#truthfully I would probably just buzz all my natural hair off?? Like who’s got time for maintenance when your fighting off villians?
starlit-eudemonia · 30 days
Question to my black gamers/writers, what hairstyle do you envision your self-insert or your MC wearing when going on these long-ass journeys and quests with their hair? What protective styles are y’all using? What type? Locs? Braids? Crochet? Cornrows? Mini-twists?? How do you story-wise work in the maintenance? Are they wearing a scarf/headwrap? How’s they get said headscarf? Do they wear their world’s equivalent to a bonnet? How are doing their wash-days; where do they do it? What products are they using and where do I get them?
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stxrrywildflower · 4 years
pairing - emily prentiss x reader
summary - you meet emily in a bar, she doesn’t realize who you are until she hears a song about her on the radio
warnings - nsfw mentions (nothing graphic), cursing
series masterlist
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the second emily layed eyes on you, she was instantly captivated.
you sat at the bar, your back pressed against the counter. a drink was in your hand, your cherry red lips occasionally taking a sip. you were observing the crowd, a slightly smile tugging at the corners of your lips.
and then came your outfit. tight black jeans and heels, a silver sparkly cropped tank as your top. a gold necklace was around your neck and hair in your natural style, or what she assumed was.
while emily could have stayed in her spot sneaking glances ever so often, a gentle shove to her back made her tear away her gaze. “emily come on, i need a drink,” j.j. teased.
the three girls pushed further into the venue, already buzzing about their night out.
penelope had been raving about a bar she had discovered. it wasn’t downtown, further away from everything in location. it was a more formal bar in details such as a taxi service and places to drop of coats and accessories if needed.
with no case being presented, they had all agreed to go out. after heading home and getting changed, they all met up to inevitably get drunk.
while j.j. and penelope quickly got drinks and headed out to socialize on the floor, emily decided to head over to the counter.
you shot a smile at the woman who slid into the seat beside you. she cooly ordered a drink, spinning around to face the same direction as you.
“going with a daiquiri? i can’t blame you, they’re my favorite,” you smiled, figuring you might as well introduce yourself to the woman beside you.
“i’m y/n,” you greeted.
“emily,” she replied.
you never really fell hard for someone, let alone a stranger. but something about emily was different. maybe it was her looks, her raven hair and dark brown eyes were nothing short of beautiful. or the way she spoke, her name flowing easily as she introduced herself.
maybe it was a combination of the two and her personality already begining to make an appearance. all the times you rolled your eyes at people mentioning love at first sight were really contradicting themselves. maybe not love yet but you knew emily was special.
“who are you watching?” emily asked, being the first one to initiate small talk.
you raised your drink in the general sea of people dancing. “alice and mel,” as you spoke, you pointed towards the two girls, each occupied with others. “you?”
“penelope and j.j. can’t believe we’re both the designated sober friends.”
“oh i’m not, i would just much rather be here talking to you,” the flirty remark rolled off your tongue easily. a blush passed across her cheeks, a smile tugging at her lips.
you ordered a second drink, offering to get emily something if she wanted a second. after shaking her head ‘no,’ you shrugged and leaned back against the counter.
“so what brings you to this bar?” emily questioned.
“night off from the public eye. figured i would spend one of last days in the city out with my friends.”
the alcohol clouded emily’s thinking process a bit, not allowing her to process the first part of the question. “last day?”
you nodded, “i live in d.c. most of the time but i have some work which involves traveling. i’ll be back soon, you can definitely find me here at least once.”
another drink was ordered for the both of you, your attention focusing on emily.
“so what do you do for a living?” conversation flowed easily.
“not sure if i want to reveal it so easily. any guesses?” emily replied.
you leaned close to her face. “well,” you started, eyes flickering down to her waist. “i’m going to go with something in law enforcement.”
a brief shocked look passed over emily’s face letting you know you were right.
emily chuckled. “i’m a profiler for the fbi. though with your guess i’m not so sure you aren’t. how’d you know?”
“well you have an imprint of some clip on your side. adding on your pant pocket is stretched out, probably from some badge. i just put the two and two together and guessed,” you answered, taking another sip of your drink.
“alright, how about you? i’ll be honest, i have absolutely no idea what you do and have no clues.”
your heart fluttered at that. “it’s not important. it’s not anything bad, i promise. just would like to enjoy this night without having to think about work,” you answered truthfully.
talk went on, mostly about your mutual interests and introductory questions.
you were only interrupted when some guy took the now empty seat on your right. he opened his mouth to talk, probably some dumb pickup like, but you caught him off. “don’t even try, i don’t play for your team.” both for you were thankfully he left you alone.
emily grinned into her drink. “sorry about that. i really hate men sometimes,” you apologized. “no it’s okay i promise. i’ve had to deal with people like that for so long with my work. you think they would just realize that we just aren’t into them.”
maybe you did internally smile when you realized you may actually have a chance with her.
flirty remarks were tossed around after that, both of you completely forgetting about your friends who came with you.
“come with me to grab my coat?”
emily nodded, leaving her drink at the counter and following you back.
the two of you couldn’t have been away from the center room of the building for more than a few moments before your lips were on hers.
“already undressing me here? thought you’d be more classy than that y/n,” emily groaned as you pushed her jacket back. you hummed against her neck, moving to the pulse point along her jawline.
“come back to mine?” you mumbled in between kisses. emily nodded, “call a cab.”
the entire ride back, the tension was almost unbearable.
you tired to be quiet for the sake of the driver but emily’s occasionally kisses to your neck made it quite difficult. to add on to that, she kept her hand on your thigh, it trailing higher and higher up as you neared your location.
after paying your ride fee (with a pretty hefty tip), you pulled emily out of the cab and towards your apartment bulding. you could tell she was in slight awe just from the outside. but with one quick tug of her hand, she was following you once more.
you fumbled with your key trying to open your door after waving to those at the front and heading up the elevator.
when the door was pushed open, you waisted no time pushing emily in. the two of you moved as quick as possible, kicking off your shoes and slowly moving towards your bedroom.
“you sure you want to do this?”
the question made you grin, “absolutely.”
you woke up to the weight on your chest being lifted, the sound of sheets shifting as well. your eyes struggled to open, fighting with tiredness, especially from the night before.
it was easily one of the best experiences ever.
your eyes slid open, head lolling to the side to find the creator of the noise.
emily was sitting up, sheets pooled around her waist. her raven hair fell down her back, covering up the top half of her body.
“what’s up?” you asked, pulling the covers up over your bare chest.
“i need to get going if i want to shower and be at work on time,” emily rushed out, standing up to grab her clothing strewn across the room. “shit,” she mumbled upon seeing her very revealing shirt she wore last night. there was no way to could go home in that.
“just borrow one of mine,” you offered, keeping a pillow over your eyes to block out all of the light.
she mumbled a quiet ‘thank you’ and was out the door without another word.
you later smiled to yourself at the shirt she chose.
neither of you could stop thinking about the night at the bar, well more the night after.
the bruises littering your neck served as a lasting reminder. the amount of concealer used in the days following was definitely a new record.
but, as always, life had to go on.
just like you had told emily, you had flown to los angeles the next day for work. well in your case, it meant photoshoots, writing music, and recording new songs.
with your hookup still in your mind, you channeled all your feelings about it into the best way you could.
emily went to work as normal, pounding through paperwork as no new case had been presented to the group.
j.j. and penelope has cornered her in the break room, already gushing out their girls night before bombarding her with questions. “where did you go that night? we looked around and one of the bartenders said you had already left.
“i know,” emily confirmed. “i saw your text.”
she grabbed her freshly made mug of coffee, already turning around to leave. j.j. followed, not quite done with figuring out where her friend went. “you met someone,” she concluded. “maybe i did j.j., i guess it’s a mystery.”
the conversation was done after that.
after work, everyone went their separate ways. the team all bid their goodbyes, each happy that they would be home on time.
emily grabbed her bag before heading out to her car, sitting in the drivers side for a few minutes before she could head out.
a text from penelope made her phone buzz. emily picked the device up before looking down at the screen and focusing on the message.
‘have you heard y/n y/l/n’s new song? oh my god it’s so good. i know you don’t really follow her but it sounds like your vibe. here’s a link with the cover art if you want to listen. i’m sure it’s playing on the radio too :)’ -p.g.
emily sucked in her breath as she read your name, mind already wandering back to the night at the bar. your words slowly pieced together in her mind, “night off, public eye, last day.” all were related to your status as a celebrity.
the first half of the song went by in a blur, emily only partially listening.
“she feels so good. i met her once and wrote a song about her, i wanna scream yeah i wanna shout it out, and i hope she hears me now,” your voice played out of the speakers.
there was absolutely no way those lyrics were about anyone else.
she examined the cover after listening to the entire song. it was fairly simple, having a more vintage vibe. you were seated on the end of a couch, arms resting on your knees and looking directly at the counter.
what initially caught her eye was your shirt. plastered across the white fabric was a band logo, the exact same one sitting in her drawer. even the small tear along the left shoulder stitching. it was the exact same one she had worn out of your apartment.
there were way to many factors for it to be a coincidence.
the lyrics. the shirt. your one night stand. it all just connected.
she was carolina.
☆ ☆ ☆
tags - @sapphicspence @itsmyblogandillreblogifiwantto @kissessforharryyy @garcias-batcave @zoseph @kissessfordraco @ogmilkis @cm-is-kinda-cool @matthewgublerswife @guessthatswhyiliveinhell @babyangellee @agentshortstacc
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celestial-mari · 4 years
DickKory Valentine’s Day Weekend Day 2: Date Night
The life of a human on planet Earth is much different than that of a Tamaranean on Tamaran. There are similarities for sure. For instance, both humans and Tamaraneans enjoy various similar things, the warm sunlight on a cloudless day, the feeling of wind through their hair, and of course, time spent with those they love. Yet, before coming to Earth, Koriand’r had never heard of the idea of a date. On Tamaran, this type of planned romantic evening wasn’t really done. Tamaraneans preferred to live their lives based on chance, spontaneity, and passion. If they wanted to go out and have a nice time, it was always a spur in the moment decision. Yet, for Kory, as the humans say, when in Rome do as the Romans do. 
It wasn’t a particularly beautiful night on which Dick Grayson and his long-time girlfriend Koriand’r had planned to have a date night. The rain poured outside of the Titans Tower, droplets of water chasing each other down the giant glass windows of the comical, yet modernist structure. The sounds of the rain were peaceful, white noise among the otherwise quiet tower, with the occasional burst of bright light and booming thunder echoing throughout the tranquil space. 
Kory had been ready for their date for quite some time now, sitting in a chair by windows in the living room of the tower. Since it was a Saturday night, the others were all out and about. Raven was exploring the dimensions around Azarath, looking for something as a favor to the Justice League. Victor and Gar were at a Doom Patrol party being thrown at the Dayton Mansion. Truthfully, Gar was the only one invited, but he dragged Vic with him so he wouldn’t get in another argument with his adopted father. Donna, on the other hand, was on a mission with Diana and Cassie, which had gone on for quite a couple days now. Either way, this meant that the tower was feeling lonelier than usual, especially the the sound of dripping rain. 
Pulling her gaze away from the racing rain droplets on the windows, Kory stood up from her chair, letting herself float slightly off the ground, the tips of her black high-heeled shoes just barely grazing the tower’s tiled floors. She was used to Dick being late for things, as that came with the territory of being a superhero. He probably got caught up with on his way home from Gotham. She knew he could take care of himself, but a part of her still worried, understanding just how dangerous this type of life could be. 
The sounds of the rain led her up towards the roof. On Tamaran, it rarely rained, and when it did, it was always just enough to make sure the thriving plant life had enough to drink. Humans usually disliked it, blaming a mere thunderstorm for cancelled plans or other troubles. Yet, Kory was calmed by it. Something that is virtually impossible for a Tamaranean, a race that thrives on fiery passion. 
She was almost to the roof when her phone buzzed, a familiar image of the man she loved with a boyish grin on his face shining from the screen. A humored smile flew onto her face as she answered the phone.
“Where are you?” Dick’s voice on the other end was apologetic but playful.
“I do not know, where are you?” Kory chimed with a laugh. “You are late.”
Dick’s voice laughed in earnest through the phone line, “I’m downstairs.”
By then, Kory had reached the door to the roof. Had anyone been with her at the time, they’d probably warn her not to go outside. Something about her sheer, white jumpsuit getting wet in the rain, or her extremely long tendrils of red hair never becoming dry again. She opened the door and stepped outside, the cool water sprinkling her face. 
“I am on the roof.” she replied giddily.
“Oh my god,” Dick muttered. Kory knew he was shaking his head. “I’ll be right up.”
The rain was starting to pour harder, if that was even possible. The sheer fabric of her outfit sticking to her golden skin. On Earth, it might be slightly scandalous, but on a Tamaran no one ever batted an eye so why should she. For some reason, she wanted nothing more than to feel the rain on her skin, to see the beauty of the world outside of the Titans tower. Earth could be so beautiful at night, with billions of stars sparkling in the sky. 
It was then that she heard the clutter of a grappling hook, followed by various grunts of effort, and finally a soaking wet Dick Grayson climbing up to the roof in a fancy, navy blue suit. Dick proceeded to jump to his feet, standing on the other end of the tower. His dark hair was a mess due to the climb he just finished and the pouring rain. Moving towards her, he ran a hand through his hair trying to tidy it.
“Why do you always have to make things so difficult?” he quipped, grinning like a school boy. His eyes ecstatic to see her in front of him, glowing with love and adoration.
Kory laughed, her feet lifting off the ground again in glee before stating, “you are the one who was late and then proceeded to climb up the tower instead of using the front door.” 
With a shake of his head, he started running towards her, careful not to slip on the wet ground, holding his arm over his head as though it would somehow protect him from the rain that had already soaked through all the layers of his outfit. When he reached Kory, he took her hands in his, admiring the way her golden skin shimmered in the rainy moonlight. 
“I was late.” He admitted, pressing a playful kiss to her hand, “I had to do my penance.”
“And that means climbing up the side of a skyscraper?” Kory retorted, pulling him into her arms by the hand he had taken hers in.
“For you?” he replied, resting his head just above her chest, the soaked fabric of her jumpsuit barely keeping them apart, “anything.”
They looked into each other's eyes for a moment, admiring just how different they were. Dick’s blue eyes held mischief and humor but also a fierce darkness and pain that Kory knew well. On the other hand, Kory’s bright green Tamaranean eyes could sometimes be difficult for humans to read, but Dick knew them well, seeing every bit of love and cheerfulness they carried in that moment.
“What kept you?” Kory whispered, her tone much more serious, “I was worried.”
“I’m so sorry Kory.” Dick replied, pulling away from the embrace. “I got caught up.” He paused, reaching his hand into his pocket. “I stopped to get you some flowers on the way here, but I spotted a man trying to rob a nearby store and I had to take care of it.” 
He pulled a couple red rose petals out of his pocket, now soaking wet and mangled. Taking Kory’s hand once more, he gingerly placed them against her palm and wrapped her fingers around them. 
“Of course, Dick.” she said with an understanding smile. “You did what you had to.” She slipped the petals into her long tangled mess of wet hair. “At least some of the petals survived.”
She leaned down, and brushed a light kiss against his lips, just happy that he was here with her. After all, Dick Grayson was a good and honorable man, sometimes haunted, but always trying to do the right thing. She could never blame him for that. It was in his nature.
Dick smiled into the kiss while it lasted. The moon was over their heads, and by now the rain had slowed to a steady pitter-patter, the flames at the ends of Kory’s hair keeping them warm enough to be comfortable.
“I think the restaurant is closed by now.” Dick said. “Rain check?”
Kory nodded, but there was a glimmer of mischief in her eyes. Suddenly, she lifted Dick off the ground, bursting into the lightly raining sky. She held him close, and while Dick knew that she would never drop him, he couldn’t help the rush of adrenaline flowing through his veins.
He cried out her name, laughing giddily as the city around them became smaller and smaller, the little lights becoming as small as the stars. To him, Kory was stunning, the sheer soaked-through fabric of her outfit barely covering her skin at all, her hair engulfing the two of them as she flew, leaving a line of sparks behind her wherever she went. 
The two laughed together, touching the foggy dark rain clouds, before bursting through them, where suddenly, it wasn’t raining at all. The world was quiet again. No white noise, just the two of them above the clouds in the glowing light of the full moon.
Kory held Dick as close to her body as she could, making sure he could never slip from her fingers. She laced one hand around the back of his hand, intertwining her fingers in his hair, while the other hand held him securely by the waist. Up here, above the clouds they had all the time and space in the world. The troubles and challenges of daily life were nowhere to be found up here in the air.
“I hope this is a suitable alternative to date night.” Kory said with a chuckle, twirling them around in the air as though they were dancing.
“It might be even better than a normal date night.” Dick replied with a laugh.
The two of them paused, drinking in the moment, knowing in the back of their minds that it wouldn’t last forever. 
“I love you, Dick Grayson.” Kory whispered, touching her forehead to his.
Dick smiled wide, gently taking one of his rose petals from her hair and re-positioning it behind her ear, “I love you too, Koriand’r.”
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yupitsfinnhudson · 3 years
giving a little more than thanks | finlexis
Who: Alexis St James and Finn Hudson - @alexis-st-james
Where: Finn’s Room Ohio
When: 26th November 2020
What: Alexis wants to give Finn a thank you after their Thanksgiving meal,
Warnings: Smut, and some references to dubious consent
Thanksgiving hadn't gone so terribly, Alexis had decided. The dinner was nice -- Carole was a really good cook, and didn't seem stressed about handling the feast, especially for all the mouths she had to feed -- and the conversation flowed nicely, even if there had been some awwkardness regarding Fae and Rory watching a bottle of wine like cats waiting to strike on a family of birds, and a few veiled jokes at Fauna and Sawyer's expense. The days after it had been nice as well, the secret picture burning bonfire with Fauna aside. All week, Finn had been earnest and helpful and kind, and she had decided to make it up to him. She had gotten herself comfortable in his bed, staring at the ugly checkered bed-spread she had grown accustomed to, the cowboys on his wallpaper peering down at her. Finn was on the air matress a tad too small for him, his long legs having to curl under him so he could fit under his duvet properly, lying beside her. He had initially insisted he take the couch, which then led to the air mattress in his own room, not taking no for an answer when offering the Domme up his bed in the meantime. Alexis shifted onto her side, peering down at him, feeling bad he probably hadn't had a comfortable night's sleep all week. "Finn? Do you want to come join me?" She asked him, "I'm feeling a bit cold."
Finn had been feeling a sort of pleasant warmth in the pit of his stomach since he had arrived in Ohio. Everything was going according to plan, Rory seemed not to mind being there, Sawyer was happier than ever, Faith seemed steady. And Alexis well, to him she fit just perfectly into the whole thing. While he still couldn’t quite get over the image of her in his room to align with what he knew about the world, it just made him happy to see her sleeping with his cowboys on the wall. He didn’t mind sleeping on the air mattress if he got to see her in his bed, the night before he had found himself while unable to sleep just sort of staring at her like that vampire bloke in twilight. She spoke and he looked up, worrying when she said that she was cold. “Okay Miss Alexis.” He said, pausing a little as he stood up from the floor. “Do you want me to go and get you another blanket as well?” He asked, as he lifted the covers and got into the bed beside her. “I don’t want you to be cold.”
She just smiled at him, and shook her head when she offered her a spare blanket. "No I'll be fine," She promised, not even feeling that cold to begin with, but didn't know what else to say to get him in bed with her. Admittedly, the heat radiating from his body vastly improved the all-round comfort of sleeping in his bed, and she shifted to face him, cold toes being tucked under his legs for warmth. Her hand went straight to his chest, her other hand playing with his hair. "You're always so good for me," She observed, the hand in Finn's hair travelling to trace his jaw-line, "I think you're overdue for a reward, don't you?"
"Good." He nodded, and then remembering Caroles host training he added. "If you do need anything you just let me know okay? My Mom would literally disown me if she thought that you weren't getting everything that you need." He teased though he was also deadly serious. He was more than happy to let her curl her body into him, his arms easily wrapping around her. It felt very natural to him even if it didn't to her. "You deserve someone to be good to you Miss." He told her honestly. "I don't.. need a reward for being nice to you."
If Alexis were a cheesy person, she would have given Finn bedroom eyes and declared 'the only thing I need is you' before rocking his world in every way. However, she was not, so she just nodded, smiling at his teasing nature, imagining Carole throwing Finn out on the street for the minor misdemeanor of Alexis not having enough blankets. "Don't worry, I'll speak on your behalf if she grills you for your hosting skills," Alexis promised him, leaning into his touch. "All good boys need a reward," She told him, in a tone that was clear that -- unless he genuinely wasn't up for it -- she wasn't taking no for an answer. "I want to make you feel good like you make me feel good, Sweet Pea. Will you let me?" She asked him, brushing the stray hair out of his face, one hand laying just right on his chest, waiting for his permission, wanting him to feel safe.
“Thanks for that Miss, I really appreciate it.” Finn said honestly, his face caught in a cheerful smile. He didn’t know why but it made his heart clench in a weird way, when she mentioned his family, when it felt like she was part of his world. His cheeks flushed when she said that good boys deserved rewards, the words good boy had such a different effect when she said them compared to other Dommes in the past. He nodded dumbly. “Thank you.” He said without thinking because he was so entranced by what she might do next. “I mean.. yeah.. um.. you can make me feel good if you want to Miss. I would like that, yeah, I’d like that a lot.”
Her trademark smirk painted her face when she saw him blush, stumbling over his words like the first time they scened together. But she was glad for it, really, because she took his starstruck enthusiasm as a cue he'd answer positively, and he did, though he once again framed it as her decision. Another part of Alexis was grateful for this; she never did this sort of thing normally, blanking out the reason why she was choosing to do this now, and she liked to feel in control. "I would like to make you feel good," She affirmed, shifting so she was straddling him. "All you need to do, Sweet Pea," She began to unbutton his plaid pyjama shirt, slowly revealing his toned chest, "Is relax." Once the shirt was open, she shrugged it off him to the best of her ability, leaning down to press kisses on his neck, and his collarbone, gentle nibbles here and there if she pleased, taking in each reaction to see if he enjoyed it, wanting him to feel nothing but bliss right now.
He was very glad that she wasn't put off by his stammering, he didn't think the way he was acting was all that sexy but then he guessed he didn't really know what Doms were into. Finn had no idea how he was supposed to bloody relax when she was straddling him, he gulped a little his eyes moving backwards and forth between her face, her hands and her boobs. He let out a little groan as she began to unbutton his shirt, his heart was pounding in his chest and he almost wondered if she could hear it. "Okay Miss.." He nodded his words coming out thickly, as she started to kiss his neck. His breath coming much faster than usual, and his cock already twitching in his pyjamas.
The way he moved, and breathed, gave away he wasn't relaxed at all, but rather his body being on high alert for every movement and touch, the kisses travelling further down his body, shifting herself as she went lower, and lower. "Relax," She murmured against his torso, hand stretching up to stroke his chest, hoping to soothe him somewhat. She took her time, kissing along each line of his ribcage, lips hovering slightly over where she could feel his pounding heart, dipping down to below his navel, finally reaching the toned V he boasted, peeking out from beyond the elastic of his pyjama pants. Alexis had shifted herself so she was under he knees at this point, shoving the covers away from them for more access, no longer worried about the cold November night. She had leaned over, palming his cock over the thin fabric of the plaid. "Do you want me to touch you, Sweet Pea?" She murmured in a breathy voice, right in his ear, "Want my pretty little mouth wrapped around your big cock?" Truthfully, Alexis was doing this to psyche herself up, because she wanted to please him, but only if she felt like she could do the action justice.
He watched her through heavy eyelids as she moved lower and lower down his body, every vein in his body starting to buzz with anticipation even though she was instructing him to relax. The desire to obey her was stronger than the live wire inside of him though and he took a long breath. Her hands on his skin were always something that he sought out, he loved the softness of her palms and slim fingers with sharp nails at the end. As her hand moved beyond the V to palm his cock he groaned softly, his hips bucking up to meet her a little. "Fuck Miss Alexis, please." He begged softly. "I'd love to feel your mouth around my cock, feel your tongue against me. I'd be so fucking lucky." He breathed. Finn had rarely ever asked for a blowjob from anyone he'd ever been with, partially since he got so much out of giving the girls that he was with pleasure, but also because he was shy about asking for what he wanted. With Alexis however he rarely had problems being vocal, it was like she lured the words from his mind sometimes.
He was already so desperate, and the sound was delicious to Alexis. She smirked as he begged, and after, placing sloppy kisses down the side of his face, moved herself back down, slowly pulling down his pants, cock springing out. She gave it a few slow strokes, gauging his reaction, taking a breath for herself, before she ducked her head, her tongue licking down the underside of his length, swirling at his head, her hands gently playing with his balls. She felt herself get braver with it, taking his cock in her mouth, slowly bobbing her head to take the entire length, wincing slightly when it reached the back of her throat, doing her best not to gag, before continuing to bob her head, hands massaging the base.
He really liked the feel of her lips on his face, closing his eyes momentarily as he enjoyed this little touch of intimacy. A groan left his lips as she freed his cock, and she began to stroke it hardening under her touch. Followed by a louder more guttural moan as she licked the underside of his cock, his hands tangling into the sheets as she took him into her mouth. "Shit.. shit.. your mouth feels so good on my cock Miss.." Finn managed to choke out, as he did his best to stay somewhat still for her. Without bragging he knew that he was big, and he didn't want to overwhelm her when she was doing something so good for him.
She was grateful he was doing his best to stay still, to not buck his hips or grab her hair, to let her go at her own pace. She upped the speed of her head bobbing, egged on by his encouraging words and groans of pleasure. As Alexis got more comfortable with it, she reached up to grab his hand, pulling off his cock with a dirty pop. "Don't be afraid to be a little rough with me, Sweet Pea." She encouraged with a wicked smile, before diving back in, not gagging as much this time now she was used to the size of him in her mouth, looking up at him through her eyelashes, pupils blown in lust.
Finn was a mess of pants, and groans as she continued to bob her head his stomach already starting to form a coil. He couldn’t remember the last time anyone had done this for him, and the fact that it was her of all people doing it was a little astounding to him. He let out a little shuddering breath as she grabbed his hand. Letting himself buck back a little into his touch, one hand coming up to tangle in her hair as she moved. “Jesus.. I don’t know how you expect me to last when you’re looking at me like that Miss. fuck..”
When Alexis was in charge, this was actually fun. That something as simple as this could make Finn a mess of pants and moans, that he could come undone with only her mouth and a few well placed fingers. She let out a laugh around his cock at his words, hopefully sending vibrations around his length, glancing up at him with a daring, mischievous glint in her eye, making it clear she wasn’t expecting him to last that much longer at all. When he finally got the hint, his fingers tangled in her hair, she let out a genuine, needy moan around him, moving up and down his slick cock as fast as she could, determined to get him over the edge as quickly as she could.
He groaned as she laughed around his length, the hum of vibration sending a jolt of pleasure through his body. For some reason he rarely felt any of his usual kind of sexual awkwardness when he was with her. Probably because she didn’t pass comment on every little twitch of his body. Her moaning while she was blowing him made him buck his hips and then all too quickly he was finishing in her mouth. Letting out a low groan of. “Miss Alexis-fuck.” He lay there panting for a moment before he suddenly felt very guilty that he hadn’t warned her. “I’m so sorry Miss.. I should have said something.” Finn apologised, his cheeks flushing a deep shade of red.
Him finishing quickly took Alexis by surprise, but she managed to relax her throat and flatten her tongue in time. She was reminded of Calvin for a moment, holding her down and telling her good girls always swallowed, that it was always expected of her. Of course, Alexis knew Finn wasn't Calvin at all, but she still managed to swallow him down, wincing as she did so. She looked up, smiling softly at his deep-red face and earnest apology. "It's okay," She murmured, voice a bit raspy, moving back up the bed, going for the glass of water on the nightstand first to take a gulp, turning back to Finn, stroking his hair. "Did you enjoy your reward, Sweet Pea?" Truthfully she was nervous about her performance, as it was something she didn't often do, and for some reason she felt like sharing that with him. "It's, uh, it's been a while since I've done that."
He watched her nervously shifting up on the pillows as she reached for the water, he couldn't believe that he'd cum so early and without warning. Finn could feel his face getting redder by the second. "Yes Miss very much, thank you.." He responded, leaning to give her a kiss on the cheek. "I feel honoured that you wanted to do it.. you know with me." The switch responded. "Can I do anything for you?" He asked not entirely focused on something sexual, but not taking it off the table either.
