#what if you were a big robot and ALSO a cute girl and ALSO a highly illegal death machine. what if. <3
waffliesinyoface · 7 months
gundam aerial is SO gender, to me
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if i looked like this it would fix me, i think
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l3monlem0n · 1 month
Some Murder Drones Episode 7 screenshots I thought were interesting and my thoughts on them :>
SPOILER WARNING!!!! is spoilering
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Nori, despite being a middle aged woman with a child, appears to be an Otaku or otherwise likes "edgy" and "scene" stuff, as well as listening to nightcore, very much like her daughter. Good for her tbh you're never too old to have fun
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She also has a photo of Khan and what I can only assume is baby Uzi, though it appears to have blue eyes, but maybe it's just the lighting. Still very cute she has a pic of her husband
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As well as all the previously mentioned Otaku stuff, she also drew herself as an anime character. She has a skinsona. Phenomenal (pos)
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Nothing much here, just Uzi coughing up blood. Girl got the goop (gore) inside of her already
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Lab Space. Apparently the Church was just down there and not even the humans know why. The canonicity of this is questionable; it could just be a joke
OT, as per google, stands for "Occupational Therapy". Makes sense for the context, and makes the bottom text funnier
"Fun Time To Universe Big Crunch: 87". The Big Crunch is a hypothetical way the Universe could end, where the universe folds on itself and shrinks into a single point. 87 "what" I don't know. If it's months, that 7 years and 3 months
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Honestly the Murder Drones lore is super confusing. I think what this is trying to say is that every other Zombie Drone is doing poorly, (Except for Yeva), they are trying to reactivate 002 (Nori) via the USB. I'm not sure what this means. Maybe they only got the results they wanted from the two of them, and are trying again with Nori since she was the only other one that worked (also why they got Yeva when she failed; this may all be referring to how the episode opened up) Also, the date says SER. As revealed in the episode Cabin Fever, Copper-9 has months that Earth does not. SER most likely stands for Seramorris, the month revealed in that episode
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Looks like the "bad event" wasn't the first one. Certainly was the last one though lol
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Just a good pic of ghost/hologram V with the scary stuff. Might use this as a wallpaper
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You can literally see the hole in his neck where N bit him in...
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...And it's to the point his HEAD FALLS OFF. (including because I didn't notice the first time around)
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Yup, the idea that Uzi became the Admin for N and V is completely true. I wonder what would've happened if she didn't, since Cyn didn't react whatsoever
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friggin bug (very pos)
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You would not believe how difficult it was to get a good pic of this (I'm using snipping tool lmao). Always a pleasure to see Uzi's doodles. Things her gun can do (upper right):
NOT judge her
Forced prom date (?)
Allows her to say she had friends before she frickin murdered them with sci-fi machinery
The cut off text at the bottom: Plan B: Normal gun + Shoot really fast
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This is while Tessa is looking for something in the lockers. Claws, chains, magnets, Wings, and scribbled "HELP". Looks like the lockers were all specifically to hold the infected worker drones. Oof
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We are in the future now baby. We have rererererereCAPTCHA. Funnily enough, it still couldn't stop a robot
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There is a message board where someone who doesn't like robots is talking. They also are scared. Also no one else is using this system, which is unsurprising. "Ur aight ;)" Wait is the winky face intentional foreshadowing? Or unintentional?
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We get the names of a bunch of other Worker Drones. Unfortunately for all 029 fans, her name was not visible. (also can someone tell me what "JWEB" could be short for?) And Yeva is said to have a patch. That may be the crucible thing idk
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Cyn (which I will be calling this version Skyn [Skin + Cyn]) apparently took of the space suit just to give Doll the Withered Foxy jumpscare. Honestly really terrifying. If this photo was teased before release I think the fandom would've exploded
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Just N being a good boy :3
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The MDs, Cyn's pets. Nori refers to them as "Nerfed" so the "Entity" can ensure control, and says they were made to destroy other hosts. I don't know why Cyn would want them dead, but I'm not the loremaster here. YouTube line is there because I couldn't be bothered after the Railgun image
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Probably already confirmed, but doubly confirmed that a symptom of the Solver is giving Drones organic insides. A Worker Drone body with a rib cage and guts. I wonder what would happen if the infection continued uninterrupted (also R.I.P. Doll I loved you :frown:)
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I'm sure everyone noticed, but when Uzi tried to manipulate Tessa, the ERROR noticed appeared. Already hinting Tessa is not all she says she is
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Apparently the Solver can create Black Hole Saws. Interesting development (Blackhole Blitz)
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I know most people (I think) see this as a joke and N just being a bit of goofball. But honestly, I think he did it intentionally to shock Cynuzi and give Nori a chance. In the Pilot, he licked V's sword to surprise her too, which means he isn't unfamiliar with doing something weird and surprising for the advantage
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Skyn eating Doll's core. R.I.P. Doll again. Seriously, was that Doll in Core Form like Nori was? Or was Nori a fringe case because she was "Exorcised" and this is just a regular core? Questions, questions. Also yeah the Solver also gives you a Core. Fun
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This tag makes me think that this body is Cyn's actual body. Not longer a hologram, but her actual body from the mansion. The reason Tessa gave N, J, and V their names was because that was the first letter of their Serial Designation (she's very uncreative). However, Cyn's tag was slightly faded, which meant her SD couldn't be seen, so Tessa gave her the name "Cyn" after her P/N, even though the other 3 already have the same P/N as Cyn (Tessa, again, is very uncreative)...
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...and for some reason, Cyn or the Solver, which ever theory you subscribe to, decided to wear Tessa as a skin suit for some twisted reason. It did help her with the Captcha. Also scary because this doesn't have the right proportions for an adult (unless Cyn really forced that skin on), which leads me to believe that this is a Younger Tessa, and she faked having an older voice. Maybe I shouldn't call her my wife... I'm sure Eldritch J is still available :^)
(Seriously, the eyes are burnt out, leaving two eye holes over the visor, so she gives herself two X eyes so it looks better. Also yeah we found out what that thing on the "It Came From Copper-9" poster came from. It really was Cyn or Skyn)
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Just a frame of the final...frame... for coolness. I'm probably also going to use this for a background. Also, this is definitely Copper-9. You can see the ring and ringless moon together on the right. Uzi somehow got sent to orbit after falling in the meat hole
Well that was all for now. This series has consumed me entirely, body and soul, and I wouldn't have it any other way. Goodbye and goodnight
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ashxketchum · 3 months
Now it feels like we’re celebrating the 25th Anniversary 😍
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This new art for an upcoming collaboration with Karatez is just simply stunning. The theme is (very obviously) “idol” and I personally love the futuristic pop concept they’ve added to the outfits. Although exact date and merch details haven’t been shared yet, they shared a few layouts of the key art.
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The outfits are also great this time around because of their little references to the partner Digimon’s Perfect evolutions. Listing them down one by one as always.
Taichi: The blue markings on his jacket plus robotic arm markings on his right sleeve are a nice shoutout to MetalGreymon.
Yamato: We see WereGarurumon’s pattern on his jacket and a few belts wrapped around his hands that captures the punk-grunge vibe of WereGarurumon well. It may be Yamato’s affinity to music, but he looks extremely in his element in this art, it’s not often we see him so raring to go in official merch art (he’s more of a soft smiles guy usually).
Sora: Her gloves and the red bandana on her arm coupled with the feather in her hair are clear shoutouts to Garudamon. It’s kinda funny to me that being the girl who’s crest is a heart symbol, she’s making a victory sign while Mimi and Hikari are both making different types of finger hearts 😆
Koushiro: Honestly they were really subtle with the reference for him and even twitter couldn’t exactly answer my doubts so I’m gonna have to see Koushiro stans step up and answer whether the reference in his outfit limited to the markings on his jacket resembling AtlurKabuterimon’s chest?
Mimi: I think she’s the one with the most easy to catch references, her skirt resembles Lilymon’s and her hair tie looks like Lilymon’s flower canon. I love that she’s making the big finger heart because it’s just so very Mimi. If Yamato suits the passionate side of being an idol, Mimi is definitely meant for the cutesy visual vibe that can make fans go crazy over just a wink and a smile.
