#when i was already drunk and it was in walking distance from where i had been hanging out earlier.
britneyshakespeare · 1 year
My new friend’s childhood best friend is in prison. It’s bullshit, right, but it is what it is and it’s very hard on everyone who loves this guy. My friend, the guy’s girlfriend, the guy’s family. The guy himself obviously but that goes wo saying. The prison-industrial complex in the United States is fucked up. It especially hits you when you have such a close connection w someone who’s on the inside of it.
I recently did a portrait of this guy. I spent about a month working on it. For his girlfriend’s birthday. But I’m making copies of it for his family because I want everyone who loves him to know... you know. People care. They’re not alone. No one is. I’m not planning on posting the portrait on here for privacy reasons. This guy’s family has been through some serious harassment and if my portrait were identified, which is very possible, that could become very very dangerous.
My friend has shown all of his family and friends my portrait, though. Everyone but his girlfriend who we still haven’t been able to meet up w since her birthday, lol. And the guy’s stepfather owns a restaurant that I’ve been to three times. It’s really good. The mixed drinks there are no fucking joke though. I’ve been there three times, but I’ve walked out sober zero times. You know you know.
The first time I went, my friend introduced me to the guy’s stepfather. It was really late at night though and it was only for a second; I hardly remembered what the guy looked like. And he was just like “Hey this is my friend” and I shook his hand and all that. And I was pretty obviously drunk. This was last month, before I finished the portrait. I don’t remember if at that time he knew the portrait was being made; I know my friend showed several of his family members pictures of it even when it was just in progress. But he did not say “This is my friend who’s doing the drawing” when I met him the first time.
This time I met the guy’s stepfather again. I was DRUNK drunk. And my friend called him over to the table and said “This is my friend who drew your son” and I did look him directly in the eyes (I remember what his face looked like this time) and he was just very kind to me. I wish I could remember better what he said, but he was like, “It’s very beautiful, and you’re very talented. The features look so much like him.” And I was just like. “Thank you. It was really really really really really really hard.” Or something like that. Nodding over and over again. Lol.
One day I will meet the family of my latest portrait’s subject, sober. One day they’ll meet the artist who did a charcoal drawing of their son when she’s not fucked up on tequila in their eatery.
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capricornlevi · 1 month
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inevitability- nanami x f!reader
tags: friends to lovers, salaryman!nanami, breeding, unprotected sex, fingering, missionary, mating press, creampie, mild cumplay
cw: alcohol (all sex sober & consensual!), pregnancy mentions, rough but v v consensual sex, reader and nanami are both in their late 20s/early 30s
word count: 5.3k
a/n: in which your decide with your good friend of many years that it's time to get you pregnant <3 this has been festering in my brain and i know it's pretty different than what i usually write but ! here it is! ahh! sounds of me screaming!
"this is weird, y'know?" you blurt out, watching as nanami hangs up his jacket by your front door before settling down beside you on the couch. he keeps a respectful distance, resting his hands on his broad thighs and smoothing down the fabric of his slacks, clearly nervous. "this is very, very weird. like, weird at levels i don't think people have achieved before."
"i know," nanami replies diplomatically, as if he could be anything but excruciatingly aware of how unconventional this is. "are you having second thoughts? because i completely understand --"
you shake your head abruptly. "no, no, just ... thinking aloud, i guess. just getting used to this, because it's really ... um ..."
"weird?" nanami offers helpfully, and you turn to nod.
because what else do you call agreeing to have a baby with your platonic friend of 10 years?
you first met nanami on the second day of college and knew right away he'd be a good dad, even back when having kids wasn't even a consideration for you. it was obvious; he was already a good dad back then, with how he looked out for his underclassmen even as he progressed through his degree. how he stayed sober when he knew people would be going overboard, not sleeping until you texted him to confirm you'd gotten home safe after a party.
he helped you study at the weekends and, in return, you provided him with a discount at the local cafe where you worked. through this time spent knocking back americanos and proofing each other's work, you grew close.
even with all his responsibility and good sense contrasting your exuberance and recklessness, you found yourself enjoying being with him. and he could be funny, too, delivering sharp and witty quips when you least expected it.
you became inseparable. insufferable, some would call it; the matching-halloween-costume type of insufferable, a borderline codependent but obliviously happy friendship that can only be fostered on a college campus.
then right after college, when you had dived straight into your quarter-life crisis and dyed your hair every colour under the sun, got piercings in too many places, slept with questionable people and dated some even worse, nanami had gotten himself a decent, impressive, well-paying job. it was a job that had him wearing tailored suits at 23, paired with fancy glasses that cost more than your rent, and you'd laughed at him, at how serious he looked. but you also worried at how the bags under his eyes grew deeper and darker, how the amused lilt to his voice started to dissipate as time went on.
his 9 to 5 turned to an 8 to 6, and then he was working weekends and skipping movie nights, missing out on meeting new boyfriends of yours, fading into the periphery of your life with you unable to do anything about it.
as with all relationships in your twenties, it was hard to stay in touch. the higher he climbed up the career ladder, the further you grew apart.
soon, it was only on holidays or birthdays when you both would reach out, cordial and civil but achingly unfamiliar.
then, on your twenty-ninth birthday, drunk at a bar and having taken a couple minutes away from your raucous friend group, you had stepped outside to grab some fresh air only to walk head-on into nanami's firm chest.
you had spluttered apologies, lifting your head to see who you had headbutted, only to find your old friend looking down at you with an amused look on his face.
and just like that, things picked up where they left off. you spent the night talking, catching up over drinks and laughter.
with a tone that was only half-teasing, you had asked him what brought him out tonight -- it was hard enough to get him to come out for drinks when you were both in college, much less now with his big fancy job.
but he had laughed in that gentle, airy way you'd heard a thousand times, explaining that he had been out socialising with clients who had just left minutes before. he was just on his way out before running into you.
perfect timing. painfully perfect.
you stayed talking until last call, making exhilarated promises to get in touch the next day.
and to your surprise, you both actually stuck to that.
in the ten months since then, you've met up every sunday for breakfast at your favourite cafe. over lattes and freshly baked croissants, you fill each other in on the details of the half-decade spent apart. he had a serious girlfriend, serious to the point of moving in together, but she'd gotten spooked and left him last summer to go travelling. he was hurt, obviously, but understood her perspective in that annoyingly calm, measured way that is just part of his nature.
and on your end -- despite the drunken circumstances in which you'd been reacquainted, which is all part of moderation, after all -- you've actually calmed down considerably since your early twenties.
you have your own apartment. you have a rescue cat you care for immensely, even when he tries wriggling out of your arms to go stare out the window at passing cyclists. you have a retirement fund, started yoga, learned to bake your own bread.
you're not boring, you still have fun and let off steam whenever you can, but you're having the sort of revelations about life that nanami seems to have had years ago.
fun is good. fun is important. but it can't be everything, because then it starts to come at a cost.
truthfully, the birth of your nephew is what prompted you to make some changes. you didn't want to show up to babysit hungover. you wanted to have funds to hand in order to treat him to little toys and sweets when your sister allowed it, and soon found yourself amazed at how his little face lit up every time he saw you.
it made you grow up, and fast.
in the course of your cafe hangouts, you had mentioned your nephew to nanami. showed pictures of the boy's pudgy little hands reaching for the camera, told stories of how he could tell the difference between new episodes of Bluey versus reruns, and how he's changed your entire life without even realising.
soon, talk about your nephew turned to general musings about your own future.
then one night, when you decided to switch your meetup location from the cafe to a cocktail bar, you shared something that you had barely admitted to yourself.
you wanted to have a kid.
this realisation wasn't borne from some crisis about entering a new decade, it wasn't something forced on you by others or general societal pressure. it was something that grew organically, inspired by the honour of watching your little nephew grow up.
to your surprise, nanami didn't scoff or dismiss you. you figured he'd have rolled his eyes, laughing off your confession since you weren't in a committed relationship.
instead, he expressed similar sentiments, but for slightly different reasons.
"i'm sick of work being my whole life," he had mused quickly, sipping an old fashioned with a funny look in his eye. "it was only when we started hanging out again that i realised how much of my life I've wasted at a place that wouldn't care if i lived or died."
"do i need to be worried about you having the type of rebellious streak the rest of us went through ten years ago?" you asked, smiling and fidgeting with one of your rings without thinking.
he waved off your suggestion with a fond roll of his eyes. "i'm not impulsively quitting or anything, don't worry. just want to take a step back, i suppose, or find something with shorter hours. i just think there's more to life than endless hours slaving behind a desk."
you toasted to that sentiment, knocking back the last of your cosmo.
nanami continued, watching you set your empty glass back down with a soft grin on his lips. "the whole family, kids thing ... i get it, you know? it makes sense."
"yeah?" you pried carefully, interested to see where this is going.
"i'd be lying if i said i didn't think about it, too. i have a nest egg saved up which means i'd be able to take time off to help with a kid, to actually be there to see them grow up. and it's not that i want to have one just because i think i need to -- i think i'd be decent at it, y'know? the whole parenting thing."
you obviously agreed. you'd thought the same for a while now, and getting reacquainted with the man has only spurred on those thoughts.
he really would be perfect.
the issue wasn't discussed further that night, but it was brought up again at coffee the following sunday, then at the bakery the week after that, and before long, it was your birthday again.
after a massive party with all your friends and family -- and a little too much wine -- nanami had stayed behind to help you clean up, because of course he would, and you got to talking again, got to revisiting that topic that had been at the back of both of your minds.
you can't remember the exact wording of the discussion or how many bottles of prosecco fuelled the conversation, but what you do know is that when you sobered up, you didn't regret agreeing to it.
you were gonna have a kid together.
you and nanami.
as outlandish an idea as it might seme on the surface, when looking at it a little deeper, it made sense to you. this wasn't decided on a whim. this was something that had momentum building behind it for months and months, perhaps even years, without you even realising.
when meeting up for coffee the following week, you both gave each other an out. said there'd be no big deal if things were called off. but neither one of you took it, despite laughing for what felt like hours about how bizarre it all felt.
still, no sign of backing out.
which brings you to tonight, the agreed-upon date of when you'd start trying.
nanami had suggested using artificial fertility methods if that made you more comfortable, but you politely turned him down, thinking it unnecessary. he wasn't a stranger -- plus, you'd be lying if you said he wasn't objectively attractive -- so if he had no objections to trying things the old-fashioned way, then you didn't either.
and he obviously didn't mind too much since he's now here on your couch, folding his arms and then unfolding them as he waited for you to make the first move.
he looks good, despite all the nerves. he's filled out over the years, though he was always strong, with every muscle in his body well-defined and perfectly proportional. his hair is still blond but with the faintest specks of grey, his skin brighter and more well-rested than that night you got reacquainted.
his deep brown eyes stay fixed on you and your skin heats as his gaze traces over you.
"do you want me to kiss you?" you break the silence, the words tumble messily from your mouth.
he looks taken aback, as if this was something he'd vaguely considered but never thought would actually happen.
"do ... do you want to?"
his earnestness has you smiling, cutting through the tension, and you meet his eyes properly for the first time since he arrived tonight. he always has this way of making you feel comfortable, his presence alone is like an embrace that calms the racing thoughts that constantly occupy your mind.
it's only now that you're close, so close, you realise that maybe you really do want to --
"i wouldn't suggest it otherwise," you murmur softly as if your heart isn't hammering against your ribcage, shifting nearer to him on the couch but keeping that last bridge of distance for him to close.
his tongue swipes over his lower lip, almost subconsciously demonstrating his wishes as his line of sight drifts down to your mouth. he nods then, dipping his head, only a couple inches of space between you now.
"yeah -- yeah, okay."
you can see how his pupils dilate as you reach out to slip his glasses off, setting them down on the coffee table, cupping his face in your hands.
he returns your smile at that gesture, just the slightest hint of nerves in his eyes that disappear when he finally decides to press your lips to yours.
his lips are softer than you imagined ... though until this very moment, you hadn't even realised that this was something you had imagined.
he lets you set the rhythm but doesn't shy away; he meets your movements, your energy at every kiss, letting you stop for a moment to adjust yourself as things progress.
this should feel weird, right? you should have some lingering feeling of awkwardness at making out with your best friend, at taking his hand in yours and setting it down on your thigh to show you want him to touch you?
this was supposed to be a relatively unromantic event, after all. it wasn't meant to be the start of anything. though it was never clinical or unemotional -- you're technically starting a family together, after all, if an entirely unconventional one -- you never foresaw it going down like this.
this feels like something that was meant to happen.
he pulls back ever-so-slightly, lips still grazing against yours as he asks softly, "this okay?"
you nod by way of answer, not wanting to waste another second not kissing him. nanami captures your lips with his again, and with renewed enthusiasm, slips his tongue into your mouth, probing gently and barely hiding the low rumble of a groan deep in his throat.
all thoughts of propriety start to fade into the ether. his hand on your thigh burns hot, shifting up and down the exposed skin. you'd worn a nice dress for the evening, unsure of the dress code for an event as strange as this, but you find yourself grateful for choosing something that fell so far above the knee.
his hands are rougher than his lips but not in an unpleasant way. you figure it's from his only out-of-work hobby that doesn't consist of hanging out with you; his renovation group. nanami is part of a volunteer organisation that helps build and renovate houses for those in need -- as if he couldn't get any more painfully perfect, obviously.
you stay like that for a few more minutes, exploring these new sensations and becoming increasingly more aware of the ball of anticipation burning in your lower stomach. everywhere he touches you feels warm, every soft nip against your lips feels electric.
then, against every instinct in your body, you force yourself to pause to take a few steadying breaths. nanami responds in the same way, pulling his hands back to his own thighs, adjusting his stance on the couch.
he's hard, you can see as much from the awkward way he shuffles in his seat. not to mention the bulge very obviously visible in the front of his slacks -- just seeing it fills you with want, with the need to touch and be touched.
this is moving more fluidly than you had expected, arriving at each decision without a second thought. in that vein, you decide to ask:
"want to head to the bedroom?", hoping you don't sound as desperate as you're feeling. "if you're ready -"
"yes," he responds before you've even finished your sentence. you feel grateful that the eagerness is not one-sided as you get to your feet, taking nanami by the hand to pull him up with you.
when you've reached your room and the door is shut behind you, revealing the modest set up of your freshly-made bed and a single scented candle -- any more than that felt a little too forced, too awkward -- you marvel at the feeling of nanami's hands on your hips, somehow gentle and firm at the same time, manoeuvring you onto the bed with a pre-rehearsed confidence that never verges on forceful.
your head hasn't even hit the pillow before he's kissing you again like he's starving for it. it's messy this time, the gentle exploration from before giving way to something more primal and urgent.
you have to remind yourself that this is your nanami you're kissing. the nanami who was there for you through the most painful college breakups. the nanami who knows your coffee order, who helped zip up the back of your graduation dress.
but now, with his tongue against yours and the stiffness pressing against your stomach, all you can think is why you didn't do this sooner?
just as you're about to combust underneath him, he pulls back, balancing himself on an elbow as his eyes flick down to see how your dress is bunched at the top of your thighs. he closes his eyes, his breaths ragged and unsteady.
"i don't know how--" he whispers, tongue gliding over his kiss-slick lips, "how ... technical you might want to go about this."
you let out a little laugh, craning your neck to kiss his jawline so he knows it's not at his expense.
"i never really thought about the technicalities, but it doesn't have to be too clinical, or anything. i know you, you know me. we can just ... have sex."
"have sex," he repeats slowly, eyes open again, the hint of a grin on his face.
"yeah, have sex!" you answer with a chuckle. "or is there another way you'd like me to phrase it?"
he laughs then too, looking at you again as he shakes his head softly.
"what?" you press him with a mock indignance. "it's rude to laugh at my suggestion, actually. i felt it was pretty accurate."
"i'm not laughing at you," he says gently, lips still curved upwards. "just ... i must have pictured you saying those words a thousand times, and i never thought it -- it's just funny to hear out loud, is all."
it takes you a second to fully comprehend the words as they wash over you.
you'd be ignorant to say that the realisation never dawned on you, but it was something you thought was a relic of your college years. he had blushed a few times too many whenever the topic of sex came up at parties, had a hint of jealousy in his voice when giving advice about one particular ex-boyfriend. at your apartment complex's winter party in senior year, you can tell he was thinking about kissing you.
but that was when you were young and naive, inexperienced with life, and the thought of this nanami desiring you, of picturing you in his life, of imagining what you'd look like spread out underneath him like this --
you lift your head and grab his shirt collar, yanking him in for another kiss. when he's settled back against you, your hands weave down to unbutton his shirt. you feel him smile against your lips as he starts to unzip your dress in return.
you're a mess of limbs as items of clothing get strewn across your bedroom carpet. before long, it's all skin-on-skin, the heat of his body pressed against yours before he grabs your waist and flips you over until you're straddling him.
you feel the length of him pressed against your stomach, hot and painfully hard, but from the way he cups his hand against your neck and starts to kiss your throat, you know he's not going to rush this.
just as you gasp out his name as his teeth nip against your pulse point, he brings his other hand to the apex of your thighs, fingertips resting just over your pubic bone, barely brushing against the sensitive skin.
"want me to touch you?" he mumbles quietly against your throat, the way his breath fans over you making you shiver.
you nod pitifully, hips canting towards him, but he doesn't budge.
"need you to say it," he says low, quiet, thumb shifting down by the millimetre, "need to know how much you want it."
"i want it," you gasp, the arch of your back deepening the closer he gets to your aching core, all concerns about appearing desperate evaporating with every press of his lips to your skin. "i want it, kento, p- please touch me."
nanami obliges, fingertips trailing down until his thumb is brushing over your clit. he slides his hand lower, fingers slipping through your damp lips, and then uses your own wetness to start rubbing you in earnest.
any form of articulate thought slips from your mind, replaced with only those that can get you more of this -- nanami's fingers playing with your clit, the other hand possessively resting at your nape, his cock pressed between you with precum beading at the tip.
you want it in your mouth. you want it inside you, and as you go to shift your hips, nanami shifts his back.
"want to see what you look like when you come first," he says, slipping his middle and ring finger inside you as if to prove he's going about it the right way.
and he really is, because after only a few strokes of his fingers, your vision is getting hazy. you've never been this turned on so quickly before, never felt this desperate, all-consuming urge -- but then again, you've never had a man look at you like this before now either.
you try to focus on the sensation of his fingers stretching you open, his thumb still stroking your clit in the perfect rhythm, but your mind wanders to the thick cock pressed up against you. you want to rub against him, let him fill you up, make him feel good too --
but looking at his face now, pupils blown and lower lip raw from biting down on it, you can tell this is as much for him as it is for you.
less than a minute later it hits you, the explosion of warmth radiates out to every cell in your body, rendering you a boneless mess in nanami's arms.
he holds you as the aftershock subsides, strong arms keeping you steady even when your legs feel as though they've turned to jelly. when you feel capable of supporting yourself, you slide ungracefully from where you were perched on his thighs and fall back against your pillows, head spinning blissfully.
nanami leans down next to you and kisses your forehead, whispering words of praise that fill you with a strange sensation you can't quite place.
"want to take a break?" he ask after a few moments have passed, "or if you're tired, we can try again later --"
"no," you cut him off, turning your head to look at him directly, face splitting into a smile through the post-orgasm haze. "i just need a second is all, i still -- if you want to --"
"i do."
and so to ease yourself back into it, you kiss him slowly, intimately, bodies gently intertwining as he shifts closer to you on the bed. you guide his hands to your chest, gasping as his thumb circles a nipple.
"you're just ... beautiful in a way i don't really have words for," he mumbles, watching you squirm pleasurably under him.
"nanami kento lost for words? a first time for everything," you manage to quip through it all, earning a pinch of the other nipple that turns your laugh into a moan.
"we've plenty more firsts to get through tonight."
at that, nanami shifts halfway down the mattress and gets to his knees, hands gripping your thighs as he spreads them open. he takes his cock in his hand and slowly drags the head through your folds, up and down but not yet penetrating you, appreciating how you're almost sucking him in, the eager way you pull back your legs to accommodate him.
he stays like that for a minute. every time you think he's about to sink in, he holds himself back as if transfixed by the obscene sounds that come from playing with your pussy, of using you to stroke himself off.
he looks to be on the verge of a choice, like his brain is fighting between two options: taking you slow and gentle like you deserve, or sinking in and fucked into you desperately, filling you up until he knows he's bred you, that you're his and only his.
you soon glean that he wants you to actually say it out loud, wants to hear those words he's fantasised about for so long.
"fuck me, kento."
now utterly unable to hold off any longer, he heeds your request, lining up and thrusting inside you in one fluid motion.
it's a pleasant stretch; he's still careful to let you adjust to his size but you're soon relishing the feeling of being so full, and the fucked-out grin on your face spurs him on.
his hips shift back inch by inch until he's almost fully pulled out, letting out a low groan as he sinks back in again, and at that, he knows he's a goner, completely lost to the feeling of his entire length buried inside you.
this is nanami at his most possessive, fucking into you as you're caged in by his strong arms, your knees now pulled back as far as they'll go. the skin on the back of your thighs is raw from your nails digging into them but you don't care, single-minded in your aim to keep the head of his cock brushing against that perfect spot inside you.
your shoulder blades press into your soft pillows as you try to keep from writhing too much, wanting with all of your might to avoid upsetting this perfect rhythm.
above you, nanami's perfect cheekbones are flushed, his brows knit tightly together, your silky walls wrapping tight around his cock in a way that's driving him to the brink sooner than he'd like. against all better judgment, he slows down just slightly, allowing himself to indulge in the sensation.
"you take my cock so well, y'know that?" he mumbles in between quiet grunts, "with that pretty look on your face when i fill you up... you're trying to kill me, i swear to god."
you both laugh breathlessly before yours breaks off in a moan, slurring his name as he speeds up subconsciously. he presses his lips to every inch of your neck, jaw, collarbone, thrusts unrelenting but never too much.
if you weren't already aware of how soaked you are, the slick sounds of his cock sliding in and out of you provide more than enough proof, melding with the soft squeak of your bedsprings to just about cut through the muffled sound of your moans.
your body now guided more by instinct than intention, you slip your hand down to where your hips are pressed together, two fingers circling the swollen bud of your clit. the angle of his ruts means his cock grazes your fingertips as he pulls out, the desperate rubbing of your hand between your legs spurring him on.
"still want me to come inside you?" he says then, strands of hair coming loose, sticking to his forehead, "want me to fill you up?"
you nod feebly -- the answer clearly not sufficient in itself, since he leans in, pressing his forehead to yours as he meets you for a wet, messy kiss. continuing his question with his lips still touching yours, he asks;
"want me to take care of you? want to be my pretty wife, hm, wanna -- fuck -- wanna be mine, yeah?"
you slur something unintelligible, focusing on the second orgasm gathering quick and hot in your core. you lose your grip on your thighs and fumble to pull your legs back up.
nanami helps to hike your legs back up -- but not in their original position. instead, he guides them until your ankles rest on his shoulders, and after taking just a second to press a kiss to your calf, he sinks back to the hilt. feeling him bottom out, your vision nearly goes white; this new angle allows him to slide in so deep it's practically splitting you open, so deep you can tell he's serious about breeding you.
somehow, the sensation remains just shy of too much -- it's not too much of a stretch or causing too much sensitivity -- it's more than you've ever taken but you honestly feel you could stay like this forever, taking nanami's cock like you were made for it, with him looking down at you with a mixture of reverence and pure lust.
you want him like this for the rest of your life.
"i'm gonna need you to answer, cos I'm pretty close," he half-pleads as if reading your mind, his voice deep and strained, firm chest heaving as the thrusts get messier and less coordinated.
though your mind is near-blank and your lungs feel they can't get enough air, you manage to mumble a "fuck, yes. want -- want you to come inside, kento ... please."
that last word tips him over with you following almost immediately after, clenching around his cock as you feel him pulsing inside you, feeling more full than you've ever felt in your life. his head tips back as he cums, moaning beautiful praise you can just about make out, strands of sentences about you being the only one he wants taking his come, about how he's going to keep fucking you full for as long as it takes.
sparks of electricity reverberate through your body, hips pushing against his as you ride out your orgasm, pretty little whimpers harmonising with nanami's continued praise.
you stay like that for what seems like forever, basking in the wave of pleasure that's just swept you away effortlessly.
everything is just ... warm. purely and blissfully warm. the warmth of his hands still gripping your legs, the warmth of your own breath fanning over your sweaty chest, the warmth between your legs that starts to dribble down the backs of your thighs when nanami pulls out.
for good measure, nanami uses two fingers to push some of his come back inside, grinning as aftershocks pulse around the digits.
you lower your tired legs to rest on the mattress, thighs aching from being bent practically in half, but it's easy to disregard any physical exhaustion when you feel this level of contentment.
nanami's arms are soon wrapped around you, pulling you to rest on top of his chest where you spend some moments of perfect silence.
you can hear his heart beating in his chest, skipping a beat when you angle your head up to meet his gaze again.
"well?" you ask, a smile imbued in your words. "still lost for words?"
"just thinking about how every second of this was worth waiting for," he replies without missing a beat, eyes crinkling at the corners as he watches how his answer flusters you.
with one hand behind his head as he rests of the pillow and the other wrapped around your shoulders, nanami looks more relaxed than you've maybe ever seen him.
this is a man who looked on the verge of a nervous breakdown when you reconnected less than a year ago; he's almost unrecognisable now, the dark circles under his eyes have faded, his face filling out a bit more, the smile on his face entirely genuine.
and in this moment you feel a burst of clarity, a sudden realisation that's eluded you since that first night you met in college.
maybe -- just maybe -- you're as good an influence on him as he is on you.
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hyunniesgirl · 3 months
Can I be your favorite?
Pairing: Lee know x reader
Genre: smut, fluff
Summary: Lee Minho is unreachable, someone you can only just dream of being with. Until one day, you enter the wrong door at a party and ends up with him inviting you to sit on his lap.
Part 2
Warnings: corruption kink, protected piv, fingering, Minho is kinda possessive.
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You're okay with not being popular, it's not like you'll be like that forever, it's just college and in a few years everything will be forgotten so you just keep living your life, going to your classes and hanging out with your best friend.
The only time you ever wish you were popular, though, is when you see him. Lee Minho. The guy of your dreams. He's vice president of the greatest fraternity on campus, so everyone knows him.
Lee Minho is someone mysterious, no one knows much about him other than that he changes girlfriends faster than he changes clothes. So more than half of the girls in this university already had their heart broken by him.
That doesn't make you like him less though, it's not like something will ever happen between you two so a little crush on him is not something to worry about, even more so when he doesn't even know about your existence.
