#there will be a list for the human side as well so stay tuned.
You and Your Not-So-Ticklish-But-Probably-Ticklish Gods
Hades - You try and tickle him but it doesn't work the way you wanted it to. It does, however, take his mind off of whatever kept him preoccupied (likely something Zeus gave to him to handle). Have no fear, however, because with his attention now fully on you, it's now his turn to find your most ticklish areas.
Poseidon - You try and, uh... he's so disgusted with your attempt. Don't you see the arousal disgust in his eyes? Pathetic. And so, as a 'gesture of goodwill' or, er, something like that, he drags you off somewhere more private to show you how to properly tickle him. Preferably without clothes on.
Zeus - Why would you do this? You know he'd like it. You know he'd like it too damn much. And now he wants to return the favor. Yep. Have fun.
Loki - Do. not. do. it. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200. ...Aw shit, you did it, didn't you? Be prepared to be ambushed with random tickle attacks throughout the day. And probably the night. Told you not to do it.
Buddha - All I can say is lmao. Giggle fits interspersed with makeout sessions between. Wholesome vibes all around.
Thor - You try and he stares. And he stares some more. And some more. Now it's getting awkward. That is, until he hits you with that psychotic ass, battle-horny smirk and promises to show the true meaning of tickling and proceeds to pounce on you. You've never laughed so hard and so loud in your life. The firm kiss that comes afterward seals the deal.
Shiva - Now why would you do this knowing full damn well he has multiple arms and will use said arms to tickle you EVERYWHERE? He promises not to lose the tickling battle to you and makes due on that promise.
Heracles - Ticklish like no. fucking. other. You do it because his laugh is so damn infectious and you love seeing that determined scowl turn into a genuine, boyish smile. You tickle him and next thing you know, you're wrapped up in his arms and he's extolling your virtues, and you... well, you've never blushed so damn hard before.
Odin - "lol," said Huginn and Munnin, judging you for even thinking your attempt would work all while Odin stares at you, unblinking, "LMAO."
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jamneuromain · 16 days
Another Man's Poison - Part 2
Curtis Everett x You
Warning: Shifter!Curtis Everett, Shifter!Reader, wolf transformation,
Summary: You have accidentally come across a scheme that could shatter your shifter clan and your life. Unable to think of any way to stay away from this catastrophe, you turn to Curtis for help.
W/C: 3k
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Part 1 | One Man's Meat M. List
The transformation ceremony awaits.
You and the Maximoff twins are stripped until only a sports bra and shorts are left, the bare minimum to cover your skin, standing in the middle of the forest, facing the moonlight.
Margo, being the perky princess she always is, refused to wear so little in the middle of the fucking August, the most scorching time of the year, and chose to have a large T-shirt to cover her body instead.
“Don’t be afraid of your wolf.” Paul remains in his human form, reassuring you four youngsters as the Maximoff twins tremble in either the chilliness of the earth, or the fear of transformation, “Hear it. Tune into it. Unleash it. Your wolf is a part of you as much as your limb or your eyes.”
A few wolves pace around the circle of the ceremony. You recognize Halden and Jason in their wolf form, protecting the perimeter. Sam, being the younger brother of Paul, stands in the circle of pack members, as always. Your parents are here too, watching you with encouraging eyes.
You take a deep breath and feel inside.
As if your wolf is sleeping.
Looks like the plan is on the right track.
The extremely reckless and frankly stupid plan, as Curtis calls it, involves you drinking a carefully measured vial of potion made from Wolfsbane and other herbs. Temporarily reducing your wolf's connection to the moon, hoping it would stop you from turning into one during the ceremony.
Margo, unexpectedly, as you zone out for a moment, is the first to transform.
It starts with a pained yelp, and her body crawls onto the ground, arms and legs are covered by brown fur. When she finally stands, on her four legs, she transforms fully into a large wolf, howling to the moon.
It is at that moment, when Jason and Halden attack from either side of the circle of shifters. Aiming at Paul. Margo, as well as a handful of families, joins them in their wolf form. Others, such as the Maximoff twins, shield themselves from the chaos and the riot.
Snarling. Growling. Whimpering.
While you begin to run.
Run as fast as you could. Run as if you are going to leave all of this behind you.
Twigs snap at your feet. Sharp leaves cut into your skin.
Something briefly makes your heart jump. Not the kind of squirrels or birds that spread their tails or flap their wings all of a sudden. Not the kind of scare that startles you for a second.
Something from the inside. From the bottom of your heart.
Something that … is disturbed. Is cocooned. Wanting to come out. Waiting to come out.
You stop. Leaning onto a large tree trunk. Catching your breath.
You are no expert but you know whatever frightened you wasn’t normal.
It was your wolf. Sensing possible danger and threat. It was disturbed from the slumber you put it – her in.
Not there yet. You tell yourself. If you let go right now, the wolfsbane toxin still lingers in your blood. It could make you and your wolf hurt.
You take a deep breath and lower your heartbeat. You cannot afford your wolf to come out.
Not yet.
Not until you have drunk the antidote in Curtis’ place.
A rustling noise comes from your left, which instinctively forces you to run. Run to the only place you feel safe.
Run to Curtis.
The cabin stands in the middle of the forest, on the very edge of Wilford’s and Paul’s territory. Warm yellow glow shines from the porch, shining from the creek between the door and the door frame, suggesting someone – most likely Curtis – was waiting for your arrival.
You almost break Curtis’ door open before closing it. Panting. Supporting your body weight on the wooden planks that form the door. As Curtis shoves a small vial in your hands.
“Drink.” That’s all he says.
You take his word for it, downing the vial in one gulp, and almost immediately your blood bubbles like five liters of Spritz in your veins. The poisonous wolfsbane evaporates out of every pore on your skin, dissolving into harmless air.
“Better?” His cold blue eyes focus on you, handing you a large bath towel as you almost collapse on his chair, gesturing you to wipe the sweat off your body, “I calculated the dosage. The antidote should outweigh the poison, leaving a little behind to wake your wolf.”
You could have possibly broken a marathon record just now, but at this precise moment, you are too tired to speak, only nod as a reply. You take the towel off his hands, wrapping it around your body, and gently dabbing it on your face. You can feel the sweat streaming down on the edge of your eyebrows.
The towel has a faint scent on it. You are sure it doesn’t smell like Curtis, but something softer.
Catching your breath, you tear your mind from the topic of what kind of laundry detergent he uses, and turn to the more urgent one at hand: “The connection – my wolf,” you pause briefly, trying to recall the jump in your heart, “it stirs a little on my way here, is it alright?”
Curtis grabs a few vials from the kitchen table, nearly knocking down a few glass equipment as he prepares for your ceremony. He sighs, lightly shaking his head, “I not sure … to be honest. We will only have to wait. If she pops out, no harm no foul.”
“And if not?”
Curtis bears his eyes into yours, “If she doesn’t come out by morning, then we will both be in trouble.”
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Your body can feel it. It is being called to at the wrong time, the wrong place. The moon is dropping low by the second and the right time has passed. The right time was hours ago.
Thirty minutes until the moon descends completely, you must get the wolf out.
Curtis paces around you.
"Sit down, will you? It's not like my wolf is counting your steps and waiting for the right number." You snap at him, despite knowing that you have dragged him into this mess in the first place. A little snarl slips out of your lips. Your wolf spirit is awakening, but not quite yet. Not quite there to unleash your wolf form.
Curtis has his gaze zeroing in on you. His eyes narrow for a split second before pushing two words out of his clenched teeth:
"Excuse me?"
You have been sitting on the ground for over an hour now. You have tried running, stomping, jumping around, almost everything you can do to alleviate your heartbeat and wake up your wolf. But deep down, the inside of your body has been awfully quiet.
On the other hand, Curtis has intimidated you enough regarding the topic of “what would happen if your wolf won’t come out”. There is a good chance of your wolf never waking up because the wolfsbane poison is too strong. A slim possibility would be your wolf acting out in the wrong place and at the wrong time, similar to how patients wake up from their coma. But nothing is for certain.
According to Curtis, his wolf woke when he stumbled into the woods after running away from his family. It was early, he had just reached the age of 18. And he had no pack alongside him for this process. He shifted quite painfully and nearly caused a stir in the nearby village if it were not for him running into a large tree trunk and knocking himself out cold.
"Excuse me?"
His words reach your ears, his eyes spark a glimpse of a reddish-gold, his hissing pushes and pokes you even further.
With your emotions on edge, there is no way you would slip past this chance to shove his stupid ass into his stupidly handsome face.
“Well, excuse you, but I’m trying to let my wolf out here. So, unless you have a better idea, kindly shut up and let me think.”
“It’s not about thinking.” He snaps back.
“Thanks, genius. Not sure how that’s gonna help.”
You are normally not like this. Angered. Agitated. You are kind and sweet, most of the time, and that’s why Curtis decided to help you. At least it’s one of the reasons.
His blue eyes spare you a glance.
“It’s about tapping into your raw emotions. Your primal instincts. The wolf spirit inside is all about the wilderness, not critical analysis.” He takes a deep breath to calm himself, pointing to his chest as an example, “Feel her here.”
“There’s nothing there!” You cry out due to visible frustration, “I can’t feel a goddamn thing!”
“That’s because you’re not trying hard enough!” He shouts.
“Well, maybe you killed it!” You scream.
A growl.
A growl and there is a jet-black wolf instead of Curtis.
