#writing that I realized I have much more reasons to kin him
lyomeii · 1 year
never forgetting about you
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->warnings: yandere themes, manipulation, angst, maybe this can be read without being yandere at all? Spoiler from the main story ending
-> request by anon! Hi 👋 I know I requested the same thing, but I forgot to add some details. Can you do a yandere sung jin woo where the reader is from the real world but falls in love with sung jin woo even though the reader knew that he was going to fall in love with who I forgot her name is so the reader gives him a yellow tulip flower ( which I think means love from one side ) and then the reader goes back to the real world and after some years sung jin woo brings the reader back and keeps them with him (sorry English isn't my first language :) anyway have a good day ♥︎~
->a/n: have a good day too anon! I loved writing this one since i never got a request like that before :) it was kinda of a challenge, but trust me that only made me more happier when I finished this. and I changed the flower, since i do know that yellow roses means friendship.
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-> maybe this was all a dream, a really realistic one, yet you don’t seem to find a way to awake from it no matter what. you are living in a apartment in south korea, that’s fine and you can handle it, you are a grown up adult inside a teenager body who knows to take care of yourself… but the huge portal in front of your ‘home’ was what caught you off the guard.
-> the design was similar and didn’t took much time to realize you are inside the world of solo leveling, as much that sound exciting and a little weird, you felt something bad coming up. Could that be since you know how the story is going to end? Probably so, but it’s a dream so why not spend your short time here to met this new place?
-> you didn’t care if it a school day or not, you dressed in comfortable clothes, got your backpack and began walking around the streets while admiring every corner. Even with you being incapable to enter the portals for oblivious reasons, seeing such new environment is enough to make you wonder if this truly a dream, not to mention the delicious desserts that you brought during you little journey til sun dawn.
-> the next day, you got scared when you realize you still inside of this new world, where your new parents discovered you ditch class to walk around. That’s don’t sound well neither the grounding you received it from them, you felt bad with how worried they look and the many tears in their eyes, making you feeling so guilty about it. Such a great way to find out you are stuck in solo leveling forever.
-> getting used to this new life and world is actually fast? studying is now easier since you were a graduate in past life, your slowly gained your parents’ again and continue to have what you consider a normal life if you don’t count the many portals and hunter you saw in daily bases, since one of your parents is an A-rank healer and the other one works for the Korean Hunters Association, in which area? You never bothered to ask.
-> they are pretty busy with their job, yet they always made time to spend with you growing up and letting you choose what path in life you wish to have. Many people were somehow disappointed when you told that you have no desire to become a hunter like your parent, much to their happiness, knowing that you are save from dangerous situations and seeing you following your dreams to reach whatever is inside your mind.
-> what they don’t know is that your dreams ( as much it sound stupid ) is to meet the many characters you adore from the story. It don’t need to be a full interaction or get to met them and friend them, just to be near them already make you feel happier. However it didn’t took much time to met some of them as you expected.
->first you met no other than the chairman of the hunter’s association, Go Gumhee, who turned out to be a closer friend of one your parents, how much you wished to learned more about your family prior of this meeting. The old man was what you expected, someone kind and somehow fun to be around, not to mention he treats you as a family member and his wife enjoy your presence.
-> and when you grown up to leave school and to get a properly job, the old man offered one at his work, but you denied and decided to enroll in the university in order to get a degree for one of the courses there. Life going normal, yet one day you manage to met another character you love, the protagonist himself, Sung Jinwoo.
-> he is already taller and more mature by appearance, meaning the incident already happen and now he is in his way to become the strongest hunter of all times, that only make you even more excited to let him and that what you do in the first opportunity.
-> with the excuse to visit one your parents at work, you manage to met with the chairman and he introduced you to the most recent S-hunter of south korea. Honestly, you don’t know how you didn’t pass out nor asked for an autograph, could that be you were to shocked to believe in your eyes?
-> that moment happen so fast and of course, you expect to never met the protagonist again nor have a great importance in his life, regardless of being thrown inside of this world, you don’t have any special skill that make you different than most people, yet something manage to bring you two together as closer friends.
-> it was weird, to befriend the main protagonist who everyone wants to be closer, but you just got enough luck to be considered someone important in his life. Jinwoo even introduced you to his sister and mother, both who adore you in their life, not to mention the many dinners you had with them.
-> stupidly you were in love with Jinwoo, well who wouldn’t fall in love with a man like him? Gorgeous, cares about his family, good personality and an amazing cook? You did and so did —-. You can’t really blame her neither the many girls who fall over his charms, however you always knew you didn’t stood a chance with the person he is going to end with, the story is already finished when you got inside this world and you fear that you might be here one day.
-> in what seemed to be another day in your life, you gave Jinwoo a yellow rose to him before he left to another dungeon. His cheek went little red, mostly due the fact that none has ever gave him a flower, his sweet smile almost melt you immediately.
-> he thanked for such gift and left after hugging you while speaking how much your existence to him meant a lot and how he wishes to never loses you. Oh. that was weird, did something bad to Jinwoo to say something like this? Maybe, but your head is spinning so much that you can’t even think about that now.
-> the moment you stepped inside your apartment, you vision where fully black and you couldn’t hear anything nor feel when your body hit the cold ground. There is something holding you back from waking up and opening your eyes, but the sound and smell did help you recognize where you are. A hospital.
-> for what you thought to be ages, you finally open your eyes to confirm your suspicions. Laying down in a hospital bed and to make things even more crazier, you are back to the real world, not inside solo leveling. Was all of that a dream? It felt so real and you live there for years, but, according to the doctors, it was probably a dream since you were only in a coma for a few days.
-> you really don’t know what to do. was that all a dream? Those moment you had with yours parents from that world were fake? Like the people you interact there such the chairman, Jinah and even Jinwoo himself are nothing but part of your mind, still you keep those memories inside your heart, regardless of being real or not, you enjoyed every second at their side.
-> Jinwoo panicked when hearing the news from your parents. You just vanished from your apartment, your classmates nor coworkers saw for a few days and now you are considered missing.
-> how could that happen? you gave him that flower to him and disappear from earth, he told many of his shadow to search for you in all place of the world and yet, no sign of you anywhere. Just like you never existent at all, like you were part of their imagination, but the memories he and many others have means that you are real, just missing.
-> he desperate wants to look after you to find answer to why you vanish and where you are now, but with so many things happening right now. The monarchs are going to attack soon and he have to be there to stop them, Jinwoo has no other option than searching for you after the whole situation get solved.
-> and that he does, when he uses the cup of reincarnation, jinwoo spend years fighting the many the monarchs and monster send to defeat him, only to him being the victorious one. when he did return and began a normal life, he start looking for a way to look after you with the help of his shadow and that ‘person’ that has connections with the rulers.
-> his shadows didn’t find a trace of you and your parents even married in this new timeline, they didn’t have children, leaving bothering the rulers to know why your existence ceased and being scared, they told Jinwoo the true.
-> honestly, he never saw that coming, hearing that you are from another world and that you are back to your world almost broken him down in instant. He loves you and you left him so easily, is there any way to bring you back? Any way to use his power to make you stay at his side?
-> the rulers saw no other option than answering him and of course told him a way to bring you back with a relic of them, of course Jinwoo didn’t hesitate to bring you back to this world using the said object. And in minutes, you are back to this world, almost.
-> you exist now in this world, but you are laying down in a hospital bed in a coma that doctors fears that you won’t wake up soon. for what he knows, someone find you in a terrible state in their way to work and brought you to the closest hospital, where you are now staying. without any information about your identity or family, a doctor from the hospital and their significant other, a businessperson. those two were your parents originally in this world.
-> everything is going back together, except for you and him, Jinwoo feels that even you are back in this world, he feels empty and lonely. He can spend his time at your side, but can’t hear your sweet voice nor you laughs when he tells a stupid joke.. was this a mistake? Bringing you back in such state? Were you happier in your original world? He hopes to learn more about your true self when you finally wake up.
-> but for now, the doctors and your legal guardians wonder who is responsible for leaving so many gorgeous flowers in your room daily.
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@lyomeii stuff || don’t repost
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honeybeebard · 6 months
Helping You Remember (Enver Gortash x DarkUrge!Tav)
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Summary// Ever since the crash Tav had been stripped of her memories, with nothing but her name and this violent urge inside her body wreaking havoc with every step she took. It was no small feat to control it, or at least tame it, and just when she thought she had gotten it under control a new foe, or an old ally, comes to remind her where she came from.
(I didn’t expect my first fic in the BG3 fandom to be about Gortash. In fact, I have several half-written projects of other characters but for whatever reason this man has recently taken a hold of me and I’m afraid I’ve sunk too deep. This was originally going to be a one-shot but it’s taken on a life of its own and will now be a multi-chapter!
This first chapter is heavy on angst but the next chapter will be better, I promise! I just imagine this is how your companions would react to the news as well as how Gortash gets his foot in the door of reclaiming you. I hope you like it! I normally write for ACOTAR so this was so much fun!) WARNINGS: Heavy angst, Mentions of past Dark Urge actions
It had been a long, painful journey to get to Baldur’s Gate but Tav had made it. Her companions had made it. Everyone was alive and mostly well, save for the tadpole in their brains, the end of the world, and the recent discovery of Tav’s family history. As they made their way to Wrym’s Rock Fortress it was the only thing her mind could focus on. Astarion, Karlach, and Wyll were all too happy to chat about being back but she couldn’t stop thinking about what she was. 
Parents throughout Baldur’s Gate told stories of her kind to warn their children of the dangers of the world. She felt all the sins of her kin crawling up her back, refusing to meet anyone’s gaze in fear that they would see her for who she was. A monster. It didn’t matter how hard she fought the Urge inside her… her fate seemed to be already written in the stars. How could she save herself from this? She hadn’t even realized they had made it to the doors of the fortress until Astarion gently nudged her arm, giving her a concerned look as she was torn from her thoughts. “Are you alright, darling? You’re looking a bit clammy.” His voice was smooth but she could see the worry in his eyes. He was the first one she had told when she found out, seeking comfort in his arms just as he had done back in the Shadow-Cursed Lands. They didn’t have an official title to whatever their relationship was, sometimes friends and other times lovers, but they were each other’s closest confidants. He understood her better than herself sometimes and he had assured her that whatever she was facing, he would be there to help. So it pained her to lie through her teeth as she mumbled, “Fine. Let’s just get this over with. Hopefully, we can kill two birds with one stone.” Astarion knew she was lying but didn’t press her further, his shoulders tensing slightly as he gave a curt nod and entered the building with the others. The air was buzzing with excitement as everyone awaited the coronation of Lord Gortash. His posters were everywhere, most people hailing him as a hero, but from what she had heard from Karlach he was anything but that. And especially after discovering him at Moonrise, netherstone in the gauntlet decorating his hand, she only felt that anger within her rise more at the ignorance of the city. There was something else too, like a flash of nostalgia, but it flitted from her mind before she could grasp it. Tav shook her head as they made their way up the stairs, preparing for anything as they arrived at the grand hall.
Rows of seats lined the sides as a dark red carpet decorated the ground, leading all the way up to where Duke Ravengard and Gortash stood. Wyll visibly bristled at the sight of his father, his hand steady on the edge of his blade while Karlach slowly began to grow hotter and hotter at the sight of her former friend. 
“I can practically taste his blood from here.” Karlach seethed, her fists clenching. Astarion gave Tav a worrying look, wondering if now, underneath the watchful gaze of multiple Flaming Fists and the Steel Watch, was the right time to pick a fight.
Tav gave him a reassuring smile, turning to Karlach with a solemn expression. “I know you want nothing more than to rip his heart out but here might not be the best place to do it. Let’s hear him out first.” She speaks slowly, hoping to calm the tiefling. 
“Hear him out? He speaks nothing but lies! There is nothing he could say that could be of use to us.” Karlach snarls, turning her heated eyes to her and frowning. 