Your best friend, Jihyo is the opposite of you, she likes partying and she always tries to drag you to one of her nights out. That's how you ended up in the situation you're in right now. Alone in the kitchen of a frat house, listening to a drunk guy teaching you about your own major, while sipping on a drink you're not even sure about the contents.
You watch as a group of people play beer pong on the counter in the middle of the kitchen, everyone is sweating and there's alcohol being spilled all over the place. You're at a safe distance but you pity the person who's going to clean this up later on.
You have no idea where Jihyo went, she told you she was going to the bathroom half an hour ago and never came back. You're tired of hearing this guy too, he's talking about first year contents when you're already in your third year.
“That's so interesting”, you smile at him, “but I have to go find my friend now”, you don't let him say a word, quickly sneaking away from the kitchen.
You look around, trying to find your best friend, but she's nowhere to be seen. Maybe she's on the second floor, you ask people and they tell you exactly where the bathroom is. However, you shouldn't be so quick as to trust drunk people.
Because when you open the door people pointed out as the bathroom, you find a room with red lights brightening the dark space.
There's a bed in the middle of the room and in that bed there's a couple and that couple happens to be Lee Minho and someone you have no idea who it is. They are luckily not in a compromising position, not making out or something worse. She's just sitting on his lap, having her giggles stopped by the bright light that comes from the door when you open it.
Your eyes grow wide when Minho looks at you with his fierce unfriendly eyes.
“Hm- I'm- sorry, I thought this was the bathroom”, you smile sheepishly, fidgeting on your feet.
Minho looks at you up and down and you swear you can see a smirk forming on his lips, but you're not sure since the light is not great.
“I guess the sign with my name on the wall is not very visible”, he points out dryly, making your face turn red. Great, that's great. Nice way to be humiliated by your crush, y/n.
“I apologize, I really didn't see it”, you say again. You should already have gotten out of there but for some reason it seems that your feet are stuck on the ground.
“Honey, why don't you go downstairs, I'll talk to you later”, Minho says to the girl on his lap, making her groan in frustration. She gets up, angrily walking past you. “You should close the door if you're going to stay”, he tells you and your feet finally move just enough to be able to close the door with you still inside.
“Do you know where the bathroom is?” You ask like an idiot.
“I live here”, he says obviously, “but I don't think you're still looking for the bathroom”, he grins, seeing you lick your lips. “Why don't you come and take a seat?”
Your legs move on it's own once more, giving slow unsure steps in his direction. You sit on the edge of the bed, watching him carefully as he leans back, supporting his upper body on his hands, arms spread on the mattress.
He stares at you, surprised. Minho chuckles, shaking his head.
“That's not what I was talking about”, he tells you, landing his hand on his thigh and tapping there. “Why don't you try sitting here?” He asks.
You feel your whole body turning hot, why is he asking for you to sit on his lap?
“I-I should get going”, you stand up fast, but before you can walk away he takes a deep breath.
“Are you sure that's what you want?” Minho tilts his head, waiting for your answer.
No, that's not what you want. You really, really want to sit on his lap and let him do anything he wants with you. So you give in to your desires, stepping closer to him and bending down to sit on his thigh.
He bites on his bottom lip, watching you fidgeting and trying to get comfortable. By the way you're stiff, it's obvious you have never done this before and that gets him excited.
He corrects his posture, sitting with his chest close to you. One of his hands lands on your left thigh and the other goes to your waist.
Minho doesn't need to waste another second to find out that he likes you. You're just his type, shy and reserved, someone who he can corrupt. Someone who can make him go absolutely crazy.
“You see, I see the way you look at me”, he says, caressing your back with the hand he had on your waist. “Jihyo is not very quiet and every time she catches my attention you're there and every time I look at you, you're looking at me”, he says, like he's saying something you don't know. “After some time I just came to the conclusion that you may like me. Am I right about that?”
You nod automatically, like you're obligated to tell him the truth. Maybe your brain just doesn't work when you're near him.
“Hmm”, Minho hums, “tell me then, what can you do for me?”
“W-what do you mean?” You manage to ask, getting goosebumps with every touch of his.
“I mean to say, why should I choose you? I have a great number of options”, he smirks. He's teasing now, even though he's already set on making you his, he just wants to hear your answer.
You have so many things to use at your advantage, pretty lips that he wants to kiss, soft skin that he wants to leave marks all over and the sweetest voice that he wants to hear crying his name while he fucks you so deeply you'll beg him to keep going.
“Anything”, you gulp, “you can do anything you want with me, I'm entirely yours”, and that is better than anything else he could hear. That is the last straw.
Minho puts his hand behind your neck, pulling you to him and kissing you in a hungry, hot kiss. He grabs your hair with the other hand, pulling a handful and making you groan with the sudden pain but it's still so good. His tongue brushes on your lips, entering your mouth and slightly caressing yours. The way he's grabbing you is just too much, you feel like you're going to explode at any moment.
Minho lets go of you for a moment just to take his shirt off, showing you his bare chest. He gets back on grabbing you, pressing you against his body. You're not sure if this is right but it definitely doesn't feel wrong.
You take your crop top off, throw it on the floor and pray that Jihyo will forgive you for doing that with her clothes. Wrapping your arms around Minho's neck, you kiss him again, feeling his bulge beneath you.
He sneaks a hand down your stomach, unbuttoning your jeans and pushing your panties to the side as soon as he manages to reach your soaking cunt.
Minho presses a finger on your clit, you stop the kiss just to gasp and he pulls away, staring at you while he inserts a finger between your folds.
“Has anyone ever fingered you?” He whispers, listening to your low moans, you're cute trying to hold back.
You open your eyes to look at him, shaking your head. That's beautiful, he gets even more excited to know he's the first one giving you pleasure like that.
“And what about sex, have you had it before?” He asks one more question, pushing his finger in and out of you.
“A-a few times”, you struggle to say, feeling your cheeks hot.
“That's good, virgins aren't really my thing”, he smirks, “then, you can handle one more finger, right?” He asks, not waiting for your answer and pushing in another finger inside of you.
“Oh”, it's the only sound you can make. You hold him harder, with your mind dizzy. “It's too much”, you sob, feeling the stretch, it burns a bit but it's so good.
“Oh, Kitten”, he pouts. “How are you supposed to handle my cock if you can't handle two fingers? I'm bigger than that”, he smirks while saying that.
“I can do it, I can”, you nod frantically, too drunk on the pleasure of his fingers inside you to think straight.
“I'm glad you're confident”, he takes his fingers out of you and takes them to his mouth, liking every drop of your juice. “Your taste might be my new favorite”
He helps you get up, your legs are weak even though you didn't cum. Minho helps you lie on the bed, pulling your jeans down, trailing kisses down your legs while dragging out the fabric.
“You are pretty”, he mutters, taking off his pants and underwear, crawling back to stay on top of you, kissing your chest and your collarbone, biting on the skin and leaving a couple of hickeys there. Minho goes down your breasts, sucking and licking your nipples, kneading at the other with his hand. He's humping on your leg, rubbing his hard cock on your thigh.
His touch makes you feel like you're on fire, tingling sensations spreading all over your body. His kisses leave you so turned on, you don't think you ever felt this horny.
“Kitten”, he calls you, making you blush. It's crazy to think that even though you two are naked in front of each other, him calling you a pet name is what makes you flustered.
Minho gives you a peck on the lips, leaning over to the bedside table to look for a condom. He opens the package with his teeth, spitting the piece of plastic and stroking his cock on hand.
He looks so good, standing on his knees in between your legs, eyes closed feeling his fist caressing him.
“Let me do it”, you take the courage to say, sitting and taking the package out of his mouth into your hands. Minho watches you attentively as you grab the base of his cock, sliding the condom down his length.
“Fuck”, he murmurs, grabbing your face on his hands and kissing you so hard you can taste blood, not sure from which of you.
Minho positions himself in your entrance, looking at you to wait for your consent and when you nod he pushes in. You wrap your legs around his hips, trying to bring him closer even though it hurts a bit, it's so good you think you will go crazy.
“M-minho”, you moan, throwing your arms around his waist, digging your nails on his skin.
“Shit, you're perfect”, he starts moving, each trust making you moan louder. Your walls are squeezing him so deliciously that he can cum at any moment. His cock feels so good, reaching all the places you didn't even know existed.
Minho kisses you, fucking into you so fast you can barely breath. You never thought he could be even more beautiful, hair stuck on his sweaty forehead, eyes staring intensely at yours, bottom lip stuck between his teeth while he fucks you senseless. He leans closer, kissing your neck, leaving a long and a bit painful mark there.
“You're mine now”, he smiles shakily, clearly close to his release. You can feel your orgasm approaching too, cumming and tightening your legs around his hips, making his release follow yours.
Minho gives you a kiss before falling to your side, breathing heavily accompanied by you. You don't know what to say and you're scared he'll pretend this was nothing so you get up, collecting your things, not waiting for him to kick you out.
“What are you doing?” He asks, scowling.
“Getting dressed so I can get out”, you explain naively, being watched by him like you're the prey and he is the predator.
“What part of “you're mine now”, you didn't understand?” He asks, laying down with an arm beneath his head and the other stretched to the side of the bed, waiting for you to lie there. “Come back here, I'm not even nearly done with you”, he smirks, watching you blush again.
You drop the clothes you have collected, crawling back on the bed and snuggling close to him. Minho pulls you closer, turning to you and wrapping his free arm around your waist.
“I'll tell you what we're gonna do”, he explains and you nod, “I'm going to fuck you until the only thing you can remember is my name and after that I'll take you out to dinner”
Lee Know presses his body on yours, showing you that his cock is already hardening again and you giggle, blushing once more.
Never have you felt so happy to trust drunk people's instructions.
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A/N: If you like what I write please reblog or let me know in the comments, feedback gives me motivation to keep writing.
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barefoothighlander · 1 year
Protective Ghost perhaps ?
Love me a protective hulk of a man and clapping my cheeks like a mad man 🫣
scary boyfriend privileges for real
warnings: mdni (18+), unwanted male attention, insinuation of assault, smut, unprotected pinv, est relationship, masturbation (fem), fingering, creampie, rough sex, dirty talk, slight breeding kink, lil bit of choking, possessive!ghost, rank kink if u squint
"Hey, where are you?"
"Just at the house, Is everything alright love?" He can sense the panic in your voice through the phone,
"Everything's fine just, do you think you'd be able to pick me up?"
"Be there in 10"
He ends the call, leaving you to listen to the echoes of strangers in the streets, standing alone outside your office building, you didn't intend on working late but something had come up and you told Simon that you'd just walk home after work, it was only a few blocks to your shared flat.
At first, he blatantly refused the idea, arguing that he'd just pick you up even if it meant waiting around for a few hours when he already had plans, you argued back stating that it wouldn't be dark considering the sun wouldn't set till later, and the walk was short. Eventually, he gave in, agreeing to your terms of having your location on during your walk and keeping a finger on the pepper spray he had placed in your purse.
Everything was going fine until you actually stepped out of the office, ignorant to the fact that there was a football match that night, and the pubs would be littered with drunk patrons, shouting from every street corner. The echoes of their voices made you nervous, the fact that you didn't have your scary boyfriend to protect you made it worse, a small panic setting into your nerves as you picked at your nails.
You move to the curb to watch for his truck, eyes glazing over every pair of headlights that made their way down the street, tapping your foot in an effort to ease yourself.
You turn your attention to the shout,
"Yea you, whatcha doin all alone out here love?" A man standing a few feet away begins walking towards you, even from the distance you can smell the alcohol on him, turning away to ignore him.
"Ah c'mon then, just tryna have a chat"
"M'not interested, sorry"
"Inna chat? Don't worry I won't bite"
You take a few steps back as the man gets closer, invading your space as he continues to speak,
"Don't have to be a priss, just wondering why a pretty lil thing like you s'all alone"
"I'm waiting for someone" You nervously dart your eyes around, willing Simon to appear,
He stumbles closer "You gotta boyfriend?"
"Yep" You cross your arms over your chest, walking backwards as the man continues to get closer
"Bet I'd treat ya better, wouldn't let you walk around all alone" He drags out the last word, staring directly at you,
"You know, I'm just gonna walk, have a good night" You turn to walk down the street, moving at a rushed pace,
"I'll walk you home" He moves in tandem with you
"No that's alright, I'll manage"
Your body freezes as his hand makes contact with your arm, tugging you back a step as he grips the skin, "Why've you got to be such a bitch?"
You try to pull your arm from his hold, "Excuse me?"
"Just tryna be nice"
"You're hurting me" Your body is in full panic, your mind racing as the man's stare pins you down, his grip firing you backwards until your back collides with the wall.
"You know it'd be a lot easier if you played along"
His words make your chest feel hollow, your eyes moving to avoid his gaze before they land on a pair of headlights in front of you, the slam of a car door breaking your focus as you let out a sigh at the sight of your boyfriend moving towards you.
In a flash the man is off you, Simon's grip around his collar as he pins him to the wall, the back of his head hitting against the stone as you gasp.
"Get the fuck out of here"
The stranger's eyes widen at the sight of the masked man, Simon's large form dwarfing his as his arm holds his shirt tight around his neck, Simon releases him, the man gasping for air, sparing you a final look before rushing down the street.
"I'm sorry I-"
He cuts you off, "Get in the car"
You spend the short ride home in silence, not even bothering to turn the radio on, the tension in the air palpable as you let yourself out of the truck, following behind Simon as he makes his way into the house.
You flinch as he slams the door behind him,
"M'not mad at you" His voice comes from behind you
"I know"
You watch as he storms toward the bedroom in a fury, his fists clenched as he breezes by you. following him through the room. Your eyes are glued to him as he sits in a chair, alone in the corner facing the bed, his legs spread as his hands settle on the arms of the seat.
"Take your clothes off"
You do as he says, nervous fingers working to remove your shirt before reaching for the belt on your pants, tugging them down your legs,
"All your clothes"
You stand naked before him, his eyes roaming over your form, his stare making goosebumps rise on your skin,
"Get on the bed"
You sit on the edge of the mattress, shuffling your body backwards as you rest against your arms,
"I want you to touch yourself, and keep your eyes on me"
Your throat dries at his words, your eyes looking for some sign of sympathy but there's nothing behind the mask, doing as you're told you snake a hand down your torso, settling your fingers against your clit, cursing yourself at how wet you already were.
You work your fingers around the bud, keeping your gaze locked on him as pleasure blossoms in your chest, your heels digging into the sheets as you find a rhythm.
He doesn't say anything but you can see the strain on his knuckles as he grips the armrests of the chair, his pants growing tighter with every moan that falls from your lips. You're teetering on the edge but it's not enough,
"Simon, please,"
"Your fingers not enough?"
You shake your head, "Need you"
"Need me to what?"
"Need you to fuck me, please"
He wastes no time in standing from the chair, practically tearing his pants down before his hands grip your waist, flipping you with ease so that your chest presses against the mattress, your cheek digging into the sheets as he presses his length against you.
He groans at the feeling of your weeping pussy against his length, his palms spreading you so he can get a better view,
“So fucking perfect, you gonna be good for me?”
You wriggle your hips for him, “Yes, all for you”
“Good girl” He drags his palm along the length of your spine, settling his fingers around the nape of your neck as he lines himself up, teasing his head through your folds, collecting your slick before inserting himself.
He bottoms out with a grunt, his pubic bone pressing against your ass as he leans over your form, caging you and forcing you to take every inch of him. You whimper below him, begging him to move as he holds himself still inside you.
He pulls himself nearly all the way out before thrusting back in, forcing a yelp from you as he begins pumping into your pussy, your slick gathering around his shaft as his cock splits you open.
“So fuckin tight love”
His fingers dig into your waist with a bruising grip, holding you still as he thrusts into you, you can feel the coil inside you still burning but it’s still not enough,
“Si, please, need more”
His hand reaches around your neck, pulling you from the bed so your back is flush with his chest, his fingers teasing on your pulse point. He snakes his other hand around to toy with your clit, you clench down on him as he makes contact, his rough fingers circling the bud.
“Can’t cum unless it’s me huh?”
You shake your head, your eyes squeezed shut,
“Tell me, who does this pussy belong to?”
“You Si, fuck”
“Not good enough” His hand constricts around your throat
You struggle to find your words, his cock driving into you from below, “It’s yours Lieutenant, only yours”
“Much better” His hand releases your throat allowing you to gasp for air in between your moans, your orgasm threatening to erupt from inside you.
His hands knead at your breasts, teasing and pinching the raised buds as his fingers work in tandem with his strokes, you reach behind you to touch him, to grab anything to ground yourself , your fingers settling on the hem of his mask.
“That’s it love, soak my cock, show me how good I make you feel”
Your skin feels like it’s on fire as all your muscles tense, Ghosts moans fill your ears as your pussy clenches down on him, his hips stuttering for a moment as he fucks you through your high.
When he feels you come down he pulls himself out, groaning at the loss of contact as his hands find their way back to your waist, flipping you onto your back and slotting himself between your legs.
You wrap your limbs around him, holding him to you as he pushes deep inside you, his face is inches from yours, his eyes glued to where you meet.
“Gonna fill this fucking pussy, maybe i’ll fuck a baby into you, s’that what you want? Want everyone to see your stomach grow with my fuckin seed? Let them know who you belong to?”
His gaze turns to you, his dark eyes staring back at you, you struggle to form a response, your hand moving to tug at the hem of his mask as your hooded eyes watch him. Like he’s reading your mind he tears the mask off in seconds, revealing his face to you, his rosy cheeks and plump lips, the way his jaw clenches with every thrust.
“I’m yours, only yours”
His lips crash into yours, swallowing your moans as he kisses you, rough and messy as your arms snake around his neck, holding him to you.
He pulls back, his forehead resting on yours, “Fuck, squeezing me so tight beautiful”
“Cum in me Si, need to feel you”
He watches your eyes fill with lust, your soaking pussy swallowing him as he bottoms out, your heels dig into his back as he spills his seed into you, coating your walls.
“Fuckin hell” He holds himself inside you as he finishes, his softening cock holding his cum deep in your pussy as he leans in for another kiss, it’s more tender this time.
He pulls out of you slowly, pushing up the bed and lying back as his arms tug you to him, your legs tangling with him as your hands find their spot on his chest.
His fingers thread through your hair, “S’not your fault love”
“I know I just feel stupid”
“You’re not stupid, you shouldn’t have to deal with shit like that”
You give a small hun in response,
“I would’ve killed him”
“I know”
“Like terrible, awful, excruciating pain kinda murder”
You huff a small laugh in response, knowing that he was deadly serious as you push yourself from his side, your palms nudging him over,
“C’mon go get dressed for bed”
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devourable · 1 year
✘ delinquents
sfw | tws : yandere behavior; stalking, obsessive thoughts, mildly implied violence
delinquent male yanderes x reader! only pronoun used for reader is ‘you’ 😌 i took a bit longer than expected so i hope yall enjoy these knuckleheads
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mattias was the first to take notice of you.
he caught sight of you during one of his typical late night walks with his friends, semi-drunkenly cracked jokes amongst themselves as they passed around liquor that they had stolen earlier in the day. and when his gaze fell onto you from some distance away, he stopped walking.
you were doing nothing but sitting at a bus stop, but... what was it about you? the way the street lamp bathed you in its light, illuminating you with an amber glow like you were the only thing on the street? it made the boy's heart stutter in a way he'd never felt before!
when his friends returned to his side upon noticing he had stopped walking, mattie quickly pointed you out to his friends ("guys, check out that cutie!"), and an additional three pairs of eyes landed on you as your bus rumbled down the road. and they all had the same reaction as him — you were adorable! what were you doing out on your own so late? didn’t you know there were criminals around here? poor little thing you were, you must’ve not had any other choice…
clearly, you needed someone to protect you!
they were too far away to approach then and there, but it was probably for the best. getting talked up by four drunk, imposing male strangers so late at night would probably not make the best first impression, one of them pointed out as they watches you board your bus. so completely unbeknownst to you, your four new admirers had already began to devise a plan to meet you formally.
it was strange how naturally their collective desire for you fell together. any other time, if even just two of them liked the same person, it was enough to cause infighting and strife among the friend group. but you? the way you united them simply by existing, you had to be something special! it must’ve been destiny that they noticed you that night.
the four would slowly trickle their way into your life, one by one. despite mattias begging to be the one to do it, dominic would be the first of the four you’d actually meet. in his eyes, he was the least intimidating, the most suave, the most manipulative. his charmingly crooked smile had always helped him charm his way into and out of most situations, and you were no different.
he’d casually start riding the same bus as you at the same times you did, using it as an excuse to talk to you. coincidentally, you and him had the same stops, too! and he even got the driver to give you free lifts, even when he wasn't around. it was an old favor he was owed, he'd say, so you didn't have to pay any mind to the tense demeanor of the bus driver whenever you boarded.
naturally he’d offer to walk you home, too, but if you weren’t comfortable with that, it was no biggie (he’d figure out where you lived regardless). he was content with waving you off and walking in a different direction for the meantime.
mattias and judas came next. when dom had managed to convince you to stop by the nearby corner store with him one day, his friends just so happened to be there! as if they weren’t waiting there every day after you and dom had established a friendship.
it was all mattias could do to not scoop you up the moment you met. you were even cuter up close! he was so happy when his patience was rewarded by being graced with your voice, your laughs at his witty sense of humor, and your little smile when you looked at him. did you like him back? did you think he was half as attractive as he found you to be? he desperately wanted to know what you thought of him, but he choked back his questions to keep from scaring you off. in spite of his usually energetic persona, he played it cool to gain your favor.
judas, meanwhile, observed you in relative silence — he wasn’t much of a talker, dom explained — but it didn’t mean his thoughts weren’t any less intense than mattias’s. he couldn’t deny it — he liked you, quite a lot. more than he thought he would. despite finding you attractive too, he didn’t think much of you when he had first grown aware of your existence. he’d simply chalked you up to be the temporary fixation of his friends. but the second you did meet, judas’s mind went to places he had never expected it to go.
for once, he found himself… wanting someone. wanting you. and for once, he was happy his friends had dragged them into this whole scheme.
the four of you all got along so well! and when aaron was finally introduced to you as well, he was no exception. aaron was the only of the four to have a car, so when he ‘learned’ that you were taking the bus so late to get around, he was quick to offer up his own services to help you out ("dom is too much of a nuisance to drive around," he'd claim). an excuse to be able to spend more time with you, with and without his friends around, and you don’t have to deal with public transportation anymore! a win-win, right? and when you accepted, he was over the moon.
it didn't take long for them to sweep you right off your feet after you had met all four of them. they were relentless in capturing your heart and all four of them worked together to ensure you were theirs.
on top of that, none of them were afraid of breaking a few rules or laws to do that, either.
you found yourself always with at least one of the four — usually mattias, as he had the most free time and arguably liked you the most — and the few times you weren't, you could bet they were doing everything in their power to get back to you. other people in your life suddenly began to pull away from you, never having time or simply not wanting to be around you, or so they claimed. it left you with little else to turn to outside of the boys. they had started to puppeteer your life without you ever even knowing it.
they didn't quite understand the pull you had on them — hell, you didn't even realize what you were doing to them! and they even started to question if what they were doing was okay. was what they were doing to your life just to keep you in theirs worth it?
but dominic, mattias, judas, and aaron all came to the same decision the day you agreed to be in a relationship with all four of them...
it was definitely worth it. and they'd keep doing whatever it took to keep things going exactly as they were.
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fruitmins · 10 months
Agust Dad—Prologue
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➭ summary: Your a producer from another company that he happened to be collaborating with on his 2nd album D-2. At the release party— one drunk action leads to another, you do the worst thing you can do in the industry and change your fate forever.
➭genre: short series, pregnancy au, idol au, angst, dad au
➭warnings: smut that includes unprotected s*x (don’t do that), cuss words, mention of alcohol and drinking, kinda rough s*x, a little dirty talk
<<next part>>
➭note: yoongi is leaving for the military so let’s make him a dad to patch up my grief☺️ Have to give credit where credit is due; this was inspired by a writer named sopebubbles. And ik it’s not clear but he is still in BTS. ⚠︎ this is entirely a work of fiction and by no means is meant to be a projection, judgment or representation of real-life people. yoongi is used solely as a face and a name for the story. this is not a representation of real-life scenarios.
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“I think, we should make a toast, to Mr Agust D himself of course.” The head producer said over the chatter in the lobby, noticeably drunk but it just so happened that everyone else was also. Even you.
But that was the point of the pre-release party. It was to celebrate how rich everyone were about to be and that everyone could relax after several hard months.
Even though you were only at the album camp for a week, only working on one song and from a entirety different company, somehow you found yourself at the rented hotel partying like the rest of the producers.
The infamous artist groans in embarrassment and this eggs everyone on further, raising their glasses towards him and applauding. “We are never doing this again.” Yoongi slurs, a little tipsy himself as he chuckles, the alcohol starting to loosen him up a bit.
It wasn’t like Yoongi always had his guard up, at least not around his colleagues anyways. He was just incredibly professional and slightly uptight. The two of you had spoken a handful of times while at the camp, mostly focusing on the song and the two of you worked well together.
You were from a more smaller company and when the two of you first met, he said he looked up some of the other collaborations that you did and was fond of your work. It was incredibly easy working with him and his team. No one could deny that the two of you had chemistry when it came to music. If you had a thought or suggestion Yoongi would practically finish your sentence. And if he wanted to change something you would already be on it.
Most of his other producers were amazed at how fast the two of you were working and how smooth it was going, which was half of the reason they wanted you to attend the party in the first place. The first producer to make the Agust D smile while working on a song instead of being tense.
But despite everything, you two hadn’t spoken much since then, so it was a surprise to you when he had stepped up to you when you alone in the kitchen, getting yourself another drink.
The first bottle of whiskey was already run dry, so you were to busy stumbling as you stood on your tippy toes to reach the other bottle in the cabinet to notice he had walked in the kitchen and was watching you from afar.
You hadn’t realized that he stood only a couple steps away from you, watching and analyzing your every move. His eyes wandering your body and curves as you struggled to reach the desired item. He couldn’t help but stare at your ass that was covered by your tight black skirt and watched as your breasts jiggled the more you stumbled and reached for the drink.
With his own new desire in mind, Yoongi finally advanced towards you. Making his movements slow and menacing, not stopping until he was behind you and his back was almost pressed against you.
Feeling the sudden body heat you spun around, your eyes widening even further when they meet his dark brown ones. You back away slightly, trying to create some distance but move hip first into the counter behind you causing you to wince in pain.
“You should be more careful, Y/N-ah.” He spoke in a soothing low tone, suppressing a small smirk when he saw how flustered you got, your cheeks even more red now and not just from the alcohol.
