#without any tips from my psychologist
eatingfood · 1 year
well, my psychologist sended me a text, she’s sick so our meeting is rescheduled to the 22th of November
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adventuringblind · 6 months
is oscar the only driver you do autistic!reader for? if not can I request lando x daniel x autistic!reader.
any situation is fine I don't mind 😊
My love, my life, and nerodivergent partners in crime
Daniel Riccairdo x reader x Lando Norris
Genre: angsty fluff (I think)
Summarry: How Daniel managed to keep two nerdiverdent young adults in line... nobody will ever know
Warnings: Lando is ADHD coded, and you can't change my mind (and he's dyslexic anyway), AGE GAP, Max loves to tease
Notes: I am officially only taking requests for poly reader inserts at this time. Also, do Lando and Daniel have a ship name?!?! I need this information for my masterlist, please, and thanks.
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Everyone always wondered why Daniel Ricciardo trailed behind Lando Norris and his girlfriend by three steps. People have theorized its because he's thirdwheeling. Some say the pair doesn't pay attention to him.
The real reason, though? It's his way of showing he cares in the paddock.
Max teases him about it all the time and is the only one who gets away with it. The two younger are, however, a chaotic mess. They can not make it from one place to another without something happening. So Daniel trails behind them a few steps to make sure they make it to their destination.
It's certainly wasn't an ideal way to get together. Especially because Daniel is older than both by more than is socially acceptable by most.
Ironically, none of them were together when Daniel started at McLaren. An Australian who smiles a lot, a Brit who is loose lipped, and a shy little psychologist who hates talking until you get her on driver brains and how they work. What could possibly go wrong?
She started work at McLaren the year before Daniel. Something in the strategy department. She watches and listens and somehow can predict what the drivers are going to do, what they need to perform, and how their opponents might respond. Lando says it's a superpower. Daniel says she's autistic and watches how people behave for a living (she agrees with him).
The three of them got along better than anyone wants to admit. The world saw then as awkward and dysfunctional. Which wasn't a lie, but it's also just their combinations of personalities.
Daniel picked up on it first. The stolen glances and blushed cheeks. Then, drunk confessions happen. Neither of the younger two like drinking. Which is ridiculous, in Daniel's opinion. Or maybe it was ridiculous because he's the one who drunkenly confesses to the pair while they attempt to get him back to his room.
Supposedly, Max was there and heard everything. Daniel denies this relentlessly.
Lando picked up on the confession, confronted him about it, and then awkwardly kissed him on his tip toes (he was shorter then).
The biggest hurdle was the female. The one who studies people. The one who can predict what Daniel is going to have for lunch on Friday at two because he likes to eat later.
She's clueless.
Lando tries to tell her. Daniel attempts sober. She doesn't get it.
The two have to put it in the form of a business meeting and tell her until she gets it. That seems to work as they end up going on a date post confession.
If he's being honest, half the time love them is really just making sure they are getting along with the world. Not people, the environments they end up in (which often includes the people).
So Daniel walks three steps behind them. The people tease on socials. They edit him in tiktoks. But he could care less.
He loves his two nerodivergent partners. He loves their little quirks and they way they see the world. So Daniel determines he's okay being behind them. Because he loves them and wants nothing more than to watch out for his partners in crime.
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astrojulia · 9 months
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Our Emotional Pains
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The moon in our natal chart represents our most emotional aspect and the potential pains it may endure, often influenced by childhood experiences. Remember that each individual is unique, and not all aspects listed here may apply to you due to various reasons. However, some tendencies are more likely to occur.
If you experience emotional pain in any area, seeking professional help from a psychologist, therapist, or acupuncturist is recommended. The moon encourages us to seek assistance from others without fear. Additionally, you can find steps to improve self-esteem in my series of posts "here." Always prioritize self-care.
ಇ. Moon in the 1st House: People with the Moon in the 1st house find their emotional identity deeply intertwined with their self-image. They may feel dependent on others' emotional validation to feel good about themselves, regardless of financial status or intelligence. Emotionally, they may experience fluctuations based on how they are perceived by others. To improve, they should focus on inner strength, firm spiritual practices, and being more self-directed.
ಇ. Moon in the 2nd House: For those with the Moon in the 2nd house, emotional security is closely tied to their financial stability. They might feel profoundly affected by financial losses, experiencing emotional turbulence when facing economic challenges. To alleviate this, they need to understand that their worth isn't solely tied to material possessions and recognize that they are supported by the abundance of the universe.
ಇ. Moon in the 3rd House: Individuals with the Moon in the 3rd house have an emotional charge connected to their thoughts and areas of learning, such as education and communication. They may have learned to suppress or avoid their feelings, leading to toxic ways of dealing with emotions. To find balance, they should embrace a healthy approach to feelings and consider seeking support from self-help books or therapeutic resources.
ಇ. Moon in the 4th House: With the Moon in the 4th house, emotional ties to family are strong and may sometimes lead to giving excessive control over one's life to family members. They might have a deep love for their family, even covering up negative emotions stemming from past experiences. Seeking therapy to address buried emotional pain from the past can be essential for their growth.
ಇ. Moon in the 5th House: Individuals with the Moon in the 5th house have a profound emotional connection to children and, if they are mothers, may feel a strong sense of responsibility. Their relationship with their own mother significantly impacts their mothering style, and they may try to compensate for any deficiencies they experienced in their maternal relationship. Therapy can help them work through these complex emotional dynamics.
ಇ. Moon in the 6th House: Those with the Moon in the 6th house feel emotionally connected to their job and might become overly absorbed in it. Imbalances in work-life can manifest physically, often causing digestive issues or stomach discomfort. Learning to set boundaries between your job and personal life and finding emotional fulfillment outside of work is crucial.
ಇ. Moon in the 7th House: Emotionally, people with the Moon in the 7th house find support and security through relationships, which can sometimes lead to dependency on their partners. They may place a lot of emotional responsibility on others, neglecting their own emotional needs. To cultivate healthier relationships, they need to take personal responsibility for their emotions and maintain a sense of individuality within partnerships.
ಇ. Moon in the 8th House: Individuals with the Moon in the 8th house have deep emotional issues tied to their family, particularly their mother. They may have experienced early traumatic events that exposed them to life's darker aspects, leading them to explore taboo or hidden subjects. Self-awareness and self-knowledge are crucial in recognizing and accepting their inner truths.
ಇ. Moon in the 9th House: For those with the Moon in the 9th house, emotional support comes from their philosophical beliefs and convictions. They may have emotional ties to their educational experiences, which can lead to revisiting themes from the past. The relationship with their mother might be seen as wise and influential, but it can also burden them with heavy expectations.
ಇ. Moon in the 10th House: Emotionally, individuals with the Moon in the 10th house are deeply connected to their career and may feel emotionally vulnerable to criticism of their work. They seek to be seen as nurturing figures in their professional roles. Finding emotional fulfillment in their life's mission and recognizing their value beyond their work can be transformative.