“Just trust me on this, okay?” Tav pleaded. “I promise that you will be the first one to rip him limb from limb.”
She seemed to calm slightly at Tav’s reassurance, her flames dulling as she nodded once. “I’ll hold you to that, soldier.” Karlach says, following in step as the four of them begin to walk up the aisle.
Gortash is the first to spot them, his lips turning up in a smile as he spies Karlach first. “My eyes must be deceiving me! Karlach, my dear girl, come and be welcome.” His voice was dripping with arrogance, his arms spread wide in greeting. 
“I’m not your dear anything!” Karlach snaps, her hand immediately falling to her weapon. However, just as Tav tries to step in front of them, his dark eyes turn to her and widen in surprise.
“And with you, my, why it’s my favorite bhaalspawn!” He grins as he comes closer to Tav, eyeing her up and down. “I never thought I would see you again either.”
“Wait, you know each other?” Karlach frowns, turning to look at Tav with betrayal in her eyes. 
“I swear I have no memory of him Karlach. I would’ve told you.” She stresses, holding up her hands in innocence while shaking her head rapidly. 
“Oh, I’d forgotten,” Gortash says smugly, chuckling to himself. “Your memories are quite lost aren’t they? Orin told me she’d made a fool of you. And to think you two have traveled together all this time and she hadn’t the faintest idea that you were one of my nearest and dearest.”
This time it was Astarion who spoke, his eyes hard as his jaw clenched. “What do you mean nearest and dearest?” There was a sense of urgency under his tone, something that Tav felt as well as she tried desperately to remember what Gortash already knew.
The dark-haired Lord smirked, taking a deep breath as he turned back to Tav and began to tell fill in the missing puzzle pieces of her memory. “You and I initiated this plot. No one could stand against the Dead Three so, after obtaining the crown, enslaving the brain, and creating a false God to rule the masses, there was little to stand in our way.”
Tav stumbled back a step, her head throbbing and pulse racing. No, she couldn’t have. She couldn’t have formed this plot, couldn’t have worked with Gortash. It wasn’t who she was. Was it? 
“No. I would never.” She whispered, her eyes full of anger while Gortash ignored her and carried on weaving the tale. 
“In Bhaal’s name, you set your bloody dagger to cause panic in the streets, killing in the Absolute’s name,” He smiled again as if recalling a fond memory. It made her want to vomit. “It was all going well until you had vanished, Orin claiming to be the new voice of Bhaal and taking over. She, unlike you, couldn’t control herself. She made a mess of things.”
Her stomach lurched, her knees buckling as bits and pieces of her past flashed through her mind. The blood, the screams, the wicked smile of her reflection as she all but bathed in the slain bodies of the innocent. Astarion noticed her trembling, reaching out to steady her as she tried to block out everything. 
“Have you gone soft?” Gortash asked as he stepped closer to Tav, examining her guilt filled gaze with a disappointed look. “I find that hard to believe. One’s true nature will always rise to the top.”
“That is not my true nature.” She hissed through gritted teeth, rage heating her blood as she pushed out of Astarion’s grasp and walked towards the man before her. “Take it back. Tell me you’re lying.”
“I know you know the truth, Tav.” He coos as if talking to a startled babe. “I can see it in your eyes. That Urge deep within you, clawing at its cage to be unleashed. We had something great, are something great, until you were taken. I tolerated Orin, tolerated Ketheric, but I liked you. We can still finish this together.”
As he finishes his sentence one of his hands comes up to rest on her arm, an intimate gesture that sends feelings of disgust and warmth through her body. She hated this, hated him, hated how little control she felt. Once again she felt a battle in her body between the past and the present. 
“Don’t touch me.” Tav growls, pulling away from him as if she had been burned. “I want nothing to do with you, with this plot. If anything this has only solidified my plans to kill you.”
She could feel Karlach’s approval from behind her, could feel her own body tensing for a fight only to falter when Gortash barked out a harsh laugh. 
“Oh, my dear bhaalspawn, you have no choice.” His eyes were suddenly hard and his tone like ice as he gestured around him. “The quakes are a clear warning. Without all three netherstones ruling the brain, it will break free and complete the Grand Design. Your choices are to join me and rule or subject this entire city, yourself and companions included, to becoming illithids.”
All of her companions shifted uneasily, looking at Tav for guidance. She tried to run through all the scenarios, looking for an out that didn’t include digging herself further into her past self, but the choices remained the same. 
“Together though,” Gortash straightens, giving her a charming smile. “Together we can control the brain. Renew our old partnership.”
“What kind of partnership?” Tav asked cautiously, hating how weak she sounded. Astarion cleared his throat beside her, pleading with her not to do this, but she ignored him. If she was going to find another way out of this she at least needed to get all angles of the problem…and that started with hearing Gortash’s bargain. 
“Let’s discuss it somewhere more private, hm? Away from the prying eyes of both nobles and…your group.” He looked behind her distastefully. “Meet me in my office after the ceremony. Alone.”
And before she can say another word he struts back to the middle of the room, letting the Duke continue with the blasphemous ceremony. Tav immediately motions for her friends to follow her towards the back, ignoring the words of Wyll’s father as she finally takes a moment to breathe.
“You can’t possibly be considering partnering with him.” Astarion huffs. “Please tell me you aren’t that stupid.”
“Look at what he’s done to this city, to my father,” Wyll adds, crossing his arms. “An alliance with Gortash is like asking to be stabbed in the back. He cannot be trusted.” “You’re damn right he can’t be trusted!” Karlach fumes, gnashing her teeth together. “That man is worse than a devil, Tav! He’s just trying to get in your head!”
“Enough!” Tav snapped, rubbing her temples as the pounding returned. Everyone’s opinions, including Gortash’s, were starting to make her head spin. “I know this is…a lot. I can’t process it all myself-”
“What, that you and Gortash created this entire cult, this entire problem that is threatening the lives of millions of people?” Karlach’s voice was rising with each word, her flames growing by the second. “I knew you were a bhaalspawn but Bhaal’s chosen? You are half the bloody reason we are here in the first place!”
“Karlach-” Wyll tries to intervene but she brushes him off, stalking towards Tav and jamming a red hot finger in her chest.
“No, don’t Karlach me.” She snarls, glaring down at her. “Did you not hear what she has done? The acts she committed in Bhaal’s name? Amnesia or not, you all have to see how dangerous she is.”
“I’m not!” Tav protested, tears pricking her eyes as she felt their gazes on her. It was her worst fear realized. “I’m not a monster, I don’t remember doing any of those things. I would never…”
“And yet here you are, ready to make nice with the viper.” Karlach spits, standing to her full height while regarding her with revulsion. “I need time to think.” 
Before Tav can say anything or reach out to plead for forgiveness, she storms off back to the entrance. Wyll looks between the two of them, his eyes full of sadness before he simply shakes his head and follows Karlach. The only one left is Astarion who is staring at her with an unreadable expression.
“Star…” She whispers, throat tight as she tries to reach for him only to physically recoil when he moves away from her hand. It wasn’t much, just a slight sway to the side, but it was enough to make the knife in her gut twist deeper. “Please.”
“I…I need a moment.” He murmurs, bowing his head before following the same path as her companions. Tav can’t stop herself from sinking to the floor, her soul aching as she brings her knees to her chest and cries. She doesn’t care that she’s in a room full of nobles, doesn’t care that everyone is watching her finally break, she just doesn’t care anymore.
Her friends, her entire world ever since escaping that damned nautiloid, had abandoned her. They had found out who she had been and had left her here, alone. Tav wanted to hate them, wanted to curse them, and never see them again, but could she blame them?
She was part of the reason this was all happening in the first place. She had caused all this pain, all this death, in the name of her father. Even if she didn’t remember it that didn’t absolve her of the guilt. If roles were reversed, she would probably question her relationship with the person as well.
“It’s all my fault.” She whispers, pressing her palms against her eyes harshly. The tears were hot as they ran down her cheeks, her shoulders shaking. Tav was so caught up in her emotions she didn’t hear the footsteps approaching her.
It wasn’t until she felt cold, metal claws tip her chin up that she finally came to her senses, blinking up at the man who had just revealed all her immoral acts as if they were nothing. 
“My poor little bhaalspawn,” He purred, using his other hand to pull her up to stand. “All alone again.”
Tav sniffled, feeling vulnerable as he wiped a tear away with his thumb. Her entire body felt numb as he pulled her into his arms, shushing her with a wicked gleam in his eyes.
“Come.” He ordered. “Let me save you once more.” 
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loveroftoomanyfandoms · 2 months
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Mind the Gap, Chapter 1
Pairing: Michael Kinsella x F!Reader, Matt Murdock & Reader (Platonic)
Rating: E
Word count (per chapter): ~500 (Just to set the story up, future chapters will be longer!)
Story Summary: When Michael gets sent across the pond to fix an issue with the Kinsella clan's drug trade expansion into New York City, he never expected to meet and fall for a pretty law clerk from the office of Nelson, Murdock, and Page. But when she gets abducted by a rival cartel, Michael will have to enlist the help of the very vigilante that's trying to take down his entire operation.
Warnings/Tags: Kin/Daredevil crossover, Canon-typical violence (for both shows), Platonic Matt Murdock/Reader, Smut in later chapters, More tags to come
A/N: After announcing this MONTHS ago, it's finally here -- the Daredevil/Kin crossover no one asked for, but I decided to write anyway. Lol
Note that this is a Michael Kinsella x Reader fic -- there is no love triangle between Mikey, Reader, and Matt.
If you want to be added to the taglist for this or any of my other ongoing stories, or if I was supposed to tag you/tagged you in error, please let me know!
Tag list: @danzer8705 @cheshirecat484 @thornbushrose @shouldbestudying41 @finnishjerseygirl @ednaaa-04 @ebathory997 @beezusvreeland @capylore
Fuckin' hell, let's get this over with, Michael Kinsella thought to himself as he trudged up the driveway to his sister-in-law’s house.
He had just gotten word that the Garda had wrapped up their investigation into his father's and uncle’s deaths and had ruled the case a murder-suicide -- therefore clearing him from further questioning -- when Amanda had texted that she was calling a meeting.
Amanda opened the door before he had even reached it. “Hey,” she said.
Michael walked in. “Hi.”
Amanda closed the door behind him. “Hadn't seen ya in a while.”
Aye, and there's a fuckin' reason for tha’, Michael thought.
As Amanda had started taking over more and more territory and doing whatever she had to in order to stay on top, Michael had realized that it hadn't ever been him that she had wanted, it had been the Kinsella name and the power and prestige that had come with it. 
While he hadn't ever regretted having Jamie, he had regretted sleeping with Amanda when she had come on to him while Jimmy had been in prison all those years ago and again more recently when her marriage had been falling apart and Michael had been dealing with finding out about Molly being engaged.
He shrugged. “Been busy.”
“Wan’ a drink?”
Michael shook his head. What he wanted was to go back home.
Amanda pursed her lips, but before she could say anything else, Birdy arrived.
“So what's ya call a meetin’ for?” Michael asked once they had all sat down at Amanda's kitchen table.
Amanda folded her hands together in front of her and leaned forward. “I called ya over because we're takin’ over some operations in America and I need ya ta go oversee tha transfer. There's been some issues.”
Michael was taken aback. “Me? Why me?”
“Because we're all busy -- I’m tryin’ ta clean up tha mess Bren left while also dealin’ wit' Jimmy's shite, Viking is workin' on getting tha houses reopened, and Birdy's still dealin’ with Frank's estate. Yer’ that only one left who we can trust ta take care a’ things.”
“Plus I think it'll be good for ya to get away for a while ‘till things settle down again,” Birdy added. 
Michael shook his head. “Are ya forgettin’ tha’ I'm a convicted felon? They won' even let me on a plane, much less inta another country.”
“Tha's already taken care of.” Birdy picked up a manilla envelope off of the table and handed it to him. “Everything is in here.”