“Sorry, Min Yoongi-ssi.” You mumble with a nervous chuckle trying to stay professional and not get sucked in by his expensive perfume and deep gaze. It had already been heard enough to ignore his beauty during camp.
He lets out a deep chuckle, cracking a small friendly smile that hides his true intentions. “No need to be so formal Y/N.” He says, tilting his head slightly to take in more of your features.
He had spent almost a full week with you, and of course he noticed how pretty you were but he paid no mind to it. After all, he was focused on his work and he had seen better woman before. But now he had gotten a good full look at you with more of an (hazy) open mind.
“Ah, Y/N-ah don't you know? You shouldn't apologize to me when you're in no wrong. You shouldn't lower yourself to me so much." He said his smile turning more into a smirk.
“And plus, I’d say we have gotten quite close,” he spoke, his voice getting more quiet as he leaned more into you, pinning you between the counter and his body. “Don’t you think?” He asked with a smile smirk, having gotten you right where he wanted you.
“Wow,” You breathed out, glancing around the empty kitchen as if you were imagining everything that was happening. Guiltily, you had already had some inappropriate thoughts about him before thanks to his song lyrics but you knew better not to act on them.
“I guess so...” Your voice trailed out and you think you’re being discreet about finding an exit but Yoongi notices.
He leans more against you body so that by now they are touching. He continues to focus his eyes on you before effortlessly reaching an arm above your head as he grabs the drink for you.
Your eyes light up at the drink, even though it’s clear you don’t really need any more. “Thank you Yoongi-ah~” you slur while reaching for it but he pulls his arm back and takes the bottle out of your reach much to your confusion.
He chuckles with a soft smile at the cute expression, this one being more genuine than the last. “I don’t think you need anymore of this.” He says with a smug smile as he looks down at you. Yoongi moved one of his arms down and placed his hand on your hip that bumped into the counter earlier. The other hand still on the drink. He smirked once again as he moved his face closer to yours. "I wouldn't like for you to get hurt again."
Your throat hitches as you feel his warm hand on your hip, drawing small circles into it as he spoke in a soft tone. You finally see the hint of lust in his eyes that you failed to notice before and your heart thumps.
“You’re right. I think I’ll just go back to the party.” You say with a nervous chuckle, trying to somehow squeeze past him to get to the lobby while still being trapped between him and the counter behind you.
"I wouldn't advise you to go to the party. It's noisy and loud, there'll be too many people." Yoongi subtly brought his other arm with the bottle down and placed it on the counter, blocking all of your exits.
Now knowing where this was going you lean back more into the counter. “I don’t think this is a good idea.” You whisper looking down and away from his face so you’re not tempted to do anything that could possibly put your job in jeopardy.
“Why?” He said in a confident deep tone. “You know company’s have loosened up, and we’re grown adults.” Yoongi said with a soft chuckle as he leans closer to where you could feel his breath on your shoulder, trying to sound as gentle as possible.
“We’re from different companies.” You whisper, breathing getting heavy as the tension in the room starts to get hotter. Three drinks ago you wouldn’t even be considering about this, and maybe he wouldn’t even be either. But here you were.
“That's the best part." Yoongi said in a low voice as he took two fingers to move your chin so you were looking directly at him. He brushed your hair out of your eyes before tucking it behind your ear.
"No one from your company is even here and no one of my company knows you." He states calmly, giving you his signature smile for reassurance but the look of passion in his eyes tells a different story.
Your breathing becomes hitched as the hand on your hip begins to move to caress your side. He takes a swig of the alcohol as if to say ‘fuck it’ before quickly planting a hungry kiss on your exposed neck.
You bite your bottom lip to hold in a gasp as his wet soft lips hit your skin. His grip tightens on your hip as he kisses a trail down your neck "You're so beautiful," he breathes against your skin, whispering sweet nothings in your ear.
Your mind is hazy from the alcohol and his touch and suddenly all logical thinking begins to dissolve. All you can think about is how touch deprived you’ve been for years. How one of the most richest and famous person alive were telling you how beautiful you were. You can’t remember the last time you’ve let yourself let loose and release some steam.
He leans in close and presses his lips against yours, his tongue moving against them in a slow glide before pulling away. "No one has to know. Except for you and me." He says in a husky voice.
Now that he has you in his grasp, he gently takes your hand in his and leads you both out of the kitchen and upstairs to a one of the many empty hotel rooms that would soon be filled with drunk coworkers.
As soon as you step inside the room, he shuts the door behind him and locks it securely. He moves towards you again, placing a sloppy but firm kiss so you can taste the mix of alcohol on his lips while holding onto your waist tightly.
This time you return the kiss, now with your own hunger. “So pretty..” he praises again when he pulls away to catch his breath.
He starts kissing down your neck, his hand quickly moving to reach down to your blouse and unbutton it. You can feel the heat rising between you two, your breaths become shorter and quicker, your hearts racing in sync as he successfully gets your shirt off and on the ground.
You don’t have time to think as his hands move up to your breasts, feeling their weight and massaging them as he kisses you deeper. As he reaches your cleavage, he begins to undo your bra, letting go of your breasts so he could remove it completely. He holds the kiss as he does so causing your breathing to become faster and heavier at his touch. It was like an addiction, that you couldn’t get enough of.
He steps back, taking in your beautiful breasts for a moment before concluding that you needed all of your clothes off. He moves down and starts kissing all around your neck, chin, and jawline, leaving a trail of open-mouthed kisses and uses this as an opportunity to push you towards a nearby couch.
He kicks off his shoes as you collapse on the couch and he does the honors of taking off your heels for you as you quickly get off his shirt. He leans forward, and presses another passionate kiss against yours. “I’ve waited months for this..” he mumbles into the kiss, lying right out of his teeth.
His hands start to roam again, this time he takes the waistband of your skirt and pulls it down to your legs. “Let’s make sure you’re nice and wet for me..” he says in a deep husky voice as he slips his hand through your underwear feeling your wet fabric first.
You shiver when his fingers brush against your slit and as soon as he feels how soaked you are, he smiles widely leaning in to kiss you again. “So wet..” he hums before pulling his warm fingers away to pull down your underwear completely.
So having seen and felt enough, Yoongi unbuckles his pants and lets them fall to his knees. You can see the outline of his hard cock tugging at his boxers. He finally removes his boxers and his cock springs out, precum already leaking in anticipation. If being completely sober you would be more embarrassed of the situation, but your mind is to clouded by lust and warmth that you can take in his body completely.
He moves closer towards you once more, pressing himself firmly against you so that you're able to see every inch of him pressed against your stomach. "Mmmh...you like what you see?" he asks softly, as he wraps his hand around his cock.
You nod, a little to quickly as you watch him with pleading eyes. He smirks at your needy gaze, his hips moving into his hand involuntarily as he rubs his hand over your thigh.
Feeling your heat, he leans forward and kisses you, deepening the kiss as he slides his hands up your thighs to your hips. He squeezes them tightly, holding you in place as he slowly rubs himself against your entrance. He places one hand behind your neck while the other holds your hip firmly, gently pushing his cock inside you. You gasp loudly from the sudden pressure, but Yoongi only grins widely as he begins thrusting his hips slowly.
He lets out a grunt as he slowly pushes his painfully hard cock inside you, “So tight.. So wet..” he practically growls at the feeling of your warmth.
Your eyes shut tightly as he continues to slam his cock against your walls as he grips your hip tightly with both hands. “Look at me when I fuck you, Y/N..” he says in a demanding tone making you moan loudly in response your eyes fluttering open to look at him and you can admit it’s a beautiful sight. Never had you thought you’d be getting fucked by a famous idol like this, but now that it was happening you might as well take in all the sights.
“Fuck..that’s right..” he mumbles in a rough voice as he grips your hips tightly, his muscles tensing with every thrust he makes. It doesn’t take long after that till you’re clenching around him, moaning loudly as he drives you to a much needed orgasm that fills you with ecstasy.
His breathing becomes heavy too, sweat dripping off his forehead as he continues pounding. "Good girl..." He whispers huskily before kissing you passionately again.
In one swift motion he takes both hands and grips your hips tightly, lifting you up and off of the couch so he can sit down instead and places you on top of his lap still keeping himself buried deep within you.
Once comfortable sat up against the couch, he starts to move inside of you once again, starting off slow before speeding up. His thrusts are rougher than before, his hips slamming into yours as he holds your tightly to keep you in upright on his lap.
His thrusts become more needy and sloppy, causing you to bounce back and forth across his lap as he grunts softly as he feels himself getting close. He leans forward, holding onto your waist for support as he begins moving faster and harder, driving his cock deeper and deeper inside you until he finally releasing all of his hot cum inside of you.
The two of you stay like that a for a little, his warm cock buried deep inside of you as you try to steady your breathing.
Once Yoongi sees your breathing start to slow and you begin to come down from your high, he shifts his position so his laid down on the couch and you’re on top of his chest.
Your eyes flutter close shortly after, and when they finally open back up in the morning, Yoongi is gone.
Leaving you alone with the gruesome realization of how big of a mistake you’ve made.
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allywthsr · 7 months
THE VACATION | (l.norris)
part three to lando on raya
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summary: Part three to Lando Norris on Raya! The vacation, meeting the family, and a big question in the end.
wordcount: 13k (what?)
pairing: landonorris x fem!reader
warnings: smut! Luisa being a bad human
notes: last chapter! I‘m so thankful for everybody who read this series, I had so much fun writing it! And thank you for being patient with me, for the delay. Comment your thoughts🫶🏼
part one part two
”So will you come with me and my family on holiday?“
”Yes, I‘ll join you“, shit. Did you really just say that? You still had no idea what you would say to your family and friends. Just disappear and say nothing? Nah, you couldn’t do that.
Lando got excited and stopped walking, he grabbed your hand and pulled you towards him, still keeping a distance between you and him, so he could look you into the eyes.
”Yeah, I think so.“
”You don’t sound too convinced.“
”No, I wanna come with you. I just don’t know what I’ll tell my family, you know?“
”Maybe I can meet them, to show them that I am not a random person.“
”Yeah maybe.“
He kissed your forehead and pulled you towards him into a hug. You placed your head on his chest and inhaled his scent while hugging him back.
”I‘m glad I met you, Y/N. I know we haven’t known each other for long and other people might say we’re stupid but I’m really happy I have you in my life now.“
”Didn’t know you were a sappy drunk.“
”I‘m not, s‘just all true.“
He rubbed his chin over your head and nuzzled closer to you.
”Maybe we should go back to the hotel? I don’t want people to see us so early, they can be pretty mean. And also I want to have a proper cuddle.“
You smiled and looked up, ”yeah, I’m also tired, these days have been tiring.“
”I know that I tire out the girls, tell me more“, Lando proudly smirked and laughed, clearly being sarcastic.
”I mean my work, but whatever floats your boat“, you lovingly slapped his chest and pulled on his hand a little, so you would actually start walking towards your hotel. And he did just that, with entwined hands you made your way back to the hotel. When you arrived, both of you jumped on the bed.
”It was a nice date, was it?“
”Yes Lan, thank you for inviting me, and the date.“
”It’s nothing, I’m just happy I found you.“
”Me too, you have no idea.“
”Should we get ready for bed? I bought plane tickets for London tomorrow afternoon, we still need to get to the airport in time and it’s already 12:28 am.“
”Lando, you don’t have to buy plane tickets for me, I’m perfectly fine buying them on my own. I don’t want you spending so much money on me.“
”Darling, it’s nothing, really. I didn’t want you to fly alone.“
You sighed and nuzzled in his chest where you mumbled a quiet ’thank you‘. You were grateful for him, but also spending so much money on you and you weren’t together or anything, was just crazy to you. But nonetheless, you both got ready for bed, and quickly you fell asleep in his arms.
You woke up, cuddled to Lando, and still a few minutes until your alarm rang. You enjoyed the last few moments in peace before the stressful day began. Lando snored slightly and you looked at him, he looked like an angel on earth, peaceful.
Before you could do anything, the alarm rang and Lando was startled. With a moan he turned around, shutting the alarm off, and turned around again to hug you tight from behind. You put your hand on his and squeezed it, not ready for the day of traveling, even if it was a short flight from Spa to London.
”Good morning.“
”Morning Lan“, you turned around in his embrace, putting one hand on his cheek and caressing it. He leaned forward and pecked your lips. You‘ve always loved slow mornings, but slow mornings with Lando already felt way better than any other morning you ever had in your life. Even if you couldn’t sleep in, Lando had calculated a few cuddle minutes in before you actually had to get up.
You ordered breakfast to your room, got ready and before you knew it you sat on the plane next to Lando. He wore a cap that he pulled in his face, just in case somebody recognized him. Your hands were linked together and when you were flying through the sky the armrests were put down, you needed to be close to him and he wasn’t feeling any different.
The flight was rather short and without any big turbulence, you spend the time chatting and laughing, cuddling and stealing light kisses from the other. You believed he was your soulmate, there’s no other option. You felt comfortable with him, you didn’t feel the need to be someone you weren’t, and all that after knowing him for only three days. Would other people call you a psycho? Maybe. Would you change a thing? No.
He was your person and you were sure.
But before you knew it, you had to separate. He wanted to meet up with his family and friends in the UK and you had to go back to work. You‘ve spent at least five minutes just hugging and exchanging kisses in the airport, you both weren’t ready to say goodbye yet. Eventually, Lando slowly pulled back from the hug and tugged a piece of hair behind your ear.
”Look, we‘ll talk every night over the phone, I‘ll facetime you. We‘ll text all the time and I’m making sure I’ll visit you at least one day. And it’s only five days, we‘ll manage. I can feel that you’re special, I won’t let go of you that easy.“
He left a kiss on your forehead.
”I know, but still. I‘ll miss you. And you need to send me a packing list so I can get the last few things for the trip. I don’t even know what kind of clothing I should bring, I‘ve never been on a yacht.“
He leaned forward and smirked, ”Lots and lots of bikinis, which barely hide anything.“
”You’re a pervert.“
”But you still like me.“
”I do.“
”Let’s go, okay? I‘ll come visit you in two days?“
You nodded your head and gave him one last tight hug before turning around and wheeling with your suitcase to the next taxi. While the driver loaded your stuff in the trunk, you looked at Lando, he still stood in the same spot and waited for you to drive off. He raised his hand and waved, which you returned without a doubt.
After getting in the taxi, you named the driver your address and he sped off.
It’s been two days since you last saw Lando. He had visited you at your apartment and you two cooked dinner together, squeezing in one or two pleasurable cardio workouts in between and after.
If you know what I mean.
Right now you were waiting for Lando to pick you up for the airport. Almost ready you sat on the couch at five am, you couldn’t understand why he chose such an early start. When the doorbell rang, you got up and opened the door, being welcomed by the handsome face that belonged to Lando.
”Hiya handsome.“
”Hey babygirl.“
He greeted you with a kiss on the corner of your mouth.
”Ready to meet my family?“
”Kinda? I‘m nervous as fuck.“
”Don’t worry darling, they‘ll love you.“
”Whatever you say.“
You giggled into his chest and hugged him tight.
”By the way, my mom called yesterday and said that she finds you lovely.“
You hummed and thought of the awkward FaceTime call you shared with your parents. You wanted them to see Lando, obviously not being happy that you’re going on vacation with some random boy, but they couldn’t tell you no. So you arranged a little FaceTime call because seeing them in person wasn’t easy with your parents not living around the corner.
Your mum was smitten with Lando, the second she saw him, your dad knew him from watching F1, but he acted like a dad had to act when the daughter introduced a boy. With that little meet-up, your parents had a better feeling about you going on holiday with Lando, you had to promise to call at least once a day.
”Ready to go?“
”I just want to go pee and then we can go.“
”Alright, love.“
When you turned around, Lando gave you a slap on your right ass cheek, which you commented with a chuckle.
Lando loaded all of your stuff in the trunk of his car and drove to Heathrow, where the plane would take off to the Zadar Airport. Nervous was an understatement. What if his family doesn’t like you? Then you had to spend two whole weeks with them trapped on a yacht. He told you a little about his family, that Flo does showjumping, Cisca goes to Uni and Oliver was a CEO of a company. You were most excited about Mila and little Athena. Mila loved Lando, she was obsessed with him and you couldn’t wait to see Lando in full-on Uncle duty.
When you arrived at the airport, Lando parked the car in one of the car parks and got all the luggage out of the car. He insisted on taking the suitcases and his carry-on, you were barely allowed to carry your own little backpack for the plane. He was a true gentleman. You two arrived at the terminal where the others waited for you. From a distance, you could see the big crowd of family members, not only was the whole Norris family waiting, but also the boyfriends of Cisca and Flo and the two dogs, Uno and Mocha that belonged to Oliver and Savannah. In total you were thirteen people and two dogs, could that fit into a private plane? When it was time to greet everyone, Lando went and gave everyone a loving hug or a cool bro handshake, before introducing you to everyone.
”This is Y/N. The girl I told you, that would be joining us.“
”Hi, I‘m Y/N.“
You awkwardly claimed, but before you could say another word, Cisca, Lando’s mother, went and hugged you.
”Hello darling, I’m Cisca, nice to meet you, I‘ve heard so much about you.“
”Thank you for letting me join you on your family holiday.“
”Of course darling.“
She let you go and next were his siblings, his dad, and Savannah, all of them welcomed you with a warm hug. The boyfriends just gave you an awkward wave, and a’hello‘, which you returned.
”Let’s go, shall we?“, Lando said.
All of you agreed with him and he was already leading the way to the check-in, with your suitcase in his hand.
The check-in went smoothly and before you knew it you were seated in the plane, next to Lando. It would take you to Croatia, where you then would take off with a yacht to swim around the ocean. You‘ve never been in a private plane, so you were amazed by the luxury and soft cushions.
When you looked around the family members, they didn’t seem to be fazed about it, more like it was something normal. That was it, you needed to marry rich, so you could be as relaxed as them while sitting in a private plane.
The flight was calm, you chatted a lot with Cisca, both of them. It was a little confusing that his sister had the same name as his mother, but you found it cute how the mothers' name was kept in the family. Lando did tell you a few days ago, that they call his sister ’Cis‘ instead of her full name, that way it wouldn’t always be confusing.
After you arrived, you were the first to leave the private plane, Lando right behind you. You stepped out in the warm morning sun at 8:30 am, walking down the stairs and waiting for the rest to come down too. Two members of the aircraft crew started to unload the suitcases and whatever was shoved in there. After Mila and Athena were sat in their buggies, you all went into the airport to a spot where a guy was waiting for you.
”Are you Family Norris?“
A few ’yes‘ and hums were heard and the guy ushered you to follow him. He arranged a bus that would take you to the pier of Croatia where the yacht is waiting for you.
At the yacht, you were astonished at how big it was. After all, it had to fit thirteen people and it had five bedrooms. You didn’t want to know how much a week would cost, you bet a fortune. But you knew Lando and his family weren’t poor people and they could still live the life they were living even after a big holiday like this.
They all went over the little bridge that connected the yacht to the land. You followed and you smiled at Lando, when he reached for your hand, helping you walk over the wobbly bridge. He kept his hand in yours while all of you went and explored the yacht, starting with the top floor and slowly working the way down.
”I call dips on the bedroom with the best view!“, was screamed by a very childish Lando after he let go of your hand and sprinted towards all the doors of the lowest deck.
”I hope you know how childish your boyfriend is“, Savannah said after turning to you.
”Oh, uhm, we’re not together.“
Awkward. Very awkward.
”Really? You looked very much in love on the plane.“
She chuckled and you turned red in the face.
”Uhm, thanks, I guess?“, you laughed.
”No really, the way he looked at you and always had to touch you somehow, whether on your back, thigh, or how he stroked your ankles when you draped your legs over his lap. I’ve known Lando for some years now and I’ve never seen him so affectionate.“
You blushed harder than before, you hadn’t noticed all the things she mentioned but now that you thought of it, he really had a hand on you the whole time. And the way he did that in front of his family as well? It was something you weren’t used to.
”Don’t worry, Lando always needs a bit more time than others, but I’m sure you mean a lot to him.“
”He means a lot to me too.“
”I can see that.“
You were glad that Savannah was there, she treated you like you‘ve been with them for years.
”I‘m happy you’re here, Y/N. I think that we will have a lot of fun with you, you fit perfectly in our family.“
”I already feel so comfortable within your family, I can’t wait for the next week.“
She gave you a light squeeze and you followed Lando into a bedroom after he screamed your name.
”Y/N, you see that? It’s beautiful!“
He pointed to the window where you could see the ocean. It was big and under it was a shelf where Lando had put his carry-on.
He came closer to hug you, cheekily pressing a kiss on your neck.
”Lando, someone could come in.“
After all the door was wide open and you could still hear the rest of the family chatting not too far away.
”I don’t care, it’s not like I’m fucking you against the wall. Even though I want to.“
You let out a quiet gasp, how dare he say that when his family was less than five meters away.
”What? It’s true. Do you know how hard it was not to touch you? You look absolutely smashing in your shorts and crop top. And I don’t even wanna think of you in a bikini. I need to do a little wrist workout before I see that, or otherwise, I will run around with a boner the whole day.“
”You’re insatiable.“
He only chuckled and kissed you on your forehead.
”I‘m sorry to disturb your peace but we want to order brunch.“
Lando and you turned around to look at Oliver.
”We’re coming.“
Oliver left the room and you looked at Lando.
”Fuck, I‘m a little hard.“
You bursted out laughing.
”Don’t laugh, what am I gonna do?“
Lando screamed quietly.
Go to the toilet and calm down or do other things to make it go down, I‘ll go to your family and say you needed to go to the toilet.“
”You sure you’re okay with being alone with my family?“
”Yes, I’m sure they won’t bite my head off.“
He laughed and went into the little bathroom that was connected to your bedroom, while you went upstairs to the main deck where his family was waiting.
”Where’s Lando?“, Flo asked.
”Uhm, he needed to go to the toilet, I‘m sure he‘ll be here soon.“
They all nodded and gave you a menu to choose your brunch from.
And not even after five minutes Lando joined you and sat down next to you, putting his hand on your thigh, squeezing it slightly. You looked at him and he just smirked at you, you knew he didn’t just wait in the bathroom.
You gave him your menu, after choosing the dish of your liking. He chose a chicken breast dish, after all, he was still a high-performance athlete and had to be in shape. The chef, who was booked for the day, came and took your order.
Lando’s dad spoke.
”You two have to tell us how you met!“
You looked at Lando with panic in your eyes. What should you say?
”Dad, I told you it wasn’t important.“
”I don’t see the harm.“
”We met over a dating app called Raya in Amsterdam.“
They all just nodded and Oliver looked at Lando with a smirk, he knew why his brother hit you up.
You quickly changed the topic.
”I wanted to say thank you again, for letting me come to your family holiday, it means so much. I don’t know how to repay you.“
”Y/N, stop it. We’re glad that Lando found someone again, we were scared he would end up alone. I‘m sure the next week will be fun.“
You liked Cisca already, she was very much a mother, especially now, when she put her hand on yours and gave it a little squeeze to prove her point.
The next twenty minutes were spent just talking to each other and getting to know them when the Chef and another cook came and brought the food you ordered. You looked at your meal, it looked absolutely delicious, and it tasted good too! Because you hadn’t really eaten anything yet, except a little pretzel that you shared with Lando on the plane, the food was gone before you knew it.
”What’s the plan for the week?“, Cis asked.
”I want to explore the city and maybe chill at a beach too“, Flo replied.
You nodded your head, agreeing with her.
”And I just wanna chill all day long“, Oliver said, looking at his wife, who also nodded.
”I‘d say, let’s just change into something more summer-like and lay down on the sunbeds, maybe we can go for a swim after“, Adam said.
The whole group just hummed and made their way to the bottom floor to the bedrooms.
”I‘m gonna call my parents and tell them that we arrived.“
Lando nodded and opened his suitcase.
”Can I choose your bikini?“
Why shouldn’t he? You packed enough swimwear for the week, he would see all of them anyway.
While ringing your parents, Lando opened your suitcase and rummaged through your clothes, carefully trying to not mess it up too badly. But before he could find the bikinis, he found your undergarments. Like a little kid on Christmas, he picked up every panty and held it up in the air, inspecting them. You sat on the bed, talking to your parents, you tried to suppress your laughs, he looked like as if he saw panties for the first time. He felt the different materials and looked at the different colors. You tried to bring him back to his original task, but he didn’t listen.
”Yes mum, I already ate something. Can I call you later? We want to go swimming. Yes, I will be careful about the sharks, don’t worry. I‘ll only go in if it’s safe and I’ll always have Lando with me.“
While saying his name he perked up and looked at you.
”What? No! Mum, please. Don’t be embarrassing. No! Don’t put dad on the phon-, hey dad, yes I’m fine. Please, dad, you‘ll embarrass me, I know it. Yes, okay.“
Lando looked at you confused when you held your phone towards him.
”My dad wants to speak to you.“
”Hi Mr. Y/L/N. Thank you, I’m good, how are you?“
God, how embarrassing.
”Yes, I‘ll take care of her, trust me. Yes sir, I won’t be sleeping in the same bed as her, we have separate bedrooms in fact.“
What? What is he talking about?
”Thank you, bye.“
When he gave you your phone back, your dad hung up, lovely how he wanted to speak to you.
”What did he say?“
”Relax babe, it’s all good. He just wanted me to protect you.“
”What about the bedrooms?“
”Oh yeah, he told me that I’m not allowed to sleep in the same bed as you.“
”Yeah, thank god he doesn’t know that I‘ve been inside of you multiple times already.“
The typical boy smirk appeared on his face and you threw a pillow in his face.
”Anyway, have you finally picked out my bikini?“
”Love, are you insane? I‘ve been too distracted by your panties. Who knew you had so many sexy dessous.“
You shook your head, put them into a drawer, before anyone could see them, and pulled out your bikinis.
You threw all of them in Lando’s lap and in the meantime, you began to unpack the rest of your stuff.
You heard a few muffles and mumbles from Lando, about ’too much fabric‘ ’wrong color, who buys Ferrari red bikinis‘, and ’that‘ll make me hard in seconds‘. In the end, he chose a papaya-colored bikini, that you bought extra for this trip, you knew he would love it.
You went into the bathroom but kept the door open, it wasn’t like he hadn’t seen everything of you already. Quickly you changed into the bikini, while Lando was changing into his swim trunks, and when you put your hair up, Lando came into the bathroom and hugged you from behind, you looked at each other through the mirror.
”You know, I‘m really happy you’re here. I knew my family would love you.“
”I‘m also happy I‘m here. Thank you for taking me with you.“
He only gave you a kiss on your shoulder and squeezed you tight. You heard a knock on the door when you turned around in his embrace and linked your hands behind his neck.
