#whumptober 2022 day one
robinrites · 2 years
It's Bats
Day One of Whumptober Let's Go!
Prompts: A Little Out of the Ordinary, "This Wasn't Supposed to Happen", Adverse Effects, Unconventional Restraints
Fandom/blurb: Batman (Red Hood specifically) Jason Todd has been kidnapped after a drug deal (that was supposed to be a sting operation) goes wrong. Left alone with no backup and little hope of rescue, Jason can only hope that he can escape before his time runs out.
PS: I'm also on AO3 (zthewriter108)
“Fuck!” Jason’s eyes flitter open in a daze as he hears someone cuss above him. He makes out hazy shapes before his eyes fall shut again. “This wasn’t supposed to happen!” Jason feels a tug on his arms, accompanied shortly by the feeling of being dragged across the floor. He shakes his head, trying to get out of the daze he’s in, only to be grabbed by sleep once more. 
When Jason opens his eyes again, he can’t help but wince and quickly shut them. He cautiously reopens them, trying to ignore the shooting pain from the back of his head. Thankfully, the lights seem a little less bright, which allows him to fully take in his situation. Start from the head down, like B taught you, he mentally reminds himself, hoping that by the time he’s done taking stock of his situation, his captors will return to give him some answers. 
“Okay,” He sighs, “Head is hurting. A lot, heh. Must’ve hit it on something when I was being dragged, or before that. Jaw feels like I’ve been punched,” He wiggles his jaw a bit and winces, “that’s also probably contributing to the headache. Arms are pretty sore, probably from being tied to a fucking radiator.” He glances over and notices how his wrists are awkwardly bound at the top of the radiator, despite the fact that he’s seated. He squints, looking at the bindings around his wrists, “Are those electrical cords?” 
“Don’t worry they’re not plugged into anything.” A soft voice from the shadows interrupts, startling Jason-- though he’d never admit it. “Sorry, I mean you no harm.” A man emerges from the shadows, allowing Jason to finally get a good look at his captor. He’s wearing a ski mask, so no luck on what his face or hair looks like, but if Jason were to guess correctly, he’s about 5’10 and probably is in his mid 30s. “I just thought you might want some painkillers.” The man opens his hand to reveal two small white pills. Jason’s eyes dart from the pills, to the glass of water in the man’s other hand, to his eyes. No telltale signs of lying but you can never be too cautious in situations like these. 
“No thank you.” The man closes his fist and furrows his brow. 
“It’ll help you feel better.” 
Jason tugs at his restraints in response, “Y’know I sure would feel a lot better if I wasn’t tied up right now, think you could help me there?” 
The man looks uncomfortable under his mask from the implication, “Look, I know this isn’t ideal but you were snooping in my business and I didn’t mean to knock you out but I can’t have you going to the cops. I’m sure you’re a good kid, but my work is too important.” 
Shit, he still thinks I’m a kid. Jason briefly winces before switching to a scared civilian face. He’d forgotten what had led him to this situation in the first place. As Red Hood he’d gotten word of a man who was breaking his rules, selling drugs to kids. Not any drugs though, some kind of hybrid that really messed them up, if the dosage didn’t kill them first. He’d had a hard time finding him as Red Hood, so Jason decided to switch up techniques. Pretend to be younger than he is and see if this guy would sell to him, place a tracker, then beat the shit out of him once he was back in costume. Only this guy had gotten the jump on him. 
Jason zones back into what the man was saying, “-and that’s why I had to use the electrical cords.” 
“I’m sorry I missed that.” Jason tries to add a hint of fear to his voice, “Y-you hit my head really hard.” 
“I said I was using electrical cords because I wasn’t prepared for you to try to turn me over to that Red Hood son of a bitch. Didn’t have anything better to use, but hey it’ll hold you for now won’t it?” Jason never thought he would miss his utility belt, or the tiny knife hidden in his gloves, as much as he does now. Shame he stashed it at a warehouse a couple blocks from where he was taken, but he can’t help but hope one of his siblings will find it and realize something's off. 
“Red Hood?” Jason tugs experimentally again, only to be reminded of how tightly the cords are tied. “You mean the vigilante?” He shakes his head, “I don’t know him, I swear!” 
“Sure you don’t.” The man steps forward and pats Jason on the cheek. “Now, I need you to be a good boy and take your medicine. I don’t want to have to force you to take it.” Jason leans his head back until he hits a wall. “Why the sudden hesitance? You were so eager to buy some a couple hours ago.” 
Panic rises in his voice, to the point where Jason’s not even sure if it’s acting. “It uh, it wasn’t for me.” He nervously laughs, “You don’t need to do this.” 
He tightly shuts his mouth, only for the man to plug his nose, cutting off his air supply. Jason makes it a minute before he opens his mouth, gasping for air. The man takes this chance to shove the pills into Jason’s mouth, accompanied by water, then his hand firmly placed over it so he can’t spit it out. 
Not even five minutes later, Jason feels instantly hit with exhaustion. He hears the man say something else to him, but the words come out fuzzy and he can’t understand them. He allows his head to lull to the side, but it moves faster than he thought it would, resulting in him hitting his head on the side of the radiator, dragging him to sleep faster than the pills would have. 
“B, come in.” Dick calls over his radio, trying to ignore the fact that he’s holding the Red Hood’s mask. 
“What do you have, Nightwing?” Bruce responds, his voice lacking in emotion, as it always does when he’s Batman. 
Dick sets the helmet back down on the pile of clothes-- Jason’s costume-- and forces himself to look away. “I think something happened to Jay- I mean Red Hood.”
“I was just finishing up my patrol, and I found his costume left unguarded. And it’s not in one of his usual spots.” Nightwing forces himself to look back at the pile for a moment. “Hell, I only stopped by here because I noticed signs of a fight a couple warehouses down. Seemed like there was a fight, then someone got dragged away. Didn’t look good. B what if-” 
“I’ll be right there, sit tight, but don’t let your guard down.” Despite the situation, Dick smiles a bit, it’s always nice to hear Batman have some emotion when he talks. He seems more like Bruce when he does. 
When Jason wakes up again, he’s alone. His head is fuzzy, his ears are ringing and his wrists are burning, but at least he’s alone. As he becomes more alert, the effects of the drugs wearing off, he tries to focus his energy on escaping his restraints. He tries to pull one of his wrists out, thinking that if his wrist can get out, if he dislocates his thumb he should be able to get his hand free. Unfortunately, he is unable to even get the base of his hand to where it would need to be for his plan to work. Jason sits himself up as much as he can, glancing at the top of the radiator. His eyes land on a screw that is thankfully not screwed in all the way. Now to just get my wrists closer to that. The door opens and Jason quickly slumps back down, falling back into his scared teenager demeanor. 
“I should let you know my dad’s probably looking for me right now.” I really hope he is, he thinks to himself as a side note. “And probably my brothers too!” 
“What are they cops?” The man sounds a little panicked when he asks this. 
The man steps closer, Jason stops himself from rolling his eyes when he sees the ski mask is still on. “Well if they are cops, I might as well just kill ya, huh?” Jason panics, that was absolutely not where he had wanted this to go. 
“You got me haha!” He forces a laugh, “They’re not cops, just badasses.” 
Now it’s the man’s turn to roll his eyes, “Oh I’m so scared.” He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a bottle of pills, then shakes a couple into his hand. 
“H-hey we don’t need to do this.” Jason stutters, afraid he’ll get hooked on whatever mystery drug the man keeps forcing him to take, “I’ll shut up I promise.” 
“What’s your name kid?” 
“Jason.” His eyes stay fixed on the hand with the pills, not willing to look away for even a second. 
“And how old are you, Jason?” 
“18.” Despite the fact that he’s 24, the man seems to believe his lie. 
He steps closer, “You’ve got your whole life ahead of you, I’d hate to have to kill you. That’s why I’m giving you these pills, they’re just to help you sleep so our time together goes by faster. Then you can go home to your dad and brother sooner.” He takes in the look of refusal on Jason’s face and groans. “How about this, you take your pills, and I’ll give you something to eat.” As if on cue, Jason’s stomach grumbles. Damnit. The man holds the pills out and looks at Jason expectantly. He closes his eyes, then opens his mouth. The pills go down, earning him a pat on the head. 
“Good boy.” Jason suppresses a growl. “I’ll give you some food next time you wake up,” He notices Jason’s angry look and laughs, “What? It’s not like you’re not about to go to sleep or anything.” Jason’s eyelids start to droop as he fights to stay awake. “Good night.” The man turns on his heel, then walks out of the room, but Jason is asleep before he even reaches the door. 
The next time the man returns, Jason finds himself struggling to fight off the haze. His eyes refuse to open more than halfway, and the strength he’d previously had to lift his head has vanished. The man smiles and kneels in front of Jason, grabbing his chin to examine his face. 
“It’s taken fewer doses than I had anticipated.” He releases Jason’s head, which flops forward, then begins to quickly write in a notebook he has in his hand. Seconds later he lifts Jason’s head up again and leans it against the wall so he is forced to look at the man. “I made you a smoothie, as promised.” The man brings a glass with a pink drink inside it into Jason’s field of view. “I figured you wouldn’t be up for eating anything, but we’ve still got to get nutrients into you.” Upon noticing Jason’s concerned expression, he laughs again. 
“Oh don’t worry, it’s just a strawberry banana smoothie, totally safe.” He sticks a straw into the cup, then puts the straw in Jason’s mouth, holding the cup for him. Jason tries to resist, but as soon as the smoothie hits his taste buds, he can’t help but greedily drink it until it is pulled away from him. Jason wants to protest, but his brain can’t seem to put together how to talk. “Can’t have you get an upset stomach now can we?” Jason sees him set the smoothie down before grabbing a second cup filled with water and that damned pill bottle. “Say ah.” 
