#would he use different pronouns? probably not but idk he might
clippedionianvowels · 2 years
Perhaps I’m projecting, but I think Rimmer would be genderqueer (in some direction) if he was like, 50% less repressed
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demiesworld · 1 year
riding karaku's thigh (nsfw / 18+)
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pairing: karaku x human!reader
synopsis: no plot just the usual filth
content: thigh riding, praising, dirty talking, nipple play, groping, talk of taking away virginity, corruption kink (implied) idk what else to add
notes: reader is afab and uses she/her pronouns. karaku calls reader "kiddo" but it is a term of endearment and she is of legal age.
part two here!
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You were surprised that you weren't killed or eaten, yet when you met the 4 emotional counterparts of Hantengu. Especially when it came to the carefree demon named Karaku. He used to taunt you by saying he was going to eat you for dinner once they've gotten tired of you. You've been living with them for several months now and there's been no sign of either of them wanting to consume you. So you could assume you were safe.
You're pretty much viewed as their ward. Sekido would have you listen to him gripe about how infuriating his other counterparts were during missions. Urogi liked to take you on flights with him and eat other humans (of course he doesn't let you watch him, but you could hear it). Aizetsu enjoyed cuddling with you in a bed with his face hidden in your neck while he wept about being yelled at by Sekido.
And then there's Karaku. He was different from the rest. Karaku liked to have you sitting on his lap. He didn't tell you why because you never bothered to ask him. He just told you one day to sit in his lap and you did without argument. Not that you didn't like it, but you found it strange that he would pull you on his lap when he was around his other counterparts.
Aizetsu would glance over at the two of you shyly. Sekido would scowl and surprisingly not say anything to Karaku at all. Meanwhile Urogi would have this wide grin on his face and like the others he wouldn't point it out as well.
You grew to be numb to Karaku pulling you on his lap. There were times where he didn't have to initiate it. You did. You went to him crying one night because you soiled a kimono that Sekido bought you with ink. You knew that Sekido would be very upset with you about it, so the only person you could turn to was Karaku. He let you climb into his lap and sit down on it, stuttering over your words as you tell him what happened. His muscled strong arms holding you against his chest and his chin rested on your shoulder.
"Ssh, ssh, it's okay kiddo. Sekido might be an asshole and all but it's not like he's going to kill you just for spilling ink on your kimono." Karaku comforted you with gentle pets to your head.
Your shoulders jolt as you hiccup and let out a pitiful sniffle. Your voice was trembling when you ask, "D-Do you think so?"
Karaku's face fell into a frown when you asked him that. "I'm one of his counterparts, so of course I am right." When you sat there and blinked slowly at him he sighs, "Listen, the most Sekido might do will probably be complaining and warning you to be careful about it. Then he may or may not buy you the same kimono." He explains to you.
The explanation brought a relief off your shoulders and you kindly smile once you felt relaxed. You knew how unpredictable Sekido could be with anger being his only emotion. Though you needed that reassurance. You were happy that Karaku could provide you with that.
"I feel better now, thank you Karaku."
The demon just snorted and turned his face away from you. "Don't thank me, kiddo, just pray in whatever God there is that Sekido will be in a tolerable mood tomorrow."
You firmly nod your head, "I will do just that."
Karaku hums and there's a comfortable silence between you two as you sit on his lap. The demon looks at you from the corner of his eye and then says, "Don't you have to take a bath or something? I know you like to be clean before you go to sleep."
You perk up when he says that, "Oh yes! It is getting late and I did come over unannounced." You stand up from his lap. As much as you didn't want to leave from his lap, you didn't vocalize your feelings. You did a good job at hiding your inner thoughts.
Your foot steps lightly pad along the floor towards the sliding door and you delicately touch the frame. Just as you were about to slide the door open you pause. Thoughts were running through your head as you poised there with pursed lips.
Karaku notices your hesitation at the entryway. He starts to speak about it, but your silvery voice asked in a haste. "Would you walk with me to the bathhouse?" His eyes widen for a fraction of a second before narrowing at you and tilting his head to the side. Your back was to him so you didn't see his befuddled expression until you looked over your shoulder at him. You smile tenderly at the demon and you went to explain, "It's just that... there's demons around this part of the forest and if a demon sees me walking alone they will probably end up eating me." You then add, "Maybe if they see me with a stronger demon beside me they won't bother to attack me." Your eyes drift to the side hoping that Karaku bought your story.
The tanned skin demon sat there deliberating your explanation, and he didn't say a word or moved. Suddenly he grinned widely exposing his sharp fangs. If he accompanies you on your journey to the bathhouse no other demon would dare to challenge an upper moon like him. Karaku arrogantly stood to his feet stretching his muscular arms above his head and scuffed his towering figure to you.
He chuckles at the hopeful expression you made. "Don't worry kiddo, I won't let anything happen to you. Now go grab your things, and I will meet you at the entrance." He opens the door for you and places a hand on your lower back to move you forward.
You turn to Karaku as he slides the door closed to his chambers and emphasized worriedly, "Shouldn't we inform the others that we are leaving for the bathhouse?"
He quickly tells you, "No." and leads you in the direction of your respective chambers. "Go gather your things, kiddo."
After you've got together your belongings, you meet with Karaku at the entrance and walk with him to the bathhouse. The demon strides behind you holding his uchiwa perched on his shoulder. You walk ahead of him holding your items inside of a wicker basket. The walk to the bathhouse did not take long and you two didn't encounter a demon on your way.
The bathhouse you used was thankfully deserted due to the demons that surrounded the forest. No humans would use it in the dead of night for fear of being attacked. At least not without adequate protection. You enter the bathhouse, strolling to the steaming pool encircled by stones and a open window behind it. You place your wicker basket on the stool gently.
Karaku sniffed the air for any scent of another demon and he didn't sense any. He stood near the exit of the bathhouse waiting for you to settle before he announced, "I don't smell any other demon around here. So I'm going to be standing outside, waiting, while you finish up in here." He turned his back to you, grabbing the side of the door to open it.
"Karaku, wait!" You accidentally said it as a shout, causing him to jolt at the sound. Even you were surprised when you did that and you covered your mouth with your hands. You stared at Karaku's broad back and meekly ask, "Would you like to bathe with me?"
Karaku twist half his body to face you with a bewildered expression. His thick eyebrows were raised, green eyes widened, and mouth ajar by your question. He processed what you said before he piped, "What?"
You wave your hands defensively, and exclaim, "Wait, wait, just listen to what I have to say first!" You clutch onto the edge of your kimono's collar with a fist and nervously revealed, "I... I'm sorry. It's just I like spending time with you Karaku and I don't want to be alone in here without you."
If the demon had a heartbeat it would have been pounding against his chest. Instead there was a dull ache at the center and it made him feel uncomfortable. It was an unfamiliar feeling that he hadn't felt before. Not before you.
While he didn't know how to welcome this foreign feeling, he knew that he wanted to discover it with you. So the demon did what would probably be taboo in demon culture. He accepted your confession for his affection. "I will stay in here with you." He affirmed.
You softly ask in admiration, "You will?"
His deep-voiced whispered to you in a vow, "Yes." He tosses his uchiwa onto the ground; his green eyes didn't leave from yours. Karaku walked towards you and gently touched your face with his large hand. His thumb affectionately caresses your cheekbone and you lean towards his touch. Even though it was cold in comparison to your warm skin just the physical contact of it made you glow. Karaku's nose nuzzles on the top of your head, breathing in your gentle scent. His eyes flutter shut when his lips kisses your forehead.
Karaku guides you in the direction of a folded privacy screen and then leads you behind it. "Why don't you take off your clothes and I will be waiting for you in the bath pool?"
Without thinking of what he said you eagerly yelped, "Yes!" Letting him leave you discard your clothing behind the screen. Karaku removed his hakama and his sash prior to stepping into the steaming hot water in the bath. He sat on a stone seat that was conveniently facing the privacy screen you were behind. He stretches his long strong arms and rests them on the edge of the pool.
You were about to walk out from the privacy screen when you remembered you were completely nude and you hid behind it. You squeal, "Wait, Karaku close your eyes please! I'm naked!"
"So am I." He boasted with an arrogant smirk.
"Karaku, please! Let me have some dignity!" You whine and get on your hands and knees in a praying position behind the screen.
The demon shakes his head, "No way kiddo, besides it's just you and me. We're both going to be taking a bath in the same pool and this was your idea remember?" You could hear the amusement in his voice when he teased you.
You kneel behind the privacy screen silently for a moment. You then got up to your feet and let out a defeated sigh. Your arms stretch across your chest to hide your nipples, and your other hand covers your womanhood. You still felt exposed despite covering yourself up. Karaku splashes his hand into the water and creates small waves while you timidly step out from behind. Still hiding your most intimate areas from the demon, you step into the pool, eyes avoiding his pointed stare. Karaku watches you lower your body into the water and sit just three arms length away from him.
