#writing about the trauma responses rn
m4ndysk4nkovich · 8 months
hot take, but i’m sick of y’all assuming that the rest of the gallagher kids had great childhoods because fiona stepped up. fiona wasn’t a good mom, she was a parent simply because of the circumstances and she kept them from dying and did it all, yes, but she was a kid. the other kids are so traumatized and y’all don’t get to act surprised when lip, ian, debbie, carl, and liam act a certain way because they weren’t raised any better. lip was raised by a five year old, ian was raised by a six year old, debbie was raised by a ten year old, carl was raised by a twelve year old, liam was raised by them all, but mostly a ninteen year old. i’ve talked about it before but fiona wasn’t really a good parent, and up until 3x07, that was ok! she didn’t need to be at first, she just needed to keep them all safe. and then she becomes legal guardian and she just stops. they were all traumatized and parentified and absolutely destroyed and they all symbolize roles in a dysfunctional household as well as different trauma responses. stop using fiona raising five kids as an excuse for everything because yes, sometimes it works, but sometimes it doesn’t. she traumatized them all too, and i don’t blame her for it because she was a kid too, but still. you can’t act like growing up without your mom, just your sister would be fucking fine. they’re all traumatized and fucked up.
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abby420 · 2 months
giving a psych major a media portrayal assignment is like giving a kid candy. literally buzzing rn over writing a paper about ellie williams and her development as a kid growing up in traumatic experiences
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helloyellow17 · 11 months
Idk man I might get torn to shreds for saying this, but I simply cannot understand the new trend, particularly among younger internet users, where people write a laundry list of their triggers in their bio and then expect everyone to read and cater to said list on a PUBLIC PLATFORM.
This is the same mentality that drives people to attack appropriately tagged fics on AO3 for having x y or z content because “How dare you post this when I have trauma about this???” Obviously if someone is going to write a super heavy and highly sensitive fic and NOT tag it properly, they ought to be called out on it. But this isn’t about that, it’s about the people who don’t curate their own content, it’s about the people who enter public spaces and demand that the general public cater to THEM specifically.
Additionally: Listing out your triggers for everyone to see is just ASKING for trolls to come into your inbox and flood you with triggering content. (Unfortunately, as much as we would like to believe otherwise, the internet is full of selfish jerks who don’t give a crap about anybody’s trauma.) Not only this, but the algorithm does not read your bio. The algorithm does not care about your triggers unless YOU make sure to block specific tags and content.
YOU are responsible for curating your own content, and nobody else.
Obviously this is not to say people shouldn’t try to tag their posts for common triggers, because that’s the common courtesy thing to do. But if Becky has a phobia of bees, it is on her to block that tag and curate her feed around it, and she does not get the exclusive right to suddenly demand that nobody talk about bees within a ten mile radius of her. If Alec has a phobia of dogs, then it is well within his right to avoid contact with them, but he doesn’t get to go to a public park and yell at anybody who brings their dog there. It is his responsibility to know his own limits and seek out parks that are dog-free. (If someone brings a dog to a dog-free area, that’s a whole different issue that I won’t be getting into rn but yes, the person who does that is in the wrong there.)
The internet is widely a public space. If you want to create a safe space completely and utterly free of your specific triggers, you have to put the work in to make that space for yourself. You don’t get to ask other internet strangers to do it for you.
I’m saying this out of genuine concern (and admittedly, frustration) because there are so many young teens in fandom nowadays who don’t understand this, and they end up putting themselves in extremely vulnerable and even downright dangerous situations because they don’t understand that putting your well-being in the hands of a stranger is a terrible idea.
Please be safe, and for the love of all that is holy, be reasonable. Curating your content yourself is just as much a protection for you as it is a vital key that allows public communities to function.
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We talk about how mischaracterized Hobie is - which he is - but I honestly think someone else is characterized REALLY weirdly by fandom
Miguel O'Hara and Misrepresentation of His Rage: a.k.a Miguel has Ken Energy you fools
[this is a breakdown where I examine Miguel's trauma, his relationship with Miles, his role in The Society, and his personality]
I talk a lot of shit about the Hobie tag, but the over-saturation of smut in the Miguel tag is at critical mass.
And like Latino-fetishization aside, I feel like he's not written as a human.
He's written so flat.
I swear ya'll be writing him as the angriest, coldest, most anti-social man on earth. Ya'll be having him rude and avoidant with no friends whatsoever or a romantic soft latin lover and NO IN BETWEEN
which is so funny cause like... I feel like Miguel is Just A Guy
I know they're easy to overlook but I think about moments like these all the time
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But I ALWAYS see him written him as friendless, and cold, or constantly irritated and angry but like - I feel like most of the time Miguel is just some dude. Like in a Good Way.
And he's fine with that.
Miguel runs a Society Full of Spider-people, and they're working for him voluntarily. Peter Parkers wouldn't work for someone they didn't think was genuinely, good-likeable, and level-headed.
He compliments Lego-Spider-Man. When Hobie was there he wasn't pissed he was just like 'not in the mood rn ngl'
and Hobie didn't take the piss outta him - because I feel like him and Hobie have a mutal understanding/relaxed relationship. All throughout the movie Hobie isn't talking bad about Miguel in specific - he never says anything about Miguel being annoying or evil - he's always taking about The Society Miguel has made.
Even Hobie - who will openly talk bad about the PM, doesn't really feel the need to diss Miguel's character in specific. Which I find very interesting.
I think this, along with a couple other things shows that the way we view Miguel in fandom is not really how he is, like..when he's not going buckwild insane.
Miguel and His Role as Canon
I could see Miguel taking his role as boss very seriously - the same way he took being a father.
Miguel has assumed the role of 'leader' over these Spider-people. In his eyes, it's his job to lead these people through their canon events to the other side, for the safety of the universe, and for them to become the people fate says they're supposed to be.
Because he made the mistake of 'going against fate'. A lot of the time we say that Miguel's justification is 'because I suffered, you must too'. But in his eyes, it's more like 'I tried to run from who I was supposed to be and it blew up in my face. Please don't make the same mistake - it's not worth it.'
Quiet literally 'Do what you're supposed to do, and things won't fall apart around you.'
And I think that really says a lot about how he feels about his own choices, and his own daughter.
Miguel broke canon to be with his daughter, and because of that, she - and billions of others, died. And Miguel feels directly responsible for that. In his eyes, he killed his daughter and murdered billions of people.
And although he loves his daughter - he sees it as not worth it. He sees taking her father's place as a mistake.
To Miguel, canon events and the pain they cause are much more 'worth it' and 'tolerable', than the pain and guilt of killing an entire universe.
Because with canon events, there is no fault. It's not your fault you couldn't catch Gwen Stacy. It's not that you're not fast enough, it's that it's suppose to happen. It's not your fault.
But in Miguel's case - it was his fault. It wasn't suppose to happen.
That's why Miles sets him off in a way others don't and can't. Because he wasn't supposed to happen.
When things are under control, Miguel is fine. When things aren't, Miguel isn't.
Miguel needs order. He needs canon. Not because he likes it, but because he feels beaten into submission by it. He feels safe in the idea that canon events happen even if you do everything right, because he still feels the guilt of having done something 'wrong'.
That's why he sees letting people die in canon events as 'the right thing'.
It's the trolley problem.
A trolley is hurtling at someone you love, on the other track there are 5 people. Do you let the one you love die, or do you hit the switch and save them - and take the blame for killing five people?
What's the right thing to do? Save your captain father and letting a universe die? Or letting your father die, but the universe will for sure live.
Miguel has already made his choice, even if he didn't know it at the time. By becoming a father, Miguel hit the switch. And he chose his daughter at the expense of a universe. And he regrets that decision. He feels guilt, like he's to blame.
When canon events happen, there's no one to blame. When anomalies happen, there is.
Miles and Miguel
Miles and Miguel have an interesting and unique dynamic with each other, one that I haven't seen anyone mention yet.
When I look at Miles and Miguel, especially in this scene:
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I kinda see Miguel and a past version of himself. Miguel trying to stop what he sees - as someone about to make the same mistake he did.
When Miguel met his daughter, he didn't know about it's threat to the multiverse. And although it might be described as the best time in Miguel's life, he regrets it. If he would go back, he would have rather let his daughter live. Fatherless, but at least she would have lived.
Miguel didn't know. But Miles does. And that's what makes Miguel so furious.
Miles is going to go against canon, be with his dad, and threaten the multiverse. And Miguel believes that if Miles does this, billions of people and beings across a universe will die. 100% totality rate, 100% assured.
Miles is in the same position as Miguel once was. Miles has the same choice. To choose the one he loves over canon.
The only difference is Miles knows. He has a chance.
Miguel believes that Miles can spare himself the pain, and the guilt of murdering billions - if he just listened to him.
Miguel is the only Spider-person who has ever killed a Spider-verse. And he doesn't want that for Miles.
Miles being an anomaly was one thing. He was ready to calmly talk about that. But when Miguel sees him going down the same road as he once did, making the same choice even though Miguel is telling him not to - it makes it snap.
Because if Miguel could go back, knowing what he knows - if Miguel could only be in Miles' place - he wouldn't. Like Rio said - Miguel would kill to be in his place.
He sees Miguel like how Rio describes herself, oddly enough. Rio says she'd kill to be in Miles place, and she doesn't understand his 'irresponsible' behavior. But unbeknownst to her - his 'irresponsible' behavior is more heroic than she can understand.
Miguel is just the same. He sees Miles' choice as irresponsible, that he's making all the wrong choices even though people are throwing opportunity at him.
Miles is the only other Spider-person to risk what Miguel risked. And, genuinely believing everyone will die because of this - he's furious at Miles, the same way he's still furious at himself. He loved his daughter, and he knows Miles loves it dad. But having been on the other side of it all, he sees it as not worth it.
Miguel wants to be the only Spider-man who is the way he is. He doesn't want to Miles to do what he did, become what he is. Because he knows theres no coming back from that.
If Miguel could go back and shake himself and scream in his face to leave Gabriella alone, to just leave her dimension alone, he would. But he can't.
So he does it to Miles.
Miguel as a Boss
I don't think Miguel is an outright mean or abrasive person. I feel like outside of Miles, he's fairly calm, albeit a bit stressed. I could see him being really organized and good at time management -
And I can see Miguel being good with people. I don't think he's the kinda boss that'd be like 'Oh, you had a canon event last night? Your girlfriend fell off a building? Yeah, we get that a lot, get over it.'
And if anything - I think he'd want to help the Spider-people when it comes to processing canon events.
Miguel believes that canon events are necessary, not just to the multiverse, but to the development of who Spider-people are 'supposed' to be. So I think he'd set up support systems around HQ to help them process it, and he'd at least be a bit understanding.
I could absolutely see Miguel as the type to ask a teammate "Are you alright?" after something intense, or telling them to sit out. I could see him giving generous leave for Spiders who are going through stuff.
By Jess's response, it seems as if he leaves most of that to her, but I feel like the fact he stops to tell Gwen "Don't worry, kid." shows that he's use to comforting people, or prioritizes putting people at ease.
I mean, what Spider-man doesn't?
Miguel does seem to get along with people (aside from Miles and Gwen when he's scolding her), and it seems like people do like Miguel.
Miguel's Personality
Tbh - I don't think he's nearly as angry as fandom makes him out to be.
He was raising a child. I imagine that for the most part, he's pretty patient.
Like if you call him a name, he's not gonna get pissed. I feel like he's more likely to be like "Haha. Very funny." Or just pinch his nose bridge and be like "You done?"
I mean I know with all the gnashing and clawing and yelling and going apeshit, it can be easy to imagine Miguel as JUST that.
But I also like to imagine that most of the time, he's just like that normal boss as Target.
And a lot of his day is spent doing boring mundane things.
He's not always standing there brooding over videos of him and his dead daughter. He only does that when he's psyching himself up to yell at Miles.
Outside of that, he probably has a lot more things to do, realistically speaking. Organizing missions, checking status reports, looking over intake forms of anomalies, okaying and vetoing different protocols. Approving new technology, taking complaints from members, dealing with Hobie (an extra job in its own right), fixing things MayDay breaks, etc, etc.
And he's completely fine with that. Maybe he even finds calmness in it. When there's order, and routine, and everyone is working together and there's no kinks in the hose per say, he can operate.
Like yeah he's a little irritated and looks like he only slept 4 hours - but he's here and he's going to work with his team and employees, make sure things run smoothly, and make sure everyone gets home safe.
He's gonna try and make the society a nice place to be and make sure people on the team (like Lego) feel appreciated and odd-one-outs like Hobie get to hang and do what they want without much kickback.
The other Spider-people - like Pavi - wouldn't have joined otherwise.
If Pavi had showed up and Miguel was all stern and cold and rude, he probably would've been like 'no thanks my friend'
Miguel knew Peter B. before he lost Gabriella. So he had to become friends with Peter some way. He was putting up with Peter and his humor by choice, and in return Peter must have found Miguel cool enough to hang out with.
I think it's because Miguel is good with people, a lot of different types of people.
He's pretty down to earth, even if he is a work-aholic. He can be fun to chill or hang out with, even if he's a bit of a tight-ass.
Sure his humor may be dry, and his personality tame, but he's just him.
But I can see him as being a guy who you see at the gym routinely and never say hi to but you just nod at each other in silent respect while doing your workouts sometime.
Or the dude at your job you only see at the coffee machine - you know he does other stuff, but you never run into him anywhere else.
Or the dude who'll stop on the street when you ask for the time and lift one earphone before telling you it, then walking away without another word.
DO YOU GET WHAT I MEAN DO YOU GET THAT VIBE Like just Dude He's like a dad but not like a 'Dad vibe' with like sneakers or anything but like 'Dad who comes to PTA meeting but doesn't talk to anybody and quietly leaves when it's over'.
Anyways stop avoiding Miguel's Kenergy.
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desmorotu · 2 months
more redacted headcanons!!!
some might be angsty? most of them?
꒱࿐♡ ˚.*ೃ
- i saw a hc where milo isn’t necessarily short, but the other guys are just unbelievably tall. in my head milo is 5’11, ash is 6’5, and david is 6’9. tank is the only one who looks deceiving bc they’re like 5’10 in my head but their wolf is as big as david’s. ppl from the outside make the joke that shaw security is secretly a tall person club
- guy was a music major before he switched to writing. i mentioned it in his playlist post but i get those vibes HARD. he also writes honey poetry because he knows they secretly like it
- i like the idea that darlin and angel came from a rough family upbringing because 1. it’s relatable to a lot of ppl and 2. it would explain why tank shoves themselves into harms way and why angel is so outgoing now. it shows different responses to trauma imo.
- babe sometimes has crippling panic attacks on the thought of angel being a latent empowered and leaving them alone as the unempowered person of the group, but in my mind babe is the latent one and they’re a fire elemental.
- sweetheart feels guilty sometimes for being empowered while the other mates aren’t. they know it has absolutely nothing to do with them and that they can’t do anything about it, but sometimes they feel a pang in their heart at the fact that the other two won’t feel their core swell and warm up when looking at their mates.
- starlight has night terrors about the time they fell down—both times. they also think about when avior fell and they can’t help but intrusively picture what he looked like when he finally landed. it makes them physically ill. avior has to be extra careful when talking back about their experiences sometimes.
- lovely is still goes to therapy every week to work through the trauma of adam, dying, and now they’ve added the summit on top of that. they’re withering away into a husk of themselves. they’re so exhausted with dealing with all of this pressure, but they’d do anything for vincent (and i think that’s going to be their downfall).
- gavin has been brought to tears on multiple occasions at the thought that freelancer loves him for him and not just because he’s an incubus. he’s had to muffle his sobs because he genuinely does not know how he deserved someone so loving. he hasn’t brought it up to them yet.
- i think that freelancer is on the ace spectrum (greysexual maybe?) and that gavin was the only person they’ve ever really had sex with, or wanted to have sex with. they trusted him enough to “show them the ropes” and he built their confidence to where it is now. gavin helped build their relationship with sex and while they’re still on the spectrum, they’re more positive about it and they enjoy that kind of intimacy with him.
꒱࿐♡ ˚.*ೃ
that’s all that i can squeeze out of my brain rn >:( i haven’t been on tumblr that much and UGH it’s just bc my real life is more interesting than my redacted life (which is a very good thing, but still it makes me sad) and i have no motivation to post 💔 but here are some hcs that have been on my mind lately :3 i hope they make sense
k byeee 💟
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judasgot-it · 1 year
Ello o/, may i request again (dk if i can tho, don't feel pressured if not maken), really love the post you made for the request my heart literally- aawkwkw, i have so many things to say to that post but really busy asfck like if i wnated to, i could literally write a essay or thesis statement, */ahem anyway
BSD boys, while having a fighting/argument with s/o they suddenly grip they're s/o's wrist too hard and ended up leaving a mark (they didn't mean to tho ;-;) that reminded the reader's past child abuse/not used to this type of conflict which lead to angst to comfort or just angst hehe. Idk this is just a random 2am thought(my time rn) I have classes later waking up at 4am too…
AHHHHHH omg yes I'm so sorry I haven't like set up any request rules yet which I should do lol, but I'm so shehejwj but I don't have limits on requests! I just try to get to them when I can <3 Also I'm so sorry about the late response! College is hard x[
But also, I wanna do some scenarios for this, so I'm gonna have to only pick a few that I feel I can write the best for this if that's ok cause ngl I feel the mercury retrograde rn,,,
Scenario: Accidentally triggering past abuse/trauma during an argument (Ranpo, Dazai)
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Ranpo was a rather loud guy. That's not his fault, since he's only loud whenever he has a reason to be - he's confident because he knows he can get away with it. He's smart enough to survive some of the most dangerous killers, and is bold enough to laugh in their face about it too.
