stay back!" Dean shouts at her and Jo but the two girls raise their shotguns and fire in Dean’s direction. Ellen and Sam stop running as Jo and (y/n) keep firing, knocking the hellhound further and further back.
That is until another hellhound knocks Jo down. "No!" Ellen shouts, as her and Sam run back to them, and (y/n) turns and goes to fire at the hellhound on Jo but not before it shreds Jo's side, making her scream in pain. Sam and Ellen help (y/n) firing at the hellhound while Dean scoops Jo up and runs past Sam, Ellen and (y/n).
Dean heads for one of the nearest stores, Ellen goes ahead to open the door, and Sam and (y/n) stay back to keep shooting. Inside the store, Dena leans Jo against the counter and she begins to whimper. "Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, breathe now—" Ellen said to Jo as Sam and (y/n) get inside and Sam chains the doors shut. "Okay." Sam said. "Guys, need some help here!" Ellen cries as the boys and (y/n) grab bags of rock salt.
"Go go go—" (y/n) said and they slit the bags open and frantically line the doorway and windows. Ellen peels Jo's hand away from the injury and it spurts out blood. Sam, (y/n) and Dean stare and Ellen looks over her shoulder at them, horrified.
"Gonna be all right." Ellen assures Jo as (y/n) finished bandaging Jo up. Sam then hands a bowl to Ellen. "Thank you." Ellen said and (y/n) stands up then her and Sam go over to Dean, who is fiddling with something electronic. "How's she holding up?" Dean asked the two and (y/n) gives him a look of worry while Sam clears his throat.
"Salt lines are holding up?" He asked Dean. "Safe for now." Dean said. "Safer. Trapped like rats." Sam grumbles. "Hey, you heard Meg. Her father's here. This is our one shot, Sammy. We gotta take it, no matter what." Dean said and there was a long pause.
"Here we go." Dean said. "Sam, some help here, please?" Ellen asked and Sam goes to help as Dean's gadget squeals. (Y/n) looks over at Ellen, Sam and Jo and couldn't help but feel her heart breaking as she sees the state that Jo is in.
"The number you dialed is unavailable. Please try your call again." The automated voice said through Bobby's phone. "Damn it, boys." Bobby growls as he sits in the kitchen area of his home. But then he hears static coming from the study room. He wheels over and moves a book off a CB radio.
"K C 5 Fox Delta Oscar, come in." Dean's voice said through the radio and Bobby picks up the mouthpiece. "K C 5 Fox Delta Oscar, go ahead." Bobby said. "Bobby, it's Dean. We got problems." Dean said and Bobby sighs and looks heavenward. "It's okay, boy. That's why I'm here." He assures.
"Is everyone all right?" Bobby asked. "No. It's—it's—it's Jo. Bobby, it's pretty bad." Dean said, upset. "Okay. Copy that. So now we figure out what we do next." Bobby said. "Bobby, I don't think she's—" Dean stops and lets out a heavy sigh while (y/n) had her arms wrapped around herself, looking down at her feet.
"I said, what do we do next, Dean?" Bobby asked, trying to get his mind straight. Dean leans his head on his hand for a moment. "Right. Okay, right." Dean said. "Now, tell me what you got." Bobby said and Dean explains all of what happened.
"Before they went missing, did Cas and Ariel say how many reapers?" Bobby asked after a few minutes. "I don't—he said a lot of things, I guess. Does the number matter?" Dean asked, annoyed. "Devil's in the details, Dean." Bobby replied and then Ellen taps Dean on the shoulder with one bloody hand. Dean then holds up the microphone to her. "Bobby, it's Ellen. The way they were looking, the number of places Castiel's and Ariel’s eyes went, I'd say we're talking over a dozen reapers, probably more." Ellen informed.
"I don't like the sound of that." Bobby mutters. "Nobody likes the sound of that, Bobby, but what—wh—what does that sound like?" Dean asked him. "It sounds like death, son. I think Satan's in town to work a ritual." Bobby said as he turns pages in his book to one marked with a Post-it that reads Seventh Seal. "I think he's planning to unleash Death." Bobby said.
"You mean, like, as in this dude and taxes are the only sure thing?" Dean asked, jokingly. "As in Death. The horseman. The pale rider in the flesh." Bobby said. "Unleash? I mean, hasn't Death been tromping all over the place? Hell, I've died several times myself." Dean said. "Not this guy. This is—this is the angel of death. Big daddy reaper. They keep this guy chained in a box six hundred feet under. Last time they hauled him up, Noah was building a boat. That's why the place is crawling with reapers. They're waiting on the big boss to show." Bobby said and Dean rolls his head, in annoyance, as if they didn't have enough on their plates.
"You have any other good news?" Dean asks him. "In a manner of speaking." Bobby said as he closes the book, a large leather-bound Holy Bible, and turns to another one that's already open to a page headed The Battle of Carthage. "I been researching Carthage since you've been gone, trying to suss out what the devil might want there. What you just said drops the last piece of the puzzle in place. The angel of death must be brought into this world at midnight through a place of awful carnage. Now, back during the Civil War, there was a battle in Carthage. A battle so intense the soldiers called it the Battle of Hellhole." Bobby said.
"Where'd the massacre go down?" Dean asks. "On the land of William Jasper's farm." Bobby said.
Meanwhile, Castiel and Ariel are still in the ring of fire and Lucifer is still watching them until Meg enters. "I got the Winchesters and (l/n) pinned down. For now, at least. What should I do with them?" Meg asked Lucifer. "Leave them alone." He tells her and Meg looks at him, surprised.
"I—I'm sorry, but are you sure? Shouldn't we—" Meg stammers but Lucifer walks up to Meg. "Trust me, child. Everything happens for a reason." He tells her as he strokes Mef's face. Castiel and Ariel look around until Castiel sees a pipe bolted to the wall, he nudges Ariel and does a small nod to the pipe and Ariel looks up at it then nods at him.
Then Lucifer turns to the angels. "Well, Castiel, Ariel you two have some time. Time to change your mind?" Lucifer asked them.
"That's my girl, you're okay, honey—" Ellen whispers to Jo as she kneels down to her. Sam, Dean and (y/n) were several feet away. "Now we know where the devil's gonna be, we know when, and we have the Colt." Dean said. "Yeah. We just have to get past eight or so hellhounds and get to the farm by midnight." Sam said. "Yeah, and that's after we get Jo and Ellen the hell out of town." said Dean. "Won't be easy." (Y/n) said as she looks between the boys.
"Stretcher?" Dean asked them. "I'll see what we got." Sam said and he turns to go look but then Jo speaks up. "Stop. Guys, stop." She said and Ellen looks between Sam, Dean, (y/n) and Jo. "Can we, uh, be realistic about this, please?" Jo said as the trio walk over to her. "Uh! I can't move my legs. I can't be moved. My guts are being held in by an ace bandage. We gotta—we gotta get our priorities straight here." Jo said and the boys and (y/n) share a look then back at Jo.
"Number one, I'm not going anywhere." Jo said and Ellen shakes her head. "Joanna Beth, you stop talking like that." She demanded. "Mom. I can't fight. I can't walk. But I can do something. We got propane, wiring, rock salt, iron nails, everything we need." Jo tells her.
"Everything we need?" Sam asked. "To build a bomb, Sam." Jo said and (y/n)'s eyes widen at this. "No. Jo, no." (Y/n) said, shaking her head. "You got another plan? You got any other plan? Those are hellhounds out there, (y/n). They've got all of our scents. Those bitches will never stop coming after you. We let the dogs in, you guys hit the roof, make a break for the building next over. I can wait here with my finger on the button, rip those mutts a new one. Or at least get you a few minutes' head start, anyway." Jo said.
"No, I—I won't let you." Ellen said, shaking with tears. "This is why we're here, right?" Jo asked and Ellen shakes her head, crying. "If I can get us a shot on the devil—Guys, we have to take it." Jo said. "No!" Ellen shouts and she looks up at Dean and (y/n).
"That's not—" she cries. "Mom. This might literally be your last chance to treat me like an adult. Might wanna take it?" Jo said, smiling, and Ellen starts sobbing. "You heard her. Get to work." Ellen said to the trio and they grab their materials and assemble the bombs, filling them with nails and rock salt for shrapnel.
Night had fallen when Sam take Jo's hand for a minute while Dean strings the wire to the button Jo will hold. "Okay, this is it. I'll see you on the other side. Probably sooner than later." Dean said. "Make it later." Jo said, smiling, and Dean puts the button in Jo's hand as Jo cries. He then gives a quick kiss on the top of her head and he stands up while (y/n) kneels down to her.
"Guess, we gotta put a hold on making new memories." Jo jokes as (y/n) gives her a look of sympathy. "Jo...I'm..." (y/n) said and Jo shakes her head. "Don't...don't apologize..." Jo said to her and (Y/n) frowns. “You know what you can do?” Jo asked. “What?“ (Y/n) asked. “You can get out of here and kick this apocalypse in the ass for me. And after that you go on to live a full life, alright?” Jo said.
(Y/n) scoffs. “You know in this line of work, there’s a high likely chance that won’t happen.” She said. “Be the exception then.” Jo said and (Y/n) smiles, tearfully. “I’ll try my best.” She said. Jo smiles and, weakly, held up her free hand, which (Y/n) takes. “You and Dean take care of each other, okay?” Jo said, faintly. (Y/n) nodded, tears falling down her face. “We will. I promise.” She said and Jo smiles, weakly, and (y/n) stands up.
Then Ellen comes back to sit by Jo. They watch each other for a moment and Ellen smiles. "Mom, no." Jo said to her. "Somebody's gotta let them in. Like you said, you're not moving. You got me, Jo. And you're right, this is important." Ellen said and Jo nods.
"But I will not leave you here alone." Ellen said then she looks up at the trio. "Get going now, you three." She said. "Ellen—" (y/n) said, tearfully, to her but Ellen shakes her head. "I said go." Ellen said and the trio exchange looks before they start to walk away.
"And like Jo said." Ellen said and they turn back to them. "Kick it in the ass. Don't miss." Ellen said and Dean and (y/n) nod before them and Sam head for their exit. Ellen unchains the doors, sweeps away the salt line, opens the propane tanks, and sits back down with Jo, hugging her.
"I will always love you, baby." She whispers to her then she looks back at Jo, who had stopped moving. "Honey?" She asked but no response. "Jo—" Ellen whispers, devastated, then she begins to sob. "It's okay, it's okay." She cries and she kisses Jo on the head. "That's my good girl." She whispers then the doors burst open. Ellen looks as two hellhounds slam into the open doors.
Sam runs across the fire escape, Dean and (y/n) right behind, then Sam goes down the ladder and Dean follows then he stops and wait for (y/n), who jumps down next to him from the ladder. They hurry down the alley.
A hellhound blows Ellen's hair as she hold Jo's finger against the button and forces a grin. "You can go straight back to hell, you ugly bitch!" she yells, savagely.
The hardware store explodes which makes Sam, Dean and (y/n) stop to watch it blow. (Y/n) places a hand over her mouth as tears build up in her eyes as the fire engulfs the building. Dean places a hand on her shoulder and she turns her head to look at him, lowering her hand from her mouth. He strokes her cheek as she closes her eyes, tears falling down, then he takes her hand and they begin to run, Sam right next to them.
The trio sneak through bushes and sees dozens of men stand in the field, attention on something out of sight. "Guess we know what happened to some of the townspeople." Dean said. "Okay." Sam said. "Okay." Dean and (y/n) said, in unison.