”Guys, we wanna go swimming, you coming?“
”We‘re coming dad.“
With that, you pressed a kiss on his lips and you both went upstairs, to where his family was waiting for you. You could hear his sisters and Savannah giggling when you appeared and your hands were linked together, at this point, it became a natural thing. Whenever you could, you would hold hands and be close to each other. You all went to the lowest platform and jumped into the ocean, at least some of you. Savannah stayed back to watch the kids and dogs, not wanting them to be on their own. You asked if you should keep her company, so she wouldn’t be alone, but she told you she wants to read a book anyway.
Lando and his siblings + their boyfriends all went into the water without a doubt. You could see they all have been on something like this before, not caring about the water and just jumping right in. You on the other hand went in more slowly, just as Lando’s parents did.
”Lando, can you hold me, if I drown?“
”Sure babe.“
You looked at him. What did he just say? In front of his family. He really didn’t care. And you liked it. You loved how carefree he could be and just blurt out pet names without being ashamed in front of his family. What a walking green flag.
You went in the water and Lando immediately came to you, offering you somewhere to hold onto. With a smile, you latched onto his side and enjoyed the coldish water against your hot skin. Since the water was rather clear, you could see your surroundings and what was swimming in the water with you. You didn’t need to encounter a shark up close. When you got used to the water, you let go of Lando, who made sure you were comfortable about a hundred times. Adam and Cisca went for a swim around the boat and the rest of the group was still chilling where you jumped in. Quickly little games started, who can hold their breath the longest under the water, who can swim the fastest, who can do the coolest trick and the list goes on and on. After a while you all were exhausted and hopped onto the yacht again, sitting down on the lounge while waiting for the sun and the warm breeze to dry you off. Together you went upstairs to get a drink and to get out of the sun, Adam and Cisca were waiting for you with cocktails.
A cocktail before 1:00 pm? That’s what you call vacation.
You took your favorite drink and sat down next to Lando, who placed his hand on your thigh, stroking the warm skin slowly.
”Lando, Y/N! I want to take a picture of you, smile please.“
Lando’s mum being the mum she is, taking pictures of their kids.
You leaned into Lando and placed your hand onto his‘, smiling brightly as Cisca took a picture of you two.
”Adorable you two!“
”Can you send me the pic mum? I‘ll send it to Y/N.“
”Sure, but you can add her to the vacation group chat, that way we all have her number, if that’s okay for you, love.“
You nodded and smiled.
Lando grabbed his phone from the table and you could see him add you to the chat, seconds later the photo got sent into it.
Both of you went back to the lounge, where you wanted to tan a little, first you both laid there, enjoying the silence, but soon you started talking about random things. You liked how you could talk to Lando about normal stuff, which cheese is better or what milk you needed to try, it made things feel very normal.
You spend several hours talking and getting to know the family and Lando, after all, it has only been a week and a half since you met. But before you knew it, it was time for dinner. The chef handed out a menu card again and you began to read through the dishes.
”Do you know what you are choosing, love?“, Lando whispered.
You shook your head. You were a picky eater, being scared to come across as rude, you didn’t want to mix up the dishes and change the sides but none of the listet items were your favorites.
”I‘m picky with food, I have no idea if I even like any of this.“
Lando stared at you. Shit, did you do something wrong? You knew that this was a no-go, being picky over this clearly expensive menu that everybody seemed to like. This was going to be the moment they all hated you.
”You’re literally perfect.“
You could barely hear him say it, it was almost as if he said it to himself. You turned your head to Lando and looked at him.
”I‘m going to marry you, I found my picky eater.“
Now you didn’t understand a thing.
”I‘m a picky eater too! I hate all of these. I‘m going to order some chips and chicken. My parents requested it specifically for me, but you can have it too. I always feel like a little kid, but now I have you, and I’ll never feel that way again.“
You felt relieved, he didn’t hate you, nor did you have to pack your things and go. He was just like you, he was truly your soulmate.
”I would like some chicken and chips.“
His eyes started to sparkle and he pressed a quick kiss on your lips. You immediately blushed, affection wasn’t something you thought he would do in front of his family, but he truly didn’t care.
Dinner was delicious and nobody questioned you, but now it was late and time for bed. All of you were exhausted, after all, you had to get up early and you‘ve been on your feet all day. So after saying goodnight to everyone, Lando and you went into your bedroom and changed into your sleepwear. Laying down on the bed was the best feeling you felt that day. Lando cuddled close to you, kissed your nose, and then kissed you on your mouth.
”Goodnight love.“
”Night Lan.“
Before you could do anything else, both of you fell asleep.
The next morning you woke up because Lando tickled you on your sides.
”No Lando! Stop it, I‘m going to kick you if you don’t stop.“
You tried to get out in between giggles and screams. But he didn’t listen, instead, he tickled you harder and pinned you on the mattress. Out of reflex, you started kicking around with your feet and after a few seconds, Lando fell to the side with a groan, holding his private area. Oops. It wasn’t that you wanted to hurt him, but at least he stopped tickling you now. You sat up and looked at him.
”Babe, oh my god, I‘m so sorry!“
”I don’t think that I can have kids anymore.“
He was whispering as if he was on his deathbed.
”Don’t be a drama queen. Do I need to kiss it better?“
His eyes lit up, ”Yes please.“
You shook your head while giggling and bent down, to press a kiss on his boxer-covered dick.
”I don’t think it worked, you need to do it without the clothing.“
”In your dreams Norris. I‘m not giving you a blowjob if your family is next door.“
”C’mon Y/N, don’t be a party pooper.“
”Lando, No.“
”Y/N, yes!“
”Lando, I‘m no-“
He leaned over you and kissed you passionately. Tongues were fighting, salvia was exchanged and filthy sounds were created. God this guy could make you wet in seconds. Speaking of wet, his hand made its way into your panty. He gently wiped his index finger through your folds, while you whimpered at the sensation. His kisses went to your neck and you moaned quietly.
”Fuck baby, you’re so wet. Is that all for me?“
You‘ve never nodded your head as fast as at this question. Lando sucked a little on your neck, trying not to create a purple mark. With slow movements, he pushed his index and middle finger into your sweet cunt.
”Lando I‘-“
”No baby, let me make you feel good.“
”Not with your fami-“
He shushed you and kissed you again. Swiping his tongue over your lower lip to ask for entrance. With a little fight, he won the battle and you thought about giving in. How could you not, with his fingers buried deep inside of you, pleasuring you with easy moves. His thumb moved over your clit and your body jolted upwards into his chest. You moaned quietly and bit your lip. How long could you keep quiet when he was making you feel so good? He flickered your clit continuously until he noticed how your walls contracted around his fingers, which were still pumping in and out, and your breathing got heavier.
”Are you close babygirl?“
You could only nod and before you could say anything else, you put your hand over your mouth to try and suppress your moans as Lando made you finish. When you came back down, a smiling Lando looked into your eyes and pressed a kiss on your forehead. He took out his fingers of your pussy and looked at the glistening juices before licking them off. Fuck, he was attractive.
”Good morning by the way.“
He snuggled closer to you and laid his head on your chest. You could feel his hard-on on your legs, what now? He didn’t make any signs that he wanted you to do anything, but you also couldn’t leave him like this.
”Lando, let me help you.“
”It’s okay baby.“
You nudged him until he gave in, rolling on his back and you could already see the bulge that stood in his boxers.
”I see someone is excited.“
”How could I not?“
You chuckled and sat directly on his crotch with your heat.
”You’re killing me, babe.“
You leaned down and kissed him, circling your hips to create friction for him. With one last kiss on his nose, you sat up and went with your hand in his boxers, cupping his erection. He let out a surprised moan and you started moving your hand up and down, after spitting on them, to moisturize them. After a few pumps, you let your thumb brush over his head and he almost lost it. He was a mess underneath you, moving, moaning, and whispering your name.
”Cum for me, pretty boy.“
With a moan, that you tried to quieten with your hand, he came all over your other hand and in his boxers.
”Fuck baby, you have magic hands.“
That made you laugh while you got up and pulled out a handkerchief from your purse and cleaned your hand.
”You should change into some new boxers if you ask me.“
You said after laying down again.
”I will.“
He sat up and stretched his arms above his head. Quickly he slipped into a fresh boxershort and went into the bathroom to get a wet piece of toilet paper. He pulled your panty to the side and gently wiped your juices off, that were smeared around your pussy. The cold material felt arousing on your hot vagina and you couldn’t believe this made you excited again.
He jumped into the bed and laid his head on your chest again. Shortly after you heard a small knock on your door and Lando got up and unlocked the door. He must‘ve locked it when you went to bed yesterday, you were glad he did. Otherwise, someone could’ve caught you earlier.
Lando opened the door and there stood little Mila with a stuffie in one hand and a pacifier in the other.
”What are you doing here Sunshine?“
Lando went into full uncle mode and it was the sweetest thing ever. The day before he already was the best uncle, swimming with Mila in his arms through the water and cuddling with her on the sun lounge.
”That’s me, sweets.“
He crouched down and opened his arm, which Mila ran into. Same girl. Who wouldn’t?
”You want to stay with me and Y/N?“
Mila nodded and he carried her over to the bed. Thank god she had such a good timing, a few minutes earlier and you two would have had a problem. Lando laid down with her, she crawled in between you two and put her pacifier in her mouth while squeezing her stuffie bunny closer to her. You turned to lay on your side while raising your hand to tickle her belly slightly. Giggles erupted and you were sure they could be heard through the whole yacht.
”Is that funny Mila?“
You let go of her and she touched Lando’s beard that he grew.
”Does that feel weird?“
She babbled something you both didn’t understand, but Lando played along and he babbled back. God was he the cutest with kids. Mila was a clingy girl, you noticed after she threw herself at you and clung to your neck for the next twenty minutes. When Oliver came into your room he took her off you and went upstairs with her, you could finally breathe again. It wasn’t like you were scared of her, but she was still a new baby to you and you were scared to upset her somehow.
”You were great with her, you know.“
”Thank you, Lan.“
You both got dressed and headed upstairs as well, where a big breakfast table waited for you with almost all family members sitting around. Within the next few minutes, Flo, Cis, and their boyfriends arrived and you could start with breakfast. You had a lot to choose from, but you still got your favorite breakfast while having an amazing view over the ocean.
”You know Y/N, you’re great company.“
Savannah suddenly said.
”Oh uhm, thank you! I‘ve been enjoying spending time with you guys as well. It’s so peaceful.“
”No really, you’re just you, and you’re not on your phone the whole time, as other girlfriends of Lando have been.“
”Sav!“, Lando stopped her from talking more about his past relationships.
”Lando, it’s true! Remember Luisa? She was dying to get that perfect insta pic the whole time, it was annoying after just one day.“
She could see you were getting uncomfortable. You didn’t know this Luisa, so you didn’t want to say anything bad about her.
”Oh I’m sorry, it’s probably not the best topic to talk about.“
”No don’t worry, but it’s great to know that you don’t find me annoying.“
”Are you kidding? I don’t think that many people would’ve cuddled with Mila after just getting to know her.“
You blushed and looked at Lando, who stared at you. That made you blush even more.
”Anyway, we need to walk the dogs, is there anything you need from the mainland?“
”Oliver, can Y/N and I walk the dogs? I want to show her the city a little.“
”Sure! As long as you bring some sunscreen, we’ve forgotten to pack some.“
Lando and you nodded and got up to get ready. It was only 11:00 am but it was boiling hot already, you hopped into your comfy summer outfit, and Lando and you made your way to where Oliver was waiting with the dogs who were already on the leash. Lando grabbed Uno’s and you were handed Mochas, the little Cockapoo smiled up at you, and his tail was waggled from one side to the other. Lando and you both walked down the ramp that would take you to the land and the dogs began to sniff everything. Lando waved his fingers with yours and you two enjoyed the little stroll through the city. He‘s been here several times, so he showed you a little around, the town was truly beautiful. He even pulled out his phone and took a few pictures of you and the dogs, to document you struggling while holding two hyperactive dogs on their leashes. In between you hopped in a shop to get the sunscreen Oliver asked for and a few little somethings, just as a little stuffed fox for Mila, as she’s addicted to her stuffies.
You two returned to the yacht after the dogs did their business, still holding hands and as soon as you settled on the lounger, Lando was clinging to you. His head placed on your belly and his arms wrapped around your torso, your hands were combing through his curls and you two were enjoying the peace and the sound of the waves clashing against the boat, as you were sailing through the Adriatic Sea.
All you did that day was swim in the sea, tanning on the boat, play with Mila, and cuddling with Lando. In between you had lunch and dinner, drinks, and conversation with his whole Family.
When it was time for bed, you got ready, doing your skincare in the bathroom while Lando was chilling on the bed, waiting for you. He was talking to Max Fewtrell over the phone, you couldn’t really understand what he was saying but he was laughing a lot. While applying the last cream you were listening in, it wasn’t like you were eavesdropping, he was talking really loudly and it was nearly impossible to not listen to what he was saying.
”I‘m excited Maximilian.“
”No, you know I have her with me here.“
”She matters more to me, otherwise I wouldn’t have taken her with me on vacation.“
”Can you please stop? I won’t need her here.“
”I don’t even like her anymore.“
”I don’t care that she‘s a friend of your girlfriends mate.“
”Anyway, I’ll see you without anyone tomorrow.“
After listening to that, you came back into the bedroom to see him throwing his phone on the duvet next to him and he was rubbing his face with his hands.
”What was that about Lan?“
”Oh it’s nothing, Max will join us the day after tomorrow.“
”Oh fun! But does he fit on here? We do not have any more bedrooms.“
”My parents are leaving with the kids and the dogs, he can sleep in their bedroom.“
”What? Why are they leaving? I like their company. But you sounded agitated, is really everything alright?“
”They want us to have a little party as well, Dad has stuff to do in England anyway. And we just had a little fight, don’t worry babe. But come here, I wanna cuddle.“
With a smile, you threw yourself next to him and he immediately attached himself to you.
”You’re clingy, but I love it.“
He chuckled and enjoyed the head scratches he got. Quickly after that, you both fell asleep.
The next morning started with an excited Lando, he was up early and shaking you awake. Why would he do that?
”Y/N! Come on, wake up! We‘re going to ride jet skis. The guy who’s going to bring them will arrive in a second.“
He was a little child, you were sure. You didn’t move, so Lando positioned himself on top of you and started to plant kisses on your face, wherever he could reach, he would kiss. Your cheeks, your forehead, your nose, your chin, and ending with a big smooch on your lips.
”Are you awake now? Come on Y/N!“
”Lando, we don’t need to be there when they arrive, I‘m sure someone from your family is waiting.“
”Oliver is waiting with the other boys.“
”See, you can also go if you want, I’ll come soon, but give me a second to wake up.“
”Are you sure?“
”Of course! Go! I‘ll join soon, let me get ready.“
With a little skip in his step, Lando went upstairs and you stretched your arms, slowly waking up fully and getting ready. You met Cisca in the hallway, she was lovely.
”How are you, my dear?“
”I‘m good, Lando is excited for the jetskis, so I got woken up by a bouncing Lando. How did you sleep?“
You two chuckled.
”Sometimes he‘s like that, but I slept good, thank you. I hope to see you around more after the vacation.“
”I‘m sure, but I heard you’re leaving today?“
”Yes, Adam has some things to do in England and we want you kids to have a party vacation as well, we’re taking the small kids and the dogs home with us.“
”I enjoyed staying with you, thank you for welcoming me to your family.“
”Darling, we loved having you, Lando, and you really are soulmates, the way he behaves around you, I’ve never seen him like that. Normally he tries to act all cool and grown up in front of girls, but with you, he was himself, playing with Mila, screaming because Oliver pushed him in the water, he only does it when he feels at home. I‘m really happy he found someone where he can be his true self. And I know that you only know each other for a rather short period of time, but I hope he‘ll keep you around. You’re a good girl.“
With a red head, you hugged Cisca tight, she was truly the perfect mother. Lando told you a lot about his family and always highlighted the relationship he had with his mother.
”Anyway, let’s get going, I want to see their faces when they get on the jetskis.“
Both of you made their way upstairs to see Lando and the others saying their goodbyes to the renting guy, as soon as Lando saw you, his eyes lit up and he stretched out his hand towards you. You took it and the shirtless Lando pulled you in a tight hug, where he placed his head on top of yours, swaying side to side. Your hands slightly scratched his back, which you learned, he loved.
”Are you gonna join me for a ride?“
”Only if you drive safely, you promised my parents to keep me alive.“
”Driving is my job, don’t worry baby.“
”But not on water!“
”Don’t be scared, it’s going to be fun.“
He pressed a kiss on top of your head and you both pulled a lifesaving vest over your swimwear, the rest copying you both. Lando was a bit crazy and rented four jet skis, so everyone could go for a ride at the same time.
Lando sat down on one and held out his hand, for you to take and join him on the jet ski. You placed your bum behind him and crossed your fingers in front of his abs, which you caressed with your thumbs, and pressed your head in his back for support.
”You’re not gonna die Y/N.“
For that comment, you slightly tickled Lando, and he turned the machine on.
”I think so.“
And he sped off with what felt like a hundred miles per hour. The only thing that could be heard was the splashing from the water and your screaming, after a few turns and a heart attack, Lando stopped the vehicle.
”You having fun back there?“
”You wanna ride it?“
”Come on!“
Before you could tell him no one more time, he stood up and you clasped his belly, you were scared he was going to fall in the water.
”Slide forward, and I‘ll hold you, you can’t fall in the water and whenever you panic, I‘m there to control it.“
”You promise?“
”I do.“
You slid forward and waited for Lando to settle behind you after you let go of him. He touched your sides and caressed them, just like you did on his abs, he was a sweetheart.
”This handle is to accelerate, and if you want to brake, you have to release it, or turn to the side. Got it?“
You nodded and slowly pushed the accelerator forward. The jet ski moved and you got the grove after a few minutes. Before you could get comfortable, Cisca was hollering for you to get back to the boat, it was time for brunch. And since you went out for brunch today, to eat nicely before Adam and Cisca left, you went and changed into something other than a bikini.
The town was filled with people and Lando and you kept a safe distance, after a few Instagram stories it was known that Lando Norris was in town and a lot of people were circling the docks to catch a glimpse of him. So you walked next to his sisters to make it seem like you were their friend, not the best solution, but you wanted the situationship to be something that only certain people knew of.
When you found the perfect restaurant, you all ordered your favorite dish and talked while waiting for the waiters to bring it.
Lando sat next to you and under the table he had his hand on your thigh, stroking the delicate skin slightly. You’re not gonna lie, it made you a bit excited, but the fact that you were sitting with his family, cooled you down.
The food came and it was absolutely delicious, all of you regretted not coming earlier to this place, and only discovered it on Lando’s parents' last day. After a sweet stroll through the small streets, it was time to return to the boat, Adam and Cisca had to pack the rest of their belongings and drive to the airport. And that’s what they did, they packed their stuff and said goodbye. You were sad when Adam and Cisca hugged you, you really enjoyed getting to know them.
”Y/N, you have to promise to visit us soon, you’re a lovely girl, if Lando doesn’t keep you, he‘s an idiot.“
”Thank you Cisca, I will.“
With one arm around your waist, Lando and the rest of you waved until the taxi drove off.
”Let’s get to partying!“, an exciting Oliver screamed.
The rest of the day was spent drinking, swimming, and cuddling with Lando. In the evening you went back to the restaurant you found this morning, to eat dinner.
When everyone was in their bedrooms, Lando and you sneaked upstairs to the top deck, where a big lounge area was built. Lando sat down and you straddled his lap, bringing your arms behind his neck, his hands settled on your hips, slowly caressing them.
”I‘m really happy you came with us here, I told you everyone will love you.“
”You did.“
”I think I deserve a kiss for that.“
”For you being right?“
”You think so?“
With a smirk, you slowly bend down, until your lips almost touched.
”I don’t think so.“
And with that you sat back up again, giggling.
”You little menace.“
He started to tickle you and with a loud laugh, you jumped off of his lap and landed next to him. He tried to kiss you after laying himself on top of him, but you could only laugh because he kept tickling you.
”Missy, don’t deny kisses from your.. uhm.. from me!“
You noticed his little slip-up and wondered what he wanted to say, was it boyfriend or something else? You decided not to say anything about it, he was clearly embarrassed, judging by his red cheeks.
”I‘ll kiss you, but only if you stop tickling me.“
And with that, he leaned down and pressed his lips on yours several times, with each kiss it got filthier, the sounds got louder and the atmosphere got sexier. Slowly but surely, Lando pulled on your top, signaling you to remove it.
”Lando, no! Not up here, everyone can hear and see us.“
With a swift move his hand was in your pants, his pointer finger dipped between your pussy lips.
”Are you sure it’s not turning you on? You’re pretty wet darling.“
Dammit. This guy.
”But only if you keep quiet and we hurry.“
”Will do, Boss.“
With a slap to his shoulder, both of you sat up and removed your shirts and pants, only in underwear you sat on the lounger and kissed again, it was filthy, it sounded like you were in some porn.
You pushed Lando down onto the lounger and sat with your heat on his dick, moving slightly to grind on him.
”If you do that, I‘ll cum in my pants.“
”We wouldn’t want that, would we?“
”Missy, behave.“
”I am!“
Before you could say anything else, Lando switched positions, now he was on top of you. And he didn’t hold back, he inserted two fingers in you, pumping them in and out, you arched your back, the sensation felt way too good.
”Are you ready? I‘m way too horny right now.“
”Yes, please Lando.“
”You’re begging now?“
”I can’t deny you like that, huh?“
You only shook your head and looked at him with puppy eyes.
You removed your underwear and he removed his. His dick was big and hard, just how you liked it, you gave it a few pumps before leading it to your entrance. Lando pushed it in you and you tried not to moan too loudly. With some drags of his hips, that met yours, you were almost there, the risk of getting caught made you way more excited than you thought it would, and Lando wasn’t any different, you could feel him twitching inside of you. The pleasure making you feel lightheaded. Every few seconds, Lando pressed little kisses on your lips, trying to be closer to you than he already was.
”Baby, I‘m cumming.“
And with that, Lando shot his white liquid inside of you, which pushed you over the edge as well and both of you were a panting moaning mess. This will probably never get old, the pleasure Lando could provide you with was amazing. You were enjoying the peace while still being entangled within each other.
”Should we get dressed and go into our bedroom?“
”I think so, it’s slowly uncomfortable laying butt naked.“
”But I like your butt“, and he smacked your ass with his hand.
You chuckled and got up, pulling your clothes back on to cover up, with quiet steps, you both went down the staircases leading to the bedrooms. When you laid on the bed, Lando whispered something in your ear, that had you clenching your thighs all over again.
”I haven’t fucked you against the windows yet.“
The next day came quickly. All you wanted was to stay in bed but Lando had other plans, Max was to arrive at 8:30 am so he wanted to get up. You got that, but staying in bed with him sounded better and you didn’t want to sound rude and stay in bed, so you got up with him. You put on a bikini and threw a summer dress over it, so you didn’t walk around in just a bikini all day. Lando didn’t want you to put on make-up, but it was way too warm for it anyway, so you didn’t put any on. You wanted to give your skin a break from the products you tortured it every day in your normal life.
Lando and you waited on the lounger and enjoyed the already warm sun. Both were cuddling the other and sharing light kisses every now and then. You already missed Cisca, Adam, the kids, and the dogs but you were ready for some more party-like vacation, you also couldn’t wait to meet Max. Lando has told you a lot about him when he came to your flat and you two cooked together. After waiting for five minutes, you heard a suitcase roll on the concrete, Lando and you got up to welcome Max when Lando stopped in his walking and froze.
”Lan, what is it?“
He was blocking your view so you couldn’t see what was happening.
”What are you doing here?“
You pushed Lando a little to the side so you could see who he was talking to. Two tall, brown-haired women stood next to Max, who were these women?
”Lando I told you she was visiting us and we couldn’t leave her home.“
”And I told you, that I didn’t want to see her. I told you to come alone.“
”Mate, come on, you can’t say that. We planned that Pietra could come and I’m sorry but Luisa just joined.“
Oh, this was the ex Lando wasn’t comfortable to talk about. You immediately felt self-conscious, she was gorgeous, she had long legs and she was skinny. As if you had taken her out of a magazine and placed her here. You could see that she was eyeing you up and down, clearly annoyed that another woman was standing next to Lando.
”Max, can we talk in private please?“
With that Lando and Max went inside the yacht and you were left alone with the two girls.
”So you’re the new sidekick from Lando?“
”Excuse me?“
”You know, the new fuck-friend.“
”I‘m sorry, who are you again?“
”I‘m Luisa. His ex.“
”I don’t think you have any right to judge him.“
”Darling, you look so young and inexperienced, do you think that is something Lando wants?“
”I have a reasonable age, thank you. And I don’t think it’s any of your business.“
Suddenly you felt very small, you wanted to disappear and go home, she made this place feel like hell.
”You know, when Lando was with me, he always told me how he loved to have someone as skinny and tall as I am, you look like you enjoyed the food a bit too much on here, I know what the Norris’ are like on their holiday, I‘ve been with them twice, they go all out but trust me, a salad next time won’t hurt. And you’re not wearing any makeup? Lando hated it when I didn’t do that.“
The tears were prickling in your eyes.
”Lando hasn’t said anything, and as long as he’s happy, I‘m happy too. I don’t know what you want to achieve here but you don’t need to talk so badly about me.“
”Because he‘s a gentleman and wouldn’t comment on your weight and ugliness.“
”Lu, that’s enough“, the other woman told Luisa.
”P, she should know what he‘s like, no?“
”He‘s wonderful to me.“
”For now, he broke up with me because I was too boring for him, his words.“
You shook your head, not believing her. She was the topic two days ago during dinner, later on in bed, you asked Lando why they broke up, and he told you that she was a bit unfaithful to him and she didn’t want the same things as he did. He wanted to slowly settle down, but she was all over the clubs and flirting with other guys.
He didn’t seem like he was lying to you, but she was.
”Look Luisa, respectfully, I don’t want to continue this conversation.“
You turned around and went into the yacht, while walking down the stairs you heard Lando and Max talking.
”Look, this is gonna complicate things, I like Y/N, and I don’t know why Luisa should be here. She‘ll only do damage.“
”Let’s wait and see how things develop, don’t be a pussy. Let’s have a good time and you won’t notice her.“
”Fine, but one strike and she‘s out.“
You heard that they started walking to the stairs and you panicked, what should you do? If you stay on the stairs and walk to the bedroom as you planned, it‘ll look like you eavesdropped on their conversation, but if you turn around and go back to Luisa and Pietra, it‘ll be even worse. Before you could do anything, you saw Lando and Max appear in front of you.