Jou: He’s wearing three belt like bracelets around one wrist like Zudomon which makes his a minimal reference though not as subtle as Koushiro’s. I do feel that they could’ve done a bit more with his look, maybe add a horn to the side of his headset? I also can’t wait to see the full art for each kid individually cuz I do think him and Yamato are wearing similar bellbottom pants!
Takeru: The feather on his headset and the yellow suspended straps are a decent reference to HolyAngemon. Considering that they wanted to keep the outfits limited to one colour per kid, I think this is the best way they could slip in the reference, though I wouldn’t have minded a few rings.
Hikari: The feather on the headset, the corset-ish belt around her waist and her gloves are very nice references to Angewomon. Keeping Hikari’s innocence as a kid intact while referencing a Digimon that is undoubtedly considered one of the most sexiest mons in the franchise would have been really tough and I salute the illustrators for coming up with this design! I also like the OG Korean finger heart she’s making, such a cute look on her.
The cherry on top are each of the Digimon partners holding supportive cheering goods for their kids. Piyomon’s love for Sora goes hard with her big name banner. Meanwhile, Agumon and Palmon kept it simple with haoris, Tailmon and Patamon too decided to go the simple route with light sticks. Gabumon, Gomamon and Tentomon seem normal from afar with their hand fans but when you get a closer look on all the hearts around Koushiro’s name on Tentomon’s fan, you know the three spent time making those themselves.
All in all, a pretty amazing illustration to be able to get merch of!
But wait that’s not all, andGallery has also teased a future cafe collaboration with Digimon Adventure on their twitter, more info will be announced on 19th Feb but they did share a preview of what to expect.
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I manifested my dream life 🥳🎊🎉
Long post incoming ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
Hi everyone. my name is Asanatu (call me sana or asa) and I just want to share my success story. Anyways, A+p, Intention, plus the void state was the method I always resonated with with. I also joined and was apart of tumblr pretty actively during the time when these were “the methods.”
I was making so much headway! I manifested money, better looks, better grades and mental health and I even mini shifted. Things were looking bright and I knew my shitty circumstances would be a memory of the past and everything would be easier. Then the switch to states, Neville Goddard,and Edward Arts happened and I was so lost. Then creators who even used the void or a+p were suddenly bullying and attacking people
for thinking thoughts create reality instead of states. They were attacking people for using the void and putting it on the pedestal even though they used it to achieve their dream life 🤡🤡 sucess stories dropped drastically, tensions were tight, and entitlement and shoving states down our throats was happening at an all time high. Honestly I gave up with the law and shifting bc I started to believe a+p truly didn’t work bc everyone was preaching that perspective out of no where even though we all started with that and people used it !!!!! Now the same is happening to non dualism…so it will be even more over complication and entitlement for the competition to be the most all knowing and debunker of the law. It will be less success stories, more tension, and paragraphs upon paragraphs on their beliefs but no success to show for it so I am most definitely leaving tumblr and for anyone who wants recourses maybe read and stick to the og creators from December for. Few posts and then dip
Expeditiously, pleaseee !!!!!
I also need to take accountability for
Myself. I’m sending this on anon mode because I have been so rude to so many bloggers and projected my newfound doubt to random, kind, helpful bloggers and I have to apologize. Most of them won’t see this because I’m blocked, but none of you guys deserved it. I would tag them but it was most Loa creators which is so embarrassing to admit, but again I apologize.
After having some self awareness I decided to stop being a loser and take accountability for my own life. I said fuck it and went back to a+p and the void state. I just affirmed robotically and used some subliminals for the void state from popular successful void blogs. After two weeks I got into the void state and manifested my dream life. After complaining and procrastinating for 6 months. As much as tumblr is toxic and the dumb entitled energy is radiating extra bright you all have to grow up and stick to what works for you. You have free will and godly powers no matter how many big headed bloggers try to intimidate you.
A summary of my manifestations from the void are: millionaire parents, 4.3 cumulative gpa, being apart of my schools honors society, dream graduation (it was yesterday) 10/10 looks, acceptance to Harvard, dream body and natural fast metabolism, being a master shifter, list of hobbies and talents, dream personality, huge mansion, cute kind rich bf, and being a desired it girl
I want to say so much more but Moral of the story is stick to what has worked you, take accountability for your journey, and ignore what doesn’t resonate with you.
I think a lot of people will relate to this. No matter what you believe in, whether that be states, non dualism, the void, a+p,etc just persist on your faith. Congrats anon and good on you for taking accountability for your own journey. I also can only speak for myself but I forgive you :)
Edit: a+p is affirm and persist
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onepiece-polls · 7 months
One Piece Shipping War - Grand Finale!
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Propaganda under the cut.
Propaganda for Franky x Robin:
Do I really need to explain?
The old married couple who's healthy, Enies Lobby (and all their appearances) are their propaganda really.
It’s all about the maturity!
Their dynamic is perfect and their pasts are so similar. I love the chemistry between them as well as their introduction that helped build the connection and shared history they already have.
they are THE t4t bi4bi ship | franky telling robin "existing is not a crime" immediately puts this at number one for me | they are opposites (bright and loud + quiet and goth) but also they're both so eccentric and silly <3 | THEY WEAR MATCHING OUTFITS
Mom and dad Straw Hat
They are STILL the Mom and the Dad of the Straw Hats, this is the one thing I don't care what Oda says <3 Also their interactions in Enies Lobby and Thriller Bark are amazing.
In my eyes, they are married. Some of my favorite character interactions in the manga/anime and in official art.
Oda had Franky call Robin his wife at least once
Your honor they’re married
I'M GOING TO PUT LINKS IN MY EXAMPLES (Mod note: I linked to the whole post, the propaganda was going to get too long otherwise. But I will copy this line:...) They immediatly clicked in Enies Lobby, Franky saved Robin with both words and actions ("Your existence is not a sin!"), and then she grabbed his balls.
The duality of two kids who were just trying to chase their dream and having circumstances outside their control (the government) take everything they love away from them, but one choosing solitude and the other adopting every other person in a bad circumstance??? I love them. Plus they literally had couple moments from the first interaction.
The ultimate t4t couple idk what else you need theyre iconic
A wholesome ship of a woman who feels the need to be constantly on edge trying to relax and a man who is a 110% himself from the moment we see him. the joy of frobin is the causal domesticity, in many color spreads and especially post timeskip we can see them casually enjoying the others company.
Remember when Franky was in Chopper's body in Punk Hazard and every time he spoke Robin was like "Franky. Stop talking. Do not talk while you're in Chopper's body."
idk like. he's obsessed with her. she's his weird Goth gf and he's her himbo. they have matching outfits. I love them.
Look. It's Franky and Robin. Literally the only two characters that make sense to ship on the Sunny. Their arcs are inextricably intertwined (water7/enies lobby). Also LOOK AT THEM interacting, both during their arcs, but also thriller bark, or post time skip. I love them. Also robin crushed frankys balls.
funny big robot man & analytical smart research lady power couple... silly x smart... himbo x researcher... augh... so good
They are the ship for taxpaying adults your honor I LOVE them they’re literally freak4freak and they share such a fucking powerful arc together (Water 7).
that moment she let him sleep on her lap in punk hazard was sooo cute <3 -- The matching thigh highs and bottoms in film z can NOT be understated. -- Strawhat mom and dad -- Let's not forget the way robin convinced franky to join ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) -- she also indirectly called his balls "treasure" so,,, -- the way their stories are so closely intertwined...they were both keys to destroy the world...the way they instantly connected over that...the soulmate-ism of it all...
they . them. girlboss and malewife. that's it.
She grabbed his balls. He totally liked it.
He's so silly and she loves it. She's so scary and he loves it. She grabbed his balls in public.
They will be endgame trust me. Franky doesn't treat any other girl like he treats Robin. There dynamic in Water 7 and Thriller Bark was and always will be one of the best in all of OP.