Michael opened it to find an ID and passport.
He looked at the ID. “Michael O’Brien?”
Amanda shrugged. “Best we could do on short notice. ‘Least ya get ta go by yer first name.”
Birdy cut her eyes over to Amanda briefly before turning back towards Michael. “Flight’s already booked. Ya leave on Thursday.”
Michael sighed, resigned. “Where exactly am I goin?”
A satisfied look spread across Amanda's face as she leaned back. “New York City.”
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acefaun · 10 months
Hi, can i request a Thorin x human girl reader story? Reader is scared of Thorin because of the dragon-sickness and seeing that he slowly realizes his mistakes and apologized to her. Please 🥺 🙏
I know you can do it! 🥺💖
Thorin~ Dragon-Sickness
Synopsis: Being afflicted with dragon-sickness, Thorin fails to realize his mistakes until your fear of him shakes him back into reality. But he has to deal with the consequences of his actions. 
🍃Masterlist🍃 Female MC!
A/n: Dude. 🥺 Writing this hit me super hard considering not long after the dragon-sickness you-know-what happens to Thorin. I know you didn't mean to, but my FEELINGS are hurting and I hope yours hurt too after this! 🥺 
–Word Count: 2,889–
From the minute your party stepped into the Lonely Mountain, you knew what you were possibly getting into. You’d heard the horror stories of this place, stories which you thought were nothing more than what they were: stories. 
But… much to your heart ache, you were wrong.
You took Thorin’s desperation to get into the mountain as a simple determined wish to return home. After all, he was so close. You knew it would break him to have to turn around when his home was in his grasp.
There were… subtle changes that you noted upon gaining access to the mountain. You thought he seemed too merciless upon sending Bilbo to face the dragon. Sure… going into the mountain to retrieve the Arkenstone was the whole reason Bilbo was part of your company in the first place—he was your burglar hobbit. But… that didn’t mean any of you wanted to put him in any real life-threatening danger all on his own. 
The only thing that seemed to sway your feelings was that Bilbo was determined to do what he signed up for. He was going to help these dwarves reclaim their home, and it was an honorable choice, in your opinion.
However, Thorin even seemed to treat his dwarven allies much worse as time went on. You had all been searching tirelessly for the Arkenstone, but Thorin was less than pleased by any of your efforts; he wanted results. He wanted the Arkenstone in his hands. You helped as best you could, but to no avail. Your aid did not grant them restful nights and chances to stop for food—Thorin was impatient.
From there, things only proceeded to get worse. Your heart ached for the people of Laketown, whereas Thorin had seemingly no sympathy for them—this was only proven to you when Bard later failed to negotiate for their fair share of what was in the mountain. Thorin had indeed changed, and not for the better. You had never seen him more selfish than he was under the influence of this dragon-sickness.
To make matters worse, your heart broke when Thorin came to you and Bilbo, his most trusted supporters, with his concerns. “I have been blind,” he said carefully, eying the two of you as if you'd agree with his next statement. “Now, I begin to see. I am betrayed.”
You were both surprised by his sudden conclusion, but Bilbo was the first to question him. “Betrayed?” 
You couldn't tell if this was a personal accusation towards you or Bilbo, or if it was some mistake toward his kin. Thorin wasn't making his intentions or suspicions very clear, so you said, “Thorin… I think you're overthinking the situation. What could make you think-” 
“The Arkenstone,” Thorin interrupted, staring harshly as if he were accusing either you or Bilbo. But he was very swift at adding, “One of them has taken it.” He paused, a tense silence filling the air as if he were waiting for the so-called traitor to pop out. “One of them is false.”
You shared a worried glance with Bilbo who tried to calm Thorin’s irritation, “Thorin, our quest is fulfilled. You've won the mountain. Is that not enough?” Thorin remained stubbornly silent, convinced of his accusations. Pleadingly, Bilbo looked at you. “(Name)?”
Nodding in agreement with the small hobbit, you insisted, “We've all made it here together alive and well. We've won the mountain. You made it to your home, love.” 
Still, the dwarf King seemed to ignore all reasoning as he brooded, “Betrayed by my own kin…” He truly looked betrayed, and your heart ached for the pain he must have been feeling despite his mind being in the wrong place.
“You- You made a promise… to the people of Laketown,” Bilbo frantically tried to bring Thorin back to reality before he lost himself. I could tell that Bilbo’s feelings of concern were genuine and that he wanted to see Thorin in his right mind as much as I did. They were friends. “Is this treasure truly worth more than your honor—our honor? Thorin, I was also there. I gave my word.”
“For that, I am grateful,” he nodded. “It was nobly done by both of you. You've both shown true loyalty to me…” For the briefest of moments, he was soft and I saw a glimmer of the man I loved. “But the treasure in this mountain does not belong to the people of Laketown.” His tone took a sudden turn, and I was startled by his harshness—though, it seemed to be a pattern nowadays. “This gold… is ours, and ours alone. By my life… I will not part with a single coin… not. one. piece of it.”
“Thorin Oakenshield!” Your outburst caused Bilbo to flinch. He had never seen your anger; Even Thorin was taken aback that you had yelled at him. “You are a dwarf of honor,” you continued your heated rant, “You're a dwarf of your word—a respectable King. Why now are you treating the people who have followed you on this quest as if they are nothing more than petty thieves and liars?! This is your family and if you push them away, you will be left with no one; but all the filthy gold you desire will be yours and yours alone.” 
You simultaneously viciously defended the dwarves, complimented Thorin, and declared your stance of things before storming away. This only left Thorin in furious shock and Bilbo was quick to place a hand on Thorin’s chest, keeping the enraged dwarf from following you. Bilbo knew it wouldn't end well… 
Nodding his head reassuringly, Bilbo suggested, “I'll talk to her. I'm sure it was nothing but nerves working. After all... you are pitting her against her own people…” He awkwardly patted Thorin’s shoulder at the look of repressed rage in Thorin’s glare. Bilbo repeated, “I'll talk to her…” He quickly escaped Thorin’s brewing fury to track you down. 
It was needless to say that you were furious with Thorin. He clearly wasn't in his right mind to be making any sound decisions, so you aided Bilbo in escaping the mountain with the Arkenstone by providing him with some rope you found. After all, there had to be some way to help Thorin, and maybe the answer was getting the Arkenstone as far from him as possible. This dragon sickness had affected him too severely. You were fairly confident that the Arkenstone could be used as leverage to stop this oncoming war; Bilbo was the only way this war had a chance of being avoided. 
Though… maybe you should have come up with a different approach when the little hobbit was nearly killed by an enraged Thorin. You were much too late to step in and help, but you were ever grateful to Gandalf for coming just at the right time. He seemed to have an affinity for last-minute rescues. 
However, after viewing Bilbo’s safe retreat to Gandalf, you too retreated into the mountain so as not to face Thorin, your broken beloved.
It wasn't that much longer later when a war erupted outside of the sealed entrance of the mountain. It was primarily between elves, dwarves, and humans; that was until an army of orcs showed up, forcing the three races to band together in their fight… Well… All but Thorin and his company. 
There was chaos brewing, and all Thorin could think was to find you, his love… a traitor. “You…” He hissed. “I never imagined you'd stoop so low…”
Your eyes wearily trailed over the dwarf King you loved. How did it suddenly become just you and him there? Where were the other dwarves? Were you going to have to fight Thorin similarly to what you'd just seen happen between him and Bilbo?
Still, you felt disrespected with the way he was speaking to you. “You would have killed him,” you accused. “You'd have fought your own kin over something they didn't have! I couldn't let you do that…” 
“You knew he had the Arkenstone,” Thorin shot back with a deep frown, something you weren't used to seeing him with. He continued his accusations, “You knew he'd give it to our enemies.”
You huffed, incredulous at the pure audacity he seemed to throw your way. “They are not our enemies, Thorin! The elves, the men from Laketown, Gandalf, Bilbo… me. I'm not your enemy.”
“An ally…” Thorin started slowly, his eyes boring into you. “My love… would never choose another over me.” 
“It was in your best interest,” you replied quietly. You thought you were doing something good by ensuring the Arkenstone was out of his grasp, but it seemed he was too ill to see that you were only trying to help him. “Thorin,” his name came out in a disappointed sigh. “Bilbo’s right; you can’t see what you’ve become. You can’t see what this gold is doing to you.”
“So, you also think I should part with my treasure?” Thorin titled his head, but his expression wasn’t a pleasant one. “Man does not deserve the riches that rightfully belong to my people—to me! I am Thorin, son of Thrain! I am the King under the Mountain!” 
“You’ve abandoned your people to die out there in a needless war!” You argued fiercely, trying to get him to hear you. “You’re the reason Laketown has been turned to ashes, you almost killed Bilbo, and now you forsake the lives of those who have given you their loyalty!” 
“I am their King,” Thorin bellowed. “The number of lives lost is nothing compared to the riches this mountain holds. Life is cheap… A treasure such as this cannot be counted in lives lost. It is worth all the blood we can spend.” His words were heartless. You could see that he was looking at you but his eyes were glossed over with an ugly obsession; He was looking at you, but he could not see you; He was listening to you, but he could not hear you. 
You hummed absently, tears glistening in your eyes as you whispered, “You’re not the Thorin Gandalf introduced me to.” 
“Nor are you the woman I fell in love with,” he hissed. “She was not a deceitful wench.” After a tense moment of silence, his voice seemed to waver, as he ordered, “Leave… if you wish to live.” 
That was your breaking point where the tears dripped down your cheeks, but you didn’t give him the privilege of letting him see you break. Abandoning Thorin, you left to gather your things. Even after your long adventure, you didn’t have many personal items on you aside from the bag you’d come all this way with. 
But as soon as you mentally prepared yourself to leave your short-lived home, Balin stopped you, meeting you at the door of your room. Meeting each other’s gaze, Balin apologized, “Sorry you have to go through this, lass. Dragon-sickness can overtake even the strongest of us.” 
“I can’t blame him… for something he didn’t choose. But I also cannot stay to see a stranger in the eyes of the King I love.” You paused, your heart aching as you lamented, “We’ve been through a lot together, all of us, and we made it to Erebor. I’m sorry I can’t follow through until the end. If Thorin refuses aid, I will return to my people and help them myself.” 
Balin could only support you with a small smile. “Understandable, my lady. We wish you luck.”
“I would think the dwarves need luck far more than I do…” You offered a slight smile in return for his kindness before leaving. 
For extra measure, you took an extra bag filled to the brim with gold treasure. Just because Thorin had lost his mind with dragon sickness that didn’t mean you would forsake your people. You would do what Thorin could not. It was too late to repent for the war that had begun, and it might not have been enough for the whole of Laketown to rebuild their lives… but you prayed it would help lessen their suffering once this horrid war was over—at the very least, you hoped it would help the children and elder. 
However, when leaving for the exit of the mountain fortress, a voice sternly called out, echoing through the stone halls, “(Name)!” 
You froze, unable to face him, but fearful of his continued wrath—especially now that he was there to catch you making off with his gold. Warily, you uttered, “Thorin…” 
“Is this how you choose to end us?” Thorin asked venomously. “Stealing from me and making off with that bowman?”
End…? No. That’s not what you wanted—especially not with another man. You simply wanted to preserve what was left of something good while, at the same time, helping your fellow suffering people. Thorin surely had some audacity telling King Thranduil about the suffering of the homeless and suffering dwarves when he was going to leave the humans of Laketown homeless and suffering in the coming winter. 
But, for you, it was too late for running back to your people. Thorin caught you red-handed, and you didn’t have the will to fight him. You couldn’t protect yourself as you did Bilbo; you didn’t have the heart.
Tears blurred your vision as you turned to face him. “Thorin…” Your voice cracked as you looked at his blank expression. “I don’t want to remember you like this… But if you should kill me for trying to fulfill your broken promise…” You trailed off, your bags falling beside you, clattering with the weight of the gold coins. You couldn’t see him like this… His expression hurt your heart far too much, and that’s not the last thing you wanted to see if he decided to kill you. So you dropped to your knees, your head bowed in surrender. 