But god is it aggravating as hell whenever you want to truly talk to the man one on one. Sometimes, you just want to have a normal date with him - like a normal couple and do normal couple stuff.
Like right now, you just want to walk down this busy street and not have to listen to him boast about how stupid people were. It was embarrassing how loud he was about it, how the person who got hit with a car could have easily avoided it had they just checked both sides of the street.
A normal conversation to have after witnesses a horrible event, but you could feel the stares from across the street from the mans wife. Especially towards Ranpo, who seemed to have no social boundaries as everyone else in the area seemed to instead be occupied with the normal human behavior of freaking out after witnessing a man flying in the air and being hit by a car.
To save face, you dragged him away, with him still talking about it as if it were a normal everyday thing. In his world, it probably was - but not to you. Not to normal people, who didn't think about death everyday.
"Ranpo, you need to quiet down."
"What? I'm just saying. It was pretty avoidable you know?"
You turned around to glare at him, gripping your enclasped hands tightly. He thought nothing of it, swirling his ramune bottle rather casually. The ball clinked around with each step the both of you took together.
"I know that. But you do know that it's pretty insensitive to say that in front of him and the wife who saw her husband get hit with a car."
You were forced back as Ranpo stopped on the sidewalk. It was apart of a narrow stretch of road, empty and away from the commotion, which forced you to look at him. He was staring at you with his eyes, as if trying to puzzle something.
"You don't actually care about them."
There was a pause. You blinked once. Then twice.
"What do you mean by that?"
He held your hand tighter, almost painfully so.
"You don't really care about them that much. So why are you defending them?"
His viridian eyes bore into yours, which deeply unsettled you. He meant nothing by it, especially with the iron grip he had on your hand which kept you in your spot.
"Because not everyone is a superfreak like you Ranpo!"
But it made you incredibly uncomfortable.
You felt the need to defend yourself, somehow.
"Some people have 'empathy' which I know is a foreign concept to people like you."
It was as he cocked his head to the side, like a crow trying to understand what you had just told him. It was as if what you just said had gone right through him, like the wind.
"You don't mean that."
He pulled you towards him. You tried to step back, but you only found yourself stepping around and trying to find your balance again.
You flinched when Ranpo reached to balance you, but you still felt the energy from your sudden bout of frustration pumping through your body. It was embarrassing, but your mind and body were reacting all on their own.
Ranpo kept staring at you, looking past your angry scowl and into something deeper.
"I'm not your enemy Y/n, I know you're upset but there's something more."
He left you feeling naked there.
"It's not that deep. You don't need to defend yourself against me."
You looked down, avoiding his eyes. The sidewalk underneath you was rather cracked and abandoned - there was a dandelion growing just underneath your feet, a rather resilient flower.
"I'm not defending myself, I'm just..."
Ranpo lifted your chin up so you could meet his eyes again, which were now softer, as they had quickly figured out the puzzle that he's struggled with.
You looked back at him. A part of you wanted to keep arguing - it was in your nature, to keep fighting. Unfortunately, it was something you've done for a long time, which Ranpo has figured out by now.
Another thing that made you feel a little uncomfortable.
He met you with a cheeky smile, like a little rat. He closed his eyes, his cheeks raising to meet his eyes.
"I know. You're a good person Y/n."
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"I just don't think you understand. I can't expect you to, but it's not your problem, so why are you so upset about it?"
Dazai was looking at you from the couch, watching as you were once again picking up bottles he had left from one of his drinking binges. He still smelled of last night, wearing the same clothes and smelling of the various drinks he had lost himself in.
"It clearly is my problem. I'm the one cleaning up your mess right now, so how could I not be involved? Dear god, do you ever look at yourself and want to even try to be better?"
Dazai looked at you, sitting up from his previous lounging position. He stared up, his elbows resting on his knees as he stared at you - his eyebags prominent in the early morning sunlight.
"What do you mean 'try' to be better? Have you ever even known what it's like to be like this?"
You rolled your eyes, dragging the bag to the front door so you could later bring it to the dumpster of your apartments. In your eyes, he was clearly being dramatic - sitting like some sort of mafioso, needing only a cigarette to seal the deal.
"Everyone has had it hard at one point Dazai. Losing yourself to alcohol every night and weekend doesn't justify it. You have a life to live you know? It's worth living."
You heard footsteps approach behind you, and looked up to see Dazai standing a little too close for comfort. His body was warm, and you could see the sweat and stains on his bandages. His hair was usually fluffy hair was greasy, but his eyes - they were dark, simply staring down at you.
"What do you know about living?"
He had backed you into the wall, his hands now on either side of you, blocking you from exiting the danger that had become him and whatever emotional rage he had thrown himself into.
"You act like you know so much about life but you know nothing! You don't know anything about death or life - I don't think you know anything at all really. You feel all too comfortable making these assumptions about me when you don't know who I am, do you?"
He was smiling but it didn't reach his eyes at all.
You pushed at him, trying to find space to escape from his hold. His clothes and warmth made you want to burn your skin and run at that moment, and you closed your eyes in order to avoid the worst of your fears as you knew he was staring at you with those eyes that seemed to hold nothing but contempt in that very moment.
When you couldn't break free, instead feeling him pressing himself more against you, you felt your eyes begin to tear up.
"Dazai get the fuck away me."
"Or what? What will you do, oh sweet belladonna?"
You could feel tears build up in your eyes as your pushing did nothing against him - so you resorted to what you knew would work.
You raised your knee as hard as you could, and watched as Dazai fell hard on the ground, falling like a sack of potatoes. He writhed around, clutching his pearls while you gripped your pants, trying to soothe your nerves.
"Dazai I'm..."
You looked around your apartment, looking at the mess that it had become because of him. You looked back down at him, who was still on the ground and wasn't saying anything.
"Dazai I'm going to leave for a bit. Sorry."
I'm so sorry this took so long waaaaahh I'm a slow writer I'm working on it tho ;( also I was thinking about doing Jouno but I felt that it would've been super harsh so maybe I'll do him another time
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Bro, infinite darkness Leon is plaguing my mind I’m being so fr rn. So my req is like DomInfiniteDarkness!Leon and like this reader who rlly sarcastic and bites back and shit like that and the plot is (porn 🫶 obvi) that he asks reader to ride his face (after a few days of sexual tension) and like she’s taken aback at first but then she’s like ‘he’s hot tho’ (not rlly I can’t think of a better response, u can choose) so she rides his face yeah, and he has this grip on her thighs that she can’t even try squirming away
And omg, there should be like this one part when he’s eating her and like she grips his hair and he goes feral and sucks harshly as a motion to continue the grip on his hair, also the stubble that he has should like graze her poussay and like she clenches bc of it and Leon notices 😮‍💨🤭🤭
Leon just gives pussy-eater vibes, is it jus me? 😭 anyways in not asking this anonymously bc I need this shit so bad
If u wrote anything similar, I’m sorry 😭 😭
Tyyyy ♥️♥️♥️🫶🫶🫶🫶
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( I had to, he’s so fine)
ID Leon is a plague in my mind he never goes away. I was actually writing a request super similar to this so i hope the other person who requested this sees this!! I honestly don’t think it’s that good but i try my hardest FOR YOU GUYS. I made the reader plus size deal with it and if you hate it so much just block it out with your mind okay because i needed to write a lil something for me in this one. Sorry i haven’t been posting much writing i hit little blocks sometimes and feel like my writing sucks but nothing a little sleep couldn’t fix!
Disclaimer!!! This blog is 18+ only! If you are underaged please don’t interact with my posts thank you!!
mentions of afab slighty plus size reader x ID Leon!!
Warnings: Angsty kinda! Mentions of yelling, holding guns and close to death experiences. Leon forces reader to sit on his face, he’s kinda rough with her
word count: 2,826
Heavy. Your arm hanging from the metal that had been broken not even seconds before. Though you and Leon had far to many disagreements he was still your partner. Just the way his head tilted up and his hand gripped at your wrist you knew he was so angry that you would throw yourself so close to death just to save him. The metal beneath you made a loud creaking noise as you gripped at Leon's hand, your other arm folding over to pull him up onto the platform with you.
“You have a death wish?”
Leon yelled as he tried to carefully crawl up next to you as you let go of his arm. You leaned back on your arms, catching your breath, your eyes followed Leon standing up, his hand reaching down to help you off the floor.
“That must’ve really bruised your ego huh, kennedy.”
Mascara caked a bit under your eyes due to all the running and the tank of water exploding all over you. Your hips swayed side to side as you put your hand up waving goodbye to Leon, yelling something about how you’d see him next week.
Leon’s jaw tightened watching your hips sway, the way your soaked shirt clung to your body. You were his rookie once, he trained you from the ground up. Once your promotion hit you never let Leon talk down to you again, and he hated it. Snarky comments about his aim, about the way he talks, how he looks in his suits.
His body screamed at him for relief, preferably whiskey. The bar was quiet and he couldn’t help but thank the god he didn’t necessarily believe in. His fingers traced over the rim of his glass in front of him. The man had too much trauma, a troubling past and current that just weighed on him so heavily that it made everything he does difficult.
“I knew I’d find you here.”
Your silky voice snapped him from his day dreaming, his chin tilting down as his eyes traced every dip and curve of your body before he brought the glass to his lips, the liquid stinging his throat as he tilted the glass against his mouth. You wore that pretty black dress you had been wearing back in Grahamas office, but of course you had to change when actual shit started to go down. It hugs your hips and thighs so good, your plush legs crossing over each other as you sat down staring at your partner.
“You okay?”
For once you seemed genuinely concerned for him, Leon’s head nodding as the bartender poured more whiskey into his glass. Your delicate hand reaching forward and pulling the glass from him. Leon sighed turning himself to you in full, his hands reaching down to unbutton his jacket that held it to his center.
A smirk quickly grew on your lips as you took HIS whiskey down your throat, your nose scrunching as you pushed the glass back to him. He was so tired of your bratty demeanor, it’s so unprofessional, so unclassy. Your hands reached out to fix the collar of his white button down as you still processed the burn of the alcohol.
“I worry about you sometimes.. Anyways, I was looking for you then Claire told me you were rambling about desperately needing a drink.”
Leon couldn’t help but admire the way your hands moved when you spoke, your eyes rolling at the mention of his small drinking problem.
“Drinking everyday is bad for your liver Leon.”
Leon groaned at your lecturing, his hands coming up to shush you.
“Fuck you..”
He grumbled, causing your mouth to drop open. Honestly you were offended. For once you were really concerned about the man which was rare from either of you because if you weren’t working, you were fighting.
“You’d like that too much, old man.”
“Cmon Le.. Let's just have one more drink.”
Leon’s hands held at your waist as you stumbled into him. So while you lectured him for drinking so much you downed shots one after another right in front of him. Leon watched you ramble all night, the night he was supposed to spend for himself. After he pulled the both of you outside, you shivered pointing to your car, you hand grabbing for your keys in your purse.
“Okay bye Leon.”
You slurred as a whistle left Leon’s lips, his much taller frame coming in front of you to catch you yet again. Your hands nudged at him, trying to push him off you as you whined about it being cold and how you wanted to lay down. His hands worked at his jacket, shrugging it off and reaching for your arms and slipping it onto you.
“Stop talking and walk, let’s go, you're not driving.”
You were an idiot. Leon’s head shook in disappointment as the two of you began your walk down the street in silence. Even through your drunken fog you could see he was upset with you, your hands playing with the long sleeves of his dark blue suit jacket. He did have his moments where he got genuinely upset with you, like when you had accidentally stabbed him during training, or when you stepped in front of him and Chris during a mission to take the damage of a blown hit. You didn’t belong in this field and he had no idea how you even made it this far. He reached into his back pocket pulling his keys out before he pushed open the door, turning himself back to you.
His palm rested against your lower back as you stepped inside his home, your eyes adjusting to the lighting change. Leon pulled the jacket off of you and threw it on his couch before he leaned on the counter staring at you. Standing in the middle of his living room. His annoyance was making you sober, playing with your fingernails as he glared at you. His back turned to you as he pulled a glass from his cabinet, turning on his faucet to pour water into it. You flinched as he slammed it in front of you.
A laugh left your lips as you reached for the glass, taking a sip. But Leon didn’t seem to find it as funny as you did, his hands resting on the beautiful marble counter.
“Lots of one word responses tonight huh.”
You asked as you finished off the glass of water, your hand rubbing your stomach. He was in his own world, it was shocking he cared as much as he did.
“Yeah, goodnight.”
Leon mumbled as he pulled the glass into his sink, pointing to the blankets on the couch. Watching his figure walk down the hall made your skin crawl. You wanted to tell him how scared you were today, how you almost lost him. How he didn’t notice the bruise on your right shoulder from almost breaking your shoulder saving him.
A loud thump of a pillow hitting your face shook you from your sleep, your hand reaching for your gun as you sat up.
“Oh calm down. Let’s go Grahams called.”
Leon spoke as he handed you your shoes. You yawned, pushing your heels on before running out the door after him. It’s your favorite time of day, even though you have a violent hangover and it feels like you are going to puke with every step you take trying to catch up to Leon. Out of breath finally walking beside him you push your neck forward, nodding with that stupid smug look on your face that Leon hated.
“You clean up really nice Leon, what straightener do you use?”
How could you be so bitchy at eight in the morning, Leon’s eyes rolled, his lips pressed together as he got into his car, you not falling too short behind. Out of all the people in the department he didn’t understand how he ended up with you as his partner.
Leon stood next to you, him and the president sharing a glance as he sighed.
“Listen, Leon told me what happened yesterday and we decided collectively it would be best for you to go work for another agency.”
Your jaw grew tight, it felt like your teeth were being grinded down and your cheeks were flushed a deep red in anger. Your head snapped to Leon, your eyes squinting at him. How could he file a complaint about you saving his life? He is lying directly to the source but you had no proof he was lying which is what made the situation so much worse.
“Fuck you.”
Your words smacked Leon in the face, your body purposely shoving into his shoulder- and hard too. The sound of your heels clicking filled the hallway, your anger building in your chest as you stormed out the back door. This was your life purpose, being an agent. When your younger brother had died at the hands of Umbrella you tried working your way up to demolish it all. None of it mattered anyways because when you met Leon and Chris your life had completely changed. Even though you and Leon had too many unsolvable problems, you thought he still cared? Now you were left jobless, clueless. You looked down at your phone as it buzzed in your purse ‘Leon’ Flashing on the screen.
Stupid son a bitch.
Loud banging on your door woke you up, your eyes fixing on the clock on your nightstand. Three in the morning? Sitting up quickly you pulled your handgun from your dresser, tip toeing into the living room area of your flat.
“Who is it? I have a gun!”
When not at work your self defense skills were beyond poor, the banging stopped, the sounds of shuffling were heard before a small thud was heard against your door. Peering into the small eyehole of your door, there stood Leon. His eyes squeezed shut as he rested his palm against your door, you immediately swung the door open causing Leon to fix at his posture.
“Jesus christ Leon, what the fuck?”
Leon’s body pushed into your flat, slamming the door behind him. His hands grabbed at the gun in your hand, laying it on your counter. Your lower back smacked against your couch as he towered over you, his hands reaching down to hold at your face before his lips smacked into yours. No alcohol? Leons teeth nipped at your lip, pulling a low moan from you before you put your hands out pushing him away from you
“What are you doing?”
Leon’s chest heaved as he stared at you, you still looked so sleepy, your pretty nightgown resting so beautifully on your thighs. Your hair was a mess and now your lips were all puffy, he couldn’t fucking stand you. Leon’s hand ruffled through his hair as he looked down the hall to your room, your bed sheets a mess. Leon’s hand gripped your upper arm, walking down the hallway with you in his hands.
“Leon! Stop! Look at me”
Pretending you didn’t like the way he touched you was a joke, and you knew Leon could tell just by the way you reacted to his touch. A whine spilled from your lips as he shoved you down onto your silk sheets, your fingers reaching down to fix your nightgown that had flown up. The sound of Leon’s knees hitting the floor echoed through your ears, your upper body lifting as you watched him lick at his chapped lips. His head shook at the sight of your glistening folds in front of him, your thighs squeezing together as you stared down at the man. Stammers of protest left your lips as Leon’s fingers dug into the flesh of your meaty thighs, of course he was strong but you didn’t know he was this strong. A deep groan emitted from his chest as he lifted his hand, his tongue running across his fingers. His eyes finally met yours, his fingers slick with his spit rubbing small circles on your clit.
“Not so much to say now, huh?”