"No way kiddo, you know that's not how I like it." He says.
You whine again, "Come on Karaku! Just this one time, because we're both naked!"
"My lap is the only seat you can sit on. Now get over here, don't make me repeat myself." He chided, waving his hand for you to come to him.
You don't argue with the demon. You wade through the water to get closer to Karaku and once you're within arms reach he grabs your wrist and pulls you onto his lap. The sudden action surprised you, and you clumsily fall right onto him. Your breasts were pressed against his chest and core sat right on his thigh. You squeal, and try to adjust your position by pushing him away but Karaku had you in a firm and unmoving grip.
"Hey, quit it." He told you seemingly annoyed by your resistance. The demon added slight pressure to your wrist. You stop moving to look at him with your heart pounding. "Sit down."
You take a seat on his thick, muscular thigh placing your hands on his shoulders to keep you balanced. This was a new position to you. When you did sit on Karaku's lap you'd usually sit appropriately with your bottom seated on his thigh. Never with your legs sandwiching his thigh between them. Your folds caressing on the skin of his groin. You shift slightly only to let out a sudden moan when your clit rubs against his thigh. Your hands fly up to your mouth, muffling the sound, and look at Karaku with wide eyes.
"I'm, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that." You hastily apologized, and the demon just smirked at your innocence.
Karaku teased, "I think you meant to do that kiddo," You go to object, but he adds on, "Was this a part of your plan to get me alone with you so you could exploit your immodest fantasies and bring them to existence?"
You shake your head vehemently denying his accusations. "No, no, no that's not what I brought you here for! I brought you here to spend alone time with you not to do... that!" Your cheeks warm up as you couldn't believe Karaku could assume you had perverted thoughts.
His hands grasp onto your hips steadying you on his thigh. Thick, long fingers were squeezing the flesh of your ass. Karaku's lips glides up the valley between your breasts and up to behind your ear. He places a gentle kiss there. The tenderness of a demon that you should normally fear bestowing upon you was intense. Especially since you were alone with him in a bathhouse just minutes away from their hideout. No other being would be able to hear your cries. Karaku lets his lips kiss you on your forehead, then your nose, and then kisses both cheeks. His face is so close to yours, you know for a fact that he could smell your fear and hear your racing heart.
"You're so tense kiddo, why is that?"
You replied, "Because you're behaving so affectionately to me and it's making me... feel scared."
One of his hands move away from your ass to cup your cheek in its hold. In his husky voice he whispered, "You shouldn't feel scared not when you're with me. You know that I wouldn't do anything to hurt you."
"Yes I know that, but still Karaku-" your sentence gets interrupted when the demon lunges forward and passionately kisses your lips.
The kiss you share with Karaku is nothing sort of heart-fluttering, intoxicating and genuinely sensual. He seemed to move his lips with grace and tenderness as if he knew this was your first kiss. Which admittedly it was. Your first kiss in the eyes of humanity should have been with a human. However, your sentiments for Karaku was immense and stronger than feeling guilt for being associated with a demon like him. You reciprocate the kiss the best you could by following the demon's lead. As his lips sucked on your bottom lip your tongue swiped along the outline of his own. He seemed to like that because he moved his arms to embrace you closer to his bare chest and deepen the kiss. Now his velvety tongue was exploring inside of your mouth. He was mindful of his sharp fangs and careful not to scratch your delicate skin with them. The kiss appeared to be turning into something sweltering and intense when your tongues first touched and you could taste Karaku.
He could taste you too, you tasted delicious and addictive. He sniffed out your trembling fear turning into mind-numbing pleasure. Your body relaxing while remaining caged in his arms. The demon sucks on your tongue, obnoxiously making loud slurping sounds before releasing it followed by a short grunt. His emerald green eyes watch in amusement as you pant. He almost forgot that you were a human and breathing in your case was a crucial aspect. Nonetheless, Karaku wordlessly creates a path with his lips. Starting from your mouth to the expanse of your neck and lastly ending at the valley of your breasts once more.
You gasp when you see the demon you adored face voluntarily trapped in between your breasts. Karaku's hands hold both breasts in one palm, the left hand using its fingers to stroke over your hardening nipples. He asks you, "Will you give me the honor of pleasuring you Y/N?"
A shudder runs through your body at the question. Yet you timidly nod your head and that was enough of an approval for Karaku. His mouth opens and he licks at your nipple whilst pinching and rubbing the other. Your back arches forward and your hand cards fingers through his wavy black tresses. You let out a moan when he sucks on your nipple and swirls his tongue around it. The feeling just felt so good.
You jolt when teeth are nibbling at your nub then a tongue is flicking at it. Karaku pulls his mouth away with a lewd "pop" and moves his lips to your other neglected breast. He lends it the same treatment he did as the previous one. Velvet tongue swirling around your areola, lips suctioning your nipple, and teeth just lightly gnawing on your teat. You were sitting there on his thigh, a little unsure on what you're supposed to do. You had no experience with intimacy with a man let alone a demon. You didn't know what to do to make Karaku feel as aroused as you did.
Karaku observed your uncertainty and stops sucking on your breasts to speak. He squeezes them in the palms of his hands, successfully grabbing your attention despite you looking disoriented. "Y/N," he calls out your name. "Do you remember that feeling you felt when you rubbed against my thigh?" You sat there blank for a moment until you did have a flashback of when you accidentally moaned and you nodded your head to him. Satisfied with your answer, he continued, "I want for you to do that again. Rub yourself on my thigh, lovely."
You listen and do as you're told. You repeat the movement you did earlier, rubbing your clit on Karaku's thigh in the warm pool. You were caressing your folds up and down on him. At the same time small moans were spewing past your lips. The arousal you had been feeling intensified from doing this.
"That's right lovely, make yourself feel good okay? You're doing such a good job right now. You look so pretty, my lovely little human." He praises you and compliments you in an earnest conviction. The words he said encouraged you to grind faster, but then you suddenly slow down and return back to steady strokes. Karaku reassured, "If you want to go faster, it's okay to do that kiddo." He lowers his mouth to your nipple and mouths against it. His warm breath tickling your nipple as he utters, "Go at your own pace, hmm..." He suckles on your teat for a second then plucks it out of his mouth. "I won't be mad."
"Hnng," you make a suppressed sound. You press down firmly on his thigh and practically rut your folds along his thigh. The friction you're receiving from it is making your body feel prickly all over. "Karaku, o-oh!"
He mutters into your breast, his eyes fascinated by you, "Look at you being such a good, lovely little human. Doesn't that feel good, pleasurable, Y/N?" He lets go of your breast to hold your chin to make you look down at him. He repeats his question, "Doesn't that feel pleasurable?"
"Y-Yes, yes it does Karaku." You cease your rutting to try out bouncing on his thigh and this proved to be another gratifying method too. You closed your eyes as you bounced on his thigh, in the back of your mind you were wishing it could have been something else. You were beginning to be confident in your own skin now. You gasp when his lips were sucking harshly on your nipple and his right hand was gripping on your ass cheek. You cry out, "Karaku~ It feels too good!"
The demon releases your nipple to respond, "I bet it does kiddo." He then inhales sharply through his nose before emitting a groan. "I can smell you're getting excited from this. My lovely little human isn't so innocent anymore, isn't she? You're going to be a corrupted little thing by the day I get to have you."
You make a puzzled sound, "Huh?" your pussy throbs once you start contemplating what he meant by that. Though you did not stop moving, you did ask him, "W-What do you m-mean Karaku?"
He smirks at you then goes to explain, "What we have between us will not stop here and just be a one-time thing my lovely human. I'm hoping to be the one and only to take away your virginity and show you what true bliss feels like." He brings his mouth to your ear, his deep voice whispering into it, "I'm only holding myself back from penetrating you because I know you are a virgin and a ripe one at that Y/N." He sniffs the air around you then groans, "Fuck. I'm not just going to stop at taking away your virginity either, I'm going to take away your innocence, and together you and I will explore our deepest, darkest desires. Your experience with me will be like with no other human or demon. Even if you leave me, I will be sure to bestow such a great impact on your sex life, that future partners will never be able to bring you to a climax." You let out a whine, frantically rubbing your clit on his thigh and hearing him growling, punctuating each word, "Not, like, I, will." Karaku looks at you in your eyes then asks, "Would you want that my little human?"
You eagerly nod your head to him, tears running down your cheeks and a hiccup coming from you. "I would want that Karaku! I don't want for no one else but you!" Your toes curled and your stomach tightened up when you start to feel a foreign sensation brew. You don't know what it is, but you know it feels like a balloon inside of you needs to pop. Your hands grab a hold of Karaku's face, boldly initiating an open-mouthed kiss, while you frantically rut your clit on his thigh. "Mm! Hm!"