Alexis felt herself relax when he thanked her again, giving her a kiss on the cheek. Finn probably didn't know this about himself, but he was a very bad liar, so she could tell he was being truthful. At his question, she shook her head. A part of her really did want him in between her legs so she could cum and be able to sleep, but she truthfully wasn't in the mood. "No, just being like this is good enough," She told him sincerely, "Uh, I just...I think I need to talk something out, if that's okay?" She asked, feeling suddenly scared and insecure again. Alexis had only ever talked about Calvin to Fauna and her therapist, but she knew she'd feel better discussing it with Finn too.
He nodded never wanting to push himself on her, he just hoped he hadn’t like killed her mood by cumming so early. “You talk about whatever you like Miss?” He told her honestly, reaching out to stroke a hand over her hair. “You know I think you’re amazing, so you could tell me you were like a lizard alien and I’d be like.. that’s so cool Miss Alexis.” He promised hoping that what he said didn’t sound too weird and that she did say whatever it was that she wanted to tell him.
She was taken aback slightly by the alien lizard comment, but let herself laugh nonetheless. Her heart panged at how he told her she thought she was amazing, but she pushed down all feelings for now, not wanting to dwell on that. "Thanks," She said in a murmur, brushing back her hair, trying to think of the words. "Um, so...like I said, I don't, really do that, this often.  As you might have noticed. I kinda --," She stopped, not sure how the best way to phrase it was, "My first experience, my first time, wasn't this great rom-com, and blowjobs were ruined for me. But I just...I wanted to try it out, so, thank you." Alexis wasn't as confident as she usually was, addressing Finn's hands, seemingly much larger in the moment in comparison to hers that clasped around him. But it felt good to talk about this at least.
He was so very glad that she laughed, always a little paranoid that he came off really weird when he was trying to make her feel comfortable. He waited quietly for her to go on, not wanting to fill the silence because he could tell that she was thinking and that this was difficult for her. Finns face pulled into a frown when she explained that her first time hadn’t been good, and that blow jobs had been ruined. A part of him again twisting with guilt that he had made this experience less than perfect too. “Im so sorry..” He started. “That your first experience was anything less than like.. wonderful. And I’m honoured that you wanted to try with me. You never have to do anything that doesn’t make you feel good.. and nobody should ever have made you feel anything less than great when you were doing things before.”
Alexis tried her best to avert his gaze. There was a extremely small handful of people she had told, about her year with Calvin, and she knew that even if they weren't aware that they were doing it, there was pity in their eyes. The only person who had a look of mutual understanding was with Fauna, but that had been more heartbreaking to Alexis than reassuring. She shook her head at his apology, though couldn't say anything more. "I know, thank you," She finally said, feeling her hands shake a bit as she kept tightly holding his hands, "I just...I wanted to share. Some people I've been with, they never quite...got why I didn't want to do it, or didn't want to explain why," She said, frowning as she thought of some of her hookups back at the old school, how none of them wanted to understand boundaries, "but you've been lovely and patient with me. I wanted to reward you, I think I just...got into my own head and, I wanted to share." She knew she didn't owe him an explanation, but there was a difference between feeling like you owed one, and giving one freely. "Please stay in the bed with me tonight?" She then asked, softly, knowing it was in Finn's nature to want to back off and give her some space, but she really didn't want him back on the floor.
He worried that he hadn’t said the right thing, but at the same time he had no idea what else to say. Finn wondered for a moment if he should tell her about his own awkward first time with a blow job. When he’d lost his virginity. But internally he dismissed the idea, she didn’t want him just sharing bad blow job stories with her. She was upset. When she squeezed his hand a little tighter he rubbed his big thumb over the back of her palm. “You can tell me anything you like Miss.” He confirmed again. “I never mind listening to you.” It’s something he always wanted to confirm to her, he never wanted to be one of those guys who didn’t listen to their partner. Who bitched about their girlfriends sharing things in the showers. Sawyer always said those were the very worst kind of people and Finn agreed. “Of course I’ll stay Miss.” He agreed, taking one of his hands and brushing her hair off her face. “Why don’t I tickle your back for you?” He suggested remembering what she’d asked him when she’d been upset before and hoping he didn’t embarrass her at all.
A part of Alexis didn't trust it, that she could tell Finn anything she'd like. Whether he'd find some stories to be worth a hefty paycheck from some sleazy tabloid (though her more logical way of thinking knew he was too much of an honourable person to do such a thing) or perhaps, she'd scare him off. He didn't need Alexis and her expensive, designer baggage she had to bear, and yet he was so earnest, so gentle, she could pretend for a moment. Whilst they sat in his bed, surrounded by his little cowboys and movie posters and football trophies. Whilst the shirt he had carelessly through off a couple of nights ago as she Dommed him still hung haphazardly on the symbol of his drum kit, tucked in the corner. Whilst he was holding her hand, and she was enveloped in the safety of his being. She smiled softly at Finn's suggestion, relieved, in a strange way, that he remembered how to comfort her. "I'd really like that." She told him, leaning up to press a kiss against his cheek, before shifting comfortably in position, ready to be comforted.
Finn liked the feeling of just getting to be close to her, sex was always great, and he loved being dommed by her. But there was something special to him about when they were lying together and he was just holding her. He’d never really had intimacy like that with any of his previous girlfriends, probably because Stassie was worried it would make her look weak and every other girl had been gone before they could establish a anything deeper.  So Finn reached out and softly tickled her back, his fingers running over her smooth skin pulling her body a little closer into him and dropping a kiss against the nape of her neck.
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rohad93 · 4 years
Authority Online: Ch 6
Celeste couldn't remember a longer week, for multiple reasons besides her anticipation of Saturday. 
She had plenty of orders to fill, so there wasn't a lot of downtime to start with, especially after a specialty order cake had collapsed on itself and she had no choice but to start over from scratch, forcing her and Sky to work well into the night on Tuesday and Wednesday to keep up with everything that had to be pushed back while it was redone, but by Friday morning everything was righted and back on schedule.
When she did have a spare minute she would text or reply to a message Jaune had sent her, which both fortunately and unfortunately only seemed to be around lunchtime or after work. She imagined the lawyer kept a rather hectic schedule herself based on what little she knew about her work. 
It was becoming apparent now that they had met in person that the lawyer had a rapier wit and a very dry, sarcastic sense of humor, as well as not much tolerance for those without common sense. 
Speaking of… 
She was just now sitting on her couch for the evening when she felt her phone buzz in her pocket. She smiled involuntarily when she saw the notification from Jaune and quickly swiped it open.
"Have you ever been to The Beach Front?" It read.
She'd certainly heard of it. It was a very nice American style restaurant just outside the city, they didn't have a dress code, but it would be ill-advised to show up in a t-shirt or jeans, and as the name suggested, it was right on the beach, It took up a large section of the pier overlooking the ocean.
She'd never been herself, but Greg and Rose had gone on their last anniversary and her sister had raved about the food and she'd wanted to try it, but had never had any occasion to go. It could be a little on the pricey side from what Rose had said. 
"I haven't, but I've heard good things." 
She hit send and didn't have to wait more than a minute before her phone buzzed again.
"So have I. Would you like to try it?" 
Celeste could feel herself smiling as she typed out her reply. Honestly, she didn't care where they ended up eating, so long as she got to spend the evening in Jaune’s company.
"Sounds perfect. When should I meet you there?"
It was maybe 45 seconds before she got a reply.
"The bakery is on my way, I can pick you up if you'd like. 6 o'clock?" 
"Yes, thank you. It's a date."
After that, her phone went quiet for the evening and her mind wandered to other things, like when she was eventually going to tell her sister that she was tentatively seeing someone. 
She had a good idea of how that was going to go. The teacher would get all bent out of shape for a bit that she hadn't told her the second she started talking to someone online, but she'd get over it after a few hours of pouting. 
That being said, she'd probably still wait till it looked like this would go past one date first. 
She certainly had high hopes. It seemed she liked Jaune a little more every day. 
She hoped the feeling was mutual.
It seemed like it just might be, but it had been a while since she had dated. Over three years, but after that fiasco, she’d really needed the break anyway.
She’d forgotten how exciting it could be when you met someone you seemed to click with. 
There was a quiet little knock on her apartment door and she smiled, knowing who it was.
“Come in,” she called and about ten seconds later Steven walked into the living room in an oversized t-shirt and a blanket held tight in one fist dragging on the floor behind him.
“What are you still doing up?” she asked quietly as he looked up at her. 
“I can’t sleep,” he said, looking quite sleepy.
“Ah, that’s right you’re going to Funland tomorrow.” She remembered. He nodded. 
“Can I sit with you?” he mumbled.
“Of course you can, love” 
He pulled himself up onto the cushion and flopped against her. She smiled and ran her fingers through his curly hair while the tv droned on.
“You’re excited for tomorrow?” she asked and he nodded tiredly as she ran her fingers through his hair.
“Can I tell you a secret?” She looked down at him and he looked up at her, his mouth open like he was surprised she could have a secret, but he nodded.
“I’m excited about tomorrow too.”
“Are you coming with us?” he turned to better look at her.
“Not this time,love. Do you remember my friend last week, the really tall one?”  He nodded. “She and I are going to dinner tomorrow night and I’m excited about it… but also a little nervous. I like her and I want her to like me,” she mumbled as she brushed some of the dark curls away from his face.
“I like you,” was his simple reply.  
A quiet breathy laugh pushed past her lips as she looked down at his sweet round face.
“And I love you.” She leaned down and pressed a kiss to his forehead. “Now let’s get you to bed.” She gathered him into her arms and started downstairs. 
~ ~ ~
As soon as she'd gotten off the phone with Celeste she'd made a call to the Beach Front to secure their 6:30 pm reservation, the place was notorious for filling up quickly on the weekends, or so she'd heard. 
She was quite pleased with herself, truth be told. Even if maybe she'd had to lie a little.
Truthfully the bakery was actually out of the way and she was closer to the restaurant, but it wasn't that much out of the way, so really, It was nothing Celeste would need to concern herself about.
Now she just needed to take care of her mother and considering that more often than not, despite her dramatic flair, her mother was nothing if not pragmatic.
The easiest way to get out of the opera would just be to tell her the truth. 
She had after all been hounding her to date.
She slid her phone into her pocket and climbed out of her car in her mother's driveway. 
Only the white Aston Martin was sitting in the driveway.
Good, The last thing she wanted was any more surprise run-ins with old family acquaintances. 
She let herself in and walked up the stairs to her mother's office.
The door was shut but she could see the light shining out from underneath the door and knocked.
"Yes, what is it, Penny?" Her mother's voice called out from the other side of the door.
"Not Penny this time." She smiled that she stepped inside to see her mother's wide-eyed, surprised face.
"Jaune! What are you doing here?" She stood and walked around her desk, letting the blonde lean down to kiss her on the cheek. Her height came from her mother though, so she didn’t need to lean far. Of course, right now her 5’10’’ mother was wearing slippers and she was wearing heels. 
It seemed her mother had just gotten out of the shower. She was wearing a fluffy white robe and her shoulder-length white hair was laying flat and slightly damp against her back, rather than poofed and primped as it usually was. She wasn’t wearing any makeup and the jagged scar in the center of her forehead was plainly visible. 
She preferred her mother like this, unexpecting, natural. Not playing at anything or putting on a show for friends and acquaintances. 
“I came to see you tonight because I can’t go to the opera with you tomorrow,” she said and her mother frowned.
“I know it's not your favorite activity but I ask so little of you, Sunshine.” Blanche huffed, crossing her arms and turning to walk back to her desk. “Your work won’t go anywhere in the course of one evening.” She sat in her chair and all Jaune could picture was a pouting child. Even as she poured herself a glass of brandy from the decanter sitting on her desk. 
“It’s not because I have work,” she started, rolling her eyes and walking up to the desk. “I have a date,” she finished. 
The glass stopped halfway to her mother’s lips.
“I’m sorry, I must have misheard you, dear, what are you doing tomorrow evening?” Her mother blinked at her, setting the glass back down and Jaune rolled her eyes. 
“I have a dinner date with a woman I met,” she clarified, crossing her arms and sitting on the couch that sat perpendicular to her mother’s desk. 
“That’s wonderful, Sunshine.” Blanche smiled, face lighting up at the news. “So tell me about this young woman you met.” She leaned forward eagerly and Jaune sighed internally, but she’d known that this was the trade-off for getting out of the opera.
“Her name is Celeste. We met on a dating website. Actually we’ve been talking for about two weeks now, we met and had coffee last Sunday. She owns a bakery on the west side of town.” She ran down some basics.
“That’s lovely…, but what is she like?” she stressed. Jaune leaned back in the seat and folded her hands in her lap.
“Mind you, we’ve haven’t been talking long and we’ve only met once for a couple of hours but…” she started and Blanche made a ‘yes and?’ motion with her hand. “She’s quick witted... and charming, with this soft, dulcet, Irish accent.” she looked down at her folded hands. “She’s incredibly beautiful…with the bluest eyes I’ve ever seen.” she looked up and saw her mother looking at her with wide, surprised eyes and she felt herself turn pink.
“But… yes, I’m growing rather fond of her.” she cleared her throat and stood, brushing out the imaginary wrinkles in her shirt as she did. “So, I hope you’ll forgive me about the opera this time.”  
“Don’t worry about opera, Jaune. You have fun with your new paramour.” She smirked and Jaune turned red.
“Mother please, it’s a first date,” she sighed, rubbing at her temple.
“Didn’t you say you had coffee with her just last week?”
“Yes, but that wasn’t a date, we were just meeting, to see if we actually would like to pursue something.
“In my day we called that a date.” Blanch hummed, taking a drink from her glass.
Jaune scowled. 
~ ~ ~ 
Saturday was as busy as it usually was.
Celeste was rather glad for the distraction to be honest. Hopping around the bakery without pause to even breathe gave her little time to over think and get herself worked up about her coming evening. That being said, it was still the usual exhausting Saturday, first thing in the morning and again at lunch time the shop was packed with people.
She was seriously considering her sister's idea of hiring part time help, if not just to free up some of her own time but to take some of the load off her and Sky. 
When the crowd thinned out at last around two-thirty she sent Sky out on her lunch break. She herself nibbled on half a sandwich Rose left her in the walk-in before they had left for Funland early this morning. She often got so busy during the Saturday rush that she forgot to eat, something Rose was all too familiar with.
She took a bite and pulled her phone out of her pocket when it buzzed. She had two unopened messages from her sister. 
Opening them she smiled at the two photos of the three of them at Funland eating cotton candy and playing games and wished she could have gone, but Saturday was her biggest day and Sky couldn’t do it alone. 
Maybe she would have a’ now hiring’ sign printed up on Monday after all. 
After closing the photos she looked at her ongoing conversation with Jaune and hesitated a moment before opening it and typing a quick message.
“Still on for tonight?”
She slid it back into her pocket and went back to her sandwich as she restocked the display case with the latest batch of pastries and baked goods. 
A flash of light in the corner of her eye made her look up. A car had pulled into the nearest parking spot in front of the bakery. 
The sunlight was bouncing through the front glass off its bright, pearlescent white paint. 
Normally she wouldn’t have taken much notice, but it was not a normal car. She wasn’t sure what it was, but it was definitely expensive.
The woman that got out of the car looked equally expensive.
She was older, perhaps sixty and dressed very nicely in a gray mid length skirt and fitted white blouse. Her large dark sunglasses covered much of her face but her bright red painted lips stood out in stark contrast. It took only a glance to see that the white bag hanging off her shoulder was designer.
She entered the shop, the jingling bells heralding her arrival. 
“Welcome to Butterscotch Bites,” she greeted, putting her half eaten sandwich under the counter and brushing the crumbs off her hands on her apron. 
“Good afternoon, dear.” The woman pulled off her glasses, revealing dark, wide eyes and smiled at her as she walked up to the counter. She was a little taller then Celeste and walked with an unarguable self assuredness. 
“How can I help you?”
“I was recently recommended to this establishment by a colleague, tell me, what do you recommend?” she asked, sliding her sunglasses into her bag.
Celeste hummed as she moved to the back of the display cases.
“I can never recommend the butterscotch bites enough. Of all my recipes it's always been my favorite.” She pointed down at the tray of golden, chocolate drizzled fudge. 
“Oh, is this your shop?” she asked, but the way she said it lacked any of the surprise expected with the question.  
“It is.” Celeste smiled. 
“Marvelous, If they're good enough to name a shop I suppose I’ll have to try them, can I get a dozen?” Her voice was positively saccharine.    
“Of course.” Celeste nodded as she moved to pack the sweets into a little box for the woman she could feel her dark eyes following her, as though she was observing her, but she was smiling and seemed genuinely… pleased? 
Celeste wasn’t quite sure what to make of the elegant older woman. 
She took the woman’s card and couldn’t help but notice the diamond shaped brooch pinned to the breast of her blouse. A stylized 'R' engraved into its center.
“That’s a lovely brooch.” she complimented as she handed back the card. 
The woman’s eyes widened briefly in surprise before those blood red lips pulled into a gentle smile as she reached up to brush her fingers over the gemstone studded jewelry.
“Thank you, my late husband gave this to me.” The timbre of her voice changed as she said this, losing it’s sugar coated tone and turning slightly more sombre and Celeste immediately felt bad about bringing it up.
“Ah, I’m Sor-” 
The woman was waving a hand before she could even finish the apology. 
“Don’t worry yourself, dear.” 
Celeste handed her the wrapped box of treats. “Thank you.”
“Have a nice weekend.” The woman smiled that knowing smile again before she turned and left.
As far as strange interactions went she had had her fair share of far worse than that but something about the woman had seemed off, she just couldn’t put her finger on it.  
She felt her phone buzz in her pocket and pulled it out. A reply from Jaune.
“Of course. I’ll see you at 6.”  
She smiled to herself and picked her sandwich up.
When Sky came back she forgot all about it the strange interaction with the white haired woman.
~ ~ ~
Celeste hummed to herself as she inspected her reflection in the mirror. 
The dress was a dark navy that stopped just below her knees, though the slit in the left side went up to mid thigh. It hung slightly off her shoulders and dipped into a ‘V’ at her breast bone, perfectly framing the silver chain hangin around her neck with the help of her hair, laying flat against her shoulders and back. A black pair of heels that she’d had to dig through her closet for and clutch completed her outfit. 
The dress was hardly formal in style but she couldn’t help but wonder if she was overdressed. Rose had worn something of a similar style to the restaurant, but then again her sister could often be over the top at the best of times. 
She glanced at her clock.
Her decision was made. Picking up her keys she left her apartment, walking as quietly down the stairs as she could, lest she alert her sister to her leaving. Her heels were loud. At the bottom of the stairwell she let out a breath of relief as she walked into the kitchen.
“Wowza!” Greg’s voice suddenly filled the quiet.
She jumped, turning to see the rest of her family gathered around one of the ovens and a sheet pan.
Steven smiled at her while Rose and Greg looked at her with wide eyes. 
“What are you all doing down here?” 
“We're making cookies!” Steven helpfully supplied with a wide smile. 
“Our oven is broken, where are you going looking like a sweet treat yourself?” Rose turned to her, hands on her hips and she flushed at the description.  
“I…,” she stalled but it didn’t look like she was getting out of it this time. “I have a date.” 
“What!?” Rose squealed. Greg winced. “You have a date and you didn’t tell me? 
“This is only the second time we’ve met, I didn’t want you to make a big a deal out of nothing.”
“This is the second date you’ve been on!?” Rose wasn’t yelling but it was on the border. 
Before she could answer the sound of knocking came from the front of the shop and Celeste perked up.   
‘We’ll talk about it when I get back,” she said as she walked out to the front, heels clicking on the linoleum. 
“Have fun!” Greg called. Rose followed her sister to the front, but hung back in the kitchen entrance.
A tall, familiar looking blonde woman was standing outside the glass door in a pair of black slacks and a dark, mustard colored dress shirt tucked into them, beneath an open black blazer. She smiled when Celeste appeared. 
A golden yellow Mercedes was parked in the street in front of the shop. 
“The lawyer?” Rose mumbled to herself. 
Celeste unlocked the door and stepped out, looking up at the blonde. Even with her own heels and Jaune’s flat, black dress shoes she was still taller, though not by as much.
“Right on time.” Celeste smiled. 
“I can’t stand to be late,” she admitted. “You look gorgeous." The words all but left her mouth unbidden as she looked at Celeste. 
She knew she'd said the right thing though when the baker's cheeks flushed a rosy color.
"Thank you." She pushed a lock of sterling hair back behind her ear. "You look rather dashing yourself," she said, admiring the lawyers clean and sharp appearance. She grinned and Celeste's heart did a quick double tap in her chest. 
"Thank you. Are you rea…" she trailed off, looking at something over her shoulder.
Celeste turned around and did her best to suppress the sigh that threatened to escape her lips.
Rose, Greg and Steven we're all peeking out from behind the doorway of the kitchen. 
"Your sister and her family?" Jaune took a guess.
"Yes… I didn't know they would be in the kitchen when I came downstairs." She rolled her eyes at them, at Rose and Greg anyway. "But yes, I'm ready to go." 
Jaune turned around and opened the passenger door on the car and Celeste smiled at her as she climbed inside.
It was very nice and certainly cleaner than her own car. While the inside of her own silver sedan often smelled of baked bread or sugar the blondes car had a distinct aroma of leather and coffee which did not surprise her.
Based on everything she knew so far that was a perfect summary of the lawyer. 
Jaune climbed in and started up the car, quickly pulling out into the Saturday night traffic.
The short drive to the restaurant was spent in quiet conversation over the low playing radio. 
It amazed Celeste that they could just pick up their conversations right from wherever they had left off in their messages.
The restaurant was already quite busy when they arrived and it took them a few minutes before they found a parking place, though it was at least not too far from the doors. 
The lobby was full of people waiting for tables and Celeste was suddenly afraid that they may not even get in considering how many people were sitting in the waiting area.
"It's an hour wait," someone standing nearby said helpfully.
Celeste grimaced at that.
Jaune just hummed as she walked up to the hostess stand.
"6:30 reservation, Roche." 
The woman scanned the appointment book for nodding with a smile and grabbing two menus.
"Right this way." She led them through the restaurant and right to the patio that overlooked the ocean. "Enjoy, ladies, your waiter will be with you soon." The hostess said before disappearing back inside the restaurant.
Celeste had to admit, one could hardly ask for a better setting for a date then this one.
Though all the tables on the patio were full they were spaced far enough apart to allow some semblance of privacy. The sun slowly going down over the ocean certainly didn't hurt the ambience. 
"My sister and her husband came here for their anniversary last year, so far, it's just as nice as I heard." She turned to Jaune who was flipping through her menu. 
"Some of my colleagues come here often and can never stop talking about the place after they do, I thought this might be a good opportunity to try it."
"Well, we can try it together then." She smiled. 
The waiter eventually appeared and took their orders. Despite the obvious busyness it didn't take long for their food to come and they continued to talk trading stories from work. 
While her interactions with customers were rather tame the majority of the time, Jaune on the other hand had some very interesting stories.
"I think one of the dumbest things I've ever heard was when a man told me he wanted to divorce his wife because she had spent $70,000 on psychic hotlines." 
"Oh my god." Celeste balked and Jaune rolled her eyes at the memory.
"Evidently it was a waste of money If the psychics didn't tell her that that would happen." Jaune grinned when Celeste burst into peals of laughter.
It wasn't until halfway through dinner that a glint on the blondes blazer caught her eye.
It was a diamond-shaped brooch with a stylized 'R' engraved in its center.
"Your brooch…" Celeste pointed to the small piece of jewelry pinned to the lapel of Jaune's blazer.
Jaune looked up, fork still in her mouth, but looked down at the small piece of jewelry.
"It's funny I saw one that looked exactly like it today on a woman that came into the shop. It even had the 'R'," she said.
Jaune's eyes narrowed at that and she swallowed the bite she was chewing and carefully wiped her mouth before speaking.
"Was it an older woman, white hair, dressed much too lavishly?" she asked and obviously it was someone the lawyer knew based on the spot on description.
"An acquaintance of yours?" She cocked a brow. 
Jaune sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose.
"My mother," she finally grumbled. 
"Your mother?" Celeste blinked and Jaune groaned.
"She wanted me to go to the opera with her tonight, the easiest way to get out of that was to simply tell her I had a date, she asked about you, of course. However, I didn't think for one minute she would take that information to come harass you…," she scowled.
"Oh, no no. She didn't harass me, she was very pleasant actually." Jaune cocked a disbelieving brow with that. "She came in, made a little small talk, bought some candy and left." 
"I'm surprised." Jaune hummed, picking up her fork again. 
"The only reason I remember was because I complimented the brooch and she told me… her late husband gave it to her." She mumbled the last part, looking at the brooch pinned to Jaune's blazer. 
"Yes, my father had them made. Mine was A gift when I graduated from law school. He was a lawyer too. He died of a heart attack seven years ago and I inherited his practice and made it my own.
"I'm sorry. At least your parents supported what you wanted to do with your life." Celeste smiled, but it had it undeniable tinge of sadness to it.
"Yours don't?"
Celeste glanced out over the ocean for a second before those blue eyes slid back to meet amber. 
"No, they didn't. In Ireland my family was very poor. When my sister was a baby and I was only a toddler they sold everything to move here and have a fresh start," she explained. "What they really wanted was for me to go to school and get a high paying, successful, office job, like yours, to support the family."
"Those are unfair expectations…" Jaune frowned, her brows drew together between her eyes in clear annoyance, Celeste was touched by her companion;s concern.
"Yes, well. They worked to pay for my school, only instead of culinary school as I had dreamed, it was for my degree in business management at Delmarva U. They refused to let me "waste my time and their money on such foolishness." So I never got to go.”  
Jaune leaned forward in her seat, elbows on the table as she listened to Celeste.
"So what do they think of your successful bakery, despite the fact that you never went to culinary school?" 
"I don't know, they both died in a car accident about ten years ago, Right after I graduated, I never had a chance to tell them what I had planned." 
"Oh. I'm sorry " she mumbled, unsure what to say or do now in the tenser atmosphere .
"It's alright." She took a sip of the dark red wine in her glass. "You were right..," she finally said after a moment.
"Oh, what about?" Jaune cocked her head curiously.
"Your mother really is an interesting character." She smiled, and it widened when Jaune chuckled. 
~ ~ ~
Three hours later Jaune pulled to a stop in front of the bakery and shut off the car, making it quiet.
"I had a wonderful time.Thank you for dinner, Jaune." She turned to her companion, clutching her bag in her lap, in no real hurry to get out of the car.
"It was my pleasure." The blonde assured her. "Perhaps, we could do this again?" The hint of hopefulness was clear in her voice and it would be a lie if Celeste didn't say she was pleased by the blonde's desire to see her again.
"Yes, I'd like that." She nodded. Jaune smiled and despite the sudden explosion of butterflies in her stomach she leaned over the center console and pressed a quick, featherlight kiss to the blonde's cheek.
When she pulled back, settling back down into her seat she couldn't help but giggle at those wide amber eyes and shocked expression. Pink wasn’t Jaune’s color, but it still looked nice splashed across her face.
"Goodnight, Jaune." she smiled to herself as she climbed out of the car.
"G-goodnight, Celeste." she called behind her. 
She waved and let herself into the shop. A few seconds later the car drove away. 
She couldn't help the wide, dopey grin on her face as she walked up the stairs.
Honestly, she couldn't remember the last time she’d had a better evening. 
"You're back!" 
Celeste nearly jumped out of her skin as her sister's apartment door slammed open just as she was passing by. 
"Rose, please!" She held a hand to her chest, waiting for her heart to go back to a normal rhythm.
"Well?" She fisted her hands on her hips. 
Celeste rolled her eyes.
"I'll tell you all about it in the morning," she said over her shoulder as she continued up the stairs.
"What?!" Rose shouted after her, standing in the hall and throwing out her arms. 
"In the morning, I promise," she laughed quietly at her sister's aggravated noises, but her mind was already drifting back to a certain blonde lawyer.
“Well?” Greg asked quietly, peeking into the hall at his wife.
“She looked stupidly happy.” She turned to him with a smile and Greg grinned back. 
~ ~ ~
Jaune smiled to herself all the way home.
Despite her earlier annoyance with her mother at going to the bakery for the sole purpose of checking out Celeste, nothing could damper her mood at the moment.
Her cheek still tingled where Celeste’s lips had been.
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haiyuta · 5 years
distance (m) || Bang Chan
summary: distant relationship with bang chan so you video call each other
word count: 2.2k || Genre: masturbation, video call, want, tease, babygirl
a/n: I’ve become a loyal Bang Chan stan so I needed to write for him. So stray kids is open for request now I guess lolz. Enjoy my crappy smut lol. 
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Glancing at our phone you smiled looking at the newest update of your boyfriend. Fan accounts always keeping you updated on him as he and his band members greet the press yesterday. Your heart was heavy knowing he was an ocean away in Korea while you were stuck going to an American college.