His clothes tore off. His nose twitched. His fangs bared. What remained Curtis is the crystal blue eyes that are practically glaring daggers at you.
Another growl. And you assume he’s cursing in wolf vocabulary.
He – the wolf steps forward. And another growl rumbles from his large body. His snout is dangerously close to your face. If you run, there’s a good chance he rips your head off your shoulders.
But that riles you up even more.
“Don’t you fucking dare yell at me!” You shout back, feeling your heart is about to explode as your anger and the surge of your boiling blood travels down your limbs, “It’s not my fault that-”
Sharp claws land on the ground instead of your own hands, stopping your single-side shouting match and your thoughts as well. It’s silver, like the moon – though your sight feels different, taking a more yellowish color than your human vision. You can see more from the front and less from the sides. And your tail, it feels heavy. But natural, as you sway it like you have seen the puppies do. Your bones, your fur-coated skin, your strong legs. Everything feels new and … different.
Curtis takes a few steps back without you noticing – as you have said, your wolf side-vision is practically shit – and approaches you again in small, calculated steps.
His snout brushes the fur on your neck, sniffing you carefully.
A noise that is close to a snarl escape your lips – your snout. The anger is still running through your bloodstream, so you huff and turn, slapping his chest with your tail.
Curtis grunts in return, trotting up to sink his teeth into your fur. Not really to hurt you, but, you take a wild guess, to assert dominance.
You grumble a few dark words under your breath. You doubt you can speak “wolf”, but your ducking and escaping his bite certainly adds to the obvious fact that you won’t accept his lead.
Shaking your body like you have just emerged from the water, you put some distance between you and Curtis. There’s a tiny voice inside that yips “BITE HIM BACK” and you are fairly certain that’s your wolf. But you do your best to ignore it.
After all, you know that it is his effort that you and your wolf are intact, safe, and secure.
Curtis takes another careful step towards you, and you start to run.
Strong bones and muscles support your large wolf form, carrying you sprinting on the edge of pack territories. Your paws digging into the dirt, your nose twitching for peculiar scents in the forest, and your eyes focusing on your tracks.
Curtis catches up in just a few seconds, running along with you, bumping into your body, whether the act is out of deliberateness is unclear, but you bump into him as well.
You slow your steps into trotting, playfully trying to bite his neck. He yawns, nibbling on your front leg as an act of defiance. Somehow, it has ended up in a strangle. You tackle him on the ground, sprawling over him like it is a blanket instead of a wolf underneath. His teeth are bare and a little rumbling is simmering down his throat before he flips you over easily, howling to the moon – while the moon is practically nowhere to be seen as the sky turns a lighter shade of blue.
You take the chance and shrink to your human form, mounting on him easily as you have been living in the woods your whole life. You are more or less of a climber, which makes you giggle in triumph as you lie on his back and grip his dark fur tightly, just in case he decides to flip you over again.
He freezes.
His soft black fur wraps around your body like a second skin, which your brain realizes, in hindsight, that you ripped through your clothes during the sudden transformation, and now you are lying stripped naked on his back. On Curtis’ back.
Embarrassment floods your face as you bury your burning cheeks into his back deeper, mumbling, “Could you please take me back? I don’t have any clothes on …”
Curtis does not reply, but his action speaks for him. He turns in the direction from which you came and starts jogging towards his place.
You didn’t run very far at the beginning, and it doesn’t take long as Curtis stops at where you transformed.
You jump to the ground from his back, hurriedly covering your body with the large towel he brought in his backpack and shrugging his jacket over your shoulders. Shoes are a bummer, as you left them in your home, and the soft soil under your feet does not bother you to put some shoes on.
Curtis, now fully returned to his human form, takes his clothes to put them on behind a tree, emerging a few seconds later, dressed in a grey T-shirt and a pair of jeans.
Expecting to put the awkward ride behind your head, you whisper a soft “Thank you” and ask, “By the way, that thing you mentioned, the one possibility where the transformation could have less audience, why … or what is that? Is it like … an old ritual?”
The three a.m. tiredness is creeping up towards him. “It’s … an ancient lore.” He fumbles with his words as he walks to his cabin with you, “More like a myth, actually.”
“If we can work on this myth – I mean, it worked on me, didn’t it? Then wolves don’t have to be in their pack when they shift.” You pipe up, still very excited about the fact that you have transformed, “Think about how it would benefit the young shifters -”
“Because it has a critical, almost crucial condition.” Curtis sighs, “Can we not talk about this? It’s almost four and I’m tired.”
“But could you tell me the condition, at least?” You blink, “Please?”
Was he this annoying at the age of 19? He doubts so. But alas, shifters always say that a pair of wolves should be different, that’s what makes their mating bond tight.
Curtis is probably using the ration of sighing for the next year as he reluctantly compels himself to tell the truth.
Well, more like his wolf is encouraging him to tell the truth, or else, he’s going to annoy Curtis till his – their deaths.
He takes a deep breath.
What Curtis didn’t tell you at the beginning, was that he did not knock himself out cold as an accident. He stumbled to the edge of Paul’s territory and smelt you.
A hint of your raw and immature scent.
That put him out cold and restored his sane brain, along with the loss of his energy for running all night.
“The myth tells of only one other wolf’s presence at the transformation. The true mate’s presence.”
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By the time Jason finally has his mind free of the trivia from his pack, he agrees with your parents and starts a hunt for you. Halden traces your scent to the cabin in the woods. Curtis’ place. By then you have already gone.
Clothes and necessities packed. His pickup truck driven away. Leaving a room full of dust and herbs and creaky furniture behind.
A few sightings of a big black creature have been reported since then. Myths start to spread, claiming that a bloodthirsty bear is lurking in the forests.
But it’s just Curtis on his herbs hunt.
Such sightings always make you grin that Curtis and his wolf made their way to urban legends.
“Have you thought about joining a new pack? Treating the shifters with your herbs and potions?” You dip your toes into the lake, watching as the “terrifying” big black wolf takes another lap in the water under the moonlight.
His wolf huffs, jumping onto the shore and shaking his body, soaking your shirt with the water beads from his fur.
“Okay, okay! Point taken!” You raise your hand in defeat.
“Firstly, it’s not potions, pup, it’s called herbal medication.” Curtis returns to his human form, dries himself with a towel, and sits beside you with his jeans on. “Secondly, we’ve been near so many pack territories, and nearly nothing grows. And last,” he points towards your backpack which has your laptop and books inside, “you’ve still got your college for three more years, and we’re not going anywhere before that.”
“We could find a spot in the mountains when I graduate.” You lean onto his firm chest, feeling his heartbeat in a steady rhythm and his warmth radiating from his skin, yawning, “Just the two of us, y’know? In a small town, in the woods, with a small patch of land for you to grow the herbs … and … a small cabin … and … beds not creaky …”
Curtis presses a kiss to the top of your head as you fall asleep.
“I know, pup.” He whispers, “I know.”
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Find my Cum Together Trifecta here 👈
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TWST Character Ranked Based off Whether I Think I Could Live With them
Pt: 1
Note:I am listing this from Worst to Best and giving descriptions as to why
This man falls into the hell no category. Not because I know he will be running his blender at 5 am, or even because I would be worried about a stalker fan or the media or some shit. No no no, I would not tolerate him being my room mates for three reasons.
1. He would be yelling at me to go to bed at 10pm
2.He would be Horrified at my dark circles and overall lack or self care and I can already hear his nagging
3.Me and Vil are very particular and control freak people so the way we decorate may clash and I would not be appreciative of his bland ass diet food.
I love this boy I adore him, but I would not be able to handle him. As much as he would be useful financially he would also be a huge responsibility and I am not willing to handle him like Jamil dose purely because I don't want to put him and his family out of a job.
Not to mention he is way to friendly and as much as I would love to have him tell thr waiter I want fries I could also see him being the roommate that brings Home a bunch of friends and drags me out of my hole so no thx bby.
No, I don't need him constantly filming my home. I think he is respectful enough to ask if he could film me or post stuff about me but it's a no for me. Not to mention I think his sister's kinda fucked him up and I don't think he would be completely comfortable with a female roommate because of that.
I would be on the less tolerable side with him, like he is on the maybe train, cause like I feel like we could somewhat vibe, but I also feel like he would not stop commenting and making sarcastic remarks about my appearance and nerdyness, I would definitely punch him in the face at some point.
Not to mention this man would not do his chores and he is kinda broke so he would barely pay rent
Yet another maybe baby, I mean I dig the country shit, and the fact he is 5"1 and can kick anyone's ass, but it depends on where he is at mentally. I have personal experience with being raised in a extremely traditional and borderline sexist household with strong beliefs that are somewhat similar to what he was raised with so I get how hard it is to snap out of that mentality.
But my home is a safe space and there is no way in hell I'm letting him nring his gender norms in my house since that's a hole can of toxicity I can not deal with on a day to day basis.
TLDR: Yes to post Chapter 5 Firm no to Pre Chapter 5
Eh- I mean like maybe??? I think he would be good with his chores and would definitely be useful if a incident happened with my family, and I can deal with his screaming since i listenin to rock and shit on full volume anyways and have a tallent for tuning people out.
But then again I feel like he would be screaming in my ear every 5 minutes out of absolute horror about what I read and watch or my habits or the food. Like
HUMAN! What is this.....Media?
Uh- it's a murder podcast
I would tolerate him as a roommate, I wouldn't be too stoked about living with him, but he gives good video game and movie recommendations. I think it would be pretty enjoyable to watch a movie or play a video game with him.