”Oh hi, I‘m Y/N, you must be Max, I‘ve heard so much about you!“
Great, act like it was planned that you wanted to see them.
”Hey, I‘m Max, nice to meet you.“
You stepped the last steps down the stairs and hugged Max, rubbing his back quickly. When he pulled away you looked at Lando.
”Are you okay? Are the girls nice to you?“
What were you going to do? Act like all was well or tell the truth, in the end, you didn’t want to ruin the day, maybe it was just starting difficulties, so you went with option one.
”Yes, I am, they‘re nice, I.. uhm wanted to go and charge my phone, I need to call my parents anyway.“
”Are you sure? I plucked your phone in last night, it should be fully charged.“
Dammit Lando.
”Well, yeah… I still need to call my parents, so you start without me, the others aren’t awake yet anyway.“
You quickly kissed his cheek, smiled at Max, and went into the bedroom, where you sat down with a sigh, you hoped Lando believed your little story.
How could you survive the rest of the week with this monster upstairs? You didn’t want to hide your affection towards Lando just because she could say something, you didn’t want to stay in the room the whole time just so she couldn’t eye you. Lando did say, after one strike, she was out, but Lando was probably the nicest person you met, would he actually kick her out? The friend of his best friend's girlfriend?
But what if what she said was actually true? Should you maybe skip the chips and eat the salad she told you about, maybe you should work out again, you haven’t done that in the last week. And not wearing any makeup? Lando did tell you to skip it and enjoy the sun on your bare face but what if he just said that, so you would get a better tan? Before you knew it, a tear trickled down your cheek and you quickly wiped it away. You didn’t want her to ruin your vacation, but Lando was with her for a year, her character couldn’t be so ugly if he held it out for so long.
With one last deep breath, you got up and went upstairs to see where the others were, Cis and her boyfriend joined them and you looked for Lando but couldn’t find him, so you sat down next to Cis and greeted her. After a second glance around the group, you saw that Luisa was also missing. Mh, that didn’t seem to be a good thing.
So you turned to Cis and asked: ”Have you seen Lando?“
”Oh, he went to talk with Luisa.“
”Thank you.“
Now what? You obviously wanted to go look for him and see what she was doing, you trusted Lando but you did not trust her, especially after all the things she said to you just thirty minutes ago. You had to go and find them, so you got up and walked to the other side of the boat where you saw them from a distance and stopped walking so they didn’t see you but you could hear them.
She was touching his arm and he was clearly uncomfortable.
”Please, don’t make this trip a living hell.“
”Lando, I know you still like me, otherwise you wouldn’t have texted me last week.“
Last week? That was when you had met and he asked you on this trip, was he saying all these sweet things to you just so he could have some fun with you?
”Luisa, I didn’t mean any of the words I wrote, I was drunk and..“
”Drunk words, sober thoughts Lando. Do I need to remind you what you wrote?“
”Are you sure? Because I still think of you sometimes too.“
Her posture shifted and now she also had her other hand on his chest, getting closer to him.
”You can’t tell Y/N! I truly like her, you‘ll only ruin it, I know.“
”Me telling her? Lando, she‘s not in your league, you‘ll drop her sooner or later.“
”No, I like her the way she is.“
”You’re only fooling yourself.“
Why is he not telling her to stop touching him? What if it was true and he was actually still thinking about her, while he was with you, even if he told you she means nothing to him anymore. The more seconds that passed, the closer she got to his face and before you saw anything that you didn’t want to see, you turned away and ran off. When reaching the others you slowed down, to not seem like you were crazy.
”Did you find Lando, Y/N?“
You only shook your head and smiled at Cis, while sitting down next to her again. You didn’t even want to know what happened back there when you left, did they kiss? You hoped not.
The rest of the group was chatting and laughing, while you were gone, Savannah, Oliver, Flo and her boyfriend joined the rest and you greeted them with a small ’good morning‘, but you weren’t really in the mood to talk. You were slowly doubting this whole thing, what if Luisa was right and Lando only wanted some fun and did not get settled, you didn’t want to get married tomorrow but maybe get in a relationship sometime soon. Was it the right decision to go on a holiday with a stranger and his family?
Every now and then Cis nudged you a little and asked what was wrong but you reassured her that you were tired, she didn’t need to know your doubts.
After a while Lando and Luisa returned, Lando was looking rather pissed and Luisa had a smug smile on her face. You definitely did not want to know what happened, judging from her face she got what she wanted. Lando threw himself on the couch opposite of you, and then patted his legs while looking at you, indicating that he wanted you to come and sit on his lap.
You shook your head and looked at the ocean again, you didn’t want to give Luisa something that she could ruin for you again.
Lando gave you a questioning look and nodded towards his lap again, desperate for you to sit there.
”Y/N, go and sit on Lando’s lap, I can’t stand to see him like that.“
You knew Max meant it as a joke, but it only made you feel smaller, now Luisa was looking at you with disgust and a grin on her face.
”I need to go to the toilet.“
With the lame excuse, you went into the lowest deck and sat on your shared bed, with a sigh you grabbed your phone and started to text your best friend about the doubts you were having, but Lando came into the room before you could finish your text.
”What’s wrong?“
”You can tell that to my sister, but not to me, seriously Y/N, what is your problem? Why are you acting so weird in front of my friends?“
”Oh you mean your ex-girlfriend?“
”I didn’t want her to be here.“
”I know.“
”So what is your problem?“
”I don’t feel comfortable with her around.“
”Me neither, but what am I supposed to do?“
”I don’t know, stay with me? You left me alone with her and Pietra while you talked to Max, you left with HER to talk somewhere where no one would see you, while I was clearly upset sitting here.“
”You said you were fine!“
Lando was getting frustrated.
”When a woman tells you, she is fine, she probably isn’t fine, that’s something you should know with two sisters.“
”Y/N, don’t cause a scene now, you’re being ridiculous.“
”If that is what you think I am, then I think it’s time for me to go home.“
”Because of me not checking on you, when I asked you two times if you were fine?“
”It’s not just that, I can’t live with that monster upstairs, she made me almost cry, Lando.“
”She‘s not that cruel.“
”She is, she told me how I am just a quick fuck for you, how fat and ugly I am, that I needed to start eating salads instead of my normal dinner.“
Lando was stunned, he never expected her to say these things, especially because they weren’t true, he thought you were the prettiest person on the planet.
”Did she kiss you?“
”Did she ki-“
”But she was leaning in towards you, I saw it!“
”When you were missing from the group I looked for you, I found you two very touchy talking on the other side of the boat. She was leaning to kiss you and before I could see something I didn’t wanna see, I ran off.“
”She tried, yeah, but I pushed her off as soon as I felt her lips on mine.“
”So she did kiss you.“
”What’s your point of this? Showing me how bad I am?“
”No! I want you to be honest with me.“
”Why? You are not my girlfriend yet, calm down, it’s not like I made out with her. I told you I pushed her away as soon as I felt it. What is your problem?“
”I don’t have a problem with you, but with her. We’re not together and she is treating me like I’m the reason you guys broke up. I can’t do that.“
”Don’t listen to her then.“
”Sure, if someone tells you how bad you’re at driving and how you‘ll never win, you don’t listen.“
”I listen, that only makes me work harder, and that people like that have no idea.“
”Maybe that’s how you react, but not me Lando, I’m fragile, and I listen to this shit, and it hurts me.“
”But she’s this stupid girl that means nothing to me, she should mean nothing to you. Isn’t it important what we feel? I feel a lot for you, I love how you look, I love who you are, she’s just bullshitting.“
”She did mean a lot to you at some point in your life, she knows you better than me, there’s no denying it. You were together with her for a year, and you knew her before that. We’ve only knowing each other for a week.“
”Maybe, but now she means nothing to me anymore, you mean a lot to me, you, not her. I don’t care how long I’ve known you.“
”But I can’t live with her for the rest of the week, she‘s this.. this mean girl who tries to ruin what we have, and to know she already tried to kiss you, I just can’t do it, Lando.“
”I can’t tell her to leave, Max will be pissed because Pietra will be pissed and I can’t do it.“
”We’re going around in circles.“
”Just get over it, ignore her and that’s it.“
”You… you’re telling me to get over it?“
”Yes! Ignore her and we have a nice week.“
”And what about the text about still thinking of her, you sent last week?“
Lando was clearly stunned as he didn’t reply.
”I heard that, Lando, you didn’t deny it. You sent her a text, telling her how much you missed her while telling me the same shit, while we were already fucking?“
”No, it’s not like that, I uhm…“
”You see? You have nothing to say, just own it, Lando, tell me you texted her.“
”I did, but only because I was super drunk and Max was going on about how we were made for each other, which is bullshit. He talked me into believing she was a better person than she is.“
”You know Lando, maybe this was too fast, maybe we thought we had a connection that actually wasn’t there. We imagined this world where we could be something, but I just think we’re not right for the other. And you being drunk does not excuse you for texting her, own it, if you feel nothing for me, you should’ve told me earlier, you should’ve told me before I went with you and your family on this stupid trip.“
You stood up, now facing Lando and trying to hold back your tears that were threatening to spill. Before you could move away, Lando hugged you tight, squeezing you into him, and even though you tried to wiggle out of his grip, you couldn’t.
”No! Lando, let me be sad and angry at you.“
”No, nops, not today. Look at me, baby.“
You lifted your head and looked into his eyes, gently, he wiped the tears off your cheeks and kissed your nose softly.
”We will not fight because of her. We will go up there, you‘ll sit on my lap, and we‘ll smile at her. Just smile. Because you’re mine and she’s not anymore and never will be again.“
”I don’t want to see her.“
”I‘m sorry baby, I‘ll talk to Max tonight, I’ll see what I can do, okay?“
You nodded and squeezed him a bit tighter.
”I like you, a lot. Don’t listen to her.“
”I like you a lot too, but you have to promise me, to not text her again.“
”Don’t worry, the next day, after she replied, I deleted her number and the conversation, so I can’t even reach her anymore, not that I want to. She‘ll never be in my head ever again, I have you and Max will see that I don’t need her in my life.“
You shared a kiss and enjoyed each other's company, before heading up again to join the others. Lando sat down, pulled you on his lap, and crossed his arms in front of you. Everyone looked at you and you felt Luisa’s stare, it made you feel small and you snuggled more into Lando, now being with your back against his chest. It was almost like smoke was coming out of Luisa‘s ears, but you didn’t pay any attention to her, only focusing on Lando’s hands and the sweet words of affection he whispered in your ears.
The group was chatting the whole time, Lando and you were in your own little bubble, every now and then people would ask you something, or Lando would throw in certain comments, but the rest of the time, you were trying not to get Luisa’s presence get too close to you. When Oliver declared he needed a Cocktail and would mix some, everyone agreed and ordered their favorite, Luisa was trying hard to get Lando’s attention but he made sure to not give her any. He was chatting with you, with his family, with Max and Pietra but never with Luisa, and she was annoyed. Whenever you would look at her, she was glaring at him, trying to get him to talk to her, but he never did anything. After a few drinks, you were sitting at the bar and chatting with the girls (Pietra and Luisa excluded) and Lando came to you.
”I‘m gonna go and talk to Max and Pietra, I‘ll see what I can do.“
You nodded and kissed him quickly, looking after him as he went and tapped Max on his shoulder.
”You are so sweet together.“
”Oh thank you, Flo.“
”She‘s right, he‘s never been so.. himself. He‘s super clingy, even cuddles with me sometimes when he is home and feels lonely. Two years ago on Christmas, we were watching Home alone and he just came, hugged me, and cuddled close to me, some might say it’s weird that siblings cuddle like that, but he‘s such a clinger.“
”Cis, you know, he‘s been like that with me since the first meeting. I‘ve always wondered why, but now that you’re telling me that he‘s always like that.. makes me feel even more at home with him.“
”When do you think he‘s going to ask you to be his girlfriend?“
You scoffed.
”Don’t scoff! You’re acting like an old couple.“
”I‘m just enjoying it like it is right now, we‘ve only known each other for like two and a half weeks, I don’t wanna rush things.“
”I‘m sure it‘ll be soon.“
Before you could answer, you heard Luisa screaming, due to her being further away, you couldn’t understand what she was saying, but it didn’t sound too happy, and after ten minutes, an angry Luisa was stomping down the ramp towards a taxi. You looked at the girls and they didn’t know what to say either. Lando came to you with a big smile.
”She‘s gone! We‘ve talked to her and she left.“
You jumped off your seat and hugged Lando, being thankful that he actually did it and got her to leave.
”What did you say to her?“
”Just that she was evil and we don’t want to have her here.“
”You’re the best Lando.“
He grinned and gave you a kiss, hugging you tight as his life depended on it.
The rest of the vacation was spent in peace, you were partying, tanning, laughing and most importantly, you and Lando were happy.
Pietra and you actually got along, after Luisa left, she apologized a dozen times and you made up, both of you promised to meet up together when the boys were streaming and had no time for them.
But everything comes to an end, even the good things, so you sat at the airport waiting for your flight back home, Lando was sad that the summer break was over and the vacation too. He loved having you meet his family and getting along so well. When they announced that boarding started and all of you waited in the line, Lando turned to you, to ask a question.
”Do you want to come to a race with me?“
It took you a few tries to finally join Lando for a race, you tried to come to Zandvoort, failed because of your work that you couldn’t skip, the next race was Monza, your friend's birthday was scheduled on Saturday evening and you agreed to come a month before knowing Lando. The whole time you were texting, sexting, and calling, you always wanted to be close but due to his tight schedule and your also consuming work plan, it was nearly impossible to see each other.
So when you could take some time off to come to Singapore, Lando was over the moon. When you told him over FaceTime, he was not able to get rid of his smile, but neither were you. Together you flew to Singapore and if you hadn’t had to shut up during the night, you would’ve talked over the whole time you were in the air.
Friday was fun, seeing what Lando loved doing the most, made your heart full. Fp1 and Fp2 showed some good potential and Lando was able to collect much-needed data.
Saturday was qualifying day and you were nervous, sure it was nerve-wracking to see your favorite driver trying to get a good lap in, but seeing it in real life and knowing the person as well as you do, it’s something else. Lando wasn’t too happy with P4 but he tried to cover it up as best as he could. He wanted to focus on Sunday and do his best.
And his best he did. The P2 made you jump up and down, hugging Adam tightly, who was also there. Together with the team, that you‘ve gotten to know over the weekend, you waited for him in parc fermé behind the barrier. When he saw you, his eyes lit up and he hugged you tight, overwhelmed with emotions.
Later when you two were in the hotel, sharing a bed, Lando had an important question.
”Will you be my girlfriend?“
The end
taglist: @itsjustkhaos @formula1mount @flwr-stella @xjval @lunnnix @ohmyvalx @allabouthappiness
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ghostlychief · 1 year
Scary Dog Privilege
Pairing: one shot; Simon "Ghost" Riley x Reader
Wc: 1,100+
Warnings: none; just some guy being annoying; fluff
Summary: Ghost being protective when you go to a bar
A/N: Ok, this idea for this drabble came about when i had a scary incident happen to me on public transportation. In the moment, i was thinking how nice would it be to have a large scary looking dog with me bc men always find a way to make you feel uncomfortable and scared. It really sucks that we have to turn towards other men to "protect" us because men don't take no for an answer or simply will just not leave us alone. But this is fantasy land, so I'll allow it this time.
Anyways, here is a short drabble lmao. Hope you enjoy! <3
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To say that Ghost had a staring problem, was a little inaccurate. It’s not like he was on one of the most skilled, and covert teams in existence or anything. He was trained to have a good eye, and follow his target with precision. It just so happened that whenever you two went out, you became his target, and stole away all his attention.
One way you liked to rewind after a mission was to go out drinking with your friends, or occasionally, squad 141. This was how you coped, let loose, hell, forget about all the terrible shit you saw on a daily basis. And seeing that Ghost was your boyfriend, he usually (always) tagged along with you when you went out.
Why did he come with you every time?
One might say he also wanted to blow off some steam, and what better way than alcohol? And for you, what better way than dancing, and being carefree with your friends?
Others might say that he couldn’t let you out of his sight. He was very conscious of his surroundings, and also the surroundings of everyone around him. Whenever you were in the same room as him, he always had his eye on you, following you, and knew your position within his proximity.
When you were out, whether it be at a bar, restaurant, store, he always slightly blocked you from the view in any doorway, always standing closest to it. Somewhat shielding you with his body.
He would slightly walk in front of you, hand stretched behind him to grasp yours when you were walking on the sidewalk. And of course, he always walked on the side closest to the cars, you were always in the inside of the sidewalk.
If by some chance you weren’t, he would wrap an arm around your shoulder and gently move you over; so now he was on the outside. He kept his arm around you though.
In restaurants, he always sat in the seat where he could see the whole room, and the entrance. You didn’t notice this at first, but on one of your dates when you initially starting dating, he sat in the booth seat. You joked and said, “Oh, usually that’s my spot.”
He didn’t get your reference and simply stated, “What? This is the spot where I can analyze the whole room in case something happens.”
You let him have the booth.
It was no different when you went out. His brooding stare and massive height and size deterred any man who even had the thought to approach you. And on top of that he was always sporting his black, half skull balaclava, which added on to the intimidation he exuded. Great for you, you think. The last thing you wanted to deal with was a random man.
Needless to say, you hated dealing with men while out. Especially drunk, pushy men. And there was always at least one during these occasions.
Tonight, everything was going smoothly, and just as planned, like your usual nights out. You were dancing, and having a good time with your friends, Ghost was somewhere in the near distance, and you didn’t have to look at him to know that his eyes were already on you. You might have thrown in a couple extra moves while dancing.
You seemed so carefree in this moment. All your troubles wiped clean from your face, your body relieving any tension it held. You moved to the beat of the music, drink in your hand. You were drunk by now, the full effects of alcohol finally hitting you.
Suddenly, you felt a hand grasp your waist. At first you thought it was your boyfriend, and you turned around smiling, but only to be met with a much shorter man, with no skull balaclava covering his face.
Immediately your lips turned down, and eyebrows furrowed. Your body flinched at the unfamiliar contact. Leaning away from the man, you waited to see what he wanted.
“Wanna dance?” His lips upturned as he asked this, and his grimy hand was still grasping your waist, and even started to move downward.
Bold move, you think.
“No, I’m good.” At your response, his friendly (more so creepy) smile vanished form his face and his brows started to furrow, signaling to you he was offended, shocked that you would ever reject him.
He started badgering you, trying to get you to dance, and you grew more and more uncomfortable by the minute.
“C’mon, just one dance.”
“What’s the harm?”
He also kept trying to touch you. Something you didn’t appreciate at all, and he wasn’t listening to your no’s.
All of a sudden you feel your body being tugged backwards until you hit a firm chest. Recognizing the smell of your boyfriend, you immediately relaxed into his embrace and place your hand on Ghost’s forearm that was holding you.
“She’s with me, fuck off.” Ghost’s rough voice cuts through the air.
The man’s face pales as he fully takes in Ghost’s presence. He lifts up his arms as if surrendering, then swiftly left, tail in between his legs.
Once he was out of sight, Ghost turned you around and brought up a hand to gently cup your face, tilting it upwards so you could look at him. His thumb rubbed back and forth on your jaw, soothing you.
“Are you alright?” His voice much softer than when telling off that man.
You sigh, “Yeah. Thank you, baby.”
You grant him a sweet smile and then wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him down for a kiss.
On your walk home, you’re holding Ghost’s hand, swinging your conjoined hands back and forth. Absentmindedly, you say, “You know, you kind of give off scary dog privilege.”
Ghost knows that you’re drunk right now, and he looks down at you to already find you beaming up at him.
“And what do you mean by ‘scary dog privilege’, hm?”
You start gesticulating with your other hand, “You know, if you own a big scary dog like a German shepherd, Rottweiler, Akita, etc., men are less likely to approach you or harass you; i.e., scary dog privilege.”
You hear him hum in acknowledgement and he squeezes your hand.
You bring you other hand up and rest it on his bicep, and lay your head against his shoulder, basically leaning on him as you continue to walk down the street.
“So, what kind of dog am I then?”
“Hmm. Definitely a Cane Corso. They’re known for being noble, intelligent, loyal and strong. All the things you are; but they are also low key the sweetest on the inside. Also like you.”
You feel him let out a brief laugh and he squeezes your hand again.
“Mm, thank you sweetheart.”
You smile against his shoulder and continue walking with him all the way home, the creepy man from before long forgotten.
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wileys-russo · 5 months
under the mistletoe II s.blackstenius x reader
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merry christmas eve besties under the mistletoe II s.blackstenius x reader
"oh they decorated!" you noticed right away as you wandered into colney for training, amanda by your side having driven you as the two of you often took turns since you lived in the same complex.
"ha! that is going to be fun." amanda nudged you and pointed to the random tufts of fake mistletoe hung up around as you both made your way to the changing rooms, music already pumping away in the distance.
"oh if you wanted a kiss why didn't you say!" you teased, kissing her cheek as she pushed you away with a roll of her eyes, having adopted an older sister role of sorts since you'd both moved to arsenal this season.
of course you were already welcomed in by your fellow national team mates, grateful to know some of the team on your first day as lina and stina both wasted no time showing the two of you around and making sure you settled in.
stina in particular you'd always been quite fond of, the two of you often spending time together on national duty you were hopeful that it might continue to build into something a little more than friends now you both played for arsenal.
you'd liked her for a couple of years now, more of a silly little crush than anything else that you always assumed was one way. well you did, until the world cup.
you were all out as a team celebrating your bronze medals when stina had pulled you away from the group claiming she didn't want to go to the toilet by herself, only within seconds of the two of you having a moment alone her lips were on yours.
the kiss was messy to say the least with both your bloodstreams pumped full of alcohol, though you never got a chance to see where it might have lead as a very drunk frido stumbled around the corner and crashed into the two of you, stina practically running away the moment she did leaving you to look after frido and with a head a mess of thoughts.
you'd waited to see if she'd bring up the kiss, she never did.
afraid she was just too drunk to remember or worse she'd purposefully chosen to forget, you kept it to yourself and remained grateful it didn't change how the blonde acted around you.
especially now at the same club you found yourself spending even more time with her, though rarely one on one it was generally in a group setting she still gravitated to your side, pairing up for drills and sitting beside you most chances she could.
if you didn't know any better you'd swear sometimes she flirted with you, showering you with praise and compliments followed by an awkward little smile or hug before she'd race away and leave you wondering if maybe she did remember the kiss.
then reality would sink in and you'd remind yourself that this was just how stina was, how she'd always be and that just friends seemed to be your destined fate together.
hearing your phone start to ring you nodded for amanda to enter the changing room as you speed walked a little more out of earshot of the music pumping from inside as you clicked accept and moved it to your ear.
"Vännen!" you smiled hearing the familiar accent ring through the phone. "hello frido." you chuckled, dumping your bag by your feet and leaning your back against the wall behind you.
"hello frido. god you sound so english!" the woman gagged making you laugh and curse at her in swedish. "sorry should i have said it in spanish? hola puta!" you teased as she clicked her tongue at you and you could only imagine the way her eyes would be rolling on the other end of the line.
"i'll be having alexia speak with laia if she's going to continue to teach you only bad words in spanish!" the blonde warned jokingly though you really wouldn't put it past her to do so. "how is the knee Gumman?" you smirked as she swore at you with a huff for the nickname meaning old woman.
"still attached to my leg, we are getting there. very slowly!" frido sighed as you frowned sympathetically, having been looked after by the older girl ever since you'd joined the national team years ago you cared for her very deeply so to know she was unable to play at the moment was painful.
"how is your crush on stina?" your sympathy melted away at her teasing tone. "she is so confusing, it kills me!" you groaned, looking around to make sure you were alone as frido prompted you to elaborate.
"when it is just us she is so sweet. always getting things for me like my food or my bag or my boots, pulling me to sit with her on the bus, always complimenting me and hugging me and i think she might like me back. but she is that way with everyone!" you sighed, rubbing your spare hand against your face and noticing a few of the girls start to file out of the change rooms for training.
"but she has not kissed everyone Vännen. tell her how you feel!" frido reminded softly as you sighed. "she does not remember that, or if she does then she has chosen to forget, and i do not wish to make a fool of myself by bringing it up or ruining things. i have to go we have training, i will call you tonight?" you offered, wanting a better chance to catch up with the girl who agreed before you ended the call.
now one of the last to get ready you hurried down the hall and into the change rooms, dropping down by your cubby and hurrying to change into your boots, stripping off your hoodie and tossing it behind you.
"did someone sleep in this morning?" you glanced up to meet bright blue eyes and an amused smile. "no i was speaking with frido." you returned her smile, lacing up your boots and rummaging around for your drink bottle with a frown.
though before you could worry any further it appeared in front of you in stina's tight hold, you taking it from her and standing with a grateful smile. "tack själv!" you sighed and craned your head up to kiss her cheek, walking out of the change rooms and missing the way the blondes whole face lit up bright red and she hurried after you.
"the decorations are nice." you smiled as she caught up with you, the clacking of your boots loud against the polished floors as stina hummed in agreement.
the morning passed by with nothing out of the ordinary, everyone pausing just before lunch to watch laura do her first run on the grass, both you and stina quite close with the austrian defender cheered loudly and proudly.
breaking for lunch everyone returned to the change rooms to swap shoes, the afternoons media session studying the weekends opponents not requiring cleats.
"mistletoe Snygging!" you barely had time to look up before katie had almost tackled you to the bench, faux bunch in her hand and held over your head as she pressed a wet kiss to your cheek and you pushed her off wiping your cheek.
"who taught you Snygging?" you laughed as she grinned and nodded to lina before racing off to find another victim. "i never understand that." you looked to your right to meet stinas frown. "what?" you questioned, slipping your hoodie back on over your training top.
"mistletoe, the kissing. seems silly!" stina shrugged as you only hummed. "i think its sweet, maybe a little silly but still fun." you smiled softly, looking up as vic and kyra raced past, vic having 'accidentally' dumped her water on the australians head.
"ah! stop that, go change you are all wet and its freezing." you warned the younger girls who ignored you with a shrug, kyra aiming her bottle at vic who ducked at the last minute causing kyra to spray her bottle all over you.
"sorry!" the australian apologized with a wince as steph grabbed her and you sighed waving her away. "here." you felt a tap to your thigh and looked up to see stina offering you her own hoodie which you gratefully accepted after peeling off your own soaked one.
you tried not to dwell on how it felt to be wrapped up in the large bundle of material, drowned in the scent of her shampoo and the woody tones of her perfume which tickled at your nose and allowed your body to settle.