"Last words?" Sam asked the two. "I think I'm good." Dean said. "Yeah. Me too." Sam said. "Well, I'll say this real quick." (Y/n) said and the boys look at her. "No matter how this turns out...I love you guys." She said and the boys look at her. "Love you too." Dean and Sam said and she smiles.
"I guess I do have one thing to say. And that is...Thanks for always being here, (y/n)." Sam said and (y/n) nods. "Don't mention it." She said and she looks over at Dean, who looks down and takes a deep breath. "Well...if there was anyone I was gonna a go down with, I'm glad it's you two." Dean said and Sam and (y/n) smile and they share a look before Dean clears his throat. "Here goes nothing." He said and they begin to walk.
Lucifer was filling a hole up when Sam comes up behind him. "Hey!" he shouts, readying a shotgun. Lucifer turns and drops the shovel. "You wanted to see me?" Sam yells. "Oh, Sam, you don't need that gun here. You know I'd never hurt you. Not really." Lucifer said. "Yeah? Well, I'd hurt you." Dean said as he and (y/n) come up.
Dean then points the Colt at Lucifer, point-blank to the forehead. "So suck it." Dean growls and he fires the gun and Lucifer collapses. None of the men do anything as Dean, Sam and (y/n) watch the corpse for a minute.
But then Lucifer inhales and shifts position. "Owww..." he groans as he stands up and Sam looks on, horrified. "Where did you get that?" Lucifer asked before he punches Dean, who flies into a tree. "DEAN!" (Y/n) screams as her and Sam watch Dean land on the ground. 
"Now, where were we?" Lucifer asked as he turns to Sam while (y/n) runs over to Dean, checking his pulse. "Don't feel too bad, Sam. There's only five things in all of creation that that gun can't kill, and I just happen to be one of them. But if you give me a minute, I'm almost done." Lucifer said, leaning against his shovel, as Sam runs over to (y/n).
"You know, I don't suppose you'd just say yes here and now?" Lucifer asked and Sam turns to glare at him. "End this whole tiresome discussion? That's crazy, right?" Lucifer asked. "It's never gonna happen!" Sam spat as Lucifer goes back to filling his hole. "Oh, I don't know, Sam. I think it will. I think it'll happen soon. Within six months. And I think it'll happen in Detroit." Lucifer said.
"You listen to me, you son of a bitch. I'm gonna kill you myself, you understand me? I'm going to rip your heart out!" Sam yells at him, angrily. "That's good, Sam. You keep fanning that fire in your belly. All that pent-up rage. I'm gonna need it." Lucifer informs and Sam calms down, looks down at (y/n), who looked worried and horrified, before he turns to look around at the men, who are still doing nothing. 
"What did you do? What did you do to this town?" Sam asked him. "Oh, I was very generous with this town. One demon for every able-bodied man." Lucifer replied. "And the rest of them?" Sam asked and Lucifer pauses. "In there. I know, it's awful, but these horsemen are so demanding. So it was women and children first. I know what you must think of me, Sam. But I have to do this. I have to. You of all people should understand." He said.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Sam asked and Lucifer drops the shovel. "I was a son. A brother, like you, a younger brother, and I had an older brother who I loved. Idolized, in fact. And one day I went to him and I begged him to stand with me, and Michael—Michael turned on me. Called me a freak. A monster. And then he beat me down. All because I was different. Because I had a mind of my own. Tell me something, Sam. Any of this sound familiar?" Lucifer asked. Sam glares at him while (y/n) was looking back and forth between them, as she cradled Dean in her arms.
"Anyway. You'll have to excuse me. Midnight is calling and I have a ritual to finish. Don't go anywhere. Not that you could if you would." Lucifer said and Sam goes over to (y/n) and Dean. "Is he..?" Sam started to ask when Dean starts to stir. "Oh thank God." (Y/n) said as she buries her face in his short hair while Lucifer turns to his hole and chants, then turns to his demons.
"Now repeat after me. We offer up our lives, blood, souls—" he said. "We offer up our lives, blood, souls—" the demons recite. "To complete this tribute." Lucifer said. "To complete this tribute." The demons said and one by one the demons flash gold and fall over, dead. Sam, (y/n) and Dean stare and Lucifer looks at them. "What? They're just demons." He said, shrugging.
Back at the abandoned building, a bolt on the pipe in the wall is spinning. Castiel and Ariel are still in the fire ring while Meg watches them. "You seem pleased." Castiel said. "We're gonna win. Can you feel it? You cloud-hopping pansies lost the whole damn universe. Lucifer's gonna take over heaven. We're going to heaven, Clarence." Meg said. "Strange, because we heard a different theory from a demon named Crowley." Castiel said and Meg frowns
"You don't know Crowley." Meg growls. "He believes Lucifer is just using demons to achieve an end, and that, once he does, he'll destroy you all." Ariel said. "You're wrong. Lucifer is the father of our race. Our creator. Your god may be a deadbeat. Mine—mine walks the earth." Meg said.
At that moment, Castiel gets the bolt loose and pulls the pipe free of the wall. It slams Meg through the fire int Castiel's arms. He presses his palm to Meg's forehead but nothing happens and Meg laughs. "You can't gank demons, can you? You're cut off from the home office and you ain't got the juice. So what can you do, you impotent sap?" Meg sneers and before Ariel could do anything, Castiel says. "I can do this."
He leans closer as if to kiss Meg, then throws her down across the fire. She screams, in pain, and Cas and Ariel walk out across her back.
Lucifer stares at the mass grave while Sam stares at Lucifer. Dean and (y/n) glances between them just as the ground rumbles. Castiel and Ariel appear next to Sam, Dean and (y/n) and both of them hold a finger to their lips. Lucifer turns and to see all of them are gone. Then he walks forward. "Oh, hello, Death." He greets.
Back at Bobby's house, the glasses from Ellen, Ariel’s and Castiel's drinking competition were still on the table. The TV was on, showing a tornado; the captions read STATE OF EMERGENCY, Paulding County and KOUA 16. "Just received an update that the governor has declared a state of emergency for Paulding County, including the towns of Marion, Fetterville, and Carthage. The storm system has reportedly touched off a number of tornadoes in the area." The news reporter said while Sam, Dean, (y/n) and Bobby are gathered around the fireplace.
Bobby holds a copy of the photograph taken the night before as the news reporter continues. "Death tolls have yet to be estimated, but state officials expect the loss of life and property to be staggering."
Bobby leans forward and drops the picture into the flames and they all watch it burn.
@rach5ive @kitsun369 @itzabbyxx @cevans-winchester @ellie-andthemachine
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madneedshelp · 2 years
Jealous Much? Part Two- Steve Harrington x Fem Reader/ Billy Hargrove x Fem Reader
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Part Two:
(Read part one here)
The day after the party, Steve cornered you at school.
“Billy? Really? You hooked up with Bill fucking Hargrove last night?” He stood before, arms crossed.
You sighed and shut your locker door. “So what, Steve? Why is that so wrong?”
Steve looked at you in disbelief. “He’s a total dick! You’re…fraternizing with the enemy here, Y/N!”
“Oh my God, are you kidding me? Who I choose to hook up with has nothing to do with the little pissing match you all have going.”
“I just don’t trust him, okay?”
You looked at the concern on Steve’s face. It was genuine. “Relax, it was a one time thing and it won’t happen again.”
At that very moment, Billy walked down the hall, flanked by Tommy H and some other assholes. He gave you a wink as he passed by, scanning you with a seductive gaze.
“One time thing, huh?” Steve raised an eyebrow.
“Yes, now shut up. Where’s Nancy at?” You changed the subject.
Steve’s taunting grin immediately dropped. “We broke up.”
Your mouth gaped. What had happened last night after you and Billy went upstairs? How could things have went so south that quickly?
“What? Steve, what happened?”
He chuckled bitterly. “She just, uh, doesn’t love me. Thinks it’s all ‘bullshit’ or whatever. It’s fine.”
“It’s not fine! Want me to beat her up for you? As your best friend, I’d do that,” you asked, half joking.
He shook his head with a small chuckle. “No, no, I think she’s just moved on. Maybe we both have, we just felt like we had to keep going. Honestly, I feel like she has a thing for your brother.”
“Jonathan? No way in hell! I’m pretty sure they’re just friends,” You assured him.
“Whatever you say.” He shrugged.
You parted ways with Steve and went to class. You truly felt bad for him, you knew he really liked Nancy. But a small, selfish part of you was glad that you might have him back now. That was horrible of you, wasn’t it?
Part of your problem about not being able to get Steve out of your head was the fact that he really cared about you. Your family did love you, but they always had other focused. After Will disappeared, your mom poured all her efforts into making sure he was okay. You couldn’t blame her for that. Jonathan either was with Will or hanging out with Nancy, so he barely talked to you. You knew they were just busy, but sometimes it was kind of lonely.
Steve was always there for you, though. He worried about you being safe. He cheered you up when life was shitty. He had your back.
That’s why you had to talk to Nancy. See why she did that. Even though you loved Steve, you knew he was happy with Nancy. Nancy was good for him, and you not helping him would be selfish. Right?
It had been a few weeks since the break up, but Steve and Nancy were talking again. You weren’t sure if it was talking as in dating or just being friends, but they were on speaking terms and that was progress. Steve had seemed more joyful because of it.
You couldn’t lie, it did hurt a little bit. You had found ways to make that hurt less painful, though. They might not have been the best methods, but they seemed effective. It was Billy.
You told yourself it would never happen again after the Halloween party, but then he happened to run into you at a party the week after. One thing led to another and you ended up spending the night together. Then it happened again three days after. And again. And again.
You couldn’t help it. He was the perfect distraction. Billy definitely wasn’t the relationship type, and he was good in bed. The ideal partner for meaningless sex to get your mind off of Steve.
Last night, though, you swore you were done with that game. Billy merely gave you a grin and said, “Sure, sweetheart.” You flipped him off and left, entirely set on never meeting up again.
But that was until Steve made you go flower shopping with him for Nancy and help him plan a date. He asked you all the details that a perfect date would include, and pleaded for advice on how to win her over.
“So that’s what you would want in a date? You think that would be the perfect night out?” Steve inquired for the fifth time.
“Yes, Steve,” you rolled your eyes. “Take her to get dinner there, go for a walk at the park, and talk to her. Tell her you’re sorry and all that good shit. I’m sure she’ll take you back.” You forced a smile that you hoped he’d buy.
That whole ordeal was how you found yourself on Billy’s doorstep that night. You drove past to make sure his parents weren’t home, and pulled in when you only saw his car there. You couldn’t believe yourself as you stepped up and knocked before you could change your mind.
A shirtless Billy answered the door after the second knock. He gave you a shit-eating grin once he realized who exactly was at his door.
“Miss me, Byers? What happened to all your ‘never again’ talk?”
“Let’s call it a change of heart. You busy?”
“I could be.”
You really didn’t feel like playing this game tonight. “Are we going to fuck or not, Hargrove?”
His gaze turned hungry and he pulled you inside. The door hadn’t even closed before his lips were crashing into yours.
You hated it a little bit. The fact that he was so addicting. The fact that you never seemed to hesitate in kissing him back. The fact that he was the best sex you’d ever had. You hated that all of it was true.
“You want to know something?” Billy asked you as the two of you lay panting on his bed.
“You’re full of shit,” he chuckled.
You shot him a glare. “What the fuck does that mean?”