"Agh, hm, fuck, kiddo. Tell me what you feel right now."
You stammer, "I-I feel like I'm going to- something's going to burst." You let out an abrupt gasp when your body tenses up and legs start to shake. "K-Karaku! Karaku!" You cry out his name, burying your face into his neck as you rut your hips against his thigh. Unknowingly just enduring your first orgasm.
He strokes his hand up and down your back, his mouth pressing kisses to your temple and praising you, "Good girl, good girl. You did so well, lovely." He hears you sniffling and clutch onto him tighter. Then the feeling of warm tears touching his shoulder has him cooing, "It's okay, it's alright my little human. I know it surprised you but did it feel good when it came out?" You hum in agreement and nod your head. "See that wasn't bad now was it?" You shake your head to which the demon just chuckles at you. "Ah~ Whatever shall I do with you kiddo?"
You move your face from the junction of where his neck and collarbone meet to look at the demon with teary, puffy eyes. Your voice is wobbly when you articulate the words, "C-Can I take a pr-proper bath now Karaku?"
Karaku agreed to letting you actually bathe this time. You used your soaps to clean off the dirt you accumulated during your day. You even got him to help you with scrubbing your hair and he allowed you to comb his hair after noticing there were tangles in it. By the time the two of you were finished, it was getting to be late at night and you both had to go back to the hideout. You walked with Karaku side-by-side to the hideout. As you two neared it you heard voices yelling at each other.
"What the hell do you mean you couldn't find their scent? You're part bird! How does that even make sense?!"
"The trail started from Karaku's room then it ended right before the bathhouse! It's not like Y/N could have just up and disappeared! She's been taken by another demon Sekido!"
"Sekido, Urogi, please calm down. Your fighting is making me sad."
"Shut the hell up Aizetsu! You're just as hopeless as Urogi!"
You and Karaku both shared a look while you stood in the clear pathway listening to the three of them bicker with each other. Not one of them sensed your presence as they were too consumed in their argument to bother.
Urogi dared him in a shout, "...If you think we're so hopeless then why don't you go out and find Y/N then?!"
Sekido retorts, "Someone has to stay here just in case she comes back you buffoon!"
Aizetsu raises a hand and quietly offers, "I could stay behind."
They both yell at him in unison, "No!"
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notes: ngl this shit took me forever to fucking finish. but it is done! i just hope i made the smut as nasty as possible. feels like i focused more on the romance and angsty shit though.
© 2023 demiesworld
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goldrushenthusiast · 1 year
“Nico didn’t need to be gay!!” “Everyone is making everyone queer!”
Do you want to know my thought process, leading up to HOH?
“oh my god is he serious there’s no way he’s gonna actually make him have a crush on Annabeth yeah just we need more of that terrible trope (c’mon please be Percy) are you seriously kidding me (wait omfg it might be) wait holy shi-”
Until the actual part I thought it was going to be Annabeth. I could not believe it. And yeah, it was fucking traumatic but do you know how many times I reread that passage because I thought it would go away? Be forgotten about forever? Never talked about again? But it WASNT. And I was incredulous.
Name one gay character from Harry Potter (no, dumbledore doesn’t count. literally stfu).
Name one gay character from divergent (Lynn dying and saying she loved Marlene doesn’t count). Edit: apparently there is also one gay couple and a guy having a crush on four, I had in fact forgotten about those (I haven’t read the books in 4+ years (2 of which I didn’t know I was gay) and I have always been impartial to lesbians ig)
Name one gay character from Hunger Games (no, Plurbius’ partner (Cyprus) and Barb Azure & the gal down the street don’t count).
Now you might be thinking “ha! you can’t say they don’t count!” but I CAN (especially dumbledore).
there’s a reason I remember the exact characters and the exact times their partners were mentioned! there’s a reason those are the only ones! Plurbius’ partner Cyprus is mentioned ONCE! and no pronouns used. Lynn and Marlene may have had chemistry before (I haven’t read the books in a while) but the only time she “came out” was her DEATH? and it could be interpreted differently. The Covey, Coriolanus, and Sejanus leaving to lake and letting Barb Azure see the gal up the street. That’s it! In the most popular Y/A books we get fed TABLE SCRAPS.
In PJO, it’s different. So much different. We have Nico, Will, Piper, Alex, Magnus (technically? idk), and probably more.
PJO also wasn’t marketed as some huge inclusive book! It was just a normal book, with a normal gay character in it. With 3! With 4! With 5!
No, not everybody in books needs to be gay. But some people in real life are, and sometimes those people have a hard time accepting that and sometimes seeing themselves represented helps just a tiny bit. So stfu and let us have this because y’all have EVERYONE else.
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yaksha-lover · 11 months
Yo yo sorry if this ask is odd I have experienced hell in the past few days as per the monthly schedule and since I'm fixated upon your vampire AU I was wondering if you'd be cool with me sending in an ask about what it'd be like to deal with having a period when surrounded by vampires.
(gonna refer to the reader as 'the resident human' using they/them pronouns sorry if it gets a bit muddled idk how to word this ask haha)
Content warning: I'm gonna mention periods / shark week / the blood moon / womb blender hours / scheduled monthly hell, etc.
From 1-10 how would you rate how sucky it'd be to have a period in a house full of vampires? Like, on one hand, some of them are probably either avoiding (Riddle) or even stalking (Rook perhaps) their resident human...
But on the other hand, if the human in cramp hell - I'm under the impression that the vampire bites could potentially counteract that to some degree right? Like they'd get rid of some of the pain (rip my anemic ass tho lmao)
Also there's the fact that Lilia's been around long enough to know what's going on and, as per the vampire sense of smell and whatnot, I'd like to imagine he knows before it starts and necessary supplies just sorta show up wherever the resident human will find them when they need them. Plus he's making sure they eat plenty of spinach or similar foods they might need and whatnot.
Uhhh I can't think of anything else lol. Sorry if this was an odd ask, it's kinda been on my mind a while so I figured I might as well share my thoughts. Have a nice day and stay hydrated ( ・⁠∀⁠・⁠) 👍
Lmao you’re all good, I’ve actually answered a couple of asks about periods before: x x
tw: periods, slightly gross (??)
I would say though, because period blood isn’t the same as regular blood, it’s not going to make them act so differently like they would if you had a wound. However, it’s kinda similar so (this might be gross) but I feel like vampires might like the smell of the pheromones cause heightened sense of smell. In that sense, it’s more like a perfume than a food, yk?
Some more shy would definitely blush and avoid MC during this time (Riddle like you mentioned, Adeuce, Jack, Epel, Idia, Sebek).
The more bold vampires would probably act more clingy than usual (Leona, Floyd, Rook) - They are also volunteering their bite to help you out. Despite their unashamed behaviour, they will make sure to keep you comfortable and not take too much blood.
The rest are pretty normal I think, they can control themselves and have the decency to ignore it.
Lilia’s dad energy comes out. You ask him to buy you pads one time and suddenly there’s an entire closet full of a million different supplies, literally anything you could need. Him and the others would be pretty sympathetic to your plights and would be happy to take care of anything you need.
Also you don’t need to track your cycle, Lilia would just be like, hey btw you’re menstruating next week. He knows before you do lol.
So if 1 is hell and 10 is a normal day, I feel like it’s a solid 7/10 at least. You might have to deal with some clingy and awkward guys, but even someone like Leona would take care of you, even if he grumbled while doing it lol.
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beanghostprincess · 7 months
well since you asked so nicely, what are all your straw hats sexuality (and gender identity?) headcanons :D
ps you dont have to explain them all if it's too much for you ^^
I love you so much for this mwah mwah /p I love when people send me asks like this <33
: ̗̀➛ [Luffy] Sexuality: Aspec. I'm very, very specific with this so I would have to write a whole paragraph to explain it well, but I'll try to do it in fewer words. I used to headcanon Luffy as asexual but the demi-sexual headcanon is growing on me. Only sexual with Zoro, though. Like- I ship Luffy with more people but imo he only feels sexually attracted to Zoro. Something something 'the bond between a captain and his first mate'. Romantic attraction: I can see him being demi-romantic (once again only romantic with Zoro. Or Sanji, even) but I personally see their relationship very Aroaspec QPR. Aromantic and Demi-sexual with a very deep bond with his first mate and his cook. Gender: Transmasc. Demi-boy. He/They. I think he, like, resonates more with being a boy but still doesn't fit the binary enough to be one. And transmasc because. Well. Have you seen him?