Oh. Your heart dropped as you remembered the paperwork you had sent in placing a complaint for him. Talking about how unprofessional he was, how he drinks on the job, and stuff about his personal life in general, your lips shook as your mouth opened, a moan ripping from your throat as Leon's thick fingers pushed into you, your hand reached down grabbing at his wrist but he pushed it off to side as he rose his way up your much smaller body. His other hand gripped at the inner part of your knee, locking it beside him as he pushed his fingers into you.
“God you piss me off, Grahams was so mad at me you know? But unlike you I didn't lose my job. You had me with your little comments but I swear if you try something like this again, I will do more than fuck you stupid, Do you understand me?”
When did Leon get the capability to be so fucking mean? Your head nodded up at him, his fingers drawing from you. Leon’s head shook in disapproval as he pushed himself off you, laying down on his back.
Great. Back with the one word responses. You sat up confused as your hand reached down to cover your exposed self. Your gaze shifted to Leon who looked so pretty sprawled out onto your black silk sheets. His pupils were blown with lust.
Laughter came with the question as Leon tilted his head to the side to admire you tilting your head back as you laughed at yourself. His hands tugged you towards him, making you lose your balance. “fucking brat.” He mumbled as he dragged you onto of him, your body sitting on his chest.
“Sit on my face. I know you’re not stupid.”
Leon spoke up to you as he pulled your hips towards his face but you pushing yourself back made his eyebrows raise.
“Leon, I'm going to kill you..”
You sat up slightly trying to take more weight off his chest. You weren’t the skinniest but Leon knew that you were always a bit self conscious about your weight, and the amount of times he has caught you has been extremely surprising. One look down at him changed your mind, he was looking at you as if you were the only person in the word, his tongue continuously licking over his lips, you let out a shaky breath before you brought yourself forward grabbing at the headboard. Hovering over his face still too scared but Leon’s hands reached up, pushing you down onto his face.
“Leon!- oh-”
Screams of worry turned into soft cries of pleasure, Leon’s hands reaching back to cup at your ass in his hands, somehow pushing you further into him. Your eyes finally fluttered open, staring down at Leon who seemed to be enjoying much more than he should. Never did you imagine Leon’s face so deep into you, your thighs pushing against his cheeks, the scruff on his face scraping your soft skin. His eyes opened hazily, staring up at you as he pushed his tongue into you, his hands still rocking you into him.
“Leon wait!-”
You cried out as a boiling burn started to build in your stomach, your body going to crawl off of him. Leon’s arms wrap around your thighs before you’re flipped over, his thighs laying over his shoulder as he laps at your folds on long strokes. Your hands reach down, grabbing at his soft hair. Leon moans out, vibrating your entire body as he uses his fingers to hold your folds open. He’s sucking at your clit so fucking good, your hands trying to push him away as he hold you’re hips down. He could have this view forever, the way you’re crying for him and the way you taste so good in his mouth. The amount of times Leon has wanted to force you down and suck on your pretty little clit was too many to count on his hand.
Your scream could probably be heard from all the flats around you as your orgasm flashed through your body, causing tears to drip from your eyes. A cry left your throat as Leon sat up, his fingers gently rubbing small heart shapes on your clit with a big smile on his face. He looked so beautiful, your slick covering his chin and his lips swollen from sucking at your folds for so long.
“Le.. s’ too much.”
Leon shook his head as he leaned down, sloppily pressing kissing on your lips, your own taste filling your mouth before you screamed out at the feeling of Leon once again pushing his long fingers into you.
“Jus’ give me five more of those pretty.. I'm enjoying this too much.”
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guilty-pleasures21 · 3 months
(ughh some days i just wanna top that man and see him trying and failing to not be submissive as hell)
~ 🐺anon
Ahh! @🐺anon thank you so much!
Okay, so I'm actually a HUGE vampire nerd (I've never seen/read Twilight, but I have other recommendations if people are interested!) and funnily enough, I only realised when one of my friends pointed out to me my suspiciously extensive knowledge of vampires once back in school. (And I also found out my best friend was secretly OBSESSED with werewolves - she used to read all the Patricia Briggs books and I called her out on it one day? 🤣)
BUT ANYWAY! I really love wolf-coded guys? Like, the fangs and the claws and the pure masculine dominance and need to protect their mate (I FELL IN LOVE WITH MIGUEL BEFORE KNOWING ANY OF THIS ABOUT HIM THOUGH OKAY?!! 🥺).
P.S. I was actually working on a Dick Grayson fanfic loosely based off of Red Riding/Beauty and the Beast once, so ... 😳😅
The monster
Jason's already told you all his secrets. Are you ready to tell him yours?
Warnings: mentions of trauma, descriptions of sex including blowjob (f & m receiving), fisting (m receiving) and penetration (p in v).
She rang the doorbell, then knocked on his door when he still hadn’t answered.
“Jay!” X yelled through the door. “You know I'm gonna find some other way to come in!”
She waited patiently for a few moments, then finally, he opened the door. “What?!”
X reflected his expression back at him, her eyebrows scrunching together in irritation. “Rude!”
Jason clenched his jaw at her response and tightened his grip on the edge of the door. “Not tonight, X.”
X folded her arms across her chest. “I came all this way and you're just going to turn me away at the door?! At least let me use your bathroom first!”
Jason rolled his eyes and sighed before heading back into his apartment. He left the door open behind him, but didn’t speak a word to her as he trudged back into his bedroom. It must have been really bad then. But was it because of a mission or another nightmare? She shouldn't have left him alone last night, but she'd had no choice! It was the full moon, after all, and her parents would have killed her if she’d missed it.
She took her bag off and set it down on the kitchen island before tiptoeing into Jason's bedroom. He was lying on his side of the bed, even when she wasn't there to take up the empty space beside him, and her heart cracked at the sight. She slid onto her stomach next to him, taking care to keep that bit of distance between them. Then she turned to face him. “You don't have to talk about it, but you don't have to take it out on me.”
Jason sighed, knowing she was right - wanting to believe that she was right. But it was difficult to undo years of damage in just a few months. And even though she always encouraged him about the progress she saw him making, some days, he felt like life hadn't moved at all; like he was still trapped in that abandoned warehouse, waiting for someone to want him enough to come rescue him. He removed his arm from over his face, but continued to avoid her gaze. X watched him quietly, giving him the time he needed. Then finally, he glanced over at her - her thick hair trailing across her pillow, her long limbs sprawled out over his bed. He shuffled closer to her and she turned onto her side so he could snuggle against her, his arm coming around her waist as he buried his face in her chest. She ran her fingers through his hair, still waiting patiently.
“How-” He broke off as his voice cracked and took a moment to compose himself. “Why do you love me?” ‘Why do love me? What do you love about me? What in me is worth loving?’. That was what he was really asking her to tell him. She continued to stroke his hair, trying to find the right words to comfort him.
“Hmm,” she contemplated. “You're really sweet, Jay. I know you think that everyone thinks you're this big, bad, tough guy who just hates everything, but you care so much about the things that are important to you.” Jason tightened his grip on her, wanting so badly to believe what she was saying, to believe that he was good, so she continued.
“You always fight so hard to give everyone the opportunity to be good; to give them a choice and teach them all the different reasons they should make the right decision. You put everything into what you believe in, even at the cost of yourself.” She paused to press a kiss to the top of his head and he finally relaxed a little. “You're gentle and attentive and so caring; so deserving of all the love in the entire world and I will fight everyone to give it to you!”
Jason let out a soft snicker at the thought of his tiny little girlfriend beating people up for him. Then he tensed up again. “But … But I've hurt people. I've done bad things.”
Her response was immediate.
“We've all done bad things, Jay - we're only human.” Mostly. “But you've never hurt anyone … You've only hurt those who have hurt hundreds of other people! And in doing that, you've given all those other people a chance at life. At a better life. You basically do what everyone complains about God not doing.”
He pulled back slightly to raise an eyebrow at her in disbelief: had she just compared him to God? X shuffled closer to him and cupped his cheek in her hand, her fingers brushing along the stubble sprinkled around his jaw.
“You serve justice - even if it doesn't look so pretty sometimes,” she added. “Like karma.” Her eyes lit up at the thought.
“Ooh! Should we change your vigilante name to that?” she suggested excitedly. “That's such a cool name: Karma. And you'd have such cool catchphrases too!”
Jason couldn’t stop the smile that creeped across his face at her enthusiasm. He'd revealed his identity to her a few weeks before they'd started dating, secretly thrilled that the cute friend he'd made at the library months ago was already so enamoured with his alter ego. She liked how firm he was, she'd always say; how he wasn't afraid to make sure that everyone got what they deserved. She'd scare Dick and Steph sometimes, with how intense she could be, but he loved it - he loved her. Even though he still hadn't found the courage to say it just yet. He stroked her back gently, delighting in how soft she was. “I'm not changing my name, X.”
Her eyes widened as she looked up at him - like a little puppy. She'd remind him of one sometimes, bouncing around with her infectious enthusiasm, rambling on about something interesting she'd found without stopping taking a breath. He could practically see her wagging her imaginary little tail whenever she got excited. “Then can I do it? Can I become a vigilante like you?”
She held her fists close to her mouth, almost whimpering as she begged him for it - just like a little puppy. Jason ruffled her hair fondly and tugged her a little closer to him. “I don't want you to ever be in danger because of me.”
“Then keep me safe!” she responded quickly, grinning like it was that easy, that simple.
Jason snuck his hand beneath the hem of her shirt and scratched her skin lightly as he studied her. Then he pulled her into his chest and pressed his lips into her hair.
“I'll keep you safe,” he promised her. “I'll keep you safe, sweetheart.” He hesitated after saying it, thinking about it. If he was being honest, he didn't want her to get involved in that part of his life because he never wanted her to see that side of him: to see him for the monster he really was. And maybe it was selfish of him, but … what other choice did he have?
“X …” he began slowly.
“Hmm?” She tilted her head back to look up at him.
“Do you … Do you ever get scared of me?” he asked her quietly. “Do you ever think … I could be a monster?”
He looked so sad as he said it, his voice all soft and terrified. And she wanted to beat up whoever had ever made him feel that way. She frowned.
“Why would I ever get scared of you, Jay? You keep me safe, remember?” Her brows remained creased as she watched him consider her response. Then her heart leapt into her throat as she realised that this was the best opening she was ever going to get. “But Jay … Even if … Even if you thought you were a monster … I'd say that we can be monsters together.” She curled into herself and peeked up at him nervously, then let her eyes glow gold in the dim light of the moon streaming in through the windows.
He did a double take, unsure if he’d just seen what he thought he saw. Had her eyes just … flashed gold?! Or had it just been a reflection of something? “What?”
X bit her lip and sat up, avoiding his gaze.
“What if … What if I told you I was a monster?” she asked him carefully. “Would you still love me then?” Sure, he'd never said it, but she knew that he loved her - how could she not when he was always looking after her and buying her little gifts, planning small surprises for her and showering her with all his affection whenever they were together? But she'd been selfish - she'd fallen in love with the poetic boy with the white streak in his hair from their first conversation in the library and ever since then, she hadn't been able to stomach the thought of ever losing him.
Jason sat up, bewildered. Why was she suddenly acting so strangely?
“Of course!” he assured her firmly. He reached out to cup her cheeks. “Of course I'd …”
“I'd still want you,” he finished lamely. “Even then.”
X turned her face away from his, her stomach roiling with nerves. But she had to tell him - she couldn’t keep lying to him forever. “I'd never hurt you, Jay! You know that, right?”
“Of course I know that,” he assured her, turning her face back to his. “Of course I know you'd never hurt me, princess. But why are you talking like this? What happened?”
X dug her fingers into the mattress, wincing in anticipation of his response.
“I belong to a family that …” Ugh, it was like pulling teeth! Or fangs. Maybe she should just come out and say it. “I can turn into a wolf! Sometimes. But I don't hurt anyone! I'd never hurt anyone, Jay! Especially not you!” She looked up at him with wide eyes, the fear scrawled all over her face, and his breath caught in his throat: he'd never had anyone afraid to lose him. Not him, never him.
“W-What … What are you talking about?” He rubbed his thumb along her cheek, waiting for a better explanation.
X whimpered nervously as she curled into herself. “I can … I can show you?”
A wolf?! She could turn into a wolf?! What the f*ck?! What the hell was he supposed to say to that?! He let his hand fall from her face and shrugged, wanting to put her at ease. “Okay.”
She stood up and went over to the window to pull the curtains open. She took a moment to soak in the moonlight, letting its power wash over her, then she turned back to him, allowing him to see her for who she really was.
Jason’s jaw dropped at the sight of her golden eyes, her elongated canines, her sharp claws. What the actual f*ck?!
“I'm not … I can turn into a full wolf, if I wanted to, but I'd be too big.” She glanced around the room after saying it, imagining her large wolf form trying to squeeze into the space between his bed and his window. Then she lowered her head and waited for his response.
She still seemed the same: still spoke the same, still acted the same, still curled into herself with fear in anticipation of his response in the same way. He narrowed his eyes at her thoughtfully. “How?”
“It runs in my family,” X admitted, brushing her hair behind her ear. “I've been able to do it since I was young.”
“Does it hurt?” Jason asked her. X shook her head quickly, still keeping her distance from him so she wouldn't scare him.
“No!” Jason sat in silence for a moment, thinking. Then he waved her over to him.
“Come here,” he commanded. X walked forward, but then stopped at the foot of the bed, still avoiding his gaze.
She was out of the moonlight now, but she wasn't changing back. “You don't need to be in the moonlight to do that?”
“Only for the first transformation of the night,” she explained. “Then I can do it whenever I want. It only lasts for about twelve hours though. Then I'd need the moonlight again.”
She didn't seem to have a problem speaking around her fangs. Would he have trouble kissing her though? He moved to sit on the edge of the bed and gestured for her to get on his lap. “Come here.”
She curled her fingers around his shoulders nervously and straddled his lap. Jason placed his hands on her waist and took a moment to study her body. She was still as soft as she always was, still as warm. But wait. Was that a tail? His lips twitched as he ran his fingers along her silky fur. “You have a tail?”
“Mmhmm!” She nodded enthusiastically in agreement, but her eyes were still wide with fear. And Jason could help but let out a huff of amusement at the irony of the situation: there he'd been, terrified that she wouldn't accept him once she knew the truth about him, and now here she was, asking him to do the same. He glided the hand that wasn’t stroking her tail up her back and around her waist, checking to see if everything else was still the same. He reached up to cup her cheek in his hand when he was satisfied, then he leaned forward and brushed his lips against hers. He kissed her slowly, cautiously, taking care to not cut his tongue on her fangs.
He was kissing her! He was really kissing her! But did that mean that he was okay with it? Or was he just testing it out? She pulled back slowly, then squeezed her arms to her chest, avoiding his gaze as she did so. “Are you … Are you okay with it? With me being a monster?”
Her voice was just a whisper as she said it, and she glanced up at him nervously. He tilted her face up to his and smiled. “We can be monsters together.”
X grinned as he repeated her words, and she started kissing him again, her movements a little hungrier, a little less careful this time. She pushed him down onto the bed and Jason chuckled at her eagerness. She looked so cute like this, her tail wagging with joy at his acceptance of her, her lips curled into that happy smile as she looked at him. She bent over to nip at his earlobe and Jason sucked in a breath as she began trailing her teeth down his skin, a delighted growl escaping her throat everytime her fangs pricked his skin. He slid his hands beneath the hem of her shirt and crawled his fingers up her skin cautiously, and she sat up to let him take her shirt off.
Her skin almost seemed to glow beneath the moonlight, and he sucked in a breath at the sight before looking up at her in question. They’d had sex before, of course, but this was … different. This time, they'd expose all of themselves to each other, every ugly piece of them they both thought should be locked away forever. X curled her fingers around the hem of his shirt, taking care to not scratch him with her claws. Then she nodded.
He kept his eyes fixed on her chest as he took her bra off, then he licked his lips hungrily when she was bare before him. She was so f*cking beautiful; more now than she’d ever been before, so completely herself, so utterly unafraid. He turned them over so she was lying beneath him, then slowly slid off her jeans and underwear. Shit, she was hot: her smooth skin, her soft curves, her silky curls. He stood up to take his own clothes off, then knelt down on the floor, settling himself between her legs. He tugged her to him, pulling her knees onto her shoulders, then began pressing soft kisses to the insides of her thighs, his teeth closing around her flesh occasionally to tug on her skin.
She pushed herself to her hands, wanting to look at him, but then he was dragging his tongue up her length and closing his lips around her clit and her head was falling back in pleasure. Jason continued licking and sucking on her like he was trying to make out with her p*ssy and she shuddered as she felt herself getting wetter and wetter.
“Hngrh … J-Jay …” X twisted her claws into the bedsheet, her body trembling as he continued to arouse her.
F*ck, she was cute, the helpless little whimpers that kept escaping from her lips as he continued to eat her out slowly? It drove him crazy. “I guess the transformation doesn't affect your sensitivity, huh, sweetheart?”
He chuckled against her pulsing p*ssy and X let out a surprised yelp as her leg twitched in response. Jason ran his fingers up and down her thighs as he gave a low moan of satisfaction. “Mmm. You gonna come for me, princess? Already?”
He closed his lips around her folds and gently pulled them into his mouth before lazily dribbling his tongue along her length. F*ck, she tasted sweet.