Propaganda for Nami x Vivi:
Yes, Nami has a new girlfriend on every island, but her heart belongs to Vivi. Vivi in turn refuses to marry, because her heart belongs with a pirate ❤
THEY’RE LESBIANS! IN LOVE! another point: my friends who are watching OP for the first time came to me and asked “so Nami and Vivi… they’re gay right?” So it’s pretty apparent to even newcomers
I just think they’re neat! And in love. Nami gave up money for Vivi that’s True Love
Anyone who saw them can just tell they’re gay. Like Nami gave up money for her
They're one of the rare lesbian ships in op, they care for each other so much !!
They were so gay that Luffy offered to share food to cheer Nami up when they were separated.
i dare you to read Baroque Works through Alabasta without shipping them. the way Vivi and Nami are so affectionate with each other, and Vivi putting saving her nation on hold to get Nami healthy again ???
Let’s go lesbians!!!!! Ok but actually, I think Nami saw a lot of herself in Vivi (ha) especially when Igaram “died” and then throughout their journey together Nami really encouraged her to open up to the crew. Nami showed Vivi it was ok to ask for help just like Luffy showed her.
Vivi was Nami's gay awakening and you cant change my mind. Nami was in love with Vivi and Vivi def had some kind of feeling for Nami. They were so close and they were more then just 'gal pals'
Lesbian Pirate Supremacy! they clearly care a lot about each other and considering when nami meets vivi she is probably one of the first close female friends she gets to have.
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yawarakaizai · 7 months
hi lovely!!
can i request a really oblivious, kinda sleepy and gentle reader with any char that you prefer? (literally any!) her personality is quite similar to chii from chobits and hachi from nana for reference! thank chuu🌷
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SENDER Reader (Fem) RECIPITENT Jouno Saigiku (BSD) CONTENTS non-suggestive usage of 'daddy', fem pet-names, protective jouno, reader is babied but bodily an adult, crybaby reader, fluff, cuddling, nightmares NOTE You had a childlike wonder for everything in this world. You felt as free as a bird in the wild, a swan with its lover. You must dutifully wait for his return to you every day, and in his hands would always be a bouquet of only the brightest of flowers for his princess. COMPANY Gold Satin Dreamer
A/N thi s was a cute req ues t <33 i'v e actual ly never watched na na ;; !! onl y cli ps ( > ᯅ < ) !!! read er is more chii - like ,, i h ope th ats okay !!
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You were something special, something out of the ordinary and peculiar. Not much made sense of you. Unreadable and always thinking, your mind felt of savouries and sweets.
The voice you kept soothing and as soft as the faux fur you huddled in for warmth on this cold winter night and you lingered at your own pace as butter melting on fresh, warm brioche.
Your clever hands skilled in the art of sewing, weaving and spinning yet there was only much you could do before your dwindling attention could move you along.
You've been in such way for as long as you can remember.
You fluttered and danced as you pleased - holding your tongue and sitting there quietly. An observer, is what you were.
There was little you found worth your time. Even littler that you found worth piquing yourself into.
You carried yourself with elegance, so much so that your movements seemed almost robotic. It wasn't something you were ever self-conscious about.
Until you'd end up upsetting someone with your distant, lost staring. Your apologies were monotone, as was everything else that you'd say. That was simply how you were.
You can not recall much of your childhood, you knew you had a mother and a father, but that was as far as your mind would remember.
Here you lay idle as Eurydice, with the tune of a lyre far off yet never out of your reach. You had everything you could ever ask for.
The howling wind left you shivering under the weighted, fuzzy blanket. You were not 'big enough' yet to figure out how to turn on the electric fireplace, even when you stomp your foot and proclaim you've grown two inches taller that week.
Your Jouno wouldn't allow you to push yourself.
He did it with good intentions in mind.
You may not notice it yourself, but your flimsiness caused Jouno great worry. See, he knew you were a big girl deep down. Just not yet big enough to do things on your own or do things alone.
When you would, you'd end up hurting yourself or almost hurting yourself.
Even if you've been alive and know you're as human as everyone else, nothing was ever able to stick with you for too long.
Forgetful, clumsy and oblivious to all dangers - your daddy worries for you.
He's argued with professionals whether you were ill or anything of the sort - yet all tests would return inconclusive. By the time he'd be explaining the details to you, your lashes were already fluttering shut with your heavy eyelids taking you away into the land of clouds.
You gaze at the dark clock hanging over the wide television hung diagonally from the bed. Jouno would be arriving home soon from work. He'd kissed you this morning and told you, " 9pm, not any sooner, not any later. "
He had also called you something sweet, but it slipped your mind.
'Darling', was it? No, it must have been 'princess'. He always calls you princess. But he uses 'baby' interchangeably too.
Like this, you'd keep yourself entertained for hours if your colouring books bored you and the dresses in your closet were too complicated to wear without daddy's help.
He didn't like when you'd rummage through things without permission.
One time, daddy had bought you makeup. Something that the big girls wear. You stacked up the cardboard boxes that daddy kept to store your princess shoes in and climbed high up to reach the shelf to find the stash of makeup.
It turns out that bold red lipstick was difficult to wipe off and also difficult to remove from white fabric.
Daddy left you kneeling in your time-out corner for what felt like hours. Your pretty tears tugging at his emotions until he caved in and ended up letting you off with a slap on the wrist.
You liked being a good girl, and he liked when you were a good girl too. In spite of his adoration of when you'd act up.
Your daddy was scary. He was cruel when you were naughty. You can't remember his punishment methods because they'd always change before you could begin to expect what is to happen.
It was getting too cold in the penthouse for you to even think of sleeping calmly. Shuddering, you counted the seconds left until you'd hear the joyous twisting of a key.
You'd snuck into daddy's room when you begun to miss him too much, hauling your favourite blanket with you but resting your face against daddy's pillow, the faint scent of him lingering on the covers.
You were a big girl, and big girls had their own rooms.
Which was an unfortunate shame that even though daddy spent so much into decorating you your own gorgeous pink room, he'd always lift his covers to find you there clinging to his waist.
He couldn't bare wake you.
As time ticked by, you found yourself waiting longer and longer. Absent-mindedly, you had begun to chew on your thumb.
Daddy had a dangerous job, daddy worked going after bad guys. But what if daddy one day slipped up and got caught? Or what if the bad guys caught up to him and killed him, and you would never, ever hear or see from daddy again.
You could feel yourself shaking but it was not from the cold anymore.
It was something that hurt your tummy and made your chest feel like an anvil had been dropped with intent to crush you against its heavy weight. Everything was loud, and scary and-
" Hey, hey, princess? "
Your felt your body be nudged left and right, a soft hold on your shoulder shaking you awake.
" Princess, It's alright. I got you, 'm here, daddy's here. "
Your foggy eyes opened barely enough to see your daddy sitting up by your side, your little night light was on and it displayed little slow, spinning stars around the room with a slow hum of an accompanying nursery rhyme to it.
It took you a while to process what was happening, but your caring daddy spoke for you.
" It was just a nightmare. It's alright, everything's fine. " His hand always remained somewhere on you. You didn't even notice that both your hands slid up from your sides to grasp around one of his. " Daddy.. " you mewled.
" Shh, shh. It's okay, such a brave girl. " He pulled you in close to him and soon enough, great shame and fear caught up to you.
Sensing your incoming tears, he swiftly sat up even further, pulling you into his lap where you'd rest the side of your face against his bare, scarred chest. You were on fire. Your increased body temperature must have woken him up, undoubtedly.
Your daddy had a gift of heightened senses. He'd lost his sight but as he tells you, it only helped him learn more.
This particular gift had the ability to charm you, care for you and embarrass you.
Oh, how you adored him.
" Mm, you weren't there. " Your thumb instinctively went to your mouth to chew, but his hand intercepted and held yours away from reaching your mouth, he said nothing about it but you knew how much he disliked your habit.
" Weren't where, princess? " He asked, rocking back and forth steadily, listening to the beating of your heart slow.
You hadn't sobbed, yet you still shed some silent tears from the nightmare. " You weren't with me, and I thought you died. "
Jouno felt he should laugh, but hearing how serious you were about it, he opted otherwise. " How cute of you, Y/N. " Softly laying back down, he kept you on his chest, reaching to throw the covers over your back.
