#yeah he’s a lil scary when he’s really pissed off
sstvar · 1 year
Boo’s Hand Study
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plus a lil bonus-
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bro’s in danger but DAMN
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euovennia · 1 year
headcanons for simon being the mom/dad friend to reader and her just eating that shit up? like yeah, that giant intimidating guy wearing a skull mask is my best friend. he’s really cute right? (he is)
anon your brain is huge and i love it, thank you for such a gorgeous request! just want you to know that your second request will be up sometime soon, i just wanted to split them! thank you again for requesting, i hope you enjoy <3
pt. 2
fair warning to anyone reading, this is my first time writing headcanons (more like a short story with bullet points because my oh my i got carried away) so please don't shoot! anyway, i've got some ideas rolling around in my head so just jump into it:
let's get one thing straight
becoming friends with a man like simon is not an easy task
while you may be somewhat quick consider him a friend because you're both skilled enough to have made to the 141, it takes a lot longer for him to also consider you a friend
the process of getting him to this point is an arduous journey and some people (probably gaz and rudy bc i can see these two being equally terrified of this man) will not hesitate to tell you to cut your losses and leave him alone
i reckon simon is the type to verbally tell you this himself
and maybe for a bit you do leave him alone
but then one day you see him sitting alone in the commons area with what you deem to be the saddest plate of dinner ever and you just crack
cue you sliding into the seat in front of him with your tupperware full of homecooked food you'd stashed away the night before
naturally he gets frustrated and a maybe a lil annoyed so he goes to leave
but then you slide your tupperware of food over to him and his movements just kinda stop as he stares at you with his typical ghost stare
think 👁️👁️
he'll push the container back toward you causing you to push it back toward him
it becomes an almost vicious cycle before he finally snaps and spits out something like, "what's your fuckin' problem?"
to most he's a scary man with an even scarier voice so that would've been where most people drew the line (let's face it though, most people probably wouldn't have sat with him in the first place)
but all you can focus on is the piss poor excuse of a meal he'd retrieved from the mess hall so you just push it back toward him one final time with a simple, "eat."
he'll narrow his eyes and straighten his posture in an attempt to scare you off but when that doesn't work he'll tell you something along the lines of, "i'm spitting it out if it's shite"
he does not spit it out
from that day on, you'll seek him out with two tupperware containers filled with whatever you'd cooked up the night before and offer it to him
the first few times he's hesitant to accept simply because he doesn't wanna get used to the unusually kind gesture but it eventually gets to a point where he just stops getting a plate from the mess hall and instead waits around for you to feed him
these small dinners you share make it nearly impossible for simon to avoid your talking
he almost debates getting up and leaving a few times but then he remembers he'd be eating soggy meat and vegetables if it weren't for you so he decides to entertain it
and to the surprise of absolutely no one he eventually starts warming up to you, even throwing in a few comments and sarcastic quips of his own
and after a long while of having these dinners with you, he decides he likes it – he likes hearing you talk, whether it be about how you and gaz hid price's hat somewhere on base and blamed it on soap or what the latest celebrity gossip is
so what does he do?
he tries to block you out
it doesn't work because you're a stubborn little shit and refuse to let him fall back into his bubble of solitude and self pity
and he eventually realizes this so he just kinda accepts it after a while (more like a week)
and the two of you become quite chummy
as chummy as one can be with a person as closed off as ghost
instead you always being the one to seek him out come dinner time, he'll be the one to start finding you
it's a surprise
a delightful one
but still a surprise
his short, clipped responses will morph into longer, more thought out ones as your friendship continues to develop and you can't help but notice just how smart he really is
despite his everything that's happened to him in the past, he's actually quite in tune with the emotions of other people; his observational skills are off the charts
so you'll eventually start asking him for advice on anything and everything, even if it's not something that pertains directly to you because his wisdom outside the battle field is something to truly behold
it's amazing what can be solved without heavy loads of artillery and violence!
simon quickly becomes very used to this dynamic
you two having dinner, talking about everything and nothing all at once and while he may never verbalize it, he truly does appreciate it
he'd convinced himself long ago that his life was just cursed and that the people he loved and held closest to him were always destined for terrible things so he just closed himself off
he put on the mask and became ghost whereas simon was kept tucked away in a place no one even bothered to try and discover
but then you stumbled your way into his heart with your homemade food and endless chatter and he can't help but indulge himself
maybe having a friend isn't all that bad
and so the dinners/mini therapy sessions continue
until one day you don't show up
while he is a bit disappointed, simon decides to let it go because you've had dinner with him for god knows how long now
you probably just wanted a day to yourself and he understands that so he doesn't pry
even when he barely force himself to finish the sludge smacked onto his plate from the mess hall – how was he so comfortable eating that for so long?
but you don't show up the next day
or the next
and by the fourth day simon is just downright angry
and a little sad and worried
but mostly angry
who do you think you are to waltz in his life, make yourself cozy in his extremely tight knit circle, and then just leave him high and dry with no goodbye? (wow that rhymed)
if you're gonna ditch him like this then he's gonna make sure you sit through the awkward pain of saying it to his face
he spends an embarrassing amount of time looking for you before he even thinks to check your room
he walks up to your door, fully prepared to slam that door open and confront you
but then he hears you fall into a particularly nasty coughing fit paired with a muffled groan of agony and suddenly it just clicks
you got yourself sick
tempted as he is to simply walk away, he knows deep in his heart he can't do that to you
which is why you open up your door to see ghost awkwardly standing there with a tray of hot soup, water, and some medicine
you nearly cry in your haze of sickness
you'd spend the past four days miserably rotting away in your bed and to suddenly have simon by your side offering you soup and medicine? it was almost too much
ever since that day there had been a gradual shift in your friendship
it started with you two coordinating who would bring dinner on which days
but then it turned into simon being the one to bring dinner nearly everyday
which then evolved into him finding you throughout the day and offering small snacks and drinks
but he's a busy man and he can't do this every day so he'll settle for sending a simple message of, "you doing ok?"
and most times you say yes
but on the off chance you say no he'll take a few minutes to message you back and forth until you feel at least a little better (no this is not achieved by him sending you bad dad jokes, he would never do such a thing!)
but eventually the man just gets so tired of constantly going around base trying to find you that he'll simply just start to linger around you whenever he's free
gruff words of assurance and friendly pats on the shoulder become a staple for the masked man
when the team becomes privy to the newly formed friendship between the two of you, it's almost scary
imagine this 6'4 beefy mountain of a man hanging around someone half his size just chilling
i reached the character block limit how awkward anyway
it's odd and you know it is so you'll play into it
like that time you loudly asked ghost to grab the blanket from your room while you two were sitting on the couch in the common area while the rest of the team filed in
and him immediately going to grab it while the team are completely gobsmacked when he promptly returns with your blanket in hand
cue soap asking ghost the same thing a few days later and only receiving a glare in return along with a stern, "i'm not your maid, johnny."
then he just walks away leaving soap to feel like an idiot
it becomes apparent very quickly that simon has a favorite and that favorite is you
especially when he's the one to sweep you up into a quick hug with a quick pat on your head after the team completes yet another mission
you make it a point to squeeze onto simon just a tad tighter when you see soap looking over in complete bewilderment
seriously, how did you tame the legendary ghost?
and honestly?
you're not quite sure yourself
you just soak it in because you'd be a fool not to
maybe one day you'll ask him yourself
maybe you won't
doesn't matter either way because at the end of the day you're the only one who can proudly call ghost your best friend
even if he doesn't refer to you as the same
he totally does he just never says it out loud because he's secretly terrified you don't feel the same
you two are very much attached at the hip
what with you constantly getting yourself into trouble all around base and ghost not wanting you piss off the wrong person
he is very much your guard dog and you make it everyone's problem
soap went too hard on you during your sparring session? ghost is already glaring at him
gaz won't stop bugging you when you're actually trying to get your work done? ghost is pushing him out the door
price is about to lecture you for something gaz and soap framed you for? ghost is quick to rat them out
it's sweet really, the friendship you have
it warms your heart thinking about it
and it warms his too
even if he won't admit it
he's just grateful you didn't give up on him even when he wanted you to
because he's found that, sometimes, it's nice to have a friend
and he's glad it's you
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eldritch-nightmare · 8 months
Can you make a scenario about how the pastas would react after an argument? Like, if the reader left to get some fresh air? (I crave angst)
a/n: indeed i can my friend here's a healthy amount of (very mild) angst just for you. i'm so totally gonna use this idea in a future chapter for the silly lil scenarios book as well because uh angst. maybe the prompt got away from me just a little bit i won't lie.
how do they react after an argument?
includes: jeff the killer, laughing jack, slenderman, nina the killer, eyeless jack, jane the killer, candy pop, clockwork, ticci toby, nurse ann, x virus, kagekao, jason the toymaker, the puppeteer, homicidal liu, sully, the bloody painter, the doll maker, zalgo, and hobo heart.
warnings: the aftermath of an argument, relationship disputes, some of these are healthy and some of these are not, inconsistent length.
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JEFF THE KILLER would honestly be more upset if you walked out after an argument. he's already upset enough as it is, so you turning your back to him and storming out just makes his blood boil. he won't follow after you, but he'll definitely disappear for the next few days. he really isn't the best at resolving arguments, no matter how small they are. and unless he really fucks up, then he isn't going to apologize even if he is in the wrong. he's jeff the fucking killer, what the hell does he have to feel sorry about? you should consider yourself lucky that he didn't gut you for pissing him off.
if you want to have any form of resolve to this argument, you'll have to force the conversation because he will actively try to shut you down. he can't. he literally can't. resolution is not something he is good at, and unless you're the one to apologize, even if you aren't the one who is at fault, he's just not going to let any of this resolve. does that make him an asshole? yeah, it does. does he feel guilty? just a little. does that change anything? no, not really.
LAUGHING JACK, similar to jeff, would feel more upset over you walking away from the fight rather than the fight itself. he can come off as pretty scary during an argument, especially if it's one where he feels like he's in the right. he gets frustrated easily, and he's just overall a very expressive person, so. and he can get pretty fucking mean if he wants to, so yeah honestly you needing to walk away makes complete and total sense and he knows that it makes sense but that doesn't make him any less upset.
he'll just blame it on his abandonment issues or something because seeing you leave just to go and calm down should not have hurt as much as it did. and he debates going after you but he ultimately decides it would be best if he didn't. he wants to resolve this though, and he'll try but it'll be painfully awkward because, i mean, yeah.
SLENDERMAN is, by default, a pretty scary being the begin with so i imagine an argument with it would be pretty unnerving. it isn't used to people arguing with it, that's for sure. i think it would be more amused than upset, seeing such a small being stare up at it as if trying to intimidate it... it's a cute sight to see, that's for sure. it'll keep that thought to itself, of course. it imagines that saying such a thing out loud may only make things worse.
slender won't be upset when you walk away. it understands that you're just going to cool off. it'll take this time to clear its own thoughts until the two of you are ready to talk again and clear up the tension.
NINA THE KILLER would be immensely frustrated seeing you walk away. she'll probably let out a groan and tell you to come back, but she won't follow after you. she understands that if the two of you kept arguing any longer, things would only get worse. she knows that, so she'll use this as a chance to calm down herself. nina gets over things easier than you would think, and if this argument wasn't over anything major then the next time you see her, she'll most likely be back to her usual self.
she'll probably be the first to apologize as well, even if she feels as if she's not the one at fault. she can't stand when you're upset at her, so just accept her apology so the two of you can move on, yeah?
EYELESS JACK is always viewed as mature and in control of his emotions. and he is. a little too in control if we're being honest here. for most arguments you guys may have, he'll keep his cool and will try to understand your point of view and where you're coming from. there are times, however, when the control he has over his emotions slips, and you get reminded that oh. your boyfriend is a cannibalistic demon that can literally kill you in the blink of an eye. he really doesn't mean to scare you, but it's definitely a good thing you choose that moment to walk away to cool off because he has to physically force himself to not go after you.
and once he calms down, he will apologize. it's a genuine apology, one written all over his face. he never wants to or means to invalidate you and your emotions, and he never wants to make you scared of him.