He swallows the pills without protest, slipping off into oblivion like the times before. As he sleeps, he dreams of Bruce coming to save him. Batman sweeps him up and takes him back to the cave. The man and his time here become a distant memory. He’ll stop being tired, when Bruce comes to save him. If Bruce comes to save him. 
Jason wakes up again, but his eyes don’t open. The only way he even knows he’s awake is because he can feel the pain coming from his injuries. Minutes pass and he is eventually able to open his eyelids a slightest bit, sighing in relief when he sees the man isn’t there. He allows his eyes to close once more, focusing instead on his breathing. 
Suddenly, he hears the sound of windows smashing. His eyes flitter open as he watches the man rush into the room and grab him. He feels a gun rest on his temple as the man holds him in front of him, like he’s a shield. His brain screams at him to fight, but his bound wrists and hazy mind keep him in place. If it was not for the man, Jason’s not even sure he would still be upright. Two figures dart into the room, one in all black, the other in dark blue. His mind tells him that he knows these people, but he can’t figure out how. 
“Let him go.” The one in black demands, Jason can’t help but flinch a little bit. 
“No!” The man shouts, pushing the gun further into Jason’s temple, “‘Cause then you’ll take me to prison. I have work to finish here, you can’t take me!” Jason hears the sound of something flying through the room, then the man screams and falls to the floor, dropping Jason. 
“Keep your hands off of him.” A third voice in the room threatens, coming from almost behind him. The man in blue and the third one-- Damian, his brain supplies-- rush towards him. Jason fights to stay awake, feeling something cut his wrists free. 
“Hey Jay,” The man in blue- Dick, whispers so the man can’t hear. Jason catches a glimpse of the man in black, Batman- no Bruce, his dad, as he cuffs the man and hauls him to his feet. 
“Nightwing, Robin, I’m going to take this piece of shit to Arkham, will you two make sure the civilian gets the proper care he needs.” 
The two nod in unison, waiting until Batman has taken the man from the room so they can talk to Jason without code names. 
“You guys- you guys came.” Jason slurs, fighting to stay awake. 
“Of course we did Todd.” Damian states, crossing his arms as a sign of affection. 
Dick gently scoops Jason off the floor, “We’ll always come, that’s what family does.”
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breezy-cheezy · 2 years
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Desperate Measures | Failed escape | “I’ll be right behind you.”
Another Twisted Wonderland one.....love the overblots, wanted to do a symbolic take on the Tweels landing the last hit to drag Azul out of it :>
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aceofwhump · 2 years
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Stargate SG-1 2x05 | One Day At A Time 3x12 | Supernatural 11x16 | Downton Abbey 6x08 | Graceland 3x08 | M*A*S*H 7x23 | Supergirl 3x07 | Burn notice 7x07 | Iron Man 3 | Sense8 2x02 | Numb3rs 5x23 | Man of Steel | Lucifer 6x10 | Ted Lasso 1x07 | Hannibal 1x13 | Once Upon a Time 6x12 | Criminal Minds 11x11 | The Umbrella Academy 1x08 | Legends of Tomorrow 2x14 | The Sandman 1x01 | Kenobi 1x04 | Buffy the Vampire Slayer 3x21 | Forever 1x11 | Once Upon a Time 4x17
@whumptober @whumptober-archive
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hangingoffence · 2 years
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Day 3 Hair's breadth from death
-> Gun to the temple
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One Bad Day.... (Did You Know?)
Whumptober 2022: 1. “This wasn’t supposed to happen”, 2. Confrontation, 31. Comfort Fandom: Batman, Batfam, Batmom
Word Count: 3523
TW: References to Repeated Sexual Abuse, References of Being Drugged, Angst
Note: This one-shot contains extremely triggering and sensitive topics. Because of that, while it gives more context to the overall story, this part can be skipped without losing major plot details for the next chapters.
Series Masterlist
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Laying in bed, staring up at the ceiling, you can’t sleep yet again. In the three nights since your confrontation with Bruce, you had maybe gotten a total of eight hours of sleep. Every time you close your eyes, that night begins replaying in your mind: seeing Bruce for the first time in five years and finally having the argument you should have had long ago, actually being able to hug Dick again, revealing the truth about your baby to Jason. And as terrible and emotional as that night had been, you are still glad to have gotten some closure.
But there is still one unanswered question that continues to haunt your mind more than any other. The one you couldn’t ask in front of Dick or Jason. The one you have needed the answer to for years but never had the opportunity to ask. And now that you have seen Bruce again, it is all you can think about.
Rolling over, you snatch your phone off the bedside table and quickly type in a number from memory. You know it’s stupid even to try. Bruce has probably changed his number a hundred times over the past five years but it’s the only way you can think of to contact him. After you send your message, you groan and throw the phone onto the bed next to you.
Not two minutes later, it buzzes. Bolting upright in surprise, you snatch up the phone and gawk at his message:
We need to talk. In person. Tell me when and where
Holy shit, it worked! You honestly didn’t expect him to receive the text, and even if he did, you never dreamed that he would agree to meet. But then again…. Was it possible he had been thinking of you these last few days too?
You type your response but this time you don’t even have time to put the phone down before he replies:
Meet me where we first met. 1 pm. Come alone I’ll be there
You collapse back against your pillow. It’s happening! After all this time, you’re finally going to get to look him in the eye and ask him what you need to ask. Now you just pray you can live with the answer.
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As you climb yet another flight of stairs, you silently curse yourself for choosing this location. Your knee is still giving you trouble so choosing to meet on top of a six-story walk-up in the East End was probably not the smartest choice. But you grit your teeth and continue climbing.
When you finally reach the top, he is already waiting for you, and for a moment, you can only gaze at him in awe. While the sight of him in his batsuit under the dim lights of the warehouse had taken your breath away, seeing him now in the light of day is a hundred times more painful. 
Now, he isn’t Batman. Now, he’s just Bruce. The same Bruce you fell in love with all of those years ago with his playboy good looks and fancy suit that fit him perfectly. Damn. Why did he still have to be so handsome? Why couldn’t he have started to lose his hair or something? But no, he still looks exactly the same as you remember, if just a little more tired. Too bad the same couldn’t be said for you.
You wonder what he sees when he looks at you. As much as you had tried to keep a stiff upper lip and hold your head high when you had met days ago, you knew you were a broken shell of the woman you were before. Both physically and mentally. Jason’s return had helped you pull yourself together in some ways but there were some wounds that would never heal. Some cuts that were just too deep, breaks that were too severe. And yet, when Bruce looks up, the way he gazes at you makes your stomach flutter.
But of course, you wouldn’t ever tell him that. So instead, you smirk at him as you climb onto the roof and say, “Wow. You got old.”
He stares at you wistfully. “You didn’t. You look exactly like you did the last time I saw you.”
You scoff. “We both know that isn’t true. Prison doesn’t allow people that luxury.” He looks you up and down for a moment, analyzing you in that annoying way of his. Feeling uneasy under the weight of his stare, you limp towards him, your hands jammed in the pockets of your jacket so he can’t see you trembling. “I half expected you wouldn’t show up. Or if you would go to the other place we first met.” 
“I don’t think the Museum of Antiquities would be the safest place for you to show your face, so I took an educated guess,” Bruce says flatly. He doesn’t seem hostile at the moment, but he does seem guarded and on edge. But you can’t really blame him given the circumstances.
“No, I guess not. But thank you for coming. I wasn’t sure you would after our…. meeting the other day.”
“Even now, I will always come if you call.” Bruce sighs as you come to a stop a few feet in front of him with a grimace. 
“Are you okay?” Bruce asks as he nods towards your leg.
“Why does it matter? You haven’t cared about me for the last five years, why start now,” you say through gritted teeth as you try to push the pain to the side.
“That’s not true. I still care about you. I never stopped.”
“Well, you sure have a funny way of showing it,” you reply bluntly. “But I’ve learned to live with it for the most part. And what I can’t handle, I have Red Hood to help me with.”
“Red Hood,” Bruce scoffs. “I have to ask, why him? Why is he helping you? I’ve spent days pouring over any information I could find and the two of you never had any form of communication before the night he broke you out. So why did he do it?”
You shrug. “He was a fan who knew what I did and why I did it, and he respected me for it. He didn’t believe I deserved to rot in prison for the rest of my life so he did something about it.” Nothing you said was a lie. Eventually, you are going to have to tell Bruce that Jason is alive but for now neither you nor Jason are ready for that secret to be revealed so you quickly change the subject.
Smirking slightly, you say, “Besides, why should you get to be the only one who gets a sidekick? Dick told me you have yet another new Robin.”
Bruce bristles. “I didn’t go looking for him. I had planned to let the title die with Jason but he came to me and wanted the job.”
“That didn’t mean you had to give it to him.”
“Just stop it!” Bruce growls. “What’s the real reason you called me? You wouldn’t have asked to meet unless it was important so what is it already?”
You still. Bruce is right. As much as you need answers, you are also dreading what you will hear so you have been stalling for as long as possible. But it seemed like your time was up.
You take a few deep breaths as you stare down at the ground before you whisper, “I have to know. I keep telling myself that not even you would be that cruel, but I have to know for sure.”
“You’re starting to scare me. What are you talking about?”
“Did… did you know everything they did to me in there? I mean… everything?”
Bruce is quiet for a long time as he mulls over the question. And just when you can’t stand the silence any longer, he says, “I knew about the fights, Harley’s assassins, and solitary confinement. I was sent weekly reports to see how you were holding up and Dick sometimes told me about his visits. He said there were times when you were so roughed up, it looked worse than that time you went after Solomon Grundy by yourself. I pulled some strings to get you extra protection, but I guess it didn’t help. I’m sorry.”