"won't you be cold?" you questioned as she changed out of her long sleeve into her short. "some of us have real scandinavian blood in us, don't feel the cold." she teased as you pinched her and she laughed, offering you a hand up.
you expected her to let go of you once she pulled you to your feet but to your surprise her arm settled over your shoulders pulling you into her side as she walked the two of you toward the cafeteria.
"are you going home for christmas?" the blonde asked curiously as you gave her a strange look. "we booked the same flight back!" you laughed, all four of you travelling home together at the end of the season having booked the tickets only a couple of weeks ago.
"no! i mean to your families house." stina corrected, cheeks tinted slightly pink as she handed you a tray. "oh! no, my sister is hosting everyone this year." the two of you conversed about your plans, laura joining you as you both pulled her into tight hugs of congratulation and stinas arm left your shoulder.
filing into the media room after lunch it wasn't anything new when stina tugged on the back of your her hoodie to signal you sit beside her, your head falling to her shoulder as you chatted to alessia in front of you.
the room quietened as jonas and the coaching staff arrived, everyone settling down and paying attention throughout the entire presentation.
when the lights flicked back on a couple of hours later the room winced and chatter resumed as the coaching staff left and everyone started to stretch out tired limbs and do the same.
wandering back toward the change rooms to grab bags and head off for the day the mood was upbeat, everyone tired but excited to be done for the day, a group invitation of going out for dinner thrown about as some accepted but most declined with the weather outside worsening.
"ah ah ah!" you jolted to a stop as a hand planted on your chest stopping you in your tracks as stina ran into the back of you and apologised, katie blocking the two of you from entering.
"mistletoe!" katie smirked nodding upwards as you rolled your eyes. "didn't see you harassing anyone else for a kiss mccabe!" you chuckled, trying to go around her as she blocked the doorway again.
"not me. the two of you, go on! its bad luck not to have a little smooch." katie grinned wolfishly wiggling her eyebrows, waving off a few of the girls who yelled out from inside for her to leave you both alone.
"katie come on, move." you groaned trying to shoulder her out of the way without succeeding in moving her an inch. "stina! don't want bad luck do ya?" the irishwoman grinned over your head to the taller girl behind you who up until now hadn't said a word.
"i do not care and i do not want to kiss her katie, move." her words were blunt and hurt you much more than you cared to admit, katie not missing the way your face changed to convey so and quickly moving out of your way as you hurried inside.
"hey Älskling-" you heard amanda sit beside you and place a hand on your shoulder with a concerned look as you shook your head and pushed away her hand. "can we go please?" you murmured quietly grabbing your bag, cheeks hot with humiliation as the older girl nodded.
pulling off stina's hoodie you shoved it into her hands without a word or a look in her direction and pushed past her, ignoring her calls after you as you followed amanda out to the car, hearing kim and leah rip into katie for embarrassing the two of you and trying not to pretend you cared.
"vänta en minut!" footsteps pounded after you as amanda turned and spotted stina hurrying after the two of you, squeezing your arm and saying she'd wait for you in the car, leaving before you could even say another word.
with a sigh you stopped, allowing stina to catch up to you and find her breath for a moment, nodding for you to follow her into one of the meeting rooms for a little privacy.
"i'm so sorry, it came out wrong." she rushed out quickly, hands playing with the strap of her gym bag as you shrugged. "its fine stina, no need to be sorry." you forced a smile and turned to leave as she moved to grab your wrist.
"please, hear me out." she pleaded as you gave her an odd look but nodded, gesturing for her to continue as she took a deep breath. "okay. i just-" she paused, clearly struggling with how to continue.
"at the world cup, there was one night after the win when we went out partying. we were very drunk and you looked so happy and beautiful and...free." your cheeks blushed a little at her words not expecting them.
"i saw you dancing with the others and not with me so i took your hand and told you to come to the toilet with me-" your chest tightened at her words, not daring to believe you were really hearing this.
"-but really i just wanted to kiss you, with the alcohol in me i felt like i had all the courage i never had before." your breath stopped entirely at that.
"and so we..." she trailed off rubbing the back of her neck. "-we kissed." you finished for her as she gave you an incredulous look of surprise. "you remember?" you nodded at that and her face seemed to fall.
"this was a mistake." she shook her head and turned to leave as now you took hold of her wrist and pulled her back. "no, please finish." you asked, voice barely above a whisper as she hesitated but eventually nodded.
"-we kissed. then frido interrupted and you looked embarrassed so i left, then we never spoke about it so i assumed you were just too drunk and thats why you kissed me back." she admitted quietly and you couldn't help but let out a peal of laughter.
"what is funny?" "this. you, me, all of it." "i knew this was a mistake."
"no no! i remember the kiss yes, but when you left and never mentioned it i thought you were too drunk to remember or that you'd maybe chosen to forget." you bit your lip as stinas eyes widened.
"i like you but i didn't think you liked me back." stina blurted out, tips of her ears burning bright red as your eyes bugged. "i like you too, i didn't think you liked me back!"
"so we-" "-we both remember." "but we-" "-we both didn't bring it up." "and we-" "-we both like each other."
at that a silence built between you, both searching one anothers faces for any signs of insincerity in your confessions. suddenly stina let out a groan, cheeks red with embarrassment as she buried her face in her hands.
"we are very stupid." "so stupid."
at that you both shared a smile which built into a laugh, the taller girl pulling you into a hug as you melted into her, the air around you starting to crackle with an odd feeling as your laughter died down and you craned your head back to look up at her.
"hey stina." you spoke as she raised an eyebrow. "mistletoe." you pointed above her head with a small smile as her eyes flicked upward and she let out a laugh. "katie said it is bad luck, right?"
at that she ducked her head to press her lips to yours, your mouths slotting against one anothers perfectly as you relaxed into her, balling her top in your fists as your head spun like a top.
this kiss was very different to the last. her lips were soft and welcoming, and she kissed you so tenderly as if you might break if she wasn't careful, one hand cupping your cheek to deepen it slightly, testing the waters as her tongue swiped against your bottom lip and you parted them slightly to allow her tongue to slip into your mouth.
pulling away after a few beats of silence passed the two of you blushed and refused to look at one another, though still pressed together there was very little other options.
"oh you are joking!" you leapt away from one another and looked to the door where amanda was throwing her head back with a groan, the two of you sending her strange looks as she clicked her tongue.
"you both could not have waited till next season? i owe frido money now!"
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loviingpedri · 6 months
one of his girls tonight - hector fort
prompt: he can’t get enough of you.
warnings: cursing, drinking, clubbing, suggestive content, grammar issues, not intense smut (viewer discretion is still advised)
please let me know if more since this is going to be a little explicit.
any italicized texts are lyrics
credits to owners for all images
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what else do young adults do in their free time? party, of course.
nothing like a hot saturday night in barcelona when the city was awake as people went out.
“y/n! my sexy girl, let’s go!” going out with your friends at least once a month was a must. meeting new people, kissing strangers, waking up next to someone random.
everything felt like a fever dream. especially that one boy you shared an unforgettable kiss with. last month, you were drunk out of your mind. you met this one guy, he had brown fluffy hair and touched you in the right places. your friends always said you were gonna go home with him and make him yours for the night. until, a random girl walked up to you and slapped you. either you just made out with someone’s boyfriend or someone was a complete control freak over him.
you hoped to see him tonight. some reassurance of what happened last month. and if he’s single, maybe you’ll keep him wrapped around your finger this time.
“alright! i’m ready!” you grabbed your small purse that barely fit anything in it and ran into the uber with the 10 other people in it. “a bit crowded?” you laughed as some people were sitting on each other’s laps.
“anything to save money and not have a designated driver tonight. today’s the day where all hell will break lose.” going out with a group of people was safer, calmer, and more fun.
lately, your life had been hitting every single positive goal in life. you spent your days with the people who brought out the best. little did you know, you would meet the person who would see you inside and out.
getting out the car was a hassle. thanking the driver and running to show your ids to the bouncer. already pre-gamed at your tiny apartment, it was finally time to let loose.
“it’s fucking hot in here.” one of your dearest friends spoke to you as you tried to mingle on the dance floor.
“i just finished my makeup 20 minutes ago and i can feel it melting already.” you fanned yourself to keep composed.
“y/n, that guy keeps staring at you.” looking behind your shoulder. you saw the one and only boy, the one with the best lips you’ve ever felt on yours.
“holy shit. that’s the guy with the crazy girl that slapped me.” you looked at your friend in disbelief. he must’ve went out to the clubs a lot if you continued to see him.
“go up to him. i don’t see her around. ask him what that whole fight was about. take a shot though, you’re gonna need it.” turning around, you could already see his eyes going up and down from behind you. meeting with your friends at the bar and downing shots after shots. finally feeling the alcohol in your system, a new boost of confidence was found.
walking up to him, you spotted different girls surrounding him. as you got closer, he sat up straight and tried to distance himself. sitting down next to him, he sat there frozen.
“hey, aren’t you the guy from a few weekends back?” for a guy who seemed popular around the ladies, he seemed pretty fucking nervous around you.
“yeah i am. sorry about that slap. i don’t know what happened. she’s not my girlfriend by the way. just someone random.” he spoke so fast, fidgeting with his hands. considering you already made out with him, there was no reason for him to be scared.
“you seem very popular. met anyone you like?” he wiped his sweaty palms on his pants. you listened closely to the song in the background as he tried to form an answer.
push me down, hold me down.
spit in my mouth while you turn me on. i wanna take your light inside.
“you. can’t ignore a pretty girl like you.” he began to play into your little game. slowly, you touched his shoulder and sat closer to him in a comfortable position.
“oh yeah? well, this ‘pretty girl’ has to know your name first.”
and i’m screamin’ out. give me tough love.
“my name is hector. yours?”
“i’m y/n. you have a little something on your neck.” spotting a red kiss-mark on his neck, obviously not from you, you smudged it off.
we don’t gotta be in love no. i don’t gotta be the one, no.
i just wanna be one of your girls tonight.
“wishing it was your lipstick?” he give a little grin, trying to rile you up. you looked at him, his way of words trying to get into your pants was working.
“i don’t need to wish.” within seconds, your lips happened to be on hector’s. your legs straddling him while he rubbed your thighs.
he knows how to get the best out of me.
his hands were grabbing your waist as you felt the material of his pants under you. he continued rubbing your thighs, but he slowly made it up to your ass. as you gasped for air, he decided it was a good time to slip in his tongue.
finally breaking the kiss, you hear him whimper for more even over the loud music. smiling at him, you made your way to his neck and jaw. you planted a few kisses here and there, then you could feel his hand start to go under your dress.
“not here, but i know a few places.” making eye contact, you already knew where this was going.
hector wanted to you to be his girl every night.
author’s note: author gone wild. imagination got the best of me and i know this is not likely of my stories. let me know if i did good for these kind of storylines!
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mopopshop · 8 days
could u please write an angsty emily hc like what would happen if they fought they and stuff? perfectly fine if nottt 🫶🫶
Part 2 <- here
The ride home was silent, confusingly so. You and Emily had just left a mutual friend’s birthday party, you assumed that the both of you had a good time but the lack of interaction from Emily had you doubting that. 
She’d rushed the two of you out of the party, barely said anything on the walk to the car, and slammed the door when getting in. Obviously you got the impression that she was upset but had no idea why.
The uncomfortable car ride had finally come to an end when you pulled into the parking lot of your shared apartment. Emily hurried her way out of the car and didn’t bother to see if you were following her, her attitude is seriously starting to piss you off but you huff tiredly and reluctantly follow her.
The both of you get inside the apartment and you lean against the wall at the entrance to toe off your heels.
Emily speaks up finally, “I’m gonna shower” and stalks down the hallway, making no effort to look at you.
“… Okay” you respond but she’s already reached your room by then. 
You opt to stay in the living room while she showers, not before quickly changing then dragging yourself to the kitchen to find something small to eat. 
You find a leftover bag of cheezits, grabbing them and crashing on the couch. Shortly after, you hear Emily return from the shower, clad in an old training tee and basketball shorts. She’s just standing around in the kitchen as you walk in to throw away your trash.
You turn to leave but Emily starts to speak “Who.. who was that girl you were talking to at D’s party?”
This irks you deeply, she doesn’t speak to you the whole way back and actively avoids you when you actually get home and the first thing she decides to say is that?
“Dude, are you serious?,” you sigh exasperatedly “That’s the first thing you say after basically ignoring me for the past hour?”
“Why the fuck are you pissed off?”
“Why are you??!” you raise your voice slightly “I’ve been waiting for you to explain this sudden- attitude or whatever immature ass temperature tantrum it is that you’re having”
“Can you just answer my question?”
You put your hand over your face and sigh “Emily… jesus fuck, she’s an old friend from high school. Happy now?” you throw your arms up in frustration and walk back to the living room.
Emily follows you out of the kitchen “No, not really” 
“Great, why is that?” you respond sarcastically 
“ ‘Cause she’s your fucking ex?” 
“Where did you even get that from?”
“From Karlie? Jade? They said you two were like a thing back then”
“That’s a full lie, I kissed her once- drunk at some stupid party sophomore year. You know- when I was 16 fucking years old!” 
“So is she your friend or not? ‘Cause I don’t kiss my friends”
“Emily what the actual fuck are you talking about?! Jesus- I’m a grown woman now if you didn’t notice. That was 7-8 goddamn years ago”
“You let her be all over you the whole fucking night! Not that fucking fun watching your girlfriend rub up on her ex the whole night”
“She’s not my ex Emily, for Christ’s sake!”
“And I didn’t let her rub on me the whole night, maybe if you actually chose to pay attention and realize that the second she started that shit I distanced myself and shut it down. Immediately.” at this point the both of you are full on yelling at each other, you can apologize to your neighbors in the morning “And maybe if you tried to be a fucking adult and actually speak to your girlfriend about how you were feeling, instead of pouting in the corner like a damn child, we wouldn’t be here in the first place!”
“Don’t do that shit, dude. Don’t put all the blame on me like you didn’t keep all this stuff from me”
“Are you serious? Are you fucking serious? First of all, how the hell was I supposed to know that she’d be there and second, I had no idea it’d piss you off this badly. So please explain to me how any of that is my fault” 
She scoffs, rolling her eyes “Yeah, dude whatever, fuck this”
“Oh yeah sure Emily, fuck this, fuck me for responding to you because you brought it up in the fucking first place!” 
“I don’t give a fuck anymore, bro” she yells as she stomps down the hallway and slams the door to your bedroom.
You feel hot tears spring to your eyes as you huff, flopping down on the couch. You quickly scrub them away with your fist and occupy your thoughts with re-runs of the Golden Girls on TV.
About 15 minutes later, the door to your bedroom creaks open and Emily comes storming out, shoving a jacket over her shoulders as she makes her way to the front door.
“Where the hell are you going?” you question
“Hailey’s” she deadpans 
“Seriously? You don’t even wanna talk this out with me?”
“No, I really don’t”
“God, you’re immature”
“Fuck off, don’t wait up for me either” and with that she slams the door.
You flop on your back, laying on the couch and cover your hands over your face. Eventually the tears catch up with you and you sit there, crying on the couch waiting for Emily to return.
Count how many times I say “serious” in this LMAO
i’m actually really proud of this one, please enjoy ! 🫶🏾
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book-place · 1 year
Where You Lead
Warnings: mentions of fighting, hunting, weapons and violence, drinking, hints of parental abuse and neglect, cursing, injuries and blood, gunshots wounds, mentions of death let me know if I missed any :)
Pairings: Dean Winchester x sister reader, Sam Winchester x sister reader
*not my gif*
Summary: Ever since you first came home from the hospital, you and Dean had an unbreakable bond
A/N: Welcome to book place’s one year event!!
Inspired by: Where You Lead I Will Follow by Carole King
Please don’t plagiarize my work, you may reblog if you like but I’m asking that you don’t steal my hard work
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Loving you the way I do
“This is your baby sister, Y/n,” This might be the first time since his mother was alive that Dean had heard his fathers voice be as soft as it was.
“Can I hold her? Please, can I hold her?” Sam begged, bouncing up and down on his toes in anticipation.
“Dean gets to hold her first, Sam,” John scowled slightly, “We talked about this already.”
The- now middle- Winchester sibling stopped jumping immediately and dropped his head slightly, “Sorry,” He mumbled, kicking his shoe slightly against the motel ground.
As gently as humanly possible, nine year old Dean gingerly held you in his arms, supporting your head the way your father had shown him before gazing at you in wonder.
You tossed and turned a little bit in the hospital blanket that was wrapped securely around you, before you blinked your eyes open slightly.
Instead of screaming and crying like he expected you to do, you just stared up at your older brother in the same amazement that he looked over you with; and that amazement soon melted into full adoration on his features.
“Is it my turn yet?” Sam whined, and John finally relented with a small huff.
The hesitation was visible on Dean's face, looking as if it pained him to pass you over to his little brother, something that escaped both Sam and John’s notice.
What John didn’t miss though, was the way his eldest son lingered near you and Sam, looking ready to spring forward at any moment and save you should Sam accidentally drop you.
“She’s fine, Dean, quit hovering.” John told his son gruffly. But for the first time in his life, the boy didn't snap at attention to scramble and do what his father had said. For the first time, he pretended as if he didn’t hear the man as he continued to stare down at you.
I know we’re gonna make it through
“I’ll be back in a couple days, don’t do anything to draw attention to yourselves.” John warned with a small glare before turning on his heel and exiting the motel room, slamming the door shut behind him.
Dean let out a small breath, glancing over his shoulder to where you sat on Sam’s lap on the crammed couch, both of you engrossed in the cartoon before you.
It had been two years since you were born, and Dean was yet to hear his fathers voice grow soft again, even around you. In fact, John began to try and distance himself from you as much as he could.
He had once confessed to Dean when he was almost black out drunk that it was because he had a child with a woman who wasn’t Mary, and while he and Sam could remind him of his late wife, you did no such thing.
It wasn’t your fault of course, and Dean knew that. He knew that it wasn’t fair for your father to distance himself from you for something you couldn’t control, which would inevitably affect you one way or another eventually.
He walked over to the couch before plopping down onto the small cushion beside the two of you and held out his arms, “Giver ‘er here, Sammy.”
The boy did so, and you giggled slightly at being passed around. You looked up at Dean with a wide smile before turning your attention back to the screen.
A small sigh escaped his lips as he watched over his two siblings, both who were completely oblivious to the fact that John had only left a few cans of food in the room and a very limited amount of money without the certainty of when he would return.
He placed a small kiss on the top of your head. He was going to get you all through this, just like he always did.
And I would go to the ends of the earth
“We asked for a parent or guardian of Y/n Winchester.” The principal raised a single eyebrow as he spoke, eyeing the clearly high school level student.
“I’m her older brother,” Dean grunted with narrowed eyes, “Isn’t that good enough if our father can’t make it?”
The older man sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose, “Fine, fine. We should get this started, then.” He then beckoned with his hand for you and one of your classmates to come into his office.
You shuffled in, eyes lighting up when you spotted Dean and you hurriedly squealed, rushing over and jumping into his arms, “Hey, sweetheart.” He mumbled, pressing a kiss in your hair.
“What is this about?” The mother of your classmate demanded, shooting daggers at you and your brother from where she sat in a chair a couple feet away.
“I’m afraid we are going to have to suspend the two of them,” The principal spoke.
A look of bewilderment came over Dean's features, “S-suspend? For what? She’s five!”
“Even so, they both must be held accountable for their actions.”
“Which was what, exactly?” He demanded, grip tightening around you protectively.
“The two of them got into a small fight and disrupted the class.” He informed him and the other mom.
“That’s outrageous!” Said mother shrieked, jumping to her feet, “My daughter would never get into a fight!”
“She hit me, I didn’t do anything,” You mumbled into Dean's ear, and he felt his anger begin to boil in his blood.
“Y/n didn’t do anything,” Dean stated, a venomous glint in his eyes as he stared down the mother and the principal.
“Oh?” The woman screeched, whirling around and pointing a finger at him, “And how did you figure that out?” She hissed.
“Because she told me she didn’t,” He said plainly.
She scoffed and rolled her eyes as if he just said the most idiotic thing she’d ever heard, “And how do you know you can believe her?”
Dean stood up immediately, you still clutched to his chest as he glared right back at the older woman, “Because she isn’t lying.” He told her with a dangerous tinge in his tone before simply turning on his heel and striding out of the office.
Your arms wrapped around his neck and you buried your face in his shirt, “Thanks, De.” You whispered.
'Cause, darling, to me that's what you're worth
“What the hell is this?” John snapped with a glare, picking up a doll that had gently been set on the table.
Dean swallowed, eyes flitting over to your sleeping form on the bed beside him, your chest rising and falling steadily.
You hadn’t meant to, and Dean knew that. You were only eight, you hadn’t meant to wander out the store with the doll in your grip as if it was already yours and not something you had just picked up off the shelf.
He had been too preoccupied to even notice until the two of you got home, and he had sighed as he watched your eyes fill with tears and your bottom lip wobble as you stared up at him after telling you that it would have to be taken back.
Reluctantly, he had given in and decided that it wouldn’t even matter if you brought it back now, so he had said he would let you keep it this one time if you never did it again.
Of course, Dean couldn’t tell his father that, then he would be angry at you. And your older brother always did everything in his power to shield you from that side of John.
“I-I took it, sir.” Your older brother cleared his throat, glancing up at his fathers raging form, “I wanted to get her a toy to have.”
The older man let out a loud scoff, rolling his eyes, “Why the hell would you do that?”
“Because sh-she needs toys,” He tried to sound as confident as he could without his voice wavering again. You needed him, he would not give you up like that, “I thought she needed toys.” He was more confident this time.
John dropped the doll carelessly to the ground with a snarl, “Next time,” He seethed, “Next time I catch you pulling any of this shit, there’s gonna be consequences.”
He was talking to Dean as if he weren’t seventeen years old. As if he were still just a child.
But the boy bit his tongue and nodded his head once, visibly relaxing once his father stomped out of the room. He looked back at you and let a small sigh loose, relieved that you hadn’t woken up.
Carefully, he pulled the blankets higher on your body that had slipped down from some tossing and turning.
Where you lead, I will follow
“Dude,” Sam spoke up, glancing away from his homework for a split second to give Dean a look, “She’s fine.”
The man immediately froze, stopped tapping his foot and snapped his head over to his younger brother, “What?”
“Y/n,” The younger boy's head was already facing the textbook again, “She just went out with a couple friends. You can stop stressing out, she's fine.”
Dean hadn’t even realized that he had eagerly been staring out the motel window, awaiting your return with about as much impatience as a toddler.
“I know that,” He shot back defensively, forcing his muscles to relax from his stiff, upright sitting position and relax against the back of the chair.
Sam looked up again, eyebrows raised so high that they disappeared under his hair, “Oh? You’re not staring at the parking lot as if she didn’t just leave five minutes ago?”
“No,” Dean grumbled, sinking down and crossing his arms over his chest.
A sigh left Sam’s lips, “She’s eleven, dude. And she’s just down the road if you need to get to her.”
“Or if she needs to get to me.” He hadn’t even thought as the words slipped through his lips.
There was a pause, “Yeah… yeah, if she needs to get to you, she can easily do it.” He reassured his older brother.
Despite the clear way the words were forced out, Dean still relaxed for real when he heard them, but didn’t move away from the window as he waited for you to return.
Anywhere that you tell me to
You shuffled through the door, head hung low as you dropped your backpack with a small ‘thud’ beside the table. Sam reached out and rubbed your shoulders comfortingly.
Dean looked over his shoulder from where he was preparing dinner, “Hey, sweetheart, hey Sammy-“ He cut himself off when he caught sight of your defeated look and Sam’s pitying one, “What is it?” He immediately rushed out, “What’s wrong?”
You just sniffled slightly and crossed your arms over your chest, kicking at the floor.
“Sam?” He automatically turned his attention to the boy when you didn’t answer, “What’s wrong?” He demanded again.
John had just dropped the two of you off back at the motel after school before rushing off, saying that the hunt was not over even though he thought it had been.
A tear slipped down your cheek, and right as it did so, you took off towards the bathroom, slamming and locking the door behind you, leaving your brothers behind.
“There’s this father-daughter dance going on for her grade,” He sighed, and it clicked into place right away for Dean.
“Dad couldn’t go?” He asked softly.
“He wouldn’t,” Sam corrected him angrily with a scoff, crossing his arms over his chest, “He told her it was a waste of time.”
All at once, a blinding rage boiled up inside of Dean, one of the only times in his entire life that he was anything but scared of his father. For once, he hated the man.
His thoughts snapped back to the present though when he realized that you were still crying in the bathroom, and he immediately reeled his emotions in. You needed him more than he needed to be angry right now.
With a sigh, he crept over and gently knocked on the door after shooting a swift nod of thanks to Sam’s direction, “N/n?” He called softly, “Sweetheart, it’s me. Can I come in?”
There was a moment of silence before the man heard a slight click of a door being unlocked, and he didn’t hesitate to rush in.
Your cheeks were stained with tears and your eyes were bloodshot in a way that made Dean's heart shatter into a million pieces.
“Oh, n/n,” He cooed, sinking onto the ground beside you and pulling you to his chest, rubbing a hand up and down your back comfortingly as you cried into his shirt.
He kept whispering comforting words in your ear until you were reduced to sniffles and hiccups that were an effect of after-sobbing.
“D-dad doesn’t want to go with me,” You choked out, clutching a handful of your brother's shirt tightly.
Dean sighed, unsure of what to tell you. Of whether or not he should lie and tell you that your father really did want to go, he was just busy. But he realized that you were now old enough to see right through that.
“I’ll go with you,” As soon as the thought popped into his mind, he hadn’t even given himself a second to process it before blurting it out loud.
You reeled back and stared up at him with wide eyes, “Wha-“
“I’ll go to the father-daughter dance with you,” He shrugged, “I know I’m not dad, but at least you’ll have someone to go with.”
Slowly, a large grin broke out onto your face and you threw yourself into his arms again, squeezing tightly as you let out an excited squeal, “Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
He laughed, hugging you with the same amount of force, “My pleasure, sweetheart.”
If you need, you need me to be with you
“Y/n?” Dean's eyebrows flew up in shock as the smell of alcohol filled his senses.
“Duh,” You slurred, stumbling slightly to stand upright as you made your way into the motel room, “Who else would I be? Bobby?”
“Are you… drunk?” He had to blink a couple of times to help his brain fully process what he was seeing. You, his baby sister, hardly fifteen years old, drunk out of your mind.
“Noo,” You whined, “God, get off my case.”
“Hey,” He stood up, arm wrapping around your waist automatically as you almost fell over your own feet, “Come on,” Gently, he led you over to sit down on the bed.