I think he could handle my rants pretty well. I also feel like he is decent with chores and wouldn't be bothered by my appearance or humor since it's similar to his brothers.
Ah yes! Our goth emo bat war veteran.... I would.....mmmmmmmm...it's a cross between toleration and acceptance. I would definitely enjoying his music 10/10 and I feel like we could definitely vibe. He definitely would not be bothered with how late I stay up and I could definitely see us having a 3am conversation over Down With the Sickness by Disturbed in the background while I bake cupcakes.
He would be banned from my kitchen though, it's permanent. No takebacksies, I will litterally make Azul write up the contract.
Yet another yes but no, yes because he seems tolerable and that he wouldn't comment on my sitting in dark corners or spinning in a desk chair on the middle of the room at 2Am if I let him just have his rocks and mushrooms.
But he also kinda gives me the eerie vibes like If I piss him of or summ he won't complain but I would definitely be paranoid of stange mushrooms in my dinner.
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freddieslater · 20 days
If you are still doing your “make me write” thing, I am very intrigued by “mind-dive” (TVD) and “Vampires in Vegas” (TVD) 👀
Absolutely, I'm accepting requests for any fic on that list until I have completed all of them because clearly I need the motivation lmao
"What was it like?" Enzo asked, breaking the unsettling silence that had fallen over their cells. "Your life before all of this."
"Before I got brought here?"
"No. Your human life."
Damon blew out a deep breath. He rolled over, wincing as his left arm continued to ache. His collarbone and fingers hadn't yet fully healed from all the slicing, and he wasn't even sure if his supernatural healing extended to regrowing whole pieces of bone.
He stared at the dark, damp ceiling. If he squinted, it could almost be a deep chestnut brown, like the high ceiling of his old bedroom. The floor could not be further from the comfort of his old bed.
"It was nothing special," he said after a moment.
Enzo made a noise. "Well, that's incredibly fascinating, thank you for that delightful nugget of information."
Damon rolled his eyes. "It was the 1800s. You were there."
"Yes, but the difference is that I spent my entire life on the streets of miserable London. Unless I have completely misplaced that accent of yours or you're very good at impressions, I doubt you had the same experience."
He had him there. Damon shifted slightly and regretted it again. He heaved a sigh and rolled onto his side, facing the small gap between their cells. He found Enzo already staring back at him, arm tucked under his head.
"I grew up in Virginia," he said. "My family had an Estate."
Vampires in Vegas
"Okay, so, there might have been a teeny, tiny problem with the booking," Caroline says.
"So, fix it," Damon says.
She does that thing with her face. The look that means what's about to come out of her mouth isn't going to be something he wants to hear.
Sure enough: "I sort of can't. I tried! I went to the front desk and I tried to compel the man but it didn't work!"
"That checks out," Stefan sighs. He shrugs when Damon glances at him. "Come on, it's Vegas. Nobody knows what they're ingesting in a place like this. There's probably vervain everywhere."
That worries him less than the idea that they're surrounded by unknown supernatural beings. He casts another quick look around him doubtfully, his skin itching uncomfortably more than usual.
Bonnie shrugs. "Well, then we'll just have to double up if we can't get another room. Caroline, Elena and I can all take a room." She flashes them both a grin that gets returned as she adds: "It'll be like a sleepover."
"Nope." Damon shakes his head. "Mhm. I'm not sharing with dumb, dumber and dumbest. Especially not him, he snores."
Jeremy rolls his eyes. "Are you ever not a dick?"
"It's fine," Stefan says, ever the peacekeeper. "Jeremy, Tyler and Matt can go in the room with the double and the bunk beds."
"As much as I don't hate you, Stef, I don't want to share a room with you," Damon tells him. "So, why don't you join the children in their room and then Enzo and I can take the last room. We practically shared a cell for five years, might as well share a room."
"Hold on," Jeremy chimes back in, gesturing at him, "why does he get to share with his boyfriend when we're all stuck in separate rooms? What if I wanted to stay with Bonnie? Wouldn't it make more sense to pair up that way?"
Damon rolls his eyes, just barely resisting the urge to groan again. He's already tired of this discussion. Tuning out as the group breaks into overlapping protests and suggestions, he breaks away entirely, motioning Enzo with him. They wind through the crowd toward the elevators and head up to find their room.
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sharpestasp · 5 months
Music Meme
List five artists that you listen to multiple albums on. Feel free to expound on any of them.
1. Corey Hart - Most of you are likely only aware of "Sunglasses at Night" though some might remember "Never Surrender".
For me, I listen to his first seven albums damn near on repeat for mental and emotional health. A Canadian Singer-Songwriter, honored a few times in the Canadian music industry, Corey Hart is that strange mix of eclectic phrasings, good music, and different point of view that got me through much of the 90s. I'd been aware of him from his second album in real time, so from the 80s, but actually tracking down all of his then-produced albums and staying on top of it was a balm on my mind.
Is he an amazing songwriter? No. But he's comforting to me, and that's what I needed.
~ Oddball fact - when I bought Celine Dion's Let's Talk About Love, I listened to it BEFORE I read the liner notes. And ID'd BOTH songs Corey Hart had written for the album, without even knowing he'd contributed. ("Miles To Go" and "Where is the Love")
2. Queensryche - So when I was a kid, I hung out at a roller rink ran by metal-heads who may or may not have been hippies at some point, and definitely weren't managing any illegal activities. I was actually unnerved the first time I went to a rink that was A) brightly if gaudily lit and B) playing pop music, because MY roller rink was my formative experience. And they introduced me to Queensryche LONG before "Silent Lucidity" put them in the mainstream, and before my fiancé raved about Operation: MINDCRIME to me.
I came into their works on their second full length album, acquired it and the demo album and the first full-length album, and was always happy to see them on Headbanger's Ball. I still listen to over half their discography, and sometimes just put it on repeat. Even with the split in the band, I will listen to the new albums, and sometimes they still light my heart on fire.
~ Oddball fact - I have seen the band play in three different venue styles. My first was in an Arena (The Promised Land Tour), the second was in a House of Blues where I was damn near at the stage (Operation: Mindcrime II Tour), and in a small theater style (American Soldier Tour). I will say they have the range to adapt to their environment.
3. Nickelback - Another Canadian entry! Like most Americans, it was the Silver Side Up album that hooked me. I actually am not overly fond of the albums prior to it, but I have liked most of the ones after. I know people meme-hate on them as being bland or auto-tuned or too commercial, but guess what? I can fucking sing along with them and enjoy the lyrics. The love songs hit me in my guts. The rockboy badass songs make me smile. Even some of the more sexist sounding ones leave me going 'the woman is coming out on top here'. And well, "Never Again" as well as "Lullaby" just own my soul.
~ Oddball fact - My buddy's band back in NC did a lot of covers. R, who was the singer, flat out said he was never going to keep up with "Animal" and that's okay, because the crowd usually took over. And then we all did jaegerbombs to celebrate the hilarity of it. Second fun fact, my buddy usually passed all the extra bombs my way, knowing (back then) I had a higher constitution for them than R did.
4. Enigma - The first three albums. Loop them, put them on softly, and use them to sleep by or calm my ass down. Not really much else to day on this, because these are ones where the human voice is literally just an instrument in the music for me. I don't sing along, even when I can make out the lyrics, because it is most effective as a whole for me.
~ Oddball fact - when I had it on cassette to listen to, I was usually out like a light by the time the first album hit "Callas Went Away".
5. Sarah McLachlan - OH LOOK another Canadian has appeared. I entered into awareness of her with Fumbling Towards Ecstasy, found her previous albums, and check in on her every now and then when I need a vocalist I love. She has a similar handle on lyrics to Corey Hart -- sometimes it seems like those words should not fit to music and yet. I find myself moved to tears on many tracks, and find the resonance of her voice in just right for me.
~ Oddball fact - I think the first time I saw her on television was Macy's Parade, and it was the song she did for Charlotte's Web, long after I'd begun stalking her music.
Feel free to take the idea and run with it. I might find new music from all of your tastes!
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screamingfromuz · 7 months
Hey, wanted to thank you for making a list of reputable charities to donate to. Its pretty much the most comprehensive list that I've seen passed around. I also hope you and yours stay safe in this hell you are currently in. And I am very very sorry on the antisemitism you have experienced on here and well, anywhere else really.
No problem! I am working on a much more comprehensive part 2 with more solidarity projects and charities to help the Israeli side, so keep tuned. It will take a while because there are so many, and like 50 projects popped out of nothing in the last month, and not all of them are open to international donating.
And I am rather safe, as are my people (well, as much as we can in a war zone, but we got lucky this far). I honestly was expecting the vile antisemitism, not it that amount and magnitude, but I was at least partially ready for it. What I was not ready for the horrible discarding of human life, but I learned my lesson.
Thank you for the kind words
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confusedspaceotter · 1 year
Daily avatrice analysis (day 8)
day1 day2 day3 day4 day5 day6 day7 day8 day9
mental health was shit so let’s write about Avatrice :) 
Ep 9 part 2
First of all,
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We have Sister “I am trying to tell my crush i like her so i pat her for 0.01 second” Beatrice
and Ava “I am a golden retriever and my owner(? is leaving so I follow” Silva
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I always thought this is such a cool transition so I just wanted to show you all
also height difference
where are my fellow 5’2 humans at
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Normalized turning to your wife sister warrior randomly to check rather she is okay
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Okay this is a Interesting interaction 
The first look from Bea is just bea observing 
She saw that Ava was not feeling alright 
She is feeling uncomfortable for some reason 
So the second look is Bea trying to investigate, to figure out the reason why Ava is uncomfortable 
Only this time Ava look at her back
So she is forced to act 
Because she can’t worry about Ava in secret(? now
So she did the logical thing
And the thing that works last time
Just ask her if she is okay 
And Ava would told her 
Ava’s answer was
“I’m just realizing that I’m not a big fan of cemeteries.”