He was so good, so gentle and slow, her Jason, always taking his time to appreciate the taste of her on his tongue. She shuddered as he let out another low moan and started moving her hips against his mouth to get him to go faster. But Jason pulled back instead and chuckled at her impatience. X growled at the sudden absence of his mouth and bared her teeth at him in a snarl. Jason flashed her a smug smirk in response as he stood up and leaned over her.
“You think I'm scared of you, princess?” He asked, gripping her chin tightly and turning her face up to his. “With those cute little puppy dog eyes of yours?” He snickered as she continued to glare at him, then he bent over to press a kiss to her lips.
X loosened her grip on the bed sheets when she felt his tongue brushing across hers. She'd always been a bit of an outcast within her pack: the male wolves would always go for someone bigger, stronger - a mate who would be able to give them many children and help them hunt for and look after the rest of the pack. It wasn't their fault - just a part of their DNA - but it didn't make it hurt any less. She gasped as Jason reached up to cup her breast, his mouth moving to trail along her neck and shoulder instead. But here was a man, big and strong and always ready to defend his pack, worshipping her body like she was some kind of angel he was blessed to be able to lay his hands upon. If only he could see himself in the same way; in the way she saw him. She steeled herself so her voice wouldn't shake when she next spoke. “Jason.”
“Hmm?” he grunted, continuing to trail his lips and hands all over her body. F*ck, she tasted so sweet.
He wasn't listening to her and she was starting to get a little frustrated at the smugness in his voice. So she grabbed him by the waist and flung him onto the bed.
“Whoa!” Jason exclaimed, caught off guard. Then he turned to grin at her. “How'd you do that?!”
X kept her face scrunched into a frown as she climbed on top of him and pinned his wrists against the bed. “It's my wolf strength. Now shut up!”
He stopped talking, but continued to smile at her, amused by how cute she still looked despite her wickedly sharp canines; she looked more like a puppy than a wolf, glaring down at him with her beautiful, round eyes. X huffed in irritation when she saw that he still wasn't taking her seriously.
“Tell me where it hurts, Jay,” she demanded. Jason shut his mouth and raised an eyebrow at her, his lips curling at the ends in teasing. X shoved him into the mattress in warning. “Jason!”
Jason lets out a little snicker. She was so powerful - a full-on wolf when she wanted to be! - and yet, she was still so vulnerable before him.
“What?” he finally relented. “What do you want me to tell you, princess?”
X began to hesitate, her resolve weakening as she contemplated what she wanted to ask of him. “I want … I want you to tell me … all the parts of you that you think aren't worth loving.”
His breath caught in his throat at that and he felt his heart skip a beat. “W-What?”
X let go his wrists and sat back, taking a moment to assess his body. Her fingers trailed over all of his scars and bruises and she repeated herself, her tone more firm this time. “Tell me all the parts of you that you think aren't worth loving.”
Jason swallowed hard, his heart resuming its beats, but much faster this time. He shifted uncomfortably in position, so she curled up on his chest, her big dark eyes looking up at him as she held him down. He clenched and unclenched his fists, then turned away from her, ashamed.
“My mouth.” Something easy, he'd start with something easy. “Someone always gets hurt whenever I open it. I've always been told that I have a big mouth.” X smiled and crawled up over him to trace the curve of his lips with her finger.
“All the better to kiss with,” she joked. She pressed her lips to his and kissed him slowly, pouring all her affection into him. Then she pulled back. “What else?”
Jason's chest started heaving with shallow breaths as the anxiety began to creep in. He was going to do this, he was really going to do this: tear himself open and let her see all the vulnerable bits he tried so hard to hide. “M-My … My hands. All they do is take and take and take.”
X lifted his hand to her mouth and pressed a kiss to his palm. Then she began listing all the things he'd taken from her, stopping to nip each of his fingers in between.
“They take my sadness. They take my pain. They take my loneliness. They take my tears. They take my hunger.” She placed his hand on her waist when she was done, then she took hold of his other one to do the same. “They take my sorrow. They take my fear. They take my nightmares. They take my ignorance. They take my insecurities.”
She placed his hand on the other side of her waist and continued. “What else?”
Jason swallowed hard, the pressure beginning to build up behind his eyes as he digested her words. How could she do that? How could she take all of his self-loathing, all of his hurt and his pain … and turn it into something so beautiful?
“My shoulders,” he choked out helplessly. “They're not strong enough to carry the weight of … of his expectations.” She lowered herself back on top of him and rubbed his shoulder gently, knowing exactly who he was talking about. She scratched his skin lightly with her claw, leaving a faint red line, then she smiled down at him, her eyes glowing in the dark again as she did so.
“They carry mine perfectly fine.” She bent over and sank her fangs into his shoulder, just enough to draw a surprised hiss out of him, but not enough to hurt him - he'd already had enough pain to last a lifetime. Longer, even. She bit him softly, then pulled back and began reciting all the expectations he'd taught her she was allowed to have of someone. “Brave.”
X moved her mouth higher up his shoulder and nipped at his brawny muscle again.
“Sweet.” Nip. “Patient.” She moved to his other shoulder when she ran out of space.
“Thoughtful. Attentive. Generous.” She sat up again and fixed him with a challenging look. “Is there anything else?”
Jason tightened his grip on her waist and, this time, his voice cracked with pain when he spoke. “I'm broken. I'm so broken, X.”
X gave him a soft smile and traced one of the scars on his shoulder.
“You're not broken, Jace. You're all stitched up! Here.” She brushed her fingers down his scar, then moved on to another. “And here.”
She repeated the phrase, her fingers sliding along his skin, her claws outlining each of his hideous scars. Then when she was done, she bent over and nipped at each of them, her fangs pricking his skin delightfully. She took hold of his cock when she reached his abdomen, curling her fingers around it and moving it aside. But then she began stroking him gently, her thumb rubbing across his slit as she dragged her fangs along the inside of his thighs.
“X …” Jason breathed, clutching onto the bed sheets as his arousal began to intensify. X raised her head to grin at him, her tail wagging happily behind her. Jason pushed himself up to his elbows, glancing down at his body to see what she'd done, and his heart squeezed in his chest. Where before he'd had scars, now he was showered with little bite marks, the imprint of her fangs scattered across his body as she'd claimed him as her own. X sat up, her fingers still stroking his cock carefully, and smiled down at his body.
“They're not scars anymore, Jay,” she told him, brushing her fingers across his rough skin tenderly. “They're all the places I've marked you.”
She looked up at him, eyes glinting gold with mischief and glee. “You don't belong to Death anymore, Jason Todd - you belong to me.”
Jason reached up to cup her cheek and pull her closer to him so he could start kissing her. He kissed her hard, aggressive, licking into her mouth thirstily like she was the only thing that could soothe the aching emptiness inside of him. X giggled as she kissed him back, then she yelped in surprise when he pushed her down onto the bed beneath him. She gasped and twisted her fingers in his hair as he began pressing his lips and teeth all over her body, marking her like she'd marked him.
“I belong to you,” Jason recited feverishly, like the words were a prayer on his lips. “I'm yours. All yours, baby. All yours, X.” He squeezed her breast in his hand, then growled and nipped at the other before dragging his tongue across her nipple. X whimpered and curled her toes as her legs twitched with arousal. Then she let out a helpless moan when Jason sucked hard on her breast before releasing her with a wet ‘pop’.
“You like that?” he teased her, making his way down her abdomen, nibbling on her soft skin and leaving small bruises all over her body. “You like it when I mark you like this, princess? When I …” He trailed off as he reached her centre, her sweet little p*ssy all blushing and dripping just for him. He growled again at the sight, then pushed his mouth into her folds and groaned at the taste of her before drinking her up.
“You're all mine,” he declared. “You're all mine, X, all mine, princess.”
She whimpered and moaned again as her walls began to throb with arousal, the intensity of it causing her body to contract hard. “J-Jason!”
“F*ck,” he breathed. He flipped her over and started licking her up from behind, his fingers digging into her ass to spread her apart as he dragged his tongue along her length. X twisted her fingers into the bedsheets, her claws ripping the soft fabric as she did so.
“Jay!” she squealed helplessly. Jason bit down on her ass, his teeth sinking into her skin delightfully, then he held her tail down so he could start making his way up her body.
“You're so perfect,” he murmured, his words slurred with desire. “So perfect, baby. So pretty, so f*cking pretty.”
She shuddered as he trailed his lips up her spine, her entire body so sensitive from how badly he'd stimulated her already. Then finally, he reached her neck and she found the strength to push herself up to shrug him off of her. He rolled over onto his back and she pounced on him quickly before he could get up.
He looked up at her, his eyes glazed over with lust, a dazed expression on his rugged features. He was so handsome when he was confused, when he was completely at her mercy like this.
“W-What?” he stammered out, puzzled. X placed her hands on his shoulders, then dragged them down his chest, her claws leaving a faint trail of pink down his torso. Jason sucked in a breath at the pleasant sting of it, then she turned around on top of him and settled her p*ssy over his mouth. Her tail flicked playfully at his nose as she took hold of his cock and began licking the insides of his thighs and he grabbed onto her ass instinctively, digging his fingers into her skin.
“F*ck!” He tried to continue eating her out again, to suck on her and lick her up and please her, but he was just too distracted by the feeling of her fingers teasing his tip to do anything besides pressing soft kisses along her length.
X fisted his cock as he suckled on her clit, her body giving a hard contraction that had her curling her back involuntarily. “Hngrh …”
She pushed her hips against his mouth and Jason let out a satisfied groan at the feeling. He started lapping at her folds, picking up the pace of his movements, and she whined.
“J-Jay … Stop …” He didn't listen, so she started running her tail across his face, stroking his cheeks and tickling him softly. Finally, he released her, his head falling back onto the mattress against his own will.
“F*ck!” he exclaimed. X continued to run her tail across his neck and shoulders as she began licking his cock, her silky fur brushing against his skin teasingly. Jason held his breath, overwhelmed by the feeling of her all over him; her tail around his neck, her c*m leaking onto his chest, her breasts pressing into his abdomen. He bucked his hips as she lowered her mouth onto his cock, pushing it deeper in so that his tip hit the back of her throat. X growled at the feeling and he muttered another curse when he felt the vibrations racing down his length to his core. X trailed her tongue up his length, tracing the veins in his shaft. Then she shook her head like he was a toy she was playing with and his hips lifted off the bed again as his dick slapped against the insides of her cheeks.
“F*ck, f*ck, f*ck, f*ck, f*ck!” Jason swore, his brain turning completely numb with pleasure. “X … Stop … Princess, I want …” She refused to listen to him, happily sucking on his cock as he dug his fingers into the soft flesh of her ass. He groaned and pulled her back, settling her hips back over his face. X yelped in surprise, then flopped over him and started whining again when he shoved his tongue straight into her hole.
“J-Jay!” He groaned against her and she shivered as his low voice sank into her skin and danced along her bones. Then she ripped herself away from him and turned around so that their centres were perfectly aligned. The both of them paused for a second, chests panting with shallow breaths as they took each other in. Then Jason took hold of himself and tugged her down onto him. She sucked in a breath when she felt all of him filling up all of her, then she threw her head back with pleasure and started riding him.
“H-Hold … Hold on, princess …” Jason's voice shook as he bounced against the bed with the force of her movements. But he eventually managed to push himself up and grabbed her by the waist to lift her up slightly. She growled and snapped at him with her fangs, but he just chuckled and held her in position.
“Calm down, princess,” he reassured her lazily. “Just tryna get comfortable.” He shuffled up the mattress to lean back against the headboard, then loosened his hold on her, to allow her to continue.
X began rolling her hips against him again, her movements hard and fast. Shit! He felt so good! His thick cock stuffing her completely, his swollen tip hitting that one spot that had her entire body relaxing with pleasure. She could feel a howl starting to build up deep inside of her, a call to her mate, a warning to mark her territory. But there were still some parts of her she was too ashamed to share with him, so she did her best to swallow it back down.
She kept whining and whimpering, like she was trying hard to silence herself. But he didn't want her to silence herself - he wanted her to let him in, to feel safe enough with him to let him see all of her. “What's wrong … princess?”
“H-H-Hooowl …” X winced as the urge continued to press against her throat.
“Y-You … You wanna howl?” Jason asked, another wave of desire hitting him as she made her eyes all round and sweet.
She nodded eagerly, her features still scrunched up in embarrassment. Jason tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. “You can howl if you want, princess.”
His voice was low and gravelly as he said it and she found herself unable to hold back anymore. She pushed him against the headboard and finally let out a shy and adorable little howl.
“F*ck.” How the f*ck was she so cute?! Jason buried his face in her breasts and glided his hands along her sides and up her back. He tugged on her nipple with his teeth then circled it with his tongue before sucking on her. X whined at the sensation and let out another soft howl as she continued to bounce on his cock. “Shit.”
Jason released her breast and his head fell back against the headboard as she slammed him against it again. X yipped happily when she saw the dazed look on his face, then she curled herself around him to nip at his ear. Jason winced and tightened his grip on her before letting out another curse. “F*ck!”
X giggled against his neck and slowed down a little, rolling her hips slower, but harder, against him. God, he felt good, thick and warm and filling her up so very nicely. She gripped onto his hair as her body shuddered, her p*ssy pulsing around him desperately as she came for him.
“F*ck.” Jason kept his arms around her as his entire body tightened, and then he was coming too, his c*m shooting into her cervix and coating her walls with his seed. X slumped over against him, her entire body relaxing at the feeling of his warm semen inside of her. Then she closed her eyes and took a moment to listen to his heartbeat, the steady sound of it soothing her. They stayed like that for a while, the both of them holding each other in silence. Then finally, “I love you.”
It was so soft that she almost didn't hear it at first. She transformed her ears and angled them towards him in question. Did he … Had he really said it? After months of her being the only one who would? Jason let out a small laugh, then pressed a kiss to the top of her head before repeating himself. “I love you, X.”
X sat up to grin at him, her tail wagging furiously behind her. “I love you too, Jay.”
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gamerstar111 · 1 month
Makoto & Nagito’s Survivor’s Guilt
i have many thoughts ab why makoto and nagito would have an interesting dynamic but today i’m thinking abt how their history parallels a little (like a lot of things ab them. they’re foils of each other i cld write an essay about it)
this is just a very long (kind of disorganized) tangent about lucky duo’s traumas and how they shaped their mindsets (and how they might understand each other better than people think at first)
i kind of get nervous anytime i put my analyses out there for people to percieve, but that’s okay. we’re facing fears today. LOL
i don’t think many people think about how makoto probably understands the survivor’s guilt nagito deals with better than anyone could, because he also has the mentality that he didn’t deserve to survive the things he did, and that his luck had a lot to do with his survival. they cope in very different ways, but at the core of their emotions they both feel that same “i don’t deserve to live” guilt.