With a large sigh of relief, you fell onto your back and cuddled into the sheets, “Thanks, dad.” You mumbled.
Dean's eyes were practically bugging out of his head at this point. He swallowed thickly, “Y-you know I’m not dad, right?”
“Well not biololy-“ You paused with furrowed eyebrows, “Beeolog-“
“Biologically?” He filled in the missing word for you, unsure of where you were trying to go with this as he turned on his heel to get you a glass of water.
You snapped your fingers, pointing a lazy finger at him, “Bingo! You might not be my dad biologically, but you’re more of a father to me than John- John is.” Your head was nuzzling into a pillow by now.
He sputtered, practically dropping the glass before setting it down on the bedside table, “That-that’s not true.” He insisted, “You don’t think that.”
“Sober words are drunk thoughts,” You slurred before opening your eyes and pausing to think, “Wait… that’s not right…”
He sighed, picking up the water and coaxing you to sit up so he could give it to you.
“We’ll talk in the morning,” Dean told you softly, leaning forward to place a kiss on your forehead.
Even after you eventually drifted off to sleep, he couldn’t do so himself. Still trying to wrap his mind around what you said. About if you actually believed your own words.
I will follow where you lead
“Dean.” You reached up to pinch the bridge of your nose, “I’m old enough to go on a date.”
He scowled, sinking further into his chair with his arms crossed, “I disagree,” He grumbled.
“Of course you do,” You sighed before turning back to the bathroom mirror and checking your reflection one last time before stepping out.
“Do you have your gun?” He asked automatically. And if it were anyone else, you would have laughed. But this was your eldest brother, and you knew for a fact that he was dead serious.
“I don’t think I need-“
“Do you have your gun?” He demanded again, glowering from across the room.
“Yes, yes, I have my gun.” You reassured him, lifting up your handbag of where it was resting dramatically to further your point.
Silence rang out between the two of you for a moment, having your own mini stare down, before it was his turn to sigh and stand up before striding across the room to you.
He put his hands on each of your shoulders, looking you in the eye, “I just want what’s best for you.” He told you sincerely.
Your hands went up to gently grasp onto his wrists and squeeze, “I know that, De,” You spoke softly, “But you can’t protect me from everything.”
“I can try,” He replied stubbornly, cracking a smile when you snorted.
Taking your hands off of his, you moved your arms to wrap around his torso and pull him into a tight hug.
He was just about to return it when a knock rang through the room. Your date was at the door.
Slowly, you let go and looked up at your big brother with a smile.
If you're out on the road
“Where’s Sammy when you need him?” You groaned, dropping your head into your arms that rested against the table.
“Shut it,” Dean grumbled, “I can help you just as well as he could.”
You rolled your eyes up to the ceiling, “You’ve failed every math class you’ve ever been in, genius.”
“And who told you that?”
“Sam.” You said in a ‘duh’ tone.
Dean scoffed, “Well, Sammy’s a freaking liar.”
You rose your eyebrows and placed your head in your hand, waiting as his eyes raked up and down the paper.
“Well?” You asked after a few moments.
“Well, this is hard.” He snapped back.
You threw your hands up, “That's why I asked for help!”
He seemed to ponder something for a moment before putting the paper down tentatively, “Math was always stupid anyway. I don’t think it would hurt if you didn’t do this one assignment.”
“So, you’re admitting to not knowing how to do this?”
“Then what are you saying?”
“… fine, I failed every math class I’ve ever taken.”
Feeling lonely, and so cold
“You’re gonna be fine, you’re gonna be fine.” Dean muttered, not knowing if he was trying to reassure you or himself more as he put so much pressure on the gas that his foot had begun to hurt.
“D-Dean-“ You muttered from the passenger seat, lulling your head to the side to try and face him.
Quickly, he shushed you, doing everything in his power not to focus solely on the crumbled up shirt you were holding against your stomach to try and apply pressure to your wound. He knew if he focused on that for longer than a couple of seconds, he would abandon his mission of getting you straight to a hospital and try to take care of it on his own.
He knew his mind would kick into a protective, frenzy overdrive and he wouldn’t allow himself to wait until he arrived at his destination.
Of course, the one day Sam wasn’t feeling well enough to join the two of you on a hunt- one that was supposed to be so simple that Dean finally- begrudgingly- allowed you to come on, you had gotten shot in the stomach.
As soon as that had happened, everything about the hunt immediately flew as far from Deans mind as humanly possible, even letting the shooter get away in his panicked state as his brain switched to autopilot mode and he scooped you up and rushed you to the car.
Nothing was going to happen to you. Nothing was going to happen to you. Nothing was going to happen to you. Nothing was-
A violent cough raked through your body, making your older brother visibly flinch as he pressed down harder on the pedal, even if he was already going as fast as he could.
“You’re gonna be okay, sweetheart,” He muttered, harshly blinking away the tears that began to pool in his eye ducts.
All you have to do is call my name
“Dean?” You whispered into the darkness hesitantly.
“Wh-What? What’s wrong?” His eyes immediately snapped open and he flew out of the bed at your nervous tone.
He gently took ahold of each of your shoulders and blinked the sleep away from his eyes as they scanned your face through the darkness for any sign of distress.
“I-I had a nightmare…” You muttered weakly, feeling heat begin to spread to your cheeks as you averted your eyes from your elder brother.
“Oh,” He breathed out, relaxing only slightly when he realized that you were in no immediate danger, “Oh, it’s okay, sweetheart.” He quickly wrapped his arms around you and brought you to his chest.
Your own arms snaked around him in return, burying your face in his chest and allowing him to rock both of you back and forth slightly as he rubbed your back soothingly.
“Can I stay?” You whispered meekly, refusing to look him in the eyes from the sheer embarrassment of it all.
“Of course,” He answered without hesitation, keeping an arm wrapped around you as he gently led you to the bed.
As soon as you were both lying down and under the sheets, you cuddled into your older brothers chest and let out a little sigh of content, “Thank you, De.” You whispered sleepily.
“I have nightmares all the time too,” He whispered after a few moments of silence, “They got worse after you almost died on that hunt.”
You felt his arms tighten around you as he spoke, and you held on just as tight in return.
“We’re okay,” He spoke comfortingly, kissing the top of your head again, “We’re okay.”
And I'll be there on the next train
“I-I need help,” You spoke shakily into the phone, wrapping your free arm tighter around yourself as you spoke.
“Alright, I’m on my way.” Came Dean's determined reply.
No, ‘I told you so’. No, ‘You made this mess, you can get out of it yourself’. No, ‘You shouldn’t have gone in the first place’. Just your selfless, loving brother who was willing to drop everything he was doing because you had made a mistake. Because you had insisted that you could finally go on a solo hunt despite his protests and pleas. Because he had been so scared of a repeat from the last time he had allowed you to go on a hunt. And even that time you were with him, this time you wouldn’t be.
And now you were in over your head and you needed your older brother to bail you out.
“Dean?” You sniffled slightly into your phone, “I’m sorry.”
“I know, sweetheart, I know.” He spoke soothingly.
In the background, you hear the car start as if he had just been sitting in it waiting for your call.
You wouldn’t be surprised. But you couldn’t find it in yourself to be mad at him.
Where you lead, I will follow
“Sam’s gonna kill us ya’know.” You spoke, shoveling another spoonful of cereal into your mouth.
“What Sammy doesn’t know won’t hurt him,” Dean replied calmly, leaning back against the couch cushions, eyes trained solely on the Scooby-Doo episode.
“We’re supposed to be researching lore about the case,” Even though you said it, you made no effort to turn off the television and go back to work.
“You and I both know that he’ll do all of it anyway,” He reminded you, “Might as well enjoy our time instead of wasting it.”
A chuckle escaped from your lips as you softly shook your head back and forth, folding your legs underneath you and entertaining your brother by watching his favorite show with him.
Anywhere that you tell me to
“How do you mess up making toast?” You yelled over the fire alarm.
“I don’t know! Okay? I don’t know!” Dean's voice boomed back as he wildly jumped around with a towel while trying to fan the smoke out of the room.
Despite his protests, the alarms screeching didn't come to the halt you had hoped for. If anything, it seemed to get even louder.
“I leave you alone for five minutes and this is what happens!” You scolded, “I swear, I feel like I’m the older one sometimes.”
“Just shut it and help me!” He snapped.
You sighed irritatedly, but grabbed a towel anyway and joined in on his efforts of stopping an almost inevitable fire.
It took a while- and a lot more screaming matches- before the alarm finally died down and the only thing that remained from the fire was the ringing in your ears, the faint smell of smoke, and a burnt beyond recognition piece of toast.
“Let’s… let’s not speak of this ever again.” Dean finally huffed out after catching his breath.
A wicked smile made its way onto your face at his words, “In your dreams,” You told him sinisterly.
His face dropped and he looked at you in horror, “Don’t you dare-“
“Oh, Sam,” You sang, practically dancing out of the room.
“Get back here!” The sound of thundering feet coming bounding after you made you squeal and pick up your pace.
If you need, you need me to be with you
“Y/n?” You ferociously wiped away the tears that stained your cheeks when you door was knocked on, “Sweetheart? Are you okay?”
“Y-yeah, I’m fine, Dean.” You silently cursed yourself for the small crack in your voice as you spoke. Though you doubted it would even need to be there for your brother to know that something was wrong.
“I’m coming in,” He announced, waiting only a split second to see if you would protest before opening your door and immediately scanning his eyes over you to see what was the matter.
“Hey, hey,” He murmured gently, dropping down in front of where you sat on your bed once he realized you didn’t appear to be in any physical pain, “What’s wrong?”
You shook your head when you were unable to speak, averting your eyes from his wide, concerned ones.
“Talk to me,” He pleaded softly. He hated when something was the matter that he didn’t know about, it absolutely killed him.
“It’s just-“ You choked out a small sob, “Why?”
His eyebrows furrowed as he unconsciously swiped a piece of hair from your face, “Why, what, sweetheart?”
Again, you shook your head, “I’m being so stupid-“
“Hey,” He gently grabbed your chin and made you look at him, “Anything making you upset is not stupid. Now what’s wrong?”
“Why can’t we just have a normal life?” His heart dropped, “Why did dad have to drag us into this? We’ve lost so many people because of what we do and I just don’t know if I can take it anymore-“
“Hey, hey,” He shushed you softly, immediately wrapping his arms around you, “Shh, it’s okay, I know. Believe me, sweetheart, I know. It’s not fair. I’m so sorry.”
“It’s not your fault, Dean.” You sniffled, pulling away and wiping your face with your sleeve.
“Still,” Tears began to form in his own eyes and he was forced to harshly blink them away, “I wish more than anything that you could have been spared from this. And I am so damn sorry that you weren’t.”
“I don’t want this for you either, Dean.” You told him softly.
He smiled sadly, “I know, sweetheart, I know. But at least we have each other.”
You were finally able to smile slightly at that, “Yeah, we do. Don’t we?”
I will follow
Humming lightly to yourself, you put the finishing touches on the dish before you and stepped back with your hands on your hips, proudly smiling down at it.
“N/n!” Dean's voice echoed through the halls, “I’m home!”
“In the kitchen!” You echoed back, excitedly jumping to hide the plate behind your back just in time for him to enter.
He entered with a wide smile, “Hey, sweetheart, what’s-“ He froze and eyed you suspiciously, “What are you up to?”
Unable to even attempt to hide your eagerness anymore, you leapt to the side and dramatically put your arms out to the side, “Ta da!” You guestered to the plate you had previously been hiding.
A wide grin automatically broke out onto his face as he came scurrying over to the counter with childlike excitement, “Pie?” He practically squealed, “You made me pie?”
You nodded proudly, putting your hands on your hips.
He rushed over and scooped you in a long hug, spinning you around in a way that made you giggle, “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” He gushed while gently setting you down, “Have I ever told you that you’re the best sister ever?” He was already taking a fork and shoveling some of it into his mouth.
“I could do with hearing it more often.” You teased.
“You’re the best sister ever!” He cheered, devouring the dessert happily.
Where you lead
The steady rocking of the car did nothing to help your tired state, nor did the music softly drifting out of the speakers and filling the small space effortlessly.
Dean's eyes flitted over to you for a quick second, “You can go to sleep, it’ll be a couple more hours until we get there.” He told you softly.
You shook your head stubbornly despite the yawn you had to bite back, “I wanna stay up with you,” You murmured, unconsciously cuddling up against the seat.
“We had a long day, just get some rest.” He insisted in the same gentle tone.
Finally, you weren’t able to hold back your exhaustion any longer and you practically melted into the cushions, “Fine,” You mumbled, “But only for a few minutes.”
He laughed lightly, reaching over with one hand and ruffling your hair playfully, “Sleep well, sleepyhead.” He teased.
“I love you, De,” You whispered, eyes already drifting shut and your head lulling to rest against the window.
“I love you too, sweetheart.”
Idjits 👟- @ineedmorefanfics2 @roseblue373 @popfishjr @kiyomi-uchiha777
2K notes · View notes
sluttyminghao · 3 months
drunk on love - x.mh
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♡ pairing: minghao x fem!reader ♡ w.c.: 1.5k ♡ genre: fluff + smut ♡ warnings: alcohol consumption, reader and hao get a little tipsy, car sex, blowjob ♡ summary: You + minghao + wine tasting = chaos and perhaps a surprise proposal, that has you craving him more than ever. ♡ a/n: hoho surprise i've come out of my writing trenches to produce this! happy (very) belated valentines @hoeforhao, it was so fun being your secret valentine! i had so many issues with reception and not being able to post this so i really hope you like it! this fic is part of @svthub valentine collaboration!
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“So, where is this winery?”
“It’s somewhere about 50 minutes away from here…I haven't been to this one before,  so I’m excited to see what they have in store, especially since they’ve got a cute little setup for Valentine's Day right now,” Minghao said. His eyes sparkled as he entered the address in the GPS and buckled his seatbelt. You smile at his excitement, buckling your seatbelt and preparing for the drive.
You make small talk with your boyfriend as he drives the long roads, watching as the city lights fade into the distance and are instead replaced with farm animals, houses on big blocks of land and the occasional roadside stall selling flowers, fruits and vegetables.
As you approach the winery, you sit up in your seat excitedly and let your gaze wander over the large fields of grape vines, the large ranch-style home that definitely could've passed as a mansion, and the small crowds of people gathered around wine barrels, sipping on various wines.
Minghao shares your excitement and jumps out of the car quickly after parking in a secluded area of the car park, hidden by trees, and running around to open your door like the gentleman he is. His face gleams with excitement, and he grips your hand tightly as he walks you both up to the iron-clad bars of the winery. 
It didn’t take long for you and Minghao to be seated, and you quickly began testing the various wines they offered you both, as well as snacking on a small charcuterie board with cheeses and processed meats. The sweet and tangy notes danced on your tongue, and within only an hour or two, your head was beginning to feel light and your body feeling like jelly.
With the timing seeming perfect, he decides now to pull out the small, black velvet box from his jeans pocket and get off his chair onto one knee beside you. It takes you a moment to notice his appearance at your side, and that’s when the tears start flowing. He hadn't even opened his mouth to say anything yet, but you were already bending down to kiss him.
“I know you already know what I’m going to say, but I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Also, I know it’s cheesy to propose on Valentine's Day, but will you marry me?”
You nod and wipe your tears away, not trusting your voice to break or sound like a pre-pubescent teenager. A huge grin erupts on his face, and he quickly stands up to place the ring on your finger before kissing you on the forehead. With the proposal now completed, a waiter brings out another bottle of wine, which seems much more expensive than any of the other wines brought out for you to taste.
But what the hell, you just got engaged. Who cares how expensive it is
Minghao notices how the alcohol is beginning to affect you and opts to take you home to avoid any embarrassing stories that may be told later. He is feeling a slight buzz himself but definitely is better off than you currently are, so he chucks a couple of crisp bills on the table to cover the bill and slings an arm around your waist to get you outside.
“Y-you’re so pretty, Hao,”  you stutter, your fingers tracing his features despite him attempting to walk you back to the car. He can't help but lean into your touch, your warm fingertips sending goosebumps erupting all over his skin, almost making him lose focus.
He manages to get you into the car and get your seatbelt on; all the while, you’re drunkenly slurring about how handsome he is. It makes his heart swell at the words and sight of you, eyes sparkling and cheeks flush from the alcohol, but he knows that he probably is in a similar state. He knows he’s in no condition to drive just yet, so instead, he hops into the driver's seat and blasts the air conditioner to sober himself up a little, hopefully.
What Minghao isn't expecting, however, is a hand to begin sliding up his thigh, squeezing gently in the process. He turns to look at you, confusion slipping onto his features. Your eyes are glazed over, and there’s a slight smirk presenting on your features, which in turn makes his breath catch in his throat, his heart begins to race and his cock twitches.
“Sweetheart, you’re not in your right mind now; what are you doing?” His voice quivers as you slide your hand up further on his thigh, your fingertips ghosting over his quickly hardening erection. Your smirk only grows as you feel his erection twitch and continue to harden with your subtle touches and hear his breathing get increasingly heavy.
“You know what I’m doing, just having some fun! Don’t you want this too?” There’s a slight slur in your voice from the alcohol you’ve consumed, but even with the alcohol in your body making you feel warm, you can feel your panties beginning to stick to you, and the lust overwhelms your body.
“Of course I do-”
“Then let me suck you off, Hao, please?” He groans and lets himself give in to your sultry request, his hands blindly fumbling with the zip on his jeans and hastily pulling them off his hips and halfway down his thighs, his boxers following quickly after, and his cock springing up and slapping against his shirt.
You waste no time bending over the centre console, wrapping a hand around his base, and letting your lips envelop the tip. While it’s not the most straightforward position to suck your boyfriend off in, the noises he’s making make up for all of that, and you focus solely on him. With each bob of your head, his noises get louder and louder until he’s pulling you off him and staring at you adoringly.
“I don’t want to cum in your mouth, baby; I want to cum inside of you…” his voice trails off as he pats his pockets, seemingly looking for something. His brows furrow in frustration as he continues to search but sighs when he gives up a few moments later.
“I thought I had some condoms, but I must've left them at home,” he mutters, his hand stroking your thigh soothingly. Your eyes brighten at his words before you rummage through your bag and pull out some foiled packets. Minghao laughs loudly at the realisation that you’ve brought some condoms for him, picking one up between two fingers to inspect it.
“What about strawberry or chocolate-flavoured condoms instead?” You suggest, a hint of playfulness sparkling in your eyes as Minghao picks up one of the condoms from your outstretched palm. He hurriedly slides the condom down his cock, before proceeding to shuffle awkwardly into the backseat of the car, beckoning you to follow him with a crook of his finger.
“Come sit on my cock, baby; no one's gonna see,” he smirks as you shuffle into the backseat, lifting your skirt so that he has full access to you. He licks his lips at the sight of your dripping cunt hovering above his aching cock, twitching at how warm and wet you’re going to feel around him.
You waste no time sinking onto him, his length stretching you out perfectly. A soft whine escapes you as you let yourself relax onto him, a guttural moan leaving Minghao’s lips at your warm cunt surrounding him. It takes a few moments to adjust to his size, and he grips your hips soothingly until you’re ready.
As soon as you feel comfortable, you begin raising your hips slowly and then rhythmically lowering them. The pace continues for a while, your moans mingling with Minghao’s until he finally reaches up and messily plants his lips onto yours, his tongue intertwining with your own. 
“F-fuck…feels so good,” you whine out, desperately trying to catch your breath and feeling the burn between your thighs from the repetitive bouncing. Minghao grins and places a thumb on your clit, and the way you writhe in his lap and whine even louder with the added stimulation has his cock twitching again, and the pit in his stomach begins to grow warmer and warmer, as does yours.
“Gonna cum, fuck, cum with me, baby,” Minghao rasps out, the grip on your hips tightening significantly, and his hips are starting to have a mind of their own. In an attempt to get him over the line quicker, you grind your hips down and let them do most of the work to bring him over the edge with a loud groan.
Just as soon as he’s cum and is in the state of post-orgasmic bliss, you fall head first into it as well, body seizing as your body gets sent through the orgasmic waves. All you can hear is both yours and Minghao’s heavy breathing intertwining, and you can feel his fingers drawing soothing pictures onto the flesh of your back.
“Should we go back home and get cleaned up?”
“That sounds great; the car is beginning to smell like sex and sweat anyway.”
297 notes · View notes
pairing: jake seresin x wife!reader
summary: after jake is called back to top gun for a mission, him and the dagger squad go out to the hard deck one night where javy gets absolutely hammered and lets it slip that jake has a wife. (request by @bookaholics-stuff )
warnings: talks of alcohol and being/getting drunk
wc: 1.5k
a/n: i feel like this was super rushed and might rewrite it but i hope you guys like it!!
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Javy “Coyote” Machado is Jake’s best friend and someone that you have grown to know and love over the time of knowing both him and Jake. You met them both in a Navy bar years ago in Texas while out with your sister and friends. 
You met them when your group left you for a couple of guys on the dance floor and you walked up to the bar, ordering straight whiskey. After hearing your order, Jake knew he was going to marry you one day and that is exactly what he did. 
After much reassurance and a confidence boost from Javy, Jake was finally able to approach you and start a conversation. He introduced you to Javy and the three of you hit it off well, you had talked so long that you completely lost track of time and ended up losing your party. They offered you a ride home and after you ruled them out as serial killers, you let them take you home. You left Jake with your number and quick goodbye. 
You were a doctor for the military, you would move from base to base to assist with incidents and accidents. And you just so happened to be moved to the same base where Jake and Javy were currently working. You became closer and closer with Jake and just after a couple months, the two of you started dating. 
Through a year of dating, neither of you had been moved or deployed, until about the year and a half milestone of your relationship. Jake was moving bases in a couple months and you were supposed to stay. When the news broke, you were both devastated, and Jake thought of only one solution to keep you together. 
A week after his transfer announcement he took you out to a scenic place and proposed to you. A little over two months later, you two were getting married. It was a small gathering on the Seresin Estate, consisting of both of your families and a couple of friends. 
Javy was Jake’s Best Man and part of your wedding party, your sister was your Maid of Honor; though the wedding was small, the two of them put in so much of their time and effort to make it the best wedding you could have ever imagined. It was like a dream. 
Now that you were married, you got to move simultaneously with Jake whenever he would be transferred to a different base. His most recent transfer was being called back to Top Gun Academy, so you packed up your little lives and headed out to Fightertown, USA. 
You found a cute place that was a good distance from the academy, but was still on the beach. Quickly purchasing the house, the day you moved in was so exciting. A new start, freshly married, buying your first house together, and being able to work close to one another. 
Jake was sent on this mission he was called back for, but then was requested to stay for a longer amount of time, possibly a long-term situation. You also learned that Javy was called back as well for the mission and that the two of them created many close bonds while training for and on the mission. 
Tonight they were going out to a well-known bar, The Hard Deck. 
“Baby, you sure you don’t want to come with us?” 
“Jake, its a team thing, I don't want to intrude,” 
“You could never,” you smile at him from the couch. Man, you are so in love with him. 
“It’s alright, babe, maybe next time,”
“Whatever you say,” he grabbed his coat and made a hat tipping motion at you even though he wasn’t wearing one. 
“Don't drink too much! I don’t want to have to carry your drunk ass into bed!” You yelled as he walked out the front door, receiving a thumbs up as a response. 
Jake walked into the Hard Deck to see everyone already into a couple of drinks. “There he is!!” Javy slurred, Jake smiled. “Was the missus holding you up?”
Jake froze, the rest of the team doesn’t know that he’s married and hadn’t found the right time to introduce you to them yet. I guess tonight wouldn't have been the best night for you to come with him to the bar. 
Jake smiled sheepishly, “No, I just wanted to eat first.” The others didn’t seem to register the information that Javy had just spilled, which Jake was grateful for. It’s not like he was trying to hide you, he just thought that explaining his marriage to a bunch of drunk people probably wouldn’t go too well. 
As the night went on, the rest of the Dagger Squad drank more and more, but Jake limited himself, he knew you would not want to drive all the way down there at 11 at night to pick him up because he drank too much. 
“Man, Jake, you’re not drinking as much as you usually do,” Bradley slurred. 
“Right,” Javy agreed, “I remember when he drank so much at his weddin’ that he almost fell over.” After he let that slip from his mouth, he slapped his hand over it. 
The team turned and all looked at him, “You’re married?”
“Jake is married??”
The small chatter surrounded the table, until Jake finally spoke up, “Yes, I am married,” he rolled his eyes at the shocked faces of the aviators. 
“I want to meet her!” Phoenix slurred, a chorus of ‘me too’s’ began throughout the table. 
He rolled his eyes again, “I’ll bring her tomorrow, is that cool?”
Jake looked down at his wristwatch, “Speaking of the missus, I’ve got to get home. Promised her I’d take the dog out before we went to bed,”
“Aw, look at Jake being all domestic and house-wifey,”
Jake turned back to the table one more time, “Phoenix, I will personally shoot your plane down the next time it's in the air.” The group burst into laughter and Jake left with an eye roll and without another word.
When he left the other aviators turned to each other to make bets on what they thought you were like, though they couldn’t get anymore out of Javy. They all bet on you being just a female version of Jake, which seemed scary, but if that's what it was, then there was nothing they could do to change that.  
“Bitchy and cocky?”
“Oh for sure,”
The night rolled around and the two of you were riding in Jake’s truck to the bar. The anticipation from the group only grew as time went on. 
Finally you walked into the bar, holding on tightly to Jake’s hand. Javy was the first to notice 
you, “There they are.” The team turned and looked in your direction, you looked so sweet? Maybe they were looking in the wrong place, but you were with Jake. There’s no way.
You walked over to the table and sat in an end chair, only Jake beside you, “This is my wife,” he introduced you to the group and you gave them a smile and a shy wave. Phoenix and Bob looked back and forth between you and Jake a couple of times before settling their eyes on you. Phoenix was the first to speak, “Blink twice if you’re being held against your will.” 
You giggled softly and blinked twice, Phoenix stood up and walked over to you, she grabbed your hand, you stood up next to her, “Sorry, Lieutenant, but she’s going to have to come with me for an official investigation,” she spoke to Jake.
She led you over to the bar where you sat and met Penny. Phoenix ordered you both drinks and sighed, “Man, I hope you come around more often, I’m getting tired of all the testosterone.”
Letting out a sharp laugh, you turned back to Jake and the rest of the team who were pretending not to be looking at you, Penny and Phoenix. “I plan on it, you all seem like a fun bunch, I would love to spend more time with everyone,”
Penny spoke up, “I’m glad, now I’ll finally have someone to call the next time Jake gets absolutely hammered,” she winked at you. Jake watched from afar, how you interacted with the other two women, he wondered why he didn’t introduce you to them sooner. 