But that’s not what she is really saying 
Her explanation to why she dislikes cemeteries is because it reminds her of her own death 
But we all know death is not what she is afraid of
Is being alone 
Which is why Bea’s response is aimed to reassure Ava, she is not alone anymore 
Bea then said 
“Well you are not exactly in luck.”
A witty opener(to miss I’m must be serious at all times Beatrice I would say that’s witty)
“Necropolis literally means city of the dead.”
Fighting emotions with facts and logic since day one
This is how Beatrice comforts people
Trying to get them to see the logical side of things 
She is the type of friends where if you go to her with relationships problems
She would end up making 2 spreadsheets, a chart, and 5 separate pros and cons list 
And we love her for it 
Because Ava is the opposite 
She thinks with emotions more, compared to Bea
Which is why the Vatican heist went from just stealing Adriel’s bones to destroying them
And that’s why their dynamic works so well
this show and parallels???
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Not sure if someone talked about this before but 
The way Ava’s hair looks like mommy mother superion’s scar???
I don’t know much about cinematography, but this is cool 
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side note, I love the relationship between ava and mother superion sm
they went from 
boss bitch is here to mother Goddd character development we love to see it 
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Two things here
Ava baby never change 
one word for Bea: Whipped 
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Here we got more proof that Ava is smart 
She took one look at the crate and just knows??
What kinda TV shows she’s watching 
Or she just calculated it in her head??
I have so many questions about this
Also side note, Avatrice Tomb Raider AU?? The vibes are aligning I can feel it
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Are you telling me sister Faith is my business Beatrice just make a pun joke????
I’ve got nothing to say about this other then :
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Lastly I just wanted to say
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baby girl went from I wanted to live 
Also I headcannon the reason why she is whispering things to herself here is because back at the orphanage she does the same thing in her head to comfort herself 
Just little words of encouragement/reminder 
Things that she is fighting/living for 
In this case is the OCS crew
Last ep of season 1 tmr
Stay tuned :)
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bluedalahorse · 5 months
Hi! Could you recommend some sapphic romance novels (preferably not fantasy or science fiction, because I'm not really into these genres)? I saw you mention that you read a lot of them!
Hope you have a great day/night 💜
Hi @impossibleknots! Thank you for the ask. Happy to do some sapphic book recs, and if you stay tuned for a post in response to my next ask there will be additional book recs as well.
So this is a list made to my personal taste—it may not be to anyone else’s taste. I’m aroace-spectrum with some slight sapphic tendencies, and a lot more aro than ace, so my taste for adult romance books tends to be on the explicit side rather than the sweet and chaste side. Like, I don’t wanna read books that are afraid of the part where the sapphic characters are attracted to one another and wanna act on it, you know? And sometimes I come across books that seem to be very afraid of bodies.
For YA, obviously my tastes are a bit different, and I prefer things not be explicit. (While also not like, hiding that teenagers have sexualities.) I’m including some YA sapphic recs because I’m fairly well-read in YA stuff and it never hurts to have more books.
Historical Recs
Pretty much any sapphic novel by Olivia Waite. You cannot go wrong with Olivia Waite! She usually writes in early to mid 19th century England. Her books hit a good blend of cozy and spicy, and the heroines are always doing something like, running a con to bring down exploitative industrialists or similar.
I just finished An Island Princess Starts a Scandal by Adriana Herrera and while it’s certainly got its over-the-top at moments (the butch duchess and the femme heiress do absolutely hook up in the butch duchess’s private box at the opera) it’s over-the-top in ways that I personally found fun. It’s set in 1880s Paris and both of the heroines are Latin American, and it’s interesting seeing the way the book shows the ex-pat communities and the artsy sapphic communities in Paris at the time.
Contemporary Recs
Cleat Cute by Meryl Wilsner is about soccer lesbians and as someone who imprinted on Bend it Like Beckham I recommend it very much. It had a surprise neurodivergence storyline I wasn’t expecting that took delight in all the same.
Honey Girl by Morgan Rogers is EXCELLENT. It’s more on the line between sapphic romance and coming-of-age novel, so some of it feels more character arc focused than romance focused, but it’s a great “young adult figuring things out” story.
Delilah Green Doesn’t Care by Ashley Herring Blake and For Her Consideration by Amy Spalding are not my top top tier recs but they do have charming ensembles of characters surrounding the story.
Young Adult
Last Night at the Telegraph Club by Malinda Lo: I mentioned this on my longer recs list, but it’s getting a mention a second time because I cannot fathom why more people I know haven’t read it. Forbidden love in 1950s San Fransisco! Self-discovery! Family history! Chinese-American history! The Cold War! And I feel like it hits so many of the same emotional beats and complex approaches to characters that Young Royals does, so I’m determined that every Young Royals fan should at least try it.
The Love Curse of Melody McIntire by Robin Talley: Robin Talley’s written some not so good books over the years but I think she’s finally finding her niche with this one and with Pulp and Music from Another World. This book is set over the rehearsal of a high school theatre group putting on Les Miserables, and it’s told from the point of view of the stage manager who is NOT supposed to fall in love with one of the female leads but she does. Part of the book is told through stage manager emails and it’s truly hilarious if you’ve ever been involved with theatre in any capacity.
Imogen, Obviously by Becky Albertalli: Becky Albertalli gets a bad rep for being like, the vanilla-vanilla cupcake with no sprinkles of LGBTQIA+ writing? Which is just not fair and it’s such a mischaracterization of her as a human being and a writer, and a lot of it also comes down to how her books have been adapted and marketed. I could go on about that but ANYWAY I like this book and how it grapples seriously with things like bi erasure (Becky’s drawing from her own life here) while also having silly college kids engaging in Antics and jokes about a giant sculpture of scissors.
…and that’s my rec list for now! I hope this list helps and that you are having a great day!
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undeniablyares · 2 years
This was a fun little post that was going on around Twitter that I wanted to share here for those that follow me here. ✨
1. Accidentally Demonic. It is hands down my favorite fic of mine to read and write, and I only have 3 chapters out currently. Just based on the overall tone, what I've done so far, and what's to come based on my chapter maps/planning, I think it will be one of my best works ever. Y'all are really in for it.
2. Accidentally an Oiran is my most popular fic. The sheer amount of support, engagement, and interest will forever be mind-boggling to me. It was my first long fic, my first Akaren story I started, it brought me out of my shell and introduced me to all you amazing people within the KNY fandom. It will always hold a special place in my heart, and I'm forever grateful for all of you that enjoy it. 🔥❄️
3. Breathe. It's weird, sad af, and wildly out of character, but I think we need more Senjuro-centered fics. I adore character studies, and a badass, dark version of Senjuro is just so fucking cool. I also think it's the most mature thing I've written as I try to characterize a tough, clever, slayer Senjuro who is fueled by grief and spite. I'm dying to get back to it so I can keep the plot going.
4. I am such a sap for the childhood friends to lovers trope in romance/erotica. I'm also into that weird, one-sided pining where the other is an idiot and doesn't realize their friend has always been in love with them until much later, then falls for the friend and it becomes mutual pining until one nuts up and finally confesses. Confusing slow burns have me in a chokehold. 😅🥲
5. Soulmates alternate universes are probably my least favorite trope to read or write. This likely stems from my own spiritual beliefs and ideas about the universe, more than anything else. Not bashing the idea at all, as it's adorably romantic, it's just not my favorite. Reincarnation alternate universe ideas are different, though. I'll fuck with a reincarnation au anytime. 😅
6. I have a longer fic idea that I want to do with either a slayer Akaza or Hakuji and Pillar Kyo, where Kyo gets turned into a demon at the beginning and Akaza/Hakuji has to fight to try and find a cure for him, or like a Tokyo Ghoul sort of scenario that rewrites Mugen Train to have Kyo survive from a makeshift transfusion of Akaza's blood and becoming a half-demon from it. (I really love demon Kyo ideas 🫣)
7. Accidentally an Oiran is my longest fanfic currently, but not my longest work ever. I write original fiction that's longer that is dark fantasy/horror and erotica with LGBTQ+ characters that I am currently editing and hoping to actually publish one day.
8. Snake Eyes, the Akaren Week mythology prompt, is currently my shortest fic.
9. My list of collaborations that I inwardly pine for consists of working with some of my favorite Akaren writers, but I'm far too nervous to ever initiate anything with anyone else. My faves are GremlinCat, Blueberrybagel, saigne, OllieWritesAll, GodlessOx, and BTS2016dia on AO3. I can dream, anyway. 😅🫣 That being said, all Akaren is good Akaren. I am always down to collab with anyone about anything Akaren at any time. This also goes for artists that are interested in me writing stories to go along with their art or comics. My DMs are literally always open to anyone. 😌
10. My most used tags are Kyojurou lives, porn with plot/feelings, and anal. I am a predictable man with fine tastes. 😂
11. My AO3 account is linked at the bottom. The update schedule is going to be, for the very near future: Ch. 3 of Bad Pillar, the Wet and Messy | Massages | Body Worship Akaren Kinktober prompt, Dubiously Married Part 3, and chapters 3 for Accidentally Human and Accidentally Reborn. The 2023 update schedule will likely consist of more with the Accidentally Routes, the longer modern au BDSM Akaren fic I'm planning, and the Demon Rehab fic. Stay tuned, friends. Trying to feed y'all well. 😌
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kursed-curtain · 1 year
Sealing the Deal
A @threeadventurers AU Fic
(Sea Adventurers, feat. Sea Monster!Guybrush, Zora!Link, and Selkie!Graham)
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Chapter 1
The refreshing sea breeze along the coastal marketplace brought the nautical trio some well-needed comfort. Guybrush lingered behind to smell the salty air, while Link and Graham walked with a skip in their step.