With little words and little gestures, your daddy always knew how to cheer you up. Maybe you just did not ask for much or maybe you take into account everything daddy does for you that you aren't aware of.
He buys you clothes and toys, he takes you to see the latest movies, he tells you bedtime stories and places a kiss on your cheek before tucking you in for the night.
Alone, they were little things. Paired and grouped, they were more than you could have ever asked for.
" Sleep now, little princess. Daddy will fight off any scary thoughts. 'm not going anywhere, ever. "
His assurance continued, his sleepy voice whispering sweet nothings until you fell asleep in his arms, comforted by his warmth.
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©yawarakaizai 2023 ﹒﹒ reblogs appreciated! requests open :3
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waywardcollectionchai · 8 months
Since I started being part of the Sonic fandom and the Sonamy fandom i've noticed both of them had quite simmilar misunderstoods towards amy's character.
And it's... Amy never was created to be an "obssesive girl" "an obssesive fangirl" "an obssesive girl who only thinks about Sonic and nothing else"
And this is a consequence of the bad localization Sonic had in the West and how they didn't understand Amy's character, a girl who was created with many qualities japanese people love but the west considers it "weird", still affects her character to this day at this point we're many hear by mouth and mouth how Amy is but never had the thought of thinking "all of this is true?"
Look at this comparison between japanese!Sonic and American!Sonic and how different they treat Amy (minute 1:50 - 3:29)
Thanks to this majority of western fans thought Sonic was always mad at Amy when in reality that was not the original intention and destroys all the concept of "obssesive" and "fangirl" were she cared for birdie and protected Gama from Sonic.
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A girl who always tries to be better, helping people many wouldn't pay attention but she knows they need help.
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A girl who is conscious she has to work hard than his friends with super powers
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And Sonic being one of her main inspirations 'cause he represents what she wants to become: being free, going on your own having adventures, the excitement everything against the boring
And you would say "but in heroes she was an obssesive fangirl��"
No, the fandom scaled the proportions and couldn't handle a single innofensive joke
Amy knew exactly exactly what she was doing telling him to "Marry him" as a joke. He would low his defenses and cause him to feel embarrassed and nervous 'cause she knows he's terrible at romance or i'm general, feelings
And many forgot that in the game Amy didn't know exactly why Sonic, Tails and knuckles we're together. In the beggining Amy saw Sonic in the paper and told us she hasn't seen Sonic in weeks and when she saw them thought they were just hanging out.
I'm talking about the girl who all the game supported,encouraging Cream and Big to rescue Chocola and Froggy and they needed someone as determinante, courageous as Amy who reminded her friends how brave they are
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She even shows appreciation and love for the landscapes (just like Sonic)
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"But- but in later games she was so obssesive and fangirl for Sonic 😭" Again bad localization for the west when in the original sources she was handled bit better than the West.
Also, Western has an obssesive to always point out the bad interpretations of female characters and saying why they are "the worst" "the most annoying characters" when at the same time try so hard to prove why this interpretation of a male character is not "bad enough" or "not the worst" and why even with bad characterizations he is still the best **cough****cough** Sonic and shadow respectively **cough****cough**
The character is not perfect, that's a reality.
She has strenghts and flaws that made her unique on her own. Her love for her friends (yes, this includes Sonic), the animals, the good and "Bad" robots and even characters who we're "devil"... She saw good, hope and love for them. She decides to help them being at their sides to show them there's always the option to chose a good path
She is the heart of all teams, she brings happines and hope to everyone. That's why all the cast loves and appreciates her and never refered to her like fandom does. That should tell you something
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Personally I don't agree with the idea of "Amy is not an obssesive girl anymore and now she is a strong cute girl" when she has a l w a y s been a strong cute, bubbly, sassy, kinda bratty, compassive, energetic, silly girl but many think this is new when it's always been in front of you, you just decided to finally see the character and not prejuices
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nephilimbrute · 2 months
Yo, how you doin' ? Did you play Side Order ? What are your (gay) though ?
i'm doin alriighhtt :3 i didn't play side order actually (I don't have a switch.) but i went through a gameplay with my friend and i'm scrounging up more lore >w< we were freaking tf out the whole time. especially me. i was screaming at every cutscene
like when marina showed us her computer background i goofy-screamed Out Loud (i probably did that like 8 times in total). there's literally No straight explanation for that, pearl's literally holding marina's zipper in that and he's laying down. nonone has a pic of their Best Friend (heavy quotes) laying down smiling all pretty and handsome like that
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OHHHHH THIS ONEEE😭😭😭my girl is literally tearing up she's so happy😭😭😭😭😭 all the dev diaries were sooooo fwjgwgkxkgwkhcjcxjg😭😭😭😭
AND ALL THE PEARLINA???????? my GOD this girl is crazy i hate them so much!!!! /affectionate
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jesus CHRIST girl pull yourself toGETHER... "aw pearlie! you say the coolest things" "she's sooooo coool" "pearl, don't drool over my diaries. i'm right here!" "i can't help it! pearl's just too precious. she's fearless at the core and adorable on top!" among many other marina quotes. i'm speechless
and ohhhhhh dedf1sh's letters😭😭😭😭 little marina i can't do this. i get so emotional when i see her, she was just a kid😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭AHHHHHJJJJJJJ😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
marina's hyperfixation on excavators persists. she's such a nerdddddd!!!!!!!
and ughhhghhghjf marina agitando. i was freaking out so bad when i saw her AND PARALLEL CANON. the lore implications THE LORE IMPLICATIONS×@!!!!! this also gives me some new content to use in my AU.....devilish
i said this before but the Order you see in the dlc is in my AU as a type of malware that marina created for herself. she encrypts it into the personal software she uses as an attempt to. self destruct (off) herself. but (Un)fortunately it didn't work. she's just stuck forever wallowing in her own grief
the memverse in my AU is where marina puts everyone she has under her mind control thingy. they're all hooked into the same memverse, marina has her own that she messes with to see the possible consequences of every action she does and. stuff.
and i also said this on my alt twt acc but in the Normal Side Order(...??) my agent 4 turns into parallel canon either voluntarily or unvoluntarily. and since there's others with him i decided to make them robotic clones of 8 and cap3. and they only serve to mock agent 8 and what little they remember of their lovers and themself, a materialized deteriorating memory
tbh i was more focused on the theme of side order instead of dedf1sh stuck in the elevator with two lesbians that would do the unthinkable if they weren't there
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here's how i see it. so much for your memories fading away while you are actively trying to get them back
i also kept freaking out At dedf1sh. i shouted them for to get off the screen each time they popped up (also affectionate). creepy zombie GET OUT. dedf1sh and their dumb puppy eyes
unconscience is sooooo good i only listened to it twice and if i did any more times i would be gone and in the woods somewhere
i loved all the bosses.........marina and parallel are my favs....also rondo. That thing's so horrifying i love it. when i saw it i was like "what kind of panopticon shit is this....." and was absolutely THRILLED! to see that it was actually based on a panopticon as well as the floor level (0ct0ptic0n)
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and these album covers??????they're so fucking AWESOMEEEEeee i love the album art of splatoon. when i saw all the stuff in alterna i was so amazed. the gear is so awesome too i wish i played splatoon. i'd grind the shit out of side order tbh......smollusk is so cute the. Awwww awww
also this dlc made me realize i'm a big machine but make it girly
as Side Order C.E.O i feasted GOOD this was a bountiful harvest
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fandomwriterlover · 2 years
Uh- If you ever have the time, could you do a headcannon of Sun Wukong, Macaque, Red son, Mei and Mk having a s/o who can control the earth? so basically like an earthbender?
Dating an EarthBender
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Sun Wukong
Meeting an actual earthbender sure it catched his attention. He's been interested in you since day one. He'll follow you around watching you how you practice, till he ask if you would like to train in Fruit Mountain. It is a great place to practice.
He'll ask you once for a while to help MK to training; nothing to much, just thtowing rocks, greating lil fisures...
... And after the training, you two would practice too. He wasn't very fond with rocks since he was trapped under a mountain for 500 years; so, please go easy on him.