: ̗̀➛ [Zoro] Sexuality: Homosexual. Gay. The gayest man you've ever seen. I think he's demi-sexual too in the sense that only Luffy or Sanji would make him go insane and aroused, but he would sleep with other men just because. Like fr, just because he can. Idk. Homosexual behavior everywhere. He's so fucking gay. If there was a gay contest between OP characters he would probably win or end up in a tie with Nami, Law, and Kid. Romantic attraction: Demi-romantic. This dude is obsessed with his captain only. First mate things. I seriously believe that being a first mate makes you inherently unable to fall in love with somebody else. Well, perhaps Sanji too, but I'm not that much of a Zosan so I don't think about how they would work. And still, he'd be Demiro anyway. Gender: Transmasc guy because, once again, have you seen him? Dude even has a scar on his chest. Man tits. Love him. He/Him.
: ̗̀➛ [Nami] Sexuality: Graysexual Lesbian. Some might argue with me on this because she has a different girlfriend every arc, but I honestly think that she only feels genuine sexual attraction sometimes and it's not often. Playfully flirting doesn't equal genuine sexual attraction. Romantic attraction: Grayromantic Lesbian. Because, once again, people might not agree with me, but I think she doesn't have crushes often and she falls into more of a romantic gray area. Never with men, though. God forbid. Never with men. That much is clear, I hope. Gender: Demi-girl. She/They. My babygirl. My girlboss. Like I said with Luffy, I think she embraces being a girl but still doesn't fall into that term exactly and doesn't mind They/Them or more androgynous looks/terms at all. In fact, she loves them.
: ̗̀➛ [Usopp] Sexuality: Bisexual. I love him. He be pulling blonde bitches everywhere and by blonde bitches I mean Kaya and Sanji. Something that always makes me and my BFF laugh is the fact that he's canonically very normal about women's bodies, unlike Brook or Sanji or even Franky. Like, he's pretty decent and respectful and he's, well, a normal human being. I appreciate the bare minimum when half of the characters are perverts sometimes. Romantic attraction: Birromantic. Pretty much the same thing I just said. Simple guy. So true, king. Although I like the Demi-romantic headcanon and I think he doesn't really get love at first sight and would be bothered by Sanji's view on this. I think Usopp is somebody who needs intimacy to develop a romantic crush on someone. So, yeah, I also like the demi-romantic thing but this could be just me trying to make everyone Arospec for no reason other than projecting. Gender: Non-binary. He/They but prefers They/Them, he just doesn't expect people to use those pronouns, and it isn't that big of a deal. Also transmasc. I'm obsessed with that, honestly. However, I think he wouldn't use the term Non-binary? I think he'd just use Unlabeled, perhaps.
: ̗̀➛ [Sanji] Sexuality: Bisexual with a high preference for girls. For obvious reasons. Romantic attraction: Birromantic too. He's a hopeless romantic. Believes in love at first sight and everything. Gender: Transfem. Genderfluid. Any pronouns. I love you, Sanji. You're real to me. And I'm not explaining my reasons for these headcanons because watching the show is enough for you to understand this, but between his trauma and Momoiro Island... Like... I know what you are, girly pop. The closet is glass and the egg is hatching and you need to come out. Oda, please, let her ou-
: ̗̀➛ [Chopper] This one's just, like, Chopper. Chopper is Chopper. I don't think about this much. He canonically likes female reindeer. I have nothing else to say. Gender? Little guy. Sexuality? Honestly, if somebody gives him a reindeer boyfriend I support that. So bisexual and birromantic, I guess. I don't know how it works for him. I don't think he cares. It's not that he's too young because he's canonically a teenager already, I just don't think they've encountered enough reindeer for me to form an opinion on this. Why the hell am I writing so much to say something so fucking stupid. I'm sorry. Let's move on.
: ̗̀➛ [Vivi] Sexuality: Demi-sexual Lesbian. I don't think she's ever thought about sex as something she wants or feels attracted to. At least not until Nami shows up. Romantic attraction: Lesbiab. Lebanese. Dyke. Bollera in Spanish. Girl kisser. Woman liker. Homosexual. No men allowed between her legs and her heart. Friend of Ellen, as Annie Edison would say. Gender: I think she's a cis girl. She/Her. Would literally punch violently anyone who misgendered somebody from the crew. My princess. My girlfriend, actually. Her pronouns are loveof/mylife.
: ̗̀➛ [Robin] Sexuality: Bisexual but also probably Graysexual because I don't think she feels attraction often and doesn't really get aroused if it doesn't come with other emotions. Preference for big, and gentle men. By big, gentle men I mean Franky and Jinbe. And by gentle I mean Brook. The four of them together, btw. Romantic attraction: Birromantic. I think she's just, like, vibing. Learning to love. She has so much trauma she deserves to be in a tender relationship and she just happens to be with four men but she knows how to appreciate a woman. Gender: Transfem. She/Her. You know those older trans women who give the most comforting, calm, mature energy in the world? That's Nico Robin. Gonna keep it SFW but she tops Franky 100%. And also helped Sanji with her transition. I love this. Please adopt me, Robin. She's perfect.
: ̗̀➛ [Franky] Sexuality: Bisexual. If a man doesn't know how to appreciate another man's beauty, then he isn't manly enough. Women are perfect. Men are perfect. He's wonderful. I love him. Romantic attraction: Birromantic. I swear to fucking god he has something going on with Jinbe and Brook and Robin. I am so not normal about them- Gender: Cis man but he'd probably consider being a cyborg a third, secret gender, so I'm gonna let him have that too. He/Him.
: ̗̀➛ [Brook] Sexuality: Bisexual classy grandpa. The fact that he's a gentle grandpa has a lot to do with his sexuality (no it doesn't). He might be a pervert around women but at least he supports consent, so, he's better than Sanji here. Romantic attraction: Grayromantic because I feel he doesn't get real crushes easily. Especially since his boyfriend (his former captain) died. The trauma he probably has around romance now, damn. Gender: Hear me out he's the most Unlabeled thing ever. He/They. He's just bones and most people don't even know how to tell the difference between sexes when it comes to bones. Robin is actually the only one who knows his AGAB and she doesn't care anyway, so. Gender norms are bullshit and he's just the Soul King.
: ̗̀➛ [Jinbe] Sexuality: Graysexual and Bi. He's somewhere there in the Ace spectrum. I just don't know where. I think he's, like, not that interested in bodies and sex? He would only have sex with somebody he loves and it wouldn't even be for the arousal and the attraction. Romantic attraction: Demi-romantic, which is not the same as gray. Because I think he'd need, like, to spend time with Robin/Franky/Brook to form a deep bond and then he'd slowly and gently start falling for them individually. I swear I am so normal. Please, they should adopt me. I want the four of them to be my parents. Gender: Cis man. He/Him. Biggest trans supporter in the whole fucking world.
The Going Merry is actually called the Going Liberal and the Thousand Sunny is technically the Theysand Sunny and with the help of their ships the straw hats are trying to find the Woke Piece.
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theconfusedartist · 10 months
I was about to be embarrassed about all that shit I said about Desmond but then I realized: why should I? I spend waaaay too much time writing and thinking about that man, he's not going anywhere so I might as well!
Anyways, I was saying earlier in the tags that Desmond could have tits we just don't know it bc he always wears baggy clothes, and I stand by that, but I also wanted to add: Desmond goes by he/hum pronouns bc that's what he vibes with. But if someone were to ask if he was a boy or a girl, he'd probably just say he's classified as a threat by multiple countries.
Doesn't give a definitive answer, makes the person asking laugh, he can easily change the subject. Like, I know what my own personal hcs are for Desmond but it's pretty much got to do with the Isu. They didn't have gender, they're just using words that make sense in the human language and humans perceive the Isu to be man or woman depending on what they want to see or expect. Desmond, who had a high concentration of Isu DNA literally can change at will.
I know fandom talks about Desmond being a shapeshifter (irt Desmond never having the same face), but what if that was on purpose? Desmond looks like Altaïr, that was correct and AC1 Desmond is what he looks like bc he and Altaïr have faces that look almost the same, but all the other games Desmond’s face changes bc the people that see him change.
Lucy, Shaun, and Rebecca all associated Desmond with Ezio, so his face looks extremely close to Ezio's to them. In Revelations, Clay had a certain expectation of what Desmond would look like which is why he looks...like that but then looks different when he gets out the animus.
William had seen Desmond when he was a child, which is why he looks so close to the original model, but also projects his own features onto Desmond which is why he again looks so different than all his other iterations.
Desmond was born and the doctor was like "....it's a baby!" The doctor didn't care about the gender of the baby, only the safe delivery for the mom and child, so he saw literally nothing and was confounded af.
Idk, maybe this is an odd headcanon but Desmond just kinda goes with it and he's not attached to any gender, just the he/him pronouns. He doesn't care about what people think he is, just how they perceive him.