"What's the rush?" Guybrush gabbed. "We're not late for anything."
Graham walked backwards, flapping his hands while he talked. "I know, but there's so many stalls and fun smells! Like… ooh!" Graham zoomed over to a stall selling painted seashell art.
Link gestured in Graham's direction. "And that's why we have to keep up," Link huffed, though lighthearted and used to this by now.
After buying a few colorful shells with fun-feeling textures, Graham waved thanks to the seller. He backed up, bumping into what felt like a wall. Graham met eyes, not with bricks, but with a burly, brick-like woman.
"Oh, sorry I didn't notice you there!" Graham chimed. The woman's expression stayed cold and unreadable, simply scanning him without a word. Graham flipped up his pelt's hood and simply maneuvered around her. He rejoined Link and Guybrush. Graham shivered, "Humans are weird, huh?"
"Tell me about it. I've been getting eyed since we got here," Link crossed his arms and squinted at a shopkeeper. "Is it really that rare to see a zora around these parts?"
Guybrush and Graham glanced at each other, then shrugged.
The smell of baked goods caught the trio's attention. Graham clapped his hands, then rushed into the portside cafe.
The three of them exited with their desired treats. Guy plopped down at a cafe table, then slipped off his coat to let the cool winds sink in. Graham giggled at the way Guy had propped himself up – where little blue patches of octopus skin peeked out from Guy's rolled-up sleeves. Link and Graham sat themselves beside Guybrush, with Graham setting down his cloak as well.
"Port cities aren't that bad," Guybrush continued from their last conversation, "I've been to a few and only about two thirds of them wanted to arrest me. One third… or less than one third, is still a pretty good amount, right?"
Link leaned on his hand. "I think being on the wanted list in the first place is a bad sign. Though, I understand what it's like."
Graham looked up from his food, his mouth still full. "I'm concerned for both of you."
"Eh, comes with being a Mighty Pirate™." Guy shrugged, smirking.
The three of them broke into laughter, then continued eating their food.
"I'm not as concerned about this being a port city as I am about this being a fishing hub," Link lowered his voice. "You know, since we have a sea monster, a seal, and a zora in one place? Should we even be staying here for the night?"
"It's not like we don't draw attention in other cities too," Graham chimed in, "On the positive side, Guy and I can pass as human, and I don't think people would openly attack a zora. They haven't so far!"
Link nodded, though still wary. Guybrush slipped out of his chair to go throw their trash.
Link gestured for Graham to follow. "It'll get dark soon. We should find someplace to room together before then."
Graham hopped out of his seat, still hyped about the journey ahead of them, and what was to come. Guybrush joined back in, joking about the pains he went through for a trash can. Graham impulsively let out an excited bark, getting a chuckle out of Link.
The sun started to set, and the cold air was less refreshing and more chilling. Graham went to pull up the edges of his cloak when…
…Where was his pelt?
Graham turned back without question, tuning out the questions from his friends.
When he reached their spot at the cafe, his heart sank.
His pelt was gone.
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capns-stash · 2 years
I see you've found the stash. Lucky you!
This is the NSFW/18+ sideblog of @captcouch.
Although it may be obvious, plainly put: you will see sexually-oriented adult content on this Tumblr blog. This blog is NOT WELCOME to users who are under the age of 18. Please read this post before following!
Please see the "This Blog Blocks..." (red header) section for blockable offenses. I try to keep them pretty "common-sense."
About Me
Hey! I'm @captcouch , and I manage this sexy, sexy blog! I've been on Tumblr since 2007, unfortunately, and I'm not allowed to leave (hey, I don't make the rules). While I've had this specific sideblog handy for fap material since at least 2018, I decided to fully-embrace running a NSFW Tumblr blog in 2022.
I'm 30 years old, bisexual, and polyamorous. I was raised male, but I'm non-binary genderfluid. Either "they/them" or "he/him" pronouns are okay to use to refer to me.
I have a lot of Opinions(TM) about and experiences with love, sex, personal relationships, monogamy and consensual non-monogamy, as well as related topics. I'm the opposite of a sage, but a blog is a good place for stuff like that, so you'll probably see a few of my ramblings posted here and there.
While I won't say "No topic is off-limits," I'm a pretty open book about a lot of things! If there's anything you want to know, or if you just want to drop a friendly "hello," my ask box is open!
Expect to See:
Reblogs of content from my favorite adult content creators on Tumblr!
Reblogs of adult-oriented art content, uploaded either by the creator, with permission from the creator, or under Fair Use. If a post I reblogged violates this, please let me know via an ask!
The occasional homegrown nudes & lewds of my willing friends and committed romantic partners. They're a bunch of hot geeks, freaks, and dorks that want to use my NSFW blog as a way of showing off their sexy side. See "About My Friends'/Partners' Photos" (green header, below "This Blog Blocks...") for important info!
Thoughts, opinions, stories, jokes, questions, and answers about sex, sexuality, dating, relationships, kink, and other related topics. Some are from other blogs, and some are my own! Feel free to send me an ask about anything!
My own hornyposting (blogging, fiction, etc.), most likely meaning: me embarrassing myself on the Internet but posting it anyway. 😅
Maybe my own nudes & lewds. Big maybe. Entirely dependent on my own self-esteem. On that matter, stay tuned!
This Blog Blocks, Without Exception:
Followers and interacters who are under the age of 18 or found to be lying about being 18+. This is for VERY important legal reasons to protect me, you, and the subjects of the photos uploaded to this blog. Minors are NOT welcome here.
Followers and interacters with no age listed in their blog profile/pinned. Again, for VERY important legal reasons. It's your choice not to list your age. It's my choice to block ageless blogs. You'll get over it.
Blank blogs (default icon, no reblogs, no theme). Even if you're a human, you look suspicious using Tumblr that way.
Blogs that upload or mostly reblog stolen porn and other stolen adult content. This includes reuploaded GIFs from PornHub, RedTube, et al, as well as from other Tumblr content creators. Nobody's perfect, but it's easy enough to tell who cares enough not to reblog stolen content. If content on a post I reblogged was stolen, or if content from this blog was stolen and uploaded elsewhere, please tell me in an ask!! Help out small-time adult content creators and stop porn thieves!!
Pedophiles, ephebophiles, lolicon fetishists, and other minor-attracted persons/MAPs/NOMAPs. You are NOT welcome here. "No exceptions" means no exceptions.
TERFs and others with exclusionary or overall bigoted beliefs towards any gender, race, color, sexuality, national origin, language, or adult-consenting cultural practice. You are NOT welcome here. Black lives matter, trans rights are human rights, and Native families deserve the rights to raise their own children and tend their ancestral lands.
Blogs and users who are anti-sex work or anti-sex worker.
Blogs and users who don't respect/follow any Do Not Interact/DNI rules & requests listed on a post, whether it be ones I made, ones made by my friends or partners, or ones made by the blog owner of a post I reblogged. It's not that hard to respect other people and perform basic accommodation, and it's not that hard for me to block you either.
"Unicorn hunters" and polyamory fetishists. There are many ways to ethically participate in consensual non-monogamy. Fetishizing polyamory and polyamorous people, as well as predatorily seeking people for sex under a false pretense of polyamory, are not included in that. These have damaging, real-life consequences for us and our poly partners who love us and care deeply about us. You probably aren't just hurting one person - you're hurting potentially many other people: an entire family.
Feeder blogs, race/ethnicity fetishists, trans fetishists, "gender chasers," disability fetishists, and related topics. People don't deserve to be reduced to sexual fetishes for who they innately are.
Sexual degradation blogs that go beyond a controlled fantasy-space and enter an abusive space.
Cucking blogs won't be singled-out and blocked by virtue of being cucking blogs (we don't kinkshame here), but be it stated, to the best of my knowledge, neither I or any of my friends or partners are into cucking, and you'll be blocked if you're weird about it. Past experience has shown that people will unfortunately be weird about it.
Anyone who harasses any of my family, friends, romantic partners, Tumblr mutuals, blog followers, or other associates. You will be dealt with accordingly. Find a new hobby or something, jeez!
Bots, Google AdSense harvesters, search engine crawlers, IFTTT and similar automation workflow blogs. The only robots allowed here are the sexy kind, not the spying kind or spammy kind.
Blogs attempting to solicit serious illegal criminal activity, especially drugs and human trafficking.
Blogs that advocate/dedicate themselves to perpetuating/glorifying physical & emotional abuse of humans & animals, eating disorders, or self-harm outside of a non-abusive sexual context between consenting adults (such as a BDSM fantasy).
Blogs and users known to be harmful to the Tumblr adult content creator community. This includes but isn't limited to things like the offline personal abuse of a content creator, as well as general hostility towards the overall community or a specific creator in my network.