He likes when you do SandBending in the beach. It's such a relaxing and gently sight of you doing it. So, yes you guessed right, he'll ask for sand beds.
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He found you cute when you tried to knock him out with a huge boulder, that he dodge easily; when he was attacking your friends.
When you literally rumbled the ground and throw him part of a mountain...! Ok, NOW he is impressed! The power you show when you are angry... Just WOW!
He's becoming more interesting on you. He'll show up when you are alone to talk... About how would you like to make an alliance with him. He'll try to sweet talk to you, in a tone that it is really tempting.
BUT you trapped him in a quicksand as a negative. That just made him likes you even more.
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Red Son
You came to the Demon Bull Demon Family's palace as a trainee to develop you earthbending skills. It was arranged by your father and DBK. Red Son weren't so welcoming tho; he considerated earth bending ultery inferior to the power of control fire.
He sure was the little (annoying) push you needed to take serious your training. He just kept porclaining that fire it's more destrutive and powerfull in comparation to 'moving some rocks and dirt' and stuff. Oh ho ho, but he would flip out when you finally dominates...
LAVABENDING! Yes, you finally dominated this tecnique. You wrecked the training room and melted all the robot bulls with orbs of magma and hot rocks. His parents were impressed by you, and Red Son? Girl, you also melted his heart.
"I'm so in love with him/her right now...😳" "What did you say, son?" "NOTHING!"
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Your families knew eachother, but you didn't. The reunion on the Dragon garden was nothing but dull conversations and politics; Mei was in a brick to went into a comatose boredom... Until, she noticies your hand spining and how a few peebles were moving at you guidance.
She directly asked you how are you doing it, and you explained that you're an earthbender. You two fastly clicked and talk to eachother about this and more thing that you found out you have in common.
The other day Mei found you in the city while she was on her motorcycle, and encouraged you to hop on to take a ride. You two had a blast! ... Until you missed the 'Brigde Under Construction' signal and Mei couldn't hit the break on time.
You use your power to bend the road, creating a loop to go up and turn. Landing in the wheels. That was a frighten situation. "...that... was... AMAZING!!" Now the dragon girl would never let you go; you're a lovely adrenaline fuel source to her.
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"How are you doing this?!" The boy startled you, while you were levitating millions of rocks in the beach, dropping all of them in the process. It's a miracle that you missed him!
MK has never seen earthbending before and he was amazed how you can do it, even tho you're a trainee. You humbly said that it wasn't a big deal, but he was still impressed by you.
Since both of you were in training he suggested to practice together. Don't try to take down your offer, he would insist... And his puppy eyes would melt you.
You had fun times together. You improves levitating the rocks while he practice his balance and jumpkicks using them. And ocasionally brings some noodles from the shop he works on. You tease that the training sesions seems more like dates. "😳Wh-What? Uh, huh.. WHAT? Come on, it's just training... Us Training together. I a I just... brought some food because...It's good to eat and... Is it getting hot in here?"
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actually-a-fish · 26 days
The Mitchells vs. The Machines
Hello! I like watching movies. Ideas get stuck in my head while watching them and i need them out of my brain. This is my 4/9/24 viewing of The Mitchells vs. The Machines. I like cartoons :)
This will have spoilers
Without further ado... my thoughts chronologicall
The main VA is Abbie Jacobson (aka Princess Tiabeanie Mariabeanie de la Rochambeau Grunkwitz)
this family reminds me so much of mine minus depression and a commitment to a cult :)
girl its probably a good thing you weren't at the tech reveal. be nice to the siris, alexas and echos in your life...
i kinda wanna watch that robot movie with Will Smith and hot robots now
running away from your crush and saying you hate them is so real
"what are these? robutts?"
I like that the new genre of villian is a tech bro and AI
I dont like this bit about wifi, we are dependent on it yeah but people can adapt pretty well. Well some I guess.
why do dads always suggest eating the family pet?
i cannot express how autistic this family is. its constant, not demeaning or the butt of a joke. just a family being a family. I have flappy hands about it.
aww dads do love to teach their kids to drive stick shift
i do like Eric and Barbara
the robots are shooting the humans into space, that's their plan and honestly i've been saying we should shoot garbage into space for a while now so im glad somone is finally doing it
there are cute edits done by katie through the whole movie and they deserve a shout out
I knew touch screen fridges were a bad idea
"your whole lives i wanted to save you from disater and this is the moment ive been waiting for" - Rick (and also my father)
This is good family bonding, but no tears yet.
unfortunately i think the family bonding was to good. The dad left a sentimental object in katies bags and now im convinced hes gonna sacrifice himself to save the rest of the family.
now im crying. :) if you watched i bet you could guess which part.
oof crying again! a Twofer!
This movie may be healing my childhood trauma. I miss my parents. They were just doing their best
thank you game grumps for introducing me to the song "Walk the Dinosaur" by Was (not was)
An accurate compilation of watching my coworkers and professors use computers
uh oh they got little brother, Linda is gonna rip out someone's heart
damn i need to see my family so i can remember why i hate them bc this is to sweet for me
How long of a break between the entire world being abducted by robots and everyone going back to work was? Do you think this was like their pandemic
"My name is Monchi, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair"
THEYRE BASED ON A REAL FAMILY (and the whole family has "im easily overstimulated" hair cuts, its so relatable)
It's cheesy. full of stuff you know is meant for kids and that corporate made them do. but I really liked it. I know the whole bit is that the family is weird. I don't really like that they used the word weird instead of autistic but i can kinda understand why they had to do it. i found myself relating the characters constantly. The way they run away when things get overwhelming, communicate through their interests, stim when they have big feelings (they all have their own, and most of them have a couple they do) and the way the situation their in affects them. It is not perfect representation but it did a good enough job for me.
If you read all the way through thank you! If you have any formatting tips please lmk!
Also I feel the silly need to add, this is all my opinion, and my opinion is not fact! It's okay if we don't agree and if you're nice, I would love to hear about it :)
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giantchasm · 9 months
Hello. May you like to share any recent Susie-isms on your brain 👁👁
(Or any Kirby blorbo honestly. I just like your character vibes)
(Sorry this answer is a few days late, but I really do have a lot of thoughts about her)
Recently I've been thinking abt her relationship w mechanization a lot recently. I know it's left ambiguous in canon whether or not she's actually part machine, but she's suuuuch a robotgirl to me.
This bitch has a microchip in her brain and mechanical hands and big scary LED eyes. But also they're kinda cute and when she's choosing how to get dressed up every day she can decide on different colors and even symbols like hearts in her eyes to match whatever cute and/or unhinged vibe she's going for.
She's only part robot, but sometimes she wishes she were all robot. Life would be easier if she was perfect and unfeeling and cold and didn't make mistakes. But sadly she can't fully mechanize herself because then "She'd effectively die," and while she sometimes wonders if that would be for the best (Replacing herself with a better version of herself and all), she knows it would unfortunately make her friends sad.
Even though she's not a real robot she uses it/its pronouns sometimes and has an acronym picked out for what S.U.S.I.E allegedly stands for because she likes feeling like a machine anyways.
She has a complicated relationship with her robotics sometimes because for a long time she was convinced they made her superior to everyone else, but now that she's learning that's not true and that mechanization was apparently "a horrific thing to do to people," she occasionally wonders if people see her as some kind of freak.
But she tries not to think about it! She's better than everyone else, OK? She has to believe that. Or else she'll spiral.
Although most of her is mechanical and because of that she can't feel super well, one of her hands is still flesh and secretly she likes it when people hold it.
She thinks about her dad a lot. Her relationship with him is soooo complicated. Sometimes she hates him, but she misses him just as much. There's so much anger mixed in with crushing sadness. She wonders if he'd despise her for everything she did. She can't really blame him. She despises him too. Doesn't make it any easier, though. And so she just. Tries not to think about it. And fails.
Taranza (He's her best friend, ok?) tells her it's okay to let herself grieve and process those complicated feelings, but that's not always easy for her. She doesn't even know where to begin.