The time difference, the lack of calls and the busy schedules you both had limited the time to text often. It was still nice sending daily snaps as he showed you selfies of Korea and you sent him snaps of you whining about all the work your classes have given you. You know what they say distance makes the heart grow fonder. 
Looking at the clock you realized it was already 7 pm so in Korea it was about 8 am. He was probably already up and busy with schedules but you still could text him to see. 
You snuggled in his sweater he sent you a month ago claiming with a cute note 'I wouldn't be a good boyfriend if I didn't send my girl my clothing'. 
Looking at the last text message he sent it was just a simple 'Love you fighting' from last night. Rolling over your fingers went to his name you cringed at the name he put into your phone "Best Boy Bang Chan'.
You: Good Morning!! (Don't forget to say it back)
Clicking send you clutched your phone waiting for him to text back. Almost immediately he did.
Best Boy Bang Chan: Gooo Morn
Best Boy Bang Chan: Even though its night for you
Smiling you quickly typed back.
You: Hm...it is but I'm not sleepy yet so I'm just going to bother you
Best Boy Bang Chan: You? The most beautiful girlfriend in the world a bother yeah no. 
Best Boy Bang Chan: Bother me forever, please
Smiling you leaned back wishing you could hear his voice already. Pursuing your lips you tempted the thought deciding it's better to ask and a no then not know at all.
You: I wish I could hear you say that
Best Boy Bang Chan: I could always call youuuu I'm free but...
Best Boy Bang Chan: I'm going to need a, please
Rolling your eyes.
You: Please
Best Boy Bang Chan: Pleaseeee whattt
Huffing you felt defeated. 
You: Please...Daddy Chan
Best Boy Bang Chan: that's the magic word
Rolling on your bed you cringed at the name he just loved to be called. His not so hidden kink he had being called Daddy.
A few seconds later you heard your phone buzz rapidly showing you were getting a video call. You raised an eyebrow at getting a video call but shrugged it off answering the phone. You quickly pressed your hair down and tried to look like you weren't just going to bed.
Biting your lip you swiped on the green button accepting the face time. Feeling your stomach swim with butterflies to see Chan lit up on the other side of the phone. You put your hand over your mouth to stop a gasp from escaping. It felt like you haven't seen him in forever.
"Heyyy baby,"  Chan was in an empty practice room leaning on the mirror. His hair was bleached with small black roots already popping out with a wide smile on his face.
"Hey Chan," you replied smoothly keeping your cool even though you wanted to just jump up and down seeing him.
"HIII Y/n," you heard Felix deep voice yell for you. Grinning at the deep voice  Chan faced the camera to Felix who was laying on the floor.
"Hey Felix," you called back seeing him laying out on the floor.
"So how are you Y/n," Chan said walking out the room as he came to an empty hallway. Reaching a row of doors he entered one closing the door behind him.
Grinning you answered, “I’m good just bored.” Watching Chans own little studio he had. 
You heard Chan close a door. "Finally some privacy," Chan said sitting down on the chair. You finally got a peek at his outfit it was a white shirt and some black joggers.
"You sound tired," you said worrying about Chans well being. Being an idol especially in a company like his was stressful. "You better be taking care of yourself," you commented.
Chan smooth voice chuckled "I'm fine this morning we have practice in an hour I just got finished with one or two melodies." "Is that my hoodie," he hummed.
Blushing "Yeah it is," you paused "thanks for sending me it," you said. Having some of his stuff made you feel safe and secure. Especially with him being across the ocean away from you. "It's so nice hearing your voice," you whispered. Your eyes glued to the camera as Chan ran his fingers through his hair.
"You just like hearing my accent," he chuckled. Of course, you did his accent was smooth and unique. His multilingual accent from Korean to English making you love it even more.
"Mhm you got me I do love hearing it," you commented truthfully shifting on your bed sitting up more. "I also just really miss you." Chan sighed his eyes staring at the phone looking so deep at you. Your fingers just wanted to reach out and touch his blond hair and kiss those soft lips. Those soft lips that kissed yours many times.
"You look really good in my clothing," Chan praised. You licked your lips in the thought you gave a soft smile snuggling into it.
"It's super comfortable," the sweater was nice and warm and still smelt like him.  "You know you aren't getting this back," you laughed. 
Chan gave you a charming smile "Keep it I have a million others with your name on it."
Biting your lip you shyly looked at him. More to come that made you shiver with excitement. 
Moving around he looked down and sighed "Y/nnnn," he whined out. "Why do you do to me," he huffed his cheeks slightly flushed.
"What do I do to you," you said innocently trying to keep your voice low.
Chan rolled his neck back and huffed in annoyance and put his phone to the side. "I have practice in 45 mins and now I'm turned on," he whined out. 
Raising an eyebrow "I didn't even do anything," you giggled realizing Chan was excited. 
Chan smiled "I know right you don't even need to do anything just seeing you is enough," he said almost dreamily. "I love when you bite your lip and how you snuggle in my clothing," his deep voice whined at you. You drunk in the state of Chan as his neck rolled back his eyes stared back at you and his face twisted with want. "I wish I could just be there to hold you."
Turning away you gave a small whine "Same," you agreed. That's all you wanted was to hold, hug and chill with your boyfriend.
You felt your arousal lift through your body just seeing Chan. "Well I have time," you whispered biting your lip. You and Chan have done this before but you wanted it more than ever.
"Mhm baby girl," he hummed. Chan dark eyes gazed at you with want. "Could you touch yourself," his words came out slow filled with desire.
"Only for you," you hummed back laying your back on your headboard you throw the sweater half off revealing an old tee shirt you had on.
“Of course only for me cause you love me,” his smooth accent said the word love making you stir with want. Lifting up your shirt to tease the skin showing. "I just want to touch you," he gave a low groan seeing you tease him. Eyeing the camera you angled it to show you lifting off your shirt ever so slowly. Letting your fingers play with your skin. 
"I just want to kiss your lips," you moaned back the desire to kiss those puffy lips of his overcoming you. 
Chan hummed in agreement. His eyes glued to the camera his one hand already moving slowly. "Your eager" you giggled looking at him.
Giving you a smirk he pointed the camera toward his joggers showing he was rubbing himself through the fabric. "You just look so sexy," he said lifting the camera back to him.
"Even in my ugly pajamas," you grimaced at the reality you weren't wearing anything 'sexy' or 'hot'.
"Anything you wear makes you sexy," he moaned as he kept rubbing himself out. Your chest fluttered with love from his words. "Hm baby girl play with your nipples please," he sounded desperate with want.
Grinning you took your one hand and messed with your chest. You felt your stomach turn with want as you flicked and played with them. Trying to mimic how Chan would do it. Slightly rough as he rubs and flicks your nipple as he would nead your breast with his large hands.
"Just like that," he moaned through the phone. His handsome face twisted with pleasure. "Fuck Y/n look what are you doing to me," he whined showing his erection through his joggers.
You licked your lips just wanting to touch him. He eyed you as he slowly lifted up his shirt showing off his defined chest. "Chan," you whined out he already knew this was your kink seeing his toned abs. "Ugh you're perfect," you whined out.
Chan grinned leading his hand across his torso "I can just imagine your nails racking down my torso like love," he moaned his hand slowly slipping past his waistband as he touched himself. The lewd nature of watching him touch himself as you played with yourself over video call made you bite your lips.
"Fuck Y/n touch yourself please," he moaned. He pulled his pants down showing his fine muscle line as he showed his hard cock. It was a deep red and was slightly moist at the tip. He blushed a little "sorry I'm just really desperate," he apologized.
Shaking your head you mumbled a quick 'its fine,' as you watched him run his hand over himself a few times. Your fingers reached down to touch yourself through your panties you threw your head back in pleasure at the contact.
"Bang Chan," you whined his full name as you rubbed against yourself in a needy manner. Chan let out a similar groan as he gave slow strokes of his cock.
You wanted to take your eyes off the camera but you couldn't see his large hand engulfed on himself made you shiver with want. "Y/n let me hear you moan," he whined out.
Watching him get himself off made you shiver with want and intensity. A whiny moan left your mouth whining his name "Chan," you whined out. Your fingers danced across your slit just imagining Chan's fingers doing it to you. You closed your eyes just enjoying the pleasure.
Throwing his head back you watched as Chan clear as day thrust his hips into his hand as he came with a heavy groan. Strings of white spilled on his lap and hand. Some of it got some on his joggers. He slowed down his strokes as he squeezed his dick tighter.
Seeing the sight of him getting himself off your fingers thrust harder as you chased an orgasm. The pent up emotions filled you as you came. "Hm Chan," you moaned as the bundle of pleasure licked you from head to toe.
It was quiet for a few moments as you calmed down from your orgasm your legs felt weary and your eyes felt heavy from it already being close to 9.
"Fuck my pants," Chan whined looking down at his stained pants.
You giggled with a short reply of "that sucks."
He gave you a dorky smile and looked at you "Your face was just too much," he bite his lip gazing at you.
"I'm tired," you hummed laying back down on your bed leaning the phone against the wall as you looked at Chan.
"I have to start my day with some practice in a few," he frowned looking at you.
The time to say goodbye was upon the two of you. "I don't wanna leave the call," clutching your phone with dread.
"Me neither," he gave a small pout gazing at you. "You look tired baby girl," that fluttering feeling filled your chest at the name.
"I am." The feeling of heaviness was behind your eyelids from the stress of school.
"Get some sleep my girlie," he smirked.
"See ya Chan," you grimaced at the feeling of leaving him.
"See you real soon my girl," he smirked giving you a cute look gesture. You giggled as your finger hovered over the end call as you ended it.
Sighing you laid your head down hating that you had to end the call. He was an idol and you were lucky you even got this 30-minute call.
Looking at your phone you stared at the picture of Bang chan seeing fans love him warmed your heart. Closing your eyes you let sleep overtake you.
Chan leaned his head back against the chair watching as the screen went dead.  Sighing he smiled at the phone shutting it off. His hand went to his chest feeling his heart swell with love at you over the line.
"Chan hurry up we are practicing some of the world tour dances," he heard Felix call him through the door.
"Sure I'll be real in a few," he said smiling he was eager to finally get this tour going and see you.
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calif0rnia-lovers · 5 years
sky full of song. part i
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aja naomi king as annadelaih
title: midnight awakening.
summary: young and in love, thor finds his world and mind consumed by his childhood friend, annadelaih. his father wants him to prepare to inherit the throne. according to odin, preparation for the throne does not entail focusing on “an evanescent romance.” the only daughter of heimdall, annadelaih finds that she bears a gift different from her father. when the young couple sneaks out for a night alone, thor witnesses the awakening of annadelaih’s most powerful gift. a gift that strikes fear in her father. a gift that forces heimdall to give up his only child as he places her in hiding on midgard. when she is sent away, annadelaih's past life is suppressed in her mind and her powers made dormant.
words: 4,395
Despite the early hour, nearly all of Asgard has risen. The excitement of the evening’s festivities has the entire palace buzzing. Everyone is ensuring they have their gowns perfected, that only the best flowers have been collected to adorn the halls for the queen. With the amount of productive chaos buzzing around him, the young prince can sneak outside unnoticed.
Thor was set to meet his mother, Frigga, for the morning. He and his younger brother, Loki, are to help prepare for the evening’s party. After getting into trouble, during the last party, Thor is mentally preparing for a “talking to.” A "talking to" that probably consists of the reminder that although he is heir to the throne, Thor is still expected to uphold certain responsibilities while in the presence of his father’s people. Responsibilities that don’t involve stealing wine and a “trophy” from his father’s collection room in an attempt to impress the daughter of the gatekeeper.
Thor, however, is not headed in the direction of the dining hall where his mother is patiently anticipating his arrival. Instead, he is headed towards the palace gardens.
Upon his arrival, it appears no one else is around.
Frigga’s garden provides the perfect opportunity for peace when one wants to escape the neverending hustle and bustle of the close-knit community. If you are a young man, who wants to escape the eyes of the palace for a few quality minutes with the young woman whose heart you’re trying to steal, Frigga’s garden is the perfect place.
Thor first brought Annadelaih to his mother’s garden during a game of hide and seek. Only a year older than Loki, Annadelaih naturally grew up among Odin’s two boys. Her father, Heimdall, trusted the two princes to keep an eye on his only child. Thor and Annadelaih would often pick Frigga’s garden as their favorite hiding spot when it was Loki’s turn to count.
As the years passed, and the trio outgrew such childish games, Frigga’s garden turned into something else. Annadelaih used it as a place to collect her thoughts or to bask in them. She could often be found reading amongst the trees and flowers. Thor can often be found disrupting her reading or picking a flower to bring to her upon their next reunion.
This morning is no different.
The deeper he travels into the garden, Thor can spot Annadelaih.
She is seated, her legs crossed, her current book perched on her lap. Her chin rests in her hands.
Thor slows his pace, moving so that he may approach from behind. The grass softens his footsteps, allowing him to creep behind her. Kneeling, Thor stealthily covers Annadelaih’s eyes. Instinctively, her hands reach up to grab his wrists.
Thor attempts to distort his voice, his hand not giving in to the tugs of Annadelaihs.
“What is a beautiful maiden, such as yourself, doing out here all alone?”
Kissing her cheek, Thor smiles as Annadelaih attempts to escape his grip. Giving in to her desire, Thor uncovers her dark brown eyes his arms securing around her waist preventing her from getting up. Nuzzling his face into the warmth of her neck, he leaves a series of soft kisses.
“Thor,” she giggles as he takes a seat behind her.
Tugging her body back, Thor chuckles as he guides her between his legs allowing his chest to rest against her back.
“It’s not fair if you cheat.”
Annadelaih giggles as she closes her book. She bites her lip as the warmth of Thor’s lips move to her shoulder. Her eyes drift shut with a deep breath she releases. Thor’s touch has disrupted her thoughts. She can feel his thoughts creeping, taking over hers. Usually, she can turn them down. Years of practice have allowed Annadelaih to tame her gifts. It’s always harder when Thor is the one touching her. He makes it difficult for her to concentrate.
Sunlight casts a golden haze against the inside of her eyelids as Thor’s fingers drift to her shoulder before lightly passing over the nape of her neck. Thor moves her curls aside, his lips pressing against her recently exposed skin. A shiver trickles down her spine as he guides the strap of her gown aside. Her hand reaches up to stop it from slipping down her arm. Annadelaih shrugs away from his wandering lips pulling a groan of protest from Thor.
“It’s not cheating if I already know that it is you. Believe it or not, I only allow one person to kiss me like that.”
“I would hope so, my love.” Thor chuckles, his arms slipping around her waist. He allows his hands to rest against her stomach. Although his hands are no longer wandering, his presence still forces Annadelaih to take a deep breath. “I would hate to kick someone’s ass this early in the morning.”
“Are you still expecting me to just fall into your arms because you fight off every suitable prospect that approaches my father?” Annadelaih rolls her eyes, a giggle destroying any sense of firmness in her voice as he nuzzles his nose against her skin.
“Yes,” he admits truthfully. “How else am I supposed to win your love if those unworthy prospects keep getting in my way? It’s difficult enough that being Thor, son of Odin-”
“God of Thunder,” she finishes in unison with him, her eyes rolling for good measure.
“Is not convincing enough for you,” he chuckles.
“It’s not,” Annadeliah shrugs. Brushing her hair back over her shoulder, she reopens the book that sits in her lap. “Some ladies are not entranced by the prospect of a crown.”
Thor silently watches as she comfortably rests against his chest, her full attention returning to the words before her. He cannot help but pout. His attempt to distract her has failed. As she read silently to herself Thor released a breath.
The richness of her chocolate skin seemed to capture the light of the sun. A gold cast appeared against her skin. Her curls have been elegantly tamed. The tiny white flowers that have been woven into her hair briefly hold Thor’s attention. His fingers drift into her hair. He admires the softness of her curls, his lips pressing against her cheek.  
The gown she wore was beautiful.
Thor’s fingers drift down to toy with the fabric. It was silk against his skin. The shades of blue as clear as the morning sky, the golds as pure as her father’s eyes. His touch seeps through the fabric, his thoughts penetrating her skin.
There are moments when he forgets that she can read his mind through even the smallest of contacts. When they were younger, he would avoid touching her. He knew it was overwhelming at times for her and didn’t want to burden her. Taking on the thoughts and emotions around her when she allowed herself to give in to it would often bring her to her knees in agony when she was younger. But as they got older, and she no longer shied away from his touch, Thor often let his touch linger. It was easier for him to share what was on his mind.
“I’m not interested in other women.” Thor watches the corner of Annadelaih’s lips turn up briefly as his thoughts meld with hers. He lets his touch drift to the fabric on her thigh. “I have only ever wanted you.”
“And I’m trying to read,” Annadelaih speaks softly. Her skin has been overtaken by a warmth that causes her to smile. The sensation of the fabric Thor drags against the sensitive skin of her thigh catches Annadelaih’s breath. “I would truly appreciate it if you let me concentrate.”
“I don’t need your gifts to read your mind, my love,” his voice is low, a smirk forming on his lips as her pulse spikes. “I know that you’d find my plan far more enjoyable than sticking your nose in the pages of some old book.”
Thor let his lips press against her escalating pulse. He releases a groan of protest as Annadelaih’s touch finds his wrists stopping him from guiding the fabric of her gown up her legs.
Taking a deep breath, she tilts her head so that she can meet his gaze.
“You’re impossible.”
Thor’s eyes roll, a grin on his lips. “I wouldn’t say that...I just don’t like to be ignored.”
“Why do I have the feeling you won’t quit?” Annadelaih groans as she shuts the book in her lap.
“Because you know me so well.”
Thor takes the book from Annadelaih’s lap. He sets it aside.
“You no longer need this.” He announces.
Reaching behind him, Thor smiles. “Because I’ve gotten you a better one.”
Thor reveals the book he’d taken from the shelves of his father’s untouched library. It was the spine of the book that had caught his attention. He thought it was beautiful, like her.
The rich plum cover was adorned with gold, the shimmering lettering and ribbons etched into the velvet cover capturing Annadelaih’s attention.
“Thank yo-“
Thor moves it out of her reach, a grin spreading across his lips as she releases a groan of protest.
Scrambling to his feet, Thor moves slightly quicker than Annadelaih who trips over the fabric of her gown. Hastily gathering the fabric, she giggles as Thor turns before taking off through the garden.
His chuckles fill the air as he disappears out of sight. Following the sound of his voice, Annadelaih soon finds that her uncontrollable giggles are responsible for making it difficult to catch her breath. As she rounds the corner, a squeal escapes her lips when her feet leave the ground.
Thor effortlessly lifts her off the ground, his arm securing around her waist. The sound of her giggles echoes throughout the garden as his lips playfully press against Annadelaih’s neck. Thor lowers her to her feet. He reveals the book she is seeking.
“You know,” he sighs. “I don’t like how I’m always the one showering you with gifts, and all you do is torment me.”
Annadelaih scoffs, her hands finding her hips. “Torment you? I always thought Loki was the brother who loved the dramatics. Not you.”
Thor cannot suppress his smile as he moves the book behind his back. “You hardly let me kiss you-’
“That is not true,” she gasps. A giggle escapes Annadelaih’s lips at the ridiculous accusation. “I-”
“Never let me kiss you whenever I please.” Thor cleverly completes her sentence.
Annadelaih’s eyes roll. “Sorry, I don’t allow my world to revolve around you, your highness.”
“I am a prince, after all.”
Thor chuckles as she tugs against his arm once he lifts the book over his head.
Ceasing his laughter, Thor allows his gaze to meet hers. His free hand moves to steady her waist as Annadelaih nearly teeters off her tiptoes.
“My lady?” His gaze drops to her lips, his tongue passing over his own as he leans forward.
Annadelaih smiles softly at the action. “You’re going to be late.”
Thor releases a huff, his lips forming a pout once he realizes he cannot argue with her observation. He should already be in the presence of his mother. If he doesn’t leave soon, Frigga will have the entire palace on alert just to embarrass the young man. Annadelaih’s fingers find his jaw. She allows her weight to shift until she can bring her lips to his.
The sound of his younger brother’s voice causes Thor to shift their bodies to the left. He lifts her off of the ground, effortlessly moving her body from where she stood. He guides her out of sight, suppressing her giggles with needy kisses. Settling her back on the security of the ground, Thor gently guides Annadelaih back until she is resting between him and the oak tree.
“I could always skip this party,” Thor suggests. “Spend the evening with you.”
Shaking her head, Annadelaih giggles as his lips press against her neck.
“It’ll be difficult. You are the prince, which you have so graciously pointed out numerous times, so I am almost certain all of Asgard would notice you not being at the party. Especially your father-”
“Brother,” Loki huffs as he steps into the garden. He lets his eyes scan the garden. Although he gets no response, he knows he’s not alone. The queen’s garden is Annadelaih’s favorite reading spot. And, wherever Annadelaih was Loki knew his brother was close behind. “I am not covering for you this time. You better be prepared for father’s wrath when you turn up late. He can always tell when you’re lying...Especially when it involves Anna...”
Annadelaih’s brows knit together. “I hate to say it, Thor, but Loki is right.”
“First time for everything,” Thor says softly, his thumb light tracing the curve of her jaw. He meets her gaze. “Promise to meet me tonight, and I’ll go...”
A soft smile spreads across his lips as Thor watches Annadelaih’s nose scrunch in thought. Her brown eyes meet his blue ones.
“Without protest?”
Thor nods.
Taking the book, Annadelaih lets it rest against her chest as Thor’s lips press a kiss against her forehead.
“You could always join me at the party,” he hints, a soft wink the last gift he gives her before turning away.
Stepping around the tree, Thor can only give his brother a boyish grin in response to his rolling eyes.
“You know, one of these days, someone might tip the old man off to how you’ve been spending your time. Or worse, they might tip off Heimdall.”
“Is that jealousy I detect in your voice, brother?” Thor quips as he starts up the steps leading towards the palace. “It doesn’t suit you very well.”
Like every Asgardian party, it was still in full swing by the time the moon was in mid sky. Luckily for Thor, by this time, most of the Asgardians were full of wine and laughter. It was easy for the young prince to slip away unnoticed. Even from the eyes of his father.
Apart of him had hoped Annadelaih would accept his request and attend the party. Her presence would surely make the event more enjoyable. He also wanted to dance with her. To kiss her in front of everyone in the palace. Before the men who wanted so desperately to have the fair maiden’s heart, his mother who loved her almost as much as her sons, and in front of his father who seemed to think Thor was wasting his time with a quickly burning romance. Parties were never Annadelaih’s favorite place. She rarely attended celebrations. Something, her father had no protest of. He wanted to keep his daughter away from the men who so desperately seek her attention.
It takes a while for Thor to leave the security of the palace and to disappear through the forest. The spot in which he often meets Annadelaih rests at the base of the mountains. Secluded by the trees, the rocky shores slowly transform into beautiful blue and gold sand. Sand that disappears into deep waters. When he reaches her, Annadelaih is standing by the shore allowing the soft waves to lap against her toes.
“Thank you for waiting,” he smiles, his lips quickly pressing against hers.
Before she can respond, Thor is already pushing down his pants.
Instinctively, Annadelaih turns away.
“what are you doing?”
Thor smiles to himself knowing that the heat of embarrassment is spreading across her cheeks.
He tilts his head back, as he steps out of his pants, his gaze shifting to the moonlit sky.
“I think it’s a good night for a swim.”
Annadelaih focuses on water. She tries to fill her mind with how beautiful the moon looks against the surface of the water as opposed to how Thor will look once fully undressed.
“And you think it’s best to do that naked?”
Thor shrugs.
Annadelaih can’t ignore the heat burning against her face. She knows it sounds ridiculous. She’s seen a naked body before, but not his. In all the time they have gone swimming, it has always been in their undergarments.
Thor stops alongside her. He lets his gaze rest on her, his eyes causing her to glance up at him.
“Feels natural,” he teases before taking a step forward.
Tugging his shirt over his head, Thor balls it up in his hands.
He remains where he is, the feel of her gaze traveling along his muscles under the moon’s glow erupting a new wave of confidence in him.
“What if someone sees us?” she asks quietly, the inability to control her gaze causing her to bite her lip.
“Come on, Anna,” Thor chuckles as he turns to face her. “There’s no one else around. Besides, I’m not one to shy away from a little attention.”
With a wink, Thor tosses his shirt towards her.
He turns and runs. He takes off across the sand and onto the dock. Annadelaih watches as Thor leaps into the air, a giggle escaping her lips as he crashes into the surface of the water. Thor disappears from her sight. The water comes to a slow ripple before returning to its normal state as he sinks deeper.
She steps forward, watching as Thor resurfaces a distance away.
Catching his breath, Thor shakes the water from his face and hair.
“Where are your manners, my lady?” He calls out. “It’s hardly fair if I’m the only one naked.”
“I’m almost certain that hasn’t stopped you from having fun before.”
Annadelaih’s teeth tug against her bottom lip as Thor concentrates on floating through the water. Her entire body is shivering despite the warm summer air.
Thor concentrates on the moon, a smile forming on his lips. He shifts his body, allowing his gaze to rest on Annadeliah. He notes that she hasn’t moved.
“I’ll close my eyes,” he promises.
Annadelaih watches as Thor lifts his hands to shield his eyes. A moment later, his blue orbs reappear, the playfulness that lay inside his smile causing her heart to flutter.
Thor watches as Annadelaih reaches up to release her curls. He finds himself taking a deep breath, his eyes following them as they fall and spill over her shoulders. He watches her fingers move to the fabric of her dress. The closest he has come to see her undressed was nearly a year ago when he’d accidentally walked in on her. She was with his mother, Frigga convincing her to allow her seamstress to make a dress for Annadelaih’s birthday. He’d quickly sputtered an apology before shutting the chamber doors. Thor is surprised when Annadelaih does not turn to shield herself from his gaze. Instead, she unclips the fabric resting on her shoulder. She allows it to slip from her fingers, Thor’s eyes following the glistening gold and blues until they pool at her feet.
He retraces the path, committing every soft curve of her body to memory. He meets her gaze, a rush of heat spreading throughout his entire body once his mother’s voice pops into his head.
“No matter how beautiful someone is, it’s not polite to stare, my son.”
Holding his breath, Thor disappears beneath the surface of the water allowing Annadelaih the privacy she won’t ask for.
Leaving her clothes, alongside his, Annadelaih makes her way towards the water.
The water is cold against her toes, her body welcoming it against her overheated skin. Her body becomes accustomed to the temperature as she swims further out. She swims out to where she last saw Thor.
She looks around. Annadelaih’s breath escapes her lungs as she is tugged under the surface of the water.
Thor chuckles as she playfully pushes against his chest. Putting distance between their bodies, Annadelaih smiles as Thor swims forward to replace any distance separating them.
His touch finds her neck, his lips pressing softly against hers. They both allow themselves to get lost in each other’s touch. Annadelaih’s lips may be kissing Thor’s softly, but their teasing nature would convince him to do anything she might ask.
“Are you sure your mother’s not...some sort of temptress...or goddess that has the power to control men?” Thor muses, his voice muffled against her lips. “You seem to possess some type of unbreakable spell over me.”
“Does the Mighty Thor have a weakness?” Annadelaih teases.
“Only one,” Thor chuckles.
Annadelaih allows her eyes to drift shut as Thor’s lips returned to hers.
Her concentration on drowning out her and Thor’s thoughts cause her response to Thor’s lips to fade. She wants to focus solely on him. Not to let their overthinking ruin the moment.
It is not until Thor’s hands find her face that Annadelaih allows her eyes to open.
“I don’t mind, you know,” he breathes. “It doesn’t bother me that you can hear my thoughts. I have nothing to hide from you.”
“I know.” She softly smiles. “I don’t...sometimes, it’s hard to appreciate my gifts.”
Thor softly smiles. He kisses her forehead softly. He knew what she meant. Her father was always telling Annadelaih to embrace her gift. Not suppress it. This is why Thor always reminds himself that his selfishness in touching her sometimes made her feel more than she wanted. His touch on her hips becomes faint as he gently pushes away from her body.
Her touch finds his neck, her arms securing around him to prevent him from moving away. Guiding her legs around his waist, she kisses him softly. She lets her body relaxes. His emotions and thoughts flood her entire body. The feeling always is nearly overbearing. She has spent years mastering and harnessing the powers that have made moments like this difficult.
“Sounds as though the party is going strong,” Annadelaih giggles as her gaze drifts to the brightly lit palace visible in the distance. “Maybe, we can make it back to your chambers unnoticed.”
It takes a moment for her words to register. A heat rushes across his skin, the tips of Thor’s ears turning red as Annadelaih’s delicate touch drifted down his chest towards his waist. She takes him in her hand. Before he can stop it, memories of Thor’s most recent dream floods his mind. The dream that had caused him to wake in a sweat, her name on his lips. The dream that had Loki teasing Thor every chance he had. It was the same dream Thor had, in slightly different variations, over the past few years. A dream he made sure to never allow into his mind while in Annadelaih’s presence. It was one thing to tease and kiss her. It was another to suggest they take their relationship to the next level. His cockiness seemed to seep away quickly as Thor cleared his throat, his eyes gripping shut as he struggled to force the imagined sounds of her out of his mind.