People I don't like or just feel the need to block. Maybe you're a jerk. Maybe you're horribly wrong about my blorbos. Whatever the reason, we'll both move on with life.
About My Friends'/Partners' Photos:
Important: If you're going to follow this blog for any length of time at all, I'd hope you'll at least read this section. I don't like to sound like a lawyer (and a lawyer I am not), but there's some important things here to cover.
It also aims to act as an FAQ of sorts re: my friends' & partners' photos. If you feel that I'm missing anything important, please reach out to me via an ask.
Photos uploaded to this blog featuring my friends or romantic partners were uploaded with their willing permission, as well as their informed, knowing, and enthusiastic consent.
Permission and consent were provided by my friends or partners prior to uploading and posting the photos. All subjects were not under the influence of any intoxicating substance at the time that consent and permission were provided.
Permission and consent provided by the subject(s) are documented securely. Yes, this can mean a lot of work for both them and me. Yes, we think it's worth it. We're freaks, and you're welcome.
All subjects involved are informed of and understand the circumstances and potential consequences of having their nude & lewd photos uploaded to the public Internet and, specifically, Tumblr.
All subjects involved are aware that they may revoke the previously-provided permission & consent to have their photos posted to this blog, and it will be both documented and honored to the absolute best of my ability. That means I will delete or edit (based on the subject's preference) any and all posts on this blog containing photos which the subject wants removed, even if they are not the only subject whose photo(s) is/are in the post, and even if they are not the only subject(s) of the photo(s). I will do my best to find each and every post involved and take the appropriate action. Each subject has a tag, chosen personally by them, corresponding to posts whose photos feature them, allowing the posts to be easily amended or removed. I take this topic very seriously.
All subjects involved understand that removing or editing the original Tumblr post does not stop existing reblogs from appearing elsewhere on Tumblr or being reblogged by other blogs. Plainly-put, they are already well-informed in advance that their nudes & lewds can still be found and viewable in this way, and have readily accepted this circumstance prior to their photos being posted here.
Should I cease to be personally involved with the subject(s), posts featuring photos of my now-ex-partner or ex-friend will be immediately removed from this blog, unless said person makes it known to me that they still permit and consent to having their photos posted here, which will also be properly documented. This blog refuses to make or support "revenge porn," and I take this topic very seriously as well. The subjects are very personally close to me, and the photos wouldn't be taken or uploaded if both they and I didn't have an already-existing long-term personal or romantic relationship built on mutual love, trust, shared personal values, and healthy communication habits (plus a healthy dosage of perversion!). The subjects communicate with me on a regular basis to ensure continued permission & consent.
The subjects provided me with permission to share their photos, but this does NOT mean you have permission to be rude to them, harrass them, make disparaging comments to/about them or about their bodies, stalk them, be creepy to them, or follow them on Tumblr and other social media/communication channels. Practice common decency, or lose the privilege of seeing the photos they wanted to share.
All the same, they did NOT provide you with permission to re-upload the photos anywhere else. Unless permission is provided by the subject, or the subject chooses to upload them elsewhere, ONLY this blog is allowed to upload and post them here. If you find their photos uploaded elsewhere without permission, whether that be another Tumblr blog or another website, PLEASE let me know in an ask ASAP!! Help out small-time adult content creators and stop porn thieves!!
While I manage this blog, the photos belong to the subjects, and I am merely the perverted blogger that turns their desire to share and celebrate their sexy photos with the world into a reality. I work directly with the subject(s) to make the posts featuring them into their vision of what they want shared, including captions, layout, and other fine details. Some elements may be of my own making, but I always prefer that the subject(s) approve of them first. My friends' and partners' needs and preferences ALWAYS come first.
If you are interested in gaining permission from the subject to re-upload/re-use their photos or collaborate on other content (serious, verifiable inquiries only), please reach out to them directly if their Tumblr or other social media info is available in posts featuring them. Failing that, or if that info was not made available, please reach out to this blog directly via an ask so that I may facilitate the request. Do NOT harass them or me, and practice common politeness and decency. Do not follow their Tumblr blogs expecting to see more pictures of them naked. Do not ask them if they have an OnlyFans/ManyVids/etc. Don't be a weirdo, and don't be a jerk.
My partners and friends are the world's greatest humans. While I'm highly supportive of their desire to share their hot naked pictures with the world, I am also very protective of those people. The fact that they are actively willing and enthusiastic to share photos of their bodies with the rest of us is a gift and a privilege.
As we enjoy this gift, and maybe excitedly rub one out or two over it (that's why you're here, isn't it?), remember that this is also a privilege, and that by sharing themselves in this way, they are willingly placing themselves in a position of vulnerability for you (and me too).
Above all, do not abuse this privilege, and do not take it for granted. Again, don't be a weirdo, and don't be a jerk. You should take this attitude with you when you visit EVERY amateur adult content creator's blog on Tumblr, and probably everywhere else too.
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harleyacoincidence · 3 months
Just realized that I never did an actual writeblr introduction. Whoops. Anyway!
No idea how to format this, but we're here now and there's no time like the present.
Hello writeblr, I've been with you for almost a year now (I think). You can call me Harley, and I've been writing as long as I can remember. While the stories I wrote back in elementary school aren't the best, I am still proud of how much I've improved since starting out. I've kept a few WIPs I worked on in high school (those are being finished and edited), as well as a few others I started in the past few years.
Speaking of which, here are some original WIPs you might find featured on here (whether as part of tag games, asks, or random snippets):
Tales of the Unfortunate Summoner - Demons, humans, and trauma galore! Yes, I finally named the WIP with the niece-uncle relationship between a human (Henriette) and demon (Hadeon), featuring nobody's favourite former Shakespeare demon, Blaise. If you enjoy more modern fantasy, this might be the one for you. Once I finish writing and editing it so it's up to standard, of course.
Love Corrupts Fresh Lilies (often shortened to LCFL, due to laziness) - Ah yes, another instance of "idiot protagonist messes up and now everything's destroyed"! Meet Rafflesia, the poor mistreated girl who finds herself lost in some bizarre world after escaping her cousin, Jacob. She soon becomes corrupted and ends up a machine of mass destruction. Well, that's the plan, if I ever finish it. If you enjoy dark fantasy and dark romance, you might enjoy this.
The Devoted Musician - Wow! An analog horror series based on other horror media, how original! Well, it's been seven years in the making and I'm hoping it turns out alright. If you enjoy graphic horror media, ghosts, curses, and comic relief brought to you by deceased teenagers, this is something you might be interested in. It will be available on YouTube (with the next episode coming out VERY soon), and I will post the links to the videos on here as well.
Undying Service - I've barely outlined this WIP, due to focusing on my larger projects (see items 2 and 3 on this list), but here's the gist: altar server dies and is buried in a church, which they haunt to annoy members of the clergy as well as other religious folk. They might fix the occasional thing, but this is a mystery/satire, so we can't have too much of that.
Organized Obsession - This WIP has a better outline than Undying Service (at this point, literally anything does), as well as some characters. If you saw the poll that involved "fandom discourse but turned up to 11", that's this one. This WIP has some dystopian elements to it, but is also a satire (taken more seriously, unfortunately). I don't want to spoil too much, but in this world, taking sides is a must if you want to survive.
I'm going to be releasing a WIP crash course soon (along with the next episode of The Devoted Musician, which will have a bit more substance), so stay tuned!
I hope to meet more mutuals and people to follow, and the ones that I have are the best writers I've ever had the pleasure of interacting with. If you have questions about any of my WIPs, feel free to send me an ask or tag me in a game! I try my best to respond to those as soon as I can.
(Also, obviously I have more things planned, such as smaller WIPs, possibly sharing completed works, ARGs, and even a game...but those are stories for another time.)
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thebandcampdiaries · 9 months
Ryan Graves blurring the lines between genres, while retaining a very honest, vulnerable twist.
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Ryan Graves is a musician with a focus on Christian rock and pop. Hailing from the Seattle area, he has been active since the early 90s and has had the opportunity to release many well-received projects, including 2023's "Legacy" and "Human."
His songs are personal yet engaging, drawing from influences as diverse as Alanis Morissette, Eric Champion, Michael Jackson, Justin Timberlake, Imagine Dragons, and more. Graves' latest release, "Human," is a synth-rock gem that embodies his diverse style. The album unfolds across 11 tracks, including the cinematic introduction "Enemy," with a lush electro-rock wall of sound that's sometimes reminiscent of modern Coldplay or The Killers. However, Ryan has a unique lyrical twist, with fast-paced vocal lines that are akin to rap in the verse.
The title track is one of the highlights of this album, providing a balance between electronic soundscapes and intense alt-rock melodies, not unlike artists such as Nine Inch Nails or Depeche Mode. Still, Ryan's delivery is unmistakably original, as he leaves a lasting impression with his endearing, nearly hypnotic vocals. The second track, “One Man,” is an amazing song with a stunning introduction that is somewhat reminiscent of artists such as Angels & Airwaves, especially due to the sparkly guitar melody, which offers a lush, reverb-drenched tone that’s mesmerizing and cinematic. The background vocal hooks are incredibly far-reaching and galvanizing: an amazing contrast with the gritty texture of the beat, pleasantly saturated to add some impact to the mix.