ಇ. Moon in the 11th House: People with the Moon in the 11th house place great importance on friendships, seeking emotional support and acceptance from their social circle. They may struggle with feelings of pain and rejection when their need for acceptance isn't met. To build healthier relationships, they need to be authentic and avoid wearing masks to please others.
ಇ. Moon in the 12th House: Individuals with the Moon in the 12th house are highly sensitive to the pain of others, often absorbing emotions from those around them. They may feel guilty for actions that weren't their responsibility. Emotionally, they have a deep desire to protect others and may have experienced emotional entanglements with their mother. Learning to establish emotional boundaries and finding healthy coping mechanisms is vital to their well-being.
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The Healing Process
To heal your moon you need to learn to deal with your past, instincts and emotions and this is done with the energy of your sign, the general energy of this healing is:
ಇ. Aries: courage, leadership, drive, motivation to start projects and move forward, even with obstacles.
ಇ. Taurus: care, affection, patience to observe, see it grow, follow its own development process and the growth of others.
ಇ. Gemini: communication, the good word, the kindness, the diplomacy to make contacts, transmit information and exchange opinions with people.
ಇ. Cancer: love, intimacy, protection, warmth and emotional support to feel loved and safe, participating in a family.
ಇ. Leo: joy, spontaneity, vanity, self-esteem so that we can continue to act correctly and be proud of ourselves.
ಇ. Virgo: productivity, love of work, the desire to be useful, to serve, to help ourselves and others.
ಇ. Libra: commitment, bond, engagement with others, sophistication, love of the arts and the delicacy that enchants and captivates the people around.
ಇ. Scorpio: silence, the depth, the mystery, the emotions, the possibility of divesting us and transforming us into better people.
ಇ. Sagittarius: hope, faith in the future, positive energy, interest in going much further to discover that the world is bigger.
ಇ. Capricorn: responsibility, discipline, ethics, wisdom obtained by age, respect for the elderly, willpower.
ಇ. Aquarius: friendship, fraternity, originality, innovation, respect for differences, unconditional love for human beings and nature.
ಇ. Pisces: faith, the connection with a higher dimension, simplicity, detachment, surrender to life.
(CC) AstroJulia Some Rights Reserved
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adambja · 7 months
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• Why are my tapes expensive?
The answer is here
• Who am I?
I am adambja (a nickname) and I am not a loa coach, I am a subconscious mind reprogramming coach and a self-concept coach - I studied quantum physics quantum mechanics Also I am a psychologist, a neurologist and a psychoanalyst (didn't finish it yet) - I am not a law of assumptions coach nor a non-dualism coach BUT I have a unique perspective I got from combining both views (loa + non dualism) and it is really unique to me because it's just not limiting at all! Almost %87 of my clients liked it and started following it too with me and the others chose their own way 🫶🏻!
Also most of the things you will read about me aren't right at all people are literally lying to you because they think I am scamming people when in fact I helped a lot of people here enter their void state and get to their way in life even get what they want - again I just helped them but they did %99 of everything, everyone just needs a push or just a light to guide them to the end of the tunnel 🫶🏻!
Hope you enjoy my tapes whatever it's the free ones or the paid ones!
Direct Messages: open (to current/new clients who are willing to pay/interested in my tapes/coaching/packages - who already bought coaching from me)
You can message me on @adambja2 if you want to buy a tape, coaching or a package ;)
Asks: open (to everyone)
• My Price List
• My Paid Tapes
- self-concept package (high-end | low-priced)
- void state package (high-end | low-priced)
- subconscious mind tape
- shifting tape
- reality controlling tape (the void state alternative)
• My Free Tapes
- I am in control tape
- money manifesting tape
- just another tape
- dream/desired life tape (coming soon)
• Success Stories
• Tape Listening Challenge by @renebeloved
• Law Of Assumption (everything you need to know) - here
• My Void Journey - here
• Tips To Enter/Wake Up In Your Void State
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• The Experiment + Results (the void concept tape)
The Chosen Ones For The Experiment
Results - Day 1
Results - Day 2
Results - Day 3
Results - Day 4
Results - Day 5
Results - Day 6
Results - Day 7
• What did I do? (depending on the results I got)
I will sell the void concept tape + the self-concept tape together I won't sell anything alone unless it's the self-concept tape!
The void concept tape doesn't work without having a good self-concept and a huge focus and literally like someone who doesn't doubt themselves also it can work with the self-concept if you can just listen to it without having any assumptions about it in other words "you have to just be calm for 1-5 days listening to it to reprogram your subconscious mind with the new assumptions and the new beliefs then enter - never try to enter if you just used it 1 day - in general some of my clients entered after one day of using it some did after 3 days and the highest number of people who did it was in exactly 5 days after listening to it and all my clients got the self-concept tape with the void concept tape and again I am telling you these clients who entered were really focused on one thing one goal not two not 3 they had a vision - some clients are still getting coaching until now because they didn't enter and this gets us back to "you have to quit many things so you can make a victory in your life" quit Tumblr quit understanding anything else atm you are trying to do something specific! I want you to be focused not anxious not nervous not distracted mentally or in the way you believe - others' success stories aren't even yours people succeeding with a method doesn't mean you will succeed with it too - you have to assume that the success already happened with YOU, assume that you are already successful or that you always succeed!... And more things that will be added soon to this post but I have to really study all the cases of my clients again to understand what was the most common issue!!
• The 2nd Void State Tape Experiment Form
• The Appearance Tape Experiment Form
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 9 months
Hello, I've wanted to know if you have any tips on how to deal with ableism. I searched and did not find much useful information...
If it helps, here is the context: My step-father was cool and really nice until he found that I'm autistic. Now he just ignores me most of the time and say that he won't talk with a liar who is faking to be sick. (Whatever that means...)
Hi there,
I found this source that talks about 5 ways you can deal with a ableist people. According to this article:
5 tips for dealing with ableism
Five tips for dealing with ableism include, but are not limited to, the following:
Document ableism when it occurs. If ableism occurs at school, workplace, medical facility, etc., you should document the ableist language or behavior. This includes making a note with the date, time, and person involved. You should also save emails if accommodations are denied, or record the audio of a conversation in which ableism is present. This documentation is important if legal or administrative actions need to be taken.
Report ableism when possible. Although uncomfortable, someone, such as a coworker or fellow student, should be reported if they display ableism. Staying quiet and pretending it didn't happen sends a message that it is okay. Regardless of the consequences, reporting ableism can help correct the behavior.
Ask people to stop using ableist language. When someone uses a term that encourages ableism and stigma, they should be informed. Perhaps they are unintentionally discriminating. Certain terms, (e.g., crazy, psycho, moron, etc.), or phrases, (e.g., I have OCD when I clean, the weather is bipolar, etc.) are examples of ableist language. Referring to individuals without disabilities as “normal” is also ableist.
Redirect ableist behaviors. Ableism may be experienced when someone assumes you cannot do something for yourself. In these cases, you should thank the person for the offer, but assure them that you are fully capable of completing the task. Other examples of ableist behavior include touching you or devices you use without permission, asking intrusive questions, and praising you for completing everyday tasks. These behaviors should be redirected when possible.