Realizing her effect on the young prince, Annadeliah softly kisses his neck.
“I want to see if I can make you feel as good as that dream of yours.”
Leaving him, Annadelaih doesn’t bother to hide her smile as she swims towards the shore. Thor watches her. He knows that he needs to wait, allow her to get out first as he forces his body to calm down. He is busy steadying his pounding heart as she climbs out of the water.
He watches her gather her damp hair before retrieving her gown. He watches her dress as he attempts to talk himself into joining her.
“Hurry up,” she teases as she watches Thor swim towards her. “Before I change my mind.”
Thor smiles at the lingering of her eyes as he climbs out of the water. He pauses long enough to kiss her temple before moving towards his clothes.
Annadelaih steps away from the shore to leave him to redress.
She walks out across the dock.
Focusing on the moon, she attempts to bite back the grin on her lips. Her entire body is radiating, the dream from her boyfriend’s mind sending an almost overwhelming sensation throughout her from head to toe. Thor glances over his shoulder. He tugs his pants over his hips, watching as Annadelaih reaches the end of the dock.
She stumbles for a brief moment, the pain that fills her head temporarily blinding her. Annadelaih’s reflexes allow her to catch herself as she teeters over the edge. An uneasy feeling causes Thor to abandon the task of detangling his shirt.
“Anna?” He calls out as her hands drift to the sides of her head.
“Thor, something’s wrong.”
Her words come out just above a whisper. The distance prevents Thor from hearing what she says.
Annadelaih doubles over, her eyes gripping shut as her hands clasped over her ears. The piercing sound that echoes in her head pulled a blood-curdling scream from her lips. It rang out across the surface of the water, drifting towards the distant forests. If there wasn’t a party going on in the palace, everyone there might have heard it too. No matter how hard he tried, it seemed Thor couldn’t reach her in time to catch her staggering body.
The dark brown eyes Thor has come to grow accustomed to widen. They illuminate, the dark brown misting and mixing until they are replaced by a bright gold. Her body went limp.  
Thor was the only one to hear the splash.
By the time he reaches the end of the dock, the only sign she had fallen over was the tiny ripples dancing across the surface of the water. Taking a breath, Thor dives beneath the surface.
He sees her body drifting deeper towards the bottom of the lake. The fabric of her gown billows around her lifeless body, tangling with her limbs. Her golden eyes remain illuminated casting a golden haze across the darkness, her hair floating like a halo around her head. Linking his arm around her waist, Thor kicks towards the surface of the lake. The weight of her gown seems to pull against his kicks. As they break the surface, he struggles to keep hold of her body and to steady her head.
“Anna-” He sputtered, his lungs struggling to fill with air.
Tilting his head back, Thor yelled as loud as he could. The name he screamed coming out of his lungs until he drew himself hoarse.
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Part 1 of: The Silver Haired Girl
This is a PJO and HP crossover with original characters, enjoy!
No warnings, and this series is going to be about Leigh Carson, who I previously mentioned in a different most. I said she was a muggleborn Syltherin student at Hogwarts, and this is part of the whole story. (I’m rambling now, sorry.) 
(It’s a few pages length, btw.) 
We pressed the buzzer for the Carsons’ apartment. 
   “What do you want?” It was a gruff male voice, must be her dad.
   “Is Leigh home? We’re her friends.” Amelia told him. 
   “OKAY, THEN LET THEM UP!” Leigh yelled back, like it was the most obvious answer in the world. 
   “DON’T TELL ME WHAT TO DO, YOUNG LADY! We’re in 3B, come on.” 
   They buzzed us in. 
   We passed a man on the way in, who completely ignored us like we weren’t there. 
   Three floors later we knocked on 3B. You could hear the music out in the hall, and all the lyrics to the song were clear. I’m not sure how Leigh heard us. (It wasn’t even good music, it was all country and 90s pop stuff.) 
   She opened the door with an angry face, but it wasn’t directed at us. “What happened to y’all? And why are you here?” 
   “Can we come in?” I asked, glancing around nervously. I didn’t like this place, it seemed a little sketchy. 
   She raised her eyebrows, “Sure.” 
   I would say I was surprised by the decorations, or somewhat lack thereof, but I wasn’t. There were boxes everywhere, still unpacked from when they moved. There was a recliner that I’m pretty sure three people could fit in, and a loveseat couch. The coffee table had empty beer bottles on it. There’s only one picture on the mantle, with what must be Leigh and her parents. 
   Leigh moved out of the doorway, and grumbled as she grabbed up all the beer bottles.
   “Where’s your dad?” Amelia asked. 
   “Just left. Went to the bar or something.” 
   “Don’t the neighbors care about the horrible music?” I almost have to shout to be heard.
   She shrugged and turned the CD player off, to help us. “So, what brings you here?” 
   “We need a ride to summer camp in the morning.” I explained. 
   “From me?” 
   “Yeah. My parents are out of town.” 
   “Okay, sure. My dad probably won’t be back tonight anyway, and I have to truck keys.” 
   “We leave in the morning?” I suggested. It would be better not to travel at night. 
   “Okay.” Amelia said. 
   “Good. Now, c’mon, I have bandages around here somewhere for your face, and hands and stuff.” Leigh said, taking Amelia by the wrist to drag her away. 
   “Shay? Are you injured?” I swear Amelia acted like my mama goat-I mean, human. 
   “No, I’m fine.” 
   She narrowed her eyes but didn’t say anything, and went with Leigh to the bathroom. 
   I sat down in the recliner. It felt off, like someone else’s property. 
   I must’ve fallen asleep, because next thing I knew, Amelia was asleep on the couch. There was music coming from somewhere close. I got up to investigate. 
   The apartment hallway had two bedrooms on either end, with a bathroom in the middle. One door was shut, but the music was coming from the other end. The lights were on in Leigh’s room. The rest of the house looked like they’d just moved in, but this room looked lived in. And like Leigh. 
   She had the blondest hair. It looked like she bleached it, because the color was so white it looked silver, but it was natural. Her bright blue glasses frames were falling down her nose. She was wearing shorts, and a t-shirt for a baseball team I’d never heard of. 
   She moved around the room gracefully, dancing to the music. She had some mix of ballet and modern going on. She did a turn, and saw me lingering in the doorway.
“Want me to dance with you?” The song was slow.
   Her face was annoyed, like she was going to yell at me, but also like she was dizzy. “Shay-
   “Oh, c’mon, it’ll be fun.” I grabbed her hand, and the world went dark.
   In short: I was confused. 
   I saw a boy about my age, five, with bleach blonde hair like mine. Twin brother, I thought. He asked to dance with me, and I happily obliged. We took turns spinning to the music on the record player, giggling the whole time. 
   Hold up. Record player? When was this? That’s when I remembered that I was Shay, not Leigh. Was this her memory?
   The scene changed. Leigh was about nine this time. There was a peacock in front of her. 
   “Libra! Come do your lessons!” Someone-Mother-yelled. They poked their head out the door of a huge old English mansion. Scary looking, too. “What are you doing?! Lucius! She’s talking to peacocks, now!” 
   “Talking to? No. At least they’re better company than you.” Leigh said. The voices sounded weird to me, though I couldn’t place why. 
   “What did you just say to your mother?” A man-Father-demanded. I could sense Leigh hated them both. They looked so uptight, the opposite of Leigh. They did look like her though, the man shared her hair, and her mother shared her blue eyes. 
   “I said that the peacocks were better than both of you! Your horrible people! You-“ Leigh was cut off by her father’s hand smacking her across the face. She hurried inside to do her lessons. 
   Scene change.
   Leigh held a letter in her hand. It was her acceptance in a school. Her brother, about eleven, held an identical one. His face looked familiar, but probably just because he was related to Leigh. Her parents were finally proud of her. She could finally get away from them. 
   He looked familiar. I know I had seen his face before but I couldn’t place it. Maybe her had a look alike in a movie or something. 
   Another scene changed. 
   Leigh and her brother were in a room that must’ve been Leigh’s. They each had books everywhere. 
   “This is too much homework.” She complained. 
   “Well, at least we can go to Hogsmeade this year.” Her brother said.
   “Guess what I’m going to do?” She whispered excitedly.
   “What?” He didn’t want to break rules and get in trouble like she did.
   “Get a muggle music player. And I know the muffling charm now.” 
   “Libra, you can’t do that.” 
   “Yes I can, Dragon.” 
   “Don’t call me Dragon, it’s a stupid name for a thirteen year old.” 
   Scene change. 
   Leigh was listening to her parents talk about her in the living room, spying, basically. 
   “If we marry her off to someone, then she’ll have to learn how to behave and be a lady. Yes?” Father said. 
   “Well, planning the wedding would take a lot of her free time, and I could watch her yes.” Mother agreed.
   “Good, and then she’ll be too busy to misbehave. Now we just have a find a perfect match.” 
   Mother must’ve nodded, because Father kept going. Leigh was angry. Very, very, angry.
   She sat still while her parents came up with matches for her, and even when they wrote a letter to the parents of one of these kids. That’s when she decided they were being completely serious. 
   Scene change.
   “Please, Drake, help me?” Leigh pleaded to her brother. It was midnight, of the same day.  
   “What do you want me to do?” 
   “I’m going to run away. I want you to erase me from everyone’s memories.” 
   “Run away?” 
   “Please?” She begged. 
   He agreed after a few minutes of her explaining what she’d overheard.
   They jinxed pens, with wands, so that if they wrote on their hand with it, the message would appear in the same spot for the other person. 
   Scene change. 
   Leigh held an hourglass looking thing. Writing appeared on her hand.
   Love you. Ready. On three, one two three!
   Leigh waited a minute or so after, then flipped the hour glass and appeared thirteen years later years later. 
   I woke up on the apartment floor. Leigh was next to me, and she gasped and pulled my hand from her wrist. The glare I was given came with a growl.
   “You weren’t supposed to see that!” 
   “What was it?” 
   “Don’t play dumb. You might be stupid, but your not that stupid.” 
   “Your memories. Everyone spoke so weirdly.” Realization dawned on me, “Your British!” 
   “Really? I had no idea.” She gets to her feet. She doesn’t talk with a British accent, even after I point the fact that she had one at some point.
   “But, your accent? You-I’m confused.” 
   “Good.” She stood up. 
   I sat up. “Leigh, what happened? Was that...magic?” 
   Leigh’s anger didn’t disappear, but she calmed a little, and pulled a box out from under her bed. She took the lid off it revealing a few books and a wooden stick. 
   “This is my wand.” She looked around, and found a book to put on the floor in front of her. 
   “Wingardium leviosa,” she muttered, making the book levitate into the air. 
   “Whoa,” I said. She stopped and the amazement wore off. “Why’d you leave?” 
   “My parents decided to marry me off to someone. I knew it was going to happen eventually, but at least if I was eighteen then I could just, like, leave. You wanna know how old I was?” I figured she didn’t really want an answer, so I didn’t say anything. “I was thirteen.” She buried her head in her hands.
   “Okay, so are you like from a different time or something? Because record players? And marriage at thirteen?” She hadn’t stopped me from asking questions, so I kept going. 
   “I was born in 1980. I only jumped forward about thirteen years.” 
   “You should be like thirty!” 
   “Oh, yeah? What year were you born?” 
   “Can I not answer?” Truthfully, I am the same age as Leigh. Born in 1980. That’s alarming. 
   “Sure whateve-”
   “Your from Harry Potter!” Realization dawned on me. Her brother looked just like Tom Felton. 
   “What about Potter? Huh?” 
   “It’s a book and movie series. Your-your brother, is the Malfoy kid. Oh, ew.” 
   “Wait, how do you-”
    A scream from the living room interrupted her.
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qhostqizmo · 4 years
The Power of Suggestion
Heeheehee I finally wrote this idea after 5k years and it’s even more ridiculous than I envisioned I love it.
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Keeping her feelings a secret was one of the hardest things Essätha felt she’d ever done. Holding her tongue; swallowing her words, choking on a fantasy that at times she could almost believe to be real rattled her. No, it shook her. It was the first distinct sensation she felt that made her as petrified in equal levels as overjoyed. Truthfully, she always wanted a place to call home… she just never expected the impression to come from someone’s arms, and not from some residence of her own choosing.
Even now, it was a raging fight inside of her just to think of him. To look at him. No matter how many times she argued with herself, and tried to convince herself that there was absolutely positively no way in heaven, hell, or earth she could possibly love Lord Amon Thomas Illiad… The truth was he had already unknowingly stolen her heart.
She was either going to get it back in tattered pieces, or not at all.
She prayed the former, but in the warmest light; and not the heartbreak of being unable to love another again for the rest of her days.
It was almost aggravating, watching the nobleman. Why him? She’d met and been with all sorts of other people; had even had a few fancy flings where some dimwitted infatuated individual would claim to her she was the one for them… And she loved the impossible. Her hands itched for the out of reach, and out of bounds.
Just look at him, she berated her heart. He’s accomplished nobility. He’s ruggedly handsome, and clever, and strong, and creative. He dabbles in alchemy and science, and you’d chase bugs and snakes all day like an airhead, given the chance. He’s sensitive, and gentle, and considerate and you’re only as patient as your roots to the ground. That man could have offer his heart to anybody, why would he offer it to someone as plain and uninteresting as you when he’s… extraordinary.
Okay, maybe he enjoyed her company, but he didn’t love her. They were friends; great friends, almost the best of friends she’d dare to say, and nothing more. He trusted her with his past, his confessions, his vulnerabilities; but also with his happiness, his curious trial and error of the world, his jokes. Together they had built a solid foundation of mutual confidence in each other. He knew there was always a place for him beside her, or in her arms, and she felt safe enough to come crawling to him even when she felt ugly and pathetic and the back of her mind still told her to flee.
Having a friend was plenty. Having him in her life in any way she could, was enough.
Why did her stupid heart have to get in the way and ruin it?
It painted her pictures of his fingers intertwined with hers, and of his smile, and those were some of the tamest longings she had. Sometimes it woke her at night, the smell of dog and leather and deep woodlands and rose, and her mind started racing as fast as her pulse. Whispered dreams still clouded her thoughts then. Ideas of this moment never-ending; of just waking in his bed all the time, every day; his eyes lingering on her, of his hands against her, and then his mouth-
And by then she was usually too flushed and humiliated and ashamed with herself to breathe let alone let a single word of how she felt slip out.
They could stay friends. Essie could keep her mouth shut. It would hurt a bit, but she would get used to it. No strings attached, she could go where she pleased still. No commitment, no expectations…
Gods, her heartbeat stutted. What if with him is the only place she wanted to be?
She was in trouble. Deep, deep trouble.
Frustrated, she lifted her fist to slam it down upon the wooden cart. It startled the warlock beside her to awareness from his trance, and he immediately started to grumble to himself.
“The hell is your problem?”
“Everything!” She exasperated, pouting.
“Okay…” Penimra drawled out, looking at her with a side-glance that said ‘she’s lost her mind’.
Exhaling out raggedly, Essie placed her face in her hands. Curls of her hair were smothered against her face, and she annoyingly dropped her hands back into her lap.
“Pen I… I have a bit of a personal question for you.”
“Oh shit, personal questions aren’t really my thing. Maybe you should ask Abe-” his breath hitched- “…Adela.”
Doing her best to ignore the high-elf’s stumble over their former Paladin’s name, she twiddled her thumbs together and nibbled on her lower lip. Her eyes moved towards the hauntingly creepy bird-like beak of the man beside her. It took a considerate amount of strength not to ogle the one she really wanted to look at some yards away, speaking with Sulhadur.
“What was it like for you, being in love?”
The cursed noble elf looked shocked, and then sour, and then sad. He whipped his head away, turning his elongated nose up. No amount of snobbery could hide the hurt in his voice, however.
“I thought it was fantastic, until I realized it was a lie. Love is rarely real and true, or as dramatized as all those little plays and books make it out to be.”
“… Why do you ask?” the warlock begrudgingly inquired after a few awkwardly silent seconds.
She shrugged mutely, looking back down at her hands.
Penimra remained silent for a blessed few more moments. Then, he scoffed.
“Why don’t you just tell Amon how you feel? You’ll save us all from your moping.”
Essätha’s jaw hit the floor.
“Are you serious? I can’t just- just walk up and tell him!”
“Well humans haven’t adapted the ability to read minds, so good luck with ever making it to first base.”
“Why did I ever think I could ask you anything,” she grumbled, crossing her arms.
“Because we have no dad to go to,” he sulked in answer, lowering his head.
Now who was moping?
Sighing, Essie propped her elbow up on the side of the wagon, staring hopelessly at her nobleman. If only she had the courage to tell him. Maybe she’d consider asking Adela, if the sorceress hadn’t previously held such an ugly grudge against Amon; or had such a snarky, almost degrading way of speaking to her. Abernathy would probably have a good suggestion…
Perfect; that’s just what I need!
“What’s perfect?”
Oh, she’d said that aloud. Whoopsie. No matter, she thought eagerly, beaming and brimming at the edges, about to burst. She would need him anyway.
“Pen, cast Suggestion on me!”
The elf cocked an eyebrow, resting a hand upon the golden nipple-chain lying across his tummy. “Why should I do that?”
“You could order me to tell Amon how I really feel!” she squealed eagerly, leaning towards the elf with sparkly eyes. “Pleeeaasseee?”
“I don’t know; I don’t like telling people what to do…”
She deadpanned at him.
“Okay okay- but what do I get out of it?” the warlock inquired with snob, flinging his voluminous golden hair around with a twirl of his finger.
“I’ll leave you the hell alone,” the Yuan-Ti replied simply.
Pen’s eyes widened to delighted saucers, and his creepy beak seemed to appear to grow a smug grin. “Done. Now, sit still, and don’t reject the magic…”
Closing her eyes, Essie breathed out deeply. She let her guard down. A shiver of anticipation moved over her spine as Pen waved his hand in the air, and garbled an incantation that sounded frightening and inhuman. She could feel tingles in her fingertips, and to the roots of her hair.
“There,” the elf sighed, “now off with you, you’re ruining my beauty rest.”
Blinking slowly, the sorceress’ looked around. She didn’t feel any different. There was no sudden urge, no draw, no deep and unforeseen need to complete anything… She felt nothing. Nothing unusual, nothing out of the ordinary.
Essätha turned her head to look towards the nobleman, and lost her breath. Her pulse quickened. Her body almost shuddered with yearning.
Now she felt it.
Climbing out of the cart, she buzzed straight past Ravamora. The short wood-elf glanced towards her skeptically. There was a pep in her step; a charge around her that drew the rogue’s gaze. Was it from the spell? Who knew. She felt excited, and scared, but unable to refrain herself. The enchantment had a snare on her, and even if she was terrified, there was no stopping it now. One way or another, she was going to have her answer.
Her footsteps felt heavier as she approached the crimson Dragonborn paladin, and the warrior that cradled her heart. The former didn’t notice her approach, but Amon certainly did. He perked up, his head swiveling to her. The darkness of his eyes held a little twinkling light in them as he smiled at her. Especially for her.
She could melt right then and there.
“Everything alright, Essie?”
Gods, he had such a lovely tone in his voice. He had his own force of casting, but it felt like the spells only worked on her. She swayed a bit, rocking her heels into the dirt while wearing a timid smile.
“Yes,” she squeaked, her voice cracking. Very confident.
Puzzled, the nobleman calculated her expression. Whatever he found seemed to be enough for him; the slight creases of worry that etched around his eyes instantly vanished. He offered her his hand; the most natural reaction in the world. She accepted, stepping in closer. Unnecessarily closer.
Was it just her imagination, or did his breath just catch, too?
“Oh, hey Essie,” Sulhadur chimed in, looking up from the stake he’d planted in the ground to secure the first tent. A toothy grin spread across his muzzle, and a small curl of smoke as he chuckled wisped up from his nostrils as he inquired, “Were you hoping to join us in pitching tents?”
“I would not,” she laughed, offering out her free arm to flex. “Still don’t have your muscles, I’m afraid. If you really wanted someone to supervise, though…”
“That’s okay, we’ve got this, then.”
It’s now or never, idiot.
Stalling, she chewed her lower lip. Breathe in, and breathe out.
“Actually, Sulhadur,” she drew out, slowly, capturing their golden eyes before the Dragonborn could turn fully away from her, “Could you… help Pri’cha with the fire?”
The lie stumbled out, unconvincing. Less convincing still, as the Paladin craned his head to look over her, to where the Thri-Kreen cleric was neatly stacking wood.
“You want me… To help our cleric of Pelor… Who has all the means to light their candles, and summon fire, with… making a fire?”
Even Amon gave her an odd look. She tried not to sweat, or squirm too much.
“… Alright,” Sulhadur agreed, heaving a grumbling sigh. He nodded to the nobleman, muttering, “I’ll be back to help with the rest in a moment.”
Amon nodded, saying nothing. His eyes trailed the red Dragonborn until he was well out of earshot, and then he turned his confused gaze back unto her.
“What was that about? Why do you want me alone?”
Oh no. Oh no oh no oh no oh no-
Breathing in sharply, Amon placed a hand to her waist. It sent spiraling waves of heat blooming through the fabric of her clothes, into her skin.
“Essätha, you’re shaking!”
This was stupid! She couldn’t just tell him! She couldn’t just shout it out of nowhere!
The concern in Lord Amon’s deep blue eyes made her stomach flip, and do somersaults. He held her gaze steady, like the rest of her. The anchor of his hand to his side, and their laced-together fingers kept her warm. His small, worried smile creeping up his lips kept her face warm in turn. Everything about him was always so grand and wonderful; his inky black hair, his sculpted figure, his chiseled face, and he was so close, now. The smell of his cologne was a bit faded compared to the aroma of sweat from many days hard work with few opportunities to do more then wash up with waterskins and stream-water, but he was still the most gorgeous man she’d ever laid eyes on.
“Is everything okay?” he ushered; gentle, compelling.
He was adorable and so gentlemanly, heavens above. Essie tightened her grip on his hand, holding it close to her face. She sighed, sweet and soft, while resting her cheek against the back of his hand.
Amon’s lips parted. He seemed like he was having almost as much trouble breathing as she felt she was. Suddenly, she found her smile. She wore it timidly, but not without pride, and not without a flicker of reverence.
“I’m going to tell you something crazy, and… I don’t want you to run from me, when I say it.”
“Okay,” the nobleman exhaled raggedly. He squeezed her hand tighter, his boots shuffling closer. “I’m not going anywhere.”
He was close enough that if she wanted to, she could easily lean in to kiss him without losing her balance. It made her dizzy; almost as much as his eyes did. She was falling, sinking, and there was no coming out of it. The darkness swallowed her whole.
She swallowed her nerves down. The tingling sensation of the power of the Suggestion was gnawing at her, now. It was stronger, now. Biting at her. Clawing. Ripping at her chest, her throat. The words wanted to escape her unconsciously. If it were possible to rip out a beating heart and hand it over as an expression of love, and not die, she’d probably do that, right now. But this was going to be almost as close a reference to that.
“I’m in love with you.”
The expecting, questioning expression the Briarton Protector wore suddenly diminished. His hand clasped so tightly to her, she feared what it meant. With his eyes wide, and his mouth hanging open, he stared at her with an increasing shade of pink turning red on his face.
Had he forgotten how to breathe?
As the power of the spell left her body, numb and cold, Essie tried to explain herself in quick, nervous rambling: “I’m sorry this- this isn’t what you expected. I- I understand you’re probably shocked. I didn’t want to tell you, but I was having trouble moving forward, or focusing without telling you. I thought that m-maybe if I told you…” She gasped, strangling for air before continuing, “If- If you don’t return the feeling at-… At least I would get s-some… some closure. That I could move on…”
Still speechless, he made no response as she reached for him, lightly cupping the side of his face. The nobleman did not flinch, but nor did he come closer. He was like marble; a statue to her touch.
“I’m… I’m so sorry if telling you has… has ruined your impression of me… I… I just hope we can still be friends. I hope you can still trust me, as your friend. I love you, m’lord Amon, but that doesn’t mean-”
“Stop talking.”
“What? Why? I want you to understand-”
“Essätha,” Amon rasped, squeezing her hand firmly. “I don’t want you to apologize. I don’t want you to regret loving me, or telling me you love me.”
Stunned, the lonely woman tried to absorb his words… Where was he going with this?
Pulling their interlocked hands away from her face, Amon loosened his grip on hers. The detachment burned, but not for long. He pressed her, palm up, to his chest. She gasped, feeling the thunder of his racing heartbeat beneath her fingertips.
“Feel that?”
She nodded slowly, her eyes lost in his.
“That’s how I feel, every day, looking at you,” Amon whispered.
Her mouth suddenly fell open in a long, shaky exhale.
Voice straining thickly, the nobleman rasped through his chuckling, “And all this time, here I thought there was no way you could… that you’d possibly…”
He let go of her hand, allowing it to remain pressed to his chest. He slid his palm in a scorching line from her waist, around to her lower back, bringing her in closer.
If she was breathless a second ago, she was absolutely winded now. All she was aware of was her pulse, running a crazy triathlon, and Amon’s beneath her palm.
He cupped her chin, encouraging her to tilt her head back.
So close. So close oh Gods she couldn’t breathe, all there was was him and his smile and his eyes upon her-
“May I kiss you, Essätha Meduza?” he inquired, his voice a hoarse whisper.
This was utterly, completely, totally surreal. It was like dreaming, but she was wide awake, and he was right there in front of her, and she was in his arms…
The brush of his beard was a bit ticklish, but his lips were soft, and incredibly patient. It was barely a layer above being chaste, but it was incredibly tender, devoted, and affectionate.
“Wow…” she breathed; finally breathed, feeling a strange buzz as though drunk, or high, or all of those things and more.
The corner of his mouth pulled up into a quirky, somewhat shy smile. He laughed softly once more, the warm of his laughter billowing over her and making her shiver.
“I love you, too, Essie.”
Faint, hopeful. Let this not be a dream, let this not be a dream…
“Yes,” Amon breathed, nuzzling his nose to hers intimately. He held her tighter; pulling her firmly to her chest so that her hand had no where to go but to his shoulder for support. “With all my heart, yes.”
And she’d thought…
Biting her lower lip, her gaze flickered away from the intensity of his eyes, and back again. He was still looking to her as though she put all the stars in the sky.
Diving her fingers into the depths of his hair, Essätha cradled the back of his head; urging him closer as she pressed her lips to his in a far deeper, more passionate kiss. They parted with her shaky gasp, and Amon’s heavy, panting breathing.
“Maybe I should have said something months ago.”
Amon swore in elvish quietly. “Or maybe I should have.”
She offered a nervous grin to his cheeky one.
“Uh… Are you two just going to make-out over here or…”
Adela’s intruding voice had them scrambling apart, both covered in an equally dark shade of scarlet.
The tiefling shook her head at them, sighing. She muttered something beneath her breath, stepping away with a swish of her tail.
Not daring to meet the look of forever dancing in the want of his eyes, Essie opted to looking at the grass instead. Her gaze met his hand though, as he reached to hold hers in a gentle grip.
“… We’ll talk later,” he suggested, his voice still light and airy; as though living in his own dream.
She raised her eyes to meet his. Her lips parted again, nodding stupidly.
Amon appeared fixated on her once more. He leaned in, his eyes going half-mast.
“Amon, why don’t you actually help finish pitching the tents before it’s hellishly dark out.”
Swearing softly in elvish, he tore his gaze away. Essie was left gaping after him like a fish out of water as he almost stomped past Adela, who was wearing an amused smile as he went to join Sul.
Slowly, Essie raised her fingertips to press to her lips.
Oh dear Gods.
Oh Gods.
Had that just happened? Had he really just kissed her?
Wearing a giddy, elated grin, she let out a shrill squeal, throwing her fists up in the air. She caught both Adela and Ravamora’s wandering eye as she stopped hopping up and down. The former slapped a hand over her face, and Rava just looked disinterested.
Royally flush and embarrassed, she turned to look hopefully to where Amon was. He was gazing at her with the goofiest, fondest grin. Luckily, Sul had apparently tasked him with the deity of holding the spike steady for him to puncture it in the ground the first few hits, otherwise she felt he’d be really doing nothing at all. Pri had taken it upon themselves at this point to join them, too; the fire now roaring, the follow of Pelor was placing a spike nearby in with one hand, holding the hammer in the other.
Bouncing on her heels, Essie skipped a few steps, and then raced the remaining distance towards the wagon. She lunged against it, causing a bruising pain to her abdomen as she half ran into it, half scrambled on board as Penimra was once more awoken from his meditation with a squawk.