“No, it didn’t,” your voice trembles as you whisper. Taking a deep breath, you look Bruce straight in the eye. “Bruce, I need you to swear to me that was all you knew. Nothing else.”
“Yes, I swear,” he says confusedly. “What more is there?”
But you ignore his question. “Look me in the eye and swear on our child.”
Bruce looks as if you had just slapped him in the face. His expression flashes between shock, disbelief, hurt, and anger, as he tries to grasp the words you just said. “What?”
Tears begin to well up in your eyes. “I know how messed up it is for me to ask that, and I hate myself for it, but it’s the only way I can believe you. So, please…”
“Yes,” he spits out. “Yes, I swear on… on our child… that is all I knew about.”
Slowly, you sink to your knees as a euphoric rush of relief washes over you. Bruce didn’t know. He hadn’t just stood by and let it happen. The fact he knew about the fighting and your constant injuries still hurts, but you figured Dick would have told him at some point so that was no surprise. But if he had known about the other thing… 
Bruce takes a few steps closer to you. “Now what don’t I know? What could be so horrible that you would bring our child into this?”
You look up at him, your lip trembling. “I- I can’t.”
“Please…. What did they do to you?”
Hanging your head, you whisper, “We both knew what everyone thought of me, even before I killed the Joker. I already had a reputation around Gotham that we pretended to ignore. I was the whore who was so good, I got billionaire Bruce Wayne down on one knee. And once I was in prison, everyone there wanted to see what the fuss was all about.”
It takes Bruce a moment to understand what you meant, but you see the horror sweep across his face the moment it registers. “No… That’s not… that shouldn’t have…. What about the guards?”
Tears are streaming steadily down your face at this point. “Once they figured out I didn’t have the Wayne name to protect me anymore, they started getting more lax about stopping it from happening. They even started turning off the cameras when I was in solitary and allowing inmates into my cell for a few bucks. And when one of them got hold of my medical file and saw I couldn’t get pregnant…. That’s when the guards started taking turns too.” 
You closed your eyes as you tried to block out the memories. Because you remembered every single moment of every single time. You would always either be too injured from the latest attack to fight back or they would drug you until you were barely coherent. But no matter how out of it you were, you could never forget what they did. 
You feel Bruce kneel down beside you and he whispers, “Oh, sweetheart…. I am so sorry. This wasn’t supposed to happen. I swear. You were supposed to be safe in there and if I had known what they were doing–”
‘So that’s where you draw the line, huh? Physical violence is okay, but as soon as someone whips their dick out that’s going too far?” Your eyes snap open and you dodge the hand he was reaching out towards you. “Yes, I cannot tell you what it means to me that you didn’t know, that you didn’t let that happen to me over and over and over again. But you still left me to fight for my life on a daily basis. And all because they wanted revenge on you for something or other. Because I had once been your wife. So, I’m unbelievably relieved you didn’t know. But it doesn’t change anything.”
Bruce sighs as he runs his hand through his hair. “That’s fair. I didn’t handle this situation the way I should have… but I just… I didn’t know what to do. I might not have shown it, but Jason’s death… I was so angry and so hurt. I know the two of you had a special bond, but he was still my son too. And regardless of what you said the other day, I blame myself for what happened. I should never have left him alone and I should have gotten to that warehouse quicker. I didn’t know what to do or how to deal with his death, so when I came home and you began to pull away from me…. I didn’t know how to handle that either.
“And then when you did what you did…. I was hurt you would go behind my back like that, especially after I explicitly told you not to and you agreed. You promised me and I felt betrayed…. But I also felt ashamed.”
“Ashamed?” you ask confusedly. “About what?”
“That you did what I was too weak to do.”
Your eyes grow wide as he hangs his head. “Bruce…”
“I should have done it. I should have killed him. I knew what it was doing to you to see him still running around free and I knew even if I captured him again, he would find another way to escape. But… I just couldn’t do it. I couldn’t break my code. So when you did it instead…. I was ashamed I couldn’t protect you from that. And I couldn’t face you.”
“So because you couldn’t face me, you left me there to rot in jail for five years? Thanks.” You leap to your feet and Bruce quickly stands as well.
“I told you, I tried everything I could but I couldn’t get you released. They needed to make an example of you so others didn’t go out and try to take down other villains by themselves. You forget that people don’t know who you are. The other part of who you are, with your training and skills. To them, you’re just a rich socialite who managed to take down the Joker. So, if you could do it, why couldn’t anyone? And while you could hold your own, the average citizen wouldn’t be able to and a lot of innocent people would die. I was trying to work something out once the publicity of your case died down, but then you escaped,” Bruce sighs. “I might still be able to get them to let you go. Claim Red Hood kidnapped you for leverage against me. It might be enough to work out some sort of pardon.”
“I won’t turn my back on Red Hood like that,” you snap. “He saved me when you didn’t. I’m not going to throw him under the bus now.”
“Fine, but then I don’t know if I can help you,” Bruce says wearily. “So whatever it is you two have planned, just don’t get caught and don’t kill anyone.”
You nod before taking a few steps back towards the stairs. “Thank you for understanding. And for showing up today. Despite everything, I feel better knowing you didn’t know what was happening.”
Bruce’s eyes darken. “There will be consequences for this. I swear.”
“Thank you.” You turn to leave but pause and turn back. “And please promise me that Dick and Jason will never find out.”
Bruce freezes. He takes a few steps closer and stretches out his hand once more. “Sweetheart, you know Jason is gone…. Right?”
Shit. You were so upset, so in your head, you hadn’t remembered that Bruce still doesn’t know Jason is alive. Lowering your head, you mumble, “Yeah, I know. I’m sorry. I was just always so used to referring to them as ‘Dick and Jason’ as if it were a singular word. It feels wrong not including both of them.”
He nods slowly but still eyes you cautiously. “I slip up sometimes too. It still doesn’t feel real that he’s gone. Yet, other times it feels like it’s the most real thing in the world.”
You sigh heavily. “Things would have been so different if he hadn’t been taken from us.”
“Yeah…” Bruce says. “Or if we hadn’t lost-” He cuts himself off and turns away but you know exactly who he was talking about.
“In prison, I used to dream about us every night,” you say softly, “You, me, Dick, Jason, and our baby on the way. The life we could have had.” The tears begin to trail down your cheeks once more. “Their birthday would have been around now. Their ninth birthday. Can you believe that? A nine-year-old girl or boy running around. If only that night would have gone differently. It would have changed everything.” 
You felt a small twinge in the scar on your side as if it knew you were talking about the accident. But then again, it had never stopped hurting since the day it happened. Some kind of nerve damage that caused a constant ache. Like your knee, you’ve learned to pretty much ignore it, though right now it seems to hurt more than usual.
You wrap your arms around your middle as your tears begin to flow faster. Bruce crosses the rooftop and hesitates as he reaches you, just a few inches apart. His silent question is clear in his eyes and you nod softly. Instantly, he wraps his arms around you and pulls you into his chest. 
It is the first time you have touched him in five years yet it feels as if you have never left his arms. The way your bodies fit together, the beat of his heart against your cheek, the way the rise and fall of his chest seems to sync with yours. It feels like coming home. 
A sob bubbles up in your throat as you bury your face deeper into his chest. His arms tighten around you, holding you together as you feel yourself falling apart. This wasn’t supposed to happen. You weren’t supposed to let him see this side of you. You were supposed to stay strong, stand firm, but the moment you felt his touch, you were putty in his hands. 
You still love him. Despite everything he had done to you, all the pain and heartbreak his actions had caused, you want nothing more than to grab his face and meld your lips with his. Yet you know if you do, it'll be over. There will be no going back and Jason will never forgive you for it. Jason, the one person who was there when Bruce turned his back on you. Jason, your son who needed you more than you needed Bruce.
Reluctantly, you pull yourself away from Bruce’s embrace, though he remains holding your hands. “I’m sorry,” you whisper. “I shouldn’t have let you do that.”
“Why not?” Bruce asks, releasing your right hand to cup your face. “I know we have so much to work through, but I don’t want to lose you again. Please, sweetheart, just give us a chance.”
You hesitate as you consider if you can really forgive him for everything he has done to you. As he waits, his finger rubs over the spot on your left hand where your ring once sat. “You know,” he whispers, “I still have it. It’s in the safe at the manor and it’s still yours to do with what you wish. Keep it, sell it, toss it in the river, whatever you want.”
It was the wrong thing to say. It would have been easier hearing he had thrown it away. But instead, he kept the symbol of your love and marriage locked away, just as he left you locked away. You pull your hand from his, clutching it against your chest as you back away from him.“Give it to Selina, or whoever you wind up with next.” 
“And what if I don’t want there to be a next?”
“Well, you should have decided that a long time ago.” You turn quickly and head for the stairs, making it down the first few steps before Bruce reaches out and grabs your wrist.
“My heart… It’s never too late,” he says, his eyes silently begging you to come back to him.
You remember your dream from your last night in prison. How you had begged not to leave that Bruce, and how he had said those exact same words. But this wasn’t a dream, and it was time for you to wake up. 
Yanking your hand from Bruce’s grasp, you look directly into his eyes and coldly say, “I believed that once. But we are the proof that it isn't true.” 
And before he can respond, you hurry down the stairs as quickly as your knee will allow.
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One Bad Day.... (Did You Know?)