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rongzhi · 1 year
Could you explain the (Royal) I? I haven’t really learned/encountered a language yet with different forms of the same pronoun. I heard a little of it with the Sans is a bumpkin scandal(?) when undertale was translated for the switch but I was curious if you could explain at least for the Chinese side of the pronoun stuff.
If you don’t have the energy or my ask was unclear, then have a great day anyway and feel free to delete this ask.
Idk about the Undertale thing, but I can talk briefly about a few royal "I"s (there are much more royal/noble honorfics from olden times but I'm not gonna go that deep).
I'm kind of inconsistent about pointing out when there are other pronouns being used as I/you/he/she/they/etc in my translations, but I know I definitely will just sub in pronouns based on context either if there's not one there (you can usually exclude relative pronouns in Chinese so sometimes there's a bit of ambiguity and translators just have to make a decision based on context) or if there's a noun being used as a pronoun type situation (which would be clunky to translate and would generally put the sentence into third person if translated directly).
People now don't use the royal pronouns except as a joke obviously. Wang Qiye, who I've translated a lot, often uses 本王 for "I", for example.
ANYWAY, the "(Royal) I" that probably showed up in one of my translations may have been:
朕; zhèn — imperial/royal "I"; quite literally the royal "we". Historically, this was for the emperor's use only, and began being used in this way with Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of the Qin State (i.e, unified/imperial China). The empress dowager (the emperor's mother or widow) could also use this (I think). Before that, it was one of the several ways to say "I" (in modern day, it's mostly just 我/wǒ).
本王; běn wáng — royal "I" typically used by princes and dukes, etc. Princesses would also use this historically. A king or queen pre-imperial times would have used this too, as 王 means "monarch". When Wang Qiye uses it, she's basically saying "I, the queen".
Side note: "本" means "inherent" so it's basically like "___ themself" or "I, ____". I add this because you might hear people say "本 [noun/identity]" as a joke, sort of to the effect of putting on airs.
寡人; guǎ rén — royal "I" that was used basically from the very beginning, since before imperial times. This would be used by princes and nobility, too. I don't remember this one ever being used in a douyin I've translated but maybe it has idk. The more you know.
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My predictions on what the human souls’s digital forms may represent.
Pomni - She may feel like or be seen as a fool, hence her being a jester. Perhaps she was bullied in school or at work? Or maybe she has self-esteem issues? Also, I’m not sure why, but she gives me “has an anxiety disorder” vibes. Or maybe she’s just a timid person idk.
Ragatha - She’s a rag doll, so maybe she’s been used/toyed with by others. Her confirmed tendency to hide her emotions behind a happy front and “[say] things she doesn’t necessarily mean if she thinks it’ll ease tensions” would be ideal to take advantage of. Her being a doll also makes sense when you take into account that dolls can be sources of comfort for people, and she seems to be putting herself under the pressure of “taking care” of others over herself.
Kinger - Before the pilot came out, I pondered the role of the king chess piece (it must be protected from the other chess pieces) and the best theory I could come up with was that Kinger is a jumpy chess piece because he may have been assaulted before arriving in the circus. However, I was iffy about this idea because it felt improbable to me. After watching the pilot, I got the feeling that this theory is probably not the case, but I do subscribe to the theory from other fans that Kinger worked on the TADC video game in the real world and that’s why he knows so much about the digital world and speaks of insect collections (like a developer who’s looking for bugs.)
Jax - My guess is that he was pushed around when he was younger and treated as the “runt of the litter”, so to speak. Rabbits are often considered weaklings and prey — maybe he was treated as such by others? This might also explain why he behaves the way he does; he seems like the kind of guy who became a bully because he was bullied. Of course, there’s also the possibility that he’s an asshole by nature rather than nurture, tbh.
Gangle - She has a comedy mask and a tragedy mask to emote with — my best guess is that she has depression. With this interpretation, her tragedy mask could represent her depression and her comedy mask could represent her masking her feelings and behavior. And I know it was likely just a joke, but remember when the text above Gangle’s introduction on Glitch Productions’ Twitter said that she was a metaphor for “society or something I dunno”? What if she’s a metaphor for how society treats mental illnesses and the people who suffer from them? Again, this probably isn’t the case, but it’s the best I can come up with right now.
Zooble - My guess is that they are going through an identity crisis. Their body is made up of a cluster of different parts and it’s hard to describe exactly what kind of creature they are. The closest thing I could describe them as is one of those mix-and-match toys. When asked about Zooble’s pronouns, Gooseworx responded with, “We’ll never know…”, and when asked about Zooble’s gender identity, she said, “Zooble is Zooble.” Again, these simply could have been jokes, or they could have been serious. If it does end up being true, then maybe Zooble’s gender will be a part of their identity crisis. Also, I remember seeing Goose say that “not even Zooble knows what they are”, but I can’t find it now. 💀
Kaufmo - Perhaps he didn’t think he was funny/interesting/successful enough? Hell if I know. We only saw him when he had already abstracted. Maybe we’ll get a flashback or two of him in the future?
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dykeyote · 6 months
ok my dndads queer hc post randomly gets notes but i disagree w many of the takes now so im updating it . spoiler warning theres a WHOLE lot of lezzies . just doing the dads kiddads and teens HOWEVER i will say that mark likely is for sure a lezzer
darryl: bisexual and probably the most cisgender one here but he's actually SO cis that it becomes almost gnc . he/him
ron: transhet guy but he thinks his transition is like very unique to him and everyone else is doing it the exact same as each other so he doesnt really get that hes Transgender bc he thinks everyone else is doing it in a really different way than him all together . not in an angsty way hes perfectly okay w that . he/him
henry: trans bi guy we know this to be true . he/him but if you called him they/them prns he would be like well yknow ive never thought about that before but you know what go right ahead (: he doesnt exactly enjoy it but he appreciates just how gosh-darn nonbinary positive you are that he'd still encourage it
glenn: bisexual and like .... hes cis he doesnt really care abt gender much but when nick came out as trans he definitely said something about like . "dude if i was trans? id totally use they/them pronouns thats sick as fuck" and then moved on and this sort of haunted nick for a while . he/him but again he doesnt really care
jodie: cis and bisexual but in such a boring way that he might as well be straight
sparrow: tgirl lesbian who was out at one point but is not now for Normalcy Reasons . she/her in theory
lark: transneu nonbinary and aroace . not out about either of these things but not really as a like Actively Closeted thing they just dont really think abt it . they/he in theory
terry jr: tgirl lesbian also but this time out AND butch . she/he
grant: gay of course . and like .... he is cis and this wont change but he'd be a good deal happier if he was more gnc i think
nick: tguy butch lesbian . he mostly but he doesnt really care that much
link: kinda-stealth tboy (not really intentionally or anything he just doesnt really see it as relevant that often so most people dk) and gay . he/him but he doesnt really care that much
taylor: honestly idk what i think is going on w his gender but i DO know hes aro and bi . give me some time to think on that ok
scary: out nonbinary tfem lesbian!!!!! we know this!!!!!! she/it and when she writes her pronouns down she always writes the it in VERY BIG AGGRESSIVE HANDWRITING to make it clear that its SUBVERSIVE AND WEIRD
normal: bisexual tgirl . currently in a like . Questioning Phase in s2 i feel like ..... her turmoil abt being a Normal Son is tied to that . any pronouns but she primarily
hermie: bigender (girl + boy) gaybian :3 was an open bisexual tguy originally but around the poison ivy era had some Gender Complexity . he/she but certain Method Personas have diff pronoun leans whereas normal herm is pretty 50/50
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sammie-scribbles · 8 months
LoZ Gender Ideas
Note: These are my headcanons! I just like to take details from the canon and run with them as far as they will take me. Feel free to use these ideas if you want! Also only the OoT Link and Saria one has images because I’m tired. Put some Subway Surfers on if you get bored of all of the text /lh /j
Zelda/Sheik (OoT) - he/him
In Ocarina of Time, Zelda disguises himself as Sheik for seven years. That is a very long time to purposefully disguise yourself as a different gender. I don’t believe he even knew how long it would be until Link woke up. For all he knew, Link might never have come back.
He could’ve disguised himself as a Sheikah woman, but seems to have chosen to be a man.
The manga version is a little iffy, but Zelda seems to agree to Impa’s plan of having his conscience rest to “become that of a Sheikah boy”.
“Now, what about when he reveals himself as Princess Zelda and stays that way for the rest of the game?” You might ask.
I think it might’ve been to quickly relay information to Link.
He revealed himself as Zelda in the Temple of Time right before Link was to go defeat Ganondorf. It would’ve wasted valuable time to explain that he had transitioned from Zelda to Sheik. (Also, he was immediately kidnapped by Ganondorf)
He is also the one who sends Link back to the Child Timeline, so he probably knew that  they wouldn’t stay to get to know this particular version of himself.