He rolled onto his side to face you. “Every time we do this, you say it won’t happen again, but it does. I think you’re lying to yourself. You want this.”
“Well I think you’re full of yourself. I mean, this was great, Billy, but don’t get confused. This is a means to an end,” You said, propping yourself up on your elbows.
“Then why do you always come back. If you really wanted someone to fuck and forget, you wouldn’t keep picking the same damn guy, and I think you know that.”
You wanted to make a retort, but you fell silent. He might’ve been a little right. As much as you didn’t want to admit it, you wanted to see Billy. He made you feel an electric desire that you couldn’t help but want more of.
But then there was Steve. You wanted him too. You had wanted him since the 7th grade. He’d been your first kiss, even though that was something the two of you had done when you were 11 and simply curious. He’d went from your best friend to being someone you could see yourself with.
Billy was also becoming someone you could imagine being with. They were both overrunning your thoughts, and now you had absolutely no idea what you wanted.
“I have to go.” You stood abruptly and dressed yourself.
You were gone before Billy could get in another snide remark.
You spent the remainder of the night in your room. Even listening to your favorite cassette couldn’t get rid of the unwanted thoughts. You had never been this confused.
It had always been Steve. He’d been who you wanted for years. He was good, and kind, and funny. He truly and completely cared about you.
But then there was Billy. He was an asshole and not really a great person, but he excited you. Being with him was…thrilling.
You pictured yourself, standing with someone, happy. The person you saw didn’t shock you.
Now you had to muster up the courage and talk to him. You grabbed your keys and headed for the door.
Billy Ending
Steve Ending
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mothrite · 2 years
Dating Vance Hopper HCS (AU VER)
This is what it’s like dating Vance Hopper in my Ultim Hawkins AU (AKA an AU that’s just a whole bunch of AUs stuck together [plus OCs])
Warnings: None!<3
AN: Not proof read!! Was this an excuse to write about my AU? Oh yes absolutely. Will I regret it? NEVER. Don’t be afraid to send in a request! I don’t really have much to write so I can do more AU headcanons for like Robin or something
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To start with, Vance has A-LOT of siblings.
Though he only grew up with his older sister and sadly had to watch as their younger sister passed, he now has two more sisters and three more brothers
If you decide to spend the day at his house expect ZERO privacy from Roxy barging in to ask for cash to Will gently knocking on the door asking to borrow some pencils for him and El
You two barely get a moment alone
I can also imagine one day Roxy invites you over for a family dinner and Vance is begging you not to go, but you go anyways cause you’re curious to see what’s it like when all his family is together
Btw his family consists of his father Jim Hopper and his step-mother Joyce Byers. His siblings are Leo, Valerie, Jonathan and Will Byers and Roxanne and Jane Hopper :) [Jane is adopted]
When you finally sit down it’s utter chaos
Will and El are gossiping about kids at their school and judging them
Roxy and Leo look like their about to get into a fist fight (Which Jim is betting 10 bucks Roxy’ll win)
And Joyce is talking to Valerie trying to figure out what Jonathan and Argyle’s relationship is
Needless to say you just end up eating and listening to the different conversations with your hand intertwined with Vance’s, hidden under the table
And if you’re lucky some other guests will be there! Like Murray and his daughter Noelle, Jonathan’s partners Argyle and Nancy, Will’s boyfriends Lucas and Mike, El’s girlfriend Max, Valerie’s friend Bonnie and Jim’s friend Dmitri
Luckily Joyce threatened to take Lonnie to court for mental and physical abuse towards the kids so she got enough cash to buy a big enough house for her seven children
I’d like to imagine that Jonathan brings you two places and will always remind Vance to stay safe and stay with you at all times due to the situation that happened when Vance was in Denver with his birth mom
Joyce is the best mom ever, she supports you two sm and absolutely adores you. Vance loves her more then his birth mother and it shows.
Roxy is also super cool and will dye your hair if you ask since she did her own
It’s 100% canon in this AU that Vance is a punk metal head. You can and will be forced to listen to that kind of music, but if he’s feeling nicer then usual then he’ll let you put on what you like.
Vance most likely struggles in some subjects so you’d offer to help him study, and when you get to his place and tell Joyce she just nods her head like “ya sure. Study.”
But she’s pleasantly surprised when she walks past Vance’s open door to see you and him sitting at his desk with you explaining different aspects that go into solving a two step equation for math
Before you and Vance started dating, Will and El would be with you in their living room watching some program and Vance leaves to go grab some drinks from the fridge when El turns to you and says
“You know Vance has been talking about you ALOT lately. I think he might like you.”
And as your face is turning red Will is interjecting “YOU MEAN THEY AREN’T DATING? Shit. I owe Max 10 bucks now.”
Once Vance gets back he’s confused as he sits down next to you who’s face us flushed scarlet and El who’s mouth is painted with a smug smile
Cat person. If you have a cat expect him to lay on your couch with the cat on his chest as he gently strokes its furr while talking to you
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28) it was supposed to be a secret With Yandere!fruity four where they’re manipulating the reader like maybe it’s darkish but not they’re hurting the reader dark if that makes sense. You can decide what you want to do plot wise
This dynamic has my heart, and I am kissing you and anyone who sends me yan f4 (or plain ole f4) thoughts on the mouth. And yes I get what you’re going for
Prompt: 28) it was supposed to be a secret
Yandere!Fruity Four x reader
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Steve had ushered three of his life partners downstairs, to the basement of his family home that was well kept, it was really just another room in his house. But one where he knew you wouldn’t hear them, since after returning on his little ‘trip’, he’d peeked through your door he very quietly opened, to excitedly see you reading in your room, alone. He just as stealthily closed your door, and gathered Eddie, Nancy, and Robin, excitedly taking them downstairs to show them his heavy duffel bag, and his surefire plan.
“Steve, what’s going on? You seem pretty... pumped.” Eddie lightly threw a hand down on Steve’s shoulder, who seemed to not be struggling with the heavy bag from adrenaline, and was grinning ear to ear.
“Yeah you seem a little excited.” Robin laughed a little. But all of their smiles died when Steve spoke next. All except for Steve.
“Well do you remember that asshole, who keeps coming back to harass y/n at their work?”
The other three were not smiling now. They hated that man. If he’d touched you, even once, they...
Nancy puffed out air through her nose, crossing her arms over her chest as she leant her chin on her hand. “Yep. Why’d you seem so happy Steve?”
And then, as Eddie took in the sweaty state of his boyfriend, and the heaviness of the bag, a wave of panic hit him. “Oh Steve man what did you do?”
“No! Nothing yet!” Steve brushed him off, making a bemused face like the thought was ridiculous.
He knew he could use his life partners for back up! Whether it was personal shit. Fighting Upside Down monsters. Or defending you.
Steve lumped the big bag on the pool table below, and all three moved around him to peer inside as Steve zipped open the bag, his tongue flicking onto his upper lip tasting the sweat there.
As Steve opened the bag, a tonne of rope was the first thing they all could see. And as Steve scoured the bottom, happy with his results, he showed off numerous weapons, along with many other things that could be used to tie a man up. Snatching up a pair of metal handcuffs, and swinging them on his fingers, raising his eyebrows expectantly at the others.
They all gave him tentative stares, looking to the other three to see if they were just as uncertain. Steve seeming so manic at the moment was their biggest issue however. Nancy sidled closer, and gently lowered Steve’s hand, still holding the cuffs.
Eddie rubbed his palm gently between Steve’s shoulder blades. “Steve. Honey. You know we hate this... this bastard, just as much as you do. As y/n does!”
The girls nodded, Nancy brushing over Steve’s hand. “And you know we’re going to make sure he never gets to y/n again, we said we’d talk about this.” She peered up at him with those blue eyes, like a parent trying to get you to see the logic in something.
Steve turned to Robin with a fallen face.
“Yeah! And we’re totally not gonna let anything happen to them, I just don’t think s&m, or literal... to be honest, I don’t even know what you thought about!” Robin stuffed the rope back inside for a quick second. “I just don’t think that’s the way to go.”
Robin looked towards Eddie, after seeing Steve’s defeated look, who nodded approvingly at her, solid. Robin tried to look to Nancy too, but she was still set on Steve.
“Steve, I just think that when we discuss this we-“
“Are you guys in here?”
Everyone jumped. Like they’d been caught doing something wrong. Which, they sort of were. Their hands all fell to grip the pool table, and they stayed frozen as you made your descent down the stairs.
Your look of confusion quickly snapped to one of serious concern, looking between all your lovers, who looked like a Sheriff that wasn’t Hopper had seen their stash of weapons you all kept in places around the house, for Upside Down shit. They looked caught.
“Whaaat the hell is going on?” You asked pointedly, looking with a disapproving look to all four of your partners , because you knew they couldn’t stand that. And you were right, because their heads all sunk to the floor, in tandem.
You’re sure they wouldn’t have been doing anything wrong. Not your partners. If you knew one thing, it was that they all loved you, but you couldn’t help but feel like those four kept secrets from you. Secrets were okay, you shared one or two with one, or a few of the others. But you meant all four seemed to keep things away from you. But they never treated you any differently, so you never panicked over it. This however, was very suspicious.
But before you could think more about it, Nancy took a few steps forward. And as she bounded over to you, she held your hand. Smiling sweetly. “It was supposed to be a secret.”
Now this got your attention. Most of it on Nancy, as you blinked furiously, trying to catch up with the rest of them. “What’s a secret?” You asked her, although it was open to the room.
That’s when Steve moved, and metal clanged against the table, allowing you to catch the glimpse of silver. And your jaw dropped as you realised Steve was holding a pair of handcuffs.
What the hell..?
“It was supposed to be a secret from Eddie!” Robin quickly spoke up, gaining the whole rooms attention, most of all Eddie’s.
Eddie looked surprised, his eyebrows raised, but he only smiled at you, when he saw you looking, if not a slightly muted one.
Robin bounced on her feet, before deciding to join you, just behind Nancy, a smile on her face as she hurried to get her words out. “Yeah. Those two were going to tell you, and apparently Eddie wanted to be tied up, although-“ Robin waved her hand dismissively in the air, scrunching her nose, “I don’t wanna know about that. But Steve and Nance were supposed to tell you because you guys were supposed to surprise Eddie with them and yeah... he caught them!” Robin motioned towards the handcuffs, the ones Steve held in the air, with a smile like he really wanted to be somewhere else.
“Probably caught them because they didn’t have you on their team!” Robin finished up, lightly punching your shoulder.
You looked between all four of your lovers, and the handcuffs, stunned.
You also didn’t know why Robin and Steve seemed so sweaty.
You gingerly took a step forward. Thinking Nancy forgot to move because she stayed just as close to you, but you were keeping your furrowed eyes on your other girlfriend, as you tentatively spoke up. “Rob?”
“Yeah!” Robin sounded enthused, but under that there was probably a layer that she begged you to pick on someone else in the class.
“You know Eddie’s handcuffs in his room, the ones that are like these?”
You swore you could spot everyone’s eyes lighting up, everyone’s but Eddie’s.
“You know they’re mostly for the metal show, right? Like they’re actual handcuffs but for the aesthetic.” Eddie had told you that when you were in his room back at his trailer one time, this was before he’d moved in with Steve with the rest of you. You guess he hadn’t shared that with any of the others.
“Eds knows these aren’t the type you use for bondage. Those ones are more likely to hurt. Eddie knows that.”
Everyone was quiet. The four all looked to each other, but none of them looked at you. Not like they couldn’t bear to, but they were caught up with each other. They were keeping things from you again.