Whumptober 2022: 1. “This wasn’t supposed to happen”, 2. Confrontation, 31. Comfort Fandom: Batman, Batfam, Batmom
Word Count: 3523
TW: References to Repeated Sexual Assult, References of Being Drugged, Angst
Note: This one-shot contains extremely triggering and sensitive topics. Because of that, while it gives more context to the overall story, this part can be skipped without losing major plot details for the next chapters.
Series Masterlist
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Laying in bed, staring up at the ceiling, you can’t sleep yet again. In the three nights since your confrontation with Bruce, you had maybe gotten a total of eight hours of sleep. Every time you close your eyes, that night begins replaying in your mind: seeing Bruce for the first time in five years and finally having the argument you should have had long ago, actually being able to hug Dick again, revealing the truth about your baby to Jason. And as terrible and emotional as that night had been, you are still glad to have gotten some closure.
But there is still one unanswered question that continues to haunt your mind more than any other. The one you couldn’t ask in front of Dick or Jason. The one you have needed the answer to for years but never had the opportunity to ask. And now that you have seen Bruce again, it is all you can think about.
Rolling over, you snatch your phone off the bedside table and quickly type in a number from memory. You know it’s stupid even to try. Bruce has probably changed his number a hundred times over the past five years but it’s the only way you can think of to contact him. After you send your message, you groan and throw the phone onto the bed next to you.
Not two minutes later, it buzzes. Bolting upright in surprise, you snatch up the phone and gawk at his message:
We need to talk. In person. Tell me when and where
Holy shit, it worked! You honestly didn’t expect him to receive the text, and even if he did, you never dreamed that he would agree to meet. But then again…. Was it possible he had been thinking of you these last few days too?
You type your response but this time you don’t even have time to put the phone down before he replies:
Meet me where we first met. 1 pm. Come alone I’ll be there
You collapse back against your pillow. It’s happening! After all this time, you’re finally going to get to look him in the eye and ask him what you need to ask. Now you just pray you can live with the answer.
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As you climb yet another flight of stairs, you silently curse yourself for choosing this location. Your knee is still giving you trouble so choosing to meet on top of a six-story walk-up in the East End was probably not the smartest choice. But you grit your teeth and continue climbing.
When you finally reach the top, he is already waiting for you, and for a moment, you can only gaze at him in awe. While the sight of him in his batsuit under the dim lights of the warehouse had taken your breath away, seeing him now in the light of day is a hundred times more painful. 
Now, he isn’t Batman. Now, he’s just Bruce. The same Bruce you fell in love with all of those years ago with his playboy good looks and fancy suit that fit him perfectly. Damn. Why did he still have to be so handsome? Why couldn’t he have started to lose his hair or something? But no, he still looks exactly the same as you remember, if just a little more tired. Too bad the same couldn’t be said for you.
You wonder what he sees when he looks at you. As much as you had tried to keep a stiff upper lip and hold your head high when you had met days ago, you knew you were a broken shell of the woman you were before. Both physically and mentally. Jason’s return had helped you pull yourself together in some ways but there were some wounds that would never heal. Some cuts that were just too deep, breaks that were too severe. And yet, when Bruce looks up, the way he gazes at you makes your stomach flutter.
But of course, you wouldn’t ever tell him that. So instead, you smirk at him as you climb onto the roof and say, “Wow. You got old.”
He stares at you wistfully. “You didn’t. You look exactly like you did the last time I saw you.”
You scoff. “We both know that isn’t true. Prison doesn’t allow people that luxury.” He looks you up and down for a moment, analyzing you in that annoying way of his. Feeling uneasy under the weight of his stare, you limp towards him, your hands jammed in the pockets of your jacket so he can’t see you trembling. “I half expected you wouldn’t show up. Or if you would go to the other place we first met.” 
“I don’t think the Museum of Antiquities would be the safest place for you to show your face, so I took an educated guess,” Bruce says flatly. He doesn’t seem hostile at the moment, but he does seem guarded and on edge. But you can’t really blame him given the circumstances.
“No, I guess not. But thank you for coming. I wasn’t sure you would after our…. meeting the other day.”
“Even now, I will always come if you call.” Bruce sighs as you come to a stop a few feet in front of him with a grimace. 
“Are you okay?” Bruce asks as he nods towards your leg.
“Why does it matter? You haven’t cared about me for the last five years, why start now,” you say through gritted teeth as you try to push the pain to the side.
“That’s not true. I still care about you. I never stopped.”
“Well, you sure have a funny way of showing it,” you reply bluntly. “But I’ve learned to live with it for the most part. And what I can’t handle, I have Red Hood to help me with.”
“Red Hood,” Bruce scoffs. “I have to ask, why him? Why is he helping you? I’ve spent days pouring over any information I could find and the two of you never had any form of communication before the night he broke you out. So why did he do it?”
You shrug. “He was a fan who knew what I did and why I did it, and he respected me for it. He didn’t believe I deserved to rot in prison for the rest of my life so he did something about it.” Nothing you said was a lie. Eventually, you are going to have to tell Bruce that Jason is alive but for now neither you nor Jason are ready for that secret to be revealed so you quickly change the subject.
Smirking slightly, you say, “Besides, why should you get to be the only one who gets a sidekick? Dick told me you have yet another new Robin.”
Bruce bristles. “I didn’t go looking for him. I had planned to let the title die with Jason but he came to me and wanted the job.”
“That didn’t mean you had to give it to him.”
“Just stop it!” Bruce growls. “What’s the real reason you called me? You wouldn’t have asked to meet unless it was important so what is it already?”
You still. Bruce is right. As much as you need answers, you are also dreading what you will hear so you have been stalling for as long as possible. But it seemed like your time was up.
You take a few deep breaths as you stare down at the ground before you whisper, “I have to know. I keep telling myself that not even you would be that cruel, but I have to know for sure.”
“You’re starting to scare me. What are you talking about?”
“Did… did you know everything they did to me in there? I mean… everything?”
Bruce is quiet for a long time as he mulls over the question. And just when you can’t stand the silence any longer, he says, “I knew about the fights, Harley’s assassins, and solitary confinement. I was sent weekly reports to see how you were holding up and Dick sometimes told me about his visits. He said there were times when you were so roughed up, it looked worse than that time you went after Solomon Grundy by yourself. I pulled some strings to get you extra protection, but I guess it didn’t help. I’m sorry.”
“No, it didn’t,” your voice trembles as you whisper. Taking a deep breath, you look Bruce straight in the eye. “Bruce, I need you to swear to me that was all you knew. Nothing else.”
“Yes, I swear,” he says confusedly. “What more is there?”
But you ignore his question. “Look me in the eye and swear on our child.”
Bruce looks as if you had just slapped him in the face. His expression flashes between shock, disbelief, hurt, and anger, as he tries to grasp the words you just said. “What?”
Tears begin to well up in your eyes. “I know how messed up it is for me to ask that, and I hate myself for it, but it’s the only way I can believe you. So, please…”
“Yes,” he spits out. “Yes, I swear on… on our child… that is all I knew about.”
Slowly, you sink to your knees as a euphoric rush of relief washes over you. Bruce didn’t know. He hadn’t just stood by and let it happen. The fact he knew about the fighting and your constant injuries still hurts, but you figured Dick would have told him at some point so that was no surprise. But if he had known about the other thing… 
Bruce takes a few steps closer to you. “Now what don’t I know? What could be so horrible that you would bring our child into this?”
You look up at him, your lip trembling. “I- I can’t.”
“Please…. What did they do to you?”
Hanging your head, you whisper, “We both knew what everyone thought of me, even before I killed the Joker. I already had a reputation around Gotham that we pretended to ignore. I was the whore who was so good, I got billionaire Bruce Wayne down on one knee. And once I was in prison, everyone there wanted to see what the fuss was all about.”
It takes Bruce a moment to understand what you meant, but you see the horror sweep across his face the moment it registers. “No… That’s not… that shouldn’t have…. What about the guards?”
Tears are streaming steadily down your face at this point. “Once they figured out I didn’t have the Wayne name to protect me anymore, they started getting more lax about stopping it from happening. They even started turning off the cameras when I was in solitary and allowing inmates into my cell for a few bucks. And when one of them got hold of my medical file and saw I couldn’t get pregnant…. That’s when the guards started taking turns too.” 
You closed your eyes as you tried to block out the memories. Because you remembered every single moment of every single time. You would always either be too injured from the latest attack to fight back or they would drug you until you were barely coherent. But no matter how out of it you were, you could never forget what they did. 
You feel Bruce kneel down beside you and he whispers, “Oh, sweetheart…. I am so sorry. This wasn’t supposed to happen. I swear. You were supposed to be safe in there and if I had known what they were doing–”
‘So that’s where you draw the line, huh? Physical violence is okay, but as soon as someone whips their dick out that’s going too far?” Your eyes snap open and you dodge the hand he was reaching out towards you. “Yes, I cannot tell you what it means to me that you didn’t know, that you didn’t let that happen to me over and over and over again. But you still left me to fight for my life on a daily basis. And all because they wanted revenge on you for something or other. Because I had once been your wife. So, I’m unbelievably relieved you didn’t know. But it doesn’t change anything.”
Bruce sighs as he runs his hand through his hair. “That’s fair. I didn’t handle this situation the way I should have… but I just… I didn’t know what to do. I might not have shown it, but Jason’s death… I was so angry and so hurt. I know the two of you had a special bond, but he was still my son too. And regardless of what you said the other day, I blame myself for what happened. I should never have left him alone and I should have gotten to that warehouse quicker. I didn’t know what to do or how to deal with his death, so when I came home and you began to pull away from me…. I didn’t know how to handle that either.
“And then when you did what you did…. I was hurt you would go behind my back like that, especially after I explicitly told you not to and you agreed. You promised me and I felt betrayed…. But I also felt ashamed.”