Zelda/Sheik (HW) - they/them
In Hyrule Warriors, Zelda seems to disguise themself as Sheik for no apparent reason.
They are constantly referred to as the “Sheikah youth”, no gender being assigned to them.
My headcanon is that Zelda saw a chance to temporarily escape the shackles and expectations of “Princess Zelda”, and that they could truly explore themself for a little while.
Sheik has many lines talking about how they will be playing some sort of music, or even historical uses of music. Zelda’s lines mainly focus on the others around them. So, maybe their dream was to be a historian or bard?
Link (BotW/TotK) - he/they
In Breath of the Wild, Link is very androgynous.
However, I noticed that he doesn’t seem to identify as a woman in any way.
They seem to like traditionally “girly” things (ie. nail polish, being called “pretty”). But, when someone asks him if he’s a woman (Riju wonders about the Hylian Champion being a vai), he seems to become possibly uncomfortable and corrects them. They also seem shocked and scared when someone realizes they are not a vai (the one Hylian in Gerudo Town, the shopkeeper in the secret shop).
He doesn’t even keep the Gerudo Vai set in Tears of the Kingdom.
Fado (OoT/WW) - he/him
In Ocarina of Time, Fado is a Kokiri that seems fairly cryptic during the medicine quest.
In Wind Waker, Fado is the Wind Sage.
Interestingly, even though they share the same name (and in my opinion, look similar) they use different pronouns.
Lots of people (myself included) see this and head canon that they are indeed the same person, but he transitioned to a boy between the events of Ocarina of Time and Wind Waker.
Or, more accurately, fun things I noticed that I have no clue how to interpret, lol
Link (FSA) - idk I avoided assigning pronouns cause I can’t decide
In Four Swords Adventures, Link is able to go into Gerudo Town without any problems whatsoever.
Granted, this seems to be a point in time where the Gerudo are trying to forge relations with the rest of Hyrule, and they could’ve gotten rid of that law. But, that law is in effect in BotW, and I doubt that the Gerudo would get rid of the law only to bring it back later. So, it would make sense that the law is still in effect during Four Swords Adventures.
So, either, the Gerudo assumed that Link was not a boy (possible) OR that Link is not a boy in this incarnation (also possible). I don’t know which of these options I will be using, but feel free to use this as you want to!
Link and Saria (OoT) - they/them?
In Ocarina of Time, the Kokiri all wear very similar clothing.
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The girls wear a tunic with a brown belt, brown boots, and a headband. The boys wear a v-neck shirt with shorts, green boots, and a cap.
Interestingly, Saria and Link both don’t follow these rules.
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Saria wears shorts, green boots, and a headband. Link wears tunic with a brown belt, browns boots, and a cap.
This seems to suggest that Link and Saria don’t fall into the gender binary. What gender does this make them? IDK, this is just something interesting I noticed.
Link (AoL) - he/she?
In the Adventure of Link, Link is able to transform into a fairy. This fairy form looks identical to any other fairy, including the feminine body figure.
This seems to suggest she’s genderfluid to an extent? Since it’s only when she is a fairy?
He also seems (relatively) fine with becoming the king of Hyrule? (though, I guess that Elizabeth Swann from PotC was a king as well, lol)
IDK. Just an interesting thing I noticed.
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feralmoonlight · 1 year
can you tell us more about your Krampus Eclipse? I can't find anything about him (them? idk what pronouns they use) on your blog
Had to think about this for a bit! Pronoun wise, probably would be a they/them/it/he in that order? Though as far as he's concerned most people don't encounter them long enough to really sort out what they saw past 'holy shit what was that thing???' Though I probably am gonna default to he/they since most of my other 'clips use he. LORE wise, there's sort of a 'legend' side and a 'truth' side, like with most mythical entities. Legend wise, he'd follow the basic 'takes away naughty children never to be seen again' and all the bells and whistles. A spooky holiday boogeyman intending to make children behave at threat of punishment instead of the rewards St.Nick might bring. One night of the year where danger is high, and then you're safe until it comes around again. The truth side is a bit different. TECHNICALLY he's not your average cryptid creature. A one of a kind entity more like an elemental spirit born from thousands upon thousands of human consciousness and morality, back in primal times, weaving into a monster of mortal fears, outwardly bearing features of prey while inside, underneath, a predator. A wolf in sheep's clothing, to an extent. Over millennia it's grown into the massive hulking creature it is now, feasting on those that break ancient laws that keep an ancient balance between what is just and what is emphatically wrong. Ideas that have not changed since the early days when man ran through the forests along side the wild beasts. Not putting away your toys when you're done would not get its attention. Keying your neighbors car for being an asshole, while rude, would not get its attention. Killing to protect oneself, or for food, would also not draw him near, because you can't fault a lion for killing a zebra. Killing for sport, however, would, if done in excess. The strength of ones soul, their convictions, their core, is what draws him initially. Children almost always are too new, too fresh, unripe and still learning and thus inherently innocent in his eyes. They haven't developed past the moral grey area that comes from a lack of experience, a void of empathy that must be taught and adopted into adulthood. Though only through touch can he pass his judgements. The ones that do catch his attention are usually an even split, those deemed naughty and those deemed nice. The 'nice' ones will be left alone, occasionally with a small token, though usually with nothing more than the fright his presences may cause. The 'naughty' ones, though... Well, the legend of being dragged off, the mystery of what happens to them after that is better left to the imagination. Though it isn't impossible to survive the encounter if a creatures transgressions are mild enough, just crossing the borderline where a souls path might be corrected for the better. Rare, but not impossible. Moments where this may be the case could stem from someone else's influence, misinformation, coercion, deceit. Not entirely the naughty ones own intention, though their actions are still their own. And a price must still be paid. There are souls, too, where their judgement is too borderline, walking in the grey where it hasn't teetered from one side to the other. Sometimes the encounter itself will lead to his decision, though it may leave him with confusion instead, and he will simply pass by. A rare second encounter may follow, months or even years on, when he returns to that area. Since he is one of a kind, and he has the whole world to travel.
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polyamorouspunk · 4 months
Coming here to yell about a thing.
SO. Im like. Frustrated with the whole ‘am I queer’ thing. (Like personally for myself). And i think Im at a point where I just. Do not care anymore. Like. I could care less what people refer to me as. I dont think its important to tell people. And I just do what I want. I think my new response when asked is gonna just be ‘idk Im just me’.
Like. Im dating this person and Ive not told them any of my queer exploits and. I dont think Im going to? Is that wrong of me? That I dont feel like its important or defining enough to be brought up and have a weird awkward conversation about when I dont even have a solid answer and also Im completely comfortable being called either way? Its not like the terms they call me upset me or make me uncomfortable. I just dont think its worth the conversation of ‘well my gender might be fucked but details are unobtainable’.
Of the few friends who ive told about it, some think i should tell my parter and another thinks theres nothing wrong with it if its not a path I plan on pursuing or putting importance on in my life. Honestly, I haven’t even thought of it in months until I was talking to an old friend who knew me as exploring my queerness that I hadnt seen in a few years and he just kept asking questions and prying about the gender stuff and like. Fuck bro I dont know anymore. Is it really wrong of me to just not care anymore and want to leave that chapter of my life behind? Like Im still kinda involved in my local queer community, but more like. Its like, not *because* Im queer, but because these people are accepting of me just existing as I am. Just. Aaahhhhhhh IM PULLING MY HAIR OUT WITH THIS
I think that’s completely normal.
I live my life as a girl. People are surprised when I say I’m trans because like man I don’t like it but like it’s like yeah I don’t care enough to fight over people using pronouns other than she/her for me irl? Like it’s just not worth it and I don’t care that much.
Honestly I don’t really see much of a point in like “coming out” for myself anymore either. Like if it’s a conversation I want to have with someone then cool but do I really give a shit if the random customer I’m ringing out thinks I’m straight and cis? Not really.
Like yeah, different spaces for different things. A part of me is sad that a lot of other queer people probably don’t pick up on me being queer because I don’t really scream “QUEER” when you look at me, and that’s a big reason of why I’m going to cut my hair soon. But like I do think that’s kind of silly of me not feeling like I “look” queer enough. And honestly I know a lot of queer people who are shit and a lot of cishet people who aren’t.
I have a friend who as far as I know is cishet but just by virtue of him being autistic and nerdy he just attracts queer people. It’s like “oh he’s an honorary queer” no he’s just weird and different like the rest of us but in a different way.
There’s a reason queer overlaps a lot with like neurodivergence and physical disability/chronic illness etc. Weird just attracts weird. Who cares what flavor.
Honestly I’d rather have weird cishet friends than pretentious queer people who treat me like shit.