“ACK! What do you want, you hellish harpy of a woman?!”
“I did it, Pen! The spell worked; your Suggestion worked! I told him, and he recuperated, and it worked! Thank you!” She grinned from ear to ear, nearly feeling like her face would split in too. The smile hurt so much, her eyes teared up.
The high-elf looked her up and down. Drawling out a loud ‘pssh’, he flung his hand absently in the air, as if warding her off. They leaned back once more, throwing another arm dramatically over their eyes to block the fading sunlight.
“I don’t even know the spell, Essätha. I never cast Suggestion upon you. You needed some incentive, and you worked up the courage yourself to do it. Yay you,” he finished, sarcastically.
Her expression went entirely blank. “Penimra, I’m going to…”
“Thank me, again? Worship me? I know, I’m such a giver-”
“Strangle you, you little bastard! How dare you; you could have told me you didn’t know the spell!”
They shrugged. “This was much faster, and easier. You’re welcome.”
Her cheeks swollen with air, and bright red, she dove for the high-elf in fit of hisses and screeching.
Sulhadur, meanwhile, looking up from his work to wipe his brow, and look over at the cart being thrown from side to side as the twosome threw weak, flailing limbs and spat venomous threats at each other.
“Should we stop them…?”
Adela rested her shoulder on the Dragonborn’s head, shaking her head with a sigh.
“Nah, let them hash it out their own way.”
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romancingromanoff · 5 years
What Happens At Disney Part 3/3
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I know that all of the details aren’t completely accurate to the parks but please enjoy the final installment
Part 1 here//Part 2 here
The Disney workers were so glad that Tony and Bruce fixed the ride that they gave you all free fast passes and you got to skip the line. “You are all welcome. You’re welcome!” Tony was waving and loudly calling out to the crowds. You rolled your eyes at how he always felt the need to fuel his ego but decided against giving him another one of your talks since he had indeed fixed the ride.
The Seven Dwarfs Mine Train was a two person seater ride so naturally you pulled Nat up to the very front to sit next to you. Steve and Clint sat behind you followed by Bruce and Thor, who was very adamant about not letting the workers touch him when they went to pull down the safety bars. Tony got pushed to the back because, truthfully, no one wanted to sit next to him because he wouldn’t shut up about the fact that he had repaired the ride and everyone apparently “owed him,” but he just took it as an opportunity to fill up the entire car by himself. As you were all getting on they called to see if there were any single riders that could sit next to Tony, to which he protested saying that he could sue anyone that accidentally touched his suit, but changed his mind when the first single rider that raised their hand to volunteer turned out to be a very tall, slim, and tan blonde woman wearing super tight booty shorts and a thread of fabric around her chest that you guessed was supposed to be her shirt. “I’ll allow it,” he stated and the bubbly blonde giggled as she sat down and Tony put his arm around her shoulder.
It was a kid’s ride so there weren’t exactly drops big enough to make those butterflies in your stomach fly around at that zero-gravity-like feeling, but you still smiled and laughed as the carts twisted and turned up and down the little hills. Soon you rode into a cave filled with glowing gems and those weird animatronic animals that probably hadn’t been updated since Steve’s time. You all began to slow down as the various forest animals and dwarfs came to life with the music. The creepy glowing eyes of the deer weren’t easy to look over though. Nat made a sour face seeing how robotic they all moved, but you were having an absolute blast. 
CLINK! A high pitched ring sounded throughout the cave, echoing off of the walls. It made the poor blonde girl that got put next to Tony almost jump out of her seat. If it weren’t for the safety bars she probably would’ve gone off the side. 
“WHAT THE HELL, THOR?!” you screamed at him when you turned around and saw him smashing his hammer into the fake gems and diamonds that were encrusted into the walls.
“You said this was a mine! I’m just trying to get points any way that I can!” he retorted while Bruce had his hands in his head from the headache all of the noise was giving him. 
“No, this isn’t that kind of ride, Thor. It is not interactive,” he looked disappointed as you explained it to him and he was silent for the rest of the ride, which was pretty uneventful (meaning that no more property was damaged) except for Clint teasing Steve with questions about what it was like to watch the movie when it first premiered.
After the ride you thought that it would be fun to go visit attractions that the rest of your friends would be interested in. For Clint you headed over to the Toy Story Midway Mania interactive ride where you got spun around a giant toy room and got to shoot various targets and plates. You knew that you were no match for his marksmanship skills, but had fun with the target practice anyway. It wasn’t hard to enjoy yourself when Clint was so into it. He was screaming at Woody, Buzz, and Jessie as they were trying to explain how to work the shooters. “Let us shoot already, damnit!” he yelled in frustration before going on to break all of the high scores.
Steve’s request for a ride was very simple and sweet, much like the person he was. The only thing he really wanted to do at Disney was go on the carousel so you headed back to the Magic Kingdom. It’s not that he didn’t enjoy the other rides, but back in his time the only rollercoasters he got to ride were at Coney Island and were all made out of wood. He just didn’t really understand the concept of interactive rides or super scary thrill ones either. At the carousel you were glad to wind down the pace a little bit and go old school as you all got on your own horses and the ride stirred on with the classic amusement park music.
You had also snuck a bag of popcorn on with you and were going back and forth between throwing pieces up in the air at Thor, Steve, and Clint who tried to catch them in their mouths. It was a little difficult since you were all constantly moving up and down and at different levels, but in the end Clint ended up catching the most. 
“Well gentlemen, it has been a pleasure,” he said upon the conclusion of the ride.
“Barton, you are lucky that most of the pieces simply ended up caught in my hair rather than my mouth,” Thor commented as he was picking those same pieces off from his head. “But on any other occasion, I would have bested you.”
“Sure, buddy,” Clint laughed.
You and Nat gave each other a meaningful look and you both laughed at how annoying the boys were being. “You know, I could make this thing go ten times faster if you just give me five minutes with it,” Tony pestered one of the workers trying to get him to let him touch the controls. 
“Tony, please, not again,” Bruce moaned and pulled at his sleeve trying to get him away from the obviously intimidated cast members. 
“C’mon! I could make it go in reverse too! At least let me change the lights and the music. It could be disco themed! Bruce, I know you love disco.”
“No disco, Tony.”
“You already tricked out one ride which is enough for today, Handy Manny,” you kill his hopes of messing with anything else right then and there.
“Hey, settle down,” Steve hushed the two squabbling scientist. “There’s a show going on.” In front of the carousel entrance where a fairly large but somewhat unnoticeable rock laid with what appeared to be the handle of a sword sticking out of it, a cast member in purple robes and a giant gray beard was twirling around and gathering all of the little children around him.
“Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls of all ages, which one of you thinks that they are worthy enough to pull this sword out of its stone?” A little boy around the age of 6 wearing a Toy Story cap that looked like Rex the green dinosaur was just about to wrap his hands around the handle when he was suddenly pushed out of the way.
“I am worthy! I AM WORTHY!” Thor yelled which made a couple of babies in strollers automatically start crying. “Hah. Mortals watch and see how a god wields his weapon!”
“Dear Lord, not again,” Nat groaned.
“Hmmmmpffffff!” Thor began pulling but to no avail. “NO, I AM WORTHY,” he told himself and then tried shifting the sword back and forth to shimmy out. 
“NO DON’T DO-” the wizard flinched.
“ARGHHH!” SLICE! You threw your head back seeing him break the sword in two right at the handle which almost made the poor wizard guy faint. Thor just stood their awkwardly with the tiny blunt little sword in his hand. “It’s fine I can just-” he tried jamming it back into the rock but was way too forceful so he ended up putting an even larger dent in what was left of it. 
“Does anyone have some glue?” Tony casually yelled around while Bruce was trying to hide behind a dip n dots cart mumbling “I don’t know them,” and pretending to be completely oblivious to all of the scared screaming children that had just seen a part of their imagination torn apart.
“I can’t say that I’m not surprised,” Natasha mumbled with her head slightly cocked to one side as she studied the scene. “It could be a really good piece of modern art I guess.”
“Oh no,” Steve flinched in pain at those words. “Please, not again with the modern art,” he cringed just thinking about those strange, abstract sculptures of plain shapes or made of weird materials that people called art these days.
“Well, I need a beer,” Tony piped up trying to think of a solution to cure everyone’s sudden depression. 
“Is there a tavern around here?” Thor questioned.
“Yeah, actually, there is a tavern,” you were surprised to remember that there did happen to be a place for them to drink around here. “I think you’ll like it, Thor. It’s very, er… manly.” You smiled only half-sarcastically as you thought back to the Disney villain that owned the place. He had been one of your favorites as a kid despite his tendency to boast about his buffness (which is why you believed you were able to tolerate Tony and Thor) and awfully misogynistic world view. But, that’s Disney for you.
Gaston’s Tavern was a very rustic looking place that sort of tried to be half hunting lodge and half shrine to its namesake Frenchman. Upon approaching an entrance, there was a Gaston actor leaned up against one of the windows and hitting on basically every mom that went in or out. God, it made you sick. It was like he was Tony but without any smarts whatsoever.
“Who the hell is this guy?” Bruce wondered at the sight of him flexing his completely-not-fake-and-made-of-padding biceps. 
“Welcome, everyone! Don’t worry, you will all have the chance to meet me, Gaston: the strongest, most handsome, and brave man in all of town. You may applaud,” the airhead was motioning for people to clap and a couple of other employees (not dressed up) responded with some cheers as if to play along. 
“You sure that’s not Tony?” Steve whispered to you under his breath which made you smile. You gave him a look and winked at him as if to say, “that was exactly what I was thinking” and rolled your eyes.
“So you claim to be the strongest man around here?” Thor stepped forward a little bit too menacingly with the seriousness of his voice which caused a couple of people around him to gasp just laying their eyes on the perfectly sculpted body of a god. Before it could go anymore out of hand you ran up to him and tried to get his attention.
“Nope, nuh uh, Thor, this is just a guy playing a character; he’s supposed to say those things but he doesn’t really mean them. C’mon, you will break this guy’s arm worse than that fake sword and everyone knows that, so it’s okay because you don’t have to prove anything.” The nervousness in your quivering voice could not have been worse as you saw Thor trying to measure up this poor dude with the fake biceps and wig. 
“Character? Pffff,” Gaston played aloof to the danger in the form of a giant Scandinavian looking lumber jack that was right in front of him. “Gaston is the strongest man in town and he isn’t afraid to prove it.”
“Buddy, I’m trying to save your life,” you spit at him.
“How about an old fashioned arm wrestling match?” Natasha suggests and you lightly slap her for encouraging this awful testosterone measuring contest. Thor and Gaston, however, are immediately down for it though you can see the rules of arm-wrestling being a lot different on Asgard which may actually result in this guy’s arm being completely ripped off.
“HOWWWWWW about we let someone else go first, huh?” your voice cracks which makes Natasha smirk. “Weakest goes up against him first, you know? And then Thor is the championship match?”
“Hold on, are you saying that you think Thor is the strongest?” Tony rips of his sunglasses to look you straight in the eyes.
“This isn’t a contest guys; obviously I’m the strongest!” Bruce plays innocent and coy with his shoulders shrugged but you don’t take his hulking out joke too lightly. 
“Not when you’re this color you’re not. You’re first,” you shove up towards Gaston who’s had a wooden table pulled out to the front of the tavern just for the occasion. Then Bruce gets a little sweaty realizing that he actually has to put on his best performance and goes to sit across from the smirking playboy villain who’s already got his right elbow up on the table. You can see all of the fake padding under his costume’s sleeve from where you are, but you still aren’t sure how much muscle this guy actually has on his own. He’s fairly broad and definitely looks like he’s the type to have always idolized body builders, yet you still aren’t sure if that means he has a definite win over Bruce.
“Alright gentlemen I want a fair match,” says Nat. “Elbows on the table at all times, and 3, 2, 1-” 
It was a pretty evenly matched fight as both men’s fists seemed to keep a nice right angle for the first few moments and none of them had a visible advantage over the other. You could see Bruce’s veins in the side of his face which always made an appearance when he tried to Hulk out, but Gaston also had some pretty good form and was gritting his teeth together as they both tried to exert more and more force against the other. The it seemed like it was bobbling more towards Bruce’s direction and his focus completely shifted to Gaston himself who he showed his teeth like a primate and growled at with a deep Hulk-like rumble in the back of his throat. That must’ve been enough to intimidate the guy because he stumbled with his grip for a second and Bruce took the opportunity to ram his hand into the table and take the win.
“YES! YES! I AM VICTORIOUS!” he screamed going in for a chest bump with Thor who had been chanting Banner’s name the whole time. “What do you think about that, GASTON?!” he and Thor were backing him up into a corner which did not seem like a good idea.
“Gentlemen, please, if we could all just- okay, security!” his voice suddenly switched to that of a your typical New Jersey accent but in a slightly higher pitch as he called for help and all seven of you looked at one another before pushing your way through the crowds to get as far away as possible. 
“You know running is just going to bring even more attention to us,” Natasha quipped but you didn’t care about being stealthy at the moment. 
“Just go!” you pushed her forward. The last thing you wanted was to be banned  from all Disney parks after your first time setting foot in one. Panicking with no ideas on how to cover your tracks, you desperately snapped your fingers together and all of a sudden a grey storm cloud appeared just above Gaston’s Tavern and poured down gallons of water over the immediate area of the crime scene, soaking all the workers and making them slip as you ran off rain-free.
Unfortunately, a little girl about 7 or 8 wearing the same Minnie Mouse ears as you had watched your little trick which left her mouth frozen wide open before she could have taken a bite of her dole whip. You laughed nervously and one shoulder came up to your ear as you played dumb, hoping that she wouldn’t remember any of what she just saw or would ever be taken seriously enough for adults to believe her. “Heh, uh, unpredictable Florida weather, right?” you offered but her expression remained the same.
“I’m sorry, but is she the child or are you?” Natasha grabbed your wrist and pulled you along behind her while she tried to forget that she just saw you trying to reason about your spontaneous weather-changing powers with a kid that probably still wet the bed. “Very smooth, y/l/n.”
“Don’t think I don’t have a cloud specially made for you, Romanoff,” she releases a huff and takes a double take when you stick out your tongue at her but then resumes pulling you along with an even tighter grip.
“Yup, my girlfriend is a complete child,” she mutters to herself.
“SO,” you put on a big wide smile as you turn to Tony and pretend like you didn’t hear her. “Tony, do you have anything you’d like to do that doesn’t involve tampering with Disney property?”
“Actually, yes, there is one guy I’d like to meet. Or, rather, have Banner meet.”
At first you were certain Tony planned to throw Bruce into the It’s A Small World Ride or try setting him up with one of the princesses, but his actual plan was surprisingly pleasant. 
“FINALLY! Someone who gets it!” Bruce was over relieved and had threw up his hands.
“Well, yeah, it’s not easy being green, you know?” Kermit the Frog was out sitting on a bench just casually giving out life advice when Tony had ambushed the poor muppet talking all about how Bruce and him had a little green problem in common.
“No, no it isn’t. Thank you so much for saying that!” 
“What are you doing?” Natasha leaned in to Tony who had pulled out his phone.
“Oh, I’m recording this for instagram.”
“I mean, first off it just blends into so many things. People always think I’m some sort of walking bush.”
“Wow, people always think I’m a giant tree!”
“What the heck is Tony doing?” you ask as Nat wraps her arm around your waist.
“He’s filming it for instagram,” you laugh before tugging at her shirt to seriously look her in the eyes. “Hey, it’s almost time for the fireworks show. You wanna go somewhere we can be alone?”
“After you,” she offers up her arm which you gladly take while you walk next to her with your head on her shoulder. Moments like these where you could act like a normal couple were what had you hanging onto life for so many years throughout all of the struggles. You had looked forward to, no, dreamed about having someone that loved you for years. And while your relationship with Natasha wasn’t normal as neither of you were normal people, you cherished sharing these simple moments with her. 
Bribing the ride operator to stop the ferris wheel when you and Nat reached the very top was so unlike you, but definitely a great decision. 
“Isn’t this a little bit unethical?” Natasha criticized your usual goody-two-shoes self. Pink, blue, and white fireworks began shooting off in the distant sky lighting up the cloudless view you had of the horizon and the stars coming into view. 
“So are the things I want to do you,” you try to keep a serious face but can’t help but laugh at the raised eyebrow she gives you. Her magnetic pull brings you in closer and soon the fireworks going off are just background noise.
“I adore you,” she whispers just before your lips touch and the real fireworks start to go off, ending the perfect day at the most magical place on earth.
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95liners3rdmember · 4 years
Worth It
Chapter Fourteen: Post Concert
Word Count: 3717
Chapter Thirteen: Concert Day 1
Just as the members start their final encore song, I gather my things and make my way towards my car. After telling Sejin my plan, he told me that he would cover for me. I know that they are going to be disappointed that I'm not waiting for them. Knowing that I’m going to hurt them physically hurts me but I know it’s for a good cause. Security watches me with pure confusion as I exit the double doors and dash to my car. Cold air hits my exposed skin and I can’t help but let out a wince of pain. Can’t believe I was dumb enough to forget a jacket, I better make sure to have one tomorrow night.
Traffic isn’t horrible getting out, but I can only imagine what it will be like for the guys when they leave. Hopefully I’ll get back to my apartment with enough of a head start but there’s still one place I need to swing by. Lucky for me it’s right on the corner of our street.
Rushing inside with my arms full of shopping bags, my phone starts continuously ringing and vibrating in my back pocket. Groaning, I drop everything on the counter and pull out the annoying device. The group chat is blowing up.
Yoongi: ‘Where did you go?’
Jungkook: ‘Noona you didn’t watch us finish….’
Jin: ‘Hey you left us!’
My heart sinks as I continue to scroll through the feed, they’re going to be really angry with me. Typing a quick response I know that I’m going to have to let Namjoon in on my surprise otherwise tomorrow is going to be awful.
Me: ‘I’m sorry, something came up.’
Clicking on Namjoon’s contact I start typing a mile a minute.
Me: ‘I left so I could come home and get dinner started for everyone. After the long day you’ve all had I figured it was the best thing to do. Once you all get back home and change please convince them to come up here. I’m sorry! But I promise to make it up to everyone.’
Tossing my phone on the counter I let it continue to buzz as I start getting everything ready. When I first moved to Korea I had no clue what to cook because I had never really needed to know, but over my short time here Jin has helped teach me a few things and so has Yoongi. Although Yoongi really only taught me a few tips and tricks for cooking at the company considering we are both workaholics.
After washing the rice, I put it in the cooker and start getting the side dishes ready. Why in the world did I stock up on so much food I’ll never know, but hey it’s coming in handy now. Putting the bag from the corner store in the fridge, I spin on my toes and run to start cleaning up while everything is either simmering or steaming. Jimin and Jungkook would scold me for the state of my apartment.
Shoes and clothes litter the walkway from the door to my bedroom, in my exhausted state coming home I just take everything off as I go. When I saw how Jimin handled Tae leaving his shoes everywhere I vowed to never let him catch me doing the same. Carrying the wad of clothes and shoes, I dumb them on the floor of my closet and close the door. I can always clean that up tomorrow.
Returning to the kitchen I stir each item to make sure nothing is sticking or starting to burn, my stomach growls as the smell wafts up from the pot. Hopefully it tastes as good as it smells. Okay I have about twenty minutes before I need to start cooking the meat, I should check and see how far away they are.
Namjoon: ‘Don’t worry, I won’t have to convince them. They’ve already planned on cleaning up and coming to see if everything is okay. We just got back to the dorm so be ready.’
He sent that just a few minutes ago, all that’s left now is to straighten up the couch that way we can all sit together. That’s the only downside to having dinner with everyone in my apartment, there’s just not enough space for us all to sit and eat together at a table. Maybe I should look into getting more chairs to put around the island.
My body moves into autopilot as I start plating up the side dishes and placing them on the island. Everything from kimchi to instant ramen cover the counter and I have no doubt everything will get eaten tonight.
After cooking all of the meat, I text Namjoon that the front door is open and I rush into my bathroom to clean myself up. I didn’t realize how gross I felt after spending all day on the go. My shower is quick, probably the quickest I’ve ever been considering they could show up at any moment.
Throwing on whatever clean clothes I find, I grab my hair brush and start to work at my hair but I freeze when I hear voices coming from the living room. They’re here….
Tossing the brush back in the bathroom, it hits the counter and a loud pop echoes through the room. My face scrunches up and there’s no way they didn’t hear it. Bending over I scrunch my hair and snap back up letting it fall down my back, practically soaking my shirt. Exiting my room swiftly I find them gathered around the island with wide eyes and touched smiles. The sight alone makes my stomach flutter as I search for my voice.
“It was a rough day for everyone so I figured I’d try to make it a little better.” My fingers fiddle with a strand of hair as they all look up at me with a shocked look. I locked eyes with Jimin and I can see the tears start building, my stomach drops and I fight against myself so I don’t run to him.
Looking around at the seven men I feel so much smaller than I actually am. The way they are looking at me feels like they are giants towering over me trying to figure out what to do with me. Nervously I maneuver around them and pull out the items I bought from the corner store, soju and beer.
“We all can’t have too much but just enough to take the edge from today away.”
“Thank you.” It’s Yoongi that breaks their silence and a gummy smile breaks out on his face. Slowly one by one all of their expressions change to joy, a deep breath leaves my lungs and I didn’t even realize I had been holding my breath.
The previous silence and tension melts away as they all start making themselves at home and reach for chopsticks. Leaning against the countertop beside the sink I tilt my head and something in my chest feels warm. It’s like a feeling of home, something I haven’t felt in such a long time. Being with them, all of them eating and genuinely happy makes my heart race with joy. Is this what it’s like to be unconditionally happy? If it is, then I’ll take it even if it’s only for a moment.
“You need to eat too.” Jimin whispers into my ear as he stands beside me with a glass of soju in his hand. Looking out of the corner of my eye I watch as he sips slowly, his eyes on mine the whole time. Heat rushes to my face as I think back to this morning. The more I’m around him the more I feel my feelings start to change. It’s embarrassing honestly. I should be smarter than to start falling for one of the most popular idols in Korea. But then again I’ve never been called smart.
Breaking eye contact I shrug my shoulders and take away the glass from his hand to take my own sip. It seems to take him by shock because his eyes widened into saucers before going back to normal.
“I’ll eat after everyone else gets their fill.” Taking another sip I shoot Jin a wide smile when he holds a thumbs up, approving my cooking. At least they are enjoying themselves.
“I saw how much you ate earlier and I have a feeling you didn’t eat breakfast.” Over the last month Jimin and I became more aware of each other. Now I can easily figure out the reason he starts slowing down or having a rough day and vise versa. Some days we don’t have to verbally communicate, we just know. It’s weird and hard to explain but Namjoon was right about us. The others who are more intune with Jimin are either Hobi or Tae and that is all depending on the day.
Jimin snatches back his glass just as a hand pushed me in the direction of the others. Namjoon greets me with an arm around my shoulder, chopsticks ready to shovel food into my mouth. As I try to protest I get a mouthful of chicken, laughing I bend over and cover my mouth. The scenario reminds me of the part in Mulan where Mushu shoves porridge in Mulan’s mouth. Tears build in my eyes as I continue laughing while trying to swallow the food. Once my mouth is clear my lungs beg for air, coughs mixed with laughter spill from my lips. Namjoon really just tried to kill me. Standing back up I playfully smack his arm before going to get my own pair of chopsticks, he just shrugs at his attempt.
As I start eating I feel someone press close to me from behind and Jimin leans over to grab another bite. My knees bend slightly I give him more room but I feel smothered. Namjoon must sense my internal struggle as he moves over to allow more room. From the corner of my eye I see a smirk take over Jimin’s expression just before it goes back to normal. What’s with him tonight? He’s being more physical than normal. But I really can’t complain though, truthfully, I like it.
“This is really good y/n.” Hobi compliments as he takes another large bite. Everyone seems to be eating their fill, which makes me happy because some days I have to make sure they take basic care of themselves.
“Yeah only after a few lessons with Jin hyung and you’re basically a natural.” Yoongi snickers because he knows that I struggle, which isn’t a secret. If it wasn’t for Yoongi I’d be starved most nights.
“Quit teasing me Oppa. Last time I checked I was allowed to have a hard time cooking.”
“That’s why she came to the best for help!” Jin chimes in with a million watt smile. A hand is reached out and I answer with a high five before taking another bite. Jin and Jungkook start play fighting while they chew their food, earning deep gut filled laughs from everyone witnessing them.
I can’t really imagine being anywhere else in this moment. Right now I feel like I’m on cloud nine, like nothing else matters as long as I’m with these seven people. Standing beside them, laughing and living life. This moment, this is the moment where I know exactly what I want. I want to be with BTS until the end.
As the night drags on, most of the younger members make their way back down to their dorm. Jin and Yoongi are standing in the kitchen watching as I clean the dirty dishes. Of course they don’t enjoy the thought of not helping, but I made it very clear that they weren’t to do anything. Their only job was to relax and unwind.
“I really hope Jungkook is okay. His shoulder seemed to be bothering him again.” Subconsciously I kept an eye on the maknae to make sure he wasn’t in too much pain. Every once in awhile I would catch him wincing but he would play it off.
“JK is tough, come tomorrow he will be back at 100%.” Jin tries to reassure me with a classic windshield laugh but something doesn’t settle right in my stomach. Tomorrow morning I’ll let them know the changes just to be on the safe side.
“I don’t know, he seemed more worn out than normal.” Yoongi chimes in and I can’t help but nod in agreement. Sure he was playful during dinner but after the light drained from his eyes as he went quiet. I wanted to ask him about it but he left before I could.
“It’s because he’s worried about letting people down.” I can’t help but turn and look Jimin in the eyes. I was positive that he had already left for the night, Jin and Yoongi seem just as surprised. Jimin still wants to talk about earlier.
Putting the last of the dishes away I pivot on my toes and turn completely to face them. It’s like Jimin’s statement hit a nerve with everyone in the room. The pressure they are under, it’s something that I’ll never be able to understand. They all have the fear of not being good enough, of not doing enough. I wish I could make them see themselves through everyone else’s eyes. The way Army and the staff look at them, you would think they hung the stars in the sky. They’ve helped so many people. Including me.
“I don’t think any of you could let anyone down. Yes, you may make a few mistakes but those won’t matter. After all you’ve accomplished so much and helped so many.”
The entire atmosphere of the room changes, I can tell that the three men are trying to find a flaw in my logic. I’m no expert when it comes to understanding the life of an idol, but I’ve been friends with one long enough to know that the pressure is intensified.
“At the end of the day, each one of you are still human. There’s nothing you can do to change that. Mistakes and mishaps are a part of the journey.” My body relaxes and the muscles in my shoulders release the tension from the day after the statement. Because it’s true. No one can truly be perfect, it’s impossible.
“But that doesn’t mean we aren't under a microscope 24/7.” Yoongi’s voice breaks the silence as the four of us were in a strange stare off. Jin slowly nods in agreement while Jimin’s gave scrunches up at the comment.
“I will never know what it’s like to live the life you have. And by no means do I ever want to. But at the end of the day you need to stop putting the weight of the world on yourselves.” Moving to the counter across from them, I feel my expression change into something soft. A warm-hearted smile spreading on my lips as I suck in a soft breath.
“But with that being said, I’ll still be here for days like today. Even days when you need to vent or days when you need to disconnect from the world.” The statement seems to catch them off guard. If I want to be there for them through everything, it calls for a little bending of the rules. If they call me at three in the morning saying they need a breather, I’ll be there.
“Are you sure you can handle that? There’s seven of us compared to your one.” Jin wiggles a mischievous brow. Namjoon wouldn’t even question, he knows what I’m capable of. But the others don’t.
“I’m not too worried about it. But I’m worried about you guys getting enough sleep for tomorrow.” I catch a glimpse of the clock and internally I groan. It’s way past one and getting closer to two in the morning.
“You just said you’d be there and now you’re kicking us out.” Jin and Yoongi slightly scold me as they start getting their stuff gathered to head downstairs. Jimin just stands in the hallway leaning against the wall making no effort to leave. The other two don’t seem to question his strange behavior as they both offer me goodbye hugs. My heart swells and races with love as they both wrap me in a tight embrace. This isn’t the first time Jin has hugged me, most nights that’s how practices end but for Yoongi it’s a first. Which makes this even better.
When the door shuts softly I walk back to face Jimin head on. His eyes are focused on the floor, his cheeks flushed from the soju, hair ruffled from the countless times he’s messed with it. Stepping closer, Jimin seems to notice my presence and snaps his head back up. An emotion I can’t put my finger on flashes across his face and next thing I know I’m pressed tightly into his chest.