You moved a step forward in the silence, looking at Nancy who was now at hands length. Everyone held their breath, until “Is this an Upside Down thing?”
Nancy spluttered. Clearly flustered, this close up to you. “What- n-no I mean no I-“
You cupped Nancy’s cheek in your hand, and she swallowed with a whine.
Your lips twisted, eyes soft on her blue ones. “I thought we promised not to keep secrets about stuff like that.”
Nancy’s eyes started getting a little glossy, and you felt bad, but you looked out to all the others, and you knew you had to say it. You had to tell them again, you could protect yourself! You would protect them.
“I can help you.” You told them all, going back to looking down at Nancy, who hadn’t looked away from you, but they knew you were speaking to all of them. “You don’t have to protect me.” You cupped her other cheek. “I love you, I want to help you. I want to stick by your guys side.”
Nancy can’t help but kiss you. She loves you. She bounds upwards on her feet and reaches for your lips, not needing much help with you holding her face like that, and she returns the favour, dotingly. Nancy smashes her lips into yours, curving them around her own as she kisses you with deep emotion, a sudden urge to grab you and kiss you so clear. You were amazing. You were her everything, all of theirs. And she was so proud of how you constantly proved it to them. But right now, Nancy was just lost in kissing you, as she usually was.
Eventually you pulled back, Nancy’s eyes opening, and coming back for a short but sweet peck, eventually pulling away. But keeping her hands over your cheeks, just like how you were holding her. And keeping her eyes fixed on you, even as you darted between her, and the others, a hint of upset clear in your face.
“Please don’t exclude me.”
“No, never.”
“Nooo baby.”
“I’m sorry, we won’t.”
“Never honey.”
Were all chorused in your ears, and you nodded thankfully at them all. Looking down to your girlfriend again, and she somehow looked so set, and full of emotion for you. It always made you open up, in those times, without Nancy even meaning too. Even though she was a master at doing things like that.
“I feel like you four all always keep secrets from me.” You revealed. Sighing as you watched something flicker in Nancy’s eyes, and then quickly being blinked away, looking to all your other lovers who just looked sad at you.
They all apologised, all four of them, promising they’ll try not to. Nancy rearranged her hands on your face, grabbing your attention once again, as she reassured you with her sweet gentle smile. “I promise darling.”
You nod, finally giving a smile, and it’s like you could feel the tension ease in the air. Dropping your hands to Nancy’s shoulders, she followed suit, holding your waist in her hands.
“So... do I need to know? About the handcuffs?” You ask, taking a deep breath and holding it, as you wonder if you’re ever going to get an answer for today.
But eventually, Steve was the one to butt in, even though it looked like Nancy was about to speak up, with the way your hands suddenly rose on her shoulders. And Steve sidled over to you, Eddie following behind like he didn’t want to get left, as Steve gave you an eased smile. His hand reaching out over Nancy, and twirling some of your hair that bounced near your ear, his teeth shining through his grin. “No, hey, I just had a stupid idea. But it’s nothing, seriously minuscule, I promise.”
Well that made you want to know more. But you knew any answer other than the truth would do so.
The four could tell, with pursed lips and bated breaths, that you didn’t believe them. But you dropped it, sighing with an airy “Fine!”
And when all of your lovers cracked big smiles, you could never help but brace one too.
They all moved forward for a big group hug, surrounding you in the middle, and you hummed with the love, chuckling a little as you tried to hug them all back at the same time.
Eddie, whose chest lay in front of you along with Nancy, let out a sing songy “Looooove youuuuu!” And everyone laughed at that, all five of you. And you repeated it, having to yell over the others when Eddie guffawed that no one had said it back, as you cuddled with your loves.
‘Yeah’, you thought, as Nancy kissed your head fiercely, before dropping her chin on your shoulder. And sharing a look with Steve, that you couldn’t see.
‘You’d all be okay’
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idontfriggingknoww · 2 years
beautiful nightmare - billy hargrove
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Paired up: billy hargrove x fem!reader
summary: youre having a good time with billy. but your mother woke you up.
note: just a peace offering for the eddie one lol, btw credits to vaniciaileen for this HOT gif!! enjoy ;>
warnings: light!smut, curse words, not proofread.
"mom i don't want to go there!" your mother asks you to accompany her to the common pool where billy hargrove your "childhood crush" working.
i have a little crush on him since were kids, he's your only bestfriend because the kids on your old hometown does'nt like to make friends with you.
but everything changed one day when him and his father left the town. youre so sad when you heard the news that his mother left him to his father. everytime when you call him to play, his father always says "he does'nt want to play, you can play with the other kids there."
every night i always here his screams and my younger self dont know about a thing about what his father doing to him.
so when they left the town im so sad.
im so excited when were leaving our town and moving to hawkins. because i can make friends there, i hoped. and yes i got friends there!
nancy - i met her in my biology class, were seatmates and well, were always partners when were having a project. and we always study together.
steve - i met him when i applied to starcourt, i worked with him and robin. he's nancys ex, but he's a good friend and i think he's not moved on abt him and nancy. but thats there problem. not mine so, lets move on.
robin - as i said we three met in starcourt. she's good, but her mouth won't stop blabbering. he's like eminem when she's talking. maybe she already win against eminem. but even though she's like that, she's a good friend of mine.
anyways, back to the story..
so yeah, i got friends. and they are the friends that stoped me when im about to strangle my childhood crush apart when i saw him again after many years, i miss him so much!
"wait, you're childhood bestfriends before?" nancy asked.
"yes, why?" i asked tilting my head aside.
"sh1t! i cant believe that moron has a friend"
"what do you mean steve?" "i dont know if you already know but, he's a fvcking bastard. like bastard, with a capital B" robin accused.
"but billy is good, he's kind and gentleman, he's the only kid that made friends with me eventhough im a loner"
steve snort "well, your good kid billy turned into a fvckboy billy, a bastard billy, a bad billy. even his sister cant handle him"
and thats when i met maxine. shes a good girl, sweet eventually. i met the other kids, and they look cute. mostly dustin, he's the mood lighter.
but, i cant believe that billy is like that right now. i almost not believe it and go talk to him but i saw him with a cheerleader girl flirting and.. MAKING OUT
'omygash, omygash what am i gonna do?! im froze here, i cant move!'
i back away and ran until i get home. i didnt even go to my biology class.
everyday i always seen him with girls and his gang, i canr really believe that that is my childhood crush. that disgust me.
one time when im on my way to my chemistry class, i bump to him on the empty hallways.
he flirts with me like a fvcking bastard. omg is this really my crush before?
"oh, youre into chemicals?" he asked, i didnt answer.
tf is he saying?
i try to walk pass him but he grab my wrist and slam me to the nearest wall and lean over to my ear whispering.
"i miss you so much y/n" i look at him shocked.
he showed me a grin and walked away.
he flirts at me every chance that he'd get but i would always run. until the schools over and im working at scoops ahoy with robin and steve.
but its our day off today so my mom is bugging me to go with her to the common pool.
"i dont want to, really. im okay here" my last attempt to say no because she's so persistent.
"but honey, i just want us to have some time together"
"at the common pool really?" "yes i heard from mrs. wheeler, that there's a hot guy working there as a lifeguard" i cringed when my mom says that.
well my mom is in her 18's when she got pregnant with me, so she got the fresh looks. BUT STILL THATS GROSS!
"mom! thats gross!" "well honey, please lets just hang out for a moment? ill treat you some chik-fil-a on our way" she grinned as he bribed me with my all time favorite snack.
i groaned "fine! but we're not going to stay there long" well i guess billy is so busy with his work that he wouldnt see me, right?
i wore my swimsuit, which is a black halter highwaist. it define my curves and its not that revealing, so i feel comfortable.
as i got out from the bathroom, someone pushed me back inside and slamed me to the nearest wall.
i groaned, my back hurts a little but its okay. my problem is who the pushed me back inside?!
i open my eyes and a tanned six packs reveal on my view.
as i look up, my eyes got caught with his black ones.
"billy.." thats not supposed to be a whisper.
what's going on with me?
"hi sweetheart. looking hot, but i suggest that i should be the only one who'll see you in clothes like that" he whispered at my ears huskily.
i dont know what happened next but the next thing i know is, my swimwear's gone and his fingers are rubbing my cl!t. circling it.
i let out a shaky breath and look at him, his face are red and sweaty. his tounge got my attention poking it to the sides.
as i stared at him his face is getting closer and closer, our lips brushing eachother. his fingers rubbing my wet cvnt.
slowly he insert one finger, i arched my back as he kissed me on the neck, i gave him access to kiss me more, combing his hair and pulling it.
i moaned when he insert another one, pulling his hair a little aggressive.
his fingers pumping slowly in and out of my pu$sy, giving me hickeys all over my chest. his other hand squeezing my breast, he let out a groan when his mouth touch my ni₱ple, sucking it.
"i miss you so much, i cant hold my self any longer" he whispered as his lips fall back on mine.
his fingers pumped faster, im coming..
he looked at me with such lustful eyes while pumping his fingers hardly inside me.
"y/n" he whispered staring at me
my eyes fluttered open when i heard my moms voice calling me.
"y/n! wake up, you'll be late for your work!"
my mind is still not functioning.
what fvck was that? am i wet dreaming?!
such a nightmare! BEAUTIFUL NIGHTMARE
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bmodiwrites · 1 year
Gripping the heavy bat in his hands, Steve contemplates his life choices for the millionth time.
To truly understand the angst, a little background is necessary. See, Steve’s a supernatural hunter and the bat is his weapon of choice. It’s covered in pure silver nails that are both werewolf resistant (though terribly ineffective when actually fighting them) and perfect for smashing demogorgons to pieces. It’s not the dream job that Steve dream of as a kid, but it’s his life’s work and he takes it seriously.
And what a life that is. Steve’s constantly on guard, never sleeping, always roaming the streets of Hawkins at night looking for a fight. It’s his penance for letting Nancy die all those years ago when the Upside Down first made its way into Steve’s life – the shit storm that followed is the main reason Steve’s still swinging his bat to this day.
There’s a reason why the people of Hawkins don’t know anything about the creatures that go bump in the night; Steve Harrington takes care of them before anyone’s the wiser.
Well, that’s not entirely true. Steve’s got a partner who’s fickle at best but there for him when he needs it. They run their whereabouts and potential enemies through the town’s sheriff, Jim Hopper. He’s the one that initially recruited Steve for the job. In those moments following the news about Nancy’s death, Steve would’ve said yes to anything. While he loves being the town’s guardian, the job is a lot more dramatic and scary than is good for any person. Hopper never explained that part during his recruiting spiel.
Steve’s been especially on guard since Robin got taken three months ago. Ever since that mission, that still to this day reads like a trap they walked right into, Robin hasn’t been the same. She’s short with him, even more so than before. With so few people in his life that Steve cares about, it’s a little heartbreaking to watch Robin pull away from him. He’s caught in that line of thinking when Eddie Munson comes into his life.
Their first meeting is a horrendous thing that Steve wishes he could take back. Mere minutes post demodog chase, Steve’s sweating profusely, a smear of black blood covers his cheeks. He’s just getting his heart rate to settle when the squeak of the park’s swing has him on guard all over again. Holding his bat to his chest, Steve turns the grip over in his hands – he needs to stay loaded like a spring to wield his weapon effectively. Steve tells himself that over and over again in hopes of warding off the anxiety that he knows the habit is actually from.