“Ashamed?” you ask confusedly. “About what?”
“That you did what I was too weak to do.”
Your eyes grow wide as he hangs his head. “Bruce…”
“I should have done it. I should have killed him. I knew what it was doing to you to see him still running around free and I knew even if I captured him again, he would find another way to escape. But… I just couldn’t do it. I couldn’t break my code. So when you did it instead…. I was ashamed I couldn’t protect you from that. And I couldn’t face you.”
“So because you couldn’t face me, you left me there to rot in jail for five years? Thanks.” You leap to your feet and Bruce quickly stands as well.
“I told you, I tried everything I could but I couldn’t get you released. They needed to make an example of you so others didn’t go out and try to take down other villains by themselves. You forget that people don’t know who you are. The other part of who you are, with your training and skills. To them, you’re just a rich socialite who managed to take down the Joker. So, if you could do it, why couldn’t anyone? And while you could hold your own, the average citizen wouldn’t be able to and a lot of innocent people would die. I was trying to work something out once the publicity of your case died down, but then you escaped,” Bruce sighs. “I might still be able to get them to let you go. Claim Red Hood kidnapped you for leverage against me. It might be enough to work out some sort of pardon.”
“I won’t turn my back on Red Hood like that,” you snap. “He saved me when you didn’t. I’m not going to throw him under the bus now.”
“Fine, but then I don’t know if I can help you,” Bruce says wearily. “So whatever it is you two have planned, just don’t get caught and don’t kill anyone.”
You nod before taking a few steps back towards the stairs. “Thank you for understanding. And for showing up today. Despite everything, I feel better knowing you didn’t know what was happening.”
Bruce’s eyes darken. “There will be consequences for this. I swear.”
“Thank you.” You turn to leave but pause and turn back. “And please promise me that Dick and Jason will never find out.”
Bruce freezes. He takes a few steps closer and stretches out his hand once more. “Sweetheart, you know Jason is gone…. Right?”
Shit. You were so upset, so in your head, you hadn’t remembered that Bruce still doesn’t know Jason is alive. Lowering your head, you mumble, “Yeah, I know. I’m sorry. I was just always so used to referring to them as ‘Dick and Jason’ as if it were a singular word. It feels wrong not including both of them.”
He nods slowly but still eyes you cautiously. “I slip up sometimes too. It still doesn’t feel real that he’s gone. Yet, other times it feels like it’s the most real thing in the world.”
You sigh heavily. “Things would have been so different if he hadn’t been taken from us.”
“Yeah…” Bruce says. “Or if we hadn’t lost-” He cuts himself off and turns away but you know exactly who he was talking about.
“In prison, I used to dream about us every night,” you say softly, “You, me, Dick, Jason, and our baby on the way. The life we could have had.” The tears begin to trail down your cheeks once more. “Their birthday would have been around now. Their ninth birthday. Can you believe that? A nine-year-old girl or boy running around. If only that night would have gone differently. It would have changed everything.” 
You felt a small twinge in the scar on your side as if it knew you were talking about the accident. But then again, it had never stopped hurting since the day it happened. Some kind of nerve damage that caused a constant ache. Like your knee, you’ve learned to pretty much ignore it, though right now it seems to hurt more than usual.
You wrap your arms around your middle as your tears begin to flow faster. Bruce crosses the rooftop and hesitates as he reaches you, just a few inches apart. His silent question is clear in his eyes and you nod softly. Instantly, he wraps his arms around you and pulls you into his chest. 
It is the first time you have touched him in five years yet it feels as if you have never left his arms. The way your bodies fit together, the beat of his heart against your cheek, the way the rise and fall of his chest seems to sync with yours. It feels like coming home. 
A sob bubbles up in your throat as you bury your face deeper into his chest. His arms tighten around you, holding you together as you feel yourself falling apart. This wasn’t supposed to happen. You weren’t supposed to let him see this side of you. You were supposed to stay strong, stand firm, but the moment you felt his touch, you were putty in his hands. 
You still love him. Despite everything he had done to you, all the pain and heartbreak his actions had caused, you want nothing more than to grab his face and meld your lips with his. Yet you know if you do, it'll be over. There will be no going back and Jason will never forgive you for it. Jason, the one person who was there when Bruce turned his back on you. Jason, your son who needed you more than you needed Bruce.
Reluctantly, you pull yourself away from Bruce’s embrace, though he remains holding your hands. “I’m sorry,” you whisper. “I shouldn’t have let you do that.”
“Why not?” Bruce asks, releasing your right hand to cup your face. “I know we have so much to work through, but I don’t want to lose you again. Please, sweetheart, just give us a chance.”
You hesitate as you consider if you can really forgive him for everything he has done to you. As he waits, his finger rubs over the spot on your left hand where your ring once sat. “You know,” he whispers, “I still have it. It’s in the safe at the manor and it’s still yours to do with what you wish. Keep it, sell it, toss it in the river, whatever you want.”
It was the wrong thing to say. It would have been easier hearing he had thrown it away. But instead, he kept the symbol of your love and marriage locked away, just as he left you locked away. You pull your hand from his, clutching it against your chest as you back away from him.“Give it to Selina, or whoever you wind up with next.” 
“And what if I don’t want there to be a next?”
“Well, you should have decided that a long time ago.” You turn quickly and head for the stairs, making it down the first few steps before Bruce reaches out and grabs your wrist.
“My heart… It’s never too late,” he says, his eyes silently begging you to come back to him.
You remember your dream from your last night in prison. How you had begged not to leave that Bruce, and how he had said those exact same words. But this wasn’t a dream, and it was time for you to wake up. 
Yanking your hand from Bruce’s grasp, you look directly into his eyes and coldly say, “I believed that once. But we are the proof that it isn't true.” 
And before he can respond, you hurry down the stairs as quickly as your knee will allow.
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Taglist: @whumptober-archive, @loverhymeswith, @hjgdhghoe, @dazaisleftballsack, @simp027, @animefan3223, @mysticchopshop, @eternalharry, @edgycatx, @lanatheawesome, @yandere-batfamfan, @zsalvatore-mikaelson, @constantshitposter, @lauramb7, @thedumbgirl, @leonielaufeyson, @ultraxavbo, @chrismarium, @joceymoo, @shanksfav, @leyleyinpijamas, @notwonderlandsworld, @redsakura101, @outdated-titty-milk101, @lariclifford, @seoulnights5, @makhaia, @tardisin221bst, @ultraxavbo, @imurdaddypromlems, @kesskirata, @roro707-blog, @scrappybear89, @homosexualjohnwayne, @dweeb-central, @mint–yoongs, @sunshineflowerchild789, @happinessricardotapia, @nefariousghostbabe, @mikyapixie, @angelicadiabolus, @hotleaf-juice, @saltedcoffeescotch, @hermosavidagg, @blackrockshooter780, @iveofficiallylostmymarbles, @avengersftspn, @pantasticalcat, @hyper-half-blood, @staynctzen127, @yunho-leeknow, @blue-aconite, @leyleyinpijamas, @y-napotat, @jadynchronicle, @redrydersrequiem, @violet2507, @venomsvl, @time-shardz
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skyward-floored · 2 years
Whumptober day 8— Back from the dead, stomach pain
I’ll repeat what I said on ao3, this started out as one thing and ended up being two characters who don’t even appear in the same game and almost certainly don’t actually know who the other is interacting and having an in-depth conversation about things.
I don’t know what happened. This is barely even whump XD
Ao3 link
Shadow woke up.
His eyes flew open and he sucked in a gasp, heart pounding so loudly he could hear it thudding in his ears.
Agony wrenched into him when he took a deep breath, and he couldn’t help the second gasp he let out, squeezing his eyes shut again. The pain ebbed a bit and he sucked in a slower breath, prickles of hot agony rippling through his chest.
Everything hurt. Every bit of him, especially his stomach but his whole body hurt, how—
...how did he have a body?
Shadow blinked, and narrowed his eyes.
He’d been an incorporeal shadow ever since shattering the dark mirror, content enough to be pooled under Link’s feet wherever he went. His senses were blurred, and he rarely had any true sense for what was going on, but the last thing he vaguely remembered was something with Link, one of the weirdos Link had been traveling with, and some blue light or something.
But... that didn’t explain how he had his body back. Or why said body felt like he’d shattered the dark mirror only moments ago.
Or where Link was.
Shadow shifted a little and nearly blacked out, the pain in his stomach like shards of glass slicing into him.
He gritted his teeth and opened his eyes again, more fully this time, and came face to face with a clear night sky. There were bright swirls of stars speckled across a deep inky backdrop, a few constellations Vio had pointed out before catching his attention. They shimmered gently in the sky, and a cool breeze ruffled Shadow’s hair, grass swaying around him.
Well if I’m going to die again, I can think of much worse places than here to do it.
The pain jabbed his stomach again and Shadow bit back a moan, curling up a little. Screw this. He wanted to know what was going on, and he was not going to just lay here until he died to find out.
He sucked in a breath, and before he could think about it too much, sat up.
His stomach burned, and he cried out before he could stop himself, falling back to the ground with a gasp. His head spun and his blood roared in his ears, and it distantly sounded like someone was talking to him as he tried not to scream.
He choked on a breath, and something brushed the sweat-soaked hair from his forehead, making him stiffen.
“Maybe don’t try that again,” a voice spoke gently, and Shadow forced his eyes open.
A woman was kneeled next to him, concern bright in her blue eyes. Golden hair hung by her ears in long swoops, light glowing in the swaying strands. Magic was pouring off of her in waves, and Shadow couldn’t help but flinch away from the sheer brightness of it.