The fourth track, “Meadows,” is another excellent piece of music on this album. The song kicks in with a subtle melody, which allows the vocals to stand out. This is truly one of the most understated and personal songs on the album, and it showcases Ryan’s most vulnerable side as a songwriter and human being. The sweet sound of the guitar arpeggios adds a timeless quality to the music, and it pairs really well with Ryan’s amazing voice. The song “Dissonance” dives deeper into Ryan’s most experimental leanings, providing some interesting electronic textures and a sparse beat, which brings an intimate and somber quality to the melody.
Clocking it at 3 minutes and 34 seconds, the track “Grace” is an impressive curtain closer. As the last song on the album, this track offers a little bit of everything we’ve encountered in the set list thus far. We get roaring rock guitars, as well as synthesizers, drum machines, and edgy rock vocals with a modern flair. This is a true monolith and one of the most powerful tunes on this entire release.
These are only some of the most notable moments, but the album overall is an amazing roller coaster of quality production, insightful lyrics, and gripping melodies that won't get out of your head so easily. In conclusion, this dynamic studio work actually encompasses rock, pop, and spoken word, resulting in peppy, fun, and honest performances that are sometimes whimsical and quirky yet emotional and vulnerable. Ryan is a perfect example of how artists can stay true to their vision and beliefs while creating work that is extremely accessible and compelling, appealing to a very broad audience.
Find out more and listen:
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cossouqcosmetics · 2 years
Maximizing the Effects of Your Anti-Aging Skin Care Products
Are you struggling with wrinkles and want to get rid of fine lines but finding it hard to do so? Well, then, welcomes to the gang! 
When it comes to beauty, we all just want to stop our clock back to childhood days! And wish to get back that un-blemished, un-scared and un-wrinkled version of ourselves. 
Well, we cannot hold time, but we can, ofcourse, take care of our skin in order to achieve flawless skin. 
Anti-ageing skin care products are available but do they work? Well, it does up to some extent, but how to maximize the effectiveness? You can get all your answers in this article. So stay tuned.
How do you increase the effectiveness of anti-aging skincare products?
If you are tired of using many anti-aging creams and still see no results, this hack will surely save your life. Because the product might be effective, but if you are not following the directions and hacks, it may not show the right results. Thus, read all the pointers and do apply them in your daily life.
Use a single product.
Sticking to one anti-aging cream will help to achieve better results because when you try and use several different anti-aging skincare products, there are higher chances of getting side effects such as skin irritation. Thus, it is mandatory to always use one cream at a time and not switch to another cream immediately as wrinkles become more obvious on your skin.
If it hurts, it's not for you. 
When you apply an anti-ageing cream, and your skin starts burning or feels tingling, it's a sign that you should stop using that product immediately. If the derma recommends it, you should ask and brief them about this burning sensation. Sometimes the high dose of some ingredient can cause a sting. And this is not healthy and may make your skin look worse.
Then what should you do? Well, check the next point for that.
Test it
You should always ensure to test any skincare cream on your hands before applying it to your face. Even though the product suggests it is still hypoallergenic, in many cases, there is no certainty, and it can cause skin reactions. So, it is advisable to ensure and test the product on your hands and repeat it for a few days. If your skin feels and looks normal, doesn't itch or has any reaction, then you can add that anti-aging cream to your skincare regime.
Watch the directions
Some anti-aging creams have active chemicals that, if used in excess, can lead to issues. You can get clogged pores, blotchy skin, or very dry skin. Thus, make sure to read the directions carefully, then follow them.
Give time
Just like you give sufficient time to your work to get the best results, make sure to give time to your anti-aging cream for better results. Any cream may not give you immediate effect. In order to get effective results, you have to ensure that you apply anti-ageing cream for at least six weeks to work. 
However, humans have a bad tendency to discontinue the use of products when we experience successful effects. Thus, you should not do that and must be patient.
Sunscreen is a must. 
If you want to reduce wrinkles, it is best to keep sunscreen in your skincare regime. It prevents the early signs of premature aging and also helps to repair and make your skin new within. Moreover, the perk of using sunscreen is also that it protects you from skin cancer. 
Plump your skin
Hydration can prevent fine lines and make your skin better, along with the usage of anti-aging cream. Thus, hydration is a must. If you are looking for the best hydration moisturizer, you must get The Face Shop Rice & Ceramide Moisturizing Cream. It intensely moisturizes your skin with rice extracts and bran oil without making it greasy. Moreover, it nourishes and rejuvenates your skin.
So, these were some tips and hacks but did you want to know what are some of the best anti-aging creams in India? Well, in that case, do not miss the next slide.
The best anti-aging skincare products
Use the products listed below effectively to prevent skin aging at the earliest. 
Glamveda Revive Advance Anti Ageing Day Cream
It is hard to keep balance in your hardworking life; that is why Glamveda has come with an Advance anti-aging cream, which smashes away fine lines, and wrinkles and makes your dull skin better and glowing.
With the power of Ayurveda, this anti-aging skincare product can save your skin and help to remove dark spots and blemishes as well. The non-greasy quality of this cream will amaze you; this cream boosts collagen production in your skin and tightens your skin.
Note: This cream is suitable for people above 30 years.
Next on the list, we have anti-aging cream from Ponds.
POND'S Age Miracle Wrinkle Corrector Day Cream
Pond's age miracle works on your skin's lost collagen and elastic fibre. It contains retinol C complex, which works on your skin's texture while assisting in minimizing the fine lines. The best part of this anti-aging cream is it comes with a powerful 24hrs, non-stop active retinoid and SPF and PA, which means it blocks your skin from UV rays as well. 
Olay Regenerist - Advanced Anti-Ageing Micro Sculpting Serum
Next, we have an anti-aging skincare product from Olay. Olay's skincare range is effective and promises to deliver its best. You can try the Anti-aging micro-sculpting serum. It helps to regenerate your skin and make it blemish-free. The high concentration of amino-peptide complex promises to make your skin young, wrinkle-free and supple.
Well, that's a wrap!
You can find the best anti-aging skincare products at Cossouq. Cossouq promises to offer top-notch quality products to its customers and delivers them to their doorstep without any hustle. Now, you can make your skin glowing, blemish-free and young in just a few clicks. What are you waiting for? Log into Cossouq.com now and order your anti-aging cream now.
0 notes
This is My Hazbin Hotel Master-list I
This is a link to my Helluva Boss Master-list List
Submissions are Open,
But very full, so be patient.
I do withhold the right to say no to a request for any reason.
If I do accept your request, it'll take time for me to do it, so just hold tight.
What I wont write
Graphic violence or abuse.
Graphic sexual abuse.
I don't do X female Reader. I just don't.
Ships between characters
Brutal Overlord S/O
S/O who was a beloved dictator when alive
Accidentally hitting there S/O during a fight
Arackniss has a nightmare.
Male Musician Overlord S/O
Reaction to there S/O coming home wounded.
Having a Spa day with there S/O
Asking out there crush
With S/o who just left an abusive relationship
Asking out there crush
Super celebrity, singer S/o
Valentino, Vox, velvet poly with Overlord S/O
Finding an abandoned baby Imp
Ancient demon lord S/o
Sinner who out flirts Valentino
With Very affectionate hellhound S/o
Someone roofying there S/o's drink
NSFW Headcanons with a male reader
Male reader getting your male S/O pregnant (Male Pregnancy)
Comforting Your S/O after a nightmare
Artistic S/o who's hands get damaged beyond repair
Taking care of your sick lover
Them becoming a parent
Powerful S/O who forces reformation
Pulling a break up prank
With a son Headcanon
With a Vampire S/O
With Easily flustered assassin S/O
Lucifer & Lilith with the physical embodiment of hell
S/O banished from heaven for secretly indulging in sin
Telling there S/O 'I Love You' for the first time
Alastor with Vampire S/O
Reaction to there S/O getting hit-on in front of them
Pentious reaction to his egg boi calling his S/O Daddy.
With there Punk child
Angel Dust with an Imp S/O.
Hazbin Hotel reaction to really sweet sinner with a violent, powerful split personality.
Overlords with S/O who's true form is the Tarraque.
The first date
With The Prince of Hell
Alastor realizing he's fallen in love
Angel with S/O who is beaten by Valentino for staying loyal to Angel.
Cherri Bomb with Nerdy male S/O
Reaction to there S/O choking
With a secret Musician S/O who suffered abuse
Charlie helping her little brother tell there parents he's pregnant. (Mpreg)
With S/O who is insecure about there Curly hair
There reaction to there baby boy being able to duplicate.
Alastor with Male S/O who has no idea who he is.
I'm so... so sorry Darling.
Merry Christmas Darling~
I'm Sorry, My Love... I never mean to hurt you...
With an ancient primal God of the underworld S/O
Reacting to there S/O chocking
Alastor with S/o who has a tail.
With a Siren reader
With an S/O that's much shorter then them
With Low Maintenance S/O
Eldritch horror
With S/O that came home and just needs a long hug.
With a really loving and sweet S/O.
Shy Submissive male S/O with a Sugar mama
Reaction to their baby boy being able to duplicate.
Yandere Angel Dust's reaction to his S/O moaning out someone else's name.
How Alastor and Stolas use there powers to mess with their S/O
Two sides of the same board
Hazbin hotel family finding out your Girlfriend Abuses you
Political Cold Feet
Cuddles with Overlords because it's cold outside.
Sub Pentious X Male Dom Reader
"Are you sure you live in Hell? Because I could swear I'm seeing something straight out of heaven."
Valentino x Fallen Angel reader
Their reaction to finding reader singing a jazzy tune
With a male human hula dancer S/O that enjoys dancing for them.
With a priest that went to Hell.