A soft breath leaves his lips at the sight of a long haired boy sitting on the furthest swing in the set. There’s a fluorescent light above him, though it does little to actually help Steve put a face to the name. Cautiously, Steve takes a couple of steps closer, trying to be as quiet as possible. It’s all for naught, though. The brunette turns to look over at Steve with an eerie smile. “I come in peace,” the boy says, taking his hands off the metal chains on either side of the swing to raise them in surrender.
The closer Steve gets, the more he allows his guard to drop. There’s no distinguishing characteristics of the stranger that merit his worry. He’s just a gorgeous boy on an innocent swing. Little by little, Steve relinquishes his tight grip on the bat. His fingers throb as they unclench and blood starts to flow back into them. There’s enough tingling there for Steve to take his right hand off the bat completely to shake it out. When he’s done, he looks up with a sheepish smile. “Sorry, I get a little paranoid at night.” It's a silly thing to say to someone he’s threatened with a nail covered bat but it’s all he has. The stranger doesn’t seem to mind, anyway.
That evening, Steve spends hours on the swings for the first time in years. He learns the stranger’s name is Eddie, that he’s new in town living with an estranged uncle after his parent passed. He’s handsome and clever and so beautiful that Steve wants to run away. The only other time in his life that a thought like that ran through his head, the girl in question died a couple of nights later. Still, it’s nice to soar through the air and talk to someone who’s not lecturing him about safety or boiling down a supernatural species to its most important bullet points. Eddie leaves him a little before dawn – Steve thinks nothing of the fact that the sun starts to come up a few minutes later.
Right around the time Eddie walks into Steve’s life to distract him, small things begin to happen around town. Neighborhood dogs and cats go missing each night. People start to report memory loss and sleep walking that has no prior precedence. Steve ignores it all until Hopper brings up a handful of people who checked into the ER with puncture marks on their necks. Though he’s seen a lot of things in his young life, Steve’s never been exposed to vampires, or whatever it is they’re dealing with. For some reason, blood sucking is harder to believe than anything the Upside Down spat out and threw at them.
Steve becomes a believer during his nightly patrol a couple of nights later. He and Robin are joking about something Joyce said to Hopper to make their usually stoic boss laugh when a pale, lifeless looking thing sprints at them. They’re close the park where he first met Eddie, so Steve pushes the thing in that direction until there’s enough light to actually make the fight fair. He sees the fangs right before they dig into his forearm. Steve’s just quick enough to roll out of the way and come up swinging. The thing hits the ground with a satisfying crunch. The victory is short lived – Steve now knows what the town’s problem is. Vampires, shiny fangs and all, were moving in.
Knowing he needs back up, Steve collects all of the young kids that constantly chomp at the bit to work with Steve and Robin. Both Hopper and his wife come with kids who are just as obsessed as the two of them are with all things supernatural and scary. It’s disturbingly easy to talk Dustin and the rest of the group into helping him track down the night walkers. In many ways, it’s a little too easy – but Steve pushes past his worries in favor of training the kids up right so he’s not responsible for their deaths, too.
In the spare moments Steve nabs for himself, Eddie is all he can think about. They meet up almost every night after Steve’s done training or making his rounds. Sometimes they sit on the balcony outside of Steve’s room, but mostly, Eddie walks with Steve through town when he’s restless or overworked to the point where sleep is never going to come. They share stories and secrets and Steve grows fonder of him every single day. His feelings make him blind – he allows himself to clench onto the thing that feels so right in favor of not noticing Eddie’s pale skin and affinity for never showing his face in the sunlight.
It isn’t until Will Byer’s, Joyce’s youngest son, joins the group that Steve starts to become suspicious. He’s heard the name that Will brings up in one of their late night meetings before – Kas is a character that Hopper underlined multiple times in his notes, missives… even the stupid D&D book he made Steve read when all the fun began. It rings a bell in Steve’s head that’s so loud it’s hard to focus on anything else. He’s missing something and that’s never good.
Turns out, he’s crushing on the Upside Down’s second in command. After leaving the group and going off on his own, Steve searches out the name Kas with a manic vigor. He’s determined to understand why his entire body feels like it’s on fire with familiarity. The long hours of the night lead him down a rabbit hole that makes his stomach drop down to his toes – finding out the truth has never been so bittersweet. Eddie, the beautiful boy with pale skin and shocking yellow eyes and hair like shiny silk is Kas the Ancient. Not only is Steve the ultimate asshole, falling for the enemy, he’s an idiot, too. From the beginning, Steve’s eagerness to please and overwhelming crush has led Eddie or Kas or whoever the hell he is through every obstacle Steve put before him. He’s his own worst enemy in this situation.
Determined to remedy that, Steve comes up with a plan to lure Eddie out close to sunrise to trap him. He’s not sure about Eddie’s ability to be out in the sun but the timing of his exit every evening speaks volumes. It’s a hail mary pass that Steve’s 98% isn’t going to work. Except, it goes off without a hitch. Robin plays her part perfectly and Eddie, well, he comes with them willingly. That in and of itself sets of warning bells, but Steve ignores them. He’s too hungry for answers to his questions to notice the meaningful eye contact happening between Eddie and Robin.
His heart breaks a little at the sight of Robin undoing Eddie’s bindings. She waits until they’re in the small cabin Steve always uses for his interrogations, then reveals herself to be the ultimate betrayer. She spends a few minutes talking about the attack that almost killed her and how Eddie, the giving vampire that he is, saved her from that fate. She goes on to call him dense and an idiot – he went six months without ever noticing something was wrong. Steve wants to defend himself, to say that he’s trusted Robin implicitly. He’s not dumb enough to make himself look even more stupid, however – Steve bites his tongue before anymore of his pathetic actions make themselves known.
The biggest shock of all comes when Eddie, instead of killing Steve like he believes the vampire is going to do, pulls Steve to his chest, instead. There’s a rumble, a sound that’s sort of like a purr, that happens the second their chests touch. Steve feels it, too, the contentment of being in Eddie’s arms. It’s wrong, so damn wrong to be comforted by someone who killed many people and made a backstabber out of his best friend, but Steve can’t help it. He finds out why a moment later when Eddie draws back with a gleam in his eye. “After thousands of years, I’ve finally found you,” he says, reaching his cold hands up to palm both of Steve’s cheeks, “my beautiful mate.”
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freaky-munson · 2 years
Rude epilogue
Summary: Eddie Munson really wants to marry Y/n Hopper but her dad strongly refuses; based on song “Rude” by MAGIC!
fic is kinda au
Warnings: a little bit of angst, mostly fluff
Words: 1,657
introduction part one part two part three part four part five epilogue here
hi guys!
this little series has come to end! if you have any ideas for any side blurbs feel free to give some ideas in comments, i would love to write more about this couple
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„Propose? Nancy, what are you talking about?”
‘Shit’ was the only thought in Nancy Wheeler’s head. She fucked up. She had so little time to think about saving the situation without causing any suspicion.
“You must heard something on the tv downstairs, I wasn’t talking to anyone” she really hoped that this white lie of her would rescue her; but she also knew that Y/n wasn’t a stupid child who believes everything older people tell them.
“I know exactly what I heard Nance. I may be sad but I’m not deaf or stupid as you may think”
Y/n couldn’t really believe what she heard; it was primarily shocking. Surprising.
Yes, she wanted to marry Eddie so much at some point of life. Could this point happen now? After their barely graduated high school, had shitty jobs and no further perspectives?
For her the answer was clear; yes, it was a little early and she was sure she would hear a lot that she doesn’t know what she’s doing and what she really wants in her life. But the love she shared with Eddie could conquer every obstacle she could ever imagine. The thought of him actually proposing completely changed her mood, making her extremely happy and glad that he propably wasn’t cheating on her.
“I swear Wheeler if this is some kind of sick joke of yours, I will personally beat the shit out of you. You can’t play such games with almost depressed person!”
“Y/n. You know I would never! I’m really sorry I ruined your surprise”
“Hey, it’s okay. Actually I think you really helped me right there. You made most of my worries hide away. But, if Eddie wants to marry me, which couldn’t be more amazing, why is he growing apart? Have I done something wrong and now he wants to back out?”
“No! Of course not. I will tell you why but swear to me on your own life that the fact that I told you about this will only stay between us. On no account you can tell about this to Steve and Robin and most importantly to Eddie himself.” Y/n vigorously nodded her head, little smile appearing on her face “Last week Eddie went to your dad. You know, cause even if he doesn’t especially like him, he loves and respects you. So he wanted to finally win in your dad’s eyes. Wanted to officially ask for a blessing.”
“Oh no.”
“Oh no exactly. As you can expect it didn’t quite work as well as your boyfriend would like to. That’s why he’s mopping around. I heard that your dad was really mean and unpleasant. He’s afraid that if you knew about not having Hopper’s approval you wouldn’t accept this engagement.”
Now everything started to slowly make sense. The lack of Eddie’s smile and his charismatic self. Constant stress and worry.
She was disappointed. A little bit in Eddie that he wasn’t totally honest with her but on the other hand she also knew he had a very good reason to. Also in her father. Sabotaging her own happiness just because he was prejudiced and stubborn? That hurt the most in this whole messy situation. Even when she couldn’t openly and completely reassure her partner, to not break the promise she gave her best friend, she could intervene another way, probably bolder and harder one.
“I’m sorry Nance, but I think we will have to reschedule our slumber party. I have some matter to discuss.”
“You promised Y/n!”
“I’m not going to see Eddie. For now. I’m going to see my freaking father.”
Just like that her earlier plans to avoid coming back home suddenly disappeared.
Jim Hopper had a peaceful Saturday. He was of the opinion that he deserved one after the last week fiasco with Joyce and unpleasant morning with Munson boy.
Having Y/n and El out for the day usually didn’t make him happy, more so worried and angry at the boys taking away his girls’ attention. But right now, as bad as it may sound, he couldn’t care less.
They were safe and he had massive mess in his head that needed to be solved as fast as it was possible.
So his plan for the day was to lay on the couch with beer in the hand, eating ordered pizza and watching stupid tv shows. Nothing more, nothing less.
This was supposed to last till at least 9 pm. So hearing the commotion outside had him wondering. He wasn’t suspecting any guests. His daughters always used as much time as he gave them, rarely cutting it short. And Joyce? He knew her long enough to not even try to except her to apologise first.
But hearing the keys in the door he was aware it could only be Y/n.
What he wasn’t ready to see was her puffy face full of anger.
“What did the Munson boy do?”
“I have a better question Jim.” the venom in her voice and avoiding use of ‘dad’ acknowledged him that she wasn’t mad at her boyfriend, he was pissed at him “How dare you dictate how am I suppose to live? How are you able to deny me the one thing that could make me the happiest person alive? Why the fuck you hate Eddie so much you decided to hate me too?”
“Y/n watch your tone. I will not tolerate talking back. I only told him what a I think about this whole ridiculous engagement situation.”
“And I’m not tolerating you disliking my boyfriend! We can’t have everything we want in life. I want to say one thing and I’m packing my shit and going back to Eddie. And you will listen to me.” Y/n knew she was stepping on thin ice; she knew hot-tempered personality of her dad. She knew that cause in that case she was almost the same as him. “No one, not even you will tell me when and who am I suppose to love forever. Why can’t you see that since I met him I’m the happiest version of myself? Everyone can, just not you. He came to you with such little hope that maybe you will show him some human side you have hidden deep inside you, knowing well the answer, knowing well that you hate him and see him as his fucking criminal father. I think this itself showed how much he cares about me, how sure he is in our relationship, but you still wanted to be your stupid stubborn ass believing in your own version of him. And you know what? I’m done. If you can’t accept the fact that Eddie Munson is the love of my life I don’t want to talk to you.”