Talk to a mental health professional. If ableism is affecting your mental well-being, do not be afraid to ask a counselor or psychologist for help. They can help you develop skills and strategies to support your mental health when enduring ableism.
Here’s an article from Stanford University:
I hope these can help. Thank you for the inbox. I hope you have a wonderful day/night. ♥️
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railingsofsorrow · 8 months
𝙾𝙲𝚃. 6𝚝𝚑; 𝖘𝖕𝖊𝖓𝖈𝖊𝖗 𝖗.
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summary: spencer's letter.
pairing: spencer reid x oc!iris valentia 
w.c: 694
warnings/content: a case is mentioned superficially; bird talk; bookworms geeking; fluff.
series masterlist
[letter 1] [letter 2] [letter 3] [letter 4] [letter 5] [letter 6] [letter 7] [letter 8] [letter 9]  
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October 6st.
Dear, Iris.
Please, call me Spencer.
You said you'd prefer that I drop the honorific, then I'd rather you do it as well. And you are not intruding in any way, if anything, I am, because I asked you to talk about yourself first. I hope I didn't make you uncomfortable or pressured? I am sorry if I have.
I knew someone that really liked birds once, he knew every species at the tip of his tongue. I guess you two would've gotten along.
Did you know that the Garrulax courtoisi is an endangered species? It was rediscovered in 2000 at Wuyuan, China, but it remains rare till this day. It is really close to extinction, at least in the wild life.
That is a... good question. I would like to be an owl, mainly because of their binocular sight much like ours. It would be interesting, in my point of view. I had never thought about this before.
Are you curious about me? I don't believe I have much aspects about myself that you'd find interesting. I do relate to some things you said. I hate loud noises as well, but I guess, I hate crowded places more. These two pet peeves often overlap each other; in my line of work, I have to speak and face lots of people, which makes me anxious.
According to Dr. Jerry Bubrick, a senior psychologist at the Child Mind Institute Anxiety Disorder Center, when kids are excited they are similar to a dog wagging its tail, but they naturally get louder as the excitement kicks in. Also, children don't know how to modulate their volume, that means that even if they are yelling, they might not notice it, although the parent does. My godson does that a lot, so I know what you mean. When he gets too excited, he runs to whoever he's closest to and throws his arms around them. It's endearing.
Oh, yes. I am rather fond of literature. I think Murakami's writing is brilliant but I've only ever read Nowergian Wood, I'll make sure to read The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle next. My usual reading choice is horror, I'd say Edgar Allan Poe's poem “The Tell-Tale Heart” made me fall in love with literature. I've read it for the first time when I was ten years old, it was one of my mother's books that she'd keep really high on the shelf so I wouldn't read it. I stole it and read it anyway. (Technically I did not steal it, it was still in the house, I just left it in my room) I was captivated by Poe's gruesome details and the way he mixes emotions in the narrative. As for a novel, it would be The Romance of the Forest by Ann Radcliffe. She's also an amazing author from gothic literature. Have you ever heard of or read any of these two?
Oh, my day only starts after I've had my coffee as well! I can't function properly without it. I hate plain coffee, it has to have at least five spoons of sugar or I can't swallow — no offense to you, of course, but I don't think sweeteners ruin the taste, it makes it better.
Regarding the Nevada case, it was... eventful. I thought we wouldn't be able to reach a good solution in time but, we did. As good as one sees, at least. It was a hard case which did not bring back good memories. But I won't fill your busy hours with irrelevant venting. How is your week going? Are you still picking up extra shifts at work? I hope you don't forget to take care of yourself meanwhile.
Please don't.
Ps: I'm sure your hair looks beautiful even on “bad hair days” — I've learned this term recently through a friend, I hope I used it right.
Best regards,
Spencer R.
taglist: @lilyviolets
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lightseoul · 2 years
you should've seen this coming.
you'd chalk it up to those ancient Facebook text posts for instilling the idea in your subconscious and for assuring you it'll be fine but then again, you should've known better with all the media you've consumed featuring the best friends to lovers trope.
the trope you're currently living out in the real world.
well, technically. just the subcomponent of one of the best friends falling for the other.
(alexa, play accidentally in love by counting crows)
but, yeah. those teenage girls behind the #GirlFacts Facebook text posts weren't lying. a girl and a guy can become best friends without getting romantically involved with each other. it's just that they didn't really account for the factors social psychologists have since identified to predict attraction.
familiarity? yep.
physical attractiveness? duh.
similarity? you'd say so.
reciprocity? you'd like to think your (now) 3-year (best) friendship hasn't been one-sided.
and fuck akaashi keiji for having all four.
the shrill ring of your doorbell echoes throughout your apartment, ripping you out of your stupor. fuck.
hurriedly putting some sweatpants on, you dash towards your door, mentally cussing out your best friend and his characteristic punctuality. of course, in any given day, you'd appreciate this about him.
not today.
having the groundbreaking revelation that you're in love with your best friend dawn on you during finals week is one thing. realizing that earth-shattering fact five minutes before keiji's scheduled to arrive for your regular study session is another. tip toeing on your bare feet, you squint through the peephole, heart hammering at the sight of your best friend like he hasn't been dropping by to hang out every week in the last two years.
"y/n? you there?"
you finally will yourself to swing the door open, flashing him an apologetic smile, "sorry. just had to quickly put on some pants."
he chuckles, letting himself in but not without first wiggling the goodies he's carrying, the ones he promised to pick up from your favorite coffee shop on the way.
"i know it's been a bit humid lately, but you have to have some pants on 24/7, y/n. in case of emergencies."
did he have to be so fucking doting? jesus.
you plop down on the living room floor across him, trying to look like you're not having a mental breakdown from the recent realization concerning your best friend.
you probably look constipated right now.
helping him out with setting up the food and study materials on the coffee table, you scrunch your nose in belated disagreement, "well, i haven't had to run across the lobby with just my underwear on during a fire or earthquake. and it's been 2 years of living in this building. i think i'm good, thanks."
keiji only shakes his head in defeat, albeit donning that familiar fond look on his face, which never failed to give you a rush whenever you managed to pull it from him.
could that've served as a sign? you just assumed everyone in keiji's life felt that way. besides, having a stoic, composed person "break" out of character is always exciting in its own right, regardless of who the person in question is.
but if it was, indeed, a sign, then congratulations! you're still in the running to be the world's greatest airhead.
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you stifle your nth yawn of the night, much to your chagrin. it hasn't been that long since you started studying (you caught up with each other's lives while snacking for the first hour) yet you already feel drained.
keiji snorts, "already?"
you lightly smack his shoulder in retaliation, "no one shames me for my wack energy levels in my household."
although he can probably power through a few more pages of his reading, keiji locks his iPad in (what you think is) an act of solidarity. you raise your eyebrow at him.
he only shrugs, "a little break won't hurt."
you grin in delight, and keiji couldn't help but mirror it back to you.