She's a loser. An unhinged, emotionally damaged wreck of a woman. Someone in the fandom as of late has taken to referring to her as 'Losie' and they're so right. I need less content of Susie actually being a girlboss and more content of Susie desperately trying to pretend to be a girlboss while actually just barely pretending to cling to her sanity with her fingernails.
Susie's interesting to me in that she like. Wears a mask on top of a mask. She pretends to be this honestly pretty nice silly cutesy unbothered chick to people she doesn't know well, but in 'reality,' she sees herself as this realistic, unbothered, cynical and strong person. But she's not that either. She's fooling even herself. Deep down, what Susie is is a scared, angry, sad little girl. Like she's not a little girl anymore-- she's a grown woman, but she'll always be the same scared little girl who got lost in Another Dimension. And she hates that fact. So she won't acknowledge it.
Funfact: in my headcanons when she first started going by 'Susie' it was when she initially got back from Another Dimension. After being forced to confront the fact that her dad didn't recognize her and being mechanized to join the company, she decided that the old Susanna was dead and she was someone new. Someone who would never cry again. She's not, but it's nice to pretend.
I also like to think she literally can't cry anymore-- LED eyes and all. Doesn't mean she doesn't want to sometimes, though.
She hates it when anyone calls her Susanna. Except Taranza. He can get away with it occasionally.
He, Magolor, Kirby and the Mage Sisters are her closest friends. She doesn't really like to admit it, but they're her buddies... even if there was some strife between her and the Mage Sisters at one point (I wrote a whole fic about this. I'm working on making it presentable to upload)
She pretends she doesn't like Magolor, but she does. See: this idea I came up with the other night and still can't get off my mind.
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But then after that they pretend they didn't have a moment. NO, Kirby. You DIDN'T find them quivering and holding hands. Shut up.
Susie is weirdly liked amongst her employees. She's not even that good of a boss. Like she's a cold, calculating bitch. But after Star Dream shut down a lot of the technology that kept mechanized people functioning and alive started shutting down and she fixed all of the Haltworkers one by one. She didn't think anything of it-- she was just trying not to lose valuable workers, which would be a stupid waste of money, but now they love her. I think more than anything she just seems like an okay boss in comparison because Haltmann was so hilariously mean to his employees when in reality she's still pretty draconian.
She's trying to do better now, though! She's learning to care about 'ethics.'
When she was 7 years old and before she experienced the horrors she read Space Warrior Cats. Space Warrior Cats is exactly like real Warrior Cats except every character has 'Space' in front of their name (I.E. "Space Firestar.)
I love this hot pink bitch named breakfast.
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fanz-y · 3 months
So now that I've actually watched 10 anime I wanted to rank them from best to worst
1. MSG: the Witch from Mercury; I have not seen any other Gundam show but I don't think this one is leaving #1 spot ever, and Bandai were cowards and homophobic for not showing us either a kiss or the wedding even though they got married, also I'm so mad that I episode 11 during the hug they didn't even say "I love you". The robots became the least interesting part of the robot show (8th I watched)
2. Bocchi the Rock!; probably what I want most anime to be, can't wait for the movie('s), this, G-Witch and Your Name might as well both be #1, also I want a cute Bocchi plush but I can't find one that's affordable without a high delivery :< (7th I watched)
3. Your Name; A movie that I found on a trans subreddit about a year ago, I didn't think it'd be as good as it was or that it'd affect me as much as it did, but I was left in tears when the credits came on, the story went somewhere completely than I thought it would, 10/10. also tied for first place, it deserves to be watched in a movie theater so much (10th I watched)
4. Cowboy Bebop; twink and his bear friend go on space adventures oh and the twink has his own shadow the hedgehog (6th one I watched)
5. BNA: Brand New Animal; the one of 2 studio Trigger show I've seen but from what I've read and heard they have a pretty mid reputation, I really liked it tho, I watched it around the time I came out and it's a pretty good trans allegory (still feel a tad weird about the ending) (4th one I watched)
6. Neon Genesis Evangelion (and the 1st movie); (don't)Get in the robot Shinji, I had been interested in it a bunch, big robots and all that, but only just got to it. The self perpetuating loop of abuse and trauma that Shinji and everyone gets put through because Genduo can't get over the death of his wife is horrible and I can't think of a more despicable antagonist than him, the movie was so fucked up. I still struggle to get what Seele was supposed to represent. I loved every scene where the Eva's get shown as demons, those looked real cool (9th I watched) (watched it entirely cuz of Signalis)
7. Cyberpunk Edgerunners; watched this before I played the game, the abuse that David went through combined with the end that I miss interpreted put me a bit off and I missed the point, but I got it after a rewatch (3rd one I watched)
8. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure; now that I've grown as a person I can safely say that it deserved to drift from spot 1, part 4 is still my fave. And it's still really really good in spite of how low it is (1st I watched)
9. Guilty Gear Xrd & Strive story mode; I am both counting and lumping them together, I liked the oversized Smurf with a gun, also Elphelt bby girl, still would've preferred an actual game tho(5th one I watched)
100000000000. Future Diary; I've watch this in a trade to get someone else to watch JoJo's, they came out better off with that deal, I am also no longer friends with that person (not because of the show but it's funny to mention) (2nd I watched) I still think it's missing some zeros, just add however many you believe it needs
Honorable mentions:
- Signalis; I know it's not an anime but it's anime adjacent and it's the best story I've ever played through, I don't even like horror games or gore at all that much but I will 100% this game and get all the endings, I wish I could talk about it more but spoiling ANYTHING about it feels wrong and making posts where half the words are censored just so fans get it isn't gonna work
- Pokemon; I loved the XYZ and B&W runs but I haven't watched it all and only remember catching it on TV
-Scott Pilgrim takes off, I watched the first few episodes, I don't particularly care for it, but it looks pretty good
Dishonorable mentions:
- Attack on Titan; I've had a run in with the series back when season 1 came out, back when I thought gore was cool, now I have negative interest in the series, I literally couldn't care less and I'm only putting it here to be fair
After the Witch from Mercury and Evangelion, I don't care for big robots as much as I used to.
Oh and I'm watching some more soon-ish gimme recommendations
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maeshelix · 4 months
I hope this isn't rude or offensive to ask, but how many of you are there? And what're your names? :3
Anon. My dear friend.
Not only is this not rude at all, but we've been looking for the perfect excuse to make a little introduction post about us since we found out we were we!!!
At least, I have lmao. And you just gave me that excuse right now let's goooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!! 🎉🎉🎉
So!!! At the moment, there's about 10 of us, possibly 12??? Not sure yet, I'll let one of them edit this if I'm wrong and they exist lmao. But for now just operate on there being 10 peeps in here!!!
(Edit: It is actually twelve. Hello. I think I'll let Rokoko handle edits to the list proper though. She seems to enjoy that immensely-❤️)
(She seems to enjoy most things immensely lmao-💙)
More after the break (^-^)
First up on the list is meeeeeeeeee :3c Rokoko is the name and fun is my favorite game!!! I'm the resident clown-bot-girl of this particular system, a certified Delight here to spread joy and positivity in whatever ways I can!!! Usually through jokes!!! Though mostly because our body couldn't do half the shit I can do internally if we tried and also all of our friends are in completely different states and countries so we couldn't even hug or dance with any of them if I wanted to. And goodness knows I want to!!!
Next up is Salem!!!!!! My best buddy Salem!!!!!! She's basically the polar opposite to me lmao. She's a Protector who's perpetually tired and bitter cause the world kinda sorta sucks alot lmao. She's super sweet and kind if you get on her good side though!!! Which is harder then you think to get on but easier then you'd think!!! She's also a big tough werewolf girl who wants to look both cute and badass!!! Like a big metal spike wrapped in cute red ribbon ^_^
Next, there's Zero!!! She's a super cute robot girl like me!!! Except she's not really into the whole having emotions thing like I am. Like, she still has them (can't really completely avoid those while stuck in a human body after all) but she'd really prefer if she didn't, and she's told me that herself!!! Nonetheless, she's a logical and loyal little perfectionist AI who loves us just as much as we love her 💝💝💝. We're not really sure what her role within the system is (and honestly we don't really sweat it when it comes to roles in the system. Some of us know it instinctively but others don't and that's honestly fine!!!) But we know she's really witty and really smart!!! When she wants to be. She's also kind lazy, heehee :p
There's Daisy, who's a total sweetheart honestly. So much so that she's usually kinda sad and scared of the world around us which, fair lmao. She's a teeny tiny plant girl who just wants to be happy and loved and who's willing to help out in whatever ways she can. She's also adorable and again, soso sweet omgggggg you have no idea!!!