JANE THE KILLER would probably be the first to walk away from an argument, if we're being fairly honest. if this is richardson we're talking about, then she's definitely more mature about it and politely suggests that you both take fifteen minutes to cool off before continuing the conversation. she does it because it's one, a healthy thing to do for your relationship, and two, while she is heavily in control of her emotions, the liquid hate running through her veins enhances her anger and it would be really bad if she genuinely got angry.
if this is arkensaw, i think she'll be a little less mature than she would like. she portrays herself as someone in control of her emotions, but her emotions and her hatred are what drive her. she does her best to her burning-hot anger in check but if you two have an argument, then it's fairly difficult. if you walk away first, then it'll only serve to upset her more, but she won't go after you. honestly, she'll probably even avoid you in the coming days because her anger lingers. it always lingers.
CANDY POP thinks it's cute that this little argument of yours got you so worked up that you had to walk away from him. honestly hell yeah if i were you i'd walk away from him as well because there is simply no winning with this guy. worst man you could ever argue with, to be honest.
but as we all know, his mood can change in an instant with no warning so. one moment, he thinks you walking away from him is cute and adorable. the next, he's getting frustrated and following after you because you don't get to walk away from him, silly. haven't you realized that he owns you?
CLOCKWORK, while she has her own anger issues and tends to get easily frustrated by the smallest of things, does try her best to keep her emotions in check if you two ever have an argument. it's not easy, and there have been times when she's snapped at you, but she always apologizes immediately after.
you walking away would make sense. she understands, she knows that you both need to take time to calm down before things get too heated. she gets it. but depending on what you two are arguing about, doing so could only serve to make her more angry. it's... frustrating, really. she won't follow after you though, because she knows it's what is best.
TOBY would want you to walk away. he needs it, to be honest. he tries to avoid getting into arguments with you for various different reasons. arguing with you stresses him out more than he would like it to, and it reminds him of the hold you have on him. you walking away from the argument would give him time to clear his head and cool off.
once you've both calmed down, he'll probably be the first to approach you because he cannot stand the awkward tension that always lingers after arguments with people. he wants to clear the air so this can all just be water under the bridge. it'll be a painfully awkward conversation though. he's not good at... resolving arguments. never had a positive example, to be honest.
NURSE ANN struggles to speak, so i think she would try to avoid getting into an argument because she feels as if she won't be able to properly get her point across. but arguments are bound to happen sooner or later, even in the healthiest relationships. and ann, to put it simply, is a very angry person. she keeps that anger in check when you're around, but it's literally impossible to not slip up a few times.
since ann rarely ever vocally speaks, her anger is typically conveyed in her stares and her jerky gestures as she signs. you walking away is the smartest thing you could do in that moment, leaving her alone to stew in her always-burning anger that she'll choose to take out on any nearby destructible objects or some sad poor soul that just so happens to trespass at her hospital in the coming hours.
X-VIRUS seems like the type of guy who has never really been in any arguments, to be honest. maybe when he was at the orphanage he got into a few petty arguments between the other kids, but nothing that would warrant needing to walk away, y'know? and i definitely don't think he'd treat the argument seriously, brushing off your words and whatnot.
he only realizes that you were genuinely angry with him when you walked away. it's definitely like... a slap in the face that oh. i'm a fucking asshole. he's not really sure what to do in this moment, and he waits until you come back on your own to try and apologize. but he's not the best at apologies.
KAGEKAO wouldn't treat the argument seriously at all. at least, not at first. honestly, he'd probably purposefully get you even more upset just to get a reaction out of you. does that make him an asshole? oh, most certainly. he just likes seeing you feel anything towards him, even if it's anger. he likes getting a reaction out of you because it's him you're reacting to. and it's entertaining as well, though you don't need to know that.
when you walk away, he'll feel a little frustrated at not being able to see you but he won't follow after you. he knows when to stop his antics. shocking, i know. and, if you're lucky, he may even hold you in his arms once you calm down. it's his way of an apology, i suppose.
JASON THE TOYMAKER fucking hates arguing with you. you're his other half, so arguing with you makes him feel sick to his stomach because what if... what if you aren't the one? he likes you too much to lose you, so you have to be the one. he definitely seems like he'd try to keep the argument short, and he'll be relieved when you walk away to cool off.
you don't try to leave him afterward, even if he was at fault for whatever you two may have been bickering over. that's good, really. that means you want to stay with him, even if you two have arguments like this. that's... that's so good.
THE PUPPETEER can't stand when anyone argues with him, so yeah, any argument you may have with him will be horrible and tense and it will not be pretty. he has to be the one to get the final word. he has to be the one in the right, even if he isn't. you must be aware of this, right? i mean, you're (hopefully, i assume) willingly sticking around this guy, right? so you should know that there's no winning with him.
and you walking away is simply not something he'll take kindly to. it's something that'll more than likely get a how dare you reaction out of him. you're a fool if you think he's just going to let you walk away. no, he'll either follow after you, or he'll pull you back with his strings. the conversation isn't over until he says that it's over.
HOMICIDAL LIU definitely does try to avoid any potential arguments with you. to be honest, most of your arguments with him will more than likely stem from his almost blatant disregard for his health and safety when he's injured as well as his almost suffocating habit of needing to protect you and keep you safe. it's inevitable, even if it's something he tries so desperately to avoid. that desperation is what tends to lead to arguments as well, if we're being honest.
he's not upset when you walk away. honestly, he's glad that you do. he always feels pretty damn awful whenever you two fight, and he patiently waits until you're ready to pick things back up so you two can resolve things and move on.
SULLY listens to everything you say with rapt attention. the only thing that matters to him at that moment is whatever you two are arguing about. hell, he doesn't give a shit about the argument itself rather than what you say, the expressions you make, and your tone of voice. every little gesture or movement you make catches his attention. honestly, if you asked him what you two were arguing about, he'd just look at you with a slightly confused expression because he's already forgotten.
and when you walk away to cool off and get some air, he has to restrain himself from following after you. he forces himself to sit down and he bites his fist as his mind hyper-focuses on every word you said and the way you looked at him and just... yeah, he's already moved on from the argument he just wants to see your face and hear your voice again.
THE BLOODY PAINTER is definitely not someone you want to have an argument with, honestly. not because he's an angry person or scary to get into an argument with or anything like that, no. he's just... very apathetic. it'll feel like you're arguing with a brick wall rather than a person, and you'll maybe even feel as if he doesn't care about you or your feelings. he just stares at you, blank-faced and monotoned.
once you realize that this argument is going literally nowhere, you leave to calm yourself down and he stays behind. it's not that he doesn't care about you and your feelings, he does, truly, he just... well... i could go into heavy heavy detail about his apathy when it comes to arguments but to spare you the length of that, just know that he does care, he's just absolutely horrific at showing it. once you come back, he will apologize for not better expressing himself and for unintentionally invalidating you and your feelings. he'll be better, though it will take time for him to become expressive.
THE DOLL MAKER seems like the type of person who wouldn't handle arguments well, i think. he's a fairly closed-off person and has some trouble conveying his thoughts and feelings sometimes, so i think it would stress him out a bunch if he got into a fight with you. depending on how bad the argument is, he'll either try to diffuse the situation or he may get angry and make things worse.
the moment you walk off, vine will be throwing himself into work to both calm himself down and distract himself from any potentially needless thoughts. he'll certainly try his best to resolve the conflict with you once you've both taken time to calm down but it'll definitely be stiff.
ZALGO would be very amused if you try arguing with him over something. you, a silly little mortal that somehow managed to catch his interest, are trying to argue with him, an eldritch horror beyond human comprehension that literally creates chaos for shits and giggles? how adorable. he's not going to take you seriously at all, i hope you know that.
and even if you walk away, you won't exactly be alone. zalgo is always there with you, even if not physically. a part of him is stuck with you, so he's always able to watch you, to talk to you. he thinks you're being dramatic for getting upset over something that he deems to be so utterly insignificant. there won't be any form of conflict resolution with him, so don't expect any form of apology or empathy or anything of that sort.
HOBO HEART you gotta be careful with, i think. the last time he felt as if he'd been wronged by the person he loved, he tore her heart out. not to say he'd tear your heart out over a minor argument or anything like that, no, that would be pretty petty and... he doesn't really think he's a terrible enough person to do that. maybe. depending on how serious the argument is.
he'll be a little disheartened when you walk away because he would rather clear up the air and tension immediately rather than wait but he understood, somewhat, that it'd be better if you both took time to cool off before either of you tried to resolve the conflict hanging in the air.
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kozmicmizuu · 18 days
guys please PLEASE here me out on this kny au idea
ok yall watched Puss in Boots the last wish?? and have seen the 2019 kny halloween costumes???
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guys…. them as puss and death…
idk how this cooked in my head but i can’t get it out after rewatching the movie
so obviously the others would be in this- i’ll get there don’t worry let me cook
tengen would obviously be a bit of a cocky bastard because he’s never been caught or killed, being the successful pirate he is, he considers himself almost untouchable. but he’s avoided death too many times— he was supposed to be dead ages ago. and then giyuu comes in.
giyuu was of course pissed off and agitated that some albino lil pirate bitch kept avoiding his clutches, so he decided to take him himself
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then this scene is probably gonna be the first scene of this au, just them meeting in a bar
and the sizes would, of course, be swapped. tengens a big guy who is currently sitting next to the embodiment of death and the purge of the sea and doesn’t suspect a thing— because no way he’s taller than death! he’s not looking up at death, he’s looking down
just like he has been for his whole life
giyuu didn’t say anything (typical) and simply drank with him until tengen got a bit suspicious and felt uneasy about him. giyuu then pulled the same thing death did and told tengen “i’m a big fan- could you sign this for me?”
then pulls out the “wanted- dead or alive” thing and points to dead. then the whole fight scene happens, but it’s a bit different. tengen did land a hit on giyuu, successfully cutting giyuu in half at the stomach. but nothing happened. giyuu just simply put himself back together and acted like nothing happened, he simply said “you do live up to the legends.”
of course, tengen was confused and a bit worried now, giyuu didn’t care, he had an objective and he would complete it
the famous scene of puss actually getting touched by a blade would be blue, a bright yet dark blue— like the seas tengen rules, he just didn’t know that they’d be ruled by someone else (giyuu). also another overall headcanon for giyuu is that he’s a scary guy when he really wants to be
as for the others, i do have some ideas for them
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these two are giyuu’s angel and devil on his shoulders, throughout the au, these two are helping giyuu with his decisions and even with fights! they’re like giyuu’s lil summons
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i had to add genya my beloved
but yes, giyuu’s lil hell hound babygi— i mean super tough and cool is sanemi ft. two other lil hounds. genya just came along because sanemi made him(he couldn’t find a babysitter). but genya is very determined to impress his big brother.
instead of death being alone i just thought it’d be cool to have a little team for death hehe
also just found out i have a limit of ten images so ima just let yall find the 2019 halloween pics for kny (can be found of pinterest and google!) sigh 😔
but yeah, the rest of the hashira are helping tengen! most of em at least. himejina, kyojuro and muichiro are spirits that are simply wondering around, kinda sorta avoiding being put in the underworld (giyuu is going insane because of that)
and shinobu is a witch! she’s a very talented (and scary) one at that, she’s more than willing to help(may or may not have questions for death about a certain sister of hers)
mitsuri and obanai come together DO NOT SEPARATE! mitsuri is a kitsune while obanai has a big old snake buddy (with kaburamaru) (long ass name for a snake) also obanai did NOT want to go.
the kamaboko squad id also here!! but they’re the comedic breaks for this au, god bless their souls for that
and yes, giyuu shall speak spanish in this too, cause why not
wowzers this is long (that’s what she said)
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prettyboypistol · 11 months
Mercs comforting m!reader who had an absolutely godawful day at work/on the battlefield?