I react and wrap my arms around his torso just as tightly as he holds me. My heart is beating out of my chest and there’s no way he doesn’t either hear it or feel it. His chin rests on the top of my head as his breathing picks up. Jimin’s body shakes slightly and I can’t tell if it’s from the position we are in or if he’s crying again. Either way I don’t know how much longer I can stay like this. It’s all too much and I want nothing more than to stay like this. His scent washes over me clouding my mind, it’s getting harder to rationalize my reasoning for trying to keep my feelings bottled up.
A sniffle reaches my ears and I’m snapped out of my thoughts. My hands react and start rubbing comforting circles on his back. With each sniffle and broken sob breaks my heart more and more.
“Jimin….” A small scream leaves my lips as Jimin turns us and starts sliding down the wall. His face buries itself in my chest as he holds onto me even tighter than before. All I can do is hold him in the same embrace, my own tears rolling down my cheeks as he lets out all of his frustration and disappointment. My fingers play with the hair resting against his neck as I bend my own neck down to rest my forehead on the top of his.
We stay like this for what seems like an eternity. It’s painful how long it takes him to calm down and to face me again. My heart breaks at the sight of his red cheeks and swollen eyes. I wipe away the remaining tears that rest against his hot cheeks. Sniffing I wipe my own cheeks and try to offer him a soft smile.
“I’m sorry….” Jimin’s voice is raw from the crying, his dialect making itself known. Slowly I reposition myself onto the floor in between his legs. Our eyes never break away from each other as I grab both of his hands and hold firmly.
“Please don’t apologize.” Jimin traces patterns on my skin as we sit in a strange silence. There’s no shine in his eyes, the normal gleam is gone and replaced with a clouded glaze. It hurts to know that he’s struggling like this. I’ve never been able to handle situations like these and yet here I am, the only person it seems that Jimin will turn to. And with all of my might I will try to make him feel safe.
“It’s okay to make mistakes, but I also know this isn't what you want to hear. Just know that I’m here… for anything.” Mustering up a smile, I give his hand one quick squeeze before untangling myself from him. We both stumble up from our spot on the ground as we continue to look at each other. There’s a weak smile on his lips and it makes my heart constrict. What I wouldn’t give to replace it with the warm smile I’ve come to know.
Breaking eye contact I glance over at the clock and notice it’s just past 3:30. Shit, he needs to get to bed. We all have to be back at the stadium by 11. Snapping my attention back to Jimin I notice the bags under his eyes and his lack of energy. How could I be so careless to keep him up so late? Manager Sejin is going to kill me tomorrow for sure.
“Jimin, you need to head back to the dorms. I can see how exhausted you are.”
“I didn’t notice the time. Don’t be surprised if I’m late tomorrow.” His voice is gravely from crying but there’s a teasing tone which lifts my spirits a little. Maybe he just needed a good cry.
Leading him to the door, I watch as he slips into his slides. What I don’t expect is for him to pull me into another right embrace. But this time there aren’t any tears, just a quiet thank you. My cheeks feel like they are on fire and my heart is beating like I ran a marathon. I guess emotionally I did today….
Separating, I smile up at him and lightly pat his chest. Jimin chuckles at my action.
“Get some sleep, I’ll see you at the stadium. Text me if you need anything.” My voice fades off into a yawn that I hide behind my hand. I guess my lack of sleep is catching up.
“I will. Get some sleep y/n, you’re going to need it for sure.” What does he mean by that?
Before I can ask him, the front door closes and I’m left alone again. Shuffling like a child, I gather my phone and purse to hide away in my room. No doubt I’ll be awake in just a few hours.
Flipping the switch, I plop down into the bed and plug my phone up. Thankfully there aren’t any missed calls or texts. Looks like there haven’t been any changes to the schedule tomorrow. Burrowing into the pillows, I take in a deep breath and let it out slowly. Today was by far the most emotional and draining day of my life. And it’s only the beginning of the three concert weekend.
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acooleg · 5 years
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hi welcome to the self-insert herosona au (ficlet below)
It had been early one winter morning when Yoshie received a text from Hawks. It had been a simple series of texts, asking her how she had been, what she had been up to... It was all very mundane things that people that stood on the borderline of acquaintanceship and friendship spoke about - compelling stuff, but nothing truly deep. 
Conveniently, it had been her day off; she was free to take as long as she wanted in replying and keeping the conversation going. Between making breakfast and curling up on the couch with her dog, a mug of tea, and a large blanket she would respond, feeling somewhat pleased that Hawks was the one instigating the conversation. He hardly ever spoke to her if it weren’t for official Hero work - maybe he was finally warming up to her, wanting to approach a real life friendship?
During a brief lull in conversation, she pulled the blanket tighter around her shoulders and inhaled slightly. It still smelled like Dabi and his cigarettes - while she appreciated his natural scent of firewood and cheap cologne, she didn’t like the cigarette smell. She’d either have to break him of the habit or convince him to not wear the clothes that smelled so strongly of them when he appeared.
(He’d probably use that as an excuse to bully her, but she’d be willing to let that happen if the thick smell of cigarettes went away. He’d say something like, “The Hero’s scared of a little second hand smoke?” Yes, of course, it smells bad.)
Her phone buzzed against her thigh and she glanced down, pushing glasses up her nose as she brought the phone closer to her face. Hawks was asking her to meet up for coffee. At... noon? Well. It wasn’t super late to get coffee. And Yoshie needed a reason to get out of her apartment for the day - she had only gone outside once to take her puppy dog potty. The pair could both use some more exercise... And there was that pet friendly adoption cafe nearby. She could always see what kind of animals they had up for adoption while they were there, too... Hachi was becoming an old lady and could definitely use some younger company while she was at work.
So she responded with her request and almost immediately got an excited ‘Yes!’ as his response. She could only blink at the strings of emojis that followed it before giggling loudly. Hachi, her loyal black lab, perked her head up slightly to stare at her, blinking her big brown eyes twice. She settled back down when Yoshie smoothed her palm over her head and ruffled her ears. “I’m gonna have to go put clothes on, sweet girl, but then we’re goin’ for a walksie!”
But Yoshie didn’t immediately move, sipping from her tea and staring at her phone. She wanted to call Dabi, if only to hear his voice for a second. They weren’t... quite a couple, but she found herself oddly infatuated with the Villain. It went against most of her moral code but... Well. The heart wants what the heart wants, yeah?
She sighed and tapped on FaceTime, hoping to maybe also get a glance at his face. It rang a couple times before he picked up and she lunged for her phone, holding it towards her face. “Good morning, star shine, the sun says hello!” she reflexively greeted, unable to help the goofy smile spreading across her cheeks.
Dabi just stared at her impassively, though there was the slight twitch of his lips. An almost smirk. (She was learning what got him to smile.) “What do you want?” he asked blankly, glancing up and at something behind his phone.
Yoshie could hear Fua in the background, hear how she was relentlessly teasing someone there. She could hear the teenage girl’s (Toga, right?) maniac giggles and someone’s angry grunts. It seemed that everyone at the bar was awake.
“I just wanted to hear your voice,” she answered honestly, moving to lean against the side of the couch, smooshing her cheek against the arm. He just gave her a look, one brow quirking up ever so slightly.
“You’re awfully attached, aren’t you.” It wasn’t a question as much as it was a statement. She shrugged and hummed a lackadaisical response. “That’s dangerous, Miss Hero. Falling for a Villain.”
“Says the one that always finds a way to get into my apartment.” He was grinning now, dark and foreboding.
“Maybe you should lock your doors and windows better.”
She was smiling softly, teasingly, a shit eating look on her face. “That was a reference to you sweet talking your way in, but thanks for admitting that you break into my house. Hachi’s a terrible guard dog.”
“Maybe you should train her on what bad people look like better. She falls into my lap every time I show up.” She looked back to her lab, who had closed her eyes and fallen back into a snooze. She was friendly - if sge introduced her to someone, she liked them immediately. But she also had a knack for trusting the right people...
“I don’t think you’re a ‘bad people’ so she doesn’t need to know.” He had stood up on his end, wandering thorough the hallways of wherever he was at. She had sat up ever so slightly, the blanket falling from around her shoulders. “I’m gettin’ coffee with a friend today!” she suddenly spouted. While the silence that frequently fell between them had become comfortable, Yoshie still hated the silence. Things happened in the silence. “We’re gonna go to that adoption cafe near me! I’m bringing Hachi and I think I might see if there’s anyone she gets along with - she gets lonely when I’m gone, and I think a younger puppy would be good for her!”
He had settled in some dark corner, leaning against the wall. “...you’re awfully domestic when you’re off the clock,” he muttered. She tilted her head at the statement but didn’t question it. She glanced at the time and realized she needed to get ready, standing up and moving towards her bedroom. She didn’t drop the blanket - it trailed behind her like a cape. “Why are you telling me this?”
“Well. I like you and I try to keep the people I like informed of what’s goin’ on in my life,” she answered truthfully. She set her phone on the top of her dresser as she dug through it, finally deciding on a ridiculous sweater and leggings to wear. Without thinking, she pulled her tank top off. “And, like... Well, you just admitted you sneak into my house, so if I do get another dog it’d be best to let you know, right?”
“...do you also strip over FaceTime for people you like?” She leaned over her dresser to stare at him through her phone, purposefully not putting her sweater on yet. Her cheeks flushed at his nearly embarrassed face.
Then she smiled and pulled her sweater on, fluffing her hair out of the collar. “Nope! I only do that for you.” She adjusted her phone to lean against the wall, keeping him propped up. Then she reached for the waistband of her shorts, giving him a lecherous grin. “Wanna see me take my pants off?”
“I will hang up on you, Yoshie.” He looked terse, serious - a cover up for his embarrassment? (Oddly enough, she was struck by a thought; Shoto did that when she would compliment him during his internship.)
She giggled and stepped closer to her dresser, effectively hiding her lower half. “You’re no fun, Dabi,” she playfully chided as she changed. They continued speaking about whatever stupid things they could think of as she finished getting ready. He watched in silence after a couple moments, taking in how she carefully made sure all her things were in order.
“You’ve checked your hearing aids twice,” he muttered after a moment. It wasn’t unusual to see her buzzing around her room, but she stopped by her dresser several times. He remembered from previous experiences that she kept most of her hearing stuff up there.
She shrugged as she made sure the right one was secure, “I wanna make sure I don’t go deaf while at the cafe. Hawks doesn’t know sign language, so I gotta--”
Yoshie was taken aback by the not quite venom in his voice, peering at him through her phone. He was staring at her evenly, darkly, brows furrowed ever so slightly. “Uh. Yeah? I do have other Hero friends than Fua, you know that right?”
“You’re getting coffee with that over sized chicken?” His scowl made her insides twist, something almost like fear tightening in her stomach. Did he have a grudge against Hawks? She couldn’t recall a fight between them, so why was he getting bent out of shape?
She could only tilt her head in curiosity, “Yeah? We’ve done some work together in the past, you know. He just wants to get together and talk, you know. Like friends do.”
He growled deep in his chest. If it were a different situation, it might’ve been hot. This was just... weird. “Be careful around him,” was all he offered with a click of his tongue.
“He’s a Hero. I’m a Hero. What do I have to worry about?” He didn’t respond. She crossed her arms over her chest. “I can’t be careful if I don’t know what I’m looking for, Dabi. You can’t just - you can’t just say that and then not elaborate.”
“If you trust me, you’ll be careful.” Oof, he went right for the kill.
“Of course I trust you.” She reached for the phone, holding it level with her eyes. “I may not agree with you, but when it comes to us, I trust you. I’ll... be careful, I guess? I don’t know why but I’ll be careful. Okay?” Without thinking, she pat her chest twice. It meant understood in Japanese sign language.
He smirked at both (his grasp on JSL had grown exponentially since knowing her, so the physical touch of her understanding was rewarding). “That’s a good girl.” She rolled her eyes at that. “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”
“So I can break into cute girls’ apartments while I’m out?”
“Who said you were cute?”
“Rude.” She snickered, offering him a peace sign with her palm facing her chest. See ya in JSL. “Bye, Dabi. Love ya!”
“Bye, Yosh--wait what.” She had already hung up at that point, dropping her phone into her purse as she collected her things, humming ever so slightly. She slipped on her boots and jackets, sinking into the fluffy fur of the collar as she hooked Hachi onto her leash.
She locked up her apartment and started on her way, Hachi looking happy as they began to wander towards the cafe. Her day off fell during the work week, so the complex was basically deserted, save for a couple mothers and their young children playing in the park in the center of the complex. They were all bundled up for the cold weather, although the kids were expressing their want for snow.
The young children stopped her as she passed, playing with Hachi for a few moments before losing interest and wandering back to their mothers. She waved on her way out, picking up the pace and falling into a light jog. She glanced at her watch, selecting the appropriate playlist for an optimal good mood without offsetting the natural winter around her. (It’d be really obvious if there was a pocket of warmth around her.)
Hachi kept pace with her, panting excitedly as they navigated through the mostly empty sidewalks of the city. Yoshie couldn’t help but hum along to her music, although she did turn it down so she could hear the sounds of the city over top of it.
It wasn’t a super long jog to the cafe - maybe 15 or so minutes - but she was thirsty by the time she got there. As she opened the doors, she was struck by the scent of delicious coffee and sweets, as well as the smell of young animals. The lobby was separated from the cafe itself by a half wall, with a cute young girl leading people in to their booths.
Yoshie looked over the half wall, searching for Hawks and also to see how many puppies and kitties they had wandering on the floor today. Hachi jumped up as well, trying to peer over it. She wasn’t tall enough.
Being a good mom required her to pick the old lady up and help her look over the wall. Her tail thumped into her chest. She laughed, “I spoil you, you know that?” But the dog didn’t respond, too infatuated with the puppies that were coming her way.
“Ah, you brought your dog?” Yoshie glanced over her shoulder, the hostess having returned to collect her. She nodded with a small smile. “Have you been here before? Is your dog registered to our Friends List?” (It was a registrar of outside animals kept on file to make sure they were fully vaccinated and passed their in-house behavior test.)
“Yep! Hachi’s been here before - I got her from you guys five years ago, actually!” She smiled as she put her dog down, stepping towards the hostess as she pulled out her wallet. She showed her the official registrar card and was cleared to walk back. Because of who was coming, she requested one of the private rooms in the back.
The last thing she wanted to do was get swarmed by Hawks’ fangirls while she was out with him.
Hachi had already sniffed out an ideal companion for the day - from the tag around his neck, his name was Kuriru and he was a pit bull/terrier mix. He stared up at her with beautifully blue eyes, his black nose sniffing back at her. So Yoshie requested to spend some time with him and they made their way to the private room.
She had ordered a melon bubble tea and a selection of cake pops on her way in, snacking idly as she played with the dogs. The private rooms were nice because they were secluded from the rest of the cafe and came stocked with dozens of toys. It also had a fully functional kotatsu, so those that sat inside were right there with their chosen playmate.
Hachi absolutely adored playing with the puppy, showing him the ropes of how to play with toys. Yoshie couldn’t help but smile as she took a sip from her tea - although the enjoyment from it was short lived as she snorted it out of her nose when the sliding door was thrown open. “Yoshie, are you in here--stop coughing, did you swallow wrong?”
The woman turned to him, scowling deeply, “You startled me, asshole.” He shrugged and shut the door, coming to sit across from her. He stretched his legs under the kotatsu and she shuffled a bit, making sure to keep her feet from underneath of him. Hachi and Kuriru had come up to sniff the newcomer - and then promptly made themselves comfortable in his lap, deeming him safe. The waitress came in to take his order before immediately dipping back out.
He was busy petting both dogs, a boyish grin on his face, which meant it was the perfect time to stare at him critically. Dabi had told her to be careful - but why? He wasn’t in his Hero gear so that probably meant it was his day off. And he didn’t look any worse for wear or anything. Or, like, evil or anything.
When the waitress returned with his coffee and croissant, she dropped off a bowl of water and dog food as well. That prompted both dogs to get up and got eat, finally giving him some space. He lifted his mug to his mouth, eyes meeting hers. “Oh! I didn’t realize you wore glasses, Yoshie. Or that you ever wore your hair up. I’ve always seen it down!”
She shrugged awkwardly, “I usually wear my hair down to hide my hearing aids, or ‘cause I’m wearing my Hero gear. And... I’m usually in contacts because glasses rest on my hearing aids weird, but my eyes were starting to hurt so I pulled these bad boys out.” She tapped the side of the frames, “But it’s cute, right?”
“Yeah. You’re really cute like this! You went for a Harry Potter look with the frames, right? All round and such.” He set his coffee down, keeping his hands wrapped around the mug. His finger tips were red as they stroked the ceramic contemplatively. He didn’t look away from her, though, keeping his gaze level with hers.
“Yeah... Harry Potter. Definitely not because they’re cute.” His smile had fallen with his eyes, both drifting down and away. And while one doesn’t have to smile to look at peace, he definitely didn’t look at peace with that frown. He seemed... derisive. Nothing like the laid back man Yoshie knew. “...are you alright, dude?”
He sighed and ran a hand through his hair, “There’s just been a lot on my plate lately.”
She rolled her eyes with a smirk, “Yeah, yeah, tell me all about it, Mister Number Three.” But when he didn’t return her chuckle with one of his own - or a smile, or nod, or anything - she felt the coolness of dread fall into her stomach. Dabi’s warning be damned; she had known Hawks for a few years now, and she knew his personality. He was never this melancholic or morose. “Shit, man. What’s wrong? Can I help you with something?”
Amber eyes flicked up to hers once more, eyebrows stitched together tightly. He was... nervous? Worried? What was wrong with him? “I’m a little worried that if we start this conversation, you won’t like where it will lead.”
Black eyes blinked right back, determination setting in on Yoshie’s face. She wanted to make this right for him, whatever it was. Maybe that’s why he suddenly reached out - he needed someone to talk to. “I’m a Hero, Hawks. I can deal with uncomfortable things. Please, just tell me what’s wrong. I wanna help you.”
They stared at one another for several seconds. He scrubbed one hand down his face, pinching the bridge of his nose. “You asked for this, Yoshie.” She tilted her head ever so slightly. “How long have you been involved in the League of Villains?”
She had apparently chosen the wrong moment to take a drink of her bubble tea - it once again found itself spewing out her nose and making her choke. She smacked one fist into her chest, her right hand signing what repeatedly. He just stared at her.
“I-involved with the League of Villains!?” Yoshie finally coughed herself out of her choke. “I’m not involved in the LOV. What in the fuck would give you that idea!?” She had never assisted them in their crimes. She didn’t even know where they were located! She wasn’t involved with the League. She was - she was involved with Dabi and that’s it!
Hawks sighed as he drew his phone from his jacket pocket, “I told you you wouldn’t like this. Yoshie. How long have you been seeing Dabi.” He slid his phone towards her and she paled at the picture before her. Who... who the fuck...
It had to have been from the first time Dabi had come over - she was supporting him, one of his arms wrapped around her shoulders and her other arm wrapped around his back. She could see the blood dripping from him.
He had even made a snide comment about how the press would go crazy if they were ever to see her helping him. She had made some remark about how she hadn’t become a Hero for the press, but to save people that needed saving.
He reached across the table and scrolled to the next one. It had been taken from outside her apartment window. Dabi was shirtless on her couch, chest wrapped in bandages. She was on the floor in her PJs, staring at the TV while playing a game on her Switch. That was from, what, the first or second time she had saved him from some stupid brawl?
And each one that followed was increasingly more intimate, until the final picture was a graphic picture of their first time making love. She was too petrified to blush out of embarrassment.
“H-how.” She looked back to Hawks, who looked almost pained. “How did you... How do you...” The terror in her voice only served to scare her even more. She could feel the ice climbing up her neck, freezing her breath, stopping her heart. The music she had purposefully kept on wasn’t helping. She was seizing up in terror.
He knew. He knew she and Dabi knew one another. He thought - oh god he thought... Her career as a Hero was over. She’d have nothing - nothing - nothing left...!
“I’m going to ask you again, Yoshie. How long have you been involved with the League of Villains?”
“I’m not involved! I - I. Look, I’m not even dating Dabi! I want to, oh my god do I want to scoop him up and take him out of that situation, but - but I am not helping the League of Villains. You don’t have to believe me but that is my truth.” She was hyperventilating. Only her closest friends knew of her relationship (or lack thereof) with Dabi. How did he find out? “Who... told you, Hawks.”
“Yoshie, I...” His voice was wavering. She was crying, rubbing at her eyes aggressively. Hachi felt the change in mood, coming over and sitting beside her master, rubbing her face into her arm. “I was put in charge with bringing an end to the League. So I’ve been following all the active members as closely as I possibly can. No one told me. I found out myself.”
So no one had told him? ...and he was in charge of this all on his own?
Kuriru had found his way into her lap. She was crying as she pet both animals - but she nodded nonetheless. “S-so that’s why... you’re so stressed?”
“Yeah. And... when I found this out...” He scrolled back to the first photo - the one of her helping Dabi. “I thought it was just a coincidence. I know you; you’ll save anyone that needs it. I thought you didn’t know the whole situation - that you just rescued someone you thought was hurt. But then... He kept showing up, and you kept getting closer to him, and.” His voice cracked, “You have to understand that this information has to go to my higher ups.”
“I’m gonna...” She sobbed, pressing her head into Hachi’s fur. “I’m gonna lose everything.” She was shaking, and the ice spread to the kotatsu. A small storm had rolled from around her.
“No. No. You’re not losing everything.” She looked up to him. He had a fierce look on his face. “I won’t give these pictures to my higher ups if you agree to help me. I can tell them I’m bringing you on as extra help, as one of my trusted allies--”
And the ice, storm, and tears on her cheeks evaporated in just a moment as the roaring fire exploded from her, red hot anger and disbelief coursing through her. She managed to keep it controlled, not burning the area around her, but it was bright and everywhere. “Are you... blackmailing me, Hawks?” she seethed, voice scratching against her throat.
He shook his head. “’Blackmail’ isn’t right. Consider this... motivation to work together.” Their gazes found one another again. “This is to make a better, safer world. A world where us Heroes aren’t stretched so thin--”
“You want me to use my relationship to infiltrate the League and bring them to an end?” Her voice was only a couple notches below a scream.
“...yes. I do.” Hawks sighed and pushed himself back, leaning on his hands and staring at the ceiling. “If it makes this any better, I’m also a double agent. I’ve had to do some things I’m not proud of in order to gain their trust so far. They won’t even let me see their leader, Shigaraki. Dabi’s his proxy.”
Yoshie glared at him. “This is why Dabi told me to be careful.” Without thinking, she scooped the puppy towards her chest and pushed Hachi behind her. Protecting them. “And if I say no?”
“You know what happens if you say no, Yoshie.” He stood up and looked almost remorseful. “I’m sorry you got involved with this mess. I’ll... cover the bill today. And the adoption fees - you were gonna get that one, right?” She didn’t answer, instead choosing to glare at him. He shrugged and rubbed the back of his head. “I’ll get this all cleared away with my boss. We’ll be in touch soon, alright?” She turned her head and gave a stiff nod. “And Yoshie... don’t tell Dabi about this.”
He turned away in time to avoid the heat from the fire suddenly roaring from her again, and to avoid the cold from the ice spikes that climbed their way towards him, only stopping at the door.
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kpoptart216 · 7 years
Taken for Granted (part 9)
Previous Parts: Part 1  Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 
As you drove back to your apartment, you couldn’t believe the events that had just unfolded. Tonight was the best night you had in months and your heart was racing. Jin’s confession made your heart swell and you were surprised at where such confidence came from when you kissed him on the cheek. 
As you pulled into your apartment, you felt your phone buzz in your pocket. 
Jin: Hope you made it back ok~ I can’t wait for our date!!! 
You smiled at the cute text. 
Y/N: I just made it back.. and I can’t wait either~
Jin walked back into his own dorm with the biggest smile on his face, clutching his phone. After you had kissed his cheek, he couldn’t contain himself. In the brisk cold, he took a walk around the neighborhood in order to contain himself, but he was just so damn excited. 
The boys didn’t fail to notice his big smile and red cheeks and the immediately began to tease him. “Jin Hyung, your cheeks are so red!!” Jungkook said as soon as his hyung stepped into the dorm.
“It’s probably because Y/N kissed him first!” said Taehyung, laughing. 
“H-How did you know?!” Jin said in surprise. 
“We have windows…” said Yoongi, sarcastically. 
“You should have kissed her first!!” said Hoseok. 
“Y-yah…how could I do that today” Jin said, fumbling while trying to take his shoes off. 
“Why, she was able to kiss you. Wahh, I didn’t think she had it in her” said Jimin. 
“It’s not like..like we kissed kissed… she just kissed me on the cheek!” Jin defended, placing his hand his cheek where you had kissed him. 
“Well then, take the initiative when you ‘kiss kiss’ her, or whatever the hell that means” says Taehyung, still laughing. 
“YAH! I’ll worry about that myself!” Jin said, turning redder. 
“Soo, tell us what happened!!” Hoseok insisted. 
“Well… I.. uh.. I confessed” said Jin, slowly.
“NO SHIT” said Jungkook. 
Yoongi smacks Jungkook. “Ouch! Hyung!” Jungkook exclaims!
“What he means is, we figured that out. But like, what happened after you confessed?” Yoongi asks. 
“Well… she said she feels the same way. And we’re going to go out on a date sometime soon” Jin mumbles. 
“NOOO NOT MY Y/N!” Taehyung yells out of the blue. But Taehyung was absolutely delighted. He had been waiting to see you and Jin get together after looking at each other with heart eyes for a while now. 
“Oh shut up” Jungkook says. “Hyung! You should surprise her on a date tomorrow. We’re going to get busy soon and I can tell that you don’t want to wait” Jungkook says. 
“Oh, I forgot about our schedules” Jin says honestly. 
“How could you forget about those” Namjoon finally says after keeping quiet for so long. 
“Oh…my mind just wandered I guess” Jin says, running his hands though his hair nervously. Namjoon seemed kind of annoyed. 
“We should get to bed guys, It’s late” Namjoon said before walking back to his room.
By the time you got home and went to bed, you thought you had seen parts of the sun rising. You had only left the boys’ dorm around 3am and though you lived close, your excitement kept you awake. You finally fell asleep, only to be awaken by the sound of someone knocking on your door. It didn’t register in your head for a second, but you were awake nonetheless. You turned to look at your alarm and to your surprise, it was already a little past noon. 
You hadn’t bothered setting an alarm after you quit your job, but you were usually awake by 8am anyways. You heard the knock on your door again and you internally cursed at the person at your door. “Coming!!” You yelled, hoping they could hear. 
You quickly patted your bed hair down and put on a sweater as you all but ran to the door. Who could it have been? 
You opened the door without even bothering to look at who was there. A rush of wind came in through the door as you opened it, leaving your hair covering your face. You could see a figure behind your hair and though you couldn’t see him clearly, you could tell he was handsome. You brushed the hair away from your face and gasped as you recognized the figure standing in front of you. 
“Oppa! What are you doing here?” You asked. There in front of you stood Jin, wearing a gray sweater, black jeans, and some dress shoes. His hair was styled naturally and you loved it that way. In his hands, he held his phone and also a bouquet of flowers- your favorites too. 
“Hey sleepyhead!” he said, ruffling your hair. You had just kissed his cheek last night, and now, as you probably looked like a complete mess, you stood in front of Jin, while he looks like a Greek God. “I wanted to surprise you for our date today!” he says, laughing. 
Your cheeks turn a deep red from embarassment. You half want to punch him and half want to close the door on his face. But since neither of those things were going to happen, you wrap your sweater closer to your body as if that was possible and try fixing your hair again. 
“Sorry for just showing up. But hey, take as long as you want to get ready. You’re not doing anything today, right?” he asks eagerly. 
“Not anymore” you grumble. Jin couldn’t help but chuckle. At this moment, you were just so incredibly cute. It was clear that you had just gotten up, but in that moment he had found you cuter than ever. To him, your hair was a perfect mess, and your sleepy face was something he knew he could never get enough of. 
“Go on” he says, as he pushes you back further into your apartment. 
You honestly couldn’t believe what was going right now. Did he really just show up at your door, looking like that? That was not fair. Unless you were still dreaming. You pinched yourself. Yep, definitely not a dream. 
You quickly shower and go through the rest of your morning routine. As you come back of the shower in nothing but your robe, you quickly go through the entirety of your closet. What were you even supposed to wear? 
“Hey Oppa?” you call out from your locked door. 
“Yeah?” you hear him call back from what you were thinking was your living room. The boys had been to your apartment hundreds of times, so it wasn’t awkward having Jin over at the moment, though your heart was still racing from his sudden visit. When he mentioned the date last night, you didn’t realize it would be the very next morning… or noon. 
“Uh.. what should I wear?” you ask. Honestly, you had no idea what he had planned and how he had planned anything so quickly. But you were still excited. 
“Umm, do you still have that dress I gave you for your birthday earlier this year?” he asks, slowly. 
“Of course, you dork. Why wouldn’t I?” you ask. 