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the "little" break has been anything but, and it's currently hurting both of your chances of getting an A on your major finals.
you nudge keiji with your shoulder, who's sprawled comfortably beside you on the couch, mindlessly scrolling through his phone. admittedly, the proximity is getting to you, but you suppress the nervousness as best as you can. the last thing you need is for things to get awkward between the two of you.
"pst," you start, "we've been lounging here for two hours now."
he grunts in acknowledgment but doesn't move to do anything in response to your statement.
well, then. if the more responsible one is being an enabler, who are you to complain, right?
but just as you were about to go back to your own doom scrolling, keiji pokes your shoulder.
you briefly glance at him, quickly looking back at your phone. now you can't even sustain eye contact anymore? great.
you, at the very least, still hum in acknowledgment, "hm?"
"i want to know what you think about this."
he tilts his phone towards you, and you recoil a bit from the brightness.
(you always told him to turn it down lest he damage his eyes even further. guess you aren't the only stubborn one between the two of you)
"oops," he quickly turns it back to himself, lowering it to the setting he usually sees your phone be at, "sorry 'bout that."
you just shake your head in amusement, instead choosing to zero in on what he's trying to show you. immediately, you recognize it as the short manga he's been working on in the last 2 weeks, only now it's completely polished and colored in. and looking like the real deal.
"damn!" you excitedly take the phone from his hands, bringing it closer to your eyes, "this looks so good, keiji!"
he only chuckles shyly, though you can tell he's pretty flattered, "you really think so?"
"of course! i can definitely picture this being displayed at our local bookstore. it's that good."
you beam at him as he gently takes his phone from you. keiji has never been good at taking compliments; even as his best friend, you're still doing trial and error when it comes to giving him the right amount validation.
he's looking down at his phone, quiet, and you can't help but feel like (maybe) you overdid it.
"i'm serious, keiji. i'm not just saying all this because i'm your best friend."
he finally looks up at you with a grateful smile on his face, "i know."
your conversation falls into a lull. a few minutes of comfortable silence passes before he speaks up again.
"it's funny that you said that, actually."
"how so?"
he sits upright, turning to face you, and you follow suit. you mentally chide yourself for feeling antsy all over again. this whole being in love thing is exhausting. you're not even sure if it's real or if you're just imagining it.
(professional self-gaslighters, amirite?)
he clears his throat, "if i really think about it, then yeah. maybe as my best friend, my agreeable and nice best friend," he eyes you teasingly, "your inputs shouldn't really have that much weight for me."
you get what he's trying to say, but you can't pass up the opportunity to mess with him, "ouch, but go on."
"no! i didn't mean it like—"
you cackle over his immediate, satisfactory reaction, "i know! go on."
he huffs lightly, an imperceptible (to the untrained eye) pout evident on his face. "i was just gonna say that even though I know your opinion shouldn't really count, just like my mom's, which like yours—always seems to be positive, by the way, i can't help but feel ecstatic when I hear them."
you can't get anything out from the shock; thankfully, he continues, "basically, i just wanted to tell you that, as silly as it may sound and for me to be even doing this," he chuckles a bit self-consciously, "i hold what you say in highest regard."
"possibly even higher than mom's or bokuto's," he adds quickly, rubbing the back of his neck, "though now i'm being redundant 'cause i already said highest.."
you can only laugh at keiji's rambling, but also because he just rendered you speechless, unable to muster anything in response to that sweet and innocent confession.
he seems to loosen up at the sight of you receiving his message well, eventually chuckling alongside with you.
once the laughter died down and the heavy beating of your heart became manageable, you force yourself to look at keiji, who is still seeming a bit sheepish from his recent stint of vulnerability.
"thank you, keiji," you say as softly as you can, "i can say the same thing about you."
he visibly brightens up at that, and you can't help the surge of affection from washing over you despite your efforts to keep them at bay.
"really," you playfully punch his chest, "so you better be honest with me!"
you intended to lighten up the atmosphere with that last sentence, but instead, keiji appears as if he's been reminded of something that sits heavily in his mind (as everything does for your best friend, but this one seems like an especially worse case)
"actually, y/n," he starts, a faint blush appearing high on his cheeks, "i have something i've been meaning to tell you."
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waitingforafriendblog · 2 months
Journaling has done more for me than rehab and therapy ever did. Why? Bc no one gives a fuck about what you to say. It sucks, but that’s the reality.
Even the trained “professionals” who called me by Borderline and not even by my name.
Getting me to even show up and stay clean was hard enough. But having to check in with 4 other counselors, psychologists, psychiatrists, DBT classes, it still didn’t do much for me at all. No one was really listening to me.
But journaling is the perfect outlet for me. I can scream my truth into my writing, which always validates what I am feeling. I’ve had nothing in my life besides gaslighting and resistance.
I’ve come to the conclusion that people are dedicated to misunderstanding me.
Journaling for Emotional Wellness
When you were a teenager, you might have kept a diary hidden under your mattress. It was a place to confess your struggles and fears without judgment or punishment. It likely felt good to get all of those thoughts and feelings out of your head and down on paper. The world seemed clearer.
You may have stopped using a diary once you reached adulthood. But the concept and its benefits still apply as a grown up. Now it’s called journaling. It's simply writing down your thoughts and feelings to understand them more clearly. And if you struggle with stress, depression, or anxiety, keeping a journal can be a great idea. It can help you gain control of your emotions and improve your mental health.
Journaling benefits
One of the ways to deal with any overwhelming emotion is to find a healthy way to express yourself. This makes a journal a helpful tool in managing your mental health. Journaling can help you:
Manage anxiety
Reduce stress
Cope with depression
Journaling helps control your symptoms and improve your mood by:
Helping you prioritize problems, fears, and concerns
Tracking any symptoms day-to-day so that you can recognize triggers and learn ways to better control them
Providing an opportunity for positive self-talk and identifying negative thoughts and behaviors
When you have a problem and you're stressed, keeping a journal can help you identify what’s causing that stress or anxiety. Once you’ve identified your stressors, you can work on a plan to resolve the problems and reduce your stress.
Keep in mind that journaling is just one aspect of a healthy lifestyle for better managing stress, anxiety, and mental health conditions. To get the most benefits, be sure you also:
Relax and meditate each day.
Eat a healthy, balanced diet.
Exercise regularly—get in some activity every day.
Treat yourself to plenty of sleep each night.
Stay away from alcohol and drugs.
Use your journal to make sure you follow these guidelines daily.
How to journal
Try these tips to help you get started with journaling:
Try to write every day. Set aside a few minutes every day to write. This will help you to write in your journal regularly.
Make it easy. Keep a pen and paper handy at all times. Then when you want to write down your thoughts, you can. You can also keep a journal on your smartphone.
Write or draw whatever feels right. Your journal doesn't need to follow any certain structure. It's your own private place to discuss and create whatever you want to express your feelings. Let the words and ideas flow freely. Don't worry about spelling mistakes or what other people might think.
Use your journal as you see fit. You don't have to share your journal with anyone. If you do want to share some of your thoughts with trusted friends and loved ones, you could show them parts of your journal.