Tf2 Mercs Comforting You After A Stressful Day! || TF2 x Male! Reader
Readers job is ambiguous, but I imagined he has a job a lot like Ms Pauling
Notices how exhausted you look as soon as you walk into the room and immediately drags you to the couch to snuggle.
Super attentive, eager to please. (He especially loves praise from you when you're tired.. idk!!! It just makes him so happy for you in your tired voice to thank him!!!)
Gets your favorite snack foods alone so you have time to yourself.
Wants to cheer you up by talking, but he knows that the last thing you need rn is more chatter.
Bro the leg bouncing of trying not to talk is STRONG
"Oh dear, wanna bitch?"
Lets you complain and shittalk your co-workers and totally not gossiping with you noooo (he is the nosiest mf alive)
He has a bit of a temper if you talk on and on about how your job is hard and will snap that being a Medic isn't exactly a cakewalk either, but apologizes.
Lets you sleep while he makes dinner for you.
He.. well, he tries.
You walk into your room and flop down on the bed with a groan and he immediately asks what's wrong and if you're sick.
When you say you're not and just tired, he waves it off and goes back to what he was doing, ordering you to be at ease.
When people knock at your door to pester you, he shouts at them for you to fuck off 🥺🥺🥺
Doesn't snuggle but absolutely gives you space to de-stress.
He sees you walk in and hugs you, sits you in his lap for snuggles, and just listens to you vent as he tinkers against your back.
He kisses your shoulders a lot and hums Lil tunes to calm you down.
Mans will put you to sleep with one lullaby I swear to god
Back scratches!!!! He is the best!!!
Offers you booze and is sorta like medic in the shittalking regard, but brings up more dirt on the people you're pissed at.
Coos at you in French, calling you a tired boy and mon petit roi (my little king) as baby talk. Yeah it's a little demeaning bUT you're too tired to care.
Little do you know he has been up for 36 hours and hasn't eaten since breakfast but he won't tell you that.
Massages with lavender oil!
Orders your favorite takeout and puts on your favorite show for a relaxing night in
Gets like... scary protective of you.
They clearly glare at anyone that tries to bother you. There is a sense of 'if you talk to him, I'll gut you with my axe.' Goin on.
Pets and caresses on your back and head! You know that Pyros lap is all yours to lie your head on!
Makes you little origami things to amuse you, making silly little stories to dull your senses and entertain you.
They love taking care of you, actually. They find it grounding and relaxing to just focus all their energy on you.
Picks you up and keeps you nestled in his arms.
"No talking to little man! He is very tired!"
Calls you a baby, but like, /affectionate
God he's so warm! Like a heated and weighted blanket! Heavy wouldn't mind keeping you in his arms forever and you certainly wouldn't mind staying there
Has tried to convince you to leave your job before bc it stresses you out.
'Aye lad, bring it here!'
Offers you scrumpy and kisses. Def if you're visibly mad he starts kissing you a lot like 'aww~' *kiss* 'what's wroooong~?" *kiss* 'hmmm?' *kiss kiss kiss*
Jokingly offers you to "take out your frustrations on him" ;>
Like, if you agree that's great, if you don't that's great too that means more time for tea spilling
'Yeah! Teresa IS a bitch!'
He can tell by how you open the camper door that you're pissed and tired.
"Aww hell, that bad huh?"
Likes playing with your hair while you lie on his lap. You've fallen asleep and woken up to elaborate braids a few times lol
Kisses your neck and intentionally slows his breathing so that you mimic him and calm down
Doesn't really like when you talk about your work, because it upsets him how much you get stressed about it. But he cares more about you more than he dislikes hearing about work.
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doeshrine · 9 months
Any general headcanons for doe; romantic or just regular guy stuff :]
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You guys really wanna know MORE!? AHH I have had no one to talk about my beloved Doe with AH! Sorry sorry! I'm done gushing! Genuinely just happy to talk about them.
John Doe absolutely goes by he/they pronouns. No ya'll can't take this from me.
Even in their female form which is often referred to as "Jane Doe", I feel like that would just piss them off. I think just bc he changes his presentation doesn't mean you get to misgender them. I think despite presentation changes he'd still be himself and still go by John Doe.
So Regular Guys are pretty much pests in the Uncanny Valley. John Doe's eyes are kinda of explained in House Hunted 2 that he has to physically split his eye in half so he blends in. Personally, I think that's got to be uncomfortable all the time, so at home he does go from two eyes to one eye since he feels comfortable about it.
Many would think he's controlling which I think he can be occasionally, but not on purpose. Due to some of the things he has been through all alone, I think he views himself being controlling as protecting you, and while yeah he's a whole yandere I think he's more than willing to hear you out on making him comfortable while also accommodating your- freewill lol.
He hisses at people.
He stares at you when you sleep. There is no way ya'll convince me otherwise.
He doesn't require sleep but understands that you prefer to snuggle in bed with him at night.
He hates any of your plushies. He thinks if you hug them, you like them more than him- but he won't throw them away. He likes how soft they are.
He stutters a lot when trying to explain his feelings to you. He isn't used to people viewing him as a person over a pest.
Despite being a yandere, he is oddly good at communication if you teach him what it is and how to understand boundaries. He's going to slip up and you gotta understand that when going into the relationship.
He just orders takeout a lot. I have a weird headcanon that Regular Guys can make things from thin air so when he orders food he hands them money he just conjures. ((This man accidentally inflates the economy one eldritch magic dollar at a time.))
When he gets all hyper-realistic, he doesn't acknowledge it as "scary" to him he's sort of blind to it happening. While yes he is physically doing it, he doesn't see it so he just- kinda thinks you're being mean to him if you freak out. I think he's a visual learner so cues such as covering your eyes help him understand you're just uncomfortable, but don't love him any less.
He lets you pet his hair and despite the curls it never knots or tangles. Like it never knots up.
He isn't good with animals. Except crows love him. He likes crows.
He does try to clutter your home- and uh that's gonna require you explaining to him that humans need clean spaces to live.
Did I mention he's jealous? However, he can be really subtle about it. He just glares or waits till you turn to go hyper-realistic on someone.
He has an existential crisis in one breath, but in the next will ask you to pass the popcorn. (he is unwell)
For my FNAF bitches, he would listen to your info dump about the FNAF lore any day of the week. Any kind of hyperfixation or special interest of yours he will listen to you talk about it. He can keep up with however you talk and will never ask you to speed up slow down or stop talking. He just likes you.
He can help with chores, water CANNOT be involved.
In his Lil' Doe form (I HAVE DIBS ON THE NICKNAME >XP), he takes dust baths, but because he isn't human he doesn't have to take traditional showers. He can't too or his form does break down so please take care of him.
Despite him hating you taking showers, he learns to accept it due to the fact you explain it is a health thing. He realizes a human being is much more complex than a Regular Guy physically and requires more care than a dust bath.
He makes sure you eat. If you don't eat he becomes paranoid you will die.
Has he killed people for you? Yep.
Kinda running out of thoughts!
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transboysokka · 10 months
Chris Watches Princess Mononoke for the first time
* ok I know actually nothing about this one but I’ve seen like a tik tok of a scene where someone is sleeping and wakes up and says “you’re beautiful” ????
* Liking the tone right off the bat though
* Sokka vibes from this blue guy ngl
* HOLY SHIT why do these movies have such scary visuals?? Worm monster???
* P sure that deer horses name is yakult lol yummy
* Lol he doesn’t know if the monster is a god or a demon? It’s BLACK WITH RED EYES my guy
* Okay yeah Sokka is totally based off this guy
* Holy fuck that guy just got his arms chopped off in a kids movie
* “Are you selling soup or donkey piss?” maybe… not… a kids movie…
* This monk guy is cool
* Ok but who is princess Mononoke where is she
* Loving this worldbuilding
* Guns. Okay
* Oh damn okay so the guns are killing the spirits and they’re angry
* I see her! I see Princess Mononoke!
* These lil white guys are creepy af
* Okay so a lots been happening and as usual I don’t understand all of it but I can totally see how Ghibli inspired ATLA
* Anyway idk if I’m supposed to hate lady eboshi but I really can’t lol she’s a feminist icon, making a home for those sex workers and all
* Wild that this movie came out I think the same year as Pocahontas bc there are some big similarities
* Also I’m just really interested in stories about kids being raised by animals?? lol
* Also obsessed w when a character who is obviously human is all “I hate humans”
* Anyway I know I was talking about how this boy is Sokka bc he’s blue but I was very wrong and he is Obviously Zuko? Weird scar thing? Growing up a prince but being forced to leave home? Haircut?
* He even has a scar on his face now lmao
* Also love a REALISTIC recovery arc for getting shot in the chest? So many shows and movies are like “oh I’m fine now it’s been five minutes”
* OH SHIT that was San attacking the villagers when we first saw the wolves right?? Wow I’m slow but I remember being like “why is there a person on that wolf”
* So I’m starting to wonder if San is actually Princess Mononoke or not. Like who IS it I’m confused and dumb
* Okay I just googled it I get that now
* “I hate that boy” *puts on the necklace he gave her*
* Starting to Not Like Eboshi and also fuck that monk
* That forest spirit looks creepy as hell
* Oh shit oh fuck oh no he died
* Why is Princey wearing that gay ass shirt tits out it’s just sleeves. Someone’s trying to impress the princess
* I love stories where gods can be killed like it opens up so many possibilities??
* Strong themes in these films, we stan
okay yeah that was kind of cool as shit, I really enjoyed that one. I am DEF starting to see how this shit inspired avatar which I’d always heard. Good visuals here, good themes, I love history. Nice.
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dead-loch · 9 months
Chapter 4 of Missing Time is up.
I got back into the groove of things with this chapter, I think. There is one important warning for this chapter (which is noted) and I've expanded on it a little below the cut (read the chapter first pls)
First of all to anyone who experiences traumatic flashbacks during intimate moments, incl. sex, I'm sorry.
I've actually never seen this explored much in fic (not in my lil corner of fandoms anyway) and considering I can, unfortunately, get flashbacks just from reading or seeing something (so, even when the thing isn't happening to me), it's something that I've wanted to explore because it's a real thing that happens and can Fuck With Your Head. And writing is cathartic!
So, I'm definitely weaving lots of my own experiences into Eddie, mainly in terms of how she deals with the fallout of having been in a relationship (of sorts) with Ray.
From him lying to Eddie to manipulate her into opening up about something (Lou/Bushy), to trying to gaslight her when she's rightfully pissed off at him, to him once again bringing up a fresh trauma so that he can throw her off and attack her, and like his entire demeanour changing when he gets upset (idc what anyone says, you could see the kind of person he would be in a relationship and it is SCARY), these things would wreck havoc on you after the fact. Like yeah, obviously it sucked in the moment, but considering he wasn't outright violent with her and didn't let his true colours really show through until the end, and considering he literally has the capacity and propensity for murder, it's easy in the moment and immediate aftermath to say, "I'm okay because I didn't suffer as much as ___".
However, when things have settled, these are also things that are going to hit you pretty hard. It could make you seriously doubt your ability to read people, would create and/or exacerbate trust issues, and knowing that you've been intimate with someone who is capable of harming others is, frankly, fucking terrifying.
With that out of the way, I also wanted to touch base a little on why I am playing out a (sexual/potentially romantic) relationship between Cath & Eddie moving faster than a relationship between Dulcie & Eddie.
Eddie has spent the ENTIRE season trying to convince herself and others that she isn't attracted to Dulcie (whether that's true or not). It's easier for Eddie, now the dust has somewhat settled, to have this relatively safe crush on Cath, especially given that Dulcie has not and will not react in jealousy to the little moments between them. As children (and adults tbh) we often develop crushes on people we have zero chance with, these end up being safe ways we can begin to explore our sexuality.
In this fic, although Eddie has "experimented" (which is canon), it was over 20 years ago, and never developed further than kissing before she was thrown into a world of toxic masculinity (and I'm going to assume it came with the usual misogyny, cis- and heteronormativity, racism, etc) and immediately decided that being the woman of colour on the force was preferable to being the queer woman of colour on the force. I do want to clarify that this wasn't a decision she just made one day. As with most things, it's something that developed over time until it became the new normal.