Thorin’s sharp eyes were glued to the bags beside you for but a moment, softening as they landed back on you… You were shivering before him, something… he never thought he’d see. Your cracking voice should have been enough to shake him, but seeing you trembling in terror on the floor struck a chord in him. He never wanted to see you like this—not because of him, of all people. He’d have killed anyone who had the audacity to make you cower in fear. Thorin’s throat tightened almost painfully as he quietly called, “My love…” 
You sharply lifted your wide, misty eyes, finding a kind-faced dwarf King gazing down at you with his hand extended. Sadness was deeply etched into his features; he no longer looked like a man possessed… Your throat tightened, and you choked out, “Thorin-”
He interrupted you, enveloping you in his strong arms, exactly where you belonged. “My love,” he repeated, again and again. “My love… I should never wish to bring you harm.”
An audible sob left your lips, your eyes flooding with tears that billowed down your cheeks and soaked into his sleeve. Your cheek pressed into his shoulder as you held him tightly as if he’d slip away at any moment if you were to let go. “You’re back…” You cried, “My Thorin.”
“I am… I will not let gold sway my loyalty to those I love.” He caressed your hair reassuringly, holding you firmly against him. You could feel how deeply he inhaled, taking in your presence in his arms, the feeling of you pressed into his chest—this was something he never wanted to lose, and neither did you. Quietly, he continued to speak, “I have a war to fight. Orcs are overtaking our forces. Will you wait for me? I will aid your people once we’ve won. I doubt that will be a suitable enough apology… But I will never stop seeking your forgiveness for all that I’ve done.” Pulling away enough to look at your face, his thumbs gently caressed your cheeks, wiping away your tears. Deep within his gaze, you could see the great anguish he felt for his actions; he loathed that he had hurt you. “(Name), I am sorry… Dwarves are foolish creatures.” “You are an idiot…” You agreed in a surprisingly delicate manner as you caressed his cheeks, your fingers lightly tracing over his beard. Despite your consistent hiccups and sniffles, your eyes were filled with infinite warmth and affection that could only be for him. “But I love you, Thorin. Please… Go help your friends. Lead your people. Save them.” You offered him a smile in return to his small, adoring one. “I’ll be here,” you promised. “I’ll wait for you.”
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sonorousabyss · 1 year
Hey hey! It's your Out of pocket anon!!
I really liked the electro Hashira request I sent in a while ago, I forgot to turn notifications on so I only now read it! Super cool!!
Here take a request!
Here take a GN demon reader who really likes Daki(platonically) because they think she's super pretty and if they're long lost sister is super pretty, than Daki must be they're sister! And Daki just doesn't care because it's a massive ego boost 💀💀
-out of pocket anon
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𝗗𝗮𝗸𝗶 𝘅 𝗚𝗡! 𝗦𝗶𝗯𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗥𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿 (𝗣𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗼𝗻𝗶𝗰) AN: Nice to hear from you again Out of Pocket Anon! Glad to hear you enjoyed the post(s). They were a joy to write! Hope you like this next one just as much. (Sorry for taking so long to send this one in! Things got busy on my end.)
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D/N doesn't recall much from their time before they were a demon, but what little they do recall is having a sister. Younger or older? They aren't quite sure. But they do know that when they were together? She was the prettiest thing they'd ever seen, and they could spend hours just admiring and doting on her.
But... She was lost...
And D/N was determined to find her- even if it meant they must get stronger in order to do so.
When they'd met Daki, for the first time, they were wandering through the entertainment district, disguised as a human, on a hunt for a familiar face. For someone that they might recognize. There were many pretty ladies there, sure. Women with various kinds of intentions.
But... Daki was different.
Those random women were human, but... she was something more... Someone breathtaking.
Just like D/N's sister.
And if they were a demon... their sister must be one too, right?
... Honestly?
The first time D/N referred to Daki as their sister? It had been an amusing experience. After all, Daki already had Gyutaro, and D/N most certainly wasn't him.
Who was this random, lower-rank demon who had the audacity to declare one of the upper moon duo their kin? They were lucky she was patient that day, patient enough to hear them out as to why they were so certain they were related.
So when she finds out that the reason they're so insistent is that D/N's sister was super pretty, and they thought Daki was pretty enough that they had to be one and the same? She couldn't resist.
After all, she's not above gaslighting someone naive if it means boosting her ego.
From that point onward, I like to think the two steadily got closer.
For once, Daki had someone else who was willing to dote on her in a familial sense, when Gyutaro wasn't around to do so himself.
Speaking of Gyutaro, I feel like he'd have mixed feelings over D/N trying to get so close- openly opposing the notion of them being related until Daki asked him not to in private. After all, this silly little demon was treating her well, and she wanted them to keep thinking that they were related. And if Gyutaro kept denying it? There was a chance that the demon might become discouraged and realize Daki wasn't their sister after all.
And Gyutaro? He was well known for wanting to keep his sister happy, even if it occasionally got in the way of his own goals.
So, he kept quiet about it. That didn't stop him from getting incredibly jealous at times- There are certain points where he bogarts Daki from D/N so they can have 'brother and sister bonding time' as he claims, but the truth is he just wants to keep her from them- But he does stop verbally protesting whenever he hears D/N refer to Daki as their sister, or Daki referring to D/N as their sibling when talking to the humans.
Of the siblings, Daki and D/N are definitely closer to each other than D/N and Gyutaro are, and they're both fine with that. D/N didn't remember having a brother, but that didn't matter to them. They had their sister back, and that made them happy enough.
I like to picture D/N and Daki together in private, the former brushing the latter's hair and helping her get ready for her day. Doing her makeup. Little things like that.
D/N being extra doting because in their eyes, they just got their sister back and they had what felt like years of lost time to make up for. Constantly complimenting her, unintentionally feeding her ego. Apologizing for taking so long to find her.
And Daki is just reveling in this attention.
Does she care about the fact that she's absolutely using this poor demon, whose sister is who knows where? No. Not at all. Their real sister could be dead for all she cares (and at this rate? She probably is). She had no intention of going back on this little charade of hers.
The demon doesn't know and doesn't care. So why should she?
For all intents and purposes, Daki does treat them like a sibling- be it for her own amusement or for the fact that over time, she does gradually grow to consider them part of the family.
That said, I feel like this familial love is also, to a partial degree, conditional. She's definitely a lot kinder when D/N is buttering her up, and odds are they both are having D/N train and prove themselves because as a sibling of upper moon 6, they should be able to take care of themselves, right?
They couldn't have their dear sibling getting offed by some meager demon slayer, after all, especially if that demon slayer wasn't even a Hashira.
That just wouldn't do.
That said, by this point, D/N's been a demon long enough that I doubt that they exactly mind. What's a couple of human lives lost and some stringent combat training if it keeps their dear sister happy? She's strong on her own, and if they have any hope of keeping her safe and sound, they have to get closer to her level.
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AN: It's been a hot minute since I've watched the arc with Daki and Gyutaro so sorry if this seems off, might go back to edit it later. Either way, I loved this idea. The idea of the reader just having these cute little moments with Daki absolutely warms my soul. Though I may or may not have had to suppress the urge to write in some angst as well... Possibly. Nonetheless, may your day be as pleasant as the ocean's abyss is deep.
For those of you who are new around here? I take requests. You can find my rules here.
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zeestarfishalien · 10 months
Life works differently in Amity Park
[lore for ghost cannibalism au series I’m writing but feel free to use this elsewhere. It can be read as its own ficlet]
Amity isn't sure exactly when it became more. To some degree it has been 'more' for a very long time, but it was never quite to this level until He came.
At 1:17 P.M. CST on August 3rd of 20XX two unique beings came into existence at the same time. Electricity and Ectoplasm from the realm that ties all realms together flooded into Amity Park in an explosive combination, not unlike the Big Bang. At the center of this reality altering event was The Boy; at it's perimeter, Amity Park. In a way, Amity Park came into being as a way to protect the rest of the dimension from the effects of the tear in reality. Amity could absorb ectoplasm and grow into it's own sentience.
The Boy is the source, and the kindred soul. They are both forever marked by the same event from which they were born. Born, may not be the right word, but transformed doesn't quite cover their metamorphoses or the sheer extent of the change. Metamorphosis doesn't quite fit right either, so 'born' it is.
The Boy is Kin and even when He leaves Amity's protective borders, it keeps Him within their senses. It makes sure He remains mostly unharmed. He is strong, but Amity is protective. It has never had kin before Him. Amity never had much reason to move before The Boy began leaving its borders. Sure, it was vaguely aware that it was capable of such a thing but there was no desire to, not until The Boy went to Wisconsin. Amity went with Him.
Later, Amity doesn't follow Him around, He becomes annoyed when it does that all the time, but without Him, Amity is bored. Sometimes jumping to somewhere else eases the boredom. It gets to watch the changes from both within and without itself. Different states have different laws and reality bends around Amity in such a way that no one notices its movement. No one who cares enough to try and stop it at least.
Amity can't come with Him to New Jersey. Lady Gotham is mean and territorial like the spirits of the realm between realms. They don't like what Amity is. She can't eat Amity but Amity is also too similar to her. Similar but different. Lady Gotham does try to eat The Boy. Amity doesn't like that and badgers her borders briefly but Lady Gotham is a spirit and similar enough to The Boy that they have to fight. She has to try to eat him and he has to try to eat her. It is ritual and as much as Amity doesn't like it, Amity is used to this. So many spirits have been in and out of it through the tear, the very tear that made Amity.
Most of the people of Amity Park don't know of the movement of their city. Reality trying to reassert its rules over the humans within this dimension. Of course, those who have had extended contact with the tear in reality have a higher resistance to Reality's assertions. It's still difficult for anyone to realize Amity's exploits unless they leave its borders and thus very few have noticed.
Amity is proud of itself and its people. It may try to keep as many of them within its borders as possible, discourage them from leaving. They are safer within and Amity is fond of them. The Boy would never allow it to keep people from leaving but He doesn't seem to mind that it gives certain nudges here or there.
Amity Park is alive as much as it is dead and things just work different there.
Btw this is not originally my idea. I first saw it in Shrodinger’s Bat by Michaelisunderrated on AO3. I just snagged the idea of “city goes where it wants” and ran with it to create this
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quinloki · 1 year
Asking for a second round for the kinks
What about Lactophilia, Negotation and Pegging with croco, doffy and corazon
That list Is so usefull >3
I almost answered this as soon as I saw it and I was like - no, no Quin you gotta do some writing ( and I did! and today has been a pita, so I'm going to answer this and unwind).
I almost wanted to lump "Negotiation" and say "all OP characters negotiate properly because it's a foundational rule of BDSM and kinks" - but! I realized two things: 1 - not all OP characters are non-toxic, and 2 - there's a lot of variance in how negotiations can be handled, so we can do that \o/
I'd do this by Character, but I kind of want to do it by Kink - I think it'll be better for the subtle differences between Sir Crocodile and Doflamingo (who are very similar), and also help highlight the dichotomy between Doflamingo and Rosinante.
*puts on glasses* Lacto-philia - well, I don't need to look this one up (go-go root word language course from college) - this is the enjoyment of breast milk. Kin-kay <3
Lactophilia -
Sir Crocodile: I dunno - Croco just doesn't strike as a "drink from the source" kind of guy, and while I could see him utilizing any lactation on his partner's part in some kind of kink session I feel like it would be tied to humiliation more than lactation. But it would also depends on his partners reaction to their own lactation.
If any part of it makes them uncomfortable in that "we're not talking about neutral or sexy embarrassment kind of way" then he's not going to force things.