Keeping a journal helps you create order when your world feels like it’s in chaos. You get to know yourself by revealing your most private fears, thoughts, and feelings. Look at your writing time as personal relaxation time. It's a time when you can de-stress and wind down. Write in a place that's relaxing and soothing, maybe with a cup of tea. Look forward to your journaling time. And know that you're doing something good for your mind and body.
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First thing I want to say is that I hope that everything's going well (or at least, that you have a good day)
So, the thing is that recently I've started therapy in order to recover from an ED (finally). And my psychologist told me that I should stop counting calories, however, it's been quite difficult.
And I wanted to ask you if you have some tips to make it easier or if you had some resources that could be helpful
(thanks in advance)
Hello, and thank you, anon! I'm doing all right.
It can be hard to stop counting calories, especially when you've memorized the average calorie counts of most of the things that you eat.
My first suggestion would be to avoid checking any new caloric information on the packaging of any new foods. With the familiar foods, you likely won't be able to get the existing numbers out of your head for a good while, I'll be honest. But you can start digging yourself out of the hole by taking steps to avoid repeating previous patterns.
For foods that you already know the calorie count of, I suggest you work purposefully at practicing intuitive eating. Rather than estimating calories consumed, focus on how your food tastes, how your stomach and body feel. Instead of carefully measuring your portions, let your body guide you. (If you're having a hard time digesting due to your body adapting to recovery, take stock of that too, and try to stay neutral about what you notice. Instead of internalizing your body's discomfort as a punishment for food, try noting "my body is healing from some major health problems. This is what my body feels like when it's healing from major health problems.")
When you find your thoughts straying back to the calorie counts, try noticing things around you, or remembering details about your day, or the flavors of your food. You can even carry a notebook if it helps make the daily thoughts more tangible. Try to keep it a bit lighthearted, with an overall positive beat, at least while you're eating. Write down anything but calorie counts. You can reflect "On my drive earlier, the sky was really blue. That was pretty nice." Or "This apple tastes very sweet and crunchy. The last apple I had was softer and milder." Just really immerse yourself in being a person living their life, without putting too much stock in it. Treat your ED impulses as you would any intrusive thought. That is, don't try too hard to push it out of your head. Just let the thought come and go. Acknowledge that it's normal for ED sufferers to have these thoughts, that you're not bad for having them, and that you can acknowledge that they're there without following them. The harder you work to suppress an intrusive thought, the more it will bother you, so just let them happen and then turn back to your thoughts about your day. You can even include that in your reflections. "Thoughts about calorie-counting keep interrupting my lunch. That's frustrating. I hope I'm able to enjoy my next meal a little more peacefully!"
Understand that progress will not be linear, and feel free to consult with your therapist for more ideas on how to enjoy your food without counting the calories!
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sir-olofii · 6 months
There's a story from my childhood because of what I can't get why my mom still denies my autism diagnosis even though it's official. And she had witnessed that shit I'm going to talk about and she even assisted me
I'm gonna start quite far from the exact story to provide enough context for it. My mom is a nurse. And her mom was a nurse. And her dad was a doctor. And my dad is a doctor too. Which means I've been surrounded by medical talks from very young age. My mom allowed me going through her books about anatomy and all that stuff (which oftentimes wasn't really age appropriate for me) and answered all my endless questions regarding how different kinds of stuff in human body work. I was obsessed with blood and heart at that point (I was 8ish yo) and with crafting random shit. It was a few days before Valentine's Day when my mom, as it happens due to cisheteronormativity, asked me whether I liked a boy in my class. I believed liking at least some boy is necessary as an 8 year old. I mean. I didn't. Cause it was an Orthodox Cristian school and we were divided by sex so boys, girls and unholy sinful beings didn't play or study together. So. I picked just a random boy. And decided he was going to be the boy I liked. The Valentine's Day was almost there, and it was just common sense I needed to give that boy a special present. Here's what I did.
I sculpted a fucking semi-realistic heart out of salty dough and painted it and put it in a box and gave it as a Valentine's Day present to that poor boy. While being in a fucking Orthodox Cristian school.
I couldn't just make this heart without any consultations from a professional, you know. So I did show it to my mom a few times and asked for some tips to make it look more realistic. And she didn't worry. And she didn't ask any questions. She just gave me those tips and helped me paint that effing heart. I couldn't believe the boy didn't like my present. And no one liked it, neither him, nor teachers, nor other kids' parents, nor the school psychologist
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letterstomonkey · 2 years
I Wish to be Read From Cover to Cover
An e minor in the shape of my left hand with
Every fingernail bitten, raw, to the root
Laces tied tight on my black boots, not zipped (I won’t suffocate these footsteps, already heavy)
Lipstick smudged on a tan coat collar, and this boy is older than me, but I am wiser than any of his lifetimes before me
My tears don’t get the stain out,
But I get most of it with my spit.
My boyfriend does not know me, now
But in his tan coat he asks for a booth
He plays with my feet beneath the table as he orders for me (he does not order from the kids menu)
We play tic tac toe, breaking the tie, until food arrives, not hot, not cold
The manager working Saturday lunch tells us
He cannot let us have our meals for free,
And I should know this, by now, because I work here
And I apologize, because I know this, but I was hopeful (No, pitiful)
And I have a boyfriend who does not pay for me,
And I have a best friend who is grieving her mother,
And I’m sorry, I’m not usually hungry.
I look at my boyfriend, and I resent him for not allowing me to order off the kids menu, but I love him for it
All the same, if not more.
The manager is kind (takes our meals off the bill)
The most fake and sincere smile I could offer a stranger in January
Leaving a tip, signing the line with a smiley face,
Black boots and lipstick and a dead woman’s floral arrangements,
On my mind.
A funeral in January on a Saturday morning,
A manic episode on a Sunday afternoon,
A physical altercation, fireworks make for weapons when aimed at eachother,
(Texting my mother),
A police officer finding the ruby cloves and lighter in my purse on a Sunday night,
A phone call to 911 saved my life
(I dialed myself, thank you).
A stack of books on my bedside table in August,
Bookmarked after the introductory sections,
And I put them down when I feel something like an ache, something like a
Lullaby to put the feelings to rest,
I lay myself to rest (I won’t sleep without the little green pills)
I am smothered in shades of guilty for borrowing books from my therapist’s office
And then leaving her emails unopened for months,
She worries about me,
And she tells me this, candidly,
And my stomach turns, tumultuously,
But I wonder what would have happened if
I was honest with my therapist,
And I wonder if the nurses noticed
Open wounds on my hand,
And didn’t say anything, so I could be sent home (I don’t have one) like I told them I so badly wanted to be,
And I wonder if any single psychologist that spoke with me during my inpatient vacation
Noticed I was lying to every single one of them,
And the bystander effect falls into place.
I wonder if in my next life I will
Be reborn as a book, enticingly fun colors on the cover,
Something easier to read,
Something that will draw attention, but not the kind that
Wishes they could fix you,
Wishes they could rewrite your most sorrowful chapters, and
I wonder if anyone will read my book not between the lines of
The lives that shaped me and the
Words that wrote me,
And instead find something worthwhile in
The trees they cut down to craft me (we have this in common, me and the trees and our missing limbs).