So, Eddie is realising that she may be developing a (sexual) attraction to Cath earlier than she's realising she may be attracted to Dulcie, too (even though there have been little moments between Eddie/Dulcie already). Cath feels like a safer crush because Eddie doesn't think that Cath would ever cheat on Dulcie.
Finally, shoutout to anyone who has to withdraw completely from human interaction every once in a while. This is something I've come to accept about myself, but it was a long time coming. As a child, whenever we had family anything (dinner, reunion, holiday, etc), I was the one who would disappear off to the basement, or outside, or even in a fking washroom, just to get some peace and quiet because socialising drains me so completely.
It's not exactly the same here in Eddie's case- she spends two days avoiding people because she's trying to sort out her thoughts and doesn't fully understand what she's feeling. But the end result is the same: she didn't want to be away from anyone in particular; she just needed some space for herself.
Bonus: the discussion at the end of the chapter isn't the one I was going to write initially, but Eddie is stubborn and it didn't feel natural for her to confess to any kind of feelings at this stage.
PS: in case this is bothering some people, Dulcie was NOT creeping around Eddie's bedroom. She honestly was just going upstairs lmao
PPS: if you don't think Eddie's capable of giggling (as she does several times when she's drunk in this chap), I urge you to watch Madeleine Sami on Taskmaster NZ.
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thesugarclubs-blog · 2 years
Sweet Dreams - Eddie Munson x OC
warnings: slight jump scare, allll mr. munson fluff
word count: 7.1k
WP: https://www.wattpad.com/1274058392-sweet-dreams-lilith
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Eddie giggled to himself as he slipped the Michael Myers mask over his face and crouched down by the cabinets in his uncle's trailer. It was a Friday night in late October, Eddie’s favourite time of the year, and he had invited Lilith over for a scary movie marathon. 
She had been his close friend since the start of high school when they met in the music room during lunch one day. She was sitting there, casually banging away on the drums and to say Eddie was impressed was an understatement. Since that day, the two bonded over music and their friendship grew from there. 
One thing he really loved though, was how easy it was to scare her. Hearing the trailer door squeak open, he readied himself, unable to keep the smirk off his lips. 
“Hey Munson, you better have gotten me peanut M&M’s or we’re fighting!” Lilith called as she stepped into the living space. 
Right on queue, he lept from behind the kitchen cabinets and let out a screech, causing Lilith to follow suit, stumbling backwards into the wall. 
Doubling over laughing, Eddie felt a hard punch on his shoulder. 
“Jesus Christ!!” Lilith seethed. 
Eddie pulled the mask off, and tilted his head with a shit eating grin, “Nope. Just me” He winked. 
“Fucking hell Eddie…” She breathed and placed a hand over her chest. “I could’ve hit you for real!!”
He pulled her closer with an arm around her shoulders, squeezing her gently as he chuckled. 
"Nah you wouldn't. Sorry Lil but I couldn't resist, I know how easily you get scared.” 
Lilith scoffed and pulled back, rolling her eyes at him. He knew his decision would piss her off, for a minute, and he knew exactly how to get her into a better mood.
"Aww come on, don't be mad.” He smiled and looked at her with his biggest puppy eyes. "I'll let you choose the movies.”   
That sweet smile of hers appeared just like that. 
"Oh hell yes I am!" She crossed her arms and walked further into the living room, leaving him to follow behind. 
Lilith grabbed the Family Video bag that laid on the coffee table, surrounded by empty beer cans and a half smoked joint. 
"Starting the party without me, huh?" she said, suppressing a grin. "Harrington would never." 
Eddie feigned shock as he plopped down onto the couch, clutching his heart and making his dark eyes go wide. 
"How dare you imply that I am somehow inferior to King Steven?" 
Lilith snorted as she dug through the tapes in the bag. They both knew while she had other friends, no one could hold a candle to Eddie Munson in her eyes. The whole fucking town knew that.
"These are all scary movies?!" she exclaimed, tossing the bag onto the well-worn couch. Her skirt fluttered around her legs as she dropped down beside him with a groan. 
Eddie pulled a strand of hair across his face, hiding himself from her incredulous stare. 
"What? It's almost Halloween. Thought it would be fun." 
"Fun for you, maybe. You know I hate these things." 
“Well I'll be damned, you? A scaredy cat? Would’ve never guessed” Eddie replied playfully as Lilith gently elbows his arm. 
“Ow” Eddie replied dramatically. 
“Am so not a scaredy cat, remember that time we watched the gremlins? I sat through that whole movie and I didn’t even get scared once”
“That’s hardly a scary movie, sweetheart”
“Yeah well, nobody asked you, Munson.” she huffed out in annoyance. 
Eddie draped his arm across her shoulder and closed the few inches of distance between them as he leaned forward to meet her deep brown eyes. He let out a chuckle as he smoothed down the crease between her brows with his thumb.
“Come on Lil, it’ll be fun. I’ll be right here with you and I promise I won’t scare you again.” he voiced softly. 
Lilith tilted her head slightly at him and pursed her lips. 
“I swear!” he laughed, “We could also just watch something on the TV that’s not scary if you don’t wanna, it’s ok.” 
She bit her lip and turned back to the pile of VHS tapes on the table. “Robin said Nightmare on Elm Street was going to become an American horror staple. Whatever that means,” Lilith shrugged her shoulders. 
“That’s the scariest one,” He grabbed the tape holding it up between them as a cheeky grin formed on his face. 
“Whatever you’ll be begging me to turn it off when you find out—” Lilith tossed her hand over his mouth before he could continue and grabbed the tape from him to read the back.
Eddie tugged gently on one of the long, chestnut braids that hung down her back. She scowled as she read the back of the case, but Eddie couldn’t help but stare because he loved when she got pouty. Her bottom lip puffed out in concentration as she debated her decision. 
“Go big or go home right?” Lilith grinned, turning back to him as she held out the VHS. 
A wide smile appeared on his face, “You’re double sure this is the one you want?” He asked, knowing full well that they’ll probably end up turning the movie off half way through anyway. 
Lilith nodded, leaning back against the couch, making herself comfortable. “I can do this Eddie.” She assured him, crossing her arms over her chest, the jingle of her bracelets making him smile again. 
“Alriiiight.” He sang, standing up to make his way over to the VCR. Eddie slid the VHS into the slot and switched the TV to the right channel before pressing play. “Just don’t get mad at me tomorrow when you have nightmares tonight.” He joked, smirking back at her. 
“I won’t. If someone is having a nightmare, it’s you,” she said, pretty confident, as Eddie walked over to the couch and sat down next to her. 
“Ouch. Since when did you get so, so…”
“No. Rude.”
“I’m not rude. You started it, Munson.” she gave him a slight push on the shoulder, and he smiled again. 
“That’s just because I wanted to make sure that you feel safe.” he looked at her, his eyebrows raised and his voice sounding like a father that’s teaching his daughter a lesson. 
"Yeah, right." she chuckled. 
Eddie’s eyes flitted over Lilith’s features as he watched her pretend to be brave. The way she was biting the inside of her cheek nervously, and fidgeting with the one string bracelet that sat tight but comfortably on her wrist. 
“I can’t believe you still have that..” He mumbled, turning his body towards the TV to make it seem less obvious that he was staring at her. 
Her eyes glanced down at the slightly fraying black and red string that was woven together, a small smirk growing on her lips. “You made this for me in freshman art class! Of course I still have it! You told me I would be cursed if I ever took it off, and I definitely want that so..” She giggled. 
Pulling back his sleeve, he revealed a small matching string bracelet in pink and purple, “If I recall, you told me the same thing about this..” 
Lilith let out a laugh and shook her head, “Watch the movie, Munson” She bit her bottom lip and turned her eyes back to the screen, glancing quickly down at her wrist once more. But Eddie took note of how her bright smile didn’t leave her lips, as he turned his attention back to the opening credits. 
Eddie followed the scene intensively, heavy breathing mixed with boots walking on creaky wooden floor. The tension building up with the chilling sound of the high pitched noise in the background.
It wasn't too much for Eddie, but from the corner of his eyes he could see Lilith picking anxiously on her fingers. He smiled to himself. There was no way she would get through the whole movie without having her heart outside of her chest. 
He placed his arms on the back of the couch, puffing out his chest as he grinned at her. "You know, you can always hold my hand if that will help you.”
"What? I'm not scared” She scoffed and crossed her arms, making Eddie chuckle because it was clear it was all a lie.
"Well, you know where it is if you change your mind.” He said with a shrug as he patted her shoulder with a hand that was on the other side of her.  
The music of the movie grew louder as the girl on screen wandered through a dark boiler room. Lilith brought her knees to her chest, peeking over top of her torn tights. Her hand drifted down, slowly tangling into the hem of Eddie's shirt as she searched for comfort. Cool fingers skimmed the thin sliver of skin that peaked above his jeans and his entire body tensed up. Suddenly, the clawed hand of Freddy Krueger slashed onto the screen and Lilith jumped, turning her face into Eddie's chest. 
"I hate this, I hate this, I hate this," she murmured angrily into his shirt as the poor girl on screen woke up unharmed and Eddie chuckled.
"It's okay, look, she's fine," he murmured, pointing at the screen as Lilith turned her face back to the television.
Eddie's body felt like he was going to snap, muscles tense from the contact of Lilith's soft skin and the scent of her shampoo in his nose. He brought his hand to her head and brushed some of the flyaway strands from her face. 
“Hey, you’re fine, I’m right here, okay?” Eddie’s tone was so genuine that suddenly Lilith wasn’t as scared as she once was. 
“Yeah, you’re right. I’m sorry” 
“Don’t apologize, it’s not everyday I get to sit so close with a girl as pretty as you” 
He watched her with a soft smile as the flush crept into her cheeks, her eyes downcast as she ran her fingers through her bracelets. Eddie gently brought his hand forward and grasped her chin, lifting her face up. 
“You gettin’ all shy on me now sweetheart?” 
Lilith stuttered a bit before finding her voice. 
“I’m trying to watch this Munson, stop trying to distract me” she said as her fingers circled his wrist so she could move her gaze back to the screen. As she did, she snuggled closer to him, and laid their locked hands on her knee. 
Eddie did his best not to inhale from the contact. She was his best friend, what would their nights become if he acted on teenage impulses? Lilith licked her bottom lip and his chest tightened as he weighed the actions versus the consequences. 
He just wanted so badly to feel her lips and know what she tasted like. He swallowed thickly knowing if he did, dared to taste her in the dark shadows of his trailer. He could feel her thumb spinning one of the rings on his fingers nervously as she took short, rapid breaths. Even terrified she wouldn’t let him win the argument that this was too much for her. He silently admired her for that, if he kissed her, there was a chance he’d never get to argue with her again. And arguing with Lilith was his favourite. 
“Ed?” Her small voice whispered in the dark, the tv screen illuminating her chocolate brown eyes. 
He had realized he was watching her the whole time and not the movie. “Look who’s scared now,” she teased him, hooking one of her fingers into his necklace and giggling. 
She wasn’t wrong, he was fucking terrifed. 
He could feel her body tense next to him as she continued to fidget with his rings while the music built and the main character panicked on screen. “He fell asleep.” She whispered, jumping as the music grew louder and Johnny Depp disappeared into the void of his mattress. 
“This is sick.” He said watching the volcano of blood spew over the screen. Eddie grimaced as she buried her face into his chest with a whimper. 
“I don’t like this at all.” She whined, her voice muffled into the fabric of his shirt. Her breath felt hot even though the cotton and it only made his heart hammer harder against his rib cage. 
Eddie tilted his head, glancing down at her, his fingers brushing back the hairs that had fallen from her braid, “We can turn this off anytime you want, sweetheart.” She lifted her head, dark brown eyes peered up at him and it took everything in him not to lean down and kiss her. “Is there any more blood?” She asked. He could tell she was trying to be brave but the waver in her voice made him bite his bottom lip before glancing at the screen, shaking his head. “Not right now.” He whispered back, flashing her a comforting smile. 