Marking the midway point of this list is Freesia!!! The suave moth demoness of our little family!!! She's an incredibly kind and loving woman who would probably help you move houses if you asked her to. I think she's a Caretaker??? Again, we don't really sweat labels here but it definitely fits with her in my opinion!!! She doesn't really come out often though, which sucks!!! @our brain, let the gal out every now and then she deserves time to herself!!!
Sleepy is next and we know basically nothing about her!!! Mostly because she rarely comes out, at least lately. Despite that though, we know that she's a big ol' goofball who says the most random shit sometimes and honestly, i love that aboit her (^ー^). Also fun fact!!! She's actually the one who originally tipped us off to being us in the first place!!! In that she was the first one to notice that she was different from whoever was in front at first one day and went "huh. Damn that's weird bro." I think she also miiiight controls when we feel especially ready to sleep (hence her name!!! I think. It could also be that she's just really really tired most the time, I honestly dunno!!!) so that's cool!!!
Next up, in no particular order, is Miranda!!! And next to Sleepy we probably know the least about her, except that she formed after a point in time where we played nothing but Elden Ring for like a month, after a particularly stressful point in our life!!! As such, she speaks like a fusion of Melina and Ranni and kinda looks like one too!!! With four arms and everything!!! She's really into fantasy media, and I'm sure she's gonna have a ball whenever we get around to playing Baldur's Gate 3 (let's be honest girls, it's an inevitability at this point, we just gotta pick the time lmao).
Heading up the rearguard is Hana!!! She's a super chill grill with attitude(  ̄▽ ̄). Almost as much of a jokester as me, she's just focused on relaxing and hanging out. She's a kinda fictive??? It's complicated, and not for public speculation!!! All you need to know is that she's got multiple wings like an angel and is super into DOOM!!! She's the best I love her o(^o^)o
If you're looking for a definitive fictive, then F.E. is the girl for you!!! I don't think she wants me to tell you what she's a fictive of, so I won't say her full name, but like. She's not really subtle about it let's be honest lmao. She's the one who usually comes to front and takes care of our body whenever our brain is just far too exhausted (emotionally or otherwise) for any of us to use it!!! Or whenever we're on painkillers. Either or lmao. We actually thought she was also Zero for the longest time since they both kinda have a similar "emotionless perfect being" thing going on, though eventually F.E. found out she's definitely different from Zero and here we are now!!! She's a nice and steadfast gal with a little bit of a mischievous streak and she's also our latest split!!! I love her (^.^)
Last, but certainly not least, probably, is our girl Silver!!! Unlike F.E., Silver's pretty open about what her source is, that being Silver the Hedgehog!!! And I'd say she act an awful lot like the OG telepath too!!! If just a liiiiittle more nervous and anxious. She's an optimist, but she's also a realist, and she never fails to have hope for the future!!! In spite of the evidence to the contrary lmao. She also thinks she's been here the longest too!!! Here being our brain of course. Which I believe!!! Makes sense that we'd have a Silver fictive as a kid lmao.
And that's the list so far!!! We'll probably just edit and re-edit this list whenever something new happens in here so keep an eye out for that!!! And of you can't then don't worry, cause I'm pinning this to the top of our silly little blog lmao.
Again, thank you for the ask anon!!! And I hope you enjoy my answer as much as I did writing it!!!
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spinoskingdom875 · 7 months
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Sonic: Keep 'em closed, Amy. Amy giggles. Amy: Sonic, whatever do you want to show me? Sonic: You'll see. No peaking, be right back! He speeds off, then returns to Amy. Knuckles and Tails walks up with a big dish. Cream rides on Trikey, as she and Cheese quietly place gift boxes. Cream hops off of Trikey. Sonic grabs a rose, then turns to Amy. Sonic: Okay, open 'em up! Amy uncovers her eyes, and looks right in front of her. Everyone: SURPRISE! Amy was really surprise. Right in front of her, was a 3 tier birthday cake, with a mini figurine of herself. She then looks around her, seeing decorations around the room, and presents surrounding. Her eyes were wide opened. Amy: Oh my. I-I-don't know what to say… This is beautiful.
Cream: Do you like what we did? Amy: I love it! These are wonderful decorations, and the presents, so lovely. But the cake… It looks magnificent! Cream: Thank my mama for her hard work. Amy: I will. It sure looks good. Trikey: It does, I can't wait to eat it… After the birthday girl gets the first slice. Amy smiles. Amy: Thank you, sweetie! Knuckles: Tails and I had to bring it in. Tails: I'm not gonna lie, it was heavy, but at least we were able to bring it in with no problems. Oh, and we hope you enjoy your gifts when you open them. Tears drip from Amy's eyes. Amy: Thank you so much. This is such a wonderful surprise. Sonic: You deserve it, Amy. You've been a great friend to everyone, and a great ally over the years helping us stop Eggman, or any new foes. Tails: Yeah, like returning birdie to his siblings. Knuckles: Helping Shadow realize his true purpose. Cream: And taking Mr. Big and I to find Chocola Chao. Knuckles: You also see the good in some evil, like that robot on the Egg Carrier. You're a great friend to everyone, no matter what. Amy smiled tearfully. Amy: Thank you, everyone. They all hugged as Sonic watches.
Sonic: Well, I'm glad you love the surprise. Although, I have one more thing to give you. He pulls out the rose. Sonic: For you, my sweet rose. Amy blushes, then hugs Sonic tightly. Amy: Oh, thank you, my darling Sonic! This is the best birthday I've ever had in my life! Sonic nearly fell backwards, but Amy held onto him. Sonic: Whoa, easy, Amy! I nearly fell over for a minute there. She continues to hug the blue hedgehog, he smiles while trying to keep his balance. Knuckles laugh. Knuckles: Heh-heh. Young love, huh? Tails: Yep. Cream: Aw, isn't this cute? Trikey: It sure is, it's really romantic! I think they're perfect for each other. Cream: They have been for years. They both giggled, while Amy continues to hug Sonic.
This is the first of 3 renders celebrating 30 years of Amy, Metal Sonic, and Sonic CD. Two more will be uploaded later today. But here's to 30 years of Amy Rose!
NOTE: Don't re-upload my Pictures anywhere without my permission, please. Thank you.
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onepiece-polls · 9 months
One Piece Shipping War - Round 2 Side A
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Propaganda under the cut.
Propaganda for Franky x Robin:
Do I really need to explain?
The old married couple who's healthy, Enies Lobby (and all their appearances) are their propaganda really.
It’s all about the maturity!
Their dynamic is perfect and their pasts are so similar. I love the chemistry between them as well as their introduction that helped build the connection and shared history they already have.
they are THE t4t bi4bi ship | franky telling robin "existing is not a crime" immediately puts this at number one for me | they are opposites (bright and loud + quiet and goth) but also they're both so eccentric and silly <3 | THEY WEAR MATCHING OUTFITS
Mom and dad Straw Hat
They are STILL the Mom and the Dad of the Straw Hats, this is the one thing I don't care what Oda says <3 Also their interactions in Enies Lobby and Thriller Bark are amazing.
In my eyes, they are married. Some of my favorite character interactions in the manga/anime and in official art.
Oda had Franky call Robin his wife at least once
Your honor they’re married
I'M GOING TO PUT LINKS IN MY EXAMPLES (Mod note: I linked to the whole post, the propaganda was going to get too long otherwise. But I will copy this line:...) They immediatly clicked in Enies Lobby, Franky saved Robin with both words and actions ("Your existence is not a sin!"), and then she grabbed his balls.
The duality of two kids who were just trying to chase their dream and having circumstances outside their control (the government) take everything they love away from them, but one choosing solitude and the other adopting every other person in a bad circumstance??? I love them. Plus they literally had couple moments from the first interaction.