Doflamingo: Sure - A "try something one, more and more if he likes it" kind of guy, I think Doffy would be open to experimenting when the opportunity arose. He would, at the bare minimum, enjoy groping and teasing your breasts until he figured out how everything worked. Whether it was caused by birth control or pregnancy he would have a justification for it - something to either quiet your false protests, or something to quiet your legitimate ones.
Doffy wants to see you squirm - canon universe or not, it's not like you can run from him if he makes you uncomfortable. (Doflamingo is such a yandere, and I think he'd openly admit to it too.)
Rosinante: Yes to FUCK Yes - Corazon certainly wants a family, whether he thinks he deserves on or not, or whether he could ever have one, is a completely different discussion, but things surrounding the building of a family certain get his motor running. There's reasons more than just pregnancy that can cause lactation, but whatever the cause it'll be the connection the younger Donquixote can't help but make.
He may sate his kink privately if you're not comfortable with it, but it's more likely that he'll be showering you with praise and assurances and compliments, trying his best to validate your feelings toward it while trying to help you become more comfortable with it. He is a drink from the source kind of guy if you'll let him, and honestly he just wants to lavish you with pleasure. (Rosi is 100% here for the whole Worship your body vibe).
Negotiation -
Sir Crocodile: This is hard to assign a rank to, but we'll go with a Yes for Crocodile. He's here for communication, and he'll respect your boundaries (much as he can), and he's certainly not against writing up a contract. There's no need to be so formal between lovers, but he also understands the comfort that can come from such a document. Mind yourself if you agree to one, this is a business man, you're only a tick or two away from making a deal with the devil if you put things into writing. Verbal arrangements are far more flexible, and Crocodile takes contracts seriously.
The are amendable, though, you're not etching things into stone. People and circumstances change, after all.
Doflamingo: Oh god you don't even know - you want to make a contract with Donquixote Doflamingo? I think I'd rather bury an offering at the crossroads and deal with an actual devil. Every word of the contract will be abided by, you can be assured. That means you better know every word in that contract too, and not just definition 1 of those words, but definition 2 and the biblical interpretations while you're at it.
Doffy's hot button is manipulation, and if you're going to sign your life away to his whims he won't pass it up. But, he's not entirely unreasonable - he won't force you to sign a contract. He's fine with verbal agreements, and he's even likely to abide your cute little safe words too, so long as you don't displease him. You're his favorite little distraction (or his sweet true love), he wants you to be happy.
Rosinante: Sure? - Rosi will sit down and work out all the kinky details of your relationship on paper if you want. He'll also be amenable to having conversation before and after each session, putting safe words into play, and even some back up safe-sounds/actions in case words are failing you.
Pegging -
Sir Crocodile: No - Absolutely not. Exit only. Not his thing. Not even willing to try. You may, might, possibly be able to beg him to try it once, if it's something you're absolutely dying to try at least once. He *may* like it, his opinion may change, but he may also avoid you for a couple days while he tries to shake it off and reclaim his dignity.
Control is a big thing for him, and it's hard to be in control in that situation.
(I need to admit I am a big, horrible fan of Croco x Doffy, I love them, and I generally prefer Croc as the bottom, but! (heh, butt) in an x reader context my head canon is what it is XD ).
Doflamingo: Sure - You give what you get, or get what you give in this case. It better be something you're comfortable with cause he's not going to be the only one receiving. And it may only be once or twice. Doffy likes his control, and more than that he likes manipulating people. The likelihood that he's manipulated you into pegging him is low, but he's a kinky bastard, so he's certainly not averse to the idea.
Gods help you if you can't please him while doing it though.
Rosinante: Yes - I'm undecided if Rosi is switchy when it comes to dom/sub dynamics, but I do think he is very much a switch for top/bottom dynamics. He'll give and receive for just about any situation and kink, with very few exceptions. For him the point is pleasure, his and yours, maybe more yours than his, but not so much that you catch onto him pampering you. If you want to peg him, he's just going to make sure it's good for both of you, whatever accessories end up being needed.
Kinky One Piece Head Canon
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skulljackxiii · 1 month
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GrojBand Comeback Tour - Carrie Beff
Support me over at Patreon: www.patreon.com/skulljackxiii
(Note: There was nothing much except that she's just an empty counterpart to Corey, or at least that's what I thought at first, but looking at the show I realized that Carrie does have some traits of her own. It shows that Carrie can be composed and thought provoking see how she's able to write her own lyrics despite the bizarre situation she's in, and she's quite the loving person seeing how openly friendly she is with her sister and how she shows annoyance with Trina's bad behavior. But there's never a good take as to why she's so focused on GrojBand and the need to prove that her band is better. So in this I'll make it so that Carrie's trajectory in life is to be the obstacle in front of GrojBand and be their bitter rivals, that way Corey would have no choice but to put all of his focus on Carrie herself. That's right, Carrie was once in the same spot as Laney, but unlike her Carrie put more thought in her position and knew that Corey would never look at her intently just being his friend, so she took matters in her own hands and set the stage where she could stand on equal footing as him. When interacting with one another, its usually teasing and light banter between the two; it's never mean-spirited or hostile like it is between Kin and Kim. But you can sense underlying hostility when she converse with Laney, for unspoken reasons.)
Role: Carrie is the key member of the Newmans, taking the role as the leader, frontman, and lead guitar; juggling all this she's often seen by her fanbase and friends as the face of the band. Along side that, she also maintains the position as the talent manager, making sure that everyone is okay and is up to parr when getting ready to perform.
Outside band related matters, Carrie is forced the difficult task of  being Trina's one true friend (reluctantly); always making sure that she's in a good mood for the sake of her sister and that band's financial benefit since Trina uses her college funds on their expenses. Trina chooses to open up and get close to only Carrie since she's one of the most popular people around and (she thinks) has hatred towards GrojBand like her. On the other hand, Carrie despises everything about Trina; from how she treats her sister to always interfering with GrojBand's performances.
Bio: Looking back before how she is now, Carrie was much like her sister at the start. She was someone who just blended in the background where no one notices that she's there. But because she doesn't have the same intelligence and academic prowess like her sister, her insecurities was routed more deeply than Minas'; there was nothing that she could claim that was hers' alone. But her first year in middle school would change all that when she meets Corey Riffin, someone that wants to make everyone's lives a lot more brighter and exciting. Seeing how alone and sad Carrie was all the time, he decided that he wanted to help her out and give her the best remedy to her pain, music. At first she was reluctant and declined, but she couldn't resist his persistence and his good will towards her. When she started playing and singing, she felt awkward and embarrassed, but seeing Corey listen intently caused her to be less stressed and  be more relaxed. As she continued, she began to get more enrolled in the music and more expressive in her performance, after that it was in that moment Carrie finally found something that she could be happy to do.
Of course it was then that she also felt immense gratitude and happiness for Corey being such an amazing friend; from then on all throughout middle school the two became a close pair that played their music anywhere and everywhere they went. But as she continued being by his side, she eventually realized her feeling were changing; her gratitude would turn into something much more, as she became more and more in awe of the influence, creativity, and confidence that Corey extruded no matter where he went. She knew that she wanted to convey how she really felt, but worries that it may ruin her best friendship. She didn't know what to do, but after a while she finally collected her thoughts and made a proclamation towards Corey. Though she wanted to stay by his side, she knew deep down that the only way that he would look at her seriously is when she stood on the same level as him and push forward as her own musician. After hearing this, Corey wasn't either mad or upset for this decisions but was rather excited to hear that Carrie was branching off on her own and become his rival, that way both of them can elevate each other to be better musicians. From then on both agreed that after reaching high school, they'll go out and form their own band to prove who's truly on top in the music genre.
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alexsgrimoire · 4 months
Plurality & Paganism: An Introspective
If any of you keep up with my main (@sinfulauthor), you may have noticed this post, along with my new pinned post. In short, I've come to the realization (after burying the thought of it for many years) that we are a Collective.
Now, how does this impact this blog and my craft?
To start off, this blog's content will remain the same. It will still primarily act as an e-grimoire with some additional posts, but the people posting what content will change. Specifically, these people:
-Alex (they/them), the host (hi!). I'll generally do most of the talking/posting. Works with The Signless/Sufferer and Dionysus. ANP that the IRL coven knows. (I'm not open with them about being a Collective just yet.)
-Vaati (he/him), who works with Demise and focuses on divination. Writes solely in cursive and gets VERY frustrated when grimoire notes are in standard print.
-Ghira (he/him), who works with Demise closer than Vaati for Obvious Reasons™️. (Though he generally doesn't do any actual spellwork, just offerings, worship, and altar setup.)
-Karkat (he/they) on occasion, solely because Signless HAS shown himself to him and is very much a Dad™️.
-Toko (she/her) has not yet "awakened." She was a former kin heavily associated with our craft. Taking bets on her being a spellcrafter/writer.
So, now that the roll call is done, onto some other stuff regarding plurality and paganism, the introspection the title mentions. (This will be below the cut as it's not as integral to the "functioning" of this blog.)
So, coming to the realization as a system was... interesting. We first became aware of dissociative disorders through Danganronpa (Yes, Toko's horrible representation. We know.) and related to Toko heavily. At the time, we were heavily involved in the Fictionkin community and had "memories" of those "timelines." However, this relatability on the DID aspect was soon hidden under the guise of "I like to write, and so does she! Also super traumatized like me lmao," and then we didn't think about it for five more years.
Come 2023, we've relapsed for the first time in four years and are going through some pretty traumatic stuff again. At an Esbat in September, an argument breaks out that causes us to dissociate and brings up those really painful feelings from childhood. Nothing felt real, and the rest of the night was foggy. (The people in the argument have since apologized. It was also an extremely stressful night due to our old High Priest being ousted for sexual misconduct not even 4 hours before we started.)
At this point, this whole debacle causes us to realize, "Hey, this isn't really a normal trauma response. There might be something else going on." We have a lot of friends who are systems, and we went to them asking, "Hey, do you like. think we're a system?" and FIVE OF THEM SNIFFED US OUT YEARS AGO AND DIDN'T BOTHER TO TELL US??? Like maybe that would have been useful information, idk (We still love our friends to bits, though)
So, fast forward to 2024. Still in the process of diagnosis but receiving trauma-focused therapy to process things. It's been a long process of figuring out how to live/function as someone with a dissociative disorder, but we're learning.
Thankfully, having a good support network has been a great help. We have an almanac (specifically The Practical Witch's 2024 Almanac by Friday Gladheart) to track our craft/spiritual work, and it's interesting to see the input of everyone in the collective. It's a lot of taking things day by day and seeing how things go, but we feel the energy around us changing.
Anyway, ramble over. If y'all read this to the end, thanks for sticking around. I've got some other posts we plan on making, so keep an eye out for those, too.
Signing off,
Alex of the Magic Collective
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cannibalcoyote · 8 months
Woodland Princess Ch.9: Memories
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Ch.8 Ch.10
Lord Elrond had led Raerthar and I back to Rivendell. When we got there Raerthar and I both stared at the overview of it.
I was remembering how my father would sometimes send me here if he needed alone time to think, or if he found himself incapable of keeping me safe from a threat against his kingdom.
I now started to realize how much I missed my father, even though he seemed cold, he was quite caring and made sure we did what was right. I missed Legolas too, he could be cold like our father but he always was easier to make happy.
Now when I think about it, my father raised us very differently. When Legolas was a kid he had a loving mother and a caring father who always had a soft spot for him, but when I was raised I only knew my mother when I was very young before she died in battle.
After that, father became very cold and reserved, even towards me who he used to spoil with gifts and kindness.
He tried though, he really did, but he usually sent me over here when he couldn't deal with me or when he didn't want to be near me because as he said, "You look too much like your mother."
"I know it's been a while, but I've only ever seen you cry twice. This is the second time." Voiced Lord Elrond from beside me.
I quickly reached up with my hand and wiped it under my eyes.
'I shouldn't be crying, after all I'll see my family after this if my father hasn't banished me for leaving his kingdom unauthorized', I thought to myself before Raerthar began to walk to Rivendell.