“well, you never wore it. not that I knew of anyways. I just figured you didn’t like it or something” he said truthfully. 
“No, I love it. I just didn’t have anything to wear it to I guess. I’ll wear that then?” you asked, already pulling out the dress from your closet. 
“Yeah!” he says excitedly. Jin thinks back to the time he bought you the dress. He was in the States for the tour and while he was just out and exploring the great city of New York with the rest of the boys, his eyes had landed on a baby pink dress while window shopping. He saw it and his mind immediately thought of you and without any hesitation, he stepped into the fancy little store and got you the dress in what he thought was your size. Did he care that the dress cost more than one month of your rent? Not a bit. He sure as hell wasn’t going to tell you the price though. Otherwise you would have shoved it right back into his arms. As long as he got to see you in it one day, it would be worth it, he thought all those months ago. 
You on the other hand had always loved that dress. It was probably the nicest dress you owned and you all but treasured it. You were scared to wear it. It was just so soft and now you wondered if it was even going to fit, considering how much junk food you’ve been indulging in as of recently. But you ran your hands through the fabric of the dress and smiled. Pink was one of your favorite colors….and not because it was also Jins. 
To your surprise, the dress had fit you perfectly. You eyed yourself in the mirror and you were surprised. You never considered yourself pretty, but wow. This dress just seemd to bring out the best in you, especially your mood. You put on some simple makeup and jewelry before taking one last look in the mirror and taking a deep breath. 
Jin heard the door click, signaling that you were done. Though he didn’t mind waiting for you, he was still so eager to see you. The moment you stepped out though, he felt like the wind was knocked right out of him. Now that he thought of it, he had never ever really seen you dressed up. You were always dressed casually and though you were still beautiful, this was a whole new level. 
“How is it?” you asked, looking down at yourself before looking back at him. Behind him, you could see the flowers already in a vase filled with water and you smiled at the gesture. 
“You look…look so…pink” Jin says, nervously.
“p-pink?” you ask, kind of surprised.
“PRETTY! I meant pretty” he says, quickly correcting himself. You couldn’t help but giggle at his antics and dear god, it sounded like music to Jin’s ears. 
“I guess that makes two of then, dork” you said, easing the nervousness.
“YAH, I’m handsome. I’m Worldwide Handsome, theres a difference” he says, playing along. 
“Oh duh, how could I forget” you say, as you go and grab a coat, matching Jin’s sweater. And before you knew it, you were off on your very first date with said Worldwide Handsome. 
Jin had taken you to his favorite restaurant, knowing that you would like it too. After that, you had gone to get some dessert at one of your favorites, knowing that Jin would like it as well. Fortunately for you, it seemed like all of Korea was busy today and everywhere you went seemed relatively empty. It was pretty easy to hide away from people who may have recognized him. You even had did the cliche and watched a movie. Even then, the theater was empty. 
Soon, you both found yourself at a small arcade near the dessert stand, and there were only a few kids inside. Though you both were too old and too dressed up for the venue, you didn’t give a care in the world. You were having so much fun playing games with Jin and you both erupted in laughter, filling the entire arcade. Soon, the kids started to gather as you and Jin attempted to play DDR and laughed along with you when Jin complained that the game favored you. But he held your hand throughout the whole thing and you both didn’t notice the light blush on both of your cheeks. 
After you both were done, you slowly made your way back to your apartment, not really wanting this day to end. Jin never let go of your hand and you didn’t complain one bit. He was your warmth on this cold winter day. 
Pretty soon, you both arrived back the front of your door and you were surprised that the whole day had gone by. You fumbled around for your keys in your purse, knowing full well that it was in there from all the little sounds your keychains made, your favorite one being the keychain  Jimin had brought you from Hawaii. Jin watched you as you looked for your keys and he smiled as your face scrunched when you couldn’t find them. But sadly, you had found them soon. 
You gave him a sad smile as you fit the keys into the lock, and turned back to him. 
“I uh.. had a really great time today, oppa” you said, lovingly. 
“I did too, Y/n-yah. You have no idea how long I have wanted to do this with you” he said, smiling back at you. “I kind of don’t want this to end” he said. 
“Well, then we should do this again.. soon.” you said, and Jin’s smile only got bigger as if that was even possible. 
“I would love that” he said, bopping your nose. You giggled at the touch. God, that giggle would be the end of him, he thought. His eyes suddenly landed on your lips. Though it was cold and dry outside, your lips just seemed so pretty and soft. 
“Can.. Can I kiss you?” he asks nervously as he takes another step towards you, now only a few inches away from your face. Your eyes widen slightly and your heart was racing again, as if it had ever stopped this whole day.
“You dork, just kiss me, don’t ask m-” you started but you were cut off when Jin placed his warm lips against yours. The kiss was warm and slow and my god, you knew you were going to be addicted. It was passionate and loving and you were running out of words to describe it all. One hand cupped your face as the other slid around your waist, pulling you closer into him. Your hands slid around his neck and got rid of any remaining distance between you as you melted into the kiss. 
You eventually pulled away, both needing oxygen to breathe, but not too far away. You rested your forehead on top of his as he smiled. Jin could still the strawberry ice cream from you, as it only heightened his pleasure. 
“You’re telling me I don’t have to ask you to kiss you the next time right?” he says while smiling. You nod as you laugh. “Good” he says, before kissing you again and you both smile into the kiss. 
“So, does this mean, we’re officially dating now?” you ask, nervously. 
“Nah, it’s been a good run. But I think this is where it ends” Jin says sarcastically. You give him a frown but he even found that cute. “Ok ok I’m kidding, I’m kidding” he says.  “Will you be my girlfriend? I know this is only our first date, but I don’t think i want to wait to ask you any later” he says. 
“Nah. I Don’t like you that much” you say, nudging him a little in his chest, giving him a playful smile. This time he frowned. “Ok fine, I guess I deserved that” he said, laughing again. 
“Yes, I will be your girlfriend” you say, finally giving Jin the answer he had been dying to hear. 
“Thank you” he says, as he pulls you into a hug, smiling into your hair as he places a soft kiss on it. 
Soon after, Jin leaves you and the tiredness hits you. You just sit on the couch, replaying everything that happened today. You knew that you were going to treasure this day forever, and you were now in a relationship with someone as amazing as Jin. How the hell did you get so lucky? The smile never left your face. You don’t know how long you sat there, just smiling like an idiot, but you felt your phone buzz. 
Jin:  I just got back home. Thanks for today, girlfriend <3 
You giggled at his text. 
Y/N: Glad to hear it, boyfriend <3
Now it was Jin’s turn to smile at his phone like an idiot. 
Jin: sweet dreams, beautiful. I’ll call you tomorrow :)
Y/N: night, worldwide handsome!
You figure you had been sitting on the couch long enough, especially since Jin had already made it back to his dorm. You finally got up to go change when you hear a knock on the door. Who could it be at this time of night. 
You open the door, and the wind rushes into your warm, welcoming apartment again. This time, when you brush your hair away, the handsome man in front of you isn’t the Kim you were expecting. It was Kim Namjoon. 
 A/N: So I’m sorry that I never updated this. I’m so sorry, and sorry that it’s short as well. I won’t be able to update any fics for another three weeks, I hope you understand! Please give me feedback on this though! 
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wanderingtrash · 7 years
Unfair Affair - Part 2
A/N: Since you guys loved part 1 so much heres part 2! Thank you so much for all the feedback (: It really encourages me! Enjoy!
(Y/N) shivered as she held her coat tighter around her body. The air was cold. The weatherman calling for a bit if snow in the afternoon but saying that the coldest it would get was in tbe morning.
(Y/N) was wearing her typical work outfit. Her blue hospital scrubs. Her hair up in a messy bun. Which everyone told her she made work.
Walking on the hopsital she smiled waving at her fellow co-workers. Who loved her really. She was so sweet. Sure she had her defensive side. But that was reserved for people that crossed her.
She slipped off her thick coat and walked inside the break room. Where (Y//N) sae her friend Eva. Eva was a skinny brunette. Her personality was protective. Almost as if it was her nature. (Y/N) loved that about her.
Eva was the only person that knew about (Y/N) and Harry. (Y/N) of course made her swear to not tell a soul. Eva didn’t like Harry. Not one bit. She had made that clear to (Y/N). She called him selfish. Because that’s what he was to Eva. He was leading (Y/N) on. Hurting her. But he didn’t care because he had his perfect house wife at home.
“Hey girl!” Eva said as (Y/N) came into view.
“Hey!” (Y/N) responded. She placed her bag down and hugged Eva.
“How was your day off yesterday?” Eva asked smiling as she watched (Y/N) grab her small bottle of hand sanitizer and squirt a bit on her hand. The scent of pomegranate and peach filling her scenes.
Shrugging (Y/N) pulled out her phone. “It was normal. Did a bit of this and that” She said biting her lip. A new message notification from Harry coming into view.
‘Good morning Baby Girl .x’
Smiling momentarily she put her phone down and looked at Eva. Who had an almost disappointed look on her face. “You were with him weren’t you? Eva asked raising her eyebrows. (Y/N) frowned looking down.
“So what if I was?” She responded weakly.
“(Y/N)…You can’t keep doing this to yourself love. What are you getting out of this huh?” Eva whispered, placing a hand on (Y/N)’s shoulder.
“I don’t want to talk about this. My relationship with anybody is my business. I’m sorry Eva but it doesn’t concern you” (Y/N) plainly said. Slipping her phone in a pocket that was on her shirt. “I got to go do some check ups” (Y/N) said clipping her name tag on her shirt.
Sighing Eva shook her head. What was the point? Harry already had (Y/N) where he wanted her. It made Eva upset to see (Y/N) put up with him like that.
“See you at lunch” Eva waved with a roll of her eyes. But smiling a bit as she watched her friend grab her clip board with a smile on her face.
(Y/N) was grown enough to know what’s good for herself.
(Y/N) walked out after placing her bag next to Eva’s. She did her normal routine. Went to check up on patients staying from the night before. She loved her job. It was one of the thimgs thay distracted her from all her problems. Mostly because it was her dream job.
Or maybe it was because she was too busy to think about Harry.
She waved at one of her co-workers as she saw he had just come in for the day.
“Hey (Y/N)!” He yelled. His name was Ben. A cute guy sure. He had blue grey eyes. Brownish short hair. Making girls around the hospital swoon over him whenever they saw him. Or whenever he talked to them.
“Ben” (Y/N) smiled as she signed someting on her clipboard. A buzz from her phone making her take it out.
’I think I left my black tie over at your place’ The message from Harry read.
(Y/N) rolled her eyes.
“Hey. What are you doing for lunch today? I’m only asking because there’s this new place that opened down the road” Ben asked smiling at her. Ben always liked (Y/N) he thought for sure someone as beautiful as her would for sure have a boyfriend. But he didn’t see a ring on her finger. Nor did he see any guy come to see her. So he thought he’d give his shot at a chance.
“Um. I’m actually having lunch with Eva. Sorry. She’s been bugging me about this new restraunt she wants to order from.” She said with a small smile.
Sure Ben was cute and sweet.
“Oh” Ben simply said. Scratching the back of his neck in embarrassment. Of course she wouldn’t want to do anything with him. His cheeks got pink frok shyness.
Sensing his embarrassment (Y/N) let out a small giggle. She didn’t want him to feel that way.
Surely they could have dinner togethere as friends right?
“What about dinner? I can do dinner or sure” (Y/N) said, playfully bumping her arm with his.
Ben nearly jumped from the place he stood. His heart rate elevating. Did he hear her correctly? Realizing he hadn’t responded to her yet he laughed.
“Y-yeah! I can do dinner” He stuttered. “What time is good for you?” He asked nervously.
Thinking for a bit (Y/N) pursed her lips. “Say about 7:30?” She asked him.
“Yes that’s perfect” He smiled biting his lip.
(Y/N) unclipped her pen from her shirt and wrote down her number on the corner of a blank piece of paper. Tearing it she handed it to Ben. “Here’s my number for if anything happens” (Y/N) said checking her watch.
She had 5 minutes until she had to meet Eva for lunch.
Ben took the paper with the brightest smile (Y/N) had seen all day. It was cute really.
"I’ll pick you up at 7:30 then” Ben addressed her smiling.
“I’ll be ready by then” (Y/N) said with a nod. “See you Ben” (Y/N) smiled at him before walking away to the lunch room.
(Y/N) didn’t know why her heartbeat was beating heavier but she didn’t mind the feeling.
She kind of welcomed it.
Remembering the text Harry sent her she quickly responded.
‘You can come pick it up at around 6’
(Y/N) hadn’t told Eva about her dinner plans with Ben. She knew that Eva would make a big deal out of it even though they were just going as friends.
So when (Y/N) got gome at 5:30 she hopped in the showers. Letting go all the frustrations of the day. The warm water relaxed her muscles. Tension slipping away with every fall of the water om the skin.
When she got out it was 6 pm. Turning om some music (Y/N) slipped on an over sized t-shirt and a pair of panties. Sitting at her vanity to do her make up.
Try by P!nk playing.
Where there is desire there is gonna be a flame.
Where there is a flame someone’s bound to get burned.
(Y/N) knew ger situation wasn’t the best. She fell in love with a man that could probably give two shits about her.
She didn’t get it.
Did he love the thrill or did he really care?
Her thoughts were interrupted in the midst of her doing her eyebrows by thr doorbell. Finishing her last eyebrow she turned the music down.
She took her time walking down the stairs.
When she reached the door she braced herself. Not only because it was Harry but also because of the cold.
Turning the door nob there he stood.
He was wearing a black suit. He wasn’t wearing a tie yet. Guessing he was wanting to wear the one he had left.
Harry smirked as he saw what she was wearing. Her perfect thighs being exposed under the over sized tee. “Hey Princess” He said walking inside.
(Y/N) mentally smiled to herself. Something about him calling her pet names made her feel special.
Like she wasn’t the mistress.
“Hi” Was all (Y/N) managed to say to him. She walked to the living room with Harry trailing behind her. She had placed the tie on her wooden coffee table so she wouldn’t misplace it. Grabbing it she handed it to him.
But Harry wasn’t just popping in for his tie.
“Going somewhere special?” Harry asked raising an eyebrow. His smirk turning into a small frown.
“Yes actually” (Y/N) said folding her arms. “Going to dinner with a co-worker” She shrugged.
“And you? Going somewhere with the wife?” She asked him with a roll of her eyes. He was way too dressed up to be going home straight after.
“Yeah. Was invited to a dinner party with Gwen” Harry told her. His frown stayed on his lips. He was acting selfish not wanting her to go out. But he couldn’t help it.
“Lovely" She pursed her lips as she said the words. Then let out a saracstic smile. Truthfully it hurt her. How he would just casually tell her he was taking his wife out in public. Like he wasn’t ashamed of Gwen. But he was ashamed of her.
"Is that all? I need to be getting ready” She carelessly told him. “I’ve got a life too”
Harry glared at her for a second. He wanted to ask her if this 'friend’ was guy but he hestistated.
“I’ll be going now then” He told her. He stepped closer to her and lifted her chin up with his finger. Pressing a small kiss to her lips.
(Y/N) let him. She felt a sting in her heart. It was the small gestures that made her go crazy.
He only got to linger in the kiss for a moment. Before (Y/N) turned her head.
“Bye Harry” Is all she said.
“Hey. I’m not done talking to you yet” Harry said with an angry tone. “I cane here to give you someting as well.” He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a black velvet box.
“I saw someting today at Tiffany’s while I was out with Gwen.” He opened the box and a necklace came into view. (Y/N) was in awe.
It had a medium sized 15k gold diamond in the middle. It hanged on a thin silver necklace. “Reminded me of you” He said getting closer to her. “So delicate. Beautiful. And a sight for sore eyes” Harry whispered to her. His smirk appearing on his face again. The deep dimples forming on his cheeks.
“Oh My God Harry” (Y/N) managed to squeek out.
Harry went behind her. Grabbing the necklace he placed the box down on the coffee table. Parting her hair to the side he reached his hands out with the necklace in them. Putting the cool delicate item on her neck. Clipped it on and smiled turning her around with his hand on hers.
(Y/N) quickly hugged Harry and kissed his cheek. “Baby I love it so much” She said excitedly. A smile on her face.
Did he really think about her while he was with Gwen?
Harry laughed and wrapped his strong arms around her waist. “M'glad you love it Sweetness.” He kissed her for a moment. (Y/N) savored the kiss. She tasted champagne on his mouth but she didn’t mind it. She enjoyed the fruity taste.
Harry pulled away checking his watch. “Shit. I’ve got to go Petal.” He kissed her one last time. A quick kiss.
Grabbing his tie he smirked at her omce again. Proud of himself. He made her cold attitude toward him change in an instant with his thoughtful gift. “You can show off your little piece off to your date.” Was all he said before leaving.
Leaving (Y/N) standing there speechless. And with a $500 necklace.
Ben had showed up just as he said he would at 7:30. He was wearing a cute white suit that complemented his eyes. His hair was slicked back.
He constantly completed (Y/N) on her choice of attire. She had gone for a simple make up look. Her hair was lose and free. She went with long sleeved dress. If was black and showed off her curves perfectly. She also wore the necklace Harry had gifted her. She felt ashamed that she wore it while going out with Ben. But she couldn’t help it. It was beautiful and she wanted to show it off.
Ben considered himself lucky. Just to even take her out was something to him.
As the two finished their meal (Y/N) smiled. Ben was a nice guy. He was genuinely asking about her and about her hobby and interests. Something she rarley got on dates with guys she went out before.
As Ben excused himself to go use the restroom (Y/N) pulled her phone out from her clutch. She went to her twitter and an article from an LA gossip magazine caught her eye. The front shoed a picture of Harry and Gwen walking into a restarunt with a few friends behind them.
But that’s wasn’t the only thing that caught her eye.
Around Gwen’s neck was the visible sight of a necklace. Not just any necklace.
The exact same one Harry had bought her.
(Y/N) felt herself stop breathing for a second. Tears stung her eyes. Her vision was cloudy. The only thing (Y/N) could think was 'Don’t expect to get treated like #1 while playing the role of #2’
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Skimmons fic where Daisy woos Jemma by texting "You hungry?" in the middle of the night during all of finals week jemma is oblivious for about half of this
So I changed this up a little bit but I hope you don’t mind! Enjoy this college AU! 
“You do know that it’s like three in the morning, right?”
The voice causes Jemma to look up from her notes for what feels like the first time in hours. And, truthfully, it might be the first time she looked up from her own handwriting in hands.
Daisy is standing there, staring down at her with raised eyebrows and her hair in a ponytail and polar bears on her pajama pants.
“Yes,” Jemma says, though she can’t remember the last time she actually looked at a clock. “What are you doing out here at three in the morning?”
Daisy points in the direction of the communal bathrooms, which branch off from the common area, where Jemma currently has all her notes, textbooks and class assignments spread out around her. “Had to use the bathroom and saw the light still on in here, figured it was you.” Daisy smirks. “And here you are.”
Jemma shakes her head, sighing. She leans back against the couch. “I’m just-”
“Stressed, yeah, got that part,” Daisy says.
“Studying,” Jemma corrects, though she feels that stressed might not be the worst word to use. “We have exams starting next week and-”
Daisy shakes her head. “And you need to sleep or you’re going to be a zombie,” she points out. “Seriously, come to bed. You have classes tomorrow and you know you aren’t going to be talked into skipping them.”
Jemma makes a face. “No one should skip their classes,” she points out defensively.
“Bed,” Daisy says, “now.”
And then Jemma’s stomach rumbles, the noise comically loud and definitely impossible to miss. Jemma feels her cheeks color with embarrassment but Daisy just smirks. “And when was the last time you ate?”
That’s even harder for Jemma to answer. She furrows her brow. “Lunch?”
“Jemma Simmons.” Daisy clucks her tongue in disappointment. “What are we doing to do with you?”  
Apparently the answer is feed her, which is not something Jemma is going to argue. Even though Daisy’s food of choice happens to be fruit snacks and cookies from the nearby vending machine, but it does by Jemma a little bit more time to pour over her notes while she and Daisy share the snacks.
“You don’t have to stay out here with me,” Jemma says as she chews on another processed, high-fructose gummy snack. “It’s late.”
Daisy shrugs. “Someone has to make sure you actually go to bed.”
Which is probably true, all things considered.
Once their snacks have been eaten, Jemma allows Daisy to bully her into packing up her stuff and carrying it back down the hallway to her dorm. They’ve been neighbors since the first day of freshman year and Jemma’s first impression of Daisy is still relatively true. She’d imagined the girl to be loud, boisterous and a potential pain in her ass, a girl she was glad she only shared a wall with and not an actual room. And while Jemma still finds Daisy to be loud and boisterous, she also knows her to be more charismatic than annoying and that her exuberant behavior makes her the type of person you definitely want to consider your friend.
“Good night, Daisy,” Jemma says before opening the door, trying to avoid disrupting her roommate. “Thank you for the snacks.”
Daisy smiles, flashing her a thumbs-up. “I’ve got your back.”
Jemma quietly climbs into bed, hoping she doesn’t wake Bobbi when she knocks her knuckles lightly on the wall. It’s something she and Daisy had started doing back in August, when they decided that they needed a secret code to ensure that they were snug and sound in their beds after a party and not off somewhere being murdered and chopped into tiny pieces. The idea, of course, had been all Daisy’s. But now it’s a hard habit to break.
Jemma is pretty sure she falls asleep before Daisy even knocks back.
~ ~ ~
Despite Jemma’s unwavering attention in class, her detailed notes, and her natural intelligence, she finds herself pouring over all her notes for all her classes in preparation for the approaching exams. The first semester of freshman year is coming to an end and Jemma wants to ensure that she finishes all her classes as strongly as possible to ensure that her professors give her the recommendations that she needs to continue in her program.
“You know you know all of this, right?” Bobbi asks Friday night, running a brush through her shimmering blonde hair. “Like this already locked into that brain of yours.”
Normally when people say this type of thing, Jemma finds herself annoyed. But she and Bobbi share a major, so she knows that Bobbi understands the pressure, yet Bobbi is still planning on going out on a Friday night with her boyfriend.
“You can’t be too careful,” Jemma points out, uncapping a highlighter. “Better safe than sorry.”
Bobbi smiles at her, shaking her head, and disappears off into the evening. Jemma returns to her studies, where she remains, firmly planted, until her phone buzzes two hours later. It’s a message from Daisy: have you eaten?
Jemma smirks, rolling her eyes at the screen. But she answers honestly: not yet.
It doesn’t take long before there’s a knock on her door. Jemma isn’t surprised to see Daisy standing on the other side. “Come on,” Daisy reaches forward, grabbing Jemma’s hand. “The dining hall is open for another hour and Fridays they have fajitas.”
Jemma protests, even as she’s already reaching for her jacket. “I really should study.”
“How can you study on an empty stomach?” Daisy says, pulling Jemma out into the hallway. “You know you need brain food.”
“Right, what’s better for the brain than fajitas,” Jemma says.
Daisy nods. “Exactly. Glad you see it my way.” They start toward the stairs. “Plus you need some sort of human contact, something outside of all your perfect notes.”
Jemma sighs dramatically, but she figures both of them know it’s all just for show anyway. She’s not entirely upset but the study break, especially when it involves Daisy and one of Daisy’s many entertaining stories about the kids in her computer science class.
It’s nice to spend some time away from her dorm, especially because Jemma knows that she’s going to be spending a great deal of time studying until her exams are over next week. So a stolen hour -or two- with Daisy really isn’t so bad.
~ ~ ~
Daisy shows up, unannounced, on Sunday night. Bobbi lets her in and Jemma sighs, sincerely this time, when she sees Daisy. “I can’t do anything right now,” she tells her firmly. “Exams start tomorrow, you know. And you should be studying too. It’s very important to-”
“I know,” Daisy says before Jemma can really get wound up on a lecture that comes mainly from the stress that she feels bubbling inside her brain right now. “I’m not staying. I just figured you hadn’t eaten and might need some sugar.”
Daisy holds up a pint of ice cream -cookie dough, Jemma’s favorite- and a plastic spoon. “Good luck studying.”
Jemma takes the ice cream, smiling to herself as Daisy disappears again. Bobbi looks at her and smirks. “What?” Jemma says defensively, digging the spoon into the ice cream.
Bobbi shakes her head. “Nothing, nothing at all.”
Jemma thinks about pressuring Bobbi into telling her what’s running through her mind but decides against it. She’s got too much to focus on without getting involved in any sort of nonsense that has Bobbi Morse smirking like that.
The ice cream does provide an excellent motivator, though.
~ ~ ~
By Wednesday, Jemma is feeling simultaneously exhausted and thrilled about things. She’s done well on her finals so far and she has only one more tomorrow in Dr. Weaver’s class, which she’s feeling relatively confident about. Her first semester should end exactly as she wants it to and it’ll be nice to have the winter break off to relax before the next semester.
Though,  Jemma has hardly seen anyone that week, including Bobbi, who shares a space with her. Exams have officially taken over everyone and the entire dorm seems to be locked away, cramming before it’s time to sit down and take the test. Jemma does enjoy the quiet, though.
Quiet that is shattered as soon as her phone dings, signaling a text message and causing Jemma to jump. The message is from Daisy, which doesn’t exactly surprise her, though it does make Jemma smile. They haven’t crossed paths since Sunday when Daisy came to drop off the ice cream and she has been missing her friend, even if biochemistry has been weighing heavily in her brain.
You hungry? The message reads.
On cue, Jemma’s stomach rumbles. Possibly…
Jemma also isn’t surprised when a knock on the door comes almost immediately. “Were you already standing out there?” Jemma asks as she opens the door.
“Possibly…” Daisy replies and there’s a pizza in her hands. “I couldn’t eat this all by myself, could I?” She pauses. “Well, I mean, I definitely could have but...I thought I would share.”
They sit on the floor and for a blissful hour, Jemma doesn’t think about her finals or studying or the impending second semester or the teacher recommendations. She only things about Daisy and the pizza and how she probably hasn’t laughed this hard in two weeks.
Bobbi comes in just as they’re finishing their last pieces. “You didn’t save me in?”
Jemma shrugs. “Sorry. We didn’t know when you would be back.” She’s not as sorry as she should be, though. She’s not sure that she would have wanted to share.
Either the pizza or Daisy.
Even though Jemma doesn’t exactly want to get back to studying, she doesn’t protest when Daisy finally gets to her feet, saying something about Shakespeare and monologues and heads back to her own room to finish cramming.
When she gones, Jemma sighs, eager for the end of midterms so that they can spend do more than just steal a few hours together. Bobbi is looking at her and Jemma tries to resist as long as she can before she finally turns around in her seat, glaring at her. “What?”
“Jemma, seriously,” Bobbi says, sounding deeply disappointed. “You’re smarter than this.”
“If this is about studying again-”
“Oh, no, that’s a lost cause,” Bobbi says dismissively. “I’m talking about Daisy.”
Jemma immediately feels warmer, less weary at the mention of her name. “What about Daisy?”
Bobbi gives her a pointed look. “The fact that you guys are always hanging out. You do that stupid little thing where you tell each other goodnight by tapping on the wall. And she’s been bringing you food nonstop…”
Jemma huffs out a breath. “It’s not stupid,” she grumbles, even though she really meant to ask Bobbi to get to the point.
“She likes you,” Bobbi says. “Can you just please realize that she’s not just bringing you food and hanging out because she cares about your nutrition.”
“Well, that’s pretty obvious,” Jemma says, rolling her eyes. “If she did, she wouldn’t be bringing ice cream and pizza and wait, what? What did you say?”
Bobbi leans over to pat her on the shoulder. “She likes you.”
Jemma feels her face flush, her heart do an excited little dance in her chest. “She does?”
Bobbi only rolls her eyes. “Seriously, Jemma, I give up.”
As focused as she is on her studying, Jemma has to admit that this new idea definitely takes precedence in her mind.
It’s a thought that makes her smile, makes her feel giddy and nervous and overjoyed all at once. It makes her feel special and a little bit stupid for not having realized it before. For not having thought that maybe she wasn’t the only one who thought there could be something more there between them.
It also makes her hurry through her exam so that she can hurry across campus to the coffee shop, grabbing two coffees and a couple pastries, making it to the English building with a few minutes to spare.
Daisy comes trudging out, looking a little shell-shocked and a little relieved to be outside in the fresh air again. When she turns in Jemma’s direction, responding to the sound of her name, she brightens, grinning.
Jemma figures that any doubts about her own feelings for Daisy quickly disappear when her heart tightens in her chest and she answers with a smile of her own.
“Hey,” Daisy says, “what are you doing here?”
Jemma holds up the coffee and pastry bag. “Thought you might be hungry,” she says. “It’s important to eat, you know.”
Daisy grins at her. “You know, I think I’ve heard that.”