Makoto’s Survivor’s Guilt
makoto doesn’t attribute as much of his trauma (which is the killing games he went through) to his luck, it doesn’t factor into his thinking as much as it does for nagito. junko says it at some point in the anime: makoto’s luck isn’t like nagito’s! he wouldn’t ever be able to utilize it like nagito can, because it isn’t consistent, it comes and goes super randomly. it keeps that mf alive and that’s IT 😭
(/j. it does more for him than that but im not talking ab his luck rn so BACK TO HIS SURVIVOR’S GUILT.)
he leaves the first killing game with this huge unofficial responsibility. he lost 10 of his classmates and it’s said that he was able to get his memories back after leaving, so that means he remembers the two years he spent with them. they were his friends :,)
and some of them did more than him to contribute to surviving. i know it’s for comedic effect in the game, but makoto is kind of consistently told by byakuya (and sometimes kyoko & others) that he’s stupid or unhelpful. + he already struggles with feeling like he’s not interesting, memorable, or unique in any kind of way (mr. “i’m average at being average”)
but nevertheless, he survives the games, (after basically convincing his remaining classmates to NOT sacrifice him. a second time.) and when he does get out, he joins the future foundation, where his nickname as the ultimate hope starts to push him to do as much as he can. and because he’s so determined to save as many people as he can, he opposes the foundation’s plan to kill the remnants, and takes them to jabberwock island. he’s so determined to do as much as he can because he feels like if he doesn’t, he’s wasting the life he was given. it’s implied a few times that he would have killed himself if he didn’t feel guilty throwing away the life that was taken from his friends! people don’t talk enough about how makoto is NOT as endlessly optimistic as everyone thinks
he isn’t completely immune to despair. i honestly feel like his main motivation in helping people and spreading hope isn’t that he lives by it, it’s that he has to do as much as he can to to spread it to OTHERS because if he doesn’t, what is he doing with the life he has that his friends were robbed of? i could get into the nuances of makoto’s character and how he isn’t just “hope enthusiast #1” but that’s more fitting of a makoto exclusive character analysis. coming soon/hj
the point of that is that he wouldn’t be alive if he didn’t feel like he had to make something of the fact that his classmates died and he didn’t. that’s what motivates him to try and save everyone, no matter who they are or how terrible they are (him saving the remnants, trying to save junko even though he hated her for what she did, and trying to save the future foundation members in the second game, even though they want him dead)
and when he already has this mentality, he goes through a SECOND killing game, where one of his closest friends (i forget if it’s canon they were dating or not, but you get the point) dies as a DIRECT result of him surviving. and instead of breaking down and giving up, he takes it and becomes more determined to end the game. but his despair video shows that he feels so guilty that he survived, even if he doesn’t ruminate in that feeling.
but nagito is the polar opposite
Nagito’s Survivor’s Guilt
most of nagito’s character revolves around two things:
His self-loathing
His twisted perception of hope, and his obsession with the concept
putting aside the fact that he has been diagnosed with dementia that definitely warps his perception of reality as it is, when you look into his backstory it makes sense why he thinks the way he does. his childhood pet died in a car crash when he was a little kid, then, when he goes on vacation with his parents (still in elementary school), the plane taking them back is hijacked, and then those hijackers are killed by a meteorite that also kills his parents right in front of him.
he has no other living relatives, so he’s given all of their inheritance, and is said to be free to live on his own. so he’s been alone since he was a kid, and then during middle school, he’s kidnapped by a SERIAL KILLER that held him for ransom, and then let him go after realizing no one was going to come for him. (which is actually so distressing to me like r u kidding me that’s so SAD HE HAD NO ONE WILLING TO EVEN ACKNOWLEDGE HE WAS MISSING?? UGH. ANYWAY.)
any chance at happiness Nagito has had was ripped from him in that cycle of good and bad luck. he starts to become fixated (and eventually, unhealthily obsessed) with the concept of hope, so that he could try and find some meaning to his life beyond killing anyone who'd ever shown him any kindness or cared about him. and then after ALL OF THIS, in high school before hope's peak, he gets diagnosed not only with CANCER, but also DEMENTIA. Which, typically, only affects people over 65!!!! he was probably not older than 16 when he got diagnosed!!!! he's then told that he probably has less than 6 months to live. he tells hajime this whole speech about how he realized all he wanted his entire life was to be loved by someone, and he didn't want to die alone, but then says that he was just quoting something, curious to the sympathy it would get him (i don't really believe that, but THAT is a nagito analysis topic. back on topic again…)
then he gets invited to hope's peak. he tries to refuse, but they insist, and so he finally agrees. but then, during his second year, junko starts to ruin things, and yet ANOTHER person he started to care about is killed right before his eyes (chiaki). of course, then, he goes on to bring as much pain and despair to anyone he can under junko’s brainwashing
he's fully convinced that he's a curse, and that he's not worthy of living.
"ok….. what’s your point??" you didn’t ask???
the difference between nagito and makoto is that makoto took his grief and made it into motivation, while nagito took his grief as a personal reflection, and spiraled down into a mental decline.
i think the main reasons for this difference is that, first of all, nagito's trauma has been his entire life. since he was a little kid up to even currently (when he's around 21-22), all he's done is cause or witness death anywhere he's gone. watching your childhood pet AND parents die before your eyes has to impact development in some kind of way (not to mention he was entirely alone since ELEMENTARY SCHOOL)
makoto had a very average, but nice life to that point. he had nice parents that were together and happy, his little sister that he's super close to, and while he didn't have any super close friends, he wasn't on particularly bad terms with anyone (as shown by his reaction to seeing sayaka, and sayaka's reaction to knowina him). all of the trauma and death he experienced happened to him when he was an adult (even though he thought he was 16-17 when the first killing game happened, he was most likely 18-19 and junko can erase memory but not alter brain development. so.)
second of all, makoto had support from his friends! he had the other 5 survivors, and then during the second game, he had kyoko and aoi to support him and get him through it. nagito grew up experiencing all of this grief and guilt and trauma entirely alone, even during the killing game he was in. his classmates treat him awfully even before he has his mental break doing incredibly unhinged shit like blowing up the gym (it's so. hard. to defend him sometimes.)
i still haven’t gotten to my point oh my god i talk a lot. BUT THE POINT IS they cope extremely differently, and arguably have different levels of trauma, but they experience the same survivors guilt. both of them feel like they don't deserve to be alive, and that others around them deserve so much better than they do. i really feel like makoto would be able to empathize with nagito's struggles with survivor's guilt and self worth, because he feels the same things! clearly, not to the same extent, but again, that goes back to the support makoto got during his experiences. it's one of the many MANY reasons i think makoto and nagito would be able to help each other heal, instead of being unhealthy like a lot of people say. (of course it depends on when because obviously, servant nagito meeting ff!makoto would not be healthy. that man would skeeve makoto out MASSIVELY but that dynamic is also an interesting one to explore.... ANYWAY.)
nagito's obsession with hope would give him an unhealthy attachment/idolization of makoto at first, but i really do believe that after he recovers a little more from junko's influence, a few days with the guy would make nagito realize that they're way more similar than he thought and that respectfully, makoto isn't as amazing and godly as he thought LOL
TLDR: they have very similar experiences, the only difference between them is that makoto had support that reminded him he wasn't to blame for the deaths of those around him, while nagito was isolated from EVERYONE from a very, VERY young age, and it led to his mental decline. i really believe they would be able to help each other heal a lot and that's why i love them so much :(
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side note: genuinely nothing makes me as sad as nagito and his dog 😞 every time i mention them i get so upset
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stillfrownyclownlol · 5 months
Lgbtqia+ hcs because I don't know if I'm gonna make it till June lmao (or, if I'm gonna live after it since I'm planning on wearing my flags In public 🤡)
Tw for csa mentions (because why don't I keep projecting huh)
Ashlyn Banner
-She/Her but in a "never thought about pronouns her entire life" kinda way. Doesn't mind they/them. She likes dressing masc/feeling masc, but doesn't really like being "perceived" as masc. Like...masc on her own time lmao. (I'm projecting so hard rn)
-Demi rose 🌹 I'm also projecting here. Takes her a while to come into her feelings, but maybe that's the "never had friends ever" coming through.
Aiden Clark
-he/him but like he won't care if you use smth else for him lol. Cis gnc kinda guy eyyyyy (better in heels than ashlyn)
-unlabeled and that's how he likes it, nobody's business who he likes kissing lol. I feel like he's kissed a guy before just to try it. On the aro-allo spectrum ngl.
Ben Clark
-He/Him, is fine with They/Them. Honestly likes getting called She/Her too but Ben's been pretty shy about mentioning it :") Taylor likes doing her makeup if they're having a "femme-day". Settled on genderfluid/genderflux after a while.
-Greyromantic Caedsexual (Ace). Shane was part of a group of slightly older kids, and when he was getting bullied Shane and some other kids sexually assaulted him multiple times...technically was a queer assault since Ben was seen as a sissy because his personality and hobbies were "feminine", and this was to goad him into having a physical reaction :/
Taylor Hernández
(Ngl I'm so annoyed there's not more colors but whatever)
-She/Her and They/Them, identified as cis for a long time since it was what they knew, but once she learned more about it she experimented with her gender a lot more, they identified as non-binary for a while before moving to paragirl.
-Pan to aro/ace pipeline because I'm projecting :) she didn't really handle it well at the beginning, but Ben, Ash and Aiden are all also a-spec so she had a lot of support ^_^ She felt "invalid" because of the csa she went through when they were younger and they thought it was more like a trauma response than her actual sexuality. After talking with Ben about it tho she understood that even if they were related that didn't make her any less valid.
Tyler Hernández
-He/Him cis guy :p
-was kinda annoying about queer people because actually being raised as a Catholic Mexican boy makes you kinda weird (IM SORRY THIS IS JUST FROM PERSONAL EXPERIENCE) BUT he gets better I promise
-Bisexual boyfailure and took him crushing on Logan to accept it 🤡
Logan Fields
-He/Him and a bit of a stickler about it because he gets misgendered rather frequently (less as he got older but still), doesn't mind getting called gendered terms tho (Taylor calls him "sis", and he calls himself an "Astrology girl")
-intersex, found out when he was 15ish since his puberty had been delayed, and he's really insecure about it...🙃 he was assigned male at birth so he wouldn't say he's trans, but his experiences overlap a fair bit. Takes testorone and medication because he has low electrolytes. I could write a whole essay here but I have to go soon 😭
-Gay :> He realized pretty quickly but he's intensely scared of people finding out, has only told his grandparents. They took it very well ^_^ His grandpa has some gay friends so sometimes Logan goes to the senior center to talk with them about stuff :)
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5eraphim · 8 months
Your monster mash au is so cool!! i love when writers go up and beyond n arent afraid to get creative with the canon. Do you have any hcs for how they met their S/O?
i currently have a 3 characters per request limit goin on rn, and i used RNG to pick the characters for this request which wound up being Werewolf Scout (BLU), Satyr Demo (RED) and Bogeyman Spy (BLU) hope thats ok with you! (but i have requests open currently, so if u were hoping to see someone else, here's a link to the monster mash AU. these were pretty fun to write and i'd love to do more!) thank you so much for the request, I hope you enjoy!
Characters: Scout 🐇, Demo 🐏 and Spy 🐍 (Team Fortress 2)
Content Warnings: Yandere, toxic relationship dynamics, possessive behavior, implied sexual relations, somnophilia, reader is gender neutral
Word Count: 2.3k
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Werewolf Scout (BLU)
Wild, savage, fearsome, and brutal, Scout is the living embodiment of what a proper wolf ought to be. Once the runt of the litter transformed through sheer determination and force of will, Scout would do anything to maintain his position as the leader of the pack.
All his life, Scout's possessed the primal need to be accepted as well as applauded by others by other wolves as well as by other mortals and monsters desperate to convince himself it will somehow be enough to purchase the childhood trauma of being known to all as the weakest of the family.
Consider Scout falling for a friend from childhood who hasn't seen him since his days as a weakling, only to move away and disappear for years and years and return to see a radically different Scout, practically the opposite of what he once was.
Scout always had a soft spot for you but never had the nerve to confess his feelings to you before on account of his certainty you would reject him, as well as generally being much less assured of himself when he was a child. But to meet up with you again now that he's stronger and more dominant than before, it's like getting a second chance too good to be true. If he were to let you go again, he knows he'd never forgive himself.
Initially, Scout's ready to start making moves on you without hesitation. There's no way you'd forget about him or all the time spent together, and he believes with all his heart that just seeing the man he's become would be enough to convince you to start an entirely new life together. And when you inevitably refuse such an outlandish proposition, Scout's left heartbroken, confused, and unable to control his jealousy and wrath.
But he knows if he really wants to impress you to prove he's worthy of becoming your mate, Scout knows who needs to do something drastic to get your attention. Nothing less than taking the life of another in a bloody brawl, where only one will live to see the end of the fight. But not just anyone. It must be someone close to you, so when you see as a protector. Surely, if he were to kill someone close to you, you'd have no choice but to accept him as your lover, your guardian, you're everything.
Scout's never been one for subtlety; he doesn't care if taking you as his lover by force leaves you terrified and resentful. As a leader of the pack, it's his responsibility to handle tough choices like this and watch out for the well-being of the rest. Whether or not you wanted to join in the first place hardly matters to Scout. He did what he had to, and you're his living reward
Satyr Demo (Red)
Like almost all the monsters in the monster mash AU, satyr Demo never really imagined himself with the idea of a single "true love" kind of partner, though not for the same reason as the others. While many of the other monsters view themselves at odds with humanity and, by extension, incompatible with the notion of human monogamous romances. Demo, on the other hand, is more hung up on the monogamous part of these relationships rather than the human part.
Satyr Demo is seldom alone, spending his days leisurely indulging his desires for sex, wines, feasting, partying, and whatever other whims cross his mind. In a realm populated by other satyrs, nymphs, centers, naiads, primordial gods, titans, and other similar creatures in a utopia beyond human perception.
Despite his physically off-putting appearance, drawing in mortals has never been an issue for creatures like Demo. Humans are such easy prey, with fragile minds so easily swayed by temptation and eyes so easy to deceive. All it takes for Demo to get in bed with another mortal is to share a bit of wine of the gods and to only appear late at night, using the cover of darkness to his advantage to hide his inhuman appearance. And the look on the mortal's face after realizing they've given into the ethereal temptation or hypnosis and made love to a half-goat creature is priceless to Demo.
In Demo's leisurely existence, life is nothing but an endless buffet of lovers; to limit himself to one monogamous relationship forever would be self-cruelty. The idea of a mortal retaliating against him for his treatment of them never even crossed his mind, but the day that happens if his entire world shifts.
Consider yourself a mortal living in the world near Demo's realm, where mortals are endlessly tormented and played with by gods and supernatural creatures like pawns. While you can do nothing but keep your head down and try not to invoke their ethereal wrath.
Imagine yourself in a situation where a close family member of yours has just been lured by Demo. Her chastity broken, and left in a compromising position in the woods. What little garments she has left desecrated with his seed, the goat hair left around the scene of the crime, making it obvious to all around town who was the culprit. With her reputation ruined and her family disgraced, she goes catatonic. Unable to leave her own bed, practically dead to the world, unable to cope with the suffering and shame of living as one of Demo's conquests.
Her despondence fuels within you an anger you kept bottled up all your life. You could no longer live in a world where mortals were used and discarded at the discretion of the supernatural creatures. You were willing to do whatever it took to fight back, to get even a fraction of justice for all the harm they'd caused.
Against the wishes of your loved ones, you sought the help of an ostracized spinster at the edge of the town, said to know the ways of witchcraft, and willing to make bargains with mortals for supernatural favors so long as they were willing to pay the price for it.
You came to her asking if there was some way to bind the sexual appetite of the monster who hurt your loved one beyond repair, offering her the still-desecrated clothing of your loved one, knowing some trace of the beast was likely necessary to enact the hex. You wanted to end his predation of the mortals of your town no matter the cost, even if that meant invoking dark magic to do so. Offering as payment everything of value owned put the clothes on your back. While you didn't have much, the old witch smiled, assuring you this was all payment enough and that the prospect of attempting such a powerful curse was enough of an incentive, though she accepted your belongings all the same, asking again if you were really willing to do anything to put an end to Demo's reign of terror. And without a second thought, you replied yes.
The witch held up her end of the bargain, binding Demo's lust and desire, but what she didn't tell you was the actual cost of finding one's heart to perform her ritual, specifically requiring a willing volunteer to bind Demo's lust to. She needed a token of a physical object of significance from the bound one and from another, which you offered as unknowingly as payment to bind in the victim's desires to.
The night you meddled in the affairs of the supernatural, you unknowingly offered up your own soul to the witch, which she bonded with Demo's successfully. And from that night on, cursing you to bear the burden of all Demo's desire.
Demo awoke the following day with a hole in his heart and a mind-numbing need to find another lover in the mortal realm, but not in a way he'd ever felt before. Demo felt like someone was waiting for him, someone he needed to find desperately but had no idea who it could be. In a town as small as yours, it was only a matter of time until you were discovered. And the moment he set his eyes on you, he knew it had to be you.
In the following days, you had to come to your own realization of what it meant to bind someone's heart. To understand it wasn't a hex to do no harm but to force one person alone to endure the entire weight of his desire.
Living as Demo's' sole lover was a paradise, but not from your perspective. Bestowed with eternal youth, food of the gods, orgiastic dances with supernatural creatures, the suffering of humanity far away, and the undying devotion of a god. You had no choice but to comply.
You were given all you could ask for so long as you never long to stray from Demo's side, or god forbid, ever asked to go home.
Bogeyman Spy (BLU)
No one knows the meaning of need like Spy. He's watched the rise and fall of empires, the brutality of war, and the skirmishes between mortal and the supernatural. The only thing he's never found was another creature like himself.
As long as Spy's walked the Earth, and for as long as he's interacted with humans, he's known nothing but hunger for human fear and pain, seeing them as merely a food source.
This life of isolation and callousness is all he's ever known. Perhaps existence is a lonely one, but Spy fails to see the value in a human emotional connection. He never had a heart to hold.
But just because he doesn't believe he has a heart doesn't mean one never existed at all. Despite his years upon years of emotional repression, he too yearns to be understood and cared for like the mortals he claims such dominion over. Still, he refuses to admit it to himself.
He may be immortal, but despite what he would like to believe, Spy is no god. And he was just as susceptible to the strings of fate as any other, and it was only a matter of time before the gods fated his heartstrings to be pulled by another ordinary mortal, the last kind of person Spy would've ever expected to foster sympathy for.
He couldn't even comprehend what was happening the night that finally happened.
It was just another night like any other Spy approaching you while you slept soundly, the optimal time to put you into a deep nightmare. But something about the sight of you, a vision of tranquility made beautiful by the moonlight and mysterious by dark shadows, he couldn't help but hesitate to disturb you.
Nevertheless, Spy was prepared to do what he must to get his nightly fix, but before he could enter your dreams, Spy realized your psyche was already charged with sexual energy, the sign of a dream already in progress. Nothing he hadn't seen before, but in the moment, he was paralyzed and entirely captivated.
More cautiously than ever before, he dared take a taste of the energy flowing through you, and after just one sampling, he was hooked.
Hours stretch on, but Spy can't bring himself to leave your bedside, watching your energy waxing and waning as you fall in and out of a state of deep slumber. Before he realizes it, daylight comes, forcing him to concede he's out of time.