Lord Elrond followed close behind, thinking to himself.
'I can read her thoughts as she can read mine, she was thinking about her father and how much she misses him. I always thought she would miss her brother more because he was more affectionate, but it's her father. I really should tell him about her being here, and I will but only after they've been gone for 2 days. That seems reasonable.'
We walk to Rivendell in silence, the guards have slightly encircled around myself and Lord Elrond seeing as we are the royalty in this group. As soon as we arrive the guards move forward and circle my company who stand in the center of the clearing.
Lord Elrond dismounts and greets Mithrandir while he orders a guard to take Raerthar to a stall but then quickly remembers how I said she hates small spaces and tells him to instead release her among the open pastures.
After he has the other elves leave everyone to the dining room he quickly comes over and hugs me. I hug him back, not letting any tears fall from my eyes as I look upon Rivendell.
"Aelsar if you really want to you can just skip the dinner, I remember how you are about eating alone in your room reading your books and writing your stories."
"I think I'll just go to the pasture and hang out with Raerthar. Not really that hungry." I say to Lord Elrond before going to get dinner so I can get back to Raerthar.
I sat in the pasture, with Raerthar for mainly the rest of the day.
'Aelsar, you should go and feast with the rest of your kin. I'll be fine.' Spoke Raerthar as she was worried on how little I had been eating over the past few days.
'Now it will take awhile for you to get back into the flow of everything here, but you must go and socialize. The only people you've had an actual conversation with is Gandalf and I. You've been mostly quiet after the day Thorin yelled at you during the battle. I know you must be angry but you must go and see your friends. They will be worried about you.' Emphasized Raerthar as she nudged me towards Rivendell from within the pasture.
'Fine. I will go and have dinner with them, but if I don't like it I'm leaving.' Replied Aelsar in an understanding tone.
'Deal.' Replied Raerthar as she then used her magic to place Aelsar on her back, and then galloped towards Rivendell.
We reached the edge of the pasture which had a small walkway of stone and jewels that led out of the stables and towards the dining hall.
I silently slipped off Raerthar's back, saying goodbye and began walking down the path. It led me through a beautiful stone stable with a soft sandy ground.
As I reached the outside I saw the path that led to the dining hall. However I didn't want to disturb anyone or enter the room and gain their attention so I took a secret passageway that only Lord Elrond and I knew about.
The secret passage was hidden behind a tapestry which I simply pushed out of the way and walked through the stone corridor. At the end of the passageway there was a sharp turn and a statue which you simply pushed forward and it moved forward for it to move forward, and out of the way.
Ch.8 Ch.10
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eunoiaastralwings · 1 year
Hi, lovely! I'm so glad your requests are open! I have a cute idea that I was wondering if you'd be interested in writing?
Either Elladan or Argon bc they need more love ❤️
They have a secret admirer that occasionally leaves letters or little gifts (like cookies or small trinkets) for them. (They really hope it's y/n!)
Y/n accidently outs themselves at some feast/party and are so embarrassed, and it super flusters our elf boy, and he manages to confess as well
Thanks in advance if you decide to write this!
Be Careful What You Wish For
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characters elladan x reader
fandom tolkien- the hobbit the lord of the rings
a/n @fictionfordays - I have it and I really hope you enjoy it hun - was lowkey tempted to end this in angst lmaoo
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Elladan grinned - seeing yet another little piece of note left by his hunting gears.
He raced up and picked by the lavender scent note - his fingers excitedly opening it and his brother’s calls became distant:
‘The only time I have realized I have secretly fallen for you is when everything around me reminds me of you, in the smallest things, and the most unexpected moments, and I cannot tell you a single thing about it’
Elladan let out a soft breath - that he didn’t know he was holding.
His grin turned into a soft smile - as his eyes glossed over the words again.
Then, suddenly the note was ripped from his grasp.
He groaned - turning to his twin with a glare.
“The only time I have realized I have secretly fallen for you. . .is when everything around me. . .reminds me of you, in-”
Elladan rolled his eyes and grabbed the carefully crafted and decorated note back from Elrohir. 
His usually calm and composed twin - compared to himself - broke away from his usual façade to tease him for the little notes and sweet trinkets left by his supposed secret admirer.
It had been almost a month since he received these little gifts - left lying in places that were bound to be found by him.
The only people who would know him that well, were the ones of his kin . . .and Y/N.
The daughter of Lord Glorfindel - his heart never ceased to skip a beat whenever he set his eyes on you and he hoped more than anything you had left these precious little messages and trinkets for him.
Though - Elrohir being the wiser twin had advised not to let his heart go astray. . .what if it wasn't you?
It would leave not only his - but whosoever heart he captured broken too. . .
But call him selfish - he wanted. . .needed it to be you. . .
Elrohir had seen it through too - and he deeply hoped it was indeed you, you could not bear to think of the consequences otherwise. . .
“Be careful what you wish for, brother. . .”
Elrohir said quietly and moved away - making Elladan sigh.
Elladan gulped reading over his precious little note again - imagining it as it was your voice reading it out loud to him.
He was in too deep for something he wasn’t even definite about.
Elladan quickly hopped down from the high grounds - following his twin back into the centre of Rivendell.
The feast of Starlight was happening tonight and his father would scold him to Valinor if he was late for it.
He quickly got ready - dressing himself in the finest wear his father and sister had picked out for him - knowing he lacked any skills in looking presentable for feasts and festivals such as these.
Once Elladan was finished and dressed to look suitable for the event - he was surprised to meet you as he opened the door.
Your hand was moments away from knocking on the door and you blushed furiously as he chuckled.
“Hello, dear lady - what may I help you with?”
He asked - bowing generously to you.
Once composing yourself you rolled your eyes in a very unladylike manner - it was one of the reasons Elladan felt moved by you.
You didn’t let rules tie you down - you were your own person, proving much to be your father’s daughter.
He always admired it.
“I was hoping to get your opinion of my dress. . .”
You blushed as you spoke.
Elladan then dropped his gaze to your dress - a shimmering color that complimented your skin.
You wore it elegantly - you looked truly beautiful dressed in your favorite color and Elladan suddenly felt unable to form words as your beauty radiated causing his cheeks to redden a little too.
“I knew it. . .I look awful don’t I?”
You sighed - in seeing how long he was taking to answer. Unaware of what was really happening to him.
Elladan quickly reached for your hand as you turned away looking ashamed.
“Wait - no you look radiant!”
He blurted out fast - his face blushing again and he needed to clear his throat.
Elladan thanked Eru for his fair skin - for if his skin had been ruddy or freckled like the Feanorian relative he had heard he would have been a bright red berry.
Elladan suddenly felt the pain of the Feanorian as he stood in front of you - bashfully.
He grinned seeing you let out a sigh of relief.
You looked positively glowing - he thought.
Once Elrohir had joined the both of you - you three made it down to the festivities.
While tended to his duties behind his father - his eyes still remained on you.
You had gotten a hold of his sister Arwen and was interacting with her well into the night - that was until Aragorn had whisked her away.
Sneaking away from his father’s side he grinned making his way to you.
You had instantly smiled seeing him - making his heart skip a few beats.
“Elladan. . .”
You smiled.
“I told you look radiant!”
He smirked - has he overheard so many of the guests and residents complimenting you. 
Including Lindir couldn’t help himself from delivering a compliment.
You blushed with a small thanks.
Elrohir came to your side not too long after - and joined Arwen and Aragorn had finished their dance they joined in your little circle too.
“Elladan, brother - why don’t you say about the lovely note you had gotten this evening?”
Elrohir suddenly said - making Elladan almost choke on his drink.
Your eyes had widened and you slowly looked at Elladan you tried to compose himself - then sent a glare to his twin.
Elrohir was the only one who knew Elladan had a secret admirer.
“A note, hanar?”
Arwen questioned - the excitement in her voice could not be missed.
Elladan tried to say something - but he was immediately cut off by Elrohir.
“Why, yes, little sister - a note from a secret lover no less.”
Elrohir smirked.
You had gotten unnaturally quiet - sipping away the wine in your hand but you listened attentively to the conversation.
“You have a secret lover, hanar!”
Arwen spoke excitedly to Elladan - her eyes sparking wanting to hear all the information about it.
“Oh what were the words again? Something about ‘The only time I have realized I have secretly fallen for you. . .is when everything around me. . .reminds me of you. . .’ I wasn’t able to read the rest of it - because someone took it away from me.”
Then Elrohir met eyes with his twin - it was only when he side-eyed you did Elladan understand what his twin was doing. 
Elladan looked at you for a quick second - your eyes were on your wine but you were nervously biting your bottom lip.
He looked back at Elrohir who sneakily gestured to Sîdhel - Lindir’s daughter.
Snapping his eyes shut for a second - he took a deep breath.
“Yes - I do. . .sometimes little trinkets. But usually it is little notes.”
His eyes snuck to you as he spoke to Arwen.
“They are deeply poetic and beautiful - definitely from a gifted writer. . .perhaps even a singer. If I didn’t know any better I would be from Sîdhel. Her lady always knows the right choice of words - her words are always poetic. Her form of speech is as if reading a poem from one of Master Erestor’s scrolls. She knows a little craftsmanship from-”
You suddenly shouted - your eyebrows had knitted together in anger and you almost slammed your glass down on the table beside you. 
You earned some glances - but you were too angry to notice them.
Elladan frowned seeing the sudden change in you.
“How could you think they were from Sîdhel? Sîdhel never showed any interest in you. She surely hasn’t spent countless nights trying to think of perfect words to fit into the feelings my heart feels for you. Elladan you never listen - I spoke those words to you before, perhaps not exactly as written, but it was plainly obvious. And the little trinkets I left you? Did you not understand the carved horse at least? When you first took me out horse riding, it was the exact horse I carved for you. Or the flowers? - Remember the flowers we saw when you first took me hunting! Or-”
You suddenly silenced your shouted as you caught yourself in what you were doing. 
You gulped - blushing a deeper shade of red by the second as four pairs of eyes watched you in shock.
You couldn’t even look Elladan in the eye - hastily making a ridiculous excuse you quickly escaped.
Your father’s bright blond hair was within sight and you were around to let him know you were going to retire early tonight.
Then suddenly a grabbed your wrist from behind you - you knew that familiar grip and you refused to meet his gaze.
“Y/N. . .”
Elladan breathed out - still unable to believe what he had heard.
“I-. . .forgive me. . .”
You sighed - only for Elladan to pull you to him and press his lips on top of yours.
Your sighed widened in shock but found yourself immediately kissing back.
After a moment he pulled away - placed his forehead on your forehead.
“My brother warned I should be careful what I wish for, - because I wished for you, I wished for them to be from you, meleth.”
You blushed.
“I thought you were hoping for Sîdhel. . .”
You frowned.
“My clever little starlight, I was hoping to catch you out.”
He winked as he smirked.
You rolled your eyes - you should have known Elladan surely had ways to catch you out on your own game.
“You are truly a fool for not understanding my gifts to you.”
You muttered - feeling a little upset.
“That I am - but I am your fool.”
Elladan grinned.
You laughed.
“I love you, Elladan. . .”
You confessed.
He was about to reply when someone had cleared their throat behind you.
Both of you turned to your father with crossed arms and a raised eyebrow.
“Ada. . .”
You tried - but Elladan immediately cut you off.
“I love her!”
He suddenly blurted - making you burst into laughter.
Glorfindel then only smirked.
He took his leave.
You laughed at the look on his face - he looked as if the doomsman of the valar had arrived before him.
He shook his head.
“Well at least your father approves.”
“He sure does.”
You laughed - then smiled as Elladan dove in for another wish.
They say you should be careful what you wish for you - and as Elladan protectively and lovingly kept you in his arms, you knew you wished for the right thing.