I wake up from wistful thinking, sweaty, swaddled, nothing exposed, under covers.
I won’t ask someone else to tuck me in, because it is one of few things I can do myself.
I wish to be read from cover to cover.
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magratpudifoot · 2 years
We watched The Devil in Ohio in its entirety yesterday because that's the kind of thing we have time for these days, and I think I completely broke my Netflix profile by telling it we didn't like it. I never, ever give streaming services more data than they are already mining just from tracking the things I'm watching, so it's a testament to how much we didn't like it that I actually clicked the thumbs down.
We were watching it as a kind of endearingly over-earnest bit of nonsense with some vaguely interesting stuff going on, and we were having a decent time (though neither of us were engaged with it enough that we didn't get up and do chores without pausing it). But then the ending...
Literally the only way the ending doesn't send me into apoplectic rage is if we're meant to understand that the protagonists' nuclear family is also a cult with the father as leader, and I AM HERE FOR THAT INTERPRETATION (let me show you my vast array of non-fiction about cults and the many forms they take), but that feels like an oppositional reading that is too smart for the piece.
It's possible I could have been persuaded to give it that much credit, but nope, not after reading more. In googling to try to get to the bottom of how someone gets to act as both executive producer and writer on the adaptation of their first novel*, I came across an article claiming that the novel/series was "based on true events'', citing the author's hearing second hand about the experiences of an anonymous source** and "research" that included Gone Girl, that noted non-fiction account of a cult survivor.
Presumably "based on true events" here means that cults exist and sometimes people leave them.
Of course, the fact that the big bad in the story was specifically a satanic cult*** had pretty well convinced me that the writer of this thing had never heard of Steve Hassan, Rick Ross, or Janja Lalich...which would be more forgivable if the main character weren't a trauma psychologist who presumably would at least do a quick look round to see if there is any scholarship on how to help people who have escaped from cults.
*A first novel which I, as someone who goes directly to the horror section in bookstores and occasionally attends a sf/fantasy/horror literary conference, had never heard of. WHERE DID THIS COME FROM, AND WHO DOES THE WRITER KNOW??
** Obviously obviously obviously this is EXACTLY the sort of story that would be sourced anonymously. I am not doubting the existence of people who escape horrific abuse and don't want their business publicized to the world. But before we go making "true story" claims, I'm going to need some more substantial evidence of corroborating research than a couple pieces of fiction, a recovered memory testimonial, and one legitimate documentary about a not-even-remotely-related cult. (Holy Hell is an incredible doc if you have the stomach for it [trigger warning for sexual abuse if you do look for it], but N O T H I N G about it has to do with Devil in Ohio, to the point where I honestly think the writer may have just claimed she watched it because it sounds like it should be about Christian theology in some way.)
*** Heads up for those who don't spend 90% of their free time reading about cults, satanic cults are...pretty fucking rare, compared to Christian cults and capitalist cults and white nationalist cults and extraterrestrial cults and cults that spring up around random people with malignant narcissism. But what isn't rare is people weaponizing the specter of satanic cults against marginalized people, so this is a particularly fucked up time to have the (rural isolationist terrorist) cult be ~~spooky satanists~~. Hat tip I guess for at least having them use some of the trappings of Christian religiosity?
Also, HEY, remember that time they tried to do a Heathers series where all the awful popular characters were people of marginalized identities, and the kids they were picking on were white? There's a whiff or two of that going on here, too, for all its attempts to be Inclusive(TM).
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adambja · 5 months
Hey, so I got into spirituality a while ago and I am also have adhd and derealization. I started treatment for that and I know you are probably not a medical professional. But I wanted to ask you anyway, if you have any tipps to be present and feel oneness. I had short phases already, where I had no thoughts and it was the best thing ever. I also had my first few manifestations. Since I am an empath I take so much negative energy from other people in. I am either totally stressed out or completly at peace. I feel like I am improving so much but at the same time it feels like my life is falling apart.
Thank you for your content and your help in advance.
(Also English is not my first language.)
Also why did you even assume I am not a medical professional? You don't know anything about me like how am I a neurologist or even a psychologist 💀?!
I literally opened a clinic and then turned down the whole thing after it was half way done because it will take too much time from my life
This was personal so anyways lmao
First of all,
Don't go to a therapist/psychiatrist
Pick a good psychologist for yourself, we are better! most of the time you don't need any medication also you wanted to ask me anyway about the tips to feel present and oneness....!
Work on your self-concept
You can buy the packages I have with coaching since you are already diagnosed with something you will get somehow an extra discount!
Use these affs
- I live in the present moment
- I am in the present moment
Also that empath thing - it's not even real
It's mostly because of your childhood and your parents
Like this sh is literally made up - it describes how you feel and it's just there for you to understand what state are you in BUT NOT to identify yourself with "I am an empath" so quit it you didn't meet the actual YOU yet!
You just didn't work on your self-concept
And when you are talking about taking bad energies from people!!
I mean people don't exist!! Then where are these energies are coming from?? It's you creating it JUST ASSUME THE BEST in fact you can't feel anyone's feelings - you can decide their feelings but you can't take it inside of you or feel it instead of them!
Nothing is actually real
This physical reality isn't real
What is real is your imagination
Did you read about eiypo? Read about it (the right ones pls not the wrong ones)
Did you read the law of assumptions post on my pinned post? Read it
You are literally manifesting all this and you just didn't have your first manifestation baby everything in your life is literally a manifestation!
That's it
Your life feels like it's falling apart because you feel like you are out of control THAT'S WHY I MADE THIS TAPE FOR EVERYONE CAUSE THEY NEEDED IT!! 💀
Because I already know what most of the people in this world is i made a lot of researches and that's another reason why you see many successes from this tape yes they aren't just the affs they are benefits too! So yeah!!
You are very welcome baby!
I would love to talk to you in my DMs due to your situation! Cause you really have something different!
I really hope you never stop getting better and I hope you stop identifying yourself with something that's not really you! I want you to move on to another level to find out who are you fr without all of this!
It's all about self-concept
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whereareroo · 3 months
WF THOUGHTS (2/13/24).
I’m a sensitive guy. I’m particularly emotional on Valentine’s Day.
I’ve been fighting my way through the backlog of reading that accumulated during the Ecuador trip. I always do a lot of reading about relationships. I’m an expert on relationships. In my prior life, my job was to help people navigate difficult relationships. I was good at it. To keep my skills sharp, I still “click” articles about relationships.
I just read an article written by Dr. Courtney Warren. She attended Harvard, and she’s a psychologist. She’s been working with couples for more than 20 years. She believes that most relationship problems can be traced to poor communication. She gives a list of 10 things that you should never say to your partner. To save you time, I’ll only give you 5 of her insightful tips. Remember, these are things that you’re NOT supposed to say:
“I wish we never met.”
“You ruined my life.”
“You’re pathetic.”
“You disgust me.”