Deep within, Spy feels a different kind of hunger awakening, but something more complex, more akin to a yearning. A hunger that cannot be satisfied with a full stomach.
For the following few days, he couldn't bring himself to feed as he normally would. His hunger was there, as it always was, and he could feel the pain of an empty stomach but couldn't work up an appetite for anything but you.
By day three, he could stay away from you no longer and caved to the desire to feed, finding himself back at your bedside, his hunger for you as strong as ever. 
He will try to convince himself he's better off without you, lying to himself that it's only a matter of time before his obsession fades and what he feels now won't last. After all, you were only a mortal, though it's impossible to ignore the instant panic he feels thinking of you passing away. Not only because this would mean the end of you as a food source but as that pesky yearning perks up, and he can't help but fear you dying before he could properly commune with you.
Being an immortal shapeshifter with immense psychic power meant Spy had more than a few friends in high places, powerful and indebted friends.
It isn't long until he strikes a bargain with a powerful witch, granting you immortality as well as keeping you in a perpetual deep slumber, forcing you to become Spy's own personal little sleeping beauty. Eternally preserved just for him, keeping you alive by nourishing your spirit with safety and fear.
While in this state, it isn't long until the confusion sets in. You feel alone, have no idea where you are, and can't shake the feeling of being watched. You feel like you're trapped in a cage, a comfortable one, but a cage you can't escape from. Stuck in a dream you can awaken from.
Spy knows he could awaken you at any moment and might even understand some level he will have to eventually, but he still intends to keep it like this as long as he can. He's too addicted to the high of his hunger, finally satiated, and too sullen to bring himself to truly meet you in the real world. For the time being, he's content flirting with you in the dream world, stalking from shadows, always watching it, keeping just a step out of reach.
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satuguro · 1 year
Omg after reading part v and Xavier’s promise offer to patch y/n up quietly whenever she needs —and all its deeper meaning—I’d love your head cannons on Xavier having a bad mental health day (per Xavier’s mention in the show that he struggles with his mental health and his dad wants him to keep it secret) and !valkyrie reader making a similar offer. 💜
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xavier thorpe x valkyrie! reader
#CONTAINS— fluff, angst
#AUTHORSNOTE— i'm writing pt. 6 of tongues and teeth rn, but this request is so dear to my heart cause i struggle with mental health almost every day. thank you sm for requesting this xx
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— both you and xavier have had a history of neglect and trauma regarding your parents, so that means that bad mental health days happen.
— you don’t get to help him on his bad mental health days prior to the relationship, and vice versa. it takes a lot of trust for you both to fully let people see those sides of you.
— that doesn’t mean that you or xavier don’t see when the other is struggling with their emotions. like that one scene i wrote where xavier says, “take your time,” is an example of the subtle ways he’d help.
— but that shared hardship with emotions also means that both of you can read each other like a book; you both notice the slight changes in mood or when each other’s social battery decreases. it’s something that takes a lot of work from the both of you, but you make it work.
you moved your head to the other side of the pillow, groggy eyes adjusting to the soft light that was emitted from the side table.
xavier’s lips were in a permanent frown as he drew on his sketchbook, his knees pulled up to allow him to prop his art on it. his pencil moved on the paper, the soft scratches dragging you further away from your exhaustion.
“you’re awake,” you said, seeking his close presence as you moved to lay close to him. the sleepiness in your eyes melted when you saw the turmoil in his green eyes. the lack of response only furthered your worry for him. “xavier,” you said softly, sitting up and holding his arm gently, pausing his drawing.
xavier said nothing as he put his pencil down reluctantly. he looked at you, his eyes softening ever so slightly at your pleading eyes. he knew he should talk to you when he had moments like this. moments where he felt as though nothing was going right, as though what he was doing could never be good enough for anyone.
but then he felt you squeeze his arm three times for those three words you’ve said to him over and over, and he found himself spilling his thoughts out to you. and you were so happy to soak everything up.
— you're really cautious about giving him advice during his bad mental health days. you know more than anyone that having someone to listen and comfort you can help just as much as solutions.
— but that doesn’t mean that you both won’t give each other advice when the other asks.
— it took a while for the two of you to work out how to help each other out during bad mental health days. both of your were so used to dealing it on your own that it was hard to actually address it with the other person.
— but it was you that made an indirect promise to him when he finally spoke to you.
the sound of his father's party was merely a muffle as you brought xavier to the balcony. you could feel the quickening of his pulse under your fingertips and how his skin was clammy; he was hyperventilating, the words of his father circulating in his head like a mantra.
how could someone be so degrading about their own son purely for the laughter of others? to speak so lowly of someone they were supposed to care for and raise?
"hey." you looked at him, your hand being the only form of physical contact with him as your worried face studied his.
xavier wasn't having a panic attack, you knew that. but you knew that he couldn't be in that environment for any longer than he was, for as you looked at his misty eyes and frowning brows, his quivering lip and how he sucked it between his teeth to try and keep it in, you wanted to cry with him.
"breathe with me, okay?" you placed his hand on your chest as you breathed rhythmically, allowing the fresh air to fill your lungs and exit slowly. xavier could only follow you, his eyes still threatening to spill over with tears as every exhale he let out shook with his emotions.
if he wasn't xavier's father, you would have burned him to the ground. xavier could see the anger you hid behind your worry, how he knew you would have easily demanded an apology from his father if you didn't know any better.
"do you want to talk about it?" you asked softly as his breathing slowed, your hands cupping his face. your thumbs brushed away the tears that spilled over his cheeks so gently, as though you were afraid that you would break him.
xavier could only shake his head. the possibility of being interrupted by his father was far too high for his liking; if he ever saw xavier like this, he would be forced to return to the party almost immediately. he'd have to get himself together. "'m sorry you have the burden of seeing me like this." he almost winced at how much of his father's words he heard in his sentence.
you pressed a kiss to his forehead as he sniffled, your head moving down to press your foreheads together. you took his hands into yours and thumb ran along his knuckles. "it's never a burden— not if it's you. never, if it's you."
— sometimes xavier does have to stop you from starting a fight with his father. it's a given, considering you're so fiercely protective of him and so accustomed to violence. but xavier kind of likes it because he's always been the one that was overprotective of others, not the other way around.
— xavier also has a really bad sleeping schedule; it gets worse during bad mental health days. you like staying up with him; not to talk to him all the time, but because you don't want him to feel like he's alone in his father's house again, dealing with his emotions without the presence of another.
— but you know how to get him back to bed when it's way too late in the night for him to be awake.
you heard him tap his paintbrush against his jar of turpentine three times quick. the rain rolled outside his dorm room, the droplets hitting the window violently. but while the night was violent and harsh, your lover's brush strokes were soft as he worked on his painting.
he had been quiet for most of the day. there was no particular reason for it— he didn't need a reason for it. sometimes that was just how he felt, and you understood that. he didn't feel like there was anything to talk about, only murmuring that he was simply feeling down and that talking felt too exhausting.
but as the clock flashed 3:32, you knew it was time to drag him to bed.
you wrapped the blanket around yourself as you stood up. your feet made small sounds on the floor as you approached him with the blanket dragging on the floor behind you. gently, you laid your forehead on his back, feeling his muscles relax under your touch. his chest vibrated as he hummed in acknowledgement.
xavier turned to look behind him, the shadow of sadness on his face lightening up at the feeling of your touch. "hi," he managed to say, his voice quiet as he gave you a small smile that took up a majority of his energy. he was exhausted— mentally and physically —from everything, but couldn't bring himself to be under the covers just yet. he felt guilty for being so down all day without reason; he felt bad that you had to deal with him.
"it's 3:32."
"i can see that," xavier responded, turning back to his work. the shuffling of the blanket was followed by your blanketed arms wrapping around his middle. his gaze softened, his arm falling down to put his paintbrush away.
“come to bed with me, xavier.” the request come out softly, your words nothing short of hopeful and worried. you were reaching out to him, calling for him and expecting him to answer. for him to take your hand or answer your call with his own.
in the end, he always returned to you. he always gave in, not because he was tired or because he was annoyed, but because it was you. he always gave in if it was for you.
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m4ndysk4nkovich · 8 months
random shameless headcanons: debbie edition
i’m doing every (main) character btw i’m just starting with debbie cus i’m me
she had a pink stuffed bear as a child that is now the most musty, disgusting thing ever with one eye and a big patch on it that debbie sewed on so that she could give it to franny.
she definitely owns dior lip oil (did she actually buy it or steal it? who knows).
she has like every social media platform ever and has multiple backup accounts because she gets banned all of the time because she either has been reported by somebody, said/posted something wildly out of pocket and inappropriate, or just spammed too much. she also definitely shit posts on tiktok and posts a minimum of three videos a day.
she puts on a ridiculous amount of perfume every day because she got bullied for smelling bad as a kid but now she just wears way too much.
she loves vouge.
little debbie drank her coffee black, and older debbie drinks it with an ungodly amount of cream and sugar.
i feel like she liked brandy melville but was furious about their sizes so took to twitter and made a very angry post about it.
veronica and fiona pierced her ears when she was nine.
she doesn’t smoke (cigarettes, at least), but she vapes.
she uses pinterest religiously.
she texts all of her siblings (and mickey) on a daily basis and only gets a response half of the time (usually from carl, lip, or fiona, if she’s lucky she gets one from liam or ian, mickey will respond but always responds with something stupid).
she sets up playdates with franny and fred ALL of the time.
on franny’s sixth birthday, she threw franny a party that franny wanted, and it was vampire themed. debbie thought that she’d hate it but she actually had fun because of how excited franny was (i’m writing a fic about this rn, i’ll link it when i post it).
she EVENTUALLY gets therapy and learns to cope with her trauma and gives herself and franny a good life and gets a good, nice, loyal girlfriend (maybe it’s sandy, maybe it’s not. all i know is that it isn’t heidi).
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bonkwosher · 10 months
omg if you wrote more alan grant x reader i will literally name my firstborn after you. you write him so well bless you 🥹
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A/N: Lmao, will do Anon. I have no prompt from this so I'll figure out my own one.
Prompt: "4. understanding each other without words 5. recognizing the sound of their steps 15. watching their oblivious s/o lovingly 38. craving their company after a stressful day" From this prompt list (I've used it before for Benoit Blanc). 1000% friends to lovers rn.
Pairing(s): Teacher!Alan Grant x Colleague!GN!Reader
Contains: Teacher!Alan, Teacher!Reader, Alan having a long day with back pain, mentions of trauma (Jurrasic Park incident), panic attacks
Word Count: 2k
It was stupid, your little crush on the lead paleontologist at the dig site. You were the site manager, in charge of ensuring everything ran smoothly. Really you were just a Business 101 teacher, but Dr. Alan Grant himself requested that you manage the site. How could you say no? Your break room crush wanted you all the way out in the badlands of Snakewater, Montana with him. Okay, maybe not just him but there's something here, right? You've known each other for years, you sit in on his lessons when you're not teaching. He smiles when he sees you enter the room. You could only hope there's something special.
For now, you sit in the teacher's tent reading some papers that were dropped off with the food for the week. Dr. Sattler, the lead paleobotanist, was making some food for herself. A cup of tea sat on the table in front of you, occasional sips being taken. You heard footsteps move past you outside the tent. It was a light stomping & slow, it was Alan, & boy did he need coffee.
"Morning, Alan," you spoke the moment he grabbed at the tent's curtain door.
Alan was taken aback a little, shaking his head before pinching his nose, "Good morning, Y/N."
It was cute, the way he stumbled to the coffee machine. It was already on considering Ellie used it. He lazily pressed each button, rubbing his face with both hands afterward.
"Rough night, Dr. Grant?" You spoke, a teasing edge on your voice.
Alan froze for a split second before speaking, "How did you know?"
"Is it not obvious?" Your reply caused him to turn around, coffee now in hand.
Alan turned to Ellie with a confused look, to which she responded, "Looks like normal Alan to me."
"Well, I did have a rough night. I tweaked my back near the end of the day yesterday, sleeping was hell."
The dark circles under his eyes were becoming obvious. You couldn't help but pout a little in response. It would be weird to offer a massage. He's just a work friend.
"Well try to rest today," you suggested with a reassuring smile.
He waved off your suggestion, figuratively & literally, "No, no, some of the students found a really good fossil with that computer thing. It would be a shame to miss out on that, & I can't let them mess up such a beautiful fossil."
You stood up from the table & set the papers down, "Well I'm all caught up on work on my end. Mind if I come with you? Tap a few bones with a chisel maybe?"
Alan looked down & chuckled at your statement before shaking his head once more & looking up. A cheery sigh escaped him as he looked into your eyes.
"There is much for you to learn about paleontology, Y/N."
You were standing across from Alan as he was sprawled out on the ground, brush in hand, lightly brushing dirt away. You didn't notice the dopey smile you had on your face till Alan looked up at you, a chuckle escaping his lips.
"What?" You asked, laughing & putting your hands on your hips.
"You're standing around lookin' cute, I thought you were going to join me in the dirt," he teased back.
You both blushed. Not that either of you noticed the other was freaking out just as much. Alan couldn't believe he was so forward &, frankly, you couldn't gather that he might actually have feelings for you. You quickly turned around to hide your blush, Alan's heart sinking. You turned back around, with equal speed, brush in hand. You kneeled down on the dirt, leaning on your elbows & finding yourself in a similar position to Alan. You began brushing the dirt away. You tried to sneakily watch Alan to see if you were doing it right. His brows were furrowed as he brushed at the bone in front of him.
"Dr. Grant! I brought the supplies from this week's dropoff!" A student called out, a pile of boxes high enough to block their vision was shaking in their arms.
You couldn't help but freeze as the kid stepped towards the site. A few more steps & he'd surely step on the bones, inevitably freaking out & accidentally dropping everything. He'd be dead by dawn if Alan had anything to do with it. Luckily, Alan intervened early, shooting up quickly to stop the kid. A groan escaped him as he reached his hands out.
"James, the table is this way!" He tried not to sound too upset.
"Sorry, Dr. Grant!" James apologized as he turned towards the aforementioned table.
Alan's right hand darted to his back, applying pressure as best he could. You stood up slowly, noticing Alan's attempt at hiding the pained grimace on his face. You began walking towards him as he gripped his hat on his head, crushing it between his fingers.
"Professor!" Your focus was drawn to someone shouting your title, considering you were the only non-doctor here, "You got some faxes, the receipts from today need to be revised & sent to the school!"
You realized now it was your assistant calling out, a student volunteer getting work experience in the weirdest of locations. You thanked them as you grazed a hand over Alan's back.
"Please rest," you whispered to him as you walked away.
As you went off to do your work, it was Alan's turn to freeze. He may be good under pressure, when deadlines are coming, or even when dinosaurs think he would make a perfect midnight snack; But god did he feel absolutely helpless under your touch. He felt himself leaning into the touch & now he was stuck in this awkward bent hip position. He sighed as he adjusted his posture, convincing himself that it wasn't your touch that suddenly made the pain go away. Coincidence, he'll call it. He got back into an uncomfortable position, determined to get a good look at this fossil by nightfall.
By the time you left your "office" tent, it was dark. You looked towards the dig site to see some floodlights pointed towards the fossil. A couple eager students, & likely, Dr. Alan were hard at work. Dr. Sattler would soon come to end their fun & make sure the students got their 8 hours of rest in. You decided bed sounded much more comfortable than attempting to get them to sleep anyways. You opened the door to your trailer, letting it shut behind you. You toed off your shoes & took off your button-up & pants, changing into less dusty clothes before climbing into bed. You gave it one last good stretch before plopping onto your bed. You got comfortable, adjusting a couple pillows before feeling right.
A couple knocks hit your door, "Y/N, are you awake?"
Alan was trying to be quiet in case you were asleep but you could tell he needed to see you. You stood up slower than usual, you were tired after all, & opened the trailer door. Alan's arms twitched up slightly, he retracted them.
"Can I-"
You interrupted him, "Of course."
Alan's arms darted around your waist. From his place, a step below you on the trailer stairs, his head reached the crook of your neck. He nestled into place quickly, as if you had done this a million times. In reality, you & Dr. Grant had hugged once.
That time he hadn't asked, he knew he caught you off guard & he beat himself up about it ever since. It was his first day back on campus after he mysteriously left for an island with Dr. Sattler. You had come in to check on him after your classes, which happened to be late that night, & found him in his office. He was hunched over his work, head in his hands. The office door was left ajar, maybe he was still running office hours? Nonetheless, you pushed the door open slightly & knocked as you did so. You seemed to scare the life out of him. He jumped back & out of his seat, throwing papers into the air with him.
He yelled something barely intelligible, sounding maybe like, "GET BACK!"
"Alan! It's me, Y/N," You tried to calm your colleague as you walked toward him, his eyes were going everywhere but in your direction.
You managed to get a couple feet in front of him, his hand was clutching his chest & his breathing was beyond fast.
"Alan, I need you to take deeper breaths," You spoke as you reached out to touch his hand, "Please."