Jim Hopper was stunned; he knew his daughter was capable of everything but talking back this way to him, who she always loved and cherished the most seemed unbelievable to him. What hurt him the most that she was right - he was stupid, stubborn ass and lately it was showing more and more.
“If you leave this house now, you can never go back.”
“Dad, apparently everything I need is waiting for me elsewhere. So don’t you worry, you won’t see me stepping in this house ever again.”
With only one bag she left, slamming the door to accent her decision. The adrenaline from all of the screaming and fighting, made her break several traffic regulations. But she didn’t care, right now all she wanted was sitting in empty trailer, worrying his pretty head over something he didn’t have a hand in.
“Y/n, what the hell are you doing here? Why do you have your bag?”
“Eddie I know. I know about you and my dad. About him being pain in the ass. Him hating you, disallowing you from asking me to marry you.”
Brunette’s eyes widened at the girl’s speech. This was the thing he was most scared about - having her to choose between him and her only parent.
“Baby. Look at me. We are in this relationship together. You should have told me about stuff like this.”
“And ruin an occasion to give to the best proposal any girl could ever think of? Not in this life baby girl.”
“I don’t care about this stuff! I care about you okay! And seeing you so distant made me overthink into believing you wanted to leave me. That you cheated on me. And this? It broke my heart! You could propose to me any moment, any time, any day. You know I would always say yes.”
“I know. And I’m sorry that I made you worry. Just so you know I would never ever cheat on you or leave you. Not even when someone would try to force me.”
She just smiled. Smiled so beautifully that Eddie felt like his heart would burst out of his chest right now, right there”
“So I suppose you have a question to ask me.”
“You little minx.” laughing honestly for the first time in a week he invited her inside and disappeared for a moment in his room.
Kneeling in front of her with the prettiest ring in the world, all his problems seemed to fly away.
“So what do you say now? Will you marry me?” grinning from ear to ear Y/n kneeled right beside him taking his face in her hands.
“Yes, baby, I will marry you. Always and forever.”
Right now they didn’t see the world beside them. Y/n didn’t care about the harsh world she said to her dad, ignoring the ache in her heart and slight urge to cry caused by the nasty fight with him and Eddie didn’t care about the hatred he received from him. They were made for each other and they knew that together they could solve every problem ever existing in the world.
@offical-bee @bakugouswh0r3 @nightthou @angelina0191 @brxkenartt @screambih @this--is--music @waiting-for-cas-to-save-me @floriscus
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pan-fried-autism · 7 months
Brother From The Same Childhood -- Chapter 1
Characters: Swap!Grem, Swap!Nikolai (@bowlerhatwearer) Swap!M0u5e, Swap!????????????
Summary: On what was supposed to be a fun, quiet movie night during a downpour, Grem and Nikolai encounter somebody more familiar than they think.
The rain outside hit the window with their pleasant little rhythm.
Nikolai Akdow-Mewton lounged on the couch and listened, sighing contentedly.
It was a Tuesday night in March, about 9:50 pm. His child, M0u5e had decided to go to bed early. Grementine, his beloved husband and life partner, was busy getting something from their bedroom.
It was Impromptu Movie Night.
Grem's 37th birthday had been only a little over a week prior, and their friend Mothgo had given them a $50 gift card to their favourite VHS shop-- Valley Tapes. As such, Grem had spent the entire card in three trips.
Tonight, they’d be watching something that Grem had told Nikolai he would “like a whole damn lot, I promise!”
He didn’t doubt them.
They were going to put on some popcorn, too. Grementine never watches the popcorn, though— they preferred to spend the two minutes with their face snuggled against his shoulder as they purred lovingly. Secretly, he wished that Gremmy would actually watch the popcorn… but he liked cuddles more than pointing that out.
Nikolai then heard the familiar sound of small feet thumping against the floorboards, as Grem ran out of the bedroom and leaped onto the couch.
Something was hidden behind his back.
“Hi Nik!!” They chirped at him with glee.
“Hello, strawberry.” Nikolai replied, using his pet name for Grem.
The cat sat closer to him, still hiding something.
“Soooo ya know that VHS store I’m single handed keeping open?” They started.
The human rolled his eyes lovingly. “Yes, I’m aware of Valley Tapes.”
“Wellllll… I got something new for us to watch now. It’s the thing I said you’d like.”
“Oh, really? This is a big surprise to me.” He joked.
It was now Grems turn to roll his eyes as he produced the item behind his back.
It was a VHS case. On the cover was a young woman— a Jack Russell terrier, Nik thought— with a look of anguish and tragedy on her face. The dress she wore was ruffled, red, and fancy. To her right was a badger man, equally as anguished. His clothes were just as fancy (if a little plainer) and he carried a musket. In the background was a large, fancy grey brick house, surrounded by luscious green grass and trees. The flowery writing on the cover read ‘Love on Briggenbury Manor’.
Nikolai couldn’t help chuckling as he took it in.
“Grementine, what is this?” He asked, amusement coating his every word.
The cat made a huffy noise. “It’s a cult classic, Nikolai. It’s everything you’ve ever wanted and more.”
“Do tell.”
“It’s about tragedy and love in Victorian era England! It’s about the lovely upper class Anabellizabeth Williambury and her upper middle class boytoy Roginald Depperdander, and their relationship. But there’s hardships, Nik— HARDSHIPS! There’s a gigantic class divide between them—“ Grems hands started flapping a bit as they spoke more— “What with Anabells family being able to afford imported tea, and Roginalds family having to grow their own. Plus, the Crimean War has being going on, and Roggie has been sent to go. So while Anabel laments during the summer in the manor, she at least has three bosom chums to play with— her aunt Lady Jessica Victoria Waltenbaltenchester III who owns the manor. She has a mysteriously dead husband and a lifetime of wisdom to share. There’s also Nancy Stratforduponavon, one of the manors maids and Anabels personal servant. Her real name is Helena and her family used to be rich but everyone keeps forgetting her name. There’s also the BAD GUY… Gilbert Pettyburrow! His father, Wilbert Pettyburrow IV, owns land in ~America~, and Gilbert’s wants to kiss up on her and take her there! While that’s going on we learn that rich people have problems too. It’s great.”
Grem took several deep breaths after he finished infodumping.
Nikolai couldn't help but narrow his eyes a bit.
"... and why is this a cult classic?"
"Uh, because it's great? And also historically inaccurate?"
"It is?"
"Yeah. The Crimean War ended in March of 1856, but the movie takes place in the summer of that year."
"Grem, I love you, but I still can't see how this got a following."
"Maybe if ya watched the freaking movie, ya'd know!"
Nikolai scritched Grem's head, getting a purr from the feline.
"Alright, Grem, I believe you. Let's watch the movie."
The cat jumped up excitedly, tail swishing around.
"Great! I'll close the curtains and make the popcorn, you sit there and look handsome."
Nikolai giggled behind his hand as Grem scurried over to the window.
As they grabbed the curtains, however... they saw something outside.
Grem squinted a bit to get a look.
A figure was slowly walking down the sidewalk, slightly obscured by the heavy rain. They looked like they had something on their back.
Grem muttered confusions under his breath. Who the hell would be walking outside right now?
"Um, sweetie pie?" Grem called behind him, "There's someone outside in the rain."
From the couch, Nikolai looked towards the window with a raised eyebrow.
"Really? It's a strange time to go on a walk, let alone the rain."
Grem looked back at the window as the person got a bit closer.
The person had... spikes? Or quills, and a backpack. Probably a hedgehog or porcupine or something. The backpack had a pattern on it. It looked like... Spongebob? The soaked t-shirt they wore had a Nickelodeon logo, too. The sweatpants weren't special, though.
Plus, they seemed a bit short-- about Grem's height.
The cat hummed in concern before looking back at Nikolai.
"Nikolai, I... I think we should let em in."
Nik sat up, visibly a bit concerned.
"Grementine, are you sure that's a good idea?" he asked, "We don't know who this is at all. This may not end very well."
"But... I think that's a kid out there."
Nikolai, still looking concerned, came up to the window and took a look.
The person outside had stopped walking. They were standing and shivering, arms hugged tightly around their torso.
Nikolai made his own hum.
"... you may be right, strawberry." he admitted.
Grem and Nikolai were silent for a moment, still watching the outsider.
Finally, Grem spoke up again.
"So... should we?"
"I think that... would be best."
Grem nodded and hurried to the door, opening it and letting in the cold, wet night air.
"Hey!" he called out to the outsider.
The person looked at Grem just as they took another step.
They were a hedgehog (... and purple, for some reason). The face on them was one of fear and sogginess.
"... Hello." they called back.
The voice was a little high pitched, but it sounded like it was on the verge of deepening. In a puberty-ish way.
Ok, that IS a kid. Shit, Grem thought to themself. He shouted again.
"What are you doing out in the rain?!"
The kid looked off to the side. The fear deepened on their face.
They didn't reply for several seconds... barring a loud cough.
Grem gave the kid a look of sympathy as they shouted once more.
"Are you a runaway?"
The kids face creased with worry fast enough for Grem to know.
They looked down as they spoke again. Not a shout, but just loud enough for Grem to hear--
"... Please don't call the police."
The poor kid.
Grem looked back into his nice warm house, Nik looking at him expectantly.
He looked back at the teenager in the rain.
"Look... I'm not gonna call the police. Just-- come out of the rain for a bit. Come inside. We have blankets and no rain."
The kid looked unsure. Several thoughts seemed to race in their mind as they said nothing for a bit.
Eventually, they responded.
"... Are you sure it's okay?" they asked, uneasy, "I don't wanna be a bother."
"Don't worry 'bout it. If ya stay out here, you'll catch your death-- or worse, pneumonia!"
The kid looked down to their shoes.
Finally, they shrugged.
"... Okay."
The kid was now on their couch.
He (he had informed Grem of pronouns when asked) had a blanket draped over and wrapped around his shivering form, and a mug of hot cocoa in his hands.
Grem could see other things about the kid. His eyes had a sort of... sadness to them. His quills were pretty messy, like he hadn't brushed 'em in a while. His arms were pretty skinny, too. In fact, his clothes seemed to just hang off him.
Nikolai sat next to him with a look of concern, cup of decaf coffee in hand.
"Thanks for letting me sit for a while." the boy spoke, taking a sip of his cocoa.
"Nothin' to it," Grem replied, "EVERYONE should have shelter in this weather."
"I coulda found a bus shelter. Slept on the bench."
"No offense kid, but ya'd probably die if ya did that."
"... You have a point."
"Even if you did find a comfortable bus shelter, what would you eat?" Nikolai added.
The kid pulled up his backpack.
"Don't worry about me. I come prepared!"
He started pulling things from the bag.
Soon, on the living room table, there were several things-- half a box of crackers, a jar of peanut butter, a bag of crumbled bills and coins, a bottle of water about a quarter full, and a pocket knife.
Nothing else.
Nikolai's face turned to one of alarm.
"Did... is that all you packed?" he inquired.
The boys face turned red with embarassment. "... I could have bought food at the Dollar Tree."
Nikolai, though flabbergasted, tried to keep a steady voice as he spoke again.
"Kid... this is not a meal. This-- this isn't even a snack. As our guest, I insist on making you something warm. Even if it's just instant mac n cheese, or a frozen pizza."