I’ve always said for myself that if a cishet guy was interested in me I would be fine with just being a cis girl in a relationship with a cishet guy. Like I wouldn’t want anyone being like “well he’s in a queer relationship because he’s with a transmasc genderfluid bi lesbian queer person” like nah dude if someone wants to see me as their gf and I’m comfortable with it then cool.
There are also a LOT of gay people who don’t ID as queer or even LGBTQ+. You can be LGBTQ+ whatever and not be “in the community” and you can be cis/het/allo/mono and still “in the community”.
It’s all about breaking down boarders. If YOU don’t care, no one else should care. What you tell any person you’re dating is completely up to you. Obviously some things are more important than others (like hey if you don’t want to disclose you have an STD you don’t have to! But you probably should) but queer status is personal and up for disclosure on a case-to-case basis- or just 100% or not at all.
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Saint Cassian Chamber Choir with a trans reader
•FtM reader ! :)
•this can be taken as platonic or romantic !
warnings ; me not understanding Ocean’s or Jane’s character, reader is pre-op, mentions of over wearing a binder, Implied transphobia, not from anyone in the choir, mostly not needed warnings but just want to be safe lmao-
Ocean O’Connell Rosenburg
•She gets sometimes gets your pronouns mixed up and feels really bad afterwards.
•if you haven’t chosen a preferred name, Ocean will probably help you choose one
•Ocean immediately comes to your side if someone is purposely misgendering or deadnaming you
•If you’re comfortable she’ll get all the teachers to use your preferred name + pronouns :)
•she probably knew before you told her
•overall your #1 supporter
Noel Gruber
•As soon as you tell him he is listing down clothes to give you
•if your over binding he immediately notices based on if your acting any differently. Once you end up taking it off and put on a oversized hoodie wether it be your own or his, you two are still ending up cuddled together. :)
•Someone bothering you? He gets that someone to leave you alone
•celebrates a coming out party for you.
•if you don’t feel like actually going to a hair stylist to get your hair cut he’ll do it, still making u pay though
•he understands how the struggle of identifying as something most people don’t identify as, he knows how fast message flys through the small town.
Mischa Bachinski
•He probably treats you the same as you were just with your preferred name and pronouns.
•Someone gonna to disappear if they are making you uncomfortable.
•He’s probably just like fully taken it when/if you would over bind
•gives it back eventually. :)
Ricky Potts
•I feel like he would give u a sticker that has the trans colors on it.
•He supports you a ton, if he gave you a zolar character, he also makes the zolarian character trans :)
•aaa idk what else to add for ricky im sorry 😭
Penny Lamb / Jane Doe
•She is very understanding
•if your in the choir and she’s the first one you told, she’ll help you come out to them ofc if your comfortable
•helped you in battling the school to let you wear a guy’s uniform.
Constance Blackwood
•checks up on you the day after you came out to her.
•whatever you might identify as she teaching you how to play a recorder, it dont matter
•incredibly supportive towards you :)
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andrewshusband · 7 months
I'm Viktor (or Vik for short), I use he/they pronouns. I identify as a demi boy/masc nonbinary. Aroace/bi. I don't mind most people following me, but please just be respectful. Ask for main in dms, will probably won't give it to you immediately if we haven't been mutuals for a bit. It's not hard to find my main since I do post about self ship on some of my other accounts.
Just my own blog for TCOAAL the game. I do self ship myself with Andrew. I don't really assign any characters with sexualities because I just like leaving it up for interpretation. May be kinda suggestive in posts but actual imagery of sexual activities will not be reblogged and posted here. 18+ users I'll talk to and would prefer. I know I can't stop everyone so please just keep in mind and respect my comforts.
Some is headcanons and will change with info that becomes known (height and so on). I do like other self/oc ships for the characters of this game. I will happily interact with people who also ship with Andrew or other characters. I don't have anything against it and honestly would love to make more friends with the same interests!
I am NOT a pro shipper or an anti. I do not support incest, murder, human trafficking, child neglect, cults, etc. I am not here to be part of drama and I may like posts from people you don't like, but I still want to enjoy art from the fandom. Most I will have are jokes on the topics but I do NOT condone toxic behavior. Just because I enjoy a piece of media that features bad things does not mean I support it. I like Danganronpa but I don't condone kidnapping, terrorism, or murder. So if you think liking media with problematic topics means you enjoy and support problematic actions, please do not interact. Just block me. The point of the game was literally to show how their relationship is toxic and not okay. I don’t mind interacting with people with different opinions, but please just don’t start a fight with me.
Pedos and zoophiles or support of any sort of themes of that topic, do NOT interact at all. Please block me and stay the hell away from me and everyone.
If this game bothers you or anything else, please block this blog, ignore, and don't dm or send hate of any kind.
Relogging other posts, art, and so on.
I don't want to flood my main with a lot. Might shift this to a self ship blog if I don't have much to post about with the game when the series ends. Idk we'll see.
Please don't tag my art as incest. I don't care about what you ship but I don't want my art labeled as such. But please also don't attack people if they do.
Thanks for reading, feel free to reach out to me!
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Please do NOT repost/reupload, steal, claim my art as yours, etc
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fictiontbh · 7 months
I felt like I should make an intro-post for myself, so, I suppose this will be a huge masterlist of alot of things... so here's my introduction and everything about me!
Feel free to ask as much questions as you'd like! You can ask me through my inbox (as an anon or not) or through my DM's (direct messages) If you would like to keep your questions between you and me!
With that said....
More under cut <3
Currently, I've been wanting to sort my posts, from og posts, art, and everything like that. It just makes it easier to search for things I want when I want. Currently my only tag is #TBH's art I chose that because my name changes alot... but my autism persists so... yeah that exists. If I ever get around to actually finishing my fics then the tag #TBH's fanfics will be coloured down on this list.
I am an Aroace Lesbian who is along the nonbinary spectrum! I prefer masc terms, dressing femme, and mixing up pronouns!!
Here are my flags!!
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Questions are allowed!
My name is Storm(y) but I also go by Charm and Fiction. I go by she/they/he/ it!!
The reason I go by multiple names is due to me having been on the internet for... since I was born, practically.
Both of these names have a special place in my heart, though Charm has more of an explanation and Fiction is what I prefer to be named online.
The name "Stormy" comes from my middle name which is just the word Storm. It holds no significance more than just me disliking my birth name and chosing my middle name felt like it would be easier on those who do know me. I have also used this name on a self insert I made of me (not for me, of me. Trust me it is very different to make a self-insert that was made in your image than one you made just to project onto.)
"Charm", however, was a name i fell in love with because I am apart of the Fnaf Fandom. This name was made for a "self-insert" oc i made for satire, the thing is, I ended up expanding the OC's lore so much, but since it was "self-insert" I guess I just stopped taking it as a joke when my brain hyperfixated on the OC. The name has applied to me only because I still consider that OC a "self-insert", truly made for my Indulgence.
"Fiction" is my last name, no, not my actual last name, just my last preffered name. Fiction was another self indulgent name I made for another OC, this was made during a time of major depression where I would spend my day projecting onto my characters and enjoying parasocial relationships with them. Its not a name that means anything good, but this is the reason I use the internet, so I kept it.
I have said above that Fiction is my preffered name online, yet I would truly be fine and maybe happier if you do use my other names as well, especially for more lighthearted conversations. My names may change depending on the circumstance.
Also, I have certain personal depending on the name, Storm is what I draw most commonly as I based the design off myself truly, Charm is technically a furry, but like, robot.... fnaf. Thats my only explanation. Fnaf like Freddy. Except its a fox. Idk. Uhm. Fiction doesn't have a design, but they have alot of emotions behind her, so I'll probably draw them but she is gonna change... alot. No depiction of them is gonna stay the same. Ever.
In conclusion:
Storm is just a name I use for convenience and with family/close friends and in a way that connects to me as a person.
Charm is a name I use for self indulgence purposes and for happier/lighthearted conversations.
Fiction is the name I chose to express my thoughts and is used in a more depressing/serious type of conversation.
These names will switch alot however, sometimes storm or fiction will be the self-indulgent ones, sometimes Fiction will actually be happy and not just my "damn, depressive episode!!" name, sometimes my names will just have no meaning but usually I feel I prefer them during specific circumstances. Plus... sometimes I might find a new name I like for a bit and sometimes ill try testing out a new name.. ice been thinking Mimic for a bit and the name Allen has crossed my mind a few times... but for now sticking with the names above would probably be best.
My personality, what I choose to indulge in, and the thoughts in my head are different from eachother and I suppose my brain liked using the names to show and express myself in a more... disassociative way. Just blame it on past trauma and parasocial relationships I've been in.
Speaking of trauma...