Finally, his eyes met yours, your hand wrapping around the one that held his chest so tightly. The genuine look of concern in your eyes grounded him. He looked around the room to see he was safe in his, albeit, now messy, office. Without thinking he scooped you into a hug. You were shocked at first by the sudden movement, your hands took a moment to find their place. In the moment, Alan didn't process that he caught you off guard, that would haunt him later. Right now, you were the one thing making him know he was safe, & holding you felt right. He had barely spoken to you before this. You were another teacher in the giant school that was U of M. But in the few times he's spoken to you, he's fallen hard. It surprised him that you stopped by, he was hoping you weren't there to ask him about Jurrasic Park.
You never did, & after that night you were always around. You sat in on his lessons & he even sat in on yours on the rare occasion. You offered to talk to him about whatever happened if he ever wanted, he never did. Alan was stubborn that way, he didn't like talking about feelings.
So you'd be lying if you said it didn't shock you when Alan asked to come into your trailer late that night. He sat down on the "kitchen" chair & looked up at you, pulling his hat off & setting it in his lap. His eyes quickly decided looking at the floor was more comfortable.
"Sorry, if I'm intruding, I had a rough day."
"You're not intruding, Alan, you never are," you tried to find eye contact but there was none, "You want to talk about anything?"
A long moment of silence sat between you. Alan was clearly fighting himself on something. Finally, a sigh escaped him.
"Do you remember... that night in my office?"
He didn't have to explain, of course, you knew, "Yes."
"It happened again, last night."
"I'm so sorry, Alan."
"Don't be," He had a clear train of thought & you couldn't break it, "I fell & hurt my back, I was terrified. I wanted to run to you but the fear that something was outside kept me trapped."
He wanted to run... to you?
"I've been in so much pain all day," he continued, "& it felt so isolating to keep last night to myself, bad isolating. When you just knew something was wrong-"
Alan stood up & took your hands in his, his eyes found yours just as quickly, "How did you know?"
"You looked, not like you, if that makes sense. I just knew."
Alan's hands darted to the sides of your face but yet again, froze. His eyes were filled with determination & fear. You weren't scared. You lifted your hands to guide him. His hands now resting on each side of your jawline. In the silence, Alan lightly traced a line across your cheek with his right thumb. You gave him the smallest of nods, looking deep into his eyes. Alan pulled you in for a deep kiss, a sigh escaping him when you kissed back. In a moment, you were separated again.
"Mind if I stay the night?" Alan spoke softly.
"I would love that."
A/N: This took me so long & I can't believe I didn't get burnt out. I am so happy with this.
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faulty-writes · 11 months
Hey faulty, it’s currently 4am and I’m feeling really sick rn aha. Could you maybe do a oneshot of Iida x fem reader where she gets sick at night? Like they’re on a camping trip with the class 1A and they end up having to share a bed? (Cliché ik but I love this trope sue me) and she gets sick at night. I’m talking fever keeping her up until 3am then going to the restroom in the bedroom to puke. She doesn’t want to wake up iida and tries to just deal with it alone.. but she ends up waking iida up anyway when she goes to the restroom. She got so hot that she had to take off her t shirt but left the sweats on. She’s in a white tank top btw. (For plot you’ll see) Iida knocks on the door bc like he’s worried ya know? She says it’s open and then a few min later after talking, she asks him to bring her a black tank top from her luggage bc the one she has on is kinda see through. She’s red from the fever btw. Iida brings it and she turns her back and just slips it off to replace it with the black one. Normally shy but friendly reader would feel embarrassed in changing in front of him (and even being in a tank top) , but at this point, she feels like dog water so she doesn’t care. When she quickly slipped the white tank over her head, iida gets flustered (you know naturally bc u know girl he likes). He’s gonna turn around (or act how iida acts) but he sees some scars on her back for just 2 seconds. This leads to late night caring and reader opening up about trauma from rich parents. (Think like Killua from hxh just for the abuse he went through- parents wanted to make reader really strong and we’re obsessed over it-she’s in a better home now tho with a relative)
iida and fem reader are in the “I kinda like you a lot but I’m not going to do anything bc I love our friendship rn phase.”
Could you make it cute and fluffish and domestic? (I think that’s how u use that word lol) Reader and iida grow closer through it too. I’m sorry this ask is so specific lol, I have a vision in mind. I also think sweet shy fem reader x iida is really cute. (This is not self indulgent at all aha😂)
It’s ok if ur not up to it.. tho I would be really happy if u did write it up. I love ur fanfics!! Been a fan for like 3 years even before I had tumblr!(❁´◡`❁) just lemme know if ur busy rn or don’t wanna write it! No pressure. :)
Thank you!
[ Alright! Sorry this took a bit, but I hope you're feeling better and I hope I did this story justice. It was kind of fun to write, I like the whole "I like you but need to stay friends" trope because it can always grow into something more. Anyways, I tried to make Tenya flustered just enough in this fic. I love embarrassing him. ]
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“Are you most certain you’re correct?” Tenya urged, and Izuku held up a piece of paper muttering under his breath. “That’s w-what I counted,” he replied before yelping when Katsuki grabbed the back of his head. “Shut the hell up already!” he snapped before glaring at Tenya.
“Who the hell cares if two of us have to share a damn bed!? It’s your fault for not accounting for this, four-eyes,” he growled, making Tenya frown in response. “I am afraid that I did not anticipate the weather causing our pre-scheduled camping trip to be postponed,” he explained, slightly annoyed by Katsuki’s behavior.
He wanted to make graduation special and insisted that Class A take a camping trip. However, due to the rainy weather and the persistence of his female classmates, the choice to pull over and book hotel rooms for the night was made.
“Yeah yeah, whatever,” Katsuki responded, releasing his hold on Izuku. “Come on you spikey-haired idiot!” he growled at Eijirou who nervously chuckled. “Well, I guess that means Bakugou and I are taking the first room,” he said.
“Best of luck figuring out who shares the one-bedroom suite for the night!” With that, he waved goodbye and chased after Katsuki. “Mineta and I can share a room!” Kaminari announced. “Yes, and Jirou and I can share a room,” Momo said.
“Mm, very well,” Tenya replied, looking at Izuku and Shoto. “I assume you two wish to share a room,” he said. “Oh w-well uh…” Izuku tried to reply but Tenya ignored him. You were sitting on one of the provided chairs in the lobby of the hotel, remaining quiet as you watched the scene unfold.
You coughed and cleared your throat a few seconds later. “Are you okay Y/n?” Tsuyu questioned laying her hand on your back. You nodded. “Uh, yeah just a bit of a sore throat,” you replied, rubbing it to ease the discomfort.
“Everyone please, pair up in groups of two and take a room key!” Tenya announced, and you looked at Tsuyu. “Go ahead,” you said, waving her away. “I don’t care who I spend the night with,” you soon regretted those words when only Tenya and you were left.
“Forgive me,” he said, unlocking the hotel room and turning on the light. “I hope this accommodation does not cause discomfort for you,” he said, gesturing you into the room. He could hear a steady stream of rain hitting the window and vicious thunder rumbling outside.
“I guess this camping trip turned out...s-sour, huh Iida?” you tried to joke, but he didn’t seem to find any humor in your words. Your smile faded and you folded your hands in front of you, focusing on the floor. ‘Well, that didn’t turn out the way I wanted’ you thought with rosy cheeks.
You moved out of the way when Tenya walked into the room, placing the bags on the floor by the bed. He insisted on carrying yours, and it didn’t come as a surprise considering he was a gentleman. “Are you feeling well?” he asked, noticing your reddened cheeks.
“Uh…w-what?” you replied, snapping your head up and trembling when he glared at you. “Are you feeling well?” he repeated. “Um, I uh, y-yeah I’m f-fine,” you choked out, thinking that your sore throat was nothing more than the rain irritating your allergies.
“I see,” he walked over to the bed and asked, “Do you prefer sleeping on the left or right side?” You knitted your eyebrows, unsure what he meant. “Uh, w-whichever side is fine,” you replied but knew your answer wouldn't satisfy him, so you thought of a diversion.
“I wanna take a...a shower!” you exclaimed, trying to ignore his now suspicious glance. The worst part was that you could barely stand looking at his gorgeous eyes. “Very well, you are welcome to freshen up in the shower. I trust you have the appropriate slumber wear, yes?” he asked, adjusting his glasses.
“Uh, y-yes,” you said. Maybe taking a relaxing shower would alleviate your throat soreness. “I’ll um, just g-get them from my s-suitcase,” you said, pointing to it. “Um, t-thanks for carrying it for me, uh, b-by the way,” Tenya nodded.
“I do not believe it would be appropriate to expect a lady to carry her luggage,” he explained, watching you open the suitcase and look through it for your sleeping clothes. Once you gathered everything, you scurried to the bathroom and shut the door behind you.
“What is wrong with me!?” you hissed, walking to the large tub, and turning on the water. You stripped your clothes off and carefully climbed inside, sighing in contentment as the water eased your body’s muscles. You lay there for what felt like hours before carefully climbing back out.
Droplets of water fell from your body, creating a rhythmic pattern as they hit the floor. You drained the tub before walking to the sink. You placed your hands on the counter and looked at your reflection in the mirror. You felt a bit odd and wondered if you had spent a little too much time in the tub.
Well, maybe you’d feel better when you lay down. Once you had dried off, you slipped on a white tank top, a short sleeve shirt, and a pair of sweatpants. “The b-bathroom is free,” you said, walking past the bed. “Hm?” Tenya was sitting on the right side of it reading a book.
“Oh, I see. Thank you,” he replied, closing his book, and placing it on the nightstand near the bed. You closed your eyes, feeling an overwhelming urge to lie down. You pulled back the blanket and sat, pressing one hand against the mattress to feel its firmness.
You looked up when Tenya stood, although he didn’t say anything when he gathered his sleeping clothes and headed to the bathroom. You took a deep breath, coughing softly when you laid your head down and pulled the blanket back over you.
The sound of running water accompanied by the rain and thunder that still bellowed outside helped you drift off to sleep, but a few hours later you woke up sweating. “Ah…” you blinked, feeling exhausted, and reached up to touch your forehead. ‘Why am I so hot?’ you thought, wiping your face dry.
Hearing soft snoring, you turned your head. Tenya was lying beside you in blue pajamas and a matching sleeping cap. His face looked content and part of you wondered what he was dreaming about if he was dreaming about anything at all.
‘Maybe this fever will go down if I keep resting’ you thought as you closed your eyes and tried to relax your body. Unfortunately, you found yourself restless and your fever grew more severe, making you whimper on occasion. This combined with the nauseating feeling growing in your stomach finally made you sit up.
“I’m gonna barf…” you muttered, turning to look at Tenya to ensure he was still asleep. The last thing you wanted was to wake him up, especially after all the planning he had put into this camping trip. Besides, maybe it was better you dealt with this by yourself as you never wanted to burden others. You winced, holding your stomach as you stood.
You swallowed hard, tasting acid on your tongue. You turned to look at Tenya one last time before scurrying to the bathroom quietly. Your breathing was heavy and sweat dripped from your skin so profusely that your clothing stuck to your skin making movement uncomfortable.
As you swallowed again, you slowly pulled your arms inside your shirt. You intended to take it off despite being hunched over the toilet. You sighed in relief when the cool air hit your skin, somewhat thankful you made the choice to wear a tank top underneath said shirt.
At the moment, it didn't matter to you that it was white and see-through. You closed your eyes and wiped the sweat from your brow, your mouth salivated so much it dripped down your chin. You dry heaved, feeling your stomach twist until its contents splashed into the toilet.
When you coughed, Tenya's eyes fluttered open and he turned his head, noticing you absent from the bed. He sat up slowly and grabbed his glasses. He was more than certain the noise that had woken him was you.
It was natural that he wanted to check you were okay, so he stood up and walked to the bathroom, noticing that the door was closed. He pressed his ear against it growing more concerned when he heard heavy breathing, followed by sniffles. He frowned and paused before knocking three times.
You snapped your head up, eyes wide but vision blurry as you looked at the bathroom door. “Y/n, do you require assistance?” he asked, and you latched onto your lip to suppress the gag threatening to come. The inside of your mouth tasted sour, and your throat burned.
You shifted your eyes back and forth, knowing if you didn’t answer soon, he’d likely do something drastic. “I…” Your voice was weak, but you tried to push through it. “I…I don’t know,” you replied, before wiping your eyes with the back of your hand.
Your answer alarmed Tenya, and seconds later he heard a toilet flush followed by running water. “What is the matter? Are you feeling ill? Are you injured?” he questioned, feeling ridiculous for talking to you through a door. You took a deep breath, resting your hand on your stomach.
You looked at your reflection in the mirror, noticing your hair was disheveled and your cheeks red. Your eyes looked swollen and irritated, in other words, you were a mess. “I…just…” Maybe it would be better if he saw for himself.
“Um, t-the door is open,” you said reluctantly. “Very well, may I enter now?” came his reply. “…yeah,” the door squeaked, and you wrapped your arms around yourself before turning to face him. His eyes widened upon seeing you, noting your irritated-looking eyes and reddened face.
He didn’t want to assume anything, but you certainly looked ill. “Forgive me, but you look rather...ill and I do not believe I have a thermometer so I cannot take an accurate measure to confirm or deny any possible fever,” he replied, tapping his chin. “I…I’m not running a fever,” you lied.
He narrowed his eyes and reached out. “Pardon my touch,” he said, pressing his hand against your forehead. Yes, it was a rather outdated method to use, but it would allow him to feel your temperature regardless. “Hm,” he raised his eyebrows and lowered his hand.
“Your forehead is rather warm,” he noted. “May I check your pulse?” You blinked in response, hissing softly when you noticed how dry your eyes felt. “Um…okay?” you replied and gasped when he took your wrist, pressing his thumb against it.
The seconds ticked by awkwardly as you clenched your bottom lip. “Your pulse appears slightly elevated, suggesting possible sickness,” he said, lowering your wrist. “Oh um…” you wrapped your arms around yourself again, suddenly anxious, and self-aware of your see-through tank top.
“Hey Iida,” you said, glancing away shyly. “Yes?” he replied. “Uh…c-could you…get me another tank top? The black one from my luggage?” you asked sweetly, nervously rubbing your upper arms. Tenya knitted his eyebrows together, uncertain why you asked for a tank top when you already had one on.
However, out of curiosity, he glanced down, and his eyes widened. He covered his mouth when he noticed that the fabric of your current tank top was rather…well perhaps it was rude to continue to stare at someone's exposed body.
“Y-yes!” he suddenly shouted, immediately looking away from you. His cheeks glowed a furious red color which was accompanied by a feeling of shame. He knew he should not look at a young lady in such a disrespectful manner. It was improper!
After all, he did not mean to look at you that way, but it seems his mistake caused him a bit of embarrassment. “I would be honored to…” He cleared his throat, trying to ignore the unfamiliar heat that ran through his cheeks.
“I would be honored to assist you, please give me a moment,” he said, promptly turning around and scurrying out of the bathroom. He took deep breaths as he opened your suitcase, searching for the black tank top you requested.
Despite his concern about his fast-paced heartbeat, he believed it to be a natural reaction given his feelings toward you. Of course, he didn't want to ruin your friendship by acting on said feelings. “Here we are,” he said, neatly folding the article of clothing before returning to the bathroom.
“I do hope this is the correct item,” he said, hesitantly holding it out. “Yeah,” you replied, taking it. Unless you were in a relationship or classified yourself as a free spirit there was a certain level of modesty when it came to changing in front of the opposite or even the same sex.
However, given how horrible you felt now you didn’t think twice about turning your back on him and removing your current tank top. Tenya’s eyes widened when he realized what you were doing. His cheeks flushed, and he immediately raised his hand, intent on scolding you, but no words came out.
Despite not anticipating activating his engines, his nervous state made them spark to life and a soft rumbling echoed through the air. “P-pardon!” he stuttered and turned to face the door, feeling his heart accelerate again. “Hm?” You paused and briefly looked over your shoulder at him.
‘Weird…’ you thought, before dropping the white tank top to the floor. A groan escaped your lips as you slipped the black tank top over your head. While he knew it was rude to look at you when you were topless or changing, your groan concerned him enough to make him turn his head.
That's when he noticed the scars on your back, and instead of flushing yet again or feeling embarrassed, he grew concerned. Although your scars looked old and healed, he wanted to know what caused them. It is natural for heroes to receive injuries which then created long-lasting scars.
But yours almost looked…well perhaps it was more appropriate he didn't assume where they came from. He turned his head back, feeling the slightest amount of sweat drip down his face and he almost regretted not having brought a handkerchief to bed.
He cleared his throat, tugging at the collar of his pajama top, and was tempted to undo the first few buttons to cool himself. His cheeks were a deep rosy color, and his engines continued to rumble softly although he hoped they were not too audible.
Just as you finished putting your new tank top on, you heard Tenya clear his throat. “Huh?” you raised an eyebrow when you turned only to stare at his back. “Um...” you stepped closer to him, hesitantly reaching out to touch him.
You stumbled back when he trembled in response and turned to face you, his eyes wide and his face red. You blinked, unsure if you had scared him or if he was beginning to feel sick as well. “Um…a-are you okay?” you asked, your heart pounding in your chest.
“I…” he glanced away. His mind filled with images of those scars, and he lowered his eyebrows in thought. Frankly, he wished to address what he had seen but did not want to appear strange or alarming. Furthermore, he did not wish to force information out of you or make you feel uncomfortable.