The boy gave him a surprised look... surprised yet grateful.
"Mac and cheese, if that's okay."
He nodded. "But of course."
Nikolai got up, went to the kitchen, and began the preparation.
While he made the food, he periodically looked into the living room. Though all he really saw was Grem and the boy talking, he kind of noticed something... the kid seemed more comfortable talking to Grem than him.
Nikolai wasn't entirely sure why. Maybe it was because he was human? Maybe it was the visible scars?
He tried not to think about it.
In roughly 15 minutes, Nikolai returned to the living room with a bowl of Kraft Dinner for the kid, along with a fork.
He placed it on the coffee table with a flourish and a "bon appetit."
The boy thanked him, and took a bite of the macaroni... before tearing into it like a starving lion.
Nikolai couldn't help but watch the teen devour the shit out of the mac and cheese. He'd never seen someone eat mac and cheese so ferociously before. Him and Grem's friend/next door neighbour, Mothgo, made absolutely delicious mac and cheese, and not even Grem ate it that fast.
He really was starving.
Once the boy came up for air (and subsequently ate the last bite), Nikolai could only say, "... do you want seconds?"
He gave Nik a smile.
"Yes please, mister."
"I'll get it!" Grem piped up.
As the cat scurried into the kitchen, Nikolai sat next to the boy again.
"Hey," he began, "You seem quite desperate, yes? How much money did you have left in that baggie?"
The boy opened his mouth... but closed it as he reached for the sandwich baggie. He silently counted the money before answering.
"That's not enough to get by, young man." he said, a grimness in his tone.
"I mean... they have a dollar menu at McDonalds, right?" the boy suggested sheepishly.
"But then what? What happens when you run out?"
"I'm almost 15, I can get a job! Probably. I can hang out in a homeless shelter and-- and get a job doing something."
Nikolai shook his head. "You'd still need a resume. You'd need contacts for the resume, too."
The boy said nothing as Grem came back with more macaroni.
Nik looked at Grementine for a second, before going over to him.
"Grem, can we talk privately?" he whispered to his husband.
"Oh, yeah sure." The cat replied, equally quiet.
While the boy in their house tore into the second bowl, Grem and Nikolai went to the kitchen where they continued whispering.
"Grem, I think this kid really did run away from something. I don't know what, but... just look at him. He seems pretty desperate. I think it would be in his best interest if-- if we could maybe let him stay for the night. Maybe tomorrow, too. We still have the air mattress, yeah? He could sleep on that. I just... I think something's wrong."
Grem gained a thoughtful look. Nikolai was pretty sure what it was about-- they both (unfortunately) knew a lot about scary situations and wanting to leave them. They shared some stories of desperation, too.
Finally, Grem took a deep breath.
"You're right, that's a good idea. Let's go tell the kid."
Both of them went back to the living room. Grem cleared his throat, making the kid turn around as macaroni fell out of his stuffed mouth.
"Kid, me and my hubby here just had a talk. We were wondering... did ya maybe want to stay the night? It's no problem for us, if you're wondering. We got an air mattress and some pillows and blankets. It's gonna be raining all night, and we'd rather see ya somewhere warm and safe."
The kid swallowed his food as a look of relief and... and safety appeared on him. Like he wasn't used to it.
"That... that would be amazing. Yeah." he breathed out.
"Good!" chirped Nikolai. He went back to sitting on the couch and picked up his coffee again, taking small sips.
Grem hopped up onto the couch on the kid's other side.
"Hey, what's your name, by the way?" they inquired. "Still not gonna call the police, by the way-- just curious."
A deep frown appeared on the kid's face as he sighed and responded.
"Quillin Mewton."
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messrsbyler · 2 years
Mike doesn't know how love works because he has mommy and daddy issues (and it shows)
Warning! Long post ahead.
Okay so my brain is currently all over the place so I'll try to make as much sense as I can with this (even though it's already a widely shared concept in the fandom. I'm not discovering the wheel here, but I wanted to put this in my own words just to let it out).
So, we know the Wheeler family is what could be considered a magazine family. The perfect marriage with the three kids, a big house and a white picket fence. They represent the dream family and to the outside people, they are perfect. We also know, however, that this is not the case at all.
I'm probably going blank on some moments, but the ones at the top of my head that show this are Nancy telling Jonathan in S1 about how her parents followed each step in the book and still ended up miserable in a marriage none of them seemed to want to be part of, hating each other in silence. We see this tension first hand when Mike explodes at the table saying he's the only one who cares about Will and bolts, as does Nancy, and Karen tells Ted "I hope you are enjoying your chicken", clearly showing they might be a marriage but they don't work as a team. And then we have the whole [shudders uncomfortably] thing that happened in S3 between Karen and Billy. Sure, Karen decided last minute to not go and meet up with Billy, but I do believe most of it was because she couldn't give up this perfect reality she had created (and also she didn't want to hurt her kids). And then he have that brilliant scene with her and Nancy where Karen says she had to settle for something she didn't want because she didn't have the guts to chase something else.
Where am I going with all this? Karen and Ted Wheeler have a bad marriage. And yes, we all know this. We've been shown this throughout the show. Now, here's where I put my personal twist in how this marked Mike and twisted the way he sees love.
Again, I'm not rediscovering the wheel here. Probably a lot of people have said this already. But, as someone who's had to put up with my parents' failed marriage my entire life, growing up with death stares and cold shoulders being thrown over at dinner and put in the position of taking sides, there's one thing I can say about it (besides that it sucks), and it's that growing in that type of household shapes the way you see and feel love.
Mike has witnessed his parents hating each other his entire life, whatever highs and lows they might've had, and for him (as for any other kid) his parents are the first source of love he is presented to. Except that Karen and Ted's love isn't love, it's necessity (see where I'm going with this?). Their marriage isn't a relationship where they are each other's partner and support. At this point, the only reason why Mike's parents remain together is because they need each other to keep up this perfect magazine family image, to have a secure income month to month, to have someone to watch the kids during the day and prepare the dinners at night. It's an exchange of goods and not a loving dynamic. Karen and Ted know they are useful for the other, so they remain in this marriage that sunk long ago.
So, really, what do you think Mike could learn from all of this? Maybe that he can only be loved by people as long as they need him? As long as he is useful to them? Because, that's love, right? That's what he's witnessed for most of his life.
Mike needing people to need him is just that, him wanting to prove his worthy of love because he is useful enough to not be tossed aside just yet. So, when El starts growing distant in S3 because she starts discovering herself and realizing there's more than Mike to the world and that she is allowed to not need him, Mike panics. Because if he's not useful to El, then why would she want to stick around? This is confirmed in S4 during the van scene, when Mike tells Will the only reason why El was with him was because he found her in the woods when she needed someone the most. It was dumb-luck. Nothing else. It sounds to me that Mike doesn't believe that, in any other scenario, El could learn to love him, because in any other scenario he wouldn't have anything to offer her. And then, in this twisted view of love he has, when El pulls away Mike panics and blurts out "I love her and I can't lose her!" Is it really love? I don't think so. To me, as much as El has needed Mike, Mike also needs El to need him (I know, a tongue twister but you follow my logic, right?)
In S4 during their heart-to-heart, Mike tells Will he feels like he lost him or something. We know Mike tried to call often ("Joyce has this new job and their phone is always busy. Mike won't stop whining about it") but couldn't get through, and Will, thinking that Mike wasn't as interested in keeping contact with him as he was with El, didn't reach out either. But let's look at this through Mike's perspective only, trying to contact Will, being unsuccessful, and Will not trying as hard from the other end and seeming to do perfectly fine, as if it didn't trouble him Mike's (unwanted) radio silence. And then, through El's letters, he finds out Will is doing good and that he probably has a crush in a girl. Now mix all that up with unresolved romantic feelings for his best friend, wouldn't Mike feel rejected? Almost as if Will didn't need him anymore either? Of course, we know this is far from the truth. But Mike doesn't.
And yes, yes, I hear you over there in the back of the room. I hear you asking "Well, if Mike doesn't know how love works how can his love for Will be real and yet his love for El a twisted version that's actually purely platonic?" Well, here's the thing. Will is not El as much as El is not Will. What do I mean by this? Well, just as Mike has no idea how love actually works because he hasn't had the best examples to go by, El is in a similar position (though a lot more dramatic and painful). None of them really know how romantic love works (hell, El didn't even know what the word 'friend' meant in S1!), and in trying to discover it with each other they got lost in the way and created this co-dependent relationship that feeds of each other's misconceptions about love. And in some way, they both end up convinced they are on the right track because they both need each other, that is until El pops the bubble in S3 (even if momentarily) and realizes she can be someone without Mike. Now, this is going into how El sees love and I don't want to make even longer than it already is, but El sees love in Mike because Mike taught her who she was outside the lab ("El, shorter for Eleven" "You are not a monster" "You look pretty... cool. Pretty cool" "You are a superhero"). He gave her a name and an identity and then became the foundation of that identity. So, that's love, right? But then she learns, oh, I can decide who I am by myself as well. But... if I can do that, then love must be something different than what I thought it was, right?
Then, he have Will. How is Will different? I mean, Will's parents don't put up the best example of love there is, right? It's the exact opposite, if anything. But even then, in contrast to Mike's situation (which I find forever interesting), Will grew up in a good and loving family. I'm not saying Will's grip on love is perfect, but it's much more real. He knows the love of his mom and brother whilst Mike isn't (we see how weirded out he gets whenever Nancy shows explicit care and love for him, which shoes us their sibling dynamic works differently as Jonathan and Will's do). Will at the very least knows what is like to love someone just for the sake of loving them, and what is like to be at the end of that same love which is not born out of a necessity that needs to be fulfilled.
Will loves Mike not because he needs him. Will loves Mike because it can only be that way. Because Mike asked to be friends when he was alone with the swings, because they've spent nights sleeping at each other's houses, sharing secrets, watching movies until late. Will loves Mike because Mike gets him, he understands. Because Mike has seen the darkest sides of Will and still won't treat him like a freak or like he's made of glass. And Mike? Mike loves Will in the same way, even if he can't see it.
Hold on, hold on, hold on. Didn't you say Mike sees love as someone needing someone else only? Well, yeah. That's how he sees love, but not how he feels it. Mike doesn't love Will because Will is useful to him or fulfills a necessity of his, just as he doesn't love Lucas or Dustin in that way. And even El! His (platonic) love for El isn't purely him needing her to need him. How Mike sees love isn't reflected in the way he loves others, only in the way how he thinks others love him. And with El, like I already said, part of it fell exactly into Mike's view of love. With Will, however, it has never been like that.
So, I truly think Will will show Mike (in some way he already has throughout the seasons, more explicitly in S4) that love doesn't work like that at all. That Mike doesn't need to be a saviour so others will have to love him because they need him. That Mike can be just him, and be loved just because of that. That sometimes love can be quiet like a hand on a shoulder and a laugh when things get hard, not a shove out of the way so he steps in and risks himself in the name of others, but more like a gentle push when the other gets stuck, so they know he's here for them and that they can keep going and rely on him whenever they need a break.
I don't know, man. Maybe I'm pulling all of this right out of my ass (most likely), but based on a personal experience and my own fucked up view of how the L-word works, I think it makes sense and that it also adds a lot of depth and layers to Mike's character in only this aspect.
Or maybe I'm just spilling truths that everyone and their mother already knows which would mean I wrote this long ass post for nothing, but I had to add my share on Mike Wheeler's character analysis.