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Taglist form
tara's taglist: @wandererindreams @fizzyxcustard @ranhanabi777 @spidergirla5 @asianbutnotjapanese @floraroselaughter @mismaeve
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nellycanwrite · 1 year
Hear me out
What if Noli / El Fili were a no-powers AU namor x reader (except ybarra/namor's... The heir/prince of talokan)
Imagine Namor in the setting of Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo and fighting for Philippine Independence
Note: This prompt is based off of a novel called Noli Me Tangere (Touch Me Not) and its sequel El Filibusterismo (The Subversive) written by the Philippines' national hero and activist, Jose Rizal. His works are published discretely to expose the Spanish colonial abuse in print. He describes the pain of the Filipinos under Spanish rule through his writings and was executed for treason against the Spanish empire. His works have inspired the Filipinos to rise up and claim Philippine independence.
Disclaimer: This No Power AU will not feature Namor having Spanish blood, nor will he have any ties to the Spanish conquistadors as respect to his roots in the movie. He is a native-born illustrados; a native blood, educated man of class who is a part of the Propaganda Movement whose writings inspired the calls for Philippine Revolution. For the purposes of accuracy to the time period and setting, however, the characters will be speaking in Spanish.
Avaleine please istfg DON'T TEMPT ME TO WRITE THI—
Imagine a Noli Me Tangere No Powers AU of K'uk'ulkan where he is a native-born illustrados, heir to the riches and land of Talokan, the land his mother left him after her death.
Imagine him coming back from his education from Europe to attend the funeral of his mother, only to find out that the friars of the church and the Spanish politicians hid the reason for his mother's murder.
Imagine K'uk'ulkan erecting schools for those with the same native blood as him so he could teach his kin to be educated enough to fight for their rights in the unfair regime of the Spanish.
Imagine K'uk'ulkan meeting you—his beloved fiance—after years of being apart, only to disappear again as he uncovers the secrets of the Spanish regime and the corruption of the Catholic church.
Imagine him promising you that he would return, but it would be months before you would see each other again. You longed to be with him, but you could not do anything when he is wanted by both the state and the church.
Imagine your peers, your father, and the church pressuring you to call off your engagement with Don K'uk'ulkan. You never wanted to break off the engagement, you never wanted to be betrothed to another man, but you had no power during this era; where women are treated as objects for men's fancies.
Imagine K'uk'ulkan never bearing the same mindset as other men. He always respected you, always told you that you were perfect. But now your engagement was forcefully nulled. And now you are heartbroken.
Imagine him fighting for the freedom of the same people with same plight as him, but he soon realizes that he made a much bigger enemy of the Spanish than he originally thought; and it was all because his mother tried to fight off the Spanish when they had so wrongly mistreated her people—the same people that K'uk'ulkan so desperately tried to protect in the place of her deceased mother.
Imagine him faking his death after the sacrifice of his dear friend Attuma and escaping to Spain to hide with the riches his mother had given him in her last will. He would grieve the death of his closest friend, but he continues on to amass more wealth and fame so he could fight the Spanish regime with his newfound power.
Imagine Attuma's last words before he pushed K'uk'ulkan away to escape the guards who are chasing them; “I can neither love my country or be happy here, but if I were to die here, to spill my blood for my countrymen, then I would suffer a thousand deaths and perish in the soils of which I came.”
Imagine, on the day before your arranged marriage that was hand picked by your father, you read the news of your lover's “death.”
Imagine you telling your father that if he really loved you, if he truly did love you as his daughter, then he would call off the marriage.
Imagine that you only put up with this arrangement in the first place because you could survive through your betrothal with just the knowledge that K'uk'ulkan was alive. But now that he is dead, you could not live with the thought of marrying another man.
Imagine turning to your father, tears falling from your eyes, as you declared; “I wish not to marry any other man, father! My beloved is dead—my K'uk'ulkan is dead! If you still claim to love me as your daughter, then call off the marriage! If not, then it is either the convent or the grave.”
With great reluctance, your father allows you to enter the convent and become a woman of faith; for the death of your beloved was enough for you to vow your chastity upon the Lord and turn away from wandering eyes of men who wanted your hand for your riches.
But you never knew that K'uk'ulkan was alive. Under the guise and a fake name, he continued to build his own riches, his own power, his own empire just he could return to your arms and save his suffering countrymen.
And in a few years, he comes back for you, tricks the people who staged his supposed death (and killed his best friend Attuma).
And now imagine him, going up to you near the entrance of your convent with a smile; you could not recognize him for he was disguised, but he seemed...familiar.
“Hola, señorita. I am Namor. Your father must've told you about me, no?”
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tetitous · 11 months
I've just come across the realization that 2 shows I absolutely adore have made an attempt at a very similar type of villain, and while one worked, even though she wasn't appreciated by everyone, the second one is recognized by the entire fandom to have been messily written.
So now I'm going to try, through comparison, to see why Dante from FMA 2003 feels much better written than Oropo from Wakfu.
First and foremost, some basic presentation.
[Warning: spoiler for both shows, I'm doing an analysis so I need to work with what the shows gave]
Dante is a normal woman, an alchemist who unlike most managed to create the Philosopher Stone, and to transmute a human soul within another human body, effectively making her immortal through soul transfer. She takes in the results of failed human transmutation, homonculi, and raises them into faithful followers, promising them to make them human. She uses them to keep tabs on alchemist with the potential to create the Stone, and to create situations where people would get tempted to seek or create it (usually through conflicts, wars and massacres). Her goal is to obtain the Stone for herself without dirtying her own hands, and to stay young and beautiful through body-hopping. She also wants to get back at Hohenheim for leaving her.
Oropo is the result of Yugo's use of the Six Eliatrope Dofus. Sent at the beginning of time with all of his kin, and learning all the while, he has much more knowledge than the average human, and is similar to immortal due to the way life energy gets transfered from one eliotrope to another when one dies. He takes in demigods like him and convinces them to follow him by promising them they'll replace the gods and be able to do better than them. He uses them to accomplish his goals, obtain the artifacts necessary to his goals and make sure that the events that caused his own birth do happen. His goal is to replace the gods and obtain Yugo's energy to avoid death, he also wants to get back at Yugo for creating him then leaving him in the dirt.
In a way I bet you can see the similarities that caused my reflexion, and you also might already see one reason why Oropo's writing is already a bit difficult: time travel created a paradox in which he existed before his own birth, making his creator unaware of his existence, and so incapable of helping him in any way. Convoluted situation aside, and it's worth noting it isn't helping, it already makes one of his goals illogical. I don't mean to equate illogical with emotional, mind you, Dante wanting to get back at Hohenheim is just as emotional, but the reason why Yugo wasn't there for Oropo was because he couldn't be there, for a long time he didn't even exist! How was he supposed to help? And Oropo knows this, but chooses to ignore this information. On the other hand, Hohenheim leaving was his decision, he was aware of Dante and decided to leave her, so while it is an emotional matter it is also understandable why Dante would be angry at him. Add this to the fact that Yugo is the protagonist, a character most people like even when he makes mistakes, whereas Hohenheim is usually considered an asshole, or at least a guy who made very questionable decisions, and you get very different reactions from the audience.
I'm only getting started though, because another problem has to do with the characters they're surrounded with.
Dante has the homonculi : humans but not quite, emotionally torn by their nature, that Dante raises from birth into obedient servants, holding them on a leash with a promise of humanity. They're here from episode one, usually cold and uncaring, you still get to see their more emotional side, through Lust and Wrath mainly, but also with Greed, Sloth and Envy. Those are characters who seem simple on the outside, but who actually have depth. Dante however sees them as tools, never anything more. It starts with the way she names them and it ends with her taking away Gluttony's mind, which is also the cause of her own downfall. She believes herself superior to others, and the homonculi inferior to all. She remains consistent on that matter. The only character she actually has respect for is Hohenheim, she has a bit of respect for the Elric brothers, a little bit for Izumi, and that's as far as it goes. Pretty women are vessels, others are either Stone-producer material or just Stone material.
Oropo, on his end, has the Brotherhood. They are demigods who grew-up in bad environments, who he took in and promised them he would help them change the world. He calls them siblings, and makes them call each other siblings, while Oropo's tower seems to establish a form of hierarchy, in practice they have a status almost equal to his. They only start appearing in the OVAs (the manga if you have them), and most of their screentime is focused on action scenes, Echo being the biggest exception, Adamai being a special case, and Coqueline and Ush arguably. They're all implied to have depth, there's a buch of lore about them, but the show never quite gets there. Oropo sees them as replacement for the Brotherhood of the Tofu, as such he seems to spend time with them, gets to know them, they aren’t just tools to him, but in the end he keeps projecting other people onto them (we regrettably don't get to really see it, the closest ones are again Adamai, because Adamai, and Echo who "replaces" Amalia). He's a bit inconsistent with the way he treats them, usually talks of them as brothers, and yet still infantilizing them, punishing them for thinking for themselves even though he encourages them and their goals. Oropo doesn't seem to consider himself superior, it actually feels more like he has an inferiority complex centered on Yugo. He litteraly wants what Yugo has, and if he can't take it from him, he'll just find the next best thing.
There's a lot of compelxity there, and it's for a character we see for only 13 episodes, the result of that is bound to feel clumsy.
In comparison Dante feels simpler, that's because her complexities are related to the main theme of the show, equivalent exchange and the value of a human soul, of humanity as a concept, and the rest is kept relatively simple. Her incoherences are typically adressed by the text itself and she remains a bad person the whole way, just one who raises important questions.
Oropo is a bit all over the place, the main theme of Wakfu are family and the moral implications of one's actions (for oneself or for others, the one that can and the ones that have to be made), which are very broad themes and rarely adressed in an open way, so the characters, the antagonists especially, cannot really be all that simple. Oropo's incoherences remain unadressed, and because we didn't get that much of him interacting with his circle we cannot feel that divide.
In the end Dante feels more alone than Oropo does, that's one dies alone by the end of her tools while the other gives up on his plan and dies with his loved one.
I like Oropo, but I think it's because I spent a lot of time thinking about him, because it's really hard to like him with just what the show gives us. Dante is a villain I love because she's unlikable and I'm not expected to feel for her, but I can see in her something that talks to the worst side of my own humanity. In Oropo, at first I only saw a parody of a politician, or at worst a sect guru, it's only with much thinking I started seeing a lost child running on lost time, who had to create a family after being abandoned by his father when others usually have theirs no matter what, and who got jealous of that. That's why the creators tried to make him empathetic even though he was a pretty terrible guy.
I hope I got most of what I wanted to express right, there's a lot of other stuff actually, but I feel like I tackeld the main point. Also I like to compare my fandoms, that's just what I do.
Anyways if anything gets added just know that I'm an avid analysis reader, so you can leave it under there ^^
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catofadifferentcolor · 9 months
Terrible Fic Idea #62: Hauteville!Nicolò di Genova
My major problem - the one that keeps me from actually writing any of the terrible fic ideas I have - is that I hyperfixate on details. Case in point, I was reading Crusaders by Dan Jones as background for eventual TOG headcanons - and was hit by how much the physical description of Bohemond I of Antioch resembled Nicky. So, naturally, I thought, why not?
Or: What if Nicolò di Genova was the bastard son of that famous crusader, Prince Bohemond I of Antioch?
Bear with me:
Eldest son of the Norman adventurer Robert Guiscard (aka "The Terror of the World"), Bohemond was declared a bastard when his parents' marriage was invalidated and, "discovered that the most reliable way to get ahead in the world was with a sword in one's hand, and he had been blessed with the physicality and family connections to do just that" (55). Alternately described, "a fine figure even among the greatest," "a hero of great stature," and "spiteful, malevolent, deceitful, treacherous, inconstant, greedy, bitter, [and] a congenial liar," even his detractors were forced to admit, "he was magnetically beautiful: tall, broad-chested and handsome, with large hands and a solid stance, captivating light blue eyes and a fair complexion, his hair cut short around his ears and his chin shaved quite smooth, both provocatively out of keeping with a world in which tresses and beards were the usual symbols of machismo" (54).