His eyes didn't let go of hers, watching her chewing her bottom lip so slightly, his thoughts sinking into the imagination of the taste of her beautiful lips. She blinked a few times before she whispered a soft "Okay" and turned her face towards the movie again. The more minutes went by, the more she cuddled into Eddie. 
"Lil?" he asked in a whisper.
"Hm?" she hummed.
"I like-" 
But before he could finish the sentence, the Tv began to flicker, and Lilith jumped, almost hitting Eddie in the face. 
"Eddie?" she said, terrified. 
Eddie used his free hand to brush a strand of hair off Lilith’s face and tuck it behind her ear, as he gave her hand a tight squeeze, pulling her into him. “It’s okay, I’m right here, I’ve got you” He whispered, leaning his cheek down to rest on the top of her head. 
He swallowed thickly, and sucked in a shaky breath, “I was going to say.. I like..” He bit his bottom lip, and ran his thumb over her knuckles. “Our movie nights.. Kinda the highlight of my week” He smiled into her hair, allowing himself to breathe in her scent. 
“Me too, except when you make me watch this shit” She whispered back, nuzzling into his chest. “Now you have to protect me, and that’s your own fault”
“I thought you weren’t scared?” He smirked, tickling his fingers up her arm. Elbowing him lightly in the side, Lilith huffed but seemed to press herself more into him. “I’m not” 
“Mm okay then” Eddie shifted behind her, “I guess I’ll just.. Protect you from shadows in the trailer”
“Stop it!” She whined, burying her face back in his chest. 
He let out a deep chuckle, and gave in, placing a light kiss on the top of her head. “I’m sorry, princess,” He whispered.
She let out a deep breath as she snuggled closer to him, head resting against his shoulder as she looked back to the tv. Her warm breath tickled his neck and he closed eyes for a brief second to just enjoy the moment. He smiled down at her. She looked so pretty laying there right next to him. Just the way he liked, as close as possible but he couldn’t help but think that he wanted to feel more of her. Her sweet scent and warm body. 
So he embraced her into his arms and pressed his cheek against hers, whispering. "Just try to not nearly hit me in the-"
He didn't have time to finish his sentence before the thunder rumbled from outside and the whole room turned dark. Lilith erupted an ear ringing scream, burying her face into his neck as his grip around her tightened. 
He looked around the dark room, only his shocked face could be seen in the reflection of the tv. 
"Shh, it's okay Lil. The power just went out, I'm right here, relax." He stroked her head. 
"That was more fucking terrifying than the movie!" She said through muffled words as her lips were pressed against his neck, sending goosebumps along his skin.
The next thing startled him. Still with her face buried in his neck, she climbed onto his lap and arms swung around his shoulders, whispering fuck this into his skin. Eddie smiled into her hair, stroking her back gently.
"It's fine...we're still in my trailer, only darker."
Lilith curled up closer to him, his hip bones that peeked from above his jeans digging into her thighs. Eddie silently prayed to anyone that would listen that she couldn't feel his heart hammering or the slight twitching in his pants. God, she smelled good. 
"So," Eddie murmured into the darkness. "Who do you think is gonna get murdered first?" 
She sat up abruptly just in time to catch the Cheshire Cat grin that was stretching across his face as her eyes adjusted to the darkness.
"Shut up, Munson," she whined, punctuating each word with a slap to his chest. 
The final time her hand made contact with him, Eddie caught her wrist. He reached into the darkness for her face, running his fingertips along the curve of her jaw and the slope of her nose. Her breath hitched in her throat and she wished desperately that she could see him clearly. They'd been this close plenty of times, but something seemed different now. 
"It's just us, babe," he drawled, voice dropping an octave in a tone she'd never heard him use before. "You, me, and one hell of a thunderstorm." 
Lil fixed up her posture, a weak attempt of fake confidence. “For your information, I’d totally be the last one standing in a horror movie”
Eddie releases a soft chuckle “Oh really, enlighten me how you came to that conclusion”
“Well…I… I just would, okay. You don’t have to believe me but If something happens to you and not myself, I’m running straight out that door”
He clutched his chest dramatically, feigning offense. 
“Are you, Lilith Foster, really telling me that you would run and leave me here?” Eddie put on his best puppy dog eyes and jutted out his bottom lip hoping her eyes had already adjusted to the darkness enough to appreciate his act. 
“Oh come on Eddie, don’t gimme that look you know I can’t say no to those eyes.” she said as she squished his cheeks with her hand. 
“Fine, we’re both running then cause I’m not staying here to be murdered and I’m also not gonna live without you.”
“I’m sure you could find another trembling girl to sucker into watching bad horror movies with,” Lilith dropped her hand from his face and tucked them against her chest. 
“Oh Lil, you have no idea,” he laughed softly, the chuckle leaving his lips like a whisper between them. 
“Eddie I’m already scared enough, stop,” she played with the silver necklace hanging against his chest. 
“No just— it’s scary I know but there’s a lot of things in the world that scare me,” he grazed his knuckle against her jaw line and pressed his hand to the curve of her neck. “Losing you scares me more than anything. I’m not me, Eddie ‘The Freak’ Munson,” he laughed, “with you.” 
Another crash of lightning illuminated the trailer and Eddie soaked up the gentle curves of her face before everything went dark again. “Do you understand?” He asked, unsure from the small glimpse of expression he was given. 
“I uh—,” she carefully slipped from his lap and nervously stood with her arms crossed over her chest. “I’m getting tired. Do you mind if I stay here tonight?” 
Eddie blew out a sharp breath, his heart breaking in his chest. He’d ruined it. Lilith stared out the dingy windows of the living room and waited for him to answer. 
“Ya,” he mumbled, standing up and brushing his sweaty hands on his pants. “You can sleep in my bed. I’ll take the couch,” he said quickly upon seeing her surprised expression. 
Lilith shook her head, “Eddie, I can’t–” 
“Lil, This couch has a spring in the middle that will wreck your back. Take the bed, please.” He said with a soft tone. Eddie was not about to let his best girl have a shit sleep when she was already scared. He watched as she stood, tucking her arms across her chest, glancing from the couch to the narrow hallway where his bedroom door was.
“Fine.” She said softly, pointing a finger at him. “But I don’t want to hear you complaining about it tomorrow.” Lilith narrowed her eyes at him playfully. Eddie held up his hands in mock surrender with a grin, “Wouldn’t dream of it, babe.” He promised. Lilith stepped around the small coffee table, brushing past him as she headed for the hallway. His heart skipped as she slipped out of her jacket, carefully laying across the kitchen counter. Thunder clapped again, sending a spark of light through the house allowing him to see the way her body moved in rhythm with the shadows of his home. 
“Hey Lil…” he started, rubbing the back of his neck as she turned back to him, there wasn’t anything important he wanted to say, Eddie just wanted one last look at her before he had to wait until morning to see her face again, “Good night..” 
Even in the darkness he could see the soft smile that spread across her face, giving him the slightest of hope that he hadn’t fully ruined their friendship, “Night Munson.” 
With that, she walked further down the hallway and into his bedroom. She turned around in the doorway and waved with a sweet smile plastered on her lips, making his heart do double flips. 
He realized he waved back when the door was already closed, too focused on thinking about their night together and how fast it had ended. How he wished he had more time to have her close, to have his arms as her protection from whatever she feared. 
The favorite part of his day? Yeah, that was every time she was right beside him.
He plopped down onto the couch again, head falling back as he rubbed his face, a low groan erupted in his palms. How he really wanted to explain how he actually felt. How she made the gloomiest day instantly brighter whenever she was around. The way her dimples made his knees weak and they way her nose scrunched when she laughed so hard from his ticklish fingers, tears starting to brim in the corner of her eyes. 
And every time he needed to control himself to not lean in and press his lips against hers. He knew he couldn't go back to only being friends if that happened and she wasn't on the same page as him. But it felt like torture to not at least tell her how he felt, but was it worth the risk? 
Eddie eventually drifted off, the sound of the rain on the tin roof lulling him to sleep quicker than he would have expected. He never was a heavy sleeper, his mind restless even when his body was exhausted and begging to go under. The creak of the living room caused his eyes to flutter open and his heart nearly stopped at the sight in front of him. 
Lilith stood there, his Hellfire shirt falling just above her knees, braid mussed from tossing and turning. As he blinked a few more times, he could just barely make out her fingers twisting together nervously. 
"What's wrong?" he murmured sleepily. 
"Can't sleep...stupid fucking movie. Keep thinking something's gonna grab me," she replied with a huff. "Can I...sleep with you?" 
Eddie nodded and murmured a quick "yeah", but before he could get up, Lilith had quickly crawled onto the couch beside him. There wasn't nearly enough room, there was barely enough room for Eddie. On instinct, his arms wrapped around her back, fingers resting on the dimples at the base of her spine to keep her from rolling off. She nuzzled under his chin, humming contentedly while Eddie tried desperately to keep it together. 
He focused on the rise and fall of her chest against his as her breath began to steady itself. Lilith huffed out a small breath against his neck as she searched for warmth linking her legs with his. Eddie’s breath caught in his throat at her action, eyes sealed shut trying to compose himself. 
His eyes popped open as soon as the brightness from another lightning strike tried to creep its way in. It was getting colder and he felt Lilith begin to shiver as she drifted off. He rubbed his hand up and down her back and debated interrupting her quest for slumber. It’s not that he didn’t want to stay here with their legs tangled together and her fist holding on tightly to the back of his t-shirt, but he didn’t want her to catch a cold or fall off if she wanted to move during the night. 
“Lil?” he whispered against her hair. 
“Mmm?” she hummed softly in response as her hand drifted to his chest. 
“Why don’t we move to the bed? It’ll be more comfortable and it’s getting cold out here.” he heard her sigh sleepily, “I- I could go get a blanket quick and come back if you want too?”
“No don’t leave me,” she whined out between another cap of thunder, her hands tangling tighter against him. 
Eddie sighed, unsure what to do. They’d get too cold lying here and the wind had picked up outside so harshly that it forced through the cracked seals of the trailer with ease. 
Eddie begrudgingly pulled away from her despite protests and scooted off the couch. “Up you go Princess,” he huffed as he scooped his arms beneath her cold body and cradled her tightly against his chest. “Shh,” he cooed as she nuzzled herself sleepily into his neck and warmed his skin with her breath. 
He cursed himself as he set her into the bed, already missing her body against his. He pulled the comforter over her and crawled into the bed beside her. Giving her room to get comfortable but not invading her space despite how badly he wanted too. 
“Why are you so far away?” She groaned, rubbing the sleep from her eyes after a few minutes of painful, tortuous solitude. 
His breath caught in his throat at her words. Eddie rolled his head to the side to look at her, her brown eyes full of sleep but peering up at him as if he’d committed the worst crime.
“Just wanted to give you some space to star-fish out.” He whispered, a soft smile forming across his lips to hide the nervousness in his voice. 
Lilith scooted closer to him, nudging her way underneath his arm and resting her head back into the crook of his neck. At this point his nerves were shot, goosebumps washed over his skin as her leg hooked over his. “If you’re worried about me being cold Ed, at least help keep me warm.” She said sleepily, her fingertips drumming against his chest. 
He once again prayed she couldn’t hear his heart hammering in his chest as he gently drug his fingers along her arm, up to her shoulder and back down again. He had everything he wanted, Lilith in his bed, curled up next to him. Eddie never thought he’d be happy about not having power even though his stomach felt as if it was going to leap out of his throat. 
Eddie tilted his head down, pressing his lips to her warm forehead, lingering for as long as his anxiety would allow him to. “I’ll keep you warm, don’t worry about that.” His voice rumbled between them, “try and get some sleep Lil.” He urged, despite every fiber of him wanting to keep her awake all night. 
Lilith reached a hand up and twisted a strand of Eddie’s curls around her finger, humming comfortably as her eyes fluttered open and glanced around his dark room. The only sound around was their breathing and heartbeats mixing together with the rain as it pounded outside. 