This day just keeps getting more confusing.
It took him several minutes to get his breathing back to normal after his little stunt, the woman watching him all the while. And even once Shadow did, the pain still rippled angrily up his chest.
“Din’s fire,” he moaned, clutching at his stomach.
“You know it’s not very polite to use someone’s older sister as a swear,” the woman said, but her voice was amused. “And you’re a bit weak to be moving like that. Please try to take it easy.”
“And why... exactly d-do you care?” Shadow snipped, then what she’d said sank in.
Golden color scheme, the pure light in her hair, white dress and sheer outpouring of otherworldly magic coming off of her—
Din’s younger sister.
Shadow’s eyes went wide and he stared up at the goddess Hylia, whom he’d barely even heard of, who continued to give him that same small smile.
He blinked.
“I’m dead, aren’t I,” he said flatly. “For real this time.”
Hylia let out a decidedly un-goddessy snort, but her eyes were pained as she gently eased his head onto her lap, much to Shadow’s dismay.
“No, you’re not dead. But you’re... not entirely alive either,” she explained, and Shadow rolled his eyes.
He tried to move himself off of her, but his chest hurt too much to move like he needed to. Looked like he was stuck here.
“Well that explains n-nothing,” he croaked, and ignored how it was actually sort of nice to have his head resting on her lap. The pain had ebbed once she’d set him here oddly enough, and he relaxed a bit, unclenching his tensed muscles.
Hylia sighed, and began gently braiding some of the hair by his ear, Shadow‘s throat tightening for some reason at the motion. He hadn’t realized it until now really, but it’d been so long since he’d been able to feel anyone’s touch, and suddenly here was someone humming lightly as she braided his hair with his head in her lap.
He hated how it made him want to cry.
“You are aware of the reason for your counterpart’s current quest, yes?” she asked him, and Shadow nodded, shoving his stupid feelings to the very back of his mind.
“Yeah. Creep called Dark Link. Talk about... a diva,” Shadow muttered, and Hylia let out a small laugh.
“Yes. And he is the reason for your current state,” she said seriously, and Shadow frowned. “The dark shadow was fighting against your counterpart and his companions, and sent out an attack of magic against them. I do not know what he was attempting to accomplish, but it hit Link, your Link.”
A jolt of worry squeezed his stomach. “He okay?”
“He‘ll live,” Hylia reassured, still braiding. “He was not too seriously injured. But he was knocked unconscious, and one of his companions used a powerful healing spell on him. Which, combined with the dark magic he was coated in, ended up spilling over and affecting you.”
Shadow blinked.
“...that brought me back?” he whispered incredulously, and Hylia smiled.
“Yes. But you’re in a very fragile state at the moment, which is how I’m able to talk to you, and why you feel the way you do.”
“Oh, fantastic,” Shadow muttered.
Hylia finally finished her braid, and admired her handiwork, nodding to herself. She shifted her position a little, and Shadow swallowed just a bit nervously. This was a goddess after all, she could probably smite him with a flick of her pinky finger.
“That doesn’t explain why you’re bothering to talk to me though,” he rasped, and Hylia’s eyes turned soft.
“I always welcome an opportunity to talk to a fractal of courage,” she said in a quiet voice, brushing a hand over Shadow’s forehead. He found himself enjoying the touch, much to his dismay.
“I’m hardly courageous,” he muttered, and Hylia‘s face grew pained.
“You have courage and a heroic spirit the same as any of my heroes, Shadow,” she said softly, and put a gentle hand on his cheek. “You are one of them, even if you don’t believe it.”
He stared at her, and she smiled at him.
“But why me?” he whispered. “Why bother talking with me?”
The woman gave him a tender look, one that held a lot more affection than Shadow was prepared for.
“Because everyone deserves a second chance,” Hylia said gently. “I’ve wished to speak to you for a long time to tell you so, little one. Do you truly believe you do not deserve another chance?”
Shadow closed his eyes. Boy had she seen right through him.
“After all I’ve done?” he asked quietly. “The evil I served, the pain I caused all those people? The pain I caused Link? I kidnapped his best friend and tried to kill him on multiple occasions, not to mention turned him against himself, literally.”
Shadow sighed, his chest throbbing a bit.
“No. I don’t.”
Hylia lowered her head, than looked back at him, eyes full of sadness.
“You really weren’t listening,” she said gently. “I said everyone deserves another chance. Even misguided Shadows, even if they’ve made mistakes. You wouldn’t continue in evil now, would you?”
“...no,” Shadow murmured, thinking back to Ganon with a shiver. “Never again.”
“Well than it seems to me that if you’re willing to do better, than you deserve as much of a chance as anyone,” Hylia smiled happily, and Shadow felt his eyes begin to water against his will.
Hylia brushed a tear away from his cheek as the pain in his chest began to intensify again, and the stars above them started to blur.
“My time grows short. You likely won’t remember this when you wake,” she said with a bit of a sad smile. “But promise me you won’t simply give up. Fight for another chance Shadow Link, and don’t forget you are not alone.”
Shadow nodded, sucking in a painful breath.
“Now rest. Your counterpart is worried sick,” she said gently, and Shadow felt his eyes slip closed, not of his own accord.
“I’m so proud of you my hero.”
Shadow swam back to consciousness, muffled conversation making his head hurt.
He winced, pain biting sharply at his chest, and breathed in a thin breath as he slipped his eyes open.
It was nighttime, but the forest he was apparently in was lit by the warm glow of a fire, indistinct voices floating by. He blinked, trying to focus through the odd haze his head was in, and tried to twist his head around.
“He’s awake!”
Shadow jolted at the words spoken right by his head, and couldn’t help the hiss of pain he let out at the movement.
Something grabbed his hand, and Shadow managed to focus on the person kneeling next to him, blonde hair, multicolored tunic, and dark eyebags coming into view.
“Hey Link,” he croaked, smirking a bit at his brother’s stupid-looking expression. “Miss me?”
Link let out a wet sounding laugh, and pulled Shadow into a hug, Shadow only wincing a bit as his chest flared with pain. Link let out a sniffling noise, and he sighed, raising a shaking hand to pat him on the back.
“Yes,” Link said into his shoulder, and Shadow let himself smile as his hair fell into his face.
The strands by his ear were still pulled into a braid.
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beecastle · 2 years
Whumptober Day 7: Shaking Hands
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Pairing: Din Djarin x GN!Reader
Word count: 600
Rating: T
Warnings: guns and threats
Anyone else would think Din is emotionless at the sight of someone pointing a gun at you and Grogu, but you can see the way his fingers twitch slightly, the way his shoulders are placed, slightly hunched over, ready to launch forward at your captors at the first opportunity that presents itself. And if you were closer to him you are sure you would be able to hear the quick breaths coming through the modulator instead of his normal calm ones. 
“We won’t ask again, give us the beskar and the three of you can walk away.” The woman pointing a gun at him says, while her partner who is the one pointing the gun at the two of you nods in agreement. You look down at Grogu who is glancing around trying to understand what’s happening, and you move your hand to hold his tiny one. 
“Okay,” Din replies.
“Do it nice and slow. We don’t want any accidents,” She says, her voice going an octave higher, betraying the fact that she is nervous about the fact that she’s stealing from a Mandalorian. Your lover nods and starts taking off the arm pieces of the armor. “Put them on the floor.” Din does as he is told and then moves to the legs, and after that the chest plates. At the end of it, a mountain of beskar is left on the floor next to him. The only piece of beskar remaining is his helmet. 
“It’s done, now let them go,” he says.
“The helmet.”
“I can’t do that.” The man moves the gun to your ribs so fast it draws a yelp out of you and a scared sound from Grogu. 
“We don’t want to hurt them.”
Din looks at you and you can’t do much but stare back, you know what the helmet means to him, how the only person to have seen his face in all these years has been you and your kid. You can’t ask him to give up this, not even over your life, you would never ask him something like that. But you don’t have to.
“Okay, okay.” He takes his hands to the helmet. You can see the way they are shaking on the way up, the way they keep shaking as the sound of pressurized air reaches your ears. They keep shaking as he lifts the helmet up, revealing that beautiful face you love. He is staring at you, not looking at the two other people in the room, and you keep your gaze on him as well. 
“Put it on the floor.” The woman indicates him, and he does so, his hands still shaking. “You can go.” But Din isn’t moving, choosing to stare at the beskar on the floor. You move next to him, and with the hand that isn’t holding Grogu, you take his and bring him out of the alley and to the razor crest. The moment the doors of the ship close, indicating the three of you are secure, he comes out from his state of shock and scans you over trying to find any injuries. 
“I’m okay.” You move in front of him, and gently cup his cheek. “We’re okay thanks to you.”
He places a kiss on your head and scratches Grogu’s ear, before turning his back to you and picking up a gun. “Stay here.”
“Where are you going?”
“To get my armor back.”
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serickswrites · 2 years
Warnings: referenced captivity, referenced torture, hurt/aftermath, hurt/recovery, hurt/comfort, caretaker and whumpee
“Why did you save me?” Whumpee shrieked at Caretaker. 
Caretaker knew that Whumpee would be different, would be changed after all that they endured at the hands of Whumper. What they had not known was how angry Whumpee would be when they woke up in safety. 
“How could I not, love?”
“Love, you were dying. I couldn’t let you die. Please, love.” Caretaker couldn’t finish. They couldn’t tell Whumpee how afraid they were that they wouldn’t be able to save Whumpee. That Whumper had finally done enough to kill them. 
“Love, you don’t mean that. You can’t mean that. You don’t know what you’re saying.”