Naturally, having just finished watching The Old Guard for approximately the eighth time, I thought, who does that sound like? Luckily the timeline seems to work, and thus this headcanon was born.
Just imagine it:
Bohemond was born between 1050 and 1058. If the date was on the earlier side of things (or he was a bit precocious), it's not impossible for him to have fathered a bastard child born c. 1069. The mother is quickly married off to a minor noble in Genoa, earning her child the appellation di Genova.
As a child Nicolò saw little of his father, but was encouraged to follow in his footsteps. He received perhaps the best military education available at the time given his Hauteville relations and proved to be a prodigal swordsman. Unlike his extended male kin, however, Nicky had little desire to carve a principality out for himself.
Given the choice, Nicky would rather join a monastery than a military campaign. There are a variety of reasons for this, ranging from not wanting to be assassinated as a potential rival to a legitimate brother or cousin's throne to monasteries being great centers of learning to genuine religious feeling, but no religious house would dare cross his father or grandfather by allowing him to take holy orders without their permission. Which neither would ever give. Nicky was more useful to them as a knight than an abbot or bishop.
This stalemate goes on for a while, until the First Crusade. Although left behind in Italy to finish the siege of Amalfi in 1097, Nicky was summoned to the Holy Lands by his father after the siege of Antioch to help solidify his new position as prince of the same. Nicky delayed as long as possible, finally sailing to Jaffa in June 1099 with Guglielmo Embriaco to relieve the siege of Jerusalem.
Joe and Nicky kill each other for the first time on night of 14 July 1099, after the outer walls are breached (93). They repeat the process several times through the night, moving further and further away from the city each time. On the morning of 15 July they realize they're soulmates lay down arms, make their way back to the city, and arrive just in time to see the walls of Jerusalem fall.
They each die multiple times trying to protect the innocents caught up in the fighting and it's at that moment they each realize how easily they could fall in love with the other - though neither acts on their feelings until they arrive at Cairo some weeks later, having decided to leave the fighting behind and search the world together for answers to their immortality.
They go from Cairo to Alexandria to Tripoli to Mahdia, moving slowly and staying in each place for months to do research and earn coin for the next leg of the journey.
They are preparing to leave for Algiers when news arrives that Bohemond I has died, leaving the principality of Antioch to his infant son, Bohemond II, under the administration of his nephew Tancred. This should be the one and only moment Nicky has doubts about traveling with Joe, as Nicky considers returning to the Holy Land to protect the half-brother he's never met from those who might take advantage of a young ruler and leverage this guardianship to bring peace to the war-torn region. It is an agonizing night until Nicky realizes he made his decision long ago, and that he'd rather travel with someone who loves him and doing good where they can than fight for a land he's never seen for people who only ever saw him a weapon.
Nicky and Joe continue like this for several more years, going from Algiers to Tangier to Marrakesh to Al-Andalus to Sicily (where Joe finally learns Nicky is a descendant of those Hautevilles), finally making it to Constantinople shortly before the Second Crusade.
Honestly this is where this particular headcanon starts burning out, because I love the idea of Joe and Nicky's lives being shaped by (and shaping) the Crusades and as such is a part of all my headcanons for these two. (That, and Ibn Battuta-like journeys in between, visiting Aden, Mogadishu, and Mombasa before the Third and settling in Constantinople just in time for the Fourth.)
Specific to this headcanon is Nicky's journey being less one of religious deradicalization - though that is part of it - than confrontation of the consequences of his family's actions throughout the Mediterranean. Some part of him will always think that his immortality is necessary atonement for his and his family's sins, though that part grows less as the centuries pass.
Bonuses include: 1) Nicky confronting his cousin Tancred for failing to contain the violence in favor of ransacking the Dome of the Rock (95). Despite feeling betrayed - honestly having thought better of Tancred, - Nicky choses to walk away rather than kill his cousin. Years later, history will somehow mutate this into the basis for Jerusalem Delivered, getting all the important details wrong in the process; 2) Although not his mother tongue, Old Norman is the language Nicky always reverts to when needing particularly strong curse words. He blames his father for this; and 3) His highly annotated original copy of the Alexiad found its way into historians' hands in the 1800s and is considered an important contemporary Italo-Norman reading of the text. There is considerable academic debate as to the annotator's identity, with no one ever having gotten close to the truth.
That's all I really have that's specific to this character background - as I said, a lot of what happens after their first deaths is consistent across TOG headcanons for me. It's just getting them to Jerusalem that fluctuates. As always, feel free to adopt this bun, just link back if you do anything with it.
More Terrible Fic Ideas
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katlover14 · 1 month
Is this love? (An Ink x Y/N Oneshot)
(I’ve never written oneshots before, so sorry if what I wrote technically isn’t one. Why did I write it about Ink? Because I kin Ink and because I couldn’t think of anyone else to write it about. Here ya go, Ink simps!)
(P.S: I’m NOT an Ink simp. I would choose Fell, Classic, or Horror over Ink any day.)
Ink perked up when he heard that familiar sound of the most beautiful laughter he’d ever heard. It was… intoxicating? That sounds like the right word. He couldn’t help but laugh along with you. A strange, warm feeling rose in his chest. It felt so fuzzy.
What is this feeling? Ink wondered as he looked over to see what was making you laugh.
A cat video. Of course. What else could he expect to make you smile so much? Ink rolled his eyelights, though he was a tad bit jealous that a video of cat’s failing to jump onto high places could make you laugh more than he could. He decided he needed a distraction from your infectious laughter.
As he started drawing, his mind wandered to the first time you two had met. He doesn’t know how he remembers that day. He should’ve forgotten it by now, but yet he hasn’t for some reason.
~Wooo, flashback, wooo~
Ink panted as Error cackled in glee somewhere close by. His vision was blurry and his bones ached. He knew he wouldn’t last much longer if he continued to fight. He had no choice. Ink held on tight to Broomie before melting into a puddle of ink. He collapsed in whatever AU he’d teleported to, his vision fading in and out.
As he was about to pass out, he heard the most soothing voice he’s probably ever heard. Not that he would remember hearing a more soothing voice. “Are you alright?” That was the first thing he’d ever heard you say. But, of course, he passed out before he could respond. When he came to his senses, he was in an unfamiliar place.
Ink shifted around in the blanket that was covering him. His bones cried out in pain and he winced, stopping the movement immediately. “Error really wanted to kill me this time. It feels like these wounds are going to take a long time to heal.” He muttered with a groan. He wanted to move into a more comfortable position, but his aching bones reminded him why he shouldn’t move.
As he was about to close his eyeless sockets to try and get some rest (mostly so he wouldn’t be forced to acknowledge his bones hurting), he heard the door open. Forgetting about how much his bones hurt, he shot up and immediately felt an immense amount of pain all over. He cried out in agony, barely hearing the footsteps that quickly ran to his side.
“Don’t move! You’ll make it worse!” Your voice rang through his head as gentle hands quickly moved to lie him back down. Ink coughed, the pain so unbearable that it was even affecting his nonexistent lungs. He felt something cold and sticky touch one of his wounds and the pain lessened ever so slightly.
You were quick to apply the salve to his bones. After about five minutes, Ink’s pain was gone and he could breathe easy again. “W-where am I?” He asked, not recognizing the AU he was in at all.
“KoiTale. Don’t worry, you’re safe here.” You spoke so gently to him. He was a stranger, and yet… you weren’t trying to hurt him.
Ink: “I’ve never heard of KoiTale. Must be a new AU. What’s it about?”
As you went on about the symbolic meaning of the popular Japanese fish and how it correlates to this AU, Ink listened intently. He found it interesting, to say the least. He was so immersed in your description of this place that he didn’t notice you bandaging his wounds. When you finished talking, the ache in his bones was minuscule.
“Hey, um, what’s your name? I just realized I never asked.” Ink questioned, looking at you as much as he could without moving his body too much.
You: “(Insert name).”
Ink: “That’s a nice name. Mine’s Ink. Pleased to meet you.”
Ink: “Oh, and thanks for patching me up. You really didn’t have to do that.”
~Wooo, flashback end, wooo~
Ink still doesn’t know what sparked in him that day. But he didn’t mind the feeling since it wasn’t doing any harm. Though he did get very jealous the first time he met your S/O; he still doesn’t know why he was jealous. He perked up again when he heard your laugh, his cheekbones warming up slightly.
Putting down his pencil, he stood from his art desk and went over to the living room. As he sat beside you, he felt you curl up against him. He smiled and wrapped an arm around your shoulders while the two of you watched cat videos on the tv.
This must be a normal thing friends do if you haven’t pushed my arm off yet! He thought as he giggled when a kitten fell off a dresser.
Ink inevitably forgot about the feeling he got around you, chalking it up to be unimportant. Though later he had indeed wondered if that’s what love feels like…
(Koi fish represent: love, affection, friendship, strength of character, perseverance, accomplishment, courage, good fortune, success, prosperity and ambition. I was mainly focused on the first three representations.)
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blankticket · 2 months
7, 17, 19
7) If you could “borrow” one aspect of Vash and apply it to yourself or your own life, what would you borrow?
plant powers tbh. wrt the lifespan thing, for the record im pretty staunchly anti-immortality anti-singularity etc. bc as i've made vash say as much, none of us will need forever. plus any sorta tech like that if it's ever possible is going to prioritize, if not exclusively save, those who can afford such a thing. but anyway the idea that i would get to live for as long as i want is appealing.
i'm not thinking of a longer lifespan as a safety net for failures, cause i think i'd appreciate being imperfect with a longer lifespan, but rather thinking of it in terms of how i could then guarantee there's more good that i'll be putting out into the world. i'd probably have to take a page out of vash's book and travel around a lot so that people don't realize the same 20-something's been around for centuries but eh. idk maybe my feelings would change 300 years in, who knows
17) Why do you think you connect to Vash?
made a face like i licked a lemon reading this question bro i wont lie. the same reasons i connect to vash are the same reasons i avoided trigun for many many years. i was afraid (trigun maximum) vash's character would hit too close to home. particularly the twin stuff, even before knowing that vash would lose his own brother, too—being a lifelong lone twin myself. in comparison to maximum, stampede emphasizes much more on the twins, and even besides that, a lot of vash's deal in stampede feels uncannily similar to my own experiences. um you ever bump into a fictional character you feel completely #read by and just want to fucking run and leave and forget for as long as you can. well. yeah it was like that except now i'm much more able to handle this shit so i'm here now
sharing the same personality as him (in vash so far i definitely see a lot of who i used to be as well, when i was so much more of a self-deprecating people-pleaser bc i believed so much in my own worthlessness), the twin bereavement thing, wearing glasses (myopic deadeye), preferring revolvers (when he spun the cylinder while loading bullets in i was like omgg hes just like me fr), thinking nicholas d wolfwood is hot, all these connections definitely inform my interpretation and portrayal of vash. and i kin the guy but that's obvious enough
19) If you had to judge Vash and sentence him to a “fair” fate, what would your judgment be? Would you punish him? Reward him? How?
ok in my opinion. and also this is going to sound hilariously ridiculous without the context of trigun maximum but whatever. it looks like orange is ultimately going to turn vash into a giant apple tree or otherwise use the last of his lifespan to save his brother. i'm not completely set on how i feel about that, given that not even a little teaser for the final phase season is out yet! but for how i feel right now at least, i think that fate is pretty fitting. can't say whether that's exactly either a reward or punishment though
spirale-wise it's so much harder to say lol, i'm not writing vash keeping an ultimate endpoint in mind or ever considered one for him…
hm. well, if i come up with something, it'll be a hypergiant challenge deal. i have considered doing something like that for him 2 years after last year's giant challenge, to mirror how in-canon the timeskip is 2 years post-julai. but idek if i'll still be writing him by then. stay tuned?
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