“No one else would want you.”
According to this rocket scientist from Harvard, talk like that “can ultimately ruin the foundation of a healthy romantic connection and lead to lower relationship satisfaction.”
No wonder it costs $150,000 a year to go to Harvard! Those folks are trained to spot stuff that everyone else would miss. They think so critically, and they’re so insightful. I bet Harvard is very proud of Dr. Courtney Warren. Her wisdom is off the charts!
In my former life, we always poked fun at the lawyers from Harvard. Many of them were just as smart as Dr. Warren. I frequently told this joke:
The bar association was holding a big meeting. At a break, there was a rush for the men’s room. At the urinals, a lawyer from Harvard Law ended up standing next to a guy from Brooklyn Law. The guy from Brooklyn finished his business and immediately ran out the door. The Harvard guy finished, washed his hands throughly, and chased after the Brooklyn guy. When he caught the Brooklyn guy, the lawyer from Harvard said: “At Harvard they taught us to wash our hands after using the urinal.” Without missing a beat, the guy from Brooklyn responded: “At Brooklyn they taught us to not piss on our fingers.” Ain’t that a great joke?
Valentine’s Day is about love and happiness. Regardless of their relationship status, everyone should celebrate. Celebrate with everyone- -even strangers. If your relationship needs some guidance, stay away from anyone who trained at Harvard. As we say here in the South, those folks “don’t got the sense that God gave a goose.”
I’m off to have lunch with Mrs. Loveofmylife. I won’t say any of the stuff that’s on Dr. Warren’s “naughty list.” I get it. I’m a relationship expert too. Happy Valentine’s Day.
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tallmantall · 1 year
#JamesDonaldson On #MentalHealth – Here Are The Warning Signs Of #Youth #Suicide And How To Respond
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Here are the warning signs of #youth #suicide and advice for how #adults and other #kids can effectively respond Stephanie Innes If a #child or #teen is talking about #mentalhealthstruggles, take them seriously, and don't disregard any significant #behavior changes. It's more common now than in previous generations for #kids to talk about mood disorders such as #depression and #anxiety, and such talk should never be dismissed, said Paula McCall, a #child #psychologist and president of the non-profit Chandler-based Semicolon Society, which provides free #mentalhealtheducation and #suicidepreventionresources and supports. "It is an opportunity for us to have a conversation with them," said McCall, who is nationally certified as a #school #psychologist. "If they are doing this to get my attention, my thought is great. I want the #teens that I care about to get my attention if they need it." The conversations #adults have with #kids who share such information need to be non-judgmental, McCall said. "The conversation needs to be 'Tell me more about that. Help me understand.' And we need to listen rather than trying to change what they are feeling or fix it," she said. "I don't think we should dismiss it, especially if they are communicating it to us." Some #kids struggling with #mentalhealthissues may be at risk for #suicide. The Semicolon Society identifies the following warning signs: - Talking about or making plans for #suicide. - Expressing #hopelessness about the future. - Displaying severe/overwhelming pain or distress. - Seeing oneself as a burden to others. - Reduced feelings of belonging. - Marked changes in #behavior: social connections, goals, sleep, emotionality and even drastically improved mood. McCall said significant #behavior changes are one of the biggest red flags for #youth #suicide and that #adults should trust their instincts. #James Donaldson notes:Welcome to the “next chapter” of my life… being a voice and an advocate for #mentalhealthawarenessandsuicideprevention, especially pertaining to our younger generation of students and student-athletes.Getting men to speak up and reach out for help and assistance is one of my passions. Us men need to not suffer in silence or drown our sorrows in alcohol, hang out at bars and strip joints, or get involved with drug use.Having gone through a recent bout of #depression and #suicidalthoughts myself, I realize now, that I can make a huge difference in the lives of so many by sharing my story, and by sharing various resources I come across as I work in this space.  #http://bit.ly/JamesMentalHealthArticleOrder your copy of James Donaldson's latest book,#CelebratingYourGiftofLife:From The Verge of Suicide to a Life of Purpose and Joy www.celebratingyourgiftoflife.com How should #adults respond to signs of #suicide in #children and #teens? Here are some tips from the Semicolon Society for responding to #suicide warning signs: - If you are concerned, ask. Too often, we wait for the other person to come to us. If you have concerns it is okay to state them and ask directly about #mentalhealth and #suicide. - Asking about #suicide will not put the idea in their head. Asking shows the other person that we are willing to have the conversation, and it can actually provide comfort and increased possibility of honest communication. - Listen without judgment. - Offer validation for feelings without trying to change their perspective. - Communicate support with phrases such as "I love you" and "I am here for you." - Focus on the next steps: "How can I help?" or "Together let's figure out what to do next." Leaders with the Phoenix-based nonprofit #TeenLifeline, a peer-to-peer hotline, advise creating a safe environment for the #child or #teen: lock up medications, sharp objects and poisonous chemicals, secure all #firearms, and store ammunition separately. If you suspect a #child is in immediate danger of self-inflicted harm or of acting on #suicidalthoughts, call #911 or take the #child to an #emergencyroom, #TeenLifeline says. If immediate safety is not a concern, call #TeenLifeline or seek a referral to #mentalhealthservices or #counseling. #Adults tend to want to quickly solve #kids' problems, #TeenLifeline Clinical Director Nikki Kontz said. They may think #kids are being dramatic, unnecessarily turning small problems into larger ones, or they may believe #kids are making bad decisions and try to redirect them, Kontz said. "While that comes from a good place, it's not helpful and when we were #teens we didn't want to listen to it, either," she said. If a friend talks about #suicide, here's what #kids can do #Children, particularly #teenagers, often only reveal struggles to their friends. So what is a #teen to do if their friend expresses thoughts of #suicide? "That's so hard because they don't want to put their friend in a more uncomfortable situation," McCall said. "For #adults and #teens, it's about being proactive. I encourage #teens to identify who is their safe, trusted #adult for any situation that comes up. It might be a #parent or it might not. It might be a #teacher. It might be a coach." She said it's important for #kids to listen and not dismiss what their friend is saying. She suggests asking questions like, "How can I help?; How can I be here for you right now?; and What can we do together?" Focus on one step at a time such as going to a trusted #adult or calling the #TeenLifeline hotline together. McCall emphasized that the person in distress does not have to be the person who calls the #TeenLifeline. It could be a friend, a #parent or other concerned person, she said. Are there risk factors for #suicide? In a 2021 health advisory titled "Protecting #Youth #MentalHealth," U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy writes that #mentalhealth is shaped by many factors "from our genes and brain chemistry to our relationships with family and friends, neighborhood conditions, and larger social forces and policies." Factors that make #kids living in 2023 vulnerable to #mentalhealthchallenges include aftereffects of the #COVID-19 #pandemic, as well as #socialmedia, climate change, income inequality, #racialinjustice, the opioid epidemic, and #gunviolence. Risk factors for #suicide mean factors that could make a person more vulnerable to #suicide. Yet many people with multiple risk factors never have any #mentalhealthchallenges, McCall said. Some of the risk factors she cites include being part of the #LGBTQ+ community and being in a family where #domesticviolence is present. Other factors include crisis events such as a relationship loss, death, divorce, moving, failing in #school, or getting