Whumpee gave a bark of mirthless laughter. “Oh, but I do, Caretaker. I do. Whumper wouldn’t have let me live after everything they did to me. They were offering mercy. I am broken. Ruined.”
“But you are alive,” Caretaker whispered. 
“And at what fucking cost?”
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squigglywindy · 2 years
Whumptober Day Five
Title: Every Whumpee's Needs
Prompts Used: Running out of air
Warnings: Asthma Be Annoying, but that's about it. There's a lil 'ah no death has come for me' moment, but it's just Drama (and it do be like that sometimes). Oh, horribly medically inaccurate treatment of asthma (don't try this at home it's like exactly the opposite of anything that could ever help)
Whumpee(s): Sky
Whumpometer: Like a two? I mean he's not having a good time but he was never not going to be okay
General Notes: Some of you know of my love for asthmatic Sky (projection who? Where? I don’t see any projection here…). Somebody made a bad call and I was allowed to make the rules; and I said a flower can be a bronchodilator if I need it to be
Sky: I can take anything you throw at me
Also Sky: *sprints three yards* Hold on I need a minute
And I felt that in my soul. And my lungs. Anyway, this one’s pretty chill. I wrote it at like three am and didn't really proof-read, so uh...have fun
It wasn’t a hard fight. They’d been through so much worse so many times, but alas, an easy fight wasn't always a good time.
They had been walking for a long time. There had been a small incident with a fire and consequential smoke. After that, it didn't take much. One more spin attack to take out a pesky keese and Sky knew he had participated in exactly one activity too many.
The vice around his lungs was subtle, at first. Like a single hand curling around his chest, squeezing and making it just a little bit harder to pull in a breath. But that hand tightened quickly, and the next breath he jerked in drew the eyes of everyone around him.
“Sky?” Twilight asked, concern clearly lacing his tone.
Sky waved him off half-heartedly, bracing a hand against a tree and dipping his head slightly, jerking in a breath that felt like it barely brushed the tops of his lungs. Somebody’s hand found its way to his shoulder and he couldn’t be bothered to check who it was. It didn’t matter how many times he pushed himself to breathlessness, it would always come with this undercurrent of panic. He knew he needed to breathe; but he couldn’t breathe. That would always be just a little scary, even if he had consistently gotten through it before.
He eventually flicked his eyes to the mysterious figure to find Four, who gave him a tiny smile and tugged on his arm, leading him to a stump and pushing him down.
Sky tried to thank him, but the breath he drew to do so caught halfway down his trachea and turned into a cough, which did absolutely nothing for his lungs, which felt like empty plastic bags, bound together by a rubber band.  He planted his free hand on one knee and leaned forward, twisting in a way he remembered helping in the past; but a series of coughs disrupted his plans and he was left wheezing, hand still curled around Four because the last thing he wanted to do was let go.
He heard Four talking, didn’t register the actual words, but looked up when Four pressed Sky’s hand to his chest, taking a deep exaggerated breath in a very sweet and helpful display of how he had completely misread what was going on.
“C’mon Sky, you can do it,” Sky tuned back in as Four rumbled quietly, so utterly calm because of course. They were the heroes of courage. One of them spiraling after a battle for one reason or another wasn’t exactly unheard of. “Deep breath, do it with me.”
Sky tried to listen, he really did, but it was always going to be a lost cause. He wanted to explain that their methods wouldn’t work, that they just had to wait it out, but if he had the air to do that then he wouldn’t have to.
“Hold on,” Hyrule pushed his way to the front of the cluster of Links, elbowing his way between Time and Warriors. “I think I know what’s going on. You're calm, aren’t you, Sky?”
That was a stretch, but Sky nodded anyway because it would put them on the right track. He finally released Four in favor of bracing himself to lean forward, wishing he’d listened to that voice in the back of his mind telling him to give them a heads up just in case. He hadn’t wanted to, and so now he was stuck; surrounded by eight oblivious incarnations of himself with not a molecule of oxygen to his name.
Hyrule nodded and snapped his fingers in victory. “Wild, you grabbed a ton of those orange flowers when we were in my Hyrule, right?”
It was an utterly ridiculous question, and Wild proved it when he nodded eagerly and stepped forward, pointing his slate toward the ground and tapping away until a veritable heap of bright orange flowers tumbled to the ground.
“What’re you doing, arranging his grave bouquet?” Legend snarked, earning a swat on the back from Time.
Hyrule shook his head, either not noticing or not caring that the question was asked in jest. “The air in my Hyrule’s pretty bad,” he revisited a point that was painfully familiar to all of them. “Lots of people have trouble with their lungs. These help.” He grabbed a flower off the ground and crouched in front of Sky. “I’m going to crush the pod in the middle and it’s going to send up a puff of spores. When that happens, you’re going to inhale for as long as you can and then hold it for a second. Got it?”
Sky was pretty sure Hyrule was talking nonsense, and he wasn’t all that clear on what a spore was supposed to be, but he nodded because he trusted Hyrule and he badly wanted air.
Hyrule brought the flower up under Sky’s nose and gave a reassuring smile. “One, two, breathe.” He crushed the pod, and as promised, a vaguely yellow cloud erupted. It went against every instinct Sky possessed to intentionally suck a cloud of what was essentially pollen into his respiratory tract, but the very fact that he could inhale it was a miracle in and of itself, so he went for it.
He tried to hold it as Hyrule had requested, but the act of inhaling had disrupted his lungs in the worst way, and he dissolved into a coughing fit after a few seconds. When he recovered, he jerked in a breath and actually felt it hit somewhere in his chest. It wasn’t perfect, or anywhere near as deep as he would like, but it was there. “Woah,” he croaked, wincing at his own voice and forgoing further attempts at marvelment in favor of focusing on his semi-functioning lungs.
Hyrule smiled at his reaction. “You pick up a thing or two, living in a polluted wasteland. Don’t do that,” he reached out to snatch flowers away from both Wild and Wind, who had gathered up handfuls and were eyeing them a little too eagerly.
“What do your other flowers do?” Wind asked hopefully.
“Nothing you should be inhaling,” Hyrule shook his head and waggled a finger. “Wild’s a bad example; don’t put stuff in your body and see what happens.
“You did it to Sky,” Wind grumbled, crossing his arms and stalking off to kick dejectedly at a clump of grass.
Sky drug in one more breath, genuine excitement growing when it reached all the way to his stomach; entire chest feeling the effects of the first effective breath in too long. “Do those always work?” He asked, clearing his throat against the scratchy pitch of his voice.
Hyrule nodded. “As far as I’ve seen. Do you not have something like this in Skyloft?”
Sky shook his head. “Not that I know of.”
Hyrule smiled. “Well, it’s a good thing Wild was prepared to start a conservation colony in case we need to repopulate the planet in the event of total extinction. We’ve got plenty.”
“If we ever get home, I’m planting these on the surface,” Sky decided, refusing to believe that he could wreck the entire ecosystem. He had no reason not to believe that he was supposed to be responsible for introducing Miracle Flowers to Hyrule the whole time.
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kelpiemomma · 2 years
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[DAY 1 - "this wasn't supposed to happen"]
Akari collapsed to the ground upon return to the cabin. Lady Sneasler lingered outside the door, keeping watch over her Warden's child. They'd searched from sunup to sundown and they'd found no sign of Ingo. Each hour that passed with no sign of the man, no lingering scent or stitch of clothing, led to the Zoroark breathing heavier. Her eyes grew wider, more wild, each time she called for her father with no response. With her Warden having vanished Lady Sneasler subtly guided them back in the direction of the girl's home.
Akari brought a paw to her face to hide her eyes. Panicked tears rose quickly before they overflowed and flooded down her cheeks. Ingo was missing. Ingo was gone. And it was her fault. She'd made that wish to Arceus, after all. It must have done something because of her.
"No, no, no, no, no," she moaned, trembling with exhaustion and panic, "not this, not this! This wasn't supposed to happen!"
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breezy-cheezy · 2 years
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Whumptober Day 26: NO ONE LEFT BEHIND 
Separated | Rope Burns | “Why did you save me?”
More from my Genshin Daemon AU that I haven’t even written yet X”’’D Ft. That One Meme
It’s silly but it still counts right? Right.
Please don’t tag with ships! Thanks!!
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whumpshots · 2 years
Whumptober #16
Trope of the day: “No one’s coming”
Whumper takes a step back in surprise as whumpee just shared some of the information he’s been asking for. He knows the other can take some of his torture without even flinching, he’s aware of the things he’s been through – so why spill the secrets now?
“How can I be sure you’re telling the truth?”, whumper asks and cocks an eyebrow. Whumpee looks at him with tired eyes, his face is blood smeared and dirty, but he has seen him in worse shapes. Way worse.
“You … can always proof that shit,” he croaks and spits out some blood that runs down his chin. A tired smile appears on his bloody lips, his tired eyes fight against heavy lids as he tries to stay in an upright position on his chair.
Whumper has to admit that he is right, but it still confuses him. The other seems to notice so he swallows thickly and raises his eyebrows, apparently waiting for whumper to speak again. Which he does after gathering his thoughts.
“And why are you so eager to share your secrets with me?”, he asks with a hint of sarcasm in his voice, knowing that this battered and broken man in front of him is less than eager to do anything that might help whumper. But he just scoffs.
“Because … no one’s coming. No one’s gonna be here to break me out. I’d … I’d rather fucking get this shit over with than sitting here for eternity,” he rasps and smiles humourlessly. Whumper feels a shiver run down his spine.
Fuck. He always knew whumpee is broken. But he never expected … this. Taken aback, whumper shakes his head a bit and tries to gather his thoughts while whumpee starts giggling, looking at the ceiling, repeating his words over and over: “No one’s coming.”