And of course, because I just have to add even more Byler to this, under this view of Mike's character it only makes sense for his arc to finish with Will once he ends up understanding he is worthy of love no conditions and no questions asked.
Note: Only to clarify, before some of you all start losing your pants over this, I am not saying El's love for Mike is fake or that Mike's love for El is fake. I do believe they love each other, but their love (most likely platonic because c'mon, they've only known each other for a couple of days before they started dating for real) got twisted under this weight of their own wrong views of romantic love. Also, I am number one platonic elmike stan so don't even try to suggest I don't believe those two care and love each other.
Anyway, I close my case. Again, this is my personal interpretation of Mike and his obsession with being needed. You can have your own opinion, think I'm completely bunkers for what I just wrote or agree on some stuff and not on others. I mean, we all have free will for a reason. If you have an opinion (similar or different) and want to add to this (in a respectful manner always) I would be interested in hearing you out so let me know in a reblog or a comment or however you prefer!
Either way, I'm tuning out because this post is already way too long and I doubt there's anyone who stuck until the very end (which I don't blame them for).
Nic, out!
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It’s become something of a monthly tradition for Billy and Steve to go to the movies. They take turns picking at random, sometimes laughing and silently making fun of the film with each other, sometimes finding a true gem that they plan on buying on tape later on. Always holding hands and sharing snacks no matter what.
It’s 1988, late November, and they’re bundled up in sweaters and enough layers to stave off the bite in the air, but Billy still shivers when they climb out of the car.
His brows are pinched together as he takes hold of Holly’s hand when they cross the street. Like the action is forced.
Steve was a little surprised when Karen of all people decided to call last minute and ask them to babysit — logically it makes sense, with Nancy off at college and Mike keeping himself out of the house, to ask Billy and Steve for a favor. They have a tendency for collecting strays, probably worse than Hopper.
Still, Steve recalls the face that Billy made when he picked up the phone and heard Karen’s voice.
That look of abject terror. Discomfort. Hurt.
Of course, despite everything, he still said yes. Never mind that they had a date night planned for this evening, or that their house wasn’t presentable for guests. Steve spent a good half hour tidying things up before they headed over to the Wheeler’s and spent the entire drive trying to help Billy relax his grip on the wheel.
When Holly finally slid into the back seat with her unicorn backpack and hair up in pigtails, Billy seemed to relax a little.
At least, he did when they actually pulled out of the driveway.
Now they’re standing out front of the theater, browsing the various posters. Billy points at one in particular that makes Steve’s nose wrinkle.
“No, we aren’t watching that.”
“Why not? It’s got a doll on the cover.”
The blond smiles and raises his free hand in mock surrender before he glances down at Holly, who releases his hand in favor of walking up to another movie poster for a closer look.
She doesn’t say anything. Just admires the artwork, and Billy and Steve share a glance before they approach the ticket booth.
“Three tickets for the dinosaur movie, please.”
They’ve never gone to see a cartoon before, but Steve supposes that there’s a first time for everything. They get their snacks and make their way towards their theater, passing more posters along the way.
It seems cute. Steve’s always liked dinosaurs.
“I bet it’s gonna be some shit about learning the alphabet or something,” Billy whispers, and Steve chuckles and elbows him.
And he could not have been more wrong.
They’re decently entertained in the beginning, sharing glances over the top of Holly’s head every now and again. About half an hour into the film, Steve isn’t smiling anymore.
He kind of freezes in his seat. Thinks uh oh before he even gets the chance to look over at his partner.
And, yeah, Steve’s getting a little bleary eyed, but Billy’s face is streaming with tears. He has a hand clasped over his mouth, eyes wide. Completely unaware that the darkness in the theater isn’t enough to shield him from view.
Steve wants to go around to the other seat and lift up the armrest between them. Snuggle into his side like they usually do. Hell, he kind of wants to just grab him and go, because this was supposed to be fun.
Before he settles on a decision, Holly looks up at Billy and instantly scoots closer to his seat. Wraps her little arms around his bicep and leans against him without so much as a blink. It works to calm him down enough that he doesn’t look horrified anymore — really, Steve’s just surprised that he doesn’t shove her away afterwards.
He hates it when people see him cry.
The three of them stay seated, no longer hesitant about finishing the movie. Every time Steve glances over at his partner, he seems utterly serious about paying attention to the plot. Sure, he giggles when something silly happens on the screen, but he always defaults back to pinching his eyebrows together in concentration.
There are a few points in the movie that have Steve’s eyes watering again, but none so much as the end. And he knows that if he’s a little distraught, Billy’s a fucking wreck.
When the lights come on and they exit the theater, Holly dumps her empty soda cup in the trash and makes a direct line for the restroom, her two adult chaperones left waiting outside with puffy eyes and red noses.
Steve leans his back against the wall and pats Billy’s shoulder after a moment.
“You alright, bud?”
The blond nods. Shoves his hands into his pockets and sniffles, keeping his gaze trained on his boots.
“I liked it.”
“You did?” Steve almost laughs when he says it, but manages to keep it down when Billy casts a half-hearted glare at him. “Who was your favorite character?”
Billy contemplates briefly before he shrugs.
“I liked Ducky.”
“Really? I totally thought you’d like Cera.”
Billy really does glare at him then and Steve snorts.
“Fuck Cera. She was a stubborn asshole and she left Petrie to die in the tar pit, for Christ’s sake, dude.”
Steve softens his smile a bit. Smooths his hand from Billy’s shoulder to his back and rubs a circle right between his shoulder blades.
“Don’t be so hard on Cera. She just wasn’t good at making friends, but that wasn’t her fault, y’know? Doesn’t make her a bad person.”
It takes a moment for his words to sink in, but when they do, Billy sighs. He shifts his weight on his feet, leaning ever so slightly closer to Steve.
“Which one was your favorite?” he asks.
“Hmm… I think I’m gonna have to go with Spike.”
Billy huffs a laugh.
“Why Spike?”
“I dunno, he’s a funky little guy. He just walks around and eats plants and hangs out. Doesn’t get better than that.” Steve grins when Billy gives him a look. “Why do you like Ducky?”
That makes Billy burn red. He crosses his arms and looks away.
“It’s stupid.”
“Aw, honey, I’m sure it isn’t,” Steve coos.
He tilts his head to the side to get a better view of his lover’s face. Billy remains quiet for a beat before he heaves another sigh.
“She’s like the whole reason that any of them became friends, y’know? She’s the glue that holds them together. Without her, none of them would’ve made it to the Great Valley.” His voice is soft when he speaks, but he lowers it even more when he adds, “She reminds me of you.”
And, god, if Steve hadn’t already cried multiple times tonight, he’d be burning up and absolutely bawling right now. He clears his throat and tries to keep composed when Holly exits the bathroom.
The three of them take their leave. She holds Billy’s hand when they cross the street again, and when they’re all piled into the car, he seems a bit more at ease. Like the tears have reached the end of their flow for the evening.
Steve, on the other hand, is biting his lip to keep it from quivering as he stares out the window. It doesn’t take long for Billy’s hand to reach over the center console and find Steve’s, fingers interlocked despite the presence in the back seat.
They have a feeling that Holly isn’t going to be telling anyone anyway.
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ddagent · 2 years
I'm dying to read how John's mother and sister first reacted to Delenn.
“Please just…give her a chance, Mom. I know you’ll love Delenn when you get to know her.”
In the last call with her son, Nancy Sheridan hadn’t been sure whether to console her boy or stare him down. The idea that she would not give Delenn a chance was ridiculous. After all, hadn’t she given all John’s partners a chance? During the single dinner she and David had had with Elizabeth Lochley, Nancy had tried to be supportive. Asked her questions about her career, her family; ignored the words hissed under breaths as the newlyweds battled for dominance. Then there had been Anna who was, and always would be, Lizzie’s friend. Polite and sweet and respectful. Then she had become family and Nancy had had to bite her tongue yet again. She’d watched her son unable to confide in his wife, unable to turn to her as the long distance meant they could only talk about the positive. Her death had compounded John’s idolisation of what was, quite frankly, another marriage that wouldn’t have lasted three months if they’d actually lived in the same place for more than a week at a time.
Delenn, however, was different.
Read below or at AO3
Nancy watched her from the entrance to the Zen Garden; her hands wringing themselves, the pads of her fingers straying to the engagement ring she wore. Elizabeth hadn’t been given one. John had spent two months searching – through David and Lizzie – for the perfect ring. This one was simple, inexpensive. But the look on Delenn’s face as she stared at the adornment told Nancy a great deal about her future daughter-in-law. John’s messages home, starting all the way back in 2259, told her the rest.
“Ambassador Delenn?”
Her head lifted. The ISN reports – that trash – had not done her future daughter-in-law justice. Her smile was warm, if a little hesitant. This was, after all, the first time they were meeting. John had invited her and David to Babylon 5 for a small engagement dinner and had planned to make introductions later that night. But Nancy had had ideas of her own, if only to stop the poor thing spending the rest of the day in utter turmoil. “Yes?”
“I’m Nancy. John’s mother.”
All the colour instantly drained out of Delenn’s face. She rose to her feet, head bowing. “My apologies. John told me that we were meeting later tonight, I had no idea—” 
Nancy waved off her apologies. “That’s what my son thinks. But I wanted to meet my new daughter-in-law a little sooner.” She closed the gap between them, eased her arm between Delenn’s own and practically carried the slight thing halfway along the garden. “I have wanted to meet you for the longest time and I couldn’t wait another minute.”
Delenn paused. “You–you have?”
“Of course. Johnny has spoken so warmly about you ever since his appointment. I’ve been trying to get him to invite us to visit but he’s always been reluctant.” Nancy nudged Delenn’s shoulder. “I think it’s because he knew I’d tell him he was in love with you and that he should damn well get off his ass and do something about it.”
Delenn laughed; spots of colour returning to her cheeks. “He did, um, take his sweet time in moving our relationship into something more romantic. But I’m glad he did.” Delenn seemed to vibrate with the very thought of John. “I love your son a great deal. We are old souls; our lives moving in parallel. I am eternally grateful to the universe that our paths crossed three years ago.” She paused. “It must sound quite strange. John, I think, is rather used to our conversations about the Universe.”
“Starstuff,” Nancy recalled. She could recite that letter from memory. And she talked about the universe and how we are parts of the universe made manifest. Starstuff, she called us. God, Mom, I was having a hell of a day but in one conversation, Ambassador Delenn put everything right. I can’t remember the last time I felt so…sure. Delenn, however, did not need to know that Nancy had read sections of that letter out for a week to persuade David that their son was nursing a slight crush on the Minbari Ambassador. “Like I said, John’s spoken fondly of you for years.”
“What, uh, else has he said of me?”
After the war, Nancy had done some translation work for a few Minbari worker clans. She’d used her maiden name, Bradley, because despite the pride she felt for her son, she knew the name wasn’t exactly popular. In her dealings with the Minbari, Nancy had never considered them to be a curious people. And yet, Ambassador Delenn was curious. A seeker of answers; a solver of mysteries. Nancy answered every question Delenn had: of John growing up, of their farm before Clark’s men had got hold of it, of Nancy’s translation practice. Many of John’s former partners had asked the first set of questions, so sure were they that they wanted to be John’s wife. None of them had ever really wanted to be a Sheridan.
As they walked the length of the garden and back, Nancy decided that they didn’t need a ceremony or a piece of paper to confirm it. Delenn was a Sheridan. She always had been.
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