“Hey Eddie.. Can I ask you a question?” She spoke quietly, nuzzling his chest into him a little more. 
A small breathy laugh escaped him, as his fingers went back to gliding up and down her spine. “Still can’t sleep huh?” He let out a dramatic sigh, “You can ask me anything..” 
His mind was racing at what she could possibly want to ask. It’s probably nothing. Something about the damn movie I bet.. He thought to himself. He was thanking everyone that she couldn’t hear the thoughts going through his head. 
“What were you really going to say earlier?” She tilted her head to look at him, “You said I like.. And then I got scared.. But you finished your sentence with our movie nights.. Was that really what you meant to say?” 
Eddie cleared his throat and sucked in a deep breath, stilling his movements on her back. 
“You should really try and sleep, Lil..” 
She sat up and rested her chin on his chest, “You’ve been my best friend for four years.. I know when you're not telling me something.. Please, you know you can tell me anything” 
“Not this, trust me, please Lilith..” His fingers fiddled with the end of her braid. 
Please," she pleaded softly, her fingers reaching up to trace the chain around his neck. "I won't sleep until you tell me." 
Eddie took in a shaky breath, closing his eyes. The seconds that passed felt like hours before he finally spoke. 
"I like...this, Lilith. With you. I like how you come over and kick your shoes off like you live here, because you pretty much do. I like how you laugh at my really lame jokes. I like when you try and get the tangles out of my hair and when you listen to music with me in the back of my van." 
He swallowed the lump in his throat, refusing to look down at her. If he saw even a hint of disappointment or rejection, it might kill him. 
"I like how soft your hands are and how when you look at me I don't feel fucking worthless. I like- I think I love you." 
Lilith’s tongue ran over her bottom lip and Eddie watched as she thought about what he had said. Terrified of her response he was sweating through his shirt even in the chill of the trailer. 
She didn’t say a word as she slid closer, hooking her foot around his far leg. She lifted herself in a fluid motion so she was straddling him with her feet tucked back underneath her.
 “Uh,” Eddie, for the first time in his entire life, was speechless. 
He was staring up at an Angel. 
“Don’t,” she said as he went to rest his hands on her bare thighs. He pulled them back putting them in the air in surrender. His body begged him to touch her, everywhere and all at once but he listened to her word. “I’m going to kiss you Eddie Munson,” she said into the darkness, “I’m going to kiss you because—” she leaned down, her fingers tangling in his against the bed as her lips came inches within his own parted ones. “I love that I can come here when I’m bored, lonely or scared. I love that you are my safe place, my haven. I love that you are the first person at all my concerts and the only person that drives my drum kit around without complaint.” 
Eddie went to speak but she shook her head, “just listen for once Munson. I love you for all the things you hate about yourself and have been waiting since the day I met you for you to figure it out. What took you so damn long?” 
“I—” he fumbled the words but it didn’t matter. He was lost to her. 
“So I’m going to kiss you, and you’re going to let me,” she inches closer. “Is that okay?” 
“Jesus H. Christ woman, please?” He begged. 
Lilith parted her lips running her tongue along her bottom lip and Eddie swore he could have died and went to heaven right there. Her fingers tangled into the chain of his necklace as she leaned into him just far enough that the last little bit he had to work for. The anticipation in his chest almost became too much until she gently pulled on the metal, urging him up to her lips and as soon as their lips touched, it felt like fireworks were exploding in his stomach and every worry melted away from him. 
He hummed in content as she pressed her body into his. Still unsure of what to do with his hands, he rested them on her shoulders not wanting to push it too far just in case this was a dream and he’d wake up in a cold sweat, alone and in the dark. 
She pulled away slightly, her forehead resting against his as they caught their breath. “That wasn’t so bad… now was it.” Lilith teased lowly. He chuckled, cautiously moving his hands down her arms. 
“It was horrible.” Eddie whispered, a grin spreading across his face, teasing her back. Lilith smacked his chest playfully and he finally got the courage to fully wrap his arms around her with a chuckle, pulling her into him for another kiss. 
A gentle moan escaped Lilith’s lips as they moved against Eddies, his tongue gliding across her bottom lip, begging for permission to deepen the connection. Goosebumps broke out over his skin as his mind and heart raced. This was finally happening.
Thinking back on their years of friendship, certain things began to make sense. Everyone always thought they were together, but the two of them had played it off as a joke. One of them always made an excuse to be close to the other one, whether it was when she was teaching him how to drumroll properly, or when he was showing her how to place her fingers properly on the guitar, they always needed to be near each other. 
Eddie broke the kiss and rested his forehead against Lilith’s, moving his hands to rest naturally on her bare thighs, “If we don’t stop now, angel, I don’t think I’ll be able too..” He whispered. 
“Don’t stop then..” Lilith whispered back. 
A sound escaped Eddie’s throat that was a mix between a growl and a moan as he tucked his arm around her and in one fluid motion he’d flipped them over, causing an involuntary squeal from Lilith, and nestled himself between her legs. 
He brushed his nose against hers, “Are you sure? If you want to stop, we stop okay? I don’t want you thinking this is all I want you for..” 
Lilith smiled sweetly at him and brushed his hair away from his face, her fingertip lingering on his cheek, “My pretty boy.. I would never think that about you” 
Eddie's face flushed red as he turned to press his lips to her palm. Her fingertips trailed down his nose to his lips before he moved forward to capture her mouth with his. She let out a whimper as she tangled her hands in his hair, gripping tightly as he kissed his way across her jaw and down her neck. 
"You don't know how often I've thought about this, sweetheart," Eddie groaned against her skin as she wiggled her hips underneath him. 
"I don't know Ed, I'm getting an idea," she giggled. 
He nipped at the skin of her shoulder through her shirt, causing her laugh to turn into a moan. Eddie ran his hands up her sides as he looked up through his lashes at her. 
"Can I take this off? I wanna see you," he murmured, pressing a kiss to her collarbone as his fingers traced her ribs. 
"You've seen me without a shirt before, Eddie," Lilith whispered as her eyes fluttered closed under his touch. 
"Yeah, but not like this." 
She gave in to his request, giggling softly as his fingers traced the skin over her upper thighs before he helped her tug it over her head. They both laughed and fell into a tangled pile of each other as her head got caught in the collar. 
“You got a big head, Princess.” Eddie tossed the shirt to the floor and Lilith gasped, “a big, beautiful head.” 
She rolled her eyes, ignoring his playful insults and littered his strong neck with tiny kisses. Nibbling at the curve of his jaw until his fingers squeeze against her hips. “I show you mine, you show me yours, handsome.”
“Handsome?” Eddie kissed the side of her face, peppering her with fast sloppy kisses that made her giggled. He adored the sound of her laugh, even more so in his bed, naked in the dark. He had never loved her laugh more than in this moment. 
“Don’t let it go to your head, I’d like to be able to get your shirt off.” She flicked his nose and tugged at the hem of his shirt. His hips gravitated toward her light, feathery touches as she pulled the shirt over his chest. His necklaces tangled in the fabric but slipped loose and hung from his neck. 
“You’ve seen me without a shirt before, Lil.” He mocked her with a smirk on his lips and fingers exploring the soft curves of her hips. 
“Not like this,” she repeated with a grin, running her fingers down his chest. Chills exploded over his body as he licked his lips, a smile appearing on his lips before it slowly disappeared. The gravity of everything hitting him as his eyes roved over the moonlit features of her face. Feelings began swarming in his chest like a whirlpool of emotions and as her eyes met his it felt like everything fell into place for him. 
Lilith let out a soft sigh from below him as she grasped the dangling necklaces again, “Kiss me?” Her voice was quiet with a gentle plea to it that only encouraged him to dip his head, planting kisses to her forehead, moving down to the tip of her nose and to each corner of her mouth before ghosting his lips along her jawline. 
“I think you missed my lips, Munson.” She giggled, her hands tangling into his dark locks. 
Eddie laughed against her skin, “I want to take my time with you Lil,” He said softly, his dark eyes lifting to hers, “I wanna memorize you first.” 
Another smile flitted across his features when a soft whimper left her lips, his hands roaming carefully over her soft warm skin. 
Eddie left soft kisses across her chest, sometimes gently biting and soothing each mark with his tongue whenever he could. Warmth spread throughout her body as he kissed just between her breasts and gripped her waist tightly to keep her from moving. If she kept it up, he was afraid he'd snap, that all the gentleness would leave him and he'd have her falling apart too soon. 
"I've waited a long time for this, baby. I'll give you what you want, I promise," he murmured against her stomach, kissing the birthmark just above her navel. "For as long as you'll let me." 
"I don't plan on letting you go anytime soon, gorgeous. You're all mine now, no turning back," Lilith laughed as his hair tickled the soft skin of her hips, where he placed wet, warm kisses on every mark and freckle that he could find. 
"God, I am all yours," Eddie whimpered against her stomach, feeling her muscles tense from the feeling of his mouth ghosting over her skin. 
“Eddie,” she whispered, her hand tangling into his hair as he continued to connect her freckles like the constellations in the night sky. “Ed,” she pleaded for him to continue, her legs wrapping around him loosely so he could find a place to settle in between them. 
His lips grazed the soft skin of her inner thigh as he sat back on his knees, kissing the furthest point closest to her knee and taking his time working back in toward her. Her hands tangled into his dirty bed sheets as her soft moans mixed with the intense sound of the wind howling outside the trailer. 
Eddie's hand slid up her thigh trailing closely behind his lips and his other hand pressed her hip against the bed to keep her from lifting them. She groaned in protest as he took his sweet time, his tongue teasing the warm skin between her legs. 
“Munson!” At the same time she hollered his name a loud crash came from the hallway. 
She tugged at his necklace, forcing him to embrace her as they both listened. “What was that?” Lil asked, shaking against his arms he put one hand on her face and rubbed his nose against hers. 
“It was probably a window,” he said, trying to convince her and himself. “Let me go look,” he said, pulling away from her but she tugged him back roughly. “It’ll be okay, Princess. I won’t let anything hurt you.” 
Climbing slowly off the bed, he walked to his bedroom door and peered into the hallway. He could see the kitchen window that was once open, now jammed shut and allowed himself to breathe a sigh of relief. Not that he would ever let Lilith see, but the sound had made him jump too. Being pulled from that moment so abruptly and sent his heart into his throat. Well, that’s enough for tonight I guess.. He looked up at the ceiling, cursing whoever was listening for this storm. 
“It was just the window closing” He stated, waltzing back over to Lilith and climbing back into bed with her. 
Lilith shook her head, and grabbed onto him, snuggling close, “Cool, come protect me from the window then” 
Eddie pulled Lilith close to his chest, feeling her warm skin melt into his, as his finger tips grazed every ridge of her spine. She was finally his. Fully his. There was no more hiding, no more pretending, no more “just friends”. They could just be. Eddie felt like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders, as his grip tightened around her frame. He felt her smile into his skin as she placed a light kiss on the spider tattoo above his heart. 
He peered down at her laying on his chest, and smiled that sweet, genuine smile of his. Reaching up, he tucked her hair behind her ear and gently ran his thumb over her cheek. 
“Thank you… for always being my safe place” She mumbled sleepily into his skin. 
Eddie’s breath once more caught in his throat as placed two fingers under her chin and brought her lips up to meet his. 
“Thank you for being mine..” He whispered. 