suspended or expelled from #school, McCall said. When #kids go through crisis events such as a relationship loss it's an opportunity for #adults to help #teens and #children to build resiliency by acknowledging the #trauma and supporting them, McCall said. Other #suiciderisk factors listed by the American Academy of #Pediatrics include previous #suicideattempts, #mentalhealthconditions such as #depression, #substanceuse, #adversechildhoodexperiences, #bullying, a family history of #suicide, family or peer conflict, easy access to lethal means and systemic #trauma or marginalizing experiences based on socioeconomic factors, #race/#ethnicity or #gender/#sexualidentity. Create a safety plan One easy step for people, who struggle with thoughts of #suicide is to fill out a "safety plan" that's part of the Stanley-Brown Safety Planning Intervention. The American Academy of #Pediatrics says safety planning is an "evidence-based and effective technique to reduce #suiciderisk." The Stanley-Brown plan was developed by Gregory Brown, who is director of the Penn Center for the Prevention of #Suicide at the University of Pennsylvania, and Columbia University psychology professor Barbara Stanley, who died this year at the age of 73, the New York Times reported Jan. 29. "The researchers often compared the written plans to 'stop, drop and roll' fire-safety training, or to the safety cards distributed on airplanes — a way to provide very simple instructions to help people make sound decisions in the midst of overwhelming emotions," the Times article about Stanley says. The Stanley-Brown research found that acute #suiciderisk usually increases and then decreases over a short period of time. Free #mentalhealthresources are available to anyone in Arizona. A statewide #mentalhealthcrisis line is available at 844-534-HOPE (4673). Another resource for 24/7 help is to dial #988. The #988 #SuicideandCrisisLifeline in July replaced the #NationalSuicidePreventionLifeline. #Teen Lifeline is for #kids to call and get free, confidential and anonymous help from trained peers at 602-248-8336 (#TEEN) or 800-248-8336 (#TEEN) outside of Maricopa County. Read the full article
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seeklovenet · 1 year
What Ought To I Write In My Sugar Baby Headline- Headline Ideas Allow You To Standout
What Ought To I Write In My Sugar Baby Headline- Headline Ideas Allow You To Standout
It’s a short description but nonetheless enjoyable and detailed; it'll work nice for men who dislike lengthy conversations and like to go straight to the point. You can just use one thing along the line of three keywords describing your self or your personality. Personality traits you could match with ("Foodie", "Good humorousness") often work. In my opinion life is to quick to waist time for errors. Don’t lie, as many sugar daddies want to know exactly what they're getting. That’s how you'll save time and keep away from long conversations that won’t get you anyplace.
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If he’s fortunate to spot one thing attention-grabbing there, he’ll absolutely proceed the research. Don’t mention specific amounts as a outcome of you're going to get to negotiate them in a private dialog. Showing your desperation to get money won’t look good for potential sugar daddies. Use a fresh photo — the old picture of where you had quick black hair and weighed extra while now you’re a thin blond obviously isn’t what a sugar daddy expects to see in actual life.
Headline Examples For Bbw Sugar Baby:
Generally speaking, an ideal sugar child is a beautiful, smart & charming girl who will make you are feeling zero negative emotions. Paul Walton is a Dating Coach for Sugar Baby Bio who has been in the sugar daddy courting subject for over a decade. He has had particularly good success helping successful males join with attractive ladies and construct relationships based mostly on mutual advantages. He loves sharing his methods and expertise with beneficiant men and he's particularly good at serving to sugar babies develop the confidence necessary to succeed. He has been featured in several publications for his work in addition to Sugar Baby Bio. One day you need to lose weight once more, then hand over - restart - give up - endless loop.
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Even although there are plenty of strict guidelines, scammers nonetheless discover their method to idiot many sugar babies and sugar daddies without any legal repercussions. I am a fitness teacher and a nutritionist and I really get pleasure from my job, especially the truth that I assist so many individuals through it. A life full of luxuries is what I seek and believe I will obtain sooner or later, and I would love to find a man who can present me with that.
What Are Some Components Of A Good Sugar Baby Headline?
Scammers know tips on how to use these instruments very nicely and they will be able to find out your real identification and your house tackle in a matter of seconds. Self-description sounds impolite and contains plenty of negativity. Writing about your needs without aggression is healthier because nobody likes to learn seeking arrangement banned me this. Her specialization is sugar guides, where she shares the simplest algorithms for fixing issues, finding sugar partners, and more. Lauren is our Writer—she focuses on offering relevant, high-quality, and attention-grabbing content material for our web site. She is an skilled psychologist, author, and coach with greater than 15 years of experience.
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Verification on sugar relationship sites happens most often by way of mail or phone. Every sugar site member wants a little bit of privacy, and that’s okay. Lots of sugar babies use quotes by famous people, but we don’t recommend utilizing them. On most sugar daddy web site, there's one headline part. Or they might be known as sugar child taglines. That’s a flip off for most sugar daddies—as we’ve mentioned, they are trying to find emotional connection, not just for intercourse.
Seeking Arrangement Sequence
One of the good sugar baby greeting is that sex apeal. It always is the very effective for leading men by the nostril, discover that 'sugar' spot and add it to your profile headline. Sugar momma courting just isn't as popular as sugar daddy dating, but the tendency is altering. The amount of sites that add options for sugar momma dating is growing. Some new sugar momma-related courting websites are getting launched, and a few ... Yes, you need to use actual photos, which is why selecting a secure web site that cares about members’ privacy is necessary.
You can write some short words which intensify the constructive facet of what you count on, what you'll have the ability to supply. You can put one thing intriguing, like "Living in a moment, don't care what others suppose", "Let's do crazy issues together". Yes, you need to use a fake name as a sugar child. Moreover, 99% of sugar babies on sugar sites don’t even use their real first name.
Headline Examples For Online-only Sugar Child:
Nothing is extra essential than staying protected even in case you are a university pupil looking for sugar daddies and that is one thing you want to at all times keep in mind. When adding new data to your SA profile I always advocate being very careful because you don’t want to reveal your actual id or any of your personal information. Russian and Italian names will at all times spark a sugar daddy’s creativeness and make you look extra attention-grabbing. Most ladies don’t think too much about their username however rather select the one that's advised by Seeking Arrangement.
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Your headline should be brief, candy, and to the point. It should give sugar daddies a glimpse of what you’re all about with out making a gift of too much data. You want them to be intrigued sufficient to want to be taught more about you. Avoid being too cutesy or using puns in your headline – sugar daddies are typically looking for a severe relationship, not an off-the-cuff fling. I love all seasons, making an attempt new meals at different bars and eating places. I love cardio, I stroll fairly often and enjoy an excellent run.
No details about your character, interests, and expectations. Let sugar daddies know precisely what you need from them and what you can offer in return. Don’t cover anything — but don’t try to show every little thing without delay in a vulgar method as properly.
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