Dom Angel Dust x Male Reader
Vox x Dominant Imp S/O
Valentino x Oblivious Male Reader
Valentino being possessive out on a date
Their reaction to an S/O that cares more about romance then Sex
With a Yandere Goetia Reader
The Little Spider and The Pornstar series
The Little Spider and The Pornstar
I'm so... So sorry Darling series
I'm so... so sorry Darling.
Darling, Please...
Run In
I will update this with my works as I release them. As well as any big updates I think Y'all should know.
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kookaburra-laugh · 2 years
i read that in 2021
hello friends, on this first day of 2022 i've compiled a list of a few of my fave completed fics that i read in the last year. i know im not the only one who had a better time of things thanks to the hard work of authors making our faves hold hands and kiss
not all of these were written in 2021, but thats when i read them. oldest to recent, according to my bookmarks
stay tuned for recs of still in progress fics!
The False and the Fair by Princip1914 | @princip1914 E 173k
appalachian omens - beautifully written, weaving together past and present, regret and guilt, desire and determination. there's so much to be said about this incredible story and you really should read it.
Hozier Missed A Trick When He Called It 'Real People' Instead Of 'Joe Bloggs Snogs' by indieninja92 | @indieninja92 E 9k
aziraphale and crowley drink and giggle and fuck while brainstorming their human love story
arise, my darling, and go forth by NaroMoreau | @naromoreau E 43.5k
priest omens, so much yearning. featuring religious guilt, sex, and the fear of embracing who you truly are
easy like sunday mornings by darcylindbergh | @forineffablereasons T 25k - ongoing
the best part of waking up. this is a collection of one shots that make me want to stay snuggly in bed and enjoy all day
Some strangeness in the proportion by trailingoff | @trailingoff T 11k
aziraphale is trying to mourn in peace, but the cause of his grief keeps bothering him. an all encompassing grief, but with a happy ending
Who's Been Sleeping In My Bed by entanglednow | @entanglednow E 4k
an intimate morning with snake crowley
being comfy by darcylindbergh | @forineffablereasons E 3k
tender and soft and emotionally open, featuring The Comfy
Traces by green_grin | @green-grin
a comic about the terror of eternal life and the joy of living every moment
A Good Old-Fashioned Cock Up by Atalan | @brightwanderer 1k
hilarious movie night
The Ordinary World by Anti_kate | @antikate 25k
a ghost story, and prices paid to bring back someone you love who shouldnt have been lost
The Fine Print by curtaincall | @fremulon 42k
smooth talking businessman crowley and rules lawyer aziraphale hit it off over a throughly well worded contract
That this could be the kingdom by seekwill | @stillseekwill E 21k
beautifully and heart wrenching. crowley and aziraphale meet at seminary as roommates but crowley left and they havent spoken in 26 years. reconnecting and anxiety and facing the questions that are hard to ask and have even harder answers
Fit To Be Seen by entanglednow | @entanglednow E 2.5k
in which crowley intends to enjoy some personal time, but it isn't long before he has unexpected company. ethereal voyeurism
Devilishly Heavenly Bakes by junkshopdisco | T 30k
an absolute gem. follows ex rockstar, ex addict crowley on bake off
The Grindr Logo Doesn't Even Have a 'G' In It by indieninja92 | @indieninja92 E 79k
i was rather late to the party on this one. crowley planting the seeds of his own destruction here when he jokingly installs grindr on aziraphale's mobile. 6000 years of friendship with crowley to navigate after the world didnt end, and some sexy conversation with a new friend on grindr. but of course it's so much more than that...
that healing place by blackeyedblonde | M 9k
crowley whump, aziraphale caretaking. gentle and intimate
Mistakes Were Made by entanglednow | @entanglednow E 9k
crowley is going to lay some unfertilized eggs and aziraphale is.so understanding and supportive. everything you want from pregnancy fic but without the kids after
Put a Little English on It by Mackaley | M 5k
pool hustling with a side of heavy flirting and innuendo
From The Outside In by AraniaDraws, entanglednow | @araniaart@entanglednow E 31k
crowley gets cursed into naga form and is not having a great time, aziraphale helps. emotional and tender and full of hurt but also so much love
You Can Cut My Hair But You'll Never Cut My Comedically Long Fanfic Titles!!! by indieninja92 | @indieninja92 E 30k
human disaster anthony j crowley and mobile hairdresser aziraphale have a bit of a rocky start, but it's nothing a bit of long form flirting cant work out
How Two Hands Touch by thefoxandtherose | T 11.5k
crowley seeks out a new massage therapist when his old injury starts giving him hell. azirapahle's talented hands feel like a prayer answered, as long as crowley can keep his feelings to himself
Babel by the_moonmoth | @themoonmothwrites T 21k
warlock as the eye of an emotionally devastating hurricane. this fic owns my entire heart and soul. carries more weight if you read An Antichrist Walks Into A Bar first
Veni Vino Vegas (I Came, I Got Drunk, I Got Married) by A_N_D | T 40k
what happens in vegas stays in vegas, right? not for romance writer az fell and long time fan crowley. it's a good thing they both have a close online friend they can confide in...
Radio! Someone still loves you by Joseph_Amadeus | T 5k
aziraphale hosts a night radio show, while crowley is the star of the morning air. these conflicting schedules put a real strain on their marriage. sometimes love needs work. open ended, open to interpretation. so of course i decide they make it work
Someone by Diminua | M 22k
a self arranged marriage. tender and mild on main. so soft and lovely. crowley is a builder/architect of sorts but it's just background to build some of his mannerisms
unfurl by summerofspock | @summerofspock T 1k
tender and mild on main, wing fic. illustrated by @lydiajoypalmer
Heart & Shoal by SightKeeper, ZehWulf | @sightkeeper, @zehwulf T 29k
aziraphale is a selkie whose lost skin is somewhere in the village of tadfield; crowley is a fay who considers tadfield his personal garden to cultivate and protect. they're drawn to each other, but neither is willing to divulge their secret. naturally, a lot of inconvenient feelings and small-town hijinks ensue anyway.
That Time of the Semicentury by ZehWulf | @zehwulf T 6k
what if we low-key compared the experience of snake-demon shedding to having a period and let the hurt/comfort unfold accordingly?
Animal Husbandry by thealmightyh | M 7.5k
tender and mild on main. crowley is punished and aziraphale cares for him, with some misunderstanding about the intent of that care. loving diary entries
The Exchange by ZehWulf | @zehwulf T 16k
crowley doesnt know how phones or human lifespans work with only slightly sideways results. such great wit
through the silent wood by summerofspock | @summerofspock 58k
human aziraphale and fae crowley. the symbolism of trauma and depression and growth and the work that needs to be done so love can thrive and the work is never done really but the company really makes it easier
Suits You by forthegreatergood | E 22.5k
aziraphale and crowley have a bit of an angelic role play, with feelings aplenty
this is not a love story (but love is in it) by taizi | @taizi 4.5k
crowley saves a bird, aziraphale is a bamf, hastur and ligur heal. tender and mild on main.
Flowers From Hell by entanglednow | @entanglednow 42k
sometimes a family is a demon, an angel, and their plant/demon hybrid clone son
Remembrance of Things Past by Fyre | @amuseoffyre 18.5k
crowley's failed armageddon punishment is a memory wipe, but aziraphale is determined to see them both through this
Instructions Not Included by Atalan | @brightwanderer 68k
supernatural detective agency, officially my unofficial sequel. a continuing slow burn, shenanigans afoot, and a really loveable assembly of original characters
The Name of the Snake by rfsmiley | @redfacesmiley M 9k
brilliant true names and how our actions and choices shape us far more than the circumstances of our birth
Back Room by forthegreatergood | T 5.6k
absolutely spot on, perfection. aziraphale puts 2-and 2 together after realizing how many pornographic works crowley has gifted him over the years, but it's also so much more than that
Downpour by forthegreatergood | T 8.5k
sic fic! sic fic! crowley has a cold and aziraphale has no option but to help him through
Sit Tight, Take Hold by nieded | @nieded 150k
racing boys 🌈🏁 incredibly engaging F1 au utilizing a brilliant multimedia format. rookie ezira phale and veteran racer crowley. slow burning romance, the work required to make a relationship function, generational differences in coming out, the bi experience. god it's just so good
Thieves of Mercy by Fyre | @amuseoffyre 64k
the incredibly exciting heist au of your dreams. i was seriously on the edge of my seat so often. competency kink
Though Heaven Bar the Way by everybody_lives | @books-and-omens 39k
aziraphale is sent to a world-famous sanatorium in the swiss alps, where he runs into someone he hasnt spoken to in 50 years... daring to love in spite of, in the face of, because of
South Downs by summerofspock | @summerofspock E 76k
has-been actor crowley gets the opportunity of a lifetime to work alongside aziraphale fell in a progressive gay regency romance. crowley knows everything there is to know about himself by this age, right? a fun romp playing with the original gay panic trope.
In Sickness And In Hell by entanglednow | @entanglednow T 4.5k
the very best sick snake demon antics and angelic caretaking
The Ghost Roads by entanglednow | @entanglednow M 3k
aziraphale has the date of his afterlife
Heart Shaped Bruises by ivoryline | @ivory-line T 3.5k
crowley and aziraphale have been hanging around the same pub since the eighties. at some point, they seem to have fallen in love. through the years, it's always been the two of them
Let There Be Treats by saretton | @saretton E 2.5k
hand feeding. a sensual delight, omg
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