He cleared his throat once more and raised his hand, chopping it through the air as he said, “P-perhaps it would be best if we retired to the bed to further address your question.” You knit your eyebrows, not fully understanding him. Then again, did anyone understand Tenya?
Maybe his closest friends, but even they seem baffled by his antics sometimes. You placed your hand on your stomach, somewhat relieved you were feeling better. You shrugged. “Okay?” you replied, following him out of the bathroom. Your fever was still high, and you wiped your brow.
For a split second, you debated running to the ice machine. However, the thought of walking down an empty hotel hallway made you feel uneasy. Come to think of it, you didn’t know how late or early it was, not that it mattered because who knows how long Tenya could take to answer your question.
“Please sit,” he said politely gesturing to the bed. You looked between him and the bed before sitting down as requested. The bed gave a soft squeak when he sat down next to you. The two of you exchanged glances before he cleared his throat.
“I…do not wish for you to think I am being disrespectful when I ask this as I understand personal matters are quite difficult to speak about with those you are not close with,” as painful as it was to admit, despite the many challenges Class A went through together, there was still distance between all of you.
Yes, a few classmates had admitted their personal matters and remorse over certain things or times in their lives. However, he noticed that you tended to keep to yourself. While you were kind and compassionate, there was a shy nature about you, and he had noticed you struggle in social situations before.
“W-what do you mean?” you asked, your voice trembling and your anxiety rising. He was silent for a moment, and you noticed his shoulders were stiff. He shifted his legs almost as though he were uncomfortable, but you swear you heard a soft rumbling.
Was his quirk acting up? You quickly glanced at his face, his eyebrows were lowered and there was an uncertain glance in his eyes. His cheeks were slightly reddened, and his hands were in his lap, but you noticed his fingers were interlocked.
“Forgive me, I believe it would be beneficial if I were to explain more clearly. I…” he took a deep breath, laying his hands flat on his thighs. He cleared his throat again and reached up, tugging at the collar of his pajama top.
“I noticed that there were…rather severe-looking scars on your back.” A chill ran down your spine and you leaned away from him. Your eyes were wide, and he expected you to be angry, but instead a look of hurt and dread spread across your face.
You fisted your hand into your chest and the other into the blanket, keeping silent. Tenya frowned. “I…apologize,” he said, carefully placing his hand over yours but immediately jerked back when you gasped. “I…pardon I did not intend for my touch to-” You shook your head.
“N-no, it’s f-fine Iida,” you replied, despite your heart racing in your chest. “It’s just…” you glanced away, “no...n-no one has asked that b-before.” Then again you weren’t exactly the type to flaunt your body and usually changed in the locker room stall.
You latched onto your lip, the thought of your parents made your stomach twist, and you suppressed a dry heave. “Are you well?” Tenya asked, slightly alarmed, and though you nodded, he wasn’t fully convinced. “Forgive me,” he said, standing up from the bed.
“Perhaps I should not have inquired. I did not wish to make you uncomfortable,” he said, turning with the intent of walking to his side of the bed. “N-no!” you cried out, grabbing his arm. He stumbled back and looked at you bewildered.
“Uh…” You blinked, and your cheeks grew red. You felt so hot you were liable to faint, but you shook your head trying to fight through your anxiety. “S-sorry!” you said, quickly letting go of his arm. You swallowed hard, groaning out of embarrassment.
“Um…I…the s-scars are…” you looked away, rubbing the back of your neck. You felt the bed dip when Tenya sat down again. He wanted nothing more than to comfort you and once again extended his hand, placing it on your shoulder.
Your head shot back, looking at him with wide eyes and parted lips. “Please do not be afraid,” he said, his voice hushed and full of concern. Oddly enough, you smiled and nodded. “Right, s-sorry,” you said, glancing at your lap.
Your throat felt tight, but you forced yourself to speak. “The scars…are from the training m-my parents put me through,” you explained, refusing to lift your head to look at Tenya's expression. You expected him to be worried and maybe even feel sorry for you.
Instead, you gasped when he leaned forward and wrapped his arms around you. He knew it was irrational, and he did not know how you would respond. Although he could not confess the feelings he had for you deep down, he would not stop trying to physically prove it to you.
A part of you wanted to push him away because you weren't used to this type of affection, and because you didn't want him to catch whatever you had. But you couldn't help but melt into his touch. He was aware of the training that was deemed necessary in order to become a worthy and true hero.
However, there were other, unethical training methods such as the ones that Shoto went through that proved to leave long-lasting emotional and physical scars. He could not fathom why certain families pushed their children so hard during training.
Yes, a villain would not be easy on a hero, this much was certain. But to inflict such pain that it left physical scars was unacceptable, and it made righteous anger burn deep within him. However, he took a deep breath, calming himself.
“Forgive me,” he said, pulling away. “I…I do not believe I could help myself,” he stated, bringing his hands to his lap. He knew very well that he let his emotions get the better of him and at this moment, he needed to remain focused.
“Would you favor continuing our conversation?” he asked. “Um…well, my p-parents aren’t heroes but…t-they’re rich and w-when my quirk manifested they...” you paused and curled your fingers inward, ignoring how your nails dug into your palms.
He leaned closer with a serious expression on his face. You closed your eyes, sighing. “They…saw promise in it and…wanted to u-use me as a tool. If their daughter c-could be a hero…then it would boost my family‘s name and...r-reputation.” That spark of anger ignited again, but he held himself back from speaking.
You frowned and opened your eyes. “T-they forced me to train...every day. P-pushed me to my limits, and t-that's why I have...scars on my back. They always t-told me heroes don't feel...pain, they just do whatever it takes to gain f-fame.” Your eyes watered over, but you quickly wiped them.
“The...the m-more pain you can withstand, the more l-love you will receive,” you said, continuing to wipe away the tears on your cheeks. “I-I'm sorry,” Tenya frowned, uncertain how to comfort you. “Please do not apologize,” he said, reaching over to gently grab your wrists in order to pull them away from your face.
“You are likely to irritate your eyes further if you continuously rub them,” he explained before cupping your hands in his own. “I am quite honored that you have shared such memories with me, but are you physically and mentally well?” You glanced down, nodding.
“Yeah…” you replied, tightening your grip on his hands. “I live with a r-relative now….” and you hoped it would remain that way. He leaned closer, making you stiffen out of shyness. “Uh…” you dared to look back up and your face flushed when you locked eyes with him.
“I am…grateful to hear you are safe. Please know that I would never allow anyone, not even the fiercest villain to subject you to such injuries or pain.” While you assumed he was lying, the heroic and loving look in his eyes said otherwise.
And the way he embraced you further convinced you. His arm was tightly around your waist, and when he pulled you close, his opposite hand tangled itself in your hair. Whether it was the fever talking or the fact you were a little touch starved, you wrapped your arms around him in return.
His eyes widened and his heart accelerated. Being this close to you was something he always desired, but knew he could not have. At least not now, but there was always hope for the future. After taking a deep breath, he reluctantly pulled back.
His cheeks burned pink, and he cleared his throat, lifting his hand into the air. “Perhaps it would be best if we retired to sleep,” he suggested, and you turned away shyly. “Oh, uh…” How many hours passed anyway? What time was it? You were tempted to look at your phone but decided against it.
“Please allow me,” he said before standing and walking over to your side of the bed. He pulled back the blanket and shifted the pillows. “Hm,” you looked at him with a blank expression but walked over and sat down.
“Place your legs under the blanket,” he instructed and for a moment, you felt like a young child being tucked in but knew you shouldn’t take it that way. Tenya was just trying to be kind and after everything that happened tonight, it felt comforting to be taken care of by someone.
Once your legs were underneath, Tenya pulled the blanket over you and ensured you were comfortable before walking over to his side. Your face was glowing, and you closed your eyes, wishing your fever to go away. When you felt the bed dip, you mumbled and turned on your side so your back faced Tenya.
He glanced at you but said nothing and removed his glasses, placing them on the nightstand by the bed. Then he lay down with his arms by his sides. His attention was focused on the ceiling for a few minutes, allowing silence and your breathing to ease him to sleep.
Morning came too quickly, and the blinds didn’t stop the sunshine from leaking in. You groaned, fluttering your eyes open. Your head ached softly, and sweat droplets trailed down your forehead. You reached up, intent on wiping it but noticed your arms were stuck.
“Huh?” You looked down, and heat rushed over your face when you noticed a pair of arms wrapped around your waist. Your eyes widened and you turned your head, seeing Tenya’s sleeping face, and realized how heavy his body felt against yours.
You snapped your head back and panicked as you thought of the ways you could get out of this situation. You also thought of how to wake him up without making this awkward. Then again, maybe there was no way you couldn’t make this awkward.
You moved your body and wiggled your arms to jolt him awake. “Iida, Iida!” you hissed out, and he moved his head with a soft mumble in response. A deep breath sounded before he slowly opened his eyes. “Are you…a-awake?” you asked nervously, and he nodded.
“Yes…” he replied, lowering his eyelids. “What is the matter?” You shivered at the sound of his raspy voice. “Uh…y-you um…” How could you explain that his arms were wrapped around you? Sucking a breath in, you tapped his arm with your fingers.
“Hm?” He glanced down, and upon seeing the rather inappropriate position you were in, he immediately pulled his arms back. He stumbled out of the bed, and you jolted up when he hit the wall. “Iida!” you cried out, your eyes wide with concern and your hand extended in his direction.
“P-please accept my most humble apologies!” he frantically pleaded, placing his hands on his thighs, and bowing. His sleeping cap slipped off his head and fell to the floor. However, he resisted the urge to pick it up until you responded.
You blinked, and slowly pulled your hand back only to fist it into your hair. Your forehead still felt hot, but somehow you felt better than last night. Your cheeks burned red, and you glanced away, unsure how to respond to Tenya’s frantic exclamation.
“I-it’s fine,” you said softly before pulling the blanket back and hanging your legs over the side of the bed. “Um…t-thanks,” you said as Tenya leaned back up. “Hm?” he responded, looking at you despite your back facing him.
“F-for last night um…” you rubbed the back of your head, “I t-think it helped,” as talking things out usually did. He looked taken aback but smiled, “I am very honored to have assisted you in such a way and I do hope to be of more assistance in the future,” yes, he wanted you to run to him whenever you had an issue.
But he supposed only time would tell whether that type of trust strengthened between the two of you and despite no longer being the class president, he still wanted to be your closest friend. You turned to look at him, slightly surprised before looking at the floor. “Oh um…s-sure, maybe?” you replied, standing up and stretching.
“I suggest we change our outfits and relocate to the lobby as breakfast is served promptly from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. Then perhaps we can depart and resume this scheduled camping trip,” he said, reaching for his glasses and slipping them onto his face.
“R-right,” you replied, walking over to your suitcase, and laying it flat on the floor before opening it. You tapped your lips, deciding what outfit you wanted, unlike Tenya who more than likely already had something picked out.
As the two of you walked to the lobby, there was an awkward silence. Part of you wondered if it was your fault, and your anxious thoughts began. What does he think of you now? Is he going to look at you differently? You clenched your jaw, squeezing your eyes shut.
It was almost like something was about to burst out of you but then you heard a familiar voice. “Y/n!” Ashido called, running up to you. “Excuse me Iida!” she said, looping her arm through yours and dragging you away before you could say anything.
Out of instinct or panic, you held your hand out to Iida. However, due to his past experiences with Ashido, he thought it best not to interrupt whatever conversation she wanted with you. “Hey, Iida!” Uraraka called, she was currently sitting at one of the tables available in the lobby with Izuku.
He smiled and looked at you one last time before walking over. “How was your night with Y/n?” she asked when he approached. He paused, recalling last night's events, and cleared his throat. Uraraka tilted her head, noticing the flush on Tenya’s cheeks.
Izuku noticed this as well and they both exchanged a glance before Uraraka smiled. “What happened between you and Y/n last night?!” she questioned excitedly, and Tenya stiffened. “I…I believe I will gather my breakfast,” he stated, quickly walking away from the table and toward the breakfast area.
“Mm…” Uraraka pouted and scanned the room, easily spotting you and Ashido. “I’ll be right back,” she said to Izuku before walking away. “Your flushed face says everything! So, spill it!” Ashido shouted, raising her arms above her head. “Iida was flushing too!” Uraraka said, approaching your table.
You shivered when she turned to you and smiled. “Is everything okay between you two?” she asked suspiciously, and you shook your head. “N-no, I m-mean yes, I...I mean...” you groaned out of embarrassment. You took a breath, trying to gather your composure.
“I was just a-about to tell Mina t-that nothing happened just…” you rubbed the back of your head, glancing at your lap. “We just h-had a talk,” the girls leaned forward, eager to hear more. “A-and well…” you nervously chuckled. “I’m g-glad that he’s my f-friend.” Ashido sighed. “Seriously!?” she cried out, clearly disappointed.
Uraraka frowned and leaned closer to you. “Nothing happened between you two?” she asked, pouting. You nodded and shrugged, “Sorry?” you said before turning your head to look at Tenya who had gathered a plate of food, and happiness washed over you. ‘Yeah...just a friend’ you thought with a bright smile.
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not-poignant · 3 months
For the behind the scenes asks 20, 21 & 26 about A Stain That Won't Dissolve please!! <slightly obsessed w it rn
Ahhh - so I have 21 in the queue, it's coming! The TL;DR for that one is 'I didn't expect so many people to apologise for the way the town behaves towards Alex, and it's like watching abuse apologism and self-defense of inaction around familial abuse in real time, which is a weird phenomenon that happens sometimes when you write trauma narratives.'
20. What is something you wish more people noticed about this fic?
I don't know if it's something I wish for, so much as something that I think people don't notice as much and I think it would be interesting if they did.
Things like... it's a shame more people don't realise that the reason Alex isn't a 'good communicator' is because no one in that town is except for maybe Dr Harvey. Even Haley, who is getting better, is a people pleaser who undercut herself and her skills all her life. People can't learn what isn't around them to learn. So when I get comments like 'I wish Alex would just open up to these people in the town' I can't help but always think: 'Why would he based on how the town has treated him for a solid 25 years.'
For me, connecting these dots naturally flows together, but I've had 10 years of practice writing trauma recovery, and 43 years of practice experiencing many different kinds of abuse and many different flavours of trauma recovery and I think, actually, I now have a weird skillset in this area that other folks don't have, or don't even know exist. So it's not something I 'wish' they noticed because firstly it would likely mean more readers who are victims, but secondly, I also appreciate having this be something more subtle, and it's not like I'm upset or angry when people say that Alex is the poor communicator because like, he is. He's a symptom of the entire town.
So it's like, it's normal for people to notice what's right in front of them (Alex not communicating well and then thinking his problems would be solved if he just talked about stuff, because there's this presumption that everyone wants to listen if he'd just...talk), that's actually the fun part of writing? I love the comments people leave so much, and I learn a ton, and I love the insights folks share. I'm sure people are noticing a lot of stuff like this and just not saying so. Especially folks who have lived these situations and just can't be fucked talking about it in comments because life's hard. (And it's also possible to notice that and still be mad or frustrated that Alex doesn't communicate more).
I don't think there's really anything else though. I think that's partly because I'm not... uhhh, sitting there going 'PLEASE NOTICE THIS' because the gift of writing serials for the most part is pivoting when people aren't noticing something subtle, and thinking 'this might be me not meeting the reader where they are, I can step it up in the next chapter.' So, I feel like I flow towards pushing the things I want people to notice or gravitate towards, and as a result, they almost always do.
And with the stuff they don't, there's usually extremely understandable life-experienced-based reasons for that!
...This response is really long x.x
26. Wild Card! I'll tell you a fun fact about this fic!
I have actually always imagined Alex and Sebastian making out together. I imagined it even before I wrote The Wind that Cuts the Night, but Alex/Sebastian fics existed, I didn't like them (no shade to those authors, but I clearly wanted a very specific crunchy kind of angsty toppy Sebastian fic and very understandably no one was writing my fantasies they were writing their own lmao), and I thought Elliott/Alex would be faster to write. (It was).
That's actually one of the reasons I make it clear that Sebastian is gay and topping the farmer in The Wind that Cuts the Night! And also why I felt it was important for Alex to know that. Even back then, I couldn't resist just a little tiny glimmer of some kind of chemistry, even if it was just friendship chemistry.
I find Sebastian really annoying as a spouse. He's one of my favourite NPCs to romance, and my least favourite to marry of the ones I marry. The storyline of Martingale divorcing him is based off me daydreaming about doing that (I can't because it's mean) in one of my farms. I found him cold and detached compared to many other NPC spouses, and too work-focused. So the premise of an older Sebastian recovering from being divorced for these exact flaws was extremely appealing and vindicating to me. Most people don't feel the same way about in-game Sebastian as I do, but I'm like 'you have so much potential and then oh no.' It turned out Martingale felt that way too, and eventually did something about it.
And that gave me a really flawed Sebastian to work with and that's been awesome.
I did always imagine him as being a dominant/top/sadist though. It's actually really hard for me to imagine him as anything else.
I don't think this fact is fun but it is a fact! Sebastian is a character I love but he's also literally 'I can improve him' and this fic is me doing that lol
From this meme!
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