As the night came to an end, you had become acquainted with everyone from the Dagger Squad and had even exchanged phone numbers with Penny and Phoenix. When everyone was finally worn out, you grabbed Jake’s hand and walked out with everyone to the parking lot. After saying your last goodbye, you got into the car and laid your head back.
“I had a lot of fun tonight,”
“Is that right?” You turned to look at him and smiled.
“Yes, I actually did,” as he started down the road that led back home, you spoke again, “So, when’s the next outing?”
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ddeonuswhre · 4 months
ㅤㅤ You are everything, 𝗺𝘆 everything.
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤLee Heeseung x M!reader. — pt. ⑴
Summary: Heeseung ruined things with you, and with that, you decided to distance yourself from him. This would be affected by a talk when looking for a way to have you again.
Genre: Love/hate, friends to lovers.
Warning: fluff, arguing.
+4k words.
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It had been two weeks since you tried to avoid any type of contact with Heeseung, you felt bad in every sense of the word since not only did you kiss him, but you were also his way of being able to see and feel his ex-girlfriend one last time. After leaving his house crying, everything changed abruptly; you stopped sitting next to him, you stopped eating with him during breaks and you even decided to delete all contact with him from your phone, you wished you could delete him even from the earth.
Your thoughts were affected by your teacher's voice and the bell that signaled the next class. "So.. Do you want to do the job with me, M/N?" It was the words of your friend, Jake, that made you grounded again. You nodded after a few seconds. You smiled as you left hugging him and on the other side of the door you could notice your best friend, Heeseung, his gaze revealed his anger and sadness at the same time, something inside you wanted to run to hug him, cheer him up. You squeezed your cheeks after owering your gaze and walked past him.
"M/N." the brunette said in a serious tone as he crossed his arms and leaned his shoulder against a locker. "We need to talk."
Your whole body froze at the sudden voice behind you, on the other hand your new friend decided to pat you softly on the back as a sign that he was leaving, you sighed after turning around and seeing him standing still, his gaze didn't leave you which made you nervous.
"Is something wrong, Hee?" You said in a soft tone, your hands playing inside the pocket of that blue jacket you were wearing as a way to control yourself.
"Yes, it happens, I-I mean what happened... what I did was wrong, I'm sorry. I should never have kissed you just because I was looking for her, I was an idiot." He exclaimed in an embarrassed and nervous tone. He didn't know what words to use with you, at least not now.
You let out a nervous and ironic laugh. Once again, your face reflected an expression of disappointment. What was he looking for by asking for your forgiveness again? It was the fourth time in two weeks, two weeks where you were able to think for the first time about yourself, about your well-being.
"Heeseung, please stop saying this. What do you want from me?" Your eyes would start to glaze over after the question. You were really keeping all of this in, and you couldn't stop now. "What else are you going to tell me? That you were drunk? I already know that it was a mistake to reciprocate, and it was a mistake to think that you loved me like I loved you, just forget it and leave me alone. Get another toy."
Heeseung was stunned, his lips opened, and his jaw dropped. He didn't know that you were in love with him, and much less did he know the way he should address you now. You on the other hand just gave him a wry smile after not getting a direct answer, instead you could only see him clench his fists and look directly at you, something in you gave up on him since this would have been the complete break of your relationship with him.
You turned around to leave that awkward moment, but a hand firmly grabbed your arm. "I want to know everything, I need to know what I did that night, please." Heeseung said as he approached you and slowly released your forearm.
Would it really help? You had no choice but to nod to his command and say: "Okay, go to my house after class." A smile lit up his face as he nodded a couple of times. That boy would have left a kiss on your forehead, and just like that, they would rush off to class.
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"Do you remember what we did a week ago? It was too funny, I couldn't stop laughing at your face." Jake said as he laughed at you remembering the last time you saw each other for a previous project, you nodded as you left a small smack on his leg, this in order to keep him silent.
"Stop! This time, it won't be like that, I already learned more about physics, all thanks to you." You smiled widely after praising your friend and seeing how he behaved just like a small golden puppy. Your happiness was interrupted after hearing your doorbell ring. You remained calm after Jake stood up and went to open the door.
"M/N, they're looking for you here!" He shouted as he peacefully returned to his seat and let the taller one enter behind the blonde. Heeseung would have arrived after two hours since classes ended. You had no choice but to ask him to wait on the couch while you finished your project. The hours went by very quickly after you kept finishing some reports and little else, Heeseung spent most of that time rolling his eyes or just looking at his phone, why did he feel upset seeing you so close to the other boy? Was it jealousy? That answer was still not very clear to him, and he avoided thinking more about it after opening his gallery. He sought to distract himself by looking at a folder of the two of you, after all you were the only one he was really close with, inside said folder he found several photos and videos of you and, the strange thing? The thing is that all those images were taken while you were distracted or asleep.
"Hee? Ah, here you are, I'm sorry it took longer than expected. Some things got complicated and..." You sat down next to him while you vaguely apologized. You inevitably looked at his cell phone and noticed a photo of the two of you. while they were sleeping. You smiled a little at that and then looked at him out of the corner of your eye. Your friend was smiling a little before putting his eyes on you.
"M/N, tell me about what I did that night." Heeseung took the audacity to take your hand and caress it gently. His grip was firm but gentle at the same time to let you know that he didn't want to let you go. You swallowed a little saliva as you tried to get a little further away from him and thus begin to tell him what happened, you sighed as you told him without pauses what happened that night, at least that's what you did before seeing how the boy caressed your cheek with the help of his thumb. You froze since you were afraid that everything would repeat itself. You frowned after taking his hand and putting it down as soon as you could.
"What the fuck are you doing?" Those were the only words that came out of your mouth, you stood up after he also let go of your hand; you didn't know what to do or what to say, the only thing you did have in mind was to get as far as you could into the room. "I wanted to feel your skin again, that's why I did it, I wanted to see if I could make you smile the same way I used to when we were still friends." Those words caused disgust in you, your hands passed over your head as you looked for a way to reason what he said.
"Hee.. What did you mean by coming to my house and 'feel my skin'? This doesn't make sense. You said you wanted to talk about what happened, and there it is, I already told you everything." You raised the volume of your voice, and with that, you looked directly at him. You couldn't think clearly. Everything happened so quickly, and without warning, everything felt strange.
"I wanted to see if the kiss was really just an excuse to get closer to you beyond just our friendship. Do you want to know the truth? I think that for months ago, even before I met you and my ex, I felt something for you."
Now it's you who couldn't say a single word or action. You were paralyzed by what he said.
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trashmouth-richie · 6 months
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𝔩𝔦𝔩𝔦𝔱𝔥: 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔟𝔢𝔠𝔬𝔪𝔦𝔫𝔤
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𓆙 crazy! lilith! reader x eddie
𓆙 same au as this that will now be referred to as the lilith au
𓆙 summary: the beginning of how eddie met lilith. based on this ask from @serasvictoria “Loved Lilith crazy reader (so good!) and I’d like to read about the moment where Eddie first went “fuck, I’m into this.”” hope i did you proud 🥹💋 i like to think eddie met her and couldn’t stop thinking about her.
𓆙 tw: 18 + only, smut p in v unprotected, violence, blood, demon themes, soul mates connecting. nicknames, weed, drinking mentioned. both eddie and reader are over 18. Billy makes an appearance 🙄
𓆙 3.9k words
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The bar stunk like it always did. BO seeping out from the uniforms of the guys fresh from their shift at the plant mixed with spilled keg beer. The stench wafted through the dank air creating a reeking stench that was custom for the Hideout, keeping the well lined pockets of Hawkins rich away from the hole-in-the-wall bar. 
Eddie was in a mood tonight, and his friends could feel it. By nature, he was accustomed to breaking up fights with the drunks, offering whatever asshole with a clenched fist a joint if they would just leave it be. The Hideout was like a home to him, and he hated any sort of disturbance to the small peace the shitty bar had to offer. 
But tonight? He didn’t know he would be the one to start a fight, especially not after seeing you walk through the front doors. 
He had seen you there before. Always dressed like you deserved to be somewhere better, somewhere that didn’t smell like armpits and unwashed balls. Lips painted in a deep color but from the shitty lighting he never could tell if it was purple or black. 
He watched from a distance as you shrugged off one piss drunk guy after another, each leaving with their tails tucked between their legs, muttering shit like crazy bitch, she’s fucking insane did’ya hear what she said to me? Eddie stood by and laughed, admiring the mysterious girl who wouldn’t give anyone a chance. 
Setting up equipment last week Eddie’s eyes were trained on the time, having it down to a science on when you’d show up, and there you were. Rolling your eyes to the catcalls from the old timers and going straight to the bar, a glinted smile on your lips as you purred your order, one he had already memorized from watching you show up week after week. Eddie leaned back and hollered to Jeff, asking if he knew who you were. 
Jeff said what he thought your name was, claiming you worked with his sister at the Hideaway, the diner that served beer and home style food, you were a senior maybe? But neither of them had seen you around before. 
You were a mystery to him, and he was hooked. He looked for you in classes, down the orange and green brick painted hallways. Fuck, he even went to the Hideaway but could never find you there. It was almost as if you only existed in his dreams or at the Hideout. 
Corroded Coffin wasn’t performing tonight, instead the four guys leaned over the sticky table in the back corner, their table, tossing quarters into a shot glass and shooting the shit. Well three of the four were having a good time, the other was quiet, brooding behind dark eyes. 
You had walked in like you always did, 10 o’clock on the dot, only this time you weren’t alone. 
Billy Hargrove? Really? 
Eddie couldn’t help but roll his eyes, how fucking cliche could you be? Finding the first swinging dick in Hawkins with a loud car and immediately going on a date with him. Eddie was disgusted, but more so, jealous. 
Hours ticked by, and beer after beer, one gut rot shot after another, Eddie’s jealousy brewed into pure hatred. His dark eyes bored into you, but you didn’t even notice. 
He hated you. Hated your stupid smile, the way you kept giggling at Billy’s jokes. just wait til you see him naked, sweetheart, the laughing won’t stop there, he thought to himself. 
Loathing the way your black painted nails curled into Billy’s denim jacket, no doubt he probably fed you a line about how he works out. Eddie’s eyes roll back again and he breathes heavily through his nose, sucking the last shot of whiskey through his teeth, letting the bitter taste melt on his tongue and burn with each fiery drop down his throat. 
Trying to keep himself busy, he finds himself flicking open his switchblade, pressing the top of the blade into the black leather cushion, wishing it was Billy’s neck instead. He can’t hear what anyone is saying behind him, didn’t even notice that Gareth was talking about learning a new song. His full attention was on you. 
Billy gets up from his bar stool, the noise from the drag of the legs on the floor scratches against Eddie’s skin, adding insult to injury. He shoots you a wink and makes his way to the back towards the bathroom. 
Watching him disappear into the dark lit corner, Eddie stands on wobblier legs than he would have liked. Boots heavy and clunky as he stalks his way over to you. Not at all knowing what he was going to do or say, going on pure adrenaline. 
Your perfume hits him first, a warm note of vanilla mixed with a tobacco hint of camels. The red top you’re wearing is cut low, showcasing your pretty neck and plunging deep into the cleavage of your tits. A black leather jacket sits on your shoulders, the zippers shining with the warm light. 
Your eyelashes bat at him as he approaches your table, but you still don’t look his way, and he stands next to you like he’s known you for years, drawn to you like a moth to a flame. 
“I’ll take another one of these,” you say, pushing your empty glass towards him with your middle finger, “make it a strong one.” 
“I don’t work here,” Eddie scoffs, moving your drink out of his way and placing an arm on the back of your chair, glaring down at you “but you already knew that.” 
The air shifts when you look up at him, it’s heavier, thicker than peanut butter, and you almost choke at the way his Adam's apple bobs in his throat. 
“What makes you think I would know that?” 
Eddie shifts, the liquor on his breath is spicy and warm. 
“Because I've seen you here before, and not once have you ordered a drink from me.” 
A wicked grin coaxes its way to your lips and you cross your legs, the toe of your high heel touching Eddie’s knee, and you lean your elbow on the table closer into him. 
“Stalking me big boy?” 
“And if I was?” his voice is low, the ends of his hair sway as he dips into your space, eyes never leaving yours, making sure he was all you could see as he whispers, “something tells me you wouldn’t mind that.”
The toe of your shoe grazes his inner thigh and the tip of something hard, making the corner of your lip tease up as you pluck the stem of the cherry from your empty drink. Bringing it to your mouth, you never stop looking into his eyes, and his haven’t left yours either. 
The flesh of the cherry breached your lips and you lick the bottom of it, humming at the taste of the grenadine and sour whiskey on your tongue, finally biting the cherry, you toss the stem behind you. Chewing softly on the sugary fruit and leaning back, Eddie’s eyes taking you in. 
His ringed hand crawls up your stocking clad thigh, circling your soft skin, rubbing at the hem of your skirt. 
“am I right, sweetheart?” 
He doesn’t need you to say he’s correct because he already knows, your eyes speak for you, a dark glint to them, dripping with want, and he wouldn’t doubt if you were to open your legs that your panties would wet with a sweet heat he desperately needed to taste. 
“You’re pretty cocky for a guy who’s been staring at me for months but has never said a word until tonight.” 
It's Eddie's turn for silence when your pretty nails reach out to trace the handcuffs on his belt, shifting your legs so the left is now crossed over the right, each taking more and more from one another waiting for the first to break. 
“Why tonight? hmm?” your nails rubbing against the metal and leather, thumb grazing his zippered crotch, getting a devil hint of what he has hiding beneath. “Didn’t like seeing me with someone else? Already putting your claim on me, huh?” 
He didn’t need to answer because you already knew. 
The first time you laid eyes on him he was playing the solo to Master of Puppets, the cold air seeped into your bones from your walk from the Hideaway, and you needed a drink after your shitty shift.
Your eyes met and it was instant, a primal heat that drew you in and kept you coming back, waiting impatiently. Watching from afar calculating his moves, the way he held himself so confidently, his lithe muscles rippling when carrying band equipment from the stage. The way his throat vibrated when he sang, the quick jerk of his fingers as they strummed each key. How sweaty his hair would get after his set, shit you were infatuated. 
He dips low to you again, a hand landing on your hip, sending shivers to your spine. 
“You’re lost, sweetheart.” 
Confused, you look up at him, quirking an eyebrow, challenging him, “lost?” 
His fingers squeeze gently at your hip, his other hand moving your chin so you can look at him directly, his thumb moving over your bottom lip, pulling it down and almost groaning as it pops back into place against your teeth, “yeah, you’re supposed to be with me.” 
“Well well, if it isn’t the freak caught with his hands in the cookie jar.” 
Neither of you look at Billy, the heat between you still strong, sweltering. 
“Hargrove,” Eddie greets, eyes never leaving yours, “thanks man.” 
Billy shoots you a look, fists clenched, “for what?” 
Eddie stands up straight, hands leaving you to retreat into his jacket pocket, angling his shoulders back, “bringing my girl to me, seriously, I owe you.” 
Billy smirks and chuckles, “your girl huh?” 
“I didn’t stutter.” 
Eddie dogged the first swing, ducking and jabbing a brass knuckled fist into Billy’s stomach, sending him backwards into a table behind him, peanuts and beer spray up across the bar.  
Stalking towards Billy, the shine of Eddie’s brass knuckles gleam against his fist, matching the shine of the wink he shoots you, and he’s caught off guard when you re-cross your legs and lick your top lip, hooded eyelids flashing him a sinful look of lust. 
He chuckles at the sight of you, how you’re not afraid of him, how you didn’t run, the way you look like you’re almost enjoying this. Fuck.
Billy’s boot kicks Eddie square in the jaw, blooding up his bottom lip, sending him tumbling back a few steps, giving Billy the upper hand. 
Neither of them expect what comes next. Eddie didn’t notice you get up, planting your heels on the ground and grabbing the bar stool by the legs. He only heard the thud of Billy falling to the ground and the crack of splintered wood teetering across the ground, the remaining pieces of the stool tossed to your feet. 
Heels echoing across the floor, you tiptoe around the wood kneeling down to grab Billy’s blond hair between your fingers, twisting as his head raises from the floor. 
“Date’s over,” your voice is sweet with each word, almost pleasant in the delivery, “understand?” 
“Fucking crazy bitch,” Billy spits. 
The whip of a knife whizzes past your ear, catching on the meat of Billy’s hand, nailing him to the floor. 
Billy gasps and grunts mumbling shit under his breath. 
Turning your head you look up at the dark haired metalhead. His eyes are darker than they were all night, a twitch formed in one of his eyelids. The blood dripping from his chin was sticky against his pale skin. To anyone else in the bar he looked deranged, like a demon straight from hell here in a human form, but to you? He looked like a God, a fucking King. 
The look in his eyes caused a pool to form between your legs, the black veil of iniquity clouded your vision, a certain wickedness emitted from him and you were drawn to it like a magnet.
He stomps to both you and Billy, bending down he reaches a hand over your back, grabbing ahold of your hip, making you stand up with him. 
“Wrong answer.” Eddie grunts, his boot shoving the blade in further. 
He’s taller than you expected him to be, his broad shoulders are rolled back and he peers down at you, a dimpled smirk on his lips. 
Standing on tiptoes, you reach up to his face. His strong jaw ripples between clenched teeth under your fingers. Rubbing the cut on his bottom lip with your thumb, he doesn’t flinch, only breathes heavy when you smear the blood around, and pop it into your mouth. The devil’s smile on your lips as you hum around your thumb, the acidic burnt taste of his blood on your tongue.
He groans, squeezing your hips in his big hands, bringing you into him, his stiff cock pressed heavy against your middle. 
“Wanna get outta here?” your fingers walk up against his chest, fingernails scratching down until they land on his belt, lightly yanking the leather towards you.
“Your place or mine?” His voice is low, hungry. 
“I’m not picky.” 
“didn’t think you were, c’mon sweetheart.” 
Eddie grabs your hand and drags you through the front door, your laugh fills the night air, taking away any chill from it, your bodies serving as heaters.  He opens the drivers door of his van and you get in climbing over the center console. 
He climbs in behind you, almost choking when you throw a leg back over and sit firmly in his lap. 
Your fingers work to the collar of his shirt, ripping it down the center, showing off his pretty porcelain skin etched with scrawls of a demon-like face and a black widow on his chest, heaving as he tries not to blow his load right there and then. 
Eyes rake over him, followed by the scratch of your nails, he hisses and groans as your lips attach to his neck, licking sweet and warm under his ear, “about time you talked to me..” 
Your hips move against him, his hands burning into the fabric of your skirt and lifting slightly, thumbs searing into your thighs, “looks like you just needed to get jealous, hmm?” 
Eddie’s hands work your jacket from your shoulders, groaning as the neon light from the bar hits you, illuminating the delicate skin of your shoulders, and the tight strap from your bra, he moans and yanks you forward, hands full on your breasts as his fingers roll against your nipples. His lips perched to the column of your throat. Your moans filling the van when his tongue salves across your throat, working a hickey into your neck, “that’s what I thought big boy, mmm, you’re easy to read.”
His dick kicks up when the pad of his thumb hits a steel ball on either side of your nipples, and he bites hard into your neck, causing you to yelp and moan, enjoying the pleasured pain. 
“course I was jealous,” Eddie groans against your skin, working his tongue along his teeth marks, “fuckin’ look at you, goddamn devil woman.” 
Your hand works to his jaw, wrapping closed around his throat and shoving him back hard into the seat. Nose to nose with him, your tongue darting out to catch the flesh of his lip, whispering hot against his mouth as you press your wet cunt down into him, “you like that? The evil inside of me?” 
His hand wraps around your throat, large rings cutting into your skin, pressing hard against the bite he put into your neck. Eyes rolling to white you hum a moan so pretty against his hand his dick kicks up again, straining beneath the denim. 
He brings you close to him, lips ghosting over your own, “Like isn’t the right word.” 
His lips crash into yours, a mix of blood, spit and clashing teeth. It’s primal, the way your mouths work together, licking, sucking, lapping at one another, hungry for more. 
Your hands move feverishly against his belt, and his fingers waist no time shoving your skirt up higher, showing off the sheen from your pussy lips, slick and bare, no panties. 
He groans when his fingers push past your puffy lips and circle your clit, trying to suck him in where you need him most. 
“Fuck,” he chuckles, “you’re fucking soaked, Eddie get you all worked up?” 
“Is that your name?” you quip, working his velvet thick cock from his jeans, spitting on the tip and rubbing it around with your thumb, you wrap your fingers around his shaft pumping him once, “looked more like a Diablo,” your hand works him again, “Lucifer…” you push his head through your slick folds, sinking down enough that the head of his cock disappears, “.. or daddy to me.” 
Eddie rolls his eyes back into his head, biting his fist, and moaning loud, “fuck, you’re gonna kill me.” 
You tut between your teeth, “not tonight, tonight you’re mine.” 
Your full weight drops down onto his cock and you sigh a moan the same time Eddie groans and squeezes his eyes shut, and you take a second to catch your breath before you adjust yourself so you can circle your hips. your nails press into his chest again, leaving scarlet marks in your wake, his skin pulled from itself and under your fingers, and he can’t get enough, 
The buckles on your bra straps are plucked like dandelion heads against the cup, threads frayed under Eddie's hands as your tits bounce from their confinements, pretty piercings glinting in the neon lights. 
“Tell me,” you groan, your own hands pushing your tits together and biting your lip from the pure ecstasy that’s laced into Eddie’s cock, “tell me how good this is.” 
“Fuck look at you, taking me so fuckin’ deep.” his thumb circles your clit as his hips buck up into you, eliciting more pretty moans that rattle the windows in the van, matching his grunts and sweat-stuck bangs. “should have, mm yeah shit just like that, fuck! don’t stop, scooped you up the first night I saw you.” 
He wasn’t like the other lame dicks in Hawkins, this one seemed different, better. You knew from the moment you saw him that he could keep up with you, wouldn’t be turned away from your demon lust or the darkness that permeated through your skin. Just as Billy had said, this guy was a freak. Like you. 
Eddie lifts you up and turns, slamming you into the seat so your face is pressed against the warm leather, ass angled up, pussy split open and weeping from his cock. 
He works his dick between your folds, relishing in the way you try to suck him in greedily, chuckling as you pout and scowl when he teases you some more. 
“what’s the matter pretty girl? You don’t like being teased?” 
“no,” you whine as he does it again, laughing at your eager pussy and desperate cries. A hand lands hard on the fat of your ass and you jump under his hand, moaning and pushing yourself back into him, “more, fuck, please.”
That’s all Eddie needed to hear before he’s deep inside you again, your gummy walls clenching around him as he bottoms out, His large hand printed on your skin. “fuck you’re nasty, such a dirty slut aren’t ya?” 
“yes, fuck.” your tongue licks the leather seat, eyes looking back to see the blackness cloud Eddie’s eyes and for a split second you swore there were horns on his head. 
He pumps into you faster, met by your hand circling your clit, he leans forward to suck into your shoulder blade, licking up the back of your neck, whispering into your ear as his hips jack knife into you, “come for me, fuckin’ come for daddy.” 
Wet floods your fingers and heat coils in your belly as your orgasm spreads, the back of Eddie’s seat has moon shaped indents on the left side as you claw into it, moaning against it. 
His fingers are grabbing you hard enough it will leave bruises on your hips, he grunts into you, working you through your leg shaking high. “Did so good for me, yeah you like this cock? gripping me like a fuckin’ vice honey, ’m gonna come, where you want me?” 
You twist beneath him, facing him to see his sweaty chest, hair sticking to his neck in places, dark eyes gleaming in a lust infused state of bliss, fat cock red and swollen. The demon of your dreams. 
The makeup on your eyes were smudged from sweat and your face grinding into the seat, you lick your lips and eye the pre cum on his cock, your slick soaking his length, coating the course hair at the base. “I wanna know how we taste.” 
Eddie groans, grabbing your waist roughly and adjusting you both carelessly to the back, shoulders knocking into the seats and whatever other bullshit was tossed into the void. 
He kisses you harsh, fingers tweezed around your nipple piercing, groaning at your little moans as you bite his split lip and shove him onto his back. Peering down at him with soulless eyes you work your way down his body, tangling yourself in between his legs, you wrap your lips around his fat length. 
The heady taste of your arousal and the brine of his precum mix on your tongue, marrying into a profound taste that could only be described as heaven and hell. 
His hips wiggle beneath you, desperate for more of your mouth, you giggle before swallowing him into your throat in one single move, working your hands up and down his shaft, in tandem with your swirling tongue. 
Groans replace your desperate moans from earlier, lewd sounds streak up the fogged fucked windows of the van, and it’s not long before Eddie is spilling into your mouth, muttering nonsense. 
You suck him clean, and he hisses at your wicked tongue lapping around him. 
“Fuck Lilith,” Eddie groans, sleepy little smile on his lips as he pulls you into his sweaty chest, skin to skin, “you’re out of this world.” 
You quirk a brow and push his bangs back from his forehead, “that’s not my name, Eddie.” 
“it should be,” he grins down at you, moving your neck to plant a kiss behind your ear, “it’s a variation of the Mother goddess of all demons… and after what we just did, fuck.” he grunts, squeezing your bare thigh and hoisting you higher up to him, “satan himself couldn’t tear you away from me.” 
A wicked grin paints your lips, and you surprise yourself when you push them into Eddie’s, fingers wrapped tight around his neck. 
Eddie was wrong, you weren’t lost, just missing a piece to your puzzle, needing someone to delve into the darkest part of your mind, to be enthused by your antics, applauding your wickedness. and that someone, was found at a smelly dive bar. Him. 
Ave Satani
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pls enjoy another story in the same au here
♡tag list: @dashingdeb16 @emxxblog @mopeymopeymouse @pretendthisnameisclever @mommybaby-witch @eddies-acousticguitar @tlclick73 @figmentofquinn @eddies-stinky-battle-jacket @whenshelanded @micheledawn1975 @3rd-conchord * @leelei1980 @mopeymopeymouse @browneyes8288 @emilyslutface @mmunson86 @josephquinnsfreckles @eddiesxangel @elegantkoalapaper * @str4ngergirlw0rld * @corrodedcoffincumslut @nailbatanddungeon @katethetank @munsons-mayhem28 * @mandyjo8719 @joannamuns9n @littlebookworm86 @hunnybuns-world @feyremunson
+ a few lovely moots: @taintedcigs @eiightysixbaby @prettyboyeddiemunson @succubusmunson @eddieschains @eddiemunsons-missingnipple @littledemondani
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