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porkofdoom-blog · 6 years
Maru’s Little Secret
for @shortcut48
Eyelids fluttered and Maru can feel warm breaths below her neck. Maru groaned when she felt her arm muscles stiffened at the weight that pillowed her arm. Maru squinted at the huge familiar blur sighing when Maru shifted on their bed. It was one of the mornings that made Maru's heart clench. The first sight that greeted her when she opened her eyes. Maru can't help it, but to smile.
It was their morning night in their new apartment. After a year of dating, and a month of spending on each other's houses, they finally decided that it would be best if they shared a home instead. They bought a new apartment and it was the best among the selections offered to them. High ceiling, natural light and has a bathtub wide enough for two people. It has two-rooms, with the master bedroom that can fit a California King-size bed (but oh, com'on, they only bought a King-size though, after purchasing the said bed with red faces) and the other room as a make-shift office for Maru. The kitchen is to die for, good ventilation, and Maru can only imagine kissing her girlfriend into a beautiful curve on the dining table as she—
Then, there was the sound of their doorbell, breaking Maru's little moment of thinking–er... watching her beautiful girlfriend's slumber.
"Mmm... Urusai." The blur mumbled, her voice hoarse from all the karaoke they did with their friends last night. (Annoying.)
"I'll get it." Maru sighed and kissed her girlfriend's hair as she got up from their bed.
"Stay," her girlfriend says, burying her head to Maru's pillow and raised her arms trying to get a hold of Maru.
Maru caught her hand and kissed her fingers, "I'll be back before you know it." She grinned at her girl and tucked their blankets up to her chin.
Satisfied, her girlfriend only hummed her reply before sleep took over her again.
Maru chuckled as she got her eyeglasses and phone from the bedside table, then padded to the door when it buzzes again.
"Hai, hai! Ikemasu," Maru muttered, rushing to the intercom to check who was it. "Yes?" She watched the screen flickered to life and the delivery boy beamed to her. (Yes, yes! I'm coming.)
"Package for Hoshino-san!"
Ugh. Maru grimaced. It's too early to be this cheerful but nonetheless, she opened the door.
"Sign here, please!" The delivery boy chirped, showing a small clipboard with a receipt and a check mark beside the blank next to her printed name to sign.
"Thanks," Maru muttered after she scrawled her signature and took the medium box inside their apartment.
"You're welcome. Have a nice day!" The boy beamed again.
Maru only grunted before she toed the door close and the lock automatically clicked and a robotic voice echoed by the foyer, "Autolock enabled."
"Oh, it's from Hiroko-san..." Maru whispered to herself as she placed it on the middle of the coffee table. She sat on the couch and began on texting her aunt.
To: Hiroko Subject: Package Message: Good morning. Thanks for sending the rest of my things. I received it well. Send my regards to Aeri and samchon. :-)
She was about to open the package with a blunt edge of the nail file she found on her girlfriend's box of nail polish when her phone began to ring. She paused, placed the nail file back on the table and took her phone instead and went outside the balcony as she answered the call.
"Ohayo, Neko-chan~," Hiroko greated her, she gave a little wave at Maru, showing her fingers.
"Ohayo," Maru grinned, her cheeks flushed from the morning cold.
"Have settled okay?"
Maru had to roll her eyes. Hiroko had been protective of her and always have been a mother hen. She couldn't actually help it, even Maru thought of her as her mother, since Hiroko's family had been a positive influence in her life. Maru's always thankful that they met them.
So, Maru answered truthfully, nodding as she explained that, "Yes, we had assembled most of the furniture last week, we had filled the fridge yesterday and had already filled their closet with our clothes," blushing a little deeper when she thinks how they attempted to mix some of their clothes together.
"I'm glad," her aunt sighed, a peaceful expression resting on her face.
"Love?" Her girlfriend called out and Maru turned her head to their bedroom door.
"Oh! Is that—"
"Hiroko-san! I should go." Maru blushed as she walked back inside.
"Yes, yes. Send my regards to—"
Maru had accidentally cut the call off when her girlfriend draped herself on her back. Maru eyed her phone but thinks that Hiroko would surely understand...
"Was that Hiroko-san?" She mumbled, tickling Maru's ear. "Oh, you got a package."
"Yeah...", Maru gulped.
"I missed you."
"M-Me too."
Her girlfriend looked at her amused. But her grin turned into a frown after a few seconds.
"What's wrong?" Maru asked when her girlfriend pulled the blanket resting on her shoulders and dropped them to a nearby armchair.
"I had a call from the company."
"But it's your day off." Maru stated as a matter of fact. Her girlfriend rarely gets a day-off.
Before, they made plans to go out of town. They visit an onsen or sight-seeing but since they live together now, Maru only wants to spend it in their new home. Maybe cuddle for a bit in their new king-sized bed or break into it, as what other couples call it (Maru blushed at this). Or maybe they could watch a some Ghibli movies on their brand new TV set and make-out on their new couch and (again) break into it.
There's a list of areas Maru thought of to christen their new home... except the bathroom since the two bathed together last night and things... Well, things got escalated pretty quickly which both of them slept soundly afterwards, exhausted and blissed out.
"Anyway, I have to go." Her girlfriend said sadly and kissed her temple and started to walk towards the bathroom.
"Do you want me to accompany you?" Maru suggested.
"To the office? Or... to the bathroom?" Her girlfriend smirked, her hand resting on the bathroom's doorknob.
"Both?" Maru grinned as she started to follow her girl to the door.
Maru as a dutiful girlfriend helped her girl into her clothes delaying as much possible as she could. Placing little kisses in small areas she only gets to do and —
"Love, I'm going to be late."
She was drying her girlfriend's hair when she asked again," Are you sure it's going to be okay with me not being there?"
"Yes, and you already asked that before." Her girlfriend replied, putting one small swipe of strawberry lipgloss on her lips and started to spread it with her finger.
"Well, I can go. I have nothing to do here." Maru sighed, her outdoor clothes are already out of the closet and placed strategically on their bed.
Her girlfriend grinned as she spun around the stool and faced Maru. She plucked out the hairbrush and hairdryer from Maru's hands and placed it back to the table. She held Maru's hands as Maru pouted, leaning over to taste that strawberry-flavored lipgloss on her girlfriend's lips.
"You can't go." Her girlfriend sighed, placing a finger on Maru's lips only to get attacked with Maru's little kisses. "Besides, you have things to do like, walk Orion (their dog), feed Paru (their cat) and Jurina (their soft-shelled turtle) and, clean Sayaka and Miyuki's cage (their lovebirds)."
"I can call Sakura over and let her do all the chores. You know she likes to watch Jurina swim by."
"No, you have to do it yourself. And you call yourself a co-parent? And Sakura's probably just weirded out with that turtle", Her girlfriend tsked and started on showering herself with perfume. "I'll be back before lunch." And she kissed Maru squarely on the mouth, nibble a little on Maru's lower lip and squeeze her into a tight hug.
When they separated, Maru looked dazed and mind blown.
"I'll miss you," her girlfriend says again, sadly this time and planted a shy kiss on the corner of Maru's mouth and before Maru knows it, her girlfriend was out of the door.
"Autolock enabled," said by a robotic voice.
After a short walk in the park near their apartment, with only Orion glomping on some ducks and chasing pigeons while Maru nursing a hot coffee between her hands, they came back in her girlfriend-less apartment. Maru then feed their cat, Paru, and Orion. Both of them wiggling their furry butts as they inhaled their food.
She then feed a scoop of fish food to Jurina who was lazily swimming in her aquarium. When she went to birdcage by their balcony, she felt a pang of jealousy as the two love birds groomed eachother with their tiny beaks.
"Good for you two," Maru glumly muttered as she dump two scoopful of birdfeeds on their bowl.
She then proceeded to clean their apartment. Fixing their bed, wiping spotless tables and chairs, dusting bookshelves twice , and vacuuming their already dust free floor. When she was done, Maru slumped on the couch and noticed the unopened box on the coffee table.
She remembered the package and proceeded on opening the box, this time with a box-cutter she found on the countertop.
When she was done, she carefully opened the flaps, tore layers of bubble wraps and watch the contents unravel to her.
It was her collection, carefully gathered all these years.
When Maru flew to Japan and had an unexpected turn in career, she was saddened to leave this part of her in Korea. Ofcourse her girlfriend knows these vast collection since she once visited her apartment in Korea and accidentally ran into her Shimazaki Haruka shrine while she was looking for the bathroom. It was a spare room dedicated to her most favored AKB48 member. And even in their new home, Maru never neglected to organize some of her collections she had bought as she stayed in Japan around her home office. Ofcourse her girlfriend didn't mind because she has, too, her own collections carefully placed around the house.
The posters which decorated her Shimazaki Haruka shrine before are now carefully rolled and wrapped in plastic. Her AKB48 CDs and Blu-ray DVDs which were proudly displayed before are now stacked up with a cushion of cloth in between the plastic case as Maru preferred not a scratch on them. The calendars were stacked and wrapped in a bubble wrap, afraid that the metal wires would scratch her other beloved merch. There are also action figures of her AKB48 favorite members with a number of Shimazaki Haruka in different poses and clothes and sizes each on their individual boxes. There's her Paruru mug which was custom-made, also a few pillow cases she ordered online. Also, cheap collection of ballpens, pencils, erasers, stickers, slippers (that is too big for Maru's feet), mouse pad, notebooks, and backscratcher and more. There's also her treasured photobook of Shimazaki Haruka, gifted to her by Hiroko and a few Shimazaki Haruka custom-made plush toys which samchon gave her every Christmas, and a photo album filled with carefully collected Shimazaki Haruka photos, which Aeri helped her bid online.
Maru can't help but to sigh lovingly at each item. She carefully removed each one from the box, letting her fingers trail at the plastic covering her collection. When she reached at the bottom of the box, she gasped at the sight.
It was her Nike shoebox. She reached for it and opened the cover.
There rested among the package peanuts is a foot-long balljointed doll.
The doll's glass eyes are looking at her under the fan of her black eyelashes. Her lips pink and glossy and her cheeks dimpled as she was smiling shyly to Maru.
"Baby..." Maru cooed as she lifted one resin arm and locked a finger in the inside of the hand of Shimazaki Haruka doll.
This doll had been a product of Maru doing small part-time jobs for months. She played online games for lame gamers, she tended the convenience store, she had fried some chicken and delivered jajangmyun to houses, she made lattes for snobbish office workers, she mixed alcohol for rich businessmen, and she had climbed mountains and picked ginseng for this. This doll is the embodiment of her hardwork, tears and blood, and obsession. This was the center, the Queen of her shrine and not even her girlfriend knows this (because the doll was inside her Nike box, a makeshift bed Maru made for her doll).
It started with her search for merchandises of her favorite idol. And after searching the web for various dolls, she has stumbled upon a small website for doll collectors. Some were pro in painting the doll's faces, making them look like famous actors and actresses, some were painted like idols and it perked her interest. She researched for 3 nights. Obsessively watching YouTube videos of doll owners. Reading Tumblr and blogsites of how to make your own wig, how to make doll clothes, how to make the eyeballs. And after a month of watching them she decided to save up money for her own doll.
After six months of working, and a month of waiting for the package, her custom-made doll arrived. She even made a box opening video for her to reminisce the first ever feelings she had.
She remembered she was slightly disappointed.
Her doll was faceless, her eye sockets are empty. Her face has no colors. The resin body is naked, and her head is bald.
A month later, her Shimazaki Haruka doll, was glaring at her. Maru thinks she needs to practice her face-painting more. Her clothes was a pre-made sailor uniform, ordered online because it was 75% off. Her socks have different lengths, because Maru don't know how to sew, and her shoes where from an old Barbie doll she found lying in a dumpster.
Maru was placing her newly made beanie made from her old sock on doll Haruka's head when Hiroko came inside her room. The older woman looked at the doll who looked like she has cancer because of the lack of wig and at the helpless look on Maru's face.
"Oh, Neko-chan..."
A week later, doll Haruka has 137 set of clothes, 87 pair of shoes, 53 undergarments, 41 pair of socks of different designs and sizes, 95 pieces of accessories, and 37 wigs of different hair color and styles. Doll Haruka had her face pofessionally painted, a small blush dusting her cheeks and her smile brighter with her glossed lips. (Courtesy of Hiroko-san) And had various home-made furnitures that Maru delicately assembled on nights.
Hiroko only beamed at her when Maru dressed her doll for the first time in Japanese traditional clothes. She trembled as she let it kneel on a small plush pillow and placing a small teacup on her little hands.
Maru smiled wetly at the doll and pulled the gloves folded and tucked at the bottom of the box's lid. She wore them and carefully picked the doll up, fixing the doll's wig, straightening her already straight clothes and fixing her shoes. She let it sit on the table and opened another box nested beneath her Nike box. "Now, what do you want to wear for today?"
Maru had finished putting her collection back to the box, re-taped it and placed it safely in their closet, except for her Nike shoebox and another box filled with doll clothes and accessories. When she received a text that her girlfriend would be late and that Maru could order some food for lunch but would be back for dinner. But Maru opened their cupboards instead, boiled some water and unpacked a pack of ramen.
When she placed it on the dining table, sitting across her on the table was doll Haruka on her own dining set and sporting a miniature ramen bowl and chopsticks on her hands.
"I'm glad you're keeping me company." Maru smiled and started on eating her noodles.
After lunch, Maru unboxed her gaming consoles and played games on their widescreen TV, beside her is doll Haruka and on her hand is her own plastic mini-gaming console, smiling at the TV all the same.
After Maru got bored playing, she pulled a random book from their shelf and lounged on the couch with her feet propped up by the arm on the end.
Beside her, on the coffee table is doll Haruka sitting prettily on her arm chair with a book.
Maru swooned.
Maru woke up with a start. The first ray of sunset filtered through the glass wall and she looked at the clock. In an hour her girlfriend would be coming home and she should be starting on preparing for dinner. But first...
Doll Haruka was standing on the breakfast counter. She's wearing a bandana headband to keep her bangs from falling and a pink frilly apron on her clothes. Her hands were rested on the countertop of her kitchen set as she watched patiently on her empty plastic pots placed on the top of the plastic stove.
Maru smiled as she tasted the soup from a pot and added a pinch of pepper to it.
"I'm home!"
"Okaeri!" Maru rushed to the door. She placed her blue apron on the chair and meet her girlfriend who was placing her handbag on the couch. (Welcome home)
"How was your day?" Her girlfriend asked and meet Maru's lips halfway.
"Oh... It was fun!" Maru smiled and started on setting up the table.
"Fun? Really?" Her girlfriend muttered as she sat on one of the empty chairs which was replied with an enthusiastic hum from Maru. "Love, are you sick?" She asked because Maru doesn't do fun. She always replies with an, "okay", "it's alright" or "no, I missed you a lot" then would attack her with little kisses until she can't breathe.
"I'm fine, really."
"So... what did you do?" The girlfriend asks scooping the soup into the little bowls they bought two days ago.
"Well... I walked Orion to the park, feed all the pets and cleaned the litterbox, the birdcage and set the thermostat in Jurina's aquarium. Played some games for a while, read half of the book and slept for two hours then made dinner." Maru explained, her voice tilting in a melody she had never heard of before.
"O-okay..." She picked a pickle and munched on it, weirded out with her beloved enthusiasm.
When the two of them finished eating, Maru draw a bath for her girlfriend and started on cleaning the kitchen. Maru bathed after, put on some matching PJs with her girlfriend and eyed the Nike box on their closet longingly before walking to the bed and sitting beside her girlfriend.
"You know..." Her girlfriend whispered by Maru's ear that had Maru's stomach clench needily. "I don't have anything scheduled tomorrow morning. We could break in the bed today."
Her girlfriend bit her lip as she loomed over Maru. "Yes." As she kicked a leg and sat on Maru's lap. " I missed you a lot." She whimpered and embraced Maru tightly.
"I missed you, too." Maru breathed in a good amount of her girlfriend's scent.
And they kissed. Hungrily, exploringly and lovingly wild. Their hands roamed each other's bodies and as her girlfriend started to undress herself, Maru watched in horror when the closet door slowly opened.
"Baby!" Maru exclaimed and started on pulling her girlfriend's clothes back and held her hands tightly.
"Baby? You never call me that." Her girlfriend gaped. Then she was pushed aside by Maru as Maru rushed to the closet and locked it firmly.
Maru looked so panicked that her girlfriend got so curious over what was inside the closet.
"Love? What's wrong? Is someone in there?"
"N-no! Noone! There's no one." Maru assured her as she flailed her arms frantically.
"Are you sure?" She asked but Maru only gulped so she decided to take the matter in hand. She got up from the bed and shoved Maru aside after fighting for the door lock and opened the closet.
It was dark and full of their clothes and shoe boxes. Her girlfriend stuck an arm and started on reaching out to spacious areas and found that there as no one. She sighed and closed the door and put on the lock.
"Well?" Maru asked calming down and holding her girlfriend's hand pulling her away from the closet.
"There's no one."
"Told you so."
Her girlfriend only hummed as she went back to bed. Her back turned to Maru.
"Oyasumi," she said as she turned her lamp off on her side. (Good night.)
Maru only frowned, putting her own lights out and hugged her girlfriend from behind.
Their morning was domestic as ever. They shared slow kisses after Maru woke up ehen she found her girlfriend fixing breakfast. The impending fight forgotten from last night and the two lazily planted soft kisses in each other's lips.
"We could do it in the kitchen." Maru whispered as her left hand started on groping her girlfriend's right butt cheek and her other hand massaging the inside of her girlfriend's thigh.
"N-no, not in the kitchen. We cook food in here." Her girlfriend moaned but all the same grinded on Maru's fingers.
"Oh, yes!"
When they reached to the living room they discovered that there were no curtains on their full glass wall.
"Bedroom." Her girlfriend started to pull her to their room but Maru look so scandalized and pulled her hand.
"Just... Just not there, please?"
Her girlfriend looked at her confused.she then headed straight to their room and started to open all the doors of their closet. Maru could ony watch her reach out again and started on checking if there was hidden doors or something.
When the last of the doors are closed, her girlfriend look like she was about to cry.
"Orion!" She called and dog bounced to their bedroom. "I'm going to walk the dog out." She announces and picked her coat and plucked the lead hooked beside the door. "I'm eating breakfast outside."
The door clicked shut.
"Autolock enabled."
For the first time, Maru felt ashamed.
Maru walked to the closet and opened the box. Doll Haruka was smiling brightly at her. She wore a white nightgown and there was a little dirt on her arm.
"I'm going to take care of you."
After cleaning up Haruka, she had the doll dressed up in some pretty sundress, matched her shoes to the color of her handbag and placed some sunglasses on her hair.
"Beautiful." Maru says and tears fell from her eyes.
She placed doll Haruka back in the box and waited for her girlfriend to return, her fingers deep in Paru's fur.
When the girlfriend returned, the two of them had red-rimmed eyes, flushed cheeks and red swollen lips. The two embraced tightly and cuddled on the couch and spent the rest of the morning watching some old Japanese gameshow.
Two days later, the girlfriend discovered some blonde strand of hair on their bathroom sink.
She clutched the strand of hair tightly and stopped herself from crying.
"Love..." Her girlfriend says as the two of them lied on their bed, equally naked as Maru acting as the big spoon and her girlfriend's back on her.
"You'll tell me when there's another person, right?" Her girlfriend whispered.
"Huh? What brought this on?"
"Please... Just tell me when that time comes, okay?"
"I don't understand."
"Please..." She trembled and Maru thinks this is her fault. She embraced her tightly as her girl curled in tighter to herself.
"I will... I promise." Maru says, but she knew that it would impossible.
"Thank you." She sobbed.
Four days later, the girlfriend found a small piece of jewelry on the carpet. It was a small tack earring with a small diamond on the end of the thin wire.
She placed it carefully on a piece of tissue and put it on the coffee table, where Maru could see it whenever she looks for it.
She left home in a hurry and came back by midnight — drunk.
Maru doesn't wear an earring.
Maru had enough. Her girlfriend doesn't even speak to her anymore. One day her girlfriend came home drunk, ignored Maru's nagging and questions of where she had been to or who was with her. Maru bristled when her girlfriend continued to ignore her and drunkenly dropped herself to bed without removing her socks and coat.
Maru just sighed to herself and started on undressing her girl. She wiped her body with warm water, clothed her and kissed her forehead worriedly. When she tucked her lover to bed and when settled beside her, Maru can feel her tremble and soft sobs whacked her small body. Maru did as best she could, holding into her lover afraid that when Maru wakes up, she would be gone.
Maru can't even understand what was happening. One week in their new home and their relationship is falling apart. She thinks that this is some curse or something. She definitely heard the landlord says that it was pre-owned by a married couple and decided to sell the place when they got divorced.
But Maru wasn't even religious. She paced on the kitchen sporting a new apron with the same design as doll Haruka, which was sitting on the countertop, her resin legs dangling on air.
"What should I do?" Maru whispered as she paced back and forth. "This definitely started when we made love in that new bed. She started on saying like there was some sort of third party between us."
Maru paused from her pacing and looked at the doll straight in its glassy eyes.
"She isn't cheating on me, right?" Maru whispered and she sunk on the nearby seat. "But she's not like that."
Maru thinks of the times her girlfriend pushed her when she tried to kiss her. There was one time when Maru playfully planted a kiss on her cheek, too overjoyed that she found the missing earring of doll Haruka the day before but her girlfriend only ducked away from her and ran to the bathroom muttering that she's going to be sick. Maru only ignored that time because after that encounter, she can hear wretching and vomiting in the bathroom. When Maru later came with a glass of water, she was again ignored as her girlfriend tells her that she wants some tea instead.
Maru watched doll Haruka which was smiling at her, never judging and also never talking. She sighed and Maru untied the apron from doll Haruka and started to pick another set of clothes from the box.
"Today, Haruka's going be a guest-host in a talkshow. Let's try to match her up."
Maru was excited, there was a new package delivered to her before dinner and when she opened it, it was the new curtains she had ordered online. Hiroko helped her match it up on the interior of their living room, also choosing the design and quality that would be suited during daytime and night.
Orion sniffed at the new curtain, followed by Paru who left after a few sniffs, uninterested. Jurina only swam by and the lovebirds ignored it, too busy cuddling on their perch.
"Autolock enabled."
The sound pulled Maru out of her thoughts and walked towards the foyer, welcoming her tired girlfriend as she plucked her shoulder bag and gathered her coat.
"Welcome home!" Maru greeted her lovingly. She was excited to do the most awaited deed on their couch. She knows that her girlfriend is looking forward to it. Maru though hard and she traced the problem way back when they tried to do it the living room but found out of the lack of curtains. Now, there are two beautiful heavy set of curtains hiding their privacy away from the public's eyes.
Maru placed the bag and coat on an armchair and led her girlfriend to the couch.
"I know that we should be choosing the curtain together but I wanted to surprise you."
Maru watched her girlfriend crane her neck and spare a look at the said curtain.
"I asked someone who is expert in this field. I showed her our interior and she said beige would suit our living room well. Then I had her picked among some items I personally liked but she said, I should choose this kind of material because it's durable, eash to clean and — Eh?! Why are you crying?"
Maru panickedly kneeled in front of her girlfriend as she started to cry. Maru tried to hold her hand but her girlfriend clutched at a throw pillow.
"Babe, what's wrong?"
"I'm not your baby!" Her girlfriend shouted which shocked Maru. "I—I... Let's breakup." She deflated and started crying harder.
"W-what do you mean? I... We just..." Maru started on babbling, she can't understand this situation. Her girlfriend should like her surprise. She was very sure of it when she picked the design, even their dog approves of it. She started on rummaging her thought of what to say but she's reaching nowhere and she's starting to feel so helpless. Then her thoughts stopped altogether and Maru can only think what can make her beloved stay."... So much. I—I love you so much."
"Do you?!" Her girlfriend snarled and threw the pillow at her. "You were... You were ch-cheating on me."
Maru gawks and she threw the pillow back to the couch. "I'm not! I'm not cheating on you. Where did you get that idea?" Maru softened her glare, there must be some reason why her beloved girlfriend acts like that. But there wasn't anybody else. She had remained loyal and so, so inlove with this girl that sometimes it scares her. "Tell me who told you that!"
"No one!" There were tears on her girlfriend's eyes, rolling to her cheeks, never ending. And Maru badly wanted to brush them away. "You bought this damn curtain with her, right?!" She waves forcefully at the curtain and surprising Orion and Paru which made tge two fluffs raced to the kitchen.
"No way! Hiroko-san helped me buy it!"
"Excuses!" She scoffed and shoved Maru. "Who's that girl you were hiding then? You even let her entered OUR apartment! I saw a blonde hair on the sink when neither of us had dyed hair! And–and there's this earring I saw the other day. I don't own that one and I know don't even wear one! Tell me if that isn't proof enough! And on our second night–oh, god, our second night into OUR NEW home and you invited someone else into OUR room. Just who is that you were hiding that night in that damned closet?!!" Her girlfriend heaved and like a burnt out candle she stopped crying as she realizes something.
"I'm going to... move out." Her girlfriend says and it's enough to bring Maru out of her shock.
"No..." Maru whispered as she held on her girlfriend's hand.
"I should leave... Now!" She says as she tried to free her arm, pulling it from Maru's grasp.
"No, let me explain!" "And then what?! Hurt me some more?" She pulled her arm successfully but she ended up sitting back couch instead. Maru kneeled infront of her again. Her heart ached when she saw the tears on Maru's eyes. God, she love this girl so much for letting Maru do this to her. The girlfriend thinks she doesn't deserve to be this hurt. But she also thinks that Maru shouldn't be this hurt when Maru was the one who was hurting her from the start. So, she gave up, giving small chance to fix this. To fix them.
Lacing their fingers together as Maru begged her, "Come with me. I need to show you something. Please..."
How could she deny when Maru looks so desperate to her? She nods and followed Maru to their bedroom.
Maru lets her sit on the bed as she opened the closet and got a shoe box. She placed it on her girlfriend's lap and urged her to open the box.
She gasped. The doll looked at her with a small shy smile, a blush on her resin cheeks, as she meets her owner's beloved girlfriend for the first time.
"She's... She's..." She has no words for this but Maru helpfully finished her sentence.
"She's... You."
And Shimazaki Haruka cried and laugh so hard as she clutched the box tightly, afraid to muss up the delicate doll nestled on a bunch of foamy peanuts.
"I hate you so much." Haruka says as she throw a fist to Maru's chest. Maru caught it and kissed her fingers which made her cry some more.
"I love you, too."
That night they placed doll Haruka by the couch she's wearing mini-headphones and a small laptop was perched on her lap. Beside her is Paru on her back and her white belly exposed.
The two dorks are inside their bedroom, making love slowly, kissing tears in each other's eyes as they explored a new part of their relationship.
"I still hate you for letting me cry this much." Haruka pulled Maru closer, letting their lips touch but doesn't kiss.
"I hate myself, too, if that would comfort you." Maru grinned, her eyes, too, are puffy and Haruka gently brushes some stray hair from her cheeks.
"So... She's Baby?" Haruka shyly asked.
"Hn... My Baby."
"And... And, what am I to you?" Haruka looked so small when she asked it, she held on to Maru afraid that a doll would win her lover over.
"You're my lover, my girlfriend, my partner, my everything, my forever... My love and life. My beautiful, beautiful Haruka."
Haruka blushed and she ducked her head. "You're an idiot." Haruka says, planting a soft kiss on Maru's kiss-bruised lips.
"Your kind of idiot." Maru murmured and started on deepening the kiss. "And besides, Baby and I go way back. She was everything."
There was a sparkle in Maru's eyes that made Haruka gritted her teeth. "Shut up."
"Make me — A–Ah... Haruka~"
Two months later, there was a built-in glassed-covered wooden shelves in the living room. Each shelf was designed like a room, filled furnitues and trinkets of random miniature things. And on the bedroom at the top most shelf are two dolls sitting on a miniature couch, resin hands holding and equally smitten with each other.
Doll Haruka smiled her dimpled smile while doll Maru had a small smile playing on her lips. The two are wearing a couple sweater. Pink and full of hearts.
The two are equally and irrevocably in love.
"My Baby's all grown up!" Maru sobbed as she placed doll Haruka carefully on the miniature bed, beside doll Maru.
"Someday, you'll find yourself sleeping on the couch alone." Haruka warned and pushed the glass cover close. There was a small click and she walked back a step to look at their miniatures selves looking quite contented in their bed.
"Oh... Are you jealous, Shimazaki-san?" Maru teased then wrapped her girlfriend in her arms.
"Congratulations, Hoshino-san. You just won a night in the living room." Haruka bristled as she opened the latch of the doll house and pulled doll Maru out, leaving doll Haruka with a sad smile. "Yobo and I are going to sleep in the bedroom tonight." Haruka left a gaping Maru. "I'll leave the blanket to you, it gets cold here." Then the sound of the door lock.
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