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hangingoffence · 2 years
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Day 4 Ringing ears
Jack Marston was arrested after murdering Edgar Ross and was given choice of either prison time or to fight in Europe for the Allies.
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awhitehead17 · 2 years
Whumptober 2022: Day 21 - Famous last words
Prompt: Coughing up blood
Summary: It’s not Jason’s fault that he’s sick, Tim knows that, however he can't help but be annoyed by the constant coughing and decides to go and say something about it.
Enjoy! :D
He’s feeling irrationally annoyed right now. Tim knows it’s not Jason’s fault but he still can’t help but be irritated by what’s going on. Jason’s constant coughing is driving him insane, it’s loud and it sounds awful. Every time Jason happens to have a coughing fit, which seems to be like every five minutes, Tim gets distracted and loses track of what he’s doing, he's re-read the same line about seven times by now.
Instead of being in one of his own apartments recovering, Alfred has Jason on lockdown here in the Manor until his chest infection clears up. The only reason Tim is at the Manor himself is because Alfred also has Tim on lockdown as he’s now at the tail end of his recovery period from a knee injury that occurred while he had been on patrol. Tim can’t flee the Manor meaning he can’t escape from Jason trying to hack his lungs up.
Just as he’s about to try and concentrate on his work again another bout of coughing from his brother occurs, it echoes through his room and it feels like it’s vibrating against the walls. Huffing, Tim slams his pen down on his desk and gets up from his chair in order to march his way to Jason’s bedroom across the hall.
Not hesitating when he gets there Tim wrenches the door open and stands in the threshold glaring into the room. Jason’s room is dark apart from where he currently has an old 90’s film playing on his TV. Turning his attention to the bed Tim spots Jason swaddled up in his bed covers and blankets, surrounded by empty water bottles and used tissues.
Tim pulls a face at the sight and then soon winces when Jason coughs again and Tim feels it shake his entire frame. It’s a full chesty, wet cough and sounds absolutely awful. When it passes Jason is left breathing heavily.
Crossing his arms over his chest Tim glares at him. “Could you die quietly please? I’m trying to work.”
“Fuck you.” Comes the instant retort. Tim pulls another face, Jason sounds even worse speaking than he did coughing.
“Not in your condition,” Tim quips, “you’d end up making me ill.”
Jason goes to say something again but his words end up turning into another coughing fit. It lasts for a good minute and once again Jason is left breathing heavily when it ends.
“Well that doesn’t sound good.”
Tim jumps at the sound of a new voice coming from behind him. He looks over his shoulder to find Dick standing behind him, peering into Jason’s room with a concerned look on his face.
“I’m fine,” is Jason’s strong argument.
Behind Tim, Dick snorts. “Sure you are.” There’s a pause between them before Dick nudges Tim out of the way so he could head into Jason’s room. Tim blinks and wonders what Dick is thinking, why would he voluntarily enter the infectious room like that. Then again, he's not the one with the compromised immune system, Dick will probably be fine, if Tim were to enter he guarantees within the next few days he’d be bedridden with flu like symptoms.
From the safety of the threshold, Tim watches as Dick starts cleaning up Jason’s mess. He collects the empty water bottles and puts them to the side before moving onto fussing over Jason himself, Dick rearranges his blankets so they’re more comfortably tucked around him and even puffs up his pillow much to Jason’s obvious dismay. Once their brother is more situated on his bed, Dick grabs the bin and begins collecting the discarded tissues.
Finding the situation no longer interesting, Tim turns to leave, he’ll just have to work out a way to block out Jason’s coughing. He had already tried using headphones but he supposes he could try them again, perhaps another option could be to simply move to another part of the Manor.
“Are you bleeding!”
Dick’s sudden exclamation stops Tim in his tracks, not even three steps away from the room, and he goes back to find Dick examining a used tissue closely.
With a roll of his eyes Jason replies in a raspy voice, “I’ve coughed up some blood yeah, nothing to be concerned about.”
Dick looks scandalized. “’Nothing to be concerned about.’ Jason this could be serious! You coughing up blood could mean all kinds of different things. This isn’t nothing! Does Alfred know about this?”
Jason shakes his head clearly not happy to be on the end of Dick’s mother-henning. The eldest has his hands on his hips and is glaring down at him.
“No. And he doesn’t need to.” Jason says sending Dick his own glare, although any heat behind it is lost due to how exhausted he looks. “It can happen with chest infections and when you have as bad of a cough as I do. It’s only minor bleeding. It’s fine.” As he finishes talking, another coughing fit hits him and the actions just make Dick look even more concerned than before.
Once he's done Dick is quick to hand him a bottle of water which is half full and Jason takes it without protest. As he sips the liquid Dick crosses his arms across his chest and widens his stance.
“Despite what you say, I’m going to get Alfred because I think this needs to be looked at. It’s better to be safe than sorry and Alfred deserves to know what’s going on.”
Before Jason could protest Dick is leaving the room, as he passes by Tim who moved to the side to let him through the door, he shoves the bin into his hands and storms down the corridor in the pursuit of Alfred.
Blinking at the object he's now suddenly holding Tim’s mind takes a minute to catch up with what is going on. Shaking his head Tim moves to place the bin down just inside of the door of Jason’s room. When he straightens back up he spots Jason watching him with a raised eyebrow.
“Got anything to add?”
His brother sounds tired and grumpy, like he’s just done with everything. Tim honestly feels almost sorry for him being on the receiving end of Dick’s care, it’s not that the oldest if awful at looking after them but sometimes he can be a bit much. Tim wouldn’t change that about him however.
Putting his hands up in surrender Tim shakes his head. “Nope. Nothing from me. I’m just gonna… go and not be here anymore…”
Nodding once Tim turns around and leaves Jason’s room. His brother can continue being sick while Tim is in the safety of his own room. Dick and Alfred can handle Jason, Tim will be standing by at a distance until he’s better.
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littleperilstories · 2 years
Whumptober 2022: #16 :: No Way Out
Whumptober Masterpost
Mind Control | Paralytic Drugs | “No one’s coming.”
Whumpee: Ash Levin
Whumper: Douglas Heminworth
@whumptober-archive / @whumptober
CW: noncon drugging, kidnapping/abduction/captivity
The Curiosity Collector
Previous | Masterlist | Next
The man cocked his head to one side. “Your mind is still your own. The potion should have worked. Your mind should belong to me.”
“What have you done to me?”
Ash could not believe the voice that cracked from his lips was his own. It can’t be. It couldn’t be. He didn’t sound like that.
Exhausted, weak, helpless. Half-dead.
“Not enough, apparently.” The man who’d taken him—who’d filled him with wicked human chemicals that made Ash’s thoughts trudge through a bog that dragged and sucked at his feet—narrowed his eyes in displeasure and confusion.
“What the fuck does that mean?”
Ash willed his limbs to move, but neither bone nor muscle would obey. He could blink, cast his gaze around the room like a frightened animal in the woods, move his tongue to form words. But that was it.
“I do not understand,” the man said. Ash tried to remember the name he’d given, something pompous and disgustingly human. “How are you resisting it?”
“Resisting what?”
The man cocked his head to one side. “Your mind is still your own. The potion should have worked. Your mind should belong to me.”
Ash felt his breath begin to stutter. “Why—What—”
“I have never know anyone, witch or no, to resist this poison,” the man said quietly. “And yet here you are. Your mind is clear.”
“Is this what you do, then?” Ash licked his lips, his body beginning to scream from the effort of  trying to get his muscles to budge. “Take witches and make them your obedient slaves?”
“Usually, yes.” The man was still frowning. What is his name? Something hideous, with letters that tripped on the tongue and caught in the throat. “And I have quite the collection, too. I have never encountered this before.”
“Maybe it’s a sign,” Ash said, “that you should release me.”
“No, I don’t think that’s it.”
Chilling—how calmly this man talked of collecting living, breathing creatures as if they were toys. Playthings.
The memory of a hand fisting into his hair while this human forced poison down his throat came to mind. A boy with a name, something far more witchlike. Conri.
“How many are you keeping here?” Ash asked, his heart pounding.
“I think that’s enough questions,” the man said, “until we figure out what’s wrong with you.”
Ash began to sputter. “I—you—wrong?” Fire was burning in his veins. It was going to boil him from the inside out. “There’s nothing wrong with me just because your—”
“Quiet now,” the man said, and something about the dangerous edge to his voice jogged Ash’s memory.
The man met his gaze, eyes narrowing again.
“That’s your name,” Ash said. “I remember.”
Even narrower still, until they were nearly slits.
“When I get out of here,” Ash said, “I’ll make sure everyone else knows it, too.”
The threat held none of the weight he hoped it would. Douglas Heminworth began to laugh. “You think anyone in this town gives a rat’s ass about the witches who live beyond the walls? What makes you think they’ll believe a word you say? Or, if they do, even care?”
Ash thought his neck might break as he strained against the hold of whatever drugs Heminworth had given him, but even the pain could not will his muscles to move.
“You’re a fool,” Heminworth said. “A pretty fool. No one knows you’re here, and no one’s coming. Not any witches. Certainly not any humans.”
Ash wanted to scream, to let his voice erupt into the air until his throat bled. But he found he could not. A tear spilled out of the corner of his eyes, and he felt it trail down his cheek.
“That’s right,” said Heminworth, a smile that might be confused as tender curling his lips. Ash jerked his head away as a filthy human hand reached over to stroke his hair. “You’re mine now, whether you like it or not.”
“I’m not,” Ash said, “nor will I ever.”
Heminworth shrugged. “We’ll see after this. I have upped your dosage. Perhaps that will do the trick.” His smile widened. “Let’s find out.”
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