The ultimate t4t couple idk what else you need theyre iconic
A wholesome ship of a woman who feels the need to be constantly on edge trying to relax and a man who is a 110% himself from the moment we see him. the joy of frobin is the causal domesticity, in many color spreads and especially post timeskip we can see them casually enjoying the others company.
Remember when Franky was in Chopper's body in Punk Hazard and every time he spoke Robin was like "Franky. Stop talking. Do not talk while you're in Chopper's body."
idk like. he's obsessed with her. she's his weird Goth gf and he's her himbo. they have matching outfits. I love them.
Look. It's Franky and Robin. Literally the only two characters that make sense to ship on the Sunny. Their arcs are inextricably intertwined (water7/enies lobby). Also LOOK AT THEM interacting, both during their arcs, but also thriller bark, or post time skip. I love them. Also robin crushed frankys balls.
funny big robot man & analytical smart research lady power couple... silly x smart... himbo x researcher... augh... so good
They are the ship for taxpaying adults your honor I LOVE them they’re literally freak4freak and they share such a fucking powerful arc together (Water 7).
that moment she let him sleep on her lap in punk hazard was sooo cute <3 -- The matching thigh highs and bottoms in film z can NOT be understated. -- Strawhat mom and dad -- Let's not forget the way robin convinced franky to join ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) -- she also indirectly called his balls "treasure" so,,, -- the way their stories are so closely intertwined...they were both keys to destroy the world...the way they instantly connected over that...the soulmate-ism of it all...
they . them. girlboss and malewife. that's it.
She grabbed his balls. He totally liked it.
He's so silly and she loves it. She's so scary and he loves it. She grabbed his balls in public.
They will be endgame trust me. Franky doesn't treat any other girl like he treats Robin. There dynamic in Water 7 and Thriller Bark was and always will be one of the best in all of OP.
Propaganda for Rayleigh x Shakky:
They’re canon and very hot. These are facts.
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leennaan · 1 year
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A/N this is not my art I got it from pinterest all cred to the artist
A/N also posted on my Wattpad: @ leennaan
I am sorry but this is not proofread
@curiousgalacticsoul here is your request. Sorry that it took me so long but some stuff happend. But anyways here it is:
Endgame's battle of Earth is done, Nat's alive. Now romanogers can finally retire from superhero life and life a peaceful life, maybe near pepperony's home
Endgame's battle of Earth is done, Nat's alive. Now romanogers can finally retire from superhero life and life a peaceful life, maybe near pepperony's home
Today was the 15th of June 2024.
Almost one year after the war against Thanos.
It was one of the most scary days in Steve’s life and at the same time one of the best.
If somebody had told him a year ago that they would win and get everybody back he wouldn’t have believed it.
But here he was, standing in front of a big window looking over the big garden they shared with Tony and Pepper. A long table was standing in front of the Stark house. He could see Pepper decorating the table. Tony was running around with little Morgan, his arm better but still not fully functional. He smiled while watching the small family outside, preparing for Morgan’s Birthday-Party.
A knock on the bedroom door interrupted his train of thoughts.
“Steve?! Are you ready? Pepper is probably already waiting for us.”
He smiled as soon as he heard the voice. Natasha was standing in the door, arms crossed and a small smile on her lips.
Every time he looked at her, he couldn’t believe that she was really there.
The few hours he believed she was dead, were the worst of his life.
The moment she walked out of one of Stranges portals, with her signature smirk, would be forever burned into his brain. The relief he felt when she hugged him, after they won, when he could feel that she was truly there and not just an imagination of his brain.
“Penny for your thoughts.”
Natasha was now standing directly in front of him, her arms wrapped around his shoulder.
“Just how lucky I am to be standing here today, with you by my side. All our friends joining us today to celebrate Morgan’s sixth birthday. I love you, Nat.”
He bent down and connected their lips in a sweet kiss.
“I love you too. Now common, we really need to get going.”
Together they walked outside and then the short path over to Peppers and Tony’s house. They greeted the small family and congratulated the little girl.
“Auntie Nat, Uncle Steve!
Look what Daddy got me! “ Morgan was running up to them with full speed, a little robot similar to Dum-E following her.
Steve and Natasha kneeled down to greet Morgan and to look at her new friend.
“Daddy says he had one just like me now. I named him Griffin, after Harry Potters House! Mommy let me watch the first one together with Peter last time he visited and I want to be in Gryffindor just like Harry.” Rambled Morgan.
She looked cute like that.
“He looks really nice! Griffin is such a good name for your little friend!” Sayed Natasha while she hugged the girl. Griffin standing next to them watching their interaction.
“Uhh I really enjoyed watching Harry Potter when I watched it with Nat. Next time you visited we should watch the second Movie if your Mother allows.”
“Oh yay! Can we? I am going to ask Mummy right away!”
And before either of the two adults could say anything else, Morgan was running away on her search for her Mother.
Steve stood up from his crouching position and held out his hand to help Nat up.
“Come on, let’s great the others.”
While the couple chatted with the birthday girl, some of the others arrived.
Wanda and Vision where standing with Pepper, a big wrapped box in Wandas hands. Morgan was running up to them happy, to see another aunt and kind of uncle of hers.
Clint, Laura and the kids had just arrived and where now walking the path down to them. “Auntie Nat! Uncle Steve! I missed you sooo sooo much!” Nathaniel was the first who spotted them and flung himself into Steve’s arms, who catched him and hoisted him up on his hip.
“We missed you too buddy! How is school? You have to tell me everything!”
While they talked almost everyone else arrived and the birthday party was in full swing.
Around noon it was time for the cake. Everyone was seated around the table, talking and having fun.
Steve had his arm slung around Natasha’s shoulders, while she was talking to Wanda.
He was so happy, that everything turned out like this. That they could be sitting here together as one big family, celebrating Morgan’s Birthday and just enjoying life. But his thoughts were interrupted by a long whistle and Natasha’s head snapped around, whistling back almost immediately. When he looked up to Natasha’s and his house he could make out a small person, who he knew was Yelena, Natasha’s sister.
Natasha had told him about her in the five years of the blip and after they brought everyone back Natasha had tried to contact her for ages, but no luck. Turned out, someone had told Yelena that Natasha had died while fighting against Thanos and she had gone rought. Trying to find the one she thought was responsible for her death. Long story short around the Easter holidays Clint was visiting New York with his kids and Yelena found him, they fought and Clint told her what really happened and afterwards Yelena and Natasha reconnected again.
Natasha had stood up and was now walking towards Yelena, who he now saw wasn’t standing alone. Another woman was standing next to her, taller than Yelena but he couldn’t say who it was.
When they arrived at the table everyone was joyful to see Yelena again. And while everyone greeted the her the other woman was standing next to Clint and his family greeting them and talking to them. “Everyone, may I Introduce you to the new Hawkeye! This is Kate we met while I was in New York, I helped her with some problems and she helped me with Yelena over here!”
“Hey! She did not help you! She was trying to fight me with Hot sauce!”
“Come one Yel. We said we wouldn’t talk about it. Anyways. Hey everyone I am Kate. Kate Bishop. Big fan of you guys. Nice to meet you all.”
It was good to see, that eventho the original Avengers we’re slowly retiring, someone else was brave enough to stand up and do the work.
Steve and Natasha had agreed to stop with the avenging and while he had given Sam the Shield, Natasha had a long talk with Yelena and she agreed to step into her sisters shoes, at least for know.
So now they were sitting all together, new and old generation and just talking about the good things in life.
He jumped a bit when ge heard Nat whispering in his ear. “You are thinking really loud.”
He had to chuckle before he answers her. “ Just thinking about how lucky we are. How lucky I am to have this family. That I have you by my side. I Love you Nat.” The smile that she gave him was a real one. One he saw more and more since they retired. “I love you too, Steve. I am so happy to be here with all of you, and especially you.”
When he leaned in to kiss her. He heard none other than Tony wolf whistle. “Get a room you too.”
Yeah. They were lucky to have this. Family.
All was Well.
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