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nickywhoisi · 1 year
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It's midnight mods are asleep post chefs
That's right, we're veering off course from my usual project again as I have officially gone full batshit and dove head first into the Pizza Tower fandom. No regrets baby. I mean have you seen the shit poppin off over here rn? Buck wild. And all the cool kids make ocs, so
The dude in purple is my oc Adlin Bäkermann, he/him/ they-them sometimes, probably mid 30's, and they run a bakery just down the block from Peppino's pizzeria. It's the best in town because all of it is homemade by him. Peppino gets the pizza dough from Adlin, if he doesn't make it himself. Adlin sometimes comes by for a snack break. Sometimes Peppino comes over for a well-needed coffee break. Local businesses supporting other local businesses <3
Adlin is a very quiet guy. He rarely speaks in more than affirmative sounds or disapproving grunts, but on occasion he will use his words. And he is one cool cucumber, so instead of frantically worrying about what his friend's went through, he will just ask calmly, practically like a therapist, "What happened?" He's an honourable soul and cannot stand seeing injustice. Things like that, and other stressors (like work) can bring up his inner rage meter though, because he is not impervious to anger management issues. And he's German, so he can be scary about it. It really isn't a smart move to piss off a lad who will throw massive gauntlet hands that can crush you like a bug, or make him use his steely eyes to bore into your very being. And, strangely, he can be a tad absent-minded. If he screws up something, you will hear a quiet, ashamed, "...Sorry." There's more times than he'd care to admit that he was kneading dough while fuming, and before they realized it, the work table was fuckin shrapnel. Oops. Lil' bit of a klutz. Better watch those mitts of yours, boy! Ooo hoo hoo hoo
Now with that blurbo finished for my blorbo, I wamna discuss the pic. Specifically, I love how the colouring and effects used turned out. So close to what I was looking for! Huzzah! I'm happy with the mach speed lines and Adlin's beeg bright rocket blasts. I was also on the fence about colouring in Adlin's pants, was thinking of keeping them white, but...actually it was a really good idea. It matches the other guys, and when I designed Adlin, I really wanted to make it a point that he had things that could make him a playable character. Just like one of the cast. His hands fire little dough blasts, but because of the hole of fire he launches them out of...they come out as little cooked brioche buns. Gdsffddsggssgff This is basically a proof of concept for my jump 'n shoot baker boi. I love my child so much. My sweet bebeh. In canon, he's got that androgynous pretty swag, which makes him all the more intimidating to approach. Oh and before I forget...there isn't any shipping. Naughty children ;) I know what you're after you wanna know if my boy smooches the italian like a lot of the other ocs. Nah. These guys are literally only friends, but good friends. Which might not be so obvious with how I introduced them, but that happens in universe too. You'd think there's rivalry going on, and there is occasionaly some weird indescribable tension between them, but nope. I'm just so happy that I drew Adlin just like how I wanted and then suddenly he looks like the metal to Peppi's sonic. It just happened outta nowhere, and that's frankly amazing. Pizza Tower is the gift that keeps on giving and I am alive
And yeah this was my first try at drawing The Noise, can ya tell? He has details that aren't so correct, but I'm kinda diggin the caramel top I put on his hat. To make him look closer to a cream puff. And I wasn't sure how many teeth he was supposed to have. But there ya go I think I still captured his noisy noidy e s s e n c e . AND THAT'S SUPPOSED TO BE HIS BUTT NOT A BIG KOO- OKAY JUST SO WE'RE CLEAR THAnks. And the same applies to Brick, I didn't think to study his design and then draw so it was off memory. Still looks super cute though ngl
What are they racing towards? Who's gonna win? Idk I just like the stardust speedway vibes goin on look at these funky little dudes go
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deadsquidstudios · 2 years
(CW: Mentions of cannibalism.)
(Mostly baby-related hcs this time because cuteness...although some of them are actually very disturbing as well)
1. On the same subject as the whole “Frylock not being able to levitate until he was 2 years old or so” headcanon, another headcanon of mine that’s connected to that, is that for the first few years of his life he had very little control of his laser eyes, so sometimes he would accidentally zap things...or people. Sometimes he’d even manage to zap himself and wind up full of static electricity, which would make various things stick to him...among other side effects. He was especially prone to having these uncontrolled laser bursts if he was startled or scared, or otherwise upset.
And unfortunately, when he was a baby, a LOT of things scared him. Like, you’d never guess from how he is as an adult, but he was afraid of a ridiculous amount of things when he was really little (he doesn’t even remember any of this time period ironically).
The scientist who created him (who isn’t Dr. Weird [although he was heavily involved as well] as I came up with my own backstory for the trio that I honestly like more than the official one...if you’ve read my fanfictions on AO3 you can get a little bit of an idea of said backstory. The show doesn’t have much in the way of continuity so anything goes, really) literally couldn’t leave the room without Fry FREAKING THE FUCK OUT. New people scared him. Loud noises scared him. His own shadow. The stapler (for some reason). Coffee mugs. Fucking PIGEONS. All of these things (and more) were things he was absolutely terrified of...which meant they were to be avoided lest someone or something get hit with a blast of eyeball lasers.
To be fair, the world is a big, scary place when you’re the same size as an actual McDonald’s kids meal serving of French Fries.
2. Shake, on the other hand, was definitely not a skittish baby. On the contrary, he was fearless to the point of it being dangerous...to be fair, from what little I know about infants, most of them have little to no fear of things that can actually hurt them...I think? Again, I don’t know much about infants. Anyway, he was basically borderline FERAL as a baby. Destructive, temperamental, he even sometimes HISSED at people if he was sufficiently pissed off.
This, combined with his rather gluttonous appetite at that age, led to some rather awful incidents...and by that, well...
He was one of a group of beverage-based creatures (so is Sludge, let’s just stick her in this because why not), mostly based on milkshakes of various flavors. He was actually the first one made after Sludge (who came out defective...she was supposed to be a Slushy but something went wrong), so in essence the ones made afterwards were his younger siblings....
Yeah, he ate two of them. When he was less than a year old, HE ATE TWO OF HIS SIBLINGS.
The rest of them, sans Sludge, are all dead now due to unrelated backstory stuff that I will eventually explain. But, yeah, Shake literally had to be taught not to try and cannibalize his brothers and sisters. Is this extremely disturbing? Yes. But in the show, Shake has been depicted on multiple instances EATING HUMAN FLESH and apparently liking the taste. So eating other milkshake-monstrosities doesn’t seem too far from possible with him.
Before he was able to talk, Frylock made similar sounding vocalizations to those of a kitten. Meeps, chirps, high-pitched mewling...like, if you need a specific example, watch the original “Hi Herbert” video. That’s what he sounded like as a lil tiny baby. He also sometimes sounded like an angry desert rain frog.
Shake, meanwhile, made horrifying noises. Screeching. Hissing. Snarling.
And Meatwad? Honestly, with him, I have no idea. I don’t have a lot of Meatwad headcanons honestly.
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glitch3xists · 2 years
The Debate
This is a dsmp fanfic. Probably part 1..?
The first person character is glitch, my persona. Nothing really is used to describe glitch at all, so if you wanna self insert, go ahead. This is just a lil story thing I wrote with a friend because I was really obsessed with the L'manburg era at the time of writing.
This is kinda old. I edited it, but still. There may be some grammatical errors. If so, I apologize.
TW: Swearing. A bit of swearing. A lot of swearing. Glitch is on pog 2020's side. Kinda gets mean. This takes place during the debate. Yeah-
(This font is thoughts btw)
"Tommy, may I momentarily step in?" I asked the blonde teen with a small smile.
Tommy was in a debate against George for vice president and he was getting a little too emotional. George might win this and that is awful enough as it is.
He looked at me hesitantly, really wanting to finish his argument.
"Tommy. Let her help. Our country is at stake." Wilbur commanded softly.
Tommy sighed and muttered "Fine", before switching places with me as I stood up to the podium.
"George not found." I started, taking in a deep breath as I prepared my speech.
"George that was not an invitation to start talking." I deadpanned.
Tommy, Karl, Quackity, Fundy and Wil burst out laughing.
"...Anyways. I noticed how you have been bringing up certain points to this debate, such as not letting others into our beloved land. And, if you wouldn't mind, I'd like to unveil a couple points myself."
My smile vanished and I gave him a scary pointed look. I was truthfully beyond pissed.
"You tell the court how we wanted war. That is false and you know it. I could tell by just your body language; you were pulling something out of your ass. We made the country peacefully. We never wanted any harm. It says so in the tennets, if you were willing to glance at them. We have a rule about not wearing any armour on our sacred land and even a rule against welding weapons while on our grounds. You were the oned who wanted war."
I could tell I struck a nerve when George started actually paying attention and wasn't playing around anymore. He visibly straightened his posture, which caught Quackity's attention.
"H-hey, wait a minute-" Quackity attempted to cut in.
"Quackity, I believe your turn is over. Now stop interrupting." I glared.
He uneasily looked back at George and their whole party was starting to get nervous as they watched their party member tense.
"As I was saying, we handed dream a declaration of Independence and in return, dream handed us a declaration of war."
Tommy had a wide smile on his face. "YEAH!! TELL 'EM!!" He hyped up.
"We have no sign or indication we meant harm. And we also clearly express this when you were the ones to shoot the first arrows into our land."
"Th-that-- was only because--!!"
"George, I believe I wasn't finished FUCKING talking." He leaned back in his seat, a sign he was trying to distance himself from me. Perfect.
"You are well aware I am correct and I have visual evidence supporting this." I reached into my pocket and watched the opposite team begin to sweat. Out of my pocket came a good handful of tapes.
"I-I believe it's time we move onto our next debate topic-" Quackity stepped in, looking to the judges stand.
"Your honor, please imagine with me for a second. Imagine you have something dear to you, ranging from maybe a journal to a music box. Whatever is important to you. Now imagine someone came in and absolutely destroyed that precious thing you hold dear to you." I looked to Karl for his reaction as I spoke.
George's nose twitched uneasily, pressing his lips into a thin line.
"You get that precious thing fixed and it has recovered. Now imagine that person coming back and trying to take it away from you."
Karl stood for a moment, humming. "Well, I'd truthfully tell them to fuck off. It's mine and not theirs."
I smiled warmly. "How do you think we feel?"
"No, your party ran for election because you wanted to officially rig the system and become president yourselves!!" Quackity intervened.
'I pushed him into a corner. He's getting defensive.'
"We were the only people of L'manburg and we wanted to make sure this is what the people wanted." I calmly replied.
"Bull fuckin shit!"
"I'm sorry, would you rather we let war thirsty enemies in to run for the country we fought for?"
"I-I--" Quackity tried to start.
"Shut up! You paid off the judge!!" Quackity hissed.
"And you are the one who asked the judge for easy questions to answer. You think we were going to forget? You tried to rig it first."
"Just shut up!!"
"Tell me to do that again."
The court room instantly shut up.
"No, do it again. Please. It's sooo reassuring to know that the people who want to run for president and vice president want their people silenced. What do you think that screams about your party and their views?"
Quackity and George shared a worried look.
"Ohh, no denying it? Well that settles that." A smirk tugged at the ends of my lips.
They both jumped. "W-wait- your honor, that isn't--" Quackity cleared his throat.
"And another thing." I continued, ignoring the opponent's attempt at cutting in. "What have you done for this country? Wil, Tommy, Tubbo, Fundy, Eret, and I were here making this beloved place from the ground up, not just building structures to commemorate our friendship, but building more trust and faith in one another. You know what George from S.W.A.G. Has done, Your honor? Destroyed it. Would you rather have a loyal, listening president who keeps the peace?" I paused to gesture to wilbur as I spoke.
"Or somebody who clearly wants this amazing country wiped off the face of the earth with no care towards it's citizens?" I turned away from Wilbur and glared at the opposing team.
"We care about the citizens!!" George quickly tried to cut in.
"You care so much you killed them? Taking a one life from each?" I inquired.
Tommy excitedly cheered, clearly overjoyed.
"It appears I have left the other party speechless. Your honor, please observe this and add this to your opinion. We are loyal, caring, and have tried to keep peace. All they have done is wage war. Oh and not to even mention how the person running for president in their party has a past with the person who started a pet war and killed multiple pets. We stayed we will have a dependable authority to come in and stop crimes from happening."
A small breathy chuckle resonated from my frame.
"And Quackity simply believes that everyone will blindly follow rules? What kind of dictator believes everyone will follow him no matter what comes out of his mouth? At least our president has openly showed his love for his nation and the citizens resided within. He listens. He converses and draws a conclusion everyone agrees with."
I took a pause, letting my words sink in, before continuing.