I have Social/General Anxiety Disorder, Sociopathy and Minor Depression. I am also Autistic which attributes to alot of my other mental disorders and just myself as a person. (As stated before with Autigender)
I may still be undiagnosed so this list may update, and my only main guesses for what else i could have would probably be ocd and odd but... you never know right? I mean, i discover new paraphilias that i go "hmm... interesting..." to every... not every day but pretty often!! Im not technically a paraphiliac? I don't get aroused. At all. Ever. But I do get very interested. A new interest but not something I care for and actively search. Unless it's comships... love those.
I do not have a way to Segway into my interests smoothly so pretend that this is a really cool line that relates to my-
I have a LOT of interests.
FNAF, OMORI/おもり, Vocaloid, Evillious Chronicles, ONIBI/鬼火, Pokémon, Be More Chill, ATL:A, Hazbin/Helluva, Steven Universe, Saiki K No Psi Nan and then my scattered interests that are just... its just me liking random characters from random franchises. The franchises im not a fan of but one (1) character? Hell ye im into them!! They are... silly... so silly... recently BMC has been stuck on my mind and o CANNOT get rid of it... have I been squipped???
I am a multishipper. I ship almost every ship in every Fandom and I do not care what others ship. Will I judge? Yeah. Will I truly care? Never! This counts me as a "Pro-shipper" though in technicality im actually full comship. I do not care what you ship. Just as long as you DONT support people who actually and actively support or participate in abusive relationships IRL I am okay with you. From the most innocent cutesy ships to absolutely vile ones I support. Hence my squipemy ship...
I would also like to add, Kinks and anything sexual is allowed on this blog, just a reminder however if I get uncomfortable with the sexual tension in my asks, comment/replies, or anything im tagged in I will most likely not respond or delete what I can. I'm not sex repulsed, but I have boundaries for certain people and my way of showing affection/intimacy with them.
I suppose having said this... all thats left is a DNI list? Its a little basic, cause I really don't care. At all. Just have the basics.
DNI (Do not interact)
Pedophiles/Maps (POCD is fine! You can't control that and all that matters is you surpressing these urges. I can't even lie, I've had the thoughts too, its not pleasant and I'm sorry for your stigmatisation. You are welcome here.)
Rapists and rape defenders. (There is no excuse.)
Anti-LGBT/homo-or-transphobes (you are on tumblr. How could you dislike gay people. This was basically made for gay people. What.)
Anti-shippers. (Please I use shipping as a way of coping. My trauma is different from yours. My coping mechanisms are different than yours. Why do you get mad abt that. Its not a harmful coping mechanism. It doesn't hurt me or you or anybody else.)
Ableists. (There is no excuse.)
Racists. (There is no excuse.)
Radqueer. (... I dont like saying this but just.... no. You aren't welcome in the community. Xenogenders and neos are allowed here! Not you however.)
And thats the criteria. I told you. Its basic. I don't care who you are. I just want to know that I am in a place with people of my kind- mentally ill, bullied, nerds, geeks, whatevers, LGBT community, etc. Or just people who wont actively try and harm me, both mentally and physically. This has been my introduction, and I suppose.. I bit you adieu!
Goodbye! Thank you so much for listening~!
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crumbleclub · 1 year
Masked Bully Gang Headcanon Stuff
Idk, I wanted to talk abt them lol
Freddy Mask:
I subscribe to the belief that this is Jeremy, the main reason being that he's one of few characters known to be alive (survived the frontal lobectomy and all), which matched the Fredbear mask sprite not having posession eyes, and that it wouldn't be a stretch for him to have known Michael (were coworkers later on)
So this also functions as Jeremy headcanons, just mostly prior to and immediately after the Bite
Anyway, very expressive kid. Generally pretty happy but it's easy to tell what he's feeling either way. Heart on his sleeve type
Extremely casual, not super interested in following any kind of formality. Gets away with it because he's a total sunshine and people find it charming
His relaxed behavior sometimes makes others assume he's lazy or incompetent, but that could literally not be less true
Jeremy is extremely well organized and efficient
He can be very goal-driven as well. Excellent multitasker.
All that aside, he's not the type to overwork himself for no reason. He prioritizes his friends and his own wellbeing over achievements unless there's something very important at stake
Bounced around a lot growing up due to his family situation. He has a single parent who's having trouble getting by; he's been in cheap apartments, homeless shelters, foster care, living out of his family's car, etc. Things start to get better financially as he gets older
His family is generally good to him but they don't have adequate resources. That being said he's been around foster parents and other adults who are really shitty at varying times as well
Spends a lot of time outside and doing structured activities just to have a place to go
Boy Scouts, school sports, babysitting, youth groups for churches his family doesn't even go to, he just has to be doing something
Probably becomes an Eagle Scout at some point actually. He's ridiculously competent
His biggest flaw is being unusually vulnerable to peer pressure
Probably had the most guilt of the three after the Bite
Tried to make up for it as much as possible by going out of his way to take as many opposite actions as possible. Getting involved with fundraising for children's hospitals, anti bullying stuff, etc
His response at the initial event was a complete freeze. He and Mike were the only two who didn't run, but neither were much help in getting Evan back down
Jeremy just kind of... stood there. He doesn't remember it.
Eventually jumped at the opportunity to be a night guard in hopes that it might help Evan and the other kids
Mike's most consistent friend through the years
Also the same age as Mike, they're probably 2 months apart or something like that. 13 when the Bite happens
Chica Mask:
I feel very strongly that Chica mask has a bowl cut.
Using he/him pronouns for him in this bc that's what he used his whole life but I do wonder if he'd end up identifying differently had he lived longer
From a big family, middle child but has mostly younger siblings still at home
And when I say big family I mean 10+ siblings. I would not object to it being closer to 20.
They struggle to make ends meet but not to the extent Jeremy's family does
Totally starved for attention
His parents love their kids, they just have way more responsibility than they could feasibly handle well + end up neglecting their kids out of a lack of parenting skill
They also don't really delegate responsibilities so nobody's really sure who's watching the younger kids at a given time
Nobody notices in all the noise when Chica kid leaves to go with his friends or comes back or gets into trouble etc
He's also not been taught some basic social stuff bc nobody had time for him. He doesn't understand boundaries at all bc he's used to a chaotic full house with little siblings climbing all over him and having to shout to get any attention etc etc
Probably the angriest of the three
He's a little younger than the others, 12 when the Bite happens. He's also small for his age and makes up for it by being Really Loud
Chihuahua energy
Probably the most likely to get into trouble even without his friends around (Mike is similar, but the other two aren't)
Ran when the Bite first happened. Terrified. The guilt never quite got to him because he couldn't get past the initial shock of what happened
He was scared, and angry, and confused. He hadn't expected it to happen; he was just lashing out blindly like a dumb kid.
The only one who didn't go to Evan's funeral
He reached out for help about a thousand times in a thousand ways but nobody ever did anything. His family didn't seem to realize anything had even happened no matter how loud he screamed for help or how badly he acted out
I don't know how he died yet. From the town's perspective, he wandered off one day and just disappeared
Idk if he got into substance use really early or if he did something self destructive on purpose or if he was just stressed and took too many risks goofing off somewhere dangerous or what, but I think whatever killed him in the end was how the Bite affected him, rather than William or anything like that
Bonnie Mask:
Probably the most well-adjusted, honestly
Quiet kid, smart
A little older than Mike, 14 when the Bite happens
Has a single dad; his mom died recently of an illness
Family does okay in terms of money; they're not rich but not struggling either
If he has any siblings I feel like they're far apart in age and not that close
He and Mike play baseball together or something. He's really into it but his skill level is pretty normal. Might be more into stats or trading cards than actually playing
Probably views his life in baseball movie format actually
Quick learner, more into the language side of things than like math tho
Probably learns foreign languages as a hobby but has awful pronunciation bc it's all from books
Another one who isn't likely to be cruel on his own, but he doesn't exactly feel that bad about it until the Bite, either
He honestly just. Never considered the consequences of his own actions?
Very out of sight out of mind type of kid. When he no longer sees someone crying, he figures they must have stopped. The upset he causes others stops when he stops looking at them from his perspective
Had trouble making friends so he just went along with whatever the few he did have did and didn't think about it much
The Bite was a very harsh awakening for him
He ran. Completely panicked.
In the most normal turn of events, he told his dad and went to therapy about it and stuff
Developed a fear of blood over it. Never went back to Fredbear's.
Probably visited Evan's grave more regularly than any of the others
Shut down to some extent afterward. Kind of stopped having friends at all
William killed him in the end. I'm not sure whether it had anything to do with Evan or not, but he was lured and killed much like the MCI kids
Despite being in his teens at the time, Bonnie kid had never had a lot of reasons to be wary of strangers. The adults in his life were kind to him, and he trusted William's intentions until it was too late
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