"George and his friends may have started the war but we sure as hell finished it. Tommy sacrificed his prized possessions for his nation. That's how loyal he is. Here in this party, we all signed the declaration of independence, standing side by side and writing our signatures with the same pen. We have history and faith with one another. And I will put my life on the line for these people who sit behind and beside me. Thank you." I ended, giving a small bow, before walking and switching places with Tommy.
Tommy excitedly congratulated me on wiping the floor with the other team, unable to stay still as he gave a tight side hug. I laughed in response, amused with his actions.
The other party eyed me with both intrigue and frustration. I was a threat in their eyes; it didn't take much to see that. But it's their fault because you don't fuck with my friends.
"Glitch." I quickly swiveled around to face the source of the voice, being met with the President's eyes. "I'm so very proud of you. You did outstanding." I could see the pure joy and satisfaction in his facial features.
"Thank you, wil."
A smile stretched onto my face.
I will not let him down.
That's the end. There is kind of a second part to this? I might post it, it just depends. I hope you enjoyed!
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Explaining that Tasty OC Info
So I got this ask a while ago, and while I'd like to post one massive comic series to explain them, I kinda can't lmao.
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So the story with Ivanushka (who this ask is referring to, I believe) doesn't really have a name yet just because I'm bad with that kinda shit.
What I'm gonna do is slap a height chart here:
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Then explain each character left -> right
Ivanushka 29: [Peach] Ivan starts the story as an immigrant from Russia, living in San Francisco with his boyfriend Vladislav. He works as a bridge tollbooth operator on the Golden Gate Bridge. So one night on the bridge, it's near the end of Ivan's shift and he gets into an argument with a guy about being short ten cents and gets shot in the argument (because America)
Then when he wakes up in the hospital perfectly fine, naturally he's confused as hell but turns out he got an emergency blood donation from his lovely boyfriend who just "happens" to have his exact rare blood type. But WHOA HEY Vlad has been a shapeshifter this whole ass time? Holy shit-?
Anyway so long story short, Vlad's shapeshifter blood in Vlad caused him to turn into a human/shapeshifter hybrid I call a "Form Morph" and he can only change his head because that's where he was shot, blah blah. Now he's in debt with the hospital and Vlad knows just who to talk to.
Vladislav 30: [Blue] Vladislav immigrated to the states with Ivan and he's basically the biggest dumbass with the biggest confidence and the least impulse control. In order to immigrate cheaply, he made a deal with a gang in San Fran to smuggle them into the city and make them papers for the low low price of doing whatever the gang leader wants. Pretty easy, huh?
So when Ivan is shot and Vlad takes him to the hospital, he's basically now trying to help Ivan understand his new shifty powers and also confine his boss it's a great idea to let the emotionally unstable wreak into the crime circle.
Cowboy 35: [Green] Cowboy is more a nickname he forces everyone to call him, but basically, this is the southern son-of-a-bitch that shot Ivan over ten cents. He's a gun-loving, all-proud Texan that ran over to Cali because his family was busted for illegal moonshine.
He has more relevance to the story, but I don't wanna spoil everything for these guys.
Fox 25: [Orange] Fox is yet another nickname, he's a mutant like Vlad and 1/3 Ivan except instead of a shapeshifter, he can use mind control! He's been a thief for the majority of his life on the streets, so he started collecting gang members to make his little adventures more exciting.
Though through years of living in his own mind and the minds of others, he's gotten pretty arrogant and gets easily pissed when things don't go his way. He's a big man-child except with the ability to make you do whatever he wants. Normally he's "nice" but he does get his scary moments.
Styles 35: [Purple] Styles is the oldest/first member of Fox's gang and is basically the guy's right-hand man. He doesn't have any powers other than the power of alcoholism and common sense. He used to work at a rodeo derby until he met Fox
Frank 20: [Red] Franky is the youngest official member and he's basically the gang handyman. Again, he's just your average guy (I realize I forgot to color it, but Franky is supposed to be Latino-Japanese)
But yeah that's the main info I can give about these dorks right off the top of my head, but please! If you bothered to make it this far then thank you a lot! I love talking about my OCs. Never be afraid to ask for further info on these guys! I have even more lil guys I could talk about in different universes/stories.
I plan on making little comics to go into these guy's dynamics more, but like. Motivation n shit, ya know
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mythicalmyles · 15 days
Ksndjwjej Herobrine prompt GO! (Had to retype his name 3 fucking times... Bruh)
First setting is in some sorta storage area of an Inn apparently where if you have a list you can do a lil grocery shopping back there (idk man this whole ass scenario came to me an an an its some good shit)
Alex-brine sent you to the town it was in bcs groceries. You protested quiet vehemently, the reason is popping up soon. So you go there, show them the list, and they send you back. You're looking through the grocery list thingie when hands grab your shoulders and keep you there. You obviously startle bcs, wtf, but you soon realize who has grabbed you
(Insert dialogue prompt here)
H: what the fuck are you doing back here...
You, stammering like crazy bcs jeezus this guy is still hella scary: Alex sent me here for some stuff groceries-
*and this is where Herobrine fucking slams you against the nearest wall bcs he can and your small, you fucking twink*
You, now freaking out even more: I swear that's all I'm (insert scared rambling bcs FUCKING OWWW???)
H: If you don't shut up with your incessant rambling I will tie you naked to a tree for The One Who Watches and The Man From the Fog.
You: ._.""" *ngl there are scared-y tears in your eyes rn*
H: Good.
*Insert wibbly wobbly conversation here bcs your literally backed against a wall and you probably have a sharp as hell pickaxe/axe/whatever you wanna give Herobrine up against your neck or stomach ir whatever he may as well be kinds choking you ngl*
Its revealed you came here around ehhh maybe a few months ago and did smthn to piss off Herobrine and because your an inccubus he basically took away your ability to satisfy yourself with a... Oh what are those cages called? Yeah, he BDSM'd your ass lmao
Long story short he takes you to his house, he fucks you hard and rough for a looong time bcs why not and its also revealed you kinda sold your soul to him or something so he owns you and thats kinds hot and he uh yeah.. Uhm uhuh.. Yeah.. Hardcore fucking but its just because he's a much bigger person than you and he's really really rough and he's fucking you really really hard
Its also revealed he told you to stay away or else, and after he's done with you he says as long as you come back to the village for him and him only (he owns your soul dude, what you gon do?) the cage will come off bcs that was one of your only worries bcs, you know, your an inccubus, you kinda need it all accessible
Im ngl that do be hot afff
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my-evil-brain · 6 months
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Ok this here reminds me of something, this was hilarious as a kid, and i stand by it being funny still. When i was around 15 my neighbors daughter was about 12. We rode the same bus. Hung out around the neighborhood played. Chill. She was totes naive and gullible, maybe even a bit ditzy(100%).
So onwards. We're on the bus and something in conversation brought up canada for something. My friend was all oooh aaaah canadaaaa. I look at her older sister, a twinkle in my eye and i proceed.
" Naw man, you think Canadas cool? Dude totally part of their big lie to the world. Dont tell me youve never heard of the Canadian Secret Mounted Police??? OH MAN ok so (seriously no humor) little known fact about Canada. The nice happy Canadian is a portrayed image. They want you to think that. Its so bad the citizens are generally terrified to walk around for breaking some law that counters their nice clean cut image. I was reading a Time mag. article n it said that around tourists n travelers youll never see them. But they are watching. Looking for impolite to outsiders canadians. If they spot one they very quietly n discreetly disappear that person ASAP. Never to be rude again. Some say prison camps n mines but who knows"
By now shes hooked. Not a doubt in her mind that im not telling the gods honest truth. Shes fallen for that b.s. story n thinking n wowing n... it was my stop to get off. "Byeeeee".
So I'm home its like 530, the phone rings. My dad answered.
"He what? Uh huh, yeah... sigh..(looks at me holding back laughter) okays, well you can assure her none of thats true n he's sorry for tricking her. Again"
He hangs up the phone. My moms all who was that n dad looks at me giggling n asks what it was i told her on the bus. I told him the true story of the Canadian Secret Mounted Police n oop my stop gotta go. Hes totally holding back busting out. My moms like WHYYYYY n im like it was... funny 🤷‍♂️👍. That girl was pissed at me the next day. Hehe. Good times. And remember, Don't fuck around in Canada, don't find out.
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Did yaaaaa notice my dad said the word "again" up there? So funny story. Same girl same bus. (SAME BAT TIME SAME BAT CHANNEL) This was around Halloweenish n we were talking spooky stuffs n local legends n haunts of the area. And without a beat i look at her n her sister and...
"So no problems in your house on Halloween?" (They ask why perplexed) I proceed to tell them that their civil war era house (true) was part of the underground railroad, back helping escaping slaves (also true) Now theyre both intrigued with this knowledgeable fact.
"Well good thing you dont go down the basement then. (Damn place was half finished floor half dirt. 1 lil slit window. 1 light. And the room had a vibe n absorbed light. It was never bright enough. Alway dark no matter flashlight or lantern with overhead bulb.) Cause ya knoooow thats where they burried the slaves who died on the railroad? Some... they just killed to get rid of the hassle of hiding them any longer. Those are the really angry ones. Hope they dont claw up out the dirt floor. Shudder the thought. Oh well should be fiiiine just keep the door closed no probs."
Now the older sister looks at me and mouths an , is that true. And when her sis looks away im like NOOOOO lol sssh. Oh look its my stop . I get home and not 30 minutes the phone rings n my mom gets it n shes like "get down here NOW. Did you tell her..." Yeah ha totally fell for it yeah was not the correct answer. I had to apologize n all blaaaaah. My dad gets home mom gives him the tell your father what you did. He looks at me all stern and i tell him. When i reach the angry undead slaves burried in the basement bit thats when hes all "awwww maaaannn why ya gotta do that? " then he busted out laughing. Moms all serious lookin n im all made to promise dont do it again. Quit scaring the girl. And i did just that that Canadian story was not horrifying, it was complete bullshit but not scary, I promised. 👍
Also, an amusing point about the house is that it was pre civil war built kinds of old. And used in the underground railroad as a way point. Also I never ever let on or told those girls their house was actually, actually haunted. But it was upstairs and in the attic, not the basement. Lil bit an unpleasant vibe also. At times going to play in the attic was " not a good feeling idea" and i never liked being upstairs, second floor after, or in the dark. Bad vibes closer, you got to attic.
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maiz-of-light · 1 year
Sort of tagged by @cherrylavendertea
are you named after anyone?
Yeah, it’s so stupid, but my sperm donor named me after some lawyer chick he thought was hot.
what [when] was the last time you cried?
It’s honestly been a very, very long time since I cried for real. I’m frequently tearing up over old photos of my late familiar if that counts.
do you have kids?
Oh gods no, unless you count the furbaby.
do you use sarcasm a lot?
Not out loud. Just feels like kind of a dick thing to do.
what sports do you play/have you played?
Uh, never been a sports person, the autism makes it really hard for me to be touched physically. Back in the day tho I’d lay the smack down in Wii bowling.
what’s the first thing you notice about someone?
Whether they’re glaring at me. A lot of people glare in my neighborhood idk why.
what’s your eye color?
scary movies or happy endings?
Anyone who knows me knows what an avid horror fan I am, lmao it scares a lot of people away I think. That said I’m a sucker for a happy ending.
any special talents?
I’m really good at pissing people off.
where were you born?
you're not getting into my bank account that easily -> LMAO I’M STEALING THIS RESPONSE
what are your hobbies?
Drawing, writing, old viddy games plus anything LoZ.
do you have pets?
Lil tuxedo kitty
how tall are you?
5′5″ lol same as the person who tagged me
favorite subject in school?
In high school I enjoyed physics, even if the math didn’t make a lot of sense to me, the notion of “this is how things that happen work” fascinated me. Now I’m in grad school and only really study one thing (graphic design).
dream job?
I’m just gonna say it, my dream is to not have to work. I don’t mean be a stay-at-home parent with some glorified sugar daddy or whatever, I mean I made some grand sale and now I’m set and I can create on my own time and on my own terms without having to worry about “what if I don’t bring in enough dough.”
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